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Bright Space FAQ

Brown City Elementary 2020-2021

I want to create this ongoing list of slides to help everyone with some of their BS
(Bright Space) struggles.

If you have a question please create a new slide by right clicking on the slide
panel on the left.

Post your question in a new slide and I will try to answer it as soon as I can.

If you are scrolling through and have an answer for a previous question, please
add in an answer on your own and maybe tag your name within the answer.

If anyone has a better way of doing this please let me know, and I will change it
Question: How can I have students retake a quiz or
exam within bright space?
When you are in your desired course.

● Click on content
● Find and click the quiz or exam that you would like to change.
● At the top of that quiz you will see settings. Click Settings
● In settings you can control the maximum number of attempts a student has to
retake his or her quiz. You can also modify minimum attempts, as well as if it
shows the correct answer after submission.
● As of right now I have not found a way to delete the quiz or exam. Just allow
them to retake after changing your settings.
Are students able to work on the modules without
internet? Can content be pre-loaded?
As far as internet issues, I am currently still looking into this. My suggestion if kids
are having trouble with connectivity is to download the work to google drive. They
should be able to save their worksheets or assignments there. Then from google
drive they can work on their chromebook and edit without an internet connection. I
will continue to search for more on this.

The pre-loaded question is kind of answered above. I would have them find
internet connection download the course work to google drive and take it home
and edit. Again I will continue to work on an answer on this into next week.
Question: Why does one of my grade screens look different? I
am unable to access grades for one course.
Why does one of my grade screen look different?
At initial glance it looks like you need to click on the enter grades tab at the top left
of your first screenshot. I will stop down and look at yours this week to see it in

I have also been finding that people are clicking on the different views where it
says either “switch to standard view” or “switch to spreadsheet view”. When you
change this setting on one course it will stay that way until you switch it again. It
will not switch all courses by only switching it in one. If this doesn’t help let me
know please and I will do my best to help you out.

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