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My name is Moldovan Alin Gabriel and for the past three years I have been working as
an internal auditor for NVision Global which is an American corporation with offices all around
the world.

The most important thing in this job for me was the knowledge of English because was
the main requirement to obtain and maintain this job for a long time. It wasn’t easy because it is
not only the common English or the daily terms that I am using but there are a lot of new specific
terms and words, meaning of the words for this position. Everything that comes with this job and
everything that is happening day by day in the office is strictly only in English. As an internal
auditor the main requirements from me are logical reasoning, problem solving and research. In
my opinion and not only mine I think I have all the things and competencies to do a good job
every day and to please people with high expectations from me. I am very professional in this
place and I don’t like to rush the things only to have more free time or the leave early because
that’s not my style. I have to give a logical argument for every action I take there and I can’t say
that is easy for me because sometimes the things just are what they are but step by step I
developed this thing and now everything is easier for me. Also people expect from me to do a lot
of research and to identify problems and potential threats and of course I can’t go to my boss
with a problem and not having already a solution in my mind for solving that problem because
that’s not my working style and I think when I am trying to solve a problem I always try to find
the best answer not only for me but for the entire team, I think I am a team player I don’t see
myself as an egoist person but always thinking about what is the best thing for most of the team
if not for the entire company.

As for the ethical values in my opinion I think I am honest, upright, respectful and most
important trustworthy because this is a team effort what we are doing in this company and
without those values nobody will trust you that you can do your job and nobody will count on
you when things are getting seriously and that can really hurt you and the team.

I also have some weak points and to grow in this company which is my long term plan I
have to improve them. In my opinion I am not an open person with the rest of the team, it is hard
to talk to me for many reason and maybe I should be more open with my team and I am working
very hard on that but sometimes it is really hard. I also have to be more respectful but not in a
bad way, I have no respect for people who are not working as hard as I am and I can’t be friend
with someone who is staying here only for a simple paycheck, it is really hard for me to
understand my co-workers who are hating what are they doing but they only like moneys from
the company. Another point that I have to improve are my jokes, sometimes I feel I have to make
a joke or two because everyone is so nervous in there and sometimes I feel it is my responsibility
to chill everyone. Of course some of my team mates interpret this as harassment and I can have
serious problems with my supervisor if I don’t change this fast but sometime I can’t just shup up
because this is who I am and I have a big mouth.

Considering all of the above I think I am doing a really good job every day but I have
some weaknesses and if I will work harder to get over them I will have a brighter future in this

Moldovan Alin-Gabriel

AB An 1

Nr. Matricol: 242

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