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Journeys of a lifetime.

Daniel Felipe Pinzón Ramírez. 20181025101.

1. 1-C, 2-A, 3-D, 4-B.

2. A-C, B-B, C-A, D-D.
3. A. Extract A  Lonely=2 Sad and Lonely, still= not moving.
Extract B Crowded= full of people, empty= with nothing in it.
Extract D Pale yellow= light, not stronger color, bare= not covered, nothing there.
B. 1-lonely, 2-warm, 3-empty, 4-romantic, 5-brick-red, 6-watery.
4. a) 5, b) 2, c) 1, d) 6, e) 4, f) 3.
5. 1-False, 2- True, 3- False, 4- True, 5- False, 6- True.
6. 1- a and d sentences, 2- We use the past simple, 3- We use the present perfect.
7. A. 2- haven’t gone, 3- went, 4- visited, 5- ‘ve worked, 6- ‘ve visited, 7-worked, 8- have, 9-
‘ve been, 10-studied.
B. The link of recording is:

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