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Creative lives.

Daniel Felipe Pinzón Ramírez 20181025101

1. 1- So, I am a bit creative for solve exercise in mathematics and physics. In my free times,
sometimes sing anime songs or Spanish rock. Currently, I am think about to write a story
but it's a future goal.
2- I know about the works by Pablo Picasso, Vincent Van Gogh, Salvador Dali and Botero.
2. A-Frida Kahlo was a creative artist and an independent woman, her pants were innovative
and mixed social and philosophical themes, perfectly. And the second thing that I was
remember it’s about her poor health due accidents and sickness when Frida was young.
B- 1- True. 2- True. 3-False. 4-False. 5-False. 6-False.
C- 1-Disease, 2-recovering, 3-proud, 4-philosophy, 5-admired.
3. A- In my opinion, Frida Kahlo was an intelligent and relevant woman who fought against
the maleness, sickness and adversities as long her life, she demonstrated the life is a fight
but that our talents and determined are the cornerstone of the resilience for deal with the
Really not, because some histories about the famous people disdain them for envy and the
idea to sell more products. Frida Kahlo was a human also; she makes mistakes but I am not
somebody to judge her. Definitely I don't want to know anymore of her.
Of course, her paintings are unique. Let's imagine what would say Frida Kahlo about the
pandemic and the discomfort of the south American town, through her paintings.
B- Well, I had many experiences that changed my life, one of them could be the first time
that I read a philosophy book, its name "The republic" of Platón, this book could open my
eyes about the reason of my life when I twelve, other experience what changed my life
was the first time watched Evangelion, the anime talks about the depression and how to
deal with her. In this moment I thought a bad moment and the anime was helpful to
4. A) 1-a, 2-b
B) The first example is “He was doing a painting on a wall at school at that time” and the
second is “While she was staying in Paris…”.
C) For the affirmative sentences, we used the past continuous thereby, first the subject+
to be in past + continues verb form. For the negative sentences the structure of the
sentence is first the subject+ to be in past + not + continues verb form. Finally, for the
questions the structure is to be in past+ subject+ continues verb form.
5. A John Lennon, 1-was returning, 2-shot, 3-killed. B Hassan Fathy 4- designed, 5- was
teaching, 6- built. C Junichiro Tanizaki, 7- wrote, 8-was living, 9-destroyed, 10 moved.

8. 1-musician, 2-energy and abilities, 3-sing, played instruments and dance 4- history of jazz,
blues and pop, 5- generous, a lot of money for poor children 6- were singing in the streets.

And the link of recording is:

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