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Free writing exercises

 If you were to eliminate a species of insect from the face of the Earth,
which one would it be? Why?
If I had the power to do such a thing the first that would come to mind are
mosquitos and termites but giving it a deeper analysis, it would most definitely be
mosquitos. Since they main roll in nature is basically to keep populations down
because they are awful at pollenating.

 What cheers you up, without fail?

What cheers me up without fail must be a good plate of delicious food for example
a “medianoche” sandwich from a bakery/deli. With out fail that will most
definitely bring a smile to my face. It might seem gluttonous yet to any of whom
which thinks as such, my response to would be “food brings people together great
food makes irreplaceable memories”.

 If you could keep only one memory what would it be?

The one memory I have to keep has to be my entire 6th grade year as a whole. The
reason for this being is, that entire year of was awful nothing good to me happened
that year it was unrelenting with life hardships and for that reason it is the most
important. In this year (my 6th grade) the foundation for my character (personality)
was laid out, without that suffering, stress and unrivaled bad times in my life the
person who I am today would have never come to be.

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