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Students can learn from the class how to change their old lifestyle to have a ‘’ healthy
lifestyle’’, which is lead them to good health. Moreover, they can get the knowledge, tips
about what they should do and also the advantages of healthy living. In addition, students
can use all the knowledge given to improve the way they live in order to have a healthier and
longer life.


Tips for healthy lifestyle

1) Healthy Diet
- Eat vegetables and fruits. Studies show that people who eat more vegetables
and fruits have a lower risk of heart disease.
- Eat enough protein. It can boost metabolism while making you feel enough and
able to reduce craving feelings.
- Minimize sugar intake. By taking high amount of sugar will harm our metabolic
health and lead to get bad illness such as obesity, diabetes and heart disease.

2) Get enough sleep & rest

- A good night of sleep daily is equal to good health and for reasons. Sleeping can
make you feel energetic, alert and feel better to start a day. A quality sleep also
leads to better concentration and stay focus to finish our daily tasks. For this
reason, you should aim to get sufficient sleep to improve your biological functions
and body function, including brain development and physical repair and recovery.
Sleeping well also reduces stress levels and keep it under control, lowering your
risk of chronic disease related to it, such as blood pressure. With proper sleep
also can improve your appetite and reduce chances of stress eating. So, if you
want to avoid the risk of becoming overweight, take full hours of sleep.

3) Take care of both physical and mental

- Looking after both these aspects, you’ll live a healthy life and have a healthy
mind. To take care of your mental health, you should train your brain, which is
like a muscle that needs constant exercise; otherwise it will decline in function
and lose its tone. In addition, you should take care of physical and mental health
include exercising regularly such as jogging 2 times a week, reading widely and
often, boosting your vitamin B levels and challenging your memory and intellect.
Advantages by doing healthy lifestyle

a) Healthy Body

b) Disease Prevention

c) Good Mental Health

d) Maintains healthy body weight


Communication Skill

This skill is important to deliver the knowledge and awareness for students to understand our
main objective of the talk.

Passion & Creativity

This skill is the key how to attract and keep students engaged and enthusiastic. In addition,
being creative when deliver the speech to students is integral to keeping students’ attention.

Motivation Skills

Motivation skills also important whereby we need to apply a different type of strategies to
maintaining our students’ momentum and avoid them to feel tired and distracted.


1) Video
The video will show how to do exercise that they can follow such as physical
2) Slides
Power point in presenting information about the tips of healthy living.
-Text explanation which is full of tips and all the advantages by doing healthy living in
- Picture of variety types exercising that can attract students to focus on the slides.

3) Questionnaire

- The questionnaire is required to get feedback from the students about the outcome
they received.
4) Quizzes

- It is to determine the level of understanding about the topic that they had learnt.

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