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Palade Elena

Rizea Alexandra
Famous scientists
Scientists are people who worked hard and dedicated their whole lives to
studying, analyzing and discovering new things in different fields of knowledge.
They are the people who shaped the world we live in today, thanks to their
unique intelligence and hard work.
The Antiquity was the era of scientifical observations, establishing rules and
norms and laying the foundation for areas that we know today as research
studies. Some of the great scientists of the Antiquity were: Archimedes who
founded the sciences of mechanics and hydrostatics and is famous for
calculating pi precisely and Hippocrates who is considered the father of
Western medicine thanks to systematized medical treatments and a large body
of medical textbooks. As time went by and the system of writing developed
substantially, there was progress in many fields of research and certain
scientists and great minds defined the knowledge we still use today. This list
includes great names, such as Galileo Galilei who is depicted as the father of
observational astronomy, modern physics, of the scientific method and modern
science and Leonardo Da Vinci, who, besides his contribution to the
development of art, wrote about subjects like botany, engineering and
In the last centuries, however, there were a lot of factors which restricted
the activity of scientists, like political ones or the old-fashioned way of thinking.
That’s why many scientists which revolutionized the science didn’t receive
much recognition in their lifetime, ending up living in poverty or getting their
ideas stolen by more influential men. That’ s the case of Louis LePrince, the first
man to invent an early motion picture camera and to shoot a moving picture
sequence. Because of a sudden dissappearance, his ideas were passed to
Thomas Edison who is known to be the actual film inventor.
To conclude, it’s important to offer recognition to the scientists from all ages,
because their ideas and inventions are meant to ease our lifes and make us
understand that glory can be achieved only by hard work and study.

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