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Latinos Have Georgia on Their Minds

There are two things most news watchers know about Georgia, aside
from a runoff election being held January 5, 2021, for U.S. senate.
One, the state has a very large and politically active white population
that comprises the largest voting bloc at 53%. Interestingly, they are
divided between blood red Republicans and yellow dog Democrats.
Results in 2020 were 67% for Trump and 30% for Biden. Their main
issues are COVID-19, jobs and the economy, health care costs,
Medicare and social security, and corruption in government.
Three whites, two Republicans and one Democrat, are in the runoff
Two, the state also has a very large and politically charged Black
population. They comprise 30% of all voters. A Black woman was
narrowly defeated in the 2018 race for governor by a Republican
Secretary of State who was responsible for counting the ballots. Blacks
vote overwhelmingly Democrat, though a few vote Republican. Results
in 2020 were 90% for Biden and 9% for Trump. Their main issues are
COVID-19, health care costs, jobs and the economy, police brutality and
reform, and racial justice.
A Black is the 4th candidate in the runoff election.
What most news watchers don’t know is that Latinos are an emerging
political force in Georgia, a racially polarized state. With 340,000
registered voters, they comprise the third largest voting bloc. Latinos
are more Democrat than whites, but not as much as Blacks. Results in
2020 were 69% for Biden and 28% for Trump. Their main issues are
COVID-19, health care costs, jobs and the economy, immigration
reform, discrimination, and education.
With the number of Latino voters expected to turn out in the January 5,
2021 runoff election, their vote could prove decisive. Some of the
nation’s most prominent registration and G-O-T-V organizations,
including Southwest Voter Registration Education Project, Mi Familia
Vota, Hispanic Federation, and UnidosUS are converging on
Georgia and utilizing every means possible to maximize Latino voter
I’m writing this so news watchers may know that Latinos will play a major
role in the Georgia runoff election, and not just Blacks and whites. This
election will decide which party will control the U.S. Senate and whether
Biden will be able to get his cabinet confirmed, pass a realistic stimulus
bill, get senate support in getting COVID-19 under control and stop the
alarming rise in cases and deaths ASAP, rebuild our economy, get
people back to work, keep families in their homes and food on their
tables, strengthen our weakened defense department, restore our
worldwide alliances, and regain America’s place as the leader of the
free and democratic world. Latinos will have a say in this matter,
something you won’t hear much about on cable news.

About Dr Juan Andrade, Jr.

The 4th Latino in history to be honored by both a President of the United States and the
Government of Mexico. Has earned five degrees, received five honorary doctorates, and three
distinguished alumnus awards. His 100+ recognitions include Chicagoan of the Year, Lifetime
Achievement (four times), One of the 100 Most Influential Hispanics in America (five times),
featured as Un Orgullo Hispano by Univision, and honored by most Hispanic magazines and
national organizations.

The only Hispanic in history to be a commentator on English-language radio (WGN) and

television (ABC), and newspaper columnist (Chicago Sun-Times). He helped promote
democracy in 10 Central and South American countries during the administration
of President George H.W. Bush.

Co-founded the United States Hispanic Leadership Institute in 1982.

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United States Hispanic Leadership Institute · 431 S. Dearborn St. · Suite 1203 · Chicago, IL 60605 · USA

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