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Rosales 1

Frida Rosales

Professor Hugetz

ENGL 1302.06

1 December 2020

Redux Project Summary

The redux transcript was probably one of the easiest essays I had to write in this class

because I already had all the information I needed from the causal proposal. Clearly, it was not

the same essay, but it was a really helpful reference. There were a few differences from the

causal proposal to the redux transcript, which was how it needed to be set up; I just had to follow

a different set of directions. Included in the redux project was the passion project that I have been

working on since the beginning of this semester. I learned more on writing properly; specifically,

by rephrasing sentences to provide more wording and enhance the message I was giving to the

readers. At the start of this project, my preliminary drafts and full rough draft had many errors.

However, as I continued to get feedback from my support group members and my professor

there was a notable improvement from my full rough draft to the final draft. With their support, I

was made aware of the mistakes I had on my paper, and they told me how and where I could

make those changes. While I was working on the paper, I was also occupied creating two

websites for the redux project and the passion project. I truly enjoyed creating the websites

because I got to be creative. It took time, but I got the hang of using Weebly and even ended up

helping my support group members with their websites. Writing this paper helped me realize

how passionate I am about having a career in writing, or at least a career in that general field. I

am confident that everything I have learned from writing this paper will continue helping me

with my upcoming classes I will be taking at Alvin Community College.

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