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One of the factors that affect internet connection speed is the number of concurrent users

connected to the internet. An increased amount of users trying to connect to the internet at the
same time causes network congestion (Microsoft, n.d.). The Beacon (2015) also explained that
the bandwidth is shared upon multiple users which reduces the internet connection speed.

In 2013, Grigorik mentioned in his book entitled “High Performance Browser Networking” that
latency is one of the components that determine the level of performance of any network
connection. He defined latency as “the time it takes for a message, or a packet, to travel from its
point of origin to the point of destination” (Grigorik, 2013, Chapter 1, The many components of
latency, para. 1). Schafer (2019) clarified that having low latency is better than having high
latency. He explained that a lower latency means that it only took a short amount of time for the
user to see the results, thus there is less delay (Schafer, 2019). Keary (2020) discussed that
latency is measured in milliseconds (ms) and is referred to as the ping rate which can be
observed in speed tests.

Schafer, D. (23, December 2019). Bandwidth vs. latency: What is the difference? Retrieved October
23, 2020, from

Keary, T. (26, June 2020). Latency vs throughput – Understanding the difference. Retrieved October
23, 2020, from

The Beacon. (20, May 2015). Why do internet speeds slow down at certain times during the day?
Retrieved October 23, 2020, from

Microsoft. (n.d.). Why is my internet connection so slow? Retrieved October 23, 2020, from

Grigorik, I. (2013). High performance browser networking. O'Reilly Media, Inc.

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