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Sausan Fauha Surya

18202241068/PBI B 2018

EFC Assignment on Assessing Young Learners Learning of English

Materials of the test:

- The test is divided into five pages with 25 numbers in total

- Completing sentences or conversation with right vocabulary, grammar, and also conjunction
- Some of the questions are asking for agreement and expressing feeling.

Purpose of the test:

- To assess the understanding of conversation and to see how relate the answers that have been
chosen toward the questions
- I think the test is also to assess the student’s understanding on pragmatic question and answer,
since the answers of each questions is not explicitly said in the answer, so the test taker should
think critically to answer the right choice to match with the situation that given in the test
- To assess the student’s knowledge on choosing the right or suitable vocabulary and grammar to
complete the sentence in line with the context of the sentence

Instruction of the test:

- The instruction that given in the test is clear and understandable.

- The test only use one instruction for all the numbers

Test presentation:

- The web lay out is simple, but I think is so plain without any ornament
- The size of the letter also good, not too big or not too small, just right.
- There is no image used in the test
- Easy to follow from the start until the end
- Easy to use
- Suitable for students

How do I feel about the test:

The test is easy to follow, I thought the test would be easy, but it turned out quite hard and is also
required our accuracy on choosing the best answer, since it tested our pragmatism understanding in
answering each question/conversation. But, I think children with different levels of English still can do
the test (prefer for non-young learners). For me, the test is useful for knowing what level our English
skills are.

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