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During independence struggle, INA with its tie ups with Japanese Imperial army for arms supply

was a formidable force.

INA gave hope to Indian populace about alternate route of freedom (remember the peace
struggle was not going anywhere after 40 years).
It was Netaji and his INA’s campaigns in East India and Burma that threatened British control.
The British controlled media could not publish news of Bose’s victories to avoid Indian soldiers
from defecting to INA.
After gaining the Japanese support and gathering Indian POW’s in the Malay region and
Singapore Campaigns,
Bose was able to setup an alternative government called Azad Hind government and was ruling
Burma with its own coinage, postal department and its own courts and civil code.
At an official INA parade in Rangoon on July 4 1944, Bose urged Indians to leave British army
and join INA
for the Independence cause. It was in this speech he made his famous call “Give me your blood.
i will give you freedom”
solidifying his stance that Non-violence movement alone can not gain independence and it
needs sacrifices.
Had the Japanese not failed in their Pacific campaigns, The supply chain across East Asia would
have not weakened
and INA with its 40,000 soldiers would have given death blow to British Army.

The Points that gained my attention the most are

I) The way he was so articulative and clear in expressing his views to the public
II) Captivating the audience with his passion, tone and attitude.
III) The invigoration and motivation he gave to the common man to fight against the
injustice of the british rule.

The different types of barrier are:

 Linguistic Barriers.
 Psychological Barriers.
 Emotional Barriers.
 Physical Barriers.
 Cultural Barriers.
 Organisational Structure Barriers.
 Attitude Barriers.
 Perception Barriers.

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