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ays to
Supply Chain Agility

By Pierre Mercier, Harold Sirkin.and s the recent global recession deepened, some
Jennifer Bratton industries saw sales decline by 40 percent or
more. Casb-strapped companies struggled witb
Pierre Mercier is a partner with The order cancellations, inventory pile-ups and unde-
Boston Cotisulting Group (BCG) and rused assets. Tbe business headlines showed that
leads the firm's supply chain practice. He many organizations were unable to survive those
can he reached at mercier.pierre@bcg. pressures.
com. Harold Sirkin (
Yet many bave survived, and are on course to do well as the global
is a senior partner at BCG and Jennifer
economy picks up. The survivors were almost always better able to
Bratton is a
cbange course more quickly tban tbeir more sluggisb peers, minimize
principal at the firm.
losses and generate much-needed cash. On tbe wbole, tbey benefited
from more responsive, more agile supply cbains, allowing tbem to
quickly cut back on manufacturing shifts, cbange batcb sizes, stop
and start entire production lines, close plants, sell assets, and sbarply


The survivors of economic siumps have aimost always been better able
to cbange course more quickiy tban tbeir peers.They benefit from more
responsive and agile supply chains, allowing them to quickly cut back on
manufacturing operations, close plants, sell assets, and reduce inventory in
the pipeline. Here are eight proven practices to help you increase supply chain
flexibility and reduce risk.

reduce inventory coming through ihe pipeline. Weighing the Trade-offs

Altbougb global recessions are rare, uncertainty and Before we begin to address tbe eigbt practices, it's impor-
unpredictability are facts of life in todays business envi- tant to recogni/e that companies can increase the flexibility
ronment. Nobody can truly predict tbe future, no matter of tbeir supply chains while managing tbe associated costs,
how complex or accurate a company's forecasting model for greater benefits overall. One way to determine an over-
is. And as supply chains become longer—reaching into all inventor)' policy, for instance, is to balance the degree of
low-cost countries for sourcing or manufacturing—it demand volatility against the cost of a lost sale, as sbown in
becomes increasingly clear tbat greater flexibility and tbe Exhibit I. Let's say tbat both volatility and tbe cost of a lost
ability to react rapidly to changing market conditions are sale are bigb; then companies must do evcr\'thing they can
at least as important as forecasting skills when it comes to ensure product availability without incurring the costs
to optimizing end-to-end operations. of too-bigb inventory levels. Investments in tools and pro-
These days, the prices of fuel and other commodi- cesses that enable tight integration with suppliers can help
ties can shift overnight, customers demand increasing keep costs down, as can just-in-time (JIT) ordering and
speed and customization, and port and road congestion production, fast reorder, automatic replenishment, and
add unwelcome variables to the supply chain. Other \ari- make-to-order mechanisms. On the other hand, if volatility
ahility is self-inflicted—the result of needless complexity and the cost of a lost sale are both low, the best approach
in products, portfolios and processes. This blend of com- is to design and automate the supply chain to minimize
plexity and unpredictability exacts a higb cost. That's why inventory and ensure tbc target levels of availability.
it s critical for companies to create an agile, flexible supply However, determining true volatility and tbe actu-
cbain that can react quickly to changes in conditions or al cost of lost sales can be a challenge tbat requires a
demand and minimize the negative impact of uncertainty.
EXHlBn 1
But flexibility often comes at an additional cost.
Business leaders must wrestle with a range of strategic Inventory Policies Must Balance
trade-offs: Should I build one massive manufacturing Demand Volatility with Cost of Lost Sales
plant to optimize scale, or diversify my risk by staying High
closer to tbe customer and producing in multiple loca-
tions? Sbould I keep more warehouses in my network to Ensure AvaiiabiMty
Identify Optimal
make sure I can deliver products to my customers profit- Inventory Policy
Invest in Processes
anti Toots Siicti as Fast
ably even if diesel prices hit $10 per gallon? How mucb Using Financial and
Reorder, or Game
Statistical Modelling
buffer inventory should I keep on hand? Changing Alternatives

Flexibility will be more critical in some areas ihan in otb-

Degree of
ers—w^ben profit margins are high, for instance, or to gain Demand
access to strategic markets or customer accounts, or where Voiatiiity

unpredictability imposes particularly high costs. So its

important to know why youre making tbe decisions you're Automate Automate
Supply Chain Supply Chain
making, and to make them strategically and mindfully to Minimize to Maximize
Inventory Availability
This article brings together eight proven practices for
increasing flexihility and reducing risk. Although some of
the themes are well understood by experienced supply Low
cbain professionals, its likely tbat tbose leaders will not Low High
previously have been ahle to review or share all of tbe Cost of Lost Sale
tbemcs in an easily accessible form—a kind of Hexibil-
Source: The Boston Consulting Group
itv checklist," if vou will.

SUPPLY CH.AIN M.\NAGEMENT Rfiviuw • J.\NLiARv/FiiBHtiAHV 2010 19

detailed analysis. F'or instance, to see how volatile eus- and other low-eost countries must always weigh tbe eost-
tomer demand truly is, companies must first factor out savingbenefits against the added transportation costs, risks
all scii-inHlcted volatility from ineFHeiency and poor and longer lead times, and lead-time variahility. Delays
planning, which can magnify or distort demand signals caused by external factors such as bad weather or gridlock
up and dov\n the supply chain. It's also important to seg- at ports can add days or weeks to shipping times. This can
ment the product portfolio, since variability and the cost v\Teak havoc with production schedules and often lead to
of a lost sale will vary among SKUs. vicious cycles of stock-outs, missed sales, inventory back-
ups, discounting, high carrying costs, and write-offs.
Eight Ways to Increase Fleubility Its essential to make, and keep making, your supply
and Reduce Risk chain as short, simple and flexible as it ean be. Consider
External sources of xolatility such as changes in custom- sourcing some products closer to home-—in Mexico or South
er demand are difHeult to control heeause they re largely America, for instance, where labor costs are still relatively
unpredictable. When customer demand is uncertain, com- low. Wbere appropriate, build more re^onal warehouses to
panies should keep their options open wherever possible— keep inventory closer to customers. For products with high
by delaying final assembly, for instance, or warehousing margins and high volatility or minimal weight and bulk, con-
inventory until demand signals are elearer. But other obsta- sider different sbipping options such as airfreight. Tbe over-
cles arc internal. By simplifying and streamlining supply all cost sa\ings may offset the higher upfront costs.
chain steps and processes, companies can remove these Another way to shorten cycle times and increase flex-
self inflicted obstacles. The following eight actions address ibility is to rethink distribution logistics. A major European
hoth internal and external obstacles to flexibility: retailer used to wait four to sL\ months to get general mer-
chandise from China. Ibats hov\' long it took for the sup-
Tighten Your Supply Chain
1 • As a rule of thumb, the more lengtfiy or complex
your supply chain is. the greater the risk of profit-sapping
pliers to receive orders, get raw materials from their ven-
dors, make and ship the products, and for the products to
make it to the store shelves. Unwilling to wait that long, tbe
variability. Companies that manufacture in China. India retailer rented a warehouse next to the port in China and


Shorter Lead Times Decrease Safety Stock Requirements

With 2 weeks lead time, about 8 weeks of safety stock is needed. With 1 week lead time, safety stock needs drop by - 2 5 % to six weeks.

Safety Stock for Sample Set of 7,500 SKUs, LT = 2 Weeks Safety Stock for Sample Set of 7,500 SKUs, LT = 1 Week

1 % I 9%

SS Required with LT = 2 Weeks

Overstock Required with LT = 1 Week

50% I 41%
Overstock (1)
50% I 41%

2 4 6 2 4 6
Average Demand (Units/Week) Average Demand (Units/Week)

(1) Rounded overstock represents items with less than one unit of demand per week. By rounding the SS calculation to 1, the store-SKU data point is over
the calculated safety stock level. Recommended safety stock levels (6 or 8 weeks) do not apply to these rounded items.
Note: SKUs selected were very similar to fall pilot SKUs. Analysis was carried out using actual demand variability and service level goal of 95%. Analysis
assumes normally distributed demand and might thus underestimate safety stock required for some very peaky items.
Source: Sample of -7,500 store-SKU combinationsforperiods 8-12 from FY03.
Source: The Boston Consulting Group ~ ~ ~~ - — -


a thorough analysis of cus-

tomer demand patterns, cus-
Adjust Product Availability to Demand Patterns and Shopper Expectations tomer forecast quality, pro-
duction throughput time and
Each Dot Represents a Product in Assortment
10,000 variability, and supplier lead
times (often the most impor-
Products available as special orders Products "guaranteed' available tant driver of safety-stock
with guaranteed delivery date within 24 hours for in-store pickup
levels, as shown in Exhibit
1,000 2). By assessing these fac-
tors, companies can often

sharply reduce inventor)'
ling items levels throughout the supply
^^lopper5 expect to find
III store and take home chain.
Following the lead of
the automakers, some major
retailers have begun to favor
Products with very low demand
thai shoppers are willing lo smaller, more frequent deliv-
Products available
'wait for" provided delay ¡s reliable in ail stores at all tim< eries designed to cover only a
few days' or even a few hours'
10 100 1,000 10,000 100,000 worth of customer purchas-
Product Veiocity (Saies by Year, by Store) es. This can result in a more
Lower inventory, fewer markdowns, and greater customer satisfaction through consistency of execution continuous flow of goods
from suppliers to retailers
Source: The Boston Consulting Group
and lower levels of inventory
throughout the supply chain,
approached a few of its Chinese suppliers with a proposi- which can keep costs low—provided transportation and
tion; if they would start feeding their finished goods directly logistics are done in a cost-effective manner. In the auto
to the warehouse so they could be packed and put on a con- industrv', original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) have
tainer ship the next day; the retailer would guarantee them long integrated with their suppliers, creating transparent,
a large and ongoing volume of husiness and wouldn't leave interconnected systems that support JIT production and
them with any unsold merchandise. The suppliers agreed virtually eliminate downtime. Suppliers take responsibility
to the novel arrangement, and replenishment lead times for stock replenishment, and have a clear view into what
dropped from an average of 150 days to less than 25. parts are needed for the days production schedules. Since
they may make multiple deliveries in a day, suppliers min-
imize transportation costs by locating their plants near the
2 Rethink InventoryIVIanagement
# Supply chain problems can hinder product flows OEMs, using smaller trucks and optimizing capacity.
and lead to a distorted view of customer demand, so fac- Companies can also reduce inventory levels with-
tories often end up making too much or too little stock. out hurting customer satisfaction by creating consistent
As a rule, inventory levels are driven hy manufacturing "rules" for product availability, based on demand pat-
or replenishment lead times and demand variability. terns. To this end, a major retailer defined three product
Supply chains often distort demand as each stocking categories, based on speed of turnover and cost of inven-
point orders more than is needed to avoid stock-outs— tory. As shown in Exhibit 3, fast-moving, low- to mid-cost
leading to the notorious bullwhip effect where demand products were made available in all stores at all times,
is artificially amplified. Lean tools such as kanban or JIT because shoppers always expected to find these items.
response systems can minimize inventory levels by align- Very slow moving items were available on a special-order
ing production with true customer demand. basis, but with exceptionally reliable "available by" dates.
Other valuable moves include shifting from make- And high-cost products—even if they were slow mov-
to-stock to make-to-order wherever possible, reduc- ers—were guaranteed to be available at all stores within
ing production lead times, and optimizing batch sizes. 24 hours. Consistent execution of these availability rules
Recalculate and strictly adhere to target stock levels, led to lower inventory levels, fewer markdowns and
safety stock and replenishment quantities. This requires greater customer satisfaction.

22 S U P P L Y C H A I N M A N A G E M E N T R E V I E W • J A N U A R Y / F E B R L A R Y 2010
Simplify and Standardize customization until demand patterns are clear.
3 • Wherever Possible Consider optimizing your product mix by reducing the
Self-infliclecl complexity in products, processes and cus- number of offerings in your Companys portfolio, simplify-
tomer portfolios can hinder flexibility. A vast portfolio ing their design, and using the same components or plat-
of complex products results in frequent changeovers. forms where you can. As demonstrated in Exhibit 4. SKU
ramp-ups and ramp downs in production lines and can proliferation can sharply increase complexity throughout
involve inflexible assets that must be dedicated to spe- the supply chain. At one manufacturer, regional sales
cific products. With less complex operations, companies offices had a history of requesting product variants to
ean respond more quickly to changes in demand. During meet loeal market needs. The result was a large, complex
the recent downturn, a global manufacturer saw a iíO portfolio with too many small items tying up production
percent drop in customer orders. Drastic measures were capacity The company was able to streamline its portfolio
needed to survive. An analysis of the produet portfolio from 56 small items to 14, cutting fixed costs by 15 per-
revealed that many of the company's offerings weren't cent and boosting production output by 30 pereent.
strategically necessar)' and added very little to the bot- It's important to analyze the true profitability^ of prod-
tom line after factoring in the added costs of their manu- ucts, too. Low margin offerings that require the same
facturing complexity. By phasing out these products, the amount of support and resources as high-margin ones may
company w^as able to shut down one piant and improve not be worth carrying if price increases aren t an option. At
the adaptability of its network offixedassets. the same time, prioritize production so that goods v\ith the
Wherever possible, it's invaluahle to standardize prod- highest margins and most volatile demand are those that
ucts and components to minimize costly variances and are handled the most promptly Finally, you should prune
manufacturing complexity At the same time, look for ways slow-turning SKUs-—unless they're for premium custom-
to standardize manufacturing processes, plants and equip- ers or bundled with other high-margin product offerings.
ment so that products can be produced across the asset
network. If demand for your products is volatile, design Tailor Service Levels to Specific
production lines with shorter changeover and ramp-up 4 # Customer Segments
times. And whenever possible, delay assembly or regional \bu may be providing cosily levels of service to the wrong
customers-—and missing the opportunity to use service to
EXHIBIT 4 differentiate yourself with the customers that matter most.
SKU Breadth Adds to Supply Chain Complexity Companies can focus their capabilities, minimize overall
costs, and increase the flexibility of their supply chains hy
SKU Concentration Curve,
Ranked by Sales, Left (High) to Right (Low) varying service levels based on customer value. Best-prae-
tice companies analyze account profitability and create
priority service rules For certain customers, although these
behind-the-scenes differenees are not always advertised.
Differentiated service levels require knowing two
things: who your premium customers are. and what ser-
viee elements matter most to them. This approach calls
for business leaders to segment customers based on
account volume, total cost to serve and overall profitabil-
Why Complextty Matters
ity. Higher-margin, high-volume customers are the ones
Lower space produciiwity you should go out of your way for. But first you need to
More complex shopping experience
and potential customer confusion figure out what they really value. For instance, il prompt
More handling and transactions delivery is critical to premium customers, direct their
More warehoused inventory orders to "fast-lane ' processing or keep buffer inventory
Greater fragmentation of routing in stock. And move high-value customers to the top of
Possible reduction in supplier the back-order list.
Creating different supply chains for different customer
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
segments can work well, too, since the requirements are
% of SKU
usually very different. For instance, a large contact lens
manufacturer has decoupled its low-cost and high-cost
Source: The Boston Consulting Group
lenses, and fashion retailers have long had separate sup-



ply chains for their basic and high-fashion lines. Clothing needed capabilities often make tbe mistake of outsourc-
retailer Zara made a name in the industry hy manufactur- ing key strategic activities. Instead, tbey sbould build the
ing everything locally, which gave it enormous agility in capabilities in-bouse.
the fickle world of high fashion. But the company came to
realize it had more flexibility than it needed, which came
at a cost. Now, Zara has hegun to segment its customers
and does some of its manufacturing in China.
6 • Improve Data Transparency—and
Get Closer to Demand Signals
Supply cbainflcxibiiityrequires good end-to-end information.
Inaccurate or missing data can lead to errors and p(K)r execu-
Focus on Core Capabilities; tion. Ihe most successful companies use integrated, global
5 • Outsource or Collaborate for tbe Rest rr systems for greater visibility and network governance, and
Many companies try to do too much. The smart approach make decisions based on a bigb-Ievel, cross-enterprise per-
is to rethink your Companys business model, looking for spective. íTiey set up inte^ated systems designed to track
non-strategic tasks that could be offloaded. For these activ- inventory, monitor capacity utilization, enable flexible pro-
ities, or when an advantage is simply not achievable, look duction, and minimi/i^ tbe variability of glolxil supply cbains.
for opportunities to gain the needed capabilities through Good information starts witb master data that is cur-
a partnership or by outsourcing- Look, too, for underused rent and consistent among systems—and ideally upstream
with suppliers and downstream with custom-
ers. For instance, a product should bave tbe
It's important to recognize that same SKU or reference information in every
companies can increase the flexibility system, sucb as tbe best by/sell by dates on
perisbable products. At tbe same time, it's
of their supply chains while managing the necessary to keep information updated and
associated costs, for greater benefits overall. consistent by using global data syncbroniza-
tion (CDS) tools and tecbniques.
assets. If capacity utilization is low, a better option may be Rich data exchange is also critical. Information related
to sell or repurpose the assets and find an external service to sales, inventory, changes in demand, orders, shipping
provider to pick up the slack. For this reason, many com- notices, delivery notices, and invoices should be trans-
panies outsource asset-intense activities such as transpor- mitted electronically—in a real dialog among systems.
tation, warehouse operations or manufacturing. Besides saving time and labor, tbis detailed, dynamic
excbange ensures tbat all inlormation is up to date. Wai-
External partners or contractors can often offer ser-
Marts RetailLink is an excellent example. The system
vices more effectively and cheaply due to the exper-
provides a bridge to tbe retailer's suppliers, giving tbem
tise and scale that come from having a large customer
data on sales and inventory levels and allowing tbem to
base. Partnerships can also be a fast, low-risk and flex-
download purcbase orders. By integrating more closely
ible way to try out new markets witbout fully commit-
with key customers such as Wal-Mart, suppliers get a
ting tbe resources or developing tbe needed capabilities.
better sense of true demand, wbich can reduce inven-
Contracts can often be structured to allow volume to
ramp up or down in response to economic downturns or
expansion. Finally, partnerships or tbird-party providers
can provide quicker access to or share tbe cost of higb-
The 8 Ways to
cost assets, capabilities or tecbnologies. Enhance ^ l
Although outsourcing can pay major dividends in flex- 1. Tighten Your Supply Chain
ibility, it sbouid be used strategically. Be sure to retain 2. Rethink Inventory Management
control of your supply cbains and tbe critical customer- 3. Simplify and Standardize Wherever Possible
facing, brand-building activities. For instance, a book 4.Tailor Service Levels to Specific Customer Segments
publisher may be smart to outsource fulfillment—tbe
5. Focus on Core Capabilities; Outsource or Collaborate
distribution of books to bookstores—to a logistics expert.
for the Rest
But order-taking is an important customer toucb-point
6. Improve Data Transparency—and Get Closer to Demand
tbat may be better kept in-bouse. Tbe conversations tbat
come witb order-taking can help deepen relationships
7. Create the Right Metrics and Incentives
with bookstore owners and provide insigbts into mar-
8. Develop "Favored Status" with Key Suppliers
ket trends and readers' needs. Companies tbat lack tbe


tory levels throughout the supply chain. Systems such as partnership by sharing those savings with your valued sup-
these build greater trust and cooperation as well. pliers. When your business is critical to the supplier, eaeb
With correct, near-real-time information in every system, of you will have a stake in strengthening the relationship,
companies can begin to leverage decision-making sofcvare wbicb can pay dividends wben times are tough.
and automate many aspects of their supply chains. With
powerful software such as forecasting algorithms, manufac- Getting Started
turing solutions, pricing tools and sophisticated supply-chain Companies must do all they can to increase tbe speed
software, much ol the fkm' can be switched to "autopilot"— and agility of their supply chains. Tbe ability to respond
freeing managers to focus on higher value-added tasks. quickly to an economic downturn, cbanging customer
demand or new market opportunities ean reduce costs

7 • Create the Right Metrics

and Incentives
\-cw companies have taken the time and effort to develop
and confer major competitive advantages. Yet few com-
panies have tbe time or resources to tackle all of these
flexibility-boosting actions at tbe same time.
metrics that track and measure speed, efficiency and flexibil- That's why smart business leaders tr\' to apply the
it\. Metrics that track reductions in lead times, improvements most relevant levers to the opportunities that promise
in on-time delivery and cycle times, response time to changes tbe biggest payback. They focus on the most critical,
in demand, lower stock-out rates, days inventor^' in different high-impact areas of their supply chains rather tban try-
locations—these are pertinent measures of flexihility. Setting ing to do everything at once.
metrics and then tracking trend lines can help you diagnose You can follow suit by diagnosing your company's cur-
problems and determine where to focus your improvement rent strengths and weaknesses, using internal and external
effoits. Metrics should also measure end-to-end results bencbmarking as reality checks. Look for trouble spots.
instead of just addressing a small step of
the supply cbain with limited business and
customer relevance. Make sure that met- As a rule of thumb, the more lengthy
rics are visible and regularly monitored, and
that they link to incentives for business-unit
or complex your supply chain is, the
and indi\idual performance. greater the risk of profit-sapping variahihty.
By linking incentives to the end-to-
end metrics, companies reward people for supporting Where are you losing sales because the wTong inventory is
these efforts, making smart decisions, and adding value in the wrong location? Where are profits eroding because of
to tbc husiness as a whole^—^not simply optimizing a func- a spike in fuel costs or unfavorable currency swings? Wbere
tional silo or small ficldom. Companies can also create arc lead times unacceptably long? Wbere are low-value cus-
incentives to improve suppliers performance and reliabil- tomers getting equal or better ser\'ice than premium ones?
ity hy linking payment terms to their performance in areas Where is excess complexity, lengthy cycle times or a lack of
such as delivery accuracy, complaint ratios, and order lead responsiveness hurting business and adding costs?
times. Tbe root causes of problems aren't always immedi-
ately apparent, so it's vital to take an end-to-end perspec-
Develop "Favored Status" tive. For instance, overly complex product designs can
8 # with Key Suppliers
If you have strong relationships with a few key suppliers,
lead to longer changeover times and ripple effects along
tbe supply chain. Or pricing, as set by tbe sales group,
you may gain priority status in times of shortages. Start may he too higb to draw buyers to standardized products
by reviewing your purchases across the company, look- tbat are faster and cbeaper to make. And the root cause
ing for ways to consolidate buying so you can give more of excess buffer stoek may be poor delivery reliabil-
volume to fewer suppliers—especially tbose tbat provide ity ratber tban problems witb inventory management. A
key inputs. Companies can also benefit by creating true simple analysis can often reveal tbese broken links.
partnerships with their vendors. Hatber tban always push- Tbe key is to identify wbere flexibility is critical—^and
ing for lower prices, ask suppliers for their input on how where the lack of flexibility imposes tbe stiffest penalties.
to improve products, processes and logistics. Such out- Tbose are the areas to prioritize. Since all of the levers
side perspectives, and suppliers' insights into bow other are interconnected, changing one will ripple tbrougb the
companies operate, can generate new ideas tbat deliver whole supply chain. You may be surprised by bow far-
cost savings throughout the supply chain. Strengthen the reaching the benefits of tbis exercise can be.


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