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1. Culture:
Respondent-1: is a self-centered person; knows power distance is present, up to some
extent, in the culture; not influenced by any celebrities;

Respondent-2: family-oriented person, completely follows patriarchy system; doesn’t

care much about others (other than family);is not influenced little bit by celebrities

2. Subculture:
Respondent-1:eats Punjabi dishes more and wears normal clothes; goes out on a
holiday to a beach side place to get fresh air and spend time with friends; celebrates
all the festivals; follows more of an Indian culture; no shy of drinking in the public
Respondent-2:prefers vegetarian food more,wears normal dress; hang outs with
friends and go on short trips for recreational purposes; mostly celebrates festivals like
Diwali, Holi, etc.; meets friends for entertainment(cinema halls, pubs, etc.); is
conservative a little as shy of doing certain activities in public

3. Social Class:
Respondent-1:owns two-2 wheelers (Pulsar 150 and Honda XBlade)does not follow
any celebrity; prefers to wear branded clothes of allensolly, Van Heusen, Addidas, ,
etc,; owns Nokia Android phone and mi smartband; prefers to get food delivered ;
aspires to settle down in Holland in the future and own a Lamborgini.
Respondent-2:owns 2 cars (EcoSport and Crysta) does not follow any celebrity;
loves to wear branded clothes – Adidas, Zara, etc.; owns gadget like iphones, air pods;
macbook pro, etc. prefers to eat in restaurants; eats in expensive restaurants when
with family and prefers fine dining experience; aspires to own an yacht and build a
business on his own

4. Family Structure:
Respondent-1:family size-4; , parents both graduate with father being a businessman
and mother a housewife who teaches in her free time,sister is a school teacher; buys
online as well as offline markets/malls, etc.; considers family’s opinion sometimes
and only when they are shopping with him; family members are involved in each
other’s decisions
Respondent-2:family size – 5; parents graduate; father is a businessman; mother is a
housewife; buys online as well as offline markets/malls, etc.; family members are
usually heavily involved in making decisions

5. Groups:
Respondent-1:consults few friends and family members before taking decisions but
takes decisions about others involvement; usually takes someone with him for
shopping; has to work in groups; hangs out with college and school friend circle goes
out for movies and pubs,with office group goes for a monthly team bonding session
only etc. depending upon situation and time; is a part of Quora and Reddit but does
not interact with the members; is not influenced by others but takes recommendations
of a few friends.
Respondent-2:usually prefers to have someone along while shopping; and their
recommendations are considered; usually prefer to study in groups; has same groups
for chilling out/hanging out and for studies; groups sit and talk and play games; part if
online forums like Reddit but not an active member; consults and takes
recommendations from family members.

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