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Arabella Dacunos


EDU 201

24 April 2022

Philosophy of Education

The best reason to be a teacher is to have a great impact on children’s future. I

will achieve an impact by being compassionate, kind hearted, responsible, and

humorous. The first is my elementary school teacher who connects and interacts with

students in Humanistic Enlightenment. In particular, she took recommendations, hints,

and propositions from students and parents. She would meet up with parents to help

her better understand her students. She made a huge effort adjusting to a new class

environment and students. Her lessons were not repetitive as she would adjust and

arrange lessons based on the class environment and students' learning techniques

throughout the year. What's more, she would bond and create strong relationships with

students. It was important to her to make sure that her students are comfortable as it

makes a better learning experience. Her class was enjoyable and homelike, which

increased students' productivity and grades.

Teaching is hard, however in return one gets great satisfaction. The pay isn’t

great and the hours will be long and go above your normal duties, but there is no other

career that I would want to pursue because of the rewarding parts of teaching. To be an

inspiring teacher you must really want to do it. I will become a teacher and educate with

the passion in me and show them how to enjoy learning. I will care for them the way I
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would want my children to be taken care of. Humanistic psychology spotlights personal

delivery, choice, consciousness, and personal tasks. Expresses to center on the

accomplishments, inspiration, affection, behavior, and needs of children. The goal of

humanistic psychology education is individual fulfillment.

Visualization is a practical technique I would use as a method or outline the

lessons I would instruct. When students learn through visual means, they are more able

to retain both the previous learning and new information for a longer time. Visualization

is also a helpful learning process. Due to their different choices, students want to focus

more on their interests which leads to the discrepancy in their learning outcomes. Some

teachers expect children to achieve a test score disregarding their learning abilities. It is

favored to inspire children of different abilities to work with one another. I will promote

cooperative learning by dividing different tasks and small groups. When it comes to

school rules directed towards students, it can be viewed differently from each individual

so that's why they are sometimes broken. Sometimes it might confuse a student to how

a rule is meant to be followed. Teachers should make rules that are straightforward and

clear. By making it complex, students will have trouble understanding the rule and might

break it because they cannot comprehend it properly. Every student is raised differently

so it will be difficult for some students to follow these rules and will make mistakes along

the way.

Teaching is not a desk job. It requires you to be creative and have a positive

energy. I believe these qualities that I have will make me a great teacher. There have

been many people who have inspired me to become an educator, although I didn’t

realize it at the time. Great teachers emotionally commit to their subject matter and their
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students. I will have patience and understanding of students' thoughts and feelings that

will make a great difference so they can have the desire to do the same to others.

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