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1. We need to understand the difficulties of speaking so that we as prospective teachers can

understand the difficulties that faced by the students and by understanding about speaking
difficulties, teachers can provide assistance and solutions to overcome these difficulties. And
finally, by overcoming difficulties in speaking, difficulties in listening can also be improved.
2. Redundancy, example: I often say something with an ineffective sentence. Like “the three
brothers had nothing in common with each other” In fact, ‘with each other’ in that text is

Because speaking is related with listening, therefore I practice more in listening to different
kinds of audio and video that spoken in English. What I do most of the time is self-talk (talking
with my own self) this may seem weird, but I’ve done this for years and my speaking skill is
improving a lot. When I do self-talk and I realized that I make a redundancy, will repeating the
sentences again and find the better way to convey the sentence in better way so it appears more

3. Transactional dialogue is  a dialog that you need to do if you want to get something done or get
an information. ex: at a bank, buy something, etc.

Interpersonal dialogue is designed for the purpose of maintaining social relationship than for
transmission of fact and information (Brown, 2000, p. 274). It means that Interpersonal dialogue
is a dialog that you simply because there is somebody around you. ex: chatting, gossiping, etc.

4. Intensive speaking requires students to produce short stretches of oral language demonstrating
grammatical, phrasal, lexical, or phonological (intonation, stress, rhythm,
juncture) relationships. (Brown 2004). Intensive speaking involves producing a limit amount of
language in a highly control context.

A good way to assess a student's ability to produce short stretches of discourse (no more than a
sentence) is to ask questions with antonym-based responses like in or out, allowing the student
to respond within the limits of the question.  

Another example of an intensive speaking activity would be a task in which the student must
rearrange word groups in order to correct the grammatical and lexical order of the phrase.

Competency at this level is shown through achieving certain grammatical or lexical mastery. This
depends on the teacher’s expectations.

5. The source of the speech text

6. The class each week has different activities to do, for the first week; the lecture will explain the
materials that we will be study, the second week, the lecture ask us to choose for the topics that
we want to delivered for assessment and after confirming the topics to the lecture, the students
have to make a draft for the presentation; in line with the material that the lecture explained in
the first week. In the third week, the lecture will reviewing the draft that the students make, if
the teacher finish on checking our draft and said that we can use the draft to be delivered in
assessment, we will asked to practice the draft two in weeks later, the next week is to correct
the draft that still have to be corrected. After all the students finish delivering their speech, the
lecture will give comment for our performance and what have to be fixed.

This activity will be repeated for the next materials.

In my opinion, this far, I do not have any problems when doing my assessment. But, because
now we have to Work From Home (WFH), when we have to perform in front of the webcam, the
visual is not clear enough, and for me, it is hard to make a body contact/gesture while
performing the speech. Therefore, the performance of the submission is not optimal. And I do
not get any feedback yet. I think, the feedback of the performance has to be delivered as soon
as possible, so that the student can learn from the mistakes that we made and we will have a
better performance for the next performance.

7. Information gap is a technique in language teaching where one partner has a certain amount of
information and the second partner has different information, so they need to communicate to
each other in order to reach the intended goal.

Example:  one student is given a picture, and must describe it to another student, who creates a
drawing from the description.


1. The first video is talking about speaking and how to integrate speaking into the classroom. In the
video, the practice of speaking is divided into communicative speaking practice where the
students need to practice a lot just having everyday conversations and academic speaking
practice like giving speeches, tasks that would prepare the students for university or a job.

In the classroom activity is divided into three parts. First, students need: determine which kind
of task the teacher need to bring to class. Second, assessment: authentic (something the
student will be doing once they are done with the course). Third, example: Information gap.

2. The second video is talking about teaching techniques. There are five techniques provide in the
video. First is warmer: arranging group work (the focus is on fluency). Second, grouping: asking
the student to find a partner and after that the teacher giving instruction (not using any
overcomplicated language). Third, target language: do some oral practice of the target language
before the students start to practice in groups, after that to straightforward repetition, then give
the students a prompt (could be visual or noise), when the students do oral practice the teacher
should listen to the students, and be creative. Fourth, useful language: this language could be
practiced before they actually start doing the task. And last, extension: give something else for
students to do which will allow them to practice language that they have practiced in previous
lessons and push themselves in order to getting the most out of a fluency lesson.

3. The differences between the videos:

The first video is talking about types of speaking practice and activity that can be integrate into
the speaking class. While second video is talking about techniques that can be applied on
teaching speaking in the classroom.

4. - Causative speaking warm-up (pair-work)

- Intensive
- Responsive
- Information gap
- Transactional


Transactional and Interpersonal Dialogue by Shabrina Amajida on Prezi

speakingassessments - winokure

Types of Speaking in ESL | educational research techniques

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