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Shake it Before You Make it!

Vol. 68

“If it wasn’t for Cal, Don and Tom, we wouldn’t be able to

A Stage To Stand On
By: Sage Ozment-Herr
share these wonderful productions with the community,”

magic here at the Ewing theatre and within each of our

“To be, or not to be…” was the question that danced a actors. It’s an honor to be a part of something so spectac-
passionate lavolta throughout Cal Pritner’s mind on a ular.”
midsummers day in 1978. Theatre was blossoming at

wooden stage were the only means that could support

Yet, Pritner had a revelation – a metamorphosis of the

arts so to speak. Why not bring his fantasy of a profes-
sional theatre company and Festival to life? Why wait
any longer?

Thus, a task of merriment and madness was afoot. Prit-

ner began to gather all the friends, Romans, and coun-
trymen he knew that basked in the same reverie that

Department of Theatre Chairperson at the time, Pritner

Illinois Shakespeare Festival on tour in 2019.

Together, a proposal was made to the President of the

ISU Foundation Tom Jacob and one dream became real- “Pride and Prejudice” and the classic Shakespearean
ity. The Illinois Shakespeare Festival emerged in 1978,
and progress was achieved with the love of theatre in doting an iconic title, guests are in for a treat thanks to
mind. For Pritner and those involved, it was starting to decades of dedication brought forth by the Illinois Shake-
seem as if all that glistens may quite possibly be gold speare Festival.
after all.
Even though the ISF continues to evolve each year, Pritner
Now, over 40 years later, the Illinois Shakespeare Fes- is a man not to be overshadowed by change. He realized
tival and its impressive company of professional actors that this world is a stage and that each of us have crucial
- roles to play. His role, so gracious in virtue, manifested a
Festival that brings the written word to life, and life to an
past productions that have left an indelible mark on the endless stage.

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