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6 codos x 1=6

2 válvulas de cierre x 29 = 58

4 piezas en T x 9.5=38

320+6+58+38=422 metros
Diámetro tuberia = 90 mm
Diámetro nominal =45mm
11 codos normales x 0.42=4.62

10 piezas T x 13=130

1 valvula de cierre x 4=4

Diámetro tuberia= 48 mm
10 codos x 0.42

1 valvula de cierre x 13.5

Diámetro tuberia= 46 mm

Compressed air contains water vapor, which as it circulates through the pipes, cools
and condenses, turning into liquid condensate. This condensate increases the need for
maintenance and affects the quality of the product, which is why we need compressed
air dryers
The purpose of the cooler is to lower the air temperature after compression.
The storage tank absorbs short-term, high-consumption surges caused by applications
that require large amounts of air in short periods of time.
The purpose of compressed air filters is to supply contaminant-free air to the different
points of application
Make sure the pipeline is as straight as possible to reduce the length of the pipe, the
number of elbows, tees and section changes that increase the pressure loss in the

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