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Writing 2

Opinion paragraph
smoking should be banned
Disagree :
In my opinion, smoking should be prohibited. There are many reasons that support
this point of view. One reason is dangerous for non-smokers, another reason is that smoking
is a cause of pollution. First, smoking is dangerous for non-smokers. Smokers must have the
right to smoke, but it does not make sense if the right is dangerous for others. For example, if
people smoke in public places, people who don't smoke have no choice but to become
passive smokers who ultimately have an impact on the health of others. Second, smoking is a
cause of pollution. There are many studies that show that many types of gas are released by
cigarettes and are harmful to the environment, such as tar and carbon dioxide. Everyone
knows that now the environment is getting worse. Finally, in conclusion, I want to say that
there is no reason left to allow smoking in public places, and I also think that maybe this is
the time for people to smoke. quit smoking. Prohibiting smoking is not only for us, but for
this world and for all those who must live in this world after us.

Agree :
In my opinion smoking should not be banned, because there are so many of them
smokers who feel that smoking is not detrimental at all, and even beneficial. Because
smoking can actually make their minds more calm, especially for hard workers, many of the
smokers think that when smoking can reduce their burden when they are working hard, so
they can work quietly. However, if smoking really does harm other people, the solution might
be just enough to limit the smoking area, for example in areas where many children or other
places do not allow them to smoke.

Are the video games the best why to keep fit?

Disagree :
According to me, video games are not good for physical health, because by playing
video games, everyone will feel addicted, and play it continuously, which causes them to
rarely move their bodies and rarely interact outside the home, so they too rarely get exposed
to the sun , because they will only play video games in the room. Besides playing video
games can also damage their addicted brains, because the more they know, they only play
video games, and they forget they need to learn.

Agree :
I thnik, playing video games is healthy, because not all video games only contain
something that makes them not moving, but many of us also encounter video games that
teach them to keep moving, other than that instead of letting them keep playing outside the
house, which does not rule out the possibility they will get along with people who are not
good, then playing video games is the best solution so they stay awake.
Video Games and Violence
According to me, violent video games are harmful to young people. First, playing
these games can cause changes in the behavior of young people. Frequent players have
poorer grades in school, according to studies by psychologists. The next reason is that violent
video games make young people less sensitive to violence in the real world. The games are
toxic to children that make it looks fun to shoot and kill, and the line between play violence
and real violence becomes very thin or disappears entirely. The last reason is that violent
video games teach players to use violence to solve problems. Classmates usually tease each
other, but don’t make this anger you and do something that you will regret. In short, I feel
that violent video games are harmful to young people and should be controlled – or, even

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