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Crypt Cards (961) *Some crypt cards Not listed here but the total is 961 cards

Crypt (62 cards, min=8, max=40, avg=6.42)

3x Nizzam al-Latif 9 ANI CEL OBF QUI dem Assamite:5
3x Djuhah, The Bronze Bow 7 OBF QUI aus cel pre Assamite:5
2x Dmitri Borodin 10 AUS CEL NEC QUI obf Assamite:4
2x Thucimia 10 CEL DEM OBF QUI for pro 1 vote Assamite:4
2x Antara 8 CEL FOR QUI aus obf pre Assamite:4
2x Fatima al-Faqadi 8 CEL OBF QUI aus for Assamite:2
2x Kashan 7 CEL OBF QUI obt pre 1 vote Assamite:4
2x Tariq, The Silent (ADV) 7 AUS FOR OBF QUI cel Assamite:2
2x Layla bint-Nadr 5 CEL OBF qui Assamite:4
2x Michael diCarlo 5 CEL obf qui Assamite:4
2x Bertrand d'Anjou 4 aus cel qui Assamite:4
2x Kamau Jafari 4 QUI obf Assamite:4
2x Sajid al Misbah 4 QUI Assamite:5
2x Ali Kar 3 obf qui Assamite:3
2x Evan Rogers 3 cel qui Assamite:4
1x Aziz, Dammar of Istanbul 10 CEL OBF PRE QUI ser 2 votes Assamite:2
1x Jamal 10 CEL OBF PRE PRO QUI pot 2 votes Assamite:5
1x Al-Ashrad, Amr of Alamut 9 CEL QUI THA aus obf Assamite:2
1x Izhim abd Azrael 9 CEL OBF QUI THA pot Assamite:5
1x Kabede Maru 9 AUS CEL OBF QUI abo pot magaji
1x Qadir ul-Ghani 9 CEL OBF QUI nec tha Assamite:2
1x Tegyrius, Vizier 9 AUS CEL FOR QUI pre Assamite:2
1x Tegyrius, Vizier (ADV) 9 AUS CEL FOR PRE QUI Assamite:2
1x Amaravati 8 DOM OBF QUI ani chi Assamite:4
1x Bajazet al-Nasir 8 OBF QUI cel for pre Assamite:2
1x Husamettin 8 CEL OBF QUI pot pre Assamite:2
1x Monty Coven 8 CEL OBF QUI dom for pre Assamite:5
1x Joe "Boot" Hill 7 CEL QUI for obf Assamite:4
1x Melek 7 OBF QUI cel pre Assamite:2
1x Parnassus 7 CEL QUI aus tha Assamite:2
1x Tariq, The Silent 7 AUS FOR OBF QUI cel Assamite:2
1x Hafsa, The Watcher 6 OBF QUI aus cel Assamite:5
1x Jalal Sayad 6 CEL QUI pot Assamite:2
1x Kalinda 6 CEL OBF tha Assamite:2
1x Zahir, Hand of the Silsila 6 CEL OBF qui tha Assamite:2
1x Abd al-Rashid 5 CEL QUI obf Assamite:2
1x Badr al-Budur 5 OBF cel dom qui Assamite:2
1x Janni 5 cel for obf qui Assamite:4
1x Yusuf, Scribe of Alamut 5 CEL aus obf qui Assamite:2
1x Anwar 4 cel obf qui Assamite:2
1x Tansu Bekir 4 OBF cel Assamite:2
1x Harika Guljan 3 QUI Assamite:2
1x Fida'i 2 cel qui Assamite:2
1x Kanya Akhtar 2 cel Assamite:2
1x Basir 1 qui Assamite:4

Library (40 cards)

Master (10; 1 trifle)
1x Haqim's Law: Judgment
1x Khabar: Community, The
1x Market Square
3x Path of Blood, The
2x Tajdid
2x Underworld Hunting Ground

Action (18)
8x Clandestine Contract
5x Haqim's Law: Leadership
3x Khabar: Glory
2x Web of Knives Recruit

Ally (1)
1x Deviki Prasanta

Equipment (3)
1x Ancestor's Talisman, The
2x Reliquary: Shango Remains

Action Modifier/Reaction (1)

1x Provision of the Silsila

Reaction (5)
5x Nest of Eagles

Combat (2)
2x Khabar: Honor, The

Crypt (60 cards, min=8, max=42, avg=6.33)

3x Appolonius 10 CEL PRE for pot primogen Brujah:1
3x Bela Kardoza 10 CEL POT PRE VIC ani dom Brujah
3x Tura Vaughn 8 CEL POT PRE dom primogen Brujah:1
3x Bianca 6 CEL pot pre Brujah:1
3x Hector Sosa 4 POT pre Brujah:1
3x Uma Hatch 3 cel pre Brujah:1
3x Lupo 2 pot Brujah:1
2x Gwendolyn 11 CEL FOR POT PRE aus tha inner circle
2x Don Cruez, The Idealist 10 CEL POT PRE ani dom pro justicar
2x Crusher 9 CEL POT PRE for primogen Brujah:1
2x Constanza Vinti 8 CEL DOM POT prince
2x Dónal O'Connor 8 CEL DOM POT prince Brujah:2
2x Rake 6 PRE aus cel pot prince
2x Axel Von Anders 5 PRE cel obf pot Brujah
2x Volker, The Puppet Prince 5 CEL pot prince
2x Yuri, The Talon 4 cel pot pre Brujah:1
1x Jacques Molay 9 CEL POT PRE obf val Brujah antitribu:4
1x Salinger 9 CEL POT PRE tha archbishop Brujah antitribu:2
1x Count Germaine 8 CEL FOR POT PRE obf Brujah:4
1x Count Germaine (ADV) 8 CEL FOR POT PRE obf Brujah:4
1x Jacko 8 CEL POT PRE obt Brujah antitribu:2
1x Lord Aaron Wesley Wilkshire 8 CEL POT PRE ani obf Brujah
1x Miranda Sanova 8 CEL PRE aus obf pot primogen Brujah:1
1x Richter, The Templar of Du Mont 7 CEL POT for pre Brujah
1x Anvil 6 CEL POT dom pre tha primogen Brujah:1
1x Julian Sanders 6 CEL PRE pot Brujah antitribu:2
1x Sela 6 POT PRE cel obt bishop Brujah
1x Black Cat 5 CEL pot pre Brujah:1
1x Dodd 5 CEL dom pre Brujah
1x Rigby, Crusade Vanguard 5 CEL PRE aus pot Brujah
1x Rodrigo 5 CEL pot pre qui Brujah antitribu:4
1x Hugo 4 POT pre vic Brujah
1x Dre, Leader of the Cold Dawn 3 cel pot
1x Jacob Bragg 3 cel pot Brujah
1x Angel 2 cel Brujah:1
1x Frederick the Weak 2 pre Brujah antitribu:2
1x Jayne Jonestown 2 PRE Brujah antitribu:4

Library (22 cards)

Master (10)
1x Amusement Park Hunting Ground
1x Artistically Inept
1x Brujah Debate
1x Gang Territory
3x Oxford University, England
3x Warzone Hunting Ground

Action (1)
1x Triole's Revenge

Ally (7)
4x Arms Dealer
2x Loyal Street Gang
1x Survivalist

Equipment (2)
2x Sword of Judgment

Action Modifier (1)

1x Blood Brother Ambush

Reaction (1)
1x Vendetta

Crypt (20 cards, min=4, max=6, avg=1.1)

4x Nik 1 cel Caitiff:1
3x Antoinette DuChamp 1 cel pre Caitiff:2
3x Franciscus 1 aus Caitiff:2
2x Magdelena Schaefer 2 THA Caitiff:2
2x Hasina Kesi 1 pot Caitiff:1
2x Igo the Hungry 1 pre pro Caitiff:1
2x Smudge the Ignored 1 -none- Caitiff:1
1x Navar McClaren 1 ani Caitiff:1
1x Uriah Winter 1 for pot Caitiff:1

Crypt (62 cards, min=10, max=32, avg=4.74)

6x Evil Jensen 6 FOR PRE mel nec pot Daughter of
5x Scout Youngwood 8 MEL OBF PRE for qui 2 votes
Daughter of Cacophony:6
5x Antoinette Dubois 4 PRE for mel Daughter of Cacophony:4
5x Rosemarie 3 FOR mel Daughter of
4x Sayshila 7 FOR MEL PRE dem Daughter of Cacophony:4
4x Gaël Pilet 6 FOR MEL chi pre Daughter of
4x Yseult 6 FOR MEL PRE Daughter of Cacophony:3
4x Hillanvale 5 FOR MEL obf Daughter of Cacophony:6
4x Delilah Monroe 4 MEL for pre Daughter of Cacophony:2
4x Harlan Graves 4 FOR mel pre Daughter of Cacophony:6
4x Céleste, The Voice of a Secret 3 mel pre Daughter of
4x Janet Langer 3 MEL pre Daughter of
4x Muse 3 ani for mel Daughter of Cacophony:2
3x Angela Preston 5 MEL PRE for Daughter of Cacophony:2
2x Aimee Laroux 2 for pre Daughter of

Library (182 cards)

Master (18)
5x Command Performance
3x Conductor
8x Hanging Fermata
2x Paris Opera House

Action (65)
1x Art's Traumatic Essence
2x Blessed Audience
50x Choir
5x Concert Tour
5x Harmony
2x Persistent Echo

Political Action (19)

7x Benefit Performance
4x Fanfare for Elysium
8x Lily Prelude

Action Modifier (41)

5x Echo of Harmonies
3x Ensemble
11x Missing Voice, The
9x Phantom Speaker
13x Virtuosa

Action Modifier/Reaction (16)

16x Madrigal

Reaction (8)
8x Tourette's Voice

Combat (15)
5x Death of the Drum
10x Toreador's Bane

Crypt (68 cards, min=8, max=42, avg=6.28)

5x Wynn 10 ANI FOR PRO obf pot primogen
4x Basilia 10 ANI FOR PRO obf pot primogen Gangrel:1
4x Xendil Charmer 7 CEL PRO SER obf priscus Gangrel
4x Bill Butler 3 pot pro Gangrel
4x Giuliano Vincenzi 2 for Gangrel:1
3x Aksinya Daclau 9 ANI FOR PRE PRO cel tha Gangrel
3x Quinton McDonnell 8 FOR ani cel pro primogen Gangrel:1
3x Gitane St. Claire 7 ANI FOR PRO primogen Gangrel:1
3x Badger 6 FOR PRO ani pot Gangrel:1
3x Zack North 6 ani for pot pro Gangrel:1
3x Vliam Andor 2 ani Gangrel:1
2x Stanislava 11 ANI CEL DOM FOR PRO inner circle
2x Angus the Unruled 10 ANI PRO cel for pot justicar
2x Ingrid Rossler 9 ANI FOR PRO dom prince Gangrel:2
2x Katarina 9 ANI FOR pot pro prince Gangrel:2
2x Gunther, Beast Lord 7 ANI aus for pro Gangrel:1
2x Ryszard 6 CEL OBF pre pro bishop Gangrel
2x Roman Alexander 4 ani for pro Gangrel:1
2x Chandler Hungerford 3 PRO Gangrel:2
2x Ricki Van Demsi 3 for pro Gangrel:1
2x Leo Washington 2 cel pro Gangrel
1x Xaviar 10 ANI FOR PRO aus cel pot 2 votes Gangrel:3
1x Frère Marc 6 PRO THA aus for Gangrel
1x Morrow the Sage 6 OBF PRO cel vic Gangrel
1x Bear Paw 5 ANI for pre pro Gangrel:1
1x Camille Devereux, The Raven 5 FOR PRO ani Gangrel:1
1x Maria Stone 5 FOR cel obf pro Gangrel
1x Charlie Tyne 4 obf pro ser Gangrel
1x Anastasia Grey 3 ani pro Gangrel:1
1x Lula Burch 3 for pro Gangrel

Library (17 cards)

Master (9)
3x Backways
1x Gangrel Conspiracy
3x Path of the Feral Heart, The
2x Zoo Hunting Ground

Ally (8)
2x Gypsies
1x Renegade Garou
5x Werewolf Pack

Crypt (27 cards, min=10, max=36, avg=5.59)

2x Gualtiero Ghiberti 7 DOM NEC cel pot tha
2x Thomasso Ghiberti 4 NEC pot
2x Cristofero Giovanni 3 nec pot
1x Regina Giovanni, The Right Hand of Augustus 10 DOM NEC POT aus for 2 votes
1x Ambrogino Giovanni 9 DOM NEC POT THA aus 1 vote
1x Ambrogino Giovanni (ADV) 9 DOM NEC POT THA aus
1x Enzo Giovanni, Pentex Board of Directors 8 DOM NEC ani pot tha
1x Marianna 8 DOM POT THA aus nec
1x Pochtli 8 NEC OBF POT cel dom
1x Andrea Giovanni 7 DOM NEC pot vic
1x Carlotta Giovanni 7 NEC POT dom obf
1x Gillespi Giovanni 7 DOM NEC POT aus
1x Gaspare Giovanni 6 POT cel nec
1x Rafaele Giovanni 6 NEC cel obf
1x Stefano Giovanni 6 DOM nec pot pre
1x Patrizia Giovanni, Collector of Secrets 5 nec qui tha
1x Vittorio Giovanni 5 dom for nec pot
1x Chas Giovanni Tello 4 DOM POT
1x Francesca Giovanni 4 dom nec pot
1x Gloria Giovanni 4 DOM nec
1x Mario Giovanni 3 nec pot Giovanni:2
1x Rudolfo Giovanni 3 NEC
1x Marciana Giovanni, Investigator 2 dom
1x Paul DiCarlo, The Alpha 2 pot

Library (35 cards)

Master (11)
1x Acquired Ventrue Assets
1x Mausoleum, Venice, The
3x Morgue Hunting Ground
1x Path of Bone, The
5x Proxy Kissed

Action (5)
3x Khazar's Diary (Endless Night)
1x Shell Break
1x Sudario Refraction

Ally (3)
1x Felix "Fix" Hessian
1x Leonardo, Mortician
1x Scapelli, The Family "Mechanic"

Retainer (12)
4x Giuseppe, Gravedigger
4x Spiritual Protector
4x Zombie

Action Modifier/Reaction (2)

2x Promise of 1528

Reaction (2)
2x Venetian Conference

Crypt (30 cards, min=19, max=39, avg=6.63)

3x Otieno 6 OBT POT ani dom Lasombra:4
2x Lucita 8 DOM FOR OBT cel pot Lasombra:2
2x Pherydima 8 DOM MYT NEC obt pot bishop Kiasyd:4
2x Omme Enberbenight 7 MYT OBT cel dom priscus Kiasyd:4
2x Isanwayen 6 DOM MYT OBT Kiasyd:4
2x Virginie, Prodigy 6 DOM POT obt bishop Lasombra:4
2x Dame Hollerton 5 DOM OBT myt Kiasyd:4
2x Dr. Julius Sutphen (ADV)5 POT dom obt Lasombra:3
2x Ermenegildo, The Rake 5 DOM OBT pot Lasombra:4
1x Luca Italicus 10 DOM FOR NEC OBT POT tha archbishop Lasombra:4
1x Marcus Vitel (ADV) 10 DOM FOR OBF OBT POT PRE Lasombra:3
1x Melinda Galbraith 10 AUS CEL DOM POT PRE obt cardinal Lasombra:4
1x Antón de Concepción 9 ANI DOM OBT POT aus archbishop Lasombra:4
1x Conrad Adoula 8 DOM OBT POT ani cel Lasombra:4
1x Lord Vauxhall 7 DOM OBT POT THA Lasombra:4
1x Roderick Phillips March 7 DOM MYT cel obt tha Kiasyd:4
1x Black Wallace 6 DOM POT obt tha Lasombra:4
1x Andrew Emory 5 OBT aus dom pot bishop Lasombra:4
1x Dr. Julius Sutphen 5 POT dom obt bishop Lasombra:3
1x Leila Monroe 4 dom obt pre Lasombra:4

Library (45 cards)

Master (3)
2x Elysian Fields
1x Political Hunting Ground

Action (10)
2x Goblinism
3x Pandora's Whisper
1x Political Struggle
3x Song of Pan
1x Steal the Mind

Equipment (4)
1x San Nicolás de los Servitas
2x Tinglestripe
1x Zaire River Ferry

Action Modifier (6)

6x Stone Travel

Action Modifier/Combat/Reflex (3)

3x Fae Contortion

Action Modifier/Reaction (4)

4x Aura Absorption

Reaction (6)
3x Covincraft
3x Folderol

Combat (9)
6x Absorb the Mind
3x Earth Swords

Crypt (94 cards, min=8, max=43, avg=6.03)

4x Sylvester Simms 8 AUS OBF ani dom pre primogen Malkavian:1
4x Victoria 5 AUS cel obf Malkavian:2
4x Normal 2 obf Malkavian:1
3x Leandro 11 AUS OBF PRE cel dom inner circle Malkavian:2
3x Gravitnir 10 AUS CEL DEM OBF VIC priscus
Malkavian antitribu:4
3x Hannibal 10 AUS DEM OBF cel dom cardinal Malkavian
3x Imogen 9 AUS DEM obf pro vic archbishop Malkavian
3x Virgil 8 AUS DEM OBF cel bishop Malkavian
3x Kite 7 AUS DEM obf pre bishop
Malkavian antitribu:2
3x Korah 7 AUS DEM OBF ani priscus Malkavian
3x Artemis 6 DEM OBF aus cel for Malkavian
3x Drusilla Euphemia 6 AUS OBF dem vic Malkavian
3x Gem Ghastly 6 DEM OBF aus primogen Malkavian:5
3x Aleph 4 AUS dom Malkavian:1
3x Marta 3 aus dem Malkavian antitribu:4
3x Brazil 2 aus Malkavian:1
2x Lucian 10 AUS DOM OBF cel tha justicar Malkavian:1
2x Aristotle de Laurent 9 AUS DEM OBF PRE pot Malkavian
2x Roxanne, Rectrix of the 13th Floor 9 AUS DOM FOR OBF pot primogen
2x Dr. Jest 8 OBF aus dom for pre primogen Malkavian:1
2x Greger Anderssen 7 AUS OBF dom pro prince
2x Mariel, Lady Thunder 7 DOM OBF aus tha Malkavian:1
2x Stavros 7 AUS OBF PRE dem priscus Malkavian
2x Dolphin Black 6 AUS DEM OBF Malkavian
2x Colonel, The 5 AUS cel dem obf Malkavian
2x Zebulon 5 OBF aus dom pro Malkavian:1
2x Roger Farnsworth 4 OBF aus Malkavian
2x Roland Bishop 4 aus dom obf Malkavian:1
2x Dollface 3 aus obf Malkavian:1
2x Midget 3 DEM obf pre Malkavian
2x Zöe 3 AUS cel obf Malkavian:2
2x Bloodfeud 2 obf Malkavian
2x Boy Toy 2 dem Malkavian
1x Harold Zettler, Pentex Director 9 AUS DEM OBF POT vic
Malkavian antitribu:4
1x Vasantasena 9 AUS DEM OBF dom pot Malkavian
1x Gilbert Duane 7 AUS DOM OBF prince Malkavian:1
1x Dancin' Dana 6 AUS cel obf Malkavian:1
1x General Perfidio Díos 5 AUS dem obf bishop
Malkavian antitribu:3
1x Muriel Foucade 5 DEM aus Malkavian antitribu:2
1x Claven 4 aus dem obf Malkavian
1x Fabrizia Contreraz 4 dem pot archbishop Malkavian
1x Yorik 3 dem obf Malkavian antitribu:2

Library (45 cards)

Master (22)
2x Asylum Hunting Ground
1x Forest of Shadows
3x Game of Malkav
3x Institution Hunting Ground
1x Madness Network
5x Malkavian Game
7x Malkavian Seven Miseries, The

Action (4)
2x Derange
2x Sibyl's Tongue

Ally (11)
2x Dauntain Black Magician
6x Escaped Mental Patient
3x Muddled Vampire Hunter

Retainer (7)
7x Childling Muse

Combat (1)
1x Reality Mirror

Crypt (61 cards, min=8, max=40, avg=5.77)

4x Marty Lechtansi 9 DOM OBF POT ani for primogen
3x Tiberius, The Scandalmonger 5 ani cel obf pot
3x Duck 3 obf pot
3x Stick 3 ANI Nosferatu
2x Lucretia, Cess Queen 10 ANI OBF aus cel for pot primogen
2x Amadeo 8 OBF POT ani aus pre primogen Nosferatu:2
2x Selma the Repugnant 8 OBF POT ani for prince
2x Joseph Cambridge 6 POT ani dom obf bishop
Nosferatu antitribu:4
2x Tusk, The Talebearer 6 OBF ani pot Nosferatu:1
2x Grendel the Worm-Eaten 5 OBF ani pot Nosferatu:1
2x Raphael Catarari 5 OBF PRE aus pot tha
Nosferatu antitribu:4
2x Daliyah 4 PRO obf Nosferatu:2
2x KoKo 2 pot Nosferatu:1
1x Cailean 10 ANI OBF POT PRE dom archbishop Nosferatu
1x Servius Marius Pustula 10 ANI CHI DOM OBT POT obf
Nosferatu antitribu:4
1x Calebos 8 ANI OBF POT cel bishop
Nosferatu antitribu:2
1x Ebanezer Roush 8 ANI OBF POT pro Nosferatu:1
1x Beast, The Leatherface of Detroit 7 OBF POT ani cel
Nosferatu antitribu:2
1x Chester DuBois 7 ANI POT for obf primogen Nosferatu:1
1x Federico di Padua 7 AUS OBF POT ani
1x Icarus, The Manchurian 7 OBF POT ani for pro
Nosferatu antitribu:4
1x Kendrick 7 ANI POT aus obf priscus
Nosferatu antitribu:2
1x Rabbat, The Sewer Goddess 7 ANI FOR OBF pot
1x Sebastian Marley 7 ANI aus obf pot
1x Shahid 7 OBF POT ani for pro Nosferatu:4
1x Topaz 7 OBF POT ani for qui Nosferatu:4
1x Christanius Lionel, The Mad Chronicler 6 ANI OBF pot
Nosferatu antitribu:2
1x Harold Tanner 6 POT ani dom obf Nosferatu:4
1x Humo 6 ANI POT obf obt
Nosferatu antitribu:4
1x Cicatriz 5 ani obf pot bishop Nosferatu
1x Frank Litzpar 5 OBF ani for pot Nosferatu
1x Nigel the Shunned 5 ANI POT obf Nosferatu
1x Olivia 5 OBF POT vic bishop Nosferatu
1x Petra 5 ANI OBF aus Nosferatu:4
1x Skidmark 5 FOR OBF aus pot Nosferatu
1x Agatha 4 POT obf Nosferatu
1x Agrippina 4 OBF pot
1x Josef 4 ani obf obt Nosferatu
1x Sammy 4 ani obf pot Nosferatu:1
1x Slag 4 ani obf pot Nosferatu:5
1x Wolfgang 4 for obf pot Nosferatu:3
1x Dani 2 ani Nosferatu
1x Dimple 2 obf Nosferatu:1

Library (29 cards)

Master (13)
1x Information Network
4x Labyrinth, The
1x Nosferatu Kingdom
1x Shanty Town Hunting Ground
2x Slum Hunting Ground
1x Steam Tunnels
2x Storm Sewers
1x Warsaw Station

Action (12)
4x Destructive Secrets
1x Kindred Intelligence
1x Nosferatu Performance Art
2x Patagia: Flaps Allowing Limited Flight
4x Vermin Channel

Ally (3)
3x Courier

Action Modifier (1)

1x Dirty Little Secrets
Crypt (73 cards, min=8, max=40, avg=6.32)
4x Lizette 10 ANI CEL CHI FOR PRO pot Ravnos:4
4x Durga Syn 9 CHI OBF THA ani aus dom for
4x Kiradin 8 CHI DEM FOR ani pot Ravnos:4
4x Tereza Rostas 8 CHI FOR ani aus pot Ravnos:2
4x Vassily Taltos 6 aus cel chi dom for obf Ravnos:4
4x Brian Thompson 4 ani chi for Ravnos:4
4x Neel Ramanathan 3 ani for Ravnos:4
3x Darius Styx 9 CHI FOR PRO ani tha Ravnos:2
3x Kostantin, Baro of the Caravan 9 ANI CHI FOR cel dom Ravnos:2
3x Natalia 7 ANI chi dom for Ravnos:2
3x Joaquina Amaya 6 ANI CHI FOR Ravnos:2
3x Vaclav Petalengro 6 ANI CHI for pot Ravnos:2
3x Andrei Puxon 5 ani cel chi for Ravnos:2
3x Salbatore Bokkengro 4 CHI for pro Ravnos:2
3x Tsigane 3 aus chi Ravnos:2
3x Sasha Miklos 2 chi Ravnos:2
2x Alexis Sorokin 8 CEL CHI OBF PRO for Ravnos:4
2x Mata Hari 7 CHI OBF aus for qui 2 votes
1x Ivan Krenyenko 10 ANI CHI FOR POT obf Ravnos:2
1x Spider-Killer 10 ANI CHI FOR OBF aus cel Ravnos:2
1x Ankla Hotep 9 CHI FOR OBF PRE pro Ravnos:2
1x Wamukota 9 ANI CHI FOR PRE aus Ravnos:4
1x Gabrin 8 ANI CHI dom for Ravnos:2
1x Petru Sipos 7 CHI SER ani for Ravnos:2
1x Sarisha Veliku 6 ANI FOR chi dom Ravnos:2
1x Tsunda 6 CHI abo ani dem magaji Ravnos:4
1x Ghivran Dalaal, The Dead God 5 FOR ani aus chi
1x Anka, Priestess of Thorns 4 ani chi pro Ravnos:2
1x Sennuwy, The Promoter 4 ani chi for Ravnos:2
1x Lázár Dobrescu 3 for Ravnos:2
1x Vedel Esbreno 3 chi for Ravnos:2
1x Spleen, Georgio Gutterpunk 2 ani chi Ravnos:2

Library (57 cards)

Master (32)
6x Fortune Teller Shop
6x Park Hunting Ground
5x Path of Paradox, The
2x Ravnos Carnival
7x Svadharma
4x Treatment, The
2x Week of Nightmares

Action (4)
1x Fleecing the Gaje
3x Patshiv

Ally (5)
3x Rom Gypsy
2x Tara, The Hollow One

Equipment (4)
2x Talith
2x Treasured Samadji

Retainer (5)
5x Fortune Teller

Action Modifier (7)

7x Zapaderin

Crypt (57 cards, min=8, max=42, avg=6.51)

3x François Villon 10 AUS CEL PRE chi obf pot prince
3x Masika 10 AUS CEL PRE primogen Toreador:1
3x Klaus van der Veken 9 CEL PRE aus obf tha prince
3x Delilah Easton 2 pre Toreador:1
2x Alexandra 11 ANI AUS CEL PRE dom inner circle
2x Matteus, Flesh Sculptor 10 AUS CEL PRE VIC priscus
Toreador antitribu:2
2x Tatiana Romanov 7 AUS cel pre prince
2x Adrianne 6 aus cel pot pre Toreador:1
2x Jost Werner 6 AUS PRE ani Toreador
2x Sigrid Bekker 6 AUS cel pot pre Toreador:2
2x Dorian Strack 4 AUS cel Toreador:1
2x Monique Kim 3 aus cel
Toreador antitribu:4
2x Dieter Kleist 2 aus Toreador:1
1x Anneke 10 AUS CEL PRE dom justicar Toreador:1
1x Melinda Galbraith (ADV) 10 AUS CEL DOM POT PRE obt bishop
Toreador antitribu:4
1x Andreas, The Bard of Crete 9 AUS CEL PRE dom pro primogen
1x Donatien 9 AUS PRE cel pot cardinal Toreador
1x Melisande 9 AUS CEL DOM PRE tha
Toreador antitribu:2
1x Anson 8 CEL PRE aus dom prince
1x Jessica (ADV) 8 AUS CEL OBT PRE bishop
Toreador antitribu:2
1x Lachlan, Noddist 8 AUS CEL PRE dom archbishop
Toreador antitribu:2
1x Miller Delmardigan, Teacher of Bahari 8 CEL PRE aus pro bishop
Toreador antitribu:2
1x Eliott Sinclair, Virtuoso Thespian 7 PRE aus cel primogen
1x Greta Kircher 7 AUS CEL PRE obf Toreador
1x Jessica 7 AUS CEL OBT PRE bishop
Toreador antitribu:2
1x Dominique Santo Paulo 6 AUS CEL pot pre
Toreador antitribu:4
1x Ian Wallingford 6 CEL PRE aus bishop
Toreador antitribu:2
1x Kallista, Master Sculptor 6 AUS CEL pre pro
1x Sheila Mezarin 6 AUS PRE cel for Toreador
1x Tears, The Dark Pierrot 6 AUS DEM PRE cel
Toreador antitribu:4
1x Felicia Mostrom 5 AUS CEL pre Toreador:1
1x Gabriel de Cambrai 5 aus cel dem obf pre
Toreador antitribu:4
1x Mercy, Knight Inquisitor 5 AUS cel dom pre
Toreador antitribu:2
1x Ramiel DuPre 5 PRE aus cel dom
1x Loonar 4 PRE cel Toreador
1x Sabrina 4 aus cel pre Toreador
1x Colin Flynn 3 aus cel
1x Lolita 3 for pre Toreador
1x Carter 2 cel Toreador
1x Sean Andrews 2 cel Toreador:4

Library (22 cards)

Master (13)
1x Art Museum
2x Fetish Club Hunting Ground
6x Louvre, Paris, The
1x Palla Grande
2x Society Hunting Ground
1x Toreador Grand Ball

Action (7)
2x Art Scam
5x Patronage

Ally (1)
1x Eccentric Billionaire

Action Modifier (1)

1x Scorn of Adonis

Crypt (77 cards, min=10, max=41, avg=6.12)

4x Cardano 9 DOM FOR THA ani aus cel prince
4x Malgorzata 9 AUS DOM THA VIC pre priscus
Tremere antitribu:4
4x Antonio d'Erlette 5 THA dom for pot Tremere
4x Ignatius 4 aus dom tha Tremere:1
4x Jing Wei 3 dom tha Tremere:1
3x Ulugh Beg, The Watcher 10 AUS DOM THA cel for pot justicar
3x Justine, Elder of Dallas 8 AUS DOM THA obf primogen Tremere:1
3x Merrill Molitor 5 THA aus dom Tremere:1
2x Cassandra, Magus Prime 10 AUS DOM THA cel pre primogen Tremere:1
2x Astrid Thomas 7 DOM THA aus pot primogen Tremere:1
2x Selena 6 AUS DOM THA Tremere
2x Thomas Thorne 6 DOM ani aus cel tha Tremere:1
2x Sabine Lafitte 5 aus dom pot tha Tremere:1
2x Sarah Cobbler 4 THA dom Tremere:1
2x Ember Wright 3 aus dom Tremere
2x Keith Moody 3 DOM Tremere
2x Lectora 3 aus tha Tremere
1x Etrius 11 AUS DOM OBF THA pro inner circle Tremere:2
1x Ayelea, The Manipulator 10 AUS DOM OBT THA pre cardinal Tremere
1x Lernean 10 AUS CEL DOM THA for pro cardinal Tremere
1x Javier Montoya 9 AUS THA ani cel pre prince Tremere:2
1x Lazarus 9 AUS DOM THA cel pot primogen Tremere:1
1x Marino Reymundo Vásquez 9 AUS DOM NEC THA ani archbishop Tremere
1x Orlando Oriundus 9 AUS DOM THA obf bishop
Tremere antitribu:4
1x Ian Forestal 8 AUS DOM THA Tremere
1x Kij Dansky 8 AUS DOM THA obt priscus
Tremere antitribu:2
1x Rebekka, Chantry Elder of Munich 8 AUS PRE THA pot
1x Ash Harrison 7 AUS THA cel dom Tremere
1x Bryan Van Duesen 7 DOM THA aus pre Tremere
1x Ladislas Toth, The Torch 7 AUS DOM THA for archbishop Tremere
1x Terrell Harding 7 AUS THA cel dom obf Tremere
1x Valerius Maior, Hell's Fool (ADV)7 AUS DAI DOM THA nec pre
Tremere antitribu:4
1x Elena Mendoza Vasquez 6 AUS THA dom obt Tremere
1x Lydia Van Cuelen 6 aus dom pre tha Tremere:1
1x Nickolai, The Survivor 6 aus dom pot pre tha vic
Tremere antitribu:4
1x Reverend Blackwood 6 DOM THA obf bishop
Tremere antitribu:2
1x Carmen 5 THA aus dom Tremere
1x Kurt Strauss 5 DOM aus tha Tremere
1x Janine 4 aus dom tha Tremere
1x Mosfair 4 cel dom tha Tremere
1x Thelonius 4 aus dom tha Tremere
1x Blythe Candeleria 3 THA aus Tremere:2
1x Brooke 3 dom tha Tremere
1x Dr. John Casey 3 aus tha Tremere:1
1x Saiz 3 aus dom Tremere
1x Heinrick Schlempt 2 tha Tremere
1x Jacob, The Glitch 2 THA Tremere

Library (19 cards)

Master (8)
2x Chantry
1x Infernal Pact
3x University Hunting Ground
2x Wasserschloss Anif, Austria

Action (4)
2x Recure of the Homeland
2x Reindoctrination

Ally (4)
2x Outcast Mage
2x Succubus

Retainer (3)
3x Corpse Minion

Crypt (17 cards, min=14, max=39, avg=6.71)

3x Adhiambo 6 ANI VIC pot Tzimisce:4
1x Sha-Ennu 11 ANI AUS CHI VIC obf tha regent
1x Lambach 10 ANI AUS DOM VIC pre cardinal Tzimisce:2
1x Terrifisto 10 ANI AUS FOR VIC cel obt archbishop
1x Darvag, The Butcher of Rus 8 ANI VIC aus pot pro Tzimisce:4
1x Little Tailor of Prague 8 ANI AUS VIC dem Tzimisce:2
1x Sascha Vykos, The Angel of Caine 8 AUS THA VIC ani dompriscus
1x Sascha Vykos, The Angel of Caine (ADV)8 AUS THA VIC ani dom archbishop
1x Dragos 7 ANI AUS vic Tzimisce:2
1x Caliban 6 ANI AUS VIC Tzimisce:2
1x Corine Marcón 6 AUS VIC ani Tzimisce:2
1x Devin Bisley 5 ANI AUS vic Tzimisce:2
1x Lolita Houston 4 VIC aus Tzimisce:2
1x Ilias cel Frumos 3 aus vic Tzimisce:4
1x Horatio 2 vic Tzimisce:2

Library (7 cards)
Master (3)
1x Haven Affinity
1x Library Hunting Ground
1x Path of Metamorphosis, The
Ally (2)
1x Guardian Ghoul
1x War Ghoul

Equipment (1)
1x Living Manse

Retainer (1)
1x Revenant

Crypt (53 cards, min=10, max=41, avg=6.58)

4x Marcus Vitel 10 DOM FOR OBF OBT PRE prince
4x Heather Florent, The Opportunist 6 FOR PRE dom Ventrue:1
4x Melissa Barton 5 cel dom for pre Ventrue:1
3x Mariel St. John 6 AUS FOR dom pro Ventrue
3x Jazz Wentworth 5 PRE dom for Ventrue:1
2x Democritus 10 DOM PRE aus cel for justicar Ventrue:1
2x Laszlo Mirac 10 AUS DOM FOR cel obf vic bishop
Ventrue antitribu:4
2x Natasha Volfchek 9 FOR PRE cel dom pot primogen Ventrue:1
2x Emerson Bridges 8 DOM FOR PRE pot prince
2x Timothy Crowley 7 FOR PRE ani dom prince
2x Luccia Paciola 6 DOM for pre Ventrue:1
2x Louis de Maisonneuve 5 FOR aus dom obf Ventrue
2x Neighbor John 5 AUS dom for Ventrue
2x Violette Prentiss 4 PRE dom Ventrue:1
2x Roland Loussarian 3 for pre Ventrue:1
2x Rufina Soledad 2 for Ventrue:1
1x Arika 11 DOM FOR OBF PRE aus cel inner circle
1x Queen Anne 10 DOM FOR PRE aus obf prince
1x Helena Casimir 9 DOM POT PRE cel for primogen Ventrue:1
1x Konrad Fleischer 9 ANI AUS DOM FOR tha Ventrue
1x Wilhelm Waldburg 9 DOM FOR PRE aus cel prince
1x Polly Kay Fisher 8 AUS DOM THA for pot archbishop Ventrue
1x Titus Camille 8 AUS DOM OBF for Ventrue
1x Sir Walter Nash 7 DOM FOR PRE prince
1x Jefferson Foster 6 AUS DOM for tha bishop
Ventrue antitribu:4
1x Jephta Hester 5 DOM FOR aus Ventrue
1x Ranjan Rishi, Camarilla Scholar 5 DOM PRE for Ventrue:2
1x Little Willie 4 for obf pro Ventrue
1x Gideon Fontaine 3 PRE Ventrue:1

Library (16 cards)

Master (14)
1x Demonstration
1x Powerbase: Berlin
2x Uptown Hunting Ground
4x Ventrue Directorate Assembly
4x Ventrue Headquarters
2x Ventrue Investment

Reaction (2)
2x Elder Kindred Network

Crypt (26 cards, min=10, max=42, avg=6.38)

2x Eze, The Demon Prince 11 ANI NEC POT PRE THA aus magaji Guruhi:3
2x Kamiri wa Itherero 10 ABO ANI FOR OBF pot qui Akunanse:4
2x Amavi 8 ABO ANI FOR pre pro Akunanse:4
2x Uchenna 7 ABO ANI FOR magaji Akunanse:4
2x Sanjo 6 ANI FOR abo chi Akunanse:3
2x Dolie 3 abo ani Akunanse:4
2x Kamaria 3 aus pot Osebo:4
2x Meno Ngari 2 abo Akunanse:4
1x Iniko, The Black Lion 9 ANI OBT POT PRE cel Guruhi:4
1x Massassi 9 AUS CEL POT QUI obf Osebo:4
1x Falhu Shibaba 8 CEL CHI FOR PRE ani magaji Ishtarri:3
1x Nkule Galadima 8 ABO FOR ani aus pre magaji Akunanse:4
1x Yavu Matebo 8 AUS DOM NEC abo Nagaraja:4
1x Maskini 7 ANI POT PRE SER abo Guruhi:4
1x Fish 5 ANI POT pre Guruhi:4
1x Hasani 4 ABO for Akunanse:4
1x Idrissa 4 CEL aus Osebo:4
1x Zhara 4 ani for pre Ishtarri:3

Library (18 cards)

Master (3)
2x Battle Frenzy
1x Jungle Hunting Ground

Action (5)
2x Enforcer
2x Founders of the Ebony Kingdom
1x Legend of the Leopard

Action/Reaction (2)
2x Consume the Dead

Equipment (1)
1x Reliquary: Akunanse Remains

Retainer (1)
1x Duma Rafiki
Action Modifier (2)
1x Igoli's Loyalty
1x Uncontrolled Impulse

Action Modifier/Reaction (4)

2x Akunanse Kholo
2x Wanderer's Counsel

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