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24 “The Child and Adolescent Leamers and Learning Principles 24 Middle Childhood UNIT 4 (The Primary Schooler) ‘Socio-Emotional Development of Primary mopute )() 222: = Heidi Grace L. Borabo, PhD LEARNING OUTCOMES At the end of this Module, you should be able to: identify the different characteristics of primary school-aged children in this stage of development. discuss the different factors that affect the socio-emotional growth of the primary-schoolers. 3 To The developmental theorist, Erik Erikson, formulated eight stages of man’s psychosocial development. Each stage is regarded as a “psychosocial crisis” which arises and demands resolution before the next, stage can be achieved. Preschool children belong to the fourth stage of Erikson’s Psychosocial Stages. Here, children have to resolve the issue on Industry vs. Inferiority. LUnt4— The Primary Schooler Module 20 - Soco-Emotonal Development of the Primary Schoolers “quam In Erik Erikson’s psychosocial stages of development, primary Schoolers are in the fourth stage. This involves industry versus inferiority 1, Read on how Erik Erikson defined these two terms. Write them down below. a. Industry - b. Inferiority ~ 2. Observe primary-schoolers during their play time (recess of lunch break). Take note of their: a. behavior during play b. communication with their peers cc, facial expressions, gestures and body language. ‘The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles 3. Paste some pictures of your observations. Discuss important points and observations with a partner. cussion Questions: 1. What were your common observations among these children when it comes to: a, behavior during play? b. communication with their peers? cc. facial expressions, gestures and body language? 2. Were there difficulties that the children encountered while they were at play? Unt 4 — The Primary Schooler Module 20 ~ Seco-Emotional Development ofthe Primary Schocers mn «EOD a Erik Erikson’s Fourth Stage of Psychosocial Development Industry vs. inferiority is the psychosocial crisis that children will have to resolve in this stage. Industry refers to a child's involvement jituations where long, patient work is demanded of them, while inferiority is the feeling created when a child gets a feeling of failure when they ‘cannot finish or master their school work. In this stage, children, will most likely, have begun going to school. School experiences become the priority, with children so busy doing school work. The encouragement of parents and caring educators helps to build a child’s sense of self-esteem, confidence and ability to interact positively in the world, ‘What does the comic strip depict? How does this relate to Erikson's, fourth stage? Understanding the Self ‘One's self-concept is the knowledge about the self, such as beliefs regarding personality traits, physical characteristics, abilities, values, goals and roles. It also involves a sense of belonging and acceptance, a sense of good and a sense of being capable of doing good. Having a healthy self-concept does not mean that a child thinks he/ she is better than others. It means that he/she likes himself/herself, feels accepted by his/her family and friends and believes that he/she can do well The Child and Adolescent Leaiars and Learning Princiles Primary school children’s self-concept is influenced not only by their parents, but also the by growing number of people they begin to interact with, including teachers and classmates. Children have a growing understanding of their place in the world. They already know that they can please their parents and teachers. They are comfortable and show confidence in doing things they are good at, but also show frustration in things that they find difficult, School Years In the transition from pre-elementary to primary school, children tend to become increasingly self-confident and able to cope well with social interactions. They are not focused on themselves anymore but are also aware of the needs and desires of others.. The issues of fairness and ‘equality become important to them as they Ieam to care for people who are not part of their families. Characteristics like loyalty and reliability are being considered as well as responsibility and kindness. Building Friendships ‘What is a FRIEND? A single soul dwelling in two bodies.” - Aristotle Making friends is a crucial but very important part of children’s social and emotional growth. As soon as they are able to walk and talk, they will tend to show natural inclination to be around other children, Children, during this stage, most likely belong to a peer group. Peer ‘groups are characterized by children who belong approximately to the [J same age group. It is found along the stages of childhood through adolescence. But for children, until the age of seven or eight, they think of themselves more than others. They may play well with groups but may need some time to play alone. Primary school children prefer to belong to peer groups of the same ‘gender. Many children will use their surroundings to observe and mingle with other children, Some will see this as an opportunity to make friends while others remain a bit of a loner. Lnit4—The Primary Schooler Module 20 SociosEmtional Development ofthe Pimary Schoolers Antisocial Behavior Some adults may perceive that some children’s behavior towards other children as antisocial. When children poke, pull, hit or kick other children when they are first introduced, it is fairly normal. Remember that children at this stage are still forming their own world views and other children may seem like a curiosity that they need to explore. Parents and teachers can help children make friends. You can consider the following: © Expose the children to kid-rich environments (e.g. playgrounds, park). © Create a play group in your class and let the children mingle with their classmates. © When your children hit other children, remind them that their behavior hurts others. ‘© Coordinate with the parents and other teachers so that the children will have greater opportunity to interact with other children. Self Control Once children reach school age, they begin to take pride in their ability to do things and their capacity to exert effort. They like receiving positive feedback from their parents and teachers. This becomes a great ‘opportunity for parents and teachers to encourage positive emotional responses from children by acknowledging their mature, compassionate behaviors. Implications to Child Care, Education and Parenting Primary school children’s socio-emotional competency should be viewed in the context of the child’s developmental age. Health-care providers, teachers and parents should be able to: gain understanding of their child’s socio-emotional strengths and weaknesses by observing the child’s behavior at home. ‘¢ work collaboratively with the child’s parents and health-care provider to expand one’s insights on the child's development. 280 ‘The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles provide a supportive setting where children have opportunities to Practice emotional regulation and social skills with peers, # give children activities when they can practice taking tums, sharing and playing cooperatively. '* be a role model of healthy emotions and expressing these emotions appropriately. ‘* demonstrate calmness and staying in control of one’s own feelings, i Coe i Study the situations given below. If you were the teacher, how will you help these learners cope with their socioemotional difficulties? Dear Teacher, {Lam really heart-broken. My 8-year old daughter is feeling lonely, isolated and friendless, It seems that she has felt this way for quite a while, She says that she mostly spends time alone - that she has no friends because no one wants to play with her. She tags along, but is usually left out eventually. She can become angry if things don’t always go her way and also teary. I don’t know where to turn to help her the thought that she finds schoo! so painful is heartbreaking, Sincerely, Worried Mother Uni 4—The Primary Schooler Module 20 Socie-Emotonal Development of he Primary Schoolers Dear Teacher, Jam a really proud parent. My little boy is in primary grade and he is doing a lot better than his classmates. He sometimes becomes restless, in school - he says he knows what the teacher is talking about. Some teachers even suspects that he is gifted. But there seems to be a problem. He is bossy. He always orders people around - his classmates and people at home. How could I help him be comfortable in school and lessen his bossiness? Sincerely, Worried Mother 281 282 ‘The Child and Adolescent Learners and Leaming Principles ALGER See the video on hitps:/ emotional/lesson-2 and write down important points for discussion. 1, According to the video, what are some of the important aspects of school-age children’s socio-emotional development? 2. What suggestions or practices did the teachers in the video mention that you find most helpful when dealing with children’s socio-emotional development? PZ STORET) In 2016, there is an Annual International Scientific Conference Barly Childhood Care and Education which was held in Moscow, Russia. A research was presented entitled “Development of Socio-Emotional Competence in Primary School Children” by Kristina S. Tarasova of the Moscow State University. Read on the entire summarized text in this URL address httpsi// /1-52.0-S1877042816313994-mai {f2_tid=bf0b34c3-d759-4362-aef- = 9 ~Sdfiddecb23306d2632eed2c35eR501e Unita ~The Primary Schooler Module 20 Socio-Emotonal Development ofthe Primary Schoolers Focus on the results and discussions and write your insights below. What does Table 1 on Mean rates of groups with low, average and high socio-emotional competency levels by components tell you? uf REFLECTION To ensure that you are promoting your students’ socio-emotional well- being, ask yourself the following questions: 1. Do I acknowledge my own feelings and help my students identify their own feelings? 2. Do I show interest in my students’ emotional experiences by having a positive facial expression, relaxed body posture and speaking in a calm tone? 3. Do I see my students’ emotional experiences as opportunities to teach them how to manage their emotions especially overwhelming. ones such as anger or fear? 4, Do I remind my students that although it is okay to feel anger and sadness, inappropriate behaviors such as hurting others, hurting themselves or destroying property is not an acceptable response? 5. Do I give my students space to resolve their own social conflicts and difficulties but still ready to offer help if they require it? 6. Do I provide my students situations to practice their social. skills? 7. Do I acknowledge positive social behavior when I see my students displaying them? 284 ‘The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles CECE Read the statements carefully. Choose the best answer and write them on the blank, In Erik Erikson’s fourth stage of psychosocial development, children will have to balance industry vs inferiority so they can achieve the virtue of competency. What can parents do to help them attain this? — Application A. Allow the children to explore what they want and provide them with opportunities to do so B. Make them busy with school work even when they are at home. C. Enroll the children in several after schoo! enrichment classes. D. Demand excellent performance from chikiren. 2. Which results when children have a strong sense of their personality traits? ~ Analysis ‘A. They become more successful than others B. They think they are better than others. C. They like and believe in themselves and feel accepted. D. They will always be winners. 3. How can teachers encourage friendships among primary school-aged children? — Application A, Design group activities during different parts of the lesson, B. Arrange the classroom seating alphabetically. C. Provide children with opportunities to express their views and opinions. D. Rank them from the ones with highest average rating to the lowest average ratings.

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