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FORMATION: We use the past of auxiliary verb “to have” and the past
participle of the main verb. Examples: I had bought a new book. I hadn’t
bought a new book. Had I bought a new book?

USES: The past perfect is used:

For an action which happened before another action in the past. Ex: A) When
he had painted the bedroom, he had a rest. B) After I had finished my work,
I went to the cinema. C) They had begun having lunch before I arrived home.

For an action which happened before a certain time in the past.

Example: By 6.00 they had walked almost twenty kilometres.

PUT THE VERBS IN BRACKETS IN 8-When I ……………… (phone) her, she

THE CORRECT TENSE: Past …………………… (just/ get up).

perfect-Past simple. 9-She ……………… (not can) find the dress

I ……………..(lend) her.
1-When I …………………… (arrive), the film
……………………………(already/ start) 10-When he ……………….. (come in) , I
…………………..(know) where he …………..(be)
2-My mother never ………………….(find out)
where I ………………… (hide) her ring. 11When I …………….(open) my e-mail, I
……………… (see) that my boss ………………..
3-They …………… (go) to Seville yesterday,
(send) me two important messages.
They ………………… (never be) there before.

12-The accident ……………….(happen)

4-Nobody …………………. (come) to the party
because the driver ………………….. (not see)
because Mary ………………….. (forget) to tell
the signal.
people about it.

13-By the time they ………………(decide)

5-He …………… (be) sorry that he ………………..
where to have lunch, the
(not thank) me.
restaurant…………………………… (close)
6-When he ……………………. (get) home,
14-When I ……… (get) home, I………….
everybody ………………… (go) to bed.
(realise) that I …………….(forget) my bag
7-He …………….. (be) hungry because he in the office.
……………..(not eat) all day.

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