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Somos gestores de
desarrollo y
MACROPROCESO: Misional PROCESO: Gestión Académica FECHA: 09-09-2020
mejoramiento humano

ASIGNATURA: Idioma Extranjero (Inglés) DOCENTE: Guillermo Alejandro Basto Torrado

ALUMNO: Ángel Manuel Carrillo Pilonieta

GRADO: SEXTO/4 Tercer Período

DESEMPEÑOS: - Emplea las palabras interrogativas en situaciones de la vida diaria. - Reconoce la

importancia de aprender vocabulario en inglés, con el fin de identificar objetos y palabras claves en el uso

COMPETENCIAS: saber-cognitivo. - Saber hacer-procedimental. - Ser-actitudinal.

TEMA: PALABRAS INTERROGATIVAS. Estas palabras sirven para preguntar por información específica.
Ellas son:

What: - What time is it ? - What is that ?

Who: - Who are they ? - Who is in charge here ?

When: -When was that ? - When is your birthday ?

Where: - Where is the meeting ? - Where will the concert take place ?

How: - How are you ? - How many times did he call ?

Why: - Why is the door closed now ? - Why did you doubt ?

Which: -Which student is Albert ? - Which is your car ?

Whose: -Whose is the pink necktie ? - Whose is the watch ?

ACTIVITY ONE: Look at your English Dictionary and find the meaning of the questions words.

 WHAT: Qué
 WHO: Quien
 WHEN: Cuándo
 WHERE: Dónde
 HOW: Cómo
 WHY: Por qué
 WICH: Cuál
 WHOSE: De quien

ACTIVITY TWO: According to the question words, write the correct word on the underline for each

1- HOW many copybooks do you have ?

2- WHEN does he plan to travel ?

3- WICH is the store open now ?

4- WHAT kind of tool is that ?

5- WHERE is the main office ?

6- WHEN will the weather change ?

7- HOW long is the bridge ?

8- WICH is the first day of the week ?

9- WHAT do you need now ?

10- WHY are the tools on the floor ?

ACTIVITY THREE: Vocabulary. Translate into English for the following words:

 Queja Complaint
 Risa Laughter
 Ganancia Gain
 Requerir Require
 Bondadoso Kind
 Llegar a ser Become
 Igualar Match
 Puente Bridge
 Confiable Trustworthy
 Revelar Reveal
 Herramientas Tools
 Viaje Trip
 Ponerse en contacto Make contact
 Lámpara Lamp
 Revelar Reveal
 Alcanzar Achieve
 Tener lugar Take place
 Esmeralda Esmerald
 Cena Dinner
 Papeleta Ballot
 Merecer Deserve
 Avenida Avenue
 Parada de autobús Bus Stop
 Camión Truck
 Guardar. Save

ACTIVITY FOUR: According to the last vocabulary, make a draw about underline words and write
your names in English.


*Diccionarios Norma. Bilingual POCKET English-Spanish

*Diccionario de Inglés NAUTA Chamberlain y Jordana.

*Inglés Básico. Augusto Ghio.

*Learning English for Talking. Dr.Humberto Ferrer.

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