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Lesson 36 – Identifying Cause and Effect Relationship


Expressive Objectives
1. Determine concrete steps to help minimize community problems

Instructional Objectives
2. Identify cause and effect relationship
3. State the effects of a given cause


A. Topics
Identifying cause and effect relationship
Stating the effects of a given cause

B. Materials
word strips, pictures, enlarged copy of poem (springboard), video clip, chart,
video clip:

C. References
 Curriculum Guide: CG in English 4 Week 4
o EN4LC-IVh-2.16
o EN4RC-IVh-2.16
Identify cause and effect relationship
o EN4OL-IVh-27
State the effects of a given cause

D. Focus Skill/s
Reading, Listening, Speaking

E. Focus Values
Environmental Concern/ Accountability/ Responsibility


A. Setting Up the Stage

Build the pupils’ schema on the pertinent issue of a decaying environment. Solicit
pupils’ reactions. Allow them to describe and express their feelings about the picture.
Motivation: Picture prompt/ analysis

* What do you see in the picture?
* What does this picture remind you of?
* Which world would you prefer to live in? Why?
* What problems are reflected in the picture?
Motive questions:
Ask: What are the problems in our community?
How do we respond to these problems?

B. Explaining the Students What to Do

Say: “Today, we are going to find out the answers to these questions by reading a
poem entitled, “Hear Mother Nature”. We will also learn how to identify cause
and effect relationship.

C. Modeling for Students

 Vocabulary drill: Mix n’ Match (word strips/ picture strips)
Let the pupils read the words and match them with the given pictures that imply

shout pollution

damage weep

nature asking

 Present the story “Hear Mother Nature” using the Directed Reading-Thinking
Approach (DRTA).

Hear Mother Nature * Why did Mother Nature

Hear Mother Nature’s cry, * What problem is
reflected in these lines?
as she watches her animals die.
* Why did Mother Nature
Hear Mother Nature’s call, * What problem is
reflected in these lines?
as one by one her trees fall.
* Why did Mother Nature
Hear Mother Nature’s shout, * What problem is
reflected in these lines?
while there’s pollution all around.

* Why did Mother Nature

Hear Mother Nature’s weep, weep?
* What problem is
as the damage we are doing runs deep. reflected in these lines?

* If you were Mother

Nature, what questions
Hear Mother Nature’s cry,
would you ask to the
as she is left asking why. people?

*Answers to the questions are reflected on the board and brief input for discussion are given.

D. Guided Practice
Based on pupils’ responses, the following problems are reflected.
Problems Causes Effects
1 line:

animal extinction hunting, unbalance food

(animals die and there habitat destruction, chain,
are not very many of etc. etc.
those types of animals
left in the world)
2nd line:
deforestation mining, soil erosion,
(trees fall one by one as road building, animal death,
humans clear the forests logging, increase in
by cutting down trees or housing, temperature,
burning) etc. etc.

3rd line:
pollution improper waste health problems,
(unclean or dirty disposal, global warming,
environment that can industrial waste, etc.
affect human health) etc.

4th line:
environmental damage overpopulation, climate change,
(destruction of our lack of education, decreased food
ecosystem) exploitation, production,
etc. etc.

*Terms will be explained and elaborated in the simplest manner.

Comprehension/Valuing questions:
* Are these problems also true in your community?
* What is your community doing about this problem?
* As a child/pupil, how do you respond to these problems?
* What concrete steps did you do or want to do to help minimize these problems?
* What school programs help promote environmental awareness/ consciousness?
(e.g. tree planting, gardening, waste segregation, etc.)
* Do you willingly support these programs? In what way?
* What values are manifested by supporting school programs showing
environmental concern?

E. Independent Practice
Group Activity: C-4 Yourself Strategy
(Challenge, Choice, Collaboration, Creation)
Challenge - The pupils will watch a video clip, “The Day After
Tomorrow” movie trailer that shows consequences of
environmental problems.
As someone who lives in this planet, how should you take care and save
Mother Earth?
Choice - Based on the challenge question, the pupils are asked to creatively
enumerate ways or solutions which can help save Mother Earth. The
following are the expected output of pupils:
 song/rap
 role play/storytelling
 poster/slogan
 interpretative dance
Pupils are free to choose an activity based on their fields of interest.
Collaboration - The pupils will group themselves according to their choice of activity.
Then, they will work collaboratively in order to come up with the
expected group output.
Creation - The pupils will start constructing as a group and will also start
practicing for the group presentation.
F. Closure/Assessment

* Why is it important to know and understand cause and effect?

Everything in life has a cause and effect. Identifying these things can help
create analytical thinkers and minds that can work through complex problems. It
will also help in social aspects as pupils will understand and be more willing to
accept the consequences of their actions – whether good or bad.
To ensure that one can identify cause and effect, you need to have an in-depth
understanding of what you have read or watched. This can be done through noting
details or jotting down important information.

I. Evaluation - Group presentation

The teacher will use a rubric to evaluate each group’s presentation. Each group will be
given a copy of the rubric so they may understand what they are being graded on.
Trait Criteria Points
1 2 3 4
Content Presentation Presentation Presentation Presentation
Did the contained had moments had a good had an
little to no where amount of exceptional
presentation valuable valuable material and amount of
have valuable material. material was benefited valuable
material? present but the class. material and
as a whole was
content was extremely
lacking. beneficial to
the class.
Collaboration The The The The
Did everyone teammates teammates teammates teammates
never worked sometimes worked from always
contribute to from others’ worked from others’ ideas worked from
the ideas. It others’ ideas. most of the others’
presentation? seems as However it time. And it ideas. It was
though only a seems as seems like evident that
few people though every did all of the
worked on the certain some work, group
presentation. people did but some members
not do as people are contributed
much work carrying the equally to
as others. presentation the
. presentation
Organization The There were The The
Was the presentation minimal presentation presentation
lacked signs of had was well
presentation organization organization organizing organized,
well-organized and had little or ideas but well
and easy to evidence of preparation. could have prepared
follow? preparation. been much and easy to
stronger follow.
with better
Presentation Presenters Presenters Presenters Presenters
Did the were not were not were were all
confident and consistent occasionally very
presenters demonstrated with the level confident confident in
present little evidence of with their delivery and
clearly? Did of planning confidence/ presentation they did an
they engage prior to preparednes however the excellent
the audience? presentation. s they presentation job of
showed the was not as engaging
classroom engaging as the class.
but had some it could have Preparation
strong been for the is very
moments. class. evident.
G. Synthesis
Activity: “Parking Lot” (using Meta-cognitive questions)
Let the pupils answer the following questions in a strip of paper and have it
posted on the appropriate column.

What did I learn? How did I learn it?

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