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Journal floyd Compounds 7492016 «5-102 Contents list available at ScienceDirect Journal of Alloys and Compounds journal homepage: Optimization of supported bimetallic (Fe-Co/CaCOs) catalyst synthesis parameters for carbon nanotubes growth using factorial experimental design M.T. Bankole *", LA. Mohammed °, AS. Abdulkareem "*, J.0. Tijani *“", SS. Ochigbo °, OK. Abubakre ‘| A.S. Afolabi © 2 cenisy Deparment Federal University of Teckel PMS 65 Mina Nigeria > Chercl Engen Deparment, Federal Univesity of eso MB 3 an. Nera “beparent of Chemical Meargel and Mates EgineeringBolswanaIneratoelUnersity of Scene and Technsogy (BUST) "esha Egecring Deparent Federal Univers of Tcnlgy, PMB. 6. Mana. Ngee *Nanotenalogy oun Cee fr Gene Eien and Beran {CGS Federal Unverty of ena, PMB 6, Mie, Mra ARTICLE INFO ABSTRACT 2 Feb 2018 ‘The Feo bimetalic cravat supported on CaCO, was prepared by a wet impregnation method. The Imeracve effects among the key synthesis paremeters such as drying time, calcination temperature. string speed, mass of CaCO, support onthe yield and quality properties ofthe catalyst were investi= tated sing 2" Factorial design of experiment. Additionally, the catalyst obtained under the optimal Conditions was used to prepare Mult-walledcatbon nanotubes (MWCNT) via chemical vapour deposi ‘on (CVD) of acetylene gas in a tubular horvantal reactor. The quality ofthe prepared materials was ‘ramined for thle morphology, microstructure, elemental composition, sufface chemical properties, ‘hermal stability, surface ata, and mineralogical phase by HRSEM, HRTEM EDS, TGA, FTI, BET and XRD, The results revealed that maximum catalyst vel of 9.6% obtained atthe drying time of 12, calcination temperature of 100°C, sting speed of 1000 rpm and mass of CaCO} support of 10. favoured the for ‘mation of MWCNT st 700°C and 6O min reaction time The results of statetial analysis demonstrated 3 dizect relationship and synergetic effect between string speed and mss of support ané the two factors cxerte highest impact on the yield of catalyst than other parameters. Microscopy analysis revealed succesful dispersion of Fe and Co particles onto CaCO, support while XRD patterns confirmed the Presence of highly active crystalline mixed oxide (CoFe)0,) as the dominant phase. The HRSEMIXRD analysis displayed the formation of tubular networks of graphitic carbon materials with fe traces of by- products. The study established the absorption and not iffsion mechanism of Fe and Co onto CaCO» in the reaction sequence produced CoFe;O, during the wet impregnation process employed for eatalyst priminacan inet (Fe {eum expense «© 2018 Published by Elsevier BV. 1. Introduction lectrical conductivity [1.2] Different synthetic methods namely: are discharge laser ablation [3], electrolysis, catalytic chemical In the last couple of years, the number of publications and patents on carbon nanotubes (CNTS) and its technological applt- cations have increased rapidly due to its exceptional properties such as high mechanical strength, capillary properties and * ceresponding auhor. Chemisty Deparment, Federal Univers af Technol ‘ermal eddess jai avotunnans e€ung (1, Tan hues: 036jeam2018.05150 0925-83651 2018 Pshee by Hever BY. vapour deposition (CCVD), plasma-enhanced, thermal or catalytic have been employed to synthesis CNTs []. While methods such as are discharge laser ablation, electrolysis have certain shortcomings, ‘catalytic chemical vapour deposition (CCVD) stands out as an ideal, simple and versatile method of obtaining high quality and large ‘quantity CNTs at low temperature and pressure [1-3], Additionally, catalysts preparation especially with supports for carbon nano~ tubes production have attracted attention among researchers due tthe impact of support materials on the properties and activity of

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