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Module Title: BROODING


Definition of terms
Layer chicken
Broiler chicken
Artificial brooding
Natural brooding

Brooding consists mainly of the process of providing chicks with natural or

artificial heat to help maintain their body temperature. The mother hen supplies natural
heat to its young, while chicks hatched in an incubator get heat from a brooder.
Brooding is done immediately after newborn chicks are taken out from the incubator.
The length of the brooding period may last from two to five weeks, depending upon
some factors, like the rate of feathering of the chicks and the time of year the brooding
is done.
It is best to brood chicks during summer. The brooding period is shortened and
fuel expenses are reduced when it is done in warm weather.


 litter materials

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 brooding light/source of heat

 chick guard

 brooding house

Maintain proper temperature inside the brooding house to make chicks feel
comfortable. The range of ideals temperature at various ages of broiler chicks is as

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1. Clean brooders very well before the arrival of chicks.
a. Remove feed, and water troughs and other equipment from the brooder, and
bring them outside the brooder house.
b. Scrape, sweep, scrub, and disinfect the brooder as well as the ceiling, walls,
and floor of the brooder house. Do the same thing with the feeds and drinking
trough and other equipment in the brooder and in the brooder house.
2. Make a trial run of the brooder one week before the arrival of the chicks.
a. Check if the heat regulating system is properly working.
b. Buy in advance spare parts that may be needed later.
3. Check if the air circulates properly in the brooder house.
4. Use litters which readily absorb water or moisture.
5. Use two shallow fountain-type waterers for each tier.
6. Make the brooder rat-and lizard-proof.
7. Allow adequate floor space.
a. Broiler. This type needs one square meter per 10 chicks until marketing time.
b. Replacement chicks (pullets) require the same space up to the same age, but
require more as they grow older.
8. Remember, overcrowding of chicks may result in:
a. Feather picking and cannibalism (picking the feathers and flesh of others.
b. Poor digestion and absorption of foods.
c. uneven growth among the chicks in the group because some can eat more
than the others

Natural brooding. This is the brooding of chicks by the mother hen or trained capon.
Natural brooding is still the most common types of brooding practiced in the rural areas..
Artificial Brooding. It is the process of providing the chicks with the required
temperature to make them warm and comfortable.

Different kinds of chicks to brood composed of any of the following:

 Straight-run chicks. A group of chicks composed of an even number of males and
females. This is preferred for the production of meat and eggs.
 Sexed chicks. These are either all-male or all-female chicks, intended for the
production of meat or eggs respectively.
 Started chicks. These are older chicks that have already been brood for a period of
time. These chicks are more expensive than day-old chicks.

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Electricity. Electricity is the common source of heat in big brooders that accommodate a
large number of chicks. An incandescent bulb, which is normally raised 15 cm above
the floor of the brooder, is used to provide the heat needed by the chicks. It is the most
convenient and the most reliable source of heat. One watt pre head is the required.

Charcoal, rice hull or wood. Brooders that use this type of materials are seldom used
because they require too much labor. The poultry raiser has to make sure that the
burning charcoal, wood, rice hull will not drop to the floor or else it will be a cause fire.
Heat is difficult to control, thus wider brooder space is needed so the chicks can move
away from the heat source.

Kerosene Lamps. kerosene lamps are used as source of heat

but for only for a limited number of chicks. Temperature is
regulated by raising or lowering the wick. If a kerosene
brooder is used, be sure to provide adequate ventilation.
More carbon dioxide will be produced when using kerosene

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 Litter-floor Brooding. This system uses of the floor as place for brooding. The litter
or material used to cover the floor may include rice hull, wood shavings, or sawdust. In
this system of brooding, the chicks come in contact with their feeds, the litter should be
changed regularly to avoid the spread of diseases.

 Elevated Wire or Slat Brooding. The chicks are kept

in elevated pens with floors made of wire mesh or
wooden or bamboo slats. This system is more
economical and convenient to use than the litter-floor
type, reduces problems with poultry disease and parasites promotes, better growth of
chicks, and makes collection of manure easier.


1.Quality Chicks
2.Proper Temperature
3.Propre Ventilation
4.Adequate Space Allowance
5.Proper Sanitation
6.Adequate Lighting Facilities
7.Ample Protection From The Predators


 Temperature. The temperature should range from 32-35 0C and is gradually
reduced weekly until the chicks are finally able to live without heat and are
transferred to the growing pen. The behavior of the chicks is a good indicator of
the temperature in the brooding pen
a. Brooding temperature is right when the chicks are
 evenly distributed inside the brooding house
 doing varied activities
b. Temperature is extremely low when the chicks

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 pile on top of one another,

 stay together near the source of heat
c. Temperature is too high when the chicks
 move away from the source of heat
 spread their wings, pant, and drink a lot of water
 Humidity. It refers to the condition of air moisture in the brooder. Too much
manure and spilled water in the brooder can make the pen damp. This damp
condition attracts germs, which cause diseases (e.g., coccidiosis) to the chicks.
This can be prevented by keeping the brooder room dry, replacing dirtied water,
and changing the litter as often as necessary.
 Ventilation. Ventilation becomes a problem when the brooder house is closed.
This results in the lack of oxygen and the accumulation of carbon monoxide,
which will weaken the birds or even cause them to die
 Space Requirement. Space that is bigger than necessary will increase housing
cost per chick. On the other hand, a very limited space will result in more
outbreaks of disease and in slow feathering.

LESSON 3. Select And Transfer Poultry From The Brooder To The Poultry

Definition of terms
Laying house


 be fast grower-rapid growth of broiler-chick is highly correlated with high feed-
conversion efficiency
 be healthy and vigorous-a batch of good chicks must be able to withstand adverse
 be adapted to prevailing farm conditions
 have good fleshing and pigmentation- carcass with full muscle on the breast and
thighs has high market value. Broilers with yellow-skin shank pigmentation have high
market demand
 be of uniform size- broiler chicks must be uniform in size to simplify production
management and marketing.

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Rearing refers to the growing of chickens from the time they are weaned to the time
they are moved to the laying house. The rearing or the growing period begins when
the chicks are pulled out from the brooder up to the time that they are ready to lay
eggs. It usually starts when the birds are about one month old and almost fully
feathered and ends when they about 4-5 months old.


1. Practice all in all out system. Make a schedule to house chick by their age group in
each building.
2. The growing house and the necessary facilities must be thoroughly cleaned and
disinfected. New litter materials must be used.
3. The feeder and the waterers must be well distributed throughout the pen so that
bird can have access
4. Do not move the birds when the weather is too hot or cold
5. If straight runs are brooded, separate the cockerel from the pullets when they are
ready to be transferred to the rearing houses.
6. Cull the runts, thin birds and those showing defects, abnornalities and
7. Adjust the rearing house temperature and ventilation, this will prevent the
development of ammonia.
8. Careful attention should be given on light management. The control of light will
help regulate sexual maturity.
9. Check carefully the external parasites like lice and mites
10. Birds should be deworm when they reach the age of two months.

1.It is the period of chicken from the time that they are weaned to the time that they
moved to the laying house.
a. rearing c. culling
b. brooding d. laying
2.Rapid growth of a chick is affected by their _________
a. feed conversion efficiency c. color of their shank
b carcass quality d. good fleshing and pigmentation
3.What will be the basis in grouping the chicks using all in all out system
a. size c. color
b. age d. breed
4.What should be characteristic of the facilities inside rearing house.
a. new c. small
b. cleaned and disinfected d. big
5.What is the sample of the external parasite that the chicken can have
a. lung worms c. kidney worm
b. lice/mites d. aphids
6. Which statement best defines brooding?

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a. It is the process of providing chicks with proper temperature naturally or

artificially to make them warm and comfortable.
b. It is the act of separating the male from the female birds.
c. It is the process of separating the productive from the un productive bird.
d. It is the process of providing birds with proper ventilation.
7.Which among the choices below is considered the oldest-known brooder?
a. electric brooder
b. kerosene lamp brooder
c. laying hens
d. mother hen
8.Brooder temperature is too low when _______.
a. chicks pile one on top of the other near the source of heat
b. chicks spread themselves easily in the brooder house
c. chicks drink more than they can take
d. chicks open their wings and chirp
9.Which factor is not essential to an ideal brooder house?
a. capacity of the brooder house
b. design and the construction of the brooder house
c. housing equipment
d. location
10.The ideal space requirement of 100 heads of day-old chicks to three–weeks old “
chicks is “
a. 30 sq. ft.
b. 50 sq. ft.
c. 100 sq. ft.
d. 150 sq. ft.
11.Brooder temperature is just right when _______.
a. chicks are evenly distributed inside the brooder house
b. chicks pile up near the source of light or in the corner
c. chicks are noisy with open wings
d. chicks drink less and they are panting
12.When the chicks are moving away from the source of heat it means that the
temperature is ______________.
a. too low
b. too high
c. moderate
d .none of the above
13.The ideal temperature of a brooder during the first week of brooding in
a. 29.4 to 30.2 o C
b. 32.22 to 35 o C
c. 35 to 37.78 o C
d. 37.78 to 40.56 o C
14 .A group of chicks composed of an even number of males and females is
identified as _______.
a. straight-run chicks
b. sexed chicks.

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c. started chicks
d. day-old chicks
15.Which is not an advantage of elevated wire or slat brooding?
a. economical and convenient to use in terms of problems with poultry diseases
and parasites.
b. better growth collection of manuals
c. chicks come in contact with their feeds which may trigger the spread of
d. easier collection of manure
watch: Brooding bigyang pansin para broiler maging bigatin,

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