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Oraciones afirmativas Oraciones negativas Preguntas cerrada Preguntas abiertas

Yes/no questions Open questions
S + verb. Aux. + verb. + comp. S + verb. Aux. not + verb. +
comp. verb. Aux. + S + verb. + comp? WH + verb. Aux. + S + verb. + comp?
Modal “CAN”
(PODER)  I can play soccer  I can not play soccer  Can I play soccer?  What Can I play?
Expresar habilidad o  You can work in the morning.  You can not work in the  Can You work in the  When Can You work?
posibilidad  He can travel now morning. morning?  Why Can He travel now?
 She can speak English  He can not travel now  Can He travel now?  What Can She speak?
 It can eat in the park  She can not speak English  Can She speak English?  Where Can It eat?
 We can go to home  It can not eat in the park  Can It eat in the park?  Where Can We go?
 You can draw a dog  We can not go to home  Can We go to home?  What Can You draw?
 They can run in the park  You can not draw a dog  Can You draw a dog?  Where Can They run?
 They can not run in the park  Can They run in the park?

Futuro “Going to”  I am not going to play

Se usa para expresar  I am going to play soccer soccer  am I going to play soccer?  What am I going to play?
futuro  You are going to work in the  You are not going to work in  are You going to work in the  When are You going to work?
morning. the morning. morning?  Why Is He going to travel
Tobe +”going to”+verb  He is going to travel tomorrow  He is not going to travel  is He going to travel tomorrow?
 She is going to speak English. tomorrow tomorrow?  What is She going to speak?
 It is going to eat in the park.  She is not going to speak  is She going to speak  Where is It going to eat?
 We are going to go home. English. English?  Where are We going to go?
 You are going to draw a dog.  It is not going to eat in the  is It going to eat in the park?  What are You going to draw?
 They are going to run in the park.  are We going to go home?  Where are They going to run?
park.  We are not going to go  are You going to draw a
home. dog?
 You are not going to draw a  are They going to run in the
dog. park?
 They are going to run in the

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