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Chelsea Marie B.

10 literary masterpieces of the 21st Century
That created a great impact in the lives
of a learner like me.


Embrace your true self. Embrace what makes you peculiar. Told through the fantastical
lens of children with superpowers, the book is completely grounded in Ransom’s ability
to make us feel a little more comfortable with who we are quirks and all. Never apologize
for the things that make you different. Someday they may just help you save the world.

2. THE HATE U GIVE, by Angie Thomas

Never give up, never keep quiet. Starr reminds us just how important it is to use our
voice and speak up against injustice. She reminds us that things are difficult, but fighting
for the best is never a lost cause. And thanks to Angie Thomas, we have this incredible
book to keep coming back to.

3. THE HUNGER GAMES, by Suzanne Collins

Having hope can be the strongest thing of all. The survival-turned-revolution story
inspired genre resurgence, a new wave of passion and motivation and, above all, hope.
It’s a villain’s strategy at first, sparking a bit of hope to rule with, but it’s that very hope
that wins out over cruelty in the end. Hope for a better life, hope for a better future, and
hope for a better world. We know that we can all use some more hope now and then, and
this book reminds us just how important that outlook is.

4. DRESS CODES FOR SMALL TOWNS, by Courtney Stevens

Find others who appreciate your unique charm. “Sure,” you might have thought
reading #1, “I don’t have a problem being the only one who accepts me, but wouldn’t that
be lonely?” And to that we say, you will find your tribe. You will find the people who
value you for exactly who you are, and the bond you feel with them will not compare to
anything you’d otherwise settle for. Embrace what makes you unique and we promise
you will find the people who you belong alongside.

5. LORD OF SHADOWS, by Cassandra Clare

Stories keep the heart alive. Whether you’re an artist, a writer, or a reader like us,
stories keep the heart alive. Going about life day to day is fine, but being able to escape
into another world is a vacation that the soul sometimes needs. Creativity gives you a
pulse that makes life worth living. And as Arthur describes to Julian, fact is fact, but
fiction is still based in it. There are truths in every story told, and those stories can be
necessary to find something deeper. This sounds like a win/win to us.
Chelsea Marie B. Antolin
Selflessness will help you with your own struggles. This book takes a look at what it’s
like to not be the Chosen One, and we love the way Patrick tackled it. It also reminded us
just how important it is to help others. Everyone is a main character in their own lives, so
if you back out a bit, you’re a supporting character in the lives of everyone around you.
Helping others will eventually help you. Whether that means literally, or it will just
provide you with a well-intentioned respite, we believe that selflessness truly is one of
the most important keys to happiness. This book is proof.

7. THEY BOTH DIE AT THE END, by Adam Silvera

Live your life to the fullest. We fell hard for Rufus and Mateo, and, well, you can guess
just how emotional the read was from the title of the book. Sure, we might not have
DeathCast in real life. But why should that matter? Every second counts and we’re done
taking life for granted. So go on that vacation you wanted to go on, see that friend you’ve
been meaning to see, and join that club you weren’t sure about joining. You might regret
it otherwise.

8. THE UPSIDE OF UNREQUITED, by Becky Albertalli

Live for yourself, not others. Step 1: Be yourself. Accept yourself. Step 2: Find your
tribe. Step 3: Live for yourself. This might sound pretty obvious, but you’d be surprised
just how many things we do just because other people expect them from us. But in
UPSIDE, Molly reminds us that we’ll only really be happy if we put these expectations
aside and go where life takes us. Maybe we’ll crush on someone unexpected. Maybe an
opportunity will come up that we didn’t see coming. Who knows! Isn’t that part of the
fun? Etiher way, make sure you’re doing things because you want to, not just because
you think they’re the things to do.


Choose friends wisely. She has lived a roller coaster life full of peaks and valleys,
surprises and sorrows. She is a survivor who learned to surround herself with people who
helped sustain her. That is the strongest thread that runs through her memoirs: Find
people who believe in you for those days when it's hard to believe in yourself.

10. THE FAULT IN OUR STARS, by John Green

You matter. There are so many people in this world that it is almost impossible to touch
all, even to touch half. She encourages us to ignore the inevitability of oblivion for it will
come no matter what. Each one of you is important and whether you make an impact on
one person or one thousand people, you will make a difference. You are important, don’t
you forget that. It’s okay to be loved deeply instead of widely. Some people would even
argue that it’s better.

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