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Class dynamics

Kamila Godoy C.

For the beginning of the class I think that would be ideal the ice breaker named “Circles”
since the class that I was observing was conformed by an extensive student body. This
activity will beneficiate them considering that they are surprisingly outgoing students, there
must be not complication with the integration of the students and in the case of the
professor, either. I can define myself of being an expressive and tolerate with the students
and people in general.
For “contributing in group” as group integrator, I would like to include this activity, from
the characteristics that I could observe of the group, since the activity starts with a
questionnaire would be perfect for the students as has questions based in different themes,
the previous class that we observed was about places, they needed to talk about a place that
they would like to visit someday, so this questionnaire fit in perfectly with the lesson that
they were seeing, they were discussing the places between them and the teacher, so this
activity will activate even more the side of perception of information and the integration of
ideas in speaking skills.
I also find in the book an activity that can be aimed at the lesson of that day, in which the
students talked about tourist places and their characteristics. Therefore, the activity that I
suggest in the book is “Travel posters” since it suggest teamwork and balances the
individual and group parts, both necessary for the concept development of the lesson. It
should be emphasized that this activity accentuates the common purpose among students
that will guide them towards a recognizable, tangible achievement as it demands the help
and participation of the group.
The results of these activities will be positive since the group is extremely participative,
although perhaps seeing it from another angle, some student might get distracted by other
classmates, there is a matter of the teacher, putting and order and likewise controlling the
group in a good way, apt. It is necessary that we as future teachers observes and determines
the type of group with which it is working and exploits its capacities to archive the
objectives, keeping entertaining and focused classes, and making it clear that there will not
always be too many games in each class. The perfect balance must exist.

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