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Assessment tool (1) for tree planting – Pre/Post test

1. Which of the following types of planting stock can be planted only when it is dormant?
(a) Tree-spade stock.
(b) Balled & burlap stock.
(c) Potted stock.
(d) Container-grown stock.
(e) Bare root stock.

2. The tree at right is going to be

transplanted. At approximately which
location should the soil surface be located?

(a) A

(b) B

(c) C

(d) D

(e) None of the above

3. When staking trees we want to …

(a) Attach the straps at greater than ½ the height of the tree.
(b) Use wires or twine to directly wrap the stem, and then connect it to the stake.
(c) Keep the stakes on for 3 or more years.
(d) Not use stakes or straps, ever.
(e) Cradle the trunk with a strap.

4. The concept of “The right tree for the right place” is very important. Which of the following
is the most common example of the wrong tree in the wrong place?
(a) A tree too close to a stop sign/street corner.
(b) A large tree planted beneath a power line.
(c) A tree too close to a fire hydrant.
(d) A large tree planted in a small soil volume.
(e) A tree planted too close to a building.
5. Which of the following is NOT a goal of mulching newly planted trees?
(a) Conserve moisture
(b) Provide wildlife habitat
(c) Minimize weed competition
(d) Make it look pretty
(e) Protect trees from lawn mowers and weed trimmers
Assessment tool (2) for planting (post-then-pre evaluation)

1. Please rate your level of Knowledge and Understanding in each Very Very
Low Moderate High
of the following areas: Low High
Before participation     
The correct depth of tree planting.
Now, after participation     
Before participation     
The goals of mulching.
Now, after participation     
Before participation     
The correct methods of staking.
Now, after participation     
Before participation     
“The right tree for the right place”.
Now, after participation     
The advantages and disadvantages of Before participation     
different types of planting stock. Now, after participation     

2. Do you plan to plant differently this upcoming year?


3. Do you plan to share your new knowledge with friends and neighbors?


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