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Maya Heath

Emily Kane

Expository Writing R C1000-179

September 19, 2020

Small Town Hypocrites

The 1960s was a tumultuous time. Social, political, and global changes abounded. One

social change was specifically geared toward one gender. Women. The women's rights

movement also called second-wave feminism changed the future for women as we know it

today. Women around the United States began to speak up and against oppression and for their

rights. A popular country song in the late sixties called “Harper Valley P.T.A'' addressed the

ideas and values of a modern widowed woman. Written by Jeannie C. Riley, she comments on

the demeaning hypocritical behavior of the Harper Valley P.T.A. Through ethical and emotional

appeals letting the listener feels her frustration about her injustice.

The town made a hasty generalization of Ms. Johnson. They assumed because of the way

she dressed and acted she was unfit to be a mother. Did they look into the account that she was

recently widowed that second-wave feminism could have affected her beliefs and courage in that

Society? During second-wave feminism, women became increasingly heard and asserted

themselves. Fashion became known for bold colors and patterns and short dresses. Women cut

their hair shorter and were bold. The P.T.A. saw this in Ms. Johnson's new outlook on life and

decided that it wasn't suited for them. They forgot to look at the plank in their own eyes. These

people were hypocritical and stuck in their old ways. They refuse to see Ms. Johnson as a

mother. They told her she was bringing up a bad example for her daughter. All of this was based

on rumors but they have heard no factual evidence Ms. Johnson had been accused of excessively
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drinking and sleeping with men which were false. The Harper Valley P.T.A. collectively thought

and came together to attack Miss Johnson on her personal life when they should have been

looking on their own.

Harper Valley P.T.A. took it upon themselves to attack Ms. Johnson in the most personal

way possible without any evidence. Jeannie C. Riley uses dogmatism to show the collective

group thought of the town. In the song lyrics, they generalize Ms. Johnson as a homewrecker, an

alcoholic, and an unfit mother. All of this because they've heard rumors or seen her dress in a

way that would push the limits of fashion during that time. The note they wrote to her was

passed through her daughter to address the fact that she was bringing shame to the town and an

unwanted reputation and generalization to the other women. Jeannie C. Riley references the TV

show Peyton's Place and one of her lyrics. She compares the town to Peyton's Place because of

all the drama and sneaky hypocritical people of the town. She uses it as an analogy to their own

life. Their town has been written with adultery and alcoholism and backdoor deals. Ms. Johnson

points out all the accusations against her have been done by the people that have been accusing

her. For example, “If you smell Shirley Thompson's breath you'll find that she's had a little nip of

gin.” In the previous line, she states, “ shouldn't widow Jones be told to keep her window shades

all pulled completely down.” To prove she may not be the only one in this town living her life

like this, she points out that the people accusing her of these things are not who they claim to be.

The exact way the Harper Valley P.T.A. raised their so-called evidence against Ms.

Johnson proof that they were trying to stack the evidence against her. To them, it was a one-

sided fight with facts only that they knew. They did not bother to ask nor get her side of the story

or even her daughters. the daughter would have been critical to ask because she is the one being

raised by her mother. but the way Johnson reacts to the accusations tells you that she is innocent.
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There is no hard evidence to suggest that she is an unfit mother. the line says it is” reported

you've been drinking and runnin around with men and going wild.” The word reported used in

that context shows how little hard evidence they have against her. they have no names or times

of which they saw her doing what they claim. By doing this they have created a one-sided

argument in which they assume they will win. In reality, they won't because they have to take

into account her side and what she has to say.

Jeannie C. Riley reflected the changing values of her time. The song heard the rise of

women’s voices in society. The confidence when women begin to feel is shown when she stands

up to the PTA. Women like Ms. Johnson fought for today’s women to speak freely and express


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