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WUFF FLUFFY WUFF ANIMAL SHELTER is here to help and maintain the stray dogs and cats. The
number of stray dogs and cats roaming the streets and in animal shelters is rising. If these dogs and cats
are not rescued or taken care of by others, they will be put to death (euthanasia) or they will die alone on
the streets. Therefore, similar to regular police dogs, we would like to foster these dogs and train them to
be guards for the cats they would be taken care of by us and they can be adopted to those who are
interested in them. It extends their lives and provides them with a meaning.

Our target market will be as follows: (1) small-medium business owners or sari-sari stores; (2) elderly
people who need a partner; (3) those who have disabilities (4) families that loves dogs and cats. They are
leaving here in Baguio City We understand that we have a wide target market, so our prospective
customers' income levels can differ. Because of this we would use price discrimination. This means that
low-to-medium-income consumers can pay less than high-income earner.
Our competitive would be the pet shops our only advantage is that the dogs are being trained for the better
good of some people that are in need of a companion and also as a guard they could also try to train some

We have a farm where we can shelter and hold training sessions of the dogs. This is good because we
don’t have to rent space for training. We also have family and family friends who are capable of training
the stray to be guard dogs. We can also partner with animal shelters and dog trainers to help save and give
a new purpose to the stray dogs and cats.


We are offering to save the stray dogs and cats that have not yet found a home. Even though they are
stray dogs and cats, we are teaching them to increase their importance and to make people notice them.
We strongly believe that trained dogs are more likely to be taken care of and find a family as for the cats
we will shelter them and can be sold when they already have healed and good looking because they can’t
be trained unlike dogs.
We will advertise primarily through the local radio and by word of mouth. We will also use the social
networking sites to promote our business. In our Facebook and Instagram, we will post pictures and
videos of the dogs with a caption each that describe their journey. This includes where they are found and
the before and after they were trained.
we, all the members should work hard together with some friends or family so that we will ensure that
the business is running smoothly. They will hire people to build the shelter and training ground. They will
also ensure that the food is served maybe not the best quality there is as long as they are well fed and are
taken care of with love and passion so that they should also feel the warm of having a home and a family.

Initial Investment (2months):
15 dogs 10 cats from animal shelter= 17,000php
10 free dogs and 5 free cats from the streets= 0php
5 dogs and 5 cats Lost and Found= 7,000php
Dog Food and Cat Food= 40,000php
Building of Shelter and Training Grounds= 40,000php
Advertising= 2,000php

Average Price of Dogs= 5,000php
Quantity= 30 Dogs
Revenue= 150,000php
Average Price of Cats= 2,000php
Quantity= 15 Cats
Revenue= 30,000
Profit: 74,000php

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