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Each individual has responsibility through their own actions to shape the community and its
future. This means development begins at the individual level.
Planning in a community involves a lot of aspect such as resources, subjects, methods and process
that need to consider that would affect in the outcome of the planning process. Planning in general
is finding what goal you would like to achieve and work from the present. For instance, is a leader
want to achieved something for his community and desire to have a specific outcome; he will start
planning it from now on how he will achieve the desired goal. Planning a community is a
continuous process and could affect its environment continually.
The community planning decision-making process should, first and foremost, be concerned with
the long-term sustainability of our communities, environment and economy. It should involve a
broad-based citizenry, including public and private sector leaders, community interest groups and
multi-disciplinary professionals. A positive relationship between development and the making of
community should be established through a citizen-based participatory planning and design

1.1 Content
Community development can be defined as the change or growth of a community over a period of
time so that it becomes more advanced, impressive, successful, stronger or complete. This implies
the pattern of community development is dependent on the visions and actions of community
members and the circumstances.
To create sustainability in a community, a facilitator need to integrate the concept of sustainable
community development in their actions both as citizens and professionals. While the knowledge
of architecture can be to preserve, improve and create the required quality of built environment
under the particular condition of each community, in an ideal and sustainable world their role as
citizens should be to become sustainable members of their own community. This aims to consider
ways in which a community planner can fulfill both roles and thus act for community
The facilitator should discuss the important roles that the knowledge in architecture can have in
enabling communities to realize their visions in the implementation of development projects in a
community. In working with communities, community architects can help community members
to think ahead further and plan on a long-term basis in terms of creating better living conditions
and designing structures that will last, for later generations to enjoy. They can also help
communities make the best use of their resources. Where communities sometimes have set
notions of how development can be undertaken conventionally for instance by bulldozing trees
and flattening out the area in order to develop a housing site, community architects could help
demonstrate new approaches, with people-centered and environmentally friendly aspects.
The barangay leaders or chairperson should lead the community planning facilitation with the
involvement of other stakeholders’ participation especially the residence in a community. In
planning, the community has a say in a particular development and planning that are going to do
in an area especially for large scale projects such as building an infrastructure or housing projects
in the area since it might affect the environment of the people in the community. A barangay
chairperson should be very familiar in the area covered of his/her jurisdiction and should be
innovative, creative and knowledgeable on how to come up with ideas in successful planning of
his/her community. He/she also helps to achieve, facilitate and compromise between people or
member of the community.
Identifying the issues in the community will be very difficult for the leaders alone that is why the
involvement, by conducting a discussion or a meeting, of its residence is crucial in community
planning because this is a one way of determining what specific projects or development or
improvement needs to be done in the community. Responding to collaborative and collective
ideas from the users or residence could help the chairperson to achieved trust and specific
outcome from the community. The chairperson also needs how to convince and influence the
residence to be involve in the achievement of your goal for the community.
The chairperson also supposed to understand the advance knowledge needed in the community
planning. It involves coming up of new innovative ideas with regards to advancement of science
and technology. He also needs to facilitate the planning economically and efficiently. Since the
resources such as naturals, goods, services or funding is limited he supposedly come up with ideas
on how he will manage the planning of his community efficiently and economically and how he
will use those resources, especially the natural resources, without creating negative effects and
harming the environment whether for a short-term or long-term solution of a community problem.

1.2 Conclusion
Leaders, facilitator and community planners are supposed to work with communities and
exploring new techniques for getting people to survey and map their settlements and design their
own community layouts, upgrading projects and housing models. The work of community
architects in has shown that professionals should stop making all the design decisions and instead,
should take on the role of helping translate people’s own ideas for transforming their houses and
communities into drawings and models that the wider society can understand. Through such a
design process the communities will become empowered, and it can inspire them to participate in
productive activities.
Although these leaders and community planners manifested capabilities in performing their
leadership that contributed to the attainment of the goals of their jurisdiction or community, there
were certain areas that they needed to improve on. Also, it can be inferred that their facilitative
and participative management styles should be more emphasized and refined since the perceptions
of their community might not coincide with their own perceptions. On the other hand, their
structures and supportive management of planning a community should be continuous and be
polished further because the responses of their community supported their own evaluations.

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