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Fear is the heart of love or fear of heartaches is what can we find out the

excerpt of Tristan Cafe, fear is the heart constricting and restricting love. We tend to
let go of someone we know that because sometimes we think that we are not their
happiness anymore and the thought that we are afraid to hurt someone so we just
choose to hurt ourselves. The literary genres use in this excerpt is first Poetry, in the
means of free-form poetry in which it has lack of any rhymes and patterns.
Sometimes people are confused with the meaning of poetry they think that rhymes
and counting syllables when we say poetry but its not. Second literary genre used in
the excerpt of Tristan Cafe is Drama where since drama are meant to be acted in
front of audience so its difficult to find out when looking only on a text and its hard
to appreciate it. In instance, we can see that it is drama by simply looking at the
dialogue and understand its deep meaning and it includes the conflict and the
emotions used by the characters. The last literary genre that we can find out in the
storyline is flash-fiction, flash fiction stories can only be a few words in which the
main point of this is the central point of the story or what you called the flashpoint.
Flash fiction is differ from short story because when we say short story it can take up
several pages unlike the flash fiction that it was used in the excerpt of Tristan Cafe.

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