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Gass’ Atlas ot


]b my parents, grandmother and siblings

Vj'pihrfu Chendraiah
Oafish a U iam iruinit
.M .fJ. СЬллЛпшф
fi. S. Рсшшргшл
Onrcibr Sucfrnnj Vinuta'pnd МящаЬл
for iheir unending love and failh in me

]b my teachers

/. fJoWdJrf jM f^JSS
Amod Citplti
for iheir inspiration and teaching

and la iheir spouses and children

M argy Алл С л и dffd (iiin ib i <5iJf Gupia
fohth Carlton, .Merirdr Dean ami Sujpu^frid
for supporting their careers and allowing me to borrow iheir lime

To my colleagues and friends

for selflessly sharing their cases and knowledge

lb our paltenls
for giving us ihe privilege of learning through ihem

C.MLiiLiM'kir.ini! EJib.ift Rii-^.l Gabbedy

BSmjpracni EdHun 4:.i.\ii: Kj-Jl
bJiiiMiJ AjiijJmtfjli Kintuci Li'.yh'II
l^ojL'cr Млъщегн): Jt-кTFinmpbuij'Arji-™Rjldf
Duign: Sk-w.m L.ickiryn
l.l> r.iгi..11 \L.iili:-'. c: (ill inn |!.i■
.Ii iг.I■
Llu-u.ici'r Mnjtm^ |Уь.|л.it.I
!-.I .iii i■
.■. . (Jfytkjuoz Nalfun
^l.ii k > МапядсгЬI IUk,'L SAJ: Liapvtr Jchei/I кlau \lui.Lk

Gass’ Adas of

A N I T A A G A R W A L , MD
A s s o c i a t e P r o fe & S jp r o t О p h t h a l m o l o g y

V a n d e r b ilt b y e I n s t itu t e

V a n d e r h i l t U n i y i e r s i t у S с h i k >1 o f M e d ic sn e

Nashville, I N


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E-nst edition 1Э70

Second edition 1977
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lau n d ers

British lib ra ry C ataloguing in IhLblicalion Data

j^garwal, Anita.
Cass' atlas o f m acular diseases. - 5tit cd.
1. M acula in tea Diseases Atlases.
E. Title El. Cass. ]. D on ald M. (Jo h n D on ald Ш , Ю2Й-2005
Stereoscopic atlas o f m acular diseases.

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IS B N : 97Й -1-4377-] 5ЙJ-4

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Preface Го гЛв J-'irrt lirfifj'iwi ллт1
/л Hom’mbmnce of Or. .vn-'i

1 Normal LVlacula
Anita Agpwai
Anatomic Subdivisions . . 2
Clinical Appearance . . . . 2
Blood S u p p ly .............. . 2
Gross A n a to m y ........... .4
Histology...................... .6
Normal I'luorescein Angiographic Findings 10
References............................................... 16

2 im a g in g a n d E le c tr o p h y s i о lo g ic a l S m d ie s 17
Anihi Agarutal

l^athophysiologic and Histopathologic Bases for Interpretation of Fluorescein Angiography.. . , ь b 13

AbnormaIities of Blood ];low................................................................................................................. IS
Window defects (transmission hyperfluorescence) in the retina] pigment epithelium causing
focal hyperfluorescence......................................................................................................................... 20
Exudation and Fluorescein Staining...................................................................................................... 20
lesions that Obscure the Normal Retinal and Choroidal Fluorescence................................................. 46
FI no rescence о f E.esio ns t J nrel aLed to Changes in Vascu lar Fermea bil i t y ............................................... 46
Endocyanine Creen Angiography.............................................................................................................. 4S
Auto fluorescence. .....................................................................................................................................50
Optical Coherence'I'omography.............................................................................................................. 52
Adaptive O p tic s .......................................................................................................................................56
Llectroretinogram ( L R G ) ......................................................................................................................... 56
Multifocal £ R C .......................................................................................................................................5S
KlecLro-Oculogram [E iO G j.......................................................................................................................60
References............................................................................................................................................... 60
3 Diseases Causing Exudative and I teuionhagic DeLachmenL
of the Choroid, Retina and Retinal Pigment epithelium 63
Atiiiii Ajgimuf

Mechanisms of Serous acid Hemorrhagic Disciform Detachment of the M a c u la .......................................64

Specific Diseases Causing Disciform Macular Detachm ent........................................................................66
Idiopathic Central Serous Chorioretinopathy...........................................................................................66
Age-ReEated Macular [Regeneration............................................................................................................92
Bawl ijm in ar Drusen and Maculaf Degeneration.................................................................................... 132
Idiopathic Choroidal Neovascularization ............................................................................................... 136
l^eripheral 1diopath ic 5ub-RPE ^eovascul arizatio n ................................................................................. 140
Angioid Streaks and Associated Diseases..................................................................................................142
1'seudoxanlitom a EEasticu m.................................................................. .................................................. 146
Sickle-Cell Disease and Other I Eemoglobinopathies...............................................................................I SO
Paget's Disease........................................................................................................................................ 152
Myopic Choroidal Degeneration.............................................................................................................154
Presumed Ocu lar El istopl as mosis Sy nd r o m e ..........................................................................................15tf
Idiopathic E’olypoidal Choroidal YascuIo p ath y.......................................................................................176
Unusual Causes of Choroidal Neovascularization.................................................................................... 17Й
Acute Occlusion of the Short Ciliary and Choroidal Arteries....................................................................17S
Acute Occlusion of the PrecapЦlary Arterioles and Choriocapil la ris .........................................................1H2
Disseminated intravascular Coagulopathy............................................................................................... 1S2
Mali gctaul 1Eypertensio n ........................................................................................................................1Й4
loxemia of Pregnancy............................................................................................................................. 1Й6
Collagen Vascular Disease........................................................................................................................1ЙЙ
Goodpasture's Syndrom e........................................................................................................ ...............IS a
Systemic Necrotizing Vasculitis (Wegener's CranuEomatosis and E.ymphoid Cranulom alosis).................. 1ЙЙ
Or^an Transplantation and Hem odialysis...............................................................................................190
Extrinsic and Intrinsic Embolic Obslrtiction of the Choriocapil la ris............................................ b . .. .190
Dysproleinemia Causing Serous Macular Detachment andRetinopathy..................................................... 192
Idiopathic LJveal Lffusion Syndrome....................................................................................................... 196
Primary Pulmonary Hypertension..........................................................................................................202
Suprachoroidal Hem orrhage.................................................... ............................................................. 204
References............................................................................... .............................................. ...............206

4 holds of the Choroid and Retina 213


Chorioretinal l-olds................................................................................................................................220
Optic Nerve Head Diseases Associated with Chorioretinalt-'olds............................................................... 22a
Retinal l:o ld s...........................................................................................................................................230
PosterlO^ M icrophthalm os.................................................................................................................... 232
Outer Retinal <Corrugations in Juvenile X-Linked Ketinoschisis................................................................ 234
Non accidental and Accidental Trauma.................................................................................................... 234
14>st Macular Translocation Su rg e ry.......................................................................................... b . . .234

5 Heredodys trophic Disorders Affecting the Pigment Epithelium and Retina 239
Anita AgtiruwJ

best's Di s e a s e ....................................................................................................................................... 240

Autosom aI-Do in inan t Vitreoreti nochoro id o p a th y .................................................................................24 fl
AulosomaE-Dominant Microcornea Pod-Cone DystrophyCataract xvish Staphylom a.............................. 24S
Autosoma I-Elecessive EJestrophin o p ath y................................................................................................. 2S0
Multifocal Vi tel li form Lesions in Patients Without Evidence of Best's Disease.......................................... 152
Aulosom aI-[dominant E]attern Dystrophies of the E iP E ........................................................................... 254
Systemic [diseases Associated with Pattern Dystrophy.............................................................................. 268
Myotonic Dystrophy............................................................................................................................... 268
KjellLn's Syndrome (I lereditary Spastic I^ ta p ltg ia ).................................................................................270
Macular Palleriii Dystrophy in MJDD, MLI.AS, and M ER R F......................................................................272
Starga rdf's Disease (Hindus Havimaculatus)............................................................................................27S
Autosomal-Ltomin ant Central Areolar Chorioretinal Dystrophy LFnassociated with Edrusen or Flecks. . .286
Basal Laminar Drusen Associated with Type П Membranoproliferative Glomerulonephritis.................... 290
MalaLLia l.evantinese (Dayne's ] Eoneycomb Macular Dystrophy]............................................................. 2У2
North Carolina Macular Dystrophy and other Hereditary Macular Staphylomata (C olo b om ata)............ 2У6
’ Jienign* Concentric Annular Macular Dystrophy................................................................................... 300
Juvenile Hereditary Disciform Macular Degeneration .............................................................................. 300
E^seudoindammatory Sorsby's E'undus Dystrophy (SI D ) ........................................................................ 304
helicoid Peripapillary Chorioretinal Dystrophy { vChoroidiLis Areata,A' Sveinsson's
Chorioretinal ALLophy).......................................................................................................................... 306
Cone Dystrophy (Cone Dysgenesis).......................................................................................................306
Nonprogressive Cone [dysgenesis............................................................................................................ 306
Congenital Achromatopsia.................................................................................................................... 306
Cone Monochromatism.......................................................................................................................... Э08
Progressive Cone D ystrop hy..................................................................................................................308
E.ate-Onset Sporadic Cone [dystrophy.....................................................................................................310
Fenestrated Sheen Macular Dystrophy.................................................................................................... 312
Dominantly Inherited Muller Cell Sheen [dystrophy (Familial Internal Limiting Membrane Retinal
Dystrophy)............................................................................................................................................. 312
Asteroid Маги Iar D ystrop hy..................................................................................................................314
S[ogren-l.arsson Syndrom e.................................................................................................................... 314
Ai cardi's Synd ro m e ............................................................................................................................... 316
Alport's D isease..................................................................................................................................... 316
Retinal Exstrophy in Duchenne and Becker Muscular D ystro p h y...........................................................31S
Occult Macular D ystrop hy.................................................................................................................... 3tB
Unclassified Macular D ystrophies......................................................................................................... 320
Flecked Retina Associated with Cafe-Au-l.aiL Spots, Microcephaly, Lpilepsy- Short Stature, and
Ring 17 Chromosome.............................................................................................................................320
Benign E'amilial Fleck R e tin a ..................................................................................................................320
Congenital Slationaiy Night-Blinding Diseases...................................................................................... 322
Autosomal-Dominant Congenital Statiotiary Night Eilandness................................................................ 322
Autosomal-Recessive and Simplex CongeniLal Stationary Night Blindness................................................ 322
X-U nked Co ngen itaE S tatio nary N ight Ell i ndn ess....................................................................................323
Oguchi's Disease..................................................................................................................................... 324
Nonprogtessive Albipunctale Dystrophy [E:undus Albipunctatus}........................................................... 324
Kandorl's Flecked lle L in a .................................... L .... „ ................ 328
Retinitis Pigmentosa (Rod-Cone D ystrophies]...................................................................................... 328
t3sher Syndrome..................................................................................................................................... 336
'lypical Pigmentary Retinal Dystrophy with CoaLs' Syn d ro m e................................................................ 333
Atypical forms of Retinilis Pigmentosa.................................................................................................... 338
Leigh Syndrome (NARP Syn d ro m e}.......................................................................................................338
Retinitis Pigmentosa Sine Pigmenti......................................................................................................... 340
Preserved Para-arterial RPli in Retinitis Pigmentosa.................................................................................340
Retinitis Punctala Albescens [R P A }...................... . , .........................................„ ............................342
Bothnia D ystro p h y............................................................................................................................... 342
Newfoundland Rod-Cone Dystrophy.......................................................................................................344
BJettjrs Crystalline Tapetoretinal D ystrophy............................................................................................346
Leber's Congeni LaI Am au l o s e s ...............................................................................................................330
Neonatal Retinal Dysgenesis and Dystrophies Associated with Systemic Diseases..................................... 332
Stationary or Slowly Progressive Dominantly Inherited TapetorelinaJ Dystrophy.................................352
E.ate-Onset Retinal Macular Degeneration...............................................................................................354
Eixtensive Macular AtLophy with Pseudodrusen Like AppeaLance............................................................. 356
West Endies Crinkled Relina I Pigment BpiLheliopathy.............................................................................. 358

Figures with indicate bonus stereoscopic images available online a I

£]ho roidenem la...................................................................................................................................... 360
Cone-Rod Dystrophies [Inverse Pfe^ prit^Ty Retina] Dystrophy)............................................................ 366
Gold man n-E'avre Syndrome (linhanced S-Cone Syndrome.................................................................... 368
X-Linked Juvenile lletlnoschisis............................................................................................................. 370
Non X-Llnked boveal Ret Inosch Isis........................................................................................................ 374
Localized oi tegmental. lrorms of ReLinllls Pigm entosa..........................................................................374
Autosomal-Dominant Vitreoretinochoroldopalhy............................................................................... 374
In te rio r AnnuIar (L’ericentraL Circinan?. PeripapiElary) f’igmenlary Kelinal D ystrop hy........................ 376
Paravenous Retlnochoroidal Atrophy..................................................................................................... 376
Sector pigmentary Relinal Dystrophy..................................................................................................... 376
Unilateral Ret ini Lis Pigmentosa................... , . . ..................................................................... ь b .378
Atypical Pigmentary Retinal Dystrophies Associated With Melaboftc And Neurologic Disorders............. 380
Gyrale Atrophy of the C h oroid............................................................................................................. 380
Hooft's Syndrom e.................................................................................................................................382
C ystln o sis............................................................................................................................................382
Albinism .............................................................................................................................................. 384
Pfiliiaiy Hereditary I lyperoKaturia........................................................................................................ 386
Inborn Error о Г Vitamin В3j Metabolism................................................................................................386
Methylmalonic Acad Urea Cobalam in-CType....................................................................................... 388
Vila m In A and li Deficiency................................................................................................................... 388
Jletinal C illopalhies.............................................................................................................................. 388
Uardel-ftledl Syndrom e........................................................................................................................ 390
Laurence-Moon Syndrom e................................................................................................................... 390
Alslrom Syndrome.................................................................................................................................390
Juvenile Familial Nephrophthisis Associated with Japetoretlnai LVgeDeration
( Senio r- Loken Synd ro me} ................................................................................................................... 390
Jeune Syndrom e................................................................................................................................... 392
Arleriohepalic DyspEasia [Alagilie's Syndrom e).....................................................................................342
Incontinentia Pigmenti Achrom lans..................................................................................................... 392
J-EeimLeKs Syndrome.............................................................................................................................. ЗУ 4
Cockayne's Syndrome........................................................................................................................... 396
Hereditary Microcephaly and Retinal E)egeneration............................................................................... 396
Osteopetrosis and Chorioretinal Degeneration.....................................................................................396
l^erioxisomal Diseases........................................................................................................................... 396
Cerebrohepatorenal Syndrome [XeIIweger's Syn d ro m e)....................................................................... 397
Ad reno leukodystrophies......................................................................................................................397
Jtefsum's Syndrome [I leredopathia Atactica roiyneuriliTorm tsJ............................................................ 398
Cenebro-oculohepaLorenal Syndrome (Arena's Syndrom e).................................................................... 398
Chorioretinopathy and Pituilary Dysfunction....................................................................................... 398
Retlnilis Pigmentosa and Autoimmune Polyendocrinopalhy..................................................................398
Atypical 'Iapetoretlnal Dystrophy Associated With Olivopontocerebellar Atrophy Konigsmark
Type ID , Jlardtng'lVpe 1 1 ................................................................................................................... 400
Spinocerebellar Ataxia 7 ........................................................................................................................ 400
Pantothenate Kinase-Associated NeurodegeneraLion [Hallervorden-Spatz Syndrom e)................ .. . . .402
Mitochondrial tincephalomyopalhies.................................................................................................. 402
Kearns-Sayre Syndrome........................................................................................................................ 404
Danon Disease...................................................................................................................................... 406
Bassen-Kornzweig Syndrome................................................................................................................ 406
fam ilial ] lypohetallpoproteinemia........................................................................................................ 408
tieu го Iip idoses...................................................................................................................................... 408
Gangliosidosis...................................................................................................................................... 410
Tay-Sachs Disease.................................................................................................................................410
SandhoiTs Disease.................................................................................................................................410
N lema nn- Pick D Isease........................................................................................................................ 412
Landing's Disease (Generalised CM: Gangliosidosis, type I ) ..................................................................414
barber's Disease ( Dl&seminaled E.ipogranulomatosis].............................................................................414
Metachro malic Leukodyst ro p h y ............................................................................................................414
С aucher's Disease..................................................................................................................................414
Mucopolysaccharidoses......................................................................................................................... 415
Mucolipidoses....................................................................................................................................... 415
С aIactosia 1idosis ( Goldberg- Coll Ler Sy nd ro me} ................................................................................... 416
Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinoses............................................................................................................418 ^-Hydroxyl-Acyl-Coenzyme A Dehydrogenase (I.C HAD) deficiency.................................... 420
References............................................................................................................................................. 421

6 Macular Dysfunction Caused by Retinal Vascular Diseases 437

Am hi Дфяrival

Retinal Vascular Anom alies....................................................................................................................438

13ereditaiy Keti па I Artery 'i o rtu o sity...................................................................................................... 438
Inherited Retinal Venous H ead ing......................................................................................................... 438
Retinal Venous 'lortuoslly in In fa n ts...................................................................................................... 438
Congen ital FrepapJ Ila ry Vascul ar l.o o p s................................................................................................ 440
Congenital Retina] Macrovessels and Arterlovenous (Communications.....................................................442
Anomalous EoveaI Avascular / o n e .........................................................................................................448
Obstructive Retinal Arterial [diseases...................................................................................................... 450
Ei mho] ic О bs tru ctlo n ............................................................................................................................ 450
Endogenous Embolization from the Major Arteries and J leart................................................................450
Atheromatous Retinal Anerial E-mbol nation following Use of Onyx to Embolize Internal
Carotid Aneuiy&m..................................................................................................................................460
Alii aI Myxoma....................................................................................................................................... 462
t-'at EimbollKaLion..................................................................................................................................462
Eimbolization Claused by Intravascular Aggregation of Blood Elem en ts..................................................462
Disseminated ] ntravascu Iar Coagulopathy..............................................................................................462
Trolein 5 Deficiency...............................................................................................................................462
l.eukoembolization (RurLscher's and PurEscher's-l.ike lietlno p athyj....................................................... 464
Erythrocytic Aggregation.......................................................................................................................466
Exogenous Em bolization.......................................................................................................................468
'la k Retinopathy.................................................................................................................................... 46S
Retinal Emboli Erom Artificial Cardiac Valves.........................................................................................470
Retinal Anerial limbo!ization hallowing Corlicosteroid Suspension Injection.........................................^470
Obliterative Retinal Arterial Diseases...................................................................................................... 472
Arteriosclerosis and Atherosclerosis...................................................................................................... 472
Unusual Causes of Retinal Artery and Arteriolar Thrombosis.................................................................. 472
Arteritis and Arteriolitis......................................................................................................................... 472
Edlopathic Recurrent Branch Retinal Arterial Occlusion {Su&ac Syn d ro m e}............................................ 474
X-]lay Irradiation.................................................................................................................................... 47S
Retinal Arterial Obstruction Caused by Spasm........................................................................................ 480
Retinal Migraine . . , ............................................ L ........................................................................480
Retinal Arterial Obstruction Caused by Diseases of Surrounding Structures............................................ 480
Retinal Arterial hypoperfusion Caused by Systemic Hypotension and Ocular Hypertension.................... 482
Retinal Arterial Hypoperfusion Caused by Carotid and Ophthalmic Artery Obstruction......................... 482
Takayasu Retinopathy............................................................................................................................ 484
t-'ibromuscular D ysplasia.......................................................................................................................436
Retinal Hypoperfusion Caused by Cardiac A n o m alie s.......................................................................... 486
Retinal Arterial Hypoperfusion Caused by Occlusion of Retinal Venous O utflow .................................... 486
Retinal Arteriolar Obstruction Claused by Systemic Hypertension and Collagen Vascular Disease............488
Acquired Retinal Arterial Macroaneurysms..............................................................................................494
Retinal Capillary Diseases...................................................................................................................... 500
Cystoid Macular Edema After Cataract Extraction.................................................................................. 500
Cystoid Macular Edema Associated with RhegmalogenousRetinal D etachm ent..................................... 504
Cystoj d M acu lar Ede ma Eol Io^vi ng Other'] у pes о f I ntraocu! ar Su rg e ry................................................. 50 4
Co nip] icatio ns ¥oi Iowi ng Cystoi d M acula г E d e m a ................................................................................ 506
InfantiEe Cystoid M aculopatby.............................................................................................................. 506
Cystoid Macular hdema Associated With Choroidal Melanomas ...............................>■.................. .506
Cystoid Manila г Ldema and'I cpical Hpinephrine and EVostaglandin Inhibitor Therapy..........................506
Cystoid Macular iidema Associated vviLh Ocular inflammatory Diseases.................................................. 506
Cystoid Macular Hdema From О the г Causes........................................................................................... 50S
Idiopathic Cystoid Macular lidema......................................................................................................... 50Й
Pseudocysloid Macular hdem a.............................................................................................................. 50&
N icoti nic Acid M aculopa t h y .................................................................................................................. 510
Dominantly Inherited Cystoid Macular Ed e m a...................................................................................... 510
Primary or Congenital Retinal Telangiectasis (Lebeds Mlliaiy.Aneurysms, Coats'1Syndrome] . . . . . . .514
facioscapulohumeral Muscular Dystrophy and Coats' Syn dro m e.......................................................... 520
Congenital and Acquired idiopathic Macular Retinal Telangiectasia........................................................522
Group ] A: Unilateral Сjo ngen ilaf Macular 'let angiectasi a ........................................................................ 522
Group ] B: Uni lateral ldiopathicr hocal Macular 'I'elangiectasis................................................................52 A
Croup 2A: tiilateral. Idiopathic.. Acquired Macular (Jujitafoveolar) Telangiectasia.....................................526
Croup 2E5: |uvenite Occult FaEnilial IdiopaLhic JuxlafoveoEar Retinal Telangiectasis..................................532
Group ЗА: Occlusive idiopathic JuKlafovealar RelinaE Telangiectasis........................................................ 532
Group 3B: Occlusive Idiopathic luxtafoveolar Retinal Telangiectasis Associated with Central
Nervous System Vasculo pa t h y .............................................................................................................. 534
Cerebroreli пaI Voscu lo p a lh y ................................................................................................................. 534
t Eeredi tary I lemorrh agic 'I el angieclas ia ( Jfrn du- Os ler—WeberD isease)................................................... 534
Idiopathic Etetinal Vasculitis, Aneurysms, and Neuroretinopathy: {IR V A N )............................................ 538
Diabetic EJetinopathy............................................................................................................................ 540
Nonretinal Ocular Changes in Diabetes.................................................................................................550
Diabeles Mellitus, Diabetes insipidus. Optic Atrophy and Deafness (D1DMOAD,
Wolfram Syndrome]............................................................................................................................... 553
lladiation Retinopathy.............................................................................................................................554
Sickle-Cell Retinopathy......................................................................................................................... 556
Primary Retinal Vasculitis or Vasculopalhy (lijles' Disease]......................................................................564
Retinopathy of Prem aturity.................................................................................................................... 570
fam ilial Lxudative Vitreoretinopalhy...................................................................................................... 576
Incontinentia Pigment i ......................................................................................................................... 573
Dystroglycanopathies [Muscle-tiye-Hrain Disease).................................................................................5£2
Dyskeratosis Congenita......................................................................................................................... 5S4
Retinal Venous Obstructive Diseases...................................................................................................... 5£6
Centra] Retina] Venous O bstruction...................................................................................................... 5Si3
Impending. Incipientr E1arliatf or incomplete CenLral Retinal Vein Obstruction....................................... 5flS
Nonischemic Central Retinal Vein Obstruction (Perfused Central Retinal Vein Occlusion)....................... 5ЙЙ
Severe (ischemic) Central Retinal Vein Obstruction (Nonperfused Central RtrlinaL Vein Occlusion). . . ,5&&
Branch Retinal Vein Obstruction............................................................................................................596
] Eemiretina] Vein Occlusion.................................................................................................................... 602
lietinal Vascular Changes Caused by Hematologic Disorders...................................................................604
Retinopathy Associated with Anemia...................................................................................................... 604
Retinopathy Associated with Hyperviscosity........................................................................................... 60Й
Ret inopathv Associ ated w ilh I iy peri ipoprotei nemi a .............................................................................. 610
References............................................................................................................................................. 612

M a c u la r D y s fu n c tio n C a u s e d b y V it r e o u s a n d V i I re о re Lin a] In te rfa c e

A b n o r m a lit ie s 629
AufiLj A^tfJ U'rJj

Anatomic Considerations....................................................................................................................... 630

Vi treous' E'raction Macu Iopalhies.........................................................................................................63 S
Traction Maculopathy Claused by Incomplete ]\jslerior Vitreous D etachm ent.................................... 640
Idiopathic Traction Maculopathy Lin associated wi ill I’exterior Vitreous tJetachment , . . .644
Idiopathic Aye-Related Macular H o le ............................................................................. .646
Macular Dysfunction Caused by Epiretinal Membrane Contraction................................. .672
Class ifi cation of Jipiretinal Membranes According to Severity of Retinal Distortion . . . . .672
Classification of lipiretinal Membranes According to Associated Biomicroscopic findings .674
]:o\reolar Hole in lipiretinai Meibbrane Simulating a Macular I LoLe (Pseudomacular Hole) .674
ILpsretinal Membrane Formation Associated with Full-'I hickness Macular Hole .676
Classification of Lpiretinal Membranes According to Associated Disorders . .67 S
Vi treopapi Ilary Tract! o n ............................................................... .636
Retinal Changes Associated with TCheginatogenous Retinal Detachment .686
Degenerative Ret inosch isis .694
Am yloidosis................... .702
Asteroid H ya lo sia........... .704
Vitreous C y sts................ .7Q6
References...................... .70S

8 Traumatic Retinopathy 713

Attita Л^тпш/

Eteriin's Eidema (Commotio Retinae}................................... .714

Posterior Choroidal Rupture [Traumatic Choroidopathy) . . . .716
Macular Complications of E’eripheral Chorioretinal Contusion and RupLure (Sclopetariia) .720
Postlraum aLie Macular Hole and t-'oveo Iar Pil . . „ „ b „ . ................................. .722
Purlscher^s Retinopathy..................................................................................... .722
Terson'i Syndrome............................................................................................. .724
Hemorrhagic Maculopathy Caused by Subarachnoid and Epidural Injections. . . .726
ENjstcontusion Neuroretinopathy....................................................................... .726
Shaken-llaby Syndrom e..................................................................................... .72 &
Retinal Vessel Rupture Associated with Physical Lxertion (Valsalva Retinopathy) . .730
Evulsion of the Optic D is c ................................................................................ .732
Ocular Decompression Retinopathy.................................................................. .732
intraocular toreign B o d ie s ................................................................................ .734
Chorioretinopathy and Optic Neuropathy Associated with Retrobulbar Injections .736
Photic Maculopathy........................................................................................... .738
Solar Retinopathy.................................................................. .73 S
Welding-Arc Maculopathy....................................................... .742
Lightning and Kleclromtion Retinopathy.............................. .744
Acute ЙЩоЫ Damage Caused by Ophthalmic [nst rumen is. . . .746
Retinal Injury from l.aser Exposure......................................... .746
References............................................................................. .750


Toxic Diseases Affecting Lhe Pigment LpitheNum and ReLina 755

Anita A^rrm'tfJ

Chloroquine (Araten) and Hydroxychloroquine [PlaquenilJ Retinopathy................................................756

'Ihioridazine [M ellaril) Retinopathy....................................................................................................... 762
Ch Ioipro marine (ihorazine) Retinopathy............................................................................................... 764
Clofazimine Retinopathy........................................................................................................................764
Defcryxamtup M aculop ath y..................................................................................................................766
Siderotic Retinopathy............................................................................................................................. 76Я
Chalcosis M aculopathy.......................................................................................................................... 770
ArgyrOSES................................................................................................................................................ 770
CispEatinum im dBCN IJ [Canuustine) Retinopathy................................................................................. 772
Tamoxifen Retinopathy.......................................................................................................................... 774
O x alosis................................................................................................................................................ 774
Canthaxanthine M aculop ath y............................................................................................................... 776
West African Crystalline M aculopathy.................................................................................................... 77Я
Nitrofurantoin Crystalline Retinopathy........... ...................................................................................... 77Й
Necked Retina .Associated with Vitamin A Deficiency.............................................................................. 7S0
Aminoglycoside M aculopathy................... .. . . .............................. ..................... ...........................7S2
Interferon-Associated Retinopathy..........................................................................................................7S4
Methamphetamine and Cocaine Retinopathy......................................................................................... 7S6
presumed Dextroamphetamine M aculopathy......................................................................................... 7S6
Li docaine-Epinephrine Toxicity.............................................................................................................7Й6
Qui nine' toxicity..................................................................................................................................... 7fl Й
Methyl Alcohol Toxicity.......................................................................................................................... 790
Bisphosph оnates..................................................................................................................................... 750
Pact ilaxelToxi c it y .................................................................................................................................. 790
Im.uinib Mesylate {Gleevec} Toxicity....................................................................................................... 792
Clitazone'lbxicily.................................................................................................................................. 792
N icoti nic Arid Maculopa t h y .................................................................................................................. 792
Epinephrine and Prostaglandin An alog-induced Cystoid Macular Edem a................................................ 792
Venlafaxine............................................................................................................................................. 732
Marathon/Dehydration Retinopathy....................................................................................................... 794
High-Altitude Retinopathy.....................................................................................................................794
Carbon Monoxide iietinopalhy............................................................................................................... 794
Indocyanine Creen Toxicity.................................................................................................................... 796
'Tacrolimus T o x icity................................................................................................................................796
Amiodarone Optic Neuropathy............................................................................................................... 796
Sildenafil (V iag ra).................................................................................................................................. 796
Corticosteroid-Associated Central Serous Chorioretinopathy................................................................... 796
Retinoids................................................................................................................................................ 79S
Cidofovir................................................................................................................................................79 Й
Rifabutin................................................................................................................................................ 79 S
Vigabatrin............................................................................................................................................. 79 Й
]ndometbacin Retinopathy..................................................................................................................... 79a
Digitalis and Digoxin Retinal T o x icity.................................................................................................... 79Й
Glycine Retina] Toxicity Associated with Transurethral Resect ion.............................................................. 79 S
H ud ara bine' i'oxicitv................................................................................................................................ 799
Qljjfrwb X EI ]

Gemcilabine []urtscher-Like RelinopaLby................................................................................................ 799

Acute MicuJaK Neuroreti пора thy after Injection ofSym palhom im etics..................................................799
Drug-Induced Acule M y o p ia ................................................................................................................. 799
References.............................................................................................................................................SO О

10 Infectious Diseases of the Retina and Choroid 805

Anita А $ т ш 1

[\ogenic Cho rlo ret] nit i s .......................................................................................................................Я06

Focal indolent Metastatic Bacterial Retinitis in Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome {A ID S ).............. SOS
Bacteria] Choroidal Abscess....................................................................................................................SOS
Nocard ia ................................................................................................................................................810
Cat-Scratch D isease............................................................................................................................... S I2
Lyme ttorretiosis.................................................................................................................................... 816
Leptospirosis.......................................................................................................................................... SI 6
l.uetic Chorioretinit is ............................................................................................................................ S IS
Lalesr D isease ....................................................................................................................................... 836
Leprosy.................................................................................................................................................. S3S
fungal Retinochoroiditis.......................................................................................................................Я38
Candida Retinochoroiditis....................................................................................................................840
Aspergillus Retinitis...............................................................................................................................842
Cocci dioidomycosis...............................................................................................................................842
Cryptococcosis......................................... ............................................................................................. 842
Mucormycosis....................................................................................................................................... Я44
Blastomycosis....................................................................................................................................... 846
Histoplasmosis Retinitis and Choroiditis in Immune Incompetent Patients............................................ 846
"Ibxoplasmosis Retinitis......................................................................................................................... 848
M alaria.................................................................................................................................................. 856
E^eumocystis Jiroveci C h o ro id itis.........................................................................................................858
Cyslicercosis............................................ ............................................................................................. 862
Diffuse Unilateral Subacute Neurorelmitis..............................................................................................Я64
Filariasis and Guinea Worm ....................................................................................................................872
О nchocerciasis....................................................................................................................................... S7 2
E.oaiasis.................................................................................................................................................. 876
Brugia Mai ay i and Wucbereria BaiicroftE................................................................................................ 876
Cnatbostomiasis.................................................................................................................................... Я78
Other Nematode Infections of the bye................................................................................................... S78
O phthalm om yiasis...............................................................................................................................880
C allip h o rid ae....................................................................................................................................... 880
Ophthalmomyiasis J nteina....................................................................................................................SSO
Gedoelstia Cristata..................................................................................................................................884
Lch enococcosis....................................................................................................................................... 884
intraocular I'remaloda............................................................................................................................ 884
Schistosom iasis.................................................................................................................................... 886
Fasciola Пера ties [Liver flu k e ).............................................................................................................. Я86
' I'rem aLodes in South In d ia ....................................................................................................................888
Retinopathy Associated with Rickettsial Diseases................................................................................... 888
Rickettsia Conorii (Mediterranean Spotted fever, M S F ).......................................................................... 890
Viral D iseases....................................................................................................................................... 890
Cytomegalovirus Retinochoroiditis and Optic N euritis.......................................................................... 390
Congenita] CMV In fe c tio n ....................................................................................................................890
Herpes Virus Retinorhoroidilis.............................................................................................................. 896
J Eerpes Si m ptex RetJ nocho roidi t i s .............................................. -896
] Eeipesvirus f t ............................................................................ .Й9Я
J Eerpes /osier C horoidopathy.................................................... .ау а
] Eerpes Zosteг Virus (H /V), Retinochoroiditisr and Optic .Neuritis . .a y s
Congenital Varicella Syndrom e.................................................... .ay a
Acute Retinal Necrosis {I Ecrpelic TEirombotic Retinochoroidal ArigiiLlis and Necrotizing Neuroretini tisj .300
Acute Eietinal .Necrosis in immune Incompetent Patients (Posterior Outer Retinal Necrosis] .90a
] ELiman Immunodeficiency V it u s [H iV ) and Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome . 912
tpstein-Barr Virus........................... .916
] Eli man 'J'-lymphotropic Virus Type I .У16
Rubella Retinitis........................... .913
Subacute Sclerosing PanencephaEitis .920
West \ile Virus Chorioretinitis .922
Dengue lever......................... .924
Chikungunya V ir u s .............. .92 a
Mumps Neuroretinitis........... .92 a
Elft Valley fewer Retinitis . . . .930
Vilritis and Retinitis in Whipple's EJisease .930
References . .................................... .. .934

Inflammatory Diseases of the Retina 947

Amta Aganual

Retinal Vasculitis and AeTlvasculEd*................................................................................ ,94 a

Acute Retttiyl Periphlebitis and Panuveilis Associated with Viral-Like Upper Respiratory D isease ,94 a
Idiopathic E-'rosted-Branch A ngiitis................................................................................ .950
Aeute Multifocal Hemorrhagic Retinal V a sru litis.......................................................... .930
Jietinocboroidal Degeneration Associated With Progressive Eris N e cro sis...................... .952
Acute Posterior Multifocal Placoid Pigment LpitheEiopathy............................................ .954
Persistent EMacoid Maculopathy..................................................................................... 960
Relentless Rlacoid Choroidopathy................................................................................ .962
Serpiginous Choroiditis [Geographic Choroiditis* l-Eelicoid PeFipapilEaiy Choroidopathy) .962
Acute Idiopathic M aculopathy.................................................................. ................... .У70
Unifocal 3telioid Choroiditis........................................................................................ .972
Acute Retinal Pigment Eipitheliitis................................................................................ .974
Mu hi pie Lvanescent While-Dot Syndrome..................................................................... .976
Acute /onal Occult Outer iietinopathy.......................................................................... ,9ao
Acu te Annu Iar Occu 11Outer Ret in o p a th y ..................................................................... .9S4
Disorders Simulating the Presumed Ocular ! tistopEasmosis Syndrome { pseudo-E:0 US J . ,9aa
MuEtifocaE Choroiditis and Panuveilis . . . ,9a a
Punctate 3nner Choroidopathy................... .990
.Acute Macular Neuroretinopathy................ .9У4
J Earada4 Disease......................................... ,9ya
JEarada4-L.ike Syndrome in Children........... 1002
Sympathetic U veitis................................... 1004
Acute tixud aLive E’olv morph ous Vi tel I ifonn Maculopathy. . . ю оа
Progress ive 3ubret inal ]-'ibrom atosis.................................... 1014
]\>sterior S c le ritis ............................................................... 1016
Choroidal Sarcoidosis....................................................... 1022
Retinal and Optic Nerve Sarcoidosis.................................... 1024
Acute Idiopathic Multifocal Inner itetinitis and NeuroreLinilis 102a
Ueh^el's Disease.................................................................. 1030
Diffuse, Chronic Non necrotizing Ret ini (is, Vilrilts, and Cystoid Macular Idem a 1034
Pars Rlanilis, E^ripheral Uveitis, or Chronic Cyclitis......................................... 1036
3di opath ic Age-re lated Vit ritis.......................................................................... ю за
Vltiliginous Chorioretinitis (birdshot Retinochoroidopathy)........................... ю за
titan [jabs) Syndrome...........................................................................................................................1044
'I'ubuloinlerslitiaE Nephritis and Uveitis Syndrome ( U N IJJ.................................................................... 1044
Crohn's Disease . ................................................................................................................................ 1048
Collagen Vascular L^Eseases.................................................................................................................. Ю48
Eg4 N ephropathy................................................................................................................................ 1050
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus............................................................................................................. 1050
Chuig-Strauss Syndrom e..................................................................................................................... 1052
E'amiELai Chronic Granulomatous Disease of C hildhood.......................................................................1054
References........................................................................................................................................... 1056

12 T u m o rs o f th e R e lin a l P ig m e n t lip iL h e liu m ( R P E ) 1065

A\un /) Sitigji. Attfla

MeianoLic Nevi of the Retinal Pigment EpiLhelium .............................................................................. 1066

SoEi la ry-'I Vpe Congenital J [yperLrophy ofthe Retinal Pigment Epithelium [C H R P E ]............................. 1066
Multiple CEIRPE Associated with EamiEial Adenomatous Italy posis and Gardner's Syndrom e................ 1070
Grouped-'iype Congenital Pigmented Nevi of the Retinal Pigment Epithelium, "Bear'ftacfcs"..............1072
Albinoticand NonpLgmented Nevi of ihe Retinal Pigment Ep ith e liu m .............................................. 1074
Grouped-! ype Congenital A Ibinotic and Hypomelanotic Nevi of the Jtetinal Pigment EpiLhelium,
n]\>tar Hear tr a c k s '............................................................................................................................. 1074
Solltaiy-Туре iiypomeEanotic and Л1bimotic Nevi [Torpedo M acuEopathyj........................................... 1076
Congenital Simple Hamartoma of ihe Petinal Pigment Epithelium [Congenital i Eyperplasia of the
Retinal Pigment Epithelium, E’igmeлt Epithelial A d en o m a)................................................................. I07S
Combined Pigment Eipithelial and Retinal I lainartoma Involving the Optic Disc.................................1080
Combined Pigment Epithelial and Retinal Hamartoma Without Optic Disc Involvem ent................... 1082
Li ni lateral Retinat Pigment Epithelial Dysgenesis (Variant о Г Combined Elamartoma of the
Retinal Pigment Epithetium and Retina)............................................................................................... 1088
Reactive Hyperplasias of the Retinal Pigment Epithelium Simulating Hamartomas and Neoplasias , . , 1090
Adenocarcinoma (Malignant Epithelioma) ofthe Retinal Pigment Epithelium ......................................1094
References........................................................................................................................................... 1096

13 N e o p la s tic D is e a s e s o f th e K e L in a 10Э9
Arurt EJ .Striii^ Atiiln А ^ г г ^

Retinoblastom a................................................................................................................................... 1100

Reti noma/Ret in o ry to m a ......................................................................................................................1104
Medulloepithelioma.............................................................................................................................. Ш 2
Astrocytic J-i amarlo m as........................................................................................................................ 1112
Reactive Astrocytic Eiyperplasia Simulating an Astrocytic Ham artom a................................................... 1120
Retinal Vascular I lamartomas................................................................................................................1120
Retinal Cavernous Hem angiom as........................................................................................................1122
Retinal Capillary Hemangioma..................................................................................... ....................... 1128
Reti nal 'I el angiectas is and Arteriovenous Aneurysm...............................................................................1138
Vasoproitferalive Retinal Tumor ( Reactive Ketinal Vascular Proliferation).............................................. 1140
E.eukemic Rett no pa thy and Optic Neuropathy....................................................................................... 1142
V itreoretinal Lymphomas......................................................................................................................1150
Primary Central Nervous System Lymphoma (P C N S L )......................................................................... 1150
Mycosis Eungoidet................................................................................................................................ 1156
Eymphocytic Lym phom a......................................................................................................................1156
Other lymphomas and Related Conditions.......................................................................................... 1158
Adult Т-Cell Leukemia/lymphoma....................................................................................................... 1158
Richter Transform ation........................................................................................................................ 1160
AngioendotheliomaLosis..................................................................................................................... 1160
Mu Iliple Myeloma................................................................................................................................ 1162
E.ymphomatoid Granulom atosis.......................................................................................................... 1162
PosttransplanL [ymphoproliferative D isorder....................................................................................... 1162
Metastatic Carcinoma to the Retina and V itreous............................................................................... 1164
Paraneoplastic Retinopathy Associated with Carcinoma
(Cancer-Associated Retinopathy or CAR Syn d ro m e).......................................................................... 116Я
Me Ianoma-Associ aled Ret inopalhy (M AR Synd rome).......................................................................... 1170
Paraneoplastic Vitelliform Retinop athy............................................................................................. 1172
Reference*......................................................................................................................................... 1] 7J5

Neoplastic Diseases of the Choroid 1179

Arm? D Sjfi^/г,. Anila lAgarufal

Choroidal N e v i................................................................................................................................. 11SO

Diffuse Sclerochoroidal Melanocytic N evu s........................................................................................11DO
Diffuse Posterior Choroidosclera I Melanotic Schwannoma.................................................................. 1192
Multiple Choroidal Nevi and Melanoma Associated with Neurofibromatosis S....................................1192
Choroidal Malignant Melanoma,........................................................................................................ 1196
Bilateral Diffuse Uveal Melanocytic Proliferation Associated with Systemic C arcin o m a............... . .1202
Circumscribed Choroidal Hemangioma............................................................................................. 1206
Slurge-Weber Syndrojne................................................................................................................... 1212
Ipsilateral Facial and Diffuse Uv^nl Capillary Angioma Associated with Microphthalmos,
Heterochromia of the Iris, Chorioretinal Arterial Anastomosis, and tlyp o to ny................................... 1216
Choroidal Osteom a............................................................................................................................121Я
Sclerochoroidal Calcification............................................................................................................. 1224
Neuro fibrom a................................................................................................................................... 1226
Sch w ann om a................................................................................................................................... 122Я
Uveal Leiom yom a.............................................................................................................................. 122Я
Reactive Lymphoid Hyperplasia of the Llvea........................................................................................ 1230
Uveal Lym phom a.............................................................................................................................. 1234
Choroidal MetastaticTumors..............................................................................................................1236
Metaslatic Sarco m a........................................................................................................................... 1242
Leukemic Choroidopathy................................................................................................................... 1244
] Eisliocytosis [Frdheim-Chester D isease}.......................................................................................... 124Я
References..................................................................................................... ...................................1250

Optic Nerve Diseases that may Masquerade as Macular Diseases 1255

Anita Aganti$t

Oplic Disc Anomalies Associated with Serous Detach ment of the M acula............................................1256
Congenital Til of ihe Optic Disc and Serous Dclachment of the Macula.............................................. 1256
.Acquired Pits of the Optic N e rv e ........................................................................................................ 1260
Coloboma, ]mftapapi 11ary Staphyloma, and Morning С loiy D eform ity.............................................. 1262
Papillorenal (Renal Colohoma) Syn d ro m e ........................................................................................1264
Optic Disc Hypoplasia and'lilted-Disc Syndrome............................................................................... 1266
Dm sen [Hyaline Bodies) of the Oplic Nerve H e a d ............................................................................. 126Я
Hereditary Optic Neuropathies...........................................................................................................1272
Dominant Optic Atrophy [Kjer'l у p e ) ................................................................................................1272
Leber's Hereditary Oplic Neuropathy...................................................................................................1274
Leber's Idiopathic Stellate Neuroreti nit is and Multifocal R e tin itis.......................................................127Я
Recurrent Optic Neuropathy Associaled W ith Family History of CharcoL-Marie- ['oolh Disease...........12Я2
Familial Dysautonomia......................................................................................................................12Я2
Neuroretinopathy and Progressive Facial i-Lemialropby....................................................................... 12Я4
Anlerior Ischemic Optic Neuropathy................................................................................................... 12Я4
Idiopathic (Nonarteritic) Anlerior Ischemic Optic Neuropathy............................................................ 12Я6
Idiopathic Anlerior Ischemic Optic Neuropathy in the Young (AEO N V).............................................. 12ЯЯ
Arte rilic An le rio r I schem ic Op tic Neuropathy { a-Al O N ) .................................................................... 12ЯЯ
Idiopathic Optic Neuritis and P a p illilis ............................................................................................. 1290
Optic Neuritis in C h ild re n ................................................................................................................ ] 292
Traumatic Optic Neuropathy..............................................................................................................1292
Rad ialion-Induced Optic N europathy................................................................................................ 1292
Optic Nerve M eningiom as................................................................................................................. 1292
Optic Nerve t'.] to m a s ...........................................................................................................................1294
Visual 1joss Secondary to Papilledema Caused byincreasedintracranial Pressure.................................. 1296
E’seudolumor Cerebri (Idiopathic EntracranialH ypertension)..............................................................1296
Nutritional AmbEyopia [Toxic/Nutritional OpticNeuropathy)..............................................................1296
Diabetic Pa pi] topathy.........................................................................................................................1297
References......................................................................................................................................... 1297

This page mtentlonaSly left blank
t lrst, ! want to express my thanks It) my chairman, and publications of experts, buL also knowledge gained
Dr. Paul Sternberg. fur his confidence in allowing me lo through my long association with faculty, fellows and
work on the 5L|1 edition of the Class AtIль. His counsel, residents at Vanderbilt and other institutions.
support, and periodic overseeing helped keep the project [ am deeply indebted to the always-positive Russell
in tine and on to conclusion. 'Hie strength of any work Gabbedy, commissioning editor for lilsevier, and the
is its contents. Towards this end, [ am indebled to Dr. prompt and ever available Sharon Nash, developmenl
Aruii D. Singh for his latent and time in updating the editor. 'Iliey both were the backbones of the produc­
tumor section of ihe boob. J am also deeply grateful to tion of ihe Atlas. [ acknowledge Gillian Kichards, the
all my colleagues and friends, who haw unhesitatingly illustration manager, and Martin Woodward, the tal­
shared their patients' case histories and images. Jheir ented illustrator who has skillfully converted all of Don
generous contributions have enhanced immeasurably Gass'1 hand drawn cartoons into illustrations. Stewart
the content and quality of the Allas. Ihe Allas helped Ljrking designed the elegant cover and pages and Kristen
me make several new friends around the world; to my Lowson was the editorial assistant. Nathan Wiles was
immense surprise and pleasure, not one retinal special­ the multimedia producer. I thank Jess Thompson and
ist declined to con tribute cases wfien I approached ihem, Andrew KiEey the project managers who coordinated the
oflen as a complete stranger. I am particularly grateful lo various arms of production, even across continents and
Dr. Amod tlupta, <chairman of Ophthalmology at my smoothed and polished the final product. 1 thank stu­
ninui muter, PGl, Chandigarh and Dr. Vishali Gupta for dents Jose Garcia, rage Munn and Patrick Donahue for
the images and cases (hey contributed, and the knowl­ their help in downloading loads of articles and PDFs
edge they shared that made the Atlas truly international. and painstakingly extracting images from presentations
My colleagues at Vanderbilt gave me a free hand to select and labeling them. 3 acknowledge the talented photog­
any of their cases; ! sincerely respect their confidence. ] raphers at Vanderbilt for their abilities and lheir help
also wish to thank my vitreoretinal colleagues for tak­ in enbanting the quality of images. In addition, this
ing on some additional clinical responsibilities while Atlas would not be in its present form without the ever-
I devoted lime Lo this project. I feel fortunate Lo have dependable t.ynne Siesser, my administrative assistant
developed а close friendship with several leading reti­ who can find a solution to almost any problem.
nal specialisls who have welcomed me into Lheir com­ Finally, 1 want to again thank the inspiration for this
munity thus enhancing and enriching my knowledge. project. Dr. |. Donald M. Gass. It has been a privilege
Dr. Lee Jampol's review of some of the chapters was and honor to continue the work of my mentor, col­
timely and encouraging. Overali, the information in this league. and friend.
book originates not on Iу from my clinical experience AfEi'ta Aganwl

Arun D Singh M D
P ro fe sso r o f O p h th a lm o lo g y
D ire cto r, D e p a rt m e n l o f O p h th a lm ic O n c o lo g y
C o le Eye EnslitLttc
C le v e la n d C lin ic
C le v e la n d , O il, U S A

This fifth edition of the Gass Allas of Macular Diseases field of medical retina. lhe brilliant pattern recognition,
by Dr. Anita Agarwal brilliantly combines the best of the memory, and synthesizing skills of Donald Cass allowed
previous editions with new technical advances, new enti­ him lo dtjcuinent an unimaginable amount of important
tles and international perspective, '[he Atlas is a guide lo information in his book. He described for the first time
help ihe clinician to arrive al a diagnosis of both com­ scores of neiv diseases and physical findings. Elis photo­
mon and uncommon diseases and to understand ihe graphic collection - built over years of seeing patients
pathogenesis. The online version continues the tradition providing mail consultations, and attending innumerable
for viewing slereo photographs. A hallmark of Dr. Gass' meetings, is unparalleled. ] (is knowledge of ocular patho­
teaching style is a simple yet detailed description of clini­ logy added lo I be value of these archives, tven today. Lime
cal observations. 'lbis technique is preserved in the current arid time again, when we suspect we have a new observa­
edition and enhanced through electronic illustrations and tion, perusal of the atlas shows us to be way behind Don.
Optical Coherence tomography (OCT) which frequently As expected, Lhe Atlas aged and illness prevented Don
depicts precisely whal Dr. Gass envisaged. from completing a new edition. Jn most circuni stances
The table of contents is reorganized to reflect the explo­ an edilor or many editors (hut not a single author)
sion of information, particularly in areas such as inflam­ would tty lo live up to the original and usually not suc­
matory and infectious diseases and tumors addressed in ceed. tortunately one of Don's most talented disciples has
separate chapters. Updates on manifestations of tubercu­ stepped into the breach.
losis and syphilis are included along with new viral dis­ Anita Agarwal was a fellow with Don and worked side
eases such as Eipstein-Вагт and West Nile virus. Chapter by side with him at Vanderbilt Univeisity. Since his death,
11 contains a description of some new diagnostic entities at conferences and in her publications, she has shown
including acute idiopathic maculopathy and persistent immense grasp of Lion's knowledge base and hits taken
and relenLless placoid pigment epilheliopalhy. Tumors are his place in educating us about the diseases that Don had
presented in three chap ten; - Retinal Pigment Kpithelium mastered. She has an excellent knowledge of systemic dis­
( 12), Reti na { 13) and Choroid (] 4). eases, genetics and many aspects of internal medicine
Dr. Agarwal and her co-author Dr. Arun D Singh, very rare in ophthalmology. Now we are grateful that she
have updated and extended the extraordinary work of Dr. has devoted years of her life lo updating this precious text.
|. Donald M. Gass, an individual recognized as one ofthe Using Don's original files and her encyclopedic knowl­
outstanding ophthalmologists of Lhe iOlh century and edge of the retina, a new version of the Hihle appears.
helped to catapult his work into the future. In a time of (Dr. Arun D. Singh has assisted her on the chapters on
increasing paperless communication this wonderful text tumors.) The figures, including colour photographs, ОС Is,
will serve all physicians interested in macular disease as a angiographies, X-rays, and histopathologic specimens are
continuing reference to Improve their diagntrslic acumen still unparalleled; multiple images are often available ofthe
and provide better care for their patients. same entity, demonstrating the variability of these diseases.
Anita has also added an international favour to lbe book
John G. Clarbott, M D with disnrssions of diseases rarely or not seen in the LESA.
Prt\feiiitrf Chair ami Dean Emeritus lhe hook covers common diseases {e.g. age-related macular
tiascem Aifmerfite; J;uri;w!e. Mitimi, M degeneration) in detail, but also discusses very rare entities
(e.g. diJfuse unilateral subacule neunoretinitis).
Ihere are other great books and atlases of triedical ret­
Whal a (ask it would be to rewrite the Bible! What about ina but this hook remains the Bible, '['hank you Anita
the llible of retinal disease - ]Donald Cass' stereoscopic
atlas? Гог the last three decades this book has infonned us, tfse. M. fampol, M D
helped us in the diagnosis and treatment of difficult cases, Louis fcinberg Professcr ami Chair ffmeritNJ
and sen-ed as the foundation for the evolution of the entire Ncrtfirwesteni LTfFJi-CTiJjy, СЛгслдо, 1L
O f all my ophthalmology books, the Cass Allas of position as Professor of Ophthalmology at the University
Macular Diseases has been the most treasured, and most of Miami, lortunalely, his retirement was short-1ived.
dog-eared, possession. Si net- I first acquired my copy of the Dr. Denis О Day, the chair al Vanderbilt al that lime- was able
second edition as a resident, I avidly awaited the publication to convince Dr. Class lo join the facully here, lie returned to
of the more recent version, then immediately purchased it clinical practice writing, and leaching. Dr. O'Day writes, "Ihe
to replace my Worn copy of the previous edition. When Dr. image that will forever endure for me is the one I saw every
Cass became too ill to write a fifth edition, I made a personal week. It is of a man silling, surrounded by colleagues, resi­
commitment lo ensure that the legacy of tliis impactful book dents, sludenls, and fellows. All aie peering at photographs of
would not pass away as well. I bus. it is with great pride that the retina and the conversation is animated: all are engaged.
I write this foreword, celebrating the continuance of the Class As J walk by. I recognise our singular good fortune in having
Atlas, acknowledging the importance of careful clinical exam­ such a true academician in our midst"
ination in the diagnosis of retinal disease, and recognising One of those individuals surrounding D r Gass is
the "passing of the baton” to the next generation. Dr. Anita Agarwal. Drawn lo Vanderbilt for a medical ret­
Most of the ophthalmic community links J. Donald M. ina fellowship lo learn under D r Cass. Anita developed
Cass Lo the Kascom Palmer Eye Institute. Dr. (lass was one an almost photographic memory of the Cass Allas, and an
of the founding physicians there, and forever changed our encyclopedic knowledge of the reLin a literature, ihe came Lo
understanding of the macula, tie opened our eyes to the evaluate a case in a brilliant С ass-1ike manner. Over Lime,
complexity of macular diseases, by creating logical, well- her interest in the diversity of retinal diseases and her ability
defined classifications, based on careful! v made clinical obser­ lo make challenging diagnoses led her to eam a position of
vations and a remarkable necollection of patients with similar respect among the small community of similar experts.
histories and examinations, lie passed on this knowledge to It is highly appropriate that Dr. Anita Agarwal should
a world of residents, fellows, and colleagues across the globe. be authoring ihis fifth edition. As well as any retina spe­
In fad, virtually every retina specialist considers himself or cialist in the world, she knows the previous editions from
herself lo be a student of Dr. Cass- even if they never had the cover to cover She has had the good fortune lo have daily
opportunity to meet him. I'ortLinate were those who trained access lo the Cass Archives: Dr. Cass' slides, palienl charts,
at BPEi] and had the privilege of seeing patients with him and and personal notes that were becjuesled to the Vanderbilt
attending the weekly fluorescein conferences. IL is no coinci­ Eiye Institute upon his death, in fad, much of her writing
dence that Eiaseom Palmer became the breeding ground for has been conducted in a faculty office devoted lo the Gass
many of the future leaders of the retina community. material: a room in which Dr. Cass' while coal hangs on the
However, the rest of us still learned from him. E'or some, it door and where the space is dominated by the large wooden
was attending lectures at conferences like the Annual Meeting cabinet with sliding trays that Dr. Cass would use lo prepare
of the American Academy of Ophthalmology. Por others, his lectures and his manuscripts.
they had the good fortune to work beside him as part of Dr. Agarwal has spent the better part of two years pre­
mullicenter collaborative trials. [ vividly remember my first paring this magnificent fifth ediLion. While she has
meeting as an investigator in the Macular Pholocoagulalion restructured the chapters, updated the material lo include
Study in the 19S0s. As Lhe day concluded, they held a ses­ newer conditions and new testing modalities like OCU
sion where the Reading Center shared cases that were more and engaged her talented friend and colleague. Dr. Arun
difficult or confusing. Ihe various experts would put for­ D. Singh lo wrile lhe chapters on intraocular tumors this
ward their thoughts: however, die case was not settled until new edition retains the formal of the previous editions.
Dr. Class weighed in. t-.ven in a room lilled with the ‘'giants'' Most importantly, site has retained "the voice'7 of Dr. Cass.
in our field, Dr. Cass had the final mird. Ihe words may be new or Lhe condition may have been
Here at Vanderbilt, we feel privileged to share some of described subsequent lo Dr. Gass's death, buL D r Cass still
the credit for the legacy of Dr. Cass'' impact on ophthalmo­ speaks lo us in this new edition.
logy. While |. Donald M. Gass was born in Canada, he was I am hopeful that the Gass Atlas will live on through
raised in Nashville, Tennessee when his father accepted a many future generarions. 'Ihe editors and publishers at
job in the state department of public heahh. Ele alLended Eilsevier have done Lhe ophthalmic community a xvonderful
Vanderbilt as an undergraduate and as a medical student, service by investing in Lhe creation of this fiflh edition. I am
winning the ]4>under's Medal as the top student En his grateful for their confidence in Dr. Agarwal, and cerlain that
graduating class. Ite married his high school sweetheart, Lhe readers will agree Lhal this is a worthy successor Lo Lhe
-Margy Ann, and it was anticipated thaL they would return to previous editions.
Nashville when he completed his training. Рай Sternberg, Jr., M.D.
However, his reLunt to Nashville was delayed for over JO G. W. H ate l>rafessor am i Cfr^nr;
years until 1995 when he retired from his long-time faculty ytm d erb ilt Eye in s titu te i\i\sh viik T, T,\'

World Map
Internationa! Cases Presented in the Fifth Edition

Diabetes and Deafness,

Canada: Cispla1?n to^iaty
Newfoundland rod
cone йеуег-егацЁоп
ч________ ___________

MacuEar atrophy
with pseudodrusen

r Tunisia;
Rickettsia conorii
^ _ ___ ___ _

f ---------------- "’I
West Indies
(French Guyana);
West Indies crinkled
Retinal pigment

Eotfi rti-з dystrophy

Autsomal recessive Bestraphinopathy.
Central areolar chonordaE dystrophy.
Maternally inherited Diabetes an.d Deafness


SflUdj Arabia:
Rrft Vailey fever retinitis Singapore;
Dengue fever

Mycobaclerium tuberculosis,
Namibia: Takayasu arteritis, Mucormycosis
Gedoelstia c^istata Sarcoidosis, Sympathetic
ophthalmia, Trematode uveitis,
Leprosy, Dirofjlara. Chifcungunya
reEinitis. Malaria. Leptospiras-s,
Tacrolimus microangiopathy.
Ghloroqmne retinopathy. Laser
macular Ourn
Preface to the Fifth Edition
One of the т о й fortunate turns in life landed me only idiopathic, degenerative and miscellaneous causes of
square in from o f], Donald M Gass, my idol from a dis­ serous and hemonbagic retinal detachment. Ihe contents
tance- whose work I had read, studied and admired since of Chapter 7, (hat included both infectious and inflam­
the beginning of my ophthalmology training in India. In matory retinal diseasesr have been split into two separate
1997, I entered my medical retina Fellowship, initiating an chapter*, one on infectious diseases (Chapter 10) and a
unending. rewarding lesson from this giant. As known to second on inflammatory diseases (Chapter 11). Chapter
the entire world of retinal physicians, Deni Class has had 5 addresses heredo-dystrophic conditions of the retina,
a truly profound impact on our understanding of retinal choroid and pigment epithelium; it includes several new
and macular diseases. Mis keen observation skills, pho­ disorders including Bothnia dystrophy, Newfoundland
tographic memory of oculaF features, and ability to inte­ rod cone degeneration, and pattern dystrophy associated
grate clinical findings with pathological changes led him with newly identified systemic diseases such as maier-
to describe several diseases For the first lime and help us nally inherited mitochondrial diseases and hereditary
understand the pathogenic mechanisms of many other spastic paraplegia. 'Ihe neoplastic diseases have been reor­
previously described conditions. l\vo of his singularly ganised into three separate chapters for choroid, retina
important qualities - meticulous attention to clinical and retinal pigment epithelium and include the various
details and analysis oF stereoscopic images of the retina - benign tumors and hamanomas. Jhe chapter on infec­
became the hallmark of his defining publication, his tious diseases (Chapter 10] includes previously discussed
'Stereoscopic Allas of Macular Diseases'1 . Ihe evolution of bacteria] followed by fungal, parasitic and viral diseases,
Lbe Atlas over its multiple editions has captured and illus­ i lowever, various new entities and new information on
trated ihe tremendous grow Lb our field has experienced tuberculosis, leplospirosis, parasites, and viruses such as
over the decades between the first and Fourth version. chikungunya, dengue, west nile and rift valley fever have
ll is ihe greatest privilege of my professional life tobeen added. Attempts to include diseases prevalent out­
be selected to edit this new 5:h edition oF Cass' Atlas side the United Stales has been made to aid in diagnosing
of Macular Diseases . in this publication, i have tried to rare and unusual diseases. Ihe hand drawn illustrations,
retain the "voice" of Dr. Cass, and continue his work, which were a hallmark fealure of Dr. Cass' understand­
presenting new disease entitles, consolidating known dis­ ing of disease pathology, have been skillfully converted to
eases, and discussing new concepts in the pathogenesis of electronic artwork, and fundus photographs are now pre­
existing conditions. sented in color.
This edition incorporates a number of structural Ihe Atlas has maintained the case descriptive format
modifications. of Gass' teaching method, encompassing history, clinical
3’irst, each chapter includes an expanded table oF con­ exam and follow up when available. Ihe online version
cents to Facilitate locating the individual conditions. 'Ihe features stereoscopic images that are notated by a 3D sign.
contents of the Allas in Chapters 3, 5, 7, IQ and 11 of the A stereo viewer accompanies the book.
4rh edition have been reorganised. Previously.- Chapter 3 Overall, ihe AlEas emphasises clinical Features, palho-
was quite exhaustive and lengthy, containing all disor­ genesisr information about genetics and its role in dis­
ders that caused a serous or hemorrhagic retinal detacEi- ease pathogenesis where known, differential diagnosis,
ment. be it tnllammalary [such as V K ll and sympathetic and limited information on treatment. Ltlensive elabo­
ophthalmia), infectious (such as Toxocara or certain ration on results of clinical trials, controversies on medi­
fungal diseases), neoplastic (such as choroidal tumors), cal management and surgeiy are not discussed; the Atlas
degenerative {such as age-related macular degeneration) is designed to be an exhaustive guide in arriving at Lhe
or inherited [such as Malauia levantinese and Sorsby's proper diagnosis of common and uncommon diseases
dystrophy}. The various infectious, inflammatory, neo­ and understanding their pathogenesis.
plastic and inherited disorders have been moved lo indi­
vidual chapters, wilh the current Chapter 3 discussing Ап\1й Долгий?
Preface to the First Edition
Ihe accessibility of the tissues of the inner eye Lo tissue involved: diseases of the chomid (Chapters 2 to
close scrutiny by the physician is unequaled by any 4), pigment epithelium (Chapter 5), reLina [Chapters 6
other organ of the body J laving squired a knowl­ Lo 10), viireous [Chapter ilj, and congenital pil of the
edge of ocular pathology and the skills of ophthal­ oplic nerve head (Chapter 12). \his subdivision is some­
moscopy and biomicroscopy. the physician is able Lo what arbitrary in that it is not possible in some instances
record his in vivo observations of the ocular fundus in to know which of the ocular tissues is primarily involved
gross paLhologic terras with reasonable accuracy, '['his by a particular disease process. Stereopholographs of
becomes of particular importance in evaluating Lhe some ofthe fundus photographs are included in fifteen
palienL with loss of central vision resuming from alter­ reels, each containing seven views, attached Lo the hack
ations in the structure of the macula, lhe physician cover of the book. 4'he appropriate reel number (Roman
should attempt Lo determine as far as possible the ana­ numeral) and view number (Arabic numeral) are indi­
tomic changes present, such as choroidal atrophy, cho­ cated in the lower right-hand corner of the black and
roidal thickening, choroidal wrinkling, change in color while photographs.
of the pigment epithelium, serous detachment of the All fundus photographs were made with the Zeiss
pigment epilheEium. serous detachment of the retinar fundus camera, fluorescein angiography was done uti­
hemorrhagic detachment of the pigment epithelium lizing modifications'"' of the technique described by
and retina, cysloid retinal edema, inlraretinal hemor­ Novotny and A Ivis. '1Kodak Kodachrome U and Kodak
rhage, loss of retinal transparency, relinai wrinkling, Tri-X film was used.
and preretina I membrane. Ele should also attempt Lo W ith a single exception, Lhe fundus photographs
determine the locus of the primary disease process- used in this alias were obtained from the photo­
choroid, retina] pigment epithelium, retinal, or vitre­ graphic files of the Bascom [’aimer tye Institute of the
ous. Only after making these determinations can the University of Miami. Most of the patients were exam­
physician evaluate the significance of the patient's ocu­ ined by me.
lar, medicaE, and family history in arriving at a diagno­ I wish Lo thank [>r. I!dward W.D. Norton, Chairman
sis, prognosis, and course of therapy. of the Department of Ophthalmology, the members
A variety of ancillary studies may he helpful in cer­ of the full-time and resident staff, and the many other
tain instances. The use of intravenous fiuorescein is of physicians whose patients are illusLrated in this book. E
particular value in detecting and defining certain physi­ am particularly indebted to M l Johnny Justice, Jr. and
ologic as well as anatomic changes in the ocular fundus. his assistants. Mr. Kenneth Peterson, Mrs. Uixie Sparks
'lhe purpose of this atlas is to utilize black and white Cilbert, and Mr. Lari Choroniokos for Llieir skill in fun­
fundus photographs, stereo color fundus photographs, dus photography, and to Mr. Joseph Coren and Miss
fiuorescein angiographs, and photomicrographs Lo Barbara French for preparation of the illustrations.
illustrate some of lhe .in atomic and physio Logic altera­ E'inally, E wish to thank Mrs. Margaret Eierlolami, Dr.
tions produced by a variety of intraocular disease pro­ Alexander I?. Irvine, Mrs. Reva Murtes, and Miss Belli
cesses affecting the macular region. Eiailinshafer for Llieir help in preparing and editing the
After a discussion of the normal macular region manuscript.
(Chapter 1), the diseases alfecling this region w ill be con­ /. UanjjW jVf;
sidered in the following order according to the primary
In Remembrance of Dr Gass
As a teenager growing up on Eiey or an anecdote about how he had somehow touched
Kiscayne, 3 v№i]iid awake on school their lives. They always want lo tell me something that
days and leave the house in Lime to 3 already know... thal in addition Lo being a renowned
catch ni 6:15- a.m. school bus into physician- Don Cass was a Very special human being.
town. On the way otil. I would find Indeed, my father was an extraordinary person apart
my father, up since before dawn, from all of his contributions to ophthalmology. J Ее was
hard at work in lhe downstairs den first and foremost a loving husband, father, and grand­
of our home, ihe images of him father who cherished his family, lo niy brothers and sis­
pecking away on hit electric type­ ter and me., he was "l}a d u. To everyone else in the family,
writer with his four finger technique- including bis five grandchildren, he was "D on17. Crowing
peering up aL slides, rummaging up. there was nolhiEtg E wanted more than lo be doing
di rough piles of bide* cards, and something with him. ] can remember him Leaching me
painstakingly drawing illustrations how lo fly a kite, ride a bike, throw a spiral, shool a free
of the macula remain imprinted in throw underhanded, and bow to fish. He took me to
my memory. Jhis sccne repeated itself for many years baseball games, taught me howto read a box score, and
beginning in the late sixties. nThe book", as we called iL turned me into a lifelong Orioles fan. More importantly,
around the house (we didn't know it as the "Atlas'7 hack 1 Learned from him what it means lo live one's life well,
then), Was taking shape. In those days... we were always by observing over the years the most powerful example
aware of the presence of the book in (he background of of this 3 have ever seen. Whether one knew my father as
daily life around the Cass household. My father Wiis usu­ a physician, colleague, mentor, friend, neighbor or fam­
ally careful not to let it intrude on other family priori­ ily, he was respected and loved for his kindness, his gen­
ties. but from time to time an increased sense of urgency tleness, his palience, his sense of humor, his integrity, his
to meet some deadline would become evident. My steadfast faith in (he Lord, and a genuine humility rarely
mother would often wonder out loud, soEnetimes with a seen in others^
tinge of irritation, if the book would ever be finished. As When 1 was younger 1 often thought about what
it turned out, the answer was not for at least forty years motivated my father to get up every day before dawct
and I am now honored to contribute Lbis foreword for to write a book. 3 knew it was not a desire for fame or
the fifth edition of Gass' Allas of Macular Diseases by recognition or Enoney. i could always see the constancy
Anita Agarwal MD. of purpose and his passion for whal he was doing that
I'm not sure when E became fully aware of the pro­ remained unabated until the day he died. 1 could also
found impact on the world of ophthalmology that my sense the personal responsibility he lell for Lhe con­
father's work at fSascom Palmer was having, lhe family tinued stewardship of bis work.- including (he Class
received hints of this from lime to time, bearing stories Atlas, because he understood it was itnportant. But as J
about my father from his colleagues and friends who observed my father over the years. 1 came Lo understand
would appear at our house. A modest and Unassuming there was also something else that made him tick. it was
person, we would never hear a thing about any of this the simple yet deep satisfaction and joy that he got from
directly from him. Not being a doctor myself, it took me creating something, solving a problem, and complet­
some years to piece together the full picture, but over ing a task well, hi bis later years, ] watched him become
time I became cognizant of the fact that Lhe man I called an accomplished wood craftsman by applying the same
"Dad1 -' had become a giant in his field. creativity, curiosity, dexterity, intention to detail, and
My job has lakect me all over the world and ] have patience that made him a great doctor. He spent much
lived on five continents. Over lhe years and until now, of his spare time in his wood shop crafting toys for the
I have been amazed by the number of encounters E grandchildren, furniture for Lhe house, or incredibly
have had around the world with former colleagues, resi­ detailed model sailing ships. Some of these projects took
dents. felloxvs, students or patients who- knew my father hours; others took several years to compleLe. I loved
personally or were somehow influenced by his work, seeing the smile on his face and the twinkle in his eyes
in many cases via. the Cass Atlas.. I here are always the which gpve away the pure joy and sense of accomplish­
comments about the impact of his research, his skill as ment he felt after completing even the simplest of these
a teacher, or the brilliance of his scientific insights. But projects. 1 am certain that is the same feeling be had jn
1 also find., without except ion, that the comments from completing each successive edition of lhe Cass Atlas.
those who knew him personally are accompanied by a ] am delighted and grateful that L>r. Anita Agarwal
slory about some kindness my father had shown them who worked with Eny father in his final years at
Vanderbilt agreed Lo take on the challenge of authoring he may have seen decades apart, l ie could nol resl until he
the fifth edition of the Gass Atlas more than four decades figured out all aspects of a new disease. Dr. Gary Abrams
after the first edition was published. ] know that my father once told me thal when Don Gass came upon a new dis­
woutd be very proud of her. Itie Cass Allas represents a ease, he la Iked about it incessantly till he figured it out
significant piece of my father's ILfes work and an impor­ completely in his mind. His excitement on seeing a new
tant part of his legacy. However, the most enduring legacy or rare disease was palpable and spread lo his trainees.
of Dr. |. Donald M. Gass is. the one that lives on in the E recall the twinkle in his eyes and the excitement in his
lives, the careers, acid ihe memories of ihe people touched voice when he found (he 250 micron DU5N Worm coiled
by this remarkable man over the course of a lifetime. up in the midst of several retinal scars. I Lis approach to
fotm D. Cuss on behalf o f Jiiy m o lim Mqngy A рргг understanding findings was simple and straightforward,
bm lkcn CaiUon arid, Dean, ami m y sjjfer Medfrti and he used common objects Lo describe the analogy: a
bagel for ring shaped sub EtFE neovascularization and the
J. Donald jVI. Gass petalloid appearance of fluorescein staining in cystoid
Gendeman, Scholar and Genius macular edema. L-luorescein angiography was just intro­
duced as Don Gass began his career in Miami, his sludv
John Donald McEntyre Class was born on Prince Edward and interpretation of this investigative modality in retinal
Island, Canada on August 2:|<I 1928. At 2 weeks of age he and choroidal diseases has helped us understand a major­
rode on a train with his mother from Canada to Nashville ity of them, lo this end, the talented photographer fohnny
to join bis father, a chest physician who had been named to Justice at Rascom E^imer Lye Institute aided him.
direct the tuberculosis hospitals in lennessee. He attended Don Cass had a smipfr bus method to make
the two-room Grassland primary school, which housed 3 notes about Lhe various patients' findings, i Ее carried 4x6"
grades iti each room. lieing exposed to the same lessons for note cards in bis pocket and wrote down salient informa­
3 years, Don Cass mastered 3rd grade while still in first grader tion about a hitherto undescribed condition that he saw.
leaving himself plenty of lime to learn more. ] Ее always He cataloged them alphabetically When he saw a few
fondly recalled bis V1grade teacher, who loaded her station more palients with similar findings, he gathered all his
wagon even,r monLh with books from Lhe library for her stu­ cards and began deciphering the findings. Jn this manner,
dents to read. 'Ihus, was bom his interest in reading. Several he described more than 30 original diseases and new fea­
years later, he mel his first and only lore, Maigy Ann Loser, tures of several others. Ihe descriptive names he gave Lo
on their high school bus; ibey were married in 1950. He these diseases such as acute posterior multifocal placoid
attended Vanderbilt University for his undergraduate educa­ pigment epitbeliopathy, acute exudative polymorphous
tion and was deployed to Korea soon after being married. On vitelliform maculopathy, and acute zonal occult outer
his relum, he began medical school at Vanderbilt, graduating retinopathy would provide the clinician insight towards
with lhe highest honor: the E-bunder's medal. Lheir pathogenesis or pattern of involvement. His under­
Much lo his father's puzzlement, Don Cass chose oph­ standing of disease pathology was cemented by his draw­
thalmology, a field then in its infancy. I le spent his intern­ ings. Many of his drawings are exact replica of whal we
ship at the University of Iowa, and went on lo be a resident now see on О С]' imaging; a feat lhal Don Cass achieved
at the Wilmer bye Enstitute at the lohns Hopkins Hospital. several decades before the availability of О С Г imaging.
I ll ere. he idolized Dr. ]:rank Walsh: whom he recognized Elenderings of the pathogenesis of a macular hole, vilreo-
the inslanL Dr. Walsh walked in for morning rounds on foveal tractionr type 1 and type 2 choroidal neovasculari­
day one. While a resident, he wrote several papers on top­ zation. and the appearance of REM: detachments are just a
ics ranging from the optic chiasm lo corneal iron lines. few examples.
Hetween his senior residency and year as Chief Kesident, ]Tiis giant in our field was kind, humble and generous.
he completed a fellowship in ophthalmic pathology at the 'Ihe transcriplionisl at Vanderbill Lold me of the largest
Armed E'orces institute of Pathology. Ihis experience gave fruit basket lhaLshe had ever seen in her life arrive at her
him an insight into disease pathology thal he used skill­ doorstep when she was ill, sent by D r Cass, lie enjoyed
fully through his entire career. He became quite facile in simple pleasures, such as fishing and woodworking. His
describing and postulating the pathogenesis of anany dis­ knowledge and interest in sports was evident during ani­
eases, most often accurately. Many of these insights were mated discussions on Monday at lunch about the iveek-
confirmed subsequently, using sophisticated lesls such as end's various sporting evenLs and results. Most of all- he
OCT and aulofluorescence imaging. was a healer and Leacher, who made each one of us a bel­
His numerous clinical contributions resulted from a ter doctor, a better teacher and a betler human being. We
unique combination of keen observation skills including were so privileged to have known him.
the evaluation of stereoscopic images, atlenLion to details, Written on behalf of all his sludentsr past, present and
ability to comprehend and explain symptoms, and an future.
uncanny memory for clinical findings among palients that Ajrj'rrf Ag<iru\il
Normal Macula

Л -C: Topiographic anatomy and iiiiitcipalholtjjjy of Ihe m ac­

llie retina is a delicate transparent tissue of maximal thick­ ula. A, Fftvea containing (he.1 fovTtbfa (iiJ- capillary-free /one
ness (approximately £>.55 jnm) nil the foveal margin and (cfzl, bind umlit) (u:. Б, Pa Kb loves!. C, t^twifovea.
mini mat thickness at the umbo. Anatomically D: Ор1ка1 tCahtrerice tonography image o[1 be normal m ac­
the macula (macula iulea or central retina) is defined as ula corresponding Lo the histology sten 5л C.
I hat portion of lhe posterior retina that contains xantho-
phyll a n J two or more layer* of ganglion cells. It mea­
sures approximately 5.5mm in diameter and is centered 1,r02 Variations in appearance of normal macula.
approximately 4mm temporal to and О .й т т inferior to A: HrunelLo fundus showing moderate Lo heavy concen-
the center of the optic disc [E'igure S.01) . 1 On the basis Lralion of piemen I in Lhe leLinal pii^m-c+nI epil helium LhjiI
of microscopic anaLomyr the macular area can be further obscures. mosL of Lhe cE»oroidal vessels. NoEe [he greater den-
subdivided into several zones. The fovea [fovea centralis) sily of pigmenl i i the macular area, lhe? ciliorelinal arlery
tblacJ: arrow), a firs!-order arteriole ■;upper black and white
is a depression in lhe inner retinal surface in lhe center of
ariow.i, and a second-order arteriole (low er black and white
I be macula. It measures approximately 1.5mm [1500pm)
am w)i
or one disc diameter in size, lhe central floor of the fovea B: Blond fundus. Cfioroidal vessels are visibte e v e ry w b a e
es caEled the foveola. It measures approximately 0.35 mm eaCepI in Lhe macular ,inea. The oval liji'nl reflex in lhe muc-
in diameter. It lies within the capillary-free zone or foveal ula of Lhis-vexing child in located aL the mjirgin of Lhe lovea.
avascular zone, which measures approximately 0.5mm C: Tesseiated fundus in ald er pa lien I. Large chtoroidal vessels
(500 цгп) in diameter in most patients. A small depression are visible in lhe macular area because ol reEaLfve hvoopig-
menEaLion o f relinal piemen! epi Ihelium.
in the center of the foveola es called the umbo. A 0.5-mm-
D: Heterochromia of the Hindus.
wide ring zone where the ganglion cell, imier nuclear
IА , Гхош i i i i a i . -" . A n iLTj< M r d i t .il -4s\r>: :;ilia n . A 7I
layer, and outer plexiform layer of itenle are the thickest is
called the parafoveal area. This zone is in turn surrounded
by a ].5-mm zone referred to as the peri foveal area.
the nerve fiber kiyer close lo lhe internal Limiting membrane
CLINICAL APPEARANCE___________ of (he relina. 'Ihey give off arteriolar and venular branches
that posteriorly occur primarily al right angles lo the parent
Ophlhalmoscopically, the anatomic subdivisions of the vessel, lhe branching is predominantly dichotomous as they
macula are ill defined (figure ].02),'lbe center ofthe macula course peripherally. The righl-angle branches are referred
appears as a poorly defined, one-fourth to one disc diam­ lo as firsl-order arterioles and venules [figure 1.02Л). I li
eter size zone of greater pigmentation that is maximum approximately 20% of patients Justice and Lehmann- found
in lhe foveolar area. The foveal reflex, which is present in ibal a variable portion of the papillomacular area was sup­
most normal eyes, appears lo lie just in front of the center plied by one or more ciliorelina] arteries derived from Lhe
of the foveola and therefore overlies lhe anatomic Litnbo. ciliary circulation [Ngure f.02A). Occasionally a large cilto-
There are no consistent ophthalmoscopic landmarks to indi­ retinal artery may supply virtually the entire macula, 'lhe
cate Lhe margins of either die 0.35-mm diameter foveola or relina] arterial circulation is ordinarily an end-arlery sys­
the 1.5-mm diameter fovea. Jhe margins of the сарз Ilay-free tem thal does not communicate with lhe blood vessels of
zone of the retina that in most patients measures approxi­ lhe choroid or ciliary body. The retinal arteries anil veins
mately 500|im in diameter angiographically Cap only be esti­ are interconnected via an extensive capillary network ihal
mated biomicroscopicatly because lhe perifoveolar capiLEary extends oulwani lo the external border of the inner nuclear
network is not visible. En younger palienls an oval or roucid layer. The blood vessel walls are normally transparent.1
halo light re lex al lhe inner relinal surface may correspond lhe postcapillary venules join lo beeoEne relinal veins thal
with the foveal margin [figure ] .02K).'l he foveal depression accompany Lhe retinal arteries and exit through the lamina
can be visualized With the narrow slil-lamp beam. cribrosa and drain into the superior ophthalmic veiti. lhe
relina] pigment epithelium (R $ tj and the pboloreceplors
BLOOD SUPPLY___________________ are nourished by diffusion from the choriocapillaris.

Retina Choroid
fhe blood supply lo the inner half of the relina is by way of Ibe ophthalmic artery, the first branch of (he internal
Lhe central retinal artery which usually divides InLo a supe­ carotid artery, divides inlo medial and lateral posterior
rior and inferior trunk within the optic nerve head. Jhese ciliary arteries, before entering the sclera each of these
trunks divide into Lwo branches, one supplying the nasal divides inlo one long posterior ciliary (1.ЕЧ1А) and 5—]0
and the other Lhe temporal quadrant of the relina. lhe cor­ short posterior ciliary arteries [Si’CA). A total of two E.PCA
responding relinal venous branches have much the same and 15-20 SFGA b are thus formed, lh e I.PC As pierce the
distribution as the arteries. Ibese mafor blood vessels lie in sclera 3-4mm from the optic nerve and course between
4 A P T E R 1 Normal Vl-acida

the choroid and Lhe sclera along the 3 and 9 o'clock f .03 Cross dissection of a fresh human eye.
meridians till they branch at lhe ora serrata. 4’hree lo five
A: Fundus of lh e eye after removal af the anlerLo* jfljjm eni
branches bend posteriorly Hind supply lhe choroid Li I! partial loss thu normal retinal transpajlm di The
the equator. Lhe &PCA. enter (he sclera around (he oplic dark kiveoLn г spa) 1arrow) is caused by Ihe densely cu rten -
nerve and course for a shorL distance in lhe suprachoroi- traled xantbuphvll and the retinal pigment epithelium iRFEiJ.
dal space, then enter the peripapillary choroid and branch which is visible I hrough lhe lliin portion o f the foveolar reL-
anteriorly and posteriorly lo supply lbe choroid up Lo the ina. A halo ol" yellowiab color ■;кд ntfentjphy 11 in lhe retina sur­
round* (he dnirk spol.
equator There are seven anterior ciliary arteries (AGA) that
B: Sflghlly magnified v ie w of (he same eye. Following
accompany the four rectus muscles,- about S-3 2 recurrent
removal pi lh e semiupati-ue relina, the отап^е color of Ihe
branches of lhe АСА supply lhe anterior choriocapil Laris., RF'L, which is dens-и in lbe fovcaE area larcuwlr i-s visible.
and the resl о Г the АСА form the major circle of lhe iris. C: Sam e eye following incomplete removal of the RF'E.
'ihe venous drainage of the choroid is mostly through Lhe Compare i^realer density of КРЕ remnanl in Lhe m acular л red
vortex veins and a small anterior portion occurs (hrough Lhe (aififr^v) w ilh lha] surrounding lh e opiic disc; n^nd elsewhere.
anterior ciEiary wins. Fostchoriocapi Haris renules form affer­ NoLe Chat m 1hiн particular eye lhe darkness til Lhe macuiafr
area is prim arily caused by Lhe difference in Ihe densLLy of
ent reins thal converge into the ampulla of the vortex reins
lhe K FL and not E*v Lhe difference in concentration of Lhe
(2 mm wide and 5mm long} in each quadrant. Eiach quad­
uveal me3anucyles.
rant has one vortex vein; occasionally more lhan one is pres­ D: Lye ,Hltjf removal o f Lhe chorciid. Approxim ately ]1 shorl
ent They are situated 3-3.5 mm behind lhe equator (Figure cilidrv arteries [arrowheads) perforate the sclera in the mid
L06D) atid drain into the superior and inferior ophlhalmic periphera! m acular area. Two bfanchin^ shorL ciliary arteries
veins. lhe superior ophthalmic vein drains a major part of lhe Fine evident to the optic nerve head. Nole lhe iont; c ili­
globe and enters- the cavernous sinus after passing through ary artery nerve larruwi temfjoral lo Lhe macula.

the superior orbital fissure while Lhe inferior ophthalmic vein

enters lhe pLerygoid plexus via lhe inferior orbital fissure.' 1.04 Retinal xanthophyll,
Location and relative concentration of xanthophyll pigment
Chonocapillaris idolsj in Ihe relina in Ihe macula area. K P t. retinal pi ц т ил I
'lhe choriocapil Laris have unique features compared to cap­
illaries elsewhere in the human body. L'hey are 40-60|im in
diameter, as opposed to other capillaries Lhal are 5-l0|im of the choroidal vascular details throughout the poste­
in size, and have ihin walls with fenestrations measur­ rior fundus, tiven in very blond in d ivid u a l in whom
ing (j OG-ЙООЛ. 'Ihe fenestrations have a thin covering dia­ much of lhe choroidal vasculature is visible the choroidal
phragm and are more numerous on the internal side than blood vessels in the macular region usually are obscured
the external side, which has lhe endothelial cell nuclei. by the greater density of the 1$E*F centrally (figure I.02B).
Ihree to four red blood cells can pass through the chorio- ftpE becomes less pigmenled with age, and in brunette
capillaris at a Lime. L’ericytes are seen occasionally and gap patients the greater contrast between the larger choroidal
functions are present. Connective tissue, fibroblasts, and vessels and the surrounding melanocytes gives a lesselaLed
nerve fibers are present between the capillaries and provide appearance to the fundus [I'igure 1.02CJ. Often there is
support, ihere is a rapid transition from the arterioEes to the less pigmentation of lhe choroid and RPli in a segmental
capillaries, hence the large blood IIow in the choroid Jhere area of the fundus inferior to the disc in Lhe area of closure
is a central precapillary arteriole lhal breaks up into a lobule of the fetal fissure. Uneven distribution of melanocytes in
of choriocapil laris and empties into a peripheral poslcapil- lhe uvea may occasionally give a distinct heterochromic
lary venule. 'I here is regional variation in the choriocapil - appearance lo the fundus [Figure 1.02EJ).
Earis architecture. The lobular pattern of the choriocapil laris
is seen in lhe posterior pole, whereas near lhe equator the CROSS ANATO jVIY_________________
precapillary arteriole and postcapillary venule hare a more
direct connection through lhe capillaries,. and anteriorly lhe Jixami nation of the macular area with a dissecting micro­
choriocapillaris connects lhe arterioles and venules at righl scope is possible after making a coronal section through
angles, creating a ladder-like pattern. the pars plana of a fresh eye (Figure 1.03). 'llie retina
The KE*ii is more highly pigmented in lhe central macu- begins to lose ils normal transparency within hours of
Ear area than elsewhere; Whereas the amount of melanin death. Yellow pigmenl is apparent in lhe center of the
in the RPE is similar in alt races, the number of mela­ macula. It is highly concentrated in the foreolar area
nocytes and the amounL of melanin in the choroid are (i'igure 1.03A). If the central macular area of a fresh
greater tn more highly pigmenLed races. En Caucasians human retina is viewed in cross-sectionr the concentra­
the combination of lhe pigmenl in lhe R P t and lhe cho­ tion of the xanthophyll appears lo be maximal in the
roid imparls an orange or orange-red color to lhe fundus. outer nuclear and outer plexiform layers. Xanlhophyll is
In most pigmented individuals the ЛЕЧ: and choroidal also present, however, within the inner plexiform layer
pigment impart a brown color that obscures most or all inside the foreal area (E'igure 1.04). In monkeys the yellow
t .03
pigment has been localized by speclro photo metric ним ly­ \.ОГ. H isto Iogy о t macula r and para in acula г rel ina.
sis lo all layers from the outer nuclear layer inward but
Peripheral macula, Л: arid рвйГаГлфиЬг retina, 6J: shbwing
with the greatest concentration irt the outer and inner internal iiTTiiLin^ mufnbrane li), ganglion cell layer inner
plexiform layer central Ly.-"1 1 MicrodensilomeLry of relinal |jiyxifonn layer lipj, irtner nuclear layer vnt). ouLer plejtifomi
sections of primate retinas suggests that the greatest con­ layer or H en le ml, outer nuclear layer (о), external limiting
centration is in the cones axons centrally.3 Stereochemical membrane (ELM),, and reCeplnf eleancnli; (r).
analysis has demonstrated evidence that xanlhophyll com­ C: Schematic depiction of lhe Muller cell cone iMcc). g,
prises iwo carotenoids with properties identical lo those cell layer; H, Hun Ip nLive fiber layer.
of zeaxanthin and lutein.11' 1' After removal of the semi­ It, jdiipltid Глзт £Jtfisu.1J, О 1993, AmeH.tip ,‘HL'diiн As.\rx.i,iii(>n. Ail
rij^ils ruMjrvod..
transparent retina, the normal orange-red appearance of
the fundus is restored (Figure 1.03KJ. Ibis color results
primarily from the melanin within the RPE cells and not,
as often implied, from the blood wilhin the choroidal ves­ enveloped by lateral extensions of the Muller cell pro­
sels. lhe relatively dark area in the foveal region is prob­ cesses. in the outer plexiform layer of Henle. however,
ably caused primarily by the increased pigment content of the long Muller and receptor cell processes radiate in an
the КРЁ cells. 'Jhe relalive darkness of this area, along with almost horizontal and then oblique direction away from
the normal orange-red color of (he surrounding fundus, the cenlral foveal area and are not interconnected by inter­
largely disappears after lhe ЙРЕ is removed with a cotton twining neural processes and blood vessels. The Muller
applicator [E'igure L03CJ. Some of the relative darkness cells are modified glial cells .that provide the structural
of the cenlral macular area remains, however, because of framexvork supporting the neural elements of the retina.
Lhe greater concentration of choroidal melanocytes in this Lheir nuclei lie in the inner nuclear layer. Anteriorly their
area, lhe large choroidal vessels in older patients appear as basal cell processes constitute the inner relinal surface,
yellowish white cords coursing through the macular area. which is lined anteriorly by the so-called internal lim it­
Ihis loss of choroidal vessel wall transparency in older ing membrane, basement membrane, or basal lamina of
patients, nil though often referred to as "choroidal scle­ lhe Muller cells (Hgure 1.05). This membrane is relatively
rosis/ probably represents a normal aging change in the thick in the macular region except in the area of the fov-
choroidal vessel wall and is not associated with significant eola, where il is visible only by electron microscopy. Ihe
narrowing of its lumen. internal limiling membrane serves as an anchoring struc­
After removal of the choroid, the entrance sites of the ture for the collagen framework of the vitreous. Jhe apical
short and long posterior ciliary arteries are visualized or outer celE processes of lhe Muller cells extend external
[Figure 1.03D). The short posterior ciliary arteries are con­ lo the outer nuclear layer, where they are connected to the
centrated in the macular area, particularly along the tem­ visual cells by a system of terminal bars that constitute the
poral margin of the fovea and the peripapillary area. In external lim iling membrane (E'igure l.O SB).1- ihis row
the choroid they branch frequently and course outward of tight junctions probably provides at least a partial bar­
toward the periphery. Several short posterior ciliary arteries rier to the passage of large molecules in either direction, it
enter nasal to the optic disc. The temporal long posterior probably functions on the one hand to protect the retinal
ciliary artery and ciliary nerve enter about 1Vi disc diam­ extracellular compartment from encroachment by subreti-
eters temporal to the center of the fovea. Melanocytes are nal exudate and on the other hand lo prevent intraretinal
concentrated along either side of both of these structures. exudate from spreading into the sub relinal space.
An overlooked part of the fovea is the inverted cone­
HISTOLOGY_______________________ shaped zone of specialized Muller cells composing the
floor of the fovea - Muller cell cone, first reported by
ihe specialized structure in the macular region accounts Vamada in 1969.1111 'ibis cone of Muller cells is likely a
for the predilection of certain disease processes to involve reservoir for concentrated xanlhophyll and the primary
this area and for the variety of ophthalmoscopic changes structural support for the foveola (Figure 1.05C). Ihe
peculiar to Lhis area. In the macula we find the thick­ apex of the cone was close to the outer limiting mem­
est porLion of the retina (Figure 1.01 E>) surrounding (he brane and the base formed the floor of the fovea centralis
thinnest portion, the foveolar area, lhe normal reLina is and extended into the area of the divus in the peri foveal
composed of a mass of interwoven neural cells with little region. The cytoplasm towards the apex of lhe Muller cells
extracellular space. The relative Jack of extracellular space appeared scant and optically empLy. it was denser towards
is apparent only with electron microscopy, which demon­ the base of lhe Muller cells; this is in contrast lo the greater
strates cell membranes not visible with ordinary histologic density of cytoplasm of the Muller cells elsewhere in the
techniques. En the inner half of the retina there is exten­ retina lhe internal limiting membrane lining the inner
sive intertwining of horizontally and vertically coursing surface of die Muller cell cone Was thin (10-20 nm] com­
neural cell processes and blood vessels, all of which are pared wtlh Lbat in the peripheral foveal area (1.5 pm }.1'1
HisfrJfjgy 7
8 I d iA PTI R ] N u rm al M a n ila

The retinal blood vessels are confined lo lhe inner half 1.0b Normal choroids
of the retina. Eilectron microscopy has revealed that all
Д: HisLulojjic sagittal fiactlq'rt. Retinal piyment epithelium
of Lhe major branches of lhe retinal arterial system have [left Lirrowi, Bruch's membran& (right arruwi, choriucapiilaris
the structure of small arteries I hat persists even beyond (ccl, choroidal mtilanucyle Im), prec api 11a ry arteriole Ip), and
Lbe equator.1 RetLrud arteries differ in their structure from choroidal artery :caj.
muscular arteries of the same size in other organs in ti: Three-dimensmnal schematic representation. Note Lhe
their Lick of an internal elastic lamina and their well- lobular paLLerns ol lhe choriucnpiilaris with each tubule sup­
plied by an arteriole, ca, choroidal artery; cvr choroidal vein.
developed muscularis. Posteriorly the arterial wall consists
Cr D: Vbrte-it vein am pulla seen undtir lh e macula in Lhis
of five to seven Layers of smooth-muscle cells; peripherally
hij^h myope,, normally seen 14-1.5 mm from thy I i nil j u s ll>i
this is reduced lo one or two layers, lhe relinal veins near
the optic disc have three to four layers of smooth-muscle
cells. I'hl muscularis disappears.. however, a short distance
from the optic disc and is replaced by fibroblasts. There is and contain a greater concentration of melanin pigment in
controversy concerning the pattern of distribution of the (he macular region than elsewhere.' ■' There is an inverse
capillary network in lhe retina. PeLinal trypsin digest stud­ relationship between melanin and lipofuscin pigment
ies suggest a diffuse arrangement1,1,11(1 whereas injected concentration in Lhe pigment epithelium. Lipofuscin con­
whole mounts suggest a two- or ihree-tier arrangement.1 centration increases initially during the first two decades
Jlie superficial network is predominantly postarleriolar of life and then ag^in in the sixth decade of life, l he con­
and Lhe deep network prevenular. Ibere is a distincl radial centration of lipofuscin in the pigment epithelium is sig­
peripapillary capillary network thal arises at the optic disc nificantly greater in white than in black persons. wrhereas
and extends along an arcuate course wilhin the nerve fiber the concentration of melanin in the pigment epithelium
Eayer. Inis network richly interconnects wrilh the inner reti­ is similar in black and white persons. 'Ihe melanin con­
nal capillary layer.L? In the perifoveolar area, the capillary tent of the pigment epithelium and choroidal melanocytes
network is reduced to a single layer of capillaries that sur­ declines with age. In young and middle-aged individu­
round a capillary-free zone, which varies in size buE which als ihe tiPE-. is tightly adherent to the underlying Eimcb's
usually measures 0.4-0.5 mm in diameter (see figure membrane by means of its own basement membrane, i'h is
l.OOh below). I"he capillary-free zone is an important adherence decreases with advancing age. [n Lhis hook the
fluorescein angiographic landmark in evaluating patients term "Bruch's membrane" is used only lo refer Lo Lhe sheet­
with macular disease, [here is experimental evidence Lo like condensation of the innermost portion of the cho­
suggest thaL the capillaiy-fiee zone is normally vascular­ roidal slroma that consists of two layers of collagen, one
ized during the p ren aLai development of the retina. JusL on either side of a layer of elastic tissue (E'igure 1.06). Ets
before or shortly after birth the capiIlary-free zone devel­ inner surface is smoothr whereas its outer surface is com­
ops as a result of spoilLaneous capillary obliteration.1'' In posed of a series of waffle-like collagenous protrusions
a few patients with normal visual function, all or pari of that extend externally to form the pillars separating and
this prenatal capillary network may persist inlo adulthood, supporting the choriocapillaris. lhe inclusion of the sub-
ihe retinal blood vessels, as well as all of those within the mitroscopic basement membrane Layers of the PHL and the
central nervous system- are Lined by an endothelium with choriocapillaris endolhelium as part of Bruch's membrane
tight cellular junctions demonstrable in electron micro­ by some authors is unfortunate for several reasons. First,
graphs. I his peculiar endothelial structure constitules the Bruch could not have seen these latter two structures with
inner part of the blood-retinal and blood-brain barrier lighl microscopy, and second, and more important from
system that is responsible for maintaining the extracellular the pathophysiologic point of view, it is logical lo consider
spaces of the retina and brain relatively free of extracellular Bruch's membrane as being part of the choroidal stroma,
fluid. lhe condensation of mesodermal connective tissue thal
ihe RPL is a monolayer of hexagonal cells densely composes Bruch's membrane is similar in its relationship
adherent lo one another by a system of tight cellular junc­ lo lhe stroma ofthe choroid, as Bowman's membrane is m
tions or terminal bars lhal comprise the ouler blood- its relationship to the slroma of the cornea. As an integral
retinal barrier which maintains the sub retinal space in a part of the slroma surrounding (he endothelial walls of the
state of detuigescencc. ihe intercellular cohesiveness of choriocapillaris, Bruch's membrane does not represent a
the ttPE is not easily disrupted. Snlerdigitalion of the api­ distinct tissue layer capabEe of being separated physically
cal processes of the KPli cells with the rod and cone outer from the choriocapillary bed. Because of its porous struc­
segments of the retina provides only a tenuous adhesion ture it probably plays a minimal role in regulating move­
of the НИ: to the sensory retina. The RPL cells are taller ment of substances across il.
lhe choroid is supplied by the abort ciliary or choroi­ f.07 Schematic diagram showin g relationship of
dal arteries lhal are concentrated in the macula and peri­ choroidal circulation, relinal pigment epithelium
papillary region. Posteriorly, these arteries form a rich (KPE), and relina.
anastomolic network that quickly empties large quanti­ Fluorescein enters by w^v or the ophthalm ic arlety <OA) ijnd
ties of blood into the sinusoidal network, referred lo as the ihorL t iliary arl [tries -:-С1Лi inLo the blood vessels of lhe
the choriocapillaris. that is encased within the outer part choroid ahd small capillaries wjppJyljig the optic пвпда hegri.
of Hruch's m e m b r a n e . J h e s e wide interconnecting The dye passes in a m ore circuitous route by w ay of the cen ­
capillary spaces are lined by a fenestrated endolhelium tral relinal artefy (CRAl into lbe retinal circulation. In the
tnatula the т о го density pi^jneiiltjd pigment up il helium .and
that is attached by its basement membrane to lhe ouler
lhe retinal xanthophyll act an idlers Lo obst ure Lhe underly­
collagenous zone of bruch's membrane. lbe choriocap- ing choroidal № ьёёяи from vitnv.
ilSaris is arranged in a segmental pattern that varies with
l l - ш т l i . i y r u h . " ' . ■ I 5 7 J . Л п ч т и .in iv l t i l .i . j Л ^ ы д 'и М ч п . A l l eig h ts
h i location."4 " ," J'' In lhe macula there is a lobular pattern ratlVtd.)
of highly concentrated interconnecting capillaries sup­
plied by a central arteriole and drained by circuinferential
venules (i-igure I.06E>).:f'- ^ - 1.08 Tech mque о I ftuo re scein a ngtog rap by,
The peripapillary branches of the short posterior c ili­
Fnliejil (left), pholo^apher, and physician.
ary arteries supply lhe majority o f the capillaries in lhe
prelaminar part o f lhe oplic nerve2' Although occasional
arterial branches from the dioraid supply the optic disc,
the choriocapillaris does not conim unicale directly with of lar^e choroida! arteries, particularly in the posterior
Lbe optic disc capillaries. L'he prelaniinar capillaries freely fundus, ’l'he choriocapitlaris, like the re&l of the capillary-
anastomose aL lhe disc margin w ilh Lbose o f lhe relina. system outside the central nervous system, has an endo­
JJoth capillary systems drain into the venules leading Lo thelium with a pore size sufficient lo allow some larger
Lbe central retinal vein.-"1"-1, IJ :1 molecules, including proteins, lo escape into theexlravas-
lhe nutrition of the inner half of the relina es supplied cular space. Outside the eye, extracellular protein returns
by the retinal blood vessels, lhe light cellular junctions of lo the intravascular system via the lymphatic syslem. In the
the retina! capillary endolhelium (blood-inner retinal bar­ eye there are no lymphatic channels, and the perivascular
rier) and the RPH (blood-outer retinal barrier), although and perineural spaces in the sclera probably function as
permitting Tree exchange of water, nutrients- and waste lymphatic channels to provide a pathway for extracellular
products between the blood and the retina, form a barrier protein to exit the eye and to gain entrance into the lym­
that prevents passage of large molecules, including pro- phatic system. 'Jhus the choriocapiHaris endolhelium is of
Leins and lipids, into the extracellular space of the retina primary importance in controlling the amount of extracel­
and into the sub retinal space. 'Lhe oncotic pressure, exerted lular fluid normally present in lhe choroid.
primarily by the high concentration of intravascular pro­
teins, together with intracellular physiologic pumping NORMAL FLUORESCEIN
mechanisms wiLhin the RJPE and relinal capillary endothe­ ANGIOGRAPHIC FINDINGS
lium. are important in maintaining the retinal extracellu-
Ear space and sub retinal space relatively free of water. 'L'he Sodium fluorescein in solution when excited by a blue
RPL is involved also in lhe photochemistry of vision, lhe light (465-490 nm) will fluoresce and emit a yellow-green
phagocytosis of degenerated outer segments of the retinal light (peak wave length of 520-530nm). Its molecular
elements, and the transport of metabolic wastes from the weight of 376 is such that it diffuses freely out of all the
retina into the choriocapillaris. body capillaries except those in lhe central nervous system,
'l'he peculiar structure of the choroidal vascular tree including the retina. It diffuses throughout Lhe extracel­
in the macula provides this area with the highest rate of lular compartment, and it stains collagen, but it does not
blood flow of any tissue in the body. Ibis is greatly in enter the intracellular compartment in concentrations suf­
excess of that needed to meet the nutritional demands of ficient lo be visualised. Approximately S0% of the dye is
the retina" and probably funcLions to stabilise the tem­ bound to plasma proteins, mostly albumin. It is predomi­
perature environment of the retina, particularly in lhe nantly the unbound fluorescein in the plasma layer lying
macular area.35 Ihe choriocapitlaris is the major source between the relinal blood vessel wall and the column of
of nutrition for the ЙРБ and outer retinal layers. Although flowing erythrocytes lhal is detected angiographically.
rapid-sequence angiography has demonstrated some In the eye the retinal circulation and the choroidal cir­
degree of segmentation of the blood supply to the cho­ culation are separated by a filter of irregular and variable
roid in both normal humans and experimental animals, density, the RPli (E-'igure 1.07). Huorescein injected rap­
the availability of many pathways of collateral blood flow idly into the antecubital vein of the normal patient (figure
in the choroid is responsible for lhe infrequent demon­ 1.0Й) enters the choroidal circulation by way of the
stration of loss of visual function caused by obstruction short ciliary arteries about 30-15 seconds after injection
Choroic Reiina

& I L i !A!’T I:K N o rm al .Vincula

(Figures 1.09 and 1.10). lhe choroidal flow is extremely 1,091 Fluorescein angiographic study of the normal
rapid; only with rapid-sequence phoLography can one fu n d u s.
visualize the patchy choroidal filling that occurs in lhe Л: Prea feria l pfitfse jjjidWing the Tilling of ttie choroidal cir­
region of the shorL ciliary arteries. Rapid perfusion of the culation, Lind capillaries of Lhe optic nerve head larrow indi­
choroid and leakage of Lhe dye from ihe choriocapil laris cates dye in moderate-sized choroidal vessel!. Mote patchy
produce a background choroidal flush that .has ,1 mottied b atkgrmj rid choroids I flus-li.
fluorescence because of the masking effect of the pig­ B: Larly arteriovenous phase (about 10 seco n ds showing
tilling of Lhe retinal artery and early laminar filling c l relinal
ment epithelium. Only in Lhe estramacular area before the
arteriovenous phase can details o£'perfusion of the larger
C: LiiLer arteriovenous phase showing complete filEirg of
choroidal vessels be detected (Figures 1.00A and 1.10A 1 macuEar arterioles. Note laminar flow o f dye in veins (arrows
and A2). Elapid Leakage of dye from the choriocapillaris indicate, from right lo left, the retinal artery, first-order arteri­
and staining of tiruch's membrane give a ground-glass ole, and second-erdef arteriole). Note ^round-j^lass appear­
appearance to the background choroidal fluorescence and ance of Ihc.*- b a ^ g iiifr id choroidal fluorescence ifial has
obscure all details of the choroidal circulation from view obscured from v ie w Lhe derails o f the choroidal vasculaLure.
1his is caused bv leakage of dye frum lhe chorioca pi Haris.
(Figures 1.(}'.>B and L. 10til and 112). Lhe background cho­
U: Venous slage showing maximum dye cdncErtfgLion in
roidal fluorescence is either absent or barely visible in the
relinal veins. .Note that choroidal vessels (arrow) appear non-
norma! macular region, primarily because of the greater lIuonescenL. The spates bclw een lhe choroidal vessels, how ­
density of the Ri*l. in this area and the presence of xan- ever, appear fluorescent, because of leakage of the dye I hat
thop by II in the outer relinal layers. Ln darkly pigmented occurred in lhe inilia] pass of lEie dye through Ihe eye.
individuals the increased density of the choroidal mela­ E: ГеП minutes after dyr injection. N<ile I ha I the dve is barely
nocytes Ln the macula is also of importance in obscuring visible in the choroid and relinal t irculatiun. Huorescence ol
Lhe opLit d iне. is prim arily caused by sLaming of the lamina
the background choroidal fluorescence in the macula, in
most normal eyes, perfusion of any cilioretinal arteries
F: M agnified view of normal m acula showing details o f perr-
present occurs simultaneously wiLb that of the choroidal loveal t apillary bed and avascular 2npe.
Vessels and the capillaries of the optic nerve head, approxi­
mately I second before that of the proximal branches of
the cenlral relinal artery (Figure 1.0УА). Jn some persons.,
perfusion of the ciliary arterial system occurs simultane­
ously with or after the appearance of the dye in the retinal phases the outer edges of Lhe major retinaL vessels appear
arteries The dye perfuses the relinal arteries, passes into relatively hyperfluorescent because of the greater amount
Lhe capillary bed, and later collects at the margins of (he of fluorescein Ln the tangential section of the plasma cuff
Veins draining the area [Figure !f the bolus of dye near the edge of the blood vessels: Lhe dense RL3F in the
E5 given rapidly, Lhe major retinal veins may be filled with macular region effectively obscures the choroidal fluores­
dye at a time when minimal dye is evident in the arteries cence and provides a dark background on which details of
(venous phase) [Figure ].ОУО). During the recirculation the retinal circulation are displayed
In many patients, particularly in those with a brunette 1.10 Fluorescein angiographic sludy of normal fundus.
fundus, the tine relinal capillary nettvork, including I hat Pertusion of normal choroid during angiography.
surrounding the centra! avascular zone, can be visualized Compare angiogram (left) with schematic diagram
angiographicalEy using the ordinary techniques of intra­ (rights Black dots indicate fluorescein molecules.
venous injection into the antecubiLal vein (Egure I.09E'). A l and A2: early perfusion of short ciliary arteries [scaf and
ihe diameter of the capillary-free zone is variable and is <. horiocapillaris \co producer early background choroi­
usually 400-50t)|jm [one-third disc diameter). Serial dal fEuoiest елее and fill я capillaries or lhe optic disc. RHL.
photography permits delection of ma^or flow alterations., relinal pigment epjlhelium ; hm, Eiasemenl membrane.: E3M,
Kruch's membrane.
whether caused by arterial, capillary, or venous obstruc­
B l and 82: Arteriovenous phase showing Increase in back­
tion. The detection of minor flow nille rat ions is difficult
ground choroidal fluorescence caused l?v dye m olec li les
without die use of cinematographic techniques. t he blood elstapJrtg iro n lhe cho-riocapil laris lo stain B ru ch s membrane
vessels of lhe cenlral nervous system, including I hose of and [lie extravascular Ii унu -rit Ihи cEioroid. The dye docs nol
[he retinar appear impermeable Lo the fluorescein mol­ penelrate I be cell membrane ol Ibe relEnal pigment epithe­
ecule. ibis is nol true of blood vessels oulside lhe central lium, which is adherenl Lo Bruch's membrane by means of
nervous system, including those of the choroid. Jhe dye lhe basement mem bra ne.

Eeaks out of the choriocapil laris, slains ttrueb's membrane, C l and С 2: Laler stages of angiography. Note the large cho­
roidal vessels are relatively IvypofEucnoHcenl I'arrcjwl. The
diffuses into Lhe extravascular spaces of the choroid, and
dye is d ill us mg back m1o [he chuTiocapi I laris as Lhe inLra-
eventually stains the sclera (Figure L. LO). ]usl as lhe reti­ vascular dye concent ration decreases. The large am ount of
nal vascular endothelium is a barrier to (he diffusion of dye in the exlravascular spaces and sclera in comparison
dye imo the retina, so the КГЕ: is a barrier to the diffusion La lhal inLravascularly causes ibe larger vessels Co appear
of dye from lhe choroid into the retina As die dye dif­ hypofJuorescen L.
fuses into lhe body iissues and is rapidly excreted in the
kidneys and liver, (he intravascular concentration of fluo­
rescein decreases and dye begins lo diffuse back into the or less of sodium iodide, il has a molecular weight of 775.
choroidal vessels. !he Laige choroidal vessels lying in the When injected intravenously it es lighLlv bound lo plasma
pool of exLravascular dye appear relatively hypofluorescenl globulins and is excreted solely by the liver. El has been
during the later stages of angiography [Figure 1.01Ю). Ihis widely used medically since I У56 with minimal adverse
is partly because of a delay in the return of extravascular reactions.'' 11 Et should not be used in patients with a his­
dye inlo the choriocapil Earis, but more important! yr it is tory of allergy to iodine. The principal advantages of ECXt
a result of the greater amount of dye in the extravascular over fluorescein are its spectral absorption and fluorescent
spaces compared with the thin layer of intravascular fluo­ characteristics in die near-infrared wavelengths. 3CG in
rescein surrounding Lhe cenlral column of erylhrocyles. blood absorbs and emits light in the near-infrared range
In evaluating diseases of lhe macula, fluorescein angiog­ (S05 and fl35 nm, respectively). Thus ICG angiography
raphy can be of value iti delecting: (1} alterations tn blood atlows giealeT visualization through exudale, lipid, mela­
flow; (2) alterations in permeability of lhe retinal blood nin, and hemoglobin and provides a greater view of the
vessels; [3] alterations in the retinal vascular pattern; (4) choroidal circulation than is possible with fluorescein
alterations in the density of the pigment epithelium; and angiography, lieing more btghh piotein-bound than fluo­
(5) other changes affecting the normal angiographic pat­ rescein, it escapes more slowly from lhe choriocapil Laris
tern in this area. and new vessels into serous tissue spaces and, therefore,
In 1969- indocyanine green [ICC") was introduced as a in some circumstances is better able lo deled and Localize
supplement Lo fluorescein as another dye for angiographic areas of neovascularization Lying beneath serous detach­
study of the ocular fundus. weak fluorescent effi­ ment of die pigment epithelium and retina.'1' En spite of
ciency o f ECG lim ited ils usefulness, however, until the lhe increased use of ICJC angiography over the pasl two
recent development of digital video imaging systems.'' " decades, Lhere still exist some gaps in our knowledge con­
ICCj is a water-soluble tricarbocyanine dye containing 5% cerning lhe interpretation of iCG angiograms.

Imaging and Electrophysiological Studies
PATHOPHYSIOLOGIC AND 2.0 E A ngi ographic d em on slra lio n о f btood flow
abnormalities in the eye-
A: D elayed appearance o f fluorescein [20.2 seconds'I in reti­
FOR INTERPRETATION OF nal and choroidal circulation in pa lien I w ilh (jbslruction of
FLUORESCEIN ANGIOGRAPHY Lhe right carulid artery.
l>: Branch retinal artery alretruc Licm :arrow).
'Jhe anatomy and physiology of the choroid and retina О К г л п -Lh r e l i n a l v e i n u b s L r u c l i u n M a r r o w :.

and iheir relationship lo the normal fluorescein angio­ D: Per'HovetjIpaf retinal capillary occlusion,
t: LJelayed tierf"U4$tm □! Lhe choroid idark area'i caused Ijy cili­
graphic findings Were presented in Chapter 1 and are fun­
ary arLwiaJ (jcclubmn fallowing kryplon rad pholonja^uialion
damental lo understanding the principles of interpretation in papillomacular bundle area. Collateral drjjulalron to the
of fluorescein angiography in patients with ocuEar fundus choiiocapillariv was adequate Lo uneven I los-ь nl" visual acmLy.
ab norm aLilies. In this regard the following fads arc most r : Cunlrast I ^vilh normaf patchy areas \arrowsi o i delayed
important: choroidal jjurfuiiion by ihn short ciliary arleiies during eady
phases o f angiography.
1. Jhe choroidal vasculature and its extracellular compart­
lb, (rum L'uhi'n fl ;lI. 'l
ment are similar lo that of the body outside the central
nervous system in that ultrastructurally the capillary
endothelial cells have a pore size that permits escape of ABNORMALITIES OF BLOOD FLOW
relatively large molecules, including sodium fluorescein
W ith severe obstruction of either the carotid or the oph­
and some smaller proteins, into the choroidal extracel­
thalmic artery, there is usually evidence of delay in
lular compartment, which is погтплEly partly expanded
appearance of fluorescein in bolh the choroidal and the
by extracellular fluid.
retinal circulation (l:Jgure 2.01 Aft Jiecause of the end-artery
2. Jhe relinal vasculature and its greatly contracted extra­
arrangement of the retinal circulation and its high visibility
cell uEar compartment are similar lo that of the brain
angiographically, severe obstruction o f els circulation al any
in that the capillary endothelial cells are separated by
Eevel from the central retinal artery lo the central retinal
Light junctions ( blood -inner retinal barrier) that do
vein is readily delected angiographically [E'igure 2.01 B-D).
not permit escape of large molecules, including sodium
Jiecause of multiple posterior short ciliary arteries sup­
fluorescein and protein, into the relinal extracellular
ply ing the choroidal circulation and the rich arterial anas­
compartment, which is normally maintained in a state
tomosis within the choroid, angiographic demonstration
of re Ialive deturgescence.
of obstruction of one or more of the major choroidal arter­
3. Jhe choroidal circulation and its expanded extracellular
ies is infrequently demonstrated, liven when obstruction
compartment, which are nonnally stained with fluores­
occurs, collateral circulation is usually sufficient lo prevent
cein, are separated from the subretina I space and retinal
infarction of the overlying relina, as illustrated in Hgure
extracellular compartment, which are not stained with
2.01 E in a patient with ciliary artery obstruction caused by
fluorescein, by the relinal pigment epithelium (RJJb;
krypton red laser. IJapid-sequence angiography used in
blood-outer retinal barrier). The ЙРЁ is a monocellular
normal eyes often shows patchy areas of deEayed choroi­
layer of cells connected by tight junctions that prevent
dal perfusion in the posterior pole caused by minor varia­
escape of large molecules, including fluorescein and pro­
tions in the length and diameter of the short ciliary arteries
tein, from the choriocapillaris into lhe subreLinal space,
(E'igure 2.011-'), it may be difficult to differentiate these
which is maintained in a state of relative deturgescenoe,
changes from those caused by pathologic obstruction of
Jo assist in the regulation of the extracellular environ­
the posterior ciliary arteries. Peripherally, fewer pathways
ment, the choroidal and retinal vascular endolhelia, as
for anastomosis are available and occlusion of a major cho­
well as the ftPt, probably haw intracellular physiologic
roidal artery may cause a wedge-shaped area of ischemic
mechanisms that permit movement of molecules and
infarction of the KJ41 and outer retina [Amalric's triangle).
water against an osmotic gradient, in addition to these
After lhe disappearance of the white ischemic retina, angi­
functions, the R l'i. acts as an optical filter of irregular
ography usually demonstrates evidence of arterial obstruc­
density to obscure the choroid partly from view.
tion as the cause of the wedge-shaped area of RPB atrophy
Jh is. chapter briefly describes some of the basic patho­ (see Figures 3.56Еч and L, and 9.J51: and h). Acute obstruc­
physiologic and histopadiologic changes occurring in the tion of the precapillary arterioles and choriocapillaris is
posterior ocular fundus and illustrates how fluorescein usually accompanied by ischemic whitening of the RJ'H
angiography can assist in the detection and definition of and outer retina and a corresponding area of patchy Loss of
these changes. Additional details concerning specific dis­ choroidal fluorescence (E'igure '■). 15C-h). It is to dif­
eases are given in subsequent chapters. ferentiate these lesions biomicroscopically and angiographi­
In general, fluorescein angiography is useful in detect­ cally from similar changes that are unrelated to choroidal
ing [1) abnormalities of blood flow to or within the cho­ vascular obstruction (such as blocked fluorescence due lo
roid, optic nerve head, and retina and [2) lesions that alter opacification oi' the RPK (see discussion of acute posterior
the normal pattern of fundus fluorescence. multifocal placoid pigment epitheliopathy, chapter II).
Angiography is helpful in delecting a focal area of 2..02 Hyperfluoresce n ce ca used by "w in d p w ,r d efe ct
chronic obstniction of the choriocapillaris thal is accompa­ in ihe retinal pigment epithelium fRPE>.
nied by alrophy of lhe overlying RVIL and retina. tfcorescei n A —C : Fifly-ontJ-yetir-old wom an wiLh lupus e?ry1 hem alosus
leakage in lhe normal choroid occurs primarily from lhe and hu3J's-eye p.altedfi of dEpigrtlEntafifcib of the RPE Caused
choriocapillaris. Ef the choriocapillaris is obslmcted arigi- by chloroquine. Mole evidence оГ early perfusion o f Lhe rela­
ography may demonstrate perfusion of lhe large choroidal tively t r ia d choricicapillaris f o c i in B.
vessels but Will show a delay in choriocapillaris perfusion D : Diagram (jf v f iliСчЧI histopalholo^ic seel ion Ehnou^h l!k ?
m ac lfId of A F.liowinn depigrnentaljati or Fil’t (afimw^l
and late choroidal and scleral staining within lhe area of
surrounding Llie central area of norm ally piymtmlud KI'Ei, and
overlying ИРГ atrophy (E-igure 2.Q1E:-H). karly staining
inlacl undedving choriocapillriris.
along lhe periphery of such lesions оссигъ from leakage of E-G: ForEy-six-year-old рлМоШ with sotort! atrnpEiy and loss
fluorescein from the inlact surrounding choriocapiLlaris. ol lhe К PE: caused by Worthy's сепЕгаГ anuolar choroidal dys­
Angiography is helpful in differentiating Lhese focal areas trophy. NoLe delayed choroidal perfusion in F indicative of
of 1113L, reLinal, and choriocapillaris alrophy from focal or alrophy ol Ihe choriocapilEaris, and [ale fluorescein slain ing
geographic areas of depigmenlation of lhe KPE: that biomi- of choroid rind ы:](.та in area of KF’b alrophy in G .
H : HisLopalhologic changes, including atrapEiy of KPE and
croscopically may appear similar (l-'igure 2.02A-E>). In these
laller instances angiography may show that the choriocapil-
Earis is relalively intact (see discussion of chloroquine macu-
lopathy, chapter 5).

"W IN D O W " DEFECTS small capillary pore siix. JTie amounl of water lhal is pres­
(TRANSMISSION ent in the extracellular space is determined osmolically
primarily by lhe pore size of the capillary endolhetiuni
HYPERFLUORESCENCE) and the amounL of prolei n within lhe exLraeellular space.
IN THE RETINAL PIGMENT The amounl of pnolein normally present Lhere represents
EPITHELIUM CAUSING FOCAL a balance between thal escaping from lhe vascular com­
partment and lhal returning to Lhe circulation by wray of
HYPERFLUORESCENCE the lymphatic system. When either elevalion of lhe iulra-
Focal areas of bypopigmenlalion, or thinning of lhe RI4:, capillary pressure or pathologic altera Lion in the capillary
when associated with minimal or no alterations in the endothelium occurs, protein and in some cases larger lipo­
underlying choriocapil laris, will appear hyper fluorescein proteins and lipids escape into the extracellular space and
during lhe early phases of angiography because of the bring water with them (exudationJ.
grealer amounl of inciting blue light reaching Lhe cho­
roid and lhe greater visibility of the choroidal fluorescence [ntrachoroidal Exudation
(figure 2.02A-E3). Stereoscopically, the area of the hyper­
Since fluorescein escapes normally from the choriocaptl-
flu оrescence appears flat or depressed and remains rela­
laris, angiography is of little vaEue in detecting changes in
tively constant ici si/je throughout the sludy. The changes
capillaiy permeability in the chnroid unless these changes
in inlensilv of lhe fluorescence parallel that of the normal
are associated wrtlh either loss of adherence ofthe НИ: lo
choroidal fluorescence [figure 2.02A-[>). Areas of focal
Bruch's membrane or damage to (he К Г t. blood-outer reti­
atrophy or loss of the RETfi and choriocapillaris will cause
nal barrier.
a delay in lhe early development of hypeiftuonescence
(E:igure im a - i fji
Choroldat Exudation Causing Localized
EXUDATION AND FLUORESCEIN (Disciform) Retinal Detachment
STAINING Localised detachment of the relina, often referred to as
disciform detachment, lhat is caused by exudale derived
Water and electrolytes are free to move back and forth from lhe choroidal circulation occurs primarily by ihree
across the capillary endothelium. Ejrge molecules, particu­ mechanisms: (T) delachmenl of lhe JtE:E:; (2j choroidal
larly protein and lipids, are nol, however, because of the neovascularization; and (.1) devilalizalion of lhe RPf.
■r. ■
Detachment of the RPE Angiography showing sequence of events in a
37-year-old man wilh a large serous detachment of
lh e normal adherence of the RI4i basement membrane lo retinal pigment epiIhelium [RPE} surrounded by a
the inner collagenous /one of Bm chs membrane may be marginaE serous detachmenl of Lhe retina.
disrupted by a variety of causes, including increased per­
A I : K'ole light-colored, [JViL?,. serous deLiichmenl ol" Iby KFnt
meability of the choriocapil [am. degeneration of Bruch's strrfQunded (ту llit1 dflrier halt) ftf serous relinial dctach n i еп I
membrane, degeneration of the ЩРЕ anti its basemenL that extends inferiofly Id the i n-foncjN.'jn рог л I artery. Arrow
membrane, and exudation from sub-RHi choroidal neo­ indicates several small param acular serous detachments of
vascularization. Whatever lhe cause, serous exudation the HPb.
from the choriocapiHaris or from sub-l?L:b new vessels may A 2: Schematic diagram depicting serous detachment of the
produce a sharply defined, often blister-like, detachment HPt nind retina (Kj. io o n afler inje?c: Iiun of fluoresceSfJ, dye
molecules (black dotsJ enEer the choroidal circulation and
of the ЙРЁ [E-'igure 2.03).- Hi size varies from sub bio mi­
begin to diffuse* oltI of the cbariocapillari^ (ccl into Lhe exlra-
croscopic lo several disc diameters or larger. When the RP1: vascular spaces of the choroid and across Bruch's membrane
detachment is riot caused by choroidal neovasculariza­ iBM^ into the sub-RI-’E space fcKs)-
tion, it is usually round or oval in shape and less than one B l and Б2: The dye poo It in [he sub-RRE space EjuL dues not
disc diameter in size. It appears solid, and its color varies entp f.A e bubretinal ырлсе (ыКз..
from that of lhe normal orange-brown ЛРЁ to yellow-gray. C l acid C.2: Later the: dye outiines the area of detachment of
Jhere may be a pinkish rim of subretinal fluid around the lhe b?PE. Although lb?1 fluorescence of the sub-ftPE exudate
begins lo fade as Lbe dye dilfuses back into the choriocapiE-
edge of the RPt detachment [b'igure 2.03). When small,
Earisr it is stiEE easily visible 1 hour after dye injection.
an ftPE detachment may be seen best in side illumination
with thesliL lamp. When caused by choroidal neovascular­ IAI. ti I. -iint 1IrumG.iKb. c;L.:l
ization lhe serous RPt detachment oflen has a kidney or
notched configuration and bio microscopically and angio-
graphicallv demonstrates features suggesting the presence
of choroidal neovascularization [see discussion in the nexL
section). En nonvascularized serous RPli detachments fluo­ fluorescence typically appears slighdy Laler lhan the back­
rescein molecules rapidly diffuse from the choriocapi I laris ground choroidal fluorescence and becomes maximally
across the full extent of the normally permeable Bruch's intense later and persists longer than the surroumling cho­
membrane into the sub-RPK exudate lo produce the roidal fluorescence liven when the RPH is detached, its
pathognomonic stereo angiographic picture of a sharply blood-ouler retinal barrier may remain intacl and prevenl
Localized area of fluorescein staining (figure 2.П.э). '['he exudation into the subsensory retinal space [E'igure 2.(14).


A serous RPf detachment may cause loss of centra! 2.04 Disciform macular detachment. Exudative
vision in two wgjrsi Ji may enlarge concentrically until it detachment of the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE)
extends beneath the center of the macula (figures 2.03 and retina wi4 hout Сho roida I ne ovas с uIar iza tion.
and 2.04), or the detached R[TEi may deconi pen sate and
permit large molecules and water to enter the suhretinal
2.03 Developmental stages of occult type I
space and detach the retina [E'igure 2.04}. if the break­
sub-retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) choroidal
down in the ШЧ-. barrier is low-grade and not associated
neovascularization before retinal detachment,
with a physical break in the continuity in die RPf. fluo­
rescein molecules may not be able lo diffuse across the A: Chafiota рМЗдгу (ccj invasion оГ Hrurfr's membrane LBM).
detached R P f into the subretina[ exudate in concentra­ l-Wforation o l Brush's mumbranE? and ujrtnvlh bertfcath lhe
mlii’ril piymCht epithelium.
tions sufficient to be visible angiographically (see E'igures
2.03 and 3.03A-C). In the presence of a break, however,
fluorescein streams into the sub retinal exudate (see Figure
3.03 D-l).

Choroidal Neovascularization of the sub-RI’h space occurs, the new vessels establish a
tinder a great variety of circumstances, neovascular tufts relatively firm adhesion to the overlying RPh. Initially, the
arising from the choroid may either invade and perforate blood flow through the neovascular network is sluggish
Bruch's membrane or grow through defects in E3ruches and there is little or no exudation (l-'igure 2.0ti). During
membrane and proliferate in either the sub-RPli space this period of occult neovascularization, the overlying
(type E choroidal neovascularization) or in the subsen - retina and 3?ME-, may be minimally affected, and the net­
sory space (type 11 choroidal neovascularization).' work may not be detectable bio microscopically or angio-
lhe location and growth pattern ofthe neovascular protif- graphicaEEy {figure 2.06A and Б). Iltese occult neovascular
eration are determined primarily by the age of the patient complexes may be one disc diameter or larger and may be
and the pre-existing disease. irregularly or focally elevated inlo a mound by virtue of
proliferation of accompanying fibroblastic cells and new
Type I Sub-RPE Neovascularization vessels before development of evidence of the escape of
As part of the normal aging process as xvell as in certain exudate from Lhe blood vessels (figure 2.06C). With act
degenerative and dystrophic disorders (e.g., age-related increase in blood flowr through the network, the endothe­
macular degeneration and pseudoxanLhoma elasticum), lium decompensates, particularly at the outer margin of
the firm attachment of the ЙРЕ and its basement mem­ the network, and exudation extends into the subpigment
brane to the inner collagenous zone of Bruch's membrane epithelial space around the network. In such cases when
becomes loosened. En these patients new vessels extend­ the overlying RE^L is thinned and only slightly detacEied
ing from the choroid through liruch's membrane find little by serous fluid, details of the neovascular network in ay be
resistance lo their lateral growth into the sub-RPli space easily detected angiographically, even though biomicro-
(figures 2.05 and 2.06).1 I heir pattern of growth often scopically the ncLwork may be hidden from view by cloud­
simulates that of a sea fan or cartwheel with radial arteri­ iness of the exudate (figure 2.0S). lhe exudation may
oles and venules supplying and draining a circumferential extend through the ftPt and detach the overlying retina
dilated capillary sinus (figure 2.07). As neovascularization (figure 2.0УА and fi).

Asynp:crna1k згпг I RPE d t :a c n n E n l

Зупрйгпэнс rEtna1dEtotfimenL
In oilier patients, exudation may begin at one margin 2.06 P re-evil dative stages of development of occuit
of lhe neovascular network and един: serous. detachment type 1sub-retinaf pigment epithelium (RPE) choroidal
of a large adjacenK area of KPE. Because of lhe relatively neovascula rizat ior .
firm attachment of lhe RPE lo lhe neovascular mem­ A: EarlS E3Vt. E3ruth's me.TnEjr;mo.
brane, these serous detachments of lhe KpE typically have hLiC ncnvi^suuliir пгюгпЕклпо.
a reniform or notched shape as a result of their develop­ С: Eleva& d fibm yisdjJlar complex.
ment around lhe margin of the network, most of which
lies ouLside the area of RPE detachment within lhe notch
(t-'igures 2.t)9C-t and 2 .10A-C). lhe presence of the new 2.07 Growth pattern of choroidal neovascular
vessel membrane within lhe notch may or may not be evi­ membrane, frontal view.
dent angiographically as a mollled area of early hyperfluo­ Cnu.Vi-lh Ьсэдт-ь with ь т л ]] capjihtry loop (1) e?xlending
rescence with or without some evidence of ill-defined [ale ЬедааИЬ yithur lhth retinal рщлтс'п! t-'pilhuIiиm Ctype ll ot *en-
staining. !f the detachment extends away from the enlire ыогу rcliita (type 911 and expands intu ^ ЗзВДе пел 1дл-shaped
border of the membrane, it may assume a doughnut con­ Lomplex ;A\- with well-difFerenliated radial retinal arteries
figuration (figures 2.09E and 2. JOil). If a highly elevated 0hd исты and a d ia le d cirt и rnEumnl ia I £лр:!1дгу ntflwoik.
serous detachment of the overlying as well as surround­
ing StpE occurs, the choroidal neovascular network will be
completely obscured bio microscopically and angiographi-
cally by the RPE detachment, which usually has an oval or
round configuration ( E'igure 2.0'Jt').
Leakage of large prole ins and extravasation 0 f erythro­ 2.OS Sequence of events during angiography in a
cyte s from the neovascular complex. causing large serous 70-year-old man with loss of central vision caused by a
ПРЁ detachments, often produce other biomicroscopic type 1sub-retina I pigment epithelium (RPE} choroidal
and angiographic clues lo Lhe presence of neovascular­ neovascular membrane (CNVM).
ization. IJio microscopic clues include yellow sub retinal A l : The arntiws indicflle Ihe local ion ol" [he faintly J^ray
and intraietinal exudate or blood near the margin of lhe C N V M . Ttiare rs a small amounL o f blood benealh lhe RHE at
detachment I see Hgure 3.02L>), dark sub-RPE '"'fluid Lhe margin Qf lhe C N V M .
Levelv at the inferior edge of the detachment (see ligure A2: Schema) к diagram depidinjj serous de4achment rjt Lhe
3.19C), and uneven elevation oJ" lhe detached RPE not rt’Linu overlying a C^V.Vl lying in lhe sub-KI-’E sftace. Sotm
afLer injecLion of fluorescein, dye m olecules i black dots?
explained by gravity. Angiographic clues to lhe pres­
enlei Lhe thorctidal изjc llI лIion and begirt Lo perfuse the
ence of occult neovascularization include delayed and L S 'V M lyinu iit Che suEi-FifE space.
incomplete stain mg of Lhe sub-]?ETEi exudate (see Figure B l jn d В2: Details ol Ihe C N V M are outlined by fluorescein.
3.21). lhe neovascular membrane is most likely Lo be C l and C2: D ye кмкн Ггогп Lhe C N V M and stains tht1 еки-
Located in the less fluorescent zone of greatest opaci­ dale but nol lhe bJood Inonfluoiescenl area;-. in ih esub -K Ft
fication of the sub-RE’E: exudate. Accurate Localization space.

of new vessel membranes lying beneath large serous

RPE detachments, however, is not possible with fluo­
rescein angiography because of rapid movement of lhe
dye through EJruch's membrane throughout the extent sub-RPE new vessel membranes.' ICC dye is tightly bound
of the detached K P E En ihese types of R PE detachments to the serum proleins and gradually slains the choroidal
computcr-enhaneed indocyan ine green [ECG) angiography neovascukir membranes [C SV M s) but does not, as occurs
appears to provide a more accurate means of localizing the with fluorescein, diffuse rapidly into the sub-RE^E exudate.
—^ . . —Я — Mr-
Detection attd accurate localization of choroidal neo- 2.0l"J Disciform exudative macular detachment
vascular networks may be difficult because of rapid dif­ caused by type I sub-retinal pigment epithelium ■
fusion of iluore&ceio into tbe exudate overlyittg and choroidal neovascularization.
surrounding the network. variability of blood flow within A: L irly serous reliital dtfladim enl.
the network, and partial obscuration of Lhe network by Serous reCinal delac hment.
cloudy exudate, blood, or melanin pigment. Ihe use of C: itfrouh detach т о п I erf the flfljaCfifil K}'L.
stereoscopic fluorescein angiography Lo detect irregular D : fibum jiscLilar deladim enL o f KPE and exuda Li w delafh-
nonlit ain ing areas of shallow elevation of the RPH caused inejnt of adjntenL Fi^E.
i\ M uRjIflbed or ппц SLfruuH RPL deEachmerit.
by occult neovascularization- and detection of other bio-
F: i^rculs detach mtfrH ctf Ibe overly in^ К PE.
microscopic and angiographic clues to the presence and
Location of CNVJVls art' important to the proper manage­
ment of the palienl
-F \ v >
l !V Л Л i *■
Type il Subretinal Choroidal Neovascularization 2.Ю Patterns of serous detachments of lhe relinal
pigment epithelium (RPE} caused by lype 1 sub-KPE
lyp e 11 subnet inaL choroEda! neovascularization occurs pri­
choroidal neovascular membrane fCNVM: stippled
marily in younger and middle-aged palients with acquired
damage lo lhe choriocapEl laris-Bruch's raem brairf-RPE
complex caused by focal choroiditis (presumed ocular I: R PE delaciinnenls. OLCuirtny д1 lhe margin o f [he C N V M .
Liistoplasmosis syndrome, punctate inner choroEdiiEs.. IСогпрлг-е A, B, n.nd С with Figure 2.Q4C, лпН U r and p w ilh
Подите 2.09L:.l
serpiginous choroiditis* toxocariasis), retinochoroiditis
II: H.PE d eL^b m i’nt ovErlylfig lliu C N V M (cam ppte wi*h
(toxoplasmosis), trauma (choroidal rupture}, choroidal
Fij^LiTE? 2.0fiF|.
hamartomas [osteomas}, optic disc anomalies (oplic disc
drusen, optic disc pits, and colobomas), and retinal dys­
trophies (Best's disease].' En these palients.. new blood 11 neovascularization, their pattern of growth other vise is
vessels extending From the choroid ill rough the acquired distinctly different histopathologically. In spile of these
defects in Hruch's membrane as ihey grow laterally in lhe histopathologic differences, however, biomicroscopically
subretinal space encounter the firm adherence of the sur­ and angiographically the two types of neovasculariza­
rounding RETti to the underlying Bruch's membrane. The tion are not always easy to differentiate from each other,
path of the advancing neovascular complex is therefore 'lhe presence of a black or slate-colored subretinal halo
directed anteriorly beneath the sensory retina ralher than or mound at the site of origin of the new vessel and the
benealh the R P l: (figures 2.11 and 2 .12). .As the capil­ absence of evidence of either solid or serous RRE delach-
lary network enters the space beLween the retina! recep­ menL suggest lype II neovascularization. With further
tor cells and the apical processes of the il stimulates fibrovascular proliferation, exudation, and hemorrhage the
the R P b cells to proliferate and to atlach themselves by pigment halo or mound may he obscured and there may
Lheir cell bases to the advancing sheet of new vessels in he no biomicroscopic clues to differentiate type I from
an effort to envelop them, This reactive RPE prolifera­ lype 11 neovascularization. In such cases lhe age of the
tion initially results in a zone of hyperplasia of the RPE patient and the nature of the underlying eye disease are
at the advancing border of the membrane, often pro­ most important in determining which type of neovascular­
ducing a hyperpigmented ring ophlhaimoscopicaily. As ization is present. Patients under 50 years of age without
the fibrovascular membrane continues to expand later­ evidence of retinal dystrophies affecting the i?PL-Bruch's
ally into the subrelinal space, a monolayer of inverted., membrane complex, e.g., pseudoxanthoma etaslicum and
variably pigmented RPE cells wiLh their base directed pattern dystrophy, are most likely to have lype 31 neovascu­
toward the new vessels grows along the posterior sur­ larization. Determination of the lype is of relatively little
face of the membrane, '['his inverted layer of RPE cells is importance in regard lo indications add techniques used
firmly attached by the base of the RPE cells lo the poste­ for laser photocoagulation treatment of the membranes.
rior surface of the membrane, and is loosely attached by Differentiating the two types, however, is important if sur­
the apical processes of Lhe R P E Lo the apical processes of gical excision of lhe new vessel membrane is contemplated
the native R P E . Anteriorly (he proliferating layer of RP1I (figures 2.11, 2.12, and 3.52).1 lixctsion of type II mem­
cells has more difficulty keeping pace with the advanc­ branes allows (he sensory retina lo reattach to the under­
ing neovaseular membrane thal is usually separated from lying native RPE, and in some cases there may be excellent
the overlying relinal receptor cells by a layer of subretinal recovery of visual acuity (Figures 2.12 and 5.5 2). * Excision
exudate (see chapter 5 for climcopathologic correlations of type I membranes, on the other hand, results in loss of
of type II membranes). BiomEcrcKscopEcally this expanding the native RPE and an absolute scotoma corresponding
fibrovascular membrane lypically produces a gray or partly to the site of the membrane (Hgure 2.15]. Thus surgical
pigmented subretinal sheet or mound of tissue extending removal of lype I sub foveal membranes appears to offer
away from the edge of the pigment ring. This is usually no advantages over laser pholocoagulation in regard lo
accompanied by varying amouLils of subretinal exudate visual rehabi Eilat ion or preservation and has the disadvan­
and/or blood. Lxcept for the tendency for the new vessels tage of risks associated wilh one, and in most cases two.
to grow in a sea fan configuration in both lype I and type i ntraocular ope rat ive p rocedu res.
Whereas patients with presumed ocular histoplasmosis .
2 1 E D ia g r a m o f ty p e IE s u b s e u s o r y re tin a l
and ihose with age-related таси'аг degeneration are the n e o v a s c u la rizat io n .
prototypes for type 33 and type [ choroidal neovasculariza­ A, B, and C: Early invasion oJ choroidal capillaries (cc) and
tion respectively, both types occur In patients wilh other fibrucyles ihrough a detfedt in bruch's membrane and relinal
disorders or with no evidence of a primary ocular dis­ pigment epi I helium iR P i. inlo the subfetinal space. K a le ir>
ease. Age and the presence or absence of a diffuse dystro­ E3 ar>d t Lhe readm e ргпМГстаМоп of HPE cell? around lhe
phy affecting the structure of the choriocapilEaris-Elruch's margin uf Ihe sutjreliital new bltjod v e s s e l and early fhverii
nion and all^chment of К PE c el к Lo ibe posterior huitace of
membrane-pigment epithelium complex are probably
lhe new vessels.
the two most important factors delerrnining Whether lhe
D and E: Sheellike j^owth of new capillaries, fibroblasts.,
growth pattern of choroidal neovascularization ivitl be and inverted layer o f K Pt cells into lhe subjolinal space sur­
type ] or type 11. ChoroEdnd neovascularization deveLopitig round lhe defecL in Bruch's membrane and R P t. K ole a I
in a pa Lien l with presumed ocular histoplasmosis beyond lhe l-p-уы aclively growing edge of Lhe defect it, атге^ Lhal
50 years of age may be type E rather lltan type tL Likewise, lhe RPEi tells have extended on lu Line anleriuT surface o f lhe
some patients less, than 50 years of age wilh chorioretinal neovascular membrane in LbeEr allempL Lo envelop Lhe
dystrophies affecling, the attachment of the pigment epi-
Lhelium to Bruch's membrane (familial cl ruse п.. cuticular

drusem pseudoxstritholfia elasticumr pattern dystrophy)

may develop type I neovascuEarization,

V f4V l ^ l V P l^ L r'l'jl'llL l^ rn 1
l“ ■1ГЛ *■

л-. *Г%"-Л> *-Vi-.-VVprf1

ш Ш в ш й й ш
Chronic choroidal congestion associated with increased 2, 12 Surgical excision of lype II subretinal neovascular
eKtrava^cular protein and water (ciliochoroidal edema and membrane,
detachment) may overwhelm ihe ntbiliLy of the К E'E:. Lo
Л: Type II tteovasCtlE^ memb-rani:1 has extended ihrtMigh a
prevent passage of protein and wale г inlo the subnet inal defect En Bruch's membrane ( В т : arnow&L is covered un ib
space. Initially, this may occur in the absence of any bio- posterior surface an adlmienl inverted Зауег <jf mtinal pig­
microscopic or angiographic evidence of RFE damage. Ihe ment eprthuii и m .KPfc celb-,, Lind is loosely adherent I и lhe?
transport of protein across the RE1Г is apparently so slow underlying native KF’t cells arid the 6 verlyi'ng 4et1i<Sry relina
and widespread Lbat angiographic evidence of leakage of e^trpL ill lhe site of Ijtuch's m e m b ra ™ defeLl. ct., choroidal
c-apil lanes.
fluorescein dye across the RLnb cannot be demonstrated in
В and С: I h r surgeon bns graspE^d w ilh t'oncept Iupon arrow.
most patients with combined ciliochoroidal relinal detach­
Lhe neovascular membrane lb.H includes Ihe inverted KPfc
ments., at [east during Lhe early phases of lhe detachment. all ached Lo ils outer suhfate with forceps '«pen arruw., iias
I.ater. hyperfluorescence caused by RPfc atrophy and by deLachod i1 from its situ oE o rig ^ , and is s-lid i-пц if Ihrough a
irregular areas of fluorescein slaining at lhe Eevel of the RPli mlinntumy.
may occur in patients with long-standing detachment (see D: l'!i i-s allows Lhe reLinal receptors lo be rfj-apprujiimaLud 1o
discussion of idiopathic uveal effusion, see Chapter 3). Lhe n.Hive KFb tplls posloper.H ively. Seu Ligure 3.5.2 fur fundus
photographs and photomicrographs of type II rnemhranes and
their surgical excision. Compare Lhis figure tarlth diagrams of
surgical excision o f Lype 1 membranes in Figure 2.1 i.
Tyre £Choncida! [нЯввдЬгаДОп
2 J3 Surgical excision qf type ( sub-retinnE pigment
epiiheliirm (RPE} neovascular membrane,
A and E: Type I neowa-iclita г membrane lias invaded and
eKlErtned ihnjuyh Qruch^S т е т Ь т а п е [arrows) and betiealfji
Lhe KKt. The membrane is loosely adherenl Lo lbe inner
surface of E3r-ui:hfs membrane but is im ply atlached an ils
anterior Surface ю Lhe i:alive KKE. w hich in turn is looseJy
adherenl Lo the overlying sensory relina.
C: The surgeon's fo rc tm Lopjen artfiW) ex lends ihrou^h a reLi-
nutomy and has ^ rapped Ihe neovascular membrane Lhal lies
benealh and is firmly a LI ached to Ihe nalive KFJt.
D : hallowing removal of 1he membrane, 4vhi-ch in tJ'jd es
lhe nalive K J'L Ihrou^h lhe relinotomy, lhe surviving relinal
receptors will lie against the inner surf a te oi Hrut h's mem­
brane and visual l"unet ion in this area w ill be losl.
tbdy OCCUl! E-tdDt

Devitalization o f the RPE 2.14 S e ro us re lin a l d etac h пае п I ca u se d by
d e v ita liz a tio n o f lh e re tin a l p ig m e n t ep ilh eEru m (R P E ),
Breakdown of the RP£ bload-outer retinal barrier and
exudative retinal detachment may be caused by cither Л -С : ^егоиы detachment d I the m atuLi in a J'-4-yEar-bld ^irl
□cute or chronic devitalization of the RPE. A variety of w ilh acute disseminated lupus eryEhemaraffifii. N o le mu hi fo­
acute. inflammatory, ischemic toxic, or traumatic insults cal areas, of leakage af fluorescein Ihrough irfancied RF’t inlo
thy subrelinnl exudate.
lo lhe RPE: may cause exudative detachment of the retina
D : RhmI infarction of Ihe K P t [aJTuWrt] caused by iDCal
(Figure 2.14). These include inflammatory cell infiltration
occlusion o f choriocapillaris. Fine black idols- indicate fluo­
of the choroid (e.g., Elarada's disease, sympathetic uveitis rescein molecules. В т , К ruth's membrane; c c r choiS&idal
and posterior scleritis; see Figures 11.27 and 11.23), neo­ cap il Inлек.
plastic infiltration of the choroid (e.g.r melanoma (see E r F. and G : Serous retinal detachment caused by diffuse
Figure 14.12], metastatic carcinoma (see Figure 14.30), lira nLi It mia I d u e ini ill rati cm o f [he choroid in a ttfbtaari w ilh
and leukemia (see Figure 14.34)), acute occlusion of lhe Harada's d iкелье. K a le mullip-le pinpoint foci o f leakage of
fluimesCein dye ihrxju^h damaged
choriocapi Haris (e.g., disseminated intra vascular coagulo­
H: Multifocal damage Eo Ihe КИЕ farrows) by choroidal
pathy, accelerated hypertension), toxemia of pregnancy
inflnmmalorv cells (coaise black dolsi.
(see Figure 3.59), collagen vascular diseases (Figure 2.14)..
and contusion necrosis of the pigment epithelium (see
Figure £.03). Muorescein angiography typically reveals
mulliple progressively enlarging pinpoint areas of fluo­
rescein leakage at lhe level of the pigment epilhelium and
late staining of lhe sub re Lina! exudate.
There is some experimental as welJ as clinical evidence
to suggest that alteration of the REMi metabolism may be
associated with changes in lhe structure and permeability
of the relinal I capillaries.' 7 Photoirradiation of the KPH
with minimal doses of long-wavelength laser may produce
endothelial proliferative changes in the overlying retjnal
capillary bed.':' Some authors believe that some of the dif­
fuse retinal edema and stain mg of lhe outer retina with
fluorescein in palients with bilateral fmtafoveolar telangi­
ectasis, diabetic retinopathy, Hind tapetoretinal dystrophies
may be caused by alteration of the blood-outer retinal
Intraretmal Exudation Caused by 2.15 Barrier effect of relinal external limiting
membrane IELM-R) com pies in preventing migration
Damage to the External Limiting of sub retinal exudation into the retina.
Membrane and Decompensation ofthe A: In tad retinal LL.VI-K complex with no retinal Eidema.
Outer Blood-Retinal Barrier B: LonirslHlldSHg HrtJtlalfyie detachment causing disrup­
tion of ELM-ft CDmpltfs and cysloid гласи I ar cd fm a and
Jlit content and volume of the extracellular compartment
о Г lhe retina thal includes the siibrelinal space are regu- t. : La rly cys-LoSd m a c y jjr c'doma caututi by н-iibfovtal с 1ю-
Ealed by lhe retina! vascular endothelium (blond-inner roida.1 neovasculai m crnbrant1 and disruption of ELM-R
retinal harrier} anil R P t (blood-outer relinal barrier). complex.
When there is a serous exudative detach menl caused by a
breakdown in lhe REM: barrier, such as occurs in patients
with idiopalhic central serous chorioretinopathy, the
t>enealh and within the outer retinal layers, where it often
external limiting membrane (ELM ) of lhe retina prob­
accumulates in a ring-like configuration (ci rein ate exuda­
ably serves as a barrier lo movement of sub relinal exudate
tion) around the periphery of lhe area of leakage (figure
into the retina (figure 2.15A). lor this reason we do not
2.17A). Angiographically, the intraretinal exudation inside
see bio microscopic evidence of cysloid spaces in the outer
the circinale ring slains wiLb fluorescein. The yellow exu­
retina in these patients. The ELM is nol a true membrane
date does not (figure 2 .17K- and C). Because ofthe cloudi­
but is composed of a system of tight junction complexes
ness of the exudate within Lhe cirdnaLe ring the polycystic
uni Ling MiiHer cells lo the photoreceptor inner segment
nature of its distribution is less evident biomicroscopicaEly
(zonula adherens). If prolonged retinal detach men L in
and angiographically. After resolution of the retinal capil­
these patients causes severe damage lo the relinal -HI.,'vl
lary leakage that occurs either spontaneously or following
Eompte*, however, Earge molecules, including protein and
pholocoagulalion, macrophages remove the lipid exudate
water lhal accompany them, may accumulate in the extra­
by phagocytosis (see Chapter 6).
cellular compart menl of the overlying retina, particularly
in the outer plexiform layer. 'I"his results in bio microscopic
and fluorescein angiographic evidence of polycystic reti­ Localized (Disciform} Exudative
nal edema (Mgure 2.1SB). Initially, lhe dye is derived from Detachment of the Retina Caused by
Lhe choroidal circulation, but afler prolonged detachmetn Damage to the Retinal Endothelial
the relinal capillaries may become damaged and contrib­
Blood-Inner Retinal Barrier
ute to lhe leakage of dye into (he extracellular compart­
ment of the reLina. These changes are frequently observed ['he rale of leakage of exudate from damaged retinal ves­
overlying choroidal hemangiomas [see figures 14.15 and sels may be sufficiently severe lhal the exudation extends
14.16) and in palienls with retinitis pigmentosa. Extension across Lhe reLinal-Ll.M receptor celL complex into lhe sub-
of a CNVM into the capillary-free /.one may disrupt the retinal space. In patients wilh localized retinal vascular
receptor-lil_M complex and cause cysloid macular edema abnormalities (e.g., arterial macroaneuiysm and branch
(figure 2.L5C). Development of cystoid macular edema is veiLi occlusion) the secondary relinal detachment is con­
an hnportanl biomicroscopic sign of subfoveolar extension fined to the area immediately surrounding Lhe abnormal­
of these neovascular networks. The predisposition for this ity. In patients with a more widespread and severe vascular
to occur in the capilLaiy-free zone may be related to struc­ abnormality usual к involving the peripheral retina (e.g..
tural weakness of the lil.M where Muller cell processes are retinal telangiectasis or capillary hemangiomas) chronic
reduced in number as well as to the paucity of retinal ves­ gravitation of the subrelinal lipid-rich exudate lo the mac­
sels there lo provide a pathway of return of the extracellu­ ula and inferior periphery may cause widespread deposits
lar fluid to the intravascular comparlmenl. of the yellow sub retinal and outer relinal exudate remote
When the endothelial damage is more severe, large from the vascular abnormality. Massive build-up of this
proteins and lipids escape inlo the extracellular com pa rl- lipid residue is particularly prone to occur in the macular
menl anti Lhe exudate may be cloudy (Figure 2.17). '['he area, where it may cause severe permanent damage to the
extravascular protein es transported across the pigment retina as welt as choroidal neovascularization [see figure
epithelium, choroid, and sclera. Around the outer margin 6.39A). Angiography in patients wilh relinal detachment
of Lhe area of capiltaiy leakage, the transsclerat movement caused by retinal vascular disease shows evidence of intra-
of protein and return of waler inlo the normal retinal retinal fluorescein leakage in lhe area of the retinal vascu­
and choroidal blood vessels by oncotic pressure result in lar abnormality and staining of lhe subrelinal fluid in the
precipitation of the yellow lipid portion of the exudate vicinity of this abnormality.
Intraretinal Exudation Caused by 2 .16 Aphakic cystoid macular edema.

Damage to the Blood-fnner Retinal A l jind A2: Гhorn iid thickening o i Iho CEJOilral macula flssuci-
rilcjd ■with multiple cystoid mSce£ filled w ilh swous oxud^le.
Barrier B l , nnd B 2 : Early leakage o f fluorescein idotsf out o i perifo-
Daraiigf to the relinal vascular endothelium may involve vcolar nil inn I capillaries -into sfihjus MUdAte.

primarily arteries,, veins, or capillaries or any combination C l and (12: Com plete Hlainini; of H U iareliiul exudate t hour
aflor fluorescein iiTjoclion.
of lhe three. When it is confined to the arteries or veins...
the exudation is largely restricted to the extracellular space
surrounding these large vessels (e.g., arteritis or phlebitis).
In many diseases the endothelial damage is largely con­
fined lo lhe capillary bed. l'he endothelial decompensa­ decompensation. When the capillaries near lhe center of
tion may he focal or widespread. The severity of capillary the macula are involved, expans ion of the large extracel­
endothelial damage detenuines lhe composition and the lular space available in lhe outer plexiform layer of ( Eenle
Location of the extracellular fluid. Jf the decompensation causes the typical hiomicroscopic pi dure of cystoid macu­
is mi Id only relatively small molecules, including small lar edema '['here is swelling of the retina and loss of the
proteins, escape into the extracellular space, and clear fovea I depression caused by development of three or four
serous exudate may be confined lo the in tier retinal layers- large central cysts lhal are surrounded by a series of pro­
where it is not visible biomicroscopically and is detected gressively smaller cysts [t-'igure 2.16). Angiographically,
angiographically as diffuse mild staining of the inner rel­ fluorescein molecules diffuse out of lhe damaged capil­
ina. If the capillary damage is moderate, and particularly laries, slain the extracellular serous exudate, and produce
if the deeper plexus of capillaries is affected, the serous a stellate pattern of fluorescein staining (t-'igure 2.16).
fluid spreads posteriorly and laterally where it accumu­ Compression of Henlers layer that contains a high concen­
lates within the inner nuclear and outer plexiform layers. tration of xanthophyll pigmenl by the large cystic areas of
There: the paucity of horizontally coursing interconnect­ serous exudation is probably the cause of the central yel­
ing cell processes permits large polycystic expansion of low spot seen bio microscopically in the ouler retina as
the extracellular space, ihe polycystic pattern of exudation well as the prominent nonRuorescenl central star figure
may spread laterally away from the site of the endothelial seen angiographically (Hgure 2 .]6 C i).
L E S IO N S TH AT O B S C U R E 2. 17 Ci rein ate mac ulopalhy caused by congenital
retinal telangreclasis in a 48-year-old man with cysloid
THE N O R M A L R ET IN A L A N D macular edema.
C H O R O ID A L F L U O R E S C E N C E A—С : Note angjagraphi-c evid en ce o i dilated capillaries and
late polycystic pattern oi staining centrally, and absence
Any lesion that interferes with transmission of either lhe Lit staining in Lhe лгедо of lipid exudaLe oulsidu lhe area of
exciting blue llghl or the emitted yellow-green light w ill Let^ngieptasfei
appear either hypo flu orescent nr nonfJuo rescent angio- D : fcscape (pi protein (Pj and lip id-rich e K u ik le :L I ouL of
graphically. Ef it is located anlerior to the [eve] of lhe damaged relinal vessel into the extracellular currrparlmejiL
retinal vessels, it will obscure both (he relinal and the ot" lhe reLina and inlo lhe Hubnetinal space. The protein m ol­
ecules чэге transported acros-ь Che choroid and sclem inlo
background choroidal fluorescence (figure 2.18].
lhe exl га sclera I space. The w alei component of lhe exudate
is drained inlo the сЬап осар Щ эгЬ and su^rc>uлdin^ normal
F L U O R E S C E N C E O F L E S IO N S relinal vessels. The lipid m olecules precipilale lo Perm yello w
exud-iile (coarse stippling. w ilhiri and EieneaLh the relina in
U N R E LA T E D T O C H A N G E S IN lhe peripheral urea, w here maximum dohydralion o f lhe esu-
V A S C U L A R P E R M E A B IL IT Y ___________ daLe occurs.

" Pseudoflu о rescent"' Lesions

2ЩЪ Obstruction or normal choroid at and retinal
When angiography is done with poorly matched exciting fluorescence.
and barrier filters, the blue light reflected from the surface
of any white or light-colored non fluorescent. lesion in the A: O bslruclion ot choroidal fluorescence by subrelinal
fundus may bypass the barrier filler arid angiographically
B: O bslruclion of choroidai <ind retinal (Еиотоысепсе by
appear Lo be fluorescent.
blood lying between the internal lim iling membrane o f the
nelina iincl Lhe nerve fiber layer of Ihe retina.
Reflected Fluorescence
Kven when the exciting and biirrier filters are carefully Conclusion
matched, lighl-coloredr nonfluorescent lesions may exhibit
fluorescence during the late stages of angiography because Although for purposes of analysis and instruction the vari­
of reflect ion from lheir surface of the yellow-green light ous components of the pathologic fluorescein angiogram
generated by the dye that normally escapes into the ocular have been divided, the reader should recognize that mul­
media. tiple components often occur together and thal at limes
it may be difficult lo detenuine which component is
dominant. Further. we still have much Lo learn about the
Autotluorescent Lesions pathophysiology of chorioretinal diseases and some of the
Some fundus lesions before the administration of fluores­ concepts used in angiographic interpretations al this Lime
cein are capable of emitting yellow-green light when irra­ may prove lo be wrong. Nevertheless, these guidelines
diated with blue light. Examples of this "auloflLiorescence" should assist readers as they explore other sections Ln this
are calcified drusen of the optic nerve head and large book and as they begin lo interpret angiograms of lheir
deposits of Jipofusrin patients.
Lilians VIis^kj^fr РЙтп^йЬШ^У

2 ; 1 ft
]N D O C Y A N IN E G R EEN 2.19 Indocyanine green (ICG} angiography.

A N G IO G R A P H Y A-E: Left fundus of a 32-year-old African Am erican Wom an

w ilh bilateral polvpoidal choroidal tascu^opalhy .Ai. Note
ICG Is a water-soluble tricarbocvanine dye with both lhe orange nodules in Lhe iLixLapapiliary relina and lem ро­
га] fovea (amoMra). A small jujdaujveal disciforno is seen.
hydrophilic and lipophilic characteristics. Et absorbs light
Midffames al' Lhe fluorescein лп^ю ^глт and iC G d elin ­
in the near-infrared range of 790-805 nm. it tin its light
eate Lhe polyps ■ :B—fJj. Auto fluorescence ima^in^ i.E.i shows
Lii the 770-8Д0-nm range wiLh peak emission at 835 nm. decieased a uLo fluorescence and lhe lluonescein ап^зодгат
ihe RPE And choroid absorb 60-75^o of lhe blue green shows a transmission detec I corresponding Lo 1he fovea I scar.
light used in fluorescein angiography (500п т ), and only The o u lIinet of the polyps are visible on aulfif I uqi]p5oencR
20-3fl% of lhe near infrared light (800 nmj used in ICG imayin^.
angiography; he nee ICC ran be used lo visualize structures F-L: А ^-year-old won«m with serous deLachmenl of the
macula iFl. Early FC.'tl shows lhe individual chorojdal ves­
under the RPE.J
sels and lhe laLe frames a hot spot or slain injj at lhe nasal
ICC is У8% protein-bound, mostly to globulins such as
edj^e (-G—I). The fluorescein angic^ram also shows sLainini^ of
alpha-lipoproteins, hence less of Lhe dye escapes through lhe same region thouj^h Ihe staining pattern in Ihe I w o dil'lcr
the feneslralions of the choriocapillaris, thus allowing 11 and K). The lesion seen on the fluorescein an^io^ram a n d
for imaging the choroidal vessels, unlike fluorescein (hat IC C shows decreased ^utofluorescence; how evei lhe pnoleln-
rapidly escapes into lhe extravascular space, preventing aceous ibih in the macuia shows hvper auto fluorescence ■:!. ■
delineation of the choroidal anatomy. N I fbwewer, some
amount of ICC slowly dilfuses through Lhe choroidal ves­
sels, staining the choroidal stroma in about 12 minutes. degeneration. CNVMs, chronic central serous retinopathy
Images should be captured up to 30 minutes during the multiple evanescent white-dol syndrome, acute multifocal
study. 1 L'he digital imAging system has an excitation fil­ placoid pigment epilheliopathy, Vogt-Koyanagi-Elarada
ter that allows passage of only near-in fra red light which зупфготе, macular lesions associated with angioid streaks,
excites the ICC molecule and the emitted light is captured and bindshot chorioretinopathy, Huorescein angiogra­
via a barrier filter Lhat blocks wavelength below 325 nm, phy is sufficient in most of these conditions Lo make the
thus capturing only light emitted from the excited ICC diagnosis; ECC helps to corroborate some additional
dye. Keal-lime. wide-angle, digital subtraction, and high­ evidence.^'
speed angiography using scanning laser ophthalmoscope Schematic interpretations are similar lo fluorescein
are all possible. angiography with hyperfluorescence and hypo fluorescence
ICC con tains a small amount of iodine and has to be relative to the surrounding area of presumed normal flu­
used with caution in patients with iodine allergy. Nausea, orescence (Figure 2.1^}. Elypofluorescence can be from
vomiting, and urticaria are less common than with fluores­ blocked fluorescence by thick blood or melanin pigmenl.
cein. ICC comes packaged as a 25-rag dry powder and is or due Lo vascular filling defect. Similar lo fluorescein
reconstituted with 5ml sterile water. angiography, (he study has to be interpreLed by reviewing
images at various time points, since some areas that are
Principles of Interpretation of 3CG initially hypofluorescenl may turn hyperfluorescent late,
such as plaque staining in occult CNVM [figure 2.1УС-
Angiography ]J, and chronic central serous chorioretinopathy in oth­
I'luorescein angiography is still the mainstay in the evalua­ ers, hyperfluorescence seen in the early frames may turn
tion of most relinal and chorioretinal disorders. ICC angi­ iso- or bypofluorescent late in Lhe study, as in "washout”
ography has a role in certain conditions. With presently phenomenon of choroidal hemangioma. Pooling of [CG
available technology and knowledge, ICG angiography can dye can be seen in the late frames of serous ВДЕ detach­
be specific for: (1) identification of polypoidal choroidal ments. In addition certain anatomic changes in the choroi­
vasculopaLhy; (2) occult choroidal neovascularization; dal vessels can be seen such as polypoidal vessels (E'igure
(3) neovascularization associated with pigment epithelial 2.19C and D) and feeder vessel(sj of a CN'VM on high­
detachments; and [4] recurrent CN'VMs. ICG angiogra­ speed angiography. Areas of occluded or missing choroidal
phy has a clear edge over fluorescein in delineating these vessels can be seen in arteritic ischemic optic neuropa­
lesions. [CG has some role as a guide in diagnosis or treat­ thy. Individual examples are described as and when they
ment - in identifying feeder vessels in age-related macular appear in various chapters in the text.
fHdtH'i/nniiif Сп’ш 49
A U TO FLU O RESC EN C E 2.20 .Autofluorescence.

A Hind №■: Koi-t scIoral windows in a pationl vvilli idiop,ilhac

Lipofuscin is a pigment that auto fluoresces when excited иуедГ effusion shows resolution o f lh e 5HF with plump reti­
by blue light or an ultraviolet itghl. Jhc R P t accumulates nal pigmenl epil helium fEiF'L' cell> filled w ilh absorbed
[ipofusem and melanolipofuscin over time and this gives a protein and reorganisation lipofuscin лn-rl ftmaceEtuialf
background autofluorescence to the retina.' Jl' In certain pigfnent shows increased autoflUbrescencei
disease slates the ли to fluorescence increases or decreases- С And D: Focal increased aulofluorescence corresponding to
Lhe vi Lei I iform change in this patient with solitary viteFliform
and ihis can be imaged by aulofiuorescence imaging.
pa Item dystrophy or aduit-onsel foveojnacular dystrophy.
The Eleidelberg machine uses а 4ЙД-пт exciting and
E and F: A fi-year-oJd girl with L3esl disease shows iiiLenHe
barrier tiller for capturing autofl uoresce nee. Elowever, lhe hypef^Lnflgorescenpeaaf:ht? vilelliform d&tachmenL
lopcon uses 512nm for ex.eiLing and 488 nm for capturing G and H: Ova] Ljli 11 change in the matUjlia in Lhis
the aulofluorescence. ]n addition to lhe lipofuscin, A2H 52-year-oEd wom an wiLh cbloroquine toxicity shows
and alher producls can also exhibit autofluorescence/123 decr^^SM aulofluorescence due I о disruplion of KHt cells.
One has lo remember lhal aulofluorescence is masked by I and |i This 40-year-old man w ilh SLargardl's disease iand
fundus flavimaculatus shows increased aUtuflilorespence
increasing nuclear sclerosis of the lens. 'Ibe lens absorbs
corresponding Lo Lhe ye llo w flecks and decreased auLotluo-
some of the blue-wavelength light, which decreases
rescence Gqffltspdtidina to lhe areas of RKL atrophy and loss.
both the excitation of lhe aulofiuorescing material at К and L: Aulofluorescence imaging clearly shows Lhe dis­
the pigment epithelial level and capture of the return tinct margins of chorioretinal atrophic patches that are noL
aulofluorescence. as discernible on Lhe color photograph in this 5 fi-year-oId
Uolh the scanning laser ophthalmoscope and a video wom an w Hi probable non-Ji-linked chofoidtrem ia. N o le the
Lund us camera can be used for cap Luring aulofluorescence flecks of increased auto fluorescence in Lhe intervening zones
suggesting uptake of excess lipofuscin by lh e surviving KPE
images. Ihe fluorophores other than lipofuscin and A2L
are iso-A 2E;, А2-РЫ12, А21Ч:, and A2-rhodopsin, all of
which are precursors of A2t, and which are formed in the
outer segments prior lo phagocytosis by Lhe Rl1!-..'-' ■'1'Jl'
Lipofuscin fluorescence has a broader emission band rang­
ing from 400 to 750 п т , hence the video fundus camera,
which has ex.ciLilian filter al 550 nm. picks up more aulo-
Lluorescence lhan the ] ieidelberg scanning laser ophthal­ loaded with this fluorophore (E:igure 2.20A and >S) (see
moscope, which uses a 4S8-nm excitation niter. Chapter 3).
Common conditions that show increased auto fluores­ AutofluoFescence imaging is especially useful when Lhere
ce nee are flecks of Slargardl's disease/fundus fiavimaculatus is decreased auto fluoresce nee in areas of IUnJL loss. This is
where the Rl-’t; cells are not atrophic (Figure 2.20] and I), of benefit in patients wilh geographic atrophy (E'tgure 2.20]
RPE surrounding areas of alrophy (E'igure 2.20), RE1Г sur­ and L) where the contrast on autofluoresoence imaging is
rounding the areas of pbotoreceplor disruption such as in more distinct compared Lo color fundus photographs and
cone dystrophy, adjacent lo areas of alrophy in maculopa- helps in accurately monitoring for progression, especially
tby associated with mitochondrial mutalions and tbevilel- in age-related macular degeneration and Staigardl's disease.
Eiform material in patlern dyslrophy [figure 2.20C and Another good example is in patients with chronic centra]
Dj and best disease (E'Lgure 2.201: acid }:). Other examples serous chorioretinopathy and MEiWDS where the sublle
of increased aulofluorescence are patients who have had RE3Ei alteration may not be easily visible on a fundus photo­
resolution of uveal effusion where lhe highly protein- graph {Figures 3.06, 3.07 and 11.15, 11.16). Several exam­
aceous material is being reabsorbed by the RPk and is ples are described in the various chapters.

O P T IC A L C O H E R E N C E 2.2 [ Op tical to heren ce Lomogra plhy (OCT J.

TO M O G RAPH Y A and B: Swollen disc wilh dilated vessels on ils surface

with macuLir s-laг in a patient with сдI-scratch disease. OCT
Ocular coherence tOmogijiphy JG C T J measures the echo shuwb turbid sutjrelinal fluid and inlra netina I Iif]id in the
time delay and Intensity of back-reflected or hack-scattered oukir plexiform layer IrmuwHl.
(.. and D: Bull's-еун гласи lopalhy in a parent with chltMO-
Eighl. ]l provides real-time high-resolution cross-sectional
quine toxicity. Corresponding OCT shows disruption of photo­
images of the eye, and this enables identification of mor­
receptors Lind loss ot inner segment/outer segment (lap s)
phological alterations, and provides contour information junction in the fovea.
and thickness measurements, its principle is similar lo E and F: Client wilh Uascul^i^d retinal pigmefit t>pi Ihelium
ultrasound, except that it uses light instead of sound. Low- iKI’tl detachment secondary lo occuEt choroidal neovascular­
coherence interferometry is the principle on which OCE' ization in the ri^ht eye. 5lrah_S| iLinie>domainl OCT kHows the
measurements are based.-5' eleimfed RPE and adjacent subretinal Eluid (5KFJ (artifcrtV).
lhe interferometer has an 800-nm laser light source..
which is projected on lo a beam splitter (partially reflecting
mirror) Lhal splits the light into two paths, one that is trans­
mitted inlo the eye and the olher lhal is reflected. The lighl acquisition speed (30 times faster, thereby decreasing
that is transmitted inlo the eye is reflected back lo lhe beam motion artifacts from eye movements), scans a Larger area,
splitler from various intraocular structures as multiple has hEgher resolution, and can reproduce the same point
echoes based on lheir distance and thickness. The second of reference each time.
beam is reflected from a reference mimor placed at a known
spatial position back lo the beam splitter where il combines U L T R A S O N O G R A P H Y ________________
with the beam reflected from the intraocular structures, lhe
Eliterferameter can precisely interpret the echo structure of Ultrasound uses acoustic waves lhal are created from oscil­
the reflected lighl lo make high-resolution measurements lation of particles within a medium. LHlrasoutid waves
of distance and thickness of the various structures, ihe OCE have a frequency greater than 2QOGO oscillations per sec­
allows: ond or 2t)klEz, rendering them inaudible to humans. Ihe
frequencies used in optilhalmic ultrasound range from &
1. imaging of retinal and choroidal layers [I igure 2.2] A-H)
lo ffiM l tz for conventional A and li scan. 'Ehe higher the
2. retinal diickness measurements
frequency the shorter the depth of penetration An ultra­
3. retinal topography, mapping and analysis
sound biomicroscope uses a SO-MHz prober hence the
4. retina] nerve fiber layer thickness measurements
depth of penetration is low and limited I о Lhe anterior
5. retina] nerve fiber layer analysis
segment. The velocity of the wave is dependent on the
6. optic nerve head i magi tig and analysis
medium through which it passes; hence the wave passing
7. enhanced depth imaging of the choroid [Eletdeihurg
through water, vitreous, silicone oil. or a solid mass has
Spectralis ОС]').
different speeds, 'ihe more compressible the medium the
Two principles of О С Г imaging are currently used - slower the propagation, thus the sound waves move faster
time domain and speclral domain. Spectral domain in a solid tumor than the liquid vitreous. Acoustic inter­
ffiDr^LO/OCT) uses ja S40-nni diode lighl source and per­ faces created at lhe |unction of two media have different
forms a sweep of 236 serial paraElel OCT E>-scans with an acoustic impedance. Ihe angle of incidence of the sound
axial resolution of З ц т , covering a 9 X 5-mm area iti the beating against an interface is important in determining
transverse plane through the macula. Time domain stra­ the strengLh of the returning echo. In addition, the size,
tus О С Г (Stratus OC£ version 4.0.1 r Carl Zeiss Meditec shape, and smootbtiess of the interface play a role in the
Dublin, С A, LISA) uses an 810-nm wavelength diode character of the returning echo. Some of the ultrasound
source and scans six consecutive radial Б scans with a is absorbed and converted lo heat as it passes through a
resolution of lOjjm. Spectral domain has several advan­ medium; however, this is extremely Low and has no harm­
tages over time domain imaging in that il has a faster ful effects on tissue.
IWcj American ophthalmologists, t>rs. Murick and Hughey 2.2 E Continued
evaluated an intraocular lumor by using an amplitude mode
Ultrasonography fUSG).
(Л-scan) ultrasound for the first time in ophthalmology in
Ct : Nurmal mjlraSOund В 5dart Ы the ponUirior sc^menl. The
1У56.1:1 In 1958 Eiaum and Greenwood developed the first Optic nerve is normally: ecjho-luc:enl.
Lwo-dimen&ional immersion brightness mode (ЕЗ-scan) ultra­ H —|: A patient with choroidal hemangioma showing an
sonogram for ophthalmology.11 Coleman and Weininger- orange eEevalton. The В scan shows a solid mass w ilh
in the late 1960s., developed Lie firsl commercial immersion smooth contour. А scan through the т я ;;* shdwS hiyh inLer-
11-scan ophthalmic instrument.'1 A contact tf-scan machine HliI reflecLitily.
К and L: A patient w ith a retinal detachmerrt on В scan iK:
was introduced by Bronson.1 ''
iirrd л single bpike on ап А ьелп that denotes lhe detached
relina :L'l.
Instrument and Technique
Jhe transducer probe is the structure lhal products the
echo. Л piece of lhe electro crystal is placed near lhe
face of the probe and undergoes mechanical vibra-
Lion when it iinula ted by electrical energy. 'Ihis vibration hour which signifies the superior pole of the displayed
causes a longitudinal ultrasound wave that is propagated image. Turning this line lo a specific clock hour allows
through any medium. Certain terms need to be defined images lo be seen in an axial orientation in that clock
and understood in order to perform and interpret ocular hour. When evaluating an intraocular lesion, lhe follow­
ultrasonography. ing components are evaluated: the location, extent, shape,
reflectivity, internal structure and attenuation, after move­
ment 4rascularity and convection movement.
All ultrasound instruments are created to adjust lhe ampli­ Reflectivity
fication of the echo signals. Gain is measured in decibels
Jiefleclivily measures the reflectivity of all detected lesions.
and represents the relative units of ulLrasound intensity.
Depending on the number of interfaces present within the
Adjusting the gain does not change the of energy
lesion, the reflectivity is altered. I hose that have multiple
emitted from lhe transducer; however, it changes the inten­
interfaces such as a choroidal hemangioma display high
sity of the returning echo that is displayed on the screen.
internal reflectivity (E-'igure 2.21 H-|). A solid mass such
Ihe higher the gain, the greater the ability of the instru­
as a choroidal melanoma decreases the internal reflectiv­
ment to display weaker echoes., e.g.. vitreous opacities.
ity as the sound waves pass through the compact lesion.
Clonverselv, if the gain is Lowered only strong echoes of the
Much more solid structures such as choroidal osteoma or
retina are displayed, and thus eliminating low-jnlensity
a metallic foreign body will cause shadowing by prevent­
echoes from vitreous hemorrhage and of her opacities, if
ing transmission of most of the sound waves through lhe
solid structure
An ultrasound E>-scan is invaluable in evaluating fea-
Shadowing lures of choroidal tumors, choroidal osteoma, or a retinal
When the sound beam interfaces with solid tissue a signifi­ detachment (i'igure 2.23K and L) when associated with
cant portion of the echo of the beam is reflected back and media opacities such as cataract or a vitreous hemorrhage,
only a small amount is transmitted. Ihis creates a shadow ll is also invaluable in determining the presence of. or
behind the solid interface. Shadowing is prominent when locating, a retina! tear in patients presenting with a dense
sound waves interface with high-density substances such vitreous hemorrhage. It is useful in locating an intraocu­
as calcium or bone. lar foreign body if associated With a vitreous hemorrhage
that obscures fundus details. The start of. or presence of,
Dampening a posterior vitreous separation can be seen in palients
wilh traumatic vitreous hemorrhage to help time surgi­
When the sound waves interface with a solid mass, some cal intervention. Presence of a dislocated intraocular fens
of the echoes are dampened, and this is especially seen in can be confirmed in eyes wilh trauma. A choroidal effu­
choroidal melanoma, where the reflected echoes drop in sion in a postoperative glaucoma eye can be evaluated and
intensity as the wave passes through the lumor. monitored. E.iquefaclion of blood in suprachoroidal hem­
Important steps in performing a good ultrasound orrhage a few days after the event is useful in liming lhe
В-scan are based on the following. draining of the suprachoroidal blood. Choroidal thicken­
ing can be evaluated in patients wilh uveal effusion and
T h e В-Scan Probe Orientation choroidal inflammation such as Vogt-Koyanagi-E!arada
ihe basic oriental ions are axial, longitudinal, and trans­ syndrome and sympathetic ophthalmia, l'he presence of
verse. 'lhe ultrasound probe has a mark at the Щ o'clock any mass in and around the ciliary body can be evaluated.
i I L l~ - l □ [ F ] - £ . 0 hi
f lr .- n iy _

кн # “iton

TS ■ 64dB
A D A P T IV E O P T IC S 2.22 E!e сtroreti nogram (ERG),
A—E: Normal EhtC recordings in a 65-yeaг-ofd wum an. In the1
bcannmg Eiir^er ophthalmoscope л] tows microscopic view­ □aif'к-adapted stalE л dim fl n-sb '.24dbj slimy bless lhe* rods and
ing of living tissue, lhe system has to overcome several is measured as a b w ave (A). A stronger Hash (0 dbv in the
aberrations beginning from the ffcar film, cornea, refrac­ dark-ddSbted i-Lale HtmiulaLu* both the rods and to n es gen­
tive indices of lhe lens and other structures aitd various eral inj^ larger a ■
'fi rs;L rregative) and b I firsl m&srtive) waves ! В :.
accommodative status of the eye to be able Lo obtain a The oscillatory potentials \OFiil are recorded next (Cl. In а
lijjht-adap-k'd Slate л kJ rcjni’ flash (OtJb stim u late only lhe
clear image of the retinal structures. Babcock. Elubin
cones Ljfneratinji Ijoth a and b waves It.l:. Conlinuous sLimu-
and Goethe/' and Liang et a L lK used adaptive optics Lo
lalLun of Ihe с о ties by a 30-Hz flicker liyhl results in several
compensate for the monochromatic aberrations of the negative and positive waves; o nly the b wave am plitude is
eye. AOSLO is a scanning laser ophthalmoscope that uses measured and inlejpfeled iL .
adaptive op Lies lo measure and correct the high-order F-K: A i4-year-old wtnnun w ilh rapidly eniar^in^ Lctmpo-
aberrations of the human eye. Adaptive optics increases raf field defed associated with photopsias in her left eye
both laLeral and axial resolution, permitting axial sec­ was diagnosed with acuLt1 гопад occult outer reflmopalhy
lA Z O O K i. Ал LRC1 shtsws isyj rifi lyftV between the two eyes
tioning of retinal tissue in vivo. ГЬе instrument is used to
buth in nod and cone function (F—I). The riqht fundus is normal
visualize photoreceptors, nerve fibers, and movement of
[I), the lell shows peripapillary retinal pigmenL epithelium alro­
cells through retinal capillaries.'1 She central lO - lZ 5 of phy eo:respondin^ Lo lhe efctenl of lhe enlarged blind sfiol (K..
cone mosaic can be imaged in the fovea/"' and combin­ TIk ! left еуе'н LbiC ampliLudes are lower than the ri^hL due lo
ing it with images obtained using high-resolution spectral loss or dysfunction of lhe peripapillary pholuaetepLore.
domain О С Г may be helpful in detecting photoreceptor
changes, and their loss over Lime in understanding pro­
gressive macular dystrophies.1:

E L E C T R O R E T I N O G R A M (ER G )
lh e KRC is an electrical potential generated by the retina
in response to a flash of light. A standard ERG testing a-wave is lhe initial negative wave lhal occurs in response
done in the clinic measures: ( ] ) the ir.RC lo weak flash lo the strong stimulus. Lhis is only seen when both rod
or 24-dK finish, performed in scotopic or dark-adapted and cone functions are lesled (Figure 2.22b and G). The
conditions that measure lhe rod pholoreccplor poten­ a-wave from cones alone occurs in Lhe light-adapted state
tial; [2] followed by a very slrong flash, 0dB in the dark- using a slrong stimulus. 'L'he b-wave es generated when the
adapted state, which measures combined rod and cone conduction of the receptor potential occurs from the pho­
function; (5) the oscillatory potentials are next recorded; toreceptor onwards through the inner relina. 'L'he b-wave is
(4) the patient is light-adapted for approximate-ly 10 min­ contribuled by the depolarizing activity of the bipolar cells
utes followed by tLRC wilh a slrong flash Odb to measure (Eigure 2.22K and G]. Hat Lents who have some amount
the polential arising from the cones; and [5) repeated of cone dysfunction may show adequate amplitude on
stimulus - .1011z flicker is used to stimulate repeatedly the single flash photopic recording {figure 2.2ILL? and
the cones lo pick up photopic responses lo superslimula- IE). Howevet on repeated stimulation { l:igure 2.22E and
Lion. Specialized types of ERG include: multifocal ERG J), the amplitudes may fall off. The b-wave is a positive
(mfV.RG), focaE ERG, and pattern ERG. deflection at light offset that is characteristic of photopic
l:3tC. Special cases of electro negative b-wave in patients
with congenital stationary night blindness are due to the
poor onward conduction of the receptor potential gener­
Jhe patient is asked to sit in front of a Ganzfeld bowl. ated at the photoreceptors.
Contact lenses are placed over both corneas and a ground 'lhe oscillatory potentials are a series of high-frequency
electrode is placed over the ears, lhe patient is dark- low-amplilude wavelength superimposed on the h-wave
adapted for 20-30 minutes prior to testing in usual cases, lhat occur in response to slrong st ini ulus. 'Jhese are pres­
longer dark adaptation is used in certain situations such ent in the lighl- and dark-adapted conditions wilh con­
as in stationary night blindness, in lhe dark-adapted State tribution from both rod (figure 2.22CJ and cone signals.
a 24-dB photopic Hash or a blue lighl is used; this is a The number of oscillatory potentials induced by one flash
weak flash that stimulates the rods (figure 2.22A and F), of light ranges between four and 10.
The origin of lhe a-wave is mainly associated with lhe oscillatory potentials are generated due to neuronal
photoreceptors but also has a postreceptor contribution interactions and feedback circles and lo intrinsic mem­
primarily from the relinal off pathway. The dark-adapted brane properties of amacrine cells.
*1^1^ U>.U Tjj ж j jr r j ._l i- j- t- a n s u ^ ■
ef л 7 о fai=rrii diu
1 " гриптр rrjn ■T---' l| II I I ! I ' I

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■Si oes
-- 1 —I-1
—I-- !-1
—I-!—I—I—I—!—!—I—Г- w-

'-1 , / W ■

^ fUH.TJ гi'гшSo nr,! lу j j1j \

M U L T IF O C A L ERG 2.23 Mu Eli focal eleclroreti nogram imt'EKG).

A: 6 ] hexagonal elements slimulale [tie c:enlr,iJ noli пл.

lhe mfHKG provides ni topographic measure с Г relinal elec- В D: Trace array showing normal retinal response in tliE
Lro physiological fu n c tio n .Il is es pen ally useful in condi­ Hi mutated л гея.
tions such as cone dystrophy and olher disorders affecting Cr E: Three-dimensionat lopayraphy showing normal fuvt'Jil
Lhe po&lerior pole. Since there are a number of lighl stim­ and eslrafoveal response.
uli lo several areas of lhe macula in a rapid sequence, the F Lind C: Ан/егд^е mftUG amplitudes of lhe various zones
eye is rendered vlighL-adapled,n and hence only cone func­ int'a^Ljred at (nolaled by ihyculors;! Ml And НГ.
tion can be Lested.1'1[t measures app гоя in] лLely 40 0 of lhe Electro-oculogram (E G O ,
central retina. Severn] small potentials, typically 61 or 103 H : Normal E O C measurements o f the right and lefl eye:
(wide field), at individual sites approximately 3-53 apari 1, dark Lrouf^h And 2; chu li^hl peak. Arden rAliu is Ihe dif-
are recorded from cone-driven retina. Гегипие in AmpliLude between tfi£ lijjht ptwk Lind lhe d^rk

As in full-field conventional ERG recording a corneal LrDLigh.

electrode is used: however the nature of the stimulus and
the form of lhe analysts differ, lhe retina is stimulated lhe typical waveform of the basic mfEKG response
with an array of hexagonal elements (either calhode ray (also called the first-order response от first-order kernel)
tube (СЙГ) or Eiquid crystal display (LCD ) technology), is a btphasic wave wilh an initial negative deflection fol­
each of which has a 50% chance of being illuminated lowed by a positive peak {Hguie 2.23Й, D, h and G). There
every lime the frame changes (Figure 2.23 A). Each element is usually a second negative defleclion after the positive
follows the same pseudorandom sequence of illumination peak. 'Ihese three peaks are called N I, P I, and N2, respec­
with the starting point displaced in Lime relative Lo other tively. N1 includes conlri but ions from the same cells thal
elements. The recordings are not direct electrical potentials contribule lo lhe a-wave of the full-field cone LK£], and P I
from local regions of relinar but rather л mathematical includes contributions from the cells contributing to the
extraction of the sign al.'15 Because lhe stimulation rale is cone b-wave and oscillatory potentials. Although lEiere is
rapid, the waveform of the local mfliRG response can be some homology between the mftiUC waveform and the
influenced bolh by preceding ("adaptation effects") and conventional Г KG, (he stimulation rales are higher for
subsequent stimuli ("induced effects"), as well as by the the mftiKG and, as noted above, the infllRG responses are
responses to lighl scattered on other retinal areas.'1'1 mathematical extractions. Thus, the mft-RC responses are

Ir- i*- к- У-
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fe? |t'* •h" tf“ -
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-Av 'Л-' A v VW
чА*- VU1
'Лн*' V U 'Л-, A?- V V \i^-f vV-
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v/U Arf \Л/ yv vV-
\^v /и- >Дл- i/Lv \Л^
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МкПЦисл! URG 59

AmpHfHte* Pltfn)
Pi 4hp.Pl 4 ih к i Prf.Pi ГЧ1.РН
1' iHUl n M hd 1*1

1 15 e Q 5Q 1 0 .2 0 0 342 147

2 51 7 о т я 0 .И 2 3^3

Hv 3 ie 2 О.О Ч8 0 .2 3 7 35 3 1 4 .7

4 ■12.3 0 .4 i5 2 0 .1 1 3 3 6 J3 15 7

© w
АЩрНивез PflM
■ jjm . il l* Fl i«V .Pl 4 lp .H I f*T.Pl №Г.Н1
Э0СШ S* , V-4**t 41 1 M Гм.а

■. , 4 _
1 t e .E LI 5 0 t 0 20£) за з 1 4 .7
2 l i . t 0 7-ВЧ С Я 2 343 ■lfl.,7

п\4е#> * -- 3 t e .z 0 04B С 237 353 1 4 .7

-— ^ . V s — - J 4 1 2 .3 0 .4 5 2 В .1 1 Э 363 1 5 .7

i: ■Й si Oms/di ■


о s 10 is a as »
■w. Minutes
not technically ‘'little LKG responses." therefore, the desig­ light adaptation using the Ganzfaeld bowl. 'Ibe test can be
nations fa-wave' and "b-wave. ^ used for the full-field ERG, performed with the patient dilated or not. if the patient
are not appropriate to describe features of the mfEEtG is dilated the intensity of the Ganzfield background lighf
wave form.46 should be lower than if not dilated. The dark-adapted
EOG reaches a minimum and then fluctuates. L'he light-
Technique adapted FOG gradually increases and reaches a maximum
and dien drops gradually. 'Ehe Arden ratio is the differ­
The pupils should be dilated and pupil size noted, ence in the amplitude between the "light peak" and the
fixation sLability is important and can affect the qual­ "dark trough'1and the normal is at least l.S, often around
ity of recordings and can be monitored. Refractive errors 2.5 (Figure 2.231-]). ihe right and left eyes are recorded
may niller the area of the retina stimulated due lo diffrac­ simultaneously.
tion of the Eight stimuli; hence refractive errors should be 'Jbe EO G is a function of the entire ]?I^Ei—photoreceptor
corrected. Pneadaptation involves exposing the subject lo complex and not just the macular and photorecep­
ordinary room light for al least 15 minutes prior to test­ tors. Rod and cone mechanisms contribute to the gen­
ing. Moderate room lighting close to the illumination on eration of the potential.П| EOG is abnormal whenever the
Lhe stimulus screen should be used. A total recording time ERG is abnormal but the reverse is not true, as in Eiest dis­
of 4 minutes for the (SI stimuli and & minutes for the 10.1 ease and chloroquine toxicity.
stimuli is required. In conclusion, a given patient sbouEd receive the
The responses are displayed as trace arrays (wave forms) necessary and appropriate studies for diagnosis and
(Figure 2,23В and D ) and three-dimensional response re-evaluation of treatment response. Ibe principles and
density plots (Figure 2.23G and Lj. '['race arrays are useful interp relation of fluorescein angiography have received the
in comparing an area of low amplitude to another area in most attention in this chapter. Understanding fluorescein
the same eye or a corresponding area in the fellow eye.'1 angiography should help the reader interpret oLher stud­
It can be compared against similar quadrants on a visual ies such as ICG angiography, aulofluorescence, and O CF
field.1" Ihe three-dimensional plot shows the overall sig­ Only the basic principles of the remaining studies have
nal strength per unit area of the relina. Jhis should be been touched upon, lo assist the reader in quickly inter­
interpreted in conjunction with the trace arrays and not by preting their results. For a more succinct understanding of
itself. the individual studies, lhe reader is directed to more elab­
orate sources.
E L E C T R O - O C U L O G R A M {E O G )
When an electrode es placed oil lhe cornea and another
near die posterior pole of the eye (or elsewhere in the 1. Ocfltt SMG. F ft S_ MJin ; IF; a al.Traiaenl n за iilrg atef towtor red m 1
р1кйювм1ё(п1Ьг(Знсш пвтажиЕапгетЕвапк Fulra lEftioSfc-SC.
body), a positive resting potential is found.4^™ 'Ibe EDG 2. JtistiffiJrl Serajsdetadimfftot Etteredral вдпн! epftsi.ri
T r m d ir fe a d О з П П а ™ '9ве.7-ЗтЭ9С— 015.
displays this corneofundal potential, which benders the cor­
nea 0.006-0.LI]ОV positive compared to the posterior wall Btdskn з! i u r a e a 'r s M H : j a 1 т т Ь т а л к . Д п J Oaitia rrcr' .£04:11 3 :2 6 ^ 3 ' '
structures (retinal receptors and RE’Ei) of the eye. Ihe cor- i Gjj'j DR FMslte W, M ira M a al D:]ral ntaraine а ч щ cpxty in сЕюгаага!
а&>-З Е!з.сс1ш £1ж ^у аи2г?э:ае7-э1.
neofundal potential is the result of metabolic activity of the 1. КМкгWrt Nc>]i; Cf!. & li es RA. ?. al \ pemeaMto JclKl c!retin al j.-gmiri sDrlhciF.il1
epithelium of the cornea, lens, and retina, ihe potential k e j 'етсе n fliu siepteiacr entiles Arch Sftttiamai' 9 Ю £ Й :72 Е-6
6. Ma'tfa I Qiwef * FeIIbn in e n?,v; ndm si ransi hBiatm зу krvш 1 . эг-с
from the RE3E is photosensitive white that from the cornea 1ж(5. Gx Opitalrfll Fl х Евг1 -if.
and lens epithelium is dot. lhe RPE loses the potential in 7. T s o k lC H CUiha-№z JGF.-Stih m al/AjcirnDDpaftnfci^o s u ly ut sbod-r^iii^ hanler№
й>ргг ir-ETal o i f l l s i , AfWD n t t : СрМтаПкЕ «1; £c 1 & ? i:l3 :l Ё5,
the dark and recharges during light adaptation, '['his dif­ 2. Caasfcall AG. CEiane G. ^lusti F. a al' le a.idKlaitf. Trait CthiialncJ Soc E#
ference in lhe potential between dark and light, called the 1 9 f f i ;1 0 5 $ & - &
5. F c-ra ftV. Нж1п;:ткг Br ЕффалЕе gten ays; иэгьакше n t ririrec Лккрпол
'light peak/ is termed Arden ratio (Figure 2.231 {). L ta d a ^ a n g ai arn иЯапюиф w t i HitDreacefl apograph* Jcfin; H c ^ i ;
The measurement is based on the eye mcjvemenl-
ll Craig W.Marae L3, raida F. id^.HHHKElKalisiha'cl rdx^inne wsn J/eiiagre
dependent voltage generated and recorded between elec­
anmiifi an humn oailarSisaiesMPiefncd алжшрЕнс антеЙнп Оз№а(г^сдгг
trodes placed at the inner and ouLer canthi of the eye. i £08105:1 Gft-S
Ihe palienl is seated in fronL of the Ganzfield bowl and ll om DH. ?zin Ftrtsf Ш FttcTa сnalqiptsUionEal рй>^пnegran■Sa'aca
- crelmnirv i s t r t E- e Ear toes T h 'a i f/m l ^ : E :E ? .' ь-2 3 . o i |
asked to look back and forth between two fixation lights 12. F ■w FJV HKhiei^r Br dp;al s сиarc азрагаШ; Id' areJlaieci; 7
placed 50° from each other. When the eye moves to the liie safaralt Binsl ac (hmeidal с г л й м г й . ItmsE Ofhi'dio]! 1&73:' 22^3-£l.
1 3. fe e r a ^ i te r> :A Сем i f s-Hral d a ails :si C; a; retiHfd Памгсй h m lais-; ar.:i
right the positive cornea becomes closer to one of the elec­ anerldil зшгьза AmJOptotelmal 1Э6Й66:15-И}.
trodes, ihus rendering this electrode more positive than 14. Eater E^J. E r d r q c liu lc i'c io D fh te n ^ F l K d t m l i a h fo q a riifi iC 3 tw o ton a

the other, and the opposite occurs when the eye moves
a p t & ■ Ip p it e h s . FTac Е е M № d ■966:122:557-63.
15 . l-t-AC. TftnTLZii iA . Gifjer Lf l . c l a. B a ^ l e s f c a ^ i r i d i r a r i i B n i m f l r e
Lo the left. 'Jhe palienl is preadapted in room light for 15 Ji[Mdn)teff1B94101В Д
minutes. Fifteen minutes of the recording occurs in the IS. to j] FE.Linn.i. Нгпtenn.inJw/a'iie дгн-an^jgra^ ii cltDfjU'elпа с ж
пжк! un; aidEffcrpafflon:алs>deTCs-bEftj!_рЗэге. bj№a ггз 2K11"015-21.
dark, followed by 20-minute recording under standard |чиг?-3.]
Кг^лсшгн fa I

17. Се cn К . £<щ CG. Corey lK йянейей ж с ти alien ard itai al dilnb л л cl l paofi:n in 36. Згспат NFl Techiajes cf uhraTt акз efIraw ^jn J CpniiUmcl
H>E of norths abject. nreil O M a ft via 5ci 2DO .42 lSim-fo Ш:6&696-£С:.
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agsralimi uiKuarc^neinsi tfeO ptitelfndw Ea 20>[1Я1 4SCf-5lH. j,l - l d n U. N oefre . fcliiS xim aj^ lw сз1 ti. crd аяг диле ila:& ^ ex e
l a vn С. Энстсшк^ Ьн в cf l po!j e i i Hfoti anj ojge pigment-ke Шсгсртяк; F'e; Ramie E+j 19£2:262 Ш Н
Ш В Д В Д 37H&. 36. ja'g J Wiami D^. faler D' &.periwте! чi ci ond igh rsciul t i гкпа газщ Ih'tucti
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21 Jfairow JFl '.n SR. Шегя AM. si iJ. A2E а зашзп al E kp:4>.a:i. в * пегuse ircm lh; 40 ;hii Тт. Sana h, 5uiii Sfi Acam^ cplicE iataiTQ al i j ian :sre рЬхсгкери dinrtulicn. J
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This page mtentlonaSly left blank
Diseases Causing Exudative and Hemorrhagic
Detachment of the Choroid, Retina and Retinal
Pigment Epithelium
Diseases primarily involving the choroid cause loss of reti­ 3.0 f Diagram of stages of hemorrhagic disciform
nal function in the macular region principally by three detachment caused by type ] sub-retinal pigmen!
mechanisms: ( ] ] reduction of blood flaw within Lhe cho­ epithelium (RPE) choroidal neovascularization.
riocapi Haris; [2) increased permeability of lhe choriocapil- R, retina; ccr chorioca pi Haris 'See Figure 2.09 for
slages of serous disciform detachmen( associated
larib causing exudative and hemorrhagic detachment of the
with type ] sub-RPE choroidal neovascularization^)
retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) and/or retin® anti (3J a
coLTibinalion of lhe Iwo processes. E>iffusion of nutrients
from the choriocapil laris across Bruch's membrane is Lhe ltruch's metnbracie into the sub-RPE. space (type E choroi­
major source of sustenance for the RPE and lhe photorecep­ dal neovascularization) or inLo the subretinal space (type
tors. r['he choriocapiIIary endothelium and the RPE are the ]] choroidal neovascularization] [see chapter 1). Ihe
primary barrier to the passage of large proteins and oncotic stimulus for this process, referred to as choroidal neovas­
water from the choriocapi Ilaris inlo the sub relinal space, cularization. is unknown and probably is multifaclorial.
interference with the blood supply to the choriocapi 11 ris, for Liberation of angiogenesis factors from the RPE or retina
whatever reason, may lead lo lhe loss of function of the over­ in response lo chronic ischemiar chronic nutritional depri­
lying RIM- and retina. Acute visual loss secondary to obstruc­ vation, and other pathologic alterations caused by a vari-
tion of the short ciliary arteries occurs infrequently because eLy of diseases have been shown as vasoendothelial growth
of the rich arterial anastomosis in the choroidal vascular bed. factors (VLG]:J. 'type IE subretinal choroidal neovascular­
Acute visual loss may occur, however, from either embolic or ization can be produced experimentally.1 '
Lhrombotic disease obstructing the choriocapi Ilaris. Ihere is
minimal evidence that chronic ischemia secondary to grad­
ual obi iteration of the1lar^e and small choroidal vessels is a
significant cause of deterioration of central vision, loss of H E M O R R H A G IC D IS C IF O R M
central vision occurs most frequently because of serous and D ETA C H M EN T O F THE M A C U L A
hemorrhage macular detachment caused by a variety of dis­
eases afTecLing the choriocapil laris, Bruch's membrane, and Diseases of the choroid cause exudation and localized (dis­
RPR ihe frequent circular shape of this detachment or the ciform) macular detachment primarily by three mecha­
scar that results is responsible for use of the descriptive terms nisms: (1) increased permeability of the choriocapiUaris
vdisciform detachment* and "disciform lesions.''' Although associated with loss of adherence of the RPL to Bruch's
most localized detachments of the macula are caused by membrane; {2} choroidal neovascularization; and [3J
diseases affect mg Lhe choroid and RPE:,. a localized macular increased permeability of the choriocapil laris and devital­
detachment may occasionally be caused by relinal vascu­ ization of the RPE. Ihe reader is referred to Chapter 2 for a
lar diseases, by retinal hole, by vilreomacular traction, or by discussion of Lhe various pathophysiologic, histopathologic,
anomalies of the optic disc (see Chapters G, 7, and 15). and fluorescein angiographic changes that are associaLed
The peculiar structure of the choroidal vascular system wilh these types of detachments and the histopathologic
is probably of primary significance in explaining the pre­ and fluorescein angiographic features that accompany them.
dilection for localized detachment of the RPE and retina 'L'he histopathologic stages of focalized choroidal exu­
to occur in die macula and peripapillary region of the eye dative RPE and retinal detachment unassociated with cho­
(see chapter I). It is in ihese areas that a large volume of roidal net)vascularization and those caused by choroidal
blood is fed inlo the choroidal circulation by way of the neovascularization have been illustrated diagram mali-
short ciliary arteries (see figure 1.(16]. 'Lhe choroidal arter­ cally in Chapter 2 [see L-'igures 2.04 and 2.09). I he various
ies are richly interconnected and via short precapillary hemorrhagic and reparative stages are illustrated diagram­
arterioles quickly empty large quantities of blood into the matically in l-'igure 3.01. Each of these stages of changes
sinusoidal network of Lhe choriocapil laris, probably under occurring anterior Lo Bruch's membrane, irrespective of Lhe
considerable pressure. ]h is blood is drained from the cho­ underlying choroidal disease, presents a characteristic oph­
riocapi] Ian1bed by venous channels thal converge on the thalmoscopic, hiomienoscopie, and fluorescein angiographic
vortex veins. 'Ihe concent rati oil of short ciliary arteries and appearance Lhal will be illustrated in subsequent discus­
Lheir branches in the macular region probably accounts sions of the underlying diseases. Ihe palienL with focal dis­
for greater hemodynamic stress on the choriocapillary bed ease affecting Lhe choroid often remains asymptomatic until
posteriorly, t hus any disease process affecting the chorio- he or she develops detachment of the overlying RPE; and
capillary bed and the normal adhesion of the RPE to the retina (as in a non-or minimally leaking occult neovascular
inner collagenous portion of bruch's membrane is likely membrane), ibis detachment may obscure the underlying
to result in exudative detachment of the RPf! and retina choroidal lesion. \he clinician's initial problem, therefore,
in the macular region, [f the pathologic alterations also is to recognize the presence of disciform detach mettl and to
involve disruption in the continuity of the collagenous identify its stage. By careful examination of the surrounding
or elastic portion of Bruch's membrane, bleeding may fundus in the same eye. and particularly the macular region
occur either directly from the choriocapiharis as in trau­ of lhe opposite eye, and by consideration of the medical
matic rupture- or much more frequently from rupture of hislory and other physical findings the clinician can often
new capillaries thal haw grown from the choroid through determine Lhe nature of the underlying choroidal disease.
e p ith E :iu m ar>d ne1ir-a
S P E C IF IC D IS E A S E S C A U S IN G 3.02 Idiopa Ih ic centra Ese ro us с ho rio re Linopa thy.

D IS C IF O R M M A C U L A R Л-(..: Localized serous detach mefl( erf the relinal payment

epithelium i.RPE: arrowy A) w ilh a small halo of surround­
D ETACH M EN T ing reJinal detachment in a 34-year-old man with a serous
deLat hfrtenl c f the гласи Li in lhe righl eye. H e was asymplom-
Idiopathic Central Serous aJic in the leJl eye. Mute that Lhe detach men! does not extend
into the fowea. I-Eis visual acufty was 2 ( V I 5. Afiglogjgphy
outlines lhe a r™ (it hi RE delachmenl (E3>. Six monlhs laler
Clinical Features spontaneous reattachrnenL oP" the Rl-3t occurred fC).
D - l А 3 7 -year-old wom an with blurred vision seconda*y
Idiopathic central serous chorioretinopathy (LCiC}, previ­
Lo serous delachmenl or Lhe relina. Nole slLghl cloudiness
ously referred lo as central serous retinopathy, idiopathic □f Lhe s u b jo in s I esudale and the moderaleily large under­
flat detach menl of the macula. and central angiospaslic lying RPE delachmenl (arrows, Dj. The K.RE is mottled where
retinopathy, is. a specific disease- lhal typically affects young it is detached. There is a small KPE detachment outside Lhe
and middle-aged m iles with type A persona lilies between area of m acular detachment superiorly. Stereoscopic angio­
20 and 45 years of age.1''" 0 Unusual emotional stress fre­ grams ■;£ ап-d Fl showed dye pooled in lhe region of Lhe
quently .accompanics lhe onset of visual symptoms. 'E'here HF’l: delachm ent benealh Ihe retinal delachmenl as well as
benealh the smaller liF'E detachment superiorly (arrow, F).
may be a history of headaches, which occasionally are of
Two months later I here was spontaneous resolution oj Lhe
the migraine type. Males are affected more commonly relinal deLachmonl and slij^hl enlargement of lhe- RRE detach­
Lhan females by approximately 10 to 1. liefore the onsel ment (<j )j In lh e Tight eye she had developed three paracen­
of symptom s., most patients develop one or more small tral R l’t delachmenl-s (H and ]j. She was asymptomatic in
areas of serous detach menl of the ttPE in the in acuta or both eves.
paramacular area (Figure 3.02A-Q .1' l3rlJ 'Ihis may be )—L: This 40-yea r4 )ld man had serous retina! delnchmenL^
followed by serous detachment of the overEying and sur­ multiple small aibre(ina] precjpilales, and a small serous
deLachmenl of the RPE iarrows, I and Kl. Angiography dem­
rounding retina (I'tgure 3.02 D-F). If the detachment
onstrated lhe site oE a serous deLachmenl tjf lhe RRb terrow.
does not extend into the central шасиЗаг area, the patienl
Ю. L is a diajjr^ni of |. The black dots represent fluorescein
is usually asymptomatic (figure 3.02A-C]). lhe retinal LhaL stains lhe exudaLe benealh Ihe delached RH : bill (b e S
detachment may resolve spontaneously (Figure 3.02G). ncH enter the subrelinal space. 5RFr subrelinal precipi I ales.
When the detachment spreads inlo the central macular
arear lhe patienl typically develops metamoiphopsta. a
positive scotoma, and micropsia [E'igures 3.02E), 3,03, and Ophthalmoscopically and biomicroscopically, a well-
3.04). An occasional palienl wili describe ntacropsia with defined round or oval area of shallow elevation of Lhe retina
the affected eye. Macropsia is the result of crowding of in the macular region is the typical finding [Figures 3.02­
the photoreceptors in a unit area and micropsia is due lo 3.04). 'E his area usually presents a slightly darker color than
decrease in their number in a unil area. A relatively posi­ lhe surrounding normal retina, 'l'he foveal reflex is attenu­
tive central scoloma and metamorphopsia can usually be ated or absent.'Elie detachment may be relatively inconspic­
demonstrated on Amsler grid testing, '['he micropsia may uous ophthalmoscopically but is usually readily apparent
he unappreciated by the patient until demonstrated by on slil-Jamp examination of the macula with a fundus lens,
confrontational comparison of image size of the examin­ lhe stereopsis obtained by using a wide light beam directed
er's head. Some describe the micropsia as "objects being from a few degrees off the visual axis is generally adequate
farther away with lhe affected eye as compared with the lo appreciate separation of the retina from the underlying
normaE eye." lhe visual acuity is often only moderately Ш1]:. Observation of the increased distance separating a
decreased and may be improved to near normal with the retinal vessel from ils shadow cast on the underlying RF£ is
addition of a smalt hyperopic correction. 'E'here is a delay another helpful clue to the presence of serous delachmenl
in retinal recovery time after exposure to bright light, loss of the relina. Separation of the narrow light-beam reflex tra­
of color saturation, and loss of contrast sensitivity, l'he versing the retina from that striking the ftPE, when demon­
patient's past medical history, family history, and general strable- is further evidence of a serous delachmenl. En some
physical findings are usual Ey un re markable. lhe author has instances, particularly in the presence of a shallow detach­
seen two instances of JC3C occurring in siblings. ment, this separation may be impossible to demonstrate.


л i-'-vWa-

The detached retina is usually transparent and of nor­ 3.03 Id iopa Ih iс centra [ se rt>us cho rio re tin opa thy.
mal thickness, '['he sub ret Inal serous fluid is usually clear.
A —F: ’Ajunjj wom an wiLh serous retinal ctetachm^iL Note
Ibere may be a small round yellow spot- probably caused small relinal pigment epilhelium iKF-’t leak iitfenonasally H^nd
by increased visibility of lhe retinal xanthophyll. in the w indow dufed temporally in E3. Angiograms E3—tJ, including
center of the fovea. This may be mistaken for a sma]! RPE slerwjangiorgrams D, show dye flre-nming superiody inlo the
detachment. En some cases lhe posterior surface of the suhretinal space. Nole syld^fice o f um;ul fb tal leak ■iiLrrtyw.
retina may be partly covered with multiple yellowish dol- D ' in lhe area of lhe w in d o w d e le d temporally. L is n dia­
gram illustrating riii:u--ion of the dyu |iu ip liii£ j from lhe cho­
Eifce precipllales [E'igure 3.02J). In approximately ЮЯ-b of
roid into lhe sub-HFE space and then into the subretinal
eyes the sub retinal space may be partly filled wilh a gray-
space ihrough a break farrow i in Lhe КИЕ:. F is л represen­
white serofibrinous exudate that may be misinterpreted ts live optical coherence tomography showing a small RPE
as a focal area of acuLe retinitis, an Ischemic infarction of detachmeril w ilhin thfe area of serous retina] delachrnaif,
the relina. or a sub retinal neovascular membrane (Jigure G-l: Serous retinal detachm ent overlying moderately Urge
3.03])Л' Serofibrinous exudate es oflen associated with a RPb detachm en; w n fluofeh( eir> streaming Ihrough small
larger area of retinal detachment as xvell as more promi­ defect iarrow y H and I in dom e of K I3Ei delachmenl inlo
nent fluorescein leakage Into the subrelinal Hu Id [figure subretinal space.
3—L: ^iefouh delachm enl of reLina w ilh whitish sufjrelinal
3.03A and I.). 'Ihe serous detachment of the RPE under­
fibrin surrounding small K l3t detachment rn a 40-yoar-old
lying the retimil detachment is variable in size and in
man. Note heavy fluorescein slaining in area of fibrinous
some patients is often impossible lo detect Without (he eKudale а-н w l :II as lhe serous exudate elsewhere in the suh-
aid of fluorescein angiography [E-'igure 3.03A), 'typically, relinal space.
il appears as a round or ova!., yellowish or yellowish-gray
lesion that is Less than one-fourlh disc diameler in size
(E'igure 3.02J). '['he surface of the R r i delachmenl may be
finely molt led (figure 3.02 A D,. C3. and llj. RPE detachment there may be an irregular, roundr or
A small КРЁ detachment is easiest to delect in retro- flask-shaped area of mottled depigmentalion of the
iliu mi nation adjacent to the slit beam of light focused RPE beneath the retinal detachment (Figure 3.0FH-].
on the RPE. It is usually located beneath the superior hnilf 3 . 0 and 3.07J Ihis occurs often in patients subject lo
of the area of retinal detachment. [I occurs infrequently recurrent serous elevation of the RP£ and surrounding
in the center of the fovea. !n some cases the FiPii detach­ retina in the paracentral area before they become symp­
ment may appear to Lie beyond the superior margin of tomatic from spread of retinal detachment into Lhe central
the retinal detachment. Ilecause of gravity the sub retinal macular area.
fluid tends Lo pool inferior to the area of serous detach­ Although RPE: detachments are typically small in
ment of the RE^L. [Positioning lhe patient may be required patients with I C SC in some patients they may encompass
to demonstrate continuity of the areas of retinal and RPE a disc diameter or larger. When larger the hlisterlike RPE
detachment. Focal detachments of the RPE are difficult to detachment may be surrounded by a reddish or salmon-
visualise biomicroscopically when they are small in size., pink halo caused by a marginal serous separation of the
shallow in depth, or obscured by turbid sub retinal exu­ retina (3:igures 3.02A, G, and H, and 3.04А).|Л|: ^
date. E'l uorescein angiography may he necessary Lo detect ]jtr^e RE]L detachments are typically circumscribed, oval
the sile of RPE detachment. or round, dome-shaped, and orange or yellow-gray; they
Multiple ЯТЕ: detachments may occur (Figures 3.02[J present a solid rather than a translucenL appearance, it is
and H. and 3.03). Occasionally one or several detach­ these features lhal occasionally cause a misdiagnosis of
ments of the Rl]li may lie outside the primary area of a choroidal hemangioma, hypopigmenled melanoma,
retinal detachment (Figure 3.02L>). In lieu of a discrete or melastalic carcinoma of the choroid (Figure 3.04AJ.
The junction of the detached and all ached RPE: typically 3.04 Id iopa Ih iс centra I se rc>us cho rio re tin opa thy.
produces a discrete and circumscribed halo surrounding
A -С: This 4fl-vmir-[)]el man had a large $ertH_i£ detachniLvil
the base of the Lesion, in contrast Lo the less discrete lighl ot The te lim l pigment e p ilhelium (RIJ Lj. Su-ven yeafjs previ­
reflex halo surrounding an. area of serous detachment of ously he had serous m acular detachirafpt in his lefl eyEf IhaL
the retina, ihe choroidal pattern thal is often visible pos­ resolved г а й г Lanetrtisly Sijithifli 2 months. Visual acuily ir>
terior to the serous detachment of the retina is usually not Lhe rifjht eye was 2СУ5 0. NoLe the sharp rfiargpn ot" Ihe? scrou*
visible behind Lhe serous detachment of the RPE, except detachment of Ihe К PE (A). There was no scjdUs detachment
o f Ihe surrounding retire. Note also (he pigjnenL figure on
in the rare case in which there is extensive thinning and
Lhe surface ot lhe delached R P t. Angiography showfid diffuse
depigmenlation of the detached k P t. L-'ine mottling of the
leakage of dye across B ru ch s membrane Enlo [he sulj-KPt
pigment and dumping of pigment on the surface of the нрасе (IS'i. Nole Lhe pignienL figure Outlined ал lhe back­
detached RPF are common [Figures 3.02 and 3.04). ihis ground of fluorescein. The palitfnl was observed at yearly
pigment clumping may produce a cruciate [Inn cross bun) intervals wiLhoul change Ln his visual acuiLy or Lhe apficar-
or triradiate pigment figure (ligurc 3.<MA and JJ1. !he vitre­ ance of" Ihe fundus. W h e n he returned 9 yenrc alter lhu pho­
ous in patients wilh ]CSC contains no inflammalory cells. tograph :n A, lhe serous deLachrirujnl of Lhe K]JL had лImust
disappeared ILI and his visual acuiLy was £|У5£}.
Fluorescein Angiography D-l: Idiopathic central serous chorlorelinupathy in a
!34-year-old man W ilh a pereislunl serous Не1псЬтел1 of Lhe
Angiography in patients wilh iCSC shows a variety of pal- macula for longer ihan A mortth.i .[] . А К т о ъ с ч ю и ч phase
Lerns. In lhe presence of serous detachment of the retina, revealed preserice of eilher art RPE delachm enl or defecl
fluorescein angiography identifies the area where the RPli in Ihe KL3t, \vhic;h is exlnernely minute (arrow, hi. The dye
is detached and where serous exudate derived from the ic-.-:-a-:- ii'in ll.c--i.hi4 v-p.n e .vv:l t .irr:('d M.ifj i ' r i г!у
choriocapi Haris is gaining entrance inlo the subretinal if . lh e dyt! pooled superiorly in the Huhretinal fluid in lhe
domu of the detachment (ti). O n e day afLer treatment the sin­
space (see Chapter In those cases with a discrete
gle application of low-intensilv xenon phokKoa^ulaLioji whs
blislerlike detachment of the REnEi.. fluorescein rapidly dif­ visible (low er arrow, Hj. The two small round spots are lijjht
fuses out of the choriocapi I laris across Hruch's membrane reflex artifacts. U pper arrow indicates test spot. The retina
atid stains the exudate beneath the RN-. creating a dis­ was flat 31i weeks afLer photocoagulation flj. Visual aL'uity
crete. often round spot of hyperfluorescence, correspond­ was 20/15. The Lest spot was no fonder visihie.
ing to the size of the RPE detachment [Figures; 3.02-3.04). 1-L: Subrelinal fiEirin suTrounding КГБ delachment (arrow y
In cases of a shallow detachment of the RFE, the spot of l-L.l i:i Iw o pregnant W om en w h o developed id iopa Ihi с cen ­
tral serous chorioretinopathy during the seventh monlh of
hyperfluorescence enlarges concentrically during the
pregnancy, lh e [i^tgehment disappeared earlv р<к1ряг 1и т in
course of angiography. In some palients the dye is con­
both patients.
fined Lo Lhe &Lib-R[: li space [Figure 3.02h, E E, and |).
|A-t frum Cj;i5x c[ al J-*; J and k. fium Олыь.--1.. 0 1991.. Amentan Medi-cal
In others the dye may diffuse slowly through the detached Aifstx :;ilMjn. АЛ мцЫк n.'st'rwcL.'i
ЙРЕ to produce a faint fluorescent hai:e in the subretinal
exudate surrounding the ftP E detachmenL. In less than
10% of cases the dye passes through a small hole in the higher specific gravity of the dependent subretinal exu­
RPK, often at the margin of, and occasionally within, date.” Eventually the entire subretinal exudate may stain
the dome of the detached R T F , and streams upward in a and appear hyperfluorescent, except in the foveal area,
smokestack configuration inlo the subretinal exudate lo where the luteal retinal pigment obstructs the pathway of
form an umhrelia pattern of fluorescein staining (figure the exciting blue as well as the emitted fluorescent light.
3.03A-E). I his upward movement of Lhe dye is probably Pelinal detachments associated with "■smokestack''' leaks
caused both by convection currents and by the relatively are generally larger in area than those with focal leaks.-’ '
bpi'cific Diseases Сдып'лд D fxifprm M ncuixr D flachnn'nt i I
72 1 Н \ ■i 3 Diseases C ausing Ex u d a tive and H em orrh agic Detachm ent

In palienls with irregular 1ЩЕ detachments and atrophy. Э.Оа Multifocal and recurrent idiopathic ten Ira I
Lhe pallern of hyperlluorescence is correspondingly irreg­ serous chorioretinopathy^
ular pjrLLeu]лrly during the early phases of angiography
Л -N : This 42-year-old jSsjoman w ilh lupus nephropathy who
(Figure 3.05 И acid C). Patients with gray-white sub retinal bad undergoпЁ л renal {JrajT^plarct 7 years previously noted
serofibrinous exudate usually shdW ilreaming of dye into a change in vision in her left eye in 2 005. The rEght eye was
the tub retinal space near lhe exudate [E'igures 3.Q3J-L un involved and saw 2 0 /2 0 w hile vision in lhe left eye bud
3.0GA-Cr and Э.ОЙА-О),32,34'35 After resolution of lhe dropped (a 20/?0. A single packet of subrelinal fibrosis ( SR F>
macular detach menl. the angiographic findings may return associated with orange flecks was seen extending tempo­
rally from (.iie disc -.A'. An angiogram revealed leopard-spot
Lo normal. However, angiographic evidence of lhe small
chang^f with transmission hyperfluorescence ot I ho? area nol
RPE detachment may persist in some patients. Irregular
blocked by the orange piymenl that remained dad;. There
Loss of pigment from the ftP£ after prolonged retinal were fou: hoL spols af hyp&fltiOrestence, She was fibserved
detachment will be evident angiographically as mottled and the serous delachmenl resolved sponl.a леон sly in 2
areas of hyperfluorescence that tend Lo fade during the nionLhs. 'She relumed 3 Vj years laler w ilb symptoms in her
course of angiography Angiography is helpful in detecting rifjjil е Уе fnam a pocket ol" 5iRF temporal to the fovea. An
Lhe large zones of exlramacuiar depigmentation of Lhe RFE angiogra rn revealed pate by leopaid-spot change in bolb
eyes, five bot spots on the right, and a single one on the left.
caused by chronic retinal detachment in patients; wilh a
She underwent focal laser lo lhe hoi spots in Ibe fight s?ye
more severe chronic form of this disease (Figures 3.05 and
wiLh resolution o f fluid in 2 months lK-N'i. Autofluorescence
3.06}.u-l!' in the majoriLy of cases the leaking sile is found images show increased auloiluorescence corresponding lo
within one disc diameter of lhe cenler of lhe fo v e a .‘ The the ornnjje pigment and decreased aulofluorescence corre­
foveolar area, however, is infrequently affected.''' sponding 1o lhe rdinal pigment epilhelium loss It and h.
Approximately 30% occur in the superior nasal quad­
rant and 15% in the papillomacuEar bundle aiea.J ‘
Angiography, however, should always include photographs
of lhe paramacular areas as well as lhe macular regions healed and the delachmenl will disappear within the next
of both eyes. It is particularly important to photograph few days or weeks; [3] presence of a peripheral retinal hole
those areas superior lo the macula and optic disc on the or choroidal tumor (usually superiorly located); (4) a con­
side of lhe macular detachment to delecl eccentric areas genita! pit of Lhe optic nerve head is present; and. (5] idio­
of leakage, which, because of gravity, may iie superior lo pathic uveal effusion syndrome flLILS) is presenl.
the area of delachmenl. Scanning the fundus during the Studies of palienls with ECSC wilh indocyanine green
Eater phases of angiography may be necessaTy lo delect have shown congesled and dilaled choroidal vein and cap-
exlramacular areas of fluorescein leakage. Failure lo find ill aries, choroidal staining and leakage inlo the extracellu­
evidence of a leak angiographically in a patienl with a lar space lhal appears as areas of hypcrfluorescence in the
serous detach men! of lhe macula should suggest the fol­ middle and late phases. This renders evidence of a broader
lowing possibilities: (1) a leak has occurred outside the area of choroidal involvement than that demonstrated by
macular area, usually superiorly; (2) lhe leaking area has fluorescein angiography, hence the better name. IC SC.1
Aulofluorescence imaging depicts a variety of findings 3.06 Ch ron ic recurre nI idio pa th it ce it ral sero us
in ]C5C. 'l'he orange spots seen in acute I CSC lhal may chorioretinopathy associated with large dependent
be sites of fibrin; lhe subretinal orange deposits Within zones of depigmentalion of the retinal pigment
ап area oJ" serous detachment which could he fibrin alone epithelium (RPE) and migration of pigment into the
overlying retina,
or mixed with photoreceptor elements; and serofibrinous
plaques that resemble relinitis all show increased auto­ A-*. : A
47-year-old n n n com plained ot" bilateral loss of
fluorescence (Hgure 3.0JD (p^row) and I } . 1' Jn eyes paracentral and superior fields -of vision and difficulty driv­
wilh chronic and recurrent ICSC/sleroid-related/organ ing Hi nif^iL o f 4 years' duralion. Note iforves of" alnophy of
transplant retinopathy, areas of RPJ£ atrophy are seen as FiF-’t l.mows,. А лиг! Bi. Angiography showed m ultiple zones
oi" KKE atrophy and multiple leakage sites (arrows, О .
wide gutters of hypoaulofluorescence.. the edges of which
fclecLrorelinography was w ilh in normal limits.
show increased auto fluorescence [E'igures 3.06 L and Hc
D-l: Com posite -oi lundi o i a ti4-year-old man with a long
and 3.07С and L>). Aulofluorescence imaging With ils history o f bilateral recurrent Episodes of loss of vision caused
mixed areas of increased and decreased auto Fluorescence is by serous detachment o f Lhe reUna. H is vision could lie cor­
exiremely typical and is a useful non invasive technique in rected to on lhe ri^hl and 20;!> 0 on lhe left. Soto
eyes suspected of chronic recurrent 1CSC. prominent zones of R PE changes extending Lo Ihe ora serrata
Choroidal congestion and thickening can be confirmed inferiorly. The areas o f RFh loan лррелг hypoautofiuofesccnl
IE and Hi. increased ,iulofluoreHcerrce is seen turroLmding
by ultrasound К scan, and more recently with enhanced
Lhese iiri'ai, su^PbLin^ the neighboring K3J t cells ir e invest­
depth imaging on optical coherence tomography (QCT)
ing bro-kon down pholonucepLor and oLhor cellular maleriaf-i
using Spectral is.'14 'l'he patient's eye is brought closer lo The Hgfit eye w j s drv (FI; the lofL Khowed Khallt>w s u-brel i rui I
the OCT machine than during conventional retinal scan­ fluid 'Г, for w lik li he received low-lluence pholodynamic
ning- and this enables the choroid to be visualized. Lyes thenapy. H e did not recall sLeroid intake bill may have
with ICSC have been found lo have a ihicker choroid as received injeclions. Lo hiн wrist join!.
compared Lo normal eyes. JEigh-resotuLion imaging of the 1Л -1 f r u m < _l;n s.''"

cones in the posterior pole with adaptive optics scanning

laser ophthalmoscope may prove lo be useful in monitor­
ing progression in eyes wilh chronic/sleroid-associated
IC SC ^ T h e technology is still evolving and the instrument
cost precludes its use routinely.
Atypical Presentations 3.07 С hron ic recurre nL idio pa th ic ce ntral sero us
chorioretinopathy resulting in pseudorehnitis
Chronic IC S C pigmentosa,
So pie patients, particularly La Lins and Orientals. dew! op A - D : This presently i>.l-year-olrl man was fol lowed lor more
multiple sites of prolonged and recurrent serous reti­ than 17 years with recufrenl and chronic centra] serous cho­
naE detach mem in one or both eyes {figLBres 3.06 and rioretinopathy. A few episodes o f acute leak were treated
3.07}. Ihese initially may be confined to the juxlapapLl- w ilh gentle focal Inter in both eyes. The righl eye lost cenlral
Eaiy, peripheral macular, or extramacular areas, and these vision insidiously about b years into the disease. Dark adap­
tation becam e difficult in the pasI Ъ years. Note Lhe focal
palients may lit’ asymptomatic for many years before
areas o f deep chorioretinal alropby and jieneralizttd loss of
they develop a focalized detachment of the macula. By
relinal pij^m c*nI epi I helium KIPLl and superficial chorojd in
this time there may be multiple, often teardrop or long­ Ihe inferior fundus. Hone s-pjcule pinment migration is seen
necked. flask-shaped areas of atrophy of the ЁРЁ extend­ in iiolh eyes 'A and Jl'i. Ih e vision in -his lighl eve is 2tV4Q0
ing interiorly from the paracentral and particularly the and in Ihe left eye 20/20-. Autofluorescence imaging shows
peripapillary areas lo the equator, or ora serrata (figures gutters of R PE loss from fluid gravitating infertofly arrows.
3.06 and 3.07).::',::<,,,tL'1 Occasionally large dependent (C and L>j.
areas of highly elevated chronic serous detachment may be
mistaken for retinoschisis [figure З.ОвП- L j.|:' Recurrent in patients (figures 3.0&L and El and 3.07C and D). 'lhe
detachment in these areas causes atrophy of both the KJ4: involved RJ3f is bypoautofluorescent with the area just
and retinal receptor elements. A bone corpuscular pat­ outside it being byperautofluorescent, suggesting increased
tern of migration of pigment Into the atrophic retina may metabolic activity Ln the adjacent intact R P l i (figure 3.06f
occur in these zones and may be misinterpreted as evi­ and Kj. 'Ihese patients are particularly prone to recurrent
dence of retinitis pigmentosa [figure 3.06G and 3.07A macular detachmenl and may permanently lose significant
and Ji These palients may have extensive Loss of the visual acuity and paracentral field. With chronic detach­
superior visual fields, and some anay complain of diffi­ ment lipid exudates and cystoid macular edema may occur
culty driving at night. Angiography often reveals multiple in the absence of angiographic evidence of subretinal neo­
focal areas of staining that usually are most prominent vascularization. Chronic serous detachment of the inferior
near the superior aspect of the multiple zones of hyper­ retina may cause, in addition lo large areas of retinal and
fluorescence thal correspond to the areas of R T t atro­ RFE atrophy, loss of the retinal capillaries, retinal neo­
phy. This atrophy and staining are frequently prominent vascularization. vitreous hemorrhage, and electroretino-
in the jufcLapapillary region of both eyes (figure 3.06C). graphic changes (figure 3.03J.'":■'lfi■|,' Long-term follow-up
Autofluorescence imaging is particularly usefuE in detect­ studies of patients with Lypical 1CSO have demonstrated
ing the complete extent of the RPE involvemenL and is a that these patients with chronic recurrent detachment and
useful non invasive method to monitor the progression severe visual loss are part of the spectrum of l0Ei0.4t'"" ''
78 J Pi'.cM'ii's Ciiummp Lau d a tive am i IK m o rrh a ^ k Detachm ent

A cute Bullous Retinal Detachm ent 3.(tS Severe idiopathic ceniral serous
chorioretinopathy ■;I CSC) with bullous retinal
Multiple areas of serous deLachment of the retina maf
detachment in otherwise healthy patients receiving
occasionally develop rapidly in the same or both eyes of
systemic corticosteroid therapy.
patients with I CISC.|: ■’ Lbese may occur in the midperipb-
eiy of lhe fund ил as well as in the poster ior pole. In a few A - C : 1his- 45-year-old man in il iл 11v presented w ilh л serous
patients these detachmenls may become confluent and detachlfienl of lhe ftiacLlja in lEio rif^Kt еу)Ё. I: was attributed
La choroidFlis and Ihe palient received oral prednisone. This
result in a large buildup retinal detachmenl involving the
was lolluwed by tjilaleral bullous retftial de 1a(.hment asso­
Lower half or more of the fundus (figures 3.0BA-C, and
ciated w ilh multiple large serous retinal pigment epithe­
3.10}.^^® ^55 ihis acute severe form of 1CSC es particu­ lium FiF’t: detachments., some of w hich went' suirountled
larly likely let occur in otherwise healthy patients ivho, as by a cloud Ы white ГгЕэппоиь subretmal exudallon (arrcjws,
Lhe result of a misdiagnosis, receive systemic corticoste­ Al. Fluorescein tlve si reamed through small breaks i arrows,
roids.1' Multiple serous detachments of the RPL, often E3) in the dome of lbe bTL delHchrnenls Into lhe subrelinal
Vi-1 disc diameter or larger in size. are typically present. space. Н.еь<1lu I ron ai" tiic suh filin al exudale o cc lirfed after
pholocoHjiulation of KPb detachments And slopping Lhe cor-
Jhey are frequently partly obscured by cloudy and at limes
Ikosleroid^. rhe paJieiil had no furlhur episodes o f m acular
gray-white fibrinous subretinal exudate. A similar pic­
datachlfienl Until 63 years (if aye, w hen he? developed tubrol-
ture often develo p s in the second eye within several days inal net jvascu-la гi га Li t] n al Lhe site of treated KTE detachment
or weeks, lhese patients may be misdiagnosed as haviEtg superior lo Lhe rFp;bL tovea.
a rhegmatogenous detachment, multifocal chorioreLini- D-L: This 1/-year-old developed bfflffleral serous
tis. metastatic carcinoma, lEarada's disease., or uveal effu­ delachmenl of the m a c u Ji (D ) in In t Э90, in ,iddi-
sion. The angiographic demonstration of multiple serous tfiari 1o a ch-Tonic com phiinl o f subnormal vision, he devel­
oped floaters. L-ii Iл1егс11 peripheral! bul(aLla retinal elevation
detachments of the ЙРЁ [Figures З.Ш В and Cj underlying
inferccrEy and several lufts of relinal neovascularization were
shifting subretinal fluid permits an accurate diagnosis.
noled (arrow, £ . Thn^o changes were aLlribuled to X-l inked
Fluorescein characteristically streams through a hole in the juvenile relincjschisis. In 199f1> in spile o f flieriiescEirt an^io-
pigmenl epilhelium at lhe edge of the large KPb detach­ urapfiic findings lhal suj’vesled chronic recurrent 1C5C ih
ments inlo the subretinal exudate (figures 3.08К and С, ai>d Cl , ihD diagnosis Wag relinal vasniliLis and tTea!menl
and З.Ш С and D J,35 15 ,h Occasionally, large l*E*b rips may with systemic corticusleroids resulted in severe bilateral
occur al the edge of lar^e КРЁ detachjneEtls (Figure 3 ШГ1, bullous relina] detach monl, incorrectly aLlriliuled lo UveaJ
effusion syndrome. In; '1993, hi I a Lera I scleral windows., vor­
I and K ).^ ir
tex vein decompression, and larger doses ol corllcosteroids
resulted in massive subretinal serofibrinous exudation ГН
Lind 1). Arrows indicate foci of relink I neova sculariiaLion.
Fluorescein angiogjapEry revealed mu I Li Iota I areas of R PE
elevation nind decompensalion posteriorly, Eeakage from sev­
eral loci of relinal noovasculari nation i.,irro\vs, 11, and ,i bnjiid
гопе of netiiiH-il fapillHrv nonpeilusion i-nHrriorlv in b o lh e ye s
(K). A ller discontinuance ol Ihe corticosteroids the retinal
delachmenl resolvud prom pi k. leaving subrelinai frbrtius
bands in lhe m acular region of bolh eyes.
ID-L Trcmi Li.ibi .md Ljllk\j5(
All of the otherwise healthy paticnLs wilh bullous reti­ Central serous chorioretinopathy in lhe elderly.
nal detachment complicating LCSC seen by Gass have
Acute idiopathic cenlral serous chorioretinopathy
beer middle-aged men. By lhe time he examined ihem (IC5C) with sildaneiil use,
many of Lhem had diagnoses other than 1C5C and were A-F: This fi4-year-old man presented w ilh a drop in vision
receiving oral corticosteroids,1],4& ]'hL& same clinical and in his right eye lo 2tV30. There Wasi a sm aolh turaut relinal
angiographic pjclure щйу, however occur occasionally in delachmenl Without any dresetl ^ le n d in g from lhe disf.
women, particularly those receiving,corticosteroids for sys­ eri|^e to lh e fovea A). A n ^ io ^ am showed a mi It! lale hyper-
temic disease, e.g., disseminated Lupus erythematosus. tlLldrascenl spol l-umporal lo lhe dist edge that was Eiyperau-
Crohn's disease/’1 rheumatoid arthritis/'’ hemodialysis/'" LoTluoretcenl (B-D ). The serous detachmenl w as smooth on
uplical coherence lomography iOCT.i without evidence of
and renal transplantation (Figures 3.11 and 3.12}." Ln
drusen or olher RPE: abnormalities itj. Lighl laser to this spot
addition to these disorders Gass has seen this severe form caused resolution of mosl of Ihe subretirtal fluid \Hi w ithin
of LCSC in women with hemolytic anemia, cryoglobulin­ 4 weeks and return o f vision lo 20/20.
emia, eosinophilic /asciilis, severe atlergic bronchitis alter
N ew -onset steroid-induced 1CSC with leopard-spot
commencement of systemic corticosteroid therapy, and in
change in the elderly-
one woman with multiple peculiar cutaneous and mucous
G - M : This 72-year-old male w ilh no pjhftfiCJLis ocular his-
membrane vascutar malformations infiltrated wilh mast
Lory experienced fluclualin^ vision more in his lefl eve ihan
cells [figure 3.. i J A-F). rigjit- H 's glasses prescription had Ю etu corrected twice and
Al the 13d2 Kaslern Ophthalmic Pathology Society lie underwent calnracl sur^-ery i-п rhe lutl eye. Four weeks
meeting Dr. Gilbert de Venecia reported the histopatho­ followiiWf calaracL surgery he was noled lo have cystoid
logic findings in one eye of a 40-year-old Native American macula г edema on the lefl eye and received a sub-Tenon
man who soon presented after a kidney transplant with injeclion o 1 triam cinalone. H it vision dropped further. W h e n
ела m med а т о л I h Iл I or his vi sion w a s porrec I abl e 1o 2 Q/iO
bilateral bullous retinal detachment and multiple serous
on the righl and 20/.‘5O on Ihe left. Ln addition lo tEie flast-
KFh detachments surrounded by white sub retinal exudate
shaped serous tfeacftm ent in Ihe lefl eye there were chorio-
(E'igure 3.12b and H).J " '■'iA''1lie found histopathologic evi­ nelinal folds (G and Hj. N o peripbera] choroidal delachm enls
dence that the whitish exudate beneaLh and surrounding were seen. Inner relinaE fEuid wan present in both eyes and
the R PK detachment was fibrinous Ёп lype (figure 5.E2G subretinal fluid in the lefl eye on O C T and K). Huorescein
and IE). showed only a leopard-spoL Lhanjje corresponding lo Hie
subretinal fluid wilhoul significanl breakdown of Lhe K P t >!L
tC S C Associated with Chorioretinal Fofds and M l1. There was mild hyperfIuorescence al lhe disc edge
lhal was attributed Lo peripapillary atrophy. He denied s1e-
I CSC may occasionally occur in eyes Wilh choriorelinal noid intake at any time, lie was a well-controlled diabetic
folds in the macular area secondary lo choroidal conges­ and hy|jeHensive w ilh a blood pressure o f 1 .lil'78 m-mhtg in
tion (E-'igure .3.0L>L and M)> lhe office, a nil was in good heallh. His serum liuhl chains
were slightly eleva1ed bul M-protetn spike was absent. O n
I C S C in W b T n e jj lurtEier (]uesLir)nin|^ and tpeaking to his primary phytician^
lie was found lo have received three inLramust ular injedions
JCSC in otherwise normal women is similar lo lhal in □f sleroids xJver lhe previous Id months for rata l congestion
males except that onsel tends lo be al an older age in and Lined penile inj eel ions of papaverine. prosLaglandin, and
women.'0 ECSC in women receiving exogenous corticoste­ phenlolam ine Гот impotence for Lhe previous 2 years.
roids is more likely lo be associated tvith bilateral involve­
ment and subretinal fibrin.
I CSC may occur in healthy women during the lat­ 3.1E) Severe idiopathic central serous
ter half of otherwise uncomplicaLed pregnancy.JJ 7l-7b chorioretinopathy (IG $Q with bullous retinal
For unknown reasons it is associated with white subreti- detachment in otherwise healthy patients receiving
nal exudation surrounding the &РЁ detachment in over systemic corticosteroid therapy.
90% of affected pregnant women." ll is important not to A -F: This 11 -year-old man developed detachttrenl of the
mistake this serofibrinous exudation for evidence of suh- Ioft p c t l l a a^KociaLed w ill: a Focus of subreHi-nal flbrifi lhal
retinal neovascularization, load retinitis, or focal retinal was- mi s i nLerpreled ms acute relinilis. Тпеа I mont for toxoplas-
infarction, all of which may suggest investigations includ­ musLs, including prednisone, was given. O n e week laler the
Hrapent had bullous sejjhal'ibrinou^ relinal deliichriient in lhe
ing fluorescein angiography, which are usually unneces­
rinhl eve and juxLapapillary and macutar reLrnal detachment
sary in the differential diagnosis. Jhe detachment resolves
in lhe left eye (A and H). Large serous detachments cjI the
spontaneously soon after delivery and lhe visuid prognosis FiPt surrounded by bubreLinal fibrin wure present I>ilaterally.
is excellent. ICSC may oi may not recur during subsequent The dt'La-Lhmenl resoived com pletely W ithin 2 Weeks alter all
pregnancies. medications w ere slopped. H e remained asymptomatic and
at Fast examination, 11 years later, had 2 0 /2 0 bilaterally.
fCSC in the Elderly f=--K: This 5-t-year-oJd man m ainlained near normal visual
acuity in spite of a 31 -year history o f recurrent eprsodes of
Although most patients with ICSC are young and middle-
ГСУС, unLil lie developed an eprrelinal membrane in Lhe
aged males, some first develop symptoms in the laler righl eye. O n e day before scheduled vitrectomy he devel­
decades of life (Figure 3. IEC-H ).' 7Щ 'l'he clinical picture oped ICSC in Lhe fellow eve. Hu was slarLed on a course of
may be identical to lhal occurring in younger patients, prednisone 100 mg/day preopera Lively. WiLhin several days
although a larger percentage of the older patients will or surgery he developed bilateral bullous retinal delachmenl.
manifest fundoscopic evidence of previous episodes of PostoperaLively lhe oral prednisone was tupplem enled by
subclinical eccentric relinal delachmenl. as described pre­ reUobulbar Injection of corticosleroida. Six weeks postop-
eraLively his visual acuity was 20/400, njjhl eyor and couitL-
viously. in older palients there is more concern lhal the
in^ fingers at 2 leel (60 tm l, left eye. There was Lola I bullous
focal Leak demonstrated angiographically may represent a ruliral delachm enl associated w ilh mu I Li pie large relinal
focus of occult choroidal neovascularization. Although an pigment epiLheliu-m Kl-1h I delachnnents b i 1д1е?гл111.- associ:-
occasional patient with ICSC! Will eventually develop evi­ aled with Iibriп-olis exudation and subrelinal fibrous Eiand
dence of AMD, there is no evidence that the two diseases formation IC and Hj. In the left eye Ihere was a 300° Lear
are more than casually reEated. ia nov/s I along Lhe ed^e of a lar^e H.PL delachm enl involving
Lhe superior тасиЭаг region l-ij. Angiography confirm ed Lhe
presence of mu I Li file bil^Ei detach merits in I h c*- right eye (I) Hind
ECSC asso dated with siklenati
Lhe RF’t tear in Ihe lell eye ijj. iMHe lhe irregular retracted
More older males are presenting wilh ICSC associated with Eid^e I a n o w i dtf the Lorn KF’l: and lhe fluorescein slaining
use of agents for erectile dysfunction such as sildenafil wiLhin the urea of missing KiJ L. ti^hleen monlhs laler, after
[E'igure З.ОУА-!7) / '" 1'1 Unlike older patients with drusen corticosteroids w ere slopped, and afLer multiple opeiaLive
and age-related macular degeneration [AM D), the smooth procedures, a fractional retinal delachmenl was sLill prc*senl
in the righl eye, but the relina in lhe let! eye was Teallached
elevation of lhe photoreceptors and no areas of R PE
iK) and lhe visual acuity had relumed to 20/30.
humps caused by drusen (Figure 3.0УН) on О С I' should
Ю - К Iг о т ( ,: 11:1 L : L l J e . ' ' I
prompt the diagnosis of iCSC. Cessation of sildenafil
use caused resolution in most palients and some showed
recurrence oil resuming lhe medication.

ECSC with leopard-spot retinopathy iin elded у corticosteroids. However this same pattern was previously
patients on systemic steroids described by Gass et al. in 1992 in patients following
]h is fundus appearance of yellow deposits in a "reticulated renal, heart, and henrl-lung transplant who were receiv­
Eeopard-spot fashion" was brought to attention by lid a ing systemic steroids (see E-igure 3.b0A-E.J. Corticosteroids
Et al.'1
- in 2002 as a newly recognized finding in 5 older seem to be the common factor IiLiking these two groups of
men between 6Й and 81 years of age receiving systemic patienls (Figure 3.09£ and M l
84 I L HA PTE R 3 Diseases C ausing Ex u d a tive and H em orrh agic Deta chment

tC S C Simulating Pattern Dystrophy 3 .1E Serofibrinous retinal pigment epithelium JRPE)

and retinal detachment occurring in patients receiving
Patients presenting wilh the typical findings of ICSC
corticosteroid treat in ent for systemic disease,
may over j period of years develop multiple focal yellow
Eesions with pig men Led centers in tine or both eyes, slflffi- Л-C: Bilateral multflOcsl KPE detachments surrounded by
Ealing lhal seen in patients wilh pattern dyslrophy. ibese fibrinous Hubretinal exudate in a yuvm ar receiving s-yvtemic
lesions may also simulate Klschnig spots caused by fibri­ Co'rt iссЙЙ! го id 5 for treatment of lupus erylhemaLos-ut-

noid necrosis associated wilh severe hypertensionr col­ D-F: liil.ilt'r.i! mull i foe a! RPL idelachitflents surm unded by
fibrinous sutjrelinal ejfc-JidaLe in a pn(iun-! receiving s-ytlemic
lagen vascular disease, and disseminated intravascular
corli costeroid lifiatmenl tor lupus crylbemalosus.
coagulopathy (DEC). G-l: БЛа1егд1 mu hi focal К HE detachments and subrelinai
fibrin in a w om an receiving systemic corticosleroid treat­
O th er Associations with IC S C ment for r»odular fasciilis.
lhe author Eias seen ICSC occurring in 2 women in asso­ I—L: This wom an w ilh a fr-year history of conlinuouH pred­
nisone therapy for lupus erythematosus anti Sjogren's syn­
ciation with retinitis pigmentosa (see I'igure 5.41 Л-С)"-
drome developed L'xudalive delachment o f the rigEi-L m dtula
and with episcleritis.0''-'1’
associated w ith multiple terous RKE detachments (arrows^
Htibrt'tiriHil sefofibrii>cius relinal detachmeh^ and a pig­
Prognosis ment epiLheliopalhy resembling lilndus flavimaculatus ir>
her ri цп I eye. Her Iell eye had been cmuc lu lled following
lhe prognosis for the majority of" patients with ICSC for ftB y S jm o rta i endupbthalmilis. Two years previously' sbe bad
spontaneous resolution of macular detachment and return mullipJe amputations* of lhe J inhere ai>d bolh I идя (J h. Laser
of visual acuity is excellent."1'c'" 7 )Q Improvement can pboloooagulation- of the RFL delachmontH failed to Mpduc^j
continue for up to 6 months after reatLacbmenl of the ret­ resolution o f lhe macular detachment. There was progression
ina. However, when tested carefully, many patients recov­ ot" lhe pigment epilheliopalEiy lo involve most of lhe tundus
(I). Angiography revealed a leopard-spot pa Hern o i non fluo­
ering 20/20 acuity will still have a mild permanent defect.,
rescence and mu hi pie focal sites of leakage1 throughout Ihe
such as a decrease in color sensitivity. Loss of contrast sen­
posterior fundus IL !. Note perHslcnl areas of RPE delachmenl
sitivity. relative scotoma, micropsia, metamorphopsia, or (anowsl.
nyctalopia.'^’-'4''-'-''' Approximately 5 % wilt fail lo recover
20/30 or better acuity. With prolonged and recurrent epi­
sodes of detachment the patient may develop permanent of the RFt: detach ment. Ihose wilh recurrent detachment
visual loss lo levels of 20/200 or less. Iliis is more likely Lo may show extensive atrophy of the ЙРЕ throughout lhe
occur in patients with the mu Ilice ntrie chronic form of the central maculararea.
disease. 'l'he long-term visual prognosis for most patients with
The prognosis Fof reattachment of large serous detach­ ICSC is good. Approximately 20-30% of palienls will have
ments of the RIM! is not as good as that for small detach­ one or more recurrences.1,1 ir' Although approx­
ments. Patients with large serous detachments of the imately one-lhird of patients will have biomicroscopic and
PPL, however, usual Ey maintain relatively good vision for angiographic evidence of one or more focal changes in the
months or years (l igure 3.04A-C).' ' ' ' "4 Jhere is great ЙРЕ in the opposite eye; fewer than 20% are destined lo
variability in the bio microscopic appearance of the macula develop serous detach ment of the macula in the opposile
after resolution of retinal delachmenl. In some patients eye. Evidence to dale suggests that only a small percentage,
the fundus may regain a normal appearance. Most, how­ probably less than 5%, of these patients will ever develop
ever, will demonstrate some evidence of irregular depig- choroidal neovascularization or chronic detachment with
mentalion of the RPEr usually most noticeable in the area cystoid macular edema. H'_
Pathology and Pathogenesis 3,1 j Bilatera I se rofi bri n(j u s retinal p igmen t e pi lhe Irum
(RPE) and bulk)lis relinal detachment occurring
Ihere is limited Inform atjijil concerning the pathology fn patients receiving renal dialysis and after renal
of EC5C [Figures 3.3 2 and 3.13). Histopathologic e lim i­ transplantation,
nation of one eye obtained from a palienl who died of
A—D; Л 3 7-yea r-ol d К a Live Am erican wuman Heceiivirg renal
a myocardial infarction showed no abnormaEily in lhe
rl Jjil у his deveiofjed bilateral Serotibrirfous retinal detachment.
choriocapi Haris underlying lhe RPE detachment (figure She had w e ll-controlled hypertension. .Note Lhe fibrin envel­
З Л З ].1Ш l)r. de Venecia found no definite abnormality in oping Ihe EiE’b delachmunlf- (arrows, A <tnd №.. Angiograms (C
the choriocapi Haris in lhe cast’ occurring in lhe patient and I J j show m ulliple RP£ delachm cnls in righleye.
wilh chronic renal failure previously cited (E-igure 3.]2J.C'1' E—H: Inferior hi Ia Lera I bullous detachment in a 40-year-ald
] Lis finding, however, th□L the gray-while exudate noted N alive Am erican man 1 inonlh after receiving a renal trans­
plant. H e was receiving systemic corticosteroids and antt-
clinically contained fibrin provides evidence thal a marked
meLalioliles. Н ет had woll-conLroMed hypertension. Note
alteration occurring in the permeability of the choriocap-
w hile fibrinous exudalion surrounding R P t delnchmenls
illaris bad permitted escape of serum proteins as large as farrows, E and J- . Angiography revealed "ктокеы чк к" leaks
fibrinogen, '['his while serofibrinous subretinal exuda­ from [he a№as of PPE detachment. Nine days later he devel­
tion occurs in the area of RPH detachment in 10-15% of oped rapid loss of vision in Lhe left eye. W ilh in 4 weeks
all palients ivith [C!sC.-J I his observation, together with visual loss p repressed vo по I i^l it percept ion. Computed
other features of I CSC, including (he frequent hlisler- tomography repealed evidence o f I hie keninjj ot' the Irtfl
oplic nerve And orb i la I Гissue. The lelE eye was enucleated.
Eilie detachmetil of the lit31: underlying the serous retinal
HistopalEmlo^ic exam ina I ion revealed fifjrinous exudate in
detachment and the frequent presence of large amounts
the sub-KPE space farrows}' and subretinal space l-CJ and H !■.
of subretinal fiuEdr is further evidence that increase in the N o definite pathologic changes in Ihe choriocapillaris were
permeability of lhe choriocapillaris is the primaiy cause of identified. Separate LLssue removed from Lhe orbital apex
damage to the overlying RPt, focal loss of the RPE attach­ reve-ided aspergillosis erf Ihe optic nerve and orfiil.
ment lo liruch's membrane. ,md movement of plasma il-Hjm dt Vertec ti ,L' i
proteins and water into the subretinal space in palients
wilh ICSC Endocyanine green videoangiography
has provided additional evidence of abnormal chorio­
capil la ry permeability that may be more exlensive than the detachment that may persist for Weeks or months.H*
that indicated by fluorescein angiography.| :: iuL; ipiiznas there is experimental evidence that a focal injury to the
has suggested (hat a reversal of direction of ion secre­ choriocapi I Lary wall as well as the RPE may be impor­
tion by the focally damaged RPE allows water to move tant in the pathogenesis of I CSC. Kl<’ '['he pathogenesis of
toward the retina rather than the choroid. lw Marmor 1CSC and the mechanisms explaining bow pholocoagu-
postulates that patients With [CSC must have a in ore dif­ ialion accelerates resolution of relinal detach men L are
fuse area of metabolic impairment of the RPli to explain unclear.UlJ,2ftEC)7,lCj,J-]Ll
88 ' • ■] ! : А Diseases C ausing Hxudative and H em orrh agic Detachm ent

Allhough palients with ECSC typically have no systemic 3.13 H isto path oEogy of id iopa thie cen tra I se rous
disease.. they often are highly competitive and compulsive ch ori oret inopathy,.
workaholics who relate the onset of I heir symptoms Lo A: Hislopalhology of slto us detachm enI of iht1 retinal pig-
unusual stress, such as a change in job. demanding dead­ mL'iiI epilhulium (btlJ Lj (m d retina in a 52-yBSir-ald man W ho
lines, marital problems, family death or sickness, or acci­ died iiecaune cjt acute toronary thrombosis. lbi? palirnl
dental injury'. I4 JLJ-!|J Yannim i has demonstrated a high apparently had no visual cum plaints. The delachm enl was
association of type A behavior pattern in patients with found on rouline examination (И Lhe eye at aulopby. .Mute
ICSC compared lo control groups of palients.' 1^ t here is E illd a tiV ^ detachment ol the macula. The choroid Lind pig­
ment ер Иhelium w ere normal.
no convincing evidence that ICSC is either infectious or
B: Serial sections. through the macula revealed a small area
inflammatory in naturell£’ or that it represents a diffuse
of serous duJachment ot tiic KFJb beneath lhe peripheral pari
RPb dystrophy.:s df lhe ddachrnent (arrow). The underlying chorfaxapf [laris
A picture similar to ICSC has been produced experi­ was normal.
mentally by intrasderal injection of indomethacin in С—H i Probable idiopaLhic central serous cboriorelinopathy
rabbits, and by repealed intravenous administration of occurring in a (/.t-year-o Id man who developed j lar^e area
epinephrine in monkeys and rabbits.11" 1'' This work of serous retinal detachment of lhe left Гйасщй -^mall art0 Ws;
Q . Superiorly there was subrelinal wbilish-gray exudate
Lends credence to lhe iheory lhal stress may play an impor­
fiaryo arrow, C j that bicicked fluorescence early л i>d stained
tant role in causing focal perinea bilily changes in lhe cho-
Late angjo^rapbica 11у (arrow, D;. There were scattered dru­
liocapilEaris and loss of adherence of the RPh to Bruch's sen in Ibe peripheral fundus bu 1 only a few in lhe m acular
membrane in palients who are predisposed lo macular areas. The relina] detachmcml resolved spontaneously w ithin
delachmenl. 'l'he observations lhal: (1) syslemic cortico­ several months. F-eur years laler his visual acuily was 20/20,
steroid adm ini st rat ion may precipitate and aggravate ICSC; righl eye, and 20/25, left eye, jus I before his dealb as a res all
(2) patients with Cushing's disease may develop [CSC; and ul com plications of Laryngeal surgery. Hislopalhological
Examination revealed a small focus ш lype I sub-Rl^E neo­
(3) pregnant women show a predilection for developing
vascularization benealb one drusen in ibe righL тасиЗд
ICSC suggest lhal elevated serum cortisol levels may be of
(see Figure ЭЛ Й ) and in Ihe juxtapapi ilai v region of ibe lefl
importance in the pathogenesis d f ^ C . * a 5Ml oplic disc I hi.. In ibe area of fluorescein leakage in the lefl
There is some evidence to suggest that the prevalence eye ih eie was а focal loss of lhe relinal recepLors and K P t
and severity of ICSC are related lo race. ICSC- along wilh ft:. Tbc lL:i lined K PL was irregularly tfevaled |jy a defiosil of
mosl olher disorders associated wilh exudative detach­ I'os-niipiiili; b . period it acid Sthiff-poSibiire \ . | j i i ъ;:|м-
ment of the macula, occurs infrequently in black persons. lunyslic acid-positive :Сj I т а Le rial w ilh a fine fimshiike pat­
tern, suggesting lhal Ihe auEi-K^E material included fibrin. In
ICSC occurs commonly in Latins. Orientals, Asian Indians
Ihis area I here wa.i some m ira tio n of RPEi cells inlo Ibe sub­
and Caucasians. The severe recurrent form of the disease
relinal space farrows, Ь and FL
may be more common in the Latin population.. Asian
Indians, and in Orientals.
Differential Diagnosis Treatment
Giber diseases that may cause localized serous detach­ 'Ihere is no evidence that medical treatment, abstinence
ment of lhe Dijcubl include; ( 1 ) congenital pi I of the from smoking, or the administration of beta-blockers has
optic nerve; ( 2) choroidal lumore. located in either the proved useful in the treatment of [CSC.ljN Ihere is good
macula or periphery] areas, particularly superiorly, for evidence that photocoagulation of the site of JtPL delach­
example, hemangiomas, metastatic carcinoma, leukemia, ment or the RPli leak produces resolution of the retinal
melanoma, and osteoma; [3} retinal hole in either the detachment usually within 3-4 weeks in mosl of these
macula or paramacular area of patients with high myo­ patients (Kigure 3 04D _[}jiU ‘t.J7J4&rSO.8WDDJ96rHii25-us
pia with posterior staphylomata or in the peripheral fun­ There is no evidence, however, that prompl pholocoagufa-
dus superiorly; (3) malignant hypertension, toxemia of Iton reduces the chances of permanent loss of visual func­
pregnancy, collagen vasculaF diseases, or other diseases tion.-' 4 «.эцш л** There is no value of placement of
associated with D \C; [5] choroidal inflammatory diseases, photocoagulation into areas other than those showing evi­
either focal, for example, presumed ocular histoplasmo­ dence of leakage angiographically.IUJi- 1" 11'
sis or sarcoidosis, or diffuse, for example, Harada's dis­ Although lhe complications of photocoagulation, such
ease, sympathetic ophthalmia, benign reactive lymphoid as accidental coagulation of the foveola, retinal distortion,
hypeiplasia of the uveal lractr and posterior scleritis; ( 6) and choroidal neovascularization,; 14 are few, it is
idiopathic uveal effusion; (7) ocular contusion; (S ) trac- probably iiot advisable to recommend immediate photo­
Lion maculopalhy caused by incomplete posterior vitre­ coagulation treatment in all of these patients. The follow­
ous separation; and [9] senile macular degeneration and ing criteria for photocoagulation are utilized by Cass:
idiopathic polypoidal choroidal vasculopalhy (1PCV).
■ Allow A months for spontaneous resolution if the
Long-standing interior peripheral exudative retinal detach­
patient has had no previous history or ophthalmoscopic
ment in patients with chronic ICSC may be mistaken for
evidence of previous detach menl.
retinoschisis, uveal effusion, rhegmalogenous detachment,
* Wait 6 months or longer before photocoagulation if the
or L-ales' disease if the patients develop Fetinilis proliferans
RPE leak is less than one-founh disc diameter from the
and retinal capi]lary closure in (he area of chronic retinal
iffiaachirient*4,<9 (See discussion of atypical presentations
■ Allow 1 month for spontaneous resolution in palients
of I CSC.) In patients older than 50 years of age and with
with a history of several episodes of delachment in the
a few small drusen in the macula, or in palients with one
same eye, if after each episode the palienl has regained
or two small chorioretinal scars, it may be impossible lo
normal macular function.
exclude senile macular degeneration in the former and
■ When the leak is al least one-fourth disc diameter from
Lhe presumed ocular histoplasmosis syndrome (l]OJ-i5j in
the center of Lhe fovea, prompt photocoagulation is jus­
the latter as the cause of the serous macular delachment.
tified: ( ] } if detachment has been present for 4 monlhs
In such cases there is a greater risk that the focal leak may
or longer; {2 ) if lhe patient has evidence of permanent
represent a small neovascular complex rather than a serous
loss of acuity or paracentral visual field in either eye sec­
detachment of die ftPE. Jn some cases the association of a
ondary to previous episodes of detachment; or [ 3] if for
systemic disease with serous macular detachment may be
occupational reasons the patienl cannot work because
of the visual dysfunction caused by the detach menl.
Patients loll owing scleral buckling procedures in the
early postoperative course may have one or more round Lighl- to moderate-intensity applications of all modali­
or oval areas of exudative relinal detach menl that simulate ties of photocoagulation including argon, krypton, and
serous detachments of the P P t in the macula (see l;igure dye laser photocoagulation to lhe area of RPIi. detachment
7.29C-1). or RPE leakage are effective in treating [CSC.j:
Laser debridement of Lhe Ki^E an Lhe area of lhe leakager of resolution of fluid should prompt light focal laser to
permitting ingrowth of surrounding RPE, is probably all the leaks (Figure 3.05J if demonstrated on an angiogram.
that es required to cause resolution of the detachment In those eyes with widespread chorioretinal involvement
(Figures 3.05 and 3.t)9A-F).':" : i2 It is importanL to look as seen on fluorescein or indocyanine green angiography,
for m y of the biotJUCroicopk: or angiographic signs of photodynamic therapy' is beneficial in most cases.л:>
choroidal neovascularization when evaluating Llie leak­ Both full- and reduced-fluence treatments and full- and
ing area in these patients. M iniffial-intensity photocoag­ ha If-dose have been used; more recently reduced flue nee
ulation applications of a size tailored to Lhe area of RPE has been advocated to Feduce toxic effects of the therapy,
delachmenl should be used. If there is any evidence to l'he spot size is determined by the area of staining on the
suggest the leak may be caused by choroidal neovascular­ angiograms. Лп extra 50Q-|im zone is not necessary, as in
ization., Lhen more intense treat men Lis indicated. Even in treating choroidal neovascularization, Care must be taken
cases where no evidence of neovascularization is evidentr Lo avoid including the foveal center if no significant sub fo­
probably of Lbese palienLs w ill develop evidence vea I Hu id is present.
of choroidal neovascularization within several weeks or |ampol eL a!.1'' have shown resolution of subreLinal
months of treatment.1 "1-0"' This is one of the most fluid by (he use of mifepristone, an anliglucocorLicoid and
important complications occurring after photocoagula­ antiprogesterone medication used as an aborlifacienl. A
tion in these patients. En some, iL is probably caused by daily dose of 200 mg caused dramatic resolution of subrel-
the treatment, and in others, il may exist before treat­ inal fluid, but it recurred once the drug was discontinued,
ment. Careful monitoring of the size of the treatment l’he drug works by blocking Lhe glucocorticoid recep­
scotoma on the Amsler grid by Lbe patient after treatment tors via negative-feedback control of adrenocorticotropic
is important in the early detection and treat ment of this hormone and cortisol, causing an increase of both in the
coLnplicalion. serum.

Chronic and Recurrent IC S C

Lowering of discontinuing systemic steroids in those
receiving steroids should be tried as the first step. Failure
AG E-RELATED M A C U L A R 3.14 Ту pi cal o r еки dat 1ve d ru se n .

D E G E N E R A T IO N * A -С: Macular, peripapillary, and peripheral drusen in a

24-year-fjld Шчэп with 2iV20 visual acuily in both eyes (A .
AMD is a chronic degenerative оr dystrophic disease affect­ An^iojjiamH showed hyperfIUoresceri spots corresponding
ing primarily the cboriocapiHaris. Bruch's membrane, and w ilh dru^cn iВ and С ) .
D -F: M u hi pie variably sized dtustm in a 4 2 -уел r-old man
the ftP t.160' 1' ' It is the commonest cause of legal blind­
w ilh 2 & 2 0 visual acui’ v-
ness En the USA and UK. 'lhe large number of names used
G-l: Confluence o f multiple brge drusen in л frfl-year-old
in lhe old literature to describe the various stages of the man. Nole lhe irregular paJlurn of Ыа ininjj erf lhe larger dru­
disorder have served lo obscure the fact that it is probably sen cenlm]ly. Visual acuily Was 2CH'&0.
a single disease LhaL in many cases is familial and inherited 1: Schem atic diagram showing variatiu-ns in Ihe ГСиосевсеп!
as an autosomal-dominant trait,176 " " Site presently most pa Item uf e'tudjilive drusen in w hich Ihe relinal pigmenl opi-
widely accepted name, age-related macular degeneration, Iheliuin basemen) membrane fbm, arrajwl is of normal
is unfortunate in some respects because it suggests lhal all or near normal thickness. Black dols represent fTuotescein
molecules. A hyalinizod drusen i l l may transrnil the inLra-
affected palienls are elderly and lhal its root cause is aging.
choroidal fluorescence because of thinning of Ihe overlying
Although the average age of patients when they lose cen­ FiF’t but may be sullicieiuiv dense lhal diffusion c l dye across
tral vision in the first eye is 65 years of age. some patients Bruch's membrane IBM inlo the виЬ-ЙРЁ material does nol
develop evidence of the disease in lhe fourth and fifth occur. In Lhe case of drusen w ilh Iели dense material benealh
decades of life. As of 2004, it was eslimaLed lhal about 3 lhe К RE i.2, .31, Jhe dye may diffuse- inlo lbe sub-KF’b malerial
million individuals are affected by AMD in the USA and anti cause inLe-nsafication of fluorescence of Che drusen dur­
1.75 million of them have advanced disease.'141 it mostly ing the laler slaves of angici’Taphy.

affecls white blue-eyed individuals and es rarely respon­

sible for visual loss in black persons. I',', AMD should be
distinguished from lhe following diseases: (1] dominantly
inherited progressive juvenile fovea I dystrophy associ­
ated with drusenlike changes and macular staphyloma, a
disease that is endemic in western North Carolina (see p.
296J; \2) basal laminar drusen and macular degeneration
(see p. 132); and (3) pattern dystrophy (see Chapter 5).

'A lso known as senile macular degeneration, senii-c macular dcgeneraliion, senile disciform macular degeneration.
Ejjhnt-|unLus disciform dedchm ent, la mi I ial drusen, dom inantly
In h erit'd druseп, I lotchinson-Tays central guilaLe choroiditis,
Doyne’s honeycombed choroi Jitis, and ] lobhouse-Balten super-
Hciat choroiditis.
Prediscrform Stage 3.15 Natural course of lypical (exudative) drusen,

Typical of iE xudative Drusen A And B: .VlulLipk1 Iа где drusen, same o f which are con Пи-
m l, in а 65-yuar-old wom an w ilb a visual ist.uity o f 20/40.
The earliest sign of AMD is the development of multiple, Several drusen are pnrlly calcifiw J [аптлуа* A). Sam e palicml
usually discrete, round, slightly elevated, variably sized, 4 years taler L3J shoWirlg fading and disappearance o f dru-
sub-RPL deposits in the macula and elsewhere in the fun­ sen. VitUiiI acuity wan still 2ti'40.
dus of both eyes (f igures 3.14-3.16). 16r,_ш These deposits С лгн! D: Note lhe? сЬапце in distribulion. sJiape, and size
□re called drusen. l'he German word лdruse" (plumI "dru­ □I the drusen in this 73-year-old palienl over a period of
3 years. Visual aciilty in С was 20/25 and in D was 20 "^0.
sen") means nodule, referring in particular to areas of clear
crystallization within stones, 'l'he term "typical" or "exu­
E and f: This 73-year-old patient developed multiple local
areas of geographic atrophy o i the retinal pigjnenL epithelium
dative1 ' drusen is used here lo differentiate these variably fK P tj over a period of 2 years. Her initial visual acuity was
sized deposits of extracellular material lying between the 20/30. Her visual ncufoy w hen Iasi Mien :H was 21^40.
basement membrane of the RPE and the inner collagenous C - L : Prtjyression of large drusen to "drusenoi d" К PE detach­
zone of ttruch's membrane from uniformly smalt, round., ments of lhe К PE Narrows, I and Ll in a 67-yuar-o]d wom an.
nodular thickenings of the RPE basemenl membrane Lelt eye, July 1Э в Ы С ) , April 1991 (H), February 1S93 (la n d
(basal laminar drusen, cuticular drusen J thal probably I). Right eye, July 1986fEQ, and February 1 9 H {L}.

have a different pathogenesis (see p. 132). '] у pica L or exu­

dative drusen may develop in early adulthood but infre­
quently are visible biomicroscopically until middle life or
later, ta lly in their development drusen may he inappar-
enl ophlhatmoscopicafly because of their smalE size and
relatively norma! overlying ftpji Usually, however, ihey Most patients with the predisci form stage of lhe dis­
can be detected in retroillumination wilh the slit lamp as ease have excel Lent visual acuity and are asymptomatic.
semi translucent bodies. Soane With many drusen centralLy complain of decreased
As the deposit enlarges and lhe overlying RPEi thins, ability lo read, particularly in dimmed illumination, and
druseii assume a yellow or gray color and are more eas­ mild metamorphopsia. I.oss of contrast sensitivity is com­
ily detected. They vary widely in size from yellow punc­ mon and may be out o f proportion lo loss of Snellen acu-
tate nodules ( 1 'hardT drusen; Eigure 3.14A) to large, pale jty |oss тЛ у ihe entire macula and is
yellow or gray-white, placoid or dome-shaped structures nol confined to lhe areas with d r u s e n .F a rly loss of sen­
indistinguishable from localized serous detachments of sitivity may be a predictor of severe visual loss.-™ Patients
the ЙРЕ ( uso fr drusen: Figures 3.14D and G and 3.15A). frequently experience difficulty with driving an automo­
Drusen are often clustered in the macular or paramacu- bile al night. Eilectrophysiologic tests in most patients are
Ear area. Whether centrally or eccentrically located, iheir normal.-41" Some may have mild to moderate reduction
distribution is usually symmetric in both eyes n 13rusen in eleclro-oculograpliic responses.
change in size- shape, dislribution, color, and cons isle псу Drusen are nol always confined lo lhe macular area. In
wilh the passing years (Figure 3.1 Although they some patients they may be present nasal lo the optic disc.
tend to increase in number and size [Figure 3.1 SC and D), In others they may be largely confined lo lhe peripheral
drusen may also fade from view and decrease in number macular area, particularly in the areas of the major vascu­
(Figure 3.1SA and El). In some cases, areas of geographic lar arcades. Drusen in this latter distribution may have a
atrophy of the pigrnenl epithelium may remain follow­ somewhat granular, less discrete appearance and may be
ing disappearance of drusen (Figure 3.15F and I-'). Drusen seen in bEack palients, who infrequently deveEop drusen in
may become calcified and crystalline in appearance (ilgure the macular area.-31' Many widely scattered drusen are usu­
3.15A. and see Figure 3.2У). 'Ihis change suggests dehydra­ ally visible with a three-mirror gonioprism in lhe periph­
tion of the drusen and often precedes lhe development eral fundus. In contrast to drusen in die posterior pole,
of geographic atrophy of the jftPE.. Occasionally drusen ihese drusen often have a haEo of pigment al their base.
develop a polychromatic or golden sparkling appear­ In some palients these drusen are arranged in a conflu­
ance indicative of cholesterol deposits. Some drusen may ent, linear, and triradiale pattern to produce a prominent
become ossified and assume a while appearance. A few pigmenied network visible ophthalmoscopically in the
may appear pink secondary to choroidal neovascular tufts mtdperiphery of the fundus [Erigure 3. J 7J . Ih is is. usually
growing through Bruch's membrane into the drusen. In most evident nasally and is referred lo as senile reticular
some palients the sub-ISP F deposits are distributed dif­ pigmentary degeneration.j9L-2Lj-2Lji A narrow, indistinct,
fusely rather than focally and are evident ophthalmoscopi­ yellow or gray zone caused by the deposition of sub-KE’Ei
cally onlv as an ill-defined area of slighlly mottled yellow drusen material often surrounds the temporal ha!for more
color of (he KPF in the macula. of the opLic disc.
Patients with multiple large drusen and with focal areas 3.16 Morphologic variations of typical or exudative
of hyperpigmenlatLon in the macular area are at greater drusen.
risk of developing sub retinal neovascularization.^'^ ■'''12'' A: .VlulLiple hyafinized ^ ш т " nodular сНгиьитк
J'luorescein angiographic findings in drusen are variable В: Granular "safl" drusen.
anti depend upon their size, height, degree of pigmen­ C: Com bined granular and hyaliniaeij drusefi (ahnow).
tation of lhe RPE on their surface, and the contents and D: C alcified "crystalline" drusen. Nate new vessel larrup
coEtsislency of the material lying between the ЙРЕ and henealh Lhe relinal pigrriint epithelium.
Bruch's membrane. Most (Ш е л cause focal well-defined E: Diffuse deposition of granular drusen malerial ipnt)baE)3y
hyperfluorescence. The time of appearance of their early both basal lamina* unci basal linear deposits I in m acular
aJ6a. Note lo ta Г calcificaLion (arrows^ o f Bruch's membrane,
fluorescence depends upon the rale of staining of Bruch's
widening of Lhe falercatti hLry- pillars df Ihe t htjriuciapillafis.,
membrane and the sub-RPE material, and (heir trans-
find partial obiLrucliijn of Lhe <horiocapilfaris.
lucency. lhe intensity of their laler staining with fluores­ F: Е х Ь з Ш с И Ш ife a of ьагггй eye. NuLe rel a Lively normal
cein depends primarily on their consistency (hgure 3.14), Knrth's memE>rane and choriocapi I lari*.
Although a delay in ihe appearance of the background
choroidal fluorescence occurs in some patients with dru­
sen, it is probable that this is caused by a delay in stain­
ing of Bruch's membrane and Lhe sub-PE1E: materia I, both the inner collagenous portion of Bruch's membrane and
of which in some patients may have a higher lipid content, the RPE celE.'"'--'*'1" 3^ 'Ibese vesicles of cytoplasm become
rather than a delay in perfusion of Lhe choroidal blood pinched off, degetierate, and form a nidus for the accu­
vessels."1" " ' Smaller Liodutar ("hard"} drusen typically mulation of an admixture of metabolic products and sub­
show a peak fluorescence wiLhin several minutes of injec­ stances derived from the surrounding RE4i, retina, and
tion, and fading paralleling that of the background cho­ choriocapi Haris tlislochemical and electron microscopic
roidal fluorescence. Ruorescence of medium and large studies of typical or exudative drusen reveal a variety of
drusen may he delayed until Lhe later stages of angiogra­ substances and materials accumulating between Lhe rela­
phy (figure 3.14G-JJ. Ihis may be caused by the thickness tively normal basement membrane of Lhe detached RL’El
of the drusen as welt as the Jipid content of the drusen and and the inner collagenous zone of Bruch's membrane.
the underlying Bruch's membrane {E'igure 3.14G-J).22b These include sulfated and nonsulfated glycoconjugaLes;
Angiography may reveal Lhe presence of more drusen than lipid material; plasma membranelike material; vesicles;
are apparent ophthalmoscopically. amorphous material: types I, [EE. IV, and V collagen; ftbro-
IILstopalhologically, most drusen consist of focal col­ nectin: imLTtunoglobulins; degenerated PPE organelles;
lections of eosinophilic material lying between the base­ and viable cell processes.'',l}-'И - - ^ М Я | Some inves­
ment membrane of the РЕЧ;! and Bruch's membrane (E'igure tigators have allribuled these viable cell processes sur­
3 l6 j 1 й ^ !и&23г-2зэ 1Ъеу th e re in represent focal rounded by basement membrane Lo macrophages, or
detachments of the RPE\. ihe detached RPE cells may be pericytes, rather than RPK cells.' |:'
thinned and hypopigmenled. The sub-RPli material may 1EtslopathologicaiJy there may be minimal degen­
appear homogeneous and hyalinLted (E'igure 3.16A), finely eration of the relinal receptor elements overlying drusen.
granular [E'igure ЗЛ6В), or a combination ofboLh (E'igure Many eyes with focal drusen show, in addition, a thin
3 J6 C ).'' En some cases it may contain calcium, cho­ layer of fine granular eosinophilic materia! separating
lesterol clefts, and bone [Figure 3. !6L>).-jr,2W>Jh e variable the RETL from Bruch's membrane throughout most of the
histopathologic appearance and composition of drusen macular region [figure 3.16b). Llltrastructurally ihis sub-
suggest that their consistency probably varies from watery PL3E: deposit may lie between the RPE plasma membrane
or mushy in the case of the large placoid drusen [E'igure and its basement membrane (basal laminar deposit) or
3.1GB], Lo farm in the case of the nodular hyalinLaed peri­ between Lhe inner collagenous zone of Ekuch's membrane
od ic acid-Schiff (PAS)-positive drusen (i'igure 3.I6A}, lo and Lhe basement membrane of the RIT: (basal linear dep
hard in the case of calcified or ossified white drusen (E'igure ositJ.L'jr-' 'ihe basal laminar deposit is com­
3. ] C15).|,J |[ ihese histopathologic variations I hat posed primarily of wide-spaced collagen;: the basal linear
have given rise Lo physicians' use of lhe terms "hard'" and deposit is composed of vesicular and granular electron-
'soft1' to describe lhe clinical appearance of small, discrete dense. lipid-rich material. Some authors believe lhal basal
and Eargerr often placoid drusen, respectively. laminar deposit, which is primarily type IV collagen, is a
As mighl be expected from the variability of Lhe clinical unique feature found in eyes predisposed to the develop­
and histopathologic appearance of drusen, there is hetero­ ment of whereas others have prescnLed
geneity in regard to their ultrastruclural and histochemi­ evidence lhal il, along With the thickening of Bruch's
ca I makeup. There is evidence in monkeys and humans membrane and drusen, is an aging change and is nol
that Lhe earliest development of some druseLi involves the ULtique for A M U " '6,11' Both types of deposit are particu­
outward evagi nation of portions of the basal cell wall and larly noticeable in eyes with multiple large so-called ^soft”
cytoplasm of the RI3Ei cell into the sub-RPh space beuveen drusen and disciform detachments.■'|J
H fW s
Other important histopathologic changes in lhe macula 3.17 Peripheral senile reticular pigmentary
accompany dniS^ 1w^ 23JJ3 ia ^ i53 There is in s u ­ ctegeneralion.
lar thickening and Lhinning of Bruch's membrane associ­ A-F: M acular drusen.. choroidal neova scuJari/aLion „
ated wilh calcific degeneration of the elastic and collagen ar?d peripheral reticular pigmentary deyenemtidfi iA - C .
tissue comprising this 5[ШС|иГе.2Я>':г3|'23?':г‘1б'-24' ,-:*‘| \n ihe Angiogr.iphv i j. v ( :--:! !od .'. I ri radiate pa1lern ; i |ji.-i i : :-ln:-i -; dn:-
underlying choriocapillaris there is thickening and hya- sen aL Lhe equator puriрзЬеги11■ , D-F-..
linizatioti of the intercapillary stromal pillars second аry G-l: N ate the peripheral drusen and pigment changes in
Lo lhe deposition of a PAS-posttiw material that effec­ Lhj* /.‘i-year-old man whose eye was enu Sea led beta use of
a small malignanl melanoma of Lhe choroid. Angiography
tively reduces the surface area oi' the capillary bed (I'igure
showed evidence df mu Hi pie drusen- and irregular loss oi pig­
З Л б Е ) ^ 00,231,1" lhe large choroidal vessels are unaffected.
ment from I ht1-relinal pigment epi I helium iHI3t.: (JI'j. Note Lhe
Ihere is no indocyanine green angiographic or rheologic reEicuiar partem cl nonfluorescenL pigmenl. H islcpalhulogic
evidence of impaired choroidal perfusion in patients with seel it >n ot С showed multiple drusen irregular thinning til Lhe
drusen.",|J''1, 'Ihe changes in Bruch's membrane and the RPE, and clumps a J large pigjnenL-laden cells (arrawr I}. The
choriocapillaris that accompany macular drusen have been retina i.nol shown) showtid mild Joss of Lhe receptor elemenls.
referred to previously as senile macular choroidal degen- I and K: Peripheral cross-hatch-1 ike pi^ n en t changes of
senile rt.4i-CLil-jsr pigment degeneration show up an Iiiradiate
eration.J' 0 It is uncertain., however, whether these changes
hyperauLol'luorescent changes.
are manifestations of a dominantly inherited dystrophy or
are merely degenerative changes secondary to aging. iCj-l ln>m Cjjii

I listopat biologically, a few scattered drusen are found fre­

quently in the peripheral fundus, particularly in the ag^ngeye
of white p a tie n ts.W h e n numerous they are arranged in a
reticular pattern and are associated with hyperplasia of Lhe p. 27Й), North Carolina fundus dystrophy (see p. 296),
iiS>L between drusen that produces a reticular pattern of pig­ fundus albi punctate dystrophy [see p. 326), Alport's dis­
mentation ophthalmoscopically Lhat may be mistaken cli ni- ease [see p. 316)r and ring-17 chromosome ret inopal hy
cally for that in retinitis pigmentosa (I'igure 3. J 7).jL|u J i (see p. 320). in monkeys and humans focal lipidization
In ail, ЯО-УО^ЬоГ patients with many peripheral drusen show of RPE cel3s may cause fundus lesions that resemble small
evidence of age-related macular changes. ''" drusen. ihese pun elate, yellow lesions usually are
'ihe pathogenesis of typical or exudative drusen is not evidenL angiographically. A few of them are often
unknown. Although most recent authors have favored the found in the central macular area of otherwise normal
view lhat aging or dystrophic changes in the RPL are primar­ fundi in adults of all ages, '['heir pathogenesis and their
ily responsible for the accumulation of abnormal material relationship to drusen formation are unknown.
beneath its basement membrane, it is uncertain whether the lhe primary cause of significant loss of central
primary locus of lhe disease resides in one o ra combination vision in paLients with AMD is serous and hemorrhagic
of Lhe retina and RPI., Bruch's membrane- or choriocapil- detachment of the RPE and retina caused by choroidal
^ demonstration of iteovascula rizat ion.
viable cell processes within drusen in their early develop­
ment" and Lhe later finding of incompletely digesLed O ccu lt C horoidal N eovascularization
RPL and relinal cell organelles within the sub-RPL material l'he ingrowth of new vessels exlending from the cho­
suggest Lhat the posterior evagination of buds of tift: cell roid into the sub-RE*h space In one or more areas occurs
hasal cytoplasm and basement membrane is an impor­ frequently and is the most important histopathologic
tant slage in the development of change lhal predisposes patients with drusen to macu­
Accumulation of lipids in ttmch's membrane is part of the lar delachment and toss of central vision [see discus­
agjng process of Bruch's membrane and makes il Lo some sion of type I choroidal neovascularization in CJhapler
degree a hydrophobic barrier lo the movement of water 2y^ijQ0№iit,2UMV.25ijA3.277-2S4 Neovascular buds
and ions toward lhe choroid. ''' ■''' 'Ihis may be an impor­ invade and penetrate the degenerated Bruch's membrane
tant factor in fostering enlargement of drusen (conversion and proliferate beneath the RP1: [figures 2.05-2.07 and
from hard to sofl dm sen), and confluence of drusen Lo form З л а ).162-255"™ In addition, capillaries may invade the
serous detachments of the pigment epithelium.'l'SJ£<’"3|,'i' " 1 sub-RPJ: drusenlike deposits adjacent Lo the oplic disc by
Although there is much evidence lo suggest that typical or extension through or around the edge of Bruch's mem­
exudative drusen may be inherited as an autosomal-domi- brane (figure ЗЛвО).-4^ ■'■ Et is not known whelher
Eiant characteristic the role of heredity in the causation of the granulomatous inflammatory response to degen­
drusen in most patients is uncertain.17 - Drusen erated Hruch's membrane found in some cases is an
have been produced experimentally in animals with intravit- important factor in the process of subretinal neovascu­
real injection of aminoglycosides."73 larization 24!>-JSil-
29a The accumulation of phospholipid-
Other retinal flecks that may clinically simulate dru­ containing membranes in the outer collagenous zone
sen include those occurring in patients with cuticular or of Bruch's membrane and of lipid within drusen may be
basal laminar drusen (see p. 132), blargardt's disease (see responsible for attracting these macrophages.-""1
]?ie new capillaries that penetrate bruch's membrane 3. IS Occult choroidal neovascularization in pa Lien Is
grow in з Hat tanwhed or seafan configuration away from with drusen.
their site of entту into the sub-RJ^E space (see I'igure 2.07). A—D: This 69-year-old man with a fe(w drusen Jarr-ows, Af
l'he retinal blood flow in these vessels initially is slow and in lhe m acula ul Die ri^ht eve presented with и large serous
the integrity of the capillary endoLhelium is adequate Lo deLat/hnnenl of Ihe le lim in Ihe тлей la Ы the left eye (see
prevent ejtudalion (I'igure 3.JdJi). In some causes Lhe slow FJauie 3 . 1 0 ) . H e died o f com pficaJions Ы Laryngeal surgLwy
proliferation of new vessels and fibroblastic prolifera­ and teriaH sections of lh e right m acula nL lhe site erf one dru-
tion may produce a solid election of the ЮРЕ (see Figure sth ikffnporalmost a n o w in Al revealed sis nuund break? ir>
Bruch's membrane. Through each о I Ihese breaks passed
2.QG). Jhese organized RTE detachments or mounds may
a small capillary tuft inom Ihe t boriocapillaris into Lhe sub-
vary in size and shape and are often irregular in elevation nerinal pigment epithelium (RPE) space (bihiws, E and C).
(see figure Э.22А and D}. because the fine biomicroscopic Simiilar sub-RPE capillary lufts were found beneath Lhe Lem-
details of the elevated j^FE arid drusen look much the poial margin or lhe -right oplic disc ^rrow , D).
same as the surrounding RPE, arid because of the minimal E: Large sub-Rf-’t o c tu ll qid fn ida! neovasculai memEjrane
angiographic changes in the area of these organized RPE (CNVYvt; anowsl. N o le relalively normal R P t and relina as
mounds, they may be easily overlooked wiLboul careful well -as absence of exudation.

contact lens examination and good-qualily stereoscopic : I: f r o m (.Jr c u n .in d К и у .- 1 1 ■

fluorescein angiograms. Occasionally these organized

EPE detachments may assume tumor!ike proportions and
simulate choroidal hemangiomas clinically (see figure
3 2flEj. Failure to recognize areas of organized RJ4L detach­ choroidal neovascularization can be produced by photo­
ment adjacent to areas of bigh-flow choroidal neovas- coagulation damage to the choriocapillaris-Bruch's mem­
cular membranes (C.NV.Vis) or adjacent lo large serous brane-liJ’li com plex.'" '''! '['here is no experimental
detachments of lhe RPE is responsible for many of the model for Lype I sub-Rl'J- choroidal neovascularization
poor results of photocoagulation.■'■'' "" ™ The structure that occurs in AM IX
and function of the RPE and relina overlying these occult
CNVMs or mound5 may be m inim ally affected (figure D isciform D etachm ent Stages
ЗЛ В). During tltis occult stage of choroidal neovascular­ Although mosl patients with A M I) are in their seventh
ization Lhe patienl is usually asymp to malic and the new decade at the Lime of onset of symptoms, loss of acuity
vessels may not be apparent either ophthalmoscopically in some patients may occur in the fifth decade or earlier.
or angiographically.'''' Ihe stimulus causing neovascular Significant loss oJ' centra I vision in ihese patienls occurs
invasion of lhe sub-KPk space and the explanation for its primarily by three mechanisms: ( J) confluence of drusen
more frequent occurrence near the center of the macula lo form multilobulated exudative К PL detachments (5 %
and the peripapillary region is unknown. The histopatho­ or fewer of cases); (2) geographic alrophy of the RPE and
logic observation of choriocapillary atrophy in the vicin­ retina (5-10%); and (3) subnetEnal neovascularization
ity of neovascular ingrowth suggests that ischemia may wilh serous and hemorrhagic detach menl of lhe R P t and
be an important faclor. Екрет| menially, lype Jl sub retina! retm a{Sp-3tm }^*,ai,1^ J313S730S-111
A g ^ -R e l a t e d . Л 1 л т а 1 п г D t 'f i c m 'T f i i u w I О I
Exudative D etachm ent o f the Retinal Pigm ent 3;19 Serous detachment of the relinal pig men I
Epithelium U nassociated with Choroidal epithelium (RPEj in palienls with age-related macuEar
N eovascularization (Avascuiar Serous RPE degeneration.
D etachm enti A —D : This &4-year-old man experienced lEie unset of me)a-
Unlike palienls wilh ]CSCr patients with drusen infrequently morpbopsia in the li^Hl Hffift; Visual acuity was 20/3 О. Л
develop large лгеля of serous retinal detach ment overling sen ju s; dc>1acE:menL of Ihe KI-’E was bresenL iА.. Liru-sen wtjfe
present in Lhe lelt m acula. Angiography revealed rapid, even
small w iuui &PE detachments, but they frequently present
Rlainini; o f Lht1 Alb-RPE uxudaLe IB . I'he dark zone centrally
with large serous НРЁ detachments and minimal serous reti­
is. caused E)y Lhe ielin;il лшиЕюрЬу]!. Arj^on laser appii(.alions
nal detachment (figures 2.04.. 2.09. and 3. i cJ}. Ibe normal were p Jic e d slraddlinu. lht1 rffergin of lhe FiF’i: delaC^irriertt
aging changes in the inner zones of Elrucb's membrane as (Q . N in e months lalet (Ew detachment had resolved 1U>.
wnell as those lhal may be peculiar Lo AMD cause loosening Visual acuity was 20/30.
of lhe adherence of the RPK basement membrane to Bruch's f and F: A bO-yuar-old wom an w ilb serous d d o i^ n e n l of
membrane. Increased lEpidizatLon of Enoch's membrane Ihe FIL’fc ■arrows, t:-. O n e monlh afLef ruby laser Lreatmenl lo
Lhe margins of Lhe.1 KF’t delnchmcnl. ii had resoked (FK Visual
renders it hydrophobic and л barrier to normal movement
acuity was 2ft'40.
of fluid by the ИРЁ inlo the choroid.- -1- 1 ]his predisposes
G: HisLopalhology of serous. de4achmenl of Lhe RPE in a
patients with AMD Lo the formation of soft dmsen and lo бй-year-old wom an w ilh m acular drusen. This lesion was
progressive enlargement and confluence of drusen lo form a misdiagnosed as a malignitnl moliirmma. Arrow indiciiles
focaE area of tit11: detachment, oflen with scalloped borders, small drusen LhaL aie detached ^lon^ w ilh lEw KKL:. iub-KPb
a slightly irregular surface, and a LriradiaLe patlern of orange exudate extends ihruujjh a small rhidfftrip in the RPL inLu Ihe
or gray pigmentation on its surface. 'Ihese avascular КГЧ- subretinal $pace пеаНЬк- lefL w id p t LEie photomicrograph.
detachments, referred to by some as drusenoid RPE detach­ |C j i г и т 2з1.Ы ii i A n > t r i [ . in M e d i c a l . ' V i a u L i . j I i o i ' i . A l l r i^ h t i

ments, typically develop slowly and initially may cause mini­ n.^ervi.'d.j
mal complaints of blurring and melamorphopsia (E:igures
3.34C-I and J3.1Eit’r—L.). Angjograpby in these slowly devel-
opiLig avascular serous RPE: detach men Ls shows a gradual
staining of the suh-RHiexudale and oullines the nonfluores-
cent pLgmenl figure on its surface figures 3.141 [ and ] and serous RPE: detachment, such as metastatic carcinoma, amet-
3.151). Ihere may be some irregularity of the Eale staining anotic melanomas, or other solid tumors.
pattern caused by irregular density of the sub-RPL material. Because of prognostic and therapeutic implications, It
A few palients may experience abrupt visual loss and distor­ is important lo look for signs of choroidal neovascular­
tion caused by a more rapidly developing, round or oval., ization. ivhich usually is the cause of ihese rapidly devel­
smooth-surfaced, dome-shaped area of serous detachment oping detachments of the RPIi.-1 " 'L'be vision of palients
of the RE11-. in the absence of any evidence of occult neovas­ wilh subfovea I serous RPE detachments can usually be
cularization (ligure 3.iyA-L>). These rapidly developing corrected Lo 20;'25-20,'40 with the addition of plus lenses.
avascular RPE detachments show a patlern of rapid even When Lhe re is no choroidal neovascularization there may
fluorescein staining ( E'igure 3.1УЕ) lhal is unlike lhal seen be only minimal progression of visunil loss over many
With most serous PPL detachments caused by choroidal neo- months or years. The detach menl may enlarge slowly and
vascularizali on (see discussion of vascularized RPE: detach­ occasionally may spontaneously flatten. 'I'he value of pho-
ments. p. 106) as welt as ihose lesions that may simulate locoagulalion (i-'igure 3. P JJ is uncertain.*30'-^'1H9_1J4
Serous and H em orrhagic D etachm ent o f the 3.2il Sub-retinal pigment epithelium {RPE)
Retina C aused by C horoidal N eovascularization neovascularization in patients with drusen,
Al any stage In the development of an occult CNVM A —£ : This t'kk'tly woman torn pi л i nod of mikl blurring (if
beneath the RPhlv blooci flow may become sufficient to vision. The new-vessel (Yiembifene -was Lintel у obscured by
cause leakage of serous exudate and diapedesis of red the grayish-yellow ex.udat£ lartipwsi in the sub-Hi1! space (A .
A few red capillaries were visible near Lbe upper margin of
cells inlo lhe subpigment space around lhe CNVM. This
Ifie membrane. Note dye peri using the sub-KPt vessel н lhal
may progress to produce a variety of ophthalmoscopic
were arrangec- in a seatan pattern :K rand C). The dye leaked
pictures of exudative and hemorrhagic delachmenl of from these vessels and stained lhe surrounding exudale in
the macula. The mosl frequent sequence of events giving the sub-hi PE нрасе.
rise lo symptoms is the decompensation of the RPE over­ D and E: Another parent w ilb choroidal neovascularization
lying the CNVM and serous delachmenl of the overlying it.1l. Angiogram shtywed seafan configuration of new vessels (El.
and surrounding relina (Kigure 3.20). A light-grayish dis- F: Large chcxcridal nwivascular membrane (arTdWs] thaL
coloralion usual]y occurs in lhe area of lhe CNVM. ihe extended ibrougb break in Brush's membrane I ell iiniiw'i.
blood vessels comprising lhe CNVM may or may not be
visible biomicroscopicalEy (Kigure 3.20J. Small foci of sub-
relinal blood or yellowr lipid-rich exudate may occur near
the margins of the CNVM. In cases where the neovascu-
Ear membrane extends beneath the retinal capillary-free moderate blood flow rate, an ill-defined ooze of fluores­
zone, cystoid macular edema may occur, ihe reasons for cein appears late in the area of the membrane (Figure
the accumulation of inlrarelinal exudate in this instance 3 . 2 ! When the serous retinal delachmenl ts caused by
are uncertain, but it may be caused in part by disruption leakage of exudate from the surface of an occult sub-I? I1!:
of the relinal outer limiting membrane-receplor cell bar­ neovascular complex, angiography may show only a mul­
rier lo the inlrarelinal migration of subretinal e\udale tifocal pinpoint or irregular pattern of staining al the sur­
and the paucity of the relinaL capillaries in ihis area lo face of the organized ]?PL detachmenL (}:igure 3.22ft and
remove il [see Kigure 2.15 and discussion in Chapter 2). С).114 л35-52й-3-' ihe accurate localization of choroidal neo­
'Jhe ability of" stereoscopic fluorescein angiography to vascularization in such cases \ч difficult, tl is also difficult
Localize a CNVM accurately depends primarily on the rale or impossible if part of the CNVM is obscured by blood
of blood flow through the membrane and the presence or located beneath either the RPE or the retina. Stereoscopic
absence of materia! anterior to the membrane lhal may angiograms are essential to Lhe delection and localization
obstruct the view of the fluorescence within the capillary of mosl CNVKis, particularly lhal pan of the CNVM com­
network.1 plex lhal is occull. Areas of irregular elevation of the № £
The typical cartwheel or sea fan pattern of the new ves­ that do not slain probably harbor occult new vessels. Once
sels is visible in high-flow membranes wilh minimal exudation begins, mosl CNVMs progressively enlarge lo
exlravasated blood, cloudy exudale, or fibrous tissue ante­ \ - l disc diameters in size or larger and cause progressive
rior to il (figure 3.20). in some membranes with only a loss of visual function.
Serous D etachm ent o f the Retinal 3.2 E Notched serous detachments of the relinal
Pigm ent Epithelium C aused by C horoidal pigment epithelium (R P E ) caused by choroidal
N eovascularization ( Vascularized RPE neovascu la rizati on .
D etachm ent) A-^F: A ^ f- y e a td d w o n u n w iIh an RPE dclitchmenL tiils e d
!n patients with AMDj acute visual loss is caused by a by two qCO jIl choroidal neovascular membranes (C W V M s;
Eaige.. sharp] у circumscribed, smooth-surfaced, serous arrows.. ( I i w ithin nol t hud zones IA I. ^lureoscopit. view of
lhe late angiogram and 0 and early алдю ^гит ( Dj. Агдот
delachmenl of the RPH in approximately 10% of rases.-11,
faser treatment was applied to the tw o neovascular mem­
in the majority of cases, ill is detachment is caused by cho­ branes, and two focal laser Ь ш ш were placed at the 4 :i0
roidal neovascuEarizationJ3'*30,255--*26--350 Because of the of the RF’ L tJetachfiierl : Ы . Tw elve days later the fet-
cartwheel orseafan pattern of sub-RPH CNV.V1 and because ina and К H1!: w ore reallached iF-.. StibnetihS blood was Я е ь -
of the relatively firm connection established between the ervt at lhe sites of ph otocoa^Lil a ILon of (he C N V M k .
new capillaries and the base of the overlying ftPE, there G - L : A 56-yea.r-oid man with a lar^e ftPE detachment. dark
es a predilection for serous exudation and/or hemor­ fluid level (small л now. G), and nolch [large HtTow, Cl . ii>t
months laler lhe h?l-'Ei detachment was larger (H). N:(Hc slow
rhage to occur near the margin of the GNVM. I his results
slainin^ of suIj-RF3E fluid, nonfluoiescenl fluid level, and late
In detachment of the adjacent RPE around the margin
fluorescein slaming in Ihe area of the notch 4j. anowsl. Argon
of the CWyM, and production of a variety of shapes of laser treatmenl was pfjated along' the margin of the delach-
Eaige RETE detachments [see figures 2.05, 2.10, 3.21 r and ment and at 1hE!- site о I occult neovascularization ^ЩгаwJ К .
3.22).1011 If the detachment occurs at one segment of the Note dark blood dial appeared j u M above reW-vesseJ mem­
edge of the CNVM, a flat-sided, reniform, or notched RPh brane fa n o w i during ifeatm&Ht. F4jur weeks laler Ihe relinal
detachment is the result (Figures 3.2! and 3 .2 2 ).^ If the and H.F’1: deLachmenls had resolved 'L.i. Visual acuity was
2 0/40.
detachment extends away from the entire margin of the
CNVM, a doughnut-shaped RPH delachmenl may occur.
Any of these irregularly shaped RPH detachments should
suggest the probable presence of a CNVM thal for the an irregularly elevated, oval or dumbbell-shaped RPE
most part lies outside the area of RPH detachment, within delachmenl develops (figures 3.22Л-С and 3.23A). lhe
either the notch or the central depressed area of lhe RPH details of lhe RE*L and drusen are better preserved in Lhe
detachment (Mgures 3.21 and 3.22J. Uiomicroscopically less-elevated, orga ni/jed part of the detachment [['igure
there may or may not be any other evidence of the pres­ 3.22D). The presence of a dark meniscus [blood or blood
ence of the CNVM in these areas, ff serous detachment pigment) at the dependent part of the serous RPL detach­
of the RE’ti overlying the CNVKl occurs, a round or ova!., ment (Figure 3.21 G J or of subrelinal blood or yellow exu­
dome-shaped detachment identical lo an avascular RPH date near its margin is evidence of the presence of a CNVM
detachment may resulL. If serous detachment of the RPH located either just outside of the edge of. or benealh, the
develops adjacent to an organised sub-RPK. detachment. (£№ detachment.
The fluorescein aLtgiographic findings art important in $.22 Pa rtly organ ize d ret iпа I p igmen t e priht Iin m
differentiating vascularized from nonvascularized serous ( R P E ) detachments.
KPE detachments.'1)5,29Э In vascularized serous RPH detach­ A-K: Two notched serous H.5J t d e ta c b liric ^ surround my an
ments, lhe sub-RPt exudate usually stains more slowly. elevaled □rgaftiJSefcl detachmcnL. The lafler stained iiruj'-
presumably because of the presence of a large amount ulaKy w ilh fluoresceitl i'hS, slereor arrows'.
of protein and blood pigment within the exudate, and С—H : K PE tear occurring in partly organized serous RPE
incompletely because of an uneven distribution of blood deLnchmeril i.n лп ftS-year-old man. NoLe drusen and bijj-
or a mound of fibrovascular tissue present beneath the menE epithelial m a rk in g evident overlying nasal organized
half of R I’E delachmenl I arrows, O . h'ole uneven and incom ­
RPE detachmenl { Figures 3.21 and 3.22). When a serous
plete sLainin^ of nasal part of dolnchmenl (D and El.
RPH detachment arises at one edge of either a Elat or ele­
Several i^ e k s Eater a leaf has occLfeed alon^, thy lemporal
vated organEzed CMVM, angiography often shows early ivuirqin of lh<- deLachmenl (FJ. The edge of the tear has curled
fluorescein staining of the sub-RPK serous exudate in under and retracted nasally against Lhe organized parL o f tFie
the area of serous detachment but delayed and uneven deLachmenl iarrow). ^ngiogtapEry showed minimal slaining
or, occasionally, no staining in the area of the CNVM. In wiLhin lhe fj igmenled mound, ] п-cdic-iatijn^ presence erf chonui:-
st)me cases, however there may be an intensification of dal new vessels (□). Severaf weeks later there was subretinal
bleeding from lh e choroidal new vessels w ithin lhe pig­
Lhe staining of the sub-RPli exudate adjacent lo the CNVM
mented anound I arrows.. Hi.
(E'igure 3.21 E). When exudaLe from Lhe CNVM detaches the
overlying as well as adjacent RE*K lo produce a round or RPE tear posllreatment with ranrbizumab,
oval detachmentr slow or uneven staining of the sub-RPH [—L Ttii5 65-year-old wom an w ilh a strong fam ily history of
exudaLe in the area of Lhe neovascular complex may be the age-reEated m acular degeneration developed a fibrovascu­
lar pigmenL epithelial deta ih m ел I Lhat was asymptomatic
only clue lo lhe presence of Lhe underlying CN VM
and found during EDllow-up of caLaracl s-игэдегу. She received
Serous RPK detach me nls caused by choroidal neovas­
inliavitrea] ran ibiz L im a Ej and noted dislorlion al vision aE'ler
cularization are likely lo be large, lo develop evidence of Lhe second injection. Л tear in the h!L3L was found -:ind Eier
hemorrhage and organization [sub-RTE; fibrovascular pro­ vision had dropped to 20/40, quickly worsening to 2(1/400 in
liferation], and to cause significant loss o£' central vision 3 weeks due to further retraction of Lhe pigmenl epithelium
soon after onset of symptoms. tJecause portions of the (K). hour years later a large disciform scar with chronic sub-
CEWM are Liearly always bidden from view beneath the rdinal fluid anti blood in I ho E"ve could Ere гееп.

RPE detachmenl. treatment wilh pholocoaguEalion is dif­

ficult and of uncertain
(E'igure 3.23.Д-Н E. and Only if seen within 14
Retinal Pigm ent Epithelial Tear hours after the tear w ill the free edge of lhe RPE be seen
PalienLs who develop a serous RPK detachment extend­ before iL rolls under and retracts toward the area of sub-
ing away from one pari of an organized RP11 detachment retinal neovascular tissue.
are at some risk of developing an Rl’E: tear spontane­ by the time most patients present there is a crescenl-
ously, during or following pbotocoagulalion, and even sbaped geographic zone of absent RPE adjacent lo an ele-
following anli-VHCK therapy (Eigures З.ЕУС, 3.22, and vaLed hyperp igmen ted mound composed of the retracted
3.J2J5J 1 Typical pretear findings are: [ ]) a and rolled-under RPK collapsed against the surface of lhe
Eaige, round, oval, or slightly dumbbell-shaped elevation fibrovascular tissue (E'igures 3.22ti and K). ]he retinal
of the RPE with one area less elevaled Lhan the other; (2) delachment resolves soon afLer development of the tear,
preservation of the RE4i details, including drusen in the presumably because of regrowlh of hypopLgmenled RL]Ei
smaller, less elevaled. organized ponion of the RfE! eleva- cells across the defect and perhaps also because of partial
Lion: and (3) irregular and incomplete fluorescein staining closure of the choriocapillaris (figures 3.22 and 3.23).
in the area of less elevation, and delayed bul even more In some palients this nets growth of RPH is visible bLo­
intense staining of (he sub-RPK exudate in the more ele­ rn Ecroscopically as a blunting of the edges of the tear by
vated serous portion of the RPH detachmenl (figures 3.22 ingrowth of a faintly opaque layer of tissue inlo the area of
and. 3.23 J^-363311 ЧЪеге may be no other biomicroscopic lhe tear. In some cases a prominent layer of fibrous meta-
signs of underlying choroidal neovascularization. hither plaslic RPK grows iLilo and obliterates evidence of Lhe tear.
spontaneously or following l realm ent, ati acute R L1Ь. I ear Subretinal blood and lipid exudate frequently appear sooli
may occur at or along the border of the serous RPH detach­ after development of the tear. Angiography done after the
ment on the side opposite the location of the new ves­ tear usually shows evidence of early non fluorescence and
sels. These patients usually notice an abrupt increase in mottled late staining in the area of the retracted and orga­
vLsuat Eoss caused by the passage of serous exudation from nized RPE mound, as well as marked diffuse early and late
beneath Lhe RPH inlo the suhreLinal space. Occasionally, hypertluorescence in the area of absent or bypop igmen Led
however, patients may retain excellent visual acuity in RPE and staining of any subretinal fluid Lhat Ls present
spile of extension of lhe rip tjenealh the fovea] center (figure 3.22).
I Loskin and associates’41 suggested Lhat lhe prelear i.2 J Retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) lears in
picture was best explained by separation of lhe RPti from patients with age-re Ialed macular degeneration,
its basement membrane in lhe area of maximum eleva­ A—F: This 59-year-old w om an developed melamorpbapsia
tion, predisposing il lo lear. '['his explanation, however, in Ihe LefL eye. Arrowheads indicate angiographic evidence
is Linlikely because of lhe light adhesion of ihe К 14: Iri Lit' parity urbanized portion o i a bilobate hiKL rfefechmenl
its basemenl membrane in normal as well as pathologic IA and В in April ]№ 4 . K'ole delay in complete staining
conditions/’" and because it does not explain the clini­ o i the infenonnsal pari of lhe KF’b delachmenl I stereoscopic
cal and angiographic findings lhal suggest that under­ view s E and Q . In M ay Э984 she developed a rip in the (IPE
lhal eslended benealh lhe cun lei of (he fovea ( 0 Jind ste­
lying choroidal neovascularization is the primary cause of
reoscopic view s E and FI. Two months later, in spile of lhe
both the pretear and posttear appearance.1^ Chuang and 5и Ь fayeaI rip anti serous detachment of lhe relina, iior visual
Bird"270 and LSLrd and Marshall"' 1 have stressed the itnpor- ncuilv corrected lo 2CV2(). Ten months I a lor the acLiilv was
tance of lhe hydrophobic nature of the lipidized Bruch's reduced lo 20/20Q.
membrane acting as a barrier Lo passage to fluid into lhe G : Diagram showing palhogcnesis or KF’b lear. iilflge E,
choroid in the pathogenesis of Jt[TE tears in pal Lents wilh Organi^Sd RPE delachmenl (anow j. ila g e 2 , Serous delach-
AMD, 'Ihe hiomicroscopic and angiographic findings, ment of lhe adjacent КГЕ. Stage Tear in Ihe FiPE and serous
delachmenl of Ihe felina. SLajje 4. l-ree edi^e of lorn K P t
however, strongly suggest dial hydrostatic pressure gen­
ha ы го i leLl Lowaitl fib ru v a s ^ iu l tissue and non pigmenled
erated by leakage of exudate from the margin of occult
К F’f: has j^rown across Ihe defect, caLising resolution o f lhe
suh-RIT new vessels is lhe primary precipitating cause of serous retinal detachment that occurred follow ing the tear.
mosl of the targe, smoolh-surfaced, bLister]Lke serous RPE Fir, rulinal receptors; ИРЕ, retinal piijjmejit epithelium: cc,
detachments as well as the acute ЕЖЁ tears that occur in l horiocapil laris.
patients with AMD {Hgure ^ G Q jj,338*350 Occasionally. H -K : This -year-old male oeVelatoed an HfJb delachm enl
however, rents developing in lhe thinned RPE at the edge w ilh subretinal and intrarelinal fluid in his left eye (H). A rip
occurred alter bis scscond intravitreaS ranibiiLimaEj injecttpn
of long-sLanding avascular serous RPE detachmenLs are
bul Ihe vision remained at 20/40 tlj. A vertical set lion on
responsible for their spontaneous collapse. L’atienls with
oplical coherence tomography reveals lbe dinconlinuily of
Large KPb lears associated with А Ш ) are at high risk of Ifie pigmenl epi I helium ,|- and 'h e dark гопе bereft of RF3!
developing RP!i tears in the fellow eye.11' on «Lilofluorescunce lmaf’inj' |Kj.

I A —I- l y jm j p r e it n lc d at H u n r m ^ i n (Jlu b M t je L in ;; N u w jr ilK ir 1 1 , 1 Ч Я - J: G

\к>т iGjii.™)
S’ags t -accuh rfiovaECjIarizElnn

Staoe 2 - s e ra L -s d e L a c h T e n l r i RPz

S la g e 1- R F £ Lear and r&iinar dalacfinneiL

(Gj SLaoe 4 - r E s a lu t a n c f reLnal dEtachm Enl

Angiographic evidence of microrips at the edge of detachment stages
3.^4 H e m o r r h a g i c d is c if o r m
smaller RPh detachments, wilh streaming of fluores­ occurring in p a t ie n ts with drusen.
cein dye inlo the subrelinal space similar to that seen in A find B: Hemcurhagic deLHthmenL in ,i 6fl-y war-old mar:
palients with ICSC, occasionally occurs in patients with w ilh drusen. Mosl of lhe blued fs in № JAibrettnij ap ate
A M D ,ЮС1'3’ ^ Likewise, large lU’L tears similar to those asso­ and was derived from a chofuidal nuavasLiilar т е ш Ь м п е in
ciated wilh AMD occasionally occur in otherwise healthy the papitlum acular bundle region Narrows, A). Visual acuity
palients with ICSC with large, often multifocal sero­ in Lhis- eye was 2li',30. There $afi bponlantious resolution of
fibrinous RPE detachments, and in palients with systemic Hubrt'tmal blood and return of visua! acuiLy Lo 20/25. li ^ a t
La ken J уеат* nfler A.
Lupus ery(hemalosus and the same findings (figure 3 .30).
С And 3J: SpiWilanscHbls resolution of 1лгде? bkat к fumiorrha^Jc
Ihe R]’K tears in these patients are presumably caused by
deladm ienl езг" retina] pi^mL'nl opilhe I i шп :К HE: i and relina
hydrostatic pressure generated by severe focal damage lo ft". The disciform scjar ;Dl extended lo lhe interior edjje of
[he permeability of lhe choriocapillaris (see discussion in the foveal center.
earlier section on [CSC). E and F: This palienl was referred for te^itment of ,i chtftriJda.)
'lears in lhe RPE may occur along the juncture of fibro­ melanoma. The irregular brown i:olor change in Ihe sub-KPt
vascular elevation of Lhe RPH and serous RE’K delachmenl and ijLJbretinaj hlood w a s responsible for Ibe misdiagnosis.
Angiography showed no evid en ce of fluorescence within the
during applications of pholocoagulation to the neovascu­
lesion IFF.
larization.’" ' 11' Ihese tears occur most frequently during
G : Large hemorrhagic deLachmenl ol the EiFE in я patient
treatment of hypopigmentedr thick sub reLina! neovascu- with macular dmsen. Bleeding occurred from new vessels
lar membranes wilh krypton red laser and are caused by lyin^ beneath Ihe Rh3E (arrow).
contraction of the fibrovascular tissue comprising lhe
Il-гит Cuss.1
' *-'i

Radiating C horioretinal Folds Surrounding Partly pattern of folds does not {Jtcur more often in response
O rganized RPE D etachm ents lo pholocoagulation of CNY.V1. Jhe forces producing this
Spontaneous contraction of lhe fibrovascular tissue oflen radiating pa item of chorioretinal Id Ids are similar lo those
hidden beneath serous Rl^K detachments may pucker responsible for a fmer pattern of superficial inner retinal
BrndVs membrane and cause a series of radiating chorio­ folds radiating outward from a contracted epi relina I fibro-
retinal folds around the base of the ftFB detachment (see cellular membrane.
Ttgure 4.04 j/ ''1The radial pattern of yellow rays seen oph-
tbalmoscopically and the hyperiluorescenl rays seen angi-
Linear C horioretinal Folds A sso cia ted with
ographically are produced by the linear ridges of infolding
O rganized RPF D etachm ents
of the RE>K and choroEd. 'L'his pattern of folds may be the A series of slightly irregular chorioretinal folds may
on!y ophthalmoscopic sign of occult choroidal neovas­ develop on the surface of organized ftPE detachments If
cularization detectable in some patients with large serous the superficial portion of the sub-JtfTEi fibrovascular tissue
detachments of the RPE. ll is curious that this radiating undergoes shrinkage.1"'"
H em orrhagic D etachm ent o f the RPE and Retina 3.2 j S e v e re in tra o c u la r h e m o rrh a g e c a u s e d b y age-
re la te d m a c u la r d e g e n e r a tio n (A M O ),
Bid d ing from the margin of a CNVM may hf mild and
cause only mild blurring of vision. Spontaneous rupture Л-E: Th rue monlhs SHtejJ a large hemorrhagic detachment «I
of a blood vessel usually near one margin of a GNVM, Lhe №titi9 itntl retinal piemen L epithelium (ИРЕ) 'rV m tine I el I
however, may cause sudden loss of centra I vision second­ eye, ihis elderly' man relumed with blood slaining Of lh e vit­
reous ■;Lii and irih (arrow. Cl. O ver a fa-mo nth period Ihe vilre-
ary lo a large hemorrhagic detachment of the RPH and ret­
ous cleared and lhe iris relum ed lo ils normal blue color :□ .
ina [Rgures. 1.24 and 1.25).-1X1 Initially lhe blood may be
А 1ат^е disciform scnir Wnis prusenl in lhe macula it).
confined to the sub-RPr space and ophtbalmoscopically F: Secondary subretinal hemorrhage occurring at the tem pe­
may cause a dark, almost black.- discretely elevated mound ra] edj*eof a disciform scar. Compare w ilh f.
beneath the relina. Drusen are often evident on the surface G and H: Extensive subretinaF, suprachorordal, and inLravrLreal
of this mound. Al the time of the hemorrhage or within bleed ing occurring spontaneously in Ihe lelt eye at ап eEderly
a few days or Weeks lhe blood dissecls through lhe edge p.11i-f.-n". wiLb A M D and л disciform lesion in (he righl eye.
of lhe RPfc detachment and spreads lit a shallow layer inlo I: .Missive Subretinal and inlravilreal hemorrhage caiised by
bleeding from л tocal area of sub-RL3E. neovasc/ulafizalion in
Lhe subretinal space, where it often appears as a reddish
Lhe m acular area lanowj.. This occurred in a Ьб-year-old man
halo al the margin of the RPE detachment (figure 3.2-1).
With esisenlial 1турег1*ьпнюгт, chronic lytnphaQc leukemfa,
Ih e dark appearance of blood beneath the RPE is caused and drusen in lhe m acula of lbe opfiosile eye.
by the mound I ike collection of blood and nol by its mere 1: Secondary sub-RPE hemorrh.ige oct uning al lhe lempo-
presence beneath the RPb. The reddish appeanmce of lhe ral margin df ал old disciform scar larrowi in Ihe macula of
surrounding subretinal blood is caused by lhe absence an elderly patient w hose eye was misdiagnosed as having a
of the tillering effect of the RPI: but also by lhe thinness rnaligtpani melanoma o f the chom id.
of the layer of blood. Large mounds of blood, whether ■
i i ,1. im
11and J Imm Cab. :
benealh the RPt! or the relina or within the vitreous cav­
ity, often have a black appearaEtce. Ш a few paltents dur­
ing the early weeks after lhe bleeding episode there may be
remarkable retention of visual function in spite of a large
subfovea] hematoma.
Lrlood in lhe subrelinal and sub-RPL space typically 3.26 Massive exudative and hemorrhagic detachment
obscures completely lhe underlying choroidal fluorescence of the retinal pigment epithelium iRPEj and
and most or л!Е of lhe fluorescein leaking from lhe neo- retina caused by pre-equatorral type 1sub-К PE
vascular complex [ I'igure 3.24). lhe absence of subretinal n eovasc u la rizati on.
Lluorescence serves let differentiate a da_tk mound of blood A-С: Thi н S3 -yea r-ol d wom an w ilh RtaicuJdr drusen devel­
from a choroidal melanoma, which aIways shows evidence oped loss of central vision bilaterally because o f posterior
of tale slain ing because of blood vessels near its surface extension o f subrelinal lipid exudation arising in a large
(E'igure 3.24L and f-'). Once bleeding occurs in the sub- peripheral exudative and hemorrhagic: subreLinat neovascular
complex i A яп-d В I. Laser photocoagulalion and transsdeial
RFE space, varying degrees of organization of the blood
cryopoxv went successful In destroying Ihe new vessels and
occur and Lhere is usually extensive degeneration of both
causing resolution of lhe suhmacular exudation i.C..
the overlying pigment epithelium and reLina. Conversely, D-F: Multiple areas qf peripheral hemorrhagic delachmenl
blood present in lhe subrelinal. space may reabsorb com­ of the RF’b and retina in Lin й7-year-old man wilh minimal
pletely wilh variable and oflen minimal permanent dam­ evidence of macular degeneration.
age to the structure and function of the overlying retina G - J: Hislopalhologic findings in an elderly wom an w h o ini-
(I'igure 3.24A and liiillv had Lhe same ofjtilhajmoscopic findings seen in D-I-.
Many palients who develop large hemorrhagic macular bhe developed massive sub-Fi^L-. subrotinal, and vilTeous hem­
orrhage ust before death w hile in Ihe hospital. Arrow fC> indi­
detachments will experience transient loss of peripheral
cates Hite of Hutj-HE’t nuovascular network and hrmiorrhage.
vision lhal in mosl cases is caused by diffusion of hemo­
Hleedrn^ from a neovascular network lying alonj; the inner
globin, raLher than whole blood, inlo the vitreous sev­ side o f Bruch's гп е тЫ а п е iwhile arrows, Hi пелг the equa-
eral weeks or months after the hemorrhagic detachment lor was rcsponsjhle for Lhe humorrhagjic del.ichmenl of the
occurs.Jlll) The fundus may be completely obscured from K.PE: (black and white Arrows}. MoLe ruyjlure of blood vessels
view for many months (Figure 3.2 6A-li). I his process of in Sub-ftPf! neovascular nelwork if)Lick arrows, t) internal lo
anterior diffusion of hemoglobin across the relatively KrudVs membrane (white amow№ | shows suh-RPL neovascu-
far network tf>lack arrows! on lhe inner surface of the Bruch's
inlacl retina after damage to the outer harrier structures
membrane fw+iile arrows;- in anolher птеа oi lhe same eye.
of the retina by lhe sub retina! blood is similar to lhal
which occurs in some patients after a massive hyphema
with hemoglobin diffusing across damaged corneal endo­ returns. I’oor central vision and a large disciform scar are
thelium and Descemel's membrane to cause blood stain­ usually the end result (I'igure 3.2(Sh). In elderly palients
ing of the cornea. The breakdown products of blood may presenting wilh inlravitreat blood. AMD should always
stain nol only the vitreous but also the iris stroma. "I"his. be considered as a possible c a u s e .- 15S-r,:' Lvidence of
causes a yeilow-brfiftv§ discoloration of the vitreous and a AML> in the opposite eye is an important clue to the cor­
noticeable heterochromia in lightly pigmenled individuals rect diagnosis. Ultrasonographic demonstration of a mass
(i'igure 3.26В and C). Usually after 3-6 monlhs or longer, of variable reflectivity in Lhe macular area of these patients
as lhe blood pigment is phagocytosed, the iris regains ils is helpful in excluding so me of lhe other causes of vitreous
normal color, the vitreous clears, and lhe peripheral vision hemorrhage
In patienls With moderate lo lar^e areas of hemorrhagic 3.Z7 Reparative and cicatricial stages of disciform
detachment of the JIETE and retina, photocoagulation macular detachmenl in patients with drusen.
is often not effective because lhe blood obscures at least A: Partial resolution of hemorrhagic detachment of Lhe reLi-
p.irt of the CNVM from view, [n caws where the bleeding i .11 pigment epithelium IК PL '■ iind retina. Note evidence of
appears to have occurred from one edge of the CNVM and i If'L'M! .Hii i 1 ( i Iho blood I у i г»ц bcNiealh lhe KJ'I m i rt v.'s..
where the configuration of lhe CNVM suggests lhal il does Thy re has btton ]il1le change in Ihe subfeLinal blood lhal sur­
nol ел Lend far beneath lhe blood, photocoagulation of lhe rounds the ftPlE detach mu nL (нее С:.
CNVM with a loiig-ivavelenglh laser may be of some value. В: IbrLiy organized, piymenLecf subrtHinal disciform mass
(arraWjjJ stimulating a melanoma.
Lar^e, white fibrovascular disci form scar with rel iгьосЕю-
C hronic Exudative and H em orrhagic Stages
roidal anastomosis (arrow).
Once the process of exudation and hemorrhage begins... D-F: B,l alend palcEuv nibrous p n o l i f c - M l io n and d iff L is e a t r o -
the CNVM usually continues to enlarge, often in a concen­ pEiy of the r m iiT a l pigment epithelium w i L h enlracellula-r pig­
tric manner. Oozing of blood cells from the outer dilated ment dum ps (t J a n d Ё). The auto f l u o r e s c e n c e image le v e a lj
margin of the CNVM occurs frequently and is responsible Lhe diffuse loss ot к Kb nesulLLng partly from atrophy and

for the fecks of subretinal blood thal may intermittently pari Iу from r e l r a c l i o n i>v L h e fibrovastulaf Ж & и е !F I .
Сt: Ию(огп icrogra ph of hemonrhagi-r delathm ent of Lhe KF3t
appear at its margins (E'igure 3.27A). I'he dark irregular
and reLina in a palienl similar lo A. Blood in- the sub-KPt
areas often seen angiographically aL the edge of these sub-
sfHice has undergone urealer degradalion Lhan Lhal in Lhe
ttFE membrane^ even in lhe absence of biomicroscopic subretinal space.
evidence of blood, are probably caused by breakdown H : E-’Fiolomicrograph o f a pi^menl-od vascularized subretinal
products of blood accumulating ihere. The yd low exudate near pillow ing hemorrhagic delachmenL o f lhe Fil’E: and ret­
that occurs in the outer retinal layers and subretinal space ina. NoLth degeneration of 1her outer relinal layers and degen­
peripheral to the area of choroidal neovascularization eration and proliferation- of the overlying fifjrovascular
scar. Arrows indicate Bruch's ГгсетпЬгат^К
is caused by precipitation of the lipid component of the
exudate as water is drawn into the norma E blood vessels iC lr u n i С . и ы ^ : (.1 . L n t l H In y in C J.i m .''

of lhe retina and choroid (see pp. 46-47). ihe expand­

ing neovascular complex causes nutritional damage lo the
outer layers of lhe overlying retina, and once the mem­
brane has grown beneath Lhe center of the fovea, loss of slaining. In some cases, cystoid macular edema and degen­
useful central vision is usual, bul nol always a certainty. eration may be present overlying flat, dlflicull-to-detecL.
Involution of this neovascular process may occur aL any involuted neovascular membranes lhat extend Into the
stage of ils development and typically occurs Within sev­ center of the fovea [see pp. 42-43).
eral years. Approximately 70% of eyes thal develop detach­ I'oll owing develop menl of a large hemorrhagic detach -
ment caused by a CNVM extending into the capillary-free menL of the KETL and retina, degradation of the blood
zone of lhe retina will haw a visual acuLly of 2G/200 or beneath the RPE usually causes a brown or yellowish
Eess within 1 year.1^ sub-ЙРЁ mass to form {E-igure 3.24E-). The blood In the
subretinal space surrounding the RPE detach menl often
Cicatricial Stage requires a longer period of lime before a color change is
Involution of the neovascular complex eventually occurs noled and before the blood is degraded [figure 3.27A).
and is associated with varying degrees of subrelinal scar Ihere is a gradual organization of the sub-RPli blood and
tissue, depending primarily on the duration and extent of exudate by further ingrowlh of new vessels and fibro­
hemorrhage and exudation [figure 3.27). Jn some cases, blasts from the choroid (Hgure 3.27C). HvenLually (he
neovascularization extending throughout Lhe macula exudative mass may be replaced by fibrous tissue contain­
may be associated with minimal reactive hyperplasia and ing varying degrees of hyperplaslic RPE [E'igure 3.27 Br Cf
fibrous metaplasia of the RPf. and the laq;e neovascular and 11). 'lhe cicatricial lesions vary Ln color from while lo
membrane after Involution may be difficult or impos­ brown or even to black and may be mistaken for choroidal
sible lo demonstrate biomicroscopically or angiographi- melanomas [figure 3.27B). Often anastomosis between
cally. In some cases the larger radial vascular trunks of the the relinal circulation and underlying choroidal circula­
involuted membranes may be visible as red vessels super­ tion develops within these old disciform scare {Eigure
imposed over the usually partly yellow-colored larger cho­ 3.27C}.-'0|‘' Ihere Is a general tendency for the devel­
roidal vessels [ELgure 3.27D-E-). ihe slow rale of blood opment of a similar pattern and size of disciform detach­
flow in these involuted neovascular membranes may pre­ ment in lhe fellow E'luoresceln angiography in the
vent (heir demonstration angiographically. Angiography cicatricial stages of disciform deLacbment demonstrates a
may demonstrate nothing more than a circular area of wide variety of pictures, some of which may be similar to
mottled or early hyper fluorescence and minimal or no dial produced by choroidal neoplasms.
M assive Exudative D etachm ent o f the Retina '■f.Jf! Massive exudative retinal detachment
(Sen ile Coats' Syn drom e} (Coals'syndrome) caused by age-related macular
In Jiiiob-t patients with drusen, lhe area of disci form delach-
menl is confined to the macular area and peripheral vision A and B: Righl eye or" patient with large disciform delach-
is maintained. A few patientsr however, show progressive mjsfcjFt and HubrtiCinal and ini rarct ina I ink I exudation. LhaL
exudative detachment of the relina lhat spreads far beyond extended to lhe ora s&Tgla inferiorlv.
( . : Hislthpalhoiogy of massive 11pdprtrteitf^Ccefius suhrtfLi na I
the macular region and may cause severe loss of periph­
с \u(1.1!г )n c v i1riyi 11 .1 Inriii' macular .anti juxl a papillary cho­
eral as well as central vision (figure ^28D -J)VK':f,-36[-L:!l:1
roidal neovascular complex in an feltferffi paLient With
Multifocal areas of eccentric choroidal neovasculariza­ related mat. u]а г degeneration.
tion and serous detachment of the UPE and relina may D —|: Massive exudative buEEnus r-c?Li nл I detachment caused
occur-4"111'-' Extensive deposition of yellowish exudale by j .large, orange, organized ostiamacular retinal p i u n i
occurs in the subretinal space and in the outer layers -epithelium (.RPE) delachment (arrows, D-H|i in Lhe rigfiL
of the relina. It typically spreads initially in an inferior of a 74-year-old man wEwse lefl eye was blind from rubeo-
direction, 'l'he fundus may resemble that usually seen in tic glaucom a caused by a s-imilar massive exudative retinal
deLnchmenl complicaliiT^ a^e-reiaLed macular degenera­
younger patients with massive yellowish exudative detach­
tion. Mote that the organized RPE detachment located Lem-
ment of the relina secondary lo congenital Lelangieelasis paral lo a white disciform scar showed minimal evidence
of the relinal vessels (the most common cause of Coals' o! fluorescein slain ing (arruws, E-G). Argon ptioLocoagula-
syndrome in young patients). The cause of this unusual Lion Was placed on lhe surface of Lhe organised RPE delach-
decree of exudaLion from the choroid in ihese elderly ment (arrows, 11 and was successful in causing resolution of
patients is unknown, 'l'he exudale may eventually resolve lEie Emllous relinal ddacbm ent and restoration of gmbulatcwy
spontaneously, hut it Leaves in its wake marked widespread vision 4 months nflej Irealmenl (J).

degenerative changes in (he RPE and retina. Relinal neo­

vascularization and vitreous hemorrhage may arise as may cause (he physician to remove the eye because of a
complications of the chronic exudaLive detachment. suspected melanoma (Ligure 3.15¥ and J).2lja

B u llou s Sero u s Retina! D etachm ent

IJarely these patients will develop massive bullous serous Other Complications of Choroidal
delachmenl of the retina caused by chronic leakage of
serous exudate from large, highly vascularized ЙРЁ detach­
ments or disciform mounds that are usually located in or Vitreous Hem orrhage
near the macular area (figure 3.2ill?-JJ. Lon g-du ration., L'he initial hemorrhage from CNVMs may dissecL ils way
moderately intense, lai^e-size applications of laser photo­ into the retina where it is visible biomieroscopically as a
coagulation to these fibrovascular RPE detachments, occa­ focal inlraretinal hemorrhage. The bleeding may be suf­
sionally pholodynamic therapy and anti-VbGP therapy ficiently intense Lhal blood may break through the retina
may cause reattachment of the relina and return of ambu­ into the vilreous and cause a massive vitreous hemor­
latory vision [figure 3.2S). rhage {Figure Ш )1Ji'3™1 'ihis process of dissection of
blood Lbrough a defect in the relina is different from thal
Secondary H em orrhage from a D isciform Scar of blood slain ing of the vitreous, which occurs more fre­
A second ary exudative or hemorrhagic delachmenl of the quently in these patients as a delayed phenomenon fol­
RPE can develop around the edge of an old disciform scar lowing lar^e hemorrhagic detachments of the RE5L and
and produce a lesion adjacenL lo the scar Lhat on occasion retina (see previous discussion).

Ag&-Rdntejl.A&Kular 1.2 I
M a ssive Hem orrhagic D etachm ent o f th e RPE and Эг29 Geographic atrophy in patients wilh macular
Retina drusen,
Rarely hemorrhage from a CNVM in the macular region A - t : Gradual unlargemen: of atoa of geographic atrophy
may produce a massive detachment of lhe RPL, relina, and occurred in a b3-year-old mafl over a 6-yfepr period. Visual
choroid, as Well az vitreous hemorrhage, closed-angle glau- acuiLy in A was 2(У&О and in С was 2CV20Q. NoLe changing
com.i and loss of lhe eye.ч'-' 'Ihis is more likely Lo occur paLLem a t drusen, some1o f whn:h are calcified (jrtiflib).
D - F: 3n 1(J7 0 ihis ijl -ункг-'old wom an pr^senfed w ilh L>i!aL-
in patients receiving anticoagulant therapy or with a sys­
eral large diLisun and л siitous delacbment of the retinal pig­
temic disease affecting the clotting mechanism (figure
ment epithelium ■К I^E i (^m W s, D ' in hoLh eyes.. Nole Ihe
3 .2 ^ 1 }™ stawoped bortJ-tir of I by KKL detachment resulting from con­
fluence Ы Urge drusen. Visual acuily w as 20/30 bilaterally,
Peripheral Exudative an d Hem orrhagic D isciform l'he ri^ht eye was lrealed with laser apphcalions Lo the mar-
D etachm ent liir of lh-е КЗЧ: fh lat h merit. The hi PL delathm enl in the It'll
eye Spontaneously to J lapsed mid whs rej >1need by a pa Hern
tlderly patients with macular drusen or without evidence □t" geographic .iLrophy lhal t ftahjjed VEry Гit1It? beLween I 974
of AMD may develop serous and hemorrhagic detach - It' and T "Hi. liI which lime LjctLb fundi looked him Liar and
ment of the retina second ary lo one or more siLes of sub- Lhe Visual acuLLv was 20/50 bilateral ly.
KJM: neovascularization in lhe equatorial or pre-equaLorial G -J: Geographic alrophy o f the R PE in a 7T-year-oEd w om an
area, usually in the temporal half of the eye (I'igure .1.26}. with large drusen. Sim ilar changes w ere present in the fellow
I.arge areas qI" serous or dark-colored hemorrhagic detach­ eye. Early angiogram showed evidence of partial preserva­
tion of the choriocapillans in Lhe area of geographic atro­
ment of Lhe RL’L in the periphery may be mistaken for a
phy (И). Late angiogram showed staining oF Ihe choroid (If.
choroidal melanoma because of the detachment's unusual Several years JaLer m any of the drusen have faded Find Lhe
peripheral loca(ion.4IIJ 165 Many of these palients Will area of geographic atrophy has enlarged. Mote calcification
show some evidence of peripheral sub-RPt neovascular­ ot some of Ihe drusen (arnowt-j.
ization in the temporal portion of the opposite eye. These К and L: Geographic atrophy in a 6 5 -year-old man with dru­
detachments will usually resolve spontaneously without sen. His visual acuity was Э/200 in the righ-l eye and 20/d0
treatment. Jn those cases complicated either by bullous in the left eye 4 months before be died. Histopalholojjic
examination revealed a sharp margin between lhe relattvely
exudative retinal detachment or by extension of yellow­
normal retina and choroid and a zone of absence of Lhe
ish exudate derived from the neovascular network inlo
oliIcii" relinal layers and R ME I.:. TItuto was partia1 closure of
the m acuta, pholocoagulaLion or cryotherapy may he ben­ the choriacapiEEaris in Ibe region of the geographic atrophy.
eficial {Figure 3.26 A-С). I^ripheral sub-RPE neovascular­
ization frequently develops as part of lhe normal aging
process in the peripheral fundus and is derived primar­
ily from Lhe ciliary body rather than the choroid (ligure that may begin either centrally or paracentral ly. Loss of
3.2G J . ^1 - ■ (See- discussion of peripheral idiopathic central vision occurs slowly and progressively as the area
choroidal neovascularization, p. 140.) of atrophy concentrically enlarges. A similar pal Lem of
atrophy is often seen in the second eye. Approximately
G eographic o r Central Areolar RPE A trophy 20% of these patienls, however who deveEop geographic
Although most patients wilh drusen lose useful central atrophy in one eye vrtJl develop choroidal neovascu­
vision because of complications of choroidal neovascu­ larization and its com plications in the second eye.-11'0
larization, approximately 5-Ю^Ъ lose central vision as J:iuorescein angiography shows varying degrees of loss of
a resulL of lhe development of one or occasionally more the choriocapilEaris within the area of geographic atro­
sharply circumscribed geographic areas of atrophy of the phy (figure 3.2УС and li). Histologically the area of geo­
RPE and relina in the posterior pole (i'igure 3.2У)/41'- 'i: graphic atrophy is associated with focal Loss of (he relinal
Dehydration and calcific crysta 11izalion receptor cells and RE^Ei and varying degrees of atrophy of
of druseii are often the forerunners of geographic atrophy the choriocapillaris [E'igure 3.29К and L}.
The pathogenesis of these sharply circumscribed areas 3.30 Treatment of exudative age-related macular
of atrophy is not understood. It is not known ivhether the degeneration,
partial obstruction Lind, atrophy of the choriocapil laris are A—G : T liis 67-year-old man presented w ilh a serous pigjnent
the primary cause of. or the result of, the overlyLng RPli epithelial delachm enl and л notch w ilh a visual decline lo
and retinal atrophy. Geographic atrophy of the КРБ, retina, 2 ()o 0 Lhal could be cor retted Lo 2(1/25 w ilh a hyperopic
and choriocapi Ilaris i s an ophthalmoscopic finding lhat shifl. An^iojjmm cp rfjim ed Lhe serous detar hmSMt w ilh л
occur? in association with many other diseases. Including hoi *pol at ils superior ed^e ill and C.. O p lical coherence
Sorsbys central areolar choroidal sclerosis, basal laminar tomography revealed nubnetmai Fibrosis (SKI-i adjacent to Lhe
relinal piijmunl epithelium detach muni 11». H e subsequently
drusen., Stargardt's disease. Best's viteliiform macular dys­
unduiwenl 26 Ljcen tis injections in ihis eye over 3 yfciars.
trophy. cone dystrophies, rod-cone dystrophies, chioro- After injection 15 he developed S la p h y fo c a c c u s epiderm i­
qulne retinopathy, ICZSC^ and traumatic macu lopalhy. In s's endophlhalm ilis and received intravilreal antibiotics Hind
palients with AMD, geographic atrophy may develop in aL dexamethasone. Persisting inrlammaEion led lo a pars, plana
[east the following three ways: (1) with no precursor legion viLntit. Lomy and lensectomy J days taler. I п Irav il rea I Lucenlis
other than macular dmsen; (2) following an acute tear Ln was continued for further 11 injections and a total o i 26 for
Lhe КЕЧ-: (see pp. IQtf-Ml); and [3] following collapse of a mild persisLenL SE F (E). Two and three years later his vision
is slill w ilh a persisting L3t D And no SKF (F and (Li..
long-standing serous КРГ delachment.
NoLe lhe ^ood retinal thickness, w hich accounls for Lhe
2СУ25 vision. In The m eanwhile the left eye also developed
Prog no il li a com bined serous/lfibrovascular pigmenL upiLhelial detach­
Most palienls with macular drusen never experience sig­ ment iind received 1I Lucent is injections. Vision remains al
nificant loss of cenlral vision. The average age when they 20/20 in Ihe left wiLh a hyfioropic sliifl in spile of an ек1тлfo­
develop loss of cenlral vision in Lhe first eye Is approxi­ vea I relinal pigmenL epithelium rip.
H-L: O n e w eek post pars plana vilreclom y and fjas displate-
mately 65 yeaii-115-154-3^ 3®^ Ihese patients will lose cenlral
menl o f subrelinal blood in ihis Й2-year-old wom an ruveals
vision in lhe second eye at a rate of approximately 5-10%
an occull membrane iVHh late punclale staining it and i .
each year thereafter. Ihus many patients who have visual Note lhe i learin^ of blood in Lhe cenLer ( № She was con­
loss Ln one eye will never experience visual loss in the sec­ tinued on anli-vascular endoLheffal growth Factor injections.,
ond eye. Nevertheless, AMD is the leading cause of legal and developed a new larger suhiolinal hemuioma afLer Lwo
blindness not amenable to surgery Ln lhe USA and the UK. further injecLions <K|. Л repeal vilrecLomy with Lissut plas­
minogen activator tLpa) injection displaced lhe blood tempo­
rally and interiorly 'ILj. ih e maintained moderale vision for
Etiology and Pathogenesis a few rodhtfrs but eventually developed д disciform scar in
spile of continued Lreatmunl.
Our lack of knowledge concerning lhe cause of AMD and
macular degeneration parallels our Inability to alter Its
natural course, lhe only established factors of importance Other environmental and health factors and biochemi­
regarding causation of Lhls disease relate lo age, race, and cal aUerations of possible importance as either causative
heredity.Lfl5,211,343 The breakthrough in relating genetics of aggravating factors include: exposure to su n Bg b t^ -336
to AMD occurred in 2005 with the discovery of comple­ cigarette s m o k in g ,"iM fentale hormone replacement
ment factor H (CJFHJ variant In 43-50% of patients with therapy.wo systemic hypertension,.^1 anticoagulation;11- |,jl
AMD by three groups. i?0_i72 Since then, other genetic risk dennal elastosls of exposed shin surfaces.1 loiv levels of
factors, including ARMS 2 [H T JM J), complement factor В serum c a r o t e n o i d s , elevated semm cbо(ез1его]3;ir-iS4i
(C2), and C3 have been found to be variously associated and serum zinc and copper. '''v' low levels of semm sele­
with the risk of A M D .1' ,' 1'" РЛ ф п $ and ABCA4 render nium’01' and serum eeruJoplasni/4''-"1, high hematocrit,11'^
a risk in less lb an 5% of AMD patlenti3® " ^ The С Ж high while cell blood j^ w it406 h ^ e ro p la ,in c re a s e d
variant has been studied extensively in various population scleral rigidity, auto antibodies lo retina and retinal astro­
groups and seems to be most commonly associated wilh cytes, 111 decreased levels of catalase activity Ln the ftPE.344
AMD. However, preliminary da La suggest that AtfMS.2 may decreased Ee^'els of hpluronic acid Ln the choriorellnaE com­
be more specific Ln rendering severity to the condition, plex,"1^ and use of anllcoagulanls.ICK! Much is being dis­
^omplemetit activation occurs as a result of inflammation covered and a lot remains lo be understood regarding the
and healing which may be Lhe ULtderlying mechanism pathogenesis of AMD In relation to genetic and environment
con iri bu Ling to the со nsti lue n ts о f d rusen risk factorsr and is outside the scope of this clinical text.
Reticular Pseudodrusen Fig u re 1.31 R e tic u la r p seu d o d ruse n .

Reticular pseudodnisen (KIMJ) [figure 3.3i] is л yellowish U n ila te ra l p s e u d o d ru s e n .

interlacing pallern seen best in red-free or blue Li^ht, most A and B: S2-year-old tjjale w ith moslly in Immediate dru-
sen in the fovea (grade 2 age-related macular degeneration
often seeii straddling the suptrolemporal arcades* but can
i'AM Dll and pseudodruscin in the superior half of lhe macula
be present through out the macula, across the infero-tem-
iA . The left eye had occult choroidal neotaht uiar memt>rane
poral arcade and nasal to the oplic disc: (C N V M ) '.grade 5 1w ilh no BMSudddruS^n (Bj.
liarly Йп. it is made up of several punctate yellow dots.. lhal
B ila te ra l s y m m e tric p s e u d o d ru s e n w ith a d v a n c e d
evolve inlo an interlacing pattern. Lt in not usually visible
on fluorescein angiography, and correlation wilh aulo-
C-£: This 77-year-old wom an had a vision of 2Q/70 in Ihe
Eluorescence and spectral domain ОСЛ' shows the depos­
righl and 20/5D in Lire left eve. Exlensive pseudodrusen
its to Eie between the retinal pigment epithelium and the
were seer* sym m etrically distributed in lh e Lwu eyes; :CJ and
photoreceptors [figure ]:ven though D . The rijjhl Eye had a disciform ьс:аг and the fefj an uccull
pseudodmsen is seen most often in patients with ARMJD^ C N V M . lhe red-frife image of lhe lelL eye demonstrates Ihe
it can sometimes be seen in eyes with no other abnormal­ pseudwdrusen w e ll (E l
ity. Though several papers describe it Lt) be a feature of F and G : This 90-year-old wom an has bilateral active cho­
advanced AMD, mostly neovascular, this author has seen roidal fiedvast uiari^al ion, lhe left gvl1 durminslraLin^ o c l l i I i
chririoretpal anastomosis i|inLrarelinal hemorrhage, Cl. The
pseudodmsen lo be distributed over all grades of A_fi_MD
fiseududrUsen in tfiSiri^Lited in lhe superiiip m acula si raddling
(figure 3,311-1 to К), and even in eyes without ARMD. '['he
the superoLemporal arcade and es tends nasal lo the dine in
incidence of RE4> is underestimated as it can often be over­ holh ryes i.arrows;-.
looked especially in eyes with some degree of cataract or H and I: Bilateral pseudodrusen w ilh mild A M D Igradt? ] al.
subretinal flu Ed, and also early in its evolution before it E3oth feyes show pseudodrusen Lhat is symmetrically distrib­
has developed the interlacing pattern. At the present lime., uted superior Lo the disc with very few small pu m late drust'n
the complete significance of RPD in relation to severity of, in each eye.
and association with genetic markers of ARMD is not fully 1 and K: Pseudodmsen visible on color phoLos and red-free
images, w ilh inlermodiaLe drusen vi-sible only on Ihe color
L: Pseudodrusen l o c a l s to lhe photoreceptoi Laver on opli-
cal coherence tomography seen just anterior to Lbe retinal
pigment epilhelium ’'^rrowt'i.
I A . i n f i! i L i j ij r i . u i y u l D r . J- r . in i'u B e t i h i . i ; C —£ ■: f t j f t e i y n 1 I Jr . K i u l

Occult Chorioretinal Anastomosis 3.32 OccuEl choгм)retinal a nastomosis (O t ЙД).

lhe presence of small irilTfrrrtinal hemorrhages in eyes A.—j : This flO-year-old wonujn was fibal№ !ei| for melrimor-
phopstflj and decrease :n hei ri цhI eye vision lo 2(1/200. !ihe
with drusen and other features df agerelated macular
was. found to have exudative age-reEated m acular degen­
degeneration as a sign of occult, chorioretinal апаз4нщо-
eration w ilh an occult choroidal neovascular membran^ in
sis was brought lo attention by work of Soubrane and her rij*h1 eve. The vision in the left eye was 20/20 and care­
Closeas.-w Debate has ensued about the site of origin and ful cjxjimin^tion fevealcd Lwo (onfl smaller lhan the oLherJ
evolution of the chorioretinal anaslamosis since Vannuizi inlTa retina I dcrf hemorrhages temporal lo Iht! foveal cenler
coined the term retina] angiomatous proliferation that isitej also seen on Ihe red-free image iA and H, arrows!.
(RAP). lie describes the vascular malformation to arise Opffeal coherence tomography (O C T J through Lhe red hem­
orrhage revealed an intrartfartijl channel es.lfndinj' towaips
in the inner relina and grow vertically downwards towards
Lhe retina] pigmertf epithelium (C). Due Lo shadfjwing the
the КГЕ: and eventually reach the space between the RPli
i : ■"i:.. i: ii i'i-.1
, ( ourso )l lhe <li^nncl is ncl \ !^i!:■
! . She was
and Bruch's membrane where it spreads horizontally. At advised inlravitneal bevacizum ab, bul did nol receive it by
this stage, pigment epithelial deLacbment may be seen. the referring retina specialist. Three months Ia Let (he hemor­
Others believe that a loss in Lhe photoreceptors from AMD rhage appears more prominent and hei vision is slill stable
brings the inner retinal vesseEs in closer proximity to dis­ a I 20/20 lD r arrow.. tX JT reveals lhe com m unicating ves­
eased IJni/cboriocapillaris complex thal induces growth sel. ih e was Parted cm monlhly injections of bevacku.mab,
and Ih e red lesion became very smaFI; the second one disap­
of bridging vessels to communicate With occult choroi­
peared -I months later (F). Sis 'iCl and IS months laler 1Hi-
dal neovascular vessels possibly already present In that
on Iv lhe SJupediCEa] intrarelinal com ponent remains on OCT.
Location.41-1 At our present understanding, it is likely both Two further years later she is slifl stabEe w ith vision of 20/25—
mechanisms play a role in different eyes, sulfite lo say I hat from a catafact ll'i. A month afler ihis picture was taken she
management of these eyes is difficult; laser photocoagula- developed a d iv e leakage and repeived inlravilneal bevacl-
tioiir l3D I' and anti V E G F agents have all been used. Et is ium aft, the membrane and vision stabilised after six injec­
Likely that the best results are obtained if we recognise its tions and her vision remains al 2CV.iO-.

presence early in the course and use anti V\iCY agents (see
case illustrated in I'igure 3 . 3 2 ) . ofl en the occult
anastamosis is bilateral and looking for the small focal ret­
inal hemorrhages in the fellow eye Is vital.'11"
Ag^-Related.Л1лта1пг Dt'ficm'Tfiiuw \2
Treatment ЗгЗЗ Basal laminar drusen.

Many authors have reported lhe possible benefit of A and В: A 23-year-old wom an w ith 20/10 visual Sell tty.
Early arteriovenous phase anjjio^rarn (Bl reveals mu Hi pie
^holccodplatbn in treating the neovascular cci]nplica­
tions Of AMD. L^l3a.]i3.175r.il01J4fiJ84J3i9133*r3ilrJ5i(,J&5,.l]*-L}!* punctate drusen not eVldeint in A.
C—L: A 70-year-old л ю т л п seen Ijetnuse o f inoLa morphop-
Randomized controlled cl in Lea] trials have convincingly sia in boLh eyes. Visual acuity in the rLghL eye was 20/40
dema^slrated lhal argon blue-green laser and krypton red =1п-rJ in- lhe 3efl eye was 20/40. A rraw s ^ dic;H e localized reLf-
Laser treatment is of value Ln Lhe treatment of wet!-defined nal detachmient and yello w subretinal exudate (CI.I. Sim ilar
CNVMs in lhe parafoveal {outside the capillary-free zone), findings were present in Lhe lefL eye. AngjograpEiy th aw ed
juittafoveal (inside but not beneath the center of the capil- prompL hyjjerl luoresconce Ы innumerable uniformly small
basal I ami n j г drusen a tip laLe slam ing of larger variabiy
Eary-free ione), and subfovea] membranes in pat Lents with
sized Lypical drusen as well as Lhe subretinal exudate in Lhe
AMDJ:M5'21>r^ s!!^J4-WLj^ JS 'these studies have a]so demon­
right eye (D-F(. Angiograms o i left eye showed early local
strated the vaiue of laser photocoagulation Ln the treatment slainin^ arrows, ti nn-ci lale s-Lliii T i сё" subretirtal exudate
of persistent and recurrent C N V M ."'J;>I 1,1 Unfortunately (C and Hj. Thirty-six mtkiths laLej, sporttari^cAjs nesoluLio.n of
the great majority of patients with AMD present because lhe subroLinal fluid i-п the iiцhI. eye had occurred (Ij. Visual
of Iон of vision caused by ill-defined or extensive sub reti­ ncuily was 2CKG0.
na! neovascular lesions where there Hire no guidelines for |—L: A 5fl-year-old w om an with a J-year history of decreased
Lrealment.J J in 20 00, photodynamic therapy was intro­ vidian caused by similar viLelljlorm retinal drfathm enL in
bolh eyes (Jf. Nole fluid level o i yellowish subreLinal exu-
duced to treat classic subfovea] CNVM. Approximately 54^-b
diiLe. Visual acuily was 20/200. EEeclro-uculo$=iaphy was nor­
showed stabilization and less than 15 letters of visual Lots mal. Angiography showed basal Laminar drusen and si a in ing
(severe visual lossj; however this treatment did not restore of lhe suhfeLinal exudale К and Ll.
or improve vision in more than 7-9% of patients.
ll- г и т O.i^ss cl J it * '■ J3LihliahL4J w i!h р и г т 1ыыг>п :ш г п Г1тс A m L 'r i o . i n
Since the Introduction of intravitreal ranibizumab.. Jo u rn al o f Uphflti^jlntulugy; Dopyrij^il h y Ih e O p h l l ’u im ic: Puhilhhin^ Cju.l
a E-'c component of ^nti-VEGF antibody, visual recovery
and stabilization haw been seen in up lo 33% of paLients
wilh neovascular AMD at the end of 2 years. M ARINA and modifications of the surgical technique, will ijnprove Lhe
ANCHO R trials established the success of this treatment visual results.'1'''"1,-■A' ' SutgLcaE relocation of the macular ret­
in both classic and occuEl Since then beva- ina has been suggested as another possible method of restor­
cizumab, which is the complete antibody to VHCIi has ing central vision in patients with AMD.'|,M
shown equal success Lit Improving and maintaining vision 'L'he tiigh susceptibility of lhe retina to oxidalLve sLress
tn neovascular AMD patiiqflis.t:W' Wi Lise of ranbizumab and tweause of the cLose proximity of hLgti concentrations of
bevacuumab has become the standard of care for neovas­ polyunsaturated fatty acids in the pholoreceplor outer-seg-
cular AMD at the present time. Some people use a combi­ ment membrane. where exposure to short-wavelength light
nation of anli-VfcCF injections with pbolodynamic therapy may generate free radicals has suggested the possible value
to reduce the frequency of Lntravitrea! injections. lbe injec­ of aLitioxidants in retarding the development of AM D .: ' jSD
tions are being done at various intervals based on experi­ 'Ihere is evidence lhat increased serum levels of alpba-
ence and resulLs of several studies. Generally at Least four locopheroL and an anliojudanl index, including ascorbic
monthly injections are given initially, and further injection acid, alpha-tocopherot, and bela-carotene, are protective for
intervals are based on individual physician preferences. AMD, ihere is. however, no evidence lo show that daily sup­
'ihere is little evidence to support laser treatment to plementation of vitamins or niinerals is of any value in pre­
reduce or eradicate drusen, and there are no clinical trials venting or ameliorating A M D r ^ 60^ 4 I he Age-Related Eye
regard ing the effectiveness of such treat ment Disease Study found retardation of progression of nonexu­
dative AMD in approximately 29 % of patients treated with
Surgical Treatment for C om plications o f AM D antioxidanl viatamiiiSv zinc, and copper. Several pilot studies
I’ar; plana vitrectomy has proved useful in removal of vit­ have suggested lhat low-dose externa I-beam irradiation LreaL-
reous blood that fails to reabsorb spontaneously (figure ment may be of value in the treatment of subfoveal neovas-
З.ЗОН-Ц:4*4 it also appears to haw some usefulness tn the cularizaLion.'11,'"|,с' Kecognilio]i of the easiest syjnptoms of
evacuation of large subretinal hematomas in the macular macular detachment by the paLienl aatd pntimpt exam illa­
area* particularly when used in association with tissue plas­ tion (within several days after onsetJ by the ophthalmolo­
minogen activator.IC"' Surgical excision of CNVMs, which gist are the t>est means of preventing loss of vision in this
Lie in [he sub-RPK space in patients with AMD, appears lo disease. ]Clients should tre instructed in regard to the use of
offer no advantages over laser photocoagulation in regard lo the Amsler grid and near-vision chart and Lhe importance of
restoration or preservation of visual fimction,2H1,,2ei^w,-J7fi prompl e x a m in a tio n .1Sfl 'l'he role of trauma, intraocular
lioth result in permanent lass of retinal function in the surgery, and anticoagulants in precipitating exudation and
area of the neovascular membrane. (See discussion of sur­ hemorrhage in these patients is uncertain:4®9,
gical excision of lypes L and 11 choroidal neovascularization Mosl patients who have lost central vision in both eyes
in Chapter 2.] Jhere is hope that transplantation of ЙРВ will benefit from the use of any one or several of the wide
after surgical excision of subfuveal membranes, or other variety о t' low visual aids available.''" ' :|
BA SA L L A M IN A R D R U S E N A N D 3.J4 Basal laminar drusen.

M A C U L A R D E G E N E R A T IO N Д -C: Vi tel Ii form m acular deLachmenL in this 54-year-old

wom an with a 2-yenг histoTy Ы clifffc:ulLv w ilh adaplion lo
'Jlitre ii accumulating evidence to support lhe concept of changing li^hLin^ conditions. Hi*f visual acuity was 20/JO
nodular thickening of the basement membrane al" the R]>H bilaterally. Both eyes had similar vitelliform m acular lesions
and angiographic evidence of bntal lam inar drusen.
as lhe cause for a distinctly different pattern of uniformly
D: Diaj^am shewing structure Ы: 1r tvpicai or exudative drusen
small round drusen that may appear in early adulthood
wilh detachment of lhe retinal pi^pnenl epitheljum iHPEii and
and Lhat occur With equal frequency in blacks, Ljitins.. and nurmaJ-lfiicknesE- basemen: m em brane'bm I from inner collag­
whiter {Figures 3.33, 3.34A-t, and 3,3 SA - ]^ - 3-437 Ihese enous part ol Bruch's membrane IBM ) by extracellular material:
peculiar basal laminar or cuticular drusen predispose 2, Ejasal laminar drusen composed or modular thtefcening of the
patients, particularly white persons, to the develop menl bascmenl membrane of the Kl'b: 3, ccHitbmed basal laminar
Ln the siitth decade and beyond of typical or exudative, and lypil:.iI or "x.i:i.4iv;-d:4.-;-^ i ' . (boricк .ip ari*;.
E: Electron micrograph of com bined basal laminar and exu­
larger and variably sized drusen and occasional loss of
dative drusen. lh e I w o adjaconL а пеан of nodular thickening
central vision lhal is often caused by an unusual vitelli-
ot th(' К ГЕ basement membrane (bm, sm all arrows) and i t
form exudative macular detachment (Kigures З.ЭЗ, 3.3 4A, normal-thick ness basement membrane i.lar^e arm w tl are
and 3.3Si ).'1"'’ frasal laminar dmsen are usually 25-751im detached from Ihe co33a^enous and elastic part of Bru ch s
Щ size and are discretely round, slightly raised, yellow, membrane by amorphous material 4am^.
subretinal nodules thal initially may be randomly scat­
Cultcular and calcified drusen in patients with lype II
tered ill the macular area of young adults, but later often membranoproltfefalive glomerulonephritis (MPGh
become more numerous and in some patients are grouped
F-l: A 50-year-old man, who had a history ol" renal trans­
in clusters of 15-20 drusen. These clusters, in turn, may be plant al ауеь 16 and 35 years because of typo II MI-’C,
closely arranged in a lightly knit pattern giving the entire complained of Eilurred vision ol 2 m onths dura Iion. Visual
macular and paramacular area an orange-peel appearance acuily in riLilil eye3 was 20л200г left eye 2(5/20. NoLe variabil­
biomicroscopically. 'ibis patter]! is coarser and is com­ ity of the size o f the drusen, some of w hich appear calcified.
posed of more discrete flecks than thal seen in pseudox­ AngiogTaplTV revealed cuLiculai drusen fiH and 31.
1 and К: А I ^-year-old nnan with childtiood-onsol diabetes
anthoma elasticum [PXEi]. Hasal laminar drusen are more
and nephrotic -syndrome associated with type II M P G . Visual
easily seen in young patients with bninelte fundi, '['hey are
acuity in Ihe right eye was 20/20 and of the left eye was
more easily visualized angiographically than biomicro- 20/25. NoLe cluslers ot" liny basai laminar drusen (arrows/
scopically. I hey fluoresce discretely during the early arte­ and mild background diabetic retinopathy.
riovenous phase and in many patients give the fundus a L: Histology of an eye with basal laminar deposits shows the
4tars-in-lhe-sky" or "mi Iky-wayu picture (Figure 3.33 b, local ion at lhe base of the Kt’t iarraw).
D, E, and С;).: '^ " : '1Ье fluorescence in basal laminar dru­ (О jr id E Г п з г п Lj.hSb- c l ,i- '." ' ' I'u U jih h f . '[ l W i t h р и гм и-^ю п Ггсчи l l i u

sen fades from view earlier and shows less in tense stain­ A m e j i t a f i Il 11j -гi i : 11 4. i Г i! j |□h ! 11.11j t i с :■I u ^ V : l r i^ lil I vy l h u (. J |.ih Ih in il
lJu M ; - h i n ^ q f t j ) L c iH jrlL i y ii f k j l | j h i k . i l 1. i . ■
ing than in the case of exudative drusen (Kigure 3.33D-E').
On autofluoiescence imaging, these punctate drusen show
a hypoautofluorescent center surrounded by a ring of (be retina in one or both eyes [Figures 3.33C and J, 3.34A.
increased auto fluorescence [Figure 3.3 5A-]). and 3.35F]j When discretely outlined and densely yellow,
Patients, particularly while persons beyond age 50 years, diese detachmenLs may simulate the lesions seen in best's
wilh basal laminar drusen may begin to develop super­ vitelliform dystrophy and some patients with adult vilel-
imposed, variably sized exudative drusen usually in the liform foveomacular or paltern dyslrophy (E'igurcs 3.33]
central macular region. They may experience visual loss and 3.34AJ. They may be mistaken for serous detach­
usually caused by yellow serous exudative detachment of ments of the KPL. In the early phases of angiography this
yelEowish subreLinal fluid obstructs the background cho­ 3. Cuticular drusen and aulofluorescence.
roidal fluorescence. Later, multiple progressively enlarging
A—E: WuN-domarc-iHod edges of Ihe cyticular dTusen ъичлп in
siles of movement of dye through lhe RPH into the sub- Lhe fovea and nasal I d чЕ>е disc in 1hiь 4ti-year-old Wui'rtan
relina] fluid occur (E'igures 3.331-.-К and 3.34J! anil C). w ilh a vision of 20/20 in each eye. The com pact druien
]his pattern may be Jin istaken ly interpreted as choroidal appeal as rings Vi-ilh я dark сел I lit and а EWperautofluores-
neovascuLarList Lon. cenl o u I lt ring in Ejolh eyes ‘ Li and Cl. HigEi-poweT v ie w
The older patients who develop yellowish delachment shows Lhe lings more yiytdly (D and Ё).

of the macula often maintain acuity of 20/30-20/30 for F—J: This 45-year-old man had extensive cuticular drusen
in bolh eyes and a vilellifurm deladnmenl in the fovea. He
many monLhs with no change in the appearance of lhe
had Ereen trealed w i)b pholodynamit: therapy in Ihis eye fur
subrelinal fluid. In some patienlsr the subretlnal fluid dls- a diagnosis erf choroidal neovascularizaJion. He was placed
appeaif spontaneously and good acuily is restored (ligure under observatiail and 4he vision dropped Lo 20/400 from
3.331). '['he drusen in the area of Lhe detachment often the initial 2CV1 00 over -4 years; m eanwhile [he yellow mate­
disappear or become less prominent after reattach menl of rial was teahstifbed leaving й central geographic atrophy tC-V
the retida. In a significant number of patients geographic АкПпЙииГЙСепЁе imaging shows innumerable KypdSLrt-u-
atrophy of the К I1К and poor Visual acuity develop after lluorescenl dols surrounded by ЕтуреглиюГСиогонслт! rin^s.
aipept in lhe region of Lhe geographic atfdplty ;Hj. V itd<]n in
resolution of the detachment (I'igure 3.35h-H). Choroidal
the lell eye decreased lo 20^100 with patcEiy loss of relinal
neovascularization and serous and hemorrhagic disci­ pigment epiLhelium in lEie fovea and a sim ilar appearance of
form delachmenl may develop in some patients, 'this lat­ lhe drusen on lhe color photos a.nd aulofluorescenL images.
ter complicatioLi may occasionally occur in middle-aged К jmd L: This й4-уеаг-«Ы Wom an has e\udaLive druuen some
patients who have not developed superimposed exuda- Lit w hjcb are very large \Kl. 1bn- auKjfluonescenLe images
Live drusen. lhe electro-oculogram and eleclroretinogram appear simrLar to the culicular drusen, suggesting the ''ring
are normal. Most of the patients' siblings and offspring appearance" is likely tipi a led to lhe compaclness of Lhe dru­
sen and il-s distinct edge raLher lhan being typical o f cuLicu-
examined to date have shown no signs of the disease. 3L
Lar drusen alone (Ll. NoLe that the large drusen also have Lhe
has, however, occurred in other family members in a few
ling appearance (arrow).
cases.'4, Et probably will prow to be an inherited dystro­
phy primarily causing progressive thickening and nodu­
larity of lhe RVt basement mem brand similar to changes elastic zone. They proposed that all drusen represented
occurring in the comeal endothelial basement membrane focal thickening of the culicular or Inner part of liruch's
in t-'uchs' dystrophy (E'igure 3.34EU). Ihese nodules prob­ membrane secreted by tEie К L3b£ rather lhan Lhe outer elas­
ably begin to develop early in life. tic zone. Et was not unlit the advent of electron micros­
In addition lo the frequency of development of yellow­ copy lhal it was realized that typical or exudative drusen
ish subrelinal exudaLe., other differences between these were deposits of extracellular material lying between the
patients wilh basal laminar drusen and those with AMD relatively normal basement membrane (basal lamina) of
include lhe following: (1) visuaE symptoms occur less fre­ lhe RPE and the inner collagenous pan of Kruch's mem­
quently and they are delected on average 5—10 years ear­ brane, ]МД27'213<,Э^НИ It is likely that some of lhe uni­
lier; (2) the rale of visual loss after onsel of symptoms is formly small punctate yellow nodules lhal are seen in
slower; (3) spontaneous improvement in acuity is more small numbers in the macular area of many patients of
likely lo occur; (4) the incidence of development of geo­ all ages are basal laminar drusen and that some of these
graphic atrophy is higher; (5) the incidence of choroidal patients go on lo develop exudative drusen and visual Eoss
neovascularization and large exudative detachments ofthe later in life ( E'igure З.З.1)К and l.J. ll is nol possible biomi-
RPH probably is lower; and (6) the prognosis for retention croscopically lo differentiate one or several basal lamitia
of useful central vision Es better. drusen from smaEl lypicaE hard drusen or from focat Eipidi-
Clinicopalhologic study of basal laminar drusen by za Lion of K Pt cells.
Eight and electron microscopy has revealed thal basal Recent genetic studies in patients wilh basal laminar
Eaminar drusen are caused by nodularity of a diffusely drusen have found heterozygous 'iyr4Q2His AM D risk vari­
thickened ЙРЕ basement membrane (I'igure 3.34EJ.'1 " ant of C Ftt gene in five families of 30 probands.'01 'Ihe
J hough this is disli nelly different in appearance on light association of the same varianl in membranoprotiferalive
microscopy from lypicaE or exudative drusen that are focal glomerulonephritis lype 2, which also has drusen as a fea-
detachments of the RPL and its relatively normal thick­ Eure (Figure 3.34 E-' to К), suggests that the СI'H variant may
ness basemcLit membrane by amorphous and granular confer a common risk for drusen formation, and lhal other
material, cytoplasmic processes, and bent fibers-1 ■--*-1 genelic or environmental risk factors determine the occur­
immunohistochemlstry by Russell and coworkers has rence of exudative drusen, versus drusen of men]branopro-
shown thal the constituents of culicular drusen resemble llferative glomerulonephritis type 2 or cuticular drusen.^
[hose of exudative drusen.210 It is of historical interest lhat Dominantly inherited disorders associated ivilh culicu-
as early as 1836 Muller1147 and later Coats1"14 acid other !ar drusen North Carolina Macular dystrophy and Mai atria
Eight micmscopisis recognised thal liruch's membrane levantlnese and Sorsby's fundus dystrophy are discussed in
was composed of an inner cuticular zone and an outer chapter 3.
ID IO P A T H IC C H O R O ID A L 3.3b IdtopaIh ic subreliна I neovascu!arizalio r.

N E O V A S C U LARI ZATI O N A-С: This healLhy 45-vear-old wom an developed blurred

vision in her ":цЫ eye caused by л 5yp«? II subreLLnal cho­
Patitbits may develop loss of central vision secondary lo roidal rtbovascular membrane of unknown cause (Af.
serous and hemorrhagic detachment of the macula caused 1here w ere no peripheral scare and lhe left eys was- nor­
mal. Anolljgrapliy revealed a J.ii-disc diameter membrane
hy choroidal neovascularizatLon arising in the macula
ia nows. A and ti' thaL pixnjfebEy extended into the cenler ol
(E'igure 3.36A-CJ, al the margins of the optic disc [E'lgures the fovea. The patient was scheduled for surgical E lu s io n
3 36D-E 3.37, anti 3.33), and less frequently in the para­ ut the membrane I jliI decided Lo postpone I be- Operation.
macular { figure 3.36C-KJ or peripheral fundus [Figures W h en she returned 6 months laLer, lh e viy:on- had returned
3.37 and 3.38) without any other evidence of intraocular Lo 20/30, the subretinal blood and exudate had disappeared,
disease.503"*1- anti neova scula г membrane bad con I racled lo a smiill area
oulside the capillary-lree Zone (a rm w ^ Й .
D-F: B,i aleral idiopathic juxtapapillary subrelinal neovascu­
Macular Type larization Narrows) in a frfr-year-old white woman. In her I ell
When Lhe choroidal neovascularization develops in the eye there was evidence ol" a small |.ixlapapillary neovascular
membrane and minim al evidence nf (JiaCLtlar degeneration.
macular region of a child or a young or middle-aged adult,
The exudative delachmenl resolved sp&fflaneousJy. ie v e n
El often occurs in association with a pigment ring or gray years laler she had developed a tew drusen in the macula
mound similar to thal described in PO HS (type II subreti­ bilaterally, and visual acuity was 2 0 3 0 I.EJ. Twelve years aller
nal neovascularization) [E'igure З.ЗСА-С]. Class noted no her initial exam i nation she developed a lar^e recurrenl nuw-
sex predilection Гог idiopathic membranes in the macu­ vessel membrane larrowt, K.l
lar region Although Lhe cause of these neovascular mem­ G —Ki A large elevated subretinal pifjmenL epilhelium-neo-
branes is unknown, il is probable thal many of those vascular complex (arrows, G and S-lj ot unknown cau^e
centered in lhe exlramac Ltlar area temporally was associ­
located in lhe macula In younger individuals seen in lhe
ated w ilh exudative relinal delachm enl and los*. of cenlral
eastern half of the USA represent a forme fruste of POI IS,
vision in this 76-year-old wom an. A lar^je scar bad been
whereas those occurring in patienls 30 years of age or seen :n lhat area ti yea re pT<=viouslv- Her left eve was normal.
older are more Likely to represent a forme fruste of senile A n g io ^ ap h y showed evidence ot widespread ill-defined
macu Iar degene ra Lion.1,11 subretinal neovascularination |l). Ailer intense pholocoajjula-
UltraslrucLurat features of three excised submaculaг tion treatment (II the exudative detachment resolved and 4
idiopathic neovascular membranes were similar Lo lhat years later her visual acuity was 2iV40 ;K .
in patients with PO KS .^11 Spilznasand Boker studied 151
eyes wilh idiopathic choroidal neovascularizalion,- exclud­
ing all eyes With grealer lhan 6 D of myopia. They found
Lhat the probability of develop]tig neovascularization was
proportional Lo the degree of myopia." 1
Juxtapapillary Type 3.16 Continued

Although idiopathic juxtap^ip LlLary- choroidal neovascu- L—Q : La где notched i-еггшь d e licti ment of lh e retinal pig­
ment epithelium iK ft.i caused liy an oci:ull j и s lapap i 11ary
Earization may occur at я]! age-ь., El is seen most frequently
sub-KPE new-vessel membrane larrowa, L| in л 50-year-old
Ln women in the sixth and seventh decides of life (figure
wom an wilh- skin changes compatible w ilh pseudoxanthoma
З^йН-Е1').1'''- In Caucasians it usually occurs as a sin­ elaslicum. ih e had angioid breaks Jn the ri^hl eye. Visual
gle partly oig^niied juxlapapillary neovascular network rituily vi-ан 2 OL-'.'AO. K a le ftnely mall led арреатапсе of lhe ele­
extending outward from lhe oplic disc toward lhe macu- vated RPE and Ihe i;harp outline of 'he margin of the detach­
Ear area. It is- often surrounded on Lis temporaE aspect by ment of the RPE {L ]. There is minimal sertAis elevation of
serous or yellowish subretinal exudate with or without lhe retina surrounding the base o f Lhe К Г Е delac hment. N o
definite anpioid streak is visible. Several minutes following
subretinal blood. In lbe opposite eye there is frequently
fJuorest:ein injection ihete was faint fitiifirtry of the sub-KPt
biomicroscopic as well as angiographic evidence of small
enudale. O ne-hour an^io^Tam showed diffuse staining of lhe
choroidaE neovascular tufls at lhe margin of lhe optic disc, sub-HRE exudate (N). This slow development o f staining indi­
ihe visual prognosis for these latter patients is relatively cated lhe m obable presence of hi^h prolein concentration
good, since the process often spontaneously subsides. and hJood pigment in the s Lib-К PE sprite. Note absence of
Nevertheless, they should be watched carefully and Lf they slainiпц, in lhe area o f lbe noluh iarro w Mj. Six weeks later
show progression of the neovascular membrane beyond the patient developed circinate deposits along Lbe margins
of lhe RRE detach men I i{>:. This Was deft n i L<* evidence of
the halfway point to the center of the fovea, they should
Lhe presence of choroidaf neovascularization somewhere
he considered for laser therapy. Sub-RPI; neovasculariza­
benealh the RPE detachment. Ei^hl days following Lhe р1ю-
tion in the absence of hemorrhage or exudation is found loyraph in D lhe palienl develOtled evidence of bieedin^ m1o
frequently in the pathology laboratory as an incidental Lhe area of RPl: delachm enl IP. Note lbe il uid ievel of bfo<jd
finding in the juxlapapillary and peripheral areas tempo­ larrowsl. M anv monlhs later ihere w ere prominent neotascu­
rarily tn lhe eyes of elderly patients [Figures 3.1 SD and ta r Lrunka (arrow, Q ) and lhe RPE deflnicbment had cul lapsed.
З.Дб).-351'-^ l'he new vessel^ which might be considered as
part of the normal aging process,, are probably the source
of many symptomatic juxlapaptllary and peripheral idio­ Eccentric Type
pathic neovascular membranes.
The general guidelines for laser pholocoagulalion of Solitary subretinal hematomas and disciform masses may
extrafovea I and fuxtafoveal choroidal neovascularization develop anywhere in the exlramacular region, in one eye of
associated with A M P and POI IS are used in patients with patients whose eyes are olhenvise normal (I'igure 3.36G-
idiopathic choroidal neovascularization More recently К ).,||:и'' Many of these probably arise in old postinHam-
anti V EG f antibodies are being increasingly used to treat uiatory' or traumatic scars lhat are hidden by Lbe disciform
all types of choroidal neovascularization.'1'! detachment.
P E R IP H E R A L ID IO P A T H IC SU B-R PE 3..-J7 Idiopathic peripheral choroidal
neovascularization causing large lears in the relinal
N E O V A S C U LA Rf ZATI O N pigment epithelium and loss ol" central vision.,

Multifocal areas of bleeding benealh the pigment epi- A—D: Large serous relinal pigment epilEielium iK PEl deLacb-
Lhelium and relina may осей г anterior to lhe equalor monl and К HE. luar in lhe 1етротл1 m acular л пел ol lhe left
eye ol a o7-year-old wom an with subrelinnl and sub-KPt
im w liy in lhe temporal half of the fundus tn elderly pat-
ipntSiJH-Sjii2j*i^ials?(-5|a lhe&e patients may or may nal hemorrhages in LE^e temporal perlp fery of bo-lh eyes. Note
equatorial hemorrhages in A lh al extended posterior!^ to
have evidence of AMD [Й^цгез 3.2S and 3.37J. These lhe temporal edge of the т а с Ы л of the light eye. In Ihe lefl
hemorrhages probacy occur secondary lo blEeding from eye aldng Ihe temporal odge of lhe m acula I hone was л ser­
neovasculartiatloti, which has heen demonstrated in the pentine RJ'L 1елг iaTrows. Ill at :bu posleiiof edge o f л largp
sub-KPL region in lhe area of the inner collagenous por­ peripheral sen sanguineous RI-’E detachment. Angiography
tion of iimch's membrane in approximately 4 JW of eyes revealed striking hyperfluonescence in Ibe area of the tear
(C and Dl. E^our years CTeviously she had а renal 'ransplanl
al autopsy near lhe ora serrala., particularly in the tempo­
because of renal failure related to Eight-chain disease.
ral sectors.' " " These vessels emanate from the adjacent
E—f: A 7?-year-old man developed sudden loss, о i vision in
pars pEana region.-^11 Subrelinal scarring caused by these the lefl eye. It was caused bv rapid decompression ol a lar^e
peripheral hemorrhages is oflen discovered on routine peripherally Iпса led serosanguineous delachmenl Ы lhe K P t
eye examination. Luge sub-RPH hematomas or hbrovas- through a large R PE rip in Lhe nasal edge of Ihe R PE detach­
culiir masses may be mistaken for melanomas [E'igures ment into I bo su Eire! inn I space in lhe т л е й I л IE and Fi. His
3.26 and 3.37J. rxlen ston of lhe suh reti nal blood into lhe visual acuity was 20/300. Ko1e the early hyperfluorescence
vitreous may cause die palienl lo seek an eye examina­ in Ihe лгеп of" lhrL large RE"E tear (arrcSfc F:- лп-d the movurnenl
ot dye through the hole 'arrow, <Li) into Ibe siibrelinal fluid in
tion. Occasionally loss of central vision occurs because of
Lhe macula. The HuE>retinal fFuid in the macula had resolved
gradual migration of subrelinal exudation posteriorly inlo 2 '/j Weeks later IIH and 11 but the lar^ge peripheral serosa n-
the macular region. Abrupl loss of vision may result from gufneous detachment uf the R PE ren am ed (arrows, Jl. Note
large serosanguineous RPK detachments exlending from absence ol evid en ce ol гласиlaf degeneration and rolled
the posterior edge of the peripheral neovascular complex peripheral edge of К PE (ear (If. The source o f the bleeding
into lhe macuSar area where a rip in die RPE may occur and the serous exudalion was probably a choroidal neovas-
(E:igure 3 37] Asymptomatic palients wilh no cular membrane in the vicinily of the equator tem poralIv.

visual impairment can be followed with lhe expectation К and L: Idiopalhic peripheral choroidal nooyascul^rlialitin
associated w ilh exudalite relinal delachm enl exI ending into
Lbat most w ill eventually show resolution of lhe bleeding
the m acula IK: was successfully Irealed w ilh pholocoagula-
spontaneously. Transsclera! ciyореху, laser pholocoagu- liun [L),
Ealion. and anli-VI-ХЛ therapy are effective in controlling
lA - U L D U i l M - y 4 JI ] J r . b J a n e y k i r k ; t - l f r u m С 1 п ч :п .l i k J V j n i i r . . ' i
the hemorrhage and exudalion if the condition progresses
(E'igure 3.37К and L).
A N G IO ID ST R EA K S A N D J.38 Angioid streaks and pseudoxanthoma e East it urn.

A S S O C IA T E D D IS E A S E S A -С: Ib is 25-year-old man's visual atuiLv was normaE. Note

Ihe clum p of pijym 'nl and rnulLiple w hile £uhjelin<il tfys-
Angioid streaks are irregular. rad tali ng, Fagged.- taper­ 1лI line bodies {inferior Lo Ihe optic dine :Л and ]J, arrows:.
ing lines thal extend from the peri papi Itaiy ares into the AngiogiapEiy showed irregular hypeifluorescence alone, Lhe
tourac Dl 1lie angioid slroritu ltl.i.
peripheral fundus.'1" u4 ]Ъе term "angjoid' Was chosen
D and E: Large pigmented angiold slraaks. N o he peau
because of the ophthalmoscopic similarity of these streaks
d'orange lem|>oral lo the left m acula (Ё).
to blood vesseEs. rl"hey are caused by linear cracklike dehis­ f : Angioid itnealti Hop arnjwl, multiple calcified drusenlike
cences in the collagenous and elastic portion of Bruchs i t n k l u i e '.Exjltom arrow j, and peau d'orange ( hanpo.
membrane (Figures $ф З-1^3),5г*гИЙ Near the optic disc., G and H: H-eticular m acular dystrophy, angioid streaks;, and
they are often interconnected by circumferential breaks cryslailine bodies 'iarroVh .
in Bruch's membrane. Larly in the disease the streaks are !: Anjjioid streaks and orusefl o f o p tic dfsc.
sharply outlined in color, varying from reddish orange to j and K: Psfeiudosanlhoma е1 ?вЦ си т ir> anlccubilal fossa

dark red or brown, depending on the pigmentary charac­ and neck.

teristics of the underlying choroid that becomes visible
through the thinned R P t overlying the linear defects in
Bruch's membrane, l ibrovascu!ar proliferation from die neovascularization that have grown through the angioid
choroid may grow through the breaks in Bruch's mem­ streak* into the sub-RPE or subretinal space in or near
brane and elevate the surrounding RPJi [Figure 3.4UCJ-E). the papi Elо т acu Ear bundle region [E-'lgures 3.39A and С
Jhls causes blurring and In some cases totally obscures the and 3.41 A-С]. Occasionally patients will develop Eaige
streak margins. The protiferative changes are often promi­ areas of serous detachment of the EiPfc adjacenL to these
nent along streaks extending into the macular region, and neovascular membranes [t'lgure 3.42A).1' Because of the
they may be associated with slowly progressive m acuta г brittleness of Bruch's membrane in patients with angioid
changes and loss of centra! vision. Abrupt loss of vision., streaks, they may develop loss of centra! vision Secondary
however, is more frequently caused by serous and hem­ to choroidal ruplure and submacular hemorrhage follow­
orrhagic detachment surrounding areas of choroidal ing nisignificant trauma (figure 3.39L and
Angioid streaks may show irregular hyperfluores­ 3.39 Angioid streaks and pseudoxanthoma elastic urn.
cence during lhe early phases of angiography and varying
A .111[< li: Choroidal neova scutari Italian 'iarrayi, Л. extend­
degrees of staining during the later phases (E'igures 3.33C, ing from [he edge of android s[r-eak and causing submacular
3.39J:; 3.421 L and 3.43L*).SU,I,J:' '" ' hi some patients With hemorrhage in a patient wiLh pseud^JLimtEidrna feUsHtLlm.
heavily pigmenled choroids, ЬсЯ¥еуе£ well-defined angi­ An^io^irini showed new-vessel network yarrows, E3:.
oid streaks may be barely visible angiographically (figure С ^nd D : РлтИПййС angioid streaks in a i З-уедr-old man
3.39D). In other patients, angiography may be helpful w ilh pseudoxanthoma elasLicum a rd loss of central vision
in delecting RiJh alterations along small angioid streaks secondary Lo serous detach men L o f I ho imncula lafmivs, O .
A ngioginm showed evid en ce of a choroidal neovascular
before they are visible ophthalmoscopically. Angiography
топлЕмапе (arrows, l>i original ing a1 lhe siLe of inn angioid
is also о Г value in delecting choroidal neovascularization
slroak. N olo in Ihis paiiunl lhal I he angiogram showed m ini­
(E'igures 3.39E3, I>* and I, and 3.4] ]. In some cases of occult mal alterations of Iho angiographic paLLern along Lho course
choroidal neovascularization, however, angiography may □! lhe streaks.
(ail to show evidence of new vessels (Figure 3.42A-1-). f and F: Subjtrtlfral iiemorrtiage afler a minor b lo w Lo lhe lefl
I listopathologically, angioid streaks are discrete linear eve of й 23-year-old wom an with muEliple anjjioid streaks
breaks in Bruch's membraner which often shows extensive and pseudosanlhoma ola-sLitum. Nole vertical choroidal
rupture on lho nasal fidjge of [he fovea and partly reabsorbed
calcific degeneration (Figure ■3i43G).saa',S2S,,5J5‘5afi Thifi may
suliretinal blood ILI. fluorescein angiography sЕюwed irreg­
be associated with changes in the choriocapillaris similar
ular rluoresdfcio^ alonj* [he course of the imgioid Streaks
to those seen in patients with macular drusen. Fibrous tis­ and pTominent fluorescence in the -region of lhe choroidal
sue aloner capillary proliferation, or bolh may grow from rupture (h. l'h-c brilllenes-ь of КпесЬ'н memEirane caused by
the choroid around lhe edge of the dehiscence in Bruch's pseudosanlhoma elasticum was prebafsJy responsible for
membrane inlo Lhe sub-RETE: space. It is these capillaries lhe development of a choroidal ruplure following n.(lativel\
that are the source of serous and hemorrhagic detachmectt minor [тпшпл. Thin pa lien I subsequently recovered norm j I
visual acuiLy.
in these patients.
G -L : SuEjreLrnaf neovascu larizal ion farrows, С a rd I) in Lho
Clarkson and Allman ,^10 in a diagnostic workup of
riul+i I eyo of Ihis m iddle-aged w o m ;ir wilEi pseudoxanthoma
50 patients with angioid streaks, were able to establish a elasticum, angioid slreaks, and pattern dystropEiy (C and HE.
related systemic diagnosis in 25 patients (50%J. In 17 of Laser photocc1aglljalion uealmenL i Kj was successful in eradi­
these palienLs the diagnosis was PXL, 5 had Paget's dis­ cating lbe noovasculariz.iLion :L'l.
ease, and 3 had sickle-cell hemoglobinopathy. Ihere Ls
evidence that angioid streaks may be pathogenetically
related lo Lhlers-Danlos syndrome.511,1 lhe evidence is less
convincing for tnany other diseases lhal have' occasionally
occurred in palienLs with angioid streaks.'''"
.ingifjiri ifn.nJr^ mni Asso&jjted Dfprtirftfs 145
1.40 P s e u d o x a n th o m a e la s tic u m a n c l p a tte rn
(G R O N В LA D -ST R A N D B E R G )
A and В: Appearance of purrclale brown mgjnttijt spoLs »f
t’XE is a systemic disease named for its cutaneous coun- fundus pulvurulunLuK Lyptf ut" pfijLem dystrophy in lhe т-асиЗа
LerparL, which is charactered by the development of □f lhiH rmile wiLh angioid streaks and p^trudnsanlhoma ela-s-
Licum iL5'.
confluent yellowish papules thal give the skin л "plucked
C: l^ilienL with pseuduxrinLhumn eliistacunn And angjiuid
chicken" appearance on the flexural surfaces in the neck,.
streaks shows butterfly Lype in the m acula and fundus fla-
antecubilaE fossa, and periumbilical ja*'?,513-'3il* vima-LU talus Lype of pntlern tfvslrophy near lhe a.rcadHS
I Lis-tjologically, these changes are canned by degeneration ia rmws I.
and calcificaLion of lhe elastic tissue of the dermis. rLhese
tr a n s itio n fro m o n e ly p e o f p a tte rn d y s tr o p h y lo
changes may be associated wilh premature calcification of
an o th er.
Lhe large arteries of the extremities and with gastrointesti­
1) jind E: Initial f'Unrfus pukerulenlus Lype of pattern dysLro-
nal bleeding. I'XY. is a hereditary disease whose causal gene phy with granular brown du[s (D ) progress'd to develop yel-
is the adenosine triphosphate-binding cassette, subfamily l(iw viLellifuim type of dystrophy 5 years later ‘ L.i.
С {CJTR/MR_PJr member 6 [ABCC 6J gene, Which encodes F and G : Extensive distribution ol" Lhe pattern dystrophy even
mu Ilid rug resistance-associated pro Lein-6 (M R PS).^ ' En [jLiIside the гп-асиЗа.
addition to streaks, other associated fundoscopic findings H - L: This -tS-yeaf-uld matei h-ad o plic nerve drusen, anyioid
in diese patients include the following: slieafcs.. buHerfly pattern dystropEiy and progressive spnnla-
neuus relinai IHgjrienL epil helium atrophy in bolh eyes. The
* Peau drorange pigmentary change. Widespread areas fleck!- of pattern dystrophy Khtiw Eirilliant autoA uorescente :l
о Г mottling of the fundus caused by multiple, indis­ and It).
tinct, confluent, yellowish lesions at the level of ihe RPli
that have been likened to that of an orange skin (peau
drorange).‘'^ '‘ULl Ihese may become prominent in the lhe histopalhologic changes responsible for the peau
fundi in childhood before the develop menl of angi- d'orange appearance are unknown. These lesions cause
oid streaks [E'igure 3.3SE: and F ),5'■ ul Ihey are usually minimal alterations on iluorescein angiography but ibay
most apparent in [he mid peripheral fundus, particu­ be associated with a diffuse speckled pattern of indo-
larly on fhe temporal side in older patients with ETXK. cyanlne green byperHuorescence, a finding that suggests
'['hey are seen less often in patients wilh angioid streaks Lhal lhe orange peel appearance may be caused by an
associated wilh L]agetrs disease and sickle-cell disease.5,1? altera Lioil al the level of Bruch's membrane,"111
* I’atbem dystrophy of the macula. Approximately 3,4i Pseudoxanthoma elasticum: progression and
of patients iviLh [’XL ладу develop ,1 pattern dystrophy of choroidal neovascularization.
macula bilatemlLy.' 1 It is most frequency manifest as ,i
A —G : Til is ^-year-old male wiLh pseudoxanthoma elasLi-
reticular network or a combination of reticular network cum hfld previously underieifiC l<LH?r phlfflittccmu lalitfh lo
and multiple punctate pigment spots (fundus pulveml- two exlrafoteal sites o f choroidal nyovaHcuJari/alion nlon^
entus) [figures 3.3SC;, i3 9 G and ] [, and 3.40A -D ]> ^4,1 ihe angioid streaks !arrCrtv4ieads)h H e developed recurrence
(See pattern dystrophies, Chapter 5.) Olher typers of pat­ □I the membrane (A - t ) ihal required three sessions of pho-
tern dystrophy have also been noted, including vitel- tadynam ic iherapy. 1л the meantime spon I алеешь Lhinnin^
and atrophy of the retinal pign>erl ejjphelftJm (fip tj i v « s
liform [E'igure 3.40E), butterfly (Figure 3.40H-K], and
noled farrows! away from Ihe she ol" the neovascular mem­
fundus flavimaculatus type [figure 3.40Cr arrows),
branes, (hat gradually increased in s iie (A-С, E and G>.
though less frequently.r' ] N attem dystrophy may appear А'.ПоГкюгвдсапсе jmaf^in^ d e arlv delineates the area o f lit3t
during follow-up (figure 3.40Л and B] or progress from atrophy in Ci.
one type Lo another over time (figure 3.40D and tij.'lh e
pigmentary disturbance js. often more apparent angio-
graphicalty than ophthalmoscopicaily. * Crystalline hodles. Multiple round, small- sub retinal,
* 1'ocal atrophic pigment epithelial lesions. Multiple crystalline bodies typically occur in the jnid peripheral
small, round, yellow or slightly pink, Rl’h atrophic fundus or juxtapapillary area, particularly interiorly,
lesions as welt as discretely punched-out white scars in as manv as 75Vo of patients (Figure З.Звй, P, and
With varying amounts of pigment similar to those seen Th ese are always associated with some atro­
in POI-IS occur commonly in the peripheral fundus of phic changes of the RPF. In some cases a "laiT of UPf
these patients. Ihese have occasionally been referred lo thinning lying posteriorly Lo a crystalline body gives iL
as saimon spots. the appearance of а ^еотеГ (figure 3.3SB and h).
* Hyaline bodies of the optic disc. Hyaline bodies (dru­ 3A2 Angioid slreaks,
sen) of lhe op Liс discs occur in approximately 5% of
A—C: Thrs 42-yea r-oid male com plained o f progressive visual
patients with angioid streaks and pxfi5;,j,i46-5ja [Hgures lass in lioth eyes lor 5 years. He had atypFcal breaks, run­
3.3SI and 3.4UIL, |, and L). H is not as common as ning in Lhe middle of b e macula (a rmws Л and В I, fundus
believed. Acute visual loss caused by an optic neuropa­ pulvemlunlus-Lype pa Пип dyslnophv in bo!h eyes and several
thy may occurin these paLients with hyaline bodies.'"’ '1 пгепи or spontaneous sutjretinal fibrous pnsliteration vuLhoul
* [’regressive atrophy of the ЙПИ Spontaneous atrophy evidence of choroidal neovascularization {arrowheads В and
Cl. The fluorescein angiogram helped in finding Lhe angf-
of Lhe pigment epithelium occurs in the vicinity of the
oid slreaks and Lhe pallcrn dystrophy (nol shown). The skin
angioid streaks without evidence of, or contraction of,
on his neck showtfd Ihe lypical c h a n g e of pseudoKanLhoma
choroidal neovascularization [L-'igure 3.4UA-C, E and F, elasLFiium.
Angioid streaks fn sickle cell disease
A PXii patient with congenital со ntiituni cation D and E: Angioid streaks in a black patient vuiLh skide-cel! С
bem'een a cilioretinal artery and retinal artery has been disease. \o te tortuohilv ol veins.
described.543 The inheritance pattern of l*XH may be ;■: A n jio id sweats m a 4 I -year-old blacJi wom an wiLh sickle-
either autosomal -do m inant or recessive. Ciass has seen l <?3I С disease-.

one patient whose mother and two maternal uncles had

Paget's disease of the bone.1,D

H disease.1-"'1 homozygous beta-thalassemia major, ■ i .-^ii

Siclde-Cell Disease and Other beta-thalassemia intermedia, beta-thalassemia minor,SS]"
Hemoglobinopathies 1,1 congenital dyserythropoietic anemia type I,1"1’ and
hereditary spherocytosis. '4 Sonte patients with sickle thal­
it has been estimated that 1- 2% of patients with the
assemia may have PXE as well as angioid streaks.575
sickle-cell hemoglobinopathies will develop angioid
Deposition of iron-calcium complexes in Bruch's mem­
streaks (Kigures 3.40J-L and 6.59H and
brane caused by excessive blood breakdown was suggested
Streaks in these patients have rarely occurred under the
as a possible cause for Lhe brittleness of the membrane
age of 25 years. Serous and hemorrhagic detachment
and angioid streaks in sickle-cell disease.1' " 1 However,
of Lhe macula occurs infrequently in sickle-cell patients
(his could not be confirmed bislopathologieally in the
wilh streaks and in black patients in general (see figure
eyes of a 63-year-old man With homozygous sickle-cell dis­
3.55}. Streaks have been reported in homozygous sickle­
ease and angioid streaks.:hJ| 'Ihere was extensive calcifica­
cell disease, sickte<etl hemoglobin С disease, sickle-cell
tion of llmch's membrane but no iron deposition.
thalassemia,5’2'575,576 sickle-cell t r a i l , h e m o g l o b i n
PA G ET 'S D IS E A S E A n g io id streaks an d PageL's d ise a se :
c lrn ico p a lh o E o g ic c o rre la tio n .
Paget's disease es A chronic, progressive, and in some eases
A —H : This Ы -year-oEd man w ith FbgeL's disease was seen
hereditary disease characterised by thickening, rarefac­ ЬюЕаияв of rccrenl I dus o f cenLraI vision in his left eye. He
tion,- and deformity of the bones. The disease may be con­ had previously lust Lhe centra! vision m his righl eye fol­
fined lo a few bones or may be generalized. In ihe latter lowing a m acular hemorrhage. Note lhe onlanjed cranium^
case, usually after ihe age of 40 years, ihe patient develops dilated LDrLuauH temporal artery and hearing aid on lhe
enlargement of the skull, deformity of the long bones, i iH,hI side i.A'. Them1 was a lerpmJ detachment of lhe macula
secondary Lo choroidal neovaSdLilarilatioffii in Ihe area bf
kyphoscoliosis, and hearing loss (higure 3.43). ЧЪе axial
an angioid sLneak and C".. NoLe Llie prominent slneak in
skeleton is most affected. I"he condition is often asymp­
E (Harrow!'. The histopathology ol Lhis streak nL Ihe site indi­
tomatic but can be associated with bone painr osteoar­ cated i:-\ Lhe arrow :> ii usLraLed in i .. An^io^r.iphv showed
thritis, pathological fractures, and nerve compression hyperfluorescence alonjj, (he streaks and a large choroidal
syndromes, Mxophthalmos and normal-pressure hydro­ neovascular membrane (C N V M i in (he paprllom atular bun­
cephalus are rare complications secondary lo involvement dle region La nows, Dl. Xenon pE»otucoagu[atian was placed
of the skull. "■ " 1 These patients, particularly those with in the area o f the C N V M (Ё^. The subretinal fluid resolved.
Fifteen weeks Inter it . however, he developed further e v i­
skull involvement, may develop extensive catcificalion of
dence bf choroidal noovastLitarizalion (anows, F). The
Bruch's membrane, an irregular pattern of angioid streaks,
paLienL (rdbsec|Lien[ly died, and his eyes w uie obtained aL
and severe choroidal neovascularization and disciform aulopsy. Histopalhokigy of the angioid slreak depipted in В
scarring (Figure £.|Й)'519'И5,5:!5"554 Approximately 10% showed а break in B n ich ^ membrane (arrowj, Lh inning of
or less of patients with Paget's disease develop angioid Lhe reLinal pi^menL e p ilhelium iRF’b., sub-KPt deposition of
st r eaks. : I"hose with die earliest onset of disease fibjillar fiK iA o p b tlic male rial. алН he-rniation of lhe choroi­
and severe bone involvemenl are most likely lo develop dal blood vessels inlo 1Ke> - area of (fit1 break : . There was
some atrophy of the choriocapillaris surrounding (he break.
angioid streaks and choroidal neovascularization. Some of
Von Kossa's sLain ior callcium revealed ех1елмуе calcification
these patients show mottling of the RPli in the midperiph­
of Bruch's rraSmbramJ and соЗЗа^ип tissue surrounding lhe
ery (peau d'orange) similar to lhal seen in ГХЕ-. Visual loss choriocapillaris IH.. Note Lhe alnophk relina and LEal vascu­
Is caused most frequently by choroidal neovascularization larized subrefinal sea*.
but can also be caused by optic atrophy that cannot be I and |: НЧцглеnLed angioid slneaks and submaculnr choroi­
explained solely on the basis of bony compression. 560% dal neovascularization in 55-year-old physician w ilh Paget's
choroidal neovascularization is type 2 that grows in the disease.
sub retinal space, similar to lhat seen in P X L POHS, and lA -M Ггигп <,.L-;b o n d C la rtte u fl,'' 'l

other chorioretinal scars, and unlike the neovasculariza­

tion of AMD which grows under the ]{P L
Paget's disease is more common in Caucasians, par­ associated with pituitary tumor, familial polyposis of the
ticularly in the UK and amongst British migrants to colon, congenital hypertrophy of the RPE, and Sturge-
Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa, and in western Weber syndrome with facial angiomatosis have been
and southern Eiurope. though reported, Lhe disease is rare reported.;se
in Scandinavia- India, China, Japan, and South-east Asia.
Mutations have been identified in four genes: the most Treatment
important is Sequestome 1 (SQSTiM J), which es a scaf­
fold protein in the nuclear factor-i:B signaling pathway. ":! ]Clients with angioid streaks should be warned of the
Ihere is some evidence that a slow virus infection related potential risk of choroidal rupture from relatively mild
to either measles (paramyxoma virus) or respiratory syn­ contusion to the eye. As palienls with streaks reach the
cytial virus may act as a trigger for Paget's disease.'" fifth decade, they are at risk of spontaneously developing
Other potential triggers include dietary deficiency of cal­ serous and hemorrhagic detachment of the retina second­
cium and repetitive mechanical loading of the skeleton. ary to choroidal neovascularization. Eraser treatment may
Bisphosphonates decrease bone turnover and are helpful be successful In obliterating the neovascularization Ifil has
ill alleviating bone pain. nol extended inside the capillary-free zone [E'igure 3.3DG-
An orbilal osteoclastoma which was extraskeletal in Lj because uf ihe multiple breaks in Bruch's
origin Was removed from the orbit oi" a 51-year-old with membrane, other neovascular membranes are likely lo
Paget's disease. Sarcomatous transform at ion of the orbital occur. More recently; anti-VKGP treatment with InLravitreal
bone has also been reported.5bl- ' bevacizumab and ranibizumab has been successful and
may be safer by preventing further breaks in the Bruch's
membrane from laser. *r:i-|:J:i-
Rare Associations
Angioid streaks may occur in parents with abetalipopro-
tt’inemia.',Hs' isolated case reports of angioid streaks
M Y O P IC C H O R O ID A L 3.44 Fundus changes in high myopia*

D E G E N E R A T IO N A: Lacquef cracks ^xrow J.

B and C: Smull lacquer crack (arrow, S) 5 months prior lo
PalienLs wilh progressive elongation of lhe eye (patho­ developing ыгпиII type 31 subretinal tieaVasiSLilar п геш н ип ё
logic myopia) develop Lbinning of Lhe choroid and RPE in surrounded by л pigmenLed halo.
D : 5jmcn11 subretinal hemorrhage (arrow] I Ьл I subse­
the macular area, '['his may be associated xvith the devel­
quently г lea red without show ing evid en ce of subretinal
opment of Lilting of Lhe oplic disc, peripapillary chorio­
neovasculari zation.
retinal atrophy, posterior staphylomata. gyrate areas of L and F: Snbrelinal neuvascuIлriглLid n ^urowsj.
aLrophy of the pigment epithelium and choroid., and lac­ G : Kidmen Led disciform scar (arrow; at edge o f geographic
quer cracks (figures 3.44 and З д а .т к и '£Н 7 Lacquer atrophy of U P t nnd choroid.
cracks art- caused by spoiltaneous focal linear breaks in 14 and I: Natural historv o f progression o f j uxlapapi I lary
Bruch's membrane, this mplure may he accompanied by geographic atrophy o i the relina and choroid over a T3-year
a small subretinal hemorrhage unassocialed With evidence period. Nole disappearance erf small pigrnenlud disciform
scar 'w h ile arrow-1 and Lhe development of a focal slaphv-
of choroidal neovascularization [E'igure 3.44L>).': l | : '
luma si mu haling an optic disc !black anow'i.
Jliese subretinal hemorrhages are usually noted during
]: ldiup<ilhic retinal detachment w ilh CortCave cunfigura-
routine examination of young patients either al the site of litin within a macular staphyloma !arrows! in a pa lien I
or limncdialely preceding the development of a lacquer who recently developed blurred vision in the righl eve.
crack, l-acquer cracks often radiate outward in a reticular Kiom icroscopy and fluorescein angiography revealed no
pattern from one or several areas of choroidal pig men L cause for the dieEachment, w hich may be related (o vilnecweLi-
epithelial atrophy [E'igtire 3.44A and В).йи Visual acuity пл1 traction.
may be excel lent in spile of extensive atrophic changes in K: К h^m ato^enous m acular detachment in the right eye
caused by a m acular hole {МЩ&Л in л patient with bilateral
the R]'h and choroid.
fUlctapapillajy and macular slaphylomala.
Most patients are In their fifth decade or beyond when
L: RhegfnaflSganous delachmenl of the retina in lbe macula
they begin Lo experience slowly progressive loss of central лrtd param acular area caused by a small mund fuxtapapil-
acuity associated wilh myopic degenerative changes. Rapid lary retinal hole 'iarrowj.
loss of central vision is usually caused hy exudative and
hemorrhagic macular detachment overlying small areas
of choroidal neovascularization (figures 3.44C. L. and F, 'l'he ill frequency of development of serous detach-
and 3.45A). 'Ihis may occur adjacent to a lacquer crack, in menLs tn these patients and the frequency of occurrence of
an area of geographic atrophy of the К Ft, or often in an choroidal neovascularization tn middle-aged rather than
area of generalized alien nation of Lhe RE5Ei and choroid, older palienls suggest that Lhe new vessels from the cho­
l'he new-vessel membrane and the area of delachmenl are roid in mosL patients would be more likely Lo grow inlo
usually small and located close to lhe central macular area. the subretinal space (type !l neovascularization) rather
Thie new-vessel membrane characteristically appears bio- than ill to the sub-RPfi space (type 1} (I'igure 3.43EU).
mlcroscopically as a faintly gray semltransiucent plaque Muorescein angiography may demonstrate abnormal ly
wilh a hyperplgmented border (E'igures 3.44C and b, and slow choroidal and retinal blood flow in Lhese palienls.
3.45A). Ef associated with subretinal bleeding, a small Angiography is helpful in identifying; and locating the site
relatively round mound of RPfi proliferation may develop of choroidal neovascularization in palients who develop
as the blood clears (Figure 3.44C. and El). This pigmented serous and hemorrhagic macular detachment (Figures
mound may obscure lhe CNVM from View.^ 3.44F, nind 3.45-ti and C).
The relatively small size of choroidal neovascular com­ laudative detachment of the macula must he clearly dif­
plexes in myopia is probably a function of the attenuated ferentiated from a localized detachmenl caused by a macu­
blood supply lo the thin choroid. Because of Lhe smallness lar hole or a minute, usually round, retinal hole that may
of the disciform lesions, the chances for retain ing 20/200 be in the paramacular area in myopic persons with pos­
or better acuity is higher tn these patients following cho­ terior staphylomata (Figure 3.44К and E.). Bio microscopy
roidal neovascularization than in palienls with emme- is usually required to find these holes. Fluorescein angi­
Lropia and senile macular d e g e n e ra tio n .Forste^f12 and ography is helpful in distinguishing this rheginatogenous
L,Ult I described a Mi sod. circular, pigmenled legion detachment from an exudative detachment. En the former
that frequently develops In the macula of middle-aged case, no evidence of fluorescein leakage from the choroid
persons with myopia (]:orsler-l'uch& spot). Cl ini cal Ly and is present. 'E'hese detachtnents are relatively stable and in
hislopalhologlcally, this Lesion, which typically is approx­ some cases may spontaneously resolve.1-'1: A chronic shal­
imately Vi disc diameter in size., consists of a localized low serous delachmenl of the macula may also occur in
ingrowth of fihrovascular tissue from the choroid and pro­ some myopic palienls with fuxtapapillary and macular
liferation of the RPL (E'igures 3.44C and 3.450)/^ '['here staphylomas in the absence of SLihrelinal neovasculariza­
is limited histopathologic information concerning choroi­ tion, retinal hole, optic disc pit, or angiographic evidence
dal neovascularization in myopic degeneration. of a leak at the level of the RPE [ligure 3.44J) ]Ъе cause
of this shallow, smooth-surfaced. and lii some casts con­ 3.4 "> Cho roidal ne ovasc ula riza ti(in i n high myo pia,
cave retinal detachment is uncertain, but il may be caused
A -С: iE*roii? detachm enI of Ihe macula causcd by cho­
by occult vitreous [Faction in lhe presence of lhe staphy­ roidal neovascularization at Lhe margins ot an area ot cho­
loma.. That some of these may be a macular schisis rather rioretinal atrophy in a 30-yea*-old man w ilh Elijah myopia.
Lhan a retinal detachment or a combination of bolh has Note Ibe pigmenL ling ■arrow, А) л I Lhe superior margin of
been identified with Lhe use of high-resolution O Cl' Lhe aLrophic t horoidal lesion. Angiograms showed evidence
[E'igure .3.4511 and ]). Most recent Ly.- л localized choroidal of a small choroidal neovascular momljfan-E:- (C N V M : arrow:
on the temporal edge of lhe capillary-free ^one of Lho foveal
excavaiion termed unilateral myopic choroidal excavation
region i!E31. 1he C N V M and its feeding vessels were I пса Led
or ectasia has been noted in myopes who complained of
with argon laser photucaaguEation HQ. Two years alter pho-
melamorphopsias {E'igure 3.45J-L). Spectral domain OCE' Locoagulalion UealmenL the patient^ visual acuity was 20/20.
demonstrates one of two appearances: lhe chon) idal exca­ D: HisLopathoEogy of subrelinal lype II fibrovascular m em ­
vation involves the outer retinal layers up lo the external brane ■Horsler-Fuchs spot) in Lhe macula of a hjghly m yo­
limiting membrane [E'igure 3.45 к and I.), or il involves pic eye. Note lhal lhe I i bnjvascu I a г plaque u rro w i in lined
only the RPE accompanied by an optically empty zone posteriorly by an inverted layer of retinal pigmenl eprLheEium
between the photoreceptors and the ЙР£.61М17 The exact (KF’t i separating lbe membrane from the native KL^L Hype ill.
E: M acular region and posterior slapEryloma in a highly m yo­
cause of these excavations is hitherto unknown; il is usu­
pic eye. N trie the ejdreme ihinness of Ihe choroid and nela-
ally located in lhe vicinity of the fovea, not always under
Lively noim a! overlying sensory retina.
the foveal center.
The chorioretinal changes in high myopia may not be Myopic macular schisis.
confined to the posterior pole. Cobblestone degeneration F—I: PosLerior staphyloma, lacquer cracks, and myopic cres-
ccnl in n 4S-ye.ir4jld w om an With 20/30 vision in lhe right
and lattice relinal degeneration may be presen I in approxi­
eye. and 20/50 -1- in Ihe lefl -eye :F--N:. The EefL macula bad
mately 15-30Яъ of eyes.ul'11 ■lл lice degeneration is more
Ctpyopic schisfe w ilh si^nificanl KlfoLching ol lhe m i lor plexi-
common in eyes wilh mild than Severe! degrees of high Готт region and ganglion cell layer fl). The posterior hya­
myopia loid was sLill attached w ilhoul exerting significanl LracLion.
Il is still unclear whether Lhe chorioretinal degenera­ UpLical coherence lom oyraphy findings and the visual acuity
tive changes in progressive myopia are merely second ary were unchanged a vear later.
bioinechanical changes caused by progressive expansion Choroidal excavation in myopia.
of the scleral coals of the eye in response Lo normal intra­ f—I : This 47-year-old, й-D m yopic Asian wom an bad a vision
ocular pressure or whether ihey Hire an integral part of the of 2& 2 5 . Several areas of choroidal excavation ^ectasia:
genetically determined abiotrophy."1 1 Myopic degenerative were seen (K and L . Some of Ihone siles have Eieen known lo
changes affecting the posterior pole may occur in some develop choroidal neovast ularizaLion ibal responds Lo anli,-
patients with only modest degrees of myopia and enlarge­ vascular endothelial growl h M d o r LneaLment.
ment of lhe eye. ContrariwE&er other patients with high 11—L l-
i iurru-у .jl LJr. K.'jv j-ii unil.
degrees of ocular enlargement may show minimal degen­
erative changes. Although choroidal neovascularization is
more likely to occur in eyes wilh some degree of myopic
degenerative changes in the fundir it is nol solely related Lo axial elongation of the eyebalE probably results from a
the axial length of Lhe eye or the presence of degenerative combination of altered fibrillogenesis and mechanical
changes."'" J have seen il occur in patients wilh only mod­ expansion.
erate myopia and minimal evidence of attenuation of lhe 'l'he guidelines for laser pholocoagulation treatment for
RPH or evidence of a posterior slaphyloma. Spilznas and subrelinal neovascularization caused by other diseases are
Bober have demonstrated lhal the predilection for devel­ nol necessarily applicable to treatment of this complica­
oping idiopalhic posterior subrelinal neovascularization is tion in patients wilh myopic degeneration, 'lhe extreme
directly proportional lo the degree of myopia in patients thinness of the choroid and Bruch's membrane in eyes
wilh myopia of 6 D or less. When focal atrophic lesions with myopic degeneration (E'igure 3>45H) makes them
of the К L3bi in the macula accompany Lhe neovasculariza­ particularly vulnerable Lo mechanical effects, including
tion in Lhe absence of other myopic degenerative changes those induced by photocoagulation. Attenuation of the
tn patienls wilh high myopia., il may be impossible lo choroid is pFobabty also responsible for the tendency for
determine whether the atrophic lesions and the new ves­ subrelinal ne(*vascular membranes lo remain relatively
sels are a product of focal myopic chorioretinal degenera­ small. 'Ibis., together with the predilection in these patients
tive changes or a prior episode of asymptomatic multifocal for pholocoagulation scars lo enlarge, suggests that pho­
choroiditis. locoagulation treatment of' subrelinal neovascularization
Kunala and 'Jokoro induced axial myopia associ­ in these patients is of limited val Anti-VLCK agents
ated with scleral thinning experimentally in monkeys work very well and cause prompt regression of myopic
by occluding the ipsilateral eye."''1 Ihey concluded that choroidal neovascularization and are lhe treatment of
alteration of fibrillogenesis in the sclera is Lbe key fea­ choice presently. Pholodynamic therapy is also successful
ture of scleral thinning in lid suture myopia, and that in most cases.
Successful repair of a m acula detachment caused by 3.46 Pathogenesis о fa disci form detachment caused
□ small posterior hole can be accomplished using a vari­ b y focal choroiditis.
ety с f special scleral buckling techniques, vitrectomy, and >- .11 I': i ■i dilib, A r damages [he choriocapillaris, retins I
iniravitrej] injection of air o f gas (Figure 3.44J—L ) ' pigment epithelium :RPb . and ВтисЬ'ы membrane and pro­
There: is little evidence that scleral reinforcement proce­ duce* an cxuditCivo detachment of lhe retina, L5, or type
dures prevent or lessen Lhe effecL of choroidal degenera- I] aubrulinal neavasLulnfizaLion and hemonfh;t^e nLo lhe
Lion and neovascularization.""'1 Rubretinal зрлсе, C. A n y of thtse IhrM.1 Hinges- may Ц вЫ чве
leaving either a focal area of atrophy o f the KPL, ЕЗгисНЧ
membrane, and dtoroiid LL.1: (H, in the case of subreLinal
PRESU M ED O C U LA R hemujrha^e, a disciform tear, & Eilher :n the absence of

H IS T O P L A S M O S IS S Y N D R O M E ____ further inflammation or under the influence of recurrent opi-

: i "- i i !' :i himmal ion, 11■■■с hi )mi da I Ы )od \ : s.i ......i г d-
Woods and Wahlen?JS described a clinical syndrome of inj$ an alrophic choroidal scar (D) may « c o m p e n s a te and
cause serous exudation. cboroidiil neovascularization, and
serous and hemorrhagic detachment of the macula associ­
transient s № № deladimEfnl erf the rulina It.. This in turn may
ated with multiple peripheral atrophic chorioretinal scat!i
result in hemorrhcigic detachmenl of lhe rcj-lina (f) and a di-s-
and peripapillary chorioretinal scarring that occurs usu­ ciform гелг IfJj.
ally in healthy patienLs between 20 and 50 years of age in
the eastern half of the USA (t-'igures 3.46-3.53 ).6Jli There
is considerable evidence that the multiple chorioretinal
scars are probably caused by a mild or suhclinical systemic a high occurrence of ILEj \-DRw 2. but not 111A-Ei7.'f,,u":,ir
infection with tm to p ltffliit ca p su ia tu m many years before 'Ibis relationship of patients with PGH5 to HLA-DR2 is
the onset of macular detachment and visual symptoms not found in patients with multifocal choroiditis and
lhe loss of central vision is caused years iater by choroi­ panuveitis ( pseudo-PO ElS].L1' Chest roentgenogram evi­
dal neovascularization occurring at the site of one of these dence of healed histoplasmosis is a frequent finding. Focal
sear s . ^ ' M ' 'Ihe average age of patients seen at the calcification in the liver and spleen may occasionally be
iiascom Palmer Lye Institute with symptoms in the first demonstrable Elarelv is Lhere evidence of active pulmonary
eye was 4(3 years and in the second eye approximately 44 histoplasmosis.
years. 'Jhis syndrome occurs infrequently in black Sudden blurring of vision, metamoiphopsia, micropsia,
persons.11,3*'1'^ and a positive scotoma in one eye are the initial symptoms
ihe patient's general physical findings are typically in most patients. As many as 25% of patients note the onsel
normal. Approximately 50% of patients show a posi­ of symptoms at times of unusual emotional stress.'"',0 'lhe
tive skin reaction to intracutaneous injection of 1:1000 anterior segment and vitreous are free of evidence of inflam­
histoplasmin. Most patients show a 3+-4+ reaction. mation. A localised serous or hemorrhagic deLachment of
Complement-fixing antibodies are demonstrable in only the retina involving the macula is the most frequent find­
1 (5—G of cases.:"t0 Check and associates1^1 demon­ ing (E'igures 3.4 6Ei and С. 3.47Л and C, 3,45К E, and L and
strated that lymphocyte stimulation by the yeast phase of 3.4УС and G). Usually in the parafoveolar region there is a
tlulupiiKmti antigens was more sensitive than either the poorly defined, round or oval, slightly elevated, light gray
skin lest or serum antibody test in these patients. Can ley subreltnal lesion Lhat varies in appearance. Frequently a
and associates0"11 have demonstrated evidence of a hyper­ darker gray, round or ova! ring of pigment is present within
active cellular immune response lo histoplasmin antigens ibis light-gray area (llgures 3.47A and C). lhe hyperpig-
by lhe lymphocyte transformation technique in patients menlation that accompanies the choroidal neovasculariza­
who develop disciform complications, lhe re is a higher tion in patients with ПЙН5 is indicative of growth of Lhe
frequency1of the I II.A-R7 and IH_A-DRw2 antigens in these new vessels within the sub retinal rather than Lhe sub-RPEi
patients with disciform lesions compared to healthy per­ space. (See discussion of type I and IE choroidal neovascu­
sons. Salients with only peripheral atrophic scars also have larization in Chapter 2 and I'igures 3.46 and 3.52.)
(A facal sharad.trs -ff edisnforrn Явде 'D■ Fccal chofodhib -pred safarm sL^ge
Invtf'лапЕпГ of picjrent eDilheILn and chtfiscapdlsis hercodynani;; and factors


•r;i~Г "i -' |

Зег-сиь c sa to fm геИ в d erBon m eiL iL 5e™u& reliral dEiachTenri ard SLbft:n£; RK'/abCL^ariHlion туре 2

Hemorrhagic dibcrfarrn relinal cietacfvrent Hemorrhagic disciform relinal Ье1асЬтет

FibnavBsculfdiLcirom scar
Varying amounts of subretinal blood may be р г с Ш sur­ 3.47 Sero us and he mo rr hagf с delachment о f th e
rounding lhe margins of this dark halo. Ihis pigmenl halo macula in the presumed ocular histoplasmosis
indicates the probable presence of a tlNVM, (he derails of syndrome.
which are often obscured from biomlcroscopic view by the A—£.: SEnosfen^jinBdLiS rd m a' сГйасЫйепI irt I n v i b L i t L Note
presence оГ cloudy subretinal exudate, lhe chorioretinal fain I pigment halt) S id N co d around j^nny scar iA;. subretinal
scar from which the neovascularization arises is occasion­ пео!л'51;и(Й(Г membfane iantjw, B), яп-cJ linear, oonf luc?nl. uqua-
ally visible either beneath or at one margin of the lesion lorial distribution of peripheral d"ionors?lin;il scars III).
([■'inures 3.47A and lv 3.4 а К and 3.5 2А]. In some cases a 0 and E: Recurrent serous delachmenL of lhe relina larnjw-
headsr El without other evidence и I subretinal neovascular­
larger oval, round, or tongue-shaped diffusely greenish-gray
ization surrounding a local atrophic chorEDredEnaf scar.
membrane or mound is present in lieu of the pigment ring
Serous retina] detachTnenl caused by a large Kubfoveal
figure 3.47Г). Jhe pigment ring or mound is caused by hyjKTpi^menled lype II subrelinal n eo vascu lif membrane
reactive proliferation of the RPL as it attempts to surround i^niriil arrows'' arising from an eKtiiifoveal chorioTeLinai scar
and envelop the sheet of choroidal new vessels entering the [large arrowj. This patient would be a good candidate far sur­
subretinal space al the edge of a focal scar (see discussion gical excision of Lhe membrane. (5e£ l iLjure .Э.52А-1.
of pathology tn a later subsection). Lxudalive and hemor­ f t - 1: Spontaneous resolution of Keniorrhaj’jc detachment of
rhagic delachmenl of the RPE: occurs infrequently in these lhe macula secondary I о a choroidal neuvast и 1лг membrane
(C N V M ! in lhe center of the т л и la in а 28-тоаг-оЫ Vi-omni:
patients. When it occurs, it is usually in patients 50 years
(G and H). Visual acuily was 2(У200. Twelve years later (If
of age or older, in POMS the exudation and bleeding occur the visual acuity was 20/30 in spile of the subfoveolar scar.
primarily beneath the retina and nol beneaLh the RPt. ih e 1 See Figure 3.5 3. i
С№ /Ц niay be confined to the area of the pigment ring, or J-L: Sponlanuoub resolution of serous and hem orrhage
Et may extend outward from iI into the surrounding subreti­ detachment ot Lbe macula associated with a large extra/oveal
nal space. This further extension of the neovascular mem­ CK'ViVi (arrows, K1 in a 4:5-war-old woman. Thu patients visual
brane is usually evident as a gray-while semitranslucent acuity inilially wan tij^hleen months alter resolution of
tfte blood and exudale :iie vis-Ltai acuity was 2&'40 I.L I.
or slightly pigmented membrane biomicroscopically sur­
rounding the pigmenl halo In a few patients the area of
the choroidal scar and neovascularization may be so small
that it caEinot be visualized biomicroscopicalEy beneath the
serous relina! detachment. Jhe angiographic findings may overlying C.NVMs may be presenl in the same eye.
simulate Lhal seen in patients with ICbCJ. In some cases t>ccasionally, serous and hemorrhagic retinal delachmenl
the retinal detachment overlies an atrophic choroidal scar develops al the edge of a peripherally located chorioretinal
in the absence of a demonstrable new-vessel membrane scar. Hgure 3.50 (A and B) illustrates one such patient who
(E'igure 3.47D and ti). A tongue-shaped neovascu- was misdiagnosed as having a me!ant)т а . The disciform
lar membrane arising at the site of peripapillary scarriEtg macular scars that develop after (he resolution of the sub-
(Hgure 3.40L) may be the cause of macular detachmeEtt. retiEtal blood and exudate vary’ in size., shape, and color. In
lYripapillaiy relinal detachment and oplic disc edema with­ general ihev are smaller in diameter than those occurring in
out evidence of subretinal neovascularization may occur older patlenls wilh drusen. Occasionally, however, ihey may
occasionally.1 Multiple sites of retinal detachment exceed 2 disc diameters in size.
Other important features of PO HS include peri papil- 3,4ft Natural course ot focal scars in the presumed
Eary choriorelinaE scarring and the presence of m ultiply ocular histoplasmosis syndrome^
often sharply circumscribed, round or oval, focal, white., A —C : Ac-quisilLon o f a new local chtorLoretrnaE scar. Nole two
atrophic scars scattered throughout the fundi (Figures peripheral atftdf&hic Lh oru ida scars in л patienl with active
3.47A and C 3.4tfA and C, and 3.51 К and G). lhe focal pulmonary disease and Bernorrhgjjjc delachmenl of lEie т и с -
scars vary in size and degree of hyperpigmenlation. Most ula (A). AngiojjjapEny showed no evidence ol other local cEro-
are W -l disc diameter in si/je or smaller. Some involve roidaE scars :E3 . Compart! with photograph ( O taken 7 years
the full thickness of the choroid and lirti and present the taler. Nole increase in Ihe pijjmenLalion of old scary and
presents of an additional scar (arrow, C l in 1971.
biomicroscopic appearance of white, punched-out, atro­
phic lesions (i'igure 3 .4 8A and C ). A large choroidal vessel Choroidal neovascularization and hemorrhagic
may course through some of these lesions. Other lesions delachmenl of the macula occurring at the siies
are more deeply located in the choroid and involve the of previously observed chorioretinal scars in the
R p t to a lesser degree. The)1 have a more yellow or orange presumed ocular histoplasmosis syndrome.
appearance and may be mistaken for focal nodules of D -F: A pErifovBtl scar was piesenl in 1^Cv3 w hen Ihe visual
acuilv was 2(У15 (D and El. Three years Later the patienl
choroidal in filtration. Some Eesions show a combination
develtjfxid serous and hemorrhagic delachmont of lhe тплс-
of these two cltangesr that is, a focal atrophic lesion sur­
ula (Hi.
rounded by an orange halo. Although RPli proliferation is G —I: A small perifoveal scar (arrow; G ) was harely visible
often conspicuously absent in these lesions, black pigment b irtiiicfq sn Jp ically in lhin paLLenL when he wan exam i mid in
may occur within or at the margins of the lesions [E'igures January 1969. Visual acu ily was 20/20. Angiography showed
3.47A. 3.4 S C and 3.51F}. ibe lesions may be located any­ laint spoil) hyperfliMresoeJfic-e i arrow, H i. In |uly l rJ7 l he
where in the fundus. Occasionally; they are arranged in a developed serous and hemorrhagic dlscflorm detachment (1b;
his visual acuily was 20/60.
curvilinear row near the equator (Figure 3 . 4 7 C ) . in
j-L: A 2 7-year-old wom an witEi visual acuity of 20/20 had
some patients a continuous band of depigmentation may
mild chorioretinal changes between 4 and 6 o 'clo ck at
extend around the equator in one or all quadrants. Ihis Iho udj^e a t the oplic disc in Augusl \ 96S - ; J Angiography
equatorial distributton of lesions may occur in as many showed evidence of juxlapapillary scn^rring hul no chorioreLi-
as 5% of patients with PO JI5. Similar streaks have been nal scarring fn Lhe m acula (l£). In Seplember 1969 sEie devel­
noted in patients wilh multifocal choroidal scare, vilri- oped serous and hemorrhagic deLachmeril of the macula
tis, and no evidence of histoplasmosis (see discussion of secondary lo a choroidal neovasc uEat jntm brane ariiin^ a I
pseudo-POl-IS, pp. 5 Acute visual symp­ iho edge of the oplic disc IL :.

toms in a few patients with PO HS may be associated With lA—L Irunn C iu .Li iJ Wilk:risi:n
swelling of the optic disc and enlargement of the blind
spot in the absence of any evidence of suhreti nal neovas­
cularization .''"14" i he symptoms and disc edema usually stains Intensely TS'ich fluorescein. I Eie various hemorrhagic
resolve spontaneously and leave evidence of juxlapapil- and cicatricial disciform stages of macular detachment
Laiy scarring. (See discussion of reactive lesions simulating show fluorescein angiographic features similar to lhal
papilledema in a subsequent section.) described in patients with A M I). Angiographic evidence
of serous detachment ofthe RPE occurs very infrequently
Fluorescein Angiography in patients with POH5 unless they are 60 years of age or
older. E-luorescein diffuses from the choriocapillaris as well
Angiography typically reveals evidence of a cartwheel- or
as from the retrobulbar vessels lo stain lhe sclera and sub­
seafan-sbaped CNVM in the area of the subnetinaI gray
net inal tissue wilhin the focal and peripapillary atrophic
or pigment ring lesion [E'igure 3.47E1. I L and K). The
chorioretinal scars [I'igure 3.4SE} and Е;]Л1и-('-"1
neovascular membrane may be confined lo the area of
the pigmenl ring, or it may extend well beyond its bor­
der. Cood-quality, early stereoangiograms are essential lo Natural Course and Prognosis
determine accurately the location, size- and proximity of Over a period of 17 years the fundoscopic changes in a
the CNVM to the center of the fovea. In some instances series of patients wilh ЕЮ ELS were studied and documented
blood or cloudy exudate overlying the neovascular mem­ by means of fundus photographic maps and fluorescein
brane prevents visualization of its capillary structure angiography al the Bascom E\ilmer Hye Institute to deter­
(E-'igure 3.47K] and its proximity lo the fovea, 'l'he sub- mine the natural course of the macular lesions as well as
retinal exudale that surrounds the neovascular membrane the widely scattered atrophic chorioretinal scars.-' ч’ :' u ыа
Once macular detach ment has occurred, ihe visual 4,44 Photocoagnlation treatment in the presumed
prognosis depends on several factors, 'lhe proximity of the ocular histoplasmosis syndrome^
CNVM Lo the center of the fovea is the single most impor­ A —F: This 39-year-old palienl Was asymptomatic wtien seen
tant factor. Following retinal detachment the CNVM may initially. There was o re inactive scar in (he m acula (arrow, Ar.
not grow or it may expand in a circular pattern or, less He relumed 5 years laler w ith blurred vision caused by a de
often, in a tonguelike projection from the defect in Bruch's novo choroidal neovascular membrane '.arrtfws, tl and Dj. He
membrane. Usually the membrane does not extend fur­ responded Lo afgon laser treatment ё and F I. Visual atuity ,il
ther than I disc diameter from the Bruch's membrane the time o f F wns 20/20. Nolu I be changes thaL occurred in
the ju?;lapapillary scare duTinj; Lhe course of obserealion.
defect. :Vs long as the sub retinal CbJVM does not grow
G - l: Ttiis 26-year-old man with a perifoveal reovascular
beneath the fovea, the patient with either a serous or hem­
membrane ;arrows, C j and an adjacenl scar in the Tight eye
orrhagic macular detachment may regain good centra! had лг^ог"! lase? ffeatment :Hl. ТЫтГу-ещЫ nnhnLhs alter treat­
vision following retina! reattach ment, whether it occurs ment, his visual acuity was 20/1 5 (I]. HLs visual acuiJy in Lhe
spontaneously [Figures 3.47C-], 3.4УК and L, and 3.53) left eye improved spontaneously Erorn 20^200 ■ :К I Iо 2П/50 it:
or following photocoagulation treatment (Figure 3.49C-F duiiny Jhe period or" obsore'alion in Lhe righL eye1.
and G-l). In general, patients whose CNVM arises from a j- M : Ibis -tfl-yeai-old woman had received one session of
photodynamic therapy It) Ini-s subfoveal neova-scular mem­
point beyond 1 disc diameter from the center of the fovea
brane 2 months before being seen. A pigrnenled nn^ o f choroi­
have a relatively good short- and long-term prognosis. I his
dal neovascularization located subfoveal I у with flecks of blood
includes those patients who develop macular detachment was noted. №ripapillary atrophy typical ol presumed ocular
secondary to a sheet of sub retinal new vessels growing histoplasmosis syndrome was also present and her vision was
temporally from the optic disc margins [figure 3.4SL).,■ ," 2CVB0 (J). A classic |)a(tem Ы lacv FluoresccncH was seen on
Because recurrent detachment may occur and because it ,i nj$i ogt.iphy iK). Thi1 membrane regressed and remained jnac-
may be associated with furLber growth of the neovaseu- Live afLw three monthly injections of bevacizumdb (L and Mi.

lar membrane, those patients with the origin of Lhe new-

vessel membrane within 1 disc diameter of the fovea have serous detachment and with choroidal neovascularization
a more guarded prognosis even if they recover successfully that lies outside the capillary-free zone have a 60-70%
from one episode of detachment. Some paLients, however, chance of retaining 20/40 or better vision in the affected
may recover and retain excellent acuity for many years, eyE.rt.w,-fi39-fiM: if iln? neovascular membrane extends inside
even in the presence of a CNVM extending beneath the the capillaiy-free zone, 15% or fewer retained 20/40 or
center of the fovea (Kigures 3.47h and 3.53].b5?,6Slt in some better vision.
cases this recovery occurs over a period of many months. Follow-up studies have revealed that some of these
The frequency of recurrent detachment and duration of patients continue to develop new scars as well as changes
detachment are also important factors in visual prognosis. in the appearance and size of old scare (Figures 3.4SA
The fundoscopic and fluorescein angiographic finding of a and G, and 3.4УА and |п a
discrete zone of hyper fluorescence secondary to pigment few cases, small lesions may disappear. In the follow-up
epithelial atrophy that extends from the site of the CNVM study in Miami approximately 20% of patients showed
into the central foveal area usually indicates permanent an increase In the size of one or more scars in the macu­
damage to the overlying retina caused by a previously pro­ lar region, and over an average S. 4-year follow-up, 9 % of
longed serous or hemorrhagic macular detachment. patients with normal maculas by both biomicroscopy and
!>rior to anti-VLGF therapy, multiple studies concern­ angiography developed new atrophic scare in the macular
ing the natural course have found that patients with legion.'

r -

V -
Life-table analyses of the patients observed in № ф ! 3.S0 Pseu dotumors caused by p re sume d ocuiar
revealed lhat 12% w£tf develop symptoms in the sec­ hfstoplasmosis syndrome-
ond eye within 5 years and 22% will develop symptoms A and B: Large black peripheral hubretinal hemorrhage (A
in Lbe second eye within 10 y e a ii 431 l'he relative risk of that was initially misdiagnosed as a choroidal melanoma. It
developing symptoms in the second eye caused hy cho­ was claused b y peripheral (boro idal neovascular membrane
roidal neovascularization dev el oping in the jujilapapillary Iarrows, Hi lhal becam e abparfflf! several monlh*; after pari m I
area or macula is twice as greaL in patients with macular resolution of Lhe blood.
scars compared to those with none. Ihe risk of developing C - F : Ibis paLien-L w a s b e in g o b s e rve d Гот a ^ Is c ifO fm s^ap i.C :■
in lh e right e ye w h e n h e re lu m e d b e i i i J s t o f furl h e r d e cre a se
symptoms from a neovascular membrane arising in the
in v is io n . T h y disci fo rm le s io n h a d w i larg ed a n d W as associ­
macula [excluding the juxlapapillary origin) is 5.5 limes as
ated w ilh s u b re tin a l e x u d a tio n . IL c o n tin u e d to e x p a n d o v e r
great. E>aLienls with symptoms in their first eye should have a 6 -m o m h p e rio d o f o b s e rv a tio n , a n d th e re ЩЫ c o n c e rn Lhal
several early angiographic views made of the opposite eye а m e la n o m a h a d arisen in ltie scar l!> a n d Ё ). T h re *1 m o n th s
to exclude the presence of macular scars lhat may not be Eater [he lesion b e g a n to s h rin k s p o n ta n e o u s ly (F).
visible biomicroscopically. O f 42 patients without biomi- G - J : R ea ctivaLion oi a n e c c e n lric h y p e rtro p h ic s ta r [G 1 d is ­
croscopic or angiographic evidence of a scar at Lhe time c o v e re d o n a ro u tin e e y e e xa m in a Eio n in M a rc h 1 9Sfi in a
2 3 -y e a r-o ld w o m a n inom Tennessee w ith m u llifo c a f c h o rio ­
of initial presentation, only two have developed macular
retinal scars in l>och eyes. Th e m u llip le w h ile spoLs in G are
delachmenl from a de novo macular scar.
artifacts. She w a s a s y m p to m a tic until M a rc h 1 4 ^ 2 w fie fi she
d e v e lo p e d loss o f central vis io n in Ihe right e y e . H e r visual
.n: Liii". h'r'.i:- j-: 11.11. 1. ' -1 иi. :iic n . u u Lir -1ечг and m ltIIiI jb u J.u ele-
valed <hnrioretififll lesion laiffil a rro w s , H a n d j) a n d m u lLifo -
cal c h o rio re tin a l scars -(arrowheads) superonasal lo [h e slig htly
sw o lle n o p tic d isc. It ie tissue c o m p ris in g the u p p e r right lo b e
(right large a rro w , 11 app ears to b e p osterior lo Ihe retinal p ie ­
m en! e p iltie liu m . F o llo w in g Ireatm onl w ilh cortico steroid s the
m a c u la r slar a n d retinal d e la t h m e n l s u rro u n d in g Lhe e le va te d
Ictsion re sD i.ytd . W h e n !аъ1 ж ' п in Se p Le m lxir 1 У У 4 Lheno w a s
a [ru llild ib u la te d elevated w h ite s ta r s u p e ro n a s a h y i|i. T h e
m a c u la a p p e a re d n o rm a l but h e r visual a c u ily w as 2 0 /2 0 0 .
К a n d L : НЧеи d o -c a p i 11nrv a n g io m a opLic d is c in a pa lien I
w iLh p re s u m e d O c u la r h isto p la sm o s is s y n d riim e .
Histo pathology 3.5 I H rsto p a thoEogiс fin d rngs in d i s s e m in a le d
s y s t e m ic h is t o p la s m o s is a n d in the p r e s u m e d o c u la r
has been mnVincLtigSy defflo^trated
H is ic p liu r tiii a ip s u h t iim h is t o p la s m o s is s y n d r o m e .
histo pathologically in the human eye of patients wilh sys­
A —C : F u n d u s p a in tin g o f л 1 4 -y e a r-o ld b u y w ilh d is -
tem ic histoplasmosis on several occasions but in no patient
s e m in a le d s ysle m ic h isLoplaam osis u n d I w o fo c a l c h o r o i­
who at the lime df enucleation Was known lo haw lhe typi­ dal LnfilLraCes i A : . H is E o p a Jh o lo ^ jc e x a m in a tio n o f the E y e
cal clinical picture of 679 The organisms o f Lhe p a tie n t illustrate d in A re v e a le d a fo c a l c h o ro id a l
have been described in three eyes of palients with POJ iS, H istoplasm a g r a n u lo m a (E3). N o t e d e s tru c tio n o f th e over-
but ihere is some doubl lhal lhe structures found were lyitifl rc-liп л I p i gmexid e p il h e liu m a n d m in im a l e v id e n c e o f
П. &ipiuJ'fltmT.'£iW"6e3 I here is out' report of exogenous histo­ in fliim m a lo ry bigns in th e s u rro u n d in g c h o r o id a n d r tf i пл.
plasmosis endopbthdmilis developing in a palienl wilh lhe S p e c ia l stains s h o w e d H istopiasm a capsuiatum (a rro w s , C k
D : La r^ e fo c a l c h o n o id a l jfra n u ltm v i s e c o n d a ry Lo h isto p la s ­
vilreous wick syndrome after cataract extraction.1'75 Jn some
m osis in an [ й -ye a r-o ld b o y w h o s e eyfi was re m o v e d w i lh
of lhe cases of histoplasmosis endophthalmilis the organ­
Lhe mis la ken d ia g n o s is (if an in tra o c u la r tu m o r. Suit? IЬ л L
isms have been found in (he retina, lhe vitreous, and lhe lh e ^ г л п Ы о т л h a d e ro d e d ih ro u g h ВгисЬ 'ь |Т№Пп Ы н П ё a n d
ciliary body, but no( lhe c h o r o i d . ;, :1 In a palienl with p ig m e n t e p ith e liu m into Ih e s u b re lin a l s p a t e . A rim o f p ig ­
acquired immunodeficiency syndrome [AII_>SJ who pre­ m e n t-la d e n tfta c m p h a g e s su rro u n d s L h e ^ u b re tin a l р о й о п o f
sented wilh mullifocal while retinal and subrelinal lesion^ Lhe jjrnfi u le m a I a n e w s I. fsfistoptasnia Cabsuldfum O T g a iib m s
the organisms were found in the reLina and oplic nerve w e re id e n tifie d w ilh in this le s io n . bears ty p ic a l o l lh e p re ­
s u m e d o c u la r hisLoplasm osis s y n d ro m e vvefre sur>bequenl iy
as well as lhe uveal iratiL479 i'igure 3.51 (A-С) depicts lhe
n o le d in the o p p o s iL e e y e .
clinical and histopathologic findings of multiple choroi­
£ : Serous a n d h e m o rrh a g ic d e la c h m e n l o l Ihe r e lira arising
dal granulomas hi a 14-year-old boy who died of widely fro m a n are a o f fo ca l n o n g ra n u lo m a to u s c h o ro id itis la rro w }
disseminated histoplasmosis.^1 Ihis represents the early in a 3 2 -y e a r-o ld m a n . 1 lie e ye w a s A m o v e d b ecau se o f a
granulomatous stage, which is rarely seen clinically, figure suspected in lra o c u fa r tu m o r. O p h th a lm o s c o p ic e x a m in a tio n
3.!>1L> depicls a disciform macular detachment second­ o! lh e o p p o s ite e y e re v e a le d lh e p re s e n c e oE scattered lesions
ary lo a large solitary Hislopiasrrfa choroidal granuloma in c o m p a tib le » i ) h Lhe H ^ ts u m e d o c u la r h isto p la sm o s is s yn ­
d ro m e . N o o rg a n is m s w e re id e n tifie d in I his le s io n .
a healthy 18-year-old man ivhose eye was enucleated with
F ,md G: ClinicopaLnolo^ic c:onelalion of focal alnophic cho­
Lhe mistaken diagnosis of an intraocular neoplasm.:,J 676
rioretinal scar fn а 5Э-уелг-оЫ п'.ап with Lypical L'indin^y in
H. organisms were found wilhin lhe granu­ both eyes of the presumed ocular histoplasmosis syndrome.
loma.4'27гй3*-6'6 Examination of the opposite eye some years N o t e Ehe lymphocyEic infiltration surrounding (h e area o f
Ealer revealed multiple atrophic chorioretinal scars typical d c u vn ^ ro w Lh of retinal -cells, presumaf]ly anliocyles, into the
of РОЙ£.йМ 0 ne can only speculate as lo whether or nol u n d e rly in g c h o ro rd (C).
the patient had active granulomas in both eyes aL the time IA-C (mm К inlwurlh c.4л1.'" '|. Ё 1973, ArrtttiCJm W*dii .il Ai_4|l i.Hion.
of enucleation. Ihis patient probably was detected dur­ A B n .iL ils г(■^■L-г,^^,:l. frcnTi G a i i ^ , i n J W .iu r n r jn L T ,in c l h!i,Mn Ё fro m
с Д ■
ing the infectious stage of the disease only by virtue of lhe
unusual size of the macular granuloma.
I igure 3.51 [F and G) depicts the clinical and histo­ 3.5^ Qinicopathologk correlations in the presumed
pathologic findings of an atrophic chorioretinal scar in ocular histoplasmosis syndrome^
an eye obtained at autopsy from a patient who had been Л -C: Hypejpiijmtinted type И subnetinal neovascular meir-
treated with photocoagulation unsuccessful])' several years Ljrane mislaken for choroiclaJ melanoma. Arrow fA and color
previously for the typical fundus picture of PO H S^ ® plate V -1i indicates origin o f rcew-vussel membrane at s-iLe of
IJistopatho Logic examination of several of the atrophic □Id scar surrounded by a pigmented halo. H istopalEiologic
peripheral scars revealed focal lymphocytic infiltration sur­ examination ol horizonlal section at the level o f focal scar
Ia now. A i shfltos psreDwth of" n ew vessels from the Cftotnid
rounding a nodule of retinal tissue (presumably astrocytic
(curved arrow, ti: inlo Lhe subrelinal spate. Note hyperpias-
proliferation} that had filled in a focal defect in the under­
tic retinal piemen I epi Ihelium :KI3E-: Istrai^hl nr rows) л I edtje
lying choroid and P E’ti. 'Itiere was only minimal inflam­ a t CiE>r<TVris-i. ular membrane, w hich is covered on its ante­
matory reaction in the area of the large disciform macular rior surface by Ihinned KFb (Open arrow i and on its poste­
scars in both eyes [figure 3.52G and tl). Other authors rior surface by an inverted layer o f КИЕ. Horizontal section
have also demonstrated similar choroidal lymphocytic ill lhe le w i o1 lh e optic disc shows lar^e subretinal fibrtjvai;-
infiltrates around iuxtapapillary and peripheral atrophic cuLar membrane Iarrows, Cf lined on ib posterior surface by
a layer of inverted R P t. Note partial preservalion til" : elinal
scars in these patients.c,flJ^iL' IMI<'
receptors and tenuous adherence of the libruvascular rnem-
It istopathologic examination of eyes of patients with
Е)гале 1o Lhe overlying reli na and underlying nalive: RPL.
POMS and actively growing C.NV.Vls demonstrates type D —F: Surgical excision ol a type II subloveal neovascular
II subsensory retinal choroidal neovascularization. (See memEtrane in I his 3 0-yea r-old Wom an who nuk'd lois of
discussion of types of choroidal neovascularization in cenlral vision caused E]y ingrowth of choroidal new vessels
chapter 2.) New capillaries and fibrocytes. originating at the site of a focal choriorelinal scar ■:[J.I. Ih e visual acu ­
within the choroid at (he site of a chorioretinal scar and ity was 2Qi&0_ The neovascular membrane was gmspud w ill:
Lymphocytic infiltration, grow through a defect in Bruch's forceps and d ra p e d ihrough a retinoLomy sile temporal lo
Lhe tfiacula i t '. Note normal KE’fc (arrowl in lh e Center of the
membrane, choriocapillaris, and RPh into the subretinal
macuEa. Several weeks later the visual acuity has returned to
space [E'igures 2.11, 2.12. 3.46C, Er and h and 3.52A-C). 20/20. NoLe old chorioretinal scar Harrow I and sclerolomy
IJecause most of these patients are young or middle-aged sea r lem рога Ily.
adults wilh the RPE firjnly adherent to ttrueb's membrane., G and H : C linicopathologic correlation o f pigfnented dis­
the fibrovascuLar membrane overrides the RPH and grows ciform near in patient w ilh presumed ocular hislopJasmonis
in a sheet Iike fashion in the subretinal space, ihe new ves­ syndrome (same patient illustrated in Figure 3.43F and GJ.
sels induce reactive hyperplasia of the R PE at the site of the Histopathologic examination revealed a subretinal I’ibro-
vascular scar separated from Bruch's membrane and rem­
membrane's entry into the subreLinal space and in front
nants of the nalive HEhb Ilow er arrows I Lny an inverted layer
of its advancing border during ihe symptomatic stage of
ot R PE (upper a nows), evidence suggesting type II choroidal
POEiS. ihe RPE cells align themselves in a monoEayer with neovascu lari zation.
their base attached to the outer surface о Г the expanding
membrane. 'Ihese active new vessels are associated with
serous exudation or bleeding into the subretinal space. If preseiiL in the peripheral fundus. 'Jhis eye was enucleaLed
the proliferating RPE cells succeed in covering the anterior because of the incorrect diagnosis of choroidal melanoma.
surface of the membrane, exudation may cease and the Ophthalmoscopic examination of the opposite eye at a
membrane may undergo involution (ligure 333]. E'igure later dale revealed the presence of scattered focal atrophic
3.511 depicts a large subretinaL hematoma derived from chorioretinal scars compatible with P O ]IS *76
choroidal neovascularization occurring within an area of Choroidal Lesions similar to those occurring in humans
Bruch's membrane and RPE destruction overlying a focal have been produced experimentally in animals infected
nodule of lymphocytes and plasma cells in the choroid. wilh H. capssiiatum .^^1 Exacerbation of Lymphocyte
Ih e nodule contained no organisms. Pigment-laden mac­ infiltration occurring in the vicinity of macular or juxia-
rophages and proliferation of the RPE surrounded the papillary scars occasionally may cause reactive vascular
defect in LSruch's membrane and an inverted layer of pro- and RPE hyperplasia and tumefaction simulating a choroi­
LiferaLing RP£ cells extended along the outer surface of dal melanoma (E'igures 12.I4M-L, 3.50C-J, and .V^IA-CJ
the neovascular complex. Several focal areas of lympho­ or benign hamartomas (figures 3.50K and L and 12.14К
cytic choroiditis and overlying relinal atrophic scars were and G }.
Pathogenesis 3.S 3 С Iinicopaihol ogic со rrdat ion a f spo ntane on s
resolution of sub fovea! type El neovascularization
Kvidence supporting lhe coEtcept lhal tl. SfrpsuiaftjfWi is a associated with good visual acuity in a young woman
cause o f this, din Leal syndrome in the USA Includes ( I ) with presumed ocular hi slop las mos is syndrome L
50-91?% associated incidence with л positive histoplas-
A —E : A 2 7 -y e a r -o ld w o m a n n o te d loss o f central v is io n
min skin lest; (2 } the high incidence of demonstrable lym­
caused b y я ju x la fo v e a l su b retin a l n e o v a s c u la r m e m b r a n e
ph ocyte stimulation and transformation la hJitfopfesmin (a rro w , A l . T h e s u b re tin a l b lu o d a n d e x u d a te re s o lv e d s p o n -
antigens in Lhese palienls; [3] good correlation between lanEMJUs lv- уел г? Ы е г sht' had ,i retLiTrwnl serous a n ti
the prevalence of the disease in areas where histoplas­ heri^DTThsSiC q rta c h rriE rtt o f lh e left m a c и I л, ,m d a n g io g ra p h y
mosis is endemic and where it is not; (4) frequency of s h o w e d e v id e n c e oE s u b fu v e a l e x te fis le ti o f (he m e m b irin e iE3
radiographic findings of multiple pulmonary scars typi­ лги! С ) . H e r vis-ил! a c u ity w as 2(1/70 . The dete ch m unt c k a r e d
s p o n ta n e o u s ly a n d she re c o v e re d visual a c u ity o f 2 ( V 2 5 ,
cal of histoplasmosis; (5) the Walkersville epidemiologic
w h ic h she m a in ta in e d lor 9 years w h e n s h e d ie d b e c a u s e
study1"11; ( 6J (he identification of Ш$о$йнтщ organisms
ut m e ta s la tiE е л г и п о т л . H t ^ f e p i d [ ^ i c e li m i n a ti o n
in the eye of at least one patient who was subsequently re v e a le d л tlnn a tr o p h fc s u b fo tc ^ l fib ro v a s tu la r m e m b r a n e
observed Lo develop lhe typical POHS picture in the i л n o w s , D). T h e sepa ra tio n o i Ih e retina fro m the m e m b r a n e
opposite eye [figure 3 311>); (7) the finding of multifo­ is a n a rtifa c t. H i^ h e r -p o w e r v ie w o f Ih e m e m b r a n e (Ё) s h o w s
cal scars typical of pO HS in si к of eight patients who e n c irc le m e n t o f the m e m b r a n e b y a n a Ero p h lc layer o f retinal
had systemic histoplasmosis some years previously^; p ig m e n t e p ith E lE u m (.КРЕ) A r r o w h e a d s ) e x c e p t w h e r e iE c o m -
p .iu n ica te d w ith the c h o r o id . ЬпллИ arTcAvs indici^te n fllive
and (ti) the experimental product toil of PO llS, includ­
R .F E эерлrated Ira m o v e r ly in g in v e rte d K K E cells a tta c h e d (o
ing development of subretinal neovascularization., in sub­
lh e m e m b r a n e . La rg e a r r u w in d ic a te s scleruLic a n d o c c lu d e d
human primates following intracarolid infection of П. b lo o d vessel in Ih e m e m b r a n e . T h e r e w a s s o m e th in n in g o f
ttipbditi urn.f t 2 7 G42.6?i, iД4-юа the re c e p ld i c e ?II la y e r.
Although the pathagenesis of this disease is uncer­ F : th e d ia g ra m s u m m a r i z e Elio s e q u e n c e o f e ve n ts in this
tain, the following is postulated: during an acule primary p a tie n t.
pulmonary infection with H, aipsuhftum, these patients
develop dissemination of the organ isms in the blood
stream and multiple sinaU granulomas throughout the 3.52A-t!), supports the theory that allergic phenomena may
body including the choroid. Except for mild respiratory play an important role not only in gradual changes observed
symptoms, the patient is asymptomatic during this phase in the atrophic scare but also in stimulating choroidal neo­
of the disease. 'Ihe primary choroidal lesions are suffi­ vascularization and macular detachment, i he failure of mosl
ciently small thiit even when they occur near lhe central patients with early macular detachment to show an apparent
fovea I area, they rarely produce visual symptoms. Because response to intensive corticosteroid therapy is disconcerting
the human being is very resistдш to ihis organism, it if indeed allergic phenomena are important in the patho­
es rapidly destroyed, leaving minuLe atrophic scars sur­ genesis. By lhe time therapy is instituted, however, the pro­
rounded by hype rim mune tissue. It is probable lhat most liferative vascular changes may be sufficiently advanced that
of these focal scars are subclinical initially. Over a period suppression of the allergic reaction is insufficient lo stop or
of yeare recurrent lymphocytic infiltration around these slow the exudative and hemorrhagic complications.
foci produces a gradual enlargement of these scars so lhat Evidence supporting the concept lhat the macular
they become ophlhalmoscopicaliy visible. When they lesions are caused by vascular decompensation and/or an
occur in the macular region and adjacent to the optic disc allergic reaction at the site of a previous choroidal scar,
these scars represent a locus minoris resistentiae. where rather than the direct result of an infectious granuloma,
the choroidal circulation is exposed Lo the subretinal includes: ( I ) failure to find evidence of active histoplasmo­
space. Ну virtue of the hemodynamic stress associated wilh sis elsewhere in these patients; [2] failure to find ophthal­
the peculiar blood supply in the macula, these palietils moscopic evidence of active choroidal infiltrates elsewhere
are predisposed to the development of serous exudation., in the eye; (3) failure of the lesions lo respond lo antifun-
choroidal neovascularization, and serous hemorrhagic dis­ gal therapy0'^; (4) failure of the disease lo worsen when
ciform detachment. An exacerbation of the lymphocytic treated with corticosteroids; and 15} occurrence of serous
infiltration around these scars may be important in precip­ and hemorrhagic disciform detachment in the second eye
itating these complications. at the site of a choroidal scar that was usually present al
'ihe finding of focal lymphocytic choroiditis in the vicinity' (he time of delachmenl in the firsi eye. Jhe development of
of apparently inactive focal chorioretinal scare {I’igure 3.311-' macular detachment in some patients with POH5 during
and C), as well as in scars associated with an actively grow­ pregnancy, usually during the last trimester is further evi­
ing subretinal neovascular membrane (figures 3.3it and dence in support of vascular decompensation.
Рггаизгшге!1titu la r HistpplasiJiuai* ЬупЛтсчие \ 73

E^ly occur rsovasolaisslETi

5>nplbTalic &:age

Eariy ilage invulirnn

L v.-? stagE .ihor

Differential Diagnosis 3.54 Idiopathic polypoidal choroidal vasculopaIhy -
recurrent large sub retinal hemorrhages.
The Lfpical picture of РОЗ IS has been reported in patients
A -F: !?>$ 50-yea r-ol (3 African Am erican w tim an was seen for
from nonendemic areas of histoplasmosis and undoubt­
sudden Joss of vision in ht? riftht eye Lo tounl fingccs. A lar^e
edly can be caused by other otguntanas, such as Cacadieide?
m acular зиЬгеЬпл! hemorrhage noled and an antjiogram
[Figures ]U.I7A-]: and 30.3 8A-С J :u0 l’he clinician must showed moslly blacked fluorescence, except fur a small area
rely heavily on lhe extramacular findings Lo differentiate d E peilusian. Slit* reLumed 6 inonlhs laler with .4 vision of
POMS front other diseases., such as panuveitis and mul­ 20/400 in this eye and 2(1/200 Ln Lhe bellow eye. The suhweti-
tifocal choroiditis1,1 {see discussion of pseudo-POl IS, naf blood was mosllv [jone, Ej u I a Abiotic рп-rtly conLracLed
p. 9SS)r diffuse unilateral subacule neuroretinilis (see p. p<]Ivp was seen in lh-е superior macula. 5ubrelinal lipid and
ch-oriorelinal vtarfold was also noted (O . She was poorly
S64], vi Uliginous chorioretinitis (see p. 103a), and mul­
complianL with her follow-up and returned 2 years Eater w ilh
tiple scars caused by toxoplasmosis (see p. 84$).
ли improvement m lhe Ict'l eye vision L<] 2tV40. Two years
later she developed several pjllypS and subnormal blood in
Diagnosis Lhe inferior m acula il? and tj. Two more уеагъ 3aLer1he blood
arid lh e po3vps had disappeared and the vision was CV 502 1
Jhe diagnosis of РОЗ LS is based on the clinicaE features. in ihis eye and 20.40- in Lhe iefl eye 13-'.
Cutaneous reaction to НЩорИшгл antigen and serologic G - l: This f) 5-year-old African Am erican wo.nwn w ilh hyper­
tests, including com pi ement fixation, immunodiffusion, and tension was known !o have bled in lhe lefl eye 15 yea гг pre­
mycelial antigen identification, are limited to confmningthe viously and IohI vision. Her vision was 20/20- on the right
diagnosis in patients wilh unusual clinical presentations. and 20-400 on the left. There w ere small oran^isb nodules
temporal Iо Lhe disc and several drusen superotemporally
ft!', rndocy^ninc едгеоп angiography confirmed Lhe polyps
Treatment I Hi; the left m acula had a disciform scar fl'i.

Jhe medical treatment of РОЗ iS is unsatisfactory. Although Laser treatmenL of polype

it is of some theoretical value, there is little evidence lo ]-L: This 58-year-old man of African Am erican and
date to support the practical value of oral and sub-Jenon's Caucasian heritage developed progressive fipid and shallow
injections of conicosteroids. L'heir use should be limited lo subretinal fluid whiPe lhe polype w ere beiny observed (Jl.
those patients with a relatively recent history of loss of cen­ Moderale-inlensiLy argon green laser lEong-duralton, low lo
intermediaLe power) was applied Lo the exlrafoveal polyps.
tral acuity whose lesion does not reveal the typical features
1hree monlhs Iа к т lhe fluid has resolved and the lipid exu­
of a CMVM. Jn such cases the author uses 40-100 mg pred­
dates have decreased ILJ.
nisone per day for several weeks, and then on an л]ternate-
day basis for several weeks, [f no response is apparent, lhe
dose should be rapidly tapered and discontinued.. 3f appar­ for surgical excision are patients wilh recent subfoveal
ently favorable responses occur, then a longer schedule of extension of the membrane thal has arisen from an iden­
progressively decreasing dose may be used. tifiable scar outside the capillary-free /one. Pholodynamic
Photocoagulation has been advocated for the treatment therapy has also been successful In treating subfoveal mem-
of the neovascular component of E’OJ IS (Figure 3.49C-3;. bractes secondary Lo PO HS.'2i'7-- However, a safer and
C-])W?,J«.W5,roi-7fc 'ihe Macula Pholocoagulation Study more effective iherapv has been the introduction of anti-
(MP5] has demonstrated Lhe effectiveness of intense laser VEiGh therapy, in the treatment of most cases of exlrafoveal.
pholocoagulation of CNVMs in presenting severe Visual juxtaftweal, and subfoveal membranes.1 •*' A monthly
Loss of six or пюге lines of visual acuity in the following treatmenL regimen of about four infections of hevacizumab
groups of patients with i’OJ !S: ( I ) intense argon laser pho­ or ranihizumab is first performed JJepeat treatments are
tocoagulation used lo cover the entire area of CNVMs that necessary only tn some cases and can be performed as
lie outside the capillary-free zone; ( 2) krypton laser of iux- needed. Surgical excision of a juxtapapillaiy membrane
tafoveal CNVMs Lhal do not extend into the center of the may still be considered in an occasional patient.""
macula; and {3} krypton laser of persistent or recurrent Patients with retention of useful central vision in one or
neovascularization following pholocoagulation (I'igure both eyes should be instructed Ln the frequent use of the
lhe long-term results of photoco­ Amsler grid and near-vision card and the importance of
agulation of juxta foveal and extrafovea! neovascularization prompt examination if changes are delected.
in patients wilh POHS are good.'''1''" 1 '[he rate of persis­
tence and recurrence of CNVMs after photocoaguEalion in Reactive Lesions Simulating Melanomas,
the M I’S slLidy was 23°-i and respectively7^ Jiolb were
Hamartomas, and Papilledema
associated with an increased incidence of severe visual loss.
Surgical excision of type il subreliiinil neovascular mem­ As mentioned previously large subretinal hematomas aris­
branes that have extended beneath Lhe fovea has restored ing from subretinal neovascularization occurring wilhin
excellent visual acuity in some patients wilh POEH5 (Figures peripheral as well as centrally located chorioretinal scars
2. 11, 1.12. 3.52A-l:) 2&J-№!j--k'6:’:!i-7jn lhe best candidates may simulate a choroidal melanoma. Additionally, reaclive
proliferation of subnetinal fibrovascular retinal gjial vascu- 3. т. ii Exten sive id iopat hi с poiypo idal с bo ro idal
Ear tiss-ut’. and retinal pigment epithelial cells may simulate vasculopathy,
choroid;*] melanomas [Hgures 3.50Л—J, лn J 12.14H-E.); Д -Н : Л 70-venr-old CaiJ£asia|i worn .in was referred fnr
choroid jJ hamartomas, e.g., cavernous hemangiomas worsening blurred vision ir> bolti uyus fur 5 mornlm. Her
and osteomas [ligure 71,50<J—J); and retinal hamartomas, vision was J0/50 о гг lhe righJ and couni iinj^ors an lhe left.
e.g.. capillary angiomas (figure 3.50K}, astrocytoma, ,ind Both eyes had several poLkets of rh in al piemen I epithelium
combined retinal and pigment epithelial hamartoma (see iHh’t j and areas of blood :A, C, D.
figures 3.50K I. and I2.1^1-'and g )/ J|i" j" ihe stimu­ С Lind H. arrows}.. There w ere areas of Lhoriore!inal stars
лnd suhretmai liEircisis 1'iR F l mure in the rij^Hl 1hiin IcM eve
lus for this exuberant reactive proliferation is presumed lo
fG and H:. The left mat-ufa had suhrotin al fluid. Апц]Огцгат
be the same recurrent lymphocytic response (hat causes s h o w ™ la p il fiiiin■j, t)f the RPE dm ac. limerits in bolh eyes ■E-l
enlargement of the focal chorioretinal scare in i’OJ S-5. and Fj and indotyanm e цгееп demonstrated polype IEI. Focal
Rarely, the mass lesion may be caused by proliferation of taser was done bo I fie Rh’E detachment temporal to the fovea;
И ctificiitrdjrrr with ill the mass/'" As might be expected 3 wueks Idler Klt viticm Jiad improved to 2CK^50 with resi.)-
from lhe frequency of jujilapapillary scars in POJ ЕУ, there lulion of 'SKF. Another monlh Liter she had irmv subretinal
is some predilection for ihese reaclive tumors Lo develop in blood around I his K PL dLlacbmenC. Inlravitroal b evaciiyrn ab
wan Iried with no si^nifrLanl roduition in £RF. ih e was sub-
that region. In addition lo lhe more slowly developing jux-
sequenlly managed locally and no further informali«n wns
tapapillajy pseudo tumors-., patients with POEiS may present available.
wilh acute visual symptoms, usually a temporal scotoma
and optic disc swelling simulating papillitis, papilledema,
or neoplastic infiltration of lhe optic nerve head.6*y,'fi5lJ
Ihese latter patients must be differentiated from patients
wilh acute blind-spot enlargement associated wilh multi­ sub-RPL angiomatous lesioEts show minimal evidence of
focal choroiditis and pan uveitis lhat may simulate PO BS. perfusion and late-staining fluorescein angiographicallv
[See discussion of pseudo-PGHS and acute zonal occult (l-'igure 3.55} H 0" J2 in ihose who are subjecl to recurrent
outer relinopalhy in Chapter lb pp. 9SR and УSO.) episodes of symptomatic bleeding, there is a predilection for
development of vitreous hemorrhage, '['his disorder should
be considered in the middle-aged or older black woman pre­
HISTOPLASMOSIS RETINITIS senting wilh a dense vitreous hemorrhage. Since its original
AND CHOROIDITIS IN IMMUNE- description in pigmented individuals, the disorder has been
INCOMPETENT PATIENTS seen in all eLhnic races, including Caucasians (Rgure 3.54). It
is more common among Japanese and Orientals and makes
Multifocal active while retinal Subretinal, and choroidal up a significant proprlion of their AMD palients.'33 5 lhe
Lesions may occur in one or both eyes of patients with AIDS polyps can be few and confined to lhe posterior pole, or they
or other immune-incompetent slates (see Chapler Ш). are peripheral or extensive [t:igure 3.55).
They are visualized well on indocyanine green angiog­
IDIOPATHIC POLYPOIDAL raphy and can be located within lhe choriocapiHaris or
dieeper in the choroid (figures 3.54 and 3.55H}. When in
CHOROIDAL VASCULOPATHY the deeper choroid or if the blood flow is slow within the
(MULTIFOCAL IDIOPATHIC SUB^ aneurysmal dilatation, they are not easily visualized on the
RPE NEOVASCULARIZATION fluorescein angiogram. Other than the orange nodules, the
presence of several pigment epithelial detachments, espe­
OCCURRING IN DARKLY cially if associated with small or large subrclinal hemor­
PIGMENTED INDIVIDUALS, rhages. should prompt the diagnosis of Et’CV [l:igure 3.54).
POSTERIOR UVEAL BLEEDING 'lhey can sometimes mimic central serous chorioretinopa­
thy and should be suspected in persistent or recurrent
SYNDROME) ]CSC.' :: ' 1' Recently, high-resolution OCT has been
Although neovascularization occurs much less commonly able lo isolate the polyp if in the choriocapi Haris. In
in black persons. Orientals, and darkly pigmented individu­ eyes that present with vitreous hemorrhage, ultrasound
als, these patients, most of whom are black middle-aged may be helpful in delecting the extensive irregularly ele­
women; may develop multiple and recurrent serosanguine- vated sub-RPli fibrovascular plaques that may be present
ous detachment of the pigment epilhelium and retina asso­ in the macular and exlramacuEar areas of these palients.
ciated with multifocal, often orange nodular or plaquelike Perkovich el al. found a high association of systemic hyper­
areas of'sub-PPL neovascularization, lhat early in lhe course tension in this group of patients.'1" One patient with
of the disorder are often mosl prominent in the iuxtapapil- biopsy-proven sarcoidosis became legally blind because of
Eary region [figure 3 .55) ^-^a^^.ftj-r ^\лпу 0f these progressive subretinal fibrosis in both eyes.
hiiofwthii' J’-'-lii'ii'Uiijl/iPi1 I7 1
Treatment includes direct laser photocoagulalion of lhe Outer retinal ischemic whitening and infarction
exlrafoveal and exlramacular polyps (I'igure 3.53J-I.J. Care caused by transient occlusion о I Lhe choroidal
should be taken Lo use low-power and long-duralion green circulation.
laser to coagulate lhe polyp slowty and avoid bleeding. A -F: O n e day aller pfiacoernufsifl^atkiri erf a caLaiai:t ihis
Photodynamic therapy7has been more successful lhan an Li- 37-year-old mad nuk'd a lartje centra] sccloTTia in lh e oper­
VEGF medications in shrinking the polyps located close lo ated eye. Mute £h& cenLral cbejiy-red spol :R' and poJvgonal
the foveal center. Large subretinal bleeds can be Watched, islands of outer retinal whitening (A and С) at Lhe function of
as mosl resolve with no sequelae (Hgure 3.53D-H]. the diffusely ischem ic and nonischem ic retina. A 30-second
angiogfarn showed polygonal zones oe" slainrng o! the reti­
I Lislopathologic examination of one eye of a white..
nal dijftnefil epithelium IRF’L'i and ouler retina (□>, Fourteen
Зй-year-old man followed for 6 years because of multiple
inonLhs later visual acuily was. 20/25. l'h-ure was a dense.1
siles of idiopathic subretinal neovascularization hemor­ parateritral siotom a to finder r-bunting that corresponded
rhagic pigmenl epithelial and relinal detach men is revealed w ilh lhe areas o f K P t derangement (E and hi.
extensive subretinal fibrovascular proliferation and lym-
Inner and ouler retinal infarction caused by transient
phocylic and plasma celE infiltration of the choroid/ 51 A
occlusion of the choroidal and relinal circulation by an
nonsynonvmous variant J62V has recently been suggested
intraorbital hemorrhage-
as a possible candidate for causal polymorphism leading
G —|: Ischem ic optic neunopalhy (H i, palchy areas af inner
to It'Ctf in Japanese palienls. i- nelinnl ischemic whitening in the macula, and wudjje-sbaped
a№as fif ischemfe whitening ot" lhe ouler relina [am^tiifheads,
G and H i caused hy ophthalmic artery obstruction in а
U N U SU A L C AUSES wom an w ilh severe hvfjerlension and 3theroscie№rtic cardio­
O F C H O R O ID A L vascular disease. I^ole delnv in choroidal and relina] arterial
perfusion at 4Й seconds ■!> and late slain ing of ouler rhin al
N E O V A S C U L A R IZ A T IO N ischemic areas (|l.
К and L: After general an-trelhesia for a rhinopiasly. Ihis
It is probable lhal any disease lhat damages lhe ftPE is
1^-year-old heaflhy wom an aw oke with pain, severe lid
capable of causing choroidal neovascularization as a sec­ swell mg, and blindness in ihe right eye caused hy obslnuc-
ondary response to the injury. Some unusual causes of Ldcjn of Ihс choroidal and retinal c.irculation. A l Ihe lim e of
choroidal neovascularization that are discussed elsewhere these photographs 5 weeks later her visual acuity in ih e right
in this book are acute niullifocal posterior placoid pig­ ц-ve was no lij'hl perception. IN'ole optic atrophy, narrowing
ment epithet iopalhy [see p. 9St), rubella netinopal hy (see of retinal blood vessels and se^menlal W ed g e& hip eo zones
ol severe mottling and alruphy of lhe K FE in the peripheral
p. 5 lS )f best's disease (sec p. 240), uveitis, demarcation
fundus. Angiography di'monslraled 4jn increased relinal cir-
lines caused by rhegmalogenous retinal delachmenl (see
culalion lim e and diffuse KFJl chang^si
p. 6S 6). chorioretinal folds [see p. 220J.. pholocoagula-
|Л - > m i n i h l c 'i i . 'i i t i j u m c l , i l . t .M id I- f r o m t l a u .m r l f t i r r b h . ■
Lion, oplic disc colobomas and pits [see pp. 1260-1262)f
chronic papilledema {see pp. 1294-12^6. fig. f 5.171}-11),
and hyaline bodies of the oplic nerve head (see p. 126Й].

and hyperthermia.' ' Occlusion of the posterior ciliary

A C U T E O C C L U S IO N O F THE arteries may occur as a complication of surgery involving
S H O R T C IL IA R Y A N D C H O R O ID A L lhe posterior sclera such as the Vasco-Posada sectioning
A R T E R IE S of the scleral ring lo alleviate central relinal vein obstruc­
tion. : Although the posterior ciliary artery blood sup­
We seldom have the opportunity to see palienls wilh ply generally has a temporal-nasal distribution on eilher
eilher functional or structural changes in the eye caused side of lhe op lie disc, in some cases the territorial division
by localised occlusion of the short ciliary or major choroi­ of the ciliary circulation may be horizon tally based.7vi
dal arteries because of the availability of many collateral Hecause of lhe rich anastomosis of Lhe choroidal vascnla­
pathways of blood flow. Occasional ly, however, patients in re, the area of delayed choroidal perfusion demo nstra Led
present With visual loss caused by ciliary arterial obstruc­ by fluorescein angiography during (he acute phase of the
tion resulting from prolonged elevation of lhe intraorbital obstruction is much larger lhan (he area of while ouler
pressure (Hgure 3.56A-1- and !- t)i systemic vascular dis­ retlrtal ischemia seen ophthalmoscopically [figure . 56G- j

ease, for example, giant cell arteritis fl:igure 3.37)/4' " "lh sonie cases this choroidal hypoperfusion
periarteritis nodosa,'1' malignant hypertension (I'igure may be associated with no visible changes in lhe fundus,
3.3tiG-]J, or sickle-cell disease'' ihrombolic infectious lhe rich anaslomolic nelwork in lhe choroid explains Why
arteritis such as that caused by phycomyoosis [mucor­ multifocal gray-white ischemic lesions affecting Lhe pig­
mycosis) '' and herpes zosler (see acule relinal necrosis., ment epithelium and ouler retina caused by ciliary artery
and figures 30.43 and 10.46J' '-" embolization S5-75i; obstruction rarely occur clinically.'^
A Inline y. one of delayed choroidal perfusion may be \,37 Chorioretinal and optic nerve ischemia caused
seen adjacent lo an area о Г krypton [лиг closure о Г one by giant cell arteritis occluding the major branches of
or more large choroidal arteries in the absence of any evi­ the ophthalmic artery.
dence of ischemic whitening of lhe outer retina hr perma­ A—D: Ischemic o plic neuropathy, cotton-wool palcbes in the
nent damage Lo the retinal function in thaL area.'^''^"1 distribution o f cilioretinal arteries, and ischem ic choroidopa-
A triangular zone of solitary or multiple patches of outer Ihy in a 73-year-old wom an w ilh acule loss a f vision in bolli
retina] ischemic whitening followed by chorioretinal atro­ eyes (A . Angiography reveals deE&y in fjerlusion of lhe cho­
phy is more likely to occur after occlusion of a large cho­ roid fE3 and О and I ale Gaining in Lhe inner retina and at the
level o f I lie relinal pit^nenl epil helium in Lhe papi Horn aculaf
roidal artery in the midperipheiy of Lhe fundus, where
bundle and m acular areas iD ). A Lem рати I artery biopsy was
Lbere are fewer arterial anastomoses [Figure 3.56G-1.) (see
positive for lemporal arLori Iis.
Chapter 6, and Figure У. l5A-F ).'l'‘:-7r'1 E nnd F: LSilaleral ischemic oplic neuropathy, choroidopathy,
A peculiar picture of acute outer retinal ischemic infarc­ and retinopathy in a 73-yeaT-oh; man With malaise, weight
tion of the posterior retina may occur in patients complain­ lass, jaw claudicalion, and total loss ol vision in both eyes.
ing of acute visual loss usually on the first postoperative Two weeks pritw Lo the Etmdus photographs :E and Fj, he
day following phakoemulsification for cataract removal develojied sudden Lola I loss of vision in lhe ri^lil eye and the
following dav becam e blind in lhe left eye. К ole the sevefe
vitrectomy procedures, or neurosurgery procedures in
oplic disc ischemia and sludging o f plood in the retinal ves­
which prolonged pressure has been inadvertently placed
sels o f the right eye (Ё) and lhe persistent cheny-iod spot in
on Lhe eye (Figure 3.56A-C). -n Fundoscopic Lhe left eye If >.
examination reveals a picture (hat in ay be mistakenly diag­
nosed as a centra! retinal arteiy occlusion. 1Ъе outer rather Disseminated intra vascular coagulopathy causing
submacular choroidal hemorrhage.
Lban the inner retinal layers are whitened. Ifie wintering
G —|: This 27-year-old wom an with anorexia, abdom i­
extends beyond the macula but does not reach the equa­
nal pain, arlhral^ia, fever, diarrhea, and bizarre neurologic
tor (Figure 3.56A-C). Multiple discrete patches of whiten­
symptoms noled visual lost associated with yellowish jjTay
ing separate Lhe diffuse areas of whitening posteriorly from plaques and hem onhage in (he posterior choroid of both
the relatively normal-appearing anterior half of the retina. eyes lairows, C|. ih e developed progressive ihrombocylo-
A cherry-red spot is present. Fluorescein angiography may penia, hypofibrinogenemia, and accelerated fibrinolysis and
show no abnormalities of the retinal or choroidal circula­ dierl. Hinlopalhokjrjjic exam ination o f Ibe eyes revealed cho­
tion times, or it may shotv a Late hexagonal or pentagonal roidal thickening farrowsr H) caused by intrachoroidal hem­
orrhage involving the temporal half of the macula. I Ькте was
pattern of fluorescein staining in die area of retinal whit­
extensive thrombotic occlusion o f the choriocapi I laris nid
ening (Figure 3.56D). Mottled salt-and-pepper changes in
larger choroidal arteries farrows ! and |l.
Lhe RPfc become apparent as the retinal whitening clears
I t i - - I 1ГТУ1Г1 S jffn p J p i .Lnd Eu(dtlJWT.' '
(Figure 3.561: and Г"). The RPE in the fovea!a may remain
normal, lhe patients may regain a small central isEand of
vision and excellent visual acuity in addition Lo retaining closure of both the choroidal and retinal circulation. The
a broad /one of their peripheral visual field. Although the retina iti the foveoEar area, by virtue of its thinness, is less
pathogenesis of ihese changes is not certain, it has been susceptible to transient oxygen deprivation, '['his hypoth­
hypothesized (hat they result tiom an extended period of esis has been tested and verified experimentally in owl
elevation of the intraocular pressure just before or during monkeys. 1(1 [f (he retinal and choroidal circulation are
the course of surgery. ЧЪе duration of the pressure eleva- obstructed long enough, total irreversible blindness of the
Lion and closure of the choroidal and retinal circulation is eye and a biomicroscopic picture of widespread profound
sufficient Lo cause ischemic infarction of the outer retina ischcmic whitening of both the inner and outer retinal lay­
hut not the inner retina. Jlie outer retina, particularly in ers and ischemic swelling of the optic disc occur. This pic­
the posterior pole where it is thickest, is more sensitive lo ture of combined ciHoretinal arterial occlusion ts followed
oxygen deprivation than is the inner retina and is more by optic atrophy and severe atrophic changes in the retina
predisposed to infarction during an extended period of and l£PE (Figures 3.SGG-L).
Ischemic relinopalhy caused by ciliary artery obstruction, З .718 Hypertensive choroidopathy.
unlike that caused by choriocapillaris occlusion (see discus­
A: TFnift. paliunl had bi]<tleral ex u d aliw retinal detach г л у п I
sion in lhe nest section), is rarely associated ^\rLth exudative ciL s 6 d by hypertension and severe renal disease. He died
re linn I detachment Induction of the perfusion pressure boon after Ibis photograph, and his W e S oblainw l al
in the /one o f ischemic necrosis of the IIPH and the resis­ autopsy Istfe E).
tance of choroidal as well as relinal capillary endothelium B - D : Кои mi I pigment epithelium (KPLf degeneration and
to hypoxic damage are probably important factors in this dum ping (Elschnig spots; airuw) in a palienl w ilh chronic
regard. Experimental evidence suggests lhal the relink may severe hypertension and renal disease (E and C). Angiograms
showed evid en ce or Ihrombosed barge choroidal blood Ves­
be resistant to permanent ischemic dam-age wilh occlusion
sels A rrow s, D).
of the central retinal artery lasting for as long as 1 hour.
£: Hislopalholo^ic exam inalion or" lhe eye depicted in A
(See discussion of retinal artery occlusionr Chapter 6.) revealed esudalive retinal detachment and m uhiple focal
Another mechanism of visual loss caused by iransienL ,1r-‘-.1- ii" xiin'm i: nlлч Iio: 1 cl Ihг1 КГ1 o v ltK :с■
■.11 ,rc,i-
obstruction of the short ciliary arteries is thal of ischemic □I fibrin pFalelet (jcd usio n I fibrinoid necrosisf involving a
optic neurapalhy related to hypoperfusion of lhe optic choroidal arleriolc and adjacent i^norldtiiplllaris (b i t d w .
nerve in the region of iheoplie canal (figure J.37A-F). (See F—H: This 43-уеаг-uld womfln w ilh л hislory o f severe hyper­
Ions ion show? eifidei^fce of alherum,ilous pU que lom ialion in
discussion of ischemic opLic neuropathy in Chapter 15.]
the superior temporal r-elirral artery moderate optic atiophy,
Color Doppler imaging has provided us with a new and
and subtly S fc h n ifl spots (ai^tnv^ lhal are best seen angio-
useful means of assess ing orbital blood flow."4' graphically. N o le delay in choruJd^J perfusion.


may stimulate the intravascular clotting mechanism by
PRECAPILLARY ARTERIOLES AND releasing thromboplastin inlo the circulation. 'Itiese
CHORIOCAPILLARIS______________ include malignant hypertension, severe toxemia of preg­
nancy, :"4 1 abruptio placentae,' 10 cancer (especially leu­
lh e rapid occlusion of segments of the precapiilary arte­ kemia). oi^an transplantation (especially renal yraft),'''' 1 'N
rioles and choriocapillaris by fibrin platelet thrombi may burns, bacterial septicemia, antigen-antibody reactions,
cause acute necrosis of the overlying RPE and serous and drug reactions, collagen vascular diseases,'1"'" ''1 ' 1 lym­
hemorrhagic detachment of the relina (Figure 3.5 7G- phoid granulomatosis/"^ Wegener's granulomatosis."1'1
J]7 SI-?S7 'Ihis pathologic change, referred to as fibri­ Good pasture’s syndrome.14'1 thrombocytopenic purpura.'"-1,1'
noid necrosis, is lhe resull of damage to lhe vascular wall thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura/’00"1* '1 and famil­
caused by severe spastic arteriolar narrowing associated ial dysplasminogenemia.'4 '1 lhe predilection for ihrombi
with severe hypertension [see Chapter 6] or collagen vas­ to develop in the choroidal but not the retinal circulation
cular diseases (see Chapter ] ] ) or by D1C. may be caused by (he rapid deceleration of blood flow as
the blood empties from the choroidal arteries into the large
DISSEMINATED INTRAVASCULAR sinusoidal network of the choriocapillaris. ' " Retinal vascu­
COAGULOPATHY__________________ lar occlusion occasionally occurs in patients with DEC but
in most cases is caused by factors olher Lhan intravascular
In DIC procoagulanls from various sources activate the thrombosis.'1’''1 After treatment for systemic hypertension
intrinsic and extrinsic blood-ctolling mechanism, lead­ and DlCi lhe retinal detachment resolves and patchy areas
ing to fibrin form alion and widespread occlusion of small of atrophy of the ]? [3L and pigment dumps (Htschnig spots)
blood vessels. Depletion of clotting factors caused by con­ that often are most prominent in the peripapillary and
tinuous utilization of platelets and various coagulation macular areas remain as permanent scars."■'4' ' fclschnig
proteins .and activation of fibrinolytic enzyme systems spots may be difficult to differentiate from inultifocal
result in bleeding, shock, and widespread intravascular lesions occurring bilaterally in some patients wilh fun­
clotting in the kidneys, liver, lungs, central nervous system, dus pulverulentus paltern dystrophy, or following chronic
gastrointestinal tract, and uveal tract. A variety of diseases recurrent I CISC.
Malignant Hypertension 3.?lJ Fundus changes caused by toxemia of pregnancy.

Patients with malignant hypertension may develop sec­ A: Missive* pnerd i nil I hemorrhage and retinal Hetachment in
a y H jr a irtfimafi who died several days later of com plications
ondary detachment of Lhe reLina caused by acute mul­
q l eclampsia.
tifocal areas of fibrin platelet occlusion and necrosis of
В and С: Th is 42-year-old H aitian wom an was hospitalized
choroidal arLeries and choriocapillaris, and necrosis of lhe because a t hypertension and generalazed seizures during Lhe
overlying RPL [Figures 3.5& and 6.2<b to 6.2S)/I!; 3j)lb week o f gestaticisi Three days afLer dclivery L>y cesar-
Llschnig spots, irregular areas of pigment epithelial atro- вап section she developed loss of vision caused by bilateral
phy^ and angiographic evidence of choroidal vascular bullous retinal detachment. K a le Lhe palchy white areas of
obstruction often remain after resolution of the detach­ ischemic infarction of ibtf relinal pigmenl c-ffji Ihe.1! iLim LFit’ L:
ia nows I beneath Ihe retinal dcrfacbment <B). Angngraltls
ment (Figures 3.5BC- 1>, and li.. and 6.28).’-*| Гt!’''!l1
showed m ulfiple art*as of leakage aL the level of Lhe KF’b 1C..
D and E: Acute bilateral loss o f vision occurred in a 29-year-
old moLhor soon after delivery of her baby. She bud severe
Lo\emia of pregnancy. ]"hrec: days a her delivery I here were
multiple w hile lesions aL lh e level of the pigment epi Ihelium
Find onEy minimal evidence of retinal delachm enl Early
angiograms showed a reticular pattern of non fluorescence
it.. M u lli focal areas o f staffing I arrow.1w-ere evidenl laler.
F and C : Thi-s feym ptoniatif t>3 -year-old wom an was referred
because of suspected heredomacular dystrophy. Visual acu ­
ity was 2tV20. The multiple Elschnig spots LarrowsJ and
branched pa Hern of yellow changes in bolh eyes were
caused many years previous^ by severe tosemia lhat caused
transient bilateral loss ol vision fust before birth of her sec­
ond child.
H and I: AsymplomaLic 50-year-old wom an wiLh KF3l
l hanges that were misinterpreted as henedomacular dyt-
Lrophy. She had experienced bilateral Visual Josh associated
wiLh toxemia of pregnancy just before delivery of each o f her
last Iw o children.
J- L Al age I S years ihis .^3-year-old wom an had eclam p­
sia and was blind in bolb eyes after delivery. She regained
2Q/4D0 visuaF acuity in both eyes. Note Elschnig spots
(arrows, J and L)r reticular network of pigment epithelial atro­
phy. narrowing of Lhe retinal arLeries, and peripheral inLra-
relinal m itral ion of pigmenl simulating a severe tapetorelinal
t Iroin C jSu and I 1ill Il'i ■' '
TOXEMIA OF PREGNANCY 3 .60H EL L P sy nd ro me ( h em oEysis, elevated 1iver
enzymes, low platelets, and upper abdominal pain),
A p p W tltp td y \-2°-b of palients who develop severe A-E Thifi 2 S -уен r-ol d O u c a s ia n wom an w«s diagntfse'j v/ilh
hyperLension. proteinuria, and edema during lhe third H L L L P (efevalEid Iiver enzymus anti low nlajSplets) syndnjm e
trimester of pregnancy- develop loss of vision caused by at 17 weeks' gestation and Llnderwejtt emergefjey с т я т п
serous relinal detachment (figure 3.59Л and II). d-7!W'?aj- нес I ion. SIte.1 rt!t|uired temporary hemodialysis for renal Fail­
e: ' IhL& usually occurs ju-sL before or immediately ure Lhat №cove$fid- O n 4ht!- first day postpartum shy noted
following delivery. A branching pattern of yellow-white M uned vision in her rij^hl pye. СХрЬфй \Iri.ftjogy co n stilEa li^
was ntiL m taih ed . Wh-un examined 2 mcmlhs I.Uer her vision
patches caused by focal necrosis of the К PE and outer
had improved Cotiwderably In 20/25 in each eye, Thu retina
retina may or jnay not be evident [figure 3.5У t5 and D). W iiii attached vi'iJh interlacing mibnilinal fibrin plaques that
]Ъе detachment may be confined to the macula or, par­ had Stallooed tA and 311. O ptica] СоИрёгТёПСЙ tomog­
ticularly in palients with seizures (eclampsia), may involve raphy shows lhe mjitt?ri л I to be in [he subreUnal space. W e
the entire fundus and may rarely be associated with presume she :i,ad Ssjjtensive enudnliw retinal detach т и п I
bleeding into the choroid, subreLinal space, and vftre- when symptomatic, that h ire? resolved leaving the protein-

ous (Figure 3.59А]. These palients iqay or may not show aceotis material subr-etinally. Three weeks (D j and i months
(EJ later Lhe subretinal fibrin has decreased and resolved
evidence of colton-wool patches and hemorrhages in lhe
alm a# completely.
retina. Angiography may demonstrate evidence of delayed
iCautTny l^r D*vid Wfeliihcrji.)
perfusion of segments of the choroid as well as mulliple
pinpoint areas of leakage of dye through lhe RPE in lhe
region of the subretinal yellow-xvhile patches (Figure
339C and L). After delivery and treatment of the hyper­
tension, the detachment rapidly resolves and recovery extensive degenerative changes in the RPE and retina lhal
of visual function is relatively complete in most patients. may simulate a diffuse lapetorelinal dystrophy (Figure
An irregular branching pattern of hyperpigmenled dols 3.3yj—I.).-■' Correct diagnosis is important since lhe
(flschnig spots), yellowish patches, and interconnecting changes caused by toxemia are notiprogressive.
Lines of depigmenlation of lhe RPH often remains in lhe The cause of toxemia of pregnancy is unknown. Some
juxtapapillary and macular area (figure H. and |). pa lien Is presenting with bilateral retinal detachment may
ihese changes, caused by infarction of the RPE, are fre­ manifest other evidence of DIC. for example, hemolysis.,
quently symmetric in both eyes and., if initially detected elevated liver enzymes, low platelets, and upper abdomi­
on a routine eye examination years later may be incor­ nal pain MlEI.LP syndrome). Some of these palients may
rectly interpreted as signs of a macular dystrophy. have normal or near-normal blood pressure.""’2'1 H E tiP
Ihey are often more evident angiographically lhan oph- syndrome has been associated with centra! retinal w in
tbalmoscopically (Figure 3.ЗУ 1L^ G, I, and I.}. Patients occlusion, serous and serosanguineous retinal delachmenl
wilh severe toxemia тл у develop profound visual loss (figure 3.ft0), vitreous hemorrhage. Purtscher-like retinop­
and blindness secondary to total serous and hemorrhagic athy and occipital infarcts.:i-'-' Increased VLCF levels
retinal detachment and be left following recovery with have been noled in the serum of these women / "
Cottagen Vascular Disease 3.6 E Orga n-tr an spla nt с ho rio re linopalhy and
exudative retinal detachment
Palients With disseminated lupus erythematosus, ,3,SfflJ
poLyarierltib. ясойейа,801-^ disseminated scleroderma, der- A-C: Ffvc months afLer a renal Jransplant, this 51-year-
old man noted bl:Eafera[ paracentral scotomas nnd bu rred
tnatomyositis, and relapsing polychondritis may develop
vision. After irafcarecl extraction hib visual acuity returned
serous delachmenl of the macula с aused by fibrinoid lo 2 0/ 2 U Eh laterally,. t?uI his paracentral scolomas persisted.
necrosis of the choroidal vessels (see figure 2.14). Ihey Тчеле w pr6 zones af yellow Kb flecks and relinal piemen I
may or may nal show ophthalmoscopic evidence of reti­ nhpfIhelium Rl-'E. i disTuplion pa ratxm Iral ly in fjoLh eyes (A .
nal vascular involvement. 'Ihey may or may not have sys­ A ngiography revealed w ilh in these zones n leopafd-sp^il pat­
temic hypertension. tern СЙ n.onfluor£!sc:en1 flecks on- а background of hyperfluo-
rescen celC And □}.
t)- F : y e a n Sifter a hearl tmnsplanl Ihis fifl-vear-old man
Goodpasture's Syndrome devielofH-'d blurred vision And distortion o f vision in the ri^lil
eye associated with serous retinal detachment and progres­
Goodpasture's syndrome is characterized by lhe onset of
sively enlarging zones dE RPE damage in a pattern similar to
signs and symptoms of hemorrhagic pulmonary disease
lhe patienl in A -С. At the lime ol the photographs in D-F.
(hemoptysis) and rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis his visual acuity had irnpjrcjvt.4J hponLa nrous lv from 3;0/6l) lo
(hematuria) leading to progressive pulmonary and renal 20/-50 and mtjsl of lhe subretinal !iuid had resolv&d. The Ы е-
failure. Deposition of immunoglobulin С occurs in a lin ­ phase angiograms showed pinpoint leakage p f EEuorescein
ear pattern in the basement membranes of the glomeruli, (anow r f ). The lefl eye was unal'tecled.
the lungs, and the choroidal blood vessels ,:|4 Circulating G - L : Two years afler a heart-tung transplant,, this 47-year-old
basement membrane antibodies are frequently dem­ man noled mild visual disturbance. Examination at thaL time
revealed zones o f paracentral disruption and du m pin g of the
onstrated. Jhe autoantibodies are directed against the
RF’fc associated w ilh localized serous retinal detachmenl ii:
Goodpasture antigen, which is part of the noncollagenous the m acula o f holh eyes fG and Hi. Angiography showed a
domain of the alpha 3(TV) collagen chain. Approximately leopard-spol pattern af i l u i ^ c e k e and pinpoinl areas of
75% of patients die within the first year. Scattered retinal focal staining in- bolh eyes. Fourteen monlhs later I here was
hemorrhages and exudates occur in approximately 10% evid+jnt:e fitf progression of lhe pigment opilheliopathy .and
of the patients; bilateral juxlapapilh'.Ty subretinal neovas­ inferior bullous relinal deLachmt'nl Lhal exLended inlo Lhe
cularization and peripheral retinoschisis have been seen m acular areas. There was a widespread pa Hern of vellu w
fleckh resembling fundus flavimaculatus throughout the роь-
in one patient.^1 * Kutlous retinal detachment second ary
lerior l undi 11—L I.
Lo fibrinoid necrosis of the choriocapillaris and overlying . 7ч"
RPE may occur.SS? K |A, C.!. .inrl Ci-L frurn GUi E t a l . I IW 2, Агiil -гi ■11 МСп1ч,lI
■ ■(X :■ !I I'll ЛИ r.i^h^ rt.icrved J

Systemic Necrotizing Vasculitis

(Wegener's Granulomatosis and
granulomatosis6* 3is seen occasionally. Retinal and choroi­
Lymphoid Granulomatosis) dal artery occlusions, serous retinal detachments, branch
Visual loss associated with multiple outer white lesions and central relinal vein occlusions, severe retinitis and uve­
at the level of (he KPli similar to lhal occurring in acute itis, sderitis, and sclerochorotdal granuloma, mimicking a
posterior multifocal placoid pigment epilheliopathy in choroidal tumor are other posterior-segment manifesta­
palients wilh Wegener's granulomatosis'1’'10 and lymphoid tions in ihese patients.14:1 l:'
O R G A N T R A N S P L A N T A T IO N A N D 3.bll Dys prote in e mia and serous macn Ear detach men t.

H E M O D IA L Y S IS A—D: A 63-year-old man w ilh Waldenstrom's- macnoglobu-

linemia developed loss of central vision bilaterally associ­
Patients following renal, heart, and heart-lung transplati- ated w ilh localized serous retinal detachment (arrows, Bj in
Lalion may develop loss of vision caused by serous relinal lhe macula of both eyes. Ih e re w ere scattered relinal hem­
orrhages in Ifie periphery Ai bul minim al evidence of reLi-
delachmenl associated with geographic zones of leopard-
naL venous; dilation. The visual acuiLy was 7/200 bilaterally.
spot pattern of dumping of orange RL’h and RPK depig- A ngiograplifv revealed some scalLereri foci of mild relinal
menlalion in the posterior fundi of both eyes (Figure m icrovascular changes, but no evid en ce of staining either
3.G1J. rluorescein angiography accentuates these RPli Ln Lhe relina or aL ihe level of the retinal pigment epithe­
changes and during lhe exudative phases of lhe disease lium (C Lind О]. Orre week later, following plasmapheresis,
demonstrates multiple pinpoint areas of fluorescein leak­ lhe serous m acular detach m en t had nesoked anrl Lhe visual
age within the zones of pigment epithelial damage (Tigure acuity had improved Lo 2(^.2 00.
E-E: This wom an w ilh diabeLeb mellilub and m ulliple
3.61 R, C, Li, H I, and L). lhe subrelinal fluid usually
myeloma developed loss of central vision caused by serous
resolves spontaneously within several weeks or months.
relinal delachm enl in the macula :arrows, t) of botii eyes,
Recurrences are common, 'l'he epEsodes of exudative ih e hatl m inim al background di a belie retinopathy. The
delachmenl do not coincide necessarily wilh clinical evi­ deLnchmenl persisted and was associated w ilh an increase in
dence of graft rejection. All of the patients were receiving i. I-.■■Ii-■!к I l :ii■:>
| :' !"iv iF .i!l : i\ ■
. Angjogr.ijjh^ ч -.c.ih d —.
a combination of oral corticosteroids, cyclosporine, and dence of background retinopathy and inlense staining o f Lhe
azalhioprine. Any one or a combination of these drugs, subretinal fluid.

particularly the corticosteroids, may be of pathogenetic

importance.’^ ЧЪе pattern of pigment epithelial changes
suggests that acute damage lo the RHi, perhaps by local­ choriocapillaris, whether caused by a shower of exoge­
ized intravascular coagulopathy affecting the choriocapil- nous embolic т а Leri aE, such as corticosteroid p reparat Lons
Earis, may be responsible. after periorbital injections, or fibrin platelet or cholesterol
Multifocal serofibrinous retinal pigment epithelial emboli from (he carotid artery, rarely causes symptomatic
detachments and relinal detachment identical lo that damage to the retina.' 56 fixpert men tally, it is difficult to
seen in patients wilh severe ICSC may occurr usually produce retinal damage and retinal detachment by embo­
bilaterally in patients receiving hemodialysis because of lization of the choroidal vasculature alone. Injection of
renal failure^'' and occasionally after renal iransplanta- emboli retrograde via the vortex veins to obtain an ele­
Lion.46.07.м.7«.на ( Se£ previous discussion, ICSC, pp.
ment of venous obstruction, and photocoagulaLion lo
S4-86.) When occurring after renal transplantation, the damage the RI41 physically as well as occlude the choroi­
ocular symptoms have developed soon after the transplant dal blood vessels are techniques used to produce exudative
in patients who presumably were receiving hemodialysis retina] detachment expert mental Еу.м"
preoperativeiy. All but one of these palienls who devel­ Serous macular detachment may be produced ejtperi-
oped ocular symptoms while receiving hemodialysis and menLally in cats by photodynamic injury produced
all of (hose who became symptomatic after renal trans­ by laser activation of intravascular rose Bengal.'’
plantation were receiving systemic corticosteroids, which HislopalboEogically the detachment is associated with
may either aggravate or cause ЕСЬС.4*"" Reduction of the occlusion of the choriocapillaris and retinal vessels.
dosage of corticosteroids and laser treatment of exlrafoveal
RPli detachments may be beneficial in causing resolution
of retinal detachtffyail/'6 l.ow-fluence photodynamic ther­
apy is useful in eyes with widespread leakage.

Kecause of the availability of multiple pathways of
coE lateral blood flow, embolic obstruction of the
D Y S P R O T E IN E M IA C A U S IN G 3.b3 Sere us macula r delachm ent and Wald e nst rdm rs
Д-К: Thin diabetic male w ilh moderate nonpruliterafeve
A N D R E T IN O P A T H Y diabetic retinopathy was noted to have bilaleraE m acular
delacbtnenls (A and Eli. An an^iu^ram showed micruaneu-
Л palienl wilh Waldenstrom's macroglobulinemia devel­ rv'ims btiL no reason for ihe subrelinal fluid, which could
oped bilateral loss of ct’Jilral vision caused by serous be confirmed o r optical coherence lomojjjapby (F a rd Ch.
detachmenl of lhe relina in lhe rrtaailar area, un associ­ Olreervalicn was recommended, and a few months laler, the
ated wilh any fluorescein angiographic evidence of perme­ m acular flujd had in с rented in bolb еувд (H anil I.. Further
ability alien Lion of either lhe inner or ouler blood-relinal i№ № ase in lhe MUiJatiwe delachmenl 6 months laLer I) and

barrier (Figure Л.62А-Е>]. One week after plasmapheresis PO prompted an evaluation lew dysproleinemias. He was
found Lo have WaldwnsLnom's feaci'OglcibunlFiernia anti Was
the relina fe attached bi Iale rally. Presumably ihe high lev­
Klarledon сЬ е то ф е твр у and plasmapheresis.
els of abnormal serum proteins in these patients jnay gain
К !i lu rb ra y 4зГ U r . КлИТ'п (.jr ih r x .J
entrance into the subrelinal space and cause lhe accumula­
tion of water by osmosis. As demonstrated in lhe firsl case,
this may occur in lhe absence of a demonstrable alteration Waldenstrom's macroglobulinemia is a В-cell lympho-
of either lhe RFE or retinal vascular endothelium to fluo­ proliferalive disorder with lymphoplasmacytic infiltration
rescein (figure 3.6JA-D). Similar serous retinal detach­ of (he bone т а now and lymphatic tissue, and secretion
ments that do nol exhibit fluorescein leakage have also of a monoclonal immunoglobulin protein IgM into the
been seen in palients wilh multiple myelomar POEM S serum. Clinical manifestations are second ary to infiltration
syndrome (see below), and benign monoclonal gam- of the bone marrow and extra medullary sites and elevated
mopalhy.^'1"1 '"'1, Many of ihese patients also have diabetic tgM levels. Pancytopenia, organomegaly, neuropathy, and
retinopathy and this additional mechanism for the serous effects of hyperviscosity characterize the clinical picture.
delachmenl may be overlooked for diabetic vascular leak­ Treatment strategies are complex and involve chemothera­
age. Other manifestations of hyperviscosity and second­ peutic drugs such as cyclophosphamide, riluximab, dexa-
ary anemia in these patients include retinal hemorrhages, melhasone, and eventually autologous stem cell transplant
microaneurysms, venous dilation and torluosilyr and and supportive therapy for anemia, and plasmapheresis
small-vessel occlusions (l-'igure 3 . 6 3 vieh0 for hyperviscosity.

Л а к
m ш
Multiple myeloma is a ti-cell malignancy wilh a mono­ З .Ы Uveal efi us ion syndrome.
clonal expansion of abnormal plasma cells in lhe bone
A—F: DiEated conjunclival vessels I A!' and bullous relinal
marrow lhal produce excess Immunoglobulin. Clinical delachmenl iri'i in it healthy 1.T-year-old girl w ho bad periph-
manifestations occur either second лry to the excess M pro­ e.: гл I I delachmeipt Lind leopard-spol mollling
tein, resulting in renal failure, systemic amyloidosis, or Dl Ihe pigmenl epithelium (CE. There w ere similar findings
recurrent bacterial infection due to decrease in polyclonal in the opposite eye ID:. Visual acuity was counting fingers.
immunoglobulins; or due Lo excess plasma cell prolif­ UIfrasOnOjjfipby sh ad ed diffuse Ihackenin^ of lh e posterior
choroid (arrows, Ь плг! ]■■.
eration result ing in lytic bone lesions, osteoporosis, bone
G -L ; This 42-year-old Hispanic man experienced recur-
fractures, anemia, and e*tra medullary plasmacytomas.
renl episodes o f sltcjlih delachmenl of lhe macula IG:-.
J teat ment includes hEgh-dose chemotherapy and stein cel! Anj^ic^Tams showed d ill use areas of hyperfluoreScence and
transplantation, and supportive therapy for anemia, and s o n » staining (arrow, Н]. He was incorrectly diagnosed as
plasmapheresis for hyperviscosity. having idlopathjfc central serous chcxionetirfppatfiy. lw o years
POKMS is an acronym for a rare multisystem disorder I,Меч note It'opiitd-spol changes th^it were evident angio-
of plasma cell dyscrasia featuring polyneuropathy, organo­ graphically 11 and J>. There w ere m m cells in the vltrc'ous and

megaly (spleen, liver, lymph node), endocrinopathy (adre­ peripheral c:liochoroidal detacEimciilH. ^ix months later he
was legally blind hecause of bilateral bullous relinal and cil-
nal, thyroid, pituilary, parathyroid, gonadal, pancreatic),
iocEwroidai detachment IK:-. Ten weeks after lamellar sclerec­
M protein and skin changes fhyperpEgmenlation, hyper­ tomies and tt lefosLomies WilEiSut drainage (>f nubn.'Tinal I i'.iid
trichosis, and hemangiomata}. Secondary sclerotic bone the detachments had PfcsoEved (L). TLLn yearn l.iLer Ihere bad
lesions can occur. 3hey have anasarca and bilateral optic been no evidence of recurrence or" detachment.
disc edema and are known to have high systemic levels of lA-C bin<31frum G.i^a iinrE laltc™1* t frurn С i l l _3 ' 'l
VliGH Bilateral retinal hemorrhages, serous retinal detach­
ment, cystoid macular edema, and optic disc edema are
ocular features.'""11)1,1~6bi Treatment by autologous periph­
eral blood stem cell transplantation reduces the VEGF diabetes mellitus who developed chronic serous detach-
Eevel and the syslemic manifestations. ETerhaps, temporary menL of the retina in the macular region (E'igure 3.6]E-L).
stabilization may be expected after systemic or intraocular Unlike the former case, angiography revealed evidence of
injection of aiitUVEGF antibodies^ 2 background diabetic retinopathy and intense staining of
Courtesy of Dr. Ijeonard Joffe, Gass reviewed the pho­ the subretinal 11иid. Et was not possible to determine lhe
tographs of another patient with mulliple myeloma and source of the tluorescein in the subretiniil fluid.
ID IO P A T H IC U V E A L E F F U S IO N 3.65 Uveal eft usion syndrome.

SYN D RO M E A—F: This +5 hyperopic Ь Э -year-old тдк 1 w ilh hisLory of

Lfstuttalivtf aye-TetaLed macular degeneration in both eye:-,
Patients ttrllh LUEiS, most о flea heallhy middle-aged men treated previously w ith intravilreal bevacizumab, developed
With norma I-size eyes, develop low; of vision in one or pro^reii-si ve exudative rc.Ti Ич'ъI deMchmunl .-and lhe vinion
droppud Id hand molions Over 2 months. Peripheral tl>o-
both eyesr caused by serous detachment first of the cho­
roidal dL-4-achinents went? и*нп nil around in addiLion (Af C,
roid and ciliary body and then of the retim [Figures and D). Autoffuoresc-ence imaging shows mottled increased
ЗЛ 4 '-:3 ^ ).й65"а7й i\itients may present either because of rind decreased auloflirorea^fehce in the riLLat:hod ruling and
Loss of their superior visual field secondary lo an inferior nt> fluorescence of lhe detached relink (9|l Following lbree
retinal detachment or because of metamoiphopsia and a srdfertal w indow s the choroidal and retinal delachm enls
positive scotoma secondary lo a serous detachment of the resolved w ilh increase in lhe Ityperaulofluonescenl speaks
macula. Dilation of the large conjunctival veiEis is often It!'. TEiey w ere present anterior to the retinal pigment epithe­
lium as clumfis o1'yellow browrt piemenled malerial i h ■.
present (E'igure 3.64A). lhe anterior segment otherwise is
G - H : MjonLaye color and autofluoreHconce images shows a
usually free of inflammatory signs. Lhere may be blood
nenttacEwd retina wilh yellow brown piemen! clumps :G and l-E).
in Schlemm's canal, intraocular pressure is normal, '['here
are usually some cells in the vitreous. Initially the serous
retinal detachment may he confined to the macular area
and the choroidal and ciliary body detachment may be has proved lo be successful.asLl-ft:il Patients often have a
overlooked unless ultrasonography is done (Figures 3.641-. prolonged course that is subject lo remissions and exacer­
and И .3.651 and 3.66$ and Cj. Other palients present with bations. ihey eventually develop a leopard-spot pattern of
bullous detachment of the retina as well as serous eleva­ irregular clumping and thinning of the ЙРЕ that may be
tion of the peripheral choroid and ciliary body [E'igures most easily delected angiographically [E'igures 3.64И, C.
3.64 В-L> and К, 3.63 and 3.66J. Typically there is marked J E, I, and Jf 3.631. and 3.66ti, ]. and II]. The yellow-brown
shifting of the subretinal fluid that is caused by its very pigment clumping is brilliantly aulofluorescentr suggest­
high protein content^ which is 2.5-3 Limes that in the ing lhe material is likely lipofuscin and other lipoprotein
normal plasma.1'" :' '' Fluorescein angiography may show fluorophores [figures 3.65 and 3.66). Jhese are visible in
some evidence of mild changes in the RPli early hut often pretreated eyes and become more prominent, once surgi­
does not show a discrete leak beneath the serous detach­ cal intervention has resulted in resolution of (he choroidal
ment of the retina. 'Ihe disease may affect initially only and retinal detachments {bigures 3.63 and 3.66). In a few
one eye. Often a similar detachment occurs in the second patients flecks of yellow subretinal and outer retinal lipid
eye weeks, months, or years later. Lhese patients do not exudation may develop in lhe macular area. Severe chorio­
respond to systemic corticosteroid treatment or anti metab­ retinal degeneration and loss of visual field may develop
olite therapy. Scleral buckling and drainage of subretinal in some patients. Most of these patients are hyperopic and
fluid often fail and may be complicated by hemorrhage. if carefully reviewed will show gradual increase in their
Decompression of the vortex: veins in nanophthalmic eyes hyperopia ovrer the preceding years.
Sftippnthic i-hr.].1LffuEioti S-mdrome I /
Histo pathologically, the eyes show асаш ш Ш о п of Uveal effusion syndrome; pathology and
prole in-rich extracellular exudate within the choroid treatment.
and Clliity body; serous detachment of the choroid, cili­
A and B: HistupathoEogic findings in a patient w ith (he uveal
ary body. Lmd relina; engorgement of the choroidal blood effusion syndrome. Nole serous detachment ol" Lhe enjjor^ed
vessels; O p lm al evidence of inflammation; Lmd expan­ peripheral choroid (A), absence o f evidence flf inflam m a­
sion of the subarachnoid space around the optic nerve tion. FCjnuuH relinal detach menL, choroidal en^orgem ^#, and
[E’igure 3.67A-CJ).’'I: '•* Abnormal accumulation of dilated SLibarachnoid space (arrow, K:-.
glycoaminoj’lycans occurs belween lhe scleral fibers C: l-tisLopatholof’ ii: findjn^s in another patient with uveal
effusion. 1here яг-е thickening of lhe sclera, Ihickeninjj o f lhe
I listochemically,- in one case- this accumulation consisted
choroid Eiy p e rio d s acid-^chiff-positive proteinaceous exu­
primarily of proLeodermalan sulfite and small amounts
date Ia nows I, and lhe folding of the тгтет choroid and reLi-
of proleochondroilin s u lfa te .S c le ra l cell tissue culture naf piemen I epitEieJium beneath lhe protoinaceoub subretinal
has demonstrated intracellular glycogen-like deposits."'’1’"1 exud-ale.
Abnormalities in scleral proteoglycans, increased sclera! D; D ig r a m s of pa ill ways i.rirrKW^:- of Iransscleral movunnml
fibroneclin, and Lwi sting and fraying of scleral fibers have of extrratast ular protein Ktipplin^j. [. focal vascular leak ir>
heen described in nanophlhalmic sciera^3,ef!,i v ' ' an olherwise normal eye. 2, Aphakic eye w ilh Iransienl post-

The cause of iLJEib is unknown, it is probably caused operalive с iliac horoidaJ deLichm enl I hat may require several
days or Weeks for resolution. 3, Idiopalhrc uveal effusion
by a congenital abnormality ol" lhe scleral structure with
Hvndrome w ilh increased resistance lo protein oulfEow iind
inlrascleral accumulation of abnormal amounts of extra­ uveal venous outflow caused by abnormal sclera.
cellular glycosamEnoglyeans over years. and hypoplasia of E: Djijjfram o f suri’ ical technique for the InealmerU of <.hronic
the vortex veins.!'b,',H<,,'>'JU Forrester et al. have suggested uveal effusion. Note Lhe lam ellar bderedtnftiiies and scleras-
that IUFS may be a form of ocular mucopolysaccharido­ lomies 'arrows. done w iihoul drainage o f suEjretina! -luid ir>
sis with a primary defect in proleodermalan synthesis each quadrant, avtaicfejrg Ihe meridian- of Ihe vortex veins.
and/or degradation by scleral fibroblasts.11^ The obser­ lA .ir ir t b ( r u m V t 'r h t J i'll .h n r f W .i i l c " '' D .:n < f h fr u r n С а м . ' 1 ' ' i

vation of uveal effusion in a patient with Hunless syn­

drome and Maro Leaux-Li my syndrome [ME’S type VI) is
further evidence to suggest Ehal abnormalities in scleral
mucopolysaccharides may be important in the causation approaches Lhal in Lhe vascular system, protein begins to
of ciliochoroidal effusion in patients with IHEiS and nan- move across the RPE into the subrelinal space and bul­
ophlhalmos. '" Thickened sclera and vortex vein obslruc­ lous retinal detachment develops. Jhe protein in the sub­
tion in nanophthalmic eves have been incriminated in the let inal fluid becomes superconcentrated lo levels 2-lVi
pathogenesis of uveal e ffu s te ^ ^ 1-119^ 6 limes lhal in the vascular system, ihis is probably the
The following hypothesis has been suggested lo explain cause of: [ ]) the marked shifting of the subretinal fluid;
the serous detachment of the uveal tract in idiopathic (2) the leopard-spot appearance ofthe R P l [3 ] the occa­
uveal effusion: as aging changes take place in Lhe thick­ sional precipitation of yellow subretinal and infrared nal
ened, abnormal sclera, particularly in the in ale patienl, lipoproteins; and [4] elevation of the pro Lein lewis of the
the eye loses its ability to cope with protein that normally perEoptic cerebrospinal fluid lhal causes secondary expan­
escapes in small quantities from the choroidal blood ves­ sion of the perioptic subarachnoid space. Diffusion of lhe
sels into lhe extracellular space.""' One of the primary protein from this area posteriorly probably explains why
functions of (he lymphatic system is lo provide a means of lumbar puncture in ihese patients reveals elevation of the
returning prole in in the extravascular compartment lo lhe cerebrospinal fluid protein levels in approximately 50%
vascular system.''"' En Lhe eye lhe scleral emissary channels of patients in the absence of pleocylosis. Dilation of the
probably function as lymphatic channels for extravascu- episcleral veins and blood in Schlemm's canal are anlerior-
Ear protein in Lhe choroid and ciliary body to escape into segment manifestations ofthe chronic vorlex vein obstruc­
the periocular tissue*96 Fncroachmenl on these channels tion that is usually present. The intraocular pressure in
by aging changes in Lhe thick mucopolysaccharide-infil­ most diseases causing ciliochoroidal edema or delachmenl
trated sclera, as well as a hypoplastic vortex vein system, is lower than normal because of the lowered resistance
predisposes the eyes lo vortex vein obstruct ion and exces­ lo the Liveoscleral outflow of aqueous hum or. " ™
sive accumulation of extravascular prole in and waler in l'he typically normal intraocular pressure in patients with
the uveal tract [Figure 3.67153]. When the extravascular idiopalh.ic uveal effusion is probably caused by the greater
protein concentration in the choroid and ciliary body than normal resistance to uveoscleral outflow.
Ultti$Onograpby in [he early stages of the disease shows 3,h7 Idiopathic uveal effusion syndrome
evidence of thickening of the sclera, choroidr and caLiзг>г
A—L: This ЕО-уваг-old Caucasian w om an noted gradual
body thal may anted Lite any visible changes in the ocu­ dec Iir e in vision in holh eyes, left m ore IK m lhe rij^hl over
lar fundus. 3'his thickening is always present just prior lo J months. ih e W&a started on oral prednisone 60 mg for a
tmd after development of retinal detachment. JM■"':|- ihe diagnosis of c. h-i'jroiНлI del ach ment .n her left eye. Уhr? had a
demonstration of ultrasonographic evidence of increased hislory of hfeaiL (.'.inter lhat was treated w ilh a mastecJomy
thickening of lhe posterior choroid by extracellar fluid is 5 years previously Her visual acuity № 20/3(5 in the rijt.1iI
eye чЭлН 2 O '100 in lhe left Live. The rij^Hl eye had я le w yel­
essentia! before a diagnosis of uveal effusion can be made
low orange puncLile dots in lhe posterior pole And periph­
and scleral windows can be done. Ultrasonography may
eral cbofCiitfal effusions 'A . Ih e lefL eye had several amall
also demonstrate evidence of expansion of the oplic nerve punclate y d low d<jLh thfouLjhoui lhe fundus, JCj0° pefiplfeTHl
sheaths [positive 30е" test) (Figure 3.67R). Ihe uveal thick­ choroidal effusions and interior exudative relinal detachment
ening may also be delected in some cases by computed extending Lip lo Lhe inktfior arcade (8, C r and |j. Huorescein
tomography; and more recently by enhanced depth imag­ ®igi^ftram showed diffuse leopard-spot change in lhe left
ing of the choroid on Spectral is OCT."4'1 ey^ and hypofEuojescent lines fcarr^spondtag Lo choror-
dal folds at the equalor irom the choroidal detachments (D
Segmental- parti aI-thickness sclerectomies at or slightly
and t. arrows i Hie ye llo w dote were brilliam ly hvperaulo-
anterior lo Lhe equator, avoiding Lhe meridians of any
fluorescenl and Lhe choroidal and retinal del-achments were
existing vortex veins, followed by full-thickness sclerosto­ hypoautolltiorescent. Ал ultrasound confirmed the serous
mies without perforation of the underlying choroid Within choroidal :!Ci and r-minal detachmenti: (F). O ptical coherence
the sclereclomy sites, have been successful in the treatment tomography Ы the left m acula showed intta retinal and sub-
of IIJLS and nanophthalmos {figure 3.<5^Е) relinal fTuid in lhe m acula, and intraiolinal lluid in Ihe ri^hl
Use of episcleral instillation of corticosteroids in the macula, ih e underwent scleral w indow s in three quadrants
in the Ioil eyer the choroidalF resolved ovefniijhl, but the
area of the sclerectomies before closure of the conjunc-
serous retinal d-rilac hment r e s o le d over В weeks. The fun­
Liva probably reduces the chance of regrowth of tissue
dus of the left eye 3 months post scleral w indow s shows no
across the sclerectomies and recurrence of citiochoroidal subretinal fibrosis, increased visibility of the orange brown
detachment. pigment epithelial clumps IKJ, w hich are vividly hyperauto-
Decompression of the vortex veins and scleral resection fluorescertl ■L i.
halffc proved successful in the treatment of uveal effusion
in nanophlhalmic ihe author believes that
the scleral resection alone is responsible for the beneficial
effects of the operation, and lhat decompression of the with nanophthalmos and a tapetoretinal degeneration. J~D
vortex veins is unnecessary and adds to the morbidity of 'lhe author has seen two siblings with nanophthalmos.
Lhe procedure, ihis view is supported by the recent find­ retinitis pigmentosa, and bilaleraE uveal effusion, and
ings of Jin and Anderaaft. another patient with nanopbdialinos and retinitis pigmen­
Secondary causes for uveal effusion include ]ianoph- tosa who was referred for consideration of sclerectomies
thalmos/ldapBl^ jm3'M l dural arteriovenous fistu­ because of suspected chronic uveal e[fusion. The patient
las.*144"-1 scientist11 Harada's disease, benign reactive had no clinical or ultrasonic evidence of uveal effusion,
lyjnphoid hyperplasia of the uveal tractr luetic chorioreti­ lhe patient's eIeelrorelinogram was virtually extingLiished.
nitis. 41 carotid artery obstruction [Figure 6.13D-]), orbital follow-up of some patients after scleral win­
cellulitis, diffuse neoplasms of the uveal tract,,|J oxygen dows has revealed that some show evidence of progres­
inhalation therapy/'11 wound leaks following surgical or sive chorioretinal degenerative changes in the absence of
other traumatic wounds of the serous evidence of recurrence of u\real effusion. It is not known
choroidal delachment occurring during intraocular sur­ whether this may be caused by mild chronic recurrent
gery/40""1'' and after photbcoaEulalion.^* Angje closure efTu&ion or perhaps is caused by7 the same anomaly of
glaucoma may occur after ciliochoroidal detachment of mucopolysaccharide metabolism affecting the sclera in
any cause.'J ' LI veal effusion may occur in family members these patients.

ТЬе diagnosis of 1UBS includes megmato- 3.68 P lim ary pu! monary hyper lensio n.
genous retinal deLachment wfth aswdatpd cilioretina!
A—1: This 25-year-old white mate w ith end-stage primary
detachment, inflammatory pseudotumor of Lhe jtfveal tract, pijlmoiiary hypertension presented ] w eek before lung Inin*-
diffuse amelanotic melanoma or metastalie carcinoma. bilat­ plant w ilh mild drstorlion in the left eye w hich was diaj=-
eral diffuse uveal melanocytic proliferation (set1 p. 1102), nosed .if- cenlral serous choriorelinopathy. Two weeks post
Harada's disease (see pp. 948-1002), ICSC, particularly if lung imnsplant, his vision decreased i.jflhef Lo 20/400. The
complicated by steroid therapy resulting in lai^e exudative rif^t eye remained at 20/20. The lefE fundus showed serous
relinal delachmenl I A, ^ . А fluorescein лгк1 mdncyanine
retinal delachmenl (see p. 78J/01, sympathetic uveitis {see p.
green angiogram revealed mild w in d o w defect conespond-
1004)., and posterior selerilis. [see p. 1016]. Ultrasonography
Fny to lhe center oT the fovea (C, Df. O p lic a l coherence
is particularly valuable in making lbe correct diagnosis. tomography confirmed intraielLnat and subretinal fluid lEf. A
Jhe leopard-spot pigmentation that frequently develops in diagnosis of possible central serous churioretinopalhy versus
patients with uveal effusion syndrome is similar in appear­ graft-versus-hos) disease was made. Steroids were decreased.
ance to that occurring in some patients wilh systemic large His tymptoms worsened Lo jjntfblve the riyhl eye Iо 20/60
cell lymphoma (see p. 1160.. hig 1:!.34D-|), leukemia (see and further decreased to 20/2(KJ in both eyes. The patient
developed a skin rash and looked very ill. AL Lhrs lime, his
p. 1244), or bilateral diffuse uveal melanocytic proliferation
oral steroid was increased. The vision improved lo 20/50
(see pp. 1202-1204}. and in patients with organ transplant
and 2 0 / 7 0 in 2 weeks, and further to 20/20 in bolh eyes in
chorioretinopathy [see p. 1 SB). aboul h weeks. The retinal and choroidal fluid resolved
A diagnosis of serous retinal and choroidal elfusion second­
Primary Pulmonary Hypertension ary Lo primary pulmonary hypertension was madeji since his
sympLoms began Ewfore '.he lung transplant and responded 1й
Primary pulmonary hypertension is a rare fatal disorder of corLicostenoids.
idiopathic obi iteration of the pulmonary capillaries that [C6Uti«y (if Dr. Cmir .\U( .rn'i А1:1Д. Т!,тсш±н:: ■IjkVrL'iiLi'J., Hit
results in righl heart failure. Ocular findings are not very A ll.* . S .iu iy trs 2 U I0 . p .fS b .l

common, hut when present manifest as dilated conjunc­

tival and episcleral vessels, exudative choroidal and retina! in some of the familial and sporadic cases.9:7 l'he Lumen
detachment (Hgure 3.6S), or venous stasis retinopalhy of the precapi 11ary arterioles and smal! pulmonary arteries
progressing to central relinal vein occlusion al times.'J''" is obliterated by cellular and myofibroblast proliferation
'J‘ ' One case of acute angle closure glaucoma has been and in situ thrombosis, causing vascular remodeling that
reported."'1' The resistance in lhe typically tow-resistance raises the pulmonary arterial pressure'"" 'lhe secondary
pulmonary vascular bed increases, resulting in right heart causes of pulmonary hypertension are more com in on and
failure. Jhis in turn translates higher venous pressure lo include connective tissue diseases such as scleroderma,
the head and neck veins, liver vasculature, and peripheral lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, mixed connective tissue dis­
veins. Stagnation of flaw in the retinal and choroidal veins eases, human immunodeficiency virus [H IV] infection,
results in venous stasis retinopalhy and choroidal effu­ cirrhosis, portal hypertension, and the use of appetite sup­
sions and prominent episcleral vessels. pressants.u:''' Since the condition is common in women, a
Primary pulmonary hypertension is familial in 10% history of use of appeLile suppressants should be sought.
(familial pulmonary arterial hypertension); the rest are Death occurred within 2-3 years of diagnosis when
sporadic (idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension). treated medically alone, previously. Newer medical and
A female preponderance is known and the average age at support Lherapy has prolonged survival."""1'" Recenl suc­
presentation is 36 years. Cermline bone morphogenetic cess of lung transplants has improved morbidity and life
protein recepLor type II gene mutations has been found
Sftippntl.ic Llvi'iil Effusion SyndrnnfE 2D3
S U P R A C H O R O ID A L H E M O R R H A G E Suprachoroidal hemorrhage.

A -С: Tbis 7-1-year-old wom an bumped her «у е one day

ipotitaneous bleeding of a choroidal blood vessel may aflcr th e undurwenL an intraoLular lens- exchange. W h ile
produce a variety of clinical pictures. When it occurs dur­ repositioning lhe displaced iiiLmocular lens .1 change in Lhe
ing the course of intraocular surgery, bleeding may be red reflex was noted. She had developed an intraoperative
massive and produce an etpulsLve hemorrhage. Risk fac­ choroidal hfimewffla^e that was photographed [he nexl day
tors for the development of spontaneous intraoperative 'Л'т-ч hi1: vision v.yi:- h.ind i: n-■:i :ni:- A f i Гho hemorrhage
resolvnd over lime with conservative managomenl and vi yitjn-
suprachoroid a[ hemorrhage are: history of glaucoma.,
rrlurned I о 20/20 е^епШаИу.
increased intraocular pressure preopera lively, increased
D and E: A sem i I unar-sha ped brown reflex was noted w hile
axial length of the eye, oJder age. aphakia, posterior-cap­ this 79-year-old patienl was undergoing cataract surgery. His
sule rupture, generalized atherosclerosis* cardiovascular posterior capsule bad ruptured during Lhe procedure and
disease, diabetes mellitus.. and elevaled intraoperative anterior-chamber tens was placed and wound closed quickly.
pulse " " Clinical signs of suprachoroidal hemorrhage W h en examined the nexl day he had в large U'mpornl Suprab
Include pain, increased intraocular pressure, loss of red c: hTjn ji del I hemorrhage Lhal obscured his macula and coLild
reflex, progressive shallowing of Lhe anterior chamber and be t от firmed on an ultrasound В scan IEJ>. Ten days later the
hemorrhage was drained, follow ing w hich fundus photo­
smooth bullous, dark elevated mass(es) in the fundus. If
graphs could lie dune. Autofluonescence image shows alter­
bleed ing occurs postoperativeEy, often during a period nating cLirk and lighl linos- fqrrtEspo'H.d i пд I о lhe chcriorelinal
of hypolony. the bleed ing may produce a ciliochoroidal [bids at the posterior cd^e Erf lhe choroidal hemorrhage it ',
detachment of similar configuration Lo, but usually of r and G : POslgJaucoma surgery suprachoroidal hemorrhage
darker color than, that of uveal effusion (I'igure 3.69A- iJ- in Ihis ЙО-year-old wom an 4 days apart showing reduc­
C j .'35 Transiliumination clearly differentiates serous tion in s iie by almosL 5Cs-V-ih Cl .
from hemorrhagic detachment of the choroid and ciliary H : Kjdensivt! choroidal hemorrhage in 1hiн 79-year-old male
who underwent ^ J/ltnettomy and scleral buckle placemen I
body. In some cases, particularly following cataract extrac­
for a post Iraumatic calaracl remctval гс:ii:.■I delachmenl.
tion, the suprachoroidal hemorrhage may remain local­
EHis sclera was very thin in I bo superior half and the buckle
ized and mimic a choroidal melanoma, a large choroidal sutures had to be placed carefully. The retina was flat al Ibe
nevus, or a subretinal pigment epithelial hematoma.9 end o f Lhe surgery and 2 0 % il-^ yas was placed. O n pos1-op
Huore&cein angiography shows no obstruction of back­ day 1, he coivplajned of no overnight pain: I fie gas had com ­
ground choroidal fluorescence over the center of (he pletely disappeared and the globe was filled with choroidal
lesion, some relative non fluorescence around its border, blood (H). The eye did poorly with development of a new
gianl retinal lear Hupoii<jf]y.
and usually some evidence of chorioretinal folds overlying
the suprachoroidal hematoma. Ultrasonography shows
acoustic hollowness of Lhe lesion without choroid aE exca­
vation (Hgure 3.69D, F-l L). arteries, resulting in hemorrhage, iubsequenl stretching
The etiology and pathogenesis of suprachoroidal hem­ of the ciliary nerves due to rapid accumulation of blood is
orrhage appear Lo be dependent upon the change in intra­ responsible for the patient's sensation of pain. It has been
ocular pressure. L'he primary event for initiation of (he postulated that necrosis secondary Lo associated systemic
hemorrhage is thought to be hypotony resulting in effu­ vascular disease may result in weakening of the integrity
sion of serous fluid into the suprachoroidal space, which of blood vessel walls and contribute lo extravasation of
stretches and Lears Lhe long or short posterior ciliary blood as well.:fJlv:u°-,,,|J
]' к
К ■g Ш ■
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This page mtentlonaSly left blank
Folds of the Choroid and Retina
C H O R IO R E T IN A L F O L D S 4.i>I Idiopa lh i с с hori oreti nal lo Ids,

A—C : Ttiis 49-year-old man has bilateral idiopathic folds (Af.

Any condition causing hi reduction in lhe area of the inner Не com plained o f difficulty With reading. Visual] acuity was
surface of the sclera (scleral thickening or scleral shrink­ 2(V20 ri^bt eyej 21V25 lefl eye. 1Кг? retriactm] error chanjjed
age) w ill cause (he inner portion of the choroid, including from -(}. J.1» I о -1-0.75 over 5 yea™ in each eye for din Ian'. e
{truth's membrane, lhe overlying retinal pigment epithe- with a -I-2.25 add rn both еуен. ТЬете wns no d istortion on-
Eium (R PEJi and the outer relinal layers, Lo be thrown into the Am sler Rrid. 5i teieoa nglogja ms show hyperfluorescence
Dorresipor|fl]rg with the yellow elevaled icdcfc [B and C).
a series of folds or wrinkles.1 IndenLotion of the sclera
I 1 and : E3il.M( i-■ii■i| i-'i.n- : ■!■I:-. \ l .■i :ц:\\ ■I"-. -.1 ■ -.ч-:
by sclera] depression or by an orbital tumor in the absence
evidence o f die folds as Well <ls evidence ol retina] piemen I
of scleral thickening or shrinkage does not produce cho­ epithelial fibrous melaplnsia and ig e n e ra L ito chat|ge4 Simu­
rioretinal folds. Choroidal thickening by congestion alone la Lin^ a n m jd slreaks (arrows, El.
or by choroidal inflammatory or neopiaslic infiltration F: Histopalhofoyy of chorioFelinal folds (arrow). Note
may or may not cause chorioretinal folds.1' 15 The terms p r o life r a te changes and reduplication ol the basemen I
"choroidal folds." "choroidal striae," or more accurately, membrane.
G : VcrLic.df' orienled folds.
"chorioretinal folds" are used to refer Lo Lhose folds thal
Irregularly oriented folds.
produce a characteristic ophthalmoscopic, hiomicroscopic,
1 and |: blurred vision occurred in ibis wom an w ilh bilaieral
and fluorescein angiographic appearance in the fundus idiopaIhk folds becaifce qf dew iopm en t ot a ( mMoldal neo-
(figures 4.Ll I -4.05). figures 4.01К 4.L1JLH and C; and 4.03 tosCular membrane in t-he jif^ht eye (arhtrt^ J).
IL illustrate diagrammaiieally and pholomicrographically К ant] L: 5enokls m acular detachment occurred in the Lefl дуе
the histopathologic configuration of these folds.1'1k 16 of ihis woman-. An^iof^aphv -Li demonstralud a local leak
Acutely acquired chorioretinal folds usually produce bot no definite evid en ce of subrelinal neovascularization.

visual dysfunction caused by distortion by the overlying

retina] receptors. Most patients with long-standing idio­
pathic folds, however are typically asymptomalic, have
excellent visual acuity, and may show no evidence of
metamorphopsia on the Amsler grid {Figure 4.01A-D). of the choroidal fluorescence occurs along the crest of (he
Chorioretinal folds produce alternate yellow and dark choroidal and К PEL folds and produces a series of rela­
streaks, which often involve the posterior pole of the eye tively hyperfluorescent streaks that are evidenL as ea rly as
(figure 4.01). Ihese fo]ds may have a horizontal, oblique, the arterial phase. The hyperfluorescent streaks are caused
or vertical orientation (figure 4.0]} and are generally by the relative normality or slight thinness of the RPE on
roughly parallel lo each other. ']hey may however, have the crest, the greater thickness of Lhe pool of choroidal
an irregular (i'igure 4.0LSJ ) or a radiating pattern (figure dye benealh Lhe crest, and the shorter course of the inci­
4.04D -f). L'he longer the duration of the folds, the more dent blue and reflected ye!low-green light through the RPE
prominent they appear. 3iiomicroscopy reveals that the ele­ on the cresL compared to that in the trough. 'E'ltis pattern
vated portion- or crest, of the folds appears yellow in con­ of fluorescence remains constant, but the degree of fluo­
trast to Lhe darker appearance of the relative narrow trough rescence gradually fades a]ong with (he background fluo­
between Lhe folds, 'l’he retina, particularly its outer layers, rescence, usually wilhin I hour The troughs of the folds
may or may not mirror precisely the contours of the cho­ appear hypofluorescent. In some cases the choroidal folds
roidal and RPE folds. The reLina in the central macula is are quite broad and the troughs between them may be nar­
often thrown into a stellate pattern of folds. row [fsgures 4.03К and b and 4.0411J. 'Ihis results in the
Characteristic changes in the background choroidal angiographic finding of narrow dark Jines running within
fluorescence are caused by folding of (he choroid and a background of normal or slightly intensified background
КРЁ (figures 4.dl and 4.Q3-4.G6). I'igure 4.02 depicts choroidal fluorescence (figures 4.01 f and 4.03К and tj.
schematically the histopathologic changes occurring in indocyanine green angiography also demonstrates (he
Lhe КРГ and choroid lhal account for the various angio­ Lines; however the hyperfluorescent lines appear to be
graphic patterns seen in chorioreLinal folds, intensification broader than they appear on fluorescein angiography. 1!'
Angiography is helpful in demonstrating these folds., 4.0l! Chorioretinal folds.
which, if only mildly developed, лпау be overlooked. JL
Schematic diagram cornel а I ing the histopathologic a rd fluo­
is also helpful in delection of proliferative .and metaplas­ rescein angiographic changes caused by wrinkling ol (he cho-
tic 131L changes [figure 4.01 L).. drusen formation, focal rc>LcI and retinal pigment epilhellfim iK fl:.. The y^JltAtf-.coldlfe ir>
ldJL leaks- and choroidal neovascularization LhaL may eath d iig n ir represents fluorescein dyu in the choroid.
occur occasionally along these folds (Figure 4.0]] and Q j 5 A: N o n n a I re la tio n s h ip c f lh e R F t lo [he c h o ro id ^ H ) a n d
Angiography is also useful tn differentiating folds of scFera (SC].
B: ilighL w rink ling of Kruch^ membrjflne and Hf'E: lhaL may
Lhe choroid and &P£ from folds in the relina, xvhich do
produce I ill I с or no change in [he? background chohBmlal
nol alter background fluorescence (Hgure 4.061; and E).
Aulofluorescence imaging also demonstrates the chorio­ : M ore marked folding :r> rhe choroid and RF’t. The Kf-nt
retinal folds wilh the color of ihe lines being most often on Ihe crest o f ifiE! fofd in relatively thinned LlefL arrow I and
opposite Lo lhe lines seen on angiography 3"he crests Lransmitt lhe background choroidal flucKEEcence beLLer than
appear dark or hyp о auto fluorescent due to s( retching the compressed К HE in Lhe troughs o l (he folds I right arrow:
of lhe pigmenl epithelium and spread of the K[3L pig­ 1 injure 4.0EA-L).

menl while the troughs appear hyperauto fluorescent due D: ESroad choroidal folds w ilh relatively narrowed [roughs.
There is compression- and heapjnj'-up of Lhe KPL in Lhe
Lo crowding of Lhe pigmenl tn Lhe pigment epithelium
trough ^ri^hs arrow:. The К ГЕ over Ihe center of Lhe folds (nay
(I'igure 4.02J and K). Auto fluorescence is rapid and non- be r e la t iv w normal or hh<*w some loss-of pigmentation ilefl
tnvasive and can replace fluorescein angiography. It is arrrKVj 1-i^ure 4.01 [ J and E).
especially useful in monitoring folds that are expected Lo E: After resql|mtin o f Ihe chojoidal folds, linear lines of
resolve, such as afler correction of hypotony, resolution of hyperpigmentation (arrowy m ay remain in Lhe region o f Lhe
choroidal detachments, and so forth. previous nought and cause dark lines ahgiogfephicialEyi

Ultrasonography usually demonstrates some flattening F and G: A 5S-year-old male with b ilateral idiopathic folds
rind organ LransplanL relinopathy secondary to a renal trans­
and thickening of the posterior sclera and choroid Ln (he
plant. Note the orange flecks in [he right eye (arrows). He
area of extensive chorioretinal folding (Figure 4.04ti).j1"' underwent focal laser to a leak along lhe ST '.buperoLemporal
Alta and Bvrne studied 31 eyes with folds in 24 patients a rcade.
and found that over 60% had flattening of the posterior H and I: Hluoresoein angiogram а year latefsT^iws allernate
ocular wall, 4Qc/a had thickening of the retinochoroi- lif^ht and dark lines an:: hvpofluojescence o f Lhe two si Ins of
dal layer, and 25% had distended optic nerve she aLbs/"' laser phcHor:oagu3a Li on in the nght eye.
I and K: Increased 8ulofluorescont lines correspond 1o lhe
Computed tomography of patients wilh idiopathic
dark lines on the angiogram in both eyes. The pigmenl epi­
acquired folds also reveals flattening of the posterior globe
thelial alterations in Lhe fieri papillary region seebndary to Lhe
and mild to moderate enlargement of the optic nerve chronic 1C5<_' idiopathic cefitral serous chorioretinopathy:-.-'
s heaths. 11 organ transplant retinopathy are seen as Lri radiate Fiypoau-
tofluorescence around an increased aulofluorescent center
Causes of Chorioretinal Folds Htoposite lo Lhe colors on an angiogram.

ЬЧ—1;, ( m m tj.L-Jb. 'i

id io p a th ic C horioretinal Folds
Idiopathic chorioretinal folds are m*>st frequently encoun-
Lered as an incidental finding in predominantly male
patients, who are seen because of presbyopia and who outward from the optic disc [E'igure 4.0!J. They may
have normal or near normal visual acuity. these patients involve most of the posterior pole of lhe eye. frequently
typically have hyperopia that may vary from 1 lo 6 D or they are confined lo an area either above or below the
more. When the lolds occur in the macular region, they macula and optic disc. In such cases their course is often
are often roughly horizontal in Lheir course or may radiate irregularly oblique. Iheir distribution in both eyes is
usually symmetric. E ' h may be confined to one eye in Secondary chorioretinal folds.
some cases. Acquis ilion of folds in the second eye bpay
A —C : LhoriortHinal folds caused by a r orbital inflammatory
occur dnring observation. Idiopathic centra] serous reti­ pseudotumor in а 7G-year-old w om an with blurred vision
nopathy occasionally occurs in these patients (i'igure and proplosas of lhe rif^bL eye of reconl onset. Note prom i­
4.02]:-K; see Chapter 3 for discussion оГ associated find­ nent Ljroad tbnribre^rial folds delinealcd Li\ dark lines sep­
ings In [CSC). Since in the embryonic development of the arating Lht? folds 'black arrtjws, A . Nole that .ill Ihe retinal
eye, the choroid should adapt itself lo developing sclera in [olds do nol conespond to tbe fold к in Ibo choroid. Black
arttiW indicates a retinal fold. Fluorescein angiography
such a way lhat folds do not occur and since jnost patients
shows dark lint's tiirroWs^ B j liuil cor rtispo nd to I ho I roughs of
wilh high hyperopia do not have cEtoriorelinal folds, it
[ho i boroidal folds. Ten w^elcs after Ireal ment w ilh tvstemic
is probable that these folds are a c q u ire d .'"""'' Some steroids the visual acuity returned to normal. The proptosis
patients experience rather sudden change in vision, sug­ and lh-E! chorioretinal foldsdisappeared 'Cj.
gesting lhat scleral shortening may occur abruptly in some D —F: Chorioretinal folds and papilledema in a middle-aj^ed
cases in the absence of any other sigjis of orbital inflam­ m m a n with severe thyroid wtophlhalmos. bjrni lar changes
matory react ion.'1''1 It is likely that some inflammatory were present in the opposite eye. A n ^ io ^ a m i showed dark
lines i arrows, h) corresponding to the troughs between rela­
process affecting the posterior sclera, either in late prena-
tively broad choroidal folds. Thw e was some dilation of Ihe
Lal Eife or some time during childhood in the absence of
capillaries on lhe optic nt'rve head. Sixteen years later :Fl the
clinical signs or symptoms, causes shrinkage of the fibrous proptosii, chorioretinal folds, and papilledema bad resolved.
tunic of the eye:1 This xvould account for the hyperopia., G and H : Chorioretinal folds associated with a malignant m el­
the flattening of the posterior sclera, and the folds lhal anoma ol Lhe choroid superi(H lo the macular region i.arrow.
remain as a permanent residue of this inflammation. G|\ In the histopathologic section of choroid (H) laken just
inferior to the melanoma, note configuration of the folding
Retrobulbar M ass Lesio n s ot Lht! pigment epithelium, Bfuch'*. membi.ine, and 1he: inner
choroidal 1issue. T h eciesl i ,i f n u w . I li corresponded lo lhe light
Benign and malignanL orbital tumors, including Eirdbeim- lines in C . The choroid Was considerably engorged in this area
Chester disease, lymph angioma, hemangioma, orbital adjacent lo the intraocular tumor. There was mild scterilis.
pseudotumor and others, as well as orbital implants for J—L: A 73-year-oEd male with limited suprachoroidal hemor-
repair of orbital wall fractures, may cause only an inden­ rhiif^G during cataract s’jr^crv w illi ved^cally (NienLed folds
tation of the globe or in some cases may cause scleral [joslerior to a lem pira I choroidal hemorrhage. The angjagrajji
a nr; .luloflu orescence imaging show allurnate dark and light
edema, choroidal congestion, and chorioretinal folds
lines ibnl are opposite in colors lietween the lwo. Churiorclinal
(bigure 4.0:5Л-С and 4.04 A and :-JV rltie pattern and
wrinkling ГЁнееп al the retinal pinmerH epi I helium and cb q ra d
Location of these folds may or may not be helpful In defin­ on optical coherence tomography; note Ihe elevation o f lhe
ing the site of the tи то г/'’ Intraconal tumors often induce с horoid cofTHspgnding lo the choroidal hemorrhage.
hyperopia, and extraconal tumors often induce astigma­ C A - C , Ir iim КгЫ 1 . l n r l N r > r 1 (m , '1,

tism, broad yellow chorioretinal folds should be differen­

tiated from the finer retinal folds may occasionally be
produced by a retrobulbar mass, Ihese latter folds produce
no changes in the angiographic picture. ]f the re tro b u lb a r
mass is removed or otherwise treated successfully, the cho­
rioretinal folds usually disappear (figure 4.03A-E'}.:: produce chorioretinal folds, which are usually present near
the posterior slope of the buckle.
Scleral Inflam m ation
Thickening and inflammation of the sclera in thyroid C horoid al Tumors
eye disease, inflammatory pseudolumor of the orbit, and Choroidal tumors, particularly malignant meEanomas
rheumatoid posterior scleritis may cause chorioretinal and metastatic carcinomas, may produce folds in the cho­
folds (]:igure 4.03A-F). roid and retina surrounding the base of the tumor (i-'igure
1J .1-11 lliese foids are produced by mechanical
Scleral Buckle displacement of the surrounding choroid by (he expand­
Jluckening of the sclera in the vicinity of a scleral buckle ing tumor, as well as by vascular engorgement, choroidal
for a rhegmatogenous retinal detacEiment may occasionally edema, and scleral thicken ing.JL
H ypotony 4.04 S e c o n d a r y c h o rio re tin a l fo ld ?.
In some instances patients with Intraocular hypotbnyi usu- A rind H: Cbnriorelinal folds- cauned by orbilal infi llral ion by
□I]y caused by a wound leak. cyclodialysis cleft, or exces­ ал eslheSdijff^^urxJbla^ittfna. Stero l a n [Jtq grA'iTiз revealed e v i­
sive filtration after a glaucoma-filtering procedure, will dence of the ft]Iclt in addition to many ba&^l laminnf drusen.
develop loss of centra! 4rlsion secondaiy to marked irregu- C -E: Radial chorioretinal ['olds caused by c o n !ra tio n o f a
choroidal neovascular membrane (C N V M ) lying beneath an
Ear faldlng of the choroidr RPE, and retlna.2,s-2ft'J5 Initially,,
□Kudative felinal pidmenl epilhelium iKKLl detachment in
these folds are broad and are not sharply delineated. !hey
a man with age-relaled m acular degwieration. Angiograms
tend to radiate outward in a branching fashion from the showed lolds and gliotic neovascular membrane and Ef.
optic disc temp ora! Iy, whereas nasa! to the disc they tend F and G: Chorioretinal wrinkling caused by iTyfioLony in a
to be arranged concentrically or irregularly (Hgure 4 04E-' patient following glaucoma surgery with mitomycin. Note
and H). This difference in the pattern of the folds Is prob­ the mild tortuosity of [he retinal veins. Ultrasonography
ably determined partly by traction exerted nasally by the showed *ignil"icant flattening of the posterior ocular w all and
congcaled choroid.
optic nerve as the eye moves/0 ihere may be a broad area
H ,ind I: bJadia].. irregular, and horizon fold*. in a palienl
of swelling of the choroid surrounding the optic nerve
w ilh hypolony. O ptical coherence tomography shows
head, which together with circumpapillary retinal fold­ invokiemont of lhe choroid, R P t, iind phclbreCepmrS in lhe
ing produces a picture simulating marked papilledema. (olds.
The sensory retina may be arranged Into irregular folds |-L: Kilak'ial ischem ic oplic neuropalhv nf unknown cause
that do not exactly parallel the choroidal and RFE folds. in a ЬО-утеат-old wom an w ilh horizontal cboritHeLinal folds.
'Jhe sensory retina is often thrown into a series of radiat­ DespiLe mlunbjve systemic cortfco^ieroid therapy bilaleial
oplic atrophy occurred anrl visual acuity was reduced Co
ing or stellate folds around the center of the fovea {Figure
20/-t00 1 1 months later (I).
4.04H). litis unusual central stellate retinal wrinkling is
I- . L iir J L i , c x j u r l u s y i l l L J i . k ' r f r t ' y К .н п п и ;г ; H л г к ! 1, M J L i r C n y <jl D r . IV^ l i I
caused by the central displacement of the normally very
S h r n b e r g , It. I
thick retina surrounding the Very thin foveola by the thick­
ened posterior scleral wall and engorgement of the cho­
roid. lhe retinal vessels are often tortuous and sometimes
engorged. Cystoid macular edema is not usually present. reEnain. These changes are often present nasally as welt as
Jhe primary cause of loss of visual acuity in most patients in the macular area. Eiarly in the course of hypotony, fluo­
is the marked folding of the reLina cenL rally. Shallowing of rescein angiography shows an irregular increase in back­
the anterior chamber caused by cilioehoroidal edema and ground choroidal fluorescence corresponding to the crest
detachment may occur. A postoperative wound leak or a of the choroidal folds and also shows some evidence of
cyclodialysis cleft, produced either inadvertently during leakage of dye from the capillaries on the optic nerve bead
an iridectomy at the time of cataract extraction or inten­ but usually not from the retinal capillaries/ Permanent
tionally for the correction of glaucoma, were formerly the alterations in the К PI: may be demonstrable with angiog­
most important causes of these changes. With the devel­ raphy after resumption of normal intraocular pressure and
opment of improved techniques of wound closure and marked improvement in the degree of chorioretinal wrin­
controlled trabeculectomies the incidence of hypotony kling. it is not known why most eyes with the acute devel­
maculopathy decreased dramatically during the I9B0s. opment of hypotony fail to develop chorloreLinal folds.
With the introduction of mitomycin С and 5-fluonouracl! The maculopalhy is most likely to occur in young myo­
to improve the effectiveness of glaucoma-filtering proce­ pic patients. 32 It is possible the sclera In young patients
dures; however, there has been an increase in Lhe incidence is more susceptible to swelling and contraction, which
of hypotony macu[opathy.-M Patients with chronic reduce intraocular volume and cause the redundanL folds
hypotony caused by cyclodialysis are at risk of developing of choroid and retina to develop, ihe pattern of the folds
permanent anterior synechiae and intractable glaucoma cannot be explained on the basis of uveal edema alone.31
after surgical closure of the cyclodialysis cleft, liarly detec­
tion of the characteristic fundoscopic picture of hypotony C h o ro id a l Effu sion
and its causes is important because surgical correction of Choroidal folds are also seen posterior to choroidal eleva­
the cause iviEl usually result in visual improvement. As the tion in patients wilh both serous and hemorrhagic cho­
intraocular tension becomes normalized, the choroidal roidal detachments, lhe rapid rise in choroidal volume
folds become flattened and may completely disappear. In throws the retina and choroid posterior to this Into folds
cases of prolonged hypotony, however, permanent, irregu- that run parallel to the elevation (Pigure 4.031-K: see
Early dark, pigmented lines caused by changes in the RPE Chapter 3).
Ch oroida! N eo vascu!anza tion 4.H"i Choriorelinal foldsr pseudopapilEedema,.
juxtapapillary chorioretinal atrophy, and streaky
Contraction of в sub-RPE choroidaE neovascular cotrtplex
hypopigmentation of the retinal pigmenl epithelium
and the underlying Bruch's membrane occurring either
(KPE) peripherally in arteriohepatk syndrome
spontaneously or afler pholocoagulalion may cause a radi- (Alagilie's syndrome) in a father and two sons.
.ilirig pattern of ch on ordinal folds around the membrane
(figure 4.04C-H).1111 Contraction of lhe superficial part A - D : Note the long narrow facies o f lhe 45-year-old father,
horizontal t hori ordinal folds (atroSbs; li and D), and slreaky
of a sub-KPE neovascular complex may produce a series
hypopij>men(;LLion of lhe KHL m the peripheral fundus CO­
of parallel hyperpigmenled folds in ihe Щ Е overlying lhe
E and F: The b-year-old son. Note long fades, psetidopapiri-
neovascufcar complex № discussion of occuli choroidal (к4б**па, and mild chori ordinal foidb (arrows, Fl.
neovascularization in age-related macular degeneration G-l: The 13-year-old son. Note juxtapapiEiary changes, in Lhe
tn Chapter 3). Radial chorioretinal folds arc sometimes pigment epi1 helium. r?lL!-val-c?cl nasal dibt d$£argllTS- jand streaky
seen in association wilh a pigmenl epithelial rip follow­ dep lamentation of Ihe К Kb. A ll lhree hjad л о г та ! visual ж Li­
ing treatmenl with antivascular endothelial growth factor lly ai;d jiptma} ulec Irnretino^Mms.
I—L: Posterior embyotoxin (aunws, | and K) in a 3 'ft-year-
agents (Hgure 4.04С-Е).'Л
oid child w ilh Alagille's w h o died Ьусгшыс of con^pJicalions
associated with hepaloocltar tafcifipm a. HlstopjaB^ployiC
Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada D isease ечапиnation litvfeatfed e in o e ite of hyperLrophv of SchwftJbt1^
'Jhe earliesl manifestation of Harada's disease is conges­ rltig I a now, K) and patchy areas af variation in Ihe size and
tion and Lhickening of the choroid visible as choroidal melanin conlcnl of Ihe pigmenl epithelium 'arrows, L>.
folds or slriations^1'■l4-M: followed by exudative retinal i l - L . Mu-. l j s t - vwv- f jf t 'M 'n k ::! b y L V iS ii-O . h -n s c n .:l I h i; : i im b i n e d

delachmenl. ihese slrialions are usually seen in the less V-t: г hi ■:nl- 11 S o c i e t y .. 11 г I h u f e f x f j j t t '. j f^ I , I h . i : m i t : K i i h o k i f t v ' £ o t : i « [ S n i L ' c C m i ; i n

М.ту 199-2. l-гтлп Eitrfciiiy ..'I .:l "'l

or later involved fellow eye when Lhe patient presents with
symploms in one eye, and can also be seen further in the
disease course in areas outside the pockets of SRI-' (sub-
retinal fluid). С-scan optical coherence tomography [OCE')
shows these unduLilions on the RE’t layer, which resolve juxlapapillaiy subretinal neovascularization- ischemic
once lhe retina flattens111" (see Chapter 31 J. oplic neuropathy (E'igure 4.04J-l,)r and papilledema.''4
The small diameter of lhe oplic disc unassociaLed with
Focal C horioretin al Scars chorioretinal folds has been implicated in the palhogen-
Occasionally contraction of deep focal chorioretinal scars esis of pseudopapilledema, ischemic op Lie neuropathy/'"■:u
from a variety of causes at lhe retinal choroidal interface may and hyaline bodies of (he optic nerve head.11
cause a pattern o1' radiating folds. Johnson et al. observed Lhe Chorioretinal folds may occur in association Wilh pseu-
development of radiating folds around what they believed dopapillecfema in palienls wilh Alagille's syndrome [arte-
was a scar induced by itie operating microscope.:- riohepatiс dysplasia] ( E-'igure 4.05; see <]hapter 5J. 1''■''
Chorioretinal folds often showing a horizontal course
O p tic N erve H ead D isea ses A sso cia te d with in the macula but converging on the nasal side of the optic
ch o rio re tin a l Folds disc haw been described in association xvith papilledema
]he changes in the posterior sclera responsible for shrink­ caused by raised intracranial pressure.::ч" 11 ihe mechanism
age and flattening of the posterior sclera in patients wilh for how papilledema causes folds that extend well away
choriorelinal folds may also be responsible for reduc­ from the optic disc is difficult to explain. The fad that
ing the diameter of the perioplic scleraE ring and dura. these folds may persist after resolution of papilledema sug­
]"his change may be responsible for the frequency of lhe gests lhal in some cases they may have been present before
"crowded disc" appearance or pseudopapilledema [i'igure the development of lhe papilledema. Because chorioreti­
4.04Л and B) in these patients and for predisposing them nal folds occur with such frequency, their association wilh
to the development of op Li с disc hyaline bodies (drusen). other diseases m ayor may not be pathogenically related.
R ET IN A L F O L D S 4J0 6 Retinal folds.

A: Outer rc1ma3 feidiV in a rfw^malojiennus retinal

I'oIds lhat in5jftilve only die neurosensory retina should be deLachmenl.
differentiated from chorioretinal folds, '['tie)1 may occur in EJ: Prominent retinal fold caused by relrorelEnai fibrous band
3 variety of dreams lances and may simulate chorioretinal '.arrows!' of гпеМрЗль! ic retinal pigment tipilholium (KFFl a11ur
folds (figure 4.06). They may be narrow and have a less scleral b u ttlin g procedure lor tfoegmatoypnoyp deLachmcnl.
striking color than chorioretinal Folds. 'I’hese are seen most Ketinal fold единое! by pnslunor sliding o f retina after vit-
reelomy ,ind scleral buckling in thi-s palionL. Note Iw o drop-
commonly radiating away from a focal area of cotitradion
3oLs of demuonjCarbOrt liquid under the ix?1iг»л temporally.
of the inner retinal surface by an epiretinal membrane (see
I. : -F: Hne retinal folds radiating cxitw^md from I ho m acijjai
Chapter 7) or from an area of contraction of the outer ret­ region LJl in a 22-yenr-old woman w h o developed acute
ina in lhe region of a chorioretinal scar. 'Ihey may occur myopia w hile Inking chlorthalidone 5 daily for 2 weeks,
concentrically around an 3cutely swollen oplic nerve head, following delivery o f an infnrrL. Ног uncorrecLed visual acu ­
and they may he seen radiating away from the optic disc ity was 20/200. W ilh cyclopleyic refraction ol -4.75 in the
following resolution of inflammatory diseases of the nerve ri^hl eyo her ajHjfty was 20/25, and w ilh - J.? .1! in I ho loft eye
the acuity Wei'S 20^20. Angiography -.Б was normal. The med­
head and juxlapapillaiy choroid. A radiating pattern of ret­
ical ion was stopped, and w ilhin 2-1 hours her Jmcorrected
inal folds centered in the macula occurs in a variety of sit­
visual acuity returned to 20.Пз and the retinal folds disap­
uations associated wilh uveal and scleral thickening (e.g., peared |Fj. H e r intraocular pressure was normal before and
[he uveal effusion syndrome), diffuse inflammatory cell Lifter cessation ol Iroalmon-L.
infiltration of the choroid, scleritis, and hypotony (f igure G - l: An unu5.uaI concentric pattern of superficial retinaF
4.04fl and 3]. Ihese may or may not be associated With folds of unknown cause in a 20-year-old man com plain­
folds in the utiderlying choroid and KI’L [see previous dis­ ing ol bilateral loss of vision. His. visual acuity was 6/200 in
both eyes. Л KimilLir patbefn of relinLil to Ids whs present In lhe
cussion of chorioretinal Folds}. Irregular, broad, yellowish
other eye. Fluorescein angiography was normal. Neurologic
folds involving primarily the outer layers of the neurosen-
Examination was unremarkable. fh e eleclroretinoj'Tam w h s
sory retina are often seen in bullous rhegmatogenous reli- normal. Visual evoked responses w ere subnormal.
nat detachments (figure 4.06А]. Prominent retinal folds
r ..\ C o u r t a y o l D r . L1 i i K.l t L f L iIjlk in l.'
extend mg into the macula following surgery for repair
of retina! detachment may be responsible for subnormal
vision. 'Ihese may he caused by posterior placement of
radial scleral buckles, retroretinal fibrous bands (figure
4.0615), and fofds caused by use of inlravitreaf gas (figure In some cases- hoivever. with acute drug-induced myo­
4.0&C).:,J' ']h i& complication is seen most commonly pia, researchers have described no retinal changes.1 ^ 'lhe
in patients after pars plana vitrectomy, particularly in presence of transient radial retinal folds in these patients
those with subtotal retinal deLachments and either inter­ suggests that the drugs cause sub macular edema that dis­
nal drainage through a peripheral retinal hole or exter­ places the macula anteriorly, which might be expected to
nal drainage wilh simultaneous gas insufflation (figure cause transient hyperopia, lhe greater efFect of these drugs,
4.06C). Figure illustrates an unusual cause of however, is probably exerted anteriorly, where edema of
Lransiettl radiating retinal folds in a patient with the acute lhe ciliary body may result in narrowing of Lhe anterior-
onset of drug [chlorthalidone (Uygroton))-induced myo- chamber actgle, relaxation of the zonules, and increased
pja_,i sii,5, д^т лаг horizontal and radial retinal folds have lens curvature.
occurred in the macula of patients with acutely induced Figure 4.L16C-E illusLrates an unusual pattern of concen­
myopia caused by elhoxzoljmide (Cardrase), acelazol- tric superficial retinal folds of unknown cause occurring in
amide, acetaminophen, and hydrochlorothiazide.'' both eyes of a heallhy young man.
P O S T E R IO R M JC R O P H T H A L M O S 4.07 Posterior microphthalmos.

A —F: This 22-year-otd Iraqi male had poor vision in bolfi

An elevated рйМШрпию|1аг retln □I fold may occur in both eves since ctiildhooft His p.uents w ere fllrst uousiпк, Lind he
eyes of patients wilh congenita! foreshortening of lhe pos­ has oLher sipjfflMfi with ^imilai condiliun. His visual acuity
terior ocular segment and a f£la.tively normal anterior seg­ was- 2&70-2 and 2СУ20С}. He had normal corneal diameters,
ment (posterior microphthalmos; L’lgure 4.07A-D).'1*■ lhe short H^xial Itinglh isnd High bypefdpli; H is ftffrfldtipn was
eyes are highly hyperopic [usually greater than -f Ю.00 t>), + 10.75 + i JOfr k 100 righL eye and +12.50 + 2 . DO X 1 70
M l eye. there wore1 typiCaJ-apBfi^rij^g riMStEEnmatLjIar ioklt
and the acuity is usually subnormal [20/30-20/400).
in each Ifeye !A- L3 and i i itTrjj/iipluv Showed an absent loveaI
ТЬё corneal diameter and the anterior-chamber depth
avascular zone it, F).
are within normal Limits, whereas the length of'the globe G and N : С Х Л shows the fold to involve lhe neunosen-
from the posterior lens surface to the oplic disc is short­ sorv retira alone s|)ari:i}i Lhe pkpnenl epithelial anti phoLo-
ened. Ultrasonography can measure this distance, thus rttepLor layers.
confirming the clinical anomaly. Angiography reveals the |Д-|-£. c u n r t n y (31 Ur. W i l l m n J-. M iu k -г an d Dr. k ' l k V. Okhu.
absence of the relina I capillary-free zone due lo crowd­
ing of the retinal elements in die fold ( l:igure 4.07H
and F]. The disorder rmiy be inherited as an autosomal-
recessive trait occurring sporadically and in siblings " 1 ' lhe redundant retina into a fold. Complications include
rm biyologicjlly, the- retina is formed by the neunoeclo- uveal effusion due to the associated thickened sclera,"
derm and the mesoderm contribules to the choroid and and rarelyr bilateral macular holes."’ lhe condition is seen
the sclera. Since there is an anomalous paucity of lhe worldwide and has no racial predilection/1' ' An О С Г
mesoderm in this condition, lhe normntl-size neuroeclo- can easily depict the fold and confirms the involvement of
derm ейпforms to the shortened mesoderm thus throwing lhe neurosensoiy retina alone (E'igure 4.07G and H).
JJ(rf&7T£FTMiiTDpbtjfyltnOB 2 33
OUTER RETINAL CORRUGATIONS 4r08 Outer retinal corrugations.

IN IUVENILE X-LINKED A—C : Sibling 1: 17-year-old male with rapid change in vtsiun
in both eyes from 20/25 lo 20/50 ri^L eye and 20/70 left
RETINOSCHISIS eyfi over 3 months. Both eyes show mam Inr schisis with fine
radiating retinal foEds. Temporal lu lhe rnacuEa are "flying
Jhese * flying s^giill'^pjw ialtng corrugations are seen in seagull "-I ike outer retinal corrugations. FluoresceEn angio­
some cases of X-!inked juvenile retinoschisis' fc4Q [ligure gram barely shows a change corresponding to lhe corruga­
4.OSA. C r and E}). They are seen most often temporal to tions '.arrows).
the macula, except in one ease where they were present all D: 5ifiling 2: 15-year-old younger brotEier had presented at
around the macula. StraLus O C I has demonstrated these age 11 wi)h similar lundus appearance of fovea I scJiisis and
0 и Iff retinal corrugations.
corrugations to be in lhe outer retina (photoreceptors and
E and F: Optical coherence tomography demonstrates Lhe
outer plexiform layer} (ligure 4.0&H and FJ; the newer corrugations in lhe outer rulina in sibling 1.
high-definition О С Г should be able Co delineate these G : The conruj'ii Lions disappeared by age 15 in sibl iпц 2.
folds betler. The COmigallQOS can change in orientation Tii
1A —L a , H f i m ,ir !(l Ji. u i 2 tU J7 P A ir t e h i л п М ш и ш A D JU L :ir L fe ir t
and even disappear (Rguie 4.0ЙС}, hence are speculated A JI n ^ h la r L 'K t 'r v u i l

to be caused by tautness of the adjacent retina to changes

in the height of the macular schisis.
l.imited translocaLion surgery for ntacular degeneration
reri macular retinal folds are seen in nonaccidental trauma and scars involves deliberate detachmetu of the retina by
(shaken-baby syndrome) and some cases of severe acci­ injecting bubreLinal balanced salt soluLion and imbricat­
dental trauma, which result in extensive retinal hemor­ ing the sclera to foreshorten it, followed by flaLtening the
rhages, intracranial bleeds, and sever raised intracranial retina with air or g a i 3^ 7 t his maneuver shifts the macu­
pleasures/11 14r '] hough initially attributed solely to non ac­ lar neurosensory retina inferiorly, displacing it to overlie
cidental trauma, these folds are seen at the periphery of a a normal (fcPli bjse. Often this results in a retinal fold to
dome-shaped retinoschisis that involves the macula, lhe accommodate the redundant retina.1 , EietinaE folds
severe rise in intracranial pressure transmits the pressure are seen occasionally in complete Lranslocations also.
through the perineural sheaths resulting in shearing of the Unlike folds involving the choroid and ItPE, folds of
retinal vessels in all layers, causing bleeding and extravasa­ the neurosensory re-Lina are not evident angjographically
tion of fluid to separate the retinal layers154 (see Chapter 6). (figures 4.06L and ] and 4.07h and F).
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This page mtentlonaSly left blank
Heredodystrophic Disorders Affecting the Pigment
Epithelium and Retina
Some of the heredodystrophle disorders appear to affect 5,0 i Best's disease,
pri 1Пч!лly the retfflal pigment epithelium (R P E J and only
A—C : Changes occurring over a 21-year period in Ihis
secondarily Lhe relina (e.g., Bests disease], Others, such ль 27-ycar-old niitn with Best^ disease. l-fis fundi were con­
ret Ini Us pigmentosa, appear lo a fifed both IAyers equally; sidered as normal at age 4 ye a re (A). At age 7 yea re, be had
stitl others affect primarily the sensory retina (e.g., cone developed a lypicaE vi lol I i lot m lesion in EjoLh m acular ateas
dystrophies and lhe sphingolipidoses]. Some affect pri­ (B). Visual acuin was 20/30 and 1-1 in bolh eyes. Al аце 17
marily central vision, whereas others may afifed most of his visual acuity was 20/10 right eye and 20/25 lefl eye (Q .
Lbe visual field. Several heredodyslrophlc diseases Lhal may D-F: The brother of lhe patLenl illustrated in A -C was 10
yniars old when his fundi showed pardy scrambled viteE-
prove to affect primarily the Rl’b and retina are frequently
liform legions 11». His visual acuity in 1he rifjtr! eye was
associated with dmsen ant! disciform detachment [domi- 20/15. At age 12 years, he relum ed com plaining of blurted
nanUy inherited exudative drusen; basal laminar drusen; vision in hEs righL eye. NcHe the submacular hemcwrbage (Et.
Korth Carol ina dystrophy and macular staphyloma). Anjjiojjjam showed evidence of a (hom idal neovascular
membrane. A l age 30 years his visual acuity was 20/50 right
eye and 20/20 left eye. Note the white subretinal scar in F.
BESTS DISEASE____________________ С and H: A l^J-ycar-old Еюу with Besl^ disease w ho
complained o f bluned vision Ln both eyes. His electre-
llesl's disease [viteliiform macular dystrophy] is an aulo-
nculoyraphic findings w ere 1.00 in both eyes. Four months
somal-dominantly inherited disorder with variable pen­ later the vilellilerm lesions and surrounding relinal detach­
etrance and expressivity.1 Linkage analysis has mapped ment 'CJl had disappeared lH:-. Visual acuily was 20/20.
the gene for West's disease for pedigrees in Sweden and 1 and J: This 13-year-uld female bad bilaterally symmet­
Iowa to chromosome 11q i3 .j!!_',:" l'he gene responsible for ric vilelliform macular lesions and a visual an.uily o f 20/1 5.
BVMD was cloned hy Pelrukhm and colleagues in 199S Angiograms showed m inim al fluorescence of bolh eye
and named Lhe (jH JSTJj gene. 4 it consists of lesions (probably pseudorlLiorescence cojrespo-ndiny to lhe
vik'lliform lesiom | .
11 exons and 5S5 amino acids and spans IS kilobases of
К and L: A VilelEitorm lesion was presenL in bolh eyes oi Ibis
genomic DNA. l'he gene is expressed predominantly In ■^-year-old boy IК . and in lhe ri^ht eye i L i of his 73-year-old
the RPL ceils and the bestrophin protein is located mainly grandfather wtio had a scar in the left macula.
on the basolaterai plasma membrane of the RPL and lo a
[G end H « j u r t r s y ( J l I 3 r . M . i r k I . L l . ' i i l y ; k. B i d 1 c c j u r l c i - y iiC ]> r. i v i i c l i ^ч.г1
smalt extent within the (tPE cells, ihe protein is believed W Hints.)
to function as an Intracellular CaJj -dependent C]1 chan­
nel and an HCO^- chan n e t . Disruption of the ion
conductance across the RPL by abnormal bestrophin 1 is
Eikely responsible for the absence of light peak response
In the eiectro-oculogram (LO G ) in both patients and
unaffected carriers of llesfs disease.1-1 2A^6-i The disease
appears to affect primarily the RPh.

Previtelliforrn or Carrier Stage

Allhough vitelllform lesions have been observed as early
as lhe first week of life, the fundi of most palienls prob­
ably are normal during lhe first few months or years of life
(E'igures 5.0! A and 5.02A). Many carriers never manifest a
change in the fundus.
Viteltiform Stage bMl Eiest's Disease-correlation of clinical appearance
to schematic diagram
3q infancy or in earEy childhood patients may develop
Л: Schematic diagram (jf pltibabie hiblopalhLiiagtc changes
a sharply circumscribed subretinal. lesion that has been
in ЕЗкГь disease, Previlellilorm stage (see Fig. 5.01 Af. Stihlty-
Eibened to die yolk of a sunny-side-up fried egg [Figures
Hide-up vilcllifom i slage 5.0 Ltil. RF’fc cells (arrows
5.01 Б and Ir 5.02A, and 5.03CJ. Visual acuity at this stage iiic.1 distended iIh yellow pigmunt. V ilellinjplive £tage isoy
of the disease is usuaEly normal. Biomicroscopy and ste- Fifjsi. 5.01 L5 and 5.03D). Disruption o( К Kb w ilh yello w pig-
reop holography reveal a discrete lesion beneath the relina inynt benEalh lhe? rutina ^nH atrophy o f rhe receplor ele­
[hal is Vi-1 disc diameters in size, yellowish, and usually ments. S « o u s di2tac:hmtjnl of lhe retina may t>ccur over lhe
round or oval. Eiarly in the disease, little or no elevation vitelliform (see Fig*. 3.01 CJ and 5 .Q 4A and B )r the atrophic or
псоилзсЫпт sla^o (see ^iji. 5-Q3U. Л.1r<>ph cc Fitage. Choroidal
of lhe relina occurs. Subsequently the lesion appears ele­
rtedVastuMijizaHan .inti cicatricial tfage inee hif^. 3.03H).
vated as the yellow material increases in amount, and is
B and C: This 3b year old m ale with 2Q/S0 and 2(V200
found in the outer photoreceptor zone, sub retinal space, vision respoclively bad a pseudo hypopyon appearing vitel-
and within the ЕФЕ: layer. '- " I he color and pattern of the liiorm lesion on lhe right and an alraphic lesion on the lefl.
EPE surrounding the lesion are usually normal. Variations D lo C : This young wom an w h s noted to have bilateral
in size and stage of development of the lesion may be maculopathy at 7. Photographs done at age 10 shows
present in the eyes of the same patient (Hgure 5.03A and tile !Iiform depcreitH in ijoLh macula \D and E:.
Eleven years laEer, at aye 2 l ' r (here was an increase in the?
U). Ilie lesion initially may be evident only in one eye.
yellow material v.iLh a parli-a! scrambled евд ЗррвагагКпё ir>
3n some patients the fellow eye may remain near normal
bolli eyeii (F and O ). Her visual acuily -:lI ag^ 2-1 was best cor­
wilh 20/20 acuity throughout life.-M" ihe vitelliform lesion rected lo 2Q/40 righl eye and 20/2 5 left tiyu, EOCJ revealed
may occasionally disappear spontaneously [t-'igure 5.OK! an. Arden ratio o f 1.2b on lh e rij'hl and 1.40 or> thy Jefl.
and 11). I"he lesions may be eccentrically located and may Q iu riusy. li ;ind (.!, Ur. l-bul S Lemberg li -C, Dr. tchiLird Cho-ntfy.
be multiple (h'igure 5 . 0 4 ) In a few patients they may be
unusually large and geographic in shape (i'igure 5.04G-1). in figure S.O+A-h had several small, focal, yellow lesions
5ome patients may show a finely mottled pattern of yel- scattered in the fundus of each eye. These yellow punctate
Eowisb change in the KFL throughout the fundus (1-igure Lesions may he the only manifestation of the disease in
5.03}:). liach of the affected family members illustrated some family members. '■

PravHe.iforr slage Vile'iforrr. Ыа;е

Yibellrmlive s h l h Sercus dstachmenl stage

Atrophic stac? Chorodaf za li[n a rd

sisatnciEi ilage
Pseudo hypopyon Stage j.03 Best's disease.

Usually by lhe lime Lhe patient reaches puberty lhe yel­ A -С: This 13-year-old black ^irl, one of Ibrce s ib lin g wi1 h
E 3 d i s e a s e , showed a partially scran-.Ejli’d vitelhform
lowish lesion shows evidence of disruption [Piggies 5.0] D
lesion in Lhe Nfjht eye iand <l угтпчэЛ (.list iform нел г and serous
and 5.03A and L>). It appears lhal the yellow material is гласиЕдиГ dclachm eni in Lhe left eye (A and tf). Vinual acu ­
partly taken up by the JJPh cells and the heavier material ity in Lhe right eye was 2Q/20 and in the left eye was 20/40.
gravitates inferiorly in lhe subretinal space. Some shifting Arteriovenous phase angiogram showed evid en ce of choroi­
of this material may occur when die pa tie tit's head is tilled dal neovascular membra ne I a now, Q-
Гог 60-90 minutes.11 ]Ъеге is thinning of Lhe RPE and D and E: This 14-year-old boy had Lhe vitellirupLive slrtfjt of
occasionally some clumping of pigment in the superior Best's disease. Note loss of yello w material in the superior
portion of the lesion and layering o f Lhis material inferiorly.
portion of these lesions.
AngiognipEry fHji showed evidence of fluorescence superiorly
but not inferiorly in the region of the yelLowish material rnfe-
Scrambled-Egg Stage riorly. Later angiograms showed definite evidence of leakage
of dye in the superior half of lhis lesion.
With further disruption of the vitelliform lesion, multiple F: The 37-year-oEd mother o f Lhe patient illustrated in D had
irregular yellowish subretinal deposits produce a picture a visual acuity of 20/300. Mote Lhe elevated fibrous scar
likened to a scraEnbled egg. Multifocal yellow deposits may benealh the retina and alropliv of surrounding relinal pig­
occasionally be arranged in a more orderly ring distribution ment epithelium -К РЫ. There is a fine mol Lied palLern of" yel­
near lbe periphery of these lesions (I igure 5.04C;). the visual low discoloration oi the КИЕ throughout Lhe posterior pole.
A ngiugiaр1ту revealed staining of Lhe subretinal scar.
amity is often decreased lo lhe level of 20/30 to 20/40 in the
G - L : This fl-year-old ^irl was noted to have viteEliform
presence of extensive scrambling of the vitelliform lesion.
lesions in both maculas a l age -t. Ап 'Ч'Щ’ yolk"-! ike lesion
in ibt! righl macula (G1 is brilliantly auLofluorescent 'H i and
Atrophic Stage fills the subielinal spnee withoul overlying inner rutin ill dam­
age 1[). The [eft eye has a scrambled-ef^g appearance (Jl w ilh
Eventually all of the yellow pigment may disappear and a fibm lic star lhal is irrc^u I a rI у EryperautofuorescenL f К I. The
Eeave an oval area of atrophic KPt! (E'igure 5.03E-). fibrous scar is associated w ilh subretinal fluid, impEying sub-
relinal neouascu Ia ri l a Li on Ll.
Cicatricial and Choroidal Neovascular IG - L LtiurLiisy erf Dr. R a n t'd Kis/iihi .1. ■

Many patients develop evidence of one or more plaques of
white subretinal fibrous tissue, and in some cases there is sub relinal space (figure 5.03C). Il is probable lhat occult
evidence of choroidal neovascularization and hemorrhagic choroidal neovascularization is present within some of the
detachment of the macula (E-'igures 5.01 E and 5.03E5, C, subretinal plagues of fibrous tissue.
and !■These latter patients eventually develop a while Peripheral visual fields, electroreLinographic finding,
or partly pigmenled disciform scar (E'igures 5.0]F and and dark adaptation in these palients are normal. Color
5.03P). The central vision is generally 20/100 or Less al vision in the late stages of the disease may be mildly dis­
this stage of lhe disease. Serous detachment of the retina turbed. Ihe fiOti is markedly abnormal wilh the light lo
may occur at any stage of the development of vileUiform dark ratio usually being below 1.55.'vM jU EiOGs of carri­
lesions (ligures 5.01 Щ 5.03Л, K. and D. and 5.04A and Н]. ers of lhe disease usually yield a subnormal result. E]alients
In the vitelliform stage the early phases of angiography who are bolh homozygous and heterozygous for lhe fiestl
demonstrate complete obstruction of lhe choroidal fluo­ gene show low Arden ratio, thus making lhis feature mosl
rescence by the lesion (Figure 5.0] J J . -- Lli I here is no gen­ characteristic of lhe condition. Vitreous fluoropholometry
eralized obscuration of lhe choroidal fluorescence such shows no evidence of'breakdown in the outer blood-reti­
as occurs in Stargardfs disease. During the later stages of nal barrier wilh few exceptions in patients with advanced
angiography, (he vilellifoim lesion may appear nonfluo- macular degeneration.' : 'L'he disease is inherited as an
rescent or may appear to fluoresce slightly. Possible expla­ autosomal-dominanl trail, best's disease usually occurs in
nations for ihis apparent fluorescence include reflected Caucasian palients but may occur occasionally in Africans
vitreous fluorescence from the surface of the lesion, and Asians (Pigure 5.03A-C).11
improperly matched exciting and barrier fillers, and auto­ Visual prognosis is good for al least lhe first six decades
fluorescence of the yellow lesion. As the yellow pigmenl of life.n Most patients retain reading vision in at least one
gravitates inferiorly,. angiography in the area vacated by the eye throughout life. The progression of visual loss is slow
yellow material reveals evidence of early fluorescence sec­ and occurs for the mosl part beyond lhe age of 40 years,36
ondary lo de pig me mat ion and late staining of the altered Acute and permanent loss of central vision may occur in
RPfc (E'igure 5.03L). Often ihere is a narrow zone of hypo - association with bleeding from subretinal new vessels
fluorescence surrounding the atrophic lesion. Angiography (Figure 5.01 E). A macular hole may occasionally occur in
permits detection of choroidal neovascularization and patients with Jiesl's disease as well as in palienls wilh aduli­
shows evidence of staining of fibrous tissue present in lhe on set foveomacular dyslrophv or pattern dystrophy.'' ■
The hlstopathology of the vifilifo rm or pseudo­ 3.U4 Multiple vilelliform lesions in Best's disease.
hypopyon stage оГ Lhe disease is unknown.' 1 One
A—E: This 25-year-old physician com plained of mild visual
Eiistopathologlc report concerned a relatively early scram­ blurring. Visual acu ily in lhe eve was 2CV20 and In
b l'd -egg phase of the disease.1 One report concerned one the left eye was 20/15. Note Ibe mu ILi pie slijjhlly elevated
eye with mild pigment macular changes in a 6У-year-old lesions игаttflfed throughout the posterior pole of both eyes
man with advanced degeneration in the fellow eye." i A and E3■. Clinically, Ibese k'sions resemble Somewhart a
bindings in these reports were соnsistent in theiF dem­ somus detachment of [he retinal pigment epithelium IfiH’E;-.
Note the ill-defined braiders of ibe yellowish biaterial in
onstration of a generalized RPE abnormality that was
Lhe large central I E»i езл s. LaLe angiogram (C) in Ibe lefl eye
associated with an abnormal accumulation of lipofuscin
revealed no evidence of staining o f the large central lesion.
granules in the RL:h and within macrophages in the sub- The slighl fluorescence of lhe paracemrnl lesion^ was prob­
retinal space. None of these studies, however, showed the ably caused l>v pseudoftuoTescrnce. The patient's elcctro-
extensive lipofuscln storage characteristic of Stargardt's dis­ oculographic findings were definitely abnormal (1.1 ri
ease, a finding in keeping with the absence of a dark cho­ eye and 1.3 left eye). SeveTaJ months; afler lhese pholo-
roid angiographically outside the area of the vltelliform graphs, he became asymptomalic and remained so for
approximately 1 year, Wfiert lhe symptoms reLurned for
Lesion In patients with Best's disease.
approximaLely t>months. H e again became relatively asymp­
Other histopathologic findings in best's disease
tomatic. ] 'holograph of lhe !efl fundus taken 21 months arier
included a periodic actd-Schiff (t’ASj-positive, acid muco­ A anti li shows that the Central lotion hat largely rfesolVed
polysaccharide-negative,. electron-dense, finely granular ID). The other lesions appear smaller, more discrete, and yel­
material in the Inner segments of the degene rat Ing pho­ low in appearance. Sim ilar findings w ere present in Ihe right
toreceptors and Muller cells recently Identified predomi­ eye. His visual acuity at Ihis time was 20/30 in Lhte right eye
nancy an abnim iiil li 'iili.-i [ил hc:u\Uh die and 20П 5 in the Lefl eye. Angiography IE] showed evidence
of s(jm« Ih inning of the HHb inferior to Lhe fovea I area. The
KJ^li cells In the region of photoreceptor cell loss, and nor­
paracenLral leilflrts apfmared nonfluorescenl.
mal chorlocapillaris.1' Breaks In Bruch's membrane and
F: The left lu rd u s of the 15-year-old sister of Ihe patient
choroidal neovascularization have been demonstrated.' _l illustrated in A-E. Note the multiple, small, discrete, yello w ­
One group of authors concluded that the sensory retina! ish lesions scattered :n the posterior pole (arrows]. Another
changes were probably primary and the ItPE changes sec­ brother and the father had sim ilar punctale yellow spols
ondary. ■' Ihese studies, together with the In vivo dem­ in I be fundi. All 1hree had a markedly subnormal electro­
onstration of autofluorescence of vitelllform lesions In oculogram. The fundi and electno-oculographic findings of
another sibling and the moLher were! noimal.
liest's disease by Milfei;7,32,36 1' suggest that the yellow pig­
G - l: Large m ullifocal vitellrform lesions in a 46-year-old
ment may at least In part be caused by lipofuscln. There
wom an who gave a 2 -уеДг history of bkur-ed vision. Her
is no fluorescein angiographic evidence in this disease- molber bad tailing vision In late aduilhood, and a malernal
however, for a diffuse market) lipofuscin storage disease cousin had m acular degeneration. Note the pari I у dm ru pi L:d
such as occurs in Stargardf's disease [see pp. 278-284). lesion in the righl macul.i (£j) and the largu nondisrupted
Histopathologic examination of a S 6-year-oEd homozy­ lesions in lhe left macula '.Hi. Twenty monlhs later Ihe cen ­
gous for E tS T i gene showed accumulation of lipofus­ tral m acular lesion had enlarged ill. Visual acuity was 3/200
in Ihe righL eye and 2 0 /4 0 + 3 in lh e left eye. Her electro-
cin.. a large component of it made up of A IL, within the
□culugraphic findings w ere definitely abnormal. Her electro­
ЁР 0 cells. OLher RVli granules were melanoJiposomes.
ns! inographic mdings w en: normal. Angiography revealed
lixtraction. of the granules in this eye and another S I-year- tlie inlact vitelliform lesions to he nonfluonescent.
old's eye heterozygous for the gene showed the lipofuscin
to be mostly made up of A 2 L similar to that found in dis­
eases caused by the ABCR transport gene abnormality."1'1 deheinoglobinized blood pigment, some cases of central
]^he vtteEliform stage of Liest's disease should be differ­ serous retinopathy with subrelinal fibrin, resolving sub-
entiated from other diseases that cause solitary yellowish retinal hematomas, and unusually lar^e acute solar macu­
macular lesions; for example, dominantly inherited, adull- lopathy lesions.10. To be confident that one is dealing with
onset vite t i t form foveomacular dystrophy (pattern dystro­ Hesfs vitelliform dystrophy rather than some other type
phy) (see Hgure 5.06-5.08), basal laminar drusen [figure of dystrophy, the following art required: ( 1 ) the presence
3.29), acute exudative vimlElform maculopathy (figures of one of the recognised polymorphous lesions typical of
11.30 and 11.31). and fundus flavimaculatus [Slargardt's Best's disease; [ 2J dominant mode of inheritance; (3) mod­
disease) with large central flecks. I he early age of develop­ erate to severely subnormal КОС findings; and (4) onset
ment of the yellow lesion and the progressive vtteLltrupti- and natural course of the disease typical for best's disease.-'-
form changes are essential findings to differentiate patients Without tills documentation the diagnosis of Best's disease
with Rest's disease from those with aduft-onset vitelliform is open lo question.-,:ii|l:-'■ Gene testing for the filiSTl
foveomacular dystrophy (pattern dystrophy}, because the gene with the presence of the above features confirms the
Eatter disease may be associated uith subnormal HOtls in diagnosis, future identification of specific gene defects and
one-third of cases and because both are dominantly inher­ the nature of Lhe vitelliform material will help elucidate
ited. hour oLher yellow lesions that may simulate West's the pathogenic relationship of the various disorders that
disease include focal serous RPE detachments containing demonstrate similar yellow lesions in the macula.-^-11'
Multifocal viletliform lesions may occur in patients Ь.i>"p Autoso т а 1-dom ina nt vi tree re tin ocho rotdo pathy.
wilh llest's tjfeease (1'tgure 5.04).12 Most palienis with
A - H : А 47-уг>лг-[)](Н Hannan af Hu^ucNiot iinteslfy pre-
multifocal vilelliform lesions, however, have no other f vi­ sftited Wiilh pFDgffissiv^ visual E>lLirr i 1тц Find {jlars? hdf л уалг.
deлее of liest15 disease (see next secLion). lhe lesions may There was л с fanHly hislDry of tisual pruhlunn? ап-d she WaK
vary in size. Some may he several disc diameters or larger uthtirwiae hci-nill hv. Visual acuity w as 2(V25 in 1Itu- Tiftht eve
in si^e and often have some irreguEarily tic their contour atld 20/40 in the left eye. .Vlild bilateral poifcrtor subcaMUr
{E'igure 5.04G-l). These larger lesions frequently dem­ Iл г cataracts vvuie present in bolh gyek. The publerior fifties
wcf(? normal in M th eyes A And 13 . M id peripheral т п г к ь
onstrate partial resolution or disruption. Multiple round
had ret ins I pi^menl tipil hej I i Ltm iR PLi mrgratiun in I hr:1form
flecks of yellow pigment may be arranged in a circular or
ut Езопе spicules that Were li^liLly lo an ed <дпН sym m elricaI
oval distribution near the periphery of the partly disrupted between lhe two eyes (C-E). Ркю гезсем angifjgr-ifrt was Ш
Eesiom [figure 5.04C}. mn\ in Lhe pteleriftr pule: Lhe periphery showed diffuse irruis-
BesM gene has also been implicated in aulosomal-dom- inishicjn hvperfluoresicen се : n lurspc ised w ilh bEoclcijje from
tnanl vitreoreti nochoroidopathy [ADVlRC), autosomal- pigment spletiles.
dominant microcornea rod-cone degeneration syndrome
(ADMRCJS], and autosomal-recessive beslrophinopalhy
(ARI1], all with extra retinal features implicating the gene and exon skipping on the long arm of chromosome
Lhat m i)1 be involved in ocular development.1’’ ^ 3 2 ,5 2 ,5 3

ADVlRC is a hereditary pigmentary dystrophy described D Y S T R O P H Y , C A TA RA C T W IT H
in 1932 by Kaufman and ]t has an autoso­ S T A P H Y L O M A ________________________
mal-dominant inheritance pattern and is characterized by
peripheral pigmentary retinopathy for 360° wilh a discrete A subgroup of paLienls who have all or some features of
posterior boundary near the equator (figure 5.05 C-H) ADVlRC may also have microcornea and shallow ante­
associated with punctate whitish opacities in the superfi­ rior chamber wilh evidence of subacute or acute angle
cial retina along with vitreous cells and fibrillary conden­ closure glaucoma. Some of these patients show posterior
sation. Frequently, peripheral retinal arteriolar narrowing staphyloma and some of them are myopic.7*'1 The inheri-
and occlusion, evidence of retinal neovascula rizalion.. lance pattern is autosomal-dominanl,. and the gene again
choroidal alrophyr and presenile cataracts are present has been ascribed lo the F fS T l mu la tion 'l"he HOG is
Evidence of blood-retinal barrier breakdown is seen by abnormal in all patients wilh AE3MRCS syndrome. A full-
cystoid macular edema. * field EiRG may show subnormal pholopic and scolopic
These patients usually do not have symptoms of night responses. W ilh time, ihese patients show progressive ГЖ т
blindness. The electroretinogram [E:RC) is normal or only changes wilh severe rod and cone photoreceptor dysfunc­
slightly reduced. 'Lhe HOG is variably affected, with Arden tion, unlike patients with ADVlRC who are relatively sta­
ratio ranging from normal lo subnormal. There have been ble. lhe ADMRCS syndrome is generally more severe than
a few cases with late cone dystrophy.;1 The gene defect has ADVlRC. However, there are family members who have
been localized lo the ВЕ£ П gene with missense mutations overlapping findings of the two conditions.-
A U T O S O M A L - R E C E S S IV E j.O."- Continued

B E S T R O P H JN O P A T H Y Au losum aE-recess ive beslro phin opathy,

l- M : Hundus photb^fajph of fi 30-year-old Female, who car­
Jhis condition Was described b y Burgess et al. in 200Й. "
ried two flfomoZyBtSLis nunvense muLalions in the B E S T 1
It usually starts wilh cenLral Visual loss al да age of onset (^one. The visual acuily was 20/32 i0,63) in thy right eye. A
ranging from 4 to 40 years., and the mean age Ш onset is faint round yellowish lesion was present in lh e cenLral niflt-
approximately 25 years. The visual acuity often deterio­ ula. TJii^ lesion was su«m inded liy sume yellow-while ill-
rates lo [ess than 20160 m both eyes within a few years. defined spots. In addilion, [л i nl lv .Hrophi< hy pop igrriiented
Parents are generally hyperopic and show shallow ante­ ei neat could Ew noted around Lhe retinal vascular arcades
(11. Fluoreicein angiography revealed diffuse patchy hyper-
rior chambers and may present with sub acute or acute
liuorascence Ihroughoul lh e fundus., com palible w ilh mild
angle closure glaucoma, fundus examination shows
diffuse atrophy o f ihv K f t . Around the fovea similar hyper-
irregular RPt alterations with whitish subretinal depos­ fluorescent changE» w ere present, Joj^eLher with slain ing of a
its that are seen throughout the relina, preferentially in small subretinal scar inferior of the fovea Ij and Ю-
the macula and Entdperiphery [I'igure 5.05J-1.J. Jlelinal fundus aulcfiuorescence p a g in g showed i^ight aulo-
edema wilh neurosensory retinal detachment and sub- fiuorescenE^ changes cen! rally in lhe macula. The brighl]y
relinal fluid may be observed in the macula occasionally; aulofluorescent dots corresponded lo fbul outnumbered' the
yellow-while spols seen on ophthalmoscopy. These lesions
this can he confirmed by op Lical coherence lomographv
therefore seemed to reflect increased amounts o f relinal
(О С Г). E’alienls may not show the vitelliform lesions that
lipofuscin. Around and beyond Ihe relinal vascular arcades,
are characteristic of best's disease. Ihe macular lesions small iire^ular spoLLed areas of increased and decreased
may evolve inlo atrophic scars causing a further decline HuLofluorcscynce w ere noted i.L).
in vision." lhe LOG is severely reduced or absent to Speclral-domain optical coherence Lomography image,
Eight rise. rl1te focal pattern EiRC in the macula is mark­ scanned horizontally Ihrough (he macula, revealed hyper-
edly abnormal, indicating severe macular dysfunction. The re flee Live materiaJ - SpsSfbly shed pholoreceptoi ouler seg­
ments between the slighlty elevated retina and the ТСРЁ (VII.
full-field E:RC shows reduced and delayed rod and cone
responses indicating pan relina I photoreceptor dysfunc­ IA -H .LTji.irlLi'.y nl ■!Jr. K .in jiL i >I',.i ii'>v.11; U .M c u u г|г:ьу 11 Г U r . < a m ijc B w n .i

tion. On angiography, there is widespread patchy hyper­

fluorescence due to R P t atrophy and retinal edema. iliese
areas correspond to areas of increased fundus aulofluores-
cence (Kigure 5.05].), suggesting lipofuscin accumulation
tn the pigment epithelium. The areas of ftPE loss show
decreased fundus aulofluorescence. Eligh-resolution OCT Nearly all mutations identified in Be&t's vitelliform
of the macula shows photoreceplor delachmenl from the macular dystrophy and adull-onsel foveal macular vilelEi-
pigmenl epithelium, disruption of the photoreceplor layer fonu dystrophy, a Lype of pattern dystrophy, are missense
but persevered inner relinal layers [ Figure 5.05M).n 55 mutations. Those mutations causing AIA'ERC and the
Those palienls who are heterozygous to lhe mutation are MRC5 syndrome are splice mutations. '" ' leading lo
entirely normal clinically and eiectrophysiologically. in-frame deletions or duplications, lhe null phenotype of
All the three conditions described above are caused by ARB is caused by homozygous or compound heterozygous
mutations in the tiESTi gene, the same gene that causes nonsense or missense WES'H mutation.'■ ''': The variable
Best's vile Hi form macular dystrophy Whereas Best's, expressivity and penetrance probably account for lhe wide
AUVIRC, and ABM RCS syndromes are autosomal-domi- variation in the phenotype of these conditions. It is likely
nanl. АЦВ occurs in the presence of homozygous or com­ they are also dependent on olher genetic or environmental
pound helereozygous ЙЁ5П mulalion. modifiers lo manifest all features of the condition.
M U L T IF O C A L V IT E L L IF O R M S.0*i Multifocal vitelliform lesions in adull patients
with a normal family history,
Л-C: Th is 39-year-pld healthy black mail with a
E V ID E N C E O F B E S T S D IS E A S E history of melHTTHjrphopsia had a visual acuily of 0 in
Lhe r i eye and 2(1/25 in the lell eye. The partly disrupted
MuUifocal vitelliform lesions with the same features as param acular lesion in the light eye 'A ) w<ia partly hvpoflu-
those occurring in Best's disease, in l>r. Class' experience., crescent (Cl. The yellow lesions w ere nontluorescent. His
occur most frequently in patients ivith normal EOG find­ eleclio-nculDgraphit: finciin_qs wore1 normal in the ri^hl
ings and a normal family history (figures 5.L16 Hind 5.07). eye and 1.Й7 in Ibu left eyel.
1'Luorescein angiography typically demonstrates non fluo­ D -F: ТЫн 34-уеаг-оId miin complained of hazy vision in
the left eye ol 5 months' duration. Visual acuity in hoLh eyes
rescence о/ lhe yellow lesions (Figures 5.06C and L and
was 2(1/20. He had m-ulliple vitelhform lesions iit bolh eyes.
5.07Н]. Occasionally, however, the yellow Lesions demon­
A larj^e vi te 11i form legion involved the left macula (compos­
strate early hypeFfluorescence {Figure 5.07]}. As in lhe case ite рЬо'оделрЬ, D). A ]luid level was evidEЛI bioniicfoscopi-
of [Jest's disease, the yellow lesions may disappear (Ngure c H ly in a lesion nasal Id lEic left b p tK disc (aJrtAV, !>■ and
5.07A-D}, lhe frequency of normal EDCi finding* and a an^io^japhically in the largE m acular lesion -5-1егепап^ю-
negative family history in patients with multifocal vitel- ^rams, E and F-l. M is family history was rwgativ£, JHis eletlro-
Liform legions suggest that most of these patients do not ocuio^rani Arden ratio was 1.0 Ejilalerallv'.
G —L: This 54-year-old man noted blurred vision in the ri e ft
have either Best's disease or pattern dystrophy, ihe absence
eye. JHis famiJv hisLor\ was negative. Visual acuih' was 2C1/-E0
of a family history alone does not entirely exclude these
i:i I !if.' г,L;111. eye rind 20-'40 in lhe- loii о.ч1. Гhere.1 wcvo m ul­
diagnoses, since many affected persons with liest's disease tiple vitelliform lesions in both eyes (G and H ). His electro-
and pattern dystrophy are asymp to malic. I his condition cicuioyrapbic findings w ere subnormal П .5 in (he ri^hl
should he differentiated from acute exudative multifocal eye and 1.4 in lhe left eye}. H is electroretinographic find­
vitelliform maculopathy, an acute-onset inflammatory dis­ ings wi'Jt? normal. His color vision was severely form al.
order of so far unknown cause..'" ' ' 1A RIi,v '5 and paraneo­ Sevt'n yearF- laler the lesions in lhe ri^ht eye w ere pari I у dis­
rupted ill and he had acquire^ a c e n ta l v ite llifomi [esicm in
plastic vitelliform maculopathy1" E J e u t m a n ' reported
the leEl macula (Jl. Visual acuity was 2 0 /2 0 in the right eye
a patient with loss, of central vision for many years asso­
and 20/40 in the lefl eye; Angiography revealc*d lltal Ihe dis­
ciated with peripheral and macular vitelliform lesions rupted lesions in holh eyes w ere hyp^rfl^J о r e s e l l flv and L-.
together with elecLroretinographic changes compat­ The nondisrupted lesions in Ihe reft eye w ere nonfluorescenl
ible with a rod-cone dystrophy, it is possible t>eut man's Ш . The multiple lar^e "sunny-siide-up'' lesions present in lhe
patient had autosomal recessive bestrophinopathy. sixth decade o f life and the absence ol a history of affected
family for Bests disease.

[C i—L LC JU rl^ Sy cM L Jr. StL^ nhur, I. J-LV'-in. I n

.M iii'h fo L H .1 Viteltijm m Б й я о т т г гиг i'u tim fc iV ithtnti fcviderttSt o f B e s ts J-JiHLTnsf

(p j
A U T O S O M A L - D O M IN A N T j.07 Multifocal vitelliform lesions in adult patients
with normal family history and normal or subnormal
PATTERN D Y S T R O P H IE S O F electro-oculographk findings,
T H E RPE A^E: This 4D-)№r-aid mart presented t(] his- local physician
in 197.1 Ijecause of diffkully wilh. dark adaplation. H is visual
Autosomal-dominant pattern dystrophies fire character­ acuity Was 20/20 in bolh eyes. Yellow lesions were noled in
ized by lhe development, usually in midlife, of mild dis­ bolh fundi. Hi-s electrD-ocuiogrnphic findings were normal.
turbances of central vision associated with a variety of Two years later his acuity was reduced to 20/25 right eye
patterns of deposits of yellow, orange, or gray pigment in and 2iViJ0 left Eye. 1hurt1 Were m ultiple geographic yellow-
the macular area.4"1' 52-11^ Jbe prognosis for retention orange lesions in the parncenlral region o f bolh eyes and a
scar En the left m acula IA and E3>. Two years later (he fundi
of good central vision in at least one eye until Kite adult­
wore unchanged (QJ. By 1У8-Е, а II o f Lhe yel Jow-oran^e
hood is good. "Ehe EOQ may be slightly or moderately
deposits had disappeared, leaving in their stead geographic
subnormal. 'J'he ERG is Lypically normal. These dystro­ aLrophy of Lhe rulinal pigment epjlhelium (D and b). His
phies are usually inherited as an autosomal-dominant ■. acuity was 20/25 righl anc* 2Q/20Q tefl eye. His
trail. Mutations of the peripherin/H£JS and slow gene (Pro findings were unchanged in January 1ЭЭ5.
210 ARti) and codon 1 67 of the gene were first dem­ F-H: " ■ii - - I-'-c.ii-. Id w< man pri'senlud Iл:■
■..л -с of ,i Г -year
onstrated in family members of patients with dominantly hislory of visual loss. Her visual acuity was 20/40 bilaterally.
1here w ere multifocal yellow lesions in Lhe macula and .u?i-
inherited pattern dystrophy.1''1 i0S Since then several other
tapnpiliarv area bilalerally d: and Ci). Angiugraphicallv Lhese
mutations of the peripberin/fJDS gene have been found
were ncmfluorescent centrally anti were sujm unded by a
in families and sporadic cases of pattern dystrophy.'"1, b0'' ling of hyper fluorescence (Hi. b.loUroreli nogram, eleclro-
O f importance are the various phenotypes, often within qculogram, d-нтк adapLalion, and color vision w ere normal.
families seen with the same genetic mutation.■ u' ,Dfi^]Lfl Sixleei: months I ale г her findings wune unchanged.
In addition to the association with different phenotypes 1-L: lhis healthy 20-year-okl man noted а сел Ira] scotoma in
of pattern dystrophy, peripherin/HDS gene mutations both eyes. M ultiple yellow lesions w ere scattered in the глас­
ила and jLmtapapillajcy rugion of bolh eyes Mi. These lesions
are associated with central areolar choroidal dystrophy,
showed eadv iivperf luorescercce anti lalo staining (JL Two
autosomal-dominant retinitis pigmentosa, autoso mal-
mortLhs laLer he had developed evidence oi s'jbretinal fluid
dominanl cone and cone-rod dystrophy, retinitis punc­ artJLmd each of the y e llo w lesions :K . His electro-oculogram
tate albescens, and digenic retinitis pigmentosa.1''' 1 L 1 was low потгшн! in boLh eyes. Eiighleen months later the
One family demonstrated phenotypic variation, includ­ fesions had disappeared ^LJ and his visual acuity was 20/15
ing retinitis pigmentosa and fundus flavimaculatus. Iiyj The in Ijolh eyes.
peripherin/HDS gene localizes to chromosome 6p i l \1f F-H аэигЬну (if Ur. R id U fd j. r. i(jl(ibL r^. !-L tu u h lay ■
..i LJr. МЫнт! N
spans 26 Idlobases of genomic DMA, and contains three Jtthnsun .ind i^ilriLk I. ( -щкл'у..

exons. Ihe gene product :o f peripherin/WJJS is an integral

membrane protein peripherin/WRS within rods and cones,
and plays an important mle in the photoreceptor outer-
segmenl morphogenesis by managing disc formation.,
alignment, and shedding.
leased on the pattern of pigment distribution, pat­
tern dystrophies have been subdivided into al leasL five
principal groups. A few patients will show different pat­
terns in the two eyes.. A patient may show progression
from one pattern to another over a period of years. Some
pedigrees will show any combination or all fonr of the
patterns of fundus change described in the succeeding sec­
tions.'0 1 ' M" Jror these reasons it is probable that these are
closely related, if not expressions of the same disorder.
Croup 1: Aduft-Onset Foveo macular S.OS Adull-onset ioveomaсular vitelliform pattern
Vitelliform Dystrophy
A —C : Thin ЗО-уеаг-old yvtiite woman- developed melrtmor-
Palients wilh adull-onsel foveo macular vilt:LiLft>nn dys­ phopsiS find a positive ncotoma in the righl eye b weeks
trophy share lhe following clinical features: ( I ) vianally before exam million. "lhe symploms had im pn ^ et) by the
asymptomatic or mild visual blurring and met amorph оp- lime of fea^minatidh. Visual acuiLy in lhe? rij^hL eye was
sia in one or both eyes, usually wilh lhe onset between 20/25-1 and |-1 and in the left eye was 20/50 and J-l.
ages 30 and 50 years; [2) symmetric, solitary, usually Symmetric^ slighlly debatBd, ovai, discrete, one-LhiTd disf
diameter size, yello w lesions w ith a central pigrnenL clum p
L/3-J disc diameter-size. round or oval, slightly elevaled,
weTe presenl in lhe Гоуео! в г areas ;Л and JJi. There w e ix sev­
yellow sub relinal lesions, often wilh a central pigmenled
eral sm.dl yelJtnv deposils En I be paracenlral area of I be lefl
spot in each eye (Figures 5.0S-5.J0); and (3) small yellow eve :arrows}. Her eledno-CHJulographic findings went; sub-
flecks that may or may tiol be present in the paracenlral потгпа! ■1.4 in both eyes}. Angiography showed а Flupresc r:nl
regioii.62' l"L,6li'bti,:’|,,_:7i-?d h':31 ]he symptoms of ring centered En lhe fovea of each eye I t ] . Yellow lesions in
blurring and melamorphopsia are often unilateral despite lhe midperiphery iluonistjed iarrows).
Lhe frequent presence of bilaterally symmetric lesions.'['he I!): Jiight Dye erf Lhe 54-year-old mol her o f Ihe patlpnl i3lu*-
Lraled in A - t . She noled mild distortion of vision in her Lef1
symptoms may improve spontaneously hi ilia Ily, lhe yel-
eve 10 ye,]re previously. Visual acu ily in Lhe righl eye was
Eow lesion may be present in only one eye. Although most
20/40 and |-2 and in Ihe lefl eye was 20/30 and J-2. In Lhe
of lhe foveal lesions are approximately 1/3 disc diameter center Ы Lhe fuVea is dn iTregular, found ^rea of depigmon-
in size, occasionally Lhey may be larger and misdiagnosed Lalion surrounded by m ulliple yelJowinh deposits. A lew
as lhe ‘'sunny-side-up" stage of Best's vilelliform macular deposits I arrow i are presen I in lhe exlramaculnr area. Her
dystrophy or as bilateral serous detachment of the RPh elecLro-ocu-lographic findings were subnormal '1.22 in the
(Figure 5.09J. Jhe yellow foveal lesions often develop a righL eye and 1.40 in Lhe left eyef. The angiographic pattern
was similar to LhaL in tl.
central gray or orange clump of pigment lhal biomicro-
t Hind F: Tlie 70-yea r-o Id maternal grand molher of Lhe
scopically may show evidence of the pigmenl extend­
paftmt illuslraled :n A-С had noted mild difficulty with read­
ing into the posterior relinal layers [Figures 5. USA and B, ing in her left eye fo? the lireL time SO years previously Ihis
5.09D, and 5 .10A and B). Later the foveaE Lesions may fade remained unchanged since that lime. She was asymplomaLic
and leave an irregular oval or round area of depigmenla- rn her right eye. Her visual acuily En bolh eyes was 20/40.
Lion of Lhe RPL (figure 5.0SEJ. Some palienls eventually Note Ihe central area of d epi gm ел Ial ion of lhe reLinal pig-
develop additional paracenlraE yellow deposits, often in nnent epilhelium (arrow, tj and fainlly visible jjeripheral
flecks. Angiography showed a reticular fjatlern of irregular
a triradiate pattern (I’igure 5.0SU-FJ. Fluorescein angiog­
hyfierl'luorescence (FJ. H e r electro-otukir^raphic findings
raphy during the early stages of the disease shows either
were subnormal (1.0 in both eyesf.
a nonfluorescent lesion (I'igure 5.09C) or, more typically, G - L : Central yellow Lesions resembling inanimate and ani­
a smaEL irregular ring of hyperfluorescence surrounding a mate objecls, e.g., spaceship I d . thicken (H and I:, utinfish
central non fluorescent spot [halo) (J:igures 5.0ЙС and I (|)f airplane iK]f and hobbyhorse -I ). NoLe lhe yellow para-
and Some of lhe exlrafoveal small yellow lesions cenlral flecks.
show discrete staining, such as drusen (Figure 5. IOC), and
others, siEnilar lo the foveal lesions, are either nonfluoies-
cent or have a halo of fluorescence surrounding Ehem. '['he
yellow and gray components of the lesions are brightly
aulofluorescent and lhe depigmenled KPF in late lesions
are hypoaulofluorescenl (I'igure 5.JJ К and L),
This (c m of pattern dystrophy was observed in females Large vitellFl'orm lesions associated with adult-
in three successive generations in one family (J-igure onsel vitellifofm foveomacular pallerr dystrophy.
5.0BA-F] al the fiasco m [’aimer Lye Institute. I his family A -F: This 51-year-old woman's visual acuily was 24VSO bilat­
was originally reported in 1974 by this author (GassJ as erally, ih e had discrete slightly elevated, yellowish Eesicms ir>
having a peculiar foveomacular dystrophy, later referred Lhe cenler o f both та»: ulae A ап-d К Angiography rnvmalcd
[o as adult-onset vitelliform foveomacular dystrophy.81-^ Iho lesiun-H to be nmflgorescenL -:0. Same patient ..J years
Recently a mutation of the periphertn R D S gene has been Ia Lei ID and E). Note the pigment in Lhe tenter ol the lotion.
Visual acuity was 2pyl60. The an^io^ram now sffcAved an
demonstrated in two of these patients.1'"' lhe mothers of
irregular ramerfludtitoCfiHt rin^ centered in Lhe fovea It1:.
two unrelated patients with adult-onset fo ve o macular
Sim ilar chan^us- look plate in Lhe left m acula during Ltiis
vitelliform lesions showed evidence of butterfly dystrophy same period of lime. The palienl qave no family hislory of
(E'igure 5A2A-G}. m acular degeneration. H e r eleclro-oculo^raptiic Yinclin ^
were потпла].
G —L: This й З -year-otd w om an 's visual acuity was 2 D/50
bi laterally. Note the large vrtellilurm Eesicms (C and H). Her
eleclro-oculogniphic findings w ere normal i2.a in the riцЬI
eye and 3.5 in the LefL eye I. The lesion in Ihe Eelt eye was
пол fluorescent initially (If. La Lei phases fL and Kr slereo,
and L ■
. however, suggested pos-bible underlying cEiurttidal
neovasculari nation.
lA-4- frrun (-i.ii-ь.®11
Unlike those in Kesl's vilelliform macular dystrophy, э.1£1 Ginicopathologk findings fn adult-onsel
the vi tel li form lesions in patients with pattern dystrophy vileEtifо rm loveomacular paltern dystrophy,
usually first appear in lhe fourth decade or beyondr are A-F: This 06-yea r-old wom an had a 4-monlh hisLorf ol
generally smaller, and do nol show disruption and layer­ gradual decrease of vision in bolh eyes. Her visual acu ­
ing of Lhe yellow pigment in the depcndenL portion of the ity was 2C.V30 and I-1 in the Tight eye and 2(^40 and !-2 in
Lesions. In some families there is an overlap in the features the left eye. Note lh e central fovea I vellowish lesions w ilh
of best's disease and patLern dyslrepjhy.31 Lent rat black dots and the scattered., small, yellow ish lesions
in tfie paracunlral area (A arid Bj. Angiography revealed л
fluorescent rin^ in the central macular area anti hyperflLio-
Croup 2: Butterfly-Shaped Pigment rfiscencc of Ihe нгттаИ paracentral lesions IC_".>O ne year later
Dystrophy the patient's vision had deteriorated slightly secondary 1o
cataract;;. The fundi w ere unchanged. The patient died soon
When lhe gray or yellow pigment is arranged in a well- aflur of carcinom a of the liver and lhe eyes were obla]ned for
organized tri radiate pattern con fined to (he center of the paLholo^ic ejtnniinaLian. ^ i$ lo p b lh alb ^ c findings in IKu-1iK*11
macula in a symmetric fashion, it has been likened to the m acula tl5‘ sbowed focal loss of relinal receptor e le m e n t
shape of a butterfly {l-'igure 5.12A -C).r-: A zone of and piemen I m itral ion into I be rtilinn in ibe foteal area
Ia n o w lj.. du m pin g oi cells laden w ilb pigmenL and с hono­
depigmentation occurs around the pigment figure, '['he
red naj adhesion in lhe fovea] area fartitjW 21, □ paracenfral
optic disc and vessels are normal. Some palients have a
zone o f thinning of Lhe retina] piemen! ep hb dium '.arrows t
reticular pigmentary pattern of drusen in the periphery, and 4), and locaE diusen (arrow 5]. High-power view erf the
lhe early phases of angiography show hyperfluorescence foveolar area i f showed clumps of pwment-fadeti cells and
that outlines lhe non fluorescent pigment figures in the calcilic body lairowl. NoLu pneservalion of the choriocapLl-
macula (Figure .i. 12C). the shapes of the central yellow laris anti sligbl thickening of Ibe I nteivapiNarv pillars. Hj^h-
Eesions in pattern dystrophies vary considerably and may power v ie w of Ivpical diusen i]-. correspond i n^, w itb one of
Lhe STiTnil yellow paractm Ira] lea ions.
simulate a variety of inanimate or animate objects (l-'igure
G - |: Small parLly faded cenLral lesion fti and H in Lhe
57-year-old daughter of an fl1-yE*ar-old mother iIb bilat­
eral buLterfly pattern of yello w flecks (I and ]>. The daughter's
vihual acuity was 20/40 in (be rfght eye and 20/50 in the Tefl
eye and Lhe molher's was 20/70 in both eyes.

I.A—f fro m L i .iM . '' ■

Croup 3: Reticular Dystrophy of the RPE i .1 I Variations in pattern dystrophy,

3q patients with reticular dystrophy the pattern of yel- A—C : Fam ily w ith adult vitellifurm luveom acular dystrophy.
The 2K-year-old son ;A ' had mild blurring or' vision in lhe
IdW pigment extends into lhe periphery оГ lhe macula
lighl eye and bilateral, мтла1 lr focal v^teNHorm lesions in lhe
hi a highly organized pattern Lh□L hcii been likened to macula. Visual acuity was 20/20 in Lhe right eye and 20/1 5
со arse, knotted fishnet or сВДщей wire (r'igure 5. ] 2J — iin Ihe lt4L eye. Ь lec Iго-ос и Iograph id ratEfls Were 1 .b in bcuh
I j и 74,77.66.но,94 development LisuiiIIу begins in the eyes. rhs 31-ущаг-old mother bad Ь]1а1вщ| bulterfly dystro­
faveal area. Ihe network gradually extends four or five phy (B and С')- Ног visual acu ily was 20/25 In lhe riglil eye
disc diameters from lhe macula in all di reel ions. The and 20/30 in the left eye. The ST-year-old maternal gjand-
net meshes are usually less than one disc diameter in falher had Ы lateral geographic alrophv of lhe КГ-1!: and less
Lhan 20,^200 vision.
si^e. The midperipbery and the periphery of the fundus
0 and E: Kindus pulvemlpnlus type of pattern dystrophy in
are unafTecLed early in the disease. The network may be a 73-year-old man with mild visual lost of 3 years' dura Lion.
more apparent angiographicahy than ophthalmoscopi- Visual acuiLy was 20/25. He had pruinmenl cel Lc el а г pig­
tally (i'igure S. I 2HJ. Jt usually fades with age and may be mentary changes in the periphery.
replaced by extensive atrophic changes in lhe RPB in later F —H: Reticular dyslropliy in a young girl with visual acuily of
life. Д similar but coarser pigmentary network has been 20/20 in bul-h eyes. Her etec Ino-oculogram and elecLrorelino-
reported by Mesker and associates."1 Patients with reticu­ gram We№ flormal: Two siblings had similar findings.
I—L: Fh is 10-year-old maEe com plained of difficulty see­
lar dystrophy may show an autosomal-recessive as well as
ing lhe Ы -Setboard. His visual acuily was 20П 5 and 20/20
aulosom al-domi nantinheri tance. uncorructod. Bolh retinas show symmoLricaJ appearance of
pDneVcfflHb uf chicken wire-like relicular pal tern dy-slrcjfjliy
(I and |l. The hyperpijjrTienled retinal pijjmenl epbtheEium
showed increased aulofluorescence (Ю- The fovea had a nor­
mal i:onlour w ilh in I act inner segmont-ouler segment junc­
tion IL . lighl eye:-.
Й—Hiг 1л uГ 3>i. L14" S. AniJL-T'-on. l-L, i.uurir.'sy uf ]Jr. S tijli lii o: li'j.:
Croup 4: Multifocal Pattern Dystrophy э. 12 Pattern dystrophy simulating itmdus
Simulating Fundus Flavimaculatus
A-C:"This 5J-year-old wurmin hsd visual at и i tv- bilat­
Some patients develop multiple irregular or iri radiate yel­ eral ly. H e r eEeclroreLmograpbEc and eletlra-acLilographic
low Legions centrally or eccentrical I}1, and in some eases findings were norm^J; rhere was no family history lor eve?
these дге widely scattered and partly interconnected in a disease An^io^rams of bolh eves and О ahftwfiq n u bi­
Lriradiate fashion that may simulate that in fundus. flavi- focal slellale bypdfluorescent lesions surrounded by byper-
maculalus (Slargardl's disease) {Figure 5.13A-H).Lie-1M I iuorescence anti no evidenc^ o f diffuse dampening ol the
background flcmrescence.
Jhese palients. who do not show fluorescein angiographic
D - H : C firicopalhologrc findings in a 51-year-old man w ilb
evidence of a dark choroid suggesting lipofuscin storage
normal visual acuity and a ■fundus picture nimulalin^ 1un-
have heeit recently reported as examples of dominantly r.kis ffavimaculalus. So to the peripheral flecld and lhe nor­
inherited fundus flavimaculatus (see p. 284). Unlike most mal a m a ia r c o i of lbe cenlral macular area i.D-F-l. Lif^bt and
patients wilh fundus flavimaeulalus. these patients have electron microscopy rt&tyealed sublie i r d focnil distension
good visual acuity and a more favorable visual prognosis. and minor variations in pigmentation of the retinal pigjTtenL
I Lowever some of these palients with an exaggerated phe­ epithelium iRF’t . Occasional cells showed dislended, rela­
tively n o n p ig r n e n d o m e - s h a p e d apices extending above
notype can show progressive loss of lhe yellow material
the adjacent RPE {G and Hi. The KPE did ro t stain w ilh peri­
and JtETEi/photoreceptor thinning and atrophy resulting
odic acid—Sc bi if or for acid m ucopolysaccharides. Lied run
in islands of. or con fluent, geographic atrophy (Figure microscopy showed that those HPt ceils wiLh distended cylo-
Б.] 3). Choroidal neovascular membranes can rarely occur plasm contained tuEjelovesicular membranous material iJ-h.
[E'igure 5.13). Histopathologic and electron microscopic I-L: A rx^-year-old wom ai: from Trinidad with minc'd heritage
studies of the eye of a patient with this type of pattern dys­ of African, bast Indian, and l-rench presonled with decreased
trophy have demonstrated that the flecks are not caused by vis;on in her left eye lo 20y100. Bolh fundi showed exten­
sive iLindub I iavimaculaLus type of patlurn rlysLrophv ея.1end­
abnormal lipofuscin storage (Figure 5.15C and i l ).Lj0
ing Eieyond lhe arcades and loss of the vilelliform material in
much cH lbcL lesions. Both maculas showed geographic atro­
Croup 5: Coarse Pigment Mottling m the phy and I h r lefL, a fchorrisdal neovast ularization in addition
tl). A fluorescein angiogram conlim iud lbe subfoveai choroi­
Macula (Fundus Pufverulentus)
dal neovascular membrane in lhe tenter oi lhe geographic
Tallents with fundus pulverulent us typically display mild alrophy, With increasing flo re s c e n c e in the late frames
visual loss associated wilh a prominent, coarse, puncti- fj and K.i. Note lbe absence of a dark choroid and hi*3o of
byperfluorescence around central bEockage from pigmenl^
form molding of the pigmenl epithelium in the central
typical Sf. Itmdus ilavim aculatus Ivpe of pallein dvslnophy.
macular area (Figure 5. ] 2F)-C).,■
' J s ]'his pattern is mosl
l'he ri^bl eye hail a simitar appearance withoul lbe choroi­
often seen in patients with pseudoxanthoma elaslicum in dal neovascular membrane. 5be received inlravitreal injec­
the author's experience.^' tions o f bevacizumab every monlb for 4 months followed by
Allhough Et is convenient to subdivide patients With every 2 monlhs for a Lola! of S inj eel ions. Her vision in the
pattern dystrophy inlo these five groups, it is important lo loft eye improved Lo 20''40 and conlinued to remain stable
realize lhal lhe fundus findings in some patients do not a I last follow-up 3 years laler. An a и Lo fluorescence ima^infj
shows mcreased autolluorcttcence o f the yellcjw flecks and
fall precisely into one group. Some may show one pattern
decreased auLofluorescence of Lhe alrophic Hot ks :L I.
in one eye and another pattern in the fellow eye. Olhers
may show one or more eccentric triradiale yellow or da rid у
pigmented lesions. Some may have one or more lesions tn
only one eye early in their course, l'he fundus findings in
patients wilh pattern dystrophy and an asymmetric distri­ only infrequently.1<H Class observed il mosl frequently in
bution of triradiale pigment figures must be differentiated patients wilh the solilaiy vilelliform. butterfly pattern, and
from similar findings Lhal may develop in some patients lhe exaggerated pattern simulating fundus flavimaeulalus
wilh recurrent idiopathic central serous chorioretinopathy/ (Figures 5.1IA-H and 5.121-1.).. 5ome, if not mosl, of the
organ transplant retinopathy, and in patients wilh Flschnig reports of subretinal neovascularization in fundus flavi-
spots caused by hypertensive choroidopathy, e.g., in a maculalus probably concern patienls with pattern dyslro-
patient with toxemia of pregnancy. [See Chapter 3, Erigures phy.122 Absence of a dark choroid angiographically and
3.57 and 3.5Й.) good visual function suggest paltern dystrophy rather than
The visual prognosis is good in all subgroups of domi­ fundus flavimaculatus. An occasional cause of Loss of
nantly inherited pattern dystrophy.15,0'1^ Late geographic vision in these patieLils is the development of a macular
atrophy (Figure 5.111 and K) and choroidal neovascular­ hole.1""1 Cass has observed the development of a macular
ization may occur in any of the subgroups and are respon­ hole in both eyes of a patient who some years previously
sible for visual loss. Choroidal neovascularization occurs presented with adult-onset foveornacular dystrophy.
I lislopathologic ebaminalion of two eyes of a patient j. 13 Complications of pattern dystrophy.
with a solitary yellow fovea! lesion bilaterally (Figure
Choroidal neovascular membrane (CNVM).
3.J0A-F) showed foca! loss of the retinal receptor ele­
A - hi: This /З-уеаr-okl V/drrian had a hibLory of soliLaTy vitel-
ments and atrophy and partial loss of the fi£PE in lhe lil'orm lesions in bolh eyvs And ptmsented with a choruidal
fovea I area of both eyes."1' lhe central pigmented spots ne£va$cLilar membrane in her lei; uye and a visual dec.-line
seen biomicroscopically were caused by a clump of large Lo 2W 100 (A, B). She undejwenl pholodynamrc therapy
pigment-Laden celts and extracellular melanin pigment l(i Lhe left eye., which resulted in a disciform star. Fifteen
Eying between lhe retina and Bruch's membrane with months lalr'r lhe visjon jn [he right eve dropped Iо 2Q-,40
wiLh increase in the size of Lhe vilelliform lesion and reor­
some extension into the ouleT relinal layers. In a ring­
ganization of Jh(! central pigment I.C:. An angiogram showed
like zone surrounding this centra! pigment clump was a
staining o f Ihe yello w material (□ and EJ. Four months laler
thick layer of slightly granular, eosinophilic, PA5-positive her vision dropped Lo 2W 100; she now sbowud evid en ce of
material lying between the thinned atrophic KFF and a C N V M with subretinal ikiid and biood (F); An an^io^ram
Bruch's membrane. Fluorescent microscopy showed no showed л classic C N V M w ilh lacy appearance early and
unusual amount of lipofuscin present within the ЙРЁ cells late leakage (G and l-t'i. The liLjhl eye also underwent phoLo-
in this lesion. Bruch's membrane, the dioriocapiliaris. and dynamic Lherapy w ilh i'm iled success.

the large choroidal blood vessels underlying the lesion Geographic atrophy.
were within norma! limits, lhe paracentral yellow spots 1—L: This f>.i-year-old m ale presented w ilh a vision of
seen opbtbalmoscopically proved to be typical drusen his- 20/70 in Ihe riyhL and 20/20 in Ihe left eye. Ttiere was a
topathologically (Figure 5.I0I:). small island of gafc^aphic alrophy corresponding lo Lhe
Histopathologic examination of the eyes of two other loss of Ih e yello w pigmenL Fn the foveal lesion (I and jr.
Autcifluoresconcje shows decreased autofluoiesoence consi-s-
patients with almost identical lesions revealed similar
LonL w ilh ioss of reLma' pigment epi I helium (It), lh e left vitel-
findings.'1 1 In one case, however, the eye showed evi­ liform lesion showed hyperauto fluorescence fL.'.
dence of a high concentration of lipofuscin, which may
be responsible for the centra! yellow lesion. 1 A report of
the histopathologic and ultraslruclural findings in two
eyes of a 5] -year-old in an with a pattern of fleets suggest­
ing fundus flavimaculatus and norma! macula and visual
acuity found no evidence of lipofuscin storage or acid
mucopolysaccharide accumulation in the APE - ihese are
characteristic findings in fundus flavimaculalus (Figure
tlevated aggregates of enlarged RFti cells
wilh apices distended by accumulated lipid membranes
with a tubulovesicular appearance Were responsible
for die flecks (]:igure 5.]3C and ][}. 3he findings in this
patient suggest that the yellow flecks in the pattern dys­
trophies. although they clinically appear similar to those
in Slargardl's disease and fundus flavimaculatus, are not
caused by focal lipofuscin storage in the RI>F. ibe same
may prow true in the case of vi tel li form lesions in Best's
disease. Unlike palients with Slargardls disease, patients
wilh Best's disease and aduk-onsel vilelliform foveo-
macular dystrophy do not show the angiographic feature
of obstruction of the normal background choroidal fluo­
rescence (silent choroid] that is caused by diffuse heavy
deposition of lipofuscin material in the RPE.
S Y S T E M IC D IS E A S E S A S S O C IA T E D j. !4 Pattern dystrophy in patients with myotonic
A-C: This ^3-year-old man w i]h myoLunit dystrophy had
Macular changes typical of pattern dystrophy occur in mild ca La rads, deafness, and pattern dystrophyi Visual acu ­
7 0 % ' of paLients with pseudoxanthoma elasticum (see ity was 20/30. ApplanaLion pressure bilaterally was 6 mrnHg.
Fluorescein angiogram of holh eyes shows halo of hyperfluo-
Figure 3.38G-L and Chapter 3j. Щ fundus pulverulentus
resrence ground linear lin-rs of hJcickcd fluorescence from
pattern is most frequently observed, though all йч'е types pigment.
of pattern are seenILI: [t-'igure 3.40.J ETattern dystro­ D-F lhis -year-old male wilh m yolonk dystrophy had
phy has also been observed in patients with myotonic dys­ cataracts in ЬсяЬ eyes. Fundus appoajance in Lhe let") eye
trophy (1'igure 5. !4), Kj ell in's syndrome (hereditary spastic post Calarad remtTval bhows л partial bullerflv type o f pa.L-
paraplegia] (Figure S .IS J QldteiDally inherited mitochon­ Lem dystrophy :LJ), w hich on anglbfltaphy resem tJcs Lhe pre­
dria] myopathies, and one patient xvith McAndle's disease, vious patient w ith linear blocking by pigment surrounded by
hype-riTdorescenet! (E anti FJ.
a glycogen storage disease in which a deficiency of myo-
phosphorylase inhibits the ability of striated muscle to use
its stored glycogen.]Jfl triradiate or stonewall configuration have been described
in the peripheral fim dui134^34 Narrowing of the arterioles
M Y O T O N IC D Y S T R O P H Y ____________ may occur. Kurian and Kurns111 found re]iiarkably low
voltage b-waves and subnormal a-waves in these patients,
Myotonic dystrophia (myotonia atrophica) is a heredo- even when unassociated with any ophthalmoscopically
famlHal disorder characterized by myotonia, with selec­ visible changes. They also demonstrated daik adaptation
tive muscle atrophy baldness, testicular and ovarian abnormalities, l-'oveal densitomeliy changes are frequent
atrophy, premature senility, and cataracts; it is also asso­ early in asymptomatic patients.111 Ihere is histopathologic
ciated in at least 20-2S0i of patienls with some evidence evidence of degeneration of the peripheral retina with
of retina! degeneration,12'1-1 'v Л variety of funduscopic migration of pigment into the retina and some migration
pictures have been described, most of which involve the of pigment into the outer plexiform layer in the macular
various forms of the pattern dystrophies, including dark area.1'' Melanosis and microthrombosis of the peripheral
and yellow spots; stellate [Figure 5J4A -F), butlerily, and retinal vessels, together with pigmentary degeneration,
reticular patterns of pigmentation: and drusen (see Figure have been described by other authors, bonne authors have
E>.]3I-K).[ ■|-EJ|''1 1iU Most patients have minimal loss implicated quinine therapy in these patients as the cause
of visual acuity, I’igment clumping and yellow flecks in a of the fundus changes.
Kj ELL IN 'S S Y N D R O M E j. I j Kj ell in's syndrome (hereditary spastic paraplegia)
and pattern dystrophy.
A lo L: lh is 44-year-old male developed prftdjfcssive ataxia,
P A R A P L E G IA ) .11. 11j i -,.1i ■■
, cr ili' ■11-• ions lilvi\Li's I li- v is j.i :hc lj-
iГу w a i correctable it) 2 ft 20 w ilh refraction- w hen first ™ m -
Kjel]inr3 syndrome is an autosomal-recessive syndrome ined in 2003. Both eyes showed yello w tri radiate flecks,
characterised by slowly progressive spastic paraparesis iind some w ilh bruwn pigment wilhin Ihem, distributed over Lbe
dementia.1'1^ 1'3'* Some of these patients may show evidence posterior pole IA and Hf. Fluorescein angiogram showed
of pattern dystrophy of Lhe retina, most often lhe fundus central nonl'Viorescence with hi halo of hypedl uoiescence
fiavin^ajjitija type (i'igure 5.] 5). Ibe flecks seem to be sta­ typical of pattern dy^truphy ( Г -tJ. In 20Qft, autolLuores-
cence imaging showed central increased autofluorescence
tionary or very slowly progressive wilh no change noted over
corresponding lu iht! brown pigmentation In addlEdti Ihuie
5 years in a patient followed by the author (figure 5.3Г>А, В,
were lattice-like auto fluorescent changes in tbe nasal retina
К, and L). The fluorescein angiogram shoe's central block­ extending up lo Lhe equator, ihril corrt'spionded !o mild pig­
age from tbe yellow materia] wilh halo of hyperfluorescence mentary changus setm on fundus phuKjgiapby lF-[). O ptical
surrounding this, quite lypical of tbe appearance in isolated coherence tomography revealed these Lesions as thickening
pattern dystrophy.1 Autofluorescence study shows brilliant of Lhe retinal pigment epilhelium (| 1 and E2l. His lesions iind
fluorescence of lhe material in lhe macula {Hgure 5.15JI vision have remained unchanged over more than 7 years LK
artd L i, suf^gestjng lhe condition isaJm osI nortpragjessive.
and I ) ' |:; in addition the pigment epithelium shows wide­
spread reticular lype of byperautofluorescence outside lhe IA-D, Alsu/c'jnnuj^i.. LawrcnCe J.r the J-Jrfinjl Al I ; l s , Saunders HO ] 0.. B7S-

1 ) - 7 П 2 А - 1 .Т 2 4 ) - 9 г p. I I 2 ).
macula (Figure 5.15 H and 3), lhe significance of which is
slill unknown. ЧЪе OCT suggests accumulation of the mate­
ria! wilhin and just anlerior to the ШЧ: [figure 5.1 5J 1 and mitochondrial diseases, including maternally inherited
|2J. 'lhe flecks and lhe RI4: changes are not associated with diabetes and deafness (MTDDJ; mitochondrial myopathy,
significant visual morbidity, suggesling very slow breakdown encephalopathy lactic acidosisr and stroke-like episodes
of tbe cells that may be conlribufing towards the accumula­ [М Ы Л й], myoclonic epilepsy, red ragged fibers (M EftRFJ,
tion of the yellow material. and more widespread pigmentary changes in Kearns-
Vitelliform lesions similar to pattern dystrophy Sayre, neurogenic muscle weakness, ataxia retinitis pig­
have been seen in a variety of maternally inherited mentosa ( N A R P ) , and Danon disease (see later sections).

r ¥
M A C U L A R PATTERN D Y S T R O P H Y i.lfr Progression of pattern dystrophy in
maternally inherited diabetes and deafness (MIDDX
IN M1DD, M E LAS, A N D M E R R F mitochondria! myopathy, encephalopathy. Eactic
acidosis^, and strobe-like episodes {M ELA51, and
Mitochondrial 15N A is inherited from Lhe mother. myoclonic epilepsy, red ragged fibers (MEKRFK
Mltdmonddal defects affect high-energy-utllt/ing organ s
such as the central nervous system, eye, Inner ear., skel­ A -F: Tht.1 patient is а 51-уваГ-^И female w ho first presented
ir 2001 w ilh л 5 -year history o f blurred vision w hich she
etal.. and cardiac muscEe. A poiLie. mutation A3243G in
described as w ind s disappearing w hile reading. Visual acuity
the mitochondrial t>NA causes both M1DD and MLLAS. was 2 0/20 both eyes. She was found to tie mutation-positive
Ih e «{act reason why the wme mu tation causes a differ­ Гаг the mitochondrial D N A A 3 2 4 3G mutation, test medical
ent phenotype Is not completely understood, though there history included -a 31-tear history of insu in-dt'pendenI dia-
can be an overlap of findings in. some palients with M IDD Ejetes, a Ь-уйщг bislorv o f decreased hearing Hind tinnitus, dif­
and MLLAS to a variable extent.1,1n Affecled individuals ficulty w ilh balance, peripheral neuropathy. cardiomyopathy;
can fall anywhere in the wide spectrum ofcEinical feature;;, weakness, and fatigue. Her mother had diaErctes and dual-
ПЕ5&. The patient's 51 -year-ofd sister had r o diatieles, hearing
lhe disease can vary greatly in severity acid features within
loss or eye piobferns and deni м3 other medical problems:
a family. 'Itie degree of heteroplasnny (cells contain bolh she did not havE! mutation IrcLing. 1bu pa lien Is 29-year-
muLaled and normal mitochondrial DMA) likely deter­ old son had no history of any systemic problems olher Iban
mines the phenotypic variability between the three syn­ an appendectom y in lhe past. 1-1is fundus revealed myopic
dromes and in Individuals within the same family. nerves w ilh normal fundus auCofluorescence. ThE patient^
АЛ243С; mitochondria! mutation In individuals is seen 27-year-old slaughter also had a normal fundus esam anti
with a wide range of mitochondrial encephalomyopatbles, autofluorescenc e Eiut did have a hisLory of migraine and
faligue. liolh children w ere found It) he positive for the
including МЁ1АЙ or ^ELAS/MEtUiF overlap syndrome. It
A.324.1C mu Lai ion. Нет fundus esarn revealed circumferen­
has been postulated that mitochondrial dysfunction causes tial perifoveal islands of atrophy w ilh surrounding pit^nenl
a reduction In adenosine triphosphate, which in turn leads clumping (A and B). There was mild N K D R in both eyes.
to an Ion imbalance tbit results In death of hair cell and Angio^raphv showed w ind ow defects in Lhe area of lhe aLro-
stria vascularis in the Inner ear. Postmortem histopathologic phy, Eiyper fluorescent microaneurysms and blot king defecl
examination of the temporal bone of a Woman with M IDD by the subreLinal pigfnent cl Limps (C anti D), Fundus autoflu-
due to the A3243G mutation has identified diffuse outer hair oresc.ence demonstrated decreased aLilol'luorescence in areas
or alrophy with sunoundini^ sfwckled areas ol increased anil
cell loss, severe degeneration of the stria vascularis, as well as
decreased autofluorescence in an area that was Larger I ban
a reduction In spira] ganglion cells. Similar histopathologic would be expected liy fundus e*am alone '.b and Fj.
findings have been reported In association with lhe A3 243G G and H: This patient first presen led Гп 1У 96 al the age of 43
mutation In K it LAS, though marked loss of neurons and gli­ w ilh a pigmenLary macular abnormality in bolh eyes wh-i(.h
osis In the ventral cochlear nuclei were also по||Щ.ш was diagnosed as a pattern dytlrophy. Vision was 20/20 in
Macular pattern dystrophy seen In this disease spectrum both eyes. Hasl medical history was significant for hearing
has a variable phenotype (figures 5.16 and 5.1 7 ).11: lSi Eoss and EinniLus from the age of 25; there was no history of
diabetes. In 2000 aL 47 years of age she had a mild cerebro­
lhe manitestations can be: grade E: several punctate pig­
vascular Occident anti later duvxjlofied seizures. D u e lo the
ment dots in the macula; grade 11: a butterfly or reticular development of additional m edical problems mitochondrial
patter]! that on fluorescein angiography shows the typical LDNA testing was performed. The patienl was foLind lo have
hyperfluo rescent halo around an area of decreased fluores­ Lhe A"!243C mutation. The family history was posilive for a
cence; grade Ml: In some eyes mulLifocal or a continuous mother w ith diabetes. The fundus revealed mild mottling of
perifoveal atrophy of the RPE. 'Itie flecks show increased Lhe retinal pigmenl epithelium with mild pigment с I Limping ii:
autoiluorescence [l-'igure 5.17If] [resembling the pattern Lhe periphery of both eyes; no atrophy was presenL It] and Hi.

seen in fundus fiavlmaculatus] while the areas of RPH atro­

phy show decreased auto fluorescence (l-'igure- 5.17J and L.).
Kath et al.” 6classified M ID D A3243G mutation-associ­ i .16 Continued
ated macular dystrophy Lnlty.
I—P : This patient firs-t presented in 1934 al the age uf 4b w ilh
* Type 1; cci]i Li i i l l o u s or discontinuous peri foveal geo­ d history or paracenlial scotomas Jind difficulty л [J justing lo
changes in lighting. Visual acuity was 2 0 / 2 0 in both eyes.
graphic atrophy
M edical history was significant lor diabetes of 4 years dura­
* type 2: pattern dystrophy with flecks and variable RPH
tion, rn&uEin-dependent for 2 months. H earing loss began
atrophy. Lo develop in 1996. Fundus photos in 1994 revealed dr-
nJtttfeгел вй porifovual areas ut geographic atrophy 11 and
It appears that Lb€ phenotype changes with age with
|j. There wan significant progression r:*f Lhe macular atrophy
increasing geographic atrophy over time.1
wiLh visual aouiLy of 2Q/.JQ in bolh eyos in 2001 iK and L;.
Fundus autoflLroruscence in 2tK17 reveals decreased a biLo-
I luorescence in areas Ы atrophy with surnoundin^ areas of
speckled auLolluorescence in an а гул larger lhan w ould bo
Expected based on clin ical exam. Fundus auLofluurescence
of ihu patients mother :C3 and IV, whoso fundus appeared
nurmal,. showed subtle moLLiinjj t)f Ihe aLitofltkxracence
in a ti ncum I erenL ial palltiin peri fovea Ily. Inlwestinjilv- the
paLienL's mother's blood Letted negaJive for the A.lIi43C
inilochondrial D M A mu La I ion; no muscle biopsy wab per­
formed. 11 is known LhaL (ho ability to dc4ect Hie mulaLion
i 1 :!ic pcripheiv, he 'd dc -с .. -.i^ person а^ен: : is ■: so
possible Ihis was a new mulation in Lhe parienl herself buL,
lets likeJy ^liven Ihe fundus aulofluonuscence mifiDrmalittfia
in the moLhor. lh e m a tb e also had a Hi-sLtjry (it aduJt-unsel
diabetes Without hearing loss.
[С й |_ 1 г Е « у o l U r . KhitM jI.L K . l ILi .kind I J r . A l j i h H ir d : A - f r o m H i lJn :-,ir;n c;l
ii ■'-1' Й ’r, H - L , Гr u m K u lt i e l j l . l | , : -
5 .17 Pattern dystrophy in maternally inherited
diabetes and deafness (M IDD),
Л -F- Evolulion of relinal lesions in a patient who was
47 years of ajje at firs-L examination (A-C), E in d after 3
yt'ars. of rbJIcnv-up She? carried I hc- rniJochondrial
ГП.3243А i> G mutation, and was previously diagnosed w ith
sprtsOrlrteliral hearing loss and diabetes mellitus. During (ol-
low-up, her v isual acuity remained *Lable (20/40}, although
she experienced subjective central visual loss. Initially, Lhis
patient showed macular and peripapiIlary pijjjnenLary altera­
tions. In the (oven, a vitelliform lesion (A) ^ ilb increased
autofluorescence and some satellite lesions (El were
observed, th e lesion was hypofluorescenl o r angiography,
due lo blbckafte ot" t h e choroidal fluorescence and w h s sur­
rounded by a hyperfluorescent m ildly atrophic zone jC l
Hyperreflective material w as seer between tbe neurosen-
sorw retina and TeLinal pij}nienl epithelium iC2). Throe # №
IЛея, Lhe vitol lifti-rrri material had disappeared leaving a zone
o f chorioretinal atrophy that began to encroach on the fovea
IjJj. This (, horiorelinal atrophy corresponded to markedly
decreased aulolluorescercce. io m e satellite lesions faded,
whereas oLher lesions Ьтчзсате more ртогптеШ in nize iind
irte rsity o f autofluorescence (E^. A hyperfluorescent weLL-
demarcaled w indow defect was seen o r angiography 1F 1>.
О л optics) coherence lomojjrapby, inegular isClenuation of
the photoreceptor-retinal pijjfnenl epithelial Layers was seen
in tbe atrophic area o f lhe previous viLellilorm lesion. The
ouler retinal simetures in the fovea also appeared aboarm ai4
LjliI htili relatively preserved :E2).
G - L : Retinal phenotype o f a 5r>-year-old paLienL, w ho was
asymptomatic and had a visual acuity of 2 0 / 2 0 in both eyes.
A few years previously, diabetes meElilus was diagnosed,
bul no deafness. After 1be mLinal pbcnoLype was diagnosed,
MCDE> was confirmed by Che finding o f lhe m.3243A > С
mitochondria I пиАдОал. O phlhahnoscopy revealed a b rtiid
horseshoe-shaped zone of choriorelinal atrophy LhaL encir­
cled Ihe fovea of [he right eye (G). A less severe appearance
w ilh fovea 1 sparing was neon jn Ihe I cl I eye I Hi. Tbe "(oveal
island" of normal aulorlucjroscence was su*rounded by a
lar^e югъе o f absent autoflkJCreixACe due Lo chorioretinal
alrtiphy. Oulside Lhis atTopbic area, speckled variable auLo-
fluorescence w as roLed 11 and J)4 The angiogram ol the Left
eye shown irregular tiansmission hv|jcrfluorc:sconce ejtcepl
where blocked by pigment (К). Four years later, (be chorio-
nelinal atropby has expanded wiLh gradual narrowing of Lhe
pres^tVfid (oveal area IL:.
IC j d U t t ic y t if D r i C a m i c j l Ь - и н п .'
S T A R G A R D T 'S D IS E A S E (F U N D U S j L18 Stargard Vs d isease..

F L A V IM A C U L A T U S ) A-С: In 1973 lb iн 1 ^-year-old w hite mart bnd a paiacen-

Lral scoboma. His visual acuity was 2 0 / 2 0 . Except for a deep
In I W J Slargardl described an apparently autosomal- orange-red (vermillion) color, lbe fundi w ere normal (Af.
AngiogTriphv dm ioH^tiatm а лнНсп1" choroid and a ring
recessive disorder in seven patlenls from two families wilh
of 1'ainl hyperfluorescence. In 1391 his visual acuity was
visual lens beginning in the first iwo decades of life, often
20/200 and m ulliple flecks (CJ were evident.
wilh a normal fundus, and later associated Tvith macu- D - C : This lb-year-old female wiLh unexplained visual loss
Ear atrophy and yellowish Jeep retinal leeks. ih Kosehr and 20/200 vision in bolh eyes was susfjecLed of having a
examined two of Slargardfs original palients 50 years later brain lumor. The fundi appear normal (D j. Neurologic гкд т-
and found that Lhey had good peripheral function. In inaLion and skuil rM nlg eftaaram i w ere normal. Angiography
1U65 b'ranceschelli described similar palients but with (Ef revealed a fa in I ring of hyperfluorescence in (he central
m acular area and no evid en ce o f obstruction oi Ihe choroi­
flecks that extended into the peripheral fundus.151 *c'
dal fluorescence. O ne year later :l-l llie ie were definile* atro­
3ListopaLbologic and histochemical sludies in recent years
phic changes in the relinal pigmenl epithelium as w ell as
have demonstrated evidence lhal these patients have a dif­ multiple small flecks in Lbe m acular areas. Angiography (Gf
fuse lipofuscin storage disease affecting lhe RL*F.'' "]6J showed ^neaLer tiyperftuorescence cenlrally and e v idence of
Starga rdf's disease and fundus flavimaeulalus are names obstrucLi-on o f the choroidal fluorescence elsewhere.
now used interchangeably in the literature Гог what the H -L: ForLy-yeai-old miile followed for the pasL 7 years w ilh
author believes are a heterogeneous group of disorders. 20/20 vision in each eye. ExLeiiHive yellow pisejform f[ticks
in the posterior pole of both eyes with islands of geographic
Most authors do not restrict the diagnosis of Stargardt's
aLrophiy sparing lhe fovea Щ and If. The yelEow flecks
disease and fundus flavimaculatus lo palients with fluo­
towards 1he periphery are hyperautofluorescenL; I hose Lhal
rescein angiographic evidence of lipofuscin storage in the have ]osL lbe yellow material towards lbe center are h^poau-
RPil, although most agree lhal lhe majority of patients Lo fluorescent lhe- itlLinds of KF3t loss are nonaulofLuoTescenl
show evidence of il. Ibis author prefers to resLricl the diag­ i| and Kf. GplicaE coherence tomography localises Lbe flecks
nosis of Slargardfs disease and fundus flavimaeulalus lo Lo lbe neLinal piymtml epithelium fL:.
describe different stages of the same disease in patients
who, early in life, develop a verm i I lion or darkly colored
fundus caused by excessive storage of lipofuscin within dome-shaped. When iocaled in lhe midperiphery, they
Lbe RPE lhal prevents visualization of choroidal details are oflen arranged in a triradiale or reticular pattern lhat
( лda rk” с ho roid).] ' J ST-Щ has been likened lo a forked fishtail. As Lhey begin lo fade,
Patients With Slargardlrs disease, usually during child­ their color changes from yellow lo gray, partly due to loss
hood or early adulthood, develop visual loss that may be of RLnL substance- and they may appear larger and less dis­
unassocialed with any evidence of flecks or RPh atrophy crete. I'luorescein angiography is important in differentiat­
initially (E'igures .i.lS.A and R and 5.ISA and E) but soon ing Lhe flecks Ln itargardt's disease [fundus flavimaeulalus)
afterward is associated wilh atrophic macular changes from dmseti. Whereas drusen show a pattern of hyperfluo-
and Lhe appearance of peculiar yellowish RE^ti flecks rescence corresponding precisely wilh their si;ie. lhe yellow
(E'igure 5.13G, F, El, and I), lhey appear somewbal simi­ flecks Ln fundus flavimaculatus eilher appear nonfluores-
lar to. but should be differentiated from, drusen. These cenL when the lipofuscin is intracellular or show an irreg­
flecks are variable in size, shape, and distribution. Unlike ular pattern of fluorescence with disruption or atrophy of
drusen, Lhey are less often discretely round, oval, and RJ4i cells (figures 5.13G and 5TE?IL).':,J
Most patients ^viLli this disease experience loss of cen­ 5.19 Stargardfs disease wilh peripheral flecks (firndus
tral vision first in childhood of young adulthood. Some., flavimaculatus).
however, first become symptomatic in midlife or beyond. A—G : D om icShdy от pseudodominandy i nheii Led Slargardt's
I.oss of central vision may he accompanied by symptom­ disease 1fund lls llavimaculaLus . А 7-year-old girl whose
atic as well as dectropby sic Logic evidence of significant visual acuity was 20y50 hud verm illion fundi and an^io-
cone dysfunction.;l: '■|й0 Likewise some patients. particu­ ^raphk evidence of ohslruclion c f lh e diorOidal fluores­
larly Lhose who develop w idespread flecks extending into cence i.A and P:. She later developed л picture of fundus
flavimacuialus. Ног brother had a verm illion bul other­
the periphery, may develop evidence o f rod j s well as cone
wise normal fundus bilaterally w hen he was S years old
dysfunction.' ' 1 On lhe basis of the fundus and fluorescein
(C . Hve years laler he developed I leeks in Lhe m acula and
angiographic findings nit lhe time of presenLation, patients in id peripheral fundus ль w ell as aftnplty ot the retinal pig­
with btargardt's disease can be subdivided into the follow­ ment epithlium £RP£J in the macula. W ith in a few weeks
ing groups. of beanj; examined, lhe brother was Ktfuck in lh e njjht eye
w ilh a dodjjeball. He noled no change in Ihe vjsion hul 2
Croup 1: VermЩ)on Fundi and Hidden monLhs laler he had evidence o f a 23-disc diamc'Ler altera-
Lian in lhe h!PL: inferior to the ri^hl macula (arrows, D>. O n e
Choroidal Fluorescence monLh laler I here was evidence ol SLif>reCinal neovascuJar-
i^aJion, including a small amount of suhrelinal blood and
Some palients with subnormal visual acuity have relatively
fibrous mel aplasia and hyjjerplasia c l Lhe К PE. In his lerl eye
normal-appearing fundi except for the easy-to-overlook temporal tu Lhe т л е й la he had a peculiar paracenLral area
heavily pigmented EiPL that in most while patients imparts of j^eo^raphic aLrnphy of Lhe Rl-3t similar lo that depk:ted in
a vermillion color and thaL obscures most of the details Lhe patienl illuslrated in |-L. Anolher 12-year-old brother and
of the choroid from view (Figures S. ISA and ti and 5 Д М their 30-year-old mother ( i) had mild visual loss associated
and fi). Angiographically lhe retinal vessels are displayed w ilh widespread flecks and central PPL atrophy, [here was
no history of previously affecLed generations.
prominently on a dark background of minimal choroidal
F-H: Ln I his young w om an note lhe unusual IvW areas of
fluorescence, hi some cases lhe retinal capillaries appear to
^eo^raphic aLrophy o f Ihe PPL: Ioca Led just temporal Lo Lhe
be more dilated than normal. macula of the left eye (arrows).
I-L: This African Am erican male had a visual acuily of" 20/20
Croup 2 : Atrophic Maculopathy with or in 1h f ri^hl and 2fiG'D- in lhe lefl eye. Tri radiate yellow flet ks
alon^ w ilh smalli islands of ^ m j^aph ic alrophy were seen in
without Flecks Lhe macula of bolh eyes (I and fl. The older cenlral lesions
In some patients the loss of pigment in the macula may be showed decreased aulofluorescence suggesting loss of Lhe
yellow malerial and atrophy of Lhe P5J t, w hile Ih e more
so minima! lhal only with angiography can this be dem­
peripheral flecks showed increased aulof iuorescenee from
onstrated wilh certainty [Figure 5 .ISh). 'I hese palients and
lhe lipofuscin wiLhin Lhe K F L The areas o f geographic aLro-
those in group 1 may be misdiagnosed eilher as having phy showed no auLnfluorescencc: IK and L;.
functional complaints or as having a lesion involving the
lA - t, c i k j M l'w l iI JJr . L y L h is h i l- L , сиигкчу n f [.lr . I i r t i c i f . J l u v . i
optic pathways. Particularly in young children, the flecks
may not be present or may be quite small and limited in
number {figure 5.18K). E.ikewise lhe vermillion fundus
and dark choroid angiographically may not be present in where Lhis pattern is absent {Figure 5.1 SJ and k). Patients
early life (figure 5.1SL) and E),-M On subsequent follow- wilh the bull's-eye change may initially be seen with nor­
up. flecks as well as evidence of diffuse lipofuscin storage mal visual acuity and a ring scoLoina. A few such patients
in the J£FE occur (E'igure 5 .JSF and Cj. Lhe flecks may be retain 20/20 visual acuily unLil 40 years of age or beyond
confined lo the macula or may extend into the midperiph- [figure 5.20C-L). Varying degrees of atrophy of the KPL
eiy of the fundi, l he degree and pattern of atrophy of the surround and extend beuveen the flecks, lhis is always
RPJ: in the central macular area vary and do not noways more evident angiographically than bionncroscopically
correlate with the degree of visual loss, lhe klfL may show [E'igure 5.191!]. If the number of leeks and amount of
only mild loss of its normal color, a beaten-metal appear­ Щ?Е atrophy are great, the angiographic dark choroid sign
ance, or marked geographic atrophy. A diffuse oval or typical of Slargandt's disease may not be evident in Lhe
bull's-eye pattern of atrophy occurs commonly [E'igures posterior fundus, although it is often preserved in the peri­
5.] St I and 1and 5.1У)—L.). The lipofuscin within the flecks papillary area, lhe oplic disc and retinal vessels in patients
accounts for the increased auto fluorescence, which may be in groups ] and 2 are normal.
surrounded by regions of decreased auto fluorescence from Patients wilh widespread flecks may develop in one or
the adjacent atrophic KPt. Ihe auto fluorescence pattern occasionally both eyes an eccentric well4lefined zone of
can resemble chronic idiopathic central serous chorioreti­ reactive RPE changes that includes hypertrophy, hyper­
nopathy. mitochondrial myopathies, and flecks of pat­ plasia, fibrous metaplasia, and atrophy (E'igure 5. PJD ).
tern dystrophy. Patients with fundus flavimaculatus show Palients wilh many flecks occasionally develop subreti­
a ring of decreased autofluorescence around the disc and nal neovascularization and disciform detachment of Lhe
in the fovea, unlike Lhose with mitochondrial myopathies macula.1-2-1^ 1^
Color vision testing usually shows a mild red-green dys- 5.2(j Exte n sive fl e с ks о f fund us flavi macn Ealus,
chromatopsia. Many patients show a prolongation in rod
A-F: Г1тis 30-vuar-oid Ща1й had extensive frivol vemenl or the
dark adaptation and selective prolongation of the la ter seg­ fundus in both t'yus evlending almost to Lhe equator A-D:.
ment of rod recovery.1 ■'^K-leclroret biographic find­ Note Сhe decreased Э1ИйЙ1(огйевпее rn mosl uf the lesions
ings are usually normal or slightly disturbed. The hOG is EfKct'pl the very anterior onus that show (frapased auto fluo­
subnormal in ю т е cases. Some patterns may develop pho­ rescence, signifying progressive atrophy oJ (he netins I pig­
tophobia, loss of color vision, and eiectroreti nograp hie ment epilhelium cells and loss of tbelr lipofuscin content (E
evidence of a cone dystrophy. and Fi. His visual acuity was count lingers in Lhe fight and
20/30 in Ihe left [*уе.

Croup 3 : Atrophic Maculopathy with Evolution of flecks in fundus tlavimaculatus and

normal vision.
Late Signs and Symptoms of Retinitis G-L; This 21-year-old young male was asymptomatic in
Pigmentosa 2004 and Ihe flecks were discovered on н rouline examina­
tion [(jr glasses. He had a vemiillion fundus without visible
Patients in group 3 are similar to those Ln group 2 but in choroidal vessels in Ihe posterior pole and yellow flecks,
addition show signs and symptoms of retinitis pigmen­ ноте with central pigmentation in Ihe superior тлей la and
tosa, including nyctalopia, diffuse lots of pigment from superior to the disc (G and H). The red-free images better
the Шзе;, narrowing of (he retinal vesselsr and abnormali­ delineate 1he flecltfi.
ties of both thescotopic and pholopic ERC.US I and J: Five years laler there was a significant increase in the
flecks now distributed all over the posterior pole and nasal
to the disc in both eyes (K and Ц His visual acuity was slill
Croup 4: Hecks not Associated with 20/20 in each eye.
Macular Atrophy iA-]-, ci iurlL'1-уii| U r . I-мпси U«cLhi.t and Ur. •■
■I г.■
Patients may have paracentral and central flecks associated
wilh minima] bio microscopic and angiographic evidence 1’ishman and associates found the probability of main­
of atrophy of the RPli between the flecks. Visual acuity lin in g a visual acuily of 20/40 or better in at least one
may be normal if the center of the Ebvea is not involved eye was 52% by age \9 yeait -, 32% by age 29 ye ait -, and
by a fleck. Most patients with a large fleck in the foveola 22% by age 39 years.1 lhe visual acuily after reaching a
have subnormal acuity. Fluorescein angiography shows a level of 20/40 tended to decrease rapidly and stabilize al
dark choroid, obstruction of the background fluorescence 20/200. l.ow-vision correclion in these palients is highly
by tbe flecks with minimal hyperfluorescence in a small successful.1'*'-1^
area immediately surrounding tbe flecks. In the absence "lhe re is considerable evidence that Slargardl's disease
of mformation concerning other family members, and and fundus flavimaculalus are the same disease and thal
in eyes showing borderline evidence of a dark choroid.. (be latler probably represents a more advanced and wide­
El may be difficult or impossible to differentiate some spread stage of lipofuscin storage and ЙРЕ damage [Figure
patients in group 4 front patients with dominantly inher­ 5.14A-K). I"he age of onset of visual loss and the severity
ited pattern dystrophy.'^1,|5ы of visual loss are generally greater in patients with wide­
Whereas the fundus findings and the degree and rale spread flecks [fundus flavimaculatusj.11"1 The eleclro-
of visual loss are usually symmetric, the atrophic changes oculograpbic and eiectroreti nographic findings are more
and visual loss in some patients may be more advanced likely to be subnormal in patienls who either have or are
in one eye. in general, the onset, rate., and severity of destined to develop widespread flecks in the fundi and
visual loss are similar in family members, bu( notable other signs and symptoms of a more widespread lapeto-
exceptions to this rule occur. In an appraisal of visual retinal dystrophy. ^ 'lhe eleclrophysiologic studies
loss with age by both life-table analysis and cross-sec- therefore are probably of sonte prognostic value, particu­
Lional procedures in У5 patients wilh Stargardtrs disease, larly itt younger palients who have only minimal flecks.
I LLsKjpлthologic examination reveals Lhal the RE’Ei cells Ь.2 [ С Iinicopal hologic find ings rn Starga rdl rs disease.
posterior to the- equator л re enlarged and densely packed
Д and B: Progression of geographic alropfiy over a 9 -year
with an intensely E1AS-positive substance with ultra- period in a palicnl w ilh Stairiteftft's disease.
slructural,. auto flu orescent, and hislocbemical properties Youn^ wom an w ilh SLargamlIгн disease Hind large area of
consistent with an abnormal form of lipotuscin (I'igure geographic atrophy o f Lhe reLinaE pigjTtenL epithelium IRPE^.
5.2L).1 " ihe greatest concentration of this lipopig- NoLe flocks near Ihe edge of the c e n ta l legion. Her sisLer,
ment is located in the posterior fundus. Scanning electron who had identical findings, died of cancer and her eyes were
oLilainud ar aulopsy.
microscopy has shown evidence that focal areas of marked
D —G : Histopalhology o f SLargardt's disease in Lhe srsler
hypertrophy of ftPt cells, as ^velE as aggregates of cells
of Ihe patient illuslraLud in Cl. LJulh sislers had geographic
containing lipofuscin., зге responsible for the nonfluores- atrophy of Lhe KFfc wiLh supjuu-ndirW Hecks- in l'he m acular
cenL yellow flecks {figure 5.211 and f ).1'*" lt'° E:igure 5.21 area ophlhalm oscopicaliv £t-T Note Lhe enlarged KF’fc ceils
(Ei-C;) illustrates the typical light microscopic changes (haL i i l" r^o1 wiLh lipoluM in in : K : pus1jjrior fundus
occurred in one eye in each of two sisters wilh identical ID); 1Еъе positive staining of Ehe КИЕ w ilh periodic acid-Schiff
changes of geographic atrophy of the RPE associated With IPAS'- (jgg lhe loss o f 1f>e ouLef retinal layw s and FilJ t i|arr*j(VYs:-
in Lhe central m acular area (H j; and Ihe near-norma I appear­
macular flecks characteristic of itargardfs disease. En an
ance of lhe Rf3t near the equaLor (Gj.
eye of a 16-month-old to y with incipient Starga rdf's dis­
H —|: Scanning electron microscopy (II and lighl micros­
ease the НГК cells were less distended with lipofuscin and copy If) of lhi> eye removed from a 2-t-year-oid man With
at 5 years of age his remaining eye showed angiographi­ widespread flecks 'ifund-us ffavimaculalusl in lhe fundi fH
cally a dark choroid that was confined la the posterior fun­ revealed lha) the Ilucks w ere causer! J?y focal hfyperLrophy
dus.'"' This observation and the angiographic changes in of lhe КГЕ: cells lhal are d islender! with an intensely KAS-
the child illustrated in figure 5.1Й are in keeping [josit-ive, granular, autofluorescenl substance wiLh lhe proper­
ties of an abnormal form of lipofLiscin.
with the concept that the lipofuscin storage disorder of
K: Diffusely hypertrophic RL3t w ilh KAS-posiLive granules^
the RPE is an ongoing process and may not be clinically
in lbe posterior pole (above}; where Lhere are nnwe K P t
detectable in Lhe early years of life ."'1 Ilirnbach et al. have melanosomes, compared Lo Ihe periphery w ilh few er KF3fc
suggested that dll-tnhs retinol dehvdrogenaser a photo­ melanosomes.
receptor outer-segment enzyme, may be defective in these I C - G . c u U h t e s y O l I J r . K c b i - r l P . V h iL V L ir : H - f f jo m u l , l I. K " ; K,

patients.'1*1 L'LJurLe^.v' I IJr . k ,il|jh C . ! .isi"hr I г

l'he marked engorgement and hypertrophy of the ElPli

cells with lipofuscin in patients with widespread decks
appear it) predispose them to development of one or more successive generations was demonstrated, the inheritance
local patches of reactive and hypertrophic changes in the may be recessive rather lhan dominant (f igure 5.1UA-G).
RPE [figure 5.11Ю]. The author has seen these RPH lesions In families ivith dominantly inherited fundus flavimacula-
in association with fundus flavimaculatus in eight patients. tus, gene mutations have been mapped lo the short arm of
In al Least one patient they were observed to develop fol­ chromosome 1 and to chromosome I3q34.|Ч” 192 Linkage
lowing a blow to the head with a dodgeball (figure lo chromosome 6q has also been established.-113 'l'he
5.PJD ). Ihus RL3L engorgement with lipofuscin may pre­ patients in this latter family did not show angiographic
dispose patients with fundus flavimaculatus to ouler evidence of lipofuscin storage. The author believes lhal
retinal damage in the event of a contusion injury. Al the patienls wilh a fundus flavimaculatus-like distribution of
19У5 Retinal Society Meeting D r. Richard О her reported flecks, absence of a dark choroid, autosomal-dominant
a palLcnl with fundus flavimaculatus who sustained inheritance, and generally a more favorable visual progno­
hlunl trauma and lierlill's edema that was confined lo sis are more appropriately classified as having pattern dys­
the macular region Ln an eye with the typical appearance trophy rather than Stajgardfs disease. lJkewise, the author
of fundus flavimaculatus. Several weeks later the patient prefers Lo classify recessively inherited alFophic macular
developed widespread degenerative changes of the RPli dystrophies in patients without flecks and without a dark
and subretinal fibrosis in the injured eye. Del Buey et a f choroid as "unclassified'' rather lhan Starg^rdt's disease.lM
have reported similar severe d egen erative changes develop­ Pattern dystrophy is not Lbe only disorder that may
ing rapidly in association with fundus flavimaculatus in a simulate fundus flavimaeulalus. A similar pattern of flecks
young girl struck in the: eye with a cork.'" may develop within weeks or several months In one or
In most patients who show clinical evidence of lipofus­ both eyes of patients with idiopathic uveal effusion (see
cin storage fundus flavimaculatus is inherited as an auto­ chapter 3), diffuse bilateral uveal melanocytic prolifera­
somal-recessive trait. A similar phenotype, however, occurs tion |see chapter 13], renal or other organ transplantation
En some families showing evidence of dominant inheri­ and chronic central serous chorioretinopathy (see chapter
tance [E:igure S.19A-^J. 1,! The author has seen only 3), collagen vascular disease (see chapler 3), and large cell
one such family, and because only involvement of two lymphoma (see chapter 13). Яг‘
A UTO SO M ALD O M 1N A N T "-.21! Autoso т а I-dom i nan t ce ntral a reo larch oro i dal
and retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) dystrophy
C EN TRAL A R EO LA R unassociated with drusen or tlecfcs.
C H O R IO R E T IN A L D Y S T R O P H Y Л nnd B: A 19-year-uld buy with visual acuily Ы 20/15
U N A S S O C IA T E D W IT H D R U S E N had minimal changes in the K P t centrally. Angiography :13
revoked delinile evidence of pig merit loss in lhe m acula.
O R FLEC K S С—E: The 4 (j-year-о Id lather o f patient ir A had visual acu ­
ity of 2Q/70. H e had a central scotoma corresponding lo dis­
]"hLs dystrophy is characterized by the development of crete агёай a l FIE’L й1фрЬу Eji laterally |'C)j Arleriovonous-sLii^e
fine, mottled depigmenlation in the macular region.. usu­ angiogjani showed delay in perfusion of lhe large and small
ally in late childhood or early adulthood in the absence choroidal №sbe3s cenlrally ■L.JI. Approximately 20 minutes
of any symptomii (Figure S.22.\ B, G. and 11). Visual acu­ after injeclion, the angiogram showed choroidal staining that
ity, visual fields, FRG, and dark adaptation art normal was mosl marked m Ihe periphery of the cenlral esion lb'.
F: The 74-year-old palernal grandlather of Lhe palient in A.
early Ln the course. Multifocal FKG shows abnormal cen­
Note whitening of Lhe lar^ge choroidal vessel walls. His acu ­
tral function anti late stages may sometimes show more
ity №15 20/100. The palient illustrated in A had tw o affected
widespread cone and rod d y s f u n c t i o n . The HOG siblings, l he p a tie n t illustraled in Л and C- had modoralely
may be subnormal. Fluorescein angiography is helpful in abnormal electro-oculographic findings. Their и lectroreli no­
detecting the earliest pigmentary changes of the macular graphic findings w ere normal. Several members of Lhis Fam­
region that may eventually have a bull's-eye configura­ ily a ho have von Hippel-Lindau disease.
tion (Figure 5.22B, I, and J). Associated wilh the gradual C —|: This healthy 13-year-old wom an had 2(У15 visual acu ­
ity in both eye^; There was mottled depigmenlation ol the
development of symmetric, sharply outlined, bull's-Eye
pigment epilbelium and mauled 1турег1 luorescence m the
oval or round areas of geographic atrophy of the RPE in
fihaculaГ: area bilalerally. Нет oleclio-acLilogfam, eleclnoret-
the macula in the absence of any flecks or drusen there is inograin, anti 100-hue color vision lest resulLs wore normal.
slow, mild deterioration of visuat acuily during the fourth Three si filings had n^acular degeneralion.
and fifth decades of life (Figure 5.22C l:, G, and li). The К and L: The 46-year-old mother o f Ihe palient in G-l noled
tindings can Ье staged from I lo 4 (Figure 5.23). Families visuat loss beginning al age 24 years. H e r visual acu ily was
wilh earlier age of onset of visual acuity changes (Figure 10/200 Ejilaterally. The rod and cone eleclroreLinujjjam and
electro-oculogram findings w ere moderately abnormal. This
5.22G-]) are known.1"' lhe area of geographic depigmett-
patient's mother, Iw o malernal aunts.. Lwo maternal uncles^
tation of the R P t enlarges concentrically but usually does
and maternal grandmother had m acular degenrtra ti on.
nol exceed three lo four disc diameter;;. In some patients
geographic atrophy of the RFli in the peripapillary region
accompanies the macular changes As the patient lives
beyond the fifth decade, the reddish orange color of the initially, a relative (but later an absolute) central sco­
Lii'lv d ’.-.-i'oLda] u-ssds wiliiiu ::il' .mv. H \l\:i. лI I'-iphv is toma corresponding to the area of JJPL atrophy can be
replaced by a color (Figure 5.22F К and L). demonstrated. Peripheral fields are normal. Fluorescein
Serous and hemorrhagic disciform detachment occurs angiography demonstrates varying degrees of loss of lhe
rarely, if al alE. Visual acuity in the range of 20/100- 20/20t} choriocapi Haris within the area of KPL atrophy that cor­
may he retained even during (he seven ih and eighth relates well wilh the degree of loss of visual function.
decades of life. The optic disc, retinal vessels, and R P t out­ There usually is minimal evidence of atrophy of the large
side the macular area are usually normal in appearance. choroidal vessels throughout the course of the disease.
Dominantly inherited central areolar chorioretinal b .'Jl Stages of centraE areolar choroid a! dystrophy,
dystrophy unassocialed wilh fecks occurs infrequently
A—С : Stage 1 central areolar choroidal dystrophy (CACD>
and has been confused in the Literature with a variety of in a i^-year-o Id asym plom atic patient with a visual acuity
other more prevalent diseases Associated with geographic of 20/'2£). ih e carried л p.Argl42Trp missense mutalion in
atrophy of the КЕЧ:. Central areolar or geographic atro­ Lhe ркЙ Н 2 gene. 1L>d fundus photograph shows parafoveal
phy of the RPli and choroid is a nonspecific change that zones of hypopigmenLaLion -A), w hich correspond to areas
may occur in association with other diseases, including: о: increas'd .luLolluorusci'n- с 15. Spot Ir-i i-dr n i.iii: ;ip t k jl
coherence tomography iC X U l horiJ® ntally Ihroujjh LheKe
( 1 ) familial macular dystrophies associated wilh macular
zones jusL below the Fovea shows disorganization and lhick-
coloboma; ( 2) central areolar RPE dystrophy1"" that may
□r:in^ of lhe; ou1ermost neuroretinal layers, aL Ihe level o f Ihe
he the same disease as (1); (3 ) dominant macular drusen pholorecepLor outer segments LLl.
associated with senile macular degeneration and disciform D-F: Stage 2
CACLJ. in a 60-year-old patienl with a
detachment (see figure 3.46); (4) basal laminar drusen; acuity I 20/20 ip.Ar$142Trp mulationi- She com ­
(5) autosomal-recessive macular dystrophy associated plained of mild micropsia. A hnildly alrophic hypopiцпшmud
wilh Stargardl's disease or fundus tlavimaculatus (Liguies oval area was. seen in Lhe m acula iLJ). lhe lesion was fainlly
byperfluorescent on fluoresceEn angiography. Fundus auto­
5.13 and 5. « ) ; (* ) central areolar atrophy in the cone
fluorescence showed an uvaE lesion wiLh granular areas of
and rod-cone dystrophies (figure 5.] 6); (7) central areo-
decreased auLofluorescence anti a lew spols ot increased
Ear atrophy secondary to myopic degeneration (see Figure autofluonescencr? HEj. In early stage 2 CACD, speckled areas
3.34); and (a] central areolar choroidal and RE’Ei atrophy ol increased autofluorescence predominate, A horizontal
secondary to serous or hemorrhagic disciform detach­ spectral-domain O C T scan through LhEs lesion showed an
ment of the EiPt and retina from a variety of causes, such accumul alion of hypeireffcctive m alenal L in d e r lhe fovea^
as idiopathic central serous chorioretinopathy or choroi- between Ihe neurosensory retina and retinal pigment epithe-
I !Li in. This hyperreflective material m ay correspond I о clum p­
ditis.:i”1 Autosomal-dominant central areolar choroidal
ing of aJlercd photoreceptor ouler segments. OLilside Lhis
dystrophy may also be confused with other disorders lhaL
area was disruption of photoreceptor Jayer with some byper-
cause a bull's-eye pattern of pigment epithelial atrophy rufl'jc. live spots that m a v c o rre s p o n d Lo t lum p s ot" a Lm o rm a l
(see benign concentric annular macular dystrophy, p. 300, p h o lo re c o p Lo r o u Ie r-s e ym e n t m a le ria l ( R .
and chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine toxicity). С - 4 : ^lage 3 C A C t J , in a 4 7 -y e a r -o ld paLionL w h o also
In J953 Sorstjy and Crick described five pedigrees of carried ,i р . А г ^ М Л т р n iu la tio n in the P f\ FH2 g e n e . Th e
patients wilh "central areolar chon)idal sclerosis " Only visual a c u ily w a s 2 0 / 2 5 , a n d lh e p a lie n l re p o rte d a m ild
decrease m visual a c u ilv A n a re a ol" w e ll-d e m a rc a te d
one or possibly two families had evidence of dominant
c h o rio re lin a l a tro p h y w a s se e n jusl o u ts id e lh e fo vea I
inheritance.'41 Several patients showed evidence of flecks
cc n le r i G ) . O n fu n d u s a u to flu o re s c e n c e , Lhis a tro p h ic area
or drusen and may have had either Staigardfs disease or s h o w e d an a b s e n c e ol" a u tQ lT u o re s c c n c e . t> u ts id e this, the
senile macular degeneration. Histopathologic exa mi nation m o re m ild ly a fleeted a re a s h o w n d LjTanular /tin e s o f a lte re d
of one patient showed evidence of choroidal and RPE atro­ fiuLolTu urescen ce a h o r iz o n ta l s p e c ira l-d o m a tri О Г Г
phy but no evidence of sclerosis of the choroidal vessels"0J scan, lhis arua o f с h o rio ru lin a l a lro fih y c o fre ^ p o m ie d to a
A family of three successive generations of patients Lh in n itij; o f Lhe o u te r n e u ro re Lin a l layitirs, ynrirkud A tte n u a tio n
oE Lhe p ii{ )L o m :e p to r ia ver, his w e ll а к an a U c n u a le d retinal
wilh central areolar macular dystrophy seen in Miami
p ig m e n t e p ilh e liu m layer. O u ts id e this a re a r ih e s e structures
also have autosomally dominantly inherited von Hippel-
w e re m o re rhiildly d is o r^ a n ize rl a n d a Men и a Hid iLj.
l.indau disease {Vigurc 5.22A-L'). Wansour reported three I- L: Sta^e 4 CACILJ, in a 49-yuar-oJd patr-unL with a visual
brothers, each affected wilh central areolar choroidal dys- acuity o f 20/200 (p.Argl42Trp mutation in FR FH 2 ).
Lrophy and pseudochondropEaslic spondyloepiphyseal OphthaMhSsDopy showed a w ell-circum icribed are;i of pro­
dysplasia, both of which are heterogeneous disorders found chorjoreLinaJ atrupliy lhal invtblved Ihe fovea, w ilh
wilh autosomal transmission.''1 The association of two some pigmenl clumping (Jf. Tin is atrophy ajjain corresponded
to an aL)stjnce cjr" fundus auLollutjrescence. Sam e residual
rare diseases having an autosomaL-doniinanf inheritance
increased a и Lo l! иог-escence was seen at the border of the
(germ cell mosaicism in one parent) or autosomal-reces­
Eesion (K.l. O n fluorescein angiography, the choroidal vessels
sive inheritance resulting from parental or grand pa ren­ were visible through th« relinal pi^ n en t epilhelral w in flo w
tal consanguinity (new syndrome) is more likely to be a defect. The Eiorder of the lesion showed some staining ll...
true association than a simple coincidence. '' Mutation It 'иигГту Ы Ur. <J,;nhirj| Hiiim.J
in the peripherin/tfJJS gene on chromosome 6 is the most
common cause of autosomal-dominant central areolar
choroidal dystrophy, though the disease is genetically het­
erogeneous. 113i20-1 Five different mutations have so far
been found, the commonest being arginine 19!> Eeucine
BASAL LAMINAR DRUSEN j.24 Cuticular and taicil'itid drusen in palients wilh
type 11 membranoproliferatlve glomerulonephritis
II MESANGIOCAPILLARY A—D: A 5Q-year-ol[I man, who had a history of renal trans­
(MEMBRANOPROL1FERATIVE) plant rU ages .36 and 39 years because of type lj MIJGN.
complained of blurred vision of 2 months' dur.ilion. Visual
GLOMERULONEPHRITIS ncuilv in ri[ihl eye was 20/200.. iefl eye 20/20. Nole variabil­
ity of the size of the drusen, some of which appear calcified.
Mesan^dcapiUaljf glome rulonephrilis (MCGN.. KipGbl) is АпцiciijTiiphv revealed culicular drusen (C and EDf.
а renal disorder characterized by proliferation of mesan- E and F: A 19-year-old man with childhood onset diabe­
glal cells acid alterations in die basement mem bra ne of tes- and nephftrtfid syndTome associaLctd with tvpe II MPGN.
the g!omeru]us.'u',-JI4 MCGN has been classified on the Visual acuily in (he rijjhl uye was 20/20 and of lhe left
basis of lhe localization and composition of the glomer­ eye w;ls 20/25. hvole dust№ of liny basal laminar drusen
ular deposils: lype ] With subendolhelial etectron-dense ia mows I and ini Id background diabetic rellnopalhv.
deposits along the glomerular basement membrane with Radial basal laminar drusen imaEallia levantiiKsejL
presence of complement and immunoglobulin within the G —L: An iv| v"-.4-i i d 1 ч :: i: . ilf Ironi li'iiri'- sci- i ..чи::'
glomerulus, type 19 with electron-dense ribbon like depos­ a diagnosis o f age-related macular degeneration from age 40
its of C3 in the lamina densa of the glomerular basement onwards. H is visual acuity W at 20/400 in each eye. H e had
т(я1ета1е CH^Iarads. Kodufar drusen wore distributed in lhe
membrane without the presence of immunoglobulin [also
macula and nasal lo lhe disc. The fovea showed extracellu­
called dense deposit disease), and type III with deposits
lar pigment ,ind atrophy. The Lemporal drusen w ere smaller
Eike those of bolh types E and II. and bolh subepilhelial and arranged in a radial fashion. He also had evidence of an
and subendothelial location. Other associated features of old s-uperoleniporal branch relinal vein occlusion IG and H..
the disease Include chronic hypocomplementemia.. partial H i5 4S-year-old daughter accom panied him and was ехапэ-
Eipodyslrophy, and a higher incidence of diabetes. Type 3 ined. Her visual acuity was 20/50 in the fight and 20/00 in
is twice as common as type II and is less severe. 'lVpe 91 lhe left eye. IJolh jjtjweas showed cenlral fibrosis 5ИгтйЦ1псЫ
by several small drtlsfin lhal had a radial arrangement tempo­
usually begins in childhood or early adulthood and
rally and w ere also seen nasal to the disc (I and Jj. The radial
tends lo be a progressive unremitting disease., often recur­
anangem onl is more distinct on lhe ned-Fruo images ■.К I; lhe
ring even after renal transplantation. M l’CN comprises angiogram of Ihe right eye shows lale staining of the central
approximately 4-7^-ii of palients with idiopathic nephrotic fibrosis (L). They had no relatives in Switzerland but Ih e Fam­
syndrome. Basal laminar drusen and larger more typical ily could be Iraced back Lo the L-K.
drusen occur frequently in the macular region of patients
wilh lype 19 MCGN {Jrigure Б.2^А-Н).-0Г~-''1 'Ihe num­
ber of deposits increases in number and size with age microscopic study in one patient with drusen revealed
and duration of the disorder.11" Although mosl patients diffuse and focal deposits in the basement membrane of
are visually asymptomatic, some may develop choroidal the IJE’b si ini Iar to those found in the glomerulus."0' 'E he
neovascularization al an early age.'" x lbe fundus find­ nature of these deposits was nol determined.
ings occur more frequently in those palienls with type EE A variety of mutations in the complement factor IE
MCGN who have in addition partial lipodystrophy.307 (C fH ) gene are seen in a minorily of palients wilh W PGN
I hose patients who have undergone renal transplant may LE. Homozygous or compound heterozygous Cf:H muta­
develop signs of organ transplant retinopalhy with exuda­ tions result in lack of plasma C 1:1 E. causing uncontrolled
tive retinal detachment, relinal pigment epithelial mot­ alternate complement pathway activation resulling in
tling, or serous pigment epithelial detachmeiit5JL>," 'h ubiquitous G3 deposition in the bruch's membrane and
which may alter the fundus appearance. EJgbl ^nd eleclron glomerulus.-'■ Jl9
D O M IN A N T L Y IN H E R IT E D 5.25 RadiaE basal laminar drusen ^malattia
Д-C: A 31-vear-o Iti man complained Of m'eti^morpbop-
{M A L A T T IA LEV A N T IN ESE, sia of 4 m onths dura ILon. His family hislory w;ls negalive.
D O Y N E 'S H O N E Y C O M B M A C U L A R Visual acuily in Il:e lighl eye Was J l V l . 1» and in 1h^ Iem'I eye?
was 2Q/40. A radial pisllern of drusen and subrelinal star­
D YSTRO PH Y) ring w ere present in both eyes |A1. Angiograms in bolh eyes
r e e l e d a similar rudinl pistlern of drusen LhaL i kioresced
A dominantly inherited disorder characterized by a radial during lhe early arteriovenous- phase LE3 and Cj. Ther>j was
pattern of Innumerable, small, elongated basal lami­ evidence ol subrelinal neovascularization rn lhe Iel L eyelE^.
nar drusen was in Hi all у reported in a family from the D-F: К ad i□I drusen in a 4Д-уна r-ol d wom an w ilh a 10-year
I.evantine valley in ^tti^erlaiidJ120' 22^ И was later found history of poor dark adaplation and .1 1-year hisl cjry ol
that the condition; is the same as the dominantly inher­ blurred vision. Her brother had similar visual complaints and
her mol lief and mnlernaf grandm other were legally blind
ited honeycomb retinal dystrophy described by Doyne in
because of ma-cular degeneration. Ih e palienL's Viwai acuity
1В99.Л ' Typically the radiating pattern is most prominent was 211/.Ю liLjhl eye and 2 El/70 LefL eye. Note Ihe prom in m l
in the temporal macular area and is often accompanied nudulaLion and evidence of calc if Feat ion of Lhe cenlral dru­
by larger nodular, and at Limes papillary, drusen and vari­ sen in □.
able amounts of irregular subrelinal fibrous metaplasia G-l: kadial pattern of drusen in a 43-year-old 'л о т an whose
and hyperplasia of lhe RPE (I'igure 5.24CI-JJ. Ibis subreLi- family history wan negative. Visual acurty was 20/40 in Lhe
nal scar tissue may or may not be vascularized. 'ВДв visual righl eye anti counling finders in lh e lei 11 eve. N o le hyperpla-s-
Li( relinal pigmenL epithelium i KFE j stars in bolh eyes.
acuity is often excellent in spite of the fibrous metaplaslic
J and K: HisLofjathology [ and K, electron micnographic find­
changes, lhe radial drusen demonstrate early discrete flu­ ings o f largE rvm ILi nodular and papillary basal Jaminar drusen
orescence similar Lo that of basal Laminar drusen (ligure Iarrows I in patient w ilh dom inanlly inheriled radial dfusen.
5.25 В, C, F, and J). On indocyanine green angiography NoLo Ihe papillary lhickenin>j of lhe basal Lankina I3JL' o f Lhe
the lesions mask the fluorescence early, and Lhe central f£FE in k.. Com pare w ilh Lhe pnominenlly elevaLc’d drusen in
drusen stains late with hypofluorescence of its edge.226 G. Note loss erf retinal receptors and subretinal fibrous meta­
i Iigh-resolution OCT shows conical deposits between the plasia in ).

RPE and the Bruch's membrane, and late stages second­ il . i n d (ru m L ju s i- k i :1 ,l1. " " '" I

ary disruption of the outer nuclear layer......choroidal

neovascularization is known lo occur and responds lo
surgical removal photodynamic therapy, and antivascu-
Ear endoLhelial growth factor antibod ies.22*JJ0 Streicher Arg345Trp mutation, suggesting other gene defects iflay
and Krcmery' " and l>usek and associates' 12 have reported also cause this phenotype. "1' L.ight and electron micro­
a dominantly inherited pedigree of patients with radial scopic findings in one patient demonstrated evidence
basal laminar drusen. Even though the typical appearance that these drusen are caused by thickening of the base­
is of nodular drusen that fill the macula and often the ment membrane of the RPt (see Kigure 3.29] and
area nasal to the disc, phenotypic heterogeneity is seen in Dr. Cass has seen one member of a family with North
some families, showing less extensive drusen or predomi­ Carolina dystrophy who had a small zone of radial drusen
nant fibrous change rather than drusen (I'igure 5.2GLand {see ne/a section). Et is of interest that only one of the half­
Mutation in the EFEM Pl gene (Arg345'E'rp) is dozen patients with prominent radial basal laminar dru­
responsible for the conditio n.'""1 : '" 'I here has been a fam­ sen examined in Miami had a family history of macular
ily diagnosed clinically as malattia levantinese, without the degeneration (figure 5.25D
, V
5 .1 1 M a ta ttla Eeva nt in ese - va ridbl e p h e n u t y p e .

А and i‘ : Kighl and lefl eye of a patient v.i rh ma Ini Li a leva rTt|-
nese showing symmetric арр&агап^Ё of lesions compirised of
nodular druHfn, pigmenl с lumping, and Ihe radial arrange­
ment of Lhe dTusen I и л |i o i a 11y.
C -L: Two affected sisIeijs iim(tnjj tour Hi blinds wil h fextreme
variable phenoLype. Tbe 64-ytfar-okl younger s - i buc.imo
symplomaLic around age 4t> with a vis ил I a m ity of 2tl',2L)0
Ёп each eye. Cenlral macular alrophy surrounded by nodu­
lar culicular drusen Ihdl extend nasal lo Ihe disc with radial
temporal distribution seen in hath eyes ft! and L>). lb e nodu­
lar drusen ant1 highly aulofluonescont and 1hr*-central alrophic
area is fiypoaiitafluqnescenK^ and \ . ipeclralis O C t dem on­
strates nodulai and confluent RE’L accum ulations corre­
sponding Id Iho drusen in bolh eyes IС to J). Her й b-year-old
sister had a visual acuity of 2CK-'40 in each eye and showed a
much m ilder phenolypfi (K and L'iv comprising o f small dru-
sen. arranged in a radial pa Horn in the luft eye, resembling
cuLicular d Risen of \ o rlh C arolina m acular dystrophy isee
t igure 5 .2 7 A and Й). ThciT m ii& niaJ uncle carried a diag­
nosis of L?ayne F5 honeycom b dyslrophy; lhe if moLher whs
relatively asymptomatic Ljv histon1 1 II she dic'd al age ЙО. Л
daughter and son of Lho Lwo sisters examined al age 32 and
34 w ere lA a fleeted.
N O R T H C A R O L IN A M A C U L A R j.2 7 North Carolina macular dystrophy.

D YSTRO PH Y A N D O TH ER A—С : Note? Lhe? d u ster of peculiar, ycllowish-whilu lesions til

lhe level of Lhe rulinal pigmenL epithelium ■ :hi PE i in Lhe matu-
H ER ED IT A R Y M A C U L A R lar region of tioLh eyes (A and Б) of i his lfl-year-o-ld W ornali
S T A P H Y L O M A T A (C O L O B O M A T A ) who had гю ibcular symptBfns and had 2 0/2 0 visual acuiLy.
A n£| ior^iii pliy revealed a pattern of hyperfluoreiicence I hat
North Carolina macular dystrophy1 is an autosomal- wan apparent in lhe arterial phase [Q and did not change
in pattern during lhe course of artfciogjaphfe !\'oie lhe faintly
dominantly inheriled disorder with complete penetrance. Its
visible radial pattern of lhe lesions in Lhe temporal m acular
onset is in infancy and perhaps рюЩаЛу, its course is gener­
area. The central conlluenL агсан o f depigmenlation of Lhe
ally stable, and Us phenotype is highly variable and includes EtF’l may or fray nol be caused by drusenlik-e deposits. The
drusen! ike changes. disciform lesions with choroidal neovas­ radial distribution ol the lesions temporally suggests LhaL they
cularization, macular slaphylomala, and peripheral drusen. may Eie Eiasa laminar d rjsen.
liJeclrort’lmography, electro-oculography and color vision D and E: The mother of Ihe palienl illustrated in A—С had
are normal. lefieret aL3i3 and Jrank et л ]:"1" reported a large subnormal vision all her life. The vision had not changed
for at leasl 2!) years. Her visual acuity in the righl eye was
pedigree from western North Carolina consisting of 545 fam­
20-40, and Lhe lufl eye was 20/200. N’cHe Lhe irregular white
ily membeis in seven generations wilh a dominanlly inher­
Hubretinal near in addition Lo several drusen in lhe rii^hI
ited macular dystrophy lhat they characterized as progressive., macula ID ) and aLrcjphy ot lhe R P t wiLh chimp ing o f Lhe pig­
usually commencing in infancy and reaching its maximum ment in lhe lull m acula LE. . EioLh the moLher and daughler
severity in the early teenage years. Scattered lesions that they had m any small drusenlike deposils in the periphery o f both
believed were dmsen and pigmentary changes. in Lhe mac­ eyes. JJolh pallenls w ere from wesLern Norlh Carolina.
ula with normal visual acuity were Lhe earliest fundoscopic FiTtiis asymptomatic 7-year-old girl from North Carolina had
normal visual acuily. She had drusenlike changes similar to
changes {stage 1) fhigures 5.27A and В, 5.2SB, h-L). As Lhe
LhaL in A and В bilalerally.
vision declined to lhe 20/50 range, there Was an increase
G - l: Excavated atroph -. ( п;ч ч :i r .11 k-ions in a 57-year-
in the number as welt as Lhe confluence of the drusen]ike □ld W4)man w hose vision was apparently subnormal all her
changes (stage 2]. In many patients the fundus changes did life. She had noled mild p ro fessio n of her visual symptoms
not progress beyond the drusen stage and visual acuity may in lecenl year?. There was an overhanging lip oE retina Lhal
have remained normal. Other family members showed a pari Iу surrounded ihese lesions. Visual acuily in the right
progressive decrease in the acuity lo the 20/200 level cott- eye was 20/50 and in lhe left eye was 20/70. Angiography
revealed Lhe presence o f only a few small choroidal blood
comitanL with the development in some cases of almost
vessels in Ihe area of Lhe m acular lesions fL).
total atrophy of lhe choroid, EIRE:, and retina in the LnacLilar
I and K: The Ь2-year-oltf sister of Ihe patient illustrated in С
area (stage 3). Although J.efiefs and Frank's photographs and H. NoLe lhe lip of relinal 1issue lairows, |- overhanging
appeared to show evidence of stapbylomatous ouLpouching the large staphylomalous Lesions. Her visual acuity in Lhe
in association wilh these severe changes- they did nol men­ rigfi I ey e was 2tYS0 and in I he left eye was 20/ 100.
tion that change. Neither did ibey describe peripheral dmsen- L: The 20-year-old grandson ol the palienl illusLrated in С
like changes or evidence of choroidal neovascularization and and H. N'ole Lhe mull i pie drusen in I lie m acula. His visual
acuity was 20/15. Sim ilar iesions were found in lhis patient b
disci form detachment, although one of the patients depicted
fa I her. A ll o f ihese pa Lien Ls had muHlple drusen in the
in their report as well as one of our palients showed evidence
periphery of (he Tundus. The family was originally from west­
of this complication."'' Ihe retinal vessels, peripheral fields., ern N o nh Carolina.
color vision, ERG, and EOG were normal.'lhe general medi­
cal examination was typically nonnal except for a Lransporl
type of aminoaciduria Lhat segregated independently of
the foveal dystrophy, but tvhich was also dominantly inher­ fluorescence (I’igure 5.27CJ. In one family ihe mother
ited. Small el al/4'' studied 15 of She original Ijefler's. and shoved evidence of disciform macular scarring in one eye
trank's patients over !0 years and noled slahle vision and [figure 5.27D). In lhe olher family the grandmother and
fundus appearance in all but one eye of one palient.- thus her sister showed large, deep, circumscribed, staphyloma-
confirming the relatively nonprogressive nature of the condi­ tous or colobomatous areas of marked atrophy of the cho­
tion.. Additionally, (hey noted peripheral yellow drusen!ike roid and retina, absence of high m yo p ia , and remarkably
changes in some of them. good visual acuity (ligure 5.27G, 11, J, and K ).-” 9The son
Cass has seen members of ihree families from west­ and lhe grandchildren showed varying degrees of drusen­
ern North Carolina who demonstrated all of lhe clinical like changes in lhe macula. Unlike the cases reported by
features reported by t.eller and associates and Erank and the previous authors, some of our patients have shown
associates (Figure 5.27). ’Lhe yellow spots in the macula drusen in the peripheral fundus. rltie radial pattern
appeared biomicroscopically lo be caused by focnil areas [E'igures 5.03b and \ and 5.2SC and 1!) has also been seen
of depigmentalion of the RPE in the absence of nodu­ in Small's group of patietits.-' Patienls with drusen are
lar elevation, as observed in more typical drusen (ligure largely asymptomatic unless they develop choroidal neo­
5.27А. В, E and l.J. In one patient there was a radial pat­ vascularization. Often the parents are completely asymp-
tern of drusen in the paracentral region (ligure 5.27A). All tomalic and have been incidentally discovered when lhe
of the drusen as well as the central spots showed prompt child developed symptoms (ligure 5.2b).
The North tLarolina Macular dystrophy gene (Л4СВДШ North Carolina macular dyslrophy (N C M D ):
is mapped lo lhe 6ql4-qS6.2 region, though the dis­ stability o l lesions.
ease causing gene Is yet to be identified, '[hough initially A -F: Til i-s I й-уелг-oid fun^le nolud central тИапЪогрвйэрна
described in inhabitants of North Carolina With their and disLorLion in- her rs^ht eye far 2 months w hich глrlu^il Jy
descendancy traced Lo three Irish brothers, Lite pheno­ improved aver the nextm onlh. Her vrsion was 2Q/25- on Lhe
type has been found in Caucasian patients outside North ri^hl and 20/20 on the left. A hypeipijim enled faiued t:enlral
Carolina and the LISAr"111"2^ in African American (Figure lesion surrounded by a rimy c f mottled rcJiплI pigment epi-
ihelium w ilh л few p und ale drusen within il was, seen
5.25}, Belize/'1'1 and Korean patients.2-1s A black family in
on the rijjhl (A}. Sm all and intermediate punctate drusen disL
Chicago where three generations are affected is described
Lribuled within lhe* iovea w-ns seen on Lhe lefl \№j. findings
in Kigure 5.29. huj^csl л sponlaneously repressed lyfie 2 choroids] nn>ovaii-
The presumabEy congenital staphylomalous macular LuEar membrane in a palienl w ith N C M D . Autofluorescence
tenons [referred lo by some as macular colobomas, more и п л^ п у s le w e d л : i r>fj, of mcreased auLofluor&scence sur­
recently as macular caldera by Goldberg el simi­ rounded by a rin^ of decreased aulofiuoiosconce corre­
lar to tliat illustrated in this large pedigree, may occur in sponding Lo Ihe ring of mol Iled U P t (C). O ptical coherence
Lomo^raphy itXH'.l showed no aclivity on the ri^lit. and lbe
families Lhal may show other features including Leber's
drusen could not be picked up by O C T :LJ1 and [32:. Her
congeniLal blindness.-''"'”" progressive cone-rod dys­
40-yt-jar-old asvmpttjmalic jnotheij with a conrfuled visual
trophy and skeletal abnorma I ities. ■'sa,J " Pedigrees acuily of 2tV20r shuwed hi mil a г ъгплН com pact dru-sen w ithin
wilh fundus findings similar to North Carolina dystro­ Lhe Eovcm in l>oth eyes it and
phy include those of Leveille and associates"''" in a black ’■■-L: A 13-year-old female was found to have tom pacl
family, Eel ken hour and associates.1'" and Miller and sninEI drusen w ilh Lrmipoial radial arrangement in both eyes
ilre s nick.21,0 SmalE and associates^ have recent!v estab­ typical of NCM fij; tin л routine examinalion for ^ksses It i
and Hi. Hour уелги laler Ihe lesions are unchanged, dem­
lished that the cases reported from North £!jrolinaJ, , " ' :i
onstrating slaEjilily and very slow pn^ression il and I .
and Lhose b y iiermsen and fudisch and LeLkenhour and
AulofluorescenLe was nonspecific w ilh some lesions show ­
associates' '' are descendants of three Irish brothers who ing puncM te hypoaulofluorescence shown. Her 4 5-year-old
seLLled in Lhe North Carolina mountains Ln Lhe IS30s. fa I her was asymptomatic anti had ипплН CDmpatl drusen in
Cass has seen a 3a-year-old mother and her ] 6-year-old the fovea (K and L); л brother whs known to have simitar
son, both with moderate Eoss of central vision and large ch-an^os w hen ^ л т 1 г « р eke w b ^ n 1.
macular staphylomata unassociated With high myopia It j - I. A ls u , Y .b n n u ^ v i. L . L w r L 'n L t ; I . , H i t l i L t m . i l A,1 i . i A ^ . L u n t b i r a ^ Ш О . . 4 7 f l -

[E'igure П.30Л-1-]. LRG, LOG, and color vision testing were L i- 7 t i2 t ) - i3 2 U - 9 r |3 .7 4 .j

normal in the mother. L'he son had a markedly abnor­

mal rod LFtC. ibey had no known relatives from North
Carolina. Salorre and colleagues reported a Spanish fam­
dystrophy 7 (COftD7) and North Carolina macular dystro­
ily wilh autosomal-dominHinl biiaLera! macular colobo-
mala.jl ' Cass has seen one patient with cone dystrophy phy {М С П Щ ).257
and congenital macular staphyloma (see E'igure 5.32Land
h). ""1 Пескеnlively el al. reported macular colobomas in
ChoriorettnдI Coloboma
families with J-ebcr's congenital amaurosis and progressive
cone-rod dyslrophy."'|:' L>r. Cass has seen another young Patients with typical inferolemporat chorioretinal coEobo-
woman who, over a period of 13 years, developed progres­ mas tbaL extend into the macula cnay occasionally develop
sive macular degeneration Lhal was accompanied by the loss of central vision because of choroidal neovasculariza­
developmecU of a large macular staphyloma in one eye tion developing at the margin of the coloboma [E-'igure
[E'igure 5.30C-J). 13er family history was negative. 3.31 К and l )- 011—'■J
Parametric linkage ana lysis originally localized the SJrO
North Carolina-Like Dominant Macular gene lo chromosome 22ql3-qter.JJ's Subsequently, five
different missense mutations and a splice sile mutation
Dystrophy have beeit identified in TTAdPJ [tissue Inhibitor of metal-
Ibree other families with autosomal-dominant drusen loproteinases 3у * ™ [q ihe UK, all SFD faniities carr\r
and early-onset macular dystrophy resembling North lhe saine SerllilC ys TttviP3 mutation and it has been sug-
Carolina macular dyslrophy have been described recently gesled that all cases relale lo one single ancestor. TIMP3
wilh loci different from 6q]4-ql6.2. One is a four- encodes an lti>L-expressed member of a group of zinc-
generation British family localised to chromosome 5, binding endopeptidases involved in relinaE extracellular
region pi3.T-pl5.33, ^GDJS^T65; second, an Lnglish matrix remodeling. Mosl recently a susceptibility locus
family with associated progressive sensorineural deafness near TJA№9 has been found to be associated with age-
Lo chromosome 14qi,:1'; and the third, a Norlb American relaled macular degeneration, suggesting overlap of some
family mapped Lo 6ql4 belween loci for cone-rod disease mechanisms between the two condilions.J "''
" B E N IG N " C O N C E N T R IC A N N U L A R j. 2'J North Carolina macular dystrophy in an African
American family^
A-D: Ibis Л1гкдп А т е Ь с а п m.ile hnd 2W25 vision in EksIIi eyes
in 1974 ОеиТгплп described benign, concentric, annular rind belonj’ud to a family exanHrtfid over four ^нпепИio?is w ilh
macular dystrophy in рл tlenlu whri develop а paracentral jp H o m a lly inhoriLed jfriacula^ dystrophy in Chicago. H ll had
confluent ^nd noncortfluent drifts ri confined !a I he? love л ir>
ring scotoma associated with a bull's-eye pattern of peri-
both eyes {A and Bf. Thu lesions show window defects on angi-
foveal atrophy of the Ш 5Е: and variable degrees of hyper­ oi^aphy iTJ Lind Hi у molhtfj and maternal grandfather WS№
pigmentation of the central macular region.' slight miamined in 1(J7Q wiLh bibitemi macular lehionn and were then
narrowing of lhe retinal \ressels may be present. 'Ilie optic ^iven a dia^ntttis of cenlTal JTeolar choroidal alroptiy.
discs are normal, ihe visual, acuity is either normal or E -H : The son of the above patient had bilateral staphyloma-
near normal, ih e URG may be normal or slightly abnor­ Lous lesions IE and I" with cufiI m I aJrophy shoWLJig loss of
mal. Che LOG may be subnormal, '['here may be a mild choriocapillaris on the an^iqjifam .CJ and 1-1), SLErroLrnded by
sи brut iпа I fibrosis.
to moderate color vision defect, ihe disease is inher­
I and |: An older maternal cousin was txiinim ed in N e w
ited as an autosomal -Jo minanl trait Although initially York who also bad a similar staphylomatous lesion ll) with a
termed "benign,” a recent Ш-уеаг follow-up of the pedi­ visual acuity of 2(t/b0 that showed Ures ol auU'fluorescence
gree described by Deutman revealed evidence of progres­ with a rin ^ o f hyporaulofluoreHcenfje al Lhe ed^c of Liie lesion
sion of benign, concentric, annular macular dystrophv 11). Several other member* of Lhis lam iJy have been ш т -
into a more genera I ized Lapelorelinal dystrophy involving ined at various Limes [jelwoen 1У79 and .200У and found lo
both rod and cone Function/4" A progressive decrease in have eilher Lhe drusen or lhe sLaphylomatuus phenotype. The
iiiheritiinte has been in ;in aulcHomal-dwliinant pnllern.
visual acuity, nyctalopia, and dyschromalopsia were found
in some members of the pedigree as well as an increase f. jju r U tnf Ur. L ijn ic K iLTiun . LJr. Sc спи p hie a d an d Ь т. W illia m
К J . l M '. ' H i I м ,1 A l l , i s .
M i t ' J t / r . 1. a n d ]■, A l i r > , V ^ n c i u j ' j i i . l . - . i m c r n . L '
in the pigmentary macutopalhy and peripheral bone cor­ ^lunyb’r. JttlCi, ^7iU).7(i2Ci-ijICi-4r [П.7.Ч.
puscular changes. Llectrophysiology confirmed equal
involvement of the rod and cone systems. This progres­
sion of the phenotype is indicative of retinitis pigmentosa JU V E N IL E H E R ED IT A R Y D IS C IF O R M
wilh bull's-eye appearance, since rod dysfunction and nyc­ M A C U L A R D E G E N E R A T IO N
talopia may be seen early. Photophobia and early loss of
central vision, features of cone-rod degeneration, are not Disciform macular detachment occurs infrequently in
typical findings.ж Eienign concentric annular macular children. When it occurs unilaterally in the absence of
dystrophy maps to 6p ] 2.3-q 16 in the vicinity of the inter­ abnormalities in the opposite eye, it is usually attributed
photoreceptor matrix proteoglycan] (iA4PG]] gene.',l1' The lo an inflammatory lesion such as Toxocctm cjnis, diffuse
disease is autosomal-dominantly inherited. Miyake el al. unilateral subacule neuroretinilis, and toxoplasmosis,
described a bu! maculopalhy and a negative EiRG or to a posttraumalic choroidal rapture. Occasionally, a
(b-wave smaller than a-wave) in four unrelated males with child with rubella retinopathy [see I'igure 7.27), pars pla-
initially normal vision, progressive decrease in visual acu­ nitis (see Hgure 7.75}, acid multifocal choroiditis and
ity, preserved cone L-.RG, and mild to moderate deficiency panuveitis [the pseudo-presumed ocular histoplasmosis
in color vision. '"1 They believed that ihese palients had a syndrome} may develop a disciform macular detachment.
disease similar to benign concentric annular dystrophy, Some patients with best's vitelliform macular dystrophy
although none of their patients had evidence of domi­ may develop choroidal neovascularization and Lhe various
nant inheritance. LOG is almost always subnorm aE or slages of serous and hemorrhagic disciform detachment
abnormal and deteriorates wilh age. Dark adaptation also {see figures 5.ф ь and 5.03GJ. Choroidal neovasculariza­
decreases with Lime. Visual fields may be normal early on tion has occurred in two sibling children with juKtafoveo-
and show a rtnglike /one of decreased sensitivity around lar retinal telangiectasis. ' 1 En general, however, disciform
a sma!I central island. Blue-yellow color vision may be macular detachment in children secondary lo hereditary
deficient. disease apparently occurs rarely. Al the 1979 .International
The differential diagnosis of concenlricr annular, macu­ Fluorescein Angiographic Meeting at Hath. L>rs. Alan bird
lar dystrophy includes cone dystrophy, rod cone dystro- and Steven Ryan briefly presented two families with mul­
pEiy lipofuscinosis, chlonocjuine retinopathy bull's-eye tiple children wilh bilateral disciform macular lesions of
maculopalhy associated wilh Stargardtrs disease {fundus unclassified type, in Miami we have observed bilateral dis­
tlavimaculalus). sporadic progressive loss of visual acuity ciform detachment of" unknown causes in several childreLi
secondary to bull's-eye macular atrophy without cone dys- wilhout a family history of macular degeneration, and in
Lrophy fenestrated sheen macular dystrophy, parafoveal two sisters. Ihe findings by Hi i d and Ryan suggest Lhat the
atrophy of the RPL secondary to drusen, and aulosotnal- clinician should be cautious in making a diagnosis of bilat­
dominant central areolar chorioretinaE dystrophy unasso­ eral disciform detachment secondary to an inflammatory
ciated with flecks (I'igure 5.12G-]). cause withouL carefully examining other family members.
э.3'.I Familkil bilateral macular staphylomata.

A -F: Ttiis 28-year-old mother LA-Q and her 16-year-old boy

ID —h) had minimal eye complaints. She noled (rouble w ilh
her near vision for -f ye a n . I-Ier visual acuity w a-ь 20/200
in 1hch righl e y e and 2(У50 In lhe* lefl c-ye. Hin visual acu ­
ity was 20/200 and J-I in lhe li^ht eye and 2 ^ 1 0 0 and |-1
in Ihe lefL eye. Bolh had normal color vision and electro-
Dculujjraph-k: Tin[lings. The mother'!- electraetijtaftfern was
normal. The son had markedly subnormal rod responses. The
cone responses wttre normai Гhere was no oLber family his-
Lory of eye disease. The family was from Indiana and had no
known relatives in Korth Carolina.

NonfamiliaJ progressive macular dystrophy and

unilateral macular staphyloma^
G —|: ThFS 43-year-old wom an f^ave a 13-year history of
decreased vision in Lhe rijjhl eye and a rucenL hds-1ory of
Visual change m Ihc.=- [fin eye. Com pare fundus moLts- made
in 1975 iG and H>, wiLh chase made in 1 ЭВ7 fl and j). Note
in the righl eye Lh*f change frcim geographic atrophy of reLi-
naf bi^rrierft cpilhuliunn i<_ii Ln a lar^e si aptiy Jcma (arrows, I .
and 1ht! development of mu ItipJe areas of врофГарНй: atrophy
in Lhe left eye 11■. Her visual acuiLy № 20/400 ri^hl Eye and
20/25 left Efye Hi lhe Iasi eatatjaination. Her family histtny was
negative. She missed mosl ol Lhe H R R color pi a les with each
eye, N o elecLropiiysiolo^ic information wan obtained.

Chorioretinal coloboma associated with choroidal

neovasc ula rizat iол .
К and L: Eh i-s J 5-yea г-old man developed metamorphopsja
caused by a io taH ^ 'd serous detachment that Was associ­
ated with a local area m sLainin^ |arrow, Ll aL Lhe superior
lim ol Lhe*- staplwloma I a n o w s. Kj. Thu m acular delach-
ment resolved after laser pbolocoagulation LjuL subse­
q u e n t recurred along w ilh lurlher evidence of choroidal
net)vascu lari nation.
P S E U D O IN F L A M M A T O RY Ь. .■!E So rsby 4 tun du s dyst rop hy^

S O R S B Y 'S F U N D U S D Y S T R O P H Y A-G: A 55-vear-oEd wom an was diapfiusied with m acular

degeneration 10 years previously w hen she received laser to
(SF D )___________________________________ bleeding ir> her righL eye. Her mother and maternal gjand-
moLher weft; diagnosed with m acular degeneration in Lheir
In 11>4У iorstjy and associates'" 1 described five families 30 ы und 60s. Her visual acuilv 50 in edchj eye. In
with dominantly inherited macular dystrophy that ujas addition It) pari Iу atm phic and pnrtly fibrcitic scars in bulb
characterized by the development, usually during the fifth macuLi* I hi' patient hajJ mu'Upkv'lar^e JihcrtOidal neotLiscu-
decade of lifer of choroidal neovascuEarization, sub retinal bir membranes with suEjreCinal blood and fiuid. There were
hemorrhage, and changes suggestive of disciform degener­ estens-ive pseudodrusenlike L'hant^s extending up [a, and
^interior lo, lhe et|Uii[(jr in Eioth eyes iA -U i. FRjOt&sciem
ation (Figujfe 5,31 Л-E-'). Progressive atrophy of the periph­
angiogram shew ed earlv hyperffuurescente <?l" lhe dru­
eral choroid and fcPE occurs later in life and in some cases sen and leakage curruspendiny te lhe choroidal neotascu-
causes loss of ambulatory vision. LJnfortunately Lhe loss lar memFjranes ■El and Fj. Her СоЫплапл visual Fields were
of peripheral function has generally been overlooked., moderately constricted. C iven lhe early age of" ел set and
as indicated by the name pseudo inflammatory macuiar sUung family hislory she underwenl genelic lestinjj and was
dystrophy, '['his name was chosen because Lhe extensive positive For H M F 3 mutation. 5he received inlravilreal anli-
macular and paramacular changes have suggested to some vancular endothelial growth Pador a n l i E w d i e s .

a past inflammatory change. The term "pseud иinflamma­

tory* is perhaps unfortunate for other reasons: [ ] ] many
of the patients have a disciform scar that is indistinguish­ early-onset peripheral and central visual loss with marked
able from that seen in a host of diseases, including senile EOC change&J ■ ’M ’he histopathologic changes were similar
macular degeneration and angioid streaks; ( 2) the fact lo (hose seen by Capon et al.r- ' except no thick sub-IU’ H
that the scar extends away from the macula is a nonspe­ deposit was described. El os kin el al. noled a confluent yel­
cific change that may occur in patients with senile macular low deposit confined to the macula and angioid streaks
degene ration and angioid streaks; and (3) some patients in another of Sorsby's pedigrees ( hwbank}.-'' lhe yellow
with typical dominantly inherited macular drusen may material in both families was associated with some del<iy
develop disciform detachment in the fourth decade or ear- in the appearance of fluorescence angiographically that
Eier. Ashton and Sorsby"' ' studied the eyes of two sisters was interpreted as evidence of delayed choriocapillary
with this condition and noted histopathologic changes perfusion.
similar to those of senile macular degeneration and angj- it is of interest that in a follow-up report of the origi­
oEd streaks in patients with pseudoxanthoma elasticum. AL nal five families of Sorsby and associatesr two palients
least three of the original families reported by iorsby and were found with a typical fundoscoplc picture of angi-
associates showed some evidence of drusen deposits at the oid streaks and multiple fine drusen Iike deposits that
level of Bruch's membrane. One of his fainiLies (kempsler appear identical to the peau d'orange change occurring
pedigree) had peripheral retinal dysfunction [progressive in patients with pseudoxanthoma elasticum/ ': Ehere was
loss of Bight vision for up to 25 years before loss of central no mention in the report as to the presence or absence of
vision)., a deposit of yellow subrelinal material throughout lhe skin lesion, ^orsius and associates^* have reported a
the fundus, a tritan color defect, and loss of vision occur­ l:innish pedigree with a recessively inherited pseudoiin­
ring because of choroidal neovascularization by the fifth flammatory dyslrophy characterized by colloid bodies
decade of life. Some patients lost central vision because deep within the retina that they tikened to those occur­
of geographic atrophy/'1' lhe yellow material tended to ring in relinitis punctata albescens (tilVv), angioid streaks,
become less apparent with age. Light and eEectron micro­ and widespread areas of choroidaE atrophy and pigment
scopic examination of the eyes of a 65-year-old descen­ derangement as the disease progressed. A four-generation
dant of the Kempster family demonstrated a thick deposit pedigree characterized by submacuEar neovascularization
within llruch's membrane that stained positive for lipids., in the third to fourth decade, yellow punctate deposits al
gross loss of the outer retina and KPE, and atrophy of the the level of the pigment epithelium, myopia, nyctalopia
ehoriocapilJaris.' Although no yellow change in the fun­ beginning in childhood, mid peripheral equatorial pig­
dus was apparent iust prior to death the thickened layer of ment clumping and migration, and electro physio logic
material between lhe basement membrane of the RHL and abnormalities was reported from Oklahoma.-'14 Hamilton
the inner collagenous zone of Bruch's membrane may be et al reported a seven-generation pedigree with loss of
Lbe honiologof the yellow material seen clinically earlier central vision between the second and fourth decades.
in Eife. These changes were not noted in the histopatho­ While to yellow fundus spots, atypicaE for drusen. accom­
logic study of the eyes of one of two sisters described by panied a disciform degeneration in many patients.-*'
Ashton and Sorstjy.''* boone had atrophic maculopalhy and others showed no
Dreyer and Midayal described the clinical and histo­ spots. Atrophy of retina and К E^L spread to lhe periphery.
pathologic findings in a f.tmily with dominantly inherited Wu et al. studied two brothers of ramify wilti dominant

: : г.дйидс пес ттс r еседг тссййг.д г : a
: C t S M U M L C f T t Г H L P W L T tfijf fc H ГСПП I S A O M t I C C IC f l
■г .с *0 дг СГС-TT f -ЙГ.ЛЧГ T f спйСАТГ:дс i и н е с и е т ^ с r ; c
. t LI»UPC DLL 111 I BtlVlL It LU*1 Пt ZПП IH lKflt 1 С (1 ()

пгтз--- т т ----Тггл---- nr:---- jr

: : г * '-.ipc d l l i т е I ь г р *г г с с ч п : n г ■ч ч i hhdc .:г ? : г r S i
' 4"
■ *i'i ipvH«pA!сзРп*7 "S*v-P-sl>I ! NOI\i йг-f»1нГу>р|
inherftance, They described generalized ftn-e RPE gran­ э.ЗЕ Continued
ularity, iris ^osiEliu^natlD fl defects, LRG changes, dis­
Cone dystrophy.
ci form Lesions, iind angiographic evidence of delay in
H -K : Tbrs 10-уеаг-old boy failed vision screening a l his
choroidal perfusion in Lwo brothers aged 28 and 34 years, school. W ith н mild refractive corrrcjtian tii-s vision tfilprtiw n
fedyeat and colleagues described a dominantly inherited La 20/50 on Lhe rif^bL and 20/50- on Lhe le ft There was лп
pedigree characterized by onset o f nyctalopia beginning oval bulls's-eye-Lype d i-алоде in both m acula. The fundus
in childhood, myopia, subretinal neovascular membranes Lotor was normal wiLh visible choroid-al vessels clin ica lly
and yellow punctate deposits at the level of the RPli, mid ruling (h j L Slargardt's disease. A central fovea I increased
auLofluorescente surrounded by a risng of decreased aulo-
peripheral and equatorial pigmenL dumping and migra­
fluonescente correspond? la Lhe bull's-eye Lhange Lypiral of
tio n and ERG abnormalities/*1 Sleinmetz el al. studied a
Lone dysLnophy.
family with poor night vision and diffuse yellow deposit
l A —C r , c u U l f & y erf Lj r . L c tu b 'in S l u m . ' : H - K . ■ n j L i r l i i s y o l D h . H r Л и т I £ s [ t f t :,j
at the level of Bruch's membrane in the posterior pole._M
Ihere was minimal change in dark adaptation in the
region of ophthalmoscopically normal fundus.
The term ''pseudoinflammalory fundus dystrophy" C O N E D Y S T R O P H Y (C O N E
should probably be confined Lo dominantly inherited D Y S G E N E S IS )
pedigrees, who in the fourth and fifth decades of life
or earlier lose peripheral as well as central visual func­ Cone dysfunction may occur as a result of eilher a mal-
tion associated u'ith serous and hemorrhagic disci form development of the cone system that is associated eilher
detachment una&sociated with macular drusen (E-igure wilh no or minima! progressive deterioration of lhe ret­
Ъ.1\Л-¥).27*'2 т ™ - 1й7 ina (nonprogressive cone dysgenesis], or with enity malic
defects that lead to progressive deterioration of the cone
H E L IC O ID P E R IP A P IL L A R Y system (cone dystrophy).

Nonprogressive Cone Dysgenesis
S V E IN S S O N 'S C H O R IO R E T IN A L C ongenital Achrom atopsia
Congenita] achromatopsia is relatively rare and palients
A T R O P H Y )_____________________________
present with poor Vision from birth, nystagmus, vary­
This is a rare, distinct bilateral autosomal-dominant fun­ ing degrees of color vision loss, and photophobia. Ihe
dus disorder characterized by sharply demarcated, wing- conditioii is usually nonprogressive. ihe nyslagmus may
or prupellerlike atrophic chorioretinal lesions radiating improve and become Less prominent over time, lhe fun­
away from the optic discr in the absence of evidence of dus examination is usually nortnal but occasionally
inflammation [serpiginous choroiditis), angioid streaks* peripheral pigmenL alteration or bull's-eye marulopalhy
myopic degeneration, and paravenous retinochoroidal will be seen. Most patienls are hypermetropic. !iRG shows
atrophy.J D 3 Mild astigmatism is common,JQJrJG7 It was normal rod function but no cone function.
first described in fee land in 1939 by Sveinsson who
named it "choroiditis areata"; Franceschelti in 1962,M| Complete Achromatopsia (Typical Achromatopsia or
renamed it helicoid peripapillary chorioretinal degen­ Rod Monochromatism)
eration due lo the lack of inflammation, and Sveinsson Complete achromatopsia has an incidence of about 3 in
redescribed four affected successive generations in 197У 30000. ll is a recessivelv inherited disorder characterized
demonstrating dominant inheritance and progression with by either complete absence of or severely limited color
fji.ни- lesions can be seen at birth and progress vision, reduced visual acuity, nyslagmus, and photophobia.
slowly with late macular involvement, lhe topography of The visual acuity is usually in the 20/200 or worse range
the lesions suggests that they may result From tearing of wilh debilitating aversion to light. Full-field cone ERG
liruch's membrane and ftPE.m:| All cases so far have been responses are eilher absent or severely reduced. The fundi
described from Iceland, and the ones seen in Canada, may show absence of the fovea I reflex and mild distur­
Denmark, Faroes, Germany, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, bances of the pigmentation in the macula.. Histopathologic
the UK. and the 1(5A all have ancestors in Iceland who exam illation of eyes with complete mo noch nomat ism has
are members of the extended Icelandic pedigree. En shown S-10% reduction in the normal number of esLrafo-
order to prevent ambiguity associated wifll the term heli­ veal cones and abnormal structure of the foveal cones.-!|: 111
coid peripapillary chorioretinal dystrophy, the name They have normal rods. These palients show no perception
SVetrusou's chorioretinal atrophy has been proposed.Щ of color and all colors can be matched to various shades
lhe defect has been mapped lo the 11 p lS region by link­ of gray. The Sloan achromatopsia test allows these patienls
age analysis.-1* 4' ,0!l to make matches of various colors to shades of gray lhal
Сone D ystruphy (Сдпс D ip ig trU sii) 307
is not possible in patients with floimal vision or a more Sr32 Cone dy strop by,
benign congenital coEor vision deficiency. Jhree genes have
A and B: This 5 1-year-old wom an com plained o f visual dis­
been implicated so far. About one-quarter of the patients tortion and day blindness. Sine.1denied color vision abnorm al­
are associated with C N G A 3 mutation, about 45-50% with ities iind had normal responses Eo color vision- tesliny. Family
CNCЦЗ mutation, and ihe third gene responsible, CNAT2, history was negative. Visual acuity was 2.0/20. Her electro­
is found in less than 2% of palients.,|J ns inographic co n e responses were subnormal, and Ihe n(id
responses w ere noimal.
Incom plete Achrom atopsia {A typical Q nind E?: С оле dystrophy in a 29-year-old man com plaining
□I loss ol vision and day blindness. Note the bulE's-eye pal-
Achrom atopsia)
Lem oE retinal pigment epithelium fRPE) atrophy in both eyes.
ihese patients have a mild ability Lo discern color though His electro-reEinogjam showed no cone responses and nor­
abnormal, and have somewhat heller visual acuity as com­ mal rod function. H it electro-oculogram was normal.
pared to the complete achromats. lhe condition is also E and F: Cone dystrophy or dysgenesis in a 32-year-old man
inherited as an autosomal-recessive inheritance Where who has had subnormal Visual acuily and color blindness since
childhotxJ when he was diagnosed as having a "hole in the
mid- and long-wavefenglh cones are probably present
retina." His visual acuilv had dccneasod irom 20/Я0 lo 2№2QO
to a small extent. Mutations in CNG'Ajj have been found
rkiriitij IEhj past 2 years, hie had bilaterally symmetric rfaphyki-
til patienls with incomplete achromatopsia, the pho­ maloLK fovea I lesions. Note sli^hl narrowing ol" the retinal ves­
tophobia is more severe than the Eoss of vision. 4'bese sels. His cone elecEFO-retinoyram was moderately abnormal.
palients often wear more than one pair of sunglasses due Hie rod eleclrorelinogram and eleclEO-oculofljam were normal.
to extreme photophobia, lied contact lenses help alleviate FrirnswujfLh-MjnwlJ l OO-hueEJtetingshowed a Lrilan axis.
some of (he photophobia. G : The 23-year-old color-blind sister ol patient shown in E.
Jrtfere was a Eainl perilotetilar rin^ of KFfc aLrophy bilater­
ally. Results ol eleclro-relino^rapEiy, electru-ocu logjaphy, and
C o n e jV/on о ch ю т а tism
color vision Ieating w ere idenlical to those of her brother.
'JVvo of lhe three cone systems (b small, M medium, and H : This 2 2 -year-old man noted day blindness al 22 years of
t long) are absent or nearly absent in these palients. '['he age and later progressive loss o( cenLraE and color vision. His
more common forms of cone monochromatism are those visual acuity was 2 0 ^ 0 . His fundi w ere unremarkab3e. His
eiectroretinograpliic and electno-oculogjaphic findings were
thal have either lhe red or the green cones, as compared to
normal. His sister and mother had similar complaints.
blue monochromats.
I: M ol her of patient illustrated in H.
Cone dystrophy with Miizuo-Nakamura phenomenon
X-Linked Blue Cone Monochromatism
j-L: LaEe-onseE X-linked recessive cone dystrophy wilh
Palients with X-Linked blue cone monochromatism are lapelc-like sheen and Mi^uo-,Nakamura phertplnnenort. Note
males having subnormal visual acuity, pendular nystag­ iridescent КГЕ changes i.p and Kl Lhal partly disappeared after
mus, photophobia, myopia, minimal I'un Ju s changes, and dark adapEaLion ILI.
psychophysical and eleclrophysiologic evidence of both 11—L Inirn H-LMkiTilivuly ;ind WuHiur. ■J l(Jf5b, Arnurk in Vn.'
normal rod and blue cone functions. Neither red cone AslfttiaJ Hjn. ЛИ ri^hls ftntTwcl. '' ■
nor green cone function can be demonstrated psycho-
phvsieally. Mutations in the L- and M-opsin gene array (hat Goldmann-Favre Syndrome
resull in the lack of functional L- and M -pigments, and
thus inactivate the corresponding cones, have been Iden- Ihere is increasing evidence to suggest that Cold man n-
Li.fied in lhe majority of cases with blue cone monochro­ ]:avre syndrome may be a genetically determined re Lin .si
matism.'■' ''1 Provisional assignment of the gene locus for receptor dysgenesis primarily affecLlng the cone syslem
blue cone monochromasy is in the vicinity ofX q 2 S.::: in which an overabundance of S-cones parlly replaces the
other cone types, (йее p. 36Ё, ch 5.)

Congenital Color Blindness

Deuteranomaly resulls when a normal middle-wavelength
[M J cone pigment is replaced by one that has a peak sen- lhe term Acone dystrophy* is used Lo describe Lhose
silivily at a longer wavelength {L). Prutanomaly results patients with a heritable dystrophy in which predomi­
when the normal long-wavelenglh pigment is replaced by nantly the cone syslem is affected.J ',i|- ■ u t Et includes
one lhal has a peak sensitivity at a shorter midrange wave­ some patients in whom no evidence of rod dysfunction
length. Prolanopia is caused by tack of a red cone pigmeLil develops as well as those in whom rod deficiency later
and deuteranopia by Jack of green cone pigment. Visual develops but cone deficiency predominates.417 Holh types
acuity and the ocular fundi are normal. They are also may be seen In lhe same pedigree. Most cases are spo­
inherited as an X-linked disorder and Lhe gene defect es at radic. but when they are familial, most are autosoma l-
Xq28. Congenital tritanopia, if it exists, is rare.Jl^ OF X-l inked cone
dystFophy. [n X-l inked cone dystrophy, pseudoprot- or only minimal evidence of pigment migration. The E-.OG
anomalv nind abnormal fovea I densitometry findings may be normal or abnormal. Patterns with cone dysLrophy
have been identified in female carrt^cjL^32 Щ other fami­ and fundi resembling retinllis pigmentosa rarely complain
lies fundus changes and abnormalities in color vision.. of night blindness. Despite an extinguished К KG they may
BRQ and visual evoked potential were found in female show either .1 normal or mildly abnormal dark adaptation
carriers S5J Lhe age of onset, severity. and rate of pro­ curve, lhis discrepancy is seen also in chloroquine retinopa­
gression vary from family lo fjjnily and wilh in the inline thy. lhe earliest histological changes seen are distortion and
family. Ihe age of о nsel varies front childhood lo midllfe kinking of the fovea! receptor segments folloxved by Loss of
or beyond, ihe clinical features, nil! of which or only some nucleus and the rest of the cell bodies. Histopathologic and
of which may be present, initially include: [ 1 ] onset of ullraslmclural findings in an eye removed after develop­
progressive visual loss; ( 2} impairment of color vision ment of ERG changes of rod involvement showed changes
even with minimal acuity loss; [3] impaired visual func­ in lhe peripheral retina similar lo Lhat of mild retinitis pig­
tion in brightly illuminated situations and heller vision mentosa. ",u lhe differential diagnosis of a bull's-eye macu-
in hytftgbt or dim illumination and day blindness I'hem- lopalhy has been discussed elsewhere (see p. 300).
eralopia); [4 1 normal or near-normal fundi initially and- Lhe progression of cone dystrophy is usually more rapid
later, KPt atrophy in the macula often progressing to a in patients wiLh early onset of visual symptoms. Visual loss
bull's-eye pattern: (5J temporal pallor of the optir disc in is usually, but not alwaysr symmetric, lhe acuity usually
some palients; ( 6) fluorescein angiographic evidence of does not decrease much below 20/200.
depigmentation of the RPE in the macula (often antedat­ Some patienls with cone dystrophy will show, in addition
ing visible alterations in the fundi); (7) central scoloma to reduced or missing potentials al Iighl-adapted conditions
wilh normal peripheral fields; and ( 8) reduced or non- and reduced photopic flicker frequencies, a supernor­
delectable photopic as well as abnormal flicker response mal dark-adapted b-wave amplitude [supernormal rod
ERG. Some patients may demonstrate a supernormal sco- 1Ж ] ) . ': ’ '' ' i:‘ Some patients showing this latter ERG find­
Loplc Ейе £?Иг3 Karly selective involvement of the blue ing have a congenital stalionaryr cone dysgenesis, whereas
cone system may occur in some families with autosomal- others demonstrate evidence of a progressive cone dystro­
dominanl inherilance.5 , Visual amity varies phy. Most show pigmentary changes In the macula lhat in
from 20/20 early lo 20/200 or less laler. The macula may seme patienls has a bull's-eye palLern. MulaLions in KCjW2
he normal (figure 5.31] i), or it may show a variety of which encodes a subunit of a vollage-galed potassium chan­
changes, including mollling and clumping of the pigment nel in bolh roils and cones has been found recently1,!
epithelium, a bull's-eye pattern of depigmcnlalion. focal An X-linked form of cone dystrophy may have a golden
chorioretinal atrophy, and a macular staphyloma (ligure sheen Lhal disappears on dark adaptation; this is known
5.321-. and ' The bultrs-eye pattern of RPE atrophy and as the Mizuo-Nakamura phenomenon (Figure 5.3 2[-[.).
a corresponding zone of byperiluorescence surrounding a Female carriers can have a wide speclrum of finding^,
central non fluorescein spot similar to lhat seen in chloro- some appearing relatively normal to those having bull's-
quine retinopathy are the most, commonly described bio- eye change in the macula. X-linked cone dystrophy has
microscopic and angiographic changes in these palients been mapped lo three loci on the X chromosome.
(figures 5.31G and II, 5.32A, C( and l>). Occasionally Aulosomal-dominaul cone dystrophy or cone-rod dys­
temporal pallor of the optic disc may be the only fundus trophy has been associated with several mutations that
change. Auto fluorescence testing can show increased auto­ include [nutations of the peripherin/RWS gene, the GflX
fluorescence in a ring around lhe fovea surrounding an gene, the relinal gu any Iale cyclase gene (ЛЁТ-GCl), the
area of central hypoaulofluorescence that corresponds lo guanylyl cyclase-activating protein 1 (iJC A P J) gene. A ll'L l,
the bull's-eye atrophy (Kigure 5.31 E and f).1"^ An acquired C.UCY21X Р1ТРЫМЗ, ГКОЛЛ, R IM S], SLMA4A, and
fixation nystagmus may be present. A few patients with gene.3SJ 1,'i Heripberin RD S Is present on bolh rod
predominantly the peripheral portion of lhe cone system and cone segments. CKX codes for a photoreceptor-specific
affected may have normal color vision performance in the domain transcription factor, lhe W£"JLG CI and CCAP1
presence of a subnormal photopic ERG (l igure 5.32A). gene are involved in cyclic gu anosine monophosphate
Some of these patients may present wilh complaints (cGM P] production. Different mutations within the same
of progressive day blindness yet haw normal visual acu­ gene and mutations of several genes result in variable
ity ' ' 1"' Gonversely, if the central portion of Lhe cone severity of the cone dystrophy. '1'
system is primarily aflected, patients may have subnormal
visual acuity, abnormal color vision, and a normal photopic
Late-Onset Sporadic Cone Dystrophy
tKG. As the disease progresses, they will develop abnormal
photopic 1LRG findings. Many patients evenlually develop Patients with late-onset sporadic cone dystrophy, who
some el eel roreli nographic evidence of abnormal rod func­ are often older than 50 wars of age at the onset, develop
tion. " " lhis varies in severity. When severe, it is associated slowly progressive loss of central or paracentral vision
with varying degrees of optic disc pallor, narrowing of the usually ill the absence of any fundoscopic abnormal i-
relinal vessels- and peripheral field loss. Often there is no lies.,J 1■1 1 Visual acuity is often normal or near normal
at presentation. Detection of color vision dysfunction is an a greenish-goIden iridescent RPE change in the posterior
important clue to early diagnosis because initially full-fietd pole (Figure is./Jlf-L).' 1" I'hese patients demonstrated
hRC findings may bt normal.'15-5 These patients are often the Mizuo-Nakamura phenomenon and were prone to
subjected to extensive neurologic investigaLions, '['he dif­ development of rbegmatogenous retinal detachm e n L [see
ferential diagnosis in patient?, particularly if they present Oguchi's disease, Kigure 5.37). In a family with domi­
with asymmetric paracentral field defects, or with a history nant cone dystrophy. Noble et al. observed a scintiElat­
of rapid onset of visual loss (hat may be associated with ing golden reflex, identical to that seen in female carriers
photopsia, includes acute zonal occult outer retinopathy of X-linked retinitis pigmentosa in the son and a diffuse
(see Chapter It ] attd occult macular dystrophy. Drug tox­ golden-gray sheen similar lo that of Oguchi's disease in his
icity has been implicated in acute cone degeneration. mother.1" Л golden sheen and pigment disturbance may
A subgroup of patients with StaigardL's disease [atro­ also occur in families with progressive visual loss, nor­
phic maculopathy, flecks, and a dark choroid on fluores­ mal ERG findings, and absence of the Mizuo-Nakamura
cein angiography J present with hemeralopia and HRG phenomenon.
changcs typical for a cone dystrophy. ЧЪе disorder is reces­ Analysis of genomic DNA isolated from affected mem­
sively inherited in these patients with few exceptions. bers of a family of X-linked cone degeneration revealed
lhe retina! dystrophy associated with autosonial- a й.З-ldlobase deletion in the red cone pigment gene.'-'1
dominant cerebellar ataxia may affect primarily the cone deduced levels of alplia-l-fucosidase activity in leukocytes
system [spinocerebellar ataxia 7: SCA 7, see later secLion). was found in two patients with sporadic cone dystro­
Two of the four patients described with Lbis association phy.1'" Screening of 24 pa Lien Is with several forms of cone
showed, in addition to the typical E-RC findings of a cone dystrophy failed lo find this abnormality.121 Antibodies
dystrophy a supernormal dark-adapted b-wave.' against human retinal proteins have been identified in the
Some patients with cone and cone-rod dystrophies serum of some patients with cone dystrophy.33*
may exhibit a bright tapelo-lifce retinal reflex.3J5,-UD-355 I Leavily tinted glasses or miotics may be helpful in alle­
Eleekinlively and W'eleber reported a late-onset cone dys­ viating photophobia in patients with cone dystrophy.
trophy with X-linked recessive inheritance in patients with
FEN EST R A T ED S H E E N M A C U L A R 5.33 Fenestrated sheen macular dystrophy^

D YSTRO PH Y Д—(7: А 32-year-old man with рй й и тйс) dom inanlly inher­

ited lenestraled sEwen m acular dystrophy He complained of
1'enestrated sheen macular dystrophy is ап autosomal- recent loss of vision. His acuity, which had previously been
20^20, was 2CV40. His family history was negative. His color
dominant гласи]йг disorder ch a ira ^ lie d in young
vision and electronelinographic findings w ere normal. The
patients by liny red fenestrations occurring in a centra!
small, dark, lencstraied areas within- lhe ^liHtoniny sheen
macular zone of a golden sheen [E'igure 5.33A-C).1, in the central т а с Ы л г area are barely visi 111e in lhe pholo-
Multifocal areas of hypopigmentation of lhe Rft: become [iraphs. Angiography showed mol Iled hypcrfluonnscence cen-
manifest in the paracentral area in young adulthood, and Lrallv huL no evid en ce of abnormal staining.
Lbis may progress to an annular zone of depigmenlalion
Dominantly inherited MulEer cell sheen retinaE
by the fourth decade. fluorescein angiography shows win­ dystrophy ffamiltal internal limiling membrane
dow defects corresponding lo the t№£ changes and not dystrophyh
related to the red feneslralions. lhe visual acuity may be D -H : This ii.'i-year-old т а л , his sisler, his mother, and a
mildly affected in late adulthood and ranges from 2U/2L> maternal second cousin had a long-standing history o f a
to 20/30. Mild changes in the К KG and HOti and color peculiar fundus glistening reflex change that. In the palieni
vision abnormalities may develop. The sheen reflex that and his cousin, Wiis associated w ilh some visual loss. The
appears lo lie between the level of lhe RPE and retinal patient liad laser treatment for recurrent idiopalhic tenlral
serous chorioretirKipalETV in January 1454. Hi я symptoms
vessels persists, but the central fenest rat ions disappear as
failed lo ms pond to laser Imatmen'. There w ere marked glis­
more changes in the R P t occur. L>aily and .Vlets suggested
tening reflexes and some distortion o f the retinal vessels in
that this disorder may be related lo a defecl or abnor­ bo-lh eyes. There was clinical and angiographic evid&mce of
mality in macular xanLhophyII.,,,u Eh is disease should be macular edrm a in the rigEhL яуе {D and Ё]. This edema uqis
added to the list of bull's-eye maoilopathies. alLributed lo vitreom acular LracLion and a |>ars p]ana viLrec-
tomy was donE in September 1994. This resulted in m ini­
mal change in the fund-us appearance and vjsual funcLion.
D O M IN A N T L Y IN H E R IT E D In Decem ber 1У94 his visual acuity was 2CV20C- ri^hl eye
and 2(V25 left eye. He missed all of the iHNFi plates w ilh
M U L L E R C ELL S H E E N D Y S T R O P H Y Lhe righL eve and go! nearly ail or" i Ei e j t i i w ilh IE t f 1 lefL eye.
(F A M IL IA L IN T E R N A L L IM IT IN G EJiomicroscopically lhe inner reLtnaE surface was thrown into
folds ibal gave a railroad Ir.ick-like reflex runnjn^j Ihroughoul
M E M B R A N E R ET IN A L D Y S T R O P H Y ) much of lhe posterior fundus of the right eye and to a lesser
degjee in the Teft eye (f). In (he righf е Уе there- was cysloid
Pom inanlly inherited Muller cell sheen dystrophy is a m acular edema and a fine pallern of superficial reLtnaE cysts
rare, previously unreported disorder characterized bio- tEiaL defended throughout the m acular area. Fluorescein angi­
microscopical ly by prominent glistening light reflections ography showed some improvement in the dye leakage from
emanating from the inner retinal surface Lbat appears to lhe г+itinal ci]pil.laries It.] and Hj. Angiography of lhe left eye
was normal except for evidence of Eoca.1 si:ars relaled Lo cen ­
be thickened, yet translucent, and thrown into a pattern
tral serous chorionetinopalhy. I-[is past n o d ical history Was
of railroad track-like folds (E'igure These
positive for diaEic4es and carpaE tunnel syndrome.
changes are most prominent bul are not limited lo the I: Note lhe same but lets prominent fundus t hanges in his
posterior fundus, Ihis dominantly inherited disorder sisLer w h o had normal visual acuily.
is apparently associated with minimal visual morbidity |-L: The eyes of th-e mother, w h o had a history of right bemi-
prior lo midlife, when patients may experience visual loss anopia, optic disc cupping, and normal intraocular pres­
in one or both eyes as the result of biomicroscopic and sures, wen? obtained aL auLopsy. fJrtrth examination of her
eyes revealed prom inon I lignl reflexes on Lhe surface of Lhe
angiographic evidence of widespread intraretinal edema
rrjlina. ht]sl.t)patholoj^ic examination revealed ibickening anti
(E'igure 5.33E3-E3). In addition lo typical cystoid macular
undulalion o f the internal I inciting membrane of the retina
edema, there is a pattern of superficial micnocystic changes (anriws, |-Lj, multiple superficial schisis cavities separating
that extend throughout lhe posterior fundus. ViLrectomy lhe internal limiting membrane from lhe nerve ГзЕзег layer,
in three eves of two members of the same family bas ganglion cell aLrophy, and cyslic spaces in the inner nuclear
failed to improve the visual funelson (l:igure Fr.33EU—E). layer. Plains for elastic tissue, amvloid, and mucopolvsaccha-
One family member developed monocular loss of central i ides w ere negative.

vision that was attributed to vUreomacutar traction. Pars { Л - C , Гго ггс ] X i : i - an d M r ii, U I A r tf tt f itjir t M l ' cI i l . iI A m 'Lu i j l i u n . ,\ l!

plana vilreclomy failed to change either the visual func­ rtnf-rvcdi -^'i
tion or lhe appearance of the fundus [E'igure 5.331>-1 i).
i Iistopathologically these fundus changes are caused by
thickening and undulation of the internal limiting mem­
brane of lhe retina, superficial retinal schisis. and cyslic
spaces in the inner nuclear layer. All of these changes sug­
gest д primar)r defect in the Muller cells (figure 5.3JJ-1.).
A S T E R O ID M A C U L A R D Y S T R O P H Y i . J 4 Asteroid macular dystrophy.

A—C : This 3fl-year-old black wom an com plained of mild

figure 5.34 ( A-С), depicts the ophthalmoscopic Hind angi­ visual changes. Family history and past medical history were
ographic findings in a young wortiati with a striking seven- normal. Visual acu ily was 2(У20. Ko1e the peculiar slfillate
point dark stellate figure centered in tbe fovea и Г both lei-itm, lonsislin^ til scvun fine* irregular dark lines- radiaL-
eyes.""1 Her vlsujt acuity was 20/20. !]er family history inj$ from 1he center of Lbe fovea in each eve. Angiography
was norm at. No family members were available for e lim i­ i- i ■=»: 11 i n I". df-1- i‘ nl . 111■l i in hi-. ?l 11: (.■ "i I in-11 m liiuhI
epithelium $КРЕ)-
nation. It is probable, however, lhal this is л foveomacular
dystrophy or dysgenesis with a good visual prognosis. Sjogren-Larssen syndrome^
0 and E: NoLe lhe yellow ish deposit and line crystalline
deposits in lhe m acula (D ] in this i t -month-old black b(]y
S jO G R E N - L A R S S O N S Y N D R O M E
wiLh mental and nwtor rstardalion, Echlhvosis, getjerdliled
Sjogren-Larsson syndrome, an autosomal-recessive neu- weakness, and spasticfly (Ek There was som e narrowing of
the arterioles.
roculaneous syndrome, is characterized by the following
clinical features: { I ] congenita! ichthyosis; ( 2) congeni­ Aicardi's syndrome.
ta] Eow-grade stationary menial deficiency; [3j symmetric F—H: Two-year-old girl w ilh microphthalmos and orbital
spastic paresis with maximum involvement of the legs; (4) cysl, rif^ht Side; colohoma bf the . biPl ever absence ol" the
convulsions; (5) dental and osseous dysplasia; ( 6) defec­ corpus callosum ; hydrocephalus secondary ta aqueductal
HencKis; anti psvchomolor and mental retardation. The alro-
tive sweating; (7) hypertelorism; ( 8) reduced life expec­
phic fialchoh in the chom id and КИЕ w ere ncLucLed aL binl:
tancy; and (9) ophthalmoscopic changes in the macula, and w ere initially interpreted as possible chorioretinal scars
characterised by the presence о Г white glistening flecks and caused by cytom egalic inclusion disease.
yellowish pigmentary changes that may simulate best's
Flecked retina in Alports syndrome.
vitelhfbrm dystrophy (Figure 5.34E> and E )L 3t"l-1fi7 These
I - L This ЗО-уедг-old man, with hearing lost, anterior lE!r:Li-
macular changes are present in a majority of patients
conus fD:, and nephrilis, had m ultiple flecks in lhe m acular
and considered pathognomonic, ibe glistening dots are region h ol" ЕнмЬ eyes |E anrl F). Angiography (G ) revealed no
believed Lo be located in the inner retina (ganglion cells charges corresponding w ith Lhe flecks implying Lhe flecks lo
and inner plexifomi layer), may appear by age 1-2 years., be :n inner ratma rather Lhan aL th« КИЕ levrl. Hii- visual acu ­
and increase with age. Photophobia is often present. On ity was 20/25-. His elecLrorerinogram and efecLrtboculogram
fluorescein angiography die foveal and perifoveal areas were normfiL
show hyperfluorescence. The crystals do not block fluores­ 1 ■
' .iin: Ci tTMjrlL'sy mi' Dr. K.inclv L -.impjo: l i nirid 1. Гrum f.jiilicrL uL
I 9&Br А те гь с ^ Н A s^ u i.L liu ri. ЛИ rig h n m'stjrvt.'tf.
cence, and are hyperautofluorescent.!":: In addition to the
crystals in inner retina, microcystoid spaces may he seen
on OCX a feature somewhat similar Lo idiopathic juxtafo-
veal telangiectasia type 2 .'"' Macular pigment Levels were
found to be reduced by macular pigmenL refleclometer
and aulofluorescent testing by Van der Veen el a l.: EiRC
and HOC done in a few of these palients are usually nor-
ma]:ifU f,!|..i,-|.J-- Patients with this syndrome are spe­
cifically deficient in the fatly aldehyde dehydrogenase
component of the fatty .alcohol oxidoreductase that cata­
lyzes the oxidation of medium- and long-chain fatly alde­
hydes to corresponding falLy acids, l his deficiency may be
detected in the skin fibroblasts of patients and in carriers
of Lhe disorder.-^
SjagretV-Ljirs^Qn Syndrome 3I 5
j. IS Macular hole (n Al port’s syndrome.
A and B: A 34-year-old male w h o had a history of rartal
]he cardinal features c f Aicardi's syndrome are infantile Lransp3ant Lind tearing fuss. H e showed several flecks a I the
spasms, agenesis of the corpus callosum, and a character­ posterior pole, characteristic. fur Alport's h-yndmme. H e вцЬ'г
istic chorioretinopathy that may occur in association with sequenlly developed a Iraumatic cataract requiring cataracl
other ocular abnormalities, including microphthalmia, surgery wiLh ini ra ocular lens placeman). Following Lhis, lie
colobomas of the optic nerve and choroid, sclera! ectasia, was found to have several small holers in the m aC u li Lhal
became cun fluent into a Solitary giati} htde,
persistent pupillary membrane., and glial tissue extend­
С Hind E): Left eve of another patient with inner №tinal Ifecks
ing from the oplic disc. ' ! i&* Other associated findings
Lhat eventually developed а lar^e macular hole.
are menlaE retardation, generali;ted seizures, hypotonia, E—I: A 22-year-uld Indian m ale had progressive -decrease in
cerebral malformations including microcephaly, poly­ vision m bolh eyes assucialed wiLh worsening тепа] insuffi­
microgyria, periventricular and intraeortical gray-mailer ciency and deafness. His parents and sisler were asympljom-
heterotopias, interventricular cysts, choroid plexus papil­ alic. His visual acuitv was 1<У50 and 2Q/64D. Bilateral anterior
lomas and cysts., asymmetry of cerebral hemispheres, cor­ lunLiconus with localized cataract due lo microbreak!; ir>
capsule was present \b and Fi. UilrHeral symmetrical macular
tical atropity, pineal gland cysts, vermian anomalies, and
flccks wore seen in Ilie superficial retina, likely at the level of
cerebellar hypoplasia,14^ 5"-189 Costovertebral defects
the internal limiting membrane, suggesting abnormalities of
such as scoliosis, hemivertebrae, block vertebrae, fused ver­ the footplates of M uller cells IG and HI1. O ptical coherence
tebrae, and missing or bifurcated ribs and craniosyostosis tomography demonstrates the flecks lo be at the internal lim­
are common findings. Characteristic fundus lesions iting mon'ibmne and just beneath it. Visual acutLy returned lo
are well-defined, circular, white lacunae with minimal 20/20 in both eyre following cnlaracl Surjjety.
pigmentation al their borders varying in size from one- ■. V ( . l i u rlc:;-y Lil l>r. ! J . i v k E W l iritH irH - 4 tm .. W in n l i i h:i , t i I i v k t k и J. l!u -

tenth disc diameter lo twice the normal sих of the optic ЛИ ,ib, S.tuntlurs J 0 LC1, V 7 t i - Q - 7Q 2 Q- i |j. L1 2 .

disc {Figure 5.34F-H). Ihey are usually bilateral and are

often symmetrically distributed, hi general the lesions are
clustered around the oplic disc and decrease in size and prftftent with hematuria, deafness, and progressive renal
number as they extend into the periphery of the fundus, dysfunction, ihe condition was first described by Cecil
fcleclrorelinography may be normal or minimally dis­ AJporL in 1927. The frequency' is 1:5000. it accounts for
turbed. 11islopathologically these lesions have been shown 2. 1% of end-stage renal disease in pediatric patients. ЯйВД»
to correspond lo areas of depigmenlation and deficiency of affected patients are male. Affected males are more
in the RE'ti as well as gross choroidal 'atrophy^75'377'-331 it likely to be deaf and develop renal failure than females.
is probable that the chorioretinal lesions represent a dys­ ]l is associated with the following ocular findings:
genesis and not a progressive dystrophic disorder since mJcraspherophakia; lenticonus [Figure 5.35E and K);
new lesions do not occur. Progressive pigmentation of anterior or posterior suhcapsular cataracts, posterior poly­
the lesions has been documented. Aieardi's syndrome morphous comeal dystrophy; multiple, small (20-50 pm
occurs only in females, and no familial cases have been in diameter], punclaLe, yellow-whiLe lesions in the super­
reported excepL for one report of discordance in monozy­ ficial pericentral retina in the macula (Figures 5.34|, К
gotic twins.1" ' It has been reported rarely in Klinefelter's and 3.35A and С, С and If); and confluent and clustered,
47,XXY males, except for one report in a 46,XV punctate, yelloiv-white lesions located deep lo the retinal
та1е.Ли" No study so far has been able lo demonstrate vessels in the midpcriphery of tEie fundi. ‘0Ll" L1,1 '1Ъе mac­
a defect in the X chromosome, hence it appears lhal the ular lesions may be present in early childhood but prob­
change occurs after fertilization. Attempts lo find the ably become in оre apparent with age and are seen in
mutation in the Xp22 and the Xq2d regions have been 35% of p a tie n ts .T h e y are nol associated with angio­
unsuccessful. ^ 1'37 graphic or electrophysiologic changes other than that
whicit may occur as a result of hypertension and renal
A L P O R T S D IS E A S E ___________________ faiJure.-l0‘l-‘ul£^ ?M|,'UN I here may be spotty areas of win­
dow defects in the RPE associated with the peripheral
Alport syndrome is associated with genetic abnormality lesions."" The nature of these lesions is unknown. These
involving the ОOL4A3. COI.4A4, and COL4A5 genes lhal patienls are known to develop giant macular holes likely
encode the production of type IV collagen, lhis protein is due lo defective Muller cell basement membrane (figure
common lo the basement membrane of the glomerulus, 5.35A-D).,lL'' The anterior lenticonus is pathognomonic
cochlea, retina, lens capsule, and cornea. The glomerular for Alport syndrome. Posterior polymorphous corneal dys­
basement membrane is irregularly thickened and splinted trophy due to defect in the Descemet's membrane occurs
and stretched. The immunohistochemical stain shows infrequently. I?rusen in Bruch's membrane, degeneration
absence of A5 chain. Carrier females may have variable of the ItP E in the macular area, and serous retinal detach­
inactivation of the X chromosome in different tissues and ments occurring in the terminal stage of renal insufficiency
may manifest some of the featunafLMa,3M Ihese patients have also been reported in these patients.
Because these patients have abnormalities affecting 5жЗЬ Fleck retina in ring 17 chromosome^
basement membranes elsewhere, particularly that of the
A —D: This 34-year-old man had short slalure, m icroceph­
renal gjomeruli, it is possible Lhal the mid peripheral aly, cafe-au-lait spots, mild mental deficiency, yellow flecks
lesions may represent nodular thickening of the base­ Lhroughoul the postequalorial fundi ГА and B), and ring 17
ment membrane of the RVb. (basaE laminar drusen' see chromosomc; (D). had no visual рсм^пгаайпIs. His visual
chapter 3], and that the superficial lesions in the macula Eicuily was 20/30 hi laterally. There w ere a few cortical flecks
are related to abnormalities of the basement membrane in both lenses. Fluorescein angiography revealed a saEt-and-
popper pattern of ffibtLEed hypertluqrescence and nun fluores­
of the Muller cells or retinaE astrocytes. Cehrs et al. have
cence corresponding w ilh the llecks I Cl). H is chromosome
suggested that the retinal flecks may consist of an abnor­
diiLi^nosit was-tb,XY,ri 17; Ip I $^25}, thsJ o f a majet wiLh nn^
mal subtype alpha 5 of type IV collagen, which is a major 17 chronidsoni c\ His Family history was гьс^д I i ve.
structural component of the glomerulus basement mem­
brane.'^ lhe gene encoding for this protein has been Benign flcck retina^
E Lind F: This asymptomatic yuung Australian Abui]j;ine
Localized to the same locus (C G I 45A ) at XqlZ, where
wtnniin had л о гтл ! visual acuily, colur vision, And d e t-
genetic linkage studies have placed the defect in patients
Lrormino^raphic findings. There w ore Widespread poly­
with X-tinked Alport syndrome.-111. Mutations in collagen morphous. flecks at the level o f the pigment epitheEium
type IV genes have been described to be responsible for throughout lhe peripheral fundi. The family history was nega­
X-1inked [COL4A5)j autosomal-recessive, and. autosomal - tive. N o other family members were avai fable for гоатЗпа-
dominanl Alport syndrome tCOlAA3fCOL4A4), A related Lion. NuLe Himilarilv lo Figure .i.Jtit?.
disorder benign familial hematuria, is an aulosomal-
dominanl disorder: about 40°ю of these cases cosegre-
gate with the COL4A3/COL4A4 loci the same site for
autosomal -dominant Alport syndrome. It is likely lhal It is generally assumed that dystrophin functions Lo sta­
some cases of benign familial hematuria may represent bilize muscle J'Lbers with dystrophin-associated proteins
the carrier state for autosomal -recessive Alport syndrome. by linking lhe sarcolemma Lo the basement membrane
Collagen type IV nephropathy is an entity in itself, and in muscles, but its function in the retina is unknown so
phenotypic manifestations of <ZOL4A3fCOLAA4 muta­ far. i’alienls with Duchenne muscular dystrophy have
tions may range from monosymptomatic hematuria subnormal scotopic LRG amplitudes in the form of elec­
(benign familial hematuria] to severe renal failure {Alporl tronegative b-waves; tbe ex lent is likely determined by
syndrome), depending on the gene dosage.'1' ' tbe presence of, and location of, lhe gene deletion .'1,e"121
J:ocal hype rpigme mat ion of the macula may be seen, but
color vision, pholopic EiRCs, visual acuily, and exlraocular
muscle function remain normal, distinguishing EDuchetme
D U C H E N N E A N D B EC K ER muscular dystrophy from other X-linked disorders wilh
M U SC U LA R D YSTRO PH Y electronegative EiRCs.'^

Duriienne muscular dystrophy is a lethal X-linked reces­

sive disorder characterized by progressive proximal mus­
cular weakness, loss of ambulation, and early death.
Ninety-five percent of patients are wheelchair-bound
Occult Hereditary Macular Dystrophy
by age 12 years and the mortality rate is 95°/b by age 20 Miyake et aL423 described Lhree patients in two generations
years. I"he dystrophin gene for lhe disorder is mapped lo wilh progressive central visual loss, normal fundus and
Xp21. E>yslropbin, lhe gene product of Duchenne mus­ fluorescein angiographic findings, mild or moderate color
cular dystrophy is a 427-kDa sub membranous cytoskel- vision defects, normal full-field ILRG, and severely affected
elal protein and many dystrophin-associated proteins, macular ll is an autosomal-dominant disorder
such as utrophin, dystroglyeans, sarcoglycans, syntrophins wilh age of presentation between 20 and 45 years, ihough
and dystrobrevins. have been identified. Dystrophin and an 1 1 and a 16-year-old patient have been described.i2fr

dystrophin-associated proteins are very important pro­ Since the original description, lhe spectrum of visual loss
teins for skeletal, cardiac, and smooth muscles and also and progression has widened. The presenting visual acuity
for the peripheral and central nervous syslem. including is from 20/20 to 20/200. Color vision is variably affected,
the retina. Dystrophin and bela-dystroglycan localize al bome patients may show no progression of visual loss or
the retinal photoreceptor terminal; their deficiency results change in their central scotoma, while the majority show
in abnormal neurolransmission between photoreceptor worsening central vision.10^ M u lt if o c a l ERG and more
cells and ON bipolar cells, [dystrophin has seven isoforms recently OCE' have been useful in confirming the fi|jd-
in variable tissues, and the retina contains full-lenglh dys- i n g s . ’■|1: All patients show fovea! cone involve­
Lrophin (Dp427), Dp260, anti Dp7L Dp7l localizes in ment: some show variable involvement of fovea I rods, ihe
the inner limiting membrane and around the blood ves- characle risitic m L i l l i focal ElfcG finding is decreased ampli­
selsr and Dp260 is expressed in the outer plexiform layer tudes in the central ring or hexagons, with amplitudes

т r 5 w — ш

returning to lhe control values as one moves eccentrically ^.■Sb Continued
towards lhe peripheral hexagon s.'1J|,,k' ’ 'Im p licit limes, Ш
G - L This 42-yeaг-old Hispanic wom an was sesm for inter­
additionr have been found to be delayed in доте studies, mittent blurred viKiorr in bolh eyes. Shy was hospitalised tor
suggesting involvement of more anterior retinal elements acute myeloid leukemia and had received prednisone, cyta-
than cones aione. OCJJ' shows Variable thinning of the outer rabjn, da jnorubicin, vincrihlinu, m Ш hotruKate, and radia-
nuclear layer in most eyes, though some eyes wilh poor lion. Htrr vision was 2Й/2Й in both eyes with Й6гта1 color
cone function have normal outer nuclear thickness, sug­ vision. Both Eundi had sym m etrical appearance o f flecks lhal
w ere smaller in Lhe posterior pole resembling those of lun-
gesting functional rather ihan structural laas.JJSjl3a [hough
duii flavimacjulaluH and larger Low;trds lh e m idperfchray and
the early reports were from |apan, case series have been
e ® e (* fc d anterior Co I ho equator- There w h * no known family
described in Italy, the resl of Eiurope, and the LISA.'1iG "451 1 history: she succum bed Lo her illness and lhtL eyes could no1
No specific gene defect has so far been implicated. I)u obtained for bis-l o]o£>y. The tundus appearance Was typical
cl" familial betligfl fleck reLina and nol s e c o n d ly lo Joukumia
or Ihe? effects o f her inedica liens.
Sporadic Occult Macular Dystrophy
t ,in d F-, In im M l Л IJis In г l 'I iiji 1 L i- L , l :u u rlrji.v ц| l>r. iV.uhut'] CJber.
A clinical and elect rophysiologic appearance identical to К .1 IhiJ L, АЗьо, Y iin n u j'ii, L jw rirn i.4! I. Ih u i n.:l A ll л .. Sju n ck rci 24JJO ,
p .F JS .'i
the heredifary form of ocoilt macular dytrophy has been
seen in patienls wilh no family history suggesting the dis­
order may have multiple etiologies or has variable pene­
trance.' ' Patients with autoimmune antibodies to enolase
or other retinal elements can presenl wilh central sco- nodules, or a family history of neurofibromatosis. I heir
Loma, cone dysfunction, and normal fundus anti fluores­ chromosome diagnosis is 46,XYrr[l7 ) fpl3q23). Although
cein appearance.111 A careful history of the age at onset of the Nh'-J gene has been mapped lo chromosome 17, it
symptoms, progression, and any associated autoimmune is unlikely that Lhese patients have N F-I. The fluorescein
disease may help differentiate Lhese patienls from occult angiographic findings in one case suggest that the fiecks
macular dystrophy. are associated wilh irregular depigmentation or thinning
of (he FEFE as well as focal obsl ruction of the background
fluorescence by some of the flecks (Figure Ъ.ЗбС).'5-''
Charles et al.436 found some evidence of blockage of cho­
D Y S T R O P H IE S roidal fluorescence by lhe fiecks. which Were believed to
be at lhe level of Lhe pigment epithelium. Although the
Patients with a variety of nonspecific patterns of atrophic
fiecks resemble drusen, their poor correlation wilh foci of
macular dystrophy unassociated wilh flecks, angiographic
discrete hyperfluorescence suggests they have a different
evidence of lipofuscin storage, or other elect rophysio-
Logic or systemic manifestations are occasionally encoun­
tered.'114 Jn such patients the author prefers Lo label their
macular dystrophy as "unclassified” ralher than Stargardfs B E N IG N F A M IL IA L FLEC K R ET IN A
Sabel Aish and Dajani-110 and later, McAllister et аМЛ:>and
Audo et al.,'1"11 reported a beautiful pattern of somewhat
F LEC K ED R E T IN A A S S O C IA T E D polymorphous white flecks scattered wideLy throughout
W IT H C AFE-AU-LAIT SPO T S, the fundi unassociated wilh any visual deficit or eleclro-
physiologjc deficits [E'igure 5.361-1-[.J. ]he flecks appear
M IC R O C E P H A L Y EPILEPSY, round posteriorly but become more polygonal towards
S H O R T STATURE, A N D R IN G 17 the equator and periphery ( figure 5.36К and Lj. ihere is
CH RO M O SO M E a suggestion Lhe shape follows the choroidal venous lob­
ular pattern especially beyond the arcades (Figure 5.36H
A ring chromosome is a type of deletion lhal results from and i). The fiecks are hyperautofluorescent, suggesting
breakage and loss in the terminal ends of each arm of a accumulation of fluorphores wilhin the KFE .1,1 No pro­
chromosome, followed by union of the broken ends gressive changes in the flecks, the RPE, or photoreceptor
(figure 5.36D). Patients with ring 17 chromosome may function have been described to dale and lhe condition
have menial deficiency, seizures, short stature, micro­ remains benign, 'lhe pattern of fiecks appears similar lo
cephaly, and cafe-au-lait spots and demonstrate a striking that reported by Miyake and Нага da"*42 in three patients
pattern of yellow flecks at the level of the RPr throughout in uvo families with congenital sLaLionary night blindness.
the posterior fundus (Kigure 5.36A and u ).‘n6-'1 None 4wo of their patienls had absent scotopic EftG responses,
of these patients has cutaneous neurofibromas, Lisch iris subnormal Ep G responses, and delayed dark adaptation.
C O N G E N IT A L S T A T IO N A R Y R H O M utation
N IG H T - B L IN D IN G D IS E A S E S 'three different missense changes nave been found in
the rhodopsin gene so far: GlyUOAsp, ]frh>4lle, and
Congenital, nonprogressive. ni^ht-blindiny diseases are Ala292Glu. The night Ы indness remains stationary in most
characterized by infantile onset of nyctalopia without patients, but san e with GlyDOAsp mutation may develop a
progression and good visual acuity. These patients can be few bone spicule pigmentary change, mild vascular attenu­
subdivided into two groups: those with nonna!-appearing ation, and constriction of their peripheral visual field after
fundi and those of a distinctive fundus abnormality. age 35. Mild late cone disfunction in ay also occur

Normal Fundus Afphn Subunit o f Transducin M utation: N ougaret

Autosomal -dominant {absent scotopic TRG, Riggs type;
Transducin mediates the second step in the phototrans-
type L)
duclion cascade; pholoaclivated rhodopsin interacts wiffi
1. rhodopsin mutation (ЯН О } the alpha subunit of transducin. The only known disease
2. & subunit of rod transducin ( C j'jV A J '2 , Nougaret) causing mutation is Gly33Asp change, '['he cones have sub­
3. \ 'a subunit of rod c G M P phosphodiesterase G il) normal sensitivity and need 10 times more intense stimu­
lation, there is a rod-cone break in dark adaptation, and
X-l inked (negative HRG, Schubert-Bornshein. type tl)
the rods show a mild response under veiy bright flashes.
1. E.-type calcium channel {САСЛ/ДЗР} incomplete 'Ihe mechanism for this response is not understood. 'L'hese
X-linked stationary night blindness patients Ьач'е a normal fundus appearance throughout life.
2. Unidentified gene Xpl 1.4-11.3 complete X-Eiliked sta­
tionary night blindness. Beta Su b u n it oi R o d cC M P P h o sp h o d iestera se:
Ram busch Type
Abnormal Fundus Jtod cGMP phosphodiesterase, the third member of the pho­
to transduction cascade, is composed of one ft, one X and
Autosoma L-recessive
two i subunits, lhe change in the .1 subunit is a l]is25tiAsp.
1. Arrestin (&4C: QguchiJ which results in alteration of cGMP concentration affecting
2. Rhodopsin kinase [ЯМОА: Oguchi) impulse transmission. Their fundi remain normal.
3. 11-ris retinol! dehydrogenase (KDH5: fundus
albipunctatusj. Autosomal-Recessive and Simplex
Congenital Stationary Night Blindness
Autosoma I-Do m ina nt Co nge n ita 1
Autosomal-recessive and simplex palients may have nor­
Stationary Night Blindness mal or moderately reduced visual acuity and most are
AutosomaL-dominant patients haV( normal visual acu­ myopic. The LRG typically shows a progressive increase
ity and classically show a reduced but normal -appearing in the negative response [a-wave) during dark adaptalion.
photopic response, and poor or absent amplitudes under buL no similar increase in the positive response (b-wave).
sco topi с conditions, lhis type of ERG response in con­ lhis electronegative ERG in congenital slationaiy night
genital station ary night, blindness is referred lo as the Higgs blindness is referred to as the Schubert-Slornsc he in type
response.'1'1'1 fro longed dark adaptation does noL improve and it may occur in X-l inked as well as recessive pedi­
the scotopic ERG amplitudes. Some pedigrees, however, g r e e s . Miyake et aI. further subdivided this group of
may show a Schubert-llomscbein-lype response (electro­ patients based on the evaluation of the rod ERG and/
negative ERG) that is more frequently observed in reces­ or psychophysical dark adaptation: one group [complete
sive and X-l inked pedigrees of congenital stationary night type) lacked rod function, and the other group (incom­
blindness. plete type] showed evidence of rod function.11-1
Х-Linked Congenital Stationary Night likely reason for females manifesting this disorder. The
gene locus of this disorder has been found on the short
arm of the X chromosome proximal lo the DXS7 locus/1"
these patients arc usually myopic and most have sub­ the region between 01C and TJJvJJ1 on tbe short arm of the
normal visual acuity. The fundi are unremarkable other X chromosome/1^ and distal lo lj.28 at Xp2L4b|'
ttp i for myopic chadgeii^5-^ LlectroFetinographic Patients with congenital stationary nighl b Eind ness may
changes include normal to near-norm aI photopic present with infantile blindness with a markedly subnor­
responses and a barely recordable or un recordable scoto- mal photopic and scotopic l:RG.J " Ibis may incorrectly
pic r e s p o n s e . D a r k adaptation sltidies typically suggest lhe diagnosis of liber's congenital amaurosis.
show elevated rod thresholds. deduced amplitude of oscil­ Visual responsiveness as measured by TRG lakes 6-12
latory potentials of the EiRG occurs in most patients'14 as months to mature fully. En congenital stationary night
well as in female carriers of the X-linked Most blindness visual improvement during ptiotopic conditions
heterozygous (carrier) females in families with X-!inked in these patients may be dramatic during the first year of
congenital stationary night blindness are asymptomatic, life. Serial liIJGs to detect evidence of this improvement
'['hose with symptoms and eleclrophysiologic evidence of may be helpful in some Cntses.
the disorder are nearly all daughters of asymptomatic car­ Oguchi's disease, fundus albipunctatus,. and Kandorfs
rier mothers.-1''' Daughters of affected males rarely show disease are disorders in which congeniLal stationary night
signs or symptoms of congenital stationary night blind­ blindness is associated wilh fundus changes.
ness. Uneven X-chromosomal I ionization is the most
Oguchi's Disease ^>.17 О guch Vs d i&ea se,

Oguchi's disease is one form of congenital stationary A - F : This 4b-year-old black wom an had normal visual аш -
iI y. Note lhe golden color of lhe fundus in I he? I ighL-ndaf >k’d
night blindness in patients wilh normal visual acuity,
sLale iA—L». Her ehHJtro-ocularyraphtc findings w ere normal.
visual fields, and color vision .1,'-i:=
E-|6j Ophthalmoscopy The electrorelinogram showed depression of I I k - b-^vivo <md
in the light-adapted Elate reveals either a green ish-white reduced rod function, w jglotffaphy 'Lj W lIS normal. Fundus
or a golden-yellow color lo the fundus [Figure 5.37A phologTaphs i.F i o f lhe light eye following I hour of dark
and II]. It may be confined to the posterior pole or lo the adaptation. Note Lhe color of Lhe retinal pigment epithelium
periphery., or it may involve both. The densily of lhese is normal.
(1РЁ changes obscures lhe details of lhe choroidal vascu­
lature. 'lhe retinal vessels stand out in hold relief, and lhe
color of the arteries and veins may be similar. The fundus
color vision are normal, i-undoscopic exa mi nation reveals
achieves a normal color in from 30 minutes to several
a Eaige number of discrete, small, punctate, while spots
hours after dark adaptation (Mizuo phenomenon) (f;igure
at Lhe level of the RPh (Figure 5.33).-,l:il_-"'4 These lesions
5.37b] fluorescein angiography yields normal
have their maximum density in Lhe poslequatorial region,
results (figure 5.37E). Dark adaptation shows a delayed
but the center of (he macula is usually spared (Figure
secondary adaptation (type 1} or, rarely absence of sec­
5.3S). 'lhe spols generally increase in number over the
ondary adaptation (type II). The EftG shows subnormal
уИ(Т& 469 but some spots can disappear over time in older
rod responses that usually persist after prolonged adap­
people.1'1"'1 2 Lhe disc and retinal vessels are normal. Ilte
tation. Oguchi's disease is similar to fundus alhipunclate
liRG is usually normal, but when it is abnormal, it usually
dystrophy in that there is reversibility of the psychophysi­
improves toward normal levels after prolonged adaptation.
cal function following prolonged dark adaptation, but
Ibe L-.OG may be subnormal but becomes normal after
si is different from X-linked congenital slalionary night
prolonged dark adaptation. The dark adaptation thresh­
blindness associated wilh myopia, in which this adapta­
olds are markedly elevated but return lo normal absolute
tion does not occur. Histopathologic studies have revealed
threshold levels if the lest is continued for several hours
abnormally Large cones in an area that extends 20a tem­
or longer.1v-' Overnight patching of the eyes prior to elec-
poral from the optic disc and an additional layer of gran­
irophysiological tests is a useful way lo achieve prolonged
ular pigment between the photoreceptors and the true
dark adaptation. Fluorescein angiography reveals a mottled
KPH."’1'0 Yamanaka'MlJ failed lo find evidence of a distinct
pattern of fluorescence throughout the mid periphery of the
Layer between the JJPK and lhe receptors. Ue Jong el al. in
fundus, in general there is no correlation between the areas
four patients wilh X-Linked relinoschisis postulated (hat
of hyperfluoreseenee and the white spots. Angiography
the Mizuo-Nakamura phenomenon may be caused by an
may demonstrate changes in the RPli in the macular area,
excess of exlmcellular potassium in the retina as a result
and occasionally a few patients may lose central vision
of a decreased potassium-scavenging capacity of retinal
because of a cone dystrophy or atrophic maculopathy
Muller eeEls.lc0
(Figure 5.38B and С).-*-*7* 'lhe flecks are not hyperauto-
'ibis disease is inherited as an autosomal-recessive trait
fluorescent suggesting that these changes may not be al the
and mutations have been identified moslly in the arreslin
pigment epithelial level but rather in (he outer part of the
gene and occasionally in the rhodopsin kinase gene.^4,465
pholoreceptor layer. High-definition OCT con firms that
A golden sheen confined lo the macular area and the
the flecks correspond to dome-shaped opacifications al the
Mizub phenomenon may occur in some paLienls wilh pro­
pholoreceptor outer-segment layer and continuous with
gressive, lale-onsel X.-1inked cone dystrophy (Figure 5.32J-E.)
the RPF cells.■;‘l 'lhe disease demonstrates an autosomal-
and X-l inked relinoschisis. 4'''
recessive inheritance with the gene defect in П -cfs retinol
dehydrogenase (R D ILS), the enzyme found in the RPti
Non progressive Albipunctale Dystrophy cells responsible for the production of 11-cej retinal, which
is transported Lo the rods and cones lo act as the chromo-
(Fundus Albipunctatus) phore in rhodopsin and cone opsins.1*75^76 A total of 19
Patients with nonprogressive albipunctate dystrophy com­ different mutations have been found Lhus far in patients
plain of night blindness. Visual acuity visual fields, and wilh fundus alhipunctatus.
'17115 typically nonprogresstve form of lhe disease is 5.1Й Fu nd us a Ehip uпс latu s.
more common than Its counterpart, R[TA ...... '' (see Mguie
A and B: This 14-year-old female had normal vision, normal
5.3HES-D) nind Bothnia (I'igure 5.44) and Newfoundland eleclroretinogram, and &n aEjnormaL eleclro-oculoiyam . The
rod-cone dystrophy (Figure 5.45). Differentiation of centre I and peripheral visual1 fields w ere normal. Dark adap­
these two diseases in younger patients may be difficult/" tation studies revealed absence ol rod vision. Small punctate
Occasionally both forms of the disease may occur in the opacilies exlendcd almost to the ara serrata (A a n d hS;. Two
same family.” '-'tdu RPA shows progressive nyctalopia, brothers, 15 and 17 years o f age, had similar findings. Al! lhe
palienls were niyhl-Eilind. A 12-year-old sisler hafl normal
hone corpuscular pigment change, and vascular narrowing
eyes. Angiography revealed a mottled paLLem o f byperfluo-
beginning by the third decade. Some patients, especially
tescence indicative o f depiym enlation o f Lhe r e L i n a l piemen!
from ]apan 0ф -4Э%), have a macular or cone dystrophy epilholium - everywhere excepL in lhe macular area.
in addition lo the fecks of fundus albipunctalus, all of 5 o m eo f Lhe punctate spots o b s c u r e d choroidal fluorescence,
whom have mutations in the tfD H j gene of fundus aEbi- whereas others did nol.
punclatus.‘j7i,',S]^lil4 Most, but not all, patients with macu­ t : Fundus albjpundM us in a 33-year-old man with bilateral
lar involvement were older; whether this is a function of macular dystrophy. H it visual acuity was 2CJ/40 in f>oth
eyes. His erectro-oculographic findings w ere normal. H is
Longer duration of disorder or а с о ш ф п Japanese ances­
electroretinogram showed moderately abnormal rad and
tor in these various families remains to be determined.'1"'
normal cone funclion. After 50 minules of d a r k a d a p L a l i o n
lhis macular change associated with decreased cone LRG Lhe eiectroreti nayram was normal. His FamsworLh-Munsell
amplitudes resembles the macular change seen in patients 100-hue test revealed a blue-yelltjw defect. Angiography
with Bothnia dystrophy; however (he gene defecLs in the showed evidence erf biPt. atrophy in Ibe m a c u l a .
two conditions are different {see section on llothnia dys­
trophy below). Et is conceivable the metabolic derange­ Hereditary stationary night blindness with
ments caused by the two mutations have some similarity polymorphous flecked retina,
or overlap, given that they are both involved in the metab­ D : Large w hile flecks confined Kj Ihe peripheral fundi of an
olism of 1] -tt's retinol. 1 1-year-old yirl w ilh lamilia! stationary night blindness. Note
similarity lo figure 5.36E--L..
Fundus albipunctalus should be differentiated E'rom
E to K: The parents of this now 33 year old wom an, (sec­
acquired nyctalopia associated with vitamin A deficiency ond of 3 sibling^! noted a visual behavior in lhe dark differ­
(Figure as weLl as crystalline retinal dystro­ ent from her older sister w hen she was 3-5 years of aye. Her
phy (see Hgure 5.46), oxalosis (see Figure 5.67}, cysti- vision was 2 0/20 in each eye aL age 33, fundus showed sym-
nosis (see Figure 5.64), canthалаnthine retinopathy (see melric appearance of several punctate w hile doLs distributee
Figure ^.10), basat laminar drusen (see figure 3.31 and up lo the periphery and a bull's eye m aculopathy (E to Lj. Гhe
3.32), and Alport's syndrome (Figure 5.35). [Ydigrees with visual funclion with stationary niyhl blindness and fundus
appearance was unchanged 0 years laler I] and KJ.
larger "scale” or '"silkworm-shaped'’ flecks w ith 1"'11 or with­
o u t'"' 1,11 similar electrophysio logic findings may represent LJ, flrfim V iiy .ih u . r id H .ir.ic L v 1""I
variants of albipunctale dystrophy (i'igure 5.3SO), Llayashi
et al. found compound heterozygous mutations p.VI77G
and p.[.31UdelinsE:V in the RDH5 gene in a 3-year-old pro­
band with night blindness and fundus changes similar lo
benign fleck retina.""*' His asymptomatic parents and one
of the grandparents each carried one of the mutations,
explaining the autosomal-recessive inheritance.
Kandori's Flecked Retina i.S 'J Retinitis pigmenlosaL

Kandori's flecked retina3*9^ 1' is an apparently rare, atypi­ A—D: Cystoid macular edema in an 8-year-old bay wilh
nyctalopia. Nole thy na*rawing of Ihe reinal arterioles iA..
cal type of congenital non progressive nij^ht blindness; it
Visual acuity №9; 20/30. His eluctmreNnoymm Wa$ exlin-
was described in four patients with sharply defined., dirty HLiihhtjd. Гhe fififlilphery bf the fundus ■LJ.i showed milrl Еюпе
yellow, irregular relatively large tlecks or patches of RX’E corpuscular pigmentary changes, Early angiography (Q
atrophy distributed in the equatorial region between the revealed evfdfence of generalized detjJ|JmenfcsUQn af Ihe reLi-
macula and the equator. The macula Was un involved. ’['he nal pi^mf.'nl ppirhehUjfh.. Нфе the tic^jfltiftrescenl trass in the
relinal vessels and optic nerve were norma], Dark adapta­ fovGdla? апиа. This it proljably caused by cenJral compres­
tion was delayed but returned Lo normal in 30-40 min­ sion of ihe rrrtinal хм п I hophyl-lfit pE^nionl by the lar^'j cenltal
relinal cv'sls. One-hoLrr anjjjpjbyrarfi ■L?l г е к л Ы minimal ejtf-
utes. Visual acuity, visual fields, hOtJ., EiRG., and visual
doncu ol sLaifl I ntt in the macula.
evoked potentials were norma!. Huorescetn angiography E and F: Widespread retinal edema and cysloid macular
showed evidence of foes] depigmenlation of the К I11: cor­ pdcrnH in a 4J-vear-o!d Worna# wilh ni^ht blindness, moder­
responding with the peripheral lesions. None of the four ate number of vilnt'ous col Is, and minimal inliarelinal pignwni
patients was from the same family. I he flecks in these migration. Her electrnnetincgram was severplw abnormal bul
patients appear similar to, if not identical to, congenital nol uxlin^uiuhed. Her sister had similar finding^.
grouped a Ibinotic RP1: spots, th is is believed to be л con­ 11—1; rhis Э7-year-old man wilh an fl-yuar history of nyctalo­
pia deveJo :"-:i evidence cl retinal telan^ie* lasis irlc-ri ч I-. in
genital anomaly of the ЙЙ0 that is usually unassociated
the Ji^ht eye in 19S54 |H and И-. Note niirrowin^ of the? relinal
With night blindness (see Rgure 12.05-). vessels jCk Because of progressive exudalion he was treated
with IransscJeral cry ореху in II^У0.
R E T IN IT IS P IG M E N T O S A J-L: t l jjv i' lopi: ioni : i' pcripbcral rotin.i 11■I or : i-■ and
subnet lna[ exudation occurred in the вуе of I his- рл I i uni
(R O D - C O N E D Y S T R O P H IE S ) duong observation for typical lelinilis piujmenlosa, 1 + viLre-
ous and eyn jild m atular erloma. The rtVina] lo]an^iet:-
Retinitis pigmentosa, tapetoretinal dystrophy; and primary ta^is was not present at the lime of inilial eKamirralian al age
pigmentary retinal dystrophy are names used interchange­ 14 but de^'eloped at aye 13 years К . there иан eidensive
ably to refer to a targe spectrum of disorders of variable kwt.a^e of flurjrt'scein from retinal vessels in m acular and
age of onset, rale of progression, severity, and mode of pararnai ular Telina. The CKUtlatjon UL4in in К ttfiar&d крип-
inheritance. Ihese can be subdivided into two jbroajd cat­ tantfously (Л'ег a period of 2 years :L I. Ln spile of chrcjnic:
cysloid macular edema she maintained 20/40 visual acuity
egories: typical and atypical.
during the IS years o f observation. She experienced gradual
loss ol peripheral vision. J-ier eleclroreLino^Tam was exJin-
Typical Retinitis Pigmentosa gutshpd at the time fil initial exam ina!ion.

■'Typical retinitis pigmentosa" is used lo refer Co those

patients wilh a hereditary dystrophy characterized by the
onset of night blindness in childhood or young adult­ of both eyes. This annular zone progressively enlarges in
hood, progressi4,e contradio n of the peripheral visual field an anterior and posterior direction and is associated With
beginning as a mid zonal ring scotoma with preservation further attenuation of the retinal blood vessels, waxy pal­
of central vision, and frequently profound visual loss or lor of the optic disc, and the development of a glistening
blindness in middle or laler life [figures 5.35-5.41 533 reflex and crinkling of the inner retinal surface secondary
liarly in the course of (he disease the (post common pre­ lo an epiretinal membrane. Ihe pallor of the oplic disc is
senting complaints are headache (5 3 % ) and photopsias due to astroglial proliferation on the surface of the optic
(35%). u Pholopsias are spontaneous impulses eshita­ disc. J&ztinaJ arterial and venular narrowing is a second­
tted by dying or disintegrating photoreceptors.. Tat tents ary phenomenon from retinal autoregulation, fxjss of
describe them as tiny blinking or shimmering lights or photoreceptors, the highest naetabolically active cells in
gold sparkles. A total of 10-15% of palienls may not be the retina, results in dilTusion of nutrients from the cho­
aware of symptoms unlil central vision is affected. Iliey roidal capillary circulation into the timer retina reducing
experience variability in their visual function and may the metabolic demand on the inner retina and consecu­
note worsening of vision during stress, 'ihere is a high tively narrowing the retinal arteries and veins. Posterior
incidence of relative myopia,4*2 'Ihe earliest fundoscopic polar cataract and ftne vitreous opacities or cells often
changes consist of gray-green discoloration of the RPE develop.''" ihis adds to visual loss. Classically, the mac­
giving a tapetal-like reflex, depigmentation of the RPE* ula has been described as being relatively normal and
mild narrowing of the peripheral retinal blood vessels, visual acuity is excellent until the later stages of the dis­
and migration of pigment inlo the overlying retina in ease. Recent investigation has revealed that 50% or more
a bone spicule pattern in a mid peripheral annular zone of patients at the lime of initial presentation w ill have
biomkroscopic and йЩмегарЫе evidence of macu­ j.40 Retinitis pignienlosa with Coats'-type response.
lar changes, including cvstoid macular edema (figure
A and B: This 40-year-old wom an from Iraq com plained of
epiretinal mera- difficulty SEiein^ a I nif^ht for mo№ than а у wars. Her visual
brane,.410, ,L 1 jnd atrophic dunces, in the RPE. Some acuily was 20/20 in each eye. Visual fields; w ere narrowed
degree of epiretinal membrane change in the macula is lo catft ГаI 20“ in e a d i nyu. LSolli up! к nerves w ere pale, Lhe
evident hi most patients wilh retinitis pigmentosa.'"" vessels were diffusely narrowed, the retEnaf pigment epithe-
Cystotd macular edema is visible bio microscopically in I]Lin? was alrcsphac everywhere tisocepl lhe rr>ScUJa and Еюпе
spicule pigment migration spared [he гпасиЕа^ typical of reti­
fewer than 10°Ъ of parents, in the author's experience. '['he
nal iu p igmenlosa (A and E3:-.
high incidence of 70% in 5S patients studied retrospec­
С and D : This 37-yenr-old man with an tt-уенг history of nyc­
tively by ]-et ken hour ant! associates'" probably reflects (he talopia developed evidence of relina I teEangiectasis inferfody
fact thal patients with central visual Joss are more likely Lo in ibe righl eye in IUS4 (C and L3). h:ole narrowing of ibe ret­
he referred for photographic studies. Iliose wilh cysloid inal vessels. ВеСДЙВй of progressiva ex:idalion be was 1шакчЗ
macular edema often have more cells than usual in the vit­ with ЬгагкнгТеfal с г у и р и у in 199Q;
reous. Although the incidence of eystoid macular edema E anti F: Devtflopmtinl of peripheral reLinaJ t^langiectAS^
and nuLjietinal exudation occurred in the fifth* eye of this
probably is higher in younger patienls showing minimal
patient durinjj] oireervalion for Гурjjc л I retinilis pigmentosa,
pigment migration into the relina, it may occur in ail age
2 + vitreous cells, and cysloid macular edema. The retinal
groups and in patients with typical pigmentary changes. In lelangiectasis was not present a I lhe Lime of miLial examina­
most patienls with subtle macular edema that is evident tion al йде 14 but davelopEid aL age Ifi yeeis ;Ы. There was
only angiograpbtcally in the paracentral area, visual acuily Extensive leakage d flu q ie s te in from retinal vessels in m acu­
is good. By the time cysts become visible bio microscopi­ lar and paramaculiH retina. The exudation seen in I. cleared
cally, die patients are complaining о floss of central Vision Spontaneously over a pwit?d of 3 years (FJ. In spile of chronit
cysloid macular edema she maintained 20/40 vasual acuity
and the acuity is usually 20/40 or less. Some patients with
during the IS years o f observation, ib e experienced gradual
chronic macular edema may letain good visual acuity for
Id s of peripheral vision, h e r electroretinogjam was extin­
many years (figure 5.42A-D). Most patienls wilh macular guished at ibe time of initial exam ma1 ion.
edema have 1+ or 2+ vitreous cells. E.oss of bnellen acuily
in some patienls is associated wilh atrophic WfE. changes
in lhe macula. This appears Lo occur more often in black
patients than while palienLs.Hfl
Kluorescein angiography often shoe's evidence of reti­ Continued
nal and oplic nerve capillary «illdiLLo ii. angiographic evi­
( t-L: Thin 22-уедг-old wom an whs a mumhtir of a family wilh
dence of retinal capillary leakage may be confined Lo the auLosamaF-dominanl retinitis pigmentosa. bhe had muderaleiy
macular area or the paracentral area in lhe vicinity of lhe severe changes ol roLinilin pigmentosa in bo’ li eyes i£il, w ilh
vascular arcades, or it may involve the entire fundus. In cycloid macular edema, dmionstratod on ihu angiogram (UK
those patients with visible cysts in the macula, most show Optical СопЁгегсе tomography confirmed lhe presence of
a polycystic pattern of staining typical of cysloid macular cysts in both macula (II and E2J. The inferior fundus showed
telangiectatic changes in [he Vessels w ilh lipid caudal ion and
edema. In some, hoxvever, no staining, minimal staining,
retinal detachment !|-l... Laser was applied in severaS sessions
or intermittent staining may occur (I'igure 5.42). Et is dif­
to both eyes; the rEghL eye responded wiLh resol ution Ы almost
ficult to determine whether mosl of the fluorescein stain­ all the lipid; however (he lelt eye continued Lo leak and Ihe
ing is derived from dye leaking from retinal capillaries or lipid exudation reached (he lovea Ln spite of m ulliple lasnr
from Lhe choriocapiHaris through abnormal RPE.53;|,5‘ia5ilL Ireal men Is. Her vision remained at 20Л0Й on Lhe righL and
Tluorescein angiography usually shows an increase in the 20.400 on the Ictr.
retinal circulation time and sharply outlined zones of
hyperfluorescence corresponding Lo the areas of atrophy
of lhe KPL. ]n some palients ihere may be a delay in lhe
development of choroidal hyperfluorescence in the area atrophic macular region, there is focal loss of the receptor
of Rl3h atrophy, indicating s-ome atrophy of die under­ cells, the outer limiting membrane, followed by degenera­
lying choriocapillaris. In others, the rapid development tion of the RPE and attenuation of the underlying chorio-
of the diffuse background choroidal fluorescence suggests capillaris (figure 5.4K1).
the underlying choriocapil laris is intact. Autofluorescence l.aige cystic spaces in the outer nuclear and outer plexi-
studies show decreased aulofluorescence corresponding form layens and smaller cysts Lying in the inner nuclear
to lhe involved K Pt and periphery, and a ring of increased layer encircling lhe central area similar lo that seen in
autofluorescence in the macula suggesting increased meta­ aphakic cystold macular edema have been described in
bolic activity and lipofuscin accumulation in the macular one patient with retinitis p ig m e n to s a .In a study of the
ЙРЕ cells (figure 5.3УС;, I ], K. and L). macuLas of 41 patients with all genetic types of retinitis
Recurrent serous detachment of the pigment epithe­ pigmentosa, Slone et al. " found evidence of some Loss
lium and retina, identical to that occurring in idiopathic of ganglion cells as well as the underlying receptor cells
central serous chorioretinopathy occurs as an infrequent (suggesting transsynaplic degeneration) but demonstraLed
compEication in palients with retinitis pigmentosa/*1"503 that many eyes, particularly those with dominantly inher­
Dr. Class has seen two such patients [figure 5.41A -C). ited retinitis pigmentosa, retain many ganglion cells even
ihese patients should be distinguished from palients With in lhe presence of marked loss of the underlying receptor
chronic idiopathic central serous chorioretinopathy, who cells (I'igure 5.41]). Ultrastructural studies of the vitreous
occasionally develop pigmentary changes that resemble of patients with retinitis pigmenlosa have revealed the
sector retinitis pigmentosa but that ,ue caused by long­ presence of RPE cells, uveal melanocyteSr retinal astrocytes..
standing dependent peripheral zones of serous retinal lymphocytes, and macrophage-like cells....... ■ '
detachment (see i'igure 3.06 and 3.07). Kolb and Gouras on the basis of electron microscopic
liislopathologic examination of eyes of patients With studies suggested lhal the melanocytes collecting around
retinitis pigmentosa have shown degeneration of the reti­ retina] blood vessel in retinitis pigmentosa may be uveal
nal receptor elements, depigmenlation of the Rl’Ei, migra­ m elan o cytes.' Et is difficult, however, to explain why
tion of RPL cells into the overlying retina, particularly in uveal melanocytes- which are poorly reactive cells, would
the perivascular areas, hyalinizalion and thickening of migrate into lhe relina and vitreous. It is more likely that
the retinal vessel walls, diffuse atrophy of the whole ret­ these are К PL celts that undergo a me! amo rp hosts thal
ina, and gliosis {figure 5А\С-1).:^ 7^ Г:-12-Гм 'Ihese simulates uveal melanocytes. The prcdileclion for these
changes are usually mosl prominent in the mid periph­ ftPL cells to accumulate around lhe retinal blood vessels
eral fundus. The RPE and choriocapil Laris are preserved accounts for the bone corpuscular patterns of pigment
during the early course of these changes. Liter (he RPE seen ophthalmoscopically. Newsome and Michels found
becomes atrophic and there may be partial obliteration that the predominant vitreous cell type in retinitis pigmen­
of the choriocapil laris. Degeneration in the pigment epi­ tosa was the lymphocyte, most of which were T cells."’''1
thelium and retina are probably of primary importance in They were unable lo determine whether the vitreous cells
causing (he atrophy of (he choriocapil laris. 'l|f "lh As (he played an aclive role in the pathogenesis of the retinitis
disease spreads posteriorly there is gliosis of the optic disc pigmentosa. The presence of Г cells in the vitreous may be
with extension of a fibrocellular glial membrane on Lo the largely the result of breakdown in the blood-ocular barrier
anterior surface of the retina [E'igure 5.41 H ).41'1 ' " in the ihat occurs in retinitis pigmentosa.'''
Several subtypes of retinitis pigmentosa due to various з. 4 E Re tinit is pig me ntosa and с enlra I se rous
gene defects can show a variable appearance of the RPL ch ori orel ino pathyb
change. A type of relinilis pigmentosa With REE preserva- A —C : Recurrent episodes o f idiopathic central serous. reLi-
ticm is seen in patients with Crumbs homo log I (C tfJi?) nopalihv associated with m ultiple serous detachments of
от CHl/.VfB gene defect (See figure &.43G and H ] Some the retinal pi^rnt'nl ebtlheJjum ((№E: arrows, A and Cl
patients show very little migration of pigmenL epilhe- in bolb uyes occurred in this i 0-year-old w om an w ilh
Lial cells* called retinitis pigmentosa sine pigmenti. Those relinilis p4gnrenUfca sine piemen 11 and а г exIinguishcHJ
elcjt/l rorel i nofttam.
patients with autosomal-recessive retinitis pigmentosa
have earlier onset of symptoms Hind findings. Women, Late onset retinitis pigmentosa,
who are X-linked curriers, can show a variable amount D-F: Long-standing “late-onser retinitis piyrnenlosa
of involvement. Sometimes involvement is sectoral and occurred in this ii6-ytar-old w om an w h o w;ls asymptomatic
occasionally it is extensive. Irregular lyonization of cells uniii 3- months prioT to ibes*! piclures. Her family hittc]jv was
n e^ilive. Her visual acu ily was 20/25 riyjil eve and 20/Й0
es responsible for the varying degrees of symptoms in
left eye. b-Uu- had marked conctjhllfic conslriclion of the visual
feiitale carriers of X-linked recessive retiniLis pigmentosa.
fiefds bi laterally. Angiography revealed relative preservation
Peri central retinitis pigmentosa patients have most of the □f the Rh’E centrally and mild intraretinal staining in the cen ­
findings related to the in id peripheral fundus around the tral macular area of both eyes :b and Hi.
arcades. Sectoral retinitis pigmentosa was first described in G - J: HisLopathologv oJ retinitis pigmentosa. .МасиГаг area
1937. These patients generally have fine shiny crystals in IG ' i show Mg yjflensive atrophy of Lhe receptor cull laytir that
addition to the sectoral consideration of the photorecep­ is Ihimied Lo one cell I hackness i.arru^vH., and mild degen­
eration of I be K! hafc and slight attenualifitt of lhe chor:of:ap-
tor loss. Several of the patients can progress from cone to
: laris. M id peripheral fundub 'H and li showing exlensive
cone-rod degeneration.
j^li tjsi-s and atrophy of the lelina, inlrarelinal migralion ol' K F t
Associated findings in typical retinitis pigmentosa include around sclerosed retinal blood vessels, atrophy of Lhe KFE
congenital deafness ft|sher's syndrome) that may or may and chcmocapiHarih 11own: arrow I, and celiular epirelinal
not be associated with other evidence of centra! nervous sys­ membrane ■;upper ^rrow, IJ. H ig h -power v ie w showing ^ilre-
tem abnormalities^2^ - 5™ vttlligp,50®'536-5^'554'557 and cal­ uus cell filled with m-elanin pigmenl I).
cific nod uIar d ruse n w ilh in the optic ne rve head 19 ^ 5isr'H iA-t.. fcfim
Calcified bodies on the optic nerve head in patients
wilh retinitis pigmenLosa have been attributed lo hyaline and remained above 90% through the fifth decade in the
bodies (drusen) by some4’ 5r5S* and lo astrocytic hamarto­ latter type. Patienls with dominant disease can retain cen­
mas by others.1"'1 r'2'' The evidence in favor of the for­ tral vision beyond the age of 60 years.
mer is more convincing. A number of distinct mutations in lhe rhodopsin gene
RetiniLis pigmentosa may be inherited in any one of the have been identified in different families with autosomal-
three classic modes. There is a general tendency for earlier dom inant retinitis pigm entosa.'" и 4.5м,5*г-я?а l he re is
and more severe involvement in those showing X-Jinked evidence lhal some cases of dominant retiniLis pigmentosa
recessive and autosoma I-recessive modes of inheri- are the result of mutations in the retina! degeneration slow
There are notable excep­ {HDi') gene on chromosome 6. *Ts Rosenfeld et al. reported
tions Lo the genera! rule that (he disease in families with a rhodopsin gene defect in one family wilh autosomal-
dominant inheritance is m ilder.""' Clients with X-]inked recessive retinitis p ig m e n to s a .DisLinct mutations have
disease are usually almost blind by the age of 30-^0 years*. not been identified in patienls wilh X-l inked retinitis pig-
whereas many affected patients with autosomal-recessive menLosa. ^ 1'^ (acobson et al. found discernible differ­
disease or no fautiLy history of disease retain central vision ences in the pattern of retinal dysfunction in patienls with
until they are 45-60 years o !d .':" 11 An alteration in different rhodopsin mutations.1'1"
sperm axoneme is present in patients with X-linked retini­ A natural course study of retinitis pigmentosa иnasso­
tis pigmentosa .Sfil-56J Almost 100% of the female carriers ciated wilh systemic disease showed significant decline of
of X-l inked retinitis pigmentosa cut be identified on the full-fieId LRt; amplitudes over a 3-year period in 77% of
basis of either or both fundus and ERG changes.',tJ '['he patients with delectable levels al baseline.' u Patients lost
fundus changes include tape to-! ike reflex in the macula., an average of 16-1 £.5% of remaining £RG amplitudes per
isolated regions of peripheral retina! degeneration, and year and 4.6% of remaining visual field per year.
occasional]}' widespread retina! degeneration. Most patients with relinilis pigmentosa have myopia
Some authors have subdivided patients with domi­ except for those with early-onset autosomal-dominant ret­
nantly Inherited retinitis pigmentosa into two primary initis pigmentosa with nanophlhalmos, Ijber's congen­
subgroups: one having diffuse pigmental ion. concentric ital amaurosis, and preserved para-arterial RPK. ( figure
visual field loss, and no recordable TRC, the other with 5.43C and H ).'1,8*1
regionalized pigmentation, sectoral held toss, and some Autoimmune responses have been detected in many
recordable ER & 5J5^ fi°j56*"Sb7 th e cumulative probabil­ degenerative ocular diseases, including relinilis pigmen-
ity of maintaining a visual acuily of 20/40 or belter over tosar but their role in the pathogenesis of retinitis pigmen­
each decade of life decreased rapidly in the former type tosa is unknown .’’11'"'''"'1
Ib e iE is no proven effective treatment to slow the loss ЬЛ2 Relinitis pigmentosa: response of cystoid
of visual function in patients wilh retinitis pigmentosa. A macular edema (CME} to acetazolamide.
randomized trial of vitamin A {1 5000 ELl/day) and vita­ A —F: Tinii ? 5-yea г-oEd African Am erican m ale had a. best-
min i. (400 lU/'day) supplementation for retin Elis pigmen­ corrticLt'd visual acuity o f 20/80 a r d 2Q/7D. In addition Id
tosa showed a beneficial effect of vitaitiin A in regard lo the peripheral plgmenLary retinopathy,. a large central cyst
jfihibiting decline of JiliCI amplitudes* but it failed lo dem­ suncmnded by a few зтаГ1 Lysis- w ere presen L in both macu-
onstrate any benefit in slowing the course of toss of visual Eas (A and Bj. O ptical coherence tomography docum ented
the cystoid m acular edema in e a d j eve tC and D^. He was
field 'Ehe results of the trial suggest an adverse effect
treated with oral aoelazolam ide 250 mg (hree times a day,
of vitamin H on the course of retinitis pigmentosa. Lfse of
which he toleraled well. EiLjhI weeks Liter bfs visjorc had
oral acelazolamide and melhazolamide and topical doraol- improved to 20/40 and 21V.10 nes-pectivelvr ihe cysts had
amide for the treatment of chronic cystoid macular edema decreased significantly in both eyes (E and Fj. Acetazolam ide
in patients with retinitis pigmentosa has been beneficial in was conlinued a I I he same dose fur 2 more months and
some cases.,L' 3n some cases acuity improves without slowly lapered (ail over llie nest ? month s. Tht! CM b recurred
demonstrable improvement in the degree of angiographic once he cam e off the aoefaj!oraniide and he w as ккр1 or>
m aintenance dose of il from I hen onwards. The cys-L in the
fluorescein Leakage, '['he mectianism seems to be via stimu­
right eye persisted, but the left eye remained resolved.
lation of the pump function of the KE4i. Results of a scat­
ter pattern of grid laser treatment for cystoid macular edema Usher's syndrome.
in a small series of patients with retinitis pigmentosa are G —|: A bS-year-old older brother has been follow ed for
unimpressive, and risks of this treatment in patients with Usher's syndrome for more lhan 20 уел гг. HLs visuaE acuity
has remained at h a n d motions for Lhe p a s l 20 years. Holh
only a limited peripheral field are high.0^' there is some
eyrre h a d estunsive relinal a t r o p h y , including l h e macula ilh
hope for the therapeutic # u e of Iratisplantation of retinal
bone corpuscles retinal piemen I epi I helium :F iP f n_jjura­
tissues and gene therapy for retinitis pigmentosa and mac­ tion '.CJ and H:-. His b4-year-old younger brother h a d 20/400
ular degenerative disorders. I'ranssderal transplantation vision t n each eye. The o p l i c nerves w ere p a l e bilaterally;
of RE31: into the subrelinal space of animals has retarded vessels were narrowed w ilh exLensive pigment migration ir>
photoreceptor degeneration in the vicinity of the trans- еле I: eye It and |J. The m acula had some preservation of KPb
plaEtt. itansfer of correctixre genes into the subrelinal space L h a t a c c u u n L E h d for t h e 2fV400 v i s i o n .

by the use of viral vectors is another possible strategy for

former.'"'' ']"hough von Craefe first described the condition
therapy. Tissue growth factors appear to inhibit or slow
in Charles U slier, a British ophthalmologist, noticed
the rale of hereditary retinal degeneration in anim als.^
the hereditary nature of the disorder.
AlLhough studies of patients wilh diabetes and relinitis
Usher syndrome can be divided into three major
pigmentosa have shown a protective effect of the latter in
groups, lhe two most fret]Lient forms are types ] and 19. Iti
regard lo the development of diabetic proliferative retinopa­
type I. there is profound congenital sensorineural deafness
thy, optic disc and relinal neovascularization does occasion­
resulting in prelingual deafness and speech impairment.
ally occur ■ ' ' ' When relinal neovascularization occurs in
Vestibular symptoms and childbood-onsel retinopathy
diabetics wilh relinitis pigmentosa, it usually develops in
accompany (he deafness. 'IVpe II is characterized by par­
the periphery al the junction of perfused and non perfused
tial or profound, but non progressive, deafness, absence of
relina. Ilicrc ;> EH'gjUve associ.ition ■■:' rbegmatogenoLis
vestibular symptoms and milder, laler-onse! retinopalhy.
retinal detachment in patients wilh retinitis pigmentosa. "0"
The least common is type III, in which there is progressive
Recent studies With implantable chips thal function as reti­
deafness starting late in the second lo fourth decade of life
nal receptors are in progress. Elapid and extensive expanse in
onset of retinopathy in adult life, and hypermetropic astig-
genotyping and genetherapy processes is likely Lo result in
matism.:'u' lype LIE resembles type El except for progressive
novel therapeutic approaches for these patients in the near
worse]i ing of hearing.
Approximately 3-6% of persons have profound pre-
Lleclrorelinography dark-adaptation studies, and auto­
iingual deafness of type 3 Usher syndrome, lype il Usher
mated light- and dark-adapted perimetry are useful in the
is more common and accounts for about two-thirds of
diagnosis, classification, and follow-up of patients with
■ ЧГ - i №М patlenls. 'Eype Ell constilutes less lhan 20%. 'lhe tR ti is
ret milts pigtnenLosa.
nondelectable in alt groups early on in life Occasionally
a Lype El Usher can have cerebellar atrophy resulting in
Usher Syndrome ataxia. Type Ш has been associated with psychotic symp­
Usher syndrome is an autosoma I-recessive disorder of toms and magnetic resonance imaging (MRE) changes
deafnessr often congenital, combined wilh features typi­ associated with this*fiQ4,6flS rIhe disorder is genetically and
cal of retinitis pigmentosa []:igure 5.42С1 to |). Cystic or clinically heterogeneous and at least nine genetic loci have
atrophic macular changes are seen earlier in patients with been identified. Usher type E has six different gene loci,
Usher's than typical retinitis pigmentosar and are more mapping Lo Mq32. H q l3 , 11p 15, ]0q, 2lq2l and chro­
prevalent in type E (61% ) than type El (32%J, most likely mosome 10. Usher type 11 has been mapped to 1ц41, Зр..
due to the more severe and earlier involvemeEit in (he and 5q. and others have been postulated.1"
! лггпп— шщйфр^у1gjjfpj tjjjj'
Cochlear implants can be placed in profoundly deaf j . 4 3 Retinitis pigmentosa with unusual peripheral
children and lhis has helped their speech. Usher syndrome relinal changes.
can be mistaken for rLibella retinopalhy due lo lhe deaf­ Д -С : lietinilis punctata albescens in a 12 -y p flk l Id man w ilh
ness and pigmentary changes. However, an ERG w ill be nyctaEopia, progressive loss of peripheral vision, and m ul­
useful in confirming lhe diagnosis of Usher's. Other syn­ tiple, discrete, round, white flecks at Ihe level Ы the relinal
dromes lhal can be associated with deafness and pigmen­ pigment Epilhelium I HP E- in the peri centra I чэ-геа i'A l These
tary retinopathy include infantile Refsum disease, adult flecks w ere more numerous and smaller in the mid periph­
eral area where there we/e m ore advanced alnophic changes
Refsum disease, (iocayne syndrome. tiardet-ftiedl syn­
in the RPfc and retina. Note lhe narrowing ol lhe relinal ves­
drome, Alstrom disease, Flynn^-Aird syndrome, Friedreich's
sels 16 . Angiography revealed widespread dupi^menlalion of
ataxia, and Kearns-Sayre syndrome. ihe K P t lhat was more marked peripherally Ю .
D -F: Peculiar perrvatt Lrlar and ^eogranhii (jttfctribiiEtin of
Typical Pigmentary Retinal Dystrophy subreHnal w hile lesions i> - H i in a wom an with nyctalopia
and evidence of a lapetorelinaE degeneral ion.
with Coats' Syndrome G and H: Periarlerial sparing of Lhe pLgmenL epithelium and
Some patients with typical sporadic or familial reti­ an O^uchj-l i ke metaEEic refte> in lh e periphery o f a healthy
8-year-old hoy w ilh nyctalopia, on;-el of progressive visual
nitis pigmentosa, usually during adulthood, may
loss al age 5 years, and an eHlingurshed eleclrofetinogram.
develop yellowish subnelinal exudation derived pri­
His visuaT acu ily was 2 0(i bilaterally. 1hero was no nys­
marily from lhe peripheral retinal vessels and present tagmus. lie had Ihree norm л I sib lin g . There was n-o histciry
wilh a Coats' syndrome picture {figure 5.40C-E-' and of c(Hisa n^uinity.
G-L).Jfl7,j1H,'l ^ijMfl,slu,,5Cl?,Sl1,5li'-bl,7"SQ* Tbe exudative detach­ i—l i 1hree-dimensional ]ace3il;e network ^>1" white relinal
ment may be confined lo the peripheral fundus, or it may capillaries l|-l.i in a 34-year-old wom an with л Iifelony his­
be massive and extend inlo lhe posterior pole. Total reti­ tory o f nyctalopia, severe loss of peripheral visual field, and
,m extinguished eleclroretinogTan^. She had a sisler w ilh
nal detachment may occasionally occur.6'11' J-'ocal areas of
Lhe same ocular disorder. Her visuaJ acuiLy was 2(1/60 in
irregular telangiectatic dilation of the retinal blood ves­
the eye and 20''5D letl eye. Her eleclrorelinogram wag
sels, and occasionally angiomatous proliferation of reti­ eKlingnished bilalerally.
nal capillaries, occur usually in Lhe peripheral fundus on
a background of the typical finding of retinitis pigmen­
tosa. Fluorescein angiography may show widespread evi­
dence of capillary leakage in lhe retina in areas outside lelangiectasia, the most frequent cause of Goats' syn­
as well as within the area of exudative retinal detach­ drome. Dr. Gass has observed it developing in one patient
ment. Cystoid macular edema is usually presenL. the during follow-up for a unilateral localised area of pseudo-
exudation may be self-limited (Figure 5.40E and K), or it retinilis pigmentosa change caused by trauma. Mutations
may be progressive anti result iti extensive loss of vision. in the Cfi£! J gene have been found in Ь5Уо of palients with
Ihese patients require pholocoagulation and cryotherapy Goals'-type retinilis pigmentosa, lhe condition has been
to control the exudation [Rgure 5 40]-l.J. lhis exudative seen in palients as young as 4 years and in patients with
response may also be the cause of massive segmental reti­ Usher syndrome type I1.Q 11 fil"
nal gliosis in these palients.'1'1 IlisLopathologic findings
in one case revealed evidence of communication of cho­ A T Y P IC A L F O R M S O F R E T IN IT IS
roidal blood vessels ivilh tbe oVEriying exudative retinal
mass.1'1-1 h is uncertain whether this communication is of P IG M E N T O S A _________________________
primary importance in causing relinal exudation or occurs "Atypical pigmentary relinal dystrophy” is a term applied
only secondarily after a long-standing exudative retinal lo relinal dystrophies lhal are closely related Lo typical reti­
detachment. nitis pigmentosa and in some cases are incomplete forms
Angiographic evidence of retinal vascular leakage, of the disease.
either confined to lhe macular area or involving the
entire fundus, has been frequently observed in retinitis
pigmentosa/^-1, as well as a variety of olher atypical
Leigh Syndrome {NARP Syndrome)
tapeloretinnil dystrophies, cone dystrophy, rod-cone dys­ Leigh syndrome is a hereditary neurodegenerative disorder
trophy. Slargandl's macular dystrophy, and familial exuda- of infancy or childhood, and is characterised by develop­
ifve vilreoreLinopalhy. it is probable that massive yellowish mental delay, psycho mo tor regression, signs of brainstem
exudative deLachment in patients with retinitis pigmentosa dysfunction, lactic acidosis, and symmetrical necrotizing
represents an unusually severe alteration in the relinal vas­ lesions in the basal ganglia on the brainslem ]he clinical
cular permeability lhat can probably occur in any of the course is variable wiLb mosl cases of a poor outcome wilh
inheritance patterns of retinitis pigmentosa. ЧЪе frequency progressive neurological deterioration Eeading lo death
of bilateralilv, adult onset, and absence of sex predileclion Within months or years, 'lhe definitive diagnosis depends
suggest strongly that this exudative response in patients on MR] changes, described as hyperinlense lesions of the
wilh relinitis pigmentosa is unrelated lo congenital retinal put amen and the brainstem.
№AHF syndrome is typically caused by defects of the j.44 Bothnia dystrophy.
mitochondrial enzymes Including pyruvate dehydroge­
A: A 1.‘i -year-old male with ni^ht blindness ^-ince parly (.hild-
nase and complexes 1, 2, and 4 of the respiratory chain. haod, with 20/20 vision in berth eyes. Visual fields were lull
In most cases, the deficiencies are due Lo mutations in bilaberamG rod responses w e n 1 undeLectable, minted rod and
the nuclear genes ,ind coding subunits of the completes cone response's were poor, and lhe CORife reSfHJnatJ Was sub­
PL>HAlr and M )J ЕЛ, proteins implicated with assembly of normal. Left eye shows uni form w hite dots resembling flecks
complexes such as SURJ-'l and LRPPRC. In addition, mito­ o f fundus albrpunclatus (A). The severely diminished s c d -
topiE find phc>tc.hpiс amplitudes di fteren Ii ale il 1тот Ktfidus
chondrial 1DNA mutations are important causes of tiig h
syndrome. А ГЗЗЭЗС! mitochondrial DMA inula Lion is a
В and C: Hi is 16-yea r-okl female w ilh a visual acuity of
cause of Ijeigh syndrome."11-015 2 0 3 0 both eyes bad a relative rinj^ scotonii5 and suffered
The clinical picLure is variable, and some patients have nj^ht blindness мпсе смг1у childhood. Her rod and mixed
a milder phenoLype. Iliese patients who do not fulfill all rod and cony responses w ere undetectable and the to n e
the criteria Гог l^igb syndrome, are classified as ].eigb-like Responses w ere subnormal. The fundus shows aiffuse
syndrome, and they have a better prognosis but a lower ^lisLenin^ pun cl и ate white dols interspersed w ilh hyperpi^-
mented doLs (B and Cl.
biochemical and molecular diagnostic yield than patients
D ап-d Ibis 26-year-old fem ale With history of nighl blind­
with E.eigh syndrome. The phenotypic variation in lhe
ness since early childhood and progressive loss o! central
mitochondrial ЕЖ А mutation is due Lo heteroplasmy or vision had a visual acuity of 2&2Q0 botfi eyes. bhows ai:
variable affection of the mitochondria! E>NA mulattons.^1' older phenoLype Ы KoLhnia rivslrophy with fliffclsely allered
Jhe A-f'iLATJ45 gene encoding lo subunit 6 of the adenosine pigmentation of her fundus i'15) and peripberaI islands of
triphosphate symhase complex S is the commonest DNA ^eojjraphic atrophy Tesemblin-i^ ^yrale atrophy (Ё). Her visual
gene mutation seen in cases wiLh NAKP. Ibe J^ y^ j gene fields showed relative central and paraccnLral scfrtomas. The
rod and mixed responses were undetectable and the cone
muLation is the commonest [nutation seen.'014
responses w ere low.
Some patients are known to improve significandy after
f and G : A 3C)-yoar-<jld jwOman w ilh distinct pu n d alij white
lfi-1 a yens of age.0,1' 'Itiis may be due lo the decrease in Lhe dots in lhe macula and diffusely mottled pigment eprtheEium
mutational load wilh age that has been observed in some OLMside lhe m acula [F a ltd Cj'. Her vision was £L¥1DD ri I
patients. rlhe ocular changes that have been seen in these eye and count finders left eye. ih e had hi la Lera I Central sco­
patients can be variable, bull's-eye maculopathy has been dis­ tomas and undmectnbrE rod and cone геуропкен.
covered in an infant with Ijeigb's disease noted al the age of H: A 42-year-old female with 2-0/200 vision in both eyes,
undeleclable rcjd and cone eiedrOrelinOgrajns w ilh white
ft months. In niddilion, lhe relinal arterioles are diffusely nar­
dols all ovei the fundus and toveal atrophy (H,!1-
rowed wilh consecutive pallor of the optic disc,|иа consisLent
IvJ-ULirl.-L-jyC.-I Ur. 01,1 ^Lincl^run ,ind l>r. iVLlflr !1l|--.1L'(il
with diffuse loss of photoreceptors. Optic atrophy, nystag­
mus, strabismus, ophthalmoplegia along with developmen­
tal delay, hypotonia, seizures*, and psychomotor regressions
are all features of Leigh's disease. I.eigh's disease should be zones of depigmenbitiou of the ЙРЁ not readily apparent
considered in Lhe differential diagnosis of neurologjcally ophthalmoscopically. ] Eislopathologically, the changes
impaired infants presenting with a bull's-eye maculopathy. are si mil ar but less severe than those in typical retiniLis
pigmentosa. I'll ere is evidence of pigment migration into
the retina but in amounts insufficient to be detected
Retinitis Pigmentosa Sine Pigmenti
op h(hal moscopica I Ly.
Patients with otherwise typical retinitis pigmentosa may
show minimal or no evidence of pigmenl migration into Preserved Para-arterial RPE in Retinitis
the retina (Ttgure lleariman and associ­
ates1,-v have presented evidence to suggest that the absence
of pigment migration represents an initial stage of typical Jfecken lively reported five patients with relinilis pigmen­
retiniLis pigmentosa and is manifested by shorLer dura- tosa. probable autosomal-recessive inheritance, hyper-
Lion of symptoms, less severe nighL blindness, and less melropia, and preservation of the R Pt beneath the retinal
impairment of the electroretinographic b-wave. Eiecause arteries in areas of otherwise severe pigment epilhelial and
some patients may initially be seen with visual loss sec­ retinal aLrophy [Figure S.43С and Mutations
ond ary to cystoid macular edema or with field defects in the (GltBl gene have been reported in a variely of
simulating arcuate scotomala. these patients may be mis­ autosomal-recessive retinal dystrophies, including retinitis
diagnosed as having a neurologic disease or glaucoma. pigmentosa wilh preserved para-arteriolar EiE^,1'-22 relinilis
The ophthalmoscopic findings of waxy pallor of the opiic pigmentosa with Coals'-Jike exudative vasculopatby, early-
di&Cr a glistening reflex secondary Lo epirelinal membrane onsel RPK wilh preserved para-arterial RPE (PPR PE), and
change, a greenish or gray tapelo-like reflex from the JjebeKs congenital amaurosis.f,J^IL appears that loss of func­
altered RPE, and slight narrowing of the retinal arterioles tion of members of the CRB/Cfijfi complex in Drowpitila and
should alert the clinician to inquire concerning symp­ vertebrate retina results in typical architectural disorganisa­
toms of night blind ness and to obtain elec trap bysio logic tion and light-induced degeneration. The alterations occur
studies, Kluorescein angiography is helpful in detecting at the RPG photoreceptor level and also at the Muller cells.
Retinitis Punctata Albescens (RPA) i,-l> Newfoundland rod-cone degeneration (NFRCD).

RPA is mostly an autosomal-recessive conditit)n (rarely A iind B: Ibis 47-v-rw-ukl m-iika w js inito|igalEid for hypor-
rt?il-c!x.i.1 nnd <ihnomi;il ^iiC iti 1993 In 2000. u^Lil dlj^hir^ntp
dominant}*^1 with multiple small gray or while dols that
Worsened And ,i reLinaf degeneration was п-oted. LerciEreJlar
resemble lhe flecks of fundus albipunctatus. Confinement
mid cerebral atrophy was foLfnd on maj;i>Eflic roat]minte
of lhe flecks lo the region iust outside the macula (not ima^in^ in 2001 r and by 2007. lh e spabLrdty Lonfined him
reaching the periphery), progressive night blindness, nar­ Lo л wheol thisi r. Me w^s found to h,ivu puricLaLE* whiltf
rowing of relinal vessels, loss of peripheral field, and ail over lhe Гиги:Jus \early slag,e) with some patches c l relinal
appearance of pigment spicules differentiate it from pigment epithelium/cburiDcapilLdry atrophy (A and tJl. O n e
fundus albipunctatus {figure 5_43A-C)j467'3S3'625-*2'' sister had similar history and findings Lind two olEit'r siblings
find faiirenis Were и п .;Mec I ud. His jod etectrpbetinogram
Intermediate forms of these disorders exist.
f 1лL Sind tone? responses were? diminished.
RPA is mostly associated wilh mutations in
НЛД^Зг'1*410^"^1 and occasionally in KDS, and
ЙОН:5 g e n e s . I here is a wide genetic heterogene­
ity amongst a reasonable phenotypic uniformity in ihis
condition. Various mutations in lhe R LB Pl gene have and increased i пэр licit times for rod and rod-cone func­
heen found, and in some cases none of the known muta­ tion early, and progressive cone dysfunction laler on.
tions is positive.1 , ilolhnia dystrophy and Nl^RCD closely Individuals heterozygous for the mutation show near­
rtoembJe RPA in many features and the gene affected is normal EiRG amplitudes and implicit limes. E:OC is sub­
however the mulattoiis are different j&Om normal in all patients.:,4°-,b,u
those known for RPA. It is a unique auLosomal-recessive rod-cone retinal dys­
The differential diagnosis includes basal laEninar trophy first described in the Etothnia Occidental is region of
drusen, fundus llavimaculaLus., isbetalipoproteinemia.. Vasterbotten county of non hern Sweden, with a high prev­
oxalosis, cyslinosis, talc emboli, Alporl's syndrome, can- alence of I per 4500 population, lhe disorder is caused
thaxanthine retinopathy, and fundus xerophlhaimicus. by a mutation in the R LB Pl gene mapped to chromosome
Other types of leeks and peculiar color changes of the I5q2ft, encoding the human cellular retinaldehyde-bind-
peripheral retina occasionally occur in patients with reLini- ing protein (CElAE.iiPj. Patients affected by Bothnia dystro­
tis pigmentosa (figure 5.43!>-].). phy are homo^gous for a C-lo-T transition in exon 7 of
(he Ri.tfPJ gene, leading to an arginine lo tryptophan sub­
stitution al position 234 of the protein (EiI34W ). C RA lBP
Bothnia Dystrophy is located in the RP!\, Muller cells, ciliaiy body pigment
Jhe onset, is in early childhood wilh symptoms of night epithelium, outer epithelium of the iris, cornea, the optic
blindness when the retina appears normal. Hunctale while nerve, and pineal gland. En the КГЕi it functions as the car­
dots of RPA appear in leenage and young adults (Figure rier protein for endogenous retinoids such as 11-ci'j-retinol
5.44A). Macular pigment deposits (E'igure 5.4 4B, Cj fol­ involved in the visual cycle. Defect in the gene leads
lowed by macular atrophic changes occur next (Figure lo defective binding of 11-сез relinaldehyde, thus prevent­
5.44D. il). This is followed by paracenlral and mid ing its regeneration, and subsequently loss of rod func-
peripheral round chorioretinal atrophic lesions resembling lion.:' "" 3le et a I. found R23 4W displays fivefold increased
gyrate atrophy [E:igure 5.44E:) and narrowing of retinal ves­ resislance to light-i nduced photo isomerization relative lo
sels. Widespread pigment epithelial migration in the form wild-type GRAE.liP, caused by unanticipated domino-like
of bone spicules occurs occasionally. Visual acuity progres­ structural rearrangements causing Bothnia-type retinal
sively declines wilh age, leading to legal blindness by (he dystrophy by (he impaired release of 114'i.c-retin,d from
fourth decade of life. I hose whose vision never develops R234W'':-
beyond lU/iiU show nystagmus. Premature cataract has nol Other mutations in the gene have been
been a feature. Muorescein angiography shmvs mottled described: R]50Q in exon 5 in three patients from India
transmission defects from Rl]H atrophy.< :"w' and in patients from Saudi Arabia, three additional muta­
Visual fields are normal in young patients; gradu­ tions in a small family of Eiuropean ancestry and two
ally increasing central scotomas develop in the teens splice junction mutations, one of which causes .NI:RCL}.
or in young adults, eventually Eeaving only peripheral Most of these patients present with white flecks, peripheral
islands of visual field. Color vision is affected early and degenerative changes, and maculopathy and resemble the
worsens with age. L>ark adaptation studies show abnor­ phenolype of Bothnia dyslnuphyr except NI-'RCl), which
malities of both rod and cone function that progressively has an earlier onset and more rapid progression and so far
worsen, Eilectrorelinography shows decreased amplitudes has nol developed the macular areolar atrophy."36j6J 1tj4]
Newfoundland Rod-Core Dystrophy IA j Continued

Symptoms begin in infancy with night blindness, followed C—L: This pa Lien L w ilh NFK.CD had confluent peripheral and
in id pufiphufril lacunar atrophy ir> bodi eyes i m idsla^e, C
by progressive loss of periphery central, and color visit)n
end Angiogram showing ^moth-eaten" retinal pigjneni
in childhood, resuUing in severe visuaE Iон by the second epithelium jn Lhe mat ul;i Lind loss Ы cJioriocapill aris in Lhe
to fourth decade of life. Several while dols similar to fun­ areas ol" lacuna г atrophy, Com posite images show Lhe enteriL
dus punctata albescens/fund us albipunclatus and Bothnia лг>Н dis^ribulion of the atrophy in lhe midperi pinery in holh
dyslruphy may be seen in lhe posterior pole and midpe­ eyes ( ( j — Five yea re Iл Lew, Lhe Eacunar atrophy appears sta­
riphery in ьогае patients, hi contrail to Bothnia dystrophy, ble without pnojireshion inLo the m acula in bulh eyes [] and
where macular involvemenl occurs early, the macula in Kj. Visual Field defccLs correspond Iо the lacunar atrophy
with ring scotomas early in the disease, but o nly remaining
N R iC l) is normal or exhibits a 'beaten-bronze* atrophy. A
temporal field w hen the di-sease is ad vances ana elctends lo
perimacuSar ring of white stippling simitar to that in RPA Lhe m acula (Li.
is observed in young patients, and a scallop-bordered geo­
К Ч 'И Г Ь л у ( j f I J r J . t n i L - ! W h f c 'I . l N
graphic atrophy of the mid peripheral ItPE develops over
time {Figure 5.45A and 'Lliis is similar in appear­
ance to early gyrate atrophy, choroideremia, and Bothnia
dystrophy; however, plasma ornithine levels are normal.
Clalaracls have not been documented, myopia is not seen of the disease. Color vision defects are initially mild red/
consistently, and glaucoma has nol been identified. Roue green with or wilhoul blue/yelloxv defects, but this pro­
spicule pigmentation is nol seen, optic discs are either nor­ gresses rapidly Lo eventual loss of color perception. I here
mal or show trace pallor until late slage, and only mild are however exceptions where palients in iheir 30s or 4Lls
attenuation of retina! vessels is seen in advanced disease have only mild to moderate color vision defeels.6ia
[Figure 5 .4 5 ф к),^ * Llie area in Newfoundland in which lhe majority
The EiRC rod responses are selectively reduced early, and of affected paLients reside is wilh in a Ю-mile (IG-km)
the EftG rod and cone responses are both extinguished in radius. Most inhabitant here migrated from southwest­
advanced disease, 'lhe early visual field defect is a ring sco- ern England in the mid Ifclh century, and tbe popula­
Loma close to fixation rather than in lhe mid peripheral tion has remained fairly isolated till recently. A single
field seen in dassic relinitis pigmentosa (l:igure 5.45L). common ancestor has not been identified. Two Н1.БГ1
CenlraE visual acuity may be as good as 20/20-20/60, splice junction mutations are responsible for WFRCD,
although the ceuira! field may be less than 5q. lhe rate at whereas missense mutations of NLHPJ are responsible
which the ring scoLoma widens and becomes a complete for UFA, Bothnia dvstrophy, and autosomal-recessive
centraE scotoma is an indicator of the rate of progression
Bietti's Crystalline Tapetoretinal B le ttri crystalline tapetoretinal dystrophy.

Dystrophy A—D : Atypical pijgfneritiry njlinal dystrophy asiiod^led ^vilh

widespfead subretinal crystalline deposits in a 54-year-old
Puli ems xviib BLetlf's crystalline tapetoretinal dystrophy, man of Italian descent w tio had recently noted paracen­
usually males, are Liiittally seen In middle age because of tral Hi'ulomas in both eyfis* His visual acuiby was. normal.
slowly progressive loss of vision frequency unassociated Note lhe relative bafjfefty of u v s la llin e ВД ЁЫ нт in those
with nyctamfea.^J-&53 ]n lhe early slaves of lhe disease areas of geographic atrophy of the relinal pigmenl epithe­
fundoscopic examination repeals a striking fundoscopic lium (RFE) (A and B). Visual field defects corresponded
with the areas oE R PE Q EpiKltenlation. The corneas and
picture characterised by the presence of glittering crystals
conjunclivae were normal. His ^leCbi>cicit)p® 3 rn was nor­
scattered ihroughout the posterior fundus (Ngure 5.4 A, mal. Elccrnornjlirm^raphy showed subnormal rod and cone
I>. i l. and Ij. lhese are located in alt layers of the retina responses in bdth eyes. !Hrs pas1 medical hrShJty was unre­
and can be con firmed on pC T .65^ 657 markable. He had normal levels of serum ornithine and
Ihere are oflen multiple areas of geographic atrophy of urine oxalates. There was no fam ily history o i consanguinity
the RPE: in the posterior fundus [higures 5.46 and 5.47). or visual loss.

Ault)fluorescence imaging shows decreased autofluores­ E and G: This 34-ycar-old Lebanese man noted slow Itfss of
cunlral vision for several w ars. His family history was r>ej“-
cence со [responding to lhe areas of RFE loss, punclale
alive. H it visual acuiLy was; J0/70 righl eye and 20/50 lefl
increased auto fluorescence corresponding lo pigment dots., eye. He had many retinal crystals in lhe posterior lundi IE:
possibly RE’t hyperplasia, and very little hyperautofluores­ anti sublie crystals in the corneas. There was evidence of
cence of the crystals.10’ lhe crystals are less apparent in the early geographic atrophy of the -KPE m the righl eye <E-GK
areas of pigmenl epithelial atrophy. lhe optic disc and reti­ Note evid w ice ol non-perfusion oi the chariocaprilaris para-
nal vessels are typically normal. Jhere may or may not be ccnlrally (arrows) and d e ti grnehtat ion o f lhe K^E ihroufjhoul
marginal crystal line dystrophy of the cornea characterized lhe macula iJ- and C j. An electron^ no^ram revealed mild
decrease in cone amplitudes.
hy lhe presence of sparkling yellow or white, round, polyg­
H-L: This 15-year-old female had many variably sized crys­
onal or needle Iike crystals located in lhe anterior stroma talline d e p o sit throughout lhe poslequalbrial fundi IH and
of the peril imbal regjon.'e<u'W 6--&5Dj653 These crystals may I). Three and one-half years later, ^he had severe visual loss,
become more prominent lale in ihe disease^, and biopsy alrophy of Lhe piymen! epi I helium. loss of lhe crystalline
of the I imbal conjunctiva and cornea has shown these ays- material, and sheathing of lh e choroidal vessels (|). Note the
Lills to be complex lipid inclusions within fibroblasts.1, H extensive lass of lhe choriocapillaris evident in the angio­

The electmrelinographic and electro-oculographic fitidings grams (K and U .

are usually subnormal. hluorescein angiography reveals

atrophy of the ehoriocapiHaris in the zones of pigmenl epi­
thelial alropby. 'Ihe&e zones progressively enlarge, become
confluent, and extend into the periphery of the fundus, lh e
rate of progression and severity of the disease are variable.
I'tgure S.4G (H-L) illustrates a black woman who had rapid
progression of the disease. Most cases have been reported
Ш patienls of Italian or oriental extraction, in particular
Chinese and Japan^ fib,'6W -lSfi3
The hereditary pattern is autosomal-recessive and the j.47 E^etH's crystal line dystrophy;
causative gene is CYi*4V2, which belongs lo the cylo­
A—D: This 47-year-old woman of German descent tom-
ch rome V450 hemilhiolate prole in superfamily атщ is piained of nighl blindnoss lor mcnfe than 10 years. Ни visual
responsible for oxidizing various substrates in Lbe meta­ acuily was 20,40 on Гht.1ri^hl and 20/100 < j i >ihe lefl. Diffuse
bolic pathway, Several mutations in ihe CYF4V2 gene яtrophy ul the reti nail pigment epithelium < Kl-1Ьi ard uhorio-
have been described.1"^"’"" Cultured cells and peripheral capillaiis н'ли seen in l.he posterior pole with shiny yellow
lymphocytes from patients with Uietti's crystalline tape- white crystals all over in iioth eves. Fluorescein angiography
Loretina! dystrophy are found to have abnormally high showed diffuse dioriofolinal abtJphy wilh pakh pruscfv-iLtiur*
□f RРЫand chor io.api Ilari s Iti-D'i.
triglycerides iand cholesterol storage, and reduced metabo­
E—I: A 50-yeac-old Hispanic wom an w ilh com plainls of pho­
lism of labeled fally acid precursors, suggesting that liic:tli s tophobia and nycatalopia had a visual declin e lo 20,40 and
crystalline dystrophy may result from abnormality of lipid 20/100. C ulo r vision was diminished [cj2/1J on lhe righl and
metabolism/'"'"^ ‘^"'ЧЬе nature of the crystals within die 0/12 on [ho lerl by Ishihara tenting. Kolh eyes showed cenlral
retina is unknown, bul is presumed Lo be similar nr related FiF’L'choriocapillafy atrophy w ilh shiny (.ryslals ihroughoul
to the inclusions in ihe corneal and dermal fibroblasts and Lhe fundus (E and Fk ChorLocapiflary and R F E loss were seen
cm angiography i.G-l).
peripheral blood lymphocytes.
l u l g r f C e a y flf. Dr. Iir i.:ii M < t^ u
.ItyfJj'oiJ Porm i i’f Pigm etitQSfl 349
Leber's Amaurosis (Infantile Tapetoretinal Ь.4 8 Leber’s со nge n iLai a maurosis.

Dystrophy, Retinal Neuroepithelial A: This 2 -year-old gid had onLy lijjht perceptitэп in both eyes.
NoLe the anom aly of Lhe oplic disc. Fhe E lH ^ rire tin M fa jfl
Dysgenesis) was- exLi n^uished. H er refractive error was + -4.^0.
Leber used the раше Congenital amaurosis" lo describe G and C: This- fl-vnar-old boy had hand movements visitfn in
the right eye and 20/70 in [he left eye. Note the extensive
an aulosomal-recessively in he riled disorder character­
geoj'rapbiс ягель ol atrophy of Hie relinal pi^mcnl epilhe-
ized by blindness or very low vision aL birth, failure to
lium I Krjt ■posteriorly and the round du m pin g bf pigmenl
(is, nystagmus, sluggish pupillary reaction, occasional in Lhe мИрЕъегу of № fundus. His ftlecbtireti nogram was
photophobia, a positive oculodigital sign, and hyperopia esrinLj-ji^hed.
in patients who later developed evidence of retinitis D : O p tic di sc hypoplasia, and m a ile d narrowing of lhe reLi-
jMgpKniasa.a5fi,sa3jS66^fc&aPatteiit3 with ljeber's amauro­ nal vessels in this boy with nyslagmus, niyhl blindness., and
sis are usually hyperopic, unlike patients wilh retinitis arr extinguished electruioLino^ram.
E and F: This 1-1-year-old bay had poor vision з й с е birth,
pigmentosa, who are typically myopic. Because there is
nyctalopia, marked narrowing of lhe Retinal vessels, pigmen­
accumulating evidence thal many patienLs with congeni­
tary mottlfrig in lhe macula (E)r marked consLrrclion oF lhe
tal amaurosis have a retinal dysgenesis associated with visual fields, an extrnjjuished electroretinogram, and an infe­
minima! evidence of progressive visual loss., il is useful rior colobom ata of the cEwroid and retrna bilaterally I FI. His
to group these patients, who are otherwise normal, aparL i i-ihil .=i i. ■
. v- _:n ■d'il ! J>: In !■■■■ iv i . A lii-l
from those with congenital blindness associated with a tousin had poor vision of uncertain cause. At aye 25 yeani
host of syslemic disordersr including psychomotor retar­ bis findings w ere similar huL his visual acuity was 20/200

dation, mental retardation, hydrocephaly, deafness, epi­ bilaterally,

G —I: Coats' syndrome in the left eye o f this w om an w ilh
lepsy. cardiomyopathy, myopathy, dyscephaly, dwarfism,
nystagjnus and marked loss of vision since birth, She bad
and other skeEetal anomalies. |й3_н* it jj possible that marked rrsrroWi'ng of lhe relin-al vessels and exLenbive degen­
some of these latter patients may have an infantile-onset eration o f lhe HI’L wiLh pun( tale КГБ hyperplasia (H and I; in
progressive tapetoretinal dystrophy. both eyes. En the left eye interiorly there was extensive yel­
At birth the fundi of most patients wilh Leber's amau­ lowish exudative dwlachmenL ol" lhe retina and retinal telan­
rosis are normal. Some palient&, however, may show dys- giectasis |G and H }. Arrows in G and H indicate optic disc:.
J: Hislopathologv of lhe eye of a 12-year-old boy with
pta&tic fundus changes, including pseudopapilledema
Leber's amaurosis and xeroderma pFgmenlcisaJ tvole m ono­
(figure 5.4ЙА), optic disc pallor [figure £4SQ),^ab
layer of retmiil reoeplors and aEisence oF cone outer se^menls
optic disc hypoplasia (figure 5.^eD),:" macular colo- (anow ) fn the macula, w hich was otherwise unremarkable.
boma,"<l6'J56,67;1 and chorioretinal coloboma (Figure 5.4ЙЕ The mid peripheral retina shtjwed disruption- o f lhe normal
and Г). A variety of pigment epithelial and relinal changes relinal aTfhilucture by gliosis.
develop in early childhood and continue into adulthood, K: Histopathology of the eye of another patient with Loberb
ihese include salt-and-pepper pigmentation.1"'1, yellowish amaurosis who developed spontaneous rupture of Lhe cor­
nea lhal had severe keratoconus. Note in Lhis sedion of Lhe
Яескв,06^ ^ ” 4^ ^ 1 nmarbieizedv fundus with mosaic
peripheral retina lhe marked degeneration ;^nd gliosis, the
patter]i [E'igure 5.4SC and I],'1' periarteriolar distribu­
m itral ion of Kf’fc {Icfl агГ-oVi inlo I be №fina, 4ind Lhe Local
tion of well-demarcated yellow lesions located external Lo areas of suEiroLjna: KPh hype rpl asia beneath Lhe rd in a lriL|hl
the retinal vessels/'1* 1" nummular pigmented lesions arrow?.
fE'igure 5.4SC ),l:::':,c'1''1 reLi ni Lis pigmentosa/"'1 eh oroide r-
emia,l"’:'' gyrate atrophy,4'’’1-1 macular ^ifobqjiiiuta,-411,356,,fiaa CEP29Q, because of lhe increasing number of [jtiA-causing
and bull's-eye maeulopathy.'""1'^1' A variety of progressive genes., il is difficult Lo classily patienls with LCA on a molec­
chorioretinal degenerative changes associated with nar­ ular basis and consequently to evaluate phenolype-genolype
rowing of the retinal vessels and optic atrophy eventually correlations. CSene (herapy trials are underway in СЩЕ65
develop (Figure and C). Only occasionally does lhe involved patients. Ejong-tcrm follow-up studies of patients
typical bone spicule pattern of relinitis pigmentosa occur. with liber's ajnaurosis reveal Lhat, although Lhere is a pro­
Cataract and keratoconus are late complicalions. gression of the fundus changes throughout Eife, the visual
The ERG is extinguished in approximately 75^6 of function remains relatively stable in most patienls."''"""'
patients and is markedly abnormal in the remainder. For J.oss of function is most likely to occur in those with macular
infants with unexplained visual loss, an blit; is essential in cotobomas, and those who in later life develop keraLoconus
differentiating J.eber's amaurosis from other causes of con­ and cataracts. Most patients with Ember's congenital amau­
genital blindness/"b E'luorescein angiography may show rosis have the capability of norma! cognitive function- but
evidence of R]?t atrophy not appreciated ophthalmoscopi­ most perform poorly on standard CQ tests.
es Ely as well as evidence of papilledema. In childhood, histopathologic changes consist primar­
LCA is usually inherited as an autosomal recessive trail, ily of failure of develop men L or loss of the rods and cones
although dominant inheritance has also been reported. {figure 5,4SJ]k Ihese changes are followed by progres­
Mutations in ip reLinal genes have so far been shown lo sive degenerative changes involving all of the relinal lay­
cause LCA, namely A IP II, CKBl, CRXr EUCY2D, ШУИ, ers and RHl; similar to Lhat seen in retinitis pigmenLosa
ЙPE65, KPCRJPJ, TULPJ, IMpDHL and, more recently. (figure 5 .4 8 K Ji^
lhe natural course of most patients with leber's con­ ~r. 49 S lo w ly p ro g ie ss ive d om inan lly 1n h eri te d
genital amaurosis suggests that it is a retinal dysgenesis d y s tro p h y in a fa m ily w ith n y sta g m u s, m y o p ia ,
and not a progressive tapetoretinal degeneration, '['he m ic r o c o r n e a , S - s h a p e d lo w e r - 1id d e fo rm ity ,

progressive fund*>scopic and histopalholo-gic changes v a ria b le d e g re e s o f v isu a l a c u ily lo ss, fie ld loss,
re tin a l d e g e n e r a tio n , o p tic d isc pallor, a n d
observed in these patients can all be explained on the
e ie c tr o r e ti n o g ra ph iс a b n o rm a IiI ies.
basis of reactive changes occurring in lhe retina and pig­
ment epithelium in response to tbe widespread absence A-С: Ten-year-old black girl wEth ltd deformity, optic disc
at birth of the retinal receptor cells, t hese reactive changes; pal I (jt, and juslapapi! лгу Lind peripheral rt'linal pij^menl epi­
include degeneration, proliferation, and intra relinal lhelium and relinal alrapEw Her electrOlfeiirtogbadhlc sludy
was normal.
migration of the pigment epithelium; narrowing of the
D and E: ErotEier, 28 years old, c l palient in Л.
retinal blood vessels; pro!iteration of retinal glial cells; and E lectrorefl i nography revealed severely abnormal rod and
transsynaplic degenera!ion of tbe ganglion cells. cone function.
ITie differential diagnosis of liber's congenital amaurosis F: Falhur, 31 years old. of patienl in A. His eleuljoretino^rani
includes cortical blindness, achromatopsia, con genii jJ sta­ was nonfttordabki.
tionary night blindness, infantile-onset retinitis pigmentosa, G : Paternal aunt. 5Ь уеагъ old, of patienl in A.
and infantile ceroid lipofuscinoses. Electroretinography Electrore<inography revealed moderately abnorm al rod and
to n e functions
is important in establishing whether the retina is affected.,
H jjnd I: Ei ght-year-old grandson of pa Irent m CJ.
and to what degree it is affected. Although the E-RC may
be severely abnormal or extinguished in leber's amauro­
sis, it is not affected in cortical blindness, and only mildly
or moderately affected in congenital stationary night blind­
ness. it may be severely affected early in infantile-onseL
tapetoretinal dyslrophies. Absence of searching nystagmus-
relatively good visual acuity, and absence of high hypero­ Stationary or Slowly Progressive
pia in these latter patients are features atypical for Leber's
Dominantly Inherited Tapetoretinai
amaurosis. A^ SS3
Neonatal Retinal Dysgenesis and Three successive generations of a black family seen at the
Dystrophies Associated with Systemic Nascom Palmer Eiye Institute demonstrated an early-onsel.
slowly progressive, atypical tapetoretinal dystrophy of vari­
Diseases able severity associated with S-sbaped deformity of the
Several well-defined singie-gene defects and other less upper eyelid, microcornea, and angle closure glaucoma
Well-defined disorders occur in which retinal dysfunction (Hgure 5.43).№: Some of the family members showed
is one aspect of a generalized disease affecting other organ only mild RftE and retinal, degenerative changes with­
systems. These include Zellweger's cerebrohepatorenal syn­ out visual Joss. Others had more severe loss of central as
drome [see p. 397}, Saldi no-Mai nzer syndrome, Senior- well as peripheral vision. Ibis family shares some features
l.oken syndrome [see p. 390), Joubert syndrome (see p. wilh a dominantly inherited ШЧ: dystrophy with vari­
393), and Arima's syndrome {see p. 39S). Unlike Leber's able expressivity and complete penetrance characterized
congenital amaurosis, hyperopia is not characteristic of by myopia, nystagmus, and an RE4: dystrophy of vary­
these disorders. Uussell-Lggitt et a!, have reported seven ing severity reported by .Noble and associates/''1’ in some
members of four families nith neonatal nystagmus, poor patients the fundus changes were mild and confined lo the
vision, photophobia, severely abnormal or extinguished macula. T he severity of the changes was not related to the
EJtG responses, cardiomyopathy, and short obese habi­ extent of involvement or to the degree of myopia. Visual
t u s . S i x had a life-threatening episode of cardiac failure acuity varied from near normal to 20/200 or worse. 'Ihe
and two died. Examination of muscle obtained at autopsy pendular nystagmus was not related to the visual funclion.
was unremarkable. Mrak eL al. reported a congenital myop­ Lleclroretinograptiic changes were present in all patients
athy associated with congenital features of Leber's amauro­ buL varied from mild to severe. ТЪеве families might
sis, hypotonia, delayed motor development, and histologic be considered as having a dominant, less severe form of
evidence of broadened or smeared A bands.^ 1 Leber's amaurosis.
Late-Onset Retinal Macular j . 5 0 L ate -о n s et ret i n al m a cu Ltr d e g e n e ra lie n
(L O R M D ) .
Degeneration (LORM D)
A—H: This i)2-year-o!d wom an of G erm an descent com ­
Paiiejits wilh Scottish ancestiy were first described with plained of difficulty w ilh ni^ht vision for lhe Qast 5 years.
this autosomal -dominant condition.*^ rYbey are asymp­ H e r optometrist noted reLinal changes Lhat were not seen
tomatic and have normal fundus Lill tbeLr fifth decade. 5 years before w hen he had Iasi examined her. She Was
Symptoms of night blindness begin in the fifth to sixth am blyopic in her ri^hl eye hincn early childhood -rind read
decade and progress rapidly over a few years. Early retinal 2 0/2 DO rif^hL eve and 2Q/50 left eye. Several л ш п т Ы а г aLru-
p h it patches LhaL became larger lowaftfc the periphery п и е
changes include "dmsenl ikeu yellow spots throughout the
seen in the posterior pole IA and B) and temporal fundus (D
fundus that represent sub-Rl3L deposits (Hgure 5.50C).
and Ь . The nasal relink showed lino drusen. W in d o w defeuls
Evoon islands of RE4i atrophy ensue, leaving intervening were seem on ^il-giograplTy and the lesions w ere hvpoaulo-
spacer of RTE that have scalloped edges (J:igure 5.SOD, li.. Hl h h c s i L Visual fields showed peripheral constriction
|-L). The photoreceptor function rapidly worsens over an and e Iec Цй ret iIngham revealed ?everolv depressed гкя! and
average of 5 years to leave the patient With Severely con­ cone ampliludoh in both eyes. Her fa Iher was known (o have
stricted visual fields; central vision is lost later with fur­ developed poor vision m his laler lift!: she had two living sib­
lings with no visual dysfunction. Two sons a^ed 32 and 34
ther geographic atrophy of the macular KJJli. There may be
Were also asvmplomatic..
patchy involvement with preservation of the RPE-. in some
I—L: This ftO-v&ar-oId H ispanic male complained of nyctal­
parts of the fundus {figure 5.501?.. Lr K, and I.). Larly in opia and reduced central vision for 5 years.. SevuTal o f his
the course of the disease dark adaptation is affected. The cousins had poor vision,; no history was available aboul
retinal appearance resembles gyrate atrophy; however in his own sibEings. H is vision was 2№100 and 20/30. Round
patients wilh gyrate atrophy, the islands of geographic patches o f retinal pigment epithelium (RFEj/choriocapiHaris
atrophy begin in the periphery and slowly progress Пtrophy w ere seen around lhe lovea and diffusely in lhe infe­
rior fundus of both eyes (t-Lj. hatchy pijjmenl migration and
Lowards the posterior pole, whereas those in LORMD are
clumping were seen; there w ere inLer\ening scalloped areas
present early In the posterior retina, and ornithine and
of KKh preservalion lypical of L O R M D ф .
other amino acids are normal.
Some patienls wilh abnormally long and anterior-
attached lens zonules have been described.^1' Histology,
electron microscopy, and immunohistochemistry show
deposition of material made up of components similar
to deposits in age-related macular degeneration and {SFD
under the -1 |q .iddilion there is accumulation
of esterified (slains with oil red O j and unesterified cho­
lesterol similar to contents of atheromatous plaques, '['he
gene defect has been localized to CTHP5.
Extensive Macular Atrophy with Pseudo 5 . э ! M a c u la r a tro p h y w ith p s e u d o d r u s en,

Drusenlike Appearance A-F: This 54-year-old w h ile w om an had a lam ily history of
blindness in the elderly. Onset o f symptoms slarled л I .ij^e
Hamel el л I. described IS patients with an onset before .>0 with -ni^hl blindness, m-arknd photo phobin^ and difficulty
age 50 of л rapidly inert-rising atrophic macular lesion in reading and iace recojjnilion at distance. Her visual acu ­
that involves the entire posterior pole up Lo the arcades ity w as right eye: 20У40 with —3.25 sph —1.25 X 170° and
resembling geographic atrophy of age-related macular [eft eye: 20/400 with —4.00 sph —1.25 X 180°. Inlraucular
degeneration (Figure 5.51).0:'lhis vertically oriented atro­ pressure was 13 m m Hg rifjht eye and 12 т т Н р leIC eye. O n
СоМлилпп perimetry she had bilaler-al absolute cenLral sco­
phic macular lesion is surrounded by numerous drusen-
tomas 11. Fj, and dark adaptation was delnyud. BilaltTal lar^e
lifee deposiLs (resembling reticular pseudod Risen) found m acular atrophy With (fee lar^esl diameter in the Vertical asis^
throughout the posterior pole and the mldperipheiy in and п и т cjtihis pseudodrusen W B ? нееп in the mid periphery
all cases (Figure 5.51A-C). All patients also had paving- i A. В . 0pLica5 ccihercmcu tomography showed the alrophy
stone degeneration in the far inferior periphery. S o patient ot" iht! outyг layers of ihc reLina (D). Pseunodlrlsen were not
developed choroidal neovascularization and the disorder autoHuortstent (CJ and were1 ro t vi*ib3e on -angiography or

is not familial. on Optica] (coherence tbmogfaplry1.

[Сйцрееау erf L)r. Oiriiliiin' H ;irnr:l. -

.ItyfJj'oiJ Porm i i’ f PigmetitQSfl 35 7
West Indies Crinkled Retinal Pigment 5.52 West Indies crinkEed relinal pigmenl
Л .ind E: Composite of ri^hl and ]efL eye oj a patient w ilh
Recently. a novel retinal dyslrophy (]:igure 5.51) Was crinkled corrugaLions of Lhe lelinal pij’menl thpiLhelium
reported by Cohen et al. (presented aL lhe Macula soci­ appealing as a w hile retitular re t more densely packed in
ety an null meeting, February. 2010). All reported patienls Lhe m acular area buC ел I ending to the ttiidperip№ry, rasem-
were black of from black ancesiryr and originated in blinjj. a crackled dry land. M ild pigmentation of the corruga­
Martinique, a Trench West Indies island. The disease tions in lhe fovea and periphery.
С—I: Left eye o f a second pa Lien I showing the distinct crin­
affected a whole family of an й6-year-old mother and her
kling ECl. The auloFluorescence is variable,; mosl of the
four children. Two other patients were diagnosed wilh lhe
wrinkles correspond lo hypoautol luorosicence ^uggesLing
condition, one related [cousin] lo this family, and one displacement of retinal pi^menl epi I helium Kl'Lil pii^nrml
unrelated, bul originating from the same geographic area. nwny from lhe wrinkles ^similar to lhal seen in choriorMinal
The main fundus feature is the presence of a while fuldi) (Dj. Fluorescein angiography revealed lhe w rinkle lo
reticular net located at the level of lhe Ri'L. dense in the be ЬурегПиогеьсегН, ajjain s-u^grfsLing relative Заек or" pig­
macular area, but also present in the midperiphery, resem­ ment w ilh in I hi? Ft^E (El w ilh lule Hlaining ■
;F-j. Kight eye of
lhe sam e patient shdWetl evidence of choroidal netivascular-
bling crackled diy mud [figure 5.52A-C). Some pigment
i^alion w ilh subrelinal hemorrhage tC and H). Indocyafltltp
may be observed wilh in lhe relicular pattern either in the
green angiography showed a retfcular paHSHfn on Iale frames^
macula or the periphery. Autofluorescence pattern is vari­ Ljli1 lens disLinelly O ptical coherence tomography showed
able, wilh Itypoau to fluorescence of the white lines (Jigure LhaL Lhe EiFE was thrown into ripples, giving the crinkled
5.52D). tluorescein angiography reveals a hyperiluores- appearance (Jj. Electm physiology and genetic testing is
cent network pattern in lhe early frames, with lale stain­ ongoing.
ing (I'igune 5.52Т-П). Indocyamne green angiography also (Cfr-lrlesy oE Uri. :SY tdhtfn, A, .Mill hi M i t Ic
displays the reticular pattern on tale frames (Hgure 5.521).
On OCT the R]>H appears rippled, giving the crinkled
appearance (t'igure 5.52]). The etiopathogenesis of lhe
disorder is unclearr be il an acquired or a dyslrophic con­
dition. Two patients developed subrelinal hemorrhages
related to possible polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy.
Two patients also had disciform macular scarring which
may have been secondary Lo hemorrhages andfoF choroi­
dal neovascularizalion. Eilectrophysiology and genetic test­
ing a re origoing.
CHOROIDEREMIA j.53 Choroideremia^

A: A 33-year-old man w ilh visual acuity at 2(V4t) in lh e ri^hl

Choroideremia is a X-linked recessive chorioretinal dys­ eve and 2Q^0t> in lhe fefl eve had £ liters lye alidpby al" Lhe
trophy. ,l5I"7Lj il probably Lb lhe same disorder reported choroid лrrrJ relinal pi^Tnenl epilhciliu-im i HPE'i in bolh eyes.
previously by some authors as X-1inked choroidal sclero­ There w a s preservation ut name of [he RKt centra IK' ■Mrrow.
sis. '' Affected males usually note the onsel of nighl blind­ Al. 1 he retinal vessels Vtitfie narrowed.
ness between 10 and 30 years of age. Some years later they В and C: Carrier state of choroiderem ia with widespread
inoLlliny at the KFJt thrau^houl lhe hindus Of и 9-yoar-old girl
become aware of loss of peripheral fields. Central vision
with normal ■ . ibuaf acuity. Her father had с horoi doncin i а . Her
es affected only in middle or Jaler life. Molded depigmen­
electro-oculagraphic Hnd e]ecLroretjnogjaph]c findings w « e
tation of lhe ftPL may be lhe only finding initially. Large narnial.
patches of ftPE and choroidal atrophy, however, develop D and E: ChoroklerLfinia in a Э4-уеа г-оГН man. Visual acuity
in the ni id periphery of the fundus and spread gradually in was- 2 0/25 in I he riyhl eye and 2 D/20 in I he left eye. H is el ec-
anterior and posterior directions. Eventual by Lhe palient is trorel i nogram was ejtSin^uiHhed. His brother was; srrnilafte
Eeft with only a small island, of relatively normal choroid affected. Two sisters had pigmentary changes in lh e fundi but
normal visual function.
and R[Jt: in the macular area (Hgure 5.53] and J, anti 5.54V
F-J: This 34-year-dld wom an com plained of mild metamor-;
and L.). Choroidal neovascularization may rarely occur.
phopsia in f:er right eydi: Visual acuity was 2tA<25 in the rii^liI
ManAwLng of the retinal vessels and optic atrophy accom­ eye and 2 0 /2 0 in the lelE eye. She gave a history of "relini-
pany the later stages of the disease. fluorescein angiog­ Lis pii’menioha" associated with fartg-standing nycbilopia in
raphy during the lale stages of the disease demonstrates her father. Both eyes had slippled pigmentation resembling
slowing of the relinal and choroidal circulation, marked '"cracked d a y " tF-H). Her visual fields were full, and elec-
loss of the Rl'iL, and choroidal vasculature, but relative troreli nogram was normal in both eyes. A diagnosis o f car­
rier fitala o f choroidenumia was made and father asked Iо bo
preservation of Lbe and the choroidal vessels, includ­
evaluated. Father had diffuse loss of pigmenl in lhe fundus
ing the choriocapillaris in the central macular area (Ligure
with preservation o f Lhe RKE in the fovea, nan ow ed retinal
5.53b]). Angiography usually demonstrates the presence of arteries, severely constricted visual fields and a visual acuity
many choroidal vessels that may be difficult Lo see opb- of 20/bO in each eye ! and J). The findings were lypical of
thalmoscopically Some patients .show severe impairment chomi donum ia.
of the photopic functions in dark adaptation. Color vision [L-Jj-Al*t}, Viflhrtuiilt. LaUA*tlBS!., fht fttlihiil AlLs^ SJuHiJl i j ГОЮ 57fl-
is essentially normal. ihe LKC is abnormal early and П - 7 П 2 П - :к 5 2 1 1 - Ч , p . I 4 f 5 . |

becomes extinguished usually by mid life

'llie female carrier demonstrates normal visual acuity,
visual fields, dark adaptation studies, and eleetroretino- It is important lo identify these carriers because their
grapbic findings nind. wilh few exceptions, shows character­ sous will have a 50% chance of having choroidcremia and
istic RPE mottling and depigmentation that is most marked their daughters a 50% chance of being carriers of the dis­
in the midperipheiy (figure 5.53H and C G and M, 5.541: ease. Some female carriers are known lo manifest clinical
and K). lhe pigment granules in carriers have been described features of choroideremia, especially later in life due lo
as being irregularly square in appearance. rltte pigmen- irregular inactivation of the X chromosome (lyonizalion).
Lary changes are not associated xvith abnormalities of either No known systemic association has been described in
the optic nerve head or retinal vessels, lhe fundi resemble patienls with choroideremia, except for one male with
those seen in rubella retinopathy (see figure 7.27] and polydaclyEy, which was caused by an autosomal-dominant
Lo:tie retinopathy caused by thioridazine [see ligure 9.02A) inheritance of polydactyly on his paternal side. Me had
but are different from the streaky iridescent changes in Lhe normal growth, normal mentation, and no evidence of
fundi of some carriers of X-l inked retinitis pigjnenlosa. hypogonadism. M
ChoroEderemia is caused by mutations in Lhe С Ш j.54 Choroideremia..
gene localized tо the long arm of X-chromosome
A —L: A 15-year-oEd boy was found to have mild visual field
(Xq2L2). lhe mutation affects the production of Hab constriction on n rouline Humphrey field tes) done at лп
escort protein iso form 1 (REP-IJ, previously kncuvn as optometrists office. His visual acuity WaS 2 0/2 Q in each
component A of Eiab geranylgerauYltransferase (GGfaseJ, eye. Tbere way diffuse loss oi piemen I in [he fundus in each
the enzyme that plays a key role in the activation of Uab c^-ye sparing I he centinl macula. £(nall pigmenl clum ps
proteins that are responsible for the regulation of exocytic were seen here and there in I bo fundus iA-C). His 8-year-
old half-brother was also asymptomatic and bad fine pig­
and endocytic cellular pathways, they control the protein
ment stippling in the fovea and moderate loss of pigment in
trafficking of secretory and endocytic pathways. Л reduc­
Ihe midperiphery and anterior fundus in each eve (□ . Ih eir
tion in particular of activated Kab27a by preferentiaE bind­ 40-year-old mother wan asymptomatic w illt 20/20 vision
ing by RE: EM is implicated in choroideremia.'1^ 151 Several and an almost normal fundus appearance iL). "their УЗ-уеаг-
types of mutation in the СИМ gene, including point dele­ old maternal grandfather had lost his right eye I о advanced
tion^ l.irge basepair deletions, splice site substitutions, glaucoma, and the left fundus showed complete absence
and transfocationsv have been associated with the cEini- of pijjfnenlj narrowed retinal vessels and a visual acuity of
20/400. The fundus 3 уеагь Liter showed further loss of reLi-
caE findings of choroideremia.. ]hough these patienLs lack
nal pigment in both half-brothers (О-]), normal pigmentation
1Ш М iti all other cells loo, the retina and choroid are the in Iheir carrier molher iK , and complete absence (if retinal
only structures affected in choroideremia: il is believed pigment in their grandfather ■1_:.
that RL!*-2f that resembles JEtEIM to about 75v/a is enough
■(.' ,]nd H.. .■'lImJ, YllVinn^il, l.LViTL'I.Lf I., I Ht'ti All .lb, i.LUinlrjr^-2fi ED,
to activate Hab proleins in cells outside the retina and 37;tO-7li2()-3j2Ci-9, p.147.)
choroid .1|,J
DMA analysis of chorionic villi obtained during preg­
nancy permits prenatal exclusion of choroideremia. 20 periphery. Llltrastructurallyr the cur­
Histopathologic examination during the late stages vilinear trilaminar structures ivithin macrophages in
of the disease reveals atrophy of the choroid, RPIi. and the RFK and outer retina are similar to those seen in
overlying retina with relative sparing of the macula and abetalipoproteinemia.11

The retina in a symptomatic female carrier displayed Ь. з j Non X-linked choroideremia.
areas o f severe degeneration, vxrilh complete low of pho­
A -F: This 5 B-yea r-ol d w hile wom an noled lhe? onstrt qf visual
toreceptor outer segments, photoreceptor nuclear atro­ las? at agu 4 Я years. The* visual loss bad buen si able for
phy. and atrophy of the inner retina interspersed with years.. 5 he had one sister w ilh the same eye disorder. Two
near-по по aI areas, in affected regions, the R[4i showed р г й т м ? had normal eyes. 1he paLLenL's visual liil1,’ in Lhe
severe degeneration, with thinning, pigment clumping, right e ye Was 20/50 and in the left eye 2(У200. Her finjjer-
and deposition of subepithelial debris, lhe choroid was cjounlin^ field peripherally in both н уж was full The chofoid
and retina near lhe Equator and beyond appeared norm .iI.
depigmenled. E.abeling With cone opsin and rhodop-
H e r eieclroretinugram revealed markedly reduced rod am pli­
sin antibodies revealed that cones and nods Were severely
tudes wiLh delayed Liming and moderately niducud cone
affected. Wltrastructurally, RPEi apical microvilli and basal amplitudes with delayed timing bi laterallv-
in foldings were absent in the macula and handed fibers G and H: This 5fl-year-old Latin wom an was asymptom-
composed of clumps of wide-spaced collagen were present alic al a^e 44 years w hen she was told that she had e v i­
on the RPE s basal surface and choroid. JJruch's membrane dent!1 ul" rulinilis piemen losa. She had noted Lhe gradual bul
was fiEled wilh vesicular structures, some smooth and oth­ severe loss o f vision sinue a^e 53 years. Visual acuily in lhe
right eye w as hand movements and in lh e IeA eye 2Q/200.
ers with bristle-1ike projections.
Goldman*} fie Id к revealed preservation of siime peripheral
The differential diagnosis of choroideremia includes
visuj.i ln'lri :i ■.111■ 111 . I l :f u rd u - lird u>|s w itc- almm t iden
diffuse choriocapillary atrophy, which in some cases is Lical to those shown in A-F. There was a history of similar
dominantly inherited,"1' and gyrate atrophy of the cho­ eye findings in four of 10 siblings.
roid- which ts associated with hyperornithemia and auto­
somal-recessive inheritance.' 2i figure 5.55 illustrates a
;"undus picture simulating ch oroide remi a in two unrelated
women with late-onset visual loss and a history of sibling
in v o lv e m e n t Amino acid analysis, mode of inheritance,
and oim lnatiD n of the mother's fundus are important if
Lhe diagnosis of choroideremia is uncertain.

Non X-Itnked Choroideremia

Several women have been seen with diffuse chorioretinal
atrophy (l:ig. 5.55) without a family history of X-l inked
choroideremia. They do nol have Turner's syndromef XO )
or be a product of an affected faLher and a ch oroide re mini
carrier mother. It is likely that they have a disease different
from choroideremia, and future genetic analysis is likely lo
yield a cause.
C O N E - R O D D Y S T R O P H IE S э .5 б Cone^-rod d y s lr o p h v

(IN V E R S E P IG M E N T A R Y R ET IN A L A -С: ip o rad ic Lite onset of cone-rod dyslnopEiy in this

3 t -year-old man w ilh л 27-year histoTy a l nyctalopia and л
D YSTRO PH Y) l -уелг hislory сГ visual loss. Visual acuity, w hich а! I be age
□t 2S was 20/20, was n<iw ^СУ400 in Lhe right eye \A' and
I.ass of centra] and color vision and development of nyc- 20/20 in- lhe lefl eye His efettroneliitographic findings
Lalopia, usually early in life, are the hallmarks of cone- revealed severely abnormal rod and tu n c responses.
rod dystrophy l::'4 Иле onset of symptoms D and E: Earty-onset cone-rod dvslrophy in a 12-year-old
may not begin until adulthood (Hgure 5.56A). Initially boy with peripheral bone corpuscular changes in the retina
some patients may manifest only clinical and electro- and a noruocordable electrorelircogram. His visual acuity
was 24/200. A brother had similar findings. Note bull's-eye
physiologic evidence of cone dystrophy (see p. 306). In
p j Item of relrnal pigmenl e p ilhelium :RPE:. illnc>phv_
the beginning the KPL in the macular area may be normal F —I: Cone dystrophy, probably progressing to a cone-rod
(t'igure S.S 6F and t".). Later, mottling of the pigment in dysLrophy, in a T7-yeai-old female w ilh progressive spino­
the macula along with slight narrowing of the retina! ves­ cerebellar degeneration and spastic quadriplegia. She noted
sels occur ' 1Ъе pigmentary changes progress and may or progri.'s-si ve IOS'S ot" vision beginning a I age 14 yEars. Her
may not be associated with bone spicules in the periph­ visual acuity was 20/2 00. An etectrofeLrnojram showed
ery. A bull's-eye-like pattern of pigmentary derange me nL markedly л Ьп о тта] cone time I ion and norma! rod funcLion.
H e r fundi it and и n giogja pliv It.!' were w ilh in normal lin v
frequently develops centrally followed later by temporal
its. AL 22 vears ot ago.. Ь н vision had doc rented further and
pallor and capillary telangiectasis of the optic disc (l:igure Lherii was narrowing ot lhe retinal vessels and widespread
5.5GA. В, H, and !3}. ''' lhe l:RG, however, usually reveals KF't changes (H i. A ngicgr лpEny ill revealed a bu1l^-eye pat­
markedly abnormal or absent cone responses and reduced tern ot hyperfluorescence in I he macula of bolh eyes and
rod responses. It may become extinguished. The HOG evidence or" diffuse aLrophy of lhe КИЕ.
is flat. '1'hese patients show severe abnormalities of color
vision. Jhere may be some value to suhclassification of responsible for many reported cases of autosomal-dom­
these patients into groups depending upon the relative inant cone-rod dystrophies and cone dystrophies), and
severity of the reduction of cone versus rod LRC ampli­ kPGR {which causes about two-thirds of X-linked reti­
tudes. " n Vitreous fluorophotometry is less likely [o be nitis pigmentosa and also an undetermined percentage
abnormal in these patients than those with typical retinitis of X-linked cone-rod dystrophies).' ' 1 Et occasionally is
pigmentosa.'3'' associated With neurologic disease (bigure 5.561'-E). JJabb
Cone-rod dystrophies are a heterogeneous group of et al. reported the clinicopalhologic findings in a patient
inherited disorders. Flhey may be inherited by all three with cone-rod dystrophy.'_ъ 'Ihey can also be part of a
main modes. The four major causative genes in the patho­ syndrome such as Eiardet-lliedl and SC A 7. A similar dis­
genesis of cone-rod dystrophies are A8CA4 [which causes ease in baboons and Rdy cats has been studied by light
SLargardt disease and also 30-60% of autosomal-recessive and electron microscopy." 1 " 1,1 Deletion mapping of a
cone-rod dystrophies), CSX and GUCY2D (which are cone-rod dystrophy resulted in assignment to Itfq 2ll.' '
О т 1—Кл\{ Dif^trcrhics (inverse Pigrtiailary Retmid Dystrophy) 3G /
Goldmann-Favre Syndrome (Enhanced 5. >7 Goldmann-Favre syndrome (enhanced S-cone
S-Cone Syndrome)
Л-C: Th is 19-year-old boy's YisuaT a t oily in Lhe rijjhl eye
Goldmann-ravre syndrome fhya Ioideotapeto retinal was- 2 0/50 Lind I-1 and in Lhe left eye was- IQ/200. H e had a
degeneration) is an autosomal-receive disease character­ mid ^onal scotoma. There w e iE extensive schisis and large
ized by night blindness, atypical peripheral pigmentary tystoid changes of" lhe entire macular region .AJ. There was
dystrophy, central a n J peripheral relinoschtsis, compli­ a broad mid jo n al area of alrophv ol I ho relinal pi f^rn-^nI
cated caLaract at an early age. optically empty vitreous with epithelium .'г - м :.11■ I w ilh fo nu 1 m iдтлIion ■■Г :ill”i:•"!iI .'in:;
narrowing of Lhe retinal vessels (B). ThertL was no peripheral
an occasional vitreous band, and a markedly abnormal,
relinoschisis. FFuorescein angiography (C) was within пог­
often nonrecord able, ERG.7Jti_:’‘N In addition lo narrowing
нил! Jim its. There whs no leakage oL dye in thjj late ttages of
of the retinal vessels and waxy pallor of the disc, Lhe mac- angiography. His elecCrorelinagram showed absent photopic
uJa appears diffusely thickened by prominent superficially responses and markedly abnormal KcoLopk responses. His
Located macrocysts that fail to it ain on fluorescein angio­ color vision was normal I'FamnworLh U-151.
graphic study (figure 5.57C, t r and P). Ciiant macular schi- D-F: Coldm ann-Favre disease in a 12-year-old boy com-
sis and cyst formation can be confirmed on 0 С Г testing plaLning of mild loss o f vision. His fam ily history was nega­
tive. Visual acuity was 30/40 in lhe riyhl eye and 20.'iOO ir>
(ligure 5.57J-1.). Ibere have been reports of benefit with
Lhe left eye. He had tpfirtaj thickening and cystic changes
oral acetazolamide in decreasing the macular thickness in
throughout the m acular areas ID:-. There wore ill-defined
patients with enhanced S-cone syndrome. subretina I w hite flecks I a nows, U and El in the perimacu-
Cases of night blindness and peripheral retinoschi- lar area. Angiography revealed focal areas of liyperfluores-
sis without macular schisis occur/^ 3-listopathologic cence corresponding w ill: lhe fftrcrkь (arrow, t- and F). lh ete
examination of a peripheral biopsy specimen in one case Vuai no evidence of in Ira ret in a I slaining. An eleclroretino-
showed nonspecific degeneratioEi of the sensory retinal gram shewed severely abnormal rod and cone funcLion.
The elecLro-oculographic fmding^ were markedly abnormal.
layers, thickened retinal vessel basement membranes,
EiyhL years Ia Let lhe fundi were unchanged. Vrsual acuity was
areas of retinal vascular occlusion, preretinal glial mem­
20/400 and |-.'i in lhe righl eye and 2 0 в 0 0 and 1-2 in. lhe left
branes, and choroidal 4rascular changes."N Some patients eye.
with CjoJdmann-]:avre syndrome demonstrate relatively G-L: Tinis presen I 30-year-old male was examined by L>r.
enhanced S-cone function electrophysiologically identi­ Cnis-s aL ayq E9 w]th a hisLoTy of running inLo Eju h Iio s when
cal lo that found in the enhanced S-cone syndrome/46' 1,4J Lhe child goL oul ot Line car in Lhe dark tor lhe previous 10
']"hese latter patients have night bEindnessr maculopathy years. Al LhaL lime he carried a diagnosis of juvenile m acular
scbrsis in botli eyes. H e was found Lo have a disciform scar
(often cystoid), degenerative changes with partly pig­
in lhe m acula ot" the righL eye and extensive schisis in Lhe
mented yellow flecks in the region of the major vascular
macula o f the left eye rephо Lographed al age 30 fCj and Hi.
arcades, relatively mild visual field loss, slow progression, He also had pigmcnled nummular tesibni (arrow I soilnound-
and a characteristic ЕЙ0/ !"lb e dark-adapted ERG shows ing lhe arcadcs in each eye i[ and )l. The reLinal vessels. were
no response to low-in tensity stimuli that normally acti­ of reasonably caliber and no bone spicule pigmenl migration
vate the rods but large, slow responses to high-intensity was; visiEile in eiLher eye. Л diagnosis of tloidm aiin-Favre
stimuli. The large, slow waveforms persist without change Lenhanced i-cone dystrophy) disease was made by Dr. Cass.
O ptical coherence tomography shows- a scar from invo I и Led
under light adaptation and show a striking mismatch Lo
choroidal peovasculbpt membrane in Lhe righL eye wiLh co l­
photopicaliy balanced short- and lottg-wavelength stimuli.
lapsed schisms and extensive schisis ol lh e left macula extend­
With sensitivity much greater to short than to long Wave­ ing up I о Lhe arcades (K and L).
lengths it is possible that patients with G old man n-E'avre
syndrome and those with enhanced S-cone syndrome,
some of гг bom do not have macular schisis, are not dis­
tinct entities but are simply two identifiable phenotypes
of clinical expression of a reLinal degenerative disease relinoschisis, and vitreous changes, may be consequences
with a single pattern of retinal dysfunction. Patients with of this early ab normal tty in Lhe complex development
both syndromes have been observed in the same fam­ sequence of the retina. :fl Eiolh patients illustrated in
ily. I here is evidence that patients with the enhanced Hgure S. 57 (A-H) reported in previous editions of this
S-cone syndrome have a retinal dysgenesis that prob­ atlas as еяатр 1е& of Coldmann-l'avre syndrome were
ably occurs during the early development of the retina recalled and both have enhanced S-cone syndrome.
and results in many more S-cones that form in the place Mutations in \\R2E3 which encodes a photoreceptor
of many l./M-cones and rods."10 Many of the clinical and nuclear receptor are responsible for enhanced S-cone syn­
functional characteristics of enhanced S-cone syndrome, drome, Goldmann-Havre syndrome, and clumped pig­
e.g., the negative wave form, reduced osci 11atorv potentials. mentary retinopathy.
Familial Foveal Rqtin orchis is э л К X-linked juvenile reiinoschisis.

l^veal rednoschisis, which is characterized by a delicate A and E3: Typical Tadialin^ inner rulinal evils associated u-i1h
fa veal tchisis ir a boy wi)h peripheral retinoschisis and lari^e
network of radiating cystic changes in the superficial retina
holes in the inner re iin il layers.
and confined generally Lo the foveal area, is the halEmark С and D ; fuveum acular schis-is in a 24-уеаг-ик1 man w h o
of X-linfced juvenile retinoschisis and should be differenti­ firs) noLEsf decreaaed vision at aye 5 years. Visual acuity was
ated from macular schiyis., which is composed of a more 20/30. An^io^raph\ shnwud -minima] ч lianytw in- Ihe relinal
coarse pattern of larger cystoid spaces that may extend pifjmtmt epil helium.
throughout most of the macular area and is the hallmark E and F: Cystic changes simulating fuveaf reiinoschisis in a
of Gold mm n-E'avre syndrome. With rare exceptions. ■
v 7-year-old boy w ilh a rhejjrnatojjenuus retinal detachment.
Thesedis^ispefllfefcl after a sc I era I b u ck in g procedure.
famitial foveal retinoschisis is found only in males/5*1
G - l: Fuveal and- peripheral retinoschisis in a 14-year-uld buy
77tr Ihe jnacula is involved in all cases, and many patients with widespread inlra retinal у ray-white spots and shealhed
demonstrate evidence of widespread changes in the retina Lind occluded peripheral retinal vessels. There w ere lari^e
and K PL holes in I he inner retinal la y № temporally i n 1h-t! fi^ht eye.
]-L: Twenty-«S»-year follow-iip of X- linked juvenile relinu-
Hc.bisi-н in a paLient V/hn Was aye 15 years with visual acuity
X-Linked Juvenile Retinoschisis
o! 20/60 bilaterally w hen Jiisl seen with fovenm acular ichisis
A consulnt diagnostic feature of X-Linked juvenile retinos- l.l and К I. Visual acuity at last exam ination was 20/200 right
chisis, which is present at birth or soon afterward in all eye and 20/BO left eye. There was minim al change in the
fundi flit
affected males, is a characteristic macular lesion referred
to as "foveaE schists* (Tigure 5.5SA. C, G, |. and L and
5.5УА-С, fc-G). Only 50% of patients will have evidence
of peripheral reiinoschisis or related findings, mostly in intraretinal blood cysts. and evidence of recent or old vit­
the inferolemporal quadrant {figure 5.5&A, Ei, |, and K). reous hemorrhage are other findings that may be present.
Ihere may be lar^e ovaL or round holes in the inner reti­ Nasal dragging of the retina may be present in infancy
naE layers creating "vitreous veils* (figure 5.58b). Retinal and is presumed Lo be related to temporal dehiscence of
hlnod vessels may or may not accompany (he inner reti­ the nerw fiber layer.' lieltnal and optic disc neovascu­
nal layer Unsupported retinal vessels in ay course into the larization may occur.' Usually these patients are ini­
vitreous cavity. Semi translucent gray-white arborescenL tially seen during the early school years, either because
scrolls, a dendriform pattern of occluded retinal vessels of reading difficulty or because of symptoms of vitreous
(figure 5.5831}.. silver-gray glistening patches on the retinal hemorrhage. An occasional patient may be seen early in
surface, perivascular cuffing, chorioretinal scars., vitreous life because of a massive area of schisis that partly or com­
detachment, intrarelinaL gray-whiLe spots [figure 5.5tiG}.. pletely obstructs the pupillary space.
Uio microscopically, foveal schisis presents 4 characteris­ j .59 X-1in Iced j uve n ite re I inosc hisls an d q uter re tinal
tic picture of smaEl superficially located cysts arranged in corrugations.
a stellate pattern and radial striae centered in the fovea) This 12-уеат-old male ■sibling A I л besL-corrutled visual
area (Retires 5.5dA,. C, G, }, and L and 5.59C., L, К and C). acuity (if 2Q/60 in each eye. There were cystic changes in
ihe central cysts often have a fusiform shape. Additional lhe fonea in bolh eyt;s, more prominent on Lhe ri^hl i.A.i I him
cysts become evident more peripherally. This is associ­ the left. In addition corrugations ol the oulor retina w ere lik­
ated with some elevation of the inner portion of Lhe ret­ ened lo "flying sua^uirs'1' temporal Lo the sc bis in cavilv rn his
EefL eye fB). His mother's eye examination was normal. His
ina. A peculiar sheen develops on the retinal surface, Ihis
vision gradually worsened over 5 years to lhe 20/200 level.
occasionally may presen L a golden tapetal reflex and the
Five years later bis brolEier o lder by 2 years LsiblLn^ В I noted
Mizuo-Nakamura phenomenon.' " Eventually the cyst a rapid change En vision and could not tie corrected with his
walls may coalesce and form a large central schists cavity. contacl lenses beyond 20/40. He bad fov^al schisis in bolh
Jhi& is followed in some cases in adulthood by disappear­ eyes ^ssocUt^d with similar ouL^r nelinnl corrugations, in bis
ance of the cystic changes- alterations in the underlying right eye (C and E). The schisis tSVSty was noL detected by
KJ4i. and finally development of a nonspecific atrophic fluorescein angiography, w hile Lhe corrugations w ere m ildly
fluonescenl iJJ. arm w j. O ve r lhe nexl ve?ar lhe conu^alioris
macular lesion. Some patients demonstrate corrugations
changed in shape in his riyhL eye and appeared in Lhe left
of the outer retina either in the temporal macula, or more
eye (arrows, H and C:-. O ptical coherence lomo^ruphy (O C T '
extensively throughout the fundus These corrugations of bolh m aculas showed schisis Cavity [n m ulliple layers :H 1
appear to be at the photoreceptor and outer plexiform and I-C2 i. O C T through Lhe corrujjalions showed Lhem lo be
layers and are known to change in orientation and shape in lhe outer retina wiLh processes of the photoreceptors and
over time,, and sometimes may disappear altogether. Two esternal limiting membrane Iarrows, 11 and 12 . Sibling A
brothers arc shown in figure 5.59. The younger sibling, now had lonL lhe mliiTal corrugations in his left eve, lhe schi­
sis was more Widespread in E>oth eyes (f and К . and lhe O C T
who became symptomatic first, lost the corrugations over 5
showed schists cavily on Lhe LefL was larger ■L.i.' ' u
years (figure 5.5911 and Kj. Whether the change in height
and Lautness of the schisis cavity imparl forces to the tem­
poral retinal to cause Lhese corrugations is a hypothesis. 1,1 may be diffuse mottled hyper fluorescence indicative of
Some pa Lien is show progressive narrowing of the retinal extensive pigmentary changes present throughout the ret­
vessels and develop peripheral changes of pigmentary reti­ ina (figure 5.32J and K). Patients wilh evidence of periph­
nal dystrophy, in childhood the RPE may be normal (figure eral schisis may show leakage of dye from the retinal
5.58С and L>) or may be diffusely or irregularly depig- vessels within the area of schisis, as well as adjacent areas
mented (figure 5.5S| and K). Rhegmalogenous detach­ {figure 5.581}. Evidence of nonperfusion of segments of
ment Infrequently occurs, and spontaneous realtachment the retina may be present. ОСГ demonstrates the cavi­
may occur Jlupture of a superficial retinal neovascular tuft ties with vertical pillars separating them from each other
within the area of schisis may cause either vitreous hem­ (figure 5.53111 and 112). Dark adaptation is usually nor­
orrhage or bleeding into a peripheral retinal cyst/ '5 Most mal or minimally affected. Electroretinography typically
vitreous hemorrhages resolve spontaneously. Anomalous shows abnormal b-wave acid normal a-wave amplitudes,
vascular looping or branching on the optic disc is common. prolonged b-wave latencies and implicit times, reduced
Most of the changes occurring in X-l inked juvenile reti- oscillatory potential generated by either rods or cones.,
noschisis occur during the first two decades of life. 80 Visual and reduced 30-1 lz flicker response. ''"The findings are
amity often stabilizes at 20/50-20/300. lhe peripheral visual probably parity dependent upon the severity of the reti-
field is affected only when peripheral schisis is present. noschisis and the age of the patient. lilectro-oculographic
On fluorescein angiography the posterior fundus is fre­ studies are usually normal in young patienls.Iltey may be
quently normal [Figure 5.5SD}. In some patients there subnormal in patienLs wilh severe involvement of the HE1El.
О т 1—Кл\{ Dif^trcrhics (inverse Pigrtiailary Retmid Dystrophy)
I LLsUjpлthoLogicLT.11y, the splitting in juvenile retino- 5.60 Non X-linked roveomacular schisis.
scbisis occurs in the nerve fiber layer and g£nglion cell
A-С: Fuvuonia lu IFif schisis fn а 19-year-old wfim afl
[avers.'1"" ' l,‘' ?ai The internal limiting membrane of the ret­ with visual acuity 20/20 right eyer and 2Q/40 1еЛ eye.
ina is thinned over the area of schisis. '['he inner layer may Anjjiojjraphy was normal {G>. H e r family history was nEga-
or may not contain retinal blood vessels, lo date no his- ii№ . Her eledroretinographic study was normal.
topathology is. available concerning the typical early stages D-l: Familial foveom-acular schisis in a brother -and sister.
of foveal schists. The histopathologic findings and LRG Macular lesions w a r iksL noled in the sister al a^e b years.
Al atje 1^ years her acuity in the rigEil еуй was iUOO bffaler-
ah no rn] aLilies affecting the b-wave implicate the Muller
ally. bhe had mild ^paretinal m^febrane changes and cystit
cells at the primary cell involved in this disorder. eQ'7SJ
Hyeal c h a n t s bilaterally 1-h<al wt're assonaLed with а yel­
(See p. 50& for (he histopathologic findings of infantile lowish change at (he level of the reEinal pigment epithelium
cystoid maculopathy that macroscopically resemble foveal i K.P1: > in Ihe rij^hl eye (.1Э and E). A Few vitrwjus cells ivmb
retinoschisis.) Unlike senile schisis, xvhere retinal splitting prraent. 1here were по рати plana exudates. FIuaresetin
occurs predominantly in the outer plexiform layer and angiography in the left eye was normal i.F). An е1ес:1гоге1-
adjacent nuclear layers, the superficial juvenile retinoschi­ iiiaryram was normal. The Ejpother presented al aije 2T years
compl^yjpftig of gradual Visual loss lor П years. He denied
sis cavities do not conLiin acid mucopolysaccharides.
nyctalopia or hemeralopia. FHis visual acuiLy was 20/60
Progression of visual loss is usually slow and may be
bilaterally. There were minimal vitreous cells present bilater­
associated with minimal changes in the appearance of the ally, mild uplrtilinal membrane c:-h-iin£$esr and a Ear^t! cenlral
fundi {Figure 5.5BJ and L). Peripheral schisis usually does cysl surrounded Ejy smaller cysts in ihe center bf llie macula
not progress, and in щ ш е cases spontaneous reapposition E)i laterally 1C and bb. 1Ь н е was no peripheral ret5nost hi,-
of the inner and outer layers occurs. нis. An^jio^iaphv revealed a local window djj feU hyperfluo-
There are no fundus changes in the female carri­ nescence t:enlrally in both eyes ! . The retinal vessels and
HFJ£ H^ppcaned nonv-nl. An elecLrortfinogram revealed some
ers.'1 Arden et at. reported identificalion of obligate het­
reduction of rod and cone amplitudes.
erozygous X-linked juvenile retinoschisis: all patients
f—L= This 63-year-old woman had bi fa Lera I foveomacu lar
demonstrated a lack of rod-cone interaction electro- schisis ;; and K'i and peripheral retinal schisis. Angiography
retinographically.'61 Linked LJNA probes have been used was ипгетагкатй L.!. Her family EiisLory was neyalive.
for carrier detection and diagnosis of X-linked juvenile
retinoschisis. ■
Mutations including deletions, missense mutations,
a family of probable autosomal -recess ively inherited
and null mutations in the lletinoschisin gene X k L S i are
peripheral retinoschisis without foveal schisis.786
responsible for the condition.
Koveal schisis may be simulated by focal contraction of
Lbe interna] Limiting membrane caused by contracted pre- Localized or Segmental Forms of Retinitis
foveolar vitreous cortex following an aborted macular hole Pigmentosa
(see Hgure ]2.I4|-E.), by changes occurring in the inner
Autosom al-D om inant Peripheral Annular
retina in patients with a rhegmatogenous retinnil detach­
Pigm ent D ystrophy (Autosom al-Dom inant
ment (Figure 5.326: and FJ, and by in far] tile cysLoid m aa l­
V iireoretinochoroidopathy, se e ADVIR.C p . 243
lopathy (see p. 506).
in Chapter 5)
Bullous peripheral retinoschisis affecting the macula is
Autosomal-do mi nan L peripheral annular pigment dys­
seen mainly in infants and children and there is a marked
trophy is characterized by coarse hyperpigmentation and
Lendency for spontaneous resolution. Prophylactic treat­
hypopigmentation for 360n, with a sharp posterior border
ment to prevent spread of the schisis or to reattach the
at approximately the equator, superficial and deep punctate
inner retina is generally unnecessary and may lead lo
yellowish-while opacities, retinal vascular attenuation, tran­
severe comp Iieations.
sudation and neovascularization cystoid macular edema-
choroidal atrophy vitreous degeneration, and cataract for!
Non X-Linked Foveal Retinoschisis m a tio n ^ "'01. it is a relative stable disease and, unlike reti­
Typical foveal schisis has been reported in females with nitis pigmentosa, is associated with minimal nyctalopia
peripheral schisis/^ and in families showing evidence and visual field loss. ERG responses are normal in younger
o f autosomal-dominant inheritance (Figure ,-'4,' :’1' patients and moderately abnormal in older patients.
Jhe paltern of the foveal cystic changes is variable (Figure Flistopathologically the findings show some similarities to
5 . A. Ei, G, and H); some resemble cystoid edema in that in retinilis pigmentosa. Unusual findings include mul-
patients with retinitis pigmentosa whereas others have lifoeal areas of Loss of retinal receptors and extensive prereti-
more vertically oriented columns of tissue between lucent nal membrane formation with cellular debris and layers of
spaces [E-'igure 5.-6IJ. Lewis and associates have reported Mii Her cells. Ihere is no histopalhologic evidence lo suggest
typical foveal schisis in three daughters of a no neon san­ a primary involvement of either (he vitreous or choroid in
guineous marriage. '"I' Yamagucbi and Нага have reported the pathogenesis of this disorder.
Posterior Annular (Pericentral, Circinate > 5.61 Non-X-linked macular schisis.
Peripapillary) Pigm entary RetinaJ D ystrophy A —F: Thin ЬО-уелг-old wum iin had be№cHrretEed vision of
A variety of names has been given Lo the development of a 2Q/2.T vision in eai'h- Careful ijxamiriattoti of the fovea
ring of pigmentary atrophy with or without intrareLinal pig­ showed faint yellow stippling o l lhe temporal lovea in each
ment migraLion in a ringlike zone immediately surrounding eve I ha I did not capture w ell on lhe photoj^mpta. O pt if л I
coherence tomography showed only mild Ihickenin^; and
[he posterior pole (Figure З.бЗА-Н)/ ^ -' l>? Ihese patients
cjysts in the temporal macula: qf both eyes. The intervening
usually have normal visual acuity, lhe ERG typically is sub­
pillars w ere obliquely oriented in the ir a n ila and vertically
normal and may be extinguished. When this condition is oriented in lhe temporal retina lA-D ). There was no fam­
not associated with pigment migration into the retina, it ily history suggestive оГ retinoschisis. She was treated w ith
has been called circinate choroidal sclerosis/'"' Progression oral aceLazolamide for more lha:i 3 months with only mild
in most patients appears to be Slow.™ 79 its mode of changes in the height of the s-сЪi-pjs cavilv in httlh eyes :t and
inheritance i& probably most often autosomal-recessive. F . Shy m fiinclined a vjsion (if Лр/25 and the actHazcil amide
was stopped.
|Cu J r t « y tj[ L)r. t':+kV.ird t Ьетгмгу.)
Paravenous Retinochoroidal Atrophy
Patients with paravenous retinochoroidal atrophy many of
whom are asymptomatic and have normal visual function., makeup. Males are affected more than females, in about a
shoi^ a striking pattern of sharply outlined zones of atro­ 4:1 ratio.""' :,|Л Some cases are familial, most are sporadic;
phy of the RPE that follow the course of the major retinal no definite inheritance pattern has been established.01''"105
wins (Figure 5.62G). flQ9'ilhese may extend posteriorly Mutations within the CRB1 gene have been found by vari­
and he confluent wilh zones of atrophy surrounding (he ous groups; other conditions associated with C K iiJ muta­
optic disc. I'here is often migration of pigment into (he tions include some cases of Leber’s congenital amaurosis,
retina to surround the relinal veins, lh e condition is bilat­ early-onseL retinitis pigmentosa (РРДРЁ, HP 12), and reti­
erally symmetric, in most patients Lhe optic nerve and the nitis pigmentosa associated with Coals'-1i ke vasculopathy
caliber of the retinal vessels are normal. Some cases have Jt appears that loss oJ'C’WIif leads to displaced photorecep­
shcrtm evidence of narrowing of the retinal vessels; optic; tors anti tocal degeneration of all neural layers attributable
disc pallor,. and changes in the HPE in the macula and sub­ lo loss of adhesion between photoreceptors and Muller
normal acuity. One boy seen in Miami had eccentrically cells.
Located macular staphylomata (Mgure 5.62G)f Chen el al. Hlectropbysiologic tests are usually normal or only
described biiateral macular colobomata associated with mildly affected but in some instances may be markedly
pigmented paravenous atrophy.1^0Fluorescein angiography sufcmormaljй0HvHlW Most cases fail to show progression. In
outlines the areas of RHL atrophy and in some cases may some cases, however, the disease onay progress and result
demonstrate evidence of atrophy of the choriocapillaris. in significant visual loss. In a sLudy of IF patients over
Aulofluorescence imaging shows decreased autoftuores- lime, the mean change in remaining visual field and ERfi
cence corresponding to the area of atrophy surrounded by amplitudes was much slower than in patients wilh typical
a /.one of normal or iso fluorescence, outside which there is retinitis pigmentosa.’"''
a ring of increased autofluorescence.:iM- '['his appearance Differential diagnosis includes angioid streaks, helicoid
is seen in a variety of dystrophies associated with photo­ peripapillary chorioretinal degeneration, radial lattice reti­
receptor loss, including cone dystrophy; sector retinitis pig­ nal degeneration, and chorioretinitis.
mentosa. and con e-rod dystrophy, lhe increased fundus
aulofluorescence, and therefore, excessive lipofuscin accu­
mulation in K P K cells, may result from an abnormally high
Sector Pigmentary Retinal Dystrophy
turnover of photoreceptor outer segments or impaired R P li In some patients the ophthalmoscopic evidence of pig­
Lysosomal degradation of normal or altered phagocytesed mentary retinal dystrophy that may or may not be asso­
molecular subslraLes. This arc of increased fundus auto­ ciated with hone spicule pigmentary migration may be
fluorescence in different retinal dystrophies migrates with confined to one sector of the fundus, most frequently the
Lime as the area of involvement spreads. inferonasal quadrant (Figure 5.621 E and [he dis­
Га ravenous retinochoroidal atrophy may occur in sib­ ease is usually discovered in adult patients who may have
lings and in successive generations/'00-''1--"4-1 Some cases mild symptoms of night blindness. 'Jhey usually show
of paravenous atrophy are probably acquired as the result slow progression of the disease, which rarely reaches the
of inflammatory disease.'1’ 6:& Gass has seen one patient disabling stage. Jhe visual acuity is usually normal, lletinal
who presented initially with a widespread perivenous arterioles in the area of pigmentary changes are narrowed,
distribution of acute chorioretinitis that over a period of lhe field defect usually corresponds wilh the area of К [3b£
several years progressed to severe typical serpiginous cho­ atrophy. AbsoSute visual thresholds, hoitfevet may be ele-
roiditis. lhe occurrence of paravenous atrophy bilater­ vaLed Lhroughoul Lhe retina.f2&,a31 Occasionally chronic
ally in one of two monozygotic twins is evidence that in angle closure glaucomar macular holes, and exudative vas-
some patienls it may have a cause Linrelated to genetic culopaLhy have been associated with щви-835
(uvenile nephronophthisis and sectoral retin lies pig­ S .62 Locafized forms of pigmentary retinal dystrophy.
mentosa have been associated in one instance."''
A—D: Annular pigm enlary retinal dystrophy in л 6-3-year-old
I listopathologic and metabolic abrtortHaffl^fe involving iht; man com plaining of nyctalopia of lfl monlhs' dura! ion. His
ш ш 1а1-арреаЩ ге11|Ё have also been demonstrated. family hislorv was negative. Visual acuity was 20/20 in lhe
In patienls showing minima] ophthalmoscopic evidence right and 20/200 in lhe lelt eye. C olo r vision testing was
of RPt changes in lhe affected arear the field defects may markedly abnormal. H is electroretinographic studies showed
simulate a nerve fiber bundle defect or bitemporal hemi- moderalely abnormal nod and cone dysfunction. Note the
i:ng [)! retftlaJ pigjtfiEnl epi I helium alrophv surrounding lhe
anopia and lead to the mistaken diagnosis of glaucoma or
macula (A—CJ. Angiography in the It^L eye ([>> shuwed e v i­
an intracranial lesion."'’ 1' HlecUortlLnography may show evi­
dence of a tainl bull's-eye pattern of hyper fluorescence ten-
dence of rod, rone, or combined dysf u n c t io n . 1-luorescein Iralh- lanowsl. There lias been only minim al change in the
angiography is helpful in detecting the sector areas of atro­ fundi and visual function during the ti voaTsof follow-up.
phy of the ft PL that may be overlooked ophthalmoscopi- E and F: Identical I w in females developed mild visual loss
cally. Most cases are sporadic, but autosomal-recessive and associated with foveomacular schisis in their Leenage years.
dominant inheritance Dociirs.3^"1^ 58-6-14 Jtod opsin muta­ The schisis disappeared in their 20sr and they developed an
incomplete segmental annular dystrophy of the pigment epi­
tions are responsible Гог autosomal-dominant inheritance
thelium and id in n in iheir 30s It njnd Fl. Their visual acuily
of segmental retinitis pigmentosa in some families."'"
VuaS 20/20 hi laterally. Eileclroretinogiaphy was within normal
lhese latter patients demonstrate abnormal dark adaptation I j m i I l-.
kinetics nith marked prolongation of the later phase of rod G : P’aravencnjs relinochoroidal aLrophy and m acular slaphy-
adaptation.141,1 Fomata in a 34-year-old Latin boy whose visual acuity was
Patients with sector pigmentary retinal dystrophy 20‘25 in the righl eye and 20/200 in lhe lefL eye. His elec-
should he clearly differentiated from patients wilh seg­ Lroretinogram showed severely abnorm al rod and cone
fu n d u M Hi к family hislorv was negative. A sjmiluT picture
mental areas of bone spicule pigmentation related lo
was present in bolh eyes. This u -лл observed a1 age years
long-standing serous detachment, such as occurs particu­
and photographs during the pas I 5 years have revealed only
larly in some patients wilh a severe form of idiopathic minor changes in the fundus appearance.
central serous chorioretinopathy {see Mgure .S.06) and in H and I: tegmental neLfnitis pigmentosa involving lh e nasal
patients with acute zonal occult outer relinopathy (see half of the lundi (H i in a -17-year-old man with a bitemporal
Ngure 11. Ift}. In such cases the distribution of pigment ary hemianopsia. A paternal nunl had rtaL5niIiн pigmentosa. Visual
changes is usually asymmetric. Although sector pigmeti- acuily was 20/20, The lumpoml halves o f lhe fundi w ere nor­
mal fl). H is co n e and rod electroretinog^aphic findings were
Lary retinal dystrophy may occasionally occur unilaterally,
moderately abnormal.
pigmentary changes When confined to one eye are much
|-L: L-п i lalera I relinilis pigmentosa-like fundus in a 34-year-
more likely Lo be the result of trauma [see Figures 8.Q2D-E-' old wom an w h o was asym plom atic before presenling w ilh
and S.03L); previous long-sLanding retinal detachment acute Loss ot central vision in Lhe right eye caused by a sub-
related to a retinal hole, choroidal hemangioma (see retanal neovascu lar membrane in lh e righL eye :arrow, J.. In
Figure 14.1GJ or choroidal nevus; or previous occlusion of addition Lo lhth typicHj findings of pseudoxanthoma elasLi-
a large choroidal artery. cum w ilh angioid streaks and peau d 'orange changes in bolh
eyes, she had marked narrow1ing of Lhe reiinal vessels and
extensive 360'' bone—corpuscular changes ihsl w ere con­
Unilateral Retinitis Pigmentosa fined lo lhe left eye -Lj. An eleclroretinogram was normal
in thn righl eye and severely abnormal in the lefl eye. Visual
The diagnosis of unilateral retinitis pigmentosa should
acuity was 20/30 right eye and 20/20 leJl eye.
he made only when: [ l j Lhere is functional efectroretino­
graphic and ophthalmoscopic evidence suggesting a pri­
mary pigmenLaiy degeneration in one eye; (2) Lhe visual
function, li-HG, and appearance of the other eye are nor­
mal; [3] follow-up has been at least 5 years in order to inactivates the normal X chromosome, inflammation,
rule out delayed involvement of the second eye; and (4) trauma, and cojnbined choroidal and retinal vascular
inflammatory. traumaticr or olher causes in the affected occlusion are probably responsible for most cases. Jn lhe
eye have been excluded. 14,1 Patients wilh these criteria southeastern USA diffuse unilateral subacute neurorettni-
rarely have other affected family members, and their fun­ tis is the commonest cause of a unilateral retinitis pigmen­
dus changes probably are caused by some acquired disease tosa-] ike syndrome (see I'igure 30.2ft). Patients with acute
rather than by a primary genetically determined dystro­ ional occult outer retinopathy and multifocal choroiditis
phy (Hgure 5.62J and K }.642,8^3 i:emale carriers of X-l inked and panuveitis may also present with unilateral fundus
ret ini its pigmentosa can develop unilateral symptom­ changes typical of relinilis pigmentosa [see Figures 11-Л8
atic retinitis pigmentosa when the process of lyonizalion and II .1?).
A T Y P IC A L P IG M E N T A R Y R ET IN A L S.63 Gyrate atrophy of Ihe choroid.

D Y S T R O P H IE S A S S O C IA T E D W IT H A —C : Gyrale atrophy in a 25-year-old wom an whose visual

acuity was ri^ht eye and 2(>/£J0 left eye. The rod and
M E T A B O L IC A N D N E U R O L O G IC to n e eEectroretina^ram was- extinguished. H e r serum urni-
D IS O R D E R S ihine lev-ul was 7 5 J |nnol,'L.
1)-L: A 43-year-old motEier com plained of nyctalopia for
2 years. She Larried a diagnosis o f KetinitEs pigmentosa for
Gyrate Atrophy ot the Choroid 30 уе^гн. f t p visual acuilv Was 2 0/20 Eialh eyes. W ide-field
tliyrate atrophy of the choroid is а rare recessive!}' inherited pholngrapEis show peripheral p>igmenl change ir> a reticular
chorioretinal dystrophy and inborn error of metabolism Of Jishnet-fEke pattern w ith norma l-ca liE>er vessels ID -G j. Her
ringiog^an-j showed liypoflJOresi^tlCe corresponding to the
caused by a generalixed deficiency of the mitochondrial
pigment with adjacent areas of hyperfluoresicfcince I HI. Her
matrix enzyme ornithine aminotransferase. Myopia and two affsfcted sens With progress-i ve jjaiL dislurtiance showed
nighL blindness are the first clinical symptoms and the periphery] h tim m jl^ thorm relinnl atrophy that was sym ­
disease appears in. childhood. It is manifest early in life metric: between the 1viO eyes and Eietween each (jlher Lypi-
as garland-shaped, sharply defined zones of chorioretinal cal ol gyrate atrophy ll and J). The atrophic patches were
atrophy involving the mid periphery o f'the fundus (l-'igure hypoautoflLiorescenE w ilh intervening areas o f increased
5.63A and ]"hese lesions spread peripherally and riuLniiuorescence iK- in her and her non s. O ptical coher­
e n t tomography showed preservation (Я rt'linal pignienl
posteriorly. The macula is usually invohred later in life.
epitheliLim and pholcreceplurs in ihe intervening лгчмн hul
Ixjcal areas of atrophy are variable in size and fuse to form loss cprrespondrrtB to the atrophic Stines :L I. The angiogram
Earge atrophic areas wiLh festooned edges (Figure 5.63). showed loss of <.l>ori oca pil laris in I hose areas.
Ihe mechanism for the chorioretinal atrophy remains
ilJ - L , :l i i j г I -i,' u l l > r . LJ-.iv icl Ь л п л Г
unknown; ad4ierse effects of creatinine or deficiency of pyr-
rol'ine-B-carbojiilate on retinal function may be a cause361*
Small glittering crystals may he visible on the fine velvet­
like RE^Il in areas unaffected by choroidal atrophy. Some
pallor of the optic disc, vitreous opacities, narrowing of the 70% ol' patients have premature atrophic changes, a strik­
retina! vessels, and cataracts occur during the later stages of ing increase in the Virchow's spaces. About half the patients
the disease. Optic disc drusen and cystoid macular edema show abnormal background activity on FIX'.. Ihe KLС and
miry occasionally Qccw.'qu-Ma 'L'he late fundus picture may MR] findings do not correlate wilh each other.
simulate that of advanced choroideremia (Figure 5.631 ihe re are two clinical subtypes of gyrate atrophy based
and J] or LGRM D, Most patients have a high degree of on the presence or absence of an In vivo response to vita­
myopia and manifest varying degrees of night blindness. min Uf|J which is ihe cofaclor of the enzyme ornithine
Progressive peripheral field loss accompanies the fundus aminotransferase. Vitamin H(, responsiveness is defined as
changes. N' Color vision is normal UEilil later Eife. The LO G а БС№о reduction in serum ornithine levels. Patients with
is markedly abnormal. Ihe scotopic E^RG is usually extin­ B 6 responsiveness generally have a milder disease than
guished. lioth rod and cone amplitudes may be severely ihose who are not responsive. Somalic celt hybridisation
reduced in early childhood at a time when the fundus studies have demonstrated absence of complementation
changes may be m inim al." Dark adaptation reveals pro­ among K,, responders and non responders, which indicates
gressive loss of nod function. lakki64 л and McCollough that these iwo forms of gyrate atrophy probably represent
and have demonstrated abnormal levels of different allelic mutants of the same gene.:" i "’' 1 Lise of
ornithine in the plasma, urine, cerebrospinal fluid, and arginine-restricted diel has also been shoxvn to slow pro­
aqueous humor in these patients. The enzyme ornithine gression of the vision Loss in patients with gyrate atrophy
ketoacid transaminase is deficient in these patients.4'1' due to lower plasma ornithine levels. Carriers of gyrate
At least 50 different mutations have been found in the atrophy have no clinical signs but in ay have slighl eleva­
OAT gene mapped lo 10^2(3.^"" Nearly half the patients tion of blood ornithine levels, clear ornithine more slowly
that are known are of Finnish origin, in addition lo the on loading test, and demonstrate only 50% enzyme activ­
eye changes, other systemic findings include: ( I) minor ity on cell culture. Mutations of the ornithine aminotrans­
decreases in intelligence; ( 2} changes in the electro­ ferase gene show a high degree of heterogeneity, reflecting
encephalogram (EEC ); [3] minor weakness of muscle; the heterogeneity of the disease.1"5'1'*"1!!7r
(4) changes in staining of type IE muscle fibers; (5) Lubu- Histopathologic examination of eyes of a patient with
lar inclusions in muscle cells on electron microscopy; f6) Vitamin J^.-responsive gyrate atrophy has shown abrupl
fine, sparse, straight hair with microstructural changes; transition between normal retina and near-total atrophy of
and (7) lenglhening and enlargement of mitochondria ihe retina, pigment epithelium, and choroid correspond­
in liver cells.1^"'5*'1 ihe central nervous system involve­ ing with the gyrate areas of atrophy seen clinically.1" "
ment in patients with gyrate atrophy and hyperornithin­ Mitochondrial abnormalities may be evident in the cor­
emia involves degenerative changes in the white mailer in neal epithelium, nonpigmenled ciliary epithelium, and lo
approximately 30% of patients with gyrate atrophy and a lesser exlent in the photoreceptors." 6
ibe differential diagnosis of gyrate atrophy includes i.64 Cystinosis,
choroideremia and generalized choroidal sclerosis.' J ''
Д and B: There was л peculiar yellow crystalline material at
Peripheral confluent zones of old in active chorioretini­ Lhe level of lhe uHtsroi d anti relinal pi^menl epi I helium in л
tis secondary to congenital or secondary7syphilis or other 7-year-old gjH w ith renal insufficiency diagnosed as cystine
inflammatory disease if discovered in young patients догаде disease.
might be cor]fused wilh gyrate atrophy. Similar multiple (. : Л 14 -year-old Femd]c with cyslinosis developed a urinary
geographic zones of atrophy also occur after spontaneous Lract infection a I b months of aj^e. ih e w as dja^nosed as hav­
ing R in co n i s hyndrome. A1 6 year*. she developed pholo-
resolution of large zones of suh-RPE large-celI lymphoma.
phohia and multiple corneai crystals w ere noted. At 7 years,
(See Chapter 13. p. ll&CJ.J NFKCD, IJothnia dystrophy,
bright refraclile deposits were noled in lh e choroid. Visual
and 1.0 RML) are other conditions that have Earge areas of acuilv was normal. ih ch died a I 14 years or ,ige ffom com pli­
geographic atrophy in the midperiphery that progress over ca! ions ol im m unosUppreSartl therapy following renal trans­
time. plantation. Histopathologic examination of the Eyes revealed
Blood ornithine levels have been successfully lowered square, rectangular, and sliverlike crystals in the choroid.
through the therapeutic use of vitamin b^ 3-86***'77 pypj. These crystals w ere also found in the cornea, iris, ciliary
body, sclera, episclera, and optic nerve shealh.
dosal phosphate,? and a iow-arginine diet.r ii; : " The
results of therapeutic trials lo date are inconclusive as lo IА, Ггопн h l l t t i ,:l.yl|: A|-ntrirj,>n M ed ical A ijd eijn ln rk A ll
ri^Fili Reserved. fruro ' ■
whether treatment is of benefit in retarding progression of
the d isease.8* ’■

Hooft's Syndrome
corneal stroma. Fine crystals may be visible in the retina
i looft's syndrome is an autosomal-recessive disorder of
in some patients/ 11^ 1p‘" With longer survival made
tryptophan metabolism, characterized by atypical pig­
possible by renal transplantation, additional ocular com­
mentary retinal dystrophy, extinguished ERG, panhypo-
plications have occurred/1’' 'lltese include incapacitat­
lipidemia., hypoglycemia, mental and growth retardation,
ing photophobia, blepharospasm, posterior synechiae,
erythematous skin rash involving the face and extremi­
thickened iris stroma, crystal deposition on the anterior
ties, whitish discoloration of lhe nails* dry hair, tooth
lens surface, tritan color vision abnormalities, elevated
decay, and a progressive course leading to death by 2 years
dark adaptation thresholds, reduction in rod and cone
of age." lhe fundus may show a dusty-gray appear­
amplitudes elect roretinograp hie ally and impairment in
ance with pigmented spots or gray or yellow patches,
visual function. 'Ibere is some evidence that cystinosis in
lhe macula has been described as appearing to be 'cov­
the Krench Canadian population may be associated with
ered by a kind of snail's s itin g ™0'['his is a varianl of the
milder complications of the disease.H istop atho logic
llassen-Kornxweig syndrome but without steatorrhea and
and ultraslnictural examinations have shown evidence of
intracellular crystals within the RFE and choroid but not
in the retina fig u re 5.64C). Ef is probable that accumu­
Cystinosis lation of cystine crystals within the RE’Ei is responsible for
Nephropathic cystinosis is an autosomal-recessive Iу inher­ the characteristic fundus pictures seen in these patients/"''^
ited storage disorder in which non prole in cystine accu­ although Winter found the crystals only in the choroidHi,'J
mulates with ill cellular Jysosomes caused by a defect in (figure 5.64С].
lysosomal cystine transport, liarly in life these patients Cellular cystine accumulation, which is the putative
experience growth retardation, renal tubular and glomer­ cause of the ocular damage, can be reduced by over 90%
ular dysfunction, anemia, and hyperthyroidism. Renal wilh the free thiol, cysleamine, both in vitro and in vivo,
transplantation is usually necessary by 10 wars of age. 'ibis treatment apparently stabilizes renal function but
Ocular manifestations usually develop in the fLrst year of does not reverse exisLing renal damage. Likewise, it does
life and include photophobia; progressive accumulation not reverse the corneal deposition of crystals and proba­
of coruealr conjunctival, and iris crystals; and yellowish bly does not reverse the retinal dysfunction.' '1 Studies are
mottling of the pigment epithelium in the macula and needed to determine whether cysteamine therapy, which
more marked mottled REnti degenerative changes in the is usually discontinued after successful renal transplanta­
peripheral fundi (figure 5.<S4Aand В),йм'ш crys­ tion, is of benefit in retarding progressive ocular changes.
tal deposition begins in the superficial peripheral comeal Cysteamine eye drops have been used to reverse corneal
stroma and subsequently involves the central and deeper crystal deposition. '1''
Albinism S.6i Albinism.

Albinism is a group of disorders associated with an inborn A—C : О си loc uLa nE*ous albinism in a 16-year-old girl w ilh
lull Lranurikirv.inaLicjTi of the indes. S f e had nystagmus; Visual
error of amino acid metabolism affecting lhe production
acuily was 5/20Q. Her pa luma J ^randhalhei and l*is brolhers
of melanin. Associated defects that may occur include had albinism. Therfe wab no well-defined cap(l|&ry-free zone
nystagmus; strabismus; large refractive errors* particularly nr foveolar depression a q liiic № c D illc a l ly it".
myopic and astigmatic errors; macular dysplasia (hypo­ D - F : O t UI Of uLl ПC4JUS ■I I ■!!1i ^П I. O jjlic ПОГУе I IVpOpI a i J a , a n d
plasia); deafness; mental retardation; reticuloendothelial flj&ked relina in п 127-year-old LaLin man with nysta^mUj^
incompetence; and coagulation d e f e c t s . Macular poor vision, and mild hyperOpic asIijjfiialism all a t bib life.
dysplasia is characterized by loss of Lhe foveal depres­ The mother, and piiternal yrandlalbLT w uts blond but find
good vision
sion and reflex and absence of or ill-defined capillary-free
С —г X-linked ocular albinisni in а 14-year-old man w ilb
/one (Pigure 5.65СГ Eir Fr and EHJ. bonne paLients, however, nyhLaymuh and 2CV70 acuity. Hu had dark hiair, hncnvn irides
demonstrate a capillary-free zone by fluorescein angi­ LhaL showed scmt' Lransil Ilitti i пл Li езл defects,, aijtfl albinoLif
ography.'11"1 Prominent retinal blood vessels may course kind: With fovea I dysplasia.
directly through, rather Lhan arching around, the dysplas- j: SLrcaky and mol I kid rut i: id I pi|^ncml epi I helium in an
tic macula (figure 5.65 asymptomatic female carrier of X-linkud ocular albinism.
K: O culocutaneous albinism in Chediak-Hi^ashi disease.
L: Stlppllhg of w hile cells in Г hudiak-l-Ei^ashi syndrome.
Oculocutaneous Albinism
Oculocutaneous albinism may be inherited as either an
autosomal-recessive or a dominant trail (figure 5.65A-
:i Most patienls with ophthalmic symptoms accompanied by an atypical protanomalous defect (E'igure
have the recessive form of the disease. Patients whose hair 5.65C-1 ]''' and (3J the autosomal-recessive type. Alt have
bulbs lack tyrosinase have platinum blonde hair, pink impaired visual acuity, translucent irides, congenital nys­
skin, severe photophobia, nystagmus, subnormal acu­ tagmus. photophobia, hypopigmentalion of the fundi,
ity, diaphanous, I ighl-colored irides that transilluminale and macular dysplasia. Some of lhe female carriers of
diffusely (Pigure .3.65И), absence of pigmental ion of the the Nettleship-Palls type show patchy areas of iris trans­
fundi, and macular dysplasia. Patients wilh tyrosinase it! Limination and a coarsely mottled or irregular streaky
in the hair bulbs usually have more ocular pigmentation change in lhe RP£ peripherally (E'igure 5 .6 SJJ,The affecLed
and less visual symptoms and disability. Three subtypes patients and obligate carriers have abnormal giant mela-
of tyrosine-negative oculocutaneous albinism include: nosomes in the skin.d!t5,i,97-Mfi rrhe pigmentary mosaicism
( ] ) tyrosinase-negative albinism; [ 2} platinum albi­ in carriers is not found in the horsius-txiksson type.
nism; and (3) (he yellow mutant type, tight subtypes of in a variant of X-linked ocular albinism in black males
tyrosinase-positive oculocutaneous albinism include: ( I ) there may be a lack of iris transillu mi nation defects and
minimal pigmenl oculocutaneous albinism, ( 2] tyrosi­ characteristic fundus hypopigmenlation.'''''1 Lhe visual acu-
nase-positive albinism; [3] brown albinism; [^) minimal ily is belter than in typical X-l inked ocular albinism and
pigment albinism: (5) Herman sky-Pud! ak syndrome; (ti) diagnosis may require skin biopsy '1Ъе carriers in addi­
Chediak-Uigashi syndrome; \7) rufous albinism; and (a) tion to having the typical fundus changes, may have a
autosomal-dominant albinism : Other features of striking alternating spokewheel-libe pattern of the iris stro­
Chediak-ltigashi syndrome include: reticuloendothelial mal hypo- and ftyperpi|gmentBii|1d>ft^15
incompetence associated with susceptibility to infection i iislopathologjc examination has revealed evidence of
and lymphomatous disease, lymphadenopalhy, hepalo- foveomacular dysplasia, including absence of the foveal
splenomegaly mental reLardalion, cytoplasmic inclusions pit in palients wilh oculocutaneous as welt as ocular
in leukocytes, and death in childhood (E:igure 5.G5K and albinism.'1^ [tie ganglion cell layer is present
l.).:' JI Features accompanying oculocutaneous albinism throughout the macula, and the cones resemble those seeti
in Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome include: blood-clotting in the normal parafoveal area.
defecl (caused by defective glutathione peroxidase activity) Variable results have been reported in regard lo 1Ж т
and Cross's syndrome ( microphthalmos, cloudy vascular­ findings in patients with albinism. Whereas some have
ized corneas, skeletal anomalies, athetosis, and mental suggested that increased a-wave amplitudes and shorter
retardation}.14' latencies of both a- and b-waves are characteristic of
patients with ocular as well as oculocutaneous albinism,
O cular A lbinism others have reported that most of these patients have nor­
P a tie n ts with a defecl in melanogenesis that is la rg e ly mal DIC. findings.'^1'P a t ie n t s with ocular albinism
confined lo the eye fail into three major categories: should be distinguished from palients with isolated foveo-
( ] } Lhe Netlleship- Tails X-finked type ( t h e most com­ macular dysplasia and Lhese wilh dysplasia associated
mon of the three c a t e g o r i e s 4 ( 2) the With aniridia.'" "JJ Flash visual evoked potentials acid
l-'orsius-trtksson X-Linked type [ A l a n d Island disease), 1-KC may he helpful in this regard.'' "
Partial O cular A lbinism i . f Partial albinism.
Congenital heterochromia of the iris and fundus may A - C : Rirlial albinism in W^arcfGnburg's syndnorjfe jn this
occur alin e (Figure 5.6(Ю-|) or may be associated with 13-year-oEd black ^irl with partial deafness,, white forelock,
Localized congenital depigmenlation of lhe лkin and synophrys, lateral displacement o f fhe medial CEinlhus, and
hair, Гог example, Waardenhurg's syndrome (Figure jTeterochtritflia of (he Uides and fundi. H e r v iнил!! acuity in
the rijjht eye was 20/25 and in the left eye was 20/40. She
did nol have poliosis of lhe eyelashes and brGw or congeni­
tal vitilijjo of lhe кк1п. The left iris {A) and fundus |Cl were
Primary Hereditary Hyperoxaluria hypopa^mynted.
D - G : This 20-year-ald Latin male with visual acuity o f 2 0 /2 0
Primary hereditary hyperoxaluria is a rare in bom error bilaterally had heterochromia of the irides and fundi ID and
of gty ab late metabolism characterized by calcium oxa­ Ё , some I os-я of hearing in lhe ri^bl ear. pBthiS m cavatum
late nephrolithiasis, chronic renal failure, and systemic 11-., and a low cato-au-lait ipots Lt-i'. Hih parents w ere cous­
deposition of oxaEate crystals in many tissues, including ins. The familv hiilory was fie^alive for ocular nEinormalititfs.
the tie art. bone, testes, central nervous system, thyroid, H —|: Heterochrom ia ol the iris I'Hj and fundi (l> in а 6-year-

media of arteries, adipose tissuer lymph nodes, muscle;;, dd black Ejov w ilh visual a-LLiilv in btrth eyes.

skin, and eye.': j , -":" Approximately 30% of patients will 1. СгDmthumpsun und Curtllt’ f^ KJ 1994. Amerit/ил iVtediLnl
demonstrate rettnopalhy.^-11 '['here are two types of hered­
A m ih . i. iI i№ l Л И r:^ .h L b, j t i c r w d . '

itary oxaluria. 'I'ype ! hyperoxaluria results from defi­

ciency of the cytoplasmic enzyme hepatic peroxisomal embolization, '['he progressive BPE changes that may occur
aIani ne :glya >1ate am inotrisnsferase." :■■": 1 Itiese pat ienls in association with oxalate crystal s. may simulate any of
have increased urinary excretion ol' oxalate and glycolate. the disorders associated With atypical retinitis pigmentosa.
Type 11 hyperoxaluria is caused by a deficiency of г^glyceric
dehydrogenase, which causes an increased synthesis of
oxalate. Only patients wilh type ! are symptomatic and
Inborn Error of Vitamin B 12 Metabolism
develop eye signs. I'hese include crystalline flecks Widely Ibere are at least three autosomal-recessive inborn errors
scattered throughout ali layers of the retina and ЙРЕ of intracellular cohalamin that may cause methylmalonic
[E'igure 5.67). Irregular dense clumps of RE4\ hyperplasia aciduria wilh homocystinuria. lhe cohalamin form
and hypertrophy, and fibrous metaplasia, ranging in size may be caused by deficiency of a cytoplasmic hydroxy-
from small ringlets I о large several disc diameter-si^e geo­ cohalamin reductase that results in faulty synthesis of the
graphic plaques, occur in the macula r area.'1-1 'n i-J ' ‘Optic two active forms of cohalamin and absence of adenosyl-
atrophy as well as choroidal neovascularization may occur. cobalamin and metbylcobalamin. Absence of these lat­
Visual acuity loss is greater in those patients with optic ter two cofactors results in methylmalonic acidemia and
ateophiy,531^-1 aciduria, accumulation of homocysteine and its deriva-
In type [ primary hyperoxaluria, the calcium oxalate livesr and decreased methionine, liarly in life, patients
crystals early in life may be deposited primarily in (he wilh the cohalamin С type of melhyl т а Ionic aciduria and
ftp И at the posterior pole.1'1'1 En older children, however, homocysLinuria develop failure to thrive, developmen­
the crystals clinically and histopatbiologically are found in tal delay, seizures, megaloblastic anemia, and a progres­
great numbers in the retina With a tendency for periarte­ sive maculopathy.'..... 11 Exported ocular findings include
rial distribution.0-1, EJypertrophv and hyperplasia of the pigment epithelial mottling in the macula with progres­
ftPE are prominent in the macular area (figure !>.G7A and sion lo a bull's-eye ap p earan ce,p erip h eral satl-and-
in a 46-year-old man with a clinically milder and pepper pigment changes,'4" and oplic disc pallor.'^ Most
Liter-mi set :.imili.:.l Ьурсгоха-ипл, ophlhalmoscopicallv patients develop nystagmus early in life, but its onset may­
and hislopathologieally the crystals were located primarily be delayed in some patients. Visual acuity is reduced lo
in the outer plexiform and nuclear layers of llie retina and 20^200 or worse in most patients. Pupillary response may­
not in the pigment epithelium and inner retinal layers.'" 1 be sluggish. Hyelid clonus may be evident.940The electro-
HistopaLhologically, oxalate crystals may be found in the retinographic amplitudes are reduced early, lhe cones may
otber ocular and body tissues, including the kidneys.4-'1 be more affected than the rods.'M‘
Sim ilar retinopathy has been described in acquired oxa­ ] Eislopalhologic and ultrastruclural examination of the
losis following meLhoxyflurane anesthesia that produced eyes of a 22-month-old chEld revealed depigmentation of
acute renal failure (see Hgure 9.09G-K).'J ' ■'4 'i A similar the rtPEi and loss of receplor cells in the macula, reduced
retinopathy has been produced in rabbits by injecting cal­ numbers of (he small ganglion cells in lhe papillomacular
cium oxalate subcutaneously.'JJe .lhe differential diagno­ bundle area, thickening of the posterior sclera associated
sis includes the fleck retina syndromes, jBietffs crystalline wilh accumulation of acidic and weakly sulfa ted muco­
dystrophy, cystinosis, gyrate atrophy. Sjogren-l.arsson syn­ polysaccharide, and diffuse storage of material in clear or
drome. tm exifen reLinopathy, Alport's syndrome. and talc granular cytoplasm in most of the ocular tissues.14,1
Methylmalonic Acid Urea Cobalamin-C 5.67 Vrim ary hype roxa Iuria.

Type A *n d B: This 1-t-year-old female was referred for evaluation

oi black m acular Eesrons. Ac 9 years of age her visual acuity
Methylmalonic acid urea wilh homocysteinuria cobala- was .20/20. Al 13 years, she had а rena] Iransplant Ьссьшке
min-C type is [lie commonest inborn error of vitamin K. i of shrunken calcified kidneys. Her visual acuity al the lime
metabolism. It is an auLosomal-iecessive disorder caused by ol" these phonographs was 2 (V M . M<;ny ysllow crysH^B w w e
mutation in the MMACH& gene. Early- and late-onset sub­ scattered Ihrou^houl ihe retina at dll levels. Note I heir pre-
groups are distinguished based on their age of onseL.'*'1^ ),|(r dj led ion for periarterial distribulion. Irreyular gc*ogTaphit
blade subrelinal lesions WHh Incun не and stinic fibrous tissue
Patients who present within the first year of life are affecLed
were presen I in the macula r агедо Уhe subsequently diud,
more severely than ihose with Liter onset. Ihe early-onset find Lhe histopalbolo^ic findings were similar to chose found
group of patients presents wilh failure to ill rive, lethargy in secondary oxalosis (s№ Figure 9.09>.
anil feeding difficulties, 'these child ren show neurologi­ F: primary fam ilial hyperoxaluria in a 33-year-old Irani a n
cal deterioration, multisystem pathology pancytopenia, wom an w h o developed nephrolithiasis at 20 уеагг erf age.
megaloblastic anemia, cognitive disabilities, and progres­ Renal dialysis was necessary at age JO years. At that time

sive retinopathy. Ihe ]ate-onset group presents with gait she had peripheral neuropathy, hyperuricemia, pericarditis,
and migratory1 arthritis. O n e brother had а тепл I transplant.
abnormalities, extrapyramid aI symptoms, psychiatric distur­
Four other relatives had renal stones. Visual acuity was 20/25
bances, dementia, mild to moderate cognitive disability, but in Ihe right eye and JtV iO in Ihe lc*fL eye. Ih e limdi sliowrsd
no retinopathy. Jiarly recognition of the condition and treat­ widespread retinal crysLals and grade J hypertensive reLi-
ment with hydroKycobalamin. vitamin supplementation, nupalhy and 1.1). Angiography revealed marked loss p i the
carnitine and Ji.:. help to modify the Severity of the disease. peripheral retinal vessels (F) and eKtensive retinal vascular
The ocular findings have shown progressive macular chnmgei (t).

changes which initially appear to be a bull's-eye macu- Methylmalonic actdurfa

lopathy which continues to progress with central atrophy G Гсэ I: This lti year old m^le with CF vision aL 1 feet in
and hyperpigmentation (]:jgure 5.67tj and 11). Coarse pig­ e-ath eye, was bom al full term hy emergency C-sedion for
mentary retinopathy with bone spicule formation is seen felal dislness. Al a|^e 6 weeks, he was found lo feed poorly,
over time (figure 3.4371 Consecutive optic atrophy was lethargic, irriLable, had emesis and poor muscle tone.
occurs subsequently '['hose patients with late-onset dis­ MlfethylnliJonic a d ri was Eound in his urine, fundns was nor­
mal at Iha I time. Vitamin ЕЛ2 shots were given with reduc­
ease show reasonably got>d оси tar function, including rod
tion in M M A. M ethylm alonic aciduria, cohalam in С type
and cone-media ted ERG responses. No significant ocular (cbl-CJl was diagnosed. Al 9 monlhs of age he had nyslag-
pathology has been noted. Subtle ERG or l!OG changes tnUs, a "bulls eye maculopathy'' Was noted bi I ale rally and
may not be functionally significant."'1'' ''i0 Eh?С was non recordable. He received orientation and
mobility training, learnt BrailTe in kindergarten, has aver­
age 3CJ, gTaduatud hiyh school with peers and aLtends com ­
Vitamin Л and t Deficiency
munity college. H e skis in the blind program and aspires lo
Combined deficiency of vitamins A and fc may cause nyc­ tjpfiome a sfjorls radio and T V slalihCician. IJolh m acula show
talopia and progressive retinal degeneration in humans/'1" central chorion:1inal atrophy surrouffaed by hyperpijftnented
RFE. (G and HI. The rest of the fundus shows diffuse pigmen­
IJergeretal. reported these same changes in a patient with
tary alteration w ilh coarse K PE clum ps and bone spicules Ш.
an lfi-year history of avitaminosis E associated with an
There was m ild w axy pallor o f the optic discs in both eyes.
autosomai-recessive form of intrahepatic cholestasis with
IA .inrl b. Irun> Mcri.'Llilh d ,lI ,a-- „ i ■И М , A m m ил n I i:l .i I
malabsorption of predominantly vitamin Ei?™ ]hey sug­ Aisrjcia.iwjr'i A I rdi;l]ls nuurvit'cL C-f, CLKiilL'b-y uf 3>r. Kidi.m l A.
gest that the vitamin fc deficiency may be the major cause ( I Lrj I. lhjurTL i'r' ('I Ur. A lin Kimuni.l
of the retinal degeneration previously attributed to com­
bined deficiency of vitamins A and b.. syntlrome. Joiifeeri syndrome, Elardel-tiiedl syndrome.
Laurence-Moon syndrome. Me Kusick-Kaufman s\rn-
R ET IN A L C IU O P A T H IE S drome, and Biemoni! syndrome. Mutations for these dis­
orders have been found in retinitis pigmentosa-1 (A P J),
disruption of the function of proteins associated with retinitis pigmenLosa GTl:ase regulator retinitis ptg-
photoreceptor cilia results in л wide variety of phenotypes menLosa CJfl>ase regulator-interacting protein (RTGR-1P),
ranging from isolated retinal degenera Lion to more wide­ and in the Usher, Bardet-Biedl, and nephronophthisis
spread phenolypes. Systemic associations include neuro- genes. Sj'stemic disorders associated with retinal degenera­
sensory hearing loss, developmental delay, situs inversus, tions that may also involve ciliary abnormalities include:
infertility, disorders of limb and digit development, obe­ Alstrom. ^d^'ards-Sethi, rllis-van Creveld. Jeune- Meckel-
sity, and kidney, liver, and respiratory disease. Ih e retinal G ruber, orofaciodigital type and Си trie гё syndromes.
dliopathies include retinitis pigmentosa, macular degen­ Understanding these conditions as "ciliopathies''' may help
eration, cone dystrophy, cone-rod dystrophy, l.eber's con­ the clinician to recogni/e associations between seemingly
genital amaurosis, retina! degenerations associated with unrelated diseases and have a high degree of suspicion that
Usher syndrome, primary ciliary dyskinesia, SertJor-Jtikeri a systemic feature may be present.'bL
BARDET-ESIEDL S Y N D R O M E SL6fl Bardet-Biedl syndrome,

A - 11: This 12-учзлr-old fiiFri w ilh men I л I relciidation, Hrohiich-

IJardet-JJiedl syndrome is characterized by: ( I ) pigmen­ type obesity, polydactyly. night blindness, and a negative
tary retinal dystrophy; ( 2) mental retardation; [3} congeni- family hislorv had visual acuily of 20/100. 1here w enj many
La] obesity (usually a J:nohlich. type); [4J hypogenitalism vilnjous tells. Her BlectfOreti rragt^rfji showed severely Jihnor-
(more frequently in males); and ( 5-1 polydactyly or syn­ mal rod and cone ninctioii, Note (.he narrowing of lhe retinal
dactyly (J:igure 5.6S].'J '' ' " ' i n any one patient, the syn­ arierfoles (A). Fluorescein angiography 1B-D) showed e v i­
dence of diffuse m;l I piym enlary changes лп-d ie.ikn^e of dye
drome may be incomplete. Other defects include deafness...
from I lie retinal capiliaries- along the major B re a d s .
nystagmus, strabismus, shortness of stature, genu valgum,
E a rd F: Frtihiich-Lype oIjtsiLy and polydactyly 'a rro w I in
pes plana, congenital heart disease, cystic kidney dysplasia., anotfier paLienL with I b e r im e syndrome!.
and atrophic pyelonephritis. Jt occurs more coinmonly in
males. '['he fundus often shows the typical changes of reti­
retinal dystrophy} in association with obesity, diabetes
nitis pigmentosa and may in addition show evidence of a
meliitus, acanthosis nigricans, polycystic ovaries, hypo­
bull's-eye maculopathy (figure [i.GtiA)."'1, Retinal wrinkling
gonadism, cardiomyopathy, and neurosensoiy deaf­
caused by an epireLinal membrane may be present,?56'M1
ness. '" :i Other features occasionally presented include
KEuorescein angiography sboxvs evidence of hyperfluo­
mental deficiency, baldness, hepatic dysfunction, and
rescence in areas of RPE atrophy and frequently shows
hypertriglyceridemia.'1-,u-‘'1; Kenal dysfunction is vari­
Eeaka^e of dye from the capillaries on (he optic nerve head
able, age-related, and probably the most frequent cause of
and paramacular area without evidence of cystoid macu-
death.'1'■They present with nystagmus and photophobia,
Ear edema [E'igure 5.6SK-D).' lhe 1LKC iis markedly
with severe cone dysfunction in infancy, progressive Eoss
abnormal or extinguished. Patients with no measurable
of rod function, and usually an extinguished I:KG by 5
peripheral visual field may show a variety of different pat­
years of age and no ligbL perception by age 20.4 7 b'l hese
terns of central visual dysfunction: an island of only cone
patients may be initially misdiagnosed as achromotopsia.
function centered in a bull's-eye lesion, patches of rod func­
Handel-Kiedl, Leber’s congenital amaurosis, or cone-rod
tion surrounding geographic atrophy, or a central island
dystrophy, infantile cardiomyopathy and/or weight above
of excellent nod sensitivity but severely impaired cone
the УOth percentile associated with severe early-onsel
function.®*3 The EOG is markedly abnormal,'ш Whereas
cone-rod dystrophy should =ilert one towards the diagno­
most patients retain central vision through their early
sis.’1 : The condition is recessive Iу inherited and the defec­
school yeans, many develop macular changes and 20/20(1
tive gene ALAJS] maps Lo chromosome 2pI3. ihe ALM SJ
visual acuily or less during the second decade of life.™
gene encodes a protein found primarily in the cettlro-
Approximately 50% are legally blind beyond 20 years
somes and basal bodies of ciliated cells, suggesting a func­
of age. Most patients eventually become virtually blind.
tion in cilia formation, maintenance, and funetion.'J'4,
The disease is inherited as an autosomal-recessive trait.
Premature death is often caused by renal failure secondary
to low-grade vesicourethral reflux, urinary tract infection, JU V E N IL E F A M IL IA L
and hypcrLensive vascular disease.""'' Jhere is an increased N E P H R O P H T H IS IS A S S O C IA T E D
incidence of diabetes meliitus in these patients.'"':
S Y N D R O M E )__________________________
Patients wilh Laurence-.Moon syndrome are similar Lo
those with Bardet-Eiiedl syndrome except polydactyly Some patients with aulosumal-reeessively inherited juve­
and obesity are not present, and these patients develop nile familial nephrophthisis or cystic disease of the renal
spastic paraparesis.":'! E'urlherr these patients show medulla may have an associated tapetoretinal degen­
extensive choroidal atrophy approaching that seen in cbo- eration.'1 :" '4: Jhe earliest signs of the renal disorder are
roideremia. Some patients may show features of both syn­ polydipsia, polyuria, and nocturia secondary lo impaired
dromes.™ A hypothalamic hamartoma was found in one urinary concentrating abilitv. The renal disease is insidi­
patient. ■jt.: ous; there is little warning before development of uremia
or anemia. Results of urinalysis are essenlialEy normal.
A LSTRO M SYN D RO M E Jhe retinal degeneration resembles leber's amaurosis, pig­
mentary retinal degeneration, and HPA. Usher's syndrome,
Patients with Alslrom syndrome [Alstram-] lallgren syn­ segmental retinitis pigmentosa, and Coats'1syndrome have
drome) manifest a tapetoretinal degeneration [infantile been reported in these patients.'4"'
JE U N E S Y N D R O M E >.69 1nсо ntine nlia p igm ent i ach ro mia ns.

A-E: A 7-year-old Latin buy was SE>en because ot progres­

] liLs is ап autosomal-recessive disorder characterized sive caliiract in the left eye, n'.ild visual lots in thie riyht eye,
by skeletal abnormalities (short-limbed structure,, short and lelt excrtropia. H e was Ihe product of a J 7-week gesta-
ribs), long thorax with respiratoiy insufficient.' that may Li(jn and a breech pelfVeV- Ccnj^j niLal anomalies included
lead lo infantile death, brachydactyty, hjetaphysedl irregu- гiц.ЬI ElBmiatiiaphy of the body, incJudin^ lhe tongue ID ) and
Earilv, polydactyly, progressive rettali disease, occasional palate, crypJorchLsm. and foot deformities; retinal pigment
epithelium ■К РЫj abnormalities we-re nolrcl in the lundi a I
ocular nibnorma Lities... Lnc Iuding reduced visual acuity,
1 month and mynpffl at 1 № уелгь. Abnormal dentilU n It:,
photophobia, nystagmus, strabismus, and abnormal
alopecia are,Ha, ощГпевэ, and streaks pf cutaneous hypopij;-
LRG.4'" Histopathologic exa mi nation and electron mentataon ihypomjj l a n ™ s of Но] i.C" occurred before 5 years
microscopy show mildly altered RPB, marked loss of reti­ o! afj,e. Visual acuity in the ri^hl eye ( — Й.00 was 20/50
nal receptor cells with relative sparing of cones, and mod­ and in lhe lefl eye f — 4.50 D j was hand т с п е ш Й Й . There
erate loss of peripheral ganglion cells.''9 were bilateral cortical cataracts, worse ir Lhe left eye. The
rif^ht fundus showed лп anomalous optic disc, coiifse st-nealtK
and changes in the (A and Bi. tlectrorelino^rapbic find­
A R T E R IO H E P A T IC D Y S P L A S IA ings showed reduced rod and t o tie amplitudes.
(A L A G IL L E 'S S Y N D R O M E )____________ Hypo melanosis of Ito associated with
m ed till oblasto ma.
Alagl lie's syndrome is an autosomal-dominantly inherited
F-L: This 14-year-old Eemale was operated for a medullo-
syndrome characterized by intrahepatic biliary hypoplasia,
blastnnla and was found (o have a con^enilal № k le defor­
neonatal jaundice, pruritus, cardiovascular anomalies (par­ mity and whorfs ol skin pigjnen I al ion along the lines
ticularly pulmonary artery stenosis), vertebral anomalies, ot' Blanch ко. A trisomy ot" chromosome 3 Was found on
growth retardation., hypogonadism, and a characteristic genetic testing, a defect so far not known (o be associ­
fades (deep-set eyes, mild hypertelorism, overhanging fore­ ated with medullobiaslon'.a. bhc? had pundate areas of K P t
head, straight nose, and smalt pointed chin), and hoarse hypopi^rrentafion more visible in the rr^bt than Lhe left
macula iF i*nd C ), that were hypoautofluorescenl (H bind I
voice (see figure 4.05).''JU" JVI: Associated ocular anomalies
and appeared as transmission defects on angiography -!J
that are apparent in at least SO^-a of cases include posterior
Her visual acuity was normal in both eyes, lh e streaks of
embryotoxon jTtienfeldi anomaly],'-1^' pigmentary retinal hypcipigmentation were present on her back IK:. forearm (L:.
degeneration, pseudopapilledema, chorioretinal folds (see and race. There was по Га mi Iv history of medical disordert.
Rgure band keratopathy, ectopic pupil, eso­
tropia. high myopia, and tortuous retinal blood vessels.
[E'igure ifiS )? ™ - ™ ' 'lhe name "incontinentia pigmenti
I’Osterior embryotoxon and Lhe peripheral retinal pigmen­
acrottklaiHi:* should not link this condition with incontinen­
tary changes are the most consistent fitidings and may be
tia pigmenti, which occurs only in females (transmitted by
helpful in differentiating this benign form of neonatal jaun­
X-linked inheritance and lethal in males); (hey are in no
dice from other more serious causes of neonatal jaundice,
way related, except for the superficial resemblance of the
ihe disorder is of variable penet ranсe and is benign in most
skin changes. Incontinentia pigmenti achromians occurs in
patients. Some, however, may have severe cardiovascular
both sexes with a female-to-male raLio of 2.5:1 and geneti­
and renal complications as well as progressive neurovascu­
cally is not well defined.'" : Evidence documenting
lar deterioration caused by vitamin A and E deficiency.991 '
single-gene transmission is unconvincing and recurrence
ihe "'cholestasis'' facies, although occurring frequently in
risks in the same family are negligible in most cases.
this disorder, may be seen in patients with congenital intra-
Karyotyping of blood lymphocytes, skin fibroblasts, and,'or
hepalic cholestaLic liver disease unassociated with Alagille's
keraiinocytes of li5 individuals reported in the literature as
syndrome.'m The ERG and HOC maybe subnormal.
reviewed Ijy Sybert11)1" revealed abnormal chromosome con­
stitutions in 60. ЧЪгее patients were 46,XX/46,XY chimeras,
IN C O N T IN E N T IA P IG M E N T ! and two were 46,XX,'46,XX chimeras. .Vlost patienls were
A C H R O M IA N S ________________________ mosaic for aneuploidy or unbalanced translocations, with
Lwo or more chromosomally disLinct cell lines either within
Incontinentia pigmenti acbromians ( hypomel,mosis of the same tissue or between tissues. Hie common alterations
Ito) ts characterized by linear and whorled, лтатЬ 1е<аке" were mosaic trisomy IS, diploidyi'iriploidy, mosaicism for
streaks of cutaneous depigmentalion on the trunk and sex chromosome aneuploidv. microdeletion of the proxi­
extremities (along the lines of IllaschkoJ similar to streaks mal legion of Щ and lelmsomy
of hyperpigmenlation seen in patients with incontinen­ beaLures frequently seen in incontinentia pigmenti such as
tia pigmenti, and anomalies of Lhe central nervous system, vesicobulfous and verrucous phases predating the skin pig­
including psychomotor retard aLion and seizures, eyes, hair, ment changes and severe relinal vascular anomalies leading
teeth, nails, musculoskeletal system, and. internal organs to blindness (see bigure 6.6У) are not seen.
A Variety of ocular а й р [Ш ю including strabismus, epi- 5.70 Heimler syndrome.
canthal folds. со Ioho ma, myopia. microphthalmos. corneal
A—H: Th is- 1 b-vtfar-oId S e ir a n was dtscriliud by L>r. Hoi in lor
asymme^y, atrophic irides., irregular pupilr heterochro­ in 1У91 w hen sHii was (j years of aj^e w ilh denial and riaf)
mia of the iris, cataract and retinal detachment, have been anomalies C and HV. Лп <н:и1аг eHamirfltioli was тш1 per­
reported.|0Й|,11)|'' Streaks of hypopigmentalion of the formed nit I ha I time. BoLh eyes- now had jjiayinj* ol Lht1 роъ-
ii]°L and optic disc anomalies occurred in a 7-year-otd boу terior pole at [lie Itfirel of [he rc.4irtbiI pi^imenl epilholium,
with incontinentia pigmenti achnomiansseen at (he Bascom yxtondirrf; up to the ecAiator -A and ttj. Visual Jt u ily was
20/40 in each eye. O ptical coherenLe Lontography showed
Palmer Jiye Institute [figure 5.69A-E).™5 I ie also had bilat­
tyhls/schisis cavity in the гласи la fE ап-d hi. Autofluortyseence
eral congenital cataracts* myopia, and dental anomalies.
imaging revoalud punctale hvper- and hypoautoliuofes-
Other cases with ocuEar changes limited to pigmentation cen! changes in both eyes Iha I w ere symmetrical (C und D:.
of the fundus alone without visuaE compromise have heen Electrorminrj^ram showed mildly subnormal amplitudes for
described.10] 1 We have seen an 18-year-old female with tones and w ilh in the normal Ш е for rods.
meduLloblastoma, dim orphic facies including epicanthic fA —H , O lU M l'S V III JJr. lrLJllL' .-lILl D r . I ,-:WrrJn.:.LJ ’гиппи^ л!
folds, broad nasat bridge, congenital ankle deformity, and large great and second toes wilh extensive whorls
of skin pigmentation following lhe lines of ttlaschko, espe­
cially on the face, bacl<r and arms {I'tgure 5.69F-L}. She
(white dotsj on their finger- and toenails With hypoplastic
was visually asymptomatic and her fundus showed patchy
enamel in their permanent teeth - more so the molars, wilh
depigmentation of the RPE {figure 5.6&f:-|}. She was found
relative sparing of the incisors [figure 5.70G and 11J .' :1*
to carry a partial duplication of the long arm of chromo­
lhe primary dentition is normal in all cases, '['he condition
some 3 (46rXX, dup (3) {q23q27}.
is believed lo be autosomal-recessive; subsequendy there
Overall, it appears that the skin changes of hypomela-
have been three reports in two siblings one sporadic case,
nosis of [to are associated with a variety of chromosomal
and a set of mouo^ygolic twins.llllS Ehe original patient
anomalies rather than a specific gene defect; hence it may
described by HeimEer was recently eitaniined at age 26 and
bes! be addressed as a feature rather than a disorder as
found to have visual acuity of 20/40 in each eye. symmet­
suggested by Sybert.
ric widespread gray white changes at the pigment epithelial
level throughout the posterior pole, and cystoid macular
H E IM L E R S S Y N D R O M E ______________ edema in both eyes [figure 5.70Af Б, \Lt and t-'). lhe pig­
ment epithelial changes correspond to punctate decreased
1 leimler el
aE. in 1У91 described two siblings with sensori­
and increased aulofluorescence [Figure 5.70C and [}). FUG
neural deafness that began in early childhood, associ­
showed mild decrease in scotopic and pholopic function.
ated with beau's lines [horizontal ridges) and leukonychia
C O C K A Y N E 'S S Y N D R O M E examination as depigmentation and aLrophy of the pig­
ment epithelium in the macula,111' ■ ' or electroretiпо-
Lockiyne's syndrome is an jj|tofio teal -recessive form graphical ly in patients whose fundi are within normal
of dwarfism associated with premature aging. character­ E L m it s . sCQ-i thorough neuroradLologLc and imaging
istic vbind! ike" facies, microcephaly, sunken eyes, beak studies and electroretinography are important in these
nose, prognathism. disproportionately Eaige hands and children when they present wLlh poor visual function.
feet, flexion contractures of the limbs..- kyphosis, hearing optLcdisc pallor, and oLherwLse normal fundi before pro­
Loss, intention tremor, nystagmus., ataxia, muscle rigidity, ceeding with suigery to decompress the optic foramen.
incontinence, mental retardation, hypeipigmentation and The optic foramen may show only minima! narrowing,
photosensitivity of die skill, 1'salt-and-pepper'T retinopa­ and most of the visual Loss may be on the basis of the pro­
thy with waxy optic atrophy, and narrowed retinal ves­ gressive retinal degeneTattoil^ 1
sels. _Ui l: "]Q|:> Vis Ion is generally poor. K.lectrorelin{)graphic Allogenic hematopoietic stem celt transplantation done
findings arc normal or minimally abnormal. A French early in Lhe course has resulted in survival and Increased
family of four brothers whose parents Were first cousins life expectancy in these ch ild ren ."4, Mutations in the
showed hypermetropra and bilateral maculopathies with Tcirgl (Atp6V0a3), locus which encodes the a3 subunit of
decreased cone amplitudes in all four. No retinal vascular the vaculolar-type proton-transporting AL'Pase, an enzyme
or pigmentary changes were seen. Ilteir mother had uni- involved in the development o f visual function, es known
EateraL peri pap iПату pigmentary retinopathy on the left to cause half Lhe cases o f severe autosomal -recessive
side and the father was normal/" 4' osLeopeLrosis.1^ 1™
On the basis of a neuropat ho logic finding it has been
regarded as a leukodystrophy and a subgroup of the
Ffciizaeus-Mer/bacher disease. The basic defect is unknown. P E R IO X IS O M A L D IS E A S E S ___________
1LisLopathology show evidence of loss of nerve fiber and
ganglion cells as xvell as loss of photoreceptor cells, irregu­ Malfunction of die peroxisome, a subcellular organelle,
lar hypopigmenlation, hyperpigmentation, and migration results In several childhood ophthalmological disorders.
of pigment cells into the retina and subretinal space.101" 'L'hese disorders have been divided Into three groups: f l)
defective biogenesis of Lhe peroxisome (Zellweger syn-
dromer neonatal ad renoleukodystrophy, and infantile
H ER ED IT A R Y M IC R O C E P H A L Y A N D Ke [sum's disease); ( 2) multiple enzyme deficiencies ( rhi­
RET IN A L D E G E N E R A T IO N ____________ zome! Lc chondrodysplasia punclata); and (3) a single­
enzyme deficiency (X-l Inked adrenoleukiodystrophy,
Although the association of chorioretinal degeneration,
primary hyperoxaluria type T).
electroretinographic abnormalities, and microcephaly
Zellweger syndrome, the most lethal of the three per­
has been reported most often in families with autosomal-
oxisomal biogenesis disorders, causes infantile hypoto­
recessive inheritance, it may occur in families with autoso­
nia, seizures, and death within the first year. Ophthalmic
mal -dom inant inheri tance.10J1
manifestations Include comeal opacification, cataract,
glaucoma, pigmentary retinopathy, and optic atrophy.
O S T E O P E T R O S IS A N D Neonatal adrenoleukodystrophy and infantile Refsum's
C H O R IO R E T IN A L D E G E N E R A T IO N disease appear to be genetically dlstlncL, but clinically,
biochemically, and pathologically similar to Zellweger
Osteopetrosis is a group of hereditary metabolic diseases syndrome, although milder. Rhizcimeiic chondrodyspla­
characterized by increased bone mass caused by defec­ sia punctata, a peroxisomal disorder which results from
tive bone resorption. It is subdivided into juvenile- and at least two peroxisomal enzyme deficiencies, presents
adult^nsft types. Infantile malignant osteopetrosis is an at birth with skeletal abnormalities and patients rarely
autosomal-recessive disorder present at birth and is lethal survive past 1 year of age. lh e most prominent ocular
during childhood unless treated. Osteoclast dysfunc­ manifestation consists of bilateral cataracts. X-linked
tion causes abnormal bone resorption, thickened corti­ (childhood) adrenoleukodystrophy results from a defi­
cal bone skeletal defects, and frequent bone fractures. ciency1 of a single peroxisomal enzyme, and presents in
I Lemato logical abnormalities due to bone expansion into the latter part of the first decade with behavioral, cogni­
Lbe marrow space with extramedul’ary henialopoiesis are tive, and visual deterioration. Lhe vision loss results from
present. Hearing and visual loss may occur as the result demyelination of the enlire visual pathway, but the outer
of encroachment on the auditory and tip Li с foramen, retina is spared. Primary hyperoxaluria type t manifests
optic atrophy, or progressive retinal degeneration. ' as parafoveal sub retinal pigmenL proliferation. Classical
KetinaL degeneralLon may be evident on ophthalmoscopic Kefsum's disease is also a peroxisomal disorder.
Cerebrohepatorenal Syndrome ail renal cortical atrophy and/or lamellar inclusions,
and increased serum levels of long-chain fatty acids.1031
[Zellwegers Syndrome)
features of neonatal adrenoleukodysirophy include:
Zellweger's syndrome is a inliLliiyitem Congenital disorder onset of hypotonia and seizures in the neonatal period,
characterized by severe central nervous Ftyb-t^jn. Involve­ visual loss, optic atrophy, calaracl, pigmentary retinopathy
ment (hypotonia, seizures, and psychomotor retardation), (50^'a), autosomal-recessive mode of inheritance, long-
hepatic Interstitial fibrosis (jaundice, hepatomegaly, hypo- chain fatty acid in multiple organs, and diminution In size
prothrombinemia, and gastrointestinal bleeding), mul­ and number of hepaLocellular peroxisomes.Ш| The mean
tiple renal cortical cysts, calcified stippling of the bony age of death is Ъ years. Histopathologic and ultras Lruc-
epiphysis, characteristic facies (high forehead, microgna­ tural changes in the eye include loss of the ganglion cel!
thia, flat supraorbital ridges, and high arched palate), and and nerve fiber layers, oplic atrophy, atrophy of the retinal
in some patients evidence of a tapetoretinal degenera­ receptors, cystoid macular edema., pigment cell migration
tion. 1029Most of these patients die within the first year Into the retina, cataracts, and characteristic blleafiet inclu­
of life. 1 listopatbologic examination reveals changes simi­ sions in retinal macrophages, pigment epithelial cells,
lar lo retinitis pigmentosa.1:Jh Ultrastructural examination photoreceptor cells, and vitreous macrophages.!03Q,]LlJI
shows bI leaflet inclusions of the KPh. These patients have Zellweger's syndrome is similar lo neonatal ad reno­
an excessive amount of veiy-long-chain fatty acids in the leu kodystrophy but is associated with renal cysts but no
ocular tissue. These histopathologic and biochemical find­ adrenal cortical atrophy (see Zellweger's syndrome). The
ings are simitar lo those in neonatal adrenoleukodystro­ features of childhood adrenoleukodysirophy include:
phy a metabolic neurodegenemlive disorder characterized onset al 4-S years of life of progressive dementia, gait
by generalized visceral dysfuncLlon. central nervous system disturbances, visual loss, primary adrenal insufficiency
white-matter degeneration, and adrenal hypofunclion.i:",L leading to skin pigmentation and symptoms of hypo-
adrennilism, X-l inked recessive mode of inheritance, mor­
phologically normal hepatic peroxisomes, and death In
A D R E N O L E U K O D Y S T R O P H IE S adolescence.| :' ' Visual loss is primarily caused by central
I he adrenoleukodystrophies are a group of rare disorders nervous system demy el inidation, bul ganglion cell degen­
that include a childhood-onsel X-Einked variant [Schilder's eration may also be operative, legmenlary macular changes
disease), adrenoleukomyelo nephropathy, and neonalal occur in some patienls.Adrenoleukom yeloneuropathy
adrenoleukodysirophy. Patients with all three disorders Is associnited wilh lale-onset [range 20-30 years) hypogo­
demonstrate central nervous system demyellnlzatlon, nadism. spaslictjLiadriparesis. and X-l inked inheritance.
R E F S U M 'S SY N D R O M E: j.7 E Spinocerebellar atrophy (5CA7}.

(H E R E D O P A T H IA A T A C T IC A A—G: Ttiis 36-year-old m ale complained o f decreased vi-sion

in Licilh eves; fa* 10 yeafs. He* had а 5-укзпг history ol" f^ail,
P O L Y N E U R S T IF O R M IS ) Eimb, and speech ataxia. His vision was 2СУ1 00 in each eye
wiLh bi Lateral ( ц-пIriLt scutomija tt.. Bolh foveas wure Ibinned
Kefsum's syndrome is a familial disease characterized by out with reddish coloration |A-E3j. A foveolar w ind ow dfifot I
night blindness, atypical pigmentary retinal dystrophy, was seen on ii fluorescein il? and Ei and no changes ал an
chronic polyneuropathy, cerebellar alaxia, and elevated in d p c y ^ ilie green angiogram 1F.l. E led noneti no^ram showed
cerebrospinal fluid protein without pleocytosis. diminished rod and co n e function. Foveal phoEoceceptore
]TiIs. disease begins insidiously in either infancy or early were lost on optical coherence tomography (0|T- His gene
Leiting showed 4fl f.'ACi repeats on Lhe A T X N 7 gene consis­
childhood. Ihe average delay in diagnosis of Etefsum's
tent with SCA7.
disease is approximately Ю years after the diagnosis of
retinitis pigmentosa.*0^ Cataracts, ichthyosis, skeletal
anomalies, and electrocardiographic evidence of conduc­
tion defects frequently appear, bomt patients develop
hearing loss, lhe pupils may be small and nonreactive.
Oculomotor apraxia may be seen, 'lhe LiRC amplitudes P IT U IT A R Y D Y S F U N C T IO N __________
decrease as the disease progresses. EJeath is caused by heart
Lhe syndrome of chorioretinopathy and pUnitary dysfunc­
failure or respiratory paralysis.
tion is characterized by severe congeniLal or early-onsel
'IllIs is a recessively inherited disorder of lipid metab­
atypical pigmentary retinal dystrophy; hypothatamic-pilu-
olism with mutations in the gene encoding a peroxi­
itaiy dysfunction manifested by growth retardation: sexual
somal enzyme phyla noyl-coenzy me A alp ha-hydroxylase.,
infantilism; hair abnormalities, including long lashes,
which results in the inability lo alpha-oxidize phytanic
sparse, fine scalp hair, long bushy eyebrows (Lrichomeg-
acid.IU' 7 , As a result phytanic acid, which is not an
aly}, and failure to develop post pubertal hair patterns;
endogenous product but Is supplied with food mainly as
and perhaps, Lo a lesser degree, hypothyroidism. u^e-uisi
phytanic acid or its precursor, phytol, accumulates In the
Jxss consistent features include low birth weight, abnor­
urine, plasma (normal, с 1 |imol/l),and body tissues and
mal pregnancy, and mental retardation. Patients may show
nerves Two hypotheses have been postulated: ( I ) phy­
an extinguished ERG, widespread areas of thinning and
tanic acid methyl groups may act to destabilise the myelin
coarse clumping of the RE^i.
Eipid layer in axons; or (2) the phytanic acid may replace
Long-chain fatty acids in phospholipids and triglycerides*
resulting in decreased function of the affected tissues. In R E T IN IT IS P IG M E N T O S A
the eye, abundant fat-staining substances have been Found A N D A U T O IM M U N E
within the RPii.: this may eventually lead lo photoreceptor
cell death. Eislerilocation of vitamin A with phytanic acid
P O L Y E N D O C R IN O P A T H Y____________
may also lead to the demise of photoreceptors, treat men l During childhood or early adulthood, patients with Lype
wilh a diet low in phytol and phytanic acid reduces ] autosomal-recessive autoimmune polyendocrlnopathy
plasma phytanic acid levels and causes some improvement develop hypoparathyroidism, mucocutaneous moniliasis.
in neurologic signs!l" ' and may retard the progression Addison's disease, and keratoconjunctivitis.1,1 This
of relinal degeneration.1 Plasmapheresis can help syndrome may also include chronic hepatitis, malabsorp­
lower Serum phytanic acid Eevels in severe metabolic aber- tion, pernicious anemia, alopecia, and primary hypo­
Ш^опя^ " -14 ’ ' Early diagnosis, however, Is important Lo gonadism. A few patients may develop typical retinitis
prevent development of the neurologic complications.10'' pigmentosa."1''' E have seen one such patient and the medi­
cal records of another. Neither had evidence of malabsorp­
C EREBRO -O C U LO H EPA TO REN A L tion, and both had normal serum vitamin A levels. Ihe
S Y N D R O M E (A R IM A 'S S Y N D R O M E ) occasional association of retinitis pigmentosa with type i
pDlyendocrinopathy may be related to the proximity of the
Arlma's syndrome consists of characteristic facies (bleptta- gene locus for these two disorders, which in the case of the
roptosls and telecanthus], nystagmus, Ijeber's amaurosis., polyendocritiopalby, has been assigned lo chromosome
hypo Lon la, profound psychomo tor retardation, agenesis of Wood and coworkera observed the development of
cerebellar vermis, infantile polycystic kidneys, progressive an asymmetric fundus picture of retinitis pigmentosa iti
chronic renal insufficiency, and Elver disease.]Cl4b Its fea­ a young man with lype L autoimmune polyendocrinopa-
tures are similar lo those of ]outurf's syndrome, which in thy."' ' E'hey demonstrated markedly elevated titers against
addition includes infantile episodic respiratory abnormali­ (he retina and optic nerve and hypothesized that Lhe eye
zes Lbat may be life-threatening.1'■
;^|СчТ findings were autoimmune and part of the syndrome.
ftcfj'ptifif Pifim ciitosf. ami Aithiitnm uhe Potycndxrinapathy 399

A T Y P IC A L T A P E T O R E T IN A L j.7 i Continued

D Y S T R O P H Y A S S O C IA T E D W IT H H - M : This; 2В-уе^г-оЫ African Am erican worn^n bad я

family historv of decreased vision in m<jLhor, л sis1er. and
O L IV O P O N T O C E R E B E L L A R a brolher. Heir FAQfher ta.fried a diagnosis of m ultiple scle­
A T R O P H Y K O N IG S M A R K T Y P E III, rosis. O n e other sister had normal vision. She was a type 2
diabetic for 5 years, She u jm p la in rd of dccreased vision in
H A R D IN G TYPE II berth eyes and said her vision was better at mghL. 5ihe was
a —В .50 myope with sigmficarcL a&tigrrcatisrn ol +3.25 on
^typical tapetoretinal dystrophy associated with сегеЬеЩг Lhe ri^hl and +■!>.25 on lh e left. Vision was- 10/200 in each
ataxia is an autosomal-dominantly inherited disease char­ eye. H e r fundus was rwrirul -:H and 1l artd HVF showed cen ­
acterized by loss of centra] vision that is caused by atrophic tral scotoma in boLh eyes. N b specifee: diagnosis could be
changes of the retina and RPii. which are initially confined made and whtin ie-o\amined 2 vears laLer her fundus was
si 111 li nrem ciikable With 2 0/4 CO vjsion rn both eves. Three
to the macula but which gradually spread to involve the
years. laler the mp^ufa developed bull's-eye-[ype change in
peripheral fundus (Fteure 5.56Г—I) .: Patients with
oath foveijfs, more prominent on lhe rigbl ihi^n Lhe left | .
infantile-onset disease typically have pigmentary changes which conlinLied lo i&olyfe over Сhe пел I 2 years. The Luteal
and exhibit a rapidly progressive course that often leads change was hypoautofliffWesLenl iК '■and showed a w in d o w
to early death.lUc,|: Later onset in childhood is less severe, defect an angiography (LI. O p tical coherence [oncography
and aduh-onset disease is accompanied by relatively mild Lhiou^h [he fovea confirmed loss of Lovell cones and ihin-
and slowly progressive cerebellar degeneration and cir­ niny of inner retina !M^. O ve r lhe В years she w js followed
her ataxia processed and she becam e wheelchair-bound.
cumscribed macular lesions.т й borne patienls may have
She and her mother tested positive fof CA£j repeats on 3p12-
pyramidalr extrapyramidal, and brainstem dysfunction,
1J , confirming lhe dingn<jsrs o f SCAT.
findings in some patients may include dystonia., nystag­
l A —i_ i . -LOLirlL^-v' U r . Io il ; PuIjiJo. H d u U H c i y o f L Jr. ItM1! VulCer.l
mus, internuclear ophthalmoplegia, progressive ophthal­
moplegia, ptosis, and disturbances in esophageal, bladder
and bowel funcLion. iilectrophysiologic testing may be
normal early but severely abnormal in the later stages of
Lbe disease, Some patients have progressive external oph-
Lbal moplegia. 1listopathologic and ultrastructural findings
Spinocerebellar Ataxia 7
in the infantile type ]]] olivopontocerebellar atrophy and
degeneratioii show retinal degeneration affecting primarily SC]A 7 is an autosomal-dominant neourodegenerative dis­
the retinal receptor layer with maximal involvement being ease with progressive reUnal and cerebellar degeneration.
in the macular area, striking variability in pigmentation ClEnical features in patients with SC!A 7 consist of early
of the RPiv osmiophilic multi me mb ran оus and complex blue-yellow color blindness, progressive visual iinpair-
lipo fuse in inclusions in conjunctiva, keratocytes, lens epi­ ment with central vision becoming compromised first.
thelium, iris and ciliary body iibrocytes, outer retinal ceils, The fundus m;ry look normal in the ear!y stages of the
and pigment epithelial i5lc]u. disease, then dew lops a subtle reddish change with thin­
sions are similar to those seen in the neuronal ceroid lipo­ ning (figure 5.71Л and b) that can be discerned only on
fuscinoses (NCL). Unlike in the latter patients, however high-resolution OCT! Imaging. Progressive RPL hypopig-
there are no curvilinear inclusions. menLation ensues that manifests as window defects on
Olivopontocerebellar degene rati oil type Ш should be angiography (figure 5.71 ID), lbe О СГ at this stage shows
suspected in infants presenting with a neurodegeneralive complete loss of fovea I photoreceptors (]:igure 5.71 G).
and retinal degenerative picture, these patients should Ibese changes are usually accompanied by progressive
be differentiated from those with the infantile form of limb ataxia. dysarthria, slowing of saccades, and ophthal­
NG[„ in fail tile phytanic acid storage disease, abetalipopro- moplegia. Patients become wh eel chair-bound over time.
teinemia, and recessive neonatal adrenoleukodystrophy. Gene ataxin is expressed in the brain and eye. 'lbe repeat
Detection of evidence of the disease in a parent and clini­ expression of СAC gene causes cytotoxic gain of func­
cal evidence of ataxia are important findings to differen­ tion of the protein and aggregation, resulting in structural
tiate this from the other disorders. Conjunctival biopsy is changes to the involved tissue. lhe repeats are unstable
helpful to confirm the diagnosis but does not differentiate between generations, and this results in anticipation in
it from the lipofuscinoses, t-'amily members with normal the children of these patients, lhe higher the number of
fundi and visual acuity may show ERG changes.Ш7 repeals, the more severe the disease manifestation.
PA N T O T H EN A T E b.72 Kearns-Sayre syndrome,

K IN A S E - A S S O C IA T E D A -С: This- 16-уелг-old 1Чтлл1с! w ilh atypical p if^ e riflB y reLi-

nal dystrophy, exlernai ophthalmoplegia (A). t.t)nnple4e heart
N E U R O D E G E N E R A T IO N Ыог:к, arrt&rtdrrhea, and nularded growth had S^jkra-AjfldtorW
(H A L L E R V O R D E N - S P A T Z attacks Lhal w ere relieved by a cardiac pacemaker. Her
visual acuity was 2QV25. There was concentric: contraction of
SYN D RO M E) lhe visual fields tu colur lest objects. DiiTuse pigrnenl abnor­
malities thiil wtf-пи not brurninenl t^jhrhalm0£copically were
Pantolhenale kinase-associated neurodegene ration, r e a № apparcml angiographic ally.
formely к now [i as Hallervorden-Spatz syndrome. is char­ D - H : This ЗЧчУч^Г-dld black man with heart blof:k com ­
acterised by the early onset of an exlrapyrami dal motor plained of ptosis of both eyelids of several years' duration
disorder (dystonic posturing, muscular rigidity, choreo- (Dj. Nole lhe plaque of hyperplastic retinal pigment epilhe-
liLim :К HE nasally (EJ and m auling o f the RI?E: in ihs тасиЗл
aLheloid movements, ataxia, hyperreflexia. and spasticity),
i Г . An^io^nphv- uhtjavs coarse patfeln of hyperfI исхетсепсе
dementia, iron accumulation in the brain, and a relenl-
fti and H|.
tes-sly progressive course leading lo death in early adult­
hood. ' 10 ' Approximately one-fourth of these patients
w ill demonstrate retinal degeneration that initially may
in the [her€ вдц accumulations of Rl]li
show only mottling of the RPH bul subsequently may
cells as well as extracellular pigment around equatorial
show evidence of a flecked retina and later bone spicule
blood vessels.lD7^l0ftl Jbe disease is inherited aulosomal-
formation and a bull's-eye annular maculopalhy." " L'here
recessively secondary lo mutations in the gene encoding
Is some evidence lo suggest that those patients wilh the
panlot hen ale kinase 2 (PANK2J located on chromosome
retinal findings have an earlier onset of lhe disease and
20pl3, involved in the biosynthesis of coenzyme A.
a much more rapid course, with death occurring In tale
childhood. Some patients have an associated acanlho-
103 Deficiency of PANK2 enzyme results in accumulation
of cysteine in the globus pallidus. causing neuronal death.
cytosis and normal beta-lipoprotein level s . ' Pupillary
'Ibe exact mechanism leading lo iron accumulation In the
ah norm aLilies resmbling Adie's pupil, poor convergence
area is not understood.iaee 'IWo forms, classic or early-
reflex, patchy loss of pupillary ruff, and sector iris atrophy
onset, with a more severe phenotype and progression, and
are seen in some patients, likely due to proximal degen­
an atypical form, adult-on set slowly progressive parkin­
eration of the fibers deslined to the iris due lo iron depo­
sonism, are known. M-::-
sition in the mid brain in or near lhe substantia nigra."'"'
Palienls wiLh a variant of I lallervorden-Spalz syndrome
have hypoprebelalipoproteinemia, acanthocvtosis, reti­ M IT O C H O N D R IA L
nitis pigmentosa, and pallidal degeneration (H ARP syn­ EN C E PH A L O M Y O PATH IES___________
drome).10'" Computed tomography of the brain may show
basal ganglia opacities and 'П-weighted .VIЩ shows char­ 4'he mitochondrial encephalomyopathies are a group of
acteristic abnormalities of the globus pallidus described as clinically heterogeneous disorders that share common
"eye of the tiger17sign (much darker with a central bright biochemical and morphologic abnormalities in the mito­
spol).l0r' ■n' ■°1’' Neuro pathologic criteria for diagno­ chondria. Ibis group includes the Kearns-Say re syndrome.
sis include: ( ]) symmetric, partially destructive Lesions of MTEAS syndrome,: and MtRfcF syndrome,1
Lhe globus pallidus; (2) widely disseminated rounded or A patient who shows features of two or three of these dis­
oval non nucleated structures ( "sphenoids'7J, identi hable orders is referred lo by some as having a mitochondrial
as swrollen axons, especially numerous in the globus pal- euceph alo myopathy overlap syndrome.-'"1' A number of
[idus and pare reticulata; .ind (3) accumu3alion of pig­ DMA mutations have been localized in patients wilh these
ment, much of it containing iron, in lhe affected regions. disorders. L|L"- Interestingly, in. some instances a specific
3listopathologic examination of the eye shows absence gene mutation can account for more than one phenotype.
of lhe pholoreceplor cells, attenuation of lhe plexiform TWO patients wilh the overlap syndrome demonstrated
and outer nuclear layers, normal inner retinal layers and identical mitochondrial Df\A mutations al nucleotide
degenerative changes with accumulation of melanofuscin position 3243 (\li£J AS mutation}. |0'J 7
Kearns-Sayre Syndrome Ъ.72 Continued

Kearns-Sayre syndrome is л гаге sporadic multisystem l- L: This 14-year-old boy w ith Keams-5ayre syndrome?
develofied pttftis and feKtricled eye ГСю^ЕГпепЬ л1 9 year*
mitochondrial disorder niffectiiig the centra! nervous sys­
йГ Age. He knd mild neduclion in visual acu ily and sub­
tem, muscles, and endocrine organs. Clinical features normal e le c trd ^ Iira g ^ p tlic findings. There were mcrilled
Include atypical pigmentary retinal dystrophy (kigure pigmentary changes in ib y mafiul^f л rtiFi (I rind I lhal were
3.72), myopaLhic external ophthalmoplegia with the onset relatively inappafenl in litis blond fundun. He dcvelopud
of ptosis in early childhood,. ,ind heart block .1:01 Other купе орлГ attatfcy ал-ri heart block 5 monlhs betore dealli fol­
features that may be present include widespread muscu­ lowing CDftfclicatiorti of лп upper nespintlory mfectiorv His
lar dystrophy, deafness, vestibular dysfunction, elevated eyes were obtained al диЮрыу. HistopalEralogic examination
re vK i’ed evidence nfrptjfpigjnen tatlon and dupigmenlatitju
spinal fluid protein, dwarfism, hypogonadism, cerebel-
of lhe K^L IK). In ь о т е нгалн there Wiia evidence ol stime
Ear and corticospinal dysfunction, endocrine dysfunction, lass of Ibe retinal receptor elements. Tbe retina and choroid
nephropathy, and comeal opacity.IL|1' ■Jt " uRagged-redv were athefWjJaP Unremarkable. Then’ were- marked скйейега-
myopathy anti spongiform degeneration of lhe central tive changes involving lhe extraocular muscles HL l. Sim ilar
nervous system are characteristic histopathologic find­ alleratrons were noted in (he muscles ol" Lhe Tower Ktlremi-
in g ."04 Ihese patients usually have excellent visual func­ Lies.. shoulder girdV1. and diaphragm.
tion. '['here may be some loss of central vision in later life,
l.ess than 50% experience nyctalopia. Diplopia is uncom­
mon. ']he characteristic fundus finding is the presence of
widespread salt-and-pepper К ETti mottling that Is most yet nonspecific (figure p7 2LJ.ll0li--Ljll-llLJ Liter there may
striking in the macula and deplgmentation of the RE*k in be Eoss of the R P t and receptor cells that is most marked
the peripapisEary area (Figure 5.7211, E, ¥t lr and |). '['here in the macular area (E'igure 5.72K). Ultrastructural study
is rarely evidence of pigment migration into the overly­ reveals enlarged mitochondria in the basaE part of the
ing retina. lhe retinal vessels are of normal caliber, and RE3E:, the photorecepLor ellipsoid, outer plexiform layer,
the optic disc is normal. 1л ter in life some patients may and nonpigmented cisiary epithelium.111-),] 11,1 Macrophages
develop a picture more closely simulating retinitis pig­ containing phagocytosed lamellar discs were present in
mentosa and in a few cases demonstrate severe chorioreti­ the subretina] space. lhe clinical and histopathologic find­
nal atrophy simulating choroideremia.111'7' lhe LOG may ings suggest that the primary disease affects the Kl3k and
he normal or subnormal. The LRO may be subnormal or that the posterior fundus is affected more than the periph­
extinguished. A patient wilh findings typical of adult vi tel - eral fundus. L'he use of systemic corticosteroids In these
liform pattern dystrophy has been described recently - a patients may precipitate hyperglycemic acidotic coma
feature similar to that seen in patients With MkMS/MEDD, and death.L]0j A simitar syndrome but wilh progressive
signifying changes affecting the ItP E .l]Lfl l-.arly in life the optic atrophy and absence of tapetoretinal dystrophy may
histopathologic changes in the eye may be confined to an occur,” ' 1,
irregular area of hypopigmentation and hyperpigmenta­
tion of the tj:PEr macrophages in the sub retinal space, mild
loss of rod and cone cells (llgure 5.72KJ, and dystrophic
changes in the extraocular muscles that are characteristic See earlier section under pattern dystrophies.
D A N O N D IS E A S E j.73 Darmn disease.
A—G: This 35-year-old visually asym plom alic male was
Danon disease Is а rare X-3Inked di sorder characterized by found lo haviu 20/20 vision with livpupiymcnlt'd pate Itus
cardiomyopathy, skeletal myopathy and mental i£fairia- □E lhe relinal pigment epithelium in both eyes (А-Ск
1:10-1"- The; skeleLal myopathy is generally mild Anj’ ioj’Trim reveafed punclale 1оск<хЗ fLo ru ^ ^ n o t! drum pig­
and the menial retardation variable and Oonprogressfi^ ment iD and fc'. Three years lator the fundus ярреапэгн:е was
but cardiomyopathy is progressive and determines the Unchanged jn bolh eyes iF and (j). H is otJtilaT p ca m ii^ lib fl
wan prompted by hiн mt’dical findings o f pS£diomyopa(h$
outcome. Mutations in the LAMP2 gene on Xq24 have
requiring hesft lranaplflnl.
been shown to be responsible for the disease, the cellular
H - J: Visually asymptomatic sFsler ol a patient with cardja-
pathogenesis being caused by a deficiency of lysosome- myopalhv and anhylhm ia ^howud fine moLtling of piemen I
associated membrane protein-2 I Ь\М Р 2). lysosomal stcjr- more prominent outside the posterior pole. Eleclroretinogram
age occurs in this disorder, with elevated muscle glycogen amplitudes w ere normal but impEfcil limes wore prolun^ed.
in spite of normal t\-g[ucosidase activity. C]ylopl,ismic lA - C j , t (> u rlL " :y ОЙ I J r . М л Ь п г л \ , --г.|; H - J r t o u r k ' s y erf I J r V ir e s h
vacuoles containing autophagic material and glycogen Mahtddvj.l
are seen in skeletal and cardiac muscle cells. An animal
model, the lamp2-deficienl mouse, shows reduced weight
and increased mortality, with accumulation of autopha­ B A S S E N - K O R N Z V V E iG S Y N D R O M E
gic vacuoles in many tissues, including skeletal and heart
muscle, liver, pancreas, spleen- and kidney, in hepalo- Nassen-Korn/weig syndrome is characterized by atypical
cytes, the autophagic degradation of long-lived proteins pigmentary relinal dystrophy (retinitis pigmentosa albe­
is severely impaired, cardiac myocytes are ultrastnictuially scens In some cases], night blindness,, spinal cerebellar
abnormal, and heart contractility is severely reduced.'''" ataxia (Friedreich's type), celiac syndrome, acanlhocyto-
Jbe affected males present early in age {2-3 years) with sls. low serum levels of cholesterol, triglycerides, and fat-
fatigue and show evidence of progressive hypertrophic car­ soluble vitamins, extinguished EiRU, and abelalipoprotein-
diomyopathy end secondary arrhythmias, the commonest en fe .J5Cuil&_^J6 Abnormalities of exlraocular movements,
being W olff-Parkinson-White. Unless a cardiac transplant including ptosis, strabismusr nystagmus, and progressive
is done, death can occur suddenly from an arrhythmia or ophthalmoplegia, have been noted.-I ?:>
due lo progressive heart failure from a heavy heart and Hassen-Korn/weig syndrome is recessively inherited,
thickened venlrlculnir wall and interventricular seplum. wilh mutations in the gene encoding the large subunil of
Women present later in life, in the fourth decade or later microsomal iriglycerlde transfer prole In (M 'lP) on 4q22-
(I'igure 3.73H -JL with signs of dilated cardiomyopa- 24. M (tJ acts as a chaperone that facilitates the transfer of
Lhy.Kl " lhe less severe disease in women is likely from lipids on lo apofS.Llil ApoH-100 is an essential component
irregular lyonizatlon of the X chromosome. of very-low-densily lipoproteins and low-denslly lipopro­
Male patients have moderate decrease in vision in lhe teins (LDLs). Аров-4й is secreted from the intestine and
20/40-20/60 range and may complain of nyctalopia is needed for the assembly and secretion of chylomicrons
while women may have normal or near-normal acuity, by the intestine.'0, The patient can assimilate fat into the
ibe retina of affected men shows diffuse loss of RjPE and intestinal mucosa, but a defect exists in its removal from
choroidal pigment resembling the fundi of choroideremia this site because of the deficiency of plasma chylomicrons.
(I'igure 5.73A-C, li and С ), though may not be as severe. Jbe liver and the retina become depleted of vitamin A.
Women show annular mid peripheral and peripheral fine Ibe role of vitamin A deprivation in causing the retinal
pigment mottling [Hgure 5.73H-I) resembling sall-and- degeneration in ihis syndrome is supported by observa­
pepper fundus of rubella and the carrier stale of choroi- tions (hat large doses of vitamin A have produced return
deremia. Huorescein angiogram delineates the pigment of dark adaptation thresholds and electroretinographic
moLtling better [E'igurv 5.731> and li). Eilecloreli nogram responses.112' l^rge-dose vitamin E supplementation com­
in affected males is subnormal and mildly affected in bined wilh low-fat diet and soluble vitamin supplemen­
women. i.ens changes in Lhe form of stellate dots or fine tation appeared lo prevent the retinopathy in one small
flecks may be present.1'1'"1 w"r>" u' Macular changes have uncontrolled sLudy.11 Studies have shown prevention of
been mentioned in one case but no images are available, the neuro logical and relinal degeneration to a large extent
lyin g (he ocular findings with lhe cardiac history is impor­ if water-soluble vitamin A, Er and sometimes К supplemen­
tant to make the diagnosis, which in turn can save the tation is begun before age 2:"' Some progression
patient's life with a timely heart transplan!. may still occur, and reversal of changes does not occur.
The pigmentary retinal de-gene™Lion in these patients is j .7 4 Basse п-Ko m zweig synd ru in e .
often associated with waxy pallor of the optic disc, attenu-
A - D : 7lus 2 1 -year-old man iIb hi^h myopia and his brother
aLion of [he retinal vessels, periphery] ring scotoma, and had mild bigjnentary reLinai dy-tLrophy, HiiretalipoproLoin-
E#£ atrophic changes associated with clump or spot pig­ en'.ia, MtigresSive spinocerebellar degenerating, Lrernor,
mentation rather than bone corpuscular pigmentation. a-Lanthocylosis, and с ф а с syndrome. Th-L'i г paTents Were fi rs-l
The retina[ degenerative changes were milder in two broth­ coLJsiпя. His visual acuity W a i 20/40 in bolh еуен w hen he
ers with the syndrome seen at the Bascom Painter bye wan ]nilially Examined, B is fundi shewed paraoenlral and
patchy peripheral zones o f depigm enlaJion of lhe retinal pig­
Institute (I'igure 5.74). One of these brothers has main­
ment epjlhulium (R^L) and m inim al na-rrowin^ of the relink I
tained excellent visual ["unction while being given 25 000
vessels ■A —[ J i. An eleclroretino^rana r e v e le d hli^hlly abnor­
LiniLs o f water-soluble vitamin A for 20 yeans [figure 5.741: mal rod and conn funtLion. His acuity was unchanged until
and F], lie recently noted progression of nyctalopia to the age 3 2 years. AL age 4ft years his visual at uity had declined
point that he had to give up driving. Jfis serum vitamin A La a/100 ri^hL eye and ii/200 left eye. He had bull's-eye тп.эс-
levels were low. After treatment with 50 000 units o f vita­ ulopalhy. There was no nyclalopia and modejaLe tonslric-
min A, the serum levels of vitamin A returned to normal Lion of the peripheral visual fields. Thu peripheral fundi wure
blottd and free of pigmentary migration.
and he experienced marked improvement o f The nyctalo­
E and F: His ID-year-old bnolber showed similar but less
pia and some improvernent in the l:HC.
severt! pi^menLarv changes in addition to a prominent angi-
Histopalhologicallyr Lhere is widespread loss of pho­ oid slreak :arrow, E) and a blond ["undus peripherally. A
toreceptors and abnormal L3AS-positive granules in the lar^e, flatr scalloped, hypopi^nienLed lus-ion in lhe periph­ :u , |/[erlron microscopically the RPE contains ery ol one eye was probably hypertrophy ol the R PE 4FI. His
abnormal amounts о flipofuscin and lamellar inclusions."''' visual acuity was 20/25 in the right eye and 20/40 in the left
eye. Hes electroretinogram in the right eye was normal and
in the left eve showed modera1e3y abnormal nod anti cone
F A M IL IA L ne^ionses. H e took vitamin A, 2 5 0 0 0 unils dally. There was
M Y P O B E T A L IP O P R O T E IN E M IA minimal change in his visuaJ function and fundi w hen exam­
ined al a^,e 4^ years. During lhe following 2 years, hfbVEfvcr,
Kiimilial hypobetalipoproteinemia is a distinct entity he developed moderately severe nyctalopia that responded
from the llassen-Kornzweig syndrome.-11J6 jl-U [t is a favorably lo 5 0 0 ( 5 0 unils of vitam in A daLJy.

dominantly inherited disorder characterized by low total it nnd I-, ^[lurlun; uf 3>r. knhn I f lynn.i
plasma cholesterol levels and low levels of LDLs, I lepalic
vitamin A transport is normal but vitamin В transport
is severely affected due to lack o f LL>L Patients may be deposit and jninimal migration o f pigment epithelium
asymptomatic or may have a variety of neurologic defects into the retina. Vitamin t supplementation, along with A
ranging from psycbomolor retardation to polyneuropa­ and K, caii limit Lhe neurological and relinal degeneralioLt
thy, mostly attributed to lack of vitamin E. An atypical if begun early and maintained lifelong.^"
form of pigmentary degeneration may occur in homo­
zygous patients. A patient with heterozygous hypobeta- N E U R O L IP ID O S E S
Lipoproteinemia developed night blindness at age 51
years and ophthalmoscopic evidence of severe progressive Lhe term "neurolipidoses" is used to describe the iteuto­
retinal degeneration before she died at age 75 years,L|J" nal storage diseases. Iltese can be divided into two hroad
Histopathologic examination o f her eyes revealed absent types: (1) the sphingo lipidoses; and [2] the nonglycolipid
photoreceptors and massive deposition o f basal linear neuronal storage diseases, or ceroid lipofuscinoses.
fwt'imylipiihac* 40
Sphingolipidoses э.7л Sphingolipidoses^

lhe sphingolipidoses are lysosomal metabolic disorders A: Cherry-ned spoE in an infant w ith Tay-Sachs disease.
B: HisEopalhology Ы retina in Tay-iachs disease showed
Involving conjugated derivatives of ceramide wilh phos­
marked loss and disruption o f IheganyEion cell Eayer. Special
pholipid or sugars 110 Specific catabolic enzyme deficien­ stains far fat showed fat w ilh in [he remaining .ganglion Lei Is
cies are responsible for abnormal accumulation of normal Kis well as within Ihe inner relink I layers.
cell constituents. Demonstration of Lhe enzyme deficiency C: Election micrograph showed lysosomal bodies di-s­
makes iL possible Из detect heterozygoles [carriers) so I hat Iended w ilh Га mingled uphingolipidK within a gAiigtrai ce([
prenatal counseling can be provided." In some o f the [X 200001.

sphingolipidoses, abnormal accumulation of lipids within D -F: Granular whiLe niricula haio lesion 'Li asso( ialed w ilh
N i итп л п п-Hie к disease lype tS in a ti-vear-old gt.H w ilh nor­
Lbe retinnil ganglion cells causes opacification of these cells
mal intelligence hepalosplenomegaJy (D), and normal visual
and results ophlhalmologically in the so-called cherry-red K U ily , NoLc lipid-1л den madtippbagES in boiie m,irrow 'h .
spot macular lesion [E'igure 5.7SA-CJ. 'Ihe sphingoiipido- G - l: Granular white m acular halo (C ) first detected at aye
ses that may be associated with a cherry-red spot include 1 1 years in a 43-year-oEd paEienl w ith peripheral poEyneurop-
the following types. л Ih^1
. 2 0/2 □ visual acu ily bilMStatEy, associated wi'.h sea-blue
[H!Stiqtytasi5 ■l-Ej. Electron micnuscopy revealed slriking coE-
G angliosidosis Ieel ion of heterogeneous material stored in cells of various
types (l}_ It was most prom inent in endoneural fibrubEasCs.
lhe Л-hexosaminidase system consists o f two major The appearance of lhe stored material was mosl like I ha I
isoenzymes, ;5-hexosaminidase A [<* - ;)) and seen in Niem ann-Hick disease. Ttie patient's older sisler had
.l-hexosaminidase R ( l - (3) as well as one minor isoen­ simitar findings. Both patients w ere otherwise healLhiy.
zyme,. jj-hexosaniinidase S ['"■-'*). 'Ihese isoenzymes are 1C; Г ю п > V . i r i i J l l . i r i d F E l t e 11 D -F , O w n |- E ,jr^ r:r ■L'i ; i l . IIJ I. 1 ■ 1Ч7Б.
formed by the different combinations o f the two subunits, A m L r i c . i i M t s d lL llI A im e t a C ia n . Л И r c H u r v c c l . C i- 1 , и з U t i n y Of
U r. t l u r c lo n К л г и -.. t> r A l ) ^ tA W j№ n c c I . Ih e U<.'l i r i . i l A ll as,
tv and i. The (\ subunit is encoded in the M K A ' A gene Svju iv J l1f i i d 1 0 . fc .lO S l
located on chromosome 15q 23-24 and lhe l subunit is
encoded in Lhe НИХ 8 gene located on chromosome 5q
13.У. A defect o f the .] subunit leads to total absence of
bolh ^-hexosaminidase A and H, and gh^es rise to Sandhoff cherry-red spot. Gangliosides are most plentiful in the gray
disease, while a defect of lhe subunit results in 'lay-Sachs matter with most o f the clinical and pathologic manifes­
disease due to (he absence of г■.-hexosaminidase A and S. tations occurring in the nervous system. The commonest
Storage in Tay-Sachs disease Is mainly in the central ner­ form is the infantile form, as described earlier, with death
vous system, whereas in SandbofFs disease storage is abuLi­ by age 4. A juvenile form with later onset and slower pro­
da nt in the liver, pancreas, kidney, and other tissues. 'Ihese gression is also known. The mildest form o f the disease is
two diseases present an identical ophthalmic and neuro­ the adult subtype, also called late-onset lay-Sachs disease.
logical clinical picture" i2 lMh but organomegaly and skele- Manifestations include ataxia, dysarthria, muscle weak­
Lal abnormalities are seen in additioLi in Sandhoffs disease. ness. and dementia, in this form, no cherry-red spot is
seen, as the amount of accumulated ganglioside is smaller,
G.'Wj G an gliosid osis, Type i lhe last variant is the chronic form, with patients surviving
well into adulthood, ihere are approximately 7S described
Tay-Sachs Disease
mutations, although the majority o f patients have the
Although patients appear normal al birth, by approxi­ infantile form The diagnosis is confirmed by assaying
mately (s months they manifest blindness, irritability, and the activity of individual i hexosaminidase isoenzymes
psychomolor deterioration that results in death by 2-4 in serum and cultured cells of patients. Tay-Sachs is most
years o f age. Nystagmus, cherry-red spot, and poor vision common among Ashkenazi Jewish children
are prominent early (l:igure 5.7I5AJ. The cherry-red spot Substrate reduction therapy that uses small molecules
may fade or disappear shortly before death due lo loss lo slow the rate of glycolipid biosynthesis shows efficacy in
of ganglion cells: it is accompanied by progressive optic mouse models o f Tay-Sachs. linzyme replacement therapy
atrophy. Occasionally corneal clouding and endothelial and gene substitution hold promise for the future.
changes can be seen.Ji:37,ll3e In Tay-Sachs disease there is
a selective deficiency of the A component of hexosamini­ G M j G angliosidosis, Type II
dase, whereas it] Sandhoffs disease there is almost total
absence of both (he A and В components of hexosamini­ Saiidhofr's Disease
dase. 'i’he pathogenesis of 'lky-Sachs disease is attribut­ The clinical presentation is similar to Tay-Sachs with
able to the accumulation o f GM2 trihexosylceramide due similar neurological and ophthalmic features, including
to defective i hexosaminidase A enzyme, caused by muta­ seizures. An infantile and a late-onseL form are seen clini­
tion in the alpha subunit o f the hexominidase A gene on cally based on the nimount of accumulated gangliosides.
chromosome 15q(lj. СЛ12 trihexosylceramide accumu­ ] Eepatosptenomegalv is present, lh e disease is autosomal-
lates predominantly: in retina! ganglion cells whereby ret­ recessive and has been seen worldwide and is not panicu-
ina becomes turbid with milky-white coloration and the lar to Ashkenazi Jews.1
N iem ann-Pick D isease Ь.7 6 Ga uche r Js d isease.
N iem ann-lVk disease, an аutosomal-recessive disor­ A-D: This 54 -year-old W om an with Ihe aduii form «I
der, has been subdivided into five types differing in their Gaucher'? disease bad a splenectomy at ID years o f aye.
clinical manifestation, age o f onset., severity of neurologic Except for hi Iакта I hip replacement for degenerative jo ml
involvement, anti genetic background.11+|-lM? All have in disease, her цепега! heallh was |^ood. ^Kc* had prom т и п I
yd law p^ngiMclJral aL the n a iil and temporal linnbus o f bolh
common a deficiency of sphingomyelinase enzyme or iso­
eyes. Visual acuity was 20/2 0 in I he ri uinI eye and 20/30 in
enzyme. Macular changes have been noted only in types
the left eye. Note (he variably sized w hite d eposit, some of
A-C. which ant; anLerior [(] the гиГiПчТI vessels scnllejed thrdtlghuui
']Vpe A (infantile form] of Niemann-[]ick disease is Lhe fundus, Relatively few small lesions were* present in the
the most common and most severe form. It is o f particu­ m acular area larntjw.. Dl.
lar interest to ophthalmologists because o f the occurrence E and F: Sim ilar w hite lesions in [his 6-year-old boy w ith
o f cherry-red spot in at least 50% o f cases, mild corneal Ihe U$fa nti ijaj Ю г т of G ailch ft's disease. HislopaLho logical I v,
the I ti-si (]л-5 w erti caused by clusters of Foamy m acro p h ig te
cEouding, and brown granular discoloration o f the ante­
iasterisk: on Ibe inner г*?Г iпйнI иигГлсе.
rior lens cortex or capsule, 'Ihese children have a clinical
course similar to lhal of lay-Sachs disease. The visual loss, Galaclosralidosi-s,
however, is delayed because o f preservation of the gan­ G and H : tlherry-nod spu5 in ,i 2 1 -year-old wom an w ilb the
glion cells, '['his results in a less well-defined whiLe opaci­ cherry-red spot-myoclonus syndrome. She had a slowly pro­
gressive neurologic disease characterized hy reduced visual
fication that extends farther into the periphery and persists
acuily,. nystagmus, dysarlhria, ,итН m yoclonic spasms. A sister
in Niemann-Pick type A disease. Fifty percent of reported
was sim ilarly affected. Angiography was normal except for
patients with this autosomal-recessive disease have been slij^hl bkiTring of detail^ of m acular capillaries 441.
Ashkenazi Jem. Ilepatosplenomegaly, progressive neuro- I: Histfcpalhalojjit fin d in g in the maculat area of a 22-year-
degenerative features followed by death in infancy ensues. old wom an w-ilh bilateral cherry-red spols, generalized
]Vpe В is a non neuropathic form o f Niemann-EHck Irum or, muscular weakness. convulsions. and mental dele-
disease that occurs in patients with normal vision, hepa- ;i oral ion. The eyes w ere oblainud aL aulopsy following death
from bronchopneumonia. Note that Lhe ganglion cells in the
tosplenomegaly, byperlipidemia, interstitial lung disease,
m acular region are enlarged and contain an eosinophilic
and variable survival to adulthood [ligure 5.75L>-K). A
[iranular inlracytoplasmic malerial with eccentric disfjlace­
brownish-red foveola surrounded by a granular gray halo. ment ol the nuclei. Special stains revealed periodic acid-
Less prominent than the typical cEterry-red spot, may occur 5chitf-posi)ive, diasLase-resistanl material in the cyloplasm of
in some patients (figure 5,44E ) . 11 Cogan the ganglion cells. The material in the ganglion cells stained
et aE. coined the term "macular halo syndrome' to positively with oil red O , Luxol Iasi blue, anil Sudan black.
describe this ringlike perifoveolar distribution of crystal­ Slams for acid mucopolysaccharides, w ilb and wjlhout hyal-
uronidase and Iron stainsr were negative.
loid opacities.; The macula has multiple layers of gan­
glion cells and I he foveola is devoid of ganglion cells. ib nraJ к Iruni UmO 1Л al.11>:; 1. fmhl h ml.1*L’■
Lipid storage in die multilayered ganglion cells results in
the grayish-white macular halo. I h is finding is presen t in
several of the lipid storage disorders, including'Iay-Sachs,
Sandhofrs. ЩЛ2 gangliosidosis, galactosialoidosis. and о myelin debris; and из me mul til animated structures bear­
neuraminidase deficiency.11'' ing a resemblance to zebra bodies. Although the appear­
Figure 5.7SG depicts a macular halo that occurred in ance o f the stored material most closely resembled that
two siblings who were in good health until middle life seen in \iem ann-Pick disease, the clinical picture and
when (hey developed moderately severe peripheral poly­ bone marrow biopsy findings were unlike any of the vari­
neuropathy associated with sea-blue histiocytosis, absence ous forms o f Niemann-Tick disease.
o f foam cells typical o f .Niemann-Pick disease, marked Type С Niemann-l]ick disease occurs in non-Jewish
depletion of sphingomyelinase activity in leukocytes and patients and is a milder, chronic form o f the disease that is
cultured skin fibroblasts, and electron microscopic evi­ characterized by normal early development but later pro­
dence of a striking collection o f heterogeneous material gressive psyehomotor deterioration and death between age
stored in cells of various types in a biopsy of the sural 5 and 15 years. There is moderate visceral and central ner­
nerve. Storage of material was most prominent in endo­ vous system involvement. Some patients have vertical oph­
neural fibroblasts in the form of electron-dense inclusions thalmoplegia. the cherry-red spot is less prominent and
with some suggestion o f lamellar structure; dense inclu­ granular in appearance, similar to Lhat in type H. Visual
sions containing numerous vesicular or vacuolar struc­ acuity is usually within normal limits. Histopathologic
tures. often with fine electron-dense floccular material and ultrastructural studies of eyes with type С Niemami-
centrally: structures with a concentrically arranged lami­ Pick disease have shown variable degrees o f lipid storage
nated appearance; structures having the appearance o f in the ocular tissues." 2 " 1
fwt'imylifihhtSL'* -4I 3
Variable degrees о Г psychotic behavior including aggres­ perifoveal retinal grayness or a cherrv-red spot mav
sIon and sexual disinhibitionr and mild to moderate cog­ occur,L]fr0
nitive dysfunction, are seen in some individuals. The
disease Is inherited as an autosomal -recessive trait and Gauchefs Disease
results from the deficient activity of lysosomal hydroSase
acid: sphingomyelinase (A Shi) enzyme with subsequent Gaucher's disease is a hereditary autosomal -recessive
accumulation of sphingomyelin, lhe phenotype is vari­ disorder o f lipid metabolism characterised by the accu­
able; the exact reason for Lhis is not well untiersLood. EL is mulation of sphingolipid gjucosylceramide in the reticulo­
likely that environmental or unknown genetic factors In endothelial organs, especially the spleen., liver, and bone
addition lo (he various mutations in the ASM gene may marrow. Infantile (type 2) and chi Id hood/adolescence
contribute to Lhe phenotypic heterogeneity. 1L5|-]|54 forms (type \ and 3) of the disease have been described.
The infantile form is characterized by progressive psycho­
Landing's D isease (G en eralized CM : motor deterioration beginning at about 6 months o f age.
G an gliosid osis, Type f) with death occurring before 1 years of age. The adolescent
form of the disease is more common and is character­
landing's disease is a lethal inborn error o f metabolism
ised by splenomegaly, anemia, thrombocytopenia, bone
caused by a defect in the ensyme beta-galaclosidase A,
!esionsr lung features., aortic valvular and ascending aor­
И. and с..'- uC'^ ’llC'(' It is characterised by decreased psy-
tic calcifications, and conjunctiva] pigmentation. Age of
cliomolor development, hepatosplenomegaly, cherry-red
death In the adolescent type is in early adulthood; how­
spols in approximately ^Q^i] of paLienLs, and corneal opac­
ever recenL ensyme therapy has prolonged life expectancy
ities. ihe disease is classified as a mucolipidosis because it
in these patients.m::
combines both clinical and biochemical signs o f a muco­
The evidence for cherry-red spot maculas occurring in
polysaccharidosis and a sphingolipidosls.
(his disease Is questionable.11:1' Scattered, discrete, while
spols distributed in (he posterior fundus, especially along
F a rte r’s D isease (D issem in ated
the inferior vascular arcades situated in the superficial retina
Up ogran uloma tosis)
or on its surface, ha\T been described In three cases (Figure
ГагЬегЧ disease is a lysosomal storage disorder character­ 5 . 7 6 K ) . Similar spots were seen at the llascom
ised clinically by hoarseness, subcutaneous nodules, pro­ Palmer Hye Institute in a patient wilh the adolescent form
gressive arthropathy: retarded growth and development, of the disease (f igure She also had very promi­
lyniphadenopathy, visceral and neural involvement, and nent pingueculae that have been previously reported in
occasionally fever.11 l ] " Death usually occurs In patients (his sjfndronHiL,( " " " While spots similar lo ihose appear­
between G and IS years of age. Ocular manifestations may ing in the retina occurred in the peripheral cornea, in Lhe
include a mild cherry-red spot in the macula.1 ' 'Jhe accu­ anterior-chamber angle, arid at Lhe pupillary margin of tw&
mulation of ceramide is characteristic and is secondary to adult brothens.J 11,11 fight and electron microscopy revealed
deficiency o f lysosomal ceramidase. Hislopalhologically, tbal these white spots in the fundus are caused by clumps
there is an accumulation o f a gjycolipid within the retinal of macrophages distended by numerous mem bra ne-
ganglion cells. 1 Uitrastmcturally. intracellular inclusions bound vacuoles containing tubular structures identical
and structures similar to other sphingolipidoses have been lo these cytoplasmic bodies of Gaucher's celts observed in
described." 4 other organs such as the spleen, liver, bone narrow, and
the central nervous system (Figure 5.76К}.,]<' ;' IN'r>':i u One
Meta chrom atic Leu kodys trop hy Taiwanese Woman with relinal va&cular leakage and macular
Mclachro malic leukodystrophy.- an autosomal-recessive edema wilh subsequent alrophic changes in Lhe macula has
disorder, is caused by a deficiency o f sidfalase A., a lyso­ t>een described. lfJ' Demonstration of glucocerebnosidase
somal hydrolase. Hie resulting lysosomal storage of deficiency in white blood cellsr fibroblasts, or histiocytes is
metachro malic glyco lipids (mainly su Ifat ides) and degen­ required for diagnosis* because there is so much overlap in
eration o f myelin are responsible for the progressive lhe clinical signs with olher diseases.IM,Ll "10,1 Rnzyme ther­
mental retardation, dementia., hypertonia, ataxia, convul­ apy with infusions of mannose-terminated glucocerebro-
sions spastic quadriplegiar and death that usually occur sidase has helped reduce the visceral and hematological
In infancy.11w' 11 Optic atrophy and., less commonly, manifestations.L "■
l he mucopolysaccharidoses ли a heterogeneous group 3he mucolipidoses ate ал autosomal-recessively inherited
flf inherited diborders in which a deficiency pfafr jfifczyffljje group o f lysosomal storage diseases that share some fea­
leads Lo interference wilh the degradation o f dermatan tures with die mucopolysaccharidoses, including Eiurler-like
sulfate, heparan sulfate, and/or keralan sulfate, result­ facies, shorl stature, skeletal dysplasia, hepatosplenomegaly,
ing Ln accumulation of glycosaminoglycan Ln lysosomes. and dysostosis multiplex, but do not have excess mucopoly­
Lhe associated system Id manifestations are variably and saccharides Ln Lheir urine."''' :l" ihis clinical phenotype
depend upon the type of mucopolysaccharidosis. Tjiese is a feature o f the earEy-onset forms of sialidosls (muco­
include hepatosplenomegaly, coarse facies, skeletal dys­ lipidosis I), as well as l-cell disease (mucolipidosis EE) and
plasia, mental deterioration, cardiorespiratory abnormali­ pseudo-J Eurler poiydystropby (mucolipidosis III). I wo dis­
ties, and eventual early death. ОсШаг changes in some orders added later to the mucolipidoses, lhe cherry-red spot
of the Lypes include corneat clouding (types \ and 2), myoclonus epilepsy syndrome {sialidosis type I) acid muco­
pigmentary retLnal degeneration, optic disc edema. glau- lipidosis EV. differ in that the facial appearance is normal
co ma, and optic atrophy.11,1 1176 E^lgme n Cary re LInal degen- and they do not have skeletal dysmorphlsm.
eralion occurs in the following mucopolysaccharidoses: Kozyme deficiencies have been identified in mucolipi­
mucopolysaccharidosis 1 (HuFler's disease), mucopoly­ dosis i, II, nmd Ш and lhe nomenclature has been changed
saccharidosis 1-S (Scheie's syndrome), mucopolysacchari­ as below." Transport of newly synthesized lyso­
dosis 1-1 ]/S ( Hurler/bcheie), 2 (Hunter's disease), and somal proteins Lo lysosomes is Impaired due Lo a genetic
mucopolysaccharidosis 3 (Sannlippo's syndrome).1' ' defect of the Colgi enzyme uridine diphosphate jtJD P)-
Mucopolysaccharidosis 1 is characterized by the defi­ jV-acetylglucosamine: lysosomal enzyme N -acetyl glucos­
ciency o f alpha-i-iduronidase, the enzyme responsible amine 1-phosphotransferase. ihe basic molecular cause
for hydrolyzing the terminal <*-L.-iduronic acid residues o f mucolipidosis JV Is nol known but linkage analysis is
of dermatar arid heparan sulfate at Lhe 4pl6.3 locus.1' a underway Lo Identify1 the chromosomal map position of
Ophthalmoscopic evidence o f the presence of retinal Lhe defective gene. Precise diagnosis o f these autosomal-
degeneration in patients with these disorders is often recessively inherited diseases depends upon radiographic
minimal. Kundus abnormalities include pseudopaplll- studies for skeletal dysplasias, analyses o f urine for sialy-
edema, papilledema, macular edema-like changes, and Ioligosaccharides, morphologic studies of bone marrow
mild pigmentary disturbances, 'h e eleclroretlnographlc acid skin biopsy specimens and enzyEnatic determinations
abnormality common lo ail Lhree types of the mucopoly­ o f sialidase and Ш>] ■-/V-acetyIglucosamine: lysosomal
saccharidoses Was the pattern of rod-cone dystrophy, with enzyme JV-acetylglucosamine-1-phosphotransferase.
rod amplitudes being more affected than cone ampli­
tudes."'' I listopathologic and ultrastruetural examina­ Mucolipidosis Type-1 (Cherry-Red Spot
tions have demonstrated variable degrees of outer retinal
Myoclonus Syndrome; Sialidosis, Type 1}
damage that is similar Lo that found in retinitis pigmen­
tosa. ' J-,lh’ Mucopolysaccharidosis type 2 (Hunter) lhe cherry-red spot myoclonus syndrome Is a slowly pro­
patients may develop exophthalmos due Lo shallow OFbits gressive autosojnal-recessively Inherited sLorage disease
and secondary papilledema and optic atrophy PatienLs caused by a lysosomal enzyme deficiency of neuraminidase,
with mucopolysaccharidosis lype G (Maroleaux-L.amy) 'lhe early-onset form o f the disease is a severe progressive
can develop corneal clouding, papilledema, and glaucoma, disorder characterized by onset before age 2 years of Hurler-
but pigmenLary retinopathy has nol been described.1' ' ' l [ '' like facies, hepatosplenomegaly, delayed development, cor­
JridocilLary cysts have been seeEi in one patient each neal clouding, visual loss, op Lie atrophy, cheny-red macular
wilh bcheie and Maroteaux-Lnny syndrome.1" ' 1, Stored spots, and cataract. fl The late-onset form becomes mani­
material showing fibrillogranular and multlmembranous fest in children 7 years or older. It affects non-Jewish indi­
inclusions may be found in many o f the ocular and body viduals and is compatible with a long life 1155' 1136 Its features
tissues in these disorders and is nol diagnostic o f a specific Include cherry-red spot maculae, resting and intention
mucopolysaccharidosis, f urthermore, similar structures are myoclonus, nystagmus, mild to moderate reduction of visual
found Ln the olher storage disorders, including lhe sph in- acuity, and normal intellect." )T Hgure 5.76 [C3 and
go] rpi doses and m u co lip id o ses.' Therefore, further stud­ EiJ deptcls an example o f the late-onset Lype. Et shows the
ies such as skin fibroblast culture and enzyme analysis are cherry-red spol and angiographic findings in a patient who
required for specific diagEiosis. was seen at the Bascorn I’almer Eye Institute in 156S"'11, and
Successful bone marrow transplantation can aller the who, together with her sister, subsequently was shown lo
biochemical and some of the systemic manifestattons o f have evidence of storage of sialidated glycopeplides and gly-
these disorders, and there is preliminary evidence to sug­ co lipids caused by a deficiency of the enzyme alpha-N -acetyl
gest that it may result Ln partial clearing of comeal cloud­ neuraminidase.1’...... . Yonl reported the histopaLhologic
ing, resolution of optic disc edema, and stabilization o f findings In an adult patient with cherry-red spot maculae
retinal function, " :,й who jnay haw had this syndrome (figure 5.761).ljK"
Mucolipidosis 3(Stalidosis, Type IE) 3.77 Lipofuscinosis.

Patients with mucolipidosis 3 have, facies resembling those A -and IJ: This З-уиаг-old white? j>irl com plained of the necenl
onsel (31 poor Vision'. Her isual ac uity in the ri^hl eve W ifi
tn J in tier's syndrome, skeEetal abnormalities. and often
2CV30 and in the lalt eye was 2 D/40. Note the bull's-eye pat­
tow beta-gaEactosidase activity. Myoclonus is less promi­ tern o1 retinal pigment epi Ihelium iKF’t i atrophy and the
nent. Many of the patients are mentally retarded, and slighllv naTrnwud retinal vessels in (her I of I macula in A and
some have corneal and lens opacities and are deaf. Almost Iho с<загне m o ilin g of Ihe? RPL in the peripheral fundus in 11.
all have cherry-red spots. Many patients are lapanese. On1 .1year previously line patienl had been ajJym plom atic. Her
visual aCllHy was and the fundi appeared wilhin nor-
maE Iimils.. AL 7 years of age the patient's visual acuity was
Mucoliprdosis Type II (ML II Alpha/Beta, reduced to coum ing lingers in Lht1 righl eve and hand m ove­
1-Cell Disease) ments in the left eye. Al 3 years of age she developed grand
mal seizures and nyMaцд1us. At ;It-.i1 lime she had li^nl per-
Clinical findings present at birth include Hurler-like facies., ceplion with pour projection Ln both eyes.
bulbous nose, and thick doughy skin. Mnear growth stops С and D: This fl-yoar-oSd brother o f the patient illustrated in
at age I year. Progressive joint stiffness, dysostosis multi­ A iind E had first noted vis uni d b h lifairces t year previoutlv.
plex, recurrent respirator}- infections, and congestive heart Visual acuity at that time was 20/50. Visual acuity aL Ihe time
Failure lead to death by 5-Й- years o f age. Corneal cloud­ these photographs were made VL-as linger counling in belh
eyes. Note ih e раЭ1ог Ы 'he C&tit disc, marked attenuation
ing and glaucoma may occur. A characteristic histological
□I Ihe retinal vessels, and cuarue clum p iny of pigment in the
feature is the presence o f enlarged lysosomes filled with peripheral fundus. Over the subset]ыепI 3 years he devel­
undigested compounds in patient fibroblasts, also called oped further visual loss, jjenera I i ie d seizures, nyslagmus,
inclusion or [-celк 'Ihe affected gene is GNFTAB 12q23.X dy-sarlhria, and mild dementia.
E and f: Histopalholoyy of the macular region of a child
who died of juvenile EipftfL^sdfiosis. NoLe Ihe marked atrophy
Mucoliprdosis Type 111A {ML IEE Alpha/
involving all of the reliral layers in the foveal area (E) and
Beta, Pseudo-Hurter Polydystrophy) Lhe peripheral macular area IF I of Ihe same eye. N o le loss
of ganglion cells and marked degenerative changes involving
Patients with mucolipidosis type Ell develop the onsel during
lhe oul-er nuclear layer and receplor plemapts. The-го wure
the first Few years o f life o f joint stiffening mild facial coarse­ pigment-laden cells present in lhe outer layers, o f the retina.
ness, stature below third percentile for age, kyphoscoliosis,
and X-ray evidence of dysostosis multiplex similar to that
seen in the mucopolysaccharidoses with the amis and hands
most prominently affected 'J:5' I hey have a milder form of and electron microscopy have demonstrated loss o f retinal
M L II alpha/beta. The disease stabilizes after SS years of age photoreceptors, pigment migration into the retina, and fine
and patients may live up to the eighth decade; Patients may, granular material consistent with mucopolysaccharides and
however, have aortic insufficiency. As a result o f an enzy­ concentric lamellar bodies, presumably representing phos­
matic defect there is an excess intracellular storage of acid pholipids, in macrophages, plasma cells, ciliary epilhelial
mucopolysaccharides and gjycolipids that are apparent ultra- cells. Schwann cells- retinal ganglion cells, and vascular
structurally as fihrillog^attular inclusion bodies and membra­ endothelium.11*'1 LHC changes in isolated cases include
nous lamellar vacuoles, respectively. Corneal clouding and severely reduced rod and cone-mediated responses and an
hyp егоpic asLigmatism are constant ocular features. Retinal electronegative scotopic response.|J0? Patients [both girls)
haziness; surface wrinkling retinopathy, and optic disc with a mild phenotype consisting of corneal clouding
edema may be present. They may have a relatively mild reti­ alone without neurological or skeletal changes have been
nal dysLrophy.1 1 lji:l ihe affected gene fe G N P lA S ]2ql3.3. reported. 1307 Ml. IV is caused by mutations in M CO LS3,
which codes for mucolipin-lr a O-amino-acid protein
Mucolipidosis 11IC (M U II Variant, ML EEI ill at is a member o f the transient receptor potential fam­
Gamma) ily/ 'Ihus far. most o f the patients have been Ashkenazi
Jew's and the mutations in them seem to differ from
Jhe affected gene is C N lTC, I6pl3.3. It has a milder phe­ the imitations seen in affected non-Ashkenazi Jews.l-'"'
notype o f the pseudo- Hurler type.

Mucolipidosis Type IV
(G O L D B E R G - C O T L IE R S Y N D R O M E )
Patients with type IV mucolipidosis manifest delayed
development, psychomotor retardation, and general­ Galactosialidosis is a lysosomal storage disease character­
ized hypotonia soon after birth.1" ' ' Skeletal anomalies., ized by decreased alpha-neuraminidase and beta-galaclosi-
hepatosplenomegaly, and coarse facial features are typi­ dase caused by a decrease in a protective protein/calhepsiu
cally abseilt. Strabismus, corneal clouding, optic disc pal­ A, an intraly50S0JTtal protein that protects these enzymes
lor narrowed retinal vasculature, pigmentary retinopathy, from premature proteolytic processing. '■''' 12,2 three types
and extinguished LKG may develop during early life. Light ofgalactosialidosis are recognized clinically.
1. Eiarly in fa n Lilt form: presents tieonatally with Elurler- ">. 713 L o n g -c h am fatty acfd d eh vd ro g e n a se d e f i с ie n cy
like facies, dysostosis multiplex, progressive neurologi­ (LCHAD).
cal changes, progressive visceromegaly, find early death. A—I: An almost 5-year-old wa& exa mined w ith a visual acuity
Ocular abnormalities are common and felal hydrops [)E 2 0 /4 0 in each eye and fire pigment mottling through rjul
occurs in one-third of cases.1' ' ' '■'ll the fundus HA—Cl I. PhulogTaphs w ere repeated at дде 11 and
2. E.ale infantile form: presents in the first 2 years o f life 13 ( [ H j ) with no apparent Lhange in Lhe retinal appearance.
with visceromegaly, valvular heart disease, with or The patienL had L C H A D deficiency. She was maintained on
a low-fal carbahvdr;lie-rich diet and showed na prtitof£s5ive
without cardiomyopathy, growlh retardation, dysosto­
chorioretinal degeneration. O ptical cohefence tomo^raplw
sis multiple*.- mild neurological compromise, ocular showed clioroidiai ^ha-rrtm-in^ Irom the increased foveal reLi-
changes, and angiokeratomata. The disease progresses naf pigmum up iI helium pigfrt^nt [H and I .
slowly: cardiac management is of primary concern.1" '
iCaUrtesy tjl Dr. M:Lh.k l ■i I i ri -
3. Juvenile/adult form: found exclusively in |apanese
presents anywhere fro.m 3 years o f age Lo adulthood.
Neurological, caidiac. and ophthalmological features are
prominent with cherry-red spot* myoclonus, and ataxia.
Infantile Group (CAN/, Haltia-Santavuori
Corneal clouding, decreased vision, coarse facies, acid
arrhythmias can also occur.Ii'1" 1212 lhe cheny-red spot Type)
may fade and be relatively inapparent in older patients. infantiIe-group patients manifest microcephaly, severe
I lislopalhoEogic and ultrastnictural examination of the neurologic and visual symptoms usually before 2 years of
eyes of a 13-year-old boy with lale infantile шгтп revealed age. Enfan tik -onset NCL is caused bv mutations in a pal-
Loss of retinal gang)Ion cells, abnormal accumulation ol" lipid mitoyl-protein thioeslerase 1 gene, CLJV1, located at]p32.
and protelnaceous material in residual ganglion cells, optic
atrophy, and inlracyloplasmic inclusion bodies in retinal Late Infantile Croup (C L N 2 , Jansky-
and amacrine c e l l s . Conjunct ival biopsy in two siblings Bielchowsky Type)
with the adult form showed Several types of inlracyloplasmic
Inclusions In die fibroblasts, lymphatic capillary endothelial Jhe onset of severe neurologic disease, including ataxia,
cells, bchwann cells, and cpiLhelial cells. Membrane-bound seizures. loss of speech, and regression o f developmental
vesicles wilh fibrillogranular content, dense granular inclu­ milestones., begins between 2 and 4 years o f age and usu­
sions, and oil droplets were also seen.1'11’-' ally precedes the visual symptoms, ihese patients typically
have a rapid progression of the disease, resulting in coma
and death within a few years, [.ate infantile .NCL is caused
N E U R O N A L C E R O ID by mutations tn a pepstatin-resistant peptidase 1 gene,
L IP O F U S C IN O S E S CLN2r located at 11p i 5. Up to 3 5 % o f these patients also
have an approximately 1-kb deletion in the CLflJj gene
llatten in 1903 described two siblings wilh progressive located at 16pl2. which coties a hydrophobic protein of
macular dystrophy and cerebral degeneration, the juve­ unknown function. CLN5 at 13q3]-32, Ci.,4'6 at ]Si\2]-23f
nile form of NCL. 'lhe name fa lle n 's disease" should be and CJ.M7 and al Sp23 are associated wilh certain
reserved for this form of N C L NCL is a Lysosomal storage variants of late infantile NCI..
disease that Involves the accumulation o f insoluble fluo­
rescent lipoproteins believed to be ceroid and lipofuscin. The Juvenile Croup [C L N 3 , Spielmeyer-
pigments normally associated with a g i n g . _ l i " '['he
Sjogren Type)
term "пеигопаГ is misleading, since many different cell
types, including smooth muscle, glands, Schwann cells, Juvenile group patients, resulting from the mutation of
and vascular endothelium, contain the storage prod u ct1'* CJ..M3 gene at ]6p]2. who constitute the major subgroup
Psychomotor retardation, seizures, visual loss, and prenia- of these disorders, typically are seen initially in child­
Lure death characterize the clinical features o f this group o f hood at a peak age of й-7 years because of visual symp­
neurodegenerative disorders.'I’he&e patients can be divided toms, which are often advanced. Mental disturbances, such
into four principal groups on (he basis of the age o f onset as loss o f recent memory, tantrums, speech disturbances,
as well as ultrastruetural findings related to the deposi­ and inability to learn, may be present at the time of pre­
tion of this aulofluorescent pigment in neurons and other sentation but are often overlooked; londoscopic examina­
body tissues, 'lhe mode o f inheritance in these disorders tion may reveal very mild changes in the RJbL. -Soon Lhey
is autosomal-recessive and genes C LW l-C LN B baVe been develop signs of a bull's-eye type of macular atrophy, fol­
identifi ed.lli2 ~l2U lowed by progressive alterations in the RPE throughout lhe
fundus together wilh narrowing o f the retinal vessels and LC H A D resulLs in bypokelolic hypoglycemia, hepatic ste­
optic atrophy [f-'igure j L77A^D).l2i5 Fluorescein angiogra­ atosis, card iomyopa thy, and rh ab do myolysis, in addition,
phy is helpful in detecting the early signs of the disease. peripheral neuropathy and retinopathy occur ]deficiency
Klectroencephalograpby and electroretinography are useful of LCEfAD is a severe disease that usually results in death
in making a correct diagnosis before the onset o f definite during the first 2 years o f life unless the natural course can
neurologic symptoms.1'" " ''''4l' ' 11 Diagnostic findings in be modified by a low-fat, high-carbohydrate diel Death
the juvenile type include vacuolaled lymphenries in the is usually due lo hepatic or cardiorespiratory failure.
peripheral blood; rectal biopsy ultrastructurally Shows Children who have been diagnosed early and have been
fingerprint forms intracellularly in neuronal tissue, 'Lhese maintained on a low-fat, high-carbohydrate diet show
patients experience progressive neurologic symptoms, ocular findings.
including seizures, With a peak incidence of 1-2 years after 'I'he ocular findings in a large cohort were classified
the onseL of symptoms, tremors, ataxia, dementia, and into four stages.1' En slage I, the retina appears normal
paralysis, resulting in death usually by 20 years of age. at birth. Soon after pigment dispersion occurs al the reti­
Histopathologic examination reveals extensive loss nal pigment epithelial level {stage 11) (Figure !>.7i3A-C).
o f the rod and cone cells, outer nuclear layer, and outer Palcby chorioretinal atrophy, progressive occlusion of cho­
plexiform layer; accumulation o f a PAS-posiliw lipid sub­ roidal vessels and choriocapillaris in the posterior pole
stance in the ganglion cell layer; narrowing o f sin all retinal follows, resulting in deterioration of central vision, oflen
vessels; and gliosis of the nerve fiber layer (figure 5.77E with relative sparing of the peripheral fundus [I'igure
and fr).1:230-1213 ^ nQ^e ль &епсе c f дщо flu­ /5.7Й1: and C ) (stage III). Central scotomas and posterior
orescent inclusions in the photoreceptors, suggesting lhaL st^pbyioma develop in slage IV. Developmental cataracts,
photoreceptors may he rescued if a therapy for Batten dis­ which are flaky opacities around the nucleus, progressive
ease can be developed.1"1'' Changes are more marked pos­ myopia, and deterioration o f visual fields and color vision
teriorly than anteriorly. Iheie is extensive RFE atrophy and are the finding? o f LCHAD deficiency. fcKG abnormalities
migration of pigment into the overlying retina, electron and chorioretinopathy precede the development of myo­
microscopy reveals curvllinear bodies and fingerprint pia and posterior Staphyloma.1: il
profiles in the ganglion cells — “f he differences 3:luorescein angiography in the second stage onwards
in retina! pathology of the three childhood forms of the shows poor choroidal filling and progressive loss of cho-
neuronal ceroid lipofuscinoses are of a quantitative rather riocapiHaris. Subsequently, dropout of choriocapillary
than a qualitative nature. lobules occurs with large areas o f chorioretinal atrophy. hi
late stages, Lbe laige choroidal vessels are preserved mostly
Kufs Disease (Adu]t Neuronal Ceroid temporal to the macula. Color vision and dark adaptation
are affected by stages Lt-LtL il is possible that derange -
menL of the ЙРЕ and choriocapillaris is the primary defec!
Kufs disease is the rarest form (l.i5-10%J o f lhe neuro­ in this condition, and the photoreceptors1 ' function is lost
nal ceroid lipofuscinoses and is autosomal -do minanl in secondarily, ihe fundus changes in stage HE onward resem­
inheritance. Cerebellar, extrapyramid aI, and motor signs ble central areolar choroidal sclerosis, progressive bifocal
predominate. Visual failure is infrequent. M ild central chorioretinal dystrophy, choroideremia, and pathological
visual and color deficiency and impaired smooth pursuit myopia. En the early sLages, it resembles a carrier slate of
have been noted.l -i'' Seizures are rare, and lhe patients choroideremia or rubella retinopathy with fine pigment
are often demented. Two clinical phenotypes, type A, mottling [t-'igure 10.50). Both night blindness and diffi­
wilh progressive myoclonic epilepsy, and type B, with culty wilh central vision eventually occur.
progressive dementia, exlrapyramida! symptoms, sup ta­ lhe condition is inherited in an autosomal-recessive
bu Ibar and cerebellar dysfunction, are known, lhe under­ fashion wilh a C152SC mutation in the gene o f lhe
lying molecular defect in Kufs disease (C LN 4) is still not LCHAD enzyme.' ' I:i' 13J" lhe treatment is early rec­
known. tie d ton microscopic examination of the ognition and management with a low -fat and a high-
peripheral blood lymphocytes for characteristic "finger carbohydrate diet, and survival up Lo aye 31-plus has been
profiles." single membrane-bound intracyloplasmic vacu­ noted.lZAi
oles, and osmiopbilic granular bodies is a sensitive means
o f delecting palienis with any o f lhe four forms as well as
the carriers.12111

Long-Chain 3-Hydroxy-Acyl-Coenzynne
A Dehydrogenase (LitHAD) Deficiency
Fatty acids are metabolized within lhe mitochondria by
beta4?xldalion by the LCHAD enzyme. Deficiency o f
43 3n£crma-: S. F ahaTr Ш. Fi;nma^ 6ft &al hsrfiitclcflt Ircrga mBel'a vfjelifcf1m
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h.ed OprSflJrd № Sd 2D0Q;41 S I 3-7. J. K.№haz^a Й;Cl'GU'a -. ?. al Ls q-la m*s-as с^г^еа :l.e й Funti айр-лсИив
±27. Fli i S. Ж 1Х f,JF. i^tcstii et a. MJlr-xd rfe-ilrcrelccg'iai-Ty in iaiails wtn жаЛ Esca^ s ■tih mlai cn: n me iO^E qaf. fr t WiHhahKi Й0л:12 '.' 037-J.
micuarn?7'](:hy Ei JOphCHlmd 199ifi3.&79-3&. 471. VLuna t:4j -. ^ itifi 1г К. Kiisuhara S.eI^.A пни RCI13 cc-ns n la l an n a Mliail Attn
±38. M \iakeV. H i guchi H butla 'I if al. Oraifc ( ^/iircpTy. ^t i,: Оетг^Иг й! |№±а aispj'ciais presarthg wih natLls ascptii and iiarg *t>is iac. Air J фшйпгё
±29. Ki>ж , H. f.\igjre J, Soade Rf. ^pach ca neii cplta xt-as fe ш асrzphu: irfiiics of 4:2. Nakamna M. -olla V. Tanкал'дA ec al A Inch asscaanai v^lti у м ^sl'aDfy ii ^andJ3
ЖЭ.Н KiicJa1d^itrcflrr OpTi alr>;£Lfc Lass; hcgt ij 2C09±0:l:4-C, аЕ^пйеШ; caused ay UTaliaisal ihsRDHS -gene l-wesl ^hlhaJn»:< V-s 3ci 20>3;4l.
ад . Etodifti^ PJ. iii cba a M i Сclica кГа m s bnn^am Incits л >эЛ m?jc.i a1
tffJrcfih/ % Jg iirFflb ^ K>j7;i4o:&l6-fi. 073. Siraraira. №Sccisa S El з. гип1з aJ: pu'clatja aasacLlsd чith xm
±31. шьагдегН.Гчяпяа G. Jr^ h a 'lA Wahba etecraednogiajr imliRS'iiatamtf л(Т; Bt J Ор-ТГакги! 1Эа2;7&:37Ь-3. '
xa.fl macia1йиагайм (^ Щ .^ М е л ^ А и д еф ёж ^С-3:22й 1П-Е. 4: Ч. 0-HK^is G. C al b R QjerKjes L. el a. 4 j> crrn ai cpl cai эннагсе tcmocrapfit
±32. KiEir-an DF, Me^'rtF. tia priiad31. Spsл а -jwra n ca"jeran:e a №ЩЯЙ 01 al sf'fllaKerais/er and reli'd'decte nlL!>jLiaiapjr£laisai30C4ledw№
CHnpanmr of modemhipmesctJSa: rin iJ ira^ngst'Exiri AmJOptihahnaaili) m s cVstocfy tr.h Up'itJi-ji'l 2>ЗЭ:127: гй Н .
Jan.l J|fe18-31. 4: E. Tfluramio H. йтвг. A Enksscfl U el al Mctaba'a г t e gen? enooang 11-за m ™i
±33. Lycii; JS Hsr-lan i a accn! ir u t r tte ti^ . Co; Qd№aknW2->3E:l 1' .49-x\. dSwdfwerBse cauedela'^ddad; a-daplalH' end lurtdj] Л в л с И ж Hi: uensl
±3±. f li Ш М RO. £liJis C.T. it al. Gin (d t (т^аадЕ свгссня; л I tn of 1SM ^Eiah91.
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Oa traira ;ffi3 13Э:7Ё£-^-. al Ш1 ijfid ri :;hi iitr s ii. Lv'iM od iic-xf Мшипа Lac!js .Air J 0chirm iva
±33. H;-.Tig Р г Л т Л Еапаа1^ jfcnteatropl^olpi^eniafhehml a"e (f£ftK|j([ais. 2COII 133:54Г-63.
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E-rJ Oaihairo '99l:75:l£E-7 1969 67.7'33""9.
±37. бак JDU. Taiey ЕЙ. Flet^d rnni аыос al&d win caffi ai Ш1 ;Mls. nucfocephafy, ep iBpsj. 47-3. Errn B= F]]ps -. Sc^ian £. Fslnl a i -пнila ajbssia: a and
italuis. anj i [-q 17 cioi'iaHimi t o ВД иУта l £94:' 12:733-9. ftauadai t o tyilhaJma l£596l 93-1 f .
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Macular Dysfunction Caused by
Retinal Vascular Diseases
diseases affecting primarily the retinal arteries., capillar­ 6.01 Re гnull vase ula r ano mal ies.
ies, and veins or any com b u llio n o f the ihnee may be the
A - t.: Congenital n.'tmal лПепд! tuTtuosiiy and spontaneous
underlying cause of central vision loss. Angiography pro­ macular hemorrhage in a 2 6-year-old man who сI-eveloped
v id e r information concerning alterations in retinal blood Foss o f central vision in the righl eye w hile weight-lifting. He
flow, the normal retinal vascular pat t e n a n d retinal vascu- had had a similar episode? in Eioth eyes previously, tnuh lime
Ear permeability. Jn addition, in the sensory retina, which the hemotfhaifES и lea reel and jte regained 20/20 acuity. He
normally has ve ry little extracellular space, stereo angi­ was df Eastern Ьишрщлп {JescenJ and had two palcrnal first
cousins with I he к а т е o cular problem.
ography provides а means of pictoriallv defining expan­
i.^-F: Congenital reLinal aHeria loop in an asvmptumalic: Ejcjy-
sions of the extracellular space produced by extracellular
G-l: CongenrLal retinal arterial rnalformalion in a young
fluid accompanying alterations In vascular permeability
nsymptomalic wom an w ilh 2 0 /2 0 visual acuily.
and cellular destruction. Optical coherence tomography I—I : Congenital venous loop in an asymplomittic young
(Q C T ) has enhanced the ability to define these lesions in woman.
a vertical cross-section and three-dimensional layout, far | A - t . u o u r t e iy o ! D r . О и г м Ы I. I V A i u i l o . i
a more detailed discussion of the basic pathopbysiologic
and histopathologic changes occurring in retinal vascu­
lar disorders and their correlation wilh fluorescein angio­ ]nucopolysaccharidosis VI, and Kabry's disease. Pulsatile
graphic and biomicroscopicchanges, the reader should see three-dimensional arteriolar tortuosity, previously
Chapter 2. reported in patients wilh coarctation o f the aorta* rarely
occurs now because o f early surgical intervention.
R ET IN A L V A S C U L A R A N O M A L IE S Spontaneous retinal hemorrhages may occur in multi­
ple family members in the absence of related systemic dis­
A variety of minor anomalies of the retinal vascular tree ease or retinal arterial tortuosity
occur commonly and are unassociated With visual morbid­
ity. Some of the vascular anomalies, h oivever. [nay cause
visuaE loss.
Inherited Retina] Venous Beading
Meredilh described five affected m embers in two genera­
Hereditary Retinal Artery Tortuosity tions with sausage Iike beading o f the major retinal veins
and conjunctival venules, focal retinal infarctions, altered
IJecurrent macular hemorrhages occurring in family mem­ retinal vascular permeability, and in some cases abnormal­
bers with congenital arteriolar Lortuosity constitute a rec­ ities of arteriolar and venular distribution.11 E.arge venules
ognized syndrome (figure 6 .i)lA -C ).]' lr Visual loss in crossed the horizontal raphe in some cases. Three mem­
these patients may occur spontaneously or following rela­ bers had retinal and/or optic disc neovascularization and
tively minor trauma (see the discussion on Valsalva maoa- vitreous hemorrhage. Some members had renal disease
lopathy, p. 730 in Chapter Sj. Kelinal arterioEar tortuosity {Alport's disease) and decreased leukocyte counts. Stewart
may increase with age, particularly during adolescence. and Critter reported four affected members o f two genera­
Jhe tortuosity affects primarily the second- and third- tions with retinal venous beading bu( no conjunctival ves­
order retinal arterioles in the macular area and the veins sel tortuosity.1 The affected members had low to normal
are spared. Fluorescein angiography has failed to disclose neutrophil leukocyte counts that differed significantly
any primary alterations in the retinal vascular tree that from unaffected members.
would account for the predilection for hemorrhages I he
pathogenesis is unknown. Despite recurrent bleeding-
vision usually returns to normal, Itotinal bleeding during
Retinal Venous Tortuosity in Infants
scleral buckling procedure has been reported.'1' ЗЪеге is Neonates born to mothers who smoke during pregnancy
no evidence that a systemic hemorrhagic diathesis is pres­ have a higher incidence o f venous dilation and tortuosity
ent in patients with this disease, which is inherited as an arteriolar straightening and narrowing, and intraretinal
autosomal-dominant trait. Families With increased nail hemorrhages. I his is likely the result o f a combination of
bed capillary tortuosities- carotid aneurysm, and micro­ higher hematocrit and higher peripheral vascular resis­
scopic hematuria have been described. i' ' - > Con genital tance in these babies. All vascular changes correct by age
retina] arteriolar tortuosity must be differentiated from 6 montbs.]<* Infants with congenita! heart diseases show a
other diseases associated with acquired retinal vascular higher incidence o f retinal vascular tortuosity [ 4 mor e
tortuosity, including polycythemia, leukemia, dyspro- so those with cyanotic heart disease, low hematocrit, and
teinemia, sickle-cell disease, famiEiaE dysautonomia. low oxygen saturation.-7
/irffrfHil Vam'u 1лг. mvl^ies 4.59
Congenital PrepapiHary Vascular Loops P re papillary loop with branch retina] artery
Imitated loops in v b m n g fitffir lhe veins or the arteries may
A —G : This 17-year-old fem ale developed a sudden temporal
occur in and around lhe op Lie nerve head (figure 6.0 1
field defect in Hilt lefL eye. Shu li^id л liihtury of sickle-cell
D-L).-11 l.oops involving the retinal arteries are more
trail but was- otherwise normal. Her visual acuity was 20/25
common than those involving veins (4:1].J| Retina E arte­ in each eye. A prapapillary loop emanated from Lhe disc
rial loops may arise on or near lhe optic disc from a major along with retinal opacification in [he upper nasal quadrant
branch retinal artery, the central retinal artery. or a cilio- necondarv o f a branch relinal лКегу to occlusion within the
retinal artery (Hgure (S.01 JJ-F). Jhey extend anteriorly into loop. Ttie retinal color recovered in 4 weeks but the visual
the vitreous., are composed of one or more Lwisls,. and usu­ field defect remained. Thrombotic ucdu sion of 1he torn-

ally supply one o f the retinal quadrants. 'Ibe loops often mu meat ion 1rom !hc loop to the £цреГопази bijlaidl relinal
artery was noled (artow).
exhibit movement within the vitreous and casl a shadow
on lhe surrounding fundus. 'Ihey may pulsate. They occa­ Congenital macro vessel
sionally occur bilaterally, may be familiaE, and may be H - J: A 34-year-old m ale presented with a 3-year history
partly surrounded by gliaE or fibrous sheaths.-1- Retinal d I type 2 diabetes. Visual acuity was 2(У15 in both eyes.

circuш Lion lime in the affected quadrant may be slightly [Jilalu d fundusi examination of lhe ri^h! eye showed а Злг^е
mitcrovessel Ltjursin^j the m acula. The mat-roVessel w as a
increased, '['here is a high incidence of cilioretinal arteries
V4iin and the angiogram showE^d it draining into lhe supero-
in these eyes, and they often supply much of the retinal temporal vein aflfit crossjng the htJiizonlal raphe and 3at-
circulation.Jl A small percentage o f these patients may eral to Ihe fovea and dipping back inferior to (he fovea and
Eose vision secondary to occlusion of lhe arterial loop rucrosibinft nasal to lhe fovea.
(Hgure vitreous hemorrhage l A - C i , 4. c i u г l i n y C Ji- l - r . u i t c j H r ' L c l n n : H - l . Ггш п . i l l h ' r l ■| r i i i I lI
amaurosis fugax,-'1 and hyphema.*1 Thrombosis or twist­ iv ilh [s c m u ^ M o n Ггснп fm n rA . Н г А 1 м ± г 'c '. i n n u . i j - i. L . u v r c i i L 'i r I. t h e k L 'lin .L l

Al l.i!-. S.iuiyiLW 2UI0, ^7e-D-7CJ2U-i^2U-1r [Л.ЗИ4.1

ing of the loop probably causes the obstruction (Jigure
6.02Л-С). Histologically the artery comprising thE loop Congenital prepapillary venous loops (figure 6.011-1,)
is o f normal structure."1'i'he pathogenesis of the vitreous and macroretinal vessels should be differentiated from
hemorrhage occurring in and around these loops is uncer­ acquired dilaled venous col lateral channels caused by
tain but probably is caused by rupture o f small vessels retinal venous obstruction (see E'igure S.-Sl] and K) and
near the base of lhe loop caused by its movement. meningioma o f the optic nerve (see I'igure ] 5.16).
Congenita] Retinal Macrovessels and fc. 03 C o nge n ila i ret in a Eп и cro vessels.

Arteriovenous Communications A and B: .Macular hemorrhage occurring in a 50-year-old

iлап w ild on awakening n o ktl a central srdrtoma c-ausfep by
A large aberrant retinal yesscL more often a vein than a гс-LiплI hemOrt+iagC; associated with л congEiniLal macro-
artery; may extend from the optic disc into the central aMery and vein. His visual acuity wan 2ti'4u.
macular area, where it typicaSLy sends tributaries across С and D : MicroaneAirysJns lanows) associated w ilh congeni­
Lbe horizontal raphe (I'igures 6.021]-] And 6.03 A-E).'ujL tal macnokrtery and vein. There was minim al staining o f the
In some patients.. both an artery and a vein are affected. microaneurysms.

Visual function is usually normal. Fluorescein apngiogja- E—G : Blurred vibiun uccurred in Ihis heallhv w ilh m ac­
rovessels associated with an g io ^ ap h ic evidence o f arte­
phy typically shows no permeability alterations but may
riovenous shunting (arrow, FI, and hypoperfusion of the
show small areas o f capillary non perfusion and focal cap­ juxtafeveal relinal capjllary nelworli iC ).
illary dilations [Ensure 6.03C and L>]. In some cases the H-L: Conjjenftal retinal macrevieins (arrows, H and If asso­
capillary bed separating the dilated artery and 4rein may be ciated w ilh macTovensels ctf the conjunctiva Ijj and the dor­
normal (ligune 6.0211-J). In others there is a direct arte­ sal ■К I and Central side fL) of Ihe longue in an apparently
riovenous anastomosis [Kigure 6 .0 3 b-G ].1-' Changes fit hcallhv ®l-yeaH>1d man. Comp u led I omography 01 Ihe brain
blood flow or permeability within these communications revealed multiple venous a noma lie*..

may precipitate loss o f visual function (Hgure 6.0ЗА and LC лгк; I). [ U L ir f L 'jy ■
:-I I Jr. !. S. (Julian .
11, and H-G) and are reported following bungee jumping,
ihese malformations typically occur uni laterally in single
or multiple sites. I here is a predilection for involvement VEtreoreti пора thy (l-'LYR], ittconlinentia pigmenti. and
of the papillomacular bundle area and the superotempo- other peripheral vascular occlusive diseases.
ral quad r a n t . Both sexes are affected Detection o f the iietinal arteriovenous anomalies have been subdivided
anomaly usually occurs on routine examination. JJetinal into groups, depending on the severity of the anomaly.= l i-1'1
macrovessels may occasionally be associated with similar Archer's group I comprises patients with retinal macro ves­
vascular anomalies affecting the conjunctiva and mouth sels with interposition of an arteriolar or abnormal capil­
(fig u r e 6..03J-L). Macrovessels are isolated findings and lary plexus between the major communicating artery and
should be differentiated from large-caliber retinal vessels vein, ihese well-conipensated arterivenous communica­
(artery or vein] associated With anomalies such as Goats' tions rarely extend to involve the papillary vasculature and
disease, retinal capillarv hemangioma, fajniliaE exudative are rarely associated with cerebrovascular malformations.
l*atients in group 1 demonstrate clirt^ct arteriovenous ^.04 Retinal arteriovenous malformation.
communication;; without the interposition of capillary
A - t : This 2 2-year-old asympLomalic м тлп had 20/20
or arteriolar elements (figure б Л ^ )^ 1,34-32 lliese dilated visual acuity bilaterally. The lefl eye was normal. She had
arteriovenous communications, sometimes referred to no evidence o f е к м о с Щ а г vascular malformations. Note
as artietlovenoiijB aneurysms or racemose aneurysms* may the artsridVetipUs comm uni cal ion in thy macula i.A^ and
be single or multiple. Leaking macroaneuiysms occasion­ focal vascular sheathing and scarring in I be- periphery : В I.
ally develop on these enlarged vessels (t'igure й.04Ь).:’1 Angiography demonstrated lhe arteriovenous com m unica­
tion j and minim al slain mg tinly in the area o f the periva-s-
Angiography demonstrates a short dye transit time but
cular scarring.
usually no evidence o f e\Lravascu3ar leakage." d| The
D and E: Ttiis 14-year-old gtrE had 20/20 visual acuily w hen
neighboring microvasculature may be alteredr and there first examined. Angiography at 14 seconds showed prompt
may be beading and multiple fusiform dilations of Lhe fill inn al Ihe superior arteriovenous anom aly LL>. Tvto yearC
Eaige-vessel walls. Capillary nonperfusion or an absence o f laler she E>:perjenqed ncule loss of vision in lhe eye. W h e n
capillaries may be evident in the neighborhood o f major seen 9 monLhs later, her visual acuity was 20/300. The optic
vessels. These arteriovenous communications typically disc was swollen (Ej. Sh-Liathing of some o f lhe large retinal
remain stationary. In some cases decompensation may vessels and pigmentary abnormalilies in Ihe m acula had
occUrr&d. Angiography revealed perfusion of Lhe relinal arter­
occur and cause hemorrhages (figure 6.04f and G ]j focal
ies, increased retinal circulation Limer and л w indow defect
areas of estravascu!ar ejtudaLion and perivascular scarring in Ihe macula, all findings suggesting partial occlusion of Lhe
(b'igure Ш 1 ); and neovascular glaucoma. 1 11 Occlusion vascular anom aly and previous submacular exudation.
o f a portion of or the entire malformation may occur F and G : This teenage girl was asymptomatic and had nor­
(E'igure й.041> and E* and IE and 1}. mal visual fu n d ion w hen lhe arteriovenous anom aly was
dlfecftvenkJ (R . She had no exlraocular vascular malforma­
tions. Several years later she noled a paracenlral scotoma in
Lhe right eye caused by spontaneous bleeding from the vas­
cular anom aly nasal lo the oplic disc fC).
H and I: Arteriovenous malformations in lh e macula (H) and
periphery of the right eye and lhe maxi! a n 1 bone of ibis girl
were discovered afLer the experienced severe bleeding dur­
ing a denial ejttracLron. Surgical ligaLion o f the ipsilaleral
carotid artery was required Iо conlrol Ihe bleeding, Soon
afterward there was sponlaneous occlusion o f the m acular
arteriovenous aneurysm (I).
|-L: Gross photograph and photomicrographs o f an arterio­
venous aneurysm with arteriovenous anaslomosis (Arrovl^ J
in a rhesus monkey. Fluorescein angiography showed no e v i­
dence o f ini ra retina I staining. Nole lhe enlarged retinal ves­
sels LhaL encroach on the surrounding retina iK and L). The
dilated spaces in the inner nuclear and oulur plesiform layer
w ere free of proleinaceous esudale and apparenllv con­
tained a serous Iransudale.

[D a r i d Ё., й й и г Е п у tnl U r . k i o b u r l к i r.i li. :n ir n I . ^ L J i. a v ,jl . i l . ' V I Гго т

г : : ■. 1 9 (6 , Л п ч п г мп M e d ic a l M l i o n . A l l J~ iuhC x r r i M i r v L 'i : ! . I L
■Г "
Г г и т H u r iu c h i c l .il. ; p u b lis h e d w iL h { ж г л и и п п f r o m I t i c Л п к г к а п
l u u r n . i l u f O p l ' . l h . i l i r u l i i ^ y ; f i i f l S r L j t h i l i y I I k : O p h l K i l m i r I i l i ч -l r i i^; C f f J
In group 3 patients [Figure 6.03} there are many anas­ б.(l Re Irnal a rter iovenous malformat io n .
tomosing channels o f large caliber Thai are so inter!wined
A and B: Ths 16-year-old fc-n 11•.= was seen Гог intractable
and convoluted that separation into their arLerJnL and headaches jand migraine w ilh лига. H e r vision was 20/15
venous components may he difnculL. Visual acuity is usu­ in each eye. She had several anom alous vessels emanating
al ]y poor. Ophtbalmoscopically and ingiograpb^al!^ the from the disc and peripapillary area. 5iome of lhe I a r^er-ca I i-
retina may show perivascular sheathing, exudation, and ber vessels appeared lo com m unicate with the choroidal cir­
pigmentary degeneration, Home eyes may be blind from culation ajs they dipped into Ibe substance ol" the relina w hile
lhe others; w ere pari of a network of vessel;; seen on the disf.
hirth. P’atieuls with severe retinal involvement are lhe
and superficial peripapiJjarv retina. She had had агг inflam­
most likely Lo have periorbita! or cerebral involvement
matory workup, w hich shew ed m inim ally elevaited angioten­
СWyburn-Mason syrtdro me).-1 ■’7# M& S2M™ sin-converting unA'me. Vla^ndic resonance imaging MKI
Com plications of these vascular anomalies include inlra- df lhe bead did nol reveal other ifttjffcnatous (ocj. She was
retinal hemorrhage, aneurysm formation with intraretinal treated m edically fur headaches and mi prairie.
exudation, retinal artery occlusion, Valsalva retinopaLhy, : C—F: This 23-year-old m ale w ith cuunt-rinjjers vision in Lhe
central and peripheral retinal vein occlusions, neovascular ri^hl anrl 20/20 vision in Ihe left eve complained of several
glaucoma, vitreous hemorrhage, arterial macroaneuiysm,. episodes of headache for the past 2 years. He had a previ­
ous .MK1 that show ed arteriovenous jra lfo m i^ ib n s in his
and macular hole [Figure 6.G4B, t, C„ and ])
brain. A la*^u arteriovenous тттл horn-a Li on simulating a
Severe visual loss caused by occlusion of the malforma­ ot" worms was seen in Ihe righl fundus involving lhe vessels
tion occurs infrequently (Figure 6.04D and F). Slow visual on lhe disc and in lhe m acula associa Let! w ilh dilated and
Loss may occur because of mechanical compression of the tortuous reLinal arteries and veins extending up to Ihe periph­
optic nerve.*1" Spontaneous regression of the lesions may ery. O n e Iflr^e vessel lhal dipped into lhe retina communi-
occur occasionally^11 lhe histopathology of arteriovenous CnVin^ with the choroid showed w hilenin^ of ilu w all (C iind
communications identical to those seen in humans has Ff. Fluorescein angiogrant showed rapid filling ol the malfor­
mation, making il difficult to determine if the majority o f Ihe
been described in rhesus monkeys (Figure 6.04]—E_).: ' 4'
vessels filled from Ihe choroid or from Lhe retinal side - they
Anomalous arteriovenous communications should be dis­ Eifcely filled simultaneously from Lhe choroid and retina (□
tinguished from those acquired secondary to peripheral and I:!. He was trealed iynnptomalScal I у lor lhe migrainous
vascular occlusive disease [see figure G.ttll and tv).""' headache.
Photocoaguiation treatment may occasionally be
Retinal capillary hamartoma.
warranted in those patients who develop exudative
It- K : This 34-year-old male noled meLamoiphops-ia in his
righL eye for a le w months. A 2 X 2 disc diameter sublie e le­
For a discussion of congenital retinal telangiectasis and vation farrowsl was noted in his I'ii^hL eve jus I temporal to Lhe
retina] vascular hamartomas, see p. 514 in Chapter 6 and lovea associated w ilh cysloid swelling of the temporal fovea
Chapter \ 3, respectively. (G). An angiogram revealed deep dilated рГениз of vessels
with several bulbous dilatations in the inner relina i I and Jf.
The anom alous capillary plexus leaked with fluid accum u­
lation i-nlo cystoid spaces IK.. The tnalmrmaticfti appears lo
be an isolated hamartoma of lh e relinal capillaries wilhoul
an astrocytic com ponenl. There was no evidence of hamar-
Lomnis elsewhere in lhe eye от body ihus ruling out Luberous

I A ..n n F H-. n j u r l c s v :>Г I J r . I-1,t in e , к L n H 'i i i , t j - K , c j o u r l r i s 'y ■i: ]> r. I X i \ i( i

Anomalous Foveal Avascular Zone 6.0b Absent foveal avascular zone fFAZ) and toveal pit,

Controversy exists about the development of the fovea! A—F: This 40-year-old m ale had л hi-sLcwy of "jum ping eyes"
with subnormal vision since childhood. W h e n his son was
avascular zone (HA2); one Jichool believes the future EAX
e vaIилled for nysla^mus al a^e 6 mftnths, he was sen! in for
is initially vascularized.. and by a process similar lo apop-
a reli na consulLiilion Lo f>E.hlp find a diagnosis ["от Ihe infanl.
tosis the capillaries are lost lo form a capillary-free ione. He was best corrected to 2Q/bO in each eye Л rnoder-
Absence of ihe E'AZ and multilayered foveola seen in reti­ ately high m yopic refractive error. He was nol atbinotic.
nopathy o f prematurity [ROE1) is explained by this theory " : Tht! tu ndus hud a blonde coloration w ilh orange color a I
lhe other school studied seven retinal whole mounts aged the posterior pole. Л fluorescein angiogram showed no spe­
between 26 and 4] weeks'" gestation and found a blood ves­ cific a b n o rm a lly Due Го Ihe myopia and lighl fundus back­
ground.. я good perfusion of ihe Lovea vascular pattern was
sel-free zone in all retinas, including at the 26-wee к gesta­
nal oblainable. Scanning through Lhe entire m acula, a fovea I
tional age.1"1'Ihis ring Was open temporally at age 26 weeks
depression could nol (re found on oplical coherence Югпоэд-
and closed by 37 weeks' gestation lo form a complete cir­ raphy IE and Flf bu^geslin^ arrcsled foyjEal devel op m ел I as
cle. il is believed that the superior and inferior blood ves­ the cau-se of the subnormal vision and nystagmus.
sels grow faster than the horizontal raphe and the nasal C-L: This 16-yea r-oEd girl could only be corrected to 2El/25
vessels grow faster than the temporal ones, resulting in the all thfough her refractive evaluaLionii for lhe previous [0
open temporal ring till about the 37-week gestational age. years. Her color vision was full b ilaterally and she had ли
nystagmus. The righl eye had an anomalou-s architecture of
ihe diameter o f ihe FAZ gradually decreased in size from
the reliriril arteries w ilh two branches eacJ> supplying Lhe
500 pm at 35 weeks to 300-350 pm at 40 weeks. After birth.,
superior and inferior posterior pole 1GK The left eye's archi-
the accelerated retinal growth stretches the foveat pitr mak­ Leclure appeared within- Lhe normal Variation I HI; Careful
ing it wider and shallower; this remodeling o f the fr\Z con­ examination of Lhe fovea and its angiogjam revealed possible
tinues to occur even up to 15 months to eventually yield an small foVeaJ avas-cuLir zone. tJp lic a l coherence tomography
I'AZ that is 300-750 |im in size. Lhrough lhe fovua could ncfl localise the Loveal pi1 in either
It is likely various factors influence formation of the eye IK. and I.), confirming Lhe arrested foveolar developmenl
as a plausible cause of Lhe subnormal vision.
fovea I vascular zone during development: astrocytes., mac­
ular pigment, ganglion cells, vasoemJothelial growth factor I G - L , CLIU r l r j i v III U r. I , i n i : t ’ L . I ,m - I

(VliGHj levels and their alteration in hypoxia, to consider

a few.^'^' Whatever the insult that allows blood vessels to hAZ associated with multilayered foveal pit on O C I is
invade the future fovea I pit during development (figure a feature o f albinism, chiasmal misrouting,1'' ЕЮ ft and
6.06), this in turn likely prevents normal foveal piL for­ aniridia. IL is likely we will discover more developmental
mation, resulting in a multi hive red Ibveal center (1'igure vasculopathies and other disorders that harbor a multilay­
6.06b, Fr K, and Lj. Eiypoplastic fovea with small or absent ered foveal center.
6r07 C e n tra l re tin a l a r te r y obstruction ^
D IS E A S E S A—D: Central relinal artery obstruction occurred 1 w eek
a flew replacement of яп aortic and itiitral valve |Ъг rheu­
Ш с й ^ а Ь ^ й Л у , diseases may cause obstruction o f matic heart disease in a 55-year-old man w hose visual acuity
Lbe retinal arLerial blood flow, primarily through one or consisted of Мцhi percep!ion only. Note Lhe L'herry-ned Spot
and ^boxcnr^ formation of blood in the retinal Vessels iA .
a combination o f Lhe following processes: ( I ) embolism;
A n d m a p liy shows marked retinal л Мету obstruction and
(2) vascular narrowing; (3) thrombosis: (4) arterial spasm; relrojjrade filling of proximal rd ii:al veins via I h oplic disi
(5) vascular narrowing caused by exlravascular disease; col lateral circulation iL3-l?l.
and (6) reduction in blood tlow caused by carotid or oph­ E and F: Central relinal artery obstruclion in a t E>-year-old
thalmic artery obstruction, lowered syslemic blood pres­ wom an. Angiography show к fluorescein leakage from peri fo-
sure, or elevated intraocular pressure. ^TEal arterioles.
G —I: Central retinal artery obstruction and retinal hemor­
rhages in a 2У-year-okl man w ilh rheum alic mitral valvular
Embolic Obstruction disease and subacuLe bacterial endocarditis. Note I be cherry-
Obstruction of the retina] circulation may be caused by7 red spoL, "b o x car1' formal ion, and angiographic evidence of
marked increase in relinal с ire Ltl a L i o n lime.
emboli derived from within lhe human body [endoge­
|—L: KiLchy retinar ischemia and delayed perfusion o f both Lhe
nous em boli} or front without (exogenous emboli).
retinal and choroidal circulation caused by ophthalmic artery
obslni-cti<m in a 73-year-old hypertEri$ive man with ullrasono-
En d o gen o u s Em bolization From the Major Epaphic evidence ot thyroid ophthalmopathy. He experienced
Arteries an d Heart sudden almosJ complete toss of vision in lhe rijjht eye several
bmbpli derived from ulcerated atheromatous plaques in weeks before Lbese phoLojjraphs. H e noted partial return of
peripheral vision soon afterward, Angiography m o w e d Lhal
the carotid artery, occurring either spontaneously or dur­
dye appeared in lhe chtjroid aL 2 ] seconds and in Ihe cenlral
ing manipulation o f the carotid artery during arteriogra­
retinal arlery at 15 seconds iK and 3. .
phy or surgery, are probably the most common cause of
major retinaE arterial occlusions (higures 6.07-G.10)
Other Important sources of emboli are diseased or anoma­
lous heart valves. Lmbolization from the heart may occur artery occlusion wilE have clinical evidence of carotid
spontaneously or during open-hearl surgery or coronary artery disease.''1 '■ In younger patients the emboli are usu­
artery angioplasty.85_йе Patients with embolic occlusion ally derived from heart valves damaged by rheumatic fever,
usually experience sudden monocular loss o f vision, litis congenital anomalies o f the heart valves and great ves­
loss may be antedated by episodes o f transient loss o f sels. or prolapse o f the mitral valve (Bartow's syndrome)
monocular vision Easting 1-2 minutes (amaurosis fugax) (figure C't.07t—L) ,-s :: Most patients with central retina!
in 20-25% of cases, and transient ischemic attacks in artery occlusion (CFtAQ) will have a smaLl area o f pres­
approximately 5-10% o f cases.e’J rl"he average age o f onset ervation o f light percept ion caused by the presence of
o f symptoms is approximately SO years. ]:ewer than 10% small cilioretinal arteries fl:igure 6.LlSL> and K, arrow].’’"
o f occlusions occur in persons under 30 years of age.^-'4' En patients with no light perception, the physician should
Occlusion is more common in nten than in women. In look for evidence of abnormalities of choroidal and optic
all, 50-75% of patients over 40 years of age with retinal nerve head circulation. " ' '
QbsmfdHur R e tin a l. irtfrin l DzprtiS^s -4^ I
If retinal artery obstruction is incomplete ant] of short Cenlral retinal artery occlusion (CRAOl wilh
duration, only a slight gray ha^e may result; and little or n eovasc u la rization о f d isc.
no permanent damage to the retina may occur (iigure A-F: This 6fl-year-old hypertensive diabetic wumar with a
б.ОУСг and H j;,. ,9R If Lhe block is more complete, progres­ hijtOry of tind-sta^e renal disease presumed wil-h light per­
sive whitening nind swelling o f the inner half o f the retina ception vision in her right eye. Tlie posterior pole was opaci­
develop (figure 6.07A and H). 'these physical changes are fied and [he blood column in лII Ihe retinal а гй п й ^ and
caused by denaturaLion and breakdown of the normally some of lhe vein*; were fia^men led 'A). A Liny corkscrew
transparent intracellular prole in, an increase in the intra­ vessel was present cn Ihe optic disc. A small zone of retina
adjacent Lo thy 5Llperalemp6r$ edge of Lhe disc appeared 1o
cellular water, and, finally, complete cell al i t necrosis
be perfused by a cilioretinal artery. The left eye had scattered
(figure 6.101).'"' 00 Acute ischemic w hilening of the retina microaneurysms and dot hemorrhages Irom diabetes Ш|.
is a more accurate descriptive term for this change than Four weukh IdCer she was found lo have a vrLreous hemor­
retinal edema, which is best reserved for retinal thicken­ rhage, bleeding from the corkscrew-shaped vessel seen pre­
ing secondary lo the accumulation o f serous fluid escap­ viously un the disc i.С and Ап angiogram showed almosl
ing front retinal capillaries inlo the extracellular space, no perfusion d( the retina ewcepL lor a small zone Itо т a
producing multiple cystoid changes in (he outer retinal ciliorelinal artery :t and FJ. Lc is likely the ischemia second­
ary to iheCKAO Emhaneed lhe pre-exislin^ diabetic ischemia
Layers. Acute ischemic retinopathy may be localized
Lo cause the new vessel lo blued.
(cot ton-wool patch], as in small arteriolar obstruction, or
G - |: The rijjhL fundus of Lhis m ale patient who presented
more diffuse, as in obstruction of the central retinal artery With severe headache and sudden Joss of vision in his ri^hl
or one o f its major branches. Intensified retinal whitening eye shows opaciftalioti of Lhe relina wilh a cherry-ied spoL
along the peripheral edge of ischemic areas that cut across and boHcaning of Iho blood column in Lhe retinal arterioles
nerve fiber layers is related to the damming effect of the (C)i Лл arYgiagram shows poor perfusion ihrou^h lhe cen­
orlhograde and retrograde axoplasmic fld w JDI tral retinal arLery fHJ. (laroLid angiogram shows dissecLion of
Lhe ri^hl internal carotid arLery resulting in ihetlRAO if and
Patients with visual loss caused by acute retinal artery
|j. A few weeks laler, lhe oplic nerve turned pale. The box-
obstruction usually seek treatment in the first week
carrin^ of Ihe retinal arterioles continued wilh regaining of
after obstruction and show a variety o f clinical pictures, the orange color of the reLina. The vision renamed aI lij^hl
depending on the portion of the retinal, arterial tree perception.
involved. In central retinal artery obstructionr widespread К anti L: This 75-year-old male wilh hyfjerc-holesterokmia^
ischemic whitening of Lhe retina occurs, except in the fove- hypertension, and previous history of bilateral carotid end-
otar area (cheny-red spot), whose blood supply is derived arterectomies shown a retinal etnbblus in Lhe superoLemporal
from the choriocapil laris (figures 6.07A and 6.08G), and arteriole and opaci fjcal ion of the posterior pole -secondary 1o
a CRAD. There is a small patch of и nopacified orange ret­
except in some patients in whom focal peripapillary areas
ina temporal lo lhe disc from perfusion Ihrou^h a cilioreLr-
are supplied by a cilioretinal arteiy. Absence of lhe с berry- nal artery larrow^. Note Lhree cotton-wool spots that likely
red spot in patients with С RAO should suggest the pres­ predale the С RAO. Optical coherence Lomogfaphy showed
ence of choroidal vascular ischemia as wet].1" ' hi some LhlckenSng and opacification of the inner relina and shadow­
patientSr particularly those wilh chronic systemic hyperten­ ing of lhe photoniceplor layer (l_j.
sion, transient obstruction o f the central retinal arteiy- may I t , - 1, ': n u rlL J i v nil L ] i . k u l jt i r l W i t lr .v . , 1 1 1 1 1 I . A Im i, V .in n L ij-^ i L .ii.v rL 'n c t: I.

produce a peculiar picture of multiple gray patches of reti­ 11ч- K i lm .!l A l3 .ii. $ Й т * И 3 0 1 D, 9 7 3 - 0 - 7 0 2 0 - ^ 2 0 - 4 , | j . 3 » 7 . i

nal whitening simulatitig that seen in furtscher's retinopa-

Lby (figures 6.07|-L see figures 6.2311, and 6.25[j. Ihis has a central scotoma caused b y obstruction of a cilioreti­
pattern is probably the resull of regional variations in arte­ nal artery or other small arterioles supplying most o f the
rial perfusion that occur normally or that are the result o f macular area.-1,..... Varying degrees o f arterial narrow­
formation of collateral pathways o f retinal capillary flow ing occur. Segmentation o f the blood column indicates
caused by foca] narrowing o f the origin o f the tirst-order marked s]owing of arterial flow (figure 6.07A. H, and I).
arterioles in hypertensive patients. She visual prognosis in Often one or more emboli are visible in the arterial tree,
patients showing this pattern o f retinal whitening is rela­ either as a taige embolus at a bifurcation of lhe central ret­
tively good.' ' ' inal artery on the oplic nerve head (figures 6.0У G and H
llranch artery obstruction may be overlooked or mis- and 6.ШК and I.) or as one or more emboli lodged al dis­
Laken for other disease processes, particularly if lhe patient tal bifurcations (I'igure 6.(Ж>).
Three major types o f emboli occur. Platelet fibrin t .0l4 Bra n сh re linal a rtery obstrn ctio n.
emboli are dull, gray-white- often elongated plugs that are
A -С: branch relinal artery obstruction o f unknown cause
subject lo fragmentation and movt'nKnL into more distal in a 1 Ь-year-old man. N o le lhe oliscu ra Li о n of I be proximal
artertoHS (E-'igure 6.0У| and K). Jhey may be either single parL of Lhe obstructed retinal artery lhal sujj^HsLs I be possibil­
or multiple and are most often Lodged at a bifurcation. ity cif a focal area uf reliniLis and late aL ibe sile of
Cholesterol emboli are often multiple, yellow or copper- obslrucLion.
coEored iridescent globules that are most often seen in D-F: This 6 1-year-old man- developed sudden ortat; of cen-
Lhe peripheral radicles on the temporal side o f the fundus Lral scotoma in his ri^hL eye setDftdary Id em bolic obslruc­
Lion of a dlioTeLEnal artery. Note Lhe Ej j S^Ih pi Piquet in Ihe
(t-'igures G.09E) and 6.1 0 C I:).||1Л:UJ L'hey are often unas-
ciliorelinal arlery and lhe superior branch of" lhe central reli-
socialed with obstruction of blood flow. W hen causing naf artery ■:arrow*, D). At'ler 16 seconds there was delayed
obstruction, cholesterol emboli are usually located near perfusion of lhe retina in Lhe region of distribution ol Lhe
the optic nerve head. Calcific emboli are usually single, ciliorelinal arlery i.D. Several months l.iLur lhe scotoma per­
solid, white, uonrefractite, ovoid or angulated emboli sisted, bul Ibe reLinal whitening had cleared iJ- . Гh :s- pa lien I
derived from the aortic or mitral valve (figure 6.10Ar Б, K, bad angiographic evidence of obstruction of his right carotid
and L], l'hey are usually near the optic nerve head and- arlery.
G - l: Transient em bolic obstruction (arrow, C l of Lhe fnlerior
unlike cholesterol emboli, which often disappear in a few
relinal arLery. NoLe istbuntic w hilening of I be reLina infe­
days, they may remain visible permanently. Occult calci­
riorly. The paLient had an alliLudinal field del eel superiorly.
fied emboli may be delected ultrasonograph Leal Ey at the Visual acuity wan 20/20. Nineteen months JaLer lhe relina
level of lhe lamina cribrosa in pntlients i\,Jth L1E1AO and in had r e f in e d iIн transparency; and lhe patienl had no field
some patients who present with ischemic optic neuropa­ defect. He lalea developed loss ol lhe inferior field of vision
thy.1'1 Jhe narrowest site of central retinal artery is where caused by emboli zaLion of Lhe superior branches o f Lhe cen ­
the arteiy perforates the durat sheath and enters the optic tral relinal i^rtery (arrow, H and I). Note that perivascular
ciifMnrt persisLs aL the sLLe of lhe previous embolus in the infe­
nerve; any of the three types of emboli can lodge here and
rior arlery I Hi.
not be v i s i b l e . Occasionally a stream o f emboli may be
\ and K: Focal atheroma narrows' o f a reLinal arterial bifur­
present, many behind the lamina cribrosa, hence not vis­ cation following resolution of an impacted choE-esLerol
ible. Cholesterol emboli arise primarily from atheroma­ embolus. S o le tiie sli^liL narrowing of Lhe arterial w all indi­
tous disease affecting the proximal carotid artery. Calcific cated in Lhe ^ u la g r a iil (arrow, K:.
emboli arise primarily from the aortic valve and less often L: ArterioarLerial anastomosis :n a 62-year-old wom an dis-
the aorta and carotid artery. Lal lo a pjevious atheromatous embolus in Lhe main Irunk of
I'oeal areas o f periarterial sheathing and focal accumu­ the arteriole. She had another tiny plaque a! Lhe Ctjveai end
ol 1be arteriole not seen in fig. Thts patienL had suffered a
lation o f serum Eipids within the artery wall at the site
central retinal arLerv occlusion On Lhe ri^ht side and subse­
o f embolic damage to the endothelium may be evident quent v developed another branch retinal artery occlusion in
rather than the emboli themselves ( figure Ihis eye w ilh loss of a si^nificanl part of her visual lieid. ih e
because both platelet fibrin and cholesterol emboli are had a diseased aortif valve and an arrhvLhmia.
soft and consequently become rapidly fragmented and ID jnrj L. fmm Giisi.1'1'. 6 19ЧЛ, Anxvic.m Mt-ifi* ,il AiMjei,iti(jn. All
cast into the distal radicles of the retinal circulation, fluo­ п^Иь ri'btrvtid. к
rescein angiography often fails lo demonstrate complete
obstruction o f either a branch or [be central reLinal artery perfused in a retrograde fashion by neighboring collateral
by the time the patient reports for examination (figure vessels.11" In most instances an embolus lodged in an arte­
6.0У] and К )."4 likewise, the rapid development of rial bifurcation either on Lhe optic nerve head or in the
collateral flow around an embolus obstructing the central periphery is only partly successful in impeding the flow
retinal artery behind the level o f the lamina cribrosa may of lluorescein into Lhe artery distal to the site o f obstruc­
restore intraocular blood flow Lo nearly nomial Levels soon tion. In some in stances Lhe dye seeps by the etn bolus,
after the occlusion, ihe best scenario for im provement in and in others it bypasses the embolus by way o f collat­
vision is with occlusion at the entry of ihe central retinal eral Tow.1"' """■ д significant reduction in flow is usu­
arteiy into the optic nerver since several pial and intra- ally demonstrated angiograpbically in either case (E'igure
neural collaterals vessels can contribute to filling the cen­ 6.07Л—EI5). KeLinal flow remains depressed even after dis­
tral retinal artery distaE lo its occlusion..112 In most cases, solution o f the embolus because of the collapse of the
however, lluorescein angiography reveals a delayed appear­ capillary bed by the ischemic and swollen relinal tissue.
ance time and an increased retinal circulation time in the Fragmented emboli may completely plug the paramacular
area o f the occluded segment (figure 6.0УВ) En complete arlerioles. Ilie dye column entering the partly blocked area
occlusion o f the central retinal artery1, no dye enters the eye may show a pa item of laminar flow. In other cases there
by the artery, but dye filling the optic nerve capillaries by may be alternating nonlluoreseenl zones Cniused by pack­
Way of the ciliary artery circulation may pass through col­ ets of erylhrocyles and hyperfluorescent zones caused by
lateral channels and fill the proximal branches of both the stagnant plasma {figure 6.07D and tlj. Носа! fluorescein
central retinal vein and artery fig u re 6.U7A-D). In com ­ leakage may occur at the site of the obstructing emboli
plete branch artery obstruction the arterial tree may be and less often at sites where emboli have previously
Impacted on the arterial wall (Figures 6.07F and fi.09).1'1. t. It) Embolic retinal artery obstruct ton.
Failure o f fluorescein to leak from lhe bhwd vessels dis­
A: C alcificd embolus; from Lhe JbCjrLic valve гн Indeed in a
tal to Lhe site o f arterial obstruction. even Whert circula­ bifurcalion of Lhe г-e^Frtal arifelV
tion has been partly restored. testifies to the resistллее of 15: HisLapathology of a calcified embolus (arrow .
Lhe retinal vessel endothelium lo the effects of Ischemia. (. : HisLopatliology of -a retinal artery embolus cu n Laining
In rare instances massive embolization of the retinal cir­ cholesterol crystals farrow).
culation may cause marked d^inagel to Lhe endothelium D -F: OtreLruclicm f f lfic central retinal iirLery left arrow,
o f the major relinal artery segments and produce striking D and arrow and c.iIi„чгу arterius fri^hl arrt^ws, D and
arrows, Hi caused by thnndriraaitb^^j thaL EAelasiasJzaJ from
periarterial dye Leakage. Small emboli frequently observed
Lbe hip in a 27-year-old man. His symptoms w ere acule onset
in the arterial tree beyond the site o f obstruction and else­
of headache, left hemiplegia, and Lose of vision in Ihe rifihl
where in Lhe fundus usually show little or no tendency to eye. L and F show a high maynificalion of tumor obstructing
alter the How of fluorescein. No staining occurs al the site Lbe central retinal artery and ciliary arteries, respectively.
of these nonobstructing emboli. Very few patients with <=: M ultiple coLLon-wool palches in a pa Lien 1 w ilh fnl embo-
endogenous retinal arterial embolization show angio­ Eisnrtf Associated with mull i pie E)one fractures.
graphic evidence of embolic occlusion of the choroidal H!: Fal embolus I arrow, i in a relinal capillary.
circulation. I: H istopal hoi o^y of acute relinal artery obslruclicn. Note
Ihe swelling of lbe inner half of Ihe retina.
Some patients with branch artery occlusion may subse­
J: HisltspaLhologv showing alruphy of Lhe mner half of Lhe
quently develop another branch artery occlusion or central
relina monlbs after retina] artery occlusion.
retinal artery obstruction (figure 6.0УС-Е). Patients with
К and L: Large calcific embolus in the m ain trunk of Lhe
recurrent episodes o f multiple branch retinal artery occlu­ inferior retinal artery coming off lhe disc, resulLing in opaci-
sions are more Ukdy to have a nonembolic cause for the ion of Lhe inferior half of Lhe retina in Lhis- man with a
obstruction. (See discussion of recurrent branch retinal diseased aorlic Valve.
artery occlusion (Susac syndrome), p. 474 in Chapter 6.) Ili, L 4 ju rtt, ! y i j l U r . A n c lr t 'w ^ + i'r ry ; t . L o u r U f s y *>l U r . I.tiu it. K j r f i ;
blectroretinography In eyes with central retinal artery IJ - h . Ггопч B u r d f r r i л !.1 .(. j . C a ilr iM y оГ L Jr. S i J r t t L. О и . ш н ; ^ 1, Ir u m
M l i ^ . l i i t i n t l Z iir im n ir r n .m ; L. i ■ и м I w ilh p c h in B ir t h io im h u k r .it S,
obstruction reveals loss o f the oscillatory potential and ■' l(* -l l! I b'h ! I j. I: II l[>IL D ( f d j J ( j L i r l j b i ( h r L I J N b u ll .S lk t f i П n r t i n . l . ] I n i r C 'I .i r L ',
transient depression of the b-wave with either a normal or N1: SLu:k, JO I [I. [>. ii\ .
supernormal a-wave. Ihe eleclro-oculograEn is diminished
or absent.
]'he intraocular pressure may he subnormal in both whitening frojn choroidal ischemia caused by prolonged
the affected and the opposite eye in some paLienls With elevation o f the Intraocular pressure [see Figure 3.63); (4)
both branch artery and CEtAOf7 Jlelalive hypolony in retinal contusion ( commotio retinae, Beilin's edema); f5)
the affected eve suggests the presence o f ciliary as well as neoplasia (e.g., reticulum cell sarcoma); and (6) opaque
retina] arterial obstruction, 'ihe reported incidence o f neo- sub retinal fibrin (e.g., idiopathic central serous chorioreti­
vascular glaucoma after CRAO varies from under 2.3% lo nopathy; Figures 3.03] and 3.04) and L). Fmboll may be
15% or m ore.'" M,)" J'"Some authors suggest thal it occurs simulated by atheromatous plaques developing wllhm
most ofteci in patients with chronic ocular ischemia asso­ the arterial wall al a focal site of retinal arteiy endothe­
ciated with severe carotid or ophthalmic artery diseaserIJ lial defect, e.g., patients who are prone to develop arterial
whereas olhers have not found this association.'D],]2J macroaneurysms [see p. 454 in Chapter 6) or focal arte­
Glaucoma usually develops within 2-3 months, often ear­ rial wall damage caused by previous Impact of an embolus,
lier than occurs with central relinal vein occlusion likely an immune complex, or inflammatory reaction, e.g., in
due Lo the rapid onset of relinal Ischemia, liven rarer is the patients wilh bilateral idiopathic recurrent branch reti­
development of neovascularization of the disc and subse­ nal artery occlusion (see Figures 6.19-6.21); acute retinal
quent vitreous hemorrhage (Figure G.OSD). necrosis caused by herpes zoster virus (see Chapter Ш):
During the first few days after retinal artery occlusion, toxoplasmosis (see Kyrieleis plaques, and figure L0.22]:-
light microscopy reveals swelling of the inner half of the ]■[): chronic uveitis1-1; or neoplasia (see Figure 13.3] El).
retina. The swelling is caused by intracellular edema and inner retinal infarction occurs experimentally after com­
cellular dissolution (l:igure 6.] ( ) ] ) . Histologic examina­ plete occlusion of the central retinal artery lasting beyond
tion 3 or 4 weeks later reveals marked loss o f the inner approximately 11/j hours.1" 1 Only occasionally does the
retina] layers and preservation o f the outer retinal layers patient who develops an acute retinal arterial obstruction
(Figure 6.101). report for therapy within (he first few hours. Treatment,
The white inner retinal lesions caused by arterial therefore, is infrequently beneficial. Nevertheless^ in some
obstruction should be differentiated from white lesions patients with incomplete arterial obstruction, obstruction
caused by: (1} retinitis (e.g., toxoplasmosis, acute multifo­ due lo spasm, or obstruction o f short duration, the isch­
cal inner retinitis JS; see Behcet's disease, Fig. It. 40 and emic .l^.Kiated with the retinal whitening may be
11.41); (2) inflammatoiy disease of the choroid and reti­ reversible [E'igure 6.Q9G and II). Even the presence of bio-
nal pigment epithelium (R PEj fe.g., acute posterior mul­ mlcroscopic evidence of slow blood flow (rouleaux forma­
tifocal placoid pigment epithellopafhy); (3} ouLer retinal tion) does not exclude the possibility of visual recovery.131
QrejjjtfcdHur R e tin a l. i/te n n l DL-casc s -4^ 7
Iherefore, in any patient With a history of occlusion of fc. I E Carotid maneuvering during internal carotid
21 hours or Eessr therapy consisting o f paracentesis, inter­ aneurysm embolization causing retinal embolization,
mittent massage, breathing of 95% oxygen and 5 % car­ A —}: This 4 2 -year-old wom an underwenE onyx, emboli za­
bon dioxide, and administration of acetazolamide may Lion for an inlerna.1 t^tnoLkl aneurysm on lhe lett sidy. Soon
be helpful.' 1'■ Olher modes of therapy havp been afLei lhe procedure she com pldined of a "film w ilh spotty
employed include the intravenous administration оГ vaso- ht ill's" ■
. i i her lift eye*. Hr:r vivid л v. ,ix 2.0/20 0*1 the HpM
dHalt)и such as papaverine, perfusion of the ocular circula­ and 2№30 on I he* Iof I with з relative afFeSml pupillary
tion by cannulation o f lhe supraorbital arteryr hyperbaric dofeeE. She had numerous- white inLraarleriolar refracLiie
emboli imd batchy areas of иЧтл1 whileniitj^ more so in
oaygen, .surgical removal of lhe embolus, and Nd-YAG
Lhe lumpoml periphery of" Lhe left eye (A—t , Ci). Angiogram
laser disruption o f lhe embolus."1'L>i' 1 Kxperimenlal use revealed paLchy choroidal and relinal arteriolar l<]lin^ w ill:
o f recombinant tissue plasminogen activator lo lyse reti­ Iale Wedge-shafted hyperfluorescence o l iht! lemprjral rel­
nal arterial thrombi was first reported with retinal arlery ina sin u la lin ^ Am alric's I nancies. The Lrian^ular area-s of
o c c l u s i o n . ' ,!l Most recent, has been the interest in byperfluorescence w ere secondary lo choroidal ischemia
intra-arleria I tlirom bo lysis by cannula ling the ophthalmic from occ. I li яion of lai^e choroidal vessels. Her vision spon­
arteiy via the femoral arlery and injecting tissue plasmin­ taneously improved to 20/25. Three months later she still
had retractile emboli w ilhin her reLinal a[terioles fH—| lhe
ogen activator. I his treatment has a rote if it can he per­
peripheral retinal vessels w ere sheaJhed, and the previous
formed within 4 hours o f occlusion. W hen arrangements areas of choroidal infarcls showed pigmentation 1E and JJ. The
for intra-arterial cannuJalion are not possible., intravenous emboli arc believer] It) be diulesEerol em boli originating in
use o f tissue plasminogen activator in (he correct settings Lhe cniolid bulb due to nianipulalion of Lhe hardware! slil h as
Lo manage any complications can be tried if the patient Lhe fjuiduwire and caLheLer, and noL Ihe onyx Lised for embo-
arrives within 4 hours o f visual loss.IJ5-|J,L tven without lizin^ [he in I ntf ra nial aneurism 'w h ich w ould l>e blacV in
therapy some patients will experience a remarkable visual cjcLor).

recovery..1 I ( ! i l u r t n y o l U r. k! ir c n k x j t iLncl Lj r . l-r.snL:<> h li.t i I n ; i . i

In the absence o f ophthalmoscopic evidence of emboli

in patients over 65 years of age, a sedimentation rale
should be obtained along wilh an exhaustive review of
systems lo exclude lhe possibility o f cranial arteritis as
occur, bi olhers wilh less ischemic relinal damage the ret­
the cause qf the occlusion. Auscultation of the heart and
ina may reLurn to a relatively normal appearance. Some
carolid arteries and comparison of die pulsation of the
with persistent low-grade chronic relinal ischemia may
carolid arteries with Lbe ophthalmic arteiy pressures, either
show multiple peripheral retinal hemorrhages (venous
by ophthalmodynamometry or by finger pressure, are use­
stasis retinopathy) identical to that seen in patients wilh
ful measures for determining the source of the emboli.
carotid artery obstruction.Ni' Lj,° Although visuaE recovery
Transesophageal echocardiography in addition to Irans-
is generally poorr as many as 35% o f palients after central
tboracic echocardiography is necessary for delecting mitral
retinal artery obstruction regain 20/100 or better visual
valve prolapse or other cardiiac abnormal]lies such as pat­
acuity. Only 1-5% of palients with С RAO will develop
ent foramen ovale, endocardial vegelations, and noninfec-
rubeosis and glaucoma, usually within 1-3 mo m bs."
tious masses."^" I "J : All patients should have a medical
These I alter patients are likely to have significant obstruc­
evaluation. In patients who are reasonable suigical candi­
tion o f the carolid arteiy on the ipsi lateral side. Relatively
dates and who have no other explanation for (he emboli-
few palients with embolic relinal artery obstruction in
Lbe evaluation should include aL least digital subtraction
one eye develop a similar process in the second eye. Some
carolid arteriography, which may demonstrate evidence o f
authors have found that the life expectancy for palients
carolid stenosis and/or atheromatous plaques ipsi late rally
wilh relinal arteiy obstruction is reduced.15й 153 whereas
in approximately 50% o f cases.1 147
others have noL.1 "' Although there is an increased incidence
Normal retinal transparency usually returns 2-3 weeks
of stroke, most palients die o f atherosclerotic heart disease.
after acute retinal arteiy obstruction,- but ihe retinal flow
It is clinically relevant to classify CHAD into:
through the involved area is only partly restored. I his
probably is primarily caused by collapse o f lhe capillary ]. nonartenelic Q tAO : most ofLen due lo embolism
bed accompanying the postnecrotic atrophy o f lhe relina. 2. arte re tic С KAO: second ary to giant cell arteritis, almost
In most cases following central artery obstruction and in all associated with ischemic optic neuropathy
many cases following branch artery obstruction, oplic 3. transient CRAO: recover? almost complete vision within
aLrophy and some narrowing of the retinal arterial tree a few hours of occluston.
System ic risk factors an d retinal artery o cclu sio n 6.12 Fat embolism.
In 33 patients wilh CRAG seen over 11 years.. 6 4 % [21 A—H: This 1.‘i-year-old boy brake bis collarbone w h ile pliiy-
patl^iis] showed additional vascular risk factors after the ing soccer. He noled а superior visual fluid less lhe nexl
event; hyperlipidemia was seen in 36%, new diagnosis morning. H is visual acu ily was 20/25 and [he superior half
or poor control o f hypertension in I t % , 27% had > 50% Lit" the macula was perfused via a ciliorelinal artery w hile the
nest of his rotina was o f)aciiiid from occlusion of his сеП1щ1
carotid stenosis, 13% (6 patients] needed carotid end ar­
relinal fertery (A). Autofluoresccnce imaging showed allered
te rectomjj and two developed a vascular event, with coro­
ПиШЁ^бГксс from lhe opacified relina U I . A Iransesopba^eal
nary artery ^ у п ф ш е in one and a stroke in the other. !53 счНто гev из It’d a persisLenl foramen ova;e, w hich led to I he
I layreh el at. haw reported in 433 patients (^59 eyes) with paradoxical fa I tin bolus fnvn the fractured <lavicle.
CRAO and branch retinal artery occlusion a significantly
Branch relinal artery occlusion in protein S deficiency.
higher prevalence of hypertensionr smoking, diabetes
C—F: This 40-year-old ivom an of African Am erican anceslry
mellitus, ischemic hearl disease, and cerebrovascular dis­
woke up with a superior field loss in her ri|^hl eye. In addi­
ease соmpared to a comparable US population. They also tion to I he compact cutfcular diusen in Ihe fovea b i later­
report a 71^6 incidence of carotid plaques in patients with al lyf there was a rii’hl inferotemporal iiran< h relinal arlejy
C RA G and 66% in brancti retinal artery occlusion, abnor­ occlusion 1C. Angiogmm revealed minimal perfusion of the
mal echocardiogram in S.2% of CRAO and 42% of branch involved arteriole and staining of the endothelium at the site
retinal arteiy occlusion.1*' Hence patients who present df the thrombosis (D -Я). She was otherwise beallhy anti bad
with a central or branch retinat arteiy occlusion should be no known cardiac or vascular disease. There was no family
history of strokes or other vascular diseases. Evaluation of
( reassessed for the associated risk factors and necessary
her Iteart arid carotids yielded no cause for I he occlusion.
corrections undertaken. A la juratory workup гн-\ч-: ed prole 'i ; t:lr ionty. She was
placed on aspirin therapy and has bad no further episodes.
Atherom atous Retinal Arterial Em bolization Her vision remains at 2Й/20 in each eve.
Follow ing U se o f O n yx fo Em bolize Internal
Choroidal vascular emboli during oryit embolization
C arotid A neurysm
of internal carotid aneurysm,
Onyx is a liquid embolic agent used for occEuding intra­ G —|: Ttiis 51-year-old wom an underwent onyx em boliia-
cranial, renal, and peripheral aneurysms and arterio­ Lion of her right superior hyfiophyseal aneuTvsm. A few ho-urs
venous malformations (AVMs). In comes in rcady-to-use after the procedure she noticed a ■ ‘'v e il" over her right eye
vials containing ethylene-vinylalcohol copolymer, d i meth­ with fluctuating vision. Her vision was 20/25 on the ri^ht
yl suIfoxide, and tantalum, '['he polymer is dissolved in and 20/20 on Lhe left w ilh a relative afferent pupillary defecl
on lh e righl side. There was faint w hitening of lhe inferior
dimethyl sulfoxide, and microni^ed tantalum powder
half ol her rigbl retina {G). N o retinal arteriolar em boli were
which is radiopaque, Is added. Concentrations o f 6, 6.5, seen. Angiogram reveaEed delayed choroidal and retinal fiTl-
and № are variably used. 'I.he higher the concentration, irig in the inferior half (3-1-1 Secondary to choroidal emEiolic
the more viscous is the agent. After injecting heparin, a infarcl and partial inferotemporal retinal trunk occlusion.
microcatheter is threaded to the nidus of the aneuiysm Her vision eventually .improved 1o 20/20 and subjectively the
and dimelhylsLilfoxide es first iniected to fill the dead space scotoma faded to becom e almost im perceivable.
in the catheter, followed by Lbe selected onyx concentra­ IA .h in t H . t c ju r lc f - v <■>! D r. Hjl I w r d S|.i.Lit Jt-. A j A I m j , Y .m n L i^ z l.. L.L w rL'nry; I.,
t h e k t l m . L l A U . i b , J i-iu ru fc rb 21510. 9 7 f U l- 7 [ l 2 l % } . 1 2 0 -0 , f i . i r t l . t i - J . D r.
tion. Ilte aneurysm is filled to its neck under fluoroscopic
K.irc;n Icxj: ahd Dr. l-r.mtcj HdLchi.i J
guidance. This material forms an acrylic cast occJuding the
aneurysm Completely153,154
During the procedure, manipulation of the guidewire/ attention is being paid hy the interventional neuroradiolo-
catheter and other hardware near the carotid bulb can gtsls to minimize manipulation of the guidewire and other
dislodge a stream o f cholesterol placjues that can ещЬо- hardware at the carotid root. Other coinplicaliotts include
ll)9e the retinal and choroidal vessels. Two such cases are bleeding at the site of the AVM, bleeding at Lhe percuta­
illustrated in Hgures 6.11 and 6.12 C The overwhelming neous entry site, and anesthetic complications resulting in
feature seems to be the multiple emboli affecting the reti­ oxygen desaturation from dimethyl sulfoxide, though small
nal and/or the choroidal circulation. Since these two cases. and transient most of the time. ' ^
Other Causes of Endogenous 6.13 I’urtscher's-like retinopathy.

Embolization A—С : Bilateral retinopathy associated with acute pancreatitis

in an alcoholic patient com plaining of bilateral Ions ol" cen ­
Atrial M yxom a tral vision. Arr^io^am :C.'i iJio w s evidence ot retinal
Kmboli from atrial myxomas, benign polypoid tumors arteriolar dctlusiqfas in Ihe pftifaVeal пгеа.
o f endocardial origin arising in the left atrium, should be D -F: FielinopaLEiy SsSbctated w ilh acufe p,incieal i I i s t?i in
a 3 2 -year-old alcoholic; patient who subsequently becam e
suspected in patienLs who have symptoms o f retinal artery
comatose and died. ] t i slopa Ihe lojj ic exam inal ion of I he eye
occlusion, usually involving the left eye, and repetitive neu­
revealed necrdiis and sweEfirig or the iftrrer IwO-ihlrtJs of the
rotonic symptoms suggestive of ipsilateral ischemia affect­ retina ibl and thrombotic arteriolar occlusion (arrow, F:J.
ing the distribution of (he middle cerebral artery.1,^,-]C,-, G - K : l-'tirtscher'H-like retj^opafby in a 2-E-year-old wom an
Signs and symptoms suggesting pulmonary hyperten­ who noted severe visual loss in both eyes, on awaking
sion and bacterial endocarditis also anay be present.1'" aflur а cesarean SFiction dor^e 1к*саике tnE toxemia of preg­
Ihe tumor is more common in middle-aged Women and nancy (C and H ). H e r visual acuily was 2(1/200 bilaterally.
AngiajjiapEiy showed evidence of capillafy nonperfusion cor­
75$| originate in the left atrium. Tumor embolization of
responding with lbe w hile lesions tl and |j . ^ho recovered
the ciliary arteries (sivelling o f the optic discs and choroi­
20'25 visual acuiJy in Eiolh eyes w ith iгг several monlhs bul
dal lesions] has been shown clinically and histopathologi- showed evidence of oplic atrophy IK).
c a l l y . Jhe relatively large size and friable naLure of (he L: Furtscher's-Eike retinopathy occurred in both eyes ol this
embolus or emboli as compared to a cholesterol or fibrin 39-year-oEd wom an with E^pereosiridptHffeL, skin rash, diesl
platelet embolus is likely the reason for multiple, large-cal- pain, arthritis, and eosinophilic fasciitis. Visual acuity was
iber vessels such as the ophthalmic, choroidal, and cerebral 20/40 in both eves.
involvement1***45 Embolization o f the ciliary and retinal [ A —Cl.. L t i u r t i - s y o l U r . H . i u J I V , i I(.t i ,: i j .j I , i , I J - K I r n n i К i n c . Lief c L . t l .

vessels with tumor emboli from extracardiac sources has L i- K . fro m U lo d i l-I .l I L. B f i u r t a Y <rf 1Эг. A r u n K s ld .j

been observed [E'igure G.IOD-FJ. :, kl' ill<'

choriocapjllaris than (he retinal circulation (see Chapter

Fat Em bolization
3). Thromboembolization o f the retinal circulation is
following liberation o f neutral fat into the circulation at
probably responsible for arlerial occlusions that may
[he time o f long-bone fracture or. less often, after injury
affect the brain, hearl. lungs, and kidneys o f patients with
Lo fatty tissues, patients may experience sudden cardiopul­
idiopathic persistently elevated blood eosinophilic count
monary and neurologic deterioration. I his usually occurs
(Churg-Strauss syndrome; see Chapter 11}. ■' ■1 '
after a latent period of 12-3G hours. The pathogenesis is
poorly understood hut apparently is the result of release of Protein S D e ficie n cy
free fatty acids, a toxic vasculitis, platelet fibrin thrombosis,
Protein С and protein й are vitamin K-dependent proteins.
and obstruction of small vascuEar radicles by macroaggre­
Protein S is a cofaclor for protein C. Protein С is activated
gates of fat. Approximately 5 0 % of patients with fat embo­
lo protein Ca. which inactivates factor Va and Villa, thus
lism syndrome may show retinaE abnormalities, including
acting as an anticoagulant, and proteolvtically inactivates
cotton-wool patches, small blot hemorrhages, and, rarely,
the inhibitor to tissue plasminogen activator, thus increas­
obstruction of major branches o f the central retinal artery
ing fibrinolytic activity. Deficiency o f protein С and S can
(E-'igure 6.12A and or a fundus picture of Purls chers
increase thrombus formation in both venous and arterial
retinopathy (see discussion lo follow ].11'’-1''1Young people
circulation. 'Ihe deficiencies can be congenital (autosoma I-
presenting with relinal artery occlusion following a frac­
dominant} or acquired. Homozygous deficiency results in
ture should alert the physician for presence of a patent
life-threatening thrombotic disease in the neonatal period,
foramen ovale, the incidence o f which is approximately
whereas heterozygous deficiency may result in symptoms
29% in the general population {figure 6 .12A and R).
in early adulthood or later. Acquired deficiency occurs due
lo poor hepatic synthesis o f p r o t e i n s . The thrombus
Em bolization C aused by Intravascular occurs at the siLe o f the occlusion and has been reported in
Aggregation o f B lo o d Elem ents the central and branch retinal arlery (figure [j.l2C and E3).
Ihe spontaneous aggregation of thromhofytes, leukocytes cerebral, common carotid, brachiocephalic, and as a cause
(E’urtscher'sJ, or erythrocytes (sickle-cell; see Eater] may be of anterior ischemic optic neuropathy.1" " lii0 Recurrent
the cause of embolic occlusion o f the retinal vasculature in branch arterial occlusions may occur in some patients,
certain disease sLates. simulating busac syndrome. 'Ihe absence o f arLerial wall
staining on tluorescein angiography [see figure Ь.21С and
D issem inated intravascular Coagulopathy h) helps differentiate Susac sydrome from this. Any artery
Disseminated intravascular coagulopathy, or patho­ or vein can be affected. Olher factors such as pregnancy,
logic aggregation o f thrombocytes, may cause vascular irauma, childbirth, or surgery can sometimes precipitate
occlusion in many of the body organs, 'litis occlusion is thrombosis in these patients. Treatment involves anti­
much more likely to affect the choroidal arterioles and coagulation with heparin and warfarin.
CJbsritfcdHur Retinal. \rtcrial Dz'prfяйф 463

Leukoembolization (Purtscher's and 1.14 I’urtscher's-like retinopathy associated with
collagen vascular diseases,
Purtscher's-Like Retinopathy)
A-F: Ischemic retrtfippathy ir> <
l 2 6-year-old normolensive
inlravascular aggregation of leukocytes in response to black wom an With lupus efytt'jisffiatoiy-s w ho noltd acute
unusual activation o f complement C5a has been incrimi­ bilateral loss of vision, lethargy, mental in f u s io n , and hal-
nated as lhe possible cause of retinal arterial embolization lucinatfatis ! A I. Visual acuity was i/200, fcSolh eyes sftmved
that produces the ophthalmoscopic picture of" Purtscher's a sim ilar appearance. Her bLocid pressure was 120/7H.
retinopathy. Thfe response occurs after trauma (see Figure Ал^ ioj^Ta phy showed m ultiply branch retinal arteriolar
QccluSlDns and dye leakage from lhe telinal veins Li anq t!:.
S.06) and in patients with acute pancreatitis (Figure
1hree years laler visual acuity was 20/100 :n lhe fif^hc eye
6 .]3A -F).1 Similar findings have heen reported in
and 20/200 in the lelt eye. Note in LJ and t the Optic atro­
patients with call age n vascular diseases (figure 6.14J!J0, phy. Iflffje areas ol retinal vascular nonperlusian, and optic
igjr in patients receiving hemodialysis143; in paLients with disc new vesKols larrows, E). After panpholocoa^uJaLion.
chronic renal failure :'J: or hemolytic-uremic syndrome195; Lheru Wttre atrophy and occlusion of lhe disc new vessels iFj.
during plasmapheresis for thrombotic thrombocytopenic G-Ki Ischemic retinopathy associated with severe sclero­
purpura1:J0 and thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura derma aлd syslejnic iTyportension in a 54-yea r-ol d wornan

per s t 1)7-L?3 Still's disease11-15 and-0Ll [Figure 6.1SA-F), in who developed blurred vision in both eyes. Visual acuity was
20/200 in each eye. Note the multiple cottcm-wool patchtes
normolensive obAtetrie patients after a precipitous deliver}'
and incom plete macular Hlar (□). The nonfluoresicenL areas
induced iviih intravenous oxytocin (Pjt|ocin)(3Ll1 follow­ iH and Jl correspond to cotton-wool patches aлd dye leak­
ing d e liv e r by cesarean section [Figure в. t3C -K j: and in age (rum the lirrt-order arterioles (arrow, I) and capillaries
patients with amniotic fluid embolism,J<" H ELLP syn­ adjacent Lo lhe cotLon-wool paLches. The pa lien I developed
drome {see Figure 3.58J,-20,1 fat ^ n ^ ^ isn u 20^20* cardiac pulmonary edema, became Homicomatcfte, and died soon
aneurysm,*" ophthalmic arteiy obstruction,ЛУщ bypereo- aflur ihese photographs- were made. Hislopatholo^ic exam i­

sinophilia syndrome (Figure 6.1SF-E-I), post bone marrow nation revealed multiple cyloid bodies (Kj and relinal arterio­
lar occlusions as well at some areas ot fibrinoid necfosis of
transplantr cytotoxic drug lherapy->u:' Ju': and reLrobuShar
choroidal arleries and the chpdocapillaris iarrow, Jl.
anesthesia (see E-'igure B .] 2JJ.-': :-jri- '['he frequent asso­
ciation of centraJ nervous system symptoms, in patients
whose ophthalmoscopic picture resembles t’urtscher's reti­ mechanism of pancreaLitis causing leukocyte and platelet
nopathy suggests that leukoembolization may affect the aggregation and vascular thrombosis in E^urtscber's-like
cerebral vessels as well. retinopathy occurring around childbirth.
^Lirtscher described multiple, superficial, white retinal Most patients with collagen vascular disease have nor­
patches, superficial retinal hemorrhages, and papillitis mal fundi. Some patients, usually those who have hyper­
occurring in five patients with severe head trauma1HC1,l!’" tension, may develop retinal or choroidal changes (see pp.
(see Figure S.06).. lhe pathogenesis of the fundus changes 4ЙВ-4!Ю in Chapter 6, and p.. 1ЙЯ in Chapter 3 J.1 A
is not completely understood. lhe white lesions were few patients, particularly those with an exacerbation of
attributed Lo lymphatic extravasations secondary to a sud­ disseminated lupus erythematosus, lupuslike syndrome
den increase in intrathoracic pressure, fat embolism, reflux associated with autoantibodies lo Sjogren's syndrome A
shock waves through the venous system, air embolism,-" : antigen, derm ato myositis, Still's disease and scleroderma,
and. laLer, granulocytic aggregation.№ may develop acute loss of vision in one or both eyes with
Chronic alcoholics hospitalized for treatment of acute a fundoscopic picture suggesting multifocal embolic reti­
pancreatitis, with or without signs of central nervous sys­ nal arterial occlusions simulating those seen in E’urtscber's
tem involvement, may suddenly Jose vision in both eyes retinopathy (Figures 6.16 and 6.14).li," ':i7~J J '' These
secondary to a fundoscopic picture identical to that of patients often have central nervous system symptoms as
Purtscher's retinopathy (Figure G .H A - F J.1'1''1*41^ '25-1 well. The occlusive process may be confined to the poste­
Shapiro and Jacob studied blood samples of 12 consecu­ rior pole or may involve extensively the peripheral fundus
tive alcoholic patients admitted for acute pancreatitis and (Figures G.16 and бАО А-#)/22—7* 50-236 The reLinal arte­
were able lo demonstrate marked granulocyte aggrega­ rioles and arteries may be partly filled with a milky while
tion, reflecting the presence o f activated complement C5a material. I hose with involvement o f the periphery may
in eight patients, This lends some support lo the concept develop severe relinal neovascular proliferation and vitre­
Lhat leukoembolization may he responsible for the fundus ous hemorrhage, lhe presence o f anti phospholipid anti­
picture.IJ!S bodies in patients with systemic lupus erylhematosus also
Coin pie menl. platelet, and neutrophil activation and plays an important role in retinal vascular thrombosis.
endothelial dysfunction and inflammation characterize (See unusual causes for retinal arteiy and arteriolar throm­
pre-eclampsia.-'1' these likely exert an effect similar to the bosis in subsequent sections.)
CJbsritfcdHur Retinal. \rtcrial Dz'prfяйф 465
The retinal whitening b referred to as a E^urtscher 6.15 Purtscher-Eifce retinopathy associated with
"Eleckeij and it typically has a clear z o n e between Lis thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura^
edge nind an adjacent retinal arteriole (f igure &.ЗЗА,- L). Л —E: Ri^hL and left fundus appefifance lin a 2 ? -year-old maie
I'Luorescein angiography in i ll o f Lttese palients who have who presented w ilh acLfLe blurry vision in bolb eyfes for
an ophthalmoscopic picture simulaLing l:urtscher4 reti­ 3 days. His acu i ly was 2CV40 on thy riyhl a п-d 2Q/.100 on lhe
nopathy is similar. ]l reveals multipEe focal areas of retinal loft. There were several cotton-wool spots and small relinal
arteriolar and arterial obstruction, adjacent areas o f capil­ infarcls in bolh posterior ЙЫ е* !A and B). A n ^ io ^ am showed
lar.' nonperfusion, and extensive leakage from the vessels qKTfJjjded relinal в rleriо los and laLe staining of Lhe? vessel
w alls und breakdown. of Lhe btood-^et|rial barrier in Liolh
in the nireas o f infarction [E'igures 6. 13 and (t. 14 ). '] his- lat­
eyes Hu bad had а rash, fever, Sort I hroaL, jjty^lgia,
ter feature es uncommonly seen in branch arterial occlu­ thus I pain, shorlness or treaLh, pareslhesia, and weakness
sion caused by emboli from the heart and great vessels. far the past monlh. His sedimenfalion rale was 93 mm/h.
IJesolution of lhe white peri papillaiy and macular isch­ C -read Jvt prolelri 2 J-F mg/d I, w hile counl 27 efipityj, hemo­
emic areas may require several months. Varying degrees globin S ./ j’/dl, .l'lif liver function Lesls were abnormal. He
o f narrowing and sheatlning of the retinal arteries, optic also had a pleural and pericardial effusion and hepaLo-
atrophy, and retinai neovascularization may occur [ figure splenomegaly. H e was diajjnosed with adull-onsel 51ill's dis­
ease and required plasma exchange, anNrfi^tabolrtes such as
6.14D-E-). Jn some patients With collagen vascular disease,
Cytoxan, vincristine, and intravenous immunoglobulin atler
evidence o f occlusive arterial disease may be confined Lo no response to ibuprofen and pultife steroids.
the peripheral fundus and be associated wilh evidence o f
vasculitis and venous si as is.'"" Purtscber-like retinopathy associated with
1LislopaLhology o f an eye studied 23 days after onset of hype re osi г op li iIia synd rom e,
F- H : This 25-year-old African Am erican paLienl developed
Purlscher's retinopattiy in a patient secondary to pancreaLi­
decrease in vision in both eyes associated wiLh cough,
tis. showed material occluding reLinai acid choroidal arteri­
rani:, rind muscle soreness. His w hile counL was elevated
oles to be positive for fibrin. Коса I areas o f retinal edema, Lo 51 O M l'm m ' w ilh eosinophils.. So t hr retinas- show ed
cysioid degeneration, and loss of inner retinal architecture several relinal fnfSficts and coitort-wiocJ spots simulating
wilh a sharp demarcation from an area o f normal retina PurEscher's retinopathy LFK The small retinal vessels showed
was noted. ■'3S leakage on an^io(^aphy Bone гид n o w biopsy showed
further research is required lo determine the role several eosinophil я with ч&рес1ас1е-ике nuclei" !I—11. Three
days later he developed pleural and peri-cardial effusions,
o f complement activation and leukocytic aggregation
cardiomyopalhy, uncontrolled hypertension, seizures, right
and embolization in ail of these disorders resembling
middle cerebral and bilaleral occipital ir.\ircts.
Purlscher's reLinopathy. tiy Lhe lime many of these patients
lA - E , ■:11■.i r li" 1 ^ u l U r. K o L iru u -; h ! i(.ч: A jr H d ® . A l i o , Y j i n r i u i / i . I j w r t a j C B
consult the physician, (he level o f complement C5a may I ...T h e W ^ tin n i A il: i4 . S m n d c r ^ 2 0 i0 r 9 7 Я - 0 - 7 т 0 - : 3 3 ? 0 - У , p. 194. F - H ,
have returned lo nearly normal. Ef elevatEon of comple­ исзиЛику с>Г Or. iLftuph Млц.шгс.1. 1

ment proves to be important, then the use o f systemic cor­

ticosteroids has some rationale.'" evidence Lhat il is important in Lhe case of sickle-cell dis­
ease. 215 increased deformity o f the erythrocytes caused by
Erythrocytic Aggregation hypoxia in the peripheral fundus is probably responsible for
Although the role of erythrocylic aggregation in the patho­ occEuding the small retinal arterioles, capillary nonperfusion,
genesis of relinal vascular occlusion is uncertain in diseases and reactive proliferation of new vessels into the vitreous
such as diaheles mellitus and bales' disease, there is good (for further discussion, seep. in CbaplertJ.
Exogenous Embolization t. I t Central retinal artery and vein occlusion
associated with throm botic throm bocytopenic
7aIc Retinopathy purpura (TTP) and Still's disease-
Drug users ma\r prepate a suspension for injection by A - J : Л previously healthy SO-yeai-old W o m a r developed
dissolving crushed tablets, most often methyl p he nidate rash, fever, abdominal pain, and weakness over 1 w eek
(Ritalin), in boiling water. The suspension may be inad­ and w h s diagnosed as having л dull-on set Still's disease. She
equately filtered and iniecLed initt&fveiiDUSly, causing show­ developed encephalopathy and secondary TTP, a tier w hich
ers o f insoluble fillers, principally N ik Lind cornstarch, Lo she noted bilateral Loss of vision to counling fingers at 6 feet
embolize the pulmonary vasculature. Larige-caliber collat­ (2 meters). She had symmetric-appearing exLensive retinal
□ййсШыЕОП and blot hemorrhages consistent w ilh a mm-
eral vessels are created around areas of occluded pulm o­
bined central retinal artery occFusionVcentral retinal vein
nary vasculature after repeated embolization. I'he trapped occlusion picture fA and Bl. Anjjiograpliy re v o k 'd w t y fjoor
particles also produce pulmonary granulomatosis and pul­ perfusion of both retinal arteries { t - f f . Her vision continued
monary hypertension; particles that are 7|iin or smaller lo decline arid dropped to hand motions And light percep­
can traverse the intact pulmonary bed. lbgether with tion. Intravilreal triamcinolorre (4 mg' did not help her retinal
larger particles that pass through tEie pulmonary collateral changes, and sfu1developed neovascularization of the iris on
vessels, they may be deposited as multiple., tiny glisten­ the right side requiring intravitreat bevacizum ab and panreti-
niiI photocoaguhilion. Й о т eyes uncled with ex Iго те atrophy
ing, irregularly shaped particles in the retinal vasculature,
erf the retina and sclerosed vessels with no lighl percepUon
particularly in the macular area [E'igure 6.17A, B, and vision I (LI—J I.
D) mcjjit patients they produce no symptoms,
Ih r u m jc h '/ H . t r lji 4.-1 '' W i [ h p o - m l n - l o r t .)
in some patients deposits o f this material in the periph­
eral retina may cause areas o f retinal capillary nonperfu­
sion and retinal neovascularization al the function of retinal arteries (Figure 6.17С liiopsy of the pulmo­
perfused and nonperfused retina similar to that in sickle­ nary nodules showed material consistent with laic that
cell d i s e a s e . ll' Angiography may show no evidence was birefringent under polarizing microscope (figure
o f obstruction or may show small areas o f capillary non­ 6.1 7F and С J. Other foreign materials may occasion­
perfusion, niicroaneurysmal changes, and widening and ally lodge in the reLiual vessels of drug addicts.? ' Itt
irregularities of (he FAZ. Some such patients may have those with retinal arteiy occlusion after use o f cocaine,
subnormal acuity. Optic disc neovascularization, vitre­ heroin, and methamphetamine, the mechanism of the
ous hemorrhage, and Lractioii retinal detachment have retinal arlery occlusion may be pharmacologic rather than
occurred.'11,''!' O nly those patients wi(h Long-term drug e m b o l i c . {See Chapter 9}. Veiy tiny talc particles in
use develop fundoscopic changes. Ihe retinopathy has a chronic methamphetamine snorter using for more than
been produced experimentally in primates." " ,a,:114 in 15 years has been reported, Ihe mechanism may be from
patients with a patent foramen ovale, that is prevalent in absorption of the particles imo the nasal mucosal vessels
29% of population. larger particles cati occlude branch eventually reaching the lungs and Lbe retina.'' :
Retina,I Em boli From Artificial Cardiac Valves 6.17 Exogenous embolization of ihe central retinal
Clolh particles derived from cloth-covered artificial cardiac
valves may cause loss of central vision secondary lo Fetinal A and B: Intra-arterial talc em boli in a patient w h o chroni­
arterial embolization.11^ cally injected melhylphenidatei (Ritalin) intravenously.
C—G: This 24-year-old wom an was asked to be evaluated for
Retinal Arterial Em bolization Follow ing positive fungal! blood cultures during a hospilal admission for
osteomyelitis. She was visually asymptomatic and found lo
C o rtico stero id S u sp e n sio n In jectio n
have ,i branch relinal arlery occlusion cm the right and sev­
Injection of corticosteroid suspensions such as methyl- eral in Ira-arteriolar white pari idea ((! and D). ^he admitted
prednisolone acetate [tJepoKdedrolJ into the nasal to having used recreational drugs intravenously Гот several
mucosa, Lips, face, scalp, tonsillar fossa, and orbit, as well years. A transesophageal echo revealed a paten I Foramen
as directly into periocular lesions (chalazion, hemangi­ ovaie, which alloVied larger talc particles inlo her lefl cintu-
l,i I ion thaL resuJled in lh e ГеМгьа! em boli. A computed lom oj’-
oma), may pass in a retrograde fash toil into the ophthal­
raptiy angiogram ot her с heal revealed a diffuse nodular
mic, central retina!, and short ciliary arteries and produce
pattern isnd focal nodules it. arrowsi. Lung biopsy showed
visual toss caused by infarction of either the retina1''""'1' foreign-body giant-cell reaction lo polartzable material can-
or the optic nerve."'4 1 Boih eyes may occasionally sistunl with laic (F and C ).
be affected.^0 ihe presence of the drug in both the retinal H : Retinal arterial embolization after inlmnasal injection
and choroidal circulation may be evident over widespread ot melhyJprudnisoJone acetate :n a 24-year-old w om an
areas in the fundus (Figures 6.I7E and ] and 6. I 8A-C). who com plained Ql "cham pagnc bubbles,* numbness of
In some cases the patient may regain normal visun:! acu- tfie upper lip. and transient blindness of the ipsilalera! eve.
Visual acuity returned Lo 2СУ20 30 minuloH ar'lor injection.
ijy ^t.-KM д similar picture has been produced experimen­
1 and J: Retinal Mrrows.i and widespread choroirlal arterio­
tally in dogs.' "
lar em bolization in a 35-year-old paLient who experienced
Other causes of exogenous embolization include retro­ a positive scotoma, orbital pain, diplopia, and visuaF loss
bulbar injection of silicone and fat (Figure 6, lR P - lIp ^ -274 immediately after injection erf methyl prednisolone acetate
surgical enibolizaLion of intracraniaE arteries with poly­ into the ipsi lateral nasal turbinates. Visual acuity initially was
vinyl alcohol,-"' platelet transfusion,"'' 5 fragments of artifi­ 20/£10 bul returned lo 20/20. tin e day later most of lhe reLi-
cial heart valves and arterial implants, and air,1''4 A picture nal emEioli w ere no lonj^er present. K a le lhe inlrachoroidal
rm boli were less apparenL f|).
suggesting multifocal retinal artery occlusions after local
anesthesia For blepharoptasly was attributed to tissue sub­ IA лпгЕ 11. lu u M c ^ ' оГ U r. М 4тк I. iJ.iily : f.-Lj, frurn l'jl,: Я л ]./ .
H - l, lrr>m H-vcrf-." ''J 1979, Am rricj-n M e d k .il .''.iMJi-Mtion. All rij^ib
stance released into the lacrimal arteiy.-' fbOitrViJ. I

" Jb

i ■V

I -* Д
>> - V -
I т -\4 «.
-■ iZ> R i
Obi iterative Retinal Arterial Diseases 6.18 Exogenous embolization of the central retinal
A rterioscfero sis an d A th e ro sclercsis
Л —E: A 1.1-year-old ^irl received 1 ml uf methv! prednisone
focal narrowing iiaf the major arteries supplying the ret­ ateLaLe lo a Bfbgrejeftfli hemangioma a1 lhe Lip o f her гкгее.
ina caused by arteriosclerosis and atherosclerosis With Уbe lost i onstiousness 1 2 0 seconds afLer die injecLion.
Lbrum basis may cause lhe typical picture of Cl? AO or, less On fw p ffin g сопнсюиагтеу;; she cnmplaLhBd of visual loss in
oftenr branch retinal artery occlusion, It is probable that bulb eyes. to no li^hl perc up-l i o n . Both reflirias showed srw-
this mechanism for occlusion occurs less commonly than eral intTa-arLunal em bulit material and areas ol relinal and
ctioiiiidal wbiLeninj* IA and t?'. t’aracenlesis ol lhe anterior
eipbolizattbn, particularly in cases of branch artery occlu­
chamber Ln bcub eyes improved vision to oounl finders bilat­
sion. Systemic atherosclerosis may affect the ophthalmic
eral Iy. The emboli had broken down 4Й hours I ale" and lhe
artery and the central retinal artery up lo the level of (be vision had improved Lo 20/200 (t ). Her vision gradually
lamina cribrosa, but rarely does it affect tbe more anterior improved t-q 2 0 /ft0 tin lhe ri^bl and 20/3(1 on the left over
portions of the central retinal artery. The reason for this is 10 days w hen Ibe relinal o p a f i fit л Li и n had failed and all lhe
uncertain hut may be related Lo (he absence of (he inter­ emboii had disappeared (L'J and Li and evenHjallv Iо 20/30
nal clastic lamina in the retinal arteries, which have a com­ on I be rijjhl and 20/20 on Lhe left by 1 year.

plete muscular coat out as faF as the equator.J ' b Although F-lr Ischem ic TelinopaHiv and crtoraidopalby caused by
embulizaLion o f silicone injected mlo Ibe lid. The pa Lien I
primary atherosclerosis of the retinal arterial tree is rare.,
experienced sudden loss of vision immediately atler Lhe
the formation of secondary: often uonobstnictive athero­ injeclion. Note lhe multiple blfjtc hy relinal hemorrhages
matous plaques at focal sites of retinal arterial wall dam­ Allgiajfrapby reveal ml mul Li focal filling delects n lhe cho­
age may develop in association with a variety of disorders, roid Hi and focal retinal arteriolar leakage .
including arterial maeroaneuiysms, usually in patients I.A—t , (.uurlLvx i il' Or. VI iii Liujjl.,1 ;iiy J Ljr. АггикЕ Li Lrjl-,1.'
with hypertension (see p. 4У4 in Chapter 6), toxoplasmo­
sis retinitis [see Kyrieleis plaques, figure 10.22K-U), bilat­
eral idiopaLhic recurrent branch relinal artery occlusion promote spontaneous thrombosis and branch relinal
(see p. 474 in Chapter 6), acute retinal necrosis caused by arteryr occlusion.^'1
herpes zoster (see Chapter 10) large-cell lymphoma (see
figure ] 3.J? 1 It), and chronic uveitis.1''' Arteritis an d A rtenolitis
A variety of inflammatoty disorders, some infectious and
Unusual Causes of Retinal Artery and some of unknown etiology- may cause acute obstruction
of either or both the ophthalmic and relinal arterial circula­
Arteriolar Thrombosis tion,. e.g., cat-scratch disease, (see p. 812 in Chapter 10]. her­
Occlusion of the central retinal artery, presumably caused pes zoster [see pp. Й9Й-ОД0}. mucormycosis (see p. 844 in
by thrombosis, may occur occasionally in association with Chapter 10}f toxoplasmosis (see pp. 848-852 in Chapter
systemic diseases including essential (hrombot^themia/ 10),J|J- gjant cell arteritis-4 (see figure 6.23С-l), hypereosino-
LbromboLic thrombocytopenic bomocystin- phi lie syndrome.1 ■ ' eosinophilic fasciiLis [figure 6.131. and
UFia, mild hypeFhomocysLeinemia in heterozygotes, 6.15F-E1). Churg-Strauss syndrome (allergic angiitis and
anliphospho lipid antibody svndrome (Snedden's granulomatosis. Figure 11.51 ),L- Kawasaki disease,2-1
’* idio­
syndrome},:^ '- - ^ '- ^ p ro te in S deficiency,1™ 1™ (ligure pathic multifocal retinitis (see p. 86 in Chapter 11J. and acute
6.]frC-lr) protein С d e fic ie n c y ,a n d Lyme disease.'" multiple sclerosis Although the retinal occlusive dis­
Multifocal arteriolar occlusions associated with bone ease seen in these patients* as well as in patients with collagen
marrow transplantation may simulate [^urtscbers reti- vascular disease, has been attributed by some authors to arte­
nopathy."381'-'100 El Is uncertain whether these arteriolar ritis- the arterial obstruction may be caused by other mecha­
occlusions occur primarily as a complication of irradiation nisms. including hypertensive arteriolar narrowing, immune
or some other mechanism such as leukoembolization. The complex vascular damage, thromboembolization or leuko­
administration of fibrinolytic agents, such as tranexamic cytic aggregation, and embolization (see discussion under
acid, to reduce lhe chances of bleeding may occasionally leukoembolization, p. 464 in Chapter
Idiopathic Recurrent Branch Retinal 6,19 Idiopathic,. bilateral, recurrent, branch relinal
arterial occlusion (Susac syndrome),
Arterial Occlusion (Susac Syndrome)
Л —F : rhis 26-уеаг-оЫ wom an noted (innitus and mu Hi pie
Apparently heal thy individuals w ay develop, in one or negative and scintillating scotoma La in the left eve associ-
both eyes, visual Loss caused by recurrent episodes of aled with muhiple b iaiK ti relinal arteriolar occlusions (A).
muLliple branch retinal arterial and arteriolar occlusions A nil ioij гл pbv re".f ill'd m .illiple knjal ii-is :э1 ч1<г\
Lbat often spare centraE vision (I'igures & 19^6.21 and лтГагтЗаг slainin^ and occlusion IB and C"). Sbie sub­
3Mrrtue scotomata jnay be accompanied by pholopsia, sequently developed similar occlusions in (he ri ц Ы eyie
(arrows, D-F: and had multiple oilier e p is tle s ol branch
typically characterized as irregular shimmering, geomet­
arterial occlusion d № r a 1-yaar period. evaluation
ric iines or shapes of light just preceding a new scotoma
was ne^alive. W h en Iasi seen !>years after the onsul of symp­
and confined to the area destined lo become scolomatous toms, her visual acuity was 20/20 in both eyes,
(^ 5 % )Г vestibuloauditory symptoms (50%); other tran­ G —|: Tti is 4 Q - y еат- o l d m a n h a d m u lt ip le b ra n c h retinal a rtery
sient focal neurologic symptoms, often affecting the face d c t Iunions in h o l h eves o v e r a 3 - у в а г p e r io d . D e s p it e m u lLf-
and upper extremities (3 0 % ) [Figure 6.J9A-F); and a his­ ple e xte n s iv e m e d ic a l e v a lu a tio n s , n o c a u s e w a s f o u n d . N o t e
tory of migraine [40%). defined as recurrent episodes of Lhe j^hostinjj a n d sheath in jj 0f the relinal arteries, periarterial
scintillating scotoma (with or without headache) or severe p la q u e s , a n d fo c a l area o f retinal n e o v a s c u l a r iz a t io n (a rro w s ,
I a n d | . W h e n iast SEwn 13 years after И ге onse t o f h y m p l o m s ,
one-sided headache with nausea.103 Memory and cogni­
visual acuiLy w a s 20?2(J.
tion disturbances with confusion and bizarre behavior
К iin-ri L: frei&arierial piaque associated w ilh bilateral, recur­
with mood ;ind personality changes may accompany, pre­ rent branch relinal artery occlusions ot unknow n ( .^ute in a
cede.. or antecede the other symptoms. I he disease affects !>1-year-old man. Ih e plaques becam e less promin-ent over a
20-40-year-olds of both sexes wilh a slight preponderance 4 -year period farrowsl.

in females.
It is considered to he an autoimmune endotheliopa-
tby involving the arterioles of the brain, eye, and cochlea
and is also referred to as relinocochleocerebral vascu- in some cases vitrectomy (Figure 6.191 and joe
Lopalhy. The focal relinal arterial obstruction is umisso- These patients are frequently SLLbjecled (o multiple exten­
ciated with visible emboli, may occur in the midportion sive unrewarding in ed tea I evaluations. Standard screening
of an artery and al arterial bifurcations, and es frequently lests for blood dyscrasia, dysproleinemias, and coagulop­
associated wilh focal periarterial whitening and fluores­ athies, including those for .mliphospbolipid antibodies
cein angiographic evidence of segmental arterial stain­ and naluraE anticoagulant deficient stales; imaging tests of
ing near ihe sile of ihe obstruction and elsewhere in ihe lhe carotid arteries, heart, and brain: and screening lests
fundus [E'igure Sheathing and multiple (excluding magnetic resonance imaging: M R I) for systemic
periarterial yellow-ivhile plaques often develop along (he vasculitis are Lypically negative. Johnson el al. found mul­
obstructed arterial segmenl and may remain permanently tiple lesions compatible with focal brain infarcts in one
[figure в. 19G, H, Kr and L). Hgan et al. named these Gass of three patients sLudied with M R lftl Jbe angiographic
plaques [Figure 6.19 EC].-Mk-JOiS in some cases only a ghost and ophthalmoscopic findings suggest that focal retinal
remnant of the completely occluded arterial segmenl arteritis and arteriolitis, perhaps caused by precipitation
remains (figure 6.2] A and Ci). These patients are subjecL of immune complexes along the arterial wall, are respon­
Lo recurrent relinal artery occlusive events that, in some sible for the occlusions. Ihe occasional association with
cases, may extend over a period of 10 years or more.№L serologic evidence of cytomegalic infection and protein 5
Retinal, optic disc, and iris neovascularization may and protein С deficiency disease in these patients may be
develop in 25% of eyes and requires phoLocoagulation or coincidental. 3?a
Most patients wilh idiopathic recurrent branch retinal &,20 Idiopathic recurrent branch retinal artery
arteiy occlusion are part of the triad of the syndrome of occlusion associated w i(h cerebrovascular
multiple branch retinal arterial occlusions, hearing toss... fnvoEvemenl.
and encephalopathy (Susac sydrome). The triad some­ A—F: In February "19Б6 this 4B-year-old wom an with л long
times is not apparent for a few years and die diagnosis history of migraine headaches experienced a sudden onsel
may be delayed.' ' Ihe encephalopathy usually develops o f a paracentral scotoma in [he righl eye associaled with a
subacutely and oflen includes psychiatric features, person­ small branch retinal arlery occlusion. In Lhe asymptom­
ality change, and bizarre and paranoid behavior.m '['he atic tel low eye she had evidence of а branch retinal arlery
obstruclion Iarrow, A and multiple focal areas of relinal
hearing loss is usually bilateral, asymmetricr and is oflen
arterial w all permeability changes (C and D ). Several days
associated with tinnitus, vertigo, and ataxia. Low and
after initial examination she developed dizziness and diffi­
medium frequencies are affected, localizing the lesion culty 5wn I lowing and In I к ini’. The diagnosis “ brainstem
to the apical portion of the cochlea. MKJ of the inner ear migraine." O ver the next 2 years she experienced m ul­
fails to show microin fa rets in the inner ear. MRI typically tiple branch retinal arterial occlusions (Er February 34J56:
shows numerous infarcts in white and gray malter. more F„ Augu-bt lF)3f)l. Extensive m edical and neurologic investi­
often in the periventricular region and the central pari g a tio n including assay For prole in (I. prole in 5, and lupus
anticoagulant w ere norm ;iI. O ve r tHfe nexL 3 years she b id
of the corpus callosum, and may show ieptomeningeal
no furl her ocular or neurologic iwmptoms. l-ler visual acuity
i n v o l v e m e n t . r|"he lesions in the corpus callosum are
when last seen correcLcd lo 20/1 5 bilaterally.
smallr multifocal г and enhance in the early stages of the G-L: In D ecem ber 19B4 this 71-year-old man presented
diseases (Figure 6.2] Jj. 'Ihey are responsible for the behav­ w ilh a J-month history of progressive loss ol vision m the
ioral manifestations, 'lhe lesions are hyperintetise on T2 left eye and a 5-day :iistory of headaches and loss ol" vision
fluid-attenuated inversion recovery [FlA lR ), Diffuse tensor in lhe right eye. His pasl medical history was unremark­
imaging may be able to detect white-m alter abnormali­ able excepL for well-LonLroiied systemic hypertension. His
visual acuity was 20/25 right eye and hand movements lefl
ties in the early phase of the disease. 1Ъе clinical findings
eye. There were multiple branch retinal arteriolar o cclu ­
and MR] changes are often attributed to M S'"'4-111 or acute
sions.. extensive atheromatous retinal arterial changes, and
disseminated encephalomyelitis. Jhe key differentiating scattered relinal hemorrhages in both eyes (G—IJ. The lefl
features on M.RI are central corpus callosum involvement optic disc was pale. Fluorescein angiography revealed e v i­
in Susacrs but peripheral in Mb and acute disseminated dence of extensive retinal artery and arteriolar occEusion (J>.
encephalomyelitis, Iepto meningeal involvement is lim ­ The patient was hospil aliped. and medical and neurologic
ited to busac, and basal ganglial lesions are seen more evaluations, including temporal artery biopsy, cerebral arte­
riograms, and computerized scans of the brain, were nega­
often in Susac and are rare in MS,31' The cerebrospinal
tive. In J.inuary ] (>G5 he developed n ew paracentral branch
fluid examination usually reveals minimal pleocytosis.
relinal artery occlusions in the right eye (K). In April 1УЁ5
Jhe clinical course in these palients with encephalopathy, he developed bilateral vitreous hemorrhage and prolifera-
hearing toss, and multiple branch retinal arteiy- occlusion live reLinopalhy -L'i. His family noled IhaL he had a change in
can be self-limited, ranging from 1 lo 2 yearsr with a good personality. In June 1 985 he developed signs of a right-sided
prognosis.11- Elowever, in some patients, the disorder may strode, and progressive mental deleriuralion; he died aMer
be progressive and resuU in severe visual loss and death cardiac arresi io September

Pathogenesis of the disease is poorly understood. antibodies1*1 suggest the disorder lo be autoimmune in
Lndothelial deposition of C4d demonstration histo­ nalure. Eilevaled levels of factor VUE and von Willebrand
logically (Magro CMj unpublished data), serum anti factor antigen may be the result of endothelial damage.
endothelial antibodies at a titre of ]:960, and indirect Response to steroids and immunosuppressives also lends
immunofluorescence demonstration of IgC, subclass strength to the autoimmune hypothesis.
A specific treatment is yet to he con firmed since lhe 6.2 E 5 usac's s y n d ro m e .
disease etLopathogenesis is not completely understood.
A—H i This 25-year-old w om an presented with diplopia and
Treatment has evolved over die years and currently is a ataxia in 1999. She was diagnosed with mu I Li pie sclerosis
combination of systemic corticosteroids, immunosup­ when magnetic resonance imaging ItvLKI> shewed while-
pressives,. and immuno modulating drugs. For an acute maLter changes, and was lreated w ilh intravenous methyl
severe presentation, intravenous immunogitihulin (1VIG, prednisolone and pelted cm mLerferon-1-alpha. Two years
2 g/kg divided over five doses) every other day along with Eater she developed a visual fit'Id defect in her right eye and
M a tin g loss, when she? received in Iravenous melhyl pred­
a high dose of systemic steroids Li begun. IV LG Ls given
nisolone. Her visual loss improved bul hearing remained
every month far the first year or so and then maintained
impaired. Л year laler she noted a new field loss m her lefl
at 2-monthly intervals indefinite]у lilJ the disease shows eye w hen she was evaluated aL VandefhilL and diagnosed
no flareups over a few years. SysLemic steroid is main­ и-s EiaVinjj SusaCs syndrome. She had a Ires hi supefoiempo-
tained at a moderate dose for (he first few months then ral branch relinal arleiy occlusion on the IdL with relinal
at a low dose for a few years. Mycophenolate mofelil whiLening and evidence of old occiusion on lhe гiцЬI A and
has been substituted as a steroid-sparing agent in some E3). Angiogram showed typical finding of iiusac syndrome
wiLh fusiform staining of the involved vessel w all (CJ and
patients. Cyclophosphamide has also been used as a long-
other uninvolved vessels IE; and prevfbLisw occluded ves­
Lerm immunosuppressant in place oFlVEG. Most recently
sels on Ihe right ■1 . The relinal whjitening faded sOmewhal
riLuximab, a monoclonal antibody is being tried.1..... 1 by 2 weeks: over the course of several previous and fur­
Some patients have a self-limiting disease that quietens ther episodes her o p lk nerves became pale 1G and H}- ih e
in 1-2 years and do not require long-term maintenance had patchy lield loss, lhough her cenlral vision remained a I
therapy. 20/25 in each eye. 5Eie was Healed w ith ini ravenous im m u­
Young patients with branch retinal artery occlusion noglobulin (IVEti) and systemic sLeroids and maintained on
monLhlv 1VIC injeclions. She conlinues Lo remain slable.
associated with idiopathic multifocal retinitis and neu­
I- L: This .VI-year-old w om an in 1^)15, soon after lhe Ejinh of
roretin ilis {cat-scratch disease) may simulate idiopathic
her second child, was evaluated liy her psychiaLrisL for per­
recurrent branch retinal artery occlusion [see Chapter 10, sonality changes and diagnosed with anxieLy and depression.
Figure 10.04), O ver the nest 10 years she developed episodic hearing loss,
and visual field loss I ha I was atLri billed to лти1Ир]е sclero­
X-Ray Irradiation sis." In Lhe m eanwhile her cognition was impaired and she
Exposure of ihe retina to X-ray irradiation may cause had E>ecome a "slow Lhinker." She was Lreated w ilh ini ra­
venous melhyl [HBdriisdpAe and sLarled tin inlerferon-l -
retinal arteriolar narrowing cotton-wooi patches, cap­
alpha. In 2QQ7 she presented lo Vanderbilt with bilateral
illary telangiectasia, and retina! arterial occlusion (see visual field defects attributable Lo fresh branch -retinal arleiy
pp. 554-5 5G) * 5-’17 occlusions 111. ih e was diagnosed as h^tvin^ Susac's syn­
drome and started on IV IC , oral steroids, and methotrexate.
An МКГ of her brain showed several callosal I . periventricu­
lar, cortical, cerebellar, and ponUne hyper intense lesions on
T 2 fluid-atlenuated inversion recovery (FL A I Kl imaging. .She
developed a superolemjioral arterv occlusion in Ihu righl eye
a le w monlhs later w hen she self-decreased her oral predni­
sone iK). Note the narrowing at ihe sile of previous o cclu ­
sion in lhe inPerotomporal arteriole La now ). An angiogram
s h o w ™ Ihe typical fusiform slain ing of the affecLed and
unavTecbed vessel walls IL, arrow heads). HEie also shows e v i­
dence of past occlusions in llte inferonasal arteriole. ilie has
remained withoul further relinal occlusions o w r lhe next S
years and is on m aintenance tVICJ and a very low dose of
|J, iM iurlL'i v jjI U r . iiijd h .L .'i W iw .ite.-

Retinal Arterial Obstruction Caused bv b.2l Episodic vasospastic central retinal artery
A - G : This young black wom an w ilh lupus pry! bem alosus
Some degree of reflex spasm probably plays a role in reti­ fiп[I sicklo-Le! f^emaglofcrin С diabase e^rerEenced epinodes
nal arterial obstruction from many causes. Lhe ocular ut" blindness, each lasting 1-3 minutes, in the right eye sev­
fundi of patients yrtth amaurosis fugax have been observed eral times daily. During an episode I fie retinal arteries were
numerous times during лп allack ' Lhe characteristic narrowed ‘.A). Angiography revealed Lolal oEretrucLion nr" lhe
picture described is pallor of the optic And marked ccnlral retinal artery and slow filling ol bodi n'tinal veins anri
arteries via optic disc collateral vessels (EJP 12 seconds: C.
narrowing of the retinal arteries. With restore Li on of circu­
27 seconds; LJ, -10 second ь; L, Й5 seconds after injection ol
lation. vision promptly returns, tn some cases this spasm
Lhe dye). As vision retUrtted Iо norm ill, dil.iMon ol lhe reti­
may be associated with recognizable causes, such as ocu­ nal arLerius and veins occurred ■Fj and angiography revealed
lar migrainer collagen vascular disease, sickle-cell disease normal relinal perfusion [Cjk Hut Hi^ns and svmpLoms Tailed
(see Figure G.6QA-H), inhalation of cocaine [t-'igure 9.13) Iо Respond la blood Iran sin sions but did so aJLty hyslemic
and amphetamines, and administration of proprano- corli a s te ro id treatment.
jDj ]t рГС?ЬаЫе that some cases of isch­ H and I: Focal conslriction of relinal veins i.fcj occurring dur­
emic infarction resulting from relinal arteiy occlusion are ing an episode of ucuLir migraine. Compare H w ilh asymp-
lom alic slale in E.
caused by prolonged spasm of the central retinal arteiy.
1Л. L. I-. ind С (runi jh.i'.v M a I !l1'; hi and I, r:uurk'iy jjf l>r. Muгк I
in lhe review by Brown and associates of a series of 27
patients under the age of 30 years who had retinal artery
occlusion, lhe only associated finding Was migraine head­
aches.; ' 4(1 Woller and burchfield^-1 reported a L2-year his­
tory of recurrent episodes of lotal vision loss in one eye
associated with a cherry-red spot and complete recovery of patients may have an alTerenl pupillary defect, ronslricLed
vision in a 20-year-old in an with ocular migraine. It is of retinal arterioles, pallor of the optic disc, retinal whiten­
interest (hat the photographs in their case show narrowing ing. and occasionally relinal venous 0Dnst№^0bnb32r,--lJ7,J2e
of the retinal veins rather than the arteries. This same phe­ The documentation of a visual field defect that completely
nomenon was noted in another patient by l?r. Mark Daily reverses in association wilh headache on lhe side of the
(E'igure 6.221-1 and I). visual Loss is necessary lo make the diagnosis.. Treatment
wilh propranolol can prevent future episodes and should
be begun in a confirmed case.01 These patients should
Retinal Migraine
be differentiated from patients with recurrenL branch reti­
IJelinaE migraine is a rare cause of transienL monocular nal artery occlusion of Susac syndromerJ2fl amaurosis
visual loss, firel described by Galezowski in 1BS2, It is fugax from carolid embolic disease, retinal arteiy occlu­
usually characterized by episodes of partial or complete sions from collagen vascular disease such as lupus and
reversible monocular visual loss ipsilateral to the head­ anlipbospholipid syndrome, protein С and S deficiency
ache and lasting less than an hour. Sometimes it can result and in older patients from giant cell arleriLis, polyarteritis
in irreversible visual l o s s . ' [ ' h e 2004 International nodosa, and eosinophilic vasculitis.
Headache Society criLerla for the diagnosis of retinal
migraine are as follows1' 1: Retinal Arterial Obstruction Caused by
Л. At least two attacks fulfilling criteria В and С Diseases of Surrounding Structures
Hully reversible monocular positive and/or negative
Acute closure of the retinal arterial circulation may be
visual phenomena confirmed by examination during лп
caused by diseases primarily affecting the surrounding
attack or by Lhe patient's drawing of a monocular field
tissues, including inflammatory diseases such as reti­
defect during an attack
nal toxoplasmosis (figure Ю.22Л-С), neuroretiiuLis/ w
C. ]■Lead ache fulfilling criteria - migraine without aura
Bartonella associated muUifocal retinitis and neumreti-
begins during the visual symptoms or follows them
nitis1^ [see Hgure 1 0 .0 4 and orbital cellulitis; external
within 60 minutes
pressure on the ophthalmic, central retinal, and cilioreti-
l.>. Normal ophthalmological examinations between
nal arteries such as in orbital hemorrhage.14 cavernous
sinus thrombosis,1*-' inlereheaLh peri optic hemorrhage,: u
h. Not attributed to another disorder.
papilledema-1 J u ischemic optic neuropathy optic disc
]"he condition is more common in young women in their d ru s e n ,c e n tra l retinal vein occEusion,^:' and neo-
second and third decades. Lhe field defect may not always plaslic diseases of the orbit, optic nerve, and retina-^7;
be from the retina; the optic nerve or lhe choroid may be carcinomatosis of lhe meninges of the brain and optic
the site of spasm, hence "monocular migraine” may be a nerve1™; and surgical manipulation such as retrobulbar
belter term.j:iS'13e When examined during an episode these procedures,
Branch. retina] or cilioretinal artery occlusion may k.23 Ca r(itid and oph Ih aim ic arle гу о bstruct ion.
accompany central relina] vein obstruction in Lhe same
A—С : b?loLc:hy peripheral retinal hemorrhages and relinal
eye.' " " J in лоте eases both may be the result of primary capillary charges larrows, A j in a 57-year-uld man w ith a
disease effecting the optic nerve head. ]n other patients, 4-month history o f frequenl 3-10-minuie episodes o f "tog­
particularly those with cilioretinal artery obstruction, ging" of vision o f Ihe right eye. There was no oilier history
the central retinal vein obstruction may he the cause of of lransionl ischemic Attacks. H e Itad xanthelasma for
decreased perfusion within the cilioretinal artery that nor­ yea re. Visual acuity was 20/20. O phlhalm odynam om elry
wan 25/20 in lhe right eye and 1 1(V40 in lh e left eye.
mally has a lower perfusion pressure than the central reti­
Алдк 1£тар 1ту showed increased relinal iM fllla B a n lime,
nal artery,11 J
microaneurysms* and di la Li on of relinal capillaries [О- Гlie
loft Cundus was normal.
Retinal Arterial Hypoperfusion Caused D -F: Loss of peripheral vision, hypolony, and a .iftO" serous
by Systemic Hypotension and Ocular delnchm-unl of the Ciliary body and choroid developed in a
72-year-oEd aphakic mar 3 weeks after medical evaluation
Hypertension qeStectBa ipsi Ja LeraI carotid artery obiilrljfcthari. tliJiochoroidal
ddnchmcnl nasal ly oxtended almost lo the optic disc ■15 and
Reduction of retinal blood tloxv in patients during systemic
E, arrows). Note lhe round retinal hemorrhages that were
hypotensive episodes rarely produces evidence of retinal preh-enl throughout Iho m idpenpiiery of lhe eye. there whs
ischemia unless il occurs in patients with pre-existing dis­ iip ii lli. ilrn i^iv: l-iin mi м.' I гi: i " . ':i:' i-I.- f I n.i-ki'd roducliun in
ease causing reduced retinal flow.34? Marked elevation of Lhe ophthalmic arlery pressure.
intraocuEar pressure may cause symptomatic optic nerve G - l: This elderly wom an noted the sudden loss o f vision in
or retinal ischemia, particularly when it occurs in patients lhe lefl eye. Her vision and the [undus of the ri^h! eye were
with other diseases, such as stckle-cell disease, (iompression normal 'C j. Visual aeility ]n lhe leil eye was 2Q/20U. Note
in the lefl fundus- !ht' palchy dense whilem n^ of lhe inner
of the eye and orbital tissues during general anesthesia in
juxta papillary retina (H.i and lhe diffuse whitening of the
Lhe face-down position may occlude the ciliary and central
relina superiorly. On lhe following day she jwvfllie with no
retinal arterial blood supply lo the e y e . ( S e e Rgure light porcepLion in lh e riglu eye. Ehe ri^hl oplic disc d ip p e d
3.54К and I..} This can also cause posterior ischemic optic swelling and pallor It) typical ol ischem ic optic neuropathy
neuropathy. associated w ilh gianl-cell arteritis, which was demonstrated
histopathoiogicaEly on temporal artery biopsy. Intensive cor­
ticosteroid therapy was given. Ten months Eater she remained
Retinal Arterial Hypoperfusion Caused blind in the right eye and retained 20/70 in the left eye.
by Carotid and Ophthalmic Artery I and K: Unilateral blindness caused by ophthaFmic artery
Obstruction occlusion in an elderly palitinl w ilh era n ini I ajterilih. Note the
aafttJt of :he optic disc and harrowing of lhe retinal vessels
Reduction of retinal arterial blood fiow may be caused by caused by previous obstruction of t i nculation in the cenUal
obstruction oJ" either or both the ipsilatEral carotid and relinal artery; also noLe the segmental atrophy of the retinal
ophthalmic arteries.l04,i4fr Whereas this obstruction is pigment epi I helium caused by obstruction o f lhe short ciliary
aiterial circulation ; and Kj.
usually caused by slow progressive narrowing associated
L: Hislopathology o f Ihe temporal artery in a patient w ilh
wilh atheromatous disease, it may have a variety of other
craniiil arlerilis. N ote severe narrowing of iht! vessel lumen
causes, including giant-cel I arteritis/’' spontaneous dissec­ by jifiinuloniiilous arlerilis.
tion/ fibromuscular dysplasia [t-'MD),"- surgical com­
plication,1 '''Takayasu's disease.1^ '1"1' and cavernous sinus
thrombosis.'^2 Rapid obstruction such as may occur in cra­ mild dilation o f the retinal veins (venous stasis retinopa­
nial arLeritis (figure 6.23CM.), mucormycosis, or herpes thy}.. usually in palients with minimal visual complaints
rosier causes acute visual toss and ischemic retinal infarc­ (Kigure (3) dilation of the retinal arte­
tion.'" 1 Lhis is often accompanied by signs of ciliary' artery rial tree, dilation o f the relina veins, and cotton-wool isch­
obstruction, pallor of the optic disc, and hypolony (Figure emic patches {Figure 6.23H); (4] retinal capillary changes^
6.23J and ]n a few palients multi­ incltiding microaneurysms, cysloid macular edema (Ш Е ] ,
focal areas of ischemia simulating Purlscher's retinopathy and angiographic evidence of areas of capillary- nonper­
may occur [E'igurt- 6.16Н].:Й [f obstruction of the major fusion that may be confined Lo the area along the hori­
arteries occurs more slowly from atheromalous disease or zontal raphe (figure 6.23A-C)-!'"t-,(' :, (5) larger areas of
chronic inflammation of the large arteries {Takayasu's dis­ peripheral capillary’ non perfusion, retinal neovasculariza­
ease), reduction in blood flow to the eye may or may not tion, and hemorrhage; ( 6) any degree of branch or cen­
be sufficient to cause visual coin plaints (figure 6.23Л-С). tral relinal vein or arterial obstruction [Figure 6.2313); (7)
A variety of fundus pictures may occur: ( 1 ) minimal or no ischemic optic neuropathy (Figure 6.231); and [tfj any of
ophthalmoscopic changes in patients complaining of tran­ the above associated with panuveilis, neovascular glau­
sient loss of vision in one eye [amaurosis f u g a x j ( 2) coma. and a rapidly progressing cataract [ischemic ocular
few widely scattered blot and dot retinal hemorrhages and syndrome).21*'5' ^
Dt. Gass has seen one aphakic palitnl with carotid fc.24 Takayasu retinopathy.
лrt-ery obstruction develop loss of vision caused by acute
A —H: A 2 S-year-old tasL Indian wom an had a 6 -man Ih his­
exudative detachment of the choroid and ciliлг>г body tory of d jminiiticm or vision in both eyes accom panied by
(E'igure 6.23Q-F), 4'he detachment resolved rapidly after giddiness, which recovered on lowering her head. H e r visual
carotid endarlerectomy. Ih e ophthalmologist faced with acuily Was 2 0 / 2 0 0 in each eye and inlraocular pressure 6
any patient who has these ocular signs or symptoms and 7m m Hg respectively, lhene went1 no iris new vessels and
should (bqulie abouL other signs or symptoms of tran­ pupils w ere sFujyjish. MultipEe microaneurysms were seen in
Eioth eyes, w hich went! significantly mere common anterior
sient ischemic attacks and should look for other evidence
ifi the equator, and several on the larger arterioles (arrows
of ipsiLiteral carotid artery obstruction- such as reduction
A and Й). There was remarkable delay in dye appearance in
of carotid artery pulsation, a bruit over the carotid artery Ejoth the choroidal and retinal circulation. Several m icroan­
and orbit, and ease of col [apse of the ipsilatera] central ret­ eurysms as well as dilated capillary bed tilled on angiogra­
inal artery with finger pressure on the eye compared With phy. The late frames showed diffuse vessel w all staining of
that of the contralateral eye. fluorescein angiography in all ail retinal vessels "C lo F-l. Her physical exam was sifjnificiinl
such cases should show a late appearance lime of the dye far absent radial and brachial pulses. She underwent com ­
puted tomography: angiogram of the arch of the aorta and
in the central retinal artery and choroid and a prolonged
its branches was su ^ estive o f type 4 1'akaysu arteritis involv­
retinal circulation time. In some cases a dramatic improve­
ing lhe ascending arch and descending aorla, left pulm o­
ment in the fundus changes may occur after carotid nary aTterv. bilateral com m on carol id artery, brachiocephalic
endartereclomy. trunk, E>ilateral subclavian and axillary arteries (C and Ы:.
She was treated w ilh oral steroids.
l- L: This W-year-old Indian female was seen for opisodjc
Takayasu Retinopathy headache!; and Irequenl blackouts. Her vision at initial eval­
Mildlo 'L'akayasu in 190S described the ocular manifesta­ uation was ^О.'ЗО both eyes, bul subsequently declined over
a year to-couni finders in both eyes. llolii eyes showed sev­
tions of this condition as 'peculiar changes in the central
eral microaneurysms, marry o f them on Lhe arterioJes arrow.,
retinal vessels and wreaLb of arertiovenous communica­
dilated and sausage-shaped veins ■:I and l.i. There we-re no ret­
tion” around the optic disc., 'lhe retinal changes include inal hemorrhages due to slow flow in the vessels. The Teft eye
d data Lion of the retinal arteries and veins with beading also had a large K V t J (ll. An an^io^ram flicks up the numer­
(l':gure 6.24[ and |). microaneurysms at the capillary level ous microaneurysms (K), and late frames show breakdown in
and along the arterioles (very typical: ftgtciE 6.24A- К E-L), the blood-relinal barrier dae to endoLhelial hypoxia. Note
vascular occlusion, large zones of nonperfusion, arterio lhe N V D does not leak early due Lo Ihe verv slow blood ffow
throughout the relina it . Her blood pressure was unnccord-
venous shunts, relinal and optic disc neovascularization
able in lhe Upper limbs and measured 1 Ь 0 / А О тт Н ц in bolEi
(bigure 6.241 and L), and, occasionally, vitreous hem­
low er imbs. Her carol id, radial, brachialis, and suEjcI avian
orrhages. Ilte arm lo retina lime and Lhe arteriovenous pulses were absent bilaterally, but Lhe femora I, popfiteal,
transit times are p r o l o n g e d . E ]oor blood flow to the posterior lib-idl, and dorsalis fred is w ere present. O it an aor-
eye is lhe basis of the ocular findings and is seen in those Logram lhe rrj^hL suliclavian artery was absonL, only slumps
patients wilh involvement of the common carotid arter­ of Lhe lofL com m on caroLid anrl subclavian w ere seen, and
ies ( b.J!4G and E1). The left side is more commonly Lhere w ere ricEi collaterals between Lbe intercosta Is anti asil-
Eary vessels. She had type 2 Takayasu arteritis.
Involved than the right. Since the intra vascular hydrostatic
pressure is low. these patients have very few retinal hemor­ [A-L, Ldtarieiy ul l>r. AmnrJ Uupl.i: 1-1, (.uurlL'w 1 1 Г l>r. Vi stun ii f.i ip l ; ;ind
Mi. Antod Ou|jt,i.i
rhages, and minimal leakage from the new vessels (ligure
6.14 E.) and microaneurysms. 4'he poor endothelial oxy­
fully understood. A link lo poststreptococcus auloimjuune
genation causes a break in the blood-retinal barrier and
change or to tuberculosis has been p o s t u -::M
mild fluorescein leakage, bul much less intensely than
Intimal proliferation and fibrosis of the media wilh scar­
other conditions such as diabetic retinopathy. Intraocular
ring, thrombus formatioLi, and eventual stenosis of the
pressure is low due to poor perfusion of the ciliary body;
affected artery occur.
eventually rubeosis irides (but rarely neovascular glau­
A female preponderence of up to У: I is seen in Asia,
coma) and cataract develop. I radion relinal detachment
and affects young adults who present wilh clinical features
and phthisis bulbi have been seen very occasionally 'iTiose
based on the vessels invob'ed. '['hose with involvement
patients wilh renal artery stenosis without involvement of
of the branches of the aortic arch present with amaurosis
the carotids show features of hypertensive retinopathy in
fugax, dizziness, and syncope. Renal artery stenosis leads
the form of arteriolar narrowing, retinal hemorrhages, and
lo hypertension and its manifestations.
arteriovenous crossing changes.
Takayasu arteritis is classified based on vessel involv-
Takayasu arteritis, also known as "aorta arteritis" and
mcnt using radiological imaging into six groups1" 1:
"pulseless disease," is a form of chronic granulomatous
panarteritis With possible autoimmune origin lhal affects ■ lype I: branches of aortic arch
the aorta and its branches. The coronary and pulmonary ■ Type I Ел: ascending aorta, aorlic arch, and ils branches
arteries can sometimes be involved. W hy it is more com­ ■ lype lib: descending thoracic aorta with or withoul
mon in Asia, Mexico, and other tropical countries is not ascending aorta, arch, and its branches
* lyp e J U: -descending thoracic aorta and abdominal aorta Hypertensive retinopathy.
* type JV: abdominal aorta only
A - C : This- ^J -year-o Id womflti had a visual acu ily of 2!O/fl0
* Type Щ aortic arch, descending Lboracic aorta, and secondary L-cj sevejffi raj$fcrtensEve retinopal by. NoLe the
abdominal aorta. m acular sLar, coLLon-wnol B.alcheJ} and Eiemonhages. Early
arleriovenous-slage angiogram f- s h e w e d N a jr o w iJn ii t>f lb e
Пнтару depends on Lbe stage of the disease, [f the patienL
first- And second-order arterioles jarrq w i) suppm ng Lhe
is seen Early in Lbe course of arteritis without signifi­ Macula IK) and patchy Gaining of Lhe retina corresponding lo
cant occEusion, systemic steroids and immunosuppres­ areas of dilated L’api Hades (Cj. Note Lhe absence ot fluores­
sives alone are indicated. О nee occlusion or significant ces n starninu; in lht? m acu la.
slenosis occurs, angioplasty and bypass grafts are needed D -F: Foveal hemorrhage (D l ел used by hypertensive micro-
in addition to the immunosuppressives. - vascular changes evident in the angiogram i L ■. NoLe Lht?
Medical management of hypertension, nephrectomy, w hile puncLale fle a ® tin the surface ol" Lhe oval sufjerficial
relinal blood a rd Lhe F&fgef атеа гл" subreiinal blond. Seve*al
and autolransplanialion of the kidney may be necessary.
imonLhs laLtTJ lbe bltHjd Lien red lLi and lhe; visual acurty
Antituberculous drugs In those patients with highly posi­
returned to norm ill.
tive Mantoux. lest is indicated.i?- G - l: Ischemic oplic neuropathy and branch retinal arte­
rial ocdusron in a patient With яел/йгб chronic1 hvperlensit>n.
Fibromuscular Dysplasia NoLe lhe sharp derma real it jn Jinc M m iw s, ( Ji separating Lhe
ischemic. relinal whitenjng from ^hc nonischemic peripheral
KMU is a nonatheromatous, noninflammatory vascu- nelina in the areas of distribution of the obstructed artery. The
Ear disorder thal commonly affects the renal and internal peripheral retina retained ils Ira п-нрагел су Ье^ аш е ot previ­
carotid arteries, it is known to cause choroidal hypoperfu­ ously established col 3aLera I arl trial channel я :arrows; ■ lhal
sion central relinal arteiy.. and ciliorelinal arteiy occlusion., became murn apparenl several mombs later in H and I.
I —L Purtscher's-lilce retinopathy in Lhis .^fl-year-old man
though extremely гаШу.3*0-341 JJetinal hypoperfusion,
caused by central retinal artery obstruction in a patient With
and its various manifestations, leading to retinal neo-
hypertension. He noted blurred central vision in the [eft
vascularEzalion and traction retinal detachment, simi- eye lhal progressed over a ptiritJtl of 24 hours to include
Ear to Takayasu retinopathy, has been described in one lhe ел Li re visual field. His visual acuiLy was 1/200. Note
patient.u " A fatal stroke and multiple retinal hemorrhages Lhe severe reLinal whitening in- lhe papillom acular bun­
have been seen in an l i -month-old infant.-'14 When a dle .re.i <:ntl '.viiikning in Lhe m.u .il-г .ire.i.
young patient without cardiovascular risk factors presents A n l;iot^ia phv revealed delay i n perfu s юл o f I he rel inal с i re u-
Ia Lion. Echography revealed dislen^ion nr" lhe leM oplic nerve
wilh a С KAO, one should rule out lliese patients
sheaLh with fluid. -Carotid artery studies w ere negative. His
may have recurrent strokes, transient ischemic attacks,
serum 'riglyceride was '>44.
syncope, headache, tinnitus, and cranial nerve palsies.'141
Unlike atherosclerosis lhal affects lhe proximal or origin
of the caroid artery, 1MD affects the middle or distal part
and has a typical appearance on carotid Doppler/angio­ with pulmonaiy hypertension and a reversed bidirectional
gram with the "pulled screw'7 configuration, focal tubular shunt through an intracardiac defect (Eisen monger's syn­
narrowing, or localized outpouching of the artery. 'i|,J Ibese drome] may develop retina! micro vascular changes simi­
configurations occur specifically in the three types of IM D lar lo that in patients with carotid artery obstruction. ""
( ! ) pulled screw or multiple constrictions in the medial Paradoxical embolus due to a right-Lo-left shunt can cause
type; [2 ) focal tubular narrowing in the intimal type; retinal artery occlusion. ***
and (3J outpouching in Lhe adventitial type Aneurysms
and Involvement of olher medium-sized arteries can also
Retinaf Arterial Hypoperfusion Caused
occur. Genetic risk factors are being investigated, as the
disease is known to occur in first-degree relatives. by Occlusion of Retinal Venous Outflow
Lf severe and rapid obstruction of the central venous out­
Retinal Hypoperfusion Caused by flow occurs before collateral channels of venous out­
flow begin to function, severe ischemic whitening of the
Cardiac Anomalies retina, in addition lo widespread retinal tiemorrhages,
Young patients with congenital cyanotic heart dis­ occurs, producing Lhe ophthalmoscopic picture of com­
ease commonly develop some dilation and tortuos­ bined central retina] arterial and venous ppdusion,331^ 9
ity of the major relinal vessels often associated with Obstruction of the central retinal vein may cause selective
polycylhemia.^-^Frank central retinaE vein occlusion, obstruction of a ciIioretinal artery because of relatively loxv
atypical mbeosis i rid is can be seen rarely*3S:>3^ Patients perfusion pressure of the cilioretinai arteries ).l3fiiUlim-59L
RETINAL ARTERIOLAR 6.26 Hypertensive retinopathy, optic neuropathy, and
A - C : Unilateral ischemic optic neu*opalhy and m acular
SYSTEMIC HYPERTENSION AND slar c-ii Li:--L'( I bv s e vH t, previously undiaj^ntfted hyperten­
COLLAGEN VASCULAR DISEASE sion in а 56-year-uld wom an com plaining o f headacEres and
blurred vision in lhe njjht eye. Note the irregular attenuation
Ihrough auto regulation, reLinal arteries respond to an □I the relinal arteries (arruw, A). Visual acuity was. 20/40.
elevalion in .systemic blood pressure by constriction. Mosl ^ j E e j r a p h y revealed shaming of lhe o plic disc and no sLain-
in^ in Ihe macula.
patients, however, with chronic mild Lo moderate degrees of
D - F: Biliileral sld3ale exudative m a ty lopathyr seious mac u-
systemic hypertension have no Visual complaints ant! mini­
lar delachm enl, collon-wool ischemic pattbes, and mulli fo­
mal or no fundoscopic changes [focal and diffuse narrow­ cal grav-while ischemic relinal pigment epithelium iRt’ii
ing of Lhe relinal arteries, an increase in the arterial reflex* lesions (arrows, E and F) in this palient w ilh severe hyper­
and arteriovenous crossing changes), which are caused by tension. Focal areas of fluorescein staining in the temporal
thickening of the smalt arterial and arteriolar walls (arterio­ m acular area (arrows, are a I lhe level ol' Ihe b!l-3E.
lar sclerosis). '!J:: Kocal narrowing of the major retinal arterial : -L: Hem orrhagic delat limenl o f lhe inlernal limiUnjj mem­
brane (G J in n -t'M'ear-old w om an with severe Erv'perleni-ion.
branches is the single most reliable early sign of systemic
The hemorrhage was caused by rLiplure of a small superfi­
hypertension Fluorescein angiography usually shows no
cial relfnaE capillary. Note Ihe vertical wrinkles i.lop arrow:
evidence of microvascular changes in patients with mild lo of the inlernai ItmitifW membrane and E)ltx>d pooled inte­
moderate hyperl^bsion,22t,39J Retinal and op Lie nerve riorly around lh e bleeding sile ibollom arnowi. ihere was
arteriolar sclerosis is of palhogenetic importance in lhe fol­ wrinkling of the inner retinal surface caused by an epi retina I
lowing causes of central vision loss in hypertensive patients: membrane in the Eeft eye fHJ. The visual acuity was 20/25.
( ] } branch retinal vein occlusion (see p. 556); [ 2] arterial NoLe the fine relinal folds secondary lo Iranslutenl epirelinal
membrane over lhe superior and nasal part of the macula.
macroaneurysm formation (see p. 4 9 4 and (3) ischemic
AngJograpfry in Ihe lefl eye :Ij showed early leakage of dye
optic neuropathy (see pp. 12ti4-1 S}.
from dilated capillaries and a chain of micnoaneur^Hms sur­
Patients wilh more severe chronic or wilh accelerated rounding a focal zone o f capillary nonperfusron (lefl arrowf,
malignant hypertension may develop marked arterial acid and oEislruclion of lhe frrsl-order arlurioles Irijjhl a rro w .
arteriolar constriction and evidence of focal vascular wall This palient died soon afler these photographs w ere laken.
damage that is mosl severe al the origins of first- and sec­ H istopatEiologic findings of the eye illustrated in С showed
ond-order retina] arterioles tn the posterior fundus [Figures bliWjjd and p iцдтепI-laden macrophages benealh lhe in!ernal
limiting membrane larrrjw, J Histopathologic examination
6.2 5A-С and 6.26El and |^395-1|] Leakage of blood ele­
of the relina in lhe Tcgion of the left arrow ir> I revealed e v i­
ments into the arteriolar wail causes narrowing or cloture
dence ol a cytoid body (K). A fihrocellular opirelmaE mem­
of arterioles and focat ischemic whitening of the retina brane (arrow, L was presenl inferonasal lo )he macula.
(cotton-wool spoLs) in the vicinity of the optic disc and the
frurn U.LJi.'' . ' 1н>Ьй Altierkrin \1l i I;.,:I Abi::-: j.ilrtjn A-lii^his
major retinal vascular arcades posteriorly [E:igure 6.25A). r ts e lV ts l.)
Part of the intense whitening in collon-wool spots is caused
by stasis of amplasmic Tow wilh in the nerve fiber layer in circulation. Swelling of the disc caused by ischemic papil-
Lhe area of relinal ischemia.^” '11'1 Microaneurysmal forma- lopathy ntay occasionally precipitate branch relinal arterial
Lion. irregular telangiectasis, occlusion, and increased per­ occlusion that, because of we]l-deve]oped collaleral arte­
meability and remodeling of ihe retinal capillaries within rial circulation, may show an unusual distribution of reli-
and around these ischemic areas are best, seen with fluores­ nal whilening (Figure 6.25Ci-E). Some patients with severe
cein angiography (Figure 6.25B, C, and hypertension may have mild blurring of vision, a macular
Jhese changes may persist after disappearance of lhe cot- star, and swelling of the optic nerve head (grade IV hyper­
ton-wool patch. Ehey are responsible for varying amounts tensive retinopathy; E'igure 6.27A-F) and only minimal exu­
of intraretinal serous exudation, yellowisb exudation, and dative and ischemic changes in lhe retina otherwise (Figure
retina] hemorrhages that are usually confined to the periph­ 6.26A-C). Ihese palients, who often have headaches and
eral macular area and are associated with varying degrees of undiagnosed malignant hypertension, may be mistakenly
Loss of centra] aaiily [Eigure 6.25A and 6.27). I'ocal depres­ diagnosed as having neurorelinttis. Ijebefs stellale maculop-
sion of Lhe inner relinal surface may be evident biomicro- aLhy, or papilledema. Other patients, particularly children,
scopically afler disappearance of a cotton-wool patch.-" 1 may experience marked visual loss caused by severe isch­
In the presence of marked ischemic arteriolar and capillary emic papillopathy and massive extension of intraretinal and
permeability changes in the relina and optic nerve head, subnetinal exudation inlo lhe macular area.5!h,Jia Patients
a macular star and swelling of lhe oplic nerve head may wilh moderate lo severe chronic essential hypertension usu­
develop (Figures 6.25A and (j, and 6.26E.}). borne loss of ally do not show ophthalmoscopic of fluorescein angio­
central vision may accompany these changes and prob­ graphic evidence of choroidal ischemia.lQft [See Chapter
ably is primarily related lo ischemic damage to the nerve 3, p. IS 2.) Patients with rapid acceleration of malignant
fibers within lhe optic nerve rather than alterations in the hypertension are mosl likely to develop choroidal vascular
macula, which is protected by lhe rich pattern of collaleral complications [I'igures 6.27 and 6.28).
Angiographic changes in the microvasculature., even 6.27 Hypertensive retinopathy optic neuropathy, and
in the presence оГ grade EV hypertensive retinopathy. aFe choroidopathy,
primarily outside the central macular area. Following A - D : л 19 -year-oid African Атетзсап №>гтЦп with hivtcny
medical control of malignant hypertension, angk)graphic ot sYst^mic lupus erythematosus chronic renal failu re and
evidence of permanent remodeling of the relinal capillary hypertension presented with vision ol" 20/1 foD on the rig^il
bed (microaneurysms, capillary telangiectasis, small areas and counting fin^erh on I ho l3oth eves had tw u llen optic
of capillary non perfusion, and permeability alterations) discs, with exudation of fluid and lipid along with retinal
is most prominent in Lbe imaapapiLlary area and along hemorrhages and cotton-w oo I spots secondary to hyjNJften-
sive retinopaLhy and optic neuropathy IA and B). She was
the course of the major relinal vessels posteriorly [Figures
hospitalized and lhe E>]oud pressure was brought under ton-
6.25D-Ev and 6.261i and l).JU Hemorrhagic detachments Iroj. Two week? idler her vision had improved to 2{J/S0 iind
of the internal limiting membrane of the retina in the 20/300; Ihu optic disc edema had improved significantly,
macula may arise from these permanent microvascular more on the right than Ih e Eefl ( t and Dj. She returned to the
alterations (figures 6.25EJ-K and 6.26t;-J}_ '['here is prob­ hospital Fur uncontrolled byperlension a few weeks later bul
ably an increased incidence of epirelinal membrane for­ ocular exam w-ns not sought.
mation in the macular region in patients who have severe Hypertensive retinopathy and choroidopathy.
hyperLen&ive vascular changes [E'igure 6.26] ■ ! and L). Ehese E and F: Hypertensive reLinopalby, charuidopalhy, and esu-
patients are susceptible to all of the со mpl tea lions of arte­ daiFve retinal detachment in (his patienL show ing peripapil­
riolar sclerosis mentioned previously in patients with less lary nerve fiber hemorrhages, cotton-wool spots, choroidal
severe hyperlens ion. infarcts lElschnfg's spots\f and inferior dependent subretinal
During exacerbation of collage]! vascular diseases fluid in liolh eyes :E and arr-t^ws).

patients may develop cotton-'wool patches that may occur lA —O, U U t a | f иГ дЛт Vl^I I Urn I- M ju Ilt A .mil H. AJkj, Vaiip'dzti,
L.iwrtricuP.. Ihu T5l-I-i i-il Allafc S,iun<Jcpi ?C11C), 07^-70:0-i.i20-4,
in the absence of significant elevation of systemic blood |]. л а в л
pressure.l^ M “ SJ '^ 4DJ i|Chi‘ll5-4]b Although in some cases
Lhe cause of the arteriolar obstruction ts identical lo that
produced by severe hypertension, in other cases it may and embolization, pp. 464, 565 and figures 6.13r 6.14
occur by a different mechanism such as thrombosis from and 6.62). Ehese patients also may show evidence of
a hypercoagulable state associated with a lupus pnUcoaguk occlusive vascular disease affecting the choroidal vascula­
lartt1®1"2"' J H (see discussion of leukocytic aggregation ture (see pp. 40. 84. 464).
All of the retinalr choroidal, and tjptic nerve head 6 .2 Й H y p e r te n s iv e c h o r o id o p a th y w ith e x u d a tiv e
c h a n ts set’]i in Ьшдалз with accelerated hypertension] re tin a l d e t a c h m e n t
have been reproduced in the rhesus monkey using л modi­ Л -L: This ahorl-bta Lured m^iLch had receivLid a kidney [r;in*i-
fied Ooldblatt procedure. W9-,*MWl?-'U J Hayteh and oth­ planL for erd-stage гелл! d beast 1 rt-sli 11i nj^ Irrjm л posterior
ers described .1 peculiar focal intra retina I perEarteriolar urelhral valve. He had developed secondary hyperpara­
transudate that frequently develops during the first few thyroidism and renal osteodystrophy due lo nonLom pliance
weeks after the onset of experimentally induced malignant With phosphate binders. Vision was counting finders at 1-2
hypertension.1*1" Unlike cotton-wool spots, these pinhead­ fool (30-b0t:mf in both eyes. Both retina:- had small '.el-
low distinct-appearing spots all over the posterior pole w ith
sized, dull-white, deep retinal lesions that are associated
overflying m acular detachments and large inferior delach-
with punctate fori of fluorescein leaks are specific for ments with shiflin^ flu.d -A-Dj. A ti d iog'raii hy showed 1n i Ii л I
malignant hypertension (l-'igure 6.28). Ihey probnibly rep­ hypefl'luorescence of Lhe lesions that leaxed dye late, w hich
resent focal ischemic damage to the Kl’L. pooled in lhe subretinal space |E and Fj. OplicaE coherence
tomography confirmed loLLitated StJibretinal fibrosis in boll:
maCulas :G anti Hi. He was hospitalized, his Ы Ьй р pres­
sure was broughl under control from I 9CV1 .Iftm m Hjj, and
.117r_>i:m .;nd hypok.ik'nii.'i wi.v< irf-ih-i. f V.e wf-i'k l.ih" I■
vision improved Lo 2Q/5i) on lh e ri^lil and 20/2 00 о л the I el I
and 2.5 weeks later lo 20/25 and 20/30. The exudative reti­
nal dutachmenLs m soked, leaving residual chronic Llschnijj’s
spots w ilh distint.1 ed^es !I—L 1.

[O lurCrsy ol Ur. M.irk J ILn[Гil■I.:f..1

A C Q U IR E D R ET IN A L A R T ER IA L 6.29 Acquired retinal arlery macroanetirysm.

M ACRO AN EURYSM S A—F: C irri nate maculopaLhy caused by retinal arterial

тасгстпеитуягп in a 4^-year-(jld Etypi^rtensjVe wom an w ilh
Parents who develop acquired retinal arterial macro­ a visual acuily of 20/40. Note the local atheromatous cuff
aneurysms are usually in their sixth to seventh decade of larrow. Л) jusl proximal hi :!icj iirtnun am. there w±s minimal
evid en ce of obstruction of arterial flow either by the aneu­
Eife when they seek treatment because of visual loss caused
rysm lletfL anruw, Ef or by Lhe atheromatous cuff (right arrow}.
by exudation or bleeding from lhe aneurysm. Typically a The laLe angidjgKrfl ^C'i showed m inimal slaining ot (he roL-
solitary round or fusiform aneuiysm arises on one of lhe ina suirounding lhe aneurysm larrow'i. Argon laser troalmenl
four major branch retinal arteries., usually within the (hird- (D) was applied Lo the aneurysm and sunounding relina.
order branches (Figures 6.29 and б.ЗО).'*- л~**° 1"he aneu- ' ive months laler 11;■ visual -acuily whs 20/20. N o le Ihe alh-
г\гки1 occasionally develops on a cilioretinal artery or on enoma lesion in lhe small retinal arlery (arrow I is s:i 11 visible.
the opLir nerve bead.'4' it occurs more frequently in Several years lal^r the had developed a new macroanrtirysm
find pxudaliun nasally in Ihe same eye il.. NoLp lhe aLher-
WoK^fcdJ4M,*<5j44ti ]"he superotemporal arLery Is most ran-
om-a (arnjw, Fl in the arlerial w all dislal lo the aneurysm.
mo nly affected. ' I he alieu rys m о flen ocru rs at the si le о f a n
G - l: Vitreous hemorrhage and uncinate maculopaEhy caused
arterial bifurcation or an arteriovenous crossing. In some by an accpined rulinal arleriaf macroaneuR'sm J arrow, C ).
cases it may puEsale.4^ 1'1'1' Pulsation is not a reliable indi­ Angiogr^phv (H i confirmed the presence of" the aneurysm
cator for high risk of hemorrhage."1' The author has seen (arrtnv). Sixteen months la!er.. fallow iFgj parLial sfionlanenus
one pulsating macroaneurysm spontaneously disappear. resolulion of vilroous blood and relinal exud)dE .I ■ , visual
The right eye is affected more commonly than the lefl acLi i I v was 2 0 /.10 . Note thflt Ihere was no ionger any caudate
in lhe foVealar. area iarrow..
eye. Aneurysms may be present in both eyes in approxi­
3—L: Serous and hemorrhagic detachment of the inlernal lim­
mately 10% of cases. A total of 50-75% of palients with
iting membrane of Ihe retina was caused by a m aooaneu-
acquired arterial macroaneuiysms have a history of sys­ rysm larrows) in Lhfs patient. NoLe the blood in the inferior
temic hypertension and/or ophthalmoscopic evidence of pa К ol Lhe detachment as w ell as another boat-shaded area
retinal arteriolar sclerosis. Some assocIatlon wilh systemic и! subhyaloid blood interiorly. Angiography (K and LJ dem­
.sarcoidosis has been noted, though Lhe relationship Is not onstrated dye leaking from the aneurysm.
understood. Visual loss is most frequently caused by leak­
age of proteinaceous and lipid-rich exudates, often along
wilh some blood from the aneurysm, into lhe surro иtiding
retina. L'his leakage produces an area of clrclnate retinopa­ bleeding, Lhe blood is often presenl in front of and pos­
thy that includes the macular area (Figures 6.2')A, F. and terior to the retina and may partly or totally obscure the
C. and 6.30D). ierous detachments of the macula (Figure aneurysm from view [Figure 6.30H). Full-thickness macu­
6.30D) and bleeding beneath the retina, the internal lim ­ lar holes can occur as a complication. High pressure under
iting membrane,. posLerior hyaloid and into the vitreous the internal limiting membrane resulting in foveolar
are olher causes of vision loss (figures fi.29J. 6.30J i and necrosis or secondary vitreofoveal traction as a sequela to
К and 6.31).’"^ Bleeding may occasionally be precipi­ the hematoma mav plav a role iin lhe palhgenesis of the
tated by a Valsalva maneuver." Jn cases associated with Ь о Й Й »^ Ч
Ac^uiijE^. f& fina! A rit'h n i Mdcncrtrtefrr^snsS *|95
Subnet ina I neovascularization, though rare, has been 6.30 Acquired retinal arterial macroaneurysm.
reported.4*1 Occasionally multiple aneurysms occur along
A-< : МасГггапеИгузЦ (arrow, A I causing subrelinaf and
the same sit^ y (figure 6.3CJGJ or elsewhere in the eye, relink I hemorrha^y,. as wtill as m acular delach merit. S o le
Approximately iO^'o of patients have one or more focal the Evidefttfi of Hlainiitu anftio^rap-hi-LJ^iLly (cirrow, B). Visual
yellow arterial w ill plaques either proximal to or, less лсиМу 1 j/ 2 0 0 . E Eeven monlhs laler Ihene wan йЬогдапе-
often, distal to the aneurysm (Figure &.2УЛ and l:). These ous то?ыо ILrlfcm of the {.■Kudate and blood (C l The HineUryifrt
lesions, which often incompletely surround the blood col­ u rro w ) dppauryd shrunken and starred. Vis ил I acuity was

umn and do not interfere with blood flow, are probably 20/30.
D and E: iuTous m acular delachmuni ismaH arrow*: luuslmJ
Localized deposits of serum fat (atberomata) occurring
by an acquired macnoaneurysrn llar^e arnowj. NoLe obstruc­
at the site of defects in the arterial wall. These represent tion of ihu dye flow ,il Iho she of the a n eu ftim u rro w r Ej.
potential sites for future development of an aneurysm. F and G : Acquisition cl л m acroanuuryim ■irif’hl arrow.
Prevkhidy these atheromata have been misinterpreted as C| ^nd c iгечплLc axudalion in a 7-year-old hypertensive
embtil^*29r4i3,il4S,<1,3 ratients with these plaques show no worn л n. H o le lbe small arteriali лпиигунт llcft anow, C j л I
clinical evidence to suggest embolic disease, Lvidence of the site of a previous retinal hemorrhage ;H l. CL, was made
branch arterial occlusion distal to the aneurysm may be 5 years л tier F.
H artd 3: Н е то г гЬ л ц к retinal duU-chmenl and viLneoub hem-
present {figure &.Э015 and H).
urrltrige Iha I simulated а mulanoma w ifi caused Eiy rupture
branch retinal vein occlusions occasionally may occur
of an acquired rdtlnal лПигЫ тл его а п и и гуьт ''arrtiws, H
within the same or opposite eye..'N:' "l"he arterial macro- and I). NoLe [he failure oJ the aneurysm, w hich was Locally
aneuiysm may be within the area of the branch vein obscured by blood, [o oirelruct the flow trf litioruscein. The
obstruction or remote to it. This association of these two subretina I blood cleared 5ропЕлпеои&1уг and visual acuity
disorders is not unexpected since hypertension is a risk fac­ was 2 0 /.Ю 2 years later.
tor for the development of both. Muorescein angjography J: Sobnefifial hemorrhage caused by arterial та сго л п еегун т,
may fail to demonstrate the aneurysm when it is partly snd cystoid т л с и 1аг edema caused by old тг"ого1о т р о г л 1
branch reLinaf vein obsl rue lion in л hytipriensii» patienl.
obscured by blood or exudate [L:igure 6.301). Angiography
К and L, iubm lim il and stininterni (Uniting membrane hom-
may show evidence of complete (figure 6.30h.), partial
оггНлуе with fluid level caused by arlEtrial т а с г о н т 'и г у а т
(Figure 6.2LJB), or no obstruction of the artery at the site farrows'!.
of the aneurysm,.'1-11, in some cases a few microvascular
abnormalities may be present in the vicinity o f'the aneu­ and intra-arterial collateral vessels. Leakage of fluorescein
rysm. These include widening of the periarterial capil- occurs primarily from the site of the aneurysm and to a
Eary-free /one around the aneuiysm. capillary dilation., much lesser degree from the microvascular abnormalities
small areas of capillary non perfusion, microaneurysms- immediately surrounding Lhe aneurysm.
I I islo pathological Iу macroaneurysms show evidence 6 .? !E H rsto p a th o lo g y o f re tin a l a rte ria l
оГ a linear break in the artery wall surrounded by a thick m a c ro a n e u ry s m ,
Laminated layer of fibrin platelet clot and varying amounts A - C : An arterial mac поапеитуигп caused ЕнтюггЬл^ас
of blood, exudate, lipid-laden macrophages, hemosid­ detachmunt of lhe? macula (A i that was misdiagnosed .is
erin, and tibroglial reaction (figure 6.3] С -E:)."137, Hl'kM' в melanoma. Rupture o f the aneurysm (arrow, В :■ caused
Similar miliary aneurysms may occur in the central ner­ fttens-iuri or blood inlo lhe s ubrel i na I space (henialuffivUh
vous system on vessels thaL are 100-300|im. 'Lhese and eo&in slain). A periodic ac id— i ff section HCl) taken
are more commonly found in hypertensive individuals amBcent Lo К showed whorls of fibrinous oxudale and blood
LhaL cau-sed iflfetJlnjj of Lht? retina and largely d o sed Lhe
than in normal individuals. Although lhe pathogenesis
flaplike opening '.arrowI in lhe arterial wall. Note also the
of Lhese aneurysms in the eye and central nervous system pa Lei ncy ot 1he ап еш уъm .
is uncertain, they probably occur at sites of focal arterial D and E: Arterial тктоапеигук-т causing inLrartrtiппI and
wall developmental and aging defeels, which particularly Hubrctmal hemorrhage. Note the cEiitk fitnin pi ale kit w all
in a patient with hypertension are more likely Lo decom­ ia n o w [J: surrounding lhe large detect in Lhe internal elasLic
pensate (figure 6.2УА] Lhe presence of focal atheromala lamina farrtrtV tj sErown in lhe elastic: stain.
eilher adfacent lo or in other parts of the retinal arterial IA4.. IroiT* JVrrj- cl ,tl.l: ", t- \')?7. Лпшги ;in MediL .il Ачшч.Шоп. All
Lree is evidence of the presence of other focal defects in lhe n.i^hi1t n'M:rvr.4J.: L) and L, cuu rlrif-y 11ГI k hie tjl j l .
arterial wall, which in some cases may lead to future devel­
opment of additional aneurysms. Eiecause of the associa­
tion of hypertension. Lhese patients probably are at higher
than normal risk for stroke and cardiovascular d is e a s e .' disorder characterized by mulLiple V-shaped macro­
tvidence suggests that, following a period of exudation aneurysms occurring at the bifurcation of lhe major retinal
and hemorrhage, the defect in Lhe arterial Wall may close arteries of both eyes causing exudative neuroretinopaLhy is
spontaneously (hrough a process of thrombosis and scle­ of uncertain etiology (LdiopaLhic retinal vasculitis, aneu­
rosis (figures 6.29G-I and 6.30A and In some cases rysms, and neuroretinopathy: IKVAN) {see Figures 6.52
the retinal artery may be almost completely restored to its and 6.33}.
normal caliber. Additional aneurysms may arise elsewhere Since spontaneous healing of macroaneurysms is
(figures b.lOY and 6..30H and C). lhe visual prognosis is part of the natural course of this disorder,, treatment is
excellent in most cases. Patients With chronic yellowish nol always indicated. The primary indication for photo­
exudation in the macula and ihose with evidence of bleed­ coagulation is the persistence or progressive accumulation
ing into the subfovea] area are the most likely to lose some of yellowish exudate in the central macular area (E'igure
vision permanently l.arge hemorrhagic detachments of й.29A-E)J,i26■■
il33'^33■ <
,iS5-,57 Moderately heavy
Lhe retina in these patients are often mistaken for sub reti­ argon green or dye yellow laser photocoagulalion using
nal hematomas caused by age-related macula; degenera­ large-spot-size (300 imj, long-duration (0.5-second)
tion, and occasionally for a choroidal melanoma [figures applications directed lo the aneurysm is successful in expe­
6.3(J] I and I and 6.31A-C). ,Q,<‘35 The eccentric location diting the healing of the defect (E-'igune 6.2УА-Е:) Ihis
of the hematoma centered beneath a major retinal artery is treatment may cause a transient obstruction of the ш о у
an important clue lo the correct diagnosis when the aneu­ and occasionally may cause bleeding from the aneuiysm.
rysm is obscured by inlraretinal or p re retinal blood. When Since the site of the leakage is the aneurysm, the use of
associated with cirrinale yellowish exudation- a macro­ indirect treaLment con fined to the area surrounding the
aneurysm may be misdiagnosed as retinal telangiectasis, aneurysm has little rationale. Surgical drainage of the
branch retinal vein occlusion, diabetes, and irradiation sub retinal hematoma is technically possible but has not
retinopathy. 'I'here is usually no difficulty in differentiat­ been demonstrated to produce visual results better than
ing patients with acquired arterial macroaneurysms from achieved by either laser treatment or by the natural course
older patients with congenital retinal, telangiectasis, 'lhese of die disease.i : ' if'-' it does expediate the visual recov­
latter patients, most of whom are males, usually have ery. lhe same can be said ft)г the technique of using the
multiple arterial aneurysms, larger areas of capillary drop­ CJ-sw itched Nd:YAG laser to release sub internal limiting
out, and more extensive telangiectatic changes involving membrane hematomas into the vitreous1' l0'461 or pneu­
both the capillaries and the veins (see p. 514]. A peculiar matic displacement of the hematoma.
© T in rr

' i.
RETINAL CAPILLARY DISEASES 12 Aphakic cystoid macular edema (CME).

A—D: Note thickening of the гласи lar region and the pres­
Ihc retina normally contains very lin k extracellular fluid. ence of ni-utipte cysloid spaces (A). An early angjograni
!k>mt’ diseases primarily affect the structure and perme­ showed evid en ce of perifovBal dye leakage from the relinal
ability of the retinal capiL]ar\r bed. These alterations often capillary bed (ht). There was some evid en ce erf dye leakage
result in leakage of exudate and. in some cases, escape of from the optic nerve head. The dye leaked into the cystoid
blood cells into (he retinal tissue. I he content of caudate spaces in the outer retinal layers and spread centrally and
poripheraiiv t ho-urafter injection (jC aftd D]. The dye stained
depends ол the severity of the capillary endothelial dam­
the fluid in lbe cystoid spaces. Note the dark stellate figure
age. Intravenous fluorescein is helpful in delecting the
centra 11y, the feathery margins of Ihu inlratelinal dye periph­
structural and ротпедЩцу alterations in the retina! capil­ erally, and Ihe presence uf relinal vessels I ha I appear as dark
lary bed and the degree to which the extracellular space of lines overlying the fEuorescein.
the retina is expanded (see Chapter 2J. E and F: C M E following cataract extraction. The vitreous
haite partly obscured the cystoid spaces irom v ie w .(£). The
a n o w indicalcs л small yellow deposil Ivinj} deup w ilhin the
Cystoid Macular Edema After Cataract
relina. M ild papilledem a was ргньеп!. Л I -hour angiogram
Extraction I.F!■showed a typical angiographic paLLem of C M E.

Approximately 50-70^u of the patients who have an C —L: This African Am erican wom an w h o underwent
unevx7nlful pha ax 'm u l s-ifixation and placement of posterior-
uneventfuE intracapsular cataract extraction will develop
с. hamber inlraocular len* bilaterally developed СЛЛЁ and
fluorescein angiographic evidence of leakage of fluorescein subretina I fFuJd in both eyes iG—J:. A ltef minimal response
from Lbe parafoveal retinal capillaries [E'igure б ^ !).4^ -1' 1 to lopicnl steroids and nonsteroidals for neady a vear, she
More than $ 0% of these patients WUl show no biomicro- was slatted on bra I acela^olam jde three Limes a day.
scopic evidence of CME, and they will not have any sig­ ih e responded with resolution of subnet inn I and in-trarelinal
nificant decrease in their visual acuity. 3"he incidence I in id in approx iт а Lei у i monLhs. The C. M L lecu n e d in a mild
fashion after d iv onlinuation ot acela^ol amide, but resolved
of this subclinical CME. is so high that it may be consid­
on ils reinstitution IK. and Lj. She was slowly tapered off I he
ered as a normal physiologic response to intracapsular
acetazolam ide after another 3 months and remained stable
cataract extraction. Approximately 5-15% of all patients with 2iV2Q vision in each eye.
will develop loss of visual acuity secondary to clinically
|fn m £ jL ^ s j| iL i U d i l u n . ’ 1 У ^ Б , A n i L 'r i c i L n 4^L.4dic.. l I A o d c i a l i l W A ll
significant CME after uneventful intracapsular cataract IIi^i!'■nL'btrvuiJ. \
extraction.||,к^ ' these patients will demonstrate the typi­
cal bio microscopic and fluorescein angiographic changes
caused by a polycystic pattern of expansion of the extracel­
lular space by serous exudation (I igures 6.32-6.34). 'Jhese usually cannot he demonstrated. Mild and rarely severe
changes are described in detail in С hap ter 2. 'Jhe incidence degrees of papilledema may be present. Usually there is no
is much lower after extracapsular caLaract extraction and optnhaimoscopLcaily visible change in the structure of the
phacoemulsification surgery. Clinically significant CM E capillary bed. An occasional small inlraretinal hemorrhage
usually occurs within 4-12 weeks postoperatively, but in or microaneurysm may be present.4'"-A pproxim ately
some instances its onset may be delayed for months or t0% of patients will show some evidence of epiretinal
many years after surgery. " ’ It infrequently occurs before membrane formation, or so-called cellophane maculopa-
the third postoperative week471* Blurred vision is the usual thy (see Chapter 7). Over 50% of these patients will have
complaint. Visual acuity is generally reduced to the range either clinical evidence of sysLemic hypertension or fun-
of 20/30-20/70. A few patienLs may complain of mild irri- doscopic evidence of focal retinaE artery narrowing.”-"1
Lation of the eye and show some circumlimbaE conjunc­ The eyes are typically normotensive. СМЁ after cataract
tival injecLion Jhe anterior hyaloid face is ruptured in extraction appears to be more common and more severe
approximately 50% of patients after ittlracapsular cataract in patients with blue rather than brown irides. It occurs
extraction46'1 or the posterior capsule is dehisced with or as a complication of cataracL extraction less frequently in
without anterior vitrectomy in eyes undergoing phaco­ blacks than in whites and occurs infrequently after extra-
emulsification. Some inflammatory cells may be present in capsular cataract extraction in c h i l d r e n [en5
Lbe posterior vitreous, which typically shows evidence of extraction in infants is accompanied by an anterior vitrec­
extensive liquefaction Vitreous attachmenl to the macula tomy, significant and persistent СМЁ may occur-f"'
Kefirm! Сар/Нлп/ Dbi'uscs 5Q!
thirty phases of fluorescein aa^Ography demonstrate ftЛ Э Diagr a m il Ius Ira t ing t he b io microscopic
dye leakage from the parafoveal relinal capillaries, and appearance of the macula in the presence of cysloid
Later phases show the characteristic picture of CM E (iigure macular edema.
6.32). Angiography can he helpful in the diagnosis of The Eitilefjtjr buwLng uf Lhe fetinal muriate in Lhe
CM E in these palients, who often have hazy ocular media foveal region is caused by I hi c kem ny ul lhe ruling. The l v *-
that prevent detailed biomicroscopic exam in at ion of the tic pockelt of extracellular serous fluid are seen best w ilh
Enacula. Leakage of fluorescein oflen occurs from the capil­ lelTuilluniiiTrilion.
laries of the optic nerve head and anterior uveal trad, '['he Il-mm C a st .lrirE N(nrli>n.",l,'r t i l (№b, Arm ' M e d i a l A ™ i.ition. All

aqueous humor typically stains heavily with fluorescein. r4JH:rvtfd..

СМ Ё disappears spontaneously, and visuaE acuity returns
Lo 20/30 or better Witten 3-12 mouths in two-thirds of
these patients after intracapsular cataract extraction and
no lens implant. Other patients w ill show clearing of the loss during cataract extraction and palients who develop
edema and return of good vision from I to 5 years follow­ a peaked pupiE wilh vitreous adherence lo the wound fol­
ing the onset of CME, The incidence of permanent visual lowing delayed rupture to Lhe anterior hyaloid face. Ihe
loss caused by CME after exlracapsular cataract extraction typical findings of inflammatory cells in the posterior vit­
and posterior-chamber intraocular lens implantation is reous of most, huL nol allr patients suggest the possible
approximately 1-1.5IM>. The duration of CME is usually iirtportance of inflammation. It in ay however be that these
Longer and recurrences are more frequent in palients with cells are (he resull of, rather than the cause of, the retinal
a history of vitreous Loss at the time of extraction or in capillary abnormality. Comparable inflammatory reaction
those who develop incarceration of vitreous in the wound in the vitreous from olher intraocular surgical procedures
posloperalively. Angiography of the opposite phakic eye usually does nol produce Enacular edema. Removal of lhe
shows no evidence of abnormal retinal or iris vessel per­ lens is undoubtedly a hey factor in this disease, but the
meability except in the rare patient who has chronic bilat­ mechanism by which il leads to retinal edema is nol clear.
eral vitritisof unknown cause before cataract extraction. Diffusion of prostaglandins from the anterior segment lo
Vitreous fiuoropholomelry in patients with aphakic lhe retina, hyperosmolarity of the vilreous secondary lo a
CM E shows evidence of increased ocular vascular perme­ ruptured anterior hyaloid face, smoldering low-grade eye! i-
ability that parallels the severity of the C M L ^ 1 byes with lis, and vitreous traclion acting on the peripheral retina
iris-supported implants that develop CM E have a higher are suggested but unproved causes of CME, l he frequenl
incidence of developing chronic CME: and comeal edema. foldings of narrowing of the retinal arterial tree and sys­
ILislopathologically, the extracellular space of the ret­ temic hypertensioEi suggest that underlying retinal vascu­
ina, particularly in the inner nuclear and outer plexiform lar d isease is also an important factor in the pathogenesis
Eayerhr is expanded by serous fluid of low protein content of C M E Ihe incidence of CM E occurring following cata­
(figures 0.34 and 6.35). Small numbers of chronic inflam - ract extraction in patients with background diabetic reti­
maloiy cells have been found histologically in eyes with nopathy is much higher than in healthy patients.'1""1' En one
aphakic C M E.]Sa J-:ine and Hrucker's electron microscopic study the incidence of clinically significant С ML was 75 %
findings suggested that the cystic spaces in CM E might versus 6% of the control eyes, and lhe CME persisted for
be caused by accumulation of intracellular fluid within more ihan ] year in 56% of diabetic eye*."”5 "ihe incidence
expanded Muller cell processes.'11'1 Cass et al., however of CM E occurring in the second eye following an utievent-
demonstrated that CME is caused by accumulation of ful cataract extraction in ay be as high as 5 0 % .11,4 [t may
serous exudate in the extracellular space, which is more in occur soon after the subsequent о pening of the posterior
keeping with clinical, angiographic, and Light microscopic lens capsule, lhe incidence о Г CME after posterior-chain -
findings in patients wilh CME.'1"" ber lens implantation with simultaneous capsulotomy ver­
The pathogenesis of aphakic and pseudopbakic CME sus that after the same procedure without capsulolomy is
es unknown. Direcl traction on the macula by the vitre­ probably slightly greater. '['he incidence of CME after
ous does not appear to be an important factor, '[he inci­ delayed Nd:YAC laser capsulotomy is probably Eess thaEi
dence of CM E is higher in palients who have had vitreous ] _ 2% **M 8S
H c f i r j a l С п р / Я л т у D z 's m s m 503
']he treatment of aphakic or pseudophaldd CMt! with ij. 'i4 HistopalhoEogic findings in a patient with
anti-inflammatory agents such as lhe anti prostaglandins aphakic cystoid macular edema.
and corticosteroids may result in some temporary improve­ A : NoLe lh e tysLic spa css cu n la in in ^ serous- exudaLe in
ment Ln visual acuity. yet there is no evidence that they sig­ lhe ouler plexiforrei layer afid lhe srrtalj ^рдсеь w ilh exudate
nificantly shorten the duration of clinically stgjjtilJicant СМИ in the inner rtudear layer. Despite Ihu- marked ihickenin^
or reduce lhe incidence of the development of chronic of the retina, there is liElle evidenLe of loss of neural tissue.
C M E*T lbpica] nomierdiidd anti-inf] ammalorv Note lhe s3ij>hl serous separation <H 1Еш irfe^’jla iiy thinned
drops may be effective in reducing CME bul probably are 11 11 piem en I epjthuiium .
u nd erlyin g r-EPl i :
ri: НкЛотк'подгдрп of л seel ion lak-ип nearer lo the CLbn-Lerof
no more successful in this regard in mosl patients than
the lovea than A. Note the arLi factitious rupture (arrow) of the
topical corticosteroid drops.'1 r~r"‘" Ihere is some evidence
inner w ill of the lar^e ctmlraJ cyst.
Lo suggest that in some patients the increase in the intra­
IA frum ■(J.h s . iг i I Nurtfifi. " . ' 1.9£&> Лпиткмп M edical A suy ialkiri'- All
ocular pressure induced by use of topical corticosteroids is Г(дНЙ reserved.
partly responsible for its Lherapeutic effect.,U! l--xcision
of vitreous that is incarcerated in the wound is of value in
some patients with persistent C M E.™ Some patients with
vitreous incarceration, particularly those xvith complaints present preoperalively or may appear initially during the
6f irritation and photophobia and those With many vitre­ postoperative course. Angiographic evidence of the edema
ous opacities, do obtain relief of symptoms and improve­ has been described in 25-^0 of phakic patients who have
ment in acuity following a Vitrectomy In the absence of undergone a scleral buckling procedure and in 40-65% of
chronic irritation, photophobia, or corneal edema, vitreous aphakic eyes undergoing scleral buckling procedures. '1
Excision from the wound is nol recommended for al least lhe incidence of CM E appears to be higher in older
1 year after the onset of edema because of the uncertainly patients, and in many instances it clears spontaneously
of its value and the likelihood of spontaneous resolution. ]_ale resolution of CM E is responsible for the delayed
Carbonic anyhydrase inhibitors have been suggested for improvement in visual acuity that sometimes occurs in
the treat men I of aphakic and pseud op ha kic CM E (I'igure patients 6 months or longer following successful repair of
6.32G-E.) a retina] detachment. The general prognosis for spontane­
In the aphakic or pseudophakic patient presenting ous resolution of (he CME is good.,|J CM E has been no Led
with visual loss, conlacl lens examination usually is suf­ after cryotherapy of a retinal tear in the absence of rheg­
ficient to determine the presence of CM E as the cause, matogenous detach ment.i; '
i'luorescein angiography and O C I' are helpful in those
cases where CM E is not evident bio microscopically; or in Cystoid Macular Edema Following Other
cases where an explanation of the visual loss is not evi­
Types of Intraocular Surgery
dent lhe physician should remember that CM E identical
to that complicating cataract extraction may be associated Transient CME also has been observed postoperative ly
with many other disorders- some of which may have been in a few phakic patients who have had other intraocu­
unrecognized before, or have developed after. cataracL lar procedures, such as glaucoma filtering operations
Extraction.41'' ' '' O f particular importance is de Lectio n of and peripheral iridotomies. CME is a major complica­
the presence of a subtle rhegmatogenous retinal detach­ tion afler penetrating keratoplasty.""' 11 Kramer found
ment, choroidal neovascularization in eyes with other a 42% incidence of clinically significant Ci-MEi in aphakic
evidence of age-related macular degeneration or vilreo- eyes in which penetrating keratoplasty and vitrectomy
foveal traction- that may play a role in causing the CME* had been performed. 5]S lie found an incidence of 1 Й |
or in producing a macular lesion lhat simulates СМИ of CM E following com bilied cataracl extraction and pen­
bioinicroscopicaUy. etrating keratoplasty with a vitrectomy .md only a 4 %
incidence following combined procedures without ari
Cystoid Macular Edema Associated with anterior vitrectomy In eyes with bullous keratopathy
and CM E with anterior-chamber and iris-supported lens,
Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachment good visual recovery often occurs after penetrating kerato­
A few patients may develop the bio microscopic and fluo­ plasty and exchange of the intraocular lens for a posterior-
rescein angiographic picture of CMH secondary to a rheg­ chamber lens. '■L' C M E has been noted following a laser
matogenous retinal detachment455-511-535 CM E in ay be iridotomy.,:i
Complications Following Cystoid 6.15 EEectron microscopic fmdings in phakrc
woman with cystoid macular edema and a choroidal
Macular Edema melanoma.
Although visual acuity may return to lO jiO or belter after A—E: Before enucleation, angiography revealed evidence of
2 or more years of CME.. н зтс patients develop permanent cysloid macular ed^Tim 'A and Bl. Epoxy resin-embedded
relinal damage second ary to the prolonged edema, '['he Section of [he eye (Cj revealed cystic expansion of the extra­
spontaneous rupture оГ the inner wall of a large central cellular space in the inner nuclear and outer pleKiEorm lay­
cystoid space to form a la me! Ear hole is one of the com pli­ ers Ыm iron microscopic section Ihrough the edge of
cations of C ^ E ,5^ When this occurs it producer a char­ one ol" the smaller cystoid spaces fD) showed the extracellu­
lar space fiIEemJ wilh homogeneous material between healthy
acteristic biomicroscopic and a diagnostic angiographic
well-pnehervod ct»3Is. Cilvcogen ^mnules lanow.i indicate
change (E'igures. 6.35 and &.36-). Eiiomicroscopically a prompt ГхлИоп I К E 5 ОСЮi. There wan thickening of (he teLi-
round or oval one-third disc diameter, punched-out defect nal capfl-jbiV basement mum bra ne \t, X7200:.
occurs in the center of (he macula, Ihe RJ?t in the base
(Prtittli Cj.iiK eL at. |i
of the hole is undisturbed. A sheen or light reflex is usu­
ally evident on the surface of the remaining retina ач a ilit
beam is moved across the hole. Yellow deposits within the observed on gross examination of the eyes of three pre­
hole and a halo of marginal retinal detachment typical of mature infants of both sexes by Trese and I-qos.'""' Cystoid
a full-thickness hole are not present. Small peri fovea I cys- changes were noted at various retinal levels. Reduced num­
toid spaces surrounding the inner lamellar hole may be bers of ganglion cells were found m the retina and central
difficult to visualize. Lite-phase fluorescein angiography, nervous system of all patients.
however, demonstrates a poly cystoid pattern of dye in the
perifoveoiar area surrounding a round or oval, nonfluores- Cystoid Macutar Edema Associated with
cent, zone that corresponds with the inner lamellar hole Choroidat Melanomas
(E'igure 6.36E>J. ]-ollowing rupture of the inner cyst wall.,
Patients with peripherally located melanomas may
the fluorescein can no longer concentrate in the area of the
develop the (ypical biomicroscopic and angiographic;
Eamellar hole (figures 6.35 and 6.3&}. following resolu­
appearance of CM E и nassociated with serous detachment
tion of the CM E surrounding the lamellar hole, fluorescein
of the macula (Figure 6.33). ,ai 5Jj| 'E'be cause of this edema
angiography of die macula appears normal. Occasionally,
may be the chronic inflammatory cell infiltration within
multiple ruptures of the inner cyst walls produce a multi­
the choroid adjacent to the melanoma and retinal vascu­
faceted lamellar macular hole, rather than a solitary oval
litis. it is important that patients with, unilateral CME: have
or round hole.
a carefuL examination of the peripheral fundus to exclude
In the aphakic patient with poor central vision and CME,
the presence of a meEanoma.
failure to demonstrate the presence of central cysts during
the iale stages [10-60 minutes) of angiography suggests a
poor prognosis caused by the presence of a lamellar hole., Cystoid Macutar Edema and Topical
retinal atrophy, ora nonmacu lar cause for the visual loss. Epinephrine and Prostaglandin Inhibitor
Cellophane maculopathy and macular pucker caused Therapy
by epirelinal membrane formation may be evident at the
onset of CME, or they may occur as late complications of Hither aphakic or phakic patients may develop the typical
CME. When they occur, it es less likely that central acuity biomicroscopic and angiographic appearance of CME fol­
will return to normal following resolution of the CME. lowing the use of topical epinephrine-like and antiprosta-
Occasionally, however, these membranes may peel spon­ gEandin drops for glaucoma.''""^0 if CME occurs and is
taneously from the surface of the retina, and good acuity caused by the drops, it can he reversed by discontinuing
may be restored [see I'igure 7.23). the medication.
Prolonged C.VIt:. may occasionally produce atrophy of
the outer retinal layers, and the macula may appear rela­ Cystoid Macutar Edema Associated with
tively normal except for the absence of a fovea I reflex. 0 c иla г Inflammatory Diseases
CME may occur in a variety of recognised inflammatory
Infant 3le Cystoid M ac и topa thy diseases of the eye, such as pars planilis, Ekh^et's disease,
Infantile cystoid maculopathy that macroscopically vitiliginous chorioretinitis* sarcoid os is-, idiopathic vilritis.
resembled that seen in X-linked juvenile retinoschisis was and scleritis.
Cystoid Macufer Edema From Other Lamellar macular hofe developing in a palient
with proEonged cystoid macular edema (CME) after
Causes cataract extraction.
Discussions of c m associated Kith tapetoretinal dystro­ A —D: Mote (Eie yellow pigment centrally lying within [he ret­
phies. enrolld arteiy occlusion, congenital iuxtafoveolar ina (aiiaw , Aj. Visual acuity was 20/40. A 1-hour angiogram
capillary telangiectasia, overtying occult choroidal neo­ ■Ы■shows a lyp ical picture of C M E. NcHe lb,]I Lhe dye fills Ihe
vascularization.. and occurring after occult central retinal cenlraf cystoid spaces. Four years later 1C), thte patient has
vein occlusion are found on pp. 33O, 522, 570 and 58S.. developed a circum scribed d efed involving Lhe inner layers
respectively. or' lhe retina c t n f r ilfy. I heie was biomferascopiC evidence
of ,1л Bpiretinid membrane and cysLoid edt!mn ot Lhe retina
around lhe lamellar hole [Cl. The visual acuity was 20/70.
Idiopathic Cystoid Macular Edema Angiography dtimonsl rated evidence of C M E surrounding the
lam ellar hole ID ). There was no pooling o f Che dye centrally
GME of uncertani cause occasionally occurs in one or
Ejecause H was free lo diltuse into Lhe vitreous ihruugh Lhe
both eyes of patients (Figures 6.37 and 6.38A-HJ. '['he defect in the inner retinal layer. The palienl died soon afler
CJML may be associaled Wilh a typical paltern of fluores­ Ihe photographs in С and D were taken.
cein leakage, or with no evidence of fluorescein staining. E: Histopalholo^ic examination revealed a lam ellar hole i'l:.
5ome of these palients may eventually develop evidence of epi relina I membrane i 2 ', the si it-like areas of relinal edema
a tapetoretinal dystrophy. in Ihe outer pfesilorm Eayer ■;31. and small pockets ot exudate
in Lhe inner nuclear layer. There was some loss of lhe recep­
tor elements i4) in the v id n ily of Lhe lameUar macular hoie
Pseudocystoid Macular Edema wFiere because ol postmortem artilact the receptor cell layer
is folded back on itself.
Superficial changes in the retina occurring in patients with
F a n d C : S c h e m a tic diagram s h o w i n g Ihe developm ent of a
se\-linked juvenile retinoschisis (see Figures 5.5УЛ.. С.
la m e lla r m a c u la r hole in я palient w i l h tilvlt.
and F and 5.5S), -Goldmann-havre syndrome [see Figure
F: C M E before rupture of Lhe inlernal limiting membrane.
5.57Л. D, and II). infamile cystoid maculopathy, and rheg- G : Lam ellar m acular hole with surrounding epirelinal
nsalogenous retina] detachment, lighLning maculopathy membrane.
(see Figure S. 16), and following spontaneous viLFeoretinal i|-rHjmO.iih. '"i
separation (see i:igure 7 .14Г-1.) may be mistaken for GMfL
Fluorescein angiography is helpful in this differential
diagnosis. In palients With suspected GM E and a negative
angiogram, care must be taken lo exclude the possibility of
a tapetoretinal dystrophy [see Figure 5.42) and nicotinic
acid maculopathy (Figure G.38I-E.J.
Nicotinic Acid Macijjopathy b.17 Idfopalhic cystoid macular edema (CME).

Л small percentage of paLients (probably under [% ) А: (Йidpajlblc: unilateral CJMt in itie left t»ve ol Lbis man VwtiQ
wan complaininy of blurred vision. There were no vilroous
receiving high oral doses of nicotinic acid ( 1 .S-!ig/day)
cells or biomicroscopic evidence ol" vitreomacu la* Lraction.
for the trealment of hypercholesterolemia w ill develop
SteramsCqpic ллдкздгнтн showed thickening □[' Ilit? relina
bilateral blurring of vision caused by CM E fig u re $.381- cenlrally bul no fluorescein *;Гдininiq. One monlh later lhe
Lj;ia tu 3i Although the biomicroscopic appearance of C M E had disappeared and ih*re was evidence of posterior
CM L is identical lo that seen in patients after cataracl vilreous detachment.
extraction, it is unaccompanied by vitritis, other retinal B - D : Idiopathic self-limited bilateral C M E in this 37-year-old
vascular changes, and fluorescein angiographic evidence wom an w ith a 4-month history of visual toss in both eyes.
Soon afler lhe onset or" symptoms examination revealed
of retinal capillary penneabilily alterations [bigure 6.3SK).
marked bilateral C M E and onEy a few vitreous celEs. Except
Cystic spaces are seen in the ouler plefciform and timer
Гог m ultiple а Ile v ie s her past medical history wan nega-
nuclear layer on QCY.1 '*' - :(i 'lire reason for the absence of [Iv e . Th-u C M E failed to respond lo (png-acting prednisolone
fluorescein leakage is speculative. Whether the perineabil- orbital injections and oral prednisone. W h e n aeon in Miami
ity change in the retinal capillaries is so mild that fluores­ her visual acuity was 20/70 bolh eyes. There w ere no vilre-
cein panicles do not leak out or Mil Her ceil edema is the ous cells. Prom iner I C M E in tbe absence o f any other abnor­
cause of the cystic spaces is still debated.5■ JhrompL malities was presen I bilateral Ey (И and C). Angiography iLJ !'
showed no staining. Her family hisEory was negative. An
recovery of normal vision and complete resolution of mac­
electroretinogram was normal. Approxim ately 1 month
ular edema occur after nicotinic acid therapy is stopped
EatfiHf she had surgery for abdominal scarring caused by
(bigure 6-38L).slb-539 ReinstilulioEi of the therapy results in endomulriosis. Three months Liter lhe ("Mb had cleared
recurrence of the CMb. spontaneously.
E—G : Idiopathic, possibly congenital, nonstaining C M E in a
Dominantly Inherited Cystoid Macular M-year-oEd woirffiUl with pendular nystagmus, poor vision
all her life, -find no history of nyctalopia or hem eraJopiл.
Edema \ ler visual acuity was 20/60 right eye and 2 0 /2 0 0 JefL eye.
Fluorescein angiography revealed evidence o f slight mottled
Deutman et al. described an autosomally domtnanL mac­
depigmentation of lhe RPL paracenlrally -.Cl. C oIoj vision
ular dystrophy characterized by CME, fluorescein leakage
by lshihar=t color plaLes was normal. An eleclrorelmugram
from the retinal capillaries throughout the posterior pole, revealed mild ducrease in cOiiife and rod amplitudes w ilh the
normal electroretinographiс findings, subnormal electro- b-wave nuich m ore atfected Lhan the a-wave.
oculographsc findings, and hyperopia."1^ F4j Atrophic H-L: This 55-year-oFd phakic wom an compEained of blurred
pigment epithelial changes with a beaten bronze” appear­ vision in her rigfil eye for Eji montEns. B io m io o s co p ic exam i­
ance may eventually develop. Histopathologic exami­ nation reveflfcd cy-bLs in lhe right fovea |.M:■that did nol accu ­

nation reveals large retinal schisis spaces in the macula, mulate dye on angiography 11). There wore no vilreous tells,
vitrebftfVaaJ Iraction, cv other bculap paLhologv. She was on
marked disorganization of the inner retinal layers, and
no medications. Observation over 4 months; did not change
advanced degeneration of Muller cells/"111 Treatment with her ocular stalus. O p lical coherence tomography (O C T ;
oral acetazolamide has not been successful.-11 However a confirmed persistence of cysts and revealed a pre-existing
somatostatin analog, octreotide acetate, stabilized visual posterior vitreous separation. She was trealed w ilh ora! acet-
acuity and decreased fluorescein leakage in seven out of a^olamide З З О т у ihree limes daiiy, the cysts resolved, and
eight eyes.1,411 vision relumed to 2 G/ 2 0 ( K1 by 3 months. Acetazolam ide
was Lajwferl (jver 2 months and repeal O t T 2 fLiither rvionths
laler 'Li revealed no recLiTrence of C M b .
(j. ЗЙ Idiupalhic cyslciid macula; edema (CME).

A—D: Idiopathic bilateral C M E LA and E) occurring 1 w eek

aflfr a m iIcl uiraJ-ЩЙф jfltosiruihftKrtinal :!!поьн. in an olli-efwise
heall-hy w om an, who o r awakening noted marked loss of
central vision bilaterally. Examination revealed 2СУ200 acu ­
ity. [jfomimml C M E in ppthi eyes ;A and Bj, and no bigns of
tRLraOcdbr iciГ1:агтппт:Пicvn. there wan a [jourk defined oc.]uato-
rial zone of leopard-spot byperpigjnentation in bolb eyes (Cf.
Angjoyraphy revealed a pro m3пел t slainin^ pattern typical for
C.ML (D). An oleclroretinaj’ram and peripheral visual fields
were normal. W ilh in & weeks she was asymptomatic and her
tissual acuity returned Co 20/25 right ove and 20/20 left eye.
E and F: Bilaleral postpartum CMfc and mild vitreous c e lIlilar
in fill ration in a 2 2 -ye ar-old frftrif&n w ho pitied blurred vision
3 days iiflEir a normal delivery Ы а full-term heallhy in fan I.
Visual acuily was 20/50 in :he righl eye and 20/25 in. :he lefl
eye. Two months later lbe visual acuily was 20/40 in Lhe right
eye and 20/20 in the left eye. There was an ^Jtrelinal mem­
brane in the right eye hul no m acular edema or vilreous cells
in either eye.
С and H : kliopalhic unilateral C M E in a 52-yeaf-old healthy
man with a 4-munlb history о! blurred vision. His visual acu ­
ity Was 20/30 in the right eye and 2 0 /2 0 in lhe left eye. there
were no vitreous cells. His past m edical and family history
was negative. H is findings w ere Lin e hanged 5..i yeans laLer.

Nicotinic acid maculcip;Hhy.

I- L: This 50-year-old man experienced progressive loss of
cenlral vision bilaterally. H e was receiving 3-5 grams o 1 n ic­
otinic acid a day for Lhe treatment of hypercholesterolemia.
Visual acu ily in the righl eve was 20/70, and in the left eye
was 20/.f0. The fjn d went.1 п о тта ! e*cepL for typical C M E !l
and J). Кluorescein angiography showed no evidence of ca p ­
: lary permeability in the macula (K). Six monlhs after ces­
sation o f nicotinic acid therapy, bis visual acuity returned to
20/20, and Ih e C M t had resolved iL.- bilaterally.
l-l. Iгг >iri Cijivi ':■:!■ Amerii ли lilcdJtal Aibm i.-il ii hfi. All ri^hL1.
reserved. I
Kefirm! CufvUnnf Dbi'uscs -1 I 3
P R IM A R Y O R C O N G E N IT A L 6. <l'J Co nge nital ret inaEte Ian gieclasis.

R ET IN A L T E L A N G IE C T A S IS (LEB ER 'S Д - t : SubmvrcJlafc scar surrounded by yelltj^ ish inLnarelinal

and *ul>reLina] exudate in- ia 17-уёаг-old boy w ilh unilalw al
M IL IA R Y A N E U R Y S M S , C O A T S ' Efqualorial telangiectasis. NoLe lhe retinal vessels dipping
SYN D RO M E) into die subneLina] scar iarrow, A I and large г т и ш у я т я and
Lelan^ieclalic vessels :I3. ihaL perfused w ilh dye (£.':.
Ketinal telangiectasis, a term original ty proposed by D-F: IrUrarelinal and s-ubr^Li па I yellowish esudale in a
Keese.’’” is a nonfamilial, developmental, retinal vascular 12-year-old boy w ilh uni Fa Lera I retinal telangiectasis involv­
ing lhe arteries, veins, and capillary bud in the paramacular
anomaly characterized by irregular dilation and incam -
а пип \D). Visual acuity wan 2(1-400. K a le Lhe fusiform dila­
pelence of lhe relinal vessels that typically occurs in one tion and Local narrowing o f lhe relinal vein (tower atrow
eye of a male patient [Figures 6.3У-6.42). ''!‘ Although and aneurysmal dilation o f lhe relina I artery iupfior arrow .
primarily lhe relinal capillaries are affected, multiple focal Arteriovenous-phase angmgraphy сlemonsl ra LL>d aneurysmal
aneurysms of the major retinaE vessels, particularly the dilation ol the firsL-order arteriole (arrow), the capillary bed.
arteries, may be present. Women are occasionally affected and the infraLemporal vein :Ы . Alter ph-otocoagulaLion, mosl
(fewer than 10% of cases), and a few patients may show o l Ihe yellow ish exudate in Lhe macula resolved (Fj. Visual
acuity was 20Л Of).
bilateral involvement. The extent of lhe retinaE Involve­
G —I: Spontaneous resolution of submacular exudation
ment and the degree of permeability alterations are vari­
in a younj’ man w Ito had puor vision in lhe lefl eye all of
able. At one end of the spectrum are patterns, usually his lile. The right eye was normal. Note lhe sheathed and
In fan Is or children. In whom most or all of the retinal partly occEuded relinal vessels in Lhe area of active exuda­
vessels, including the arteries and ve\ns, are telangiectatic tion around Ihe patch of retinal lelangiectasis superior Lo Lhe
with massive yellow exudative and occasionally hemor­ lar]ge atrophic m acular scar |H and 11 as well as elsewhere
rhagic reli пора thy and detachment of the retina. 'I his in the fundus ( O . There w ere many areas o f occlu ded reti­
nal arterial aneurysms (arrow, H) and lelangiectalic vessels
clinical picture is referred to as 11Coals'1 disease," or, more
thrbughd*jt Lhe periphery o f the Eye.
correctly, лCoats'1 syndrome" [Figure 6.40). Congenital ret­
J-L: Unilateral esudnLive retinal detacEimtmL :Coats' syn­
inal Lei angled as is is only one of the three causes of yellow drome) in a 2 /ч-уеаг-oJd boy caused by peripheral reti­
exudative retinaE delachmenl described by Coats.131S' ^r'~ ' ^ naE teEangiectasis HК h. The subretinal exudate resolved afler
At lhe other end of the spectrum are palients With the xenon phtotucaaguEaLion o f tEte telangiectasis. Note thE
retinal telangiectasis confined to a small segment of the residual disciform scar in '.he macula 7 years after treatment.
juxtafoveolar area. Ihese palients constitute type ! juxta- Visual acuily was limited tu counting fingers at 6 foot 11.80
foveolar relinal lelangiecla&is (]:igures 6.42 and 6.43).
_ Cju „
Decompensation of these localised areas of lelangiec- 1Л-5- und J-L.. 1гтнп (.j.s;--- , I .1
Атегк/лп Mediul Absirx i lion. All
nj^il nefit'rverS. •
Lasis and visual loss oflen do not occur until adullhood.
Approximately one-third of palienls are 30 years or older
before the onset of symptoms. retinal telangiectasis, which in some cases may be con­
Tallents with loss of macular funclioci may present a fined to Lhe equatorial region (Mgure 6.3УА-С and |-L).
variety of ophthalmoscopic pictures: [ 1 ] telangiectasis of As the cloudy often greenish, subretinal exudate gravi­
the capillary bed. which may or may not be confined lo tates more posteriorly, particularly during sleep, the serous
the macular area, wilh minimal evidence of intraretinal componeLit is reabsorbed Into the retinal vessels, leaving
exudation (l:igure 6.43A, G, and H ); [2) telangiectasis of the yellowish, lipid-rich residue beneath and within the
Lhe macutar capillaries With extensive evidence of intrareti­ outer retinal layers (figures 6.39A and J, 6.41 C-l, and
naE exudation, Lncluditig CME\ and ci rein ate maculopathy 6.41). lhe accumulation of this material in the macu­
(t-'igures 6.431i and ] and 6.44A and EJ, (3) telangiectasis lar region probably occurs during sleep. Over a period of
of the macular capiHaries with extension of the exudate many months the yellowish exudate in the macular area
Into the sub retinal space; (4) exudative detach menl of the may incite lhe ingrowLh of blood vessels and fibrous tis­
macula caused by gravitation of pro Lein- and Eipid-rich sue into the sub macular exudate (Figure 6. ЗУA). Intension
exudate derived from peripheral areas of retinal telangi­ of exudation Lnlo Lhe posterior fundus from telangiectasis
ectasis (Figure 6.ЗУ A and |); and (5) a focal, organized- confined to the periphery, particularly if it is located inferi­
sub retinal disciform mass (figure 6.331.) or atrophic scar orly may not occur in some patients until late in life.
(E'igure 6.33! I) caused by chronic pooling of exudate into lluorescein angiography is helpful in defining this
the macular region, oflen seen after laser or ciyo treatment structural and permeability alteration in the affected ves­
of the telangiectasis.'” " lhe latter two changes are most sels and in demonstrating the extent of lhe exlravascular
often seen in infants and children with extensive areas of leakage of serous exudate into and benealh the retina.'1''1
peripheral retinal telangiectasis. E'hese patients often have Angiography demonstrates focal aneurysmal dilation of
esotropia or an abnormal pupillary reflex caused by the lhe capillaries (figures 6.3УС, li, and E, 6.40D-K 6.42D,
massive accumulation of yellow exudate in lhe posterior L. and H, and 6.43EJ and C), retinal arteries, and veins
pole [Figures 6.3 УA and D and 6.42). lhe yellow exudate (Ngure 6.ЗУ С and li). The surrounding cap i Пату bed may
is always more prominent remote from the areas of the be dilated from slow flow and portions of the capillary
bed may show nonperfusion [E-'igure 6.4JED). I'hLs Lb par- *5.4(1 Co ngeni talre LinaEteIan gieclasis associ ated w\ Ih
Licularly prominent in Lbose palients with large aneurys- systemic disease.
mj] Vascular anomalies in Lhe peripheral lundus. Ihere A—F: Bilateral peripbuial and m acular retinal telangiectasis
may be some delay in passage of dye through lhe telan­ in a E7-year-old man w ilh fa d № a p u ld r | r a e r a l muscular
giectatic capillary bed, particularly if ihere is extensive dy'sLrophy. Note the macular star and esudalive relinopalhy
saccular aneurysmal formation. '['he permeability of lhe surrounding large arterial ,md venoLit апиитунтъ tem porary
LelangieclaLic veSseli is quite variable. Dye leakage is in lhe righL eye IA Lind Li) and lhe subtle microaneurysms in
Largely confined lo lhe dilated vessels. When intraretinal Lhe lemfwjral macula ul lhe left eye (d )L LEis visual acuitv was
2 0 ^ 20 0 rii’ hl eye and 2QS2U let! цус.*. Angiography showed
serous exudation is extensive, fluorescein stains the exlra-
[evidence о i telangiectasis and lar^e peripheral голе o f capiE-
vascular iluid pooled in the outer layers (o produce a char­ lary n o npLT' ктлротаИу in lhe ri^hl eye i.U and E. , and
acteristic angiographic pattern of C.Mt [E-'igure 6.44F). 'E'he rulin,il staining in Lhe paracentral area in lhe left eye I Hi.
dye diffuses into the sub retinal exudale. It may nol, how­ G and H : PtfC'.iliar Lcni lateral retinal telangiectasis in a
ever, slain subrelinal exudate pooled beneath the relina patEbrtt with tuberous sdefttfls.
in an area remote from Lhe telangieclalic vessels. Iheyel- I-L: iЛчЧI Lelaniiiedasis and ewildalivfe rtflinal detachm en I
Eowish exudale beneath or wilh in lhe retina will nol show in the corcLralateral eye of a paLien-L w ilh progressive hem i­
facial atrophy (fbrrif-Rhdjfibeig syndrome I.
fluorescence. llcLinal function remains Умact in an area of
telangiectasis if the permeabitily of lhe relitial vessels is |C .:11 I hi. hum hn! .i.k! CJIk l-l... Iruiri Ё л п Ll al. 1 11
relalively normal.
The natural course of relitial telangiectasis is variable.
Patients who seek treatment early in life because of exu­ blood vessels. A more conservative approach is possible
dation are more likely to have more widespread retinal in older patients who seek trealmenL later in life because
involvement and develop progressive detachment and of peripheral localised detach ment or mild loss of central
degeneration. In some cases this may be followed by vision caused by telangiectasis confined to Lhe paracentral
rubeosis.. lelinal acid vilreous hemorrhage, secondary glau­ retina. Some patients wilh chronic cystoid edema caused
coma, and loss of the eye. Acule orbital cellulitis secondary by jualafoveal telangiectasis may retain nearly nonnal
to transscleral movement of toxic products may occasion­ visual acuity for many yen re [E-'igure 6.4:5A-L>).' " ihose
ally occur (figure 6.41 |-L.). This presentation closely mim­ showing progressive accumulation of yellowish exudate
ics retinoblastoma. En palients with milder degrees of lhe in the central macular area should, however, be consid­
disease, ihere may be fluctuations in the degree of vascular ered for laser treatment if the lelangiecLasis is localized
leakage. Spontaneous resolution of exudation may occur outside the papillomacular bundle region (figure 6.44A-
(E'igures 6.3?El and <3.43El-G). Patients with telangiecta­ j -i.iKi-if:.? (Recently intravilreal anti-VEGF agenls have
sis confined lo several clock areas, usually in feriorly. may been used in conjunction with laser pholocoagulalion
gradually develop over a period of many years an elevated, with the in lent ion of Irying lo decrease the accumulation
organized, exudative mass lhal may be mi&laken for a mel­ of lipid under the macula.' [ntravitreal triamcinolone
anoma or an ело phytic capillary hemangioma. En some in addition to laser pholocoagulalion has also beett tried
cases it may nol be possible lo differentiate this stage of with variable success. Surgery lo remove the submacular
the disease from exudative intra retinal and sub retinal lipid has been tried anecdotally ™ Macular distortion sec­
masses caused by primary relinal capillary hem angiomas ond ary lo epi relina I membrane formation and contraction
or secondary fibrova&cular proliferation caused by branch may accompaciy retinal telangiectasis or may follow pho-
vein occlusion, focal inflammation, trauma, or chronic locoagulalioLi treatment. Gass has seen one adult patienl
retina] delachment (see Rgure 7.2RJ. Vitreous hemorrhage who developed total retinal detach Lnenl and massive peri-
secondary to localized areas of relinal or optic disc neovas­ retinal proliferation following cryotherapy to peripheral
cularization may occasionally occur. retina] lelangiecLasis in an eye wilh 20/20 vision discov­
Primary reLinal Lelangieclasis. is rarely associated with ered Iale in life.
clinical evidence of vascular anomalies elsewhere in lhe ЧЪе hislopalhology of advanced retinal telangiecta­
body. Although congenita] telangiectasis of the cerebral sis in eyes enucleated with the incorrect clinical diag­
blood vessels is occasionally found at autopsy, il rarely is nosis of relinobla&loma reveals irregular dilation of the
associated with clinical symptoms and has nol been asso­ retinal capillaries, arteries, and veins and is often associ­
ciated with retinal involvem ent' Cass has seen one boy ated with a massive outpouring of periodic acid-bebifT-
with a prominent facial angioma associated wilh typical posilive exudate into the outer retinal layers [E-'igure
retina] lelangiecLasis. 6.4]D -l)J55a553'5&6'567 This outpouring is associated with
In treating children xvilh Goals' syndrome, pholocoagu- varying degrees of degeneration and disruption of the
Ealion and cryotherapy should be used whenever possible normal relitial architecture. Retina] detachmettl may or
to destroy telangiectatic vessels so as to preserve visual may nol be present. Cholesterol clefts are seen wilhin the
function and prevent rubeotic glaucoma (figure 6.39D-Er subrelinal eaudales and lipid-laden macrophages are usu­
and J-L). Drainage of the subrelinal exudale may be ally found remote from the site of the retina! lelangiecLa­
required in some cases Lo treat highly elevated abnormal sis. bolh beneath and in the outer layers of the overlying
retina (higure 6.4] I}. Marked retinal vascular endothelial 6.41 Co nge nital ret inaE te Ian giectasis.
proliferation and hemorrhagic infarction of the retina may
A - f: Exudative and hemtwrhagic *eLi nopal hy and fltelacEv
occur in some children with severe retinal telangiectasis ment caused by widespread sever? retina Г leJangtectas is
[E'igure Й.41Л-]’). in one (.'те o 1 a 3-yea r-oLd boy w ho had a w hile pupillary
Shields el al., in an attempt to stream line management reflex. Vision in Lhis eye Was no lighl bra^fepliontj ThtJ other
and understand the prognosis, have classified Coats' dis­ rsyc.1-was normal. Because of the possibility of retinoljiasloma.
ease as ,l :' tEie eye was etiud sated j HiStopaLh^lrajfe Btam ination of the
eye revealed prominent intraretinaI exudation and blood
* slage I: telangiectasia only fa nows, L.i, 1eJang i«.talic retina] vessels farrow, Dl, and vas­
* stage 2: telangiectasia and exudation cular t'nd<jLh(?liл1 pro-lifuralion 'L and Pi.
* .stage 2A: ext rafo veal exudation G - l: The eye of this, child was enucleated because o f sus-
■ stage 2K: fovea] exudation petled relinoEjlastoma. Clinically, lh e patient aw babltf Kad a
fundus picture similar lo that in b^ure Ъ.17 I and K. Cross
* slage 3: exudative retinal detach men I
examination o f lbe eye revealed a peripheral mass (arrows,
т stage ЗА: subtotal
C l and inlra retinal and suWeHhal exudation exlending pos­
* stage 3R: lolaf teriorly to the m acular area. Photomicrographs revealed
* slage 4: total detachment with secondary glaucoma dilated relinal vessels- farrow, H )r massive inlranelinal and
* slage 5: advanced end-stage disease. subretinal exudalion w ilb i'holesteroJ cletls, lipid-Jarlen ,т}.зс-
rophages, hemosiderin, and retinal di'£>enr?ralion. Lipid-ladcn
Jhis staging has prognostic significance, with patients pre­ macrophages w ere present w ithin and beneath lh e retina far
senting in stage I with almost no visual Lossr and stage 2В posterior to the area ol retinal teFangiecLasis (arrows, If.
with some amount of yisual loss that can be treated with I—L: Orbital cellulitis and chemosis it) simulating endoph-
Laser pholocoagul aLion. Slage 3 had Worse visual progno­ Ihalmilis and rclinoblasLoma in a 2 -year-old infant with
sis.. although some could be treaLed. while eyes with slage massive subreLinal lipttproteinaceous exudation iK|- (Coats'
syndromej caused b y congenital retinal telangiectasis.
4 and S disease had to be enucleated.
Histopathologic exam ination revealed Lolal retinal detach-
In a recent finding, both a mother who had Coats' dis­
meni and marked leiangiectasis of lhe retinal blood vessels
ease and her soil with Norrie's disease had a missense (a nows, Ll.
muLation for (he N D P gene on chromosome X p ll.2 . The
1Л-1- ГгШ !) C l j i i . '''■
same investigators also analysed relinas of nine enucleated
eyes from mates with Goats' disease and 1'ound a so malic
mutation of the retinal tissue in one of the nine cases.
Jhey speculated that Coats' disease might be the result
of a somatic mutation in the NDPffibtifc which results in given that Aicardi's is an X-linked dominant condition, Lhe
deficiency of the protein norrin. Coats' disease may occur mutation is lethal for mates. No study so Гаг has been able
as a poslfertilita lic n change in the X chromosomc in a to denionstrate a defect in the X. chromosome in Coats' or
recessive fashion, similar to Aicardi syndrome, However Aicardi syndrome. "
*7■ ' г'^г* $'■ ■
it ■■lr i *1 “ ' ■*,*-,4Л.’"
l ■

A clinical picture qI" retinal telangiectasis and Coals' hA'2 Coals'disease,
syndrome may develop in one or bolh eyes of patients
A—E: Hi is 36-year-old male noted trouble w ilh his vision on
with progressive facial hemiatrophy (figures 6.40E-L lhe га£=Ы J т о п Iha previously. H i? vision whs 3/2 OQ on lhe
and 15.12),'"' ' in multiple family members with riн,4пI and 2 f'li) on lbe left. In the sLiperolttmpuraI quadrant
facioscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy (fSUI>) and 3-4 rlisc antias of relinal lelanj^ieclasia with hemorrhages sur­
deafness (figure 6,40А^К),55 Alport's syndrome, '”1 the rounded by dense druinate lipid exudates and retinal thick­
epidermal. nevus syndrome,,:ч' tuberous sclerosis (ligure ening w ere seyn Anulher patch w as present nasallv.
Angiogram showed the bulbous vessels, c.apillarv nonperfu­
6.40G and El J , isolated hemlhypeiplasla,5^ and in
sion, SLcrrou nd i nu. di 1. 1Led capillary bt'd, and leakage from the
patients With reLinitis pigmentosa (figure (5.411-'-H ).™ In
lelan^ieclalic vessels '13 and El. H e underwent laser Irual-
one report of relinal telangiectasis in л patient With hypo­ inent and moved lo Texasj
gammaglobulinemia, Lhe retina] lesion was a cavernous
relinal hemangioma rather than telangiectasis.566-1147 Coals' disease with reUnal degene ration L
lhe differentia] diagnosis in young patients with exuda­ F-H: Л 72-year-old man, follow ed since 19EO Irom age 45
for rhinitis pigmentosa, initially presented w ilb retinal .and
tive retinal detachment caused by congenital retinal telan­
vitreous hemorrhage in the right eye, requiring pars plana
giectasis includes retinoblastoma (see Hgure 13.0IA-E')- vitrectomy X 3 Find phacoemulsification c.a(arat:t surgery.
retrolental fibroplasia. IhYR (see E-'Egure 6.68), angio­ Thai eye Lurned phLhisical. The left eye has had several epi­
matosis retinae, JcLTCCLVirta с*тй, incontinentia pigmenli, sodes of vilreous hemorrhage and received laser trealmenl
retinitis pigmentosa (see Figure 5.40). proliferative reti­ (F-H).
nopathy caused by inflammatory diseases such as pars I - H , rjburtm .-y " I 3>r L ,i j n ' h L i 1 W . A r t 'r u l .
planilis or by chronic rhegmalogenous retinal detachment
(see Figure 7.2Й), and endophthalmitis [E'igure 6.4i]-
L) . ' " Globular, yellowish exudative detachments of the
retina secondary lo lelangiecLasis in infants and children
may simulate closely those wilh exophytic retinoblasto­ preaerygtion of the lower deltoid and prominence of the
mas. Telangiectatic vessels may occur on the surface of lhe upper trapezius muscles. Muscle weakness can progress to
mass lesions in both cases, hi retinoblastoma these dilated the trunk and lower limbs over lime and 20% can become
vessels are continuous wilh large vascular trunks that confined to the wheclchair. l.oss of tone of the abdomi­
extend into the depth of the tumor, whereas the dilated nal musles leads to a protruding belly, and of the facial
vessels in retinal telangiectasis do not exiend into the sub- muscles lo a drool and protruding tongue. iefl [.eg muscle
retinal exudative mass, fluorescein angiography may be involvement can lead to tiptoe walking and foot drop,
helpful in establishing the diagnosis (E'igure 13.01A and resulting in an unstable gail. I joss of vision caused by reti­
f). Ultrasonographic demonstration of calcium in the nal telangiectasis and deafness (high-frequency hearing
eye with retinoblastoma is also important in this regard. loss) occur in some of these patients and rarely may be the
Patients with localised congenital telangiectasis associ­ initial manifestation of f'SUD {figure 6.40A-fJ.’1’ v ',:-1:х,_
ated with retinal arterial and venous aneurysms may be 5io.>h E&iijr onsel of symptoms and deafness herald
misdiagnosed as cavernous hemangioma of the retina more severe cases. Myoclonus and temporal-lobe absence
(see E'igure 13 16A-C), acquired arterial macroaneurysnis attacks can occur. Unlike congenital retinal lelangi-
(E'igure 6.23), branch vein occlusion [see figure 6.Б1С-Н), ectasisr bolh eyes are affected and both sexes are affecLed
and bilateral multiple retinal arterial aneurysms associated equally. ЧЪе onsel of visual loss is variable and may occur
with neuroretinilis (see figures 6.52 and 6.53}. [See a later in early childhood. Asymptomatic family members with
subsection for the differential diagnosis of type E juxtafo- minimal evidence of E-SI ffi may show evidence of retinal
veolar telangiectasis.) telangiectasis wilhoul evidence of exudation. 'iTie patients
and family members should he screened for evidence of
Facioscapulohumeral Muscular retinal telangiectasis si nee early treatment with photocoag­
ulation may prevent visual loss. A young girl's presentation
Dystrophy and Coats' Syndrome wilh neovascular glaucoma al age 2 led to the detection
Г5111) is an aulosomal-dominanL disorder with a variable of bilateral Coals' disease; further onset of seizures led to
age of onset from childhood to old age, and severity from lhe diagnosis of P&HD,5^ Croats' syndrome has also been
mild weakness to severe disability. A family history may be reported in a scapulohumeral muscular dystrophy that is
difficult to elicit because expression of the gene is variable probably is a variant of f 51 ID .-’75
and penetrance is incomplete. Jhe characteristic clinical IV ld in n ,;i lhe l<i]ig a:r.i c-:' . |-к|ЗЛ) h
features include wasting of the shoulder girdle, upper del­ the locus for the gene for 151ГD; however the exact gene
toid, pectoral is, biceps, and iriceps muscles, with relative has not been found .'"11’'1
C O N G E N IT A L A N D A C Q U IR E D ti.43 Natural course of congenital juxlafoveolar retinal
telangiectasis, group 1A„
A - D : Tbiк r>2 -yuar-ojd man noLed blurred vision in lEie 1йА
T E L A N G IE C T A S IA eye. Hi 5 visual acuity in [Ьы Ifit eve was 20/30. The right
eye was nominal. .Note lhe localized zone o i capillary Cel-
Adult patients may develop loss of central vision caused ,1n^ieclatis, w b id i was confined lo die juxlafoveoiar region
by exudation, dt ITu.s.ioп аЬп^ф а1Щ ^ or from isch­ terriBoraEEy [arrows, Aj. Angiography demonstrated the lelafi-
emia ,ind nonperfusion of ectalic and incompetent ^iectasis i]f) and showud evidence (if cysloid m acular edema
relina] captUдrles that are confined to lhe fovea I and peri- fCIJ. N o treatment was giver. Twelve years later Eie bad deveE-
foveal region, which are either congenital or оГ unknown uped some lipid feKudatiofi (□ ) and his visual acuily was
c a u Thei £ palients Щ into several 20/40.
E—I: Spontaneous resolution о! с ire inale m aculopalhy caused
subgroups. Since lhe extent оГ die telangiectasia may vary
by juxtafoveolar retinal (elangieclasiv occurred in л lb-year-
and extend beyond lhe fovea, "macular telangiectasia" old Ixa. \vl'o v. lic r !k-v.'.is inili.ilk in I ri.irki ■
appears lo be an appropriate name. exudative maculopaLhv ;Ll; bis visual acuity was ijppnoxi-
matelv 2 (>/1 0 0 . i i * years later Lbe exudate had cleared, be
Croup 1A: Unilateral Congenital was asym plom aIic, and bis visual acuity was 20/20 I.F and CJ>.
Angiography demons! ra led "Ehil ihu telangiectasis extended
Macular Telangiectasia into the p e iifjh tra I lundus temporally lH:. AL age ЗЙ years he
Patients wilh unilateral congenital fovea I and parafoveo- noted decreased vision in the right eye. His visual acuity was
20/50. Note tEie recurrence Dt the lipid exudation (Ip.
lar telangiectasis probably suffer from a localized mild
]-L: This 57-year-old глас presented with a Ь-vear history of
form of congenital retinal telangiectasis, a nonfamilia!
blurred vision in the left eye and a 2 -week history of blurred
disorder affecting predominantly one eye of maies with­ vision in lEie righLeye. His visual acuily was 20/20, right eye,
out other evidence of systemic disease'1' 351 [see pre­ and 20/30, left eye. He bad bilateraE juxtafoveolar telangiec­
vious discussion of congenital retinal telangiectasis and tasis associated with mr3d cystoid edem a but no lipid exu­
Coats' syndromej. lhe localised form of congenital reti­ dation in Ejotti eyes ■! . Ten years later his visual acuity was
nal telangiectasis is typically confined lo an area between 20/30, ri^ht eye, and 2Q/40, left eye. Note the temporaE loca­
tion of tEie telnn^iectalk capillaries .uirl the lipid exudate [K
I V i and 2 disc diameters in the temporal half of lhe mac­
and L}.
ula , where il straddles the horizontal raphe [E'igures ^.43
and 6.44]. ,(,i Approximately one-lhird of patients will
have some focal telangiectasis in the extramacular area, CMJi (flg iiiE 6.43A-1J."'15w Those wilh yellow lipid exu­
usually temp orally. Yellow, lipid-rich exudation is usu­ date in or near the cenler of the macula are probably al
ally present at the outer margins of (he area of telangi­ grealesL risk of developing progressive loss of visual acuity,
ectasis, often in a ring con figuration (figures 6.43], and focal applications of laser pholocoagulalion of the telan­
6.44A and t). The mean age of onset of symptoms is giectatic vessels may be helpful in restoring and preserving
approximately 35 years. Polycystic macular edema and cenlral acuity (I'igure 6.44А-И). Congenital telangiectasis
exudation are the cause of the loss of acuity, which usu­ confined lo lhe capillary bed in the region of the macu­
ally ranges from 20/25 lo 20/40. Telangiectatic capillaries lar area should be differentiated from idiopathic bilateral
are easily visualised wilh bio microscopy and fluorescein acquired juxtafoveal capillary1 telangiectasis (figures 6.45-
angiography. Blunted right-angle venules, superficial reli- 6.43),55L-556-SlH,Jsa5M and telangiectasis caused by branch
naE crystals, intrarelinal pigment plaques, and sub reti­ vein obstruction (see figure 6.79[>-К]. diabetic reti­
nal neovascularization, features of group 2 fuxtafoveal nopathy (i'igure 6.52A-C), X-ray Irradiation retinopathy
capilSary lelangieclasis, are not found in these palients. (figure 6.57), tales' disease,^1"-’ i: sickle-cell maculopa-
1-arly-phase stereoscopic fluorescein angiography shows thy. tuberous sclerosis [Figure 6.40C and El), and carotid
prompL filling of the lelangiectalic vessels, affecting both artery o b stru ctio n .: Croup lA palienls should be
the superficial and the deep capillary network, and late clearly differentiated from patients wilh dilated peri fovea I
intra retina] staining, ihe natural course of this disorder capillaries and evidence of vitreous cellular infillralion,
is variable, bome patients may retain excellent visual acu­ whether it is caused by acquired inflammatory disease or is
ity for many yeare in spile of chronic waxing and waning part of a tapetoretinal dystrophy.
Croup 1 B: Unilateral, Idiopathic, Focal (j.44 Co ngen ilaE j uxta loveolar reti n al te Iangiectasis,
group IA,
Macular Telangiectasis
Л—D: Retinal telangiectasis involving the capillary bed
Most patients With unilateral idiopathic focal juxtafo- 1етрогаГ to I by macula as-soCi'ated vw-il К л localized serous
\t-oLir telangiectasis are middle-aged men who have mi3d detpn.hmen1 of I lit? letina, relinal edema, and cirunaLe reLi-
mctamoFphopsia or bSurring caused by exudation from a nopalhv in а 27-year-old n u n i.A). K o 1e Hie shea I bed cap il­
minute area of capillary telangiectasis that ее usually con­ laries j-u-sl. 1с?трогл I I о Iho macula Iл now ). The HevaUflt) of
fined lo 1 hours of the clock or leas at the edge of lbe cap­ Iha lesion was tensed primarily by :hkkening t>l" lbe retina
sfcotidary Lo edemaj Angiography revealed OKlensive leian-
illary-free zone [l:igurc 6.441—Lj. ,L,| ',:'Ll Et may or may not
giectatk: involvement of the capillary bed lemporal to Lho
be associated wilh a Small amounl of yellow exudate. The
macula 113- and Cj. 1bn-re was- marked leakage ot dye from lhe
vIsu-lTI acuity is usually 20/25 or better. Angiography shows capillary bed in lho area sunoundod by circ inale relinopa-
the focal capillary telangiectasis ,ind minimal staining. ihy |C 1. Note lho partial dad: figure :n lhe гласиI.ч 'arrow*.
i Nhotocoagulalion is usually nol advisable because of the Twelve monlh.1. after яепо-п phoLocoagulalion, the ejiudato
pFOKimity of Lbe leakage to the capillary-free /one and the bad cleared (D) and V Ih ^ J acuity was 2 0 /2 0 .
good visual prognosis without treatment. Et is uncertain F- H : Uni literal сопрел i La I juxLafovoolar telangiectasis ir>

whether this is an acquired lesion or merely represents a lho rij’hl eye iL- and F) of this 49-v'oar-ok iran, whoso visual
ntuily was 20/50. Following focal argon Inser pholocongula-
minute focus of congenital telangiectasis.
tion his visual acmLv improved I о 2Q-'20 and the uxuda[]on
resolved ;Hl.

Congenital monocular focal jtndafoveolar retinal

telangiectasisr group IU.
I and J: This 40-yuar-okl man noled blurred vision in the
right eye caused by exudalion from <i total area of capillary
telangieclasis iarrows, I and | a 1 the edge of lhe tapillary-
frue jo n e al 1 o'clock.
К anti L: This boallbv 2 fi-year-old ™ n notod metamorphop-
sia in lho loft eye t aused by yoJJcjw oxudaLion from fo Q l reLi-
naE lelanyieclasis confined to a small area at the cdjje o f lhe
Capillary-free! ionti.
Croup 2A: Bilateral, Idiopathic, Acquired fc.45 Bilateral acquired juxlafoveolar lelangiectasis.
group 2A,
Macular fluxtafoveolar) Telangiectasia
A —C : Bilateral, acquired, paraloveoEar capillary telangiecta­
Mosl of these patients are in the fifth or sixth decade of life sis in л 59-уеаг^йш man With a 3-year hi story of mild blur­
(mean age 55 years) when they seek treatment for mild ring of vision in both eyes. His pasl medical history and
blurring of vision in one or both eyes.'1 both sexes are family history were negative. Visual acuity in Che rFghl eye
equally affected. PaLients with group 2A telangiectasis typi­ was. 20/20: the left eye was 20/30. He had nasal paracen­
cally demonstrate bilateral, symmetrically small areas, usu­ tral scotoma la in botii eyes on Amslcr grid testing. There was
slij’hl graying of Lhe juxLafuvunl reLina temporally in boll:
ally 1 d isc di ameleT or 1ess, of occul l capi II ary tel angteclas is
eyes (Ah. N o dilated capillaries w ere visible. Angiography
that involves and may be confined to the temporal half of
ffivealfed early leakage of dye from Ihe relinal capillaries or:
the foveolar areas or may include pan or all of the nasal the temporal sidE! o f the m acula bilaterally (C).
para foveolar areas (figures 6.45 and D -F: Acq .lined juxtnloveolar telangiectasis and foveolar
]"his form of telangiectasia is associated with minimal atrophy in a 4 2 -year-old wom an w ilh a 2-monlh history of
intraretinal serous exudation and no evidence of lipid painless progressive loss of vision in bolh eyes. A general
exudation. Visual acuity Is typically 20/30 or better when medical exam inalion was w ilh in normal 11mils. The fam­
persons initially seek treatment. Hiomicroscopically, the ily his Ion 1 was negative. Visual acuity in lhe rij^hl eye1 was
2 0 Л 0 0 and in llie lefl eye was 2 0 3 5 . There was a fainl J^rny
development of (his disorder can be subdivided into five
halt) in fiolh m aculae ■;[?!. Angiography revealed evidence
stages. !n stage 1, usually found in the fellow asymptom­ et" mild peri foveolar capillary telangiectasis -I: and ^ and
atic eye, bio microscopy demonstrates no abnormality, paracentral fluorescein staining bilaterally. There was no e v i­
lhe early phases of sleieoangiography show minimal or dence of cystoid m acular edem a (C M E } centra.! Ey.
no evidence of capillary dilation, and late phases show G —I: Acquired, bilateral, juxtafuveolar telangiectasis and
mild staining at the level of the outer parafoveolar retina CVlL in a 54-year-оid surgeon wiLh a 10-year hislory of mild
temporally En stage 2 there are slight graying and loss blurring of vision and melamorphopsia ihal w ere worse in
the right eye Ihan in lhe lefl eye. His visual acuilv was 2(1'25
of transparency of the para foveolar retina and minimal
in both eyes. Nole the halo o f ^дау discoloration of Ihe peri-
or no telangiectatic vessels (Figure 6.45A and D). Farlv-
foveolar retina and the y e llo w spoL centrally {C }. The appear­
phase angiography reveals evidence of mild capillary tel­ ance of lhe fell m acula was similar, except there was no
angiectasis affecting primarily the outer capillary network central yellow deposit. H is past m edical hislory and family
temporally (Figure 6.45В and C). En stage 3 there is bio- hislory were nugalive. Angiography shewed bilateral jusla-
tnicroscopic evidence of one or several slightly dilated foveolar telangiectasis and evid en ce of peri foveolar retinal
and blunted retinal venules that extend all right angles staining that did not extend ini о the central m acular area 13-1
and ll.
into the depth of the parafoveolar retina. These are usu­
J-L. Acquired. :iI.i:: ■I juxNUoveola angi^t-isi-. :n .i
ally first evident temporally. Stereoscopic angiography
6 .1 -year-oldwom an who had a hislory of telangiectasis for fr
often shows unusual capillary dilation and permeability years aL Ihe time ol the photograph in J w hen she had super­
change in (he outer relina beneath one or more of these ficial retinal crystals and one small stellate retinal pigment
venules (Figure 6.45EJ-1:). A peculiar linear branching pat­ epithelium lesion (arrow, J}. O ver a period o f 4 years, she
tern of these capillaries occurs in some patients (figure develofied multiple areas o f stellate pigment ftiijjration into
6.46H-D). In stage 4, one or several stellate foci of intra- Ihe relina (arrows: around lhe right-angled venules draining
the telangiectatic capillaries in both eyes Ik and I ) . Nolo Lhe
retinal black hyperplastic RPli envelops (he posterior
small superficial punctate white retinal crystalline deposits.
extension of the right-angle venules [E'igures 6.45J-L, and
Her visual! acuity w hen last measured w as 20/50 in the ri ghl
6.46A and L). I'hese intraretinal pigmented plaques have eye and 20/Д0 in Lhe lefl eye.
a characteristic appearance that should suggest the correct
|A—( . fmm ibml t?ViiLm.t.^|rl.. t j £$62, AinL' Medltal
diagnosis, even when the telangiectasis cannot be visual­ AMry.j.Mujn. All ri^bls: fH^ervtd ■
ized bio microscopically In stage 5, biomicroscopic and
fluorescein angiographic evidence of type 2Л subretinal
neovascularization occurs in the para foveolar area, often in (Figure 6.46A, F, and G-l). Approximately 5% of patients
Lhe vicinity of the intraretinal pigment epiLhelial tnigralion may develop a round, yellow, intraretinal spot 100-300(im
(E'igure 6.460 and l-L), Multiple, tiny, golden, crystalline in diameter in the center of the foveola in one or both eyes
deposits develop near the inner surface of the parafoveolar (Figure 6.45t;). Ihis is usually associated with minimal
retina in approximately one-half of the eyes in stages 2-5 loss of the foveolar depression.
QCFahows one or more cysls or lacuna in the inner or t>. EJila tera I acquired j u xtafoveo la r lelangi ectas i s,
outer relina in all stages of the disease [E'tgure 6.47H and group 2A,
I). These cysts or lacunae may be the result of breakdown Л -E: Th 5 wom an first noted loss ol central vision at age 50
and loss of lhe Waller cell bodies in the MO Her cell cone yean-. Al thaL time her visual acuity was 20/25 bilaterally
and the rest о Г the fovea. 1 here was mild loss of Tolinal transparency and superficial
Visual acuity is usually normal in stages 1 and 2. Most relinal c r y s ta l in lhe juxtafoveolar region lumporally in Ьо 1К
patients become symptomatic at stage 3, and some main­ eyes (A . Stei’aaiCopjc angiograms rriA^aled evideirtCe o f jux-
tain good acuily after developing stage 4. Loss of central tafoveal telangiectasis in both eyes temporally and evidence
erf a peculiar rtHnadelinjj o f cl i Ia led blood veisels in lhe ouler
vision in these patients typically occurs slowly over many
retina in the left eye ( B—EI>h. W h e n sEie returned 13 years later,
years and is associated with atrophy of the foveolar relina visual acuity was 2 Q/2 O0 r right eye, and 20/30, left eye. She
that develops in the absence of typical СМ И Jhis atrophy had developed stellate foci of inlraretinal retinal pigment
tnay produce a picture simulating a lamellar macular hole epi I helium hyperp3asia temporally in both еун» (E). Note the
(E-'igure 6.46E: and h j.'11, fluorescein angiograpEty in stages mullipie, superficial, pale yelJdvy crystalline deposits, ,im,J
1-4 fails to show late staining extending into the center of the focal atrophy o f the relina central Ey simulating an inner
the fovea in all but a few eyes that develop angiographic lamellar hole.
f : Thiы woman hnid bilatemi .required jjujttafovteolar relinal
evidence of capillary ingrowth into lhe PAZ (E-'igure 6.45J E
tel л n l; iecLisi я. Mote lEie sharpk deJmcaLed fovedlah atrophy
and J). PC T demonstrates some degree of thinning in
simulating л macular hole.
almost all palients and is extremely useful in confirm­ G-L: This 3 6 -yea r-oEd man was being observed because
ing this observation made by Cass. Cystoid edema, yel­ of mild blurring of vision caused !iy acquired, bilateral,
low exudater and loss of the foveolar depression develop peri foveolar telangiectasis, before developing marked
only in those patients who develop subrelinal neovascu- metamorphopsia in Lhe ri^ht eye caused Ijy subnetinal neo­
Earizalion (figure 6.46G-L)/hHt This complication may vascularization (G). He was asymptomatic in the left eye {Ht.
Note the prom iпел I superficiai crystalline retinal opacilies in
be associated with rapid loss of vision, subrelinal hemor­
belli eyes iC.1 and M l S k yeart laler in the left eye he devel­
rhage. disciform scarring, and relinocboroidal anastomosis
oped subrelinal neovascu lari ja l ion fl-K; ihal resulled in a
(Figure 6.46C-L). lar^e disciform scar ■L.l.
The yellow fovea I lesions in these patients may be mis­
I t ] - I., Ггигп L i i K . .in d r j' ". О I .-VИК Т -I ilrl ,'vk l I L-I
taken for those seen in the adult form ofvilelliform foveo- Aiibcialmn. All ni^hlK J4!st'rv<;c( 1
tnacular dystrophy {see Figures 5.QS and 5.09) oi Best's
disease {see E:igures 5,01 and 5.02). 'I hose with stellate pig­
ment plaques or with choroidal neovascularization may capillary endothelial abnormalities, but minimal or no
be misdiagnosed as having senile macular degeneration or evidence of capillary telangiectasis [figure 6.4Й).'" In a
chorioretinal scare secondary to focal choroiditis. review of histopathologic sections of the eye previously
rii&lopathologic examination in one patient with group reported by Creep and coworkeis. Gass found evidence of
2A telangiectasis reported by Green and coworkers showed retinal capillary invasion of the retinal receptor layer and
focal thickening of the sensory retina in the parafoveolar minimal evidence of cystic accumulation of extracellular
region, Lhickening of the relinal vessel walls, evidence of fluid (E-'igure 6.4SH-!])
I low do we account for the fetlnaj staining and lhe 6.47 bilateral acquired juxtafoveolar telangiectasis,
absence of evidence of mlgralioEt of extracellular iluid group 2A wilh good vision and lacunae.
Into the central macular region to form cystoid edema in A —I: l'hih 67-year-dld womian noled a change in ihtir vision in
patients wilh group 2A juxtafoveolar Lelangieclasis? '['tie her right eye in 2004 Lo 20Л40. She saw 20/20 w ilh her lefl
("oilawing sequence of events appears to occur (Figure eye. Both foveas had fine telangiectatic vessels, no pigmen­
fi.47JJ. Larly fluorescein staining of lhe thickened capillary' tal ion, cryslals от befifljflfrhagps :A and Hi. Anyio^ram was
walls, particularly those in the deeper plexus, is responsi­ consisLenL with Bftempnral hypefflUorescertEe and slaining
ble for the early-phase angiographic appearance of "telan­ erf Linkup IС and D). Hour yearn later her visjon continues lo
remains at 20/40 righL and 2 0/25 lefL eye. She now bas a few
giectatic" vessels. lhe altered structure of the capillary wall
Ejigmelrl figures in Lhe lefl fovea fF and G . O plical coher­
is associated with decreased metabolic exchange and mini­ ence tomography shivs lhe lypical lacunae seen in [his l o h -
mal increased endothelial permeability. These changes dilion likely from change^ in the M u lle t cell cone :H and Ij.
result in low-grade chronic nutritional damage lo the reti­ J: Diagram of presumed analom ic changes Hiccompanying
nal cells, particularly those al the level of the Inner nuclear stages 3, 4, and 5 of developm ent ol acquired fuxLa foveolar
layer that includes the Muller cells. The lale diffuse stain­ Lelan^iecLasrs involving lhe deep relinal plexus.
ing that stereoscopically appears to occur al the middle SLage 3, IncompeLent retinal capillaries, sw elling ol the
nelina on lbe left side of the fovea, developm ent o f dilated
anti ouler retina is probably caused by staining of minimal
rigjit-anyle venules (RaVj draining lhe deep capillary plexus
amounts of extracellular matrix and intracellular diffusion
(DCfVj and early proliferation ot capillaries inlo [he outer rel-
of fluorescein into damaged retinal cells. Further changes inal layers-. Arrow indicates superficial relinal crystals.
In the outer capillary bed, which may include capillary iLage -t, Alrophy of ouLer reJinal layers, lnyperpJaHia o f Lhe
proliferation and invasion of the outer retina and occa­ relinal pigment epi I helium (RPtf, inLrarelinal m itral ion of
sionally the foveolar retina, are accompanied by alteration R PE cells alongside the KaV, further proliferation and remod­
of the pattern of venous outflow and formation of dilated eling ol" lhe LJCIJ.
SLa^e 5, Type 2 subretinal neovascularization, subrelinal
rigjit-angjed venules (Hgure 6.47Jr stage 3). Nutritional
bleeding, and exudation, lh e subretinal new vessel я m ay or
deprivation of the retinal cells In the middle retina, partic­
may not ana-sLomoso with lbe choroidal vessels.
ularly the Muller cells, leads lo degeneration and atrophy
of these cells and the connecting photoreceptor cells, 'litis
loss of photoreceptor cells is responsible for the gradual
loss of visual acuily and biomicroscopic picture that may
simulate a lamellar macular hole. Loss of photorecep­ is primarily derived from the retinal vessels, evidence of
tor cells permits KFIi cells to migrate inlo the overlying chorioretinal vascular anastomosis may eventually occur.
retinar particularly along Lhe right-angle venules, lo form The cause of the golden refraelile structures at the inner
black stellate plaques [Kigure 6.47], stage 4]. Stage 5 dis­ retinal surface In the juxtafoveolar area is unknown, 'I heir
ease results when loss of relinal cells induces proliferative appearance suggests diat they are lipid. Their Eocalion in
changes in the deep capillary network that may eventually the region of the internal limiting membrane of the retina
gain entrance into the subsensory retinal space, where a suggests LhaL Lhey may be a product of degenerating Muller
type [I pattern of sub retinal neovascular growth and reac­ cells whose nuclei are Eocaled in the inner nuclear layer
tive proliferation of the RET- occurs (Kigure G.47|, stage at the sile of the altered deep retinal capillary plexus, and
5). Although il is probable that Lhis neovascularization whose fool plates form Lhe internal limiting membrane. il

Ш ьЖ

'j V l
The cause for group 2A telangiectasis, which is lhe люьЕ 6.4Й Spontaneous retinal hemorrhage In bilateral
com [non form of idiopathic juxtafoveolar teSangiectasis, is acquired juxtafoveolar lelangiectasisj group 2A,
unknown CJhronic venous sLasis caused by obstruction of A-D: This 65-year-old asymptomatic wom an with vision
the retinal veins as they cross the retinal arteries on bolh of 2СУЗО in ea( h eye when seen ftл a rouline exam was
sides of the horizontal raphe may be a factor.1,011 More found I о have bilateral foveal lelangi ectasia ■wilh fine ini ra­
recently, study of the FAZ using whole mounts at 26-41- re! in л I pigment, and ,i flock of bkwid in Lbe superfit ial relina
week gestational age has shown that the vessels making up in her lefl eye. An an^iajjram revealed Ihe typical patient
the lemporal FAZ are the last to close in lo complete lhe 01 staining c l the intraretinal tissue, but no tale pooling of
dye. O ptical coherence tomography did nol reveal inlra- or
ring.1,: lhe lemporal juxtafoveolar vessels are the earliest
ни brut ina I IbicltCfpfng or fluid (IJ.i. N o Irealm cnl was given
vessels to he affected in type 2 juxtafoveolar telangiectasis. and lbe retinal hemorrhage disappeared by 3 months.
Whether there is a relationship between these two features Examination 13 monllis lalei revealed no change in vision,
is interesting and needs further exploration. Although or si^nsor subrelinal neovascular membrane ID:-.
approximately 15% of" these patients may have evidence
Clinfcopathologlc correlation of bilateral juxtafoveolar
of system fie diseases Including systemic hypertension, bor­
retinal telangiectasis, group 2A.
derline diabeteSr coronary artery disease, and renal failure
E—H : This 5S-year-otd wom an, whose visual acuity was
associated with Alport's disease, long-term follow-up stud­ 2 ОС л in both eyes, had an^io^raphit evidence of intrareLi-
ies have failed lo link group 2A telangiectasis to systemic naf lluorescein slaininj* in the lempora! u^talovnolar ruj^ion
disease in the majority of patients.iS] Familial cases of bilaterally lb ■Liglil m icm scopy revealed local Lhickeningof
group 2A telangiectasis occur occasionally. the retina in the juxtafoveolar area (F}. Com pare lhe normal
Patients vrtlh group 2A telangiectasis should be differ­ relina on lhe null I side o f Lhe arrm v in И vviLh Lhe affected
retina on the left side o f Ihe arrow. The ganglion cells appear
entiated f r o m cases of bilateral retinal telangiectasis with
vacuolated and swollen. There is m inim al evidence of ;ocal
other causes, including bilateral group I A congenital jux-
net uniuIalion of extracellular iluid in lhe inner nuclear and
Lafoveal telangiectasis (higure 6.43J-L), juxta foveal telangi­ ■outer plexiform layers. 14igher-pawer views of the affected
ectasis associated with tales' disease (see figure 6.62A - 1!), relina showed uvidunce of focal invasion of the nerve fiber
diabetes met!Hus, and irradiation retinopathy. layer of H enle and the receptor cell layer w ith fine capillar­
There is limited in formation available concerning the ies i.arrcjws. С and Hi. The retinal piemen I epilholium and
results of photocoagulation treatment of group 2A telan­ t hiiroid w ere normal.

giectasis. It Is probable that photocoagulalion is ineffec­ It .ITfJ К Гшгп(j[H 1 tl .hi.' -l'I

tive In restoring visual function in these palients before the
development of subretinal neovascularization because loss
of function is associated with retinal atrophy rather than retinaE telangieclasis and progressive loss of the jLLXta-
inlraretinal exudation, as in the case of group 1 teEangiec- paplllary capillary network In later life associated with a
tasis. a5 EL is also unlikely that prophylactic photocoagula- variety of systemic diseases, including polycythemia, hypo­
tlon of the paraccntral retinal capillaries will eilher slow glycemia, ulcerative colitis, multiple myeloma, and chronic
or prevent the loss of visual acuity. In mosl instances the lymphatic leukemia [E:igure 6.4УА-^].55,-®а The macular
close proximity of subretinal neovascular networks to the changes In ihls group are similar to those that occasion­
center of the fovea precludes photocoagulation as a means ally occur in patients with sickle-cell retinopathy diabetic
of restoring or preventing loss of central vision. retinopathy (Figure fr.52), and X-ray radiation retinopa­
thy (J-igure 6.57B and Dj. 'Lbe loss of central vision may
Croup 2B: juvenile Occult Familial be abrupt and be associated with ischemic whitening of
Idiopathic juxtafoveolar Retinal the relina centrally, occlusion of the peri foveolar retinal
capillaries, and minimal evidence of telangiectasis, which
develops only taler {Figure 6.51 A). In others the loss of
|uxtafoveofar retinal telangiectasis similar lo group 2A, but para foveolar retinal capillaries may occur slowly and be
w itbm i evk v:ia- ol righ:-.ingle vm Liles superJkLi] relina! associated with telangiectasis of Lhe adjacent capillaries,
refract lie deposits, or stellate pigmented plaques, has been probably as the result of development of collateral path­
reported in Hvo siblings, 3 and 12 years of age. ways of flow.

Croup ЗА: Occlusive Idiopathic

luxtafoveolar Retinal Telangiectasis
Croup ЗА patients experience variable degrees of loss of
cenLral vision in both eyes associated with juxtafoveolar
Croup 3 B : Occlusive Idiopathic 6.49 Btfaferal, idiopathic, juxtafoveolar, relinal
capillary occlusion and telangiectasis, group iA,
Juxtafoveolar Retinal Telangiectasis
Л - С This 5-9-ye-ar-plcl wom an com pl,iined of onsel of a posi­
Associated with Central Nervous System tive scolom a of I by rij^hl eye lhal herein b Vveaks previously
Vasculopathy bul Pti.irreased in size 1 w eek previously after taking predni­
sone CiQm^ daily tor 2 weeks. She? had a past Hmbry of iritis
Croup 3JS patients have a hereditary oculocerebral syn­
in the left eye and recurrenl ulcerative colrLis. Visual acuity
drome characterized by the onset in middle or Iale r life of in lhe right eye was 24У200 and in the left eye, JO/JO. S o le
progressive loss of central vision in both eyes caused by the inegular ischem ic whitening of the retina in lh e central
progressive obliteralion and telangiectasis of the peri fo­ m acular area of the right (A}: There was no evidence of
veolar capillary network, which in some patients is asso­ iridocyclilis. Angicnbaphy revealed evidence of relinal ca p ­
ciated with optic atrophy, abnormal deep lendon reflexes, illary arteriolar and occlusion and irregular dilalion of Lhe
paracenlral relinal arlerioles ill and Cj. N in e years iaLer she
and other evidence of central nervous system involvenienL
[Figure ! 14д|н ь а д 1и о ,!» :ыв [oss of lht had e vid e m e of posterior synechia and an immalure cala-
racL in Lhe ri^hl eye. The visual fund ion was unchanged.
capillaries, marked aneurysmal dilalion of the terminal There was [ocaI dilaLion of Lhe retinal capillaries adjacenl 1o
capillar)' network, and relatively little fluorescein leakage Lhe enlarged capillarv-free zone centrally. The lefl eye Was
from the affected capillary bed are features lhal differen­ ПОТГПйЗ.

tiate ihese patients from those in groups I and 2. In one !.?--£■: AtcpU Ired perifoveolar retinal le3angiecCasds and cap il­
famiEy lhe retinal telangieclasis was associated with fron­ lary occlusion in a middle-aged woman w ilh polycyl hernia
vera. Despite Earye areas of capillary non perfusion centrally
toparietal-lobe pseudolumors, comprised of s-mall blood
in hoLh eyes, acuilv was 2(1/25.
vessel damage and fibrinoid necrosis of while matter in
UilaLeral. idiopnlhk j uxlafoveola ( capillary pctlu-
the absence of evidence of vasculitis.v'" Van hffenlcrre et sion and lelangieclasis associaled With central nervous sys­
al. described three sisters wilh similar retinal findings tem in volvem ent group 3L3.
involving retinal telangieclasis and capillary occlusion in G —|: A 47-year-old man had a 1-year history of progressive
the peripheral retina and posterior pole, associated with Loss ol vision in both eyes. Note lhe slight Lemporal pallor
poikiloderma, graying of the hair, and idiopathic non ar­ ot bolh optic discs, focal obliteration of lhe capillaries in Lhe
teriosclerotic cerebral calcifications.l,lU Pathology stud­ cenlral m acular region, and aneurysmal dilalion of some
ot" the terminal capillaries (G and H^. Angiography showed
ies revealed smal [-vessel hyalinosis caused by baseinenL
irregular w idening o f Lhe capillarv-lree zone, aneurysmal
membrane thickening involving the digestive (ract, kidney, dilation of the abnormal blood vessels, and no evidence of
and calcified areas in the brain. In another family wilh evi­ dye leakage (I and |J.
dence of autosomal-dominant inheritance of both central К and L: This 51-year-old man w ilh a poorly defined neuro­
and peripheral retinal obi iterative vasculopathyr there was logic disease developed progressive loss of Central vision in
associated Raynaud's phenomena and menial changes, bolh eyes. His visual acuily was 2Q'70 in the TighL eye anti
mainly forgetfulness, aggression, and depression.1"'1 20/30 in Lhe left eye. The macular changes and angiographic
findings w ere identical Lo those o f the palienl depicted En G —J.
Fh!ers and Jiendfcn reported similar macular lesions in
three family members of two successive generations. These
patients did not have optic atrophy or neurologic disease. phenomenon may be associated in some. Other organs
somethnes involved include the Eiver with elevated
C E R E B R O R E T IN A L V A S O JL O F A T H Y enzymes, kidney, and osteonecrosis of the blip."1' '' 'J lliree
disorders that appear to be related lo each olher and share
Cerebroretinal vasculopathy is a rare adult-onsel [fourth
the same genetic locus at 3p21.1-p21.3 are: (1) hereditary
decade onwards) autosomal-dominant disorder involv­
vascular retinopathy; (2 ) cerebrorelinal vasculopathyr and
ing the microvessels of Lhe brain and retina due to fra me­
(3) hereditary endotheliopathy with relinopathy, nephrop­
sh ifl mutations in the gene TREXI .<l0:| Patients present
athy, and stroke.|,]J C
with vision loss, seizures, hetniparesis, apraxia. dysarthria,
or memory loss. Progression to blindness, a neurovegeta-
Live stale, and death ensues within 5-10 years. It was first H ER ED IT A R Y H E M O R R H A G IC
described by Grand el al. in TO family members and sus­ T E L A N G IE C T A S IA (R EN D U - O SLER -
pected in eight others, spanning over four generations.^'1 W E B E R D IS E A S E )
Retinal capitlary and smal L-vessel о bliteral ion and tel­
angiectasia involving the macula alone, or including the Hemorrhagic hereditary lelangiectasia is a dominantly
periphery, are seeni?®5-1"06 Retinal or optic disc neovascular­ inherited disorder characterized by lelangiectasias of the
ization occurs occasionally.^' capillaries and venules involving many organ systems,
Pseudotumor of the brain due to fibrinoid necro­ including the skin and mucous membranes and visceral
sis from ischemia can mimic a tumor in approximately AVM& The affected blood vessels are friable and prone lo
half of patients, while the other half may have multiple bleeding. The most frequent signs and symptoms include
small white-mat ter lesions, which may be misdiagnosed epistaxis, gastrointestinal trad bleeding, and dyspnea
as demyelinating disease. ,U"-(,|U Migraine and Raynaud's on exertion caused by either hemorrhage or shunting
. V '.
of blood through abnormal vessels in the nasal mucosa, t ..1 E) Id Ibpa Ihic retina I Vasculitis^ neurysms, a nd
gastrointestinal tract, liver, brain, and lung. Paradoxical neuroretinopathy^
einboli/ation and stroke may occur when venous thrombi A—L: This palient presented w ilh sevKirtil hard exudiilus in the
from the lower extremities and pelvia pass through AVMa pusLerior pole л ssiOL iated vw-i IК лпеш уытм ! dilations ut the
in die lung and lodge in the brain. blood vessels on opCiu d ist anti in (be simo-undint; area iA
Multiple spiderlike telangiectases involving the palpe­ rind B:. Fluorescein лпцшдмгг, the mull ipie aneu­
bral conjunctiva occur frequently and may cause bloody rysms nlon^ 1he riHinal arterioles (C and El'. A mid peripheral
Leaning. Involvement. of the retinal blood vessels occurs angiogram showed | nunperfusion 16(У in bolh
eyes {& - C ). Thu- f]LHient u r i k i W ^ p d m itira l pholocoa^ula-
tn frequently. ;,u-"|:: Brant and cowo rkers-1,1: examined 20
tiun in Eit)lh eyes. The апиитучиз worsened ovur time [H j and
patients w ilh heredilarv hemorrhagic telangiectasia and he also developed flat N V E in Hie left eye. Ttiere was pro-
found relirtal telangiectasis in two patients.1'1’ In their gSfcsive ^leathing and occlusion of Lhe retinal vessels and
review of the literature they cited reports of four patients further N V t in i» t h еутея !I—L i over I be ne*r year.
with retinal vascular malformations, primarily AV.Ms., in |{ iu u rB L ^y и Г U r. N ic h .ir d S p ^ iiJ u .)
association with hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia.
Ceisthoff and covvorkers examined 75 patients, of whom
none had retinal telangiectasia,. but 28 had conjunctival
telangiectases.11' Intraoperative choroidal hemorrhage Two types of hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia.
has been reported in each eye of a -year-old Caucasian H r f t l [more frequent pulmonary and cerebral AV.WsJ,
woman- one during vitrectomy and the other during from mutation in the endoglin gene [£MCJ) and ННТ-Й
phacoemulsification,^'" and large choroidal vessels visible (more frequent hepatic AVVls) from mutation in activin
on fluorescein and indocyanine green angiography in a receptor-1ike kinase 1 gene {A C VJU J, A ltf J, chromosome
73-year-old wilh serous RPE detach mentis*21 ] 2q ] 3] are knoWn^ 2621
ID IO P A T H IC R ET IN A L b.5 E Multiple retinal and optic nerve head arterial
aneurysms, arlerrtis., and neuroretinitis flRVAN}.
V A S C U L IT IS , A N E U R Y S M S , A N D
A —F: A 21 -yoar-ol d wom-ian com plained of progressive lass of
N E U R O R E T JN O P A T H Y : BILA T ER A L cunlral vision in both l"yes. N o le lhe marked tortuohilY and
N E U R O R E T IN O P A T H Y W IT H irregular di Ial ion ot" lhe rTiaj'o| opLic nerve head and relinal
arteries that ex kind into Lhe peripheral fundus [А, B. and D.
M U L T IP L E R ET IN A L A R T ER IA L and the circin ale paLLem ol lipid-rich exudate surrounding
A N EU RYSM S Lhe opLic disc in both eyes. There was peripheral capillary
Leianj^iedasis in areas posterior Lo zones of retinal Vascular
Multiple, peculiar, saccular, and fusiform aneurysms ohlileralion ■□:. Angiography denionsirated lorluosily, irregu­
lar caliber, aneurvsm lormalion, and total ureas of slaining
InVbivldg all of lhe major relinal arteries in both eyes may
o f the major arteries, ol Ih e optic disc and relina IE and FI.
be accompanied by neurorelinopatby, vitreous and ante­
G —J: Л 7-year-old fem ale w h o Was healthy co m plained of
rior-chamber inflammatory cell infiltration, and angio­ blurred spot in Ihe right eye. She saw 20/20 in l>oth eyes.
graphic evidence of arterilis in children and young adults Fundus examination revealed In e w y s m s in Lhe arterioles
[Enures 6,50 and 6.5l).!'~,|"rtSl> 'ihe multiple aneurysms coming olT Ihe disc wiLh large areas of hard exudates in holh
protruding from both sides of the retinal arteries, as well eyes. Huorescein angiogram showed aneurysmal difalions
as lhe V-shaped aneurysms affecting lhe arterial bifurca­ ot" Lhe retinal arlery in and л round Lhe disc. Her peripheral
tions. give the impression of a series of knols in the arte­ ru1ir:a was perfused normally.

rial tree [Figures 6.50 and 6.51). Ih ey may extend from | {j- l, а ш г к ' . у u f [ J t. U tiv irn i.b t i ]

the optic nerve head into the midperiphery of lhe fundus

and may be associated wilh irregular dilation of the retinal
wins, vascular sheathing, focal areas of capillary telangiec-
Lasis, retinal hemorrhages, peripheral zones of occlusion retinal neovascularization.6^ Ll is uncertain whether the
of lhe relinal circulation, retinal neovascularization, and arterial aneurysms and Lhe other retinal vascular altera­
vitreous hemorrhage. Swelling of the oplic nerve head tions are caused by a congenital retinal arterial defect or
may be accompanied by retinal exudation, juxtapapillary are the product of an acquired inflammatory allergic vas­
retinal detachment and a macular slar (Figures 6.50 and cular disease.. If the lalLer is true, then these palients LTtay
(L S I ).1*24 l-'luorescein angiography may demonstrate dye have some pathogenetic relationship to those with Falesr
leakage from some of the arterial aneurysms, focal peri­ disease. 'Lhe value of anti-inflammatory medications
venous staining, optic nerve head slaining, focal areas of including steroids and immunosuppressives and photo­
retinal capillary staining, peripheral zones of capillary7 coagulation in the manage men I of exudative complica­
nonperfusion [Ngures 6.50 and {j.51}, and ret in,si neovas­ tions is uncertain but should be tried in appropriate cases.
cularization. Development of these arterial aneurysms over Pametinal photocoagulalion (PR P) is required for those
a 3-year period has been observed in a young woman who eyes wilh extensive retinal nonperfusion and new-vessel
presented initially wilh symptoms related lo peripheral formation [E'igure 6.50).
D IA B E T IC R E T IN O P A T H Y 6.32 Eiacfcground diabetic retinopathy.

A-F: Иго^пнкгюп cl ifeJmjJajTO 1Ьл1 OCciijred between

Diabetes mellilus is a heterogeneous disorder c f carbo­ Septemher 1985 |Д| and January 19S7 <С-Ё). Argon laser
hydrate metaboltsm wilh multiple ettologic facto rs I hat traaLmenl w a s given. In January 199T, visual acuiLy was
ultimately lead to hyperglycemia. I'here are two primary 20/25 and Ihere was minimal evid en ce o f relinopathy (F).
types of diabeies. ]ype 1 insulin-dependent diabeies mel- G —n Ischem ic background reHnnpaUiffi in an irrsulm-depen-
Eitus (ID D M ) is an autoimmune disease characterized by rienl dialietic with prominent cystoid macula^edeftia, dilated
hyperglycemia resulting from loss of the pancreatic islet peripheral m acular retinal capillaries, and evidence of lass of
Lhe juxlafoveolar capillary network (stereo photos G and Hi.
cells. Up to 90% of these patients and 5.1% of their non­
An^icjjjrnphv I) shew ed loss o i pericentral ca p iI'Eary network,
diabetic relatives have demonstrable serum tilers of islet and capillary полрегг'имст In lhe area o f Lhe cottcm-wcjol
cell antibodies/'4 lhe age of onset is before 30 years and patch and in lh e lempnrnl periphery af Иъе Ш аси Ш
often The disease begins in childhood. riype 2 noninsulin- |—L: Submaculnr hemorrhage Ijl cause by bleeding from ju?i-
dependenl diabeies (N1DDM) is characterized by late- Lafoveolar fnicravascu lar changes 'K i cleared spuntaneousfy
onsel hyperglycemia typically occurring in obese patients (U and the patient recovered 2lV3() visual acuity.
who are ofLen asymptomatic at the time of diagnosis.'13'
It appears to result from deficiency in the regulation of membrane, and reduction of blood flow develop and are
insulin secretion and/or in its actEoti at the cellular level associated with surrounding areas of compensatory capil­
in the liver and peripheral tissues. Secondary types of dia­ lary' dilation, capillary endothelial proliferation, and per­
betes may be associated with pancreatic disease, excess meability alterations, Ihis change in permeability of the
counterinsulin hormonal disorders, and drug-induced and dilated capillaries and microaneurysms is associated wilh
geslational diabeies. In ail types, hypergjycemia, although extravasation of serous and lipoprotein aceous exudate
of primary' importance, is only one of many pathogenetic and, in some cases, intrarelinal bleeding [figure 6.52|).
factors (aldose reductase-mediated cell damage; vaso- Other physiologic changes accompanying diabetic reti­
prollferative factors produced by hypoxic retina; growth nopathy include alterations of blood How and blood VJs-
hormone and erythrocyte, platelel, and bEood viscosity m slty^ S-fi,Sft Autoregulation causes venous dilution when
abnormaEilies) involved in this complex metabolic disor­ local tissue hypoxia and hypoglycemia are detected. With
der affecting all of Lhe major organ systems, including the constant changes in the vessel caliber from fluctuating tis­
eye/ "1 '61l' Although there has been much emphasis on the sue glucose levels, the venous lone is eventually lost, result­
importance of the alterations of (he blood vessels in regard ing in chronic venous dilation. ] lyperglycemta per se can
to the morbidity associated with diabeies, primary meta­ cause dysfunction of autoregulation.
bolic damage to the parenchymal cells is impor Iant.1:1 ' 'L'hese early anatomic and physiologic changes are respon­
Bor example, the development of color vision abnormali­ sible for the ophthalmoscopic changes referred to as back­
ties (acquired blue-yellow defect}, abnormalities in con­ ground and nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy 'ihese
trast sensitivity, and electro re Linographic alterations in include red dot like microaneurysms*, areas of dilated relinal
some diabetics may precede any demonstrable evidence of capillaries, superficial flame-shaped or deeper dot and blol
retinal vascular abnormalities." relinal hemorrhages, white-centered hemorrhages, yellow
India ink injection techniques, trypsin digestion prepa­ exudates, and focal areas of gray-whitening of the retina (col-
rations. and fluorescein angiography have been important lon-wool spots] (figure 6.52 J/"1'1'-" '-^'Microaneurysms are
in elucidating the anatomic and physiologic changes that lhe earliest clinical sign of diahetie retinopathy (E'igure 6.S2
constitute diabetic retinopathy."1'"'1" 'I'he initial changes Л). 'Ihey may occur anywhere in the retina. In some cases
involve the retinal capillary bed and include selective loss they are widely distributed, whereas in others they may he
of pericytes., microaneurysm formation, thickening of the concentrated in the central maculararea.
basement membrane, focaE closure of the capillary bed., Visual loss in patients with nonproliferative diabetic reti­
dilation of adjacent capillaries, shunt formation, and per­ nopathy occurs primarily as iht? result of macular exudation,
meability alterations (figure (S.52)."" Jhese changes particularly in patients with late-onset diabetes (I i.gure 6.!>2
may be followed by arteriolar closure, large zones of vas­ -|hj5 т л у occur either as the result of focal
cular nonperfusion, and proliferative neovascutar changes leakage of exudate from one or more dusters of microan­
within and on the inner retinal surface. " ' Microaneurysms eurysms and dilated capillaries, each often surrounded by a
develop as outpouchitigs that initially involve primar­ ring of yellow, deep relinal exudates, or as the result of dif­
ily the prevenular capillaries al sites of loss of pericytes fuse Leakage from most of the retinal vasculature in the mac­
(perilhelial cells}. Jhey may arise as an isolated change ular area. In general, the loss of central vision parallels Lhe
or may be clustered around focal zones of capillary occlu­ degree of intrarelinal exudalion seen biomicroscopically and
sion. I heir walls may be thin by weakening or thickened angiographically. Minimal loss о faculty may be associated
by proliferation of the endothelial basement membrane. wilh mild intraretinal exudation from capillary microaneu­
Jheir lumen occasionally may be packed with agglutinated rysms lhat are eilher confined Lo the posterior pole or are
erythrocytes or a thrombus. Focal zones of Loss of capil­ more widely scattered. More pronounced degrees of intra-
lary endothelial cells, thickening of the capillary basement relinal exudation are often associated with greater evidence
of dilation of both the small and bige retinal blood ves­ 6.53 Diabetic exudative maculopathy and response to
sels. Scattered yellow елиdates, relink hemorrhages, and treatment.
occasional cotton-wool spots may be present. Cotton-wool Л a n d B : O r t i t i a J e lip id associate d w ith fo v e a I lh k k e n in g
spots In diabetic retinopathy are indicative of focal zbjbSS of in I his pa I к 'п I w h o h a d p a n ie tin a l p h o jfa c m g u ta tia n for
relative retinal ischemia caused by either partial or, in some p ro life ra tiv e d la b e lic F-elinop a lhy I.A.I. F o u r m o n th s later a lo t
cases, complete closure of the capillary bed in the zone of ol lht> lip id e x u d a tte h a v e clis a p p e a re d IK-'i.
retinal whitening [Hgure 6.53)JK£№72'- Ihey occur com­ C - F : N o n p ro life r a tiv e d ia b e tic re tin o p a th y a n d c irc in a te
monly during the early development of nonproliferative m s tliE o p a lh y b e fo re IС a n d t?i a n d afapr IF nirgcm laser p iio -
to c o a g u la liio n . N o t e fe s o lu lio n o f the lip id o x и d a le :F-l.
diabetic retinopathy are not necessarily related to elevated
G a n d H : H is to p a th o lo y y o f d ia b e tic e x u d a tiv e m a c u Eo p a th y.
blood pressure, and do not necessarily suggest a high risk
N o l o lh e m a c ro p h a g e s la rta w s ) e n g u lfin g Lhe lip id e x u d a te
of progression of Lbe retinopathy. In general they persist for a n d jSfridence o f cystic d e ffin tr a liiH i o f Lhe retina C j .
a longer period of time in diabetes than in hypenension.
When they resolve, they may be associated with a local sco­ Diabetic neuroretinopaihy fpapillopalhy).
toma.. nerve fiber bundle scotoma, or no scotoma/" 1 lhe I—I L This yqu-ng svorijt^h W ith c h ild b tx jd d ia b e te s n o te d Lbe
s u d d e n unsel o f vis u a l lo s t in Lhe righl e y e . N o t e th e m a c u la r
presence of numerous cotton-wool spots, particularly when
slar, the o p tic d in t s w e llin g , a n d m in im a l u vid enc e o f b a c k ­
associated with other signs of pceproliferativie retinopathy, g ro u n d d ia b e tic re tin o p a th y {I a n d J!'. Six m o n th s later h e r
may indicate rapidly progressing retinopathy. visual a c u ity h a d i m p r o w d lo 2tVJ20. N o t e Ib o p a llo r o f the
A frequent clinical picture seen in patients with early o p tic d is c I.Kj. T h r e e m o n th s later she e x p e rie n c e d lb e sam e
loss of vision is that of one or more circinate zones of yel­ s e q u e n c e o f e ve n ts in the left e y e .
low lipid-rich exudation, usually centered in the paramac­ D L D M O A D (WoEfram syndrome}.
ular area and extending into the fovea (blgures and
L: K i g h L p a le o p Lic d is c t le fL , n o t s h o w n I of a n 1 f!-y e a r-o ld
C, and 6.53D). the yellowish deposits surround clusters w ith ty p e 1 d ia b e t e s , n E p h r o g e n ic d ia b e t e s rn s ip td u s , b ila t ­
of microaneuiy&ms and cloudy intra retinal and sub retinal eral p ro g r e s s iv e o p tic a t f p o m a n d d e a f n e s s . H o a ls o h a d
exudate. Circinate zones may be round, oval, or irregular. h y d r o n e p h r o s is s e c o n d a r y t o the d i a b e t e s i n s i p i d u s a n d r e n a l

They are most frequently centered in the temporal portion I n s u f f i c i e n c y . t i e n e L e s t ln g f o r b V F S ? ц е п е w a s p o s i t i v e .

of the macula, lhe amount of lipid exudation around the I I -It, Ггот Li.irr c;l al i ■ I ЧДО). Апм-til ;ir, ,\кчЕи a I A iH jd .itiu ti. A lj
retinal capillary abnormalities in these patients is related rif^nlb raM.'-rvLHJ. t>-J, AImj. V,in n u zii, LnSnfivM I., Ih^ до№ы1 A,
S.iui>Lk’ r-. iU K ). 47fl-4J-70GH-iJ2n-1r [5.2ДМ
to their serum lipid levels and their diastolic blood pres­
sure. Lhe presence of extensive deposits of intraretinal
lipid exudates may be indicative of hyperlipidemia (see of vascular occlusion frequently involves the peripheral
hgure 6.fiSj-L ).fi?5 (See discussion of hyperlipemic reti­ retina and in some cases may initially be largely confined
nopathy, p. 6Ю.) Transudation of serum lipids into the lo the ext гаmacutar areas, in other cases capillary nonper­
vitreous in such patients may occasionally simulate fusion affects the central macular area early and may cause
endophthalmitis.11'4’ loss of visual acuity.’’7<
>The IRM A occur near areas of vas­
Some patients wiLb diffuse retinal capillary leakage cular nonperfusion and in some cases represent dilated
and C M t angiographically may show minimal evidence segments of the capillary bed or shunt vessels, whereas in
of yellow exudate and loss of retinal transparency biomi- other cases lh.ev are intraretinal newly developed blood
bfQscoplcaJly^3^' l'"> lhe edema may wax and wane, vessels.^
remain stationary for long periods, or steadily progress. Lbe risk of developing proliferative diabetic retinopa­
Occasionally the C M E may occur in the absence of promi­ thy (PD R) is approximately 50% within 15 months in eyes
nent background retinopathy and dilation of the major wilh preproliferative diabetic retinopathy/'*1 It is impor­
retina] vessels.1'6^6^ Other causes of central vision loss in tant lo realise that, by the time neovascularization has
diabetic patients include hemorrhage from lEte perifoveal commenced, many of lhe signs of active preproliferative
capillary abnormalities {]:igure 6.52), peri foveolar capil- retinopathy may no longer bepreseLtl. Neovascularization
Eaiy occlusion [figure &.S2 )r vitreofoveal traction (Figure usually begms within 45* of the optic disc and oflen arises
7.09] and J), and epiretinal membrane formation. oti the optic disc. New vessels are subdivided On the basis
When the vascular occlusive phenomenon caused by of their location as follows: those arising on or within \
diabetes begins to Involve the precapillary arterioles and disc diameter of the op Lie disc (NVL>), and those elsewhere
larger retinal arterioles, fundus changes characteristic of in (he fundus [NViiJ. 'lhe NVD begins as tine loops or net­
prep rot ifera Live retinopathy develop. These include mul­ works of vessels lying on the surface of the optic disc or
tiple colton-wool spots and retinal hemorrhages, dark blot bridging across the physiologic cup. They may be difficult
hemorrhages, venous beading and loops, irregular dilated lo differentiate from dilated optic nerve vessels. Likewise,
segments of the capillary bed [intraretinal microvascular differentiating NVli front IRMA may also be difficult, par­
abnormalities, or IRMA], and large areas of loss of reti­ ticularly when the N VE do not yel show any of (heir char­
naE vascular details or "featureless" retina (J:igur« 6.52G acteristic features, including wheel-like network, extension
and 6.54A-B). I'hese latter areas show extensive vascular across both arterial and venous branches of the underly­
nonperfusion angiographically [Figure 6.54). Ihis process ing retinal vascular network and accompanying fibrous
iJ ir iK 'f r r Rctinopnifn/ 5 -4^
proliferation. fluorescein angiography is helpful in dis­ fe.^4 Accelerated pro Iiterative diabetic retinopathy.
tinguishing new vessels, which leak difTuseEyr from ves­
A—K: This 18-yea r-oid African Am erican yirl w ith type 1 dia­
sels located within the oplic disc and retina, which show betes had vary minimal N V D in I he rijjhl eye and no new
minimal leakage New vessels typically form networks vessels in Ih e (eft eye. Her retinal veins w ere dilated and
simulating sea fans (figure 6.55A-C), but, in some cases, she had several intraretinal m icrovascular abnormalities
particularly when ihey arise from the optic disc, they may (IffifvtA in bolh eyes ■arro w s in addilinn U> scattered colton-
grow across lhe retinal surface and present the appearance Vuftol spots 'A i-iп-cl Angiogram confrrniLKl extensive c.apil-
lary unnperfusion and lh e presence of widespread IK.VlA in
of mature retinal blood vessels (E'igure 6.55E'-ll]. Patients
bciSh cyos. .Vlontaye images of Ihe riijhl and left eye sbaW
with new vessels are often asymptomatic until vitreous
estensive ischemia. Е-1ет renal function was ^brrewmal and
separation elevates the new vessels and causes intravitreal □lopd iuijArs w ere in Lhe (jOOSmg/di. In spite of рлпгеНпл!
bleeding. Vitreous separation often begins along the supe- pholocoagulation bef^un in both eyes voon afler these pic­
rotemporal vessels, tempi) гаI to the macula, and above or tures, she developed biEaLeral extensive capillary drop-oul
below the opLk diM' ■ I'lu1 vUronis usually does n< l and new у Pise I Д (F, C. L, and )J- Fhe let"1 eye si ill had some
separate from Lhe disc in palients wilh N VD. 'i'raction on perfusion of her native vetsels w hile lhe ri^hl o nly showed
dye in Ihe residual vessels on Lhe disc (H). Further panreLf-
Lhe new vessels by the partly separated vitreous may cause
naE pholocoa^Lihttion did nol pnsvcml nuovasc ular glaucoma
vitreous hemorrhage. Bleeding into Lhe vitreous may also
LfiiiL developed in bcuh с у й ret|-uirin^ brlatefal Luiw shunls
be caused by avulsion of retinal blood vessels [usually a (K). Com plicated cataracts developed quickly w ilh new ves­
vein) or a relinal tear. Displacement and distortion of sels on the anterior surface of the lens :K. and vision dropped
Lhe macuEa caused by vilreoretinal traction and epiretinal Lo no li^hL pencepLion, followed by tradlkinal relinal delacb-
membrane contraction and tractional detachmenl of the ment confirmed on uLtrasoond. She died w ithin a year o f her
macula may cause loss of visual acuity, dimness of vision, inilial evaluation.
metamorphopsia, and d ljftc n tfa ^ ^ '* 8' Focal serous
detachment of Lhe macula is an infrequent complication
of diabetic retinopathy unless it occurs secondary Lo vit­ type 1 diabeles, retinal microaneurysms and other dia­
reous traction wilh or without macular hole formation betic retinopathy seldom develop before puberty.0'-1"" u0
(ftgure 7.03f-E1J. In a popula Lion-based study of 271 insulin-dependent
A peculiar form of occult vitreomacular traction occur­ patienls diagnosed before 30 vean of age and without
ring in patients, particularly after unsuccessful scalier retinopathy at Lhe time of initial examinalion, 5У% of
macular pholocoaguialitm, may be responsible for severe patients developed retinopathy, including 11% with pro­
macular edema and diffuse fluorescein staining of lhe life rative relinopalhy, by the Lime they were examined 4
maoila. Visual function in Lhese latter patienls may years later }l Overall worsening of Letinopalhy occurred
improve dramatically following pars plana vitrectomy in 41% of the population, whereas improvement occurred
(see figures 7.05G and I L, and 7.031 -K) Nasrallah el al. in only 7%. 'Ihe incidence of proliferative retinopathy
found Lhat adult-onset diabetic eyes wiLh macular edema rose with increasing duration until 1.3-14 years of diabe-
were less likely to have posterior vilreous detachment than les and thereafter remained between 14% and 17%. Klein
eyes without e d e m a Ihey found the reverse was Lrue in and coworkers found tbaL Ш.2% of adult-onset diabetics
Eyes of patients wilh type 1 diabetes.' have ret inopal hy al the lime of initial diagnosis.ш During
PDR. may occur in lhe peri macular area [figure 6.55) a 4-year period Lhey found Lhal 47% non users of insulin
but it infrequently occurs near the center of the macula/''" without retinopathy developed il, that 7 % of those with­
W hat may be an aborted form of intraretinal and p re reti­ out proliferalive retinopathy developed il, and thaL wors­
nal neovascularization may give rise to a peculiar cluster ening of the retinopathy occurred in 34% of all of the
of coiled aneurysmal blood vessels in the juxtafoveolar patienls.1" for nonusers of insulin the corresponding rates
area, particularly in insulin-dependent diabetics wilh evi­ were 34% for any retinopathy. 2% for developing prolifera­
dence of macular capillary non perfusion and following tive retinopathy, and 25% for worsening retinopalhy In
PRP (figure Thest juxtafoveolar aneurysmal ihose initially free of retinopathy approximately 50% of
changes are associated with excellent visual acuity and those using insulin and 35% of nonuseis will develop reti­
good visual prognosis and may occur in both eyes. Similar nopathy wilhin 4 years of diagnosis. ш During this same
abortive nodular neovascular outgrowths without an extra- period of lime approximately 35% of users and 25% of
vascular fibrous component may arise along the major nonusers wEH develop worsening of their retinopathy.
vascular arcades in eyes with extensive areas of capillary 'i'he most important risk factor for developing diabetic
nonperfusion (figure 6.53А-С).й*'1 Histopathologically, retinopathy is duration of the disease "l: '■ ■
■ JSetinopalhy
they are nodules of vessels with gross hyalinidation of in LDDM occurs in frequently before 5 years after onsel of
their walls and without a fibrous component.1'L rihese lhe disease, It Is present in 27% of patients with disease
Eesions may represent aborted forms of neovascularization duration of 5-1G years, in 71% wilh longer than 10 years,
[hat develop in the absence of a vilreous scaffold. and in over 90% afler 30 years, lhe prevalence of back­
'Ihere are significant differences in the natural courses ground retinopathy in N ID D M 11-13 years after lhe onsel
of 3D DM and N lD D M J6M,taj Jn chiidbood-onsel is 23%, afler 16 or more years il is 60%. and after I I o:
more years 3 % haw proliferative retinopathy."" Other risk t..j -I Continued
factors associated with progression of dia belie retinopathy L and M: This pa tier L with proliferative diabetic retinopathy
include number of £iicroaneuiys tfta*70й albuminuria,"'1' ,ind suiihyaloid hemorrhage underwent p arrruliпаI pholooo-
ajjubtion iL , Fallowing which he developed contraction of
elevation of blood pressure. 0(1 11J posterior vitreous
the posterior hyaloid and traction thickening of lh e under­
attachment,61wa4j?L0 increased fovea! thickenmg/ '1 blue
lying retina lM:.
or gray arides. 12 sm oking,"1' IS,7|J increased testosterone \ and G : This- youn^ palk^rl sou^hl tneatmenl because
Levels in males willt type ] diabetes. 1 ' previous irradia­ ot vitreous hemorrhage in lhe li^ht eye. She had extensive
tion lo the eyer,LI: reduction in eEectroretinographic oscil- neovascularization of lhe opLic discs and periphery of both
Eatory potentials,'1' environm ent! and racial factors/"' &bs- "I here WHi 4nJiOftraf)hlc evidence of extensive cap il­
prej;nanc\'. 1,1 and cataract extraction.'' 0' 25 Carotid artery lary rionpiylu&iori in rhe mid peripheral and peripheral fundi.
Fanrelinal pholocoa^ulation in lhe right eye (N) resulted in
obstruction may have a favorable effect on diabetic reti­
Ыонипе ot" lhe optic disc new vessels EjltL incom plelt1 t lohuie
nopathy in some patients.'16i72B
ot lhe retira! n ew vesiels ■iarmw. Oj.
Kluorescein angiography has provided greal under­
standing of (he microvascular changes caused by diabe-
17.72?- Г31 C |1 ц к и р а 1 Ь Ы ^ -

correlations have helped in interpreting and understand­ neovasmlar proliferation on the surface of the retina are
ing these lhe develop ment always accompanied by angiographic evidence of dye leak­
of mJcroaneiirysms and alterations in Lhe capillary perme­ age from these vessels (Figure; 6.55J.
ability are lhe earliest changes detectable with angiography l he pathogenesis of diabetic retinopathy is complicated,
Ш the diabetic retina (figure 6.52A). lhe microaneurysms controversial, and beyond the scope of this book. Jhere is
are predontinantly on the venular side of the capillaiy bed. overwhelming evidence that hyperglycemia is important in
Kound and occasionally fusiform microaneurysms are scat­ (he pathogenesis of retinopathy but genetic and other fac­
tered in the macuEa and perimacular region and have no tors are importanL63i ^ M £3 Release of angiogenic factors
particular relationship to the distribution of lhe major reti­ (VEGF) in the hypo perfused hypoxic retina is important in
nal vessels such as occurs in hypertensive retinopathy, F-'ocal th e de vel op menl of pro! iferat ive reti no pa Lhy."16-61 ?i-
areas of capillary closun: may develop wilh in the capillary l’holocoagulation treatmenthas been advo­
bed affected by marked aneurysm formation. Capillary cated for Lreatmenl of exudative and I’DR for many
closure occurs much more frequently and to a greater years.( , ! J i2-7s<> jn recf]1| years randomized
extent initially in the mid peripheral fundus and generally controlled cliiiical trials have established useful guidelines
increases towards the periphery.e_'4 Some enlargement of for use of pholocoagulation and vitrectomy for the treat­
Lhe t'AZ occurs commonly in diabetes but is usually unas- ment of diabetic retinopathy.f,s:j'c,bl-7 ■|,Ll-rr-1 lie fore
sodated wilh visual loss until the VAZ approaches ЮООцт publication of the results of the harly Treatment Diabetic
in diameter (E'igure 6.52C-E).1' " " " Capillary closure occurs ISelinopalhy itndy (t'EUHW), several randomized clinical
less frequently in the macula and rarely if ever, in the area trials reported pbotocoagulation lo be of value in lhe treat­
of the juxtapapiltary radial capillary network^4 ' 1’^ 1'733''3'' ment of diabetic macular edema. ,3-7|Л Although employ­
Extensive mid peripheral and peripheral capillary closure ing somewhat different protocols and case selection, all of
may be relatively inapparent ophtbalmoscopically, and its these studies have concluded that laser treatment is effec­
extent is directly correlated with the development of disc tive in reducing the rate of visual loss in eyes wilh macular
and relinal neovascularization. Dilated, tortuous, shunt cap­ edema but resulLs in significant visual improvement in only
illaries may traverse large areas of capillary closure that are a limited number of cases, 'lhe LTDK5 concluded lhal eyes
oflen more evident in the more peripheral retina. Intensive wilh mild to moderate nonproliferative diabetic relinopa-
microaneurysmal changes in the capillary bed may be dem­ ihy and clinically significant macular edema, when treated
onstrated angiographically in the macular region in patients with focal argon blue-green or argon green laser to micro­
who do not have significant loss of visual acuity, lhe per­ aneurysms and a grid treatmerit to zones of diffuse leakage
meability changes in the capillary bed and the degree of and non perfusion, show the maximum benefit of treat­
serous exudation inlo the exlracellular space of lhe retina ment (figures fr.!>2L>-J-. and 6.53А-Г)/ "1 Clinically signifi­
are variable and are the most important factors causing cant macular edema was defined as: ( I) retinal thickening
Loss of macular function, in some cases, however, progres­ involving, or within 500|.m from, the center of the macula;
sive closure of the perifoveal capillary network is the cause ( 2 ) hard exudate(s) (wilh thickening of the adjacenl retina)
of loss of macular function (figures &.52C-], f i d 6.54A-]), at or Within 500,1 m from the center of the macula; and [5)
ihis closure occurs more commonly in pa lien Ls With a zone of retinal thickening I disc area or larger in size, any
puveni Ie-onset d i a b e t e s / Ihere is no iluorescein part of which is wilh in \ disc diameter from the center of
angiographic evidence of choroidal vascular disease lo the macula.
account for the loss of central vision in diabeies. ihere is Because of the risk involved in treating lesions closer
some indoeyanine green angiographic, histopathologic, than 500pm lo the center of lhe macula, it may be prudent
and scanning electron microscopic evidence that the cho­ lo follow eyes with dinicafly significant macular edema
roidal vessels may be affected in diabetes."' "' Areas of showing such lesions when the visual acuity is normal and
i?iViKrfrr Rctjiu^aifn/ 54/
the center of the macula is uninvolved. ihere is little risk fe.5 I1rol ife rat ive d ia be lit retin opalhy.
Ёп following s.uch eyes lo delermine whether the edema
A—С : Relinal venous loop 1arrow, A> and retinal
is Worsening.™ Oik and coworkers have used a modified F iE f iv a s c L lla r i n a t io n .
grid pattern technique Гог treating diffuse diabetic macu­ D - H : Severe! pw lilefjttive retinopathy in Lhe righL eye a l
lar edema, emphasizing treatment of diffuse leakage rather a y(Ji>ng diabetic patient ;ID-F). Scrte lhe Hubhyalnid hem­
than focal leakage. ' " They have demonstrated (hat orrhage :Ei and lhe prominent nonelev^ted neovascular
visual acuity and fovea] threshold in these patients aFe pre­ Irunks r.idialing frum a masai relinal vein (arrows;, h-H:.
served at the expense of generalised loss of threshold sensi­ Angiography showed sluggish blood flow w ithin the new
vessel nelwork (G and H).
tivity across the central Ю п of visual fields '
I: HiblopaLhologv of diabelic proliferative relinopathy (arrow­
In eyes wilh mild lo moderate macular edema, ГкГ
h ead s and dilaled intrarelinal blood vessel (arrtswj.
should not be used till the macular edema is treated. И1Р |-L: R in ^u J preretinal fibrovascju lar tissue surrounding the mac­
treatment increases lhe risk of loss of visual acuity, par­ ula in a patient w ilh severe proliferative diabelic relinopathy.
ticularly in patients with macular edema. " 1,7711
deduction in the anea of retina needing to be perfused
following PftP redirects more blood flow lo the posterior 'lhe favorable effect of pholocoagulation treatment
pole, ihus increasing the intravascular hydrostatic force on diabelic retinopathy is mullifaclorial. Hypotheses to
within these vessels, causing increased leakage, treatment explain how pholocoagulation causes resolution of the
of the macular edema # ith focal and grid treatл tent given neovoscular and exudative complications of diabelic reti­
before scatter treatment reduces this risk. f2,7' 1 [f high-risk nopathy include reduction of YEG F lewis, improvement
characteristics for PDR are also present, dividing lhe scatter of the blood-ouleF relinal barrier by pholocoagulation
treatment into multiple sessions beginning wilh the nasa! debridement of sick or fatigued RPE cells; release by pho-
quad гаms, using a more peripheral pattern of scatter treat­ locoagulalioti-damaged RPL cells of a factor that reduces
ment using smaller spot size applications, and using less retinal capillary endothelial proliferation and causes res­
intense treatment are techniques that may reduce the risk toration of the integrity of the blood-inner relinal bar­
of aggravating the macular e d e m a / ^ ^ W J ' ^ f rier' 1 " and increased oxygen tension at the inner relina]
PI?Г treatment should be carried out promptly in most surface caused by partial pholocoagulation destruction of
eyes wilh PDR lhal have well-established NVD and/or vil- the retinal receptor cells and Rl]li cells.' ' 'lhe increased
reous or preretinal hemorrhage. When high-risk charac­ oxygen lension occurs in spile of the partial loss of the cho-
teristics are present, scatter pholocoagulation should be riocapillaris that accompanies PRP. ]jong-lerm follow-up
carried out even in lhe presence of fibrous proliferations sludies after panpbolocoagulalion have demonstrated per­
and/or localized traction retinal detachment. Likewise, sistence of the irealmenl effect for as long as ] 5 yeans.' ' **
scatter treatment is indicated in eyes wilh extensive neo­ Complications of laser pholocoagulation treatment of
vascularization of the anterior-chamber angle, or in eyes diabelic relinopalhy include development of sub retinal
with preproliferative retinopathy and evidence of rapidly neovascularization,'"' '" subfoveal fibrosis/'110"*0'1 serous
progressive closure of the retinal capillary, whether or not macutar detach in ent,""-"1 ciliochoroidal detach me nL, and
high-risk characteristics aie presen I (Figure 6.54Л-1}-'"' enlargement of pholocoagulation scars.f,)'1
lliese latter paLients should be warned of the high risk of 'i'ransscleral ciyotherapy is a useful adjunct lo pholocoagu­
further loss of central vision caused by occlusion of the lation treatment when recurrent vitreous hemorrhage occurs
remaining vessels supplying the macula. without visible new vessels posteriorly. It is likely small
The prognosis for recovery of central vision Is poor in pew vessels are present very anteriorly; these can be easily
pa lien Is wilh angiographic evidence of loss of the perifo- destroyed by two or more rows of transconjunctival periph­
veal capillary network: severe C M E , particularly when asso­ eral стуоросу.^1 w" 'litis is also especially useful in those eyes
ciated with significant background retinopathy; organized that show recurrent vitreous hemorrhages after pars plana vit­
yellow enudate in Lhe macula; and severe renal disease and rectomy where no new vessels can be found. Applying two to
hypertension. Retrealment of eyes that fail to show an ini­ three spots lo lhe sclerostomy sites helps in those eyes where
tial response to scalier treatment is indicated and is suc­ a vessel may be bridging the sclerostomy site on the inside.
cessful in approximately 5C№& of cases,li6i'?7J,7eij7ft2 'Jliose Pars plana vitrectomy has beet)me the standard treat­
who fail after retrealmenl h ave an unfavorable prognosis. ment for serious visual loss caused by dense. noncJearing
'lhe wave length of laser light used for the Irealmenl of vitreous hemorrhage; traction retina! detachment; and mac­
the various stages of diabelic relinopathy appears to be ular heterotopia.673,6ftS,76l7fii7M,795,iQ!>-ei!i Eariy vitrectomy
relatively unimportant. i>:" Although all of the clini­ is beneficial in patients with type 1 diabetes and recent
cal trials have used fluorescein angiography as part of the severe diabetic vitreous hemorrhage reducing visual acu­
invesligation of patients wilh diabetic exudative macu- ity lo 5/200 or less for at least 1 m onth/1 *-1 ,7 1 4 In older
Lopalhy, lhe decision as to whether lo treat, and where to patients with type 2 diabetes and recent severe diabetic reti­
treatr depends primarily on biomicroscopic observations. nal hemorrhage, il is neosonable to allow lime for sponta­
It) г that reason some have suggested that pret real men l neous clearing of the vitreous hemorrhage for 4-6 weeks
angiography is unnecessary.' before considering vitrectomy. Partial posterior vitreous
i?iViKrfrr RctinL’pnifiw
separation that may follow a vitreous hemorrhage in some b . э f> D i a b e t ic in tra re tin al p го I i fe ra liv e re t Ё п о р а Ih y .
cases may help in en bloc dissection during vitrectomy.
A—C : Peripheral inLrareLinal neovascularization (anowsl.
Karly vitrectomy should be considered as an adjunct lo D and E: This 3fl-year-o!d type 1 diabetic developed several
pholocoagulation in eyes with useful vision and advanced, small inEraierinal b^fcjvaSciJ1ат tTonds in b(]lh Суш 'L?). There
active [nDR with extensive new vessels that fail to show were а few 1ufLs of IJt^Melinffi mit r o v a s c u l a r abnormal ilios
substantial regression after photocoagulalion, or when (arrow 1 EhaE did ntH leak on [he angiogram w hile Lhe N V E
additional photocoagulalion is precluded by vilreous hem­ leaked profusely ■!£).
orrhage and when iris vessels begin to appear.'64 Allhough F— 1 : Focal juxlaloveolar intrareEinal neovascularization w ilh
Mood ;этго№, F'l in а pa lien I with pmiifuTHlive diabetic reLi-
vilrectomy is of value in restoring central vision in patients
nopalhy (F). The preretinal neovascularization seen else­
.who have developed macular detachment secondary to vil­
w here disappeared after pan retinal phoLocoagulation but Lbe
reous traction detachт е ш Л 1"'"'1' it may not be indicated ju>;L;i foveolar in-Lrarelinal neovas^ularizalion Liecame more
when the traction detachment does not extend into the prominttnL (C —If.
manila.""1'1 ' because of the high association of cataracts in I- L: luMafoveal inLrarcVlinal iwovascularizaLion larrowi and
diabetes and their frequent development soon after vitrec­ N V E persisLed (o tte rin g panrelina! p h o lcaw ^ u ialio n in thb
tomy, combined vitrectomy and intraocular Lens insertions 40-year-old type J diabeLic. 5he received further photocoajju-
EaLionr wenL OH to develop LracLion relinal detacbrYUjnl invu Iv­
are frequently done in these patients*1'' Ihe 5-year survival
in^ 1Ii€H macula, and vision dropped o§ 2(V400. F’ars plana
rate of patients undergoing vitrectomy for complications of
vitrertGfHy with lenw val of 1пэ< lion memlwaпе.ъ and lill-ir>
diabetic retinopathy is approximately 75%.'41 p a rre H ra phoLoLoayulaLion restored r vision lo 2LV20 ir>
Pharmacotherapies for diabetic retinopathy include treat­ spile of moderate nonperfusion o(" the pdisteribf pole.
ment of macular edema using intravitreal injection of triam­
cinolone or sustained-release corticosteroids* and to a Lesser
effect intravitreal antiangiogenic agents. '-" и Machemer
first reported the use of intravitreal steroids Lo halt cellular Nonretinal Ocular Changes in Diabetes
proliferation in diabetes., which was not very successful.r 2 C o rn ea
Corticosteroids have ,inLipermeability, antiangiogenic,- and
Diabetics have a higher incidence of dry eyes and
anti fib ro tic effects.1' 1 ihey help stabilize (.he blood -retina!
decreased tear production. In addition, corneal sensitiv­
barrier, down regulate inflammatory factory and increase
ity is decreased. The ability of the corneal epithelium lo
absorption of fluid. Triamcinolone [most recently with­
adhere to lhe basement membrane is altered by impaired
out preservatives) al I and 4 mg can be used in those eyes>
glucose meLabolism. This includes thickening of lhe base­
which fail to, or do not completely, respond Lo focal laser
ment membrane of the corneal epithelium, decreased
phctocoagu]ation.'5j‘l It is also indicated in eyes with C.ME
hemidesmosomai frequency, and decreased penetration of
without significant capillary leakage oli angiography and in
anchoring fibrils. All these contribute Lo frequent corneal
those eyes with diffuse leakage from all vessels in the mac­
erosion and comeat epithelial defects. Jh is is especially
ula. Complications include cataract formation, elevation of
noted after surgery or laseF therapy where the corneal epi­
intraocular pressure, infectious endophthalmitis and acute
thelium can break down easily as a sheet.
toxic/inflammatory response; hence judicious use of intra­
vitreal steroids hearing in mind the potential complications
is recommended, i-’osurdex, a biodegradable copolymer
consisting of 70% dexamcthasone [350 or 700|_:g} and 30% Those patients with significant ischemia, especially of
polylactic-glycolic acid, and IteLisert, a sustained-release lhe peripheral retina, develop neovascularization of the
ешplant of Auocinolone acetonide which linearly releases iris and Eteovascular glaucoma due to diffusion of VLGT
fluocinolone for 3 years, have been tested. (Cataract forma­ into the anterior chamber. Contraction of the new vessels
tion and elevated intraocular pressure are very common fol­ in the iris can cause ectropion uvea and peripheral-angle
lowing these implants and hence haw limited their use. closure, resulting tn neovascutar glaucoma. Recurrent vit­
Antiangiogenic agents bevacizumab and ranibizumah reous hemorrhages can result in ghost cell glaucoma via
have a role for adjunctive treatment of proliferative reti­ blockage of the trabecular meshwork by enlarged macro­
nopathy in eyes Lhat show persistent new vessels in spite of phages that have engulfed blood pigment. Khaki-colored
adequate PRfc in those eyes wilh recurrent vitreous hem­ large cells containing Heinz bodies, which are preci pita Led
orrhage following TEi]> or vitrectomy, preopera Lively lo hemoglobin, are seen in these eyes.
decrease Lhe caliber of large new vessels before parr plana
vitrectomy, and in those eyes with neovascularization of ie n s A bnorm alities
the 1Й5.Й ;И,'И6 By themselves as primary trealment for pro­ Increase and decrease in (he osmolarily of the Lissues sur­
liferative retinopathy they are not beneficial in the long run rounding the lens and the lens itself due to increase and
due to short duration of effect. Jhe ability of an Li-VXCr decrease in the level of the blood sugar cause abnormal
agenls in reducing Lnacular edema alone by altering vas­ focusing resulting in fluctuating vision. Ihe hyperglyce­
cular permeability is limited and variable; response is seen mia per se causes changes in Lhe basement membrane of
only in eyes wilh associated significant retinaL ischemia. the lens epithelium, resulting in posterior subcapsula: and
cortical cataract. Young diabetic patients can develop a C ilia r y B o d y
flaky cataract with .superficial vacuoles. lixcess glycogen accumulation in the epithelium of the cili­
ary body can he seen histologically as vacuoles.
O p tic N erve 'lbe value of rigid control of diabetes in preventing or
Acute opLic disc edema or diabetic papillopathy is a fea­ reducing ocular complications Was controversial till the
ture of diabetes. Ibis is unlike ischemic optic neuropathy results of the Diabetes Control and Complications '['rial
and usually occurs in the second lo fourth decades of Life study were released. Diabetes Control and
and generally has no correlation wilh severity of diabetic Complications Trial Research Croup, in a long-term fol­
retinopathy^'' !l-,D El may be associated wilh only a mild low-up 5Llidy of 1441 patients with IDDM (726 with no
Loss of vision; often the vision is unchanged. Swelling of reLinopalhy at baseline and 715 with mild retinopathy),
the disc may be accompanied by hemorrhages, exudates, a randomly assigned lo intensive therapy versus conven­
star figure, and CME. lhe visual field usually is normal and tional insulin therapy, demonstrated a 76% reduction in
may occasionally show some small defects, which include the adjusted mean risk for the development of retinopathy
enlarged blind spot or an arcuate scotoma. fluorescein in the intensively treated group as compared lo the group
angiogram will reveal leakage of dye from die dilated ves­ receiving conventional therapy.^1' they further demon­
sels on the optic disc (figure 6.5-E1-K). Jhe condition can strated a slowing of the progression of diabetic retinopa­
be bilateral in about half the cases. Occasionally the second thy by 54% and reduced the development of proliferative
eye may be affected Eater. Visual prognosis is usually good retinopathy or severe nonproliferative retinopathy by 47%
and the papil Iopalhy resolves in a fexv weeks lo months. A in the intensive therapy group. They confirmed the previ­
fcvv fv.ik-ii-s arc k'h with mild optic atrophy, lhe cause is ously reported initial worsening of retinopathy lhal occurs
uncertain, and treatment other than contra! of the diabetes durmg the first year of intensive treatment but found thal
is probably not indicated. Jhese young diabetics are al sig­ it often disappeared by IS m onths^ 1,835 Whereas lower­
nificant risk of developing proliferative retinopathy. ing of blood lipid levels with dietary and drug therapy may
reduce the number of yellow exudates in diabetic retinop­
Cranial N erve Abnorm alities athy, its value in preventing visual loss is uncertain.6^ * 37
Cranial nerves III. IV, and VI palsy can be seen in patients Several randomised controlled trials of administration of
wilh diabetic microvasculopathy. The vasa nervorum sup­ aspirin and sorbinil (aldose reductase] have demonstrated
plying the nerves are affected by diabetic changes reduc­ no beneficial effect on the course of diabetic retinopa­
ing blood supply to (he nerve, resulting in cranial nerve t h y '''■ One trial, however, found that aspirin alone
palsies. Mbs! cranial nerve palsies recover spontaneously or in combination with dipyridamole significantly slows
within 3-6 months. the progression of microaneurysms in early diabetes.1'' A
irial concerning liclopidine (an lip Iale let agent) demon­
tris strated a favorable effect of the drug in reduction of pro­
lhe excess accumulation of glycogen in the iris epithelial gression of background diabetic retinojfetby,Bi's
tissue makes the iris boggy. They dilate poorly lo mydri- In spile of the many changes (hat have occurred in the
atics. In addition, sympathetic changes that occur in the treatment of diabeles. the Wisconsin hpidemiologic Study
nerves supplying the iris muscles also cause poor dilation of Diabelic Retinopathy reported that there had been Jil-
in some patients with longstanding diabetics. lle change during the previous Щ уели in (he incidence
and progression of diabetic retinopathy.'1'1' They found a diabeies, insulin use, and higher systolic blood pressures
10-уелг incidence of retinopathy 79%, 67%), pro­ correlated independently with higher prevalence of diabetic
gression of retinopathy (70b, 69%, 53%), and progression retinopathy.^'14
to proliferative retinopathy (30%, 24%, 10%) were highest
in the group diagnosed before age 30 years, intermediate in DIABETES MELLITUS, DIABETES
the insulin-taking group diagnosed at age 30 years or older,
and lowest in the non insulin-taking group, respectively
Renal and pancreatic transplantation and hemodialysis DEAFNESS (DIDMOAD,
may have a favorable effect on diabetic reti nopat by.й*ам| W O L F R A M S Y N D R O M E )_____________
Other medical problems, particularly hypertension and
pregnancy, may exacerbate diabetic retinopathy.:’,'1i’"i''l',">
" ' Wolfram syndrome is an autosomal recess ively inher­
The risk of development of diabetic microangiopatliy may ited or spoaradic type 1 diabetes that is associated With
be related to HLA-associated genetic factors." nephrogenic diabetes insipidus, progressive optic atro­
Hyperglycemia and diabetes do not appear to increase phy (I'igure 6.531.), deafness, anosmia, gonadal dysfunc­
the likelihood оГ (he development of age-related macular tion, and neurogenic Ы adder.F Other ocular features
degeneration.1'I:‘ include pigmentary maculopatbyr congenital cataracts,
A recent report from the Wisconsin group on preva­ and itystagmus^ ^ Si Mutations of the VVF5J gene that
lence of diabetic retinopathy in the USA [2003-200S) encodes wolfram in, a transmembrane glyoco protein of the
lists prevalence of retinopathy al 2fl.5% and vision-threat­ endoplasmic reticulum, are responsible for the condition,
ening retinopathy at 4.4%. Non-Hispanic black people lhe prognosis for life is limited due to the secondaiy com­
had a higher incidence compared Lo non-I lispanic white plications such as hydronephrosis and renal failure, wilh a
individuals. Male se.\, higher lib A lt!, longer duration of mortality rate of 63fl/h by age З З .^
R A D IA T IO N R E T IN O P A T H Y fe.^7 Radiation relinopalhy.

A and B: A 37-year-old whiLe man dtfveloped m acular

Structural and permeability alterations in the blood vessels ttdema and exlensivn1 nhlciroanetJrysifraJ Spirmatlfin in bo ll1
of the retina and optic nerve that develop months or sev­ eyes jjecdftdaiy to X-ray madia Lion of a recurrent basaJ cell
eral years after X-ray irradiation of the; orbital region may carcinom a of Lhe nose. Visual acuity in the left eye was
cause toss of visual function (Hgure 6.57 20/30. NoLe lhe local area of serous detachment of the
Ophthalmoscopic alterations in Lhe retinal vasculature relina surrounded by a yel IOwl sb exudate (arrows:- al Lhe
su perokim рога I margin ot Che optic nerve head A), Early
include lhe development of focal arteriolar narrowing,
an^io^aphy demonsLraled multiple microaneurysms lhal
cotton-woo I patches, Lnicroaneurysms, dilated capillary
1л1-ет showed evidence o f dye leakage ■Ltl. Sim ilar changes
channels, perivascular shealhitig, irregular loss of the reti­ □troUrred in Ihe opposite eye.
nal capillary bed, intraretinal exudation and hemorrhage, С and D: Extensive cystoid m acular edema IL M E ) with cir-
and cirdnale exudation (figure 0.57). 'Ihese changes are fijna.te relinopaLhy caused by X-iay irradialion therapy oi
identical in all respects to diabetic relinopalhy. They are n caitirram a of lbe anlrum in а 53-year-old wom an whose
usually most marked in lhe macular region, and. loss of visual acuity Was 2CV50 (Cl, Angiography 6bowed rtiicftf
centra! acuily may be primarily a result of C M t, yellow­ aneurysms and dilation and parlia! Io sf et retina! capiilJaries
in lhe temporai ball of Lhe m acula. O n e hour after dye injec­
ish exudative maculopathy or loss of the perifoveal capil-
tion, angiography showed sLaininj; of Lhe serous fluid in Lhe
Eaiy network Retinitis proliferans, optic disc new vessels, oilier layers of Lhe relina in a lypical paLlern o f C M E. Thirly-
vilreous hemorrhage, relinal detachment, rubeosis, and Lwo monlhs afler xenon ion itD. visual acuily
glaucoma may evenIlially occur. Subretina! neovascular­ was 20/3(1. There was no longer any angiographit evidence
ization lhal in some cases may he derived from the retinal ot C M E.
circulation occasionally develops. bluorescein angiogra­ E—H : X-ray irradiation relinopalhy assoc iated with exudative
and hemorrhagic m acula pal hy ii> lhe right eye (E) and a sub-
phy highlights the structural, and permeability alterations
hyaloid hemorrhage in 'iiu leM eye ■;FJ. Angiography showed
of the retinal vasculature (figure 0.57). lhe latent period
loss uf the juxtafoveal retinal capillaries bilaterally (G !■and
until lhe onset of relinopalhy after irradiation therapy is
proliferative retinopalhy (arrows, H ) in the fefl eye.
slightly shorter in patients receiving the episcleral cobalt
plaque treatment than in those receiving external-beam Stability of radiation retinopathy over 3 years-
irradiation, and is more prolonged after irradiation of ]-L: TГ: у 44-year-oid male with liidiatJon roLanopalby niain-
Lai ned a vision of 20/25 and 20-20 respect its^y tivtir more
periorbital than of orbital tumors."'i:''J-,!l'J i?l 'lhe retinopa­
Lhan 5 years of fo]lc*w-up. Scattered microaneurysms and
thy may appear as soon as (■ >months or as late as 5 years
in iciO vasC liw abnormalities were p holographed in L)olh
or longer after irradiation Ufcatmen£3Sli'6' ] lielinopalhy eves in 2005 i and JJ. Three years laler ixjLh reLinas appear
may develop after as little as 1500 rad of externai-beam relatively u n c handed W ilh minimal ^Iteration in the appear­
irradiation, but usually 3000-5500 rad is necessary lo ance of lhe microaneurysms and Ihe mienjvasc ular changes
produce changes.s,i Lower doses of irradiation may pro­ (K and L). H is vision remained unchanged in both eyes.
duce retinopathy in patients receiving chemotherapy eig., iA - l> . I r 'ii n L . l i v ' I'OljiFi.. A .m r.T iL .in M iji.liL .il A M ii J L i il J u n . .'VII ri^.hl:-;

1200cCy tola I-body irradiation after bone marrow trans­ r u it ir v i.'t l. I

plantation. and in patienls and experimental animals wilh

diabetes melliLus :: High dosages of cobalt plaque
therapy (mean dose of 15 000 rad delivered lo the fovea) may be absent in patienls with acute severe visual loss jn
are required lo produce the same changes/"1 one or both eyes occurring usually !- ] 5 years after irradia­
Visual acuity loss after irradiation may be caused also tion of parasellar tumors."1'1 L'hese patients typically show
by acute irradiation oplic neuropathy that is often char­ visual field loss indicating optic nerve or chiasmal involve­
acterized by swelling of lhe optic disc, peripapillary hard ment. Contrast-enhanced MRl and orfcilal ultrasonography
exudales, hemorrhages, subretinal fluid, and cotton-woo! are invaluable in identifying the sites of radionecrosis of
ф о ^ а к л б д а - в д fluorescein anjyography in patients the optic pathway and may obviate the necessity for biopsy
shews evidence of optic nerve head ischemia with superfi­ to eKclude recurrence of the primary tumor or a radiation-
cial vascular noEiperfusion accompanied usually by changes induced tumor/ Some patients who have received
in the neighboring retinal blood vessels. l>isc swelling usu­ irradiation treatment lo Lhe chiasmal region may experi­
ally 1asls several weeks to months and is followed by optic ence abrupt lale-onset visual loss in one or both eyes 4-35
atrophy. Loss of acuity in these patients is usually severe months after receiving irradiation doses of less Lhan 200 Gy
hut in some cases may partly improve with resolution of daily and less than 6000Gy total dosage." : lhe visual loss
the disc edema.:",IJ Oplic disc swelling and retinal changes is permanent and no treatment is effective.
I iigh-dose irradiation dellttrfct} to Lhe choroid and ret­ 6.5S Sic kte -cell re I iг opa Lliy.
ina via episcleral plaques will cause post irradiation atro-
A—C : Subretinal arid ргегеНплЕ macular hemorrhage in an
ph ic changes in the choroid and pigment epithelium in 8-year-old black boy wrth sickle-cell hemoglobin С disease.
addilion lo lhe relinal vascular changes mentioned prevf- Anyiogjapby showed nonperfusiun ol the retinal vascular
ously/'"^* " K:' lbe size and location o i Lb-e tumor and the bfed temporal lo lhe m acljJiJ i H j . Several m onlht I л lei lhe
amount of radiation delivered afTeel lhe incidence of radia- Mood |iarl!y cleared, leaving лп iridesconL piemen Led pate h
Lion retinopathy, in a study by E\aul Finger only one eye of a □E hemosiderin And depi ^mentation o f Lhe relinal pigment
epithelium (C!:.
patient with A tumor in the anterior uvea developed radia­
D-F: A( L ile Iом? of cenlral vision occurred in lHis- man w ilh
tion retinopathy^ while 52% of the posterior choroidal
sickle-cell hemoglobin С disease. Note the subirternaT lim­
melanoma patients developed radiation retinopathy, lhe iting membrane berbatorrtas i arrows, L3i. A palch of fme
radiation reLinopaLhy occurred closer to the tumor closer lo orange hemosiderin crystals was locaLed in the superficial
the macula and the optic nerve, and more often in higher relina Iairowheadsj ■superior Lo a Jarge sunbursl paLtern
metabolic posterior relina than nasal or anterior retina. of pi^menl. lhure was eWtfehsive relinal capilJarv nonporfu-
In a similar study by Cundu/ et al. of 13СЮ patients with Hicjn Ihrou^houl lhe Lemporal fundus, including lhe ВГпрогн!
posterior uvea! melanoma, radiation retinopathy devel­ macuEar area LE and FI. W ilh in 4 monlh-s lhe hematomas dis­
appeared and he recovered 20 f2% visual acuilv.
oped in 43.1% of patients; 5% had nonproliferative radia­
C and H: F\]ripheial salmori-palch hemorrhage before imd
tion retinopathy at 1 year and 42% at 5 years, E’toliferative
afl-er parLial clearing ol lh e blood.
retinopathy occurrcd in J % at 1 year and S % at 5 years. 1: " 5tinI>Li-rsI" pigmenl Йар! with surrounding depiym enlation
Tumor margin of less than 4 mm from foveola had the a I Lhe sile of a previous relinal hemorrhage.
highest incidence of radiation retinopathy along with radi­ I and K: Peripheral proliferaLite retinopathy at the junclion of
ation dose greater than 2frQcCyyhour lo lhe luiuo- base.4" ' Lhe perfused and nonped n-sed rciLina. Note early staning of
In humans and experimental animals the principal histo­ Lhe neovascular "sen tan."
pathologic changes caused by X-ray irradiation Involve loss L: Hislopalholo^v ol л "sea fan" o terlyin ^ lhe peripheral
пол pen used rtlina.
of lhe retinal capillary endothelial and perithelia I cells, cap­
illary occlusion. dilaLion arid hya Ianimation of thick-walled |L. cu ulu sy ill a>r. W. HkhiiryJ Cj-гщип

collateral channels- focal ischemic retinal infarcts, intrareti-

nal exudation, and inlrarelinal and preretina I neovascular- StC KLE-C ELL R E T IN O P A T H Y _________
iiiation.^41^41’7'^'00 Smaller vessels show thickening of the
walls by fibrillar and hyaline material. Mild myointima! Jilack patients wilh homozygous sickte^ell disease (SS),
proliferation of both the choroidal and central retinal arter­ hemoglobin SC disease (SC), and sickle-cell thalassemia
ies occurs.4'^ "1 'Ihese changes are occasionally sufficiently disease (S-lhal) and hemoglobin SO Arab"" may develop
severe lo result in occlusion of the central retinal artery.J' " occlusive vascular disease of Lbe peripheral retina that is
lh e outer retinal layers are more resistant lo irradiation associated with circumferential arteriovenous commu­
damage, lh e pathogenesis of radiation retinopathy is con­ nications, retinal neovascularization ("sea fans"), and
sidered to be loxiriLy lo the endothelial ceJEs. rlhe toxicity is focal intraretinal and sub retinal hemorrhages (\salmon-
progressive and occurs even after several years of radiation. patclT hemorrhages] at the juncture of the perfused and
Some eyes show no or minimal progression of the radiation nonperfused retina [E'igure 6.3Rj ' These latter
retinopathy even after several years (Figure 6.571-1.]. hemorrhages (J'igure 6.5#A and П). which occur near act
'lhe patients with exudative retinopathy caused by Local­ occluded arteriole, resolve and leave either an iridescent
r/ed capillary changes outside the papillomacular bundle patch of hemosiderin [E'igure 6.5БС, G, and H } or, if the
may be helped by pholocoagulation (figure 6.57C-J-']. blood extends beneath the retina, a black patch of hyper­
l>R[>may be of value in patients who develop severe prolifera­ plastic R r t {"sunburst" spoL&J (I'igure G.S&D-Ev and J)
tive retinopathy;ы Treatment of irradiation optic neuropaLhy or a byperpigmented scar. "J1 Ihese may be mistaken for
is generally unsatisfactory although some patients may expe­ A^'.il лпмл ■'I clioL'iori'Linitii. J:luorc-scd3t angiographic
rience restoration of vision after administration of hyperbaric evidence of peripheral retinal vascular occlusion develops
oxygen soon after the onset of visual fcns$£et,,,Ml Radiation in ПОЯ-b of children with SS and SC disease by the age of
maculopathy and macular edema with lipid exudates can be 6 years and in by age ]2 years.” ' " v Sanders et al.
Lreated. local laser photocoagulation lo the microaneurysms found Lhe mean largesl diameter of the f-'A7. in patients
has improved vision and decreased incidence of further with SC and SS disease was J .Omm compared to 0.61 mm
vision loss. Most recently, use of bevacizu mab has been con­ in normals."-' 'I'here was no significant difference in the
sidered. Jhe treatment is followed by reduction relinal hem­ FAZ diameter within the sickle-cell group in regard to the
orrhage. exudation, and edema. Visual acuities either remain degree of retinopathy, type of sickle-cell disease, or the
stable or improve in mosL patients.""’’''''' visual acuity.
Despite lhe frequency of development of retinal vas­ t>.n9 Sic kEe -cell ret in (jpa Lhy,
cular changes, they cause visual Ioss in 10% or fewer
A and B: A 10-yea r-oEd boy w ilh sickl-e-celI (Ь5) disease
of patients with SC and SS disease.!tLfi-9Lfl Visual symp­ WHi asymptomatic and seen With a vision of 2 0/20 during a
toms are most frequently caused by vitreous hemorrhage screening е к а т . There w ere ли retinal hemorrhages, scars,
derived from the retmafc neovascularization [E'iguies new vessels. or nonperfusion. JJolh I urn porn I periphr;ral
6.SS J-L and 6.59C and both of which are more likely small Vessel? wore prominent, suggesliny dilated capillary
to occur in males between the ages of 20 and 39 years... bed and stow flow in these vessels in response to relative
tissue hypo\ia. rhe dilated capillary bed is Visible on the
and in patients with SC rather than SS disease. 503 IJI
angiograms in the temporal periphery o f both eyes .4 and 0}.
Some patients, however, initially experience acute Eoss of
С and □: This 28-year-o3d with H b SCI disease had a flat
centraE vision caused by occEusion of one or more para­ relinal neovascularijalion in Lhe upper nasal quadrant o f the
central arterioles (i'igure 6.60A-J:], They have multiple left eve wiLh nonperfusion at the retina anterior to il fArrow
patches of ischemic retinal whitening that disappear in Cl. In the superolemporal quadrant was an N V E with partial
several weeks. Angiography shows loss of localized areas auloiiivululion [Arrow t?l and a pigjiitMi Ied choriorefbi'aj star
of the parafoveal capillary- network (I'igure G.GOD-F and a I Lhe silo of a previous hemorrhage (D).
6.61 A-D) .These paracentral occlusive vascular changes are Angioid streaks rn sickle-cetE retinopathy,
more likely to occur in SS than in SC d i s e a s e . " I t E and F: This .5:5-year-oId m ale w ilh HEi 55 disease had a
is probable that many of the small mtcrovascular changes best-corrected vision at 20/2(1 in each eye. Angiojd s lre a K
seen in the parafoveal capillary network in asympLomalic were seen radiating from lhe oplrc disc in Eiolh eyes (E
sickle-cell disease are the resulL of minuLe arteriolar and and L ). There was no evidence of pallern dvslrophy, peali
capillary obstructions Evidence of juxtafo- d'orange, co m ^ s, -choroidal neovascularization or skin
changes, thus eliminating pseudoxanthoma etasticum.
veal capillary obstruction may occur in as many as 29%
С and H: This 54-year-old male Irom C h a n a presented w ilh
of patients wilh sickle-cell hemoglobinopathies,10'"1 but
sudden I(k s of vision in his right eye lo couni fingers: Jb O B
has been observed much less frequently in the patients of peripheral relinal n-onperfusion was seen assthciated w ilh
in Miami. Asdourian and coworkcrs'"'1 noted continuous several auloinlarded raiserl and flat пей vascular tLifts, lhure
remodeling of the macular and paramacular vasculature were ill,rue lears in Lhe interior and ml'erolomporal relinal
in such cases. Loss of central vision is occasionally caused periphery cuasing the retrnar detachment JG J. The left eye
by occlusion of the central relinal artery" \ occlusion had peripheral пол perfusion lo a leaser degree arid auloin-
voluted new vessels (H i. Vision- in lh e LefL eye was 20/20. He
of the centraE retinal vein (see I'igure 6.74A-Fj,J(l''i macu­
underwenl a pars plana vilrectom y with silicone oil place­
lar hole fdfttiati0n, usually associated with retinal tradion
ment as lhe interior vitreous e*tremek- adherent La lhe
caused by proliferative re tin o p a th y su b re lin a l and pre- avascular relina.
retinal bleeding from retinal new vessels al the junction
of the perfused and nonperfused retina that in some cases
may extend posteriorly into the macular areaJ"'' ; trac­ capillary stasis in the inferior conjunctival cul-de-sac and
tion retinal detachment {Figure 6.GIG and H J; rhegmatog- optic nerve head/'1 Ihese taller two findings are help­
enous retinal detachment (i'igure 6.5yG]*~s; neovascular ful in making Lhe clinical diagnosis of sickle-cell disease,
g l a u c o m a retrobulbar ischemic optic neuropathy'"'1; which ultimately requires hemoglobin electrophoresis for
possible choroidal infarcts (iigure 6.601-L); and, rarely, confirmation. Coldbaum described a peculiar light reflex
exudative retinal detach meat [E'igure 6.61 I).' ■ Macular seen when viewed via an indirect ophthalmoscope of
epi retina I membranes, which occur in approximately (he thin temporal retina resulting from posterior retinal
4 % of patients with 55 and SC disease may he respon­ infarcts. "11' This is illustrated well on OC1' (Kigure 6.61 E\
sible for subnormal visual acuity.1,1" " '' AJthough angioid and t-'). Monocular signs and symptoms, including mus-
streaks occur in as many as 22% of patients with SS dis­ cuhjskeletal and joint pain, abdominal discomfort, cho­
ease and less frequently in those with SC disease, rarely lelithiasis, and episodic anemia, that are often present in
are they associated wilh central vision loss caused by cho­ patients with SS disease are frequently minimal or absent
roidal neovascularization (Figure 3.32C-! and 6.S9H and in patients with SC disease. Ocular complications, how­
P) 334j9is [ПС[^епсе of angioid streaks and retinitis pro- ever, are more frequent in patients with SC] disease. Eiare
Liferans increases with age. I",r' forms of sickle-cell hemoglobinopathies also may be asso-
Other ocular findings occurring in sickle-cell dis­ ci ated w ilh ocu lar com pI Lcalio П5.'у' '■"'"'3 1'1 Reli na I vascul ar
ease include optic disc neovascularization.'" hair­ changes rarely occur in patienls with sickle-cell trait unless
pin neovascular loops, 1''14 spontaneous peripheral they have additional systemic diseases that affect the ret­
chorioretinal neovascularization,''' occlusion of the pos­ ina or other relinal vascular diseases."' ''' Cass has seen one
terior ciliary arteries,"l:" ' 1 pseudocapillaiy angiomas of such young patient who developed extreme peripheral
the r e t i n a , i s c h e m i c Infarction of the optic nerve proliferative retinopathy and recurrent vitreous hemor­
secondary to eEevated intraocular pressure/''1" 945 isch­ rhage after initially developing bilateral central retinal vein
emic optic neuropathy in normotensive eyes/'41' and focal occlusion [see Tigure 6.74).
Paaents with StI- and S3 disease prior lo the development fc.bG ReversibEe macular i nfare tie ri in sicfele-tell
of proliferative relinopalhy may demonstrate evidence of relinopalhy.
со Ip: vision abnomuLitici*, electron! inograp hie changes., A-H: lliis 2 4 -year-o-l(I R e im a n t a m e m Гог a той lin e c x a n
and abapntialitjes of retinal vascular autoregulalion.' '■ ' ' a n d r u l e d a rig h l-e y e fie ld d efect w h e n sh e lo o k e d u p . i h e
There is a predilection for spontaneous regression or saw 2 О Ч О О o n th e right a n d 2 0/20 o r the lefl. B ra n c h reLf-
autoinfarction of retinal neovascularization in sickle-cell naf a rle ry o c c lu s io n s w e re seen in (he rig h t m a c u la a n d
d Js ™ ^ f 9^ ^ №Sl?,9jJ,,'9S6 This may be more common in nasal relin a ( A Lind IS I. T h e la r Le m p o M l p e rip h e ry of. lh-е ri^ h l
S i disease."1' E-'or this reason, treatment Is probably nec­ s h o w e d va s c u la r o ct I us io n :C l . A n g io g r a m s h o w e d d e la y e d
il i i n ^ o f lh e in v o lv e d relin a l arlriolHS. W h e n e x a m in e d 1 a n d
essary only hi patients experiencing vilreous hemorrhage.
.3 W eekij later the vis io n h a d im p r o v e d m a r g in a lly 1o 20^2 00^
In such palients, focal pholocoagulation or cryotherapy lh o relina w as IransparenL a ^ a in , a n d Ihe vast u !a r p e rfu s io n
applied directly Lo areas of neovascularization nr scalier h a d fe -e s la b lis h e d in the right m a c u la ( H ) , She w a s k n o w n to
treatment in zones of retinal vascular nonperfusion are h a v e H b S i disease w ith several crises.
usually successful in causing regression of the new ves-
use of lhe fffider Choroidal ischemia in sickle-cell retinopathy.
I—Ll This 4 2 -y e a r-o ld A fr ic a n A m e r ic a n m a le w a s seen With
technique of occluding neovascular fronds is associated
p o o r v is io n in b o th e y e s Гот a fe w y e a rs . His- b e sl-co rrticLe d
with a significant incidence [94% ) of posttrealment devel­ vis u a l a c u ity w a s 2 0 / 2 0 0 in e a c h e y e . B o th m a c u la * h a d
opment of choriovitreal neovascularization and should Ih in n in y w ilh p ijjm u n la lic m a1 the relina ] p ig m e n t e p ilh e lia l
he avoided in favor of scatter trealmenL to the periph­ level I a n d J); A n a l d i u ^ m re v e a le d p o s s ib le ch ori o ca pi I-
eral zones of retinal capillary nonрегГшю n 4lo" Ct| laris loss in the m a c u la , p o s s ib ly Iro m c h o ro id a l Lnfarcls sec­
Posllreatmenl choriovitreal neovascularization may result o n d a r y Lo s ickle -ce ll disease (K a n d L j.

in further vitreo retina I complications and permanent .Л-H, кшЛту Ы IJr. Will;.LinМк'к:г. Л.,i■

I LJ. Altu Y.innu^i. Ljvvrcinci.-
L . T b t R je lln a l A lin s . S a u n d c r i 2 0 I D r 9 7 B-0 -7{ 12( } J 3J [ } - 9 , p . 4 7 2 . U L ,
loss of visual function Other postpholocoagula- CCUrtM'tLJr. H.lliI Mci 'irx r^
Lion com plica lions are the development of choroidal neo-
vascularkzalEon/H4;^ r-s^ № :’ choroidal ischemia,'^1 and
relina] holes.''^' Scleral buckling procedures, vitrectomy,
and Md:YAG laser vilreo lysis are techniques used in these
palients with rhegmaLogenous nind Iractional retinal 1Ъе differential diagnosis includes Hales' disease, FtVH,
detachi(3^OTx lixchange transfusions, formerly done retrolental fibroplasia, sarcoidosis, inconLinenlia plgn^nij^
before sclera] buckling procedures lo reduce the chance of branch relinal vein occlusion, talc relinopalhy chronic
severe ocular ischemic complications, probably should be myelogenous leukemia, uveitis, pars planitis, radiation ret­
abandoned since the development of newer procedures for inopathy, aortic arch syndromes, carotid cavernous iislula,
managing relinal detachment. ''ил " 1 diabetes, and collagen vascular disease.
5j'ckfc-Cdl Rctinvpatfuf 5b I
Constant remodeling of lhe Vascular tree secondary 6.61 Sic kte c e ll re lin o p a lh y
to micro infarcts and micro-occlusions, especially in the
A—F: This 23-year-old m ale from wesl Africa £jave я history
retina temporal lo the nucule has been noted (L;igure Dt diplopia and ё stroke that resuiled in Weakness o f Lhe k*fl
6.61 A-[>J. Cioldhaum described the relinal depression aide of his body. He was hospitalized for poor mentatkrfi.
sign indicating a small retinal infarct temporal to the mac­ W h en ho regained to list iousnoss bo nolrtd Subnormal vision
ula.''' ' 'lliis is best seen by indirect ophLbalmoscopy With in +iit rigbL eye lhal improved lo a $|nall oxieni over lime.
a deflection of the light reflex More recently, this has been W h en examined .1 yaari laler bolh maculav showed enlarged
foveal avascular zune (B and C) associated with micTova-s-
documented by O C i findings. shdJWtrtg the temporal fovea
cular changes in Iho fovea I vessels (я). The p if lib e ra l relina
Lo be thinner than the nasal fovea (L:igure 6.6] E and J-'}.
showed expensive nonperfusion Eli laterally hul no n ew ves­
In a study by Lima et al.,' 3! con fundi va I vessel altera­ sels ID.. The lemporai foveal rt*1iпл was linn compared Co lhe
tion was not influenced by age. gender, felal hemoglo­ nasal f o w j in boch eyes it and J-, arrows!.
bin estimation, serum creatine albumin lewis, presence G and H: Ajuloinlarction of the raised new vessels resulting
of alpha-thalassemia or beta-gjobin gene haplotypes. in gliosis and traction c l the leading arleriok^s in a patiEnl
However increasing the conjunctival vessel alteration was with Hb SS disease.
seen In patients with hemoglobin less than У.0 grams per I: r h ii 10-yeaг-old ^irl with slckle-cell disease was nsymp-
lom alic. she had an outer relinal/t/huioidal w hite lesion
100 ml. hematocrit of less than 36.74%, and Sb phenotype
associated w jlh surrounding subretinal fluid. 14 Ls likely Ibal
of sickle-cell anemia, suggesting that Lower hemoglobin
lhe yeliow lesion is subretmal or outer relinal dt1hurno^lo-
and lower hematocrit and Sb phenotype are risk factors b in iied blood. The vellow patch and subrelinal fluid had
for conjunctival vascular anomalies. Age over 17 years was resolved sponlaneousJy whian she wan i6 - E x a # H d 2 months
a risk for retinal vascular anomalies in sickle-cell disease later.
patients. Treatment of acute CRAG or occlusion of larger
relinal vessels can be done with immediate-exchange
transfusion, improvement of the oxygen-carrying capac­
ity, and deliveiy of lOO^o oxygen by nasal cannula or choriocapillary lobules are more prone to vaso-occlusion
other means, lhe occlusion of the sickle cells is wors­ by the effect of sickling on choroidal circulation [E'igurt
ened by a mechanism called logjam where more sickle G.60L—[.). It is known from studies that the blood flow is
cells pile up behind the initial site of ocdusionr increas­ slower in patients with sickle-cell disease rather than nor­
ing the area of nonperfusion, including surrounding areas mal patients. Et is also useful to monitor these patients
for nonperfusion and occlusion. It is believed that similar for desferrio^amine toxicity since many of them are on
stagnation of cells occurs in the choroid as occurs in the chelating agents to treat (he iron overload from repealed
retinal circulation. Lhe smaller choroidal vessels Ln the transfusions.4’ ^
P R IM A R Y R ET JN A L V A S C U L IT IS O R 6.62 tales'disease,

V A S C U L O P A T H Y (EA LES' D IS E A S E ) A —D: Recurrenl vitreous hemorrhage occurred in the right

eye of л 35-year-old man with 20^20 visual acuity. Гп bolh
A]though Eales originally described lhe association of reti­ eyes he had lar^e equatorial zones mf relinal capillary non­
nal hemorrhages i^'ith epistaxis and constipation, the lerm perfusion anti геУ1iniris pjtblifefHnS as well as capillary lelan-
gicctasis i-п the Lemporril птасиЗл o f both eyes I arrows. A and
"bales' disease" is now used to describe patients who. in
K). In the asymptomatic lelt eye be had optic disc neovas­
the ear]y course of this disorder of unknown cause, have cularization >A . Angiography demonslTalud rrifrrirnil leakage
active occlusive vasculopathy affecting primarily the major □I lbe tefwfljlectatit cnpiliaries in 1be macular areas ■1-51 and
retinal vessels in the peripheral fundus and who laler staining o f the oplic disc and peripheral new vessel? (C and
develop neovascu lari nation occurring along the posterior D)_ rtin retinal pholocoagulation of the nonpertused retinal
edge of broad areas of periphery] retinal vascular occlu­ /ones anti laler a vitrectomy were required to Stop lhe vilre-
sion. ' ■ ,a: Most of these patienis are asymptomatic al ous hemorrhages.

the time of the active occlusive vascu Iopalhy or ^vascu li­ E-H: This healthy 30-year-oFd man noted loss o f paracen­
tral vision in (he left eye. His visual acu ily was 2(Y1 5 bilat­
tis/ xvhich cnay involve primarily the retinal veins, retinal
erally. Note the prominent papillary and j uk tapap i 11ary
arteries, or bolh. If seen during this active phase of the dis­ lel.niLiiet l.14s. irregular n.irrtm n;.', or tin1 rdii>,il .■■t-i i1 .nn::
ease, because of complaints of visual field loss, pholop- cotton-wool patches biEalerally (t and F^. He had extensive
sias, or floaters, fundoscopiic examination may reveal a oblilDTalbon ol" his peripheral retinal Visculatum in both eyes.
variety of pictures, including peripheral retinal perivenous Angiography demonstrated extensive m icrovascular changes
exudation, retinal hemorrhages and exudation, or retinal and a focal area o f capillary nonpttrtubio-n fa now, H.I cor­
responding w ilh a patch ol" ischem ic whitening on lhe lefl
periarterial exudation, arterial occlusion, and ischemic
oplic disc. Soon afterward he began lo experience recurrenl
retinal whitening. Because many patients are asymptom­
vitreous hemorrhages with peripheral and optic: disc n-uovas-
atic during the early active vasculopathy stages of bales' CLtlari^aLion that required panrelinal photucoagulalion and
disease., we have little information concerning the reIalive vilrectomy.
frequency of the various fundoscopic pi dunes lhal occur I- L: Th it hen 11by younjj man e x p e r ie n c e severe; b ila k ia l
early in these patients, who later present with a similar Ecus of vision associated with severe peripheral occlusive
t'undoscopic picture of peripheral retinal vascular occlu­ retinal vein and arterial disease that extended posteriorly and
was assoc in kid w ilh exlensive pepl iterative retinopaLhy.
sive disease (figures 6.62 and 6.63}. Salients wilh bales'
disease are typically healthy young men between the ages
of 20 and 30 years who seek treatment because of float­ positive react inn lo lhe tuberculin protein, there is no evi­
ers or vision loss second ary to vitreous hemorrhage. The dence that the ocular changes are directly related to active
hemorrhage is caused by peripheral relinal neovascular­ tuberculosis. Jn most palienls examined before develop­
ization and in some cases optic disc neovascularization ing vitreous hemorrhage, there is minima! evidence of
[figure 6.62 ]-[.}. Occasionally, loss of vision is caused by inflammation in either the vitreous or retina. One or more
retinal capillary telangiectasis and C.ML [figure 6.62) or retinal neovascular fronds are usually found near the pos­
macular pucker caused by an epiretinal membrane. Similar terior border separating (he anterior tionperfused retina
changes in the peripheral fundus are often present in both from the normal retina {Figure 6.6ЗА and H). 'Jhese retinal
eyes. Although ihere is a higher than normal incidence of vascular changes are usually more prominenL temporally.
Huorescein angiography during the acute vascular EaEesr decease,
occlusive phase of the disease reveals evidence of severe
A—G : This 29-year-old physiciлтл from India was Evaluated
permeability alterations and obstruction lhat ttiay affect Гит floaters in his right eye. He had no history sugj^eslive of
primarily the retinal veins or the arteries. During the Iale г lulberc и Ios i s. There was а partly gliolic raised N V t in the
stages of the disease angiography defines the zcrnes of loss яapejolumporal quarIм nt, anterior to w hich was retinal non-
of the retina] vasculature and the remodeling of lhe reti­ perf union. There '■v'era sheathed reLjnal veins in IKf1 infero-
nal circulation. Which often includes retinal neovascular­ nasal quadra nl and Еэпе choriorelircal hear IA and b5:. N o
areas of аСЙуе vasculilis w ere found. A fluorescein angio­
ization along the posterior border of the zones of perfused
gram defined Lhe areas (]f nonpertusi-on sind neovascular-
and non perfused retina (figures S.62K and I., and 6.63C
Eiialion (C ^nd □). He underwent scalier laser № the areas
and D, |-L). □E nonperfusion. A Uiberculosis skin lesl relum ed кЕгип^Зу
Tales'' disease probably is a heterogeneous disorder posiliver but a chesL X-ray was normal. He was Billow ed, the
that involves at least two groups of patienls. in one group, new vessels repressed, and lhe vilreous hemorrhage cleared.
who arc predominantly males, the vasculopalhy involves A year kiler he was seen lo develop several sniH^II relinal
primarily the relinal veins. In the olher group, with no hemorrhages and p7hlcE?iIi^ (affloW) in the lempotal periphery
и! the rEght eye (E). Since he now showed active vasculitis
seK predilection., (he relinal arteries are primarily affected.
with breakdown oE the blood-retinai barrier on fluorescence
Ihese latter palients are probably part of the spectrum of
angiogram 11 , he was Lreatetl w ilh an 113-monLh course е>г a
idiopathic hi lateral recurrent branch retinaE arterial occlu­ four-drui} anlilubenculous regimen and iapering dose ol oral
sion (see p. 4S2J. Recent folEow-up study of these palients, sluroids for 2 months-. The vasculitis and reflinal hemorrhages
who typically present wilh visuaE toss caused by mukiple cleared and his vision remained aI 20/20 (G). The lefl eye
branch retina] artery occlusions caused by focal "arteri- was normal throughout.
otilis" involving the posterior fundi, reveals a high inci­ H-L; This healthy 5 ]-year-old m ale gave a 4-monlh history
dence of development of evidence of peripheral retinal of progressive loss of vision rn holh eyes assaciaIed w ilh
severe! occlusive reLinal vastuls^ disease affecting primar­
vascular occlusive disease and proliferative retinopathy.
ily Lhe retinal arterial system. Recently lie had developed
Some of these patienls may develop olher evidence of mild vilreous hemorrhage caused by peripheral relinal neo-
focal central nervous involvement."'1 Eividence suggests vascularination-. Hib visual acuily was 20-'-(00, rigbl eye,
a higher than nomial incidence of auditory and veslibu- 20/200, let* eye. Note Lhe multiple affifitomafdub plaques in
Ear abnormalities in these patienls wilh bilateral recur­ lhe arterial walls (H and I ■ , pallpr of the oplic discs, and Ihe
rent branch relinal artery occlusion as well as in series of widespread dol and blot relinal hemorrhages. .Vledical and
palients wilh E-ales' disease.' neurologic evalualions, including magnelic resonant ec in>a^-
in^ of Ihe brain, w ere negalive. AngiogjaplTV revealed exten­
Laboratory investigations of palients wilh kales' disease
sive loss o f the rh in al m icrotasculalure in Ehe m acula areas
haw Г-aikd to determine the cause of the vasculopathy. and peripherally |-L). There was marked microaneurysmal
Klevalion of the patient's serum alpha-1 acid glycoprotein change and laEe staining in Lfie area ot pari Iу fieri usnd relina
Eevels has been demonstrated in these patients during the posteriorly. Liolh eyes subsequently required pan retinal pho-
active phase of the disease."*5'litis is a non specific finding Locoagulalion and vitrectomy.
that jnay be present in some patients with inflammatory IH -L , cLiur1(j:-y tif l>r. l-мпк J. СыБиНа.)
disease, malignancies, and Lissue necrosis. In a taige group
of patients from India with hales' disease, Kengaraian
and coworkers found two specific serum proteins, one of
Which was an an ionic peptide, that were not present in
normal control patienls.')Sl:
'lhe diagnosis of Hales' disease should be reserved for 6.64 Collagen vascular disease associated vasculitis.
patiqob with no evidence of other discLises th al can pro­
A—F: This 1S-year-otd m ale w ilh polyarthritis, circulat­
duce lhe identical fundus changes. Ihese diseases include ing lupus anlicoajjulanl,. mi Ed Raynaud's phenomena, pro­
sickle-ceH disease, diabeies, collagen vascular disease (Figure lei пипа, тлисиш inomljfane lesions, arid severe ischemia
6.MA-K}. Incontinentia piginenti, ROJ? [see p. 5Л)], FEVR chanjjlB of" till.1 dibits df holh hands developed peripheral
(see p. 576}f branch relinal vein occlusion, occlusive retinal vasculopathy affecting prim arily the venous
FSHDp sarcoidosis, pars planitis, serpiginous choroiditis {see svslem IG-I). Ten ivtvks later there was extensive whitening
ot I ht* occluded retinal vessels i'll a r d proliferative retinopa­
pp. 962-368), frosted retinal angiitis (see p. 350), ulcer­
thy (K and L). biopsy o f the kidney, liver, and femur repealed
ative colit Is.-... chronic idiopathic central serous chorioreti­
nopathy (see p. 76J, and a familial syndrome that includes
young women wilh graying of lhe hair., poikiloderma, and Idiopathic oblilerative arteritis.
idiopathic nonarteriosclerotic cerebral calcifications.™ G-L: A 47-year-old Lai in Am erican male was seen for
(See discussion of vasculitis in Chapter 1].) Patients blunt'd vision for 25 days associ a I ed w ilh few floaLers and
flashes of lijjhi. His vision was 2 0/20 on the right and 2 0 /3 0
wilh JTCVA.N syndrome haw a peripheral obi iterative vascu-
on lhe Ief1. 1 4- vilreous cell-ь w ere seen on Lhe ileit. Vlost of
Lopathy that resembles Kaies' disease in all ways except for tEie retinal arleiioles bhowen patchy periarterial w hiten­
the presence of arterial aneurysms [ilgure 6.5(1 and 6.51). ing in bolh eyes associated w ilh few colton-wool patches.
WheLher these two conditions are causally related is yet lo Angiogram showed occlusion of lhe infenolemporal artorioJe
be determined. on lhe ri^Jil and infeTonnisaI arteriole -on lhe left, iyslem ic
The natural course of Hales' disease is variable. In some work-up Гог lulierculosiis and collagen vascular disease was
patients spontaneous occlusion of the new vessels occurs, negative. He received systemic steroids; lhe lell eye devel­
oped neovascular glaucom a and vilreous hemorrhage requir­
and in others recurrent vitreous hemorrhage and progres­
ing a tube shunt and viuocloinv. His final visual acuity was
sion of the occlusive vascular disease may lead lo tola I reti­ 2U/h0 and 20/40. The working diagnosis was bales' disease,
nal dctachmenl. which may or may not lie the accurate tecrrt for his condition.
rholocoagulation of the non perfused peripheral retina,
l A ^ F . f r L im If u ll c l j |J : Ci-L. L O L i r l u ^ v <>■ LJr. Ь :Ш 1 Ь п и ч л Е .)
avoiding lhe Eai^ge areas of retinal neovascularization, is
indicated in patienls experiencing vilreous hemorrhage.
In some palients with vitreous traction, a vitrectomy also
may be necessary. L’holocoagulation may be beneficial in
the few patients who develop CM£ or circinate rnaculopa-
tby caused by paracentral telangiectasia.
R E T IN O P A T H Y O F P R E M A T U R IT Y 6.6". Re tino pa Lhy qf prem atu ri I у fRO!Tl.

A—C: FYeniatufifE in1;ml w ilh 1 R O I'. Arrows indicant?

Prematuf^infants with a birth weight less than ISO tJgrants nenvascLllaf' lufls ("popOirfnT) aiong thy poslerior tfdge of lhe
and bom at less than 32 weeks of postconceplional Age are nedVascuraB ridge.
at risk of developing E'he fundamental process D-l: Mage 2 K O P in д prortiaLurp intant. NoLc lhth di laired
underlying the development of RD P is incomplete vascu­ relinal vyirih and Ihe.1 m uiliply round noovasuular lulls (л'рор-
larization of the retina, and the ophthalmoscopic find­ corn'T) (arrows, D—I) ptis-loricjr 1c Lhe пeovaBful л г fid^e and
in g slem from this arrested development. Enuring normal on lhe optiu dine: iF I.
] rind K: Histcragfiology ol" lilaye 1 KC?F’ shuwjn^ lhy anterioi
retinal developmenl, vessels migrate from the opiic disc
io n -и t)f proliferaLiijn of priniilivt! теьи гк’Етута! се53н in lhe
to the ora serrata, beginning at approximately 16 weeks of
non vascularized roLina (arrow, 11 ,ind lhe inirareLinal and pru-
gestation. Vasculogenesis transforms precursor cells inlo rtilinal neauastular 1iss-Lrt1-tombtisiritt lhe ridgp -.arrowheads-. I
capillary networks. Mature vessels differentiate from these poHleriof to thy avascular z!)nt\ The arrr?w in К iindicateb a nuo-
networks and extend lo the nasal ora serrata by 3(i weeks of vascular lull ("popcorn"! arising from the vascularized retina
gestation and to the temporal ora serrata by 39-31 weeks, posterior Lo the ridge.
lh e location of the interruption of normal vascutogen- lA -i, rm m G ;in ju n u l ,il.1|ll;ii
esis is related lo the time of premature birth, '['he clinical
appearance of the various stages of ROS> is related Lo lhe
location of Lhe vascular-avascular junction.
I4>r the purposes of defining the location and extent of
the retinopathy lhe International Classification of ROT posterior fundus (]:igure .Й.й5),Ю 04-14)18 Jhese neovascular
divides the fundus into two circular and one crescenlic lufls are not considered part of the fibrovascular growth
zones centered on the oplic disc; zone I (posterior pole required for slage 3. Microscopically the ridge anteriorly
or inner zone) is a circular zone, the radius of which sub- is composed primarily of retinal astrocyte precursors lhal
Lends an angle of 30° from lhe optic disc (the radius of stimulate the proliferation of main re endolhelial cells inlo
the circle is equal to twice the distance of the fovea I cen­ a capillary network [I'igure 6.65J and Stage 3 is
ter from the disc edge). As a practical approach for the associated wilh extrarelinal Iibrovascular proliferation: ( I )
clinician, (he approximate temporal extent of zone I can continuous wilh (he posterior aspect of (he ridge, often
be determined by using a 25- от 2S-[> condensing lens. causing a ragged appearance of the ridge: (2 ) immedi­
Бу placing the nasal edge of the optic disc at one edge ately posterior lo the ridge but not always connected lo
of the field of view, the limit of zone E is at the temporal it; or (3) extending into the vitreous perpendicular lo the
field of view, /one 11 extends from lhe edge of zone 1 lo retinal plane, in some patients Lhe fibrovascular prolif­
a point langential lo the nasal ora serrata. /one Ell is lhe eration begins nasally1'" ' "'Plus" disease is used to desig­
residual temporal cre&cenl of retina anterior lo zone J]..■"■ nate a more severe form of each slage of JtOR When any
Il’-;- l'x-l'iH of the disease is spLYiJial U' hours ■ ■i\ '.he of the stages of (he peripheral relinal vascular changes are
clock. Jhe stages of abnormal retinal vascular response are accompanied by evidence of progressive vascular incom­
as follows: stage 1 of this disease is associated wilh a flat petence, including dilation of Lhe poslerior retinal veins,
circumferential white retinal demarcation line caused by lorluosiLy of the retinal arLeries, iris vascular engorgement
proliferating primitive vascular endothelial spindle celts at pupillary rigidity, and vitreous haze, a plus sign is added lo
the junction of the vascularized and the nonvascularized lhe slage."■'L1,|I|J" this definition was further refined to be
retina. Slage 2 is associated with widening and elevation made only when sufficient vascular dilalation and Lortuos-
of the demarcation line inlo a ridge of tissue anterior Lo ity were present in at least two quadrants of the posterior
the plane of lhe retina [E'igures й,65 and 6.6£>A-C;J. The fundus.1021 Stage 4 designates a subtotal relinal detach­
ridge may change from white lo pink as retinal vessels ment.. either exudalive or iraclional. Stage 4A is used for
leave the plane of the relina lo enter it. Multiple isolated extrafoveai detach men Ls and 41i for detachments involving
polypoid neovascular lufts [ лpopcorn” ) may occur near lhe fovea. Stage 5 is associated with a total funnei-shaped
the posterior edge of the ridge and occasionally in the retinal detachment (E'igure G.67A-3’).
An uncommon, rapidly progressing, severe farm of &.66 Relinopalhy pf prematurity {ROP).
ROFf is designated aggressive posterior ROP. Ef untreated,
A -С: D ra w in g of lhe? lefl m acula ;ind relirral VE^sels Icmpe-
it usually progresses to relinal detachment, oflen without rally in a premature infanl. Com pare A , before d r a ^ in j’, w ilh
moving sequentially through the classic stages 1-3. '['he EJ. NcLe the neovascular t-bmplefc :CJI Щ Lhe equator lempt)-
characteristic features of this type of ROP are its posterior rjbi ly tind lliL1absence erf relinal VLisHels; beyond lhe complex.
location, anlerlor-segmenl vascular congestion, promi­ D -F: KOh3 causing heterotopia ol lhe ri^hl macula it)' and j
nence of plus disease out of proportion lo the peripheral retinal mid ex It1riding Iron, lhe lefL optic: dist to Lhe fern para}
retinopathy, and the Ill-defined nature of the retinopa­ peripheiy h and F-l. Nt)Le lhe absence o f relinal vessels in the
Lemporal re1ir>a (F.l.
thy. IUJ'’ Most infants wilh ROP show partial or alл tost
G - K : Late mild cicatricial sLage of R O P causing temporal
complete regression of the retinopathy without treat­
i h.v.^-in'J, nl ilic i i;L;hl mai'ul.i .ind рнеиск uxotru hi,d К ; ,ind I I
ment. lypically by 45 Weeks of posiconceptional age, the in a 12-year-old f^irl whose visual acuilv mas 2ОП0. NoLe the
demarcation line and ridge may atrophy and disappear evidence of occlusive relinal vascular disease at Lhe equalur
as retinal vascular migration into the peripheral avascu­ LemporaNy I and J.i. A n ^ io^ a phy shrined a broad zone of
lar zone resumes. Nearly all patients with stage ] and 2 nelirral nun perfusion tem porally and sLainjn^ of die abnormal
ROP undergo complete resolution."vJ J,ess severe changes vascular arcades juil p o ileiiu r to this- ^оп-e ;K;.
L : La te m ild cicaLricial E i O P c a u tjn ^ p e rip h e ra l CJoals' s yn ­ may accompany die mild ckv.tru disease [stage Э]
d ro m e fn a i 3 -y e a r-o ld m a n w h o s e b irth w e ig h I w as 2 Ih
Include mytrpia; amblyopia; strabismus: relinal pigmen­
(Q .SEtjjJ. N o t e the s u b re tin a l a n d i nlrareiEna f lip id e x u d a te
tation; vitreous membranes; and equatorial folds at the derivEtd fro m p e rip h e ra l i nlra neLi na] n e o v n s Lu l.iri^ i^ liD n .
junction of a vascularized and avascular relinak:iJ:: i a jj
lA-< . njurLtVr Ы IJr. Irstin Г. Flynri.'i
straightening of the relinal blood vessels In the temporal
arcade, wilh decrease in lhe angle of insertion of the tem­
poral arcades into the oplic disc; dragging of Lhe retina and the ectodermal dysplasia, eclrodactyly, and clefting
and macular dispEacement, usually In a lemporal direc­ syndrome.
tion (figures 6.66A, В, D, and H and 6.67K}; and retinal 1Ю 11 has been reported in full-term infants,11'
neovascularization occurring near the equator (Figure though these diagnoses may actuaEly represent cases
6.G6I- L).lClJ,:-50::- Amblyopia may be caused in part by of HliVR.
arrest of Lhe normal postnatal development of the central While improvements in maternal antenatal and neo­
macula,:01^ 'lub |02L>occult hyperoxemic relinal necrosis,1'"11 natal care haw lowered the incidence of HOI1, low birth
and progressive RPli and relinal atrophy.l03ljL{U2 Peripheral weight and gestational age remain lhe most important risk
fundus changes include incomplete vascularizaLion of the factors. Exposure to ambient light in (he nursery has been
peripheral retina; abnormal, nondicholomous branch­ proven not be a risk facto r. L0■
ing of retinal vessels; vascular arcades wilh circumferen­ The role of oxygen supplementation in ROl1 pathogenesis
tial interconnecting Lelangiectalic vessels (figure fi.671); remains complex and controversial. Growing clinical expe­
retinal pigmentary changes; vltreoretinil interface changes; rience suggests lhat lower, buL narrowly conLained. oxygen
falciform relinal folds (Jigure 6.67k; vitreous membranes saturations (R5-92',4) early in postnatal life significantly
wilh or without attachment to relina ( l:igure 6.67C and lowered the incidence and severity ot" h'ewer
I}; lattice Iike degeneration; irregular retinal breaks; pos­ protocols for oxygen supplementation provide for age-
terior displacement of the vitreous base; and exudative, directed target ranges, in which salutations are targeted lo
Lractlonal, and rhegmatogenous retinal detachment. 85-92% until 34 weeks' poslconceplion, and then raised lo
Pseudoexolropia usually accompanies the ectopia of the У2- l(J0% after 34 weeks' posiconceptional age.llllH
macula {I'igure <3.66C.].1UJ'' 'lhe majority of premature infants will develop some
Patients wilh mild to moderate degrees of cicatricial ROP ROP In al least one eye, and in mosl infanls, the disease
may later in life develop rftegmalogenous, lractlonal, and will regress spontaneously.LUL Screening for ROP should be
exudative relinal detachment as well as pseudoangioma- initialed no sooner lhan 31 weeks of postconceptional age
tous masses [Figure lb e exuda­ or 4-6 weeks of chronological age, whichever is later.
tive changes may resemble those seen in Coals' syndrome lhe median onsel of stage I ROP is 34 weeks' postcon-
caused by congenital relinal telangiectasis, angiomatosis ret­ cep Lion, and the median age of ROP requiring treatment
inae, and FFVR (E'igures 6.66L and 6.671).ki:" Interestingly, is approximately 36 weekti’ poslconceplion. M>" : Liser pho-
patients with a hislory of premature birth oflen shtnv a locoagulalion of Lhe avascular retinal periphery, in a near­
significantly smaller FAZ*3 and absence of a normal foveal confluent pattern of spots, has been shown to reduce lhe
contour, ihese changes likely represent develop mental chance of unfavorable visual and structural outcomes m
arrest of Lhe normal centripetal migration of retinal gan­ infants with type I ROT. lype I ROE* was defined as; f ij
glion and Inner nuclear cells. They appear to be ittdepen- any stage of ROP wilh plus disease in /one 1; [2] slage 111
denl of refractive error or relinal ablative LreatmeLit and may ROP in zone 1; (3) stage 19 or LIE ROE1 with plus disease in
be compatible wilh excellent visual acuity.1"'0 ione 2. Huorescein angiography may be of value in dem­
Other diseases that nilrsl he included in the differen­ onstrating peripheral retinal vascular changes associated
tial diagnosis are H3Vti. incontinentia pigmenli, sickle­ with cicatricial ROP and may reveal areas of retinal non­
cell relinopalhy, Kales' disease, diabetic retinopathy, perfusion requiring laser ab]ation.3lJrLW}l lDj5
Converging lines of laboratory research and empiric 6.67 Stages of retinopathy of prematurity (ROP^.
clinical evidence support Lhe rationale of targeted phar­
A —F: Stages 1-5.
macologic inhibition o fV EG F as а treatment Гог advanced I . AbrupL end lo the vp^ssds, Ем'уогкН which is avast::.i lar
1?ОГ. Intravitreal injection of bevacizumab [Avastin| has relina 'A ). 2. l^emarcalion :ле Eje(we.4.j n v a s c u lii^ e q and
been shown lo be highly effective in reducing vascular avascular reLira ( В I. 3. Vascular gjowth over д ridge beflween
activity and eliminating retinal neovascularization. primar­ A s c lila r and avascular relina !CJl. .3 plus. J >il<ilucI and til.rtu-
ily in eyes with posterior disease and a guarded prognosis. ulis vessels pOstaflw Гсз lhe ridge, bignityirjj plus disease |D>.
4. C o rlra c tio r o f lhe ridge w ilh localized I где I io r detach-
It has been used successfully as rescue therapy follow­
menl ro t involving lhe macula \Er arrow). 5. TracJion relinal
ing laser treatment- as an adjuvant to laser in eyes with
delachm-urr! involving Ihie macula
tin paired fundus visualisation due to anterior-segment G and H : Coats'-lilce response and H ad ion relinal detach­
congestion, and as щогффЁегару.11 ment in an Я-уедг-nid jjii] ivilh KC.3K. Nole lhe avascular
Although relinal ablation is effective in mosL cases of relina temporally and llie vascular alteration ir the posterior
advanced ROPj a significant number of these eyes progress pole on angiogTaphy :Hl.
to reLinai detachment. Detachmenl Is often seen associated I: Lo nlsr-like response with liptd ion pcftLerior lo
with areas of incomplete peripheral ablation (skip areas) or lhe ridge ll j.
j: Contraction ot the hyaloid where attached lo I he previous
in eyes wilh inexorably progressive, usually postequatorial
ridge. Nolo lh e extensive avabcuLarity sflpiet'lorly.
disease. Contraction of neovascularization along the ridge
K: A dull КОИ Mfith dragging of" lhe temporal relina into и fal­
and growth into lhe overlying vitreous precede traclional ciform fold.
retinal detachment. Condensation of vitreous into sheets
К j n u r c t i y Cjf U r . iT .IH C lil H cil l M i.i.J
and strands acts as a scaffold for further extension of the
hbrovascular tissue. Traction along the retinal surface and
contraction of the posterior hyaloid face contribute to dis­ iransvilreally from ridge to ridge, from ridge to ciliary body,
tortion of posterior-pole architecture. 'lhe configuration of and extending from lhe disc stalk (i’igure 6.G6C-K}. Some
Lhe relinal detachment in ROE3 depends primarily on the or all of the above components are present in КОP-related
Location of the ridge and the orientation of vectors of vil- retinal detachments. The configuration of the detachment
reoretinal traction. Traclional forces are exerted by contrac­ is determined by the relative force vector contribution of
tion of the posterior hyaloid as well as in the directional tiactional component.'0^3Spontaneous reattachment of lhe
vectors intrinsic to the relina, from the ridge to the lens. retina in slages 4 and 5 rarely occurs.1:1,1
6 .6 B F a m ilia l e * u d a liv e v itre o re tin o p a th y .
F A M IL IA L e x u d a t i v e
V IT R E O R E T IN O P A T H Y Л -F: This S^-year-old molh-er and Я -year-old child had pseu-
doexolrapia caused by Lrmiporal drafy^inj} of lhe m acula in
hbVK Is a hereditary ocular disorder first described by bolh eyes (A-CI, and F). Visual acuily in the mother was light
CrlsWlck and 5chepens in 196У. It can be inherited as an perception ir [he right вуЕ and 20/25 in the left eye. The ret­
ina fn rht: ri ц,ЪI eye was totally delacbud by v^'ilow exudates
autos-orm*]-dominant, recessive or X-linked trait with high
lli.i. RbrtfVascuEar pttftff-er^tfVe relir^rl сН$ИйФ occurred in
penetrance and variable expressivity. il resembles RGP but the lemporiii periphery. Fn the ielt eye (C and (here was
occurs in patients with no history of prematurity or neona- fieripheral retinal schisis w ilh inner relinal hoiet !aTrcwsr P .
Lal oxygen therapy■ ' in its earliest and mildest form, The sun had temporal draj^jjn^ oP lhe macula, retinal prolif­
areas of peripheral retinal whitening without sclera] depres­ erative changes, and lau d a tio n in ’ he te m p o ™ periphery it
sion, peripheral cystoid degeneration, vitreous band fbrma- and F>. His visual acuity was 2Q/20. Cryotherapy was suc­
tion, vitreous traction, and minimal or no retinal vascular cessful in flptHliEraling peripheral retinal vascular abnormal i-
Ljoh The visual function in bulh palienls was unchanged 20
changes are presenl in Lhe temporal periphery of otherwise
years Lalei.
normal eyes. Peripheral retinal avascularityr retinal seovas-
G -l: This 4-year-old child had fibrovascuiar changes in lhe
cuEarijiation, disc neo\rascnlari^ation, fibrous proliferation, infernteiviporal anti inferior periphery of Lhe ri^ht eve i.C and
exudation, and localized relinal detachmcnt in Lhe area H and iniurioT periphery of lhe left eye. The left eye in addi­
between the equator and ora serrata with traction and drag­ tion had an ч^ЬпогтаИ у adherttnl vitreous Eiand ex lending
ging of the major retinal vessels and macula in a temporal from nasal Iи the dtat .
direction represent a moderately advanced stage of the dis­ j and K: Histopalhoio^y of familial exudative vilreoretinopa­
lhy showing funnel-shapMid exudalite retinal detach menl iH
ease (Ngure 6.6SC and C). Ihese changes cause retinal and
and dense prerelinai vitreous membranes (arrow, Ki (tflng on
subretina] exudation [Coats' syndrome), vitreous traction,
lEie inner -surface of a degenerated peripheral retina contain­
retinoschisis, retinal hole formation, falciform retina! folds, ing occluded blood vw seb .
total retinal detachment, cataract, intraocular hemorrhage,
I t ]- 1 ■
: i lur v 11| L i r. F- m n c u A k l e J i I ; ,. I
and neovascular and angle closure gjaucoma [I'igure
Loss of central vision may be caused by heterotopia of (he
macula, relinal striae, cystoid retinal edema, epiretinal
membrane, and retinal d e t a c h m e n t .I’seudoexotropia
caused by temporal dragging of the macula is frequently i fislopathologic examination of eyes with advanced
evident [E'igure G.6SA and F). fluorescein angiography stages of the disease demonstrates tola! retina! detach­
shoxvs areas of capillary nonperfusion anterior to the ment, peripheral reLinal vascular proliferation, exten­
equator, diEaled relinal vessels and retinal neovasculariza­ sive prerelinal fibrovascuiar membranes, intraretinal
tion, and dye leakage into the fibrovascuEar masses and and sub retinal exudation, and usually iris neovascular­
from relinal capillaries elsewhere [E'igure 6.6^1i).lu,,:,,l° 71- ization and angle closure glaucoma [t-'igure 6.6SK and
Angiography of the lemporaE periphery may be helpful in Q-ios+iuiss.i'j^ subretinal hemorrhage occurred
diagnosing the miEdest form of the disease, ^олст in one case,Л5* and focal inflammation in the regiott
Three t'iHVR genes have been identified lo dale: N D P of lhe peripheral fibrovascuiar relinal mass occurred in
(MEM 30065S, X-tinked), FZD4 [M IM 604579, domi­ ihree eyes.|;'^к|П',с,1]Qiifl ]^e role of inflammation in the
nant), and А.КГ5 [M lM 605506, dominant and reces­ pathogenesis and progression of this disease is uncertain.
sive). l0,--k-,u Linkage analysis in one family suggests a Hvidence of ihrombocytopalhy has been found in some,
gene locus either at Xq21.5 or at X p ll. It is of interest lhal but nol in other, families. lO S7,m!^-uM6
the gene for Nome disease an X-l inked disorder charac­ Unusual fibrovascular proliferation from Lbe retina inlo
terized by severe proliferative retinopathy, is also located the vitreous occurring in late intrauterine life or neonalally
at X p" lhe N D P gene codes for norrin protein that is in FtYR is also a feature of Incontinentia pigmenli (see
also defective in Nome's disease. The gene for autosomal - пел! section), Norrie disease, a congenital X-1inked reces­
dominanl E-'LVK has been mapped lo the Jong arm of chro­ sive disorder in males who present either at birth or soon
mosome П . ' ^ |м::1 More than 50% ofFEV ft cases do not afterward wilh bilateral blindness and a while relrolental
carry any of the mutations so far known; hence il is likely mass,11"'1 and non familial retinal vascular hypo pi asia asso­
more genes will be identified Id lhe future. ciated with persistence of the primary vitreous.
]N C O N T IN IL N T IA P IG M E N T I fe.blJ Incontinentia pigmenti

A: Hullo u? and t/errucoUs lesions (]n the fool of a female;

Incontinentia pigmenli (ttloch-bul/berger syndrome) is infan: w ilh Lm:onli rienlia pljrijienti.
an inherited generalized ectodermal dysplasia thal often S: Linear ад япцвгП йт of blgrnwiied nkin lenionn around lhe
iiiVoLveS the eyes (3 5 % of cases), hair, teeth. And central rib cajje (nevus lines ol" Bla$£hfco).
nervous system (30% ) [E'igures 6.6У and (. and D: Pseudogfftirtia in lhe rij^hl eye and bigfntwiled skirt
Jl is usuaEly inherited as an X-l inked dominant trait Eesicm in the armpit of [his ID-year-old f>irl w h o had denial
Lhal is lethal In males. Ocular and dermatologic find­ hypoplasia (D L
E—G : Blotchy pijjm enlalion ol lhe 3egs and fundi in a young
ings of incontinentia pigmenti may occur in mates wilh
l^iil w ilh optic dif-c anomalies.. peculiar r^idi^itiп_ц lines or
Klinefelter karyotype 47,ХХУ of from genelic mos­
fold*, and subrelinal lesions in lhe m acular areas it. I..
a i c i s m . A less common form of the disease (N'aegeli H and 1: Angiogram (H) show ing peripheral retinal vascu­
type] probably has a dominant mode of inheritance, lar proliferation and shunts :h-E* posterior edge ol lhe io n e
affects both seres, and is without ocular mill form at ion.1" 1 or relinal vascular n o npeil'u-siо n Erel'one photoLoajjulaLion.
Incontinenlia pigmenti achromtans is a closely related Composite fundus photograph (I] shotws ь л т е area a i l e
syndrome thal also occurs in both sexes (see figure 3.69). pholooria^u hit ion.
lhe skin, particularly of lhe extremities and trunk in J-L: Inianl girl w ilh typical pigmented lesions around lhe
Irunfc Ц'1, dragging of lhe macula (a maw, К and L . and a reLi-
patients wilh incontinentia pigmentir is involved at birth
nal fold. CryoLherapy was u w d Lo [teal proliferative relinal
or soon afterward wilh bullous, erylhematous lesions
vascular changes (not shown] in lhe peripheral fundus, ih e
tbal may progress lo the verrucous stage [Figure 6.69A) was delivered afler a fuK-lerrn pregnancy and did nol receive
and may further progress lo the flal pigmented lesions ни pplementa I oxygen a fler dn I ivory.
that are arranged in whorls and splotches [figure 6.701), IT-,iivI (j, fr-uni ,Vk(..'r,iry- ;md Smlfii1'' I ^641, Апшпс/мп iVttdk ;il
as well as in a linear fashion around the ribcage (nevus As4* uJidh All r^hls н.'чипл'с! I'E niritf 1. Irum Nislrmui.i L’l
Eines of Blaschko) (I'igure 6.6Ж С, £, and f). The pig­
mentation may fade and disappear in later years. Alopecia.,
nail changes, and dental hypoplasia are frequent {Figures vascular changes to involve the periphery, the posterior
6.69D and 6.70] I). Central nervous system disorders pole may be affected by similar BpqLdj&0Lgs.jOW' m i-LO:17,!}
incEude seizures, spastic paralysis, mental retardation, and Patchy variegated and whorl-like pigmentary changes in
occasionally rapidly progressing neonalal cerebral isch­ the fundus, similar to those of (he skin, mav occur (Figure
emia.1"''' Ocular abnormalities lhal are frequently Linilat­ 6ЯЭР)
eral or asymmetric include strabismus, cataract, myopia, L'he palhogenesis of lhe fundus changes is uncertain;
nystagmus, blue sclera, corneal opacities, conjunctival lhe similarity of the pathology' lo KOP suggests a congeni­
pigmentation, diffuse molded pigmenlaiy change in lhe tal defect in the development of lhe retinal vasculature. On
fundus1" ' {i'igure 6.6!?[■'), patches of chorioretinal atro­ lhe other hand, lhe retinal vascular and nbroproliferative
phy. retinal vascular anomalies, peripheral retina! non­ changes may be secondary lo a primary abnormality of the
perfusion, p re retinal neovascularization, infantile retinal RPE. ]"1~> Nisliimura and associatesIL:'" observed the pro­
detachment, optic atrophy, retinal dysplasia, foveal hypo­ gressive development of avascular areas in the peripheral
plasia, pseudogtioma (Figure 6.69CJ, and phthisis bulbi. relina of a full-term newborn during Lhe first month and
Progression from only mild relinal involvement neona- a half of Eife (llgure 6.69 El and I), ill is was much more
lally to total relinal detachment and blindness may occur severe in one eye than in the other and was accompanied
within 3 or A monlhs afler birth.1'"1 ЛЬ normal ilies of lhe by ischemia, a cherry-red spot, and optic atrophy in the
peripheral retinal vasculaLure near the temporaE equator more severely affected eye. 'Ihey believed Lhat proliferative
incEude vascular dilation, arteriovenous anastomosis, pre­ retinopathy Was caused by progressive postnataE vascular
retina] fibrous proEiferation, vascular proliferation, exuda­ obstruction and postulated (hat the circulatory impair­
tion, and absence of the retinal vessels peripheral to these ment may also involve the choroid, optic nerve, and other
changes (Figures 6.6931 and I and 6.70Л-С, |-E.)."r''' tissues in the body. A similar case of fiftrente relinal avas-
^attachment of the retina cularity with vasculature limited lo approximately 1.3 disc
can occur at limes (I’igure 6.70E').111} 'Ihese changes simu- diameters on either side of Lhe oplic disc has been noted
Eate those in RDF, t-'LVK, sick!e-celE disease, and tales' dis­ in Lhe left eye of a 26-day-old infant by Meal Eel et at.1" '
ease. Abnormalities of the retinat vessels in the posterior and in a newborn by Chao et al.111'' iome aulhors have
fundus occur less frequentlyab norm at vascuEature of demonstrated what they interpreted as a favorable effect of
the FAZ,IU5jlJLfi dragging of the retinal vessels and hetero­ pholocoagutalion and cryotherapy in the treatment of pro­
topia of lhe macula and retinal folds may occur (I'igure liferative retinopathy (Figure 6.69H and lyura.nflJ.JUB.ius
6.69J-I.J. Whereas ihere is a predilection for the retinal Other authors have reported less favorable resulls.1141
Ijicttn J/pfejK{jLT 5/9
Mutations in lhe inhibitor o f kappa Sight poly peptide b.7L) incontinentia pigmenli.
gene enhancer En К cells., kinase gamma. IH JftC (Gen Han к
A —I: lbih 40-yoar-old youngest of five siblings with no Family
ISM_003639.3; M IM # 30 024 8 ) Л Iso called nuclear factor history ot eye <jt sysletnlt disease was found Lo have )з.гн;И#Й-
kappa II (N F -кЖ essential moduli! to г (N tA I oflKKgpm m a} lous vessels in the righl five ;.A \ She was в ггкик!та1е myope
at the Xq28 location, is responsible for incontinentia pig- w ilh corrected vision to 2Q/20 in each eye. lh e temporal and
menli in about 8 0 % of p a t i e n t s . M u t a t i o n in this gene inferoLemporal retina showed peripheral nonperfusion w ilh
Leads Lo activation o f eotaxin, an eosinophil chemokine. pigmentary changes suggesting sponlaneous ^ U a d y n m l
of a detached retina (E-D ). Angiogram confirmed peripheral
Accumulation o f eosinophils in tissue, and in or around
avascularily (Ё and FK Гlie left fundus had a normal vascular
blood vesselsv results in skin vesicles and vaso-occlusive
pattern. She had small vitiliginous patches on her skin simi-
findings in lhe eye and brain.1 1' The mutation may occur Lo Ьем falhcr. N ail .H and skin changes or" inconl inentia
de novo or may be tracism tiled in an \-\inked dominant pigmenLL w ere seen over her forearms and Lhighs lb. She gave
fashion. и Liislory o f having bliiLers over he* L>ody and scalp as a neo-
natn. Two older brolhers and sislers and m olta1? w ere Unaf­
fected. indicating the possibility ol de novo mutation in her.
J-L: Thi н 5 2-year-old white female prosonLed with vilitegus
hemorrhage in Lhe 1еЙ eye. She had a past history ol viLre-
ous ЬёйтОггИада in Lhe right eye requiring laser photocodgLl-
lalion approximately 6 years; previously. The posLcrior pole
was normal. The lemporal periphery showed laser scars w ill:
sheathing of the relinal vessels and absent vessels anterior lo
the laser scar. Far periphery of lhe lefl eye showed periph­
eraL nonperfusion and ghost-like proliferative vessels, some
inlraretinally and ногтч1 growing inLo vilreous at I Lie junction
of Lhe perfused and nonperfused retina (J and KJ. Fluorescein
angiogram of the periphery showed dilated collaterals and
capillary lied corresponding Lo Ihe gbosldike vessels seen on
lhe color photographs lj. The relinal vessels were shon in
other areas o f the periphery. She had skin lesions Lypical of
inconlinenLia pigmenti w ilh whorl-like defecls.
U—L. t.[jurt*iy nt Ur 'iVMi.nn Mjl'Ilt.!
Dystrog[ycanopathies (Muscle-Eye-Brain fc.7 E Mu sc Ie-eve—brain 1.1ЧЛЕВ) disease,

Disease) A -F: This 2-rticjnlh-cild presdrrted w ilh puur fixation in bolh

eyes and was found L(] have rn^tpiibbflrarnia and retinal
Dystroglycanopalhies are л ^roQP Ф 7genetic disorder jthat detatfiriti^flt in 1h-u right eye and aljnormal iDveal imJ&k in lhe
involve bolh centra! (brain and eye) nnd peripheral ner­ left eye. She wan born at full term liy £^Кэгвап нес Iion, .ind
vous system (skeletal muscle) caused by underglycosylation was rioted lo have hip dysplasia. th ere were no s-kiгь lesions,
o f djijpha-dv'stioglycaft. with O-!inked c;irbohydraLes. Alpha- tiompuled lom oyraphv scan showed enlarged laleral ven ­
dystroglycan es а 156-k3.>a peripheral transmembrane tricles and thin corpus taLlusum. lh e rij]hl retina wa.^ dys-
plasUc will* peripheral a vascularity in Lhe superior Quadrant
protein th at undergoes multiple glycosylation sleps lo
and exudative rh in al delachinent iA and B '. The lefl reLrna
Lnteracl with extracellular matrix proteins such a& laminin,
was also iiypoplasLic but fillached Ci. A fluorescein an^io-
neurexin, and perlpqan.113-1 So far, mutations in six differ­ цгат bf lhe ri^ht eve confirmed Lhe peripheral nunperfusion
ent genes - J f c m № \ IT 2 , P O M G n ti' fukutin (Г К Г Х ). on lhe riuliL and anom alous vascular pattern in Lhe left \L5-h .
FK R P ; and I.ARtrt' - Ilave been recognised..1 ihere is con­ Ftillhef delay in milestones, hypotonia, floppy musc3esr nnd
sider able phenotypic variation in lhe clinical syndromes elevaled creatine kinase IС!K) levels prompted leslin^ for
with a wide spectrum of clinical findings ш each - Walker- ME;hi disease lhal returned positive for heterozygous nv.Ha-
tion in F Q M G n T I f^ene. lhe- exudative relinal detachmunl ir>
Warburg syndrme, muscle-eye-brain disease, Fukuyama
the rif^ht eye sell led oveT 1 years-, leaving a fold in Lhe pos­
congenital muscular dystrophy, congenita! muscular dys­
terior pokh in пег righl eye. The lelt eye underwent periph-
trophy types ID and 1 Cf and limb girdle muscular dystro­ eraE scatLer ablation lo areas o f nonpedusion. Bath retinas
phy variants, LpM D 2I, I.GMD 2E.. and ^ M D 2N .lt24 remained unt handed at a^e 4.
The clinical findings of hypotonia, muscle weakness, ш П Й у ol IJr. НлпЬй R c L -c t i -f i .l
contractures, seizures, hyporeflexia. and menial relarda-
Lion coupled with elevated serum creatine kinase activ­
ity guide lhe diagnosis of dystroglycanopalhy. The group
of disorders is characterized by variable involvement and
severity of cerebraE cobbles lone lissencephaly (agyria, Muscle-eye-brain [P ^ M C n T l] has more ocular involve­
pachygyriar or polymicjogyria}, cerebellar, pons or brain­ ment involving both anterior and posterior segments,
stem hypoplasia, absent corpus callosum, hydrocephaly, including microphthalmos, glaucoma, myopia, coloboma.
muscular dystrophy, eye involvement including myopia, secondary cataracts, retinal hypoplasia resulting in periph­
retinal delachment, abnormal retinal vasculalure, anterior- eral avascu!artly similar to ROP (I'igure 6.7115 and t), exu­
ehamt>er abnormalities. microphthalmia, and persistent dative (I'igure 6.71Л and В ) or secondary7tractional retinal
hyaloid sys lem detachment and optic nerve hypoplasia,1135']1261UJ9-L]iJ
Ъ ^ о п ф ка Ил piem en fi 5й-3
D Y S K E R A T O S IS C O N G E N IT A b. 72 Dys kera losis со nge nitn .

A -L: А 20-year-old m ;i It? was 1he pf oband w il h 2 0/20

Dyskeratosis congenita is a m иI Lisystein disorder that is vision in the righl eye and 2 0 / 2 0 0 in [he left eye. He was
caused by defects in lelomere maintenance. Telomeres are known to have interstitial lung disease, and had a biopsy of
com pie* DNA protein structures lhat protect chromosome his lunyr liver, and Iw ne ttiarrow, Min f,Uheir's diagnosis was
ends from degradation and inappropriate recombination. esLaIjIinhed 10 years previously and a sisLer had died in htir
Jelomeres shorten wilh each cell division, -and when they early 20s from renaE faiГиге. His platelet counL was I S 000
Lells/^tt. total w hile count 2500 ceEls^l, hemoglobin 13.1ц/
become critically short a D KA damage response is acti­
dl, with elevated liver enzymes and bilirubin. H-lood urea
vated, causing cell cycle arrest and cell death. She]letin,
nitrogen and creatinine w ere normal. The ri^bL fundus was
a complex of sis proteins, binds to lelomeric DNA and normal: lulan^ieclatic dhafltaes w ere seeflj in Ihe left rnaculS
protects it. Telomerase enzyme synthesizes le loin eric (A and И).. In addition Lo dilaLed and leaking capilEaries and
repeal sequences on to lelomere ends. Et is inherited as an aneurysms in Ihe iefl macula, artgfogram showed peripheral
autosomal-dominant, X-l inked recessive, or sporadically nonperfusion which was worse on Lhe leil compared to lhe
by de novo gene mutations, in the X-l inked form, muta­ ri^ht, and mild toveal capillary leakage on (he right fC-G).
The left fovea was thickened on optical coherence lomoj;-
tion occurs at the Xq2S locus, resulting in dysfunction of
raphv. M iн 47-yeaf-old fa Lher had 20/20 vision in bfllh eyes,
dyskerin, a protein in lhe telomerase complex.1,31 '['he
and showed mild foveal Lelan^ieclasia fl and J1 LhaL leaked
dominant form is caused by mutations in the о Lher com­ very m inim ally on Lhe angiogram ik and 1Л H e had pulm o­
ponents of the enzyme telomerase. such as the telomerase nary fibrosis and peripheral edema. Another tislef and Lwo
RNA, TERC, and a reverse transcriptase TTiRT1154 nieces ot" lhe pmEjand were also posilive, in addition to Lho
Гоог lelomere function affects cells wilh high turnover proband and his lather, for Lho !ЬКС. gene mutation. The
such as the epithelium, bone marrow; skin, and nails, family clearly depicts genetic anticipation; Lhe falhter was
less severely affected compared 1o lhe коп iprobandi and a
resulting in multisystem manifestation. The disease was
daughter w h o died in her early 20s.
first described with a Iriad affecting nails, skin pigmenta­
il- ш т kthrjsr:,n c l j | . wdlh репт1Ещпгт, A, 15. t. i ■:I (.!, A b u , n n n u i i i ,
tion, and mucosa] leukoplakia more lhan Ш0 years ago.
L .m r c m и J .. l l i u K u Ijn . j I А Й * £ b .iu rid i’ n 1(11 0, 9 7 Л - П - 7 (Ц ()- 3 .!2 0 - И ,
Hone marrow failure, premature aging, pulmonary fibrosis, MS.L
and malignancy are serious manifestations. Pancytopenia,
short, ridged fingernails, and patchy skin hypopigmenta-
Lion are hallmarks of this condition. Ocular findings may
include epiphora due lo tear duct obstruction, dilated con­ esophageal slriclure, cardiomyopathy, fiver cirrhosis,
junctival blood vessels, corneal limbal stem cell failure, osteoporosis, and avascular necrosis of the bone. urinary
corneal vasculopathy, dry eyes, conjunctivitis, blepharitis, tract abnormalities, testicular atrophy, mental retardation,
loss of eyelashes, microphthalmia, strabismus, and cata­ intracranial calcifications, and cerebellar hypoplasia with
ract.1' " Retinal changes are rare but can include retinal ataxia. They have a predisposition to develop malignan­
hemorrhages, nerve fiber layer infarction, narrowing of cies such as secondary acute myeloid Leukemia, myelo­
the retinal vessels, prerelinal fibrosis, and oplic atrophy. dysplasia, head and neck cancers, and esophageal cancers.
Ketinal vasculopalhy in the form of aneurysm forma­ Wore lhan one cancer may occur in an individual.11^ !^!J
tion with leakage resembling Coats' disease is seen.111' All features are nol preseLit in childhood; many develop
Occasionally, progressive peripheral vaso-occlusive reti­ over Li m e.
nopathy occurs (Figure 6.72)." " 'Lhe Nobet Prize in medicine was awarded to tlizabeth
Other systemic features lhat have been recognized H. Blackburn, Carol W. Greider, and ]ack W. Szostak in
include premature graying of hair, premature tooth loss, 2009 for the discovery of how chromosomes are protected
en tenopathy wilh т а Iabsorption, immune deficiency. by telomeres and the enzyme telomerase.
6.73 H is to p a th o lo g y o f re tin a l vein o b stru ct io n.
D IS E A S E S A: V iild venous obstiucLitMi with intfaneti na I UKEMvasation
ot etyihtocytes ;ind m-нiп I en-ia nee ot" i d л lively normal relinal
In lhe end-artery vascular system found in lhe retina, architecture in a hypertensive palienl With evidence (if arte-
obstruction оГ a retinal vein causes elevation of lhe wnous i i о Is r sdujosi я ■arnrm .
i?: Severe venous obtLruclion with hemorrhagic i шГл rc: Li on of
and LntracapilEaiy pressure and a slowing of arterial blood
Lhe inner ralina.
flow in the area drained by lhe vein. 'lhe visual defects and
: CysLic degeneration ot the relina many lYionlhs afler
retinal damage produced by venous obstruction depend severe ven ou?- obsLruc Li o n .
primarily on the rapidity of its development, lhe degree of D : Cystic degeneration ol Lhe reiina and m acular hole Гснтла-
obstruction, and lhe availability of collateral pathways of Lion after нечего central relinal vein a te I us ion.
venous outflow, if lhe degree of obstruction is mild, capil­ E: M acu la r schisis, exudative refi поражу, retinal degen­
lary endothelial damage is minimal and leakage of serous eration, and epiretinal т ш п Ь м п и and pucker secondary lo
exudation and exlra\rasation of try throcytes into the retina severe central retinal vein occlusion and rubeotfc glaucoma.
NoLo Lhe lipid-laden ftiacrophages i.nrrcnvi in Henle's layer.
may be unassociated With significant ischemic damage to
Lhe relina (Figures 6.7 ЗА and 6.74A-D). Complete resolu­
tion of lhe fundus changes and return of retinal function
may occur following venous recanalizalion and (he estab­ normal venous pressure (Figures 6.73 E3—L> and 6.74G-L).
lish menl of collateral venous channels.k With moder­ The presence of retinal arterial insufficiency enhances the
ate venous obstruction, Lhe decree of retinal hemorrhage, likelihood of venous obstruction and increases the retina]
exudation, and ischemia is greater, E'ollowing restoration datnage caused by the venous obstruct ion. lliere is little
of normal venous pressure, the retina may remain edema­ clinical or experimental evidence, however, to support
tous secondary to prolonged or permanent damage to [he the viexv that some degree of arterial insufficiency is nec­
retinal capillary endoLbelium (secondary retinal telangiec­ essary for venous obstruction to produce retinal hemor­
tasis). if the degree of venous obstruction is great, hemor­ rhages. 1,1" !- 11 ■" Jhcre is color Doppler imaging evidence
rhagic infarction of the relina causes extensive loss of the lo suggest that diffuse smal[-vessel disease and reduced
retina] capillary bed and postischemic cysloid degenera­ blood velocity may be important in the pathogenesis of
tive and atrophic changes that remain after restoration of central retinal vein obstruction in some patients. ■I'J|>LI 4
C E N T R A L R ET IN A L V E N O U S 6.74 Central retinal vein obstruction.

O B S T R U C T IO N A—F: M oderately severe central relinal vein obstruction in

lhe left eye E3' of а 4.2-year-old black wom an w ilh slfckHe-ceft
Various terms have been used lo describe Lhe severity of Ira it. Visual acuity was 2 0 / 2 0 in lhe rigjil eye (A) and was fin­
retinopathy associated wilh central relinal venous obstruc­ der co'.i riling in I Fie left eye IK). Bulb oplic disLS were sli^hlly
pale. Angiography demonstrated evidence o f prolonged reti­
tion (Figures (i.73 and 6.74).11 ,:-1" " None is completely
nal cirvuIaLiun lime and diffuse dye leakage from Lhe relinal
satisfactory. '['he clinical terms used lo describe lhe ocu- capillaries, venules, and veins (Cl. Two years later the patient
Ear fundus reflect the degree of obstruction of Lhe entire relumed because u1 binned vision secondary to impending
venous outflow from lhe relina [central retinal vein plus cenlral reHlnal vein ofaslrudiqii in I be riftht eye <Ш- Nole the
eollaleral vesselsJ and not jusl lhe centra! relinal vein dilated venous collateral vessel on the optic disc (arrows
alone. A palienL may have complete anatomic obstruc­ lh e leA fundus was normal ■:£). Visual acu ily was 20 /15 in
tion of the centraE relinal vein at the level of the Eamina lhe rijjfil eye and 2Q/21) in lhe left eye. Two months laler lhe
relinal hemorrhage* bad cleared I-ir however, a few m icro­
cribrosa. with we 11-developed collateral ven out Йг^ЬпеЦ,
aneurysms remained. Visual acuiLy was 20/Sjffl bilaterally and
and manifest only minimal fundoscopic changes of has remained so for 7 years, despiLe recurrent vilneouj; hem-
venous occlusion. onhaLjes secondary lo peripheral areas o f neLinilis probrer-
ans and retinal vessel nonperfusion identical lo thaE seen in
Impending, incipient, Partial, or sickle-cell hemoglobin С disease.
G —|: M oderately severe nonischem ic central retinal vein
Incomplete Central Retinal Vein Dc-dlision and optic disc edema f(J . Angiography rtvE H e d
Obstruction an increased retinal circulation time and inlraretinal sLa in-
in^ ■:t-E and I). Note ioi lowing spo n I aneou s resolliLion af lhe
Jhese terms л re used synonymously lo describe the fundi obstruction iho venous eollaleral vessel (arrow, 3) on lhe
of patients who are either a s y m p to m a tic or who may optic disc and lhe reLinai [jit>menl epithelium atrophy con­
complain of mild, ofLen transient episodes of blurring of tra llv caused by dissection of inlra retinal blood inlo 1he sub-
vision. 1heir fundi demonstrate mild venous dilation, a retinal space during lhe acule phase pf the disorder.
few widely scattered retinal hemorrhages ( I'igure 6.74D), К and L: ie v e re Central relinal vein obsIm c lion. Nole the
pallor o f (he optic disc, colton-wool patches, diffuse isch­
and a mild increase in relinal circulation lime angio-
em ic w hitening of (he reflina, and multiple retinal hemor­
graphicallyl]5l1lM The term "venous stasis ielinopathyD
rhages K.I. Angiography revealed massive dmp-oul oi lhe rel­
to describe these patients probably should he avo id ed , inal capillary bed ■;Lj.
since it was originally used in Lhe literature lo describe
focal retinal hemorrhages scattered in the peripheral fundi
in patients wilh reduced retinal artery pressure caused by
hemorrhages; marked swelling and obscuration of the
carotid artery obstruction.
optic disc margins; multiple focal zones of ischemic u'bit-
ening; colton-wool patches; diffuse loss of relinal transpar­
Nonischemic Central Retinal Vein ency; marked Increase in lhe central retinal vein pressure
Obstruction (Perfused Central Retinal as determined by an inability to collapse Lbe relinal vein
Vein Occlusion! with digital pressure;1 angiographic evidence of marked
increase in retinal circulation time; evidence of Earge
Mi id to moderate loss of acuity usually 20/200 or better; iones of capillary nonperfusion; severe capillary perme­
widespread retinal hemorrhages; angiographic evidence ability alterations; and severe alterations in the eleclroret-
of mild lo moderate cysloid relinal and optic disc edema; inogram (Figure 6.74К and Lj.-ir: The term "combined
minima] or no areas of capillary nonperfusionr and an central retinal artery and v ein obstruction" may be war­
increase in relinal circulation lime characterize these ranted in patients with severe visual Eo&s and extensive
pa lien is (Figures 6.74K-, Cr and С -I, and 6.7!>А-С). Hlood ischemic whitening of th e reLina as well as scatLered reti­
Levels are often seen within the large retinal cysts in the na! hemorrhages. L'hese palients are more Likely Lo have
foveolar area.L s fbo me cotton-wool patches, particularly in evidence of ophthalmic or carotid artery insufficiency
Liypertensive patients, may be present Transient retinal ves­ Patients initially exhibiting one of the lesser degrees of
sel wall sheathing may occur.'1" lhe intraocular pressure obstruction may subsequently develop a more severe
in the affected eye is often lower lhan in the fellow eye.1" 0 form of obstruction.11111''11''- A limed fluorescein angio­
graphic study, preferably using a wide-angle fundus cam­
Severe (Ischemic) Central Retinal Vein era. can document the degree of obstruction, the severity
Obstruction (Nonperfused Centra] of the capillary permeability alterations, and after partial
resolution of the intrarelinal hemorrhages the extent of
Retinal Vein Occlusion]
lhe retinal capillary nonperfusion (Figure 6.74К and L).
Patients with severe central retinal vein obstruction typi­ ll is important lo include views of the peripheral fun­
cally have severe visual Loss- usually less than 20,'200; an dus and the posterior pole, since capillary nonperfusion
afferent pupillary defect; widespread confluent relinal is most likely lo occur in ihese areas. In the presence of
widespread сил fluent hemorrhages, El may not be pos­ 6.7j Central retinal vein о bslruction.
sible lo determine angiographically the extent of capillary
A—С : Chronic cystoid macular edema IB and C) remaining
closure.1 1 Lite staining along the large relinal veins is a us the o nly siyn o f л previous cefttral relinal w in occlusion
characteristic finding in moderate and severe degrees of IA' lhat occurred 12 months previou^v.
central retina] vein obstruction (figure 6.741). Jhe ctini- D -F: In 196a this patienl had a moderately severe central
caE findings of visual acuily of Less than 20/200r an affer­ relinal vein obstruction in the lefl eye (D). AIL of [he reti­
ent pupillary defect, marked intraretinal hemorrhage with nal hemorrhages cleared but his visual acu ily remained a I
Loss of retina] transparency, and inability lo collapse the 10/200 because of с h remit cysloid mac a Ini degeneration
and edema until 19-71 IE In the Eate anjjio^ram was a l.irec
central retinal vein with finger pressure are adequate lo
irregularly shaped cenlral cyst indicalive of" permanent dam­
make an accurate diagnosis of an ischemic-type central age lo lhe foveal relina Inol shown'. Al lh al time si\ appli­
retina] vein occlusion.1' : L]'' Ancillary tests including cations [jf setiOfi phoLocoa^ulalion w ere placed in lhe area
fluorescein angiography and eleclroretinography are rarelv □f lhe relinal arlu-nes supplying Lhe m acular area. Six months
necessary. i]^ il?i-il??-:i7f;: later Lhe cysLoid m acular edem a had resolved, bul i here was
Unusual changes lhat may accompany central relinal no improvumenl rn visual acuity (F).
vein obstruct toil include shallowing of lhe anterior cham­ С and H : O ccu lt central relinal vein occlusion occurred dur­
ing the course of follow-up of 1hiн patienl at yearly intervals
ber. " IJ angle closure glaucoma.!_ " malignant glaucoma
because of idiopathic central serous retinopalhy in the Mghl
following a glaucoma filtering procedure,"liL exudative
eye. Note the development o f numerous small venous co l­
retina] detachment.L]63rL] 6J and cilicreiinal artery o c c a ­ laterals on lhe optic disc ol the left eye that occurred over a
sion.>ЛьVery rarely, ongoing vascular remodeling can occur 1-year interval in lhe absence o f any symploms or other e v i­
for yeari after a central retinal vein occlusion, resulting dence of venous obstruction.
in telangiectasis and formation of collaterals leading lo a I—K: This 48-year-old African Am erican oLherwise healthy
Coafjs'-type response (llgure 6.7G], wom an presenled w ilh headache and visual b urring of her
Eeft eye. Fttalloid-shaped deep outer plexiiorm layer hem­
The natural course of this disorder is variable and
orrhage and some while-cunlored hemorrhages prompted a
in large measure correlates wilh lhe degree of obstruc­
head computed lomography lo rule oul subarachnoid hem­
tion evident initially, the location of the occlusion in orrhage and blood dyscrasiaF- causing anem ia ilj. Angiogram
the course of the vein, and the length of occluded seg­ revealed good relinal pertu-sion. O ther Lhan being on oral
ment of the vein ."64'118*-11*6 Some palienls with mild contraceptives, no olher risk factor was detected, ih e pro­
to moderate obstruction may show complete recovery of gressed to a central retina I veirl occlusion wiLh d ia le d and
vision and restoration of the fundus to normal with in a tortuous relinal veins, increase in number and extent of reLi-
matter of months (I'igure 6.74A-F) from restoration of nal h em o rrh age i1f1^ collon-wool spols. and a decline in
vision Lo 20/2Q0 2 weeks later. W ilh in T2 weeks she devel­
lbe flow wilh in the vein. Others show slower resolution
oped iris nuovasculaTizalion requiring pholo-
of die retinal changes and incomplete visual recovery. coa^ulation. Thu iris vessels regressed and her intraocular
Some develop evidence of prominent venous and collat­ pressure rem.iinrtd Linder 21 mm Н у with lopical medical ions.
eral channels on lhe op lie nerve head that shunt blood Her vision remained al 2 0/200.
through the choroidal circulation and thus decompress
the congested vasculature [Figures 6.74D).M'1' Progression
from the nonischemic to lhe ischemic form of central reti­ lo r uncertain reasons, proliferative retinopathy occurs
nal vein obstruction occurs in approximately I d— of less frequently after centra] lhan after branch relinal vein
older patients and 5-lQMi of patients less than 65 years occlusion.-111" Probably fewer than of palienls
of a g e . A f t e r resolution of all relinal hemorrhages and with central retinal vein occlusion will develop evidence of
Venous engorgement, varying degrees of permanent retinal iris neovascularization and hemorrhagic glaucoma, Ihis
capillary dilation, capillary loss, and permeability altera­ severe complication is most likely to develop within 3-4
tion may remain in the macular area (figures 6.74]). month5 in those palienls who have the severe ischemic
Permanent macular changes include СМИ with or forms of the disorder.L]e^l]90itie risk of developing neo­
without evidence of cystic degeneration {i'igure 6.75C, vascularization is less in patienLs with a posterior vitre­
L and b')f an inner lamellar macular hole, a full-thick ness ous separation.1'"! l he risk of developing a cenlral retinal
macular holer epi retinal membrane change, RPE atro­ w in occEusion in the second eye is approximately lO-lS^o
phy. and proliferation caused by dissection of blood and is more likely to occur if the paLient is diabetic or has
beneath the retina during the acute phase of the disease some other associated systemic disorder such as polycythe­
(figure 6.74]).. arid traction detachmenl of the macula. mia or macrogtobulinemia.l|,>i
lhe visual I prognosis in palients below the age of (j.7t Sequelae of central retinal vein occlusion with
50 years is belter than in older patients [F L m f 6.74A- Coais'-like response.
K).'■E:' ||Й*-||Й-1|М leaner of the younger patienls show (he A —L: This 1 7 -■jujir-uld A ft1Can Am erican т л и noEed a uudden
severe acule phase of obsL ruction. and a high percentage of Foss o f vision in his lefl eye associated with severe headache
younger palients with all stages of the disease show greater Lh;tL lasled only miiuiles. He was found ta h a w sectoral deep
degrees of visual iecotfery.110'1 Lhe term "'papilloptilebi- relinal wbi Lenin ед associated w ilh sevafal blot retinal hem­
Lts" is used by some authors to describe the incipient and orrhages :Al. Anj'iojjram revealed .щ т с delay in Lhe arrtj lo
mild to moderate degrees of centra] relinal vein occlusion rcliiTEiAjhtNoid lime МЙ sec-dtitbj (B and Cl. hi is vision was
20/25 w hen seen, w hich was 7 days alter his symploms
in younger patients, particularly in paLients with promi­
A:i : -i! ? : i! -: n .u- t ii\ 11-.:: ■
■■i: v. ,ь - - i i f : ii:
nent optic disc swelling and with retinal hemorrhages ihis otherwise healthy man. E3Г-cjod work, orbital and head
la te ly confined to lhe posterior fundus." 1'■|: ,fl Some magnetic resonance imaging revealed no abntjnmaIiIies. The
patients wilh papillophlebiLis may manifest evidence of whitening and hemorrhages; had improved в days lairs IDJ.
partial obstruction of the cenlral or branch retinal artery H iы blood pressure was m ildly elevated and he was starled
and optic disc ischemia as well (I'igure 6.77A-Ei, and on medications. SEh weeks later he returned w ilh no new
H ).3i&rL]S? in younger patients venous obstruction is prob­ symptoms and a vision o f 20/20 in both eyes. He n o w had
venous toTtuosily, and several retinal hemorrhages in all
ably caused primarily by disorders producing oplic nerve
four quadrants consislenl w ilh a central relinal vei:n o cclu ­
and disc swelling wilh secondary venous compression., sion (E-C ). His central vision dropped to 20/40 over the next
rather lhan a primary venous thrombosis occurring al lhe monLh secondary Eo cystoid m acular edema. Coagulation
Eevel of the lamina cribrosa, as is usually the case in older nUrries and (.-.irdvu workup i ivi-iilo: nr :■ .ibnormaiilies:
palients {Figures 6.76 and 6.77F-J). in т о м palients with he was monitored. A year ialer his vision had improved lo
papilEophlebitis there is no associated systemic disease 20/25r most of lhe hemorrhages had resolved iH and IK and
and there are no inflammatory cells in the vilreous near lhe cysts in the fovea hnid decreased, hie was found lo have
peripheraJ lipid in the mferu nasal and temporal periphery 3
the oplic nerve head. In a few patienls il may be associ­
yvars later that gradual Iу increased. An angiogram revealed
ated wilh oLher disorders including pregnancy, use of birth dilated capiElary bed in the adjoining areas and microaneu-
control medications, oplic neuritis, and ulcerative coli- rvsm formal ion ■;К and L) simulating CoaLs' response. C iven
^ _iiss,lhmu(M Although young, otherwise heallhy adults the 20/20 vision and the peripheral location o f Lhe exudales,
with central retinal vein obstruction have a more favor­ he was monitored and grad’ja ily lh e lipid decreased over the
able prognosis than older patienls, as many as one-third of nexl 3 уеагъ.
those referred lo retir'd specialists miiy have a final visual
acuity of 20/200 or worse.L-IJI'
Ijtperimental production of the clinical picture of a cen­ of the oplic disc, drusen of the oplic nerve head, and
tral retinal vein occlusion in animals is difficult because B'regnanCJt/195jll9^Lsa2-tlj!!i O ilier factors incriminaLed
of the avahabilily of collateral pathways of venous out­ in venous thrombosis include abnormal blood viscos-
flow near the optic nerve head."1■!--IN LI" ■j-iimopalhologic ityr1^ - 1223 elevated erythrocyte aggregaLion,1-i-"'and lipo­
studies in humans have demonstrated a thrombosis occur­ protein and plaletel abnormalities. I-W5_'123- Although
ring al the level of, or posterior lo, the lamina cribrosa.1"'1 patients with glaucoma are al increased risk of venous
It is likely the thrombus is a secondary event due lo sludg­ obstruction, i:"-A oplic disc size and oplic cup disc ratio in
ing proximal to the site of occlusion, lhe greater likeli­ fellow eyes of patients wilh venous obstruction are no dif­
hood of associated central relinal arterial disease in older ferent lhan that seen in normal e y e s . Likewise,
palients may explain Why they have a poorer visual prog­ congenitally lilted oplic nerve heads do nol appear lo be a
nosis than young patients. risk factor for central retinal vein occlusion. ^ Although
Allhough some patients have factors predisposing them some have found evidence lo suggest a seasonal variation
Lo cenlral relinal vein occlusion, such as glaucoma, diabe­ in lhe onset of central retinal vein obstruction, others have
tes mellilus, hypertension, polycythemia, sickle-cell trail n(>lL2ММЮ
(E'igure G.74A-L), Reye's. syndrome, inayamoya syndrome, lhe re is no convincing evidence of medical treatment
homoeysleineniia, dysproleinemias, carolid artery insuf­ favorably altering the natural course of central relinal vein
ficiency, carotid cavernous fistula, and use of oral contra­ occlusion. Pilot studies have suggested that oral iroxerulin.
ceptives. amphetamine, cocaine, phenyl propanol amine, an inhibitor of platelet and erythrocyte aggregation, and
and Lranexamic acid, most have no recognizable cause hemodilution treatment lo lower blood viscosity in ay be
for developing venous th ron ^ osi*** 2fi0'3 £ ] ] of some bene fit.] J Jij' 4: Intravenous admin islralioti
Mansour el a I., followed 78 patients for 2 years or more of streptokinase appeared lo reduce the morbidity but has
and found no increased risk of mortality or morbidity. '■ ' never gained favor because of the risk of intravitreal hem­
Retinal venous obstruction occasionally may occur fol­ orrhage. i : ij lhe value of systemic steroids in Lhe treatment
lowing accidental trauma, surgical trauma, such as repair of young patients with central retinal vein obstruction
of a blowout fracture or scleral buckling procedure, isch­ wilh the presumption that it is caused by a "papillophle-
emic oplic neuropathy, papillitis, papilledema, cilioretinal bitis'T is uncertain, since mosl young patienls have a favor­
and branch retinal a rtery occlusion, congenital anomalies able course without treatment.
The results o f Lhe Central Vein Occlusion. Study con­ fc. 7 7 Id itjpa Ih iс centra I reti nal ve in obslru с lio n
cerning lhe Value оГ early prophylactic ГК11 treatment in associated wilh opiic disc edema ("papitlophiehilts'7).
patients wilh ischemic-type сел Ira I relinal vein occlusion Л —E: O pt с nerve heat! swelling asstjcia Led with partial
in preventing iris neovascularization demonstrated (haL obstruction of [he cenlral retinal атГег) and vein caused
prophylactic treatment does not totally prevent im and acuta visual loss in the Left eve of this heal I by 31 -year-old
angle neovascularization, and that prompt regression of man. Kolo the vent l.-- dilation. с:pl i ■I : - iivl prr papillary
iris and angle neovascularization in response to PFEF is relinal hemorrhages, and ischemi< w hilen ol the relina
more likely to occur in eyes that have not been treated pre­ centrally iA . Angiography Tovealed early rc>tiплI artery fill­
ing al 21 seconds (Йг arrow), and nc venous perfusion al 35
viously.Ijl 41'I hey identified four risk factors for developing
seconds (С). Lchography of the optic nerve and orbit was
iris and angle neovascularization: (1) extent of nonperfu­ negative. Two weeks Eater there w ere more peripapillary
sion on fluorescein angiography (2) large amounts of reti­ hemorrhages and some vifroous hem orrhage but Less relinal
nal hemorrhage; (3) short duration of cenLral retinal vein ischemia ID). One* year later Ihere was mild opiic atrophy
occlusion; and (4J male sex. Jf adequate fluorescein angi­ it.. Hrs visual acuily was 2Q/70. The righL eye was погтаГ.
ography cannot he done because ot" hazy media or because F-J: This m ildly hypertensive 40-year-old man presented
o f extensile in Ira retinal hemorrhage, eyes should be fol­ with vision change in his riyht eye to 20/25. Feripap i 11ary
hemorrhages, totlon-w<Kjl s&o1srF dilated and tortuous veins
lowed as if they had an ischemic vein occlusion.1' J1 |Лм
were seen in the rj^ht eye IF). The left eye was normal; note
]Ъе sludy found no apparent benefit in performing []RP
an absent o piic disc cup lG). Extensive workup done else­
before development of iris and angle neovascularization., where, including coagulation pmfile, collagen vascular,
provided frequent follow-up examinations can be per­ carotid workup and magnetic resonance imaging ol bis head
formed. Since 20% of early trealcd patients later devel­ revealed no other abnormal ity. The retinal findings reserved
oped iris and angje neovascularization, frequent follow-up over -E monlhs [llj approx iт а icily ti weeks alter the onset in
is necessary following PRP. lhe study group recommended his right eye he noled a change in Jniн lull eye. His vision was
still 2W20 but he had peripapillary nerve fiber whitening and
careful observation o f all patients with recent central reti­
hemorrhages, dilated and tortuous relinal veins and hemor­
nal vein occlusion with frequent (approximately monthly)
rhages in all four quad rants il-h.. The relinal findings resolved
follow-up examinations for 6-fl months (including undi­ over the following 3 months and his final visual acuity was
lated slit-1 amp examination o f the iris and gonioscopy) 20/15— in each eye. The left optic disc had mild residual
and prompt P R ET of eyes in which iris and angle neovascu­ pallor (Jl.
larization develops, it is important lo follow patients with К: Combined cenlral relinal vein obstruction and branch
nonischemic central relinal vein occlusion since the sludy relinal artery oEjsLruclion associated w ilh л swollen optic
disc in an otherwise healthy 31-year-old wom an whose
found thal, with in 4 months, 10% o f cases of nonisch­
visual acuity was 2 0 /2 0 bilaterally. The LefL eye was nor­
emic patients progressed to ischemic central relinal vein
mal. Angiography revealed evidence cfT central retinal vein
occlusion. and tiranch arlory obstruction and staining pf lh e ri^ht optic
The use of scatter treatment for CMti caused by cen­ disc. Echography of lhe opLic nerves and orbit was nor­
tral retinal vein occlusion was evaluated by lhe Central mal. Her pasl medical history was positive only for the use
IJelinal Vein Occlusion Study, which found the treat­ of birth control pills. Two years laLer her visual acuily was
ment ineffective in preserving or improving cenlral visual unchanged. The fundi w ere unremarkable except (or seg­
mental optic alrophy in lhe rig)il eye.
acuity.-"""1-1'1' 'lhe SCORE: study found that use o f I mg
L: Acule loss ol vision caused by lar^e prL>macular hem a­
and 4 mg of triamcinolone lo improve visual Loss from
toma that was associated with swollen opiic disc and cen ­
macular edema in patients with central relinal ve in occlu­ tral retinal vein o Ejs I ruction i-п a 4 1-year-old man. There were
sion was better lhan observation alone, lhe 1-mg dose scattered superficial and deep retinal hem onhages as well
had a better safety profile than the 4-mg dose.124f More as extension o f blood into the vitreous near the optic disc.
recently, inlravitrea! injection of ranibEmmab and dexa- Anjjiogjaphy sEiowed evid en ce of increased relinaE circula­
melhasone implants have been shown to be belter than tion time and probable location ol a large hematoma in Lhe
observation alone; however these studies have been short­ subhyaloid space.

term studies lasting up lo 6 monlhs only. l-‘r '-| j '1

Surgical incision in the area of the sclera at the junc­ have improved following ihis procedure have done so by
tion of the scleni and optic nerve dura has been sug­ lhe development o f collateral vessels between lhe retinal
gested as a means of relieving obstruction o f the cenlral venous and choroidal 'venous circulation. 'Ifiere is experi­
retina] vein. iJ Radial optic neurotomy by introducing the mental and clinical evidence that production o f relinocho­
microvitrectomy blade into lhe optic nerve and dchiscing roid aL anastomosis, using photocoagulalion distal lo the
the lamina cribrosa and the compartment behind it does site of branch venous thrombosis, may be efficacious in
nol have a strong rationale lo be effective, '['hose eyes thaL relieving outflow obstruction {Figure 6.S3J. El6J-: J
6 .7 8 EJra n с h re lin a l v e in о bs Iru c t j o r .
O B S T R U C T IO N A—F: Intrarelinal hemorrhage secondary to branch vein
oEjstruclion in lhe macula о1 л patient whose visual acuity
ilranch relinal vein obstrucLion typically occurs al an arte­ was 2 0 /2 0 0 (A). liLood obscured № t site of lhe obhlTuction
riovenous crossing in middle-aged or older paiit’iils.. who at the arlerLovenous crossing. Anj^io^aphiy showed evidence
ot a dilator I c a p ilW y bed in lh-е paramacular rwjion and
in aboLil 75 % of cases have systemic hvperlension (E'igures
permeabiliLy alterations denpik1 lhe presence of blood Lhal
6.7Д and 6 Ц 7 9 i Ss-i an T h e c .,u s e
obscured mosl df 1h-cj details 01 I he underlying retinal ve*-
o f lhe obstruction is thrombosis occurring at the site nels '!t? and C). Twenty-1 w o monlhs later I Ere blood hud
where the artery and 4rein share л common wall. 1172 The resolved rD). Visual acuity was JIU/3Q. In Lhe area of previ­
obstruction involves the supero temporal vessels more ous hemorrhage Lhene Were HheaLhod vessels anti dilated
frequently, probably because of lhe greater frequency of relinal captflaries. Collateral vesSela w ere evident at lhe site
arteriovenous crossings superiorly.'■ 2M-' ■ Ш М * 7* At ot Lhe previous block ( i t row, D )r as well ак nlonf^ Гhe; hori­
zontal raphe and nanalty lam jws, £). Angiography revealed
the obstrudion site lhe relinal artery crosses anterior lo
evidence of secondary capillary Lelangieclasis and minimal
the vein in 53-У99a of cases. Patients typically seek treat­ evidence ol" leLinal oot'ma in the par.n'uvoolar «ген ■b and L i.
ment for visual loss secondary to a localised, often fan­ G - l: Cystoid macular edema (C M EI caused by secondary
shaped area of hemorrhage and exudation, lhal extends Lelangieclasis follow ing obstruction of tw o branch venules
from lhe site of the obstruction to all or a portion o f lhe La nows, C;- in a ft.5-yea r-okl man with a fr-monlh history of
superior or inferior half o f the macula [Hgures &.7ЙЛ and blurred vision. Visual acuily was 2(.V50. NoLe lhe C M E in
6.79H and Kj. 'Jhe sile of the Obstruction al an arteriove­ an otherwise normal-appearing lundus (G.i. Earlv angiogra­
phy revealed delay in filling of the inferior m acular arteries
nous crossing usually can be delected near lhe apex of the
and venules 'H i. There waii dilalion of the capillary hud in
Lesion. IE may, however, be obscured by intraretinal exu­
Lhe region ol 1he venular obstruction larrows, IJ. O n e hour
date or hemorrhage. Collateral vascular channels may or afler dye injection lhe an^io^ram showed lhe lypical paLtern
may not bridge the site o f the obstruclion or be evident ot C M E.
along lhe horizontal raphe, in Severe cases blood and exu­ J-L: Thin 4ft-year-old man W ho i years previously had 1ran-
dates may dissect beneath the retina in the macular area. Kienl loss of cenLral vision in Lhe lefL eve because of acute
]he presence of cotton-wool patches arid loss of transpar­ Ejranch retinal vein occlusion developed sudden loss ol
centraE vision in Lhte same eye w hile dij^in^ in the garden.
ency of lhe retina indicate a greaLer reduction o f blood
This was caused by a fovfial hemorrhage :arrow, I occur­
flow in the area o f lhe obstruction. The degree o f central
ring in lhe area or" secOodartt capillary 1e3an^iL>cMsis, w hich
visual, loss is variable and initially depends primarily on was evident an^Lo^raphicaLly (K and Lj. The Eremorrhaye
the degree o f ischemia arid on the amount of blood and cleared over a period of several months and hrs visuaE acuity
exudate in the cenlral macular region, in some cases exu­ iu!urned Lo 20/2 0 .
dative detachment o f the macula is the cause of visual loss Itj-I, frum t j . i s v 1 -, S. 19Ы 1. Л п и т к и п M e d i c ,il AhbLniniLicjn. A l l и^пГь
[E'igure 6,7 9 D ) J1 1 1 The relinal hemorrhages rLscirwtl.J
gradually clear over a period o f many weeks. Varyi tig
degrees of capiilary dilation, secondary capillary retinal
telangiectasis, capillary loss, chronic retinal edema, and telangiectasis is associated wilh a pattern o f circinate reti­
retinal atrophy remain as permanent residua of the venous nopathy [E:igure 6.Й0С and h). Ln palients wilh hyperl ip-
obstruclion (figures 6.7Й and 6.791). In approximately idem ias the amount о/ yellowish intra- and subrelinal
50% o f patienis, the macular edema improves and visual exudation may be extreme.'■■h! In a few cases there п\яу
acuity returns to 20/40 or better within 6 months (E'igure be extensive focal aneurysmal and diffuse dilation o f the
6.7Й13}. En other patients the edema may continue clear­ retinal arteries, veins, and capillary bed.1'0: 13a3^ l2&’ Such
ing over the subsequent 6-12 months. Dilated collateral cases may sijnulate closely congenital relinal telangiectasis
channels bridging the site of the obstrudion and develop­ (figure 6.43 and 6.44).IJiU- bolitary anerial macroan­
ing along the horizontal raphe and papillomacular bundle eurysms, which are also common in hypertensive patients,
region become more apparent as the blood and exudate may occasionally accompany branch vein occlusion either
resolve (figure 6.7&L>). Figm entary changes in the mac­ remote from or within the region of venous obstruc­
ula secondary to sub retinal blood, development of large tion [E-'igure 6.2LJ]j. Multiple branch vein occlusions т л у
irregular cystic spaces in the macula [E'igure G.7SG), and occur in one or both eyes. Occasionally the occlusion L7i;iy
Lbinning and macular distortion caused by an epi retinal involve two adjacent venules in die macular area (E-'igure
membrane o f the macula are late changes seen in palienls 6.7&). Visual field studies in patients reveal arcuate scoto­
whose cenlral vision fails to improve beyond the 20/40­ mas o f variable density depending upon the severity of the
20/50 range. 3n some cases lhe secondary retinal capillary venous obstruction and secondary retinal ischemia. ' J
fluorescein angiography during the acute hemorrhagic 6.7'J Branch retina] vein obstruction (BRVQ).
phase of (her disease may show nothing more lhan a large
A -С: ThLs Э-З-уеаr-old Othefiwise heallhv Wqman was Seen
nonfluorescent area Where Ihe blood obscures both the because □[' blurred vision in the right eye associated w ilh
relinal and choroidal circulation [t'iguie 6.7BA-C). late small ruling I ftjferntjfthages in Lhe interior half o1 Lhe macuia
photographs are important in detecting evidence of intra- and a fa ta l area af whitenjnj; (А) а I ап inferoLempofal reLi-
relina] extra vasal Lon of dye, which may ел lend beyond the naf arLery and vein t russing siLo where angiography revealed
area of hemorrhage. A focal area of dye leakage may occur a local area o f staining iarrnw, Й). The foveal ca-piliaries
showed leakage wrth dye accum ulation in a cystoid paLtern
either al or jusl proximal lo lhe site of the arteriovenous
ft!:. A ll syslemic investiyalicms were normal and she was
crossing [i'igure 6.7S). 11 occasionally occurs at a focal area
normotensive. The venous endothelial damage at the site of
o f Venous wall decompensation before the development an arteriovenous crossing may Ehj responsible far the KKVO .
o f the venous obstruction. Angjography may demonstrate D: Serous delatlrm enl of Lhe macula (arrows, caused by
either complete or incomplete venous obstruction al the &KVO.
arteriovenous crossing and usually shows minimal inter­ E —Iг Thin 5 4-y ear-old hvptfrlensive wom an presented w ill:
ference wilh arterial flow."'''1 Collateral channels bridging sudden superior field change rn her ri^hL eye from a local­
the site of the arLeriovenous crossing and draining into ised H R V O and a vision of 20/40. W 'ilhin a w eek her
vition dropped '.o 20'200 w hen Ihe cysloid macular edema
adjacent quadrants usually become evident angiographi-
iCML.i increased in size -!H). ^he rfec&jved an inlravilreal
cally as the relinal hemorrhages begin Lo clear (I'igure
injection or 4 т ^ Triesence, which promplly resolved Lhe
й.7ЙЬ. and Fj. Ihese collaleral channels typically do not L.VlL I <Li|i and vision reLurned to 2tV30. №y Э months she
show evidence of dye Leakage during the early stages o f developed a small tW L It-I and i arrow I in spite of lim it'd
venous obstruction. After resolution of Lhe hemorrhages nonperfusion requiring scalleF laser Lo the affected quadranL.
and restoration o f relatively normal intracapillary pres­ ) and K: This frO-yea г-old asymptomatic wom an w ilh a
sure. angiography often demonstrates residual damage to foveal-sparing Hupefioj liK V O (Jl progressed v.'ilh increase
in hemorrhages, venous lofluosily, and development of С М Ё
Lhe structure and permeability o f the retinal vascular bed
over 2 monlhs (It). Note lh e со I laterals on Ihe o plic disc.
(E'igure F| J I, and I. 6.79 if and I). Ouring the early
stages after branch venous occlusion, lluorescein angi­
ography demonstrates increased relinal circulation lime,
evidence o f capillary leakage, and perivenous staining in nonperfusion, which in some cases may include the mac­
the obstructed /one. W ithin a matter of weeks or several ula, are evident angiographically and may lie accompa­
months after partial clearing o f the subrelinal blood- angi­ nied by retinal and/or optic disc neovascularization. Initial
ography in patients wilh relatively mild venous obstruc­ reports described a poor visual prognosis in those palients
tion typically shows varying degrees o f mild capillary with persistent macular edema with angiographic evi­
telangiectasis, dilation o f the collateral venous channels, dence of segmental nonperfusion of the peri foveolar capil­
and staining o f the retina, including Lhe typical pattern of lary netw o rkljrLI 1270 Mnkelstein, however, found Lhat the
C M E In some patients with persistent sub no ranaI visual prognosis for spontaneous visual acuity improvement was
acuity, Lrt patients with more severe acute venous better in those patients with angiographic evidence o f jux-
obstruction and retinal ischemia, large areas o f capillary lafovea] capillary nonperfusion.1"^
lhe deVtlopigeoi of retinal and op Lie disc new vessels Ь.(Ш Venous collateral varicosities causing late-onsel
Ё& one o f lhe major complications of branch vein obslruc- visual loss after branch retinal vein obstruction,
Lion.]271D' lja9,]MQ New vessels are most likely to occur in A Find E: Sudden Ioss ot vision caused by bleed­
patients who Initially have multiple cotton-wool patches, ing from parafoveotar venous collateral variousilies in the
diffuse Ischemic whitening, and extensive hemorrhages left eye of <l 32-ytiar-old black patient with severe pupping
In the retina, and who Eater show multiple zones of reti­ ot 1h t!- optic disc and noirnaJ intraocular pressures* Tbcie
naE capillary nonperfusion. lhe new Vessels often occur was angiographic evid en ce o f occult superior hemirelinal
at the junction between lhe perfused and nonperfu&ed vein obstruction. hi is visual acu ily was 2£h'20, r if^hc eye, and
20/25r left eye. Note the central nodule o f altered intrarelinal
retina. Occasionallу,- however, they may develop remote
and subrelinal blood and I h r:- m ulliple patches of subrLlir>aI
from the zone o f relina affected by the venous obstruction blood (arrows, AI beneath the dilated venous collaterals seen
(Figure 6.801Ч and I ) . 114'1 i?etinal and optic disc neovascu­ best in the Sngldfjrarti <BJ.
larization Is less likely to develop in eyes after posterior C -E: Ciirtinate pattern of macular exudation caused by leak­
vitreous detach ment.1 n ' J' r ' lie Li nal neovascularization ing collateral venous channels (arrows, D) in a patient w h o
probably develops in fewer than 2 5 % o f pal Lents with bad evidence ot a previous infefolempoTaI branch relinal
branch vein obstruction- and probably 5 0 % or fewer o f tejn occlusion, NoLe ibe lale filling ot the aneurysm involv­
ing the b c l r a m l vessel it:.
Lbese ever develop a vitreous hemorrhage.l25fi Sheathing o f
F —I: Two years before ll>ese fjhoto^rap-hs I his patient devel­
the retinal arteries and veins In an area of venous occlu­
oped a superolemporal vein olrelrudion in lhe Eeft eye.
sion may occur in some cases.11и Other complications o f O ne year later his visual acu ilv w as 20/20. Vet 1 year laler
branch vein occlusion affecting the macula include dis­ it declined to 20/200. \ o te the circ.inate maculopalhy sur­
tortion secondary to epiretinal membranes, JamelEar and rounding aneurysmal dilation ot a venous collateral (arrow,
full-thlckness macular holes, traction relinal holes and temporal lo lhe l e f t mac. Lil a and lhe delay in perfusion and
detachment,|J" 1-1256 hemorrhagic delachmenl of the inler- incornplcHe filling of lhe aneurysm iarrow, £]l. Argon laser
photocoagulation (arrow, H) resulted in disappearance of
ttaE limiting membrane o f the r e t i n a , and rhegmalo-
the aneurysm and circinale exudale (Il. Ttiere wav minimal
gcnous retinal detachm ent/^''11^-12^ 1^ - ^ '^ Disorders
improvement in visual acuity because of subfovea I fibrosis.
occasionally associated with branch retinal vein occlusion Arrow 11) indicates site c*f aneurysm.
include optic disc d m s e n , sarcoidosis*1 ■ tomplasmo- I and K: Prominent venous collateral vessels simulaling
sis., serpiginous choroiditis, idiopathic multifocal retinitis a congenilal arltiriovenous malformation in a hyperten­
and neuroretinitis, acute intermittenl porphyria,: 1hyper- sive patient following a supurotemporal branch n ilinal vein
Eipidemia and hypercholesterolemia,1' 11 and beta-throm- occlusion.
boglobulln and platelet factor 4 abnormalitiesL,J33
Varicosities and decompensation o f venous collaterals^ Pholocoagulatlon treatment for the edemalous and neo-
usually along the horizontal raphe, may be a delayed cause vascular complications o f branch relinal vein occlusion has
o f loss of visual acuity many months or years after reso­ been investigated by numerous authors.1^ 1J l:i-1J ] 307-t3]S
lution of branch retinal vein occlusion (figure 6.H0).1' " 1 A randomised controlled clinical irial has demonstrated
]hl& complication typically occurs in patients wilh a large ill at a scatter pattern o f argon laser applied lo the area of
/one o f capillary nonperfusion in the area of previous vein capillary leakage within the macular area and outside the
occlusion and is associated with die development of л ring ¥AA was o f value in preserving central vision in patients
o f yellow exudate surrounding the foveal side of the leak­ persisted rjiarnlar edema and visual acuity of 20/40 or
ing collateral vessels (Figure 6.80). On occasion, acute worse (figure fc.70A-l-').L- ':'A Because of the relatively low
bleed ing from the collateral vessels into Lhe sub retinal frequency of development of neovascularization, periph­
space may cause visual loss [I'igure 6.ЗОЛ and B). eral sea tier photocoagulation was recom mended as a means
I [istopathologlc examination o f eyes with branch reti­ of reducing lhe risk o f vitreous hemorrhage only In those
nal vein occlusion has demonstrated a fresh or canalized '■

■Im: du:n MisLra-ed neoYiisai l,ni::.:.M- т. iiia v m:
thrombus al the site of obstruction and varying degrees o f evidence that pholocoagulalion during the acute stage of
sclerosis o f the wall o f lhe corresponding retinal artery al branch vein occlusion is of value. Jjs e r treatment is of bene­
the sile o f the obstruction. ! ]QJ Inner Ischemic retinal fit for patients frith delayed loss of vision caused by decom­
atrophy, relina] neovascularization, 1I1MA, and СМ Ё and pensation o f venous collateral vessels [ligure &.&£)).
degeneration are found in the area o f the venous occlusion. lixperimen tally recombinant tissue plasminogen acti­
Many of the ophthalmoscopic and angio­ vator is effective in lyslng laser-induced branch retinal
graphic changes seen in humans with branch venous occlusions In rabbits.ljL£ Surgical separation of
retina! vein obstruction have been reproduced experimen- lhe retinal vein and artery where they cross is technically
j.fowevtTi chrunlc CM E and possible jnd has been tried in animals and humans with
retinitis proliferans, which are o f visual significance in branch retinal vein obstruction, but its value in improving
humans, have not been reproduced. venous perfusion is uncertain."-l'
Widespread retinal hemorrhages that may simulate t .S E Laser tre a t m e i t lo r reti г aE ve in o b s tru c tio n .
those caused by central rettn^l vein occlusion may occur
A -F: Sm;dl branch retinal vein obstruction ели hi ex и da live?
because of decreased blood flow lo the eye (carotid m aculopathy i A - U j . The visual acuity was 2(VdO. hive ye art;
artery obstruction1 ]R;; venous stasis retinopathy); marked following ar^on laser photocoa^uliition ;El, I Imre was m ini­
reduction in intraocular pressure (ocular decompression mal exudalinn (F) and visual acuily was 20/20.
retinopathy after filtering procedures)n i'’; capillary per­ G and H : This palienl developed nplic disc and Totrnal neo­
meability abnormalities caused by a n e iq la , leukemia, and vascularization (aftrJWS, Cl and a Trmcular келг following an
seplic retinopathy; reduction of blood (low associated inierotemporal branch vein occlusion. Angiography showed
marked lost of Lhe retinal capillary bed in the area of relinal
with hyperviscosity (macroglobulinemiaj; and LransienL
vascular sheathing inferior In [he macula. A scalier pattern
rise in central relinal vein pressure associated with com­ ol argon la-Mjr trealmcnl was applied lo lhe area of capillary
pression injuries o f the chest and by mechanisms lhal are nonpenfusion. Twelve months later the disc and retinal nen-
nol well understood in patients with subarachnoid hem­ vasculari nation had nesalyed IH .
orrhage syndrome) and cocaine inhalation (see 3—L: Laser reLinochoroidal anaslomobis in the trealmenl
Chapter У). □f central relinal w in occlusion in this patient, who енре-
More recently, treatment o f macular edema second­ lienced pfojjressive decrease in vision (I), Several months
following Intense 0. 1-second. 50-|im laser appjicalions
ary to branch retinal vein occlusion has involved lhe use
Lo create a netinochoroidal venous anastomosis inferiody
o f intravitreal triamcinolone acelonide, anti-VrbGf: agents
tarrow, 11, lhe relinal hemorrhages had cleared. The laminar
such as ranibizumab and bevacizumab, and long-acting flow pattern in lhe an^io^rams in Mica Its retrograde ilow pf
dejcamelha&one implants.’ '■‘u" 1i25 lhe belief lhal these venous blood toward the anastomotic sitelarrow s, К and L).
agents decrease vascular permeability is the underlying 11—I_Irrjiii M cAlliskT i n i С йлЙ лЫ с.1 i I № 5, AiraTft.jn Mt'
hvpothesis of the treatment, lhe response is variable in Амгл .,|Иип ЛИ мц!'1ь jl-^l t v it : ■
patients; in many the edema recurs once the treatment is
discontinued unless the eye develops adequate collater­
als: this is the only certain mechanism for resolution of
edema. It is reasonable to consider any of these treat men Is
till one can either demonstrate development o f good col­
lateral vessels, or not, in which case no treatment is likely
to improve vision and edema.

Hemi retina I Vein Occlusion

Retinal vein occlusion may invoke half o f the fundus and
may be caused by obstruction o f one of the dual, trunks of
the central retinal vein (I'igure 6.7У ] and Kj, an anomaly
Lhal occurs in approximately 20% of individuals.1 1iJ"
The; obstruction probably occurs at the level o f the lam­
ina crib rasa and palhogeuetically is more closely related
to occlusion o f the central ralher than the branch retinal
RETINAL VASCULAR CHANCES 6.8^ A n e m ic с h ori ore lin o pa thy.

CAUSED BY HEMATOLOGIC A - D : This 1?-yoa r-oid wom an noLed а scoLoma in lho lefl
eye w hile in lhe hospital for IxeaWrttfit □( severe anem ia ,ind
DISORDERS idiopathfe thromEjocylopenic purpura. Her h emogl ob in was
2.9g/dt and humalocril was 3 % . Note the superficial relinal
Changes in the composition of the cellular and extrace E]u- hemorrhages in bath eyes-, the prominent chorojdal vascular
Ear components o f blood may alter its viscosity, flow char­ markings, lhe Eighit color pf lhe fundus, and Lhe relinal ves­
acteristics, coagulability and transport system for Oxygen, sel fcrtutisity iA and LS.I., all □( which disappeared after blood
carbon dioxide, and olher metabolites, which in turn may transfusion and spleneclom y IС and P :.
cause alterations in the retinal blood vessel caliber, length, E-l: This .J-ycar-old c h ild w i lh K lip fje l- T r e n a u n a y - W e b e r
s y n d ro m e d e v e lo p e d s e v e re Eiemolytic a n e m ia , th ro m b o ­
color, nind permeability Some of these blood alterations
c y to p e n ia , h e p a to e p le rto m e g a ly , h yp e rte n sio n . a n d c h r o n ic
have been discussed previously, such as sickle-cell disease,
re n al 1л i I Lrrc.1. H er hervioyiloEnn w a s 5,1 g/dl a n d h e r hematei-
thrombocytopenia, disseminated inlravascular coagulopa­ cril w a s ] 5 % . 5up eronasa3ly in the right ^ye (E an d Pi, and ir>
thy, and complement-activated leukocytic aggregation. lhe? left m a c u la r area s h e h a d Iw o fo cal a re a s ot" inLrareli-
Alterations associated with leukemlas are presented In n a l h e m o rrh a g e , re lin a l Lh icken in g . a n d m ild lv d ila te d c a p il­
Clhapler 13. laries s u n o u n d e d Ety y e llo w is h u x u d a lio n The a p p e a r a n c e of
the fundi w n s s im ila r to that illu strated in p Eio to yrap h s m a d e
at ag e 2 0 m o n lh s [E—C ) . 5 h e a p p e a re d lo h a v e g o o d v is u a l
Retinopathy Associated with Anemia a c u ilv in lhe right eye, w h o s e m a c u la w a s u n a ffe c le d b y Lhe

i\ilients wilh moderately severe or severe anemia may re lin a l v a s c u la r ch a n g e s. W h e n se e n al age 20 m o n th s the
fu n d u s c h a n g e s w erL" in le rp rc lu d as re tin al v a s c u la r m a l­
exhibit fundoscopic changes, including flame-shaped,
fo rm a tio n s .1 Т Е » a u th o r b e lie v e s lEial Ihe re lin a l c h a n g e s
white-centered, and subinlernal limiting membrane hem­
w e re m o re lik e ly a c q u ire d as a c o m p lic a t io n of an em ra,
orrhages; coLlon-wool spots: retina! venous dilation and LhromE>ocyLopenin, a n d H yp erten sio n . Nole lh e telang iectasis:
tortuosity; retinal exudation; pallor o f the fundus with ot" lh e le y an d fo o l ( H a n d lj.
increased choroidal markings; and optic disc sweEling J-L: This 2ti-year-o3d Lalir* man w ilh anem ia ■hemogl oh i r*
[Enures 6.Д2А, fi, FP ]. and K, 6.S3 A-E and 6,84 B-F), in 6.3g/10Dmlj rtilaled Lo treatment for acquired immunodefi­
some cases intraretinal hemorrhage may be associated ciency syndrome HAIDS) developed bilateral blurred vision
causrcl hy sub internal limiling memtirane hemorrhages in
with proliferative relinal rascular changes that may simu­
lhe m acula bilaterally. NoLe Ihe widespread white-centered
late a retinal vascular hematoma (I'igure 6.82Г and G } ■'
superficial retinal hemorrhages I and jt). Three monlhs later,
Retinopathy is more likely lo be present in cases o f afler correction of his anemia, lhe hemorrhages w ere gone
rapid development of anemia and in older palients with bill Ere had developed cytomegalovirus relinopalhy in lhe
anemia.1 : Unless one of the hemorrhages involves inferior macula area of the left eye (L\
the central macular area, the palient usually has no visual 11, frurn Brtjd ft .il.1
symptoms. In som.e cases o f severe blood loss, retina! and
optic nerve ischemia may be associated with profound
visuaE loss.i:m -tm w h o d o n o t fit the usual p ro file o f id io p a lh ic in tra cra ­
A small subset o f patienls with anemia may present as n ial h y p e rte n s io n o f excess w eig h t a n d w h o are o th e rw is e
idiopathic intracranial hypertension with bilateral papill­ negative fo r o th e r causes o f isolated, p a p ille d e m a . A n e m ia
edema, peripapillary hemorrhages, retinal coLton-ivool associated w ilh k id n e y disease an d d ia b e tic n e p h ro p a th y
spots, and prerelinal hemorrhages.1',ilr" 1 ,1 Cerebrospinal m ay aggravate lh e retin opathy, lh e re !alive h yp o x ia causes
fluid pressures are normal and so Is the KdRl; these m u llip le- o rg an tissue in ju jy . T h e re h ave been cases o f anc-
palients may have severe iron-deficiency anemia. As soon m ic re tin o p a th y w ith m icro a n e u ry s m s an d d o t- b lo l h e m ­
as the anemia is trealed, their signs and symptoms o f pap­ orrhages, all o f w h ic h reversed as so o n as the a n e m ia w as
illedema, relinal hemorrhages, and cotton-woo! spols co rrected .M ',,J T h ere have been reports o f b ran ch retin al
resolve. Anemia should be considered in Lhose patienls artery o c c lu s io n In pa Lie nts w ith iro n - d e ficien cy an em ia.
Anemic retinopathy is often characterized by W o t 6.БЗ Anemic retinopathy.
hemorrhages that look like ли ink dot made up o f mul­
A—D : This 45-year-old wom an w as post unknown donor
tiple tilde dumps of red blood cells [ligure Е1]. IL р в п р К й в ! stem cull transplant lor acute m yeloid leLiltemiiii
Ё5 believed that lhe low oaygen-carrying capacity causes w ho hiid developed erafI- versus 4 lM l disease i C v H D 'l Her
damage lo the endothelium and the blood cells seep out v if-ion wan 20/40 in- uaoh eye. iihe had bolh nerve? fiber and
Lbrough Lhe damaged endothelium and hence lhe hem­ deep ink blot-type feLlnaJ h ^ r o lt b a ^ I'arrow.i.. some w ilh
orrhages are more like an ink blol rather Lhan nerve fiber w h i t e c e n le T S (arrow ), secondary to anem ia le ia ie d Eo her
blood dy*CM5i<L iA -D ). The retinal hemoirrhajjesi resolved
Layer or more dense. Along wilh the blot hemorrhages, lhe
o n c e h e r n in y m ia im p r o v e d .
wins are dilated due to auloregulalion and as a compensa­
E: This 53-ytiEir-old patient had advanced glaucom a and had
tory mechanism to decrease lhe flow through the retina lo undergone repeaL кета Iop Iasi ies in this eye. 5he was found lo
extract as much oxygen as possible by the relinal cells. have several tar^eL-shaped Ia n o w i deep retinal hemorrhage's
The cause o f anemia, as well as accompanying hemato­ typical o f anemia during her posloperaLive vis-iI. ih e had
logic abnormalities such as thrombocytopenia, leukemia, anemia o f chronic disease w ilh a hem oglobin o f 8 .4 ^ 100ml
and macroglobulinemia.. may be more important lhan the Lhal improved lo I 1 ^/IGOml with IreaLment.
Level o f hemoglobin in lhe production of retinal hemor­
rhages. 1 33J' 1 ' t U i I hrombocytopeni a. thro mhas-
thenia, and other platelet abnormalities in lbe absence
o f anemia may be the underlying cause of relinal hemor­
rhages' ' ’*■1' 1" and retinal edema ( figure 6.£j4tl-] ].
Retinopathy Associated with (э.Й4 Retinopathy associated with anemia and
Л -F: Subconjunctival hemurrhage (A.i and bilateral loss of
lh e hyperviscosity syndrome consists of a bleeding dia­ cenlral vision caused by m acular hemorrhages in a pnIiftihI
thesis,. neurologic dysfu net ton.- and retinopathy that maj^ With aplastic anemia. Note lhe fine whiLe dots on the sur­
be associated with monoclonal gammopatbies such as face of lhe !>loud narrows, li and Cl, w hich probably lies
Waldenstrom's macroglobulinemia. [Clients who have jList beneath the internal Ii n^it injq т е т Ь м п е . Several small,
Waldenstrom's Enacroglobulinemia h a v e a high intra- white-centered, superficial retinal hem onhajjes were presenI
I.D). Angiography IE and F> shewed гю evidence of vascular
vascular concentration o f an abnormal monoclonal IgM
permeabiliLy a hern) ions.
prole in that causes increased blood viscosity and intra-
G - l: Retinal vascular leakage associated w ilh plalelet Abnor­
vascular volume. I h is may produce the hyperviscosity mality in both eves o f This asymptomalic 6-yoar-old biack
syndrome associated with fatigue: headaches; epistaxis; boy vuho had elevated Ejeta-lhnjmboglobulins.. К'рсгавдго-
visual impairment; sausagelike dilation of retinal 4t"ins; ^able pfhteletir Increased platelet factor IV. and m k rt icyl o-
increased venous tortuosity; dot, blot, and flame-shaped nis. Visual acuity was 2G/20. The posterior iandi appeared
retinal hemorrhages: retinal and optic disc edema; and normal (Gl. There went! no Lulls in 1hci viLrutruh. Angiography
retinal detachment {figure 6.&4]-L.).: 1Uh En addition demonstrated marked roUna] venous and ca pi I Ian- O scu lar
pormeabillt) alter.i:ion> in bt'lh ovos И and I ■
. ! x'unMvo
to increased retinal circulation time, angiography may
medicas and hematologic ev a I иа Li ons w ere otherwise
demonstrate areas o f capillary nonperfusion and micro­ ne^tive.
aneurysms. Serous deLachment of the retina in the macula |-L: Ruling] hemcirrhayei and venous; engorgement in a
may occur in some patients with Waldenstrom’s macro­ patient vviLh W aldenstriim s macruf’lobulinomia. Note the
globulinemia and other dysproteinemias (see Figure 3.60). I ink-на usa^e changes :arrow s. L and mol tied fluorescence
Plasmapheresis can 1 о Ш senun viscosity and reverse the Within lhe dilaLed relinal veins.
retinopathy.1 Ocular signs of serum hyperviscos­ К .' I, '. i:iurlL"y i.'l Ur. ^HLirrdL'rs L. h luf>|j.■
ity may also occur in patients with multiple myeloma.,
polycythemia, or leukemia, and in patients with poly­
clonal gammopathies, most of whom haw rheumatoid
arthritis.1ч-1-' 1^ 0 Severe occlusive and p ro life ra te retinal
vascuiopatby may occasionally occur in association with
systemic light-cbain deposition, a plasma cell dyscrasia
associated wilh a monoclonal paraprotein spike that may
occur in the absence of the hyperviscosity syndrome.11111
Hyperlipoproteinemia b .f lj RelrnopaLhy associated with hyperlipidemia.

Kive types o f hyperlipoproteinemia are described.1!53 Kach A—С : Lipem ia relinalis in a patient before (Af and aller
IB and C| developm ent of lipemia relinal in. Note the pallor
has дп abnormality of one or more o f lhe plasma lipopro­
□I (he m ajor retinal vessels, w hich had a salmon-pink hue
teins,. chylomicrons, beta-lipoproteins, or pre-beta-lipopro-
IH Lind C).
teins. tach may occur as a heritable disorder or secondary D -F: Cherry-red spol mamEopathy and visual loss lo ГУ30
Lo oilier diseases, particularly diabetes tnellitus. Lipemia occurred bilaterally afler il weeks o f hyperalimentation in
relinalis and lid xanthomas itray occur as complications of this 23-year-old man with weight loss and fever caused by
types 4 and 5, bolh of which arc characterised by increased Crohn's- disease (D). Angiography was normal tE>- The relinal
very-low-density lipoproteins (pre-bela-lipoproleins) whitening disappeared and Erie acuity relurncxJ lo normal
within 2 weeks after discontinuing parenteral nulrilion iF-..
and increased serum triglyceride levels [I'igure 6.S5A-C!.).
The relinal whitening was presumed lo l>e caused bv tem­
Cholesterol levels л re increased in type 5 and may be nor­
porary accum ulation ol" lipid bv Ihe ganglion pelb during
mal fa lype A. Lipemia relinalis is believed lo be direclly hyfH?*nlimentaLion.
correlated with lhe level of serum triglycerides.: '■*’ : ■* G —I: This- palienl, w ho had diabetes, hypertension, Hind
It usually develops when serum triglyceride levels reach hyperlipidemia, developed focal mounds of intraretinal hem­
2500 mg/d I. lhe retinal arteries ami veins develop an iden­ orrhage and Tipid exudation 1GJ and angiographic: evidence
tical salmon-pink color that may progress Lo an ivory or of dialled m icrovascuiar changes а1олщ lh e major vascular
cream color when the triglyceride level exceeds 5000mg/ arcades, in both eyeslH ?. Angiography demonsEraled minimal
evidence of diabetic and hypertensive relinopalhy oulside
dl (]:igure 6.85A-C). Ordinarily ihis is unassocialed With
the focal areas of exudalion and hemorrhage. The exudation
a visual deficit, and the fundus rapidly returns lo a normal Mod hemorrhage processed 1o involve the centra] m acular
appearance as serum lipid levels return toward normal. nren a f :b oth eyes w ilh in 9 muni h я -I'.
Jhese p^lienLs usually do not develop retinal hemorrhages, J-L: PnMraSsJwa loss of visuFil acuity occurred w ilhin t»
collon-wool patches, or exudation. -155 months in ihis ftJ-year-old wom an w ilh diabetes mellilLis,
W hen hyperlipidemia is associated with other diseases hypertriglyceridemia, arLhrilis, gout, and an inierolemporal
afleeting capillary permeability, unusual amounts o f intra­ branch relina vein obslrLKlion. Nole lhe increase in lhe hpid
eKLitLilion and Ihe jujdapupillary hemorrhages w hen her
retinal hemorrhage and exlravascular intraretinal accumu­
visual acuiLy hnri dec lined Lo 20/400 ■Lj.
lation o f lipid may occur. lji'c'-1yr'7 Some patients who have
excessive accumulation o f yellowish, lip id-rich exudate in llJ - h Ггигп V jk ljt rt ,1! 1 J-L. CfiUrjfcy ol [Jr. K i n k J. (. u lk jll.n
or beneath the relina associated with frequently encoun­
tered disorders, such as choroidal neovascularization, vitreous, producing a picture simulating endophthalmi­
diabetic retinopathy, and branch relinal vein occlusion, tis.- u 'I'here is some evidence that patienls with hyperlip­
may have an underlying hyperli pop role inemia (figure idemia, particularly types 4 and !>, have an increased risk
6.-35t:-l.).liia Reduction of the amount o f circulating of developing retinal venous obstruction.13SS
bfood lipid may reduce the severity o f the exudation.8™ Parenteral hyperalimentation of lipid may occasionally
Hyperlipidemia in palients with proliferative retinopa­ result in focal intraretinal extravasation o f lipid and blood
thy may occasionally resull in lipid iransudation into lhe { Figure 6.
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елi LT
L_ni CJJ
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1Ш '955:32:543-6
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1С67. «n Г.сли^в CE. Ekmtnav audafffi t irarelic cdfo and dher нззаза dew оркниа 1107 £са+эге A. Incchl ntnfla cgmenli lElacii-Eljlzsrcfl' мгйире!. seven теасг^з bm aie
fetfjfefstf the jenpieral И ла DacOa"thajr& ISfe;H :H 1 5 lamlf & . Cdh-e it i 1 -K^-34.
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1069 Sv.a'Ea-D, 3uih ЧВгс.^С. 'teuil css тэп r^nd зесегд i autosaral damjiat audA e Dsm acl3^ Ш :М :5?-99.
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К Г O ir R1, Erd Al-. -^amiln .AM. « aJ ВДрага! й тгат: au ta re crrecreliTC-pat^'. 3r J ' 96632:71 E-22. '
O r ta ™ 19Mfl4:l10-afl. n il. fair, :■& j. Wirtlmfrl H. Jaki'a 1! sr. H. Э .Г(^ у nale pле и vjhr ncarbnaila cbreil-
10712 IllfiTibafз Jr R Lc^ei P:. LarCtfl НЛ ecal. Оспгонф n Tfl тагорегсеи: cf reh краП'у еггчпз i letha mutaim ca1. зг^ п м by к т и с ncaici?m у ^iieletier я и ш и . An
al xer -fllirfy Ал! J ОргеиЩ 19Э2.1' i ' 93-2C2. J -umienS303l:££:l2':'>7. '
1073. FljJIe- JA.AIi M GJamOF FtaA.eral Mutatire r TSWJ1£t£as&autoearakfcrj(Hit 1112. F£+:jal £, -um3,'j' Gcllflrq KiF Sfcransc^ir-final 'й^а^п'епп loailrenla
laiila fiiudatftEvtranUiiEriJwflm J -u rn 6 e n e t 3 M l ; w 4 S - 5 3 . p jp e if FletJia 139ft;'K M :
Ш Fictnalle JM V^lice K. Zhaq 6 SaLftienolftic Dralapdlameslrailalife 1113. aiiekfe CL. Eiagle > ^C aSiRM .et x, Mdtflcci (г.-иогетес [й Ы р ф ея! epnelal
hir&jsncfanf/fEflj i-.rr pe-aa.ei: ihalwscuaiu's prV| aused зу -№ m-nauorsm la o i; hinctrtiitaidapigrentL FKlca 2LflE:26320-3J
p d w i F^.gies OpHulriicCeTel 2№Э ^И^З-ЗС'. ill-. Etiu'e'tiii i LcrsT: С Аяпзг? Ц й ^ т c^ercu: a asiix a: a isk жтег т дхсл
1076 хи CH. .и -. J ; ; j e D. el U.A ™ s ft- fain I al ew te te .-traii^woaltiy k lk J ?f relml 'й п -Docjjijcfl. ft'i J ^fcslm a:' № 117:211-3
тикнгй. HJ"; ГЛ1 Genel 3CC61Z.1o£E-12. 1115. ESennilen D\1 Treie Hjt^ramaiaBtoreawEala pi^err-iiicafcl reaflrenfe
1076. ':fiija 4 c;ia -cjjiiffsf:. D ansaM flal Itarel in :a i ElhaajalfiLiaiCflt fen; ccfl'em.Fieira19Sa.'&&6i-£.
^ rtc . FZC^l. QEfi3ie famlak^ifliirevuafelE apiT^.HuKi jan^:SOIi7.l2l:l;EO. П16. ОайитЩ Лаг^зг msoilopafw and KwcJ-na'm nsiiU;eTia piqmend.-flphtHhiic
1077. ^пид Ш b-xda D, GcazsIk СЛ. el a-. Fcn'id « ic a l m tfa lu ard m tJa r Me
ft-icred г и т е nd.MdJil Semr0cirlalncl2i>3::22:e&-6. 1117. Nealel MA. bnci J. Siul Г Й ^ e n e ace al 'el na a ^ a la ^ 11 а Гепйе rearale и fr
1076. Kti^iai A t: R Kteflim A. el a;. Ислч1muatcn n FШ сете i l a Jipaiese p a b * wifi ncaifin?cttFiJ"flnl.. Fielra 2CC424 613-E.
laula ewistoevtrea'elfiKmYAir J 2lW 133^7C-'. 1118. C_fic АЧ L l CC. Kaa ?. el jL in:cnl na ia pi^menli a1tnd c a ts lb a i m amd mca-
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Macular Dysfunction Caused by Vitreous and
Vitreoretinal Interface Abnormalities
Diseases affecting primarily the vitreous and vilreo- 7.01 Vitreo relinal allachm eni in lhe macular region.
retinal interface are associated with a variety o f i m c i i U e
lh u ВЬНЦвд Shaking up thy vitreous i ог1ек ■
lesions causing loss of central vision. These lesions may а о Ш Ё г п Co lhe internal liinilii>n membrane ibasecnent гпвгл-
be detected ophthalmoscopically and bio microscopi­ Ьгапе of M uller cellsh- This membrane is thick in [he perL-
cally and should be differentiated from the other causes fovejI a re a liul gfiKlremely Lhin Ln lbe fove^f fegior. A r ru w
o f macular dysfunction. Jn no other area o f macu h r dis­ in d ic a te v fte o c y te I v inj^ on- the internal iimilin^ mombrantf
ease is the use o f a fundus contact lens more important Lo л I the.1 v iI neuic-Li mi I interlace-.

detect and define the anatomic changes. Recently intro­

duced techniques that imp row our nihility in this regard
are optical coherence tomography ( O G ) and kinetic
7.0^ Vitreorelinal interface al lhe electron
ultrasonography."' 1
microscopic leveL
Thy dojlagen fibtfHae m^kiu^ up Lho vitreous cart-eX (vi ■^ft?
ad h^ ent lo lh e basement nif'jnbrane fbm, b a s « lamina,
ihe vitreous is a semi solid gel containing a hyaluronic iгИ(?гплI limilin^ mernfirancji (]i lhe Mu3!er cells iM ;. O n sepa­
ration erf the t iLrct] the ооНлдеп Jibnllae realign to form
acid network interspersed in a framework o f randomly
Lhe posterior hyaloid membrane Iphm:-. Some of lhe vitre-
graced collagen fibrils, ihe framework is most appar­ dlis cuftex lnjiv- t e n iin adherent Lo lhe basement membrane
ent histologically in Lbe region o f the pars plana, where (a rio w l.
Et is strongly anchored lo Lhe ciliary epithelium in an area
referred lo as (he vitreous base. In te rio r to the pars plana
the concentration of collagen and hyaluronic acid is great­
est in the ill-defined outer part o f the vitreous gelr referred (he peripheral and equatorial zones but are absent poste­
to as the vitreous cortex, lieu along the inner retinal riorly except tn lhe foveal area.10 These findings indicate
surface. The collagen fibrils., which are condensed to Ebrm greater adherence o f the basal lamina lo the Muller cells
an outer layer o f the vitreous carte*, are adherent (o the in these xones wilh attachment plaques hut do noL neces­
internal limiting membrane (]LM : basement membrane, sarily refect greater adherence of lhe vitreous lo the basal
or basal lamina of the Muller cells) o f the retina [Ngures lamina in these areas.|J ihere is olher evidence, however,
7.03 and 7.0.11 The basal lamina thickness increases from lo indicate greater adherence o f cortical vitreous lo the
the vilreous base posteriorly, to where it reaches maximal basal lamina in these areas, including Lhe cenlral macular
thickness at the crest o f Lhe foveal clivus. from ihere it rap­ region. ^ 1' Trogressive liquefaction of lhe posterior vitre­
idly becomes thinner, reaching a thickness of 200 A or less ous occurs Wilh aging, giving rise Lo a lar^e optically empty
in the foveal center.l1>At the margin o f lhe oplic disc, the cavity of liquified vilreous in the premacular area, referred
basal lamina abruptly thins to approximately 4!>0 A, where lo as the premacular bursa, or prefoveolar pocket [E'iguie
il covers the disc surface. Here the basal lamina is associ­ 7.03).'■r" :'- the thin layer of the posterior cortical vitreous
ated with multiple gaps associated with glial epipapillary gel lying on the inner surface of the macula is not visible
membranes thal are probably of developmental origin." bio microscopically and the anlerior interface o f the burea
Attachment plaques or hemidesmosomes are evident elec­ may be visible and misinterpreted biomicroscopically as
tron microscopically along the vitreoietinal junction in (he posterior hyaloid of the separated viLreous.

51101}t?J2pi*11ДJ i _>lШО-JUUу
The degree o f vilreoretinal adherence varies with Age 7.<13 Diagrams of vitreous structure in old^r adults.
as well as location in lhe eye. O CT illustrates the change
A-С: O p L ic a lly e m p ty p r e m a c u la r bursa, siles. o f m a x im u m
in the contour of lhe vitreous attachment to the posterior vhreorcH inal A IIa c h m e n l ila rg e r riTruwu indicate? g tB a te t
pole with. age. children and young adults show no Sepa­ a LI rifh m tin l I <md d y n a m ic к □( vitflfiBus m o vtm H jnl w ith ^azc1
ration o f the posterior hyaloid from the retina] surface left Lind right '.И Lind C ).
(i'igure 7.04D). i-'rom the fifth decide onwards lhe pos-
Lerior hyaloid shoe's a gentle curve away from the retina,
stiEl being attached to the fovea and the optic disc (Figure
7.04h, arrows), There are no visible effects o f traction on
any structure al this slage. As the posterior hyaloid tries Kishi and coworkers found anatomic evidence that
Lo separate from the retina, various configurations occur the prefoveoEar vitreous corteji (PV C ) may be focal3y con­
Ш different eyes that include incomplete separation with densed and lightly adherent lo the inner surface o f the
residual or vitreopapillary traction, and anom­ foveolar retina. 1 'iliey examined 59 eyes with sponta­
alous separation with viireoschisi^ resulting in epiretina! neous ITl^ with scanning electron microscopy, in 4 4 %
membrane and full-thickness or lamellar macular hole of the eyes ihey found three patterns of vitreous rem­
(i'igure 7-05A-E, С., 3, and ]). A normal vitreous separation nants on the surface o f the foveolar area, lbe most com­
shows the posterior hyaloid membrane separated from mon pallern, type I. found in one-half of these eyes, was
Lhe retina wilh a normal foveal contour (Figure 7.04F). a 500-p m-diameler disc of condensed conical vitreous
Generally the adherence decreases with age. ihe attach­ adherent lo lhe foveolar retina (Figure 7.0ftA), hi ЗО^-Ъ
ment o f the vitreous Lo the retina is greatest at Lhose sites of cases (type 2) a 500-p m-diameler ring o f remnants
where lhe !t.M o f the retina is lhe thinnest (I'igure 7.01). was found adherent to the margin of lhe foveolar retina
Jhese sites Include Lhe vitreous base, the major retinal ves- (Figure 7. Oft Li and Cl), lit some eyes Lhe authors also noted
selsr the optic nerve head, the 1500-|im-diameter rim sur­ a I 50Q-; m-diameler ring of vitreous remnants at the
rounding the fovea, and the 500-|im-dianieter foveola. Lhe foveal margin [L'igure 7.06А]. Twenty percent of the eyes
Eailer two sites of attachment are probably important in (type 3) showed a pseudocys! formation consisting o f a
Lhe development o f idiopathic age-related macular hole. focal 200-300-jim-diameter disc of contracted vitreous
Forces generated by movement of the vitreous and (he cortex bridging the foveolar area. Ihese findings suggest
ptentacular bursa as the eye moves may also play a role in that the structures of the P V c and the vilreoretinal inter­
Lhe pathogenesis of posterior vitreous detachment (J4'D ), face in die foveolar area are probably different from that
epiretinal membranes, and macular holes (Figure 7.03). elsewhere in the macular area.
•4--- Gai€:eft Обе-bricfiL --- &
The cells that arc part o f the normal vitreous are 7.04 D ia g ra m s h o w in g stages o f p o s te r io r v itre o u s
widely scattered W lthin the vilreous cortex along the .sur­ s e p a ra tio n .
face o f the retina and ciliary body. iTieir concentration is A: Tup, Vitreofovea: detachmenl. A rm w indicate*; crjnLratted
maximal ihe vitreous base and near the posterior rind bdlidensed pjofoveolar vilrutws cortex.: [MKudtJ-operc и I uni.
pule. 'these cells, termed "hyalocytes/ show phagocylic suspends! on the posterior surface (amowEieads) at" lhe vitreous
properties, ba№ a high metabolic activity, and may be ctnLical gtl.
responsible for bolh the formation and (he maintenance B : M id d le , V ilr e o m a c u la r d e la ch m e rtt. th e posled-or h y a lo id
(arrraytlftad s) is s t p a ^ f e d from lh e m a c u ila Eh i I not 1lie.1 op Lic
o f Several vitreous components. L'hey are probably mes­
enchymal celts with macrophage-like properties. When
C: Bottom, Roslerior vilreous delachment with hyaloid
properly stimulated, ihey are capable of cell migration., (arrowheads) separated from the retina and optic disc.
proliferation, collagen formation, and membrane contrac­ ArrowH indrcale prepapMlarv condensation rin.ii.
tion. lhe membrane contraction (collagen) may be medi­ D and E: GplicaE coherence LomarjjfapEKy o f a 40-year-old
ated via Lransforming growth factor fUGFJ-fa since using wom an w ilb intact vilruotih com pletely filling lEie vilntxjus
anti-TGE-'-fo neutralizing antibodies experimentally can Cn3viLv With iLh posLerior w all Abutting Lhe relinal surface, (D).
A 50-year-old woman w ilh early signs o f preroveal vilreous
block the contract] o n . I his capability o f fibrous meta­
t han^ei, that makes the posterior Eryaloin somewhat taut, and
plasia may supplement the process o f collapse. condensa­
it Eiegins I о sh-ow as a convex bulge towards lEw retina, (£j_
tion, and shrinkage of the normal collagen framework in Fi An older paLienl w ilh complete posterior luvaloid separa­
the production o f pathologic vilreous membranes. Much tion LhaL is -seen freely EEoatinjj in fhont of Lhe ruJinn liirroW .
o f the posterior vitreous becomes liquefied by the sev­
enth decade (synchysis senilis). This process o f syneresis
may be accompanied by spontaneous separation of the
vitreous cortex from lhe retina, a process referred lo as anterior displacement of the posterior hyaloid membrane;
PV D .]Q'3^ E'ollowing vitreous separation, there is con­ A gray-white ring of vitreous condensation (Weiss ring)
densation and realignment of the collagen molecules com­ l hat marks lhe site of previous vilreous attachment lo the
prising the ouler surface o f the cortical vitreous to form a margins o f the optic disc is usually visible and is the single
dislincl membrane, the so-called posterior hyaloid mem- most important btomicroscopic sign of posterior vitreous
braner which may be visible biomicroscopicaEly and his­ separation from the optic disc and macular area [E-'igure
tologically (Figure 7.02J. EVE) is present in over 2 5 % o f 7.(14]. in cases where the posterior hyaloid face tears near
persons by the sevenlh decade and approximately 6 5 % lhe site of attachment lo the crest o f the fovea, a similar
by the eighth decade, il is more common in women. PVD condensation ring may lie in Его til o f the macula (E-'igure
most frequently begins in the macuiar region following 7.(16). These condensation rings are often distorted and
spontaneous dehiscence of the posterior hyaloid near the iwisled. [JVL> usually occurs without producing any visible
center o f the m a c u l a . " 1 Et may, however begin more alterations in the re Lina. As the vitreous separates, traction
peripherally. En most patients separation of the posterior on the inner surface o f the optic disc, along the major vas­
hyaloid face from the retina occurs rapidly and smoothly cular arcades, or near the vilreous base may occasionally
and may or may not be accompanied by symptoms o f produce a focal inlraretinaEr preretina], or diffuse vitreous
pholopsia and lloalers Slit-lamp examination reveals hemorrhage (Hgure 7.07A and B ).,a],iJ

. i ,


Л r ' f ' n г-71 Г - Л Г п п П П П рп-Г-nq I7P|

■ 7 V

Pnepapillary ring
PYL) Lb the primary cause of peripheral retinal tears and 7.03 Anatomic changes in the macula caused by
rhegmatogenous relinal detachment Pat ho logic alterations traction exerted by incomplete posterior detachment
in the vilreous gel unrelated lo aging may be responsible for of the vitreous.
vitreous shrinkage and premature PVD. Patidflts with high A: Transit^ тасикн dislurLion. Arnm- indicates Ihe area
myopia are more likely lo develop V\!D early." Anomalous where1 vitreous remains adherent and is exerting Iraclion on
$ fD may result in either vitreoschisis leading to macular the rp4in,i.
hole, macular pucker or diabetic traction detachment (see К: lJos3erioj vilrtioui dulachmonl is complete. N<jle rarefnc:-
next section) or partial (incomplete) PVt) With residual trac­ Li(]n cjf lhe poslermr hyaloid anIcrior lo Lhe foVeal area.
C: .VliLcular Iraclion.. edema, de^enermion.. and detachm ent
tion in the periphery c^iusing peripheral retinal tears, Dr1i in
D: l^Lrnmacuiar Unction, retinal vessel avLilblun, and relinal
the macula causing vilreomacular traction, or the oplic disc detachm ent
resulting in vilreopapillaiv traction.1'' E: .MacLtl ar hole.
f : luxM papillary Iraclion and retinal delachm enl.
Posterior vilreous сопел is composed of lamellae run­
ning tangential lo die H M . 'Ibese lame Ihe are the site o f
potential cleavage when the vitreous detaches. Anomalous may cause a dehiscence in the continuity o f the foveal
I^ D results in vilneoschisis whereby a split occurs within tissue, initialing lhe process o f a macular hole. A split
the posterior hyaloid leaving a membrane adherent lo, or in the cortical vitreous anterior lo the hyalocytes leaves
in close proximity to, Lhe relinal II.M. Contraction o f this behind a thicker cellular membrane on the retinal sur­
membrane may result in anleroposlerioror tangential trac­ face. Hyalocytes stimulate migration of monocytes from
tion al various points o f adherence lo lhe inner relinal sur­ the circulation and glial cells from the retina. Cytokines,
face {I'igure 7.08.A-C). lhe pathogenesis of macular hole platelet-derived growth factor, and oLher cbemokines stim­
and macular pucker may be explained al least in part via ulate proliferation of these cells, resulting in hypercellular
this phenomenon. Uyalocytes are located approximately epiretinal membranes. Uyalocytes are also knoivn to cause
50|.m from the reLinal surface within the cortical vitreous. collagen contraction, resulting in a pucker. Recurrence of
It has been postulated lhat the split occurs at different lev­ epiretinal membranes may also be explained by vitreo-
els in patients with macular hole and pucker. A split pos­ schisis wherein the anterior wall may be removed at sur­
terior to the hyalocyles is likely lo play a role in macular gery and the cells in the residual posterior wall proliferate
hole formation where a thin acellular membrane is left and contract. О С Г is able to delect ihese membranes and
adherent to the ILM. '1'auL contradion o f Lhis membrane their interplay with the retina, except when lhe mem­
over lhe fovea likely pops up the foveal depression which branes are extremely thin. ■'
j гд,ь'ло ц sxfiTQ jixuajzjjj у
Two disti tict clinicopalhological features o f membranes 7.0Г- Continued
removed from eyes with vilreomacuEar traction syndrome
G and H : This 78-year-old diabetic wom an complained of
without obvious PVD suggest different form.t o f epireti­ cenlral visual change and difficulty reading for 4 weeks.
nal fibrocellular proliferation: (1} multilayered cellular Her vision dropped from 2СУ20 lo 20/40. Ор1клГ coher­
membranes separated from the 1LM by a layer of Interven­ ence tomography feveaffid focal vilreotovcfll traction causing
ing native vitreous collagen In eyes with visible epi retina! foveal cybts that did not spontaneously resolve on observa­
membrane; and ( 2 ) single cells or j cellular monolayer tion tor 3 months Л para plana vitreclom y resolved the
m acular е д Ё т а л п сI vision relum ed Lo 20/20 fH..
directly on the ILM with no visible eplretinal membrane.
I-L: 1hiы 70-year-old woman's; vision decreased Lo 20/40
The predominant cell type Is piyofibrObla3t that contrib­
and 20/50 respectively. Small cysls in bolh foveas were seen
utes to the contractility, in botb types. The higher number secondary Lo focal vitroofovea! traclion (I and |). Absence
In the multilayered membranes may explain the cystoid of sponlaneous improvement wi'lh continued observation
macular edema and progressive vilreomacular traction Lot 3 monlhs in lhe rrgbl eye and 9 months in- lhe left eye
characteristic o f this disorder. Overall, It appears that the prompted a vilreclo in y in both eyes,; which resulted in resto­
Eocalion of the split in the posterior vilreous cortex and ration of foveal contour and visual improvement to 2(V20 in
eaCh uye fК anti t ■
variable cellular proliferation determine the nature and
severity of vltreofoveal traction and eplrelinaE membrane
7,06 Vitreous remnants on inner ret in at surface in lhe
V IT R E O U S T R A C T IO N fovea following spontaneous vitreoret in al separation.

M A C U L Q P A T H IE S ____________________ Л: S c a n n in g e le c tro n m ic ro g r a p h s h o w in g !i00-|im -diam eter

d isc of c o n d e n s e d v ilr e o u s co rle x (w h ite a rro w ) adnferenl
Changes in the vitreous gel may cause traction on the reti­ to fo v e o la r re tin a. O p e n a r ro w in d ic a te s 13 00 -|im -d iam eter
nal surface and macular distortion through several differ­ ri ng o l vi treo u s rem n a n ts at the m arg i n o l lb e fovea I ret in a.
ent mechanismsr including; f l ) incomplete IV D In which B : S c a n n in g e le c tr o n m ic ro g ra p h s h o w in g 5 0 0 -p m - d iam e ler

the vitreous remains attached focally to the macular sur­ rin g oJ v itre o u s c o r tic a l re m n a n ts (w h iLe flrt& w ) at lh e m a rg in
of lb e fo v e o ia .
face, resulting in macular cysts or macular detachment;
C: H ig h e r m a g n ific a tio n ol open a rro w show n in B.
(2) anomalous posterior vitreous separation resulting in
N o te a lie n e d c o lla g e n fihers of v ilre o u s o r ig in in con­
vitreobchisis with continued broad fovea! traction causing trast (о s m o o th a p p e a r a n c e o f u n d e r ly in g in te rn a l lim itin g
macular cysts; (3) vitreoschisis with proLi feral ion of the pos­ m e m b ra n e .
terior layer into epiretinal membrane causing macular dis­
-I N j r n K u h i й j I ')
tortion; (4) vilreous gel condensation and shrinkage caused
by Inflammatory, vascular and metabolic diseases In the
absence of hyaloid separation; (5) complete IV D with sub­
sequent epi retinal membrane formation; and (ft} a peculiar
form of traction jnaculopathy that is related lo focal tan­
gential contraction of the PVC, anterior displacement of the
foveal retina, resulting in idiopathic macular hole.
Traction Maculopathy Caused 7.07 V itre o u s tra c tio n m a c u lo p a th y

by Incomplete Posterior Vitreous A and B: This w om an experienced sudden blurring ol vision

associated W ith л pTeretinal hemorrhage caused by posterior
Detachment vitreous delachmenl and avulsion of a small capillary in lh e
Approximately of patients (average age 60 years) viciniLyof the superolumpcual netjna vein jarrows);

who develop a symptomatic V\D will have evidence o f C—G: A 41-year-old man noted sudden onset cl" blurred
vision and me(tarnorphci|Hia in the right eye да а result of
vitreous hemorrhage or a peripheral retinal tear or both.
incomplete separation Ы the vitreous, which remained
This affects twice as many women as men. hi all, 10-15 % allached to Ihe superior natal portion o f lhe macula (arrowy
o f (hese patients Will develop a PVD in Lhe second eye, 1 ,i:n [1: i-fe I-i^Mrc r.UfiAi. I ne r-adhted ouL-
usually within 1 years. Vitreous hemorrhage that Is usu­ ward Iran -, lhe т л е и Li. Visual acu ily was 2(V70. Angiography
ally caused by a demonstrable peripheral full- or parllal- revealed no definite abnormality, bight days later spontane­
thickness retinal tear is lhe т о Ы frequent cause o f ous separation of lbe vitnxjus was associated with a circu­
lar Lear in lb e |>оч’епот hyaluid in lb ?; foveal area :E ftnd Fl.
transient loss o f vision in patients after an acute i’VL?
The condensation of lb e edges oP" the hole in the posterior
(figures 7.03 L> and 7.07A), hi most cases lhe macula is
hyaloid indicated in the fundus painlin^, fF is no! visible in
unaffected by the ETL). Small hemorrhages around the E i'see Hgure 7.05И . Visual acuily returned to 20(2Ъ . The
optic disc, along the major vascular arcades, and less fre­ relinal w rinkles noted in C w ere no longer visible. Eighteen
quently in the macula may be the only sign of mtcro- inonLhs laler h e developed Irie la m o rp h flp s ia caused b y c o n ­
Lгаи т а to the retina caused by the FVD (bigure 7.07 A and tractio n o f an e p in e h n a l m e m b ra n e in the nasal h a lf o f Ih e

II). 1"1: When the PVD is impeded by abnormal vitreoreli- macula. N o le lbe lin e relinal folds radiating from the 1em р о ­
га] e d g e o f the m e m b ra n e (C .l
nal adhesions In ihe macular area, tract ion and distortion
H : ftua macu lar yitreOus Iraclion causing relinal vesw l avul­
o f the macula may cause blurring o f vision, metamor-
sion (arrow i and serous detachment of the гласи] л isee
phopsia, and occasionally a scotoma [bigures 7.05A^. G, Figure 7.05 Dl.
]. and |, and 7.07C-b and J-L). Ophthalmoscopic and I: Vilreous Iraclion on lbe optic disc and juxlapapillnry relina
biomLctoscoplc examination reveals a parllat PVD and was responsible for liie misdiagnosis of p ap iIledema in this
tenting of the relina at the site o f the vitreoretinal adhe- patient (see Figure 7.05F:.
slon,25'30'"36-10 T b li site may be localized in the parafoveal J-L: Blurred vision in a 02-year-old wrrfnan w ith m acular
edema rand detachment resulting’ tmff) prolonged vilreous
region rather than directly in the foveal area. If the onsel
traction i see &iL;ure 7.05tl). Visual acu ily was 2(V200. Arrows
o f symptoms is recenL. Lhe vitreoretinal adhesion may
Indicate margin or lhe dttfathment. Angiography rescaled
separate in a mailer of days or weeks and visual function evid en ce of cysLoid macular edema :K^. l'wenly-nine months
may be restored to normal (bigure 7.07h, F, and L). 'Iliese taler lbe vilreous separated and visual acuilv relurned lo
patienls, however, may subsequently develop evidence 20/40 (L).
of epiretinal membrane {figure 7.L17G). Jn a few cases an !H . f n :n L Ч ^ п к л п j n d I.L t n iit n ." : 3J- l (J£)-4. Д п н ч . L . i n iM c l I . i -. i I A s M i L 'i . h l i n n .

epiretinal membrane may develop before PVD (a visible A l l r ijjh !!- r t ' M ; r w i l . '

Weiss ring) occurs [Hg]ure 7.0SA-C).

In some patients vitreorelinal adhesiott in the m acijjar 7 .0 S V it r e o t 'o v e a l t r a c t i o n c a u s in g m a c u l a r e d e m a a n d

area is sufficiently dense lhaL prolonged traction causes m a c u la r d e t a c h m e n t .

distortion, cystic edemar degeneration, and detach­ A - D : A 7lj-year-old mule w ilh glaucoma and a visual
ment o f the тлей la. Ibis may be caused by a linear area decline to 20/flQ ir his right eye showing a partial ring in Ihe
of attachment o f the posterior hyaloid Lo the retinal sur­ BrEifdrVEal vilreous (arrow) i A . Angiography revealed cystoid
face (E ^uitt 7.07C), a single condensed strand o f vitreous m acular edarfia (В). O ptical o o h ^ t ic e fijntotfraphy iO C f :
attached to Lhe paracentral retina, a cone-shaped mass o f revealed Irarticmal foveal detachment and cysts (C). A vrtrec-
lomy caused pfflrtipl resolution of Ihe cysls a nr I lhe detach­
con denied vitreous wilh attachment Lo the entire foveal
ment.. w ilh vision recovering Lo 20/.Э-0.
timer surface (I'igures 7.05t and 7.07] and I.), and para­
t- H : lh is 1r--vv iг--;'! d ty p e 1 L^i.1 ! i wi l h p rio r p iu ir u in .il
central Lraclion at lhe mafor vascular arcades (Figure 7.07A p h o fo o o a g u la tio n for s e v e re p noliferatfve d ia b e tic re tin o p a th y
and J i). Vitreoschisis with spliLLing o f the posterior hya­ c o m p la in e d of floaters a n d ra p id loss o f v is io n in h it lefl e v e
loid into two layers, and persistent broad attachment o f o v e r 2 w e e k s . 1-1e had a lo v e a j d i'ta c h m e n l w ilh a prweLi-
the posterior layer lo the retina may be responsible for n. 11 h e m o rrh a g e o v e rh a n g in g h is lo v e a w ilh in a v ilr e o u s tra c ­

this [Figure 7.081]. When lhe partEy detached vitreous tion b a n d (£j. l h e tra c tio n h a n d w a s c u n n e tte d Lu nn агед of
g lio sis a b o v e the s u p e ro te m p o ra l a r c a d e IF I. O CT s h o w s dis-
remains alt ached lo (he center of the macula, the retina
coiHim xiLy o l lh e o levaLod re lin a d u o Co -shadowing t'rom Ih e
es tented anLeriorly, causing a localized tractional serous
p re fo v e a l b lo o d a n d m e m b ra n e (t^. A OCT seel io n ih ro u g h
retina] detachment lhaL is surroutided by radiating reti­ Lhe e d g e o f Lhe v itre o u s b a n d s h o w s the lo ve a I d e ta c h m e n l
nal folds [Figures 7.03C, and 7.07| and U 7.0&C, E - H J: nnd the a tta c h m e n t of lhe b a n d Lo I fie re tin a ■
Cystic changes are often evident centrally {I'igure 7. OS ГС).'11
V it r e o s c b is r s c a u s in g m a c u l a r e d e m a .
Prolonged vitreous Lraction may be associated witfj angio­
I—K: This 56-year-old m ale shows evidence of splitting ol the
graphic evidence o f retinal capillary permeability altera­
posterior uyiiloid iarrow) i.ll witii m acular LracLitjn caused by
tions, and development of an epiretinal membrane in lhe the adherence of the posterior layer to Ihe reLina resulting in
area of vitreoretinal adhesion. Spontaneous separation diffuse macuEar edem a ф. PostvrtFectomy the m acular edema
o f the adhesion may eventually occur (Figure 7.07|-L). resolved w ilh resLoralion of visfon lo 2 i\;2 5 iKi.
Surgical separation of the vitreoreLinal attachment may be Ц U lira structure of the foveolar area lying belween Ihe smail
required lo reattach the macula (I'igure 7.09J-F)I2" “* arrows shows a significant populalion ol '■ -■
1Li Nor cells (pale-
slaining cells indicated by I he- large a now ) in lhe и ml jo
Lysis of vitreoretinal adhesions may be accomplished in
some cases with Q-switcbed neodyjnium laser.'1*
Vilreous traction aL Lhe site o f a major retinal vessel may 11., rrcmi I ki” .m uL .11. I

cause not only a I rarlional retinal detachment that extends

into the macula but also avulsion o f the blood vessel
[Figures 7.05L* and 7.07И), vitreous hemorrhage, prolif­
erative retinopathy (I'igure 7.09]r and infrequently a full- In some cases with unusual adherence of Lhe cenLer of
tbickness retinal hole’ 13-^ the fovea to the vitreous., a J’VLD thal begins in the extra-
Vilreous traeLion on the optic nerve head and juxta- inacular area may cause either a partial (lamellar) or futl-
papiltaiy relina may cause a fundus picture that simulates thickness macular hole as it extends through the macular
papilledema, optic disc capillary angioma, astrocytoma, or area {Figures 7.051: and 7.09H, J-L). 'I'hts, however, is att
combined retinal pigment epithelium (IJPh) and retinal infrequent mechanism for causing a macular hole {see
hamartoma (Figures 7.05L and 7.071,- 7.09D--G, and see discussion o f idiopathic macular hole in a subsequent
Figure 7.26). section].
Idiopathic Traction Maculopathy 7 Vitreous traction maculopathy associated wilh
epiretinal membrane formation,
Unassociated with Posterior Vitreous
А—С : Л 26-year-old palienl initially was seen because of
Detachment blurred vision caused I?v viLrilis associaterl w ilh an active
Jhere Is some evidence lo suggest lhal subtle changes may focus o f lo«oplasmobis in the p«ri|з-hcinI fund lih. Three?
occasionally occur in the vilreous body, causing it Iо con­ monLhs laler lhe vilreous cleaned and visual acuity returned
to 2Q/'2Q. O n e month later he devolopt'd crinkling of the
tract and to exert anterior traction on the retinal surface
fnner refine I surface caused by an epi relina I membrane
posteriorly, without any biomicroscop ic evidence o f pos­ farrows. A), Seven weeks later he was seen because of mela-
terior separation. or discrete vitreous bands allached lo the morphopsia. Tbr> vilreous alonj; wirh lhe Epiri'tinal mem­
inner relinal surface (Figure 7. L01L—I). This Iraclion may be brane had detached suppriorly and was adherenl lo ihe
associated with cystoid macular edema and angiographic center of the macula larrows, Bj. Visual acuity was 20/.10.
evidence of retinal capillary Leakage in the in acu lar area or O ne week later Che vision had improved lo 20/20. The viL-
serous delachmenL o f the sensory relina. (See discussion reous detach men I had exlended furl her inferiody. Six years
lalcr Lhe condensed b a ll of epi relina I mem brane (arrow, C}
ot" diabetic traction maculopathy, p. 544, and congeni­
and Ihe posterior hyaloid w ere Still al Inched lo lbe relina
tal pit of the optic nerve head, p. 12й0.1 Vascular leakage inferonasally
or Inflammation wilh or without secondary vasajlal per­ D-G: This 65-year-old patienl developed blurred vision
meability alteration can result in vitreous соntradion associated w ilh a m acular pucker lhal appeared lo have
without posterior separation in conditions such as pari pulled free from its atlachment lo a branch relinal artery infe­
planilis (Figure 7. ШЛ-D), retinal capillary hemangioma rior Lo lh e macula inferiftrly (arrow, D:-. Note Lhe suggestion
(see Chapter 13)., Coats' disease, and others. of a small vascular luft (arm m E J J Seven monihs later ihe
patienL returned with a semfopaque angiomatous prerelinal
lesion resembling an aslrocytom.i (Ef. Angiography revealed
a netTvascular frond w ilh in lhis lesion fF-:. O ve r Ihe nexl fi
months- I he lumor enlarged (C j. FblEowiOg phoLocoayulatioi:
Lhe palient developed subretinal freovascularliatFor,
H : M acular hole caused by vilreous Iraclion. Note irregular
inferior edge of holt1; where ihe flap has Lorn free. The oper­
culum i.irrnwi was alteched Lo lh e posterior hyaloid face.
In ilSflSj Lhis -FO-year-old man w ill: high myopia noLed
a paracenlral scoloma in the righl eye. O n e year later his
visual acuity was 20/25 bilaterally. Tbere was an incomplete
posterior vitreous delachmenl and adherence of [he Vitre-
o listo a focal area o f epireLinal membrane condtmsaLiun and
IracLional retinal delachmenl. Angiography demonstrated
evidence o f mild underlying depigmentation of the pigment
epithelium. O ver the subsequenl 4 years he developed a
focal area of geographic alrophy beneath the local area of
Lraclional roLina] detachmenL (II. The visual acuily was 20/30.
I and K: M acular dulat hmenl and hole caused b y vilreoLis
Iraclion. Note in Lhe stereoscopic view s ■J I the focal adher­
ence of lhe vilreous strand to Lhe edge o f the hole. Because
of persistence o f Ihe detachment a vLtrectomy was done and
the relina was reallat bed (K).
L: O ptical coherence tomography of a palienl with a full­
thickness macular hole with a complete posterior vitreous
detachm ent

Ihl, Imm I,i H£ll ''': Ll-t.i CfljjKtLiy uf Or Rubtrt ‘И.кТнмгтнл i

AtocitjfflraT^L’s 6-1-5
Traction Maculopathy Caused by 7 .1[J Traction maculopathy unassociated with
posterior vitreous detachment
Spontaneous Contraction of the
A-D: This- 21-year-old suliefed □ gradual decline In his right-
Prefoveolaг Vitreous Cortex Unassociatec! eye vision (o 20/200 over a year secondary to pars planLtis thal
with a Posterior Vitreous Detachment responded to anLerfor suEbTenon Inamcjnalone injedion. The
dentdy gdherenl vitreous. in Che posterior pule ton traded,
id io p a th ic Age-Related Macular H ole resulting in retinal puckering and telangiectasia of IhE small
Idiopathic age-related matttlar hole, referred to henceforth reLLnal vessels 4A and Hf. Optical coherence tomography
in this section аз macular holt, affects predominantly revealed tradion over iLw disc Lind posterior pole A tedious
older patients, more often womeii) at a ratio of 2 or 3:1. '■ ,ind long vilTedomy resulled in removal of the densely adher- v il их Ч, -. .and im[jrwvuniont in vision l i -'■> S o . К и to- the
Jhey often discover blurred vision and metamorphopsia
residual papillomaculaT fold frcsn relinal redundancy second-
when they cover the fellow normal eye.''1" " 11 Most patienls
aiy So sLrelchiing hy IFm .1adhurenl vilreouK (D|l
report that bolh eyes were normal during their Iasi eye E—1: Tiliн 15-year-old woman underwent a fritreclomy wilh
examination I or 2 years previously. From the patho­ memEirane pee] after Lreinj’ sympLomalic lor more lhan 9
genetic and Lherapeulic standpoint, it is important lo dif­ years. fro m id io p a lh ic i.sponlitneous) m a c u la r pucker. H er
ferentiate idiopathic age-related macular bole from the less viuua.1 acu ity w a s c o u n t lin g ers lh at im p ro v e d I о 2 0 /100.
1here w a s n o p o s te rio r h y a fu id sep a ra tio n ; lh e v ilr e o u s w .is
common causes of macular hole, such as trauma or macu­
c o n tin u o u s w ith '.he m e m b ra n e that w a s m u lliL a y e re d an d
lar traction resulting from incomplete posterior vitreous
d e n s e ly a d h e re n t lo lh e re tin al s u rfa ce i G a n d H ). R e s id u a l
separation, transvilreaL bands o f vitreous condensation,
si n a tio n s w e r e ;и= п a I lh e re tm al p ig m e n t e p ith e liu m Level
or neighboring epiretinal membranes. An understand­ fo I lo w i п ц v itre c to m y 11
ing o f the structure o f the vilreous and aging changes in
its structure discussed previously in this chapter, and the
L il lr a s t n i c t u r e of the foveolar retina (Figure 7.0SL) are seen on О С]' [E'igure 7. IK !) by foreshortening the vitre­
important in considering the pathogenesis o f age-related ous cones. Subsequent reports have alluded lo this con­
macular hole, which typically begins in eyes with an opti­ cept. 1 ihe role of the Muller celt cone changes in eyes
cally empty I iqueued premacular vitreous and no evidence destined lo form a macular hole is further strengthened
o f posterior vitreous sepa rati on, by the observation of various other anatomic appearances
It is Likely no other condition in ophthalmology hat such as foveal cysts, foveal detachment, and diffuse foveal/
elicited as much debate and controversy about its patho­ macutar thickening (Figures 7.07 and 7.CS), in eyes with
genesis as macular hole, since the original description by vitreomaeular traction alone, none of which leads lo a
Gass. Et is important lo bear in mind lhal Gass described macular hole. Figure 7 ILF also illuslrales that tangential,
Lbe mechanism much before OCIxvas available. W ilh the ralher than anteroposterior, forces play a role Ln macular
advent o f O C T we began to view the interplay between hole formation; the operculum is Lying close to the fow-
Lbe fovea and the vitreous, a concept Lhat Don Cass had ola rather than being drawn more anteriorly which should
visualised by his keen observation wiLb a fundus contact have occurred if anteroposterior traction forces were
lens and interpretation ihe earliest observations with the predominant.
first-generation 0(71 were made by Alain Gaud tie, where Table 7.1 and the diagrams in Figures 7.1.0 (f—L) and
he introduced the terms "foveal cyst" and "anteroposterior 7.11 summarize the characteristic biomicroscopic features
traction forces" at the vitreofoveal junction associated with and lhe presumed anatomic changes accompanying each
localized peri foveal vitreous detachment.1" Subsequent of th e stages о f deve Lopm en t o f a m acu Lar hole. 1
reports have continued to use this as lhe basis of macular
hole formation.^ I’" Cass, xvho constantly reappraised the Stage 1-A: im p e n d in g Macular Ho/e
Linders Landing of various diseases, in 19У9 wrote about Although the earliest precipitating event responsible for
the forgotten "Muller cell cone" (Figure 7.1] К J and pos­ the progression o f changes leading Lo a macular hole has
tulated dissolution o f the Muller cells in eyes destined lo not been identified, the author believes that proliferation
develop a macular hole. "A n inverted cone of Muller cells of Muller cells located in the center o f the normal foveola
occupying the inner half of the fovea centralis was firsl (Figures 7.ft and 7.10J-I.) 1 and ihetr extension through
shown by Yamada et al. hislopaLhologically in a 45-year- lhe LLM al Lhe umbo inlo the outer part o f lhe layer of
old woman (Figure 7.081.). 1 Cass postulated breakdown formed P V C is most Likely responsible for causing contrac­
o f the compact arrangement o f the Muller cells and per­ tion, condensation, and partial loss of transparency o f the
haps their movement into the prefoveal vilreous cortex outer part of vitreous cortex in lhe foveolar and perifoveo-
in ilia Ling centripetal conlraclioti that pops lhe foveal lar region. IJelinaL astrocytes and vitreocyles would seen]
depression up (Figure 7.10J—L ). It is likely that the dis­ lo be less likely candidates as cells responsible for induc­
solution of the Muller cell cone weakens the fovea which ing contracture o f the P V C .75j l>Tangential contraction of
splits by Lhe contracting forces o f lhe overlying vilreous. lhe ouler part o f the prefoveolar cortical vitreous causes
lhe concentric contraction of the prefoveal vitreous cortex anterior displacement and serous detachment o f the fove­
caLi explain the localized perifoveal vitreous detachment olar retina (Figures 7.10К and 7.11ft). fttomicroscopicatly
a yellow spot appears centrally (Figures 7.1.2А лnJ 7.! ЗА). 7.10 Continued
Iliis. spot is caused by greater visibility of the retinal xan-
H .: Diagrams illustrating presumed mechanism of
tbophyll, which is highly concentrated in thtL receptor early macular hole developm ent
cells and nerve fiber layer in the foveolar region. It is more J: tA.lension ol" M uller cell? Ihrough Lhr? inlernal limiling
apparent as lhe relink separates from the ftPE. 'Ihe patient, membrane of n?!ma inlo Lhe ouCer part of lhe layer of gelaLi-
particular^ if he or she has a macular hole in [he fellow nuuh vilreous corlex {чС) Га form a pTeloveukr vilrpoglial
eye, may experience the abrupt onsel of melamorphopsia membrane Jarrnwt-1. The tirftihiacijlar bursa (pmb) conlains
Linassoci.aled with pholopsia or floaters. The visual acuity liquefied viLreoun. The doCled пШ пи Indicating lhe area of
highly conccmlrated relinal rarrthckihylj,
may be almost normal. DistorLioti o f the Amsler grid is
K: plage 1-A impending m acular hole. Condensation and
usually present. EJLomicroscopically, there is no evidence o f
Langenlial contraction o! Lhe prpfaveolaif vlLreojilial mem­
a I’VD but there is loss of the normal foveolar depression brane tauKes; detachment cf" rhe fuveolar rcflinn. Separation
and the foveal reflex. Eluorescein angiography often shows [il Lhe foveolar retina Ir-um [he pigment epi Ihelium causes
a focal area of faint fluorescence centrally (I'igure 7.J3U). lhe xanlhophyll Lo be visible biomicnobcopically an a vellow
Sfage 1-B: Im p en d in g Macular H ole L: Milage 1-B impending m a c u la r hole. Furtfiec contraction of
Lhe pretoveolar vilreuylial membrane elevales rhe Foveolar
As the foveal retina elevates to the level o f lhe surround­
retina tu Ihe level <]{ the pdSrifmeal relina and fafclstt stretch­
ing thick peri fovea I relina (figures 7.] 01. and 7.I1CJ, lhe ing and alien и al ion of lhe re lin a l receptor layer c e n L ra lly a n d
retinal receptor layer is put. on strelch and thinning of a change from a yellow sfiol I о a small, yellow, d cju gh nul-
the foveolar relina around the umbo causes a change in ahaped finj^ biomicro!icopic^l3y.
the biomicroscopic appearance from a yellow spot lo a
small donut-shaped yellow ring lesion {Figures 7.t2t>and
7.14Л). Although a yellow spol occurs with foveal detach­ Stage 2 H ole
ment from other causes, e.g., idiopathic cenlral serous cho­ Spontaneous VltrejJfoVeal separation may occur soon
rioretinopathy. the change from a spol lo a ring is peculiar after lhe central relinal dehiscence, and the contracted
to patients developing a macular hole. 1 I’V e becomes visible as a semitranslucent prehole opac­
ity or operculum-like structure Lying anterior to a small
Stage 1-B: QccuSt Mac и far H ole foveolar hole (f igure 7.] 1Л (Q} . Initially the diameter of
Whereas die small central area o f iranslucence in the ihis opacity is often taiger Lhan Lhal o f the foveal at hole.
center o f the \eltow spol may result from attenuation of In a few patienLs wilh early stage 1-Ji lesions, separation
the foveolar retina, it is probable that lhe clearly defined of the EVC knay be accompanied by avulsion of part of
yellow ring that develops soon afterward is caused by the foveolar retina, resulting in a true operculum forma­
a break in the continuity o f the receplor cell layer at tion. Hiomicroscopy, however cannot delermine the pres­
the umbo. structurally the thinnest and weakest site in lhe ence or absence of retinal tissue in (he prehole opacity. En
retina. This is followed by centrifugal movement of the some patients the conltacLed E’VC, eiLher while il [emains
foveolar relinal receptor cells, their radialing nerve fibers, attached to and bridges the macular hole or after it sepa­
lhe K luHer celts, and the xanlhophyll beneath lhe ILJv-t of rates from lhe perifoveolar retina, may be transparent and
the retina and the со li traded PVti (I'igure 7.1lA(d and e)). undetectable biomicroscopically. in such cases very small
Initially the ]]_M of the foveolar relina and lhe thin layer stage 2 holes without a prehole opacity may be evident.
o f horizontally oriented Muller cell processes separating it In most palienls, however, the contracted vitreous cor-
fro cn the retinal receptor cells may not be involved in lhe lex is semilransparenl and remains attached lo the inner
central retinal break. Regardless, as long as the contracted retinal surface surrounding the retinal hole as the foveolar
p refoveo Iar vilreous cortex bridges the hole, it may be'Visi­ retina continues lo retracl cenlrifugally (Figure 7.11A(e)).
ble biomicroscopically as a semilranslucent interface. Thus Hi оmicroscopically there is progressive enlargement of
Lhe change from a stage 1-Jt impending hole to a stage lhe yellow ring, which may become serrated along its
1-b occult hole cannot be delected biomicroscopically. inner margin that corresponds lo the edge o f lhe occull
Keadive proliferation of Muller cells and retinal astrocytes round retinal hole (Figure 7.12FE-K). Eventually the finsl
occurring within the area of the receplor cell dehiscence bio microscopic evidence o f a dehiscence may occur in
probably contributes lo lhe opacification of the tissue lhe semi transparent vilreous cortex at the inner edge of lhe
bridging the defect and. in some cases, may cause ruffled yellow ring (E'igures 7.llA(gJ and 7 .12CJ). In the area
edges o f lhe relinal dehiscence surrounded by fine radial- of the dehiscence, lhe serration of lhe yellow ring disap­
ing re Li nal fo Ids ( Figu re 7. ] 2C, and I ] ). pears, presumably because o f relief of Iraclion on lhe
Fluorescein angiography in stage 1-ti lesions o f alt sizes edge of the relinal hole, and lhe yellow pigmentation
usually shows hyperfluorescence of variable intensity cen­ fades, possibly as a result of diffusion o f xanlhophyll oul
trally Although a high intensity o f fluorescence is more of lhe relina in ihis area. Over a period o f days or weeks,
suggestive thal a full-lhickness hole is present, angiogra­ further en lavem ent of the macular hole and additional
phy is nol reliable in this regard. contraction of the EVC cause a can opener-type 3605 tear
FJjjiflIfi&lJЩШ[,'Y ИОГ^ЛШ/. r/l
in the contracted l^/C, separating Ll from the less con­ 7.11 L>iagra ms il Iu sIrat ing t he presirm ed a n atomy of
densed outer vilreous cortex at the edge of the retina! hole the stages of development o f an idiopathic macular
(E'igures 7.I I A(h) and J.12G-L)* lh e contracted prefoveal h o le L

vitreous cortex is visible bio microscopical Iу as an opercu­ A: Normal fovea. Layer o f vilreous- corLew (vc) lying on inter­
lum-like Opacity (pseudo-operculum) suspended anterior nal limiting гпетЕ>гапе of retina.
to the hole on the posterior surface of the layer of trans­ Slage 1-A imf rending hoSe. Early conlraclion (]1 о и кч pari
parent vitreous gel Lhat bridges the hole and lie^ along the □i vitreous cortex w ilh iovuoiar deJachment.
inner retinal surface in the macula, this prefoveolar opac­ SLage 1-B impending hoEe. d and e, Stage 1-E occuEL hole.
LJiriiiscunce of Lhe re lin k recepLor layer al lhe umbo w ilh
ity oscillates slightly WiLh eye movements. Et is usually not
Cefitofugal redaction of the relinal receptors. ^tagc 2 hole
possible lo delect hiomicroscopically an interface caused wiLh early нерлгаПоп o f corrLfensud pnefowolar vilreous оог-
by lhe layer o f transparent vitreous cortical gel surround­ Lex w ilh form alien ot pseutJo-opercuium that и larger Ihrin
ing the pseudo-operculum. lhe hole. g,. Slage 2 hole with tear in vilreous cortex at junc­
tion Gif Lhe prefuvuolar vitreous bttffejt and ed^t1 of m acular
Sta g e 3 H ole hole, h, Stage 3 hole w ilh pseudo-operculum. \, 5la^e 4 hole
after posterior vilreous suparalion.
Centrifugal ret radio n o f the foveolar retinal receptors
В: Y u Her cell co nt1 Mic.i. D raw ing of Lhe anatom y of lhe
continues unlit the hole becomes fully developed and foviea cerH-mlis showing M c r whose base :arrows) corre­
its diameter in all bul a few cases reaches 400-600pm sponds w ilh Ihe internal limiting membrane, -and whose
(Figures 7.11 A{h}, 7 I2F and L, and 7.13C. G, 3. and K). ape* correspond;- with Ihe ouler limiLirg membrane cenlral !y
All stages of progressive enlargement of the hole are con­ (arrowheadf. H enfe nerve fiber layer 1H> and foveal edge of
sidered as stage 2 holes. Since the ultimate diameter o f lhe the ganglion cell layer (gj are shown. Drawing represents Lhe
hole is variable, for purposes of classification die author author's interpretation ot a photomicrograph from Vaniada.

suggests thal all holes les!i than 400pm in diameter be

considered slage 2 holes.
Stage 3 holes are associated with a mean visual acuity of
20/200 with a range from 20/40 to 5/200. Jhe sharply out­
lined 400-600-pm-diameter hole is typically surrounded 1Л/С) is suspended on the posterior surface o f Lhe hyaloid
by a 1000-1500-|im-diameter gray rim of retinal detach­ membrane in front of the bole in 75-85% o f cases (Figures
m e n t . ■7i 'the palienL describes metamorphopsia on 7.I2HV Ei and Щ and 7.13C and E). In these cases there is no
the Amsler grid. A well-defined cenlral scotoma., however is evidence of a EVD except in die foveal area.
usually difficult lo demonstrate on the grid. Microperimelry
using the scanning laser ophthalmoscope demonstrates an Sfagj? 4 H ole
absolute scotoma corresponding with a macular hole, and After separation o f the vitreous from the entire macular
a relative scotoma corresponding with the rim of retinal surface and optic discr irrespective o f its diameter- the hole
detachment surrounding lhe hole. With further refinement is designated slage 4 (Eigures 7. ]]A (i ) and 7.12C). Ihe
o f the perimetric technique, it is probable lhal visual defects operculum-like opacity can often be found attached lo
Lhat extend beyond the area corresponding wilh the rim of lhe mobile posterior hyaloid membrane near the temporal
detachment will be detected. 9-63 N inety-ftve percent of side of the Weiss ring.
patients report a gap in a narrow slit beam of light (positive Fluorescein angiography in patients wilh stages 2, 3, and
slit-beam sign. Walzke sigjtJ when the slit of light is directed 4 holes typically demonstrates prominent, early hyperfluo­
Lhrough a fundus contact lens into the center of the macu­ rescence caused primarily by lhe absence of xanLhophyll
lar hole. A 50-|im krypton or argon laser aiming spot placed in the area o f the hole hul is also caused by RPK thinning,
within a slage 3 or 4 hole w ill nol be seen in almost 100% of depigmentalion of the RPb, and slight loss of transparency
patients (positive laser beam sign). thinning and depigmen- of the relina immediately surrounding the hole.''' ■' : ■in
talion of Lhe RE4-. develop within the area of the hole. A pig­ palients wilh a long-standing hole, the central zone o f hypcr-
mented demarcation ring may occur (ligLire 7.15E'). Within fluorescence may be surrounded by a rim o f faint fluores­
most holes. ihere are several yellow nodular opacities al the cence corresponding wilh Lhe rim of relinal detachment and
level of lhe HFE (figures 7.12F:, h' and I, 7.15K, and 7. ! SC the underlying hjpopigjnented R[JH [Figure 7.131,). En a few
and D], Jhese opacities change in number and distribution patients with a heavily pigmented choroid, the fluorescence
from one examination to the other, ihe RE^L and choroid sur­ may be minimal or absent. Lhe yellow deposits within die
rounding the hole typically appear nonnal.. allhough some depth of lhe hole and the operculum overlying the macular
palients in ay haw drusen. Several small inlranelinal cysts hole (Figure 7. J3J and I.) usually appear nonnuoiescent or
may be evidenl near the margin of lhe hole. In 10-20% of hypofluorescenl.
patients, fine crinkling of the inner retinal surface caused ]f the anatomic interpretations summarized in I'igure
hy an epiielinal membrane develops around Lhe hole, ihe 7.1 LA are corrcct, the implications include the follow­
membrane occasionally may distort the contour of the hole ing: (L) most macular holes develop as the result of a cen­
(Figure 7.15K). An operculum-like structure (contracted tral relinal dehiscence at Lhe umbo, followed by centrifugal
V"j7n,4.vr> Тгасрпп Mn^itiL>'wthics

i 'i ir ii irt 1f m iV r t № ________ .................................................................................... Ilirni \jfilir in..............

Ift- ■
■" " '■**r.‘" ■

■*■J---:: --■ ...........................
Ь State 1-A impending h:Je ; Slage 1-Б mcendhD bclE

/ *

(d ) StagE 1-Б Occuh halE \ b i Slage 1-S Gc-euIL hole

n.'ftfr*-.-! PHfiF.? - f l* . - 5 * Я ftfj
Ш ' 1
Stage t h:ie
® Slage Z folE

Staoe 3 hde £ j ';■ Slage i holE
displacement o f the idativety normal complement of reliniil 7.11 Continued
receptors; (2) ihis dehiscence occurs soon after the change
C: The asympEomalic f-ellow -eye of a patient with a full-thick-
from a yellow spol (stage l -Л impending hole) to a y d low nuss c irc u la r hu]e s h o ^ n g early peri fovea I viLreouK detach-
ring lesion (stage l -И impending hole), but in mosL cases menl; this eye subsequently developed я т л е н ha г hole.
El is n o t detectable wilh a thin slit beam as a defect in the D and E: Sl«j"u 2, А ЬВ-уид r-ol d wumflFi dropped her vbren
center of the ring because of lhe presence o f the sem[trans­ bo 2Q/S0- in her EefL eye. GpticaE coherence Lomogjaphy
lucent condensed cortical vitreous bridging the hole (stage ■shcjwii lhe edgE 01 an operculum ax depicted in Л.
F: Stage 3 hole with an operculum lying just anterior to the
1-1J occult hole); (3) most of the prehole opacities overlying
stage 2 and stage 3 holes are condensed prefoveal vitreous
(.j : Slsfje -f hole w ith Ihe operculum pul ltd aw ay Imm lhe
cortex (p&eudo-opercLila)r not opercular and [4) following Imle due to suircequerrL posterior vilreoub detachment.
successful vilreous surgery- which includes lamponade of Lhe
(j\ I r - > in (. i.L i- v hi, j d d p L e d f r n r n G j s s . u; I A m e r i i r . i n M c d i L '. n !
hole with an tntravttieal gas bubble, if done within 1 year of .-V is L K J M L ir jn . Л М n . ' h ' s г е м .т \ - 1ч.1. i

commencement of bole fomtalion, the anaLomy of the cen­

tral retina and its visual function may be restored to nearly
normal levels in some patients os a result o f retinal reattach­
ment and centripetal repositioning of the retinal receptors. ]f
these concepts of the anatomic changes occurring in macular Vitreofovea] Separation and Lamellar Hole
hole development are correct histopathologic examination Formation
o f the prehole opacities should determine thal most of ihem
Sepa ration of the vitreous from the fovea in these palients
contain no retinal receptor cells hut are composed o f vitre­
is associated with a break in the continuity o f the tLM and
ous collagen, reactive Muller cell and astrocytic proliferation,
the bio microscopic appearance o f one or more sharply
and jn some cases 1ЕЛ1 of the reLina. Although relinal oper-
defined reddish defects in (he inner relinal surface in the
cula have been described histopalhologicaily in two eyes, one
foveolar area {E'igures 7.141U—b' and I and f, and 7.
with postlrau malic and the other with an idiopathic macular
Ait operculum is usually evident overlying the defect, lhe
hole, it is uncertain whether the "opercula" contained retinal
defect may he minule and simulate lhal seen after sun
receptor cells."'' Opercula have not been observed in most
gazing or in patients with no recognisable cause fig u re
idiopathic maailar holes studied histopalhologicaily.
7.14J).' ' Larger lamellar holes often have a scalloped bor­
der (figure 7.14D). Unlike futl-thickness holes there is
Spontan eou s A b o rtio n o f Mac и far H ole
no rim o f retina] deLachmenL. 'lhe visual acuity is usually
Form ation
20/30 or better. fluorescein angiography shows minimal
in approximately SOftb of cases, patients with stage l -Л and or no fluorescence in the area o f the lamellar hole (figure
early stage 1-b lesions may experience rapid improvement 7.14Ei). The demonstration o f a focus of bright fluores­
in visual symptoms because of spontaneous separation cence wiLhin the area of the lamellar hole suggests the
o f the vitreous from the fovea without developing a full- possible presence of a ful E-thickness hole without a rim of
tbickness macular hole [E'igure 7.14). ^ [ nsuch cases, detachment (E'igure 7.13D-E7), 'Ibis type o f full-thickness
the patient usually notices improvement in the symptoms hole appears identical biomicroscopicallv ю a lamellar
and biomicroscopy may show several different picturesr all hole, may be associated with visual acuity o f 20/30 or bet­
o f which are accompanied by return o f the foveal depres­ ter, and is likely to develop a rim of retinal detachment
sion and a good visual prognosis. and be associated wilh visual loss at a later date, lhe visual
prognosis for patients with a lamellar hole is excel lent.
Vitreofovea I Separation and Pseudo-operculum
Forma l ion Incomplete Separation of the Contracted
ihe foveal area returns to a normal appearance except for Pretoveolar Vitreous Cortex
the presence o f a semitranslucent. operculum-like sLructuie A portion or all o f the contracted EVCJ may remain as a
or pseudo-operculum (condensed, contracted prefovea! smalj stellate opacity on the surface of the center of the
vilreous cortex) immediately in front of the fovea (Kigure foveolar relina and be associated with fine stellate retinal
7.14A-C). When viewed obliquely with a thin slit beam, folds simulating X -1inked foveomacular schisis [figure
the pseudo-operculum in a few patients will, cast a yellow 7.14K and L).fi4
shadow on the pigment epithelium.*1Some patients wilh a il is important lo use a fundus contact lens to look for
pseudo-operculum will notice a small scotoma when read­ signs of vitreofovea] separation not only in the symptom­
ing and a few will describe il as having a yellow color. atic eye but also in the fellow eye of any patient wijh evi­
dence o f a macular hole in one eye. Spectral domain OCE'
Vitreofovea I Separation without Pseudo-operculum is very useful in detecting Lhe relation of the posterior hya­
Formation loid to the fovea, l^llow eyes wilh evidence of vitreofovea!
After spontaneous vitreofoveal separation the fundus separation probably have less than a 5 % chance o f devel­
returns lo a normal appearance and no pseudo-operculum oping a macular hole.'" '"■'лли Some patients who have
es evident. reportedly developed a hole after demonstration of a IV U
probably had small occult holes thLit developed at the Lime 7.12 Stages of development of idiopathic macular
of Others probably had residua! vitreous cortex on holt\
the inner relin лt surface cent ml ly after separation o f the A and B: Progress ion of sJ-age I-A iтропе I i r>g amLUlat hole
vitreous from the optic disc and paracentral macular area. with yiellow spot (arrow, A J to stage 3 hole w ith prehole
opacity lalrcAy, E L
Natural Course C: Stage 4 “ii."it liLit hole With posLeOtw vitreous detach mcnt.
D -F: Progression stage 1-B yellow ring lesion I.Dj, to early
lhe Lime course from the development of symptoms and stage 2 hole Inole small eCtentrlc round hole and underlying
stage 1 impending macular hale to a fully developed stage yellow ileck al the 10 о гЫос:к edge of Che yellow ring, El,, lo
3 or 4 hole varies but in т о ы patients is within 6 months. slage .1 bole I Pi. Hrehole opacily P ^ e ly visible overlyihg Lhe
inferoCompora! Ьогккч of hole.
In some palients the course may be complete within a
G - J : Progressive enlargement o f can opener-type slage 2
matter o f weeks, and in others hole formation may not
hole farrows) that began at the 2:30 to 3:30 o'clo ck margin
have progressed beyond stage 1 till several years later, '['he of the yello w ring (<Jj. I^iee Figure 7.1 1G .) W h en last exam ­
visual acuity usually stabilizes after the first 6-12 months ined lhe holt1 extended from 1:30 Lo й o'clock tJ). N o le I he
at a mean level af 2 0/ 20C I. "' A few patients with stage serrated зплег edge t)f liie yellow плд in H and [.
3 and 4 holes may maintain excellent visual function o f К and L: This eocentrio can-opener tear extended 11 clock
20/40 to 20/50 for years. houre from 4:30 lo 8:30.

Spontaneous reatlaehmenl o f the retina surroutiding I I J - I - ;in d C - K , [r u m ( s . V,- I 9 № , A m tlic a h M H id if .iJ А ч ы л -м ! i o n .

All r i^ iils r e s d V tf d .
the hole may occur (Kigures 7 .15G and 7.16) and the bio-
microscopic appearance may be identical with that o f a
lamellar macular hole. In some cases the hole may disap­
pear and recovery of vision may be excellent. Closure prognostic significance in the fellow eye is the presence or
o f a macular hole occurs occasionally as the result o f absence of a р у р ,5е |0иш* 'Hie reported risk for develop­
development of an epiretinaE membrane (Figure 7.16].' : ment of a hole in Lhe normal fellow eye has varied from
Approximately 2 5 % of patients with a macular hole 1 % lo 2 2 % .55j4j',fi3'65j6M,7i95' lDa" lClE ЧЪе probable risk is
have evidence of posterior Vitreous separation from the between 10% and 15%* lhe presence of a 14''D or vitreo-
optic disc and macula in the fellow eye. The macula of foveal separation probably reduces Lhe risk of developing
the asymptomatic eye is usually normal but it may show a hole to or less. Possible explanations for the occa­
evidence of previous spontaneous separation of the vitre­ sional patient with a PVD who develops a hole include:
ous that is limited to the fovea] area.1. In addition, other a tear in the posterior hyaloid at the lime of l^E}, leav­
minor changes may occur at the vitreoretinal interface, ing vitreous cortex attached lo the centra! macular area,
including epiretinal membrane formation., small irregular and a subclinical full-Lhickness microhole caused by
folds of the inner retinal surface, and absence o f the foveai traction during the F V D .HH In most patients the second
reflex, fluorescein angiography in the "asymptomatic eye" eye becomes involved within 2 yeareLM П ю ве with bilat­
is typically normal. 1Ъе value o f focal electroretinogra- eral involvement usually retain moderately useful central
phy in delecting predilection for hole development in vision, and mosL can read successfully with high-power
the fellow eye is uncertain.1' 0 The only finding o f definite spectacles.

T a b le 7 .1 H i u m i ( :r [ № L t t p i L : l IJ i i i I k . j l K i n <jJ r r u c : u l . i r I h j Ic

И ю ткгси си р к Andtumic i n t e r p r e t i l H j r i

l-A(hpndnq fnbj Chiral ygltiYspal, ksH deftHm to l7*edai r-:ii ti

vIil-jv -.vlfu' жыгл1н :
' tirpwiiigof cuJI IbM- r^).":Virn viti hi :l:i ig iiftlx? lotsdk-Bdir l^nJIггу- т н 4 1vrx j' iIh^iIji -: :. vHi a l i f d - : l d >j--. qi rf: ti::»: iiig-cii'4i3ld$jJ
(fcp'ffiSBT. Ci.tredj(90tr!i^a:^j1 1и(енЙ1ен ггkyd isflaisiryT d 1^:я:кг xa; rantnp-T,11'/лИbr^jny ca Jr^Lls piBtveahr itjwu:
lvt!l=. Cdtj'I deted U^ichti Inctr ■1pricl'c 1c ucuJl !';>j
£ bxwftifMl tnaftSri utIcteueI™ mli^J №;1e lk£i| h [MtfJrtl/Dl ргаЙЁоёг йЬвсййDates rimd reStMl ct- loloi'ioJ 1и.и(аг rsftiii
uiai pehwiry Cflnhai rcirri rule ±kcl ^ ini J в i:\j Il-c idru
'rV'J' pb'kr.vJu' Hut .-.n-pcmido upemJuni' i mltг-:lil! 'JelBcJiniEfi. ю p^Ilt А ш и ilitehre'il Wn cptL i.i::' jjd
WlhoLT JfflftteSfc upacl.y Hut rtfhuul Lin it эойетг v Irec-jsde^:hn:iri
3 П т и h:u'k: ■ J |'iii-iLTi^J1' rel iii t№:: ra Wijk ■ ;rry, rand -з(?я11к1r^J4
'.V:|-р^кмяЛу :pj:^| Hct ■■'.Th|:m:uJc- :^i.:jii mi : i vln:yL-s(£1ис1пэт1 kin of^jc dii aif p e r :Г
W U:jl^;кН^и;1аг i;pa: l.y ■

.i .I'l j ! J:i qmuu Lin, re ;ra;i:i;:v ¥&ашь iMudMiivrЙШтз txnr uk: uid naiiiij
i l u JUl! nuid '.:I: l£:к‘иг mid reti'3,
'tbtiii rirn
iHh sirnJ ■-IreuJ5■Dfxr.itf neu1lunpcra elct ^rry H:k .rh |^;ifJo-jp;ii:Jim |яккт г itimrt c:r^ t _t:iil ^in efil с ia: ^nl тасJa '.^lli inity №iss. nr. j : i J
INUtl : auE Tiaah' 1i:t u ni pslaitf hirisousiiLriihrtnl ktti upl l ciec and iu l J av.rl!i>.1 jti
T H l r i C - E U S b - l i r .jo ra Ti- to \!l l£j | П Ч П П
■Jjei t. :u u m ik j Is r r iv n t o i i d '.toss's 1re
Pathology and Pathogenesis 7.13 Angiographic findings rn stages of macular hole
develop men I.
Immunocytochemical labeling and electron microscopic
examination of vitreous removed at the time of surgery for A—C: A slayc 1-A impending m acular hole developed in a
b2-year-dd Woman w ilh л 4^clary ЫнЮгу of meLamoi|ihup-
impending macu lar holes has demonstrated cortical vitre­
sia in lhe left ey*?. ih e had previously developed л m acular
ous containing КРЪ and glial fells. Histopathologic hole m lhe riyhl eye isee I and |j. Visual acuily in lhe led
examination of a macular hole has failed lo demonstrate eye was 2CV40. Note central yellow lesion ГA.. There were
any evidence of either retinal or choroidal vascular dis­ no cystic changes or evidence of a dehiscence in the ret­
ease as a cause for the development of a macular hole ina. Angiography revealed slight fluorescence centrally IB;.
(E-'igure 7 .l5 ).K,'!i'-l0:,-ll-: lhe edges of the hole are typi­ Twenty-six n^onlhs later 1C) a m acular hole with an opercu­
lum was presen] and lhe patient's visual acuily was 2W70.
cally rounded, some cystic spaces in the outer plexiforrn
D-F: W h a t appeared Id be an inner lamellar m acular hole
and inner nuclear layers are often present, and there is
ID? showed local К 'р сП luoresconce i b r su^ostin^ the pres­
frequently cellular proliferation front the edges of the ence of an occult small sla^t! 2 hole. Ei^jhl monlhs later she
hole on lo the neighboring inner retinal surface (figure chim ed evid en ce or Ihe small si aye 2 hole with a rim o f reLr-
7.]5t;).IL'' Л cellular prehole opacity may occasionally be nal detachment.
observed (figure 7.15Л and Н]. It is not known whether or (j and H: Slage 3 macular hole in a (>4-year-old woman wilh
nol retinal receptor cells are included. a visual acuity of 20/100. Nole sharp margins of lhe hole,
Nodular proliferations of the RPEi overlying an eosino­ surrounding halo caused by nutmill elevation and cystic
degeneration of Ihe relina, small yeMow deposits LhaL appear
philic material probably account for the yellowish depos­
lo lie on the surface of the retinal pigmenl epithelium, and
its noted biomicroscopically in the depth of Lhe macular small prehole opacity lying just anterior (o the relina and
hole [E'igure 7.15C and E3). These appear to be identical in Hartly obscuring the underlying. vellow deposils from view.
structure lo the reactive, proliferative type ofdrusen noted The ret’nal vessels are wilh in normal Iimils. Fluorescein
hislopiUhologically in eyes with long-standing relinal an^io^aphy (H) revealed a circumscribed aired of hypejfluo-
delachmenl. [Proliferation of the RPE: is probably caused rescence corresponding to Ihe size of Lhe retinal hole. This
by loss of the RPEi's contact with the outer segments of the fluorescence faded within i hour. The parafoveal capillary
bed was wilhin normal limits.
retinal photoreceptors as Well as its exposure lo the vilre-
1 and |: 3 macular hole wilh prehole opacilv in a
ош .Ё5 '['here are two reports in which histopathologic 62-year-old woman wilh a .'i-year hisLory of loss of vision
exam illation of the second eye in patienls with unilateral in !bt1- riyhl eye and a 4-day hislcrv of distifftEon of vision
macular hole found cystic spaces in the outer plexilbrm In the lefl eye (see А-Cl. Vision in Ihe right eye was 20/200.
Eayer in the paracentral macular area.^' 1:5 lhe fad lhat ^rtgilwjraphy -|i revealed lirvfJerfluonescence corresponding to
fluorescein angiography in asymptomatic second eyes, as the area of the hole and obstruction ot this fluorescence by
well nis in thE affected eyes, shows no permeability altera­ lhe piehole ofwacily.
К and L: A Ion$"-standing m acular hole and localised reLi-
tions suggests that these cysts probably are nol caused by
nal detachment surrounded hy an epiretinal membrane.
abnormal retinal vascular permeability, in spite of these Anyiogra phy showed lhal lhe w hile opacities within Lhe
findings, which suggest that a slow process of cystic degen­ hale wcto nonfluorescent (Lj, Nole rim of hyperftuoTescence
eration of the center of the fovea may predate the develop­ ar&Lind Lhe hole showing evidence of loss of pii’menl from
ment of a macular hole. Gass's observations suggesl that lhe rtitinnil pii’menl epi Ihelium in Ihe area of ]ong-slant;ing
macular hole development is not preceded by a gradual relinal detachment surrounding Lhe hole.

change in either the appearance of the macula or visual

function. On the contrary, its formation begins abruplly,
although its full development usually occurs over a period
of 1-3 months. 'Iliere is no e vid e n ce to incriminate either hole suigery are needed to confirm theninalomic interpre­
the underlying RFfe or the choroid in the pathogenesis of tation of the biomicroscopic stages of hole development
macular hole formation.1,0, |и,|И As discussed previously suggested here by the author. !
Lhe primary tissues involved in macular hole form alion '['he predilection foF hole development lo occur in
involve the vilreoretinal interface region in the foveolar women has suggesled that ingestion of estrogenic com­
area. Election microscopic study of a series of prefoveolar pounds may he of importance in the pathogenesis of mac­
operculum-like structures collected at the lime of macular ular hoib5**3 ^
Treatment 7.14 Aborted stages of development cf a macular
In s-Lir^ic-al separation of the IV C was suggested as a
possible treatment to prevent hale formation in patterns A-С: Th is wom an with a m at'u la г holy in the ft! Ikm- eye?
developed blurred vision and a slage l-G fesiqn in I he1
with stage 1 impending macula holes.'"^ Uncontrolled
eye iA and top part ot" Cj. Several weeks later her symp­
pilot studies of vilreous surgery for treatment of impend­ toms disappeared and her Visual acuLLy and fundus returned
ing macular holes suggested that the surgery might be of to л е гт п ! IE and bottom part of C l). Arruw in C l indi­
benefit.'1'■111 '■ -i2S ihe criteria used For an impending cates pseudo-operculum that was faintly visible biomicro-
hole by these authors., howeverr were not confined to those scopically. This 70-year-old man noled melamorphopsia
of a stage I impending hole as defined by this author.> H w hiie reading, of 3 weeks' duration. His visual acuity bad
decjeasctd lo 20/-Ю and careful biOpjUcroSCUpic examination
l'urlhermorer there are many lesions lhal may simulate a
revealed vilreous tract ion. over the foveola. O ptical coher­
stage I hole and misdiagnosis of an impending hole is fre-
ence tomography confirmed foveolar elevation -second­
qu£fitS4 A randomi;ced, mulltcenler clinical trial to evalu­ ary I о posterior hyaloid Iraclion ;arrow C2 above.'. H e was
ate the effectiveness of surgical peeling of lhe vitreous for observed and гЙ Ш пет b weeks laler with a W eiss rinj^ and
treatment of an impending macular hole in one eye in rcsl oral ion of visual acuity !o 20/20 iC2, tie low I.
patients wilh a stage 3 or 4 hole in the fellow eye was orga­ D -F: This man w ilh a macular hole in his fellow eye devel­
nized in l9 Sa The results of this study of 62 patients oped meLamorphopsia and blurred vision in the lefl eye
caused by a Hta^e 1-A impending macular hole, hi is symp­
showed that approximately 40^-а of eyes in both groups
toms improved spontaneously and exam inal ion revealed a
developed a full-illickness hole. ЧЪе sludy was discontin­
Ia r;j; inner lamellar m.icuktr hole and prehole upacity iDf.
ued before definite conclusions could be reached because Note the sharply defined scalloped ed^es and absence of a
of a dramatic drop in patient recruitment coinciding with ::m o f detachment. Angiography showed only faint ftuoies-
enthusiastic reports concerning treatment of fu![-thickness cence 1Ej. F indicates the probable anatomy o f this lesion.
holes. W ith the following available information: ( I ) lhaL His Visual acuity in Ihis eye has remained 20/25+ for 5
40-6 of slage I holes spontaneously abort; [2] lhal years.

there in a high incidence of misdiagnosis of stage 1 holes;

and (3) the apparently favorable results of surgery for full-
Lhickness hole-s, It is probably pmdent lo observe patients
wilh a slage I Impending bote, particularly when the fel­
low eye is normal.
Kelly and Wendel in 1991,J ' Claser and colleagues 7.14 Continued
lj j I9^ 2 ,'"!' E’oltner and ’Lbrnambe in 1992,"'' and oth-
I t - 1 : This w o m a n n o Lt*d b lu rre d v is io n a n d m ttta m o rp h o p -
ers,<li' L:3D' 154 [n uncontrolled pilot studies,. reported suc­ nia in lh e rig h t t?yt aji^b ci^ted w ith a sMgc- I -11 lesion ( G ) .
cessful closure of Jiiaculлг holes and Visual improvement i b t ; im p r o v e d HponLn r>™ us ly a n d h e r 1. isual a c u ily im p ro v e d
using pars plana vitrectomy, intraocular gas, and ]-2 la 2 Q '!3 0 . N o l e Ihe р л iг o f pa race n tral гп п ег la m e lfe r h o le s
weeks of face-down positioning (E'igure 7 l&J. Glaser's (anow, Ih
group used a tissue growth factor, TGF-p> to stimulate pro­ J: N o L e lh e sm all in n e r la m e ] 1дг b oJe l^ n q w ) associate d
w ith 2 0 /2 0 visual a c u ity in this m a n w ith a stage Э Ею1е a n d
liferation of glial cells lo seal the hole. So me surgeons have
10 /2 0 0 vis u a l a c u ily in bis fa llo w e y e .
used the patient's serum hi lieu Of TGf-(Ji^i5 ilie visual
К a n d L: R a d ia tin g retina fo ld s associated w ilh stellate c o n ­
results obtained by all of these investigators were similar tracted p r e lo v e o lar v itre o u s c o rte x associate d w ilh 2 0 /3 0
in (hose eyes wiLh successful real Lachment of the retina. vis u a l a c u ity in a w o m a n w h o p ro b a b Ey s p o n ta n e o u s ly
Approximately 70% obtained improvement of Lwo lines a b o rLe d a n im p e n d in g m a c u la r h o le .
of" visual acuily or belter, and 20-40% regained 20/40 or
belter These same authors, who originally obtained only
approximately a 50% rcaltachment rale, have reported al and a cenlral scotoma may no longer be demonstra­
recent meetings successful, reallachment. in 90-95% of ble. 56,10 A few patients may regain 20/20 visual acuity.''4,
cases and return of acuily to 20/40 or belter in approxi­ These surgical results were difficult to explain on Lhe basis
mately 50% of cases (b'igure 7.11fA-H). Keoperalion of of the initial anatomic interpretation of the biomicro­
eyes with failed macular hole surgery may result in visual scopic stages of hole development.'1' 'Ihe p re bole opacity
improvement." 36i111 seen in 75-ti0% of patienls was originally thought to rep­
Since first conceptualized in 191 J9, removal of the ИМ resent an operculum containing the foveolar retina; this
at the time of Lbe vitrectomy has vastly improved the rale operculum was thought to be derived from a circumferen­
of hole cloture and decreased the need for repeat surgery. tial tear occurring in the periphery of a stage 1-B lesion,
Various methods to stain or delineate the transparent ILM and significant improvement of vision even with reattach-
have been employed using indocyanine green [ECG], try­ menL of the retina around the hole was thought unlikely.
pan blue, and triamcinolone. 'Ibxicitv with use of ICC Evidence now strongly suggests that nearly all macular
appears Lo be variable and related to the longer duration holes begin as an occult central foveolar dehiscence at lhe
of the surgery and the higher intensity of the illuminat­ umbo and [hat hole development is lhe result of centrifu­
ing light. SuFgical complications have included retinal gal sliding and retraction of the receptors away from lhe
tears with and without retinal detachmenl. retinal vascular center of the hole analogous to lhe opening of a lens dia­
occlusion; light lo r d ly pigment epitheliopalhy; cataract; phragm. U is understandable that surgical reattachment of
acLiLe permanent loss of temporal visual field, probably the retina around llie hole, xvhen accompanied by reac­
caused by damage lo ihe nasal part oi" the optic disc dur­ tive glial cell proliferation and contraction, may result in
ing Huid-gas exchange: and reopening of the macular "closure of the lens diaphragm" and return of (he foveal
ho|e.'27.'29,!.ч.ив-'.и д clinical trial random­ retina lo its near-normal anatomic position and function
izing patienls wilh full-thickness holes to surgery or to in some patients (figures 7.] a and 7.19). lhe disappear­
observation is under way, and over ] 50 palients have been ance of the focal hyperfluorescence corresponding with
randomized.1" lhe iioler and of the absolute central scotomas lhal occur
hollowing successful reattachment of the re<ina afler in some patients after successful macular hole surgery, is
surgery foF a macular bole, the macula may return to a further evidence in support of the concept of centripetal
nearly normal appearance, the hyperfluorescence corre­ movement of lhe paracenlral retinal receptors and the
sponding with the hole preoperatively oflen disappears.. xanlbophyll.':'
VTfju'uirs Tbicfmn Miati^ltrpaihlcs Gfa 3

The crileriл. for recommending surgery for a гиаси1лг 7.1 j H rsto p a th o lo g y of a n id io p a t h ic s e n ile m actiEar
holt’ hate evolved o\rer lhe past 20 years. At lhe start most h o !f\
patients undergoing surgery had symptoms for a year or А' Cross pholo^raph showing rtim al “bperctilujiljr :.мггл№.
[esjir visual acuity of 20/70 or worse, and a large stage 2 SusperMed in front (if Lhe holt.
or stage 3 or A macular hole. Lhe results of a randomized B: PtiD b m icltig ijp h of retinal "opufculum " shown in A
study and olher reports broadened to include early stage demanstralcs ^ cells I jliI no defm ile Й£ЙЙепсв of feLi-
2 holes and holes of longer duration. Although the likeli­ nal phokneLeptor [oils. This may be lhe lulled-up nudu3e
□f oontjatted prefav^oJaf libro^linl mem Ымпе and nut an
hood for progression to a stage 2 hole is probably directly
related Lo the diameter of the stage l-B yellow ring and
C: H islopa Iholu^y of full-lhkkness rnacul® ht>Je with nodu­
Lhe level of visual acuily loss, there is no reliable informa­ lar pnolifuraLicjnii at the nelinal pigment tpitheliurn (RPE] in
tion or method at this time to determine which stage 1-fl Lhe? base Of lhe hnie (arrows*.
lesions will progress lo hole formation. л D : Higb-pHi'Wer view o f сЬдп^е in [he К PE shown in A
The patient considering surgery ("or j macular hole iarrows'!. \ti(e llial the anderlyinj’ choroid is w ithin normal
in one eye and having normal function in lhe fellow eye limits.
E: Hiyh-power view ol" the edf;e ol" Ihe? hole shown in C.
should be aware of the following: ( I ) chances of develop­
Note lh e extension uf relinal yiial L e lli (arrOWl on Lo Lhe
ing a hole in the fellow eye are Ю—1!>% and probably less
anterior surface ef lhe netin^.
than in the presence of vitreofoveal separation; and F: Lon^-sl-andin^ mncuhtr hole with demarcation tirtjj
(2) treatment usually involves two operations, Including l.arraws'l composed ol proliferated R PE cells. Cbi2 l|b!T. yrade
cataract surgery. N l-|:K' 1 idiopaLhic juxtafuyeotar relinal telangiectasia.
l.aser treaLment lo the edge of macular holes has had С : MactHaE hole with renltachrnenl of ils Efdges.
minimal success in improving visual function. l' 'lhe H : Inner lanwllar т а с ш а г hole.

treatment has no rationale as far as preventing further reti­ IA J h d H . Гг<зп> f r a h g lu t i J.I " J n d H.. Iruan CIuvlt cjI a t..1 ■

nal detachment in patients with senile macuiar holes is

concerned since the detachment involves only the cenlral
macular .irea and is unlikely to cause extensive detach­
ment in these patients with relatively emmetropic eyes.'"
Ihere is less chance for visual improvement following sur­
gical treatment of macular holes associated with other dis­
eases, such as diabetic retinopathy, Behcet's disease, or for
Itolcs caused by trauma.11'
.д а *

® •R'■
Macular or paramacular holes do not cause rhegmato- 7Ah Natural course ol macular hole,
genous retinal detachment unless they are associated with
A: Diagrafiti so w in g natural course of macular hole.
a posterior staphyloma and high myopia,lW or with vitre­ Stage 3 b o le , .M ost m a c u la r h a le s re m a in at 4 0 0 —6 0 0 (ц п
ous bands causing traction on the surface of the posterior in d ia m d e r vviLh a m e a n vis u a l a c u ity ot 2 0 /2 0 0 .
relina. In such cases the detachmenl infrequently extends Stage1 4 hole.. A p o s te rio r v ilre o u s d e La c h m e n l o c c u rs in
beyond the equator. Treatment of such holes requires stm ie Ivoles. A n epi relin a I m e m b r a n e Ia rro w i o fte n b e e ttm e S
either one or a combination of permanent or temporary a m a r e n l c lin ic a lly a ro u n d b o th slage 3 a n d stage 4 h o le s.
T h e m e a n vis u a l hi-c:LiiIv is 2 0 /2 0 0 .
scleral buckling techniques; for example, the К Ioil! clip;
S p o nlnin eous re a lta c h m c n l o f Ihw re tin a . Thin o c c a s io n a lly
vitrectomy; intravitreal injection of air or gas; and cryo­
o c c u rs a n d lhe- vin u a l a c u ity m a y im p ro v e re m a rk a b ly - th e s e
therapy, diathermy, or pbotocoagulaUon.11115l' 1' hales are indislinguinhabit? b to m fc tiH p ttip ic s N y Iro m in n e r
Macular holes may develop in several clinical settings., La m e lla r h o te s (see В a n d C ) . A n g io g ra p h y , h o w e v e r , ty p ic a lly
some of which are unusual, e.g... Best's disease,l56,]!i7 adult s h o w s h y p o rflu o re s c e n c u in lh e fo rm e r a n d n o t the latter.
vitelliform foveomacular dystrophy.1 high myopia with D is a p p e a ra n c e o f the h o le . T h e ed g e s o f the re a tta c h e d
posterior staphyloma,' posterior microphthalmos,1 '' relina m i i y llallen a n d m s o m e cases, not s h o w n o n the d ia ­
gram . llie y m a y b e d ra w n la g e th e r, p r n b a b Jy as the resu lt o f
congenital arteriovenous aneurysm,"" hypertensive reti­
glial p ro life ra tio n , in a w a y s im ila r Itji ibaL w h ic h o c c u rs in
nopathy/1,1,1 and following commencement of topical
p a tie n ts fo llo w in g v itre o u s surgery.
pilocarpine therapy,163 _l:i pneumatic retinореху,l!" and C lo s u re o f the h o le b y o v e r^ r o w lh o f nn cpi retina I m e m -
Nd-YAC posterior capsulotomy.l6S Macular holes occur­ b ra n o . C< j t r t ip ± ] № o r O v e rg ro w th o f a n epi retina I m e m b r a n e
ring in association with rbegmatogenous retinal detach­ s u rro u n d in g [tie h o le m a y resull in its clo su re .
ment caused hy peripheral retinal tears, trauma. myopia, В a n d C: lh e rim o f d e la c h m e n t in Ihis slage 2 m a c u la r h o le
contraction of an epiretinnil membrane. and solar retino­ in E3 h^d s p o n ta n e o u s ly d is a p p e a re d ■<I) w h e n the pa lien I
re lu m e d fo r fo llo w -u p a lm o s t J years biler. Th e p a tie n t^
pathy are discussed elsewhere in this text.
visual acuiLy w a s 2 0 ',2CM5.

bags Ahffe

"D ьэрреггапое" of tele

Differential Diagnosis 7 .17 Lesions simulating a macular hole,

Most palients referred lo the author wilh a diagnosis of A-С: Id io p a th ic c y s lo id m a c u fa r e d e m a IC M E ) w a s a s s o c i­

a te d w ilh a la f^ e cenlral cvsl ( A a n d C.i lhal w a s ttffetaken for
a slage 1-A impending hole have had a foveolar yellow
a m a c u la * h o le in- th i* m ;tn . y ^ ig iq flTH p h y re v e a le d I h e c o rn e d
lesion caused by one of the following: solitary drusen.. d ia g n o s is iB>.
small RPli detach me nl.. idiopathic central serous chorioret­ L>—F : B ila te ra l td ia p a lb ic ju K ta fo w e o la r telangiectasis w a s Lhe
inopathy, foveolar detachment with epiretinal membrane., ca u se o f the focal a tro p h y o f lh e relina ! D a n d F : lh a l w a s
bilateral idiopathic juKLifoveolar retinal telangiectasis.. pat­ in c o rre c tly d ia g n o s e d as a m a c u la r h o le , b e fo re lh e a n jjio -
tern dystrophy, cystoid macular edema, and soEar macu- t’ ram '.L) w a s o b ta in e d .
lopathv (3:igure 7.17J.S;| G - l : G e o g r a p h ic a tro p h y Ы lEie o u te r relina a n d relinal
p ig m e n t e p ith e liu m c a u s e d b y a ^ e -re la le d m a c u la r d e g e n ­
Lesions that may simulate a full-thickness macula hole
e ra tio n i C лп-rl Ej a n d focal h y p e rflu u re s c o n c e ■!H I w a s
include an inner lamellar macular hole fMgure 7.14D), re s p o n sib le fo r lh e i n t o n e d d ia g n o s is o f а пплсЫ аг Ew le in
a hole in an epiretinal membrane [Figures 7.17|-L and Lhis e ld e rly p a tie n t.
see E-'igure 7.2ЭА). geographic atrophy of the RE1Ei ( Eigure
7.17Ci—1), choroidal neovascularization, a small focal
area of cenlral serous chorioretinopathy, cystoid macu­
lar edema with a large central cyst [Figure 7.17A-C), a zone of hyperfluoiescence corresponding to the size of
focal retinal atrophy associated with bilateral juxtafoveal the hole during the early stages of angiography. Lise of the
retinal telangicclasis [E-'igure 7.171} and L) congenital siil-beam lest (Walzke sign), S(J-|im-size aiming beam laser
optic pit., and a soEitary macular cysl, a lesion that rarely perimetry, OCT. and lluorescein angiography are helpful
occurs.ILlfii 11'' 1 Е-'eatures of a hiII-thickness macular hole adjuncts lo contact lens examination in arriving at the cor­
that differentiate il from most simulating lesions are the rect diagnosis. Echography is capable of delecting PVD and
presence of a halo of relinal detachment surrounding the lhe presence of pseudo-opercula but appears lo he no hel­
hole, yellow deposits within lhe deplh of the hole, and ler than contact lens examination En this regard.-1'’
7 J7 Continued

J—L: This- p atie n t, wJk> hnid а гпасиЗаг h o le in lh e ri

h ad no c o m p la E n ts i r (h e left eye. V is u a l a c u it y w a s 20/20.
A c i r c u i t rim (if c o n d e n s e s v ilru o u s ly in g on lh e in n er reLi- s u rfa c e c e n tr a lly I.Ej a n d m in im a l e v id e n c e o f c rin k lin g erf
lh e in n e r re lin k ] s u rfa c e suggested [h e p t f t e n c e o f a n o c c u ll
p e rifo v e o la r e p iie t in a l m e m b ra n e (L). T h e re w a s n o E v id e n c e
o l p o s te rio r VltrecJ^Js d e la c h m e n l. S h e so o n d e v e lo p e d я pos-
Lerior v itre o u s se p a ra tio n , m ild v is u a l b lu rrin g , a n d d e fin ite
e v id e n c e i f f л p e ric e n tra l e p lre tin a l m e m b ra n e i К :.

7LI 8 Dinigrj in о f s urg iсj ! rep л iг of пысиЗа r huleL

A: P te o p e ra tiv e a p p e a r a n c e of s la g e Э h o le . Air-ow in d ica te s

c o n tra c te d v ilre o u ii с о п е л '.pseudo-operc u k im : attach ed lo
the tayer o l v itre o u s gel ly in g b e tw e e n (h e liq u e fie d v itre o u s
(p ie m a c u la r b u r ia l a n d ih e re lin a l h o le .
B : I\ k Io p e ra tiv e a p p e a r a n c e after v ifre c to m y r su rg ic a l p e e l­
ing tif c o r tic a l v iffe o u s , ,ind in lra v itre a l gas fn je c lto n . W it h
the p aN en t in the fa c e - d o w n po^-iLiслл_. lh e b u b b le c o m p re ss e s
the ed g e s o f th e h o le a g a in s t the re tin al p ig m e n t e p ith e liu m .
С—E: E n la rg e d v ie w s to s h o w that p ro life ra tio n a n d co n trac-
lio n o f re lin a l g lia l c e lls c a u s e C e n trip e ta l m o v e m e n t cl" lh e
re lin a an d c lo s u re ol lh e hoJe.
F - 1: Th is Ь Е -y e a r-o ld w o m a n h a d л visual d e c lin e It) 2 O ,'3 0 -
o v e r 3 m o n th s , b h e h a d a stage 2 h a le w ith ап e c c e n tric
o p e rc u lu m stiEE a tta c h e d Lo the fo v e a l e d g e iF a n d G ) . H e r
vis io n im p ro v e d 1o 20 /3 0 fo llo w in g a v itr e c to m y vvilh inter-
naf lim itin g m e m b r a n e p eel le a d in g lo h o le c lo s u re J H j .
] a n d K : This ЬО-услг-oJd w o m a n s h o w e d c lo s u re of ho3e
an d Jjtiin ol" full fo veal th ic k n e s s o v e r b m o n th s fo llo w in g a
v ilr e c lo m y an d in tern™ I lim itin g m e m b ra n e p eel.

11 K, CDUYlыу йГ ]>г. Ргллса KtlClhl.h. I

Gn^ m :b lv

^гегпк^бг t-ursa i ted hbtcipatfmlogic information also supports ihis 7.19 5jrgical repair of macnEar hole.
mechanism of hole formation and closure (1'igure 7.1J‘t>—
A—С : Free pern live appearance o f stage 3 m acular hole (Af.
G). tunata and coworker.s examined histopathologically Vis uni .icuily, 20/30. Angiogram shawijjfl fljjfyheecertft con­
hoth eyes of a patient whose visual acuity improved from tra Ily. PosEuperali ve appearance (B). Visual acuity, 2Q/20. The
20/400 to 20/30 in lhe left eye and from 20/400 Lo 20/40 holt1w ; ls no longer I'videnC. Anyia^n'm i Q showed л rin^ of
in the right eye after surgery Гог a retinal hole.SJ1 I hey pereislenl fluorescence.
found successful neattachmenL of the retina in both eyes. U--!-: Preaperadve арроагагке ql а sla^e 3 hole :Dl. Visual
acuity was 20^200. Postoperative appearance (E). Visual
Closure of the hole in the right eye was associated with
acuity was 20/40. Hi-sLopjatholo^ic exam inal ion o f lhe eye
glial proliferation and probable centripetal inward draw­
uhliiintid At fltjulopsy shows ( losurc of hole Eiy proliferating
ing of the retinal receptors (Figure 7.]9L>-h). In the left tfells ;arrow, F).
eye retina] reattach men L was unassociated with gliosis. C : Histopalholo^y b[ л т л с и !л г hule following surgical
Madreperla et al. reported their findings in another patient ret^lr sliows reappro\imation or lhe hole edjjes i.arrxjfws: by
whose preoperative visual acuity was 20/80 and postop­ M uller te ll proliferation.
erative acuity was 20/40.IH One month posloperaLively IA —L \ c u u rlc iy y i;| dJr. t V i l i i . i r n I jm i-d iJ y : t - C I r u m l u n , i [ , i и I a l . 1" '

Lhe patient died and histopathologic examination showed

closure of Lhe hole and close approximation of the reti­
nal receptors centrally by proliferating Muller cells (J-'igure
7 .1 9 G }.
M A C U L A R D Y S F U N C T IO N C A U S E D 7.20 Epiretinal membrane.

BY E P IR E T IN A L M E M B R A N E А: Diagram showing crinkled cellophane m ibtifcpalhy asso­

ciated w ilh Eire irregular wrinkles, o f the inner retinal layers.
C O N T R A C T IO N Diagram showing macular tiucldfcr. Coarse relinal folds
□lien associaLed w ith relinal edema, cystic degeneration, and
After partial or complete PVDf a translucenL or semi- localised delachment.
translucent fibrocellular membrane may become appar­ C-E: This patient developed rnelanifj-rpbopsi-a caused by a
ent ophLhilmoscopically and bio microscopically ол tbe small juxtafoveolar epiretinal membrane larrows). Note reti­
inner retinal surface in the macular area (I'igure 7.07C—Ci). nal fa Ids radiating outward from lhe region ol the membrane.
In approximately 25% of cases similar membra п н may Some of ihese pass through the m acula. Fundus painLing
of Ihe? same patient illusl rating Lhe relalianship ol the epireLi-
develop before deveJopment o!" A l3V£> (figure 7.09A-C).
nal membrane (arrowh lo lhe underlying relina. Angiography
Anomalous PV9 due lo spltiling of the cortical vitreous revealed mild torEuosily o f lhe relinal vessels in the region of
lamellae may leave a residual cellular membrane over the lhe membrane III: .
retinal surface that proliferates and contracts, resulting in F: Semilranslucent epiretinal membrane causing distortion of
an epi ret Inal membrane. 22 the macula of I his ЗЗ-уеаг-ок! palienl, who had no ol her e v i­
lhe contraction or shrinkage of this epirelinal mem­ dence о I inlraocular disease. t.'unlraclion of lhe membrane
brane produces varying degrees o f distortion, intraretinal has pulled ihe param acular vessels Inward lhe horizontal
edemar and degeneration of the underlying relina (Figures
С : I pi relina I membrane k'injj. in Ihe central area of the m ac­
7.20 and 7.2]}.*J-Lfi’-L™ ula in ibis Ы -year-u-ld girl, w h o had no oLher evidence of
Eipiretinal membranes may be classified according Lo ocular disease. Note retinal folds radiating oulward from the
the severity of retinal distortion, associated biomicroscopic macula.
changes, and associated ocular disorders. Hi: F’rominenl epiretinal membrane in .i 40-year-old man
whose visual acuity was 20/20.
I- К : Epiretinal membrane causing macular pucker in a
Classification of Epiretinal Membranes 72-yea r-old man who had no oLher evidence of intraocular
According to Severity of Retinal disease. Visual acuity was 201/400. Several small holes w ilh
an appearance similar to Swiss cheese were present in Lhe
relina superior to the m acula tarrowr ll. EJenealh these holes
Grade 0: "C ello p h a n e M aculopathy” was a small amount of SLibretinnil fluid. This palienl hiss
been oEiserved for ap p ro*iт а lely fl years with no l hanjje.
In cellophane maculopalhy the membrane may be com­
Angiography revealed marked tenlral displacemenl ol" the
pletely translucent and may be unassociated with any param acular reLinal vessels Ф , early leakage of dye from
distortion of the inner relinal surface, lhe only ophthal­ lhe retinal capillaries, and an irregular pa ILem of fluorescein
moscopic or biomicroscopic clue to its presence is а лсе1!о- slaining in lhe relina IК and L). Tbe lypical cystoid palLern is
phane" tight refle* coming from the inner reLinal surface. nol apparent Егесн-иье ef lhe marked dislorLion of the relinal
a rchi Leclu re.

Grade 1: "C rin k le d C ellophane M a cu lopa thv"

Following contraction or shrinkage of the epiretinal sign indicating the presence of an epirelinal membrane
membrane, the underlying innej retinal surface may be (figure 7.20C and L>). О С I' demonstrates fine superficial
gathered into a series of small irregular folds 'Lhese altera­ wrinkles in the inner retina (I'igure 7.201.). 'ihe membrane
tions produce an irregular iridescent light reflex, which is often centered in the peri fovea I area but may occasion­
may be likened to that stemming from the surface of cel­ ally extend across the full width of Lbe macula. Lhe wrin­
lophane that has been rolled into a ball and reopened kling may be sufficient lo produce tortuosity of the line
into a sheet containing many fine irregular crinkles on macular capillaries, if the area of membrane contraction
its surface (figures 7.7G, 7.УЛ.. and 7.20Л. C, and F). is sufficiently large. It produces tortuosily of the under­
blomicroscopically. details of the underlying small reti­ lying paramacular vessels and displaces the surround­
nal vessels may be indistinct, bine. superficial radiat­ ing retinal vessels toward the fovea (I'igure 7.20F}. Some
ing retinal folds extend outward from the margins of Lbe patients show multiple focal areas of preretinal mem­
con traded membrane and are often the most prominent brane contraction In the posterior pole. Cystoid macular

№ >-;-4bV:Г п Г г г У Л ? . 1даУiv-Li\-якцм.чi - V - : ** ' "J .....

.н и п п и ш и ш ш т н ш .т о и ш н п и ш in ' '■ | i IIIIMIIIIIlMllllllllllllMIIIIMII
Л-Ьп'п/лг Djf/rJiinctifiTt Ёвизсф by EpititHnai M em b^n e Ccwr fitTLJTHJFT Ь{ 3

edema, retinaE hemorrhages, retinal exudates, and dis­ 7.2 E Sp on lane on s contra с tio n of a peri love of ar
turbances of the R]°H are typically absent except in those epiretinal membrane causing a picture simulating a
eases in which the vitreoretinal interface changes are either macular hole.
secondary lo or incidental to other choroidal and retinal Л -C: Mo It ■in epiretinal пнттпЬгапе simu lat ing a macular hoJe
diseases. Vitreous degenerative changes and a E]VD are in an asymptomatic 64-year-old woman w h o had 2 lY la visual
often present, inflammatory cells are usually not present. acuity and normal Amsler ^r:d, stalicr чэпе1 kinetic perimeUjt
When seen they surest that an underlying inflamma­ findings in lhis eye. \oLe lhe fine.1 trinkiing Ы Ihe* inner reLi-
tory disease is present and lhal the inflammation is more nal surface surrounding Ihe holt3 fn ал epiretinal membrane
and Lhe fine retinal folds radiating outward [rom the macular
Eikely the cause o f rather than the result of, the epiretinal
атеа ;Ai. Angiography s-howod no abnojmaEiLy (B). tX JT Lind
membrane. Many patienls with grade 1 membranes have diagram (C> sEwws fibrocellutar epi relina I membrane (arrow,
normaE acuity and are asymptomatic. ОСГ may show mild above* before conlraction, and alter Contraction i below I and
flattening of the foveal depression, without reLina! thicken­ formaLion of a psuudomacular hole. The membrafte surrounds
ing or cysts I t-igure 7.2()[.). Some patients are seen because bu! liues nol cover Ihe foveal a№a. H, Following sfionLane-
of л mild visual disturbance in one eye. lhe patient is ous conlraclion of Lhe epiretinal membrane. Shortening of lhe
often unable lo date the onset of" lhe visual complaint. cells making up the epirelinal membrane produces an anle-
rior and centraE displacement of the inner retinal layers lo pro­
Acuily is typically reduced to a level no worse than 20/40.
duce the- clinical picture of a pseudomacular Ewle. Nole lhal
Metamorphopsia is demonstrable in patients wilh reduced there is minimal or no distortion of lhe ouLer retinal layer;; or
acuity, 'ihe reduction in acuily caused by an epiretinal Lhe reLinal pif^nenl epiltieiium.
membrane is primarily related to the distort ion produced D - r ; Spontaneous parlial closure of" a hole in an epireLi-
in the outer retinal layers [pholoreceptors) and nol to the nal membrane occurred in Lhis 69-year-old w o m m w ilh a
size or degree of translucency of the membrane. Visual 2-monlh hislory o f floaters in lhe rEghl eye. Visual acuiEy in
acuity may be unaffected in some patienls with prominent lEie ri^hl eye w a s 20/25 and in lhe lefl eye w h s 20/20. A poo­
ler ior vilreous deLachmenl and a tew cells in Lhe anLeriorand
centrally located membranes [Figure 7.20El). This taller
poslerior vitreous in Ihe right eye were present. Note Jhe oval
type of membrane probably is caused by cenlripelal slid­ hole surrounded by an epirdinal membrane :L3j. Fluorescein
ing of lhe contracting membrane along the ll.M ап^кз^гарЕп was ftormal. Fifteen monlhb later visual acuily in
the righl eye was 20/50. Furihter contracLion of LE>e epiielinal
Grade 2: "M acufar P ucker" membrane has narrowed the oval hole in the membrane to
Jhe epiretinal! membrane may be sufficiently dense lo a horiionlal slil lhal is now displaced lemporal to the cenler
11; '.he i i n .il.i 'I ■
. Lli,i^r..:ii I i jMr.Hes the- ■ )iilna< Lion ol
be visible as a distinct grayish membrane on the inner
lhe epirelinal membrane and panial closure of lh e pseudo-
retinal surface (figures 7.20b, ti-E, and 7.22A). ]l may macula-r hole.
partly obscure the underlying relinal vessels, hi such cases
the degree of retinal distortion and crinkling is usually
marked, and gross puckering of lhe macula may be present
7.22С-Ь'.'\. Contraction of a juxtapapiElary epirelinal mem­
(Figures 7.201, 7.22A and C-t, and 7.23£]). Retinal edema,
brane may occasionally be mistaken for papilledema or jux-
small retinal hemorrhages, cotton-wool exudates, and
lapapillary combined RPE- and retinaE hamartoma.
Localized serous delachmenl of the retina may accompany
prominent prerelinal vitreous membrane formation and
contraction. A Weiss ring is present in over 90% о Г cases. Classification of Epiretinal Membranes
Soon after the development of severe macular distortion, According to Associated Biomicroscopic
angiography usually shows leakage of dye from the underly­ Findings
ing retinal vessels and evidence of relinal edema (E'Eguie 7.20|
and k). because of retinal distortion, lhe patient of d'ye stain­ Foveolar H ole in Epi retina! M em brane Sim ulating
ing is irregular and not typical of cystoid macular edema. In a Macular H ole (Pseudom acular H ole)
a matter of weeks or months there is usually a reduction in Spontaneous con tract Lon of an epiretinal membrane
the amount of relinal edema and dye leakage. Visual acuily that surrounds but does not cover the foveolar area
is usually significantly affected. !t may he less than 20/200 if may produce a biomicroscopic appearance simulal-
the macula is severely puckered, in many instances patients Eng a full-thickness macular hole (ligures 7.17|-L„ 7.21,
are unable to date die onset of iheir symptoms. En others, and 7.24).J|1, 17j-171 Most of these membranes probably
ihey may suddenly experience cenlral photopsia and Loss of develop before PVD and fail lo cover the foveolar area
central vision [I'igure 7.23C). Metamorphopsia is usually because of the unusual degree of vilreoret Inal adherence
demonstrable in these cases in which the entire thickness of there. 'Ehe patient usually has no complaints, and visual
the relina is affecled by wrinkling. acuity ts normal or nearly normal. Kiomkroscopy reveals
IHpi relina I membranes responsible for puckering of crinkling of the inner relinal surface surrounding die hole
the retina may he eccentrically located in the paracentral in Lhe epiretinal membrane and a punched-oul appear­
region, including the area of the optic disc, in xvhich case ance in the area of the hole. As the sill beam is moved
Loss of macular function is primarily caused by traclionai across the hole, there Is usually a light refle* that is evi­
displacement as well as distortion of the foveal area (I'igure dence of retinal tissue in the base of the hole, lhe foveal
r 1

reflex is usually absent. Fluorescein angiography is gener­ 7r2E Continued
ally normal [Figure 7.21 fi) but may show a very faint копе
G - l: Anterior herniation o f lh e Foveolar retina FoElow-
of hyper fluorescence corresponding wilh Lhe pseudo­ injjj spontaneous contraction ol a periloveoEar epirelinal
hole. This zone of hyperfluorescence is lypically much memEirane iC and 31 was misihEerprete^ Lit а macular holt?.
Lets prominent Lhan Lhe finely granular area of hyperfluo­ Fallow ing surgical excision ol lhe membrane lhe visual acu ­
rescence seen with л fu I l-l hickness hole (I'igure 7 .1.IE-I,), ity improved from 2 0 4 0 0 to 2CVo(J (H). Diagram il) illus­
ihe presence of the semitransparent perifoveolar epireti­ trates the p ro fe s sio n of an epirelinal membrane laEiovei lo
relinal herniation |be Ia w after conlraclion ol lhe epirulinal
nal membrane probably causes lhe foveolar area to appear
faintly byperfluorescenl by contrast lo the perifoveolar
I—L: This 57-year-old wom an complained ol mild blurring
area. Features of a full-lhickness macular hole, includ­ of lhe rij^hl eye. Visual ncLiilv in lhe i i^hl eye was 20/25
ing the halo of marginal detach men I, yellow deposits and i . Vision ir: Ihe led eye was 20/20 and 1-1. Ntrte Ihe
within the hole and a translucent operculum in front of pseudomacular hole .|) surrounded by an epirelinal mem-
some holes, are not seen in a pseudo macular hole. OCT Eirane. Fifteen monlhs iaLti-r Lhe patient was asymptomatic.
Will reveal retention of photoreceptors (Figure 7.22C), Visual acuity was 20/1 5. TEieepirelinal membrane had spon­
taneous I v pcelud from Lhe reUnal ниПасе :K.. Diagram it.
unlike a full-thickness macular hole (I'igure 7. lit-’ and Ci).
shows epirelinal membrane before (above) and after (arrow,
lhe visual prognosis in these patients is good, in a few
b e lo w peeling.
patients additional contraction of an eccentrically located
IA jnd tt. from U.isr1: and ti-l. frnni imiddy .irut G *u 1 ■ -J 1473,
perifovea! epirelinal membrane may distort lhe foveal area Ann rir:.Ln Medical AiooCulitjri. All riL'Jilb rcHL-rvud
(E'igure 7.2SD and h). En others the epiretinal membrane
may peel free from the inner relEnal surface [Figures 7.21]-
I.J. '] eardrop-shaped or slit like pseudomacular holes fre­
quently accompany a severe macular pucker Cion traction have been observed overlying pholocoagulalion scars.
of a pericentral epi retinal membrane thal remains firmly Proliferation of pigmented as well as nonpigmenLed
adherent lo the inner retinal surface may cause an anterior RPE cells has been demonstrated histopalhologicaily in
herniation of the foveolar retina through Lhe hole in the epirelinal m e m b r a n e s . Jn some cases, pigmenla-
membrane (L-'igure 7.21 G - 1) А 'ihis lesion may also lion of epiretinal membranes may be caused, by lhe incor­
be mistaken fora full-thickness macular hole. Bonnet and poration of macrophages containing either melanin or
Heury noted lhe development of this foveolar prolapse in hemosiderin.
Lhree eyes that developed recurrent epirelinal membrane
following surgical peeling о fan e^i retina I membrane.1 5 C horoid al N eovascularization U nderlying
Epiretinal M em branes
EpiF&tina} M em brane Formation A sso cia ted with Gass observed the development of choroidal neovascular­
Full-Thickness M acular H ole ization in two patients several years after they developed
Occasionally vilreous contraction on Lhe retinal surface an idiopathic macular pucker. An unsuspected choroidal
around the foveal area may be sufficient lo mechanically neovascular membrane (CN VM j Was discovered by fluo­
cause a ful 1-thickness bole in the macula (E-igure 7.24G-i) rescein angiography benealh the pucker of another patient
or in the paracentral region (E'igure 7.20]J. Macular holes referred for surgical peeling of the epiretinal membrane
produced by this mechanism are lypically oval or irregu­ (I'igure 7.22F and Fj. En these three patients ihere was no
lar in shape. They simulate closely a bole that involves evidence of any abnormality in the macula of the oppo­
the epirelinal membrane alone (pseudo tnacu Iar hole). site eye or of any other cause for the choroidal neovas­
Angiography in the former case, however, shows striking cularization in the affected eye. Stereoscopic fluorescein
hyperfluorescence соrresponding with the full-lhickness angiograms and OCF should be obtained Ш all patients
bole (i'igure 7.24J|. it is usually impossible to determine scheduled for surgical peeling of opacified epiretinal
whether the macular hole occurred before the develop­ membranes lo exclude the presence of occult choroidal
ment of an epi retinal membrane or developed as a com- neovascula rizat ion.
plicalion of the membrane. Mi Ed degrees of crinkled
cellophane retinopathy often accompany a full-lhickness Spontan eou s Separation o f an Epiretinal
macular hole (Figure 7.13K). M em brane
Occasionally the peripheral portions of the contracting
Pigm entation o f Epiretinal M em branes membrane detach from or slide along the retinal surface
Hyperpigmentalion of an idiopathic epiretinaf membrane and curl up into a roll or ridge al one edge of Lhe mem­
may occur spontaneously in the absence of a reLinal hole brane [Figures 7.2i J-U 7.22A, and 7.23G and ED).Ni9-
(Figure 7.22С and ID).1'" Pigmented epirelinal membranes i л. i' l уj- ih • f^j3 process of sponLaneous peeling of a
caused by a proliferation of $PE cells may occur, usually preretina] membrane ofLen stops along the course of a
in lhe extra macular region, in as many as 3 % of patients major retinal vessel, where the vitreoretinal adhesion
following repair of rhegmalogenous retinal detachment.'' may be maximum. In some instances the membrane may
Sim ilar pigmented membranes may occur in the macula of spontaneously detach from the enltre macular surface and
patients with peripheral retinal holes.1" J ' " I hey also remain as an adherent localized mass in Lhe extramacular
Abtrt/Lir G-msni by E.pirctinal M&iibranc Coiibactum 67 7
region [Figures 7.£)9A-C and 7.23l>). Distortion of the 1,l'l P s e u d o m a c u la r h o le .
macula may disappear and visual function imp rows in
A: A ЬВ-уеа r-ol d asvm plom atic wom an hand 20/20 v isi cin and
such instances. Spontaneous detachment of more periph­ a W eiss ring. The loveal center appears red against the jj^ay
erally located epirelinal membranes thal зге lhe cause of contrast ol the epirelinal membrane that spares Lhe loveola,
fractional relinal detachment may also occur.'"' giving il. Ihe appearance ol a psuudomat u3ar hole.
В and С: Similar ароеайпСе df a pseudomacular hole in
this f}5-year-ald wom an w h o also had optic disc drusen (Й):
Classification of Epiretinal Membranes
GpLical coherence tomography shows preservation ol Lhe
According to Associated Disorders foveal cones and early partial sepaTalion ol lhe epirelinal
membrane from lihe relinal surface (Cl.
id io p a th ic Epiretinal M em branes
Crinkled cellophane maculopalhy and macular pucker mяу Macular pucker.
occur in heallhv patients without evidence of other intra­ D and t: M acular pucker with partial separation and rolled
edge o f epirelinal mumbrane Harrow, D). Note marked distort;
ocular membranes usually
tion and displacement ol the retinal vessels toward the hori­
occurin one eye of patients SO years of age or older. Both zontal raplH f: h I.
sexes are affected equally. iUlateral loss of central vision from F and C: Delayed pigmental ion occurring ]n an idiopalhic
severe pucker occun infrequently, lhe peripheral fundus E!pi relina I membrane in a heallhy woman who was 57 years
should be examined to rule out peripheral tears or retinal □Id when seen initially in 1965 because of recent loss of
vascular lesions. In 90% of the patients a I’VE) is present.' ' ' vision in 1he right eye. Her visual acuity was 2tV4ihl. She
Macular dysfunction caused by an epiretinal membrane had a nonpi^menled macular put kor ii'. ihe was observed
at yearly intervals until 1975, during which time her visual
is occasionally seen in asymptomatic children and young
acuity improved Jo 2fK'70 and lhe epirelinal membrane
adults in the absence of any history to explain their pres­ became progressively pigmented iCr. There were no holes in
ence [Е-'igure 7.10G and 7.23E—E.). |:^л 1lj^ 'iltese mem­ the relina.
branes in younger patients aie generally nonprogressive, H—J: This patient was referred to Ihr- Kascom ЕЫгпег Eye
are frequently centered over major retinal vessels, and are fnsl ilu ltj for turcica i removal of an iditjpathic epirelinal mem­
unassociated with a IVD . Occasionally they can be exten­ brane in the rrghf eye (H and IK There was no biomicroscopic
sive. multilayered, and strongly adherent lo the underlying evidence of ditimldaJ neovascularizalion. AnjJfbdRpby, how­
ever, unexpectedly revealed its presence l|J.
retina {I'igure 7.10K-H).
К and L: IdiopaLhic ju x ta p a p |l№ pucker and retinal neovas­
cularization in a 35-year-old man who noted metnmorpbop-
Retinal Vascular D iseases sia of 2 years' dura I ion. If is visual acuity was 20/25. Note
Lpirelinal membrane formation occurs frequently in asso­ capillary dilation and leakage IK and L) w ithin tbe area of
the epi relina I membrane, w hose peripheral ed^es have con-
ciation with relinal vascular diseases causing intrareti­
Lraclc’d toward Ihe; pa pi П о таем lar bundle.
nal exudation, such as diabetes, hypertension [see irigure
6.26H and I.), venous obstruction, telangiectasis, angio­
matosis (see figure 13.19}, and aphakic cysloid edema. vitreous and multiple attempts at sub retinal fluid drain-
Macular distortion caused by the development of an age.Jut Коса I areas of epiretinal membrane formation in
epiretinal membrane may occasionally occur early follow­ the periphery of the fundus identical to lhat occurring
ing pholocoagulation of relinal vascular diseases, particu­ in the macula are responsible for the star-shaped retinal
larly when the treatment is do tie in the paramacular area. folds that may accompany detachment. Macular pucker
and star-shaped folds represent mild forms of the more-
Retinal Tears an d Rhegm atogenous Retinal severe disorder of proliferative vstreoielinopathy (massive
D etachm ent vitreous proliferation), which is caused by cellular prolif­
Crinkled cellophane maculopatby and macular pucker are eration, predominantly lhat of RPf cells and astrocytes, on
frequently encountered in patients either before or after both the anterior and posterior surfaces of the retina.-06 j0.
treatment for a peripheral retinal bole or a rliegmatog- Approximately 20% of patients who develop a macular
enous retinal detachment.-': ^ l}l Macular pucker is a major pucker after a scleral buckling procedure will experience
cause of poor central vision after successful repair of a reti­ improvement in visual acuily.-':J 3>art of this improvement
nal d e t a c h m e n t . It typically occurs B-16 weeks is caused by relaxation or partial peeling of the epiretinal
following surgery. its development is probably determined membrane and pan is caused by partial resolution of the
primarily by the events occurring at the time of vitreous intraretinal edema, which is more likelvj to be severe earlv^
contraction and retinal hole formation rather than by after its development, particularly in aphakic patients.
the type of treatment used. Nevertheless, various authors
have incriminated a variety of factors in its pathogenesis, fyitreo&s Inflam m atory D iseases
including preoperative findings of macular detachment, Any disease producing an inflammatory cellular infiltrate
vitreous hemorrhage, low visual acuity, rolled edges of in die vilreousT such as toxoplasmosis retinitis [figure
retinal holes, star folds, equatorial folds, cryotherapy, age 7.0УА-С], uveitis, trauma, intraocular tumor, or tapetoreti­
greater Lhan 30 years,-01 and multiple operations,-01'-11'1 nal dystropIites, may be associated with development of
as well as intraoperalive complications such as loss of epirelinal inembrants in lhe macula.
Pathology and Pathogenesis 7.^3 Spontaneous separation and movement of
epiretinal membranes.
] Iistopa Lho logically, epireLinal membranes are composed
Л and B: NoLfc partial peeling anti superotemptэгаI displace­
of a fib rocell ular sheel lhat varies in thickness Jrojii a sin­
ment or -ал epireLinal membrane (arrows) Lbal occurred over
gle hyer of collagen and interspersed cells (I'igure 7.25A)
5 yeare i п I his 44 -yea г-ol d rmi n.
to a thicker. mu] it layer of fibrocellular proliferation lhal С and D : Spontaneous detachment of the epi ml i гта I mem­
often bridges соагъе folds on the relinal surface ( figure brane occurred in this Ь6-уеагч)Ы шйл who developed
7.25ti). The latter is often associated with intraretinal acule lotF of vision, phnfrtpsja, and metamojphopsia caused
edema.1 precise morphologic by m ac.ilar pucker I Cl 28 months Hitler ta la rad exLmcLion.
identification of the cells of origin of epiretinal mem­ leven mo nibs after :i iн inilial cxaminaLJon, his vjsual acu ­
ity had returned Lo 20/30 and lhe condensed remnanl o f Ihe
branes by either electron or light microscopy is difficult
membrane remained attached Lo Lbe relina in Lbe papillo-
because of the ability of astrocytes, hyalocytes... librocyles,
macular bundle area (D).
macrophages,1' " and l?ETb cells to change into cells with E —H : This wom an with a hislory of a scEeraL buckle in lbe left
a simi lar appea ra nee and fu nclio n.1 1 t?e. iai.л L-Mf \-j eye developed loss of cenlral vision caused by an epireLinal
epiretinal membranes are composed of a variety of cell membrane in lhe m acula (E). O n the buckle interiorly she
types, including one or more of the following: myofibro­ had an angiomatous prolileraliun of capillaries in lhe relina.
blasts, RPE cells., fibrous astrocyles, fibrocytes, and mac­ Angiography revealed fniid tortu($tity ol l.he retinal vasseW ii:
the area ol tbE pucker (I7} and staining of lbe peripheral neo-
rophages. 3:ew fragments of lhe footplates of Muller cells
vascular lesion. Several monih-s following laser I real menL ol
are seen on the retinal side of the membrane.--"' Several,
the neovascular legion fG'lj th e noled spontaneous improve­
and perhaps all, cell types have the capability of develop­ ment in lhe vision and the epiretinai membrane in the lefl
ing myofibroblaslic properties that are probably responsi­ macula bad peeled off the contra! macular area ;H;-.
ble for the contractile properties of epirelinal and vilreous 1-L- This I I -year-old boy developed loss o f centtal vlsltm in
tnenibranesJ ] l '2 Epjretinal membranes can the right eye caused by a pucker (I). Angiography revealed
be produced experimentally by a variety of techniques, tortuosity and cenlral displacement ol the m acular relinal
vessels Islereo, J and Kf. Following surgical excisEor o f Lhe
Lij^litding intravitreal injection -if Ы\?-ч1. carS'ii particles.,
membrane iL I lbe visual acuity improved from lo
fibroblasts, and ЙРЕ odis.^5,-13_Ji7
'lhe stimuli for epiretinal membrane formation are
i l- L . . r l'L s y l i: D r 1 - Y lr .ik L H u ij j - . i m L - n . j
poorly understood. A I’Y P appears to be one important
sti m uLus.3*$■1r'L-1 -241
Approximately 75% of epiretinal membranes are found
in eyes with a [ Т 1 > . ' ihese membranes are par­
ticularly prone to develop in eyes following Lransient syncytium of cells i^'ith small, spindle-shaped nuclei and
vitreomacular traclion soon afler separation of the vilre­ scanly cytoplasm arranged in either a single or a multilay­
ous from the relina and wilh in weeks or several monLhs ered fashion a long lhe Inner retinal surface (Figure 7.25A).
after vitreous detachment and rhegmatogenous retinal Contraction and interaction of the cells rather than con­
detach menl. J':u Two dilTerent mechanisms for epireti­ traction of die extracellular component of lhe inembrane
nal membrane formation and contraction after vitreous are probably mosl important in causing relinal wrin-
delachmenl have been proposed. One mechanism (more kling.-1^ Electron microscopic studies of idiopathic epireti­
recendy, believed to he the less common) is lhe prolif­ nal membranes have demonstrated that l?l3L cells and
eration and contraction of fibrous astrocytes that ejilend fibrous astrocytes are the predominant celt type compos­
from the relina and oplic nerve through either pre-existing ing ihese membranes.-1"1Membranes in younger palienls.
dehiscences in the ILM of the relina and oplic nerve head., ones in palienls with a history of recenl development of
or dehiscences caused by vitreous separation. 'L'bese dehis­ symploms, and recurrent membranes are more likely lo
cences are most likely to occur on the oplic nerve head or contain RE4i cells with myoblastic differentiation as well as
along the major retinaE vessels where lhe ILM is attenu­ m y o f i b r o b l a s t s . O l h e r cell types that occasionally
ated. These fibrocellular membranes are composed of a predominate are fibrocytes and myofibroblasls.
A'lffcidfl?' ZhfpjitilcttpTt Ёвизсф by EpititHnai M em b^n e Ccwr fitTLJTHJFT 6H !
Contraction of vilreous cortical remnants and prolifera­ 7.24 Pseudo macular holes and macuEar holes
tion and fibrous metaplasia of hyalocytes Eeft on the inner associated with epiretinal membranes.
retina] surface after an anomalous PVD constitute another A -С: Н и к1 in partly del ached t!pireli п л I m enibrane (A and
postulated mechanism for the development of epiretinal C: HimubiLin^ ё macular hole and rim of relinal detacra&tenl
membranes (I igure 7.02 in an asymptomatic man w hose visual acuilv wjjh 20/25.
This mechanism may be more comtncni in ihose AngJilgfapby showed minigpfiH fluorescence centrally iLS;.
membranes (hat are thicker, Lnulli layered, and confined Diagram shows bole in parLly detached epi nul membrane
Lo Lhe cenlral macular area lhan those that histologi­ (arrows, tj.
D-F: H o le in p e r ilo v e o la r epiretinal membrane that is
cally nire hypocelJular.■" Anomalous PVD resulting in
d e ta c h e d a lo n g with the p o s te rio r hyaEuid Istereoscopac
vitreoschisis may he the precursor step in the formation v ie w ; [J a r d El и ппиla lin g л macular h o le . [V a g r a m iF- s h o w s
of epirelinal membrane. A split occurring in the more p res'Ei ntfi&d anatomy of the lesion.
anterior lamellae of lhe vitreous. cortex Eeaving behind G-L: Contraction o f epirelinal membrane associated w ilh
layers containing hyalocytes likely leads to epiretinal a full-fhickfiess rrta-cijlaf hole and relinal deladim enL. Note
jjp№nibraQE3‘l",SjT*6,"'l0r3*1 Kishi and Shimizu noted oval ЫТ1-311 h o le -arrow, С on |une 12, l (J70. tpirelinal membrane
covers mosl of the inferdrtasal pan of Ihe: hole. By July 27^
defects in the detached posterior hyaloid membrane ante­
1У70, Ihe тттл Ьгап е has conLracLed furlher лnrJ uncovered
rior to the macula in most eyes seen with epiretinal mem-
a one-Lhiid disc diameter hole (H>. O n D ecem ber 4 r 1970^
branes.^5 They interpreted this js a tear in Lhe hyaloid lhe paLient noted further loss of uifitm caused by rhegmaLo-
membrane that probably occurred before development f’enouh relinal delachmont (ij. Arrows indicaLe ouLer retinal
of epirelinal membranes in Lhe macula. ЧЪеу postulated folds. N o le absence of Lhe Epiretinal membra гтг and hyper-
that lhe cortical vitreous remaining on lhe macular sur­ I kiorescerccu confirms л full-lhickness bole (arrow, J.i. N o
face acted as a scaffold for Lhe influx of cellular elements other hole was present. Ну February 9, 19-71r Lhe epirelinal
membrane had regrown across the hole .arrow; K'i. Ih e retr-
responsible for the epiretinal membrane.
naf detachmenl persisted. PhoLocoagulalion was placed on
lhe m acular holtf. Ten monlhs later lhe epirelinal membrane
had reLracLud jnfeiiorJy, lhe macular hole was closed, and
lhe relinal dolachmenl had resolved L.i.
Prognosis 7.2 j HistopalhoEogy of macuEar distortion caused by
epiretinal membranes.
Patients with macular distortion caused by con tract ion of
A: h’fujCormLrograph of crinkled cellophane m aculupathy
an epirelinal membrane usually show little of no progres­
shmvin^ fine w rin k iin j o f lbe innuf retinal surface res и I Li
sion of distortion after their initial exami nation,]76rtfl3,] 69
Ггогл contraction o f ал ftpitfetin^J тегаЬгаще. A fine frbm-
A few patients, however experience a progressive loss of cellular membrane farrow) lies on tbe surface o f tbe folded
visual fun cl ion over a period of months or years.*1 The internal limiting membrane.
infrequency with which lhe distortion worsens suggests B: ]>hi)LoniicTOf’raph hhuwjny macUtdf pucker, cybLoid mdt-
that membrane contraction usually occurs rapidly and Is и!лг edema, and degeneration sdeunfliW to ccmlfaclicm of
self-limlllng. Angiographic evidence of retinal capillary an BtiirettnaJ membrane. The mem brant.1 is artilaclLLio’jf f y
detaCfi^p near Ihe 1а;где retina] folds Iarrow).
permeability is more likely Lo lie present soon after con­
traction of the epirelinal membrane has occurred, and In
eyes with membranes lhat are more likely to progress.-'1
Approximately 50% of patients maintain good visual acu­
ity, and in over SO^is lhe visual funcLion is either stable or edema that may accompany a severe pucker. Surgical
Improves, l-'ewer than 10% show a decline in visual acu­ peel nig of epiretinal membranes from the macular sur­
ity Spontaneous peeling of the membrane occasionally face has been successfully accomplished [f'lgure 7.2j5J-
£ уи *,2 5 1 -ж щ 5иг^]С:1| candidates are those patients
results In dramatic visual improvement (I'igures 7.0ЙЛ-С.
7.211-L, and 7.23С and I)) Spontaneous with moderate to severe visual loss, and a short duration
separation of a preretinaE membrane in the macula is of macular puckering. Approximately 75% of palients
particularly likely to occur following laser or cryotherapy experience two lines of visual acuity Improvement after
of a peripheral retinal angioma [t-'igure 13.19A-];J.J 'i:,",-':' surgery. Membrane peel with and without dye (ICG and
Angiographic evidence of leakage may be lhe result of irypan blue) assistance seems to have similar ie*u Jti3*9“^ 1 membrane formation, or nay he the precursor Surgical complications include cataract (approximately
of epirelinal membrane as in branch retinal vein occlusion 50-75% within 1 years), peripheral retinal tears, retinal
or relinal hemangioma. detachmentr posterior retinal tears, photic maculopathy
particularly wilh EGG dye assistance, anLerior ischemic
op tic neu ropathy, and endoph LbaIm i tis.J '"lJ 511_ J' J-J|,L - -74
Treatment fiegrowth of epiretinal tissue occurs in a smalE percentage
In the absence of any evidence of intravilreal Inflamnia- of cases. I'ailure to remove all layers of the epiretinal mem­
tlonr there Is no reason lo believe that corticosteroid treat­ brane in multilayered vitreoschisls cases may contribute to
ment is beneficial in treating patients With intra ret Inal lhe recurrence.
Abtrt/Lir G-msni by Epirctinai M$fibmnc Coiib actum 68-5
Vitreopapiliarу Traction . .26 V itr e o p a p illa r y tra c tio n ,

Subretinal hemorrhage fl:igure 7.26), decreased visual acu­ A—F: An SO-уелг-old wom an w as follow ed for mild cystoid
ily, SWbllcn optic nerve head, peripapillary (raction detach­ macLiltir edema and viJroopapillary traction for 6 yeaJis with
ment, and intrapapillary anti epipapillary bednoTrbiges a visual acuily of Z № 0 in bolh eyes lhal remained stable
are all signs that may be associated wilh vitreopapillary (A . She developed iin asymptomatic juxliipjipillajy suhjeLr-
nal hemorrhage in the rrghL eye with no ch a rg e in her vision
tract i o n . C a r e f u l ЫотЕсгшсору with, a 7B-D or
(B). OpEical coherence tomography demonstrated attachment
a fundus contact lens often reveals an oval vilreous con­
ot" the vitreous to the disc surface bilaterally {Cl. Fluorescein
densation iocaled eccentrically anterior to lbe oplic disc . 11 l.1i-:i-_:1!: - l w a s .ir i"1v . i : l - I J »:i:: I . She i i■
■ i\ ■■:
with lhe absence o fa CNVM as lhe cause of the subretinal one ifijeciifin or bEWricizunniib for gfi erroneous dia^nwiK of
hemorrhage. O CJ' is an invaluable tool in confirming lhe juM apapillan' choroidal i^ov^fcularizatiim with no change
traction exerted by the vitreous attached lo (he disc, but in the hemorrhage. She had modera!u catanttlH and lhe
detached elsewhere [I'igure 7.26C and I'). Vitreopapillary vision and vitredpapillary Iraclion ■:I-J remained unchanged
over b уедгк.
tract ion in proliferative diabetic relinopalhy may con­
tribute to the visual loss in addition to other causes such
as poor macular perfusion, macu far edema, and vitreous
hemorrhage.t, J "J Surgical removal with pars plana vilrec-
tomy is indicated Гог decreased visual, acuity and/or a field

R ET IN A L C H A N G E S A S S O C IA T E D Epiretinal Membrane
W IT H R H E G M A T O G E N O U S lipiretinal membranes may be present before the devel­
R ET IN A L D E T A C H M E N T opment of a retinal delachmenl but oflen become appar­
ent only during the postoperative course. PreoperaLively,
Rhegmatogenous retinal delachmenl is one of Lhe mosl patienls with detachment and epiretinal membranes in the
important disorders of lhe vflreoretinal interface, and il macular area will usually show a stellate arrangement of
may cause or be associated wilh a variety of abnormalities multiple, white, retinal folds (figure 7.27A and B}. These
in the macular area. Approximately 30-40% of palients in are often accompanied by peripheral star folds, meridional
whom reLinal detachment includes the macula is'iIL regain folds, and rolled edges of retinal tears, i’ostoperaLively,
good visual acuily after successful ^attachment.'*1''" 14' epirelinal membranes are lhe most frequently recognized
Most patients who fail lo regain good visual acuily will abnormality in the macula.1''’"'^ Approximately 5 %
show hiomicroscopic and fluorescein angiographic lesions of palients undergoing scleral buckling procedures will
that account for lhe loss.1 ■
■|,'!' In some, however, usu­ develop severe macular pucker lhal may or may not be
ally those with macular detachment of 2 months' or lon­ associaled wilh massive peri retinal proliferation and fail­
ger duration, the macular area will show minimal changes, ure of standard scleral budding procedures. Vitrectomy
and visual Loss is probably caused by failure of regenera­ and surgical removal of ihese membranes are successful in
tion and realignment of photo receptors. J ’jl salvaging the sight in Some of these palienls.
Cystoid MacuJar Edema 7.27 Macular changes in rhegmalogenous retinal
Cystoid macular edema may be present either when lhe
Л: bad у sleilale pattern of retinal folds indicative of lhnL pres­
patient is seen j nit Lai Iу w ilh a retinal detachment (Е-igure
ence of epi retinal nbefnbranjfc.
7 .2 7 C ) or postoperatively. Et occurs most frequently,, but
B: Advanced stellate relinal folds in a patienl w ho developed
not exclusively, in aphakic eyes. Cysloid macular edema massive? peri relinal pnol i fera li о n.
Lmd epiretinal membranes are the most frequent macu- C: Cycloid m acular edfitia lanrows).
Ear findings in patients with poor acuity after buckling D-F: А 17-year-old m yopic temaEe with recent onset of
procedures. rbe^jmatoyenous relinal detacbmcnl and multiple |эс-riphswaI
In most palients with rhegmalogenous retinal detach­ relinal tears. Nolc cloudiness c f subreLinal lluid and angic-
liraphk evidence (]f leaking retinal blood vessels.
ment, fluorescein angiography shows no evidence of reli-
G - l: Long-standing superior rhegmatogenous retinal detach­
na[ Vascular permeability alterations. In long-standing
ment and outer relinal cyst Harrow, H ) i n a 56-yea г-old man
retinal detachment, however, angiography may demon­ who was asymptomalic until several days before admission,
strate evidence of capillary dilation, increased perme­ when he noted loss o f cunlrai vrsion caused bv extension of
ability, and areas of capillary nonperfusion. In myopic lhe deta chm en I jnlo the macula. Апц кэд™ phy showed early
children wttH recent onset of detachment, angiography hypeiiwotescenCe caused by aLtenuaLiun of the retinal pig­
may demonstrate large areas of diffuse Leakage of dye ment epitbeEium and late staining caused by retinal capillary
l^jlkage in lh e iarea of longstanding detachment ■'I..
[ E'igure 7 . 2 7 D - b ) . l U
J: ^uEiretiniil librtnjs prphfeisUve bands and fenestralbd mem­
branes in a patient with long-standing relinal deLachmenl.
Macular ard Paramacular Holes К and L: Subrelinal fibroLis strands i.arnow*' associated w ill:
,i Ifini’ -sMndinn nlVrin' rln-^i relinal del,n imenl
Rhegmalogenous detachments caused by holes in the mac­ Ihat spontaneously real Iached. Sim ilar findings were present
ula or paramacular region usually occur in highly myopic in lhe opposite eye.
patients with posterior staphylomata or in patients with
Iti-I, frurn Cj.l^b. ■ I
direct vitreous iraction on lhe posterior ret Ena.1 En
most cases these detachments are confined lo the posterior
half of the eye, and they infrequently extend out lo the ora
serrala. When lhe detach ment is con fined Lo Lhe macula
Ln patients with a posterior staphyloma and myopia, the
detachment may he caused by traction rather than a hole, an epi retinal membrane (E'igure 7.21 Л and Щ, or parlial-
and spontaneous reattach ment may occur.Jlj: See discus­ thickness macular holes (see figure 6.36).
sion in Chapter 3. Macular holes in non myopic eyes without evid en ce
Approximately 0.5-1% of patients wilh rhegmalo­ of vitreous traction do nol require treat ment at the lime
genous retinal detach ment and a peripheral retinal hole of surgery for retinal detachment caused by periph­
w ill also have a macular hole.191295 During the course of eral retinal tears.™ A variety of techniques has been
surgery or immediately following surgery a macular hole employed in the repair of retinal detachments caused
may develop in another ]-2 % of pat tents.JO-' rEuorescetn by macular and paramacular holes in palients with
angiography may he helpful in differentiating macular myopic staphylomata or posterior vilreous iraclion
holes from macular cysts, pseudo macular hole caused by (figure 7.0y|-L).-,4JJ,lS1 ■ ' 1 )
Pigment Epithelial Atrophy, Demarcation 7.2# Co nip Iic atio ns of to ng- stan di ng rhegm atogen ous
retinal detachment,
Lines, and Subretinal Neovascularization
A-E: l'his yuun^ m yopic WQnjSj^n presented with bilateral
W ilh prolonged retinal detachment (usually beyond inferior relinal delat hments antj prominenl pigmented
□ period of Ь months )r Lhe RPb becomes partly depig- dfemardatian lines fhal extended only to lhe peripheral mac-
menled within ihe area of detachment (figures 7.27U-3 i.j !i region in bolh c'yF':-.. A 11 11 I и.к k;i:iL| procedure
and 7.2ЙК), and it ma\: proliferate along the junction of dfipne in Ihe left eye. lh e palienl elecled 1o have reinforce­
detached and attached retina lo form a demarcation line ment of Ihe dema real ion lines with laser plioLocoa£>ula(ion
rather than surgery in lh e ri^ht eye (A . She had no further
(f-'tgures 7.2SA, fl and K, and 7.28A-D). A series of these
trouble for 10 yeary, when she developed evidence ol inLra-
[ine,s in ay occur as lhe detachment spreads over a period
relinal neovascularization and angioma Ions formation with in
of months or years. They may eventually extend into the the area o f relinal detachment, in the area indicated by the
macular area (Figure 7.281.). Similar demarcation lines a n o w in A. N o further LreaEment was done until 2 years laler
may occur along (he posterior border of a chronic cho­ when the retinal tumor enlarjjed (E3) and caused symptom­
roidal detachment (E'igure 7.291'1 These ftPli changes are atic vitreous cells and mild cystoid macular edema (C, Ur.
more easily detected with fluorescein angiography [Kigums FolltJVk'int; ar^on laser Inealment o f the angiomatous lesion
(B)r lhe lipid exudate disappeared :El and lhe vitreous ceils
7.271 and 7.18 K ).1"-■Д|У| Angiography is helpful in differ­
and cys-lohd m acular edema improved.
entiating a long-standing retinal detachment from relino-
F —J: Retinal angiomatous proliferation Ia nows, 1-K.j and
schisis 'lhe latter condition is not associated wilh ftFE yellow inlrarelinal and sub relina I exudation developed in
changes unless il is associated with retinal detachment a 24-year-old wom an with longstanding bilaleral inferior
from holes developing in Lhe outer and usually the inner rhe^miitojienouF. retinal delachm enb and demarcation lines
layer of ret inosch isis (i 'i gu re 7.30J .11: (G and НГ. The retina reattached after cryotherapy of the
3 have seen three patients wilh loss of central vision angiomatous proliferation and relina Г holes. Note Ihe hyper­
fluorescence on Ihe detachment side of ihe dema real ion line
caused by choroidal neovascularization at the edge of a
(arrow) in the iefL eye (K). 7*he demarcation line in Lhe left eye
demarcation litie lying adjacent to lhe fovea! area (J-'igure
was reinforced usin|^ ar^on laser.
7.29 A- K: Lar^e retinal fold running Ihrough Ihe macula in this
patient following a vitrectomy and scleral buckle repair of a
Subretinal Fibrosis macula off retinal merit. К ole lh e subretinal pcrfluor-
carbon bubbles Within Lhe fold larrowi.
A light gray fenestrated sheet or multiple opaque strands
IK , t - u u r l f s y aF Dr. b a k e r H u b b M n d .i
may be present on the posterior surface of the detached
relina in approximately 3% of patients with a rbegmato-
genous detach menl (Figure 7 1 7 ] ) ^ " ® Subretinal developing in large, thin fibrocellular sheeLs growing on
strands are frequently arranged in a relicular or other geo­ the back surface of the retina. En contrast Lo epirelinal
metric pattern, in some cases they may be separated from membranes, these usually do not affect Lhe incidence of
Lbe posterior retinal surface. They are most often seen surgical success.506 Occasionally, however, one or more of
in long-standing detach ment and are often associated these strands may remain Laut after scleral buckling and
with demarcation lines, 'ihey resuk from fenestrations prevent complete reattach me nL of tbe macula.
Gravitation of Subretinal Pigment 7.l 1J M acu Iar com pIicat] on s associated with
long-s Ian ding relinal detach me nl.
Following Cryotherapy
A —C : Subretinal neovascularization (arrow, В j developed
ЁРЁ pigment liberated at (he lime of vigorous cryotherapy, w ilhin a pigmenLed derrtarcalion line in a patient who find
usually lo superolemporal holes in patients wilh relinal previous successful surgery for a long-standing relinal
detachments involving Lhe macula, may graviiale wtthiit delachm enl.
the subrelinal fluid lo lhe macular area. Ihis pigment D Lind ErThis patienl тл'лн followed ior 3 years w ilh recuirejil
deposit may remain sialic or may become diminished Lo subfoveaf bleeding caused by subretinal neovascularization
occurring w ilh in a demarcation line ID :. Eight years afler Lhe
some degree. IL is probably nol associated wilh any signifi­
pholograph in L) she relumed w ilh evid en ce pf inLrarelinal
cant morbidity in regard [o visual r e c o v e r y . ihis
vascular pro I i fora Li on anti exudation K^npora] La lhe mnc-
granular, polymorphic deposition of pigment should be ula '.tj occurring w ithin Liie а№а of inlraru1in,il m itral ion of
dtslinguished from lhe pigmentation caused hy prolifera­ relii:al pigment epi Ihelium c-atysed by rc-l i пл I
tion and fibrous metaplasia of the K Pt on the inner Fetinal delachmenl.
surface (Figure 7.25Ж and L). F: Angiographic evidence erf demarcation lines yarrows:
caused by longstanding choroidal and retinal deLachment.
G : SharpEy circum scribed puddle c f subretinal fluid simulat­
Lesions Simulating Serous Detachments ing Serous ret iта I pigmenl epithelium ih?I nfci detachment alter
of the RetinaE Pigment Epithelium sUpc^sful scleral b j.k lm g opemlion.
H —|: Sim ilar large puddle o f cloudy subretinal fluid (arrows,
Early in the postoperative course following success­ H and l^ remained lor 3-4 weeks after a successful buckling
ful repair of a retinal detachment, the physician may operation. Note the m ultiloculated appearance superiorly (l>.
nolice one or more Eesions wilh lhe biomicroscopic fea- Angiogmphv showed no evidence of K P t delachmenl l|j.
Lures of serous detachments of Lhe fePB in lhe macutar К and L: Pigmented ep irelink membranes causing m acular
pucker in two ]3tilicmIн following scleral Eiuckling procedures.
region or elsewhere in the fundus (Figure 7.29Ci-1).1,11,1
Angiographically, however ihese lesions do nol show
staining Tvjth fluorescein, and they probably represent
focal areas of cloudy serous deLachmenl of lhe sensory rel­
ina. ihey vary in size from one-fourth to four disc diam­ and occasionally vitreous hemorrhage. Similar prolif­
eters. Several months or a year may be required before erative Vascular lesions as well as choroidal neovascular­
resolution occurs. When Lhese lesions are large and soli- ization may occur al drainage sites made during scleral
Lary they are most likely to be misdiagnosed as serous buckling procedures. '|,J ',-tJ
detachments of lhe ЙРЁ. When they are multiple they
may be mistaken for mullifocal areas of choroiditis.'■'
Submacular Hemorrhage During
Similar lesions have been observed in experimental retinal
delachmenl.11 Surgery
Choroidal hemorrhage occurring at the time of drain­
Retinal Neovascularization and age of the subrelinal fluid is the most common cause of
Angiomatous Proliferation Caused by subretinal blood extending into the macular area. U may
occur occasionally, however, because of spontaneous rup­
Chronic Retinal Detachment ture of an occult CNVM in the macular or juMapapillary
long-standing rhegmalogenous relinal detach menl may area. Many patienls who have spread of subrelinal blood
cause relinal vascular occlusion and focal proliferation of into the macula from adjacent sources (e.g., CNV.Vls or
prerelinal as well as intraretinal capillaries that may simu­ choroidal ruptures J regain good acuily afler clearing of the
late a capillary hemangioma (figure 7.2ЙЛ-Г). 118 'Ihese blood. Eh is is less likely to occur, however, in patients with
lesions may cause intraretinal and subrelinal exudation rhegmalogenous relinal detachment.
Postscleral Buckte Macular Folds 7. ^0 Sen its schists detachment.

Relinal folds extending into llie macular area may be lhe А and В: Thit Iw lr a n had peripheral reLi note iii sis with large
cuter retinal hales (arrowsf. There was no evidence c l eKten-
cause of a poor visual result after a scleral buckling pro­
нion- of lhe sha3]ow retinal deLachnncnl surrounding lhe.1 holes
cedure. These may be either radial or curvilinear folds al posLeriur Ic the Zone of ?chisiis.
the posterior edge of a radial buckle lhal Was placed too C - J: Extension c f fluid from within the stliisi?. cavity lhrough
far posteriorly; radial folds extending from a drainage site holes in lhe outer relin k layer (arrow, C'i into the s-ubrel i na I
associated with retinal incarceration; or folds caused by sp.^ce in lhe m iicuia occurred in a fib-year-old man w h o
posterior slippage of the relina following the use of intra­ noted loss of vision in Lhe right eye. His visual acuity was
ocular gas in lhe repair of a large retinal lear (see figures 20^'hC). lie had a Jarjje bullous area or peripheral relino-
schisis temporally, associated with several large hotes (small
7.2ДК and 4.06C).
cirfown. [J and Ll in lhe Skiter reLinaJ laytir posteriorly. Л shal­
low serous relinal detachmenL extended from the edge of
Retinal Crystals Lhe ouler retinal holes; into lhe center of lhe m acula I large
arrow, D and F). Angiography repeated a la rye area of early
Eyes with longstanding relinal detachment very occasion­ byperfluonescence indicative of relinal pigmonl epithelium
ally develop shiny fine crystals in the macula (figure 7.3! A depigmontaLion wiLhin the атея& ot the cuter rc4innl holes
and il). 'ihe constituents of these crystals are not clearly ia nows, C l and in а гопе c f lon^-slanding shallow rclinnl
known; lhe possibility' of ihem being calcium oxalate crys­ deLnchmenl LhaL eslended from the posterior edge of the
tals is tnost believed. Whether they represent hemosiderin­ holes in I о Lhe lemporal m a d jli (Hk Argon green iaser was
used I о Lhe edge of the o u Llt retina] halks and along Lhe
laden macrophages, eythrocyte breakdown produels,, or
posterior edge of the schinis ll) m an effort to d c s e the neck
pholorecepLor outer segments is still debaled. They do noL
ol the delaehment. Because cf incom plete closure Ihe same
aITecl vision, and often prom pi exploration for a localised area was relneaLed never л I months later, and was successful
peripheral retinal detachment.,-1' 01 in reattaching lhe retina in Lhe m acular area (Jj. His acuity
reiurned Lo 2CV30.

D EG E N E R A T IV E R E T IN O S C H IS IS IA лгкЕ ti-. C o u r t e s y cjI I Jr. ( , i m IH Л . MrcHik.i-l'ry; C .-J . I r u m Л г п Ы п г t:L i l . '■

Degenerative retinoschisis is present in approximately

1-4% of healthy adull patients.1 tt most fre­
quently involves Lhe inferolemporal peripheral fundus and is difficult to see without scleral depression, Retinoschisis
is often bilateral Anatomically, the splitting of Lhe retina in mosL patients is asymptomatic and nonprogffesfftfi,329
usually occurs al lhe ouler plexiform layer but il may occur Posterior extension of retinoschisis into Lhe macular area
more superficially (figure 7.31CJ. It. typically is seen clini­ occurs rarely and is most likely to develop in patients with
cally as a sharply circumscribed, smooth, non mobile ele­ the reticular form of degenerative retinoschisis, which has
vation of the inner retina extending posteriorly from the an extremely ill in inner retinal layer (figure 7.31 D and
ora serrala (figure 7.31 D and ]■). It is nol associated with E ) . * ^ n has been estimated that Lhe chance of retinal
changes in the RPH. which is in contact with the retinal detachment developing in a patient wilh retinoschisis is
receptor layer in the area of the split reLina. The outer layer 0.04%.-” 5
K.ctinoFchi*i* 69ji
Sch 1sis Detachment 7.1 f Retinal crystals associated with retinal
Jhere is some predilection for large areas of posterior
A and E: Pferiloveal distribution of shiny w hite crystals in this
extension of schisis lo develop large outer-wall holes and
paLienL with a ion g-s landing inFerior relinal delschm ent. His
□ shallow retinal detachment lhat may slowly extend into
visual acniLy wan 2(X2Q.
the macula (figures 7.30 and 7.52A-C, and
Before posterior extension of the retinal delachmenl Degenerative retinoschisis.
beyond the edge oftlM s.cKisi5. the detachment may be dif­ C: F’holomicrcigraph sh o ein g ip lil at Ihe luvul Ы ihe tjerve
fiber layer (arrow) and «MunHivo cysLoid degeneration ol" Lhe
ficult lo delect. 'I'he presence of hypopigmentalion of the
peripheral relina.
ЁРЕ around the outer relinal holes or one or mure pig­
D : Stereoscopic photographs o f я large area of retinoschi-
mented demarcation lines indicates relinal detachment sis lhat extends posteriorly into Lhe lumporal portion ol" Lhe
(I'igure 7-30Б and C). '['he relinal detachment extending tnacula ;n this 52-year-old man, who also had геИпоьсЫяь
into the macula may be shallow and It anay be possible in Lhe other eye. Note there is no evidence o f retinal pigjnent
to close the communication between the macular detach­ epithelium degeneration in ibeiirofl of Lhe relinoschiiis.
ment and the ouler-wall holes with one or more sessions E—H : In Novem ber 1975, bilateral retinoschisis was noted
in ibis a Rymptuma Li с ЬВ-уч?а r-ol d wom an. In- lhe lefl eye iL
of moderately intense Iаь-er photocoagulallon across the
emended almobL Lo the macula <Ё). O n e year laler she I q s I
neck of the delachmenl along the posterior edge of the
centгаI vision in the lefl eye because of m acular delachmenl
schisis as well as along tbe edge of the outer-wall boles caused by a large posLerior cuter-wali tear at lhe posterior
(E'igures 7.30C-I and 7.32CI and 4 ).',kt In olher cases* edge of the retinoschisLs. A scleral buckle supplemented w ilh
it may be necessary to employ vllreclomy and intravil- pusLoper-alive phu1oc<Mgulation i}- anti C j was used in clos­
real gas infection lo achieve resolution of the detach- ing the lea г ; arrows i. 1'егт years later her visual acu ily was
(ifrieriti32^ 30-3*3 Schisis detachment, when con fined lo 2Q/30 (Hi.
9 and |: Spontaneous collapfe til drgenefalive relinoEchisis
the peripheral fundus, rarely progresses and requires nu
rn this middle-aged wom an. Ih e ret inosch isEs Was present In
Lreatment.*-'1 , lhe author be!ieves, however, that posterior
Fune 1 1; and had disappeared in September 1iJ79 (J.I.
extension of schisis to near the macula, particularly when
A Jhd H-. Lourlef-v .>1 Dr. U.ivid Wtinbei^j; d£Urte=y f>l I Jr. Ho IjltLY
associated wilh large outer-wall holes, const!Lutes a ihreaL Или.:-
Lo central vision and should be delimited with several
rows of laser photocoagulation (figure 7.321 and K) w ith­
ou t wailing to demonstrate progression.
Unlike palients with X-Jinked juvenile retinoschisis, . 12 Retinoschisis.
there Lb no evidence of any specific macular abnorm ally in
A—F: А ЗЙ-year-old male w ilh recent decrease in vision
patients with degenerative Fetinoschisia. Detailed macular in [he left eye Lo- 20/100. Ttie right eye saw 20/20. A |ar£e
function tests in these patients are com parable lo those in r4..'linr)S(.hi!iiii wan seen in Ihe inferolernptjfal region of Lhe
unaffected patienls.'Jl' Il'Il eye extending to the foveal center, in addition I и flecks
Huorescein angiography shows no ahnormality in the of fundus fIHviividcuIrilliн in lhe? posterior pole in bolh eves
background choroidal fluorescence in Lhe area of retino- iA-C:. An ouier reLinaJ Ljreak. w ith adjaccmL subrelinal flLiid
was found at [he superior edjje of the scbisis (C, arrow J.
scbisis (Figure 7.29B and C} as long as there is no hole or
H p licii] Loh-erence ttKiiujjraphv lhrou|^h 1fie foveal cenftr
detachment in Lhe outer retinal layer. En some cases there
rind elsewhere revealed vertically onenled не hi sis cavities l l J
may be evidence of retinal capillary dilalion. leakage, and rind Ё). A settlo r through Lhe area of [lit; outer break dum»n-
dropout in the inner retinal layers. sUalud subielinal fluid tieneaLh Ihe schisis caviLy ■:Fj. H e whs
The pathogenesis of degenerative retinoschisLs is treated w ilh bra. I and lopical a'cetaXalanj ide and Fefracted 1o
unknown, bul chronic vitreous traction on the peripheral 20/40 with a hyperopic согтес:!ion.
Lcli:t,i lit,!-. :=
n predispos'd micituyMoid degeneration,
particularly on Lhe lemporal side, is probably impor-
LanL. Lhe scbisis begins W ith coalescence of the cysls of
IJlessig-lwanofT microcystoid degeneration resuEting i.n a
system of Lunnel-like spaces in the outer plexiform layer. layers with sparse cellular connections in between them,
Subsequenrty a second independent system of spaces mostly made up of Muller cells. At this slage, the surface of
develops at the level of Lhe in n e r nuclear layer. Al first the relinoschisis shows pitting corresponding Lo the foot­
Lbe inner aLtd outer systems are separated by the junction plates of" tbe Muller cells (I'igure 7.Д2Н). Eiventually when
of the neurons wiLh the horizontal cells lhat He between the tissue pillars undergo complete necrosis, the layers
the inner and outer pleKtform layers (ligure 7. j 2A-F). separate Completely.''11 The material LbaL fills the cavity is
Gradually the supporting columns between Lhe cysls dis­ composed of mucopolysaccharide and is believed to result
integrate, splitting Lhe remaining relinal elements into two from (he breakdown of the tissue elements, 334
K.ctinoFchi*i* 699
Spontaneous reattachment of the inner 1лует occasion­ 7.3^ Continued
ally occurs (figure 7.29H and I). No treatment is indi­
С and H: Laser applied lo -an outer relinal break ih пгт pye
cated unless a retinal detachment associated with inner w ilh exIпепле thinning of lhe H^hisis Livers.
and outer retinal holes develops or unless there is dem­ I—К : This 4Ch-year-okl hi jj.h myopt1 и№ found to have a Ia rye
onstrated progression of schisis (Kigures 7.311 to K) or a Hthiaii in Ih r inferolempoml quadram on гишИпе exam i­
schisis detachmetil with quter vrall holes into the macular nation 41 a r d J !■
_ Two уеагъ later the cavity had enlarged in
area. height and etetende^j posteriorly iK?. 'She underwent laser
demarcation of the relina pustLvior lo the schists in an
Most degenerative retinoschisis occur independently;
attempt lo prevent tufther ртоугсгиап.
however association with nanophthalmos, high myopia,
Ml.' ,in d I I.. tr ju r lc js y nf U r. 4-r.iix.o C e c t h i j .
and tilted discs has been reported."'1 ' ' ' Acquired retino-
schisis and retinal folds occur as a sequel to the retinopa­
thy in children suffering nonaccidental trauma.' ' '
lietinoschisES is most likely to be mistaken for a local­
ized rhegmatogenous retinal detachment or occasionally
the reverse. Jhe typical configuration of the elevated inner
retinal surface, absence of evidence of visible and angio­
graphic changes in the underlying RFEL and presence of
an absolute scotoma are features suggesting relinoschisis.
lhe presence of a demarcation line is strong evidence of
a rhegmatogenous detachment, which in the presence of
schisis may be difficult Lo identify. Angiographic evidence
of depigmentation of the ЯРЕ peripheral to the demarca­
tion line indicates present or past retinal detachment in
Lhat area.
K.ctinoFchi*i* /0!
AMYLOIDOSIS 7.33 P rim ary amyl oidosi s.

A —F : iiil-J a m p p h o to g ra p h o f Lhis 6 2 -y e a r-ol d m a n w h o

Loss of vision caused by accumulation of atnyloid in e ip e fie ftc e d p a in le ss loss- o f vis io n fo r several
tbe vitreous may occur in primary familial amyloido­ y e a rs Ь е с лине o f a m y lo id d e p o s itio n larrow 'i in lh e v ilre -
sis wilh or without systemic Involvement and occa­ дУ-S o f b o th eyes ГA.!-. H is past m e d ic a l h is to ry w a s p o s itiv e
sionally in patients with neither systemIc nor familial for s evere p e rip h e ra l n e O ro p a m y a n d tbe c a rjia l Lu nnel s yn ­
JnVtoL^ment-340-35* d ro m e . K a l e lh e a tro p h y a t lb e s k in a n d m u s c le s o f Lhe
h a n d s a n d feet (B a n d C ) . H is fa m ily h is to ry w a s n egative'. A n
The amyloid is probably produced tn the relinal ves­
o p e n -s k y ie n s e c Lo m y Hind v itie c lo m y w e re d u n e . H is vis u a l
sels and secreted inlo lhe vllreous. iiarly, it may produce
a c u ity u n p ro v e d fro m c a u n L jn y lingers at li fo o l p 0 c m :
prominent perivascular sheathing and localized vllre- Lo 2 0 /3 0 . N o te Lhe re m n a n ts Ы a m y lo id o n lh e o p lic dist
ous veils.35-1 Later, as ihe vitreous becomes more opaci­ (ajTtWiV a n d o n Ihe relina l isiirfa-Le te m p o ra l 1o lb e m a c u la
fied. ii has been described biomicroscopically as having a I.arrow , b H e s u b s e q u e n tly d ie d o f a c o r o n a r y Ih ro m b o s is .
cot ton-wot) I, glass-wool, or cobweb appearance [Figures P h o to m ic ro g ra p h (£) s h o w in g a m y lo id d e p o s i t o c c lu d in g
7.33 A and 7.34/V Б, and H). It may be misdiagnosed as m u c h of" tbe c h o r io c a p il laris a n d w ilh in th e w a ll o f lh e iarye
choroidal vessels (a'lroViT-'.
Inflammatory exudate or resolving retinal and vitreous
G a n d h : Th is 5 1 -y e a r -o ld w o m a n w ith d o m in a n L ly in h e rite d
blood. Cotton-wool spots unassocialed with hypertension
o c u lo le p lo m o n in ^ e a l a m y lo id o s is h a d а 20-\чздг h is to ry o f
occurred in one patient.'5'"* pro gressive p e rip h e ra l n e u r o p a th y c a rp a l Lunne! s y n d ro m e ,
Hlslo pathologically, amyloid may be demonstrated h y p e rre fle x ia , d y s a rth ria , nysLa jjm usr a n d m e m o r y loss.
within and surrounding retinal vessels as well as within V isu a l a c u ily w a s 2 0 fl 5 b ila te ra lly . In Lhe p e r im a c u la r area
targe choroidal vessels and the choriocapillaris {Kigure she h a d n u m e ro u s superficia l gESW.-white lesions lh a t sLained
7 .3 3 £ ].f^ W a n g io g ra p h ic a lly I G a n d H i . O n e y e a r later she d e v e lo p e d
visual loss, v itre o u s opacificJffltior, a n d Lh ic k e n in ^ o f Lhe
Vilreous deposits in amyloidosis occur primarily in
Lo n g u e . V is u a l a c u ity im p ro v e d fro m 2 0 / 4 0 0 to 2 0 .4 0 in b o lb
patients wilh dominantly inherited amyloidosis associated
eyes fo llo w in g v itre c to m y . T b e v itre o u s e x h ib ite d d ic b ro is m
with peripheral neuropathy, amyloid nephropaLby, and a n d s ta p le d p o s iliv e ly for a m y lo id .
cardiomyopathy [familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy) I—I Th e 2 S -y e a r-o ld -son of lb e pa lien L in CJ a n d H h a d a h is ­
(bigures 7.33Ё and С and 7.34А, Ё. and E).*41 150 Most of to ry o f h e rm p le y ic m ig ra in e a i*d s^i^ures b b d in n in g in his
these patienLs haw a mutant form of the protein trans­ te e n a g e years-. H e d ie d at a y e 2 9 years fro m c o m p lic a tio n s
thyretin associated wilh a mutation in the transthyretin ol in lra c e re b ra l h e m o r rh a g e . I^sthologic e x a m in a tio n o f Lhe
e y e s re v e a le d b ire frin g e n t a m y lo id d e p o sils in Lhe b lo o d
gene.,3Slj3!i',"3S6'35? 111 is mulatlon may be present in patients
vessnl w a ils a n d p e riva s c u la r sp a ce s or" lb e relina (a rro w s ,
wilh vitreous opacification and no family history of lhe
I (tT o n y o re d s la in ' a n d J Ip o la r ize d fi^ h U ), e x te n s iv e a m y ­
disorder.1ie Ketlnal neovascularization and vitreous hem­ loid d e p o s itio n in lh e le p lo m e n in jie s a n d the b lo o d vessel
orrhages occur In some patients associated with elevated w a lls w ill’ in the le p to m e iiin g e s : a r r o w *, К a n d L i.C o n ^ o re d
vascular endothelial growth factor k s e l s ^ * 1 3lH) stain) f. O t h e r o rg a n In v o lv e m e n t in c lu d e d Lhe h e a rt, a lim e n ­
Talients with vitreous opacities should he checked for the tary tra c t, skeletal m u s c le , a n d nerves.
transthyretin mutation even when they have no definite MJ bind b. frumK.LHicr ljI .ii ' ; I-Lr frurn L.ilLi fl a.I 1 MJBfl.
family history of amyloidosis. Additional means of diag­ A m e r lc a h M n d lc a l ЛИ гекь'гт.-^с1.

nosis include biopsy of affected organs, including ihe eye,

kidney, or rectum. Liver transplantation is promising by
eliminating production of (he abnormal transthyretin in involvement (}:igure 7.33G-I.).' ' ' ' Ihe retinal lesions
Lbe liver. Ocular involvement has Increased or occurred resemble cotton-wool patches but histologically are amy­
after liver transplantation in some patients secondary to loid infiltration of Lhe retina (Hgure 7.33С and I).
continued retinal production of translhyretin.!G| M’~ Crawford reported cotton-wooE exudates in a patient
lam ilial oculolepiomeningeal amyloidosis (heredo- with nonfamilial systemic amyloidosis and no evidence
oto-ophlbalmo-encephalopalhy) is characterized by of syslemic hypertension. " 'v Histologically, these reti­
hemiplegic migraine, periodic obtundation, psychosis, na! lesions were swollen, degenerated, necrotic axons in
seizures, carpal tunnel syndrome, inlracerebral hemor­ lhe nerve fiber layer unassocialed with amyloid deposits
rhage, myelopathy, deafness, cerebellar alaxla. peripheral in either Lhe relina от the vitreous. Amyloid is known lo
neuropathy, visual loss associated with relinal and vitreous deposit in and around the retinal and choroidal vessels,
infiltration with amyloid anti cataract, and systemic organ sometimes causlnga severe chorioretinopathy.'''
* , ft
Vitrectomy is the only effectIve means of restoring 7.34 Amyloidosis
vision in patients wilh amyloidosis {Figures 7.33D and 1:
A-f: A 42-veaj-old Korean mafc noted flo aM S and prtDgres-
and 7.34C and f } ) 347-1^ 365 Removal of as much of the vit­ sivu dim inulion of vision uvuf 2 yean;. Hi к viKU^ auuily was
reous framework ль possible Is Indicated since recurrence counl finycvs in lhe riyhl iind .20/50 in the left еутез. Dense vit­
of the amyloid deposits may occur. "'11 I№ ihe material will reous (.i- p H c itn e o v a s c u la r k a lia n of the? relina, and relinal
stain with Congo red and show typical yellow-green bi­ Btemarrhflges went1 noted in both eyes (A r E, and t \ W h ile
refringence wilh polarized light (iigure 7.34E-). I\in ret Inal deposits around blood vessels w ere also seen (Cl. He under-
wenl а pars. plana vilnuclomy and focal laser w ill1 : improve­
photocoagulalion is required for eyes wilh retinal neovas­
ment in vision lo SLDBe in E w eek and 2(V20 in 1 month in
cularization and vitreous hemorrhages.
his litihl eye. Subset] LKm 11у Ihe left цуе suffered a viHesous
hemorrhage pnvnptilijj a vilred o m y with improvement of
vision to 2U/iQ. The vitrexjus deposits showed apple-urwn
A S T E R O ID H Y A L O S IS birefringence on polarised m icroscopy w ilh Congo red I.F
His; vitreous; vascular endolhelial jjrowlh factor lovels лете
Asteroid hyalosis is a degenerative disease of the vitreous
hiyhiy elevated. К is .Э-О-уеаг-oid Ь п я Ь р was examined i;nd
of unknown цацйе.377-3^1 il Is characterized by the devel­ found lo h a w similar findings, requiring a vitrectomy in his
opment of white or yellow-white spherical or disc-shaped left eye. LSolh brothers w ere positive 1or C lu jH C ly transthyre­
bodies (asteroid bodies] composed of calcium soap within tin mutation :D!VA change: 221 Л > ti), confifming familial
the collagen framework of the vitreous (i'igure 7.351 a n_,y loi do! it pol yneuropa I by.
and K). They develop initially in the vicinity of the reti­ iQflHftesy l?r. k i'inkir l-;rn. k.L|:-;ir|i|.: i. J lrt>mО'Нс.чгм l1!at. '
nal blood vessels and may eventually he present in such
Eaige numbers throughout the vitreous thal visualiza­
tion of the ocular fundus is nol possible. In spile of this, sulfur and potassium, may be found. Chondroitin С sul­
however, the patient's visual function is only minimally fate and carbohydrates specific lor hyalurouic acid have
affected. Fluorescein angiography may provide an excel­ been found.'1"'' Experimentally asteroid hyalosis has been
lent view of the fundus when it is obscured ophthalmo- produced in galaclose-fed beagles which develop a retino­
scopicall.y (Figure 7.33! and h:). " Histopalhologicaily, pathy similar lo diabetic retinopathy.^1.
the asteroid bodies have a crystalline appearance and they Asteroid hyalosis typically develops in later life and
stain positively wilh fat and acid mucopolysaccharides most often affects only one eye. its association with dia­
that are unaffected by prelreatment with hyalurouidase. iaj betes mellilus Is a subject of debate given the significant
J hough asteroid bodies have been extensively Investi­ numbers with unilateral involvement.37' Лна Abnormal
gated, their origin, inode of formation, and composition vitreoretinal adhesions with vitreoschisis and anomalous
are incompletely elucidated. Ultrastructu rally they are PVD have been documented by O C T 4 Vitrectomy is
composed primarily of mullilantinar membranes typical rarely needed to restore vision but may be necessary in the
of complex acidic lipids, particularly phosphotlpidsr and occasional patient who has unexplained visual loss.310'-1®?
are associated with calcium phosphate со m pi exes lying in In spite of a visible Weiss ring, these eyes may have adher­
a homogeneous background m atrix.^ 384 in addition lo ent residual vitreous cortex which should be soughl for
calcium and phosphorus, the most detectable elements. during surgery.
'Wl'jd-j'l/ HyalosiB 705
7.3j Vitreous cysts.
A: Irregular, transluconL, bijpnented, free-floating vilreous
Vitreous cysts may arise in otherwise normal eyes., in dis­ cysl.
eased eyes, or in associalion with remnants of the hyaloid B: Free-floaEing pigmented cyst located just inferior to Lho
s y s t e m . : ' 'Ihose occurring in normal or diseased eyes mac ltI ,i .
are typically round or lobulated, partly pigmented or non- C: NonpigmenLed cysl atlat-htid Lo lhe Optic nerve head.
D Lo H : This ,'i5 year old olher wise healthy Caucasian
pigmentedr translucent structures Lying free in the vitreous
wom an had noted a floater in her left eye since child­
cavity (Figure 7.35A-D]. Cysts associated with the hya­
hood. The floaiur was now tofistant and vision declined to
loid system are usually sessile, ncmpigmented gray cysts 20^40. Л partly pigmenEed vilreous cysl was seen lelhered to
attached to the surface of Lhe optic disc (Mg. 7.35C). Most d e q u e 's canal And wns associated w ilh a Mjltend^rf'H dol
free-floating cysts probably remain unchanged for many (D ll. Argon laser done Jo perforate Ihe cysl w all collapsed
years, cause no symptoms, and require no treatment.-5' 1 Lhe cysl \D2 but Сhe cytt I hen hung in Гтол1 of her lijacuta
Pigmented cysts located close to lbe retinal surface can be requiring a pars plana vitrectom y and cyst removal. The cyst
w all is made up of a hasemenl membrane w ilh pi gm ел I
mistaken fo ra pigmented tumor. 'Ihey occasionally inter­
laden cells consistent w ilh R R E (ToEuidine blue) (E and F ).
fere wilh visual function, and in such cases aspiration of
Plaining Lot carbonic anhydrase is positive confirming RF3t
the cyst or disruption with laser (D1 and D ll may provide -origin of 1he cyst cells (G)_ El-ecEron microscopy revealed
sym plo ma lie rel ief.16"W?l zonula occludens IH. arrow) and pre-me lanosomes iH, idsetl
The cyst wall In most cases is probably con]posed of that is considered to he feEal in origin suggesting arrested
retinal pigment epithelial cells (E'lg. 7.35F and 1:).’а1^ '1' development q f lhe biPE: cells.
Work and Mlllecchla found a single layer of pigment laden Asteroid Hyalosis,
epithelial cells on a basement membrane that resembled I and |: Asteroid bodies w ere sufficiently concentrated Lhal
iiruch's membrane with a lamina rarar lamina densa and a a v ie w ot" lhe fundus details was d if f k jll in I his palienL,
thick collagenous layer (E'lg. 7-35 L and F). lhe cells were who was com plaining of visual loss in the left eye ( I I .
positive for carbonic anhydrase (Fig. 7.35C ]r and on elec- А л^ iorj^rapliv (Jl. hOweArer, presided a clear v ie w of e v i­
Lron microscopy showed microvilli, zonula adherens and dence of age-reLaied macular degeneialion anti subfoveal

occludens, all features of retinaE pigment epithelial cells neovascularization.

K: Ciross eye specimen showing asteroid bodies suspended
(Fig. 7.3511). 'Iltere were premelanosomes (Fig. 7.3511,
in lhe vilreous framework.
inset, open arrow), which are of fetal originr and not pro­ L: HistopathoEogy of asteroid hyalosis showing spherical and
duced postnatal ly in RPF cells, suggesting the cyst to be a о void PAS-posi Live ajfflorphous bodies suspended in the vilre­
choristoma of the prlmaiy hyaloidal system with seques­ ous framework.
tered RPF cells.17h L u i . i r l 'j : - ; . IjC u - H , !.’ t . M k I i . k 1' K - и гк . I-Li p:■r i 1 1 4vi Ihi p e r T r t l ^ t h a t i ( г и г и
( ^ l i l I i.i I r n L i к ц .- у I t'- H irk , I . M . л п г Е L . L . M i l к ч 4.1 li .1. 1 n L ^ L i n u n C 1: ■-:!
ln - ; r i j | j, i l J i i i | . : : . i ; . y u l в v iln iu u - ; l> s !. ( J f s t ilh .iln K jlG ^ y | 'J 'jd

a 2 5 - P JC J.i


See C h a p te r 13.
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Traumatic Retinopathy
.1M Ele rlin's ed em a ( c o m m o t i о r eti n a e).
R ET IN A E) A - D : This IQ -yearatti buy Mas struck in lhe left eye by а
rock. V ja la l acuity was 2(V70. K a le the jrone of wnltenfiafa
After a blunt contusion to the front of the eye, a patient Involving 1he outer retinal layer |h the macula (arrows,; Д .

may experience aciJite visual loss caused by Berlin's edema There was а 1дгНе retinal whitening in the far periph­
ery of" the same eye ( ll1. tojpbgrm hm wa£ normal and sbcAvffl
(commotio retinae).. In this condition the retina develops
no evidence of rtilinal vascular abnormalities (C and □ .
a gray-white color that affects primarily the outer relina1''1 E and F: Eleilin's edema o f lhe left гпч'эсиЗа in a 20-year-old
that may be confined to the macular area (I'igure 8.01A wom an lEl. Three days later I be edema had disappeared and
and E) or may involve extensive areas of lhe peripheral Lhe m acular function bad fpfcumed Iи normal (Рл
retina (I'igure 8.01 E>). In sonic cases the whitening may be С —I: FhoLomicrographs of normal monkey relina lG), retina
accompanied by retinal or p reretinal hemorrhages (figure 4 hours (HJ, and relina 4B hours (fl after E>lunl Jrauma. So te
disruption of photoreceplor cells q u I w st^menls (arncsw, H:.
8.02A and ti) or subrelinal blood and choroidal rupture,
pykn(.LLi(.■nuclei in Hie outer nuclear layer '.l-E and I), and va c­
ihe retinal whitening in lhe macular area may clear com­
uolization of inner-se^ment layer of photo receptors farrow, 1^
plete ly, and central vision may be restored (I'igure Д.01Е'). paraphenylenediamine dyej.
in other instances, loss of cenlra! vision may be perma­ I and K: A 2fl-ybar-old m ale was FiLL in the lefL eye by a
nent and may be associated wilh no visible fundus change. cricket ball. The fovoa was gray-while from com m olio be I
moLlling of Lhe retinal pigment epithelium (RPH). migra­ maintained an acuity o f 2tV20. An ОСГТ through Lhe commo-
tion of pigment Into lhe overlying retina, or partial or f'ull- Lio shows edema i^nd increased refleclivity Harrow, Ki al Lhe
affected photoreceptors compared to lhe adjacenl unaffected
Lhickness macular hole formation (Figures E and li
receptors (arrow heads).
and 8.05). Jhe whitening in the peripheral retina may be
L: A darL penetrated Lhi-ь 11-year-old's sclera and choroid caus­
followed initially by pigment molding and later by atro­ ing a ciiojoidal and subretinaj hemorrfia^E and а ^my-white
phy of the R F t and migration of pigment inlo the over­ patch Ы commaLio (arrowl al its foveal edge, ipeclralis O C T
lying retina, producing a peripheral change thal clinically through the сотпгкЯю demonstrales lhe Lhkkening ot lhe l^'OS
and hislopalhologically simulates re Linit is pigmentosa junclion i.arrow1signifyinj^ irauma lo lhe pholoneceplors.
(Figure JJ.Q2F and F).l:-' iЪ .incl hi fruin >i j |□lj гI v cL t L 4, i I 97Д. A n * c,in M c il t i! Лън.и kilicm.
Fluorescein angiography typically shows no evidence All riiihils- гч'ькг^гч!..
of retinal vascular or choroidal permeability alterations
in the area of &edinrs edema (Figure 8.01С and D ].3r&r8v!f
Angiography occasionally sho^vs a iransienl leakage of dye photoreceptor ouler segments and acute damage lo the
from the retinal arterioles in the posterior pole or staining receptor cells (Figure tf.tflG and h )/ j6,ls О С I', if done dur­
at the level of lhe RFL [Figure fl.02Q .:u Following resolu­ ing (his stage, will show increased reflectivity of lhe photo­
tion of the outer relinal whitening, angiography may or receptor layer and sometimes small clear spaces suggesting
may nol show evidence of window defects in the ЙРЕ. disruption of the photoreceptors/' This loss of transpar­
Vitreous fluorophotometry usually shows no evidence of ency is associated with no or minimal extracellular or
breakdown of the blood -retinal barrier.-1 Oplical coher­ intracellular edema in Lhe retinal cells and wilh minimal
ence tomography (OCTj shows increased densily of (he damage to the chorlocapitlaris.',:" ' 1 Other changes may
pholoreceptor layers initially (Figure ti.OL |—L.).. followed by include breakdown of lhe outer blood-retinal harrier al
lucent areas If (he receptors show cell death followed by lhe level of the К I’Ll thal is usually re-established between
thinning of the receptor L a y e r . ' If the injury is mild the 7 and 14 clays,1 if only the outer segments of lhe recep­
receptors recover and the OCT findings resolve. Multifocal lor cells are involved, these will regenerate rapidly and the
elecrroretinogram (EiliC) shows depression of lhe ampli­ retina may regain its normal appearance and function.
tudes in the affected area which recover if the outer seg­ The OCT findings also normalise. A more severe contu­
ments regenerate or remain permanently affected if (he sion may cause contusion necrosis and atrophy of the
receptors do not recover."1Light and electron microscopic outer retina (Figure S.02G and il) and a macular hole. Ihe
studies of Herlill's edema in humans as well as that pro­ contusion damage lo the retinal receptor cells is probably
duced experimentally in animals have shown thal the caused by mechanical distortion of the retina by deform a-
outer retinal whitening is caused by fragmentation of the llon of the vitreous as well as hydraulic forces."'
® ®
-SLibretiniiJ hemorrhage caused by choroidal rupture may fl.02 Contusion necrosis of the retinal pigement
occasionally accompany Berlin's edema (see Chapter J). epithelium (RPE> and relina,
Trauma similar to lhal which causes Berlin's edema may A —C i This man suslh ined M uni Irauma and ■ . isual loss in lhe
also cause acute damage lo lhe KL’Li and serous delachmetiL ri^bl eye. Note ouler retina) w hilcn iп-н, and retinal and pre-
of (he macula [figure S.02CZ, and see Figure а.ОЛЛ-С), nelinal blood (A a r d ЕЗ!-. Angiography (C) showed eslensive
as well as acule tears in the ETEi.:" staining caused by necrosis of [he R FEr ни well as Evidence
or t u n ilin e a r ch o io id aI ruplure Underlying the blood.
D: PnslconluHion m ncular hole i.arrow .I aild relinal and RLnb
P O S T E R IO R C H O R O ID A L aLrophy т л 1^-yедг-о Id ш й п previously si ruck in Lhe eye
R U P T U R E (T R A U M A T IC wiLh а baseball.
E: .Macutar bole (arrowI adjacenL Го Lwo choroidal ruplunes.
C H O R O ID O P A T H Y ) 1 be bole did nor (lo se follow ing viLrecLomv wiLh internal
EimiLLn^ membrane peel due lo contraction o f tbe underlying
Acute contusion necrosis of Lhe RE1^ or, more frequently, Bruch's memhrane by Ihe choroidal ruplure.
a ruplure in Lhe inner choroid and !UJLi al lhe posterior F: Peripheral relinal and KL't dv^i'rcr.ilion t.uised by blunt
pole may cause a serous and/or hemorrhagic detachment trauma. N o le narrowing of Lho relinal vessels and migration
of the retina often in the macula or juxlapapillaTy region of pigrftent inlo lhe retina lairow: si mi 1лг Lo lhal seen in feLi-
(I'igure S .te ).1''12ё hi the case of contusion necrosis a nilis pigmenlosa.
Localized serous detachment of the relina occurs atud a:igi- C: Photomicrograph of Lhe foveal area shqMfing local loss of
receplor cells-, cyslic degeneration, and chorioreLinal adhe­
ography shoe's multiple focal areas of dilfusion of fluo­
sions (arrows! fo llrtyin g Irauma. The separalion of retina
rescein from the choroid across Lhe damaged RPB inlo the from Ihe Kl-’fc is probably arliladilious.
subrelinal fluid {Figure &,03A+Cj.2r 1^1Lowing resolution H : Photomicrograph of Lhe foveal area showing more severe
of the detachment, varying degrees of RP£ atrophy may poslcontusion atrophy of Ihe retina and КИЕ.
develop. Tears in the RPfc rftay he evident after j contusion I anti J: Appearance in a 15-yeaf-old I year afler Eilunt iniuTy
jhjury,39 When Lhe re is a choroidal rupture, lhe localized from a Ljollle rocket w hich left him wiLfi severe con I u hit m

subrelinal hematoma typically overlies and obscures the necrosis of lh e m acular retina and choroid U)_ Visual acuity
wan to u nl lingers ,H O.L> meLefs i2 toel.. O ptical coherence
rupture (figure 8.03D,]; in some cases, outer retinal xvhit-
tomo^rnplTV Of Ihe macula shows alnu-phic retina (Jl.
ening ( lier!in's edema) accompanies the choroidal rupture K: PicJure 2 monlhs afler an assaull in a 22-year-old male
(figure S.02K ).' [See discussion of contusion maculo- showing several choroidal ruptures, resolving subrelinal
pathy, Chapter S.) As the subrelinal blood disappears, the hemorrhages and organization into fibrous scars.
rupture involving the choroid and RPE becomes visible I I .lF id i, U i i H c J y u l U r . h n in c u R je C c h in : k . М ш г Н э - у o l
as a cur,-1]linear yellowish line wilh tapered ends concen­ IJr. Кш1 МатЬгвд Ir.l
tric wilh, bul often remotely Located from, the optic disc
[figure S.03L, G, E, and ]). lhe rupture typically involves
only the inner layers of the choroid hul may be full thick­
ness in some cases In many patients the choroidal rupture ophlhalmoscopically (Figure S.CJ3tr|. If the rupture involves
es outside the foveolar area and visual acuity often returns only the inner Layers, angiography will show large choroi­
to near normal. Occasionally a macular hole or evulsion dal vessels traversing the defect in the pigment epithelium,
of the optic nerve head may accompany an underlying linach's membrane, and choriocapiltaris (figjjje &.03K]
choroidal rupture.-'' :i Choroidal ruptures пиay occur after Angiography jnay demonstrate evidence of chorioretinal vas­
minor trauma in patients with angioid streaks (see figure cular anastomosis al the site of the ruplure (figure S.03I.J.
3.3fiL).I J -1J Histologically, the choroidal ruplure involves al least
Intravenous fluorescein is helpful in detecting choroi­ the choriocapitlaris, Bruch's membrane, and lhe R P f .
dal ruptures partly obscured by subrelinal blood or in (Figure S.0311).1” '" The inner layers of Lhe relina overlying
detecting small ruptures that may be difficult to visualize the ruplure may or may not be damaged.""1
Some patients ma\: develop visual Joss Within several (Ir03 Postco ntiltsi(in m acn lop at hy (cho roida I rupture).
months of years after trauma because of spontaneous
A—< : Venous jelinal deLachTimnl in lhe m acuJa noted imme­
bleeding or serous exudation from choroidal neovascu­ diate! у a[Stir severe Ыип1 contusion (o tbe rigfiL eye in a
larization a rising al lhe site of an old choroidal rupture 7-year-old girl. Anfjio^rams show evid en ce of multiple focal
(t-'igurv fi.03i and j)."' 1 ,|:' lhis neovascularization is areas of leaking of fluorescein from choToidal Vessels into Lbe
usually lype ]] ,ind often produces a pigment halo at the s tib rd iral iluid.
sile of ingrowth of lhe vessels into [he subsensory retinal D -F: Subm.acuJflT hemorrhage jrtfondaTy to chlOjoidal
rupture foll<Jwmy a contusion lo [he ri^hl eye in л youn^
space. Similar delayed neovascularization may occur at
adult Hi:. Several weeks Liter [he subreLinal bio<id has
tbe site of a choroidal rupture caused by the impact of an
cleared (Ej. Note [he small choroidal TupLure (arrowk
intraocular foreign body, or at a surgically produced cho­ ^jraograpby revealed i'luomscence in lhe region й( the с 1ш-
roidal perforation made during the course of scleral buck­ noidal rupture <Fj.
ling for retinal detachment.iJ Lxtensive organization of fj: Lar^e choroidal rupture in iic? pnpillomacuLLr bundle
subretinal blood may produce a variety of disciform scars, nu^ion o f .1 2 1-year-ofd man w h o experienced loss of vision
some of which may simulate a melanoma. several mtjrcLhs previously in if l automobile accident. The
visual acuiLy al lbe- lime of Ibis p h a lc ^ a p h was 20/'iD.
Gass has seen several patients who., following contu­
H : HlslO patholojy of a broad t boroidal rupture in tbe pap-
sion injury lo the head, have developed a typical ophthal­
illom acular bundle of another patient. Mote the hyperplasia
moscopic and angiographic picture of idiopathic central □f Lhe retinal piemen I epithelium at Lhe sile of lbe break in
serous chorioretinopathy within several days of the acci­ Bruch's membrane I arrow).
dent. Profcably these are patients predisposed Lo this dis­ I: A hemorrhagic detach men I o f lbe macu!a secondary lu
ease who, as a result of the emotional stress rather than l horOldal neovascu lari zal ion (агпмИ developing at lhe hire
direct trauma Lo the eve., develop a detach men! lhe prog­ of an old choroidal rupLuie in- a 34-yuar-old man who bad
sustained blu п-L Lra;uma lo Lbe eye 2 years prtetfjoudy. Al I tail
nosis for spontaneous recovery is excellent.11 15
Lime.. he had evidence ol a subrelinal hemorrha^t1 that bad
ни I sequent ly cleared. Approxim ately й weeks bfijfcre LEiis
phctlo^raph Lbe paLient experienced sudden loss of cenlral
vision in his left eye.
|-L: Serous deLachmenl of lbe mtina caused № Lyfwj II sub-
relinal choroidal neovascuEaJ- membrane I arrows I arising in
old chom tnal rupture.
Posterior C/tifjjtfriftJ jViici fi;,;jv‘ ‘tT rtn im fflc С i4urp i& rfttfh r/J 7 19
M A C U L A R C O M P L IC A T IO N S O F 8.114 Contusion injury to the peripheral retina and
A -F: Sdopetaria w ilJi rupture uf Ihe peripheral choroid and
C O N T U S IO N A N D R U P T U R E iujlina c.i used by л bill kit pa&jitig adjaccnl Lo Lhe eyth wall.
(S C L O P E T A R IA ) N ole Ihe stefiale choroidal rupluFes, scarring, and s-ubrelinal
□lood ^ te n d in g inlo Ihe m acUyi (A| from Lhe peripheral rite
Contusion and rupture of lhe peripheral choroid and oE с hori ordinal rupluna IH-). Sis months; JaLer: nolej the exten­
sive scarring porieri<*rlv and Ul a r d peripherally in the
relina caused Ъу л high-velocity missile striking or pass­
area c f relinal IE: artd choriojolinal ddfiistehdq .l:!.
ing close lo but not penetrating the globe {sdopetaria)
G - K : Delayed Ions ol virion OLCUTrLid in ihis yotERg w om an
Ё5 an infrequent manifestation of nonpenelraling ocular who developed ли ex-udalive njliital delachmen] it! caused
trauma/ 6 A large, often ragged retinal and choroidal by л peripheral lar sub reLin ;il m ass iH l several
break associated with surro Lin ding retinal while ning and years. followm jj a contusion injury Го lhe relirtn mfwolunnpn-
varying amounts of blood are the cardinal fundoscopic rally. The subnet ina I ex u d aLe resolved lo llowing Lransscleral
features (i'igure S.04A-FJ. The white sclera may be visible Lryopexy 11 and |j. 5i\ т о л Lhm later she noted mild melamor-
phopsia Laused I jv traction of an e p inelinaI membrane lhal
within ihe break. In spite of (he break in ihe relina, L'heg-
ever a period of several months parlfy peeled from the relinal
matogenous detachment occurs infrequently. Loss of mac­
surface fj ami Jt).
ular function may occur acutely because of extension of L: A lar^e /one rjf" relinal and relinal pigrnertl epithelium
tbe damage posteriorly [Figure 8.04 A), associated macu- atrophy w ilh bone corpuscular pigmental ion (arrows^ devef-
Ear holer,u or it may develop many months after the injury oped over a period of seW>ta! years following ал inferotem-
as a result of vascular proliferative and exudative changes pural conLusfon iп-jLiry In lhe right eye.
occurring within the peripheral scar (Figure S.04C-L). IL, сииМшу иГ 3>г. Млиг itt i . k.itib.i
I.ate fundus appearance is characterized by plaque-like
fibrous proliferation wilh variable amount of pigment
with scalloped margins, l he pathogenesis of lhe loss of tis­
sue seems to be partially from dissolution and partly from
retraction of lhe relinal and choroidal tissue.'1^ Ketinal
detachment is uncommon due to scouring and fibrous pro-
Eiferation lhal follow the injury.'^"’"'1
P O S T T R A U M A T IC M A C U L A R H O L E .U Tfatimalic macular hole.

A N D F O V E O L A R PIT A and R: Subnet=na! f^emtjrrhage,. macular hois faitCW, A.

Lind choroidal ruplunt? (arntiv- til caused Iзу -a blunt injury lo
Jhe foveolar pari of lhe relina is exLremety thin. and blunt Lhe суп1.
С: Mricular hole and choroidal rupture (atfowl in л 7-year-
Иа&ты may cause a full-lhickness mgtular hole by1either
ukl hoy previously slruck in the left eye.
one or a combination of mechanisms: ( I j contusion
D - G ; Large m acular hole and hrofid choroidal rupture in
necrosis: [2J subfoveal hemorrhage; and (3) vitreous trac­ я 35-year-old wom an 1DJ. Angiography repeated absence
tion. A macular hole may accompany or soon develop in Dt choriocapiITaris- but preservation -ol some a i lhe large
patients With severe Berlin's edema, with a subretinal hem­ choroidaE vessels (arrow,. Ej in the region ol the hole. Late
orrhage caused by choroidal rupture [tigune 8.L1S), or in angiograms showed fluorescein s-taining in lh e region of Lhe
a whiplash separation of the vitreous from the relina (see choroidaE rupture as w ell as at several areas of the hole (F>.
Thrrty-s-iж months later Lhe m acular hole had enlarged and
Chapter 7 for additional discussion of the pathogenesis of
Lwo additional holes bad developed superior Lo Ihe m-atula
macular hole).
(arrows, Cl.
Cenlral macular pits identical to those seen in patients H-K: im nll lamellar macular hole or piL ^arrmvi in the rignl
following sun gazing have been described following eye afijnulating solar гласиlopalhy :Hl and 1ulI-thickness niafu-
blunt trauma to lhe eye and whiplash injuries {llgure lar hole in Ihe left eye 11■of ,i 4b-year-old chronic aioohohi.
S.05] I ) . '1' i;i E.oss of visual function occurs infrequently as who had sustained multiple episodes ol trauma to both eyes.
Lhe resull of whiplash. The syndrome of whiplash mac-
ulopathy consists of a history of flexion-extension of the
head and neck trauma without direct eye injury-, imme­
diate mild reduction in acuity of no worse than 20/30 in nerve head, Which usually appears normal [E'igure S.OfrA.
one or both eyesr gray swelling of the foveal zone, and the H, Gr 11 and E.J. The while patches are localed mainly in
development of a 50-Ю0-| m-diameter foveolar pit. The the area surrounding the optic disc and often do not
retinal opacity disappears, and the acuity usually returns to extend into the center of Lhe macula. ETart of the retinal
20/2U, but the pit and its whitish borders remain. Iliere whitening appears to lie anterior to the retinal vessels. In
may be a slight posterior vitreous detachment, and there soute cases there may be confluence of the white patches
cnay be a micro-operculuan. Fluorescein angiography {I'igure 3.06G}. Fluorescein angiography in milder cases
either is normal or may show a Liny focal area of early may show leakage of dye from lhe retinal arterioles, capil­
hyperfluorescence.53 Grey described a similar pit develop­ laries, and venules in the area of the white retinal lesions61'
ing in three patients who experienced direct trauma to the and, in more Severe cases, may show evidence of arteriolar
eye and postulated that any agent, either physical or toxic., obstruction and leakage in the region of the white patches
that causes seleclive cenlral photoreceptor loss will give (I'igure jjjQ&C and E)J.':''r'6 Jhcse patches and hemorrhages
rise to the appearance of a cenlral foveolar pit. ■ ' Small pre- disappear, but the patient may be left with some loss of
foveal vitreous wisps* opencula, and full-thickness macular cenlral vision and oplic atrophy (figure 3.06E and E:).
holes are other changes that may be caused by trauma- 'lbe pathogenesis of Purlscher's retinopathy is con­
induced alterations al (he vitreous-macular interface.' " troversial. The white patches that are oflen referred Lo as
ihe tnechanism of traumatic macular hole could be a exudales are probably focal areas of ischemic retinal whit­
primary concussive break or dissolution of cells result­ ening. Angiographic findings of retinal aneriolar leakage
ing in a cystoid change that broke down leaving a defect. in some cases of Kerim's edema10 as well as in some cases
Spontaneous closure of traumatic macular holes is well of [:urtscher,s retinopathy"'-11'' suggest lhal acute endothe­
documented and hence waiting 4-6 months for this may lial damage related to trauma may predispose the retinal
prevent unnecessary surgery. i6"bl vascular tree to inlravascular coagulopathy or granulocytic
Patients with trauma-induced macular holes not associ­ aggregation'" that may be the cause of multiple arteriolar
ated wilh a large rim of relinal delachmenl. or if accompa­ obstructions. Air embolism in patients wilh chest com­
nied by pigment epithelial atrophy, are probably noL good pression1"' and fat eLTibolism in patients wilh long-bone
candidates for macular hole surgery because of contusion fractures"' have been implicated as causative factors in
damage to lhe retina surrounding the hole (see discussion some cases of E’unscheKs retinopalhy. The white retinal
of macular hole in Chapter 7}_f,J-< ?M
| infarcts, however, in fal embolism are usually smaller and
are often situated more peripherally in the retina.01'*"0
F U R T S C H E R 'S R E T IN O P A T H Y 'lbe characteristic restriction of the retinal lesions in
Purlscher's retinopathy to the posterior retina may be
lij Ilowing severe compression injury lo the head or trunk, related to the unique anatomy of Lhe blood supply of the
the patient may experience visual loss associated with a peripapillary and macular areas. Most of the relinal vessels
peculiar retinopathy in one or both еувь10 The char­ lie within the nerve fiber layer except for iwo capillary lay­
acteristic ophthalmoscopic findings in Purlscher's reti­ ers, one lying in the ganglion cell layer and the second in
nopathy include multiple patches of superficial retinal the inner nuclear layer with anastomosis between them.
whitening and retinal hemorrhages surrounding the optic A third capillary layer exists in the macula, lying between
these two layers, and a fourth layer of слрИIJirLe-s exists .О*-. T u rtsch e r's re tin o p a th y,
within the most superficial aspect of lhe nerve fiber iayer
A -F: Tinib 4 5 -year-old m an noted blurred vision riILct [аГЕ-
around the disc. Jh is fourth layer of peripapillary capillar­ injj out of a lacing lioal iriц at high speed. Visual acuity
ies extends for two disc diameters nasal to the disc and for was 2-0/30. Note patchy swelling o f Lhe relina surrounding
(bur disc diameters temporal to the discr although for only the optic nerve head (A). The w hile material appeared lo
one disc diameter along the horizontal meridian."1Uni ike Eie mostly anterior lo [he retinal vessels. Il was associated
Lhe other capillaries En the retina, the peripapillary capil­ w ilh superficial hemorrhage. N o le relative rirtjj. ol Lhe
macula IB). Ttiere were no Lesions in [he peripheral tundus.
laries have fexver feeding arterioles and fewer anaslamo-
AiteriovienouK-phase angiograms sfnowed I nek of filling and
ses. ' As a result they may be Enore susceptible to embolic
obscuration of the capillary bed in lhe region of the w hile
occlusion. HEstopa lho logic e\a mi nation of an eye 34 lesions (Cj and later showed evid en ce of fludresdeih Leakage
months nifter development of L’urlscher's retinopathy has into ltie relina (D). Ten days JaLer there had been considur­
demonstrated Inner retinal atrophy compatible with reti­ able clearing o f the retinopathy (El. Five months. Liter there
nal arterial occlusion." was mild lemporal pallor (F). Visual acuity was 2EV3D.
Л fundoscopEc picture virtually identical to lhal of ( j —E: This 23-year-oLd man was thrown Ircmri his car and slii;-
Lained л basilar and ethmoidal Гглс'ипе. Note the Jar^e area of
Purlscher's reti nopal hy may occur in palienls with ceEilral
iscbumic whitening and hematomas that probably lie benealb
retina] artery obstruction, acute pancreatitis. Eupus ery-
the internal limiting membrane fC and HJ. T lie left eye was
themalosusr dermalomyositls.. scleroderma, and amnEolic normal. S o le lbe sufwrficial jelini^l tear iarrow, 1) and traction
fluid embolism (see discussion in Chapter 6). lines extending through the гласи la approximately 5 weeks
|-L: This patient received cardiopulm onary resuscitation
R ET IN A L A N D V IT R E O U S following a motor vehicle accident. Bilateral subconfunc-
H E M O R R H A G E A S S O C IA T E D W IT H Lival hemorrhages w ilh prorating I ЬегтцаггЕиуе and neive
fiber irrfnrcts in Ihe right eye and peri pa pi I.Ja n 1 retinal w hit­
S U B A R A C H N O ID A N D S U B D U R A L ening and retina! hemorrhages in the left eye seen 2 weeks
H E M O R R H A G E (T E R S O N 'S □OsteMSrt. Visual acuily was 20/20 in lbe righL eye and 4/2 00
in Lhe lelt eye. H e had a Lefl traumatic optic neuropathy in
S Y N D R O M E )__________________________ addition and lhe vision remained at 6/200.

Jerson described vilreous hemorrhage occurring in |J—L, IUHjrifcrt 117 Dr I 1,1. I ^iLTntHir^, Ir.

patients with subarachnoid hemorrhage and attributed it

to л sudden increase in venous pressure lhal ruptures epi-
papillaiy and peripapillary capillaries.14’-7'* Others have intraretinal hemorrhages appear pelalloid with feathery
attributed the intraocular hemorrhages lo a rapid increase margins due lo dissection of blood into the outer plexl-
in intracranEa! pressure causing compression of the cen­ form layer [E'tgure 8.07G-]1. Intrarelinal and subretinal
tral retinal vein and its choroidal anasiomotEc channels/' bleeding occurs primarily from the oplic disc and retinal
Approximately 20% of palients suffering either sponta­ blood vessels, lilevated mounds of blood eElher beneath
neous or posllraumalic subarachnoid or subdural hem­ the internal limiting membrane of the retina or in lhe sub-
orrhages develop intraocular hemorrhages that in most hyaloid space may occur (]:igure En mosl cases
cases are confined to lhe juKlapapillaiy and macular areas ihese hemorrhages clear spontaneously and visual func­
(bigure Й.07А-1}]/41;1 Inlraretinal and subretinal bleed­ tion ts unaffected. Occasionally the vitreous hemorrhage
ing occurs primarily from the optic disc and retinal blood fails to clear and vitrectomy may be necessary lo restore
vessels. The intrarelinal hemorrhages can be superficial vision.llJ"e!’ The surgeon may find some evidence of reti­
or deep, blot or fiame-shaped. Often some of the deep nal blood ve&se] and RPE damage (Figure S.07E and I ).
Itie amount of blood in the eye is ttol necessarily related S.07 Terson's syndrome,
to lhe severity of lhe subarachnoid hemorrhage.^" A peri-
A - 13: This 4.i-year-old и ш д п noted v-isual bJurfiny in both
macular retinal fold may develop after resolution of ey&s soon after admission ha lhe hospital because til я sub­
the sub internal limiting membrane hematoma in some Arachnoid hemorrhage. NoLu lhe multiple darker supedicial
patients/ Eipi retina I membrane in the macula is lhe most hubinternnl limiting m e m b ra n e relinal hemorrhages ■arrow.,
common sequela of'E'ersons syndrome but is nol associ­ fighter ^ubnliital hefticfrrfiHgpS, and opiic disc edema in bcuh
ated wilh visual morbidity."'"' Because severe p ro liferate eyes lA-C:. Fluareajcpin angiography revealed evid en ce of
opiic disc edema |D).
vitreoretinopalhy occasionally develops, patienls should
E and F: Hi is 50-year-old man experienced an acule hyper­
be monitored periodically with ultrasonography while
tensive crisis, headache, neck pain, and coma. Fresh superfi­
awaiting clearance of lhe blood, and prompt vitrectomy cial jjEobuEar ju>tapapi!lary hemorrhages w ere noted in bolh
carried out if needed."^ eyes. Six days Ealer he had bilateral dense vitreous hemor­
'ierson's syndrome is seen Tvilh ruptured aneurysms rhages. O v e i Lhe subsequent b увдг* his vision was hand
(i'igure 8.07G-J), arteriovenous malformations, head mol ions o nly because of Lhe persistence o f the vilreous
trauma, including gunshot injuries, post epidural injec­ blood. W h e n seen at Ihe Kascom Hi Ime г Eye Inslilute neither
fundus could he visualized because ol old vitreous blood.
tions, and post endoscopic ventricular colloid cysl removal
He had л vitTBctolrry in both eyes. I^jsloperatively, his visual
and dissecting aneurysms of the vertebrobasilar sys­
acuily in the rijjhl eya was 20/25 and in Ihe left eye was
tem.'' ' 1Children with subarachnoid hemorrhage are less 20/40. The righl fundus was nofmal except for hypertensive
likely to develop vitreous and retina! hemorrhages com­ relinal arterial narrowing and two white choroidal vessels in
pared lo adults. Ihis may be due Lo belter resilience of Lhe m acular area iE: . In Lhe lefl fundus, similar <horoidal ves­
the vessels in children compared lo adults. sels w ere associated w ilh a zone o f retinal pigment epi 1ЬеП л I
alrophy in- the macula (J-:.
G —|: This 4В-уеамэ№ man developed sudden severe head­
H E M O R R H A G IC M A C U L O P A T H Y ache and losl consciousness transiently w hile driving his
C A U S E D BY S U B A R A C H N O ID A N D Irudc. He was difficult Lo rouse when examined in tfie emer­
gency room. Л computed tomography scan Erf the head
E P ID U R A L IN jE C T JO N S showed subarachnoid hemofrhage itnd ma^nelic resonance
angiography confirmed an anterior com m unicating arlw y
Patients may develop multiple scotomas caused by retinal aneurysm. His visual acu ily was 20/70 in lhe night eye and
hemorrhages in one or both eyes tmmediately after lhe 20/20 in lhe lefl eye a I Lhe hedside. when examined after
injection of oxygen inlo the subarachnoid space during a coil was placed in lhe aneurysm. Multiple preretinaE and
the course of myelography,''11 or following epidural injec­ deep retinal hemorrhages, some o f which were petaEloid
tion of corticosteroids for relief of back pain.'17'’^ These in Lhe о и lei plexiform layer1 ,, w ere seen in lhe rijjht eye I Cl
and H l fhe lefL eye iiarf a few deep relinal hemorrhages.
hemorrhages often occur as the result of bleeding from
Note similarity o f the dislnbuLion of lh e iiemorrhniges lo lhal
the deep relinal capillary plexus and cause a pelalloid pat­
shown in Figures B.07K and L and в. OS A and №. Ten weeks
tern of blood with tapered edges centrally surrounding Ia Lei his vision was slill .20/70 in lEie righl eye, and the hem­
the center of the macula. Sudden elevation of the cerebro­ orrhages w ere clearing, w ilh a residual small proretinal hem­
spinal fluid pressure and elevation of retinal venous pres­ orrhage o u t his fovea ijl. O ptical coherence tomography
sure are the most likely explanations for the hemorrhages, confirms :he proretin-al location of lhe hemorrhage anti rules
some of which may occur from lhe superficial as well as out a m acular hole ■:!.

the deep retinal capillaries in a pattern similar to that seen Idiopathic unilateral deop retinal hemorrhages.
in i'erson's syndrome, lhe prognosis for the spontaneous К and L: U nilaleral visual loss an il mu I Li pie deep reLi-
return of normal visual function is good. naE hemorrhages occurred in the left eye of this otherwise
heallhy young adull who j^ave no history of Irauma or ifl-
ness. NoLe Lhe pelalloid arran$=omenL of lhe hemorrhages Lhal
P O S T C O N T U S IO N й ro t ably are localed in lhe outer plexiform layer.
N E U R O R E T IN O P A T H Y I К .ммI I.. Cuu-rtfciy ul J>r. ,V. n.i'icL’ li.iEjb.i

lllunl trauma to lhe eye or periorbital region may cause

acute visual loss associated with a swollen optic disc, and
optic disc and retinal hemorrhages that are usually con­ and following epidural injections. A sudden elevation in
fined to the posterior fundus (ligure fl.OSA-Cj. Some of the cenlral retinal venous pressure caused by the trauma is
the blood is derived from lhe deep plexus of retinal blood presumed lo be important in the pathogenesis of the optic
vessel^ And may extend inlo the outer plexiform layer of disc and retinal hemorrhages. A similar pattern of in tier
Henle to form a radiating pattern centrally, lhe fundus and outer retinal hemorrhages occasionally occurs unilater­
picture may simulate lhal seen in patients with papillo- ally in healthy patients, wilh no explanation for them (see
phlebitis, with lerson's syndrome (see I'igure 3.071]-]), I'igure S.07K acid I.).
fi.00 P o s tc o n tu s io n h e m o rrh a g ic ne tiro re tin o p a th y.
S H A K EN - B A B Y S Y N D R O M E
A-С: This young wom an experienced lass of vis-ron aller
Shaken-baby syndrome results from severe shaking of being s-Etoned ayainsl a wall. Note ihe swollen optic disc,
infants, oflen as a form of punishment. rlhe signs and and s LifJt'rlit: iiiJ and d w p relinal hemorrhages, w h k ti gradu­
symptoms are nonspecific and may mimic infection, ally d e a rth . Vlild opIiL atrophy was assoc ia led w ilh 20/50
intoxication, or metabolic abnormalities. Ihese include acu ily.
(1) bradycardia, apnea, and hypothermia; (2) lethargy; S h a k e n - b a b y s y n d ro m e [n o n a c c id e n ta l trau m a )
irritability. seizures, hypotonia, full or bulging fonta­ D and E: Shalffin^oaby syndrome w ilh m ultiple supndicial
nel k, and increased head size; [3] scattered superficial n 1! in ci I hemorrhages; farrow, [J in a ti-rnonth-old in-fanl.
retinal hemorrhages, dome-shaped subinlenia] limiting F: Photornic^feadh of subinLuTnal limiting membrane hem-
membrane or suhhyaloid hematomas, and cotton-wool □IThajje in an iril'di>L who died Ol coinpi-l it:л.(':с.5-пs of thлken-
patches; and (4J skin hruises.'' 111 A history of a recent baby syndrome.
G and H : Gross findings in a 42-tveek-aId infanl with exten­
minor accident or shaking in an effort lo resuscitate may
sive intrarelinal ttemgjrhageb and papiIIedema [G ) and blood
he obtained in some cases. 'Ihe retinopathy may simulate
in lbe perineural shealb of lbe apliL nerve (ап-ow,. Hi. Sim ilar
[hat seen in Terson's syndrome, I’tirtscher's retinopathy, or changes were present in bolh eyes.
central reltnaI vein occlusion (E'iguie S.OESD-L). [.ate fun- I and J: } 'hoLr>m i crugriaphs of another phys'ta lly abused
d<racopic changes include a circular retinal fold that may infant with gross findings similar lo G and H in botb eyes.
create a crater-like depression in the macula and traumalic N o le peripapillary subnojnaj bEood upp*?r arrow, 11 and
retinoschisis.H?L' Lt''i ]0:t ll,| M’ ]he circular retinal fold may hemorrhagic infarct ion of lbe reLina ■! . 1here was bEood in
Lhe subaradm oid and subdural space: dow er arrow. I) in bolh
he a product of abrupt xilreoretinal iraclion associated
with shaking,11,1 vitreous traction after partial separation
К and L: KeLina' hemorrhages are widespread and exlend up
of the vitreous in the central macular region,11 or contrac­ Lo lhe ora serrala. W idespread uxLenl of relinal and prerelinal
tion of the in ten t] limiting membrane or the posterior hemorrhages rJoe.Lrmonted on Kelcam images (L).
hyaloid membrane after resolution of a subinternal limit­
ing membrane or sub hyaloid hematoma. Laboratory find­
ings include bloody cerebrospinal fluid and subdural lap
anti, in almost all cases, computed tomographic evidence the optic nerve- (l:igure j | L p s F - J ] |(||.]СЧ-ИЫ1?. пя -]^f su^_
of al least one of the following: subdural hemorrhage, dural and subarachnoid hemorrhage in the oplic nerve
subarachnoid hemorrhage, or cerebral contusion. 1" 'lhe may be subtle and the only manifestation of the shaken-
prognosis is poor, and many children are left with severe baby syndrome. Special stains for iron may be helpful in
neurologic and develop men La] defects, including visual delecting evidence of previous blood in these areas occur­
deficits and in some cases blindness. ring many monlhs before the eyes are obtained at autopsy.
The histopathologic findings in the eyes of these The finding of retinal hemorrhages in a child with sus­
patients revea] evidence of intraretinal blood, subhyaloid pected injury is more likely to be caused by shaking than
and subinternal limiting membrane hematomas, as well by blunt trauma,'''1-1'*1-1'-' 11s and it is an important predic­
as blood in lhe subdural and subarachnoid spaces around tor of neurologic injury.113
ShnJcriT-WilklH urrj 729
R ET IN A L V E S S E L R U P T U R E Valsalva retinopathy^

A S S O C IA T E D W IT H P H Y S IC A L A—С : This healthy 5?-year-old m yopic w om an developed

sudden onseL of blurring of vision of lhe righL eye after sev­
E X E R T IO N (VALSALVA eral EjouEs of vom iling ГсзI low ing food poisoning. Shy had a
R E T IN O P A T H Y ) relinal detach menL in I his repaired by а scleral buckle pre­
viously. Нет visual acuity w as 2(У40 with extensive ch oro i­
A sudden rise in inLrathoracir or inlra-abdominal pressure- dal hemorrhage iA and Hi. Four w eeks later Ihe hemorrhage
had cleared com pletely and 1he* visual acuity returned lo
particularly iisl a closed glottis [Valsalva's maneuver)
during lifting, bowel movement, coughing, or vomiting,
D and E: This youny man, who was on a respirator because
may cause a rapid rise of intravenous pressure within lhe of acule respiratory distress syndrome of unknown cause,
eye and spontaneous rupture of superficial relinal capil­ experienced I os-5 of central vision in Ehe left eye. He was
laries in otherwise normal eyes or in eyes associated with referred 1o the eve clin ic because of a suspecled inlnaotular
acquired relinal vascular аЬпогпыIities (diabetic or hyper­ parasile. \ o te Ihe superficial retinal blood lhal probably lies
tensive retinal angiopathy) or congenital retinal vascular beneath the inLernal limiting n tm h n m e (Dl. Angiography
revealed no relinal or choroidal vascular abnorm ality 1EJ. The
disease (relinal telangiectasis and congenital relinal artery
E)iood clearer], ап-d lhe visual acu ily returned to normal.
tortuosity) [E'igure h .o y )."1'" 1-4. Sudden loss of vision may
F and G : Ib is 56-year-old man was Iifling a Eieavy box w hen
result from hemorrhagic detachment of the internal limit­ he suddenly losL cenlral vision in his ri^hl eye 3, monLhs
ing membrane, vitreous hemorrhage, or. if bleeding occurs before examination at Hascom Ralmer Eye Institute. His local
near the foveal region, dissection of blood beneath the physician suspected an intraocular cysticereus larva. Visual
relina. lhe aulhor has seen one moderate myope develop acuity was ^Ll/200- Nole Ihe paras itc-i ike shape of lhe suEnn-
extensive choroidal hemorrhage following violent inces­ ternal limiliiTg membrane blood IF . Angioyraphy revealed no
evidence of retinal vascular change (GX
sant vomiting (I'igure Ь.ОУА and b}. ihese patients typi­
H and I: Serous and hemorrbaytc detachment of (be internal
cally have a circumscribed, round or dumbbell-shaped,
Limiting membrane of lhe retina in a 33-year-old man who
bright red mound of blood beneath the internal limiting experienced sudden loss of vision during a. bout of vomiting
membrane in or near the central macular area (I'igure IH). Visual acuity was 2Q/B0. Tbene was no other evidence of
6.0У1}, b H, and J). A glistening light reflex ts present on relinal vascular disease. Three monLhs later a shallow serous
the surface. A few fine striae indicative of wrinkling of lhe delachmenl of the internal limiting membrane remained I .
in ten t! limiting membrane may be present on (tie surface Vis ua I 4icui(y was 20/1 5.
J: This .30-year-old wom an had a cardiac anesl during sur­
of the hematoma. I'arL of the blood turns yellow after sev­
gery on her Liand. Cardiac resuscilation was successful and,
eral days, lhe shape and color of these lesions may sug­
when she regained consciousness 2 days laler. she noted
gest an intraocular parasite (E'tgure 8.03D and Ei). A fluid bluned vision in the right eye. Three weeks Ealer hw visual
level caused by settling of the formed blood elements may acuily in Lhe right eye was 20/40. Ijhe had a subinlernal lim­
develop soon after the hemorrhage (Ktgure Й.0У1Е and |). iting membrane hemaloma in Lhe m acula and blond in Lhe
As the blood resolves, lhe serous detachment of the inler- vitreous interiorly in lh e righl eve ц]. The LefL eye was nor­
rmE limiting membrane may persist for several days or mal. W iih in 4 months lhe blood cleared and her acuily
returned Lo 20/20.
weeks (E:igure Й.0УЕ).1" Spontaneous reattachment occurs,
К and L: Иге and posl Yaj} iaser disruption of subhya.loid
and the appearance of lhe macula and visual acuity usu­
hemorrhage to speed up resolution.
ally return to normal.
Occasionally a Small (less than one disc diameter}, К and L.. <uu rlusy cl Or. Suj .1 n iMulinoiUSki

roundr prerelinal hemorrhage centered in the foveal area

occurs.'■'n 'Ihe surface may show multiple yellow-wbtie
dots simulating that of a strawberry (see figure &.0У1}). membrane hemorrhage and prereLinal hemorrhage identi­
its surface usually does not show a reflex suggestive of lhe cal to Lhal fust described occasionally occur in the normal
presence о fan internal limiting membrane. It may repre­ individual in the absence of a clear-cut history of unusual
sent a small nimounL of blood lying between the internal exertion or Valsalva's maneuver 1,!i |!J !iome pal tents may
Limiting membrane and the posterior hyaloid interface. En have evidence of retinal vascular disease, for example dia­
addition, patienls with these small central Lesions often betes or hypertension (figure 6.26C,]. Other apparently
have a thin layer of blood lying beneath lhe relina in (he healthy palients may give a history of multiple previous
pa и macular area. Complete recovery of vision usually episodes of loss of central or paracentral vision secondary
occurs spontaneously. Jn unusual circumstances where a to spontaneous reliLtal hemorrhages Their family mem­
subinternal limiting membrane hematoma is responsible bers may give a similar history.1-1 lortuosity of the sec­
for visual loss in the patient's only normally functioning ond- and Lhird-order retinal arterioles may or may not be
eye, neodymium-VAC iaser disruption of the internal lim­ present in these patients with a familial history (E'igure
iting membrane allowing the blood to gravitate into lhe 6.01A-C). No specific hematologic disorder has been
inferior vitreous cavity may restore central vision more described in this condition, which is probably inherited as
promptly [E'igure 8.03К and E.].1^ '1:MSubinternal limiting an autosomal-dominant trail. Recovery of vision is the rule.
E V U L S IO N O F T H E O P T IC D IS C fl. It) E v u ls io n o f th e o p tic n e rv e h e a d .

A —D: l^rtial evulsion of the optic nerve head in a man w h o

A forceful backward dislocation of the optic nerve from suslai ned sudden loss o i v ision in I fie left eye during a b raw l.
the scleral can at can occur under several circumstances, H i5 visual acuity was 3/300. Therm was a large, jjjray,. optic
including: [1] extreme rotation and forward displace­ pil-Iike depression 'arrows-, A ' involving the temporal half of
ment of the globej [2] penetrating orbital injury caus­ the optic disc. rhene was ju'dapapiltary relinal and suhreLi-
ing a backward pull on the optic nerve; or [3] sudden I:i|г . Лi:;.:,i■Mj.r.iph'.'d ; i 1.k i :iIi:шч1:ii:.iI ; r k r\
in [he area ot the partly evulsed optic disc (B and t_', steneoJ.
increase in intraocular pressure causing a rupture of the
Eleven years later extensive libro^lial proliferation obscured
Eamina crib гола.: 11 13 This ] alter mechanism might be
lhe optic nerve head from W ew i.L)).
more appropriately termed "expulsioEr rather than "evul­ E nnd F: Contusion necrosis and pari i л I evulsion ot" the infe­
sion." In all cases a Lear in the lamina cribrosa and nerve rior half of the optic nerve head in лгт й-year-old boy imme­
fibers al the disc margin occurs, this tear may be partial diately alter the injury (E) and 4 months Eater ( f J.
or complete and may be associated with massive intraoc­ G Hind H: Severe evt.lsion ol lhe o piic nerve head and contu­
ular hemorrhage (E-'igure tf.!0G and JE) or only minimal sion necrosis o f the surrounding relina.
1: F’erforaling w ound ot" the eye simulating a partial evu l­
bleeding (Figure 3 .ЮА-С.. К, and I'}.1' ' In the latter case
sion of the opiic nerve head in a 6-year-old hoy w ho was
Lhe dark, pit-1ike deformity caused by a partial evulsion
hit in the eye wiLh a homemade saietv-piri dart iha) entered
may simulate an optic pit (I'igure 8.10A). 1 Visual loss the eye adjacent lo the inferior limbus, missed lhe lens., and
from these in juries is usually Over a period of weeks perforated 1he juslapapillary eye w all (arrow). The child
or monlhs, fibroglial proliferation obliterates the cavity w ithdrew the darl him hell. B js visual acuiLy was ^Q/2ti0. Two
caused by the evulsion (Figure S. КЮ ). monLhs later he develofied cells, flare, and keratilic precipi­
A penetrating injury of the optic nerve bead may simu­ ta les in the opposite tiye.

late a partial evulsion (I'igure 8. Ш1). D e c o m p r e s s io n re tin o p a th y

j and К: Л JiQ-year-oJd on first posloperalive day wjth reli­
O C U L A R D E C O M P R E S S IO N nal and pnerelinal hemorrhages followmji [rnlHJCuleclomy
with mitomycin С for elevated intraocular pressure second­
R E T IN O P A T H Y ________________________ ary to herpetic trabeculitis (J], ALE hemorrhages resoEved in
2 months anti vision improved lo 20/40 with pinhole :К
Some patients following glaucoma surgery will develop L and M ; A 69-year-old hij;h myope Caucasian w om an
superficial and deep retinal hemorrhages as a result of the developed retinal and pnerelinal hemorrhages noted first
pressure lowering - (Figure S. 10] and I.). Most often, even postoperative day follow ing trabeculectomy with mito­
though there is an increase in the retinal and choroidal m ycin С for primary open-angle glaucom a ft.. Her pne-
blood flow due to the sudden low intraocular pressure; ret­ operalive intraocular pressure was 46mm and dropped lo
6 mm on day 1 postoperaLiveiy. She also had puripheral cho­
inal bleeding is not seen. Elowever, if the increased blood
roidal deLadmicnls. O ptical coherence lomojjraphy shows
flow is excessive, autoregulation of retinal vesseEs cannot
Increased refEectivily from the superficial foveal Eremorrhage
tolerate the volume, which overwhelms the capacitance and shadowing posterior lo it (Mf. A ll relrnaE hemorrhages
of the capillary bed and retinal veins, resulting in retinal resolved in 2 monlhs.
bleeding. A sudden decrease in intraocular pressure also ij лг.-Л К, cuu rlus-y о Г 3>r. Kr.iucLh U n c h l i ; L ^iri(J M . L u u rlc sv ('I LJi i . к И н ч
induces forward shifting of the lamina cribrosa and acule kjmrrter. I
blockage of axonal transport. litis indirectly compresses
the central relinal vein and precipitates hemorrhagic reti­
nopathy resembling a retinal vein occlusion [Figure S. 10|
Some of ihe hemorrhages itiay be white-centered. '['he £U E Intraocular foreign bodies,
visual acuily is typically unaffected by these с Ь л о ^
A: Metallic fipleign body lying on lbe inner retinal surface.
unless a significant central retina I vein occlusion occurs." B: |u4bapapillдту piymenled tumur that was; suspected lo be
я melanoma. An tjrb-iC^I rtj^ptgehoyгзп^-, however, revealed a
IN T R A O C U L A R F O R E IG N B O D IE S meLallic foreign J>ody wiLhin lhe pigmented masii.
С—E: A juslapapillary pi^mcnled mass that was diagnosed as
.1 choroidal melanoma and lbe eye was enucleated. Gross
Л great variety of foreign bodies may penetrate the ocular
wall and become lodged wilh in the choroid and relina. [n phq^dgraphs show thy mass Iлnows, Cl. H^btomicr-oafaphs
show the juxlapapillary mass that lies within the sclera and
most instances Lheir idenUAy is known and measures for
choroid Ь еп Ш lhe atrophic геМпл (Dj. It stained positively
removal are often undertaken promptly, [n some cases... for iron Fira calcium, anti pdlarjiation (E) vev^ld evidencia
however, the invasion of the foreign body may nol be 0I hemosiderin. These changes probably resulted from lhe
recognized Lin til months or years later, when the patienL impact And subsoquenl distnlegr^lofi ot an unsuspected iron
experiences signs or symptoms related to breakdown of (□reign body.
Lhe foreign body (e.g., siderosis or chalcosis; Figure: S .]IB. F-H: Intra(.jcuIiir iron foreign tiodv suslained while hammer­
C. lr and j) or when a mass lesion in the fundus is dis­ ing on metal. Stereoscopic angiogram shows elevation at Lhe
covered on rouline eye examination (figure S.ILB-L).
silo of lhe embedded foreign body lhal was slil] presenl fol­
lowing .in atlempl Iо remove It afltN pare plana v il reclomy
Occasionally it may simulate a melanoma and resuEt in and lensticlomy.
removaE of the eye (figure JJ.llH - Ji].11-5-3,18, |Г,и Jhe use of 1 and |: (Ihalcos:s in ei 40-year-old schizophrenic man w h o
ultrasonography, radiography, and electroretinography in had visual acuity of 20/25, a mild sunflower cataract (]}, mild
mass lesions of uncertain etiology can reduce the chances ^Iritis, dnd yello w mass in lh e иjperolem poral fluadi^m of
of this mistake {J:igure S .]IB ), lhe late development of the lefl eye lj). There was no history of a foneign-body injury
subretinal neovascularization occurring at a foreign-body and no sile of entry was found. O rbilal roenlgenugram
revealed a foreign body that proved lo be brass after removal
impact site may occur '' (see Chapter 9).
via 1he pars plana.

K --L, К ч п е ! Z iir im L T iiM n .' It f b .i, Л п i l t k ah M ' ' i l i : ■>' :iJ L ir i.

All n^hils генлимГ.
C H O R IO R E T IN O P A T H Y A N D 8. 12 Co nip Iic alio ns of retro bn Iba r ane sIh esia.

O P T IC N E U R O P A T H Y A S S O C IA T E D A —D: O c u la r perforation with a needle occurred during

Iосп I aneslliesia in Lhis- eldedv Woman sch edu led for catarafl:
W IT H R E T R O B U L B A R IN JE C T IO N S e n a c tio n . i>he noled л dark violaceous spoL at l.he lime of
the relroE>ulbar infection rind pour сил Ira I vision pqstflpera-
Acute visual loss may be associated with retrobulbar local Livojy. Three weeks Iл lei her via ил I acuity in Lhe I el I eye was
anesthetic injections. ЧЪеге are a variety of mechanisms 20'300. There was лп enl ranсe sile inferiorly and лп esiL Kite
causing visual loss. Ihese include penetraLlon of Lhe eye jusl superior to Lhe center of (he гласи Id |arrows, A and Bf.
wall, IS2"]SS penetration of the optic nerve, ]5SrlST^“ com­ Ten months laLer her visual acuity in Ih e right eye was 5/200.
pression of the optic nerve, intra-arterial injection of anes- There was evidence pf nubrtilinal nyovascjlarizaLion sur­
rounding lhe езд sile (C and L>j.
theslag and spasm of the central relink I artery (figure
E and F: Com bined central reLina! artery and cenlral relinal
S .]2). "" In cases of perforation of the eye the sile of exit vein o c c a s io n Was presen L on lhe lirsl day л Пет cataract sur­
is often visible in the posterior pole and is associated with gery under locnl nneslhesja.
variable amounts of intraretinal, subretinal, and vitreous G and H: This patienl noled marked visual loss on Lhe firsl
blood {Figure S. \2Л and IS}. Retinal detachment, vitreous pu-.loperHlive day лПет calaracl ojilraclion done several
traction, and subretinal neovascularization may occur as monLhs before ibete p holographs were taken. K o la рлИог
Eate complications {I’igure &. !2A-D). E’enetralion of the [)t lhe oplic disc and narrowing лnd cuffing ol Lhe interior
branch relinal arteries. Angiography revealed a large interior
optic nerve sheaths may be associated with intrasheath
zone ot" capillary nonporfus-ion (fHi.
injection, brains Lem anesthesia, respiratory a r r e s t , 10L' I: Subretinal And inlraviCreal depu-prednisolone to I lowing л
and anterior extension of the anesLhetic into the subretinal scleral buckling procedure.
space.1 " Intrashealh infection as well as infection into I — L: This hypertensive wom an noted loss of vision in this
the optic [terve may cause occlusion of lhe cenlral retinal eye during the course ol cataract extraction. O n the first
arleiy and vein.1" 1161 or severe ischemic op Lie neuropa­ postoperative day her visuaF acuity was li^hl perception only
thy (Figure a.12Ji-L). Risk facLors include: sharp needles, and the fundus showed a picture simulating I'UMschar's reLr-
tiopathy. rbe visual function gradually improved and several
needles longer than 1.25 inches [3.17 cm),. axial myopia,
monLhs Jaler her vibLial acuity wns JjWattJ. There was mild
multiple injections, injections by nonophthalmologlsts, oplic alrophy ■! and K)_ H ealed lasur scars aroim d Lbe site of
enophtbalmos, previous scleral buckling procedure, tradi­ perforation ii).
tional superonasal gaze position during the Infection, and
poor patient cooperation.1 Use of blunted retro­
bulbar needles 1.25 inches (3.17cm) or Less in length and
injection with the eye In the straight-ahead position may
be helpful in preventing visual loss.1 Ii3 permanent visual loss.:5- The author has seen one patient
Penetration of the anterior ocular coals during peri­ who susiaiLted immediate loss of vision associated with
bulbar anesthetic Injections, particularly with sharp, small- subreLlna! injection of Xylocalne and epinephrine local
gauge needles, may occur and often is unassociated with anesthetic (see ]:igure 9J4L-J.J
P H O T IC M A C U L O P A T H Y 8. 13 Solar maculopathy.

A-D: l b is lfr-year-nld boy n o te d b lu rre d v is io n in bcitfi

light may cause damage Lo retinal tissues by means of eyefi H )o n At'ter h a v in g fjaz e d at the sun. W h e n seeh in it ia lly
three basic mechanisms: photochemical, pholocoagu- bis v is u a l A c u ity w a s 2 W i0 in the ri^ h l e y e And 20^100 in
lative, and mechanical. []hotochemical damage lh e lefl e y e . H o bad а ыпа1 I y e lle w spel in the fo veal t e n ­
occurs when light of the visible spectrum.. particularly ter Ol" b o th eyes 'A j. H u o r e s t e in a n g io g ra p h y w a s flOrmafci
T h irte en w e e k s laler, v is u a l A c u ity w a s 2O /20 in the rii^hl e y e
the blue end, causes photochemical changes and retinal
an d 20/ \0 0 in lh e let! e y e . In lb e t e f lt e r et b o lb f o v e is ih e re
injury without significantly raising lhe tissue tempera­
wah a s h a rp ly c iT c u m s trib e d in n er ]д т е П а г h o le IB And C .
ture. J^hotocoagulation occurs when light generates a tem­
I w e m o n th s later lb e pi Is h a d e n la rg e d n lig h lly d J ) a n d Гh ey
perature of more than I0 °b above body temperature and re m a in e d u n c h a n g e d 7 year:, Lite r w h e n b is v is u a l A c u ity
causes coagulation of retinal proteins. Mechanical injury was- 2 0/1 5 rn I b e righl e y e a n d 2 D/20 in I h e left e y e .
is caused by acoustic waves or gaseous formation afler E ;and F: Lar^e foveoUr pi Is many years After sun £ja.zin.L;. The
rapid tissue absorption of light. Many factors, including paLierU's visual atu ilv was 2Q/30.
pigmentation, clarity and nature of the media. WanrtdprigLft G —|: A 20-year-old m an with bipolar disorder on an tipsy-
t holies. Visual acuity was 2Л'30 in eath eye. Kolh macula
of light, dose rate, and body temperature, a re important in
hhuw central yellow change and H i w ilh corresponding
determining lhe nature of lhe injury
pholoruceplof disruption on optical coherence Еопч)^глрЬу
f! and | .
Solar Retinopathy
']he terms "solar retinopathy,D "eclipse bums," and "foveo-
macuiar retinitis,” which most authors believe aFe synony­
mous, refer lo a specific foveolar lesion that occurs: ( I )
in certain palients following viewing of an eclipse1" ! ■; loss of the retinal receptors.|:ii |й О СП' is invaluable
12] after direct sun gazing by lookouts,1' ' sunbathers,' ' 1 in demonstrating the focal loss of phoLoreceptors with?
malingerers,' '■1,6 or schizophrenics1' (J5J as part of a sharply circumscribed edges (figure 8.131 and ]. 8. I4C and
religious ritual"^'3' 4; (4] in young people under the influ­ H). It is permanent and is highly suggestive of previous sun
ence of hallucinogenic agents, particularly i.SL> [Figures gazing. Similar lesions, however, may occur after sponta­
S.J3 and fl.J4 )l:iU' r '-: and (5} in patients, typically chil­ neous vitreous separation, usually in palienls 50 years or
dren or young adults, who deny a history of unusual expo­ older (see discussion of macular holes, Chapter 7), and in
sure to sijtfi. Those who admit lo sun gazing often si) me patients after whiplash-tike injuries (see figure S.05
develop, soon after exposure, a central scotoma, chronia- Jl, p. 7 2 2 ).^
topsia. meta morph ops ia, and headache. The visual acuily Jn some palients sustaining prolonged or repeated
is reduced to 20/40 to 20/70. In most cases visual acuily exposures, particularly those under the influence of hallu­
returns lo between 20/20 and 20/40 within a period of cinogenic agents, a larger lesion with mottling of the RI1!:
3-6 months.1 1 may occur (Figure 8 .13A}.11''- lriL| Possible factors predis­
During the first few days afler exposure a small yellow- posing lo macular damage from the sun include younger
white spot wilh a surrounding faint gray zone develops in age (lens clearer), pupil dilation, relative emmetropia.
the center of the foveolar area (Hgure tf.l3Aj. This spot high body temperature, and geophysical conditions allow­
fades after several days and is replaced by a reddish spot ing increase in the atmospheric transmission of ultraviolet
with a pigmenL halo. After approximately 10-14 days this И radial ion to the barth's surface.
oflen fades from view and is usually replaced by a small fluorescein angiography in most patients shows no
(25-50|jm), reddish, sharply circumscribed, oflen irregu- abnormality during either the early or the late phases of
Early shaped, faeeLed Lime 11аг hole or depression in the the disease. In a few patients seen within the first 48 hours,
foveolar area (I'igure S. 13B—J:). I his defect may lie imme­ a small focal area of staining may be present. Days lo
diately beneath or just adjacent to the foveal reflex that is weeks later there may be a small spot of hyperfluorescence
typically present. It is not associated with an overlying caused by a window defect in the BPE. '['lie presence of
operculum or evidence of posterior vitreous separation. Kanthophyll pigment in the foveal area may be responsible
Occasionally the diameter of this pit may be ]00-200|im for the difficulty in demonstrating angiographic evidence
(I'igure 8 J 3 E and F ). Ihis pit is probably caused by focal of minor JtE4i damage in these cases.
There is experimental evidence to suggest that the blue S. 14 Probable solar burn.
wavelengths оГ light are chiefly responsible Гог produc­
A - H : rh i-s 42-yea r-ol rl F-EJI detec live com plained o f gradual
ing l1 photochemical injury thal during Lhe fir^l 48 hours onsel t>f para cenlral small scoloinas о I 1-2 у elate' dura­
manifests itsetf primarily as damage to lhe apical melano- tion ir both eyes. Visual acuity w a s 20/25 in each eye.
somes of the RJ’L followed by macrophage phagocytosis Foveal 1binning 1ou lei lam ulkr hole! is noLud [л e k b eve
of the meEanosomes in the subretina] space. Between 48 Dl appro* iт а Lely 10D-|im size lA and BJ. The foveal defects
houre and 5 days after exposurer disruption of the recep- are more discernibl-e on (he rediree photographs 1C and Dj.
Fluorescein angiography revealed no corresponding defects.
Lor elements becomes more apparent. Much of this dam­
O ptical fibhefSnce tomojjfaphy done I year laler shove's
age is reversible and thus explains why many patients
focal Iuse- of foveal photoreceptors corresponding lo Lhe
regain good acuity1'" 14 In severe cases, depigmenlation red lesions in each -eye It i and H). Visoal acuity and fun-
of the RPK and permanent loss of the receptor elements du i appearance have remained unchanged over 3 уггагн. He
may occur (Figure &. 34K and L). " Ihere is also evidence denied sun ^aziny.
to suggest that there is great individual variation in sus­
ClinFcopathologic correlation of a probable solar
ceptibility for developing solar retinopathy. Some patients macular burn,
with minima] exposure lo the sun [e.g., during sunbath­ J-L: A. 20-year-old Air RMte-enlisted man with л 2-week his­
ing) may develop a macular Lesion,1,11 1 whereas others., tory of blurred vision in the right eye and a 1-week history of
even after purposely staring al the sun for as long as an blurred vision in Lhe left eye. He admitted being under [he
hour may develop only a minimal lesion.' 11 Most patients influence of L i l ? bul denied sun gazing. Visual acuily in the
recover normal or nearly normal acuityr and no treatment right eye was 20/200 and in Lhe l-nc't eve was 2Q/60. In iheri^hl
eye Ьч." had a l^rge oval area of retinal bifjmenL epi I helium
has been proved to be о Г value.
iRH'tI derangcmenl centered in lhe macuia (I), In lhe left ffiac-
It is probable that acute visual loss in naval personnel
ula lie K id а Hmali yellow lesion singular lo Ihe one in :he r i p
attributed to foveomacular retinitis was caused primarily иуч!. Fluorescein a n g io ^ a p K showed evidence of a w indow
by sun gazing.j. it is atso probable that some reported defect in iheHI'fc in IЬг* riцЬI macula (Jl. Il showed no abrtor-
cases of idiopathic foveolar lesions, identical lo solar mac- inalilv in Lhn lefl eye. Seven days laler lhe visual acuiLy in Lhe
Lilopalhy, occurred in patients who for a variety of reasons tefteye had improved lo 20/30. Approximately 6 months later
may have denied sun gazing.■ lh e possibility still exists., he was killed in an aulomobile raccjdenL, rand his ву-и were
obtained a I autopsy. Hislopatholo^ic examination of Ihe eve
however, that there are other as yet unidentified causes for
depicted in A showed focal loss of the rod and cone nuclei
this clinical picture.
and receplor eleinenls in the cenlral macular area iarrows, K..
Инзго was focal Ibinning arid depi^menLalior* of Lhe oLhenvine
viable R PE cells En (he foveal region I L.I. Arrow indicaLes the
junci ion between lhe normal and depi^mer>led KPL. K'ole
lhal Bruch'H membrane, ibu choriocapiilari?-, and lhe remain­
ing choroidal vessels are normal. Serial sections of the left eye
failed to reveal a definile abnormality in the foveal area.
Welding-Arc Maculopathy fi.l"- P h o tic m a c u lo p a lh y .

lixposure to a welding arc commonly causes keratocon­ A—D: Photic maculopathy caused by w e td irg in this- 19-year-
CHd man w ho developed marked pain in lhe eyes and pro­
junctivitis, but only rarely does il cause visual loss. In
gressive visual lots soon after spending 2 hours ■'tacking"
certain instances, however, (here ii some evidence lhal with a helium welder 2 weeks before his initial examination
prolonged exposure over j period of minutes or more л I the Bascom Fulmer Eye Institute. He had symmetric, small.
may cause facial burn, decreased pupillary response to yeHow, foveolar lesions a l Ihe level of the retinal pi^mtml
tight decreased acuily wilh a cenlral scotoma, j concen- epithelium KIHbl (A and hSj. J lis visual acuity in lhe ri^hl eve
Lric peripheral field loss* and bio microscopic changes in was 20/[00 and in 1+icj lefl nytf was 2M200. Angiography ir>
the macula Lhal appear almost identical to those seen fol­ b(rth eyes showed a small focal w in d o w d c fe d in the KF’t
derlfstty (C). Ten m m thb later lhe patients visual acuity
lowing exposure lo the sun (Figure a.].5A-D).l!,4'],Jt-1':"1
had relurned in lhe li^hl eve1 Co 20/30+ and in lhe lefl eye
Depending on the severily of the disease, visual acuily lo 20/50 + . S o te Ihe slight enlargement of ihe area of depij;-
usually returns lo normal in a in atier of days or weeks. mentaLion in lhe center of the m-iicular .area itJl.
Jhe course of visual recovery and fundus changes closely L - H: lfh iitic n '..H i иlopathy and lacial burns caused bv elec­
parallels solar maculopalhy. As in lhe case of solar macu- tric arc llash occurred in I his workm an iL< when he drove
lopathv, there is evidence to suggest that the retinal dam­ a sp ite into a hi^h-volta^e line. Forly-ei^h! hours aMer lhe
age secondary lo a weIditig arc is probably explained on a injury, his visual acuilv in the left eye Was 20/50. I-Ее hail a
yeHow spjoL in the cenler o f Lhe fovua :Fl. Two weeks after
photochemical ralher than a thermal basis and is primar­
injury his acuity was 20/40 and lhe spot was less prominenl
ily caused, by the wavelengths at lhe blue end of lhe vis­ Кг', ti^ht months after injury his visual acuity was 2&20.
ible spectrum.Л|и Similar photochemical macular burns There was в circular zone of dcpi |^jn en Lai ion ol lhe Fil'E H
may occur afler brief exposure to Lhe flash associated with that was readily apparent as a ring o f hyperfIuorescence
shorl-ctrcuELing a high-tension eleclric current (i'igure an^iogjaphically.
ft.]5h-IL).'ni Dolphin and Lincoft'reported homonymous., W e ld in g a rc n ia c u lo p a th y in m e ta l- a rc in e rt gas (MIC)
oval, white relinal lesions in a patient exposed to a 700-V w e ld e r s .
eleclric discharge that occurred when m o electric rails gen­ I—M: A ? 6-year-olrl Caucasian w elder com plained of pl>o-
erated an arc of Eight.-"■:- Lofisias and centTal scolom a for 5 days in His riyhl eye fol­
In case of metal-arc inert gas (M iG ) welding, the arc Is lowing an arc w elding flash w hile usin^ a .VlltJ. His vision
enshealhed in a stream of inert gas to prevent oxidation of was 20/30 ::i the righl and 2Q/20 in Lhe lefl eye. Fundus
molten metal. The gas changes the emitted radialion into showed foveal delactimeiHs in holh eve1? И arid Jl confirmed
on optical coherence Lom ova pfift L and Ml. Huorescein
the visible and. near-infrared range and can be absorbed
an^iogjam showed no leakage into Ihe subreLinal space
by the relina. resulting in thermal and photochemical
IК j. Observation was recommended: his vision improved lo
damage [Figure 3his is in contrast to electrical 20/25 aL fi weeks and 20/20 al 6 months w ilh resokHion of
welding arc where lhe radiation is predominantly in the Lhe serous retinal ddachm enL.
ultraviolet range.JiH,-!5; IL M, i rum C lftfn t? r'l jl..'' 11-М, с ULirU'i-y <.?( Ur. Anyy Nrrfflnj.J
Unusual fundus lesions reported in two patients
exposed let eleclric arc welding appear to be unrelated RPli
detachments in one patient and nonspecific chorioretinal
Scars in the ijipttr.205'2^ Jbere is one report of a macular
hole occurring after exposure to eleclric welding ire.2'07
Lightning an d i Electrocution Retinopathy Jj. lt Lightning macuIopathy.

lightning,, wilh a force of up lo \ million V and 30 000 A, A -L: rhis 4^-year-okl fe r tile lott consciousness after being
struck by liyhtning w hile jo j^ in y. She awoke 4 days later
causes significant mortality and morbidity lo those in its
firrd com plainer! of decreased vision and hearing and suf­
path. Lightning reaches its viclim by four routes: ( I ) direct fered burns 1o lier leM side and leg. Her vision w ilh pinhoJe
strike; (2J side flash - lightning strikes а nearby object was 2CV70- and 20/50 + in I be Ш й eyes. She had bilateral
and arcs through the path of least resistance; (3) ground cenlral scotoma on lh e Amsler grid. The righL love о Ia showed
current - lightning strikes the ground and trawls along its fi ye I low- isb change and lhe left eye a vitreous opacity and
surface; and (4) rarely, by current traveling through wibKt reddish appearance Eo the loveola lA-DJ. There were dark
or pipes reaching people in balli tubs or on the phone. nonfEuorescenl dots in the fovea of EioLh eyes on the angio­
gram ■;!: and Fl. O ptical cohEirence tomography iO CT) of righl
Ophthalmic injury from lightning has three proposed
eye showed increased density of the yello w lesion and the
mechanisms.2 0 4 The electrical current passes through phbtoreceptcirs ytiderrBath i1 and small cystic spaces oulside
ocutar tissues, causing disruption of celE membraneSr con­ the Foveola 1G1. The left eye O C T showed a cystic space IH
verts lo heal causing damage- and vasoconstricts causing lh e vision in the right eye dropped lo 20/100 and lhe yello w
tissue ischemia. Industrial accidents or occupational inju­ lesion Lurnod more diffuse and granular The t X I l now
ries from high-voltage electricity cause similar effects.210-215 showed dissolution o f the foveolar cells and receptors and
]Ъе cardiovascular and nervous systems offer paths of the residual ;n1emal I imi Ling membrane brid^in^ lhe space
(3). The left eye maintained 2tV50 visuaT acuity and die fovea
Lesser resistance and thus are more susceptible, though any
showed a tb rtracted ye Ikm1change lo its surface with under­
organ system can be affected. lying empty cavities let! cjver from Iojs o1 cells К and I Л
Lightning-induced ocular injuries include thermal kera­
(A-L, (.riurlL'iy :•! jJr. Lj.i'.'iiJ I-int.i к '
topathy, uveitis, hyphema, anterior and posterior suhcap-
sular cataract, and dislocated lens in the anterior segment.
Poslerior-segment injuries include vitreous hemorrhage,
retinal edema, maculopalhy. macular cyst (figure 3.16),
macular hole, cenlral relinal vein occlusion, central retinal MacuEar edenini simulating lierlin's edema seen early
artery occlusion, thermal papillitis, and optic neuropathy, may be replaced by lesions described as a "cyst" (E-'igure
lhe foveal changes seem lo result from dissolution of reti­ S. 16], |macular hole," or solar maculopathy over time.
nal photoreceptors and adjacent neuritis (figure 8.1 6Gr H, Eventually the macula is noted to be thin on ОСГ; a macu­
J, and L). Multiple cranial nerve palsies and nystagmus can lar hole may spontaneously close or persist. UilTuse retinal
also occur.- " thinning and necrosis can result in atrophic relinal leans
Coming in contact wilh, or in close proximity to, and retinal detachment (figure Й. 17). Optic nerve pal­
a high-vottage electric current results in acute visual lor and diffusely constricted vessels are noted in severely
loss associated wilh macular changes.J0!::-jll" ,2ir,"-J -1 affected eyes (I'igure £.17 C, L>, G, and 11).
1^4, О
746 iL H A P T E R g

Acute Retinal Damage Caused by B.17 Electrocution relinopalhy.

Ophthalmic: Instruments A—J: This -11 -year-old w indow installer East consciousness
,ir>d fell following electrocution w ilh з live wire. His visual I
Jhe toxic effects of light on lhe retina in experimental ani­ rituily w-ias 20/200 in- lhe? rij’hl eye and ^/200 in lh e lefl eye.
mals have been documented in tlie сам cif the indirect He f.romplнin-L'cl of ipecrBasfed color vision nnd mild aiSisacCH
o p h th a lm o s c o p e ,in tra o c u la r fiberoptic ria. ВЫ Ei lenses showed symmelricfil steEEaL-e calaracts. Two
and lhe operating microscope.-1'14-2-1*' Lhe visible and infra­ weeks after onset, lhe fundus showed pallor ot lhe optic

red wavelengths of light are probably mast important in disc and с Ы ton-wool spots inferior Lo Ihe disc bilaterally
(C and D). Angiogram showed foveal thinning on the right
:'.ui4 ::^ LnsLi'L'.n’.L'Jil-iiuhK'L'd L.i'sions
and otLlus-ion of н11*.1 11 vessels corresponding to Lhe nerve
similar to those produced experimentally in animals using fiber infant Is :L: and I-). Three months idler onsel. the collon-
the operating microscope and corneal contact lens have wool spoLs had resolved Id and H). The o plic disc con Li n-
been observed in humans fallowing exlracapsular cata­ ued to 1>е pale. He develojfed a relinal delachm enl in the
ract extraction with and without intraocular Lens implan­ Feft eve requiring a viLrectonry and a buckle. His CoEdmann
tation.2-17-2 17 On lhe first and second postoperative days visual held showed residuaL interior fields in the left eye

Lbese palienls may have a paracentral scotoma associated а иd a nasal held only in Ihe rijjhl eye. Hum phrey visual
field showed biEateral nasal field defecL. O ptical coher­
with an irregularly oval, yellow-white, deep relinal lesion
ence tomography ai 1 year showed symmetrical severe reLi-
that is mosl frequently located just above, below, or tem­ rigj thinning w ilh progressive cataract in both eyes IE and JJ.
poral lo lhe cenLer of lhe fovea (E'igure fl.JtfA). [because His right eye improved lo 20/70. The left eye remained at
of the frequent use of a brid!e slay suture superiorly ihe 20/200. Further hislory revealed he was cherry picking and
lesion has been reported mosl often jusl below (hecenler moved inlo a high-lensfon line, receiving 1 000V electrocu­
of the macula. Lhe Eesion stains intensely with fluores­ tion Lo lhe shoulder.

cein [Figure 3.1SK). Jhis is replaced over several days and lA-J, c i i u r l u L y Ml Ur. M i h .m l tloklb.iLnn.-
weeks by a zone of fine mottling of lhe RPE (l-igure 8.1 SC)
that is most easily visualized as a Focal area of hyperfluo­
rescence angiographically. One case, reported as an exam­
ple of "pseudophakic serous maculopathy," was probably Jftslopatbologic findings in animals and humans
alsocausedby phototoxicity.-"- Although in most patients exposed lo lhe operating microscope have shown evidence
central visual acuily is unaffected, lhe scotoma may be per­ of photoreceptor and RPE damage in the area of the visible
m anent/'■: i "'1The retinal xanlhophyll may play a role in retina] burn. " " '-11 '" Animal models have deEnonslraled
ameliorating the effects of iighl damage to the center of that high oxygen tension in the bk>od is associated wilh
the m anilia^^237 Jlie reported incidence of pholic in acu- worsening of light damage lo the relina*1 high levels of
lopalhy following exlracapsular cataract extraction var­ serum vitamin C, corticosteroids, and dimeLhyllhiourea
ies from 7 lo 2ф%.11Я'2И The most significant risk factor exert a protective effect.■',!ч ~ы-' Mitochondria are particu­
is lhe perioperative exposure lime lo the operating micro­ larly susceptible to light damage, perhaps because they
scope light.24'* A variety of measures may prove effective contain cytochromes that absorb the light.:il
in reducing chances of pholic maculopathy in humans, Although die operating microscope light has been sug­
including reduction of operating lime- frequent cover­ gested as a possible cause for clinically significant cysloid
ing of lhe cornea, oblique illumination, ultraviolet fillers, macular edemar there is little evidence to support this
utilization of an air bubble in Lhe anlerior chamber, and idea
insertion of the intraocular lens wilh lhe piano surFace for­
ward. Jletinal burns, however, have occurred in spile of
all of ihese precautions, excepL the last mentioned.-'
Retinal Injury from Laser Exposure
Retinal lesions identical to those produced experi­ Accidental pholocoagulation hums wilh ruby, argon.
mentally with endoilluminalore have occurred during neodymium-YAC, and rhodamine dye lasers, femtosec­
the course of pars plana vitrectomy in humans.--^-'1- 'L' ond laser have been reported." J Hortunately, in
Jypically the burns are sharply defined, less than two disc mosl cases good visual function has been relained. Figure
diameters in size, and assume the shape of the light source S.13D-K illustrates how a moderately intense solitary
used: oval if by filament and round if by fiberoptic. Larger laser burn to the cenLer of the fovea is compatible wilh
more pleomorphic burns, however, may occur. The great­ return of good acuily in spile of destruction of the central
est risk appears lo occur during surgical removal of epireli­ pholoreceptors.
nal membranes and conical v i l r e o u s . Reduction of Ophthalmologists who use operating microscopes
Lime of exposure, use of low-power source, and avoidance or who do laser pholocoagulalion may have decreased
of blue light and high temperature of infusion media are color discrimination for colors in a liitan color confu­
recommended to reduce the risk of a retinal burn/"'1i.ight sion axis.*1''’'- ' ' ■ ''Jhere is a correlation between the years
damage to the reLina may occur in the detached as well as of laser use and the chronic reducLion in color contrast
the attached relina.1,1,1 sensitivity.
W ilbers et лL. reported four patients with bilateral high- S.I P h o l ic m a c u lo p a lh y fro in m icro s c o pe 1igh I.
grade carotid artery stenosis who experienced episodic
Л -C: O n e day йЙег ехрСйШе [jf Ihe ri^hL m acula of л pha3ci£
visual impairment retried exclusively to light exposure:"77 c*ve to lhe opefeUng m icfoscope for а puriod of 1 hour. The
ihey postulated that this may be- related lo delay in regen­ eye Wap blind because of a craniopharyngioma. Note Lhe
eration of visual pigments caused hy ischemia. дгау-whiLe lesion localutl л1 thu IqWel ol Lhe relinal piemen I
Accidental macular injury from YAt. laser disruption of epithelium I hi H"E1 (A) and Lhe intense fluorescein staining of
sub hyaloid hemorrhage can occur due to the photodisrup- lhe outer relina !Ё\ t.L^hl days а Инг lhe exposure there w h s
moLlling of Ihe KfJ E ii> the area of lhe lesion Ю .
tive effect of the YAC laser. A macular hole or cyst is seen
D -F: Acule ruby laser burn in Ihe center of Иге fovea of a
due to loss and dissolution of tissue (t'sgure fl. ISG -Lj.The
man with a ciliary body melanoma. Visual acuily before Lhe
macular holes can spontaneously close or remain open. bum was 20/20 and the fundus was normal |DJ. Five minuLes
Secondary choroidal neovascularization can occur due to aflur а т<х!итл1е1у irilense one-decree burn IЬя I generated л
breaks in the Bruch's membrane Visual prognosis after small steam bubble, lhe™ was л Central yray loveal opacity
closure of the macular hole is variable and depends on 1!=:. Пне visual acuity was 20/70. Twu weeks la Lei Ihe acuity
collateral damage Lo adjacenL cells and tissue.J ' ' bad returned lo 2CV25 al Lhe time* ot enucleation. i^irLlal
destruction o f lhe central foveal area.

Laser Pointers Laser in d u c e d fo veal b u rm

l?ed laser pointers are safer than green laser pointers. G —L A 42-yeai-oltl man was i-een with co m pi a inLs of
RoberLson el al. evaluated clinically and histopathologi­ decreased vision in his rijjht eye oF 1 m onths duration. He
haii suffered л vitreous hemorrhage following head injury
cally effects on three eyes wilh red laser pointers and one
2 months previously. On recovering tonscicaiflSeBi, 1h-E1 treat­
wilh green laser pointer.'1' 4-'4 Salients with melanoma
ing ophlhalmologisL performed laser pbotocoaguiation o f Llie
scheduled to undergo enucleation were exposed to the posterior hyaloid for premacular homorrhatje. O n examina­
laser pointers for 1 minute with foveola fixation, S min­ tion;,, hiн best-corrected visual acuity was 2<У200. FundoscDpy
utes Ье1ог^ fixation, ,md 15 minutes above fixation, lhe of the right eye (C ) showed a cenlral m acular hole (arrow­
eyes exposed lo red laser pointers sEiowed no clinically or head I with flemajpafldn lines ex lending temporally (arrows).
angiographically discernible changes, ihe eye exposed to The hole was bmier appreciated on optical coherence lomojj-
raphy imaging (HJ. fluorescein angiography 11 and J} showed
green laser showed a yellow change at the level of the RPH
transmission hvperfluorescence in Lhe center larrtjwhead'
at ] -minute exposure in lhe foveal center, and 15 min­
w ilh prominent dema real ion iinet lajraw sk Raster line аслг>
utes superior lo the fovea. ОСГ shewed thickening at the fK 1 [Kissing through the foveal cenler showed e leva Led inler-
level of the RPE at 24 hours al bolh Locations. J iistological nal limiting membrane {ILM ) I arrows j corresponding lo Lhe
examination 20 days after laser exposure showed focal dema real ion i in r_«5- seen temporally, indiciJlinu; Lltwi I lh e pa Lien I
clumping of pigment granules and apical movement mijjht have bad ТегмгЛ syndrome following head injury, [he
of nuclei in some [£PL cells. There was some displace­ foveal cenler shows an outer m atular hole (arrowheadI lhal
mosL likely resulted from lhe laser disiuplion attempted by
ment of RPh cells into the subretinal space with minimal
the beating physician Lo drain sub-1 LVl blood. O verlay RPt-fli
changes in the overlying photoreceptors and none in the
scan iLl shows the hole.
choriocapiHaris. In spile of Lhese histological changes the
! Л —С .. I t t m t i k iib L 'r lK L ir i .h m l I t i l d n i . i n - " 1 | n i i : l ч-5-j.-tl w i L h p e r m : м ш п
patient was asymptomatic. Jhe eye lhal received red laser from !h t А п н тк '.т ul Оди^,з1тЫйв.у; l tj^YTlghl IJphlh.iJrok
exposure showed no such change. Overall, transient expo­ p i b l i i h i h g '_ [k ; C i - L , C d U l t e y I U r . V l i h i l l L iu f / . 1 . u id D r . A i n o d Lluf/,L..I

sure to laser pointers, either green or red with the normal

blink response, evokes minimal risk..J,',,’i■-■'0 3Lowever chil­
dren should be warned against playing with laser point­ Specific Circumstances Resulting in
ers inhere they may stare at the laser light for a prolonged
Chorioretinal Trauma
■ Recreational: firework.- paint ballr fishing hook and lou­
Retinal Damage Caused by Chronic vre. golf club and golf ball (more often club Lban ball).,
baseball, sofl ball, hockey puck., basketball, БВ gun
Exposure to Sunlight pellet
The effect of long-term exposure to ambient light on the * Occupational: intraocular foreign body, explosives,
retina is the subject of considerable controversy. Ihere is improvised explosive devices, war injuries, blast injury,
some evidence to suggest that age-reEated macular degen­ electrical/welding arc
eration may he aggravated by tbe amount of exposure to ■ Domestic: bungee cord, air bag. pencil, scissorsr dog
Lhe visible wavelengths of sunlight but not to ultraviolet biles
hghi.Jfl0-J^ ■ Homicidal: gunshot, knife, bottle, fist.
86 G x n t f e A M D iM S R N t D i e Q f i .e t a - . l e r a ^ ^ a r e : i r e f l a t e c i a e c l a irin e s s 127 Fie re H iC D C , M a il e s - M a c n A .G s l'o - f t a b c la M e i d . О р М ^ ч в г в е I c m w q f f y
is lo w ig s ja a ra d r a n ] h e n c n ra g e J N e jtk j 'g 1 £ S 2 :7 b 7 G 0 - ■l . fe a u is Л s i t rle u ra I n 'tn ig i H i i t i a n ; h e ic r r h ^ e x t 1й Ч (д га г; pren'acucr
67 he Т э т t.J ftZ E e in e tl S R С а г е к п C . S al. R a m i Ш : г Т е 'а я s ^ d K im e . G a H fla n:c c ^ c a ^ f c l s w i c g 'J n - Y t f й й е г п е т Ь 'а т й :™ п '№ 1 м а r e l f r a i t N . J a u O j f l t a l r a
1 5 9 3 ^ 0 0 :1 i f e - S Q K '^ :5 2 :5 l 3 - b
68 ^ c ftflz Ш , S ift d ' Ш W a iW fc l R . L o n g - le n vnnal a fla im e m "e is a r c y c j-ifl e. 128. C a :fll Y-P, В n g i L t e r F : C u nlh tf K jH s k i H , et al Hd №JG з а г p>Dted с г ^ а з г cl h a i c r j g с
О Л - а п c a ^ l K < :S E i 1 S H - 9 . d e ta y m e id a1 Т е r l e i r a - l n 'r n g 'r e i r t i a n a .i j n .- O m h a l i c l l i S £ :l L i :3 0 - 7 .
69 VI. Daniixe:_R Slalba U . el a- Fe l r a c e l i c n e n l , .f t s m i c gtfflerativ? t29 S a h j C K N a m p e n m a te a iw 11 K i m a l ■Vccn a w Гге а т з п ! Kv tie n iic u a1 h a icn ’ E c e
f l E e c r d f c B p a t p i -■зг^вг- £ri:Tdf-]C'e. C f h lh ^ n o a a ^ 1 1 9 Э й .1 С 1 :о 6 -л . fieh t l 998 l S :r c - G £ .
£0 E c к а з г t t H . G ic la t u i s A . Te 'c o i's i t f d ' a T t ar-a7 т к н в р с л la d t t s l rem orat k k Ш Степ I f Kua H K . a i i - . e s l .A c л ieu t l l e j t f а с л а а т е : d nica i m l e s l a l с е ага
rcp-zii z rc a r m c,-: i reported q o a l c a t c B . t o n m i Ы е в д У 2 0 Й .5 1 :3 3 3 - b м а э с л а ю е а Chang G unq M ed J 3 0 № 2 7 :1
91 Ircue T, T a u ta .:"j .<, Siigeedii T. e ta x is . sjnm cm e a f t r (!e J sym ptom cl a ib a rа т а й 131 h n a G G S e i'e d RF. ( ja c a ir t::- £S. e : i l . S va l uniafcra lto re d h a i c < n 4 K '' p n g a r t i i t b
h e r a m a a e catsec b*1 n .p lu r&d '/a lstra l a fie r; a e J h S ti Caae re n a l. N e J d M ed C a r A 11 j o t та ™ с е о з з ^ е -с е
iTjHj.iji 3 f f l & 4 6 3 « - 7 . ^32 F V je lt R C .G s n ia l'a A C A Т г е г н е i l М ^ е т л Т - а Л JiH u Ja n a ttri “j t h Drtittialm d
92 tfa rfa r i \K : ber,Ttfni A A , G u y Щ T e T tti's SM id'am e as Ihe a d s presenlal си af ■ 9 3 1S 3 rfM
а т а ’у з ^ -ь р и -е B r . N a .r-a ft.fg 2 0 1 3 :1 7 :3 6 6 - :. 133L K j l n i R i .K a i s i f VI F a viHH la m iltlE iiH iti^ g e b A f li J O j e i r a h o ) 1 9 7 2 :У 4 .;Ь 2 - 5 .
S3. G tra h S , М ы *\. < n s e la : Ultfaleril и г г е ш Ir a n m t i a p e se cordTh ' le a it J a l e fi& r a l ^34 A r t l H f S , C f c a r a n l H . C t u a i i i l r u e : cl h e c c l i i n s t i t i w t t : rara M i l h i l i f l a £ a :H Z
r je c lc n : t t ii f e f t cl l f e £ t t & ^ T O a r e . B r J O p trfa im c l 2CC5:& 6 3 5 3 -4 . ■ £ *8 3 :3 5 :14 -2 3
0i lla e n А , Ш ш в д г а г с VIS. H a rfc r J C . ^erssr's у т а и т е З Д я й д ea icira ; ад1ле in e t t a i 3b Стзпд У ЕЁтс D E O p lc т е п е a r i s e n . Arcl! O D C -T a ir c l 9 3 7 :l C E :3 2 2 - 3 .
М Ш рЯШ ЗД 136 P a d : . H . Fie rc e f.' C cd he J G .e t a L E^ u s o -T n f me-Dciic п а н е .A r i J ^pMhspmal
95. ! ^ ] э г s . M j la r e y F b . A rm s ln yH 0 0 el 3 . R я nil Ir e n e s :п ± cren * № r t a / a i a : - 0 7 l::2 3 £ £ - 7 l
h e r M n g e 0 p т т а 1гд к^ц- 2ССГ2 1 >5Э: 1 4 7 2 - 6 . 137. b i L r f i m M D e A j i i e c i u t oes- £-етег>31 : ег^ м п а к ^ А и д е Т е Н п ^ Э З Э :
96 О э е п 'а п ... O c Jn - , £ га ;с M G . F H r a l с а т ! с а а з Л css rc -.; t t r a t y A r t f О э т г а n c l 4 & 9 -5 C E .
1 Э И Ё 9 7 :1 9 И г - & ТЗЬ 1
W iliairs O F .I M a m ; G A 1 ± ш ь G'A', el a E ^ J a s r cM ha rerm i a a c t atad w h ' i l c nsrue
37 K u itin a Ж , G te m J C F i l i a l hem cntiage аз а с а ж о и е г с з cl eaid л и itercit! A 'a f e»u a <n A i r j G flu m Jio a l S f ii . 1 0 i 5 - Ё .
[ | Ш ■ 9 9 5 .1 1 3 :3 0 9 -1 3 . 139. F s th l fir R O , M a d d e r Z\ '^ a r e t ' R 4 e: al. f l a r e ! d l f f s c f c b u a n n a 2j a ^ b r
98. L n p C , А й ш и F l . М ачсп C ffi ale'sl relr-cl Г а а т я г е д е : in й с .ш ep с ш 1 'П е й н \ Er c e '^ a ia a ssic fl i E t n B ® » A i ! t O ^ T a n c ' £ И 2 :1 1 E :3 E b - S .
J G p h l i s lm d 1 Щ 7 7 3 1 6 - 7 . 40 К о г н а т а S. Ъ к о г .'. Ka'liuae T .e t a l О е я Л в г е я ^ ^ п ^ н Й т / а я ! м г а и : reli al
£0 E u d e r j D l F т а г M G , M rc fts id a ri - G . e t a . O n i b i a n d c p t i c i m e n em m tia ge slfl atuaed r ie a iiP H it r a i n e r t v,.ih ^ a e ir ic a i r ^ c f l i i i . J p i j C p n T a h a i
H a n fe w F iin ta a ia n ia l njLries. ф Ш й т а э д 1 Ж 1 С . & 5 9 - Ё Е . 2 t 'B :5 3 :7 3 - 6 ' '
l CO. Е ш T M , L ? hi A tf i f я п & е ' m N al R e tra l nnd ngs ahsr _iead т з и г а г rra n ls a’ d 'jc tn a 141 B s r a l A F a m ii'a lh ifi L G . G a J a 'd e H f f p e i a x : rad'tDf a i7r ^ te r U a l» ^ l e £ H n ( f w h
[J-tfre n .G p tittid Jn ickg y i M 2 ^ s : l 7 ' & - 2 3 . i r i t a i 'i t n C w c n ^ e ■ a i e s i a 'p l a i K f l 'a .l i H a r J £ p"lt;alira 3 1С Й 5 7 :1 5 3 ^
1C1' . E r e 1 З й З й Щ я т и Ц , s l ^ C U s 1 а т с а ;а с й а !ж s ^ l a ' j c ^ j i i g i г а л э е ш $ ic ■42 A r e v a lq S ; r ^ e iG c ia A l. V I l a i F A . s o l 5 п ) Л а т е о .Е a lile ia lc c d if -d c o a r c ie a a 'i j JtecDKf Etudf ^jch С^Шпй laSC' 103:1 Э£4-'СП. reliizcsTT/ aftja' tr^fcecueirjc-m-. H B m itiiP w c fc iC ftr ir^Eilc □ai>^i'na. G ra e fc A n ci ^ in E o
1 0£ F 'ie n d v C £ . 5cu ar i r a i l K l a l c n ; г & .\ i i ^ s e . T rira A n ^ t a d О р т г а и т и Q p tifrflh K l 2 0 M ;2 4 & 4 -7 1 -3 .
ойвиоаттадя-за. ■43 niahla M . HuATii T. t o E , et al O ^ b : o e a im D ie iita i le tn c f а :! ,1 Ы c * r g Н а в е й ea cm i-
1 ОС. t I'jfi; H J M a n P . F u i d & L ills tf С аак, ж я 11 ££ r . 2 ‘^ i S - s . 1
M t i т«1этгг : 1 С le E a it s x a i.i r la m i c la i l'h t a t t a i L p o \ r e jf 3 p a ih E r . O a K tiir 'ic l
1M . G 'e e n ^ i c M J Weiss A OeslEf-e C S e! si. ^ r i i r a ! с ■ e lflK d 'iiii i ' С а н т а b a te s . ^ O X S O :5 l E - G .
а ш 1га ^ 1 э е й 0 й щ -гк 144 b .i 'M . l e o n a F M .'t a c a a C C el & . 2f(ica D T e ie ic e f o iu lir
1 Сь Itm t f '^ i la n im JK S L z t ooClta n n i r a il s i la i с в sf t e L a ^ a irurcm ? J Pediad: с и н а ж н ! lEtro D sd iy . G fh lia lid ic S j j L a s e r I m i e i x 2 0 0 3 :3 7 :3 3 3 -5 .
O x T a n - a - S i i b i i m u i l £€C 2 7 :2 3 ie Hsl" G . A i n g . V:p 3 0 . C tsJsf d 5 ta vf i e a e i г я [ > ^ 1 1 г г -Л [ r a a d u lfli c f a a l e а г щ
1 C t. i-tns^ ^ D . O a i a f ftiaiiteaatiora c u e a b j k j P a c d r C ^ h ih jiio a S iia b ia m fi a ^ e c t a r a д Ьькш а C ii E ic e it jm О зС ТаШ £ Щ 2 ! 1 : 2 1 0 -2 3 .
1 0 6 ( 1 1 7 :5 - 1 ’ . m D ii" ii3 i la s e ta u in J. iiihiiis -e lf a h b 'c m j c s i ииа-свсащзесА
l O r. J a i M T A C . !!m T . F £ . O m i M i O a ilar c L e i bccliia а Ы ж . J Fied-alr C p in a ln c l S j '- t f o r e is f l e r lr c t M il e c T a n w r t i r d a ^ i C la1 i > e c ^ [i .l5 r ^ a jc a " ( ] .jv :i a О а ч Ь а л 'з
10 71® ™ ^- fo ra 2 C O O 7 3 4 £ 3 -0 .
lC t f j x r R H . - е к ю 'Ь а х г й л с р э П г .'т М а к у a c f n i K f a l t K t o ^ c i p f f i t J . r t f H i С р т Г а У й ! 147 S u z lO F . 4 ] k a i t m ii :i ! w h N .T h , e ? ? j M i d is ii'a C l s d n g K a a o p i m f i c r cl
i-lm tc T ija 1 3 E C :? i :l 7 - 2 C . a h a l i a D e t J K t c ^ r O j- r f - a ir a c ^ c a 1 9 5 9 :2 1 3. '3 6 - S .
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O c t a n e '9 o l :i 3 :e s - 9 l . a n T -a s | Е № ы я е 8 и № о р 1 1 И п к к ф 1 а % ч я Ь ^ е э а 'а ^rch ^ I h a l m a l £ ^ l 72 :
i ' fit £Hd3 Rr L-ah: м а г е т ? c a l i / a rc arniu л а la T c a ia c ic :-nd n p :. - O i l h e m - 4 6 3 -9 .
р ф ^ Я 1 9 в 7 ;? :1 И Н 1 . 1$ L ^ й Inq I . ^Hef FL. et al. C rc n a rs n a i l a e ig i boit^ amJa fin g r n a l t j im n :e a n a i'a .
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l 9 ? '.9 3 :1 > 3 S - '0 1&1 t o e s E-. Z m m e r n u i L E . ^ ьп j ] j i l ^ а т cal h a vc i n j c e z h'lIo)i t n a ig tm l m a a c m i
1' 1 & rc ia ( A G e m s A H , ita 'n a el si. Л ^ Ш - с е d ffu^e u itiie ia silia a ife Teu rcralin i M i O c f T -a t 'f il 1 0 j3 :-£ :3 C > -2
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i ' 3. '.ч е й п г е т V H i . tiakacs i .- . s: al. D " l - k e n t h r a l к л е и т е [B LU C ie iiH e v. п с п .е и а -52 D J S . B elm ail J 6 . B a acfl W l el i . n a te n e n l g c t e p e la 'a ljc n -duing ■ e l'a a .ls r end
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18 6 . ^ r n u z i L “ . i a i e r 'i l . 3 alner J l a a l Sa^ir reli'hjpanry: l Fl>Docdic*:gic a ^ g d tflr y s jc a 23Q. f ecJintf Щ E a ir F. Й с Я t i the r m a j j f an з г с j a i a i № T t а т е п а г X a m a e r and - з ж a
F tb n a i№ ia 2 tn 3 . il Lm r a ; n n .A i". J ^ t i l h i m J 1 9 S o i C :o > J - 4 .
18 7. H a n J r 'r t T k l u e l K r H A .f i j 'T J b J 'J U .s a l ^ l y i S p e c l ' L m l j ' ^ r a i n u 'y i o n r f l i f - 231. H a a ih a m a 3F. D ^ г г й S A , C a n n : J L Fjel na camaqe 1 : m licfil. A m J O p f r a l n a l
'.H 'j/ u lc i radiaUai r № e ^ a - j c п н г ^ . A m J r j p t f f l i m l 1 9 3 2 ^ 2 :2 9 9 - H S . 1 3 7 Ё М . ' 0 3 9 -4 4 .
188. Ha 1i W T , M u e t s :H A .R j i c +э J 1 J j .e r a l S c tir is in a iT ^ is ito n Д х a\ й т й й 'с Й 1: l£ 232. ir*;re ^R. t e l f^n g 3',v. isii'al :tJiaaE licrn ihs IIj'^ raiK cl ihs o(sr^bng
s ^ n h ^ n :e I ar p'?l5 tl b 4 fi)£ v I \ V jII a its I P Ea te r 0 V s d l i b l i e г л е и <1 c a ^ la il г ^ е в к а р е : an e t p a t t n l a l s l u d 'f n р з ы а о р Ь ^ р т к в ^ . А и Л
ic m o r v i a f l p r a s s s e s .N e w lfc r tc ^ la fin iftffis ; Ш p .3 l H 6 1 3 3 4 ,1 ^ 2 :1 ^ ^ - 6 6 .
r a n J'V h T , kluelijr H A . 5 t e\ 0 - r a sensil \4v In i r r x f. . frcffl и ти й и тсЛ ; I girt. 233. J a t f j ^ J 'itacd IS В ^ ^ п И о ш й I'cm h e г н г а ь т с n>:n:-a c^:e : ll p n n & 3 i^ e:ff&a
Г а и ;1 9 7 5 :2 е С .1 й - 4 . ' " - e I ? « l f e i h O p lm a iic l 1 3 3 Э :1 0 6 4 4 С Ч :.
190, H a " ; JrViiT. M u s lEr НА .М Л l ш . F?1 et a Lu iib r I 'j J i i 'J h n ч m r g Ihe z r . ь пр тй й л r a 234. J S n i M E i f l W .S d i a li H . f A & y a K " f l F t c l i s n i c j ^ i ^ - a r i y a i m i M r a F h i c a n a
S r a t tf iw a iiik is v in k H e a T d liie rs .A p p Caries 9 7 3 1 2 2 1 2 2 - £ c c i 'i h a r r a K a j i c l r o n J S a ^ j ale r t e w t o n a i t c f G t m i d a ic fd i.A jc fi O a ifia lm a i
19 1. Н а и г 'Л Т . ^ u l l a l a j J J Ш ^ Н ^ й а ! Н й ^ с а п а ^ й р Ы в д ш к а к а е н к 1 Э Й 7 - 10 5 :1 £ 3 3 -4
in ^ rtia ta re fra by i t f f .t o 4 ^ f l p l i t ! H i n K i W s S c '9 7 S : l 7 : 235. k w e ih, j^isre Fii Dii'ieisSA el a. n^dei'oe. ш iaiofiiflc пй^ ю ^ г с-ра^ч
1 0 2 Э -2 Б . . О ' Ш и е I ghi г а т и * . A i r J 2 p filbiim ]i 1 Й & 7 l0 3 :2 5 E -6 3
19 2 . La w . ■l T. I r e i n a j a fa ll> ]iM ^ ptcoesses -a iiis d b ; I cJil ii №s ^ r a t o r a n i a s m c Ii lar 236. P i f - i? lA l A j i n e r C l Fine f f i ; С ^ е т н й е с й 'Ь п т Ы е т ' щ в ? jjM e n l a i r ^ i Ircir an
г к 5 ^ й 1 Е п а .Т п з п :А л ! О э М П а г т ^ З с с 1 9 S 2 : K : & 'i - ? ^ . q s m l ng m с г з з т р е . ( b f - t a m s cg^ 1 38Si9|j 9 5 4 - 7 ^ .
193. H Z - L .T e c M O M J s r p o L M . e t i f l e l i d к ^ ш у in c L c e d b v П Б а г ч А г а № ^ ^adation ii 237. Н и зр S L 3etwtf. г в & м г ^ or r m i s Ij '£ l i n ifle r р 1 > л : r ^ n i j i a r a ^ s
g n i K c i r d E B u i t h a l i c и п й й ' if^as; i p o e iin ta iy F i l i a l 1 SSCr' Q 3i]1 - l 4 j S B c i i l J j wilh й Л 'Э 'а м и a 1 c i l a r a J e r i f i E i a i and а к о е п и fens i i s a l m . O a №a rra
19 4 . f m M D M .L a P H r a F l i T ie h j t n Iffs s a lia s iE ig a z r g J iS r a flm A a d f lp f tt T flk r e l 1 9 3 7 :1 C 5 1322-2.
C M r r o i 'l S T S i T f t D R e f t - O W B b 23Я. J a f e G J h n e 4 1 V ^ c d E . e l i l . Я Е й п # | К к й ] 1 ш :1 у I r a n f t c o p c a U :;) т с т й З ! [ в Т с с е
19 6 . K£rr _T»'. L M liH l F j .e D ’n a J a 1 r e in La ^ c h ^ - № а ) т з ' 7 й :4 Э 6 -& > ^ i t s i e d а ^ з е п . С | М н 1 п к й у 1 3 3 Е ;£ Е . " 3 0 - 4 :.
19 6 . Н А , 9 г е ? D ^ . Fki na: L w т о п a c,e driq a ~ Л г J C f h l l d K B i 1 & 74 : i г G 6 3 -6 . 239. к ж г с S G , ^ E h t i n hi. H j ^ i y n Т А . L t y t f - ii i jc e d m io u Irm r Ife cf-a m :_ \

19 7. ft. Щ Tru-er;. S P f,'K fn ? r [ и . Ш а гд arc rn x d ru a ltT y and П ш н -е г ^ г е . E i J i V t l f i i n'a г ^ а о & з м .А т . O p tr a h c l l3S4;£fi.eS6-S3.

1 9 3 1 ;7 Ь 4 3 3 - 6 . 243. K 'atl H D , S a r i s 's D R Ja m > jl J A E
rti l . E fle ^ cJ a i U l i f t K t t li t e 'i 'E ir r a c e Ja r lens m
19 6 . 'e n e n : Dj prwwsiic rtes t n ttk s i s jels a 'a t\ n rf& anq je . A t c i C p h h a i i r i p i f ^ n a c r i r B 3 .i i f 6 d e m i O o f d a rra а д - 1 3 fl5 ;9 f 3 & 5 -3 .
1 9 0 2 2 2 :6 3 2 - 7 3 3 . 2 4 1. E a rn e r Г й и п Fi L j n l i H e l i i .M c t a i a i m a a n k a n d n p m ^ m lc iM O T jfr iid iJ c e c lr e d n a t
m U tal L 0 k H arm £ .. A 'c-w etin j . " ^ b a i t T f Ajn J O p i n a l ^ ]Ш\] C £ 3 ^ - E . a c in t ](;ir t> ]t M c r e p c r 1 .A f [f':C p T h a k vs l 1 9 3 1 :1 j .
200 . M d ia e te Г.'. 1 { 1 й к п '/ № . F e k iia n *Ь . и! '± 1т п а ж ( an u ^ s n i r e т ш к ^ г у h izm c irj 242. m J . B j e r ^ d t G . ^ M u l i f a k i i s t j 'f l u ; r ra a .is ja ir.y . Arch О э т Г а П к ! 19 8 3 :1 D 1
c flir l-a )"it f o i e s . C f n ih i J i iB t e y 1 9 6 7 ^ ^ 1 :1 4 0 -8 . 2 2 8 -3 1 .
201 . S a d le r T i t E, С Ш V . й ai fu e l с 1в с ,( з м № '.' ж и п й > la s h o rt-c h JiB ig of a h gn 243. M c C w a d I f K i n ? ^ H d il-iia ijL ftl!''fla Jo p a llr f Irc K in e K e r a h x - r r r a c a c p e
ш г у . s & a r C 'a m e n l. Dpfitttalmofoffl 1 9 B 2 :e £ :S 6 6 -9 . ip t K l 'a a M j a 'C a l a i s e j f i ^ i s i a n f l i .ir a K u a r la r e im p jn ta n a :. d ^ t i i a m a ;i g f
202 . D a p n n K. j o t i H E^ a la al rad ani i i r a g e lc l ie и lea # c neli a i"jc r e i f i i u i s h a ■ilC^ 1 3 3 3 :3 C :9 4 5 -5 1 .
V elecTic d f f ih a g e .A m j O f r t B h u l 1 ^ 3 2 :1 1 4 :7 7 5 - й . 244. f.ltf-s fc ',1. S :e rrJ:tfg ..r P G i H i f l ^ n i t f o e c M e - i 'c u e t f 'e m р ш ш с ^ . рсТсрт^с^у.
203. M an n aAtlafi. -T-DiureSi ila a i r c t ' s l i 'f l l r i K t i i j a b D r a E i u r V ? D o a E № d l a U ' d n i o i m a r i t e i & a '- s i n c p C pM 'tJlT^H 13 3 C -:2 4 .? 3 7-^ £ .
2 0 0 2 :5 2 :2 2 3 - :. 245. R ite n s tt DM F a a iE n F Б frcic u inosaffh-incm i h a c ^ t a i i n y i i m т с г к Е ^ е . ^ г J
m 6 т а ; l G R ^si n a bu n ; н ь м з у е и к а г е Id M t - w e b n j arcs. 'e i;c r ci Ь'.ч з я ь E j j C p h lld r r w l a e & ' O l S B I - f l
O p h lH lm o l 1 9 B f l :7 ^ 5 7 Q - 5 , 246. h lL s s '*H Lg h l- r d j c p ] :" d a i ] g a n / .r i n i . O p K T a h c J l3 3 4 ;£ e :4 6 & -3 3 .
206. B a u ™ i F. З й п а b j 'n i Ircfli M C -w s h tn g ^ 3 Et J O p h n a i" c J l3 3 s ;7 3 t& E 2 247. S ta m le rJF. B4h1j CVj V e n d e rD , e l i U l a r a a a e I^ M -in fljc s d rracijtF-anfy r; K m b r r f
206. B in a n O f H Reb"Lil х г г з ^ j j a ; t t e t [ } ] a j e т M fG - и c r c a ' a : r e c c t с! Г^з ы з а . 8 ' J ffll^ e Jar гагате*eilraл а п , r t i nrim ct Jar lens inflalattav
2 0 7. W V d e m a m Hi/, m e b m a l b n r a h r i E n I h s r a a i i \ ф b i n tu rn « р о н г е t i efertri: 245. A r c e i ^ B Eflm i jgs1 T .i t a g O R ,e l a . A a i w v f l f a i t i d s c r t s r t s f c n l n je r r r a i
^ n q я м jC p h n a l^ D j 1 й Е .- 9 .4 6 7 - е С - . c f h n a f i o D t E E l E d ia n f e iH o c i a i f id v r t t i t l i E if ie cl t ^ r i a n a o p f i i a l n c т г е ж .
206. H w - S j , K :it J E . Hen IP L gnhno-irriucBcl i r a a l c f a i T :. na t H E ; 2 5 ^ 0 - 2 . L f h l h H i f t j f K V l 3 3 l :S 0 :5 6 7 - 7 5 .
2>й. r ^ r m i r f .'E . n i h s i i f i C . ’' i r a i 6 - . C d il ld m с w r l a r j B 'D i 's cl I g h Lin g i l n ^ . S jtn - 243. B tE E i 5А,Аиш^й1,Ыааг?М,йа1 fr-nk ^cJmaifiN'at^aTicapsJsf a n g e r -
Op*iffllriEjaWHi®9^4. ' 0^ta(T;ac^lEO£99731-&
(y o e a « 1 r t5 lL d y
This page mtentlonaSly left blank
Toxic Diseases Affecting the Pigment
Epithelium and Retina
Medications or olher substances lhat find their Way into 9.01 Chlo roq иin e a nd hyd roxych Eoroqui ne
the eye may cause visual dysfunction by virtue of a toxic retinopathy,
effect on Lhe sensory relina. the relinal pigment epithe­ A rind B: A/ber receiving chloroquine, 250 mg daiEy far
lium [RPh). and Lhe opllc nerve. In some instances [e.g., 17 yt'iirH for discoid diSSemic^ted lupus erythem atosus
digital Lis toxicity) visual symptoms may be unassocialed Lhis- "iO-year-old wom an noltid blurring o f vision in boJh
wrtb ophthalmoscopic changes in the fundus. In other eyes. Visual acuity was 2CV30. She had a sym m fljic bull's-
instances lhe ophthalmoscopic changes may involve any L*ye pattern o f alrophv of Lhe retinal pigmEnt epithelium
iKE’bi in holh eyes Д). Елг1у а Н в г р м п о й ^ р К ^ й angi­
one or a combination of Lhe RPEr retina, and optic nerve
ography revealed evidence of preservation o f Lhe cho-
head. Muorescein angiography is particularly valuable in
riocapilEans wrthin the area of RFE alrophiy centrally lB>.
detecting mi id Loxic alterations of the Rl’Ei before they are Eleclrorelmo^raphic № d in № w ere normal.
apparent oph Lhal mosco pica Hy. Optical coherence tomog­ С an-d 0 : This 53-year-old wom an received a lolal dose of
raphy [О С ]'), aulofluorescence imagings fulE-field, and 454 ^ hydroxychloroquine and ch I oroq ui no (sver а 3b-iv,onlb
multifocal eleclrorelinograpliy help localize the defect in period. Shy showed p[Mrfes5lve Rf’E and relink I degpne'r&tion
tnany inslances. for 16 years after slopping Ihe medical ion.
E—H: This 50-ytiar-oEd wom an, w h o received chloroquine
5 00 nig/day for 13 vears for rheumatoid arlhrjtis, Erevan
C H L O R O Q U IN E (A R A LEN ) A N D Lo nolice a "h a lo " ncoLoma and nyclalopia in both eyes in
February 1977. Her visual acuity al [hat lim e was- 2U/30.
H Y D R O X Y C H L O R O Q U 1N E ih e bad a b u 11's-eye pattern of K I’E alrophy bilaterally IE:.
{P L A Q U E N IL ) R E T IN O P A T H Y Her elocLroreliiTo^raphic findings wore потппа!. The cEiloro-
r]Liinu was disconlinued. 5ev6n yearn laler Lhe buil's-oye pal-
Chloroquine initially was used as an antimalarial agent in lorn o f aLrophy bad enlar^tid slighlly and he; visual acuity
World War II, but since 1959 it has been used in the treat­ had decreased Lo 20/50 (F and G ). Two years laler кhe had
experienced furl her Joss of vision. Tbe cenlral Islarfd of KF3t
ment of amebiasis, rheumatoid arthritis, scleroderma,
showed lurLhei evidence of alrophy angiographic л Ily :H'.
and systemic lupus erythematosus. ] lydroxychlorocjuine
Vjsual acuity aL that brne was 20/2CM).
has largely replaced chloroquine due to lower incidence 1: l-tislopaLholo^v of chloroquine m^cljlDpathy showing local
of toxicity. Degeneration o f tbe Ri>l!. and sensory retina foss o f Ihe outer nuclear Эауег and lh e receptor elements,
caused by prolonged use of chloroquine or hydroxychlo­ irregular dfflpi^m enialion of lh e hJFE, and pnesorvaLion of lbe
roquine is one of the most important of the ret ino Loxic choriocapillaris.
diseases.1"2' Most patients who have developed retinopa- J- L : Л 45-year-old wom an w ilh lupus since ago 4 shows
widespread photoreceptor and pigment epjth“ 3ial loss in
Lby have received daily doses of chloroquine in excess of
addition lo lh e biill's-ove chaftger ^ h ich fjro^resnc^ despite
250 mg or hydroxychloroquine in excess of 750mg for at
cessation of chlorrjquine after more ihan 20 ^'ears o f use. Her
Eeast a total dejse of between ]00 and 300 g.J'' There is evi­ visual acuity was 2 0 /4 0 and 2£V5-0. An eEeLlroretinogram
dence that the incidence of retinoloxic effecLs is lower fol­ shovi'ea moderate red uc I ion of rod and со л-j function.
lowing hydroxychloroquine than following chloroquine I ( J .h m l IJ, l O L ir L t '^ \ u f 3> r K jy ■ ( j y . i k i '. V L i . '. v c r c m i n d s 'b y e j n e fte r
lh e ta(^ ]&,J:L',i:3-:i:: 3:our unequivocal cases of hydroxychlo­ 11| i>d .1 iii .1 [oг^.vv ; l J U ^ г f fj <:■г I by b - r in k 'L y H a t .- I, ! n j m '•VfL 'U i; r h i n h r i

roquine retinopathy were reported prior to l9 9 l.Jv J"J I' .1 r , [ J W j n l t ' r " " t- Г 9 (1 ^ . A i f i L 'n L j n M L 'ili( .'l A is n c u it lu n . r i ^ h l . i n ' i L , r v i., :l

All had normal or reduced visual acuity, paracentral sco­

tomata, acid bull's-eye maculopathy. Some have evidence АБС?? mutations may be predisposed lo retinal toxicity."
of peripheral retinopathy.' : Although it has been sug­ Vitreous fluoropholomelry has demonstrated a breakdown
gested that patients receiving daily dosages of hydroxy­ in the blood-relinal barrier in palients receiving chloro­
chloroquine up lo 400 mg or 6.5 mg/kg of body weight per quine but not bydroxychloroqui ne.24 'lhe earliest sign o f
day may tolerate massive cumulative doses (for example toxicity, which may occur before development of any o(her
3lJ23g) without developing retinopathy.'" such did occur ophthalmoscopic o r e!eclropbysiologic abnormality, is a
in one patient who received 4Q0mg/day and a total dose paracentral visual field loss. ]he patient's use of the Amsler
of less than 21)20 g."' ' -Gass has seen another woman who, grid may be helpful in detecting these early field defects.'
after lakittg a total of I46g [ZOOmg/day X 730 days] of 'lbe earliest ophthalmoscopic and angiographic altera­
hydroxychloroquine, experienced rapid development of tions in the RPli occur in the parafoveal area [E'igure
paracentral visual field loss and early bull's-eye maculop- 9.0] Л-С anti Ii—К J . At this stage a paracentral scotoma and
alhy. lhe retinopathy caused by both dru^s is probably a minimal or no loss of visual acuity are characteristic. An
general toxic effect but some eyes have developed toxicity enlarging ring of atrophy of the J?ETEi surrounding the fovea
after minimal exposure while others with long usage show produces a bull's-eye-like lesion that is indistinguishable
no ill effects. This implies that some eyes may be predis­ oplnhaimoscopicaiLy from other causes of this lesion {see
posed Lo toxicity sooner than others by unknown factors. Chapter 5). .-Vs the E iM alterations extend into lhe foveo­
A study of eight patients with chloroquine ami hydroxy­ lar area, the patient loses cenlral visioil. Weiler el al. have
chloroquine retinopathy for AtfCAJ mutations revealed suggested that the retinal xanthophyll in the foveolar area
two patients with heterozygous Л BCK missense mutations, may exert a photopnoteclive effect in lhe various causes of
hut none in 30 controls, suggesting some patients with bull's-eye maculopatby."1 '' In addition to changes in the
pcrtfiataf pole, continued use of the drug may cause exten­ 9.02 Chloroquine retinopathy.
sive alterations in the RPE and retina peripherally { figure
Л - H : This M-ycw-ofd А Г м с л п Am erican w im a rt w h s - treated
■>.011?.- J-E.J. Ihese changes, together with narrowing of the with chiuruquine for ID years aL a dose Ы 25-0 mjj once daiEy.
relinal vessels and optic disc pallor, in ay resemble primary bhe hiid difficulty f<mttsing for Che раиЕ year EjliL could read
tapetoretinal dystrophies. Severe visual loss and blind­ 20/25 wiLh a correction c f —3.00 D. She ttxiild o r I у see Lhe
ness may eventually occur. Other ocular changes caused by Lt?Ht plalle ort Ihe Isbihara t hart in each eye. F JIid tiS photo­
chloroquine include whitening of the lashes, a whor!-like1 graphs hhcjvv a rin^-Hhiipfd retinal pigmenl epi I ht?l i uni ;КГ1'
nLnophy spajfi^ig [lie fovea] OSnter iA <md Hi, corresponding
pattern of subepithelia! comeal deposits, decreased cor­
decreased trij Гofl Laore silence IC And [Jl and w indow Defects
neal sensitivity, and extraocular muscle palsies.
gn Lhe angiogram ■;L and Fl. G plicai coherence tomography
Kluorescein angiography and fundus autoiluorescence trf buLh еуеы shows disruplLon of photoreceptor^ and loss ol
imaging (I'igure 4.02 C-li, K, and L) are helpful in dem­ inner нецгпогП/оиГег segment (rS-'O^' juncLinn in lhe fovea
onstrating the I'aint bull's-eye pattens of hyperfluores­ (atitows) w:tli fMLc.ii v pres^ff Vnit itjit of rue [jpl ors in the Годезл!
cence before its detection biomicroscopically, particularly eerier.
in patients with blond fundi. In patients with darkly pig­
mented fundi, biomicroscopic evidence of RPE changes EKG, full-field EiEiG and EX3G should be considered as part
may precede angiographic c h a n g e s .lh e area of ПРИ of Lhe base'ine workup.
depigmentation {I'igure 9.011V К H, and I) in general cor­ in the first 5 years of chloroquine or hydroxychloro­
responds to lhe area of field loss. There is minimal angio­ quine therapy the American AcadeLny of Ophthalmology
graphic evidence of damage to the cboriocapiliaris in the recommendations suggest exams at periods appropri­
areas of RE’Ei depigmenlation [E'igure У.01К, C. J. and K) ate for the patient's age. After 5 years of therapy annual
(see discussion in Chapter 2) '['be detection of small para­ exam including centra! !0 n visual field optical coherence
central scotomata to red light is one of the earliest findings tomography (О С Г), color vision, and dilated fundus exam
In chloroquine toxicity. Lise of static perimetry through is recommended. However any suggestion of early field
Lhe vertical meridian may be the most sensitive means of defects, changes in color perception, and other degen­
detecting the early visual field damaged Multi fiscal elec- erative changes al the ttFE/outer retina should warrant a
troretinogram (ERG ) may be able to detect early drop in prompt evaluation with auto fluorescence, centra! visual
receptor amplitudes in the parafoveolar region.,5D‘:3f' OCT field testing, fluorescein angiography, and discontinuatioLi
is often able Lo detect loss of photoreceptors before angio­ of the drug. Al the present time, multifocal LRG may be
graphic changes (I igure £.02С and tl). Ihe electro-oculo­ lhe most useful means lo delect early changes, even before
gram (LO G ] may initially be supernormal [2GO-350%).'' visual field and angiographic changes appear. 11 О С I'
Ideally patients requiring more than 200mg chloro­ can show toss of peri foveolar receptors much earlier than
quine or 350mg hydroxychloroquine daily should have a discernible changes on fundus examinaLion or fluorescein
baseline complete eye examination, including visual acu­ angiography. Most of all, attention should be paid to the
ity, visual fields, and fundus photography. Ef there is any patient's symptoms - variously described as changes in
biomicroscopic evidence of abnormality of ihe Rl’H or color perception, areas of their face missing when looking
other signs of retinal degeneration or a family history of into the mirror, or parts of th e'IV image missing, and dif­
retina] degeneration, fluorescein angiography, multifocal ficulty wilh dark adaptation.
hp4ppjtiioJoglcallyr depigmenLation оГ lhe ИРЕ, loss 9.01! Continued
of" lhe rod and cone receptor elements, and suhretinal I—N : A il 4-year-old Indian w om an received chloroquine
dumping of pigmenL occur in Lhe macular area (Figure lor 2 years. Rrjlh. Ппаига b v t an incomplete; bull's-eye
9.0! 1.)."л *' lileclron microscopic studies have revealed appearance il and I that aie mure visible and widespread
widespread changes in Lhe relina, with Lhe most severe en aulo fluorescence imaging IК Hind Ll. Л L .!■'.;Vмл 11
elecprelincrgrarB shows patchy pholorecuplor dysfunction
occurring in Lhe ganglion cells in spite of Lheir relatively
with reduced amplitudes in [he lovea in both eyes (M and Nf.
normal appearance by Eight microscopy." I here is exper­
imental evidence lhal chloroquine is concentrated in : I—N. cuuriL'iy ill D t. Vi stull ti-.:pl i ;ird I Jr. Amud (JupU..
the RPL and remains there long after cessation ol" treat­
ment. ' In experimental mice given inlraperitoneal
chloroquine, ihere was marked abnormality of the outer
retinal layers with complete loss of the ouler plexj form
Layer, photoreceptors, and photoreceptor nuclei. The RPB
demonstrated focal atrophy, loss of nuclei, and pigmenL
Irregular! Ly. lhe inner retina showed loss of Muller cells
anti the presence of" membranous cyloplasmic bodies. In
contrast, those experimental animals given the drug orally
have shown much less damage with most changes lim ­
ited to Lhe KPli and photoreceptors. Ihis suggests thal the
appearance of toxicity at variable durations of treatment
and at variable cumulative doses in some patients may
be related lo the difference in absorption and bioavali­
ability of the drug.''' Although there is some evidence lhat
Lhe early eleclrophyslologlc changes may be reversible, in
most cases, once visual loss has occurred, it is irreversible
and may progress long after cessation of treatment (Figure
9.Q1E-L].1],]4',M''J9 There may be an interval of 7 years or
Longer after cessation of chloroquine and lhe develop­
ment of the first signs of retinopathy.''" Some patients
with disease attributed lo Late onset and progression of
chloroquine retinopathy may in fact have had a geneti­
cally determined disease that can cause fundus changes
identical to chloroquine relint]pathy (e.g., cone dystrophy,
rod-cone dystrophy ceroid lipofuscinosis, and Stargardfs
A y VU \s
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® OD N O S
*5.03 T h io rid a z in e (M e lla r il) retin o p ath y^
R E T IN O P A T H Y A -С: M ild visual icres occurred in a 21-yeif-cild wnm an w ilb
schizophrenia w h o received ih^uridazine, flOQmg/daft Гог i
3\nients with acute thioridazine relinopalhy typically years. The mild pigment epithelial alterations (A) w ere mure
apparenl anyiu£$rapbrLJilly and C).
experience blurred vision. dyschromatopsia (brownish
D - C : This 60-year-old w om an received thioridazine daily
coloration}, or nyctalopia 3-Д weeks afler receiving the
Гог 1 I years beginning; a.t sge 2.1) year*. Sihe was asymptorn-
drug in excess of 800mg/day'" 53 and less frequently in a Lie visually and had 2СкЙ0 visual acuily biJaLeraNy until aj^e
lower doses.'" |:‘ Maximum daily dose seems more criti­ 55, w hen she developed nyctalopia and paracentral SLoto-
cal than cumulative dose. The fundus may be normal mas. Her visual acLiily was 20/25, rii^hl eye, and 20/30, lefl
initially. Iл ter a mild, fine, then coarse granular sall-and- □ye. ih e had VvideJy Scattered areas gaQgfapht^ atrophy of
pepper pigmentary relinopalhy with a neb lively uniform the reLinal pigm enl e p ilhelium !Rf3L. that included Ihe тл е u-
Iа г area ■
.D-H I.
distribution involving the macula and sometimes the
G-L; This 48-year-otd wom an com plained o f progressive
midperiphery at well, may occur (ligure 9.0ПА). In Some
cjcnslriction of her visual fields for yeara, mare prominent in
patienls this may progress to include patchy or nummu­ lhe past h monlbn. Нет vision was 2<Y40 O L J anti 20/80 O S.
lar areas of toss of (he and choriocapi!laris {J-igure 4be had ieCe)VEd thioridazine for 2 years, w hich was discon­
IJ.O jiD -L)''"' 1,11 and may eventually progress to a severe tinued 15 years prior following development Ы retinal and
diffuse tapetoretinal degeneration. Progression of the pig­ visual field change*;. She had nummular art’as of KPb loss in
mentary changes but not necessarily functional changes bolh е у к Id , H, and Li progressing lo choroidal and relinal
vascular atien nation and optic atrophy U-K.l.
may occur after lhe medication is discontinued.
Visual function may occasionally improve after cessation K J- L , clh j N c j s v n l l> r . M u h n t j l A J i . i w c il 'I . )

of toxic levels of the drug. " Olher patients, however, may

experience a lale, slow progression of functional as well as
anatomic changes. 'Ihe progressive enlargement and con­
tinence of patches of exlrafoveal geographic alrophy of lhe and RPE.'451 llie drug inhibits oxidative phosphoryla­
ЦРЕ and choriocapillaris are similar Lo those seen in gyrate tion, resulting in abnormal rhodopsin synthesis, which
atrophy. Bieltfs crystalline dystrophy, and choroideremia. causes disintegration of rod outer segments/7, lhe К I’К is
I'luorescein angiography ntay be helpful in detecting mild overtaxed with accumulation of lipofusciu as abnormal
ЙРЕ alterations (l-'igure 9.03В and C). The ERG responses pigjnenl granules. In addition il is believed that thiorida­
may be normal early but become attenuated later in more zine and other phenothiazines block the l>4 dopamine
severe cases. receptors with subsequent increase in retinal melatonin
Mistopathologically, thioridazine retinopathy is asso­ synthesis and activity. 'Ihis occurs in the phoLoreceplors
ciated with atrophy and disorganization of the photo­ and КГ}: where the D4 subtype of the D2-receplor fam­
receptor outer segments followed by loss of lhe RP1L and ily is predominant."" Jhioridazine has a structure similar
choriocapillaris ' to NL3-2Q7, an experimental drug that was never marketed
Itelinoloxicily has been attribilled lo concentration of because of severe retinoloxicily/'' Ihere is no specific treat­
the drug within melanin granules in the uveal melanocytes ment other than stopping the medication.
C H L O R P R O M A Z IN E (T H O R A Z IN E ) *hQ4 Chlo rp roma zin e and tri il uope razi ne ret ino palhyL

R E T IN O P A T H Y A—G: This 4 ] -year-old schizophrenic wom an received chlor-

promazine (Thorazine} and trifluoperazine (btelazine) fur
Chlorpromazine rarely causes relinal loxicily. When taken tnany years. There was no definite history of ^t^tm enl w ilh
i ii- и .I/ 'г:- I !■I \h-.i-: .:a !.v i l I 111 ч1
-: : ■ ■: ■ Sb
in large doses in die range of 2400 mg/day over 12 monlhs
had diminished photopic and scolopic responses eEeclrafeLi-
tt may cause mild pigmentary changes in die re Linn (figure
nographically. rhe pnlchy and nummular л red к ol atrophy of
D.04A and в }.5 ihese rarely are associated wtlli visual the relinal pij’m t'iil epUhcSiurn. ■ЬЗl-'LI innowh A and tt were
or functional deficits. patients receiving chlor- нiin i I г to those caused by Ibiotidazine Lox.rcily.
proma^ine have often received other medica Lions that may
Clofazimine retinopathy,
have Included potentially retinotoxic drugs, assignment of
С and \)\ Айег ft months of trealmenl with J 3 g clofazim ine
Lhe exael cause of the retinopathy may be difficult. W hile
for ftf уCuba av/uni complex associated w ilh acquired
and fellow-while granular deposits may occur in Lhe axial im m unodeficiency syndrom e (AID S), this palienL developed
part of lhe anterior sub capsular region of the lens, and fi bull's-eye pa 11urn □( K J'L moll led depiLjmenlatitm in Ihe
ill Lhe posterior layers df the cornea in patients receiv­ macula bilaterally. His visual acuiLy was 20/25. There was
ing 300 mg/day of chlorproma^ine for 3 years or more. 9 ног™ generaIized reductjon of all co n p o n en ls of his eleclrn-
lhe usual dosage- of chlorpromazine is 4(J-7!> mg/day, retinogram it К С ) jjpsponses. His ctHttr Vision (A O H R U pseudo-
isuchrofnalic plait's; was ПОЧТОЙJ
although dosages up Lo BOO mg/day are nol uncommon.
Deferoxamine Loxicily.
C L O F A Z IM IN E R E T IN O P A T H Y E-L: This 72-уеагч)к1 wmnan oumjj larnud of gradual onsel
ot" blurred vision in bolh eyes, and yellowish discoloration of
Clofazimine is a red iminopbenazine dye used concur­ vision ["or 2 monlhs. Her visual acuity was 2U/20 2 months
rently with dapsone and rifampin as the treatment of prior Ю preseritalion. Her vision had dropped now lo 2tV25
in the right eye and 20-44) in the lefl eye. The tLmdus in bcjflh
choice for lepromalous leprosy, for treatment of dapsone-
eves showed penpapiI!a ry areas o f KPF: moll I ini’ lhal were
resistant leprosy, and for Myccbaclerium nvium complex
mofe visible on Ihe red-free photographs it and Fi. A lluorcs-
infections in patients wilh acquired immunodeficiency cein angiogjam showed Jeopard spcH-like pi^nentary changes
syndrome [AIDS). After several monlhs of treatment, clo­ corresponding to lhe pigment molllinj^ (G ai>d l-l . She had a
fazimine crystals may accumulate in the ocular tissues. hislory oi' sideroblastic anemia and had received inlravenous
Reversible si de-effects include a superficial whorl pattern desferrioxarnine tor 5 monlhs lor iron overload secondary
of anlerlor corneal pigmented lines, brownish discolor­ lo blcod Lranhtusicjns. ih e conlinmid 1u develop pijjmtffifcary
changes in the.1 macula (I to Ll. Her LFiG showed subnor­
ation of lhe conjunctiva and tears, and crystals in the iris
mal rod and соле funclicm wilh decieiist’d ampliludes and
and sclera. A large bull's-eye pattern of pigmenl epithelial
increased latency, HumpEiruy visual field showed en larked
atrophy (I'igure 9.04<J and D } has occurred in iwo patients blind spuL w ilh central visual field suppression.
following 2CKJmg/day (total dose of approximately ■ ■ Й i
i t jn d U. F-jnnm (..'unninuhiun el 3.1. ) (E—L, ш иrimy ol Ur. S4!£nu
4flg) and after 3Qt) mg/day (total dose o f approximately H .t ri г.r;.t U. I
45gj *it6a '['hjS associated with reduced ERG b-waves
and full-field photoplc and scolopic as well as flicker
D E F E R O X A M IN E M A C U I.O P A T H Y 5.03 Deferoxamine retinopathy^

A—D: H i is b4-year-old wom an w ilh chronic renal failure

IrtLra4tenou| adminislralion of deferoxamine mesylate and renal diiLiy iii developed severe osleoporosis lhal Was
[Db"Q), 3-12 gjl4 hours, for Lhe treatment of transfu- LHolt^iL lo by reliited to excessive absorbed# of aluminum
sional hemosiderosis has produced rapid onsel of visual from Ihe diaHynate used Lo Ireal her renal in s u ffic ie n c y
loss.; color vision abnormalities; nyctalopia; a ring sco­ Following inLravenous; deferoxamine Lhe palient noLed dys-
toma; reduced electrorelinographic, electro-oculographic, c: h rcj-nin Lops-ins.. blurring o f vision, л ltd difficulty m reading. Al
Lhe lime ol" examinalton 1 5 day^ after he» intravenous; iher-
dark adaptation. and visual evoked responses; and mid-
apy her visual acuity was 20,'JO. 5he had 10 ° central relative
Lo high-frequency hearing loss of cochlenir type.'11" ''
scotoma la. Fundoscopit: examination showed sli^hL ^jay-
JTie fundi may be normal initially or there may be a i'n^ of the relina paracenLrally (A). Fluorescein angiography
slight gntying of the macula (figure У.05А). both eyes showed a mottled pattern o f hypeifluonescenoe Ihrouyhoul
are affected. Visual symptoms usually begin 7-10 days lhe macula anti a cenlral area of sLaininy a I lhe level t vl" Lhe
after the last treatment. Development of maculopalhy hih’t -Li and C:-. i>he noled rapid improvement of her vision
may occur after chronic subcutaneous injection of def­ st^on afler her examination. W h e n seen S m onthi laL-er, her
only com plainl was mild dyschromatopsja anti her visual
eroxamine.'1 fluorescein angiography soon after the
acuily was 2СУ20 in the riyht eye and 2 0 ^ 5 in the left eye.
onsel of visual symptoms in the presence of a normal -
There was mollling of Che Ы Е in Lhe m acular areas; of holh
appearing fundus may show progressive staining at the eyes 0 ) .
level of the RPU in the macular areas, and in some cases E—L: This 80-year-old m ale suffered from myelofibrosis for
Eeakage of dye from the optic disc vessels [figure 9.0SH Lhe pruviousi T year*; and received deferoxamine (Dcsfe.r^Ej a
and C). Pigmentary changes usually appear within sev­ year laEer. Six l a eijjhl weeks follow ing iniLfaLion of Desferal
eral weeks (figure 5vp5D), After cessation of treatment, he noliced rapid developmenl o f circum scribed circu­
lar scoComas in bolh eves w ilh progressive worsening. H e
return of visual function осшгь over 3-4 months and
underwent C aiaiad exLracLion in ta>Lh eyes i monlhs I filer
approximately 70% of patients recover normal acuity.
wiLh improvement of vision lo 20/oQ O U . Vi sun! deteriora-
Two 70-year-old patients developed pseudovitelliform Lion continued, he was switched Lo deferasirox 1Exjade) 9
Eesions in the macula of both eyes while on low-dose def­ months later w hen his vision was 20/200 in both eyes.
eroxamine.'" Reversible HOG changes have been no Led/" Coarse pLgjnenl clum ping in lhe fovea and diffuse pig­
and a drop in the Arden ratio to less than 1.5 was seen in ment m o ilin g throughout lhe posLequaLorial fundus were
another palient on DE'O for 1 years. On cessation of DPQ noled. l:luojescein angiogram revealed piemen I alteration
anti disrupted RI-’E: in Ihe fovea. Goldm ann visual fields
following splenectomy her LOG and visual acuity returned
w ere full peripherally w ilh cenlral scoLom<ts of 10-15 O U .
to normal hence l:.OG at regular intervals may be used as
Electro rtlinogram showed marked dricnease in rod function
a monitor for Loxicity. 1 Some patients show increase in I'd it !l id m criT.Hi d'-t revise n <
. one И-п< 11>'■:i. ■h- i pp^-'
both rod and cone implicit Limes and reduction of a- and and j in c levels w ere normal, he had no hearing problem,
b-wave amplitudes.1 "1'['he Lnecbanisni of retinal toxicity is and Lxjade could noL be discontinued due Lo iron overload.
unknown. Although chelation of iron is unlikely to be the He was started on AREL35 fage-related eye disease sLudyt
explanation, removal of other metals, particularly copper, viLamins.

from the Rl’li may be important/’1'-1"11 Copper fluxes may

cause oxidative cell membrane resulting in lipid peroxida­ of the plasma membrane, and thickening of Bruch's
tion products that are toxic to the RPt. Copper movement membrane.1''0
into extracellular fluids may interrupt monoaminergic More recently an oral agent hxjade is being used as a
neurotransmission in the retina.’"' Light microscopic and chela LiLig agent in patients receiving repeated blood trans­
L ilt r a s t r u c t u r a l changes in the R l?E in an eye of a patient fusions. I'igure 9.05E:-1. shows a palient who continued
studied after recovery of visual function included patchy lo develop macular and exlramacular pigmentary changes
depigmentaiion and thinning, loss of microvilli from even after being switched to lixjade. High-frequency senso­
tbe apical surface, vacuolization of the cytoplasm, swell­ rineural loss and bone dysplasia are other features of def­
ing and calcification of mitochondria, disorganization eroxamine toxicity.
S ID E R O T IC R E T IN O P A T H Y Siderosis bulbi.

A-С: This man. was blind in lbe left eye been use? of siderosiis
If iron-containing foreign bodies enter the eye, lhe iron fo Hewing Iwt) unsuccessful attempts at removal of л r e fin e d
may become oxidized and be bound lo lhe ocular tissues., inlTaoLular foreign Eiody H yea re breyhrtisfifr Note the severe
producing either localized siderosis or, particularly when atrophy o f lhe reti:na and relinal pigment e p iIhelium iKPI-
the foreign body lodges in lhe vilneonetinal region, diffuse and the delayed perfusion o f lhe rulina ;tnd choroidal blood
ocular siderosis (ligure 9.06А—K). " e Evidence of ocular vessels anjjioyraphicaily lA and 111. UEtr-asonograpEiy Itl) co n ­
firmed the presence of the? foreign E>ody. The elecLrorelino-
siderosis includes pupillary mydriasis, darkening of lhe iris
^ram extinguished in Ihe lefl eye.
(t igure 9.G6D]; and orange deposits in lhe anlerior subcap-
D and E: th is 44-year-old construction worker wEwj ham­
sular region of lhe lens. Posteriorly, hazy ocular media may mers metol on metal noled ,fhis eyes- were Lhiinjjinjj." The I el I
preclude visualization of the fundus, liarly optic disc hyper­ iris is sideroLit [Dj. His- viHUfll acUHV 20/2(5 in the ri^hl
emia and fluorescein angiographic evidence of leakage may eye Lind 20/70 in lhe Jefl. Visual lield w as full on '.he ri^hl
he present. Later a picture simulating pigmentary degenera­ and tonsLricled on the lefl side. An fcKG SflOtatt significant
tion of the retina and progressive loss of peripheral visual decrease in scn U p ic And p holc^p i-и fundi о л wiLh delayed rod
implicit Lime and decreased rod and cone amplitudes ■Ii).
fields may occur (figure 9.06A and H). Ihese changes may
he associated wilh oplic disc hyperemia, lletinal vascular Acute siderotic maculopathy in a primate.
Harrowing and occasionally microangiopathy with vascu­ F-K: This squirrel monkey developed a circular w hile area
lar occlusion and leakage are seen..''"" Abnormalities in in Ihe rmicuia 1 day .^fler lhe intravitreal injection o f 0.00 гущ
the I:JIG eventually occur (Figure 'J.06H) and may be revers­ iron iLS ferrous chloride D . Huorencein an^io^rapEiy revealed
ible Following early removal of the intraocular iron foreign transmission a i Lhe cboroitLil Fluorescence and later in-Lenne
body.31"94 Histopathologically, the iron is initially depos­ Hlrtinin^ in lhe are-a of tEiis whitening 'G j. TwenLy-ei^hL days
lal-er ihere was a circumHCribed area of КИ. depigmenla.tion
ited primarily in the inner relina and KFH. .Eventually, how­
surrounded by a halo cf Ev,'perpv.>menta:L3on in lhe m acular
ever, degeneration may affect all layers of the retina. area (3-1). A w indow defecl in Lhe RFLi was evident an^io-
The natural course of a retained intraocular iron foreign ^rapEiically IL.',. A£-cont£jM micrograph made I s a y after
body is variable. In some cases the foreign body may be inlravitrea] injection of iron ptjwder showed pyknosis; of the
absorbed or become encapsulated and the siderosis may OLiler relinal cel] nuclei and edema c f the inner reLina (Jj. A
stabilize or regress.11" M In some cases the hyperpigmenta­ phase-conlmsl rftTt^dgraph days following inlravilreal
tion of the encapsulated mass may simulate a choroidal injection showed a sharp dem arcalion beLween Lhe normal
and atrophic outer retinal layers in lhe macular region (K 1.
melanoma [figure 8.11 ft-E:]/' hi general, intraocular iron
foreign bodies should be removed, particularly from an | Л —C . L ' j L i r l L T V Г>1 I J r . Se-Lrf K . S r iC L J U : L J . M l 11 I : . . rt f L A 1
! :il> . ' l h y
O Ih t ji: I j n d К C n jn i M . L v c iu lh d a l.. l A j b l Ы ж с ! Y v iL h p t T i r n r a i a h f u jn t
eye showing evidence of siderosis.1'' Removal of foreign I Ih .1 A r m n c .m lu u r n .il o f f J p h h .L lr r n r i^ liL ( l | i f ''h , 4 n i i .

bodies deeply embedded in lhe ocular wall or of largely ГиЫпМш ■Си.

oxidized foreign bodies may be difficult or impossible.
An acute pigment epitheliopalhy, serous relinal detach-
menl, and Iransienl visual toss occurred in a paLient wilh (I'igure 3.06c],, and a diminished or non record able ERG
svslemic hypertension and chronic glomerulonephritis within the first Z4 hours of the inieclion ''' A zone of focal
after intravenous adminislralion of iron debt ran/0 atrophy of Lhe RPL surrounded by a zone of pigmenl epi­
Experimental injection of iron powder or iron-containing thelial clumping develops wilhin a few weeks [Figure 9.U6H
solutions into the vilreous may produce acute geographic and ]). 11istologically the primary damage is to the receptor
areas of retinal whitening (figure У.061:-К]. fluorescein cells and НРЁ (I'igure У.06] and K). Retinal damage is much
angiographic evidence of severe disruplion of lhe RPE more severe wilh ferrous than with ferric compounds.
Szcteroflt WL'frjju^’rcWjif 769

md nv nji Гькв.

i r A


C H A L C O S IS M A C U L O P A T H Y 9.07 Chalcosis.

A-С: Cupper deposilt in tht1 тп,юи1л of an 1fi-уедг-оМ

Patients ТЛ1Lth jn intraocular copper foreign body may patient with а рек-lerior dislocated leh's. Ht1 tusfainyd an
show a xvide spectrum of reactions Lo its presence. In die inliaocular и о р р и torei^n-body injury 5 yeais prcviouiEy.
case of ni copper alloy, the inflammatory reaction may The*e deposits disappeared 14 months- after removal i)f Lhe
be minimal and a slow diffusion of copper occurs and foreign body (CJ. His visual acuijy was 20/20.
ttnpregpate^ limiting membranes Of the eye to produce the Argyro sis.
picture of chalcosis that may include peripheral comeal 1): Bluisti discoloration о й he conjunctiva 'argyrosis':.
ring sunflower cataract (see Figure fl. Ill], and heterochro­ E - G : □arlt choroid fGj a ssociated w ilh argyros-is of Bru ch s
mia of the iris.l| ' ' In addition, irregular yellowish-go!den membrane in a palienl w ilh systBiflft; argyrosis caused by
flakes may be deposited in the macular area away from using a mouth wash containing stiver (Cullargenl Acel-arsol^
[he site of the foreign body (Figure 9.07A and B )tSLr5:i it is Snirbach, Suresrtes, Frarv.e'l 2 limes a day for 3 years. Red
light phologiaph shows no details o f choroidal circuJation
presumed that these apparently Inert deposits are either
rind leopard spot pattern of I be fundus temfioraliy Ct) that is
copper carbonates or oxides. '.Ihey appear to have little
accunlualed in l-he infmred fight photograph ifV
effect on visual acuity. Their Eocation Is uncertain, but they H: Photomicrographs showing argyros-is of lEie relinal pig­
appear to be deep lo the retinal vessels. I'hese flakes disap­ ment epilhelium and EiruclVs. membrane :,ifrowsj.
pear after removal of the foreign body (Figure У.07С].Г' ' ■ lA - C . F f t jh i L Jc iI.m e y , ' t S lid Ц iT iim C. ( j h L ' n t ' [ . : i . ' H , :ru m Si m t h ur

ihe tR G is subnormal in approximately of patients L'l A

with chalcosis.
lixperimentally, copper has been found in the macro­
phages within the retina, in Muller cells, and in granular compounds lo the eye. the blue-gray discoloration of the
clumps scattered throughout the retina."' 4 Clinicopalhologic conjunctiva and cornea [Figure ^.07L>) is referred lo as
sludy in eyes with retained copper foreign bodies show cop­ argyria. The discoloration is caused by deposition of sil­
per deposits in Descemet's membrane, vitreous, internal lim­ ver in the basement membrane of the conjunctiva and
iting membrane of the relina, and fibrous capsule around cornea, as well as In Descemefs membrane. Occupational
Lhe foreign bodies. Кyes with foreign bodies containing more exposure in a silversmith from Etaly was found lo deposit
Lhan S.v'o copper show more disseminated coppcr --m Ls the metal in the endothelial basement membranes of the
and eyes with alEoy containing less than 35% copper show coniimctiva and deep corneal stroma just anterior lo the
more localized deposits. EtetinaE structures are usually well endothelium."1, I’eripheral and central or diffuse corneal
preserved, even In eyes with an intraocular copper foreign deposition has been noted, with the central involvement
body retained for 22 years.9' occurring with longer exposure. E’atienls with argyrosis
caused by chronic ingestion of silver-containing com­
A R G Y R O S IS ___________________________ pounds may develop discoloration of the skin and body
organs, as well as loss of the normal choroidal markings
Argyrosis may be associated with discoloration of the in the ocular fundus, a ‘'dark” choroid fluorescein angio-
skin, mucous membranes, and many of the body organs graphically, and a leopand-spot mottling of the ocular fun­
occurring with application of colloidal silver-containing dus when viewed with red-free light [E'igure y.07F-G)."
eye drops, eyelash tint, In photographers, photochem­ These fundus changes are probably caused by loss of trans­
ists, miners, silversmiths and Industrial workers using parency of Eiruch's membrane as a result of deposition of
silver<onlaining compounds. When this discoloration is silver in the membrane [Figure 9.07J I).’07-''1- 3he discolor­
confined lo the eye fotlowing, topical application of si Ever ation is permanent and chelation therapy is ineffective.
агэдпнй 771
C IS P L A T IN U M A N D B C N U 9.08 CispEatinum and bleomycin chorforetina! toxicity.

(C A R M U S T IN E ) R E T IN O P A T H Y A-E: Th is- -tb-yeai-old man had л righl-sided inLracafейid

injection of cisplatinum and bleom ycin fur Uealmenl o f a
Intracarotid arterial chemotherapy witfa B^NLJ (ЬЗ-Ьгз- glioEjkaaloma c f lbe L?tei iп-. Н у noled I bn- й т т а д щ Ц нопк st ion
[^2-chlorelhyl)- l-iiltmsourea], 30£>-400mg, and paplaH- of heal Ejehind 'lie iрыi lalem I eye, and transient paralysis of
the righl arm. O n e d;*y lafe" fie noled visual I cjkh in lhe right
num [f?s-dtammiue dichloropEalinum(IE}), 100 mg, is used
eye. tight days laler fiisUa) acuity in Ihe rigE^ е Уе Was I'gbt
for treatment of re-current malignant j;]Lcunas of the brain. perception only. The left eye was norm al. Examination of Lhe
Jhis may cause precipitous ipsilateral visual loss and fun­ rigbt fundus revealed tw u li/ira of Lhe oplic dii-c, fia rro w in i
dus changes of iwo different types. Patients receiving BCISJL] ol lhe retinal vessels, and subtle rc*liпннI pigmnnl epitheliunit
either alone or in combination with cisplatmum may iKJ't- moLlling ihsl m ofe appajjCn I an{j?p$rapbically Л
develop visual loss associated with ophthalmoscopic signs arid Ё ■
. t.i^hl djiys later Visual acuily was band BW van en l^
of relina) infarction, retinal periarteritis and phlebitis, and and 1hii re wan prominent mottling o f the RPt t-E.i.
F: This ^ Ё -yea^pld man experienced rapid visual losa 2
papillitis.'-1" '"" A retinopathy si mi Ear lo interferon retinopa­
weeks previously several days following a left-sided inLra-
thy with severe bilateral retinal ischemia leading to retina! c:nrolid injection of cispJaLlnum and bleom ycin. I-Eis visual
neovascularization has been described (E'igure 9.0SG-J].k! acuity was 2Q/20 right eye and 20/400 Eefl eye. Note the
Jlte mechanism of the vasculopathy is t>e]ie\red to be from mtsilling of the K l’t in lhe left n'.acula.
increased platelet reactivity to nonaggreg^ting concentration G —|: This pa lien I received polycEwmotherapy ibEeomycin,
of the agonists involved in the arachidonic acid metabo- elupostde, and cisplalin) lor a recurrence o f germ cell tes­
lisjn (increased thromboxane synthesis and early onset of ticular lumoi. Ten weeks afler LreaLmenl, he fosl vision in his
lefl eye. He Eiad bilateraE w idespread retinal ischemia vvilb
platelet aggregation wave}. 'Hie retinopathy was found to be
CcrtLxi-wnol spoLs, superficial relinal h e m o n p ^ , m icro­
reversible or stable; however the field defect and vision loss aneurysm formation, and neovnscularizaLlon in lbe lefl eye
from optic neuropathy progressed even after discontinua­ (С, Н]. Fluorescein angiogjapEiy revealed palchy bilateral
tion of the drug.'' 4 Other findings may include ca\remous retinal ischemia, leaking capillaries and microaneurysms and
sinus syndrome, partial sixth- and third-nerve palsies, severe enlarged foveal avascular io n e with area* oi N V L on lhe left
conjunctival imt4'Uo:i :.vA diLiim-sis. pain, aiu:. secondary (I and Jf. Systemic causes were thoroughly investigated and

glaucoma. Approximately С5% of patienLs treated develop excluded.

these findings accompanied by visual loss abouL 6 weeks I- C i- L J - г м т K w . - in 4; l ; i l , | l : l

after the start of treatment. Once visual loss begins it is usu­

ally progressive and severe.
Inlracarotid infection above the level of the ophthal­
mic arteiy does not protect from development of ocular addition of BCrvU.l<t0 Hgure 9.0SA-]: shows pigmentary
complications.^1'1 Those treated wilh cisplatinum alone retinopathy in two patients treated wilh cisplalittum and
or in combination wilh LSOlvLJ may develop visual loss bleomycin, A similar pigmentary maculopathy has been
associated with a pigmentary retinopathy wilh a cen­ reported after a combination of intracarotid injection of
tral scotoma, and later diffuse constriction of the visual mannitol and methotrexate together wilh intravenous
fje]d_w. -[’he may |-ie nonrecordable in some admLnistration of cyclophosphamide.11'1Mannitol disrup­
patients.-" 1|,л' l"he visual symptoms and pigmentary tion of the blood -ocular barrier was thought lo be instru­
changes are usually mild following administration of tris- mental in the macular changes, which lypically do not
platinum alone and appear lo be potentiated wiLh the occur with use of (he two drugs alone (see Chapter 13].
T A M O X IF E N R E T IN O P A T H Y 9.09 Tamoxifen relinopalhy.

A—C : Fallowing a mastectomy far breast carcinom a (his

llimoxLfen citrater a nonsteroidal anliestrogen, is used lo wom an песеты ! я tola I dose of tamoxfferi (ivt'ra period
Lreal patients with breasL carcinoma and more recently ль □I 9 yeary. Her visual acuity was 20/20(5 in lujlh eyet. Nole
high-dose therapy Гог brain tumors.111 Patients who receive the intraretinal crystals are mure prominent in Lhe left eye.
high doses tjf laLTtoxifen [total amount of drug 1л excess of D-F: This Ь З -year-old wum an, w h o received в Lota I dase of
90gj may develop loss of central vision, tnacuJar edema., between 30 and 150 g 1amo\ifen aver a period o f 29 months
fur treatment of meiasLatic breast carcinom a, noted loss of
and superficial white refraclile deposits that are located
oenLraE visfem. Visual acuity was 20/50. There w ere superfi­
primarily in the inner layers of the retina (figure 9.09Af
cial white felrat.Li.le deposils lhal appeared Iо be in lhe inner
Ii. D, and Ei}.1 ' There may be punctate gray lesions al layers o f the relinas ot" bolh eyes (D and t.. NoLe also Lho
the level of the outer reLina and RPh that appear nonfluo- white spoLu in the periphery of lh e m acula IhaL angitigfaphi-
rescent {hypofluorescent] angiographically (E'igure 9.09l:). cally appeared honlluorescent IF>. La L-от phase an^iogramh
IJefraclile lesions are more numerous and larger in the para­ showed Jjys-Loid inaculaf edema. Five m onlh? p fotioush her
macular area, are more heavily concentrated temporal lo visual nicuily been 20/30 in the rij^hl eye and 20/23 in
(по left eye and lh e fundi w ere normal.
the macula, and show some tendency lo clump. [Peripheral
crystals can occur in some cases. О С Г confirms the inner Secondary oxalosis.
retinal loation.Щ H ie number and size of the lesions do G and H : K etin al ox alo sis in a 34-year-old w o m a n a lte r 2
not change afler cessation of tamoxifen. Ught microscopy w a r s ol in haliH ian ab u se o f m o lh u s y liu ra n e . There W e re m u l­
tip le bright y e llo w - w h ite crystals throughouL Lhe retina an d
and electron microscopy show that lhe retractile lesions
p ig m en t e p ith e liu m w ith a retinal arterial a n d p eriarterial pre-
are located in the nerve fiber and inner piexiform layers.IEJ
d ei:Lii)n ih e subsequently devei< red " i ll I/. i., : - K id tiey
'Ihey are intracellular and stain positively for glycosamino-
b io p sy re v e a ie d birefrinj^em crystals in lh e renal 'u h u le lum ens.
glyeans, 'ihe lesions appear to represent products of axonal I - L : R e ; ■i (jsaEosis in a 6 3 -year-old m a n w h o d e v e lo p e d
degeneration. Histopalhotogically they are similar to cor­ re n al fa ilu re f o llo w in g m e th o s y f lu ia n e a n e s th e s ia Hi. Ho
pora amylacea bul are larger and more numerous in the s u b s e q u e n tly d ie d , a n d his eyes w e r e o b ta in e d at au to p sy.
paramacular area than the peripapillary area. N o te lh e b ire frin g e n l o x a la te c ry s ta l? p resen t яп Lhe reLina
jn lh e m a c u la r re g io n , in Lhe retinnil pig^nenl e p ith e liu m ;K .
'inhere is evidence that long-term low-dosage tamoxifen
a n d in Lhe k id n e y :L I.
may cause retinopathy. '114-122 [n a prospective study of f>3
patienls receiving a median dose of 20 mg'day tamoxifen for lL^-h l-nnm .Ml KL'Uh\n ri j I. I4t i .hii-1 H, Irum Nuv.ik (j[ л!.'-'11-L.hmrn
I ' m; Inch liiil I AlhKiri'"' 1W7S, Лгпигк .in Mudictl A^-.c* i.iinnn. All iii^hla
a median duration of 25 months, four patients developed hcuerVtd.)
retinopathy and/or keratopathy !0, 27r 31, and 35 months
after commencement of treatment.ij2 'lhe mean total dose
In these four patients was 14.4g. Decreased acuily, blEaleral secondary lo an in horn error of metabolism lypes ] and 2
macular edema, and yellow-white dots in the paramacular (see Chapter 5); (2) a toxic reaction to ethylene glycol or
and foveal areas occurred in all four patients and corneal methoxyllurane general ^de3thesia;i:!i-12fl or (5j chronic
opacities occurred in one palient. After withdrawal of drug, renaE failure and h em o d ialysis.O cu lar involvejnenl in
aImosl aJE ocular complications were reversible," 5,132 secondary systemic oxalosis has been observed afler use
lleier .ind соworkers found mild deposition of inlra- of methoxyflurane, which is л nonflammable anesthetic.
retinal crystals in only two of 155 visually asymptom­ When administered to patients with renal dysfunction
atic lamoxifen-trealed patients (mean cumulative dose and particularly if administered over a prolonged period
17.2g ).1'■ The two patienls wilh ciystals had a cumulative of time, it may cause irreversible renal failure secondary lo
dose of Ш.9 and 21.9g respectively, in severe cases OCE' lhe metabolic breakdown of lhe aneslhetic lo oxalic acid
shows intrarelinal pseudocyst formation similar to those and fluoride ions (figure 5.0УК). These patients., as well as
seen in idiopathic type 2 juxtafoveolar telangiectasia., those With primary hyperoxaluria, may develop numerous
likely from axonal degeneration of Muller cells and photo­ yellow-white, punctate, crystalline lesions diffusely scat­
receptors. h''11",l2' The pseudocysl gradually enlarges with tered throughout the posterior pole and mid periphery of
ruplure of Lhe inner layer to result in a macular hole." 1 lhe eyes (see figures 5.67 and 9.Q2G and II). En some, the
Transient bilateral optic disc edema, retinal hemorrhages- crystals appear to be mosl prominent in Lhe pigment epi­
and macular edema may occasionally occur after starting thelium wilh surrounding areas of hypertrophic and hyper­
low-dose tamoxifen d g l|^ ]J tlS-s30 Multifocal ERC done plastic Rl’fc (figure 9 $ 9 l},^ 6'137 and in others, along the
prospective ly to monitor for macular loxicity is nol useful retinal arteries (figure 9.09Gl.IJ:i-!-: I.ess commonly the
even in patients who develop ciystals.1' : crystals are intraretinal, and oplic atrophy is seen occasion­
ally. In paLienls wilh methoxyflurane toxicity the retinal
O X A L O S IS _____________________________ and pigment epithelial crystals may occur in the absence
of changes in lhe oplic disc, the macula, and the caliber of
Oxalosis is lhe deposition of calcium oxaEale in vari­ lhe retinal vessels seen in primary hyperoxaluria (see figure
ous tissues of the body. Lhe eye may be solely involved 5.67). fELstopalhologically. the Aecks seen ophihalmoscop-
or may be involved as pan of systemic oxalosis. Systemic ically are calcium oxalate crystals in the ЙРЕ, murosensory
oxalosis тчту be lhe result of: ( I ) a primaiy hyperoxaluria retina, and ciliary epithelium (figure 9.09] and K }.|J'
'lhe different]al diagnosis includes the other foftos of so- 9.10 Can Ih as an Ihi ne ret ino pathy
called flecked retina, .including Eieltis crystalline dystrophy,
A - C : Note (he glistening yello w crystals arranged in a
nephropathic cystinosisr canlhaxanthine й^йора^Ьу; West doughnut shape in the superficial and deep relina in the
African crystalline maculopalhy Sjogren-(.arsson's syndrome, of ihis palienL w h o was л long-term user ol skin-
talc Fetinopdthyr fundus al bi pnnctatus, retinitis punctata albe­ tannmj^ agents. Note the fierifoveolar ol" hyperfluo-
scens, Slaigardl's disease, Alport's syndrome, bilateral acquired rescencu, w hich probably is caused hv ohslruuJion ot the
juxtafoveolar telangiectasis, and vitamin A deficiency. background fluorescence by lhe crvslnls rather th in dupi.q-
m enlation or lh e retinal р1фПел! epithelium (KPt).
Calcium oxalaLe crystals may be found wUhin the retina
D —F : Unilateral deposition of i^nlhaxanthine in Ihe righl eye
as an incidental finding in patients with Long-standing ret-
of ,i palienl w ilh recurrent idiopathic central 5егсщ> chorio­
ЁИч11detachment (see Chapter 1, E'igure 7.3] A and li) and retinopathy in the ipsilateraE eye (t> and Ff. Lefl eye is unal-
with morgagnian cataracts unassociated with evidence of lecled :Eil.
systemic oxalosis. G : Asym m etric canlhaxanthine retinopalhy occurred in an
asymplomalLC -year-old wom an w ilh an old inferior tom-
poraI branch reLinal vein obstr-u-clion in Ihe lefl macula. She
C A N T H A X A N T H IN E was tcjmplal'inii^g of blurred vision a Hid "lem on-yellow pin-
w liee!" pholopsia iTi the left eye. Visual acuity was 20/20,
M AC U LO PATH Y eye, and 20/40, lefl eye. There wore more crystals in the
left m acula and there wepe Inlriicorneal crystals in l>oth eyes.
CaEithaxanlhine is a carotenoid dye used in food and She hiid la ken oral canlha*anthine for many vears.
drug coloration. Some patients who use il orally (usually H and l: Сал1Ьаяап[Ыпе! relinopathy associated w ilh
a lot aI dose of lUg or more xvithin 24 months) as a tan­ chronic recurrent bilateral idiopathic ce n ta l serous chorio­
ning agent may develop a symmetric distribution of golden retinopathy. H e took canlhaxanthine, one labtel per day for
particles in a doughnut pattern in the superficial retina 4 months, 15 years before these photographs. Visual acuity
was 20/3OOr light eye, and 2U/25, 3efL eye.
in the macular areas (figure 9.1Q)._,U" M' 'ihe retinal crys­
I and K: Crystalline relrnopalhy identical to that caused by
tals may be exaggerated in eyes with other diseases of the сил Ihaка nthine in a 4B-yenr-old man w ilh no history of sup-
fundus (i'igure y.lOD-E).1'^ A feu1 patients may develop p lemenlaJ ca nlha лапth i ne.
similar crystals in the cornea al the level of l>escemet's L: M ild unilateral crvslalline relinopalhv lairtnv of unknown
membrane.1' 1Retrospective studies of pure canlhaxanthine ciiu.4f in a m iddle-aged man.
(Orohronze) consumers revealed an incidence of retinal ( A . l r n f К . I-ITOTI ( !r>r: : n C t ,1 I . 1 I
deposits varying from 12% to l4 w .lJ0jt32 The occurrence
of the deposits correlates with lhe total dose ingested. In
Lwo studies 37g canthaxanthine induced retinal deposits in
50Ч-0 of the patientsJ30 and 6Qg induced deposits in 1(Ю%
of patients.1,D Predisposing factors that lead to onset of ret­ delay in reversibility is in keeping with the observation
inopathy al much lower dosage include focal disease of the that the plasma concentration of canthaxanlhine lakes al
RPE,li] lja ocular hypertension/4 and concurrent use of least 9 months to Fecover to normal levels in patients hav­
beta carotene (figure 9. iO tJ-l).' v llennekes reported the ing received daily oral dosage of I GO mg for 3 months.N'
development of canlhaxanthine retinopathy in a pa lie tit lhe return to normal values of static perimetry threshold
wilh retinitis pigmentosa after IngesLion of 12-14 g over a in some patients suggests that the abnormality is not the
period of 4 months."11 ihe maculopalhy is usually associ­ result of an irreversible anatomic alteration, as suggested
ated with normal visual acuity buL reduced retinal sensi­ in experimental studies in rabbits.1л ' r,i
tivity.1i2 Some palienls may demons irate subnormal dark Retinopathy identical to lhal of canlhaxanthine reti­
adaptation and eleclroretinographic responses.l*Svl37-1Ji,]4J nopathy may occur in some palienls without a history of
ihe LRC changes in most palienls are reversible after the extradielary intake of canlhaxanthine (figm e y.OSf and
ingestion of canLbaxanlhine is stopped.11' HOC responses K }.10-3 Similar retinopathy has developed in one patient
are norm al.';1, Nl-I+1-J-1J Fluorescein angiography is receiving long-term nitrofurantoin therapy.111?
typically normal but may show a bull's-eye pattern of faint Administration of amounts of canlhaxanthine compa­
hyperfluoreseence (figure У.10С). Morphologically these rable lo those ingested by patients developing can thaxan -
red, hirefringenl, and lipid-soluble carotenoid crystals are thine relinopaLby produced morphologic changes in the
located in the inner layers of the entire relina and the cili­ retina of rabbits and cats, but no retinal crystals.150 '■
ary body.: Jhey are panicularly large and numerous peri- 'lhe cats developed a progressive orange sheen lo the
foveally. where they are clinically visible. They are located ocular fundus morphologically was associated wilh
in a spongy degeneration of the in tier neuropil and are increased RETL cell height and vacuolization caused by
associated with atrophy of the inner pans of Muller cells. enlargement and disruption of phagosomes.1^ Dose-
'Jhey presumably represent a canthaxanlhitie—1ipoprotein dependent ingest ion of canlhaxanthine in cynomotgus
complex.N:' monkeys has shown accumulation of the crystals in nests
The Fetinal crystals may gradually disappear a year or and rods within ganglion cells near the ora serrata and in
more after ingestion of canlhaxanthine is discontinued, the macuEa.i5!i An ultrahigh-fnequency О СГ showed the
and some may remain for al least 7 years.1''1114,1w ’['he crystals lo be in superficial je f ln i116
W E S T A F R IC A N C R Y S T A LLIN E 9/11 W esl African crystalline maculopathy.

M A C U L O PATH Y А—С : Агт asymplomalH: Аb-yt»ar-o]d man from Laf’.ot. Ki^eiia^

with а 4-year history of noninsulin-deperiderit diabetes meE-
Llderly patients from the Igbo tribe in Southeastern Ntus and hypertension was seen in M ay 100j!. He had Езееп
Nigeria in Wesl Africa have been found la deposit preen living in lhe U S A for 5 years. H e denied renal disease. intra­
venous druji им?, hislory of es|jusure to general anesthe­
or yellow,: refractile, foveal crystals (hal are bilateral and
sia, nslrofurantoin use, or iMesffetin pf cjsnlfvaxanlhine or
asymmetric in distribution.' Subsequent reports have tamoxifen. A hisLory o f kola nul in^eslion was remote and
found the crystals in several West African tribes, includ­ infrequent. Visual acuities were 2£V20 G U . Fundus showed
ing those in E.iberia. Ghana. and Sierra E.eone.' " L'hese moderate nonproliferative diabetic retimjp.ilhy fji laterally.
crystals are found in the inner retina, mostly in the fovea! In add il ion to :nacu3ar exudates most prominenl tempo-
inner plexiform layer, and do not affect vision or elec­ raJiy, refraclile yellow ц.гееп cryslals. were noted in lhe fovea

trophysiology of line eyes [l i^uie Я.И Л -Ь).1' " |S9 O C t of bolh ayes lA and E 3 N o cryslals were noted oulside the
m icijla r foj’iti-n. H u subsequently developed clinicallv sif^nifi-
can demonstrate the location of the crystals,. seen in the
L'anl macular-edema bilaterally requiring focal laser treatment
superficial retina in figure 9.11L Most pa Lien is are older in 2004 w ilh nosohilion or ihit? macular exudales. and edema.
than 50 years of age. ihe original description of the con­ Four years later, despite resolution o f macular edem a and
dition attributed the crystals to ingestion of kola nuts. absence of leakage on fLuorescein angiography, Ihe foveal
H o w e v e r . . only one of three patients had a history i rvstals have p e r s ^ W with sotfte shift in I heir distribution
of ingestion of kola nuts more than 20 years previously, D -L: H is 5 9-year-old sis-Ler was evaluated in March 200ti.

fifteen of the 20 patients reported so far and two others She had a 12-year history of diabetes meflilus with insu­
lin use over tHje previous 2 years. Shu was a 1st) from Layoi.
(Figure 9.11A-E) had diabetic relinopathyr one sickle-cell
Nigeria, and harl been living in 1he U S A for .3 years. N o
retinopathy,. one branch retinal vein occlusion (1JRVO), definitive history of kola nut ingestion could he elicited.
one familial exudative vitreorelinopathy [HSVRJ, and one Visual acuities are 20/50 Q D and 2(V4Q O S. She had 24-
other patient of Пг. Ediviit Ryan Eiad a branch retinal vein nuclear scEeroLic cataracts bilaterally. Fundus exam showed
occlusion; it is conceivable that the hyperpermeability of nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy hila!erally With similar
their retinal vessels may have facilitated lhe deposition of neftactile ye llo w green crystals in Ihe fovea o f both eyes IL5

the crystals. AH reported cases thus far have found crystals and E). There w ere na m acular exudales or edema in either
eye. Very little exLramacular crystalEine deposits w ere pres­
ill the macula; however figure 9.1EK-I] iElustrates e>ttra-
ent. She underwent uncomplicated t a b r i d extraction wi:h
macular deposition of crystals in lhe vicinity of the flat posterior-chamber lens im p larlalio n in bolh eyes in J-u-iy
new vessels in this patient wilh proliferative diabetic reti­ 20t>&. In Sepl ember 200^ visual ao4tipS w ere 2Q-,4 0 01>
nopathy. Eler brother with, nonproliferative diabetic reti­ and 2 0/3 0 05. Slit! developed early proliferative diahieLic
nopathy has macular crystals only relinopaLhy with areas of llal N V E in the nasal and temporal
m itlperiphery of both eyt4-. The cryslals were now noletl bolh
in the m acula as well as the mid periphery with clustering of
N IT R O F U R A N T O IN C R Y S T A LL IN E Lhe depos-ils adjacent to areas of flat N V t lF-]j. An^ioLjram
R E T IN O P A T H Y confirmed the M Vt .J and К . O ptical coherence tomography
esa mi nation demonstrated lhal the crysla3line d e p o s it were
Nitrofurantoin macrocivslaE used for a prolonged period located in lhe superficial inner retina L.I. Another 35-year-
(] 5 years) in a patient resulted in deposition of the shiny old sislef '.one ol six olher siblings w ho was visiting from
Nigeria was. examined in February 2003. SI*ej hatl no ocular
crystals in and around the disc and macula in both eyes,
complaints and no his lory of diabeles, liyperlension. or other
l i l t antimicrobial is used lo treat urinary tract infec­
vascular disease. Her relinal examination was entirely nor­
tions. Its chemical structure delays dissolution and hence mal with no evidence о I crystalline deposits.
remains in a crystalline form and may become deposited
lA-L, ( ciurlL'i-y uf l>r. Ь in ArrinddllJ
on prolonged use.11'0
F L E C K E D R E T IN A A S S O C IA T E D 9. i2 Xerophthalmia^

W I T H V IT A M IN A D E F IC IE N C Y A -L: A б З -уидг-Dld male w ilh щ known history of pernicious

anem ia for tO yeart presenled w ilh pfogressive ni^hL blind-
P a tie n ts w ith v ita m in A d e fic ie n c y secondary to in a d ­ г ё Ц tor IE rciDciths. H e was receiving biweekly bhoLh o f vila-
e q u a t e d i e t a r y i n t a k e , m a l a b s o r p t i o n s ta te s r e s u l t in g f r o m min- L5|2- His visual acu ily was 20/30 O L ; color vision wns
subnormal. Fine [{ray w hile doLs were seen in boLh fundi, dis­
c e lia c sprue, re g io n a l e n te ritis, je ju n a l bypass s u r g e r y .,
tinct on red-free images ;A-F fcrnoWs)). Angiogram showed
c h ro n ic live r d is e a s e , h e p a tic tra n s p la n ta tio n and m o re
variable f !uorescence of the flocks yjggesling 1 Changes
re c e n tly w i t h b a ria tric su rg e ry m a y d e v e lo p n ig h t b lin d ­ were al thte pholorecepLor level rather than al Lhe pigment
ness. co rn eal xe ro s is , and a p e c u lia r p e rip h e ra l re tin a l epithelium (Li:-, biod and cone functions w ere decreased
c h a n g e c h a ra c te ris e d h y th e p re se n ce o f m u ltip le , y e llo w - on electrorelinoyram (ER G leslin^. Serum vitamin A EbveI
w h ite , som ewhat g ra n u la r s p o ts in th e o u te r re tin a measured 0.06 mu.'l (normal D.30-1.20 m ^ l) and retinyE

i 'ig u r e 9 .1 1 A , C , D , 3: a n d kj [fu n d u s Jie ro p h th a lm ic u s ;

palmlmlie O.OOmi^l {OnrmaJ < 0 ,1 "^ An upper and lower
^aslrointeslinnl sLudy w a s done. There w h s .limosl loLal viJ-
L J y e m u r a 's s y n d r o m e ] , ' 172 These fe c k s are o f v a rio u s
lout- aLrophy, and Ihe lamina рторпа was- infiitralud w ilh
size s a n d s h a p e s a n d s im u la te d ru s e n . J h e re tin a l c h a n g e s
mixed it^ a rm p to ry cells consisting. ol lymphocytes, plasmia
have been a s s o c ia te d w ith m arked c o n s tric tio n o f th e cells, and flrtnujocyles (H and 15. lh e garble and esopha­
v is u a l fie ld s (i'ig u r e 9 .1 2 ! I a n d i), ab norm al dark a d ap ­ geal mucosa was rVormal;, ihus Lhe previous diagnosis of
ta tio n , and e le c tro re Lin o g ra p h ic changes, in c lu d in g d is ­ pernicious anem ia was erroneous. A diagnosis of celiac dis­
a p p e a ra n c e o f th e a -w a v e f o llo w e d b y lo ss o f th e b -w a v e ease was made, hie received daily ini ra muscular injecLirjn^

and g re a te r r e d u c tio n o f th e s c o to p ic lh a n th e p h o to p ic of Aquasol A 100 0(50 uni Is for 3 dayv follow ed hy every 2
weeks. He was advised Lo follow a gluten-free diet. Three
re sp o n se s. E 'o I l o w i n g a d m in is tra tio n o f v ita m in A, (here
months following the diagnosis and treatment his nvcLnlopia
m a y b e e ith e r c o m p le te o r p a rtia l (fig u r e 9 .12 A and |-L )
had resolved, lhe bKC and v]sual field defects had improved,
re ve rsal of Lhe fu n d u s and e le c tro p h y s io lo g ic changes, and lhe w hile flecks had mosliy resolved (J).
d e p e n d i n g o n L h e c h r o n i c i t y o f t h e d e f i c i e n c y 1 ~ '['h e К and L: A b4-year-old w om an with If^A nephropathy requir­
fu n d u s c h a n g e s are m o r e lik e ly l o o c c u r i n t h o s e p a tie n ts ing dialysis, and cirrhosis secondary lo medications noted
w ilh vila m En A d e fic ie n c y who d e v e lo p e vid e n c e o f cor­ difficulty in the dark and in dim Ei^hLing over 1 year. Her

n ea l. x e r o s is .
uncorrected visual acuily was 20/40 and 21V50; color vision
Wnis ЗЛ 1 in each eye. Upper п-asal reflirra shows w hile punc­
llu o re s c e in a c ig Eo g ra p b y shows o n ly a m ild va ria b le
tate flecks of xerophLhalmia (arrow, k). Her vilam in levt'l w nt
flu o re s c e n c e o f th e fle c k s [E 'ig u r e 9 .1 2 G ) , s u g g e s tin g th e
O.Obmj^l fnormaE 0.3-1.2 mg/Ь. 5he received oral vilam in A
lo c a tio n o f Lhe fle c k s to be p rim a rily a l (h e p h o to re c e p ­ supplement aI ЁО ООО unils X!2 and her sytnptoms improved
to r la ye r; o n l y som e o f th es e m a y cause se c o n d a ry R P li in 3 days. Upper nasal retina o f right eye shows resolulion of
c h a n g e , a c c o u n t in g fo r th e p a tc h y h y p e rfiu o re s c e n c e . most ol Lhe flecks at 5 weeks (L'.
A n im a ls w ith v ita m in A d e fic ie n c y h is lo p a tb io lo g i­ IA , L i . l r, i J ); t . i n n u ^ / l . L i w t f c t i c i ) .r l h L j R l'I . i, .'! A l l . ! 1 S .ju r n f c r s JM 1 0 ,

c a lly d e v e lo p d is o rg a n iza tio n o f th e rod o u te r s e g m e n ts Ч 7& Д -7П 2 0 -*Ъ 2 0 -Ч , р.Эб Е. К and L , cuurtny or Or. W.wne W u jnrl Dr.
|-r.:n<.U h|.L''LL M i,l. I
a n d e v e n t u a l l o s s o f t h e v i s u a l c e l l s . i r , J El is p r o b a b l e lh a t
t h e t r a n s i e n t y e Il o w - w h i l e s p o t s o c c u r r i n g i n h u m a n s are
re la te d to th e m a c r o p h a g ic re sp o n se to lo ss o f r o d o u te r
seg m en ts and RL:H cell d is ru p tio n s im ila r lo th a t w h ic h
has been d e m o n s tra te d h is to p a Lh o lo g ic a lly to account O ne 5 0 -ye a r-o ld m an w ilh a c q u ire d n ig h t b lin d n e s s
fo r th e p e c u lia r ye] l o w -w h ite sp o ts th a t m ay be seen in a s s o c ia te d w i t h s te a to r r h e a w a s n o t e d l o h a v e t h e Ly p ic a l

p a t i e n l s i v i t h E . e b e r ’s c o n g e n i t a l a m a u r o s i s s o o n a f t e r b i r t h . changes o f fu n d u s a l b i p u n c l a t u s . '-h7 1 1 is a b n o r m a l dark

M a la b s o rp tio n s y n d ro m e s , in c lu d in g g lu te n e n te ro p a th y o r a d a p ta tio n curves im p ro v e d a fte r v ita m in A a d m in is tra ­

c e liac d is e a s e [Fig u re 9 .1 2J anti K ) , n u tritio n a l and o lh e r t i o n , b u t l h e f u u d u s r e m a i n e d u n c h a n g e d . A l t h o u g h it w a s

c a u s e s o f m a l a b s o r p t i o n , l i v e r d y s f u n c t i o n s u c h as c i r r h o s i s p o s tu la te d th aL Lhe a lb ip u n c t a t e s p o ts m a y h a v e re s u lte d

( f i g u r e 9 . L 2 K a n d I .J , a cid m o s l r e c e n t l y g a s t r i c b y p a s s s u r ­ fro m p h o t o r e c e p t o r d a m a g e a fte r c h r o n ic v i l a m i n A d e fi­

g e r y are c o m m o n c lin ic a l se ttin g s f o r v i t a m i n A d e fic ie n c y . c ie n c y , t h is s e e m s u n l i k e l y sin c e o th e r in ve s tig a to rs w h o

C o n c o m ita n t zin c d e fic ie n c y has a ls o b e e n im p lic a te d in h a v e s t u d ie d th is d ise a se h a v e n o L n o t e d p e rs is te n c e o f th e

Lh e p a l h o g e n ests o f x e r o p h t h a l m i a . w h ite s p o ts fo llo w in g Lherapy.
i: ч '
ЗТ О с I
■* j .
*L ! < / 'r

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A M IN O G L Y C O S ID E 4/13 G e n ta m ic in retinal, toxicity.

M A C U L O PATHY A—E: This 67-year-old man had accidental irrigation of the?

anterior cham ber w ilh O.^ml gentamicin instead of acetyf-
J l i t i n a d v e r t e n t i n j e c t i o n o f l a r g e d o s e s й -f g e n l a m i c i n i n l o chdJLnt after catEjracl exlraclion nind pi nt(?myn t or an inLra-
ocuJar lens. A posterior capsuloLomy was donu. Twenty
e ith e r th e л n t e n o r c h a m b e r a fte r c a ta ra c t e x tr a c tio n o r th e
minute* latef llit* mistake Was discovered, afin lhe anterior
v ilre o u s d u rin g a s u b -'le n o n 's in je c tio n m ay p rodu ce a
chamJjer was irrigated. Ih c> next day Lhe vision in lhe eye
r a p id a n d se v e re v is u a l lo ss a s s o c ia te d w i l h a p e c u lia r re li-
was ligjit perception only. Two days postoperalively (here
n o p a l h y t h a l is m o s t m a r k e d i n l h e m a c u l a r a r e a (Fig u re was corneal edema and a semropaque retina witb peripheral
9 . 1 3 ) l iJ:3" i , ! J Ч Ъ е p a l i e n l is u s u a l l y a w a r e o f p r o f o u n d lo ss relinal hemorrhages 1Л. Fluorescein angiography revealed
o f v is io n o n t h e J i r s l p o s t o p e r a t i v e c la y . J n i t t a l l y l h e f u n ­ extensive areas of nonperfusion of lhe relina in rhe posterior
d u s p ic tu r e m a y s im u la te l h a l s e e n in c e n lr a ! r e lin a l a rte ry pole (B and C ) and selective periarterial leakage larrows, C|.
O ne month posloporaOvely lhe cornea was clear. Гhere was
o c c l u s i o n . J h e r e is m a r k e d w h i t e n i n g a n d s w e l l i n g o f t h e
a Lh'.|ri"- -:»>t surrounded by a milky w hile retina,. dilated
re tin a in th e m a c u la r area a s s o c ia te d w ith a c h e rry -re d
tortuous veins, many rfsinal hemorrhages.. and pigmenlary
s p o l (I'ig u r e 9 . 1 3 D , f, a n d J} . O t h e r s u r r o u n d i n g areas o f
sheathing o f Ibe arteries iDf. Angiography revealed persis­
p a lc b y re tin a l w h ite n in g m ay be e v id e n t. R e lin a l hem ­ tence of lhe vascular hypoperfusion :t:i. Visual acuity
orrhages d e v e lo p and becom e m ore num erous ( l ;i g u r e was hand mo Yemenis, Six weeks later Ihe palienl developed
9 .1 З А . t; a E id [} . A l t h o u g h i n l r a v i l r e a l i n f e c t i o n o f le vels o f c>vjdenc:e of neovascular glaucoma.
g e n la m ic in up to 2 0 0 f:g w e r e p r e v i o u s l y c o n s i d e r e d sa fe F —I: This 99-year-dd man suslained an injiaoculnr m etallic
fureigji-body injury. After removal of Ihe foreign body tran-s-
fo r th e tre a lm e n l o f e n d o p h th a lm itis , m a c u la r in fa rc lio n
sderally w ilh a megnel, clindam vi in 23(Ji ^ and genlam icin
m a y o c c u r in s o m e p a lie n ts a fte r tn tra v itre a l itije c lio n o f
4 0 0 fig were Lnjecled inlravitreally. Ten hours posloperatively
0 .1 or 0 .2 m g g e n la m ic in s u n m f c lfl3 -ja JJe p e litiv e in je c ­
visual acuity Was 20/200. Thirly-two hours poKloperaLively,
tio n s o f n o n to x ie doses m ay p rodu ce r e t i n a l d a m a g e . 1 ''" lhe patient noted a dark cenlral scoloma. Six days poslopera-
K lu o re s c e in a n g io g r a p h y ly p ic a lly s h o w s a s h a r p ly d e fin e d LivoJy there was w hilcnin g of lh e retina in the m acular area
z o n e o f re lin a l v a s c u la r n o n p e r fu s io n in lh e m a c u la r area associated w ilh Several blo1 hem onhages (F.l Angiography
a s s o c ia te d w ilh dye le a k a g e fro m th e n e ig h b o rin g re ti­ revealed nonperfusion of lhe retina in lh e macular area and
leafage of dye from the sunoundinjj vessels IС antJ HJ. Ten
n a l v e sse ls { f i g u r e 9 .1 Ж C r £ , 1 1 . J i , 1^, a n d J . ) . 1 ' , |7 S T h e
days poslopnralively visual acu ily was Sif&O'O and lh w e was
re lin a l w b i l e n i n g a r id h e m o r r h a g e s т л у p e rs is t fo r m any
an increase in lhe area o f reLinal w bilening and hemorrhages
weeks or several m o n lh s (T ig u re 9 T 3 f). O p iic a tro p h y
111. Six monlhs laler the visual acuity was 10/200.. There were
a n d re lin a l p ig m e n ta r y c h a n g e s d e v e lo p la te r a n d m a y be aLrophic relinal antJ relinal pij’irrc-ml epithelium c h a n g K in
a c c o m p a n ie d by ru b e o s is i rid e s and h e m o rrh a g ic g la u ­ the macula.
c o m a . l h e v i s u a l p r o g n o s i s is p o o r . |-L: This woman had an exlracapsular cataract extraction
к is p ro b a b le th a t g e n ta m ic in and nol th e p reserva­ thal was complicnited Ijy vilreous loss. Four days laLer she
developed a hypopyon. A vitreous biopsy and inlravilreal
tive s is t h e p r im a r y cause o f lh e re tin a l i n f a r c t io n .Ь 4 ,] 7 '
injection of genLamrcinr vancom ycin, and dexametbasone
A lth o u g h e x p e rim e n ta lly lh e presence or absence of
were done. R a s to p ^ jtm ly she noled only bare li^ht per-
th e le n s o r v ilr e o u s does n o l change th e to xic th re s h o ld
ceplion w ilh lhe right eyre. Four months poslopera Lively her
to in je c te d n m iu o g ly c o s id e s . ih e re is concern c lin ic a lly visual acuity was t*/2Q0. Fundoscopic examination revealed
Lhal n o n to x ie doses o f a m in o g ly c o s id e s m ay be lo xic pigment cells in [he vitreous, scattered retinal hemorrhages,
if Jn je c le d in lra v itre a lly in to v itre c to m ize d eyes. whitening of the retina centrally I, and several collon-
A lth o u g h to b ra m y c in and a m ik a c in are less l o x i c th a n wool patches around the nasal aspect of the optic disc.
AngiogTHpbically I here was marked loss of Lhe retinal blood
g e n ta m ic in , b o th have p rodu ced fu n d u s fin d in g s s im i­
vessels ik and LJ.
la r l o th ose caused b y g e n l a m i c i n . T h e re lin o p a th y
has been o bse rve d m o s l fre q u e n tly fo llo w in g in lra v ilre a l
[A -l, ] *гi in' f t * Cfchild cl .bl.1 ; f- -I, ntiurlrsy ul' Ur. M .i L l h e w L) D * v i i j

in je c tio n s o f 0 . 4 m g g e n la m ic in a fte r v itr e c to m y , b u l a ls o

in s o m e cases a fle r i n je c t i o n o f 0 .1 o r 0 .2 m g doses th at
had p re v io u s ly be e n c o n s id e re d s a f e . 1 '’ P r o p h y lac tic u se a m i k a c i n . 1 ' 1 W i t h l h e a d v e n t o f s u t u r e le ss v i t r e c t o m y , s u r ­

o f s u b c o n ju n c tiv a l in je c tio n o f g e n la m ic in a fle r ro u tin e g e r y u s i n g s u b c o E i j u n c t i v a l g e n t a m i c i n is f r a u g h t w i t h th e

su rgery tvos th e second m o s l fre q u e n t cause o f m a c u la r s a m e ris k . B e c a u se o f th e fre q u e n c y a n d s e v e rity o f lh e

in fa rc tio n . 'E h e re tin o p a th y has been o bse rve d fo llo w ­ c o m p lic a tio n , C a m p o c h ia to and l j m 1 ■' recom m ended:
in g th e in a d ve rte n t in tra o c u la r in je c tio n o f to b ra m y c in {1} a b a n d o n m e n l o f p r o p h y la c tic use o f s u b c o n ju n c tiv a l
a fte r c a ta ra c t e xtra c tio n . Э ' 1 7 4 -1 7 * ]n о п е СЛИ ib is appar­ a m in o g ly c o s id e s a fte r r o u tin e surgery, a n d (2 ) a v o id a n c e
e n tly re su lte d fro m d iffu s io n of lh e s u b c o n ju n c liv a lly o f in tr a v itre a l a m in o g ly c o s id e s in (h e p r o p h y la x is o f p e n -

in je c te d drug th ro u g h th e c a la ra c t w o u n d .' " J'b e sam e e Lra lin g o c u la r i r a n m a . C e f t a z i d i m e has re p la c e d in lr a v il­

m a c u lo p a lh y has occurred a fte r in tra v itre a l in je c tio n s o f real a m ik a c in f o r ir e a lm e n l o f e n d o p h t h a l m i t i s .
E x p e r im e n ta lly ; re lin a l to x ic ity lo g e n ta m ic in m a y o c c u r :| !4 lnlerfej-оп retinopathy
a t l e v e l s as l o w as 1 0 0 [ i g i n j e c t e d i n t o t h e v i t r e o u s . ' '' in
A —C : Bilateral nerve fiber infarcts in this 30-year-old male
th e rabbi I m o d e l D 'A m ic o e t a l . 1 '"" f o u n d la m e lla r sto r­
who was heallhv Lill he was diagnosed with nonmetaslatic
age m a te ria l in th e lip o s o m e s o f R P l: a n d m acrophages t и La net jus те1алопла 5 monlhs previously IA and EJ\ Hfi K id
a fte r in je c tio n o f 100 n g in to Lhe v itr e o u s ; d is r u p t i o n o f noticed nirld visual distortion in his left eye fur several weeks
p i g m e n t e p ith e lia l ce ll o r g a n e lle s a n d loss o f p h o t o r e c e p - w hile receiving hrgh-dose intravenous,. followed by sub-
L o r s a f t e r 4 0 0 |igr a n d f u ll- th ic k n e s s re tin a l n e c ro s is a fle r t и La net j u s , inLorferon alfa 2-b. His visual acuily was 2 0/20
in bolh eyes* Fluorescein aftgipafam a f bo(h eyes showed
SOOpg. Ih e s e fin d in g s im p lic a te th e R l 1 b. a s t h e p rim a ry
occluded елр!11лjy arierioles and capillarv nonperfusion
sile of t o x i c i t y . 111 A m in o g ly c o s id e m a a .il o p a l h y s im ila r
(Q , H e also developed a lelL cauda le nucleus infarcl re s u lt
to l h a l s e e n in h u m a n s h a s b e e n p r o d u c e d in s u b h u m a n
in^ fn a rij^hl-sidf.’d stroke and was found Lo have an ejec­
p rim a te s fo llo w in g m lra v itre a l in je c tio n o f 1 0 0 0 - 10 0 0 0 1g tion fraction of 3 0 % secondary to cardiomyopathy. Interferon
g e n ta m ic in . Ё v id e n c e su g ge sts t h a t th e r e tin a l w h i t ­ was- discontinued, the nerve fiber infarcls resolved, he recov­
e n in g a n d th e is o e le c tric e le c t r o i e t i n o g r a p h i c fin d in g s ( h a t ered com pletely from lhe stroke, and Lhe cardiac function
o c c u r w i t h i n m i n u t e s o r h o u r s o f th e in j e c t i o n a re c a u s e d improved dramatically.

b y d ire c t d a m a g e lo th e in n e r re tin a by th e d r u g b e fo re Me th amphetamine and cocaine retinopathy.

d e v e l o p m e n t o f o c c lu s io n o f th e re tin a l v a s c u la tu re . R a b b it LI and E: This 39-year-old птал w ilh a history of essential
a n d ra l n e lin a s b o t h in v i l r o a n d i n v i v o , e x p o s e d to e sc a ­ hypr rLension n c k d .y i ,:.c lo-.s nl -.ini i:i IIn- k fl ‘.'vi'. I If
l a t i n g s m a l l d o s e s o f g e n l a m ic i n , s h o w e d r e v e r s i b l e l o s s o f admitted snorting co cain e before his visual loss. Visual acu ­
b -w a ve s b u t p re se rve d a -w a v e s . I" h e r e d u c e d b -w a ve m a y ity was 20/20 right eye, and light perception only in Lhe teft
eye. Note evidence o f central retinal artery occlusion in the
be fro m m e t a b o l i c e ffe c t o n l h e b i p o l a r ce lls o r s e c o n d ­
lefl eye Lind multiple cotton-wool patches in both eyes.
a r i l y v ia e fT e c l o n g l u t a m a t e t r a n s p o r t b y th e M u l l e r ce lls.
F- H : Ih is man noted blurred vision in the lefl eye after
It is p o s s ib le th a t a m in o g ly o c o s id e s in d u c e m e ta b o lic
snorting cocaine and an argument with his wife. H e denied
change in th e in n e r n e u ro n s th at s e c o n d a rily affe c t v a s ­ trauma. The right eye was normal. Note Lhe multiple super­
c u la r p e r fu s io n . A lte rn a te ly o r in a d d itio n Lhe to n ic m e t­ ficial retinal hemorrhages, one of w hich has a white center
a b o lic e ffe c ts m a y o c c u r a t t h e v a s c u l a r e n d o t h e l i a l ce lls. (arrtiiV, Ci'i, boaL-shaped prerelinal bemalomas.. anti inlravit-
] L is to lo g y o f th e r e tin a s h o w e d d iffu s e v a c u o liz a t io n o f th e real bk>od.

nerve fib e rr g a n g lio n ce ll, and tim e r p le x ifo r m la y e r s .1 ' 1 Lid ocaine-e p i nep hri ne loxicily.
Ih e Ea lte r is a c c o m p a n i e d b y re tin a l h em orrhages, d a m ­ I—I : This 27-year-old man noted immediate pain and loss of
age l o re tin a l p e ric y te s a n d e t i d o l h e l i a l ce lls, a n d th ro m ­ vision during an anterior peribulbar injection ol lidocaine
b o s is . A p o s s ib le m e c h a n is m to e x p la in th e re lin a l v a s c u la r and epinuphi ine in lbe Lipjjei п-.isal c]uadran] in с к ф а ^ а л
o c c lu s io n w a s g r a n u lo c y tic p lu g g i n g o f Lhe re tin a l c a p illa r y Icjt]pterygium remtjval. I u iidus о к а т inal ion revealed a retinal
deiachl^ietH '.presumably ! he ancstheticl extended from
b e d .] ^
the injection sile inLo Lhe posterior fundus. Laser photoco-
In s o m e p a tie n ls a m i n o g ly c o s id e m a c u la r to x ic ity m a y
ajjulation vitas placed in the area ol lhe subrfUmal blood and
be d iffic u lt to d iffe re n tia te fr o m lh a l p r o d u c e d as a c o m ­
w ilhin hours lhe subretinal fluid had resolved. Two weeki>
p lic a tio n o f in tra n e u ra l in je c tio n d u r in g r e tro b u lb a r a n e s ­ laler Ihe optic disc was pale and its margin was blurred il).
th e s ia o r t h a t r e s u ltin g f r o m s p o n t a n e o u s o c c lu s io n o f th e There w ere fine radiating lines in the macula. Angiography
c e n tra l re tin a l a rte ry a n d v e in . T h e v itr e o u s i n f l a m m a t o r y was unremarkable except for irregular h^ perfluonescence in
c e ll re a c tio n , s h a llo w re lin a l d e ta c h m e n t, and d e la y e d the area o f laser treatment If) and staining of the optic disc
(K). Five weeks later his visual acuity was 2CV&0 and the optic
onset o f re tin a l h e m o r r h a g e s , as w e ll as th e c h a ra c te ris -
disc was pale (L).
Lic a n g i o g r a p h i c p a t t e r n a n d p ro lo n g e d re tin a l w h i t e n i n g
a s s o c ia te d w ith a m i n o g l y c o s i d e t o x i c i t y are h e l p f u l i n t h i s
C, [ 1111г*l "iv o l IJr. Лшп U. Sinj^i ■
r e g a r d . | 7 S | 7 * ,|3 S

c o t to n -w o o l s p o ts w it h v is u a l fie ld c h a n g e s h a v e b e e n se e n ,
IN T E R F E R O N - A S S O C IA T E D th o u g h le s s fre q u e n tly , in p a tie n ts re c e ivin g in te rfe ro n

RET IN O P A T H Y ________________________ b e ta -lb fo r m u ltip le scle ro sis . T h e fu n d u s changes and

fie ld d e fe c ts re ve rse o n c e th e d r u g is d i s c o n t i n u e d . 1
P a tie n ts re c e ivin g in te rfe ro n a lfa 2 -a s u b c u la n e o u s ly or T h e s e o b s e rv a tio n s suggest lh a t p a tie n ls w it h m o d e ra te ly
in te rfe ro n a lfa 1 -b in tra v e n o u s ly (fig u re 9 .1 4 A - C ) m ay severe d ia b e tic , h y p e r te n s iv e , o r o t h e r r e t i n o p a t h y a s s o c i­
d e v e lo p m u ltip le c o tto n -w o o l is c h e m ic p a tc h e s in th e a t e d w i l h r e t i n a l c a p i l l a r y n o n p e r f u s i o n m a y b e at g r e a t e r
r e t i n a a s s o c i a t e d w i t h r e l i n a l h e m o r r h a g e s . |,J|t l h e p a t t e r n risk o f p ro g re s s io n o f th e re tin o p a th y a c id p e rm a n e nt
o f Lhe re tin o p a th y m ay s im u la te Pu rtsc h e rs re tin o p a th y v is u a l lo ss f o l l o w i n g t h e a d m i n is t r a t i o n o fla ig e a m o u n ts
a n d b e a s s o c ia te d w i t h d e cre a se d v is u a l a c u ity , 'lh e f u n d u s o f in te rfe ro n such as m ig h t h e u se d in th e tre a tm e n t o f
changes are re ve rs ib le a fte r d i s c o n l i n u i n g th e in te rfe ro n p a tie n ts w ith m a l i g n a n c i e s . - ' 01- C i r c u l a t i n g C 5 a le v e ls have-
th e ra p y. M ild d ia b e te s and s yste m ic h y p e rte n s io n w ere b e e n f o u n d to be e le v a te d in s o m e p a tie n ts d e v e lo p in g re ti­
p re s e n t in 5 0 % o f p a t i e n t s d e v e l o p i n g t h e r e t i n o p a t h y . v?l' n op a th y o n i n L e r f e r o n a l p h a ; w h e t h e r t h i s is L h e c a u s e o r
S im ila r fu n d u s changes w ith re tin a l hem orrhages and t h e r e s u l t o f t h e v a s c u l o p a t h y is u n d e t e r m i n e d . J ° J
M E T H A M P H E T A M IN E A N D 9 .1 5 C o c a i n e - in d u c e d re tin a l a n d c h o r o id a l is c h e m ia .

C O C A I N E R E T IN O P A T H Y A-F: A 50-year-okl male lost vision in his lefl eye acutely аььсь
dated wilh |bddmfnal pain and righl-sided weakness. I-!e could
I n h a la tio n o f m e t h a m p h e l a m i n e a n d c o c a in e m a y b e fo l­ bee 20/25 wilh hi-ь right eyv and could nut perceive light w ilh
his led eye. There was a coHor-wool spot in bis rrj^ht eye 4A t
l o w e d b y a c u te v is u a l lo ss i n o n e o r b o t h eyes. Th e ro u le
the left -eye bad several patches erf full-thickness retinal whiten­
o f a c q u is itio n o f th e drugs d e te rm in e s Lo an e xte n t th e
ing espciafted wilh bnoken-up blood columns in Eiolh veins and
c lin ic a l m a n ife s ta tio n s . S u b c o n ju n c tiva l p la c e m e n t of
arterioles diffusely throLJghouE the fundus (B and Df. In Lbe tem­
m e th a m p h e ta m in e re s u lts in c o n ju n c tiv itis , e p is c le r itis ., poral periphery there w ere triangles of retinal whitening fCf cor­
a n d sc le ritis. I n t r a v e n o u s a n d i n t r a n a s a l s n o r t i n g is a s s o ­ responding to fieire An'iH lie's Irianyles. An angiogram starved
c ia te d w ith a m a u ro s is fu g a x, re tin a l v a s c u litis w ith p e ri- poor blood flow Ihmugh lhe noLinnl arteries and veins and
\t-n o u 5 e xu d a tio n and v i t r i t i s . " 11'- r e L i n a l and o p tic d is c wedge-shaped areas (if increased choroidal nUorescenoe ir> the
areas intervening the while triangles yarrows), which are water­
h e m o r r h a g e s ,'' 5 m u l t ip l e c o lt o n -w o o l p a tc h e s , i^ r ls e h e r -
shed lones of lhe posterior ciliarv arteries (E-F). This palient
lik e r e t L s t o p a t h y 'r ^ and c e n lra l re tin a l arteFy o c c lu s io n
showed multiple occlusions ot both the bhorl and lorv^ posterior
(fig u re 9 .] 4 D - l l ] .Ju U lb A case o f s e v e re r e t i n a l a n d c h o ­
ciliary agones and branches Hf Ihe central relinal artery' due to a
ro id a l is c h e m ia has been seen w ith la rg e w e d g e -s h a p e d combination of vasospasn-. unci emljoli from cocaine use.
c h o ro id a l in fa rc ts c o r r e s p o n d i n g to th e A m a lr ic (r ia n g le s
P ro b a b le d e x tr o a m p h e ta m in e re tin o p a th y
in a c h r o n i c c o c a in e u s e r (I'ig u r e 9 Л . 5 С a j i d t j . ' l h e adre-
G - M : This 38-year-old Caucasian wom an with a scar in
n o m im e tic re sp o n se a n d s u d d e n in c re as e in b l o o d pres­
her rijjhl eye since childhood began nolicinjj ''translucrm 1
sure a fte r u s e o f th e s e d ru g s p r o b a b l y c o n tr ib u te to th e s e
defects^ with her lefl eye and progressive difficulty at night
r e t i n a l m a n i f e s l a t i o n s . J t ,4 ," M - j L ° R e t i n o p a t h y s i m i l a r t o l a i c over 4 years. She saw .20/100 eccentrically in her HjjM
r e t i n o p a t h y h as b e e n s e e n in o n e p a tie n t w ith in tra nasal and J0^40 in her left eye. She missed half the 3shi ha ra color
s n o rtin g o f m e t h a m p h e l a m i n e . J :i C h ro n ic c o c a in e users plates w ilh each e№ . G oldfnanh visual field revealed a cen ­
d e v e l o p 4ra s c u l a r r e m o d e l i n g w i l h in c re as e in re tin a l a rte ­ tral scoLoma in Ihfe ri^ht eye anrl full fields peripherally in
bolh eyes. Koth relinas slhowed mottling of Lhe pigment epi-
r i o l a r b r a n c h i n g a n g l e a n d v e n o u s c a l i b e r . " ' 1''
theliLim in the n'.acula and nasal Lo Lhe disc -C and H ); more
visible on [he angiogram with late sLainrng il and p. Diffuse
P R E S U M E D D E X T R O A M P H E T A M IN E reduction in autofluorescence was seen conesponding lo
Lhe relinal piemen! epi I helium change ■:К and L). An opLi-
M A C U L O P A T H Y ______________________ cal coherence tomography ibnough the left macula bhowed
disruption of lbe photoreceptors and possible thin layer of
A p a tie n t w h o w as o n d e x tr o a m p h e ta m in e ( H e x e d rin e ) fo r
subretinal fluid (M). This patient had been on dextroamphet­
I S y e a rs a l a d o s e o f i 5 m g / d a y f o r 10 years- lo ll o w e d Ь у Ш
am ine 'Doxedrine) for I fl years at a dose of 15 mg/day fur 10
m g 'd a y , d e v e lo p e d g ra d u a l d iffic u lty w ilh d a rk a d a p ta tio n
years, followed by lu mg'day for narcolepsy. An eloctroret-
a n d t r a n s lu c e n t h o le s in h e r v i s i o n . inogram showed n-ild redut.liun in rod amplitudes and cone
I le r p o s te rio r p o le showed s y m m e tric m o ttlin g al an'.pliludes a I the lower end of normal Arden ratio was J.5
th e U PE le vel in th e tw o eyes [t-'ig u r e 9 .1 S C and IE), on the righl and 2.1 on the lefl. LJenedrine was diaconlinuud
flu o re s c e in a n g io g ra m showed w in d o w d e fe c ts (J-ig u re and the patient reported improvemenl in her sympLoms al 2
m dot гаи
9 .1 5 1 and Jj. Her rod hRC was m ild ly reduced but
cone E R G w as w ith in th e ra n g e fo r her age. f O C s m ea­ LA -f, c . L iu r l t ' 1 ^ h:I LH . Ll.ivirJ j^ r r jt i a n d D t ; M H e e d s ' ' I K l ' | - ii i ilc:cf
I'rcriH ^ L -lin .b (' ш = a n d f t r ic f Si I 9 1 - 4 3 . W m l e r 2E>1 I .)
su red 2 .У and in th e rig h t and left e y e re s p e c tiv e ly .
D is c o n tin u a tio n o f th e m e d ic a tio n showed im p ro ve m e n t
In s ym p to m s s u b je c tiv e ly b y 2 m o n th s . She was subse­
fin d in g s in a y o u n g m a n w h o a p p a re n tly h a d an in fe c tio n
q u e n tly s w itc h e d lo a n a lte rn a te d r u g lo tre a l h e r n a r c o -
of 0.5m l Eid o c a in e -e p in e p h rin e in to lh e s u b re lin a l space
Eepsy. A m p h e t a m i n e s re le as e d o p a m in e ., and lo a le s s e r
in p re p a ra tio n fo r p te ry g iu m e xc is io n . Im m e d ia te ly a fte r
e xte n t s e ro to n in a n d e p in e p h rin e at lo w d o s e s in t h e r e t ­
th e in je c tio n h is v is u a l a c u ity w as i/2 0 0 . W h e n e xa m in e d
in a . L o n g -te r m use o f d e x tr o a m p h e ta m in e in th is p a tie n t
b y a r e t i n a l s p e c ia lis t 2 h o u r s late r, L h e i n t r a o c u l a r p r e s s u r e
m a y h a v e h a d d e l e t e r i o u s e lTe c ls o n t h e R P E .
Wnis l E r m m H g a n d t h e v i s u a l a c u i l y w a s n o l i g h t p e r c e p t i o n .
Ih e re w as m ild W h i t e n i n g o f t h e r e t i n a a t t h e site o f t h e
L 1 D O C A IN E - E P 3 N E P H R IN E in je c tio n a n d in lh e m a c u la r area. T h e re tin a w a s d e ta c h e d ,

T O X IC IT Y ______________________________ p r e s u m a b l y b y t h e i n f e c t e d lid o c a in e ^ n a s a l l y f r o m t h e s ite

o f s c le ro c h o ro id a l p e r fo r a tio n n e a r th e e q u a to r t o th e p o s ­
'ih e in a d v e rte n t in je c tio n o f lid o c a tn e in to th e in n e r eye t y p ­ te rio r p o le , i h e s u b re lin a l flu id w as n o Lo n g e r e v id e n t w h e n
i c a lly c a u s e s i m m e d i a t e (to m ia jil c l o u d i n g p u p i l l a r y d i l a t i o n ., e xa m in e d 2 d a y s l a t e r . J Ее e x p e r i e n c e d p a rtia l re c o ve ry o f
p u p illa r y p a ra ly s is , a n d p ro fo u n d v i s u a l lo s s , a ll o f w h i c h v i s i o n b u t w a s le ft W i t h a la ig e t e m p o r a l a n d c e n tra l s c o ­
u s u a lly revert t o n o r m a l w i t h i n 24 h o u r s / ' In o n e p a tie n t to m a c o rre s p o n d in g w ith (h e area o f re tin a l d e ta c h m e n t
Lh ere W a s p e rsis te n c e o f a la rg e c e n tra l s c o t o m a th a t w as a n d m i l d o p lic a Lra p h y . 'I h e n a tu re o f th e v is u a l fie ld d e fe c t
a n r ib u te d to p o s s ib le in tr a o c u la r b le e d in g , t x p e r i m e n ia lly , su ggests th a t th e s u b re lin a l lid o c a in e -e p in e p h rin e m lh e r
in tr a o c u la r lid o c a in e w a s n o l a sso c ia te d w ith e vid e n c e o f t h a n t h e t r a n s i e n t ris e i n i n t r a o c u l a r p r e s s u r e w a s r e s p o n s i b l e
p erm anent re tin a l dam age. Fig u re 9 .1 4 1 - L illu s tra te s th e fo r t h e p e r m a n e n t re tin a l v is u a l lo ss.
Q U I N I N E T O X IC IT Y 9i16 Quinine retina! toxicity,
1h ii 25-year-old wom an 5Wal3bwed 1J-15 tablets G.7-4.7f}i
f c l l o w i n g a n o v e rd o s e o f q u in in e , w h e t h e r b y a c c id e n ta l Ы quinine as a suicidal fu tu re . This w as falluw ed Liy viom-
in g e s tio n o r f r o m a tte m p ts at a b o r tio n o r su ic id e , p a tie n ts jting, E>u.i;:ing in the еагнг ап-d blindness approximately S
d e v e lo p n a u s e a , v o m it in g , h e a d a c h e , Ire m o r. tin n itu s , a n d hours laLw. tj;£irnination M '/j ЙСииъ alLur ingestion revealed
tiy p o le n s io n and n ta v b e c o m e o b lu n d e d o r even com a­ nu ligfu perceplitjn iit bolh £yes, mild lass o f rc*-LiплI transpar­
to se . W hen th e y awake w i l h in Lhe firs t 2 4 hours, th ey ency, and sIit^bL wnoiiH dimension (A). Fluorescein angiotf-
!I> 'i- :v a !'(I -r>.-i■■ i- d .4:i:■
' ^Ii.i’ii - I " ' deuils ')l
m a y b e to ta lly b lin d . lix a m i n a tio n o f th e f u n d u s at l h a l
[he choroidal fluorescence (U}. Thfrty-fi(*e hours After in^es-
tim e re ve a ls a s lig h t lo ss of re lin a l tra n sp aren cy, m ild
[юп, she noLed return | i а small island of central vision. Her
d ila tio n o f lh e re lin a l: w i n s , and n o rm a l-c a lib e r re tin a l
acuity was 2LW.20. The fturidi w ere unchanged. Five days ailer
a rteries { I'ig u r e 9 . I S A ) . 21 E 'lu o r e s c e in a n g io g ra p h y ingestion Lhere w ere fifjlicr disc pallor, narrowing of lh e neLi-
shows no a b n o rm a lity o th e r Lhan b lig h t o b s tru c tio n of nal vessels, ап-d parlial clearing al lh e relinal haiHfljeSS (L>.
th e background c h o ro id a l flu o re s c e n c e ( i'ig u r e 9 .1 6 E i) . ^■ine days afler int’eslion Ihere was further clearing of the
B le c lro re lin o g ra p h y m a y b e n o r m a l o r s h o w s lig h t changes retina and paEEor of Lhe o p !it disc (D and Eh Angiography
was normal escepl far relinal vascular narrowing (fJ- Ailer
such as s l o w i n g o f Lhe a -w a ve , tra n s ie n t in c re as e in th e
0 monlhs, visual acliltv w j h 20/1 П and 20" c f visual field
d e p th o f Lhe a - w a v e , d e c re a s e in th e b -w a ve , and lo ss o f
remained in holh eyes.
o s c illa to r y p o te n tia ls .' !" h e h O G u s u a lly s h o w s n o lig h t
r i s e . ' 14 W i t h i n s e v e r a l d a y s t h e p a t i e n t o f t e n r e c o v e r s n o r ­ Methyl alcohol octrEar toxicity,
m a l v is u a l a c u ity b u t re ta in s o n l y a s m a ll is la n d o f c e n lra l G —|: This 53-year-otd man experienced rapid lass of vision
following Ihe ingeslion of m ilh v l alcohol. Ndtfe the swelling
v is io n . T h e tiO C b e c o m e s p ro g re s s iv e ly n o r m a l. Ih e LR G
and opacification of Ihe oplrc nerve head and juxtapapi I la ry
s h o w s p ro g re s s ive lo ss o f th e b -w a ve . Recovery re tin a l
retina (C h Angiography showed minimal staining ol (he optic
t r a n s p a r e n c y , p ro g re s s iv e n a r r o w i n g o f Lh e re lin a l a rte rie s ,
nerve head И-Ei. liight weeks later ihe optic disc, was pale and
and p a llo r o f th e o p tic d isc b e g i n w i t h i n several d a y s o f the visual loss p e r i l e d 11). Angiography showed hypo fluo­
re c o v e ry o f c e n lra l v is io n (h ig u r e 9. l 6 C - f ) . V is u a l e v o k e d rescence of the o piic nerve head and evidence ot" juKlapap-
p o te n tia ls are a b n o r m a l . D ark a d a p ta tio n u s u a lly s h o w s ■!liLry atrophy of Ihcj relinal pigmenl epilhellum I that WHi
d e la y e d c o n e a d a p ta tio n and Little o r n o ro d fu n c tio n , it ргоЬаЫу presen L at Ihe lime of lh e ini Lin I photographs i com ­
pare w ilh F I:.
is p ro b a b le th a t th e in c re a s e in background c h o ro id a l
fl u o r e s c e n c e t h a l o c c u r s s o o n a ft e r t h e a c u le v i s u a l lo s s is Bisphospho nates
c a u s e d p r im a r ily b y th e re tu r n o f n o r m a l re tin a l tra n s p a r­ К and L: Sclerilis in Ihe Lefl eye within 1 w eek af receiving
e n c y. ra llie r t h a n loss o f p i g m e n t f r o n t th e Л p a tie n l ini ravenous hisphonate (ReclasL/ for sLero id-induced osteo­
w i l h a fa ile d s u ic id e a tte m p t 4 9 ye a rs p r io r u s in g q u in in e penia in a 74-year-old physician.

La b i e ls p r e s e n t e d w i l h p a llo r o f Lhe o p t ic n e rv e , h a r r o w e d [ A - 1- I ю т Hn ■■l(in h:C . : l ' | nil: li sheJ wilJi [Mjrn iis -.NJn In: nm Am ei
io u i1 1 :! u f ^ J p h l l v i iT H n lo ^ y : L t i p ^ 'r f j j h I l h u < ip iiiii-.i n :i c P i J h l l l h n :.. C o . )
re tin a ] a rte rie s and v e in s , and c o n s tric te d v is u a l fie ld s
r e s e m b lin g fie ld s s e c o n d a r y to o p e n -a n g le g l a u c o m a . T h e
K K G s h o w e d re d u c e d a m p litu d e s a n d in c re a s e d la te n c y f o r
b o t h s c o t o p i c a n d p h o l o p i c f u n c t i o n . " ' 1"
LR G done on c h ild re n w ith cerebral m a la ria fro m a c u te s la g e s o f th e d ise a se s u g g e s t lh a t v a s c u la r c h a n g e s
f J r a j r i q r f j u m ju lc ip tin trn r e c e i v i n g t h e r a p e u t i c d o s e s o f q u i ­ p la y little ro le in c a u s in g Lhe re tin a l dam age. Lhe pro­
n in e s h o w s a re ve rs ib le d ecrea se in lh e a -w a v e a m p lit u d e g re s s iv e n a r r o w i n g o f th e r e t m a l a r te r ia l tree Lhat u s u a lly
o f m a x im a l p h o lo re c e p lo r re sp o n se and cone response d o e s n o t b e g in u n t il a fte r th e p a tie n L h a s re c o ve re d ce n tra l
f r o m t h e t i m e o f q u i n i n e i n f u s i o n . " 1'' ' 1' v is io n is p r o b a b l y c a u s e d b y a t r o p h y o f Lhe in n e r re tin a l
In a n im a ls w i l h e x p e r im e n ta lly in d u c e d q u i n i n e re tin a l la y e rs as w e l t a s in c re a s e d o x y g e n t e n s i o n r e l a t e d t o g r e a te r
to xic ity h is to p a th o lo g ic e x a m in a tio n o f th e e a rly c h a n g e s d i f f u s i o n o f o x y g e n f r o m th e c h o r o i d d u e t o lo ss o f p h o t o ­
s h o w s e v i d e n c e o f p h o t o r e c e p t o r c e l l as w e l l as g a n g l i o n re c e p to rs . 'lb u s , th e re is n o ra tio n a le fo r re tin a l v a s c u la r
cell a lt e r a t io n s .'''1 " ^ In la te r stages o f th e d is e a s e in d ila t o r s in th e tre a tm e n t o f q u i n i n e to xic ity . L o w e r in g of
h u m a n s , h is to p a th o lo g ic e x a m in a tio n s h o w s lo ss o f g a n ­ th e p la s m a le ve l o f q u in in e w ith re p e a te d oral a d m in is -
g l i o n ce lls, n e r v e f ib e r la y e r, a n d p h o t o r e c e p t o r s . f rat i o n o f a c t i v a t e d c h a r c o a l th e o re tic a lly m a y be b e n e fi­
P u p i l l a r y a b n o r m a l i t i e s Lh a t m a y b e p e r m a n e n t in th es e c ia l.^ l h e r e is, h o w e v e r , n o t r e a t m e n t o f p r o v e n v a l u e .
p a tie n ts in c lu d e poor re a c tio n lo lig h t, Io n ic p u p illa ry Q u i n i n e to x ic ity ty p ic a lly o c c u rs w i t h o ra l d o s e s g re a te r
re a c tio n , ve rm ifo rm p u p illa ry m o tio n , and d e n e rv a tio n i h a n 4 g, b u t t h e r e Lia v e b e e n m a n y case r e p o r t s o f t o x i c i t y
s u p e r s e n s i l i v i t y . Jl ■'■- ] 6 2 2Л w ith s m a lle r d o se s, lh e re co m m e n d e d d a ily th e ra p e u tic
The n o r m a l c a l ib e r o f t h e re lin a l a rte rie s a n d th e n o r ­ d o s e is n o m o r e i h a n 2 g . a c i d L h e f a t a l o r a l d o s e f o r a d u l t s
m a l re tin a ] a n d c h o r o id a l c ir c u la tio n Lim e seen d u r i n g th e is a p p r o x i m a t e l y E l g .
Q tim inC Ttt.VrL-jflf 7 39
M E T H Y L A L C O H O L T O X IC IT Y 4 ,17 D r u g -in d u c e d c y s to id m a c u la r e d e m a .

W ith in 1Й -4 3 Eio u rs o f th e i n g e s t L o n o f" m e t h y l a lc o h o l., G lu c o p h a g e

w h ic h is m e t a b o l i z e d lo fo rm a ld e h y d e and fo rm ic a c id , Л -F: This 48-year-old k'fie 2 diabetic with ™ blifeialLve dia-
p a tie n ts m ay e xp e rie n c e s ym p to m s ra n g in g fro m sp o ts heLrt relinopalhy had no macular edema and a visual acu ­
ity of 20/25 - in his lefL «ye lAl. He* rmurnttl cornplairing
b e fo re lh e eyes lo c o m p le te b li n d n e s s .D im i n u t i o n
ot ftucLualrng vihitm 4 rrmnltih later when his vision had
o f p u p illa ry re a c tio n to lig h t m a y o c c u r itt p a t i e n t s w i t h
d t t r e u e d Lu 20/40 due to cysloEd m acular edema (ft—E>.
im p a ire d v is u a l a c u ity as w e ll as in som e p a tie n ts w ith
He was a Isci noted Lo have evidence faf fluid nelenlion ^vilh
n o r m a l a c u ily . 1 Ъ е d e g re e o f p u p i ll a r y lig h t re fle x i m p a i r ­ pedal edcmia. H e was on ^lu-copha^e in add i I Lon lo insulir.
m ent is o f c o n s i d e r a b l e p ro g n o s tic s ig tiific a n e e . Lna t i e n t s Clucophage wjls discontinued and he returned 5 weeks laler
w i t h d ila te d , fix e d p u p ils u s u a lly d ie o r s u ffe r severe vis u a l wiLh return Ы| vision Lo 20/25 and complete resolution of Ihe
dam age. l :u n d o s c o p i c e x a m in at i o n shows h y p e re m ia o f cystoid edema on optical coherence tomography lO C T ) iFf
and siynificanl i:n !iiн pedal edema.
th e o p t ic d is c , w h iL is h s tria te d e d e m a ol" t h e d i s c m a r g i n s
and a lo n g th e course o f th e m a jo r re tin a l v e sse ls, and P a c lila x e l.
e n g o r g e m e n t o f t h e r e tin a l v e in s (I'ig u r e 9 . 1 6 C ] P a tie n ts G - L : A trf3-year-old wom an w ilh bilateral gradual decrease
w ho s u rv iv e and s u s ta in severe vis u a t dam age d e v e lo p in vision over 6 months Lo 2G/30 in Ihe righl eye and 2 0 /7 0
o p tic a tro p h y in a p p ro x im a te ly 1-2 m o n th s (fig u re in Lhe lefl eye. KoLh macula showctd cystoid swelling more
Visible on lhe O C T images (C-|). An angiogram showed ло
9 .1 6 1 ) . A dense c e c o c e n lra l sc o to m a , o fte n s p a rin g c e n ­
dye leakage in either fovea (K and t.J. The patient was receiv­
t r a l f i x a t i o n , is t h e m o s t f r e q u e n t f i e l d d e fe c t. N e r v e fib e r
ing Abfaxirte (albumin-hound pacliLaxel nanoparticlre- for
b u n d le d e fe c ts and p e rip h e ra l fie ld c o n s tric tio n d e v e lo p
meLa-staLic bread cancc.1 , Lhe cause of cyslic rraculopathy.
fre q u e n tly a n d b lin d n e s s m a y occu r. EiR C nib n o r m a l i l i e s
[Ci-L, C4iu rlL'iy ul 3>r LJ-.t , nrvVHiinljijr^.l
in v o l v i n g th e a - a n d b -iv a v e s occu r. -
lixperimental findings in rhesus monkeys suggest that
Lhe primary lesion tn methyl alcohol poisoning is dis­
ruption of axoplasmic How just at or behind the lamina
c r i b r o s a . ' it is postulated that Loxic metabolic break­ coniunclivilis, an Leri or uveitis, episcleritis,, anterior and
down products o f methanol exert adverse effects on cyto­ posterior sderitis and acute retinal pigment epitheli-
chrome oxidase and other oxidative enzymes, which i L i s . ^ lhe onsel o f ocular symptoms occurs Within
causes spelling o f the oligodendroglial cells in the retro la­ 24-43 houfs of infusion. Ail cases of iridocyrclitis respond
minar optic nerve. Ibis resulLs in axonal compression, axo­ lo topical steroids and the sderitis to oral steroids, lhe one
plasmic flow stasis, and optic disc edema."''' case o f retinal pigment epitheliiLis resolved spontaneously.
IJe ce nl re p o rts of e xp e rim e n ta l m e th a n o l to xic ity in O r a l p re p a ra tio n s a le n d ro n a te , ris e d ro n a te , a n d e tid r o ­
rats a n d e l e c l r o p h y s i o l o g t c a n d h i s t o p a t h o l o g i c s t u d ie s in n a te have been a s s o c ia te d W ith b lu rre d v i s i o n , e y e p a in .,
a hum an w ith m e th a n o l to xic ity h ave d e m o n s tra te d e vi­ c o n iu n c liv ilis . u ve itis , and sc le rilis [Fig u re 9 .I 6 K ) Ih e
d e n c e lh a l th e re tin a l re ce p to rs a n d R P E a re a ffe c te d . ■
D ] ,2 3 J o n s e t o f s y m p t o m s o c c u rs 2 d a ys to 2 w e e k s a fte r s ta rtin g
lh e a b s o rp tio n , d is trib u tio n , a n d m e ta b o lis m o f m e th a ­ th e ra p y. T h e y are s e lf-lim ite d i f m i l d , a n d m o d e r a t e cases
n o l a n d e t h a n o l are s im ila r S in c e e t h a n o l has a 10 0 -fo Jd r e s p o n d lo to p ic a l s te ro id s .
g re a te r a ffin ity fo r a lc o h o l d e h y d r o g e n a s e th a n m e t h a n o l ,
tre a tm e n t c o n s is ts o f e a r ly a d m in is t r a t io n o f e th a n o l and
c o rre c tio Et o f m e t a b o lic a c id o s is .
PACLETAXEL T O X IC IT Y _______________
P a c lila xe l and d o c e la x e l are a n tim ic ro lu b u le ag en ts th a t

B IS P H O S P H O N A T E S in h ib it m ito s is and are u s e d as c h e m o t h e r a p e u t i c ag en ts

f o r b r e a s t a n d l u n g c a r c i n o m a . N o n lea k i n g c y s t o i d m a c u ­
Kisphospho nates used Lo treat osteoporosis inhibit l a r e d e m a t h a t is r e v e r s i b l e o n d i s c o n t i n u a t i o n o f t h e d r u g
bone resorption by binding to hydroxyapatile ciys- is s e e n w i t h th e p r o t e in - b o u n d f o r m o f p a c lila x e l [E 'ig u r e
Lais and inhibit their dissolution, [ntravenous prepara­ 9 .1 7 С Lo O n e p a tie n t e xp e rie n c e d p h o to p s ia s
tions pamidronate disodium and xoledronic acid cause a n d v i s u a l l i e l d d e f e c t s . 1 ,!
IM A T JN IB M E S Y LA T E (G L E E V E C ) IS Venlafaxine (EffexorHnduced cystoid macular
edema fCME),
A - H : This- 48-year-ofd wom an showed worsen i ng o f her situ-
Im a tin ib m e s y la te used in th e tre a tm e n t of le u k e m ia aliona! depression and developed bilateral blurrud vision
pauses flu id re te n tio n and c o n ju n c tiv a l and p e rio rb ita l over 2 monllis following a nvviI<.It Щ her anljdupressanl from
Lexabffr to V En lafaj$ & (ЁН ём х XI£i. AlLe* 1 monLhs being
e d e m a in л! m o s t 3 0 % o f p a tie n ts . C y s to id m a c u la r e d e m a
on lbe medication venlat'axine was t handed to W ellhulriii,
w ith o r w it h o u t s u b re tin a l flu id lh a t is r e v e r s i b l e if lh e
which helped her depression. Her vision remained affec led
d rug is d is c o n tin u e d e a rly has been re p o rte d in th re e and she was found to have bilateral cystoid тасиГаг ed ^iia,
c a s e s .■
i43- i * * jh e m e c h a n is m is s t i l l s p e c u l a t i v e ] f ste re o Ilicit on angiography shew ed accum ulation of dye via lhe
flu o re s c e in a n g io g ra p h y d e m o n s tra te s in tra re tin a l flu id relinal pLgmemj epithelium and visible on oiMical coherence
a c c u m u la tio n fro m RPB d y s fu n c tio n oral a c e ta zo la m id e (вт&дгэрНу 'A-H). The C.Mt responded lo hi la ter a I intravil-
m a y b e u s e fu l in tr e a tin g t h e c y s to id e d e m a .
real trian'.rinalono (4 m.g. but re tim e d in 2 -monlhк w hen
she a Iso developed bilalera! posterior subcapsular (.alniacls
cird persislenl elevated intraocular prmsures lhal required
G L IT A Z O N E T O X IC IT Y _______________ bilateral trabeculectomies. Topical Trud E-orto did nol help
the C M E. Since Lhe dye acepmtflated from incon jpeLence of
C l t l a z o n e s ( m s i g L i t a z o n e a n d p i o g l i t a z o n e ) u s e d to r e d u c e lhe piemen I epil helium, she; was stark'd on oral aee]<tJ!ol-
in s u lin re s is ta n c e in t y p e 2 d ia b e tic s c a u s e flu id r e t e n t io n nn_jide R i 2 5 0 m g :hree limes a day. Гhe t'Vlb responded and
and pedal edem a in 4—7 ° о o f p a tie n ts w h e n used л1опе resolvtid over 2 months IG and Hi. She was slowly tapered
and u p lo 15 % when used w ilh i n s u l i n . 2-1 s f h e s e p a t i e n t s off lhe acelazolam ide over 4 months -and L,\lL did not recur.

s h o w p e d a l e d e m a a n d ra p id w e ig h t g a in , w h ic h i m p r o w s Dehyd ra tion/marathon re tin opat hy.

a fte r d i s c o n t i n u i n g th e d r u g . C y s t o id m a c u la r e d e m a sec­ I- К : This 30-year-old Asian-lndian orthopedic resident
o n d a r y t o d iffu s e le a k a g e o c c u rs in s o m e o f th es e p a tie n ls aw oke w ilh decreased vision in the riulil eve. He had run
and is re fra c to ry to la s e r t r e a t m e n t and d i u r e t i c s . - ' -" 1" 4 " 20 mi3es a day and half before. H e was a -*JD myope and
D is c o n tin u a tio n o f th e m e d ic a tio n h e lp s if done e a rly. was otherwise heallhy. Visual ac uil\ was counting fin­
gers at 1.2 meter (4 feel I in the right eye and 20/25 in the
S im ila r o c c u rre n c e o f c ysto id m a c u l a r e d e m a in a typ e 2
lefl eye. H e hud а central scotoma on lhe Coldm ann visual
d ia b e tic p a tie n t o n m e tfo rm in w h ic h re s o lve d w ith in 6
field: there w ere several coLLon-wool spots, dal-blot hemor­
weeks fo llo w in g d is c o n tin u a tio n of m e tfo rm in is illu s ­
rhages, and cllici-relinal artery occlusion o r lhe rijjhl (I and
tra te d in f ig u r e 3 . 1 7 A - K 1.1. Fluorescein anyioyram showed blowing ol (low lh rough
lhe cilio-retinal arterv on lliis hjcJ-l* IL '. Probable risk factors
included homo^ygosiLy lor M TH FH А129ЙС mulation and
N I C O T I N I C A C ID M A C U L O P A T H Y recent dehydration, al of whit h caused him to develop lhe
cenlral retinal veirV'ciItary retinal artery occlusion. A w eek
See C h a p t e r 6.
Iate*, his visual acuity improved to 20/20. H e had a small
inferotempora! relative para cenlral scotoma and ended up
E P IN E P H R IN E A N D running ih e tlh ica g o marathon .1 w e e is laler.

P R O S T A G L A N D IN A N A L O G - High-altitude retinopathy
IN D U C E D C Y S T O ID M A C U L A R UN A 2 (>y ear-old m ale noted blurring ot his rij’ hl eye
vision 3 nights into his clim b ot Mount MuzLaj’ala fat 20 000
EDEM A feel (Й09& meters^). The highest point is at 24 7 5 7 feet \75A b
metersi. The picture was laken 10 days later when his vision
t o p ic a l e p in e p h rin e d ro p s a n d p ro s ta g la n d in a n a lo g s such was recorded at 2Q/HO in the righl and 20^20 in 1he left eye.
as l . i t a n o p r o s t , t r a v a p r o s t , a n d h i m e l o p r o s l c a n c a u s e a n g i o - Hu had two птлсиЗнг nrerelinal hemorrhages on the righl
g ra p h ic a lly e v id e n t c y s to id m a c u la r e d e m a , o fte n revere and few intraretinal hen'jorrhajjes in the left eye <L and Ml>.
i b l e o n d is c o n tin u a tio n o f th e m e d ic a tio n . Flurirescein ani^iojjram only showud blocked fluorescence
from Ihe hemcjrrbiage iN:. His hemorrhages cleared and
vision returned to 20/20 in both eyes.
V E N L A F A X IN E I k. njurLcsy uf Dr M .ilhcw Г1
,l.iLf LimhtT .ind J>r. Kiri. HhLiiti. L-N.
c t J t j r t e i Y г»Г I J r . H o n A i S « i i T j n . ■
V e n la fa x in e [Effe xo r), an a n tip s y c h o tic dru g, is r e p o r t e d
to cause b le p b a re d e m a . Jh e a u th o r has seen a p a tie n L
w ho d e v e lo p e d b ila te ra l c ysto id m a c u la r edem a (l-'ig u re
9 . 1 £ A . IV h , a n d h ) a s s o c i a t e d w i l h o t h e r s y s t e m i c s i g n s o f llu o re s c e in a n g io g ra p h y d e m o n s tra te d le a k a g e o f d y e at
in to le ra n c e to ve n ta fa \in e . ih e edem a p e rs is te d in sp ile th e R P L ( } ig u r e 3 .1 S C a n d P ) p r o n tp tin g tre a tm e n t w ith
o f d is c o n tin u a tio n o f th e drug, and recu rred 2 m o n th s oral a c e ta zo !a m id e fo r 3 m o n t h s r w h ic h re s u lte d in r e s o lu ­
fo llo w in g b ila te ra l in tra v itre a l tria m c in a lo n e in je c tio n s . t i o n o f c y s l o i d m a c u l a r e d e m a ( l ;ig u r e 5 .1 S C a n d H ) .
M A R A T H O N / D E M Y D RATI O N 19 Tacrolimus microangEopathy.

R E T IN O P A T H Y A - H : Th is 2-t-year-cikl east 1пс.Мч"эп man was seen Ъ weeki;

potl rrmal t r a n s p l a n t f u r cbrun i c ^lomcffuloncphriras w i l l :
M a ra th o n ru n ners can present w ith v e n o u s d ila tio n and oomplamLsi o f blurred vision m TijjhL E y i of 2 w eeks' dura­
t io n . H is S^sfemlt i im m u n o H u p p r u b b a n L Ih-Lj rs_|>v ir>cIli:c led
re tin a ] h e m o r r h a g e s re s e m b lin g c e n Lra l re tin a l v e in o c c lu ­
tacrolimus, m ycophenolale m o f e t i l r and corticosteroid. H i s
s io n (fig u re 9 .lt i [ - K ) . ih e fin d in g s u s u a lly im p r o v e w ith
b c H l - C D r r t K l u d visual acuily was 20/400 m t h e T i^ h t a n d
re s o lu tio n pf hem orrhages and re s to ra tio n of venous
20/30 m lbLL left eye. Tbe fnatflla of bolli eytb showed isch­
c a lib e r W ith lim e . A concurrent cili o r d i n a l a rtery o c c lu ­ em ic relinal whitening :A and №.. Tbe foveal avascular йопё
s io n can o ccu r d u e to c o m p re s s io n fro m t h e v e in (l-ig u re was irregularly enlarged with -sudden lermi nation of arte-
Э .Ш - К ). rioies; and fflild staining o f Ihe capillary walls in lale-phase
I x e r c i s e in c r e a s e s p la te Lei a c t i v a t i o n a n d o t h e r c l o t t i n g angiogram HCl—F >. H is hemoglobin was lO g 1 ^ . Tacrolimus
was discontinued and the dose erf oral corticoslercudh was
fa c to rs . 'I h is in c re a s e in c l o t t i n g fa c to rs in tb e c o a g u l a t i o n
increased after cun^ullation with his nephrologist, iiix
cascade is u s u a l l y b a la n c e d by a c tiv a tio n o f fib rin o ly s is
monLhs Inler, his visual acuilv had improved to 2 (1/BO in lbe
c a s c a d e as w e l l , in t h o s e i n d i v i d u a l s W i t h a p r e d i s p o s i t i o n rigbt and 20/60 in lbe left eye w ilh resolution ol o pacifica­
to d o t t i n g o r w ith o th e r ih ro m b o g e n ic risk fa c to rs , a lo n g tion in both e\i!H !G and M:.
w ilh a c c o m p a n y i n g d e h y d r a t i o n , se v e re e xe rc is e m a y d i s ­
i . A - l l, t n u rr-L-v f o l D r . V i s h j t l G u p b . i n d 3>г. Л п ш : ! G u f lj f c i -]
ru p t th e b a la n c e b e tw e e n c o a g u la tio n and fib rin o ly s is ,
p l a c i n g t h e m a t r i s k f o r t h r o m b o s i s . 2^ 3
M o u n t b verest ( - - 5 0 0 0 m or 16 000 fe e l) w ere fo u n d lo
t h e o l o g i c a l r e s p o n s e Lo e x e rc is e w a s c o m p a r e d t o c o n ­
h a v e v a r io u s d e g re e s o f re tin a l hem orrhages and d ila te d
tro l s u b je c ts in a p a l ie n t w h o d e v e lo p e d a c e n tra l re tin a )
le Lin a J ve in s . M o s t w ere a s y m p to m a tic or m ild ly s y m p -
ve in o c c lu s io n fo llo w in g a m a ra lh o n . D u rin g a stand ard ­
l o m a l i c . 25' A 3 3 -y e a r-o ld o th e rw is e h e a lth y m a le d e v e l­
is e d s u b m a x i m a l e xe rc is e le s t, th e in c re a s e in b l o o d v is c o s ­
o p e d u n ila te ra l a n te r io r is c h e m ic o p tic n e u r o p a t h y w h ile
ity and h e m a to c r it ( - 2 5 % ) e xc e e d e d th e c o n tr o l
liv in g o n Lhe S ia c h e n g la c ie r ( 5 4 7 2 m e te rs (17 353 fe e t)
ra n g e a n d r e d ce ll a g g r e g a tio n (M yre n n e -+ 47Ч Ъ ) a n d d is ­
above sea ! e v e l ) . J ',fl A b n o r m a l a u to re g u la tio n m ay have
a g g re g a tio n th re s h o ld s (A ffib io + 3 7% } w ere s trik in g ly
c o n trib u te d Lo th e p e rs is te n t v a s o s p a s m at h ig h a llitu d e .
d iffe r e n t f r o m c o n tr o ls . A ro le f o r h e m o r h e o lo g ic a l a lte ra ­
H y p o x i a causes d e c o m p e n s a tio n o f th e v a s c u la r e n d o t h e ­
tio n s d u r in g e xe rc is e i n t h e p a th o g e n e s is o f a m a r a t h o n -
liu m , w h ic h m a y a c c o u n t fo r th e re tin a l h e m o r r h a g e s . In
i n d u c e d r e t i n a l t h r o m b o s i s is p l a u s i b l e a n d s u c h c h a n g e s
g e n e r a l t h e v i s u a l p r o g n o s i s is g o o d .
m a y p e r s i s t a f t e r t h e e v e n t . ' 411' ' '

O th e rw is e h e a lth y in d iv id u a ls f r - 5 6 h o u r s a fte r a s c e n d in g
t o h e i g h t s u s l i <:. I ! y o v e r 5 0 0 0 m m a y d e v e lo p re tin a l h e m - S u p e rfic ia l re tin a l h e m o r r h a g e s in a p a tte rn s i m i l a r Lo t h a t
oiThagesr p a p ille d e m a , d ila te d re tin a l ve sse ls* e n lo p s ia s , s e e n in l f c r e o n rs s y n d r o m e { s e e H g u r e S . 0 7 ) a n d i n m o u n ­
a n d s e le c tiv e loss o f c o l o r v i s i o n . - ^ 1' - - ^ T h e r e t i n a l h e m o r ­ ta in c lim b e r s e x p o s e d to h i g h a lt it u d e s (see e a r lie r s e c t io n )
r h a g e s a r e s u p e r f i c i a l , are w i d e l y s c a tt e r e d , a n d fre q u e n tly m a y o c c u r In p a tie n ts w ith a c u te o r s u b a c u te e x p o s u r e to
s p a re th e m a c u l a (I'ig u r e 9. I S L - N ) . T h e s e p a L ie n ts m a y o r carbon m o n o x i d e . " " - 1" 1'' Ih e xe m ay o c c u r in a ss o c ia tio n
m ay not h a v e s y s te m ic s y m p t o m s o f m o u n ta in sic k ness, w ilh p a p ille d e m a and re tin a l venous engorgem ent and
in c lu d in g headache, in s o m n ia , a n o re x ia , and o c c a s io n ­ to rtu o s ity . It i s u n c e r t a i n w h e t h e r d i r e c t h y p o x i c daEnage
a lly p u l m o n a r y e d e m a , c e re b ra l e d e m a , a n d c o m a . O c u l a r l o th e v a s c u la r e n d o t h e l iu m o f th e o p tic n e rv e a n d re tin a
and s y s te m ic b lo o d pressures in c re a s e in p a tie n ls w ith o r c o m p r e s s io n o f tb e r e lin a l v e n o u s d ra in a g e a s s o c ia te d
m o u n t a i n s ic k n e s s . S i m i l a r re lin a l fin d in g s o f re tin a l hem­ w ith cerebral a n d o p tic nerve edem a, o r a c o m b in a tio n
orrhages and d ila te d re tin a l v e in s h a v e been seen occa­ o f b o th , is r e s p o n s i b l e fo r lh e fu n d u s changes. S m o k e rs
s io n a lly a fte r lo n g -h a u l c o m m e rc ia l flig h ts over 2500m are m o r e v u l n e r a b l e lo e n v iro n m e n ta l carbon m o n o xid e
(8 0 0 0 f e e t ) . - ' "■ ' I h i r t y - l h r e e o f 4 0 c l i m b e r s w h o a s c e n d e d a f f e c t i n g t h e i r d a r k a d a p t a t i o n a n d E i g h t s e n s i t i v i t y . - ' '■
IN D O C Y A N IN E G R E E N T O X IC IT Y 9.2(1 Tacrotim ti s m iс roangi opa thy

A—K: Tliis 43-year-old Indian m ale presented with sudden

Ih e use o f in d o c y a n in e gFeen dye d u rin g c h ro m o v it­ pro^nes-мve d ecreet? in vision in bolh lor 4 weeks. He
re c to m y lo s ta in th e in te rn a l lim itin g m em brane has had receive^ л live related гслчь] flJIogiafl f) weeks previously.
in i p r o v e d th e success rate of m пси ta r h o le c lo s u re . He was on l«(.Tt)liniLii ^nifl tw ice i\ djiy,. m yajp henolate
H d W e v E | v a rio u s in sta n c e s of re tin a l to xic ity have been mofclil 1 ^ twice д day and praHnhfal-ane E5m^ o n ce dailv.
n o te d . The p o s tu la le d m e c h a n is m s in c lu d e d ire c t b io ­ He was also on Eilcod pressure medication and his blood
pressure read 1.JCVSO rr.mH^. His visual acuity w asuount fin­
c h e m ic a l to xic ity to th e n eu ral re tin a l ce lls and RPE,
gers at 0.5 meler. Both macuJa showed whilEming with reti­
o s m o l a r i t y e ffe c t o n th e v itr e o r e fin a l in te rfa c e , m e c h a n ic a l
nal ЕттоггИп^еъ. An a r { jj c ^ a ] | fchowSd macular infaffillttfi
c le a v a g e e ffe c t t o t h e in n e r l i m i t i n g m e m b F a n e / i n n e r re ti­
with occlusion of Lhe perrloveal arterioles. H e showed no
n a l s u r f , i c e a n d l i g h t - i n d u c e d i n j u r y ^ 53 2Ji| T h e d i r e c t d a m ­ evidence о I Lhrombocytopen ia, renal failure, or hemolysis.
age to , a n d in d u c tio n o f a p o p to s is o f. n e u ro re tin a l and Four monlhs later Ihe relink I whitening had mostly resolved
ftPE c e l l s a p p e a r lo b e d o s e -d e p e n d e n t. In d o c y a n in e green find iiy El months his vision had stabilized at 2 iV 2 0 0 in bolh
a b s o rp tio n o f lig h t is in ih e n e a r-in fra re d ra n g je (7B 0 -
eyes. O ptical coherence tomography of both macula showed
sthidit-fifce (.rivitk'H Without я щ тГ г с а т overall thickcnin^,
830nm ) and in d u c e s p h o to o x id a tio n typ e I [in c re a s e d
signifying loss o f rrf ina I suEistance.
lo c a l t e m p e r a t u r e o f tis s u e } a n d p h o to -o x id a tio n typ e [[
[A —I f , с п и rltis y u l a>r. W . h .ili 'L ib |:l.n a n d I7 i A m u J G ij p l . i . l
( p h o L o d y n a m ic e f f e c t s ) . J 1 - )f’
B io c h e m ic a l changes in th e in n e r lim itin g m em brane
w ith in c re a s e d s t i ffe n i n g h a s a ls o b e e n n o t e d .2 1' T o m in i­
drug or is a r o u t i n e n o n a rte ritic a n te rio r is c h e m ic o p tic
m iz e to xic ity , a lo w c o n c e n tra tio n , s h o rt d u r a tio n , a n d lo w
n e u r o p a t h y o c c u r r i n g in th e g r o u p o f p a t i e n t s w h o are p r e ­
illu m i n a t io n are r e c o m m e n d e d /
d is p o s e d to th is c o m p lic a tio n . " 1 T h e c o m e a l d e p o s its m a y
re s u lt in b lu e - g r e e n rin g £ o r c o lo r e d h a lo s a r o u n d lig h ts . A
T A C R O L IM U S T O X IC IT Y _____________ m a c u l o p a t h y a tt r ib u t e d lo a c c u m u l a t io n o f th e d r u g in th e

ih ro m b o tic m i c r o a n g i o p a t h y o f v a r i o u s o r g a n s is a s i d e - K PL h a s b e e n d e s c r ib e d ; h o w e v e r t h e cases w e r e n o t w e ll
d o c u m e n t e d a n d m a y n o t b e re la te d to a in ia d a r o n e .''^ " 1
e ffe c t o f ta c ro lim u s ( ] :K 5 0 G ) and pre se n ts as a re tin a l
in fa rc t w ith c o tto n -w o o I s p o ts and re tin a l h e m orrh ag es
in th e eye [fig u re s 9 .1 9 A a n d К a n d 9 .2 0 Л a n d H ) . J ,:" T h e S IL D E N A F IL (V IA G R A )
u n d e rly in g m e c h a n is m is th ro m b o tic th ro m b o c yto p e ­
I h e c o m m o n e s t sid e -e ffe c t o f V ia g ra is a t r a n s i e n t b lu is h
n ia a n d h e m o ly s is , w h ic h re q u ire d is c o n tin u a tio n o f th e
d ru g, p la s m a p h e re s is , a n d fre s h fro ze n p la s m a as r e s c u e , d is c o lo ra tio n o f v is io n a n d im p a ire d b lu e /g re e n d is c r im i­
n a tio n . lie ro u s re tin a l d e ta c h m e n ts s im u la lin g id io p a th ic
lin d o th e lia l s w e llin g a n d in tra lu m in a l fib rin are seen in
th e g lo m e ru li on k id n e y b io p s y M u o re s re in a n g io g ra m c e n tra l s e ro u s c h o r i o r e t i n o p a t h y h a v e b e e n s e e n in p a tie n ts
ta k in g s ild e n a fil fo r e re c tile d y s f u n c t io n .J:' it is a
re ve a ls o c c lu d e d m a c u la r v e sse ls [E: ig u r e s and
9 .2 0 C - H ) . S c liisis-tik e changes are s o m e tim e s seen due c y c lic g u a n o s in e m o n o p h o s p h a te -s p e c ific p h o s p h o d ie s ­
te ra s e t y p e 5 I n h i b i t o r , w h i c h is a p o t e n t v a s o d i l a t o r t h a t
to lo ss o f re tin a l tissu e fro m in fa rc tio n (Fig u re 9 .2 0 H
and E) Yhe m i c r o a n g i o p a t h y u s u a l l y o c c u r s w i t h i n a f e w in cre ases c h o r o i d a l th ic k n e s s b y 3 0 % b y in c re a s in g c h o r o i ­
dal b lo o d flo w b y 2 0 - З О % . " &* C h o r o i d a l e n g o r g e m e n t as
d a y s p o s t t r a n s p l a n t a n d is s e e n p o s t s o l i d o r ^ a n a n d b o n e
m a r r o w t r a n s p l a n t . S i m i l a r m i c r o a n g i o p a t h y es s e e n W i t h a n i d io s y n c r a t ic e ffe c t m a y b e th e u n d e r l y i n g m e c h a n is m
o f e x u d a tiv e re tin a l d e ta c h m e n t : In m o s t p a tie n ts th e
ty c lo s p o rin e , s iro lim u s , and s y s te m ic a n ti v a s c u la r endo­
th e lia l g r o w th fa c to r th e r a p y (V K C E -) w it h b e v a c iz u m a b . s e ro u s d e t a c h m e n t re s o lv e d o n d is c o n t in u a t io n o f th e d r u g
[d e c h a lle n g e ) a n d re c u rre d in a fe w o n B ^ a l l e n g e . ^ 0"3' ^
Is c h e m ic o p tic n e u ro p a th y, branch re tin a l a rte ry o c c lu ­
A M I O D A R O N E O P T IC s io n , a n d a n a c u te t h ir d -n e r v e p a ls y h a v e a ls o b e e n s e e n ;
N E U R O P A T H Y ________________________ h o w e v e r th e s e m a y b e re la te d to v a s c u la r c o m p r o m i s e in
p a t i e n t s a l r e a d y p r e d i s p o s e d t o v a s c u l a r a c c i d e n t s . J H ) - J , ' :i
P a tie n ts re c e ivin g a m io d a ro n e , an a n tia rrh y th m ic d ru g ,
m a y d e v e l o p v e r l i c i ll a L e k e r a t o p a t h y , t r e m o r , a ta x ia ., p u l m o ­
nary fib ro s is , a n d o c c a s io n a lly v is u a l lo ss a s s o c ia te d w i t h
o p tic d isc s w e llin g a n d h em orrh ages. I'h e s e c h a n g e s m ay A S S O C IA T E D C E N T R A L S E R O U S
be fo llo w e d b y o p tic a tro p h y a n d n a r r o w in g o f th e re tin a l
a r t e r i e s i n s o m e p a t i e n t s . ^ ' 0" 3^ i t is u n c e r t a i n w h e t h e r o r
n o t t h i s o p t i c n e u r o p a t h y is a p e c u l i a r c o m p l i c a t i o n o f t h e See C h a p te r 3.
A fe w p a tie n ts c n is o tre tin o in th e r a p y fo F a cne c o m p la in V ig a b a trin is a g a m m a -a m in o b u ty ric a c id tra n s a m in a s e
o f p o o r n ig h t v is io n and d iffic u lty vrfth d a rk a d a p ta tio n . in h ib it o r u se d to tre at c h ild re n w ith in fa n tile spasm s a n d
Tw o p a tie n ts h e ld abnorm al LR G s and dark a d a p ta tio n , a d u lls w ith p a rtia l s e izu re s . Ih e d n ig is n o t a p p r o v e d b y
w h i c h r e c o v e re d s l o w l y o v e r 2 5 m o n t h s in o n e p a t ie n t a n d th e U S Food and D ru g A d m in is tra tio n b u t is u s e d e x t e n ­
& -I2 m o n t h s in t h e o t h e r . s ive ly in Eu ro p e and C a n a d a fo r tre a tin g in fa n tile sp a s m s
and p a rtia l e p ile p s y . It is th e drug o f c h o ic e in Lre a tin g

C J D O F O V I R ___________________________ i n f a n t i le s p a s m s in t u b e r o u s s c le ro s is . T h e o c u l a r t o x i c i t y
in th e fo rm o f p e rip h e ra l vis u a E fie ld c h a n g e s 2'^ ’ r e s u E t -
C id o fo v ir is an a n ti-c y to m e g a lo viru s (C M V ) a n u c le o tid e in g fr o m re tin a l n e r v e fib e r to x ic ity w ith c o n s e c u tiv e o p tic
a n a lo g and shows b ro a d -s p e c tru m a ctio n t y a g a in s t CM V, a t r o p h y w a s first n o t e d in A b o u t 4 0 -5 0 % of
w tric e lla -zo s le r v im s , hopes sum p i n t v i r u s typ es 1 And 2, a d u lts a n d c h ild re n on th e m e d ic a tio n s h o w e vid e n c e o f
a n d L p s t e i n - И а г г v i r u s . A f t e r u p t a k e i n t o c e l l s it is c o n v e n e d t o x ic ity . T h e d r u g crosses t h e b l o o d - r e t i n a l b a r r ie r a n d is
i n t o a n a c tiv e , l o n g - a c t i n g m e t a b o l i t e a n a n a l o g t o c y t o s i n e . fo u n d to be I B .5 lim e s m o r e c o n c e n tra te d in th e re tin a ,
It b l o c k s v i r a l D M A p o l y m e r a s e re la tiv e ly s e le c tive ly . U v e i t i s lh e 3 0 -] i z p h o lo p ic flic k e r is th e e a rlie s t a fT e c te d LH C
a n d h y p o l o n y are c o m m o n ( 2 5 - 5 0 % ) a fte r b o t h i n t r a v e n o u s p a ra m e te r. Ih e d ru g is s p e c i f i c a l l y t a k e n u p b y a m a c rin e .
and in tra vitre a l c id o fo v ir. D ire c t c y to to x ic ity lo c ilia ry e p i- h o rizo n ta l, b ip o la r, and M i i H e r c e lls o f t h e r e t in a w here
L h e E i u m is c o n s i d e r e d t o b e l h e c a u s e o f d e c r e a s e d a q u e o u s it e x e r t s ils to xic ity . M o n ito rin g w ilh s e ria l v i s u a l fie ld s
p ro d u c tio n . A b re a k in th e b l o o d -re tin a l a n d b l o o d - o c u l a r a n d o p tic a l c o h e re n c e m e a s u r e m e n t o f re tin a l n e rv e fib e r
b a rrie r, e s p e c ia lly in e ye s w i t h c h r o n ic s m o l d e r i n g C M V ret­ t h i c k n e s s a r e r e c o m m e n d e d . ' '■
i n i t i s . is l i k e l y r e s p o n s i b l e f o r t h e i r i t i s a n d a n t e r i o r u v e i t i s .
R e d u c in g lh e d o s e o f c id o f o v i r in th es e eyes w i t h h ig h e r b i o ­
a v a ila b ility c a n d e cre a se th e in te n s ity o f th e in H a m m a t io n . IN D O M E T H A C IN R E T IN O P A T H Y
Jh e u ve ilis responds lo c yc lo p le g ic s and to p ic a E s te ro id s .
I'h e r e are a fe w re p o rts o f re tin a l changes a ttrib u te d lo
C y s t o i d m a c u l a r e d e m a is s e e n d u r i n g i m m u n e r e c o v e r } •} 2
in d o m e th a c in ( i n d o c i n ) ; h o w e v e r, n o n e pre se n ts c o n v in c ­
in g e v id e n c e o f a causal re la tio n s h ip b e tw e e n in d o m e th a ­
R IF A B U T IN ____________________________ c i n t h e r a p y a n d t h e f u n d u s c h a n g e s . ” '''11'

R ifa b u tin is u s e d in L h e t r e a t m e n t o r p r o p h y l a x i s o f sys-

L e m i c A t y c c b o c i m u m a in 'u m c o m p l e x i n f e c t i o n s i n p a t i e n t s D IG IT A L IS A N D D I G O X I N R ET IN A L
w ilh A ID S , and s o m e tim e s in im m u n o c o m p e te n t peo-
p i e . - 27-1 H y p o p y o n u ve itis c a n b e g in w ilh in a fe w d a ys to
T O X IC IT Y ______________________________
a fe w weeks o f b e g in n in g tre a tm e n t in b o th im m u n o ­ D ig ita lis and d ig o xin m ay cause d e fe c tive c o lo r v is io n
su ppressed and im m u n o c o m p e te n t i n d i v i d u a l s . - " 1- ' ' A x a n th o p s ia , a n d o t h e r a b e r r a tio n s o f c o l o r v i s i o n , as w eEl
P a n u v e itis w it h r e t i n a l v a s c u l i t i s is s e e n r a r e l y i n p a t i e n t s as a b n o r m a l d a r k a d a p t a t i o n a n d r e d u c e d p h o t o p i c D i c k e r
w ilh p u lm o n a ry t u b e r c u lo s is .-' ' B ila te ra l co rn eal endo­ liR G a m p l i t u d e s * 3 0 1-™ lh e fu n d u s appearance is u n a f­
th e lia l d e p o s it s , in t h e a b s e n c e o f i n f l a m m a t i o n , h a v e a ls o fe c te d . Ih e p a tie n L m a y o r m a y n o t c o m p la in o f dyschro-
b e e n re p o rte d w ilh rifa b u tin use in hum an im m u n o d e fi­ m a to p s ia . C o lo r vis io n t e s t i n g is a u s e f u l m e a s u r e in th e
c ie n c y viru s ( J 11V ) -p o s itiv e a d u lls a n d c h i I d r e n . J ''i t U M T h e d ia g n o s is o f to x ic ity o f th es e d ru g s a n d m a y reveal b o th
s te lla te , r e fr a c tile e n d o t h e l i a l , d e p o s it s a re firs t o b s e r v e d in re d -g re e n and b lu e -y e llo w d e fic ie n c ie s , L o n g - t e r m use o f
tbe p e rip h e ry , and m a y e v e n tu a lly e xte n d lo in v o lv e th e d ig ita lis even al th e ra p e u tic d o s e s causes re d -g re e n and
c e n tra l corn ea. These d e p o s its are a s s o c ia te d w ith fla re i r i L a n d e f i c i e n c y i n 2 0 - 5 0 % o f p a t i e n t s . ' 1' ’
a n d c a n o c c u r in e ye s w i t h o u t a s s o c ia te d in fe c tio n s su ch
as C M V re tin itis . O v e r tim e , th e d e p o s its m a y take o n a
g o ld e n hue and progress d e s p ile c e s s a tio n o f rifa b u tin .
A n te rio r le n s d e p o s itio n , v itre o u s o p a c itie s .^ 6 c y s to id A S S O C IA T E D W IT H
m a c u la r e d e m a , and a re ve rs ib le re tin a l d y s fu n c tio n
h a v e b e e n d o c u m e n t e d in e x p e r im e n t a l s tu d ie s .-^ 1
The m e c h a n is m fo r u ve itis is n o t c l e a r l y u n d e rs to o d : G ly c in e is t h e m o s t c o m m o n l y u s e d irrig a tin g s u b s ta n c e
p o s s ib ilitie s in c lu d e d e p o s itio n of im m u n o g lo b u lin s or d u rin g tra n s u re th ra l re se c tio n and e n d o m e tria l a b la ­
a n tirifa b u tin a n tib o d ie s , a lth o u g h rifa b u tin in v iv o does tio n s . E x p o s u r e o f t h e p r o s ta te v e n o u s s in u s e s m a y a llo w
not a lte r c e lE-n ie d ia le d im m u n ity . The in fla m m a to ry ' e xce ssive a b s o rp tio n o f g ly c in e , w h ic h , when reaches
re s p o n s e can he e xa c e rb a te d by c o n c o m ita n t use o f rnacro- le ve ls o f a p p ro x im a te ly 4 0 0 0 jim o l/] ( > j 5 0 n i^ 'd l) , m ay
Eid e s '1 o r a z o l e d r u g s s u c h as f l u c o n a z o l e . T h e u v e itis cause tra n s ie n t v is u a l d is tu rb a n c e s such as "d a rk e n in g "
r e s p o n d s to d i s c o n t i n u a t i o n o f r i f a b u t i n a n d i n s t it u t i o n o f o f v i s i o n , o r s e v e r e v i s u a l Loss f o r u p lo several h o u rs . ’a '
t o p i c a l s t e r o i d s a n d c y c l o p le g ic s . G ly c in e a b s o rp tio n re s u lts in excess flu id a b s o r p t i o n and
d ilu tio n a l h y p o n a tre m ia , re s u ltin g in р и Щ ооаф edem a tra n s itio n a l, and p a n c re a tic cancers. A 5 У -y e a r-o ld m a le
and e n c e p h a l o p a t h y . ш > ' ' JJ Fu n d o s c o p ic e x a m in a tio n t r e a t e d f o r n o n s m a l l ce ll l u n g c a n c e r d e v e l o p e d P u r t s c h e r -
is n o rm a l. V is u a l lo ss is a s s o c ia te d w ilh ER G changes lik e re tin o p a th y and p e rip h e ra l v a s c u la r o c c lu s io n s
c o n s is tin g o f lo ss o f o s c illa to ry p o te n tia ls and a lie n n a ­ in vo lv in g th e d ig its a n d dorsal p e n is a lo n g w i t h p o s itive
tio n of" 3 0 - 1 \ z "flic k e r fo llo w in g ." rl h i s re tin a l d y s fu n c ­ a n l i n u c l e a r a n Li b o d i e s a n d a n e l e v a t e d s e d i m e n t a t i o n r a t e .
tio n m ay be th e r e s u l t o f g l y c i n e ' s r o l e ль a n in h ib ito ry D is c o n tin u a tio n o f th e drug and s y s t e m ic ste ro id s q u i­
n e u ro lra n s m itte r. e te n e d th e le s io n s , t h o u g h th e y p e rsis te d f o r t i - 1 0 m o n th s
w i l h l o s s o f t h e f o u r t h d i g i t . *■'

l l u d a r a b i n e is a p u r i n e a n a l o g a n t i n e o p l a s t i c a g e n t w h i c h ACUTE M ACULAR
has been trie d in p a tie n ts w it h a va rie ty o f l y m p h o p r o lif - N E U R O R E T IN O P A T H Y
e r a t i v e m a l i g n a n c i e s a n d as a n i m m u n e s u p p r e s s o r b e f o r e
s t e m c e l l t r a n s p l a n t . O c u l a r t o x i c i t y is n o t c o m m o n a t t h e
l o w - d o s e r e g im e n . H o w e v e r a p h a s e [ s tu d y s h o w e d lo ss o f S Y M F A T H O M I M E T IC S_______________
v i s i o n i n л \I b u t t w o o f t h e 13 p a tie n ts w h o re c e ive d h ig h -
See C h a p te r 11.
d o s e flu d b irlb io e l h e v i s u a l [ о н is i r r e v e r s i b l e a n d p r o g r e s ­
s ive , e x c e p t in ra re in s ta n c e s w h e r e v i s i o n im p r o v e s . L o s s o f
b i p o l a r c e l l f u n c t i o n o n E f t G is f i r s t n o t e d , h i s t o l o g y s h o w s D R U G - IN D U C E D A C U T E M Y O P I A
d r a m a t i c lo s s o f g a n g l i o n a n d b i p o l a r ce lls, lo s s o f m y e l i n ,
C h lo rth a lid o n e , h y d ro c h lo ro th ia zid e , tria m te rin e , and
a n d s e v e r e n e c r o s i s o f l h e o p t i c n e r v e . 11' I n a d d i t i o n , r e a c ­
t o p i r a m a te a r e k n o w n lo in d u c e acu te m y o p ia w ilh re ti­
tiv a tio n o f a c u le re tin a l n e c ro s is a n d o th e r o p p o rtu n is tic
nal fo ld s . A v a ria b le d e g re e o f c ilia ry b o d y s w e llin g , c ilia ry
v i r a l a n d f u n g a l i n f e c l i o n s a r e s e e n . ]3Q
m u s c l e s p a s m , p e r i p h e r a l c h o r o i d a l e ffu s io n s ., a n d f o r w a r d
m o v e m e n t o f th e iris le n s d i a p h r a g m c o n trib u te to w a rd s
G E M C IT A B IN E PU R T SC H ER - LIK E th e п п )ю р ic c h a n g e . M o s t o f th e s e a re t r a n s i e n t a n d co r­

R E T IN O P A T H Y re c ta b le o n d is c o n t in u a t io n o f th e d r u g . P a tie n ts o n
t o p i r a in a te o f t e n develop b ila te ra l o r u n ila te ra l a c u le a n g le
G e m c iM b in e is л n u c l e o s i d e a n a l o g u s e d Lo tre a t o s t e o ­ c lo s u re g la u c o m a re q u irin g m e d ic a tio n s , and s o m e tim e s
sarcom a, n o n s m a ll c e ll .lu n g cancer, b re a st, o v a ria n , p e ri p h e ra l i r id e c lo m y o r i r id o p la s ty .'1 1H "
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2Ы. Keltbef ?; Н^ЬеП У &леетеу J. el al LAuns asactaK Hlh 'ratul пэ-тоiraircl cs acjlean^clcare gla^nia Алл фНйпй 2L0&'2e:f&33-6
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CphlbiJ'io^acv ЯШ5;112: -322-3. docje daiiccfra. Aivi J 5ptilhsini3l 200 132:1124
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elecifg la cam je mar fret)cax. Eys 2>35:l S.-l1 - l
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Infectious Diseases of the Retina and Choroid
In fe c tio u s ag en ts m ay be c a rrie d fro m e ls e w h e re in th e [ rt.O: Bacterial septic embolization ot the relina and
b o d y a n d cause o n e o r m o r e fo c i o f in fe c tio n in th e re lin a optic nerve head.
a n d l e s s o f t e n En t h e c h o r o i d i n o n e o r b o t h e y e s , [ f H e a l e d
A Lo F: This 12-yea r-okf j^irl noLed blurred vision during an
e a rly w ilh s p e c ific a n tib io tic s , th e o c u la r dam age m ay acute iefafile illness-. Visual acuity was 15/400. There was mas-
be m in im ize d ( l:ig u re 1 0 .0 ] I in fe c tio u s d ise a se s can be inlianeCinaI Lind subnet inn I exudation in- lhe macuJai and
c a u s e d b y b a c te ria , fu n g i, v iru s e s , a n d p a ra site s . T h e y c a n juxlapapilbry reruns (Al. There were peripheral pale bos
in v o lv e b o th th e re tin a and th e c h o r o id . C e rta in a g e n ts of rhinitis surrounded by multiply Rolh^ sfKifls (Б япс1 Q .
Angiijgraplw revebled leakage qf dye from lhe leKion ,il lhe tem­
c jn c o n tig u o u s ly spread to- th e vitre o u s c a vity c a u s in g
poral margin ol Lhe optic disc {□). Coagulase-posiLive staphylo­
e n d o p h th a lm itis , w h ile c e rta in o th e rs are lim ite d lo th e
cocci were cultured from (he blood and a denial rout abscess.
re tin a a n d c h o r o id , fn s o m e in s ta n c e s w h e n b a c te ria a n d
re c ^ ty & d in H a v e n o u s a n t ib io t ic Ih u r a p v . О п у year la lo r i t
fu n g i g a in e n tr a n c e in to th e v itr e o u s , e ith e r e n d o g e n o u s ly and F l, v is u a l a c u it y had im p r o v e d to 2 0 / 2 5 . A rrow in d ic a t e s
o r e x o g e n o u s ly , v H ritis w i lh o r w it h o u t p e rip h le b itis m a y n v i LrtHJUK v e i l o n th e o p tic n e r v e h e a d s e c u i K i a r y to p o s l e n o r

b e th e e a rlie s t s ig n o f a n e n d o p h t h a l m i t i s ,1 s e p a r a t i o n u l" I h e v i l r e o u s . F o c a l c h o r i o n e l i n a l s e a he- r e m a i n e d a t

L h e s i t e o f s o m e o f l h e а т е а ? o f r e l i n i t l s ( c o m p a r e CJ a n d t- ■.

G Lo L: Metastatic baclerial rmin-itis^ m a c u l a r slar, and pap­

illitis (C a n d H ) occurring in a 32 - y e a r - o l d m a n w h o w a s
P Y O G E N IC C H O R IO R E T I N I T I S receiving zidovudine TAZTf and aciclovir fZoviraxf because
S e p tic e m b o li c o n ta in in g b a c te ria d e riv e d fro m fo c a l
of H IV poMlivjtv for 10 y e a r s . He com plained of d e c r e a s ­
ing vision in h i s right e y e of 2 monlfis'' duration. M edical
areas o f in f e c t i o n s u c h as d i s e a s e d h e a r t v a lv e s , o r fo c a l
workup, Including blood cultures, was negative. Visual acu ­
abscesses in v o lv in g th e te e lh , s k in , o r o th e r o rg a n s , m ay
ity w a i 20/400 i n the rijjhl e y e . ГЬ и е w ere minimal val rebus
L o d g e in ( h e r e tin a a n d p r o d u c e fo c a l w h i t e areas o f re ti­ ce3ls. Si к weeks after 1г е и I m e n l w i L h doxycycline Ihe lesions
n i t i s a n d o v e r l y i n g v i i r i t i s (I i g u r e s E 0 .0 1 and J0 .0 2 ) . T h e s e showed evidence o f early resolution. Note the angiomatous
m ay be a c c o m p a n ie d by w h ile -c e n te re d h e m orrh ag es appearance of the oplic disc lotion >1 and Ю. Three rnonths
( E 'ig u r e s 1 0 .0 I , B; 1 0 .0 2 . Ii). I jess fre q u e n tly th e se p tic lalej L h e lesions h a d resolved <L). His visual acuily, h o w e v e r ,

e m b o li lo d g e in th e c h o r o id and m a y p ro d u c e a s u b re ti­
had improved o n ly s lig h t ly to 2U/tfO.

nal abscess (see ]: i g u r e 1 0 .0 3 , Л -C J ]. M o a t p a tie n ts w it h

b a c te ria l re tin itis w ill have s ig n s and sy m p to m s o f sys­
suspicion is necessary to delecL those who are ambulatory
te m ic illn e s s , i n c l u d i n g fe ve r, c h ills , e le v a te d w h i t e b l o o d
with evidence o f disseminated sepsis in iheir eyes.11
c e ll c o u n ts, p e le c h ia e , s p lin te r hem orrhages o f th e n a il
bed. and p h y s ic a l fin d in g s p o in tin g lo th e p r i m a r y s ite
o f th e in fe c tio n . R o th d e s c rib e d w h ite re tin a l le s io n s a n d F O C A L IN D O L E N T M ET A ST A T IC
s e p a ra te hem orrhages in p a tie n ts w ith s e p s is .1 : Litte n
d e s c rib e d w h ite -c e n te re d h e m orrh ag es in p a tie n ls w ith
e n d o c a rd itis and c a lle d th e m 'R o th 's s p o t s ' . L' ' [ ' h e w h ile A C Q U I R E D I M M U N E D E F IC IE N C Y
c e n te r [n a y c o n ta in o rg a n is m s , a lth o u g h m o s l a re s te rile S Y N D R O M E (A ID S )
a n d a re c o m p o s e d o f w h i t e b l o o d ce lls, f n m a n y in s t a n c e s
t h e w h i l e c e n t e r is c o m p o s e d o f f i b r i n o c c u r r i n g a l t h e s i t e P a tie n ts w i l h A I D S m a y d e v e lo p m u l t i f o c a l , d isc re te , y e l­
o f e x tr a v a s a tio n o f b l o o d f r o m th e re tin a l b l o o d v e s s e ls / ­ l o w - w h i l e p a t c h e s o f b a c t e r i a l ret i n i its t h a t e n l a r g e s l o w l y
R o t h 's s p o ts o c c u r m o s t f r e q u e n t l y i n p a tie n ts w i t h severe over w eeks, and a c c u m u la te la rg e a m o u n ts of s u b re ti­
a n e m ia fro m a n y cause, in c lu d in g le u k e m ia a n d s u b a c u le nal flu id a n d fib rin o u s e xu d a te w ilh m in im a l in fla m m a ­
b a c te ria l e n d o c a rd itis . If b a c te ria l se p sis is su sp e c te d - t o r y cell r e a c t i o n i n th e o v e rly in g vilre o u s (fig u r e 1 0 .0 1 .
prom p t m e d ic a l e v a lu a tio n , in c lu d in g b lo o d c u ltu re s , a G - l . J . 1- '['h is f o r m o f i n d o l e n t b a c t e r i a l r e t i n i t i s is c a u s e d
s e a rch f o r th e p r i m a r y s ite o f th e in fe c tio n , a n d in s titu tio n b y re la tive ly n o n p a th o g e n ic b a c te ria , s u c h a s Rh&nacoccus
o f a n t i b i o t i c t h e r a p y , m a y s u c c e e d in p r e s e r v a t io n o f u s e ­ ctjui a n d (s e e d is c u s s io n o f c a t-s c ra tc h d ise a se in
fu l v i s i o n in s o m e p a tie n ts (K ig u r e Ю .0 1 ) . O v e rt e n d o p h ­ t h e n e x t s e c t io n ), l h a l u s u a lly r e s p o n d l o o ra l d o s y c y c lin e .
th a lm itis m ay re q u ire pars p la n a vitre c to m y in a d d itio n In im m u n osuppressed p a tie n ts th e re tin a l le sio n s m ay
to in tr a v e n o u s t h e r a p y i f p ro g re s s io n o c c u rs . 'Ilte m a j o r it y be m is ta k e n fo r th e m o r e fre q u e n tly e n c o u n te re d re tin a l
o f p a lie n ls w ith m e ta s ta tic b a c te ria l re tin itis are a lr e a d y i n f e c t i o n s c a u s e d b y H e r p e s v ir u s e s , C tfn iJb Jfl, С п 'р 'К я х ч т ш .
h o s p i t a l i z e d f o r t h e i r s y s te m ic illn e s s , b u t a h i g h in d e x o f a n d ib x o p ltis rrnr o r g a n i s m s .
I fl. 0 2 M e t a s ta t i c b a с te ria l re ti n itis .
A Ld D : Ttiis 32-year-old wom an presented w ilh J-w eek his­
P a tie n ts w i l h fo c a l b a c te ria l in fe c tio n s m a y d e v e lo p s e p tic tory oJ visual blur in Line left суп. There was а focal area of
e m b o l i Lh al m a y lo d g e in e ith e r th e re tin a l o r th e c h o r o i­ ouler retinitis surrounded by exudates :Al. The fluorescein
d a l c ir c u in it io n . In t h e la tte r ca se a c h o r o i d a l a n d s u b re ti­ angiogram showed hyperHuorescence and late staining
n a l a b s c e s s m a y d e v e l o p £f i g u r e s L fJ.0 2 , A - С ; I'ig u r e 1 0 .0 3 , and leakage of Lhe lesion 'B and C). She had a small area
ul swelling of the lip of her m iddle finger on lhe left hand,
A - C ) .'y ii
diagnosed initially ль ее 11ul i Us and 1гел led With oral anLi-
biolics. The infection did nol respond and spread quickly
and she was subsequently lound Co have meticillin-Tesislanl
i'r aphyfoi'tjcL'us n ureu* :М.КУА . She was started tin 3V vanco­
m ycin. There was no history ol" im m unocom prom ise or visits
Lo hutpilal от nursing homes. i?he responded lt> vancom ycin
and [he lesion resolved, Eeaving в flat pigmented scar ID).
F Lo H: 7h is 42-year-old man presented wilh lever, nighl
rtveats, spots on his legs [F and CL".and blurred vision for 2
weeks. Six weeks after his initial visit to lhe emergency room a
punch biopsy of lhe spot on his leg shbwed endoihelial swell­
ing ol lhe small vessels, fibrin deposits and infiltrate ot red
cells, neulrupbils and nuclear dust diajjnosed as lt*u косу toe las-
Lic vasculilis 'HL'nocb-Schonlein purpura, H5frL He was given
я methylprednisolone iM ediolj {lose back lhat he Look off and
on for 4 months. He continued Lo have fever and nigh I-^weals,
rind had a 40 lb ■ . Ltikg.i weight lo*s. H it visual acuity was
20/25 in :lit! right eye and 2(J.'4i»J in the lefl eye wilh an affer­
ent papillary defecL. The Felt fundus showed several nerve fiber
infarcts and relinal hemorrhages It). He returned lo lhe emer­
gency nutmi w hen he was found Lo have' a heart гпиттит anti
a hislory of rheumaLic fever, kchocardio^ram revealed vej^ela-
Li<jns. he wa* anemic with a hemoglobin of fr.l ^ d L f and hail
urinary red blood cells and granular casls. Lilood ( nil иге ^new
ActifrobacHlus actirtom ycelt'm iom iU m s. an organism found in
ihe ■ a I ' /л i:.\. I [e ,n- unvent replacement "■ his mitral and
aortic valve: the hemorrhages and nerve fiber infarcls cleared,
lh e mpchanrisfii of Ihe Purlscher-like retinobfttlift is likely from
the vasculitis associated With 1-liP and lhe immunoiogical
changes from sjbacu tE Ijacterial endocarditis, Kopnesentative
f^oss picture of a vo^el-ation bn lhe aortic valve (I),
j lo L: "111is 46-year-old white man presented wilh a painless
decrease in vision in both eyes for 2 monlhs. He had a bis­
tory of diabetes,i cocaine use, and chronic dt?up vein ihrombo-
sis, and was hospitaEizjed 2 Weeks prior (o Loss of vision w ilh
fevers, elevated vthite cell cuunl, and diabetic ketoacidosis.
H it blood cultures ^row S t jp h . aureus, which was resistant
iii ■:;-n t illin. l-le bad had ,i 1.1 cm prcsl.” < .ii>-■ . ( -ss u+iich
required surgical drainage. He was treated with nafcillin and
rifampin (rifampicin). The patient slopped his antibiotics and
the fevers and liaclerem ia recurred which was felt Lo he from
an infecLed ibrtwnbus in Lhe leg. The thromfru-s was excised
and be was restarted on anLibiotics. His visual acuity was
counting fingers at b feet in the right eye and counting fingers
al 4 tc43t in Ibn left eye. There were 2+ anterior vitreous cells,
vitreous hemorrhage in Lhe right eyer prerelinal gliosis, and
an area of t horkjret inovi Lrea I neovascularization (J). In Lhe Sell
macula, he had an area of choriorelinoviLreaI n ew vessels iK:.
lh e fluorescein angiogram of Che lefL eye shows a lacy pa Hern
Lo lbe vessels Lbal w ere present on the surface o f Che relina (Lf.
This palient developed a chonorelinoviLneal neovascularizalion
in areas ol atrophic scars caused by blaph . aureus netinilis. The
neovascularizaLion conlinLicd Lo giow and shtjwed e\'i[lence
ot hleutlinj;. Q plical coherence LomograpK' iO C I ■ shov^ed
tbe presence of vessels on the surface of the retina with con­
traction of lhe poslurior hvaloid and shadowing effect from the
blood. He Lindurwenl panretina I photot-Toagulalion wilh partial
into kit ion of Ihe chorioi-et inovi trea I neovascularization.
iGuurtesy: A-D, Dr k/jliurl Millr.i: t-l I. Dt Млгк U,ulv I Ur. lu-^.Ur
L!m vt.t H o l d l .1i i U D r J.liim 's h i l k ■
N O C A R D IA ! fl.0 3 B a c te ria l s u b m a c u la r a b s c e s s e s .

A lo C: Subm acuLir baclerial lAi Ln л i^-year-old

М щ й и d u ie r a irfe i is л g r a m - p o s i t i v e f i l a m e n t o u s b a c t e r i u m Woman hospitalised with dis-sc^-mirnjiLod lupus erythematosus,
found in so il and d e c a y in g ve g e ta b le m a tle r th a l s h ire s s o m e gram-positivn1 EjacLerial e ndocafd il is, septicemia, jififlieehia^.
fe a tu re s w i t h f u n g j . El is an o p p o r t u n i s t i c p a l b o g e n k n o w n and a 1-day history o f loss of cenlral vision in Lhe lell -eye.
Lo a J e c t t h e r e l J n a a n d c h o r o i d i n a s m a ll n u m b e r o f so lid Fluorescein angioyraphy revealed evidence ol" a nonvascu-
orgin Lraosplant i f i ^ p l e n t i l > - l t i \ . jasfenrides a cco un ts fo r lari;codr nonfluorescenl submaculair exudate and I ale leakage
□E dye from the overlying retinal vessels (B and Cl. Several
S O -W ^ -o o f h u m a n in fe c tio n s , f o l l o w e d b y N . fo m ifie ru ti, N .
days later she developed massive purulent endophLlialmiris.
ftiim iic H ' a n d N . n e w i J h e i n f e c t i o n is g e n e r a l l y d i s s e m m a t e d
w i t h abscesses i n v o l v i n g (he lu n g , b ra in , s k in , eye, a n d o th e r Notardia Retinitis.
sites. I l b e g i n s a s a s o l i t a r y s u b r e t i n a l or c h o ro id a l y e llo w D to H : N o ca rd ia sub-retinal pigment epil helium (KFEJ
Le sio n th a l grows in s iz e w i l h n e u 1 sa tellite L e s io n s a p p e a r i n g abscess ID ' in a 70-year-old man w ilh Hodgkin's disease.
Angiogfaphy shew ed a nonvasculari^ed subrelinal mass
p y e t d a ys (I'ig u r e 1 0 .0 3 D and Е]. O v e r l y i n g r e l i n a l h e m o r ­
with LaLe leakage of dye from reliral vessels into the v ilrt'CJLis
r h a g e s a r e s e e n ( F i g u r e 10.03r D - H ). D i a g n o s i s is b a s e d
iii anti Г>. There was a suEi-Rl^L abscess lying helween Lhe
o n d e m o n s tr a tin g lh e o rg a n is m by a tra n s v itre a l fin e n e e d le necfolic relina and lhe choroid (C i. l-ilamenlous branching
re lina l b io p s y , blood cu ltu re s, o r b io p s y o f a n y o l h e r affecLt’d orgisnisms (^rroivi) were present in lhe t. hrjri uci] pi Maris and
s i L e . 1" J lin g le sio n s are q u i l e c h a ra c te ris tic o f N o c a rid a o n along EJruch's membrane I arrows, Hi.
M W ( F i g u r e 1 0 . 0 3 J ). J h e o r g a n i s m is a g r a m - p o & i l i v e b r a n c h ­ I Lo K: This 35 year old east Indian m ale w ith a 2 year history
i n g h y p h a . T r e a t m e n t c o n s i s t s o f r e d u c t i o n o r d i s c o n hnua- ot nephcolic syndfomc secondary Lo M PCiN was on 10 mg
ef pTednisono daily. He presented w ilh bilateral si m u l i g n e ­
Lion o f im m u n o s u p p re s s iv e s and in s tilu Lio n o f a p p ro p ria te
o u s acute v i s u a l E o s s Co light perception i n e a c h eye associ­
a n t i b i o t i c s / a s u c h as t r i m e t h o p r i m - s u l f a m e t h o x a z o l e , - a m o x i -
ated w i t h periocular pain, redness and chemosis. Both fundi
ciil i n - c l a v u l a n a t e . i m i p e n e m - c i l a s l a l i n , c e f o t a x i m e , d a r i l h r o -
showed m ullipie subretinal y d low infill rales w ilh exudative
nwdn, a n d c i p r o f l o x a c i n . J,‘i relinal del<bchmenL and scattered relinal H e m o r r h a g e s i l l . He
developed hypotonia and seizures w ilh in 7 days. H e was
treated variously tor tuberculosis, loxoptasmosis and fungal
infed ions with no impruvemenl. His neUfological and dcii-
E a r conditions worsened. Vi I rectomy, orfailal biopsy and serial
CSF examinations did not yield a causative organism. MKI
showed ring lesions (Jl initially and a right parieto o ccip i­
tal mass (Kj laLer. Eventually, biopsy of l h e parietal mass
revealed nocardja. The patient w j i then IreaLed with imipe-
nem; his infection cleared up buL he was b l i n d in both e y e s .

M J a n d t i f r u i T t L k s r t f c f C j S t 'l . . . . " | i ' j >l ■Г -i d w i l h p e r m i i i i i n I ru m
| к - Л т а ч С а л | u u m . n l o l U p h L h j lm L * l u |j ;y .: c u | j y n | q h l by i h t U p h lh n lm ic
P u b lis h in g C l k : I Lu K . D r . I £ r : n . 4ii [r e h jn .
CAT-SCRATCH D IS E A S E : ;- ; B e n ig n m u lt if o c a l re tin itis a n d p a p illitis c a u s e d
b y c a t-s c r a tc h b a c illu s a n d o t h e r b a c te r ia o r v ir u s e s o f

C a t - s c r a t c h d i s e a s e ( C S D ) c l a s s i c a l l y is d e s c r i b e d as t e n d e r lo w p a th o g e n ic ity ^

re g io n a l ly m p h a d e n o p a t h y d e v e lo p in g in a s s o c ia tio n W ith Л to D: This 32-yeaT-old wom an noled floAtera and а рагл-

a p r i m a r y s k in Le s io n re c e iv e d as a re su lt o f c o n ta c t w i t h cenlraE scoLoma in Ihe right eye soon alter Iw u episodes of
e ats, te n n e d P a r in a u d 's o c u lo g la n d u la r fe ve r. Ib is m ay □hilts and fever. Her visual acuity was 20/20 in the right eye
he a c c o m p a n ie d b y g e n e ra lis e d ache, m a la is e , a n o re x ia , cinr I 20/2 5 in Ihe1-left eye. In Both eyes she had m ultiply focal
and o c c a s io n a lly fe ve r. W hereas a scra tch is th e com ­
areas of inner retinal Whitening. O ne of these A) was
associated with otjsLrudion d f ап inferior Is n m j^ l Enanch
m on m o d e o f tra n s m is s io n o f C SL> , il m a y be tra n s m it­
relinal artery. A focal lesion was present nasally an the lefl
te d b y c a t b ite s , lic k in g , o r h a n d l i n g o f o b je c ts a s s o c ia te d
oplic disc ijrroiv. til. AH of Lhe lesions stained (arrows, С and
w ith cats, p a rtic u la rly k itte n s . C S D is c a u s e d by a p le o - □ M edical evaluation was unremarkable excepL lor some
t n o r p h i c g r a m -n e g a t iv e b a c illu s * re fe rre d to p r e v i o u s l y as elevalion af cardiolipin antibody. O n e year later she was
th e h n g lis h - W e a r b a c illu s , d ie ftm rfa rffm u fti b a c i l l u s , and hvell and had 20/20 visual acu ily bilalerallv.
r e c e n t l v Ь 'О П Ш е Н а ^ u I t is a w o r l d w i d e z o o n o t i c d i s e a s e : t : This 21-year-old wom an in Lhe second IrimcsLer c f preg­
[ b e c a t f l e a C te n o c e p h tilid e s fe tis is t h e t r a n s m i s s i o n v e c t o r nancy noted floalers and visual loss in Ihe left eye 2 weeks
following an episode of fever of unknown origin. She owned
b e t w e e n ca ts. T w e n t y - o n e s p e c ie s o f Bartxmelia have been
seven cats EjuI could recall no hislorv of be ini’ scratched.
id e n tifie d e ith e r b y c u ltu re o r p o ly m e ra s e c h a in re a c tio n
Visual acuily in (he left eye w as counting fingers only. O n e
( P C R ) , e ig h t o f w h ic h are k n o w n t o c a u s e h u m a n d is e a s e Lo 2 - vilreous cells were prosenl in Ihe lefl еущ. .Vlullitocal
in c lu d in g CSD , tFe n c h fe ve r, e n d o c a rd itis , m y o c a rd itis - white lesions interpreted a s inner nelinilis were presenl
O roya fe ve r (C a r r io n 's d is e a s e ), and re tin itis , th irta n e lh i in both eyes (a rro w s I. O n e o f these was associated w ilh
heusehie, Б . Q u in t a n a , if. e & a b e t h i l e H a n d B . g n th n m ii c a u s e obsLruclion o f Lhe superotempofal branch retinal artery in the
o c u l a r le s io n s ." ' l h e fo c a l w h i l e r e l i n a l l e s i o n s m a y o c c u r
lelL eye. M edical evaluation, including blood cuElures, was
anyw here in th e fu n d u s hut have som e p re d ile c tio n lo
F lo H: This 28-year-old man w ilh A IL Ji noted Etlurred Vision
o c c u r a d ja c e n t to a n d o b s tru c t m a j o r r e tin a l a rte rie s a n d ,
in the [eft eye associated w ith mullipfe foci of relEnitis and
Eess o f t e n , v e i n s [ f i g u r e 1 0 . 0 4 r A - i ! ) . papi.iiMs lamaWS, F-H). O n e lesion utrirftf s tra w , Fl caused
T h e s e re tin a l le s io n s , as w e ll as s im ila r le s io n s i n v o l v i n g obsLruclion of Lhe inferior branch retinal artery.
th e o p tic n e rv e h e a d , m a y b e a s s o c ia te d w i l h an a n g i o m a ­ [ lo L: This Eiealchy 22-year-oEd man had a 2 -week history
t o u s p r o l i f e r a t i o n o i 'c a p i l l a r i e s (E: ig u r e s 0 .0 4 , E - E . ) . ' 1 ° T h e of blurred vision in lhe righi eye. H e owned manv liouse-
w h ite le s io n s ty p ic a lly i n v o l v e th e i n n e r h a l f o f l h e re tin a
hold calsr was frequently scratched, but denied recent Ill­
ness. Visual iscuily was 20/200 in Lhe right eye and 20/20
a n d m a y o r m .a y n o t b e a s s o c ia te d w i t h o v e r l y i n g v itr e o u s
in tEie l e f t eye. NoLe the h f f lf i i г п а с u I a r stA r, exudative reLi-
ce lls. T h e y m a y s im u la te c o t to n -w o o l is c h e m ic spoLs, buL
naL deta ch m cmI, and focal retinilis -tirmw, L'i enveloping EjuI
Lb e ir d i s t r i b u t io n in t h e f u n d u s is n o t n e c e s s a r i l y a s s o c i ­ nui obstructing lhe inferior branch relinal лг1ету. Л simi­
a t e d w i t h t h e d i s t r i b u t i o n o f a f i r s t - o r d e r a r t e r i o l e as is t h e lar bul smaller local area of leLinilis was presen I in the lefl
case xvilh c o l t o n - w o o E s p o ts . eye \л т ш щ , J). NoLe 1Ье? pseudoangjomalous appearance of
ЗЪ е fo c a E w h i l e r e t i n a l a n d o p t i c d is c l e s io n s , s w e l l i n g Lhe acLive lesion angiographicAlly {arrow , K). BoLh lesions
o f th e o p tic d is c , a n d m a c u la r sta r fig u re ty p ic a lly c le a r
stained LtK W ith in several weeks Ete recovered normal vision
wiLhoul L r e a t m o n l .
s p o n ta n e o u s ly w ith in several weeks or m o n th s and th e
v is u a l a c u ily u s u a lEy re tu rn s lo norm al or near n o rm a l.
M o s t o f th e re lin a E le s io n s re s o lve w i t h o u t c a u s in g re tin a l
p ig m e n t e p ith e liu m (R P EJ d a m a g e . :jtl In 1У77 and 'L b e C S I> b a c illu s m ay a ls o cause a c u te e n c e p h a lo p a ­

1 9 Й 7 th e a u t h o r n o te d th e a s s o c ia tio n o f CSED in p a tie n ts th y and o th e r n e u ro lo g ic and s y s te m ic m a n if e s t a t io n s in

w ith E -c b e r's s l e l l a t e n e u ro re lin itis and m u ltifo c a l re tin i­ o th e rw is e h e a lth y p a tie n ls a n d i n p a t i e n t s w i t h A E D S . 1 3 - 54

tis, a n d th is r e l a t i o n s h i p h a s b e e n d o c u m e n t e d b y se ve ra l O c u la r and c e n tra l nervous s yste m [C N S ) in vo lv e m e n t

s u b s e q u e n t r e p o r ts (I'ig u r e 1 0 . 0 5 , A —J ). '" и C S D is p r o b ­ t y p ic a lly o c c u r s in c h ild r e n o r y o u n g a d u lt s . [ C l ie n t s w i t h

a b ly a n im p o r ta n t, b u t n o t th e o n ly , c a u se o f t h e c lin ic a l C N S In v o lv e m e n t m a y m a n ife s t c o n v u ls io n s a n d fe ve r in

syn d ro m e o f s e lf-lim ite d a c u te id io p a lh ic m u llild c a l re ti­ a p p r o x i m a t e l y 3 0 ^ o f cases a n d n e u r o r e l i n i t i s in 30 —1 5 T-t.

n itis and n e u ro re lin itis (I'ig u r e Ю .0 5 , A —1 ) (see E .e b e r s o f c a s e s . iA S p o n t a n e o u s r e c o v e r y o f v i s i o n a n d n e u ro E o g ic

id io p a th ic sle lla te n e u ro n e lin itis r C h a p te r 15. p. 12 7S ). d e fic its o c c u r s i n n e a r ly a ll cases, u s u a lly w i t h i n 3 m o n t h s .

O c c a s io n a lly severe o c c lu s iv e v a s c u litis W ith in vo lv e m e n t B i o p s y o f cn la r g e d ly m p h nodes m ay reveal e vid e n c e o f

o f b o th a r t e r i e s a n d v e i n s c a n b e s e e n . ' 1"' A e a s e o f u n i l a t ­ th e in fe c tio n . T h e b a c illu s m ay be d e m o n s tra te d by th e

eral e le v a te d i n tr a o c u la r p r e s s u r e a s s o c ia te d w i l h a n te rio r W a r t h iii- S t a r r y s la in o r c u ltu re fr o m s k ill o r l y m p h node

s y n e c h ia e s e c o n d a r y l o p o s s ib le i n v o l v e m e n t o f th e a n g le s p e c im e n s . D e t e c t i o n o f a n t ib o d ie s to th e c a t-sc ra tc h b a c il­

stru ctu res fro m C S I> has been d o c u m e n t e d . 11 is o la te d lu s is h e lp fu l in lh e d ia g n o s is .'1 4 1Ъ е in d ire c t flu o re s ­

o p tic d is c n e o v a s c u la r iz a tio n w i t h o u t e v id e n c e o f re tin a l c e n t a n t i b o d y a s s a y f o r Е л П п п е Н и henselae a n d ft. ^ ш л г ^ л и ,

is c h e m ia in o n e p a tie n l h y p o th e s ize s th e p re d ile c tio n of a v a ila b le th ro u g h th e te n te rs fo r D is e a s e C o n tro l and

Lh e b a c illu s to m u l t i p l y i n v a s c u la r e n d o t h e l i u m a n d re s u lt P re v e n tio n (C D C ) in A tla n ta , is s e n s i t i v e f o r t h e d i a g n o ­

in in f l a m m a l o r y n e o v a s c u l a r i m ! i o n . ” s is o f C S D . - " 1' ' I l t e f a v o r a b l e p r o g n o s i s w i t h o u t t r e a t m e n t

m a k e s № a S u ^ E l D n o f t r e a t m e n t w i t h d o x y c y c l in e- c i p r o f l o x ­ I f<.05 Bartan vita n^urore liniti sL
a c in , a n d p r e d n is o n e d iffic u lt.
A to H : This 25-year-ald w om an presented with л 2-w eek
]Ъ е te n d e n cy fo r s o m e o f t h e re tin a E a n d o p tic n e rve Icjk of vision in ihe ri^bL eve. 1 week following a level. ih e
in fla m m a to ry Le sio n s to appear v e ry v a s c u la r b io - owned 1wo CliLss. IjliI denied л lick or scMlch. Her visual acu ­
m ic r o s c o p ic a l ly and a n g io g ra p h ic a lly m ay be an im p o r­ ity was 2 & 2 0 0 in the rig hi eye <ind 2CV20 in the left eye. The
tan t fe a tu re o f c a t-sc ra tc h in fe c tio n [F ig u re 1 0 .0 4 , |-L). rit^il eye showed disc edema, dilated vessels M l ihe disc s-ur-
A n g io m a lik t’ m a s s e s re fe rre d t o as e p i t h e l i o i d a n g io m a ­ fncu, and я perfect lipid s-lar in Ihe macula; the le-fl eye had
я small line of I mid 1етром1 Lo Ihe disc. О С Г of the? ri^hl
to sis a n d c a u s e d b y th e c a t-s c r a tc h b a c i l l u s h a v e o c c u r r e d
macula showed retinal edem a and ini m retina I lipid in the
on ih e s k in and m ucous m e m bra ne s of p a tie n ts w ith
ouler p leu i form layer isrnm-i and suhrelinal fluid with pre­
A IL > 5 s . u ' ---------- - in th es e p a tie n ls th e le sio n s m ay appear
tipi tales. She was Healed with azithrornyt'jtli dose puck i^iven
c lin ic a lly s im ila r to K a p o s i's sarcom a. In th e eye (h e the significant loss o f vision. Her Bartonefia Liter was positive
le sio n s m ay s im u la te c a p illa ry a n g io m a s or a s tro c y tic 1:256. Hef vision in the right eye improved Lo 2Q?25 hy 4
h a m a r t o m a s o f i h e r e t i n a ( H g t i f t f 1 0 . 0 4 , L - L ) . T r e a t m e n t is ivionLhs and JU/20 Ljv 9 monlhs w ilh com plele resoiulion of
in d ic a te d o n l y fo r th o s e w i l h s ig n ific a n t lo ss o f v is io n o r lipid iH).

when a s s o c ia te d w ilh th e im m u n o c o m p ro m is e d s ta te as
in p a tie n Ls w i t h Л Ш 5 . T h e o r g a n is m is s u s c e p t i b l e t o s e v ­
e ral a n tib io tic s I n c l u d i n g t r i m e t h o p r i m a n d s u l f a m e t h o x a ­
zo le , rifa m p in [r tfa m p ic in ).. a zith ro m y c in , d o x y c y c l Side?
c ip ro flo xa c in a n d o th e rs .
LYME B O R R E L IO S IS 1 0 .0 6 L y m e d ise a se ^

A to F: Iritis.. vitritis, snow-tjanlc exudates on the pars plana,

I.у m e b o rre lio s is is a tic k -tia n s m ilte d d is o rd e r caused Lysloid macular edema, isnd retinitis prctli Terms biLiterally in
b y t h e s p i r o c h e t e B o rre lia fc u i j j r i m / e r i c a r r i e d b y i h e h m J c j я 25-year-old rman w ilh serologic. evidence of Lvnn* disease.
t i c k , [ h e c] i n Led] c o u r s e is b e l i e v e d l o o c c u r i n t h r e e s t a g e s ;
Le p to s p iro s is .
e a rly, d i s s e m i m ate d and c h r o n i c . te ‘ t h i s d is o rd e r u s u a lly
G and H : tatienL with panuveilis secondary to leptospirosis
b e g in s w it h a c h a ra c te ris tic e x p a t id in g red m a c u lo p a p u -
w ilh deVist v iIriliь and fornTation of vitreous membranes It!'.
Ear a n n u l a r s k i n le s io n . A fte r se ve ra l w e e ks th e o rg a n is m
beploifflra Liveilin n another paLient -iviIh hypopyon mimitk-
m a y sp re a d s y s te n jlta lly und b e a s s o c ia te d w i t h second­ ing er>doph-thiilnniliH (H).
a ry a n n u la r s k in le s io n s , m e n in g itis , c ra n ia l o r p e rip h e ra l
l A - V Ir o i n i-iin L h t'T j I . ,lJ: C.1 a n d H , c t i U r l b y D r S . H . R j t h i n a m
n e u ritis , m ig r a to r y m u s c u lo s k e le ta l p a i n , a n d c a rd itis . T h e
e a rly a n d d is s e m in a te d stag es are cau sed d ire c tly by th e
o rg a n is m s 'Ih e p a tie n t o fte n does not re ca ll a tic k b ite . Jte tin a l a n d c h o r o i d a l in filtra tiv e i n v o l v e m e n t o r e x u d a tiv e
M o n th s t o y e a rs la te r, i n t e r m i t t e n t o r c h r o n i c a r th r itis , o r r e t i n a l d e l a c h n t e n t is n o t s e e n . O p t i c n e u ritis a n d n eu ro -
c h ro n ic n e u ro lo g ic or s k in a b n o rm a litie s m ay d e v e lo p , re tin ilis c a n b e se e n . A n t e r io r u ve itis c a n b e in s id io u s , u n i ­
i h e c h r o n i c s ta g e is i m m u n o l o g i c a l l y m e d i a t e d w i t h d e p o ­ la te ra l, o r b ila te ra l, a n d m a y recur. O c c a s io n a ll y h y p o p y o n
s itio n o f im m u n e c o m p le x e s . is s e e n i n t h e a n t e r i o r c h a m b e r ( I ' i g u r e 1 0 . 0 6 , E l ) .
A m is c e lla n e o u s g r o u p o f f u n d u t p ic tu re s - in c lu d in g S y s t e m i c l e p t o s p i r o s i s is a z o o n o t i c s y s t e m i c i n f e c t i o u s
pars p la n itis , re tin a E v a s c u litis , b ila te ra l d iffu s e c h o r o id itis , d i s e a s e c a u s e d b y a s p i r o c h e t e l.e p lc s p irn . I L is a f e b r i L e i l l ­
a c u te p o s te r io r m u lt if o c a l p la c o id p ig m e n t e p ith e L io p a th y , ness a s s o c ia te d w ith ja u n d ic e , h em orrhages, and renal
m a c u l a r e d e m a , p a p i l l e d e m a , a n d L e b e r 's s t e l la t e n e u r o p a ­ fa ilu re . I h i s c lin ic a l p ic tu re w a s first d e s c r i b e d in 1SS6
th y , c ra n ia l n e r v e p a ls ie s [s p e c ific a lly a b d u c e n s n e r v e ) , a n d b y A d o lf W e ilr he nce th e nam e W e il's d is e a s e . A l t h o u g h
o p tic n e u ritis - haw been re p o rte d in p a tie n ts w ith sys- rats are th e com m on re s e rv o ir m ic e . c a tU e r p ig s. dog£.
L e m ic illn e s s a n d s e r o lo g ic e v id e n c e o f p r e v i o u s e x p o s u r e and o th e r w ild a n im a ls can a ls o harbor th e o rg a n is m .
L o B . b u rg d o rfe ri . 13 : 'J O f t e n t h e V E n e r v e p a l s y is s e c o n d a r y Ih e u r in e o f Lbe in fe c te d h o s t tr a n s m its ih e b a c te ria . Ih e
to ra ise d in tra c ra n ia l pressure; h o w e v e r is o la te d in vo lv e ­ o rg a n is m s can liv e in a lk a lin e so il and w a te r fo r a fe w
m e n t w i t h o u t e v i d e n c e o f i n t r a c r a n i a l h y p e r t e n s i o n is s e e n weeks. Lept&spirtf e n t e r s Lbe b o d y t h r o u g h b r o k e n s k in a n d
o c c a s io n a lly . K e ra titis , c o n ju n c t iv i l i s r e p is c le ritis , p o s t e r io r m ucous m em brane. M u Eli p l i c a t i o n and h e m a to g e n o u s
s c le ritis, a n d a n te rio r u v e itis are o th e r o c u la r m a n ife s ta ­ spread re su lts in th e in v o lv e m e n t o f v a rio u s o rg a n s . Ih e
tio n s . O n l y p a rs p la n ilis a s s o c ia te d w i t h s n o w -b a n k exu­ s e v e r i t y o f t h e d i s e a s e is h i g h l y v a r i a b l e f r o m m i l d t o fa ta l
d a tes, a n d a n te r io r u ve itis , how ever, have o ccu rred w ith d ise a se . Ja u n d ic e due Lo h e p a l i c in vo lv e m e n t is s e e n in
s u ffic ie n t fr e q u e n c y t o suggesL a s ig n ific a n t r e la tio n s h ip to 1 0 - 1 3 % ; renaE i n v o l v e m e n t w i t h r e n a l f a i l u r e is t h e c a u s e
l .y m e d ise a se (H g u re 1 0 . 0 6 , A ^ I ^ 5Jr5a,6D O c u l a r in vo lv e ­ o f d e a th in m o s L fa ta l cases. In te n s e headache, m y a lg ia ,
m e n t i n s y s t e m i c b o r n e ! i o s i s is n o t v e i y c o m m o n , t h e i n c i ­ m u s c le te n d e rn e s s in v o lv in g th e caEves and th e lu m b a r
d e n ce b e in g a p p ro x im a te ly 1 - 4 % . T re a tm e n t is w i t h oral re g io n , ic te ru s , m e n in g e a l irriLa tio n r d e liriu m /p s y c h o s is ,
d o x y c v c lin e o r in tra v e n o u s c e ftria xo n e fo r 2 -3 weeks in a n u ria o r o lig u ria , m u llio rg a n h e m o r r h a g e s ., a n d c a rd ia c
a d d itio n l o c o rtic o s te ro id s . a rrh y th m ia or fa ilu re can a ll b e p r e s e n t i n g s i g n s / ’0 ] h i s
c lin ic a l p ic tu re c a n m i m i c o t h e r in fe c tio u s fe ve rs se e n in

L E P T O S P IR O S IS _______________________ (h e tro p ic s such as in flu e n z a , dengue, m a la ria , ty p h o id ,

vira l h e p a titis , ric k e tts ia l d ise a se - m e n in g itis , re la p s in g
O c u l a r le p to s p ir o s is c a n p r e s e n L in b o t h th e in fe c tive a n d fevetr a n d e n c e p h a l i t i s .
i m m u n o l o g i c stag e o f s y s te m ic le p to s p ir o s is . A m a j o r i t y o f ih e d ia g n o s is can be c o n firm e d by th e m ic ro s c o p ic
cases p re s e n t as acute o r s u b a c u t e a n te r io r n o n g r a n u E o n ia - a g g lu tin a tio n te st { . M W ) fo r le p to s p iro s is or by PCR of
to u s u ve itis o r p a n u v e itis . L 'h e o n s e t a n d s e v e r i t y a r e v a r i ­ a q u e o u s o r v i t r e o u s f l u i d . ...........rt C l i n i c a l l y t h e d i s e a s e h a s t o
a b le a n d d o n o t c o rre la te w i t h s y s te m ic s e ve rity. T h e o c u la r be d iffe re n tia te d fr o m o th e r causes o f n o n g r a n u lo m a to u s
fe a tu re s c a n a p p e a r s e v e ra l w e e k s a fte r th e s y s te m ic illn e s s , a n te rio r u ve itis , e n d o p h th a lm itis , Ee h ^ e fs d is e a s e , sar­
hence th e d iffic u lty and d e la y in d ia g n o s is . Un3ess one c o id . a n d c a n d id ia s is . J .e p lo s p ir o s is c a n b e se e n w o r l d w i d e
has a h ig h in d e x o f s u s p ic io n i t is o f t e n m is d ia g n o s e d as th o u g h i t is m o r e c o m m o n in th e tro p ic s . O c u l a r i n v o l w -
id io p a th ic P a n u v e i L i s is u s u a l l y s e v e r e , a c u t e , m e n L va rie s fro m 3 % to 9 2 % in th e tro p ic s , 10 -4 4 ^ in
a n d r e l a p s i n g , a n d is c h a r a c t e r i z e d b y m e m b r a n o u s v i t r i t i s Hu rope, a n d 2 % in Lh e U n i t e d S ta te s .
a n d v a s c u litis , m o s t ly a ffe c tin g th e v e in s . R e tin a l v a s c u la r Tre a tm e n t of th e s yste m ic illn e s s in its acute stage
o c c lu s io n a n d n e o v a s c u la r iz a t io n a re rare. V it r e o u s i n f l a m ­ in v o lv e s th e use o f a n tib io tic s su c h as p e n i c i l l i n , a m o x i ­
m a tio n is f i b r i n o i d w ith c lu m p s o f vitre o u s c e lls o f t e n c illin . d o xy c y c lin e , or c e ftria xo n e . T h e u ve itis is LreaLed
arranged in a s trin g o f p e a rls s im ila r to G e n d in a viiritis b y t o p i c a l , s u b - E'en o n , o r o r a l s t e r o i d s d e p e n d i n g on th e
( E 'ig u r e 10.06. G ). It is o f t e n m i s t a k e n f o r e n d o p h t h a l m i t i s . e x t e n t o f i n v o l v e m e n t a n d c y c l o p l e g i c s . ^ 0,1'
LeptobyiruFiB 8 I ■

р '
lO.Oj Luetic chorioretinitis.
A lo F: Acute? poslerior placoid chorioretinilis in both eyes
M any d iffe re n t fu n d u s ie s io n s have been d e s c rib e d in a i this 42-year-old homosexual man with a 2 -week history
c o n s e n t La! and A c q u ire d s y p ttlU s (FEg p fe s L 0 .0 7 - J 0 .ll) . of blurred vision Lind ГЬолl<drs- in Eiolh eyes. Approximately
S a lt-a n d -p e p p e r changes a ffe c tin g pri m a riLy th e p e rip h ­ wtieks previously he had nok>d a s-kin enJptjan on lhe sole of
e ral re tin a are th e m u s t fr e q u e n t a lte r a tio n s d e s c r ib e d w i t h his left loot and perirectal pruritus. Visual acuily was 2(1/20
c o n g e n ita ! s y p h ilis . S e ve re i n v o lv e m e n t o f th e o c u la r f u n ­ in Ihe ri^ht eye anej 20/30 :n the lefl eve. There wag e v i­
dence of bilateral anlerior and pobtdetip uveilis, with many
d u s , h o w e v e r, m a y o c c u r a n d p ro d u c e a p ic tu re s im u la tin g
vilreous c e lIы and opacilies in the left eye (A . ilecaune of
ret In i Its p i g m e n t o s a (Fig u re 10 ] ] r t and F ) . En a c q u i r e d
the presence of irregular retinal whitening in the periphery
s y p h ilis * p a r tic u la r ly i n p a tie n ts w it h s e c o n d a ry s y p h ilis ,
oE the iel't eye, a diagnosis bf possible acule relinal necro­
several a c u te fu n d o s c o p ic p ic tu re s s h o u ld suggest th e p o s ­ sis was made. Four w w k s Liter he noted marked visual Ions
s i b i l i t y o f s y p h i l i s . S e c o n d a r y s y p h i l i s o c c u r s <S w e e k s l o & rn [he right eye. VisuaF acuily was ЗЛОО. There w ere several
m o n th s a fte r th e p r i m a r y i n o c u l a t i o n , w h ic h p a rtic u la rly large zones of gray-white change at the level of the FiPb
in h o m o s e x u a ls m a y be o v e rlo o k e d . D u rin g th e s e c o n d ­
and outer rrfina in Lhe m acula L3 anti periphery : 0 or the
ri^hl eye. Angiography !L> and E) reveated these lesions lo be
a r y s t a g e o f s y p h i l i s t h e r e is w i d e s p r e a d d i s s e m i n a t i o n of
hypofluonescent ta rly and to stain laler. A eopard-spot pat-
Lbe s p iro c h e te s , and th e p a tie n t o fte n e xp e rie n c e s m a l­
Lem of bnckfjround hypo fluorescence was apparent in the
a is e , fe ve r, h a ir lo s s , p a p u la r m a c u la r ra sh , c o n d y lo m a macutar area iD j. The blood and cerebrospinal fluid serology
la ta , m u c o u s p a tc h e s , and g e n e ra lize d ly m p h a d e n o p a lh y were positive for syphilis. Following IV penicillin, Ihe fun-
( E 'ig u r e s 5 0 .0 7 , Ю .U , J and K}. A p p ro x im a te ly 5% d u ; changes and uveitis cleared promptly, leaving л coarsely
o f p a tie n ts w ith secondary s y p h ilis w ill show e vid e n c e mol Iled pattern of pigmentation in lh e macular area. He
of p a n u v e itis .'1 J p ro b a b ly th e m ost com m on fu n d u s experienced n rapid recovery of vision. Four months later Elis
visual acu ily was 20/15 in lht1 right eyu and 20/20 in the left
change is t h a t o f v i t r e o u s c e llu la r i n f i l t r a t i o n and e ith e r
eye. There was mild pigment mottling in both macuEar areas.
s in g le o r m u llip le r n o n e le v a te d { p E a c o id J, g e o g ra p h ic , y e l­
G Lo I: Acute posterior piacoirl cEnjrioretinilis.. vilrilis, and
lo w -w h ite . ill-d e fa n e d r c h o rio re tin a l le s io n s th a t o fte n
macuEopapular dermatitis caused by secondary syphiTis in a
are c o n f l u e n t i n th e p o s te rio r p o le a n d m id p e rip h e ry o f 4S-year-ord man whose visual acuily was b/200. Fluorescein
th e fu n d u s (Fig u re s 1 0 .0 7 , H a n d G ; 10 10. H ; H illy [ and an^io^aphy revealed a leopard-spot patlern of non fluores­
L ] . 73-65 B o l h e y e s a r e a f f e c t e d i n h a l f o f a l l c a s e s . I n s o m e cence in Ihe area of partial fading o f Ihe gray-white lesion
p a tie n ls th e c h o r io r e tin a l le s io n s m a y b e la rg e ly c o n fin e d
that was nonfIuor-escenl early and stained Late (H and It.
FHis lefl eve became involved -several days later. The lesions
to th e a re a a r o u n d th e o p t i c d isc . I h e y m a y b e a s s o c ia te d
resolved promptly after treatmenl witii punicjJIin and his
w ilh s u p e rfic ia l, fla m e -s h a p e d h e m o r r h a g e s . rl ' h e fu n d u s
acuity returned lo 20.-'.30 in lhe righl eye nnd 21У20 in lh e lefl
p ic tu r e m a y s i m u l a t e t h e e a rly stages o f t h e a c u te re tin a l eye w ilh in 4 wcieks.
n e c ro s is syn d rom e. ' " ' 1 Secondary re tin a l d e ta c h m e n t ] to L:1Alopecia ■|■, and m aculopapular denrtaBtis 'K and 1:
and c h o ro id a l d e ta c h m e n t d e v e lo p hi som e p a tie n ts ." in palienls With acute visual 1(»ьн associaled w ilh acuLe posle-
Jlie a c tiv e y e l l o w - g r a y p la c o id o u t e r re tin a l a n d c h o r o id a l ■:or placoin choriorelinilis cnuued b y secondary syphilis.
le sio n s fa d e c e n tra lly , a n d o f t e n t h e r e is c l u m p i n g o f t h e hLj - K f r a i l C jit a l'I ii 1 Iroin K im o .uirl K jo iciitM u m '■

R P t in a le o p a rd -s p o L c o n fig u r a tio n { E :i g u r e s 1 0 .0 7 r D r IE,

and [; 1 0 . 1 0 ) . :'u I h e s e p ig m e n t c lu m p s m ay becom e le s s
a p p a re n t o ve r a p e rio d o f m o n th s . T h e c l i n i c a l c o u r s e is
va ria b le . In s o m e cases ih e c h o r io r e tin itis re s o lve s spon­ ]’ l u o r e s c e i n a n g io g ra p h y in th e re g io n of th e a c tiv e
ta n e o u s ly , a n d th e a p p e a ra n ce o f th e fu n d u s a n d re tin a l y e lto w -w h ite c h o rio re tin a l le sio n s in itia lly shows e vi­
fu n c tio n m a y re tu r n to n e a r n o r m a l . In o t h e r s w i d e s p r e a d dence o f h y p o flu o re s c e n c e , fo llo w e d by la te s ta in in g
areas o f c h o rio re tin a l a tro p h y and lo ss o f re tin a l fu n c ­ at Lhe level o f lh e ItP E ( E :i g u r e 1 0 .0 7 , [J, E, H r and I).
t i o n o c c u r [E 'ig u r e 1 0 . 1 1 , A - С ) . M i g r a t i o n o f R P L i n t o i h e ] :! u o r e s c e i t i s ta iitittg o f th e o p tic d isc n U id m a jo r re tin a l
o v e r ! y i n g re tin a in a b o n e - s p ic u E e p a tt e r n m a y o c c u r m a n y v e i n s is f r e q u e n t . D u r i n g t h e e a r l y s t a g e s o f r e s o l u t i o n o f
m o n t h s la te r. C h o r o i d a l n e o v a s c u l a r i z a t i o n d e v e l o p i n g a t t h e a c tiv e c h o rio re tin a l le s io n s , th e le o p a rd -s p o t change
th e e d g e o f a c h o r i o r e t i n a l sca r m a y b e a la te c o m p l i c a t i o n in th e R H : m ay be m ore a p p a re n t a n g io g ra p h ic a lly th a n
[ E - 'i g u r e 3 0 . 1 1 , D J , i o p h l h a ! m o s c o p i c a l Ey.
Lactic CitohoretiiiifiB 81

The a c u te p la c o id c h o rio re tin a l le s io n s of secondary 10.08 Syp hi Iitic jnner re Lrni Ii s and vascul ilis.
s y p h ilis m a y b e m is ta k e n fo r th o s e o f acute p la c o id m u l­
A Id С : Л 2fl-yeAr-o]d H ispanic man noLed blurring of vision
tifo c a l p ig m e n t e p ilb e lio p a th y a n d s e rp ig in o u s c h o ro id i­ in hiч left eye 1 day after л dental procedure. He was (Й1
t i s , ' 41'1 I i ] t e l l i n g a h i s t o r y a n d / o r t h e d e t e c t i o n o f a n y o f t h e amoxicil in and m ico n aio le. H e presented a w eek later чл-il К
n o n o c u la r m a n ife s ta tio n s o f s e c o n d a r y s y p h ilis , a n d in sti­ fi vision of 2tl/20 on lbe right and G/30 on Lhe left. There

t u t i o n o f p r o m p t t r e a t m e n t w i t h p e n l d j t l n , is i m p o r t a n t i n were numerous keratic precipilales, anterior cham ber cell

m a k i n g th e correct d ia g n o s is a n d in p r e v e n tin g p e r m a n e n t and flare, Koeppe iris nodules., And anterior vitreous tells.
1liere w ere t о Ilet Lion? ot w h ile util is on Lhe posterior hya­
v i s u a l lo ss. R e t u r n o f v i s u a l f u n c t i o n m a y b e d r a m a t i c . T h e
loid temporal to the т л е ula and in Lhe inferior vitreous; base
p a tie n t s h o u ld b e e v a lu a te d fo r e v id e n c e o f A I D S , w h ic h
(A and D ). The inPerolemporal relinal vessels showed w hiten­
o fte n a c c o m p a n ie s secondary l u e s . " 1" ''' S yp h ilis m ay
ing ol (heir walls (B and CJ. H e was HIV-positive and blood
be a c e e le ra le d and n e u ro s y p h ilis e n c o u n te re d e a rlie r in and cerebrospina:I fluid rapid plasma reAgin [C5F RL3K' were
p a tie n ts w i l h A ] grossly elevAled. He received IV penicillin for 1-1 days, foE-
I n t h e p a s t 5 y e a rs th e re h a v e b e e n several cases o f o c u la r Eowrng w hich signs and symptoms- resoFved w ith reLurn of
s y p h ilis w ilh a sp e c ific c lin ic a l p re s e llta llo л L b ^ l re s e m b le s
vition Iо 20/23 and gradual melling off of Lhe w hite coll!; of
Lhe retina and Lhe vessel waMs.
acuLe re tin a ! n e c ro s is , m o s l o ft e n se e n h i h o m o s e x u a l a n d
H to L: This 44-year-old Caucasian man presented w ith cys-
h e te ro s e x u a l m e n w h o h a ve sex ^ 'ith m e n fin d ­
Loid fnaculaf еЙегтЦ and a vision of 1 0 /2 5 . Fluorescein was
in g s in c lu d e a c h a ra c te ris tic ground g la s s appearance of unremarkable except for dye accum ulation in the cysts iHf.
m u ltifo c a l w h itis h le sio n s p re se n t in (h e in n e r re tin a a n d Hu was treated w ilh one inLravilneal injection ol Lri am с ino-
at t h e p re n e tin a l l e v e l a s s o c ia te d w i t h o c c lu s iv e v a s c u litis o f lone, and vibion improved and the macular edema resolved,
t h e v e s s e l s i n t h e i r v i c i n i t y 1' " : " ,B ( f i g u r e s Ш .O S , Hr D . and lw o monll:s taler he noled recurrence d|f the visual blur in
I; 1 0 .0 9 , П - J J . l h e i n n e r re tin a l a n d p re re lin a l c o lle c tio n , the riyhL eyer and returned after a further 2 monlhs w ith
count fingers vision; several areas of ргегеИпдГ collection of
a lo n g w it h th e p e riv a s c u la r in filtr a tio n , re s o lve w ilh tre at­
White cells, And vasriilaF narrowing I Angiogram showed
m ent (fig u re s 1 0 .0 Й , E - G and K; 1 0 .0 9 , M and N ). ih ls
leopard-spot pigment change i| and К . His V D K L was posi­
p r e s e n t a t i o n is n o w seen In n e a rly 3 5 % o f cases o f o c u la r
tive And H IV was negative. He recetoed IV p^jii.cJMin for 21
s y p h ilis , w ilh t h e p l a c o i d l e s i o n m a k i n g Lip a n o t h e r t h i r d ., days, E>uL vision remained poor due to oplic Atrophy and
and th e re m a in in g (h ird a cco u n te d fo r by n o n s p e c ific arterial occlusion IL :.
a n te rio r u ve itis, d isc e d e m a ., v a s c u litis , a n d o t h e r le s io n s iCjuurtesy: A-Li, LJr Kiulint-Merrill. li-L, IJf Ivjin BnEllc. I, Aliu-rVjnnUi^i..
[fig u re s 10.09, O-X; 10.10, A -G). W h e th e r d iffe re n t sero­ I Jiwmtficc 5.. lhu At]J i -■iiun,:k r-. 2P Id, 47itJl-7(>20-^.520-'J,
t y p e s o f Tre p o ne m a p a llid u m c a u s e d i f f e r e n t c l i n i c a l m a n i f e s ­
t a t i o n s is L h e e x p l a n a t i o n o f t h e d i v e r s e m a n i f e s t a t i o n s i s
not know n.
In some pAlients with Acquired syphilis the fundus 10.09 Syp hi Iitic placoi d с ho rio re I t n t t i s nnct retinitis.
picture ti primarily thal of relinaE VAseulitis wilh reti­
А to IV A 65-year-old diaboLic and hypertensive man
na] hemorrhages/l,lHI,,H6,?!f‘ ]Q3 occlusive arterial disease, refiorlcd а I -day sudden lots; Lo 20/tiO in his lefl
and retinitis proliferans (see Mgure 10.1J, G and i 3 _ :"1 eye. There was an afferent papillary deJecL but no anterior
Many different fundoscopic changes have been ,ittrib- chamber or vitreous cells. fla c c id lesions al tbe level o f I be
Lited lo syphilis,, including neurorelinili3r'0j disciform choroid or pigment epil helium w ilh a tew biol relinal hem­
scar, acute retinal necrosis,B5 pseudo-retinitis pigmen­ orrhages w ere nobed in the lefl eye (Ё). Angiogram showed
mild late irregular hyperfluorescence of tbe placoid lesion
tosa, Kyrieleis' plAques,"01' and optic atrophy.1'1' Syphilis
(Cl. A diagnosis of" 'choroidal ischemia' was made; carol id
has been called lhe 'great imitator?'"1 Anterior segment
and cardiac echo w ere normal. His vision declined to
involvement wilh a syphilitic gumma (I'igure 10.10,. G) 2 ti/130 a I wetik T w hen oral prednisone was begun at 40 mg
presents with an iris nriAss. It is often difficult Lo deter­ per day. AL w eek 2 the vision worsened in his righl eye and
mine lhe stage of syphilis bated on the ocular findings, did not improve in his JofL. The righl eye now had placoid
Lhough most inflammatory presenLAlions o f syphilis occur lesions w hile tliu lesions in the lefl eye had faded D and Ё..
in the secondAiy stage. Similar findings have been seen in Ал angiogram showed Iл In hyperfl uorescence of Ihe placoid
lotion in both eyes- (F and C j. O ral prednisone w as int reased
patients with neurosyphilis, tertiary syphilis, and latent
Lo lOOm g per dav and JaboiaLorv tesls were ordered. He
syphilis.1'1'* ihe incidence of syphilis has been on lhe rise
skipped his appointment and returned after a w eek with a
since 2000 with a 33.5% increase noted between 2000 drop in vision lo hand motions in his- right eye and 2Q/tuO In
and 2004. Several outbreaks haw been reported from New the lefl. H e n o w had sevieral focal areas of superficial reLinal
York City, Miami-Dade County Washington, Houston, San whiLening and vascular narrowing in bolh eyes in addition to
l:rancisco. and Southern CAliforniA. A CL>C analysis esti­ the plairoid lesion lhal had eMended under Lhe loved in the
mates that 64% of the early stage syphilis cases in 2004 rig|iL ey® (H-Jt. An angiogram showed early blocked fluores­
cence of Ihe placoid lesion w ilh Iale slain ing and leopard-
were in M SM compared to 5 % in 1999.
spoL change (K and Lj. R PR and FTA-Abs reLurned posilive.
Since it is a common infection, however, care must be
used in assigning it as the cause of an ocular disease solely
on the basis of positive serologic tests for syphilis, ibese
include the nonspecific reagin tests, such as VDftL, or patiems wilh active chorioretinal diseAse caused by syphi­
more specific tests, including fluorescent treponemal anti- lis is aqueous crystalline penicillin С ( ]fl-24 million LJ [V
body-Absurplion (FJA-Abs) and microhemAgglutinAtion daily) or procaine penicillin (2.4 million LJ JM daily) with
assay-lY e p o ф п ш fjjb lt id u m (Mi EA-TET). There is some contro­ oral probenecid (500 mg four limes daily) for JO -14 days.
versy concerning the criteria for diAgnosis of neurosvphilis ]f CSF pleocytosis has been no Led, these patienls should
and for the dosage And route of administration of penicil­ be monitored al 6-monthly intervals with CSF studies
lin in these patients.'1'' Because d f ihe high incidence o f until the cell count normalises. In patients allergic lo peni­
positive reaction o f the cerebrospinal fluid (CSI:J Lo the cillin, IV or LM ceflriavone (2g per day for 10-14 days) can
serologic tests for syphilis during the secondary stages be used.11 All patienls with syphilis should be tested for
o f the disease, CSF examination is usually not recom­ J ![V status and the treatment in EliV-positive patients lasts
mended for patients presenting with the ocular mAnifestA­ for 3 weeks. 'Ibose who are HIV-positive should be m oni­
tions of secondAry syphilis. JJecommended Treatment for tored for treatmcnl failure At 6, 12. IS , And 24 months.
iiu'rrL' СЗкпЦ>геИiritis 8.23
E IJ. (I^ C o n tin u e d

He reporled several inlemet J a in at partners over 1 yeart fol­

lowing ihe dealh of his wife from cancer. He was hospital­
ised and received 2 m illion unilt every -Ih of IV ciystaHjma
penicillin fallow ed by Ьеплэ1Ыпе p e n ic i'!ii: £ 2 . 4 m illion
uniLs [M for 3- weeks. All w hile and placoid Itiiions- resolved
with leiidunil ygsc-uls r^ ira y i/ l ng iM and N'i.
О t p X : A -t4-year-old Hispanic wom an had several months
of declining vision ir both eyes associated with some pain
around the eyes. Htir daughter reported that the molber's
personality h-ad recently changed: she had becom e shorl
tempered and forgetful. Her besl corroded visual acuity Was
20/ft0 on the rijqJnL and Ю !2 ъ сиг the lefL. then? w ere 2-3 +-
vilreous cells in bolh eyes. 5ihe htid had л w hole imdy rash
15 years prior and had Iw a lifetime sexual partners. Etolh
up] к discs w ere awe I Jen with dilated telangiectatic vessels
on I heir surface Ю and F1). There were old inactive perivas­
cular chorioretinal scars in both eyes in ihe mid periphery (Q
and Kj. The red-free images showed the abnormal disc ves­
sel s beLter (5 and '14 Angiogram delinealed the dilated ves­
sels over lh-е disc and surrounding relina early, which leaked
profusely in the mid and lale phases (U —W j, The peripheral
chorioretinal scars showed staining of the ed^es with no new
activity fX). Further history rdMealed her firsl partner had a
sore on his penis 15 y e a li a^o,. after which she had devel­
oped ihe w hole body rash Lhal resolved With no sequelae.
Sbe had fell normal cm Li] recently witli the! al visual
blur -and p erso nally change. Her К ГК was negative but her
Jreptm em ii p a llid u m particle ag|i|;ilinalion (ТРРА) lest was
positive, confirming a diagnosis of tertiary syphilis. She
received 24 million uniLs of IV penicillin for 14 days. A l 3
week.1- her vision had improved Ic 20.'50 on ihe righl anti
remained al 2 0 /1 5 on I he letl. Нет persona lily reLurned lo

ir .u u r t L - iy : A - M , I h JiJ f fid M p U t - v r O - X , [ J r I c f f r ^ v W h iC L 'h L u r F . i J , F . . R . V .

A i m . V . m n u j L i . L,iyy nt'ti-: и J., I l i t 1 Ь!г:1шл1 Л И .ьь. !?-,iu n d e rs i ' J h J , Ч г -tVM-
7tl2 0 -i3 2 U -n .
iiu'rrL' ChnripTetiiiitiB tl^iS
If) .10 Sy] j hi Iitic о piic neu ri (isi

A [o F: This 58-year-old elementary school Leacber woke up

with a circular yellow light in her cemral vision. Visual acu ­
ity was 10/20 in both eyes. Anterior segment was normal.
A Hum phrey visual field showed an enlarged L?Iiгьс.1 spy* in
ihe? ri^bt eye. lb e righL fundus showed a swollen optic disc.
(A and Bl and the left w as normal 1C). An M R I ol lbe brain
and orbits revealed no abnormalities. Observation was rec­
ommended, and a 1esl for syphilis returned posilive.. as
did her husband's ^ubsequenLly. Visual acuily dropped 1o
20/40 in ihe ri^lit eye, the disc edem a persisted (D), and
an angiogram shejwed dilated vessel-s on ils surface (Eh. ih e
was desensi tizL^ Lo penicillin and treated wiLh 2 weeks of
IV penicillin and do\vi:yclmu. Tbe disc edema impressed i l '
and Ehe visual acuily returned to 20/25 fn lbe ri^hl eye and
remained al 20/20 in ihe left eye.

Syphilitic gumma.
G to L: This 53-yeai-old man presented w ilh a hisLory of
scratching his fefl eye w h ile changing his contact lenses.
H e was diagnosed with a corneal ulcer and ttarled on ^aLi-
floxacin (Zymarl drops. Two weeks laler his visual acuity bad
dropped to hand molions in Ihe lefl eye and he w a t noted lo
have an anlerior chamber ur.i г ulema with blood and drlaLed
iris vessels with posterior synechia and uveitis iGl. Hundus
examination of ihe ri^ht eye revealed a placoid legion in ihe
inferonasal fundus (H i. A fluorescein an^ioyram of this eye
showed late hyperfluorescence (]). A V D R L was done w hich
confirmed syphiliLic д аитта. He was known Lo be I-E1V-
posilive and was on nevirapine iViram unej w ilh a t!U 4 count
ot 2tf!S and an undetectable viral load. His C5F VDRL. was
positive at 1:4 and RPR was posilive al 1 :.512. He was started
on IV penici I tin С every 4h. A w eek Eater his gumma bad
decreased in Size by ball and lbe placoid lesion in ihe fun­
dus had almosl resolved.. leaving mild pigment гтгснЩяд J) . A
fluorescein an^iot;ram done 4 weeks Taler revealed leopard-
spot pigment t паподе al '.he site erf ihe placoid lesion IL' and
complete resolulion of Lhe syphilitic ^umma ;Kl.
iC'uurCLtiy: A-I-. L)r M i f k. Dai lyj Ci-L. LJr (./i ir.'if ti-nrr.j
! Q, M tuetic chorioretinitis.

Д Lo C: Bilateral chorioretinal sCdlfi caused by secondary

luelic chorioreliriitis.
D : SqbretiRil ntitjvatcularikalian (arrow) зп lhe macula of
fi pjflSefll w ilh chori ordinal scara following churiorulinitis
caused by ЁёСогКйгу syphilis.
E and F: Congenital luetic choriorelinopFilhv in а 41-year-
old wom an w ilh poor vision all of her Ijft?, interstitial kera­
titis, positive fluorescent lroponemal an1il>ody ;FTAl, and
2(^'SD visual acuily. NoTe 1he* narrowing (il lhe retinal vessels;
optic disc pEiI lor, and pseudo-retinitis pitfmerrinsa change
G and H : l-’resumed Iue?Liс r d iп-лI vasculitis; in this ГЮ-уеаг-
o|d homosenuaii man w ilh a 10-dny history ul blurred vision
in his rij’hl eye. The left eye was imblydtaiq since birtH. Hive
years, previously he had primary syphilis. SiKJeen months
previously he developed a skin rash on the feel and hands.
Tcfls wns di^Jfiosed as syphilis .3 т о л Ih к q^lore Lhe onsel of
visual symptoms- and he received IM, penici lin. His visual
acuily was 2(A^50 in his ri^h-L eye and hand mol ions only ir>
lhe lefl eye. He had w id ely scattered relinal hemorrhages,
fierivHsci.ilar ел и da Li on Х У , and angiographic evidence of
multiple siLes o f relina] vascular obstruction, predominantly
□fleeting the veins IH h. There w as perivascular starring in lhe
la I e pholoj’ra phs.
J lo L: Klacoid choriorelinili-s in ihis HIV-positive 4.i-year-
uld man w ilh generalized rash over his trunk, abdomen, and
palms. He complained of decreased vision in his fi^ht eye
fur 2 w eeks: visual acuity was 4/20$ in ifie ri^hL and 20/25
in the lell eye. He had a fain] placoid lesion in lhe [eft supe­
rior macula. His C D 4 couni was in Lhe 2 0 0 s and viral load
was Lmdelectable. He was admitted afld received IV penicil­
lin tor 3 Weeks. The placoid lesion appeared much less dis­
tinct within a w eek (Ll and his vision improved to 2 0 /7 0 . He
did not return for lurl her follow Lip.
T U B E R C U L O S IS t fa. i 1 T u b e rc u la r multi f o c a I c h or i oret i n1L i s ,

A lo F: A 30-year-old wom an in India oomprained of insEdi-

live n th o u g h p u lm o n a r y '' and Щ ||р и |ш № т у tu b e rc u ­ ous onset,, gradually progressive Joss Ы vision in [tie left eye
lo s is (Т В ) has b e e n p re v a le n t w o r l d w i d e fo r h u n d re d s o f over I S months. T3ni-s was а уsot iл led w ith pain and redness.
y e a r s ; r e p o r t s o f o c u l a r T li a p a r t f r o m b a le s ' d i-se a s^ h a v e She was iTC'att’d for acute аЫкпог j veil is elsewhere w ilh l.opi-
b e e n m e a g e r u n til th e past 10 y e a r s . T h i s is l i k e l y d u e lo саГ and oral steroids tip lo bOmg per day. ih e was otherwise
Lhe in a b ility to c o n firm ih e d ia g n o s is a c c u ra te ly lac k of healthy. Her vision in Lhe left eye was 2Ch/]00, w ilh anterior
thamb^.jQ&l t and flarfc Jkhe-tjafl several deup choroidal lesions
k n o w le d g e a m o n g th e o p h t h a l m i c p e r s o n n e l in c o u n trie s
in lhe pr^t-Lerior pole w ilh overlying exudative relinal detach­
w ith a h ig h p re v a le n c e o f th e d is o rd e r, a n d Less a c c e s s t o
ment 1A). An angiogram showed early hypofluorescence of
s p e c ia lis e d care in ih e s e c o u n trie s . S e ve ral n e w m a n ife s ta ­
Lhe с Ь о г а Ш lesions and JaLe fiyperm iorestence Iseginning
tio n s o f in tra o c u la r Т Б h a v e b e e n r e p o r t e d . 6^ L ] 2 - l 2 ;| W i t h at Lhe edge of [he lesions and pooling of dye into the sub-
a n i n c r e a s e i n t h e n u m b e r o f H I V p a t i e n t s , o c u l a r ' [ ' I I is o n retin,il spate fB-L3J. ih e had гю conlat.1 wiLh a person wilh
Lhe rise . LM ra p u lm o n a iy i n v o l v e m e n t is s e e n in 5№ Ь o f active tufjerculosis. ManLoux LesL was posilivu at 20 Ъ 23 mm.
p a tie n ts w i l h b o t h Т В a n d A [L > S .
sedimentation rale was 5mrn( thesL S(-r.iy was normal, and
CJu3jmifEfttJN-T6 Gold was positive. 5he received four-diug
T u b e r c u l o s i s is a s y s t e m i c d i s e a s e c a u s e d by А 4 } г а £ ю с 4 о т и З Д
anti-ТВ tf^itiapy aionj" w ilh nOrftg of prednisone And JO mg
[yJwi'LH/psj's a n d is c h a r a c t e r i s e d b y c a s e a i i n g g r a n u l o m a f o r ­
of pyridoxine. Three weeks laLer hew vision had improved to
m a tio n in th e a ffe c te d tissu es. A l t h o u g h p u lm o n a ry Т В is 20/25 and lhe lesions appear pealed lb and 3-..
Lhe c o m m o n e s t m a n ife s ta tio n , e x t r a p u ln io n a iy in v o lv e m e n t G Lo L: A 17-year-old Indian girl w ilh decrease in righL eye
can in c lu d e th e g a s tro in te s tin a l, g e n ito u rin a ry c a rd io va s ­ vision [or 3 months [amounting ling и аЕ 3 meters and a rela­
cu lar, s k in a n d c e n tra l n e r v o u s syste m in c lu d in g th e eyes. tive afferent defetL. She had a subreLinal lesion wiLh intense
P a th o g e n e s is o f tu b e rc u lo u s in fe c tio n e v o lv e s t h r o u g h five full-lhickness ret ini Lis rn lh e tenler and adjacent small relinal
hemorrhages. Fluorescein angiogram showed gradual hyper-
stages f o l l o w in g i m p l a n t a t i o n o f i n h a l e d m y c o b a c t e r i a i n a
I luoresconce ana leakage o f dye from Ihe choroidal lesion
re s p ira to ry b r o n c h io le o r a lv e o lu s .
(H and 11. The lesLon fejmained nonfluorescenL on IC G angio­
* S ta g e I:: T h e a l v e o l a r m a c r o p h a g e p h a g o c y t o s e s t h e b a c ­ graphy i| and K.i. Kesoilulion of [ВДдГпЙаЕоЬ and flat aLro-
phic scar seen following 1real men L with anli ГIS medications.
te ria a n d e ith e r d e s tro y s t h e m o r th e b a c te ria g r o w a n d
d e s tro y Lhe m a c r o p h a g e . I f . i j u r t r a y : [ J r V i i h . i i U l^ U i a n d D r A m u d C u p l . i

* S ta g e 2: C irc u la tin g m o n o c yte s are re c ru ite d to th is

n id u s a n d p h a g o c y 'to s e th e b a c te ria . Jh e b a c te ria p re­
v e n t th e fu s io n o f th e ly s o s o m e l o th e p h a g o s o m e , th u s u v e i t i s ( s e e ]: i g u r e 1 0 . 1 5 , D ) . - S o m e t i m e s a h y p o p y o n m ay
p re v e n tin g th e ir d e s tru c tio n . be seen and th e iris n o d u le s m ay becom e v a s c u la rize d .
* S ta g e 3: A d e la y e d ty p e h y p e rs e n s itiv ity re a c tio n d e v e l­ Ls s e n tia l iris a t r o p h y has a ls o b e e n r e p o rte d , 'itib e r c u la r
o p s d e s tr o y in g th e b a c te ria , re s u ltin g in c a s e o u s n e c ro ­ a n te rio r u ve itis m a y a ls o present as a m ild o r m o d e ra te
s is . T h i s Ee s io n c o n ta in s c e n tra l c a s e a tio n su rro u n ded r e c u rre n t ir id o c y c litis ; g r a n u l o m a s a re a b s e n t in th e s e e yes
by a c tiv a te d and n o n a c tiv a te d m a crophages, T ly m ­ b u t s m a ll t r a n s lu c e n t n o d u l e s m a y b e S e e n at t h e p u p i l l a r y
p h o c y te s ., a n d o t h e r i m m u n e c e lls. If t h e c e ll- m e d ia t e d m a r g i n ( K o e p p e n o d u l e s ) . L E j j : ',' Jj1,
im m u n ity is g o o d , th e h ig h ly a c tiv a te d m acrophages
d e s tro y th e b a c te ria , th u s h a ltin g th e p ro g re s s io n o f th e intermediate Uveitis
l e s i o n a t th is s u b c lin ic a l sta ge.
P a tie n ts present w ith lo w -g ra d e s m o ld e rin g c h ro n ic u v e ­
* S t a g e 4 : E f t h e c e l I - m e d i a t e d i m m u n i t y is p o o r , t h e b a c ­
i t is - v itritis , s n o w b a ll o p a c itie s , snow lin k in g , p e rip h ­
te ria e sc a p e f r o m th e e d g e o f th e c a s e a tio n a n d m u lti­
eral v a s c u la r sh e a th in g , and p e rip h e ra l re tin o c h o ro id a l
p ly w ith in m acroph ages, c a u s in g m are c a s e a tio n and
g ra n u lo m a s . M u o re s c e in g o n io a n g io g ra p h y show s e a rly
g ro w th o f th e tu b e rc le . A fe w b a c le rta -la d e n m a cro ­
h y p e rflu o re s c e n c e o f s m a ll, d is c re te , w h itis h le s io n s in
phages m a y e n te r th e ly m p h a tic s o r b lo o d ve sse ls a n d
(h e c ilia ry b o d y band n e a r t h e iris r o o t . C y s t o i d m a c u la r
re a c h o th e r p a rts o f th e lu n g a n d o t h e r o rg a n s in c lu d in g
e d e m a is o f t e n p r e s e n t . 113
th e eye.
* S ta g e 5: ih e c e n tra l caseous m a te ria l liq u e fie s and
re le n tle s s m u l t i p lic a t io n o f t h e b a c te r ia e n s u e s i n sp ite
Retinochoroiditis Caused by
o f g o o d c e ll-m e d ia te d im m u n ity . Ilte b a c te ria e ro d e th e Mycobacterium Tuberculosis in
b r o n c h i a l v a i l a n d s p r e a d t o o t h e r o r g a n s . ■ '' [m mu nosuppressed Patients
'Jh e eye in th e im m u n o c o m p e te n t in d iv id u a l w ilh p u l­

Ocular Tuberculosis m onary tu b e rc u lo s is is in fre q u e n tly a ffe c te d . l^ a Lie n ts

w ith m ilia r y tu b e rc u lo s is m a y d e v e lo p m u ltifo c a l c h o r o i­
Anterior Uveitis d a l g r a n u l o m a s a n d , le s s o f t e n , e n d o p h t h a l m i t i s . [ 3a t i e n i s
A c u te a n d c h ro n ic g r a n u lo m a to u s u ve itis w ith m u t t o n fa t w ith A [l> S a n d tu b e rc u lo s is , h o w e ve r, m a y d e v e lo p severe
k e ra tic p r e c i p i t a t e s r iris a n d a n g le n o d u le s , and a n te rio r m u ltifo c a l re tin o c h o ro id itis , caused by M. tvte rc u Jlitifr as
c h a m b e r g r a n u l o m a s a r t 1: f e a t u r e s o f t u b e r c u l o u s a n t e r i o r w e l l a s b y t h e o r d i n a r i l y le s s p a t h o g e n i c M . Ljjj r2j j n . j!
Posterior Uveitis and Panuveitis ((М 3 S e rp ig in o u s -lik e tu b e rc u lo s is .

C horoidal Tubercles A l o K: DecFine in left eye vision to 20/40 over ft weeks in

Lhis 25-year-old Indian man. There w ere mull ilocal and ton-
M u ltifo c a l s m a ll c h o ro id a l tu b e rc le s is ih e com m on­
iluenl cream y l-esions w ilh evidence o f c.cn1ml healing in
est m a n ife s ta tio n , b e in g e ith e r u n ila te ra l o r b ila te ra l a n d HtHne Cjl them iA - C . Argjograrri showed ЬгуроПиотксепсЕ1
sa rc o id -lik e , su g g e s tin g h e m a to g e n o u s spread o f th e of' 1lie cream y edges and patchy transmission hyperfLuoies-
o r g a n i s m . 1- ' Ih e y vary fro m o n e -fo u rth lo one d is c cence o f Lhe center lEJ^F). A montage of lh e lesions showed
area in s ize , h a v e a g r a y is h - y e llo w c o l o r a n d v e r y o c c a s io n ­ bolh serpiginous and mu lifocul lesions iCi .ind Hi. His
a lly m a y h a v e a d ja c e n t re tin a E h e m o r r h a g e s ( F ig u r e Ю .1 2 , MarrtbUlc LesL was positive with 24 X 2 (Jm rt of fnduraLion,
chesL X- ray showed hilar adenopathy. T rep o n em a p a ifid u m
A -D }. T h is p re s e n ta tio n is a l s o a fe a tu re o f m i l i a r y rt B .
ha em agglutination (T PH A i tesl wan neijiilive. He received
O n c e t r e a t m e n t is i n s t i t u t e d , t h e y e l l o w - g r a y l e s i o n s t u r n
four-dru^ antii-TIJ Lherapv for 4 monlliH. f a lb h e d b>v two-
w h ite r w ith sh a rp borders a n d e v e n tu a lly get p ig m e n te d
drug Iherapy (or 1 year, along w ith oral steroids a I 1.5m ^kg
[Figure 10.12, L:).Ji:i-l[S М & Ф л & ф per day I ha I was tapered over b mdritbs; Vision £fnproved lo
20/20 at 3 months with a decrease in Eesion activity (E and J :■
Subretina I A bscess bind to 20/20 at 24 monlhs w ilh c o m p ile clearing IК .

ih e caseous m a te ria l can liq u e fy s e c o n d a ry lo ra p id m u l­ i C w i i u y } [J r V iiM i : 1 i..;> l , .u > :J I J r A r r i i w r ( j f l b

tip lic a tio n o f th e b a c illi, r e s i l i n g in n e c ro sis a n d abscess

fo rm a tio n . L 'b e s e m a y b e s e e n i n d i s s e m i n a t e d I H o r i n i s o ­
la tio n w it h o u t e vid e n c e o f T f t in o t h e r p a rls o f th e b o d y .
A h ig h in d e x. of s u s p ic io n and p re v a le n c e in e n d e m ic
c o u n trie s s h o u ld a le rL Lhe p h y s ic ia n lo th e d ia g n o s is .
C h o rio re tin a l a n a s to m o s is o r s u b re lin a l n e o v a s c u la riza tio n
m u ltifo c a l c h o ro id itis Lhai progresses lo b e c o m e c o n flu e n t
ca n o c c u r o v e r h e a l m g le sio n s [F ig u r e Ю .1 2 , t i - k ] .
a n d h a s se ve ra l a d v a n c i n g a c tiv e e d g e s (I'ig u r e i 0 . 1 3 . A - F ) ;
(2 } an in itia l p la q u e -1 ik e le s io n w tLh a m e b o id a l spread
Choroidal Tuberculom a (i'ig u r e i0 . 13, G and H ); and (3 ) in a c tiv e h e a le d scars
ih is is a s o lita ry m ass th a t is y e llo w -w h ile , e le va te d , th a t s h o w new a c tiv ity at th e ir e d g e s a n d p ro g re s s ( l l g u r e
so m e lijn e s w ith o v e r ly in g re Lin a l fo ld s and re tin a l h e m - 1 0 . 1 3 , I - K ) . W h e n a n y о f t h e s e s e i p i g i n o u s c h o r o i d i t is- li k e
o r r h a g e . 3^ 12 - - ' - " ' 1^ ” 2- ^ 5 i h e m ass can b e lo c a te d a n y ­ p re s e n ta tio n s c o n tin u e lo p rc jg re s s d e s p i t e oral ste ro id s
w h e r e i n t h e f u n d u s a n d c o n tin u e s l o g r o w b o t h in h e ig h t a n d o th e r im m u n o s u p p re s s iv e s , o n e s h o u ld suspect tu b e r­
a n d d ilT u s e s p re a d . c u la r c h o ro id itis . W orkup s h o u ld in c lu d e M a n to u x s k in
test, c h e s t X - r a y a n d С Г s c a n , a n d Q u a n t i h H R O N - T H C io l d
Serpiginous-Like Choroiditis ( Q E T - G ) t o e s t a b l i s h t h e d i a g n o s i s o f I'B . I n t h e e v e n t t h a t
i h e h a l l m a r k o f t h i s p r e s e n t a t i o n is t h e r e l e n t l e s s p r o g r e s ­ a ll o f t h e s e a r e n e g a t i v e , l3C l i o f a q u e o u s o r v i t r e o u s f l u i d

s io n o f t h e a c tiv e e d g e , w i t h th e in itia l le s io n b e in g : ( 1 ) s h o u l d b e p e r f o r m e d l o e s t a b l i s h t h e d i a g n o s i s . |Е^ Й ]

Tubercular Retinal Vasculitis ! (]. i 4 T u b e r c u l a r v a s c u Ei t i s .

A c tiv e e x u d a tio n aroun d th e v e in s and s o m e tim e s a rter­ A ki W : Vi-sron d cd in e d r^pidty I о couni finders д1 3 t|№ t№
ies., a s s o c i a t e d w i t h r e i t n a l h e m o r r h a g e s , l i p i d l e a k a g e . a n d in I h is 1 6 -усдг-uJd ш Я й w h o h,iri w id ely distributed nerve
o c c a s io n a lly w ith fo c a l c h o rio re tin itis , s h o u ld a le rt o n e fiber intaruls, rcrt i n I ЬюпкнгЬд^еы, purivunou н exudation,
to th e d ia g n o s is o f tu b e r c u la r Ш ш 1 № (Fig u re Ю . 1 4 ) . 111
and mrld vilrilit lA-El. Fluorescein angiogram showed b lo ti-
t'rom the retinal hemonha^tii, and staining and leakage
T h is s h o u ld be d iffe re n tia te d fro m s a r c o id v a s c u litis a n d
from the venous endothelium ■;H—11. H it Mantoux lesl Was
Beh^eTs d ise a se , w h ic h are m ore a rte ria l th a n ve n u ia r.
W ith tim e , re tin a l n o n p e rfu s io n H ind n e o v a s c u la riza lio n
o f th e re tin a m ay o c c u r. W h e t h e r t h e v a s c u litis Is I n f e c ­
tive per se or rep re se n ts a h y p e rs e n s itivity response to
j V I lubeTcufosH a n t i g e n s r e m a i n s s p e c u l a t i v e . ' I h e s e p a t i e n t s m o n ito re d c lo s e ly fo r p e rsis te n c e or p ro g re s s io n o f th e

s h o u ld a ls o undergo v a rio u s d ia g n o s tic Le&ls t o c o n firm le s io n s , in w h i c h case in v a s iv e te s tin g w i t h a fin e n e e d le

Т В a n d ru le o u t s a rc o id a n d tie h ^ e t's d is e a s e . T h e y r e q u i r e b io p s y s h o u ld be p e rfo rm e d to d e m o n s tra te presen ce

a n ti-Ч Б th e ra p y a n d m o n ito r in g fo r fu tu re n e o v a s c u la riza ­ o f th e o rg a n is m . A ll p a tie n ts w ith o c u la r Т В s h o u ld be

tio n th a t w a rra n ts la s e r a b l a t i o n o f th e is c h e m ic re tin a . s ta rte d o n f o u r d r u g s f o r th e firs t 2 m o n l h s a n d c o n t i n u e d

H y p e r s e n s i t i v i t y r e a c t i o n t o Т В a n t i g e n s is l i k e l y i n a s u b ­ on tw o d ru g s fo r a to ta l o f IS m o n t h s . 113,113 B o t h 9- and
g r o u p o f p a L ie n ts w i t h t a l e s ' d ise a se [s e e C h a p t e r 6 ) . T2 -m o n th tre a tm e n ts are In a d e q u a te a n d th e le sio n s are

A li p a Lie n ts su spe cted o f o c u la r ТВ/ s h o u ld u ndergo ilk e ly to re c u r a fte r c o m p l e t io n o f tre a tm e n t. Ih e h a c llti

M a n to u x te s tin g , chest X -ra y, chest С Г if needed, and d iv id e very s lo w ly In s o lid organs, u n lik e in th e lu n g ,

E Ju a n tiH iR O N -Ill C o ld test i n i t i a l l y . 113' 1;№-1,17 P C ft o f h e n c e th e n e e d f o r th e lo n g e r d u r a tio n o f tre a tm e n t. O r a l

tis s u e flu id can h e lp e s ta b lis h th e d ia g n o s is when th e s te ro id s at л d o s e o f О .э - l m g / k g are a ls o sta rte d a lo n g

o th e r te sts are in c o n c lu s ive . P a tie n ts begun on c o rtic o ­ w ith Ih e a n li-T li re g im e n , and tap e re d s lo w ly ove r 9 - 1 2
s te ro id s a lo n e w h e n a ll t h e s e t e s ts a r e n e g a t i v e s h o u l d b e m o n t h s d e p e n d in g o n th e re sp o n se .
A p a ra d o x ic a l re a c tio n s im ila r in m e c h a n is m to Ja ris c h - 1 0 .1 4 C o n tin u e d

i L e r th e im e r m a y b e s e e n a fte r in it ia tio n o f a n t i - I E t h e r a p y
p o s itive лпс! I m m u r e d 2 0 X 2 0 m m , cb reL X -ra y sh o w Efd
th a t re q u ir e s a n in c re a s e in i h e d o s t o f s te ro id s f o r a f e w p le u ra ! e ffu s io n , V t J R L w a s г к т ге^к: Live, л r>c1 T F H A ttisL w f is
w e e k s u n til th e le s io n s b e g in to in v o lu te . rfe g a d v e . H e w a s tre a le d w ith fo Lir-d iiig i l l t i - T B Lh e m p y Hint]
N e a rly 2 b it!io n p e o p le are in fe c te d w i t h ,VJ. tuberculo­ Ih e lesions l>cj$an lo reso lve, w ilh n d e c re a se in reLinal h e m ­
sis w o r l d w i d e , t h o u g h o n ly 10% d e v e lo p a d iv e d is e a s e orrhages a n d u d u r n « f a n d shea Ihi ng o f I h e v iin S a) 3 m o n th s
in th e ir Eife tim e . IV v e n Ly -lw o c o u n trie s have been id e n ­ iL -L " : a n d () m oflltte ':Q a n d lij. A n g io g ra m s b o w u d p a tc h y
nonfEuoTesccm ce a n d va s c u la r г а т п е й й к й i S - L !:. H u d e v e l­
tifie d th a t harbor 80% of th e w o r ld 's ТВ p o p u la tio n :
o p e d n e o va scula ri za.\io n el Ih e re tin a r c ^ u iiir j ’ s e ttle r laser
In d ia , C h in a , In d o n e s ia . B a n g la d e s h , P a k is ta n , N ig e ria ,
p h o to c o a g u la E io n in the u p p e r te m p o ra l q u a d ra n L in ilia Ily (5J
th e rh iJip p in e s , S o u th A fric a , (h e R u s s ia n fe d e ra tio n , a n d in ft'To n asa ] qLLadraril subset]lj-ln-Liy fT , V , a nti W ..
K -th io p ia , V i e t n a m , th e D e m o c r a t ic R e p u b lic o f (h e C o n g o ,
iCuurtesy: D r Vnhadi С4цз1а and Dr Amcsd CrijpLn.l
B ra zil, T a n za n ia . K e n y a , 'lh a ila n d , M y a n n ia r} A fg h a n is ta n ,
U g a n d a , P e r u , Z i m b a b w e , a n d C a m b o d i a . 1'1" 1
W hen it occu rs f o c a l Iу in th e c h o ro id , it p rodu ces a d d i t i o n t o j V I. Ы о т с и к ы ? , m a y c a u s e т и I Li l o c a l c h o r o i d i ­

a n o n s p e c ific c h o ro id a l in fla m m a to ry m ass s im ila r to tis a s w e l l as r e t i n i t i s i n p a t i e n t s w i t h A t t > S . - J :

Lb at s e e n in c ry p to c o c c o s is , n o c a rd io s is , o r o t h e r i n f l a m ­
m a to ry d ise a se s the c h o r o i d i n c l u d i n g s a r c o i d o s i s
o f tales' Disease
( f i g u r e 1 0 . 1 5 , A - С ) . A lar^e c h o r o i d a l t u b e r c u l o m a m a s s A s m a ll s u b g r o u p o f L a le s ' d ise a se p a tie n ts who present
m a y s i m u l a t e a m e l a n o m a a n d m a y f a i l t o respoEid t o a n t i - w ith recurrent vitre o u s h em orrhages, p e rip h e ra l venous
T B t h e r a p y ." 1" B a r o n d e s e t a l. d e s c r i b e d a h e a l t h y p a t i e n t s h e a th in g , and re tin a l n e o v a s c u la riza tio n m ay have a
w ith a n e g a tive tu b e rc u lin s k in te st a n d a fo c a l c h o ro i­ h y p e rs e n s itivity re sp o n se to tu b e rc u lo u s a n tig e n (se e
dal le s io n w b ic b on trans pars p la n a b io p s y c o n ta in e d C h a p te r 6 ].
a c i d - f a s t b a c i l l i . 1"'0 , 1 < i n s o m e a p p a r e n tly h e a lth y p a tie n ts P h ly c te n u la r c o n ju n c tiv itis is an a lle rg ic response to
Lbe d ise a se m ay progress ra p id ly to p ro d u c e a p ic tu re of v a rio u s m ic r o b ia l p ro te in s in c lu d in g Lu b e rc u lo u s p ro te in
p a n o p h th a lm itis . iw h im -in lr a c e H u la r e , in (Figure 10Л5, E),
LEPRO SY EH. £5 Tubercular choroidal granuloma.

A Iо lhrs 2fc-year-oJd HtV-negiilivG Indian man com ­

Leprosy is a c h ro n ic g ra n u lo m a to u s d ise a se caused by p la in ^ } о I a progressive decrease in vision over 3 miifflffiaj
j ^ j r a f c a c C e n u j n ie p ra fy D e p e n d i n g o n th e i m m u n o l o g i c sta- He had a recenl loss o f weight anti respiratory illness. I— J is-
Lus o f i h e p a tie n L l h e d is e a s e p r e s e n ts in th re e f o r m s : le p - visual acu ily was c.ounl finsert on the rijjhH and 2tV20 on lhe
ro m a to u s w ith p o o r c e ll-m e d ia te d im m u n ity . tu b e rc u lo id [efL side. A large tuberculoma occupied Ihe entire m acula (A1
w i t h g o o d c e llu la r i m m u n i t y a n d b o r d e r lin e [tu b e r c u lo id
w ilh smaller lubencleH in ihe mid periphery. A fine needle
aspiration biopsy was positive Гог M y c o b a c te riu m tu b e rcu lo ­
or le p ro m a to u s ). l3o l a r le p ro m a to u s le p ro s y is t h e aner­
sis by KCK. He received fouT-druj’ anli-TB Iherapy; 2 wcieks
gic f o r m o f th e d is e a s e w it h m a r k e d l a r k o f cel I - m e d i a t e d
Irilcj s - i и| resolution be^an iВ :. The lesions looked much
im m u n ity . I'h e s e p a t i e n t s h a v e a h i g h b a d e ria l i n d e x ; t h e
EessaUive al 2 months (C).
b a c illi g r o w a n d m u L lip lv w ith in Г о л т у m acrophages a n d I): Lar^e mullein fill keraliu precipitates suj>gesLirtg jiianu-
are t r a n s p o r t e d t o a ll p a r t s o f t h e b o d y , lh e b a c te ria are lumalous uveilis in ibis 17-year-old Indian плап recenlly
known n o t to to le ra te w a r m te m p e ra tu re s a n d are f o u n d mi^raled La Lhe Ln ile d StnLfis from India. In ad d ilion, he bad
in th e c o o le r p a rts o f th e b o d y - s k in , p e rip h e ra l nerves,
severe vitritis. His chest X-ray was negative but ManLoux Was
positive with a necrolit read ion at 24 X- 2(?mm. H e received
cornea a n d iris i n t h e e y e . I L e n c e t h e r e a r e n o f i r m l y d o c ­
four-drug antii-ГВ medical ion and topical steroids lor I S
u m e n te d cases o f le p ro s y a ffe c tin g th e re tin a and cho­
mqifltfls-, w ilh rosolulion of all sryns and visual recover у (о
r o id .1 " Л case w i t h fu n d u s in v o lv e m e n t in th e fo rm of 20/20.
h e a p e d -u p , h ig h ly re fle c tive , w h ite m a te ria l re p o rte d in E: rhlyt'lenuldr oonjunclivitis, ал immune response seen ir>
th e lite ra tu re by Choyce and a n o lh e r fu n d u s le g io n by paLienls w ilh tuljerculosis.
C h a t t e r [ e e i n 1 9 6 4 1 11 h a v e n e v e r b e e n fu rth e r s u b s La n li-
a te d , t h o u g h a c o u p le o f e n u c le a te d eyes h a v e s h o w n th e
F: Madarosis,. peripheral corneal scarring Hi^ns Ы uveitis,
p r e s e n c e o f Л-J. le p ra e w i t h i n m a c r o p h a g e s i n t h e r e t i n a a n d
and loss o f nasal cartilage in ibis Indian palienl. w ilh lepro-
c h o r o i d , ' [ ' h i s is v e r y u n u s u a l a n d e x t r e m e l y r a r e . 1 1 maLous ieprosv.
O c u la r in v o lv e m e n t is m o s tly lim ite d to m a d a ro s is ,
ifJuLirr-L-.y: А - - Г , [ 3Г J. Ш-Л\.!Л; I: .llld к 1 >Г i . R . h^!. j I ll I . IГ11
Ea c k o f c o r n e a l s e n s a tio n ., b e a d e d c o r n e a l n e r v e s , k e r a titis ,
g ra n u lo m a to u s a n te rio r u ve itis w ith iris a tro p tiy . fc e ra tic
p re c ip ita te s, le p ra p e a rls in th e iris, a n d in v o lv e m e n t o f
th e s k in , la c r im a l sa c, a n d lid m u s c le s r e s u ltin g in l a g o p b -
tb a lm o s (I'ig u r e 1 0 .IE ? , F). C la u c o m a occurs secondary F U N G A L R E T IN O C H O R O ID IT IS
to iris c h a n g e s a n d u ve itis . E .o w in tra o c u la r pressure has
a ls o b e e n f o u n d d u e t o in filtra tio n o f (h e c ilia ry b o d y and C e r ta in fu n g i e ith e r in v o lv e p r im a r ily th e re tin a o r e x te n d
d e c r e a s e d a q u e o u s p r o d u c t i o n . 1 ' " 15 ra p id ly fro m th e c h o r o id in to th e re tin a w h e r e t h e y p r o ­
H is t o lo g y o f e n u c le a te d b lin d eyes h as fo u n d b a c te ria d u c e w h ite u ltra re tin a ! f u n g a l a b s c e s s e s [ A s ^ f & O u ? Jitm i-
and fo a m y m a c ro p h a g e s la d e n w ilh M iepnft in th e cor­ ga i [j’i , C a n d id a a lb ic a n s , rlh c h o s p o w n b eigeliir S a d o s p o r iu m
n e a , iris, a n t e r i o r u v e a l tis s u e r a n d a n t e r i o r c h o r o i d d u e Lo i r p f c s p F r .'f l n?pz, and Sp&vthtix j c j i f u c f c r j '} . O th e rs produce
its a f f i n i t y l o c o o l e r a r e a s , lh e re tin a w a s fo u n d t o b e fre e p rim a rily y e llo w -w h ite m u ltifo c a l c h o ro id a l in filtra te s
o f t h e b a c i l E L 15 ^ th a t m ay cause serous and h e m o rrh a g ic re tin a l d e ta c h ­
J'h is a c i d -fa s t b a c i l l u s c a n n o t b e g r o w n in v i t r o a n d h a s m ent (H is & ^ ta s n vj H ^ tvrrk ifrtLJi^
o n ly been c u ltu re d in th e fo o t p a d s o f th e n in e -b a n d e d C o c c id io id e s i m r n f l i j , a n d C typ to c p ttx ts n e t fc m t U n s ] . T h e s e
a rm a d ilEo . decent use o f reverse tra n s c rip ta s e -p o ly m e ra s e la tte r d ise a se s m ay be a s s o c ia te d w ilh d is c ifo rm re ti­
c h a in re a c tio n . ( H T - P C H ) h a s e n a b l e d c o n f i r m a t i o n o f th e nal d e ta c h m e n t. M u c o rm y c o s is in va d e s b lo o d ve sse ls
d ia g n o s is in several c a s e s . ' ''' ' i h e d is e a s e is e n d e m i c in and pre se n ts w i t h v a s c u la r o b s tr u c tio n s u c h as c e n t r a l o r
In d ia , N e p a l, B ra ziEr a n d th e tro p ic s o f A s ia and A fric a , b ra n c h re tin a l a rte ry o r o p h t h a l m i c a rte ry o b s tru c tio n , d u e
w i t h 709o o f a ffe c te d in d iv id u a ls re s id in g here. t o t h e r a t h e r l a r g e s i ^ e o f t h e h y p h a e . I 1* * - 163
E f J . \ ft
C A N D ID A R E T IN O C H O R O ID III S C a n d id a s e p tic c h o rio re tin itis .

Л: Focal Carilffida retinal abscess w ilh 'u(]lIon Lull vitreoLte

] lo s p ita lix e d p a tie n fe , p a rtic u la rly th o s e w it h p o sto p e ra ­ opacities in Eh is 23-year-old wom an w ith a history of EV rlrujj,
tive c o m p lic a tio n s o f a b d o m in a l su rgery re c e iv in g p ro­ use. She was diagnosed initially w ilh toxoplasmosis unlii the
lo n g e d in te n s iv e a n tib io tic tre a tm e n t by an in tra v e n o u s his-lory of drufj use was unearthed w hile she was Lryiп^ lo
c a th e te r are p r o n e to d e v e lo p c a n d id e m ia a n d Focal w h it e Ljtiy druj^s on the hospital campus from a ^ibHoT'. She under-
re tin a ] abscesses (3: i g u r e Ю .1 6 , The fo c a l
wen I a viLrat'Lomy, and lun^al stains and cultures wore posi­
tive tor C a n d id a albicans.
w h ite re tin a ! E e s io n s are t y p i c a l l y s u p e r f i c i a l l y l o c a l e d in
.nui ( : I Ii ■ ■
11j| j.!il ii'i 11'ц1
. ii- lm ( ,i.r;(Vil.i',i ■
: I:■:чч-:jnc i. :i i:i-.
th e re tin a and are fre q u e n tly a s s o c ia te d w ilh s m a ll c o t­
Note ihe predominantly j}rantilomalous inflammation o f the
to n y b a lls in th e vitre o u s o ve rlyin g th e p rim a ry le s io n
retina and vilreoretinal juncture. The ov^yyinE vilreous con­
( E 'ig u r e 1 0 .1 &, D } . O t h e r p r e d is p o s in g fa c to rs f o r d e v e l o p ­ tains predom inancy fiitLrocryLe.1^. Special slains revealed evi­
m e n t o f re tin a l c a n d id ia s is in c lu d e [V d r u g a b u s e , c h e m o ­ dence ot" M o n ik a \arrow , В I. hJolh yeasi and hyphae are sej^j
th e ra p y c o rtic o s te ro id a d m in is tra tio n m a lig n a n t bone in the overlying vi1rc4^us of a patienl w ilh Candida relinitis -iCj.
D I о G : C a n d id a endophlh-almitis in a 5 О-уеаг-old rrt'an w ith
m a r r o w t r a n s p la n t a t io n , d ia b e te s , severe b u r n s , e n d o c r in e
(.hnonic alcoholism who noted pain Lind redness in his ri^hl
h y p o fu n c tio n - o th e r d e b ilita tin g d ise a se s, c o n ta m in a te d
eye. Visual acuity was 20/50. Note tEie string o f w hite vibt-
in tra v e n o u s ly a d m in is te re d m e d ic a tio n s , and m a te rn a l
ous opacities (D and Eij. C a nd id a albican.1- was cullured from
b irth c a n a l W e c d o n . 16 3- ^ 1^ 11^ 1 ™ - 1 ^ Ih e a u th o r has the Vitreous and from ah ulcor on the boltom of hiя fooL IF-:.
s e e n t w o d i a b e t i c p a t i e n t s d e v e l o p i n g C a n d id a r e t i n i t i s f o l ­ At the lime ot v iIrecLomy, intravitreal am photericin E3 was
lo w in g u re te ra l s te n t p la c e m e n t w h o s e u rin e c u ltu re g re w ^iven and syslemic admi nisi ral ion of tanoconazole was
C a n d id a jjJfrtcjiru_ Eie^ n . Six weeks laler Visual acuily was 2СУ23 and ih e fun­
J ' h e a p p e a r a n c e o f t h e f u n d u s l e s i o n is s t r o n g l y s u g g e s ­ dus was normal (G).

tive o f th e d ia g n o s is . Ih e d ia g n o s is m a y b e c o n firm e d by A s p e rg illu s c h o rio re tin itis .

c u ltu re s o f th e s ite o f IV a d m in is tra tio n , b lo o d c u ltu r e s ,- Hi lo I: This 1 3 -year-old man, w ilh a hisLory of ' b r u i s e d Tibi
o r v itr e o u s a s p ir a tio n . M u l t i p l e w h i t e -c e n te re d s u p e rfic ia l and chills', 3V drujj abuse; a n d a 1- d a y history ot e y e pain
r e t i n a ] h e m o r r h a g e s m a y a l s o o c c u r . l!i'L I h e w h i l e c e n te rs and visuaE fuss in the rr^fit eye, had a visual acuity o f 2/200
m a y b e c a u s e d b y m i c r o a b s c e s s e s c o n t a i n i n g t h e f u n g i , 37 6 in the rifthl eye and 20/20 in the left eye, mild iritis, v iIri­
tis. and a suEjhyaloid -lo p .wruw. Hi and subnet ina I hypopyon
or by s te rile fib rin -p la te le t a g g re g ate s (se e p r e v i o u s d i s ­
tJ>oEion? arrow , Hi associated w ilh a subretinaJ hemorrhagic
c u s s io n o f p y o g e n ic b a c te ria l in fe c tio n ) , f'h e d is e a s e m a y
inflammatory mass in ihe ri.^h-1 macLila. (lu llLines ot Lhe aque­
respond to syste m ic a lly a d m in is te r e d a m p h o te ric in Б or ous humor and blood, echocatdio^aphy. and H3V serology
5 -flu o ro c y Lo s in e , or b o t h .' ' 1 1 ' " In tra v itre a l in fe c ­ were negative. An intravitreal injection of amphoLericin B,
tio n o f a m p h o te ric in E5 h a s been used su c c e s s fu lly as a 5 ;(j", wab done. Vitreous £ j I L u r e was posilive C(h Aspvrftiifus
p rim a ry fo r m o f t r e a t m e n t L,' , , J I ’" l ' l>'1' a n d as a n a d j u n c t t o flavui'. He received IV amphotericin В for Э weeks. Eleven
sy s te m ic tr e a tm e n t ( R g u r e 1 0 . 1 6 , C - H J . 1 ' 1' M o r e re c e n tly , mofflhs later tiiH visLial atLiilv was 20^400 and Lh ere was a

f l a t s c a r in t h e r r ^ h t m a c u l a (].'■
flu c o n a zo le , vo ric o n a zo le , and c a s p o fu n g in have been
s u c c e s s fu l in tre a tin g СитиЩ а re tin itis in a d d itio n to . o r H i s t o p l a s m o s is r e t in o c h o r o id itis ,
w ith no re sp o n se to , S p o n ta n e o u s j 1o L : Thin 2^-yeaf-old-man with ALUS died Eiecauso ot ttm -
r e s o l u t i o n o f Qa rttfrrfdi r e t i n a l a b s c e s s e s m a y o c c u r . ir'o г pJicalion^ ahsotiatod w ilh ‘■vlom e^ilovirus pneumonitis antJ
th is reason p a tie n ts w ith m ild re tin a l in v o lv e m e n t and syslemic histoplasmosis. He com plained of a hazy spot in his
left eye. H e had multiple w lule foci of retinitis in l>oth eyes
n o e vid e n c e o f o th e r o rg a n in v o lv e m e n t m a y b e fo llo w e d
(I). V licio sco p ic exam ination ol hts eyes revealed multFlocal
fo r e vid e n c e o f p r o g r e s s i o n . Ih e d e v e lo p m e n t o f re ti­
artias of n e tro liiin ^ perivascular retiniliH iK. and choroiditis
n a l s t r i a e a r o u n d a f o c a l r e t i n a l r n o n i l i a l a b s c e s s is a s i g n associated w ilh И . capvulatum organisms iarrow, L..
s u g g e s tin g e a rly r e s o l u t i o n o f t h e l e s i o n . ' ' 4l I f t h e r e t i n a l
li, MUftci-y Dr K,tTL;n^ Н.'.ч; L... njurlt'bv Chll^lph I.llj.Il': I ! Ггг^ш h: l ■
: lit
Le s io n (s ) progresses, o r if e v id e n c e o f m o r e a d va n c e d d is ­ vi a J.^ J
e a s e is p r e s e n t , t h e a d m i n i s t r a t i o n o f J l u c o n a z o l e . i t r a c o n ­
a zo le , v o r ic o n a z o le , p o s a c o n a z o le , o r c a s p o fu n g in m a y be
e ffe c tive . T o a v o i d renal to x ic ity a s s o c ia te d w i t h tre a tm e u L abusers a n d o fte n can b e m is ta k e n f o r T o x o p la s m a r e t i n i ­
w ith s yste m ic a m p h o te r ic in Ei, s o m e p a t i e n t s w i t h o c u l a r tis. I V e s e n c e o f a ' s t r i n g o f p e a r l s ' a n d a b s e n c e o f K y r i e l e i s ''
in vo lv e m e n t in th e absence o f e vid e n c e o f o th e r organ a r t e r i o I i t is a n d o l d s c a r s a d j a c e n t t o a c t i v e r e t i n i t i s s h o u l d
in vo lv e m e n t w ith m o n ilia l in fe c tio n m ay be m anaged r a i s e t h e s u s p i c i o n o f C a n d id a ; e f f o r t s s h o u l d b e m a d e Lo
s u c c e s s fu lly w ith pars p la n a vitre c to m v and in tra v itre a l c o n fir m a h is to r y o f IV d r u g a b u s e s in c e th e tr e a tm e n t fo r
i n ject i o n o f a m p h o Le rici n ] J . 1 1 ?y- 17 9 j : H* r l й t h e t w o c o n d i t i o n s is i t a s t l y d i f f e r e n t .
C a n d id a r e t i n i t i s is m o r e c o m m o n i n p a t i e n t s p o s t g a s ­ 'I'h e d e v e l o p m e n t o f e p i r e t i n a l m e m b r a ties m a y b e t h e
tro in te s tin a l s u ig e ry, h y p e r a lim e n ta tio n , to x ic m e g a c o lo n , cause o f v is u a l loss in som e p a tie n ts o th e rw is e success-
and in d ia b e tic s , w h e re a s in fe c tio n s are m ore I'u lly tr e a te d f o r c h o r i o r e t i n a l m o n i l i a l in f e c t i o n . -S urg ical
c o m m o n ly seen post organ tra n s p la n t or c a rd ia c su r­ r e m o v a l o f th e s e m e m b r a n e s m a y re s u lt I n p a r t ia l r e s to r a ­
g e r y . E n a n o u t p a t i e n t s e t t i n g , C a n d id a is s e e n in EV d r u g tio n o f v is u a l fu n c tio n .
ASPERGILLUS RETINITIS [ fj. E7 C o c c id io id o m y c o s is .

A lo F: This 4 2 -year-old wom an noEed a paracentral bfur in

l i ^ i ^ n ( ] | | drug abuse is lhe Ш т а г у cause o f intra­ her rij^hl eye w.Eiile Jiospilalized for coin muni eating hydro­
ocular infection with AsfwF^iJ/iJj. in these palients it ranks cephalus. ih e w jh previously diagnosed and I пел ted with
only behind Candida as the cause o f endogenous fungus fluconazole ior aMicidioidom yL os is. pneumonia and m enin­
endophthalmitis, ll is also acquired in an oigan irans- gitis in California. Her visual acuity was ЙО/1'5 in both eyes.
pJant immunosuppnessed stale, vftlereas Gfrbfrd# *1 see» (Д She had an old choroidal star lemporal lo lhe m acula and a
newer Lesion inferior to fixation in bef right eye 1A). The let-
patients лfler gastrointestinal surgery1 and hyperalimenta­
Egw eye had a laint lesion in the posterior pole and several in
tion.1'" 1 4 OcnEar involvement is typically the first mani­
Lhe mid periphery ; \i and Ci. Angiogram showed staining, of
festation o f the infection except when it occurs in immune lhe legions ■LJ and Ej. ^he undenvenl a vcinlriculoperitoneal
incompetent individuals.Id2--'J '['he patients present shunt and reced ed systemic anlifunyals; Lhe paracentral sco-
with suhacuLe visual loss, mild pain, and redness of (he Lama improved over b weeks.
eye that may be associated with a varying degree of ante­ С Lo I S : Л з Ъ -like illness developed 1 month л tier а I rip lo
rior chamber reaction. Chorioretinitis and endophthalmi­ Arizona in I his 43-year-old man which resolved in 2 weeks.
Three monlhs laler he experienced proarifessrVply worsen­
tis caused by Asp&giUw have characteristic clinical features.
ing Jow back pain, which on M R i sl>owcd я rinpi-enhanciпщ
L>eep retinal or choriorelinitis with progressive horizontal
abscess in the disc between L2 and L3 (G). A biopsy of Lhe
enlargement of the lesion is characteristic o f Asp-ergiflHJ as ^bscess revealed ch remit grarfulomaloiis i/tfjarnrriatkjri w ill:
compared to Candida that has a smalt retinal focus and thick-walled spherules conLainrny endotpores (C M S slain' IH
grows progressively into the vitreous/5 5 , Preretinal or and Ij. Pour monlhs later he noted metamorpbopsia in Lhe
sub retinal exudation may be accompanied by a hypo­ left eye and a decline in vision lo 2CVft0. I Ь н е were no signs
pyon as a result o f layering of inflammatory cells (figure of inf lam million. Let! tujidus showed cream y chortfidal
lesions Hj>. one o f w hich showed intense leakage consistent
10. ifi. С nind H ].jaQ A hemorrhagic retinal vasculitis may
with a choroidal neovascular membrane IК and L). An O C T
he present.1'' 1 Isolated retinal hemorrhages and prereti­
showed heaped-up cells anterior Lo (Eie pigment epithe-
naE fluffy vitreous opacities may obscure fundus details. IiLim i.Vli. Hiii visual acuilv impfoved Lo 20/50 after inLraviL-
In some cases only a mild VEtrilis may be present initially. real inj eel ions of bevac i zum ah and Lhe lesion improved on
A variety o f species o f AspeygiHus may be responsible for O C T (K!).
human infection. Pars plana vitrectomy and systemic IQ lurtrcy: A -К U r liu.L L i- N , U r i V L i t h n w V I . ' K ' i i i v h i : ^nrl
azoles such as fluconazole, voriconazole, and posacon- U r SiK.hin iV.ud'.-.jrj, A , L-, I |W N, AJ:cj. Y ;in n u j^ i. L .iw T t itt ; I . Ihu
hltlin.iJ ЛИ .is, b a d ijd r n 2 < т1 ^ 7 В- а- 7 С 1 ?П - П 1 П - Я p . i b ]
azole are the first choice in treatment c t Aspergillus infec­
tion of the inner eye. intravitreal injection o f voriconazole
cact be used as an adjunct to systemic therapy.
Uao and HidayaL found Aspf^iT/Mi to grow preferen­ pneumonia, which secondarily may spread via the blood­
tially in the sub-KPbi and subretinaL space and to invade stream, most often to the CNS and bones. I'tu-like symp­
choroidal and retinal blood vessets, whereas Crwrifdir grew toms, cough, erythema nodosum, and arthralgias are often
preferentially into the vitreous cavity in eyes enucleated for the presenting symptoms. J [ydrocephalus and meningitis
fungal endophthalmitis.1" ' 14,1 have been reported (Mgure 10.17, A-F}.

Retinochoroiditis Caused by Other Fungi CRYPTOCOCCOSIS

Other fungal diseases* such as trichosporonosisJ,ul and Cryptococcosis is a chronic or subacute pulmonary sys­
spo rot richos is,14‘' J l'2-J 1'S№dinspa)ri&r?r tipiospenj^inn,211" 21 й temic or mentEigitic infection caused by Cryptococcus nco-
and 'J ' may cause chorioretinal lesions and formnm. ""' "'lf- ' ' 1 Salients with (he meningltic form o f the
endophthalmitis similar to that produced by ЕаШйЛз, disease may d e v e lo p papilledema, papillitis, opLic atrophy,
and eKlraocular muscle palsies (E:igure 10.TS, С -I) Spread
COCCID Ю IDOMYCOSIS lo the justapapiElary choroid and retina may occur directly
or via [he bloodstream. Multifocal irregular yellow-white
Primary infection with the fungus Coccidtojife imniUis, choroidal lesions, focal subretinal masses, and vilreoreti-
[ike Lhat with f - / t$piv]a£umr is a common cause nal abscesses have t>een described, usually in debilitated or
o f an acute, benign, self-limiting pulmonary disease: H immunosuppressed patients {figure 10. IS. I-') .-A['''
is most prevalent in the interior valley's o f California. It 24,6Sijnultaneous diorioietinal infection with Cryptocwcus
is unknown whether it is a common cause o f subclinical and cytomegalovirus has occurred^33,241 Cryptococcal cho­
chorioretinal scars and Sate visual complications similar rioretinitis may occasionally occur in apparently healthy
to those found in areas where histoplasmosis is endemic patients prior to their developing evidence of meningi­
(E-'igure SO. L&, A -C )."' '* As part o f the primary infection, tis.''' ' When coil fined lo the choroid and outer retina,
this fungus does occasionally cause loss o f vision second­ the lesion may simulate a variety of diseases, inc3uding a
ary' to focal infectious granulomatous choroiditis, retinitis, melanoma, focal granuloma, or a disciform exudative pro­
and endophthalmitis (figures 1 0.17 , A - С and ]; Ю . IS , D cess { figuLe W.]&, F u ц jnnporlant lo
and E ).J” , J J -_J1lj Patients inhale the anthrospores causing consider the possibility o f cryptococcosis before placing
a patient cm corticosteroid treattnoltr which may cause I fl . E3 C o c c id io id o m y c o s is , c r y p lo c o c c o s is r a n d
,1 llu n n a ijt .iiilI !.:.L,lI > ni' \':w i iilav.-.m.'''' Mu' b lasto m yco sis^
diagnosis may be confirmed by examination o f (he C5E-' Л to ( . : Presumed ocular coccidioidom ycosis in a 4l6-yeaS
and vitreous. Treatment with the newer azote anLifungal old man w h o lived most of Ын I Lit? in southern California
agents will cause resolution o f the infeclion/v , , i 4 J ’ ~,''l'i bird A rliim a , Ho bad д diagnosis of' pujfljiitmaiy coc-rtdicridct-
ipontaneons resolulion of Intraocular lesions occasionally myctK-is ль a young man. H e was visually a$yrtj(ptdfnatit unli!
occur*. recently, w t r ^ he noted drslorted vision in the lefl eye. l-Ee
had bilaLeial chori ordinal and j Lrxl^p^ipi11лту ScbfS
Identical to that seen in presumed ocular histopEasmosis syn­
PHYCOMYCOSIS drome iJ’O H 5). A lype Lt subrelinal neovasculai membrane

(MUCORMYCOSIS)________________ and subtovea] blood were pnesenl in the left eye.

D and E:: Focal f^anuloma observed clin ica lly in the fundus
'] hough rare, mucormycosis is a severe, often fatal fungal oE" a 28-year-oEd man w h o died ol disseminated co ccid ioid o ­
mycosis. High-power view shows multiple spherule-conLain-
infection unless diagnosed early, caused by fungi o f ihe
injj; H^dospOTts (аггоИк Lj.
Zygomycetes class. ]is classic presenlation is in an immu­
F: Ei^cal c h r>ri rsru-l i nit is c-au-sed tjty C ry p ta c O c c U i n ecfe rm a tis
nocompromised hostr often With severe diabetes and keto­ in a nonimmunosuppnessed 41-year-old man with obstruc­
acidosis, cancers, cirrhosis, or renal failure, and in patients tive hydrocephaEus. Tbeie w ere no vitreous cells. "The eye
on immunosuppressives and steroids. H ie route o f entry is became blind Iram endophthalmitis. Diagnostic enucleation
mostly through inbillation of fungal spores, Lhough per­ established Lbe diagnosis.
cutaneous entry can occur. Ocular involvement is usually С and h : Severe bilaLeral papilledema caused by
^ ry p io c o c c u s meningitis with optic neive rnvolvemenI in
due to contiguous spread from rhinocerebral mucormy­
a iti-yea r-old non i гпгп и nosuppressed woman with i e v e e
cosis, and patients present with ophthalmoplegia, rapid
headaches and fever of unknown etiology. SEte died and histo-
decrease tn vision due to central retinal artery or ophthal­ palholo^ic examination revealed encapsulated Cryp toe occur
mic artery occlusion, multiple large nerve fiber infarcts, organisms I'ajTLtw!' in the optic nerve (H) and brain.
and bypolony .-'"-1 l6]'-4 й - Intravenous entry can result I:. E let. Iron micrograph of encapsulated C r y p t e c o c c u s organ­
in endogenous endophthalmitis (Kigure 10.19, A —IJ .” ' 1 isms in Ihe choroid.
253 Early diagnosis ts by clinical examination o f the oral I to K: Multi local blastomycosis choroiditis in a 43-year-
old man w h o developed lever, chills, cough, anti blurted
and nasal cavit# and confi rmalton by obtaining scrap-
vision soon after a hunting Uip. He had mu hi focal lesions
Eng£ or biopsy from the dark eschar in these areas, '['he
In the lun^. skin, and choroid bilaterally (J and Kr. H e failed
hypbae, which are lar^e, nonseplale. and highly invasive, to respond to anti-ТВ medication. BFopsy of skin neveated
spread rapidly into soft tissue and blood vessels (iigure biaslomycosis. The ocular and svslemic disease responded
10.19, В and C). They exert their effect by occluding ocu­ promptly to amphotericin E3 therapy.
lar and orhiral 'l i ; v , i; | \ and tlx- vasa nervorum, resulting ID and t Irum Uoychin jrrd f-Ir o m Shields---14; I Ггит AvEndjnir^1^;
in proptosis, phthalmoplegia. and choroidal ind retinal I arid I i-Hjrilii.l'iL-d Wilh pcim is-s-:i in Irum [ Iriurn.Ll liI
(J;»!'ikili.i^v; cr^л r^’l'il bf ttitOp3ilkulrt»lc MliLiIIiIi пД Сй..: I iimI V.
infarcts. Treatment consists o f early extensive debridement, cfiLtrttiy JJt j-ruii'Lic A. Ci'.ilm.m.j
local and IV amphotericin, and newer atilifungals such as
p osaco n azole.J s ■■1™
» 'ь.
V и
f v
■ .

J V * - > ■*
* ■ y — - * t
- V
V * ■■
‘ V V : . - ■ ; ' « ^ ’ .
i 'л Й _ - * * г л - ■ ^ <
j* - i> ■ * v j . Л '

J t, ,- .’ ^ ^
4^ ' . 1*

* -■ h ^ ' ? ; fct у
. 4 > * ' • * * * 1 ^
BLASTOMYCOSIS Из. E9 Mucormycosis.

A t e I: A man in Endia with 50-day history of sud­

Endogenous infection with BJtTstomycw follow­ den onset decrease in vision, 5 Hays after receiving IV fluids
ing inhalation o f conid ia into the lungs may cause multi­ during a h ydm cd e rofiiir. hi it vision was 20 /2 0 in Lhe гсцЫеуе
focal choroiditis (l-'igure 30.13r J and K}, endophthalmitis, and Louril flttgers [n the left u ™ . 'fhr? righ-l цуи was рйртти!. The
and panophthalmitis.-' ' Whereas pulmonary and cuta­ IF!-ft vitreous was еОЙ&нпет ha/y ,i.nd no fundus detail? were
neous granulomas are the mo&t frequent manifestations seen (Aj. H e underwent a pars plana vitrectomy For a diagno­
sis or endofle&aLA endophthiilmilib ,md received iripavitrtel
o f systemic blastomycosis, ocular involvement occasion­
va псотпус in, ampholpji с in, ceftazidime, iind destine th arsons.
ally occurs and may affed otherwise apparently healthy
CytfllcrtV revealed muoor with broad liyphae branching at
patients.^5,2-*'1, Biopsy of skin lesions, if present, is helpful ri^jht ап-gles (B iind C , arrowl. An ear, nose, and lJifoal evalu­
in establishing the diagnosis. The ocular as well as Lhe sys­ ation for sinus disease was negative. H e was Created with oral
temic infection may respond favorably to kelocona^ole, itraconazole, Lopic-a] stuio-ids, and jsnlibiolius. Fohtopora lively
amphotericin, and newer aaole therapy. inulliplo foci о I rcrtan i<is- and periarterial plaques iL>r E, and 14.
were noted that scarred t*w f 1 month* 11).

HISTOPLASMOSIS RETINITIS l ( j j p j : r i g h l J г if l

M u l i . i B .V . 2Ш Н , -
j . hГ.ч jit i. j Г QphlhaSnio/agy, S tie lm : ^ Нимпень

O f A r n a d G u f t k , C i - u | i l ; i t\ ^ < m . I k > v K , k . ; i u i J r u l . t l .

AND CHOROIDITIS IN IMMUNE b m J n ^ i i r u u r . i n v l c I j l r j i n l . ^ n h l l - . i l m i l i ! - i n ,ь п i i n n l u n o L u m i w t L ' n l p a t i c r t f .

IгHOphlh.ilrriLri. ^MJ4:2Dr4l:.^l.i-R. l\iuit 2(X3Blun 5.1

ujpjjjfjturrf may cause multifocal, active, percutaneous entry can occur Ocular involvement is usu­
white- retinal- subretinal, and choroidal lesions in one ally due to contiguous spread from rhtnocerebral mucor­
or both eyes o f patients with AiL>b (figure 10.16, |-L) mycosis, and patients present with ophthalmoplegia, rapid
от other immune incompetent stales [see Eigure 3.43.. decrease in vision due Lo central retinal artery or ophthal­
A -C )J]27r3:iit-157r3sa In immune incompetent individuals mic artery occlusion, multiple large nerve fiber infarcts,
histoplasmosis may cause focal choroiditis thal typically and hypot o n y , i n t r a v e n o u s entry can result in
results in multiple focal atrophic chorioretinal scars xvith- endogenous endophthalmitis (figure 10.13, A -I).' "
out producing ocular symptoms. These scars later in life harly diagnosis is by clinical examination of the oral
may be the site o f development o f subretinal neovascular­ and nasal cavity and confirmation by obtaining scrapings
ization and visual loss (see presumed ocular histoplasmo­ or biopsy from the dark eschar in these ntreas. lhe hyp hue.
sis syndrome in ChapLer 3). which are Large, non septate, and highly invasive, spread
']'hough rare, mucormycosis is a severe, often fatal fun­ rapidly into st)ft tissue and blood vessels (Kigure 10.13, ft.
gal infection unless diagnosed early, caused by fungi o f the C) they слеп their effect by occluding ocular and orbital
Zygomycetes class. ]ts classic presentation is in an i m mu no­ Vessels and the vasa ne:rvomm, resulting in proplosis, oph­
compromised host, often with severe diabetes and keto­ thalmoplegia. and choroidal and retinal infarcts.
acidosis, cancers, cirrhosis, or renal failure, and in patients Treatment consists of early extensive debridement,
on immunosuppressives and steFoids. lhe route of entry local and IV amphotericin, and neuter antifungals such as
is mostly through inhalation o f fungal spores, though posacona/ole."'
T O X O P L A S M O S IS R E T IN IT IS 10.20 Co ngeni la I loxoplas mosis re tin it is.

A to D : HeteiolopLa of tilt1 m acula and dragging of (he reLi-

lo xo p la s m o s is is t h e m o s t f r e q u e n t c a u s e o f f o c a l necro­ nal vessels erf ihe rijjhl t*ye (A and B'i caused by congenital
tizin g re tin itis in o th e rw is e h e a lth y hum an in d iv id u a ls toxop relinilis in л 29-ytaarald mmur> w ilh inLra-
[E 'ig u r e s T te p ro to zo a n Tinccrplasma craniaE calcification .=iл d focal cErorEoretinal scars and С !■
is e i t h e r t r a n s m i t t e d t o t h e f e t u s i n u t e r o w h e n th e Note angiographic of r-olinochoioidal anastomosis
m o t h e r a c q u ire s ih e in fe c tio n d u rin g pregnancy or le ss fit Iho si1t! of the star in the left oye i.arrr;av.. p ).
E and F: M acu la r scars in an HlV-posilive infant presumed
c o m m o n l y r EL i n f e d s i h e r e t i n a M < W n g in ge st t o n o f ih e
to be caused by congenital toxoplasmosis.. Visual acuity was
o r g a n i s m , ' [ ' h e r e is a p r e d i l e c t i o n ( o r i n f e c t i o n o f ( h e C ] N ! >
2Q/20r right eyer and 2 0 /4 0 , [eft eye.
and th e re tin a . In c o n g e n ila E to xo p la s m o s is th e re tin a l
G It) I: Presumed oongenilal toxoplasmosis in a 32-vear-old
Ee s io n m a y o c c u r as p a r t o f a g e n e r a l i z e d s e v e re in f e c t io n wom an with poor vision since hi n i l . Note the deep D-Kcava-
(e n c e p h a lo m y e litis , c o n v u ls io n s , fe ve r, ja u n d ic e , cere­ tion cjf ihe star in lEre righl т л е й la.
bral c a lc ific a tio n , h y d ro c e p h a lu s , and p a ra ly s e s o f va ri­ I and K: M ultiple choriofetmaE scan o f uncertain cause in
o u s typ e s J o r m o r e fr e q u e n tly as p a r t b f a m ild s u b c iin ic a l
bollt eyus o f Lhis 9-year-old th ild w ho had good vision unlil
recently w hEn she developed evidence of suliiolinal n«*vas-
in fe c tio n . Large, a tro p h ic , o fte n e xc a vate d , c h o rio re tin a l
L‘j l a riiatiori in the left ma^Uia. Stic was the producl of an
scars c e n te r e d in or near ih e m a c u la r area o r e ls e w h e re
Я-month piejjnancy that was leTminaled Eiecause of rotardud
in ih e f u n d u s in c h ild r e n a n d a d u lts are p r o b a b l y c a u s e d in1:a ltI eri i»e growth.
in m a n y cases b y c o n g e n it a l t o x o p l a s m o s i s (I'ig u r e 1 0 .2 0 ,
B, C r H, \} a n d K ). W hen th e y are s y m m e t r i c how ever
th e s e m a c u la r le s io n s m u s t b e d iffe r e n tia te d fr o n t s im ila r-
a p p e a rin g in h e r ite d d y s tr o p h ic le sio n s .
Whether acquired in ulero or postnatally the Ikwplasmn 10^21 S e ro u s m acti Far d e la c h m e n I c a u se d b y
organisms may Eie dormant in (he encysted form in the a c tiv e o u te r re tin a l t o x o p la s m o s is a n d b y s u b r e lin a l
apparently norm aI retina, either adjacent to or remote n e o v a s c u la r iz a tio n a risin g at a to x o p la s m o s is

from chorioretinal scars. When the organisms become c h o r io r e t in a l scar.

unencysted, one or more acute, whiter necrotizing lesions A to E: This 13-year-old wom an developed floalers associ-
т а у occur in a previously normal-looking retina or at the nlud w ilh a I d c a area of acuLe norm i Ii н urroav, A I and w id e ­
margin c f an old chorioretinal scar (Mgure ! 0.2 !j. "Ihe spread periphlebitis in the right eye. Angiography showed
lesions usually involve the full thickness оГ the retina but intense staining in lhe area of I hit1 rriin-itis and leakage of dye
from the major retinal veins and opJic disc -U and O . ie v e ia l
in some cases may be confined to either the inner or less
yean. later, she developed visual loss caused by serous reti­
frequently, the outer h a l f of the retina. ]n the former they
nal detachment in the m acula associated w ilh multiple foci
are associated with oVeriyhig vitreous in fb irmiatory cell of outer rhinitis near Lhe edge o f the old scar and in Lhe
in filtration. When the retinitis involves primarily the outer papillom atular bundle area (arrows, D)_ Angiography (b:-
retina, serous detach men L o f the underlying retina ts fre­ revealed early staining c l the foci ol retinitis and lale diffuse
quently presen L [Figure 10.21 r А -I). When Lhe acute lesion slain in ^ o f the subrelinal fluid.
includes a major retinal vessel, it may cause either a branch F 1u 1: ierujLis macular detachment caused by recurrence of
retinitis. i.j глл'г1
? , J- л rid (Li/ near л scar. Note lute staining of
retinal arterial occlusion (Rgure S0.22 , A-CZJ-3'--' JlL7'? 0 o ra
the suhrcilinal ftuid.
venous occlusion (figure 30.22, D and E jj '"
J and K: Serous macular, dutachmient caused bv recurrence
Most patients with acute relitiitis are seen initially o f reLfnitis i,arrow, I r i n a patient w ilh bilateral m acular scars.
because o f a history of floaters and less often because of L: ienoscingu i nous retinal delacbm enl caused by subrelinal
loss o f central vision caused by foveal involvement by neovascularization arising at lhe inferior edge of a loxoplas-
focal retinitis {ligure 10 .2 ]}, cystoid macular edema., inosis scar.
or detachment associated with paracentral focal reLini-
Lis. Focal periarterial exudates and arterial atheromatous
plaques (Kyrieleis' arLeriolitis) simulating arterial emboli
maty occur either in the immediate vicinity of the acute ret­
initis or remote from it [Figure 10 .22 , p-l].*6,7"™ -275'3*2-293
Huorescetn angiography shows no permeability alterations
or evidence of artery obstruction in the area o f the arte­
rial plaques but demonstrates marked fluorescein stain­
ing in the area of the retinitis [E'iguies 10.21, В- C, 1:. I I,
and E; 10.22, Cj. T.he periarterial plaques may fade or may
persist following resolution o f the retinitis. Occasionally
acute multifocal arterial wall opacification is widespread
throughout the fundus and may be accompanied by simi­
lar multifocal gelatinous-appearing opacities scattered
along lhe major retinal wins. Ophthalmoscopic and angi­
ographic evidence o f diffuse perivenous exudation may
occasionally occur in areas remote from the acute reLini-
Us. The presence in those patients with retinal vasculitis
o f reduced levels o f antibody affinity to retinal 5-antigen
with normal levels of circulating immune complexes sug­
gests a defective regulation of antiretinal auto imm unity.
Swelling o f the optic disc and angiographic evidence o f
staining o f the disc may accompany focal areas of retini-
Lis or, in some cases, may be the presenting manifestation
o f toxoplasmosis (Figure 10.22.. f-L). Multiple, small, gray
deposits [presumably inflammatory cells) may develop
along the inner retinal surface in the vicinity of the acute
retinitis, and it may be difficult to distinguish these from
small foci of active retinitis. If the vitreous separates from
the retina near the acute lesion, these gray deposits usually
remain attached to the posterior surface of (he vitreous.
The active focus of retinitis usually e n larges far a period Ш .2 2 T o x o p la sm o sis re tin itis .
o f 1 - 2 weeks before gradually fading over a period of sev­
A to C: Branch retinal arLeriaE occlusion caused by -acute
eral months, usually leaving in its wake a pigmented atro­ nelinilis, presumed lo be Loxoplasmosis LA>. Angiography
phic chorioretinal scar. Segmental optic disc pallor may showed evid en ce 01 branch arfpra o b slrjclio n la ftp w , B) Hind
develop in the zone of nerve fiber alrophy caused hy the Nile plaining in I be атеа of rc.4i n iris (C .
retinitis. I ) and E: KeLintJchoToidal anastomosis Id^row.1;! in Lwo
In some patients the onset of the disease is charac­ patients lollow ing venous obstruction caused by toxoplas­
mosis reLiniliH.
terized by Lhe development o f multifocal small foci
F Lo I: ChoritHelinal scars !Hl and marked periarteriaJ p3aque
o f retinitis, largely confined to the outer retinal layers
depusilioi: persisling Гиг years tollu^'jng Tnultiple areas of
(Figure Ю.23. After resolution, some of these acute Telinilii presumed to be caused by loxoplasmosis in a
small lesions may leave no chorioretinal scarring, '['here 30-year-ckld man w hose visual acuity was 2 D/20 in both eyes.
may be a series of remissions and exacerbations before Angiography showed evidence of the periarterial plaques and
development o f the larger, more typical ful [-thickness minimal evidence of obsLruclion Lo Ljlood flow Ц).
focus of acute retinitis (E'igurc 10.23, A-D). Another atypi­ ] Lo L: Presumed hiSDplastnosis papillitis in a 7-yeai-old Lioy
wiLh acLile loss of via ion in lhe ri I eye J) . Angiography
cal presentation is that o f an acute papillitis before the
revealed sLaining of the optic disc {K>. W ith in several months
development o f a focal area of retinitis (Figure Ш.22 ,
the disc sw elling resolved and optic atrophy was evidenl.
l-L),-*6^ 7^ 93' ^ Findings that suggest that disc swell­ lw enty-one months laLer he had furlhej Зоьы of vision in- Lhe
ing may be caused hy toxoplasmosis are severe vitreous ri^fil eye caused by acule reEinitis in the m acula (LK
inflammation- fluffy while peripapillary lesions, nerve
fiber h Lin die defect, and often good visual acuity.
The clinical diagnosis of ocular toxoplastnosis is always
a presumptive one. Most patients wrill demonstrate skin
test and serologic evidence of previous contact with ihe children and atLrEbuted Lo eongeintal toxoplasmosis usu­
organism wilh positive IgG lite r s .^ 'I’he diagnosis of acute ally do not show evidence o f postinftammaLory changes in
toxoplasmosis is very likely in otherwise healthy patients lhe vitreous. Unusual and unexplained associations with
with a focus o f acute retinitis in an eye wilh one or more toxoplasmosis re Li nit is are the development o f Fuchs' bet-
chorioretinal scars. Eiven m Lhe absence of anoLher scar, a erochromic cyclttis and either un El aLera! or bilateral zones
solitary focus o f acute retinitis in a healthy patient occurs of retinitis pigmentosa-like fundus changes." ’’ ,u5‘ 507 Gary
most often in patienLs with serologic evidence of the infec­ Holland has categorized (he location aflbxoplasma ret in i-
tion with positive IgM antibodies; a few do nolr and the lis into three zones: zone 1 [3000 microns from the fovea
liters may be low in many patients, [n addition to the center or 1500 microns from the optic disc margin), zone
enzyme-1 inked immunosorbent assay (bLiSA) Lesl, the 2 (from zone 1 lo the anterior borders o f the vortex veins),
immunofluorescenl antibody test, and the Sabin-l'eldman and zone 3 [from the anterior border of zone 2 to the ora
dye Lest (rarely done anymore), detection o f evidence serrata).
o f toxoplasmosis in lhe aqueous hutnor may be accom­ Familial involvement with ocular toxoplasmosis is rare.
plished using PCR."'....... . Cytologic diagnosis of toxoplas­ In southern Brazil (Alto Uruguat region}, however, famil­
mosis may occasionally be made from vitreous biopsy.4" ial ocular toxoplasmosis is endemic.1M|'-,u 'l he prevalence
Most chorioretinal scars caused by toxoplasmosis are of ocular toxoplasLnosis there is 30 limes higher than else­
atrophic, partly pigmented, and associated writh postin- w h e r e ^ with S 5 % o f the population being infecLed and
flammalory changes in the overlying vitreous and a 18% o f them have evidence o f retinochoroidi-
nerve fiber bundle visual field defect. I lypertrophic dis­ Its. lhe frequent ingestion O f raw or undercooked pork
ciform scars, however, develop En some patients (figure has been suggested as a possible explanation for this. In
10.23, b and F). In rare cases reactive proliferation o f the the United Slates, the prevalence o f 'F garnfri infection is
R PE in these scars may be mistaken for a melanoma. 22.5%, although lhe prevalence o f ocular involvement in
Remodeling of lhe retinal circulation caused by previous ihese is only 1 % .
occlusion of vessels passing through the area o f redrntis is 'Lbis difference in the prevalecice rales in different parts
often presenL (Figure 10.22, D and bj. Evidence of retino- of the world is likely related to Lhe prevalence of the dif­
choroidat anastomosis may develop due to full-thickness ferent genolypes. Lhree genotypes have been isolated
retinal iEivolvemcnl and subsequent atrophy, thus bringing in humans and animals: types E, Ji. and LJI. 'Fype ]] is the
the retinal vessels in close proximity lo the choroidal ves­ mildest genotype and is seen in the Uni Led States and
sels (Figure 10.22, D}.-' ™ Development o f sub retina! Hu rope South America, especially southern Brazil, has
neovascularization, usually type 2 , at the edge o f an inac­ the more virulenL type E and aLypical genolypes. Sexual
tive scar may cause loss of central vision (Figure 10.21, recombinants (atypical genotypes) also have increased
Jis.ioj i ar^e macuEar chorioretinal scars seen in virulence.m
Even though toxoplasmosis is considered да endemic LfJ.23 Toxoplasmosis retinitis.
disease, there have been a few outbreaks around the
Л to D: M ultifocal .suhacиLt1 rut rudcfscun: гоГiniIiн presumed
world3'1-31* and a recent epidemic in Coimbatore, a city in La bo caused by toxoplasmosis in a 17-year-old yirl w h o was
southern India.ll0/5i' ilS Ihese outbreaks and clustering o f seen initially wiLh a l-monlh hitlory of blurred vision ii: Lhe
cases have been linked to a source - either contaminated right eye (A). Visual acuity was 20Л 00 in the right eye and
municipal water or infected kittens and a feral cal harbor­ J 11 j n .1 :1ч Iн■11 i'v i1 1ii:-i i." wfiH1 no vilreous cells. Note Lhe
ing the more virulent genotype. The largest epidemic has multiple, small, gray Easterns in Lhe I'oveolar area (ajroivsE.
AnjftagjrapEry aL 11i L lime showed ntt evidence of ЕЕиотеь-
been reported from one center in southern India where
cein staining. Photographs taken at 2- lo 3-month intervals
248 palients (254 eyes) with relinochoroiditis were seen
over Lhe subset]uenl several years showed n frequent change
between August 2004 and July 2005. O f the 230 eyes in the position of the jjray lesions and no evidence initially
(30.5% ) with unifocal retinitis, 67% were located in гопе of residual R f t changes ■L-5i. llu: visual acuity remained
I, 25% in zone 2 . and the remainder in ione 3. unchanged. Seven years л Her her in ilia I ejistfrifti^rticm, she
Although recurrence iб a hallmark of Tttwpfdijmd reti- relum ed with acute loss ot vision in Lhte right eye. There was
nochoroiditis, no definite facto r(s) has been found to a large атеа oF acule rrfimtis in lhe righL macula (C;. O ver
Lhe subsequenL (> years, ^he had oLher acute aLLacks. W h en
trigger recurrences. The risk of recurrence decreases as the
lhe pntienl was lasL seenr visual acuity was 20/200 and a
disease-free intervaE increases; however once a reactiva­
Lar^e alrophic m acular scar was presenl (Of.
tion occurs, the risk of further recurrences increases (clus­ £ and F: A t Live toxoplasmosis retinilis :tl resolved and pro­
ters). Ihis is likely from some of the oocysts degenerating duced an elevaLed hypertrophic scar wiLh retinochoroidal
over time and hence the smaller load o f dormant cysts., anasLomosis IF:-.
hut with a recurrence the number of organisms increases, G : Acube lox^plasmtjeis retinochoroiditis in an im m uno­
thus increasing the chance of another recurrence. I]atieiits competent patient. Ncile lh e п есн и ic retina separated by
ЕЗшсН'и membrane i.amuavi from л focal a ran el" ihicktMimg of
greater than 40 years o f age had a higher chance o f recur­
lhe thoroid by granulomatous Irtflimmatioirr.
rence,- Likely from altered immunologic slate. The longer
H: Focal area of granulomatous choroiditis and scleritis
Lhe duration of infection, the greater the chance o f recur­ underlying toxoplasmosis retinitis Fn an immunocompelenl
rence,- again implying organism load. " " adult.
I iistopathologic examination of an acute toxoplasmo­ 1 to K: F’holomicrographs ot acute focal necrotizing
sis lesion in eyes of immunocompetent patients reveals a Taxaptaim a retinochoroidilis in an Fmmunosuppresied
focal necrotizing retinitis associated with an underlying paLienL. Nole Lhe lass o f nuclei in all layers wiLh patchy pres­
erve! ion ol" a few pholonecepLor n ud e! iind nongranuloma­
acute and chronic granulomatous choroiditis and scleritis
tous inflammatory reaction in Lfie underlying cftoroid (I!'. A
(E'igures 10.23. G and H; 10.24, Л and B }.'j4;'!'he inflam­
high-power v ie w of lhe lesion shems encysted organisms
matory reaction surrounding the necrotizing retinitis is and free lat hyzoires (K, arrow'..
markedly reduced in immunosuppressed patients [figure
ciour'.ii-iv' l? r A n d n .i v P. I-L'rry. rjr^M inlL'L'l ni!. V iirh ic w ff i-NL n :lv . I
10.23, [). In spite o f the presence o f scleritis LhaL may be H Ir o m h k K ^ u i ,m iJ / i m i i K . ' i m j n ■ I К c liu t Il^ v [ J r H , i ! p h L-.i^jl<

evident uhrasonographicallv beneath the focat retini­

tis in immunocompetent patients, oniv occasionally do
they complain o f pain .*'1 lhe encysted and free forms of immunocompetent humans.-'1'' Most authors agree that
Тторкы ш organisms are found in the relatively normal treatment is unnecessary and inadvisable in lesions out­
retina surrounding the necrotic retina (I'igure 10.23. J and side the macular area. In cases where the center o f the
IQviBD.jsi xhey are occasionally found in the choroid in macula is threatened- use o f one or more of the antibiotics
imm unnsuppressed patients. in combi nation with systemic corticosteroids is advisable.
The value o f pyrimethamine (Daraprim), suliadiaz-iite, Intravitreal clindamycin at a dose of 1 mg is a rapid means
clindamycin, minocycline, trimethoprim-sulfamelhoKa- of treating retinitis, and can he used in fovea-
zole, and corticosteroids in the treatment of active lesions threatening cases, in severely immunosuppressed patients
in immunocompetent humans is uncertain. for a quick onset, and in pregnant women .3J4,110 ]'opical
Treatment probably has no value in preventing recur­ corticosteroids and mydriatics are indicated in the pres­
rences.1^ Ihese drug£ have been demonstrated to be ence o f accompanying iridocyclitis. Lhose children born
effective in experimental infections with Tbxopjaimto in to mothers who acquired Tbxoplasrna during pregnancy
animals. I here is only minimal evidence, however that should be on агШ -Жгор^!™ treatment up to their first
they are o f value in the treatment o f toxoplasmosis in birthday.
In patients With AIDS or who art iEnmunocompre­ 1G.24 T o x o p la s m a g o n d i i re tin o c h o r o id itis .
m in d for other reasons, toxoplasmosis may cause л
А [о C: N ecrotic retina displays cysts of Toxoplasma gondii.
fulminant and widespread necrotizing retinitis as well the 1iioroid reveals chronic: giSniilopiiatdtta inflar^rTiatkwi i.-V
as eft^ephalitis.ll!1,:!^] SJUiJ1 f-'eatures of toxoplasmosis hon-iiiLoxy Iin and eosim. Multiple toxoplasmic cyslt Hire pres­
retinitis in patients wilh A ID S that differ from those in ent in lhe retina and Lhe cysts show presence of bradyzoites
immunocompetent patients are multiple aclive lesions, lU, .irsxnv, periodic, acid-ichiffi. U 11rasl met u гл Г features cjf a
infrequency of acute lesions arising adjacent to Jhactrvc retinal Toxoplasma g o n d ii cysL containing Eiradyzcii Les IQ .

scars, frequent involvement of both eyes, and frequent M a la ria re tin o p a th y ,

evidence o f CN5 involvement. Some o f these patients D to |: A 2(J-year-old Indian man with high intermittent
present with mu]tifocal. small, widely scattered lesions fevers dia^nobcid сМ пклЛу as гпл1агы t:im p lain ed of visual
that may rapidly become confluent and produce a clini­ Foss in his left eye 10 days after fever unset. A patch of rc*4ini-
cal picture identical to acute retinal necrosis.1 ^ Vitritis is Lis with decreased MQplasrn^C fhm- was seen adjacent I о Lhe
disc (D k The angiogram showed nonfluorescence o f the area
usually present but may be less than that seen in immuno­
with I,'il4J tLainjnj» o f lhe edges iE л п-d F). four weeks later lhe
competent patients with similar size retinal lesions.
relinal opacification had improved w ilh lipid exudales in a
ClinicalEyr the retinal lesions may simulate those caused slar paLtc^m. A branch conunf’ off lhe ]п1его1еплрогй1 аМиту
hy cytomegalic inclusion disease/1'" although typically sfnm-ud shenlhinj> {G J. The? Eu I low-up an^iofjram shciws nar-
retina] hemorrhages are less prominent and vitritis more rowiid flow Ihrou^h [he aiffecled jrLuriole w-ith no taLesLain-
evident in lesions caused by toxoplasmosis. Toxoplasmosis injj erf tbe affected relink IH-I).
encephalitis, is a leading cause o f death in patients with lC 'n L ir C L - iy : A - i ' „ U r Ч ,1 Г Ч П Ц К . ю : U - . I . U r V h h . i l i L i u ^ . i . '

A I L > S „ Approximately Ю - 2 0 % of patients wilh intracra­

nial toxoplasmosis develop retinal lesions.''' Involvement
o f the brain often occurs in the absence of ocular involve­ outer toxoplasmosis may simulate puncLate inner choroi­
ment. toxoplasmosis may cause either a diffuse necrotiz­ ditis (pseudo-p resumed ocular histoplasmosis) (see E'igure
ing encephalitis or discrete space-occupying intracranial 11.21-11.27!), and diffuse unilateral subacuie neuroretinitis
Eesions. In the formerr computed tomography may be (see figures Ю.28 and 10 .2У).
norma!; in the Ealter, it may show focat lesions with
ring-shaped enhancement after contrast infusion.331* MALARIA
Coinfections o f lhe retina and choroid may occur.11 '■!M
lh e reLinal and the brain lesions caused by JVdJjfrrihfrzmi итг*. R fiiloporitm, fi uwifc. P. muhintie, and
respond favorably to pyrimethamine and sulfadiazine, J3. hnowksi are the parasiLes causing malaria character­
but recurrence o f lhe infection is common after cessation ised by intermittent fevers - chills that recur on a regular
o f treatment.1" 1 Corticosteroid treatment may be nec­ basis every 24-4&b depending on the parasite subtype,
essary to reduce cerebral edema but probably is uunec­ liach year up to 3 million deaths and 5 billion episodes of
essary in the treatment o f retinitis since the intensity of clinical illness are reported, wilh 90% o f them occurring in
the inflammation is less than in normal patients.,,fl the Africa.
results of serologic tests in patients With A ID S are unreli­ Cerebral involvement with ^Jdmrmciiujn falnpatuitt
able: lhe presence of elevated JgM in as many as 13.% malaria major is an important cause of mortality, particu­
o f these patients suggests a high incidence o f acquired larly in children in tropical regions.11* Ihose manifesting
infection .^ ’1 papilledema and outer retinal edema outside the major
Solitary active toxoplasmosis retinitis may be simulated retinal vascular arcades are mi)re likely to die or survive
by other infections [Ctuidida, pyogenic bacteria, bacteria wilh neurologic sequelae. Other fundus findings include
o f low pathogenicity in patients with AIDS, cat-scratch retina] hemorrhages (orange color hemorrhages due to
disease bacillus}r ischemic retinopathy, and neoplasia the associated anemia), cotton-woo I spots, intraretinal
[large-cell lymphoma. metastatic carcinoma to the retina). edema, narrowed and obstructed arteries and small capil­
Retinal artery occlusion caused by a focal area o f toxoplas­ laries in the macula, and venous distension and tortuosity
mosis may appear similar to that occurring in patients The erythrocytes that have engulfed the parasites are less
with acute multifocal retinitis associated with cat-scratch pliable and block sin a11 vessels causing the small retinal
disease or of unknown cause (see figure 10.04], and infarcts and hemorrhages [Figure 30.24, A-С) The reti­
patients with bilateral idiopathic recurrent branch retinal nal whitening resolves over timer as do the lipid exudates
arteiy occlusion (see figures (S. 10 and 6. 1 1 ). Multifocal [Figure 10.24, D - F ) ^ - 45*
PNEUMOCYSTIS IIROVECI 1 0 .2 5 Pneumocystis jiroveci c h o r o id iiis in p a tie n ts
w ith A ID S .
A Id E" This 24-yail4ild HIY-posiLive n u n StesenLed w ilh
jinn/eci (pronounced "yee-row-vetsee'1', pre­ л 3-monlh history of Pn&ttfpacy'Stfe pneumonitis arid л
viously known as P. елггигг) is an opportunistic patho­ 1-monLh his lory severe headaches пеЗлЕи^ to central ner­
vous system cryptococcosis. Н у had ло visual comptaints.
gen in patients with various humoral and cell-mediated
Visual acu ily was 1 0/20 bilaterally- The fundi of bolh Щ&Ь.
immunologic abnormalities and is the most common showed w id e ly scattered,, partly t’onfluejil.
infection in patients with AID S [over SG^b)."531 It ivas pre­ sIi.^HlIV elevated, cream-colored lesions :Al. Angiography
viously classified as a protozoa п.. but reclassified in 199S reiteswsd early blockade o f chartHdal tliJprescence лг^ late
as а yeast-like fungus based on nucleic acid and btochemi­ slain ini| oE lhe choroidal lesions iht and (.! . The patient was
ca [ analysis. Its name was changed in 2ЕЮ1 Lo Аймтосугйз treated w ith IrimeLhoprim, sulfameChoxazoEe, am photericin
jiroveti, a species specific Lo humans. 11 is a normal com­ K, and fijucona^to.le IV'. О уеГ following 2 weeks he noted
progressive Гои. of vision in both eyes. Ttie choroidal lesions
mensal o f the pulmonary system and becomes patho­
were unchлni^cd but he developed early рлрчИШв <D). His
genic in immunocompromised stales. Piim m jcysiis firw eci vision decTmed Lo counting finders only in both eyes. Six
infection is the initial manifestation o f АЮ 5 in over 5СЙЬ weeks mIpt ihere Wiis evidence of partial resolulion of the
o f patients. Those With T- and li-cell abnormalities appear chonoidili.1. Lhic? papillilis had inc reused (EJ.
more susceptible than patients with Ei-cell d e ficie n t F lo j: This 34-yoar-old man w ilh A ID S and fjufrrtonary pneu-
alone, infection with РлиЕшогудй may be life threaten­ mocysLosis had received multiple medications including
ing. in humans infection is primarily Limited lo lungs> pentamidine inhalation LreaLment. H e had no visual com-
plainls when he was discovered Lo nave inulliple сгилт-
Lymph nodes, spleen. £ltd less often Liver, bone marrow,
colored choroidal lesions in both eyes (F)'_ H is visual acuity
.small and large intestine, pericardium, myocardium, hard in the right eye was 2Q/J0. He died .} weeks laEer. Cross
palate, periureteral soft Lissue, and choroid. lfncumocy5lis uxiim:nation of лп L>ye removed intim л .15-yeaT-old ptiliLml
jirow ci choroiditis often occurs in patienls receiving long­ w ilh A U J i and Htwumoi.yMi.'; рпеитоп1л revt^nfed mLilliple
term aerosolized pentamidine therapy.' 3' 3bl Clinically yellowish placoid lesions involving the choroid Iлrraws, Gf.
the multifocal choroidal Lesions are placoid or slightly Histtjpnlliolof’ic.illv lhe (.horcjidal lesions c-onsisted o:f eosin-
elevated, yellow-while, round or oval, multi tabulated, and ofjhiEit, Hcellular, vacuolalEid lesions iH: |1пл1 when stained
with mdhenannin.E!-silvcT slain demonstrated Cystic organisms
variabiy sized, with finely granular FiPL that may si inn Late
[arrow , 11. Electron m icfoscopy ге\елк^ c vsts, some of which
Lesions seen in large cell lymphoma., metastatic carcinoma, c o n fin e d inlracyslic Ewdies '.arrows, Jl.
atypical mycobaclerial infection, sarcoidosis, or 15aIen-
I F —I i N .im K . t u e t .iJ .
I'uchs nodules [E-'igure I0.25, Л -hJ. The choroidal Lesions
progress slowly and are associated with minimal vitre­
ous reaction and visual Loss. Although both eyes are usu­
ally affected, unifocal unilateral lesions may occur.1 "x ' neutropeniar thrombocytopenia, skin rash, fever, nephro­
Angiographically these focal Lesions are hypofluorescent toxicity- hepalotoxicity, and others. Tarlv ophthalmoscopic
early, and stain late fig u re 10.25, В and 1" detection o f choroiditis may save sight as welt as prevent a
is a unicellular organism wiLh many mor­ fatal outcome. E-'ailure o f the choroidal lesions lo respond
phologic features but it is considered to be a fungus (figure lo treatment should suggest the possibility o f a coexisting
10.25r 31 and Et exists exclusively in extracellular infection of the choroid, e.g., Mycobacterium а\>1ит-1пиже1-
spaces. Et is not readily cu Iin red 'ihere is no reliable sero­ Utlarc, Стурктроащ ncofonmms, MycobacleT^tm titLwcuiesis,
logic test for identification: most recently TCR for its t>N,\ and Mi'sEf^fdUfrfcj CLrftfu/tfJuHi.'' 7■41,1
is being used. Diagnosis depends upon demonstration of Ocular as well as other sites of infection wilh
organisms with special stains - methenamine silver, lolu- probably occur at Lhe Lime o f spread from
idine blue, or Giemsa. Silver stains primarily the mature pneumonitis. Ihese lesions become inactivated but not
cysts [Figure 30.25, ij. Choroidal infiltraLes are acelluEar sterilized and may reaclivate at a later lime. Patients
eosinophilic, vacuolated, and frothy, and involve the full­ receiving prophylactic aerosolized pentamidine iherapy
thickness choroid including choriocapiLlaris [ligure 10.25, are not protected against extrapulmonaiy disease, hence
G and Voz] (,r hemorrhage and cal- i mm lino-compromised patients are on prophylaxis with tri-
cifLcalion may be present, biker stains show I iisttipliisnni- methoprim-sulfamethoxazole or co-trimoxa£ole. [’resumed
Like organisms (I'igure Ю.25, I]. lileclron microscopy [EiM) Г. jjriw rf choroLdiLis served as a marker for disseminated
provides a definitive diagnosis and shows irophozoiles and infection"''' before oral prophylaxis, '["he number o f 1EEV
Lhick-walled cyslic organisms [ligure 10.25, J). lhe over­ cases developing P |(rff[«rfi choroiditis has since dropped
lying RE’E: is usually mini malty affected. dramatically. O nly two case reports have been seen in
Treatment consists o f IV or oral therapy with tri­ the past decade, one an LIIV patient on a low dose o f co-
methoprim-sulfamethoxazole, dapsone, pentamidine, or trimoxizolf! and another a post transplant leukemic
co-trimoxazole.-^ '14 'r,L' 4,1 l>otentiaE side effects include p a tie n t .^ "^ 1
TOXOCARIASIS K i . ' J Intraocular toxocariasis.

A: 5iиЬгиИiплI granuloma wilh surroundinjj subrel iпаI hemor­

Fatbits, typically heahhy children or young adults, may rhage in a Ц-уеаг-йУ ^irl wilh presumed Тыхосага cants.
experience unilateral loss o f vision secondary to inva­ B: Organized butjielLnji |^лпи]огпл w ilh retiraKjhOrOltJ^I
sion o f the eye by a single second-stage larval form o f ^ im o m o s is in а 1{^year-old gid w ilh presumed Тй^ВслГа
the lbxo£d^a L'rtnri ascarid (Figure 1D.2 & ) . : '■ lhe eggs c & n is .

o f lhe dog ascarid are deposited in the soil, where they C: Organized suEjielinal granuloma with extension of the
undergo a change required before ihey become infectious mass into the vitreous in ал З-уелг-oid buy with preRumtfd
Гозсос ага c jn i s .
to humans, Who contract the disease primarily by inges­
D and t Peripapillary Jom ca ia ^in ulu m n and extidalive mac­
tion of contamunited soil and not by direct contact Wilh ular detachment in л 4-year-old girl. The eye wan enuclealed
dogs, ['ol losing hatching o f Lhe eggs in Lhe gist rot n Lest inal Едагливе of the possibility of refinoblasloma. Hislopalhologic
tract, lhe second-stage larvae invade the blood vessels of EKflminalion revealed a peripapillary subretinai eosinophilic
the gastrointestinal trad and enter the eye, probably via lIil- I’ ranuioina surrounding а кж х'а га organism yarrtyw, t..
uvea I tract. Bilateral ocular Invasion probably occurs rarely. F to H: Probable meandwinc: 1»1^и1аг1аЙ$ In a 2 5-уеат-о Id
wom an w ho first noled loss of central vinion irr Ibe light eye?
Jhe patients manifest a variety of clinical pictures, Includ­
Й1 л^е tb years. Ibis was associated with serosa n^ui nous ret­
ing: [1] localized disci fori n macular detachment f E'igure
inal detachment in the righl гилci-uI c™ d multiple thonOldaJ
10.26, A -C );J65 [2] multifocal granulomas with intercon­ legions superotemporal Id the macula, including the e le c t e d
necting tracks, so-called meandering toxocariasis (figure white lesion seen in f. H e r Тахосага E L liA lest was positive.
10.26, h-E);v" : (3) peripheral disciform retinal detach­ Нет visua3 лс-jity Fttiprpved and she was asymptomatic uni i I
ment; (4) papillitis;"'" { 5 ) optic nerve head 9 yeats later, w hen she had 1есиггегьсё of symptoms in the
tumor (l-'tgure Ю.26, D and peripheral lip Ml eye. ND№ 1be hypertrophic scar surrounded i*y л shal­
low suruus; retjfial delachm enl (large a rrow s, С. and H i anti
retinal or pars plana mass with vitritis (unilateral pars pla-
the Lrack-iifce pattern ol scare indicating ргоЬаЬГе гтю^е-
nitis; i'iguie 10.26, [_ ^ и .э й в л л м 75 щ retinaJ detach­
ment arrow s, C.1
!! o f vvoTm уел re previously -C]|. The
ment; (3) endbp^thalmjtls;367^ ^ 375,5^ and [У) cataract. farva was prxAably encapsulated within Ihe large scar in the
Ihese patients typically bave externally quiet eyes In spile sиp w o lem рогаI гласчНГ лгел tfargv jr^iows, Ci and l-li. This
o f having endophthalmitis. 'Lhe organism, which measures яслг аррелred to contain е л к ш т tiilrastH^o^rafjbicaHy.
approximately .W0-400 pm in length, is at the subbio mi­ U Flofipbefni infLimmatory тл^и causirji л n rnt:Lilar bole Hind
croscopic level in s iz e / '"''" ' ' ' " It presumably enters m acular disp]aLemen( in a boy w ilh presumed Jiraoca^u
granuloma. Note demarcation lines caused by previous reti­
the sub retinal space by way of the choriocapil laris, where
nal deLicFimenl.
it may incite an eosinophilic granulomatous reaction and
f and К: Голослгл granulofrta pjosterior to tfie iris and cili­
cause a serous and hemorrhagic disciform detachment of ary body of a child who preKonled with л white pupiT. Note
Lhe retina (Hgure A J . ^ ' ^ 'U i e reaction may destroy Lhe eosinophil»: grdh|j|omas {arrow s, |ld one of which con­
the overlying retina and extend Into the vitreous [E'igure tained the {охскагл ;лг\'л [WjSrte ^rr«w>, shown in higher
10.26, C ).iM,3™,J75 On healing, a gray or white umbllicated ptiwer in. Jt.
disciform scar, often with retinochoroidal vascular anasto­ It ? iih:! b Ir u t n H ire! t'l u l | i'.il'I з Ixjc E w i l h р н лигы м ти п Г т с п ; lh e

mosis, may result (Tigure EG.26, В and A f Y IW iC ih 11j ij гI , . 11 -Ij Г i U | ? h Г hi .t Itti >::■I l i v : e ftp v v ig h t I л- Ih t: G | ) h U i i i l m k
11■11■I: ■11 1 C l i . I
'lhe diagnosis of a subreLinal granuloma caused by
З&тсягд ijjffj'y is presumptive. Eiosinophilia can be demon­
strated in some patients. The ocular disease rarely occurs ЕЪе clitiical finding of a localized subretinal exudative
tn children wilh other clinical evidence o f visceral larva lesion in the macula or a localized disciform scarr usu­
mi grans (coughing, wheezing pulmonary infiltration, ally associated with retinochoroidal anastomosis of one
hepatomegaly, leukocytosis*, persistent eosinophil la, eleva­ eye of a child with no other e vid en ce o f ocular disease,
tion o f isohemagglutinlns, and elevated serum im m uno­ should suggest the diagnosis Cif Toxccam ctEnfs. It must be
globulin levels}. Visceral larva migrans occurs presumably Femembered. however, that occasionally focal areas of
wilh ingestion o f a large number of eggs.""'' retinitis associated with toxoplasmosis may also produce
ffjJis is rarely if ever the cause o f ocular toxocariasis. 'I'he a proliferative sub retinal scar that resembles in every way
ELISA tesl may detect serum IgC antibodies in as high that produced by r^wpLismd (see Figure I0.23r K). Bilateral
as 9 0 % o f patients with clinically suspected ocular dis­ disciform detachmenLs occurring tn children are unlikely
ease 1ы к,й'м^зе9' ihe ELISA test titer o f aqueous humor to be caused by То\жипт fdiFEj'j. In such a case, olher fam­
and vitreous Is usually higher than that demonstrated in ily members should be studied for evidence o f a macular
the serum and in some cases may be positive when (he dystrophy, ierous and hemorrhagic disciform detachments
serum shows no evidence o f antibodies.1411-'10'' Ih is is in children may occur occasionally as a complication of
Likely due to intraocular antibody production. Monoclonal Best's vllelliform disease (see Chapter 5 )r other hereditary
antibodies to larval excretory-secretory antigens that bind dystrophies (see Chapter 5). rubella retinitis (see p. 918),
wilh species specificity to the cuticular surface of Infective and diffuse unilateral sub acute neuroretinitis (see pp.
larvae may prow to be o f value in the laboratory diagnosis 864-872), and in patients with idiopathic panuvetlis, vlt-
o f Ю М м ^ а в Ь ,3’3'-^ ritis, and multifocal chorioretinitis (see Chapter l l j .
I [Ls Kj рлthoLoyicalIv, material left in Lhe wake of the t fj.2 7 Octi Ear cys Ifce rcosis,
migrating Earvae may cause a strongly eosinophilic granu­
A: D raw ing of E V s f^ p C J^ cefttrfos ae lartae vvilh Iht? scolc?.
lomatous reaction along its path, lhe organism is usually BKlendeiJ and invagim lud I г .
identified In the center of an eosinophilic abscess (figure В lo F: iubrelinal CystjtQfiiiJS Luva in а 7Д-year-old w om an
10.26, E and j^< yim 1s75139i »7 0 ш |н1Г toXoctirjjsis has from HouLh F Icjti-cin. Sim com plained cil progressively worsen­
been produced expert mentally.' 1' ' :7 ing ffoaLers. in Lhe left eye Ы" 5 months" duration. Note Lhe
There is no satisfactory medical treatment for ocular inva^inaLed scolex U m jw ii and change in shape of lhe cys­
tic eit. us in lhe jflibretinal space inferior to lhe left m acula iH
Tbxocdlra cauts, Photocoagulation may be o f some value iit
find C). Laser photocoaguEaLion appficalions were placed
the treatment of subretinal granulomas in the paracentral
around Lhe organism several days liefore Ms surgical removal
region causing macular detachment. Vitrectomy proce­ by lhe Author via a posteringIf scJeroLomy and choroidoJomv.
dures have been used successfully in the treatment of re ti­ NoLe [He rinц. o f pho*ocofl^u3aLion Hcnrs iind lhe sclerot­
ll.l! detach m a n :.-.ч r..ued wilh vicunus Lr.ktkm слш гd omy scar i.3J and l&ttuw, hi several weofcs after ils removal.
by inlravilreaE or more peripherally located subretinal Photomicrograph □! lhe cysticerfcus IFI shows inva^inaLed
g r a n u l o m a s . ^ ^ 1* scoltji wiLh booklets [u p p e r atr&wY and sucker iWnver arrow'..
Нет visual acuity was 2(1/20 1S monlhs after surgery.
G : 5ubretinai Cfystit& Cps w ith scales. extended anlerFurly
CYSTECERCOSIS___________________ LhrtUjtijn lhe foveaI Cerijjpr into lhe vilroous. Ш аек a rro w indi­
cates sucker: w h ite a rro w indicates rinji; of hooklets.
Cysticercosis es caused by human ingestion of the eggs of H and I: C y s lic e rc u s in lhe anterior chamber.
Taenia soiium (pork tapeworm). The egg£ disintegrate in |: iubretina! C y stice rcu s with invaginaLed scolex in
the gastrointestinal tract, the embryos invade Lhe intesti­ a 6-year-okl patient whose -eye was removed wilh lhe mis­
nal wall and are carried throughout the body, where they taken diagnosis of rolinobiasloma.

undergo metamorphosis Lo become CyjfiVtficjjj cellu lo- \ C f r i i n i H-.II *1.1 n i t " - - : 11. L O L T ltfS V 1?Г J. А г Ч С I, r iU U r lL 'b 'j L J r M y h O ¥ l У;|Г1СЛ ||.1

sn? (Figure 10.17, A). Most patients have several Larvae in

the body though only one may be seen in the eye. Often
larvae are seen in the brain and subcutaneous tissue.'101 is encoutitered most frequently during (he early decades of
Some o f the integumental and brain cysts can calcify and jife/IJ:' though о Lher studies have found Lhem predomi­
can be detected by plain X-ray o f the abdomen, forearms, nantly in the third and fourth decades.'11-' I here is a male
and skull. Seizures and headache may be the presenting predilection of 2 : 1 , suggesting thal workingmen are more
signs of С Kb cyslicercus. 'ihese larvae may enter the eye exposed lo unhygienic food and water.'"-1 Almost 3 0 % of
(more frequently the left) by way of either the central reti­ affected individuals are vegetarians; hence contaminated
nal artery or the ciliary arteries.: ' "Jl 'they may gain water and uncooked vegetables may carry the eggs in addi­
entrance lo the subretinal space (figure 10.27, В and C), tion Lo poorly cooked pork. Approximately one half of
the vitreous cavity (figure 10.27, G), or the anterior cham­ patients will show evidence o f antibodies to cvsticercus.
ber (figure 30.27r IE). Over a period of many months they The infest aLi on is common in Mexico. India, Pakistan, and
grow into a targe cystic structure. W hen they are located oth er develop ing cou n tries.:u1 •*14
beneath the retina, they may be mistakenly diagnosed as iiecause o f the predilection for in lamination after death
a serous detachment o f the RPh or retina, as a choroidal of the organism, surgical excision o f the living organism is
tumor [Figure 10.27, В. C. and -ки.-ки or a (he ideal treatment.4 ' L! ' When located in the far periph­
retinoblastoma.'11" ery o f the eye, the larvae may be removed transsclerally
Recognition o f the white head or scolex that is often (Mgure 10.27, B - E i) . Transscleral removal of larvae locaLed
invaginated and moving within the cystic body permits in the posterior pole is difficult. Photocoagulation of small
accurate clinical diagnosis (llgure S0.27, A-С). lhe scolex larvae (hat do not exceed two disc diameters in si^e has
reacts and moves lo light shone into the eye. Eichography been reported by Вагелте. 1 Ш 4 L-.ven when small, how­
may be helpful in localization and differential diagno­ ever, photocoagulalien treatment results in considerable
sis in some cases associated with retinal detachment and inflammation and scar tissue reaction. When in the vitre­
vitreous opaciftration.17J,,40e Multiple organisms т л у ous the organism may be removed by vitrectomy. ^ - 110,4]S
occasionally be found in one or both eyes,-^-""*3 Enuring Fven though it is best to remove Lhe organism intact,
its early growth the organism may incite minimal reac­ meticulous washouL following accidental rupture dur­
tion. Eventually, however, secondary inflammation, usu­ ing vitrectomy has resulted in preservation o f die eye and
ally caused by the death o f the oiganism, may destroy the visual recovery. All patienLs should be evaluated for addi­
eye, or leakage o f cyst fluid through the wall may cause tional extraocular cyslicerci.;:| Praziquantel is an anthel­
inflammatory debris, Lxlraocular locations often seen are mintic used in treating intracranial cyslicerci along with
ill the subconjuncliva, along the rectus muscles, eyelids, systemic steroids to quell the inflammatory response lo
and in the orbit. En endemic areas ocular involvement (he death o f the organisms.
C ysh'cc meters Й6 3
DIFFUSE UNILATERAL SUBACUTE 10.2 В Diffuse unilateral subacule netiro re (in ft is
A to C: Note the subreLinaJ motile nemaLode (arrows 1 and
Diffuse unilateral subacute neuroretinitis (D U S N ) is a lhe Subreitlijp! gnn—w hile infEammaLory lesions in lhe interior
cEinical syndrome characterized early by visual loss, vlt- portion flif Ihe macula cjf д 14-year-oJd Езоу w ilh acute visunl
loss in bis ri^hl е\ч!. Visual acuily was 21У200.
ritls, papillitis, retinal vasculitis, and recurrent crops of
D to G : This young girl experienced nap id loss o1 vision in
evanescent gray-white outer retinal lesions and later by the right eye and Was misdiagnosed as having acute poste­
progressive visual loss, optic atrophy, retinal vessel narrow­ rior multifocal placoid pigment epitheliopalhy. Nole Lhe
ing, and diffuse EiPli degeneration occurring in one eye of coiled subreLina! nemaLode (arrow; [J.. Angiogfaphy showed
otherwise healthy patients (figures 10.18- ihe suEi-retinal lesions to Ere nonfluorescenl early :Ll anti 1o
1>LJ5N is caused hy at Eeast two as yet unidentified species stain Eater (F). Note also evidence o f retinal perivascuEitis.
o f nematodes: a smalEer one believed lo be the third-stage The presence «Г die worm was unrecognized at lhe lime of
iniliiil и £ лт:п л[ю п . Twenly-eighl months later Ihe patient's
larva o f the dog hookworm and a larger worm, the larva
visual acuity was counting fingers only. Note Lhe o piic alro-
o f a raccoon roundworm, that may wander in the sub reti­ pEiv, narrowing 6 Г lire relinal vei-sels, and diffuse degenera­
nal space for 4 years or longer and cause progressive ocular tive (. I m i i ^os in the K l’ fc (C).
d a m a g e . ^ 21"1^ - ^ H nind I: Late slaves of U U S N in a 15-year-old black boy
Patients may be seen initially during the early or sub­ whose visual acuity was 20/400. Nole lEre optic atrophy,
acute stage of the disease because of persistent vitritis severe narrowing, and sheathing of lhe relinnl arteries (H),
and/or acute visuat loss in one eye: Vitreous celts are invari­ nп-lI Widespread mol Lied depigmenLaliotl o f Ihe КГН w ilh rel­
ative sparing or lbe Rip tu la angiographically fl}_
ably present but in some patients may be few in number
[ lo L: Perivasculitis in a 27-year-old man w ilh mild toss of
Jhere may be mild to moderate swelling o f the optic disc vision in Ihe rigjil eye. The left eye was normal. The candle
in the affected eye. There may or may not be any other vis­ wax-dripping exudalet buggesled sarcoidosis I .MedicalI
ible changes In the fundus at that time. Visual acuity may v a lu a tio n was negative. AngiogjapEiy revealed extensive
be mildly or severely affected. A Marcus Gunn pupil reac­ slain ing Four monlbs later the exudates bad cleared (U.
tion is usually present. A few patients may demonstrate a There was a vitreous tag \arm w\. pallor ol lEre optic disc, and
mi 3d clllaiy flush, anterior chamber cells, flare, and keralic multiple ГосаЕ as welE as diffuse changes in the peripheral
hlh’t. Л 7 0 0 1mi m olile subreLina I nemnlode was found a I Ihe
precipitates. An occasional patient may have a hypopyon.
equator and was killed wiLh argon laser. Six weeks later Lhe
Usua iiy within several days or weeks, careful observation visual acuity was 20/25- and Llrere was no evid en ce o f active
o f these patients will discEose focal, gray-while or yellow- neliniLis.
white lesions [with the smaller worm) and more gray-
11J - t i 1тнгп G.iss (;[ nil '1
brown [with the larger worm) with fuzzy borders that
involve the external layers o f the retina and RPE [E'lgures
10.28, A and D; 10-29, А, И, 15, V, G, and fr 10.30, A-C).
The lesions are typically con fined to a single zone, fre­ the central macular area. Jhe mullifocat areas of depEg-
quently in the macular or juxlamacuEar areas. 'E'hey typi­ menLation, which are most numerous in the mid periph­
cally fade from viexv, usually within several days, leaving eral fundus, may simulate those seen in the presumed
minimal or mild ophthalmoscopic evidence o f change ocular histoplasmosis syndrome.
in the underlying FtpEL Successive crops of these lesions Accompanying these progressive changes In the R PE Is
may occur from week to week in the same or adjacent a gradual narrowing o f the retinal arterioles and increas­
areas o f the fundus [E'igure 10.29) and in some cases these ing pallor of the optic disc [Figure 10.2ft, D-l). Pigment
tnay completely resolve only to recur again. Focal retinal migration into the overlying retina Is uncommon. In many
hemorrhages, perivenous exudation similar to that seen cases, particularly in young children, the disease is not
in sarcoidosis (E:igure 10.28, J), and occasionally local­ detected until the defective vision is found on a school
ized serous detachment of the retina may occur. En some vision examination. Choroidal neovascularization and
patients during the early course o f the disease the visual disciform lesions may occur in some patients. One young
acuity may be normal or minimally affected. O vcf a period twy in Florida was found to have large macular subnet Inal
o f weeks [larger worm) or months [smaller worm), diffuse fibrosis. Jn general, the degree o f optic disc pallor and ret­
as well as focal deplgmentation of the KPL occurs (l;igure inal vessel harrowing; parallels that o f central visual loss,
10.28. C -lJ. These changes are usuatly least prominent In but striking exceptions occur.
ThfiS disease is caused by a motile, white,- often glistening Diffuse unilateral subacule neuroretinitis.
nematode that is gently tapered л1 both ends and varies
A to C: This И-уеаг-old boy was hospitalized because of
in length from 400 to 2000| m, with its largest diameter ^Jtra№cted ocular histoplasmosis or Ь з й й з ^ т о Ш . 14c bad
being approximately one-twentieth o f its length (Figures noted rapid loss o f vision in Ehe ГеП eye. O ve r a 5-week
10.28, A-D; 10.25, Ei, C r h and G; 10.30, A-D, and C-L; period, crops of evanescent jjray-while subretinal lesions
10.31 7 II propels itself by a series o f slow coil­ appeared and disappeared (A) before a motile subretinal
ing and uncoiling movements and less often by slither­ nematode lapicnits, E3 -and <") was noted. The nematode dis­
appeared, and 2 years Eater the patient's visual acuity was
ing. snake-like movements in the subretinal space. It may
counting fingers only. H e had optic atrophy, some n-airowin^
be found during any stage of the disease and should be
o f the retinal vessels, and diffuse chnn^es in I ho КГЕ.
Looked for even in patients with advanced optic atrophy, D Eo I: This young man developed acute visuaf loss in lhe
narrowing of lhe retinal vessels, and degenerative changes right eye associated with a le w vitreous cells and multiple
tn the RPli .'^1 lhe second eye is rarely affected; only one outer retina I lesions confined to Lhe macula of Ih e ri^ht eye.
such incidence has been reported.lJ* I'here are at least two These lesions obstructed choroidal Fluorescence early and
endemic areas in the United Slates for this disease. In the stained late {EJ. The diagnosis w as acute posterior placoid
m liIfifpcaI pij;men1 opithe3iopalhy. O ve r lhe nest 1 1 days the
southeastern United Stales, the Caribbean islands- and
crops of white lesions moved inferobemporally. The subreti-
Latin America the nematode varies in length from approxi­
naf worm \tirmw, [J, and j'n.teE,. F anti С ) Ш found in retro­
mately 400 to 7 О 0 И Ш . 1 In the other endemic area., spective review o f photographs, and photocoagu Iat ion I . H :
the north midwestem United Slates, and in other parts resulted in a focal scar ([) and resolution o f lh e disorder.
o f the United States, it measures approximately 1500- I lo L: Tin is ] 6-year-old girl presented with a 3-month history
2000 |im in length (Figures 10.30, A-b; 10.31 j. Individual of visual loss in the ri^bt eye. Visual acuity was 20/40 and
cases have been reported from Germany. Venezuela, India, Ihere was a 2 -I- afferent pupillary defect. Vitreous inflamma-
tiun and multifocal outer retinal lesions w ere present in the
Bangladesh. In rope, and Chana. ::: A careful search
rifihl macula. A subretina i worm wi5s suspet led fjm jw.. | bul
with a fundus contact lens, a 70 or 90 diopter lensr is
did nal show mavemenL. O n e week after 2 g thiabendazole
required to locate Lhe smaller worm. 'I'he larger Worm is per day for 2 days, all o f the subretinal lesions had disap­
relatively easy to delect using indirect ophthalmoscopy peared except for Lhe area of intense retinitis and vitreous
and a fundus contact lens, lhe Worn) is most likely to be reaction ■'К l_. presumably caused by deiath o f the worm. Hive
found somewhere in lhe vicinity of active deep retinal inonLhs laler her acuiLy was 2 0 /2 5 , N o le Ihe st aj at lhe site
white lesions that probably are caused by a toxic inflam­ of lhe focnil retinitis tj.

matory reaction to material left in the wake of the wan­ IA - t h u m н:Г ,-.1. ' - ' . I- L I r u m <.1 e t , i l ' 4, L 9 9 .2 , A n w r iL ii n
M l i J i l .'i I A m c u i . lI j i i n . A ll S = e h rtt(.
dering nematode. I'hese lesions and the worm are more
frequently located in the extramacular areas. The magnifi­
cation and wide field of view provided by a fundus con­ Although there were some features that suggested the pos­
tact lens and the fundus camera are ideal for locating these sibility of AnqApstoma £йлшшп* its precise identification
worms. could not be made. 1'11 Cunha de Souza el al. extracted a
Fluorescein angiography in the early stages of the dis­ subretinal nematode through a retinolomy after pare
ease usually demonstrates leakage of dye from the capil­ plana vitrectomy (Figure 10..10 , E.).|JU Unfortunately,
laries on the oplic nerve head, lhe gray-white areas of because o f poor fixation, definite identification of the
active retinitis are non fluorescent early but stain during worm was not possible. Grossly it showed similar features
the later phases o f angiography {Figures I0.2S, 1: and t) lo lhe worm removed in Miami,44U and to a 380|im Long
10.2 У. K). Prominent perivenous leakage o f dye may occur subretinal worm successfully aspirated from the eye of a
in some patients in the earliest stage o f lhe disease (figure paliettL by Professor Kuhnt in 1Й86 (figure 10.50, K }.l,|L Dr
Ю.2.8, tv), attd there may be minimal or no angiographic Dwight P . Uowman recently reviewed the pictures of the
evidence o f damage to the RPE. As the disease progresses* worm removed by Cunha de Sou/a (figure 10.J50, L j and
greater evidence o f loss o f pigment from the PPb is m ani­ concluded lhal it is most likely Ancylcsiama Mnrnuffi.4-1J It
fested angiographicalEy as an irregular increase in the back­ is o f interest lhal three of the last 10 patients with a sub-
ground choroidal fluorescence (E'igure 10.28, 1J. retinal worm identified at the Sascom Palmer bye Institute
The electro ret inogram in the affected eye is usually had cutaneous larval migrans months or several years
reduced in all stages of the disease and often is moderately before the onset o f ocular symptoms. Am'yfnsJrmkJ cuni-
or severely reduced, with the b-wave being affected more a hookworm of dogs, is a common cause of cutane­
than the a-wave in the later stages o f the disease.1' 1 122,4 ous larval migrans in the south eastern United Slates. Ihe
Rarely the electrorelinogram may be extinguished. infective third-stage larva of A. a m i?:™ is approximately
The identification o f the worm is unknown. Serologic 650 1:m in length and is capable o f surviving in host tissue,
tests for ТЗщдагл amis are typically negative. ,J0 The stools including that o f humans, many months and probably
are free of ova and parasites, bosinophilia is infrequently years without changing si^e or shape. I'n lhe second-stage
detected. Ihese patients do not manifest evidence o f sys- larvae of fJiii'JfiiTJCtTJ fs piorymis (larger worm], a nematode
Lemic disease. A small nematode was excised by means found in the intestinal tract of raccoonsr has been sug­
o f eye-wall biopsy in one patient (Figure 10.30, tj-E). gested as a possible cause for f > t J 5 N . A l t h o u g h
this nematode, whotfe larval stage measures ЮОО- 1500pm Efi.3N Diffuse unilateral subacuLe nenrore(inftis
In length, is a common cause for meningoencephalitis in (DUSN).
other animals, it has been Ш £ 1у incriminated in similar A to F: These figures rElusLrate large subretinal nematodes
disease in humans excepL a few cases In children. Ии-1М associated with D U S N in patients, all o f whom w ere from
lhe infrequent histt^r>r o f exposure lo raccoons and the Lhe mid western United iLales. A shows Lhe nematode
absence of CNS involvement in over 100 patients with (am jw ) in a 6j-year-old wom an w h o experienced rapid loss
1>LJSN seeii at the Kascom Palmer tye Institute make of vision in her right eye. В and С illustrate m ovem ent of a
similar-sized suhretinal worm |алгодо} in a 13-year-old bay
B*i}-?riiTSLjirj'j highly unlikely as a cause for LUJS.N in lhe
wiLh rapid loss of vision in the righl eye. Nole lhe binned
southeastern United States, the Caribbean, and Lalin
opl ic d isc m ai gi it a nd coarse rnol 11i ng qf lhe RP£. I J [q F i 11ut-
America .-1^ In L>LJ5N the siae of Lhe nematodes, lhe geo­ argon laser photocoagulation of a large worm Iu p p e r
graphic distribution of reported eases, lhe clinical picture., arrow, [Jl in a 23-year-old man. Note IhaL Lhe S -shaped K P t
and the infrequency o f serologic evidence o f infection with imprinl o f the worm [itnver a rm w , □, and arro w , E) in the
T&ttfm a ccmis make it unlikely that T. amis is the cause of central macular area^ where :1 apparently had laiq fur some
D L IS N . Lime before moving superiorly, has disappeared in F.

The pathogenesis of DUSN appears to involve a local G tu J:;iIi SLtbretinal fterin'atode (arrow) thaL initially was
totaled in lhe macula of an 1! H-y ear-old Puerto> E)oy (G).
Loxic tissue effect oil the outer retina caused by worm
Several months ialur lhe patient's visual acuitv was с о anting
byproducts left in its wake, as well as a more diffuse Loxic fingers and lhe nematode had mi grain'd !o the fn'id periphejy
reaction affecting bolh the inner and outer retinal tis­ of the fundus. Reversed С-shaped applications of argon laser
sues.1' ' :v Shis latter reaction is manifest initially by photocoagulation ;H1 were used lo chase lhe worm anlerior
rapid loss of visual function and alteration o f the electro- Lo Lhe equator. An eye-wall resection was done. No1e the
retinogram, and later by evidence of loss o f (he ganglion worm lying in- Lhe Hubnotinal space (arroivs. I and |).
K: In jjn u ary I SS6 Professor H. Kli hnL in Jena aspirated a
cells {optic atrophy J and narrowing o f the retinal vessels.
noma Lode 1rom the poslorioj vitreous eye ot a 3 1-year-old
Optical coherence tomography has shown disruption o f
man this drawing. K). He interpreted lhe worm, which was
Lhe photoreceptor layer within xveeks of onset of visual О.З Я mm in length, as eilher a filarjal worm or adolescent
loss both aI Lhe site of the lesions and in the fovea (Figure form o f Utrongyiun. In 19flb D r P C . Beaver's interpretation
10.51, E, N. and O). Subsequently the inner retinal layers of KuhnCi drawing was probable Toxocara ca n is (personal
thin out (E'igure 10.31, N). "lhe variability o f the inflam­ comm Linical ion i.
matory signs and tissue damage seen in these patients L: This worm (600 ^jtm long and ЗОцгп w ide) was extracted
from lhe subretinal space via pans plana viLrettoniv in a
suggests greaL differences in hosL immune response lo the
paLienL with the typical findings of D U S N . O n gross exam i­
nation it was initially inlerpreled as a probable Lhird stage
There are differences in the color o f Lhe lesions, the of Тйхосагц cxntt E>ul more recently has heen interpreted
motility speed, and the rate of progression o f the disease а-s A fiC ylostom a салгл-игп. Unfortunately, lhe worm decom ­
between the smaller Amjiostouut ctwtmfrn hookworm posed Eiefore m icroscopic екап и л а!ion could be done. The
larva and the larger Bfiylisasatns ртисуапгз ascarid larva. paLienL had no seroJogic evidence cjf having Ioxocaria^]s.
Jhe lesions caused by AntyJosiumd are gray-white [Figures .iihl CJ Гт(1гп ;irul Hjniunituirr" . l'lti'i, Arnuri< , l i i Mrtlical
10.2S A. D, and J; Ш.2У, А. ]J, Q El, and K] and hence Д:л^x. .11:11п. ЛИ i :ц|-,1я resc^fctt L?-l- K ,it Kdymuncf l'I .lI.1- К frotn
Hu hul1' : L Гш т Cunh.i lit? Sui^Bl =L al 1 M: n\ "i i . li i.1 I
more visible than the lesions secondary to floylfoucara
whejfe the Lesions are gray-brown and more difficult to
discern (ligure 10.51, C, 1, and I) lhe larger Worm travels Only one eye believed to be affecled by EJ1JSN has been
much, faster than the smaller worm. In lhe author's expe­ studied hisLopalhologkally.'’ 1 ''' E'he eye was enucleated
rience. those patients who harbor the B^Jiioscaris worm 15 months after the onset of the disease, which was clini­
show a more rapid rale o f progression o f the disease (the cally suggestive o f lhe early acute and subacule phases of
vision dropped lo the 20,'У0 -20/100 level within a month E3LJSN. I his occurred at a lime before recognition o f the
and to count fingers by 2 months} while in lhe patients cause o f this syndrome, and it is probable that the sub-
wilh the smaller worm, the visual loss was slower and took relinal worm was lost during sectioning o f the eye during
approximately 4 or more months to drop lo the 20/'30- gross examination. IlistopathologEcally the eye showed
20/100 level. A possible explanation for this phenome­ evidence o f a nongranulomatous vitrilis. ret in ills, and
non is likely from the more rapid movement o f Lhe larger retinal and optic nerve perivasculitis with extensive degen­
worm resulting in widespread release of tonic products. eration of the peripheral retina, mild degeneration o f the
Childhood infection with £ау7£ ш т 1ф ргосдеиш can be posterior redna, mild optic atrophy, mild degenerative
associated wilh neural Iana migrans featured by severe changes in the RI>L. and a low-grade, patchy, nongranu­
neurologic degeneration. E-'our cases have been described lomatous choroiditis. No evidence of eosinophilia or a
wilh ocular and neural larva migrans. lhe neural degen­ worm was present. I'ailure lo find sufficient structural ret­
eration is progressive and widespread, with developmental inal and optic nerve damage to account for (he patient's
delay and cerebellar and cerebral degeneration resulting light perception-only vision aL Lhe time o f enucleation sug­
in being confined to a wheelchair, incontinent, and fed by gested that the loss o f visual function was partly explained
gastrostomy tubes,453 on a pathophysiologic rather lhan an anatomic basis.
rhotocoagulation, the treatment of choice- is effective D iffu s e u n ila te ra l s u b a c u le n e u ro re tin itis

in destroying the Worn) without causing significant intra­ ( D U 5 N ) ( В j ylis j s c л г j s р л о е у о ™ " 5).

ocular inflammation [E:igures 10.29, Hj 10.30, t; 10.31, J A jo О : A 5S-year-old physician noted a rapid unset of visual
Lind K). Locitinfi ihe worm, which is afWays found in the lass associated with psychedelic pEiotopsias and deep dis­
vicinity of the w hile outer retinal lesions when they are comfort around lhe left pyfi Ы 1 -2 days' dura I ion. Нет visual
present, m sf require prolonged and repeated e^ainina­ acuitv was 20/200. and she had small multifocal brown
tions. lhe destruction o f the Ancybstoimi worm is very lesions w ilh indistincl holders around iioLh arcades. A fluo­
rescein angiogram showed Ihese lesi-ons better and die ones
quick and complete with laser due lo its smaller size and
slraddlin^j Lhe inferior amadfe showed activity (Д anti B 1.
slower mobility. However, the lлгдег Ш ш с я ш worm is
A diagnosis of M b W D S was made and she wai- kept under
far more motile and will run when laser touches it, hence
observation. A lundus photograph done at that lime was
it is wise to Walt until it moves to an area some distance no*ed htily tor lh e indistincl lesions and Lhe coiled worm I ha I
from the fovea and use fairly intense While burns lo stun iL was. present was nol noliced (Cf. The lesions w ere hypoauto-
and then complete (he laser photocoagulation. Obtaining fluorescent in lhe ben tat sUhtcfUpided by a hyper autofEuoTei;-
photographs o f lhe laser site post treatment is important cenl border ([>:. Ап O C T through Lhe inferior foVfea showed
patchy loss and diffuse disruption o f lbi? pholoreceplors it -.
in ensuring the worm is completely dead; it often survives
Her visual less, pbotopsias and eye pain conLinued and an
and can move to a new area (figure 10.31, | and K). When
angiogjam 2 weeks later shows. new lesions nasal Jo the
migrating in the suhretinal space, the worn] is relatively disc nol present previously lFr a rro w s]. ih e was considered
isolated from the effect of orally administered thiabenda­ Lo have alypical multiple evanescenl white dot svndrome
zole or diethylcarbama/ine, except in those patients with LViEW D S] and was offered consolation by an experl on
moderate lo severe vitreous inflammation.J3< In these lat­ M E W D S . A w eek later Ihe patienl noled furl her worsen ing of
ter patients, thiabendazole has been successful in causing her vision and visual field. A repeal artfliogiam showed fresh
les’ons now straddling the ST arcade iC and Hi. Sfie w a i sus-
death of the worm (figure 10.23, J- L ) .'4 'Lhe presence
pedfed Iи have Lyme disease, and serology, lumbar puncLure,
o f a local area of intense retinitis and fading o f the other
and an infectious disease workup was performed. Lyme tiler
white lesions 7-10 days after oral administration o f thia­ and C SF studies returned nejjaLive. Four and half weeks from
bendazole is evidence o f success of the treatment, and her lirsl presentation and aEjoul 12 days after she saw him,
is followed by rapid and permanent resolution of the lhe expert realized 1his co-aid he l-ler previous fundus
disease. Another strategy for treatment that has proved photographs w ere reviewed fciy the expert and her Jirsl ret­
successful in one patient, after numerous unsuccess­ ina doctor, Ejoth of whom Louid find Lhe large worm,
(tayii5B5c&iis p n n y o n i s in the pictures It). The fialienl was
ful attempts Lo locate the worm in an eye wilh minimal
a-sked Lo relurn to Eier firs I relina special is I who lasered the
inflammation, was the application o f scatter laser appli­
worm (I). This worm moves rapidly compared lo the smaller
cations surrounding and within the zone o f outer retinal A iu vlosloina canfnum larva and is difficult to immobilize.
white lesions to disrupt the blood-retinal barrier before A photograph done immediately afler Lhe laser showed Ihe
administration of thiabendazole (E'igure 10.32, A and ft). worm was still alive and moving, I hough slowly I . Further
Diffuse unilateral sub acute neuro retinitis is a great laser was applied 5mmedialelv and lhe worm was killed iК :.
imitator. In the acute and sub acute stages, it may simu­ The paLient's vision and visual field improved over b weeks
and I hen remained stationary. Her eye pain and pholopsias
late diseases associated with unilateral papillitis, papill­
nesotved withouL recurrence. Aulofluorescence and O C T
edema, retrobulbar neuritis, and vitritis. W hen associated
findings of photoreceptor ouler and inner segments loss
with perivasculitis, it may simulate retinal sarcoidosis and relina I ih in n in g d id not change significantly Ifvt—O ). The
(E'igure 10.28, J-L). W hen associated wilh active outer paLient showed parLial improvement in her vision anti visual
retinal white lesions, it may mimic acute multifocal pos­ BeEd bv £>weeks, bul no further.
terior placoid pigment epitheliopathy ( l :igure I 0.2flr D), ( C d t f T l f e y : П г № i L t ; r l W l ' i- i Il' I . -
serpiginous choroid tlisr evanescent г^,h Lie dot ш Л й Ц Щ . Efi.32 Diffuse unilateral siibacule neuro retinitis
BeKtpEs disease., multifocal outer tolopJ^nioste, and the (DU5N).
pseudo-presumed ocular hisLoplasEnosis зупф ош е (ligure Л .md B: ^caller laser applied to the quadranL w ilh recEwit
Ю.29. A and B). In lhe Liter stages it may be misdiag­ lesions from DU.SN whem Lhe worm could nul he found
nosed as unilateral optic atrophy caused by retrobulbar on rm&at-ed examination. She? was given oral albendazole
or intracranial. lesions, the presumed ocular hislopEasmo- for 3 days. Л photograph 3 d^iys later showed three active
sla syndrome, unilateral retinitis pigmentosa, posllrau- lesions (arrows^ suggesting silts where the staggering w orm
ivKKvtjd to. hefafe dying.
malic chorioretinopathy, and chorioretinaE atrophy after
ophthalmic artery occlusion (figure Ю.2Д, I] and J) Jt is Chorioretinal degenerative changes seen in patients
important to consider the diagnosis in patients with the with onchocerciasis.
early findings o f the disease because photocoagulaLion o f С lo C: Chorioretinal degeneralion presumed Iо he causcd
the worm will prevent further loss of visual function and by onchocerciasis in an African. Note in lh e com posite ( O
occasionally wilE be followed by visual improvement. and macular area 1D| of Ihe left fundus, lh e narrowing o f the
relinal vessels, palloj of lhe oplic disc, and lh e large geo­
Il is imperative to suspect the diagnosis in those eyes
graphic areas or" aLrophy and hvperpLinia of lhe RpE. Sim ilar
that do not seem Lo fit the profile o f multiple evanes­ crin g e s w ere presen I in Lhe rrghl eye цbj . Angiography
cent white dot syndrome f.VlhWDS), which is most often reveals some loss of Ihe chonocaptllaris in lh e areas of geo­
the misdiagnosis, since bulb diseases are unilateral and graphic iilrophy :F and Cj ).
'photopsia' is a common symptom in both. ]Ъе fluores­ H t-o J: Sim ilar buL less severe changes with relative spar­
cein angiogram shows mild hyperftuorescence early and ing of lhe teifitral m acular area in another palienl w ill:
gels more intense in the late phase. One has lo think o f onchocerciasis.

L>U!iN in any palient diagnosed as M L W p S Wttti does not IA b . rL - p rin lc iJ w ilh p u i m i n i o n frtn tr L in p l.h A. t , u | j ( . L V I 'l i/ r h u r
C f t K h ji - r j 3 l.i h M I t r b J . U V je ft f c ftJd in t i Г л п о д гщ . U d J h i: la y p t t j : 2 Q 0 B .
improve wilhin 3 weeks, and if fluorescein changes persisL L u i.irltJt;.- If-J, D r 3 lu n h ft. liytfir
or new lesions appear after 3 weeks (figure 10.31, A. fr­
aud Ei ]. Questions about outdoor activity, cutaneous larva
migrans, travel to South and Central America.. Florida, etc. Symptomatically and ophLbalmoscopically this syn-
should be explored. Unless one has a high index of suspi­ drojne closely simulates some o f lhe tapetorefinal dystro­
cion, the diagnosis is missed until irreversible visual loss phies and begins 1-3 years after infection, ihe patient's
has occurred. primary comp] ain Ls are loss o f peripheral vision and night
blindness The primary fundoscopic findings consist of
FILARIASIS AND GUINEA W O RM Varying degrees of alrophy o f the H£Er choroid, and retina,
w ilh the most prominent involvement being initially in
These belong lo the same order and resemble each other the posterior fundus, particularly in the jujclapapil lary area
closeEy. Dirofilaria inhabits animals while humans are the and often in rather discretely outlined го лез temporal lo
natural hosts for Q fchcceffi, Loa torr, WuchererUi bancrofti, the macular area [figure ]0.32). 'Lhe chorioretinal changes
and Rhigia njaia)i. are secondary to the inflammation produced by the thou­
sands o f microfilariae in the choroid, and il is only rarely
ONCHOCERCIASIS that a worm is seen in the retina or vitreous. Jt is uncer­
tain whether autoimmune mechanisms play a role in the
Also known as river blindness, onchocerciasis is caused pathogenesis of onchocerca! сЬ о ^ н е НШН*.^1'15^ 13^
by a nematode filarial worm called Onchocemt L'o^tWuy. I'hese changes are usually associated with progressive pal­
It causes blindness and debilitating skin lesions infecting lor ol"the optic disc and occasional optic disc swelling and
more than 1 Й million people. 9 9 % of whom live in Africa, focal areas o f slight swelling o f the choroid, longitudinal
especially in Central and Eias-t A f i i f i *55_4|£г Wore than studies of lesions of the posterior segment in patients with
300 СЮ0 are blind and double lhal number are visually untreated onchocerciasis have demonstrated progressive
impaired, i'he remaining patients are in l.alin America: changes Lhal include live microfilariae, intiaretinal hemor­
Mexico, Guatemala. Brazil. Columbia, Venezuela, and rhages, cotton-woo I patches, intraretinal pigment, while
lieu ado r. lhe parasite is transmitted by small blackflies o f and shiny intraretinal deposits, R R i window defects, and
the genus 5глш/ш?н, which breed in fast-flowing streams progressive depigmentation at the edge of chorioreti­
and rivers, lhe microfilaria is deposited by lhe fly during nal scarring at rales Lip lo 200|im/year.!CV' Ivermectin and
a bloody meal and it grows into an aduEt worm in aboul mebendazole therapy did not appear to alter the progres­
a year. They live in Lhe subcutaneous tissues over bony sion o f depigmentalion of the scars.
prominences, lhe adult female has a lifespan of 12-15 'I'hese observations suggest that onchocercal chorio­
years and produces millions o f microfilariae when Fertil­ retinitis is associated wilh early changes in the retina and
ized by an adult male. 'Ihe microfilariae swarm inlo the and that the retinal disease may progress rapidly.
dermal layers throughout the body, have a lifespan of Angiographically, both the optic disc and the area o f choroi­
about 2 years themseEvesr and are taken by blackflies dur­ dal swelling show evidence o f fluorescein staining. Varying
ing a bloody meal. degrees of RI4! hyperplasia and subretinal fibrosis occur.
DisdJorzti detachment of the macula is not рлrt of the pic­ 1(1.33 Filariasts.
ture. E:eripheral visual field loss is often nut p f proportion
A Id F: A IS-year-oEd man living in India com plained of а
to the atrophy of the choroid and retinar and much of the consign! flij.iltir w ilh smiku-liki* movements far 3 months.
visual loss is believed to be caused by optic nerve damage. There SVfls no дыsociлIejcJ vi-sual deficit. photnpsja, redness,
Microfilariae Ш 0- 200ц т in length have been observed w atering prior OLuliar surgery, trauma, ur previous such epi­
hiomicroscopically within .ir beneath the retina in paLients sodes. И в hud increased Hippelile and jSjtomach ache. Hu held
wilh nonnal fundi and visual function.'1 The fad that eaten raw m eat a few days prior, and there was no history
of recent (ravel or contact w ilh pels. The vision in both eyes
organisms, occur in the choroid o f these patients who have
was 6/6 with no inflLimmatoTV te a d i№ . Л () SIHJ long (5 mm
filariae throughout the both- does not necessarily prove that
cylindrical worm w ilh an unsegmonLcd smooth fiody was
they are the cause of the fundus changes, lhe observations неи^п in Lhe V iln iu s cavity (A and E3 . iTie worm showed *low
o f aarte transient multifocal :ireas of staining at the level intAieniE*i!Iн. There Were chofla№jinj(J atm phic patches in lhe
of the ftFK and progressive changes in the optic nerve in Гейna Angiogram showed Iransmission defects ib and
Lhese patients following treatment with diethvlcarbamazine F: . SystEmic invesli^aliont, including s-1ooi raam ination, far
citrate, however, lend some support to the concept lhaL ihfou <i0t1SBCLrtfyS days were un геппл rkd hie. The Nvl1 worm
wan renttfiic-d via pars pinna iI reel nmy and w a j identified
Qtidiocerra w/mhu is responsible for the fundus changes
□ dirofilarm.
occurring chronically in these patienLs.' 1<,J ihere is some
G: StlbtaпjimtitfУй,t microfilaria in ;i paLionl imm Soulh India
evidence lo suggest thnit these fundus changes may be more endemic (ftr IVucApre/fa bancrofti.
prominent in patients who have received treatment over a
prolonged period of lime, compared to those who have not. Probable blowfly larva ( C a llip h o r f d a e k
H lo M : A JJ-vear-ald wom ai irom W e b e rn Pennsylvania
Ihus*. il appear Lhal onchocerciasEs, either alone or in con­
presented w ilh blurred vision in lit riцИI eye. Лп ova] yeE-
cert with some other organisms or genetic factors, is respon­
low legion Was s w n rnferoLemporal lo the optic disc (H). A
sible for a night-blinding disease and. In al least some fluorescein angiogi^m was Interpreted as a cboroidril neo-
endemic areas, is responsible for severe disabling posterior vascular membrane (I and J) and she received an intravfl-
ocular disease, 'lhe pathogenesis of this disease tnay prove neal injeclicn o f bevacizum ab. Three weeks laler her vision
to share some features with lhal of the pseudo-retinitis pig­ improved lo 2 0 /2 5 . The lesion now lo oted like a linear track
mentosa sine pigment! that occurs in patients with diffuse w ilh a worm lhal a centra! black line al ili .lnLoriur end
iК and I i. G v i t the пек! 4 weeks lhe worm moved further
unilateral subanite neuroretinitis (see pp. S^4-ii72).
IM l She was otherwise healthy. She drank unpasleutazpd
Unlike dEethylcarbamazEnc, which quickly eliminates
goat's milk and lived with jjoats, cat,, dog, guinea fowl, IrsJn,
microfilaria from the eye and is associated wilh reactive and tur:lr„ and in liie broxim ity of w ild deer and turkeys. This
and occasionally functional ocular changes, ivcrmeelin worm may be л first stage larva of C alliphoridaer a blowfly.
eliminates microfilariae slowly from the anterior chamber N : Internet public domain image o f CalEiphoridae larvae
o f the eye over a period o f 6 months and causes minimal uliijwing л black lino jn Iheir m iddle himilni Ю the n orm in
ocular inflammatory react ion or functional deficit. Iliis lhe patient's eve.
slow action o f ivermectin may he attributed in part lo its |f_oUrt«y: A-^ Dr Su 'i ! i М.и-.тц, tj. LJr ^.K.; H-M Dr Hrjy
Fultci; N. W AliC Jtm .u r i d h ( M w ill. A, « h u , Vjniriuidj. L S w t n t t I . 11it:
inability to cross the blood-aqueous barrier"^' and/or the Alliih, Siunrlr:it.20I IK ^7Н-П-7Сиа-Н320-^. p. 175..
mode of action of Ivermectin, which may inactivate (para­
lyze) rather than kill Lhe mierofilaria.'l" :’ 'k,!' A single dose
of ivermectin, lSfrjjg/kg, repealed once a year leads Lo a posterior segment eye disease. IreaLmenl leads lo a marked
marked reduction in skin microfilaria counts and ocular and prolonged improvement in ocular status. Safety and
involvement II has no long-term effect on adult worms. effectiveness permit its use on a massive scale and it prom­
Jhere is no significant exacerbation of either anterior or ises to revolutionize treatment o f this disease. "
The bacterium Wofbachia has been known to infest 1 0 .3 4 G n a th o s to m ia s ls .
the parasite in a symbiotic relationship, decent findings
A to С : faintly visible- macular slat iA) and i ntrav i I гад I
o f depleting the bacterium ИОДгасйм by use o f dosycy- Cnatbjffithferfe iE and C ) in з young VifitnajTiese jjirl com ­
cline lias made the adult worm sterile and affected worm plaining of blurred vision in lhe ri^hl eye. Her visual acu ­
development. ity was -20/60. A /ro w s indicale lh e moulh of this ncmalodc^
whose body is filled with red blood. Note lhe stomal end of
lhe worm is attached Lo a vilnio-us strand. The worm was ini­
LOAIASiS__________________________ tially mistaken fur a partly occluded retinal vascular anom ­
aly. Thu worm was successful ly removed via lhe pars plana.
Ion is a human filaria endemic in central and western
D and In tray il ген I j&nd [/?qsTc¥7J^ wtfh ampws indicating the
Africa. The adult worm resides in the subcutaneous tis­ sloma.
sue rather than in the lymphatics. Et sheds microfilariae
into the bloodstream and is transmitted by the bite of a Subretmal P o r r o c a c e u m o r H e x a m e tra .
blood-sucking fly CliT}'sops. I he microfilariae mature in the F Ld I: This large subrefinal nematode was surgically
removed via (he pars plana in Eh is 27-year-old man w ho pre­
fly and move into its brain and proboscis, and are depos­
sented with a i -week hislory Ы blurred vision and ftaaLers
ited in a human by the bite of the fly. ihey are commonly
and a 3-day hislorv of only Iif^hc perception in his lefl eye. A
(bund under the skin causing 'Calabar swelling., that is., 9000|ifli l[jnH nematode : a rrow s, Cl' was found in lhe suL>
painful noduEes. The adult worm may be seen under the iielinal Space at Lhe Lime of surgery. After a retiiKHumy the
conjunctiva and over the sclera, it is not known to migrate nematode was ^гн^рсчЗ with forceps i}h and was extracted
inlraorularly. 'those patients thaL are coinfected with from lhe eye. Ten months later Lhe vitreous was clear Щ and
Олс/ifLifiTdi and Im react with significant inflammation his visual acuily was 2(MS0.

when treated with ivermectin, resulting in severe neuro­ La rg e su b re tin a I n e m a t o d e о I u n c e rta in ty p e .

logic symptoms including coma. encephalitis, retinal hem­ I to L: A long^ coiled, motile subrelinal nematode, estimated
orrhages, and membranous glomerulonephritis, 'Ihis is to be approximately 25 mm long (arrows f was found
believed to be from the rapid death o f a large number o f in the eye of this Latin Am erican air force pilot w h o noted
microfilariae.11 Systemic steroids and supportive care recenl loss of vision in his left eve. Note Lhe unusual pattern
ot fluorescein staining c l Lhe subreLinal exudate enveloping
are required in this situation.1■2
Lhe nemalode. Several Wsejcs laLer, examination in Miami
revealud a pigment figure in the left macula, and а: полпю-
DIROFILARIASIS tile, partly decomposed worm in the subnetina! space Iarrow s,
К and L- al Lhe Lcmipornl edge -of the IcM1 macula. K'ole Lhe
Jhere are over 40 species of D im file r ia in wild, (foxes) and swollen end seamen! of lhe worm 'i.vma/i' j m r n i) and Lhe
domestic animals such as dogs and cats worldwide. All small diameter,, lighlly coiled loopt Ы lhe worm [far#? arrow,
four species found in the subcutaneous tissues of humans Ll. T belyp e of nematode could not be identified.

are accidental zoonotic infect ions: i?. лр?глзггг5 (dog heart .Y-t .. ouurtVKyOr £Lt.ptмл Й. J-r.m --i-n. J>;mri t FrOmflathrlckE!L >1. ;
woritj), D. refwns, D. [raccoons], and D. trraj (bears).
£-1Irum■ !i11■
>:111.1гI t4;il.-|IJ;
Cases have been reported mostly in Lhe Mediterranean
appears Lo be moderate compared to EJU5N worms, which
region, Southern Lurope, the Russian Federation, Sri
are m 1 toxic to the retina, and the ophthalmomyiasis from
l.anka, india. and the Middle hast, '['hough subconjunc­
bolfly liarvae where patients are often asymptomatic even
tival and orbital locations are the common s i t e s . U L , D.
though the maggot has traversed the length and breadth of
irpienj and D. fmrnirij have been removed from the vitreous
the suhrellnal space (Tigures |D.35r G and H; Ip,36, A-[);
o f the human eys ^78-^ 1
lhe adult D. itiunftis varies in letiglh from a few eenliLTieters
In its natural host (he adult female lives in the subcuta­
lo ЛЗсеп. Surgical remDV»] of the subconjunctival or intra-
neous tissues or the heart, and sheds microfilariae into the
vitreHil womn is the treatment o f choice. It is possible thal
bloodstream. The infective third-stage larva (microfilaria)
the large intraocular nemalode illustrated in ]:igure 30.34
es transmitted into human subcutaneous tissue by the bile
(|-].) may have beeci a dirofilarial worm.
o f an adult Cvlex or mosquito. Subcutaneous, sub­
conjunctival, and orbital granulomatous reaction is the
most common human manifestation.1'"-1' 587 BRUGIA MALAYf AND
Sometimes, the larva grows into a small adult and has been WUCHERERIA BANCROFT!
recovered from the vitreous (E'igure Ю.ЗЗ, A and B), sub­
conjunctival space (Figure Ш.ЗЗ, d ] and anterior chantber Ihese are human filarial worms endemic in Asia, J.atiLi
o f the e y e . [ he Worm can be in the subreltnal space America, and Africa, lhe adutl worm lives in the lym­
and the vitreous cavity. Chorioretinal scars are seen diffusely phatics of humans and can block lymph flow causing
all over the fundus; these do not typically look like (racks elephaLtliasis. The adult periodically sheds microfilariae
that are seen with the maggots of the botfly (Rgure 10.13, into the bloodstream. Very rarely the microfilariae can
Et is possible that lhe dirofilarial larva moves around gain entrance inlraocularly, likely via the choroidal cir­
haphazardly in the vitreous cavity and sub retinal space culation, and has been found in the vitreous cavity and
causing the diffuse chorioretinal changes. The visuaE loss anterior chamber.-uu ' or the subcutaneous tissue of
the eye and orbit. '1'1 ,Uj: A case щ placoid pigment epi- Efi.3:i Any i astro ngyliasis.
Lbeliopathy and retinal vasculitis causing neovasculariza­
A ' A 2 7-vear-oId тплп in 1НлiIлr>c1 developed proffftj^filve:
tion of Lhe retina was seen by the author in л patient with visual loss in Elis left eye fur 3 weeks following eosinophilic
W. btincrafti microfilariae in hi ft peripheral blood, lhe cho­ meningitis 2 months prior. He had a history of eating raw
rioretinopathy did not respond lo System it steroids nil one, Ftla s p . snails. Vision in this eye w h s l/200r with an affer­
but did respond lo oral diethylcarbamazine citrate and ent pupillary defect, cel In and flare in lbu -anterior chamber,
the subsequent retinal flftova soil лrizltj о n to pan retinal subretinal I racks., paf-e disc, and generalized retinal pigment
epithelial Alteration. An immature male tfrustrCrtfgyJш слп-
tonensis was removed from lhe vitreous cavity by pars plana
Vitrectomy. His vision improved lo 2ii'20(J.
GNATHOSTOMIASIS______________ !c: A 3£>-vear-old Thai man losl vision in his ri^h: eye over
a w e e t Lo the 2/200 level. A subreLinai live parasite was
C^ijf/fojtorfrcr sprp]i^tjrjjrrr is the most ccunmon species tra te d with diode Japer. H is vision improved lo 20/200.
known to cause human gnathoslomiasis. Others causing
Ophthalmomyiasis interna.
human infestation areC. Frijp?V/up??r C. nfppcnicitnj^i G. defo­
С to E: This asymptomatic 1б-уелГ-aJd jjir] had a visual acu ­
rest. and recently C. bin uctfai turn and C. mtfJjysfrte.^'^^'The ity o f 20/10 bilaterally. H e r left eye was normal. Note the
worm is primarily found in Asia attd (Antral and South crisscrossing tracks ihroLif’houl Ihe rij^hl eye. These Lracks
America. The definitive hosts are cats and dogs. Et has were demonstrated best w ilh fluorescein angiography ■;[) and
been reported in mammals in North America. iLs life cycle t . The m at^ol had Suited lhe eye.
involves three larval stages that develop in fresh water, in F: 5ubmaci.ikir hemorrhage caused 1л' a maggot that h a s
the first stage, as a free-living form, it is ingested by cope- migrated into lhe vitreous cavity.
tc: Maggot iyiri|i on the anleriur surface of lhe retina. Note
pods and matures lo the second larva! stage. The cope-
Lhe surrounding bubreLinal Lracks and the round retinal hem­
pods are ingested by fish, snakes, and olher animals that orrhages (arrows)^
drink contaminated water. The worm completes its third H to |: Sul ire! inn I lracks in a black Vtbrtjan with a hislory of
Earval stage in them. At this stage humans may become lost of cenlral vision for many months in lhe rigtiL eve. Visual
facultative hosls by eating the raw infected intermediate acuitv Jn lhe right eye was 20/200 and m the left eye was
host. Second-slage larvae can nilso be ingested from eating 20^20. N o le Lhe crusshalched subreLina] lracks and optic
or Etandling raw fish. Outbreaks o f visceral and cutane­ alrtjfphy ^n the riцhI eye :H and 3i; left fundus was normal ij;.
Nr) maggol was idenlified in Lhe ri uihI eye.
ous migrans have been reported due lo consumption of
K: ican n in j" electrcm micrograph b f firs I inslar larva of lhe
raw fish in certain areas.i№i‘!0t Et is at the third stage lhal rodent botfly, C u te re b rs.
the larvae may migrate for many уеагъ in humans, caus­ L: Cuilerbbrj letftsctni bdtfly£
ing inflammation in multiple organ systems, including the
iA iirnE b. cuurLtif JJr i. I-. «.uurlc/w Dr Г.1-. Si nl.LL^ul |r:
skin, lungs. CNS. and eye (Figure 10.34r A—Ji).-u Li, сии Мшу L jr V V .j. L irtia A rd ; H - l . u u L lttd y D r;>l'. к d I .in и Irun I t:
N'ineteen cases o f intraocular gnalhostomiasis have I from (.'usli5 Ll a! '1; L Ггмгп hl.iirJ.1 I
been reported and the worm has involved the posterior
ocular segment in six instances ■'['he com­
monest symptom is the sudden onset of a moving verti­ OTHER NEMATODE INFECTIONS
cal or curved floaler in lhe eye following an episode of
significant eye ache, ih e ache in the eye subsides wilh the OF THE EYE________________________
onset o f the floater. Visual acuity is usually normal or only Coodart and associates have reported the success­
mildly affected, suggesting that, the Worm does not liber­ ful removal o f a ?m m nematode, eilher JfcrvuctfL^Eijn or
ate any toxins earEy on. The parasite likely enlers the eye Hexametra, from the suhrelinal space o f j young man with
through the retinal artery at (he optic nerve head or else­ uveitis and total retinal delachmenl (Rgure 10.34, H-l).
where. lhe head is Lhe broader end wilh a mouth pari lhe adult slages of these large ascarid larvae are found in
consisting of two broad lips with two papillae on each. lhe stomach and intestine of carnivorous reptiles, birds, or
']"here are four rows o f 4Q-4B hooklels soon after the Eips. minim a Is. The larvae ordinarily develop within the tissues
lhe rest o f the body has transverse rows of cuticles with of smalt mammals before becoming infective for the final
minute spines, ihe worm attaches its mouth to the retina host. This patient probably ingesled the eggs from soil or
and feeds off the blood vessels; one can see a blood col­ water contaminated wilh the feces of an owl, hawk, snake,
umn through its translucent body. 'Ilie larva is a list- most or other carnivorous final host.
o f the tiine and has been successfully removed by vitrec­
to my (Hgure !0..14, A -li),-11'0-^ ,1f' with recovery of vision
in most instances. A t vitrectomy, efforts lo suck the para­
site into a soft tip cannula may be mel with resistance by Ajr^fnsJrmi^jjj ttspitafteujti is very rarely seen in the eye,
its Lenacious attachment Lo the retina. Bleeding from lhe and can be found in the anterior chamber, vitreous cav­
sile(s) o f its attachment is aE&o common. A report o f sev­ ity or subretinally. 1 l he palients tnay be asymp­
eral relinal holes resulting in a retinal detachment by tomatic, mildly symptom aticr or present with significant
liathrick el aE. alludes lo this fe a L u r e .O n c e the worm is decline in vision, painr and redness. These patients can
removed, no specific anthelmintic is necessary. have uveitis, subretinal tracks, necrolizing retinitis, disc
swelling. papillitis, macular and retinal edema, retinal pig­ Ш .3 6 QphthaIftjamyiasis interna.
ment alteration. and retinal detachment.'0'11533 ЧЪе severe
A Lo G : This 40-year-old asymptomatic: man was seen for a
pigmentary alteration is probably from inflammation of Mniltfrje* eye examination far passes. The left funduE has several
the choroid and retina due to subretinal migralion o f [tie crisscross Uacks nxnile by a liolfly larva (hat in vi«-it)le alon^
worm prior to access into Lhe vitreous cavity. Jhe interme­ the i nferotemporal vessels <A-EJ. NcHe the movement o f [he
diate host is J4Js sp. snail and other aquatic animals, and Earva with change in ib head position. By the Lime [he parent
infection is acquired by eating raw snails, shrimp, and returned after photographs, Lhe larva had moved Ю the s-LJ.pwo-
Lernpural quadrant where il was phalofcoaglll aled usinjj а Ш 1
monitor lizards. ЧЪе incubation period is between 2 weeks
цхееп laser (FJ. Л composite picture showing extensive excur­
and 2 months. 520-5“ -s-4
sions o f lhe Jarva throughout the fundus v. i Ih tjuC causing many
bosinophilic meningitis and encephalitis are olher dis­ symptoms I d . There ате two dtH hemorrhages on the disc,
orders caused by this nematode; Lhe latter is fatal. Et is H : Time-lapse composite photographs showing movemrml
prevalent in tropical countries, mainly L'hail and, Vietnam.. ut a maggot urfow:- in Lhe subrelinal space. This- worm was
Japan, Taiwan, and E’lapua New Cuinea, although ocu­ destroyed w ilh photocoiglilatidt) without causing si^niПсапI
lar infestation has been seen occasionally in India and inliaocLrlar inflammation.
Sri j|ajita^Jl-'!2i‘ г J leadache. associated C5E: eosino­ I: A com posite photograph o f ar asymptomalic palienl w h o
was seen few passes. H is visuat acuity was 20/20. NoLe Lhe
phil за, and serologic evidence of antibodies, along wilh a
extensive palLtwn of SUbretlttaJ !racks and (he clum ps of pi{“-
history o f ingesting raw snails* help in making (he diagno­ inentaLiun Lemporal Lu lhe m acula and surrounding 11к 1 opLit
sis. Most reports are from Thailand. Persistent headache disc (arruLvs). N o mafyjoL was visible in Lhe eye. The patienL
for more than 7 days and elderly age differentiate menin­ was -seen again several years lator, and lh e visual function
gitis from encephalitis. 'I’he A. amlonensis larvae are in the and ["unnli were unchanged.
meninges and subarachnotd space and cause inflamma­ Subretinal tracks cn Lytico-Bodig,
tory damage. Treatment involves albendazole and systemic j and K: iutirelinal tfacks 4 and K' jprteumed to have been
#jelDldS4ljJU,5a5j5:i,7,:S26 ЧЪе worms in the eye have all been caused by a fly maggot ir two Chom oro Indians from Guam .
removed surgically given the si/e of the worm. NoLe Lhe fdead-end' Lrack U^row, [J.
L: Hislopnlholo^v of a traclc observed clinically ir a Chom oro
Indian s Ih jw s fiypopi^m enUlion of the piemen I epjdit'lium
OPHTHALMOMYIASIS_____________ (E)eLween lhe knows), a few siihrutina] piemen I-laden macro­
phages. and scime thickemnj; of Bruch's membrane.
Caltiphoridae iCiiurtL'sy: A - U , U r ^ A M r u i.; H . U r L 'o n s - u : N . 1 - i C i>I I from
L i.t r i .i '( I L l'y v ii ' ■ : 1 4 7 b , А п и . л г к ; т \ 4 d i c . i l Л ! о г к : 1 .|Г ю п . A l l i i ( J ;il s
In lhe su miner o f 2009, three rases of a new larva I hat
r n e n r t d . I . 4 , : I K.. U r S .D [ ( l a m a s H .m l o n .i
measured approximately 2000 microns in length wilh a
characteristic central black line through ils middle {L-'igure
10.33, H, K-M ) were seen in Western Pennsylvania (two completion, of their larval development, Ihese include
in Pittsburgh and one in Williamsburg}. All patients were the caltler stieep. hon>e, deer reindeer rodent, squir­
asymptomatic or had mild symptoms. 4'he larva leaves a rel. chipmunk, rabbit, and human botflies.111 Hies iden­
track that is partly pigmented [Figure 10.33, K-M) and tified as causes o f ophthalmomyiasis interna include
seems lo move slower than the botfly larva that leaves sev­ Hypcdenna Enocfj, Hypodsrma tanindi, Cuterdmi sp...
eral crisscross tracks [see Hgures 10.35, Л -C, G, and! l-l; Gastemphih& fn[6iJf?!iEJfj. H. шклЬАц Oedcmigena tamndit
10.36. A—] J . I here was mild inflammation al the site of 0 ?sm;s о ф GodiJfomym flfifPjfrtj'i.wjcr.T, W/ijVrnffsJnjj f?ti rf*rr-
entry into the subretinal space With a decrease in vision Frtfi, aiid Cr&ioehlirt cri&B&al^ 9,-5iJ ЧЪе rodent botfly mag­
to the 20/50 level [E'igure 10.33, ! and []. Vision recovered got Culerrbm (E4gune I0.35r | and tv] and liypcidenmi are
following one injection o f intravitreal bevaciitumab and probably responsible for most cases o f ophthalmomyiasis
inlema in the United ^ te s .^ - ^ is js .r je J hf eggs or Jan.fae
has remained a( 20/20. ЧЪе two other patients also had
a similar larva and were mostly asymptomatic since the may be transported lo the h и mail comeai or conjunctival
Lrack was away from the fovea in both cases. surface by Lbe adult fly, by a secondary vector such as a
In order to establish the identity of the worm, exclusive lick or mosquiLof or by the palienfs hands. Most patients
search of the literature (both human and ve Leri nary J and give no history of being struck in the eye by a fly. l be mag­
the Internet resulted in the larva being identified as possi­ gots may either remain in the periocular tissues (oph­
bly Calltphoridae,. a blowfly larva (figure 10.33, N) thalmomyiasis externa J / or bore their way through
the ocular coats and come to lie in the anterior chamber.
posterior chamber or suhrelinal space (I'igures 10.33 acid
Ophthalmomyiasis Interna 10 ^й) 53Г5Й,5&^!-555
lhe Lerm 'myiasis' describes the invasion of the living ver- ЧЪе reaction of the eye to the larval invasion var­
Lebrale organism by the larval form (maggot) of certain ies. Signs o f inflammation usually develop only after the
flies in lhe order EJiplera. The larvae responsible for intraoc­ death o f Lhe maggot. In some cases the maggot gains
ular invasion (ophthalmomyiasis 1лДегпд) belong mostly entrance into the subretinal space and over a period of
to those genera that are obligatory tissue parasites, that months makes many excursions back and forlh across
is, those that exclusively require living host tissue for the the breadth of the fundus, creating an unusual pattern of
crossbetching or ''railroad'' tracks in the R PL (Figures Ю.35 'Ifi.3 7 Ly tic o -B o d ig .
and tO.36]. 53'55D!i52-> During its entrance through the
A to C: This 43-year-old C uam ian gentleman With С bo mo re
sclera and choroid and its course beneath the retina it ancestry friigrated to I he United Stales at ajje 2 S. Or* an
may cause one or more small s.uhretinal hemorrhages (see examination Гог possible welder's flash burn he Was Found
PlgUre 7.] 6, E>-K). In some cases it exits from the eye w ith­ to h a ™ (racks in his left eye. His vision was 2 0 /2 0 O U . The
ou t causing any symptoms, despite widespread damage lo riglil fundus was normal. Tfie I efl eye showed subrelinal
the ftPE in the macular area (Figures 1 ^ 5 , Л-С; 10.36, A Lracks, somu of which wen? dead-end lracks, IhroughouL lhe
posterior po]e. N o l$N a w as visible. He had grdrVuTi up near
and b JJns" ,s - in one case a CuterebtH siaggat was found
a h eath in £]uam and had ген red cows. goals, and thickens.
til the conjunctiva of a hoy who presented wilh a subcon­
He did not reta il an episode of visual loss, or being bitter
junctival and a subrelinaE hemorrhage and tracks.n^ En by an insecL. He h,id no evidence of neLinilogica] disease or
some cases the maggot may die in the nubretinal space and dementia.
cause a localised toxic reaction and a scar. In other cases
Ophthalm om yiasis interna (Gedoelslia cristata).
it may enter the vitreous cavity, where usually it dies soon
I.) to C : A 21-year-old gardener presented in Nam ibia,
afterward, probably from lack of nutrition, lhe inflamma­
Africa, w ilh severe pain and redness in his right eye that
tory react ion that follows varies from a minimal vitritis to begat1! as soon ah a fly hovering in front of him darled into
an intense endophthalmitis, lhe caliber of the retinal ves­ his ri^ht eye. Ho had pnjptosis^ conjunclival h emorrh аэде^
sels and the color of the optic nerve head are usually unaf­ and chemosisj and limitation of eye movements in all direc­
fected; howeverr optic atrophy and visual loss may occur tions -IJl. His visual acuity was hand motions. The rinhl
in a few cases (Figure 10.35, Invasion of the cornea I-_indus had a serous retinal dclachm ent and areas of
retinal whitening (E^. H e was treated w ith syslem it steroids,
has occurred. ' 1 Only rarely are hoth eyes affected, and
lh e orbital uellulilis and serous detachment slowly improved
this occurred in a patient from C u a m >J‘ (see discussion o f
over a few Weeks wiLh visible subretinal yellow с urviIinear
Lytico-Uodig after this secLion). lines IF I. Fun her resolution of the sulneLinaE fluid cleaHy
Linear and arcuate tracks in the ocular fundus should shows lhe subnet ina I tracks of the larvae (G). N o larva(e| was
aIW ays suggest the possibility of ophthalmomyiasis, '['he visible and the pa lien I rs vision improved li) 2 Q/20_
tracks are less numerous and mo re easily recognized tn the H to j: This 29-year-old man was s«en in N am ibia 24 h after
peripheral fundus, tn the posterior poEe the tracks may be а эдгау fly hovered in front of his eye and iew inLo it. This
was followed im m ediately by significant pain. H e had co n ­
so numerous thal their confluence may be mistaken for
junctiva] hemorrhage, chemqsis, injection, and limitalion of
a variety o f diffuse inflammatory, traumatic, or degenera­
elevation (H). The following day he developed severe orbital
tive diseases affecting the ftPE); (figures 10.35, A; 10.36, A pain w ilh s m ilin g , 5m m proptosis.. and an inlraocular preS­
and El). In such cases fluorescein angiography is espe­ sure elevalion Lo -lUmmHg. H e w,ls afefcrile^ H e d fv e lo|jed
cially valuable in silhouetting the tracks (figure JO.35, ft progressive exudative relinal detachment over the пок1 lew
and tJ). Although oLher organisms such as ТЬрасага ctuiis days (Ij. There! were subretinal whiLt dots and progressive
(the nematodes responsible for diffuse unilateral sub­ linear marks surges live of I racks Ca3¥ifl*S, У.1 and one site of
subnet ina I and epiTelinal hemorrhage no1 seen in lhe pic­
acute neuro-retinitis] and trematodcs may migrate into
ture;. H e was trealed wiLh syslem it sleroids, iVprtnecLift;, and
the sub retinal space, Lbey do not produce the widespread
pressure-lowering medical ions. An .41RI erf lhe b.rain and
pattern of broad К Hi tracks that are believed to be pathog­ orbil w<ls normal except for pTopLusis. His clinical picture
nomonic for myiasis. lhe transverse rings that are present and serous rd in al dolachmenL resolved over lhe nexL coupJe
on its body leave a characteristic track wilh crosshalchings of weeks and vision relum ed Lo 20/20. CurviEinear tracks and
Jhe curvril inear depigmented bands or bead-like arrange­ w hile dots remained la^fows f\- no larva was seen.
ment of atrophic chorioretinal scars that may occur, usu­ : t ; IJ Li г Г l: i y : L ] L o ] L? r I. S l LA.! r i c k : . m i l I J r l i n n * . 1» E r a n d C . I

ally at the equator in the presumed ocular histoplasmosis

syndrome (F O H S ) and pseudo-POHS, may be mistaken
for the tracks in myiasis.555 The author has seen two
patients with an extensive network o f subnetinaI fibrous
strands and demarcation lines following spontaneous real- controlled, surgical removal o f the maggot is indicated.
Lachment o f a chronic rhegmatogenous relinal detachment ]f the maggot es alive and the eye is free of inflamma­
incorrectly diagnosed as myiasis. Л positive cEinical diag­ tion.. the clinician may elect to observe the patient care­
nosis o f ophLhalmo-myiasis can be made only with visual­ fully for spontaneous exit of the maggot from the eye.. If
ization o f the white or semi translucent segmented maggot., treatment of a sub retinal maggot is elected, pholocoagu-
tapered slightly at both ends (figures 10.35, L M ; 10.36, A lation is probably preferable to removal of the organism
and 13-Е]. by sclerotomy (E-'igure 10. 5 h). lh e maggot should be
In the presence o f significant intraocular inflamma­ watched until it moves beyond the macular and ju>Uapap-
tion, the initial treatment o f intraocular myiasis should illary area before pbotocoagulalion treatment is begun. En
be directed toward the reduction o f inflammation with three patients treated wilh pholocoagutalion. no unusual
the use of corticosteroids. If inflammation cannot be inflammatory reaction occurred, ■'or•c,^
A pigmentary retinopathy si mu Ealing ophLhial jnu- [ (i.?•8 Int raocula r trema lodt\
ш М в interna is endemic: in the native Chamorro Indians
A lo t : Subnelinai 1nematode сличп^ одгау Sijbretift^l exuda­
(Figures 10.36* J and K; 10.37r A-C) . 't2 5Sfl" 560 Lhis reti­ tion (arrow s, A i(j E) in the right m acula of a healthy 35-year-
nopathy is particularly prevalent in patients who also old Asian man. Note evid en ce o f peripheral irregularly
tiave l.ytico-Kodig (also known as amyotrophic lateral plrirrienled Ith-lU ы (. л u sk?tI by The Irerrlat-aefe (A . The trt^maludt1
sc Ieros is-E^arkinson ism-dementia complex of Guam). was destroyed with laser phoEocoagutalion.
No maggot has been observed in any o f these patients.
] lislopathologic examination of eyes with lhe tracks has
revealed focal attenuation of lhe R]?bi hut no evidence of
inflammation or a larva (ligures iO.Jfr, L; 10.3<<A—
Population surveys in Guam suggest that all of the palients inflammation responds to oral steroids; once the choroi­
wilh lhe subrelinal track-like Eesions are 50 years o f age or dal effusion and exudative detachment resolve, several
o ld e r .' Other than the frequent association of relinopalhy subretinal tracks are seen (Kigure 10.37, D and I). These
in patients with l.ytico-IJodig, there is no other evidence lracks resemble the tracks seen in the Guam Chamorro
that the retina and CNS share a common eLiology. "lhe Indians w ith L.ytico-liodig fFigure 10.36, I and K}. No larva
pathogenesis o f both disorders is unknown. Ihe remark­ has been found in the eyes with lhe tracks either in Guam
able similarity of the retinopathy to lhal in myiasis suggests or .Namibia.
that il may have been caused by a fly that was preva-
lenl in Guam before the Japanese occupation in World ECHINOCO CCO SIS_______________
War EE. Unlike the tracks in patients wilh ophtbalmo-
myiasis, these tracks do not have the cmsshalehings. Ihe Ifrenti й Л т м и ш lives in the intestine of the dog, from
decimation o f livestock and olher wildlife hosts during the which its egg£ may be transmitted lo the human stomach,
occupation, in addition to the widespread use o f insecti­ tram here the young em biyos penetrate the intestinal trad
cides at the end o f lhe War. may have eradicated all of the and may be carried to various organs, rarely the eye. The
botflies, which are no longer found tn Guam .'0"' I'hese hydatid cysts have been described beneath the retina and
Lracks are strikingly similar to lracks observed most recently wilh in the vi ireous.': 1 ''
in patients from Central Namibia and other regions of
South Africa, suspected to be caused by the botfly Gerfwkfi# INTRAOCULAR TREMATODA
cristata (see next section and figure 10.37, G).
i'rematode infection o f the human eye is uncommon
and mosl cases have involved lung flukes
Gedoelstia Cristate sp.). liver flukes [ftunbfo "■■l and schistosomia­
111 is. is a botfly lhat inhabits wildebeests and olher bucks sis.''1'4 'Ihere are several reports of human infection with
in South Africa, '['he adull female Lays eggs in the conjunc­ the migratory larvae [mesocercariae] o f Ahemr in North
tiva and nictilaling membranes o f the natural hosts. The America and the eye was involved in three p atien ts.^ -1*0"
eggs hatch into hrst-slage larvae and burrow into the ret­ Ocular manifestations include pigmentary retinal tracks,
ina and optic nerve, then travel to the dura and subdural areas of aclive or healed retinitis, retinal hemorrhages,, and
space via either retinal and choroidal vessels or the optic signs of diffuse unilateral subacule neuroretinilis [Figure
nerve. From the dura they travel through Lhe cribriform 10.38). lhe irematodes may persist in lhe retina and vit­
plate or other orifices in the skull into Lhe upper part o f reous for several years afler onset of lhe ocular infection
the nasal cavities. In the brain they malure into second - [Figure f0.3S].Sfi6Aftfrm species occuras adulls in lhe intes-
stage larvae and in the nasal cavity into third-stage larvae line of carnivorous mammals. 'Itieir life cycle involves
up lo 25mm long. They are snorted out into the air and a succession of three hosts: the snail [the first intermedi­
fall on lhe ground and pupate, then hatch into adull flies. ate host), a tadpole or frog [the second intermediate host],
Occasionally the fly can lay its eggs in humans where the and a carnivore definitive hosl. lhe most common means of
life cycle is likely aborted at the ocular level. Il is likely human infection is by eating inadequately cooked fragsr legs.
that the egg£ that are laid in and under the conjunctiva Flukes are flatworms (plalyhelminlhs) - liver flukes
hatch inlo first-stage larvae, cause an inflammatory cel­ inhabit the biliary passages, lung flukes the respiratory
lulitis (l:igure 10.37, A and E) of the orbit, and choroidal system, and blood flukes [iVAritastwra /гдел1л;Ыл',ы?и and
and subretinal effusion (figure 10.37.. bi.. С and ]:- ]l).T h e .S. rri(3f]WTti) the vasculature.
ftfjYTOnjJitt tIrfftflfo4ll
Schistosomiasis if?.3 8 C o n t in u e d

Tremalodes Lhal inhabit lhe blood vessels o f humans are F to L: V iLrLbis and periphlebitis caused by a subrelinal
tranialode iit a heallby ЗЕ-уеаг-оЫ Asian nnan t omplniiTin^
referred to as schistosomes. Dickinson and coworiers
of visual foss in the left: eye. His visual acuity was 4/200.
reported a unique case of eccentric multifocal choroiditis fqJlcwi-ng [reaJnbHi 1 with sub-Tonen's q&psufaj' corLkoste-
that resembled acute posterior multi focal placoid pigmenl nt)ids bis vision impToved and irregular pigm^rHary tracks
epilheliopalhy and serpiginous choroiditis in .1 17-year-old became evident (Ff. Twen]y-one months a fief recurnenj epi-
man with visual loss and an itchy rash on his forehead of 2 sejde* ot vitreous inlbiminalion, a rnbtile trefnafesde Uirrow,
weeks'" duration. 1le had recently returned from'laruiania.1^'1 H; Lbat was encysLEhd was found iit the viLreou-ь (H) and wns

3listologic examination o f lhe skin lesions revealed ova of ruTnuved via pars plana vitrectom y The Irem alcde was iden­
tified as Aldiria mfisbflenraria :I j. Note lhe oral suckcr |УеЛ
ScJirsCtMorrrtf Иншил! Other rases o f Sfiftfcfosoma causing
amHvfc vunlral sucker In'jftoJ arro\.v\, and pL-nel rati oil у lands
subretinal p a n u ]o m i5M i ^ subconfunclival nodules, and (Pj. T h ep a lierl's visual acuity returned Lo 20/50.
intraocular granuloma h^ive been reported. r,£,H,‘ib'J I and K: A 10-year-old boy from a village in South India pre­
sented W'rtS; rtid it-ei'PS anti .г w hite lesion in bis ri^hl eye for
Fasciala Hepa tica (Liver Fluke) J monLhs. A whiLe jjranu Ionia Lhat was partly j’ liotic and
partly vascular was seen in the anterior tham lffii ot" the
/гасЫд he{xi\icn is a zoonotic helminth seen in sheep-rais­ rif^il eye, consistent with a U in ical diagnosis o f Cremated?
ing countries. Reports o f human infestation vary from 2.4 giajnutbrn-a,
million lo 17 mi El ion. At least three cases of intraocular ^ J 1ГТНТ1 iVliL'tJrhjijlcl i-| :ir . I iLiid k , iCH jrN isy ut Or. S.U. h!:iLhin;un.

hepatini associated with significant intraocular inflamma­

tion have been seen.S6J The patient presented with pain,
redness, and loss o f vision of IQ days' duration in the
Claspian sea region. The anterior chamber showed bloody
hypopyon and the anterior vitreous was full of debris. lhe eggs or metacercariae are ingested with uncooked
A flalworm was seen moving in the anterior chamber. watercress or other aquatic plants, 'lhe metacercariae excysl
Washout of the anterior chamber followed by lenseclomy in the duodenum and migrate through the intestinal wall,
and vitrectomy revealed an immature F. hepatica. Jhere was enter the liver and make their way it]to the biliary ducts lo
patchy retinal whitening, vitrilis. and vitreous hemorrhage. grow into maturity. Occasionally lhe metacercariae enter
Once the worm was removed and the debris cleared, the lhe blood vessels and travel to other organs, and can enler
eye quietened with improvement in vision to 20/200. lhe eye.
V P л
Trematodes in South India 1 0 .3 9 R o c k y M o u n ta in sp o tte d fe v e r {Rickettsia
r ic k e t t s fi
Kathinam and coworkere reported a series (41 patienLs] of
Л Iо 1: This 5ц5-ye a-r-crH man had a rapid duel int.1 in vision
mostly young males aged 16 or younger [38 boys and 3
la 2 0/20U in his left eye. H e had no lij’hl perception in his
girls) with conjunctiva] allergic granulomas, occasionally
right eye for 5 years ItjIlow ing д retinal dtfLachment. He had
wilh anterior chamber inflammatory granuloma {figure я с. horioreLiniti* with serous relinal detacWrienl involving Lhe
10.38, } and K). 'Ihirty-four o f lhe palienls were from a lefl m acula '.A). An earlv phase an^io^ram showed ^ood reLL-
single village. Surgical excision o f 13 granulomas revealed nal perfusion and pooling of dye in lhe laLe phnse fE3 and Ll.
a zonal granuloma Lous inflammation admixed wilh The O L T ton-firmed lhe serous eleviition (D). H g had a nor­
eosinophilic leukocytes in nine; four o f lhe nine displayed mal complete blood count, H IV test was negative, and PCEi
Гот Н в ф е в ш Ш ег, H efp eS sim plex, and C ytt^ iE g a to v iru s was
fragments of the Legumeut and internal structures o f a
negative. An inlecLLuus disease consultation did no1 yieEs дпу
trematode and Splendore-I ioeppli phenomenon (central
clues. His vision loss com inued and Lhe lesion progressed
deposit of granular, acellular eosinophilic material sur­ Lo involve the entire fundus with diffuse retinal vascular
rounded by eosinophilic leukocytes* epithelioid cells, his­ ubsLrudion and choroidal effusion ■L—Ij. The vision dropped
tiocytes, and Lymphocytes in response to foreign material Lo no lighl fxucciplion. His family doctor ordered a RfttfctLsia
such as caterpillar hairs, tarantula hairs, synthetic fibers, Liter w hen he dlscovuTod LhaL Lhe palienL been hunt­
etc.). The remaining five revealed nongranulomatous ing prior Lo lhe- onsel ol visual symptoms, w h jth relum ed
inflammation made up of lymphocytes., histiocytes, and
eosinophils. These children bathed or swam in the local LGtrtJttesy: LJr Li J.iji.1I'l, АЙД. Viafvln-uiLic, L.iwrcn(.L' Im
Httinjl Alins, S.Lunriurs20ГС1, 97B-0-70JG-Jj:!G-y, p.^SJ..
village pond and acquired the infection. Jhe trematode is
likely PhiiophlJiabrnti which has ihree intermediate hosts:
mo Husks, snails, and frogs. I"he infected birds lay eggs in con]undiva, conjunctivitis, anterior uveitis, papilledema,
the water, the eggs hatch in the water lo miracidia lhal retina] venous engorgement, cytoid bodies, retinal hem­
enter the mollusks and snails where they grow into cercar- orrhages, and retinal vascular occlusion fig u re 10.39.
iae.11 ' : Children swimming in the ponds infested with A-С and K-E-lj.'""'-^ 1 fluorescein angiography shows
these mol Lusks acquire the infection. Treatment is surgi­ evidence o f capillary non perfusion in the region of the
cal excision of the granuloma if in the subconjunctival collon-wool patches, leakage of dye from the relinal ves­
space; intraocular granuloma may require topical steroids sels in the vicinily of the palches, and evidence o f venous
and surgical excision. I’revenlion by avoiding swimming obstruction [figure 10.39, b, C, and G). In exanthema Lous
in trematode-infested ponds is likely the most effective cutaneous lesions, Lhe organisms invade Lhe nuclei of the
method of controlling this infection. capillary7endothelial cells, proliferate, and destroy the cap­
illary endothelial cells. Necrosis o f the inlima and media
RETINOPATHY ASSOCIATED WITH causes thrombosis and microinfarcts. Et is probable thal
RICKETTSIAL DISEASES lhe pathogenesis of the retinal vascular changes is simitar,
lhe fundus findings usually, but nol always, resohre with­
Kickeltsial agents are classified into three major categories: out causing visual loss following treatment of Lhe disease
the spotted fever group, the Lyphus group, and the other with antibiotics such as chloramphenicol and tetracycline.
diseases group. The illustrated patient progressed to no light perception
Itocky Mountain spotted fever (RM5H) is an acute since lhe diagnosis was nol suspected until very late and
febrile eczematous disease caused by Rickettsia richetl- no specific treatment was given.
sii, a gram-negative bacterium transmitted by the wood Similar fundus findings have been reported in other
and dog Lick. It is not coeifined lo the Rocky Mountain rickettsial diseases, including endemic Lyphus.'"'11" :" '
area, with nearly half o f She cases occurring in Lhe south 'Lhe clinical suspicion can be confirmed by serologic test­
Atlantic states.' 1 i’atients present with fever headache, ing for KMSR Oilier organ system involvement can include
and a maculopapular or petechinil rash on the extremities hepatomegaly, renal failure, disseminated intravascular
that spreads centripetally to involve the torso lhe overall coagulation, shock seizures, fluctuating neurologic slatus.
mortality rate is between 3 % and indicating Lhe need coma, and death. A majority o f cases occur in children due
for prompt diagnosis and treatment wilh tetracycline or lo exposure Lo outdoor recreational activities and affmitv
chloramphenicol. Ocular findings that may accompany lo dogs, and in hunters. !n fact, most internists order Lyme
[he acute illness include petechial lesions on the bulbar and llicketlsial liters in cases o f suspected Lick bite.
Rickettsia Conorii (Mediterranean Efi.4fl Mediterranean spotted fever (Rickettsia conorii
Spotted Fever, MSF)
A to D : A 20-year-otd man in Tunisia w ith a 3-week his­
Aicfeefxsid conorii is endemic in Mediterranean countries. tory uf fever and skin rash com plained of decreased vision
IL is transmitted by fi dog tick Rhipicephnlus sanguineus. in the lefl eye o f 5 days' duTalion. Visual acuity wa* 20/20
Systemic signs are similar lo flM SF with fever, headache, irigbL cyt1: a nr; 20/200 (left eye). The anterior se^menl in
and а maculopapular rash Lbat can involve the palms and bolb eyes, and fundus of I bn- right eye were unremarkable,
soles. In one .series o f 30 patients (60 eyes] with serologi­ rbcite were 2 - vilreous tells in Lbp left eye. The fundus of
the left eye showed a superom acular focus of retinitis associ­
cally proven MSP, 30% showed chorioretinal involvement
ated with retinal hemorrhages.. oplic dint edema, and hard
associated with mild vitritis. One-third o f patients shoxved
exudates in a m acular sJar configuration (A).- Late-phase fIuo-
changes on]y on a fluorescein angiogram Common find­ rescein angiogram o f lbe left eye sllOfcvs byperflLiQreseehc-t
ings xvere retinal hemorrhages and retinal vasculitis involv­ of the focus o f relinitis, diffuse retinal vascular leakage,
ing the vessels on the disc, posterior pole or periphery blockage of choroidal f lutfnescc-nte by hemtm+iages,
(figure 10.-Ю, A and h). Other ftndiEtgs were branch retinal and oplic disc staining Ht3r. O ptical coherence tomography
artery occlusionr cystokl macular edema. arteriolar plaques shows hyperrelTectiviLy of Ih e locus- of retinitis and a serous
nulinal defachmonl extendш й to the fovea 'XI). Л diagnosis
similar lo Kyrieleis arteritis seen in ^шрШтпд, and serous
ol Mediterranean spoiled fever was confirmed by posilive
retinal detachment in one eye each. Ihe pathogenic hall­
serologic testing Hantibodies to Rickettsia co n o rii by rndirecl
mark is the invasion of the vascular endothelial cells by immunoflucifasDen^t). The padenl was lreaLnd With dosy-
[he ojg^nism.. causing endothelial injury and necrosis cycline 200 mg per day and prednisone 1 mjykg per day
[Figure 30.40, fi). with gradual taper over a period of 4 weeks. Visual acuity
Treatment involves early institution of oral tetracyclines improved gradually. Four months after presentation, visual
in (he form of doxycycline; fluoroquinolones and clar­ acuity was 2 0 ^ 5 in the left eye. Fundus shows healing of the
nelinitis withoul scar formation, and resolulion of associated
ithromycin can be used if tetracyclines are contraindicated.
findings (D).
E In I: A 57-vear-old wom an in Tunisia w ilb a I -week his­
V IR A L D IS E A S E S tory of fever, headache, malaise, and lym pbocylic meningitis
complained of floaters in both eyes. Visual acuity was 20/20
Cytomegalovirus RetinochoroicJitis and in bolh оуеь. The rifjhl fundus shows Jw o small w hile relinal
Fesions juxJlavascular in location (ajroivs}. with associated
Optic Neuritis reflnal hemorrhages 'El. Lale-phase fiuo reset: in angiography
shows faint leakage of dye fr-om the supenotemporal vein and
Although as many as 31% of adults have complement
oplic disc staining. Mole the presence of an area of old KPE
fixation antibodies indicating previous exposure to cyto­
alteration inferonasal to the m acula (Fi. LaEe-phase indocya-
megalovirus [CM Vj, manifest disease is rare in otherwise nine gn^en ItCIGl angiography sbuws mulLipk1 small hvp^fiij-
healthy individuals and occurs primarily in ihe unborn orescunl dots (arravfcs^ 'CJl. Note the livpufluoiescujTice o f the
infant and the inimunosuppressed patient.'">_Sia area of old R PE alteration. The o cular findings w ere sugges­
tive of a diagnosis of a rickeiLhiaf disease. Serologic losting

Congenita] CMV Infection confirmed the diagnosis of acute murine lypbus, <l ricki’lltial
infection caused by AVctettsj'a lyp h i. The patient was treated
Cytomegalovirus is ihe commonest o f all congenital with oral tetracyclines for 2 weeks. Two months later, fundus

and perinatal viral infections anti occurs in 0.2-2.4^ (H) and fluorescein and IC<L^ (b angiographic findings related
Lo murine typhus had resolved.
o f all live births. rlhe fetus may acquire the infection
LC fittfD K y : [Jr M 'Lim tj: K h .jn .i l .i h j
as a consequence o f primary (4 0 % ) or recurrent ( l % j
maternal infection. Ihe incidence is higher in lower socio­
economic groups. JrortunateEy only 10% of the children
are symptomatic. Prematurity, microcephaly, intracranial
L ' , i l i ' i l i i ' a l i i H i [ ] 4 T b v : i i r i c u l a r ) . increased t'-Si-' protein. 'h;i-
rio retinitis, optic atrophy, petechiae, jaundice, hearing
impairment, hepalosplenomegaly, anemia, and tbrombo-
cytopenia constitute the clinical features. W] Ihe virus
is shed in nasopharyngeal secretions, urine- saliva- cervical
secretions, and breast milk for 2-5 years and is the means
to demonstrate active infection. Most often Lbe chorioreti­
nitis is inactive since the children are immunocompetent.
However active retinitis should be treated with systemic
ganciclovir until the lesions become inactive. '"-
rostnatally acquired infections occur most ш ш ш о щ у I (?. 4 1 C y to m e g a lo v i ru s ^C M V ) re tin i lis in p a iie n ts
in immu nosuppressed individuals with the acquired r e c e iv in g c o r t ic o s t e r o id a n d a n ti m e ta b o lite th e ra p y
immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS; see p. S06)., renal fo llo w in g ren a l tr a n s p la n ta tio n .

allografts, or systemic malignancies or while receiv­ A Lo Г : This 35-year-old wom an noted pafacentTal scolo-
ing high-dose corticosteroids. Approximately 30% o f maLa in both eyes. In the right eye she had an active wedge­
patients with A ID S will develop CM V reLinilis., ■ shaped area of ifettnttis лssociated with Rerrttirrhages and
Cytomegalovirus retinitis is lhe first manifestation of АШ5 perivascular cuffing (A I. In 1he* I erfI eye she had lajfje
in approximately 2 % o f pa Lien is and results in the initial graphic areas, of chorioretinal scarring al sites of previous
reliniLis. Ani’ ioj’japhy of lhe area illuslraLed in A revealed
diagnosis o f AIDS in approximately 15% of patients. "J "
widespread l o I lapse of the? relinal vascular bed in che area of
Survival after the diagnosis of AIDS may be significantly acute retinitis, and muilipEe local areas oi staining w ithin Lhe
shorter i f CM V retinopalhy is the initial manifestation lesion (Й and <Z>. Lleven years laler, visual acuity in the ri^fil
o f s y n d ro m e .1 The ophthalmoscopic features o f lhe eye was 2Q/200. ih e had expensive peripheral chorioretinal
acute stage of necrotizing retinitis include multiple, gran­ scaning, vrLritis, and cyslord macular edema. The lefL eye had
ular. yelloxv-white areas that become confluent and are a dense catarat I, and visual acu ily was bnly lij^h: perceplion.
associated wilh retinal hentorrhages, vascular sheathing- Cytomegalovirus (CMV) retinitis in patients with AIDS,
and sharp margins separating the acLive area o f necrotiz­ D lo f : Progressive C V lV re ii nil is and oplic tMuritis occurring
ing retinitis from lhe surrounding retina (1'igure 10.4!, A over jt 2 -month period. NoLe Lhe extensive e\u Ha Li on inlo
and p - C ). The fundoscopic appearance has been likened Lhe macular area i]>i 1 monlh after lhe phefemBtih i n t , and
Lo that of pizza. rlTte segmental distribution o f the hemor­ evidence oJ early reiiolulLon al Lhe reLinilis after ganciclovir
rhagic lesions along major retinal vessels may be mistaken Lreatmcnl in F.
С Lo i: Frosted branch angiopathy accom panying C M V
for branch vein occlusion Cyto mega lo virus retinitis
relini Lis. th e fieri venous exudation js conlinuous along lhe
infrequently begins in the cenlral macular area. venous w all and is different from the peri arteriolar plaques
Jhe retinitis spreads much like a brush fire, leaving an seen in acute relinal necrosis, where Lhe plagues are discon­
atrophic retina and a mottled KE^L along its trailing edges tinuous and are an Lhe arterioles (see Figure 10.44, В and Ы.
(E'igure 10.41, P- К J. Vitreous cells Enay or may not accom­ J and K: Thickened retina in which Ihe norma: relinal ele­
pany the retinitis. Cytomegalovirus retinitis infrequently ments are replaced № exlens ive InffltraliBn of large m ono­
poses an immediate Lhreat to loss o f vision on presenta­ nuclear cells containing prominent inlra nuclear and
intracytoplasmic inclusions. Intranuclear inclusions Jowl eyes}
tion. Et is a slowly progressive, necrotizing reti­
п-ге*ееп in the retinal cells (K 1 ! and wilhin lhe FiF^L iK2}.
nitis that appears bn either a fulminanL hemorrhagic or
granular pattern. As the infection progresses, lhe lead­
ing edge of the infection is followed by a healing process chamber inflammation. fluorescent angiography shows
Lbat results in a thin fibroglial scar. Small refraclile depos­ no occlusion or stasis but does demonstrate late leak­
its and Larger ye!low-white plaque-like deposits occur age from the sheathed vessels. This perivasculitis usually
within areas of healed CM V retinitis. I'hese large plaques clears within several weeks after antiviral treatment/'10011
do not appear calcified or refraclile., yet histologically Corticosteroids may not be necessary.llU,',:1,1' 'Ihe C M V
these fibroglial scars may be highly calcified {E'igure 10.41, retinitis, however, often conlmues to show evidence of
Eiarly spontaneous resolution of CM V retinitis graying along its margin (figure 10.41, V-ll and I). Jhis
may account for chorioretinal scars found on initial exam­ smoldering relinitis may extend slowly and is a sign of per-
ination of patients with AIDS.'-'"'1 sislenL activity. Cysloid macular edema occurs infrequently
Infection o f the optic disc and juxlapapillary retina is in palients wilh A]EUS (F'igure 10.41, X], particularly in
often associated with severe visual loss [ELgure ]Q.41, D those wilh less severe states o f immunosuppression.
and In some cases involvement of the optic disc Disc neovascularization may develop in palienls wilh
and juxtapapillary retina causes visual Loss as lhe result CM V retinilis> and it may regress spontaneously.0''' Laudative
o f inlrarelinal exudation and macular star formal ion and rhegmatogenous relinal detachment (i'igure 10.4], I.)
and with exudative macular detachment (Figure 10 41, may com plicate CM V r e t i n i t i s . 1 , 1 Approximately
L)/... . Patients with low CD4 4 counts, usually less 15-30% of patients with CMV retinitis develop a rheg-
than E00, are at increased risk for developing C M V retinitis matogenous relinal detachment. 'Ihe differential diagnosis
and HIV-related non infectious retinal vasculopathy.l,UU0(H may he difficult because small or ragged holes may be diffi­
Huorescein angiography demonstrates evidence o f reti­ cult Lo visualize. (3° Patients with chronic vitritis ]nay lose
nal vascular occlusion and permeability alterations in cenLral vision because ofcystoid macular edema.
the areas of hemorrhagic and necrotizing retinitis {I'igure ] iislopathoEog^caiJyr the areas o f active retinitis are
10.41, band CJ. sharply circumscribed from the normal-appearing ret-
Severe sheathing o f the retinal vessels appearing like ina.534j61l,fi22 The retina is thickened, and its laminar
frosted branches o f a tree, simulating that occurring architecture is markedly disrupted by the presence of
In idiopathic frosted retinal periphlebitis, may accom­ many enlarged cells containing prominent Cowdiy type
pany CM V retinitis {Figure 10.41, G - l).595' ™ ^ 12 This A intranuclear eosinophilic inclusions with surrounding
may be associated with signs o f vitreous and anterior clear zones [Figure 10.41.. J], giving the cells an owl's-eye
ЦррСЙгааде (figure Ш.41, K1 and К 2}. The underlying EfJ.41 Continued
R PE is typically disrupted and varying degrees o f chronic
L: fcbtejjtnдIOg£titjus retina.] riel achmenl occurring from small
inflammatory celts are present in lhe underlying cbo- breaks in lhe л пел of inactive relinitis.
Foid. Intranuclear inclusions may be identified in RPK, M Lo R: A 44-year-old poofly com pliant man with cotton­
optic nerve, and vascular endothelial cells of the choroid. wool spots fr\>m H IV rotinopalby in both eve.1* fW and N:
Llecuon microscopy demonstrates viral particles typical o f developed bilateral C M V retinitis В months later. Further
the DMA viruses as well as prominent electron-dense cyto­ spread and parLial resolution o f C M V relinitis in bcub eyes
occurred over lhe nexL 8 monlbs.
plasmic bodies(l23-U4
S to U: This 5 2-year-old wom an with leukemia developed a
The clinical diagnosis is made by demonstrating virus
patch of refinitis (5). She received systemic ganciclovir fol­
in the patient's urine and by a rise hi complement fixation lowed by placemen I of a yanciclovir Implant iL'i. The relini-
and neutralization titers, lhe virus can be cultured from tis beaJed with residual pigmented atid jjliotic scar,
the anterior chamber in eyes with hypopyon,l",16,6yS-< '-' V to An 18-year-old j^irl with acute lym phocytic leuke­
saliva, buffу coat of the blood.. Lears^^^"'1 1vitreous, and mia developed C M V isnligenemia. She was lrenled w ilh
the r e t i n a . " ' " ' 1 [’olymerase chain reaction for C M V ora I val ga neieJtwi r For a few inonLhs and bwilched to aci-
clovir. Four т о п Lbs laler she presented with floaters in
in aqueous and vitreous fluid can be used Lo aid diagnosis
both eyes. Smoldering C M V retinitis w ith some healed
in atypical cases.
areas were noted in lioth eyes. She was in Efefntstion and
Dual infection of the retina with human immunodefi­ was; olf chemotherapy for the leukemia. Visual acuity was
ciency virus type I [M IV-I) and CM V occurs but its role in 20/20 in each eye. She received JV ganciclovir follow ed
producing fundus changes or in the enhancement of other by oral va]£$a п с iclovir. The legions became less active (V|
infections is uncertain*'’1 1,1 Autopsy studies o f patients and evenlually resolved wiLh гея id и a I pigmentary changes.
wilh A ID S have shown evidence suggesting lhal bilateral Aulofluonescence ima^iny я hows pigment cpilbulial loss
nasally in the left eye (W j. Subsequently bilateral ganci­
CM V retinitis may be a marker for H IV encephalitis.1'11
clovir implants were placed. 6 months JaEer sbe developed
Jhese studies have failed to demonstrate evidence lhal H IV
vitreous cells and cysLoid m acular edema 'C M E in her lefl
is a cause for cotton-wool patches. eye with decrease in vision to the 20/flC level. A fluorescein
Ganciclovir is the treatment o f choice in patients with angiogram showed petal Iо id pooling of tfye in the fovea :X:.
C M V retinitis.SB* 5eSj5 6 1 80-90% o f whom Topical prednisone acetate (our times a day over 3 months
will demonstrate evidence of prompt resolution o f the resulted in resolution of vitreous cells and C M E due lo
retinitis folloxving induction dosages of IV ganciclovir, im m u re recovery uveitis w ilh restoration of vision to 20/40.
Sbe had a cenlral posterior subcapsular ca larad actounling
ihose with visual Loss associated with exudative detach­
fur the 2 Ф 4 0 visual acuily.
ment often experience improvement in visual acuity.607'*01
ll .ind K, r rjunt'sy Dr K,il|:h b.i^k.l
Prior to the availability o f highly active antiretroviral ther­
apy (HAART), 30-50% of patients reactivated while on
maintenance Ganciclovir is a viral along margins of the zones of retinitis. The smolder­
static drug thal does not eliminate the virus or suppress ing retinitis may slowly extend without evidence o f other
expression of all virus genes.6llW3ii ]i appears I о function activity seen in Lhe retina fig u re 10.41, P-R). tn some
hy limiting viral DNA synthesis and subsequent packaging cases. howeverr this persistent gray border may not prog­
of viral D N A into infectious units.11 'there is also evi­ ress and biopsy o f such lesions has shown no evidence of
dence thal decreasing the amount o f corticosteroid therapy viral p a r t i c l e s . S i n c e the widespread use o f antiretro­
has a favorable effect on C M V retinitis in cases other than viral therapy, this is mostly seen in developing countries
AIDS. Approximately 33е!□ of patients with AIEJS receiv­ where НААД.Т is not universally available, t-'undus photo­
ing j^inciclovlr for CM V retinitis in the past demonstrated graphs and visual fields are helpful in detecting evidence
evidence o f persistent smoldering retinitis, that is, graying of progress Ion."51*11- i.i-lj
IfitraVitfe^l administration of gandciovir appears Lo I 0 .42 Herpes simplex retinoehoroiditis and
be a safe and effective alternative in ihe management o f encephalitis.
CM V retinilis in patients with AlDS.39JrUS,643rt,<l ц j3 par. A Id F: Thin 1!3-monlh-old Еюу had a 4-day his lory of leth­
Licularly useful in patients with severe neutropenia or as argy and low-grade fevur accom panied by seizure? on the
an adjuvant for systemic therapy.' Sustained- second day of his illness. He was comatose on admission lo
release intravitrea! ganciclovir in the treatment of CM V the hospital. A lumbar puncture revealed 219 w hile blood
retinilis has been demonstrated clinically,- experimen­ cells w ilh 6 3 % monocytes in [he cerebrospinal fluid: protein
was; 1R9 my/d L. CT scan revealed a left temporal lobe Eesion.
tally. and pathologically to be successful since its first use
fundoscopic examination revelled mu I l.ifoca I areas □( reLi-
til 19 9 G /'"'" Combination trealmenL with foscarnet
nitis, perivasculitis and hemorrhaye iA and B). The patient
and ganciclovir may be helpful in the 10-20% of patients died on [he fourteenth day of his illness. Gross exam ina­
whose C M V retinitis is resistant to ganciclovir alone/ J tion ol (Be eyus revealed hemorrhagic, retinilis [ t ) ; A pholo-
Side effects of ganciclovir therapy include frequent bone nicrograph nhowod retina; necrosis, netmilis :tJ perivascu-
marrow toxicity, indefinite IV treatment, and frequent litis, choroiditis, and viral in iranuclear inclusions (arrow, EJ
relapses on maintenance treatment unless used concur­ lhaL were1 m<Bt common in the irm w nuclear layer. Llectmn
microscopy revealed intranuclear viral particles typical of
rently with НААКТ 'Ihe drug canno! be used with zidovu­
herpesvirut- (arrow, 1 :. Sim iiar findings were presenl ir> ihe
dine {A2T} because of bone marrow toxicity.:,|и-(,Гч ьн.ьм
Koscarnet may be used with A2Tr which may also have a G to I: A Ьб-year-old man had л history o f right-sided herpes
favorable effect on CM V r e t i n i t i s . Ganciclovir and zoster ophLhalmicus 4 months before developing visual loss
foscarnet appear to be equivalent in controlling CM V reti­ in the ipsi lateral eye. H is visual acuity was 20/50 O l ? and
nitis and preserving vision; however, patient survival is 20-'20 O S. Ixam m alion revealed irilis, viLri15s, and mulliplo,
somewhat longer with foscarnet.''1 "1 slightly elevated wh ite choroi da I lesions in the right eye.
The mean survival of patients With A JD S after develop­ lA—I- 1ГТМП С ! j i l 1Л ,iI 197ft, Aitilth ,m i'vil-tJ-i .iI Asjubcl.ilIcm. All
п^Иь- n'btrvcid.k
ment o f CM V retinitis has increased since 1931.™'' The
Location of retinal lesions appears to have no prognostic
significance for survival, ITije Interval from diagnosis of
A ID S to diagnosis of CM V retinitis (median 9 months) has for the detection o f the virus genome/"'1 Vitreous or cho-
not increased. rm retinal biopsy and culture may be indicated in palients
Surgeons often use vitrectomy and silicone oil in with suspected herpes infection or other infection, macu­
the management o f retinal detachment in patients lar-threatening lesions, suspicion of malignancy, and when
with A ID S because this technique is effective in these the results are expected to influence therapy or patient
complicated detachmenls and the operating time is care. Ideally the specimen should be divided into three
reduced Disadvantages o f this technique parts for light and electron microscopy study immuno-
include hyperopic shift, reduction in accommodative histochemistry. and microbiology and tissue culture.
amplitudes, and cataract. i’he visual results after surgery are Biopsy should only be undertaken if there is support of
generally poor and they continue Lo worsen after surgery. an experienced im mu no pathologist and the availability of
Indications lor repair will change w iLb advances in medical necessary laboratory capabilities, including immunohisto-
treatment of AI DS . ' 1 1 Ocular toxoplasmosis and herpes chemislry, electron microscopy, and tissue тки те/1 " " Ihe
rosier virus [El/V) are other causes of detachment in AIDS. quality of the cytologEc material obtaitied froLTt vitreous
Retinal detachment occurs more frequently after H ZV Lban biopsy is probably simiEar in specimens obtained by nee­
after CM V retinitis. Use of laser treatment lo prevent the dle aspiration and vitreous suction cutter aspiration done
progression o f CM V retinitis appears to be in effective/' without in fusion solution.^'11,665

H erp es S im p lex R etin o ch o ro id itis

Herpes Virus Retinochoroiditis ] Eeipes simplex retinochoroiditis occurs most often in
H ie herpes family of viruses ( DNA vims) under a variety neonates wilh herpes simplex encephalilis.u- i l-!'f,J" :,‘''1 it Is
o f circumstances causes a fundoscopic picture o f necrotiz­ usually caused by herpes simplex type 2 and is acquired
ing retinochoroidElis lhal is sufficiently characteristic Lo from the mother's genital iracl at birth. Ihe risk o f a new­
suggest strongly the diagnosis. I his family includes ihe born acquiring infection from a mother with herpes infec­
herpesvirus simiae, which only rarely infects humans. tion is approximately SO^ii/1-0 Ocular involvement occurs
Ihese viruses also produce a similar histopathologic pic­ in approximately 209£ of neonatal infants with herpes
ture o f necrotizing retinitis and underlying choroiditis. In simplex virus {EISV). Et varies widely in severity from con­
areas adjacenl to, as well as remote from. the areas of reti­ junctivitis lo necrotizing retinocboroiditis.061' The reti­
nal necrosis, intranuclear inclusion hodies may be found nitis begins as ivtulLicentric areas o f retinal opacification
by light microscopy, and viral particles by electron micros­ that frequently become confluent (figure 10.42.. А-Г).
copy in Lbe retina, fiPK, and optic nerve cells. Specific iden­ ll is associated with variable amounts o f retitial hem­
tification of ihe particular herpesvirus depends on viral orrhage. 'Ihe disease in in fan is is usually fatal. In some
cultures. immunofluorescenL histologic studies., and IX !к patienls chorioretinal scars may be evident at birth.4"1
Hypoplgmei^ted skin Lesioiis, brain lesions, and quie I 10,43 He rpes zos ler-va rtcel Ia vi ru s ch ori oret in iIes.
retinal scan; su re st lhal inlraulerine infection prob­
A and B: This 37-year-old wom an with chicken pox devel­
ably occurred during the second trimester.'1 ' 0"1 hirst tri­ oped episcEeritis, visual lass, exudative m acular detach­
mester infection probably produces teratogenic defects. ment, and focal choroiditis in the left eye. She showed rapid
Ihird trimester infection produces active neonatal HEV improvement erf all si^ns and symptoms following treatmHi I
infection. Lite ophthalmologic manifestations of neo­ with aLicltrvir.
natal H5V infection include optic atrophy, chorioretinal C: This paJienl suslained marked visual loss foHowiпй a
sc-vc-rс с-: " i i i l ' I ■hi k<n | и nen she was 1 \ i.--:i - )l
scars, corneal scare, and £atajaGt.L~7,66J|,lr1'6 Coarse hyper-
Heir visuai acuity was 20/200 bilaterally.
pigniented areas may occur pre-equatorialEy in clinically
silent cases, 't here is a high incidence of ocular changes in Ischemic optic neuropathy in association with herpes
those patients wilh neurologic disease resulting from neo­ zoster ophlhalmicus.
natal herpes simple*. Visual impairment in patienls who |j Lo f =: Acute Ions oi vision in lhe ri^M eye occurred 2 days
rifki development of herpes zoster орЫЬнНткчгн in this
are severely neurologically handicapped as a result of I1SV
40-yea r-okl HiV-posilive man with evidence of ischemic
infection is caused mainly by cortical blindness.''"'" b"
oplic nee гор,H by and mild (.enlral vein obsLrm lion. hi is
Herpes simplex retinochoroidilis may occur alone visual acuity was li^ht perception and progressed Co no light
or in association wilh encephalitis in both healthy adu perception wiLhin several davs. D oppler studies revealed e v i­
aru] il^ n o s u p p n a s e d p a te n ts ^ * ™ dence o f sLertosis of lhe fephtha Imi с cirlury. M K I scan oi lhe
I ferpes simplex virus has been isolated from eyes wilh the brain was fl^rmaF. Two monlhs later he had some anterior
acute retinal necrosis syndrome in otherwise heallhy adult chamber reaction in :bu riyhl eye. w hich was stiil blind.
H and I: Thin 7-year-old boy w ith a 6-day history oi her­
patients with primary H5V-1 or recurrent HsV-l.5S7,*4!:
pes zoster tiphlhnImre, us bad acule loss erf vision caused by
Magnetic resonance imaging studies may show evidence of
interior ischumic opIiL npunapathy It-1:. His visual acuity
spread of lhe virus posteriorly to bolh oplic tracts and lateral was 20/100. H e had a dense Superior alliLudinal scoloma
geniculate ganglia.I:' ' Ihus, the clinical disease shares many and marked conlraclion of the inferior visual liekl. H e was
features wilh lhe Von Sztly' experimental model for 3-LSV treated w ith oral prednisone 50mg per day. Four years laler
retinitis in the moube.:,''J ll), note Lhe o p lit atrophy. His acuity was 20/b0.
3 lo L: PhotomJ<irugraphs showing poM ischemic cavernous
atrophy of Lhe opLic nerve |J) caused by granulomatous arte­
H erpesvirus В ritis (K and L.J in a blind, painful eye removed from a pal i ил I
Herpesvirus simiae {herpes Ё virus} is an alpha herpes­ who had herpes rosier ophthalmi-nii.

virus endemic in monkeys of the .Vljmztvr species, in which

it causes stomatitis and conjunctivitis451^ 1'''1 ' J '['he
virus is extremely virulent in humans, 7 5 % of whom die Herpes Zoster Virus (HZV),
o f an ascending myelitis. It may cause multifocal necrotiz­
ing retinitis, optic neuritis, and panuveilis in one or both
Retinochoroiditis, and Optic Neuritis
eyes o f humans.*0^62*'6' 2 Most paltents with herpes zoster ophlhalmicus and
chicken pox demonstrate no involvement o f the choroid,
retina, or optic nerve. Nevertheless, there are several clinical
syndromes in which chorioretinal and optic nerve involve­
ment by lhe ILZV may cause severe visual loss.c"
Patients with primary (chicken pox) or secondary herpes
Foca! C horoiditis
zoster ophthalmicus develop one or more focal creamy During the convalescent stage of chicken pox or herpes
while choroidal lesions that may be associated with serous zoster ophthalmicus an occasional patient may develop
retinal detachment, retinal vasculitis, vitritis, cycloid macu- one or more yellow-white placoid choroidal lesions
far edema, and scleFitis (Figure 10.41, G_ij.-J5L^S],36:jS4,jS5 throughout the posterior fundus (I'igure 10.43, А-С).™$
Jhese may be associated with early blockage o f fluores­
cence and late fluorescein staining. E'ocal chorioretinal Congenital Varicella Syndrom e
scars may develop afler their resolution. Iltey may be Infanls o f mothers who had varicella infection during
accompanied by focal atrophic scars in lhe iris in patienls lhe second trimester may demonstrate, at birth or soon
after herpes rosier ophthalmicus.''''1 In some cases it is dif­ afterward, systemic findings including bulbar palsy, mild
ficult lo determine whether the choroidal lesions are pri­ hemiparesis, cicatricial skin lesions, developmental delay
marily infiltrative or atrophic or hoth.. Ischemia related and learning difficulties, as well as ocular manifestations
to ciliary nerve infection by the virus has been implicated including chorioretinal atrophy, chorioretinal furars liintu-
in their causal ion in patients with herpes zoster ophthal- lating toxoplasmosis, hypoplastic optic discs, attenuated
micus.j"' 1,L An immune-induced granulomatous choroidal eleelroreltnographic and evoked occipital potential ampli­
vasculitis similar to lhat occurring tn the brain and oplic tudes, congenital cataract, and Homer's syndrome (E'igure
nerve is another possible explanation. \G.13, C ).liai l"he H ZV tiler to IgM is typically negative.
l-h'rptr* Z o s te r LtptfgidcTpQiftif 899
Focal Retinitis, N euroretinopathy, isch em ic O ptic Efj.44 Acute retinal necrosis syndtnme.
N europathy, an d Retinal Vascular O cclu sio n A to F: Л 50-vear-old diiibeLic African Am erican man pre­
In children and adults lhe External manifestation of her­ sented w ilh rapid decline in vision over 3 davs, elevated
pes zoster ophthalmicus or chicken pox зилу be associated inliaocLrkir pressure, several areas o f focal and cun fluent reLi-
a ia s ib n a ily with optic disc swelling, micular star, branch nitis, and retinal rirterinl narrowing wiLh peri venous hemor­
rhages Al. His visual acuity was 2Q /|p in LEie affected eve.
of centraE relinal artery or vein occlusion., and multifocal
A clinical diagnosis of herpetic retinitis and panuveiLis was
retinitis [E-'igure 10.43, D -J),fia2-fie6 In children and adults
made, and he received oral va lacrd o vir (VattreH), follow ed
H2V can cause a granulomatous arteritis and an ocular 2-3 days ]^iLrdг by oral prednisone. Aqueous l*CK was posi­
syndrome similar to lhal produced by cranial arteritis, tive for Herpes simples virus. Two weeks later there conlin-
including ophthalmoplegia, ischemic optic neuropathy, uoh Lo be vitrilis: rceLiплI arteries show periarterial pJaqties

hypotony, phthisis bulbl, and contralateral hemiplegia and sh ead in g (B). The multifocal Eesions are now confluent
(E-'igure 10.43, j-K }:?7^ 167^ in lhe [periphery and mid periphery arid 1». H e was con­
tinued on oral va la cid o vir and lhe prednisone was slow ly
tapered over lhe nexl b monlhs. At 5 monlhs lhe optic disc
A cu te Retinal N ecrosis fH erp etic Throm botic
is pale, lhe reLinal arterioles continue La h a w perianuriolar
R etinochoroidal Angiitis and N ecrotizing plaques and sheathing, and lbe peripheral lesions show pig­
N euroretinitis) mentary changes and fibrosis it and F). His vision improved
I Lerpes zoster virus (varicella-zoster vims, VZV) is the pri­ to 20/50 jnfl al Iasi follow-up I here were nu relinal tears or
mary cause of acute retinal necrosis, a clinical syndrome
G (o J: Extensive peripheral necrotizing rhinitis in a healthy
that develops in one or both eyes of typical healthy indi­
79-year-old m m a n . Note lbe confluent areas uf retinitis in
viduals of all ages, herpes simplex virus 1 and 2 (LISV-I lhe periphery associated w ilh perivascular hemorrhage «Li
and HSV-2) account for a smaller number of cases, and Н/ and the patchy involvement posteriorly w ilb spar­
wilh the average age at presentation being 52.4 years ing of the center of lhe п ^ с ш а (I). There was marked nar­
for V/.V, 44.3 years for !ISV -Ir and 24.3 years for ] SSV- rowing of the retinal vasculature and pallor of Lhe optic disc.
2.696 HSV-1 viral acute retinal necrosis generally follows The right fundus was normal. The retinitis resolved sponta­
neous! Seven weeks later, visual acuiLy wan 20/50. There
recent or rejnole herpeLic encephalitis.f,,JJC,,?' There has
was complete closure of all o f the nasal retinal vessels (JЬ
been a rise in HSV-2 cases, especially in the late teen­
and extensive closure ol lhe peripheral vascutaLure tempo­
age years.' ]1'Й9:|-И5'ЕМ [t jji characterized by the develop­ rally. 5he m aintainEd thib vision over the subsequent 3 years,
ment o f mild anterior uveilis, followed within a few days when she w as lost to follow-up.
by vitreous inflammation, pain, occasionally glaucoma, K: This man was blinded in both eyes by the acute retinal
and usually a rapid decline in visual function caused by necrosis syndrome several years previously. Note the optic
a rapidly progressing occlusive retina! arteritis, necrotiz­ atrophy anti thread-like remnanls of the rulinal vessels

ing retinitis, and optic neuritis associated with progres­

sive inflammatory infiltration of lhe vitreous [E'igunes
10.44-10.46).i?y 6 n -tw -721
The retinal whitening often begins in multifocal areas Eh .4 5 A c u te r e t i n a l n e c ro s is c a u s e d b y h e r p e s s im p le *
that become confluent in lJi-е peripheral fundus (figure v iru s ty p e 2 (H S V -2 K
10.44, A- I) 31 is typically associated with perivascular A 1o L: An t fi-year-old ^irl presented will> photcipEiaMa, pain
infiltration. vascular occlusion, and hemorrhage (Figures .1nlI redness, and a decrease in vision Го 20/40 in Ihe left
10.44, EJ-D; I0.4!>, A —LI , O, and ly). 'Ehe occlusive vas- eye. SEie was diagnosed with anterior uvEitis and started on
cuLilis may affect the major retina] and oplic nerve head Lupitrtl steroids find c y ^ p d le d p , Symptoms worsened over
arteries posterior to the zones of full-thickness necrotizing tEie next 4 days and the vision dropped Lo 2U/80. A diaj=-
nesis of panuveilis with oplic nuuTili* was made, and oral
retinilis {figures 10.44. B-D; 10.45, A and D -f). Retinal
slfco id i a I HOmj; рет dray w ere be^un. She W as Inferred Ihe
opacification rapidly spreads posteriorly, frequently spar­
пек! day w hen her vision had decreased to count finders.
ing the macula [Figure 10.44. f and I). Multiple posterior Ce]Js were seen in the anterior ch-iunErer and vitreous ca v­
white lesions occasionally occur early id the course of the ity. along with a swollen optic disc, several J l t i » of retinal
disease. These may involve either or both the inner and whitening, m acular whiLemny and scallured hlot relinal
outer retina. Marked yellow atheromatous cuffing, nar­ hemorrhages lA-t!, Cj. A diagnosis of acule retinal rtecrqsis
rowing. and occlusion of the major branch retinal arter­ was. made. Angiogram showed occlusion at several arierr-
ules in Ihe mid peripheral fundus inferiody and inferonanally
ies may develop [figure 10.44, Br E, and 0 ). Widespread
113—F, Hi. Aqueous P C R was sen I. for varicella-zosler virus
necrotizing retinitis is the predominant fundus finding in
WZV) . USV-1 and -2, and CVlV; and oral slurnids w ere dis­
most patients; however, some show evidence o f extensive continued and IV aciclovir was Ijejjun. By 2 day's the media
retinal arteritis preceding development of large areas of haze worsened and ihe lesions b e t a k e more conflueni
retina] necrosis (figure 10.4!>r ] and Q). In some patients AtjL.ciu:- I"! 4 i Mr'i--:i ::)si:ivt i:ii I пн ■I i■
■t ■Inr
visual Loss is caused primarily by branch or central reti­ V Z V and H SV -]. Ora.1 steroid w as added a I 40m ^f and a
nal artery occlusion, and the presence of either an arcuate week laler the vitreous, cells had decreased, buE the retini­
tis w as still conlluen) with retinal infarcts !|). Ten days laler
pattern or diffuse retinal whitening and cherry-red spot
the retina detached, with several large hoEes in Ihe ischemic
along with (he atheromatous changes may be misinter­
inferior retina confirm ed on an ultrasound due Lo p(]or vi-s-
preted as embolic occlusion of the retinal arteries second­ i-t?iIiLy from Ihe vilneous haze ;K . ih e underwent a viLrec-
ary to carotid artery disease™ j73‘3-J35 Some patients may Lomv. scleral buckle, and Silicone oil p la cem e n t and her
demonstrate a milder progression and severity of the dis­ relina has remained flat under the oil. She was continued
e a s e . An associated scleritis with underlying choroi­ on systemic a c id o v ir tor 9 + months^ and игнI nind lopical
dal effusion is sometimes seen (figure 10.45, M and N). sluroids lapered over 7-й months. The oplic nerve remained
pale with narrowed retinal vase ltI a lure. H e r vision stabilized
fluorescein angiography demonstrates reduced perfu­
at 20/2U0.
sion in the areas o f retinal necrosis and retinal capillary
permeability alteration, as well as evidence o f focal choroi­
dal Inflammatory cell infiltration and t£ETL damage in areas
uninvolved by retinal necrosis (figure 10.45, L>—J [). After immune complexes.'Ji* Central vision, however, may be
a few days the necrotic retina crumbles and sheds into the retained in those patients who do not develop retina]
vitreous and a sharply outlined pattern o f usually mild pig­ detachment because of the tendency for (he retinitis and
ment mottling is left in the area o f previous retinal necrosis choroiditis lo spare the posterior pole (figure SO.44, Л-Е).
(figure Ю.45, H). Hven as the areas of retinitis are clearing- Approximately two-thirds o f patients with the acute ret­
the patient may experience further sudden and profound inal necrosis syndrome are men. 'the second eye becomes
loss o f vision caused by (hrombolic arterial occlusion involved in approximately one-third of patients, usually
within or near the optic nerve head. In approximately two- within ё weeks o f onset In the first eye. Involvement of the
thirds of eyeSr large irregular retinal holes develop in the second eye may be delayed for as long as 19 years. 1
necrotic retina and are followed by vitreous organization, In patients receiving early treatment with aciclovir, the
tractionr and extensive retinal detachment {figure 10.45, likelihood o f involvement of the fellow eye is reduced. 41
К, Q r and R). H ie detachment typically occurs 6 -12 weeks Most patients have no antecedent systemic disease. 1Eerpes
after the onset of the disease, ihe overall prognosis for zoster ophthalmicus, the Ramsay Hunt syndrome, and
visual acuity is generally poor, xvith only 3 0 % o f affected chicken pox may occur in some patients shorLly before the
eyes achieving an acuity o f better than 20/200. onset o f acute retinal necrosis/" '1vn--r° 1 ' ' ■ 1|-715 ] herpes
IJisk factors for severity of the disorder early in the simplex virus, aphthous ulcers, and EV cocaine have been
course of the disease are retinal arteritis, reduced elec- implicated in the development o f acute retinal necrosis in
troretinograpbic amplitudes, and elevated circulating severaEpatienis.70i-''11■
FI Islopatbologic examination of ihe eyes of immuno­ 10,45 Continued
competent patienls with the early slags of acute retinal
Varicella-zoster scleriiis and acute retinal necrosis
necrosis caused by lhe MZV reveals two ma[or compo­ (AKN),
nents: (1) sharply defined zones of ful E-thickness nec- M Id R: This 6fi-year-old man wan seen eEsewhere and
rolizing retinitis associated with replicating herpes virus Ire-лted with era! and topical steroids lor 2 weeks with a
( I S;:;iv !0.4i4; and |2] occlusive vasculitis alfeclmg (he diagnosis Ы panuveilis. He was luund to have sclerilis w ilh
choroidal and retinal vessels un associated wilh evidence severe pain and redness; in Ibe temporal qu.idrLtnl o f his rigtil
of replicating virus Within the blood vessels (Figure 10.46.. eye. Л choroidal detachment was seen under Lhe scleritib
Eilon^ w ilh s ij^n i fi слп1 viIritis and urLeriolar plaques iM - O i. A
B], U5-f2i-73t Lhe thickened necrotic retina involving alE lay­
diagnosis uJ A K N with is secondary to Varifcella-zosler
ers seen hislopal biologically corresponds with the zones
virus was made. EHe received ora: vjiI лс icluvi г iVallrejtf, 1 g
of dense retinal whitening seen clinically (Figure 10.44.. three times, a day, nnd -tflh later oral steroids were added.
C, D, and G). In the areas adjacent lo the necrotic retina Two weeks later Ihere vi'at- some heaJing o f I he relinitis (h*:,
where the retina is partly preserved, numerous intra­ but be subsequently developed л rhe$$malo$encius relinal
nuclear inclusion bodies typical of the herpesviruses are delachm cnl in Che inlurio: and nasal t| lt jdram s IQ nnd 1^ .
evident by light and electron microscopy in the retina He underwent л vitrectom y and repair ot [be retinal detach­
ment w ilh placem ent of -silicene oil . His relina has fem ained
and RPE (I'igure 10.46,. G and IE). Immunocytopathologic
altached though the arterioles showed occlusion wiLb several
staining techniques, immunofluorescence, and PC E tech­
periarCeriolar plaques.
niques haw been used to identify the virus as herpes
zoster.67* ' In areas where the white necrotiz­
ing retinilis has faded from view clinically, only skeletal
remains of partly thrombosed major retinal vessels may 10.46, Л. G. □. and F) in patients with acute retinal necro­
be found (Figure I0.46r G), Itte major retinal arteries may sis is largely occult because of lhe loss of transparency of
be occluded as a resulL of infiltration of the arterial walls the overlying ischemic retina. On histopathologic exami­
by acute and chronic inflammatory cells as well as lipid- nation of two eyes enucleated many months after partial
Eaden macrophages (i'igure 10.46., 11). The choroid may resolution of acute retinal necrosis caused by ll/.X. the
he focally and diffusely thickened by acute and chronic author found a smoldering retinochoroiditis and a glant-
inflammatory cells and occlusive vasculitis that involves cell reaction in the vicinity of bruch's membrane and the
both the choroidal arteries and the choriocapiHaris {Eigure internal limiting membrane of the retina/1 'I’his gran­
10.46, C, D, and F). This vasculitis may be associated with ulomatous response lo these collagenous membranes is
necrosis of the overlying pigment epithelium and outer similar to lhal which may occur around Descemefs mem­
retina (Figure 10.46, F). A necrotizing optic neuritis may brane in palients after FlZV keratitis. 11 1J
he found [E'igure 10.46, F). No virus has been identified Although most cases of acute retinal necrosis are prob­
in the uveal tract or in the Walls of the retinal vessels. It ably caused by lhe herpes zoster virus, the herpes sim­
is probable that Lhe H ZV does not invade the retinal and plex virus, cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Barr virus, and
choroidal blood vessels bul instead induces an acute reac­ loxjpku 1ГШ have been incriminated in a few cases/? ■
tive inflammatory granulomatous response within the ret­ FsLablishing the cause of acute relinal necrosis has been
inal arterial wall, as well as in the choroid at vasculature, aided by recent success with PCR. [deviously, serial deter­
that plays an important rule in the ischemic damage to the mination of serum and intraocular fluid 1EZV antibody
timer and outer retina apart from the necrosis inflicted by ievels, viral culture,, and immunocytopathologic tech­
direct intrarelinal spread bf the replicating virus, '['his reac­ niques were used to identify HZV infection in tissue sec-
tive immune-induced vasculitis is probably largely respon­ ^p(js.6ia731 : Biopsy of the retina at the junction of
sible for the panuveitis and necrotizing optic neuropathy the necrotic and unaffected retina during pars plana vitnec-
accompanying this disorder [E-'igure 10.46,. E). lomy is occasionally used for diagnosis.1n,-T i:: Our failure
l he same explanation may be invoked for the giant cell lo recognize the acute retinal necrosis (ЛГСМ) syndrome
arteritis associated with ischemic optic neuropathy {E'igure some 10 years ago suggests thal a mutation in Lhe FlZV
10.43, F-l.) and contralateraE hemiplegia lhal occurs in may have occurred, lhe genotypes EII.A-DQw7A and E1LA-
some palients with herpes zoster ophthalmicus.4^ '™ * '"11 Jl\V 6 2 4 )FM occur in 5 5 % and 1 6 % , respectively (controls
Clinically the marked choroidal involvement (Figure 19% and 3%), of patients with AKN.
Although the necrotizing ret ini tIs Lypically appears ini- 10.46 Light and electron microscopic findings in the
Lially in the peripheral fundus, il may begin as multifocal acute retinal necrosis syndrome caused by herpes
lesions in Lhe macula. Whereas progression of the disease zoster^
is usually rapid, in some cases a slow progression may A Id И : ThromlHjtic u t d us-ive retinal arLeriLis of the Optic
simulate that seen in other diseases such as toxoplasmosis nerve head (А and E3i. Ncrie vacuolated cells, either lipid­
or reticulum cell sarcoma. During the acute stages of lhe laden endolhelial cdlh «г т л е ropha^es u m n v i. m Lhe w all
disease the differential diagnosis includes: (1) cytomegalic [)E 1h i у (icdud-od reLinai arLtsjy.
inclusion disease, which almost always occurs in im mu no­ Kalina nasal [о [he oplic disc showing thf о т hosed relinal
arlery and marked necrosis c f the felina 1C.
suppressed individuals, is typically less widespread, pro­
ThromboLic occlusion o f [he cboriocapillaris and large
gresses at a slower rate, and is usually associated with cjhcroidal artery undedvinj» necrctliL К PL ®S}.
more retinal hemorrhage and less evidence of retinal arte­ Segmental in fare Linn and inflammation o f lhe nasal halt of
rial occlusion; [2) primary herpes simples retinitis, usually lhe rel rolam i na r optac nerve it..
seen in in fail Ls hut occasionally in adults with encepbali- Temporal r e L i n a shewing зЬатр ju n d io n of necrotiz­
tls;5^ [3} bacterial or fungal retinitis; {4) large-cell non- ing relinilis and relatively normal retina. NoLe the eslensive
llodgkin''s lymphoma [reticulum cell sarcoma), usually underlying choroiditis (F). The reLina in the m acular area (not
shown was well ргене!ved, and 1he dtoroidilis w a-к гтти ILi-
in elderly patients; (5} diffuse toxoplasmosis, usually in
focal rather lhan diffuse.
patients receiving long-lerm corticosteroid therapy or oth­ Temporal relina show ing eosinophilic intranuclear viral
erwise im mu nosup pressed; (6) beh^et's disease; [7) sar­ indusions wilhin retinal and bJI-’E cells G-.
coidosis; (3) centra] retinal artery occlusion in association ElecEron micrograph -showing intranuclear viral particles
wilh severe carotid artery disease [ocular ischemic syn­ in jeLinar cells (Hi.
drome); [9J retinal necrosis in ^-linked lymp ho prolifera­ 1Л-С .in J F - H f m r r i ^ i i l I "ч r I“■i !11 L1! . i I . " - : L I . i r r d L f r o m j f j i d . -r , i

tive disease;750 (10) acute multifocal hemorrhagic retinal

vasculopathy;''' and [ l i ] human T-lympholropic virus
type ] (31'ILV-]) associated uveitis and relinal vasculitis.' J‘ include the edge of a recently developed while area of reti­
Ophthalmoscopic pictures identical lo acute retinal necro­ nitis and its adjacent normal-appearing retina.
sis have been reported in immunosuppressed patienls Aciclovir appears to be effective in the treatment of acute
with Hodgkin's disease,753 CN5 toxoplasmosis/^ cyto­ retinal necrosis, and reduces (he risk of fellow eye involve­
megalic inclusion disease/1 ' Kehcel's disease, " a n d giar­ ment. '[-^е treatment regimen for the acute stage
diasis.' " I n some of these cases the acute retinal necrosis of acute relinal necrosis includes IV aeiclovir and, 2-3 days
may in fact have been caused by herpes zoster. laler. oral prednisone; these drugs are continued until all
During the healed stage of acute retinal necrosis, the signs of acute retinal necrosis have disappeared which may
pigmentary changes, chorioretinal alrophyr severe vas­ be as long as b or more monlhs. Milder cases have been suc­
cular narrowing and sheathing, and optic atrophy simu­ cessfully treated with oral valacietovir alone.' >l:-' Anterior
late those seen in ophthalmic artery occlusion, Behcet's chamber cel Is tend to persisL for 6 months or longer, requir­
disease, severe diffuse unilateral subacute neurorelinitis, ing topical steroids. Resolution of the active reLinitis typi­
severe atypical retinitis pigmentosa, and post traumatic cally begins 5-7 day's after initiation of aciclovir. ' 1'realmenl
chorioretinal scarring. wilh aciclovir does not prevent relinal detachment only in
The diagnosis of acute relinal necrosis is based primar­ selected cases. E’rophylactic photocoagulalion Lo delimit
ily on the clinical picture and lhe exclusion of other causes the zones of retinal necrosis may be effective in reducing
of relinal whitening and retinal vascular occlusion, '['here the risk of retinal detachmenL."""' 1: Approximately two-
are no consistent laboratory findings of diagnostic impor­ lb irds of the patients respond well to scleral-buckling pro­
tance. Vitreous specimens are unlikely lo show evidence of cedures, which may be supplemented wilh vitrectomy in
intranuclear inclusions, and although viral cultures may be some c a s e s . Retinal and optic disc neovascularization
negative, [\; k is more likely to be positive. Relinal biop­ may occasionally occur and may respond favorably to pan­
sies in this disease have a significant chance of missing the photocoagulation. 6 there seems to be liltle rationale for
limited areas where the diagnostic inclusions are present consideration of optic nerve shealh decompression in Lhe
in viable but inflamed retinas. A biopsy specimen should treatment of ATCN optic neuropathy.'
A cu te Retinal N ecrosis in Im m une Incom peten t ifl.47 Progressive outer r e tin a l necrosis (PO RN )
Patients (Posterior O uter Retinal N ecro sis) syndrome,
Immune incompetent patients, particularly those Wtth Л lo G : A cu le visual loss occurred ал fhi-s 4^-year-old man
AIDS, often develop a distinct cl in tea] picture of acute who w a s H I V -p o silive. Note the m u ltifo c a l le sio n s sunound-
retinal necrosis characterized by fewer inflammatory rny paracentral zones o f retinal whiLening that in vok ed the
inner a? w ell as 1he outer retina IA untl t3'. Angiography
signs* deep retina] opacification, frequent involvement of
showed evidence erf perifcKveoEar reLEnal vascular occlusion
the macula., lets involvement of ihe retinal and choroi­
and incomplulo staining of the w hile paracenlral lesions i£I
dal blood vessels, poor response to antiviral agents, and tu E!'. Two weelts laL-w be had severe visual lass and progres­
rapid progress ton lo severe biEateral visual Loss (l-'igure sio n o f llie nutiniLis <F?r an d 3 weeks aflcn th i o n set erf symp-
I0i4^|b7fi3" '73 '['hough ihe fundus appearance appears tunts be w a s virtually blind. Note the severe re tin al vascular
to be outer retinal involvement (posterior outer retina! narrowing. optic d is c pallor, and BeJsiive sparing» d f the cho­
necrosis or PO RN syndrome), there is clinical and his­ roid il:). The lefL eye was enucleated and herpes zoster viTLis-
li- IW i w fli tu I lured an d identified w ilh immunoliuoTescenl
topathologic evidence that the necrotizing viral retini­
staining w ith a monoclonal antibody (o varicella-zoster virus.
tis also involves the inner retina early in these patients
H to K: Visual loss occurred in this 39-year-old man w ilh
(E-'igure 10.47, Л-Н and J-3*). ' Eiecause these patients are AI P i and a hislory of two episodes of herpes zoster der­
immuno-suppressed, the acute reactive granulomatous matitis. Note lhu multifocal whiLe relinal legions !H and Ik
retina] ,md choroidal arteritis typically seen in immune 1here was minimal vitreous inflammation, t in e w eek laler
incompetent patients With HZV ARM is less severe, but the his visual acuity was 2u£tOCl in tfiu right еуё and hand m ove­
replicating virus causes severe, rapidly progressing retinal ments o nly in Ihe left eye. Vision progressed rapidly Lo no
Eight perception in ihe right eye, w hich was enucleated for
necrosis involving at] retinal layers. Progression to loss
dia^noslic purposes. H islopalholo^ic examination tf and K'-
of light perception occurs in two-thirds of patients. Early
revealed ox I enuave necros-is of the retina ibal m many areas
aggressive treatment of the retinitis and Lbe immunocom­ was more marked in the inner Ihan oulux relina. Note ihe
promised stale u'ith 11AAR E is recommended to salvage аЬнепсс Ы 'h e reLinaf and choroidal vascular inflamma­
some vision. ■ tory response and compiare it with the severe inflammatory
re s p o n s e th a t o ccu rs in llie im m u n o c o m p e L e n t p a liu n l W itf ji

AКN caused by H Z V F ig u r e 10.46).

Ш.4. Continued

L h i;P: А 49-уейвУрвд African Am erica^ W a Irian com pi л itied

Й dw-T-eased vision irr IjcjIK ey^i; Khe was diagnosed w ilh
f IIW A ID b I monLh;; prior with л JCLJ4 count luui tii:нп 20. ih e
had -il hi story of C M V viremia, esophageal u.( еты. chronic
t;-asLritiыг hypertenaion, and oral candidiasis. H e r vision was
3/200 in the right eye and 2WflO En the left eye. EJoLh eyes
had widespread duop outer ruti-mil vvbjtejlfng in lhe m acula
and periphery with rEtinal hemorrhages ’.L. M and £>}. Ihure
were area* of relinal atrophy anlerior It- the peripheral at. live
lesions fOl. Angiogram showed late slain ing of lhe active
lesions and trailsrTiiiSFofi detticb of lhe alruphic zone's :N and
Pi. A uijfreOtfi hiopsv was piisalive for varkelJa-zoster virus by
FJCK and negative for C M V find H $ V i>hu -received 2400
[)t intravitreal foscamet in both eye;- and oral valgancrclo-
vir 900mg Iw ice a day. The w hilening disappeared and Lhe
lesions becam e pi^jmenled.

lA .Hid h ;riirn M.'ri'.ol;^ ^'1 . I (.i-l :rurn Mahgu' ; L-ll3^ (.outIcnj1

Ur UiLLiriLV ii-hih.l
HUMAN IM M UNODEFICIENCY M 1.4 8 A c q u ire d im m u n e deficiency s y n d ro m e ,

VIRUS (HIV) AND ACQUIRED A : C o l Lon-woo] spots.

!£ and f. : Photomicrographs of collon-wool patch. Note
IMMUNE DEFICIENCY SYNDROME c:yloi< I bodyr w hich is pari I у crucified (arrovw, Ur hwnnlosy-
Iin and eoSJ-n). Home of lhe calcificd 1issue (palfe ar&al wa$
Acquired immune deficiency syndrome [AIDS) first dislodged during sectioning. The whofce cyloid ЬосГу stained
became apparent In I У75 but has rapidly become л global puj-ititeJy lor calcium i.C, von Kassa slaiiT).
pandemic Jn the United Stales, the Centers for Disease D and E: Cytom egalic inclusion disease retinitis,
Control and Prevention (CD C) made lhe first announce­ f-: Pholomicno^Tjph o f lhe retinni w ilh many cylom eyaljc
ment of AIDS cases In five homosexual men in Las cells wilh. inLracylupla^rnic 'a rro w and irUfanudrar inclu­
sions - 'owl's eye' in a paLienL with C M V
Angeles who were hospitalized with R carinii pneumonia,
CM V infection and .candidiasis.780 The disease is transmit­ G : Cytom egalic in clunion papiililis
ted primarily by sexual contact that can be homosexual, H and L: C lin ical photograph (Hf and photomicrograph (h of
bisexual, or heterosexual; by parenteral transmission by Kaposi's sarcoma of the inferior conjunctival cul-de-sac.
transfusion of infected blood products, or by injeclion j: Kaposi's sarcoma ot" 1he.1 lower eyelid.
using blood-contaminated needles or syringes; and peri­ К and L: Kaposi "я нагсота o f die conjunctiva in a palienl
natally before, during, or after delivery.1' 14: J^s 7в-
1-а*3 '['he with А Ю 5 before (K) and several weeks after (L) subconjunc­
tival injection o f 0.5m L o f 3 m illion units interferon a(fa-2a.
definition of AIDS that was formerly based primarily on
Lhe acquisition of one or more 'indicator diseases' asso­ I Ы .i n J t ! frurn e n Jjju rn c l l-r сскгг1с:ьу U r N jri-in jj Нло: К .l ii H L
Г г а т Н и п и п е гч Д лЗ. ' 'I
ciated wilh H JV infections, such as infection by opportu­
nistic organisms, lymphomas, and encephalopathy, now
Includes asymptomatic palients With СП4+ I'-lymphocyte are identical wilh cotton-wool patches seen from other
counts of less than 200 cells/pL^" c a u s e s .JIIslopathologically, they are cyloid bodies asso­
AIDS is caused by infection wilh the retrovirus human ciated wilh arteriolar obstruction, basal laminar thicken­
Immunodeficiency virus (H IVJ, which causes a profound ing. endothelial cell swelling, and degeneration of the
Immunodeficiency resulting primarily from a progressive pericytes/^ We have observed calcification hislopalho-
quantitative and qualitative deficiency of the CD4+ sub­ logically within cytoid bodies in two patients with AIDS
set o fT lymphocytes referred to as the helper or inducer (Mgure l0.4Sr В and Although structures resem­
T cells. ']Ъеге is an associated elevation of circulating bling Pneumocysib jirpuecH were identified In a colton-wool
immune complexes and elevaled serum IgA and JgC lev­ patch in one case,"1there is minimal evidence to support
els. The median time from H IV exposure to the develop­ an infectious cause for the arteriolar obstruction. Vascular
ment of AIDS is approximately II years.''1' l]atienls often damage from a circulating immune complex deposition
are seen initially because of fever, generalised lympha- has been suggested as the cause. ^ HIV-1 has been dem­
denopalhy, a wide variety of severe opportunistic infec- onstrated In lhe retina, conjunctiva, tears, iris, and cornea
Lions. and, in approximately 30^4 of palients. the devel­ of patients wilh AJDSJ™ft-7?s',flC18 Ihe role of this virus in
opment of a progressi4,e form of Kaposi's sarcoma. Ocular causing cotton-wool patches, microaneurysms and hem­
findings occur in 50-70°/fr of palients. ЧЪе most com­ o r r h a g e s , n o n s l a i n i n g eysloid macular edema.
mon ocular finding is one or more cotlon-wool patches macuEar star, optic neuropathy, or otherwise unexplained
[approximately 50- 70% of cases} (Hgure ID.4fir A), visual loss in some palients wilh AIDS/'- iint|
retinal hemorrhages and Roth's spots (approximately in potentiating the effects of opportunistic infections Is
4 0 % J, microaneurysms (approximately 2 0 % ), and cylo- uncertain.'117
mcg.ilic reliEiiLis i.ippmxim.iU'ly 2V',.'| f|-inures I' :-.T I ■ Most opportunistic infections occur in palients wilh a
10.48, J3£.r)L7M'793'7?7 The cotton-wool patches are simi- СВЙ4- T-lymphocyte counl of less than 200 cells/p L Kor
Ear to those occurring In other retinal vascular diseases opportunistic infections associated wilh AIDS, see the
except that they are generally smaller in si/e."''' They following: bacleria, p. SOS; cytomegalovirus, p. -Й92; her­
regress in 4-6 weeks. Iliey may appear early in the course pes zoster virus and acule retinal necrosis, pp. 900-910;
of the disease, and their appearance is unrelated lo spe­ mycobacterium, pp. 830-й36; cal-scralch disease, pp.
cific infections or the general status of the palienl. When S12-814; cryptococcosis, p. £42; histoplasmosis, p. Й46:
these patches are viewed by fluorescein angiography, they PneunKitjstijr, p. 85fl
Cytomegalic retinitis and oplic neuritis are the most I 0 .49 Epstei n-Ear r virus (ЕВ V ).
serious ocular complications of AEL>S from ihe visual as
A to E: A 2b-year-«ld wom an dtvejljf^ped sudden fervor, dif­
well as the overall prognostic standpoint (figure ]QA\, fuse myalgia, ыоте throat. and <fiificu.1 ty iwa-mgwing. ie v e n
A-L and P-T), Cytomegalic retinitis develops late in (he weeks- later shiti noted ocular discomfort, ГаНцие, headact|tf;
course of ihe disease, is progressiver andr before ihe use tinniLus, n i:!cl hearing, loss, and pericent гаI so&triiwL .Vlild
of antiviral agettls, was usually followed several weeks lympadenupathy nnd p^sftlvit^ phttrvn^ilis was found tin
after its discovery hy death caused by systemic infection examination. Retinal veins in both eyes had patchy phlebitis
iA - C Lh-nL on angiojjjaphv sJitjwied leakage from ihe venous
With CMV or one or more of the following: ftarumocyfiis
w all ID —C ). All laboratory t-esLs w ere negative except for pos­
oirjpuf (jjftetssci) pneumonia, CrypUx&txiii neojonmun men-
itive lj=M and Ij^C antlEtodjeH lo ttSV and л quantitative fc№V
ingiLis, Tnxopfcismrt gondii encephalitis,. and disseminated FCb? was positive in 500 copies/mL. The lesions responded
Mycobacterium avium, Mycobacterium avium-inlmcdhilare, to oral prednisone a I бОтэд tw ice a day I hat was tapered a I
and Candida With ihe intro­ 2 0 mg per Wtelc v\ ith com plete resolution of the phlebitis; in
duction of U,V\KT in the !ale l У90s, CMV retinitis can be both eyes i.H and Г.
cured or controlled in some patients, though they may ] L(] N : Л ЬЗ-уидг-cild wom an with palholofjpc myopia and
a cenLral scar in I be left macula noted a Tapid decrease in
haw to be on chronic ganciclovir treatment or receive
vision in her yood right eye. 5he developed headache, neck
intravitreal ganciclovir im plaints. Immune recovery uveitis
siliifness, malaise, and cervical adenopathy- W h e n examined
wilh vitreous inflammation and cysloid macular edema a week later, ih e righl eye showed fa in I yello w Земопк in Ihe
has emerged in ihe post I lAART era. where immune recon­ macula, and Lhe lelt was unchanged w ilh a pre-exisling atro­
stitution elicits ail inflammatory response in patients phic scar (Jf. Nineteen days laler her vision in the rijjhl eye
recovering from CMV retinitis. This uveitis can be treated
successfully with topical or local steroids.
Kaposi's sarcoma appears as one or more erythema­
tous violaceous masses that may involve the conjunc­ and control of opportunistic infections. Chemotherapy,
tiva.. skin of the lids, and occasionally the orbits [i'igure cryotherapy, local excision, and tumor infection with
10.43., ]Progressive involvement of the skim alpha-interferon are used lo control Kaposi's sarcoma
mucous membranes, internal organs, and lymph nodes (Kigure 10.4S. К and L }.™
may be the major cause of death in approximately У^/Ь of Although 1LEV and AIDS initially were diseases of the
patients. Hurkilt's lymphoma of the orbit and a variety developed countries and Africa, the incidence has risen
of neuro-ophthalmologic complications, usually caused dramatically in olher parts of the world, with the largest
hy intracranial infections, may occur."u Intraocular lym­ rise occurring in South East Asia and India. 11IV transmis­
phoma, squamous cel! carcinoma of the conjunctiva, ocular sion in these countries is mostly heterosexual. By 2007, an
surface disease such as microsporid ia keratitis, molluscum estimated 33.2 million people worldwide and I million in
contagio&um, and drug-induced uveitis (cidofovir and rifab­ the United States were i IIV infected. Women and minori­
utin) are other ocular manifestations seen in AIDS. ties have shown a rise in incidence, along with men who
Therapy in patients with AIDS is directed toward inhi­ have sex wilh men (M SM ) who continue lo be a high-risk
bition of replication of H lV by anli retroviral medications
EPSTEIN-BARR VIRUS 10.49 Continued
was- 2Q/20Q and the left was couni linden?.. Пите? were я tow
Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infects virtually everyone by vitreous colts bilaterally and c<*aele£cin£ yellow lesions were
adulthood, nind a lifelong latency is maintained. Et infects nulud in bolh m;icula wilh Litt.1 sipaiinfj of Ihe peripheral
children silently, whereas the majority of adolescents rrlina Hind blood Vessels -.K and L:. Laboratory Lotting shcAv^d
develop infectious mononucleosis (EM}. Thus the conical lymphocYtabtS huL negative for syphilis. Lymti disease.. -and
outcome of EBV infection is aye dependent. Children with Toxopiasma. She underwent a vitrectomy far a concern for
lymphoma which showed atyijrcal lymphocytes ch-iirHcterii;-
primary immune insufficiency can have fatal or chronic
lic oi fctiV infection. She Was sLafted on vfllaciclovir 1 ^
1M malignant IJ-cell lymphoma, virus-associated hemo- three limes й day and oral prednisone 50mj^ per day. O ver
phagocytic syndrome, aplastic anemia. or acquired hypo the next 2 weeks her inflammation subsided, (lie lesions
gammaglobulinemia. Part of the predilection for AiDS LLirned alnuphic IN I and the yiSfcwi slnbiliiied aL J2Q/B0 on the
and other immunosuppressed patients to develop ft-cell ri ^.ti I a nd с ou п I l ingers on 1be lefl.
Lymphomas may result from EBV infection. Aciclovir and |{jjurCtsy: Л-Ё LJr V'lic.h.H'l Ak.iwrul: J--V Ur ^luphL'ii Daniel
immunoglobulin therapy can be of value in some patients M e r li n . R e p r in t e d v r i lh jj'L T jn is :;L in I ru m R i ' l i n i t C d s e i ;tn d H n c l b . p d l t L .

with active EBV ^ fe cd o ^ *14^ 5 Ocular involvement sel­

dom occurs in patients with other clinical manifestations remain asymptomatic and otherwise healthy or develop
of EBV. A variety of ocular disorders associated with EB\f uveitis or retinal vasculitis.'ej4' Eii'' The uveitis can be granu­
infection have been reported, including acute necrotizing lomatous (75% ] or nongranulomatous (25% ). It es usu­
’'?i2li ouier punctate retinitis si mu Ealing toxoplas­ ally a panuveitis with white retinal lesions, viireous cells,
mosis,' ■1 multifocal choroiditis and panuveitis (Figure fluorescein leakage from the retinal vessels, and vari­
10.4 9, J-L* and N[)r730,ja27 anterior uveitis, severe panuveitis able anterior segment involvement It can have a waxing
with optic disc swelling. macular edema,11''' and possibly and waning course, usually responds to steroids, and can
retina] phlebitis [Figure ]0.49, A-]). There is conilicling n n i L ^ ^ ^ W 41 A small subset of patients with E-TLTV-f
information concerning the incidence of serologic evi­ antibodies develop a recalcitrant retinal vasculitis and pro­
dence of recent EBV infection in patients with multifocal gressive chorioretinal degeneration, i'his disease does not
choroiditis and panuveitis (see multifocal choroiditis and respond to steroids and appears to be at the severe end of
panuveitis- p. У88). the spectrum.' '■ Some of these patients may eventually
develop myelopathy, lhe clinical appearance resembles
HUMAN T-LYMPHOTROPIC VIRUS C U V retinitis, acute retinal necrosis, and frosted branch
TYPE 1_____________________________ angiitis, but does not respond to ganciclovir. Vitreous and
retinal biopsy with 1JCR identification of HTLV may be the
I Luman T-lympbotropic virus type 1 [HLTV-1] es a human ouiy way to establish a diagnosis in nonendemic areas
retrovirus that causes adulL T-cell leukemia and lymphoma Adult T-eell leukemia [AE'Lj patients can develop a
and HI'LV-1-associated myelopathy (H AM ). picture of retina] vasculitis and in fill rates confirmed by
The virus is endemic in the Caribbean, Etaly, Middle biopsy showing infiltration of leukemic/lymphoma cells
East, subTSahiran Africar and southwest Japan includ­ in the retina. These patients are not necessar­
ing Kyushu and Okinawa i5laпds.:,'>,'■н■,J■::',l A small ily from the endemic areas {see Chapter 13, Hg. 13. 33).
number of these patients develop adult T-cell leukemia/ intraocular lymphoma with yellow-white sub-RPE depos­
lymphoma myelopathy. The remaining carriers may its has also been very rarefy caused by iTITV-1Л1'1H" '
/^jjijji]jj T-LifmjdtojtTvplc L type J 91 7
RUBELLA RETINITIS 10.50 Congenital rubella.

A: This child JihcI microphthalmos and саМпэс! in ihe lefl

Children born of mothers who contracfed rubella dur­ eve. rubella relinopathy in lhe- right eye, hearing Ujhk, donMl
ing the first trimester of pregnancy may show a variety of hypoplasia,. and congonila] Ьедг! mbeasg..
anomalies of development of the eyes and other organs В tci E: Dental bypaptssia ■В I. iris а1гигпд1 and R P t atrophy
(E'igure Ю.50).и'16-(д,и In these children there is a high and rubelEa retinopathy (D J in a 4-year-old boy whose
incidence of What has been described as sait-and-pepper mol her had fuholla in 1h f firs! trimosler of pregnancy. Note
Lho extensive ф еГапйетйЛ Ы ifu1 hif’Ei :Dl. His visual acu ­
mottling of the RPE (FJgmre 10.50, Jhis is
ity Was normal. Л1 Age 1 1 years, Ihe RF3!: changes wore less
often most prominent in the posterior fundus. Both eyes
apparent |Ё].
are affected In БО^Ъ of cases.'’ '' Early progression of the F Icj I: Ь!иЬе11д retiпордIhv :h and G ) in ,1 ^-year-old boy w h o
pigment mottling in childhood may be caused by persis­ developed loss til visit]n in ihe rigbl eye secondary to sub-
tence of the rubella virus within the ИГЕ. Pigment mot­ fovcal cbom idiil neovascularization Unrow , F). Hi-s mother
tling, however, becomes less prominent in adulthood. received gammaglobulin injections during ihe First trimester
]"his. pigmentary change of the fundus may be accom­ o! pregnancy Ьесд use of exposure to an epidem ic of rubella.
His visual acuity in the left eye w as 20/15. His electro-
panied by evidence of pigment loss from the pigment
oculographfc and eleclronetinographic findings w ere normal.
epithelium of the irides, which in some cases will transil-
Angiti^jiiphv in ibe ri^hl gye showed evidence rjf choroidal
Euminate in an irregular fashion [i igure 10.5О, C j. Lhese neovascularization (H i anti widespread alterations of the R P t
alterations of the RE4. may occur alone or may be associ­ in ijolh eyes IH and tj.
ated wiLh other ocular abnormalities, such as cataracts ) and K: tlompnre ihe prominent RPE: moLtling associated
and microphthalmos, and systemic abnormalities., includ­ with rubella in an I 1-year-olcl JJ witii that of ihe т о т е subtle
ing deafness and congenital heart disease [Figure 10.50, mottElng in a 37-year-old man iKn. Angiography in the man
shows evid en ce of marked hypopigmenfation o f the RFE.
A and Bj. in patients with evidence of RPE involvement
Visual ncuily was tjormal in bolh patients.
only, the visun^l acuity is usually normal. Choroidal neo­
vascularization and disciform macular detachment may be
a late complication of rubella retinopathy (Figure 10.50.. corresponding to the areas of KPL loss."'’01 Pathologically
-,Ъе electroreti nographic nnd the salt-and-pepper changes in the fundus are caused by
electro-oculographic findings, color vision, and visual altered pigmentation and some atrophy of the RPE.^4,
fields in most patients are normal. lluorescein angiogra­ 1Ъе retina and choroid are unaffecLed. Rubella retinopa­
phy shows mottled hyperfluorescence caused by extensive thy may be mimicked by inherited dystrophies of the
and irregular loss of pigment from the 1111!: (figure Ю.50, Rl’ti, (see Figure 4.05J, the carrier state of X-Einked ocu­
II and I] and may be helpful in detecting early choroidal lar albinism [see Figure 5.37, |). X-l inked choroideremia
neovascularization (Figure 10.50. U). Aulofluorescence {see Figure 5.2S., E-, and F), and toxic diseases of the RPE
imaging shows finely mottled decreased autoiluorescence (see Figure 9.03, А-К}.'414'
SUBACUTE SCLEROSING 10.s i Retinitis caused by suhacule sclerosing
A and 8 : Thrs 12-year-old boy had several patches o f acute
Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (Dawson's encepha­ re lin k s in I he l i^liI m acula (A), H u had similar lesions rn his
litis) is л progressive neurologic disease representing a loft BWfc l-tis visual acuity was 20/400 in IKc? rijjht eye and
finger counting at 4 lueL in Iht? Fell eye. NoLe the? cherry-red
slow viral disease caused by a defective measles virus. It
spot. Ten dлуы laler I here was partial clearing of lhe cenlral
typically follows a preceding measles infection in children lesion and evidence of a larger lesion temporally :H\ A l lhal
and young adults by a mean interval of 7 years. Males are Lime ho had no neurologic symptoms and the neurologic
affected three limes as often as females. Personality and evaluation was normal. During [he nesi month, however, he
behavioral changes are usually followed by dementi a, became lethargic, mute, and bfind. H e died 2 months laler
seizures, myoclonus, and death. It occasionally occurs in ol cardiopulm onary arrest. H e had been exposed to measles
young adults, who may recover with only minimal neuro­ at age 5 and had received attenuated measles virus vaccine
5 months before Lhe onsel of visual symptoms.
logic deficit {Figure 10.51, C-J}. Ibe disease can occasion­
С Lo I: A healthy 21-year-old man had a 1-week history of
ally be seen in adults above age 25 and has been reported blurred vision in his left eye. Al thaL lime there was evidence
Ёп a 49-year-old raan,s® Kiflv percent of patients will have of retinal whitening associated w ilh some hemtitThagp id),
involvement of the visual system. Visual comp]aims often lh e righl fundus was w ilhin normal limits u x c c jj I for the
antedate the onset of neurologic symptoms by several presence ol A small hemorrhage in the macula. A medical
weeks. Neurologic symptoms may be delayed as eva I ua I i on Lhat Included spinal fluid exam inal ion revealed
Long as 12 months. ' - ^ost patients have л his­ a rubeola IgG liter in Ihe cerebrospinal fluid of 1:64. w hich
was ihou^hl to he diagnosLk of suhacule sclerosing panon-
tory of preceding measles [rubeola infection], usually
ctiphalilis. The pa Lien L's pasl medical hisL-ory was negative for
before 2 years of age. measles or immunisation against rubeola. Three years previ­
The patients may he seen initially because of loss of ously he had been hospiLalized for brain fever of uncertain
central vision caused by one or more small. fla^. focal, etiology Two wi'c-ks afler visual loss in lhe left eye he noted
white retinal lesions or larger, more ragged, gray-wbile loss of vision in Ihe righL eye. Ё ж а т Ё п т о п revealed an irreg­
areas (Jigure Ю.51, A - p ]^ .. s<^ Hither one or both eyes ular area of necroLi^in^ ret ini Lis ll>'. A iluorescein angiogram
may be affected. When the retinitis Involves the center of revealiH evidence oE perivascular leakage ol dye and some
slainin^ ol the lesions b .uid Pi. The reLinai lesions- in his left
the macula, a cherry-red spot may be
eye had parLfy faded (G). An electroencephalogram revealed
Jhe white retinal lesions resolve rapidly and are replaced findings com patible w ilh subacule sclerosing panttncepha-
by irregular areas of ЙРЕ atrophy, gliotic scarring of the litis. Six monlhs laLer Lhere was irregular scarTinO and thin­
relinar radiating relinal folds, and occasionally retinal ning ot Ihe reLina iit lh e m acular area ol both eyes ■'HE and Г.
hole formation (tigure ]0.5]r В and G-|). lhe pigment ary Visual acu ily was counting Iinfers at 3 leet.
changes may be misinterpreted as heretlo macular dystro­ I and K: Irregular pigmentary disturbances ol the macula
phy. lbe pigmentary changes are not always confined to and mild papilk'dem a caused by subacuLe sclerosing panen-
cuphalilis (j) jn an El-year-old l>oy w h o 4 weeks previously
tbe mSaaila^3*'871 '['here is minimal evidence of choroi­
became lethargic, incontinent, arid finally coma Lose. He
dal involvemenl. Jbe vitreous is relatively free of inflam­ died 3 weeks laler, and histopathologic exam ination o f Lhe
mation. The oplic disc may be swollen or atrophic.!4"b,i’-- m acular region revealed an atrophic ihinned relina conLain-
Angiography Is helpful in delecting subtle changes in the ing large masses of mu hi nucleated syncylial giarcL cclls con­
RPJv' J Other causes of visual decline cat] present as taining numerous intranuclear eosinof>hilic inclusions (Ю-
ho mo пу mous he mia nopia or conical b Lind ness.e ' [A a n d tf fttxn L in d e ft .irid KlUhlwrjHti *.'• I9 7 E , A m u ric .m .VtucliciLl
liislopatbologically, the acute stage of subacute scle­ Л ■
:>l-:. 11:ijn А Ц rtjJ.hta t4.m rv«d ''J- l,'L iiu rlc ih IJ r _W. . i i ilIl■
г ’ n Ljn rd
and V in t; I , i n d К Гсгэтп 1-г>=--:
O r A jn d r e w K. 1
г : . 1.'" ^ <!i 1 ^ 7 ^ , A r n r : r i c . . i i i
rosing pan encephalitis is characterised by patchy focal M edbcal A ll n^hls Г4.^сг™(г. ■
areas of retinal necrosis* pigmenl-laden macrophages,
minimal evidence of inflammation in the retina, loss of
pigment from the RPL, and minimal inflammation in measles antibody in (he serum and CIS К is helpful in estab­
the choroid.:ч■■'■::'"l■
л"':',:i:,c, lл ter the retina may show focal lishing the diagnosis. The electroencephalogram shows
areas of atrophy of the inner, outer, or both layers, with bursts of high-amplilude, sharply contoured, slow-wave
disruption and hyperplasia of the RPE and the presence complexes. E'2-weigh ted lVi KJ shows diffuse or focal peri­
of tiowdiy type A and Cowdry type К intranuclear inclu­ ventricular and subcortical white matter c h a n g e s .'lltere
sions as well as some inlracytoplasmie inclusions ( higutl is much evidence lhal subacule sclerosing pan encephalitis
10.51, K) viral particles typical for measles virus is caused by an altered form of the measles virus. There is
have been identified in both the retina and the brain of no effecti4re treatment. High doses of intrathecal alpha-
these pattfeii|kSJJ-t,,1,a67,Jfi9 11 affecLs both the while and and beta-interferon or via an Omega reservoir wilh oral
gray matter of lhe brain. Evidence of measles virus has isoprinosine administered over 6 weeks has, however sub­
been demonstrated in die relina utilising immunofluores- jectively improved symptoms, but has (ailed to prevent
cent techniques.^"'7'4rlhe demonstration of high levels of death.
The acule binge is most likely to be confuted With toxo­ 10.52 West Nrte virus relinitis.
plasmosis, CM V infection, Rift Vajley fever retinitis, acule
А to C: An fiO-veai-old man with nonprolifera.trve diabetic
posterior multifocaj placoid pigment epitheliopalhy, or relinopaLhy cropped his left eye vision lo 2tV4(>0 й о т
one of the sphingolipidoses. the I ater pigme tiled stage 2 0 4 0 . !n add iLi on to Ihe scattered microaneurysms.. dot and
of the disease is most likely I d be confused wiLh Vogl- Mol h#monti£jdes and lipid, there w ere ring-shuped tbo-
ipielmeyer disease (neuronal ceroid I:ipofusci no&e-.s: see ; i[jrt.4iiTal lesions .interior Eo the macula fA and E3:. lie also
p. 4 IS ) or Stargardt's disease. developed malaise, muscle weakness, dysarthria, confusion,
and jjiiKlToonlerins tonsislenl vvilh a diagnosis of Wt'M h №
Subacule sclerosing panencephalitis may be precipi­
virus encephalitis. The anyioyram shows the circular legions
tated during cytotoxic and immunosuppressive trenitmen t
in addition to Jen king microaneurysms and m krovascular
or in immunodeficiency states, which lower the resistance abnormalizes (O-
of the host to the measles vims.1"” "'*' D (о I: A 57-year-old Caucasian wom an developed sevefe
headache, lover, and was 'Loo sick Eo move' w hile caring

WEST NILE VIRUS fof her mother With a vira iliness. 4 it; was on a^athioprme
(Inmranl 5Grng once daily and prednisone 5 my o n ce dally
CHORIORETINITIS________________ for myaslhenia gravis EhaE was in remission. She developed
pafalysis and hearing loss in Ihe inlensive сапе и nil. A t she
Ihe West Nile virus [WNV) is a single-stranded НМЛ virus bei^an to recover Irom die paralysis and I be hearing loss, she
Lhat belongs to the Japanese encephalitis virus group first noled blurred L'onlral vision in Ihe left eye. ^holographs vvefe
isolated in 1337 in the West Nile district of Uganda. 'Jlie taken b weeks from ini Li a I pjresenEaLion w hen her visual acu ­
first documented case in New York was in 1995 after an ity W as 2Q/3P on Ihe righl and 2(W250 on Ihe let"(. CJomposiLe
photographs of the right and leN eyes show ring-shaped
outbreak in birds. Outbreaks of West Nile virus encepha­
chorioretinal scars d iь-triIз-иled Ihe fundus., some
litis occurred between 2002 and 2003 in ihe United States
of them arranged in a row lartfitv :tJ and E). The an^ioj’ram
and several cases o f chorioretinitis and panuveitis were depicts Ihe ring lesions belter, vvilh evidence of oct lusivu ret­
reporled.s' ■ Outbreaks also occurred in other parts of inal vasuulilis in the left macula th-ll.
the world including Ги^ЫаЛ*1-^ 4 I'he infection is trans­ ItJu U h C rtJ1: A - L . k;.'ii A iJn Im .L ii; ]>~J. U r M i l I i ;-i <.I J l ih iij l t .
mitted by ihe bite of a Cute.т mosquilo. which acquires the
virus hy feeding on infected birds, and has an incubalion
period of 3-14 days. Only 20% of infected individuals
become symptomatic and approxiEnately 1 in 150 infec­
tions result in encephalitis or meningitis. Sudden onset of
a high feverr malaise, myalgia, nausea, vomiting, arthral­
gia, and a maculopapular rash are symptoms of ihe sys­
temic illness.
Ocular involvement is characterized by mul.tifocalr ring­
shaped, yellow-1 white chorioreLinitis With the lesions oflen
arranged in a linear (Figure 10.32, A-F) or scattered pat­
tern. Nongranulomatous anterior uveitis, optic neuritis,
and reLinal vasculitis (Figure JO.52, G and Elj occur in
some eyes/’7' There is a higher incidence in women,
in diabetics (figure 10.32, A-C), and those of older age.
Treatment consists of topical steroids lo control inflamma­
tion. ihe lesions evenluallv heal with pigmentation of ihe
edges. Most eyes show improvemenl in vision unless ihe
Lesion involves the fovea I center or develops lale choroidal
neovascu Larina tion.
laboratory con firm alio n is by demonstrating IgM anti­
bodies specific to W N V during ihe systemic illness or
DENGUE FEVER ! (j.j 3 De ngue re Сiлорд Ihy.

A lo F: Bilateral disc edema, perivascular infiltrates,, and

Dengue feveT is a viral illness endemic in tropical Hind nelinal hem onhages associated w ilh mild ank^rior uveilit in
subtropical regions... including ihe Caribbean,. South and a 33-year-old Chinese wom an in Singapore, b days after the
Central America, Asia, Africa, and the E’acific. L'he female □nfflt of dengue lever (flj Lind И). Her E>eHt corrected visual
Aides aegypltifalbtfpictus mosquito transmits the disease, Eicuitv was 2(У4СЮ in each eye. Early knobby hyperflunres-
hive clinical syndromes can occur: nonspecific febrile Cencti; Dtlhe y e n jla r w a ll in the posterior pole? anti elHewbwe
(amnvs) in both eyesr w ilh Eale leakage was seen (C-F).
illness classic dengue, dengue hemorrhagic fever, den­
G lo L: В ilateral retinal white dots in fhte m acula in a
gue shock syndrome, and unusual syndromes such as
16-ycar-old girl w ilh visual symptoms 7 days after lever
encephalopathy and hepatitis. Classic dengue presents onset. H e r visual acuily was 2CV4D in the right eye and 20/50
wilh an abrupt onset of feverr severe headache, myalgias, in ihe left eye. The w hite dais лги hypcrfluorescent (m the
arthralgias, nausea, vomiting, and a maculopapular rash, I -uorescein angionram and hypoHuor^bcfeil on mdncin'anino
ihe rash eventually becomes confluent, sparing small ib g io g ^ b h y 11CIt j i arid remain -so in the late phase. IC ti
islands of skin. Dengue hemorrhagic fever affects children shews more dots thiin sucn on the angiogram.

less than 15 years of age in hyperendemic regions with

increased capillary permeability and hemostatic distur­ loss of vision."111 Macular hemorrhage, retinal edema.,
bances as its hallmark. Ihe most severe form [grade 4J is optic neuritis, ischemic optic neuropathy decreased axo-
associated with profound shock and circulator- problems plasmtc flow, macular exudates, and retinal pigment
and is termed dengue shock syndrome. I hromborytopenia epithelial Eesions are seen. E'actors contributing Id the cir­
causes petechial bleeding, epistaxis.. and bleeding gums., culatory1 disturbances can also cause choroidal effusions
and can manifest in the eye as retinal hemorrhages and and second ary serous retinal detach ments.'"'
Ocular involvement occurs in a small subseL of palienls 1GF53 Continued
and manifests I week; after fever onset. Ih ey prebent with
M lo O : ierctuh т;н и 1 аг detachm ent nerve JiEier mfartls
retinitis, arteritis and relinal hemorrhages, with of With­ and few w hile dols in the ri^hl eye of rHi-E 27-уйЙгаш (M>.
ou L associated anterior uveilis and vitritis. Cotton-Wool Angiogram hhtms involvement of lh-е vessel w all and non-
spots, retinal hemorrhages, and branch relinal artery регГимоп (jf Ihe? retinal capillaries cnrrespbjridEng to ihe nerve
occlusions are common findings [Ngure 10.53. A, Efj. M, fiber i m t d (O ).
N, and []] "lu" Fluorescein angiography reveals leak­ P to S: A 21-year-old Indian female complainEKf of vision
loss in her M L eye 7 days after Ihe onset oF lever,, d i n itafly
age of dye from arteries and veins and evidence of aneri-
suspected to be secondary Lo dengue. Her visual I acuily was
olar or venous obstruction (figure J0.53r C-t] Or Q,. and
20‘''400. ih e Iw o patches o f rtiliiTiLia w ilh reLinal ppacif)-
l?J. Indocyanine green angiography reveals additional cation, h^morrh |Bgesr iir|d 3ipicl thtMafes <P). Ihe angiogram
dark spots nol visible on the angiogram (Figure 10.53, К revealed assoc in led nflChjangmie with Nile leakage of dye (EJ
and L). Thrombocytopenia lhal accompanies ihe infec­ and K.1. O ne month taler her vision hjad improved to 2CV100
tion is responsible for the retinal hemorrhages in those w ilh resdjulfeffi of ihe reLinilis .1I'd i4‘s lipid ex и dales
eyes ivilhoul florid vasculitis. Anterior uveilts is non­ anti relinal hemorrhage (Sj_

granulomatous. Although the fundus appearance can '■ ir ■ ■ ■

t_qj(jrle iy : A —Q , L Jr Kocn-I’h.nk С bee, reprin ted Irtun c l dt.
J|j|)7 r Лтс.'ги.лп MimJi i ■I AxwcffcUtm ЛИ г jH jtl ptSt^rerl, I 1-S. LJr
mimic B e h c c f s disease, the temporal relation of the ocu- V llh ili G u fA v j
Ear involvemenl Lo the systemic manifestations of dengue
fever differentiates the iwo conditions. Stellate neuroreti­
nitis- foveolitis, optic neurit is, jnacular edema, exudative
retinal detach men l, and macular infarction have all been
CHIKUNGUNYA VIRUS 1(3.54 Chikim gun уa retlni Lis.

A lo D : A 4fl-year-oid Indian man presented with gradual

An ou Lbгедк of chikun^unya occurred after 20 ye its since rliminLilioi~i Ip vision in both eyes inr L!> data, i months after
the previous episode in India and some is]a [ids of die a bouL of pnulonj'cd lover. H it vJs.uaI acuity was 8/200 in ihe
Indian Ocean in 20(Ж Л14Л'‘' ' Chikungunya fever was first rigtil uye and couni fingers at 3 Feet in Lhe LefL eye. Anterior
described in 1955 after an outbreak on ihe Makonde ые?(^пи_ьгИ w as иптегтиаrkablс. Both lundi had relinal infanc-
Hateau along the border between Mozambique and Lacjn and bemqfrKagfSS in ihe macula Hind a.mnj r*d the disc iA
and B). Aqueous FCK for H W , VZV, and C M V w ere negative.
'ijnzania. Ibere have been subsequent outbreaks in India,
FiT-I^CK ffih t ' hiкиnguпул virus delocted nine copies o f viral
Vietnam, Indonesia. Bangkok, and Myanmar. The vims is a
RN A 'm L. H e received (wal va Iaciclovir anti prednisone. Two
single-stranded RNA virus of the genus Alpiumnts, causing monLhs Irater his vision had im proved Lo 2 Ш )0 And 2(V80 in
fever, headache, fatigue, nausea, vo mi Ling, myalgia, rash, the right and lefl eyes, respectively. The retinal w hilening and
and joint pain. hter^prrhages had imprcjved fjgt am i Di
Several reports front the Indian outbreak of 2006 have E lo M : A 42-year-old Indian man complained ul biuired
described ihe ocular manifestations which include con­ vision in both eyes fur 2 weeks w hich began 2 weeks aller
a lever. His vision was 4/100 in each eye. There w ere fine
junct vitisr unilateral or bilateral iridocyclitis, secondary
pigment specks on ihe com eal endothelium and flare in
glaucoma. retinitisr vilritis. retinal hemorrhages, neuro­
both eves;. U-olh eyes had relinal whitening and hemor­
retinitis, and optic neuritis.' ша l:ocal areas of retinal rhages and jnlraneCmal edema, and Ihe left iiad shallow
whitening with adjacent retinal hemorrhages characterized serous deLichm enl in- add Иion L and H. The optic: discs were
the retinitis (figure JO..154, A-l:). An angiogram revealed h yp erarik bilaterally. Angiogram showed hypoperfusldfl
vascular occlusion and leakage with hte staining of the in ihe early phase and Iale hyperfluorescencE and leakage
involved, retina [t-'igure Ю.54, ti, II, and 1) and serous reti­ in Ivith eyes fG-l:. O CT of the right eye showed intrareLi-
nal edema and Ihe left intraretrnal and subretina I fluid ij
nal detachment (l:igure 10.34, \ and K). Ihe ocular signs
and К I. H it Chikunyojiya lg.Vl ап Ii body was posilive; den­
appeared approximately 3-4 weeks after the onset of (he
gue rapid lesL, tToponemal hemagglutination, HiiV-l and -2.
viral illness; hence it may he an immune-mediated rather and Toxoplasma anybodies w ere negative. He received IV
than a direcL viral infection. However, these mechanisms aciclovir for T w eek followed by oral aciclovir for 8 weeks,
are not well understood given the rarity of the disease. and 4 0 my of oral prednisone tapered ovbj b weeks. Ten
Treatment is mostly supportive. Some patients received weeks after onset his vision returned lo 20/20 and Ih e retina
oral/iV aciclovir and systemic steroids, but whether this appeared almost normal in bolh eyes ■! and .Ml.

modified the ciinica! course is debatable. Jhe visual recov­ lA - JJ, ч L i u r h j v y LJ r I . L U v l v ,^; a i n d D r . S u L / h . u ^ h j i n . L—k.. c fiU r t a j

U r к 'v l.ih J m l I lI S . г ■' i 1i i I -1<■■I f n j m M a h r n d r jid a s e l л I . 1

ery was moderate, with complete resolution of the con­
junctivitis and uveitis. Those patients with optic neuritis
had a less than favorable visual outcome.

Papillitis and neuroretinitiSv usually associated with clini­
cal evidence of meningoencephalitis, occasional!y develop
in patients With m um ps."^"'1 One or more foci of retinitis
may also be present. Most patients recover normal visual
RIFT VALLEY FEVER RETINITIS I f i. j ^ R i ft V a lle y f e v e r re tin it is.

A to D: This 40-year-ald Saudi wom an had a sudden loss

Щ Valley fever is an acute disease primarily affecting o f vision 1 0 days after developing fever related lo Rift val­
cattle and sheep caused by a specific Arthropod-borne ley fever -КУИ. Seftim I^M for HVF vifus was pusilive. Her
virus thiil is endemic in the western one-third of Africa. visual acuity was count fin^ere at 1 meter on I fie right and
Epidemics involving humans have occurred, the most 2 0 / 2 0 on the lefL. She had 1 -I- anterior d ia rfa e r rind vilne-
severe of which caused the death of слгег 600 people in ous tells. A cream y macula* lesion w ilh tw o r a a c e n l reLi-
nal hemorrhages Was seen (A). Tbe lesion scarred down u w r
T£ypt during 1977 and 397Б. In autumn of 1000 an out­
time w ilh folds- in the sujroundin^ inner relina a I 2 years !Ё'.
break occurred for the first time in Saudi Arabia {i'igure
The visual acuity remained aL count finders. Ал a.rgiq£f3ffi
10.55).'4' In humails this is typically an acute febrile showed staining o f (he fovea I scar and a linear w in d o w
ill ness wilh biphasic temperature elevations mimick­ defect exlendiny to № ed isc edf^e and &j.
ing dengue fever, it is associated wilh muscle and joinl E: A n o lh w palienl w ilh ureamy foil-thickness rtrtinitis involv­
pains, headaches, and occasionally nausea and vomiting. ing the macula, associated with positive Liters tor RVK virus.
Conjunctivitis and photophobia are common during lhe F and G : Two other patients 1-1 years alter presentation w ith
alnophic and parliv p-i^mented scar in :he macula.
early phases of the disease. Visual loss occurs often days
or weeks after .subsidence of lhe fever and is associated I\ jju r i.i:- jy : [ J r A d A l- h i.i^ .t n t i r ^ p r i n l L i i J i l f t J W i A I - I I.iL .- in ji l : .1 ■ ''I

wilh multiple areas of what appear to be acule necrotiz­

ing and hemorrhagic ret ini its in the maeuljr and para­
macular areas (Figure Ю.55, A and К), simitar to lhal seen
polyserositis, arthralgia, and impaired intesLinal absorp­
in subaeule sclerosing panencephalitis and the herpes
tion. Other features include mesenteric and peripheral
viruses."1""- Vitritis and occlusion of the major retinal
adenopnithy; cutaneous pigmenlalion; hearL murmur; neu-
arteries л re common. Shis lalter change is presumed lo
rologicsigns and symptoms including personality changes,
be related to proliferation of lhe retinal vascular endothe­
dementi a., and memory defect; myoclonus; alalia; supra­
lium. Vitreous hemorrhage and relinal detachment may
nuclear ophthalmoplegia; and seizure disorders."'''
occur in some patienls. ТЬё natural course of the disease is
tlcular findings include vitreous opacities (figure lt).5G..
variable: patienls may recover normal acuity or may have
д ^ о.«),^2,ч« ^ 40 ejaJdaLive nialerial overlying the рагь plana
severe permanent visual loss, depending on the location
(I'igure 10.5(5, ti),'' ' 1 retinal hemorrhages, cotton-wool
and severity of the retinal involvement Ihe mosl severe
patches, scattered while exudales, chorioretinilis (figure
systemic complications are encephalitis and hemorrhagic
10.56) retinal vasculitis, and uveitis (E'igure Ю.56..
Br D, and papilEedemar9afi,,S3? and glau­
The virus is an FENA type and is believed to be transmit­
coma. One patient sludied with fluorescein angiography
ted by an insect, possibly the mosquito. I luman infection
showed multifocal areas of relinal capillary closure, diffuse
can also occur by handling diseased or dead animals or
retinal vasculitis.. and choroidal folds." "
contaminated specimens. Tbe diagnosis is based on a dem­
onstrated rise in the hem agglutination antibodies of the Rifl
Valley fever virus and the complement fixation lest.


Whipple's disease is a chronic multisyslemic disease
characterized by fever, diarrhea, weighl loss, steatorrhea..
1[islopalhologically, foamy macrophages with many 10.i и W h ipple's d isease.
periodic acid-Schiff (RAS)-positive intercellular granules
A Lo К: This 51-year-old Caucasian female presented w ilh
are found in many organs of the body including the brain d 5-rtionEh hjslory of floaj&era and hajiy vision in llit! ri^hl
and eye [Figure 10.5 ft.. L and ^ LM]-333'MD 'these are deg­ Eye. O ver [he previous month, she had noticed floalers in
radation products of It o p h & y m a w h ip p e tii that accumulate ihe lell eye and fun her increase in [he f letters in [he ri^hl
in the cells with little or no cell damage (l igure lO./ift, I eve. She find undergone bilateral nephrectomy anti renal
and K). Duodenal or jejunal biopsy is the usual method of transplant for polycystic kidney disease. Sbr1 was on aia.-
ihioprine '1титаг- and prednisone 10in ” per day.
diagnosis, '['he villi show widening with infiltration of ihe
She had pneumonia .3 years prior and had а coronary arlery
Eamina propria With histiocytes and mononucEear inflam­
Ejypass g r w 2 months prior. ih e hiin had intermit­
matory cells and dilalien of lymphatic channels. AEtered tent recent fungal skin lesions. She denied levers and night
cell-mediated immunity and macrophage dysfunction is a sweats, ih e had mild itrlhritis- in Ihe knees.. Two vears prior,
feat Lire of the condition. Vitrectomy has been employed in she was hospitalized and received IV antibiotics for a pain­
some c a s e s . ' ' E l e c t r o n microscopy reveals degenerated ful boul of mij]ralorv' arthritis. No urinary, neuroloyic a I. or
rod-shaped bacteria within and adjacent lo macrophages cardiac symptoms w ere presenL. She hiss had problems- w ilh
irrilal>le bowel in the past bul duлied re liv e jjastromlesLi-
This gram-negative actinomycete wilh distinct morpho­
nal com plaints at Ihis. time. Her visual acuity was 20/50 ir>
logic characteristics is named Tropherymn utftippehi, The
the right eye and 20/25 in the left eye. The vilreous showed
organism is difficult lo culture, buE can be identified by whiiish, Ihick, snowball like d eposit, m oslly on lhe relinal
poEymerase TCR assay, as was done in the vitreous aspi­ surface and some in the inferior vitreous, more in the ri Ijtil
rate from a woman with uveitis and onEy minimal symp­ eve :Л i ihan ihe I el I eye. Thu left eye showed perivascu lar
toms of Whipple's d i s e a s e . ' Margo and coworkers white fluffy balls 113^. Her urine culLure, blood tultuife 3-Ч1К
found macrophages fiEled with PAS-positive particles sim­ from aqueous and vitreous for fungus, HSV, HZV, and vilrc?-
ous biopsv w ere negative for fungus o;1 lymphoma. The vit­
ilar to those in Whipple's disease in the vitreous aspirate
reous biopsy was reported as rare macrophages w ilh very
removed from the eye of a palient with corynefurm bac-
rare lymphocytes. The fungal cultures and bacterial cultures
Lerial endophthalmitis and no evidence of Whipple's dis­ were negative. She duveltkped a relinal infarction temporal 1o
ease. ''':"','JJ<i Electron microscopy to demonstrate the thin the fovea i.C'i, noted 1 dav posl vitrectomv. whit h in c lu d e
bacillus wilhin ihe cell wall surrounded hy a membrane injec tion o f amphotericin and fluconazole at Ihe end of the
that confers a tri lame liar aspect with a central nucleolus hur^ery She was Started on ora] fluconazole -tOOm^ pur day.
is palEtognomonic of ttie agent that causes Whipple's dis­ dcrttycyefine lOOm^ tw ice n day. and LrimoLhoprim-suha-
mothoKa^ole lHactrini: iw ic e a day. Silver slai-п for Hindus
ease.'' :| The disease is more common in Caucasian maEes
was negative. There was no evidence of ijiatlrinancy or viral
and has a higher incidence in HLA 027-positive patients.
inclusion parlicles. Ih e acid-fast bacillus slain and FCFi for
Treatment of patients with Whipple's disease with anti­ CMV, H S V - lr HSV-2., EBV, and Toxoplasm a were negative.
biotics results in remission of symptoms and reduction in Two weeks later, her visual iicuily improved lo 20/30 in the
the PAS-positive macrophages. Antibiotic therapy includ­ ligtil eye. Vitreous was clearer. The area of retinal infarction
ing tetracycline, trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, sulfa­ had resolved. 3-luorescein an^ro^ram showed mild cystoid
diazine, penicillin and streptomycin, or ceftriaxone is the m acular edema ID and E.. iis weeks lalerr Lhe inllamma-
lion worsened and the vision dropped lo 2Q!J>(5 in lhe r i ^ t
mainstay of Lherapy. An acute inflammatory reaction simi­
eye and 20/40 in the left eye ll- anrl G l. Huoiesoein angio­
lar to the Jarisrh-J [eraheimer reaction in syphilis is some­
gram showed w in d o w defects corresponding to small mid
times seen following institution of therapy. 'Illis may be peripheral l iit>ri ordinal scurs (H and I . f^uanl iHtK О N -ТЕЗ
heraEded by fever, chills, splenomegaly, erythema nodo­ Gold LeF-L was negative. IgG was negative for Toxupiiism n,
sum, leukocytosis with neutrophilia, arthritis, and arthral­ C.MV, tE3V, and Kartonpiia. A repeat vilreclom y in the lefl
gia.'' u 'U2 [n severe cases, disconlinnation of antibiotics eye showed cells conlaininy large nuctei (J and Ю. The vitre­
results in resolution of findings. Whipple's disease should ous and blood P t K was posilive for Tr&pherym a w h/ppeiii.
5is months later^ her vision had improved to 20/30 O U w ilh
be considered in the differentiaE diagnosis of patients with
nuflear sclerosis following a single vaneom yi:in injeclion of
evidence of vitritis and retinitis and signs and symptoms
1 т ц anrl IV cellria\one once a day f-cjr 1 monlh, follow etl by
of neurologic disease or inflammatory bowel disease such oral Lrimolhoprian-sultamelhoKazole hvice a day.
as Crohn's and ulcerative colitis. The differentiaE diagnosis L: t'holomicro^raph idhowin^ t luslers of mat rophages w ithin
includes reticulum cell sarcoma. Beh^efs disease, sarcoid­ the inneT relinal layL^s anti in lhe vilreous lam m l
osis, and other causes of vilritis. M : Higher-power pholomicnograph shtm'in^ tlu sleft t>f m ac­
rophages w ilhin Ihe retin.i (jrroir*).

■ Д -К, Г ш т k iB W ijfa te l 'I .il ' L .in U M Ir o m l o n L u l ,il 1 9 ’ iV

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Inflammatory Diseases o f the Retina
Noninfeclious inflammatory diseases of lhe retina can be 11.£>1 Acute retinal periphlebitis and panuveitis.
isolated to lhe retina от lie contiguous with its underlying
A-D: This. 9-year-old boy complained of blurred vision w hile
structures, choroid and sclera, or wilh adjacent structures... recovering from a r acute respiratory infection. Visual acuity
op Lie nerve, vitreous, and the anterior segment of the eye. was 20/25. There were cells in lhe anterior chamber and vitre-
Jhese diseases can be idiopathic, autoimmune, or possi­ uus. Note the relinal striae in the macular region (A). The left
bly an altered immune response to an infectious agent. A eye s tio w e l idnhn1ical changes.. Adenovirus- was cultufed from
majority of them are isolated lo the eye but some have sys- his throat, and spinal fluid examination revealed pleo-cylosis.
Angiography revealed leakage Ы dye from lhe oplic disc nnd
Lemic associations.
Lhe major feLii>al Veins fB:.. iix wtieks Liter visual nituily, Ihe
fund: jand ftuorcscein a ngiography w eni normal iU).
RETINAL VASCULITIS AND E—1: Frosted-branch angiitis occurred in this 25-year-old
wom an w h o noted blurred vision as she was recovering from
PERIVASCULITIS___________________ an uppur respiratory infedion. Her visual acuity wan 20/40,
right eye and 2 0 /2 5 , left eye. 5he had viJreous cells, sheath­
lhe terms "retinal vasculitis" and "retinal perivasculitis"
ing of the relinal veinsr and mild optic disc edema bilaterally
are used interchangeably as clinical names to describe
(Ё and F 5 h e was treated w ilh 30 mg d a ily o f prednisone
the fundoscopic picture of exudative gray-white sheath­ □rally. Two weeks laler her visuaE acuHy was finger count­
ing of the major retinal blood vessels. The relinal veins ing п I i fool iSOcm), righl eye, and at 5 feel fl.SOm:-, Ic*fl
or arteries or both ntay he primarily affected, Kluorescein eye. 5he had severe hem onhagic retinopathy that was more
angiography shows evidence of perivenous or periarterial marked in the right eye ( t —IJ. Angiography (J—1_> showed
staining and may show evidence of vascular obstruction. marked closure of the peripheral retinal vasculature, ih e
suhsoquendy d A c jq o e d Stvere; pro3iferiJlivLh retinopathy that
In using these terms., we recognize that the primary cause
required bann^Srtal pholocttaguJalion and vitrectomy.
of the fundus and angiographic findings may be immune-
induced damage rather than inflammatory cell damage
to the permeability and patency of the retinal blood ves­
sels. Elt’linal vasculitis and perivasculitis may occur as part
of well-defined ocular diseases of known cause (toxo­
plasmosis, pp. 848-S!>2; diffuse subacute neuroreLini-
Lis. pp. 864-872, cytomegalovirus retinitis, pp. 832-896; Acute Retinal Periphlebitis and
syphilis, pp. 81Й-82Я) or well-defined syndromes of Par uveitis Associated With ViraMike
unknown cause (sarcoidosis, pp. 1022-1026; tieh^et's dis­
ease, pp. 1026-102S; acute posterior multifocal placoid
Upper Respiratory Disease
pigment epilheliopathy (A[]M PPli), p. 954; acute zonal Acute bilateral visual blurring associated with inflamma­
occult outer retinopathy (A/O O RJ, p. 5S0; pars pi an it is., tory cellular infilLration of the anterior and posterior ocu­
p. 1036; multiple sclerosis.Ij! p. 1038; idiopathic recurrent lar chambers and fluorescein angiographic evidence of
branch relinal artery occlusionr pp. 474-478: and Liles' periphlebitis may occur in some patients during or imme­
disease, pp. 564-568). Other more recently described or diately following, an upper respirator}1 or flulike illness
less well-defined clinical syndromes associated with retinal (figure i 1.01A-1 5 N Visual blurring usually disap­
vasculitis and perivasculitis are relinal phlebitis and panu­ pears in !-2 weeks in association wilh return of the fun­
veitis associated with viral-like upper respiratory disease.' dus and angiographic findings to normal. An adenovirus
frosted-branch retinal angiiLis and acute multifocal hemor­ was cultured from the stool of one such patient (E'igure
rhagic retinal vasculitis.’ "-0 11.01 A-D}.
Idiopathic Frosted-Branch Angiitis M .02 Frosted-branch angiitis.

Pattents with idiopathic frosted-branch angiitis pres­ A-F: A 9-year-otd b o y lost v is io n p a in le ssly in b o th eyes
Lo (h e Ьллс1 m o tio n s lew d o v e r -1 days. H e b,id 34- tiefls In
ent with visual symptoms associated with a siriking oph­
both a n terio r chamEierF- w ilh fane kora tic p recip itates. B o lli
thalmoscopic picture in оде or both eyes of Widespread retina show ed w id e s p re a d tnjHtt^d-hranch angiitis in v o lv ­
prominent perivascular infiltration that in most patients is ing t № arle rie s a n d ve in s, a h d l.irge in te rio r Ix u d a liv E retinal
confined lo the major rettnai veins {Figures LI.01 li—L and d etach m e n ts (A —C l. t h e vessels s h tjw e d m ild lea k a g e from the
LI .02Л—J-).'1 About one-lhird report a Пи tike illness as a in v o lv e d vessels |D ). H e was- afeb rile. S y s te m ic w o rk u p for
prodrome. Visual loss can be severe, to include macular or c o lla g e n v a s c u la r disease, sarco id , tub ercu losis, p e ri- n u cle ar

peripheral exudative retinal detachment [E'Lgure S!.L12A, С ^nline-Lilioph:! c y tc p la s m k : a n li с lin e a l am i n eu tro ­

p hil CTtote^UsiTiic an tib o d ies, c e m p lr f e b lo o d c o u n l, renal
and D). The disorder is more common amongst Japanese
fu n ctio n , a n d chest V-ray w a s all neg ative. H is w h ite courrl
individuals children are more often affected w as s iig b lly e le va ted Lo 12 HOD c e l ls/ml. H e re c e iv e d in tra­
than adults, though age distribution ranges from 2 to 42 V En ous m e lb yl p re d n iso n e lisr 5 days io l lo w e d b y oral ste­
years.18 frosted-branch angiitis responds to systemic ste­ roids. Tbe v is io n b eg an to im p ro v e s u b je c tiv e ly a lte r 2 days^
roids Very often, though several cases have been known an d Lo c o u n t flrtgere by 4 days. The e x u d a tive re lin a ! d e ta c h ­
to resolve without treatment. Secondary causes have to be m ent re so lv e d Ljy d ay 8. B y w e e k 5, the p e riv a s c u la r infiltrates
h a d d is a p p e a re d in tE>e right e y e a n d w e r e p iu se n l o v e r s o m e
ruled out prior to starting steroids. The disease burns oul
o f Ih e smaEI vessels in Lbe left e y e JE a n d F:. O v e r Ihte nexl &
over weeks to months. Although Lhe visual prognosis is
m o n lh s b it v is io n y ra d u a lly returned to 4Й5ГЗ an d 2EV20 w ilb
generally good, some patients may develop retinal vein or e v e n tu a l c le a rin g o f all p e riva sc u la r infiltrate. ivtild p ig m en t
artery occlusion, extensive retinal vascular closure, retinitis m o ttlin g re m a in e d in Lhe m a c u la .
proliferans, vitreous hemorrhage, and rubeosls of the iris,
3}ег1arteriolar plaques associated wilh systemic lupus
macular epiretina! membrane, macular scarring, diffuse
retinal fibrosis, retinal tear, oplic atrophy, peripheral atro­
G —|: T h is 4 1 -year-old w o m a n h a d 20/20 a n d 20/25 v is io n
phic retinal lesions, ,md severe perivascular hemorrhages
tn e a c h e y e . A t a g e 14 sh e w a s d ra g n o se d w ilh ju v e n ile
(E'Lgure ILOIG-E.). Ihese latter patients become indistin­ rh e u m a to id s j t h r i l l rind Still's d isease. S in c e Lherc a d ia g n o ­
guishable from patients wilh acute multifocal hemorrhagic sis o f sysLem k lu p u s erylL u 'm .n o s u s w ilh im m u n e h e p a Litis,
retinal vasculitis (see following discussion). n e p h ro p ath y, p le u ro p e ric a rd iL is , a b d o m in a l serosilis, s p le n ic
arteritis, an d p a n c r e a tic v a s c u la r le s io n w a s m a d e . O c c E u s iv e

Secondary Frosted-В ranch Angiitis vas c u lo p a tE iy w ith m u lLrple-b rancb re tin al a rte ry occEusions^
n e o v a s c u la r iz a tio n o J Lhe d is c a n d retin a w ilh re c u rre n t v it ­
I'rosted-branch angiitis can be a feature of several retinal reous h e m o rrh a g e s re q u irin g s catte r laser, v itre c to m y , a n d

diseases, including cytomegalovirus retinitis, lie heel's dis­ c a ta ra c t su rg ery w a s m a n a g e d . T h e p e ria rte ria l w h ite p la q u e s
w e r e noLud in 2002 ( C a n d : a n d re m a in e d u n c h a n g e d U ntil
ease, Lupus erythematosus (figure 11.02G to ]), lipslein-
h e r last e v a lu a lio n 4 yeare I л Lei ■H an d J .
liarr virus retinitis, syphilis, toxoplasmosis, herpetic
[A—F, ci iurlLjiy « f L)i. l-VlLjr 5офЫп; I, (murlL'iy иГ U r [YliL.hud
retinitis, human immunodeficiency virus (] IIV) positivity,
Hodgkin's disease, rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis,
staphylococcal and streptococcal endophthalmitis.1l' 2'

Acute Multifocal Hemorrhagic Retinal retinal neovascularization. oplic disc swelling, and vilri(is.J
Ketinal necrosis is not a prominent pari of this syndrome.
Oral prednisone appears to be of some benefit in treat-
Otherwise healthy patients with acute multifocal hem­ menL of this disorder, which is unresponsive to treatment
orrhagic retinal vasculitis develop Loss of vision asso­ wilh acyclovir. f:holocoagulation of the neovascular com­
ciated with mild anterior uveitis, multifocal areas of plications may be necessary. The etiology of this disorder,
retinal vasculitis (predominantly venular) with marked which shares some features with Ueheel's disease, Eiales'
intraretinal hemorrhage, retinal capillary nonperfusion. disease, and acute retinal necrosis, is unknown.
RETINOCHOROIDAL I ■.03 Retinochoroidal degeneration associated with
progressive iris necrosis,
A—C : This Нел 11hy 3-J-year-ukl man became bilnlerally blind
WITH PROGRESSIVE IRIS within 3 years- m the onset (if -an unusual r-etjnotftnfoidal
NECROSIS degenefnlive disease. W illi in 3 months of [he onset of symp­
toms his visual acuity declined to 20/300. There was severe
Margo et aL described progressive pigment epithelial and mottling (if the retinal pifjinorU epitheliLmi in the macula bilat­
erally iA and Si. p ark adaptation s,tudiesr visual evoked poten­
retinal atrophy that began in ihe macula and juxtapapil-
tials, and eJectroretinofyam wtRe normal, liyhtoen monlhs
Eaiy retina [E-'igure U.03A-D, M, E, h, L and N], mild iri­
I.Her lEtltl- w hs extensive degeneration of ihe relina, counting
tis... elevated inlraocular pressure, severe pain, progressive fingers visual acuity, and severe ocular pain bilaterally (C and
iris atrophy (Figure 11.03E^ and Jj, progressive decrease D>. The third year of his illness was characterized by severe
in electroretinography amplitudes, and complete blind­ retinal vascular narrowing, mild iritis, progressive Fris atrophy
ness within 3 years in a healthy 34-year-old man whose iLi, modest elevation o1 ihe intraocular pressure, and blind-
extensive medical workup Was negative.54 Eiistopathology rteSSb Both eyes were enucleated because of severe pain.
H^ppatEidloglc examination revealed severe ischemic necro­
revealed pigment granules and pigment-laden macro­
sis of ihe irit IFI, mild nongranuEomalous uveitis, and marked
phages in the anterior chamber, severe ischemic necrosis
c h o t iO r d M atrtjphy and degeneration poslecjuaLoriaJly. There
of the iris (Kigure 11.Git-'), chronic inflammatory cells in were a le w areas o f preservation of the inner retina posteriorly
the uveal tract, and marked chorioretinal atrophy, with [Cl'. Llectron microscopy revealed no viral panicles.
only a thin strand of glial tissue resting on an atrophic H - O : Ihiii male was first seen elsewhere in- 2004 with vileJ-
choroid. There were patchy areas of preservation of the liforn-- lesions in both eyes and vision of count, finders in Ekti I:
inner retina posteriorly (E'igure II.03C:] and some pres­ eyes (Й and к l-lis visual fields were constricted and electro-
retino^ram revealed decreased rod and cone l-unation in Ejo IEt
ervation of the retina and choroid peripherally, where
eyes. In M ay 2005 he developed bilateral uveitis fur ttie first
thrombi were found in some of the choroidaE blood ves­
time. Uveitis workup was negatrve for human leukocyte anti­
sels. tlectnon microscopy revealed no viral particles or evi­ gen fHLAl B27, fluorescent treponemal antibody ahsorplion,
dence of a storage disease. The authors found no cEues as Lyme, human immunodeficiency virusr angiotensin-converting
to the pathogenesis of the disorder. A similar patient was enzyme, complete Eilood count, rheumaLoid factor, an Li nuclear
seen by EJr. JampoE (Figure 1 Н Ш Е-0 ). Note the deep antibody, and erythrocyte sedimentation rate. He suffered sev­
trench like chorio retina! atrophy on the angiogram (Jigure eral Episodes of uveitis that were IreaLed elsewhere and was
known to develop steroFd-induced glaucoma. By 200b fie had
1H13M and OJ.
developed iris atrophy and atrophic lesions in both macula.
He was first examined Eiy Ur. Janipol in April 2008 with fur-
tEier decrease in vision in the nghl eye, wEren both irises were
necrotic (J) and Esoth macula showed widespread chorioreti­
nal atrophy tК and I. . Lxlensive ch<Kiocapi]3arjs and choroi­
dal atrophy was seen on angitjgraphy IMi. The Tighl eye had
a cloudy cornea and traction retinal detachment. A par* plana
vitrectomy, membrane peel, and retinal detachment repair
w ilh silicone oil placemen! in the righl eye did no1 improve
his vision. Vitreous and retinal samples showed mixed inflam­
matory infill rate anti were negative for varicella-ios-ler, heTpei
simplex, cytomegalovirus, and Ep&tein-Ban virus. The macula
was verv thin on optical coherence tomography imaging. A
year Eater IEh inflam m ation slabiliied w ith a clear media and
extensive atrophic chorioretinal scar (N and O ). The clinical
features are similar to the case reported by Curtis Margo.
[A - О , In y ir i M .ir ^ u c t л !, t . '1 1 4 < J O A r r i r r i c i m 1
M l (h e . 1A iib t lljt f r ir t . A ll

rij^llb- rt b-LrVmJ. H-(J. LHJUrtL".V tjl LIf. I CL' l,bn!-J>Lil..l

ACUTE POSTERIOR MULTIFOCAL E I .e)-I Acute posterior multifocal p la со id pigment
epitheliopathy [APMPPE),
A -F: This hen I liny 22-year-o3d wom an developed blurted
EPITHELIGPATHY vision ir bo<h eyes 5 days before admission. Her past history
was unremarkable. Visual acuity in lhe right eye was 2tV200
APM PPE typically affects young healthy male or female and in the lefl eye was 20-'2i>. Note.1 the multifocal, ftal, white
palients [average age approximately 25 years), who I s if lf ii involving the retinal pigment epithelium (RPbJ iA).
develop rapid Lcjss-of vision in one or both eyes second­ Tfu1 lesion superiorly had Utidercone partial rusokilion. .^nd
ary to mu Ilip le postequatorial, circumscribed, flat, gray- some detail ы of ih e under lying choroid were visible. Note
white, subretinal lesions involving the retinal pigment absence ol serous detachment Ы trie overlying relina. ta d y
angiograms revealed absence of Fhackground fluorescence ir>
epilhelimn (RPEi] (Figures tl .04-13.Об).'"'' 'these
lhe region of lhe active lesions (Б). Some Fwckground lluo-
Eesions are rare]}1 associated with clinically apparent
nesce№e is visible in the partly resolved lesion -superiorly.
retinal deLachmenl or with retinal hemorrhage (figure O ne hour afLer injection, lhe angiogram showed fluorescein
11.05H and С].-'" '[he overlying retina usually appears staining ol all lesions (Cl. N in e days later, her visual acuity
normal. Inflammatory cells in the vitreous may be pres­ had returned to 20/50. There was fbcat depigrnenLation of
ent in 504-k of patients. Approximately one-third of lhe ЛРЁ following lhe rapid resolution of Ihe placoid lesions
patients give a history of a flu like syndrome antedating in both eyes [D and El. Seven man lbs later, visual acuity was

the onset of visual symptoms."30,* [n цпе CJbe 20/20. Thirteen mo nibs after lhe onsel of her disease she had
recurrence ot" symptoms in lhe left eve with transient Joss of
Et followed a mild hypersensitivity reaction to swine flu
vision. These Eesions healed, and w hen last seen -10 months
vaccine" and varicella-zoster vaccination in another."1 a Her the onset of her disease, visual acuily was 2Q/20. Note
А РМ РРЁ has occurred in patients with thyroiditis/1"' cere- evidence ol lhe m ore recenl lesion superiorly (F .
brovasculitis,^"1'' adenovirus type 5 infection,31' G-h This A5-year-old w om an developed rapid loss ol vision
lym phadenopatby,hepatom egaly {Figure 11.04К and (1CV2001 in lhe lefl eye. Mote the large centrally located
L},M erythema nodosum,1' 011 regional enteritis,^' sar- fesion (C). Angiography revealed other lesions, aEt of w hich
were non I luorescenl in lhe early phases of angiography (H'
cotdosis,('|i'h" acute nephritis/'" lupus erythematosus, 1
and which staintfd (atj^r 111. Twelve months Jater. her vision
serologic evidence of E.yme disease,'"" s Wegener's granu­
had returned lo 2tV20 iJ). ThirLy months after Lhe onset of her
lomatosis,' 1 systemic necrotizing vasculitis. ' ulcerative disease she developed a simiEar large central lesion in lhe
colitis, " and spinal fluid pleocytosis and elevated pro­ right eye and esperienced an identical clin ical course tn lhal
tein. 3й,3? I J 1Чо patients with evidence of cenlral ner­ eye.
vous system (CN5) srascu litis died within several weeks of К anti L: Severe bilaleral A l'M P P t in a 15-year-old wom an
onset of A PM PPE as systemic corticosteroids were being who noted the onse4 ol visual loss several days after an upper
respiratory infection. Mote tbe evid en ce of early resolution
tapered.1" ■'' Autopsy in one case revealed evidence of
□t lbe macular lesion ГЮ. Vilreous cells wore present, The
granulomatous arteritis in the leptomeninges." 'Ihese
patient's visual acuity was 20/200. A liver scan revealed hep­
cases suggest that AE].\1PPH may he lhe initial manifesta­ atomegaly and abnormal uptake of radioisoK?pt!* in the left
tion of primary CNS angiitis, which is associated with tobe. H e r electro-oculographic Ttnding^- w ere normal. Her
a high mortality rate of approximately 9 5 if untreated, electro-retinographic findings wore s’jb n ojm aJ. Si\ munths
46% if treated with corticosteroids, and S°b af treated with 1а1и lbe visual acuily was 20/50 in lhe right eye and 20/25
corticosteroids and cytotoxic agents.'* in the lofL LTt!, {Jt.'spiCe Lhe widespread alterations in the KF’t
IhftHi^hout the posterior pole of bolb eytts (Lj.
Other ocular findings include perivenous exudation
in the r e t i n a . p e r i c h o r o i d a l venous infiltration,'"1 and LA—f , frLim ( J a s x . > 1> 6 H. A iVUvJit ii] A ^ u c .M t io n . A il ris^Mb.
dilation and tortuosity of the retinal veins, papilledema,'1''
papillitis, oplic neuritisr4^ ,3-JJ',!i3-': episcleritis {Figure
11.05A),1" iridocyclitis, and central retinal vein occlu­
sion [Dr. Lawrence A. Yannuzzi, personal communica­ and the delayed remarkable return of visual function, usu­
tion] 'Jhis latter may develop as a resuh of vasculitis and ally to lhe level of approximately 20/30 or heller ( I'igure
swelling within the optic nerve. 11.04 A- D ).39 Within a few days of the onset of symp­
Infrequently, АРМ РРЁ occurs uni laterally, lhe second toms the acute gray-white lesions begin to fade centrally.
eye is usually involved within a few days or weeks after Within 7-12 days they are completely replaced by areas of
the first. !n 2 palienLs the interval was .50 and 36 months partly depigmenled ftPE (Ngure U .IMD and hj. Irregular
(t-'igure 13.04CJ —I). " Recurrences are infrequent and usu­ clumping of pigment occurs and day-to-day changes in its
ally occur in the first 6 months following the onse( of pattern develop over a period of mouths. Ihe acute and
symptoms (Figure 11.04A-F). Characteristic features of subacLile lesions superficially resemble those seen after
the disease are the rapid resolution of the fundus lesions pholocoagu lation.
During the acute phase of AFMPPH the subretinal I 05 Acute posterior multifocal placoid pigment
Eesions black out most оГ Lhe background choroidal fluo­ epitheliopathy {АРМрРЁ).
rescence (['inures 1] .041^ and 1L, ]].05Cr and U.06D). A: Episcleritis in a patient presenting w ith h ilateral APM FPLi.
Mid- and late-phase angiograms demonstrate diffuse, even В and (.' А Н М Р Р Ё assoLiated w ilh а small subrLHinal hemor­
staining of the acute lesions (Figures 11.04E5, С, 11.. and I, rhage (anuW).
and i 1.0 6Ei). During the course of early resolution of these D and E: Choroidal neovascularization (arrows.; occurring
Lesions, angiography demonstrates large choroidal ves­ sc^tetjl years after Lhe palicnl recovered near-normal visual
acuity Lifter bilateral $Р/у}РРЁ
sels coursing through the center of the partly faded gray
F —I: Schematic diagrams depicting probable histopatho­
Eesions before the development of staining in Lhe laler
logic changes and ftuorescein staining pattern in A P M P F E .
pictures (figure 1I.04KJ. During the later course of reso­ The acute ye! low-white fucal Iasi on is probably com posed
lution, angiography demonstrates extensive alterations in of swollen reLinaJ pigment rjpilhelial (RPL.i cells and dam­
the background choroidal fluorescence caused by changes aged outer reLinal segmonls beLwoen Lhe ariow s in F--H. In
in the content of the RPE but shows relatively little evi­ the early-phase angiograms the fluorescein фЕаск sLipplingf
dence of occlusion of the choriocapillaris. Indocyanine has perfused the choroidal circulation i'Fj, and quickly stains
Lne chqfOid Iс h:, and is Iwginning to movch into the base of
green (IC G ) angiography shows dark spots (figure U.OoE.)
Lne swollen KI-’E colls w ilh cloudy cytoplasm i C l Loss of
correspond]Ltg to Lhe placoid lesions and these do not
transparency of lhe К F t and outer n=1inal гясерЮгн total Jy
stain late, unlike fluorescein.1 ^ 'Jhe lesions appear Lo obscures Lhe fluorescein in the choroid. In the late stage of
involve the KE>Ei and (he adfacent photoreceptors on opti­ angiography lH> the dvE-f hat stainud the alfeded cells, С1ю-
cal coherence tomography (OCJ)., which shows disruption roid (chf, and scEera (5), causing the acute lesion Lo appear
of these structures during the active phase and recovery hyfierfluomscenl. Healod slagu of A P M P F E , late phase of
when the Lesions heal. Very occasionally, shallow sub- an^tpgraphy flj shows restoration of Llie ouler retinal-blood
barrier, palchv areas of depigjnentation and hyfierpigmerHa-
retinal fluid has been seen overlying the placoid lesions
lion of Lhe Kt'b cells, and regrowLh of lhe rrjlinal ouler seg­
on OCE'; exudative retinal deLachment is not the norm in
ments. but sDme loss of receptor cells.
AEWiETL Microperimetry can demonstrate ihe involved
areas and recovery of function in those areas once the
lesions heal.14' Subnormal electro-oculographic Findings
have been reported during the acute stage of the disease. visual acuity usually returns to near normal, lhe end-stage
Most patients tested during the acute phases of the disease of this disease is similar in this respect to rubella.
have normal electro-oculograms and electro re Linograms Manv authors have favored choriocapillaris occlusioti
(LRGs). One patient with severe involvement had normal as Lhe cause of Lhe color change in the R P f and the early
electro-oculographic findings with subnormal cone and angiographic rnidlngp^'35'46^ ^ 6^ 5 ihe following are
rod eEectroretinographic findings (figure ]] .04К acid ].). difficult, however, to explain on the basis of choroidal vas­
ТЪв prognosis for visual recovery is good. Visual recovery cular occlusion: (1) the variability in the size and shape
can occur up to as long as 6 ntonlhs. In an average follow- of the lesions, which appear to have no relationship to
up of over 5 years in 30 paliettLs seen at the llascom Palmer the anatomy of the choriocapilEarisj [2] the Failure of ihe
fye Institute, all but two eyes had 20/3О or belter visual acute lesions to slain with lluorescein from ihe periphery
acuity at the last examination.v' Many patients will identify inward, as would t>e expected to occur from neighboring
small residua] paracentral scotomata when carefully tesLed. normally perfused choriocapillaris; and (3) (he frequency
Recurrences and the development of choroidal neovascular­ of recovery of visual function.5^ Demonstration of targe
ization occur infrequently (figure I] .05D and Е ) зя* °^ йз flu-orescent choroidal vessels coursing through the area of
Hue cause of this disease, which in many instances partly resolved acute lesions (figure L1.04K) does not nec­
b assoc i::.Led with cad au i: of svslemic involvement, is essarily mean there is nonperfusion of the choriocapillaris
unknown. In the eye it appears to be an acute, self-limited in these areas. Jhe RHE: cells, which undoubtedly are still
disease- initially causing multifocal areas of color change preseiit in these areas, may be sufficiently opaque l.o atten­
in the RPfc and perhaps retinal receptor cells, lh e cell cyto­ uate ihe fluorescence arising front Lhe choriocapillaris but
plasm apparently becomes sufficiently cloudy that it blocks not Lhat in the targe choroidal vessels, the findings with
out alt background choroidal fluorescence. 'Jhe course and ICG angiography are similar to that wilh fluorescein and
nature of the disease suggest the possibility of viral infec­ in the author's opinion do not shed further light on the
tion. figure 11.05 IK—ij illustrates schematically some of pathophysiology of А РМ РрЕЛ 1
the presumed anatomic changes in this disease. Despite the W olf et al. reported HLA-ЕГ? antigens in 40% and
extensive alterations in the pigment content, the RPfc ceils JEEA-DR2 antigens in 57% of patients with AP.MPPli ver­
and most of the retinal recepLors apparently recover and sus 17% and 28%, respectively, in controls.^
V i . , * * i,' a- [ и. f * V - v •* v •>1 л t t a r K t r r . ' r t :-v; •: •
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There is no information Concerning lhe relative value E- Gt Acute posterior multifocal pla со id pigment
of systemic treatment with corticosteroids compared lo no epitheliopathy,
treatment of patients with APM PPE. 'I he natural course of A—1: 1his 17-year-old Сли :.л sian m,ile presented w ilh a b-day
the disease suggests lhal the visual prognosis is favorable history of {kfcrrrased vision in Both eyes. H e had had л low-
without treatment, Some might argue that corticosteroids grade fe w r Lind malaise 1 woe-fc befbre I he? onset of 'visual
should be given, if /or no other reason than Lo reduce the symptoms-. Visual acuity was 20/200 in both eyes. TEm* right
potential of C \ S complications it is unknown, however- eye showed several pf^cQid yrav-white lotions in trie jjosle-
rior pole, and Ihe? midperiphery o f holh eyes. {A - Q . A fluo­
whether this treatment is beneficial or harmful in this
rescein angiogram showed early hypotluorescence ol the
regard. Patients and their families should be alerted Lo
active lesions and I ale diffuse hypedl ucrescence consistent
the relatively low possibility of CNS complications and of with a diagnosis, erf acule posterior pEacoid pigment epi-
the importance of promptly reporting any symptoms or theEiopalhy I.D and Et. His visual acuity 2 weeks later was
signs suggesting CMS involvement Ihere is evidence lhal 20/400 tn both eyes. The acute lesions Eiad faded with sig­
patients with idiopathic CNS angiitis benefit from cortico­ nificant pigmcml mottling ( f and £■ . Six monllis afler onsel,
steroid and cytotoxic therapy."' visual acuily improved lo 2(VbO in ihe li^hl and 2Q/.S0 on
the left, w ilh extensive hyperpigmentafy response. Two yeare
It is important lo differentiate A PM PPE from serpigi­
later visual acuily w as 2Q/30 on the righl and 2(У300 on the
nous (geographic) choroiditis. Although the acute lesions
Eeft w ith no active lesions. He developed a choroidaE neo-
in both diseases appear similar ophthaLmoscopicalLy and V£jjt[jla> membrane (H and Г, arrowi'i ii: the lefl eyft whit h
angiograph Leal Ly, the lesions of serpiginous choroiditis was Ireated w ilh phflflddynamic Lhtimpy, and the visual iitu-
resolve more slowly and Leave in I heir wake ophthalmo­ ity improved to 20/60:
scopic and angiographic evidence of marked atrophy of )-L: This patienl wilh bilateral mu Hi focal placoid lesions
the undeilving choiiocnipil laris and larger choroidal ves­ □I acute posterior mull ifocal placoid pigment epilhelio-
sels (see pp. 362-964]. Some patienls reported as hav­ pallTV (J anti K: shows choroidal попрргЕЦраоп on indocyaninc-
green ii;.
ing APM PPE with atypical features, such as branch vein
occlusion, may have had serpiginous choroiditis4^ ' IA-I, cuurk'sy 1 if t Jr. Crtt I Inil.:; 1-L. crjurlusy n! Ur J-’i i.h-.irrE Sp.iichi.:
Serpiginous choroiditis is a chronic, recurring oflen severe
disease that may leave lhe patient with severe visual dis­ Lhe choriocapi Haris [e.g., toxemia of pregnancy; see figure
ability in one or both eyes. Table 11.1 outlines some of the 3,!>yD). primary or metastatic neoplastic infiltrates of Lhe
important differences in these m o diseases. choroid or suh-EiPEi space (see figures 13.31G and El and
lhe mtilLifocal white lesions in APM PPE musl be dif­ 14.31 D and E), and multifocal areas of deplgmenlation of
ferentiated from other causes of multifocal deep retinitis lbe choroid, such as occurs in vililigjnous (birdshot} cho­
(e.g., diffuse unilateral suhacute neuroretinitis) (see Ngure rioretinitis (see E'igure 1S.45A and 3i). Focal liuraoimatbr^
Ю.29А-С), multiple evanescent white-dot syndrome cell infiltrates of the choroid are ofLen smaller and slightly
(M EW D S) (Figures 1I.15 and focal inflammatory elevated, frequently persist for several weeks or more, and
cell infiltrates of the choroid (e.g., multifocal choroiditis often cause secondary detachment of the overlying retina.
wilh pan uveitis (M CPJ, pseudo-presumed ocular histo­ 'Jhey may completely resolve without leaving significant
plasmosis syndrome (POEIS)), sarcoidosis/'^11 secondary changes in Lhe overlying RP1\, or they may cause varying
syp hil is (E'igures Ю.07В and .G, IQ. ЗОН, and IQ.lllJ, dif­ degrees of atrophy of the choroid and RPtL Lhe aulhor
fuse choroidal infiltration in Harada's disease that may be believes thal the patients reported as having relinal detach­
associated with multifocal ill-defined lesions at (he level of ment secondary lo APM PPE showed features more typical
the pigment epithelium (see figure ]].26A).:il' sympathetic of a diffuse underlying choroiditis, probably Harada's dis­
uveitis (see Figure 11.29Dj, multifocal zones of occlusion of ease, rather than AE’ME’Pli (see figure и.26А ).ч-^г

Table 11.1 djii^nu-blHL Iг:;Иlirljt uf Jiuf-L- p:№l?riur rnultifuiul pJmjLHd ркч|jiriс:пI Lpithcdiufjiithry -IAPM I-1РЬ.I j n J s^rpi^.jm.njt- c/huruidit^
APM^Ft ^rpb^nu-Lib cbiiniidiLis
^edonffll »:crt J4: Hiid Цертиh'u iteuE
feanafed ^Temic .(hjerrapalorf rluctia:,er^tieinanoJobn Hub
'воогаииЫк.НЕяНЛ^ !i:. J -::d^Li-l^
V'iLUL: j :'iL-Jl fliatErai U'ElaJirj ш^1оЛем
Acutateims HaT. g'jf-wilE.relna.pare-Teprltiial bebt^ Зите
1лйя1ddlSluSin ^Istuaflonai Иег|1^Ьг/
Lpehi-eJi^ .У-LiEf iOtilLd UnjE^'iixkr-LUE
ОписИ лЛсрт; MniTiL
fVjiumlre alr«lri иагтд liHB hieqjerl
V::iiL>№cc№' HCEfedl Рои
EtCJ’HCE t>p:uJ
С5кшФ1 necraacuk'ialjof ^i y :J.i :L i' E.Ji-mi!:
]Ъе syndrome of acute retinal pigment epitheJLHLs is l I .и" Persistent placoid maculopalhy (pigment
characterized by the development оГ cEuslers of smalE pLa­ epitheliopathy},
ment spots surrounded by halos of depigmentation Ln Л - H : Tbi н 5У-уопг-оЫ previously pfealthy male brVsf^ited
young patients with a recent history of visual loss. 'Lliese w ilh ,2Q-'4i> ariftU 2Q/.'tO vision. Placoid yellow lesions weft;
patients experience rapid recovery of vis Lori [see p. У74). prraenl in lhe tfrtacula bilaterally. The lesion remained hypo-
In general, however, the lesions in APM PPE are much fluoreacenl and iLained miJdly verv Ia1e in lhe angiogram. A
Earger than can be accounted for on the basis of the H P i : classic m i l l choroidal neovascular membrane wau present
ju\La fovea lly. J-lu Lindefwent № d(xlyti|tri^C iherapy and the?
findings in acute relinal pigment epitheliitis.
lesion involuted. Iju I it relum ed much laigEif .1 month!; laler
Extensive pigmentary changes remidning during the Late
(H) and was resisilLT.n1 It) treatTm'nl.
stages of ЛРМРРЕ (J:igure IE 04EJ may be mistaken for а 1—t : This 60-year-old male developed a placoid les-ron in
widespread tapetoretinal dystrophy. Lhe clinical history the rij'ht macula that 50on developed йИоёпЙй of choroi­
of rapid Loss and recovery of vision, the normal-appearing dal neovascularization and subrstinal hemorrhage (I and J;.
retina] vessels and optic nerve head, and usually normal Anijkjgram showed per.^ialenl iivpofluoresconce and late
electrophysiologic findings should differentiate relinal dys­ mild patch® hyperlluorebcence typing of persislenl placoid
pigment epitheliopiHlhy, accep) for Lhe early lacy hyperfluo-
trophies from the late slages of APM PPE.
mscent e o f the <homjdai neovascUpif! niumfjrane (K and Lj.
Prituck and associates have demonstrated the pres­
IXlourtesy с>Г Dr. L.iwrencjL' V jn n u z f L H , Akt>, Y jn n u jz l L n w m x v J., 1he
ence of urinary casts in 3 patients during the active phase
R e t i n n ! A l l , i s . S i H j n r l c i r s 2 0 1 t l r ^ r B - U . 7 0 L f G- 1 Г2 № , р _2 Ш
of APM PPE.50 The significance of this observation Is
Although most patients with APM PPE present with
multiple one-disc diameler-siwe white lesions randomly followed variably up lo 20 years were described from five
scattered in (he posterior fundus, the size, shape, and dis­ centers.40 They were in their sixth lo seventh decade, had
tribution of the Lesions nr ay be variable (Figure U.Q4C). bi late ml involvement. the while macular lesions persisted
In some cases the lesions are smalt, are confluent, and may for several months to years before fading, and they showed
show some persistence of non fluoresce nee into the 3ale a propensity to choroidal neavascularizallon, often mul­
stage of angiography, in several of these cases the Eesions tiple, resulting Ln disciform scars In spite of foveai involve­
were uniformly small and closely spaced, similar to those ment and persistent lesions. Lhe visual acuity remains good
which occurred in a 35-year-old man described as having till choroidal neovascularization develops. On fluorescein
diffuse punctate pigment epi the!Lop athy by lillnder et aL 6 angiography the Lesions remain non- or hypofluorescent
] heir patient failed to recover central vision. More recently, LiII late and show minimal fluorescence in the tale frames
Jaich and Johnson' analyzed 6 older patients ranging from (E-'igure L1.07J. Several small choroidal neavascuLar mem­
5S to S2 уелть of age (average age 72.5) with a few placoid branes (CNV.VIs) are seen. On ICC angiography Lhe Lesions
Eesions in the macula, who had several features differing appear non fluorescent throughout the study. No evidence
from APM I’PH: older age group, lesions mostly confined lo of vitritis or anterior-chamber inflammation has been seen.
the macula, late fluorescein showing patchy hyperfluores- "I"he relatively good vision (unless complicated by CNVM )
cenee unlike the even staining pf.APMPPEr recurrences, late argues against persistent choriocapillary nonperfusion as
geographic atrophy, poor visual recovery and choroidal neo­ the reason for the persistent hypo fluorescence on ICG and
vascularization in a significant number of them. Ihis group fluorescein angiography. I tie etiology is so far unknown.
is best considered a separate entity at this time. Description Treatment included systemic/'periocutar steroids al some
of additional cases Ln the future and expansion of the spec­ lime with Improvement in vision. H ie loss of vision is
trum may help understand their pathogenesis. I'wo other mainly from choroidal neovascularization.''1,J-'
conditions that resemble APM № 6 in certain aspects are
persistent placoid maculopathy and relentless placoid cho­
roidopathy, described next.

In 200b, 6 patients with bilateral macular placoid teslons
superficially resembling macular serpiginous choroidopathy
.* -
RELENTLESS PLACOID I I rOS S e r p ig in o u s c h o r o id itis .

CHOROIDOPATHY A—F: This 43-yea r-ofd w om an had a 3-week history erf loss of
cerHral vision i-п Lhe ri^hl eye. Viuual acuiLy counting. fin­
Six patients, aged 17 through 51 years,, exhibiting some gers in Ibe: ri I eye and 2CV25 in the Eeff eye. Note the inac­
tive cErorEoreLinal scar surrounding Ihe oplic disc of both eyes
features of A PM PPE and serpiginous choroidopathy
and [he aclive gray lesion a[ the level of Lbe retinal pigment
were seen at six different centers from Т9Й4 lo 1997.'"
epiLhelkmi in Ihe Lcimpoial and mfeiior parttops dtf Ihe righl
Ihe acute placoid retinal lesions were multifocal, con­ m acula (airowSj Л.. bnrly attgldjjterbi s i obstruction
fluent, or serpiginous Ln nature with initial hypo- and of ihe backgroLmd choroidal fIЛЬгеьобпсе in ihe area of Lhe
Late hyperfluorescence on angiography resembling both acute lesion and еагЗу ьLa i n i nfj of Lbe cErerrorelinal scar (L'f.
A lW IPrii and serpiginous choroidopathy. 'Ihese patients One-hour angiograms showed sein in g Ml the acute lesion as
in addition had numerous posterior and peripheral reti- well .is Lhe moriOretrnftl -scjr LJl. ie v e n months baler lhttre
was HfflmenEatian in Ihe cenlraJ porLicm of Ihe aclive Зензоп
na[ lesions predating or occurring simultaneously With
Iс . Three yr^ars laler Ihere wau formation Ы an adophic cho­
macular involve men l. Older, heal nig pigmented lesions
rioretinal scar in Lhe area o f [he previously active lesion fFf.
were often accompanied by the appearance of new aclive Visual acLiity In Ihe righl eye wan 2 0 ?2 0 0 .
white placoid lesions. AddltidnaUy; all cases demonstrated G - |: A ctive stage erf serpiginous choroiditis |G-|J, Note jig-
prolonged periods of activity with several crops of new saw-puzzle p-iariern of lh e lesions. S^me eye 7 month ь laler
lesions, 50 and some Limes hundreds of them scattered i ]j shows; evidence of additional 1ем о п- ь a l l of w hich are inac­

throughout Lbe futtdus. Growtfii of subacute lesions and tive. Haze iis caused by vitreous cel3s.

the appearance of new lesions continued for 5-24 months К and L: Si mu ILaneons development ol serpiginous choroidt-
Lis iind herpes zoster ophlhalm icus in a (j6-year-old т а л .
after initial examination, and relapses Were common.
Relentless placoid choroidopathy may represent a variant
of seip igl nous choroid i ti s or a new enti ty.'" 1'
One 20-year-old patient has been reported with associ­
ated hyperinlense lesions on magnetic resonance i magi tig It usually begins in the peripapillary area and spreads
in the temporal lobe, found during evaluation of per­ centrifugally over a period of months or years by means of
sistent headache. He received mycophenolate ntofelil Ln recurrent episodes of palchy choroiditis in a serpiginous
addition to steroids and remained stable with resolution or jigsaw рш /le-like distribution outward from the optic
of the brain lesions."1Etiological ly this condition is prob­ disc lo involve the macula and peripheral fundus (I'lgures
ably related to APM RT., but much needs lo be learnt. The 11.08-11.11).
condition has lo be differentiated from A PM EVE, serpigi­
nous choroidopathy serpiginous-like tuberculous choroi­
ditis (see Chapter 10). persistent placoid choroidopathy,
tnullifocal choroiditis, placoid syphilis, sarcoidosis, and

Serpiginous choroiditis is an acute and chronic recurrent
multifocal inflammatory disease that appears lo affect pri­
marily the inner ha If of the choroid, the and second­
arily the retina.^-™
'lhe patient is typically A he^Lthy young or middle-aged 11.09 Serpiginous choroiditis - response to treatment
individual when he or she first noLices the rapid onset of
Ib is 4Е-уеаг-ок1 w tim an was seen fur mild visual distur­
paracentral or ceOtral scotomata In one eye. Ef the center bance in bur left eye o f 4 w eeks' duration associated w ilh
of the macula is involved, the acuity is often 20/40 or less. nasal sLut'finest anti congestion in 200?. Her visual acuity
IJio microscopic and ophthalmoscopic examination within was 20^20 ir mfcb ey&. Lbe lesions w ere inaclive 'A and
the first seven I weeks after the onset of symptoms reveals and a diagnosis of possit)]e atypical acute posterior mulLi:-
□ well-circumscribed geographic /one of gray-white dis­ fucal placoid pigment Epitheliopalhy was made. She
relumed in 2007 with changes in her vision and new sco­
coloration of the RPE in the macular area [Figures Ц.0БА
toma in her leit eye. The ri^JiL eye remained unchanged,
and G, and 11 H I] Serous detachment of the retina is
w hile the leit eye had d eveloped several new lesions t.vilh-
Infrequently present. Although an occasional patient has active outer edyes (C)_ The active edges vvefe htraofTLiures-
a solitary active lesion in one macula,l<Kj usually the active cenl early and bucairo hyperflutiroHcenl in ihu late s1-tge an
lesion is in continuity with a zone of RPL and choroidal the nn^io^nim : | ■i . 11 ■ ! югчи.игои-- ■
. Ь^члФэрлМп il j ,jnd
atrophy that extends nasally Lo surround all or a portion Ef. Vi ml liters far varicefla-zaster vims w ere drawn and she
of the optic disc. Inflammatory cell, reaction is present in was started on oral prednisone bOmg a day. By 9 days the
iesiorra were 3ess .ictive IF I, Ihe viral li1ers roLurnod low and
the posterior vitreous in approximately one-third of cases
яhe was continued on oral steroid thal w l i s tapered over 4
during the active phase of the disease. Examination of the
months. W h ile she was o r 1 0 my prednisone, 3 months
opposite asymptomatic eye often reveals an area of chorio­ Eater she developed new activity al [he nan fovea I edges
retinal scarring adjacent to the optic disc {Figure П.08В). (<UV Prednisone was increased lo 4 0 mg and oral mcrfbo-
Over a period of weeks, the acute gray-white lesions, which lre\ate 15 midweek was Started. She responded wiLh no
may appear identical to the acute stage of Af\MPPiL, are further recurrences, sLenoids were tapered off in 4 months,
partly replaced by mottling and depigmentation of the and she remained on nwlEtotrexale foi 1ft months w han
it was Lapened off. The left e v e 2 years IrUer thows inactive
REM (Figure 1I.0BA and F). ihe peripheral edge of the
scars w illi geographic edges '.M.T mohl alntiphnc areas show
Eeslon often maintains a grayish-white active appearance
decreased aufolEuorobcence w ilii fffcreased autofLuorescence
for a month or longer (Figures I I .ОБЕ, and H.09CJ. Over a rn lhe healthy adjacent retinal piym enl epithelium il).
period of months, varying degrees of atrophy of the under­
lying choroid develop within the discrete zone of previous
activity. Jn some cases the atrophy involves the large as
well as the small choroidal vessels and produces a trench- with good acuity. Although there is a great tendency for
Like area of choroidal atrophy [E'igure ll.OflF). In approxi­ the lesions to be contiguous, noncontiguous lesions occur
mately one-half of patients varying amounLs of gray-white commonly. Some patients w ill show centripetal spread
tissue (fibrous metaplasia of the RPE] develop within of the disease.1' ' Ihere is some tendency for concentric
Lhe area of chorioretinal atrophy (Figure ]] Ц А -Gl. enlargement of the jig^awpuzzle zones of chorioretinal
Ih e patient usually develops li permanent dense absolute atrophy to occur over a period of months or yeare. An
scotoma corresponding with most of the Involved areas. important cause of late loss of central vision is the devel­
Ih e retinal vessels and oplic nerve head are usually nor­ opment of choroidal neovascularization at the edge of an
mal. At intervals varying from weeks to years, the palienL old area of chorioretinal atrophy (E'lgure 1] ] IA and ft).)S~
is subject Lo recurring episodes of activity that each time loi, icu.-.os.iio-1n Щ з ОСП1га jn ^ т а л у as 25% of these
Involve a new and usually contiguous area of the fun­ patterns. Care must be used to avoid mistaking the gray
du s. '' " |his process may spread widely into the far exudation associated with subretinal neovascularization
periphery of the fundus in one eye before a similar process for that caused by a recurrence of an active inflammatory
begins in the second eye months or many years later. The lesion, likewise,, it is important not Lo mistake a gray active
disease frequently involves the macular area, bus in many lesion for a subretinal new-vessel membrane. Fluorescein
cases it skirts the edge of the foveola, leaving the patient angiography is helpful in this regard.
Unusual findings in patients with serpiginous choroi­ I I . I IJ Atypical presentations o f serpiginous
ditis include local relinal phlebitis, branch vein occlusion c h o r o id itis ,
(E'igure n .]0 );JS EDr L|,:iJL:i optic disc neovascuEarization,1E' A-C: A iliv e Telinilis ,irtd p^JphujjpHSfi and local jarEia ot reLi-
retinal neovascularization [figure M.EOD-K), and a strik­ nilis pro literals | В and С л I Lhu margin of aid л гея
ing predilection in a leu1patients for the choroidal lesions □I branch retinal vein occlusion in patient with serpiginous
to correspond with lhe distribution of tbe major retina] t horoiditis.
veins. One or more sites of focal gray retinitis and overlying D - F rtiilialeral multiple branch retinal vein occlusions in
periphlebitis may be present (figure ELIO). ]hese foci may я 20-year-olri black man with acule loss of vision in boll:
eyes caused by active serpiginous cEwroidilis Ю and E). Six
be associated with evidence of branch venous obstruction
years Liter the palienl had severe bilateral loss of central and
LocalJv or elsewhere in the same or opposite eye (i'igure peripheral vision. КЫи the etfensive scarring ■I-j.
1] ЛОЁ-L]. tJass has seen one patient who because of wide­ G-L: A healthy 23-year-old man presumed with floalefs ir*
spread venous obstruction developed a picture of Ijle s' both eves associated with bilateral scattered active serpigi­
disease with extensive zones of relinal capillary nonperfu­ nous choroiditis lesions, overEy ing and w id ely scattered areas
sion, retinitis proliferans, and vitreous hemorrhage requir­ of rerin-al phlebilis ;CJ, arruwKl, areas of peripheral Capillary
nonperfusion (J and k), F-elinitis prolilerans larrows, F-Ю,
ing pars plana vitFectomy bilLiterally (I'igure lfc'lOG-JJ.
and vitreous hemorrhage iHj. bilateral panrelinal photo-
Although Lhere is a strong predilection for this disease lo
coajjulation and pars plana vitrectomy in the Eefl eye werE
affect (he juxtapapiElary choroid early in lhe course of the required to control Lite proliferative retinopathy. Hive years
disease, in some cases this area is spared until later. afLet bis presenilation his visual acuiLy was 20^15 in bolE:
е у и (L ).
Fluorescein Angiography
ihe acute gray-white lesions appear non fluorescent during
the early phases of angiography and Liter they show evi­
dence of staining that usually begins al the margin of the
choroidr RPt, and retina.^9|01 The history of episodic and
Eesion and spreads centrally (Figure I!. ОSC and D).
permanent loss of segments of the paracentral visual field,
ihe sub acute and chronic lesions show angiographic evi­
the lack of family history, Lhe jigsaw- puzzle pattern of cho­
dence of destruction of tbe choriocapiltaris and IlFE. E'ailure
rioretinal atrophy, the asymmelry of tbe disease, and the
of Ehe atrophic areas to fluoresce during the early stages
frequent presence of marginal gray-while edges of activ­
of angiography is indicative of choriocapillary alrophy.
ity of lhe more peripherally located Eesions are clues lo
As fluorescein dilfuses from the neighboring choriocapil-
the true nature of the disease, 'lhe color and early-pbase
laris, Lhe atrophic lesions show progressive staining from
angiographic appearance of lhe acute lesions resemble
tbe margins centrally. When focal areas of retinal phlebitis
those seen in APM PPE. In this latter disease, however, the
are present, angiography shows evidence of staining of the
shape of the lesions is nip re likely lo be round or oval,
vein wall and may show evidence of branch vein occlu­
their distribution is more likely lo be Fandomty scattered
sion peripheral lo the area of phlebiLis (figure ЙЛОЕ .1Ш
in the posterior fundus, they resolve usually within 7-14
Angiography is useful in detecting and localizing areas of
days, and they leave minimal evidence of choroidal atro­
choroidal as well as relinal neovascularization (figures
phy or loss of visual function. Table ]] ] summarizes the
1] . !0 and 11.11 B). ICC angiography shows dark areas that
differences between these two diseases. Etelentless placoid
correspond to the visible chorioretinal lesions, and some­
choroidopathy is the disease that closely resembles ser­
times larger than them. rlhe hypofluorescence persists even
piginous choroiditis given that recurrences are its feature.
after the acute lesions involute, suggesting continued activ­
Serpiginous choroiditis may simulate any of the diseases
ity in the choroid or persistent cellular infdtraLe lhal blocks
causing peripapillary chorioretinal scarring and neovascu­
IC]C] fluorescence.1" Ihe acute lesion is hypoautofluores-
larization, for example, PO fIS, age related macular degen­
cent wilh a byperautofluorescent edge, tbe subacute lesion
eration. atigioid streaks, drusen of the optic nerve head,
becomes hypeiaulofluorescent and the inactive atrophic
and idiopathic choroidal neovascularization. Clinical and
lesion shows hypoaulofluorescence.1,5 O C f in the subacute
angiographic evidence of juxtapapiElary subretinal neo­
and inactive stage shows thinning of the outer retina and
vascularization is less likely lo be present in patients with
increased backscaltering from the choroidal layers.'1 lhe
serpiginous choroiditis. On the other hand, patients wilh
electro-oculogram and EiKU ate usually normal.
only minimal peripapillary scarring caused by serpiginous
choroiditis may be seen initially with macular detachment
Differential Diagnosis caused by juxlapapillary subretinal neovascularization
When serpiginous choroiditis is advanced in both eyes, before developing any signs of the typical jigsaw pattern of
it has been mistaken for various dystrophies affecting the choroidal involvement.
An acute lesion in Lhe paracentral region, particularly M . ET Serpiginous choroiditis causing choroidal
in a patient wilh Inactive Eesions elsewhere (figure ll.OSA neovasc ula rizat ior .
anti 15), may t>e mistaken biomicroscoplcally and anglo- A a n d E5: N o te the suLirelinal b lo o d (arrcjw, A.i c a u s e d b y a
graphically for exudation overlying а CNVM. Likewise a c h o ro id a l n e (jv a s c u la r m e m b r a n e I a rro w , b l.
gray plaque of sub retinal exudation caused hy suhrelina! C —H i A 1 7 -y e a r -o ld b u y d u rin g a p e r io d cl" 3 3 years d e v e l­
neovascularization may be mistaken [or recurrence of the o p e d progressive loss o f ce n tra l a n d pa racentral vis io n in
choroiditis, lhe disease that closely resembles serpiginous b o th eyes s e c o n d a ry Iо a ьс-rpi Lj i nous p a tte rn o f sp re ad o f
u io r o i d ilit . Iu x la p a p i i ry subrrrtinal scarring w as present in
choroiditis in its initial presentation and subsequent course
trie left e y e in A u g u s t E 9 b 4 :C!l. B y fa n u a iS 19 Ь 5 Ihe lesion
is tubercular serpignous like choroiditis (see Chapter Id).
h a d e x te n d e d a n d w as a u o c ia № d w ith s u b re lin a l netyvas-
When patients wilh a clinical picture of serpiginous choroi­ L'Lplari^alinn a n d blolfld ( D ) . B y N o v e m b e r 1 У Ь7 lh e dise ase
ditis do not respond promptly Lo oraE steroids or continue b a d pro g re sse d inLo the т а с и 1 д г area !E I as W ell as in to the
to develop new lesions while on adequate doses of'steroids, p e rip h e ra l :-.m d u s. N o l e lh e subretEftal scarring la tro w , L- .
anti if they are from high prevalent countries such as India, E Jtr tu w r: I4 b 'j a n d 19 b 7 a s im ila r pattern o f progre ssive
tubercular serplgnous should be suspected. An exaggerated su b retin a l choroiditis- a n d s ta r rin g o c c u r re d in the rig h t e ye .
N o t e Lhe to n g u e o f s u b re lin a l h b ro v a s c u Iar li^sne la ir o w .
response to lutjerculin skin testr Wjtth or without evidence
e x te n d in g in lo lhe righL т а t ill a i f a n d C i . Th e p a lie n l Was
of systcmic tuberculosis, calls for a prompl establishment
k ille d in .1 m oturxryt Iej a c c id e n l s o o n afler Lne p h o to g ra p h s
of tissue diagnosis of ТВ With PCI? of the vitreous fluid or in t a n d C . H is lo p a lh o ltjri’.ic e l i m i n a t i o n o f ln e ri^hl т л с -
needle biopsy of a choroidal lesion. u la I EH!■ re v e a le d e x te n s iv e in filtra h c n o f th e c h o r o id w i lh
ly m p h o c y te s u n d e rly in g a d o u b le layer o f re lin a l p ig jn e n t
Pathogenesis and Etiology e p ith e liu m a n d a Lhrck la y e r o f fib ro v a s c u la r Lissue I ty p e II
su b retin a l n e tJva s c u la riza U u M . N o o rg a n is m s w e re d e m o n ­
The histopathologic findings in 2 patients suggest that strated by e ith e r lig h t o r e le c tro n m ic ro s c o p y .
serpiginous choroiditis Is primarily a nongranulomatous
T r e a t m e n t o f s e r p ig i n o u s c h o r o i d i t i s w i t h p r e d n i s o n e
choroiditis (figure I1 .IJC and L'here is no a n d a c y c lo v ir
clue, however, as lo its cause. There Is minimal evidence I —K : A 3 4 -y e a r-o ld w o m a n Iro m In d ia w it h a 2 -y e a r h is to ry
that it is part of a systemic d i s e a s e . ' figure I I . OS o f w id e s p re a d s e rp ig in o u s c h o ro id ilis a n d p o o r v is io n o1 2
(K and I.) demonstrates typical serpiginous chorioidi­ years' d u ra ! io n in Lne rijqhl e ye pre sented b e c a u s e o f a c u te
tis that i level oped bilaterally in a pal lent associated with vis u a l Eoss in Ihe left e y e . 5iEie w a s ta k in g p re d n is o n e , SO m g
herpes /osier ophthalmicus. King el aI. found elevated d a ily , Eiy m o u Lh . A c J iv e c h o rio re tin a l lesion s h a d e x te n t Jed
in to the m a c u la o f the left e ye (I a n d J). H e r v is u a l a c u ity
factor Viii-vun Willebrand factor antigen in Й patients
was 2 0 /6 0 . A c y c lo v ir , 4 g d a ily , w a s a d d e d 1 to Ih e p re d n is o n e .
wilh serpiginous choroiditis and concluded that occlusive
T w o w e e k s later lh e a c u ily d e c lin e d Lo 2 0 / 1 0 0 b u l th e re afte r
choroidal vascular disease may be Important in Its patho­ im p ro v e d w iLh :n 3 m o n lh s lo 2й -'20 in spile o1 Lhe p resence
genesis.1" Rroekhuyse el aI. found immune reactivity lo o f s u b lo v e a l p ig m e n ta ry scarring (K l.
retinal S-antigen in patients with serpiginous choroidi­
tis bul not in patients with A PM PPE.[|S Serplginous-like
choroidopathy is a common manifestation of tubercular preserving vision (E:lgure J 1.1If and Kj. Despite the fact
choroiditis.1'1 Given the various infectious or non Infec­ that these patients regained excellent visual acuity after
tious association, it Is likely that seiplgnous choroiditis is a treat mem, one of Lbe patients continued to develop new
common morphological manifestation to several antigenic active choroidal lesions peripherally while receiving Lhe
stimulation. 'Though worldwide in distribution, the disor­ combined treatment. Jlie jury Is still out oil Lhe benefits
der is more common in India. of acyclovir. Oral steroid as the initial treatment with addi­
tion of immunosuppressives if the palienl has recurrences
Treatment is probably the best strategy al Lhe present time,12' '-6
Photocoagulatlon for active choroidal neovascularization
Systemic corticosteroids have proved moderately effective that does not extend inside the caplllaiyr-free zone is of
in serpiginous choroiditis. Their use in those patients with value. Intravitreal bevacizumab is useful in those cases
active lesions threatening the cenler of the macula is advis­ threalenlng the fovea
able. kM J he value of other agents, such as chlorambucil,
cycEosporinc A, azathioprine. methotrexate or a combina­
tion of these agents, is unpredictable.12u iiecause of itie
possibility of a viral etiology, Cass treated one patient with Good statistics concerning long-term follow-up of this dis­
acute loss of central vision in bis second eye with a com­ order are not available. Generally it is a chronic, recurrent
bination of oral acyclovir and prednisone for 6 weeks. The ocular disease thal over a period of many years may cause
results of treatment Ln this patient and four others with severe visual Joss in some patients. Many patients, how­
acute serpiginous choroiditis al the liascom E^almer Куе ever. maintain good central and peripheral function in at
Institute suggest lhal acyclovir in ay be of some benefit in leasl one eye.
ACUTE IDIOPATHIC 11-12 Acute idiopathic macuEopalhy.

MAC ULO PATH Y Д - G : This 31-year-old wom an had a sudden painless decline
in Vision to 6/2.Gp ir tie* left eye. Vision in lhe riyht eye was
Yannuzzi and coworkera reported 9 patients who after a 20/20. Hif^bL fundus was normal. A soJilary distinct flal yel­
low placoLd lesion was seen in lhe macula with a few flecks
fin like illness developed sudden severe unilateral cenlral
of relinal hemorrhage (A . An^io^ram showed brilliant stain­
visual kiss associated with vitreous cells; neurosensory
ing o f [he relinal piemen I epithelium (Б and Cl. O plical
macular detachment; retinal hemorrhages; an irregular Coherence1 tomography ( O f Ti r e v e le d Ihickeninj" and dis­
white, gray, or yellow thickening of lhe RE3h lhal was con- turbance in the pholorecepLor layer (D . Ky history she had
sintent with a subretinal infiltrate beneath a portion of Jesions in her mouLh and her coxsackle Liters netLUned ele-
tbe retinal detachment; and a neovascular process or uaEed. Rapid plasma rea^Ln was negative. Her vision began
acute swelling of tbe RE1!: cells (figure TT.T2).JJ A pecu­ [о improve after Л weeks of onsul, Ihe O C T showed gradual
recovery of pholoreceplors at 5 and 9 weeks it and F :, and
liar pseudopodal extension of the subretinal exudation
final vision improved to 2tV25 hy EO weeks, Fain! pigmen­
and subretinal hemorrhages were present in some cases
tary changes remained in the m acula (G).
(I'igure 11 12A). Irregular staining of the subretinal thick­ H —| : A 2 8 year o ld H is p a n ic m a fe h a d a n a c u te d ro p o f
ening angiographically simulated (hat occurring with V isio n in h i5 left e y e to 2Q/40CJ o v e r 5 d a y s . A s o lita ry ye Flo w
subretinal neovascularization [Figure 11.1.ZC). Complete f^ray p la c o id lesion w i lh m in im a l o v e r ly in g subneLinal flu id
staining occurred in late pictures. En spile of the appear­ i l-E i IhaL stained IHie o n I h e anj$io£>ram w a s seen i] an-d j). H e
ance, lhe subretinal exudate disappeared and visual acuity re c a lle d h a v in g a sore th ro at 1 w e e k p rio r a n d w a s told by
his E’ Ch3 Lhal h e h a d c o n tra c te d h a n d , fo o t a n d m o u th J d is ­
returned lo nearly normal. A characteristic "bull's-eye11pat­
ease fro m his c h ild re n . A w e e k later his vis io n had im p ro v e d
tern of pigment epithelial atrophy in the macula persisted
s p o n ta n e o u s ly lo 2 0 / 4 0 a n d hy .1 w e e k s to 2 t Y 2 Q w ilh m in i­
(E'igure 3!.!2I.]. No patient had a recurrence. One palienl m a l p ie m e n La Iio n .
had late development of subretinal neovascularization. К and Lr This 21-vear-old woman complained of acutu loss
Fish and coworkers presented a similar case that in addi­ of vision in lhe ri^hr eve upon awakening. She noli Let! an
tion showed evidence of a pseudohypopyon in the macula initfal bri^liL Siyhc in Lhe cenler ot her vision LhaL progressed
during the acute phase of the disease.1"1 ' Yaniiu/Jii's group to a black central scotoma over Ilie next few days. This was
broadened the spectrum of this disorder lo include eccen­ preceded 1зу a upper lespiialory infoci ion, hi^h fever, and
headache 1 week prior. Past medical history was unremark­
tric macular lesions, subretinal exudate, fellow eye involve­
able. iiho was a smoker. Visual acuiLy was 2П/150 in Lhe ri^hl
ment, papillilis, and an association of the disorder with eye and 20/20 in Ihe iel't eye. Color vision was 5 oul of 14
pregnancy and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome on the right and 14 out of 14 on the left. AmsEer grid showed
(A ID S].1-* a lar^e central scoloma. A rin^-shaped yellow-while lesion
In 2004, IJeck et al. reported 2 patienls with acute idio­ was present in the fovea. Fluorescein anyio^ram sEtowed a
pathic macuiopathy following hand, foot, and mouth window defecl cOtrespondjjftg to Lhe.1lesion чэш! late stalfiing.
disease wilh the characteristic sore ihroat, fever, and ery­ Visual acuily aI .J weeks remained aL 2tVl 50. Al I T weeks. had improved sponLaneouslv to 2ti/3Qi
thematosus papules on the palms of hands, caused by
Coxsackievirus.'ilt They demonstrated elevated acute and ГА- U . E d L rio y ill LJr. ЕСДШЫк H a JjflW flir: И И p. u iU rta v al I Jr. M.irk
LJiiily; К 1, LHjUrtciy 1'I L)r. L.ilvin Mein...'
convalescent A 16 and liters for the vims. Both patients'
children were also diagnosed with hand, foot, and mouth
disease. MulLifocal IR G shows transient outer relinal dys­
function that recovers over lim e.131 Other rare associations
have been a macular holer recurrence at the same site, o f Lhe photoreceptors late [Jigure T1.12E'). The central part
and transient electro-oculogram impairment, of die lesion is hyperaulofluorescent and the outer ring
may show involvement of the in [ter choroid, likely from hypoaulofluorescent, corresponding to the bull's-eye pat­
contiguous spread of pathology.1 Spectral domain OCE' tern. No specific treatment has been attempted as most
shows thickening of the EiE4: and photoreceptor layers in cases have shown improvement En vision, including the
Lhe acute phase (E'igure TIT 2D) and restoration of most eye wilh two recurrences.1
U N I F O C A L H E L IO ID C H O R O ID JT 1 S 11,13 Unifocal helioid choroiditis.

A —G : Th is 1 9 -y e a r -o ld w o m a n c o m p la in e d o f a s h a d o w
This condition is characterized by a solitary, elevated, yel­ o v e r h e r v is io n in the left e y e for a y e a r o r Eonger. V isu a l
low-white active focus of choroiditis xvilh overlying sub- n t u ily w e b 2(1Л 5. o n 1 Ь е ? т a n d 20/215— o n Lhe reft. A s o li­
retinal Hu id, and in some cases sub retinal hemorrhage, tary raised y e llo w w h ile lesion [hat app ears to b e o ld w it h
lhe lesion is approximately une disc dtaint;ter in size With cle a rc u l m a rg in s , in c re a se d v a s c u la rity ir ils s u b s ta n c e b d m :
a halo around it, giving the name "fielioid'1 or sun like m u n ic a lH Jy w iLh the fjv e d y in g re tin al L'essuJs, is seen supeiro-
Ьегпрйга! Lo the fo v K L ( A . L t t e flu O re S c e i^ ani’ ioj’jarri shim 's
(Figure 11ЛЗА and H ). On follow-up, the lesion shows
m ild sLain-ing o f lh e lesion ■'If a n d С ) I ha I d o e s noL fill w i !h
minimal growth and the sub retinal fluid resorbs gradually.
in d o c y a n in e gTeen (D): U lira s o u n d В scan a n d o p tic a l c o h e r­
No other signs of ocular inflammation are usually pres­ en ce to m o g ra p h y s h o w [h t1 lesion lo h e raised i t nind hi. Th e
ent, though a few anterior-chamber or vitreous cells have Eesion is h y p o a u C o fIu or-e scert, lik e ly d u e Co th in n in g o f Lhe
been noted occasionally. On follow-up, the elevation per­ o v e rly in g retinal p ig n xfn L e p ith e liu m ( C ^
sists, even though the lesion turns more while and fibrotic H : A m o r e a c u te le s io n in a n o th e r p a lie n L w ith Lhe ty p ic a l
(E:igure 1 1 . 1 ЗА); a few show recurrences with reaccumula- 'h e lio id ' or s u n iik e i^p pearam je a I Lhe e d g e .

Lion of subretina] fluid [SR}:) and some d e v e l o p a CNVM. ifjGUhfr^y оГ Ur. Lt;e I.: 11:>:-ijI. ■
Jhe active lesions are hypofluorescent early in the angio­
gram and stain late. rl"he inactive lesions show staining
(figure 11.L3B and C). The elevated lesion is hypoaulo- Systemic in\restigations and corollary *)CLilar or systemic
fluorescent with a rim of increased auto fluorescence out­ features for infectious etiology such as histoplasmosis
side its edge [figure ]] ]3D). Visual loss is related to the and various fungi, tuberculosis, toxoplasmosis, or non­
Location of the lesion and SJ?Б in the vicinity of the fovea. in feetious etiology such as sarcoid or other granuloma­
Since the original description of 6 eases by I long et aLrJit tous disease, are negative. No treatmenl is necessary’;
Shields et al. reviewed 60 cases that resemble this condi­ systemic steroids have been used for those lesions that
tion that they termed "solitary idiopathic choroiditis/'1' xvere vision-threatening.
A C U T E R ET IN A L P IG M E N T И . I 4 Acute retinal pigment, epithelium

E P IT H E L IIT IS Л —I : 1 h iн it a 2 G -y e a r-a |d л ч ш п п w ith a paracenlral "ц га у

н р о Г in her righ: e y e w ilh o u l a ts o c ia ln d p a in . redness, or
Krill and Deulman141 described the syndrome of acute phtrfopsiti. iihe b a d had a d ia rrh eal illness Eird fFu Э w e e k s
p re v io u s fy Lind h a d re lu m e d fro m S o u lh A m e r ic a a n d Pt*TLi 6
retinal pigment epitheliltis, which is characterized by lhe
г u i:i ih\ i:-i.: i V lie - v i-.i-: jn \ . i-. j : ■j 1 o n the r ;j,I ■i ,‘ : к I 1 \ i j ' : 1
rapid onset of visual disturbances in one or both eyes
on [h e le ft lYiere was a 5 0 0 -. m -s ize v e llo w Jesion su p e rio r
of young adults followed by gradual and almost com­ Lo fixa tio n W ith iiid is Jin O m argins LA I [hah w a s 1;уреп|1иогек-
plete recovery in 7-10 weeks. 142 One Lo 2 weeks afler cen( e a d y a n d lhe iSUr-raunding retina sla ined late (B a n d C ).
the onset of symptoms, these patients had multiple clus­ O p 1 ic .il c o h e re n c e Lomo£$raphy re ve a le d m ild ch a n g e s in the
ters of discrete, round, dark spots surrounded by depla­ p h o to re c e p to r layer (D>. A w e e k Jater h e r vis io n d ro p p e d lo
mented halo!ike zones present at the level of the Kl’b in 2 0 / 7 0 a n d Ihe lesion b e c a m e m o re d istin ct (E). A n g io g r a m
s h o w e d il w a s m a d e u p ol several snta]] d o [s , w ith disTuplion
the macula and paramacular area (Figure 11.14 L| These
,™ d po ssib le in fla m m a tio n in lh e p h o to re c e p to r a n d relinal
were usually one-fourth disc diameleF Ln size, 'ihe fundus
p ig m e n t ep ith e lia l layers (F a n d C ) . V ira l tilers fo r c o xs a ckie A
findings during the first week after the onset of symptoms aл d b, hepatiLiH, d e n g u e , a n d rapid p ris m a reagin wore1 л ец а-
were not described. Fluorescein angiography demonstrates rive. A d ia gno sis o f a c u le relinaJ p ig m e n t e p ilh e liilis w as m a d e
a halo of hyperfluorescence surroutiding Lhe dark spot ллd sh e e le c te d [o b e U e a te d w ilh oral отеЭотй ГОй G O mg/
seen ophthahnoscoplcally {Figure ]J.]4 b , C, and 1.). In day, Lapered o v e r 2 . 5 W eeks. H e r v is io n im p ro v e d to 20/25
some cases, angiography may be essentially normal. Ihe 2 w e e k s post p re d n is o n e th e ra p y ; the lesion Jsec-ame sm alle r
a n d iлас live ( H w i[h re s lu ja lio n o f m u tl o f ihtt p h o K ire c e p Lo r
Loss of visual function is out of proportion Lo the changes
layer l>.
seen in the macula. After recovery of central vision the
I a n d K : This 2 5 -y e a f-o ld w u m a n n o le d p h oLop sia, b lu rre d
RPh changes may be barely visible. Ihe cause of this self- v is io n , a n d m u llip le ратасел1га1 s t o t o m a b in [h e righ I e ye
Eimlted disorder Is unknown. 1 2 days b e fo re her e x a m in a tio n a[ the Ba$corn Fu lm e r Eye
Since the original description by Deutman and col­ [n slilu le . W h e n e x a m in e d by h e r local p h ysician several
leagues, few reports of this condition surfaced till days nfler lh e onsel her acuiLy w a s 2 U /2 0 a n d lh e fu n d u s w a s
2007.“ 1141 Chlttum and Kalina reported S patients with d escribed as n o rm a l. O n e w e e k laler her a cuiLy w as 2 0 -3 0 a n d
som e " y e llo w m aterial w a s noted m lh e ri^ht m a t-u la.'' A t the
acute retinal pigment epithe!Litis associated with a fine
K a s c o m Ftilm e t Ly e Ins1itu1e h e r a c u ily w as 2 0 ^ 2 5 . (ytub iplo
pattern of pigment stippling confined largely to the foveo-
paracentral scotom a La w e re denvnnstrable o n th e A m s Je r ^ rid
Ear area.1' 1Et was mostly twlleved lo he a nonspecific find­ in Lhe right e y e . T h e re w e re n o v itre o u s cells. T h e re w e re m u l­
ing secondary lo a Variety of circumstances, including tip le, sm all p i^ m e n le d iesions s u rro u n d e d bv d o p ijjm e n tp d
idiopathic central serous chorioretinopathy, drusen, adult- halos at the level o J th e R F E (arruw^ j). T h e lefC fu n d u s w a s nor­
on set vitelliform foveomacular (pattern) dystrophy, and m a l. A n g io g ra p h y repealed sm all h a lo s o f h ^ p e rfiu n re s c e n te
occull choroidal neovascularization, and in asymptomatic c o rre s p o n d in g w ilh Lhe lesiun-s (a rro w s, K.l. ^ h e w as last seen
b y h e r local p h ysician Б m o n th s al"[er [h e o n se t o f s ym p to m s .
Visua l acuiLv w as 2 0 '2 0 , and Iht! fLindus w as n o rm a l.
Since the availability of OCT, case reports of acute reti­
nal pigment eplthellitis have re-emerged.1’ ' 1” ОС!' l A - l , ( .U lL ir iL ^ y u f U r . M . h r k i D f t l l S D n . )

shows iiyperreflecLivity at the level of the outer nuclear

Layer, photoreceptors, and ftPE (Figure LL.L-lll>and G ).The
disease is self-limited with near-complete visual recovery
in Ю-12 weeks (Figure ]].]4 ]J.
MULTI P it EVANESCENT WHITE- M . E5 Multiple eva nesce nI wh iLe -do t !>vndrome
A .l^-year-ri’d moderately m yopic Worrvin noled several
lhe following features characterize MKWDSr which typi­ siniill I>!in-cJ spots in her ri^hl ccnlral field associated w ilh
cally affects one eye of young females: (1] blurred vision., photopsias of 5 days’ dura!ion. H e r vision was 20/40 on the?
riц.Ъt and 20/20 olii lint! left. Several i^ray яр(Ин went? seen scat­
multiple paracentral scotomata, usually including a tem­
tered in lbe rijjhc t-un-clLis :A—L.T: a n d orangp dots in- lhe fovea
poral scotoma, and photopsia occurring in approximately iA . Ajlofttfbrescence ima^in^ showed hy$^L(toflUDre5&fcrce
one-half of patients soon after a fiulike illness; (2} vitreous corresponding to lhe lesions (Ё), opli-cal cuhe№nq^ tomogra­
cells; [3J multiple small, often poorly defined, gray-while phy showed loss of photoreceptors in the affected эдгау spols
patches at the level of the К H i and outer rclin.t [Figures if!'. An enlarged blind spol was found on Hum phrey field
11.15 and 11.16); [4) a cluster of ti ny wh ite or Eight-orange testing. l-luoruscern angiography showed rin^ of hvperflui.)-
dots in the foveola (I'igure M .I5A); (5) early punctate rescent dofa consisluni w ilh "w realhiifie" spots. A diagnosis
Of M L W H S w n i made and she W as kepi undfef observation.
hyperfluorescence of the gray-white patches, which often
К у I weeks- her vision had improved lo 20/20, die pho-
show a cluster or xvreath-shaped pattern {I'igure 31.15С topsias h a d re s o lv e d and m o s t Ы the g ra y spots had disap­
and II); [6] late fluorescein staining of these lesions, and peared, orahge dais were still present. The iosion inferior
in some cases staining of (he optic nerve head; [7) blind- L(] fovea appeared I о he whiter and i пас live, ih e moved 1o
spot enlargement; (8) decrease in the 1LRC. a-wave and SeattSp nn-d ta iled 1 years hi lei com plaining a t new m e la -
early receptor potential amplitudes; and (9 ) spontane­ fn p m g r a ftia superior Co fix a! io n . ih e had developed a c h o ­
ous recover}' of visual function, normalization of the roidal neovascular membrane at (he site o f J be persistent scar
(a rro w A.I and received inlravitreaE antivascular endothelial
electroretinograpbic findings, and return of the ophthal­
unowth factor injections.
moscopic and angiographic findings toward normal in
7-10 weeks (figure 11.16(5-1).1 The white spots in
MKWDSr which are often smallr ill defined, and located
in the extramacular area, are easily overlooked. It is prob­
able that most patients reported as having Lhe acute idio­
pathic blind-spot enlargement syndrome166 probably had
M E i W D S , and that the white lesions were either overlooked
or had faded at the time of their etam inalion.11" ' ' ' л
ICG aLigtography detnonstrates patchy hyperfluores­ I 1. E Multiple evanescent while-dot syndrome,
cence At lhe level of the JtETE-' as welE as multiple, small,
1 hfs I-t-ye -a r-o id W O tn a n c o m p la -in c d a f [огпрогаЗ floaters
round, hypoflu orescent. lesions, some of which occur In л» d ibcCasibfiaJ flashes; o f 3 in bet ri^hl e y e D l 5 d av^'
tbe absence of fundus changes.' ' ' Although fluorescein d u ra tio n . She h a d h is-Lcjry o f m i^ tj. H e r v is io n w a s 2E1/20
angiography oflen shows some staining of the optic disc in e a c h e ve ; n o vis u a l ■it’ Td d e fe c t c o u ld Eje Bfem orfatrated
during lhe acule phases of the disease, there is minimal on Ib fm a l LesLin^. A fe w w h ite ыроЕы in Lhe m a c u la , o ra n g e
evidence (hat damage to (he retinal ganglion cells and dcris in lh e fo v e a I cenier, a n d several sp ols in lh e m id p e r ip h -
e rv w e re seen ( A , B , a n d C.ji. A n ^ io ^ r n m s h o w e d w re n I hi i ко
optic nerve is responsible for visual lots. Il“' L.ater in the
h y p e r flu o w ^ te h c e a f ih u m a c u la r lesions <tnd h y p o rfEu o ie s -
course of the disease a zone of Eil'H depigmentation and
c c n c e o f Ihe [гкГга тщ л М а г Seniona I L a n d D ) . O n a u C o flu o fe s -
hyperlluorescence corresponding with their en larked blind c r n c e im a ^ in jj lh e lesions w e re h y p o a u lo fiu o re s c e n L . ь a n d
spot or other field defect may develop.1 ' -'■ ' Subretinal F-:. A w e e k later s o m e o f Lhe w h ite le sion s had d is a p p e a re d
neovascularization may occasional I!y occur.17' " ' Scanning ( H ) a n d b y i m o n th s Ihe fu n d u s w a s b a c k Lo n o rm a ! w iLh o u l
laser densitometry demonstrates evidence of j focal defect e v id e n c e erf д п у lesion lli.
in the visual pigment kinetics of lhe receptor cells in lhe
macular area.1 7 liq u a tio n for evidence of systemic with visible changes in Lhe fundi.1 1 [here is
disease is usually negative. Some visual field loss and color evidence that \lliW D5 may be pari of a specimm of one
vision defect may persist.1'^ ihe cause o f the disease is disease or cEoseEv related diseases that include acute idio-
unknown. Males may be affected, the disorder may occa­ palhic blind-spot ^ j a i g e A Z G O R
sionally atfecl both eyesr and late recurrences may occa­ (see discussion to follow), p s e u d ^ P O H S ,^ 175-1*1'1* 5-1^
sionally [n &оше сдье5 vlsu^ and acute macutar neuroretinopalhy.|:'! 170,161 AlS of the
field defects do not resolve.111 disorders affect predominantly young women and all
fie fore or fallowing .V1HWD5 some palients develop evi­ may present with photopsia and zones of visual field loss
dence of pseudo-POI-]S.- acute macular neurorctinopathy, caused by retinal receplor damage unexplained by biomi-
and acute onsel of Eaige visual field defects unassociated croscopic changes in Lhe ocular fundi. ■:'1
ACUTE ZONAL OCCULT OUTER I 1. 17 Acute zonal outer retinopathy, occult lype.

RETINOPATHY A-С: Th is ? 4 -y e S r-tild w o m a n , w h ile: re c o ve rin g fro m an

u p p e r respiratory in le c lio n , e w e ftfitfid B d rap id severe loss o f
1q 19У4 Gass reported 13 patients, predominantly young vis io n n ve rn ig h l in b o th eyes. Visual a c u ity in [h e right e ye
was 2 LV 2 0 0 . Гe -11 e y e 2(1/20. У Ид bad severe p d h s b id ^ iff o f Lhe
W D # D r with a syndrome characterized by rapid loss of
v is-LFiiI field Ш1а1нга1 ly. Etdtn fund i Lind а ngiugram s. a p p e a re d
one or more large zones of outer retina! function, photo p-
n o rm a l IA a n d E 3 S e v e n m o n th s Iinter sh e h a d bilateral p h o -
sLa, minimal, fundoscopic changes, usually mild viiritis, Lopsia; persislenl, severe visual field d efects; n a rro w in g o f the
and electrorelinographic abnormalities affecting one or retinal vessels; a n d w id e s p re a d h y p o p rg m a n la Lio n o f Lhe reti­
both eyes [E'igure I1.17J.'::J Progression of visual field loss nal p ig m e n l e p ith e liu m fR I’ ti.i m e re p r o n o u n c e d a n te rio r Lo
occurred over a period of several weeks or months before Lhe arcades (C T T h e v is u a l field loss re m a in e d slable b u t she
either improving or stabilizing. Involvement of the second d e v e lo p e d m ig ra tio n o f p if^ n e n l into Lhe re tin a in a h o n e co r­
p u scle pnttern p e rip h e ra lly fiver ib e n e x l ye a r.
eye may be delayed for nit least as Song as 2 years [figure
C L - li O v e r a p e rio d o f -several m e n lbs Lhis 3 b -y e a r -o ld
11. i 7A—[). All patients on follow-up ем mi nation had per­
w o m a n d e v e lo p e d p ro g re s s ive fuss o f p e rip h e ra l v is io n , p h o -
sistent visual field defects, and most had chronic photop­ Lop sia, v ilre o u s c e lls , n a r r o w in g d J lh e relina l vessels, n o n ­
sia and zones of pigment epithelial atrophy and retinal slain in ^ ty s lo id m a c u la r e d e m a (a rro w , L?j, d e p ig m e n la tio n
vascular narrowing, which in some cases mimicked that □I Lhe K F’ b in Lhe ju x ta p a p illa ry a re a , a n d eloclrureLi n o g ra m
seen in retinitis pigmentosa and cancer-associated retino­ cha ng es in Ihe right e y e ( □ a n d EJ. V is u a l field Lass s ta b ilize d
pathy (figure i l -17I-L) in some patients large, perma­ w iLh in £ m o n th s , l'w e n ly -s is m o n th s after lh e o n se t o f s y m p ­
tom s in lh e rig h t e y e she d e v e lo fH id the s a m e s y m p to m ^ a n ti
nent, visual field defects were unassocialed with any
signs in the left e y e lhal p re v io u s ly w as n o rm a l e x c e p I for
visible changes in either the fundus or in fluorescein
o n e ftxjal scar I arrow ,. F >. C o m p a r e F a n d Ci aL Lhe lim e o f
angiograms. onsel o f s y m p L o m t in Lhe lefl e y e w ith H a n d Г 1 y e a r later,
Most patients wilh AZOOR are у along or middle-aged a n d n o te d e v e |o p m e n L o f retinal vessel n a r m w iiM a n d d e p ig -
adults wilh the predominance of women, who present m e n ta Lio n o f th e ju K ta p a p illa ry F\h'E (a rro w h e a d s , If. T h e
wilh an acule onset of visual field loss in one or both eyes, visual field s ta b ilize d iri :iie lefl c y i1 w ilh in 6 m o n Lh s . H o lh
lh e fundus exam illation reveals no abnormalities al onset. eyes have b e e n u n c h a n g e d for Lhe pasl 3 y e a rs . H e r vis u a l
acuiLy is 2 0 '2 a ri^ b t e y e a n d 20/2-0 3eft e y e . i h e has m ild
More than 50^-ii of palients have antecedent or associated
m p c u ta r e d e m a Ej i I literal Iv-
pholopsias, which are projected to the zone of visual defi­
|—L : T h is 2*J-year-old wom an n o Le d lhe F ic u le o n s e t of pho-
cit. lhe pholopsias have been described variously as "fire­ Lopsia and '"shimmering heaTwave" involving Lhe supero-
works, blinking lights, movement of microbes under a nasal liefd of Lhe rrghL eye. T h e fundi were normal. M edical
microscope, the IV screen being off signal, Hashes of light, anti neurologic examinations w ere unremarkable. H e r
heal waves coming off lhe road, and other visual phenom­ visual acuily was 2 0 '2 0 in iio Lh eyes. W ith in 1 month she
ena/ A characteristic finding is the description of ”move­ develofied a EUtie erf depjgmentation and several locL o f
perivenous shea I King a n d slain inf; Narrows, I and Kj infero-
ments" associated with these photopsias. Salients oflen
ii.-ii-|if i-1!!v in ii-1■:■ rib'll o .t. An d t’cLroreliiio^ram showm
move their fingers or hands while describing the symp­
subnoTmal rod a n d cone ampliludes in lbe ri^hL e y e . Th e
tom. Unlike in posterior vitreous separation, the pholop­ fundi and visual fields remained unchanged over the subse-
sias are more noticeable in bright light and patients have []Lien1 (> years except for migration of pigmenl ini о lhe relina
been known to come into the doctor's office wearing sun­ (L) En the righL eye and the development o f several foci o f
glasses lhe photopsias can predate, appear simultaneous, perivascular shealhing in the left eye nasally, ih e is still Irou-
or antedate the field loss. Some patients may have had an bled iiy the photopsia.
antecedent viral illness. I hose eyes ivi.r_h large areas of field IA - L f r u a n C J ^ b i ,,! ''

loss, signifying involvement of a large zone of photorecep-

torsr may have vitreous cells. However, vitreous cells may
be a later phenomenon, seen when photoreceptors die. origin, palchv in dislribution, and asymmetric in lhe two
The visual field defect is variable; it can be small or taige, eyes I f (he field loss is small and unilateral, Lhe ERG in
and often is connected lo the blind spol. Sometimes the the affected eye may be reduced compared to the fellow
field loss is in the periphery. normal eye. If lhe field loss is extensive the EftG is below
The subtle nature of this presumed inflammatory dis­ normal in the affected eye[s}. Either the rod or the cone
order, which causes acule damage to broad zones of the function, or bolh, may be affected based on lhe location
outer retina without producing noticeable ophthalmo­ of lhe visual dysfunction. Hi lateral involvement causes
scopic changes, is responsible for the diagnostic confu­ ERG depression in both eyes. Interocular asymmetry was
sion that usually results in extensive fruitless neurologic a prominent feature in Lhe 24 palienls studied by Jacobsoci
medical, and ophthalmologic consultations and labora­ et al.1 Mu III focal LEiG if available is useful in document­
tory investigations. Demonstration of eleclrorelinographic ing the Extent and location of the field loss and is diag­
abnormalities during the early course of lhe disease is nostic of the condition when associated with a normal
helpful in this regard. I"he EfJGs in these patients show fundus. J Eowever, since multifocal Е-ЖЗ tests cone futiclion
a paltern of visual dysfunction lhat is photoreceptor in OLtly, iL will not be able lo pick up subtle rod defects.
lhe field loss does not conform Lo the loss seen with M . 13 A c u te zo n a l occuEt o u te r re tin o p a th y .

glaucoma or <i vascular defect. [JoEdmann visual field

A-£l Thiы -fO-ye n r-tj Id wonun prc^enled with a history of
mapping is important in demonsLraLtng lhe complete rapidly prDj'i'tissive visual loss in h e r ri^hl eye over 1 - 2 years
field deficit, often associated wltfi an entailed blind spot. лfjfjrcjjtiт л Lt1ly 10 years prior, and a recent lumpnral blind
Visual field defects stabilize within 6 months. Л small spoL associated wilh ph ut(jpsia s ir her IcM eye. H e r s y m p ­
percentage of patients show improvemenL in field defect tom s began with photopsias and rapid progressive loss of
tf treated early with antiviral s and systemic corticoste­ visual fiE^ld in h e r fi^ht eye. When I first examined her, the
roids. Fluorescein angiography when tbe fundus shows no vision in her righl eye was hand motions Lo counl lingers.
The left e y e was 2№20 wilh a lar^e temporal blind spol.
changes is norma] [I'igure U.17Aand ti) and shows trans­
Tbe fundus in lhe righl eye showed widespread piemen I
mission hyperfluorescence in those areas of Rl3L change alteration witb diffusely narrowed retinal Vessels, patchy
(figure I l . l7 t r 1, and K). Aulo fluorescence imaging of bone spicules (A ) , w h ile the lefl fundus was normal (B and
tbe normal fundus shows no ah normality г however, once C j. O p tic a l coherence tomography Lh ro u g h the left macula
fiPE atrophy is seen, the areas appear hypoautofluorescenl revealed loss o f p h o to re c e p to rs in lhe peripapillary area (□
(I'igure 11.IS C }, and occasionally show a rim of increased a n d E arruwj in spite o f a n o rm a I-appearing retina. H e r e lo c -
tr o r d i n o ^ ra m n h o w e d n si^m ficrinl a s y m m e try w ith пImast
flat w a ve s on lhe ri^bt. Thu ledl eye continued Lo have fur­
The cause of the acute damage to sharply defined zones
ther field loss, th o u g h the fundus remained tidrm a® S h e w h s
of the retinal receptor cells in the absence of visible fun­ Klarted on oral steroids anrl val a c y c lo v ir for 6 weeks and
dus changes in patients wilh A/OQR is unknown. 'E'here this seemed to control fu rth e r progression. H o w e v e r on d is ­
is patchy evidence Lo date for autoantibodies to any reti­ continuation o f sler-uids she felt subjective w o rs e n in g o f h e r
naE cell type in palients with A /O O R.1"1' 1|J Gass postu­ fie ld , ihe was started o n melholrexate and mycophenolate
lated the possibility of an inciting viraJ or other infectious mofulil anrl is bein^ m o n ito re d .
agent within the photoreceptors. He has hypothesized a F tn I: Late appearance of thu rijqhl and ledl fundus and aulo-
fkiorescence of a Ifi-yuar-nid woman wilh extensive
"silent pTechnical phase,11 where cell-to-cell spread of the
bitemporal fiold defect lhal has remained smbleover the pasl
virus occurs, with retention of norma! photoreceptor func­ 10 years. Note the asymmetry between the nasal and tempo­
tion. tn lhe "acute symptomatic phase," tbe infected cell ral retina.
dysfunction is triggered by the host immune response,
bllher a change in the antigeniciLy of the infective agenl or
a local auto-immune react ion to lhe receptors laden with
this infective agent may cause loss of photoreceptor func­ of a variable degree of inflammation including vitreous
tion." 'Ihe finding that over 9СЯ4 of eyes with AZOOR have cells, perivascular exudation, and occasionally oplic disc
visual held defects that include one or bolh blind spott- edema. 'I'hese inflammatory signs typically develop within
and/ог the peripheral isopters, suggests lhal the ora ser- several weeks following ttie onset of A/.OOR. appear to be
rata and optic disc margin are possible sites for invasion proportional lo the size of the affected retinal zones, and
of a virus inlo the receptor cells. I'hese are two sites where probably result from an inflammatory response Lo the
the retinal receptors anatomically are not isolated from the dead retinal receptor cells.1''1
systemic circulation by surrounding neuroepilheliutn. In Weeks or months later, narrowing of the relinal vessels.,
approximately half the patients with А/ЛХЖ, the immune particularly the retinal arteries, perivascular sheathing, and
response to lhe intracellular virus results in inactivation of reactive changes in the ftPE occur [E'igure 11.1вА and K).
function but preservation of the receptor cell. No bio mi­ lhe loss of interaction of lhe microvilli of lhe jfilPE with
croscopic or ophthalmoscopic evidence of inflammation itie photoreceptors causes migration of the ЙРЁ into the
of acute or long-term retinal cell damage is evident, [n inner retina to line up along the blood vesseE Wall, giving
most cases the retinal cel! dysfunction appears to be per­ the typical bone spicule appear,nice.
manent. Although most instances of recovery occur dur­ Similar acute occull zones of visual field loss that are
ing the firsl 6 months after onset of symptoms, at least 2 accompanied by EiRt; changes may occur in palients with
patients demonstrated improvement in the visuaE field ME\VDSr1Si-|Ю M CP and punctate inner choroiditis [PEC),
after several years. Likewise, while stabilization of visual (pseudo-lJOJ-E5),l6-Ll|,U::-?-lli:'J-i,,J'1 and less oflen tn patienls
field loss typically occurs within 6 months of the onset with, or who previously had, acule macular neuro-
of field loss, a few patienls, particularly those who show retinopathy.'1111:1 'ihe authors have seen aE leasl 50 olher
evidence of some recovery early may develop a gradual patienls wilh evidence of overlap between iylEWDS,
increase in visuaE field loss many months or years later. pseudo-POl Ei, AZOOR, and acute idiopathic blind-spot
Ihis delayed Eoss may occur as a resuEt of reselling of the enlargement syndrome. Whereas occult visual field loss
cells' apoploLlc clock during the initial acute phase of resulting from receptor cell damage is a common link
AZOOR. among all ihese syndromes, we do not know tbe cause of
In lhe other half of palients with AZOOR. the iinmune any of these disorders or. to whal degree ihey are relaled
response results in early receptor cell death, development patbogenelically and etiologically.
ACUTE ANNULAR OCCULT OUTER M . EQ Acute го nal outer ret in opat hy, a nn ula r occ ult
A —I: A h e a Eth y 2 3 -y e a r-o ld m a n n o li L e d [he ra p id o n s d o f
In the Lhird edition of this book lhe author presented я lar^e in fe ro n a s a l s c o to m a in his left e y e . H is vis u a l a c u ­
the findings in an otherwise healthy young adult patient ity w as 2 0 / 2 0 . W h e n seen Eiy h it local o p h th a .m o lo ^ in l, I he?
right WflS n o r m a l. T h e a n te rio r c h a m b e r a n d v ilie o u s
who presented with лапе loss of a large xone of visual
w e re d e a r . In th e left fu n d u s (h e re w a s a s h a rp ly d e fin e d ,
field associated with an unique fundoscopic picture con­ th in , ^rnv. c irc u la r rin ^ iarm m 's, A a n d K.i D t c u p v in q люк1 tif
sist ing of a large-dia meter, ihin, gray-white ring occupy­ the s u p e ro Ee m p o ra l q u a d ra n l. Ih e j^ray rin ^ b p p e a te d to b e
ing most of the superior temporal fundus of the left eye w iLh in the rm ina b u l w a s e x te rn a l to the retinal vessel h. Jl
(E'igure И Л ЗА -F).193 Except for slight narrowing of ihe e s te n d e d o u l Lo Ihe e q u a lo r bur d id not reach Ih e o ra ser-
retinal arteries within this zone, the retina and pigment rata. Ih e relina w ilE iin the rin ^ a p p e a re d A o n r id L V isu a l field
epithelium had л normat ophthalmoscopic and fluo­ e x a m in a tio n ra re a le t) a d e n se ic a lo m a jcn rK ^ p c m d itta Lo the
г с п е w ilh in the r in g . O v e r ih e n e xt W n k lh e s c o to m a p ro ­
rescein angiographic appearance (]Igure 1,1,1 [here
gressively e n la rg e d . W h e n e x a m in e d in M ia m i th e ддау rin ^
were no vitreous cells. "Ihere was a left afferent pupillary w a s b a re ly vis ib le fa rr o w s , C - E ) . T h e z o n e w ilh in the rin ^
defect. For л period of approximately 3 weeks the ring h a d gblarjgpd (с о т pare a rr o w s , A a n d В , w ilh (" anci J.?i b u l
and absolute visual field defect enlarged before stabiliz­ d id n o l re a c h lh e c e n te r a f the гп а С Ц Щ l h e d ia g ra m |F ] iil-us-
ing {Figure ]1 ]9C-J:). The ring disappeared. 'Jhe visual trales Lhe c h a r g e in s ize o f the r in ^ . T h e retinal vessels w ith in
acuity was normal throughout the course. The absence of this z o n e w e re h a r r o w e d , a n d d ie s u rfa c e reLrnat reflexes
angiographic changes suggested that the occult destructive w e re H lle n u a le d . l h e retinal p tfrn e rtt e p ith e liu m ( R f f J W as
u n a ffe c te d . Flu o re s c e in a n yio jjra p h iy i t m i firm e d Ihe a tte n u a ­
process ivas affecting primarily Lhe inner retina within the
tio n o f the retinal vessels; a n d the n o rm a lity o f the Й Р Е : G : .
area of the ring and the disorder was termed "acute pro­ O v e t the s u b s e q u e n t several w e e k s th e s c q h im a ем la rk e d
gressive zonaE inner retinitis and degene rat ion." During slijihlly a n d iben s ta b ilis e d . W ith in severa l years h e d e v e l­
follow-up over the following months and years, however o p e d d e p i^ т е Ш н И io n o f the К.ГЬ a n d m ijjra lio n o f pi^^ntm L
the patient developed, within the zone of visual field loss., in to lh e re tin a w ith in Lhe z o n e o f visuar field Ios? Ia rro w s , H
depigmentation and migration of pigmenL epithelium a n d Ij. H is visual a c u ity 6 .5 years EaLer w a s 20/20. T h e right
into the overlying retina in a bone-corpuscular pattern., eye w a s fic r m a l.
indicating that the original damage had in fact involved
primarily the outer reLinal receptors (Tigure П.1ЯН and
I).1 During the G years of follow-up his visual acuity has
remained 20/20 and the visual field loss is unchanged. O f lo fluorescein during lhe acule phase of the disease: The
interest, he no longer has an afferent pupillary defect. evanescent ring of retinal opacity occurs at the interface
Luckie and соworkers reported a young xvoman with of the affected and unaffected outer retina and probably
the identical findings and early clinical course in one aL the level of the outer plexiform layer and receptor cell
eye."'''' She had serologic evidence of cytomegalovirus nuclear layer, where it causes no angiographic abnormal­
infection and they attributed her stabilization of field loss ity. '['he ring may be the result of loss of transparency of
to treatment with acyclovir, ihe fact that their patient was the most recently affected retina, similar lo that whicti
immunocompetent suggests that her retinitis and clini­ may be seen in immune-suppressed patients with cetl-
cal course may be unrelated to cytomegalovirus and her lo-cell spread of cytomegalovirus retinopathy.-43- 'lhe ring
therapy. may also be caused by a mild immune reaction taking
Ixcept for the presence of the gray ring and the absence place at the interface between the normal vascularized
of a history of photopsia during the лете phase of the inner retina and the Leading edge of the advancing infec­
disease, the findings aitd course of the disease in these 2 tion in the outer avascularized retina, similar to that which
patients are the same as those with AZOOlfc1^ --500 The may be observed in the cornea {Wesley ring). Neither
cause of the zones of acute occult outer retinal dam­ explanation is completely satisfactory in view of the
age in both groups of patients is unknown. An attractive, absence of delectable abnormality in either the inner of
yet unsubstantiated, explanation for the fundus changes lhe outer blood-retinal barrier. Anliretinal antibodies lo
es that of a latent viral infection of selective zones of the in tier nuclear layer; and ganglion cell layer, and in another
outer retina that is somehow triggered into activity, caus­ case to outer nuclear layer additionally, suggests auto­
ing acute inactivation of function and in some cases death immunity may play a role.-01 However, it is not known
of the retinal receptors within those zones without afTecl­ whether the antibodies are primarily involved, or develop
ing retinal transparency [except for the ring) and withouL as an epiphenomenon. The lesions appear nonfluorescenl
afTecling either the outer or the inner blood-retinal barrier on ICG angiography once RPE changes have ensued.-0’
Ngure 11.20 illustrates what may be a further vacant of I 1.211 Acute zonal outer retinopathy, annular type.
AZOOR (annular overt type) Ln which lhe affected zone Lb
A-E; lh ;s p Q -y ^ & r-u ld w o m a n w ilh c h ro n ic fa tig u e s y n d ro m e
associated with acute disruption of the ]U>h and variable n o te d Lhe s u d d e n onsel erf a la r^ e nasal s c o Lo m a in lh e telt
degree of whitening of the outer retina and JJE’Ei. e y e . V is u a l a c u ity w a s 2G J2 0 r righL e y e a n d 2 Q / 4 0 0 r left e ye .
S h e h a d a d en se s c o to m a c o rre s p o n d in g w ith a large s u p e ro -
Lem p oral z o n e o f retinal p ig m e n l e p ith e liu m (K P E ) d e p ig -
m e n ta Lio n s u rro u n d e d b y я b o rd e r o f o u te r ToLi пл1 w h ile n in g
i A a n d lb. This w a s assoc inled w ith 2 - v ilr ilit. A n g io g r a p h y
re ve a le d e a rly n o n flu o re s c e n c e o l Lhe rim o f the lesion a n d
h y p e rflu o re s c e n c e c o rre s p o n d in g to im cenLer (C ), a n d laLe
i :u o re s c e n c e o f th e e n tire le s io n . M e d ic a l e vH ^u a tio n , i n d lad­
in g lilers for s y p h ilis a n d h erpes viru s e s , w a s n e g a tiv e e x c e p l
fur m ild Ih ro m b o c y to s is a n d g ra n u lo c y to s is . She w as h o s p i­
ta lize d a n d re c e iv e d o ra l p re d n is o n e , a c y c lo v ir, a n d d o x y c y -
t lin e . V isu a l a c u ily im p ro v e d lo 2 0 .-70 w ith in 1 w e e k , O v e r
Lhe lo llo w in g 5 w e e k s it d e c re a se d Lo 2 0 / 4 0 0 a n d lh e z o n e
ot K F’ lb d e s tru c tio n (.o n lin u e d In e n la rg e in a nasal d ire c -
Lion ( D j . F iv e m o n th s afLer the onsel o f s y m p to m s a lm o s t
the e n tire fu n d u s w a s a ffe c te d i t . , b u L v is u a l a c u ily h a d
im p ro v e d Lo 2 0 / 2 0 0 a n d c o n tin u e d to im p ro v e o v e r lh e n e xl
y e a r to 2 0 У 3 0 . F o u r years tater her c o n d itio n w a s u n c h a n g e d .
The righl e v e w a s n o r m a l.

Acute zonal outer retinopathy, overt type.

F - L : S oorl after d e v e lo p in g a ?ore th ro a t Lhis o th e rw is e
p e a Jth y q O -y e a r-d fp m a n c o m p la in e d o f progressive 3<?ss o f
i; il - U 'm p o u l i c d " l vis io n in ihr ler: j.'y-L1 as^ot i.iM-d i: I■
" s h im m e rin g lig h ^ o f 2 w e e k s ' d u r a tio n . N i n e m o n th s p re ­
v io u s ly h e n o le d a sim ilar huL m o re p e rip h e ra l te m p o ra l
s c o to m a in Lhe right e y e a sso ciate d w iL h " s h im m e r in g .'' T h e
s y m p lo m s in lh e right e y e re s o lve d s p o n lan e o-u sJy afler s e v ­
eral m o n th s . H is visual a c u ity w as 20^20 b ila te ra lly . There
w a s a 3 +- affere nt p u p illa r y d e le c L in the left e y e . V isu a l
field e jta m in a tio n re v e a le d a d ense s c o to m a in v o lv in g m osL
ot lb e p e rip h e ra l a n d a lm o s t al o f lh e Le m p o ra j vis u a l field
o f th e left e y e r a n d a n e n la rg e d b lin d spot in ih e righl e y e . In
the righL e y e (h e re w e re 2 + v itre o u s cells a n d a la rg e w e ll-
d e m a rc a te d z o n e o f R3J b a tToph y in v o lv in g lh e ju x ta p a p -
b la ry a n d in fe rio r a n d nasal areas o u l as far as lh e e q u a to r
(Fh_ Tini5 area w a s far la rg e r th a n the z o n e o f visuaE fie ld loss.
T h e o p lic disc a n d retinaJ vessels w e re n o rm a l bi la Lera 11 y.
F u n d o s c o p ic e x a m in a tio n o f lh e let"! e ye re v e a le d 3 - viLne-
ous cells a n d a s h a rp ly d e fin e d г о п е o f d is ru p tio n ot Lhe K iJt
in v o lv in g m ost o f lh e fu n d u s b ul sp a rin g m u c h o f Lhe m a c ­
u la r a re a lG ) . There w as n o g r a y -w h ite d e m a rc a tio n iine aL
lh e b o rd e r o f Lhe K K t c h a n g e . Te m p o ra l to Lne m a c u la , h o w ­
ever, ih e re w e re several ill-d e fin e d areas o f g ra y -w h iLe aL Ihe
le ve l o f the K .K E ( H I . In the lefl e y e flu o re s c e in a n g io g ra p h y
s h o w e d e v id e n c e o f a c u le Rl-1!-. d a m a g e b ul n o e v id e n c e ol
in v o k e m e n l o f the th o r io c a p il laris (J a n d K ). In Lhe righl e ye
Lhere w a s m oLLJed h y p e rf lu o re sce n ce c o rre s p o n d in g I о lh e
large a re a o f o ld K P t d a m a g e ill. H e re c e ive d p re d n is o n e ,
00 m g , a n d a c y c lo v ir, 4 g , dail'- h y m o u lb . There w a s s o m e
prog ression ol" Ihe vis u a l less a n d biF’ t ( iianges in lh e left e v e
for several w e e k s b e fo re s ta b iliza tio n ot c u n e d 'l .l as seen o n
Lhis fu n d u s p h o to g ra p h .
DISORDERS SIMULATING M .2 I M u llifo c a l c h o ro id rtis a n d p a n u v e itis ( p s e u d o ­
p r e s u m e d o c u la r h is to p la s m o s is s y n d r o m e ) ,
Л - С : Th is 3 1 -y e a r-o ld w o m a n h a d а й -у е а г h islo ry o J lo s t
HISTOPLASMOSIS SYNDROME o l v is io n 5л Ihe riyh l сущ c a u s e d by suEifoveal n e o v a s c u -
(PSEUDO-POHS) 1 а п га И о л a n d re ce n t b lu rrin g o l v ini О л m ib e left e y e . In
a d d itio n lo w id e s p re a d m ul tilocal c h o rio re Lin a l scars a n d
Jhe clinical features of [1O tIS are described in Chapter 3. vitrilis in b o lb e y e s , th e re w e re a c tiv e -a p p e a rin jj local c b o -
noidal lesions in the m a c u la , n a rro w in g o f [he retinal vessels^
In recent years LL has become apparent that there are other
a m o p tic disc sdairh'? a n d p a llo r in 1b e l|n t ey-e ' A a n d Ё>.
disorder, unrelated to infection with НйЯорйыВД that
A n g io g ra p h y re ve a le d [hat s o m e o f [he c h o r iW E lin a l lesions
during Lheir inactive stages may саше a pattern of chorio­ w e re n o n flu o re s c e n l e a rly 'C i a n d s ta in e d Ia lei. И е Г visu al
retinal scarring similar to POH5. Collectively referred Lo fields w e re m a r k e d ly c o tttfric te d a n d lh e eloclToreLinogr^nT
as psetido+РОНЯ there are at least two groups of patients re v e a le d s e ve re ly a b n o r m a l ro d a n d -соле responses;. H e r
that may simulate P OH ы ад T h ^ may or fa lb e r b a d s u b n o rm a l vis io n ibal w as a llrib u te d 1o w o rk in g ir>
may not be palhogenetjcally related and are termed mul­ a c o a l m in e . H e r trujponem al a n tib o d y a b s o rp tio n
Lest w a s n e g a tiv e . It is cri interest I b at, c o in c id e n t w : ! h lh e
tifocal choroiditis with pan uveitis (M CP) and punctate
tinsel o f visual s y m p to m s , I b e pa Мел I b a d a je ju n o iie o s to m y
Ш ner choro id i tiб ( PI С ) .
for o b o s ily a л d as a c o n s e q u e n c u lost 2 0 0 Lb (91 k g ). It is n o t
k n o w n w h e lb e r or n o t v ita m in A d e fic ie n c y p la y e d a n y ro le
MULTIFOCAL CHOROIDITIS AND in h e r ta p e Lo re lin a l d y s Lro p h v -lik e fu n d u s c h iin g e s .
0 - F : This T O -v e a r -o ld , hea lthy, m ild ly m y o p ic 1У£мТмп rio te d
PANUVEITIS_______________________ b lu rre d v is io n in I h e I el I e v e o f I w e e k 's d u ra tio n . V is u a l a c u -
LEy in the rig h t e y e w a s 2 0 / 2 0 a n d in lh e ieft e ye w a s 2 Q /2 0 0 .
Nozik and l>>r&chjl)!i and Liter EJreyer and G as!^ ' and
T h e re w a s a 1 -I- a ffe re n t p u p illa r y re a c tio n in the lelt e v e .
'lessler and Deutsch'IJ described a syndrome of MCP that The right fu n d u s w a s п о т т а ! . A fe w v ilre o u s cells w e re pres­
simulates POEIb with the following exceptions: ( I ) vitre­ ent in I he lefL e y e . There w e re m u ltifo c a l active gray lesions
ous inflammation is present in one or both eyes; (2) ante­ in the m a c u la a n d ju xta p a p illa ry area ( O ) as w e ll as a te w
rior uveitis occurs in 5G^i of cases; (3 j yellow and gray in the p e rip h e ra l fu n d u s . A n g io g r a p h y re p e a le d lale sta in in g
active choroidal Eesions that angiogjaphically may be o f m a n y ol ih e s e le s io n s. M e d ic a l e v a lu a tio n lo r e v id e n c e ol
system ic disease in c lu d in g h is to p la s m o s is w a s n e g a tiv e . Th e
nonfluorescent early and slain later are often observed or
d ia g n o s is w a s c h o rio n itin ilis a n d o p lic neuritis o f u n k n o w n
may develop during follow-up (figure 11.21A-C); (4) the
ca u se. iy s L e m ic anti s u b -T e n o n 's s te ro id * w e re g iv e n . l\ v o
inactive lesions are in general smaller than those in the inonLhs later vis u a l a c u ity h a d im p ro v e d lo 2 (1 / 7 0 . M o s t o f
FOHS (Rgures 11.2IA-C and 11.22Jr (5) most patients i!ic■ lesions .i :o i /:ri‘ : c-х-- . n :i\4- ■!■ . к ш г к :е п n to m b s I,Лег
come from areas nonendemic for histoplasmosis and she r-elurned b e ca u s e o l vis u a l loss in th e left e y e c a u s e d b y
have a negative histoplasmin skin test; (6) approximately sen jus d e la c h m e n t o f Ih e m a c u la I ha I re s o lve d s p o n la n e -
one-half of eyes demonstrate subnormal electroretino­ O Lb ly . N i r c \ч‘ .^!'s Inter I b e riLjhl :- :r ■.v.i-. n m m I. I hi' u-
i tv in the I ell eye w a s 2 0 / 2 0 0 . T h e r e w a s e n la rg e m e n t a n d
graphic f]tidings (figures 11.21 L>—]J and 11.22); (7} some
h y p e r p ig m e m a tio n o f th e c h o rio re tin a l sc.ars., a n d several
patients develop acutely large visual field defects that are
a tro p h ic scars Ia n o w , F.i w e re e v id e n l in areas o f p re v io u s ly
not explained on the basis of fundus findings and subse­ n o rm a l re tin a .
quently may develop large areas of Rl’ti depigmentalion.. G - L ; This y o u n g w o m a n e x p e rie n c e d rap id o n se t o l loss o f
which may he associated with retinal vessel narrowing te m p o ra l lie ld a n d p h o to p s ia in h e r ritihl e y t;. The fu n d i w e re
and migration of pigment epithelium into the retina: n o rm a l LC>. Itie g ra y spot ^arrow ) in С is an a rtifa c t. Th e
(a ) patients with monocular involvement [25 % ) may s c o to m a p a rllv re s o lve d w ith in sevtiral m o n th s , p rio r to h e r
d e v e lo p in g loss o f cunlral vis io n a n d an e n la rg e d b lin d sfK^t
develop severe involvement of the second eye months or
in the left e y e thaL w a s associate d w ith m u ltip le a c tiv e c h o ­
wars later (I'igure 11.2.2); (9) there is a female sex predi­
rio re tin a l lesion s IH a n d II. The d ia gno sis w a s punc tale 1плег
lection; ( !0) the disorder may affect children or adults of c h o ro id itis . 'Six m o n th s later s h e d e v e lo p e d b lu rre d v is io n
any age; (11) lack of H_LA-t>tv2 specLficity which is often in the ri^ b t e ye associated w ith m u ltip le foci o f pa race ntral
present in POH5;1:J and (12] appearance of new lesions c h c rio re Lin iliv Ijj. S h e stion d evelopjed e v id e n c e o f s u b ro lin a l
over time in several patients. 'Ihe reader should realize n e o v a s c u la r iia lio n in ih e m a c u la r area o f h o Lb еуеь (К a n d L :.
that the presence of vitritis or iritis has been an important il? ,ind t irdMVi
requirement for inclusion of patients in reports concern­
ing MCP in order to exclude patients with POI-15, and that
some patients with M G ' and With active choroidal lesions
as well as multifocal scars may have no vitreous cells.

■■ - ■
In fJa in m a b n rv D is e a s e s o f th e M e lin a

features of MCE’ similar to Р О Щ include punched-out 1 1 .22 M u l t i f o c a l c h o r o i d i t i s a n d p a n u v e Elis ( p s e u d o ­

peripheral and posterior pole chorioretinal scare lhal are p r e s u m e d o c u la r h is to p la s m o s is s y n d r o m e ) ,

occasional]!y arranged in a curvilinear pattern aL the equa­ A —I : Tin is h e a llh y 3 9 -y e a r-o ld w o m a n e x p e rie n c e d flo a ty rs
tor, jujct^ipap:L]ar\- scarring, and the frequent development a n d b lu rre d v is io n i r th e right e y e . H e r V isu a l a c u ity w a s
of" jufcLapapillary and macular subretinal neovasculariza­ 2 0 / 2 0 0 . T h e re w e re 1 + сеИн in lh e a n te rio r t h u m lw i ,;n d
tion (E'igures 11.21 and 11.22].JQ5j2L<,,i]S Gass has seen ihree 2 + t o lls in lb e v itre o u s . T h e r e w a s m ild p u p iIle d e m a a n d
children with M CP in association with bilaleTal pars plana c y s lo id m ac-ulnr e d e m a i.Aj. tn Lne e q u a to ria l area for 3 fjO
Lnere W e re h u n d re d s o f va.riat]dy sizled, ro u n d , th o r io r e L i-
snow-bank exudation (see E'igure il .43|-J_).''"' 'lhe cause
nal scars IB Hind C l . A n jiio jjra p h y ftfV e a le d c y s lo id fn a c u jd r
of MCP is unknown. Features of M CP different from viti-
e d e m a a n d p a p ille d e m a i l J ) . T h e re w a t late staining a r o u n d
liginous retinochoroiditis include: [ l j lhe punched-out s o m e Dl Ifte p e rip h e ra l lesions IE a n d F>. T h e left e y e w a s
nature of chorioretinal scars; (2) a tower median age (33 fid t m a L The s c o Lo p ic e le c lr o r e tin o ^ u p h ic responses w e re
years); (3) a greater frequency of unilateral disease; (4) a m o d e ra te ly a b n o r m a l in the гщ Ы e y e a n d b o rd e rlin e n o rm a l
greater frequency of panuveitis; (5) a lower incidence of in llie left e y e . O v e r the пек I b 1/2 yearn sh e e x p e rie n c e d
optic disc pallor, nyctalopia, color vision deficit, and elec- fu rth e r kres ol v is io n in Ih e d ^ b t n \ e related lo siibfltffifral
n e o v a s c u la r iza tio n , lie fo re n o tin g floaters in th e left e y e , A l
troretinograpbic abnormalities; (ft) a greater incidence of
lh al lim e V isu a l a c u ity in the rijijht e y e w as 2 0 / 2 0 0 a n d In Ihe
visuaE loss caused by choroidal neovascularization; and
loft e y e w a s 2 0 / 1 5 . T h e re w e re v ilr e o u s c e lls in b o lh eyfis.
(7) lack of JEIA-A29 specificity. The fundus of patienls SEw h a d a d is c ifo rm scar Fn lh e ri^hl m a c u la -.til. There w e re
wilh uni lateral involvement, in MCP may simulate I hat m a n y foca l cEw jrioretinal lesion s, н(ж_,с! o f ^vhi-rh I'p p m r e d
in patients with diffuse unilateral subacute neuroreti­ active in the p e rip h e ry o f Ihe letl e y e an ti Lj. A n ^ io ^ r a p liv
nitis [see pp. 864-Й72). Visual loss in the latter disorder re v e a le d le a ky c a p illa rie s rn lb e o p lic d is c a n d retina o f
is usually una&sociated with subretinal neovasculariza­ b u lh eyes.
| - L : Th is 3 1 -y e a r-o ld w o m a n h a d a I - y e a r h islo rv ol e p i­
tion and is more frequently accompanied by pallor of lhe
sodes o f b lu rre d v is io n a n d p h o to p h o b ia in lb e left e ye .
optic disCr narrowing of the relinal vessels, and a mark­
V isu a l a cLiily in lh e i i j^hI e ye Mffls 2tV2(> anti in lh e left e ye
edly abnormal EiPG. Multi focal choroiditis may occasion­ w a s 2 Q /2 0 0 . lh e ri|^bl fu n d u s a n d vitre o u s w e re n o r m a l
ally be a manifestation of sarcoidosis. Elersbey et al. found e x c e p t fo r m ild p erip ap iEEary s c a rrin g (j^L In Lhe left e y e I here
focal granulomas on blind biopsy of lhe con|uncliva in a w e re J + v itre o u s ce lls; m u ltip le foca l cEiorroretinaL scars,
group of patienls over 50 years of age with a fundus pic­ s o m e ol w h ic h w e r e steElatej a n d a s u b lo v e a l n e o v a s c u la r
ture of pseudo-POMS and no olher manifestations of m e m b r a n e K :. Te n m o n th s later, lEw vis u a l a c u ily in Lhe Eefl
e ye w a s c o u n lin ^ finders. a n d there w a s m assive suljretina l
fjbrosis I i. T h e ri^hl e y e w a s u n c h a n g e d .

C H O R O I D O P A T H Y ___________________
M CP] are probably the same disorder or have a similar
Watzke and associates1'11, and Morgan and Schalz'^1, pathogenesis.'" 'lhe presence or absence of vitreous cells
reported a syndrome characterised hy the following: (1) in these paLients is probably a function of the size of the
moderate myopia, blurred vision, photopsia, and sco­ area of the fundus affected, '['hose with lesions confined
tomata in women; (.2) multiple, yellow-white lesions of lo the posterior poEe (P IC ) are less likely Lo have vitreous
the inner choroid and retina that are largely confined lo cells than those with widespread lesions (MCE1}. Once the
tbe posterior poler and lhal after resolution leave atro­ aclive lesions in both of Lhe&e syndromes become inactive,
phic pigmented scars simulating those in POIES [E'igures and the vitritis and iritis resolve in the case of M CI3, the
11.21 !>-].): (3) frequent serous detachment of the retina fuLidus picture in many of Lhese patients becomes indis­
that resolves spontaneously; [4} no signs of vitritis or tinguishable from those with E^OIIS |usL as the absence
anterior uveitis; (5} both eyes affected in most patients; of viireous cells does not entirely exclude (he diagnosis of
(6) negative histoplasmin skin lest (70%); (7) choroi­ MCPj likewise, the presence of vitreous cells probably does
dal neovascularization in 40% of eyes; and [8] relatively not completely eaclude POLLS. Sub ret inal/choroidal neo­
good visual prognosis, with one-half of eyes retaining nor­ vascularization can occur during the active phase of cho­
mal acuity. Doran and I Lami E t o n presetiled four similar roiditis (figure n ^3A -{£ jatT or in a scar. Systemic steroids
cases. 'Ihe macular lesions lend lo be arranged in a linear used to treat the acule lesions may cause regression of the
or branching pattern in some cases {1-igure ! 1.2311—L). neovascularization (Figure 11.23Л-С). En those eyes with
figure 11.21 (D ) depicts such a paltern in tbe left eye of choroidal neovascularization occurring in inactive scare,
a 30-vear-old myopic woman who also had mild vitritis intravitreal bevacizumab is successful in causing regres­
and a few peripheral chorioretinal scars in Lhe right eye/0'' sion. Pholodynamic Lherapy was used prior to intravitreal
lhe left eye was normal. Ibis patient, and others seen antivascular endothelial growth factor agents and was rea­
by lhe author, suggests that the two syndromes [ГЕС and sonably successful.

Some patients wilh MCtt and [’’EC develop prominent И .2 3 P u n c ta te in n e r c h o ro id o p a th y ,

subretinal fibrcj?vis in the vicinity of the focal choroidi­

A - G : A 2 J -у т л r-ol d o Lh e n v is e h e a llh y s c l № r p re s e n te d № i4t
tis (E-igure IL.22J-J.}. This process of reactive fibrosis may m e La m o rp h o p s ia and v is u a l d e c lin e Lo fJ rn his ri^hl eVCL
be limited Lo small isolated areas around Individual cho­ Several p u n c l.a le w h ite le s io n t w ere p re se n l in b o th fo v e a s
roidal lesions or may foitn a la rg E confluent inter! aci tig a-ssocjaLed w i lh a fFeck o f h m in r r b a j’ o ir lii-ь i ig hl e ye
network or plaque of sub retinal fibrous I issue, ellher in i A a n d SJi A n g io g ra m revea led ьё&ёгй! EiypetflkjOrescem t dels
Lbe macula or in Lhe peripheral fundus. 5till others may LhaL s ta in e d la te a n d a sm all s u b lo v e a l c h o ro id a l n e o v a s c u la r
in c m b M n o Cnrt^fcterii w ith a d i v e [ILrtc tu a fe jn n e r c h o ro id itis
develop massive widespread fibrous tissue mounds a n d
lesions (C."—£ ). O-raL steroids a l 5 0 m y. w e re slarLed, [he v is io n
severe visual loss. (See Figure 11.32 and discussion of mas­
g ra d u a lly im p r o v e d , lb e lesions tu rn e d in a c tive i.J-j, a n d .p ye r
sive SR fiJ1?!frJlS The eliology, pathogenesis, and natural lh e n-estL 3 m on Lh s The c h o ro id a l n e o va p fifrla r m e m b r a n e b a d
course of M CP and P IC are not known. liedem ati found iej>ressed i'CJ 1 a n d lh e v is io n rfecovetien to 20/25 .
serologic evidence lo suggest lhal Ipsteln-Karr vims might H-L: I h i t 2 4 -y e a r-o id re c e n lly p re g n a n t m y o p ic w o m a n
be a causative factor.J : '^ lhis could nol be confirmed by d e v e lo p e d M e ta m o r ip S n p ^ i in h e r righl e y e a n d a v is io n
others/' -'l! c h a n g e Eo 1 0 / 3 0 righl e y e a n d 2 0 /2 0 — lefL e y e . A fe w v itre ­
ous cells w e re present in her right e y e a sso ciate d w iLh Lw o
The multifocal features of these pseudo-L:0 1lb disorders
y e llo w vvhrLe c h o ro id a l/o u le r retinal lesions on Lhe гii^JnI .;n d
have obsmred the fact lhal some of these patients develop
o n e o n Ihe lefl [H a n d E). A d ia g n o s is o f p u n c tu a te in n e r
Eaige visual field defects that are usually overlooked, and th o r a jn ljis w as m a d e a n d she rece ive d oral slero ids after ai:
that are not explained during the early stage of Lhe dis­ ajTgldnta frt c o n firm e d a b s e n c e o f CfiorniFdal n e o v a s c u Ja ri^ a -
ease by fundus changes [Figure IL.21C-L.}. These defects Liun. H e r v is io n im p ro v e d to 2 0 / 2 0 in b o th eye s. O v e r Lhe
are probably caused by acute damage to Zones of the reti­ n e xl 2 years sh e d e v e lo p e d several n e w m a c u la r lesions (|)
nal receptors that may or may not recover function. lhis e v e ry Lim e h e r p re d n Ls o n e w a s re d u c e d lo th e 2 0 -m g ra n g e.
O r a l m e Lh o lre xa te w a s a d d e d after a d v is in g aga inst fu rth er
Eoss of function may be confined to one or Lnore small
p re g n a n c ie s . She c o n tin u e d h e r fo llo w -u p e ls e w h e re a n d
zoneSj particularly surrounding the optic discr or Lo large
le lu rn e d 3 years la lcr w iLb several m o re lesions in EjoLh e ye s
peripheral /ones. E.oss of retinal receptors in large areas of IК a n d t . She w a s m a in ta in e d o n m y c o p b e n o la le т о Е й :1
the fundus is responsible for the narrowing of the retinal a n d m o Lh o lre s a le ап-d h a s re m a in e d s t a q i ilu o r e s c e in
blood vesseEs and alterations in the R P t that may slmu- a n g io g ra m s J!l n o Stage. re v e a le d c h o ro id a l n o o va sc u Ja ri ha­
Eale retinitis pigmenLosa in some of these patients. I his lie r in e ith e r e ye .
occult phase of these pseudo-POM 5 disorders is similar to
thal Which occurs in patients with AZOOR,. M E:\VDS,- and
acute idiopathic blind-spot enlargement and Is со Llec Lively
termed AZOOR complex disorder/'1 [See previous discus­ disorders at the level of Lhe reLinal receptors and pigmenl
sion of ME;WEDS and A 2 0 D Щ epithelium; and the similarity of the pathologic changes
Uncertain at this time is the frequency wilh which in eyes of patienls wilh mullifocal choroiditis and massive
patients who have pseudo-P O i($ develop recurrent epi­ SRE-' lo experimental uveitis induced in primates by inier-
sodes of new lesions or visual loss (i E to Lj, other than pholoneceptor retinoid-binding protein suggest lhal auto-
that which may occur from delayed development of immunlly plays an irnporlam role in Lhe palhogenesis of
sub retinal Lieovascularization at the site of a focal scar. these disorders2D7j22J (к е E'igure L1J2). '['he experimental
Although the author has observed delayed involvement of ]nodel of Hi rose and cowo rkers'' J demonstrates some of
Lbe second eye for up Lo Ю years, most of these patients the clinical features of pseudo-lnO H Sr including mu II efocal
experience a single acute or sub acute event lasting for sev­ choroidal lesions. Lhat histologically were focal granulo-
eral months in one or both eyes, and they are unlikely ]nas associated wilh widespread retinaE receptor changes.
to have a recurrence of active disease in the same eye Their model demonstrates that antigen localized specifi­
thereafter. cally iл the retina may cause widespread changes in the
The predilection for pseudo-E’OJ IS, AZOOR. M EWD£ f retina] receptors and also may initiate im mu no pathoge­
and acule idiopaLhic blind-spot etiiargejnenl lo occur pri­ netic changes in the choroid as welE [see discussion later)
marily in women; the primary locus of the disease in these (I'igure 11.3213-1).
Puncfiih: In u rr Chcriiiidi?paik\j 993
ACUTE MACULAR M .2 4 A c u t e m a c u la r n e u r o r e t i n o p a t h y

NEURORETJNOPATHY A —С : T h is 3 1 -y e a r-o ld b la c k w o m a n gave a 2 -w e e k h is to ry

of a fl.ilik e s yn d ro m e 1 b e fo re lh e e n s e ! o f blu-rrud vis io n ,jn d
llos and Deulm an'"" described peculiar clove deaf, wedge­ paracenLraE s c o Lo m a la in b o lh e y e s , i h e h a d s o m e p a ir o n
o c u la r m o v e m e n t. H e r v is u a l a c u ily w a s 2 0 /5 0 b ila te ra lly .
shaped lesions thaL develop in Lhe macular region of
N o L e lh e b m k f i d d ark a reas in lh e m a c u la * re g io n o f berth
both eyes of young patients who complain of rapid loss
eyes ( A a n d tt) A n d the s u p e rfic ia l reLinaE h e m o rrh a g e s u p e -
of central and paracentral vision, usually following a flu- :io r lo the Й а с и 1 а in the le!1 e y e 'д г п ж , H-.l A n g io g r a p h v
Ejke syndrome (i-'igure И .24А-С).1" 22'' 2ii lhe coIof of re v e a le d o n ly m ild d ila tio n o f the retinal ca p illa ries s u p e rio r
Lbe fundus lesions Is dependent upon lhe pigmentation to Lhe m a c u la . T h e re w e r e n o o th e r cha ng e s in (he fu n d i.
of the fundus and varies from grayish lo reddish brown. F iv e m o n th s I filer visuaE a c u ily im p ro v e d to 2 ( 1 3 0 a n d J - l .
Visual anillv is usually reduced tc 20/30-20/40. I ’hese T h e a p p e a ra n c e o f the m a c u la h a d re m a in e d e s se n tia lly
ui к b a n g e d . The p a lie n l w a s lost Lo fo llo w -u p .
palients can outline precisely on (he Amsler grid negative
D - f : This 2 b -y e a r -o ld w h ile w o n iiin n o te d m u ILi p ie p a ra -
scotomala corresponding wilh lhe fundus lesions (I'jgure
cenlraL s c o to m a ta A n d p h o to p s ia in Ihe left e y e u n a s s o c ia te d
11.24G). In paLients wilh lhe full-blown disease, dark, w ith a v ira l-lik e illness. "Ih e v is u a l a c u ily w a s 2 0 ^ 5 . S h e
flower petal-shaped lesions are present In lhe central mac- b a d m u lt if jlti. s m a ll, v a r ia b ly s iz e d , d a r k , r o u n d spots al lb e
utar region [Figure П.24АГ E, and H j. In olher patient^ level o f the o-uLej re tin a : [ Л and Ы . These c o rre s p o n d e d w ilh
however, the lesions are less prominent and may consisL d ense s c o Lo m a la e v id c n l tin lb e A m p le r I’ A n g io g ra p h y .
of ntulliple oval Lo round, faintly pinkish paLches in lhe e le c Lro re tin o g ra p h y , a n d e le c Ln o -o c u fo g ra p h y w e r e n o r m a l.
These spots a n d the s c o Lo m a La fa d e d o v e r a p e rio d o f m a n y
central or paracenlraI region (I'igure 1I.24IJ and hj. Ihey
m o n th s . V is u a l a c u ity 7 years later w a s 2 1 У 2 5 IF I.
are seett better wilh red-free light but. most easily with
C - l r Ln O c t o b e r 19flt± this heaLLhy 2 7 - y e a f- o ld w o m a n
scanning laser ophthalmoscope [Rgure 11.2511)."4 " '1 n o te d m u ltip le p a ra c e n tra l n e g a tive sc o to m a s in the right
These lesions appear lo lie at the level of tbe outer reti­ e y e . A n o p to m e tris t n o te d m u ltip le "h e m o rrh a g e s " in the
nal Eayers,J J *,2i rather than the superficial relina, right m a c u la . F iv e m o n th s later the s c o lo m a s p ersisled
as suggested by bos and Deutman. O C I and multi­ a n d w e re e v id e n t o n A m s le r g rid testing ■.C ]i. V is u a l a c u ity
focal ERG demonstrate involvement of Lbe photoreceptors was 2 Q /E 5 b ila te ra lly. F u n d r is O g p it e x a m in a lio n re v e a le d
a p a lle rn o f o u Le r relin a ! re d -o ra n g e lesions ( H ) that c o rre ­
and ouler nuclear area, lhe inner segment-ouler segment
s p o n d e d w ith Lhe A m s le r g*id L'b a n g e s . The left e y e W as nor­
junction is disrupted with ihinning of lhe correspond­
m a l. A n g io g ra p h y re v e a le d m in im a l c h a n g e s LlJ. W h e n she
ing outer nuclear area [ligure 11.251).' л -^ Averaged re lu m e d b yearn la te r the sc o to m a s a n d visual a c u ity w e re
waveforms from the affected areas are reduced compared u n c h a n g e d but lh e fu n d u s iesjDrts w e re n o lo n g e r presen t.
to adjacenl areas of normal function.J b Only one eye may ] a n d ftr This h e a llh y 2 Й-y e a r-o ld w h ile w o m a n h a d u terine
be involved. One or iwo small superficial, Tame-shaped N e e d in g after a n e le c tive ce sarea n d e live ry. S h e re c e ive d 1 0
retinal hemorrhages may be present (higure M..24BJ.'' v“ units o f o x y to c in (P ilo c in l a n d e p in e p h rin e liy in tra ve n o u s
p u s h , She e xp e rie n c e d s evere h e a d a c h e , e le va tio n o f b lo o d
'ihe retinal vessels and optic disc are normal. There are
pressure, a n d e xlra sysloles Lhal w e re c o n tro lle d w ilh intra­
no cells in the vilreous. Huoreseein angiography in well-
v e n o u s lid o c a in e a n d S o d iu m P e n to th a l a nesth esia. O n
developed cases (ihows a fainl hypofluorescence corre­ a w a k e n in g she n o te d Central scotom ata! a n d h e r vis u a l a c u ­
sponding wiLh lhe lesions (L:igure 11.24С and 11. L'ransienL ity w a s 2 0 / 2 0 0 . A "c h e rry-re d spot a n d m a c u la r e d e m a " w e re
choroidal ischemia may have a Able in some cases [I'igure d e s c rib e d . H e r v is io n im p ro v e d o v e r lh e печ! fe w dniys. Six
11.25]. Aulofluorescence imaging shows no changes cor­ w e e k s later h e r visual a c u ily w a s 2 Q ; 2 0 . S h e had paracenlral
responding to the lesion (Hgure 11.25G). Resolution sto Lo m a La a n d Ihe typica l p ic tu re o f a c u le m a c u la r n eu rore t:-
n o p a th y in b o th m a c u la r areas (I). T h e reddish lesions in v o lv e d
of lhe lesions and improvement in acuily and field loss
the o u te r retina a n d th e y w e re slig h tly h y p o flu o re s c e n t angco-
occur slowly оч'ег a matter of weeks or months [I'igure
g ra p h ic a lly (K j. T h e s e lesions fa d e d a n d w e re associated w ilh
11.241').■'■ ' Ш scotomas in some cases may be prolonged suErtle retinal p ig m e n l (/pilhelial ch a n g e s, Fiul I h e y a n d lh e ir
for many months or y e a r s . OCT shows sharp loss of c o rre s p o n d in g scoto m a s w e re still e v id e n t 5 years later.
photoreceptors (I'igure 11.2r>l Lesions identical Lo acule L: Th is 2 4 -y e a r-o ld w o m a n h a d a n a b d o m in a l c o n f u t e d
macular neurorelinopathy have occurred in palients with to m o g ra p h y scan p e rfo rm e d w ith in je c lio n o l 2 0 cc 6 f Loth al-
M EW D5 and acute blind-spot enlargement.M,i,lu a m a le b ecau se o f e n la rg e d aEw Jom inal ly m p h n o d e s, p r o b a b ly
caused b y in fe c tio u s m o n o n u c le o s is . LJecause o l d c ^ e lo f>m enI
Although most of these palients have noted lbe onset of
o f u rtic a ria , p a lp ita tio n s , a n d severe h e a d a c h e she w as g ive n
symptoms within a week or two following a flulike illness,
an in Ira ve nous in je c tio n tn 0 .2 cc ttf e p in e p h rin e 1 :1 0 0 0 a n d
olhere develop identical-appearing lesions and acute visual 5 0 m g o f H e n a d r y l. Ten hours later, o n a w a k e n in g sh e n o te d
loss after receiving intravenous injections of sympadioml- sc o to m a s centraEEy. M a c u la r a b n o rm a litie s w e re n o te d . T h re e
tnelics''1' or iodine-containing conLrasl agents, 4, or follow­ w e e k s laLer h e r v is u a l a c u ily w a s 2 0 / 2 5 , riyb t e y e , a n d 2 0 /3 0 ,
ing anaphylactic shock after a bee sling [figure ] ] .24G-I).1' fell e y e . ЗвдШаг red dish OLiter ifetinal lesions a n d c o rre s p o n d ­
!f examined immediately after the visual loss following Lhe in g scoLom as w e re presenl jn b o lh m ncuSas. These le tjo n s
w e re associated w ith slighl h y p o flu o re s c e n c e a n g io g ra p h i-
injections the lesions may have a gray-while appearance tbal
cally. Three m o n th s luler lh e visual a c u ity a n d fu n d i w e re
is difficult to discern, and later become darker in color simi­
u iil h a r g e d . The s c o lo m a la w e re s im ila r Liut less d e n s e .
lar to ligure 11.25. Acute macular neurorelinopathy has also
11J'rvd К Гг(лпO' HrimeLщ
Г.-1 i fromC tud k cjL,l! J1■
been reported in association with oral contraceptives, trauma,
history of headache or migraine and postpanum hypoLension.
The fundus lesions, when they are reddish in color, Пг25 Acute macular neuro retinopathy (AMN).
may be mistaken for subretinal blood. Ih is may htive hap­
1 hrs 2 i - y e a r - d l d u lh e rw is o b ^ l l h y ^ и т л л w o k e L ip w ith д
pened in the case reported by Weinberg and Nerney/"' s u p e rio r p a ra c e n tra l defeat:! in h e r n ^ h t e y e . O n A m s le r f^rid
lh e milder forms of ihLb disease (1'lgure l\ Л4L^—Зг) may testing Iht1 lines .Were a b sen l in Lhe ared Ы (he fitfld d e fe c t,
be misdiagnosed as acute retinaJ pigment epilheliitis i n e f l ^ u r i a p p r o x i m a t e l y 2 X 3e- F u n d u s A p p e a re d n o rm a l
since both diseases cause temporary loss of cenlra] vision, iA . , h u t iht! retinal u n d c h o ro id a l c irc u la tio n s w e re b lo w
usually in young individuals (see p. Й74). tiarly recep- |J 1 - E |. S h e w a s n n oral c o n lra c e p liv e s Ihill w e r e d is c o n ­
tin u e d . T h e field d e fe c t persisted w h e n seen a m o n th later.
Lor potential changes may he evident electro retin ographi-
N o w a "b n u n jp u " flint. o lu ia Lio n w a s n o te d in her ftihduift c o r ­
cally and may persist for many months."1' The pathology,
re s p o n d in g to the s c u tm i.i i f : , w h ic h in best неел a n infra­
pathogenesis, and course of these pecuEiar macular lesions red in ^ a y m jj ( H , a rra w i a n d in v is ib le o n a u t o f l u o T e s c e n c e
are unknown. Cases of M bW DS and acute macular tteuro- i m a ^ i n ^ ( G ) . O p t ic a l c o h e r e n c e to m o g ra p h y s h o w e d lo s s o f
retinopalhy occurring in the same eye of 2 young Women, p h c M o r u c o p t o T i in- the л f i l l e d a r e a 1 1 a r m W .

a few weeks apart in one, and !>years laler in Lhe other,

suggest that they may share л common etiologjc agent,
l-'urthermore, photoreceptor involvement in these, and in
acute idiopathic blind-spot enlargement and A/OOK, sug­
gests Lhey may be related in their etiopalhogenesis."'' 1
lh e sharply demarcated reddish lesions corresponding
rather precisely to the visual field loss suggest that acute
loss of lhe retinal outer receptor elements and lo some
degree the inner receptor elements in sharply delineated
xones is responsible for well-demarcated zones of outer
retina] thinning that cause the reddish appearance of the
lesions. OCT demonstrates loss of photoreceptors corres­
ponding lo the lesion [E'igure 11.25 ]) 3'he mechanism of
this focal damage iis probably different in the palients who
develop this disorder following a viral-like disorder than
in the patients who develop It after intravenous injections
that usually contain sympathomimetic drugs. En the lat­
ter patients, either transient choroidal ischemia (figure
LI .25ti-E:J or a toxic interaction between the drug and the
receptor cells is a possible explanation for the damage.
Other causes of sharply defined areas of retinal thinning,
e.g., alrophy of the outer retina after resolution of Berlin's
edema;2^.2^, sjckle-celE hemoglobin macutar infarcts,1,"|J
cotton-wooJ infarcts,"4' and inner lamellar macular holes,
may produce reddish lesions bio microscopical ly. ■
HA RADA'S DISEASE M :i$> Vogl-Koyanagi-Haradti (VKH) syndrome.
А -I’ T h is 2fi-ye < ir-o ]d A f r i c a n A m e ric a n w c im a H ртоьеп.Еич!
P a tie n ts w ith H a r a d a 's dise a se , w ho ty p ic a lly are beav- W i t h h e a d a n + i e s . П Ё с к p a i n , a n d loss o t v i s i o n i n l i o t h e y e s .
[]y p ig m e n te d in d iv id u a ls , m a y e xp e rie n c e rtp id lo ss o f Bilrile fd l p o c krils of u ub rotin al flu id and c h o ro id a l fo ld *
v is it) it i n o n e o r b o t h e ye s c a u s e d b y s e r o u s re tin a l d e ta c h - w e r t f s e e n - Л , E3, a n d H i . H i n p o i n l f f i m r f l U B n E s c e n t d o t e I h a I
m e n t . 2^ -2 5 7 T h e d ise a se by d e fin itio n is b i E a l e i a l ; o c c a ­ l e a k e d d y e u n d e r t h e re 4 in a w e r e t e e n o n t h e a n g i o g r a m , t y p ­
ical o f V K H s y n d r o m e Lt! —t ' . O p l i c a l cu honEjnc."» l u m u g r a p h y
s io n a lly in v o lv e m e n t o f lh e s e c o n d eye г ш у be d e riv e d by
c o n f i r m e d liic j ft r e s e n c e o f sb b r e t i-пn1 f l u i d in b o t h e y t i s (F a n d
a fe w days lo a week S u b tle c h o ro id a l fo ld s m a y lie lh e
C l ' , j j h e r e s p o n d e d to o r a l s t e r o i d s w i t h r e s o l u t i o n o f E h e e x u ­
o n l y f i n d i n g in t h e f e l l o w eye. 'ih e s e m a y b e d e te c ta b le b y
d a t i v e d e E a d u n u n i s in b o t h e y tis 11). N o L d t l ie c h a n g e in t h e
Q C T as c o rru g a tio n s o f lh e R P h /c h o ro id and c h o ro id a l
c o l o r of l h e f u n d u s Lo a n ( j u n g e s u n s e t ^ l o w f[j.
th ic k e n in g if nol e v id e n t c lin ic a lly. There is. s o m e e v i­
dence th a t m a n y a ffe c te d b la c k s in lh e U S A have N a tive
A m e ric a n a n c e s try, w h ic h lin k s th e m lo an O rie n ta l
a n c e s tr y ." J l h e re i s n o sex p re d ile c tio n . S ys te m ic
m a n ife s ta tio n s su c h as h e a d a c h e , m a la is e r v o m i t in g , a n d
o c c a s io n a lly fo c a l n e u ro lo g ic s ig n s and s ym p to m s m ay
p re c e d e th e o n s e t o f v is u a l lo s s .'" '1 Jn iL ia lE y r n o n d e s c r ip t.,
y e llo w -w h ite areas o f e ith e r e x u d a te o r c o lo r c h a n g e in
th e К П : occur b e tie a th one or m ore is o la te d zo n es o f
serous re lin a l d e tac h m e n L (fig u r e 1 1 .2 6 A and IIJ. 'ih e s e
/ o n e s o fte n b e c o m e c o n flu e n t to fo rm a n e xte n s ive b u l-
Eou s s e ro u s r e lin a l d e t a c h m e n l th a t s h ifts w i t h p o s itio n ­
in g o f th e p a tie n l. In a fe w p a tie n ts , m u ltifo c a l, g ra y -w h ile
p a tc h e s at t h e le ve l o f lh e R PE s im ila r to , b u t Lets w e l l
d e fin e d th a n , th o s e s e e n in p a tie n ts w i t h A jP b J P P E r o c c u r
(fig u re s ll.2SL> a tid ]i.2 7 G j. Ilie c h o ro id m ay appear
th ic k e n e d and Ln som e cases- is a s s o c ia te d w ith broad
c h o rio re tin a l fo ld s (K ig u re I I .3 1 3 6 ^ -1 )." ^ lh e o p tic d is c
ty p ic a lly appears h y p e re m ic and s w o lle n . Ih is s w e llin g
m ay be w vere and a c c o m p a n ie d by hem orrhages and a
m a c u l a r i t a r i n s o m e cases. ( f i g u r e s 1 1 .2 6 G a n d U . 2 7 J ) . ■ :" ,
I n f l a m m a t o r y ce lls a r e i n v a r i a b l y p r e s e n t in lh e v itr e o u s .
Irid o c y c E itis m a y b e p re s e n t in s o m e ca^es. I n f l a m m a t o r y
in filtra tio n o f th e a n te rio r c h o ro id and c ilia ry body m ay
cause s o m e n a r r o w in g o f th e a n te rio r c h a m b e r a n d , in a
rare ca s e , a n g l e c l o s u r e g l a u c o m a . ' 1 , Ultrasonography
u s u a lly d e m o n s tra te s d iffu s e Low to m e d iu m re fle c tive
th ic k e n in g of th e p o s te rio r c h o ro id -s c le ra l w a l l . J : , , J f ' t!
У 1 -w e ig h te d sa g itta l s u rfa c e c o il m a g n e t ic r e s o n a n c e im a g ­
i n g o f L b e o r b i l is c a p a b l e o f d e t e r m i n i n g l l i a l t h i s t h i c k e n ­
i n g in V o g l - K o y a n a g i - l i a r a d a (VK JE) syn d rom e is c a u s e d
b y c h o ro id a E a n d n o ts c te ra l t h ic k e n in g .'''0 J V 1
Fluorescein angiography may demonstrate (beat or I •:л7 Harada's disease.
patchy areas of delay in choroidal perfusion (figure
A-С: Th i-s 3 0 -y e a f-o ld L.alLn w o rn a n vvilli h e a d a c hes a n d slifl
1I.27EI). Many pinpoint and irregular areas of fluorescein necfc K i d b j lateral EjuMous reLinal d e ta c h m c n l IA 1. N o t e p in ­
staining develop al the level of the RPiL (figures U.2(iti, C, p o in t as toeff as p itie d id areas o f late s La im n y '.hSl. C , S^V e fl
E, E K, and L, H in d II.27C, H, and Y. 11.2 SC and L>). Lhese m o n Lh s a fte r re s o lu tio n o f the d e La c h m e n L. E3olh fu n d i b a d
areas of fluorescence gradually increase in size and in t h a n d e d fm m a b ru n e LLe lo a re la tive ly b lo n d e , re d -n ra n ^ e
some cases form large placoid areas of hyperfluorescence ("surcseL g l o w 17} col cm i O .
I .t - F r This- 1 1 -y e a r-o ld La i in ^irl е х р е п е п й М b ila te ra l riBtftial
Lbat some Limes resemble cobblestones at lhe level of the
d e La th m e n S s setbcictftry Lo fefei'ada's di-seasn a n d ал п га л ^ е
R1TL {Figfires 1L26C and 11.27b). Ih e subretin al exudate
subnet ina I Is sib n that u Ltra s u n o g ra p b ic a llv a p p e a re d to b e a
stains wilh fluorescein during Lhe late stages of angiog­ c h o ro id a E osLeom a (a rro w s , D ) . A n jjiu y r a p h y re v e a le d m u l­
raphy. OCL' demonstrates lhe subretiLial fluid, occasion­ tip le p in p o in l le a ks a n d flt^ m s C e in .‘fla m in g o f lh e s-uEjnj-l i na I
ally loculation of lluid due lo high fibrin content, may rk iid in b o lh eyes ib a n d J . Th e d e ta c h m ertts re s o lve d a fle r
be seen [I'igure 11.2til:). Spinal fluid examination usually c o rLic o s te ro id Irealm u-nL. W h e n sh*- netuined s e v e S l years
reveals evidence of pleocytosis and elevation of the protein la lu j h e r v is u a l a c u ity wan n o r m a l. Th e usLeom a in lh e Eefl
e ye a p p e a re d Lo h a v e d e c re a se d i r s iz e .
Level. Although in л few cases the retinal detachment may
fc-L: U n u s u a l p fe s e n La lio n o f H a r a d a ’s disease in a .14 -у е л г-
resolve spontaneously within several weeks or less, usu­
o ld b la c k m a n w h o p re s e n te d w ilh h e a d a c h e a n d mi id vis u a l
ally the course is prolonged. Intensive systemic corticoste­ lo s t ass(d ia le d w ilh u p lic disc s w e llin g m a c u la r slair serous
roid therapy appears to shorten the duration of the retinal rnlinal d e la c b m e n l LbaL w as la rg ely ( .o n fin e d to Lhe m a c u la ,
detachment.2''0' ' ' J Use of immunosuppressive agents may autl m u llip ie ill-d e fin e d w h ite sfioLs '.arro w s: at lh e level o f
be required in patients with severe chronic disease. Varying lh e relin a l p ig m e n t ер-il h e liu m :F it3t I d : . U ltra s o n o g ra p h y
degrees of visual loss accompany Lhe RPJ: changes (hat re ve a le d d iffu s e th ic k e n in g o f th e c h o r o id nimd no a b n o r-
m aEity rjf ih e o p lic d is c . A n ^ io ^ ja p h y s h o w e d IhaL the w b ite
remain after resolution of Lhe detachment. Most patLectts
spoLs b lo c k e d cb ofu -ida l flu o re s c e n c e (a rro w s f a n d sLained
regain excellent visual acuity following their first episode.
la le ( H a n d 3). S c v c ia l w r a k s la lcr ihuTe wa-s iH c re a s w f S w e ll­
Recurrences are common, bul lhe overall visual prognosis in g o f Lbe o p lic d iscs a n d fu rth e r retinal d e La c h m e n L L j - L f .
is good.270-273 N e u r o lo g ic e v a lu a Lio n was n o r n ia l. A lie Г iie a l m eul w ilh
A variety of fundus pictures may develop following res­ p r e d w M w e ., Я О гп ^ d a lly , Ihe o p lic d is c a n d relina l c h a n g e s
olution of the retinal detachment. E’atchy loss of pigmeLit re s o lve d but irreg ular KF'b a tro p h y re m a in e d .
from the underlying choroidal melanocytes as xvell as the
EPE may be evident after resolution of the detachment. An
irregular pattern of pigmented demarcation lines caused
by Lhe choroidal Lhickening may radiate ouL away from the lesions and Lhe placoid areas of lale staining that occur
oplic disc and be scattered in Lhe peripheral fundus after in some patients wEth this disease. In one patient's eye
resolution of choroidal infiltration and prolonged retinal wilh the active stages of the disease the choroidal infil­
detachment {figure П.26П and L). In some patients mul­ trate was composed of predominantly T lymphocytes and
tifocal atrophic chorioretinal scars simulating that in viti- HE A-DR + macrophages and, in addition, no ndendrt Lie-
Eiginous (birdshot) chorioretinopathy and POJES occur, appearing CD I -(leu-6)-positive cel!s.jH': A 1-cel I-media Led
lhese lesions may occasionally be confluent and arranged immune reaction to ocular antigens seems to play a maior
In a curvilinear equatorial pattern similar to that seen in role in VKH as well as sympathetic uveilis.J ),2fi2 Jnomata
P O I3S and pseudo-1*0 hIS .'"1 In other patients a diffuse and Sakamoto studied the hislopathology and immuпо­
depigmentaiion of the choroidal melanocytes occurs and ра tbology of iwo eyes of 2 patients wilh "sunset” fundus
the fundus may change from brunette lo blonde or present 32 months and 7 years afler resolution of the subretinal
a "setling-sun, reddish glow" appearance [Figures 11.27A fluid.-^ They found marked loss of the choroidal mela­
and C- and 11,2tiH and K). Subretinal choroidal neovascu­ nocytes and scattered infiltration of Lhe choroid wilh 1
larization and optic disc neovascularization may occasion­ and В lymphocytes. Although a few patients may
ally occur as a late com plication.'"1' ' ' 1" '' bcleromalacia have patchy, grayr subretinal lesions that have suggested lo
presumably caused by autoimmune attack on the intra- some authors an etiologic reIalio ns hip to AFMeFBy Cass
scleral melanocytes may occur.■ ' a A smalt choroidal t>elieves there is little evidence that ihey are manifestations
osteoma developed in otie palienL seen by Cass (I'igure of the same
11.27D). A few patients with Harada's disease eventually develop
The serous delachment in И ara da's disease is caused by severe anterior uveitisr alopecia, poliosis, cutaneous as
diffuse granulomatous inflammation of the uveal tract., well as perilimbal vitiligor and dysacousis (V'KFl s\rn-
with a prepOLtderanсe of lymphocyles, plasma cells, epi­ drome),-33^2^ -26,5 ЧЪе similarity of the dinical and his­
thelioid cells., and occasional giant cells with evidence topathologic findings in this disease, sympathetic uveitis,
of pigment phagocytosis.^2-251'^ 3,275-211 'Ihe inflamma­ and experimentally induced uveitis suggest that autoim­
tory cell reaction usually involves the choriocapillaris. munity lo melanin is important in the pathogenesis of all
Sub pigment epithelial plaques of inflammatory cellu- lhree/j!:!i-",J -
J00-''1VKH has occurred in siblings and mono­
Ear exudate may be the cause of the yellowish subretinal zygotic iwins.-^-*"*
1001 Ziuzin *ufwi>i-)
The Revised Diagnostic Criteria for VKH disease 11.2* Vogl-Koyanagt-Harada syndrome - asymmetric
was established at the lirst. International Workshop on presentation,
VogtKbyanagl-Harada disease. According lo this criteria, Л - C : This- p a N e n l p re s e n te d w ilh y y in p lo m s ir* tb e rijjht e y e ,
VK1 i disease is divided into two subgroups, incomplete w h ic h s h o w e d several p o c k e ts o f a u lir d in .il flu id l A l, w h ite
VKH and complete VKH disease; incomplete VKH disease the lefl fu n d u s s h o w e d m :ld r h o H iid n l i h k kenirtg fln d super-
Involves ocular finding and either neurological/auditory I it ini t h o r i(n o tin g I fold s Ф ) . A n ^ i o ^ a m re v e a le d h y p e r flu o -
o f integumentary findings, w h i l e complete VKI-1 disease rescent d o ts that lea ked fluid IС find ]> .l O p t ic a l c o h e re n c e
to m o g ra p h y s h o w e d p o c k e ts o f s u b re tin a l a n d intraretinal
includes ocular, neurological/auditory, and integumentary
flu id (in the ri^hl a n d 4'almosl n o rm a l retinal c o n to u r on the
findings/1 "''1
left 'it a n d F l* F o l k i w i o ra l p re d n is o n e the serous delaich-
Corticosteroids are the first line of treatment; they т е п ! re s o k 'e d w ilh m ild c h o ro id a l f o l d s 1C l
should be started at a fairly high dose of 1-1.5 mg/kg H— Ji This 1 7-у е п г-о к 1 L a lin w o m a n With bilateral b u llo u s
body weight depending on lite severity of the disease, re lirn l doLriehm enlj; p re s e n te d w ilh m u llip le ill-d e ffo e d w h ite
imntunusuppressives are added if there is difficulty in [estons larrow ^.. hi I л I the level о I Ih e R ^ h . A n tffc flP b p h y
tapering lhe steroids, or iit those eyes that shoxv recur- re v e a le d e v id e n c e of m u ltip le p in p o in t aruas erf le a k a g e in
bcuh eyes U a n d Jl a n d a lo ca l ant;a o f serous d e la c h m e n l o f
rences.J " ' bleroids should be tapered very sLo\'.,ly and a
Lhe R P E in Ihe left e y e I'a rro w j. 7tie d e ta c h m e n l in b o th e ye s
Low dose maintained for up to 6 months or longer. Larly
c le a re d p n jrrip lly a tle r Hyslem it: e o rtic o s le rn id tre a tm e n t.
withdrawal сHouses recurrences and secondary complica­ К -M l B ila te ra l b u llo u s retinal d e ln o h m e n l ini } c>-year-old
tions such as angle closure and pupillary block glaucoma. VWtimart w iLh Н а га da's disease associated w ith u llra s o n o -
'lhe differential diagnosis in Harada's disease includes g ra p h i£ e v id e n c e o f ih ic k e n in ^ o f Lhe c h o r o id . N o te p in p o in t
severe idiopathic central serous chorioretinopathy (Kigures leaks in stereo a n g io g ja m s (L and Ml.
З.Ш and 3.IIJ.. acute leukemia (ligure 14.35A-L), meta­ l A - G . i- c ju rljf- :/ Ы L 'i V ;in < le r. I

static carcinoma, uveal melanoeyLic prolife rat ion associ­

ated wilh systemic carcinoma, idiopathic uveal effusion
syndrome (see figures 3.64-3.66), and benign reaclive
Eymphoid hyperplasia of the uveal tract, lichography in
Harada's disease shows low-reflective thickening of the In sojne cases, however, children are affected and only
choroid t h a t may be helpful in differentiating it from more one eye may be involved.Jl>y 300 Serous retinal detaclunenl
highly reflective thickening caused by idiopathic uveal confined lo the posterior pole of one or both eyes of chil­
effusion and diffuse metastatic carcinoma- or thicken mg dren may be associated with mtld ocular pain, thickening
of the choroid caused by choroiditis as a result of poste­ of the posterior choroid, anterior-chamber and vitreous
rior sclerochoroiditis, which is typically associated with an intlammalory cells, and fluorescein angiographic evidence
ecbolucent^one in the episcleral area (see p. !016). of multiple pinpoint leaks al the level of the RTH-i..J ""- '0:
Orientals with H1A-DR4, -DRw53, and -DQw7 and Ihey may or may not have syslemic signs or symptoms.
racially diverse American patients, often with Native The localised detachment may resolve spontaneously or
American descent, and widi IIIA-DK4 and -DQw3 and respond rapidly to oral corticosteroid therapy. It is the
-DRw53 are susceptible lo у К Л 25^ 7^ * author's clinical impression that children wilh this clini­
cal piclure in the absence of evidence of syslemic disease
respond quickly lo therapy and have less chance of expe­
Harada's-Like Syndrome in Children
riencing a recurrence than adults wilh I larada's disease. It
ii i lateral
secondary retinal detachment in relatively young is possible this is a mild, self limiting posterior sclerilis in
and brunette adults is the hallmark of Harada's disease. one or both eyes of some of these children.
SYMPATHETIC UVEITIS I ■,29 Posterior sympathetic uveitis.

A - С : ta r ly p o s te rio r ^ym patfietj® u ve ilis A n d m in im a l serous

Patients who have sustained a previous penetrating ocu­ retinal d e ta c h m e n t in Lhe rigjit e y e o f a 1 O -y e a r-o Ed b o y 2
lar Щиту, whether accidental or postoperative, affecting m o n Lh s ч^Нег surgical re p a ir o f an a n te rio r sc.IctaI ru p tu re
Lhe uveal tract of" erne eye may experience visual symptoms □t Lhe left e y e C aused by a fiгесглскыг ini игу. H e n o te d Lbe
caused bv either diffuse or multifocal areas of granulo­ rece nt onsel Ol" b lu rre d v is io n in lh e righl e y e . V isu a l a c u ­
matous choroiditis in lhe second eye,502-310 'Ihis is often ity w a s 20/70 rigjit e y e a n d h a n d m o v e m e n ts o n ly left e y e .
1 here w e re 2 - LeIJs a n d flare in lh e a n te rio r ( h a n d le r o f
accompanied by evidence of iridocyclitis. Sympathetic uve­
the raght e y e . h 'o le I Ke.- m u ltip le c o n flu e n t lig h t-g ra y I cfs-icjhe-
itis occasionally occurs following unusual circumstances
at the level o f lh e r h in a l pij^m finl e p ith e liu m :A i . These
such as proton beam, plaque, and helium ion irradiation le s io n *. W h ic h arc c a u s e d b y m u l:ifo c a l c h o ro id a l g r a n u lo ­
treatment of choroidal melanomas,'': and cycLodlode m a s , fjltslrucl lh tf c h o r io c a p illa ris a n d a p p e a r n o n fEu o ie s c e n l
Laser photocoagulaLion.''1-■I J I il3 't he posterior form ea rly. H ih Lo fM tlio lo g rc u s a m in a Litm o f lh e lefL e y e con-firm e d
of sympathetic uveitis, in Which the curliest changes are Lhe d ia g n o s is o f s y m p a th e tic u v e itis .
confined to the posterior uveal tract, probably occurs less D - K : 5ostaric+ s y m p a th e tic u ve itis s im u la lin g n cu le fjo s te rio r
m u lli focal p la c o id p ig m e n L ja iiilh e lid p a th y in a Н :-уваг-Ьр1
frequently1 than Lhe anterior or more diffuse form of the
m a n w ith p h o lo p h o b ia , floaters, a n d pa racen tral S L O Io m a ta
d is e a s e .^ ^ " ^
in Lhe righL e y e b m o n th s a fte r p e flrtra tin g in ju ry Lo lh e lefl
The onset of symptoms in the sympathizing eye usually e ye a n d 2 m u n lh s after л trans pars p la n a vi I ret I u rn v in lh e
occurs between 2 weeks and 6 months following injury lo sam e e y e . V isu a l a c u ity in lh e righl e y e w a s 2 № 1 5 a n d in
the inciting eye, though it has been reported even 3D years Lhe lefl е у н w a s n o Jighl p e rc e p liu n . Th e Ie*1 I e ye w a s ph Lh isi-
from Ltie time of injury, lhe incidence is highest in the firsL e a ]. N o l o ill'.! m u llip .!o ^ ra y -w h ite , s lig h tly e le v a te d , s u b re tf-
year after injury. Light sensitivity, transient obscurations n a l I n s [h a t w e re also p re s e n t in Lhe p e rip h e ra l fu n d u s
I.D). th e r e w e r e a fe w in fla m m a to ry Le lls in lh e viln e o u s
of vision, and lacrimation are frequent prodromal symp­
a n d d t|U № U H h u m o r . T h e re w a s n o serous d e t^ Lh n iLT il u f lh e
toms. I lie previously (raum.Ui^ed eye usually кЬо1 .^ ■
re lin a . Early a n g io g r ^ m j bficjwed lEiat tiie subrelinril le tio n s
of inflammotion. E^tienLs with predomlriarldjr posterior- wi^re n o n flu tM e so e n l (E ). La te r a n ^ ia y ra m ii s h o w e d Iha I lh e
segment disease may show evidence of either diffuse lessens stained in ilia I ly at lEteir e d g e s (F ). F o u r years laler
(Rgure lli29A -C) or multifocal choroidal involvement Lhe p a lie n L h a d e K p e rie n r:e d pTdgressive Loss o f peripEieral
(E'igure 1LZ9D^G}. In the former there may be one or a n d ce n lra f viu ien in spile e f curLic<)sleruid a n d с Ь З е т а т -
more areas of localized serous detachtneni of the retina. Ljucii Ire a lm e n t. N tiLe m u llip ie c;hurit)retinal scare a n d na r­
r o w in g o f the retinal v e s s e li ICJ a n d H . l -C]iqss e>£amina[]tsn
Ihese detach men Is soon become confluent and often
□I 1he p a tie n t's lel( e y e r w h ic h w a s e n u L le a te d 1 d a y a fle r
result in bullous retinal detachment, fluorescein angiog­
phciLugraphs in D - F r re v e a le d m u ILi p ie g ra y -w h ite lesions
raphy may show evidence of multifocal areas of chorio- (arrow s) in th e c h o r o id df- T h e retina w a s totaTLy d e la c h e d .
capiliaris hypoperfusion and multiple pinpoint areas of H is to p a th o lo g ic e x a m in a tio n re v e a le d m u ltip le c h o ro id a l
fluorescein staining that enlarge during lhe course of the ^ ra n u km ^a s anti U a le n -]-u c + is n o d u le s liarrows-, } a n d K .i c o r-
study (figure 11.24В, С, L, and re s p o n d irijg w ilh t!ie gray lesions n o le d In J , H iy h - p o w e r v ie w
Salients with multifocal choroiditis may show scattered, o f e h o ro id a l g ra n u lo m a s a n d Lla le n -h u c lis n o d u le s ia rro w s ,
K.i re v a a le d o b lite ra tio n o f lh e e h o rio c a p illa iis h e n n a th the
gray-while, stighlly elevated sub retina! nodules (ligure
n u d u le s .
11.29 D ) Lhat m ay extend t hrough out the fu ndus.' Ihe cl ini-
cat and angiographic picture of nmhilocal granulomas in
sympathetic uveitis simulates closely LhaL seen in APMPP1: созпposed of predominantly L'-activated lymphocytes, lhe
(E'igure '! ' 'lhe lesions in sympathetic L'-helper to suppressor ratio is approximately 3:1:4:1. :
uveitis appear slightly elevated, where as in АРМ РРЁ they The underlyEtig immune pathogenesis Ln sympathetic uve­
are flat, lh e early-phase angiographic picture is identical in itis is probably a delayed hypersensitivity to ocular anti­
both disorders, but in the later phases the central portion gens, melanin or related anltgen, and/or a soluble fraction
of lesions stain5 less well in sympathetic uveitis [figure from the outer segments of the receptor cells similar lo
11,29E and F), ]he posterior form resembles VKH disease lhat found in VKH syndrome/^
closely with pockels of subretinal fluid that show pinpoint Jit the diffuse form of sympathetic uveitis the inflam­
hyperfluorescence early, and leak dye into the SKL" Iale on matory reaction may spare the choriocap ilia ris. bul in
the angiogram (figure I I . 23 Ю ) . Some patients jnay lhe nodular form of the disease it causes occlusion of the
also develop hearing Loss, tinnitus, and vitiligo similar to choriocapillaris and Inflammatory cellular detachments
pa li ents w ith complete VKH sy nd rom e.! 9 '"1 of the RE3E: [Ualen-f'ucbs nodules) (Mgure 11.2^Ev and
11islopathologically, the uveal tract is infiEtrated by ц |heH, Iatt£f nodu]?s forrespond
eilher diffuse or multifocal areas of granuloma Lous inflam­ wilh the mulllfocal gray lesions that show delayed central
mation (figure 11.2UJ-I.J. lhe lymphocytic infiltration is staining with fluorescein
Kao and his group experimentally induced a granulo­ И .29 Continued
matous disease that closely jviiniics sympathetic ophthal­
L —O : This -fa -v tJflr -o H n_„ik> im m In d ia d e v e lo p e d e x u d a -
mia by using 5-10 |ig of retinal S antigen. In Lheir study t i w re G n a l d eln t h m t'n l in liiu 1еЙ u ye (L:■a tow V e a ^ ;iflc?r the
of experimental allergic uveitis in guinea p^gs, they found ri^hl e y e h a d a b e fje tra lin g in ju ry. H i^ v is itm y ^ s 2 0 /4 0 0 in
Varying the dose of S antigen induced varying severity of his (in ly e ye lh a l s h o w e d e a rly h y p o flu o re s c e n t sputs in Lhe
uveitis; ,50|ig produced a m otive panophthalmitis con­ te m p o ra l m a c u la w ith лррелгапиу o f tin y p in p o in t dots
taining polymorphonuclear leukocytes, eosinophilic and Iа к т in Lhe a n fjid g ra m IЬлI e w e n lijally le a ked flu o re b ce tti Ih^iI
p o l l e d in lh e iN am J C l .
mononuclear cellsv 25pg. produced д less severe panuve­
itis, 5-]0|ig produced а granulomatous uveitis made up lL - O r i r Ju r ttiy lit Гч V ibh.U j L.■u |□Г,i .

of epithelioid and mononuclear cellsr and 1pg produced

nongranulomatous uvellis. Lowering the dose eliminated An increased frequency of Ш-А-А11 antigens In patients
polymorphonuclear leukocytes and eoslnophllsr sug­ wilh s\rmp4tlhelic uveitis suggests that a genetic factor т з у
gesting higher antigen dosages may either superimpose phrv a role in its pathogenesis.11'
Immune complex response or replace a celt-mediated Sympathetic ophthalmia may rarely occur in the setting
Immune disease.' of bacterial endophthalmitis or other infections. uo In
llolh the diffuse and the multifocal choroidal lesions patients with exogenous postoperative bacterial endoph-
of sympathetic ophthalmia Will respond promptly Lo sys­ ihalmitis or endophthalmllis following traumar signs of
temic corticosteroid therapy, and they often leave mulliple inflammation in the fellow eye should alert lhe ophthal­
focal ,srea& of liP E atrophy and depigmenLation of the cho­ mologist about lhe possibility of sympathetic ophthal­
roidal melanocytes (I'igure 11.291] and I). Txacerbalion.. mia. In a series by Rathinam and Дао, of 26 patients with
however, is соmnton. Immunosuppressives such as anti- sympathetic ophthalmia, 4 also had bacterial endophthal-
metabollles - methotrexate and cytoxan - and immuno- mitiSr most of them postoperative.340 It was believed pre­
modulating drugs such as mycophenolate mofetil are viously that an Infection would destroy the antigens that
necessary in severe and recurrent cases. High-dose initial induce sympathetic ophthalmia; however, the infection
treatment followed by a low-dose maintenance therapy may not he as severe and some antigens may persist that
is necessary. Placement of an intravitreal steroid Implant can incite sympathetic response. It is also possible for
may be used for selected cases where the inciting eye may patients with sympathetic ophthalmia to present only wilh
he enucleated or phthisical. SubletLnaI neovasculariza­ posterlor-segmenl findings when termed posterior sympa­
tion may occasionally arise In one of the macular scars. thetic opbLhalmia.1-11 'Jhese patienls may show evidence of
Severe chronic inflammation may cause marked prolifera­ anterior-segment involvement or vitritis only at the lime
tion of subretinal fibrous tissue, widespread degenerative of recurrence and not at the first episode of sympathetic
changes in the № E, narrowing of the retinal vessel, night ophthalmia. Any signs of uveitis, especially associated with
blindness, and eventually total blindness.333 Ihe value of exudative retinal detachmenl in a fellow eye, should alert
enucleating the inciting eve after sympathetic ophthalmia the ophthalmologist about the likelihood of posterior
has set in is open to q ^ o i L 3^ * ^ 31^ 56 sympathetic ophthalmia.1''
ACUTE EXUDATIVE M.3fi Acute exudative polymorphous viteEliform
Л —C : In |u n e "lEJfJ2 this 2 4 - y e a гнэ1 cl m a n preambled w ilh a
MACULOPATHY 2 -d a y history Ы Head&chieil a n d p ro g re ss ive loss o f v is io n in
b o th e y e s. H is vis u a l a c u ily w a s 2 tV 5 0 f rig h t e ye a n d 20/40,
t^ass and to workers reported iwo young lightly pig­ loft e y e . 1 1тсче w a s e x u d a tiv e d e ta c h m e n L o f the reLjna c e n ­
mented white adult males who presented because of (tie tra II v. ;tn d n u m e ro u s o v a l. ro u n d , a n d c u tV illn e a r y e llo w -
acute unset of headaches and visual loss associated with w h iLe lesions u n d e rly in g coni'l иел I M is le d ik e areas o f serous
multiple yzllow-wBite til-defined subretinal lesions and relinal nttaLilSrrierirt b ila te ra lly >A artd & ). N o L e the striking
serous rellnal detachment in the macular area of both e a rly h y p u rllu o rre c e n c u ol the y e lk jw - w h ile lesions ( t ) a n d
m in im a ! late s ta in in g ( D ) . H e re c e ive d p re d n is o n e BO m g
eyes (I'igure П.30А, B, and I I } . 1'4'1'Ihe focal lesions dem­
daiEy a n d 1 w e e k later visual a c u ity w a s 20 /20 , n g h L e y e .
onstrated early hyperfluorescence and mild Lite staining
a n d 2 0 / 2 5 , lelL e y e . A c c o m p a n y in g re s o lu tio n ot lh e sutjreL-
(I'igure ! 1.30C, D, and I]. One patient. had a few vitreous irial flu id w a s lhe1 d e v e lo p m e n t o f lar^ye a m o u n ts o f y e llo w
cells. Both patients were treated with oral corticosteroids. subnet in ,нI m a le ria l lh a l snow ied a te n d e n c y Lo gr-iLvilate in fe ­
Over the following weeks gradual improvement of visual riorly it. D e c e m b e r 1 9 3 2 , a n d F, Ju n e 1 9 Б З ). W h e n Iasi seen
acuity was associated wilh development of prominent in |Lino 1 Э Й 4 . visual a c u ity w a s 20 /20 ^ R it E r a il y *m d m osL o f
polymorphous deposits tif sublet iл nil yellow pigmenl lhal LEie y e llo w m a le ria l h a d d is a p p e a re d ( G ) .
H - L : This- 3 0 -y e a r-o ld p re s e n te d w iLh a 1 -m o n lh history o f
tended lо gravitate lo form a meniscus, giving an appear­
vis u a l loss a n d severe h e a d a c h e s . H i s fin d in g s a n d c lin ic a l
ance similar it) lhal in Best's viletliform dystrophy [figure
co u rse w e re s im ila r lo th o se d f Lhe? p r e v io u s p a lie n L. H a n d I.
11.3OH. l\ J, and K). '['he visual acuily relumed to normal A u g u s l 1 1) &4r I a n d K . A p r il I Э Й З ; L.. O c l o t ie r 1 9 8 5 .
levels and incomplete resolution of the yellow pigmenl
lA-L fr o m ( .J j s v в .1 1. '" '" I
occurred in both patients. Et is probable lhal lhe yellow
pigment is a product of dnVinaged pigment epithelium
and/or photoreceptors and not a result of lipoproteins
escaping From the choroidal vasculature. Both patients bad
subnormal eleclro-oculographic findings, but neither had
a family history of eye disease, '['he peculiar fundoscopic
and angiographic findings during the early stage of this
disease are similar to those which occur in patients who
present Tvilh bilateral acute visual Joss and retinal detach­
ment caused by bilateral uveal melanocytic proliferation
associated wilh an occult carcinoma [see p. 1202).
Since the origin лt description of two men by Cass in M .3 I A c u t e id r o p a L h ic e x u d a t i v e p o l y m o r p h o u s
IVflS. there halve been several isolated reports оГ acute exu­ v ite tlifo r m m a c u lo p a th y ,
dative polymorphous vitelliform maculopathy thaL have A - 1 : O n lune 3 0 , 1 4 3 2 r this p re v io u s ly h e a llh y 2 4 -y e a r-o ld
been described, including women, and even in л child al iTi-iLn p re s e n te d w ilh л 2 -d a y h isto ry n l a cu Le h e a d a c h e s a n d
age i i T h e majority of patients show a decrease in foss o f v is io n in b o th e y e s. V is u a l a c u ity , rig h l s y e w a s 2 0 /5 0
LOG function, which may recover. Multifocal l-Жг has a n d left e ye 2 0 / 4 0 . In b o lh eyes ib e re w as an oval serous
shown decreased cone function in the acute phase, some­ relinal d e la c h m e n l s u rro u n d e d by ra d ia tin g теИпаГ to Ids in
lh e ce n tra l m a c u la , a n d n u m e ro u s o v a l , ro u n d , a nti irre g u la r
times persisting even after visual recover}- has occurred.''11
y e llo w -w h ite lesions u n d e d y in g c o n flu e n t b lis te rlik e areas
]he yellow material hangs around in lhe sub retinal space
of serous retinal d e la c h m e n l I hat e x te n d e d th ro u g h o u t the
for several months, even up to 1 or 2 years. A few patients m a c и I я г a n d ju \ la p a p ilE a ry areas - A a n d li'i. E a rly -p h a s e a n g i­
show complete re&oiuLioii of lhe yellow material with no o g ra p h y re p e a le d m a rk e d h y p ^ S u u r e s c e n c ^ c o rre s p o n d in g
residual macular changes; however, many of them show w ith th e y e llo w - w h ite lesion s ( C j. L a lw a n g io g ra m s s h o w e d
focal irregular pigment epithelial atrophy and changes. slain in g o f Ibese lesion s, Еэи1 m in im a l e xte n s io n o f Lhe tiye
On ijCGr the material Shows gradual hyperfluorescence in lo Llie s u b re lin a l fluid ( D ) . H e re c e ive d oral p re d n is o n e a n d
e x p e rie n c e d a ra p id return o f vis u a l a c u ity Jo n e a r n o r m a l.
and staining similar Lo the appearance on fluorescein
O v e r the s u b s e q u e n t 8 -m onths, h o w e v e r, b e d e v e lo p e d a n
angiography (Rgure ll.3 lO ).u 'Ihere is increased auto­
u n u su a l p o ly m o r p h o u s p a H e rn o f v ile llifo rm e x u d a l j w s u b -
fluorescence of Lhe yellow material, ' 11 suggesting these nelinal d eposits IE a n d F, O c t o b e r 1 9 B 2 - О a n d H , D e c e m b e r
fluorophores are byproducts possibly of photoreceptors 1 9 3 2 J . T h e s e d e p o s ib c le a re d s lo w ly b ul w e re sLiJI e v id e n t 2
(E'igure I] .31Г and Q ] i leadache is a persistent find­ years later in b o th eyes (I).
ing in most of these patients. There has been a variable | - L : This 2 4 -y e a r -o ld m a n d e v e lo p e d h e a d a c h e s a n d bilateral
response to steroids and generally the yellow material and visual Ions 2 w e e k s after a m o to r V e h ic le a c c id e n t. H is vis u a l
a c u ity w a s 2 0 /5 0 r rig h t eye? a n d 2C V30r left e y e . B o lh e ye s
the serous detachment resolve over several months Lo 1-2
s h o w e d ^ n o p h th a lm o s c o p ic a n d a n g io g ra p h ic p ic tu re irlen-
wars. О С Г shows (hat the yellow material lies between the
lical I d that in A - D . O v e r lh e fo llo w in g 2 w e e k s the- p a tie n t
ftPE and the photoreceptors and is also characterized by s p o n ta n e o u s ly b e c a m e a s y m p io m a Lrc . H e refused fu rth er
several isolaled or confluent serous detachments. e l i m i n a t i o n u n til 1 y e a r 3ater w h e n h e re tu rn e d w ith 20-,2 0
vis u a l a c u ity a n d m u ILi p ie v ile llifo r m lesion s s c atte re d in the
p e rip h e ra l m a c u la r areas.
A similar Appearance has been seen as a paraneoplas­ M.31 Continued
tic manifestation in patients with metastatic cutaneous
M - R : A 3 fi-y e a r-o ld h e a lth y m a le p h y s ic ia n p re s e n te d w i lh
and choroidal melanoma. Some of these cases have been p it U a c h e s Ih. 1 L w o rs e n e d lo w a rd s the e л d o f lh e пай Io j 2 - 3
unilateral.4 ,J,bl) Lksandh et al. reported positive anti- m o n th s . H is vis io n c o u ld h e cor reeled w ith л n i l cl h y p e r­
bestnophln antibodies in a patient wilh a solitary macular o p ia a s li^ m H lic c o rn e d io n Lo 2 C S G O - in eat h e y e . T i m e w e re
vltelllform lesion with ,1 history of metastatic choroidal several sm all v ite Elifo rm lesions in th e p o s te rio r p o le a n d a
melanoma (лее Chapter i 3). ' ' 1 It is ttol known whether larger p o c k e t o f su b retin a l flu id w it h ye Elu w m a te ria l at its
b o tto m in Ejoth f b ^ a s ( M a ^ d N i . In ^ o c y л n in e a n g io g ra p h y
acute exudative polymorphous vi tel li form maculopathy is
s h o w e d late Eiyp e rflu o re sc e n c e d lh e y e llo w lesions in Ejolh
an acquired inflammatory disease or an unusual manifes­
eyes ( u ) ; T h e v ile llifo r m m a te ria l w a s tw illia n lly a u Eo flu D re s -
tation of a genetically determined disorder, such as Best's cenl in b o th eyes f S a n d CJ.i. H Ijic? 4iгтлI flu id pockcfl c o u Jd b e
disease or some other as-yet poorly defined RPE dystrophy. seen o n o p tic a l c o h e re n c e lo m o ^ r a p h y im a g in g in b o th e ye s
iK>. H e w n s kep i U n rfe f o b se rve Li ол (fiitfaFEy. N o ;h a n ^ e in
Lhe lesions after 4 w e e k .1; p r o m p le d a c o u rse o f system ic ste­
roids lo r a c o u p ie o f m o n th s . H e d id n o l je L u m io r to Ilo w -u p
bul w h e n c o n ta c te d by p h o n e re v e a le d s la b iii2 a t(d q o f v i v o n
a n d resole I i o n o f h e a d a c h e .
PROGRESSIVE SUBRETINAL 1 1 .3 2 M a s s iv e s u b r e t i n a l f i b r o m a t o s i s .

FIBROMATOSIS A - С : A h e a llh y b la t k Vfcoman n o te d p r o g r e s s iv e le s s

yqU ng
01 v is io n in h u th N o L e the th ic k
eves. o l w h ile fib r o id
Ophthalmoscopic evidence of varying amounts of while Lin к и е s u r r o u n d i n g lh e o p l i c d is c a n d e x te n d in g I h r o u g h o u l
m ost d F th e p o s t e r i o r fu n d u s . M e d ic s I e v a l ид Iran faiEed Id
fibrous metaplasia of lhe RPE occurs in a wide variety of
re ve a l a c a u s e l or Lh is. p ro c e ss *.
diseases causing relinal detachment.. including idiopathic
D —| r A haallEiy 6 & -y e a T -o ld w h ite w o m a n d e v e lo p e d ijra n u -
central serous chorioretinopathy, senile macular degenera­ lo m a lo u H u ve itis Ln Eiolh eyes a n d e x p e rie n c e d progressive
tion large choroidal nevi (see figure 14.01 melanomas., loss ol v is io n in Lhe lefl e y e to n o light p e r c e p tio n , a n d in
serpiginous choroiditis (i'igure 11.13D-H}, sarcoidosis the righl e y e (o light p e rc e p tio n o n ly , w ith in 3 years. Th e left
(see i'igure I1;3G| and I.}, and P O U S .^ v'2 In some cases, fu n d u s w a s o b s c u re d b y a c a t a r a c t There w e re w id e s p re a d
particularly patienls with MC£ ihis reactive metaplastic areas o f p e rip h e ra l a n d p e rip a p illa ry s u b re tin a l fib ro u s tis­
sue p ro life ra tio n in the rig h t fu n d u s (1 3 -F ). T h e o p lic d is c w a s
reaction may be massive and mask lhe underlying cause
p a le . \e u n o lo f^ iс a n d m u d ic a ] e x a m in a tio n w a s n e ^ a liv e .
(E'igure l ll f li U C j . : ^ 352 ! ' Cass has seen two such
T h e left e y e w a s e n u c le a te d . H ts to p a tE io la g jc e x a m in a tio n
patients, who, without a recognizable cause developed r e v e a l e d e x te n s iv e s u b re tin a l fib ro u s m e t a p l a s i a o f the relinal
m ullifocal choroiditis and severe loss of vision associated p ig m e n t e p ith e l'Lim (a rro w s , С a n d H ) o v e rly in g , a g r a n u lo ­
wilh progressive growth of a thick plaque of white sub reti­ m a t o u s re a c tio n c e n te re d a ro u n d a fra g m e n te d a n d d e g e n e r­
nal fibrous tissue, presumably metaplastic ftiPE frtim (he ated B ru c h 's m e m b r a n e lh ro u ^ h o L il the u y e i > l - | .. N o l e gianl
juxtapapillary areas, throughout the macula and into the cells, s o m e o f w h ic h are e n g u Flin g p ie ce s o f c a lc ifie d B r u c h s
momEtrane larrow, II.
peripheral fundus (I'igure II. 321)-]). The profound visual
loss in both cases was tiol fully explained on the basis of lA - ( . i 11111 r-*■' Ы M i. W i l l . . L i n K . k im m .i

the fundus findings. Elistopalhologic examination in one

eye of each of two elderly palients who became blind in
both eyes within several years of the onset of the disor­
der (i'igure H.32G-]) revealed widespread destruction of anlibody-medialed inflammalion in which local antEbodv
the retinal receptors and pigment epithelium and mas­ production lo the RPli occurs, ihe clinEcal and hislopalh-
sive subretinal proliferation of fibrous lissue (presumably ologjcal findings in the iwo patients descrEbed previously
metaplasia of lhe RPli) overiying a dEffuse lympbocylEc, suggest Lbat the immune read Eon may have been dErected
plasmacylic, and granulomatous choroiditis (hat was lo tbe photoreceptors as well. The granulomatous compo­
centered around fragmented, degenerated, and calcEfied nent of the inflammatory reaction may he a lale response
Ип±сЬ\ membrane.-’'"1"^'1' lo the Emm Line reaction-damaged and devitalised iimch's
К Em et al. reported simElar histopalhologEc find Engs of membrane, similar to that seen around Jlruch's membrane
.1 '.v. n'.pidiv :vi',iim' :4-nd Iu 'i '.msl' in eyes of primates with experimentally induced autoim­
of progressive suh re tin a! fib ru m a lo s is .'I hey described mune uveitis to inLerpholoreceplor retinoid-binding pio-
electrott microscopic evidence that (he subretinal fibrous lein,J ''' inflammalion surrounding iiruch's membrane and
tissue was derived front metaplastic pigment epithelium, the inlernat limiting membrane of the retina afler herpes
ihey also found that the relinal Muller cells expressed zoster chorioretinitis/’’'1 around degenerated tfescemet's
class ]J an Ligens of the maior histocompatibility complex, membrane after herpes simplex keratitis/'" and in the
i'hese authors and Palestine et al.3'' theorize that Lhe hEs- vicinity of calcifsed and degenerated inLernal elastic lamina
topathologic changes may be caused by an autoimmune of large arteries in giant cell arteritis.
Pjtfgfcssilre SHimrfm0j| J j'^R’rrjrrfnsi's 101 5
POSTERIOR SCLERITIS 11.33 Posteri or scl eri tis.

A - О : U n ila te r a l p o s te rio r sclerilis in a 2 4 -y e a r -o ld w o m a n

Rheum ate id scleriLis is an inflammatory disease that may c o m p la in in u o f p a in a n d loss o f v is io n m lh e lefl e y e . N o t e
involve the sclera, eiLber diffusely or in a circumscribed the ill-d e fin e d w h ite a reas l-arrowsi iH jn e a th lh e l o c a t e d
fashion. rl'he intensity of the inflammatory reaction var­ senjus retinal d e la c h m e n l in lh e m a c u la ! A I. A n g io g ra m s
ies from that of ait acute necrotizing granuloma nil one (stereoa n g iojjra m s Ы—D ) s h o w m u ltilo c a l leaks at the level o f
end of the spectrum to л very low-grade chronic scleros­ lh e retinal p ig m e n t e p ilh e liu m ( K F t l in lh e area o f c h o fO id o -
Kcleral Сh icken i ng.
ing granulomatous inflammatory reaction.''"" Although
E a n d F : This A 1 -y e a r-o ld b la c k w o m a n n o te d b lu rre d vis io n
most patients have involvement of the sclera anteriorly, in
a n d p a in in [fie right e y e . S h e h a d in je c lio n o f the rfghl e ye
approximately 10-15% of cases the focus of scleritis and a n d m ild p ro p to s is . T h e re w a s ju x ta p a p illa ry serous retinal
overlying uveitis may lie confined to the posterior portions d e la c h m e n l -and the w h itis h subrel i r: a I e x u d a te I t -.
of the globe and produce a retinal detachment vviLh or G —I : This w o m a n n o te d a c u te onsel o f p a in , re d n e s s , a n d

without a sub retinal tumefaction f figures 11..13, 11..^418-1 a s u p e rio r s c o Lo m a in the left e y e . 5he h a d e p is c le ritis , a n d
and И .ЗЗ ).’11'0' 1,1In the latter patients, ocular pain or ten­ p o s te rio r sclerilis a sso ciate d w ith a lo c a liz e d e x u d a tiv e
d e la c h m e n l o f the retina i a n o w h e a d s , G l inferm rSy. N o 1 e th e
derness. injection of the conjunctival and episcleral ves­
im e n se w b ile n in g a n d fle c k ь o f H ubretm ai b k to d а I lh e fo c u s
sels, evidence of intraocular inflammation, and a history
o f s c le ro c h o ro id itts fw h ile a n o w ) a n d lh e s u b re tin a l h y p o ­
of rheumatoid arthritis [present in only 50% or fewer of p y o n Ib la c k a r r o w i. A n g io g ra p h y s h o w e d s e in in g in itia lly
the patients) are features that should arouse suspicion in lh e area o f R РЫ d a m a g e a n d later staining o f the su b ieLi-
of sderitis. Acute posterior sclerilis may cause multifo­ e x u d a te ( H ) . U ltra s o u n d Ц ) re v e a le d foca l th ic k e n in g o f
cal areas of white sub retinal exudation and serous retinal lh e c h o To id o s c le ra l layer a n d a n e c h o lu c e n l i o n e o v e rly in g
detachment {Jigure 11.33A, L, and (Jj. In some patients Ihis area p o s lw io r ly . H e r s y m p to m s a n d o c u la r c h a n g e s
re s p o n d e d p r o m p t ly bo system ic c o rtic o s te ro id tre a tm e n t
an acute inflammatory reaction surrounding the focus
f—L : A n a c u te p o s L w io r rh e u m a to id 5сГега1 abscess d e v e l­
of necrotic sclera is sufficiently violent that a posterior
o p e d in lh e lefl fu n d u s o f a 1 9 -y e a r -o ld w o m a n w ilh se vere
scleral abscess occurs and produces a sub retinal hypopyon in tra c ta b le p a in a n d vrsual toss in Lhe left e y e (K ). N o t e
(t-'igure 11.33G) or a rapidly expanding subretinal mass, lh e w h ile s u b re tin a i e x u d a le o v e r ly in g a n elevak>d s c le ro -
retinal whitening, and exudative relinal detachment and c lio m id a f m ass. S h e h a d a p a s l h islo rv o f a c u le n e c r o tiz ­
vitriLis { l:igure 11.33К and L).i6i: 'Ibis is accompanied by in g s c le filii; in lh e lefl e y e (Jl, ih r tjm b o c y lo p e n ic p u r p u r a ,
severe pain and in some cases proptosis. pcilyarlhrilis, a n d p n e u m o n ia . Th e ocuSar p a in a n d abscess
fa i ted to re s p o n d lo s ys te m ic c o itic o s le ro id a n d a za th io p r in e
th e ra p y . S u r r e a l d ra in a g e o f lh e scl-eral abscess resull-ecf in
p r o m p l re s o lu tio n o f lh e e x u d a ttv E m a s s , retinal d e la c h m e n l,
a n d p a in ( L ) . Several vears later 1 h iн p a lic n l d ie d b ecau se o f
w id e s p re a d u n c la s s ifie d c o lla g e n va s c u la r d isease.
/101 sijijjpS
In other patients the inflammatory reaction is subacute И .34 Posterior scleritis —systemic associations,
and fewer т А д ш ш Ь г )' signs accompany the develop­
A —E h 1 Ьгн 7 3 -y e a r-o ld w h ile m a le b a d re c u rre n t a lt s o d e s
ment of a sub retin,si mass and retinaE detachment. ]n still at sclerfLis. Т Е » first e p is o d e o c c u r re d S m onths- p re v io u s ly
other patients there may be no clinical history or find­ a n d w b s trea ted w ilh o ra l p r e d n is o n e . H is m e d ic a l h is to ry
ings to suggest the presence ol" an underlying chronic was s ig n ific a n t fo r ty p e 2 diaEjeEos. b v p e rlip id e m ia , a n d
granulomatous mass lesion that is largely confined Lo the m ild a rth ra lg ia . V M i a l a c u ity w a s 2 0 /3 0 in the rigbL eye? a n ti
sclera [E'igure П.ЗЗА-Е'}.1"1' r"7 In patients wilh jninimal 2Q /6 H in Lhe left e y e . In Lra o cu la r pressure w a s l i m i n H j j o n
the right a n d 2 6 m m H g o n the left. H i e lefl lu n d u s s h o w e d
signs of inflammation elevation of the relatively intact
2 + v ilre o u s cells a n d m ftd n o n p ro life ra tiv e d ia b e tic re-Li -
choroid and RPE produces an intraocular in ass that is
n o p a l hy. The rigbl e y e a ls o h a d p o r p r p li ie r iljv e d iabeLic
orange-colored. 'J"he presence of focal lymphoid follicles re lin o p a Lh y . T h e left e y e re v e a le d d iffu se scleriLis a n d Eie w a s
in Lhe choroid may cause scattered yellow-white nodules slarted o n a b ig b d o s e o f o ra ! steroid s, to p ic a l Coscspt, a n d
on the surface of the tumor [I igure IE. 35A, E3. and D-C). LopicaE s te ro id s. O n e m o n th later b e d e v e lo p e d n ig h t sw eats
Chorioretinal folds are frequently evident ophlhalmoscop- a n d a lo w -jjrn d e fe v e r w ith in le rm ille n l th r o b b in g d is c o m fo rt
ically and angiographicalEy at the edge of Lhese tumors in his ri^hE a n k le jo in t. H i * vis u a l a c u ity w a s 20/25 o n the
rigjit a n d 2Q /BO in the le ft. T h e left fu n d u s s h o w e d c y s to id
[I'igure 11-35C). v,i I'ocal areas ofsderitis, when located
m a c u la r e d e m a LhaL w a s v is ib le o n Lbe a n g io g ra m IE3 a n d Q ,
anywhere in Lhe fundus, may be associated with cysloid
H e c o m p la in ts ! o f e a r p a in o v e r th e last year. A t his (h ird e p i­
macular edema (]:igure 11.35JJ. Chronic scleritis jnay s o d e , re c u rre n t le ft-e a r p a in a n d s w e llin g lL>:- h e lp e d m a k e
occasionally be the underlying cause of uveal effusion. '"J Lhe d ia g n o s is o f re la p s in g p o Jv c h o n d ritis .
Branch retinal artery occlusion and simultaneous central f-C A 7 2 -y e a r -o ld w o m a n w iLh rh e u m a to id arlhrjEis a n ti
retina] arteiy and w in occlusions have been described in history o f re c u rre n t sclerilis. iihe w a s slable w ith 2 Q / J O v is io n
severe c a s e s .1-3,"L till sEnf c n m e o ff steroids a b o u l 1 0 d a y s Em fore. ^Eie re tu rn e d
w ith s evere pa?nr re d b e s j (E )f a n d Iofs o f v is io n . D iffu s e
fluorescein angiography in patients with acute and sub­
sclerilis w ith e s le n s tve e n u d a liv e d e la c h m e n t (F a n d C ^.
acute posterior scleritis and localized exudative detach­
U b r a s o u n d If sen и s h o w s c h o ro id a l Lhiickeninj’ n n d flu id in
ment typically shows multiple small foci of leaking al the Lhe s u b -T e n o n spa-се d e m o n s tra tin g Lhe 7 sign, i h e re c e ive d
Eevel of the RPE {Figures 11.33B, С, D, and l\ and 11.35Л in lra v e n o u s S d jju -M e d m j nnd w a s restarted o n p re d n is o n e
and [). In chronic scleritis angiography often demonstrates a n d [Tics serous rclin a l d e la c h m e n l re s o lve d .
evidence of folding of the inner choroid (figure 11.35C). H - J : This I У -y e a r-o ld w o m a n b a d a hisLoi v o f re cu rren l
Angiography es of little value in differentiating either the d e e p , b o rin g p a in in her lefl e y e for 2 — years p re v io u s ly . The
p a in o fte n w o k e h e r up t'rom s le e p , i h e h a d b e e n d ia g n o s e d
acute or the chronic nodular scleritis from melanomas,
as p la te a u iris for this a n d re c e iv e d g o n io p la s ty (J) p re v io u s ly .
lhe characteristic histopathologic lesion in rheumatoid
N o L e Lbe p e rip h e ra l iris spots fro m lb e g o n io m iS ity ■!.. Th e
scleritis is a zonal type of granulomatous inflammatory p a in a n d in fla m m a tio n fro m the scleritis m a d e b e r u n a b le lo
reaction of variable intensity around a focus of necrotic ope?n h e r e yu !H .-. l-u n d u s e x a m in a tio n shtju-ed retinal fold s
sclera. in the m a c u la . A n u ltra s o u n d В scan ft) s h o w e d s u b -T e n o n
The acule and subacute lesions usually respond to flu id c o n firm in g p o s te rio r scleritis, vvhicb re s p o n d e d 1o oral
systemic or intraorbital injections of corticosteroids. steroids w iLh re s o lu tio n o f h e r s y m p to m s .

Konsleroidal anti-inflammatory agents used alone or com­ I A lo Ц L o u r k is y o f U r H iu ijp u t D h . i l i w i L A - l . A kr> V in h liU E Ii Luwr(;n<.4.- 1 ,
Ih e ftctinaL A tip ij S ju n d S f£ 10 10, *f7R-U-7tf20,3.J 10-9, p .l 'H :.
bined with corticosteroids, as well as intravenous pulse
corticosteroid therapy.- may have some advantages over
orally administered corticosteroids alone.' "" !l lhe large the differential diagnosis of posterior scleritis.^1- lhe phy­
brawny lesions containing much fibrous tissue respond sician must be aware, however, of the occasional asso­
poorly to corticosteroid therapy [E'igure 1L.35A-JF); ciation of placoid choroidal melanomas and posterior
CycEosporine and mycophenolate mofetil therapy may be s c le r it is .'L'bese patients m^sy present with ocular pain,
helpful in severe scleritis refractory to other treatment. blurred vision, and anterior-chamber and vitreous inflam­
Ultrasonography is useful in differentiating these matory cell reaction that respond to corticosteroid therapy1.
lesions from uveal melanomas (figure II.33E). Scleral Occasionally eyes have been enuclealed wilh a mistaken
thickening, producing moderately high internal reflectiv­ diagnosis of choroidal melanoma. Severe pain and lack
ity, with an adjacent echolucent area caused by edema in of anterior scleritis led to a mistaken diagnosis of plateau
'Jenon's space is characteristic of posterior scleritis (E-igure iris and gonioplaslv in the patient shown in E'igure 11.34
11.341).Л|:: Computed tomography Enay also be useful in
Gass has seen posterior scleritis jn 2 patients with typi­ И .35 P o s t e r i o r s c le r it is .
cal psoriatic arthritis (Rgure U.35G-L] in te rio r scteri-
Д - R H y p e r lr o p h ic p o s te rio r g ra n u lo m a lo u s sclc-ntis s im u ­
tis has also been reported in association with Wegener's la tin g m a lig n a n t m e la n o m a o f (b e c h o r o id in a h e a llh y
gra nuio mitosis,v'2" 7 re] aps mg polyc hon dri tis.3 3S!> 3 4 -y e a r-n ld -C uba n w o m a ri m t tip la in in ff o f due ген bed v is io n
procain acnide-induced lupus,'"" systemic idiopathic hbro- u n a s so c ia te d w ith p a in in Ih e ri^hl E y e o f u n c e rta in J u r a -
sivM| toKopEasruosib retinochoroiditis^92 and malignant Lit] л . H e r a c u fW in m e fig h t e y e w as Lind in Lhe lefl
melanoma of lhe choroid.!et Wegener's granulomatosis is e ye w a s 2(У2£}. S h e w a s w e a r in g a h y p e r o p ic c o rre c tio n o f
4 .5 D in [he ri^hl e y e a n d 1 . 5 L> in Lhe lefL e y e . There w a s a
a necrotizing granulomatous vasculitis lhal causes sinus­
Earge, n o m jig m e n Le d , b te n g e subreLEnal mas?- ( A a n d H'i in Lhe
itis, necrotizing lung granulomas- glomerular nephritis,
s u p e rio r te m p o ra l q u a d ra n l. The e x te n d e d p o s te rio rly
and involvement of olher organs, including the eye. In in to lh e m a c u la r a fe a . O b l i q u e c h o rio re tin a l fo ld t e s le n d e d
[he lalter case, it may cause proplosis, orbital cellulitis, th ro u g h 1 he m a c u la r a re a . A n u m b e r (if fine- v e r y lighLJy
sclt'ritib.. keratitis, marginal corneal scleral ulceration, and p ig m e n te d lin e * a n d s c atte re d sm ail w h ile nodules; '.a rro w ,
optic neive vasculitis. A few patients may present early in E3j w e re present o n lh e surface o f lh e leg io n . A n g io g r a p h y
the course of the disease wilh loss o f central vision as a s h o w e d e v id e n c e o f c h o rio re tin a l fold s o n lh e nasal side
o f lh e mass ( C l. A d ia g n o s is o f m e la n o m a w as m a d e , a n d
result of a combined uyeal and retinal detachment caused
Lhe e y e w a s e n u c le a te d . V e rtica l sagittal s e c tim ol lh e e v e
by an area of sclerouveitis.'182"^ ' ]ensen el al. reported an
re v e a le d s u b re tin a l tu m o r w ith a n o r.m g e inner surface s le d ­
unusual association of an epihu Ibar granuloma and a mas­ d e d w iLh m u ltip le y e llo w -w h ile n o d u le s la rro w , D f . C u t sec­
sive nodular scleritis in a 5-year-old boy with no evidence tion re v e a le d that lh e lu m o r w a s w h ite a n d w a s c a u s e d b y
of systemic disease/"'1' lie lapsing inflammation of the car­ m assive ih ic k e n in g o f lh e sctera. T h e n o d u le s o n Lhe a n te rio r
tilage of the other ear with nonerosive polyarthritis and surface (if th e Lu m o r w e re lyinj^ w ilh in Ihe c h o r o id , w h ic h
chondritis of the nasal cartilage, tracheobronchial chon­ w a s d is p la c e d a n te rio rly b y the scleral tu m o r. L o w - p o w e r
p h o to m ic ro g ra p h s s h o w e d e x te n s iv e Ih ic k e n in g o f the p o s te ­
dritis, and lesions in the inner ear is a feature of relapsing
rior sclera w ith sea Lief e d fo c i o f g ra n u lo m a to u s in fla m m a tio n
polychondritis, '['he ocular findings have been reported
I t :. T h e r e w e r e s c a lte re d ly m p h o id fo llic le s in the c h o r o id
wilh proplosis, lid edema, lacrimal pseudotumor, epi­ a n d e p isc le ra l re g io n la ir o w ) . Th e s e large fo llic le s in tfiE c h o ­
scleritis, scleritis (figure П.34А-Ю), choroidal infiltrates, ro id w e re re s p o n s ib le for lh e n o d u le s n o le d o n lh e Lu m o r
uveitis, and op Liс neuritis. High-dose steroid therapy along surface o p h E h a lm o s e o p ic a lly a n d grossly. H ig E i-p o w e r v ie w
with cyclophosphamide, and dapsone have been used. o f Ihe cEboroid o t e r t y in g Lhe scleral m ass s h o w e d a foca l c o l­
Plasmapheresis can be used for severe relapses. lo d io n o f ly m p h o c y te s a n d a ridd el ike e le v a tio n o f Lbe p ig ­
m e n t e p ilh e liu m (a rro w , F ), w h ic h is b e lie v e d to c o rre s p o n d
Most patients with posterior scleritis are adults and there
w ith lh e fin e p ig m e n te d lin e s n o te d o p h th a lm o s c o p ic a EE y .
is a slight preponderance of females. Wald et Щ reported 4
f t - -I: A 2 6 -y e a r-o ld w o m a n w ith ty p ic a l arthrilis associ­
boys with diminished visual acuity, mild ocular pain, Lack of a te d w ith psoriasis n o te d loss o f p a ra c e n tra l v is io n in Lhe
systemic disease, exudative retinal detachment, mulliple pin­ lig h l e y e . A n e le v a te d , five -d is c d ia m e te r, o ra n g e . suEjrelin a I
point leaks angiographically, and b-scan ultrasonographic Liim o r w a s fo Lin d in fe rio r Lo Ihe m a c u la ( G i . T h e re w e re s e v ­
evidence of sclera! and choroidal thickening lhe latter eral g fa y -w h ite n o d u le s la rro w i o n its surface. A n g io g r a p h y
was accompanied by evidence of episcleral edema in only 2 re v e a le d sLa in in g o f lh e Lu m o r surface a n d d ila te d , le a k ­
in g retinal ca p illa ries as w e ll as c y s lo id m a c u la r e d e m a
patients. Ihey all recovered good visual function after treat­
a n d o p tic disc staining 13-1.>. N o L e s w e llin g a n d redness o f
ment with corticosteroids and noneorticosteroid medications.
lh e distal fing er jo in ts La n o w s , E). This d is trib u tio n o f p i n t
Wald el al. attributed this syndrome to posterior scleritis but in v o lv e m e n l a n d p in in g o f the fin g e rn a ils Ib a l w a s p a rlly
could not exclude the possibility of Harada's disease. o b s c u re d b y Lhe n a il p o lis h a re ty p ic a l o f p s o ria tic a rthritis.
Occult posterior scleritts has been implicated in the U ltra s o n o g ra p h y w a s c o m p a tib Fe w ith p o s te rio r scleritis. T h e
causation of idiopathic chorioretinal folds [see Chapter h^sion d id not c h a n g e o v e r a 4 -y e a r p e rio d o f fo llo w -u p .
4).'л ' "ы Whereas chorioretinal folds are a frequent mani­ S u r g ic a E ly i n d u c e d n e c r o t i z i n g s c le r itis (SIN S).
festation of acute and chronic posterior nodular scleritis, | - L : This 2 0 -y e a r -o ld m a le d e v e lo p e d s eve re p a n u veitis
il is not known whelher inflammation of the sclera is a w ith vi I г i Li н in his lefL e y e . F a ilu re o f re s o lu tio n o f Lhe v itri-
precursor of the shrinkage and flattening of (he posterior Lis fo llo w in g h ig h doses o f steroids a n d im m u n o s u p p re s s iv e s
sclera that are characteristically evident ultrasonographi- p r o m p te d a v itre c to m y . H e c o n tin u e d If) s h o w in fla m m a tio n
cally in patienls with idiopathic chorioretinal folds. o f bis sclera, in spite o f im p ro v e m e n t o f vitre o u s in fla m m a ­
tio n , e s p e c ia lly a ro u n d lh e s c le ro to m y silos fo r a lm o s t a y e a r
( l - U H e w a s treated w ith m e th o lr e v ile a n d m y c o p h e n o la te
Surgically Induced Necrotizing Scleritis m o le til w h ic h s ta b ilis e d the scleriLis a fle r a lm o s t a vear.

SINS is a progressive scleral melt associated with inflam­

malion occurring al previously operated scleral sites, most
often after plerygum surgery with mitomycin and less
often after strabismus surgery oral sclerotomy sites (figure
11.35]-1.). Judicious use of local and systemic steroids with
immunosuppressives such as tacrolimus юзу be necessary
to treat the condition.
CHOROIDAL SARCOIDOSIS M.36 Sarcoid choroiditis.

A a n d Б: M u ltifo c a l c h o r o id a l g ra n u lo m a s in а 2 9 -y e a r-
In lhe ocular fundus, sarcoidosis most frequently involves o id Ы лск Д о гн а л w ith a 1 -m o n th b is lo rv o f b h irre d
the opiic nerve head, retina, and vitreous. iome patterns, ti^ jo n a n d p h o to p s ia a n d я 2 -у е д г h is to ry o f d y s p n e a a n d
however, ш а| develop one or more focal sarcoid choroidal Ivn jf j h Jid e n o p a l by.
granulomas, usually in lhe vicinity of the macular legion, D - F : M u hi foca l c h o ro id a l g ra n u lo m a s in a 25 -yertr-o 1(3
iome of these patients, who are typically young, often m jim iin w ill: b i-opH V-p roven H a n co id o sii. К о 1я I b y large
les-ion s u p e rio r La lh e optic; disc; it a n d lh e h w >;m<il] k ^ io n s
black individuals, have other clinical evidence of sancold-
(s n o w s , [J a n d F ). A l l o f lh e lesions tffespbndfid p r o m p tly lo
osis.^: ]hey experience blurred vision secondary lo a reti­
syHlem ic corLic-osleroid tre q tn ie n L
nal delachmenl overlying a nonpigmenled, usually slightly G - i : This 4 0 -y e a r-b ld w b r r w n d e v d o p e d Eilurnud v iH io n in
elevated., yellowish white choroidal mass that simulates the ri^hl e y e a s s o c ia te d w ith m u ltip le c h o ro id a l g ra n u lo m a s .
closely thal of an amelanolic melanoma, metastatic carci­ Note? IК н I H im t1 a p p e a r n o n fiu o n e s c e n l iwhite? a r r o w t , I). S h e
noma.. tuberculoma, or other choroidal masses, including h a d a la rg e &rea or c a p i l l a r n o rifjo rlu s io n 1 Й л р а г а ]|у s t t -
choroidat osteomas (figure 11.Зб).596' 394 Patients with o n d a r y to a n o ld b ra n c h retinal v e in o c c lu s io n (a rro w , H ) .
) - L : PiTpgrE^siv-e c h o r o id a l neWasSqyl-arixaljjSfti a n d s u b re lin a l
such masses, particularly young adults, should be evalu­
fibrOeis in b o th e ye s o f n Eilack [M tie n l w ilh b io p s y -p r o v e d
ated for other evidence of sarcoidosis. These Lesions usu­
sarcoid o sis. Loss o f v is io n in lh e k*fL e y e (K ) o c c u rre d ti years
ally respond rather promptly to moderately high doses of b e fo re h e r p re s e n ta tio n w it h v is u a l loss in the ri^ b t e y e (Ji.
corticosteroids systemically (figure 1L3SG-I). A 56-year- A n g io g ra p h y re v e a le d ju x la p a p illa r y c h o ro id a l n e o v a s c u la r-
old black woman observed at the Uascom Palmer Lye ii a l io n I'Lj. In spite cl" p h o tu c u a g u la tio n , s h e b e c a m e le g a lly
Institute clinic wilh biopsy-proven sarcoidosis and mini­ b lin d b e c a u s e flf p rn g re s fiiw s u b re lin a l fib rosis.
mal evidence of uveitis became legally blind because of I 'G - J , 'l u u r li.'s y u l [ J j . L h r v ld P o l lj .J

progressive choroidal neovascularization and sub retinal

nbrosES (figure L1.36J-J.].
RETINAL AND OPTIC NERVE M .37 Sarcoidosis with phlebitis.

SARCOIDOSIS A - 1 : rhi-s ^ 5 -y fia r-o td A l r k a n A m u T ic n n W qtrian w a s a tfm it-

Led ta r in s p ira to ry distress fro m p re s u m e d fun^iii р п и и л ю -
Sarcoidosis is j systemic noncasealing gmnulomalous П 1Л. H e r v is io n w as ld / 2 0 in e y e , a n d the lefl fu n d u s
s h o w e d m u lli focal p a riv e n o u H (.Lifting IA ri itlI O . H u o r e s L 'n l
disease of unknown cause. Although il has protean clini­
fi п 11 n~: s h o w e d focal Lhn d o t h " I ial d e c o m p e n s a tio n ril the
cal manifestations il affects lhe pulmonary lymph nodes
sHesciE perivu n ou H c y ffjh ^ :li a n d D i . T w o later fu rth er
and eye most pffen^00"405 Ocular InvolvemenL occurs сliffu ы(? invoivciTTiunl ni [fie vlmiis w ilh several те И п а I h'Cimor-
Ln approximately 40°/ii of patients wilh sarcoidosis and rh ayes w.m seen (Ё ). T h e ri^ h t e ye w as n o w s im ila rly in v o lv e d
is more frequent in blacks than in whiles. Anterior uve­ f C ) w ilh n o n p e rfu s io n o f the v e n o u s tributa ries f F j . A chest
itis is more common than posterior fundus involvement, C o m p tit^ d Com o^nitphv je a n re v e a le d b ilateral m n d ia s lin a l
fundus lesions more frequently involve lhe retina than a n d h ila r a d e n o p a lh y w ilh . c n le w ita lio n n n d a n ^ io le n s in -
c o n v e rtin g e n z y m e r e lu m e d m ild ly e le v a te d al 5 7 \\$f\ (n o r­
the choroid and may occur iit the absence of anterior uve­
m al fi-5 2 V O r a ] p re d n is o n e bO теки lied in trn p to v e m e n l
itis and in patients wilh minimal or no olher evidence
[)F her re s p ira to ry staluh a r d fessoltilion o f Ihe phlEibiLis Ш
of systemic disease. Characteristic fundoseopic findings a n d 11 and nhe w a s tn a in ta if& rf o n H ) m ^ ni p re d n is o n e .
include perivenous exudation [Figure U.37A, С, P, and
I<Jui irC-ечу (jf L)r. W illi,Lird iV u 'I'.t and IJr. 1чя;>1, IfcnuvccitEi. b nnd I, Abe..
ti) with candle iv ал-dripping exudate,1"1" 400 preretinal V j h Приi J i L .th V rt | |L(.' L , I h e R r f l n a l A i t ^ S a U n d r jn 2 0 Ш , 5 7 B - D - 7 0 2 D -
and inlravilreal while nodules often arranged in a "siring 3320-'J. p.275.>
of pearls/4" focal superficial and deep retinal while
$odide$1*Q' ,',Q papilledema, nodular papillitis, optic neu­
ritis, and occasionally large white masses on the inner infiltration suggests that sarcoidosis is a disease of height­
surface of the retina and optic nerve head (Figures 11.38 ened cellular immune response, particularly at the sites
and All of these lesions are caused by epi­ of organ and tissue involvement.'1'’" 4'1'' Patients with sar­
thelioid cel! proliferation (Figure coidosis confined to the choroid often experience loss of
branch vein occlusion.’U " J|J |J| central relinal vein occl Li­ central vision caused by a so Litar}' yellow-white choroidal
ston,41n large areas of capillary non perfusion, retinal nto- mass in the paracentral region that may simulate meta­
vascularizalion. ,21~i2* vitreous hemorrhage, and oplic static carcinoma or an amelauotic melanoma [see figure
disc neovascularization11rJ,42b may occur as complications 11.3&A—!) . Patients wilh multifocal sarcoid choroiditis
of the granulomatous periphlebitis and phlebitis [figure may simulate patients with M CP (pseiidp-POHS) and
11.ЗУ A). The neovascularization may resolve after treat­ birds hot chorioreliujtis.Jk,,'I J'J Subretinal neovasculariza­
ment tv ith anti-in lammatory agenta.436 tion and macular detachment occasionally complicate
KocaE granulomas may occur under the RPE (Figure sarcoid choroiditis.'1"1 Sarcoidosis may cause widespread
11.39C: and D) and within the choroid, '['he predomi­ chorioretinal degeneration4JL and massive subretinal fibro­
nance o f Thelpet lymphocytes in the choroid and retinal sis. (see Figure 11.36J and K).
Approximately 20-30% of patients with retinal mani­ I 1.33 Sarcoidosis or the retina, optic nerve, skin, and
festations of sarcoidosis will have evidence of CNS conjunctiva.
involvement (Figure Д —С : M acul-ar s in \f n p jic d is c s w e lli n g an d p e riv e n o u s "tjm -
Candle wax-dripping exudation, usually Accompa­ ( I V -.v■:(.>:-( I г :p in ^ ' j \ u d i :cs :n i ■■.■c.i'-с-!:. b l.u k m.n: w ilh
nied by pre relinal while exudates over the inferior fun­ b io p s y- p ro v e n s a rc o id o sis (A ). A r g io g r t t W rFfveflled lEvi-
dus [figures U.3SA and D, and 11.3УД, C, and D )r and d e n c e of p e riv e n o u s le a k a g e bl" d y e in b o lh eves l lj a n d O .

nodular papillitis (figures 1.1.3St1 ., f and \, and ]].ЗУА- D : P e rly tn o iJjj e x u d a tio n a h d m a c u la r s-lar in л 3 2 -y e a T -o ld
b la c k m a n Wilh b io p s y -p r o v e n Sa jg b id oS fs,
С, and !]]] are two signs thaL should strongly suggest the
E a n d F : Typ ica l SLirt:oid n o d u le s a t lh e righl o p tic disc ir>
diagnosis of sarcoidosis. ЧЪе diagnosis can be confirmed
,i 1 ] -y o a r -o I d b la c k m a n w ilh b io p s y - р г т е г т s a rc o id o sis .
by biopsy of affected lymph nodes, conjunctiva/^''"'11, V isu a l a c u ity in lh e lefl e ye w a s 211/2 0 0 . H e w a s I nea led
salivary glands,'^ and lacrimal gland, fewer than 5 % w ilh s ys te m ic c o rlic o s ie ro id ^ , a n d 6 n itiп 11ть bite* m o s l nr" the
of patients with sarcoidosis show cutaneous reaction to o p tic n e rv e h e a d g ra n u lo m a s (E) h a d d is a p p e a re d iF l.
tuberculin protein. Jhe chest roentgenogram or С Г scan G | p r e fe tir a J лсгкМем in л p a lie n l w ilh sa rc o id o sis .
shows evidence of sarcoidosis in over У0% of cases, '['here H : S a rc o id g ra n u fo m a ft o f 4 № W .
]r ia r c o id t;ranu3om a o f lh e c o n ju n t liva .
is a high incidence of elevation of angiotensin-converting
j a n d K : S a fc o jtio d ls o f lh e o p lic n w v e h e a d associaled w ilh
enzyme in patients With salcoidiails^0^'1'15,140 Ciallium
p rn m i пеги n o o v a s c u la ii z-at iorv
citrate uptake studies may be helpful :in confirming lhe L i ia n to a d p e rip h le b itis a n d p a p illitis in a puli ел I w ilh sar­
diagnosis. Demonstrating noncaseating granuloma in c o id m unin-^ilis.
a tissue biopsy is the only confirmatory lest for sarcoid. ■
L, iu rlnis у f j f U r . ' , ' i i l i i i i ii к С та и well ■
Ihese tests may return negative if the patient has already
heen empirically started on systemic steroids, and some­
times even topical steroids. Hence it is important to order
the ilives ligations prior lo starting therapy.
All of the lesions of sarcoidosis usually respond to treat­
ment with corticosteroids. lhe steroid dose required is
not veiy high and D.Sjng/kg body weighl is usually suf­
ficient. Because of the chronic nature of the disease, cor­
ticosteroids should be employed judiciously primarily
for an intmediate threat to loss of visual or olher vita!
organ, function. Occasionally, use of other agents such as
cyclosporine and methоtresale is required to control the
inflam m atio n ,i.o w -d o se methotrexate once a week
works v e r y well in patients with long standing Eow-grade
activity. Мусорhenolate mofelil and minocycline have
heen used.’ *''"1'11 Neovascularization of the optic disc may
show dramatic resolution following treatment with corti­
costeroids.'1'" H’hotocoagulalion may be helpful in control­
ling reLin<sl neovascularization in the peripheral fundus.
Multiple mechanism glaucoma often accompanies ocular
sarcoidosis, due lo trabeculitis or nodules in the angle in
the early stages, and peripheral anterior synechias pupil­
lary block from posterior synechiae and steroid induced
glaucoma in the chronic stages of the disease. Severe/
chronic cases require judicious use of steroids and immu­
nosuppressive agents, and manage men I of secondary caia-
racl and glaucoma with medications and surgery.'1
I 1.39 O c u la r a n d c e n lr a l n e rv o u s system sarco id o sis;
cli n ic o pa lh ologi с c o r re la lio n .
A -F: r h ii 3 Й-уеаг-old black тлил haq cenlral nervous system
NEURORETINJTIS sarcoidosis associated with bilalera! relinal and optic r e f i t
5&rtqjdo5is. Fundus painting :Ai showed granulomas on the
I'hese patienls are typically children or young adults who oplic disc, along lhe relinal veins, and in thy vitreous interi­
soon after a viral-like illness develop loss of vision usually orly |ljiset^ [here1 was a branch vein occlusion in [Iiej infero-
in one eye associaled with one or more white foci o f acute lemporal ■|.i. ilI_.1171. The patient died several monlh* laler,
retinitis and neuroielinilis In one or both eyes and histopathologic exam ination revealed multiple peri­
lbe acute retinal lesions primarily involve the Inner venous g ^ ru jb rm s wfth extension o f the granulomatous
read ion inlo the overlying vitreous in Ihe juxlapapillary area
half of the retina and show sojne predilection for occur­
(B) and the peripheral retina (CI and E). N cte lh e jjranuloma-
ring adjacent to major retinal arteries and veins. In this
tpus reaction surrounding the retinal veins; (arrows, С and
latter location they may cause branch retinal artery or t3 and extension of Ihe ^ranulomalous геле Iion benealh lhe
w in obstruction, which, together with oplic nerve head tetinal pigmenl epithelium fC and [].. I here were m ulliple
involvement, are the major causes of symptoms in these granulomas in lhe pre- and m lla m itrd r parts ol the optii
palients (Figure 10.O4). At the time of eye eita mi nation nerve fF anti throughout lhe cenlral nervous system.
the patient is usually afebrile. .Blood cullures and medi­ C - L r l'h-is 4 5-year-old Indian wom an suffered a sudden-
onsel painless progressive loss of vision associated w ilh
cal evaluation are usually unremarkable. Some of these
head lithe for 20 days in bolh eyes. She was diabelic and
patients have a clinical history of a cat scratch and sero­
hypertensive. H e r vision was 2(У400 in bolh eyes. She had
logic evidence of cat-scratch disease. ’ [ See discussion 1 + cell and ftare in both eyes w ilh posterior synechiae
on pp. Й0Й and 12У0 and Figures 10.04 and 1!>.]!.} One and pigment on the anlerior lens surface. She had bilaleral
patient had serologic evidence of influenza A infection.-1 nodular elevalion ot the optic discs and peripapillary hem­
l?ept$piTii organisms Were cult tired from the spinal tin id of orrhages. areas ol decreased axoplasmic flow, and a m acu­
another patient. ! lar slar w ilh m acular subrelinal fluid (G and H). K w iu w of
systems was posilive for malaise, body ache, and shortness
W ithin a week o f involvement of the optic nerve head,
of breath, ^he denied fever, rash, unprotected sox, lubencu-
a macular star figure usually becomes evident. Those pre­
losis, and ischem ic heart disease. She had no pets, iyslem ii
senting with branch relinal artery occlusion usually have ека mi nation revealed bilateral iine crepilations and tiepa-
a permanent scotoma, but most patients with retinal and tosplenomcgalv. Her tulrerculosis skin test was negative,
optic nerve head involvement recover normal or nearly sedimentation rate was 24m m r and angiotensin-convert-
normal visual acuity spontaneously. A few may develop injj enzym e level was 35-.5 |щ/1 Inormaf 8-52]. Chest X-ray
evidence of optic atrophy. Jhe value of corticosteroid and revealed hilar lymphadenopathy and nodular opacities in Ihe
parenchyma, Г.'отри I ed tomography scan revealed pleural
antibiotic treatment is uncertain.
and inlerslilfal thickening and enlarged hilar lymph nodes
The fundus picture in patients wilh acute idiopathic
fl). A Iransbronchial lym phnode biopsy showed non casea ling
multifocal inner retinitis and neuroretinitis may simu­ granuloma suggeslinu sarcoidosis (Jl. Abdominal ultrasound
late that seen in patients wilh retinitis and neuroretinitis revealed hepaLosplenomegaly w ith areas of tatty change in
caused by pyogenic bacteria (Figure 10.01), fungi, syphilis, the liver. She received oral prednisone frOmg and topical sle-
and toxoplasmosis. Salients with evidence o f branch reti­ roids and cycloplegics in bolh eyes. By -f rtipnths iier vision
nal artery occlusion may simulate palients wilh bilateral had improved lo in both eyes, and lhe iridocy( litis and
disc edema had resolved with a le w resolving ex и da Les (K
idiopathic recurrent branch relinal artery occlusion (see
and L j .
figures 6.19-6.21).
lA-t, k;iri: ( л Ц pnd LJlMin.’ -' G |ii L. louHusv ol Ur. Vish.ili Си|э(а ,hn<l
Dr. Arnucf k_im(:■I.'i-.
" - ъ 'Г'■ -*;1
\ . ■ ’

■* ■* Ъь& Г* . ■
BEHCET'S DISEASE M .4fl Be heel's disease.
A: Aphthous u k c r (arrow).
Behcet's disease is a chronic systemic disease o f unknown В: fcrythema n o d iK in i of lower legs. characterized clinically by aphthous ulcers o f the C: Hypopyon.
mouth and genitalia (Ngure 11.40A and 1>), intraocular D - b Гhis 31-yeaf-old wom an wiLh Beb^utJs disease bad
inflammation.. nondestructive иго negative arthritis. ,md aphthous и Icers ! arrow, Г.ИГ m ulliple foci of rulinitis fcaiising
cutaneous vasculitis including erythema nodosum [figure branch retina] arlw y occlusion I arrow.. tf)f and branch reLi-
nal vein occlusion (arrow, Fj when she initially presented.
ll^ O B ):10"1' ^ ihe criteria for diagnosis include oral aph­
O ne w eek Cater s-be developed another branch retinal artery
thae or genital ulcers in association with any other two o f
occlusion tanow, G —t) in the lefl ™ a .
the sis major manifestations o f the disease, 'i'he disease |-L: Ibis -year-old man with aphthous stomatitis and
occurs mosl frequently in people of Lhe Mediterranean hypopyon (C) in the riybt eye had bilateral vilrilis, multiple
hasiti and Japan, in approximately tit№b o f patients the relinal fschenuc patches, and hemonba^es (|j. His visual
ocular disease is bilateral, and it is twice .is frequent in acuity was counting finders in the rifjhl eye and 20/25 in
men.4 1 Behcet's disease has been reported with less fre­ Ifie lefl eye. Angiography revealed periva-scular leakage of
fluorescein (K). ForTy-Iwo monlbs later his acui]y was 7/200.
quency in the LJ5A, where the sex difference in regard Lo
Note Lhe pallor ol" the optic discr marked narrowing and
ocular involvement has been less pronounced."'" Iritis and
nheaLhin^ of Lhe relinal vessels, and a m acular scar flj.
vitreous inflammatory cell infiltration are present in nearly
all patients with ocular involvement. !n mosL cases the
iritis is nongranulomatous. Hypopyon occurs occasion­ strum concentration of interleukin-2 receptor. OX and
ally (1'igure U.40CJ. hdema o f the macula and optic disc., complement-reactive protein may occur in all forms of
patches o f gray thickened retina, focal accumulations o f lhe disease4C,'J"‘l7i,iiej'j8?-'4M Antibodies against the vascu­
yellow-white deep retina! exudates (figure ] ] .4 LЛ —С and lar endoihelial cells and mucosa can be demonstrated in
H), scattered areas of delicate pigment clumping, perivas­ some patients with Behcet's disease.Ш -,|Н' ;" 1' Antibody
culitis, central and branch venous and arterial occlusions affinity lo retinal 5 antigen Is lowered.1'
(figure 11.42), papilledema, papillitis, and optic atrophy A generalised vasculitis is responsible for the multipli­
may occur [figures 11.401, Ц G, and L and ]l 41}+Visual city o f clinical manifestations. Neurological manifestations
Loss is usually caused by long-standing retinitis, retinal can he seen in Neuro Behcet's. Activated T lymphocytes
infarction, relinal arterial attenuation.. cystoid macular and hyalinized thickening are found in association with
edema, and, in some cases, retinitis proliferans and vitre­ the retinal and optic nerve perivasculitis."" Although a
ous hemorrhage.'"1J:"' Whereas progressive optic atrophy virus was implicated early in the history of Reh^efs dis­
may accompany the retinal changes, acuLe loss o f vision ease,"'1 the disease's cause is unknown. 'L'he increased
caused by optic neuropathy without retina\ involvement incidence o f HLA-B5 or -E5w5t antigens in patients with
rarely occurs in patients with Behcet's disease. "'” l Behcet's disease in the Middle East arid Japan suggests that
During an acute attack the erythrocyte sedimenta­ susceptibility genes lo the disease may have been spread
tion rate, acute-phase proteins, and circulating immune by the old nomadic tribes о г ЧЪ гЬб via the silk roule_4H,m
complexes may be elevated along with dramatic altera­ lliese antigens are found less frequently in patients in the
tions of serum complement levels.1'4' 1" ' ' 1^' Elevation o f United States with lie beet's disease.
Since Behcet's disease is a chronic disorder character­ И .41 Be hce Vs disea se.
ized by spontaneous remissions and exacerbations and
A-1: This 50-year-old m;in wiis LreaLed elsftwhere i'oj recur-
since the course of the disease varies from one patient lo renl iridocyclitis in huLh eyes fo* the previous 2 monlhs. He
another, the evaluation of therapy is difficult. Topical and Lhert « fv e lo p td bilateral Tripirlly progressive pan uveitis w ilh
oral corticosteroids constitute (he first line of treatment in vitritEs, patchy retinal w h iten in g and retinal hemorrhages
these patients. Jn severe cases these haw been combined w ilh n visual dec. I inti Lo 20/20(5 in lh e ri^hl eye and counL
with cytotoxic agents, including azathloprlne, chloraan- finders in lhe lefl eye. l-le w as referred in With a diagnosis
c f acute bilateral relinal necrusis. Examination revealed
hucil, or cydophosphamide.'l7', l t J ''1'1' I t t e s e drugs
in uItifocaI retina Г infarcLs, and diEEuse relinal arlerial and
may be used in concert with immunostimulation agents,
venous leakage I A—E Keview of symptoms revealed a his-
including levaimsole and colchicine.'1434 Cydosporine Л, Lotv of recurrent aphlhuub ulcers, o n t cipisudc of $emLal
a specific an Li-T-cel E medication, has been used success­ ulcer, and arthritis involving his 4tnee and IhumE). Л diagnosis
fully in some Ibese latter agenls oE E^hteL's disease? was made and he was LreaLed w ilh oral
should be employed only in severe cases because compli­ steroids followed by cyclospurine. Bilateral m acular holes
cations may be severe.'11' 'l"' Plasma exchange may reduce occurred following resolulion o f lhe relinilis; lhe uveitis ULfh-
sided over а у ваг alter a few episodes ol" recurrences (F-W.
ocular in f animation caused by ESehcefs disease in patients
Thu righl eye underwent m acular fiole repair wich dosure I :
unresponsive to standard medical therapy5( 1A controlLed
Lhe left was nol operaEed on due Eo severe m acular iscfiemLa.
clinical trial demonstrated the safety and effectiveness of
azalhioprine in reducing the frequency of hypopyon uve­
itis,- aphthous ulcers, and arthritis. Inlerferon-alpha
has been advocated in fiurope. "M and more recently
monthly or bimonthly tumor necrosis factor-alpha Inhibi­
tors such as etanercepL, Infliximab, and adallmumab."
Mycophenolale mofetiE can also be used when other Lreat-
ments fail. "
The differentia! diagnosis includes sarcoidosis, the acule
retinal necrosis syndrome, diffuse unilaleral sub acute neu-
rorelinltiSr Idiopathic vitritis, pars planitis, vitlliginous
chorioretinitis, and reticulum cell sarcoma.
i l


M .42 S e v e r e a s y m m e t r i c B e h c e t ' s d i s e a s e .
N O N N E C R O T I Z I N G RETINITIS, A 43-year-aljJ wuman with pan I history of dm I and vaginal
uJcers, arlhriLisi, and Kkin llI ceja Iion previously cofitftti-led
VITRITIS, A N D C Y S T O I D M A C U L A R with colchicine and £Lera ids., developed right optic neuritis
ED E M A iA. and a positive lluoruscunl Treponemal <m(ihorJy absorp­
tion. Гhe left eye was- Lin involved (Ы. Nine monlhs; laler
Jhe permeability ol" the retinal capillaries, particularly vision in the right eye dropped to no lighl perception and
was associated with phlebitis ol the left leg. Complete mas-
Lbose in the macular region,, may be affected by chronic
sivr in fare Iion of her righl optic nerve and diffuse retinal
diffuse lAflHtimation involving the retina And vitreous.
hemorrhages were noLed fCl. ^>or perfusion of lhe righl fun-
Al plough these patients may be categorized into several ■H1.1:=
■was seen by angiography IL> and Ei; lOOm^ prednisone
different syndromes,- in none is the cause known, nor can and g methutrekate were ;tdded. Thu righl oplic nerve
it be established whether the primary tissue involved is (tie and vessels turned white over the next 2 monlhs (F and 0):
retina or (he vitreous. The clinical features shared by these The left eve remained un involved (Н]. N'oovaKcularizL-itaofi of
patients include complaints of floaters caused by inflam­ tfie optic dine occurred o v e r! i me It!:.

matory cell infiltration o f the vitreous and loss o f cen­ if jl lUrtL'ay fif U r. I J.IV 11 I-ric h e r .
tral vision caused by cystoid macular edema in eyes that
externalLy show no signs of inflammation. Some degree
o f papilledema iitay be present. Hi lateral involvement is
the rule. A few retinal hemorrhages often occur periph­
erally. Evidence of peripheral retinal degeneration with
some disturbance of the underlying pPE is seen eventually.
Narrowing o f the retinal vessels and pallor of the optic
disc along with complaints o f night blindness may occur
tn some cases. Retinal holes, retinal detach mem, and pre­
retina] vitreous Enembrane formation occur occasionally.
Jhe vitreous inflammation and cystoid macular edema
often respond poorly lo corticosteroids or other therapy.
'i'hese palients may be subdivided into three major clin­
ical syndromes: [1] pars pi an it is; (2) idiopalhic vitritis;
and (3) vitiliginous (birdshot) chorioretinitis.
D ifFiitv, Chronic Nou\wc:f\<Hzi}ifi RrtH ritis, Ш г /frs, njj;l C ystaid M nciilHfr Eth'wn 10 3 5

V IT R E O U S BASE O R G A N I Z A T I O N A: Hundus drawing showing usual dislribLFtitin tiff sntJw -Езлпк

cn/er Lhe pgps plana mteriorlv.
(PARS PLANITIS, PERIPHERAL B-D: I his 17-yaar-DId wumaTi with pars planilrs nolud loss
UVEITIS, O R C H R O N I C ot vision because of cy^taid т л е й Ini edema :B And (Ij. Kour
months laLeT, aPler svslem it carticoslefaid tm fapy, the edema
CYCLITIS) had resolved ID:.
E - C r EieJinrLis proliferans (arrows^ in the macular атеа of л
lh e term "'pare planilis" has been used Lo describe 3 1-year-old mail w ilh pars planitLs. Angiography dcmt)n-
patients with chronic vitritis who develop snow-bank slraled 1елк^^е o f fluorescein from these vessels and cystoid
exudates and vitreous condemnlLon overlytrtg the peri p li­ mac и I ar edema (f and C ).
enll retina and pars plana, usually inferiorly in both eyes H iind I: Preretircal nodules (H| and cystoid т л cuIяг edoma
(I) w ere present bilaterally in this 32-year-oEd wom an w ilh
(Ligure ]] .43]. " ■ These palients are typically chil­
snow-bank EH udate'tin lhe pa*s pi л г>л.
dren or young adults of both sexes in excelLetil general
|—L: Pflfs planFlis associated w ith mu I Li focal choroiditis,
health when they develop floalers and blurred vision, macLrtaf edema, papilledema, vitritis, and anLeiitw Lrveitis
lhe eyes are white. Л few patients may have fine ke rati lie in a П -year-old male vtilh J-year hislory ot phtHophubia,
precipitates. .Fine and coarse vitreous floaters are present H o a lB ii and vis-ил I loss. Genera] physical SxamitiStio^ Was
and may be responsible for moderate loss of visual acu­ negative except for axillary (tfitipJtadeniteaLhy. biopsy of the
ity. Snowball preretinal aggregates similar to those seen nodes revealed granuloma Lous inflammation ol unknown
cause. Serologic Lesls for toxoplasmosis, syphi Iisr and Lyme
in sarcoidosis may be present (Figure 1L.4ЛЕIJ. Macular
disease w ere negative. l'realmonl w ilh syslEmik irorlicosJe-
edema is the most common complication o f the disease-
noids and doxycyclfrte produced minimal improvement.
and it may persist despite vigorous corticosteroid therapy
IA . I w i n W u l c l i . ,|J '>■ A n w n и M e d i L i i l .- Y s M jr u lu jn . A l l r i ^ h t i
(E'igure П.43В and C). Dilation o f the Enajor retinal ves­ ffeervied. 1
sels, particularly the veins; sheathing o f the retinal veins;
and varying degrees o f papilledema often accompany (he
macular edema [E-'igure 11.43B and (J). Other complica­ Later this fluffy appearance may he replaced by less ele­
tions include second ary cataract, secondary glaucoma, vated, white, organized scar tissue, which may be derived
sheathing and narrowing o f the peripheral retinal vessels, from gEial elements o f the peripheral retina.5 Prominent
traction and rhegmatogenous delachmenl of the periph­ perivenous and venous infiltration occurs wilh lym pho-
eral retina,''1" retinoschisis, 4:4 sub retinal neovasculariza­ cyles that are predominantly T-helper lymphocytes.-’^ The
tion,.^" neovascularization o f the optic d is c '' and retina uveal tract is relatively free tif inflammation.''''1
(E'igure 1 Ы ЗЬ - С ], '■ ' pseudogliomatous angioma for­ 'lhe pathogenesis of pars plauitis is unknown, lhe
m a tio n ,''’ vitreous hemorrhage, rhegmatogenous retinal development o f a migrating comeal endothelial rejection
detachment, ■'J heterochromia irides, band keratopathy, line (autoimmune endotheliopathy) in some palients with
and rarely phthisis bulbi. lh e disease is chronic but is sub­ pars pEaniLis suggests the possibility that the disorder may
ject to remissions and exacerbations. Lhe amount o f pars be an autoimmune process directed toward the vitreous.-"M
plana exudate generally correlates with Lhe severiLy o f vit­ Some o f these palients show improvement in visual
reous inflammation and cystoid macular edema. Vlost function following oral corticosteroid therapy. Many oth­
patients maintain useful vision in one or both eyes. Eyes ers, however fail lo respond to this therapy, which should
with complete posterior vitreous separation may haw a be used sparingly because o f the disease's chronic nature
belter visual prognosis.'"1 'there is some tendency for the and its tendency to undergo remissions and exacerba­
disease to lessen in severity over a period o f many years. ' tions. En the presence of useful cenlral vision it Is probably
fluorescein angiography demonstrates a variable degree unwise to treat these patients with long-term corticoste­
of permeability alterations of lhe capillaries o f the ret­ roids. lhe value o f cyclodiathermy and cyclocryotberapy in
ina and optic disc (I'igure 11.43C}..11 En patients with treating lhe pars plana and peripheral retina is conLrover-
macular edema ihere Is usually angiographic evidence j^ j sjj.sia.s^ -[hese cyclodestmctive procedures appear lo
o f widespread relinal edemar papilledema, and in some be of mosl benefit En those patients unresponsive to cor­
patients late staining of the larger retinal w ins and venules ticosteroid therapy and who in addition have neovascular­
(E'igure I3.43C and (i). Most patients haw electroretino- ization in the region of lhe vitreous base.'111■ ' l he reason
graphic abnormalities, such as delayed b-wave implicit for accumulation of exudate over lhe pars plana predom­
Lime, abnormal response lo flicker and reduced b-wave inantly in the inferior fundus is unknown; il is probably
oscillations. '1: more a function of gravitational forces than locus o f the
The limited histopathologic data available suggest that disease, '['he value of vitrectomy in treating cystoid macu­
Lbis disease is a chronic nongranulomatous inflammation lar edema is also uncertain.0'^ Although some success
involving primarily the retina and vitreous.4 ' has been reported utilizing combination iherapy of cor­
lhe fluffy snow-bank opacities peripherally are probably ticosteroids with anlimetabolites, the value of this treat­
caused primarily by cellular infill rate within the vitreous. ment in the long-term managentenl o f these patients is
uncertain. 5 2 P - 5 3 0 S 7 lliere are significant risks in such
l j
I 1.44 Diffuse nonnecrotizing retinitis. vElritis, and
treatment, and therefore it should be employed only in cystoid macular edema without pars plana exudation
p.ulienti with severe involvement. (idiopathic age-related vitritis).
'Jbe differential diagnosis includes sarcoidosis, periph­ A-1}: This 70-year-old wom an noLtid fEealers and visual Idss
eral toxoplasmosis, Behcet's syndrome, ТЬхйййъ Cdjmj, in ЕкиЬ eyes aL Co years nf л]це. Visual a-:.Liily was 20/200 in
□cute recurring cyclilis, and the pseudo-laO [ lb. Gass has Lhe ri^iht ey'e and 20-'!)0 in the left eye. She had hi lateral vitri-
seen 3 children with Lhis latter syndrome who in addition Ii!d. rystoid m acular edema, and diffuse retinal edema. Note
had dense fthife pars plana exudate and who developed an^ioj^aphic evidence of i-rrujjular fbcal suirs in Ihe periph­
ery and lhe mullil[)cu3aled fluorescein staininj; рдМегп in
Eoss of macular function secondary to choroidal neovas­
the extramacular ли well as lh e m acular area iP-П ). She has
cularization and disciform detachment.11^ Lyme disease been observed for 21 years, and her acuily and findings are
may be associated wilh pais planilis and anterior uveitis unchanged.
(see Figure 10.UGA-F}. E and F: Cystoid m acular edema, miTd papilledema, and vit-
Pars planitis has occurred in multiple members of liLii in a 59-year-old w i'm iin whose visual acuity was 2Q/-E0
at least eight families.51^ Pars planitis has in lhe ri^hl eye and 20,400 in Lhe left eye.
occurred in patients developing evidence o f demyeLinal- С —I: The identical I w in sister of Ihe palienl illtislraled m
h and F with the н а т е tondilion in both eves. Note the
ing d i s e a s e . ’J9-SSJ д long-term follow-up of patients
marked retinal capillary dilalion (H ) and the ex.tramacu-
wilh pars pLanitis revealed that optic neuritis developed in lar and I t i k l W polycystic edema (I I. Jiulh Iw in t noted Ihe
4 patients (7 .4% ) and multiple sclerosis in an additional S unsel o f Ftoalers and hrkjfred vision a I /50 years ol aj^e. Bulh
palients (14.fl% ). i1 Ibis same group found a n associalion have markedly subnormal nod and cone eledrunneljnd^Taphic
o f HLA-DR2 in 67.5% o f patients wilh pars planilis (28% responses.
controls), and they cited others who had found ША-1.Ж2
id SO-7!>% of North Americans and Europeans with mul­
tiple sclerosis (20-25% controls).'1,IJ- 52
(see next subsection). Differentiating patienls wilh idio­
pathic vitritis from patienls with genetically determined
IDIOPATHIC DIFFUSE retinitis pigmentosa sine ptgmento is difficult. The elec-
N O N N E C R O T I Z I N G RETINITIS irorelinograpbic abnormalities are usually less severe in
patienls with idiopathic vitritis. Other disorders that may
simulate idiopathic vitritis include Whipple's disease (see
O R G A N I Z A T I O N (IDIOPATHIC p. 930), laige-cell non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (see p. 1150),
AGE-RELATED V1TRITIS)______________ metastatic carcinoma and melanoma to the vitreous (see
chapter 13), and lymphocytic in filtration o f lhe vitreous
The most frequently encountered group patienls with associated with X-linked immunodeficiency wilh increased
floaters or loss o f vision secondary lo chronic vitritis immunoglobulin M / 57
and diffuse retinitis are healthy middle-aged or elderly
palientSr most frequently women, who develop cysloid
macular as wet I as diffuse retinal edemar in some cases
papilledema, and cellular infiltrate o f lhe vitreous with­ AND BIRDSHOT
out any evidence of snow-bank pars plana deposits {figure RETINOCHOROIDOPATHY
lI^ i4 )L55,"55:f Cellophane maculopalhy caused hy an
epi retina I membrane is frequently present in the macular lhe syndrome o f birdsbol retinochoroidopathy or viti-
areas, l-.xternally the eyes are quiet. 'Lhe peripheral fundi liginous chorioretinitis is characterized by: { I ) onset, in
often show evidence of narrowing and sheathing o f the apparently healthy patientsr both men and women in the
retinal vessels as Well as irregular derangement o f the RPtL fifth to seventh decade o f life, of floaters, photopsia, and
Relinal edema and vitritis often respond poorly to cortico­ blurred visionr often followed later by night blindness and
steroids or other therapy, t h e cause is unknown. Cass has color blindness; (2) vitreous inflammation; (3) multifocal
seen idiopathic vitritis in identical twins (i'igure 11.44 b- patches o f depigmentaiion first occurring in the choroid
lien nett and coworkers reported a large family with and later the RPli in the postequalorial fundi; (4) varying
autosomal-dominant adull-onsel vitreous inflammation, degrees o f retinal edema and papilledema, and narrowing
selective loss o f the LRG h-wave, mild anterior-chamber of the retina Vessels and mild optic atrophy; (5) moder­
in flam matron, and laler retinal scarring, pigmentation, ate to severe electrorelinographic abnormalities; (6) a vari­
peripheral retinal vascular closurc. peripheral retinal neo­ able rate of progression and severity bul wilh a tendency
vascularization, vitreous hemorrhage, and cystoid macular toward stabilization and preservation of good central
edema.'56 vision in al least one eye; and (7J strong association with
Patients with idiopathic vitritis share many features in ]E E A - A 2 9 .^ H- ^ fi
common wilh patienls with vililiginous chorioretinitis
Lie fore the initial publication o f this syndrome., called I - . 4 ? VEtiliginous chorioretinitis^
birdshot retinochoroidopathy by Ryan and М ^ ш е п е ^ ^ 9
A -С: This 53-year-old wom an com plained ol Floaters and
the name Vililiginous chorioretinitis1' had been used at had a visual acu ilv of 20/20. Ihort! w ere 2 - viLruous cells. A
the fiasco m Palmer liye Institute to describe patients with similar mLtem oi mu Hi focal areas of yeNowish depigmenla-
this syndrome. 'Ihe author chose this name for this syn­ Lifjn of 1It-e.*-choroid was present in bom eyes (A and B), Note
drome because of (he similarity in lhe appearance and relative sharing of I he m acular areas, and elongation of lhe
evolution of the patches of choroidal depigmentalion more peripheral lesions. ta lly phases of ^Jjgiagtaphy showed
no abnorm ality in lb e region of these patcEws (com pare В
Lo those occurring in the skin o f pa tie tils with У1ШЦда.4&0
and Cj.
lhese orange or yellow it]-defined patches, which may
D - Fr Thji 50-year-old man rap ericanted floaters and mild
not be present when the patient ii seen initially wilh vit­ Eoss o f vision. O n ly a few small viLiliyinous patches were
reous cells and macu]ar edema, are typically scattered in t'-videnl in Lbe ju^Lapapillary area (Did H e had апдкэдтарЫ(
the postequa tonal portion o f Lhe fundus (figures 11.45 [evidence of cystoid macular edema it). Two years EalerJ his
and U.46). '[hey are most numerous in a broad area sur­ visual acuity was 2CV4QQ and he bad manv ( й № vilili^inous
rounding Lhe nasal two-thirds of lhe oplic clis.c and early patches LEiroujjhoul bolEt Eundi (F)k
G rand H : This 49-y|6afdd wom an complained of fluaLers,
in the course o f the disease are often absent in the macu­
blurred vision, and melamorphopsia in bolh eyes w hen she
lar area. The patches vary in size and shape. Many o f lhe
was initially examined In February Bilateral serous
pitches are round lo oval, bonie are irregular or elongated., delachment of the macula was pjetenl. TЕ>гь resolved spon­
often in a pattern lhal radiates toxvard lhe peripheral taneously. W h e n seen at Bascum h^iimer Eiye LnstiLuLe 2 years
fundus (I'igure 11.45A and Б). Striking and characteris­ later she com plained o f nyctalopia and loss of color vision.
tic features of these patches are the absence of hyperpig- She bud vilneous ifjlls.., pigment motllin^ ai the macula, rand
menlation within or at their margins and the absence o f widespread vftiligEnous patches throughout thte postequatorial
fund w ilb rtilaLive sparing of the macular areas i£"t and H i.
siit-1amp evidence bf thinning o f either the retina or the
choroid in the area o f depigmentalion. Large choroidal [jV - F ; f r u m O . i s s " 1s 1 1 Ч Н Г . A m L r i ( .tn M e d i C q l A h u c l i U o i i . A l l

blood vessels are often visible within these lesions, and
the overlying retinal vessels appear normal. During the
early stages of depigmentation.. particularly when associ­
ated with severe vitreous inflammation, absence o f vis­
ible choroidal vessels within these lesions may then infiltrates and inflammation rather than choroidal vascu­
give the appearance of nonelevated choroidal inflam­ lar insufficiency. Karly Ln (he course of the disease elec-
matory infiltrates. Angiographically in their early evolu­ irorelinograpby may be borraal. Later, it shows moderate
tion these patches show no abnormality (I'igure 11.45C). lo severe abnormality in rod and cone function tn both
lhe lesions are usually symmetrically distributed in both eyes of most patients. 1 ' ,J lh e rod function is affecLed
eyes. En time the patches enlarge and may be associated first. The electro-oculogram may be either normal or sub­
with bio microscopic and angiographic evidence ofdepig- normal. Dark adaptation studies may show subnormal
menlalion and atrophy of the overlying RE1К and retina. rod function. D C !' over the choroidal Lesions is usually
Ilyperpigmentalion may occur in some lesions in the late normal unless the RPH ii atrophic; Lhen Lhe photorecep­
stages of the disease, l.oss o f central vision may be caused tors may also be disrupted.' ' bn ha need depth i magi tig
by cystoid macular edema (ligure 11.45E), by atrophy o f OCT may offer some insight into choroidal involvement.
[he retina associated with the depigmenlation of the RPfc Autofluorescence imaging is variable depending on Lhe
and choroid (i'igure 11.45F}, and occasionally by serous severity ofKE’Ei involvement, ihe oval choroidal lesions do
macular detachment (E'igure II .45-Cj and I E) or by cho­ not show abnormal aulofluorescence. However the areas
roidal neovascularization (Figure 1L.4&I3 and lj. ,V!,‘ ,f'4 where the overlying RPE is disturbed will show decreased
I Proliferation o f new vessels from the optic disc and retina auto fluorescence. Sometimes Lbese spots are along the reti­
may occasionally occur and cause vitreous hemorrhage na! vessels, especially the large veins., giving it an appear­
(t-'igure !I.4 6 |- L and ] ] .47 J. Etare associations with viti- ance of perivenous atrophy (figure 11.4SA and B),
Liginous chorioretinitis include hearing loss^'J and Lyme i iistopathology o f a 43-year-old male wilh at leasl
disease/™ a 6-year history of birdshot choroiditis not previously
fluorescein angiography may shoxv evidence o f delay treated with steroids or immunosuppressives showed mul­
in Lhe retinal artery appearance timer increased retinal tiple foci of lymphocytes at different levels o f the choroid.,
circulation lime, and varying degrees o f unexplained occasionally associated with hemorrhage, plasma cells,
quenching o f fluorescence o f the retinal vessels dur­ and epithelioid cells. Some foci were adjacent lo choroidal
ing the cour&e o f angiography.'1,(1 M ild vascular leakage, vascular channels. Eli ere was no necrosis. ГНё КГ1:, ciliary
more from Lhe veins than arteries, and cystoid macular body, nind iris did not appear Lo be involved. Other foci of
edema can be seen in eyes with active inflammation and lymphocytes were found around some o f Lhe retinal blood
vitritis. Dark choroidal patches are seen on ICG angiogra­ vessels and in the prelaminar optic disc.. Ihe lymphocytes
phy; their significance is not completely understood. It is were primarily CDB1 T lymphocytes, with fewer CD4i T
likely Lhe iluorescein is blocked by choroidal lymphocylic and li lymphocytes.-' '
Although <^ass observed multiple depigmented spots on i 1,4b Vitiliginous chorioretinitis and choroidal and
the arms and legs of several patients t'-iLb vililiginous cho­ retinal neovascularization
rioretinitis, these appear to be more closely related to idio­ A —E: This healthy middle-aged man was ref-erred ir for
pathic guttate hypomelanosis Lhan vitiligo. I his former pusLbevacizLiritaEi fHtidopnlbltnills of Lh« lefl eye. He bad
disease is a common skin change of unknown origin and received IWn l п Irav iltea I injsclinm» fur rutTvascular A M U in
simitar in bolh its clinical and histopathologic appearance to Inis eye. Following a vitrectomy and lensfiEtotny, Ejoth eyes
^tfligo.sr6j|'i$bfit and associ ales'observed, Ъ patients with Were nolud to have several drusen, and a partly aclive ju?i-
Lafoteal ЙгоЬЫсЩ nt’uvascular membrane wich subrelinal
cutaneous vitiligo and a fundus picture that appeared similar
hBJncxThage in Ihe let! eye. l-п add i I ion, several oval depjji]-
to vililiginous chorioretinitis. Depigmenlalion (if the cho­
mentetl choroidal ies-:ans of b iredyhtrt сЕкпю геитИн iv w e
roid and ftFE similar to that seen in vililiginous choroidilis f(]uncJ jn lioLh еуед '^A and H, and E The druHen lit up early
may occur Ln patients yfitH other ocular diseases that may be in Ihe an^io^ram and stained ]ate, й1опд with lhe choroidal
associated with vitiligo [VKH disease sympathetic uveitis, neuvascular membrane fC and DJ. He continued lo receive
and acute VKii-like uveitis caused by metastatic cutaneous ranihi ^umalj and the vision stabilised nil 20/50 follcjwin^
ц1е1апота]. l his suggests the possibility of a common auto­ secondary intraocular lens placement.
F and C : Irregular dilation a i retinal veins and retinal hfmor-
immune mechanism.■ " 5Й0 Progressive degeneration of
rhayos in [hit 5 1-yea r-ol d man who had only a few depiy-
Lhe peripheral retina, retinal artery narrowing, and optic disc
munted patches in his left «ye w hen initially examined I'fc:.
pallor and night blindness are features that may occur Ln all Three year? I a lei he had developed pmminenl vililiginous
four diseases. Vitiliginous chorioretinitis is usually a chronic., patches in both eyes ■.lJ.i.
slowly progressive disease that is subject Lo remissions and H and I Thin 54-year-old w m ia n w ilh vitiii^inous cborioreti-
exacerbations. Most patienls retain useful central vision in at nilis developed loss of cenlraE Vision in both eyes because of
least one eye for many years. с hordi da I neuvascu lari sat ion.
J and K: This man w ilh vitHTgfttoM c h o r f f f f ilip b developed
Treatment includes systemic steroids along with, or fol­
relinal and Dpi it disc neovascularization that required pan-
lowed byr immunosuppressives based on the severity of the
relinal phtJlocoa^uiaLicm and vitrectomy.
disease at presentation. If the disease Is active wilh vitritis..
l l ;u>:J I-, fro m C.J.L'ib ' " C) l M E , ■ Ч тг п с .п i ML-dk'.Ll Л # я к ы ! ю п . A ll n ;;Jiis
cystoid macular edema, and retinal vascular breakdown., rLBCirV-LTd.J
systemic steroids at approximately mg/kg are recom­
mended. Simultaneous institution of immunosuppres­
sives, such as methotrexate starLing at it}mg once a week
and gradually increasing to 15 or 20mg based on response, 'Lbe differential diagnosis before the development of
is also recommended such that it becomes effective by the lhe typical hypopigmented fundus lesions includes pars
Lime the steriod taper begins. Mycophenolale mofelil is pfan ilis, idiopathic vitritis, reticulum cell sarcoma, papilli­
an alternative if methotrexate is not effective or not toler­ tis. and papilledema. Erregular dilation o f the retinal veins
ated. l.ow-dose cyclosponne (2.5-5mg/kg daily}, wilh or and scattered retinal hemorrhages suggested a diagnosis
without other corticosteroid-sparing immunosuppressive of macroglobuIinemia in one case. Several patients with
agents, has been used as an alternative to long-term corti­ papilledema were thought initially lo have an intracranial
costeroids.'''1 A recent report of use of daclizumab in those lutnor (Hgure 11.46G]. Once the typical hypopigmented
refractory to mycophenolate and traditional immunosup­ fundus lesions develop, the appearance and course o f this
pressive therapy needs further exploration.''"'' 3f the disease disease differentiate it front other diseases that have while
is relatively inactive and the patient is asymptomatic or only spots in the fundus associated with vitreous inflammation,
mildly symptomatic, low-close immunosuppression alone is such as serpiginous choroid ilis, АРМ PPL, diffuse unilat­
recommended to slow its progression. Acute exacerbations eral subacute neuroretinitis, sarcoidosis, Behcet's disease,
may need periodic systemic steroids. These patients should reticulum cell sarcoma, combined variable immunodefi­
be monitored by baseline Goldmann visual fields and h&G ciency.''"^ and Whipple's disease.
and yearly Goldmann visual fields and, less frequently, I:KG. Vililiginous chorioretinitis shares some features in com­
Antigen ЕИЛ-Л29 is found in approximately SWo of mon wEth the M C P [pseud о-ГО I iS] (see p. 98Б-990).
patients with vitiliginous chorioretinilis.5£il'Sfl3" rK,!'' The Unlike the latler syndrome, vililiginous chorioretinitis
author believes ]ELA-,\29 is positive in lOO^b of cases. rarely affects children and young adults; is infrequently
If a patient suspected o f birdshot choroiditis is H I A associated with anterior uveitis, punched-oul chorioretinal
A-29-negative, diagnosis such as sarcoid or olher granu­ scars, or choroidal neovascularization; and is associated
lomatous disease should be sought.''4, Vitiliginous cho­ With ! LEA-A29.
!'. n4-;.:i:lh li.v- occurred in mt'iuv.y^Uic twins. ' Over The relationship of patients with vitiliginous chorioreti­
50^'d of patients may demonstrate evidence o f an in vitro nitis and the more frequently encountered chronic viiritis
mitotic immune response to purified retinal S-antigen.' ' and macular edema more often in middle aged or older
These findings suggest that this disease has a genetic pre­ women buL without evidence of lhe typical vitiliginous
disposition and that retinal antoimmunily plays a role in lesions, is unknown (see p. ШЗД).
its manifestations.
BLAU S Y N D R O M E M .47 Bird shot chorioretinopathy and retinal
n eovasc u la rizat io r .
IJlau in 19R5 described a i^rge family whose members A—G : This ^-уедг-оИ malt? presented with floaters Find vit­
were affected by a disease resembling infantile sarcoid­ reous hem ofrhaje in- hi-н ri|^hl eye. He had s'evitral areas of
osis,5^ Granulomatous inflammation o f three organs flat neovascularization in [he righl eye in addilton to oval
resulting in uveitis. arlhrilis, and skin rash with an auto­ рл Ее yellow t:bc)foid-ial lesions ali over I be fundus in bolh
somal-dominant inheritance was noted. ihe symp- eyes -А. and Dl. An confirmed Jhe a » a 5 of
neovascularization (Cl and El' and in addition revealed late
Loms begEn early in childhood, wilh lhe s-kin rash being
tynloid та « :и 1ч1 г edema in boHi eyes. H e received in tra^ rain
observed as early as age 4 months Lhe ras-h is composed
in jtd lo B fi ol bpyaciJCumab in this eys and w S storied on
o f painless tiny red dots and often resolves spontane­ immunosuppressives. The new vessels recessed oom plelely
ously. Occasionally more visible fiat-lopped papules and (F and C)r He (hen developed new vessels, in his left eye that
ichlhyobis-like rash have been reported. u -"'" Somelimes also responded Co bevacizurmib.
the rash can be so mild and may be missed. 'lhe joint Ю l u r ^ y £>f L)r. D a V id J.jr r .il . l
anomalies always appear before age 10. И begins insidi­
ously with painless cysts on the back o f lhe feel and Wrist
(figure M.48h) and mild boutonniere deformity of lhe involvement. It is likely that the skin involvement was
fingers, a characteristic finding in this condition (figure mild and went unnoticed. '' Blau syndrome is differenti­
11.4Й1-). The cysts over the joints progress to camplodac- ated clinically from early-onsel or infantile sarcoidosis by
Lyly and cystic swelling of the wrists, ankles, knees, and lack o f visceral involvement and familial occurrence, lhe
sometimes the elbows, 'ihe affected joint is mostly pain­ expressivity can be variable in family members with the
less and (he condition does not lead to severe handicap same mutation, lh e susceptibility locus for the ESlau syn­
until the fourth or fifth decade. However camplodactyly drome is on chromosome 16 at l(ip]2 -l(jq 2l, in close
may interfere with fine finger movements in early child­ proximity lo the JnllanimatOiy bowel disease 1 (Ш Ш )
hood. Narrowing of ю т е of the joint spaces and enlarge­ locus, and has been identified as the nucieotide-bind-
ment of metaphysis are rare."1'' ihe eye findings are the ing oligomerization domain 2 gene ( N 0 0 2 ] . 1-556 Л
mosl severe aspect of lhe syndrome. Jt can begin anywhere cTmonLh-old infanl has been described with dissemi­
in early childhood or in adulthood and could be an ante­ nated systemic granulomatosis, the triad o f uveitis, skin
rior uveitis or panuveitis presenting with conjunctival ery­ rash, and arthritis, and gastrointestinal trad granulomas -
thema, subepithelial corneal opacities, cells and flare in features of early -onset sarcoidosis, Blai4 syndrome and
the anterior chamber, and posterior synechiae. Recurrent Crohn's disease.'1' His family history was negative and he
episodes result in calaraclr peripheral anterior synechiae carried a susceptibility polymorph ism of .\ГСЮ2 previously
and second ary glaucoma. Progressive involvement of the described in Crohn's disease and nol in early-onsel infan­
posterior segment wilh multifocal choroiditis (figure tile sarcoidosis or Jilau syndrome.
11.4tiD and K], optic disc edema, cystoid macular edema,
vitreous membranes, anterior ischemic oplic neuropathy,
and an epiretinal membrane can occur. TU BU L OI NT ER ST IT IA L NEPHRITIS
The histopathological examination o f the skin shows A N D UVEITIS S Y N D R O M E (TINU)
noncaseatittg granulomas in the dermis and multiple epi-
theliodalr multi nucleated giant cells similar to that seen Dobrin et a I. first described this anterior uveitis associated
En sarcoidosis. However, on electron microscopy, comma- wilh acute interstitial nephritis and immune-mediated
shaped bodies are seen within the epithelioid cells- a process. A female pnedomEnance and bimodal age dis­
finding not found En sarcoidosis, which helps differenti­ tribution, the first occurring between ti and 15 years and
ate pathologically IJlau syndrome from sarcoid. Synovial the second beLween 30 and 35 years, have been noled,
biopsy reveals granulomatous inflammation xvith gianL aEthough (he disease can p resent from age 9 to 74. It lends
multi nucleated cells lo occur earlier in males, wilh a median age o f onset of ] 4
labs el al in described an additional family with (range 9-52 years), and a median age of onset o f 17 years
disease resembling Klau syndrome with dominant inheri­ (range front 9 to 74 years) in females.1^ Ш.А-Л2 and
tance, granulomatous synovitis, and bilateral recurrent liL'\-A24 are Lhe mosl commonly reported HLA types.
uveitis. ]h is family had associated cranial neuropathies. In Japan, about 754ii of patients were identified with
Including hearing loss and sixlh-nerye palsy without skin J EE.A-A24.
Risk factors for development o f acute interstitial nephri­ E1.4H Auto fluoresce nee in birdshot chorioretinopathy;
tic are a wide variety oJ' drugs. predominantly anli infec­
A and B: This OS-year-old woman with motieralelу advanced
tious agents, infections., toxins лtid autoimmune diseases. birdshot chortdre4innpal№ had extensive dtval depjjgSented
Nro precipitating factor has been found in some patients. les-ions fn bolh eye*; Ai. itim e of the leSicmS} showed Icres c l
It is not known whether patienls having an infection or overlying reLinal pi^m-t'nl epithelial ■'Rl-11j tells. The: areas of
drug-induced renal disease are at an eqund risk of devel­ FilJ E: loss- wtwe hyts&iulaJluoresceriL Several of lliese were
oping uveitis as patients with idiopathic renal nephritis. along the lar^e relinal veins, suj^esLinn prrtnary or sev:or>dary
n.’tinaf venous changes causing R l’fc atrophy in (heir vidnily.
About one-hatf of the palients have no reported risk fac­
tors for acute interstitial nephritis, antibiotic use was docu­ lilau (iabs) syndrome,
mented in 24% o f patients, and prior use o f nonsteroidal C -F: Tins- 28-year-old Caucasian lemaJie w ilh a long hiu-
anti-inflammatory drugs was reported in 1S°a of patients. lory Dl arLhritis and uveitis, previously Created w ilh ste­
Some palients with TINLJ have been found Lo have sero­ roids-, cyclospuiine, and moLhal rebate, complained ■ slow,
plftflreSsive decrease in vision- in the left eye. The arlhntis
logical evidence Ы autoan Li bodies such as anti nuclear
involved joints- tn tin1 ri^hr hand with mild invokem enr ol
antibodyr rheumatoid factor. anti-DNA antibodies, anti-
jainlh of the lull hand and wri-bL. H er fa Lhor, paternal jfefand-
cardlollpin antibodies, and cytoplasmic antineutrophil falher, and brother had similar symptoms:; Her visual acuity
cytoplasmic .antibodies, that is. c-ANCA. One patient pre­ Was.-20/20 in her rijjht and 20/40 in the let). 5 he had 1 - cell
sented with T IN U ;md Sjogren's syndrome. One patient and flare in lbe dftht eye and 2+ ceil and flare in Ihe It’ll
developed nodular scleritis 10 years prior to development eye. There were nongranulomatous old keratttic precipitates
o f TIN IJ.1 There have been reports o f family members on both comeat epiLhelia. The ri^hl fundus showed several
o ld chorioretinal scars in Lhe periphery (D and E) and lh e Tell
wilh other autoimmune diseases, such as a patient's father
cysloid m acular edema. Examination of Ih e hand showed
had VKH syndrome, and a sister who had ulcerative coli­
a typical boutonniere deformiLy ol the index linger and lhe
tis. Jherr have been monozygotic twins who developed Eillle finger on both sides (Ft. H e r diagnosis is consistent w ith
T IN l| approximately I year apart.' 1 A mother and son familial juvenile systemtt granulomatosis, also known as labs
With I1NU have been reported I here have been cases syndrome or tilau syndrome.
of'i'INL] presetiling with uveoielinitis along with t-anconi's
Tubnlointerslitial nephritis with uveitis I.T IM J),
anemia, and two sisters being affected in Japan.'"'1
C —|: A 12-vear-old Caucasian girl was seen for red eyes and
The syslemic features associated wilh TIMLI are fever, decreased vision. rifjht more than left. l-E<-r vision was 20/Ati
weight loss, fatigue, malaise, anorexia, weakness, abdomi­ on lhe rijjhl Hind 20/20 ort lhe left. hongrnmulomalous anle-
nal flank pain, ihrthralgias, and myalgias. One patient : iOr uveiLis wiLh keratic pre( ipitales Gl and -tleep puncfeifcd-
reported a red rash, likely drug-induced. out scars (H i w ere seen in the inferior retina. There was a
The ocular features are mostly acute, almost always prior hiuloiy ol low-^rade fever and weight loss. B lo td urea
nilm^en was 2 5 m ^ d l, crealinine was 2.4f and urine exam ­
bilateral anterior uveitis (I'igure 11.4ftG). There has been
ination E-howed 10 whiluj blood celln pier hijjh-power field,
only 1 case with uitilateral interior uveitis. Patienls have
red btood ceils, and hyaline casts, p- and c-ANGA and anti-
been described with relinal vasculitis, retinal hemorrhages, glomerular basftj^neni membrane 1GBM) a nLiiiadies wr^re
optic disc edema, uveoretinilis []:igure ]].43>i), retinal negative. Kidney biopsy showed no granulomas, but mixed
vascular sheathing, dilated relinal vessels, and Jipid exu­ inflammalorv infiltrate I and Jj conMslenl w ilh IIN L -.
dates. Pais plana exudates and cells in the anterior vitreous I t J —1-. r j u u r l L j i y o f U t. l i m o l h y U l i c n ; C j —J , c c K j r l c s ' y с Г U r . l o s « M u lic t u .)

have been noted, in some, this may be a spill-over from

the anterior uveitis.
A recurrence of the uveitis can be seen and it is quite
common, occurring in about 4 i% of patienls; the recur­
rences are usually more severe than the initial episode.'"" chorioretinal scar formation, and ] patient wilh a rbeg-
ihe recurrence is defined as development of ocular inflam­ malogenous retiiial detachmenl. tilevated intraocular
mation after a period o f disease quiescence. Younger pressure can he second ary to the uveitis and synechiae.
palients less than 20 years of age are more likely to have Secondary cataracts bolh from the uveitis and with cortico­
a chronic course of uveitis, with persistent inflamma­ steroid use in the treatment are also seen. Visual acuity as
tion lasting greater than 3 months, than older palients. good as 120/25 or better is seen in both eyes in Lhe majority
Intraocular complications include posterior synechiae, of patients if treated promptly with topical and systemic
optic disc edema, cystoid macular edema, macular pucker. sleroids.
]Ъе pathology of the disease is not completely under­ ( 1.49 Immunoglobulin A (IgA) nephropathy.
stood; it is believed to be autoimmune. The rena] iJLag-
A -L: A 21-year-old wum an complained o f abdominal pain,
nosis is established by a kidney biopsy, which shows w m itin g and shortness of breath associated w ilh visual blur­
interstitial edema and infiltration by inflammatory cells ring lor 1-2 days. There w efe several purpuric rashes all over
of the kidney (figure П.4Ы and J]. The glomerular vascu- her body 1121 rind she wan known lo h ate end-btoj^e rcmal dis­
Ear structures were relatively unaffected. The inflammatory ease requiring herrtodlfifysiii she wan found Lo be anemic wilh
infiltrate in the kidneys is composed o f mononuclear cells, an elevated potassium, blood urea nitra^en^ and creatinine.
Vision was count finders on Lhe right and 20/30 on Lhe left.
including lymphocytes, plasma ceils. histiocytes, some­
Exudative relinal detachment of lhe ri^hl eye and choroidal
times mast celts, eosinophils and neuLrophils. Llevated
thickening ol lhe left were зеел IA-C). F’inpoinl hvpertluoreH-
serum beta-2 microglobulin is seen in more than 6 0 % o f cent dots Lhal leaked progressively w ere noted on an^iof^raphy
patients and urinary beta-2 niicrogiobulin is seen in more ([J-Gf. An ultrasound 1HJ And optical coherence fnmogiaphy
than 50^-L) o f patients; this is a marker for the presence If.Jf.l: confirmed Lhe s uiinel i Па I fiuid. ltiu CX.'Г showed muJ-
of the disease and the disease activity. Non renal findings tiloculaled fluid due Jo HufweLirwi fibrin stands -1 1 1 . She was
have been occasionally described in the gastrointestinal known lo havfj biopsy-proven I^A nephropathy. Aggress iye
pentoneal dialysis f[]l|i|^ed by h eniodi а 1ун ii, correcLi on of
tract, bladder, and lymph nodes, Laboratory investiga­
her araefnla and conLrol of blocxl pressure improved her ocu­
tions include urinalysis with Itm'-grade proteinuria, gly­
lar slatus vviLh visual Telurn Lo 2ЕУ20 in holh eyes. The serous
cosuria, urinary leukocytes, and beta-2 microglobulin detach menl resolved and Li]schni^ tpotsi and a few retinal
levels, Eilevated sedimentation rate is seen in majority o f hemorrhages remflined t|—L.I.
patients. The serum ]gC3 is also elevated in about 80°o of i iliг1.1 sy o f L)r. knirij!I D h jtiw fl] arid Dr. L j k J,,m ,L O t T iiL 'd iu k ..

patients; anemia is a common finding. Treatment involves

the use оГ systemic and topical steroids along with cyclo-
plegic agenLs and any pressure-lowering agents if needed.
Immunosuppressive drugs are reserved for refractory uve­ disease associated with erythema nodosum and typical
itis or multiple recurrences. Uveitis sometimes predates АРМ IT E:.0,1' Others have reported multifocal choroidal
the interstitial nephritis, but most often the interstitial infiltrates similar to АРМ PPL! bul associated with serous
nephritis is the first presenting feature with flank pain, retina] detachment in Crohn's disease.1^ Systemic mani­
fever, nausea, malaise and other findings The T lympho­ festations include low-grade fever, abdominal pain, diar­
cytes appear to be activated, as evidenced by inter leukin-2 rhea, anemia, weight loss, arthritis, psoriasis, erythema
receptors on the cell surface.0"'^ nodosum, and hepatitis. Ocular complications are more
The diagnostic criteria for the acute interstitial nephritis likely to occur during the active phase o f the disease, and
include histopathological findings consistent with the clas­ at least 50% (.if these patienls will have evidence of arthri­
sic interstitial nephritis on renal biopsy. Clinical diagnosis tis.'1' ' Tallents with colitis and ileocolitis are more
is based on abnormal renal function and abnormal urinal­ likely to have ocular involvement than patients with only
ysis and a systemic illness lasting more lhan 2 weeks char­ smaJI-bowcl involvement.14' There is a higher than normal
acterized by fever, weight loss, anorexia, malaise, fatigue, prevalence of EII.A-B27-(ype leukocytes in patients With
rash, abdominal flank pain, arthralgias and myalgias and Crohn's disease.^'' CAfljDi5 /N OD2 mutations haw been
a sedimentation rate above 40 mm tig, evidence of anemia, implicated in lhe causation o f an autosomal-dominant
abnormal liver function, and eosinophilia.60'' lhe diagnos­ inherited disease, called Jilau syndrome (see above). Ihe
tic criteria for uveitis include bilateral anterior uveitis with gene CARD 15. also called N0112, has also been implicated
or without intermediate or posterior uveitis. Onset of uve­ in other granulomatous diseases, including Crohn's dis­
itis is less lhan 2 months before, or less than 12 months ease, and in early-onsel sarcoidosis. ,\'OJ.l2 normally con­
after, acute interstitial nephritis. Unilateral uveitis is rare. trols both innate and adaptive immune responses through
In Japan, 50% of children with uveitis seemed to have the regulation of cytokines chemokines, and antimicro­
TLNU; the other 504h sarcoid in several series.1,1'1'"1 bial peplide production/'" Strong evidence suggests an
initiating and promoting effect o f intestinal microbes in
C R O H N ' S DISEASE___________________ the gastrointestinal tract of NOD3-predisposed individu­
als. lhis could be the underlying mechanism for patho­
Crohn's disease (regional ileitis) is a granulomatous genesis o f Crohn's disease in the susceptible individual.
enterocolitis of un known etiology that usually affects
young adults. Approximately 10% of palienLs develop C O L L A G E N V A S C U L A R DISEASES
ocular complications/'10 Ihese include corneal infiltrates,
conjunctivitis, corneal ulceration, episcleritis, scleritis, Throughout this textbook, various ocular manifestations
choroidal folds, acute anterior nongranulomatous and. of collagen vascular diseases have been illustrated relevant
Less often, chronic posterior granulomatous uveitis, acule to the context, given the protean manifestations of some
iritis, macular edema, central serous chorioretinopa­ of them. IgA nephropathy, systemic lupus erythematosus,
thy, proptosis, papilledema, retinal vasculitis, and neu- and Churg-Strauss syndrome are illustrated in figures
roretinitis.lisLl_'1Jlft Gass has seen 1 patient with Crohn's 11.49-11.5].
]gA Nephropathy I 1.51' Im m u n o g lo b u lin A (Ig A ) n e p h ro p a th y and
ecla m p sia ,
Palie nls present wilh malignant hype rtension, Ruid reten­
A-E: A 2E-year-oid Indonesian wom an complained ul"binned
tion, and generalized anasarca.1 ^ Kidney biopsy shows
vision ir both eyes. Visual acuily was 20Л1М in each eye w ilh
IgA nephropathy wilh focal and segmental mesangio-
a small myopic refractive error. Anterior-segjnenl examina-
pjthle changes and immunoreaclivily to IgA with depos­ tlon wan пС5ГМ |ЛI. Dilated fundus HKrimiitatitm showed detach­
its of [gA in tlie mesangium. tiolh circulating immune ments of lhe macuIs with subndinal fibrin larrctw A and Bi and
completes and in situ production o f immune complexes several yellow iesions al lhe level of the pijjBftnl L;p>iIltr>Iium
wilh complement activation are involved in the pathogen­ in Isoth eyes. I here were bilaleral exlens ive inferior exuda­
e sis.^ Hgures 11,45 and 13.50A-E illustrate two women, tive relinal delachmenls (A. ]1, D, and E). Fluorescein angto-
showed pinpoint KypertljorescertCiB conespundinq lo
one of whom (E'igure 11.50) also suffered abruption of her
the yellow lesions lhat leaked in lhe mid and late frames of
placenta wilh a stillborn child and subsequent mild dis­
lhe- ■11'li .■';^i'u "i i::i u:lk'< lion <H d'-c- n Ihe sut^oNi:..: -p.k'c-
seminated inlravascular coagulation; she presented with It.!I. Optical coherence lomoj^raphv shm v&j serous detach­
hyperLensive choroidopathy, retinopathy and exudative ment w ilh fibrinous strands in bolh eyes. FLve weeks previ­
retinal detachments. Jhe women responded lo combined ously, lhe patient had Ijeen admitted few a ruptured placenta
treatment with antihypertensives, systemic steroids and and had delivered a stillborn baby at 22 weeks' gestaliun.
immunosuppression., with complete resolution o f retina! She was diagn<rced with elevaLed blood pressure, proteinuria,
a rd elevated creatinine at 19 weeks' gestational age. Her
blood press ure was up to P7ty I 11 mmHo, She had 3 + pt’dal
edema, a weight gain o f 14 lb (6kg) in 2 weeks, and a creati­
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus nine Lhal went up Lo 2.7 from 1.7. A renal biopsy confirmed
ГцА nephropathy w ilh rapidlv progressive nephritis, and no
figure 11.50F-H illustrates a patient who developed bilat­ findings su^geslive of pr-e-eclam^a. Th]s patienL devsloppd
eral exudative lelinaE and choroidal detachments (figure fuyperlensive c^raf^dopatity ahd i^A nephropathy-ajg^fciated
Ll.&OfJ with second ary angle closure glaucoma due Lo chorokkfpalhy with exudative retinal delachn'ittnl. Her clini-
forward displacement o f the lens iris diaphragm. Renal саГ course was also complicated by anemia and disseminated
biopsy helped make [he diagnosis o f lupus neph гора thy. intravascular coagulation. She was treated with oral predni­
Treatment with systemic steroids alone did not help; addi­ sone al {lOmg^day, azalhioprine 100 m|ydav, :^nd .mlibioLics
Luvotloxaci n and BacLrim along w ilh aniihypertensives. Her
tion o f azathioprine caused resolution. She Eater devel­
Visual acuily improved over lhe next 2 monlhs Lo 20-f60 on
oped spontaneous peripheral vascular occlusion in her left Lhe righl hind 20/40 on lhe lefl w ilk resoluLion of the exuda­
eye wilh Vascular remodeling (figure 1] .5ОС and H). tive retinal delachmenl leaving behind pigmentary changes of
Ocular manifesto lions of hi pus include isolated cotton chronic flscbnijfS spols.
wool spots, relinal vasculitis wilh or without subsequent
Syslemic lupus erythematosus and vascuEopalhy,
non perfusion, furLscher like retinopathy (see chapter 6),
F-H: This 24-year-old W4jman wiLh native Am erican, African
serous retinal detachment resembling VKH disease and American, and Caucasian ancesLry recently diagnosed w ith
secondary hypertensive retinopathy. lupus nephropathy develofied sudden loss of vision in bolh
evtfs secondary Lo bilateral choroidal etV-u-sions anti exuda­
tive retinal detachm cnls 'A ). Her intraocular pressures were
elevaled due to forward movement of lhe iri-ь lens diaphragm
from the ciliary detachments. Treatment w ilh oral steroids
alone did noL help, bul her findings № scl№ d once azalhio-
prine was addl'd. Her vision and fundus changes returned
Lo normal in 2 months, "three years later -she was seen lo
develop asymptomatic peripheral vasculopathy in the left
eye w ilh retinal hemorrhages and vascular occlusions itJ.
a n o w ,ind Hi. I hat evenluidly stabilized in 1 year wiLhoul
specific LreaLment. She was on svsLemic IrealmenL for Lhe
lupus HhrougbaUt-
CtfJJrKyi-r ^ faiiariir rWprtirftfs 105]
Churg-Slrauss Syndrome И .j 1 Churg-5Irauss syndrome and s l i rgically induced
necrotizing scleritis.
(]hui£-Slrauss syndrome is an allergic disease cha rat­
ter Lzed by eosinophilic granulomatous inflammation A-l: A j iJ-y еаг-otd Asian physician underwent esLracapsular
LataracE surgery in his left eye in 1994. Л year later glaucoma
affecling the respiratory tract and Ltecrolizing vasculitis
was diagnosed and Xalalan eye A n p s Was liSjgUn. bioven
involving lhe small and medium-sized vessels. Four of yediS later his to rhea I wound lie^jn Lo melt with movomenl
six criteria, which include asthma.. hypereosinophilia.. of the iris lo wtTund and disJocalion of the [josteriar-cihamber
mouoneuropathy or polyneuropathy, paranasal sinus intraoculaj lens. The corneal mell was covered hy conjunc-
ab norm aLily pulmonary inlillrales (I'igure 11. BIG ), and Liwjplasty. His vision declined Lo Э/200. Five months later his
exlravascular eosinophilic infiltration (Figure 11.51 E), intraocular lens was exchanged fur an anLerior-tihamher lens
via a pare plana vilroctornv. (Jhrxmic red eye and eye pain
should be met to establish the diagnosis. ']Ъе heart, skin
persisted, \A) and was treated with bi^h-dose ibuproten and
(bigure 11.51H), and gastrointestinal iract can be involved
Lopical prednisone acelate i'cu Ihe next ireveral monlhfe He
occasionally. Ocular involvement is very rare and includes also developed a chunoidaJ neovascjular meftibrane in his lefl
conjunctival granuloma, uveitis... corneal ulceration, amau­ L^e requiring ranihi^umah injciclions -IS and O . O ver lhe nexl
rosis fugax, ischemic optic neuropalhy branch and cenlral monlh he developed progressive thinning and necrotic scferi-
retinal arlery and vein occlusioitr and orbital pseudolu- Lis ел Lending irom lhe limbal wtMjnd consislenL ivfth surgically
mbk617-640 The palienl illustrated in I'igure 11.51 shows indiiced necrotizir^g sderiLis ID and Ef. A chest X-ray revealed
right middle Hind lelL upper-lobe opacification (G;-, increased
progressive surgically induced necrotizing scleritis (51 NS*
blend Urea nilro^en .liTd eosinophilia ■I 5'^mJ. He fulfilled the
see also page 1020) and retinal hemorrhages and vascu­
American Rheumatol о д а ® g o cim ft orL-eria for Chur^-itrauss
litis. He had skin involvement wilh necrotizing vascu- syndrome w ilh aslhma, paranasal sinus abnormality, hype-
Lilis. pulmonary infiltrates, biopsy-proven eosinophilic neosinophdlja, and pulmonary infiltrates. Syslemic fin din g
inflammation, and extensive relinal vasculilis, fulfilling included retinal vasculilis IH'l, skin papules ;FJ, and eoe-inn-
the criteria for the diagnosis of Chu^g-Strauss syndrome. phjlic vasculilis It).
Treatment involves high-dose intravenous and/or oral ste­ I 'J u L i r C t i V (>| pF3. f . M ir h a d 1II".■| 4 T. k l l l x ' l 1 'i V i Iг : hi. k k ll.'.N I

roids, immunosuppressives such as cyclophosphamide, M cL Ju n .iJd , iinrE t nuric:ll 1 <"■11 ir: nvl i.lii:-. I

and supportive therapy wilh platelets.1'4

i&allagcti Оё"(ияэйе Ю 53
FAMILIAL C H R O N I C И ,d 2 Carrier slate of chronic granulomafous disease

G R A N U L O M A T O U S DISEASE OF A -F: This 2.1 vear old woman carried a diagnosis al" 'Crohri's
disease' Гог 10 ytjars. Shy was found to have [he lesions in
CHILDHOOD the kmdus un ап examination Гог fkilters lhal she noted
whenever '.lie Crohn's disease flared up. the.1 had failed
Chronic granulomatous disease o f childhood is a geneti­ multiple therapies Гог Crohn's including methotrexate, mer-
cally determined disorder characterized by relentless suc­ daptopurine; hum i ra, femicade and was currently on 40 mg
cession o f chronic granulomatous acid suppurative lesions tirep™i)nB/day. Her vision was 20/25 in each eye, lhe
o f anany organs caused by a defect in the ability o f the leu­ anterior ье^гпеп! and vitreous were quiet. There wert! suv-
kocytes Lo kill certain microorganisms after phagocytosis. eral found chorioretinal scare, many along blood vessels
in bolh eyes., with peripapjillary scar in lhe ri^hl eve (A-[)l.
'lhe disease affects primarily young maEes, manifests
FIuortwcei n an^iojjiam rm/ealed staining of Ihe <.hronic
in infancy, and frequently results ln death in early child­ Eesions 1E and F). Her Uncle died of chronic granulomatous
hood.1 ': Young male palients present wilh chorio­ disease as a child, an a uni carried a diagnosis; of 'ulcerative
retinal lesions or scars associated with recurrenl systemic colitis' and was found lo he a carrier of C C D and hvo o f her
infections such as pneumonia, suppurative abscesses of grandmother's brothers died ot ССЛЗ us children. The palir'nl
various organs and osteomyelitis. ETtese lesions are usually was also torrid lo be a carrier of CCt>.
picked up on dilated retinal examinations performed on C t iu r le b - y . D r . S l w L ' n B r r t t t t L l

hospitalized children in the ECU. ihe active lesions appear

yellow gray and the inactive are pigmented punched out
scars varying in size from 500 microns to taige confluent lack the respiratory burst and thereby cannot kill certain
lesions/'"1'1_‘"1' lhe more often seen inactive lesions some­ bacteria, Ilowever organisms that themselves produce
times resemble the lacunae described in female patienls hydrogen peroxide such as Streptococcus groups В and D.
wilh Aicardi's syndrome. I hey are frequently presenL in the Streptococcus pneumonia, and Clostridium difficile are
peripapillary area, and lend lo follow the distribution o f billed by C G D neutrophils. Catalase positive organisms
the retinal vessels oul toward lhe periphery, often sparing such as Staphylococcus aureus, pseudomonas, Candida.
Lhe macular region (figure 11.52 A-D). Optic atrophy may Aspergillus, t. colt remain viable after phagocytosis by
he presenl. Occasionally patients present wiLh significant CGE3 neutrophils.
vitritis and suppuration, often, vitreous biopsy does not Aspergillus is the commonest organism causing dissem­
yield an organism. Women are X linked carriers and are inated pulmonary infection, which is lhe leading cause of
usually asymptomatic. J lowevcr. some women may mani­ death in ihese patients. Staphylococcus aureus liver infec­
fest some o f the systemic features o f the disease and have tions are next most common. JJecurrenl skin abscesses,
deep chorioretinal scars usually distributed along blood perianal abscessr osteomyelitis are frequent. Some palients
vessels. 'Ihe scars resemble those seen in multifocal choroi­ develop strictures or obstruction from granuloma in the
ditis [figure 11.52 C-}:). esophagus, gastric antrum and genitourinary trad. Women
Chronic granulomatous disease is an inherited im m une carriers can develop a milder form o f lhe disease and
deficiency disorder of the neutrophil \AD EJii oxidase often suffer from enterocoliLis that es often misdiagnosed
complex featured by its inability to produce reactant super as Crohn's disease.1"1'1'Ihey have a dual population of cir­
oxide and its metabolites such as hydrogen peroxide, culating neutrophils based on random X-cbromosome
hydroxy! anion and hypohalous acid, 'lhe neutrophils are inactivationflyonizalion). Recurrent antigenic stimulation
able to phagocytose microbes, bul are unable to generate leading to autoantibody formation may explain the appar­
superoxide and hydrogen peroxide that is needed lo kill ently increased frequency o f discoid lupus in female carri­
the m icrobe.'1* 9lence these patients suffer from recurrent ers o f
and chronic bacterial and fungal infection in the form of lxmg-term prophylaxis wilh antimicrobials with trini-
pneumonia, lymphadenitis, eczemaloJd dermatitis, osteo­ eLhoprim and sulfamethoxazole, itraconazole and gam ma­
myelitis, hepalosplenomegaly and abscesses from sapro­ in terferon has positively modified the course of CGE? and
phytic organisms. improved the dura ti oil лт1 цил!Иу of I Me Iriim ’lhi'prii'i-
There are 2 patterns of inheritance: the more common sulfamelhoxazole has reduced the rate of severe infections
X linked recessive in 70-30 % and the less common auto­ by 50%, interferon gamma (generates ] E-.O^} by 70% and
somal recessive inheritance in 20-30% of patients. W ithin itraconazole has reduced Aspergillus infection by 50%.
each mode of inheritance there are 2 separate generic Granulocyle transfusions can be used in life threatening
types - cytochrome b55S negative CGE} and b55S positive infections.’0- Active multifocal choroidal lesions that dis­
CGD. The X- linked cyLochrome b55S-negaltve C C D com­ appeared after syslemic Lreatmenl with vincristine, pred­
prises 60% o f cases. Autosomal recessive СС1Э is milder nisone, and cyclophosphamide have been observed.',4-'
and may present only in adolescence. Jl is believed that the H3Q^ generated by ihe normal
Phagocytosis initiates a biochemical chain reaction neutrophils can diffuse Into defective CCL> neutrophils
called respiratory burst in neutrophils resulting in a vari­ and produce hypohalous acid and hydroxy] anion thus
ety of microbicidal reduced oxygen metabolites such as killing the microbes. Granulocyte transfusions are gen­
superoxide and hydrogen peroxide. Neutrophils in CGD erally well tolerated, bul adverse effects include fevers.
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3i6. VaniiFi-. WiiBlhaA Ма^Ьа^^Лм^пе-агегпшщов^^аШ&йсшШсии^йв granJaelfisis. йг J ЭДШйпй 1K '. j65j353-63l
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3^ti. 0 jz-'/i lecas V, '/list N. Ь Шйп Яи el si. Cflral ехггеп-дm ip 'a ih : noln^ v aculs granjEft'atcis.Air O piTa^i I993:l£:l£6-S.
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333. CatJlc hi h^cpil'c ng с x t пшпо^сйннЦйй^: eo;j'es г з л я п а 1йс<^ end |.мепб 1 0 6 6 3 0 2 1 &-2Й
^neicnii ijn J Cphnaliicl 1ЭЙЕ:1 C6^30-l. Ж Di Pcfle- F: ^e^js JA. 3h e ds G. ed tin£ jal Ш doings г Telstinc сааюгпа й t t
334. GassJDM V 3E. Lert MH FTC-greiajhe iLHisdra Ипнв ami aindiEss in palients utth dcreia and c-plc ■h’hE a case ге>х Ifl CptiltaiftDi l SS£' 6 St- 44
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333. Gsm .DU, edtcr. Gtaid-osl tsscI ca iu u ctn in j iimJi's meidtJine aid rtfinnU krrnoy paie-R?. A4i Wted Ed ' 9Э6Ш ] 0-24.
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Ei£:3i-.Cj;lid'ali();Pifha(}gf^2l±i'99l. ' HiMdass E fJ QpT'fiinct 19aJ:&7:82fr4
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тМ ^ 1 Ж Ж 4 М 7 . OpiTarfil l99227:2E-9
337. FaeliE.iJG Njssei]ia:i CJiaiCC e : i.HislopattBtefflo( ihsaiuBfiia ii^c-atan-dutris 4M. toiha: Тл. Е см а t Tti ф . ii Ic K^ha n'a uj s: >n1y п'атщачеш re oa^cctiisis.. A i J
^TicicmE tofrairctg^ l£6692j335-41. Op-tf-aml 1987:103^:30-100.
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Tumors o f the Retinal Pigment Epithelium (RPE)
Thfe terms "hamaitoEiia,' \btfrisloffia,г "phacoma (mother t J.O i Congenital hypertrophy of the retinal pigment
spot}," .1lilI 'nevus" are used lo describe benign devel­ epithelium (CHRPE).
op menial tumors or placoid Lesions. Hlaiman's M editiil A: .Multiply areas of {JHFiF’fc simulatm^ lar^e animal tracks.
Dictionary defines a hamartoma as: “a focal mal for malic n E and : Litres area of С.ГЬ-dhtl-11 mistaken fur a maliunant
thл1 resembles a пеорЗазф grossly and eVeti mtoos comi­ melanoma ir а 59-year-old wom an w h o was asymptomatic.
cally, bLit results from faulty development In an organ: il Note нсгега! areas o f thinning o f lbe Kl'fc w ilbin IEh; central
is composed o f an abnoitnil mixture of tissue elements- portion c f Lhe lesion (arrows, JJ). There was- a r absolute field
defect corresponding w ith the tesion. Angjagraphv repeated
or an abnormal proportion of a sing]e element, normally
obstruction ol the background choroidal fluorescence except
presen I al that site, which develop* and grows at virtually
in lhe areas o f Thinning of the RFC (arrow, O-
the same rale as norma! components, and is not likely to D: A jet black O I K P l w ilh small fenestrations larrow and
result in compression o f the adjacent tissue (in contrast absolute scotoma in the param acular rw io n of a younjj
to neoplastic tissue).” A cboristoma is defined as a "mass woman.
formed by maldevelopment of tissue of a lype nol nor­ E: C H K P E a s s o c ia te d w ith m u ltip le fe n estra tio n s A r r o w s ) a n d
mally found M that site/ Thacoma is defined as ла ham­ a p e rip h e ra l nUffiiffiffitibd rinH-

artoma found in phacomatosis/ a group Orf hereditary E: d W R P E sht^w in g g en era I ii e d iT yp o p i^ m en tatio n a n d a

non p ig m e n te d ptii i p h e ra l rin^.
diseases characterized by hamartomas o f multiple tissues.
C : O I K F ' t s h o w in g g j^ te ra liz e d luvpopi fom entation lhal
A nevus is a "birthmark; a circumscribed malformation ex ten d s o u t It) a n d in c lu d e s a p o o rly d e fin e d , n o n pi fomented
o f the skin, especiatly if colored by hyperpigmentation or rin ^ a n d a w till- d e iin e d , p ig m e n te d rin^.
increased vascularity; il may be predominantly epidermal, H ;ind t: G r o w th o f С Н Й Р Е in a 47-year-old w o m a n h e lw e e n
adnexalr melanocytic, vascular or mesodermal, or a local­ la n u a ry 1Ъ 7 3 (H ) a n d Ju n e 19Й!) ill.

ised overgrowth o f me! an in-form mg cells arising in the | - L : G ro w th ol C H R F 't in to lhe c e n tra l m at u la r area o f the
left eye.
skin early in life.' Ophthalmologist*. have adopted the term
'fneviu Lo refer to developmental melanocytic lesions of [A-О Iftiitt {J.ftb1-. I: jrnJ I- frunt buL'ICriLiil-L. c-ULirCt'w (if Ur. НчИ.гМ
Dreynir. I
Lbe uveal iracl. and il has been suggested as an appropri­
ate term lo describe developmental placoid lesions of (he
R F E .1 nevelopmenlal uveal melanocytic nevi haw been depigmented lacunae xvilhin these lesions are frequently
described in Chapter 14. evident, particular]}1 in older patients {figures J2.0JU, D,
11 is important to realize that reactive proliferation ofli, and ], and 12.03C and H). Ihese lacunae may show
RPh, retina] gjial cellsr and retinal vascular endothelial progressive enlargement, and eventually the entire lesion
cells can occasionally duplicate the clinical and histopath­ may become depigmented (Tigure 12.01G). Although
ologic changes of all of lhe ttPE hamartomatous lesions most o f these lesions remain rather station ary. concentric
discussed in this chapter. enlargement lias been demonstrated in up to 74-33%
of cases (figure 12.01 El and I ] / " ’*1'1 Occasionally, lin­
ear depigmented streaks and localized zones of mild
M E L A N O T I C NEV! OF THE RETINAL hype rpigmen tat ion occur al the anterior margin o f these
P I G M E N T EPITHELIUM______________ lesions.' Uncommonly, nodular growth may develop
within CElEiPK1' with histological confirmation o f malig­
Solitary-Type Congenital Hypertrophy of nant transformation into adenocarcinoma o f the fcPE.1 ■
Many Cl Ш РЬ are associated with either a relative or an
the Retinal Pigment Epithelium (CHRPE) absolute scotoma corresponding to the site of Lhe lesion.IJ
SoHtary-type OEElPHs are we 11-demarcated, slightly ele­ CEIRPEi are hypoautofluorescent exhibiting mild hyper­
vated. gray-brown to black, oval, round, or occasionally auto fluoreseuce of the lacunae:E-luorescein angiography
geographic lesions with smooth or scalloped margins in patients with lightly pigmented fundi shows obstruction
(E'igures 1 2 .0 ]- 1 2 .0 3 J. They are usually soliLary but may of the background choroidal fluorescence in the area of the
be multiple and grouped in a pattern suggesting animal lesion except in the fenestrated areas o f [typopigmentation
Lracks (I'igure 12.03 А). А C H R PE may occur anywhere in (figure 12.QIC). Angiographic evideuce o f alterations in
the fundus.,J HovveVM, Cl EliPli in macula and juxtapapil- the structure and permeability o f the relinal vessels overly­
Eaiy location are rare."'1-1'Iliere is often a halo o f depig - ing these lesions may occasionally o c c u r . l h i s includes
mentalion just inside the outer edge of these lesions capillar}1,nonperfusion, capillar}1,leakage, and chorioretinal
(E'igure 12,011 and E'}. Although most CEIREJE: are between anastomosis. Optical coherence tomography ( О С I') reveals
one and two disc diameters, some may occupy an area thinning of overlying relina with overall thickening of RHEi
equa] to one quad rani of the fundus (Kigure 12.01 ft], 'I hey layer, excepl in the region of lacunae, where RPE thinning
have been observed in newborns. : Hypopigmented or is expected (figure 12.021 and J}.-' :
I Lislopathologically C l LRPli- lesions are cjbiractfri2ed by 12.0(2 Histopathologic findings in congenital
a single layer of enlarged RE^i cells containing macromela­ hvpertrophv of Ihtr retinal pigment epithelium
nin granules that may be associated wilh varying degrees tt'HRPE).
d f degeneration o f the overlying outer relinal layers (figure A-D: Clinicopalhulogic correlation o f a coin-shaped, flat,
12.02)/'-1i--4' -'й Some degree o f К I1]: hyperplasia may л] so piujmenled Itsinprl noLud cn ^ross exam ination Df" an autopsy
be evident2, Absence o f lipofuscin in the hypertrophied eye (A), Nole the nonpi^menled ha In jusl inside lhe mar­
1-1.Г I. il 11^ suggests :r,x: tluir i:u ^paeit' Lo p 1i й ^ кт I ^e gins of lhe p№nfl^SVt^ lesion. l-flstdHfftholofjic вд»mination
and digest photoreceptor outer segments may be respon­ revealed a pigmented lum ar lo he composed of a single layer
□I large RPE cells (right haEl of photomicrograph. E3). The
sible for lhe receptor cell degeneration so often present
main body of Lhe lesion was separated from the tiormal sur­
overlying these lesions.-" 'This may explain the Lhinning rounding RL’L by a haio ol parLh depigmenfed КГЬ ■arrows,
o f the overlying neurosensory relina seen on O C I {figure [J i. Them; was exlensive degeneration of the ouler layers of
12.02i and I), lhe structure of the macromelanosomes relina overlying Lhe entire lesion. A high-puwer v ie w of Lhe
in C H R P ] : is similar to that described in X-l inked ocular lesion revealed large КЗ^Е cells packed w ilh lar^e^ round
albinism? ' -v melanin granules O . i Com pare with lhe normal surrounding
The differential diagnosis o f Ci ERPL includes choroidal R P t Tn L>.>
E: Electron m i<Irascopic view ol lhe normal K P l (left sidcv
melanocylic nevi. secondary and primary hyperplasia o f
and C H R l'l RPE Iri^hl sidej in [he siimc case illustrated in
the ДЕЧ:, pigmented hypertrophic chorioretinal scars, and A-D. Nolo ihitkenin^ cif lhe basement membrane (bmi of (he
geographic dark fundus patches that are probably caused К PE.
by subretinal bleeding and hemosiderin deposits, usually F and 0 : Cliiucopatholcigic correla Li on of til IК Kb associated
occurring in patients with sickle-cell disease (see Figures wiLh a large central lenesLmted area noLed on gross examina­
6.59С and 1) nind 6.58 Ihe large lesions, if not viewed tion o f an auLopsy eye i.F i. I'hoLDmicioyraph o f the margin
binocularly, may be mistaken for malignant melanomas o f Iarrow, C l of Ihe hypertrophied R P t to Lhe left of lhe afraw
and Lhe cenlral fenestrated area shuwed loss of RPE in Lhe
the choroid {Figure 12.0111).
fenesLraled area and proliferation of [ilia I сю I Is itlong lhe
'i'hese lesions are similar hislopathologically to lesions inner sunat.e o f llruchV membrane (G).
referred lo as congenital grouped pigmentation of the Ri'li H : Hislorjiilholojiic condition of another palienl with O IK P b
(see next subsection). Hypertrophy of the RPK has been stuiwing a sharp line of furuticn 'a rro w I separating the nor­
identified histopalhologically as being pnirt of combined mal Й.РЁ en the lefl side of the pholomicrograph and Lhe
RPli and retinal hamartomas {see figures 12. Oft К and hypertrophy of lh e R P t on lh e side. N o le chat Uruuh’s
U.lOt). membrane appears thickened and Lhere is alrophy of Lhe
unfhuJying choriocapiHaris.
I and J: Fundus appearance of asymptomatic solitary C H R P E
detected on a routine enaminalion (I). O ptical coherence
tomography shows lhinning of Ihe ц№г|ун>1й retina and
prominence of Lhe RPE layer (Jl.

ly W .im J P—H Irtwri U u crin e r.'i

' —
Multiple CHRPE Associated with Familial E i .03 Fam ilial m u lt if o c a l c o n g e n it a l h y p e r t r o p h y of
the re tin a l p ig m e n t e p i t h e l i u m t C H K P E ) .
Adenomatous Polyposis and Gardner's
Л -F: t^ulljple, (jvsl jfeas of flat CJHRFJli yveija nr-eserl Ы1дС<?г-
Syndrome fiI!у in- lhe ЗП-yebir-old mol her 'A), the fl-Vgar-old sun
Multiple isolated CEIRPEi lesions occur usually in both tind lhe Ш -ytw-uld diiiij^Her (E and Fl. Note? Lhe depi^-
eyes of a high percentage of patients with this dominantly mented halo r e a r the margin o f the les-ions,. [heir radial
ипегтЬI run in n^pect lo Lhe posterior pote^ and the fish­
inherited familial cancer syndrome that includes intestinal
tail-shaped EiypdpigO^entBd лгеа :*1 иле иг IjoLh ends; o f the
polyposis, osteomas of the skull, and various soft-tissue leiionu (arrows!. The l^ lo lls showed varying du^nees o f pig­
tumors, Induding fibromas, lipomas.. and epidermal and mentation. The eye екатагяМопы were crthenvise normal in
sebaceous C A T its .I,r,,;:- Jf<- : 1 i h e r i b [( f o r intestinal malig­ these patients-. M ed ical evaluating failed I d find evid en ce of
nancy during adult life i s virtually 100%. The soft-tissue inleslinal polypotis or other disease.
tumors tend to occur during Lhe first two decades, the bony G —I: Turcot's svndium e w ilh m ultiple C H R P E (G): adenom a­
tumors in the second, decade, and the polyps in adulthood tous polyps of the stomach,. duodenum, and c o lo r (I); a r d
a Lerehelbar ntedutlokda&tefrTia (arrow, H: occurred m this
(mean age 30 yeans). Osteomas of the orbit may occur.'1'
20-yciLir-old miin, w h o pnpsenlcdil b nausea. headaches,
Approximately 50% o f patients will develop adenocarci­ and vomiting дЛег head trauma.
noma o f the colon by 35 years of age. ihere is a di^pro- 3 лпН k: HisLopatholos^y of С Й Й РЕ lesions found in Lhe eyes
porLionate ris-k o f other cancers (carcinoma o f ampulla o f a patient with Gardner's syndrome. Hypertrophy o f K P t
o f Vater- adrenal gland, thyroid gland, and bladder J, a (J). Hyperplasia iind hypertrophy o;i КГБ !K'.
variety o f sarcomas., and neuroepithelial tumors (Turcot L: Hypertrophy and hyperplasia of К ГЕ with extension
syndrome) (ligure I2.03G-E).1, Multiple C H A PE affect­ through I be lull ibickness of line relina.

ing both eyes is a reliable m arker for Gardner's syndrome. I t ] - 1 M u r r d u n f l . a l I .srn f К ftfcun l r . i t u u l s i uL ,s l." ' i

Multiple GEIRPE: appears to be specific for Gardner's

syndrome and is not found in the other familial intes-
Linal polyposis syndromes (familial polyposis without Patients with bilateral lesions, multiple lesions (more
exlraintestinal manifestations. Peulz-Jegheft syndrome) ihan 4), or bolh are specific (specificity, 0.95) and sensi­
or in patients wilh familial non polyposis colorectal can­ tive (sensitivity, 0,78) markers for G ard tier's syndrome.1' A
cers." ' lhe C H ftP E lesions in Gardner's syndrome often review of published studies regarding genotype-phenotype
show a peculiar oval shape with a fishtail-1ike change a l correlation suggests that CHRPH is associated with muta­
one or both poles [rigure l2.03Cr E, and K j.1' In some tions between codons 31j and 1444 of lhe adenomaLous
cases the lesions appear lo be located in close approxi­ polyposis coli {А ГС ] gene.46 The gene for adenomatous
mation lo lhe major retinal vessels and may be associ­ polyposis o f the colon (A PC j was found Lo be on 5qll-22
ated with abnormalities in the overlying retinal vessels.'1'' by Bodmer et aI.'1 There is no evidence that typical solitary
Histopathologicallyr some of the lesions appear similar or grouped C H R P E lesions represent a marker for Gardner's
to solitary GEIRI]El. Others show in addition hamartoma- syndrome.2"' .Multifocal CZJ IRJ^H lesions have occurred in a
Lous malformations of the RPE featuring cellular hypertro­ family with microcephaly and fe^tmeflexaa46 and in one
phy, hyperplasia, and retinal invasion, and formation of a family in Miami without aiiy other abnormalities (figure
mushroom-shaped tumor [E'igure 12.ОЗК and l.|.' 1j: 11.03):14
Grouped-Type Congenital Pigmented I : l)4 C o n g e n it a l g r o u p e d p i g m e n t a t io n o f the r e tin a I
p ig m e n t e p it h e liu m (R P E b
Nevi ot the Retinal Pigment Epithelium,
Л -С : U niocular involvem ent in three patienls. Each showed
'Bear Tracks" lesions ir d r e quadrant or less. N o ne had m a c J № involve­
Jhis is a rare congenital щрща1у first described in IB6S by ment. All had normal vibUiil Eumjlion.
Mauthner.-1^ It is characterized bv sharp ly circumscribed., LI Lind E: Marked peripheral liWoJvertiBfit in both eves о I this
patient with ftorma.I visual fun с Iion.
small, variably sized, pigment spots lh лL are often arranged
F: Higher-power v ie w of tEie upper пдыЗ quadrant of the
in groups lo resemble the footprints of anlm ab (E'igure riu.ii I furious:
12.04).lU' '' '['hey are usually grouped in one sector of lhe G : Several large peripheral zones ol hypertruphiy of the KFE
fundus wilh the smellier spots located at the apex directed accom panied ^ruuped pigmentation in this patienl.
Loward lhe oplic disc.""1 Jhey infrequently are present in the H - J: A 3 Ь-year-old asymptomatic African Am erican w om an
macular area. Extensive areas of the fundus may be affected with large lesions resemljlin^ "tilepEujnl lra< ks~
and be associated wilh bilateral involvement (E'igure К and L: a 3-year-old boy with large lesions in nasal retina.
12.04E> and li) ." " ~"л l"he lesions can occasionally be quite к -and L. c i j u r k 't y ul U r. J J . iv k ! f1.-1 г г i з l i г i . ■

lar^e and simulate "elephant tracks от grizzly bear tracks"

(E'igure 12.04J E—L), a finding that has been noted as early
as 1526." Familial cases involving two successive genera­
tions are reported.'1 N Twb sisters, one With pigmented
bear tracks and the other with albinotic spots, have beer]
seen.1'-' Whether the grouped pigmentation Hind the other
associations in a patient with microcephaly, mild mental
retardation- and deletions of ]3q33.3-q34 and ] l p 15.4 are
causally related cannot be established.'113 The retina over­
lying "bear tracks" appears normal bio-microscopically
and angiographically/1 Eilectro-oculographic findings are
normal. 'Ihese lesions are believed to be stationary, but
long-term follow-up studies have not been done. C rouped
nevi have infrequently occurred in association wilh other
anomalies or disorders including retinoblastoma and skin
t ^ p e if ig m e ^ t a ^ n i^ ' ■и -*6
These lesions hi stopatho logically are similar to
C JE K E ] Ei with increased number of pigment granules in
normal-sized Etrt cells/167 Unlike C lIK l’ti most of the
melanin granules retain their elEipsoidal shape and hyper­
trophy and hyperplasia of the KFE are less prominent/
Clinically, some palients may show lesions typical of both
grouped nevi and C H E P ii (figures 12.0] A and I2.04G).
Grouped-Type Congenital Pigmented I : l)4 Congenital grouped pigmentation of the retinal
pigment epithelium (RPEb
Nevi bf the Retinal Pigment Epithelium,
Л -С : U niocular involvem ent in three patients. Each showed
'Bear Tracks" lesions ir d r e quadrant less. N o ne had nmculnr rnv-olve-
Jhis is a rare congenital щрща1у first described in IB6S by mont. All had normal vibUiil Eumjlion.
Mauthner.-1^ It is characterized bv sharp ly circumscribed., LI iind E: Marked peripheral involvement in both uves о I this
patient with гюгггм! visual fun с Iion.
small, variably sized., pigment spots lhaL are oflen arranged
F: Higher-power v ie w of tbe upper nasa] quadrant of the
in groups lo resemble the footprints of animals (E'igure riu.ii I furious:
12.04).lU' '' They are usually grouped in one sector of the G : Several large peripheral zones о I hypertrophy of the Hf’t
fundus wilh the smaller spots located at the apex directed accom panied grouped pigmentation in ihis patienl.
tow aid ihe oplic disc.""1Jbey infrequently are present in the H-J: A 3 Ь-year-old asymptomatic AlVccan Am erican w om an
macular area. Extensive areas of the fundus may be affected with largo Зон ion к resembling "tilephanl lra< ks~
and be associated with bilateral involvement (E'igure К and L: a 3-year-old boy with large lesions in nasal relina.
12.04E> and li) ." " ~"л l"he lesions can occasionally be quite к -and L. ciju rk'ty ul I >r. JJ. ivk ! f1.-1 ггiзliгi . ■
lar^e and simulate "elephant tracks от grizzly bear tracks"
(E'igure 12.04J E—L), a finding that has been noted as early
as 1526." Familial cases involving two successive genera­
tions are reported.'1 N itoo sisters, one With pigmented
hear tracks and the other with albinotic spots, have beer]
seen.1'-' Whether the grouped pigmentation Hind the other
associations in a patient with microcephaly, mild mental
retardation- and deletions of 13q33.3-q34 and lip 15.4 are
causally related cannot be established.'113 The relina over­
lying "bear tracks" appears normal hio-microscopically
and angiographically/1 Edectro-oculographic findings are
normal. 'Ihese lesions are believed to be stationary, but
long-term follow-up studies have not been done. Ci rouped
nevi have infrequently occurred in association wilh other
anomalies or disorders including retinoblastoma and skin
t ^ p e if ig m e ^ t a ^ n i^ ' ■и -*6
'I'hese lesions hi stopatho logically are similar to
C JE K E ] Ei with increased number of pigment granules in
normal-sized R PE cells/167 Unlike C lIK l’ti most of the
melanin granules retain their elEipsoidal shape and hyper­
trophy and hyperplasia of the KFE are less prominent.^
Clinically, some palients may show lesions typical of both
grouped nevi and C H E P ii (figures 12.01 A and I2.04G).
E2.EH C o n g e n it a l g r o u p e d re tin a l p ig m e n t e p it h e liu m
alb in o tic nevE.
A—С : Except for lh e albinolic spots [he results ul an eye
EPITHELIUM examination Iha I induded color visiun testing eEeclroreLi-
nograpEiy, electro-oculography, and dark-adapUilicn studies
Grouped-Type Congenital Albinotie were normal in this heallhy 1 5-year-old girl. N o le Lhe periph­
eral d iни:E>LrLion of w hile malerial in some c f Iho larger spols
and Hypomefanotic Nevi of the Retinal iarrows, A and Klijjhl n.m owing al a jSefinal artery over lying
Pigment Epithelium, "Polar Bear Tracks'' one spt>1 l.ifmiv, C). Angiography showed Variable Iranstrfii-
моп o1 Ibe choroidal fluorescence through Lhe spots Ш).
Congenital grouped albinotic nevi are multiple, while,
D and E: Albfnolic spots, in o re eye o f a 40-year-old asymp-
variably sized spots involving lhe JtPEi in а pattern simi- Ео г Ги й с w n n 'jiin . Nole narrowing a t retina] vein (a rro w over­
Ear to thal in congenital grouped pigmentation of lhe R P E lying a liHrge spol.
(E-'igure 12.05).1"1'1'Ji,-:">'lhey may occur in one or both eyes F : A lb in o !ic spots in o n e e y e of an a s y m p to m a lic Y o u n g m a n .
and may be mistaken ft)г other flecked retina diseases (e.g., С and EH: T b is heallhiy 1 4 -year-old дГг1 w a s o lis e rv e d for 3
drusen, fundus flavimaculalus, paltern dystrophy, fundus увщ & w i lb g jo u p tid fllb iiu jtic нроЕн in IvuLh eyes b e fo re s h e
wan seen I J e c a u s of loss o f o en lral v is io n in Lhe le » e y e
albipunclatus, and Gaucbers disease). Like pigmented
a s s o c ia te d w ilh cE io ro id a l n e o v a s c u la riz a tio n (arro w , H ). H e r
'"bear tracks/ these albi not ic spols occur rarely and lend
e le c lro re ti n o g rap h ic an d e le c ln o - o c u lo g ja p h ic Findings w e r e
to be more numerous and larger in the peripheral fun­ n o rm a l.
dus, and they usually do not involve die macular area,
i l J Jr td : . O Q U r C t s v ' tnl I J r . A l v ; i r u K L u t r i ^ u t ; ^ ( .j . i n d H , L io u r lL ^ y
lliey appear to represent focal thickening of the ftP E that Dr. H jrrv W. i'vnn.i
is filled wilh a while material. This while material may be
diffusely distributed or may be more concentrated in lhe
periphery o f the lesion (Figure 32.05A and C). !n some
cases the spots appear to be devoid of while material,
and the underlying choroidal vessels are visible. In other lo conge nital grouped hype rpigme mat ion of the KPEi.. let
cases, some of the spots may appear Lo contain dark gray lhe case o f the aEbinolic spots, the RPH cells appear lo be
pigment. The overlying retina appears normal, except thal stuffed with a while material, possibly an abnormal pre­
Earner retinal vesseis may appear Lo be localEy narrowed cursor of melanin ralher than enlaiged melanin granules
(E-'igure 12.05 C and L>). ЧЪе lesions are probably relatively as in grouped byperpiigmentalion of lhe KE’E;.
stable, but further long-lerm follow-up studies are required Dr. Gass believed lhal these aibinotic RPH spols are
to document this. Although considered to be function­ identicaE lo those reported by Kandori and associnles04" 1
ally o f no significance, one patient with macular as well as in association with stationary night blindness thal was
peripheral lesions develo ped neovascularization (Figure manifest primarily by abnormal dark adaptation. К one of
12.05C: and It). lhe four patients seen at the Bascom Palmer Eiye Institute
Muorescein angiography shows variable degrees o f had nyctalopia. Studies, including dark adaptation, elec-
transmission of the choroidal fluorescence through these ironeltnograpby, and electro-oculography, were normal in
Eesions [Figure 12.05b). lhe two patienLs illustrated in Figure I2.05A-C, G, and FI.
Although longer follow-up o f ihese rarely encountered Parke et al."^ reported similar white spols in one o f two
patients is required, it is probable that the albinotic spots siblings with pigmented RPE lesions, microcephaly, men­
represent a congenital anomaly o f Lhe ЙРЕ closely akin tal retardation, and autosoma I-dominant hyperreflexia.
Solitary-Type Hypomelanotic and 12.06 Large solitary ame Ian otic spot or nevus of the
retinal pigment epithelium (RPEk
Albinotrc Nevi (Torpedo Maculopathy)
A -С: Am eLinotic K P t nevus ffrsL noled on a routine eye
]he&e solila ry-, sharply circumscribed, hypopigmented examination & years previously iri art asymptomatic 51-year-
reddish-orange or w hile lesions of lhe RPK, which have old black wom an w ith £ d fl 5 visual acuity bilaterally.
been previously referred lo as "congenital hypomelanotic 5tie had only a faint relative scoLoma to 3/1000 color best
freckle" or 'retinal al binotic spots/ are most frequently objects. Note lhe relatively intact choriocapillaris iK and C:.
observed in tbe peripheral fundus and in the temporal D ; A m e lan o tk nevus in a 12-year-old boy with normal acu ­
ity. Am sler £*rid.. and Coldm ann visual ield ejLaminalions.
half Of lhe macula.1-2 7:1 I’hese Ialter lesions oflen have
E: laired a melanotic nt?vi in an asymp1omaLic palienl.
an ova] or fish -shaped appearance similar lo lhal seen in
F: Hypopigmented R P t nevus wilh locus of RPE hyperpEasia
the C\ !RPE lesions associated wilh Cardnei's syndrome and atrophy.
(E'igure 12.06A and & - f).7j '['hey are often discovered on G-l: Amelanotrc nevus or freckle noted on Jjioss examina­
routine eye examination in children, they m a y 1, or may tion of a fresh eye lum-oved ,it autopsy -Cl. Histopalbo3o£>ac
not be associated with a demonstrable visual field defect. ека mi nation revealed л focal area of depigmentaLron of Lhe
Although they may show a slight milky while color, Lhey a ni factitiously -riel ached PPE La nows, H 1. A high-power v ie w
showed a sharp Iransilion (arrows!1 between the nonpig-
are rarely as densely white as the grouped al binotic R Pli
mtmtfd, f(aliened к PE: tolls and the relatively normal, sur­
nevi. Unlike most acquired atrophic lesions o f the RPE,
rounding RPE cells I arrows, I .
hypopigmented R P t nevi typically have no margin or |-L: Л 17-vear-old malt' wiLh a known hislory of a spol in Lhe
irregular hyperpigmentation. Angiographically the chorio- ji II i.-yi presented vvil l vision i ;■ л и :. A r: i\ pn| ii..' -
capillaris underlying these lesions appears to he norma! mented lesion under lhe fovea is partlv covered by a thin
(E'igure I2.06B and С). О С Г done on two patients by Eayer o f subreLinal blood adjacent to a circular pigmented
Golchet et al. has shown thin RPli with increased signal trans­ type 2 C N V M , temporal It) which is a crescent of sui>relinal
fluid. The angiogram shows hyperfluorescenoe of Lhe partly
mission in the choroid.r<i Bolh patients showed a "cleft" in
oEjscured torpedo lesion, Lbe lacy C N V M . and lhe surround­
the outer relina associated with loss of photoreceptors, irreg­
ing SRF. The palienl received three infections of monthly
ular edges of the residua] photoreceptors, and thinning of Lhe intiavifreal bfivaclZumab resulting in involution of the C N V M .
outer plexiform layer. lhe OCT finding remained unchanged resolution o f Lhe SKh, anti return of his vision Iо 2СУ20.
o vert years of follow-up in one patient, lhe authors inferred M-N: A 17 year old with лп atypical shape and Ioca Iion of
that "something occupied the cleft, the nature of which is an antelanotiL spot LhaL was first seen 10 years previously.
unknown/ It is Likely lhal this space is empty due lo loss of Note Ihe visible choroidal vessels Linder the thinned oufi
depigmented KE3t (M). H yp o aulofluorescence of the lesion
the overlying photoreceptors; boLh palients had an absolute
implies lack of p ic n ic nL granules w ilhin the RPE 1hal renders
scotoma corresponding to the lesion, ihe O CJ' appearance
Lhe lesion amelanolic, corroborating Ihe histology seen in 3-1
has led to speculation lhal the lesion may not be a nevus, but and I (N1.
rather a localized congenital ihin or atrophic RPH 11
iD I'lnpp CtMjWpn rmd Cad * 1 American fv11.:cJi■
!LiI Asmji i.iIioi i. Л1
W hy this bears lhe same shape as a torpedo or fish­ ri^hls reHervt<d. tr J-Ц. cjlxjiI k v uf L>r. Mjrk I. LJjily: С—I [Him
shaped C H R PE (figure 12.0ЭА-К) as seen in patients with
intestinal polyposis (Gardner's) is unclear, if il indeed is
not a CH RPE. Il is likely lhe same trigger causes the lesions show a shaup iransitlon from fo rm al R[:b lo flat nonplg-
in hoLh these conditions, but the pigment epithelium is menled epilhetium fbigune 12.06G and 111 i4-72!?- Unlike
devoid o f melanosomes here while the Gardner's eyes the presentation in most cases o f congenital hypertrophy
develop an excess of them. Choroidal neovascularization o f the RPEi, the overlying relina is normal. The underlying
arising al the edge o f a lesion is rare but reported (irigure choroid is also unaffected. So far there are no histopatho­
12.0GJ-L). Microscopically, hypopigmented kl’h nevi logic studies of solitary nevi that clinically appear while.
C O N G E N I T A L SIMPLE higLire 12.U7 Co ngen itnE hyperp Iasia of t h e re tiпд E
pigmenl epithelium (RPE).
A-C: O n a roLilinu- eye долгиiпat ion я fbcal elevalud tifijfc
P I G M E N T EPITHELIUM mented lesion IКлL eaLended through the full Ibkfcness of
(C O N G E N IT A L HYPERPLASIA Ihe retina was nuled ]n the rij^hl m JtL ila of an fisym ptoWWic
12-year-ofd girl (A). Note [he edge of lbe ano m alous uptic
OF THE RETINAL P I G M E N T disc (A and С". V-1uurescein argiography showed Ibal Lbe
EPITHELIUM, P I G M E N T EPITHELIAL lesion extended ibruu^h and covered Ihe surface of lbe rel­
ir a and lhal it stained in the late photographs (Ы and Cf.
ADENOMA) D and E: An elevated pigmented lesion ratendinj’ ihrtmgh
Lhe full ihickness of Lhe relina was noted in an asvm plom alic
Children as welE as adults wilh focal, solitary, nodular 57-year-old man. HEis visliflif atuiLy in 1be riyhl eve wan 20/25
black subretinal lesions that extend anteriorly Into and usu­ and in Ihe left eye w as 20/20. He had a pasL history o f hav­
ally Lbrough the entire thickness of Lhe retinni that probably ing w aLilied an eclipse as a c. h iI cl. lb e left fundus was nor­
are hamarLomas composed of hyperplastic RHi haw been mal Anj^icj^iaphv Tovealed LbaL Lhe lesion t r e n d e d ibrougb
Lhe full thickness of Lhe lelina, obscured die reLinii! vessels,
observed [llgure 12.CJ7J.1" 1 Ihe hamartomas a lt associated
and slained ceHtrally in the late pholographs It:.
wilh minimal dilatation of the feeding and draining relinal
F: This pigmented lesLon involving the full ibicknens o f Lbe
vessels, retinal exudation, surrounding relink traction, and relina was discovered in an 11-year-old girE w hose visual
pigmented viLreous cells (figure 12.07Л).' Like solitary atLiilv in lhe гij^Hl eye was 20Л5 and in lbe* left eye was
hyponielanolic RPE nevi, these lesions are frequently dis­ 20/20. The left fundus was normal.
covered in the temporal macular area o f normal children or G : [ntraretina I congenital KKt hyperplasia. I , Superficial. 2,
young adults on routine eye examination. fluorescein angi­ FJreretinal extension. 3, Preretina I extension wiLh superficial
vasculari nation.
ography reveals Lhal these lesions are non fluorescenl early
but may show evidence o f some staining lale or a slight Il-, cjrtu rlc iy i >
1 |}г. K. кеп п м п Cjuerry: Cj ftiirti G j i b . 1

halo o f fluorescence at the border (I'igure 12.071J and C).

]he lesions are echodense on H-scan and display high inter­
nal reflectivity on А-scan. Ihree patlerns o f retinal involve­ To date no change in the size o f these lesions has
ment have been illustrated by Gass: superficial involvement been documented. Some of the Earge pigment epithelial
Еп the retina, full-thickness retinal involvement with preret- adenomas in eyes enucleated because o f suspected cho­
inal extension and fuil-thickness involvement with intrinsic roidal melanomas probabK are also o f developmental
vascularization (E'igure 12.07C;). '
C O M B I N E D P I G M E N T EPITHELIAL I 2.0Я Combined retinal pigmenl epithelium and
retinal hamartoma iCRPE-RbN of lhe justapapiflary
A N D RETINAL H A M A R T O M A retina and op lit disc head.

Combined pigmenl epithelial and retinal hamartomas are Я —Сз A c irc limscribed, siighLlу elevated, linely motLled, pig­
peculiar, slightly eLeveled, partly pigmented lesions.. which mented Eeslon was- noted in a 21-year-old man w ilh a 1-year
history ol progressive distortion ul" Lhe vision in his lefl eye.
may bft mistaken for a postinfbmmiilory scar or a malig­
Two years previously his visual acuity had been 20/20. He
nant melanoma and which may be present anywhop in
had mullipLe llat pigmented lesions tin lhe bullocks and
the fundus. 1,s* '' lhe clinical history.. appearance o f the arms. His pair m edical history was otherwise negative. Visual
tumor, and its structure vary'wilh its location. acuily in lhe lefl eve was 20/50. Flecks of piemen Led tissue
extended anleriurly into lhe thickened feflna and optic, nerve
Combined Pigment Epithelial and Retinal tissue and partly covered the m ajor retinal vessels л? they
entered the optic nerve bend lAl. This was associated w ilh
Hamartoma Involving the Optic Disc an epi relinal gli:il membrane. F-’rominsnl relinal Inn.lien folds
Patients with tumors Lhat involve the optic nerve head extended from ill is membrane into Lhe macula. There were
and jujitapapiJlary retina typically are seen in voting adults many fine, dilated, tortuous capillaries within the Iитог.
TFiese w ere best seen angiographlcally |0f. There was slight
because bf blurred and distorted vision in one eye. '['he
e a te jjB Ol dve from vessels in Lhe Liter angio^r^mis ft:.
visual acuity is usually 20/100 or belter. IJiomicroscopic D -F: Serous detachment of lF>e macula and ciivinale roljnopa-
examination reveals an ill-defined, slightly elevated, partly Lh1.- caused Ijy a jUxtapaprllatV retinal and К PL hamartoma in
pigmented tumor involving part of the optic nerve head a 55-year-old woman (t>k Angiography revealed a capillary
and adjacent retina [Figure 12.08). lhe tumor is com­ angpomatdLis component of this lesion i l and F, slnreoj.
posed ol" a fine granular distribution o f pigment, giving it a G-F: S-гпча11 hvpopii^nenled cottibineq R P t a ltd reLinal h^mar-
charcoal-gray filigree appearance.' ■ ifte pres­ Loma in a 66-year-old asympLomaLic man w ho was subjected
ol having ischemic optic neurupalhy <G). An epirelinal mem­
ence of many fine capillaries within the tumor may be
brane on the surface of Lhe lesion partlv obscu-red lhe relinal
partly obscured from view by a semitranslucent gray mem­ vessels and (he m allled pigmentation w ilh in Lhe lumor (G|.
brane Lhat is always present on the inner retinal surface. Angiography revealed evidence ol the capillary angiomatous
Palients become symptomatic either because of meta- nature of d::s lesion as w ell as some dihtLion of lhe relinal
mo rphopsia caused by contraction of this membrane that capillaries in 1he papi 11omac ul ar bundle tH anti I),
produces traction folds in the retina that extend into the f and K: ClinicopalFioiagic correla Lion o f a j if я Lapap i 11ary
cenLral macular area (figure 12.0SA), or less frequently CRPE-FiE-l in а 2 У-year-old man w ilh an Й-woek hfalorV of
blurred vit-itjn in his left eve l.i. M elanom a was suspucled,
because o f subretinal and intraretinal exudation derived
and lhe eye was enuclealed. H islopalhologic examination
from the capillary component o f the tumor [E'igure revealed disorganizalion of Lhe normal атс. h i Lect u re of Lhe
12.0til>]. Lhis exudation may reabsorb spontaneously and optic nerve head and retina associated with hyperplasia of
leave atrophic changes in the RPL surrounding the tumor. the neLinal brood vessels, KPE. and glial Liss-ue (K). Lords and
Other complications that may occur infrequently include sheels o f К PE proliferation extended throughout lhe tumor
choroidal neovascularization, retinal hemorrhages, and and surrounded blood Vessels lartowsr Kj. \ o te the prcjlitera­
vitreous hemorrhages.i:-: 1M lhe early phases of angiog­ tion of fibrous 1issue near Lhe surface of the retina.

raphy demonstrate dilated, multiple, fine blood vessels lA J IrcHTi V t ig c t u l . 1!. ’ I .1 r : I К frcnn' ,Vi,ic h n r i c r . ' ' I 14& v. A n ilt ii.iii
M r jd iL il Л ^ ю ь ;.:1 н м 1 . ЛИ r ig h t s г г -.c;rvi;(E. ■
within the tumor, and later phases show evidence o f leak­
age of dye from these vessels (l:igure 12.0SB, С, E, i; fi,
and [). - ' l he clinical appearance and fluorescein
angiogram features are enough to make the diagnosis in hyperplasia of the RPL.. glial cells, and blood vessels
mosl cases. О С Г is useful in distinguishing lesions that are (I'igure 12.0Д] and Many of these
not very thick from epiretinal membranes by detecting dis­ lesions remijd stable. Some J¥tay develop exudative
organized underlying retina.IU-' Vitreous traction if presenL changes and show an Increase in opacification of the
may also be detected, and thus help in selecting cases th at glial component o f the tumor, lh e surface glial mem­
rnay have a potential for visual improvement with vitrec­ brane causing Lhe retinal folding is an integral pari of the
tomy and membrane peel Lo relieve traction. tumor and accounts Гог the fact that surgical sLripping of
11islopathologically, the optic disc tumors show evi­ the membrane is difficult and has little chance of restoring
dence o f a hamartomatous mal forma Lion involving central vlsioit:104' " n
These tumors* particularly if lightly pigmented. when Fig u re 12>!9 C o m b in e d re tin a l p ig m e n t e p ith e liu m
discovered in infants or young children may be mi stake n an d re tin a l h a m a rto m a s (C R P E - R H ) w ith o u t in trinsic
for retinoblastoma and Т о л ж и гИ г я н й . [ л patients with in v o lv e m e n t o f the o p tic disc h e a d .

more- heavily pigmented tumors, lhe differential diagnosis A: CbiPE-RH in the m acula o f [he lefl eye of an otherwise
includes melanocytoma, malignant melanoma, and reactive healthy 7-year-old jjiri With amblvopia in lbe left eye.
hyperplasia o f the R T L l he optic disc tumors wilh minimal B - D : CK3J t-b!H in the mncular region of an В-уеаг-oEd boy
pigmentation may be difficult or impossible lo differenti­ iA . Hhs rij^hl fundus w as normal. Fluorescein angiography
ate from capillary angiomas, astrocytic hamartoma or from demonstnil-i'd lorlUOsityr dilation, and abnormal permeaEiility
of the retinal vessels in the region o f the tumor (B-Df. Arrows
epipapillary and juxtapapillaiy epi relinal membranes asso­
indicate lhe temporal liorder of the fist pigmented portion of
ciated wilh other causes.]Ll|h One patienls hypopigmented the tumor tO.
tumor was misdiagnosed as ischemic optic neuropathy E and F: P^ripherijl CJiiFb-PH simulating a nerin:oblastom,i
[E'igure I2.08G-1J. Reactive proliferation of relinal endo­ unri rnajignapl m ob noma of [he choroid in a iT)-mofilh-
thelial, glial nind Rl’E: cells may duplicate any o f the retina! o|d jjid w h o was lbe product of a:i uncom plicated full-Lerm
and RPE hamartomas. Spontaneous development of lesions pregnancy nnd delivery. Her Eiinh wei^hl wan B ib U.ti-J
indistinguishable from a juxlapapillary and a peripheral Al age 5 month-s i п leim i11un I oxotropia was noted. There
wan dragging of lhe retina: vessel* and displacement ot lhe
combined pigment epithelial and retinal hamartoma in two
macula (arrow, F) in a superolemporal direction by a slightly
adult patients where previously there was no lesion has been elcvalecL рл rl I у pigmenled tumor that was localed near the
reported (see figure r2 .J3 G and El, below].1'' Development equal or superotemporalJv : E i. M u ch of the cenlral portion of
o f s im ila r tumors in children wilh previous optic disc edema Lhe pigmented lesion was obscured by gray-while, semitrans-
has been seen and the authors speculate that the lesion may iucunL, ihickened relink I tissue and an epi relinal membrane
not be a hamartoma, but rather an acquired glia! resp o n se.' iL:. Note Lbe dilation and tortuosity of the retinal vessels and
Shields el nil. in their recent review o f 77 patients found Lhe fealhury ч!рреагаш:е of [he flat piL|mjjn led portion of Lhe
Iи т о г '.arrows, t ' wheru it blended imperceptibly mLo the
the mean age at diagnosis Lo be 7 months for macular
normal R P t. By the a fie of 40 monlbb tbt! child's visual acuity
and tf months for extramacular lesions, and the youngesl in lhe aflecled eye w h s counJin^ fingers only and the lesion
child was 2 weeks o f age.rj *7- 1[l ll is likely that Lhe was unt banned.
trigger for development o f this disoiganized tumor occurs G-|: Mkd peripheral C liPE-KH (H i associated w ith heteroto­
in utero or very soon postnatally and the tumor continues pia ol lhe m acula and co n g e n ia l optic disc pit (It. Note the
to grow and remodel after birth {C Shields, personal com- dilated capillaries and leakage of (luhrescein ЕГ and I .
municationj. Surgical intervention wilh vitrectomy and К and L: HeaElhy 4-year-old boy referred for possible reti­
noblastoma discovered during evaluation of poor vision in
epi retina I membrane peel has shown a minimal to mod-
the righl eye. H e bad anisometTopit: amEilyopia w ilb 2Q/frO
еЫ visual improvement in few cases.|,л-11:-11'■These cases vision ^ right eye, and 20/10 vision,, left eye. There was a
should be selected carefully; full-thick ness macular holes slij^hllv elevalcd piymenlud lesion covered by gray-white
have occurred when the membrane is intrinsically woven retinal Lisbue and lorluous relinal vrssols near the superoLem-
into the lesion. poial border of lbe lefl macula 'Ll.
[A—f fiio:n С ии-. J
Combined Pigment Epithelial and
Retinal Hamartoma Without Optic Oise
(see I'igure 12.1(1. below}, the macula (Figures ! 2.0!> and
Involvement 12.11), or the peripheral fundus (Figure 12.0 9EI—l_j. Those
I t iese tumors, which art? often only slightly elevated, are in the temporal half o f the eye peripherally are often
usually discovered in one eye o f an infant or child with associated with displacement of (he macula toward the
strabismus and subnormal visual a c u i t y . ' 11 'Ihey lesion (l:igure 12.09C-L). fluorescein angiography usu­
are associated with increased number dilation, and tor­ ally shows marked tortuosity and leakage o f dye from the
tuosity of the relinal vessels, evidence of gray epi retinal retinal vessels within these macular and peripheral tumors
fibrous tissue, and hypeipigraentation confined to the (figures I2.09A-L> and 12.1ID-G). lliese patients, mosl
level of the RPE, This pigmenlation is greatest al the bor­ of whom are children, has'e no history of prematurity
der of the lesion, where its feathery edges blend imper­ and have none of the changes in Lhe far periphery of the
ceptibly into lhe surrounding normal RPE, Unlike tumors fundus typical of retinopathy o f prematurity. Subretinal
involving the optic disc, these show no evidence o f R H i exudation may occasionally occur from the tumor ves­
cells or capillary angiomatous Lissue near their inner sur­ sels, resulting ill progressive detachment o f the retina,
face. I'hese tumors Olay involve lhe peripapillary area rubeotic glaucoma, and loss of lhe eye (Figure 12.11 A-C).
lhe histopathologic findings in the peripheral lesions dif­ E I". I и P e rip a p rlla ry c o m b i n e d r e lin a l p ig m e n t
fer from those involving the optic disc in that they show e p iih e lii r m a n d retin a l h a m a r t o m a ( C K P E - R H ) ,
Eets disorganization o f the relink absence of R P t migra­ A—C : CRFJt-Rl-[ ыигтоj n[1:n^j lh " rifihl oplic drsc (ahfraws, A
tion, and less evidence of capillary proliferation within and H.i in an infam. W ith in ^Efvyral yx'Lirs there whs - further
the relink and evidence o f hypertrophy o f the RPH согик’пзйСюп of the fibrous tissue on the Lumor suria-cte (C).
(Higuirfe 12.I0D and 0 iirtd I : L^r^L1 peripapillary kFE j*nd retinal bamartoiiia in a
1 6-year-old boy. M elanom a Wl1 £ sLJspected, and Lhe eye ^vas
etfludeated. HistopaLholrjyic e^rTiliSjfion revealed hvjrerlro-
phy df lh " Kh^Ei ''arrows, t\ mild dysplania of Ihe геМлчЭ.. and
epi ret rtaJ fibrous tissue.

1.-Ч—( . o u U r t & r o l U r . J r ih n h1. S h t t c k , !r j 1,1 . l i i l I I f r u r n L .t n n . i .mrP

■ ■ l i 4! 4 I r> I I ■ Г ,
W t n ilT i jj- ■'1111■: 11■.■
11 № iJh |.ic.,rm i-.M o ri I r u m lh e Л и ч т и ,m Ji > o l

С^ > 1 11 !! 1111:11 V. L C ijy r i^l-lL I h lf i j j j l h l ll.l In ll'L I 'ill ■I: ■ ■; L li

L>r.. Giiss had seen these hamartomas; or lesions simu­ \2. E I Combi tied retinal and re linal p igm e nt
lating thejn, occur in palients with cutaneous hemangio­ epithelium hnmartomas occurring in patients wilh
mas, X - i inked juvenile reLinoschisiSr j congenital pit o f lhe n eu rofi broma losisL
optic disc in the opposite eye, and En palients wilh neu­ Л - t : A com bined КГЬ and retinal biamartOfiti of Ihe |Hac-:
rofibromatosis (Kigures 12.0УСЗ-1 and 12.11).’’ The nisso- ular region in в 30-month-old yirE with suspected relinu-
cialion o f these hamartomas with neurofibromatosis is blasloma or malignant Йй1айоЦт4 IA and 11^. Lelt esolropia
iKriV well established.1-'1'1’I:' !:I' 125 Neurofibromatosis has was noled nl 2 months of aj^e. There лды 1Й£его1егпр$ка(
been subdivided inlo al legist two major disorders. Nh-l displacement o f lhe optic nerve head and nulirtal vessels by
a lar^e ■( iul:i disc d iemeteral, elevated, partly pigmented
□nd lMH-2, with gene defects on two different chromo­
mass in the macular and param acular areas. The tenlial
somes.4 ' lbe combined pigmenl epilhelial and relinal portion of the pigmented lesion w as obscured by thickened
hamartomas in patienls with neurofibromatosis usually LrjinsjIuccnL retin^i tissue dhd a gray QTeretinal membrane.
involve the тэси !а (E'igure 12.IJ), may be bilateral, and The patient had sevEFal prominent cafe-a.u-l,iiL spols cn the
have occurred most commonly in neurofibromatosis type abdomen (Q , Several years later she developed an exudalive
2 : l-h. i n i j j , 12й mlinal detachrrietft and rufieolic glaucoma, i;nd гай eye was
D - G : Bilateral hypopijjmented com bined relinal and KPE
hamarlormis in ar: infanl w ilh neJroJibrOfnatatis.
H —|: Bilateral hypopigjnenI k J com bined retinaf and RPb
hamartomas in a child With neurn^fifjromatosi^.

I A j n J Ц f r o m C u i a ^ r [ J - C I n t m k t l m e r u ! n l . l ^ j И - J , c jlh j rltib-Y u f
D r. 1й* п tiin g Ы. K lin e :
© @
UNILATERAL RETINAL PIGMENT E2. i 2 EJmlaleral retinal pigment epithelium (RPE>
dysgenesis (variant of combined hamartoma of the

A and E3: This 17-War-old Caucasian j^iiI'h m acula has a

Variant of Combined Hamartoma of the
flat lesion W im Several patches u1 hyjtepijjruented, Lhan K P t
Retinal Pigment Epithelium and Retina with finger-1i ke projections a I ih em af^ in. Is-I л n ris of normal-
appearing and hyperpigmenled К РЕ afe и я п belween I he?
in 2002, Cohen el aL reported a condiLion they named
hypomelanotic patches. К о overlying retinal vascular or
unilateral leopard-spot lesion of the KE4i,'-' and later fibtotic a hnorma I i Li ris aft1 seen, yhe Was st'en pr^yjtstlsly at
renamed it unilateral RRE dysgenesis. lhe lesion is uni­ age 10 with lhe lesion bul not photographed. Angiogram
lateral.. continuous with the optic disc, and characterized shows w ind ow defecls corresponding Co lhe hypopigmented
by hyperp}gmental of the l?PE at the edges with Sev­ RPE. Her visual acuity was 20/50 in this eye a r d 20/20 in Lhe
ern I Li ni form mid-lesion patches of hypopigmented RPE normal fellow eye.

(lacunae) and a characteristic scalloped margin (Figure t and D: This palienl has a laffte palch Ы hvpomelanoLic
RPt in lhe macula and 1; иperol ц т рога I quadrant with Lyp;-
12.!2,\. С, H, and Cj. A few patients also show retinal
caJ scalloped edge ol" hyperpigmpntaq PPL. Overlying mild
vascular telangiectasia, mild fibrous proliferation, and vascular lelan^i ectasia artd ffitfoils Iissue Iha I has ton Iracted
retinal folds [Figure 12.12C-I} that likely make this con­ causing retinal folds is seen 1arrows I, hinting that lhe anom­
dition a forme fruste of combined hamartoma of the RPli aly may nol be fimiled Iо lhe PPE. Visual acuity was 20/25,
and retin;i. lhe hyperpigmenled RPL is hypofluoieseenl LhuF- signifying hypopiwncnlml. EjliI intact PPE.
and the lacunae show transmission hyperfluoresce nee on E and F: Anolher female patient with the lypical KPt

angiography. On autofluorescence imaging the lacunae Eesion and clearly evident fihnovascular tissue in lh e reLi-
11a I suhslS^ftce (arrow) that shows vascular telangiectasia or*
are hypo auto fluorescent, lhe authors used Lhe term "RPH
hyperplasia and lacunae-4in describing this lesion; on care­ G —|: Alm ost no EiyperpigmentaLFun seen at lE>e margins of
ful examination of the cases illustrated in Mgure 12.12.. iL this lesion with a mild libiuvascular com ponenl and suhLle
appears that all cases do not have excess pigment (Figure relinal foEds 4G>. Fluorescein angiogram shows vascular
12.12G-I.J and in some instances the hyperpigmenled remodeling (arrows, L and Jj.
appearance may appear exaggerated from the contrast of К and L: Another exam ple of a 47-year-old male w ith 20/20

the hypopigmented center [ligure I2.12A and С )ч Several vision and a flat, mostly lnypopigmented lesion w ilh lhe Lypi-
cal scallopEtd margins.
of the eyes have 20/20 vision in spite of the center being
within the "lacunae/ implying that the RPE cells here are A. I!, b. I- К ;iгi■
:dL, L i i ' j r l ul Ur. K Rirhand McDtJhilc^ (J .ind 1>,
1с'Ui Nry-vol LJr. I-.iikkti-imi Cri££arcT; L .ммI I- cjuurlr^y ■11l>r. CInliijt
intact but lightly pigmented (3:igure 12Л2С, D, K, and L).
lhe lesions are known lo progress minimally; choroidal
neovascularization ran occur similar to combined ham­
artoma. Overlying serous retinal detachmenl and fibrous
tissues have been seen, which are evidence suggesting lhaL on Lhe severity of foveal involvement; often it is detec Led
.1L least some of these are a milder version of combined as an incidental finding.
hamartoma, lhe dominant feature however, is the H leop­ Sanderson Crizzard had a similar patient who was
ard spot appearance" of Lhe hyperpigmented RE’Ei wilh reviewed by Gass in 1999 (personal communication:
its lacunae and scalloped m a r g i n s . V i s u a l acuities figure 12.S2C and t>J. showing Lhe typical appearance,
range from 20/20 to 20/400 depending on the degree of including a mild vascular and librous component. W hy all
foveaI Ш’Е: atrophy or overlying retinal changes, including sporadic combined hamartomas and RE’F dysgenesis are
sensory relinal detachment, cystoid macular edema, cho­ uni lateral and monofocal is unknown, bilateral and mul­
rioretinal folds, vilreomacular tradion, and choroidal neo- tifocal lesions have only been described in palients wltB
vasculartzalion. Age at presentation is variable depending neurofibromatosis, (see Figure. 12.tlD-G and If-J)
REACTIVE HYPERPLASIAS OF THE 12. E3 Vitreo retinal traction causing lesions simulating
combined retinal pigmenl ep ith e liu m and retina;
RETINAL PIGMENT EPITHELIUM h a m a rto m a (C R P E - K H ),
SIMULATING HAMARTOMAS AND A—r : V itre o re tEn a l tra ction W as associated w ith a n e le v a te d
NEOPLASIAS gray relinaE le s io n w ith d ita Le d retinal vessels s u rro u n d e d
Ejy a z o n e o f K P E d a r k e n in g in the in fe rio r fu n d u s d f Lh is.
Л variety of stimuli are Capable of exciting lhe highly reac­ b<jv w i IК bilateral X -!in k e d fo v e o m a c u la r *;■. n i kis- ' A a n d Ii..
tive Ri-^H lo proliferate to farm mass lesions that may simu- A n g ic jjT d p h y s h o w e d d ila te d , d is to rte d , a n d p a rtly jbcqguded
retinal vessels ( Г . . O n e y a a r later lip id e x u d a te e x te n d e d in io
Eate RPli and uveat hш artCJtttatcius and neoplastic lesions
the m a c u la r A№ a f]? a n d L' i a n d there w a s in c re a se d v itre o u s
(E'igures 12.13 and l i l 4 j £ 1,fiA' 1 One of these stimuli c o n d e n s a tio n a n d b a n d fo rm a tio n ti-..
is recurrent and chronic focal choroiditis occurring al (he G a n d H : This p a tie n t d e v e lo p e d loss o f vis io n a ss o c ia te d
site of chorioretinal scars in patients with the presumed w iLh v ilr e o m a c u la r Lraclion in Lhe left e y e . N o f e the lenlinj^
ocular histoplasmosis syndrome (E'igure 12.14F—L). The □f Lhe retina Езу л vitre o u s b a n d Ia rro w , C j . F o u r m o n th s later
Eesions may be pigmented or nonpigmenled and they Lhe ju x ta p a u illa rv re Lina w a s te n te d a n Le rio rly b y fu rth e r v il-
mniy be difficult to distinguish from choroidal melanomas r e o js c o n d e n s a tio n a n d 1 r a d io n . N o t e the d a r k e n in g o f the
К PI: (a rro w , H ) lhal s u rro u n d *. tbe- m ass a n d c a u s e d il to s im ­
bionucroscopically, angiographically or ullrasonographi-
u la te L K P L - F t H .
cnll y. ■ Hisiopathologicallyr some of tbe lesions in ay dem­ I a n d | : Fo c a l v il neorel i па I |гл с й й Ц c a u s e d an e le v a te d p ig ­
onstrate cytologic features suggestive of RPE neoplasia m e n te d lesion assoc iflled w ilh d is to rtio n b f lb e relina l vessels
(i'igure 12.1411-L). 'i'hese highly reactive lesions may be a n d a £ t$ y o p jre tin a l m e m b r a n e s ;:n u la lin ^ C J K K t -K H 11). F o u r
locally destructive but л re apparently incapable of me Las- years I a I от lh e viln e o u s a n d pari o f lb e e p ire lin a l m e m b r a n e
tnisis. Histopalhologically the index of suspicion of reac­ larrovr1. Г s p o r rta ijjj^ Jtly d e p t h e d fro m the -retina.
tive hyperplasia should be high if lhe lesion arises within
or adjacent lo j chorioretinal scar, particularly in the juxla-
papiltary area. I'igure 12.1^3A -t demonstrates the unusual
development of mass lesions presumed to be reactive Rl'li
hyperplasia arising within congenital familial macular
[2.14 R e a c tiv e EiyperpEasia о I Lhe re tin a l p i g m e n t
e p i t h e l i u m ( RPE) si m u t a t i n g R P E h a m a r t o m a s a n d
choroidal m e la n o m a s .

A-E: Л nodule o f RKL hyperplasdel (artDWi£ A and В I devel­

d p e d wiLhin congenital m acular sLaphylomas of I hi & 25-year-
oJtl Woman. Visual acu ily was 20.400 bilaterally O ver
a period of several] vear* (tie К l-'E nodule in Ihe LefL eye
enlarged and a melanoma was suspected (Ск Angiography
revealed the presence о t bfoud vessels within the nod­
ule I a now, 1>i and lale Staining (EJ. Bilal eral m acula-г stairs
ntilud in eady childhood in the pa lit! i: I and her broLher ware
alLributed Lo toxoplasmosis. H ef j^rnndfalher had m acular
F and G : A small pigmented nodule (airuw, Ff developed un
l h e rii^hl optic disc d f l his fialienl w ilh multifocal c h u r i c u e L i -
nal and juxtapapJjj^Ey scars Lyplcal df the presumed ocular
hisloplasmoRii; syndrome (P Q H S j, Angiography showed dila­
tion o f l h e capillaries i n t h f i surface uf ltie nodule I d . and
lale sLaining.
H - L ; Tlii^ 64-year-old wom an w i L h hi liberal I’O H S devel­
oped л slowly enlarging mass on Ifie lefl oplic disc 'H i Lhal
far a period of 3 years was unassociaLed w ilh loss of visual
acuity,. before developm enl of an extension of lipid exu­
date inLo Lhe macula <Jk Because uf concern o f a m elanom a
a needle biopsy was dune. The results were equfvocal and
Lhe eye was enucfealed. Hislupathologically the Lumor was
compost'd of larj^e h уроЫдпл e г ted ИГЕ cells showing m ini­
mal miLolic activity IК and Lj. The Lumor was interpreted as a
low-yrade adenocarcinom a o f the KF’t by Shields eL a l.1" bul
in lhe aulhor's opinion represents reactive RPL hyperplasia.
i H - L Ггслп S h i c U l b Ш ! 1444. A r i iL 'N t . in M L - iJic .4 A i m e c i f f a r t . Л 31
rijjJils rubL'rvciiJ..
ADENOCARCINOMA (MALIGNANT I 2. \> Malignant epithelioma ot the retinal pigment
epithelium (RPE) (aden oca rei noma of the RPE).
Л -К: This- йО-уелг-oid asymptomalic was found lo
PIGMENT EPITHELIUM h a vr1 a raised p ij’ mcm Led Fnaisl in lh e Iftferotemporal periph­
ery w ith в feeding arteriole, surface relinal hemonhages.,
Adenocarcinoma of Lhe RE1ti is an ejttremely rare tumor a n d 5urr4junding lipid exudates during a ro u tin e exam. Her
Lind often Lhe diagnosis is made, after enuclealitin. linger vision was 20/20 in each eye ГA'l. A year taler (he exuda­
reviewed lhe literature in ]99614" and found 12 rases, the tion h-nd increased and was associaL[!d w ith Kuhretinal fluid
majority of them in W o^EV e jl ( 10/ E 2 , often asso­ (B). O ver the next 4 years Ltie lu m o f e n la rg e d w ilh surface
ciated u'itb uveitis,'inflammation (5 S% ), resistant Lo wrinkling, progres-yjve exudation, cysLoid nnacu!ar рН етл,
vitreuus cells, and fibrosis (tl and □). В scan reveals an
plaque radiation or other treatment and resulting even­
ovoid Lumor a n d adjacent relinal detachmenl E:i. During Lhe
tually in a painful blind eye. A few more cases have since
subsequent 3 years she received various treatments includ­
heen described, some de novo, and others arising from a in g lo p ic a l a nti suh-Tfjnonrs slerosds, ncmsLeroid a I aj^ents^
Gi IFtPE lesion.1^"1'1 H should be suspected in women with photodynam ic therapy, vitrectomy, and laser phulocoagu-
a hyperpigmenled tuberous-appearing mass associated lalion. Overall., during this time the tumor progressed very
with large feeder vessels, lipid exudation, and inflanmia- fitller bul the com plications progressed relentlessly. The eye
tory signs (i:igure 12. ISA-G). The mass becomes highly became painful and vision decreased to hand motions. She
underwent enucleation. Gross section re ve a ls a diffusely
elevated, invades the sensory retina, and produces a pro­
pigmeiHed tumor Hind a d ja ce n L relinal deladunent. ^ote Lhe
gressive exudative retinal detachment (Hgure 12. IS A- F).
large sinusoidal vessel н feeding Lhe Luinor aL ils base f(J anti
Gystoid macular edema, epiretinal gliosis, and vitre­ H:. HemaLoxylin and eosjn slain shown rows of R PE coils
ous membranes are often seen over lime. Ultrasonogram ananged over its b a s e m e n t membrane Ц ). The inner R P E cells
shows the elevated Eesion and associated retinal detach­ show anaplas1ic feature* w ilh Lrger nuclei (K).
ment. Plaque radiotherapy, intravitreal steroids, photo­ |{ 4 ju r tr * iy c jT L )r. lu r r y S t iiu k & L , i n d L Jr . C hto I S h ie ld * .)

dynamic therapy, vitrectomy, or other therapy does not

control lhe growth and Lhe eye becomes painful or phthis­
ical. Sections of (he enucleated eye show large sinusoidal into a malignant epithelioma (Ngure 12.iSK ). Shields
feeder vessels around a diffusely pigmented tumor (J'igure et al. have seen this in two African American women
12.1 SG and I I). Pathological examination reveals cords of where the affected eye became phthisical.Ifl E'o date, the
RPE cells on a basement membrane (L-'igure 12.1.ij), some tumor is locally destructive and distant metastasis has not
of which are anaplastic, where the adenoma has turned been seen.
38. FHiia'js A ZhiCh ZM. a E. el i . Caxea ta IweiiBrtN of tre 'ei na pt(r?r
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This page mtentlonaSly left blank
Neoplastic Diseases of the Retina
RETINOBLASTOMA 13.01 Retinoblastoma.

A ' H e le i o ib r o m ia i rides, the p re s e n tin g m a n ife s to I io n o f

Presenting signs of retinoblastoma include leukoco- re tin o b la s to m a , in Ihe riijhl a y e o f chit intern.
ria (a white pupil), strabismus, hyphema (blood in the B —F : La r^ e e x o p h y Lic re tin o b la s to m a . Molt? dilat-ed lo rLu o u s
ante riot chamber), Vitreous hemorrhage, and, rarely, a retinal vessels th a l e xte n d d o w n inLo Ihe s u b s ta n c e c l Lhe
red painful eye (Figure: 13.01 A).' L3arents are usually the Lu m o r IB a n d l l j Lind a n g io g ra p h ic e v id e n c e o f sLu in in ^ I3>
first lo note a ''glared look,u "wandefttig eye," or "shiny" a n d E). La r^ e b lo o d vessels la iro w s i w e re e v id e n l h ls lp p ^ th o -
lo y ic .illy пол г I ho su ila c e o f tb s tu m o r IF- .
appearance of the pupil. A prolonged Lime to diagnosis
C t - I : .4-1-Li ILi It* w h ile tu m o r seeds w e re e v id e n t a n lh e relinal
advanced diseise, and exLraocuiar involvement are more
surface p o s te rio rly in this c h ild w i lh a p e rip h e ra lly lo c a te d
frequently observed in developing cou nines.J 'lhe diagno­ r e lin o b la s lo m a . T h e y s h o w e d n o a n g io g ra p h ic e v id e n c e o f
sis of retinoblastoma is made in ЭО'Мл of patients before 5 b lo o d vessels (лn o w s , H ' . N o le lh e n e c ro lic c e n te r o f Ihe
years of age.* in cases wilh a family history of retinoblas­ Lu m o r seeds (a rro w ) e v id e n t h l$ td p a lh o lo g ic a lly ■'!
toma, the diagnosis may be made in the first few days of I—I : S m a ll re Lin o b la s Lo m a o r re Lin o m a s h o w in g c a lc ific a tio n
Life al a screening examination. Although mosl patients u n o w , 1 1 in hi 4 -y e a r -o ld In d ia n c h ild w h o h a d e n u c le a Lio n
ol" his left e y e 1 m o n th b e fo re e x a m in a tio n . H is L o p a lh o lo jjic
wilh retinoblastoma present as young, children, retino­
e x a m in a tio n o f Lhat e y e re v e a le d re tin o b la s to m a w iLh in v a ­
blastoma has been reported in palients as old as 60 years.1
sio n o l lh e o p lic n e rv e . H e w a s referred far tre a tm e n t o f
Approximately 200 cases occur each year in the USA.' Ihis solitary lesion n o te d in ih e righl e y e . H e h a d л 6 -ye a r-
Hi Iale гаI involvement occurs in 20-35% of cases. Second- o ld b ro th e r w h o h a d a n e n u c le a tio n o f o n e e ye at b m o n th s
eye involvement is delayed in approximately 20-25с,й of or a y .3. H is m o l h e r : F ig u re 1 3 -0 4 A - L i h a d а г е И п о т л .
cases, lhe mean age of diagnosis is 13 months for those Flu o re s c e in a n g io g ra p h y (JeveSffid a Line t ^ m lla f y n c lw o rk
wilh bilateral retinoblastoma versus a mean age of 24 w ith in a n d im m e d ia te ly s u rro u n d in g lh e tu m o r IК л n d L .
T h e re w n s e x te n s iv e leakage o f d y e fro m these vessels. rhjs
months in those wilh unilateral retinoblastoma.0 In a
pa tioni d ie d o f w id e s p re a d m e la s l^ -is several m o n lh h later.
recently published study, the mean age-adjusted incidence
T h e clin ic a l a n :J a n a ® g ra p h ic a p fie a ra n c e o f I his s o lih u y
rate of retinoblastoma in lhe USA was 11.Я cases per m il­ n o d u le is q u iLe s im ita r Lo Lhat o f retinal as I nocyLLc h a m a r lo -
lion children aged 0-4 years, similar to rates reported from m as a n d г ^ П п и т л .
European countries.' Moreover, (he age-adiusled incidence
rate of retinoblastoma in the USA has remained stable for
the last 30 years.'
lietinoblasLomas are typically globular, while, usually exophylic tumors may occur. IJiomicroscopic and angio­
well-circumscribed tumors thal may arise anyw he re in graphic evidence of communication of these dilated ves­
the fundus (figure 13.01 В and Cj. 'lhey may grow inward sels with blood vessels extending into lhe depth of the
toward the vitreous (endophytic] or ouiward (exophytic) tumor serves Lo differentiate retinoblastomas from pri­
into the sub retinal space and may or may not be associ­ mary retina] telangiectasis associated wilh underlying
ated with ophthalmoscopic evidence of focal areas of exudative detachment (Coals' syndrome] [figure S3.01A-
calcification [figure 13.01])/ Varying degrees of vascular­ ]i).1Seeding of the tumor along the inner retinal surface
ization of the tumor occur and this is usually seen best and into the vitreous occurs frequent!^ in advanced cases
with fluorescein angiography (Figure 13.0Ш, L, Ei, and [Figure 13.0K.-1]. tjitetision of retinoblastoma into lhe
L ] ^ 11Telangiectasis of the retinal vessels on the surface of anterior chamber may occur.1:
As many as 80% of eyes con Lai mug relinohla&toma have 13.0^ D iffu s e in n itra tin g re tin o b la s to m a .
calcification demonstrable by ultrasonography or other
A - D : A 4 4 i-ve a r-o Jd b a y o n a v is io n tc nooning visit w a s
Lraiaging studies.1' Computed loinography (С Г) is superior fo u n d lo h-ave h a n d m o tio n vis io n in the left e y e . tM e r n a l
to magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in detecting calcifi- л р р е а та п се re v e a le d lu u k o c o ria n f lh e lefl e y e at lh e lim e
cafltpi.14 Uowt’veTr MRI is superior Lo С Г scan in defining ol initial ■м.!г(Ч'n in ц lA j. U ltra s o n o g ra p h y re v e a le d ir re g u E id y
anatomic differences in pseudoglioma, particularly Соль' Lh ic ke n e d fe lin a l d e la c h m e n l w ilh v ilre o u s ti& q i InLnsocular
disease, and in detecting exlraocular extension of the m ass o r in tra o c u la r c a lc ific a tio n , features d iagnostic: o f
r e fin a b la g p m a w o re n-oL p r a w n I M a g n e tic re s o n a n c e
tumor.1’ 115
im a g in g c o n firm e d e n hkarnilrig Ih itk e n e d re lin a (С."!■. C ro s s
Diffuse infiltrating retinoblastoma is an unusual type
e x a m in a tio n o l the o n u t 'k ^ le d gldfce c o n firm e d find ing s o f
of relinoblastoma (1.5% of cases}. ]( лгау simulate uve­ the im a g in g s tu d ie s. H F s lo p a lh o lo g y e s ta b lis h e d Lhe d ia g n o ­
itis, is unassociated With formation of a discrete mass, sis ol' a d iffu se in filtra tin g re tin o b la s to m a I L » . P o o r p ro g n o s tic
and may be accompanied by a pseudohypopyon (figure fa t (on- fo r m etastasis such as c h a ro id a J in v a s io n , re tro la m r-
L3.02).1■ ' l:: С Г and ultrasonography are of ! in i Led value n a r o p lic n e rv e e x te n s io n , a n d uxLrascJera] exLen-sion w e re
in lhe diagnosis of diffuse retinoblastoma. Other fea­ a b s e n t.

tures of this form of retinoblastoma are: older average age

of presentation [6 yeaть. compared Lo 13-24 months); f 3 .03 N e c r o lic ret in o b las t o m a .
slight male predominance {6 4 % ); all reporLed cases have
heen unilateral and none has heen familial; and anterior- A-D: A 13-monlh-oFd b o y p re se n led w ilh Je ll-s id e d orbital
ceil и li Lis. H e did noL hatffe past medical dr b c lila r hisLorv. a n d
chamber paracentesis is helpful in making the diagnosis. A
family hislory was negative lor ocul.jr iLimor or olher jab nor­
few patients with extensive involvemenL of the retina may
malities. Examination of the lelt eye w as dilficull due Lo lid
develop nrbUid vd.LJiLh lk.:.L is not necess^rih associated g d e m a and c n n ju n c Liva l chomusis. A n te r io r exam in a tio n o f
with extraocular extension of the Limtor [figure 13,03}/ Lhat eye revealed a diffusely hazy cornea, a fix e d m id -d rla Le d
The differential diagnosis in patients With localized pupil, arid brown-colored i rides. In-Lraocular pressure in Lhe
white relinal tumors includes retinomas (figure 33.04).. lefl eye was 2 2 m m H g (Aj. T h e v ie w of Lhe posterior p o le
astrocytic hamartomas (see figure 13Л1), И яасат amis in Ih e left «ye was unobtainable. Ё-ясап ullrasonography
revealed a large intraocular m ass extending from lh e o plic
granuloma {see figure 10.26)r intraocular teratoma and
disc w ilh a maximal heighl of 1 1 mm J J l . M u hi pi о sm il 11
com bilied pigmenl epithelial and relinal hamartomas (see
hyperechagenic inLensilies w ere visible within (he m ass
figure 12. N ).jV A rare intraocular teratoma is illustrated Lind w e re pernisLenl al lo w g a in , co nsistent w ilh calcium
in figure 13.0.511-К . Sacral teratomas are the most com­ d e p o s itio n . Im a g in g w ilh magnetic resonance im a g in g con­
mon newborn tumors ( i f .35 000): 75% occur in female firmed left orbit p re - a n d postseplal edem a with an enhanc­
in fan t&. All teratomas seen at birth are benign, and ](>% ing lesion along Ihe p o s te rio r aspect ol I h o left ^iobe (C l. T h e
of those seen in older children are malignant, leratomas palienl was slarleri on I epical prednisone and atropine, as
well as Oral prodn i no ne. This I regiment regimen lod Lo pa r­
arise from piuripotent cells from more than one germ
tial improvcmunl of lhe orbital inllam m alion. E x a m in a tio n
layer. In patients with large tumors and leukocoria, the dif­
under anesthesia confirmed I ha I Lhe righl E?ve w a s normal.
ferential diagnosis includes relinal telangiectasis {(boats' Li xa m iration of the lefl eye confirmed conjunctival ( Itcmo-
syndrome), Toxoaffia canfo. retinopathy of prematurity, sis, corneal екЗсяпл, rubeosis, hyphema, and heterochromia.
familial exudative vilreoretinopathy, pereistent hyperplas­ A d d itio n a lly , fundus evalualron revealed v ilr e o u s hemor-
tic primary vitreous, retinal dysplasia, Lraumatic chorioreti­ rhaye w ilh J J i ill-dufiiTud m ass al lht.f n^sal q u a d ra n t. Liespite
nopathy- calcified intraocular abscess, and inconlinenlia Lfio ruliooiis^ intraocular pnt^ssunj \vas 1 jf m m Jlg in Lhe lefl
eve. I!kt!Jv indicating я p r e p h th ja c a j slato. t;iven Lhe c lin i­
pigmenLi."'" Clinical features lhat suggest a diagnosis of
cal diagnosis of net. noli с r-elinofjlHisLoma, enuclealion ol" Ihe
retinoblastoma are the absence of cataract and the relative
loll eye was performed. Hislopalhology confirmed a relino-
lack of in П а т т а Li on/'1Since surgery disseminates malig­ ^ilreal vascular Lind inflamrnaLcjry masu consisting ol" i'ibrin,
nant cells ouLside the eye and worsens Lhe prognosis for inflnmmalorv Cells; deLachod and dygerveraling reLina,
survivatr intraocular surgeiyr including biopsy should only prominenL vascu'aLuTe, antJ a stlhiall amtHinl of necrosis, rdnd
be performed in exceptional cases when retinoblastoma calcificaLion 1DK Despite examinalion ot several cuts of Lhe
cannot be ruled out by other methods. filube, I hem was i>r> evidence bl relinofilasltjma celli. It was
nbHiimed ihal the foLinoblasLom,! had undergone int"an:tior>
and was no longer detecLalile.
I rum j .slI fJ uv.l el ,bl., '' Wilh ptulrtilitlun.J
Retinoma/Retinocytoma 1 3 . E) 4 R e t i n o m a / r e t En o c y t o т а ,

Kelinocyloma Is a benign variant of retinoblastoma, pre­ A —E : Th is a s y m p to m a tic 2 3 -y e a r-o ld m o th e r a i [he patlerrt

Illu strated in F ig u re 1 3 .1 F—L h a d three re tin o m a s ( А - C l . T h e
viously referred to as rctinoma, spontaneously regressed/
o n e in the right m a c u la h a d c lu b -s h a p e d c a lc ifie d o p a c itie s
arrested retinoblastoma, And retinoblastoma group [J i a rro w , Л . w ilh in LEie ^ o n e o f a W o p h ic ru lin a . A n g io g r a p h y
(higure I3.04).35 J lhe diagnosis of retinocytoma is s h o w e d p e rfu s io n o f a n e tw o rV o f relin a l vessels a n d u n d e r­
based upon Lis characteristic features of homogeneous ly in g Ear^e c h o ro id a l vessels in th e area o f Ihe lesion I D f .
translucent retinal mass, calcification, nonspecific reli­ There Was-s o m e s-Lnin-in^ o f I h o p e rip h e ry o f Ih e lesion :L i .
nal pigment epi the] ini L [RPE) alteration, and chorii) reli­ F: P ro b a b le heliftCrfna o r a ^ № i(y lic h a m a r lo m a in .in a s y m p ­
nal atrophy^7 Neariy one-half of patients diagnosed with to m a tic 4 -y e a r -o ld c h ild w ith n o o th e r o c u la r a b n o r m a IiLies
a n d a negatiire fa m ily h is to r y
retinocytoma have a tamily history of retlnoblasLoma. 15
G - l : R e tin o m a w ith c a lc ific d liu n I a rro w , G } in a 2 1 -y e a r-
Approximately SO^o of their offspring w ill develop retino- o ld a s y m p to m a tic m o th e r w h o h a d a c h ild w ith b ila te ra l
bEastoma. Malignant transformation of a retinoma has relirm EjlaH tom aK. N o t e lh e ,rfis h -fleshT lu m o r i ' O a n d Ihe rich
o ccurred.flu orescein angiography reveals evidence of vahcuJar n e tw o rk a n d lo c a l li e d staining e v id e n t a n ^ io ^ ra p h -i-
a vascular network within rellnonias and some evidence c a lly ( H a n d I..
of dye leakage (Figure 13.04D, li, El, and I).3' There I К L d u I e I ) 111 =J r . t h r m . i r d li. D trfU

is often evidence of RPJi and choriocapil laris atrophy In

the area of the retinoma (E'igure ] 3.0415]. Anastomosis
between lhe relinal and choroidal vessels may occur.-1*
11istopaLhologically, in contrast lo retinoblastoma, reli­ cases are familial and У0% are sporadic. All palients with
noma/relinocvtoma is composed of well-differentiated., familial retinoblastoma are at risk of passing lhe
ben lgn-арреа ring mature relinal celEs without evidence of predisposition for lhe development of lhe lumor lo lheir
necrosis or mitotic activity.5' Ophthalmoscopically retino- offspring From a genetic perspective, it is simpler to dis­
mas appear identical lo so-called regressed retinoblastoma cuss retinoblastoma as fieri table or nonheritable. I leritable
following irradiation treatmenL (Figure ] J3.05}. ft has been cases [ones in which the predisposition lo lhe tumor can
surges led that lhis portion of the tumor remaining after be passed on lo the nexl generation} result from a primary
treatment may be the result of a coexistent retinoma.’"-' mutalion in the germ cells (sperm or egg. hence all rell-
Retinoblastoma can be considered as familial or spo­ nal cells in the individual have a first mulation) and sec­
radic, bilateral or unilateral, and heritable or nonherliable, ond mutalion(s) in retinal cells. Heritable cases include all
ibus, a case may be unilateral sporadic, bilateral spo­ bilateral cases, all multifocal cases, all familial cases, and
radic, unilateral familial, or bilateral familial. About two- at! cases in wbftch a second neoplasm developed. Aboul
Lbirds of all cases are unilateral and one-third are bilateral. 15% of sporadic uniEateral cases (no family hisLoiy) are
Approximately 1044 of newly diagnosed retinoblastoma also heritable.
In about 10% of families, reduced peneLrance can be 13 ,0 5 R e t i n o n W r e t in o c y t o m a ,

seen in individuals (absence of retinoblastoma) who are

A —D : A 3 2 -y e a r-o ld C a u c a s ia n m a r w as e x a m in e d b e c a u s e
determined to be RBI mutation carriers, either through his I w o c h ild re n w e re d ia g n o s e d w ilh b ila te ra l m u ltifo c a l
molecular diagnosis or obligate carrier status in a family. n e lin o b la s lo m a b e fo re Ihe age b f 1 ■A J . H e re p o rte d a h is to ry
Mechanisms of reduced penetrance and variable expressiv­ □I fta m b ly o p ia " in Lhe right e ye w it h a vis u a l a c u ity o f 2 0 /4 0 .
ity include mutations that lead to reduced expression of D ila te d fu n d o s c o p y s h o w e d tw o c irc u m s c rib e d c h o rio re tr-
retinoblastoma protein expression or production of par- a tro p h ic lesions in the te m p o ra l re g io n o f lb e m a c u la 1EJJ.
N o n s p e c ific retinal p ig m e n t e p ith e liu m (R P E ) c h a n g e o f Lhe
Lially inactive protein."'"1'
m arg in s a n d m in im a l intrinsic c a lc ific a Lio n w e re e v id e n t.
Hie human retinoblastoma susceptibility gene (S S l)
Flu o re s c e in a n g io g ra m s h o w e d transm ission defects in d ic a ­
was sequenced in allowing for development of tive ol" Fif'3: and c h o ro id a l a tro p h y (С )- O p t ic a l c o h e re n c e
molecular techniques for mutation detection and diag­ to m o g ra p h y c o n firm e d m a rk e d retinal a tro p h y w ilb in Lhe
nosis. is located on chromosome 33 region q]j5- loF-ions ( D j . N o retinal lu m tw w a s id e n tifie d .
Et is relatively large, with 180 kilobases and 27 T h e p a tie n l, his s e c o n d d a u g h te r, a n d h e r b io lo g ic a l
exons. А п л lysis, of a large number of germ line mutations m o th e r u n d e rw e n t g e n e tic testin g . A h e te r o zy g o u s С bo С
su b stilu Lion in lh e fin a l base f>osition o f e x o n 1 3 o f Lhe RHI
in patients With hereditary retinoblastoma has revealed
g e n e 1 C .1 5 6 0 G —*(I iV £ > 5 4 D f w a s id e n tifie d in th e p a tie n t
Lhal about 15% are large deletions, of which ^5-6%
a n d his d a u g h te r o n s e q u e n c e a n a ly s is o f p e rip h e ra l b lo n d .
are cyto genetically detectable, 26% small-length altera­ This m unition- < a и sod m is s p lic in y a n d o u l-o t-fr a m e s k ip p in g
tions including small insertions and deletions, and 42?□ o f e x o n 19 lh a l resu llod in a s u b s e q u e n t le rm m a iic m c o d o n ,
base substitutions. 1 lift I mutation analysis is appropri­ a n d u n n la b le rn h JN A w ilh su b se fld £ n t re d u c tio n or lbe re tin o ­
ate in any case of retinoblastoma when the results will b la sto m a p ro te in . Th e m o th e r d id not h a v e the m u ta L io n .
affect future treatment or surveillance. ■ ' tn patients with a Teratoma simulating retinoblastoma.
known or suspected family history1of retinoblastoma. f?BJ E —K :T w o g ra y e le v a te d tu m o rs in the rig h t fu n d u s o f this
analysis will detecL a mutation in ^O^ii of families. ]f tfJi/ 2 -m o n th -o ld jjirl b o rn at i 2 w e e k s b y cesarean secLion.
mutation has been identified in a family, then the indi­ N o L e lh e a b s e n c e o f la r^ e fe e d e r vessels; d ip p in g in k) Lhe
vidual is tested for the specific known. family mutation. Lu m o r {E j. V is u a l a c u ily w a s n o lig h t p e r c e p tio n ; tbe left e ye
In this manner, unaffected at-risk children with a family was n o r m a l. Flu o re s c e in a n g io g ra p h y s h o w e d in cre a se d
vascula riLy w ilh in th e fHass a n d I ale h y p e rflu o ru s c e n c e ( F :.
history of hereditary retinoblastoma can undergo predic­
T b e lu m o is g re w in si^e o v e r Ihe n e xl 2 m o n lh s r a n d subse­
tive testing. Prenatal and preimplantation genetic diagno­ q u e n tly d e v e lo p e d a total retinal d e La c h m e n l | C ) , n e o v a s c u -
ses are also available when act mutation is known in b iriza lio n o f lb e iris, a n d b uphLhalm < *s. E n u c le a tio n (F ll a n d
a parent or sibLin^.'' -l bilateral tumors in the setting of a b is lo lo g y re v e a le d c a rtila g e , m u s c le , re s p ira to ry e p iLh e ffu m ,
negative family history aEso indicate a high probability of g la n d u la r, anrl b rain tissue consislenL w iLfi a LeraLom a (I a n d
a germ line ЯШ mutation (^90%) and therefore test­ f). T h e c h ild h a d b e e n d e liv e re d b y e le c tiv e cesarean s e c tio n
ing is recommended. In sporadic cases, it is recommended aL 32 w e e k s for a sacra] LeraLom a :K 'h a t w as o p e ra te d u p o n
s o o n after b ir lh .
that both peripheral blood and tumor tissue (if available)
should be analysed. In all situations, a positive result ; t - k . K n u r l ^ y >}| U r . I j . i v n J Д к И л г л Ю П ; L an d к ita u I ru m V f t Jr r t Jlfl,
L i\\Tfi к и I .. the Bfcttnul All,is. ^PiuritliTi 2 (1 1 0 , 9 7 i H J . 7 r J 2 0 . : i . 5 2 0 - 4 r
clearly establishes a diagnosis of hereditary retinoblastoma
but a n e g a tiv e result does not rule it out completely.
In recent years there has been a trend away front enu­ ! 1.0i'i Ret inobla stoma treated wi th iodine episcle га I
cleation and from externa I-beam radiotherapy with the plaque.
increasing use of alternative globe-conserving methods of A h -m o n lh -o k f girl w ith a ra m ilia ] u n ib te n a ] re tm c b la s lo m a
treatment, including laser photocoagulalion, cryotherapy, ol Ihe m a c u la r re g io n . T h e tu m o r w a s 9 X 9 m m in basal
Lranspupillaiy ihermotberapy, plaque radiotherapy, and d im e fis rfir a n d w a s 4 m m in tiei$}hl.
chemotherapy.4" n': Laser photocoagulalion or transpu- Л : A s s o c ia te d HuEinetina] flu id a n d s e e d in g iv ilre o u s a n d s u b -
pLllaiy thermotberapy is used lo treat very itmall tumors relinal ware? a b s e n l:. The tu m o r W as b e a je tl w lLh io d ir> u -12 5 -
nntebfed e p i^ 'le r a l p la q u e .
located posterior to the equator.,|■ ■‘|,' At' Cryotherapy is
B : R m d u s a p p e a ra n c e 4 w « jk s i later. The I и т о г has
used to treat very small tumors located anterior lo the
re m a in e d regressed o y e r a p e rio d o f 3 years-.
equator.11" ITanspupillary thermotherapy may be used
for small tumors eilher primarily or in con junction with
chemotherapy.'1L"ll:-'|:' Plaque radiotherapy is highly effec­ \ J,D7 Retinoblastoma treated wilh systemic
tive in treating medium-sized tumors either as primary chemotherapy.
treatment or as secondary treatment for recurrent tumors
(figure I 3.06J _‘Jl J ' bxtern al-beam radiotherapy is less A: A b-month-oid ^ irl pjesenLt4J W ith bflaSftal reliiM)bl<LS1oma
(group D, right eye; group Ef left eyej. She was treated witb
frequently used for large and multiple tumors associ­
chemoreducfion and sub-Tenon carbopiatin (cycles 2 —4i.
ated with vitreous se e d in g .Lm u c le a tio u continues Lo She aIsa receJVaJ adjuvanl focal theram (crvutherapy and
he the main therapeutic option for advanced uni lateral tra nspupi Mary t hermothera pyI.
retinoblastoma/1 1 B : 4 o t e d ra m a tic re d u c tio n in lu m o r HJ^e. S u b s e q u e n tly ,
bince the 1990s chemoreduclion has been increas­ then? w as ret u rre n c e cU lh e m a c u la r lu m u r , w h ic h ["ailed lo
i n g used for the management of retinoblastoma Lo re s p o n d Lo io d in e -1 2 5 p la q u e . T h e left e y e w a s e v e n tu a lly
e n u c le a te d .
avoid externa I-beam radiotherapy or enucleation.'" ''
Chemotherapy is delivered intravenously to reduce the
volume of intraocular retinoblastoma to make it amena­
ble to focal therapy, such as cryotherapy therm olherapy,
or braehytherapy (Kigure ] J3.07J . Six-cycle chemoreduc­ Recurrence of the neoplasm while on chemotherapy has
tion using three agents (vincristiner etoposide. and carbo- been observed. Immediate com plications related lo
platin) is generally prescribed." " Based on the available transient hone marrow suppression requiring hospital
(noncomparalive series) data it can be concluded (hat admissions and intravenous antibiotics with consequent
chemoreduclion combined with adjuvant focal therapy delay in examinations under anesthesia are frequent. Risk
offers about 50-100^ probability of avoiding enucleation of late complications such as drug-induced leukemia can­
or external -beam radiotherapy depending upon the sever­ not yet be excluded.04' it is recommended that chemo­
ity of disease at initial presentation.5^*® It must be real­ reduclion therapy for retinoblastoma should only be
ized that chemoreduclion is not without its problems. offered at a specialist center.
International group classification of ret inobles Ю та, a 1 3 .0 8 In tra -a rte ria l c h e m o th e r a p y fo r r e tin o b la s to m a ,
newer system of classification of retinoblastoma, is most
A - J : t h is 1 0 -m o n t h -o ld i^irl, o n e o f а n o n idem ILcall sel o f
suited for lhe present-day management of retinoblas­ tw in s w ith U n ila te ra l re tin o b ia K lo m a , h a d л la rg e m is s w ilh
toma compared Lo lhe traditional Keese-Ellsworlh classi- a Iota I re lin a l d e la c lim e n t a n d fi flat e le c tro re lin o ^ ra m ( E R G }
fieation.''^'* Eyes are classified according lo the extent of IA fin d E f . S h e re c e iv e d 1 c c ol m e lp h a la n En tra -a rie ria H y
disease and dissemination of intraocular tumor defined o n c e a w e e k fo r 3 w e e k s . T h e c a th e te r lh a l is 45 -O jim in
by the most advanced tumor in each eye. Moreover, the d ia m e te r is th re a d e d Lip lh e irrLerna] c ,iro 1id grlery in to the
o p h lb a lm ic Artery CI—L i. V k'lp h -a la n is in je c te d in a p u ls e d
international group classification of retinoblastoma forms
m a n n e r so as no1 to o b stru c t lh e blood flo w lK ro u g h Ihe
the basis of Children Oncology Croup trials currently
artery. T h e retinal d e ta c h m e n t d is a p p e a re d , the tu m o r
underway."" s h o w e d c o tta g e -c h e e s e ty p e of reg ression, a n d 6 0 % of' h e r
More recently, there is a trend Lowards superselective E K C a m p litu d e s re tu rn e d ■F ).
delivery of chemotherapy (melphalan) via cannula Lion of G —|: A n o th e r c h ild w ith hi lateral m u ltip le tu m o rs ( C a n d H !■
the ophthalmic artery 6' i he aim of such an approach is н Ы т -s c o m p le te regression il a n d |..
to avoid Lhe systemic complications and to achieve higher M e d и I [ o e p i t h e lro т а ,
drug levels within ihe vitreous cavity. Although the initial К : A J -y t 'a r -o ld w h ile Ljir] w a s e v a lu a te d fo r a w h ite pupillary
results are encouraging, such treatments sliouEd only he re fle x in h e r right еукз. E x a m in a tio n re ve a le d .1 p ig m e n te d c il­
conducted within a framework of a clinical trial in a spe­ ia ry b o d y m ass With a f iljro v a s c u I nr m e m b r a n e s u rro u n d in g
cialised center {Hgure I3.0S).I"■, ЧЪе procedure involves the lens. F o llo w in g initial resecLion^ the e ye w a s e n u c le a te d
three 1-weekly injections of I cc/5mg melphalan (diluted b ecau se o f tu m o r ret u rre n c e .

En 30 ml of normal saline), an alkylaiittg agent, directly | A - | , r j j u r l L ' i - y u f U r . I J . w i l I . ' ,L m .- ,u n : H , . i l s o 1 г и т Л Ь м п и п l L .n J .'1 ''

■ J l'i! D j Л л и г н - л п M u liL .h l A iK J c ia l м п . Л И k fflh t r te tt V e d . A. h C.J, H . I
into the ophthalmic artery via selective percutaneous calh- ifjd 1
I. , M ; M ; j m Y . i n r i u ^ i . L Л Х ' г г Н ) с с Г I n . ' K l T :п.ь1 A l I . l \ & n u r tc ld t f Л ) | ( ' .

eterization via the femoral artery. An approximately 4 5 0 - f i m l) 7 { U ) - 7 a 2 0 - 3 ^ 2 ( ) - 4 , p. f 1 2; К tm rri S h ie ld s c L a \.v -■■ 2 1 Ш A r w r iu iin

(] .5-1 1 french)-size catheter is used; an arteriogram is firsL M c .tllL .h l A s K 5 L J.L lM ]n . A l l г H '- i L T V U d . ■

performed by injecting contrast into lhe ophthalmic artery

Lo ensure good blood supply to the eye, following which
[he medication is infused (figure ]3.0SC-E], Since the drug patients present xvilh symptoms of increased intracranial
is injected into the arterial supply of the Lumor, a very small pressure caused bv obstructive hydrocephalus.
dose of one chemotherapeutic agent has proven sufficient An important aspect concerns the development of unre­
lhe procedure is done by skilled inteiventional neurora­ lated cancers in survivors of bilateral or heritable retino­
diologists and has a learning curve, lhe drug is injected in blastoma. The mean latency period for the appearance of
a pulsatile fashion so as to deliver the drug uniformly. In the second malignant neoplasm (SM N J is approximately
bilateral cases [figure 13.0SC-JJ. after the chemotherapy 13 yeais.75j7& There is a 5% chance of developing SMN
is infused through one ophthalmic artery, lhe catheter is during the first 10 years of follow-up, 18% during Lhe first
withdrawn into the aorta and threaded into lhe opposite 20 years., and 26% within 30 years.7 lhe 30-year cumu­
internal carotid artery and on to the ophthalmic artery and lative incidence of SMN is about 3S% for those palients
delivered to the second eye. Complications outside the dif­ who receive radiation therapy [extern aI-beam therapy) as
ficulties with catheterization include complete vascular compared to an incidence rate of 6% for those palients
obstruction of the arterial supply leading to total blind­ who do not/6 Osteogenic sarcoma, often involving the
ness if the catheter is wedged tightly into the lumen of the femur.. is most common, but other tumors such as cuta­
ophthalmic artery, ih e procedure is successfully performed neous malignant melanotnar spindle cell sarcomar chon­
at the Memorial Sloan Kettering by Dt. David Abramson drosarcoma, rhabdomyosarcoma, neuroblastoma, glioma,
and his team (USA) and in some centers in Europe.11" " '0 leukemia, sebaceous cell carcinoma, squamous cell carci­
About й % of patients with heritable retinoblastoma noma. and lung and bladder carcittomas as 5MN have also
may develop an associated pineal oh lasloma, a tumor been recognized. ■п,й0
that is identical lo retinoblastoma. 1 ihis association of Several studies have evaluated histopathologic prognos­
mid line intracranial pineal tumors and Suprasellar/ para- tic factors for metastasis, including choroidal, oplic nerve,
selEar neuroblastic tumors with bilateral retinoblastoma and exLrascleral extension.1'1 Choroidal involvement by
has been termed trilateral retinoblastoma. 2 Lin like other the retinoblastoma is a risk for metastasis, especially if it
second tumors mentioned below, pinealoblastoma usu­ is associated with any degree of optic nerve involvement.1 ^-1
ally occurs during the first 4 years of life." Prospective Mori alily increases with increasing extent of optic nerve
screeiiing by periodic neuroimaging is generally recom­ involvement.: However, it is generally agreed thal prelami-
mended. ' The possibility flf pinealoblastoma should be nar involvement of the optic nerve does not increase the
included in the genetic counseling of patients with heredi­ risk of nietaslasis.:::' ihe impact of laminar involvement
tary retinoblastoma Newer evidence suggests that recent on metastasis is debatable. Retro!aminar involvement is
treatment methods of systemic chemotherapy/'1A total of a poor prognostic factor and optic nerve involvement by
35% of trilateral retinoblastoma patients have bilateral ret­ retinoblastoma cells up lo the line of transection predicts
inoblastomas and in mosl cases the disease is fatal Most lhe worst prognosis.-3
]( must be realized that retinoblastoma-related mor­ 14.01? Ret inat ast rocy t iс ha ma rto ma assoc la led wit h
tality could be due to one of three distinct causes: ( t ) In be ro us sclerosis,.
metastasesj [2) trilateral retinoblastoma: and (3) S.Ml'J. A —C : M u ltip le a stro cytic h a m a rto m a s , o l (Lie o p tic п е г v s h e a d
Metastases in retinoblastoma usually occur within I year ,i n l I relin a in a 3 5 -y e a r -o ld w o m a n w iLh luEjerou;- sclerosis
□f diagnosis. Metastatic retinoblastoma is observed infre­ (A . She h a d a life lo n g h is lo rv o f g e n e ra lize d s e izu re s . Stie
quently in the LISA6 and other developed nations.'14' ' h a d five m e n ia lly re ta rd e d c h ild r e n . E x a m in a tio n ttfV e ^ie d
Howeve^ metastasis continue lo be a challenge in devel­ s e b a c e o u t a d e n o m a A n d s u b u n g u a l fib fo m a S o f lh e finders
rind Joes U -igure Ю Д з В ) . M u ltip le c n d o p h y lic asLrocyLic
oping nations.'' '9J Iherefore, bone scans, lumbar punc­
h ,im a N o m a s o f lh e rail inn wurcL presenL in the lull fu n d u s . Th e
ture, and bone marrow aspirations at initial presentation
lesions w e re e le v a te d , g lo b u la r , a n d s e m itra n s lu c e n L. R e tin a l
are generally not performed in the U S A . 1' * If there Es no vessels c o u ld b e seen w ith in s o m e o f these tu m o rs . Several
metaslistic disease wilhin ^ yc.-is <i\ retinoblastoma diag­ □I tEie tu m e fa c tio n s s h o w e d e v id e n c e o f e a rly c a lc ific a tio n
nosis, lhe child ts usually considered cured.H l Meta&Lases [a rro w , A . Л n j^ o g ra p Eiy re v e a le d a c M i l n r y n e tw o rk w ith in
usually involve the central nervous system (CNS), bones, lh e h a lfta rltim a s '.B a n d О . The se c a p illa rie s w ent' p e rm e ftijffi
and bone m a r r o w , T h e prognosis of metaslatic retino­ to flu orescein d y e , a n d th e m w h s e v id e n c e o f d iffu s io n o f the
d ye in lo Lhe vitre o u s - t j .
blastoma is poor, wiLh death usually occurring wilhin G
D - F : A pa n ly c a lc ifie d cystic a s lro c y fic h a m a rto m a in a
months/4-'4 In the USA. over a period of 30 years (1975-
У -y e a r-o ld L|irl w ith luEierous scle rosis. S h e h a d a history o f
2004 the 3-year observed actuarial survival rate increased s e izu re s Liu I w a s n o t m e n ia lly rtilardsMi N o t e Lhe m u lb e rr y -
from 92.3% { I975-19S4] lo 96.5% (1995-2004). i kt' iic .i' :i| iviiul'ii'.rtiun i:hin 11к- Ian.1." (\sU< I i - . 1vvh:■
sm alle r h a m a rto m a s W e f t p r e ^ n l w ith in lb e o p lir n e rv e
MEDULLOEPITHELEOMA h e a d [a rro w ) a n d in fe rio r to th e p a p itlo m a c u la r b u n d le .
F-luorescein a n ^ io ^ a p h y d e m o n s Lra Jo d d ila tio n o f Lhe c a p il­
Intraocular medulloepilhelioma is an embryonal neo­ la ry n e tw o rk a n d s ta in in g w ilh in th e se tu m o rs IE a n d f\.
G —I: L a r g e a stro cytic h a m a rto m a o l the left m a c u la o f a n
plasm of the ciliary epithelium. It may Contain cartilage;
3 -y e a r-o ld b o y w ith tu b e ro u s sclerosis, h e h a d se b a ce o u s
skeletal jnuscle. and brain tissue (teratoid medulloepithe-
a d e n o m a a n d a large fib ro m a o f the I e L'( lo w e r lid (Cl.
lioma).'11''"' MedulEoepithelioma typically presents during
[he first decade of life with poor visionr pain, leuk оcu­
ria, □rid iris vascularization associated wilh a mass or cyst
appearing behind the pup ilia ry area [figure 13.0&K).’ ''
Children wilh neovascularization of the iris of unknown
cause should be evaluated lo exclude underlying lhal are more evident angiographicaEly than ophthalmo-
meduHoepilhelioma.'''' IJecenLly, an association wilh pleu- scopically (figures 33.0911 and C, and 13.1!Lan d f). 'lhe
ropulmonary blastoma has been reported.11"1Therapeutic tumor's blood vessels are usually permeable to fluorescein.
options include local excision or enuclealion depend­ In addition to nodular reLinal tumors, Hal or slightly ele­
ing upon the size,, location, and secondarv effects of the vated, while, circular or oval aslrocytic hamartomas of the
tum or.'^7'jQ] inner retinal layers are common (figure 13.09D). 'Jhese ses­
sile tumors show less Lendency to undergo calcific degen­
ASTROCYTIC HAMARTOMAS eration. In general, retinal astrocytic hamartomas show
minimal evidence of growth and no treatment is indicated.
Retinal and optic disc astrocytic hamartomas may occur Occasionally, however, particularly in younger individuals,
as a solitaiy finding in normal patienls.. in patients with progressive enlargement and calcification of these tumors
dominantly inherited tuberous sclerosis complex |’'fSC) may be demonstrated [figure 13. №G to J, 13. il l-L)."*
(Etournevilie's disease), or rarely, in patients wilh neu­ Visual Loss may be caused by Lumor growth, vitreous hem­
rofib ro malosis (von Fieckli ngh ausen 's disease).9 m ' 1J 1 orrhage. or intraretinal and subretinal exudation (figure
lhe intraocular lumors are typically globular, white. Well- L3.!2L}-E-y°-'lCM l,l,]JU,JJti-|ift The exudative complications
circumscribed, elevated lesions arising from the inner sur­ of astrocytic hamartomas can be self-1imited, and cases
face of the retina or optic nerve head (Figures 13.09-13.11). of spontaneous resolution wilhin a few weeks have been
Multiple lesions are common in patients with 'ESC (figure observed (fig. 13.1 OK to N }' " " ',u; however, some cases are
13.09A-F). tiarly in life the tumors may be semilranslu­ persistent, progressive, and vision-threalening. and for these
cent, free of calcification, and mistaken for retinoblas­ cases various treatments have been attempted, including
toma ( E:igures S3.09A and D, and l | . ШР} laser photocoagu lation (E-'igure 13.12t>—b),'"' brachyther­
In infants and children they may occasionally arise where apy. transpupillary thermotherapy, and endoresection.l M
earlier no lesion was present. Later in life they assume a More aggressive cases exhibiting progressive growth, Lumor
more densely while color and mniy develop multiple nodu­ seeding and neovascular glaucoma have been managed by
lar areas of calcification, taking on a mulberry appearance enucleation.1' 1 Recently, photodynamic therapy using Lhe
(E'igures 13Л9Д and D, 13.1Of, and 13.11A). Clear cystic photosensitizing dye verteporfin (Visudyne) has been used
spaces may be present within tbe tumor (Figure L3.09D). in the treatment of a few cases of exudative astrocytic ham­
'lhe tumors may show varying degrees of vascularization artomas, with encouraging results ( figure 13.13).-11■ ■''
In in n it the rapid growth and necrosis may be etsLe- 13.E11 Ret i nat ast r(icyt i с ha т а rio т а associaLed \vi th
taken for a nonpigmenled melanoma (figure ] 3 . J I J — In be ro us sclerosis,.
1_^пб,127.12й,ив-иа [n рдЦ^шь the highly vascular
A - D : S e b a c e ftU s a d e n o m a o l [h e nose a n il ch e e ks a n d a
component of lhe lain or may simulate a retinal angioma ьЫ Нпту h a m a rto m a ul Ihe fo re h e a d A I. iu L ju n g u a l fib ro m a
[Figures 1&1DG-J, 13.11 ti-S and 13.12Л-С).15* In lhe (a rro w , E3>. 5ku 11 X -ra y film o f p a tie n t s h o w n in (A t s h o w e d
case of spontaneous necrosis astrocytomas may simulate m u ltip ly c a lc ifie d a stro c ytic h a m a rto m a s (a rro w s ) ch a ra cteris­
necrotizing retinochoroiditis.'Ji The fossilised mulberry tic o f lu b e ru u s sclerosis (C t. E n h a n c e d c o m p u te d to m o g ra p h y
scan s h o w e d m u ltjp lo a stro cytic h a rn a rtq m a ti in lhe1 p a r a № l>
tumors involving the oplic nerve head should be dis­
L r k u la * system o f a pa Lien I w ith CubeitHJ.H s d № H i i :D l .
tinguished from hyaline bodies of the oplic nerve head.
E a n d F: P I » lo m fc rogr-aph o l ca lcifie d a s t r o c w c h a m a rto m a
Ihese latter are calcified masses of extracellular material ii lhe d-plit : -iм. a n d .i-cJj;чс.ч'п1 relina ot" л E 7 -ye ar-o ld h o y w ilh
unrelated lo aslrocylic hamartomas. When calcified astro­ sebaceous a d e n o m a . T h e c a lc ifie d central p o rtio n o f the lu m o r
cytic hamartomas of the optic disc are small, they may be was lost in s e c tio n in g HE j. E n d o p h y tic n o n c a k ifie d astrocytic
difficult or impossible Lo distinguish from hyaline bod- h a m a rto m a o f the peripheral retina o f I h e -same pa tienl in b (F^.
ieit106 Demonstration of growth of these small lesions in Growth ol" astrocytic hamartoma
patients with retinilis pigmentosa has suggested that these G-J: In 1 9 7 0 . this В year o ld m ale palienl w a s e v a Jte te d al
Lesions in palients wilh retinitis pigmentosa are astrocytic W ilm c r w ilh a ca lcified aslrocylic h a m a rto m a in lhe ra^hl e ye
hamartomas.I!'- 11" 11' Itetinal lelatigiecLasis, relinitis pro- iC i a n d 4 lesions m lh e left e y e consisting o f 2 a tto p h k p a k h e s
liferans, and retinal exudation developed in one eye of a b o v e I he ST a rc a d e , I ca lcified and a n o llie r n o n ca lcifie d
h a m a rto m a a lo n g the I T a rca d e (H ) . T h e o p tic n erve Was s w o l­
a patienl with familial '["ЬС bul no evidence of a retinal
U«Ti len w ith bkirned margiYts suggesting pjcssence o f а Ь п о т т а Г t:s-
SLie w ith in il* substance. H e pn ise nled lo V a n d e rb ill in
w ilh a vitreous Iw m o rrh a j’ e in Jn is- Heft e y e fro m a large p a rtly
ca lcified a n d partly fiEwous ElprrlaHom a thal had gTow n ( r a n the
optic disc I|j. K o L e the p re vio u s ly n o n ca lcifie d Lu m or inferior lo
the o p lic disc w a s n o w ca lcifie d fa rra w f. Th e ca lcified astrocy­
tom a in the righL e y e was u n ch a n g e d ilj. T h e lefl e y e n e e d e d л
vitre c to m y a year laler few further vilreou s h e m o rrh a g e .

Spontaneous regression of astrocytic hamartoma

K - N : This 1 1 y e a r o ld b a y w ith k n o w n history o f luberous scle­
rosis presented w ith an inferior scotom a in his ri^ht Fiye. H e w a s
fo u n d to h a ve a c irc u m s c rib 'd gelalinous a p p e a rin g vascular
Ees-ian superonasal lo the disc associated w ith [*p id a n d b lo o d
i K i. Fluorescein a n g io g ra m s h o w e d vascu la rily o f lhe 3etion
w ith o u l e v id e n c e o f retinal n o n p e rfu s io n e ls e w h e re (L|l T h e
lersion I r e ^ n Lo regress s p o n ta n e o u s !у 2 m onths ialer w ilh f^ a d -
ual resol ul ion o f lhe sc o to m a . B y 4 m o nths lh e lip id , b lo o d and
vascularily of Llw lesion had repressed c o n s id e ra b ly i.M a n d N ).

It ;md I-, ■г11“ii ijm ii m i H il -mkI lY.tlih - - K -N , Dr. Alf-urtiTi

llislopathologjcally, these tumors are typically com­ ! i. E1 Retinal astrocytic hamartomas not associated
posed of spindle-shaped fibrous some of which with tuberous sclerosis,
are elongated and contain small oval nucleoli [E'igures Л - t : La rg e c<dciLied e x o p h y lic a s lro c y lic h a m Lirio m a o f
13.1 t,lb And 13. ML). Other tumors are composed of large., the re lin k in a 1 5 -y e a r -o ld b o y w ith o u t o th e r e v id e n c e o f
bizarre- pleomorphic aslro(r>rLic cells, Lhat ьл at least one jj^betdtifc нс1егоча ;A l . He; g a v t1 Lin E -y e a r hrslorv o f d e fe c ­
case showed ullrastruclural and histochemical similarities tive vis io n in lh e ri^hl e y e fitil noLed w h ile firin g a g u n . Th e
Lo Muller cells.1 ' Cystic areas poiitairiing serous exudate fa m ily h isto ry a n d pasl m e d ical history w e re n e g a liv e . V isu a l
a c u ity in (he a ffe c te d e y e was 2 0 /3 0 0 . A n q io i’ m p h v 111 a n d
and blood, as welt as areas of calcified degeneration, may
C!'l reveLT.[t4J a n e x le n s iv e № i l l a r y n e tw o jk that e x le n d e d
be present, Some of these tumors may be of Muller cell
d o w n into the и т о г . T h e re w h s leakage o f d y e fro m I his n e t­
orig in ."11 w o rk a n d p tin iin ji a t d ye w ilh in lhe c y s lk агеав o f :h e EUm Or
Ketinal acbromic patches have also been observed fa rro w , C ) .
in published series, ranging from 8 % to 39fl/ii of ISC D - F : C y s tic a s l r o c y t i c h a m a t C o m :i o f lh e retina in a IC ^yea r-
patients. и lfl1 Some authors have described these lesions olld g ir f w ilh o u t o l h e r e v i d e n c e o f LuEierous sclerosis ! D :.
as diffusely hypopignteuled.. Wfalle others have noted them This w a s Lin in c id e r t L n l f i n d in g , a n d h e r e ye e x a m in a tio n W a s
o th e rw is e n o r m a l. N o le Ih e w h ite , f i n e l y p o ly c y s lic tu m o r
to be surrounded by some degree of pigment proliferation
a r is i n g fro m L h e i n n e r T e lin a E layers just sU p erttjr Lo t h e lefl
(b'i^ure 13.!4).1J 5,-11' Clinically, these lesions bear a strik­
m a c r re g io n I I » . N o t e that m ost o f lh e r e l i n a l v e s s e l s a r e
ing resemblance lo the solitary-type hypomelanotic nevi h id d e n w ith in Eh i-в c o t t o n y tu m o r. Flu o re s c e in a n g i o g r a p h y
described by Dr. Cass. "" W hile retinal achromic patches re v e a le d fi n c lw o ik ol retinal vessels w ilh in the L u m o r a n d
appear in increased frequency1 in individuals wilh ISC. l a l e le a k a g e o f t h e d y e '.L Lin d F).
the underlying mechanism explaining their existence is G -l: E le v a te d , v a s c u la rize d ,. parLly c a lc ifie d re tin a l m ass in
unknown. a h e a lth y 1 7 - y e a r -o ld h o y w ith n o funnily nEsrory1 o f tu b e ro u s
s c le ro tis o r re tm o h la s lo m a .
|—I : N o n p r g m e n te d , p e d u n c u la te d , v a s c u la r ize d a stro­
cytic h a m a rto m a in Lhe ju x ta p a p illa ry re g io n o f l1 4 1 -y u a r -
o id m a n w ith л 3 -w e e k h islo ry o f blurm>d v is io n in the
right e y e {J a n d K ). Th is w a s m is in te rp re te d as a m e la n o m a
b ecau se o f a n in cre a se d p h o s p h o ru s -3 2 u p ta k e test l l O O % f .
H is to p a th o lo g ic e x a m in a tio n o f the e n u c Fe a te d e ye reveaTed
il retina] a s lrtjc y lic h n m a rlo m n IL I.

11—I__I n x r i k . i r n f . i y e l .n t .-1"": I
A careful starch should be made for the various mani­ ! 3. i 2 Lesions о f uncerlain e iio logy sinuilating retinal
festations |F T S C in nay patient with a white retinal tumor. aslrocylic hamartomas,
I'hese include Lhe classic triad of seizures, menial defi­ Л —^( . : In d o p h y t ic retina! tu m o r in л З В -y e a r-o ld w o m a n w ill:
ciency., and sebaceous adenoma (fibroangiomasj as Weli a 3 -m o n th h is to ry o f b lu rre d v is io n in h e r left e y e ( A h H e r
as other manifestations,- including white ash-leaf spots on p a 5C h is to ry re v e a le d c o n v u ls io n s u n a s s o c ia le d w it h le v e r at
tbe skin and iris,, sofl yellow-brown cutaneous fibromas I y e a r o f age. 11 w as d lh w w js e u n r e m a r k a b le . rhe-re w e re
(t'igures 13.09C and 13.10A), subungual fibromas (figure iл а п у d ila te d b lo o d vessels pnesenl w ilh in Ihe tu m o r, w h ic h
was Io c n le d in lh e retina inferior lo lh e led I m a t uEa (A ).
13.i(JIJ], renal hamartomas, cardiac rhabdomyomas.. cal­
A n g io g ra p h y tfe m o n s lra te d a n e j$ fe rt|u e va s c u la r n d w o i k
cified cerebral astrocytic hamartomas (I'igure 13.ЮС and
w ith in lh e tu m o r a n d late le a k a g e o f d y e fB a n d C j. M e d ic a l
L>), cystic lung disease, and bony changes, including cys­ e v a lu a lio n fa ile d lo neveaF o th e r e v id e n c e o f tu b e ro u s s c le ro ­
tic changes of the phalanges and cortical thickening of sis. The pa Lient w a s re -e x a m in e d 10 m o n lh s Liter, a n fl lh e re
tbe metatarsal and metacarpal bones.11 In 1!)У8. at the was- n o c h a n g e in Lhe a p p e a ra n c e o f lh e lesion-. E x a m in a tio n
Tuberous Sclerosis Complex Consensus Conference, 3 years a fle r h e r in itia l visit re v e a le d lh a l lh e lesion had d is ­
a revised set of clinical diagnostic criteria based upon a p p e a re d , le a vin g o n ly a m in o r d is tu rb a n c e iin the relina in
lh e a ie a o f lh e tu m o r. B e c a u s e o f its s p o n la n e o u s d isap pea r-
major and minor features of (he disease was firmly
a n c e r Jt is d o o b lfu l that il w as a n a s lro c y lic h a m a rto m a .
D - F : Sessile p re s u m e d a s tro c ytic h a m a rto m a in a h e a llh y
CL' and roenlgenographic techniques are useful in the 4 2 -y e a r-o ld m a n w ith re c e n l h isto ry o f b lu rre d v is io n in
detection of intraocular tumors.I,,!' In infants and chil­ the left e y e . H e h a d a sm all a n g io m a a n d a p ig m e n le d n e v u s
dren these tumors can appear identical to retinoblastoma ot Ihe c o n ju n c tiv a ;n lh e sam e e y e . H is v is u a l a c u ity w a s
or may mimic necrotizing retinochoroiditis.10' hi older 2 0 / 2 5 r lefl e y e r a n d 20 /20 , rig h t e y e . N o te Lhe ill-d e fin e d
patients they may be confused with regressed retinoblas­ g ra y -w h ite n in g o f lh e refiita in the in feron a sa l m a c u la r area
(a rro w h e a d s , IJ'i a n d the c y s to id m a c u la r e d e m a (a rro w ;
toma or retinoma (Ligure S3.1K1-E), capillary hemangio­
D ^ . A n g io g r a p h y re v e a le d e v id e n c e o f a ca p ilEa ry n e tw o rk
mas of the retina, or a localized retinal scar secondary lo
w ilh in lh e lesson a n d e v id e n c e o f in Irarel in a I e d e m a L a n d
previous hemorrhage or inflammation. F>. T w o m o n th s fo llo w in g laser p h o to c o a g u la tio n Ih e v is io n
More recently genetic mutational analysis has uncov­ ha tl im p r o v e d Id 2 0 / 2 0 . H e h a d n o o th e r fin d in g s o f Lu h erou s
ered two distinct variants of 'LSC resulting from muta­ sclerosis.
tions is the TS'CJ gene located on chromosome 9cj34 G —I: Th is 2 S -y e a r-o ld w o m a n c o m p la in e d o f b lu rre d v is io n
and the 1ЪС,2 gene on chromosome 16pl3.N '' '' 'I'hese in Ihe left e y e . lixa m in a Lio n o f lh e ri^h-L e y e w as n o rm a l. In
lh e left e y e sh e h a d а gray, slig h lly e le v a te d relin a l tu m o r
genes encode for ha mart in and tuberin respectively, both
lh al s tra d d le d Lhr? m a jo r relinal v a s c u la r arca des in Ih e s u p e ­
of which are involved in regulation of the cellular growth
rior m a c u la r area 1C/. A n g io g r a p h y s h o w e d e v id e n c e o f the
cycle. JSC УИС2 mutations are more frequent than iSC J va s c u la r na ture o f I his lesion ( H a n d lj. T h e re w e re n o o th e r
muLalions in palients with atsrocylic hamartoma or retinal slig m a ta o f tuEierous sclerosis. S evera l m o n lf u later she h a d
achromic patches.1 1 d e v e lo fie d e x te n s iv e L a u d a tiv e m ^ c u lo p a lh y . She w a s I d s ! lo
folliK W -up .
I—I : A n e le v a te d , v a s c u la r ize d , a n d p a rtly c a lc ifie d tu m o r
d e v e lo p e d in I his E 7 -v e a r -o ld Екуу w h o w h e n h e w a s fiisl
e x a m in e d al l i t years o f ago h a d lh e ty p ic a l find ing s ot b ila t­
eral pars p la n ilis a n d n o e v id e n c e o f a n in tra o c u la r m ass.
S tereo a n g io g ra m s ( H a n d 1^ re v e a le d the h ig h ly va s c u la r
n a tu re o f this e x o p h y tic m a s s , w h ic h p r o b a h ly w as the result
ot a re a c live p ro life ra tio n o f lh e retinal vnsc-ulalure a n d filial
cells in re s p o n se to Ifte in tra o c u la r in fEa m in a to ry d is e a s e .
REACTIVE ASTROCYTIC ! 3. [ 3 Ret i nat ast rocy to m at reated wit h ph otody na mic
Л - D : A 4 5 -y e a r -o ld C a ucasia п fe m a le svi Lh an и п т о т а гк а Ы е
ASTROCYTIC HAMARTOMA pasL m e d ic a l h is lo rv w ilt re fe rre d fo r e v a k ia1 io n u f л р е в Ь а р -
iP a ry lu m o r EiSSocialed w ilh a s c o Lo m a in Ihe T i g h t u v e i A .
От. Gass had observed four healthy adult patients with O n in ilia I e v a lu a tio n , v is u a l acu ities V A ) w e r e 2 D /2 0 in b o th
(осп I vascularized ret in;) I masses Lhal appeared similar eye s. A n i I l-efef i netf, tra n s lu c e n t, y e llo w -w h ile ыс.|рк>rj ic.:i л I
to astrocytic hamartomas. in two cases lhe IелLoris subse­ m ass a lo n g lh e s u p e ro Le m p a ra l m a rg in o f Ihe o p lic d is c a n d
quently disappeared spontaneously (I'igure 13.12Л-С).' e xte n d iitg in k) Lhe relina W in o b se rve r! lE3i. Pfta ifiinent in lrin -
In one boy With bilateral pars planitLs an exophytic vascu­ s it vessels as w e ll as- d ila te d collateral vessels w e re p re s e n t.
T h e m a c u la w a s flat; h o w e v e r , - :i :' (K u d a le s w e re p re s e n I
larized white retLnal mass developed during observation
su pero nasal to the fo v e a , a n d a fe w re tin a l striae w u ie n o le d
(l-'lgure ]3.12) and k). IL is probable Lhal most of these
in I lie p a p iJlo m a cu la -r a rea. Based o n m o rp h o lo g ic a l ( h a ra c-
lesions and some of those reported in lhe literature as spo­ Lerislicsr the d ia g n o s is o f relin a l a s tro c yto m a w a s m a d e w i lh
radic astrocytomas are products of reactive prolife rat Lon of a d e c is io n Iо o b se rve tor p fu g rt'S b io u . A l a 6 -m o n L h vis-il, V A
the retinal glial cells caused by focal relinitls, foral retinal re m a in e d 2 0 / ^ 0 ; h o w e v e r. lh e lip id e x u d a t e w e re n o te d l o
vascular leakage, chorioretinitis, vitreoretinal traction, and., be a p p ro a c h in g lh e Eo ve o la ' C L F o u i m o п Iha a lte r K v o ses­
less often, subretinal neovascularization. (See discussion sions o f s fa n d a rd -flu e n c e p h o to rijrn a rm c Ih e ra p y f T A P ; I ..i -
m m spot c o v e r ini; Ihe e n lire ln n iG f u p I о lh e SLrpenolcMnpoTal
Ln chapter 10, p. SI 2 and Rgure 10.041-L..)
e d g e o l th e o p tic d isc), V A re m a in e d 2 t V 1 5 , Lhe lip id e x u -
daLt^s w e re d Lm irn h h e d , a n d s o m e gliosis o f lh e lu m o r c o l i Id
RETINAL VASCULAR be a p p re c ia te d 1 1 » .

ihere are two distinct retinal vascular hamartomas., both 14. f 4 Retina! achromic patch of tuberous sclerosis.
of which may be associated wilh similar hamartomas else­ Л: Fundus photograph of a relinal achromic patch.
where in the body.
I F H S fffl iir r ll l 1! ;il..' '/н- ill- F > - r r i i i , L i'::.n .l
Retinal Cavernous Hemangiomas 1 3 . [ 5 R e ti naE c a v e rno us hem angio ma,

Retinal and optic disc cavernous hemangiomas are sessile A —D : La r^ e m a c u la r c a v e rn o u s h e m a n g io m a o f the re tin a
was fir^t o b s e rv e d in this 1 7-y e a r-o Jd fe m a le w E io p re s e n te d
tumors composed of clusters df thin-walled saccular aneu­
aL адее 5 years bpc^Llse o f lefl e s o tro p ia . Н о г vis u a l a c u ­
risms filltd with dark venous blood lhat give lhe appear­ ity in the left e ye w a s 2 0 /3 0 . N o t e the flu id Eevel in s o m e o f
ance of a сluiter of grapes projecting from the inner retina] the in c o m p le te ly p e rfu s e d a n e u ry s m s in С a n d D . M in im a l
surface [figures i 3.1 ЗА, ti, El, G, and f, and 13. IGA). I hey c h a n g e o c c u rre d in i1s a p p e a ra n с e d u rin g this p e rio d o f
catt be dearly differentiated from at her relinal vascular fo llo w -u p , b u t Lhe visual a c u iLy d e c re a se d Lo c o u n tin g finders
mat formations, including retinal lelangiectasisr retinal cap­ on lv- i h e h a d n o e v id e n c e ol a n g io m a s e ls e w h e re ,
illary angioma (angiomatosis retinae), acid arteriovenous t a n d F : C a v e rn o u s h e m a n g io m a in the I d l m a c u la p f a
h e a llh v 7 -v e a r-o ld h o y (E ). N o le Lhe d e la y in d ye p e rfu s io n o f
mal form at ions. 2 Small isolated clumps of aneurysms
Lhis Lumcir LF ■ F iv e vears later Lhe Lu m o r w as u n c h a n g e d .
are often presen I around the tumor mass. Varying amounts ^ - I : C a v e rn o u s h e m a n g io m a ol lh e retina in- a 3 0 -m o n th -o ld
of a gray fibrous membrane may partly cover the ante­ girl w h o d e v e lo p e d fi^ h t e s o tro p ia at t* m o n th s o f a g e . H e r
rior tumor surface. PI astna-erythrocytic separation within g e n e ™ I b e a ilh anti pEryKical t'x a m i mil io n w e re n o rm a l e K C fp l
the aneurysms is common. ЧЪе caliber of the major reti­ fur the p re s e n c e o f a fe w s p id e r a n g io m a s o n b e r h a n d s a n d
nal vessels is unaffected by the lumor. Exudation is rare. w rists. A n id e n tic a l tw in sister w a s n o rm a l e x c e p L fo r s im ila r
A small hemorrhage may occasionally be present on its s p id e r a n g io m a s o n lh e h a n d s . T h e re w a s a n irreg u la rly e le ­
va te d va s c u la r m ass in lhe s u p e ro le m p o ia l q u a d m n l o f Ihe
surface. Evidence of bleeding into the vitreous has been
rigjiL e ye (G > th a t w as c o m p o s e d o f d ila te d , o v a l o r ro u n d e d ,
reported in approximately 10% of cases but Is usually min­ ih in -w a lk 'd , s a c c u la r b lo o d vessels lhaL g a v e [h e a p p e a r­
imal and unassociated with significant visual loss [l-'igure a n ce oE a m ass o f grapes ly in g o n lh e in n e r relin a l su rfa ce
13.3&]'—I).17’ Vitreous traction on larger or gliolic aneu­ a n d p r o tru d in g in to Ihe v itre o u s . T h e tu m o r e x te n d e d fro m
rysms is the likely mechanism for bleeding. These lesions the o ra serrata a lm o s t into the m a c u la r area o f Lbe rig h l e ye .
may be seen initially al any age, but lhe average age is 23 lu o re sce in a n g io g ra p h y s h o w e d s lo w a n d in c o m p le te :llin g
wars. Jhey are more common in females [female lo male o f Ihie a n e u ry s m s m a k in g u p lb e tu m o r (H a n d I . N o L e d e la y
in v e n o u s d ra in a g e I a n o w , Fti fro m the area o f lb e Lum or.
ratio of 3:2). Most patients have only a solitary lesion
A p p r o x im a le lv tO m in u te s after d y e in je c tio n Ihere w a s Mill
affecting one eye; however, multiple lesions in ay occur in in c o m p le te p e rfu s io n o f Lhe tu m o r. K o L e IEkj level o f d ye in
one eye or occasionally in both eyes. The visual acuity is Lhe la rg e lu m o r cyst (a rro w , If. T h e p a tie n t w a s ly in g o n h e r
usually normal unless the macula is directly involved with Iclt sid(: in the o p e ra lin g ro o m d u rin g lEie a n g io g ra p h ic slu d v.
Lbe malformation (Figure T3.15A and L). Visual loss asso­ J - L : C a v e rn o u s h e m a n g io m a o f lh e o p lic n e rv e h e a d in a n
ciated wilh macular pucker,1 ' macular traction,1" and a s y m p to m a lic 5 1 -y e a r-o ld w o m a n . V isu a l a c u ilv w a s 2 0 $ 5 ..
amblyopia1 1 occurs infrequently (]:igure 13.15G-J]. '['tie An giug rapEny revea Led s lo w p e rfu s io n r p E a s m a -e ry tb ro c y tic
s e p a ra tio n , a n d m in im a l s ta in in g iK a n d L ) .
tumor is associated with a relative or an absolute scotoma
that corresponds to the tumor size. E-'luorescein angiogra­ :< -L, iTLirn LI.lss. ' I
phy demonstrates thal the vascular tumor is relatively iso­
lated from the retinal circulation [I'igures S3.15C, D, h H,
i. K. and L and I3T6E3 and C). Perfusion of the hamar­
toma occurs but is delayed and appears incomplete, '['he
plasm a-erythrocytic layering wilhin the saccular aneu­
rysms is conspicuous in the Eater phases of fluorescein
angiography (E'igure 13.151 and I.]. Lxlravascular leak­
age ol" dye from the tumor vessels does not occur in most
Retina! :гчь_ггЛ]r iinjjwrtcwws I 1 23
Whereаз most relinal and optic nerve ca№ nous hem- E3. i Fi R e t ina! cavernous hemangioma,
angfemas occur sporadically, there es evidence that some
A - G : C a v e rn o u s h e m a n g io m a d is c o ve re d in a 2 7 -y e a r -o ld
p.itient-ы may have a dominantly inherited neurocutane- т ж т w h o was; iiospi Ia I i z e d b e c a u s e a f a g ^ n fc ^ Jiz e d sei­
ous syndrome Lhal includes cavernous hemangiomas z u r e . A n e fe c lT o e n c e p h a lo g ra m re v e a le d io w vo lLa g e in
of" tSie optic nerves-., chiasm, optic tracts, the preralandic Lne left c e re b ra l h £!m i sf l Ь гте . A skull ro e n tg e n o g ra m a n d a
area of lhe cerebral cortex, Lhe midbrain,. brainstem, and ca ro tid arleriograTn w e re n o r m a l. H e r fa lh e f d ie d о 4 fJ years
cerebellum [E'igLLie 13.171). as well as the skin (figure o f age w iL h staLus e p ile p lic u s . A u t o p s y o f Ihe fa th e r re v e a le d
13 £7J:) 15 7 , ЬЧ1.1 1Г5- fi fo c a l c a v e rn o u s ^fefflalW fO m a in the m id b r a in , p o n s , a n d
c e re b e llu m -IFigure 1 0 .2 0 F ) . T tie w o m a n 's e y e e x a m in a tio n
ha mil ial cavernous hemangioma has been linked Lo
was n o rm a l e s c e p l fu r Ihe p re se n ce p f a s lig h tly e le va te d ses­
three loci on chromosomes :5q, 7p, and 7q._ Familial sile c a v e rn o u s h e m a n g io m a in v o lv in g lh e in fe ro n a s a i q u a d ­
cases of cerebral cavernous malformation (FCCM ) ]S' are rant o f the rigtjt e y e ( A I. A sm all suLjieLinal a n d d e e p relinal
associated with mutations in K R I'fi (G C M l), MGC4&07 h e m o rrh a g e w as p re s e n t fa rr o w , A . A n g io g r a p h y re v e a le d
(CCM2J, and РЩ П 10 (C C M J) genes. С Ш 1 is located aL d e la ye d a n d in c o m p le te p e rfu s io n o f lh e c a v e rn o u s h e m a n ­
chrojnosome locus 7qtl-q22 and was Lbe first one identi­ g io m a (B a n d C h N o t e e v id e n c e o f p la s m a Layering (arrow s^
a n d m in im a l e v id e n c e Ы e xtra v a s c u la r escap e o f d y e . A g e n ­
fied with the familial form of CC.Vls. C C M l mulaLion is
eral p h ys ic a l e x a m in a tio n re v e a le d a s lei late a n g io m a Lous
involved in 40 - 53% of familial CCJVls and nearly half
h a m a r lo m a ot lh e right c h in a n d several ch e rry a n g io m a s o f
these patienls have neurological manifestations before lh e th ig h .
25 years of age. CCM_2 is located at 7p 15—13 and muta­ D and F: T h is 45-y e a r-old o th e rw is e h e a lth y m a le s u ffe re d
tions in this gene are involved in up to 25-40%. of famil­ c o n s la n l s evere h e a d a c h e for 5 m o n Lh s associated w i lh
ial CCMs. Ihe numbers of lesions increase less rapidly o c c a s io n a l d rzzin e s s a n d n a u s e a . H e h a d n o visuaE c o m ­
with age in patients with C C M l Lh.m with O CM l disease. p l a i n t . M a g n e tic re s o n a n c e im a g in g o f fils h e a d to e v a lu a te
h e a d a c h e re v e a le d m o r e th a n 5 0 s m a ll v a s c u la r m a lfo rm a ­
CC.V13 is localized at 3q25.2-cj27 and is the least common
tions in va rio u s parLs o f his bra!ri ■L i_ There w as a fa m ily h is ­
of mutations (Ю % ), but has near 100% penetrance and
to ry a f s p in e a n d n e c k lesions in his sister, a c o u s in w i lh
palients are more likely lo present xvilh hemorrhage and b ra in a n d a b d o m in a l tum ors., an u n c le w ilEi a Etrain le s io n ,
become symptomatic before 15 years of age."' a n d a so n w it h e p ile p s y . H is v is io n w a s 2 ( Y 2 0 tn e a c h -eye.
The angiomas of tbe brain may cause seizures or sub­ H e h a d .J - 4 a n e u ry s m a l d ila tio n s in the far te m p o ra l peri p h -
arachnoid hemorrhages. Twin relinal vessels, defined as a ery erf his le ^ fu n d u s ( D ) . T h e right e y e w as n o r m a l. B o lh he
pair of vessels, separated by less than one venule width, a n d his sister w h o w a s e v a lu a te d at Ih e M a y o C lin i c , w e re
p o s itive for C C M ! ge n e at lh e 7q locus Lhat c o d e s for K R 1T 1
that run a parallel course for more than 1 disc diameter.
p ro te in . H e tested n e g a liv e for the VI IL g e n e .
Located al least 2 disc areas distant from the optic disc.,
F - K : Th is 1 З -у е а г-o ld girl p re s e n te d w ith floaters s e c o n d a ry
have been described in carriers as well as affected members Lo s p o n ta n e o u s v jlre o u s h e m o rrh a g e fro m th in -w a lJe d s a c c u ­
of families with cavernous hemangiomas of the eye and la r m a lfo rm a lio n s in h e r lefl e y e (F, H , J, a n d К . T h e lesions
brain, as well as in EamiLy members of palients with von w e re e x te n s iv e , in v o lv in g the s u p e r io r h a lf oE the fu n d u s .
1Lippel-JJndau [ V I IL.) disease.11'" Cavernous hemangio­ Several o f Lhe a n e u fy s m a l w a lls w e re m a d e u p o f glial Tis­
mas do not increase in size. Lhe amounL of fibrous tissue sue a lo n e ; Lhese d id noL lil! W ith flu o re s c e in la ir o w s , F a n d
C . . T y p ic a l se pa ra tion o f b lo o d cells a n d p la s m a w a s seen
on the anterior surface increases over a period of lime and
in s o m e o f ih e m in Lhe late a n g io g ra m s it). O f s ig n ific a n c e
es associated with partial ob!iteration of the tumor.
is the in v o lv e m e n t o f Lhe largtir v e in w a lls w iLh Lhe m a lfo r­
HislopathologicaMy, the lumor is composed of mulliple m a tio n 'iarrnjw h e a d s , F a n d C l , w h ic h is u n u s u a l since Lhese
Lbin-1walled interconnecting aneurysms of variable size, a n e u rys m s are b e lie v e d to o c c u r al lh e c a m fla ry le v e l isee
occupying the inner hatfof the retina and in some patienls Fig u xe 1.3 .1 (>L . ih e w a s kep i u n d e r o E jtc rv a tio n a n il the v il-
the optic nerve (l:igure 1S ;l? A^O) j!sfM 7- lJ£r190 The ruous h e m o rrh n g e cleartsd o v e r 5 m o n th s w iLh o u l Erealm enl
endothelial lining of Lhe- large vascular channels ultrastruc- iK j. S h e hacf a n ipsi lateral c a ve rn o u s т а Ilorm a Li o n o f Ihe
c o rp u s ca I Lo s u m . d e n e Lesting is u n d e rw a y .
turally appears normal.1"" lhe gray membrane LhaL over­
lies part of the angiomas in some cases is of glial origin.'''u
PholocoaguLation has been used to obliterate these
Lesions bul Es unnecessary as Long as the patient shows no
signs of developing vitreous hemorrhage.1 1"' In one
case of severe vitreous hemorrhage, the lumor was partly
excised during a pars plana vitrectomy.14 Some of the
cerebral cortical angiomas causing seizures or subarach­
noid hemorrhage may be resectable.'" '
i'11jn1 ifisctfiif? Hnjjttfriiwwj* I 125
In the past, retinal cavernous ftemartgJcma was not !3.E m Continued
recognized a i a distinct retinal vascular hamartoma. r['he
L : D ia g ra m s h o w in g strifeiLHraJ cliffenencet u f: ■l.i n o rm a l rc?Li-
more sessile and smaller lesions (l-'igure 13.1 ^A} were n a l vessels; (21 d fflu s e a n d focal V a a c u lif d ila tio n a n d per­
often misdiagnosed as congenita] retinal telangiectasis.''■1‘ m e a b ility a lte ra tio n in retinal te la n g ie c ta s is : ^ n d .J) lo c a lis e d
l:Egure 13.1615 diagram malic,illy indicates the basic struc­ vascu Jar m a lt o m i.n io n ih a ftia ita m a ) arisin g fro m I h o c a p il­
tural difference between retinal lelangieeLasisr which is a la ry b e d in ra V En V a LIS h e m a n g io m a .
congenital anomaly affecting the structure and integrity IA j n d Li. fre jn ; С л и ' l o l i t Ll^ v' U r. M ip h u i J K n n .-

of the intrinsic retinal vasculature, and a retinal cavernous

hemangioma, which li a localised vascular tumefaction
composed of cavernous vascular channels that are partly
isolated from normal relinal circulation. Some of the
more globular retinal cavernous hemangiomas have been
reported in the older literature as angiomatosis retinae.167 13.1, Re ti nat cave rno us hema ngso ma.
It is uncertain whether the retinal vascular lesion
reported in one patient with CNS symptoms and the der- Л a n d 0 : H is to p a L h o k jg ic c o n d itio n o f q^yenfltpus h e m a n ­
g io m a o f Hit? rutina in a 2 -y e a r-o ld girl w h o s e e y e enu-
matologic disorder angioma serpiglnosum is relaLed Lo
C leaLed w iLh lh e m istaken d ia g n o s is o f re tin o b la s to m a . The?
retinal cavernous hemangioma.l! 1 A lesion that angjo- sessile reLLnal Lu m o r w a s c o m p o s e d o f m u ltip le , th ir-w a lle d ^
graphically was similar to a retinal cavernous hemangioma d ila te d b lo o d vessuls that тepla c od I h r in n e r h a lf o f Lhe reL-
was observed in an infant with blue rubber bleb nevus tna (A f. T h e a rro w in d ic a te s p ig jT te n l-la d e n m a c ro p h a g e s
syndrome.1" 'I'he fact that the lesion spontaneously dis­ in Lhe subTelinal s p a c e . Г ho relin a l d c la c h m e n t w a s а И i fa c­
appeared over a 4-month period suggests that it may not titio u s . A h ijjh -p o w e r v ie w o f Lhe lesron re p e a le d d rla lc d .
have been a cavernous hem an git) ma. e n d o lh e I i u rn -lin e d aneiJfy$ № S in te rc o n n e c te d l>y n a rro w
channels. (a n tjW s , И ) . rheso r e la tiv ity isola tod v a s c u la r sac­
cules a c c o u n t fo r th e slugg ish c irc u la tio n a n d p la s m a -e r y lh -
ro c v lic s e p a ra tio n d e m o n s tra te d a n g if^g ra p h lq a ll^ in Lhese
le sio n s.
f . : hljsL(>1o jjiс c o n d itio n o f c a v e rn o u s h e m a n g io m a o f the
o p tic п е т ™ a n d a d ja c e n l ru lin a .
D ; H is to p a lh o lo u ic c o n d itio n of a retrobulEiar ca ve rn o u s h e m -
a n g jo m a o f Ih o oplic n erve iHiad. lh is w a s a n in cid e n ta l fin d ­
in g in lh e o p tk n erve o f a 3 - m o n th -o ld w h ile g id w h o w a s
b o rn p re m a tu re ly w ilh a biTth w e ig h t o f 2 lb 1 4 q 2 ( l j kg),
i : A s lig h lly m ised c u ta n e o u s c a v e rn o u s h e m a n g io m a o n I ho
a m i o f a pa tienL w ith a retinal c a v e rn o u s h e m a n g io m a . This
paLienL h a d tje n e ra iize d s e izu re s . O n e s o n , w h o h a d m u ltip le
c u ta n e o u s a n g io m a s o n Lhe fa c e , lr?g, a n d lo o l, d ie d s o o n
afler surgical e x c is io n o f a c a v e rn o u s h e m a n g io m a o f the
b ra in .
f : C a v e rn o u s h e m a n g io m a o f the m id b ra m in lh e faLher o f
Ihe paLient illuslTaled in Fig u re 1 3 .1 6 A - C .

IА ; Ггоп> H a ^ i r t .li i H Zlrnfjrtunn j n 1 ft. Гru m G n u 1 ' rn iu i D n l e i urtd

11'iuiTiiи i 1 ' Ц Ir o in S p e n L i h ' ^ ; 1, '- U L irlL iiy h jI'U r . L . L . C ..i :к iгih; ]-. fnnrn
Retinal Capillary Hemangioma 13*1# Retinal capillary hemangiomas

'■lhe terms "retinal and oplic disc capiE]ar\ hianAngtoraa®* A ' D iagM in showing Sites-of diafcin o f feLEnal c a p illa n Angi­
omas. I, EndophytEc angioma of Lhe optic nerve brad. II.
Angiomatosis retinae/' and "топ ftippel's d i s e a s e " a r e
Endophytic peripheral retinal angioma. Ill, Exophytic juxla­
used ^ n jM m o u sly to refer to congenital hereditary cap­ papillary angioma. IV, Exophvl k' peripheral relinal angioma.
illary angJomatoM hamartomas of the retina and oplic V, In I raneura I angiom.i.
nerve head,1™ 3316 When associated wilh C'KS and other B - D : Th is 3 6 -y e a r-o ld w o m a n n o te d b lu rre d v is io n in th e [eft
organ involvement the condition is referred to as von e y e c a u s e d b y a ju x ta p a p Eila ry c a p illa ry h e m a n g io m a (a rro w ,
i Jippel-l.indau disease VHE..JUIJ': ' VI IL disease is a domi­ A ) . S h e h a d n o o th e r stigm ata o l v o n H E p p e l- L i n d a u d isease.
nantly inherited system!# ha mania thal includes not only S te re o s c o p ic a n g io i’ M plTy re v e a le d Ih e seshile c a p illa fy a n g i­
o m a to u s na ture o f Lbe lesion --CI a n d D l .
capillary angiomas of lhe retina, cerebellum, brainstem,
t - J : Ju x M ip a p illa iy (E) a n d p e rip h e ra l C a p illa ry h e n u n ^ io m a
and spinal cord, but also angiomas, adenomas, and cysts ij- in я Щ -у к а г -o Ed girl wilili n o e v id e n c e o f ex.1 ra o c u la r
affecting the kidney, liver, pancreas, epididymis, and meso­ in v o k e m e n l w ilh angioTrm losjjs. A n g io g r a p h v fo v e a led lh e
salpinx.■v ' The diagnosis of VH L is justified when either cj-iapillniy n a tu re o f lb e Lu m on i ft! a n d H i. s h u n tin g o f b lo o d
a relinal angioma or a t!NS angioma occurs together fro m lb e fiiterinl Iо lh e venous- side o f the crrcu lal io n 5л th e
wilh one or more visceral cysts or tumors in one patient reg ion o f the |ie rip h e n ]l lu m o r : I—I!, a n d ta le staining ! iin d Jj.
or when a single lesion of the VHL complex is found in A , Iю т G a t i.'

a relative al risk. Ocular manifestations of VHL are oflen

Lhe first Lo appear. Retinal angiomas acid CN:S angioma
both eventually occur in approximately 50% of palients
with V H L Pheochromocylomas occur in approximately
10% of patients wilh V H L.301203'206 Approximately 23%
of patients wilh V IIL develop clear cell renal carcinomas, area. When they arise in this area they are frequently ses­
typically during the late slages of the disease.1 sile and may be misdiagnosed as papilledema or fiitta-
Polycythemia occurs in approximately 1.5% of patients. papillary choroidal neovascularization because of Lheir
JVvin retinal vessels, a retinal sign of dominantly inherited predilection for causing juxlapapillaiy serous delachmenl
retinal cavernous hemangioma (see previous discussion of of lhe ret Ena and ci rein ale exudation extending into Lhe
retinal cavernous hemangioma], occur in approximately macular region [figures 13.I8B. J3.20A. h and G r and
70% of patients with familial VHL disease and En 5tl% 13.21A and K).1''' : Loss of cenLral vision may occur sec­
of at-risk family members without ocular angEomas.221 ondary to the accumulatEon of yellow, lipid-rich exudate
Since most patients who present wilh a solitary retinal in the macula derived from peripheral relinal angiomas.
angioma and a negative family history suggesting VI-EL The mechanism for this accumulation is similar Lo Lhal in
fail Lo show other evidence of the disease, the medEcal palients wilh peripheral retinal telangiectasia (see Chapter
evaluation of these patients wilh sporadic tumors prob­ 6). I.oss of vision may also be caused by an epEretJn^J mem­
ably does not need lo be as comprehensive as in patients brane distorting the macula remote from lhe site of Lhe
wilh multiple ocular tumors or other evidence of familial angioma (figure 13.19A-C). There is a striking predilec­
involvement Identification of the VHL gene on chromo­ tion for these e pi retinal membranes to peel spontaneously
some Зр25-26 has now made it possible for suspected and for vision to return to near normal after ireaLmeLit of
individuals to undergo genetic testing wilh a high degree the peripheral angioma (E'igure 13.19A-F)bl57,35fl,J25-22? ten
of accuracy.J J --JJ1 this reason, vitrectomy for excision of Lhe epirelinal mem­
Capillary hemangiomas are typically red or pink tumors brane should be considered only after a 4-Cvmonlh period
thal may arise from the superficial retina or oplic nerve of observation following treatment. Heaters and visual loss
head and protrude inward (endophytic angiomas) (figures may also be caused by development of a retinal Lear adja­
13.18A-1. A l l , K, 13.191:1, and 13.2DO-1). When located cent lo an angioma and subsequent rhegmatogenous relE-
peripheral, lo the optic disc, these endophytic tumors are nal delachmenl ■Jl' Vitreous traction developing al lhe
usually associated wilh arteriovenous shunting between a anterior surface of the relinal angioma and adjacent relina
dilated tortuous feeding artery and a draining vein (E'igure is responsible for lhe retinal tear. Vitreous traction may
13. and I ] . Capillary hemangiomas may also arise from also be a factor in the development on Lhe lumor surface of
the outer retina! Layers (exophytic Capillary hemangiomas) proliferative retinopathy, vilrecus hemorrhage either spon­
[Figures 13.1 SB. 13.t9A, A-EEE, A-IV, I3.20A. К and G, and taneously or following treatment of the tumor, and trac-
13.21 A and D-Г). These lumons are usually not associ­ lional relinal detachment. A retrobulbar capillary angioma
ated wilh evidence of arteriovenous shunting, and there (Rgure 13.]&A-EiJ should be considered in patEenls wElh
is л predilection for them lo develop in the juxlapapillary angiomatosis and unexplained visual loss.
pffereostaple fluorescein ingtogrdphy is invaluable in 13. 1Я Ret in at capi Clary he mangiom as.
detecting exop hylic sessile juxtapapillary capillary hem­
A —F : P e rip h e ra l re lin k I c a p illa ry a n g io m a s IA a n d B : a n d
angiomas (Figures 13. lfiR and 13.20).[^ Because these m a c u l a r p u r s e r :C'i i гь а 2 .1 -y e a r-o ld w o m a n c o m p la in in g o f
Lumors prolrude into the subnelinal space adjacent to the rece nt 1оън o f ce n tra l v ini a n in t h e rig h t e y e 1. H u t pasl m e d i ­
optic disc and because they frequently лrise in the papillo- cal history a n d fa m iEy h is to ry w e re u n re m a rk a b le . V isu a l
macular bundle area in symptomatic patients, ihey are dif­ E if u i iy in 1h e ri^hl e v e w a n 2 0 / 7 0 a n d in Ih e le f t еуч? w a s
2 С У Э 5 . In a d d itio n 1o I I » s o lila ry a n g io m a in Ihe s u p e ru te m -
ficult to treat with photocoagulation (Jlgure 13.2ffi\-F and
p o ta l fu n d u s I.A i_. th e re was; а sm all a n g io m a л а га Ik' Harrow,
G-L). Muorescein angiography in peripheral endophytic
E ) . Flu o re s c e in a n g io g ra p h y d e m o n s Lra le d b a th Lesions ( D
Eesions shows evidence of arteriovenous shunting (figures
a n d t : . T h e Г(?г1т1-а3 lu m o rs w e re trea led w ith с гу о р с л у a n d
13.IS] and 13.191). Angiography usually shows no evi­ p h o lo c o a g u la tio n . S*>on a fte rw a rd i h e p re fe tin a l m e m b r a n e
dence of fluorescein lin in g in the macular region in 5p u n r a n e u u d r ta c h e d fro m Ihe in n e r s u r f a c e o f [he m a c u la
those patients with lipid-rich accumulations secondary to a n d re m a in e d a tta c h e d Co t h e o p tic n e rve h e a d (a rro w , F>.
peripheral angiomas. Angiography is particularly useful in H e * v is u a l f r u i t y i m p i i № ^ l In 20/215 - 3 .
the detection of very small lesions lhal may be barely visi­ G —K : La u d a tiv e m a c u lo p a th y ( G J c a u s e d by a n e n d o ­
p h y tic a n g io m a nasal to Ih e right o p lic d is c { H a n d h In this
ble biomicroscopically [Figure 13.19В and fc).156-215-^-233
2 3 -y e a r-o ld w o m a n w h o p re s e n te d w rilh a 2-m oroLh h is to ry o f
I.ight and electron microscopy reveals lhal these tumors
bffarred v is io n In Jb e rig h t e v e . H e r fa m ily h is to iy a n d p;jsl
are composed of a mass of retinal capillaries, many of m e d iita l IniutoTy w e re r e g a liv e . C q fiip u le a Lom o f^a plTV scaji
which have a normal endothelium, basement membrane., or the b ra in was n e g a tiv e . Visuial a i'u ity w as 2 0 / 7 0 , rit’ hl eye,
and pericytes (Hgure i&.lfz)^00-23*-233 a n d 2 0 /2 0 r left e;ye. La s e r p h o to L o a g u la tio n o f the feed er
artery a n d lu m o r Tesulled ir> a v ilie o u s h e m o rrh a g e ijj. i i x
years 3ater h e r v is u a l acuiLy w as 20/-4Q. Is'ole 1he v ilre o re lin a l
tra c tio n , nasal d is p la c e m e n t o1 the o p lic di^c a n d fo v e a l c e n -
ler la iro w , K .1, a n d resol и I io n Dl" th e m a c u la r o x u d a lio n .
i'11jf 11 'i ifisctfiif? Hnjjttfriiwwj* 1131
In some cases., capillaries making up these tumors may I 3.2H Relinal capillary hemangioma,
show abnormal fenestrations.' ' ' J' i6 Stromal cells, which
A —E : Sessile ju x L a p a p illa ry re tin a l a n g io m a (A ) m is tfia y n o s e d
some have attributed to astrocytes, separate the vascular as p a p i 11 u d e m n in a j! 1 -y e a r-o ld w o m a n w ilh a 5 -m o n lh
channels and frequently contain large l i p i d -filled vacu­ h is lo ry o f inlorn-iallenl h e a d a c h e s . She Иле I necenlly b e e n
oles. Jt is doW believed that Lhe true neoplastic component h o s p ita lis e d fo r a th o r o u g h n e U rp lc ftfG e v a lu a L io n , w l i k h
(i.e.. the cells with atlelic deletion al the VH L gene locus) was гм?цдLive. H e r vis u a l a c u ity in E » L h e ye s w a s 20 /20 .
are the foamy stromal cells."1'' 'ihe VJ El. protein (pVHE.) A n g io g ra p h y re v e a le d a c a p illa ry a n g io m a , la rg e ly c o n fin e d
Lo Ihe.1- o u le r '.w o -l b if ds o f I lie rtJl i гтл iE3 a n d C J , 5 b e d e v e lo p e d
Largets hypoxia-inducible factors f o r degradation. In the
c h ro n ic serous rieLachm tiTil o f Ihe m a e u la , a n d h e r vis u a l
absence o f pVl IE. there es excessive p r o d u c t i o n of vascular
a c u ity d e c re a se d Lo 2 0 /5 0 in Г he e y e . i h e h a d Lw o
endotheli;il growth factor. ' N e w vessels may develop on courses o f a rg o n iaser f^rid p a tle rn lnea lm ent ■I.?I Lo lh e tu m o r
the anterior surface ol" these tumors and extend into the lhaL resulted in re s o lu tio n o f Lhe in tra re tin a l a n d SLfbrm inal
vitreous (E'igure 13.1215). Eixophylic tumors may have vas­ e r u d a le ; t l . A L lh e tim e riF h e r last p h o to g ra p h , m arie 9 years
cular communication with the choroid in some cases. afLet her iriilial Ire a Lm e n t, her vis u a l a c u ity w a s 20 /3 0 .
Because of their capillary nature and predilection for F - L T h в 1 9 -y e a r-o ld м т л п b a d а h isto ry ot b lu rre d vis io n
anti o p l it d i-sc lesions firsL n o lo d aL age la years. S h e w a s
Lhe development of arteriovenous fistulas and exuda-
a .^ y m p to m a lu in the righl e y e . V is u a l a c u ilv w as 2 0 /3 0 , righl
Lionr these tumors are capable o f reaclive proliferation
eye^ aTid 20/40(5, left e y e . T h e m w as e x u d a L iv e m a c u lo p a th y
and continued growth even into adulthood. Progressive associated w ilh a ju x la p a p illa ry c a p illa ry a n g io m a b ila te ra lly
intraretinal and suhretinal exudation and detachment (a rro w s , F a n d ( J l. The a n g io m a in lh e left e y e w a S Inna Led
are part of the natural course of the disease. Spontaneous w iLb a r^ o n jjruen laser - H i anri w a s reLreaLed 4 m o n lh s later.
fibrolEC involution o f angiomas, however, occasionally A l that tim e Lhe a c u ity in th e right e ye h a d d e c re a se d lo
occurs/1 IdeEtlLfication of capillary angiomas oph- 2 0 /5 0 a n d Ih e a n g io m a ■:I w as LreaLed w ith laser. C in e m o n lh
Iа к т lh e a n g io m a i гг the fi^ h t e y e <JC] w a s net Tea. Led. F o r ty -L w o
thalmoscopically and by fluorescein angiography during
m onLh s laLer her visual a c u ity in the rij^hl e ye w a s 20v'40 nind
the earlv stages is important because treatment with pho-
Lhe left e ye w a s 2 (V b O . There w a s iTnp rm iem ent in lh e e x u d a ­
tocoagu lation] W '230*242-144 or o y tr th ^ p y 1 tion in b o lh eyes :l a n d L:-. A I th e lim e ot h e r ifiilial e x a m fn a -
at this stage of the disease is easier. Treatment o f retinal Lion m a g n e tic re s o n a n c e im a g in g o f the brain re ve a le d a left
capillary hemangioma is based upon lum or size, loca­ ce re b e lla r h e m a n g io b la s to m a th a t w a s s u c c e s sfu lly re m o v e d .
tio n presence o f subretinal fluid or relinal tractionr and There w a s n o fa m ily liis io ry o f a n g jo m a lo s is .
visual acuity."'1:4 lhe sessile exophytic juxlapapilLuy hem­
angiomas associated with loss o f macular vision are diffi­
cult to treat because of the frequency wiLb which they are the subretinal space. Ihe use o f photocoagulation to create
Located in the papillotnacular bundle and because laser a barrier between fuxtapapillary angiomas and Lhe center
treatment is ineffective in stoppitig the exudation derived of the macula before Lhey cause macular detachment and
from the outer portion o f the tumor that protrudes into exudation may prove Lo be o f value (I'igure 13.1515-1).
JJfИ iinwfirtcwws I I 33
Treatment of the peripheral angiomas with pholo- 13*21 Natural course of retinal capillary
coagulalion or cryotherapy or both Ls. generally effective hemangiomas.
[ ij lesions whose diameter dots exceed ] disc J i лmeter Л —F : E x o p h y tic c a p illa ry a n g io m a in а 1 7 - ye a r-o ld E>oy
Ггеа^тпехЙ of larger Lesions is complicated by excessive p la ih ln g O f Eilurred Ы о п in Ihe raft e ye farr®Ws, A a n d В ). Л1
sub retinal exudation and a predilection for the devel­ lhal tim t Iliors? y v e ft n o o th e r lesidfis ;n rbi Iher e y e . .M o d i f л I
opment of ret ini its proliferans on lhe surface of these eva I ил I i o n fo r e x tm o c u la r e v id e n c e o f a h g i i x T u ^ s w a s n e ^ -
tumors, lechniques for treating large retiп,зL angiomas л1 ivt?. O r e l I lie s u b s e q u e n t 1 0 yJSirs h e k .id g ra d u a l a rg u ­
m en t o f the a n g io m a to u s m ass LhaL g re w th ro u g h lh e center
Include repealid applications of laser to the feeding artery
o f his m a c u la d e s p ite laser p h o L u c o a g u la tio n . D u r in g Lhis
to reduce the tumor perfusion before treating ihe tumor
И т п h e d e v e lo p e d а sm all a n g io m a in Ibu in II1л о г tundus- ol
directly, use of transsderal penelraling diathermy. and pars Iho Siimt1 eye jwid л small atigiafflS on the ngbl a'pfljfc clist
plana vitrectomy and direct diathermy to ihe tumor21'■ (arrow, O . This remained unchanged from 1979 until 1Э92,
lhe use of л transvitreal arterial clip together with dia­ when ho relumed bccause he bad noticed a paracentral r c o -
thermy л nd removal ol' the posterior vitreous may prove Loma in the right eye (L3.I. Meanwhile be bad developed total
Lo be useful in the treatment of large angiomas.' ' Surgical delacbrn-un! ,uid had no lij^hl perception in ihe left
excision of Lhese Lesions has been reported/' " eye. La*er treatment -a]c.vnthe temporal margin df 1hnj tLimor
was advised iind was rerusi'd. hie returned in 1495 com­
l>holodynamic Lherapy has been tried M lb moder­
plaining of difficulty reading. His acuity was 20/15 hut ho
ate results to induce the occlusion of boLh iuxtapapillary had a large cecoci'nlral scotoma associ-ated with exudative
and peripheral retinal capillary hemangiomas [Figure retinal detachment and further enlargerrtenI of the angioma
13.2.^.352-255 II . tn a n ol'forl I о isolate (h o tu m o r fr o m the c e n te r o f Lhe
m a c u la a ro w oi la y p to n rc^J laser bilrtis w a s p la c e d n e a r lh e
te m p o ra l m a rg in o f lb e tu m o r I'arnow, Fjt N i n e m o n th s later
lh e OK -jd a le W as g o n e a n d h e w a s a s y m p to m a lic .
G —i : G r a d u a l e n la rg e m e n t ol je x la p a p ilL iT y a n g io m a
o c c u rre d in this pa LienL. C , M a rc h 1 9 Э З . H . M a r c h 19-S5 . I.
S e p te m b e r 1 9 9 o . Several years later th e p a tie n t had se vere
lo s t ol central v is io n E K v a u s e o f e x u d a tiv e retinal d e la c h -
m e n t. U s e o f a b a rrie r-ty p e laser tre a tm e n t a n d d irect treat­
m e n t o f Ih e a n g io m a e a rly it! a n d H m a y h a v e p re v e n te d or
d e la y e d Lhe los-s o f ce n tra l v is io n .
J-L: A jus(1apapillar> a n g io m a '.a rro w s, K< d e v e lo p e d 5
years later at Lhe site o l a c h o r o id a l ru p tu re I a m o w , Jl in this
1 9 -y e a r -o ld w o m a n w it h 5 targardt's d isease. H e r sister b a d
SlargHirctlt^s d ise a se , tnil h e r fatrrily his Io n w as n e g a tive o th e r­
w is e . This tu m o r m a y b e a s e c o n d a ry a n g io m a resulling fro m
re a c tive gfral v a s c u la r p ro life ra tio n at th e site o f c h o rio re tin a l
scarrin g .

|C j I, c i H j r l L - ' . y c l [ J r . A r n o l d t 'j l j c l- L .. Гг< лп R d t i t e ( 4 I .14 '■

Most recently, systemic and btfravltKat administration I 3-.12 Hi stopa th ology al ret iпа I cap iIla ry
of inhibitors of vascular endothelial growth factor have hemangioma.
demonstrated miAcd treatment outcomes, suggesting (hat A - D : H is to p a th o lo g ic c o n d itio n o f p r e -e x u d a tiv e ph ase o f
the general eflicacy of anti angiogenic agents in VHL Lb relinal a n g io m a in а -i3 -y e a r-o Id ш й п w h o c o m p la in e d o f
uncertain.156'^ 6 parjpbthesjas Ы Ih e arm s a n d logs. IHis m o th e r h a d d ie d o f a
The differentia] diagnosis for juxtapapillary capillary Lira in iLlmoHf at 4 0 yeare o f £ g e . H is ПеигтиЬоГс e x a m in a tio n
angiomas- includes- juxtapapillary choroidal neovascu­ was- n o r m a l. H is c e re b ro s p in a l flu id p ro te in w a s .10 0 m g .'d |
A m y e lo g ra m re v e a le d a b lo c k л! the firs I c e rv ic a l v e rte b ra ,
larization, hypopigmented combined retinal and RPE
a n d a rig h t b ra c h ia l a rte rio g ra m re vea led a large va s c u la r
hamartoma, papilledem a/^71'" juKlapjpillary choroida!
tu m o r a I Lhe level o f the b ra in s te m . A c e re b e lla r Ere m a n a lq -
hemangiomas and osteomas, and reactive retinaE glial b la s lo m a w a s fo u n d aL lh e l:m e o f < ra n io lo m v . i he parienl
and vascu.Ear proliferaticm (sec discuss ion in the nest sec­ d ie d s o o n a lle rw a rd . A n a u lo p s v re v e a le d m u ltip le cysts o f
tion) Stereoscopic fluorescein angiography is the most the ri цЬ| k id n e y а пт;' p a n c re a s . C ro s s e xa m in a li-n n o f lb e righl
important study in the differential diagnosis. Ih e diag­ e ye Revealed I w o n o d u la r re lina l a n g io m a s . The larger o n e
nosis of peripheral capillar)7 hemangiomas is not diffi­ (arrtjw . A ) m e a s u re d 1 .5 m m . The relina l vessels le a d in g lo
b o lh angjtem as w e re d ila te d . H is to p a th o lo g ic e x a m in a tio n
cult in the presence of a dilated, tortuous retinal artery
re v e a le d d ila te d fe e d e r vessels (a rro w , E?1 s u p p ly in g Lbe c a p ­
and w in extending from the op Lie disc to the tumor.
illa ry lu m o r, w h ic h re p la c e d the n o rm a l retinal a r c h ilectu re
Vaioproliferative tumor can be mistaken for a peripheral a n d p n o lru d e d in to the c a v ily . A h ig h -p o w e r v ie w o f
retinal angioma. Lhe tu m o r s h o w e d Iha L it w a s c o m p o s e d o f c a p illa ry -s ize d
b lo o d vessels lin e d b y fla tte re d endcriheJial ceils (C ). SLrands
o f fib ro g lia l tfS-sLie a n d c a p illa rie s w e re p re se n l o n the su rfa ce
o f lb e Lu m o r a n d e x te n d e d anlo th e vrtra ous la iro w , D ) .
E a n d F : С.! I ini с о р а Ih o lo g ic c o rre la lio n o f a n e x o p h y tic c a p il­
lary a ngp om a o f the o p lic n e rv e h e a d a n d p e r ip a p illa r y relina
s im u la tin g c h ro n ic p a p ille d e m a in a 2 9 -y e a r -o ld rn-an w h o
firH! n o te d b lu rre d v is io n in his right e v e in 1^ )5 9 . 3-1 e h a d
slm rtar s w e llin g o f b o th o p tic discs associated w ith e x u d a tiv e
d e la c h m e n l o f the s u rro u n d in g retina -it j. CJuGf Ih e subse-
q u e n l i years h e had p ro g re ss ive Joss o f v is io n in b o lh eyes^
a n d b e c a u s e o f Lhe u n c e rta in ty o f Ih e d ia g n o s is :h e lefl e ye
was e rn jt Ic a to d . H is fa m ih ' h islo rv w a s p o s itiv e fo r an a n g io -
b la slic m e n in g io m a in hi к m o lh e r, a p h c o c h r o m o c y L o m a in a
n ie c e a n d a n e p h e w , a n d b ila le ra l o p lic n e rve lesion s s im ila r
Lo lh o s e in Ihe p a lie n L in a n e p h e w . H is to p a th o lo g ic e x a m i-
n a lio n re v e a le d a n eKoph/yli.C capiillaiy h e m a n g io m a in v o lv ­
in g the ju x ta p a p illa ry retina a n d o p tic n e rv e h e a d fa rro w s , R .

lA-t>, Irwn MiLtichnn i ■! .1 S : К and f r o m LJ-лгг L'l .i I '::l t ■1

Лггн-тк.т M kIioj.1 A i i o c i ition. All п-i^hiIt t**ftTicydLl
’* 'I , . * # V -
Л. t *■ * / « . 4 * - *
5*. V r • s « --Г-
‘> V 'V J * 4 . - -
> * :> f w ♦ * j £ . .

г‘ Г г f
I г 4 ^ v r
* _ ^ lF # V
RETINAL TELANGIECTASIS AND I 3 .2 3 R e tin a E c a p i l l a r y h e m a n g i o m a I r e a l e d w i l h
p h o to d y n a m ic th e ra p y .
A - F : А 2 0 - y e a r-o ld m i n w ill? s o lita rv rtitinal c a p illa ry h e m ­
itelinal lebmgi ectasias, jimcrm'essels. arteriovencHiS aneu­ a n g io m a w ith e x te n s iv e e K u d a lio n in v o lv in g Lbe m a c u la
rysms. and arteriovenous communications are nol true iA Find B ). In audition- lo the h e m rm g io m a [h e re Fire several
sm all m iCrtjan^lJrybrns b e y o n d the lu m o r suggesting a s s o c i­
tumors and are discussed in Chapter ft.
a te d retinal te la n g ie c ta s ia . In a d d il io n lo Lhe tu m o r v a s c u la ­
ture fillin g u p . flu o re s c e in a n g io g ra m s h o w s d ila te d c a p illa ry
lii 1 1 :■■■i : I: i.■г■11 i- ui| км l \ i ■и a n d m ic ro a n e u ry s m s . SLiLj^csl-
rng associated C o a t s '- 1ike v a s c u la r пга Iform a Li o n I C l. F a m ily
h islo ry, sys le m ic e v a lu a t io n a n d g e n e tic testing w e r e n e g a ­
tive lo r V o n H i p p e l - L i n d a u d ise ase. N o te s h rin k a g e a n d
gliosis w iLh re s o lu tio n ot" s-ubrcliгьдI flu id a n d h a rd lip id e x u -
Н л Ii(3n 3 m o n th s fo llo w in g Ire a tm e n l w ith a s in g le session o f
s la n d a rd -flu e n c e p h o lo d y n a m iL th e ra p y lE a n d F).
C - M : A 76 -y e a r-o ld w o m a n was ofiS^firad for at leasl T O
yiears for a "retinal lesion ." H e r vis io n d ecrea sed Lo 2 0 / 3 0 - in
Lhi-s eyu a n d a FEV F s h o w e d paracenlial s c o to m a . A sl-mwfjerrv-
shaped c a p illa ry h e m a n g io m a w a s seen o b s c u rin g m usL o f
Lhe o p tic disc i C a n d H l A n g io g ra m s h a v e d Lbat lb e vessels
w iLb in lbe m ass iilk 'd a n d lea ked m ild ly., a p p e a rin g lik e a
s m o k e s La tk e m a n a tin g fro m the s u p e rio r M e o l the Lu m or (lj.
T h e re w e re lip id e xud aLes in fe rio r to tbe disc that e x te n d e d
Lo the fo v e a . O p t ic a l c o h e re n c e Lom<jgr;-iphv re v e a le d cystic
s w e llin g o f Lbe in n e r relina in Ihe v ic in ity o f the tu m o r (|1 a n d
m ild th ic k e n in g o f lb e Eovea I k ;. S h e b a d n o fa m ily h istory
suggestive o f v o n H ip p e l - L i n d a u a n d ^ e n e le s lin g fq f v o n
H ip p e l- L in d a u re tu rn e d n e g a tive . She u n d e rw e n t a re d u c e d -
П и Ё п № p h o to d y n a m ic ih e ra p y , w h ic h s h ra n k the tu m o r
c o n s id e ra b ly lo reveal the u n d e rly in g o p lic disc ;L l r lip id e x u ­
dates g ra d u a lly d is a p p e a re d , a n d the fo v e a I cysts re s o lve d .
H e r vis io n re m a in e d at 2 W 3 0 eccen Lrica 11y. H o w e v e r , Lhe
lesion re g a in e d s o m e s ize at 1 3 -m o n lli fo lk *w -u p -.Vl)f a n d il
has re m a in e d s ta b le s t .1 y e a r s .T h e vis io n re tu rn e d to 2(1/20.

TUMOR (REACTIVE RETINAL A 1 5 -ye a г-u ld fe m a le W ith neuiufi-brom aLcjsiH lv p e -1 Wris

referred Гог e v a lu a tio n or" painless floa ters in h e r riyh l e ye
VASCULAR PROLIFERATION) rjt 1 m u n lh 'f; d u ra tio n . V is iu n w as a b s e n c e o f light p e rc e p ­
tion in [he JefL e ye ль л Tes-ull o f н lefl o p tic n e rv e g lio m a
ihere may be some difficulty in differentiating peripheral lhat h a d h e e n trea ted w ith c h e m o th e r a p y . In the righL e ve .
exophytic angiomas from relinal telangiectasis or pseudo- visual a c u ity w as 20 /i 0 Lind intra<n:ular p rt's su je N O V I W as
angiomatous masses caused by reactive vascular prolifera­ 12 m m K g . A n le rio r-s e g m o n l e x a m ii:a lio n ie v e a le d n ilm e W iJs
tion in patients with retinopathy of prematurity, branch isch n o d u le s , flo rid ^ e o v a s ^ ta liiiia titJn o f Lhe iris, a r d i f ) 0 °
vein occlusion, diabetic retinopathy familial exudative net)v a s c H lari z a tio n o f I b t anj^le 'A . IJila tcid Fu n d u s c x n m i,-
naLion o f the right e v e re v e a le d I-2 H - a n te rio r v ilre o u s cells
vitreoretinopathy, pars planitis., X-l inked juv^tfle rt’tino-
a lid ал in te rio rly lo c a te d p in k , d e b a te d v a s c u la r m ass w ill:
schisis, chronic rhegmatogenous retinal detachment, and areas ol s u rro u n d in g s u b re lin a l fluid a n d lip id a c c u m u la tio n
retinitis proliferans [Figures i^ iij- L a n d iB j. D ila te d to rtu o u s fe e d e r vessels, as seen w ilh retinal c a p ­
illary h e m a n g io m a , w w e noL u h s e rv e d . T h e paLient had j lis-L
c o m p le te d a la p e rin g co u rse o f ига I steroids (starting d o s e 6 0
m g Q L i . ta p e re d Lny 2 0 rrrgAvepicj that h a d b een p re s c rib e d
b'. Ih e re fe rrin g physician^ Sa lien t wan IreaLed w ilh dciuble
fr c e jc -L h a w 1 ran s c u n ju n c Iival c ry o th e ra p y a n d s im u lta n e o u s
in :-, i■■.i Ire . 1 I i n j i4 ti( i-г о N jc v .it j. u m a b ■ 1.1 5 11 -g m ■: . : " i : I ■.
О л е w e e k later, lh e N V I w a s n e a rly c o m p le te ly Fe sp lve d
a n d Ih e I G K w a s 1 3 m m H g . O n e m o n Lh after tre a tm e n l Lhe
retinal d e ta c h m e n L o v e rly in g (h e vaso p n o lite rative [и п ю г h a d
ffis q lye d nmd lb e tu m o r a p p e a le d less v-asciilar w ith Fibrfltie
t h a n g e s. A s e c o n d jtije d tio n o f in I rav il refi I b e v a c iza m r ib
was g i w n fcx persistent N V I . O v e r Lhe co u rse o f the ntmt (»
m o n th s the N V I re s o lve d a n d the lu m e n U n d e rw e n t fib ro tic
chanjjes w ith c h o rio re lin a l a lro p h y a n d h y p e r p ig m e n ta lio n aL
the p o s te rio r m a rg in (C ^ A1 36 m o n th s a fte r initia l tr e a tm e n t
c lin ic n l fin d in g s w e re stab le , w ith vis io n o f 2 0 .\ !0 .

ll-шт l£ui:(i" t:l wilh pcrrrtiiiicifL

LEUKEMIC RETINOPATHY AND I i .l Я Hemorrhagiс relinopathy associated with acute
A -E : This man wilh acule m yelogenous leukemia developed
loss of central vision in patients wilh either acute or bilateral Joss of vision. Five months IлLut afIот £hem othe$ipy
chronic leukemia may he caused either by direct leukemic tjfc vision had improved and there was nhark&d iinpruvumr'nl
in lbe retinopathy.
invasion of the i№ al trad, retina, vitreous. or oplic nerve
F —H : Tin is m a n w ith acu te ly m p h a tic le u k e m ia e x p e rie n c e d
or by other associated hematologic abnormalilies, includ­ b ila te ra l loss, o f v is io n . N o t e the w h ite -c e n te re d h e m o rrh a g e s
ing anemia and hyperviscosity or a combination of both. a n d s u p e rfic ia l Telinal h e m a to m a ''arrijw , Ci-.
Previous studies have described an overall ocular involve­ 1 a n d J : B e fo re d e a th this p a l ienl w ith Lh ru r *iс gran-ulotiyLic
ment in 3-90% of cases based on clinical examination or Fe u ke m ia h a d e x Le n s iv e p w iv a s c u la r in filtra tio n a n d n o d u la r
autopsy Л figure of about 40% based on w h ile a n d ЬегйВЬгЙЪад^ m assfe* in lh e re tin a . H is lo p a lb o lo ^ jt
prospective clinical studies is more realistic."4,1:1"°,J However e x a m in a tio n o f lh e eyes re v e a le d m assive p e riva sc u la r le u k e ­
m ic in til I rat io n anrl h e m o rrh a g ic n o d u la r le u k c m ic lu m e fa c -
previously published reports have been biased towards
LioTTb ly in g b e n e a lb ifie linltirnEil lim iLin g m e m b r a n e (a rrc w i.
acute leukemia, suggesting that ocular involvement in more
il-rum K u w .ilk ir.L et ,lI : ' 1 № 4 . A n iLvic .l ii V ,L4 Jk .,il A ^ t K ' . i iiu ii. A il ri^ h l1-
common chronic leukemia is infrequent.261^™

Leukemic Retinopathy
lhe most striking fundus pictures associated wilh leuke­
mia involve the relina and they typically occur in patients (Figure l3.26),2a<lJJ5 Patients, particularly with chronic
wilh acule leukemia, frequently during a period of relapse myelogenous leukemia, may develop peripheral retinal
and frequently associated with severe and coexisting microaneuiysrns,27;'-Jfl6 retinal vascular closure,2w' and
anemia (Figure ]3.2?>}_l'"::'“,ac' " 11 JM I'hese patients may retinal and oplic disc neovascu]arizallon.::<'< ' j!,17,-i0|-,":""
develop dilation, tortuosity, and beading of the retinal Increased blood viscosity and reduced blood flow associ­
wins; relinal vascular sheathing; cotlon-wool patches; ated wilh prolonged and marked leukocyt^ls^^^^^'^^3
superficial flame-shaped hemorrhages; deep, round hem­ and thrombocytosis "'' are probably the cause of these lat-
orrhages; wbite^entered hemorrhages; and subhya- Ler changes. Fluorescein angiography is helpful in detect­
Loid and subin tern aI limiting membrane hemorrhages ing these alterations, l.eopard-spot 1?E*E: alterations seen
(Figure 13.25). I ’hese changes are similar to those seen tn these patients, often during the stage of remission, are
in patients wilh severe anemia from any cause as well as probably caused by choroidal infiltration [E'igure 13.27
dysproleinemias (see Figure Some G - l)/ -'*""'-
" ■ ' Tigmenl epithelial and retinal degenera­
palients may develop grayish-white nodular leukemic tion may occur in one or bolh eyes and occasionally may
retinal infiltrations and perivascular retinal infiltration be accompanied by development of a macular hole." 1"■'l:
Leukemic Optic Neuropathy I L e u k e m ic infiltration o f th e retina a n d o p tic
Acute visual loss may be caused by leukemic invasion of
A-F: Th is 6 -v e a r-u ld girl d e v e lo p e d ly m p h o c y tic le u k e m ia
the optic nerve, usually in children with acute lymphocytic
rn D e c e m b e r 39 6 6 . S h e w a s H e a le d w ith v in c ris tin e , p re d ­
leukemia (E'igures 11;1бА-5 and 13.28A and Ji}.. In some
n is o n e , and I'netfSptrE&atE. EJecauire o f via uni loss s h e w a s
patients the infiltration may be confined to the retrobulbar seen at the B a s c o m F u lm e r t y e Institute o n N o v e m b e r fl,
area or may involve the optic nerve h^lt-ifS'ig7_-3Dl Visual 1 9 6 7 . V isu a l a c u ity in th e rig h t e ye w a s Finger c o u n tin g a n d
loss 1[i these 3alter patients may be minimal, and the swol- in Ihe left e ye w a s h a n d m o v e m e n ts . T h e optic n e rv e b e n d in
Een oplic nerve may be mistaken for papilledema associ­ b a lb eyes w a s o b s c u re d b y a m a s s iv e c e llu la r in filtra tio n that
ated with increased intracranial pressure (E:igure 13.2SA). e x te n d e d inld llte retina in lh e p e r ip a p illa r y re g io n ' A Lind li:.
T h e n : W as p r o n o u n c e d p u rivu n o u H in filtra tio n . E3v D e c e m b e r
Jhese patients show a dramatic response lo aiuimetabo-
3r 1 9 6 7 , Lhe d e g re e of in filtra tio n in the rig h t f-Ve h a d
Eile, corticosteroid, or oibilal irradiation therapy. which
im p ro v e d (C ) . T h e r e w a s fu rth e r im p r o v e m e n I b y M a r c h 1 3 ,
should be instituted promptly after a Cl- study and lum­ 19 6 & I D ) . O i : |u n e 1 1 , 1 9 6 d , heir vis u n l a c u ity h a d rriu rn c tJ
bar puncture to exclude papilledem a.Infiltration of to 20-'20 in this e y e . B y M oVE.m bfer 1 4 , T 9 6 E , the p n lie n t w a s
the optic nerve may be associated with occlusion of the q u ite w e ll a n d w a s a lle n d in g s c h o o l. H e r v is io n in the right
central retinal artery (Figure ]3.2SC-]E) and vein.-1'1'-30* e ve w a s 2 0 / 2 0 . M u s t o l Ihe p e riv a s c u la r in filtra tio n h a d d is -
Progressive visual Joss anti oplic atrophy may occasionally лррс*атсч] '.fcj. T h e o p lic n e rv e h e a d w a s p n le , nrnl Пн m arg in s
w e re b lu rr e d . T h e v is u a l a c u ity in the Eeft e y e w a s 2 0 /2 0 0 .
occur coincident with a worsening of chronic lymphocytic
a n d th e re w a s still e v id e n c e o f p e riva sc u la r in filtra tio n (F ).
letdflftriUa™ or blast crisis in chronic myeloid leukemia
C —|: L e u k e m ic in filtra tio n o f Ih e re tin a . Th is E -y e a r -o ld girl
(Figure I3.2SE-K). w ith a c u te le u k e m ia d e v e lo p e d loss o f cenLral vis io n in Lhe
left e y e . The o p Lic n u rve bend w n s b lu rr e d , a n d th e re w e re
Leukemic Infiltration of the Vitreous KCrillered retinal h e m o rrh a g e s in th e m a c u la a n d e ls o w h e je
in th e fu n d u s (£.)_ In Ihe p e r ip h e ry th e re w a s p r o n o u n c e d
An occasional patient with acute leukemia may lose p e riv a s c u Ini s h e n lh in g , prenun'jed to b e s e c o n d a ry to le u k e ­
vision because of vitreous cellular in filtration, and vitrec­ m ic in fil trill io n 'H j . Flu o re s c e in n n g itjg jn p h v re ve a le d d ila ­
tomy may be of value in making the diagnosis as well as tion Lind m ic ro n па и rvsm n I fo rm a tio n in lh e retinal c a p illa ry
improving the vision.^7’5 Other unusual causes of visual b e d a n d w id e s p re a d le a k a g e o f d ye fro m th e c a p illa rie s a n d
ve in s 11 a n d I
Loss in patients with leukemia include iris infiltration.305
anterior-st.'gmenl ischemia,-1' ' open-angje glaucoma,,u"
and cornea! ring ulcer.-ео
f 'i ,2 7 L e u I t e m iс r e t r n n p a l h y .

Л - F : rlus г е - у е а г - ^ И A fr ic a n A r t fe r it a r m a le W o k e up w ilh
s udd u n baiflless 1оыы a vis io n in b o lh evns Ю ha n d m o lio n .
H u hfid m ild p u ls n lin ^ e ye p a in ^ la te ra lly . Th e antericur seg­
m en t w as q u ie t. T tie right e y e re ve a le d m a s s ive retinal, prereLi-
п л I, a n d 5ubrLlina3 h e m o rrh a g e s in lh e posterior p o le ' : А - Г : .
lh e fflid-rfltina m o w e d largelliku in lr» гч^И п-л I Ь е т о [^ т5 Ю в
w ilh w h ile iceqfej. Flu o re s c e in a n g io g ra m re ve a le d b lo c k a g e
□E ch oroFd a l fluorescentDe fro m Lhe b lo o d (L>>. H is la b o ra to ry
investigations re v e a le d h e n n k>I o b i n ol 3 .4 w ith a h e m a to c rit
□I 9 .6 , a platelet c o u n t o f 4 0 0 D f a n d a w h ile b lo o d cell c o u n t
fif 4 0 0 0 r suggesting severe p a n c y to p e n ia . C o m p u t e d to m o g ra ­
ph y o f the hend wan n o rm a l. B o n e m a r ro w b io p s y c o n firm e d
acu te ly m p h o c y tic le u k e m ia o f T-cell lin e a g e . H e w a s treated
w ilh intrathecal m e th o tre xa te w e e k ly , v irltrliftin e , b -lh io g u a -
n in e , a n d B a c trim and rece ive d several b lo o d transfusions
a n d platelet transfusions. The^visufll a c u ity im p ro v e d to 20.S50
in the right e y e a n d 2 0 /3 0 0 in the lefl e y e . T w o m o n th s later
h e m o rrh a g e s resolved w ilh soin-e p a llo r Lo the optic d is c rind
residual fiagfhentary cha ng es in the m n c u Li ; L , F ).

^.'■uurCL-sy a t L)r. VVi^ -Miultir.p

'[ i . 2 У L e u k e m i c infillratiun o f th e o p lic n e rv e ,

A a n d B : This 6 -y e a r-o ld girl d e v e lo p e d le u k e m ic Lra n sfo rm a -

Иол o f a I у m p h o s a гсогпл o f Сhe m udi asLinu n’t. In- lunr1 1 9 7 0
she w b s treated w ith a r ^ i n t H i o f v in c ris tin e , nw tbotreK aLe^
a n d p re d n is o n e . Rf?m Vision w a s a c b ie v ^ p r b u l by S e p te m b e r
Lhe c h ild d e v e lo p e d signs a n d s y m p to m s o f cenLral n e rvo u s
s y s lfm k w o Jv e m e n L . In lra tfia jlil (jjie Lh a ta x a le w a s g iv e n on
S c p le m b e r i r 1 4 7 0 . О л S e p te m b e r 1 0 , 1 970 , her KS^jon in
lh e right e y e w a s lig b l p e r c e p lio n w ith p r o je c tio n a n d lh e
left e y e w as 2 0 ^ 2 0 . I lie righL O p tic nttrve h e a d Lind p e r ip a p il­
lary relin a (K1 w e re s w o lle n a n d w h ile in c o lo r. Th is w a s p re ­
s u m e d to be related lo le u k e m ic in filtra tio n . T h e o p lic d is c in
Lhe left e ye w a s n o r m a l. A s u b c o n iLu ic liv a l in je c lio n o f tria m ­
c in o lo n e w a s j^ivcn.. a n d a c o u rs e o f oral p re d n fs o n e , 2 0 m g
ihree Lim es p e r d a yr wan b e g u n . O n O c to b e r- 1 5 . 1 HJ 7 0 vis u a l
a c u ily w a s 2 0 ! J O in each e y e . T h e s w e llin g o f the ril;h I o p Ljc
disc h a d la rg e ly d is a p p e a re d 1 L I. T h e re w as toss o f p ig m e n t
fro m the relin a l p ig m e n l e p ith e liu m associated w ilh m u llip Je
b la c k c lu m p s o f p i r a t e п I h u iro u n d in g lh e o p lic d is c . H e r
general c o n d i Li o n d e te rio rate d .. a n d she d ie d on U e c e m b e r
2 7 , \9 70 .
C —H i Th is 3 7 -y e a r -o ld m a le w it h T-c e ll a c u te ly m p h o c y tic
le u k e m ia , d ia g n o s e d 6 m o n th s e a rlie r, h a d re c e iv e d five
cycle s o l b yp e rc ел I ral v e n o u s access d a y fe e c h e m o th e ra p y
that co n siste d o f c y c lo p h o s p h a m id e , v in c ris lin e , A d ria m y c in ^
a n d d a u n o r u b ic in 4 rTiqflths a g o . H b h a d suffere d s u d ­
d e n loss o f v is io n in his rig h t e y e & d a ys p re v io u s ly lh a l b e
desc rib e d as "v is io n w ilh d a rk bunjilasses" lh al w a s inLerm iL-
Lenl fo r л d a v , Ih e n № ir tiln e d p e r m a n e n tly d a rk thereafter.
H e h a d a s im ila r e p is o d e in lh e lefl e y e -1 m o n th s p re v io u s ly
a n d d id noL re c o ve r v is io n . H e re c e ive d im ra v e n o u s steroids
b u! o p h th a lm ic . e x a m in a lio n w as noL s u u g h L. H is v is io n w a s
fight p e r r e p lio n o n the rig h t a n d n o lighL p e rc e p tio n on Lbe
le ft T h e u p t k n e rv e w a s p a le a n d s w o lle n w it h p e rip a p illa ry
a n d m a c u la r w h ite n in g , c h e rry -re d spot a n d b o K c a jrin g o f
Lhe b lo o d c o lu m n in Lbe a rleries. T h e re w e re several retinal
h e m o rrh a g e s in lh e p o s te rio r p o le i C - E l . I h e lefL o p lic n e rv e
was pale a n d t u p p e d w i lh a n аг1ету-1о-л г1егу c o lla te ra l s u p e ­
rior Iо Lhe day.'. A flu orescein a n g io g ra m re v e a le d a lm o s t л о
b i(K )d flov. th ro u g h :1ч 1 lu n c h e s >f Lbe cenlral retinal arlury
at Ihe disc b o lh e a rly a n d late a n d H j . H e re c e ive d ra d ia ­
tion lo lh e o p tic n e rv e a n d c b e m o lh e ra p y v ia an O m m a y a
reservoir, b u l his visi-on d id n o l im p rijv e .
I-К: T h is 2 0 -y e a r -o ld m e n ia lly c h a lle n g e d m a le w ith c h ro n ic
m y e lo id le u k e m ia w e n t into bias! crisis a n d n o te d loss o f
vis io n m b o lh e y e s. The l-efl e y e h a d a d e n se vitre o u s h e m ­
o rrh a g e w h ile lh e rig b l e y e had le u k e m ic in frlLra iio n o f Lhe
o p lic n e rv e (H . H e re c e ive d 2 4 G y e x L e m a I-b e a m ra d ia tio n
Lo b o th o rb ils o v e r 2 .5 w e e k s . Ih e in fi Urates Ib in n e d o u l o v e r
Й w e e k s LJ an ti K i b ul v is io n d id not im p ro v e s u b je c tiv e ly . An
a ccu ra te assessm ent o f his vis u a l a c u ily c o u ld not b e m a d e
d u e to his m e n ia l staLus.

'I-К... l o u r l / j v , i г I 'Ч Ir jn c o K l ' l c Ii i -

VITREORETINAL LYMPHOMAS \ Diagram illustrating the pathologic anatomy
underlying the variety o f clinical pictures caused by
b e n ig n re a c tiv e ly m p h o id h y p e rp la s ia o f lh e u v e a l tract t h e ocular-central nervous system form o f la r y e - cel I

Lin d u v e a l l y m p h o m a a re d is c u s s e d in C h a p t e r 1 4 .
non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.

Lymphoma te lls infilLmle [he i/ttreous (small Lirrow, A. and

Ihe sub-reli^hl piemen! cpilhelium -KPbi Б р аф <ird product:

Primary Central Nervous System in ilia IIу small pfacbtd lesions IsJbrmiljlE ing mu Ili pie earnest ел I
while-doL syndrome, alightly el twilled Зеиипк iBj sirmjladjjtig
Lymphoma (PCNSLj ' m u11i ГосгТI tboroidiliH. or larger sub-hi PL- rriLisses (Ci lliat tire
р^6ЬпугОггк:п1с fur non-Hodgkin's KmphuniLi. Invasion of
Л la rg e B - c e l E n o n - H o d g ) t l n ri В l y m p h o m a m a y a rise p ri-
the overlying n.'tina (Ej produces \vhile lesions simulLilin^
m a r i l v in t h e C N S , in c lu d in g th e b ra in , s p in a l c o rd , a n d
ncule retinitis, and ischemic retinal Fnfatction. As these reti­
m e n i n g e s . In a s u b s e t o f p a tie n ts , l y m p h o m a m a y b e c o n ­ nal lesions expand lbuy niLiy and occlude jelinal ves­
fin e d to v itre o u s /R E:h /re tin a - s o -c a lle d P C N 'S L - O V a ri- sels and produce a clinical pjclutJe of acuLe relinal nGCrdsi}.
a n t . ' ^ 0, : ' H. is e s t i m a t e d t h a t P C N S I . - O re p re se n ts 1% of 5ponlaneous necrosis and resol u1ion o f I be lym phom a mny
non -1 l o d g k i n ' s l y m p h o m a .. o f in tra c ra n ia l t u m o r s , a n d occur early II» . and produce mu ILi foe a I chojiorelinal scars
f a r [e s s t h a n 1% o f in lra o c u la r t u m o r s . T h e re is a h u n - simulating the presumed ocular histoplasmosis syndrome, or
La I и !H, Lind cause large geographic ar£as or diffuse areas of
d a n t e v i d e n c e t h a t t h e i n c i d e n c e o f t h i s t u m o r is i n c r e a s ­
HF’b alrophy slrrulaling de^tmer.nive and poMinllammatory
i n g .',-1 . A c c o r d i n g t o N a t i o n a l C a n c e r I n s t i t u t e S u r v e i l l a n c e . .
s e in in g .
E p id e m io lo g y , and Iin d R e su lts [S E E R ) d a tab a se , th e
in c id e n c e o f P C N S 1 . rose f r o m 0 .2 7 per m illio n in 1 9 7 .1
to 3 0 .0 p e r m i l l i o n in th e e a rly 1 9 У Os, in d ic a t in g a m o r e
L h a n 3 0 - f o l d i n c r e a s e i n t h e t h r e e d e c a d e s . 4 24 11 ' ' l h e m a in (h e b io m ic n o s c o p ic c lu e Lo t h e s u b -R P H lo c a tio n o f th e
c a u s e o f t h e i n c r e a s e d i n c i d e n c e o f P C M S I . is a r i s e i n p r e v ­ tu m o rs , w h ic h m a y be c o n flu e n t a n d m a s s iv e in s ize . ' I h e
a le n c e o f im m u n o d e f i c i e n c y , a c q u ir e d im m u n o d e fic ie n c y tu m o r m ay e xte n d th ro u g h th e JtP L in to th e o v e rly in g
s y n d ro m e ( A I D S ) , and im m u n o s u p p re s s io n .-^2 sen sory re tin a and v itre o u s , w h ere it p roduces a lo c a l­
In p a tie n ts p re s e n tin g w ith P C N S L-O , C N S in vo lv e ­ i z e d w h i l e Ee s io n l h a l m a y s i m u l a t e t h a t o f a c u te re tin itis
m e n t w ill a p p e a r in 5 0 - 8 0 % o f p a tie n ts several years a fte r (I'ig u r e s 1 3 . 2 9 El , 1 3 ,3 0 1 , a n d 1 3 .3 1 C and E-IJ. in filtra tio n
t h e o n s e t o f o c u l a r s y m p t o m s .-11 ■ " l|:: C o n v e r s e l y , 15 -3 ^ 5 % o f t h e m a j o r r e t in a l ve sse ls m a y c a u s e a f u n d u s p ic t u r e o f
o f p a tie n ts w ith E1C N S [ . h a ve o c u la r in v o lv e m e n t at th e branch a rte ria l o c c l u s i o n fi'ig u r e 1 3 .3 1 C - L ) , and h e m o r­
L i m e o f d i a g n o s i s o f P C № S i *311,31 J A p p r o x i m a t e l y 2 !> % o f rh a g ic in fa r c tio n o f th e re tin a s im u la tin g th a t seen in a c u le
PC N S L p a tie n ts w i t h o u t o c u la r in v o lv e m e n t W ill d e v e lo p re tin a l n e c ro s is caused by th e h e rp e tic viru s e s [E 'ig u r e
in tr a o c u la r l y m p h o m a .na 1 3 . 3 2 1 - K ) . ::^ !-" : An o c c a s io n a l p a tie n t pre se n ts w ith
P a tie n ts are u s u a l l y in th e s ix th to S e ve n th decade of v is u a l lo ss caused by ly m p h o m a to u s in filtra tio n o f th e
life w h e n t h e y p re s e n L t o lh e o p h t h a l m o l o g i s t w i t h a w i d e re tFo b u lb a r p o r tio n o f th e o p tic nerve s im u la tin g re tro b u l­
v a rie ty o f c lin ic a l p ic tu re s th at m ay s im u la te m any ocu- b a r n e u ritis o r in filtr a tio n o f th e o p tic n e r v e h e a d s im u la t ­
Ear d is o rd e rs (fig u re s 1 3 .2 ^ - 1 3 .3 2 ) . Young a d u lts and i n g p a p i l l i t i s .1- ^ " '- '1 ,'l h e d is e a s e b e c o m e s b ila te r a l in 8 0 ^ b
c h ild re n are o c c a s io n a lly a f f e c t e d .-*1 -1 ' I h e o c u la r-C N S o f th e cases. There m a y b e a d e k iy o f m o n th s o r several
fo rm o f la r ^ e c e ll ly m p h o m a m ost fre q u e n tly m asquer­ ye a rs u n t il i n v o l v e m e n t o f th e s e c o n d e ye . Irid o c y c litis a n d
a d e s as p o s te r io r u v e itis i n p a tie n ts c o m p l a i n i n g o f flo a t­ se c o n d a ry g la u c o m a m a y o c c u r la te r in th e c o u rs e o f th e
ers c a u s e d b y t h e v i t r e o u s i n f i l t r a t i o n w i t h l y m p h o m a t o u s d ise a se . I n s o m e p a tie n ts th e re is a r e m a r k a b l e t e n d e n c y
and in fla m m a to ry c e lls. M ost o f th e p a tie n ts w ith v itre ­ fo r th e s u b p ig m e n t e p ith e lia l le s io n s lo re s o lve sp o n ta ­
ous in filtra tio n w ill soon a fte rw a rd d e v e lo p m u ltip le n e o u s ly. W hen th is occurs e a rly m u lLifo c a l s m a ll scars
fu n d u s le s io n s ., w h i c h in iiia llv m ay be n o n e le va te d and s im u la tin g lh a l in lh e presu m ed o c u la r h is to p la s m o s is
a p p e a r s im ila r to m u ltifo c a l c h o ro id itis ( i'ig u r e s 1 3 .3 ]С syn d rom e occur (I'ig u r e s 1 3 .2 9 D and 1 3 . 3 1 Ci 1. W hen
and 1 3 .3 2 G , II, and LJ o r m u ltip le evanescent w h ile -d o t la rg e le s io n s re s o lv e , la rg e fo c i o f g e o g r a p h ic a tro p h y o f
syn dro m e ( E 'ig u r e 1 3 .3 1 A )., b u t w h i c h ty p ic a lly e n la rg e to ( h e p i g m e n t e p i t h e l i u m m a y s i m u l a t e l h a l s e e n in d e g e n ­
fo rm s o lit a r y , s h a r p l y d e f i n e d , b l i s t e r !ike . y e l l o w i s h - w h i t e e ra tive o r p o s l i n f l a m m a t o r y d is o r d e r s ( f ig u r e s 1 3 .2 9 3 : a n d
s u b - R P L t u m o r s th a t are u s u a lly s u ffic ie n tly c h a ra c te ris tic 1 3 .3 0 P ) . W hen p re se n t, th e m u llip le s o lid R PJi m asses
to p e rm it an a c cu rate d ia g n o s is (fig u re s 1 3 .2 У С , 1 3 .3 0 , are v ir tu a lly p a t h o g n o m o n i c f o r t a r jg e c e l l l y m p h o m a . - 1'''-
and 1 3 .3 1 1 3 ) .'- 'lh e fin e s p e c k lin g o f p ig m e n t O c u la r s ig n 5 a n d s y m p to m s u s u a lly a n le d a le th o s e caused
on t h e s u rfa c e o f ih e s c a m e ! a n o li с s u b re tin a l m ounds is b y C N S in v o lv e m e n t.-^
r Sflcntaneojs

Large sub-RPEluros 0 GeographicR^Eatrophy

I f l a r g e celL l y m p h o m a is s u s p e c t e d l h e p a t i e n t s h o u l d 13.30. Primary central nervous system lymphoma
have a general m e d ic a l e v a lu a tio n , in c lu d in g n e u ro lo g ic confined to v ilreous.;retinal pigment epithelium (KPE)/
e xa m in a tio n , M R] scan, and lu m b a r p u n c tu re . In m ost retina (PCMS-О lymphoma).
cases th is e v a lu a tio n w ill b e n e g a tiv e . E x a m i n a t i o n o f th e
A—H: This 60-year-oLd wom an was seen in Decem ber 196S
c e re b ro s p in a l flu id in som e p a lie n Ls m ay d e m o n s tra te with widespread jjfeaS B# solid yellow-w hile detachmunis of
Ly m p h o c y to s is but in fre q u e n tly d e m o n s tra te s th e pres­ lhe KH'E in tier left eye iA, K, anti 1J). Angioj'NiptiLcailv these
ence o f m a lig n a n t c e lls. V i t r e o u s b io p s y m ay be neces­ EesIdts w ere largely nonfluonescent (Cl. M edical evaluation
sary to c o n fir m th e d ia g n o s is . T h is s h o u ld be d o n e was negative. These lesions disappeared spontaneously and
Ihe patient had 2(V2t> visron 4El. W h en she nilum ed 4 years
o n ly when a n e xp e rie n c e d te am fo r c y to lo g ic e v a lu a tio n
1.1 1ci г there were widespread FIL’E atrophic changes in the lefl
is a v a i E a b l e . live n u n d e r th e best o f c irc u m s ta n c e s , a fte r
eye. In the rijjht eye she had the same picture, illustrated
o b ta in in g th e v itre o u s s p e c im e n , p ro p e r c o n c e n tra tin g a n d
in the left eve in D. Ten weeks later she died after experi­
s t a i n i n g o f t h e v i t r e o u s ce lls, a n d e x a m i n a t i o n b y a s k ille d encing jacksonian tei/ufes. Croiis gJcanj inatiori of Lhe righl
c y to lo g is t, a d e fin itiv e d ia g n o s is m a y n o t b e p o s s ib le . In eye revealed mullipEe necroiic w hile Lumors benealh Ihe
s o m e p a tie n ts c y to lo g ic e x a m in a tio n o f t h e v it r e o u s a sp i­ deLached K P t (arrujws, Fl. N olu dmachment of the Lhinned
ra n t m a y reveal o n l y i n f l a m m a t o r y c e l l s . 153 D i r e c t b i o p s y and clumped REJt (upper armfw, C j and Iiq uetacIive necrosis
of Шгпот between Iht! and viable tumor lying along Ihe
o f t h e c h o r o i d - R P 1 : c o m p l e x in th e area o f a v is ib le le s io n
гпгег surface of Bruch4 membrane (low er arrow, tJ). V iable
o ffe rs th e be st c h a n c e fo r a d e fin itive d ia g n o s is b u t th e
rcliculum cell sflrocma (arrow was lying alony !he inner sur­
p ro c e d u re has a h ig h e r m o r b id ity /^ 1 Jf lh e e v a lu a tio n o f
face of Kruch^ membrane i3-lj. Nole chronic inflammatory
th e p a t ie n t re ve als e v id e n c e o f a C N S le s io n , a C l -g u id e d cells in lhe choroid.
ste re o ta c tic b io p s y is a n e ffe c tive m e a n s o f a rriv in g at a I- К : 5ubpiyment epilhelial lymphoma in a 62-year-oEd man
d i a g n o s i s . ' i '1- U l ) C y t o l o g i c e ita m i n a t i o n is m o r e i m p o r t a n t afler vitrectomy. Note tumor (arrow, I] breaking through the
t h a n l y m p h o c y t e s u rfa c e m a r k e r s in a r r i v i n g at t h e c o rre c t KPE. Vilreous aspirate showed cells w ilh enlarged hyper-
tbromati'c indonled nuclei and minimal cytoplasm |arrow, |J
d ia g n o s is o f la rg e -c e ll l y m p h o m a . 1 '- - ш Irre g u la r n u c le a r
characteristic of reticulum cell sarcoma. Rusolulion of tumor
c o n to u rs . Jo b a tio n of n u c le i, coarse irre g u la r ch rom a­
occurred 3 mondis after exLermiI-beam irradiation (Kj.
tin , a n d th e p re s e n c e o f n u c le o li a re e y to lo g ic fe a tu re s o f
la ig e -c e ll l y m p h o m a ( E 'ig u r e I 3 .3 0 J J . A n c illa r y te c h n iq u e s
IA-K, ■
Mini Ci.Lis(;[ At. )
in c lu d e im m u n o h is to c h e m is try and flo w c y to m e try to
d e te rm in e th e im m u n o p h e n o typ e s o f ly m p h o c yte s , gene
rearran ge m ent s tu d ie s , and m e a su rem en t of in te rle u k in free o f t u m o r b u t is i n f i L t r a t e d w i t h ly m p h o c y te ^ , m o s tly
Le vels. r e a c t i v e 'I' l y m p h o c y t e s . a n d p l a s m a c e lls ( E 'ig u r e L 3 .3 0 1 E).
1 1i s l o p a t h o l o g i c a l l y p a lie n ts w ith o c u la r-C N S Large In som e cases th e tu m o r m ay e xte n d in to th e u nd e r­
ce ll l y m p h o m a t y p i c a l l y s h o w m u lt ip le areas o f l y m p h o - ly in g c h o r o id o r lh e o v e r ly in g re tin a a n d v i t r e o u s (E 'ig u r e
m a t o u s i n f i l t r a t i o n o f t h e s u b - RPE s p a c e [ I ' i g u r e 13.30H— 13 _ 3 lG -L}. |-Lis to p a Lh o lo g ic e xa m in a tio n o f eyes- a fte r
I Lj [л 1^ е le s io n s are c o m p o s e d s p o n ta n e o u s re s o lu tio n o f th e L y m p h o m a sh ow s m u ltip le
p r i m a r i l y o f n e c r o tic t u m o r l h a t is s e p a r a te d f r o m H a tc h 's g e o g r a p h i c a re a s o f H P ! i a t r o p h y o r p t a c o i d d i s c i f o r m scars
m e m b r a n e b y a t h in laye r o f v ia b le h y p e r c h r o m a lic t u m o r th at m a y s im u la te e ith e r p o s l m n a m m a t o iy scars o r a d i f ­
ce lls ( f i g u r e ] 3 . 3 0 t - - E I J . i n m o s t p a t i e n t s t h e u v e a l t r a c t is f u s e c h o r i o r e t i n a l d y X f t r o p h y 3-143'
M anagem ent o f ETC N 5 L - G w ith o c u la r ra d ia tio n Primary centraE nervous system lymphoma
(4 0 G y in d iv id e d d o s e s ) c o n tr o ls o c u la r in v o lv e m e n t in confined lo vitreous/retinal pigment epithelium (RPE)/
th e m a j o r i t y o f cases, b u t m o s t p ro g re ss Lo d e v e l o p C N S retina (PCNS-O lymphoma}.
d ise a se . because ra d ia tio n th erap y Lo th e b ra in m ay
A -F: This .ifc-year-old wom an nuk'd bftirr^d vision and
have s ig n ific a n t si d e - e f f e c t s its use fo r p ro p h y la x is in floater!; iгг the rigbl eye. Vilrilis and multiple smal ■w h ile or
p a tie n ts w ith o u t p roven C N S in v o lv e m e n t is nol a d v is ­ цгау-whiLe sahretinal Eesiicins cqrifined I d the rij>hl eye were
a b l e . S y s t e m ic t h e r a p y m a y n o t b e s u f f i c i e n t f o r t r e a t m e n t interpreted as m ulliple evanescenl white-doL Syndrome
o f M C N S L - O . ' 11, In tra v itre a l m e th o tre x a te (4 0 O |jg / O .l m l) liirraws. A .. W h e n ex amilted 1 month taler her visual acuity
was 5/200, rij^hl eye, and 20/20, left eye. She had IcjpEMJ
g ive n over a p e rio d of ] year a c c o rd in g lo a sta n d a rd
a sub-KPE mass 'arrow, Kj and a Swiss cheeselifbe subretinal
in d u c t L o n -c o n s o lid a lio n -m a in le n a n c e re g im e n appears
infillr-Hion in lhe i iцhI eye. Ang&^fljraphy showed evidence of
Lo p r o v i d e e x c e lle n t c o n t r o l ra te s w i t h m i n i m a l to x ic ity .''" 1 ' FiPt changes centrally at well as staining in lhe area ot" Lhe
In tra v itre a l in je c tio n s o f r it m J r n a b (a n li-C D 20 a n tib o d y ; tnfilIrate. The right eye was normal. The diagnosis was large­
1 m g / O . t n i l ) a r e u n d e r L n V ^ s t i g a t i O r L 3^3 "50 cell Lymphoma with probable involvement of the retrobulbar
Kor C N S in v o lv e m e n t, h ig h -d o s e m e th o tre x a te is u s u ­ oplic легче. M e d ical evaluation was negative. Four months
a lly c o n s id e r e d .'' 1 A s t h e b l o o d - b r a i n b a r r i e r is a l i m i t ­ Ial or lhe tumor had resolved temporally but had extended
nasaEEy ItlJ. Repealed evaluations feu evidence of lym phom a
i n g fa c to r l h a l re stric ts d r u g e n t r y i n t o t h e C N S , in tr a th e c a l
were negative. She refused viLneous biopsy. The lesions in Lhe
d r u g d e liv e ry , in tr a v e n tr ic u la r d r u g d e liv e r y b y a re s e rvo ir,
right eye resolved spontaneously and over lhe subsequent 40
and d is ru p tio n o f th e b lo o d -b ra in b a rrie r w ith m a n n i-
monLhs she developed similar lesions in lhe lefl eye. Vilreous
to l in fu s io n are g e n e ra lly u s e d ."30^153 D i s r u p t i o n o f th e biopsy was positive lor lymphoma. Three years after her
b l o o d - b ra in b a rrie r w ilh m a n n ilo l in fu s io n m a y in a d v e r- onset. of symploms she developed evidence of lymphoma in
L e n lly d is r u p t th e b l o o d - r e L i n a l b a r r ie r c a u s in g rn a c u lo p a - the brain. She received irradiation treatment lo the eyes and
th y (J'ig u r e 1 3 J 2 J . ' " i h e t r e a t m e t i l o f l>C J N S L is e v o l v i n g
brain. W h e n Iasi examined her visual atdfty was 20/200,
iii"il i ■
. ■. '.:i: lefl eye I here v, .i1' 'vidci-p'c.v i i-
w ith in a fr a m e w o rk o f in te rn a tio n a l m u ltid is c ip lin a ry c o l­
dence of degeneration of lhe № E but no evid en ce of tumor
la b o r a tiv e s tu d ie s .
in either eye (E anti 1-'. Five years after her inilia! visit she-
was alive nnd Uimorfree. Forgetful ness and depression were
attributed lo postil radiation c h a n g e .
G-L: This apparently healthy 71-year-oEd wom an developed
a superotempora] btam:h retinal artery occlusion caused
by inlraretinal invasion of a suh-KPE lymphoma in Ihe rijqhI
eyEf 'L i I. At lhe lime o f in ilia 1 presentation she had viLre-
dlis cellular infiltration and multiple atrophic chorioretinal
scars in the right eye. The left eye was normal except for a
single focal scar and lesions in lhe m acula interpreted as
drusen. Six. weeks later the retin-al whitening extended inlo
other quadrants ■I -ti and m ultiple yello w plaques (arntjwsf
had developed in the formally occluded relinal artery.
A ng iogia phica 11у there was evidence of narrowing of Lhe
arlury cabber in Lhe area o f these plaque» I arrows, 1^. She
subsequently developed Lhe tlin jcal picture of acuLe relinal
necrosis and rubeotic glaucom a in Lhe rij=hl eye I hat was
enucleated. HisLopathologic examination revealed large
mounds ot necrotic lymphoma benenlh Ihe KF-1!:, extensive
reliral necrosis, lumor invasion of Lne reLLnal arLuries, and
occlusion o f the artery (arrow, 60 on the optic disc and nar­
rowing of Lhe retinal arLery iairows, Ll by tumor and alh-
eromalous deposits, \1edical evaluation for: other evidence
o f lym phom a w as negative. She developed multiple focal
lesions simulating choroiditis in the lefL eye iji. Note lhal
some were hypofEuorescenl (arro w y |). Fourteen monlhs after
her iniLial presentation she developed hemiparesis and brain
scan evidence o f a lymphoma.
M lj-L, I'rLiril U .H l .lCld l l . L l U t r ' " ! I rJ4 I A jTirjl I L ,111 M u r llL .ll A-SSiM i.L llijn .
ЛИ ri^tib rcserwLl/
Mycosis Fungoides 11.32 Blood-brain barrier disruption macu Jopathy.

A—F: A ЬЬ-year-old Caucasian л о г ш г was diagjiosed with

M y c o s is fu n g o id e s , а m a lig n a nL 1y m p h o m a t o i i s d is e a s e
central nervous system lymphoma after presenting wiLh confu­
d e riv e d fro m E l y m p h o c y t e s , arise s in lh e s k in and m ay
sion and headat he. ih e began blood-brain hairier disruption
be c o n fu s e d w ith p s o ria s is . La le r it m ay in v o lv e o th e r Ltierapy 2 monlhs later and underwent 23 ^balmrarts (divided
b o d y o r g a n s . El i n f r e q u e n t l y a f f e c t s l h e C N S and eye. iflrfq 12 cycles); five were given through the right inlemal
^ I n f i l t r a t i o n o f t h e i r i s /11'6 v i t r e o u s , ^ - 1- 1 5 7 '56* c h o r o id ,^ * canolid aitery, i ihmugh Ihe raft internal carotid arfeiy. and (he
s u b -R P L space, o p tic n e rve , a n d r e t i n a 5^ ' 1й з , з к [1ДЬ
remaining through Ihe vertebral artery system. O ne cycfe was
aborted early after art arterial dissection was seen on angiog­
b e e n re p o rte d .
raphy. Baseline examination revealed best-correded visual
atuilv of 2 0 в 0 in Lhe righl eye and 2С)Й5 jn lhe left eye: tio
Lymphocytic Lymphoma retinal pigmenl epilhefium 'ibTEj changes 'лиге found an fun­
dus examination. The patienl firsl noted visual disturbances ir>
ly m p h o c y tic ly m p h o m a o n ly ra re ly in vo lv e s (h e eye Lhe form of "spots of gray clouds" after lour 1re<ilmunts.' acule
(fig u re ] j . 3 ^ ] - l . ) . ' :<,- sri L e w is a n d C l a r k 1" ' re p o rte d a exacerbations in these subfeiitive visual complaints occurred
during each treatmeil arid then returned Lo baseline. These dis-
p e c u lia r p a tte rn of w id e s p re a d re tin a l in filtra tio n in a
lurbances remained Stable throughout and were still prtsenl 1
4 S -ye a r-o ld w om an w ith a w e ll-d iffe re n tia te d ly m p h o ­
year after completion o f therapy. M acular RPE changes in the
c y tic ly m p h o m a in v o lv in g lh e a b d o m in a l, ce rvic a lr a n d form of speckled hypcrpigmenlaLion w ere lirsL documented
s u b m a n d i b u l a r a re a s . JJe Lin a l i n f i l t r a t i o n c le a r e d w i t h i n I after-completion nl" iherapy, a1 which Limp Ixjsl-Lorrected visual
m o n th fo llo w in g tre a tm e n t w ith c y c lo p h o s p h a m id e . v in ­ atuilv wns 2Q/40, righL ev«, and 2(VjO, lefl eye (A). Humphrey
visual field lcsLing Tevealed an inferior righl-sided homonym(*us
c ris tin e , a n d o ra l p r e d n is o n e .
Eiemianopia secondary Lo I hi1 patient's brain tumqf and a small
paracenLral sfiotoma in lhe righl eye. 1-our monLhs lalur, visual
acuilv was *liib;e in the light eve 1-0/40: and decreased in the
left eye i.JQ/JOO) wilh increasing aLnophv anrl pnoliferalion of (he
KPE noled on clinical examination (B). Fluorescein angiogram
reveal™ bilateral early focal hyperflilliltescaicS which fades I in
late phase and focal hypofluoresoence in 1he maculas ft , J?:.
Optical coherence LomogTaphy was consislenl v/iLh mild tys-
Loirf macular edema iit the righl eye and irregular thickening of
Lhe Kt-’E in Lhe lefl eye (I. F:.

Primary central nervous system lymphoma con tine d to

vitreous/RPE/relina (PCNS-O lymphoma} lymphoma
simulating multifocal choroiditis and acute retinal
C -L: This 53-yea r-oJd male was otiservctd for gradual onset; of
Eow-griide vilreous cells and a Jew deep flat cboroicbl lesions
over 9 monLhs in his righl eye. He became svmptomalic v’.i 11:
floaters and photopsias when the vitreous cells increased.
At lhal time he was noled to have in addilion a few flat new
d w p choroidal lesions in Ihe left eye and had a visual acuity of
2(V40 «11 Ihu :i|^U and 2СУ20 on (lie left (O and Hi. A diagnosis
of mul Li focal choroiditis was made anrl started on oral slenjid^
after ensuring he Was negative for rapid plasma reaginr chest
X-ray; and other infectious causes. H;s svmptoms improved and
v itreous- ce3ls cleared cifver J weeks, hilt Ejy f> w eeki the number
of choroidal lesions increased in both eyes. Discontinuing ste­
roids and a diagnostic vitrectomy yielded a "reactive lymphoid
population of ceEls." He was started on inlravaious acyclovir
wilh a presumed diagnosis of hcrjieLk TetiniLis; the righl eye
lesions slabili/ed acid became pigmented poslvitjeclomiv: Ikjw-
ever, the left eve conLinued Lo progress wilh inner retinitis and
hemorrhages nesemEtling acule reUnal necrosis I агк! li. St’eing
con1iriLi«3 progression of Ihe left-eye lesk>n-s, arlifungal vfjri-
conazole was addled. Further progression of inner retinitis i.Kf
and hemorrhages prompted a vitrectomy and геИгъаГ biopsy of
the left eye, which was diagnostic ol primary ocular lymphoma.
Systemic evaluation for central nervous system involvement was
negai ve for 2.> ^ a rs , allcr which he developed a lesion in the
pons. H e received systemic chemotherapy, supplenwnlal intra­
ocular methotrexate, and is nogaLive lor cells in his cerebrospi­
nal fluid and eye ior the past 5 years. Both retinas noiv show
pi lamented Qunched-OUt scars sliriLilaling niuHifoca! choroidi­
tis iLI- His final visual acuity is 20/20 on the righl and 20/30-
on the left tbllowing cataract surgery and stabilization of the

;Л-3-, f r u n i t j.i k:r ul , b l w j IJ i p e n : utsi nn .■

OTHER LYMPHOMAS AND I '£.33 A d u l t T-cell Ееuke m i a / l y m p h o m a {hum an
T-Eymphotrophtc v i r u s : HTLV),
A —L : T h is 3 9 -ye a r-fltM t a u c i^ a n wom an presented w ill:
gradual, painless jcfecrease in vision in her right eye over 2
monLhs, noL associated il It redness, pholophobia^ or pbo-
Adult Т-Cell Leukemia/Lymphoma Lopbias. She had received a slum bed I transplant 3 year>.
A d u l t гГ н : е 1 ] le u k e m ia / ly m p h o m a is a r e c e n t l y d e s c r i b e d previously f u r adult T-cell eukemia/lvmphoma and was pres­
en ll у in remission. She had had several infectious cxjiviplica­
c lin ic o p a th o lo g ic e n tity c h a ra c te rize d by an e x tre m e ly
tions ever lhe previous 3 years, including Fsvudnm onas and
a g g re ssive c o u rs e , a le u k e m ic o r l y m p h o m a t o u s p ro life ra ­
XlreptcK nccus baderem ia, cylomegalovLrus rwiclivaLion,
t i o n o f h y p e r l o b a t e d p e r i p h e r a l У ce lls, a n d a n a s s o c i a t i o n
А кегплы и'М отхъ'Н з sinusilis, m ucoculaneous ^ratl-vers-us-
w ith in fe c tio n by a re lro v iru s r h u m a n T - ly m p h o t to p ic host disease, bronchiolitis obliterans, and hypertension.
viru s typ e I Ilie s e p a lie n ts d e v e lo p in fil­ She was r e c e i v i n g Ceftin fur it recenL sinusitis and fever 1o
tra tio n o f m u ltip le organ syste m s, w h ic h m ay in c lu d e 102.8°F ( 3 9 . 3 ° t l ) , Com bivenl, prednisone 1 5 mgr azilbro-
a p a tte rn of in tra o c u la r in v o lv e m e n t s im ila r to th a l in mycin, and A d v a i i . V b u d l acuity was 20/70 right eye and
20/20 lefl eye w ilh a moderate afferenl papillary defect on
p a tie n ts w ith o c u la fc -C N E n o n -H o d g k in 's ly m p h o m a ' '
Ihe righl, 3/1 1 color plates on the righL, a n d 11/11 on Ihe
a n d a c u t e r e t in a l n e c r o s is ( E 'ig u ie ] 3 . 3 3 ) . 15J' 361 ih e latte r
lefl. The vikeous was lull of debris and membranes ■A.i and
pre se n ts w ith re tin a l a n d p e riv a s c u la r in filtra te s a ffe c tin g obscured some ol (he retinal changes that consisted ol a
b o t h a rte rie s a n d v e in s , r e s e m b li n g fr o s le d - b r a n c h a n g iitis , swollen oplk nerve i i nI iI Unites willun .:. rclinitb, ind
re tin a ] v a s c u litis , c y t o m e g a lo v ir u s re tin itis , a n d a c u te r e ti­ perivascular whitish :n fill rates with feathery borders resem­
nal n e c ro sis. H em orrh ages aroun d (h e in filtra te s are not bling fros led-bra neb angiitis [В and О . The left fundus was
a p r o m i n e n t fe a tu re , u n lik e c y t o m e g a lo v ir u s a n d h e rp e tic normal with no vitreous cells 113). An^iojjram revealed
breakdown ol lbe bJotid- rel trial barrier '.vi 111 diffuse leakage
re tin itis [Fig u re I 3 .3 3 B , C, G, and II). P o o r response lo
from (he vessels in the poslerior fundus апгI staining of the
a n tiv ira ls , o r a p a tie n t fr o m an e n d e m ic area f o r H T L V - l
oplic disc anti areas o f rel i nit is (E and F l She was started
v ir u s s u c h as J a p a n , S o u t h A m e r i c a , th e C a r ib b e a n is la n d s
on intravenous i^anc i с lew ir; aqueous sample returned nega­
and 1 're n c h W est In d ie s a n d tro p ic a l A fric a , s h o u ld a le rt tive lor cylom eyalovirus (C M V J, herpes sjmplex virus iHSV:.
th e c lin ic ia n to c o n s id e r H T L V - l r e t i n ilis j a d u l t T - c e l l l e u ­ and herpes zoster virus by polym erase cJiain reaction (PCHJ.
k e m i a / l y m p h o m a in t h e d ia g n o s is . Serum toxoplasma and rapid plasma rea^in w ere nega­
The viru s a ls o causes a m y e lo p a th y c a lle d Jl'l'L V - tive. M ultiple cerebrospinal fluid samples were negative for
^plignant c e i l s and in feel ion. Magnetic resonance im-iiging
a s & o c ia le d m y e lo p a th y . The p ro v im s HTL.V-1 in te g ra te s
of t h e brain and orbilb revealed no new pathqJogy. Afler no
ra n d o m ly in t h e g e n o m e o f t h e h o s t c e lt w i t h o u t a p r e f ­
response Lo systemic valgancrclovir and equrvocal response
e re n tia l in se rt io n s ite , lh e in le g ra lio n is m o n o c lo n a l in Lo bO mg prednisone lor 2 weeks each, a diagnostic vitrec­
a d u lt T -c e ll le u k e m ia / ly m p h o m a p a tie n ts and p o ly c lo n a l tomy was performed. Vitreous samples W e r e negative for
in th e l y m p h o i d ce lls o f t h e p e r i p h e r a l b l o o d o f p a tie n ts viral, lunga[r bacterial cultures, nega(ive PCR Ген parvo BIS^
w ilh l-n i.V -a s s o e ia le d m y e lo p a th y. M osl o c u la r ly m p h o ­ HSV-1 anil -2, varicella-zoslcr virus, CMVS human immuno­
m a s a r e o f Ь ч :е 1 ] o r i g i n . H I I V - 1 -in d u c e d in tra o c u la r ly m ­ deficiency vim.1;. H 6D and H7LU. FJCK for K T L V f and 2 was
not a v a ila b ly The vitreous cytology was read as: "m ixed
phom a is a rare cause o f T -c e tl Lym phom a: th e o th e rs
inflammatory rnfilLraEe, w ilh w eak CD3-positive and CD2D-
s p re a d to th e e y e fr o m m y c o s is fu n g o id e s , p e rip h e ra l T -c e ll
neg^tive lymphocytes* likely reactive and noL diagnostic of
l y m p h o m a , a n d S e n a r y s y n d r o m e (see C h a p t e r 1 4 ) .
a Jymphoid malignancy." FVjstvitrectomy the media cleared,
and I here was a hrnl ol reduction in the eslenl ol the peri­
vascular infiltrates (C ). The vision gradually decreased lo
20/100, Lind the pnlicnl left on a cross-country Irip on an
empiric Ireatmenl o f 1 mg of w eekly meLhoLrexale. She
relumed (j weeks laLer with further decrease in vision lo
count fingers at 1 loot (30 tm j and increase in the exlent of
lhe reJinal chiin^t1* ( H I . A refieal vitrectomy and a louch prep
ol a retinal biopsy revealed cells consislenl with T-cell leu­
kemia/lymphoma tl, fj . Flow cytology showed lar^e C D 3 — T
c e i l s that coes pressed C IJ4 and Cl>25. In lhe m eanw hile
Lhe left opli-c disc becam e swollen IК and she developed
small "snow balls" in the inferior viLreous. A n aggressive
themoLherapv reqimen with higb-iltise melhotrexale vin Lhe
С З т т а у а rtiservoir o v e r lbe nex1 3 monLhs resolved lhe oplic
disi inlillraLeb and she Ьаь remnined disease-1rtie in her lefl
eye (L) wiLh a visual acuity of 20/20 lor 2 + years. The rrghL-
eye vision remains nl light perception.
ьц&цтриа^) ti.ijj-'i.njf у ни 5 u iu 6 ij^ n Jrj J - т Й О
Richter Transformation i t . 3 4 R e ti n a l i I n v o l v e m e n t si m u Ea t i n g f u n d u s
J l a v i m a c u l a t u s in s y s l e m i c l a r g e - c e l I n o n - H o d g k i n ' s
I t c h i e r t r a n s f o r m a t i o n is d e v e l o p m e n t o f h i g h - g r a d e n o n - ly m p h o m a ^
llo d g k in ly m p h o m a or H o d g k in tym p h o m a in p a tie n ts
A-С: This heallhy 53-year-old W o m an noled гесел! blur­
w ilh c h ro n ic ly m p h o c y llc le u k e m ia o r s m a ll l y m p h o c y lic
ring of v i s i o n in Lhe right eye. Her visuaE acuity was 20/25
l y m p h o m a .B ila t e r a l v itre o u s c e lls In a p a lie n l w ith
in lhe righl eye .and 20Л in lhe loll eye. Amsler grid lesLing
Ea ig e 1 1 -c e l l ly m p h o m a re p re s e n tin g R ic h te r tra n s fo rm a ­ revealed (UraCemtra] 6о(йпта1з: in the righl lyflij In lhe ri fiht
t i o n h a v e a ls o b e e n o b s e r v e d .: 4 eyE* there w em 2 4 vilneous cells and the fundus showed a
rulicutar pa I Lorn of yd lo w ish cl urn ping of pigment si m a i l ­
ing Luncius flavitnaculatus al lhe level ot" lh e retinal pigmejil
A ng ioe ndot heJ ip matos is epithelium iK P ti thi^jughoul lhe macuta and jux Lapap i 11ar у
N T e o p l a s l i c a n g i o e n d o t h e l i c i m a l o s i s is a r a r e f o r m o f e x t r a - area (Ali. There w ere several areas ol uubreLinal w hite infiltra-
nodal la rg e c e ll ly m p h o m a c h a ra c te rize d by m u ltifo c a l tiqn h-uperonasally iBj. The I el I eye was поггл-аЗ. Early angio­
grams revealed lhe pigmenl clumps- lo be UypoПJ otescenI
p ro life ra tio n o f n e o p la s tic m o n o n u c l e a r ce lls w i l h i n th e
cm a background of greater than normal choroidal fluores­
lu m e n o f b l o o d v e s s e l s . ! t Is a r a r e , f a t a l d i s e a s e c h a r a c t e r ­
cence :Cl. ТЬете was lale slainjng in lhe area ot Lhe w hile
ize d b y w id e s p re a d In tn v a s c u la r p ro life ra tio n s o f m a lig ­
in fill rate. Angiograms of lhe lefl eye- were norm .a!. .Medical
n a n t ce lls o f p u t a t i v e e n d o t h e l i a l o r i g i n . C l i n i c a l l y , fe v e r evaluation far inflammatory and neopEastic disease was neg­
o f unknow n o rig in and d e r m a lo lo g ie a n d b iza rre n e u ro ­ ative. Her visual blurring gradually improved, and 7 weeks
lo g ic m a n if e s t a t io n s p r e d o m i n a t e . O c u l a r c h a n g e s in c lu d e Ia lei her visual acuilv was 20/20. She si ill noled slighl Ios? of
i r i d o c y c l i t i s , k e r a l i c p r e d p i La le s , v i t r i t i s , p a p i l l e d e m a , a n d light anti color sensiLdvily. Six monlhsi after Lhe onsel of visual
symptor^fc she no'ed axillary I ymphadertdpathy. Tumors were
re tin a l v a s c u la r a lte ra tio n s , in c lu d in g hem orrhages and
d is c o v e r s in lbe lefl supraclavicular area, reLroperiloneal
re tin a l a rle ry o c c l u s i o n . I n f i l t r a t i o n o f th e c h o ro id
area, and lefl breast. Biopsy revealed a histiocylic, non-
p ro d u c in g a c lin ic a l p ic tu re s im u la tin g H a r a d a 's d is e a s e Hodgkin's lympEioma (reticulum cell sarcomaj. She received
m a y o c c u r o c c a s io n a lly. E iis to lo g ic a lly , Lbere is p a n u v e a l systemic corticosteroid and anti metabolite therapy, and 14
in vo lv e m e n t w ilh g r a n u l o m a t o u s Irid o c y c litis in a d d i t i o n months afler the onsel of visual symptoms she was appar-
to v a s c u la r a n d s e c o n d a r y p i g m e n t a r y c h a n g e s r e s e m b lin g enlly In remi?-yio n . She has nol relurned for eye examination
s o m e w h a l h y p e r t e n s i v e c h o r o i d o p a l h y . rl h e v a s c u l a r e n d o ­ hut can read Lhe newspaper w ilh the right eye and is still
asymptomalic in the 3eft eye.
t h e lia l ce lls s h o w s ig n s o f m a l i g n a n t t r a n s f o r m a t i o n .
D— I: This apparently heallhy 67-year-o3d man developed
Mu nod vision in the letl eye in association w ilh a fundus
picture sfrrajlalind km [jus I lav imacu talus : [ J :. Angiograpliv i t
and F) was simitar to that in ( C i . Hiu visual acuily was 21У20.
M edical evatanilion was negative. Sis weeks taler his acuity
had declined to 2CVS0. There was an increase in the damage
Lo lbe К PE :(J-tj. Several л т о тЬ ь later he developed lymph-
adtmopalhy. Biopsy revealed ni large-cel! lymphoma.

R e t i n a l i n v o l v e m e n t in E y m p h o c y l i c l y m p h o m a .
|-L: Rapid visual loss occurred in EioLh eyes o f a 4ti-year-
old wom an caused by well-dit'fercnLialed Ivmphocytic lym ­
phoma. There was marked retinal perivascular and oplic
disc infillralion in both eyes. This infiltration cleared within
a month of cobalt irradiaLion IrealmenL. and visual acuity
improved from counting fingers lo 20/100 in both eves.
I A - I , I гD m Ц . и ь e l . i l . " . J - L . Ir u n i L tv w J ( A n d C l a r k '■ | r. I j ■I: i. i w it h
b f i r T n i ii lu n I'rLim I I f A m w i c i r t ltM Jma.1 о I C Jp h lh lH irtJlL t^ ]/.: r t p y t J g h t b y
Г Ii l- >!j fj hi Гh I rr i : l 1 Л л > 1 t j f c J i:- il К .'.Im j, 'r 'jn iu iz j- i. L m v r c n u i l . r [ l i e
U c L in .i' A.1I:is , S .n jn d u r s 2 0 1 II. 9 7 Й - 1 Щ ]2 [> - M I U -Ч. | j . 7 Lift
к .

m j
Л * ' ж w

' П ■

Т(}Т г я ш гщ р ц п з s in jd $ y iiu d ^ |
Multiple Myeloma \ Hemorrhagic optic n e u r o p a t h y and visual loss
caused by multiple myeloma,
M u ltip le m y e lo m a is a n e o p l a s l i c d i s e a s e o f p l a s m a c e l l s
A - D : This 67-year-old wom an reported Murred Vision in
t h a t i n ils a d v a n c e d P l a g e s p r o d u c e s o s t e o p o r o s i s , p u n c b e d -
Lilt.1 lefL ?:ye of I WMik's duration. Visual acuity was 2W.30 in
oul bony le s io n s , m u ltip le fractu re s, and bone Lum ens.
lItl1 ri^hl eye лпс! counting finders al в fool 2.44 тсЧотч in lhe?
P r o p Loses c a u s e d b y b o n y i n v o l v e m e n t m a y b e l h e f i r s t s i g n
Feft eye. The riyhE fundus was normal. There were some cells
o f t h e d i s e a s e .372 K a r e l y, t h e o p l i c n e r v e m a y b e i n f i l t r a t e d in thy vilrenus ol" Ihe left eye. Nule coLLon-wool patches Hind
and cause a p ic tu re o f o p lic n e u ritis a n d , in s o m e cases, opacification Arrows, AJ of lhe optic nerve head posterior
c e n t r a l r e t i n a l a r t e i y o c d u s k r t i .J7i3 : O n e p a tie n t seen at Lo I by hHmDnhage£ Angiography showed minimal capillary
lia s c o m T a lm e r Ey e In s titu te w it h o p lic n erve in v o iv e m e n L dilation and sLaininy o f the o plic disc (B and Cl. The clinr-
cal impression was m yelom a infill rati on of the oplic nerve.
responded p ro m p tly to e xte rn a I-b e a m irra d ia tio n (I'ig u r e
She had a total dose o f 2000 rad of cobalL-ЬО lo [he poste­
1 3 . 3 5 ) . " C i l i a r y b o d y p l a s m a c y t o m a /1 ' c h o r o i d a l p la s m a -
rior pole over л 2-w eek period. Three monLhs fater her visual
q l o m a . . ' 1, a n d e v e n v i t r i L i s a n d r e t i n a l v a s c u l i t i s a s m a n i f e s ­ ao jjty wiis 2^/70 Lind the oplic disc was slightly pale ID 1
ta tio n s o f m u ltip le m y e lo m a h ave been observed. * M ore
Metastasis o f systemic tumor lo the retina and optic
o fte n p a tie n ts w it h m u ltip le m y e lo m a and W a ld e n s tr o m 's
m a c r o g l o b u l i n e m La p r e s e n t w i t h c lin ic a l fe a tu re s second­
E - L . A .>5-year-okl African A m erica n vvo riim sutferud л rapid
a ry l o h y p e r c o a g u la t io n . S e ro u s re tin a l d e t a c h m e n t s d u e l o
progressive visual change in the lefl eye! over i weeks. Her
Lb e ir o s m o t ic p ro p e rtie s o f a b s o r b in g flu id are s e e n , w h e n visual acuily was 20/20 in the rijjfit eye and 20/400 in I ho
h i g h - m o Ie c u ! a r - w e i g h l im m u n o g lo b u lin s e n te r th e sub- loft e y e .The n^hl fundus was normal. The lefl fundus showed
re tin a l space. T h e y c h a ra c te ris tic a lly do not le a k flu o re s ­ a w hile disc and full-lhicknoss necrosis of lhe surrounding
c e i n d y e s i n c e t h e o u t e r b l o o d - r e t i n a l b a r r i e r is n o t b r o k e n relink associated with hemorrhages and a serous detach men I
(see C h a p t e r 3 ) . A n e m i c r e t i n o p a t h y w t i l i d e e p i n k b l o t - l i k e
extending Co lhe m acula :E and F.'. The vessels on ihe disc
rind surrounding retina showt-чЗ focal endolhelial decom ­
r e t i n a l h e m o r r h a g e s o c c u r s w h e n t h e b o n e m a r r o w is i n f i l ­
pensation. aneurysm formation. and leakage it i And N . Her
t r a te d w i t h m y e l o m a cells (s e e C h a p t e r 6) .
serum я nlibodies lo Toxoplasma, herpes simplex virus-1
and -2, and varicella-zostor virus w ere wiLhin normal range.
Repeated 2-weekly intravitreal ganciclovir infections over b
Lymphomatoid Granulomatosis weeks did nol imprcjve Lhe retinal findings, ih e suffered a
seizure during Lius time, which led to a computed tomogra­
Ly m p h o m a to id g ra n u lo m a to s is is an a n g io c e n tric and
phy scan detection of a central nervous system lesion, hilar
a n g io d e s tru c tiv e ly m p h o p ru life ra tiv e d is o rd e r th at p re­
adenopathy, and a lung biopsy.. co n frrmaLory ft>r adenocar­
d o m in a n tly a ffe c ts lu n g s . lip s t e i n - H a r r viru s K N A can cinoma of Ihe lung. A d iAgnostic vitrectomy, retinal detacb-
be d e te c te d in m o s t cases. In a d v a n c e d cases, th e r e is a n ment repair and retinal biopsy w ilh silicone oil placement
o ve rla p w ilh la rg e В -ce ll t p n p h o m a .384 M o s t o p h Lb a lm ic H) revealed metastaLic adenocarcinom ij. Hem atoxylin and
m a n if e s t a t io n s o f t h e d is e a s e a re t h e re s u lt o f c ra n ia l n e rv e aosin and electron microscopv of the lunj] lesion i| and 1
showed larue malignant cells wiLh nuclear cyLoplasmic
in vo iv e m e n L. In L r a o c u I ar in v o lv e m e n t, h o w e v e r m a y m a n ­
ratio. Toluidine blue staining ol the retinal biopsy revealed
i f e s t as g r a n u l o m a t o u s p o s t e r i o r u v e i t i s / 1' ' o r f u n d u s p i c ­
tumor cells (Ki.
tu re S im u la Lin g a c u te p o s t e r io r m u l t if o c a l p ia c o id p i g m e n t
I L l o L . L .o i j r l v ^ ;, lit \?r. J m i A d L e b e r j } ,!
e p i t h e l i o p a L b y . 3a A ease w ith b ila te ra l e x u d a tiv e re tin a l
d e t a c h m e n t s t h a t r e s p o n d e d l o o ra l s te ro id s h as a ls o b e e n
r e p o r t e d . ' " 4''

Posttransplant Lymphoproliterative
P o s llr a n s p la n t im m u n o s u p p r e s s i o n c a n b e a s s o c ia te d w i t h
Iv p s le in -B a rr v im s -in d u c e d l y m p h o p ro life ra tive d is o r­
d e r w h ic h m a y m a n i f e s t as i n t r a o c u l a r l y m p h o m a . "4
l > e m o l s el a l . 1 '" r e p o r t e d a S 9 -y e a r-o ld m an w ilh sin g le ­
lu n g tra n s p la n t who d e v e lo p e d a c h o rio re tin a l le sio n
tb a L was in itia lly s u s p e c le d to be c y to m e g a lo v iru s re ti­
n itis or to x o p la s m ic re lin o e h o ro id ilis . V itre o u s b io p s y
re ve a le d m o n o c lo n a l p ro life ra tio n of В ly m p h o c y te s .
Im m u n o g lo b u lin gene rearran gem en t and lip s le in -
lla rr viru s w ere d e te c te d by p o lym e ra s e c h a in re a c tio n ,
d e d u c tio n o f im m u n o s u p p re s s io n Eed l o re g re s s io n o f th e
E e s io n .^

| | ?ивд )[' i i M j y .u j / pua s im i^ f d u d r f j^ f Q

METASTATIC CARCINOMA TO THE 13.36 Metastatic carcinoma lo the retina and vitreous.

RETINA A-ID: This 42-year-old wom an w h o had received treat­

ment lor metastatic breaM Lancinoma с о т р Ш ^ ф q f flaat-
M e ta s ta tic c a rc in o m a lo th e re tin a occurs in fre ­ епЕ- Examinalion revealed- cu a n c vitreous, opacities near
Lhe surface o f the reLina 'A and Si. Fluorescein angiography
q u e n t l y . " l0 ' Et u s t i a l l y o c c u r s I n o r » e y e b u l m a y a f f e c t
r e v e le d patchy waits От leaking relinal vesseJs fC and [J:.
b o th t ^ E s jQ3 lu ltln illy lh e re lin a l m e ta s ta s is m a y b e i n d is ­
Vrtreotf5 bitipsy revealed metastatic breast t a r t ] noma.
tin g u is h a b le f r o m a n is c h e m ic in fa rc t o f th e re tin a ( J ig u r e
E—1: This 49-year-o]d m a n o o m p l a ined erf dizziness, head­
1 3 . 3 6 A ) . A s l h e l u m o r e n l a r g e s , il p r o d u c e s a d e n s e r w h il- aches, dysarthria.. and *i$ht hem i p a r e s is. Examination
ёбЕт o p a c i f i c a t i o n o f ( h e r e t i n a i b a L m a y s i m u l a t e n e c r o t i z ­ revealed a solitary white retinal lesion Гп the left eye (E[.
in g re lin ilis c a u s e d b y to x o p la s m o s is , c y to m e g a lo v ir u s , o r Lom puled tomography and ппчэ^пе1гс геьопппсе ima^-
o t h e r in fe c tio n s (H g u re J 3 .3 6 L ) . O v e r l y i n g v i t r e o u s cells in$$ ul Ihe brain revealed m u l t i p l e rcodulaT lesions IF I. C h e s t
roLmL^enoLjTam revealed enlarged mediaslinal nodes a n d
m ay nr m ay n o t b e p r e s e n t ..v ' to lo g ic e x a m i n a ­
a n o d u l a r density in lbe right middle lube ( Q , F o s E m o r t e m
t i o n o f th e v it r e o u s in s u c h cases j n a y e s ta b lis h th e d i a g n o -
e x a m i n a t i o n of l h e e y e s r e v e a l e d a solitary melastalic ual
T h e b o r d e r s o f m e ta s ta tic le s io n s in th e re tin a
cell L ^ r d n o m a къгоп jn L h e r e L i n a :H a n d Г). Nol с Eh aE Ihe
are m o r e I r r e g u l a r t h a n in c h o r o i d a l m e ta s ta s is . In a p p r o x ­ t h o r o id (arrow, H is unaffected.
i m a t e l y o n e - h a l f o f r e p o r t e d cases* c h o r o i d a l i n v o l v e m e n t
IA —I, Г г и т L c y i d nl -1, s "■1 9 9 0 , A m c r i m n M e d i c a l A s s u l m LIu t i . A l l ri^ h d
was a ls o p re se n t. M u ltip le p e riv a s c u la r w h ite in filtra te s ГЬЗСГЛйА I
m a y a c c o m p a n y t h e m a i n t u m o r m a s s .'kL'
■ - - ■«
C u ta n e o u s m e la n o m a m ay o c c a s io n a lly m e ta s ta s ize 11.37 Metastatic cutaneous melanoma to the retina
to th e eye, and in a p p ro x im a te ly 20 ^ b o f such eases il and vi(reousb
d o e s s o lo th e re tin a ra th e r t h a n to th e u ve a l t r a d (fig u re
A ,md IJ: A 4.'i-year-о Id worn аг noLed Hollers in lhe lefl
1 5 l(kl- JL'-' [ n som e c a s e s it m ay m e ta s ta s ize lo иуе. Three years previously she had a LuLaneous melanoma
Lhe v itr e o u s a n d cause (h e p a tie n t lo c o m p la in o f v itre ­ esc i lied. £1оЬл1[ tfefilmenl was £jiven becalififi o f a posi­
ous flo a te rs th a t are t h e re s u lt o f b l o w n , c e llu la r, s p h e r i­ tive Eymph ro d e bEopsy. VisuaE acuity was 20/20. 51iL-lamp
cal d u m p s o f m e la n o m a ce lls s u s p e n d e d in th e v itre o u s ^JmmiiftatitHi ot the -ofl eye rev^aj.ed ljo Iden-Eirxswn spber-
uleb зп :he anLerior vitrE*ouu cavil у Ai and pigmented c e ik
c a v ity ( i’ ig u re 1 3 .3 7 A ). T h e s e cell d u m p s are s u ffic ie n tly
^martalin^ from lhe region of lbe oplic disc. i'Bi. Angiography
c h a ra c te ris tic and d iffe re n t fr o m lh e irre g u la r c lu m p s of
revealed some slainin^ of Lbe oplic disc. The palient died 4
p ro life ra tin g К Г Е : c e lls (to b a c c o d u st) lh a l th e d ia g n o s is
mofitbs laler jn Kpile Ы anti metabolite iherapv.
o f m e ta s la tic m e la n o m a s h o u ld b e su s p e c te d . Ч Ъ е v ilre - С and D : Relina.! meUslasis in a 44-yeai-old man 3 years
ous in filtra tio n m a y be a c c o m p a n ie d b y su p e rfic ia l grav- afl-ет excision of я culaneous melanoma.
b ro w ti in filtra te s arranged in a d e n d ritic p a tte rn w ilh IA j n c H. Io n ; B a b tr tto u i:l .hi.' ; ( .tncl LJ, (л и л Lfchdfi .: i ■
■I U.Lviclurf.'1' '
fe a th e ry ed g es in filtr a tin g lh e n e rv e fib e r la ye r o f th e re tin a ■U I '0o2.. Л п п сп M e d i l ,il Ая;оы.ь1щ п. ЛИ ri|^hls reserved. t and I j Ih j ,
Yhnnujt^i. L .ivvrentL1 lh e K fliu .il AlLib, Siu rid ir-, ?G 1 0. rH7iMJ-7(12l'l-
s u rro u n d in g th e o p t ic n e rv e h e a d ( F ig u r e ] 3 ..3 7 IJ J . l .a ig e ,
jW20-9. p.2 75 .j
h e ig e -c o lo n e d p l a q u e s o r d u s t e r s o f t h e l u m o r ce lls i n t h e
v itre o u s m a y p a rtly o b sc u re th e fu n d u s fr o m vie w , hi o th e r
cases th e re m ay be lo c a lize d irre g u la r p !a q u e s o f m e la ­
nom a ce lls w i l h i n th e re tin a (E 'ig u r e ] 3 .3 7 С and D ). In
s p ile o f s u b c o n ju n c tiv a l in je c tio n a cid s y s t e m i c t r e a t m e n t
w i t h a n ti m e ta b o lite s , th e t u m o r i n th e eye m a y p r o life r a te in b l o o d flo w (tu rb u le n t flo w in t h e c h o r o i d v e rs u s l a m i ­
a n d c a u s e r u b e o s i s a n d s e c o n d a r y g l a u c o m a . 1' " n a r f l o w i n th e r e t in a ], a b s e n c e o f fe n e s tr a tio n s in th e re ti­
T h e re a s o n s f o r t h e ra rity o f m e ta s ta tic c a n c e r t o ( h e ret­ nal v a s c u la r e n d o t h e l i u m , and i n h i b i t o r y fa c to r? p re s e n t
in a c o m p a r e d to th e u v e a l t r a d are u n c e r ta in . D iffe r e n c e s in th e v itr e o u s are p o s s ib ly I m p o r t a n t / 11
PARANEOPLASTIC RETINOPATHY 1 3 , 3 Cance r-associated ret inopat hy,

ASSOCIATED WITH CARCINOMA A: Cancei-associated rot i перл Lhy in an elderly пплп w h o

noled Lhe rapid progression o f loss of pc?riрЬг?гл1 vision «and
{CANCER-ASSOCIATED nyctalopia. Note the narrowed retinal vessels and aEtsence of
RETINOPATHY OR CAR evidence of retinal pigment epithelial changes other Chan Ihe
juxtapapLEIary atrophy that was presenL in both eyes.
SYNDROME) В and С: A 72-year-old-woman developed total achrom a­
topsia, bilateral cenlraE scotomas, predom ina nL suppression
lh e ra p id d e v e lo p m e n t o f visu a l lo ss a s s o c ia te d w ith ot" сопи response; by eleclroieLinoj’ram, and narrOW in^bf the
b i/a rre v is u a l s e n s a tio n s , n y c ta lo p ia , rin g s p |a m a t fla t relinal arteries. She died 9 months JaLer from metastatic car­
e le c tro re ttn o g ra p h k response, p ro g re s s ive re tin a l a rte ria l cinoma. Histopathologic exa mi nation to w n led loss of pbo-
n a rro w in g , and no o r m in im a l changes in th e 3?L3E a n d tOrBcEplora mosl marked in lhe m acular aneat :E3 and О and
selective loss of cones elsewhere.
o p t i c d i s c m a y o c c u r as a r e m o t e e f f e c t o f a s y s t e m i c c a r c i ­
n o m a , m o s t f r e q u e n t l y a s m a ll c e ll c a r c i n o m a o f t h e l u n g Acute Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada-like syndrome in a
(l i g u r e Т З . ^ В А ] ^ 1' J ' ' Л f e w v i t r e o u s ce lls w e r e n o t e d in patient with melaslatic cutaneous melanoma.
one c a s e ," and aqueous ce lls i n a n o t h e r . ’ 1'' K l u o r e s c e i n D - l: This 7 ] -year-old wom an had had a melanoma of the
a n g io g ra p h y in tw o cases s h o w e d e vid e n c e of m o ttle d doisum of" Iter fool removed 3- years- previously. Two week*
before admission she had noled headache, progressive Vit­
h y p e r flu o r e s c e n c e in b o t h e y e s .43' A b lin d n e s s m a y o c c u r
iligo of 1bn- skin of Lhe face and arms fD and E), deafness,
w ith in 4 m o n th s . I"h e v i s u a l s y m p t o m s m a y a n te d a te th e
floaters, and progressive lost of vision in bolh eyes. Her
d is c o v e ry o f th e c a r c in o m a , h is t o p a t h o lo g ic e x a m in a t io n
visual acuity was light perception w ith poor projection in
s h o w s severe d e g e n e ra tio n and lo ss o f th e r e c e p t o r ce lls bolli eyes, ih e h id 1 +- aqueous cells and ftare and keratic
a n d . u n lik e re tin itis p ig m e n to s a , m i n i m a l d a m a g e to th e precipitates, i - vilreous cells, and lat^e areas of depigmen-
K PL and norm al c h o r i o c a p i l E a r i s 4 1 2 '4 ^ - 4 1 7 ^ 1-4 ^ In one LaLion of" IHie? t horoid and posterior fundus IF- and C ). Her
case th e r e w a s lo ss o f g a n g l i o n c e l l s ." 11 ' E l e c t r o n m ic ro s ­ general physical examination revealed inguinal Eymphade-
nopalhy bill no other evidence of m elaslalic disease. The
c o p y in one p a tie n t re ve a le d i m m a t u r e m e la n in g ra n u le s
nodes were posilive Гог melanoma. Computed tomography
w i l h m e la n o ly s o s o m e s , su g g e s tin g a b n o r m a I m e la n in s y n ­
ot" the brain and abdomen was negative, and elettrorel bio­
t h e s i s a n d re 5o r p L i o n . J " T h is su g g e s te d to th e a u th o r s (h a t graphic responses w ere eKtinj’uished in bttfn eves. Lumbar
in c re a s e d m e la n in s yn th e s is and m e la n in c o n te n t w ith in pLinclune revealed f3 0 lymphocytes and spinal fluid protein
Lh e f t P t in r e s p o n s e l o a h o r m o n e ! L k e s u b s ta n c e p r o d u c e d ot" У0 mg/dl. Irealm ent w ilh systemic corticosteroids resulted
b y th e c a n c e r m a y c o m p r o m is e its a b i l i t y l o p h a g o c y t o & e in rapid return of visual '•unci ion lo 10/50 in the fight eye
a n d m a in ta in n o r m a l tu rn o v e r o f re c e p to r o u te r se g m e n ts. and 20/70 in lh e left eye. Ten monlhs after Lhe onset of visual
symptoms, ihe vitreous inalammalion was minimal anti lbere
J h i s in t u r n m a y c a u s e p h o t o r e c e p t o r c e ll d e g e n e r a t i o n .
were scallered ftjeal areas of depigmentation o f lhe choroid
in both eyes (H and Jl. The patient led an active Life and was
able Lo read unLii Lhe time of her death, caused by metastaLic
melanoma E5 monLhs later.
IB , n n J t . Гr u i n C . u ^ n l’ L ; i I . L J - I . Г г о т C i .ib s .1 -1-1 .
Cogan el nil. re p o rte d a u n iq u e case o f p a ra n e o p la s ­ i J.39 Mela noma - a s s o c i a t e d retinopathy.
tic r e t i n o p a t h y s i m u l a t i n g а соле d y s tro p h y in a p a tie n t
А t)4-year-old man presented w ilh pbotopsi-a, difficulty w ilh
w ilh recu m e rit b l i n d n e s s o n e x p o s u r e l o b r i g h t l i g h t r to ta l night Visibly and reduced peripheral visual Field in boLh eyes
a c h ro m a to p s ia , b ila te ra l c e n tra l sc o to m a ^ n a rro w in g of Гог 3 months. He had been recently diagnosed with malig­
t h e re tin a l a rte rie s, a n d d e c re a s e d e le c t r o r e t i n o g r a m t ^ E l C ) nant melanoma of lhe maxillary sinus. The corrected visual
a m p litu d e s a ffe c tin g p re d o m in a n tly cone fu n c tio n .'1-1 acuity was 2Q/2U in bulh eves. K w u lls ol the anterior seg­
M e d ic a l e v a lu a tio n d is c lo s e d a p e lv ic p le o m o rp h ic car­ ment anti fundus examination were normal in boll: eyes. An
eleclroreflino^ram showed marked reduction in lhe b-wave
c in o m a o f presu m ed u te rin e o rig in . 5 h e d ie d because o f
amplilLfde under scotopic testing conditions to a bright flash.
m e ta s la iic d ise a se 9 m o n t h s a fte r o c u la r s y m p t o m s d e v e l ­
Tndirecl im m unofluorescence w as performed on cryusec-
oped. H is to p a th o lo g ic e xa m in a tio n o f eyes re ve a le d lo s t
Licins of unfixed human retina usin^ serum and lg<_l Iram the
o f l h e re tin a l re c e p to rs a n d p r o m in e n t a tr o p h ic a n d p ro E if- patient. Fluorescein isolhmcYanate-labr'Ied anLihuman Igti
e ra liv e c h a n g e s in th e p ig m e n t e p ith e liu m th a l w ere m o s l and jgM were used as secondary antjbodiet. A w eak bul
m a r k e d in th e m a c u la r a reas ( F ig u r e I 3 .3 8 IJ a n d C ) . specific linlieling of bipolar cells was observed Inrrowl. The
K e ltn e r a n d a s s o c i a t e s 11, fo u n d a n tib o d ie s to norm al visual tlaLus Remained slable for ih-u nchxt 12 months, when
he died from metastatic disease.
fre s h re tin a in lh e seru m of one p a !te n t w ith th e C A ti
syn dro m e and p o s tu la te d an a u to im m u n e m e c h a n is m ll-rnrnSn[jhct .il. rill
' svirhpurn^skxi.1
fo r re tin a l d e g e n e r a tio n , Ih u rk ill el a l. id e n tifie d seru m
a n tib o d ie s to a sp e c ific a n tig e n {C A R a n tig e n ) w ith a
m o le c u la r w e ig h I o f 2 3 k D a in th es e p a tie n ts .’ " ' ' fh e y
p o s tu la te d th a l th e d e m o n s tra tio n o f h y p e rs e n s itivity to
fu lly e x p la in e d o n th e b a sis o f e ith e r th e c h o r o id a l in fil­
sp e c ific a n tig e n s in C N b tis s u e is c h a r a c t e r i s t i c o f para-
tra te t h a t ty p ic a lly sp a re s t h e c h o r io c a p illa r is , o r e x u d a tiv e
n e o p la s ia a n d is a p o t e n t i a l l y u s e f u l i n d i c a t i o n o f o c c u ll
re tin a l d e t a c h m e n t (se e C h a p t e r 3 ) . 'I h e p a th o g e n e s is o f
n e o p la s ia . P a r a n e o p la s tic d is o r d e r s h a v e b e e n id e n tifie d in
t h e r e c e p t o r c e ll d y s f u n c t i o n is p r o b a b l y s i m i l a r t o t h a t i n
a s s o c ia tio n w i t h d iffe re n t typ es o f n e o p la s ia : m e la n o m a ,
o th e r c a ic in o т а - a s s o c ia te d re tin o p a th ie s .
c e rvic a l, c o l o n , p ro s ta te , a n d b re a st cancer, 'lh e m o s t c o m ­
m o n a s s o c i a t e d c a n c e r is s m a l l - c e l l c a r c i n o m a o f l h e l u n g .
The re lin a l s p e c ific im m u n o lo g ic re a c tio n s , s u g g e s tive MELANOMA-ASSOCIATED
o f a u lo im m u n ily , m a n ife s tin g as h ig h -tite re d a n tib o d y
re a c tio n s w i t h th e 2 3 -k l> a re tin a l G A R a n tig e n , are now
known to b e lo c a t e d w i t h i n t h e r e t in a ! r e c e p t o r s .'1' Ac u te p a ra n e o p la s tic n ig h t b lin d n e s s m ay occur occa­
I h u r k i l l e t a l. h y p o t h e s i z e th a t a c a r c i n o m a - r e t i n a im m u ­ s io n a lly in p a tie n ts w ith m e ta s ta tic c u ta n e o u s m e la ­
n o l o g i c c to s s -r e a c t i o n is r e s p o n s i b l e fo r th e i n d u c t i o n o f n o m a . ' 1 " 11, 'ih is m ay be a s s o c ia te d w ith a c u te a n te rio r
th e u n iq u e a n tib o d y re sp o n se e n c o u n te re d in p a tie n ts and p o s te rio r u ve itis, p a tc h y d e p ig m e n ta lio n o f th e c h o ­
w i l h C A R , w it h v i s i o n l o s s d e v e l o p i n g a s a c a n c e r - e v o k e d ro id , v itilig o , d y s a c o u s is . and severe v is u a l Loss [E 'ig u r e
a u l o i m m u tie r e t i n o p a t h y .152a T j S ( . 3 8 D - I J l * 3J 1134,431 '['h is syn dro m e occurred in one
There is s o m e e v i d e n c e t h a l t h e v i s u a l d e f i c i t in s o m e p a tie n t re c e ivin g b a c illu s C a lm e tte -G u e rin tre a tm e n t fo r
o f th es e p a tie n ts m ay show im p ro v e m e n t fo llo w in g cor­ c u ta n e o u s m e l a n o m a . ' 1^ ' lh e v is u a l s ym p to m s are asso­
tic o s te ro id and c h ^ id ^ Era p y .'ll-1flL<i,'45e'4JS,'<29 In g e n e ra l, c ia te d w i t h an ER fc ! t h a t m a y s im u la te th at o c c u r r in g iti
h o w e v e r , t h e v i s u a l p r o g n o s i s is p o o r . I s ' e u n o l o g i c d i s e a s e - p a tie n ts w ith c o n g e n ita l s ta tio n a ry n ig h t b lin d n e s s ’ or
i n c l u d i n g o p t i c n e u r o p a t h y , o c c u r r in g as a r e m o t e e ffe c t o f t h a t m a y b e e x t i n g u i s h e d . ' 1'1 5 - '1"
am eer [e .g ., c e r e b e lla r d e g e n e r a t i o n , b ra in s te m encepha­ It is p r o b a b l e Lhat th e acute c h a n g e s in th e eye, s k in ,
litis . m o to r n euron d e g e n e ra tio n , p e rip h e ra l n e u ro p a th y, a n d e a r are an u n u s u a l i m m u n o lo g i c re s p o n s e t o t h e m e l ­
p o ly m y o s itis , a n d m y a s th e n ia ), has b e e n k n o w n fo r m a n y a n o m a . a lth o u g h ih is c o u ld n o l h e v e r ifie d in Lh e p a tie n t
y e a r s , b u t i t s p a t h o g e n e s i s is l i k e w i s e u n c e r t a i n . ' 1^ 1 seen al Bascom P a lm e r Ey e In s titu te (H g u re I 3 .3 8 D - I ) .
P a tie n ts w i t h b ila te ra l d iffu s e u ve a l m e la n o c y lic p r o lif­ Sera o f p a tie n ts w it h M A R m a y d e m o n s t r a t e h ig h lite rs o f
e r a t i o n a s s o c ia te d w i t h o c c u lt c a r c i n o m a m a y a ls o d e v e lo p im m u n o g lo b u lin s re a c tiv e t o re tin a l b i p o l a r c e lls (E 'ig u r e
severe lo ss of re tin a l re c e p to r fu n c tio n th a t cannot be Ш з э у * - 4#
P a tie n ts w ith M AR. u n lik e ih o s e w ith C A R , e xp e rie n c e 1 3 .4 П P a ra n e o p E a s tk v ite llifo rm d ys tro p h y-
p r i m a r i l y c e n lr a l v i s u a l lo s s r a th e F t h a n r i n g s c o t o m a s a n d .,
A—D: This i i a 58-year-old white male w h o com plained of
e a rly, th e ir E R G does nol show lh e se ve re ly d e p re s s e d o r worsening vision ir both Eyes and n ulited a Kef images w ilh
a b s e n t a -w a v e in d ic a tiv e o f p h o t o r e c e p t o r d y s fu n c t io n ." '' lights and television screen and photopsias and a (Mangle of
V itilig o has b e e n re p o rte d in a s s o c ia tio n w ilh c u ta n e o u s blur on [he left side. H e had lef[ axillary node resected for
m e l a n o m a s i n a s m a n y as 2 £№Ь о Г cases, in a fe w p a tie n ts a malignant № n m ^ N o Qriflftary cutaneous lesion was
it m a y b e a c c o m p a n i e d b y i n t r a o c u l a r i n f l a m m a t i o n .'^3,442 found. H e was treated w ilh iiUeriuron nilpba 2 В , w inch wan
completed a month prior. H is visual acuity was 20/20 in Lhe
O t h e r d ise a se s lin k in g v itilig o and in tra o c u la r in fla m m a ­
i iц.ЬI eye and 20/25 in Lhe lefl eye.
tio n , p a rtic u la rly c h o rio re tin itis and p a tc h y d e p ig m e n ­
Itiu u rC i^ sy с>Г LJr. Lttur I . k jcrlL j s .i
ta tio n o f th e fu n d u s , in c lu d e s y m p a t h e t i c u v e i L i s ' ’ IJ a n d
v iiilig in o u s c h o rio re tin itis (b ird s h o t c h o r i o r e l i n i t i s ) . 4L|J
J h e fr e q u e r n a s s o c ia tio n o f n y c t a lo p ia in v i i i l i g i n o u s c h o
r i o re tin itis , its o c c a s i o n a l occurrence in a s s o c ia tio n w ith
s y m p a t h e t i c u v e i t i s , a n d ils o c c u r r e n c e in t h e p a t i e n t i l l u s ­
t r a t e d i n f i g u r e 7 . 3 9 i n d i c a L e t h a t t h e r e c e p t o r c e l l s as w e l l
as t h e m e l a n o c y t e s m a y b e l h e t a r g e t o f t h e i m m u n o l o g i c
re a c tio n .
m e la n o m a . 11'1 A u lo a n tib o d ie s a g a in s t a 12 0 -k E)a p h o to ­
re c e p to r p r o te in , b e -s lro p h in , a n d b i p o l a r ce lls h a v e b e e n
Paraneoplastic Vite]lifortn Retinopathy is o la te d . EiRC ] and e le c tro -o c u lo g ra m re su lts have been
A c u te -o n s e t b ila te ra l m u ltifo c a l RHL d e ta c h m e n ts lh a l v a r i a b l e .'1'34" 1" c' I t is q u i t e Eik e ly th a t p re v io u s ly re p o rte d
re s e m b le v it e llifo r m re tin o p a th y have been re c e n tly rec­ c a s e s o f m u l l i p l e R E TEi d e t a c h m e n t s i n p a l i e n t s w i t h s k i n o r
o g n i z e d { f'ig u r e 1 3 .4 0 ) . S o l o d e h a n d a sso c ia te s r e p o r t e d 3 uveal m e la n o m a fa ll w i l h i n th e s p e c tru m o f p a ra n e o p la s ­
cases* 1 w ith c h o ro id a l m e la n o m a and 2 w ith c u ta n e o u s tic v i t e l l t f o r m r e t i n o p a t h y . I ; i '
l 6& Gass J]W F иаезеег аийиздг a-a tic h ; reh nJ гицем. in: P'uec R1 Fsjin CEJ ' 99 iiss JDM ESriflsJei R Sasale and eijMf.ii caala^- anjairaa cl te iinlaEpltr; 'elла
ecncrc.ReUnaGGrqress 25l:i arn мегагг:- meelrc c! iie Re'hx S h e MasadiiBete 6« aid and spit ne've had. Cmarcal 193-3^6:1790-У.
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a ligart n 10 saa ia w IT ssnar-issaccned 'si nopillrf Arch i f иштз! 1E65.1 П:ЭЭ1 -г 453. Rctertoi DM. МИчйп CP Wniay J . ei ai. Mela;lal£ Ij"w я iha rac;n: aod чlrec-л
-23. Tiik ; GE TaLF^lTverN^.eiall^T'iix^'^illMaloar-jidill Hl taci scn a ircflin'i iuT| :>3ia cTii cl lh5 g^j'i tT«itr№i v.TLn^ ^ т^ £ п 1 АиЬШ][>с[г^ fiematempr
гл>ж e^p'E&a ■cl lha ratiial aTce'-aasoc alri radnialifj irU in. Adi ОатЛа rcl OpTtn):-ctgH№' 33.129^-301
l “ i " l1.97i|-&.
429. Ke trff Л. Thr-j 15E, >yer NK. at al ^nags^etii а с m i \j i'g г сатся -ai&x alsc
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Neoplastic Diseases o f the Choroid
A V a rie ty o f t u m o r s , in c lu d in g h a m a r to m a s a n d n e o p la s tic F4.01 Mac u la г d eta с h me n I can sed by ch о го ida I
tu m o rs o f lh e c h o r o id , m a y le a d to s e ro u s a n d le ss o f t e n melanocylic nevi.
to h ^ o t r h a g i c d e ta c h m e n L o f th e m a c u la . E x a m p le s u s e d
A —C : Serous delath m cn l ftf lhe macula t a used by a pig­
Ш ih L& te x t are p r e s e n t e d to Illu s tr a t e h o w Lh e s e c h o r o i d a l mented choroidal tumor ргеяитсч! to be a frfertii in a
L u m o r s m a y cause a c lin ic a l p ic tu r e th a t c a n be c o n fu s e d 27-ycar-old vydmari whej w jh seen in June1 1472 with a
w i t h d e g e n e r a t iv e o r j n f f c p a r t p f o r y d is e a s e s o f t h e c h o r o i d 2-week history o f blurred vision ]n the righL eye. l-ier visual
a n d r e l i n k a IT e c tin g t h e m a c u l a r a r e a . acuity in the ri^hc eye was 20/25. She had a two-disc: diam ­
eter, slightly elevated, pigmented choroidal lumor [AJl
O verlying Ihe lumor there was a dumbbell-shaped serous
CHOROIDAL NEVI detachment of the retina I вптлча) that extended into the
fovea I area. Angiography demonstrated a foe.я I leak of lluo-
C h o ro id a l nevi are d e v e lo p m e n ta l tu m o rs com posed o f
rescem dye into the subretinal space farrow, Hi. The fatal
b e n i g n m e l a n o c y t e s .1 l h e s e t u m o r s a r e u s u a l l y u o L e v i d e n t leak was Healed with sis 50-mm ap plications o i ihu argon
at b i r t h . Ih e ir m a x im u m p e rio d o f g ro w th occu rs b e fo re laser. The serous detachment resolved. H e r visual acu ­
p u b e r ty .-' H o w e v e r , u p t o 6 .5 ^ -i o f t h e a d u l t w h i t e popu­ ity roLurned It) 20/15 . Fen v-l-.ii - laler :b i;.n:;ii -pp'-.ii-
l a t i o n m a y h a v e c h o r o i d a l n e v i .1 s A l t h o u g h m ost do not unch^n^ed IС I. Visual acuitv is 2tl;20.
D - F S e r o u s d e t a c h m e n t o f th e m a c u la s e c o n d a r y to a c h o ­
a c h ie v e a s ize g re a te r t h a n o n e d is c d ia m e te r , s o m e reach
ro id a l nevus w ilh o v e rly in g d ru se n in a 6 7 - y e a r - o l d w om an
a lh a l m a y sim u la te th at o f д m e d iu m -s ize o r even
w ith visu a l fltu ily of 2CV23. There are Severn I sm a ll e le v a -
l a r g e m a l i g n a n t m e l a n o m a . I t is e s t i m a t e d t h a t t h e r i s k o f
liu n s o f th e teflrtal p ig m e n t e p ith e liu m ! R lab d y f i r l y i r g s m a l l
m a l i g n a n t t r a n s f o r m a t i o n o f a c h o r o i d a l n e v u s '1 is a b o u t 1 c h o ro id a l B E O v a s tu lir lu fts and b lo o d -s ta in e d e xu d a te
in 1 0 0 0 0 .'' O v e r a p e r io d o f m a n y years th e s e p ig m e n t e d ta rru w , I? '. Ea rly a n g io g ra m s d e m o n strate d several c h o ro i­

o r n o n p ig m e n te d c h o ro id a l n evi m a y cause d e g e n e ra tiv e dal n e o v a s tu la r Lufts ( a r r o w s , El. La te r a n g io g ra m s show ed

s la in in g or Ih u d r u s e n a n d ( E m r o id a l n e o v a s c u l a r m e m b r a n e s
c h a n g e s in B r u c h 's m e m b r a n e , d r u s e n d e p o s i t i o n [E 'ig u ie s
t C N V M s i o n th e s u r f a c e o f th e l u m o r < f).
14 0 1D and I 4 .0 2 ) , s e ro u s d e t a c h m e n t o f th e re tin a l p ig ­
G - r This 37-year-old wom an had s-ubnormal vision in the
m e n t e p i t h e l i u m ( K P l i ) a n d re tin a (I'ig u r e 1 4 .0 1 A ) , c h o r o i ­
r i ^ t eve for al leas! 14 years. Note the gray-white plaque
d a l n e o v a s c u l a r i z a t i o n [E: ig u r e 1 4 . 0 I D , C , a n d J } r c ir r in a l e
of filjrovastular tissue Iving on Ihe surface of pigmented
re tin o p a th y (I'ig u r e i 4 .0 1 Jl. h e m o rrh a g ic d e ta c h m e n t of choroidal tLimor lhal '.illrasonographically was elevated
th e m a c u la [ i l g u r e 1 4 . 0 1 (}.. v i t r e o u s h e m o r r h a g e , a n d EiP H 3.5mm St;1. Angiograms showed a t'N V.Vl (arrows, H and
h y p e r p l a s i a ( E ' i g u r e 1 4 . 0 j 5 . \ - C ) . J I" 1 ' C l u m p s o r p a t c h e s o f a funnel -shaped area of depigmentaLion (aftow,, I of lhe KPfc
o r a n g e p ig m e n t m a y o v e rlie c h o r o id a l n e v i. a lth o u g h th e y lEiat extends inferiorly from the lumor to the ora serrata. The
lumor remained unchanged during 13 years of follow-up.
are m o r e f r e q u e n t l y o b s e r v e d in g r e a te r n u m b e r s o v e r l y i n g
! —L: Hem orrhagic detach menL of Ihe m atu la taused by a
c h o r o id a l m e la n o m a s . Z o n e s o f a tr o p h y o f th e R P H a n d a
LN 'V M larrows, К Lind L' overlying lhe inferior surface ol" an
bone c o rp u s c u la r p a tte rn o f p ig m e n t m ig ra tio n in to th e
elevated pigmented nevus that has remained unchanged in
re tin a m a y o c c u r at th e in fe r io r m a r g in o f th e s e n e v i, p a r ­ size during 12 yitia rs o f fol I ow-u p .
tic u la rly th o s e th a t are e le v a te d a n d g re a te r th a n t w o d is c
d ia m e te rs in s ize (I'ig u r e Ы .0 1 С - ] and 1 4 . 0 4 J - ' - 1 . } . J ^ - l:
llie s e areas are caused by p ro lo n g e d d e t a c h m e n t o f th e fig u re 1 4 .1 6 ) and c h o ro id a l o ste o m a s and in p a tie n ts
re tin a th a t p re v io u s ly e xiste d in th at area, p r o b a b ly d u r ­ w ith c h ro n ic id io p a th ic c e n tra l s e ro u s c h o rio re tin o p a th y
in g th e g ro w th p h a s e o f th e t u m o r in c h i l d h o o d . S im ila r (see K ig u re 3 .0 S ) and tra u m a tic c h o rio re tin o p a th y (se e
zo n e s occur in fe rio r to c h o ro id a l h e m a n g io m a s (se e H g u r e S .0 2 H ) .
W hen not a s s o c ia te d ^ vith a lte ra tio n s in th e o v e rly in g F4 .02 H isto p a t h o to g y ol ch o ro i d al n evi ca u sin g
R PE, c h o ro id a l nevi appear h y p o flu o re sc e n t th ro u g h ­ d is cifo rm m a c u la r d e ta c h m e n t,
out th e co u rse o f a n g io g ra p h y w h e n th e y o c c u p y e ith e r
A Hind B: M u Hi pie drusen, some of w hich are calcified, over­
th e in n e r p o n to n o r th e e n (ire th ic k n e s s o f th e c h o r o id . k ill^ a localized spindle cell nevus of lbe choroid lA'i and a
A n g io g ra p h y is h e lp fu l in d e te c tin g any a b n o rm a lity flat exudative detach mertl c f lhe nUinal pigmenl epi Ihelium
i n v o l v i n g c h a n g e in th e d e g re e o f p i g m e n t a t i o n o r p e r m e ­ iK F'li associated i 111 ntnv \ esse Is gndfefng from lh e choroid
a b ility o f th e R P E o v e rly in g nevi ( E 'ig u r e 1 4 .0 1 ) . Drusen inlo lhe ниЬ-KKt sp<Lce Ia now, В . The overKflhtf relink was
normal. 11н detochmenl was лп jjiifa c l.
o v e rly in g c h o ro id a l n e v i u s u a lly s h o w flu o re sc e n c e d u r in g
Disciform sLiЬ т л с u I л г liEjrovasculaf scar nnd proliferation
t h e first m i n u t e o f t h e a n g i o g r a m a n d e v i d e n c e o f s t a i n i n g
[jt lhe K l'L overlying л choroidal nevut. 1Ын scaf presumably
but little o r n o c h a n g e in t h e i;iz e o f t h e a re a o f f l u o r e s ­
resulted from hefnordiajfe of п-l^w - vessels rhaL had grown
cence d u rin g t h e l a t e r s ta g e s o f t h e s t u d y . A n g i o g r a p h y is Lhrou^h breaks in E3rnL : h membrane overlvinjj a choroidal
a ls o o f v a lu e in d e le c tin g th e p re s e n c e o f c h o r o id a l neo­ nevus. These ch arges led tc a mlsdfjagnosii of m ali^narl
v a s c u la riza tio n (Fig u re 1 4 .0 1 1 . EL and L ) . № K " IH i :i n e melanoma and enuc lea Lion of Che eye.
d e ta ils o f th es e c a p illa ry m em bra ne s m ay be p a rtly or :. \ -£., IrcniTr,:-.' 1tj-L: АГи^1V.'innu iyii, (jwrcinct i.. 1he Ни ;i i .l I Al 1.Ы,
li ,iu jv k ’ ri U N O , : j. 7 1 ft.?
c o m p le t e ly o b s c u r e d b e c a u s e o f th e re la tive o p a c ity o f th e
e xu d a te or re a c tive fib ro u s m e ta p la s ia o f th e RPE over­
ly in g th e m e m b r a n e : w h e n c a u s in g s u b r e tin a l e x u d a tio n ..
neovascuEar m em b ranes u s u a lly s ta in in te n s e ly d u rin g
t h e c o u r s e o f a n g i o g r a p h y . A n g i o g r a p h y is a l s o h e l p f u l i n H is to lo g ic a lEy r c h o r o id a l nevi are com posed o f any

d e te c tin g z o n e s o f КЕМ : a t r o p h y s u r r o u n d i n g th e s e t u m o r s o n e o f s e v e r a l b e n i g n c e l l t y p e s : s p i n d l e ce lEs, f u s i f o r m o r

[t-'ig u re i 4 . 0 1 E) . J h e e x trin s ic e ffe c ts o f t h e n e v u s o n th e r o u n d c e lls, a n d b ra n c h e d m e la n o c y te s . ]Ъ е у m a y be p ig -

s u rro u n d in g re tin a and RPE can be re a d ily assessed by m enLed or n o n p ig m e n te d . They m ay p a rtly re p la c e th e

o p tic a ] c o h e re n c e t o m o g r a p h y ( О С Г ) a n d fu n d u s a u to flu ­ c h o rio c a p iH a ris a n d cause d ru s e n a n d c h o ro id a l n e o v a s c u ­

o r e s c e n c e [ F i g t i r e I 4 . 0 5 ] . 1" l a r i z a t i o n [E 'ig u r e 1 4 .0 2 ) .
ChrtrtriJdJ ЛЛггр I i S3
P a tie n ts w ith m a c u la r d e ta c h m e n ts caused by s m a ll E4. D 3 L o n g - l e r m t o Il o w - u p o f p r e s u m e d

p ig m e n te d c h o ro id a l le s io n s , a n d th o s e w ith larg er m a r e h y p o p ig m e n te d m e la n o c y lic c h o ro id a l n evi o r

e le va le d le s io n s of u n c e rta in g ro w th p o te n Lia l, s h o u ld tu m o rs o f fo w g ro w th p o te n tia l.

be observed c a re fu lly w i l h s e ria l p h o t o g r a p h s and u ltra ­ A -С: In Novem ber 1969 this- 60-year-old wom an presented
so no graphy to e xc lu d e th e p o s s ib ility of a m a lig n a n t wiLh visual loss caused !iy serous macular deLachmenL ever-
m e la n o m a . I f t h e l e s i o n is a n e v u s , p a r t i c u l a r l y Ёп a lying л SLibmacLil-ar elevated hypopigmented choroidal
te e n a g e r or young p a tie n t, th e d e tach m e n I m a y re s o lve Lumor (arrowheads, AJ. The cenler of Lhe lesion was hvper-
s p o n t a n e o u s l y . I n s o m e cases, h o w e v e r , w i t h p e rs is te n c e o f pigmented. The diagnosis was melanoma of the choroid.
Tfte pjatienl elected Lo have no Irealment. In M arch 19B5
t b e d e t a c h m e n t , la s e r t r e a t m e n t m a y b e n e c e s s a ry ( N g u r e
tfie lesion was Utichanged in diamelDi. Exctpl for a small
I4 .Q IA -C ) . T h e presence o f m u llip le drusen o n th e s u r­
amoLinl of liprd exLidnite in lhe center ol" Iho macula, most of
fa c e o f a p ig m e n te d c h o ro id a l Lum or, dependent /ones lhe SLibnetinal ovadale had resolved i H i . Note Lhal I ho super-
o f p ig m e n t e p ith e lia l a tt b p h y a d ja c e n t to th e tu m o r , and ficFal prgmented porLiun of Lhe tumor was Гагдег. In Octolner
o v e r l y i n g c h o r o i d a l n e o v a s c u l a r i z a t i o n is h i g h l y s u g g e s t i v e 1992 the lumor was unchanged in size (С, w id e -аnj’ It1view I.
t h a t t h e t u m o r is a c f t o r o i d a l n e v u s . W h i l e s e r o u s r e t i n a l Tlvere was ha s-LEhrc^li па I ox Lrda LLon. U in proEjafjle that the
d e t a c h m e n t m . a y o c c u r o v e r l y i n g a n e v u s , i t is m o r e o f l e n a pigmented portion of lh e tumor represents reaclive retinal
pigment epithelium :K;PEi hyperplasia overlying a chofbtdal
s ig n о Г g r o w t h p o t e n t ia l, p a r tic u la r ly i f a s s o c ia te d w i t h flu ­
o r e s c e i n a n g i o g r a p h i c e v i d e n c e o f i n u It j p i e p i n p o i n t a r e a s
□ and t: In 19Й.1 this b5-yenr-old w o m a n л tilled a posiltve
o f le a k a g e . (S e e s u b s e c tio n on m e la n o m a f o r d is c u s s io n cenlral s^fiLoma associated wiLfi an elevaLed non pigm ented
o f sig n s s u g g e s tin g g r o w t h p o te n tia l o f s m a ll m e la n o c y lic choroidal tum or in I he rijjhl inferior m a cu la r area (arrows.
tu m o r s .) S in c e s o m e c h o ro id a l nevi a n d m e la n o c y Lom as [].. N o le lhe bJood vessels wiLhin lhe lum or. An g iograp hy
(o n e o f th e c y to lo g ic v a ria n ts o f c h o ro id a l n e v i) m a y c o n ­ revealed e vid e n c e of RTEi d epigm entalion and cl Limping as
t i n u e to g r o w beyond a d o le s c e n c e d e m o n s tr a b le g r o w th , w e ll as staining w ilh in a n d on the surface of the tum or fE^.
H er visLial acuity w as 2 0 / 4 0 . L'JtrasoLind revealed a 3.2-mm
p a r t i c u l a r l y i n c h i l d r e n o r y o u n g a d u l t s , is n o l a n u n e q u i v ­
elevaled ch o ro id al medium-neilecl.ive tLimor. .M edical e v a lu ­
o c a l sig n o f m a lig n a n c y . 1 I t is i m p o r t a n t t o d i f f e r e n ­
ation revealed n o e v id e n c e o f m etastatic carcin o m a . The
tia te a n in c re a s e i n s iz e o f a n e v u s c a u s e d b y a n e x p a n d i n g LLimor rem ained unchanged dLiiinji 10 years-' follow-up. H e r
re a c tiv e p i g m e n t e p ith e lia l p r o l i f e r a t i v e a n d f i b r o u s m e t a ­ visual acuiLy al tast exam ination w as 20/2 5 .
p la s tic d is c ifo r m p ro c e s s o n th e s u rfa c e o f th e n e v u s fr o m F-L: In D ecem ber I L)6fi a small e le v a t'd w hile choroidal
g r o w t h o f t h e m e l a n o c y tic t u m o r i t s e l f [ E ' i g u r e s ] 4 .0 3 Л -С ! kimor i.F) was discovered during a routine eye examination
in this 46-year-<jld man. M e d ical evaluation ol evidence of
a n d I 4 . U 6 ) . l s ' Jfi
meLastati-с £:arcinoma was negalive. O ve r lhe subsequenl
25 years of follow-up Ihe lesion gradually enlarged and the
palienl remained nsymptomalic: Augunl 1 713 :Cjl, jLine 14715
IHi, M arch 19B2 OJ, anti sleioo angiograms If anti Kj. and
M arch 1994 (L>. Because ol the superficial resemblance to
a choroidal osluoma, Lillrasoiiographic examinations were
done on Itiree occasions l>elween 1977 and 1994. They,
along with orbiLal roenlgeno^ranTS. revealed no eviden-ce of
P a tie n ts p re s e n tin g w ith c h o ro id a l n e o v a s c u la riza tio n F 4 .( 1 4 T u m o r b r e a k t h r o u g h B r u c h 's m e m b r a n e a n d

s h o u ld be m anaged u s in g th e s a m e g u id e lin e s fo r tre at­ m in im a l g ro w th o f p re s u m e d m e la n o c y tic c h o ro id a f

m ent of n e o v a s c u la ri/ Jlio n a s s o c ia te d W ith presum ed n e v i fo EEo w En g p h o t o c o a g u l a l io n t r e a lm e n t f o r s e ro u s

m a c u la r d e t a c h m e n t
o c u la r h is to p la s m o s is and a g e -re la te d m a c u la r d e g e n e ra ­
t i o n . ] ^ L 7 r J 7 ,2 S T h o s e p r e s e n t i n g w i l h s e r o u s r e t i n a l d e t a c h ­ A-£: In Novem ber 1972 this 54-ycw-oId wom an presenlud
m e n t w it h o u t e vid e n c e o f n e o v a s c u la riza tio n a n d w t lh no w ilh melamorpFropsi a associated w ilh serous nil inn I detach­
c le a r s ig n s o f a g r o w t h p o t e n t ia l c a n b e f o l l o w e d f o r u p Lo ment surrounding а slightly elevaled pigmented choroidal
4 m o n t h s a fte r o n s e t o f s y m p t o m s , fo r e vid e n c e o f s p o n ­
tumor (arrowheads, AE. The diagnosis was melanocytic: cFk>
roidal tumor uncertain growth potential. W h e n :he rBtlhal
ta n e o u s re s o lu tio n o f th e d e tach m e n ! o r g ro w th o f th e
detachmenl felled I о resolve, racal laser IreaLmen! to л site
tu m o r . Ef n o g r o w th o ccu rs a fte r lh a l p e r io d a n d th e area
of fluorescein leakage on lhe lumor surface was done. The
o f flu o re s c e in le a k a g e is o u t s i d e th e c e n te r o f th e fo v e a , deLachmenl resolved Ej u ! recurred again in M arch 1973. The
th e a u t h o r r e c o m m e n d s p h o to c o a g u la t io n lo th e area o f tumor was unchanged ol her w ist1. Ar^on laser IrealmoroL was
Leakage o n ly , w h ile c o n t i n u i n g to m o n i t o r th e p a tie n t fo r dune iB i anti the deLachmenl resolved. She was follow ed
e vid e n c e o f tu m o r g ro w th ( I’ ig u re г 4 . 0 1 Л —C j . W hereas a I yearly intervals with ло change until .May 1979. Al lhal
som e of th e s e p a tie n ts w ill show e vid e n c e of tu m o r
time evidence ol a smaEI nodularity o f the lum or surface
wan noted (arrow. Cl. By Septumber 1579 a 2-ram nodule
b re a kth ro u g h B r u c h 's m e m brane at. th e site o f p h o to ­
of tumor exlending through Hruch's mWnbrane was evidenl
c o a g u la tio n , u s u a lly m any m o n th s or several years a fte r
I.mow, Djt. M edical evaluation for m elaslalic disease was
t r e a t m e n t , t h e r e is n o e v i d e n c e t o s u g g e s t t h a t t h i s a f f e c t s
nef^itivu except for chronic lympFiaLic leukemia that had
th e lik e lih o o d o f e x t r a o c u l a r s p r e a d o f t h e t u m o r ( F ;i g u r e been diagnosed several year* previous IV- She eEecterl lo
1 4 .0 4 ) . 2’ T h e d e v e lo p m e n t of a lo c a lize d n o d u le of have no Lreatmenl lor choroidal lumor. t.>vor lhe subsequenl
tu m o r b re a kth ro u g h on th e s u rfa c e o f th es e t u m o r s a fte r 6 years o f follow-up there was only slight enlargement of
t r e a t m e n t , p a r t i c u l a r l y i f it o c c u r s m a n y m o n th s a fte r th e
tEie choroidal lumor varnKwheads. E) as w e ]I an the overlying
Lumor nodule I arrow, Ё).
tre a tm e n t, m ay not n e c e s s a rily in d ic a te a change in th e
F-L: O n a rouline eye examination in April l?J3.1r a five
t u m o r 's g ro w th p o te n tia l {Fig u re 1 4 .0 4 ) . En som e cases
disc diameter elevated pigmented choroidal tLimor was dis­
th is e x t e n s i o n appears to occur m o re as m e c h a n ic a l d is ­ covered lerafioral to lh e left macula :l-l. A gray fibrovaocu­
p la c e m e n t o f p lia b le tissu e , ra th e r t h a n g ro w th o f tu m o r, lar plaque (arrow. F-l wa*. presenl on ils sl)rl3L& There was
th ro u g h a fo c u s of la s e r-d a m a g e d B r u c h 's m em brane. a JLono of atrophy, hyperplasia, anti inlraretinal migration of
O t h e r t r e a t m e n t o p t i o n s i n c l u d e p h o t o d y n a m i c t h e r a p y , 1" K P t extending from lhe tumor infenolempoTally almosl lo
tra n s p u p illa iy t h e r m o t h e r a p y ,a n d in tra v itre a l a n tiv a s c u -
the equator. Angiography demonstrated evid en ce ol choroi­
dal neovascularizalion w ilhin lh e gray plaque on Ihe tumor
fa r e n d o t h e l ia l g r o w t h fa c to r a g en ts.
surface. This finding and lhe /one of depend cmI retinal pig­
ment epithelial change suggested lhal Ihe lumor was a large
nevus. She was followed al h-raomh intervals wilhout any
change until March 1935, w hen she returned because of
metamorphopsia in Ihe Jofl eye. At lhal time there was e v i­
dence o f reactivation and nasal oxiensiun of d>e new ves­
sels I arrows, C ) on Ihe tumor surface. Nole Lhe iipid exudate
near the cenLer ol the macula. The area of Lhe new vessels
wan treated with argon laser '.arrows, Hi. By (_>c1ober 3986.
the exudate was gone (I) and (he patients acuity was 20/20.
N o further change occurred unlil M ay 1991 w hen tw o nod­
ules (arrows, 11 were noled on lhe lumor surface w ithin
i v area "■ previous laser t realm cmI. [Fiese two ic : l ■ of
lumor, which appeared to exlend ihrough B r u c h i mem-
Firane, enlarged slowEy over Lhe subsequenl year iarrows,
K.) although no definite change occurred in Lhe size of Ihe
lumor otherwise. Al LhaL lim e sFie had recenlly undergone
surgery and chemotherapy for ovarian carcinom a Unit had
extended Lo regional lymph nodes. In M ay 1392 she expe­
rienced a vilreous hemorrhage in the left eye. This cleared
and, in OcLoEier 1993, lhe choroidal Lumor and Ihe foci of
extension of 1итот Ihrough Bruch's membrane showed m ini­
mal evidence o f enlargement (black arrows, Lj. The presence
of p i^ n en l debris in the vilreous overlying the tunvor I white
arrow, L: suggested lhal meal necrosis w ithin lhe Lumor nod­
ules m ay have been responsible for Lhe vitreous Fiemorrhage.
The funduu remained unchanged w hen she was last exam­
ined in Decem ber 1994.
1 4 .0 5 E x trin s ic e ffe c ts o f lh e n e v u s .

A: Ll'fects ал [he surrounding niLina I t lin f l pigment epithe­

lium can fie readily assessed by optical coherence tomogra­
phy and fundus autoffuoreseence. Fundus photograph w ilh
orange piymenl and subretiinaJ fluid .
On iu fid Lis a uto fluorescence, о г л п ^ pigment appears as
fotjnI hyperaulofluonoscenL spoL. Гп add Иion there it diffusa
dispersion of otgnge piemen! within lhe ^Kl- iптрлrLinfj, dif­
fuse hyperauloffoufesence lo thu $RF.
C: P ^ M imed dispersed llpolusdn (orange pi^menLJ is seen in
Ihe suIsrel inaI space.
iFrtrtii SJfitfh tr ,il..1' wilh prtnribtEfin.j

1 4 . f J b O p i i с d i s c m e t a n o c y l a m д.

A: A 50-year-old white man noted to have o plic disc tumor

on a routine examination. Patient had no symploms and his
v isual acuity y^as 20/20. Nole a m elanocvtic 1umoi that is
intrinsic to the optic nerve head with fine vilneous pij^rmml

Optic disc me Ian (icy tos is

8 acid C: A .35-year-old woniian seen for a routine eyt! exam i­
nation was found lo have pigmental ion (.if lbe oplic disc sur­
face. H e r visual fields were normal, ruling oul compression.
D -G : This 55-year-old African Am erican diabelic male
reported "a w ave com ing towards the center of my vision"
far J weeks;. His visual acuity was 20/20 ал Ihe rijjht and
20/25 on lhe left. 3-1is ri^ht fundus was normal. The lefl
fundus had a darkly piymenled mass on lhe oplic disc lhat
extended inlo lh e adjacent temporaJ retina. Two pockels
ol subrettnaE fluid, one extending to the Eaveal center and
lhe other I о the inferior equatorial region i arrow L associ-
aled with lipid, and a vascular lesion were seen emanalin^
from the lesion. Fluorescein an^io^ram showed a lacy net­
work o f vessels early that leaked late in the angiogram. Laser
pholocoayulation of the choroidal neovascular membrane
resolved jbe subneLinaJ fluid and symptoms !Hj.
H-K: Ih is .ith-year-oJd Indian w om an presented with sud­
den loss of visFon in her right eye to counl finders. A darkly
pigmented mass covered most ol her rij^hI oplic disc., w iih
some extension into the nerve fiber Eayer. The m acula
showed opacification secondary to occlusion of the tempo­
ral branches of the central retinal artery (1). An angiogram
confirmed poor perlusion of lhe superior and interior branch
arteries supplying [he macula Ij and ft).

I Q - G - j C a U r i e s y ud L j r . K u t f u i E i t i j t : H - K . . и :.и г 1 с у н м? D f . V l l h i l i L j u f i r .i
.i ■11 U r. A 111■>lI ■!.. u|]Li .1
MELANOCVTOMA F 4 .0 7 D iffu s e sclero c h o r o i d a l m e la n o c y tic n e vu s/
schw annom a,

M e la n o c y lo m a [Fig u re 1 4 .0 6 A ) and m a g n o c e llu la r n e v u s

A—E: Tin i 5 9-year-old boy w ith subnormal vision ir the left
are h is to p a th o lo g ic n im e s used to d e s c rib e h ig h ly p ig ­ eye had diffuse thickening and hyperpigmenlAlien of Lhe
m e n te d uveal nevi th a t are com posed o f 1 л rg e , ro u nd, Lempural and inferior fundus, 3 shallow retinal detachmt1пI
p o ly g o n a l, o r fu s ifo rm m e la n o c y te s w ilh s m a ll n u c le i a n d interiorly, and blurring of the optic disc margin in lhe left
o c c a s io n a lly a b u n d a n t n u c l e o l i . 'I'h e s e s a m e c e lls a r e t h e eye (H5). Note lh e ^bsencifi ot choroidal т а rkiподы in the lefl
eve 'L3l com pa rad Wilh iiiu normal Tight eye i A I. Ihe left eve
p re d o m in a n t c e ll t y p e fo u n d in eyes w ilh d iffu s e uveal
was enucleated. Histopathologic exa m iration revealed dif­
m e l a n o c y l o s i s .1 O c c a s i o n a l l y m e la n o c y to s is o f th e o p lic
fuse Ibickenjng of the choroid and sclera, w hich were infil-
d is c w i t h o u t t u m e fa c tio n c a n b e been ( F ig u r e 1 4 .0 6 1 i a n d
Lraled with benign spindle m elanocy tic cells in lhe m acula
C]J. C l i n i c a l d i f f e r e n t i a t i o n o f u v e a l m e la n o c y to m a s fr o m and inferior fundus (IbW-pp-wer, L , and higher-pDwuis, D and
o th e r h ig h ly p ig m e n te d nevi com posed o f s p in d le and E|\ Note the posterior bow ing of Ihe thickened choroid and
d e n d ritic m e la n o c y te s is not p o ss ib le , except when th e sclera in Ihe macu Lit region Ia nows, С and D).
t u m o r i n v o l v e s t h e o p l i c n e r v e h e a d . f t e n i g n m e l a n o c y tic E-J: A 14-year-old girl presented in tanuary 1У35 Ejucnuse
of a recenl change in the vision in lhe right eve, which had
tu m o r s th a l are in trin s ic lo th e o p tic n e rve h e a d a n d m a y
always been am blyopic. The fundus appeared almost identi­
e x te n d In to lh e s u r r o u n d in g c h o r o i d a n d n e rv e fib e r la y e r
cal lo lhe left eye o f the palienl in K. In addition lo the thick­
o f th e re lin a , h is to lo g ic a lly are in v a r ia b ly m e l a n o c y L o m a s .
ened and darkened choroid posteriorly and interiorly I here
Fe a tu re s, o lh e r th a n th e ir in te n s e b la c k o r g re e n is h -b la c k was a JocalijLtid serous relinal delachmenL and a gray sub-
p ig m e n ta tio n , th a t to som e d e g re e d iffe re n tia te m e la n o ­ relinal neovascu lar complex lairow, R in Ihe mat ular area.
c y to m a s f r o m o th e r u v e a l n e v i in c lu d e a n a p p a r e n t g re a te r There w ere some inflSmp'rna^ry cell*- in lhe vi I ret j u s . lhere
p r o p e n s i t y to e x h i b i t s o m e lo ca l g r o w t h p o te n tia l b e y o n d was blurring of the o plic disc margins. The left fundus was
normal. Angiography revealed a choroidal neovascular
p u b e r ty ; a g re a te r p r e d ile c tio n fo r u n d e rg o in g sp o n ta n e ­
membrane (arrow, G ], a large zone of depigmenlation o f Ihe
ous n e c ro sis; a g re a te r lik e lih o o d of In v o lv in g a d ja c e n t
le lira l pigmenl epilhclium extending temporally lo Ihe m ac­
s t r u c t u r e s , i n c l u d i n g t h e sc le ra as w e l l as th e o p t ic n e r v e
ula, and some staining of the optic disc. Ultrasonography
b e a d a n d re tin a ; a n d p e rh a p s a lo w e r p r o p e n s it y fo r m a llg - revealed a diffuse choroidal liimOr posluriorlv in an area of
nanl tra n s fo rm a tio n (Fig u re 14 - Th& posterior bow ing and thickening of lhe sclera (HJ. The c lin i­
In c id e n c e o f m e la n o c y Io n ia Is e q u a l i n a l l e t h n i c g r o u p s , cal diagnosis was diffuse sclerochoraidal m elanocytic nevus.
u n lik e u v e a l m e l a n o m a s th a t are m o r e c o m m o n in lig h t ly Because of suspected growth of Lhe lesion lhe eye was enu­
cleated in 1Э93. His-Lopalhologic examination revealed a
p i g m e n t e d i i n d i v i d u a l s. S p o n t a n e o u s n e c r o s i s o f a m e la n o -
highly vascular benign m uJanocylic mas-s involving the t ho-
c y t o m a , p a rtic u la rly w h e n it in v o lv e s th e o p tic n e rv e h e a d
noid and sclEra posteriorly and inferiorly (1 and higher-power.
o r c ilia ry b o d y , m a y cause p ig m e n t d e b ris in th e v itre o u s
f). The lumor was classified m icroscopically as a melanotic
th at m a y b e m is ta k e n fo r v itre o u s s e e d in g o f a m e la n o m a . schwannoma.
N e c r o s i s o f a n iris m e l a n o c y to т а m a y cause s im ila r c o n ­
1 Л - Н . I n j m C Tnibs-'1^1; I ;m d J , 1 r u m h -h i d d s и I a l M l |
fu s io n because o f a m acroph age re sp o n se lo n e c ro lic
tu m o r in th e a q u e o u s h u m o r a n d tra b e c u la r m e s h w o r k .
i h e re a s o n fo r th e ir p re d ile c tio n fo r s p o n ta n e o u s n e c ro s is
is u n k n o w n . Jr m a y b e t h a t t h e s e c e l l s a r e m o r e r e s p o n s i v e
D iffu se Scfero ch oro ida l M elan o cytic N evus
th a n u su al lo h o rm on al and i m m u n o lo g i c c h a n g e s . (S ee D iffu s e c h o ro id a l h y p e rp ig m e n ta lio n a n d th ic k e n in g m a y
d is c u s s io n of b ila te ra l d iffu s e uveal m e la n o c y tic p ro lif­ b e o b s e r v e d e i t h e r as a n i s o l a t e d f i n d i n g [ I ' l g u i t l 4 . О й ) o r
e r a tio n a s s o c ia te d w i t h s y s le m ic c a r c in o m a , b e lo w .) S lo w in a s s o c ia tio n w i t h e p isc le ra l p i g m e n t a t i o n [o c u la r m e ta -
lo ca l g ro w th can be d o c u m e n te d over years of obser­ n o c yto s i& J lh a l m a y e xte n d Lo i n v o l v e ip is lla te ra l s k in in
v a tio n ; m a lig n a n t tra n s fo rm a tio n Is rare bul known. lh e d is trib u tio n o f bra n ch e s o f tb e trig e m in a l n e rv e (o c u ­
C ]o m p lic a tio n s secondary lo c o m p re s s io n o f th e o p lic lo d e rm a l m e la n o c y to s is : n e v u s o f O t a } / '1 I h e life tim e risk
n e r v e fib e rs r e s u lt in g in a v is u a l fie ld d e fe c t, r a r e ly severe o f d e v e lo p in g u ve a l m e l a n o m a in a t j u c a s i a n w i t h o c u la r
enough t o Lose Jig h L p e r c e p t io n , c e n tra l o r b r a n c h re tin a l m e l a n o c y l o s i s is e s l i m a l e d to be a b o u t 1 in 400 [I'ig u r e
artery (F ig u r e L 4 . 0 & E H —| ) a n d v e i n o c c l u s i o n s a n d c h o r o i ­ 1 4 .0 9 ) . T h e ris k in n o n w h i t e s m a y a ls o b e h i g h e r b u l h a s
d a l n e o v a s c u l a r i z a t i o n , c a n o c c u r [ I ' i g u r e 1 4 . 0 6 1 ? —C J ) . n o l b ee n q u a n t ifie d .'
D iffu se Posterior C h o ro id o scle fa l M elanotic F 4 . (1 H I s o la t e d c h o r o i d a l m e l a n o c v t o s i s .

Schw annom a A—D: A 40-vear-old Indian female was referred t y ап oplom-

l>r. Gass had observed one g irl and re vie w e d fu n d u s cfLri^L fur evaluation of bilateral posleriOt-pole pigmented
p h o to g ra p h s and flu o re s c e in a n g io g ra m s o f a boy w ith I(^taciJTF. Thu pulienl was asymptomatic; she? denied any previ­
an id e n tic a l, p e c u lia r, d iffu s e p la t]u e lik e th ic k e n in g and ous episodes of blurred vision, photopsias, Г1оьПегь_. or pho­
tophobia. There? was no significant prior m cdical ui ocular
h y p e ip ig m e n ta tio n o f th e p o s te rio r a n d in fe rio r c h o F o id
history. Her visual acu ilv w]lh cjornec: Li on wan 20/20 bilater­
in one eye a s s o c ia te d w ith u ltra s o n o g ra p h ic and h is to ­
ally. bxLernal exa mi nation showed absence or eye iid or epi ­
p a th o lo g ic e vid e n c e o f p o s te rio r b o w in g and narked scleral pigmental ion with blue irides. fundus pholographs
L b i c k e n i n g o f th e c h o r o i d a n d sc le ra i n t h e m a c u l a r r e g i o n showing Hyinmelfic, I;Hi, and diffuse <horoida! hyperpigmen-
( E 'ig u r e 1 4 .0 7 ) 9 I h e b o y 's c o n d i L i o n , o b s e r v e d fo r se ve ra l Lalion :A and В .. Lale-phase fluorescein angiogram к bf the
y e a r s ., s h o w e d n o e vid e n c e o f g ro w Lh b u l h e d id d e v e lo p i i u.hI and lefl eyes e?;hiE)iLing absence of apparenl leakage or
re tin a l d e ta c h m e n t. The o p tic d isc in th e a ffe c te d eye
blockage 1C and L3l.

a p p e a r e d s w o lle n . T h e f u n d u s o f th e a ffe c le d e ye w a s m o r e [ThdHn Ки'г'-чзг 4fi. j|1. . \\ ilh [жгп i:1s k h i . :

p ig m e n te d th a n th e fe llo w eye, but th e re w a s no c lin i­

cal e vid e n c e o f m e la n o s is n c u li in th e a n te rio r segm ent
( E 'ig u r e 1 4 .0 7 A a n d tt). Flu o re s c e in a n g io g r a p h y re ve a le d
irre g u la r e a rly h y p e rflu o re s c e n c e and e vid e n c e o f som e th ic k fib ro v a s c u la r p la q u e on lh e t u m o r su rfa c e and Lhe

s t a i n i n g o x re r t h e in fe rio r p o r t io n o f lh e t u m o r , 'lh e eye m a r k e d v a s c u la rity o f t h e t u m o r , x e n o n p h o to c o a g u la tio n

w a s e n u c le a te d a n d h is to p a th o lo g ic e x a m in a tio n re v e a le d w a s a d v is e d b u t re fu s e d . I n 1 9 9 2 s h e w a s e x a m i n e d at Lhe

a d iffu s e th ic k e n in g o f th e c h o ro id a n d . scle ra p -o s tc rio riy W ills liv e E H o s p ita l, at w h i c h t im e t h e c lin ic a l fin d i n g s w e r e

and in f e r i o r l y b y a s p i n d l e ce ll n e v u s ( F i g u r e L 4 .0 7 C - L ) . unchanged except fo r p ro g re s s io n lo no lig h t p e rc e p tio n

In th e m a c u la r re g io n th e th ic k e s t p a n o f th e t u m o r w a s in th e rig h t eye. L n u c le a lio n w as a d v is e d . H is to p a th o lo g ic

a s s o c ia te d w i l h p r o m i n e n t p o s t e r i o r b o w i n g o f t h e sc le ra . e x a m in a t io n re ve a le d a m e la n o c y tic h a m a r t o m a in te rp r e te d

'Ih e r e w a s e v id e n c e o f s e ro u s re tin a l d e t a c h m e n t a n d p a p ­ as a m e l a n o t i c s c h w a n n o m a w i l h a p r o m i n e n t a n g i o m a t o u s

ille d e m a . lh e g irl w a s 14 years o ld when firs t e x a m i n e d c o m p o n e n t ( E 'ig u r e 1 4 .0 7 E a n d ] ) . ^

b y l>r. C a s s i n l a n n a r y 19 8 5 because o f recent w o rs e n in g Aw areness o f th es e d iffu s e h a m a r to m a Lous n e v o id

o f v is io n in th e rig h t e y e th a l h a d b e e n a m b l y o p i c s in c e m e la n o c y lic m a lfo rm a tio n s is im p o rta n t because th e ir

b irth , lh e f u n d u s f i n d i n g s in h e r rig h t e ve w e re id e n tic a l la rg e s ize a n d Lh eir p o t e n t ia l fo r lim iLe d g ro w th d u rin g

to th o s e in th e o th e r p a tie n t, e x c e p t f o r Lh e p re s e n c e o f a c h ild h o o d are lik e ly to c a u s e v is u a l s y m p t o m s in c h ild ­

s m a ll s u b re tin a l p a ra fo v e a l n e o va s c u la r m em brane and hood, and th e tu m o rs m ay he m is ta k e n fo r ft c h o r o i ­

m in im a l e vid e n c e o f re Lin a l d e la c h m e n l (Fig u re 1 4 .0 7 F dal m e la n o m a w ilh in tra s c le ra I e x t e n s io n . In te n s e and

and G ). I h e r e w a s i r r e g u l a r t h i c k e n i n g o f t h e s l i g h t l y e le ­ e xte n s ive la s e r tre a tm e n t and in som e cases irra d ia tio n

v a te d d a r k e n e d c h o r o i d in t h e m a c u l a a n d i n f e r i o r f u n d u s . m a y h e n ec es sa ry l o p r e v e n t to ta l re tin a l d e t a c h m e n t a n d

Ih e o p tic d is c w a s s w o lle n . U ltra s o n o g ra p h y re ve a le d a b lin d n e s s .

d iffu s e p o s te rio r m e d iu m -re A e c tiv e c h o ro id a l tu m o r th a t

w a s L h ic k e s l in lh e m a c u la r re g io n , w h e re th e re w as p o s ­
M ultiple C h o roid al N evi an d .Melanoma
te rio r b o w in g of th e sc le ra . U ltra s o n o g ra p h y su g g e ste d A sso cia ted with N eurofibrom atosis 1
th a t lh e c o n fig u ra tio n o f Lhe tu m o r w as s im ila r to lh a t A p p ro x im a te ly 3 5 '? 6 o f p a tie n ts w ith n e u ro fib ro m a to s is
p re v io u s Ey fo u n d h is to p a th o lo g ic a lEy in th e boy ( E :i g u r e w ill h a v e m u l t ip l e c h o r o id a l n e v i th a t i n s o m e p a tie n ts are
1 4 . 0 7 H ) . 'E 'h e c l i n i c a l d i a g n o s i s w a s c h o r o i d o s c l e r a l m e l a - b yp 3| ^ £ t L e i > t e d , > , ; 3 : 4 L' Ef d is c o v e r e d in c h i l d r e n , th e s iz e o f
n o c ylic h a m a r to m a . th e le s io n s a n d th e in te n s ity o f th e ir p ig m e n ta tio n m ay
In M arch 1991 sh e re turne d b e c a u s e o f fu r t h e r lo ss o f in c re as e w it h age. 'lh e in c re a s e d ris k f o r d e v e l o p m e n t o f a
v is io n in th e rig h t eye. Н е т v is u a l a c u ily w a s h a n d m ove­ uveal m e la n o m a in p a lie n ts w it h n e u ro fib ro m a to s is m a y
m e n t s o n l y a n d th is w a s L im it e d to t h e in fe r io r v is u a l fie ld . b e re la te d to t h e ir p r e d i l e c t io n f o r h a v i n g n o t o n l y m u l t i ­
S h e h a d a b u l lo u s re tin a l d e l a c h m e n l w i t h s h ift in g s u b r e t i­ p le n e v i, b u t i n s o m e cases a d iffu s e m e l a n o c y t i c h y p e r p l a ­
nal flu id . 'Ih e lu m o r d im e n s io n s w ere unchanged except sia o f t h e e n t i r e u v e a l t r a d r e s e m b l i n g c a f e - a u - l a i t l e s i o n s
fo r s o m e in cre ase in ils c e n t r a l e l e v a t i o n th at a p p e a re d lo o f th e s k in m a y b e p re s e n t (F ig u r e 1 4 .1 0 ) . G iv e n th e h ig h
re su lt fro m e xte n s ive fib ro u s m e ta p la s Lic changes o f th e p re v a le n c e o f n e u r o fib r o m a to s is 1, th e a s s o c ia tio n o f u vea l
p ig m e n t e p ith e liu m on its a n l e r i o r s u r fa c e . A fe w p ro m i­ m e la n o m a and n e u ro fib ro m a to s is i m a y b e re g a rd e d as
nent b lo o d ve sse ls w ere v is ib le near th e tu m o r s u rfa c e . c o i n c i d e n t a l ( F i g u r e 1 4 . 1 1 j . . ,|:
A n g io g ra p h y re ve ale d e xte n s ive s ta in in g in th e area of C h o ro id a l nevi in p a tie n ts w ilh n e u ro fib ro m a to s is
fib ro u s m e ta p la s ia . Ih is p o r L io n o f t h e t u m o r w a s tre a te d s h o u ld n o t b e m is ta k e n fo r R P E : n e vi (c o n g e n iLa l h yp er­
w i t h in te n s e , L o n g -d u r a tio n , 5 0 0 -m m a p p lic a tio n s o f a rg o n t r o p h y o f th e R P E a n d c o m b i n e d R P li a n d re tin a ! h a m a r ­
g r e e n la s e r. ' L h e d e t a c h m e n t p e r s i s t e d a n d t h e v i s u a l a c u i t y to m a s ), w h ic h m a y be a s s o c ia te d w i l h n e u ro fib ro m a to s is
w a s lig h t p e rc e p Lio n o n l y in A u g u s t 1991. Because o f th e (see F ig u re 1 2 .1 1 ) .
1 4 .1 Hi O c u l o t t o r m д[ m eJ п п а с у t(i s i s w i fh c h o n o ir fa I 14. E l U v e a [ m e I л n o m a w iLh n e u r o f i b r o m a t o s i s t y p e
m e l.m o m a , 1 lN F I).

A-D: A 5 4 - y e a r - o ld w h ile m an p re s e n te d w ith b lu r r e d A -D : A 15 -year-old w hile m ale w ilh NF1 was found lo
v is io n . E x te rn a l e x a m i n a tio n r e v e a le d le f t e y e l i d s , fo re h e a d , have Unilateral juvenile glaucoma. H e was managed medi­
and e p is c le r a l h y p e r p ig f n c n la t io n f A .I. F u n d u s w as d a rk in cally initially followed by trabeculectomy. A pipfnenLed1 iris
c o lo r w ith a d o m e - S .t iJf ljE d c h o r o i d a l m ass- s u g g e s t i v e or" c h o - lesion ihnL had increased in size was reported. The palienl
n u iН л I m e l a n o m a ( B l t h a t w a s c o n f i r m e d b y E Jlt r a s o n ir t r a p h y had numeruuH cafe-au-lail spols on his skin (Aj, and cuta­
В -scan (C ). E n u c t e a lio n c o n f ir m e d a m e la n o t ic c h o r o id a l neous netirorftbromai on his lefl forearm Lind right leg. His
m & l- a n o m a ( | } j . visual acuity was 20/20 in each eye. Intraocular pressures
were .lOnim Mg in the righl eye and I I mm H g in Ihe lefl eye
iA . In arid il ion Lo prominent со men I nerves and numerous
isch nodules in bolh eyes, an ill-defined pigmented iris
mass, emending frw n 2 o' clock Lo 4 o ' clock and measur­
ing 5 ^ 4 ^ 3 mm, was observer! -Uj. The enlire surface of
the iris stroma was diffusely seeded with tumor. G onioscopy
showed heavy pigmenlation o f Lhe trabecular meshwork.
1 4 .1 0 C h o r o i d a l n e v u s w i l h n e in ro m b ro m iito s is t y p e 1
Enucleation was performed in vie w o f diffuse seeding of Lhe
iris melanoma w ilh secondary glaucom a ICJJ. The sectioned
A and -В: A 10-year-old girl with NF1 . Note diffuse ch oro i­ globe showed lhe darkly pigmenled irii lesion exLendfng inlo
dal nevus :melanoLvLosisi HA I w hich resembles cal'e-au-lail lhe nasal angle, heavily pigmented Irabecular meshwork,
lesions of lhe skin (Sl. and tumor infillratinjj lh e temporal angle ( D ) .
! h! |□ггжI.и l r[ w iU i p*itnbil>Oli lr>: i Hr> l'I il l. 1 '
CHOROIDAL MALIGNANT F4 . E2 Sub macn larch oro id al me la nomas.

MELANOMA A -С: Small malignanE melanoma of the choroid in a

22-year-old wnrilan wFrt noLed ph o tepsii and mild blurring
A m e la n o m a i n Els e a r l i e r s t a g e s o f d e v e l o p m e n l is J i i o s t ot vision. N o Ie I ho ring of pinpoinl suFirefinal Leaks and late
slaining 'Ы and (.j . 1lie Lumor showed evidence of enlarge­
Eifce ly t o b e o b s e r v e d c l i n i c a l l y w h e n it a r is e s i n o r n e a r l h e
ment within a few Friontfe and the eye was enucleaLed.
m a c u l a r a r e a . T h e r e il m a y с а а з е a s c o l o m a a n d p b o t o p s i a
Histopalbolujjically it №15 л spindle В melanoma.
p r o d u c e d b y i n v a s i o n о Г t h e re li n п o r lo s s o f v i s i o n c a u s e d
D -F: Localized serous detachment of the retinal pigment
by serous re lin a l d e ta c h m e n t. T h e c lin ic ia n w h o d is c o v ­ epithelium i Ь! PE I tiU s e d [>y sm iJI chorojda! melanoma lhal
ers a s m a l l p i g m e n t e d c h o r o i d a l l e s i o n a s s o c ia te d w i l h a mij=hl bo confuted w ilh я hom onhagi( delachmenl ot" the
m a c u la r d e ta c h m e n t s h o u ld n o t, h o w e ve r, c o n c lu d e (h a t K.FL and retina. Mote absence o f halo- o f blood at lh e margins
t h e l e s i o n is a m a l i g n a n t m e l a n o m a , s i n c e , as m e n t i o n e d ot" lhe lesion and lhe presence of lhe patches of urar1№ pig­
ment scattered over the surface o f the lesion and surrounding
p re v io u s ly , m a c u la r d e ta c h m e n t m ay occur o ve rlyin g a
Lhe base of the tmail K P t detachment la-rows, [J . There is
c h o ro id a l nevus. T h e m osl h e lp fu l s ig n s lh a l d is tin g u is h
н о т е serous doLadmion! of lhtf retina surrounding lh e m ela­
□ s m a ll c h o ro id a l m e la n o m a f r o m a n e v u s are: ( I ) g l o b u ­
noma. AriHio^rapFty shows imerise fluorescein staining of lhe
la r e le v a t io n o f t h e le s io n o f 3 m m o r m o re : [2 ] m u ltip le sub-К l-^E exudate (£ and f . The patches of orange pi ц т t-пI
areas o f o r a n g e p i g m e n t d e p o s itio n o v e r th e t u m o r sur­ appear as non fluorescent spols on lhe angiografH. Note lhe
fa c e ( H g u r e 1 4 . 1 2F>)r ( 3 } s e r o u s r e lin a l d e t a c h m e n t i n ( h e small pinpoint-sized hyperfluorescent spots Narrows) an Lho
a b s e n c e o f d n .is e n or e vid e n c e o f c h o ro id a l n e o v a s c u l ar- surface of lhe tumor. (Com pare with hislopaLhokjrgv in Hgure
14.13 A and B.l
iza lio n ; (4 ) e vid e n c e o f l u m o r b re a k in g th ro u g h B r u c h 's
m em brane: and (5 ) flu o re s c e in a n g io g r a p h ic e v id e n c e o f Laser photocoagulation treatment of small choroidaE
m u ltip le p in p o in t le a k s lh a l in c re as e in s ize d u rin g lh e melanoma.
c o u r s e o f a u g i o g r a p h v o n t h e s u rfa c e o f t h e l u m o i (I'ig u r e tc-l: In S o te m iie r I S S3 inis 5 it-year-old man noted, a para-
1 4 .l 2 B r C , a nd cenlraF scolom a associated w ilh exudalive retinal delach-
A n a ly s is o f C o lia b o ra liv e O c u la r M e la n o m a S tu d y
merri caused by a partly pigmented cFtoroidal melanoma
tFial harJ extended through Firuc.hrs membrane :n two fireas
[ C O M i ) d a ta su ggests lh a l lh e m a j o r i t y o f t u m o r s e n ro lle d
iarrows.. C^. Го produce f.horoidaI atrophy around the tumor,
in th e o b s e r v a tio n a l s m a ll-m e la n o m a s lu d y w ere c h o r o i­
inlense, t i.V and 1-second argon green 500- and 1000-mm
dal nevi ra lh e r th a n iru e m e la n o m a , as m o r e th a n applications w ere и-нег! to surround Ihe margin of Lhe iLimor
o f such tu m o rs d id n o l g ro w (w ith o u t tre a tm e n t) o ve r a I.H). Two weeks Eater similar laser applications w ere used lo
p e r i o d o f 5 y e a r s . 1 " ll is p r e f e r a b l e l o c la s s ify s m a ll c h o ­ Lreat Lhe entire surface ot" the lumor. ftjrly-three months laler
ro id a l m e la n o m a (C O M S s ize d e fin itio n o f 5- 1 6 m m in a placoid, irregularly pigmented scar remained. Eleven years
b a s a l d i a m e t e r a n d le ss t h a n 2 . 5 m m in h e ig h l) as in d e t e r ­ later1 ihere hat I been no further rtic urrence ol" lh e lumor, lhe
patiercL had no evidence o f metastasis, and die visual acuity
m i n a t e m e l a n o c y t i c l u m o r " 1" r a t h e r t h a n s m a l l m e l a n o m a ,
in lhe lefl eve was
la rg e n e v u s , s u s p ic io u s n e v u s , o r d o r m a n t m e l a n o m a .''" 4'1
It c a n be a s s u m e d th a t lh e s ize c a le g o ry o f in d e te r m in a te
Le sio n s ( J M I.) in c lu d e s an a s -ye l u n d e te rm in e d p ro po r­
tio n o f la rg e c h o r o id a l n e v u s , s m a ll c h o r o id a l m e l a n o m a ,
o r even tru e i n t e r m e d i a t e l e s i o n s . 4,1' S e v e r a l a u t h o r s h a v e
trie d lo id e n tify q u a lita tiv e s u rfa c e fe a tu re s lh a l p re d ic t
th e lik e lih o o d o f g ro w lh su g g e stive of m e l a n o m a . ?
R e a p p ra is a l o f th e p u b lis h e d C O M S d a ta has re v e a le d lh a l
th e p re s e n c e o f o ra n g e p ig m e n ta t io n s ig n ific a n tly p re d ic ts
r i s k o f g r o w l h . ■' A b n o r m a l i n t r i n s i c c h o r o i d a l v a s c u l a t u r e ,
as o b s e r v e d b y i n d o c y a n i n e g r e e n , m a y a ls o b e p r e d i c t i v e
o f g r o w l h r i a k ^ 1^
At p re se n t, lh e m anagem ent of EM L (s m a ll c h o ro i­ F4 . [3 C M m c o p a t h o l o g i c c o r r e Ia t i o n s o f m e l a n o m a s .

dal m d a n D m i] re m a in s c o n tro v e rt] in th e absence o f

A and В: Com pare w ilh F-i^ure M.12 D-h. NoLe serous
d a ta fro m a ra n d o m ize d c lin ic a l tria l. 41 o J (t m ust be delachmunl of iht' retinal pigmerfl upi I helium [RPE) : black
e m p h a s ize d th a t o n e c a n o n l y a tt r ib u t e a n e s t im a te d risk arrow. A } and chim p □( orange p i ^ o r l (black and white
to a g iv e n [ M L d e p e n d in g u p o n t h e p r e s e n c e o f " r i s k fa c ­ nrruwH. A rind Б ■composed of either macrophages 1iI led w ill:
tors" p re d ic tiv e of g r o w t h . ' 1'' Th e re fo re , c a u tio n s h o u ld epithelial cel] pigment or hyperplastic pigmem epiLheliurt
Overflying n sSftidle 15 m pi arom a.
he e xe rc is e d in m a k in g a d ia g n o s is o f a s m a ll c h o ro id a l
С and D : Nonpi^m enled juxta papillary meNutoma simu­
m e la n o m a tn th e absence o f d o c u m e n te d g ro w th , '['h e
lating benign subretinal fibrovascular proliferaLion or
tre a tm e n t o p tio n s o f p ro m p t tre a tm e n t versus observa­
choroidal osteoma. It grew And the eye whs eru clealed.
tio n to docum ent g ro w th p rio r to tre a tm e n t s h o u ld be
F IIstupathdldgic exam inalion revealed a spindle cell m ela­
c le a rly d isc u ss e d w it h th e p a tie n t. W i t h fe w e x c e p tio n s , th e noma lhal extended posteriorly Ihrough Ihe sclera (D)':
g r o w t h r a t e o f a m e l a n o m a is c o n s t a n t b u t t h e g r o w L h r a t e E—K: This healthy 31 -year-old wom an who was in her Iasi
o f d iffe r e n t m e la n o m a s va rie s w id e ly . S o m e w ill d e m o n ­ trim eter ot pregnancy noled mErtamorphopsia a rd a central
stra te g r o w t h w ith in a fe w m o n th s [Fig u re 14 .1 2 A )v buL
scotoma in Ihe right eye. She had a prominent p ig jre rle d
lumor o f lhe rigjil caruncte since childhood. Examination
3 years o r lo n g e r m a y be re q u ire d lo d e le c t, t h e g r o w t h
revealed □ local ized serous таси Гаг delachmum :upper
o f som e m e la n o m a s .' " As m e n Lio n e d tn th e p re v i­
arfowr E> at the superior margin o f a large elevaled hypopig­
ous se c tio n , Lhe d e m o n s tra tio n o f g ro w th , a llh o u g h lh e mented choroidal tumor (small arrejws, FJ( inferior lo lh e righl
s in g le m ost re lia b le s ig n o f m a lig n a n c y , m ay o c c a s io n ­ macuEa. There was a bone-corpuscular pa Hem o f migra-
a lly o c c u r in a b e iiig n c h o ro id a l nevus m c h ild re n and Иоп of pigmunL inLo lhe retina over the peripheral aspecl
y o u n g a d u l t s . 1 '' I f t h e m a c u l a r d e t a c h m e n l p e r s i s t s a n d t h e ot" lbe tumor and in a broad zone along IFie inferior border
c h o ro id a l le s io n re m a in s unchanged, lo w - lo m o d e r a Le­
ot" Lbe tumor extending to the ora serrala (low er arrow, E.
and Gj- There was a focal nodular area of extension ot" the
in Le n s ily argon p h o lo c o a g u la tio n a p p lie d to (h e area o f
Lumor through Bruch's membrane linage arrow, F. and white
flu o re s c e n t le a k a g e u s u a lly causes re s o lu tio n o f th e sub-
arrows, G ). UlLrasound revealed a medium-reflective chorol-
re tiita l flu id . O n ly th e le a k in g area s h o u ld be H e a le d ;
dal lumor w ilh prominent vase.ularily iЫ j . Histopal ho logic
no a tte m p t s h o u ld be m ade to d e stro y th e lu m o r. [S e e examination revealed a highJy vascular tumor composed
p re v io u s d is c u s s io n c o n c e rn in g tre a tm e n t of c h o ro id a l ol" r-elalively trenign spindle cells showing r o mitotic activ­
nevi w iLh re tin a l d e t a c h m e n t .) D u rin g pregnancy th e re ity -.1 and I V i l e uxLension ol the Lumor through LJruch^
is s o m e e v i d e n c e t h a t b e n i g n n e vi o r lo w -g ra d e m e la n o ­
membrane 'arrow, ! O verlyin g and surrounding lhu tumor

m a s m a y b e s tim u la te d to g ro w (F ig u re 1 4 .1 3 H - J ) .' l.a r g e

n e v i, Like c h o r o i d a l h e m a n g i o m a s a n d o ste o m a sr m a y be
firs t d e t e c te d d u rin g th e cou rse o f p re g n a n c y b eca u se o f
d e v e lo p m e n t o f an o ve rly in g serous re tin a l d e ta c h m e n t m any la rg e d ila te d b lo o d V e sse l? a n d was com posed of

[s e e F ig u r e s I 4 .1 5 J - ] ., and ] 4 . J Z t > | —L ) . E - 'i g u ie 1 4 . 1 3 [ f i —K ) b e n ig p -a p p e a rin g m e la n o c y te s s h o w in g no e vid e n c e of

illu s tra te s a p a tie n t w ho d u rin g th e th ird trim e s te r o f m i t o t i c a c tiv ity [I'ig u r e 1 4 .1 3 1 a n d J ) .

p re g n a n c y d e v e lo p e d b lu rre d v is io n c a u s e d b y a lo c a lize d JS ES lo p a lh o lo g ic a lly Lhe re tin a in fe rio r lo th e tu m o r

serous m a c u la r d e ta c h m e n t caused by 10 X Ю x 6m m w as m a rk e d ly d e g e n e ra te d a n d sh o w e d m ig ra tio n o f RFii

p a rtly p ig m e n te d c h o ro id a l Lum or th a t was a s s o c i­ in to lh e re tin a aroun d b lo o d v e sse ls [I'ig u r e 1 4 .1 3 K ) .

a te d w ith a fo c a l are a s u g g e s tin g e x te n s io tt o f th e t u m o r P re s u m a b ly th e pregnancy p la ye d a ro le ili c a u s in g

th ro u g h B r u c h 's m em brane, ih e u ltra s o u n d was a ty p i­ in c re a s e d Lum or v a s c u la r e n g o ig e m e tit and m a c u la r

cal in Lh a t t h e le s i o n a p p e a r e d m o d e r a t e ly re fle c tiv e w i t h d e ta c h m e n t/ '' Ef it h a d not been e n u c le a te d , it is l i k e l y

e vid e n c e o f p r o m i n e n t v a s c u la rity [E 'ig u r e I 4 .1 3 H ) . ih e th a t th e re tin a w o u ld h a v e s p o n ta n e o u s ly re a tta c h e d a fte r

p re s e n c e o f a la rg e z o n e o f K P K a t r o p h y a n d b o n e c o r p u s ­ d e l i v e r y o f t h e i n f a n t . "Iliis c a s e a n d t w o o t h e r cases illu s ­

c u la r in tra re tin a l m ig ra tio n o f KP£ lh a l e xte n d e d fro m tra te d in I'ig u r e 1 4 .0 4 d e m o n s tra te th a t b io m ic ro s c o p ic

th e in fe r io r e d g e o f t h e t u m o r l o t h e o ra se rrata in f e r i o r l y e vid e n c e o f t u m o r e xte n s io n th ro u g h H r u c h 's m em brane

su g g e ste d th a t th e t u m o r h a d b e e n p r e v io u s ly a s s o c ia te d a l o n e is n o L n e c e s s a r i l y a s i g n o f h i g h g r o w t h p o t e n t i a l o r

w ilh a l o n g - s t a n d i n g r e t in a l d e t a c h m e n t th a t h a d s p o a tla - m a l i g n a n c y . I n t h i s c a s e i l is p r o b a b l e th a t lh e e xte n s io n

n e o u s ly re s o lve d , [n s p ite o f th es e a ty p ic a l fe a tu re s fo r a th ro u g h B r u c h 's m em brane occurred m any years p re v i­

m e la n o m a , th e eye w as e n u c le a te d . Ih e t u m o r c o n ta in e d o u s ly d u r i n g th e a c tiv e g r o w t h p h a s e o f t h e L u m o r .
C h o r o id a l m e la n o m a s w ifi o c c a s io n a lly u n d e rg o spon­ F4.E3 C o n tin u e d

ta n e o u s n e c ro s is a n d re g re ss io n ^ I'h i.s m a y o c c u r r a p ­
inferiorly I h e r e was ejtlnmsive pefleBeralion o f ih tj retina and
id ly a n d b e a s s o c ia te d W ith a p p a r e n t v itre o u s s e e d in g o r iп1тл retinal migration of RKL (K). The relinal dt!lachmei>L is
m ore s lo w ly o ve r a p e rio d o f y e a r s .' In s o m e p a tie n ts зп artifaL'L. These findings suygusL IЬлI Ibis was either a large
s p o n t a n e o u s n e c ro s is m a y be a s s o c ia te d w i t h p d b i a n te ­ meLinLxytit nu-vus or kfW-grgjde fneliniomd I Ьл I had Езеич>
rio r-c h a m b e r and v itre o u s jjfiffifo m a tln n ^ and e xu d a tive present lor rnariy years. LEr lell eye; RE, riyht eye: KR retinitis
p ig m e n to s a .
r e t i n a ] d e l a c h m e n l .1'1 T h e m a n a g e m e n t o f a p a tie n t p re­
s e n tin g w ilh e vid e n c e o f recent s p o n ta n e o u s n e c ro s is o f
a m e la n o c y lic lu m o r is d i f f i c u l t because o f th e d is tin c t
p o s s ib ility t h a t Lhe t u m o r m a y b e a m e l a n o c y t o m a ra th e r
th a n a m e la n o m a . (S e e p re v io u s d is c u s s io n o f m e la n o ­ tu m o rs 3 m m o r t h i c k e r is p e r h a p s t h e m o s t h e l p f u l a n c i l ­

c y t o m a .) B e c a u se Lhe p ig m e n te d m j l e r i a l th a l o fte n s h e d s l a r y tes( i n t h e d i f f e r e n t i a l d i a g n o s i s o f c h o r o i d a l t u m o r s . ' "

i n t o t h e v i t r e o u s is n e c r o t i c , v i t r e o u s b i o p s y o r f m e - n e e d l e I l i.s n o l o f h e l p in d i f f e r e n t i a t i n g m e l a n o c y t i c n e v i f r o m

b i o p s y is u n l i k e l y t o p r o v i d e a d e f i n i t i v e d i a g n o s i s . ' ” r>c i f m e l a n o m a s . R a d i o a c t i v e 3 2P is u n r e l i a b l e i n t h e d i f f e r e n ­

L h e l u m o r is r e l a t i v e l y s m a l l a n d t h e r e is g o o d v i s u a l f u n c ­ t i a l d i a g n o s i s o f m e l a n o m a s . .......... 9 C o m p u t e d t o m o g r a p h y

t i o n o b s e r v a tio n m a y b e a d v is a b le . S o m e o f th e re p o rte d m a g n e tic resonance, and c o lo r D o p p le r im a g in g are of

cases o f s p o n t a n e o u s r e s o lu tio n o f m e l a n o m a s m a y have l i m i t e d v a lu e in lh e d iff e r e n t ia l d ia g n o s is o f le s io n s s i m u ­

been th e re s u lt o f m is d ia g n o s is . B le e d in g in to th e sub- la tin g m e l a n o m a s . " ' " ' 14* T h e C O M S has re c e n tly r e p o tte d

iv L i:;,t l 'p .u 'c i i г . I■■ U u - vilre o u H c a u s 'd b ;. e ro s io n of th e lo w e s t in c id e n c e { 0 .4 8 % ) o f in c o rre c t c lin ic a l d i a g n o ­

th e c h o rio c a p illa ris b y a s m a ll m e la n o n u in th e macular s is o f t u m o r s i n e y e s e n u c l e a t e d b e c a u s e o f s u s p e c t e d m e l ­

area may re s u lt in a m is d ia g n o s is o f a b e n ig n d is c ifo rm anom as^ The a u t h o r b e lie ve s th a t th is Lo w in c id e n c e o f

d i s o r d e r . I,r S a lie n ts W ith p e rip h e ra lly lo c a te d m e la n o m a s i n c o r r e c t d i a g n o s i s is m o r e t h e r e s u l t o f g r e a L e r a w a r e n e s s

may o c c a s io n a lly p re s e n t b e c a u s e o f a re lin a l d e ( a c h m e n t o f th e c lin ic a l a p p e a r a n c e o f le s io n s p r e v io u s ly m is ta k e n

Lh a t a p p e a r s lo b e c o n f i n e d to th e c e n tr a l m a c u l a r area o r f o r m e l a n o m a s Lb a n t h e a v a i l a b i l i t y o f m o r e a n c i l l a r y le sts

be cause o f c y s to id m a c u la г e d e m a ."*''1'0 lh a t fo r th e m o s t part p la y a lim ite d ro le in p h y s ic ia n s '

Le s io n s o th e r th a n n e v i th a t m a y s im u la te a m a lig n a n t d e c is io n -m a k in g .

m e la n o m a in c lu d e : h e m o rrh a g ic d is c ifo rm d e ta c h m e n t H i s l o p a t h o Lo g ic a lly , m e l a n o m a s h a v e a v a r ia b le p r e d i ­

o f t h e !? [3L a n d re L i n a ( s e e E ' i g u r e 3 . 2 4 a n d 3 .2 6 ) , s p o n ta ­ le c tio n f o r c a iLs titg d a m a g e t o t h e o v e r l y i n g R P E a n d r e tin a

n e o u s s u p ra c h o ro td a l h e m o rrh a g e , c o m b in e d re lin a l and (fig u re 14.1 З А and B J. E h is i s d e p e n d e n t o n m any fa c ­

fiP t h a m a rto m a s (se e fig u re s 1 2 . 8 - 1 2 .1 0 ) , h y p e rtro p h y to rs, p a rtic u la rly th e ir c y to lo g ic c o m p o s it io n and g ro w th

o f th e R P E (see f i g u r e 1 2 . 0] ) . h y p e r p l a s i a o f t h e iI P h ( s e e m l e . J ' JI,d 5 - ™

fig u re s 1 2 .0 7 and 1 2 .1 4 A - С and H - L .) . s u b re tin a l iro n , T h e ra p e u tic ; c o n s id e ra tio n s fo r c h o ro id a l m e la n o m a

fo re ig n -b o d y g ra n u lo m a (se e fig u re 8 .1 1 C - E :) , v a rix of depend upon t u m o r s ize (s m a lE, m e d iu m , larg e : C O M S

th e a m p u lla , a n d p a rtly o r g a n ize d d is c ifo rm d e ta c h m e n ts c rite ria ), lo c a tio n ( m a c u l a rr ju x ta p a p illa ry , p e rip h e ra l),

o f th e R P £ a n d re tin a s e c o n d a r y t o a v a r ie ty o f c a u s e s (se e v is u a l a c u ity , p o t e n t ia l fo r v is u a l a c u ity , sta tu s o f th e o l h e r

fig u re 3 .3 0 ] 1 tc h a n g e s in p e r m e a b ility o f th e b lo o d eye, s y s te m ic sta tu s o f th e p a tie n ts ( c o m o r b i d i t y , m e ta s ta ­

ve sse ls w ith in d isc i F o r m ]e s io n s m ay o c c a s io n a lly cause s is), a n d p a t i e n t p r e f e r e n c e ."1 En g e n e r a l , s m a l l c h o r o i d a l

th e s e d is c ifo r m m asses to e n la rg e a n d sim u la te a m e la ­ m e la n o m a can b e o b se rve d to d o c u m e n t g ro w Lh p rio r to

nom a (se e Fig u re 3 .5 0 ) . S m a ll a m e la n o lie m e la n o m a s tre a lin e n t o r tre a te d w it h tr a n s p u p illa r y t h e m io lh e r a p y o r

a ris in g in th e p o s te r io r fu n d u s are o fte n m is ta k e n fo r fo c a l ra d io th e ra p y (e p isc le ra l p la q u e or p ro to n beam irra d ia ­

c h o ro id itis , c h o ro id a l n e o v a s c u la riza tio n w ilh o v e rly in g tio n ). l^ r m e d iu m -s ize d tu m o rs ra d io th e ra p y is t h e p r e ­

e xu d a tive d e ta c h m e n t, iu x la p a p illa ry e xo p h y tic c a p illa ry f e r r e d t r e a t m e n t . E n u c l e a t i o n is t h e t r e a t m e n t o f c h o i c e f o r

h e m a n g io m a s o f th e re tin a , c h o r o id a l h e m a n g i o m a s (se e la rg e -s ize d t u m o r s a n d fo r tu m o rs w ith n e o v a s c u Ia r g l a u ­

fig u re s 1 4 .1 5 a n d 1 4 .1 6 ) , o s t e o m a s [s e e fig u r e s 1 4 .2 0 a n d com a, opaque m e d i a , o r e x l r a o c u l a r e x t e n s io n . In excep­

1 4 . 2 1 ), or m e ta s ta tic c a rc in o m a (see Eig u re 1 4 .3 0 C - E ) . t i o n a l c ir c u m s ta n c e s , la rg e t u m o r s c a n a ls o b e tre a te d b y

f l u o r e s c e i n a n g i o g r a p h y is o f l i m i t e d v a l u e i n t h e d i f f e r e n ­ r a d i o t h e r a p y ( o n e - e y e d , p a t i e n t p r e f e r e n c e ) . E i n u c l e a t i c m is

tial d i a g n o s i s o f n o n p i g m e n t e d le sio n s s im u la tin g m a lig ­ a ls o c o n s id e r e d fo r m e d i u m - s i z e d t u m o r s w i t h p o o r v i s i o n

n a n t m e l a n o m a s ..'' 75 En t h o s e e y e s w i L h a m i l d l y e l e v a t e d (Le ss t h a n 20/400) o r Low p o te n tia l fo r im p ro v e d vis io n

p ig m e n te d le s io n w i l h o ve rlyin g serous flu id , llu o re s c e in ( m a c u l a r L o c a tio n , o p l i c n e r v e i n v a s i o n ) . S u rg ic a l re s e c tio n

a n g io g ra p h y is m o s t h e lp fu l in d iffe re n tia tin g a neovas- (tra n s s c le ra l) o r e n d o r e s e c lio n e ilh e r as s o le tre a tm e n t o r

c u litr m e m b r a n e fr o m e a rly g r o w th o f th e L u m o r. Several in c o m b i n a t i o n w i t h r a d i o t h e r a p y is a n a l t e r n a t i v e o p t i o n

p in p o in t h y p e rllu o re s c e n l d o ts of flu o re s c e in le a k a g e fo r th o s e m e d i u m - s ize d tu m o rs w h ic h carry a h ig h liv e ­

occurs d u e to b re a k d o w n in t h e Jtl1 L f r o m g ro w th o f th e lih o o d of v is u a l lo ss fro m ra d ia tio n re tin o p a th y /o p tic

le s io n [fig u re 1 4 .2 Л -C ), w h ile e a rly Lacy h y p e rflu o re s ­ n e u ro p a th y A d d itio n a l d e ta ils a b o u t Lhe m a n a g e m e n t o f

c e n c e is i n d i c a t i v e o f a n o v e r l y i n g C N V . M . E c h o g r a p h y f o r p a tie n ts w i t h c h o r o id a l m e l a n o m a are a v a ila b le e ls e w h e re .

D e s p ite 1ш р ш № щ Ы $ in d ia g n o s is and lo ca l tu m o r F4. i -! Bilateral diffuse uvea! melanocytic pro!iteration.
c o n tro l u s in g e y e -s p a rin g te c h n iq u e s , im p ro ve m e n t in
A—С : This b5-year-old т т л п experienced blurred vision
uveal m e la n o m a s u rviv a l has п о I. b e e n o b s e r v e d ." Ib is in bolh eyes. tw o years previously sFie had ал ovarian car­
c u rre n t s itu a tio n u n d e rlin e s lh e n e e d f o r e ffe c tive m e th ­ cinoma incom pletely excited and was treated by irradiation.
o d s t o p r e d ic t a n d a d d re s s m ic r o s c o p ic m e ta s ta tic d is e a s e , Visual acuity w as 20/25 in both eyes. Fundus examination
ih e c y to lo g ic c la s s ific a tio n o f C a lle n d e r has unde rgo n e ;:i I'inil revealor nu.ii ph- sli^hliv duvaled piumunLrd
c o n s id e ra b le m o d ific a tio n and a m p lific a tio n d u rin g
Lumurs in lhe exLramacular areas and orange spots
ia nov/s.. H'i in ihe m acular areas. Anyio^raphv revealed
th e p a s t d e c a d e in a n e ffo rt lo p ro v id e b e tte r p ro g n o s tic
focal nireas of eark1 hyperlluorescence corresponding w ilh
in fo rm a tio n r e g a r d in g th es e tu m o r s ." ' a5L90 M ore re c e n tly ,
the orange spots iCj. Metastatic evaluation was negative,
p ro g n o s tic a tio n o f uveal m e la n o m a based upon tu m o r
th e palienL developed bilateral cataracts and retinal detach­
c y to g e n e tic a n d m o le c u la r assays has becom e fe a s ib le .'' ments. Hath eyes were treated w ilh externa I -beam irradiation
K a r y o t y p e a b n o r m a l i t i e s , i n c l u d i n g loss o f c h r o m o s o m e 3 and ca Lara cl extraction^ Subsequently nhe had bilateral enu­
(m o n o so m y 3 ) r lo s s o f frq , a n d g a i n o f c h r o m o s o m e Sq, cleations. Ten yean; afLer the onset or visual symptoms she
have a s ta tis tic a lly sig n ific a n t a s s o c ia tio n w ith in c re a s e d
had no evidence «I metastatic disease.
D-F: Histopathologic examination of a patient with benign
risk o f m e ta s ta tic d e a th .' " Gene e x p re s s io n p ro filin g
uveal m elanocytic proliferation and a systemic carcinoma.
by m ic ro array can a ls o b e u s e d to sort tu m o rs in to o n e
Note enlargement of Lhe ciliary b o d y mild thickening o f the
o f t w o s u b g r o u p s : Eess a g g r e s s i v e c l a s s 1 t u m o r s a n d c la ss uveal Lrat L by nonpi^mented Fjeni^n mela rtfijcyLes ( I- , and
2 lu m o rs w ith a h i g h e r r is k o f m e t a s t a s is .'1" ''" S u c h te c h ­ Focal pigmented LumelacLions !arrows, □ and E; composed
n iq u e s are a p p lic a b le to t u m o r s a m p le o b t a i n e d a fte r e n u ­ of partly necrotic melanocyles. Note relaNvc H|jarinjj o f the
c le a tio n o r re s e c tio n a n d e v e n a fte r fin e - n e e d le a s p ir a tio n choriocapil laris 13..
b i o p s y .''1 " ' T h e u l t i m a t e g o a l is t o d e v e l o p t a r g e t e d a d j u ­
G-L: This 74-year-old man developed progressive local
Reulz-leghers-like hyperpi^menled spots on lhe- lips 1C:,
v a n t t h e r a p i e s f o r p a t i e n t s a l h i g h r i s k o f m e t a s t a s i s . ,D|
penis il-tjr anti mucous membranes ot IFie moulh (! several
R a p id re s o lu tio n o f m e la n o m a s fo llo w in g e ith e r
nionLhs before developing progressive Severe loss of vinioi:
b ra c h yth erap y o r io n izin g irra d ia tio n u s u a lly in d ic a te s a
in bolh eyes. Examittalltth of the fundi revealed л leopard-
m ore ra p id ly g ro w in g m e la n o m a and is a s s o c i a t e d w i l h a 5pot hyperpigrnen tat ion and widespread depigmen Lat ion of
h ig h e r m o r t a lit y ." i S im ila rly a tu m o r th a t sh o w s m in i­ Lhe reLinal рэодтегИ epiLhelium in both eyes (J-Ll. There were
m a l d e c r e a s e i n s i z e a f t e r i r r a d i a t i o n is m o r e l i k e l y L o h a v e mirltjrale, variably sift’d, slightly elevated, pigmenled lesions
been a s lo w -g ro w in g m e la n o m a and is a s s o c i a t e d w i t h a
hc.illered in the Гипс!i Ij-Li. .V.edical evaluation discovered
adenocarcinom a of [he sigmoid colon. H is visual acuity
m o r e fa v o ra b le p ro g n o s is .
declined Lo lighl perception only in the rijjht eye and со uni-
in^ fingers in Ihe Sell eye. He had no Eurlhcf evidence ot" car­
BILATERAL DIFFUSE UVEAL cinoma unli] he developed widespread rnptaslalic carcinom a
ol the skin jlist FnefoTe his dealh 2t> months alter the otise.4
MELANOCYTIC PROLIFERATION ot" symptoms. HistupalFiolo^ic examination of die eyes con­
ASSOCIATED WITH SYSTEMIC firmed Lhe diagnosis ol" bilateral diffuse uveal m elanocytic
B ila te r a l d i f f u s e u v e a l m e l a n o c y tic p r o l i f e r a t i o n ( H D U M 3 * )
is an unusual syn dro m e o c c u rrin g in p re d o m in a n tly m ild uveal th ic k e n in g m a y b e o v e rlo o k e d a n d m a y b e d if­
e ld e rly p a tie n ts w h o h a v e d iffu s e u ve a l t h ic k e n in g th a t h a s fic u lt to de tec t w i l h u ltra s o n o g ra p h y . I here m a y b e m u l­
been a ttrib u te d Lo p ro life ra tin g , p re d o m in a n tly s p in d le - tip le fa in t o ra n g e sp o ts or p a tc h e s sca ttered th ro u g h o u t
typ e b e n ig n m e la n o c y te s in b o th eyes a s s o c ia te d w ilh a lh e p o s te rio r fu n d u s ( fig u r e 14.14B , M , and N J.J " At
c a r c i n o m a e l s e w h e r e i n t h e b o d y . ''■ l1 f,r l h e o n s e t o f v i s u a l th e lim e o f p re s e n ta tio n o r s o o n a fte rw a rd th es e p a tie n ts
s y m p t o m s m a y a n te d a te o r fo llo w th o s e c a u s e d b y th e sys­ d e v e lo p th e s in e qua non o f th e syn drom e: m u ltip le ,
te m ic c a rc in o m a . V is u a l l o s s is a s s o c i a t e d w i t h e ith e r o r s l i g h t Iу e l e v a t e d , p ig m e n te d c h o ro id a l L u m o rs s u g g e s tin g
b o t h r a p i d l y p r o g r e s s in g c a ta ra c t a n d Joss o f re tin a l f u n c ­ m u l t ip l e n e v i o r m e ta s ta tic m e la n o m a s sc a ttered t h r o u g h ­
t i o n . litis [a lte r m a y b e c a u s e d e ith e r b y d ire c t n u t r i t i o n a l o u t th e fu n d u s (fig u r e 14 . 1 4 A, K, l.-N ). E'o c a l p i g m e n t e d
or to xic dam age Lo Lhe o v e r ly in g re tin a and R P E or by a n d n o n p i g m e n t e d t u m o r s m a y d e v e l o p o n t h e iris . S ig n s
b ila te ra l s e c o n d a r y re lin a l d e t a c h m e n t . l h e d iffu s e u s u a lly o f irid o c y c litis m a y h e p re s e n t.

I n a re a s o f Lh e p o s t f i H d t f u n d u s t h a t lin a y a p p e a r o p h - E4.E4 C o n tin u e d

tb a lm o s c o p ic a lly re la liv e Ey n o rm a l, e a rly -p h a s e flu o re s ­

M -Х: This 72-year-oid гпччг w ilh д hjsJtary o f metastatic
c e in a n g io g r a p h y m a y s h o w a s in k in g ra th e r w id e s p re a d геплЁ cell счэгсмтопла fcj Lhe lung nolec: bilateral dimness ir
p a tte rn o f m u llip le Irre g u la rly r o u n d areas o f h y p e r f l u o ­ vit-ion over 4 w et1кн. The lung lumors w ere shrinking w ilh
rescence L h a l c o r r e s p o n d w i l h lh e o ra n g e sp o ts seen b io - sorafunib Ntixavar., a kinase Inhibitor used I о I real renarl a 'l:--
m i c r o s c o p i c a l l y , as w e l l as p i n p o i n t a n d p a tc h y areas o f hepatic caitinD m as. His vision was 20/40 and 2CV3-0. Licuh
flu o r e s c e in s t a in in g la te r d u r i n g t h e s tu d y (i'ig u r e L4 .14 C
вусч showed shallow sotous detachments associated w ilh
two types of pigmented lesions: some were mure pi дол е л led.
P - R ] . 1'' lh is d r a m a t i c a n g i o g r a p h i c p ic tu r e is a p p a r e n t l y
1-2 disc; art^as ir: size, Ihe others were fiaL i LJO—ЗОО 11m in
caused by th e p a lc h y d e p ig m e n ta lio n and d e s tru c tive
size and arranged in a le(jpajd-5fH>l paLlern ■:arrows M and
changes of th e p jp £ o ve rly in g th e re la tive ly in la c l cho- N . Tht1 choroirl was diffusely thickuncd on '.i I Ira sound. The
rio c a p ilE a ris and d iffu s e uveaE m e la n o c y tic in filtra tio n larger pi^menled lesions blocked Е Г и с л е ^ с е л с е on bolh flu­
[I'ig u r e 1 4 . 1 41']. A u lo flu o re s c e n c e s h o e 's d e c r e a s e d a u to ­ orescein and indocvanine angiography:: w hile lh e smaller
flu o re s c e n c e c o rre s p o n d in g to th e FtM d e s tru c tio n and lesions showed earEy hyperfluorescence along w ilh several
i n c r e a s e d a u t o f l u o r e s c e n c e i n t h e i n t e r v e n i n g a r e a s ( E - 'i g u r e pinpoinl hiyper fluorescent doLs in the <idjaccnl area and
leaked dye late (P—T}- AuloflLiarescence showed decreased
14.1411 a c id V ) . lh e presence o f s u b re tin a l flu id can be
Hulos'luorestence of the leopdra-spot lesions and increased
c o n firm e d by O C T [ E - 'i g u r e 14.14 0 ]. Lte c Lro re lin o g ra p h y
aulofluorescence in Ihe intervening areas (U a n d V ). A diag-
m ay show severe a b n o rm a litie s .™ U ltra s o n o g ra p h y i'i"-is ol neoplastic lesions ol bilaLeral diffuse uveal
m a y s h o w e v id e n c e o f d iffu s e , u s u a lly m ild th ic k e n in g o f m elanocylic proliferalion was made. H e received plasm a­
th e uveaE Lra c l. E H is to p a lh o lo g ic a lL y th e m e l a n o c y l i c ce lls pheresis three IFmes per week, vision improved to 2 0 /2 0 a n d
re s p o n s ib le fo r th e d iffu s e u vea l th ic k e n in g are re la tive ly 20/25 r and lhe serous dctlachments resolved. The larger pig­
E t y p o p i g m e n t e d p l u m p s p i n d l e cells w i t h a b e n i g n a p p e a r ­
mented lesions now begafi Lo rosemljle lhe smaller ones w ilh
Lhe ]eopard-sf>ol pa I tern :arrow W and X).
ance. M tlo lic fig u re s a re ra re . R e la t iv e s p a r in g o f ( h e c h o -
r i o c a p i J la ris a n d e x L e n s iv e p a t c h y a re a s o f d e s t r u c t i o n a n d [M - X , сииМ^чу ill Ur. Jjrn p o i.)

d e g e n e r a tio n o f th e p ig m e n t e p it h e liu m a n d re tin a l re c e p ­

to r ce lls are c h a ra c te ris tic fe a tu re s ( E 'ig u r e I4.E4E-). The
m u I Li f o c a l m o r e e l e v a t e d a n d p i g m e n l e d c h o r o i d a l l e s i o n s a rise f r o m a com m on o n c o g e n ic s tim u lu s . Ih e c y to lo g ic
are c o m p o s e d o f la rg e ro u nd o r p o ly g o n a l m e la n o c y te s , s tru c tu re o f th e m e la n o c y te s c o m p o s in g th e uveal ih ic k -
s m a lE n u c le i, a n d a b u n d a n t c y to p la s m packe d w ith m e la ­ e n i n g a n d t h e re Ea tive s p a r i n g o f l h e c h o r io c a p ilE a r is s u g ­
n in [I'ig u r e 1 4 . 1 4 D a n d Ё } , N e c r o s i s ts p r e s e n t i n m o s t o f gest th a t d iffu s e c o n g e n ita E u v e a l m e la n o c y lo s is m a y b e a
th e s e le s io n s , lh e c ilia ry b o d y , in c lu d in g th e c ilia ry p r o ­ p re -e x is tin g re q u ir e m e n t fo r th e d e v e lo p m e n t o f this s y n ­
cesses, is th ic k e n e d by in filtra tio n of m e la n o c y lic ce lls d r o m e . T h e c o n c e p t th a t h o r m o n a l s u b s ta n c e s re le a s e d b y
and th e le n s s h o w s ca ta ra c to u s ch a n g e s. A lt h o u g h som e c e rta in c a r c in o m a s are r e s p o n s ib le fo r s t i m u l a t i n g p ro lif­
a u th o rs h a v e c la s s ifie d th is uveal in filtra tio n as a m e la ­ e ra tio n . fo c a l m e la n in p ro d u c tio n , and n e c ro s is in th e
n o m a , m o s t h a v e fa v o re d a b e n ig n c la s s ific a tio n . uveal m e la n o c y te s , as w e lE as c a u s in g im m u n e -in d u c e d
'I'h e s e p a t i e n t s u s u a l l y d i e b e c a u s e o f m e t a s t a t i c c a r c i­ d e s tru c tio n o f th e and r e l i n a , is a n a ttra c tive b u t as
n o m a w i L h i n 2 y e a r s o f t h e o n s e t o f v i s u a l s y m p t o m s , '['h e y e t u n p r o v e n t h e o r y . 111, L0S' ° 6 lh is c a n c e r-a s s o c ia te d m e la -
lo n g e s t s u rv iv a l to d a te is 6 ..т years fo r a w o m a n w hose n o c y l o p a L h y m a y be a s s o c ia te d w i l h s e ve re lo ss o f v is u a l
p rim a ry c a rc in o m a W as o v a ria n and w ho had b ila te ra l Ju n c tio n and severe e le e lro re lin o g r a p h ic changes b e fo re
e n u c le a tio n s because o f u n c o n tro lle d m e l a n o c y tic p r o l i f ­ lh e d e v e lo p m e n t of re tin a l d e ta c h m e n t. T h is su g g e sts
e r a tio n , re lin a l d e ta c h m e n t, a n d p o s t irra d ia tio n c o m p lic a ­ t h a t Lhese p a t ie n t s m a y s h a r e s o m e p a th o g e n e tic fe a tu re s
t i o n s . Il:' A n o t h e r p a tie n l w h o had b ila te ra l e n u c le a tio n s in c o m m o il w ith th o s e w h o d e v e l o p a c u te lo ss o f re tin a l
has s u rv iv e d 5 years w it h o u t d e v e lo p in g e v id e n c e o f л p ri- re c e p to r e le m e n ts in th e p re s e n c e o f a s y s le m ic c a r c in o m a ,
m a r y r c a n c e r . 1:5 T h e p r i m a r y t u m o r in wom en is u s u a l l y lh e s o -c a lle d c a n c e r-a s s o c ia te d re tin o p a th y syn drom e
c a r c i n o m a o f t h e u t e r u s o r o v a r y a c i d i n m e n is c a r c i n o m a (see d is c u s s io n in C h a p te r 1 3 } . ' ^ | | Я " J S tim u la tio n of
o f th e lu n g s o r a re tro p e rito n e a l c a rc in o m a o f u n c e rta in p ro d u c tio n o f m e la n ic t by m e la n o c y le s in lh e s k in and
o rig in . N one o f th e p a tie n ts to d a te have had e vid e n c e m u c o u s m e m b r a n e s o f t h e m o u l h a n d g e n it a lia m a y a ls o
o f m e ta s ta tic m e l a n o m a . 3 t Is n o l. known w h e th e r o c c u r o c c a s io n a lly in th es e p a l ie n t s a n d p ro d u c e a c lin i­
Lhe in tra o c u la r p ro life ra tio n is a r e s p o n s e lo su b sta n c es c a l p i c t u r e s i m u l a t i n g t h e ETe u t z - J e g h e r s s y n d r o m e ( E ' i g u r e
re le a s e d b y lh e s y s le m ic c a r c in o m a o r w h e t h e r t h e y b o t h I 4 . 1 4 t ; - L } . l0hi: ju
The te rm B D U M P does not f u l l y d e s c rib e e xtra o c u la r F4 . E ^ Cho rorda I h e litany ionia .
р л гд й е о p la s tic m a n ife s ta tio n s o f (h e d is e a s e , and g ive n
A -E: S e ro u s d e ta c h m e rit o f th e m a c u l a s e S D n d a r y lo c h o -
t h a l e x t r a o c u l a r m a n i f e s t a t i o n s m a y o c c u r Lji a b o u t 2 t № b o f rt>idill h e m a n g l q f r i a in д 4 7 - y e a r - o l d w o m a n c o m p l a i n i n g o f
c a s e s .. l h e a u t h o r h a s s u g g e s t e d p a r a n e o p l a s t i c m e l a n o c y l i c r e c e n l o n s e l o f b l u r r e d v i s i o n in L h e T i g h t e y e . h o l t 3 I h o m o l -
p r o life r a t io n b e u s e d t o d e s c rib e ih is u n i q u e p a r a n e o p la s ­ l l e d , y e l k m - isb a p p e a r a n c e d I her t u r E a c e erf I h e L u m o r ' ' a r r o w ,
t i c d i s e a s e .120 A l . w h i c h w a s lo c a te d S fflb fe ro ta n p D ia t id th e o p tic d is c .
A rte rio v e n o u s - a n g io g r a m s s h o w e d Lhe p re s e n c e o f m u l-
The d iffe re n tia l d ia g n o s is in c lu d e s H a r a d a 's d is e a s e -
L i p l e b l o o d vessels; i n IFh s l u m o r ( B ) . L a l e r - p h a s e a n g i o g r a m s
id io p a th ic u v e a l e ffu s io n , m e ta s ta tic c a r c in o m a , m e ta s ta tic
s h o w e d s t a i n i n g o f I b e s u r f a c e o f the* l u m o r f O . A r j ^ o n p h o l o -
m e la n o m a , re a c tiv e ly m p h o id h yp e rp la s ia of lh e uveal
c o a g u la tio n w a s p la c e d o n lh e t u m o r s u r fa c e ( D ) . iiuve ra l
tra c t, -a nd b ila te ra l m u llic e n tr ic o r d iffu s e p rim a ry uveal
m o n L h s la le r th e s e r o u s d e t a c h m e n t h a d r e s o l v e d -Ll.
m e l a n o m a s . " '1 F and G : H e m a n g i o m a o f Ih e c h o r o i d w it h s e ro u s a n d lip id
The r e L i n a l d e t a c h m e n t i n t h e s e p a l i e n t s is n o n r e s p o n ­ eK udalivrs r n a t u l o p a l h y in a 4 0 - y e a r - o l r J w o m a n bel'orts I}
sive lo c o rtic o s te ro id s , a n lim e la b o tile s , and irra d ia tio n a n d after ( C ) la s e r p h o t o c o a g u E a L i o n . N o t e the in c o m p le te
re so lu Sio n o l th e Lip id e x u d a t e . H e r v is u a l a c u iE y i m p r o v e d
L r e j t m e n l . 1' " P l a s m a p h e r e s i s m ay he u s e fu l i f s te ro id s
a n d a n t i m e t a b o l ties d o n o t h e l p . I n d e s p e r a te ca se s u s e o f
From 20 /2 CKJ to 20 /2 5 .
H a n d I, lu K la p a p illa ry c h o ro id a l h e m a n g i o m a ( a r r o w s ) in
p a is p l a n a v i H e c to r .ty a n d H u i d - s i li c o n e e x c h a n g e to t a m ­
a 4 7-ye a r-o ld пил who w a s treated u n s u c c e s s fu lly fo r 1 0
ponade th e re tin a in p la c e m a y b e s u c c e s s fu l in r e s to r in g years fo r a re cu rre n l se ro u s d e t a c h m e n t o f lb e m a tu fa iff
a m b u la to ry v is io n .™ unknown cause. H i s visu a l a c u ity w as 2Q/200. Th ere w as
e xte n s ive c yslo id d e g e n e ra tio n o f Lhe re tina h u l n o se ro u s

CIRCUMSCRIBED CHOROIDAL d e l a c h m e n l o f L h e m a c u l a ( H ) . H i s v i s u a l loss w a s I h e res a IL

o f p e r m a n e n t d e g e n e r a L i v e c h a n g e s in tFie r e t i n a s e c o n d a r y
HEMANGIOMA___________________ lo m u l t i p l e г а с u r r e n c e s o i s e r o u s re lin a l d e t a c h m e n t . N o te
re d flisii-o ran g e c o lo r ot lb e lu m o r a n d s m a ll, r o u n d , y e llo w
C a v e rn o u s h e m a n g io m a o f th e c h o ro id is a b e n i g n d e v e l ­ d e p o s its o f e x u d a t e in l h e o u t e r c y s tic s p a c e s o f Lhe re lin a .
o p m e n t a l t u m o r - - 3-' t h a t t y p i c a l l y o c c u r s e i t h e r as a l o c a l ­ V e n o u s - p h a s e a n g i o g r a m s h e w e d e a r l y s l a i n i n g o f ibi? U i m o r
ize d tu m e fa c tio n , u s u a lly in p a tie n ts w ith o u t other s u rfa c e . O n t v h o u r a n g io g r a m s h e lv e d m u lt ilo c u la le d p a Lto rn
ol" d y e i n d i c a l i v e o f c v s l o i d d e g e n e r a L i o n a n d e d e m a ot" L h e
v a s c u la r m a lfo rm a tio n , o r as a d i f f u s e t h i c k e n i n g o f t h e
r e l i n a ll.i.
c h o ro id in p a lie n ts w ith S tu ig e -W e b e r syn dro m e (se e
|—L : D u rin g lh e e i^ h lh m o n lh o f pregnancy t h is 3 2 - y e a r -
nest s u b s e c t i o n ) . ' ' - j ! J -!> - L 111 Lo c a lize d cavernous hem an­
o ld wom an 'lo le d m e La m o rp h o p sia caused l>y serous
g io m a s o f th e c h o r o i d are ra re ly d e te c te d b e fo r e th e th ir d m a c u l a r d e l a c h m e n l i b l a c k a n d w h i l e a r r o w s . J) a n d a p r e ­
d e c a d e o f Life . T h e y o c c u r n e a r l y a l w a y s a s a s o l i t a r y t u m o r vio u sly u nd e te cted h e m a n g io m a o f c h o r o i d JbEacfc a r r o w s ,
in one eye, a lth o u g h b ila te ra l in vo lv e m e n t o c c a s io n a lly Гi. A n g i o g r a p h y s h o w e d e v i d e n c e o f З а г ^ е v a s c u l a r spaces
o c c u r s .1:51 I h e i r r a t e o f g r o w t h is p r o b a b l y m a x im a l d u r­ w i l l i m t h e l u m o r a n d Ia le s l a i n i n g o n i1 s s u r f a c e !K a n d L : .

in g th e n o r m a l g r o w t h p e r io d o f th e in d iv id u a l. B y a d u lt ­ T h e relina l d e la c h m e n l re s o lv e d a n t! v is u a l fu n c tio n re tu r n e d
Lo n e a r n o r m a ! d u r i n g l h e e a r l y p o s l p a r l u m p e r r o d .
h o o d th e h e m a n g io m a m a y cause s e c o n d a ry d e g e n e ra tiv e
and p ro life ra tive changes in Lhe o ve rly in g p ig m e n l e p i-
Lh e l i u m a n d cystic e d e m a a n d d e g e n e r a L i o n o f t h e r e t i n a .
Ih e s e c h a n g e s as w e ll as th e d e v e l o p m e n t o f s o m e v a r ic o s ­
ity a n d c o n g e s tio n o f th e la rg e v a s c u la r c h a n n e ls a re p r o b ­
a b ly re s p o n s ib le fo r th e m in o r e n la rg e m e n t o f c h o ro id a l
h e m a n g i o m a s d e m o n s t r a t e d i n l a t e r l i f e . ' 1-' 14 U n le s s th e
t u m o r is l a r ^ e a n d is l o c a t e d d i r e c t l y i n t h e m a c u l a r a r e a ,
p a t i e n t s a re u s u a l l y a s y m p t o m a t i c u n t i l m i d d l e o r Later life
(a ve rag e age a p p r o x im a te ly SO y e a rs ), w h e n th e y d e v e lo p
serous re lin a l d e t a c h m e n t Lhat s p re a d s f r o m th e edge of
t h e t u m o r i n t o t h e m a c u l a r a r e a ( l - ' i g u r e 1 4 . 1 5 ) . Ije&s o f t e n ,
th e s e tu m o r s m a y be d is c o v e re d as a n in c id e n ta l fin d in g
by Lhe p h y s ic ia n o r b y Lhe p a tie n t, w h o o n c o ve riEtg th e
e ye , n o tic e s a s lig h t d is to r tio n o f c e n tra l v is io n c a u s e d b y
th e t u m o r 's p re s e n c e in th e m a c u la b e fo re Lt c a u s e s any
s i g n i f i c a n t a l t e r a t i o n i n t h e o v e r l y i n g R P l i a cid r e t i n a .
C r f t n n t f i s c r i i t f i i ' С Т г с р г в н iVtJ1 W l ' d j . m Д Й Л ш [ 2 0 7
M any o f th es e p a tie n ts a re re fe rre d with th e in c o rre c t F4.[fi C h o ro id a l hemangioma.
d i a g n o s i s o f c e n tr a l s e r o u s c h o r i o r e t i n o p a t h y , c h o r o id itis ...
A -F: Lost of central and superior field of vision- Laused by
d is c i f o r m d e g e n e ra tio n m e ta s ta tic c a rc in o m a , m a lig n a n t a previous long-standing retinal delat'hmcnl esrencfoftg infe-
m e la n o m a , or rh e g m a lo g e n o u s d e ta c h m e n t. Ebe hem ­ ::nHy 1гйт a t:horoidal hemangiornq.; Mtite marked hyper­
a n g io m a s are ly p ic a lly ro u nd or oval, s lig h tly e le va te d , plasia of lhe pigmenL cpitFmlium DYtrfying the Uimor >\i as
o ra n g e -re d tu m o rs w ith an in d is tin c t b order (fig u re well аы dependent /ones of pigment BpiLhelial atrophy and
14 . IS A * ft H j and J). Ih e y a re m o s t e a s ily d e te c te d with
inlra retinal migration af pigment inferior to lh e tumor (A—Ct.
A njj iogr a m showed sLaining o f suluelinal lissiue eve dying
b in o c u la r in d ire c t o p h th a lm o s c o p y . They u s u a lly m ea­
Lhe liemaHgkjma and a io n e t>l" depigmentaLmn larrtiW, [J.
sure 2 - 10 d is c d ia m e te r s in s ize . M o s t o f th e t u m o r s are
that extend in a flask-Eike shape to the ora serrata Fnierrorly.
c e n te re d in th e p a r a m a c u la r area, b u l m a y e x te n d in to th e
UlLruiionography bhuwed highly reflrctiyu tiffiiOr lvpical of
e d g e o f th e c e n Lra l m a c u la r area. S o m e are iu x la p a p illa r v hemangiuma (E anil F).
in l o c a t io n . O t h e r s m a y h e lo c a te d o n t h e n a s a l s id e o f th e G and H : Histopithojoaff af cavernous hemangioma ot" lhe
o p t i c d i s c .1 ' 1 En m o s t cases t h e re tin a l d e ta c h т е л L e x t e n d s choroid; Note SBCond.ary (.vslic degeneration of Lhe fcweHyirtg
aw ay fro m th e m a rg in s o f th e lu m o r . The re tin a o v e r ly in g
relina 'C j. l-figh-power vk+w i Л 1 hlmws tystic degeneration
of lhe reLina and hyperplasia and metaplasia ol Lhe relina
th e tu m o r is u s u a lly th ic k e n e d by c ystic d e g e n e ra tio n .
pigment epilhelium on the turner surface.
C o m p le te s e p a ra tio n o f th e t u m o r fr o m th e o v e r ly in g re t­
in a b y a se ro u s d e ta c h m e n L occurs in fre q u e n tly . V a r y in g
a m o u n ts o f s p lo tc h y y e llo w is h m a te ria l lie b e t w e e n th e
tu m o r a n d w ith in t h e c y stic spaces o f t h e o v e r l y i n g re lin a
(I ' i g u r e 14.1ПЛ . К and Н ]. ] iy p e rp ig m e n ta tio n caused by
f i P L h y p e r p l a s i a is r e l a t i v e l y u n c o m m o n b u t , w h e n p r o m i ­ I'a tie n ls with c h o ro id a l h e m a n g io m a s a s s o c ia te d with
n e n t.. m a y c a u s e a m i s d i a g n o s i s o f a m e l a n o m a o r d is c i­ o v e rly in g c ystic changes and serou s d e ta c h m e n t dem ­
f o r m scar, S o m e p a t i e n t s d e v e l o p a b u l l o u s d e t a c h m e n t o f o n s tra te fie ld d e fe c ts c o rre s p o n d in g w ith th e s ite o f t h e
Lhe re tin a in fe r io r l o th e t u m o r at th e tim e o f p r e s e n ta tio n . tumor and th e s u r r o u n d in g d e t a c h m e n t . N e r v e fib e r b u n ­
O t h e r s w i l l s h o w la rg e f l a s k - s h a p e d a re a s o f a t r o p h y o f t h e d le d e fe c ts h a v e b e e n r e p o r t e d b u t are u n u s u a l.
RPH w ith a b o n e c o rp u s c u la r p a tte rn o f p ig m e n ta tio n in lb e c h a ra c te ris tic a n g io g ra p h ic fin d in g s in c h o ro id a l
th e o v e r ly in g re tin a e x t e n d in g in fe rio rly f r o m th e m a rg in s h e m a n g io m a s are: ( 1) a p a tte rn o f flu o re s c e n c e in d ic a tiv e
o f th e t u m o r (fig u r e 1 4. ] and C ). Ilie s e areas a re i n d ic ­ o f la rg e v a s c u la r c h a n n e ls c o r r e s p o n d i n g l o t h e lo c a t io n o f
a tive o f p re v io u s lo n g -s ta n d in g re tin a l d e t a c h m e n t w ith l h e L u m o r in th e p n e a rte ria l a n d a rte ria l p h a s e o f a n g i o g r a ­
a tr o p h y o f th e o u te r re tin a l la y e rs p e rm ittin g m ig ra tio n p h y ( F i g u r e 1 4 . E 5 K ) ; ( 2 ) w id e s p r e a d a n d ir r e g u la r areas o f
o f p i g m e n t e p i t h e l i a l c e lls i n t o t h e o v e r l y i n g r e t i n a . W h e n flu o re s c e n c e s e c o n d a r y t o d iffu s e le a k a g e o f d y e f r o m th e
Lbe h e m a n g i o m a is s m a l l , t h e s u b t l e e l e v a t i o n a n d h y p e r ­ s u rfa c e o f th e l u m o r r a n d ( 3 ) a d iffu s e m u lt ilo c u E a le d p a t ­
flu o re s c e n c e m a y be m is s e d a n d a m is d ia g n o s is o f c h r o n ic te rn o f flu o re s c e in a c c u m u la tio n i:t t h e o u t e r r e t i n a c h a r ­
id io p a th ic c e n tra l s e ro u s c h o r io r e tin o p a th y m a y b e m a d e . a c te ris tic o f p o ly c y s tic d e g e n e r a t i o n a n d e d e m a d u r i n g t h e
S te r e o s c o p ic i m a g i n g h e l p s Lo d e t e c t t h e e l e v a t i o n o f ( h e la te r stages o f a n g i o g r a p h y [fig u re ]4 .1 I ) .J Д
h e m a n g io m a , in a d d itio n lo re tin a l d e ta c h m e n t, other c irc u la r zo n e o f h y p o flu o re s c e n c e c o rre s p o n d in g to th e
c a u s e s fo r lo ss o f c e n tra l v i s i o n in Lhese p a tie n ts in c lu d e p e r i p h e r a l p a r t o f t h e h e m a n g i o m a is o f t e n p r e s e n t d u r i n g
c y s lo id m a c u la r e d e m a , la m e lla r m a c u la r h o le fo r m a t io n , t h e e a r l y a n d m i d d l e s l a g e s o f a n g i o g r a p h y . En s o m e c a s e s
a n d e p i re tin a l m e m b r a n e c h a n g e s . C h o r o i d a l n e o v a s c u la r ­ th is c o r r e s p o n d s w i t h a n a re a se e n o p h t h a l m o s c o p i c a l l y i n
i z a t i o n is a n u n c o m m o n c o m p l i c a t i o n i n t h e s e p a t i e n t s . 1 "■ th e s e l u m o r s th a t m a y suggest s lig h t p ig m e n ta tio n o f th e
Th<} m a in te n a n c e o f a h ig h oxygen te n s io n in th e vic in ­ p e rip h e ra l p o r t io n o f th e l u m o r . The re a s o n s f o r th is c o l o r
ity o f th e h e m a n g io m a s m a y be p a rt o f th e e x p la n a tio n , a n d a n g io g r a p h ic c h a n g e are u n c le a r. T v id e n c e o f c y s lo id
i f i s c h e m i a is E m p o r t H i n L i n t h e p a t h o g e n e s i s o f c h o r o i d a l m a c u la r e d e m a m a y be p re se n L re m o te fr o m th e area o f
n e o v a s c u la riza tio n . R e tin a l and o p tic d isc n e o v a s c u la r­ lh e tu m o r . In p a tie n ts w ith c h o ro id a l h e m a n g io m a s w it h ­
iza tio n o c c a s io n a lly d e v e lo p s in p a tie n ts w ilh c h o ro id a l o u t e x te n s iv e s e c o n d a ry d e g e n e r a tiv e c h a n g e s in t h e o v e r ­
h e m a n g io m a s ’ Tw o p a tie n ts p re se n te d to lh e Kascom ly in g R PE and re tin a , a n g io g ra p h y m ay rtve a l only an
P a Jm fir L y e J n s l i t u t e b e c a u s e o f m b e o s i s i r i d is a n d lo n g ­ e x a g g e ra te d b a c k g r o u n d c h o r o i d a l flu o r e s c e n c e in t h e a re a
s ta n d in g b u llo u s re lin a l d e t a c h Ln e n l c a u s e d b y p r e v io u s ly o f L h e t u m o r d u r i n g l h e first f e w m in u te s o f th e s tu d y a n d
u n r e c o g n ize d s o lita ry c h o ro id a l h e m a n g io m a s . n o a b n o r m a l i t i e s d u r i n g th e la te r stages o f a n g i o g r a p h y .
I n d o c y a n i n e a n g i o g r a p h y re ve als a d ia g n o s t ic p a lte r]! o f F4. E7 Circ umscr ibe d ch oro idal he m angio ma.
e a rly d iffu s e h y p e rflu o re s c e n c e ( w it h in ] m i n u l e ) w i l h late
A —D : A 42-year-old w om an presented w ilh reduted vision
h y p o flu o re s c e n c e (5 m in u te s ) and d e la y e d w a s h o u t p h e ­ f2CV40'i. Fundus дррелглпее ol an oriarye-mloned t/areunv
n o m e n o n (b e yo n d 10 m in u te s ) d u e to e xit o f th e d y e fr o m stxibed Lumor suj^eslivi! ol hemangioma IA ) . Indocyanine
t h e t u m o r ( E ' i g u r e 1 4 . 1 7 ) . 1,10 ajigitrgraphry repeals л di agnostic bsfiern of ijaHy diffuse
l i is l o p a l h o lo g ic a lly a cavernous h e m a n g io m a of lh e hyperfluorescenoe al 1 minute w ith C r delayed w ash­
c h o r o i d is c o m p o s e d o f p r e d o m i n a n t l y h u g e , d i l a t e d , t h i n -
out phenomenon '12 minuCesl. Usin^ slandjard full-
Пиепсе prutotol i ГАГ study} a 6-mm single spol ol" LTealmtml
w a l l e d ve sse ls w i t h m in im a l s tro m a . T h e s e tu m o rs b le n d
was nppli:ed 1.Б]. Six weeks ЗдЕег, nole flattening ol Lhe cjhoroi:-
a lm o s t im p e rc e p tib ly in to lh e s u rro u n d in g norm al cho­
dal кгпкн w ilh m inim al Dverlvinf’ retinal pigmenl epilheliLim
r o i d a l tis s u e ( f i g u r e 1 4 . 1 6 G atid H Ljl h x t e n s i v e c y s tic
nllwalion :Di.
d e g e n e r a t i o n oJ" l h e o v e r l y i n g r e t i n a is u s u a l l y p r e s e n t a n d
En s o m e cases m a y be a s s o c ia te d w ilh e xte n s ive fib ro u s
m e t a p l a s i a o f th e № Ё a n d , less o f t e n , ( t P £ h y p e r p l a s i a .
A lth o u g h not p a th o g n o m o n ic fo r cavernous hem an­ l*e e x p e c t e d o v e r t h e l o n g te rm fo llo w in g p h o lo d y n a m ic
g io m a o f lh e c h o ro id , th e e a rly p a lte rn o f flu o re sc e n c e t h e r a p y . Uiil J l is p r e f e r a b l e l o u s e a s i n g j e t a r g e s p o t r a t h e r
c a u s e d b y th e la rg e v a s c u la r s p a c e s in l h e t u m o r a n d lh e th a n m u l t ip l e o v e r l a p p i n g s p o ts to a v o i d d a m a g e to o v e r ­
la te p a t t e r n o f d y e s t a i n i n g c a u s e d b y t h e cystic d e g e n e r a ­ l y i n g K P f l b a l m a y l e a d t o d e l a y e d v i s u a l l o s s . 1-17
t io n o f th e o v e r ly in g re tin a are i n fr e q u e n t ly f o u n d in a s s o ­ T ra n s s c le ra E cryopexy, m ic ro w a v e ih e rm o th e ra p y , and
c ia tio n w ith o lh e r s im ila rly s ize d tu m o rs . T h e E u p ta k e e xte rn a l-b e a m and e p isc le ra l irra d ia tio n have been used
is u s u a l l y , b u l n o t a lw a y s , n e g a tiv e in c a v e r n o u s h e m a n ­ lo tre at c h o r o id a l h e m a n g i o m a s .]1Пг149-151 B e c a u s e o f t h e
g io m a . "NJ U ltra s o n o g ra p h y g ive s a c h a ra c te ris tic p a l­ m o rb id ity a s s o c ia te d w ith th es e la tte r te c h n iq u e s th ey
t e r n o f h i g h r e f l e c l i v i t y t h a l is h e l p f u l i n d i f f e r e n t i a t i n g a s h o u ld be reserved fo r use e ith e r in th ose p a tie n ls fo r
c h o ro id a l h e m a n g io m a fr o m a m e la n o m a (fig u re 1 4 .1 .6 Ё w hom p h o lo c o a g u la lio n o r p h o lo d y n a m ic t h e r a p y is n o l
and h ) . 1’ ' In th e Ia i t a n a lys is , how ever, th e re d d is h - su c c e ss fu l o r fo r p a lie n t s in w hom , because o f th e larg e
o ra n g e c o lo r o f c h o ro id a l h e m a n g io m a s te v ie w e d w ilh а s ize a n d c e n tra l lo c a tio n o f lh e t u m o r , p h o lo c o a g u la lio n
b in o c u la r in d ire c t o p h t h a lm o s c o p e it th e m o s l im p o r t a n l is u n l i k e l y t o b e s u c c e s s f u l i n r e s t o r i n g o r p r e s e r v i n g v i s u a l
d ia g n o s tic s ig n ( h a l d iffe re n tia te s c h o r o id a l h e m a n g io m a s f u n c t i o n . T r e a t m e n t is o p t i o n a l i n p a tie n ls w i l h th e in c i­
fro m w h ile o r c re a m -c o lo re d m e ta s ta tic c a rc in o m a s and d e n ta l fin d in g of cavernous h e m a n g io m a u n a s s o ria le d
a m e la n o tic m e la n o m a s . O lh e r o ra n g e fu n d u s tu m o rs th a t w ith re tin a l d e la c h m e n l o r e vid e n c e o f p re v io u s d e la c h -
m ust be c o n s id e re d in th e d iffe re n tia l d ia g n o s is in c lu d e m e n l. These p a tie n ls , how ever, s h o u ld be c a u tio n e d lo
serous or p a rtly o rg a n ize d d e ta c h m e n t o f lh e R E ’ E: ( s e e m o n i t o r th e ir v is u a l a c u ity fr e q u e n tly a n d to b e e x a m in e d
fig u re 3.2] a n d 3 .2 3 ) , o s le o m a o f th e c h o ro id (see N g u r e at y e a rly in te rva ls . T r e a t m e n t o f p a tie n ts w ith lo c a lize d
14 . 2 1 A } r n o d u l a r sc le rilis (see fig u re 1L35A), and exo­ d e ta c h m e n t and e vid e n c e o f severe p e rm an e nt m a c u la r
p h y tic re tin a l c a p illa r y h e m a n g i o m a (se e f i g u r e 1 3 . 1 3 ) . dam age is o p t i o n a l . E’ h o l o c o a g u l a t i o n m ig h t be c o n s id ­
fo c a lize d cavernous h e m a n g io m a s o f th e c h o ro id e re d t o p r e v e n t fu r t h e r s p re a d o f re Lin a l d a m a g e c a u s e d b y
lo ca te d in th e e x l r a f o v e a l area a n d a s s o c ia te d w i t h s e r o u s fu rth e r e x te n s io n o f th e re tin a l d e la c h m e n l.
d e t a c h m e n t o f th e re lin a m a y h e tre a te d s u c c e s s fu lly w ith lh e onset o f s y m p to m s in p a tie n ts w i t h h e m a n g io m a s
xenon or in te n s e argon p h o lo c o a g u la lio n d ire c te d lo u s u a l l y is u n r e l a t e d t o a n y r e c o g n i z e d p r e c i p i t a t i n g c a u s e ,
lhat p o rtio n o f lh e tu m o r s u rfa c e w h ere th e flu o re s c e in 'lh e firs l m a n if e s t a t i o n , h o w e v e r , o f a c h o r o i d a l hem an­
a n g io g ra p h y shows e v id e n c e o f d iffu s io n o f dye fro m g i o m a , as w e l l a s c h o r o i d a l o s t e o m a o r a l a r g e c h o r o i d a l
th e su rfa c e o f lh e tu m o r (fig u re ] 4 .1 S LJ; see p . 1 2 Q 6). m e la n o c y lic nevus, in ay be v is u a l lo ss c a u s e d b y d e v e l­
P h o lo c o a g u la lio n s h o u ld be s u ffic ie n tly in te n s e lo cre­ o p m e n t o f s e ro u s re tin a l d e t a c h m e n t in th e m a c u la d u r ­
a te p ro m in e n t w h ite n in g of th e o u te r re lin a ! la ye rs . It i n g t h e Ia l t e r h a l f o f p r e g n a n c y . T h e a u t h o r h a s s e e n i h i s
is s u c c e s s f u l i n c o l l a p s i n g L h e c y s L i c r e l i n a o n lo th e s u r ­ o cc u r in fo u r w o m e n , iw o w ith c h o ro id a l h e m a n g io m a s ,
f a c e o f l h e l u m o r a n d c a u s i n g c o m p l e t e r e s o l u t i o n o f n il one each with a c h o ro id a l O s te o m a and la rg e c h o ro i-
s u b r e t i n a t f l u i d i n m o s l c a s e s . El d o e s n o l a l t e r t h e s i z e o f dat n e v u s . E n ih re e p a tie n ls th e d e ta c h m c n l re s o lv e d
lh e t u m o r . P h o l o d y n a m i c th e ra p y o ffe rs th e a d v a n ta g e o f s p o n ta n e o u s ly soon a fte r d e live ry of th e in fa n t, lh e
s e le c tiv e a b la tio n o f th e tu m o rs w h ile s p a rin g th e o v e r­ added h e m o d y n a m ic stress, a n d p e rh a p s o lh e r e n d o c rin e
ly in g r e t in a .1 140 U s in g sta n d a rd fu ll-fu e n c e p ro to c o l c h a n g e s , o c c u rrin g d u r in g p r e g n a n c y are p r o b a b ly r e s p o n ­
(lA l 3s tu d y) w e h a v e b e e n a b le l o a c h ie v e e x c e lle n t l u m o r sib le fo r tra n s ie n t d e c o m p e n s a tio n o f t h e a lie n e d c h o r i o -
response o f m o re th a n W ith a s in g le tre a tm e n t a p p li­ c a p illa ris and RPH o v e rly in g Lhe h a m a rto m a s . A similar
c a tio n (Fig u re I4 .17A , l ) ) . " l: .R e p e a l t r e a l m e n L m ay be d e c o m p e n s a tio n m ay occur d u rin g pregnancy in som e
n e c e s s a r y b u l it is r e c o m m e n d e d l o w a f t f o r a b o u t 6 weeks p a tie n ts w h o d e v e lo p i d i o p a t h i c c e n tra l s e ro u s c h o r io r e ti­
to 3 m o n t h s l o assess fu ll r e s p o n s e b e fo r e e m b a r k in g o n n o p a t h y in th e a b se n c e o f a n y o l h e r c h o r o id a l a b n o r m a l ­
a d d itio n a l tr e a tm e n t. O v e r a ll, e xc e lle n t v is u a l re s u lts c a n ity ( s e e p . 8 2 ) .
O t h e r le ss c o m m o n and rare c h o r o id a l tu m o r s o f vas­ 14. f 3 S t u r g e - W e b e r s y n d r o m e .
c u la r o rig in In c lu d e c a p illa ry a n g io m a s (se e fo llo w in g
A and fl: Right and lell eyes. respectively, of a child with lhe?
d escuss i o n } , h e m a n g i o e n d o t h e l i o m a s , h e m a n g i o e n d o l h e - Slurge-VVeEier syndrome wilh nevus ilsmireus involving Lhe
Eio s a rc o m a s , le io m y o m a s , a n d h e m a n g io p e r ic y to m a s .1 : ' left side of [he f a c e and diffuse choroidal vascular hypertro­
phy of Lhe right eye. lhu lifge choroidal vessels in lhe nor­
mal fundus ol lhe left eye were easily seen. The righl iundus
St urge-Weber Syndrome appeared diffusely red, and no vascular details of the cho­
S tu rg e -W e b e r s y n d Fo m e is a n o n f a m i l i a l b a m a r t o m a l o u s roid were visible.
С —H : L o c a liz e d c h o r o id a l h e m a n g io m a in a 9 -y e a r-o td b o y
d is e a s e c h a ra c te rize d by ip sila le ra E a n g io m a to u s m a l­
w ith nevus, fla m m e u s o f [he rig h t side o f hfs fa c e ( C f . H e
fo rm a tio n in v o lv in g lh e b ra in , fa c e (n e vu s fla m m e u s ),
was in itia lly e x a m in e d л I age 7 , a I w h ic h tim e vis u a l a c u ­
and uveal tra c t in a p a t ie n t w h o o fte n h as se izu re s , e v i­ ity in the right e ye w a s 2 0 / 4 0 a n d in the left e y e w a s 20 /20 .
dence o f in Lra c ra n ia l c a lc ific a tio n , and ip s ila te ra l d e ve l­ H is lo ca l o p h th a lm o lo g is t n o te d n o a b n o r m a lity at Lhal lim e .
o p m e n t o f g la u c o m a [ E - 'i g u r e 1 4 .1 8 ) . M o s t p a tie n ts h a v e In N o v e m b e r H ) 7 I Lhe v is u a l a c u ily d e c e a s e d fu rth e r H is
d iffu s e h y p e r tr o p h y o f th e c h o r o id , eye, a n d fa c e o n th e local p h y s ic ia n n o te d a m ass in Ih e in fe rio r fu n d u s for the
s a m e s id e o f th e n e v u s fla m m e u s a n d in tra c ra n ia ] va sc u ­ firs! lim e . t-lis in tra o c u la r pressure w a s n o r m a l, a n d Lherc w a s
no c u p p in g o f Lhe o p lic d iscs. Th e p a lie n l w a s seen in itia lly
l a r m a l f o r m a t i o n . ) j 5 0 L3l N , ' l 5 l -] ^ 155 i n a fe w cases b o t h
a I Ih e K a s c o m K ilm e r E v e In slilu te in Ja n u a ry 1 5 7 2 W ilh a n
eyes m a y b e a f f e c t e d . ]S [ T h e c h o ro id a l h y p e rtro p h y [d if­
a je v a tfid , red dish lu m o r in v o lv in g m o s l o f the in fe rio r ball
fu s e a n g i o m a ) g ive s th e f u n d u s a r e d d is h g l o w co m p ared o f lb e fu n d u s . IL e x te n d e d u p Lo a n d b ise cte d Lhe m a c u la .
to th e o p p o s ite eye [i-'ig u re 1 4 .IS A a rid L ? ) .3 ' " E l e v a t i o n T h e re w a s serous d e ta c h menL o f Ihe retina o v e rly in g the
o f th e in tra o c u la r pre ssure a n d g la u c o m a to u s n ip p in g o f lu m o r e x c e p l in o n e a re a t e m p o r a l Iо the m a c u la w h e re a
th e o p tic d is c m a y b e p re s e n t. S o m e p a tie n ls w i t h S tu r g e - 4 X fj d is c d ia m e Le r, o v a l, g r a y -w h ite e x u d a tiv e m e m Eira n e
W eber syn drom e h a v e a fo c a l area o f a n g io m a t o u s th ic k ­ was present Eie tw e e n lh e tu m o r a n d o v e rly in g re tin a . The
relinal d e ta c h m en I d id n o t texLend inlo Ih e s u p e rio r fu n d u s *
e n in g o f th e c h o ro id in a d d i t i o n to th e d iffu s e t h ic k e n in g
T h e p a lie n l w a s lost Lo fo llo w -u p until M a r c h 1 ^ 7 3 , w h e n he
[ E - 'i g u r e 1 4 .1 Й С - Н } . En t h e a u L h o r ' s e x p e r i e n c e i t is t h e s e
re lu m e d w ilh o n lv Ii i^h-l p e n .e p lio n in Ihe rig h l e y e . A l I hat
p a lie n ts w h o are m o s t lik e ly i o d e v e lo p s e c o n d a r y re tin a l
L i m e h e h a d a l o t a I b u llo u s d e la c h m e n l o f the relin a e x c e p t
d e ta c h m e n t w ith s h iftin g o f th e s u b re tin a l flu id , e ith e r in Ih e area o f g r a y -w h ile s u b rt'tm a l m e m b r a n e !in d ic a te d
s p o n ta n e o u s ly o r a fle r filte rin g o p e r a tio n s fo r g la u c o m a , in b l a c k in lb e fu n d u s d r a w in g a rro w , D , . i n d b y arrow 's in
in m ost cases th e lo c a lize d h ig h ly e le v a te d p o rtio n of E !. T h e lu m o r (s lip p le d area in fu n d u s d r a w in g . 13) w a s
th e tu m o r is lo c a te d so m ew h ere in th e p o s te rio r fu n ­ u n c h a n g e d . TEie relina! p ig m e n l e p i I h e liu m itif3E^ a p p e a re d
Lo b e n o rm a ] e ls e w h e re o v e r Ihe surface o f th e Lu m or.
d u s in ih e p a r a m a c u la r area, lh e re tin a r w h ic h is u s u a l l y
Flu o re s c e in a n g io g ra p h y re v e a le d dr M u s i on o f d y e fro m Lhe
a tta c h e d lo th e d o m e o f th is lo c a lize d th ic k e n in g , s h o w s
surface o f lh e lu m o r in lo lh e g r a y -w h ile s u b re lin a l m e m ­
m a r k e d cy& lic d e g e n e r a t i o n a n d s o m e y e llo w is h a n d gray b ra n e te m p o ra l lo t h E m a c u la (F ). T h e r e w a s n o e v id e n c e o f
tis s u e ly in g b e tw e e n Lhe re lin a and ih e tu m o r su rfa c e . a b n o rm a l c h o r o id a l flu o re s c e n c e e ls e w h e re . H e a v y x e n o n
A n g io g ra p h ic a lly , Lh is area in th e fu n d u s is u s u a lly th e p h o to c o a g u la tio n w a s used lo I real the are a o f the s u b re lin a l
o n ly o n e t h a t s h o w s e v i d e n c e o f s t a i n i n g . En t e n s e x e n o n m e m Eira n e i C ) . In M a y 1 4 7 3 Lhe re lin a w a s c o m p le le k ftat
o r a rg o n p h o to c o a g u la tio n to lh is area m a y b e su c c e s s fu l a n d Lhe vis u a l a c u ily h a d re lu m e d Lo 2 0 / 4 0 0 (M . S o le the
faint Iгас Iio n lines ra d ia tin g I h ro u g h th e cenlral m acuilar area
in re a tL a d lin g ih e re lin a [K ig u re 1 4 .I S C - 11). Jle tin a l a n d
Ia rro w ) to w a rd lh e area o f p h o lo c o a g u la tio n Im rp o ra l lo Lhe
c ilio c h o ro id a t d e ta c h m e n l o c c u rrin g im m e d ia te ly a fle r
m a c u la . R E , righl e v e .
filte rin g su rgery m ay re a tta c h w ith o u l Lre a lm e n L. W hen
e le v a lio n o f th e h e m a n g i o m a is s o a b r u p l l h a l a d e q u a t e
tre a tm e n t c a n n o t h e a p p lie d b y th e ira n s p u p illa ry ro u te ,
in tra v itre a l p h o to c o a g u ia tio n m ay prove su c c e s s fu l. En d e ta c h m e n t Es probably u nnecessary. S c a tte r tre a u n e n l.
th e a b se n c e o f e v id e n c e o f a lo c a liz e d c h o r o id a l tu m e fa c ­ how ever, m ay p rove lo b e u s e fu l i n p re v e n tin g re cu rre n t
tio n o r p ig m e n ta r y re lin a l d e g e n e ra tiv e changes, th e use d e ta c h m e n t in p a tie n ts afteF s u c c e ss fu l r e a lla e h m e n l o f ih e
o f p r o p h y l a c t i c s c a tte r la s e r t r e a t m e n t to prevent re tin a l re tin a .
A t th e Flu o re s c e in C lu b M e e tjfig in 1990, Dr. M t> rLt>n F 4 .E 8 C o n tin u e d

G o ld b e rg r e p o r t e d a p a t i e n l w h o , a f t e r p r o p h y l a c t i c sc a l-
I: i k u l ] гоел Й ел О Д гзП Й р л Iiс>-лI with Slufjje-W ^ber s yn ­
te r l a s e r L r e a l m e n t i n lh e m a c u la d o n e Lo p r e v e n t r e tin a l d ro m e showing lhe typical r a fird a tM ra iJt c-aici fica I i on af lhe
d e ta c h m e n t b e fo re л g la u c o m a filte rin g o p e r a tio n , d e v e l­ va s c u la r йЛаЧйаЕу a f th e b ra in .
oped lo ss o f c e n tra l v is io n caused b y c h o ro id a l neovas­ |-L: This- £ -year-old th ild , w ilh (inly slighL «densldfl o f lhe
c u la riza tio n o c c u rrin g al lh e s ite o f a p h o to e o a g u la lio n righl facial dngioma lo her left IS te Ll)f deiftlaped b ilatent
scar. P h o lo d yn a m tc th erap y has a ls o been Irie d b u l can relinal detachment asiocialed with m issive thickening of
Iho .h I r.scl in : iih eve--. 1'ii- lliit kon vl, v.'.k i.i: i n. ir
cause tra n s ie n t xvo rs e n in g o f e x u d a tiv e re lin a l d e ta d i-
lhe rii^hl eye and 8m m in Lhe lefl eye ultraiitftOfpaphlcally
m e n t . ' ' ' r ''■ ',fl U s e o f lo w -d o s e e xte rn a l-b e a m irra d ia tio n
fK and l.j. It was n(rt possible angiographically lo define
20G y in m u ltip le fra c tio n a l doses has p roved success­
the sites erf R PE decompensation. The patient undfrwrml
fu l in c a u s in g re tin a l re a tta c h m e n I w i t h in f> -12 m o n lh s UKterml-irearn i*md ial ion using nfaCtidilaf tksagES for a Lola I
in p a lie n ti w ith 5 tu r g e - W e b e r s y n d r o m e .1 " ' 1,1 " T h is ol 1800 c C y to each eye. There was prompl Fesoiulicn ol lhe
t r e a t m e n t was u s e d s u c c e s s fu lly in th e c h ild illu s tr a te d in subretinal fluid rind reduction in Ihe choroidai 1hickness.
1 'tg u re 1 4 .IS (J-K J lo cause re s o lu tio n o f b u llo u s re tin a l
N in e months la Lei her visual acuity was 20/? DO right eye and
2Q/4D left eye.
d e t a c h m e n t o v e r ly in g m a s s iv e d iffu s e u v e a l h e m a n g io m a s .
f o r m e fr u s te о Г S t u r g e - W e b e r s y n d r o m e m a y o c c u r , e .g ., iA a n d H . f r o n t h-Lif-.ic !■[ o l. ■' О I 4 7 J . A n in in L iin M c c h L .ii А я и ч ia L iu n . A l l
n^jhi I». m ew ed.
a c h i l d w i t h a n ip s ila te ra l s o liLa ry c h o r o i d a l h e m a n g i o m a
and fa c ial a n g io m a w i t h o u t d iffu s e ch o ro td -a l a n g io m a ,
s e izu re s , o r e v id e n c e o f in tra c ra n ia l a n g io m a .
Ipsilateral Facial and Diffuse Uveal F 4. '19 Ip si Ia le га! с a pilla ry л n gio in а о f s k i n a n d u ve a l
t r a d a s s o c ia t e d w it h a n e u r y s m a l d ila tio n o f retin a l
Capillary Angioma Associated with a rte rie s, m i c r o p h l h a l m o s , h e t e r o c h r o m ia o f Ih e iris,
Microphthalmos, Heterochromia of the a n d h y p o to n y .

Iris, Chorioretinal Arterial Anastomosis, A : N o l o Ip le v g te d p a r tly in v o l u t e d c u t a n e o u s h a m a n o fo m -e o n

and Hypotony lh e fo re h a n d , m lc ro p h th a lrtro s , .m d iris h e t e r o c h r o m i a in th is

o th e rw is e h e a llh y 2 1 -m o n lb -o ld Ш
Dr. Gass h ad seen an (J C ifa n t W ^ tt h i p s i l a t e r a l c a p i l l a r y h e m ­ B : D ila te d iris vessels left a lt o w ) a n d irreg ular a n g io m a to u s
a n g io m a in vo lv in g th e fo r e h e a d , iris, a n d c h o r o i d a s s o c i­ m ass (right a rro w ) e x te n d in g . In to (he a n te rio r-c h a m b e r a n ^ le
a te d W ith m ild m i c r o p h t h a l m o s , h y p o t o n y . d ila te d re tin a l o l 1htf righl e y e .
a rte rie s , r e t i n o c h o r o i d a l a n a s t o m o s i s , and b u llo u s re lin a l
: F-undus d r a w in g o f right e y e . N o t e d ila le d to rtu o u s relinal
arteries tha l a p p e a re d lo e x it lb e e ye in Lhe p e rip h e ra l zo n e s
d e ta c h m e n t (Fig u re 14 I 1) ) . T h e r e was no h i s t o r y o f se i­
ot c h o ro id a l a tro p h y .
zu re s ; c o m p u te d to m o g r a p h y o f th e b ra in and her general
D-F: B u llo u s re lin a l d e ta c h m e n t a n d d ila Le d to rtu o u s
m e d ic a l e va lu a tio n s w ere n o rm a l. At lh e tim e o f in itia l s u p e ro le m p o ra l reLinal a rte ry l a r r o w il.
e xa m in a tio n u n d e r general a n e sth e sia al 6 w e e k s o f a g e .. G : H -s c a n and H , А -s c a n иКгд вопйцд нрЕту s h o w in g rrtlin a l
Lhe lo c a l re tin a l s p e c ia lis t n o te d to rtu o u s d ila te d re tin a l d e la c h m e n l a n d h ig h ly re fle c tiv e d iffu s e c h o r o id a l m a s s .

arteries e x t e n d i n g f r o m l h e o p t i c d i s c s u p e r i o r l y Lo s e v e r a l I and ): PhcEcxnicnogfapliS of right showing ciosed

Earge w h i l e a tro p h ic areas, w h ere Lhey a p p e a re d e ith e r lo anterior chamber, calciliori lens, fun nol-shaped retinal
rielachmenl, and didfusE; п М Ш FiSrnaftffloim ot" the cho­
a n a s to m o s e w i t h th e c h o r o id a l c irc u la tio n o r to e xit fr o m
roid !arrows. I- High-power view :J■shows details of capil­
th e eye. 'Jh e r e W as n o e v id e n c e o f re lin a l d e t a c h m e n t . T h e
lary hemangioma. Note Ihe Mroma separating the capillary
re tin a appeared ih ic k e n e d , b u t no e vid e n c e o f a d iffu s e channels.
c h o ro id a l a n g io m a Was n o le d . The in tra o c u la r pressure
m easu red 1 -2 m m Mg. Several m o n th s Eater lh e p a tie n t
d e v e lo p e d e vid e n c e of a n in fe r io r re tin a l d e ta c h m e n t a n d
a d iffu s e re d d ish c o lo r of th e f u n d u s s u g g e s tin g a d iffu s e
c h o ro id a l a n g io m a . A l il m o n th s , e x a m in a tio n by th e
a u th o r c o n firm e d th e p re v io u s o b s e rv a tio n s in a d d itio n l h e r e tin a l d e t a c h m e n t w a s u n r e s p o n s i v e to ira n s s c le ra l
to a to ta l b u tlo u s re tin a l d e tach m e in except in th e areas c r y o p e x y o f Lhe areas o f s t a in in g b u t w a s p a r tly r e s p o n s iv e
o f p e rip h e ra l c h o rio re tin a l a tro p h y s u p e rio rly (Fig u re t o scle ra l w i n d o w s done in th e th ic k e n e d scle ra in each
1 4 .l y C - F ) . T h e re w as n o e v id e n c e o f a re tin a l h o le , and q u a d ra n l. S e ve ra l y e a rs la te r Lh e p a l i e n t lo s l lig h t p e r c e p ­
no e x p la n a tio n fo r lh e h yp o to n y. 3"he a n g io m a on lh e t i o n , b u t s h e r e t a i n e d t h e e y e u n t i l a g e S y e a r s w h e n it w a s
fo re h e a d show ed e vid e n c e of som e re g re ss io n (Fig u re e n u c le a le d . lh e v is u a l a c u ity in liie norm al le fL e y e w a s
1 4 .1УA ). W h e n th e p a tie n t c rie d th e re w as e v id e n c e o f a 2Gy 20-
s u b c u ta n e o u s a rte rio v e n o u s m a lfo r m a tio n a d ja c e n t to th e G ross and m ic ro s c o p ic e x a m in a t i o n of th e rig h t eye
p o s te rio r edge o f th e c u ta n e o u s a n g io m a . A n g io g ra p h y re ve a le d a m ic ro p h th a lm ic eye w ith a d iffu s e c a p illa ry
co n fin n e d th e a rte ria l n a lu r e o f th e d ila te d r e lin a l ve sse ls h e m a n g io m a of th e c h o ro id excepl in lh e p e rip h e ra l
and show ed s l a i n in g p rim a rily c o n fin e d to th e p e rip h ­ /o n e s o f c h o rio re Lin a ! a tte n u a tio n (Fig u re I4 .1 9 E and ]).
eral zo n es o f c h o rio re tin a l a tro p h y (Fig u re I4 .1 9 E -') . E x t e n s i v e a t r o p h y o f t h e iris a n d c ilia ry b o d y , a ru p tu r e d
U ltra s o u n d re ve a le d d iffu s e t h ic k e n in g o f th e c h o r o id by c a lc ifie d c a ta r a c lo u s le n s , a n d a f u n n e l - s h a p e d d e t a c h m e n l
a h ig h ly re fle c tiv e tu m o r, whose average e le v a tio n was o f Lhe d e g e n e ra te d r e tin a w e r e p re s e n t. T h e r e w e re n u m e r ­
a p p ro x im a te ly 4 m m (Fig u re 1 4 .3 У С and H ), as w e lE as ous Large c ilia r y a rte rie s a n d v e n o u s c h a n n e ls in th e e p i ­
d i l a t e d o r b i t a l b l o o d ve sse ls in th e r ig h t o r b i l . scle ra l t is s u e s u r r o u n d i n g l h e o p l i c n e r v e .
T h is p a tie n l. u n lik e p a L i e n Is W i t h S tu rg e -W e b e r syn­ 1 4. C h o ro id a I o s te o m a .

drom e, had o c u lo c u ta n e o u s c a p illa ry ra th e r lh a n cav­

A a n d B : C h o r o i d a l o s l e o m a in а 2 5 - y e a r - o l d w o m a n c o m ­
e rn ous h e m a n g io m a , m ic ro p h th a lm o s ra th e r th a n lh e p la in in g o f b lu rre d v is io n . There w a b л v iT tu m s c r ib e d o ra n g e
o c u la r h y p e rtro p h y th a t fre q u e n tly a c c o m p a n ie s S tu rg e - su E>netinal mi^ss ir [h e m a c u la w ilh m in im a l charri’ e s in
W eber syn dro m e , and h yp o to n y ra th e r th a n g la u c o m a . th e o ve rlyin g re tin a l p ig m e n t e p ith e liu m (R P E ) lA j. O v e r
U n lik e p a tie n ts w ith S tu rg e -W e b e r s y n d ro m e a n d re tin a l а 2 -y e a г p e rio d th ere p r O g r t e s i V-ё d e p i g m e n t a l i o n ol
L h e К P E o v 4 i r l y i n ^ t h e l u m o r H K :. V i s u a l a c u ity w a s 2 0 /2 0 .
d e ta c h m e n t, th e re w a s no fo c a l e le v a tio n o f th e d iffu s e
U ltra s o n o g ra p h y and co m p u ted to m o g ra p hy re ve a le d e vi­
a n g io m a or a w e ll-d e fin e d area o f ftM S d e c o m p e n s a tio n
dence? ot a ch o ro id a l osLeom a. Over Lhe subsequent
a n g io g ra p h ic a lly th a t w o u ld p e rm it us to d ire c t e ith e r
y e a n o f f o l l o w - u p Lhe t u m o r e n la r g e d slFgbLly a n d s u b r e lin a l
p h o to c o a g u la tio n o r c ryo th e ra p y. Because o f th e m ic r o p h ­ f i b r o v a s c u l a r p r o l i f e r a t i o n w a s a s s o c i a t e d w i l h a d e c r e a s e in
t h a l m o s a n d t h e t h ic k e n e d s c le ra , w e e le c te d to tr y s c le ra l v i s u a l a a i l | j ( Lo 7 / 4 0 ( 5 .
W in d o w s d e sp ite th e absence o f u ltra s o n ic e vid e n c e o f С a n d D : A 1 0 -y e a r -o ld ^irl p jo s e n Le d w i lh acu te loss o f
uveal e ffu s io n (c ilio c h o ro id a l d e ta c h m e n t). lh is W as vis io n in the rifjht e ye c a u s e d b y a s u h fo v e a l ty p e II c h o r o i­
p a r tly s u c c e s s fu l. A l t h o u g h we knew l h a l fa c ia l h e m a n g i ­
dal n e o vn rc и Iа г iza Li o n a n d h e m o rrh a g e o v $ d y fh jj a Загце
m a c u la r a n d ju x la p a p illa ry c h tw o id a l osLeom a in lh e ri^hl
o m a w a s a ty p ic a l c a p illa ry a n g io m a , w e d id n o t c o n s id e r
e v e . Shu bad A ce n tra l d iscifa rtri hl at o v e rly in g a s im ila r o s te ­
Lh e p o s s ib ilit y th a t t h e u v e a l a n g i o m a m i g h t a ls o b e a c a p ­
o m a in I ho lefL e y e . Th e b lo o d re s o lve d in Lhe ri^hl e y e a n d
illa ry a n g io m a . W iLs c h e l a n d K o n t* in a re vie w o f t h e h is - she re g ain e d 2 0 /3 0 vis u a l a c u ily , w h ic h s h e re ta in e d u n lil
to p a th o lo g y o f 4 5 s o lita ry a n d 1 7 d iffu s e h e m a n g io m a s o f age 2 4 y e a rs . D u r in g Lbat fo llo w -u p p e r io d Lbe d ia m e te r o f
th e c h o r o id , f o u n d th re e cases o f s o lita ry a n d n o cases o f Lhe o s te o m a in lioLh e y e s inc r e n t 'd n li^ h llv a n d I h ere w a s
d iffu s e c a p illa ry a n g io m a s : N a id o ff el a l.1" a n d Itu ltu m C K tensive depi ^ m o n La Lio n o f the K P E o v e rly in g lh e o s te o ­
e t a l . " ' ' r e p o r t e d iris a n g i o m a s a s s o c i a t e d w i t h c u ta n e o u s
m as IГЗ>. M o te lh e vascLrbir Lrunks la rro w s , D j o n Lbe Lu m o r
ни nface.
p e r io r b ita l c a p illa r y a n g io m a s , tn o n e case th is w a s a s s o ­
E—1: G r o w t h o f a p e rip a p illa ry c h o ro id a l o s te o m a o v e r a
c ia te d w ith d iffu s e c o n g e n ita l a n g io m a to s is .1 I f fa c e d
5 -y e a r p e rio d in a 1 3 -y e a r -o ld m a n ' L nnrl F:-. A fro n ta l-v ie w
w i t h a n o t h e r s im ita r case, th e a u t h o r w o u l d c o n s id e r th e
ro e n tg e n О ф в гП o f left e y e sbfaw n irt ^ rep ea led p c rio p Lic
use o f in te r fe r o n -a lp h a ., w h ic h has been e ffe c tive in th e c a lc ific a tio n (a rro w . C l . R ig h t e v e o f s a m e p a tie n l s h o w in g
t r e a t m e n t o f s o m e cases o f s y s te m ic c a p illa r y a n g i o m a t o ­ d e v e lo p m e n t o f a n o s te o m a a n d th o r o id a l n e o v a s c u .a r i^ a -
sis. A n o t h e r o p t i o n l h a l s h o u l d b e c o n s i d e r e d is e x t e r n a l - Мол i.nrrow , Ii in lh e in itia lly. un in v o lv e d e v e IЬЧ:.
h e a m irra d ia tio n .
[—1 : T h is 2 9 -y e a r-o ld w o m a n w i ib a c h o r o id a l o s te o m a
d e v e lo fK 'd vis u a l b lu rrin g in the ri^ h l e ye d u rin g Lhe East tri­
Som e in te re s tin g and unansw ered q u e s tio n s in th is
m ester o f p re g n a n c y ■!I . N o te the s p o n la n e o u s rapid re s o lu ­
c a se are: W h a t w a s t h e c a u s e o f t h e h y p o t o n y th at w as a
tion o f s u b ie lin a l e x u d a tio n lh al o c c u rre d w ilh in several
c o n s is te n t fin d in g on every e x a m in a tio n , even p rio r Lo n o n L h s a fte r d e liv e ry : К th re e years later she is a syrn p to m .-
Lhe d e v e lo p m e n t o f re tin a l d e ta c h m e n t? H o w d i d i! re la te a Li с. 1 h e o s te o m a is largei IL I.
to th e apparent re tin o c h o ro id a l and re tro -o rb ita l a rte ­
I A .i ih :; Ц . I m n ; (.■::* Г л г i ; i r, i J W i l k i r i M J i r ' ' ' , |11: 1, i. ■11 w i l h ^гптпам гнп Г т г п
ria l a n a s to m o s is ? W a s h y p o t o n y i m p o r t a n t i n c a u s in g th e i hi: A m fcd tan luu m .il оГ C 11■
I ; I ,. I.■i i 1 1 n jp v ■i-;lr b y Г Ь * Ljf^ilM .ilm iL

m ic ro p h th a lm o s Г W h y d id th e re tin a l s p e c ia lis t, w hose

ГиЫпМипн tJu. (. .milI LJ. Inim Gjbs c;L .lI s I) IV7B, Amuric.Ln V iLd k .il
A u c K i x l t M . ' A f t r uhlb n ' l i T w d Ь- l . Г т п ; Li.ibs.' '
p r e s u m p tiv e d ia g n o s is w a s a v a ria n t o f S tu r g e -W e b e r s y n ­
d r o m e , n o l fin d e v id e n c e o f a d iffu s e c h o r o id a l a n g io m a
at t h e t i m e o f h is in it ia l e x a m i n a t i o n at 6 w e e k s o f ag e? 1 - K . . a n d 3 . 7 8 A ) . T h e r e is o f t e n s o m e m o t t l i n g o f g r a y p i g ­
C o u ld th e a n g io m a h a ve d e v e lo p e d o r e n la rg e d d u r in g th e m enl on th e t u m o r su rfa c e , lh e o ra n g e c o lo r o f th e J t P E
n e o n ata l p e rio d ? G r o w t h o f c a p illa ry a n g io m a s in s y s te m ic m ay s till b e preserved over th e p e rip h e ra l aspect o f th e
c o n g e n iLa l a n g io m a to s is m ay occur d u rin g th e firs t f e w lu tn o r A d e p e n d e n t z o n e o f E P t a tr o p h y caused b y p rio r
m o n t h s a f t e r b i r t h , 15* lo n g -s ta n d in g re tin a l d e t a c h m e n t m a y be p re s e n t. A c h a r ­
a c te ris tic a n d p a th o g n o m o n ic fe a tu re w h e n v i s i b l e is t h e

C H O R O ID A L O S T E O M A presence o f num erous s m a ll v a s c u la r s p id e rs lo c a te d o n

t h e L u m o r s u rfa c e in areas w h e r e th e p i g m e n t e p i t h e l i u m
C h o r o i d a l o s t e o m a s a ris e in th e ju x f a p a p illa iy a n d m acu­ is d e p ig m e n le d [E 'ig u r e 54 . 2 0 C and L> ). Ih e s e are th e
la r re g io n u s u a lly in y o u n g fe m a le s w h o are seen b e c a u s e fe e d e r b lo o d v e sse ls e x i t i n g fro m th e h o le s in (h e a n te ­
of m e la m o rp h o p s ia and a p o s itive sc o to m a caused by rio r su rfa c e o f th e c a n c e llo u s b o n e . S h ey in te rc o n n e c t th e
e ith e r serous o r h e m o r r h a g i c d e t a c h m e n t o f t h e m a c u la ., m o d ifie d c h o r io c a p ll la ris on th e a n te r io r su rfa c e o f th e
th e la tte r a s s o c ia te d w ith c h o ro id a l n e o v a s c u la riza tio n tu m o r w ilh th e la rg e c h o ro id a l v e sse ls th at lie p o s t e r io r
(Fig u re s 1 4 .2 0 and f 4 . 2 ! A - C ) . lilc,|c,|' '- I:>n in itia lly , th e s e lo lh e t u m o r (F ig u r e 1 4 . 2 1 1 1 ) . i n s o m e ca se s th e s e ve sse ls
tu m o rs , w h ic h are g e n e ra lly o n ly s lig h tly e le va te d , m ay fo rm la rg e v a s c u la r t r u n k s b e n e a t h th e re lin a . C h o r o id a l
a p p e a r o r a n g e in c o lo r a n d m a y s im u la te a c h o r o id a l h e m ­ n e o v a s c u la riza tio n or s u b n rtin a l fib ro u s m e ta p la s ia m ay
a n g io m a [i'ig u r e ( 4 .2 0 A J . U s u a lly how ever, hy Lhe L i m e be e v id e n t (Fig u re s 1 4 .1 0 С and l> , a n d 1 4 . 2 1 A ) , l6 ii-L
th e p a tie n t b e c o m e s s y m p t o m a t ic , d e p ig m e n ta lio n o f th e 'lh e tu m o r m ay b e m u ltic e n tric (Fig u re 1 4 .2 0 E } . It m a y
f t P E has occurred and th e t u m o r has а стеаш c o lo r and b e p re s e n t o r d e v e l o p la te r in th e o p p o s i t e e y e i n a p p r o x ­
w e ll-d e fin e d g e o g ra p h ic borders (fig u re s 1 4 ..2 0 Б -К and im a te ly 10 -2 0 % o f cases (E 'ig u r e 1 4 .2 0 1 1 and E } .:
H u o r e s c e in a n g i o g r a p h y d e m o n s t r a t e s a n irrt'g u la r p a tte r n F4.^1 C h o ro id a l o s te o m a .

o f e a rly h y p c rflu o re s c e n c e in th ose areas w here th e K H i

A —< : This; 1 J5-year-old ^ irl fc x p e rje n c id ra p id Itfts o f cenlral
is t h i n n e d and la te fo c a l s t a i n i n g in (h o se p a tie n ts w ith vis io n in lh<- lull EieCfiuse o f suENeLina] n e crta scu la rln a tio n
s e ro u s d e t a c h m e n t o f th e re tin a w i t h o r w i t h o u t c h o r o id a l i л r o w s I c o m p lic a tin g a I a № c h o ro id a l o s te o m a . N o t e the
n e o v a s c u l a r i z a t i o n . Ele c a u s e o f s lu g g is h b l o o d H o w w i t h i n h y p « p j f f i № n t | i a n o f [ho nErtivastiular m e m b ra he* lhaL p ro b ­
th e o s te o m a , th e a n g io g ra p h ic d e m o n s tr a tio n o f d isc re te , a b ly is a ly p e 2 s u b s e n s o ry retinal m y m b r a n e . i h e had a
e a rly p e r fu s io n o f th e v a s c u la r s p id e rs o n th e t u m o r su r­
iiim iNir o s te o m a in ih e le Elq w ^ y e . Shu has t w o sib lin g s w i lb
b ila te ra l t b d i o i t k l o s te o m a s .
fa c e d o e s n o t o c c u r , in th e la te p h a s e s o f th e a n g i o g r a m ,
i ?: A r r o w s ind rca le o s te o m a in the 9 -y e a M jld m a lu s ib lin g o f
h o W e v e ii t h e y a re o fte n s e e n as n o n flu o re s c e n t s tru c tu re s
ih e p a tie n t Illustrated in A -C .
o n a b a c k g r o u n d o f flu o re s c e in s ta in in g o n th e t u m o r s u r­
E and F: S e v e r a l s m a ll c h o r o id a l o s te o m a s d e v e lo p e d d u r­
fa c e . - S p o n t a n e o u s r e a t t a c h m e n t o f t h e m a c u l a m ay occur in g o b s e r v a t io n of a 1 0 - y e a r - o ld b la c k y id d u r in g n iu llip le
w ith or w ith o u t c h o ro id a l n e o ^ a s c u Ia n i m a t i o n , and th e E p i s o d e s o f B jE a t e r a l o r b i l a l ir F j a r r i t o a t o r y p s u u d o l u m o j a n d

p a tie n t m a y re g a in e x c e lle n t v is u a l a c u ity . (H g u re i 4 .2 ( 4 1 d tr a n s ie n t p e r io d o f m i l d f iy p f t p a r a lh y r i^ ls jr t . She bnd no

e v id e n c e of in t r a o c u la r in flfiin rn H itio rt. C Jo m p u l e d to m o ^ ra -
a n d D ) . 1 ' 1'
p h v d e m o n s l r a l e d 1l i e o s t e o m a f a r r o w , F l d e p i c l e d in L
D r. G ass h a d seen ra p id re s o lu tio n о I a lip id -ric h su b -
G : U l t r a s o n o g r a p h y o l a n o t h e r p a t ie n t w i t h a s i m i l a r ju x t a -
re tin a l e itu d a le caused by c h o ro id a l n e o v a s c u la riza tio n
p a p iR b fy a n d m a c u la r c h o r o id a l o s t e o m a s h o w in g a b s e n c e
o v e r ly in g a ju x t a p a p illa r y c h o r o id a l o s t e o m a in a w o m a n ot e c h o e s p o s t e r io r I о :iic lu in o r (a r r o w s ).
w ith ra p id v is u a l lo ss in th e n in th m o n th o f g esta ­ H : H i s t o p a l b o l o y y o f o s l e o m a o f 1 h e L E m r o id s h o w s p l a g u e
t i o n . ]Q6j 157 D i s a p p e a r a n c e o f t h e e x u d a t i o n and re tu rn o f of c a n c e llo u s Ьолеы ly in g b e lw e e n ih e i n n e r o r t e - lh ir d a n t i

v is io n o c c u r r e d d u r i n g t h e 6 m o n t h s a fte r d e li v e r y ( fig u r e o u le r tw o - th ir d s ot ih e c h o r o id .

M .2 U |- L ) . I’ h o t o c o a g u l a t i o n m ay be in d ic a te d fo r th e I- К : H i I д I e r a I s c i e n o L l i o r o i d a i o s t e o m a s w e r e p r e s e n l in th is
c h i l d w i t h f a c i a l l i n e a r s e b a c e o u s n e v u s o f la d a s s o h n .
tre a tm e n t o f su b re tin a l e xu d a tio n caused by neovascu-
la r m e m b r a n e s th a L a re o u t s i d e t h e c a p i ll a r y - f r e e z o n e . '' IA-1> , fro m N c ib lu .- 1' 1 t . i n J К fro m K . t l j .m d C.i-.iKi-"'1 > I (ja.S A m e Id . lit
M cu I i L l i I A sn < ji:. l1.m ii . ЛИ rig h ts i v iiir v t 'f i. I intd K. Ih Jm Л 1 1 и к :й E l nl '
In tr a v itr e a l b e v a c iiiu m a b c a n a ls o in d u c e re g re s s io n o f th e
ii Irrinri (J.hM c ! .:l " *.'■ ! 97JS. A iu c r u .m iV k d u .il A d ivtiLi.ilio n . A ll ri^ h ti
n e o v a s c u l a r m e m b r a n e . 1 JS ETh o t o d y n a m i c t h e r a p y m a y b e rflirv cd j
p re fe ra b le f o r t h e tre a t m e n t o f e x tra m a c u l a r n e o v a s c u la r
m e m brane [fig u re ] 4 . 2 2 ) . 1 '' In c id e n ta l d c c a lc ific a tio n o f
th e o ste o m a (Fig u re 1 4 . 2 2 E —I ) fo llo w in g p h o lo d y n a m ic
th e ra p y and even la s e r has been r e p o r t e d . 21" '['h e r e is
b e lie f th a t d e c a lc ific a tio n m a y s lo p fu rth e r g ro w th o f th e
o s t e o m a ; h o w e v e r d e c a l с in e a t i o n under th e fo ve a re su lts
in a t r o p h y a n d lo ss o f v i s i o n .
T h e f u n d o s c o p i c p i c t u r e is u s u a l l y s u f f i c i e n t l y c h a r a c t e r ­ F 4 .2 2 C h o ro r d a I o s ie o m a .

is t ic t o p e r m it a n a cc u rate d ia g n o s is . Ih e d e m o n s tra tio n

A —E: A .‘iO-veaf-old white Wom an presented w ilh a
o f m arked a tte n u a tio n of sound by th e lu m o r u ltra s o - recent-onset blurred vis-ion or 2 weeks' duration ;2fV.3.Cr.
n o g ra p h ie a lly or o f c a lc ific a tio n o f th e t u m o r b y e ith e r Ophthalm oscopic evaluation of Lhe ]eft eye revealed a soli­
o rb ita l r < k n tg o to g fc & p h y o r c o m p u te d e p m o g fe p h y m a y be tary amelanolic с: <Lii lesion rn I fie1 superior m acular
used to c o n firm ih e d ia g n o s is (N g u r e s I 4 .2 0 G a n d 1 4 .2 1 F region. The lesion was aobiti Ъ X .5 mm in ЬлsaI dimension
and с ] _ 1£6. ] 7 5 г Ь б j ^ a g n e |1[c r e s o n a n c e i m a g i n g s h o w s le ss and w as m inim ally elevated. The margins were s*:alloped.
O verlying retinal hemorrhages and иubrtrtinaI fluid, w hich
s p e c ific f i n d i n g s .| J
extended into the fovea I region, were л I so observed [A).
I lis to p a th o lo g ic a lly th e s e tu m o rs are com posed of
К -scan ulLrasLinu^riifihy demons’ rak'd hjgh refleeiivitv a1 the
p la q u e s or m ounds o f ел n e e l i o n s bane th a t l ie b e t w e e n
Fevet of Ihe choroid suggestive of-calcium deposition. O n flu­
th e a lte re d e h o r i o c a p i H a ris and th e o u te r c h o ro id a l cir­ orescein angiography, Iho lesion m vealed earlv palchy byper-
c u la tio n (fig u re 1 4 .2 1 1 ]} . Ih e la rg e c h o r o i d a l b l o o d ves­ lluorescence and late staining :R:. In addilion, overlying
s e ls c o m m u n i c a t e th ro u g h th e c a n a ls w i t h i n th e b o n e to the posterior aspect o f the choroidal lesion, lacy hyperfluo-
e h o r i o c a p i l l a r i s . ' ' 10 ,I ( ' - T h e R F E o v e r ly in g th e s e t u m o r s
rescenoe inditalivE^ of extratoveal classic chftmfdal neovas­
cularization was present A diagnosis of choroidal osteoma
s h o w s v a r y in g degrees o f d e g e n e r a tio n .
with choroidal neovascularization was made. Hiolodynam ac
The cause of th e s e le s io n s is u n c e r t a i n . 1' " I : " It is
therapy {PD T ) according lo TAP sludy prolocol ithree ses­
u n lik e ly th a t t h e y re p re s e n t t h o t t e l o m a s ; s in c e t h e y h a v e sions at fi weeks' inlerval under fluorescein а п цiojjm phic
b e e n o b s e r v e d t o d e v e l o p i n a d u lt s in eyes t h a t w e re p r e ­ guidance was performed). Following com pi ol ion o f therapy,
v io u s ly u n a ffe c te d (Е -'ig u re 1 4 .2 0 H and l ) . L f> C h o r o i d a l ihe vision improved lo 10/10 :(J). O phthaim oscopkaN y
o s t e o m a s h a v e d e v e lo p e d in p a tie n ts w i t h re c u rre n t b ila t­ a grayish subretinal fibrotic membrane w as noled in the
eral o rb ita l in fla m m a to ry p s e u d o tu m o rs (I'ig u r e L 4 . 2 1 ]£ treated nrea w ilh lota I resolution of subr-minal ffuid and reti­
nal hartQlfKgges ID-:-, C om plete closure p i c h o r d a l neovas­
and F J , ]01 u v e i t i s . . v i t r i t i s , ....... Ila r a d a 's d ise a se (se e
cularization was seen on fluorescein angiogram <E).
fig u r e 3 . 6 0 D - K ) / ' " a n d in th e area o f a p h o to c o a g u la t io n
G - l : D e c a k i f k a t E u n o f c h o ro id a l o s te o m a fo llo w in g P D T .
s c a r .O s t e o m a s in a d u lts m a y e n la rg e d u rin g observa­
I b i s 2 5 -y n a r-o ld a s y m p lo n ra l к w o m a n d e v e lo p e d a c h o r o i­
tio n {H g u re 1 4 .2 0 1 1 a n d R | - L ) S p o n ta n e o u s re a b s o rp tio n dal n e o v a s c u la r m e m b r a n e a sso ciate d w ith an U K tra m a c u la r
o f c h o r o i d a l o s t e o m a s m a y o c c u r . " 1' , ] S t 1 In o n e case c h o ro id a l o s te o m a '.C j . U ltra s o u n d li scan d e te c te d ih e c h o ­
th is o c c u r r e d o v e r a n tf-y e a r p e r i o d a fte r p h o t o c o a g u l a t i o n roidal b u n e ( H ) L She u n d e rw e n t t’ t i T a n d th e c h o ro id a l n e o -
o f a s u b r e t i n a l n e o v a s c u l a r m e m b r a n e . Л11 B ila te ra l o s t e o ­
va s c u la r m e m b r a n e re s o lv e d , as d id the c a lc iu m asso ciated
w ith ih e o s te o m a i hi a n d Г .
m a s h a v e o c c u r r e d in a n M -y e a r-o ld b la c k b o y w h o d ie d
o f a lo n g -te rm illn e s s t h a t w a s t h o u g h t to b e e ith e r h is t io ­ IA - t, : ru n i S .1 il.Ii с ' -.1! w ith p oifkli :■iliti. I--I. Гтот Mnii'IUh <[ J J !
■20QB, Ajric'riLtiri Aiiudi;tttC]h ЛИ lU h ld г е .^ г и ч !.'
c y to s is X o r ю т е f o r m o f s y s te m ic r e a c tio n to a n u n i d e n t i ­
f i e d i n f e c t i o u s o r t o x i c a g e n L . : "' C h o r o i d a l o s t e o m a s m a y
o c c a s i o n a l \y o c c u r i n s i b l i n g s ( H g u re 1 4 . 2 1 A - D ) . 1' 1 1 ',2V2
The d iffe re n tia l d ia g n o s is in th e e a rly sta g e o f th e d is ­
ease, when th e tu m o r has a re d -o ra n g e c o lo r, in c lu d e s o f J a d a s s o h t i . - !cht‘ ■
i u/ O i i e i n f a n t i v i l Ti th is s y n d r o m e had

h e m a n g io m a o f th e c h o ro id , P tP E d e ta c h m e n t, a n d pos­ u ltra s o n o g ra p h ic and o p h th a lm o s c o p ic e vid e n c e o f cho-

te rio r s c le ritis ; in th e la te r stages, d iffe re n tia l d ia g n o s is n o id o s c le ra l o ste o m a s e ? ;L e n d ittg above and b e !o w b o th

in c lu d e s m e ta s ta d c m e l a n o m a , a m e la n o tic m e la n o m a or o p tic nerves a n d e x te n d in g in to th e fa r p e r i p h e r y o f th e

nevus, le u k e m ia , s a rc o id o s is , and d is c ifo rm d e ta c h m e n t fu n d i (b ig u rc I 4 . 2 I ] - K ) . - ' U-1 U ltra s o n o g ra p h ic and com ­

and s c a rrin g . Le s io n s th a t m ig h t he c o n fu s e d u ltra s o n o - p u te d to m o g ra p h ic e vid e n c e of c a lc ific a tio n has been

g ra p ltic a lly and r a d i o l o g i c a l Iу w ith c h o ro id a l o ste o m a s o b s e r v e d in t h e area o f o p h l h a l m o s c o p i e a U y v is ib E e s m a ll

i n c l u d e fo c a l p o s t e r i o r scle ra l o s s i f i c a t i o n in p a t i e n t s w i t h p ig m e n te d c h o ro id a l nevi in Uvo p a tie n ts by ba sta and

h y p e r p a r a t h y r o i d i s m 1' and, in e ld e rly p a tie n ts w it h no a s s o c ia l e s . 206 I n an e ld e rly m an w ho had re c e ive d la s e r

known s y s te m ic d is e a s e (see d is c u s s io n o f id io p a th ic tre a tm e n t fo r a n e o v a s c u la r m e m b r a n e c o m p lic a tin g age-

s c le ro c h o ro id a l c a lc ific a tio n , nest s u b s e c tio n ], p o s te rio r re la te d m a c u la r d e g e n e r a tio n . 1 o b s e r v e d th e d e v e lo p m e n t

s c le ra l o s s e o u s a n d c a r t i la g i n o u s c h o r i s t o m a s th a t i n s o m e o f a c h o r o i d a l o s t e o j n a a d j a c e n t t o a la s e r p h o l o c o a g u l a -

eases m a y be a s s o c ia te d w i t h fa c ial lin e a r s e b a c e o u s n e v u s l i o n s c a r . ilfJ

F4 .2 3 Id i o p a t hie se n ile scl e ro c h o roid a I ca lcif teat i o r ..
C A L C IF IC A T IO N A - D : Th is /1-year-old asymptomalic healthy man had m ul­
tiple irfe^ulady elevated yel tow-white suhretinaE ^mijjf.iphic:
Lld e rly p a tie n ts W ith no s yste m ic d is e a s e m ay d e v e lo p I(f^icin-F hcatlered throughout Ihe peripheral fundus o1 hulh
eyes. Ultrasonography demonstrated that these lesions were
m u Il i p ] Ц о fle a i E l-d e fin e d , y e llo w -w h ite , irre g u la r, m u l-
calcified ■ .L?.i.
Lilo b u la te d , q u a d r i l a t e r a I- s h a p e d , p la c o id tjr va ria b ly
E and F: HistopalEroloyy o f an elevated ca lei Fred scleral
e le va te d , c a lc ifie d s c le ro c h o ro id a l le sio n s In th e m id
plaque (arrtw*sf iF^at Was associated wiLh solrte thinning of
p e r i p h e r a l f u n d u s in o n e r a n d f r e q u e n c y h o t h r e y e s [E 'ig u r e the overlying choroid. The retinal detachment is arti factual.
1 4 . 2 3 ) . ' J The le s io n s o c c u r m o s t f r e q u e n t l y in This was an tnci dental find rag in an otherwise normal eye
th e s u p e r o t e m p o r a l q u a d ra n t, b u t m a y o c c u r in a n y q u a d ­ ot" a 7 E-year-old heallliy pilot w ho died in a plane crash.
ra n t. I'h e y a re o c c a s i o n a l l y a s s o c ia te d w i t h s e ro u s re tin a l It is no! known whether this lesion was visible prior lo
d e t a c h m e n t , a h h o u g h th e p a lie n ts are ty p ic a lly a s y m p t o m ­
a tic . The ie s io n s are o f t e n m is ta k e n fo r m e La sta tic c a rc i­
nom a o r la rg e cell l y m p h o m a . A n g i o g r a p h y d e m o n s t r a t e s
m i n i m a l e v i d e n c e o f d e p i g m e n t a t i o n o f th e Ш Ч -. a n d o f t e n O f t e n w id e s p r e a d d is tr ib u tio n o f th e le s io n s a n d fa ilu re

a r e la tiv e ly n o r m a l p a tt e r n o f la rg e c h o r o i d a l ve sse ls a n t e ­ l o f i n d ca lc ific p l a q u e s a n t e r io r t o t h e re c tu s m u s c le s o f t h e

r io r Lo t h e t u m o r s th a t u lt r a s o n o g r a p b i c a l l y a p p e a r Lo b e a ffe c te d eyes su g g e st th a t th e p a th o g e n e s is o f th e s e le s io n s

ca lc ifie d or o s s ifie d p ia c o id tu m o rs in vo lv in g th e in n e r is p r o b a b l y u n r e l a t e d t o t h e d y s t r o p h i c c a l c i f i c a t i o n ( s e n i l e
sc le ra a n d o u t e r c h o r o i d ( F i g u r e 1 4 . 2 3 D J . 2' 2 M e d i c a l e v a l ­ scle ra ] p l a q u e s ) t h a t m a y b e f o u n d a d j a c e n t to t h e o b l i q u e

u a t i o n , i n c l u d i n g c a l c i u m m e t a b o l i s m , is u s u a l l y n e g a t i v e . as w e l l as th e re c tu s m u s c le in s e rtio n s . F ig u re 1 4 .2 3 (E
J h r e e p a t i e n t s Ь а ч-е b e e n t r e a t e d f o r h y p e r p a r a t h y r o i d i s m and ^) d e m o n s tr a te s w h a t m a y b e th e b is t o p a t b o lo g y o f

p r e v i o u s l y / ' 11"31 '■■■ O t h e r m e ta b o E ic a b n o r m a lit ie s a s s o c i­ s e n ile s c le ro c h o ro id a l c a lc ific a tio n . I'h e c lin ic a l s e ttin g
a te d w ith s c le ro c h o ro id a l c a lc ific a tio n in c lu d e h y p o m a g n e ­ and th e a p p e a r a n c e o f th e s e le s io n s s e rv e to d iffe r e n t ia t e

s e m ia a n d renal tu b u la r h y p o k a le m ic m e ta b o lic a lk a lo s is t h e m fr o m o t h e r c a lc ifie d le s io n s a ffe c tin g th e c h o r o i d a n d

s y n d r o m e s [ B a r t t e r o r f f j E f e l m a n s y n d r o m e ) / 14' sc le ra ( o s t e o m a s , h e m a n g i o m a s , a n d m e l a n o c y t i c n e v i ) .
S c i e r o c h o r o i d a ! C a r t ila g e F 4 .^ 4 M u ltip le n e u r o m a s a s s o c ia te d w ith th e m u ltip le
e n d o c rin e n e o p la s ia s y n d r o m e ,
Lin e a r sebaceous nevus o f Jadassohn can be A s s o c ia te d
w i t h a n t e r i o r e p i h u l b a r c h o r i s l o m a . ' 1 ' Еп r a r e c a t e s , p o s t e ­ Л - G : N t ) L e p r o t r u d i n g t o n j u n c i iv al n e u r o m a s ( a j t o w r A ii n d
r i o r scle ra l c a r t i l a g i n o u s c h o r i s t o m a s t h a t r e s e m b l e c h o r o i ­ Cj n t-iir u p p e r-1 id n iLifg in . ih e [h ic k e -n td lip s and p o ittn y -

d a l o s t e o i q a o p h t b a l m o s c o p t c a l l y h a v e b e e n o b s e r v e d .21* r o i d e t l u m y s e n r ( a r r o w , LSI, a r a c h n o d a c l y l y I t ) : , L o n g u e n e u -
te m a s (a jfra w , E), e n la rg e d co rne al nerves >1-), a n d rope I i k e
e n l a r g e m e n t o f t h e L e m p o i a l fc rn g c i l i a r y n e r v e ( a r r o w , C > .
C h o r o i d a l C / lia rv N e u r o m a s A s s o c i a t e d w ith H and I: H is t o p a t h o lo ^ y o f e n la rg e d lo n y b ilia ry n e rv e (lo w -
M u l t :p i e E n d o c r i n e N e o p la s ia T y p e It-A p o w e r VieVS A n M , 14 ■ a n d e n la rg e d b d n jirn c tiv a l nervet aI
ih e lim h u H (h iflh -p tjw e r v i r w , 11 i n a n o l h e r p a t i e n t w ilh ih e
M u I l i p Le e n d o c r i n e n e o p la s ia (M EM ) ly p e 3 1-Л is a s y n ­
н а т е d is o rd e r.
d r o m e c o n s is tin g o f m e d u lla ry c a rc in o m a , m a r fa n o id h a b ­
itu s . t h ic k e n e d lip s , s k e le ta l a b n o r m a l i t i e s , a n d n e u r o m a s I hi and t, jrtpm SpeiJDC Ы al.JS7t

o f th e c o rn e a l n e rve s , c ilia r y n e rve s , a n d m u c o s a , in c lu d in g

tbe c o n ju n c tiv a and m o u th [h ig u re 1 4 .2 4 ) .*'° The rope­
lik e e n la r g e m e n t o f th e lo n g c ilia ry n e rv e th a t is v i s i b l e
t e m p o r a l l o t h e m a c u l a a s it c o u r s e s t h r o u g h t h e c h o r o i d
(I'tg u r e 34 . 2 4 C } is u n a s s o c i a l e d W ith a lte ra tio n in v is u a l N e u r o fib ro m z

f u n c t i o n , t r o p h y t a c t i c t h y r o i d e c t o m y is r e c o m m e n d e d lo S o lita ry c h o r o id a l n e u ro fib ro m a o c c u rs s p o ra d ic a lly and

p revent m o rb id ity a s s o c ia te d w ith m e d u lla ry c a rc in o m a s h o u ld b e c o n s id e re d in th e d iffe re n tia l d ia g n o s is o f a n
th a t in v a r ia b ly d e v e lo p s in th e s e p a lie n ts . H i s t o p a t h o lo g i c a m e la n o lic c h o ro id a l m e E a n o m a .- - '1 D iffu s e n e u ro fib ro ­
e xa m in a tio n o f th e a ffe c te d b ra n c h e s o f ih e c ilia ry n e rv e s m a s g e n e ra lly o c c u r in a s s o c ia tio n w ith n e u ro fib ro m a to ­
s h o w s h y p e rp la s ia o f th e p e rin e u ra l and s c h w a n n ia n tis­ s is t y p e I p re s e n tin g as a tria d o f u n ila te ra l h u p h lh a lm o s .
s u e . 2i": f i f t y p e rc e n t o f cases o f ty p e ll-H M B N occur spo­ h o m o i a t e r a ! e>re l i d p l e f c i f o r m n e u r o f i b r o m a , a n d b o m о l a t ­
ra d ic a lly ; Г>0% are in h e r ite d as a n a u to s o m a l d o m i n a n t . e r a l f a c ia l h y p e r t r o p h y (E -'r a n ^ o is s y n d r o m e ] . 1
S H e n ic h tyf^ d n l tS g trijk n tiim I22 7
Schw annom a [ 4 ,2 5 U v e a I sch w a n n o m a ,

U v e a l s c h w a n n o m a е л и p r e s e n t as a s o l i t a r y ( u m o r i n l h e Л - J : Л 4 7 -y e a r-o ld w h ile m ale p re s e n te d w ilh g ra d u a l, p ro ­

c i l i a r y b o d y a r c h o r o i d , o r d i f f u s e l y i n t h e w h o l e u v e a / - 11 gressive b lu rrin g o f v is io n in his EefL e y e (2CV5DJ. S liL-ta m p
'J V p ic a lly , u v e a ! s c h w a n n o m a p r e s e n t s as a s o l i t a r y a m e l­ e x a m in a tio n o f Iht1 Ipfft e ye re ve a le d a d o m e -s h a p e d c :lio -
an o tic lu m o r ( I'ig u r e 1 4 . 2 5 ] . J J -' M u ltifo c a l p le x ifo rm LhfjroiclLil mass i A ) . 31-st я п u ltra s o n o g ra p h y d e te rm in e d the?

s c h w a n n o m a h a s a ls o b e e n r e p o r t e d .- '-''
d im e n tLo n ^ o f lh e d o im ^ -sh a p e d I ем o n to Pie ~\7 X 1 S n in i
Ibase) w it h л h e ig h t ot 1 1 . 4 m m . D e fin ite Intrinsic va s c u la r­
ity c o u ld r e t b e o b s e rv e d , t b e lesion a ls o h a d a c o u s tic v o id .
U v e a ! L e io m y o m a
1 hurt' w u i n o e v id e n c e o f e .x th is |3 e H extens io n 40). A -sea rl
L e io m y o m a is. a b e n ig n , s m o o t h - m u s t le tu m o r o f lh e u llra s o n o g fa p h y s h o w e d л h ig h initia l spike w ith m e d iu m
u v e a , m o s t o f t e n a ris in g in th e c tlia iy b o d y a n d iris. '" n ' internal re fle c tivity ( Q . F o llo w in g in cis io n a E b io p s y th a t
22' a n d o c c a s io n a lly in th e c h o r o id ," '*" ''- 1 o r c a n e x te n d
L o n fir m e d the d ia g n o s is , surgical e x c is io n o f c iiio c h o ro id a l
s c h w a n n o m a fro m s u p ra c h o ro id a l sp a ce w a s p e rfo rm e d iD f .
in to il f r o m t h e c i l i a r y b o d y , it is n o n p i g m e n t e d o r a m e l -
F u n d u s p b o lu g ra p h o f Lhe left e y e ta ke n 3 m o n th s fo llo w in g
a n o tic , a n d lets m o r e lig h t t h r o u g h on t ra n sillu m i n a t i o n
e x c is io n s h o w in g n o rm a l m a c u la w ilh v is io n o f 2(V2E> (E F
com pared to an a m e la n o tic m e ta n o m a . O fte n it a rise s
Lig h l m ic ro s c o p y s-howi-ng s p in d le celts in p a lis a d in g paLLern,
in Lhe s u p m c h o ro id a l aspect and pushes Lhe c h o ro id a l H flfn u n rifjis lo c h e m teal s la iii1- o f c H ja c h o ro id d l mass, w e re
s tro m a m w ards when th e te s io n can appear p ig m e n te d . BjegaliVe for ‘ H i 5 M A a n d p o s itive fo r (I) 5 - 1 0 0
S e n t i n e l b l o o d v e sse ls a n d e x tr a s c le r a ! e x t e n s i o n c a n o c c u r i!-.. E le c tro n m icntTM iopy s h o w in g s p in d le d (e lls w :lh e lo n ­
s im ila r to a m e la n o m a . ! n a l!. E C ) - 9 0 a o о с ш г in fe m a le s , gated m u 'lei a n d b k in d fcyihplasrn lj).

w ith preponderance- In young a d u lts d u rittg re p ro d u c­ L eio m y o m a

tive a g e . :l It Ю з у b e a sso c ia te d w ilh u te rin e le io m y o m a K —.V t: A С m e a s is n m a le p re s e n te d w ilh a c ilia ry b o d y m ass
tn s o m e .'" " A b rig h tly transi H u m m a tin g , n o n p ig m e n te d in lh e i n f erejnn Sri I qusdlrant o f his right e y e (K j. The H in ­
Lum or Lhat Lo c a lize s to Lhe s u p r a m 'e a l space on c a re fu l dus W as o th e r w is e n o r m a l. A b io p s v re v e a le d [he m ass lo
u lt r a s o n o g r a p h y in y o u n g a d u l l fe m a le s su g g e sts a c lin ic a l
be a le io m y o m a that w a s estrogen n e c e p to r-n e g a Live . H e
w a s trea ted w rlb a n a s Lro zo le a n d the Lu m o r s h ra n k in s ize .
d ia g n o s is o f le io m y o m a ." ' Fin e -tie e d le a s p ira tio n h io p s y
U ltra s o u n d В scan o f Lhe m ass in 2 0 Q B b e fo re tre a tm e n t (Lf
m ay be h e lp i'u l. H is to lo g ic a lly , th e Lu in o r shows b la n d
H nd 1 years fo llo w in g tre a tm e n t ( M l s h o w e d t e d u c tifr i ir:
n o n p ig m e n te d s p i n d l e c e lls w i t h a b u n d a n t c o n n e c t i v e tis ­ h e ig h t o f Lhe le s io n .
sue. t’ o s i L i v e s m o o t h - m u s c le a n tig e n and m u s c le -s p e c ific
I A ■, 'm m lu r c J I e l . 1 1 , slh, [ х т т г т м ч п п : К \ f l, tiu LirlL -sy 11 I U r. C .ir :i<
act in h e lp c o n firm (h e d ia g n o s is . S o m e o f th e m m ay be S h ie ld - iLrn l M r к г г у S h in'ld -.

e stro g e n re c e p to r-p o s itive .

S m a ll tu m o rs can be observed; la rg e r ones if con­ e stro g e n re c e p to r-n e g a tive , re sp o n de d w ith s h rin k a g e
f i r m e d b y b i o p s y ca ii b e re s e c te d t h r o u g h a s u p r a c h o r o i d a l (fig u re 1 4 .2 5 K - M ) .
a p p r o a c h . ' 1" T h e L u m o r is b e n i g n w i t h a n e xc e lle n t p r o g ­ R b a b d o m yosarcom a is a m a lig n a n t m esenchym al
n o s is . Dr. S h ie ld s has used a ro m a ta s e in h ib ito rs [a n a s ­ t u m o r o f c h i l d h o o d ( h a t c a n r a r e ly a r is e in t h e iris a n d c i l i ­
Lro /o le J in a m a le p a tie n t whose lu m o r. d e s p ite b e in g a r y b o d y , b u t is n e v e r r e p o r t e d i n t h e c h o r o i d .

ш J
Ц , и М иш I

I 'i
R EA C T IV E L Y M P H O ID i4 .^ 6 R e a c tiv e ly m p h o id h y p e rp la s ia o f lh e u vea l
tra c t s im u la tin g d iffu s e m a lig n a n t m e la n o m a or
H Y P E R P L A S IA O F T H E U V E A m e ta s ta tic c a rc in o m a .

D iffu s e b e iiig n re a c tiv e ly m p h o id h y p e rp la s ia in vo lv in g A - £ : A 5 5 -y e a r-o ld w o m a n fta v t a 2 '/j-yaa r b is lo ry aJ recu r­

th e c h o r o id , c ilia ry b o d y , and iris u s u a l l y I n one eye of ren t -episodes o f U n e x p la in e d m e La m o rp h o p s ia a n d b lu rre d
vis io n in ib e riy h l e y e . V is io n in lh e ri^hl e y e w a s 2 0 /4 0 0 a n d
o th e rw is e h e a lth y m id d le -a g e d o r o ld e r in d iv id u a ls [m e a n
in fhe feit eyfi w a s 2 0 / 2 0 . H e r e ^o p h itK b lM a in e flcr r e a d i n g
a g e 5 5 y e a r s } is a r a r e c l i n i c a l s y n d r o m e t h a t is d i f f i c u l t l o
w e re righl e y e 2 0 a n d left eye 1 9 . Th e extrat jc u I hi m o :e -
d ia g n o s e a n d m a y r e s e m b le in a ll respects m e ta s ta tic c a r ­
m e n ls w e re fu ll. T h e e ve s w e re n o L in fla m e d . G u n io s c o p y
c in o m a o f th e c h o ro id (se e p. 1 2 3 6 ) .. d iffu s e m a lig n a n L re v e a le d a to ta lly o c c lu d e d апцГе o n the ri^ h t. T h e c ilia ry
Lym phom a o f t h e u v e a l tra ct [se e p . 1 2 2 4 J, d iffu s e a m e l- processes a n d pars p ian a W e r i re a d ily v is ib le ihnouj^h a n
a n o tie m e la n o m a (se e p . 1 2 0 0 ) , o r d i f f u s e u v e a l m e Ia n o - u n d ila le d рирЁЕ. H ie in tra o c u la r p re ssu re w a s 35 m m Н у in
c y tic p r o l i f e r a t i o n a s s o c ia te d w i t h s y s te m ic c a r c in o m a (se e
lh e rij;hl № e a n d 1 7 m m H g in the lefl e y e irefore a n d aftejt
p u p illa ry d ila lio n . There w a s a d iffu se ye ll a w diiicol oral io n o f
p. l f f l Q 2 ) 2^ ] " 3iT P a lie n ts w rtth b e n ig n re a c tiv e ly m p h o id
lh e fu n d u s a ttrib u la b le I и c h o T o id a l th ic k e n in g a n d a lte ra tio n
h y p e rp la s ia m a y c o m p la in in itia lly o f re c u rre n t e p iso d e s o f
o f the n o rm a l c h o ro id a ] p ie m e n lacy p a llc rn ( A a n d LS:. T b w e
b lu rre d vis io n and m e la m o rp h o p s ia se c o n d a ry to se rou s
was- a serous m a c u la r d e la c h m e n l. T h e fu n d u s q f Lhe A l l e v e
d e t a c h m e n t o f t h e m a c u l a a n d b e m i s d i a g n o s e d as h a v i n g was n o r m a l. Th e e y e w a s e n u c le a te d b a ia u s e o f s u sp ected
! d i о p<:. I h i с i a I so re uts. r h o : i о r e t i :n: а УIi v I n t u a l l у i :'- d iffu se m e la n o m a . H is to p a th o lo g ic e x a m in a tio n re v e a le d
fu se , o c c a s io n a lly u n d u la t in g t h ic k e n in g o f th e u v e a l tract that lh e u v e a l LracL w a s d iffu s e ly th ic k e n e d a n d ini ill rated
b e c o m e s m a n ife s t (F ig u r e 1 4 .2 6 l :). Ih e fu n d u s d e v e lo p s a w ith m a tu re ly m p h o c y te s a n d ly m p h o id follicEes (C a n d
D k N o l e e x le n tio n o f ini ill rate irilo [h e re tro b u lb a r Iissues
y e llo w is h -g ra y c o lo r w it h d e p ig m e n ta tio n and m o ttlin g o f
la rro w , C ) . l'h irly years biter s h e re lu m e d b c cau se o f the s lo w
th e К Р Ё , loss o f t h e n o r m a l c h o r o i d a l o s c u l a r m a r k in g s .,
d e v e lo p m e n t u f ;i s m o o th , ele va led .. p in k SLibconj-unclival
and fo rm a tio n o f lin e a r stre a ks s e p a ra tin g areas o f u n e v e n in fill rate in Ihe left e y e <E) I ha I re m a in e d U n c h a n g e d d u rin g (:■
c h o ro id a l in filtra tio n { ]:ig u re 1 4 .2 6 A , 11, E> a n d C i). in rtionths o f fo llo w -u p . 11 p re s u m a b lv has lb e sam e m S lD p a th o -
s o m e p a t i e n t s t h e u v e a l i n f i l t r a t e b e g i n s as m u l t i f o c a l y e l ­ lo y ic fin d in g s as in the u v e a l tract o f the rig h t e y e . H e r left
lo w -o r a n g e le s io n s o r as m u ltifo c a l c re a m -c o lo r e d le s io n s e ye is a th e rw is £ n o m ia J . i h e n e v e r d e v e lo p e d E v id e n c e o f
s u p e rim p o s e d o n th e d iffu s e y e llo w is h c o lo r c h a n g e caused
re c u rre n c e o f lh e i rMia m m at io n in I be righl o r b it.
F - L : i a m e d ise ase in th e right e y e (E l o f an 8 4 -y e a r-o ld
by Lhe c h o r o id a l i n f i l t r a t i o n ." 1" " ''" t]i n k , s m o o t h - s u r f a c e d
w o m a n w ilh m ild ritjhl p ro p lo s is a n d v is u a l a c u ity ol' 2 1 У 4 М
s u b c o n ju n c tiv a l e x te n s io n s o f th e l y m p h o c y lic in filtra tio n
in the rig h t e ye a n d 2 0 / 2 0 in tb e lefl e y e . N o t e [h e irre g u ­
occur in som e cases (H g u re 1 4 . - 2 & H ) . 1" 1 S m a l l e p ib u lh a r
la r th ic k e n in g o f th e c h o ro id p o s le rio rJy a n d loss u f c h o r o i­
n o d u la r e x te n s io n s o f th e in filtra te th r o u g h lh e p o s te rio r d a l va s c u la r m a rk in g s (Ef c o m p a r e d to Ihe n o rm a l left e ye
e m is s a ry scle ra l c a n a ls occur fre q u e n tly . th es e n o d u la r I F :. N o t e irre g u la r pa tlern o f pi|^m enL e p ith e Jia i d e m a rc a ­
e xte n s io n s are u s u a lly u n a s s o c ia te d w ith p ro p to s is . and tion lines seen o v e r ty in g the th ic k e n e d p e rip h e ra l c h o r o id
u s u a lly are d is c o v e re d in c id e n ta lly d u r i n g u ltr a s o n o g r a p h y (C ). A n ^ io ^ r a m s s h o w e d lnvp ofluoroH con t linen in the v a lle y s
sepa ra ting b ro a d ^ o n e s o f irre g u la r c b o ro id a ] th ic k e n in g OH
o r c o m p u t e r i z e d s c a n n i n g o f t h e o r b i t . " ' 1'' " +J A s t h e c i l i a r y
a n d ll. C Jom puLed to m o g ra p h y s h o w e d d iffu se u v e a l Iracl
body becom es d iffu s e ly In v o lv e d , th e a n te rio r-c h a m b e r
th ic k e n in g a n d re lro h u tb a r e x te n s io n o f the infEttrale (a rro w ,
a n g le m a y n a r r o w a n d cause acute a n g le c lo s u re g la u c o m a . 1 1. C o m p a r is o n o f u ltra s o n o g ra m s b efore a n d after tre a tm e n t
tjK le n s ive re tin a l d e t a c h m e n t m a y o c c u r A la r^ e te a r in th e w ith system ic c o rtic o s te ro id s re v e a le d re d u c tio n o f uveal
R F E o c c u rre d in o n e e ld e rly p a tie n t w it h p o ly c lo n a l h y p e r - th ic k e n in g >K a n d L;-.
g a m m a g l o b u E m e m i a . ' ' ' 1" Karl у p h a se s o f flu o re s c e in a n g i­ | A - D r frtWn (J.L5-." 11 p u b l i i h t d Ц1.-1 iFi pxj rrrii iM o n Iro m I hit! А л ч и гк ^ п
o g r a p h y re ve al irre g u la r m o t t le d areas o f h y p e r flu o r e s c e n c e Ltf t)plYlh.ilntolGj;y; cupyrii^il by T he U p M t a l m i c : Publishing C b .
L - l . ГТнЬ^п D e M U c h t i l I ,bl.-''■ i i-'i!i I jVncftcarl M e d i c * ! A i i d c i alioП Л;!
c a u s e d b y t h e c h a n g e s i n t h e IfcPE a n d a s e rie s o f b y p e r f l u o -
ri yhi!: rustrvcM.!. I
re sc e n t lin e s d e m a r c a t i n g z o n e s o f irre g u la r t h ic k e n in g o f
t h e c h o r o i d { i ' i g u r e 34 . 2 6 H a n d i ) . l i i t e r - p h a s e a n g i o g r a m s
№ ow e vid e n c e o f m u ltifo c a l a re a s o f s t a i n i n g at t h e le v e l p r o l i f e r a t i o n (1-ig u re 1 4 .2 6 J ) . M ■U l t r a s o u n d ly p ic a l l y s h o w s
o f th e ftP E. C o m p u te d to m o g ra p h y and u ltra s o n o g ra p h y a s m o o th , lo w re fle c tiv e t h ic k e n in g o f t h e u v e a l tra c t a n d
d e m o n s t r a te d iffu s e t h ic k e n in g o f t h e u vea l ira c l as w e ll as o n e o r m o r e e p i b u l b a r e x te n s io n s o f th e in filtra te (fig u re
th e p o s te r io r n o d u l a r e p isc le ra l e x te n s io n s o f th e l y m p h o i d I 4 . 2 6 K a n d I.).
Ri'ni-tizv Lym phoid fiyp erp ln siH C f the Lhvra I231
M e d ic a l № fe a tio D ( l l m j j Ll y fa ils to de tec t e vid e n c e F4 .1 7 R e a c t i v e l y m p h o i d h y p e r p I a s ta ,

o f s ys te m ic in v o lv e m e n t as it is e x c e p tio n a lly rare to

A —F : E x te rn a l p h o to g ra p h o f p a lie n t w i lh biEateral fullness, o f
have m u ltis y s te m re a c tiv e ly m p h o id h y p e rp la s ia (fig u re
b o lb orF>iLs a n d c h u e k i 'A j . f u n d ик p H & to g ra p h o f the Til’ ll I
14 .2 7 J .j r H v e n i f s y s te m ic in v o lv e m e n t o c cu rs, th e p r o g ­ в уе o f the злгпе p a tie n t re ve a ls c re a m y c h o ro id a l lesions
n o s i s f o r li f e i s g o o d . ^ ! co nsistent w ilh u v e a l re a c tive h y p e rp la s ia <EJ). T h e lelt fu n -
I t l s t o p a t h o l o g i c a l Iу ih e uveal ira c l is in filtra te d p re­ flu-. h a d s im ila r f i n d i n g E Q . O p t ic a l coherence? t o n K g r a p h y
d o m in a n tly w ith w e ll-d iffe re n tia te d ly m p h o c yte s , o fte n dom om strnles c h o ro id a l Lriicken in ^ ( D ) : M a g n e tic r g s o m n C e
im a ^ in ^ o f Ihe sam e p a tie r t d e m o n s ! rates btFateral lacrim al
w i t h re s id u a l g e r m in a l c e n te rs [t'ig u r e ] 4 . 2 6 C a n d D ) .T h e
^ la n d s w e llin g 1:1. F (in s p i:, IJiopn y e x b iliile d fo]3ic3esi Ihai
Ly m p h o id p ro life ra tio n Is p o ly c lo n a l. D e te rm in a tio n o f
w u Ty sep a ra te d b y w id e m le rfo licLilar aruas w]ch p r o m i пел I
t h e c l o n a l i t y o f t h e l e s i o n is o f l i t t l e p r o g n o s t i c v a l u e . ' ' 1'1
m a n tle го п с ъ . Fhte follicles w e *e c o m p o s e d o f a p le o m o r­
B io p s y o f e ith e r a n a n t e r io r o r p o s te r io r e xtra s c le ra l n o d - p h ic F y m p h o id ceil p o p u la tio n , in c lu d in g d e n d ritic cells a n d
u Je o r o f th e c h o ro id is h e l p f u l in e s t a b lis h in g th e d i a g ­ Lin ^ib le b o d y m a c ro p h a g e s i.a rro w l. S o p o iyk -a ryo c y le s irnul-
n o s i s / ’ 11,1' " A correct d ia g n o s is of re a c Live ly m p h o id tinucleatEK f d e n d ritic cells) w e re fo u n d , tvtitoric figures w e re
h yp e rp la s ia versus fo llic u la r ly m p h o m a can he re lia b ly
rt'^icJi ly a p p a re n t (F :.

e s t a b l i s h e d e m p l o y i n g i m m u n o h i s t o c h e m i c a l m e t h o d s . ■ ''' ll-mm S[.k v' '■'l л1" ' ' wilh rjrrmihbion.'i
I f a ll s tu d ie s f o r t h e p re s e n c e o f m e ta s ta tic d is e a s e a re
n e g a tiv e ., m o d e ra te ly heavy doses of s y s te m ic c o rtic o ­
s te ro id s m ay be su c c e ss fu l in c a u s in g re s o lu tio n o f th e
uveal in filtra tio n (Fig u re 34 . 2 6 К and L ) . ~ 3J A s th e in fil­
t r a t e r e s o l v e s , it l e a v e s v a r y i n g d e g r e e s o f c o a r s e l y m o t t l e d
d e g e n e ra tive changes in th e R T F L o w -dose irra d ia tio n
m a y b e n e c e s s a ry in s o m e cases t o e ffe c t r e s o l u t i o n o f th e
d is o rd e r.
t ^ i t t m g e r 'r e p o r t e d a s im ila r uveal in filtra tio n w ith
m u ltip le cream y u 'h it e s u b re tin a l le s io n s and e xu d a tive
re tin a l d e ta c h m e n t and m ild p ro p to & is in a 2 1 -y e a r-o ld
p a tie n t w ilh C a s t l e m a n ' s d i s e a s e . ' I ’h i s is a l y m p h o p r o l i f -
e ra tiv e d is o rd e r c h a ra c te rize d by a th y m o m a -lik e m ass
w ith h y p e rp la s tic ly m p h o id fo llic le s w ith a c c o m p a n y in g
c a p i ll a r y a n d e n d o t h e l ia l h y p e r p la s ia a ris in g in th e m e d i ­
a s t i n u m ." ' ' 'I h e u v e a l le s io n s r e s p o n d e d to 2 Q t i y g iv e n in
d iv id e d doses.
UVEAL LY M PH O M A F 4.^3 P r im a r y u v e a l ly m p h o m a .

Л - F : A n B 5 -y e a r-q ld m ate u n d e rw e n t u n c o m p lic a te d calaracl

Uveal ly m p h o m a (p rim a ry o r secondary) s h o u ld b e d if­
surgery in l)i)i 11 W it h in -a m o n th erf surgery, h e n o tic e d
f e r e n t i a t e d f r o m v i t r e o r e t i n a l ^ m p h d i i i i i ^ 6 E’ r i m a r y u v e a ] d iffic u lty w ilh lb e сеп1гаГ vis io n in Lire right e y e . Exte rn a l
l y m p h o m a is a v a r i a n t o f o c u L n i r a d n e x a l l y m p h o m a r e p r e ­ e x a m inal io n w a s negative*. O n fu n d u s e x a m iп Ш io n , small
s e n t i n g a l o w - g r a d e n o n - ] E o d g k i n 's ti-c e il l y m p h o i d m a l i g ­ oval-sE^aped y e llo w lesions w e re o b s e rve d Lhal w e re scat-
nant п е & ш . 1 : T h e c lin ic a l fe a tu re s a re s i m il a r to l h a l K^red I Ei ro u g h tw I lEru d u a d d in Ею1Ь eyes w ith c o n flu e n c e in
the.1; m a c u la r a n d le m p o ra l ruf^ions In lin 1 righL e y e . There w e re
o f re a c tive l y m p h o i d h y p e rp la s ia a n d i t is b e l i e v e d t h a t .,
no vitre o u s cells :A a n d til. hlu<jtfescein angiugriaphy s h a v e d
i n t h e p a s t, a v a s t m a j o r i t y o f cases th a t w e r e d i a g n o s e d l o
ea rly hypol luurescence w iLh Ial*: h y p e rliu o re s c e n c e сотги -
haw re a c tiv e l y m p h o i d h y p e r p la s ia w e re i n f a d E o w -g r a d e
s i m d i n g l d the d is trib u tio n o f th e c h o ro id a l lesions IC a n d D : .
i y m p h o m a . J 'I 'i , 2 ‘l * " i h e o c u l a r i n v o l v e m e n t c a n be u n ila t­ O p t i c a colrcnenco (о т о й Н р Е т у c o n firm e d sign ificanl ele-va-
e ra l o r b ila te ra l a n d m a y h a v e e jtlra u ve a l e x t e n s io n s u c h as Li-on o f lhe retina w ilh s h a llo w su brelinal flu id . M a g n e tic reso­
s a l m o n p a tc h le s io n v i s ib le in Lhe a n te r io r o r b it o r s m a ll n a n t e im a g in g o f Lhe brain a n d orbils s Fiow ed no in fraorb ital
areas o f e xtra s c le ra l e x t e n s i o n d e te c te d b y u lt r a s o n o g r a p h y
mass lesions o t a b w i)ггпчч! en h a n c o m e n l o f a d n e xa l tissues.
L o m p le lo b lo o d c o u n t, -C M F a n d с о т р и Led to m o g ra p h y o f
[E 'ig u r e 1 4 .2 Й } . ]h e p a th o lo g ic d ia g n o s is is b a s e d upon
Lhe chesl, a Eid o m e n , a n d p e lvis w e re nega live r'or Iv m p h o m a .
c o m h illa tio n o f h is to lo g ic , im m u n o h is to c h e m is lry . flo w
A Ira nsvi I real fin e -n e u d le aspiration b io p s y o f Ihe c h o ro id a l
c y to m e tr ic , a n d g e n e r e a r r a n g e m e n t s tu d ie s th a t are u s e d lesion w a s p e rfo rm e d in Ihe right e v e ; Lhis w as c o m p lic a te d
to d ia g n o s e a n d c la s s ify l y m p h o m a s . A t h o r o u g h s y s te m ic by transient vitre o u s a n d suE)reiinal h u m o rrh a g e (I... T h e c y to l­
in v e s tig a tio n , at in itia l d ia g n o s is and p e rio d ic a lly th e re ­ o g y e v a lu a lio n a lo n g w ilh flo w c y lo n iu try s h e w e d in te m iu -
a fte r. s i m i l a r to Ihat u n d e rta ke n f o r p a tie n ts w i t h o c u la r dialu and s m a ll, O J 5 - + , C U 2 0 - В cells, expressing
adnexal Lym phom a, is m a n d a to ry to de tec t ly m p h o m a p re d a m rnnnflv la m b d a ch a in s. These f i n d i n g w e re c o n *is -
Lenl w ith a lo w -g ja d e n o n -H o d ^ Jtin 's ly m p Ere m a . T h e p a tie n t
e ls e w h e re . Tre a tm e n t o p tio n s in c lu d e lo w -d o s e ra d ia ­
was Irealed w ilh hilaLeral radial ion llitinspv to la lin g З О Й у in
tio n [ 3 0 G y ] g i v e n tn d i v i d e d d o s e s i f o n l y a s i n g l e siLe is
d iv id e d d oses. AJt S п к т И п - p o sttre a tm e n t, Lhere Was c o m p le te
in v o lv e d o r s y s te m ic targ e te d th e r a p y w i t h C D 20 a n t ib o d y
ru s o lu lio n oi Liveal ly m p h o m a ;l-.i.
( r i t u x i m a b ) i f l y m p h o m a is m u l t i f o c a l .
M e t a s t a t ic u v e a l l y m p h o m a .
Uveal in vo lv e m e n t w ith ly m p h o m a m ay a ls o occur
G - L : A З в -y e a r-o ld H is p a n ic т а Г е p re s e n te d w ith floaLers in
as a m e t a s t a t i c e v e n L i n t h e s e t t i n g o f a p r o g r e s s i v e h i g h -
b o lh eyes o f L m onLh"s d Liia lio n c a u s in g a visual d e c lin e 1o
grade n o n -H o d g k in 's ly m p h o m a (Fig u re s I4 .2 S G - L and
c o u n i in-g fingers I fo o t i.30c n r in lh e righL a n d 20 -'200 in the
1 4 .2 9 A - E - ') ' o r E lo d g k in 's l y m p h o m a (J:ig u re 34 . 2 £ C - L ) . lefl e y e . H e u n d e rw e n l a d ia g n o s tic a n d p o s s ib le th e ra p e u tic
S u c h cases s h o u l d b e e v a lu a t e d a n d tre a te d b y a n o n c o l o ­ vilrut Lo m y . H is past m e d ic a i history w a s s i^ n ific a n l Гсэг testic­
g is t d e p e n d i n g o n th e o v e r a ll s y s le m ic s ta tu s . u la r n a tu ra l k ille r/T-c e ll n o n -H o d g k in 's ly m p h o m a for w h ic h
he h a d h a d a n o rc h ie c to m y , a n d re c e iv e d in lra v e n o u s a n d
fnlrathecaE cEw m o C h e rap y a n d ra d ia tio n for sinus m etastasis.
F o lk y w in g v itre c to m y Ih e fu n d u s re v e a le d m u ltifo c a l c re a m y
w h ile c h o r o id a l lesions w ith o v e rlv in g s u b re lin a l flu id in
Ejolh eyes \ C i. F lo w c y lo m e try re v e a le d C JD 2 + , 0 3 3 e + ,
a n d С 1Э 5 6 - T cells; p o ly m e ra s e c h a in r e a d io n w a s p o s iliv e
for tp s L e in -B a r r viru s a nti n e g a live fo r to x o p la s m o s is , h erpes
s im p le x v iru s , herpes zo s le r viru s , c y to m e g a lo v iru s , h u m a n
T-1 ym p h o l ropi с v iru s , arcrl b acleria l a n d fu n g al си I lures. H e
re c e ive d m lra v itre a l m e lh o tr e x a le lo b o lh eyes, w h ic h p ro ­
gressively n e s b lvtd lh e lesion s le a vin g Eje h in d a le o p a rd -s p o l
fu iid u s a p p e a ra n с e т с ч е т Ь М п ^ b ila le ra l d ifl;.ise u v e a l m u la -
n o c y lic p ro life ra tio n (J—L ) . I h e lesions w e re h y p o a u lo flu o ­
rescent 'l-El a n d s h o w e d transm ission Iw p e rflu o re s c e n c e on
an^icii’ Taphv ! ) . H is v is io n im p ro v e d к ) 2 0 / $ Р a n d 2tlb''4f>.

Гг■■ 111 I - 'j I I l t u I ,lI." w it h purnhiMLiun: L j - L , ■

: o u rlc s ;, ■:: P i 1чпп
Н и .ш ц . I
1&№(/) Lifm piow n I 235
F4. M e t a s t a t t e u v e a I l y m p h i >in a „
TUM ORS A - F : A 5 1 -y e a r-o ld fe m a le p re s e n te d w ilh c o m p la in ts o f
bilateral fe d eye o f 2 w e e k s ' d u ra tio n associatud w ilh p h o -
ra tie n ls w ith m e ta s ta tic c a rc in o m a tp th e c h o ro id m ay lo p h o b ia a n d b lu rre d v is io n . i b e had b e g u n a series o f c h e -
m o lh e ra p y reyim -cnt 1 7 m o rp h s p re v io u s ly for ппл nl Iс te ll
d e v e lo p serous, and o c c a s io n a lly h e m o rrh a g ic , re tin a l
ly m p h o m a lh-al c u lm in a te d in a u to lo g o u s stem cell Irans-
d e ta c h m e n t in v o lv in g ih e m a c u la (h ip u re 1 4 . 3 0 )."■ ■'1 " J : "
p la n ta lio n . O n p re sen tation , she w as re ce ivin g p tu jjirn a b in
O p h th a lm o s c o p ic e xa m in a tio n ty p ic a lly reveal л a p a le
c o m b rn a lio n w ith intrathecal c y ta ra b fn e fo r le p to m e n Ln g e a l
w h ite or y e llo w -w h ite c h o ro id a l le s io n u n d e rly in g th e in v o lv e m e n t. Visual a c u ity w a s 2 ( ^ 4 0 in Lhe ri^ht e y e .in d
serous d e ta c h m e n t. О ra n g e -c o lo re d c h o ro id a l m e ta s ta s is c o u n t finders al 1 to o l (30crrt^ in the left e y e . Exte rn a l e x a m i­
m a y l o c a l i z e t h e p r i m a r y t u m o r to t h y r o i d g l a n d , k i d n e y s n a tio n re v e a le d m u ltip le cu ta n e o u s eyelid n o d u le s bilater­
or lu n g s [c a rc in o id }. M arry m e ta s ta tic le sio n s are o n ly a lly a n d s a lm o n patch in lh e su p e rio r fo rn ix o f th e rfgjbt e ye
( A a n d H j. ilit - la m p e x a m in a tio n w a s significant for p s e u d o h y -
m ild ly e le va te d (3 m m o r le ss), hut th e ir g ro w th p a tte rn
p o p y a n , irregular s t o m a l lliic k e n in i’ o f iris, a n d vitreous- culls
m a y s im u la te th a t o f a m e la n o m a in e v e r y w a y . C o a r s e .,
11 el! evie m o re ih a n ri^ht) b ila te ra lly. She w as p la c e d o n h o u rly
m o t t l e d d e p i g m e n t a t i o n a n d c l u m p i n g o f t h e R P t i a re fre ­
p re d n is o n e e y e d ro p s . In a d d ilio n , e x te rn a l-b e a m ra d ia lio n
q u e n t l y p r e s e n t , '['h e r e m a y b e m u l t i p l e le s io n s in o n e o r tre a lm e n t at a dtw e o f I - E G y iseve n t'raclionsi w a s a d m in is ­
h o t h e y e s (S 'ig u re 1 4 . M D a n d 1 1 ). E ' l u n r e s c e i n a n g i o g r a p h y tered as a c o n e d o w n to the area o f gross o c u la r disease, w ith
u s u a lly re v e a ls a n irre g u la r, w id e s p r e a d a re a o f flu o re s c e in an a d d itio n a l dose o f l b C y (eight Iraclions) to Ihe b rain ( C
le a k a g e f r o m th e s u rfa c e o f th e le s io n ( fig u r e 1 4 .3 0 b , C r Fr a n d D ) . O n e w o e k fo llo w in g [initiation o f e x te m a l-b e a m in d ia -
Li-c>n tre a tm e n t, o c u la r s i^ n t h a d d ra m a tic a lly re s o lve d i.b anti
and C j.T h e a n g i o g r a p h i c p a t t e r n is n o t h e l p f u l i n d i s t i n ­
F-i. This Ы -y e a r-o ld diabetic m ale presented w ith 1 v e a iV his-
g u is h in g m e ta s ta tic c a r c in o m a fr o m c h o ro id a l in filtra tio n
torv o f n a n o w vis io n in the ri^hl u y e . H e h a d harl unilateral
b y a n o n p ig m e n te d m e l a n o m a o r b y i n f l a m m a t o r y c e lls ."
iritis, a steroid h ya losis, a n d n o n p ro life ra tiv e d ia b e tic rietinop-
U ltr a s o n o g r a p h y o f le s io n s 3 m m o r h ig h e r m a y h e h e lp ­ altiy in I his e ye 2 years previcujjijy- There w e re several y e l­
fu l in d i f f e r e n t i a t i n g m e t a s t a t ic t u m o r s , w h i c h are u s u a lly lo w subretinal linear lesions in the po ste rio r p o le a n d areas
m o r e h i g h l y re fle c tive th a n m e la n o m a s . o f retinal p ig fn e n l ep ith e lia l a tro p h y in Lhe m id p e rip h e rv i C
a n d H i . E a rly -p h a s e flu oresce in anj^ioyram s h o w e d le o p a rd -
speJ p ig m e n t^ rt c h a n g e Lhal persists th ro u g h all p h ases o f the
a n g jo g ra m (I). A chest X -ra y re ve a le d m ild pleural e ffu s io n {Jf.
A t hesl c o m p u te d Lom ofjra ph ic scan revealetl m ediastina l
ly m p h a d e n o p a th y , tw o p u lm o n a ry n o d u le s , and pleural e ffu ­
sion (K and L.i. O p e n - lu n g b io p s y revu a lu d lym ph o i:y1e-ricl>
varia nt ty p e o f H o d g k in 's ly m p h o m a . Th e p le u ra l flu id s h o w e d
ly m p h o c y to s is . D ia g n o s tic v itre c to m y w as d e c lin e d by the
p a tie n l. The: p a lie n l w as started o n s y s le m if c h e m o th e ra p y for
Lhe Hctdj^kin'i ly m p h o m a , a n d his visual s ym p to m s a n d M|ins
im p ro v e d .
lA -f, iMini '!'li,L|j|jrj|.:Tbv 4;| , j L.- ' i,vilM ptfnYibiloTi; C —L , ииигГсзу □(
Lj r . C Ju .m L>. ‘ чu.u ;. L'ii ,in d L>r. .'i ihiri L 'h o i
1 4 ,3 0 C h o r o r d a l m e ta s ta s is .

A-С : O c c u lt, s m a ll^ n o n p ijjm e n te d m e La s ta lic hreasL car­

c in o m a c a u s in g re tin a l d eta ch m e n t and b lu rre d visio n in л
2 & - y e a r - o j d v i r t ^ i a n w i t h a h i s t o r y (jf ( J i a s t e c E o m y a n d d u c t a l
ce ll t i i r d n t ] i n ;i . S l f i J E C ^ i s m f c a n ^ i - o ^ r j m s d a r t t i n & t r a j f i d [^vi-
d eh ofe o f a fo c a l c h o r o id a l ru m or w ith p in p o in t !"lu o n t ’ H c e i n
k ^ a k s o v e r l y i n g i<b s t J r f a G $ i n l h e j u K t a p a p i l l r t T y a r e a ' . В a n d О .
I.?—t j-: M u hi foca l m crfaslalit c a rc in o m a fro m I he? lunf^K s im ­
u la tin g lH - li Ic jKJHtoriur m u Hi focal p la c o id p ig m e n t e p ith e -
lio p a lh y ^ M P P E in а 3 3 -у ^ а м щ Й m a n . The p a liu n l w a s
a iia w q № of' the lu n g c a rc in o m a at lh e tim e h e w a s in itia lly
seen. A n g io g r a p h y , u n lik e that in A P .V l Ph’ E , s h o w e d n o e v i­
d e n c e o f o p a c ific a lio n o f th e ro lin a l p ig m e n t e p ith e liu m
fH F 'b 1 b u l d flly irregular d is ru p tio n o f lh e R P t .i n cl late tLa in -
in ^ (F a n d ( j ) .
H a n d I: This w o m a n w a s seen b e c a u s e o f ra p id loss o f
vis io n in b o th e yu s. 11 w a s c a u s e d by m e tasta tic Eiroast c a r­
c in o m a Lo the c h o r o id a n d h e m o r rh a g ic d e ta c h m e n t o f Lhe
relina n tvnLh ереь. A n ^ io ^ ra p h v s h e w e d e x te n s iv e le a ka g e
o f d ye fro m lh e I Lim a г surface that w k p a rtly o b s c u re d b y
lh e a ib re b n a ) b lo o d Mi.
|-L : T h is rn m a n e x p e rie n c e d b ila te ra l lo s s of visio n and
recent d e v e lo p m e n t of a n o d u le on ifie fo re h e a d (a rro w s ,
|i. T h e r e w a s b u llo u s d e t a c h m e n t o f th e re Lin a in fjo t h eyes
iК i o v r ^ l y i n ^ n tm p la m e n te d c h o ro id a l Ijm o fs . В i u p s o f th e
n o d u le on ih tj fo re h e a d re ve a le d m c 'L a s L a L ic b ta a s l c a rc i­
nom a. In a d fa tio n of b o th eyes caused p r o m p t fla tte n in g o f
th e m e ta s la lic 1u m o r, d is a p p e a ra n c e o f th e s u b re lin a l : In i d .
a n d re s to ra tio n o f v isio n (L). N o t e i n c r e a s e d m o t t l i n g o f I h e
F il'l: i n l h e a r e a o f l h e t u m o r a f t e r t r e a t m e n t .
tfiffe rtm lia t d ia g n o s is in c lu d e s a m d a n o ttc n e v u s ., F 4 .3 1 C h o r o i d a I m e t a s t a s is.

am e la n o tic m a lig n a n t m eEanom a, E e u k e m ia , la rg e ce l!

A —F : А t)4 -y e a r-o ld w o r n a (i ttte s e rttm w ilh : d prCKnesiS.ivE
Lym phom a [re lic u tu m ce ll s a r c o m a ] , c h o r o i d a l o s te o m a .. гп а С м Ц г I « i o n in h e r left e y e . tie r pasl tp e d iC a l iiistoTy
c h o ro id a E h e m a n g io m a . c h o ro id a l n e o v a s c u la riza tio n w a s sign i fit :m l fo r b re a iL c A № № w iLh sp re ad to tw o аяИ-
w ilh o v e rty in g fo c a l e x u d a tiv e d e ta c h m e n t g ra n u lo m a s Iа ry ]yn .i|] h nod es sLage 11A , w h ic h w a t d ia g n u s e d I f i year^
such as sa rc o id o s is and tu b e rc u lo s is , and iu jtla p a p ilia ry p re v io u s ly a n d IneaLed w ilh a m o d ifie d radical n u s te c L o m y
e x o p h y tic c a p illa ry heEn a n g i o m a s a f lh e r e lin a .1 ■ ' W h jfc li fo llo w e d b y c h e m o th e ra p y . As- Ihe lu m en w a s eslTo^en a n d
p ro g e s te ro n e re c e p to r-p o silive ., La m o x ife n w a s p re s c rib e d for
L b e t u m o r is m u Eli f o c a l i n n a t u r e , t h e d i f f e r e n t ] d i a g n o ­
.j years ■ 11j : :rf 'liillc '.(4.U : ose lh..> ;J,I .'.i n - - -11 ->I ! h с i ■I i : 11
s is m a y i n c l u d e i n f l a m m a t o r y d i s e a s e s s u c h as a c u l e p o s ­
h a d b e e n ;n rem ission since. O n e y e a r a g o , she гю1 L'd
te rio r m u ltifo c a l p la c o id p ig m e n t e p ith e lio p a th y {Fig u re
b lu rre d v is io n in h e r left e y e (2Q/1 O O t. A p la c o id p a rtia lly
1 4 .3 U D and EJ. A th o ro u g h m e d ic a l h is to ry a n d e r a In a ­ a tlig la n o tic m a c u la r m ass w a s o b s e r v e d , w h ic h w as c o m in u -
tio n s h o u ld b e d o n e lo d e te rm in e (h e presen ce o r absence uus w ilh an e x I rand oral n o d u le B f lo w e r a c o u s tic re flo c liv -
o f a p rim a ry tu m o r, w h ic h in fe m a le s m ost Lre q u e n tlv ity thari lhal o l Lhe s u rro u n d in g o rb ita l tis to o . C i v t 'n lh e
o c c u rs in th e breast a n d in m a le s in Lhe i u n g . ' ^ in gen­
p a tie n t's h islu ry o f breast ta n e fi^ a rn etaslatic e v a lu a tio n w a s
p e rfo rm e d fA j. 5ca tiered ly tic b o n e tesions w e re d e le c te d
e ra l, m e ta s ta s is f r o n t b re a s t c a n c e r o c c u rs in t h e s e llin g o f
hy c o n ip jtu d to m o g ra p h y , a n d t l , le c h n e tiu m -^ ^ b o n e scan
a know n p rim a ry tu m o r while o c u la r p re s e n ta tio n m ay
re v e a le d m u lLiip k1 fo c i o f a b n o r m a l u p ta k e (Ifiji [ J u t 1 So Lhose
p r e c e d e t b e d i a g n o s i s ol" t h e p r i m a r y t u m o r i n t h e l u n g / ' fin d in g s , a b o n e m a r r o w b io p s y w a s p e r fo rm e d , w h ic h
In lhe absence o f d e te c ta b le p rim a ry tu m o r, fin e -n e e d le s h o w m a d e n o c a r c in o m a th a t w a s stro n g ly е Ь ЕШ й ег re t'c p lo r-
a s p ira tio n b io p s y o f th e c h o ro id a l tu m o r m ay be neces­ p o s Ltf№ . The paLienL w a s d ia g n o s e d w illi breasL c a n c e r m b -
sa ry to e s ta b lis h th e d ia g n o s is . X - r a y ir r a d ia tio n , h o r m o n a l slatic [ j b o n e a n d c h o ro id w ith [ran-sscleraE exLen-sion. A lle r
th e ra p y, a n d c h e m o th e ra p y m a y b e s u c c e s s fu l in c a u s in g b m o n th s o f IruaLm ent w ith a n a ro m a la se in h ib ilo r (anauLro-
z o t e 1 m g d a ily }, vis u a l a c u ity im p ro v e d to 2 0 / 4 0 I D a r d EJ.
re s o lu tio n o f lh e d e ta c h m e n t a n d re d u c in g tbe s ize o f th e
t h e m a c u la r lesion repressed w ith c o n c o m ita n t re s o lu tio n o f
c h o n o id a E L u m o r (l ig u ie L 4 .3 0 K and Ь } ь2 И 263 M e t a s t a t i c
lh e H ttra sc fe ra l c o m p o n e n l (F $
Lb y ro id c a rc in o m a m ay re s o lve fo llo w in g s y s te m ic |JLI
t h e r a p y . " Lis lro g e n and p ro g e ste ro n e re c e p to r-p o s itive L u n g m e ta s ta s is r e s p o n d in g to e r lo tin ib .

breast c a n c e r o fte n re s p o n d s lo o ra l a ro m a ta s e in h ib ito rs G - L : A 4 9 -y e a r-o E d n o n s m o k in g w o m a n n o te d a Eeft p a ra ­

ce n tra l s c o to m a . A s o lita ry c re a m y w h ite s lig h tly raised
s u c h a s a n a s t r a / o l e [ E - 'i g u r e l 4 . 3 L M o s t re c e n tly m e ta ­
lesion w ith o u t o v e rly in g s u b re tin a l flu id w a s seen In h e r
s ta tic a n d primary a d e n o c a r c in o m a o f th e lu n g h a s s h o w n
loft e v e Ci—11. V is u a l a c u ity w a s 2 0 .0 0 in each e v e . A sys­
re sp o n se to oral e rlo lin ib ( T a n c e v a )., a n e p i d e r m a l g r o w t h te m s w o r k u p re v e a le d a p rim a ry a d e rttjc a rc ln d m a o f the
fa c to r re c e p to r in h ib ito r p ro te in k in a s e in h ib ito r [l-'ig u re !d n g that w as c o n fi rm ud b y b io p s y . She re c e ive d oral e rlo -
1 4 .3 1 G - L ) . Linib (Ta rc e va J, a n e p id e rm a l g r o w th fa c to r re c e p to r in h ib ito r
p ro te in k in a s e in h ib ito r. T b e lesion p ro g re ss ive ly regressed
in ib ic ^ n e s i i| a n d К at й w e e k tl w ith c o m p le te fla tte n in g
o v e r 7 m o n lh s , a lo n g w iLh reg ression o f h e r lu n g mass; IL:-.
A u lo flu o re s c e n c e im a g in g s h o w e d p u n c ta te in c re a se d a u to ­
flu o re s c e n c e , e v e n e x te n d in g b e y o n d Lhe tu m o r d im e n s io n s ,
suggesting a c tiv ity in Ihe s u rr o u n d in g rulinal p ig m e n l e p ith e ­
liu m d u rin g lh e process o f regression :K .. S h e has m a in ta in e d
a v is io n o f 2 0 /2 0 w ith n o furl b u r s y m p to m s !ill d a te .

IA-I-. T imm W u ^ lis ljL .tl..-"■' wilh pt;nnJulH>.)

l i'i i’ai.'i Ini fAtim tatic Turners 1241
Metastatic Sarcoma 1 4 .3 2 L ip o s a r c o m a m e ta s ta s is to c h o r o i d , re tin a , a n d
v itre o u s .
S a r c o m a s ra re ly, if eveF, m e ta s ta s iz e l o th e eye, w it h o n ly
A -H : I his to 7-y e a r-o ld A fr ic a n A m e r iсa n w o m a J i p re s e n te d
s ix p r e v i o u s l y k n o w n cases in lh e lite r a tu r e , o n e e a c h f r o m
w ith pain tess g ra d u a l d e c re a se in vis io n in the lefl e ye Id
an a lv e o la r s o ft-p a r l s a r c o m a o f th e rig h t lo w e r e x tie jriity ,
2 0 /5 0 o v e r о m o n lb s . There w e re a fe w v ilfe o u s cells asso­
c o n g e n i t a l f i b r o s a r c o m a o f ( h e Lc fl l o w e r e x L r e m it y .. o s t e o ­
cia ted w ith a w h ite fib ro v a s c u lar p e d u n c u la le d m ass aris­
g e n ic s a r c o m a o f l h e le ft l o w e r e x t r e m it y , g a s tr o in te s tin a l in g fro m the retina an ti h a n g in g in Ihe vitre o u s c a v ity (A>.
stro m a l tu m o r, and E iw m g s a r c i ^ i o f tb e p e lv is a n d r ib . 5 he w a s a n a v id g a rd e n e r; a c lin ic a l d ia g n o s is d f p o s s ib ie
Th e p a tie n t w ith m e ta s ta tic lip o s a rc o m a to th e c h o r o id , ТЪкосага g ra n u lo m a w a s made?. h b silive serum Toxocara
re tin a r a n d v i t r e o u s if lu s t r a t e d i n fig u re 1 4 .j3 2 m im ic k e d liter and p e rip h e ra l b lo o d u tw in o p b ilia o f f l % c o iro b o ra L e d
the c lin ic a l d iagnosis,. S h e w a s a d v is e d oral a lb e n d a z o le
a n in Jla m m a to ry g r a n u l o m a , a n d w a s d ia g n o s e d b a s e d o n
a n d la p e iin g Systemic! slero ids fcx a m o n th . The? p a lie n l d id
c y to lo g y o f h e r v itre o u s flu id o b ta in e d at su rgery.
nert fill h e r p re s c rip tio n a n d re tu rn e d 5 ijia n lb s Saler w ith n o
a p p re c ia b le c h a n g e in s y m f>ton is . H e r vis io n h a d d e c neased
to 20 ^40 0 . Lhe w h ite m ass bud in cre a se d in s ize , a n d Ihe
p e d u n c le w a s m o re va s c u la r i li a n d C ) . U llra s o u n d s h o w e d a
solid mass w i lh a d ja c e n t tra cticn a E retinal d e ta c h m e n t ( D ) . A
1 1 -lum: i : i: \ iifft t d 'n i1 ,m d ,i b iu p -'- f -l 11■■■ i : . i-s v iilri'cd n \
a sm all p ie c e . T h e le s io n w a s лгиЬ1н?ту" a n d d itlic u ll to cul
in lo . V itre o u s flu id w a s sen I for c y to lo g y e x p e c tin g lo fin d
e o s in o p h ils , b u] re tu rn e d w illi p re s e n c e o f u n d iffe re n Li a Led.
a n a p la s tic cells w iLh m a rk e d Iv a ty p ic a l nu( lei a n d a high
n u c le a r-to -c y to p la s m ic ra tio tE J. 5 h e y a v e a h islo ry o l retro-
p e rilo n e a l sa rc o m a re q u irin g a n e p h re c lo m y 1 0 years p rio r.
fcnucleatJon o f lh e e y e c o n firm e d c b o rio ro lin o v itre a J m e ta s ­
tasis fro m Lhe rip o s a rc o m a . T h e tum or; C o n s is te d o f p le o m o r­
p h ic tu m o r cells a n d a b u n d a n t c o lla g e n I F - H ) . T h e cells b a d
a high n u c le a r -to -c v lo p la s m k : ra lio w ilh h y p e rc b ro m a tic
n u c le i a n d p r o m in e n t n u c le o li 1 Н к T b e c h o r o id c o n ta in e d a
th r o n ic in fla m m a to ry ce]J in fiitm le in tbe area s u iro u n c iin g
the m a s s . T b e retina d is p la y e d o u te r-la y e r a tro p h y a n d g liosis
o v e rly in g ]b e base o f the le s io n . T h e r e w a s n o e v id e n c e o f
scleral от o p tic n e rv e in v a s io n .
i h!г-1□г• :l; l г t \v :l h pwrtnhdifln M e h ta S. A&,irwjl Л ^ ’.
Leukemic Choroidopathy F 4 .3 3 M a c u la r d e ta c h m e n t c a u s e d b y le u k e m ic
in f r lt r a ( io n o f c h o r o id s
P o s tm o rte m eyes of p a tie n ts w it h le u k e m ia d e m o n s tra te
Л —C : C h o ro id a l lu n iu r rind serous d e la c h m e n t fif Ihe ШчэеиЗа
h is to p a th o lo g ic a lly a m ild le u k e m ic in filtra tio n o f th e
s e c o n d a ry to le u k e m ia in- -a 5?}-vear-old w h ils w o m a n w h o
u v e a l tra c t, b u t m ost do not show o p h lh a lm o s c o p ic e v i­
d & V c fo p e d b lu rre d v is io n anti m e la m o rp h o p H ia in I h o lefl
dence o f c h o ro id a l in v o lv e m e n t d u rin g life . In som e
e v e . N e a r I h o Le m p ora l m a rg in of th e left o p tic disc: Lhere w a s
p a tie n ts , how ever, th e in filtra te becom es s u ffic ie n tly a m o u n d -lik e e le v a tio n o f the c h o ro id a n d a s h a llo w serous
in te n se l o cause d a m a g e lo th e o v e r ly in g R P E a n d se rou s relinal d e ta c h m e n t lh a l e x te n d e d in lo Ih o m a c u la r reg ion
re tin a l d e t a c h m e n l . j4,6" j h 4 D e ta c h m e n t o f th e RPB m ay Ib la c k arrow s.. A ) . A sm all a m o u n l o f s u b re lin a l b lo o d ih la c k
a ls o o c c u r .-1 0 ' I t ie c l i n i c a l p i c t u r e m a y b e m i s t a k e n f o r c e n ­ a n d w h ile а щ № ) was p r e s e n t A n g io g r a p h y r e v e l e d m u lLi-
p !o , s m a ll, p in p o in t areas o f d iffu s io n o f d y e [ru m the su rfa ce
tra l s e ro u s c h o rio re tin o p a th y (N g u re L 4 .3 3 A J , o r in ih e
oE Ihe lu m o r as w e ll as e v id e n c e o f Eeakag^ o l d ye fro n t the
c a s e o f m o r e w i d e s p r e a d r e l i n a l d e t a c h m e n t , I E a r a d a 's d i s ­
o fЛ it: n e rv e c a p illa rie s in to ih e s u b re lin a l e x u d a te (fl a n d Q .
ease (fig u re s 14.33D and L and 1 4 .3 4 ) . H u o r e s c e in a n g i­ T h e pa Lien I w a s a d m ilLu d It) ih e h o s p ita l, a n d b o n e m a r r o w
o g r a p h y is u s e f u l in d e te c tin g th e areas o f K P li dam age e x a m in a tio n reveal t*d a cu Le m v e ln m o n o c Y tic le u k e m ia . T h e
u n d e r ly in g th e se ro u s d e t a c h m e n t {h ig u re s 1 4 .3 3 B , С and p a tie n t died s o o n afterward.
F and 1 4 .3 4 C ) . t h e s ite s o f le a k a g e o f d y e f r o m th e u n d e r ­ D -F : lij lateral hi i llous retinal d e la c h m e n L s im u la lin ^
ly in g c h o r o id are u s u a lly m u lt ip le p i n p o i n t areas s im ila r
FHaiada^s d ise ase in a 2 5 -y e a r-o ld p a tie n t w ith a c u te le u k e ­
m ia ILJ a n d E ). H is in ilia I m e d ic a l e v a lu a tio n re v e a le d le u ­
to th o s e seen in Harada's d ise a se and o th e r in filtra tiv e
k o p e n ia b u l n o e v id e n c e o f le u k e m ia . A n jjio ^ ra p -h y re v e a le d
d is e a s e s o f th e c h o r o i d . 'I h e c h o r o i d a l m filir a te m a y o c c a ­
m u ltip le foca l areas o f d y e leakage fro m the c h o r o id a n d
sio n a lly p rodu ce a lo c a lize d o r d iffu s e c h o ro id a l tu m o r
Eater a fla g sto n e p a tte rn o f s ta in in g b e n e a th th e retina I F ;.
L e u k e m ic tu m e fa c tio n s o f th e c h o r o id are m o r e fr e q u e n tly A lth o u g h Ihe c a u s e o f Ih e p e c u lia r o l k o l d p a tte rn o f late
a s s o c ia te d w ith a c u te L y m p h a t ic le u k e m ia . flu o re s c e in s ta in in g iK u n k n o w n . Its a p p e a ra n c e s o ^ e s ls I hat
O c c a s io n a lly , s trik in g le o p a r d -s p o t c h a n g e s m ay occur there w e re m u ltip le re la tive ly flat a re as o f d e ta c h m e n t o f the
in th e R Pt in p a tie n ts w it h e A t e n s iv e c h o r o i d a l in vo lv e ­ re lira l p ijjrn e n l e p ith e liu m 1ЫРЫ. w h ic h in ihis paLienL m a y
h a v e b e e n c a u s e d b y le u k e m ic in filtra tio n Iro m the c h o r o id
m e n t w ith le u k e m ia (fig u re s I4 .3 .3 t i-J a n d i 4 . 3 4 H , 1, K -
in lo ih e s u b -h iPE s p a c e . The relin a l d e ta c h m e n t d is a p p e a re d
a n d L ) , 2* ? ' 2 ™ ^ 71 И is l i k e l y t h e e x t e n s i v e R P t : n e c r o s i s a n d
а Пет corlico sSerojd Lrea Lm enl. H e d ie d , h o w e v e r, a b n u l f>
c l u m p i n g o f p i g m e n t t h a t o c c u r s i n t h e s e c a s e s is c a u s e d w e e k s latefj a n d a и Lops-у re v e a le d m y e lo g e n o u s le u k e m ia .
b y th e le u k e m ic in filtra tio n o f th e c h o rio c a p illa ris , c h e m o ­ i = - l : E*eculiar с lu m p in g o f Ihe p i^ m e n L e p il h e liu m in a
th e ra p y, o r a со m b i n a tio n o f b o th . ft-ye a r-o ld pa Lien I IneaLud for a c u te ly m p h o c y tic le u k e m ia . H e
The r e a d e r is r e f e r r e d to C h a p te r 13 fo r d is c u s s io n of h a d b e e n tre a te d w ilh viiv. ri stin e, p re d n is o n e , m elhcfl resa le,
re tin a l a n d v itr e o u s m a n ife s ta tio n s o f le u k e m ia a n d lar^e
arid c y c lo p h o s p h a m id e . H e d e v e lo p e d a lo p e c ia a n d severe
visual loss. T h e v is u a l 1(e s w as m o re n o tic e a b le at nij^hL Ihan
ce ll l y m p h o m a , w h i c h m a y c a u s e a v a r ie t y o f f u n d o s c o p i c
dllrtljlB 4he d a y . H e d ie d 3 m o n lh s later a n d h is lo p a lh o lo y ic
p ic tu re s th a t m a y s im u la te m e ta s ta tic c a r c in o m a , m u lt ip le
e x a m in a tio n re v e a le d m u I Li p ie c lu m p s o f R P E cells (a rro w i
e x u d a tiv e Е Р Ё d e ta c h m e n ts , m u lt if o c a l c h o r o id itis , re tin a l a n d m ild le u k e m ic i nfi ll га I i o n o f ih e c h o r o id . It is u n k n o w n
a rte ry o c c lu s io n , a n d a c u te re tin itis . w h e th e r Ihe cha ng es in lh e K P b w e re p rim a rily aLLrib u tab lo
to ijn o x ia s e c o n d a ry lo Lhe a n e m ia or le u k e m ic infiltration
o f the chork^capillari-s nr lo lh e lo xic e ffeels o f d ru y s ased in
Ih e ra p y. From d a y m a n el a I.- 1 ' p u b lish e d w ilh p e rm is ­
s io n fr o m lh e A m e ric a n l o u r n a l o f O p h t h a l m o l o g y ; G ib p y rig h t
by l h e O p h t h a l m i c P u b l i s h i n g Cfo.i
h4. H A c u t e m y e lo id l e u k e m ia tvilh le u k e m ia cu tis
b in u Iafit ug V o g t—K tiy a n n g i - H a r i d a d isea s e .

A —L : A 5 5 -y e a r-o ld le m a te o n Ire a tm e n t lo r a c u te m y e lo id
le u k e m ia d e v e lo p e d u n ila te ra l ra p id Loss o f v is io n In h e r
right e y e o v e r b d a ys Lo c o u n t [in h e re . T h e right lu n d u s
s h o w e d serous retinal d e la c h m e n l fn v o tv in g the p o s te rio r
p o le iA Lind B ). M u o r e tc e in а л ^ н и ^ гл т rtivtia lcd several p in ­
p o in t h y p e rflu o je s c e n t л геля Lhji L tanked d ye into I he? s u b -
retinal sp a ce I'-C I. O p t ic a l c o h e re n c e to m o g ra p h y d e le c te d
s e ve r;. I s e p U ц-.-Л h i n Ih e s ito lis ■:■!(■■.. 11: ■>n suj’ ftC’sLin^; hi^h
fib ril] conLeitl ;m d in a d d ilio n . sm all U P E d e t a c h m e n t
i|J l лпd i f ro w s ) a n d л I the ta rn s lim e she d e v e lo p e d
m u ltip le flu c tu a n t blisters o v e r h e r b o d y (Ek S h e w a s n e u tro ­
p e n ic w ilh □ w h ite L o u n l o f 0 .3 . T h e s k in lesions w e re d ia y -
nosed c lin ic a lly as le u k e m ia cu tis a n d sh e w a s c o n s id e re d lo
he ;n ■:-ih :I--:.- i:-,ii. d iv v iM '. l - 5 i : j | ш ih r le-нi-:л ^hovvee: 15i^i
i n f l i c t i n g the skin IF a n d C j . b h o ft ol n o t doini^ a n y th in g ,
she w n s skirted o n o r;il p re d fi isone G O m y л™1 y iv e n (te u p a -
^en I о im p ro v e hen w h ile jjq U n L Ten d a ys laler h e r vis io n
h a d im p ro v e d to 2 0 / 1 O Q , Lhe e xu d iLLive d e ta c h m e n t h a d
d ftJe a s fe d CH a n d J)r Ih e skin lesion s Ь е у л п lo d is a p p e a r a n d
h e r w h ile c o u n t im p rrjv o d . A b o n e m iirnow b io p s y d o n e л I
this lim e s h o w e d n o b lasts. Th e retina s h o w e d m ild p ig m e n ­
ta tion C o rre s p o n d in g lo the c h o r o id jl io b u le s fa rro w s , К .
w h ic h in c re a se d o vk ?t the n e \L visil a t S w e e k s . Th e fu n d u s
a u to flu o re s c e n c e g r a d u a lly in c re a se d , s u g g e stin g in g e stion o f
p ro te in fro m lh e su b retin a l flu id b y lh e геМплГ p ig m e n l e p i­
thelial c e lls , ^ iv in ^ il л Ie a p a rd -s p o t чзррелгалсе (I a n d L ) . A ll
skin lesion s d is a p p e a re d bv week?-.
Histiocytosis (Erdheim-Chester Disease) F4.35= C h o r o i d a l in v o lv e m e n t in E r d h e i m - C h e s t e r
d is e a s e (h istio c y to sis).
L r d h e inn - C h e s t e r d i s e a s e i s a r a r e , w i d e s p r e a d x a n t h o g r a n ­
A —I: A 3S-ycMLr-olcl fapd nose A m e jic-a n w ith а к п ш п d ia g n o ­
u l o m a t o u s in fittr a liv e d ise a se i n v o l v i n g t h e b o n e s a n d s o ft
sis cl" E rd h e in n -C lH ’ jLe f diseabo fo llo w in g л Ею п « b io p s y for
tissu e , l l i e e x a c t n a t u r e o f o r i g i n o f t h e d i s e a s e is p o o r l y
persihtont leg pain for ft ytM re pre se n te d w ilh b lu iru d vis io n in
u n d e rs to o d . W h e th e r it in itia lly m a n i tests in th e bone
his left eye? Гог 1 y e a r. M u llip le c re a m y p la c o id lesions asso­
m arrow and s p r e a d s ., o r o r i g i n a t e s in e x t r a m e d n l l a r y s ite s cia ted w ith inlra retin dl lip id e x u d a te *. w e re неел nl Lho le v e l
s im ila r to ly m p h o m a s is n o t k n o w n . H is to lo g ic a lly , i l is ot lh o (iio ro irl in ijo lh e y t's iA лиг! Li I. Q b t T t a l c o h e r e m .e
аипро-чх! ( ?J sIloct4- -H lO::.r.iy J : i^Lir:i.y.L'S .'.SSii:"j ::.1 L"l1 '.’.ill] to m o g ra p h y ot b o lh e ye s s h o w e d d iffu se c h o ro id a l th ic k e n ­
io u to n -ty p e g ia n t ce lls, ly m p h o c yte s , and p la s m a ce lls ing (C a n d □ ) . Flu o re s c e in a n g jo ^ ra m s h o w e d s ta in in g o l the
lesions b ila te ra lly a n d л p a rLly in v o lu te d L'h u ru id n l noov-iLscu-
Lh a t i n f i lt r a t e tb e s o f t tissu e . I h e d is e a s e a ffe c ls b o n e s , v is ­
hir теппЬтлгьо i£ ."N V M i in the left e y e (Ё - G , a ir o lv . Hurther
cera such as E i v e r . lu n g s, h e a rt, and su b c u ta n e o u s tissu e ,
w o rs e n in g Ы vision- Lo 2 (5 4 0 0 fro m serous fluid i H 1 o v e r i
lit la te r a l s y m m e t r i c a l o s t e o s c l e r o s i s o f t h e m e t a p h y s e a l a n d m o n lh s p r o m p te d a n in tra o c u la r in fec tion o f b e v a d z u m a b
d ia p h y s e a J re g io n s o f lo n g b o n e s is c o n s i d e r e d a c h a r a c ­ in his Iof I e y e w ith tu rth e r r-r^restion or Lho C N V M . H e
t e r i s t i c f e a t u r e . -7 - O p h t h a l m i c m a n i f e s t a t i o n s a r e r a r e ; t h e ru m iijn o d sliiblc o n s ys te m ic c o lc h ic in e n n d ojral sturoids ilj.
o rb it a n d p e r i o c u l a r tis s u e a r e ( h e E n o s t f r e q u e n t site s o f К ч 'и г С е ч у c jf L )r . N l .i I A l U . 't j j m . .

in v o lv e tn e n t.J ^ ■ ( J h o r o i d a l i n f i l t r a t i o n ( ] :i g u r e 1 4 . 3 5 ) i s
e x i r e m e l y r a r e . ' I'h e s e p a t i e n t s a r e d i a g n o s e d b a s e d o n s y s ­
t e m i c a s s o c i a t i o n a n d b i o p s y f r o m a s u i t a b l e site .
In filtr a tio n o f tb e c h o r o id w ith cream y y e llo w g ra n u lo ­
m a s m im ic s a c lin ic a l a p p e a ra n c e o f s a rc o id o s is . O r b i t a l
in vo lv e m e n t m im ic s th y ro id o rb ito p a th y and p s e u d o lu -
m o r o f th e o r b it. T re a tm e n t in vo lv e s th e use o f s y s te m ic
ste ro id s a n d im m u n o s u p p re s s iv e s .
ЗЭ. Hlsx i. -Ana 5. Еесл. CttfTa <гкirailKlai отз зг м u’altrcmatos h OpKfrilnol
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C h a p te r 15
Optic Nerve Diseases that may
Masquerade as Macular Diseases
D is e a se s th a t p rim a rily a ffe c t ih e o p tic nerve m a y occa- I > . I> 1 C o n g e n it a l p it o i th e o p tic d is c c a u s in g s e ro u s

s La n a lly in v o lv e s e c o n d a rily th e m a c u l a r area o r m ay be m a c u la r d e ta c h m e n t,

m is ta k e n fo r re tin a l d ise a se s, i o m e o f th e m o s t fr e q u e n t o f
A —D : Th is 2 7 - y e a r -o ld w o m a n c o m p la in e d c f b lu rre d v is io n
th e s e d ise a se s a re d is c u s s e d in th is c h a p te r. that flu c tu a te d in Lhe right e y e Гиг several w e e k s . Serous
d e ta c h m e n t o f Ih e re tin a e x te n d e d I d Lhe m a rg in o f Lhe
o p lic disc pi L I a rro w , Л a n d B l M o te subnetiniLic p re c ip i-
Lales fo rm in g c o n c e rU ric lin e s o f ttem arcati|j|$ te m p o ra lly .
A S S O C IA T E D W IT H S E R O U S T h e d ia m e te r o f Lhe o p tic 1 disc w a s a b o u t Iw ic e IНлI o f Lhe
n o rm ill e y e . X e n o n p h o to c o a g u la lio n Wnis p la c e d alonj^ Lhe
D ET A C H M EN T O F THE M A C U L A te m p o ra l e d g e o f Ih e o p tic d is c as w e ll as in the o p tic p it

Serous d e ta c h m e n t of th e sensory re tin a m ay occur in

IT-'!'. S e v e n m o n th s laLer Ihe d o ta c h m e n l h a d noL r e s o k e d . 'Six
a n d o n e -h a ft y u a n , la te r lh e pa Lien I re lu m e d w ilh a p p r o x i­
a s s o c ia tio n w ith one o r a c o m b in a tio n o f d e v e lo p m e n ­
m a te ly 2 ^ 2 GO v is io n in lh e r i hi e y e . There w as n o lo n g E i
tal a n o m a l i e s o f t h e o p t i c nerve h e a d , '['h is s p e c t r u m o f
a n y serous d e la c h m e n t o f lh e m n c u la ( □ ) .
a n o m a lie s in c lu d e s p it, c o lo b o m a . m o rn in g g lo ry d e fo r­ E : Lo n jj-s la n d in g la rg e Serous retinal d e ta c h m e n t associaLed
m ity , a n d ju *ta p a p illa r y s ta p h y lo m a . w iLh an- o p tic p it. T h e re w a s y e llo w ек и d a le o n ihffc p o s te rio r
surface o f the d e ta c h e d re tin a c e n tra lly.
F —r l : This 2 9 -y e a r -o ld w o m a n , w h o W as k n o w n Lo h a ve a n
C O N G E N IT A L PIT O F T H E O P T IC o p tic p it a n d n o rm a l vis u a l fu n c tio n in the right e y e s in c e
D IS C A N D S E R O U S D E T A C H M E N T 10 years o f a j'e , p resen le d w ith a 4 -m o n lh history o f b lu rre d
v is io n in Lhe righl e y e . V is u a l a c u ity w a s 2CW50- T h e re w a s
O F THE M A C U LA a m o u n d -iik e e J e ta lio n o f lh e in n e r retinal s u rfa c e u r r o w -
heads.1 that e x le n d e d fro m Ihe o p 1 k : pal lh n o u g h o u l lhe m a c ­
U s u a l l y b e tw e e n t h e a g es o f 2 0 a n d 4 0 years, p a tie n ts w iL h
u la r a rea. T h e r e was a s m a lle r s h a rp ly c irc u m s c rib e d z o n e
c o n g e n ita l p it o f th e o p tic n e rv e h e a d m a y d e v e lo p s e ro u s o f w h a t a p p e a re d lo Ew d e la c h m e n t o f lh e геИ паГ re c e p lo rs
d e ta c h m e n t o f th e m a c u la (fig u re s I Ei. 0 3 - 1 F> . 0 3 ) . L_ 1,1' T h e fro m lh e p ig m e n t e p i!h e liu m M ir o w s , F) *h a l d id noL e x te n d
d e t a c h m e n t u s u a l l y e x t e n d s in a t e a r d r o p f a s h i o n (Fig u re to Lhe opLic p il. T h e p a tie n t c o u ld see a 5 0 -^ m k ry p to n re d
1 5 .0 1 Л . I - К) fro m th e d is c m a r g i n in th e v ic in ity o f th e laser .lim in g b e a m ih ro u g h o u l the a re a o f in n e r retinal e le v a ­
o p tic p it, w h ic h i n m o s t c a s e s is l o c a t e d a lo n g Lhe t e m ­ tion^ in c lu d in g Lhe ce n tra l area ol relinal d e ta c h m e n Lr b o th
b e fo re a n d e v e n a fte r p la c e m e n l o f Lw o ro w s o f k iy p lo n re d
poral m a rg in o f th e o p tic d isc . P its a n d d e ta c h m e n t are
p h o lo c o a g u la tio n s a lo n g Lhe te m p o ra l e d g e o f the o p tic p it.
uncom m on at th e n a s a l .m a r g in o f th e o p t i c d is c (Fig u re
S e ve n m o n th s later Ihe e le v a tio n o f lh e in n e r retinal su rfa ce
1 5 .0 2 Л - С ) . T h e o p t ic d isc d ia m e te r i n th e a f f e c t e d e y e is
a n d retinal d e ta c h m e n t w e r e n o lo n g e r p resen l. There w a s
u s u a lly la rg e r th a n in t h e u n a ffe c te d e y e .- , , J - A n o p tic p it a p a tte rn o f ra d ia tin g lines re s e m b lin g lo v e o m a c u la r schisis
m ay occur b ila te ra lly in 10 -15 % o f cases and m ay be c e n tra lly ( C l . T w e n ty -s ix m o n th s a lte r tre a tm e n l h u t vis u a l
in h e rite d as an a u to so m a I-d o m in a n t a b n o r m a l i t y ' 4 ' 11 a c u ily w a s 2 0 /2 □ a.nd th e m a c a la a p jrc a re d n o rm a l ( H ) .
P its m a y b e a s s o c ia te d w ith a c o l o h o m a o f th e o p tic n e rv e I - M : A 1 7 -y e a r -o ld A fr ic a n A m e r ic a n girl w ith d e c re a se d
vis io n m her lell e y e for -t years to c o u n tin g fingers. A central
head, and d e ta ils o f th e p it m ay be d iffic u lt or im p o s ­
sell is is-1ike d efect wiith s u *ro u n d in g suETneLinal tlu id a n d pne-
s ib le lo id e n tify [Fig u re 1 5 .0 2 1 1 and ]J. Som e p a tie n ts
cipiLales iK seen in Ihe letl m a c u la e m a n a Lin g fro m a te m p o ra l
w ith severe c o l o b o m a l o u s m a l f o r m a t i o n o f th e o p t ic d is c o p f i t disc pi I ilf | ..T h e pjt re m a in s n o n flu o re s c e n l d u e to c a p ­
m a y d e v e l o p e M e n s i v e r e tin a l d e t a c h m e n t [se e d is c u s s io n illa ry n o n p e rfu s io n . the cenLra] schisis s h o w s m o ll led h vp e r-
b e lo w ). O p tic p its lo c a te d in (h e c e n te r o f th e o p tic d is c flu o re s c e n c e , arid d ye leaks inLo lh e s u b rm in a l s p a c e on Lhe
are n o t a s s o c ia te d w i t h m a c u l a r d e t a c h m e n t . I'lie o p t i c p i t a n g io g ra m tK . The schisis c a v ity larrow presenl in the central
ts o f t e n c o v e r e d w i t h a g r a y m e m b r a n e t h a t f r e q u e n t l y h a s m a c u la , a n d a lull Ih ic in e s s delect ''a r ro w ■at the disc edi^e is
d e m o n s tra te d o n o p tic a l c o h e re n c e Io m o g ra p h y I M | .
one o r m ore h o le s w i t h i n it, p a r t i c u l a r l y in p a tie n ts w ith
m a c u l a r d e ta c h m e rits . M o s t a u t h o r s agree th a t th e r e t y p i ­ iA - t rru m f. 1 - M , r i i i i r l L ' i y j : f U r. k n n .rih .iH W illi.h m '- .-

c a l l y is n o p o s t e r i o r v i t r e o u s d e t a c h m e n t in e y e s w i t h a p iL
a n d s e ro u s d e t a c h m e n t o f th e m a c u la .'1 1 Sl O c c a s i o n a l l y ,
c o n d e n s e d v itre o u s stra n ds m a y e x te n d fr o m th e su rfa c e o f
[h e o p tic p it in to th e a n te rio r v itre o u s [F ig u re 1 5 . 0 1 M ) . En o p t ic p i L 'th e r e h a s b e e n no s a tis fa c to ry a n a t o m i c e x p la ­
s o m e p a tie n ts a c lo u d y p re c ip ita te m a y o c c u r o n th e p o s te ­ n a tio n fo r th is p e c u lia r c o n f i g u r a t i o n o f re tin a l e le v a tio n
r i o r s u r f a c e o f t h e d e t a c h e d r e t i n a ( F i g u r e 1 5 . 0 1 A , 1, a n d | } . seen b io m ic r o s c o p ic a lly in th es e p a tie n ts . W i l h p r o l o n g e d
W hen th is o c c u rs , t h e a re a o f d e t a c h m e n t m a y b e m i s d ia g ­ re tin a l d e ta c h m e n t, d e p ig m e n ta t io n o f th e re lin a l p ig m e n t
n o s e d as a s o l i d t u m o r ( F i g u r e 1 5 .0 3 C a n d Som e e p ith e liu m (I? I 3Li) occu rs in Lhe area o f th e d e ta c h m e n t
p a tie n ts d e v e lo p a c e n tra l area o f s h a r p ly d e fin e d re tin a l (F ig u r e s 1 5 .0 1 К a n d 35 . 0 3 A a n d l i j . C y s t i c r e t i n a l d e g e n e r ­
d e ta c h m e n t W ith a s u rro u n d in g la rg e r, le s s w e l l - d e f i n e d a t io n , s c h is is -lik e a p p e a r a n c e , m a r k e d t h i n n i n g o f th e fo v e -
area o f e le v a tio n o f th e in n e r re tin a l s u rfa c e , s u g g e s tin g o la r p o r t io n o f th e re tin a r a n d ra re ly fu ll-th ic k tie s s m a c u la r
[ h e p r e s e n c e o f r e t i n o s c h i s i s { F i g u r e 1 5 . 0 E I - L ) . JQi2! U n l i k e h o le a n d r h e g m a lo g e n o u s re tin a l d e t a c h m e n t m a y o c c u r
r e t i n o s c h i s i s . h o w e v e r t h e r e is n o t c o m p l e t e l o s s o f r e t i n a l (Fig u re 1 5 . 0 2 [ ? ) . ' ' л у ' 1 ''' S u b re tin a l n e o v a s c u la riza tio n
fu n c tio n in l h e area o f p s e u d o s c h is is in p a tie n ts w ith an m a y arise n e a r th e o p t i c p i t .'1 1'
In p a tie n ls w ith a recent onset o f m a c u Ear d e ta c h ­ 1 5 .0 2 C o n g e n it a l p it a n d ju x ta p a p illa iy c o E o b o m a o l

m e n t, a n g io g ra p h y sh o w s n o a b n o r m a litie s in th e m a c u ­ th e o p tic d is o

la r a r e a .'1 ] 1 En e a rly-p h a s e a n g io g ra m s Lhe p it appears

A - D : A с о п р е л i la I p it in lh e пазл I part o f the n e rv e head
h y p o flu o re sc e n t (fig u r e 1 5 .0 1 k ) . Jn Lite r phases, hi m o s t caused a serous retinal d e la c h m e n l : a rro w s I na sallv lA'i I Ьл I
p a tie n ts , th e re is e v i d e n c e o f s ta in in g in t h e a r e a o f" t h e s u b s e q u e n t lv sp re ad tcj the m a c u la r a re a iB a n d О in lhis
p it w i t h n o e v id e n c e o f p e r fu s io n o f d y e in to th e s u b re ti­ b o y. A m id -p h a s e a n ^ io ^ ra m s h o w e d m a rk e d h v p e rflu o re s -
n a l flu id . A b s e n c e a f s ta in in g o f th e p it h a s b e e n a s s o c i­ c c n c e wilhiin lh e pit (a rro w s , L H .

a te d w i t h a b s e n c e o f re tin a ! d e t a c h m e n t recent m a c u la r
E a r d F: Serou s d e ta c h m e n t of lh e m a c tiFa a n d m a c u la r h o le
s e c o n d a ry lo я conj^enila ] pil La rro w , L'1 o f I b e o p tic n e rv e
d e ta c h m e n l, and no c ilio re tin a l a rte rie s e m a n a t i n g fro m
in a Э У-уо л гч > Ы w o rtia n w ith a 2 -m u rrth jh'Jslory (if b lu rre d
th e p it ." S ta in in g o f th e su b re tin a l flu id o c c a s io n a lly
vis io n in lh e ri^ h l e y e . V is u a l acuiLy in the rijjhl e y e w a s
o c c u r s ( i'ig u r e 1 5 .0 ] К J .' 1’ a l i e n l s w i t h loss o f p i g m e n t in 2 0 / 2 0 0 . И ш к й Ы а П a n y io y r a p h y s h o w e d e v id e n c e erf d p fH g -
th e R L 3IL c a u s e d by p ro lo n g e d re tin a l d e ta c h m e rit show m enlaticwi o l Ih e retinal p ig m e n l e p ilh e liu m ^arrow s, l-i in the
h y p e rflu o re s c e n c e c o rre s p o n d in g w it h t h e areas o f d e p i g ­ area d lh e serous d e la ie n l. h o l e lh e m o lllc d -E ra c k g ro u n d
m e n ta tio n d u r in g th e e a rly p h a s e s o f a n g io g r a p h y { f i g u r e Eiyp e fflilw ie scB n e e a p p a re n l in the лгал o f the m a c u la r hoEe.
This a n ^ io ^ ra m suty^ests lh e p ro tia Eiilily lh al lE>e serous
1 5 . 0 I K ) . 1" J h i s is o f t e n s e e n i n ( h e p a p i l L o m a c u l a r b u n d l e
d e La c h m e n l o f lh e ri^ h l т а щ а h u d b e e n pnesenl m u c h lo n ­
r e g i o n a d j a c e n t t o t h e o p Lie d i s c t n p a t i e n t s w i t h no p re­
ger th a n 1 m H fith s
v io u s h is to ry o f m a c u la r d e ta c h m e n t. A n g io g r a p h y s h o w s
G - l l l h i 1 .‘з-y e a r-o ld b o y w ilh л large o p lic d is c pil d e v e l­
n o e v id e n c e o f e ith e r c h o r o id a l o r re tin a l c a p illa ry p e r m e ­ o p e d a p e c u lia r viteiritonm d eposiL in the s u b re lin a l s p a ce
a b ilit y a lte r a tio n s . I h e fa iEu re to d e m o n s t r a t e a n g i o g r a p h i- o v e r a 6-m cm Lh p e rio d { C a n d H f . H e h a d a p o s itiv e sco-
c a lly e ith e r re tin a !! o r c h o ro id a l p e rm e a b ility a lte ra tio n s Lo m a , Ьи1 H is vis u a l a c u ily w a s 2 0 /2 0 o n bcuh o c c a s io n s .
tn th e presence o f a serou s m a c u la r d e ta c h m e n t s h o u ld T h e re w a s e a rly m e ttle d EiyperfludTeadeiC te c e n tra lly a n d late
K la in in ^ o f the pil (I).
a lw a y s a le r t th e c l i n i c i a n Lo th e p o s s i b i l i t y o f a n o p t i c p i t
j: C o lo E io m a w ilh Ad o u L)ie d isc" d e lo rm ilv in a 5 -y e a r-o ld ,
or a m o re p e rip h e ra l le s io n to account fo r th e d e ta c h ­
o th e rw is e n o r m a l, c h ild .
m e n t. O p tic a l coherence to m o g ra p h y ( O C E 'J th ro u g h th e
К a n d L: M o r n in g ^ lo r y d e fo rm ity erf lh e ri^hl o p tic n e rv e
p it shows th e d e fe c t, and a n y c o m т и п t e a Li o n w iLh th e a n d e x te n s iv e relin a l d e ta c h m e n t in the rig h t e y e IК j lhal
v itre o u s a n d / o r th e s u b a ra c h n o id space (Fig u re 1 5 .0 L M ) . d e v e lo p e d in a 2 1 -y e a r-o ld w o m a n n o te d to h a v e the o p tic
О С ] ' th ro u g h th e m a c u la c a n s h o w e ith e r a se ro u s re tin a l disc d u io r m ity since а ^ с b years. H e r vis u a l a c u ilv w a s lin g e r
d e ta c h m e n t (fig u re ] 5 .0 3 f 3 a n d J) o r a sc h isis or b o th c o u m in ^ o n ly in the rij^hl eyie. T h e гс Я тл w a s № atta'ched fo l­
lo w in g a v itre c to m y ^L). There w a s n o relin a l h ttle , a n d lh e
[F ig u r e s 1 5 .0 ] L a n d 1 5 :0 3 1 ]
s o u rc e o f Hie s u b re tin a l flu id p r e s u m a b ly w a s v ia a p il-lik e
P re s e n tly th e re is l i m i t e d in fo rm a tio n c o n c e rn in g th e
d e fo r m i1y h id d e n w ith in the disc a n o m a ly .
n a tu ra l cou rse o f eyes w it h an o p tic p it b e fo re o r a fte r
d e v e lo p m e n t o f serous m a c u la r d e t a c h m e n l.' " It i s
p ro b a b le th a t o n ly a s m a ll p e rc e n ta g e oE" e y e s w i l h a p it o r Lbe v it r e o u s ( H g u r e l 5 . 0 3 K ) . ,,,h C h a n g a n d a s s o c i a t e s
e ver d e v e lo p serous re tin a l d e t a c h m e n t . S p o n t a n e o u s re­ re p o rte d m e lriia m id c c is te rn o g ra p h ic e v id e n c e of com ­
a tta c h m e n t o f th e m a c u la occu rs in 3 5 % or m ore o f m u n ic a t io n o f th e s u b re tin a E a n d s u b a r a c h n o id spaces in
p a tie n ts w ith o p t i c p i t s . ” 1,1 11 12 W i t h a p ro lo n g e d d e la y in a c h ild w ilh a c o lo h o m a to u s m a lfo rm a tio n o f (h e o p tic
tea Lla c h m e n l , c ystic d e g e n e r a t i o n a n d p a r t ia l- o r f u l l - t h i c k ­ nerve and e xte n s ive re tin a l d e la c h m e n L. O th e r s tu d ie s
ness h o le f o r m a t i o n m a y o c c u r .1 Lo n g -te rm fo llo w -u p o f in v o lv in g ra d io is o to p e c i s t e r n o g r a p h y 1' and in lra lh e c a l
u n t r e a t e d e y e s su g g e sts t h a t in a p p r o x i m a t e l y 5 0 - 7 5 % of f h j o r e s c e i n r lfl a s w e l l as a tte m p ts to d is p la c e su b re tin a l
eyes th e v is u a l a c u ity W ill be re d u c e d lo 20/Ю 0 o r ivo re e flu id in to Lhe s u b a r a c h n o id s p a c e b y e le v a tin g t h e in lr a -
w i l h i n 5 - У y e a i b 5 rJt o c u i a r p r e s s u r e . 1' h a ve fa ile d to d e m o n s t r a te e vid e n c e o f
I-L i s t o p a t h o l o g i c a l l y , a n o p l i c p i t c o n s i s t s o f h e r n i a t i o n d ire c t c o m m u n ic a tio n b e tw e e n th e s u b a ra c h n o id space
o f d y s p la s tic re tin a i n t o a c o lla g e n -lin e d p o c k e t e x te n d in g a n d s u b re tin a l space. O n e p a tie n t w ilh a n o p lic p it e x p e ­
p o s te rio rly t h r o u g h a d e fe c t in th e l a m i n a c rib ro s a i n t o (h e rie n c e d Lw o e p is o d e s o f in c re a s e d in tra c ra n ia l p ressure
s u b a ra c h n o id space [lig u r e 1 5 .0 3 С a n d L>). c a u s e d b y p s e u d o l u m o r c e re b ri w i t h o u t d e v e lo p in g a re ti­
T h e p a th o g e n e s is o f th e d e t a c h m e n l a p p e a rs to in v o lv e n a l d e t a c h m e n t . 1 ’ D i r e c t c o m т и п tea l i o n b e t w e e n t h e v i t ­
Lhe p a ssa g e o f flu id fr o m th e area o f Lhe p i t i n t o t h e s u b - re o u s c a vity a n d s u b r e tin a l space v ia th e o p lic p it h a s b e e n
re tin a l space. I h e fa ilu re o f in tr a v a s c u la r flu o re s c e in l o d if­ d e m o n s tra te d in c o llie d o g s ( f ig u r e 1 5 . 0 3 L ) . :' J h i s c o m ­
fu s e i n t o Lhe s u b r e lin a l flu id in a ll b u l a fe w cases su g g e sts m u n ic a tio n c o u ld n o l be d e m o n s tra te d tn a hum an eye
t h a t it is d e r i v e d fro m e ith e r th e c e re b ro s p in a l flu id ' w i t h a n o p t i c p i t . ' 1'1
I n g e n e ra l, a tte m p ts t o clo se th e n e c k o f lh e d e ta c h E n e n t a t f C o n g e n ita l p it o f th e o p tic dcscL

Lh e m a r g in o f lh e o p lic d isc w i t h p h o t o c o a g u l a i i o n , as w d d
A - С : in 1 9 7 .1} Ibis 2 1 -ye ar-cd d п и п presented w ilh b lu rre d
as p h o t o c o a g u l a t i o n o f t h e o p l i c p i l it s e lf, h a v e b e e n u n s u c ­ vis io n in Lhe rij]hl e y e caused Ejv ser-nuS m a c u la r detacfii£
ce ss ful in c a u s i n g p r o m p t r e s o l u t i o n o f lh e m a c u l a r d e t a c h ­ m e n ! (a n a w s r A l associaLud w iLh a n o ra E p il o l j b e o p tic d is c .
m e n t (E n u r e s p 0 1 A - C С . , n in d t l a t i d 1 5 . ( J 3 t ; - l } . H is v is u a l a c u ity was. 20 /70 . N o t e in the s le re o a rg io g ra m
Several a u th o rs have re p o rte d re s o lu tio n t h a t m a y re q u ire iB L a n d 33-R|i Ihe fo c a l th in n in g o f Lhe re tin a a n d a tte n u a ­
s e v e r a l m o n t h s o r l o n g e r a f t e r p h o t o c o a g u l a t i o n . '■ '*'■ ‘ 5 j l r , ' " !
tion o f 1 hr1 r h in a l p ig jn e n l o p i I h e liu m al Ihe Te m p o ral m a r­
gin o f Ihe o p tic d is c . T h e retina re a tta c h e d s p o n ta n e o u s ly
K e d e la c h m e n t n ta y o ccu r weeks or m o n th s I s t e E 35^ 8 ]Tie
w ith in s tY tra il years, a n d Й years later his vis u a l a c u ity w a s
absence o f p o s te rio r vitre o u s R e p a ra tio n in p a tie n ts w ith
2 0 /3 0 . T h e re a re ra d ia tin g p u ric e n lra l retinal fo ld s s jm u la lin g
m a c u la r d e t a c h m e n t b u r s t s th a t ira c tio n o f th e fo r m e d vil-
Ji-lin k e d uchisi-i tC .
re o u s in th es e p a tie n ts o n lh e a n t e r io r su rfa ce o f th e r e tin a D iin d E : H is fo p a L h o lo g y o f sent j u s d e ta c h m e n t o f lh e retina
L h r o u g h o u i th e m a c u l a r area m a y b e i m p o r t a n t in c a u s in g in a 2 1)-■year-old W o m a H iIh a n o p tic disc p i t Th e e y e Ш
th e p a s s ive m o v e m e n t o f e ith e r flu id v itr e o u s o r o f c e r e b r o ­ e n u c le a te d b e c a u s e o f a m is d ta ^ n o s is o f a c h o ro id a l n ie la -
s p i n a l flu i d d i r o u g h a d e fe c t w i t h i n o r a l th e m a r g i n o f the
n o m a , p re s u m a b ly c a u s e d by s o m e o p a c ific a tio n o f lh e s u b -
nil in a I ! !u id. S o to th e c y tLic d e g e n e ra lio n o f the d e ta c h e d
o p tic p it in to th e s u b ie tin a l space, i n o ld e r p a tie n ts w h o s e
relina '.a rro w , D : . t s h o w s d e ta ils o t lh e p iLf in d ic a tin g th re e
p o s te rio r vitre o u s is e xte n s ive ly liq u e fie d fu ll-Lh ie k n e s s
possib le routes Ety w h ic h flu id fro m the vitre o u s fv
h o le s in th e m a c u la a n d e ls e w h e re in th e p o s te rio r fu n d u s or Lhe s u b a ra c h n o id s p a c e ss' m ig h t pass in to Lhe suhretr-
do n o l cause re tin a l d e t a c h m e n t in th e absence o f b io m i- nal sp a ce >:srsi. rh e n e u ro e c to d e rm a l p o d itrfi of the pil :n j is
c r o s c o p ic e v id e n c e o f fo c a l v itr e o u s tr a c t io n . S o m e a u th o rs separated fro m its s u rro u n d in g fib ro u s c a p s u le ifl Eiy a m u ILi-
h a v e r e p o r t e d su cce ssful r e a l l a c h m e n l o f t h e m a c u l a u s i n g lo c u la Le d sp a ce Is).
a c o m b i n a t i o n o f o n e o r m o r e o f th e fo llo w in g : pars p la n a F : r h o lo m ic r o g r a p h o f opLic p iL in c o llie d o g . A r ro w s in d i­
cate c o in m u n ic a lio n o f v ilre o u s c a viLy w ilh s-ubrelinal красе.
vlfte c to m y , in lra v itre a l gas ta m p o n a d e , and p h o lo c o a g u -
G —I: Th is lfl-y e a r -o ld n o te d d e c re a se in v is io n in his (eft
L a t i o n . ' * - 5,31', л ■ .M o te c h n iq u e o f tie a tm e n t has grave d
e y e to 2 0 /4 0 0 fo r 4 m u n lh s . H ie rijjhl e ye w as n o rm a ] w i lh
u n i f o r m l y s u c c e s s fu l in p e r m a n e n t l y r e a t t a c h i n g Lhe r e t i n a .
2 0 /2 0 v is io n . A te m p o ra l o p tic d is c p i L w ith a d a ja c s n l serous
O c a s s io n a lly gas a n d / o r e m u ls ifie d s ilic o n e o il ca n m ig ra te detachm -unl a n d subnefinaj p re c ip ita te s is seen i C j . Th e
th ro u g h Lhe p it i n l r a c r a n La I l y . Ih is is e s p e c i a l l y lik e ly lo pationL h a d u n d e rg o n e laser (a rro w ] to lh e te m p o ra l edj^e
o c c u r w h e n t h e g a s b u b b l e is s m a l l e r ( b a n t h e s i z e o f t h e p i t of lh e d is c 4 m o n lh s p re v io u s ly w ith n o e v id e n c e o f flu id
or when L h e i n t r a o c u l a r p r e s s u r e is l o o h i g h . A re a s o n a b le
re s o rp Lio n . O p Iic a J c o h e re n c e to m o g ra p h y s h o w e d su b reLi-
nal flu id b e g in n in g lie v o n d lh e laser scar siLe I a rro w ) a n d
r e c o m m e n d a t i o n is o b s e r v a t i o n f o r a L l e a s t a m o n t h a f t e r t h e
e x te n d in g Lo the m a c u L i ( H a n d ]J.
o n s e t o f d e ta c h m e n t; if n o im p r o v e m e n t in th e d e ta c h m e n L
I- L: This 2 I - y e a r - o k l w o m a n w a s v is u a lly a s v m p L o m a tic a n d
o c c u rs , p h o to c o a g u la t io n across th e n e c k o f th e d e ta c h m e n t; c o rre c ta b le lo 2 0 /2 0 v is io n in b o th e y e s. !ihe g a ve a histoTy
i f n o r e s p o n s e o c c u r s vtfitbfltrt 6 - 8 x v e e k s , r e p e a t t h e l a s e r t r e a t ­ ot c o n s ta n t h e a d a c h e s 2 years p re v io u s ly LhaL w a s d ia g n o s e d
m e n t ; i f still n o i m p r o v e m e n t i n the d e t a c h m e n t , c o n s i d e r as p s e Lid o Lu m o r C e re b ri. T h e rigbL o p lic n e rv e w as n o rm a l:
in lra v itre a l gas t a m p o n a d e w i l h o r W i t h o u t p a n ; p la n a v itre c ­ Lhe lefL s h o w e d a d e e p c u p w ith a te m p o ra l p i L. N o m a c u la r
t o m y . U s e o f i n l r a v i t r e a l Lissel t i s s u e g l u e t o c o v e r t h e p i t h a s d e ta c h m e n t w a s p re s e n i.

been r e p o r t e d . rl"he , i u t h o r h a s u s e d tis s e l s u c c e s s f u l l y i n а I t Гшгп k ' r r y i ■Ms I, A m i r lc u ii M e d i c » l A la b C i n l l p h Ml i i jjh ls

f ^ s t l V e d . LJ h u m Ci."ibV": L fnnm ЙМйуп ' I 97*J. A n n c f It мп ,il
p a t i e n t w i t h t w o p r e v i o u s v i t r e c L o m y fa ilu r e s . Lise o f p r o p b y -
Asux ,i I h jii. All г цЫк H^t;rv^;rl i !.. (4iurlc;№ uf !>r. Kiul Slblnber^.l
E a c t ic t r e a L m e n l e i d i e r a d j a c e n t t o t h e p i t o r a s a c o a r s e s c a t t e r
p a t t e r n o f laser in t h e m a c u l a i o p r e v e n t d e t a c h m e n l m i g h t
b e c o n s id e r e d in t h e rare p a t i e n t w i t h a s t r o n g f a m i l y h is to r y 1 m ore o c c a s io n s of a fla m e -s h a p e d h e m o rrh a ge o il th e
o f d e ta c h m e n t a sso c ia te d w i t h o p tic n e rve p it, a n d p a rtic u ­ o p tic d isc . Jh e ty p ic a l fie ld d e fe c t in n o rm o le n s iv e eyes

l a r l y i n t h e s e c o n d e y e i f L h e lir& t e y e h a s p e r m a n e n t L o s s o f e xte n d s fro m she b lin d s p o t lo n ea r fixa tio n in a p is to l­

a m i t y f r o n t th is c o m p l i c a t i o n . s h a p e d с о n f i g u r a t i o n a n d h as a steep c e n tra l m a r g i n .
Jie c au se p a tie n ts w i t h a c q u ire d p its a n d w i l h l o w - l e n s i o n
g la u c o m a h a v e s ig n ific a n t ly g re a te r a m o u n t s o f fie ld lo ss
ACQUIRED PITS OF THE OPTIC th a n th ose w ith e le v a t e d i n t r a o c u l a r p re s s u re w i l h o u l piLs.

NERVE i t es p r o b a b l e t h a t o p l i c n e r v e s p r e d i s p o s e d l o d e v e l o p i n g
p its are m ore s u s c e p tib le lo dam age fro m th e d a m a g in g
Pit-5 ik e c h a n g e s in th e o p lic n e r v e b e a d m a y be a c q u ire d effe cLs o f i n t r a o c u l a r p r e s s u r e . W h e r e a s t h e r e a re s t r u c t u r a l
and m ay be lh e cause o f u n e x p la in e d lo ss o f paracen­ d iffe re n c e s in th e la m in a c rib ro s a in p a tie n ts w ith and
tra l a n d o c c a s io n a lly ce n Lral v is u a l fie ld lo ss. L 'b e s e p its w ith o u t lo w -le n s io n g l a u c o m a , 1^ th e p a th o g e n e s is o f th e
ty p ic a lly d e v e lo p in th e in fe ro te m p o ra i quadrant in a c q u i r e d p i l o f t h e o p t i c d i s c is s t i l l n o l c l e a r . u l H is p o s t u ­
o ld e r p a tie n ts w ith norm al in tra o c u la r pressure o r g la u ­ la te d Lh at th e s e p a tie n ts h a v e c a v ila to iy d e fe c ls b e h i n d th e
c o m a . 57" 55 T h e r e is a n in c re a s e d in c id e n c e o f a c q u ire d la m in a c rib ro s a , th e w a lls o f w h ic h co lla p s e w i l h e le v a te d
p its in p a tie n ts w ith to w -le n s io n g la u c o m a [74 % ) versus p re ssu re a n d b e c o m e c o n flu e n t l o lo o b lik e a p i t o r a la ig e
p a tie n ts w ilh ly p ic a l g la u c o m a ( 1 f j l i i ) . "' D e v e lo p m e n t c u p . Is c h e m ic n e c ro sis in eyes w i l h p o o r o p tic n e rv e h e a d
o f t h e p i t m a y b e p r e c e d e d by1 t h e a p p e a r a n c e o n o n e or c ir c u la t io n m a y b e r e s p o n s ib le in s o m e e y e s .''1
S o № of th es e p a tie n ts d e v e lo p m a c u la r th ic k e n in g EЪ.0 4 M o r n in g g lo r y d

l e a d i n g l o s c h is is -Eik e c h a n g e th a t c a n я р т е й т я p rogress
А : Л Evp m o rn in g fjlory d e fo r m iLy w ilh a lar^e o p tic cEiне
t o m a c u l a r d e t a c h m e n t . 1'2 " 1' " Ih i s h a s b e e n n o t e d i n a c u t e a n d radial vessels a ris in g near its e d g e . N o t e lh e p e r ip a p il­
a n g le c lo s u re g la u c o m a , ju v e n ile g la u c o m a , tra u m a tic a n d la ry в tro p h y a n d p ig m e n ta tio n .
p rim a ry o p e n -a n g le g l a u c o m a . '['h e a c u t e ris e o r f r e q u e n t В and C : Nil p m i n g g l o r y a n d basal S tjc e p h a Jo c E le
s p ik e s in in tra o c u la r pressure m ay fo rc e flu id in to th e seen o n T l -w e ig h te d n on c o n lra s l sa y iH a ! m a g n e tic reso­
nance i m a g i n g i C . a r r o w , in л п o t h e r w i s e healtEijy l f l - v e a r -
in n e r re tin a t h r o u g h s m a ll d e fe c ts a l th e e d g e o f th e d is c
o ld fe m a le w iIh no liftht p e rc e p tio n vis io n . К o le th e
or cup. The in c re a s in g flu id m a y e v e n t u a l l y d iss e c t i n t o
p e r i p a pi i a r y h y p e r p i [ ^ m e n i a l i o n . H i " o n l y a s s o c i a t i o n w a s a
th e s u b re tin a l sp a c e in s o m e e y e s . L o w e r i n g th e in tr a o c u -
w id e nasal b rid g e .
Ear p r e s s u r e w i t h s u r g e r y o r m e d i c a t i o n s re s u lL s i n r e s o l u ­
D - H : [Jis L c o lo b o m a a ss o c ia te d vi h b a m a c u la r d e la c h n u m l
t i o n o f th e flu id in s o m e eyes; o th e rs re q u ir e a v it r e c to m y in Lh ii 31 -y e a r-o ld fe m a le . Flu o re s c e in a n g io g ja m s h o w s n o
a n d g a s d i s p l a c e m e n t . 1^ t h e s c h is is m a y b e s u b t le a n d h M H i f l u a r e u E l i c e or site o f le a k a g e -iH j. O p L ic a l (in h e re n c e
m a y b e m i s t a k e n f o r c y s t o i d m a c u l a r e d e m a s e c o n d a r y Lo to m o g ra p h y sEiuws s u b re lin a l flu id e m e n d in g From lh e d isc
p ro s ta g la n d in in h ib ito r s o r b e tre a te d w i t h o u t success W ith
ed|^e a n d a separate p o c k e t o f S R F u n d e r I h o fovea I t j , H ) .

to p ic a l n o n s te r o id a l ag en ts. P e rip a p illa ry s ta p h y lo m a .

I a n d |: P e rip a p illa ry s Ea p h y lo m a in the rig h t e y e o f a
С О Ю В О М Л , JU X T A P A P IL L A R Y J l - y e a r - o l d w o m a n c u m p fa in in g o f transient o b s c u ra tio n s
of' vis io n in [his e y e . N o l o d m c irc u la r area erf d e p ig m e n t д-
S T A P H Y L O M A , A N D M O R N IN G lion a n d e x c a v a tio n s u rr o u n d in g lb e o p llc d is c ( J T h e r e w a s
G L O R Y D E F O R M IT Y __________________ slighl n a r r o w in g o f I he relin a l vessels a d ja c e n l lo Ih e o p tic
d isc. V isu a l a c u ity in Lhe li^ h l e ye w iib 2 (V 2 0 a n d in I h e lefl
A c o lo b o m a o f th e o p tic nerve h e a d in v o lv e s a d e fe c t In e ye w a n 2 0 / 1 .'i. TEie lefl fu n d u s w a s n o rm a l : | ).
K : M a r k e d p e r ip a p illa r y s ta p h y lo m a , [he w a its о I w h ic h c o n ­
Els s t r u c t u r e o c c u r r i n g a s a r e s u l t o f m a J c l o s u r e o f t h e o c u -
tracted a b o u t e v e r y m in u te lo fa rm a CaVSty a p p r o x im a te ly
E a r f i s s u r e . It m a y h e m i l d , , i n w h i c h c a s e t h e r e i s a d e f e c t
tw o -th ird s o f the d ia m e le r s h o w n .
in th e o p tic n e rv e su b sta n c e , u s u a lly in fe rio riy . Ih is d e fe c t L a n d M : P h o to m ic ro g ra p h s ot" a cro s s -s e c tio n o f the d ys -
m a y h e m o r e ел t e n s i v e a n t i i n v o l v e t h e j u x t a p a p i E l a r y c h o ­ plastic o p tic n e rv e ju s t b e h in d th e e y e o f a p a tie n t w ith a
r o id a n d re tin a . It m a y b e a s s o c ia te d w i t h a p it d e f o r m i t y p e rip a p illa ry s ta p h y lo m a . N o l e lh e d ys p la s lic n e rv e sur­
and w ith a ju A ta p a p illa ry s ta p h ylo m a . T h is la tte r te rm ro u n d e d b y a rin g o f s m o o th m u s c le (a rra w s k C o n tra c tio n
re fe rs to an o u Lp o u c b in g o f th e o c u la r w a ll aroun d th e oE s im ila r a tavistic m u s c le is a p p a re n tly re s p o n sib le for the
s p o n fa rte o Js conLra cLron n o te d in the p a lie n t 'К ) .
o p tic n e rv e h e a d . !h is o u tp o u c h in g m a y o c c u r w iLh little
or no a b n o rm a lity in th e stru c tu re a n d fu n c tio n o f th e |Q jnrj F-:A k u r VL:nnuj;^i L J .. IIil1 k!-.-l n i-il A L lj!. SjurtiJer] 2C1I0,
7(IJ0 -iJ2 (J-5 . p.
e y e , o r W ith v a r y in g d e g re e o f d y s p la s ia o f th e n e rv e , [ f th e
c o l o b o m a o r s t a p h y l o m a is f i l l e d w i t h g l i a l t i s s u e , t h e r e t i ­
n a l b l o o d ve sse ls m a y e x it f r o m t h is tis s u e in a p a tt e r n t h a t and LJ. ih e s e d e ta c h m e n ts, tike th o s e a s s o c ia te d w i t h a
h its s u g g e s t e d to som e a m o rn in g g lo ry [E:ig u re 1 5 .0 2 K p it, m ay re s o lve s p o n ta n e o u s ly /"' 'ih e p a ltto g e n e s is of
and L). t h ese m o r e severe a n o m a lie s o f th e o p tic d is c m a y th e d e ta c h m e n t o c c u rrin g w ith a ll o f th e s e a n o m a lie s is
be a s s o c ia te d w ith serou s m a c u la r d e ta c h m e n t (fig u re p ro b a b ly s im ila r in m ost casesr a lth o u g h th is is c o n t r o ­
1 5 .0 4 D - H ) ; w ith o th e r o c u la r a b n o rm a litie s , in c lu d ­ ve rs ia l. In th e m o rn in g g lo ry d e fo rm ity and iu x ta p a p il-
in g m ic ro p h th a lm o s , le n s c o lo b o m a , p e rs is te n t p rim a ry ia ry s la p h y lo m a . Lhe d e ta c h m e n t has been a ttrib u te d
h y p e r p l a s t i c v i t r e o u s , o r b i t a l c y s t ^ 115" ™ and o c c a s io n a lly t o re tin a l b r e a k s in th e v ic in ity o f th e a n o m a l y , 141 4 lo
in tra c ra n ia l a b n o rm a litie s such as a b a sa l e n c e p h a lo c e le c o m m u n ic a tio n b e tw e e n th e s u b a ra c h n o id and s u b re ti­
[ F i g u r e 35 . 0 4 В a n d C ) , a n d m i d l i n e d e f e c t s i n c l u d i n g p i t u ­ nal s p a c e .1 lo c o m m u n ic a tio n b e tw e e n th e v itre o u s
i t a r y s t a l k d u p l i c a t i o n , a n d m o y a m o y a d i s e a s e . - : !“ : and s u b r e tin a l s p a c e ,s ' to c o m m u n i c a t i o n w ith b o th th e
A p i t d e f o r m i t y m a y o r i n a y n o t b e p r e s e n t a n d is o f t e n vitre o u s and s u b a ra c h n o id s p a c e / " 1, t o vitre o re tin a l tra c­
o b s c u r e d c lin ic a lly b y o t h e r a n o m a l i e s [E 'ig u r e ] 5 . 0 2 K a n d tio n / '^ and lo e x u d a tio n fro m b lo o d ve sse ls w ith in th e
LJ. En s o m e cases th es e a n o m a lie s m ay be c o m b in e d to a n o m a l y / ’’ 1' t h e o r b i t a l t i s s u e , 'JU a n d ju x ta p a p illa ry c h o r io -
fo rm a m a s s le s io n s im u la tin g a c a p illa ry a n g io m a , astro - c a p i l l a r i s . ''" V i t r e o r e t i n a E t r a c t i o n is p r o b a b l y i m p o r t a n t i n
t y to m a r c o m b in e d re tin a l-R ^ E, h a m a rto m a , o r m e la n o m a a ll c a s e s , a n d s u c c e s s f u l r e p a i r o f t h e d e t a c h m e n t h a s b e e n
fFig u re I 5 .0 4 B ) in th e re g io n o f th e o p tic d i s c . 1* 3 S o m e a c c o m p lis h e d by v itre c to m y , in tra v itre a l gas, and th e r­
p a tie n ts m a y m a n if e s t c lin ic a l e v id e n c e o f c o m m u n i c a t i o n m a l t r e a t m e n t a t t h e e d g e o f t h e a n o m a l y / ' ' ^" C h o r o i d a l
b e tw e e n th e v itre o u s a n d r e t r o b u lb a r o c u la r cysts v ia th e n e o v a s c u la r iz a tio n m a y o c c u r a l th e e d g e o f a n y o f th es e
o p t i c d is c a n o r p ( ilfe s ,tf:f llf iJ In p a tie n ts w i t h th e s e severe a n o m a l i e s > , ^ ^ i -, h '
d is c a n o m a lie s th e re tin a l d e t a c h m e n t b e g in s i n t h e jujc- h a m ilia ! cases h a v e b e e n a s s o c ia te d w i l h m u ta tio n s in
ta p a p itla ry area, o fle n o n t h e t e m p o r a l s i d e . ^ - ' " 11 th e P A X 6 g e n e on ch ro m o som e l ] p ] 3 ' jv; E t o w e v e r , g i v e n
lh e d e ta c h m e n t, u n lik e th at o c c u rrin g w ith a p i t nil o n e , th e a s s o c ia tio n o f tn o rn in g g lo Ty d is c s w ith d is s im ila r
m a y e x t e n d t o i n v o l v e m o s t o f th e f u n d u s [E: ig u r e E 5 .0 2 K a n o m a l i e s , a m o r e c o m p l e x g e n e t i c i n f l u e n c e is L i k e l y .
15-.0 -i P e r ip a p t ll a r y s l a p h y E o т а { С o n ti n u e d )
O F V IS IO N S E C O N D A R Y T O N : .Me?re Fully developed peripapillary staphyloma in a
17-year-old ^irl w ilh a Э-year history of intermittent episodes
P E R IP A P IL L A R Y S T A P H Y L O M A □f com plele anrmurosiH in lhe loll eye.

P e rip a p illa ry s ta p h y lo m a is a r a r e c o n g e n i t a l a n o m a l y in P a p f llo r e n a l s y n d r o m e Ir e n a l c o l o b o m a s y n d r o m e }

w h i c h t h e n o r m a l o r n e a r l y n o r m a l o p t i c n e r v e h e a d lies i n О a rid F*: Th i-s .Ы -уиаг-Ы с1 g r a d u a l*1 sLudent g a v e a histoTy
th e d e p t h o f a n e x c a v a tio n in th e fu n d u s [F ig u r e 1 5 . 0 4 lr K , ul u n d e rg o in g laser tre a tm e n t Lo h£s right o p tic n e rv e a I age
3 . H is visuaE a c u ity w a s 2 0 / 2 0 O U . H e c o m p la in e d o f righl
a n d N ) . !t is u s u a l l y p r e s e n t i n o n l y o n e e y e . il" t h e s t a p h y ­
fla n k p a in a n d w as k n o w n lo have sm all k id n e ys for lh e p re ­
l o m a d o e s n o t in v o lv e th e m a c u la , th e v is u a l a c u ily m a y b e
v io u s ti ye a rs : this w as disctifcSred w h e n h e w a s scre e n e d as
n o r m a l ( I ' i g u r e 1 .5 .0 4 1 a n d N ) . I n a d u l t h o o d t h e s e p a t i e n t s fi p o te n tia l k jd n e y d o n o r for his m o th e r, w h o h a d e n d -s ta g e
m a y c o m p la in o f tra n s ie n t o b s c u r a t io n s o f v is io n t h a t in renal disease for 1 3 y e a rs . H i s c re a tin in e c le a ra n c e w a s
д о щ е cases m ay b e a s s o c ia te d w ith in te rm itte n t d ila tio n d e c re a se d a n d hEs b lo o d p re ssu re w a s e le v a te d . A sister a n d
o f l h e r e l i n a l v e i n s . ' ' 4 ' lQI Rgu re i.S .0 4 1 illu s tra te s a m i l d n ie c e w e re k n o w n to h a ve a b n o r m a l renal f u n d io n a n d renal
d e g re e o f p e ri p a p illa ry s t a p h y io m a l o u s f o r m a t i o n t h a t w a s
s lo n e s . H ie vessels c o m e o il the d is c at its e d g e a n d the c e n ­
tral area o f Ih e d is c js "v a c a n t^ ' ( O . P I. La s e r scar is веер in
in itia lly m is in te rp re te d as a c h o r o id a l h e m a n g io m a in a
Ihe te m p o ra l ju x la p a p illa r y ret т а . H o r iz o n t a l sliia e le m p o -
y o u n g i v o m a n W i t h t r a n s i e n t o b s c u r a t i o n s o f v i s i o n . '■1
ru lo i h f I i к cl v нi;^n i I v p rtv io u -- SKI-. A ■ li n k .i l •: 1 .1gnosis
P e r ip a p illa r y s t a p h y l o m a t a m a y o c c a s io n a lly b e a s s o c ia te d o f p a p illo re n a l s y n d ro m e w a s m a d e a n d th e p a lie n l a n d the
w i t h c o n tra c tile m o v e m e n t s o f t h e w a lls o f t h e s t a p h y lo m a fa m ily are b e in g fu rth e r in ve s tig a te d to c o n firm the d ia g n o s is .
(Lig u re E 5 . i ) 4 K ) . ILI" 1111 I h e s e c o n t r a c t i o n s a r e n o t a s s o c i a t e d Q - 5 lh is 3 7 -y e a r -o ld m a le h a d und ergon e* a c a d a v e ric renal
w i t h t h e p a t i e n t ' s r e s p i r a t i o n o r p u l s e r a t e . I h e r e is s o m e h i s ­ tra nsplant fo r "o n d -s la g e ren al disease^ w ith h y p e rte n s io n
t o p a t h o lo g ic e v id e n c e l o s u g g e st th a t tb e p re s e n c e o f a ta vis tic at age 2 b . H e pre senLed w i lh a n o n rh e g m a to g e n o u s retinal
d e La c h m u n l in lh e rii^hl e y e a n d ch a n g e s al the p ig m e n t e p i­
s m o o th m u s c le in and around p e rip a p illa ry s ta p h y lo m a ta
th e liu m in Fjolh m a c u la I Q anrl K j; lhis w a s Ih o u g h l lo b e
m a y b e r e s p o n s i b l e f o r t h is c o n t r a c t i o n a n d ., fu r t h e r , m a y b e
related to c h ro n ic I C i L / o r ^ a n tra n s p la n l re tin o p a th y s u p e r­
re sp o n sib le fo r th e tra n s ie n t o b s c u r a tio n o f v is io n [Lig u re im p o s e d o n a n " a n o m a lo u s d is c ." K r y p t o n laser to Ihe te m ­
1 5 .0 4 1 . a n d М } . л: C o n tra c tile m o v e m e n ts have a ls o been poral e d g e p f Ihe rig h t o p lic d is c failed to re s o lve lh e relinal
d e s c r ib e d in p a Lie n ts w i l h c h o r o i d a l c o l o b o m a a n d m o r n i n g d e ln c h m e n f re q u irin g a pare p la n a v itre c to m y a n d e n d o
g lo ry s y n d r o m e " 1 in 1У62 Lo n g fe llo w and cow orkers d ra in a g e ( Q i a rro w at d ra in a g e si lei. C a rural e x a m in a tio n
re p o rte d a young m an w ilh u n ila te ra l in te rm itte n t b lin d ­
sEujws b o lh o p lic discs t o b e " v a c a n l" c e n tra I ly w ilh vessels
arisin g at the e d g e , s o m e o f w h ic h a re " h a ir p in -lik e ," ty p ic a l
ness a s s o c ia te d w i t h m a r k e d d i l a t i o n o f t h e re lin a l v e in s o f
o f jia p ilio re n a l s y n d ro m e {tjJ-S J.
u n d e t e r m i n e d c a u s e 1'"" H e h a d m i n i m a l a b n o r m a l i t y o f t h e
T - V : T h e rig h l e y e in Lhis 5 -m o n th -u -ld N ig e r ia n A m c r L c a n gLrl
o p lic n e r v e h e a d , b u t lh e c lin ic a l f i n d i n g o th e r w is e su g g e st w ilh p e n d u la r nys ta g m u s a n d h y p o p la s tic S id n e y s , reveals
th e p o s s ib ility o f an a n o m a lo u s s m o o th -m u s c le s p h in c te r sei^nenlaF a n d :s im u lla n o o u s fillin g o f lh e su p e rio r c h o ro id ,
a r o u n d th e re tr o b u lb a r o p tic nerve. retina a n d disc vessels d u rin g the e a rly arterial p h a s e ( U ) .
R e la tiv e n o n -p e rfu s io n o f i Fh j inferior t ■lonoiilal a n d retinal
vascu la tu re is seen lh at fills in a la let a n g io g ra m (V k T h e re is
a W ale.Kihed are a o l retinal a n d c h o ro id a l non-|>crfusior> fro m
P A P IL L O R E N A L (REN A L the disc that e xte n d s in fe ro te m p o ra lly (a rro w s , V ) . N o d istinct
C O LO BO M A ) SYN D RO M E foveal avascular z o n e w as present. This paLaenl also la cked
b o lh reLtnaE a n d c Fw ro id a l p e rfu s io n in the inferonasal p e r ip h ­
h irst d e s c r i b e d in 1 9 7 7 b y R ie g e r f lft' i t w a s c o n s i d e r e d l o b e a ery w h e re Lhe retinal vessels e n d -a n a s to m o s e d at trie e d g e o f
retinal p e rfu s io n . T h e lefl d is c h a d n o central retinal vessels
ra re a u t o s o m a l d o m i n a n t d is o r d e r o f t h e o p L ic d isc a n d k i d ­
Ino! s h o w n I. Н и N ig e r ia n fa th e r w iLh 2 0 / 2 0 a-ruily b ila leralJy
neys. W o r k b y P a is a a n d c o lle a g u e s su g ge sts th a t th e h i g h l y
h a d o p tic discs w ith h a irp in vessels arisin g a I Ihe d is c e d g e .
V a r i a b l e : p h e n o t y p e m a y b e r e s p o n s i b l e f o r its u n d e i d i a g n o -
W - Y : Th is 4 9 -y e a r-o ld A fr ic a n A m e r ic a n w o m a n s u ffe re d
sls. I n itia l d e s c r i p t i o n w a s o f a n o m a l o u s o p t i c d is c s a s s o c i­ re c u rre n t p y le o n e p h r itis . B o lh o p tic discs h a d vessels arising
a te d w i l h h y p o p la s t ic k id n e y s re s u ltin g in h y p e r te n s io n a n d aL Ihe I’ d g e o l the disc w ilh ru d im e n la r y c e n lra l d is c vessels
renal fa ilu re . Serous re lin a ! d e ta c h m e n t e x te n d in g lo th e tW a n d V . M id p h a s e a n g io g ra m on Lbe disc reveals v e ry
m a c u l a a c c o m p a n i e s t h e d i s c a n o m a l i e s i n s o m e c a s e s . ' 14 1111 sm all c e n tra l retinal vessels.
'ih e e xte n d e d o p h th a lm ic fe a tu re s o f p a p illo re n a l syn­ ltd a n d C , L i o u r t L - s y ( j f L J r . M . I .L r i q j L+ h . l I[ i L J - l i , -: :i m j r l i . ' . и Г i > i . t d w и
M . +’ v , i r i Ir, О . i i i d к in V .ii -i n u z j c i , L i w r t f i t f c A . I h « hl ciL in .il A l T l n .
d rom e in c lu d e !a ig e o p Lie d i s c s w ith several c ilio re tin a l
P tliLc b jT u h ta Ж 1К1. p .ВЭ5 ] ni rit! ? ( г и г и S c , !> i ; Ji l r u i d
arteries w i t h h a i r p i n - 1i k e l o o p s e m e r g i n g a t t h e e d g e o f t h e K , ( . i j u rlcijsy u f O r . A H . l - r t ' d v r i c k f r ; L . iг i■:J L t i u r l e h v o l I )r .

d isc ( L i g u r e IE L0 4 0 -S ). A la rg e p o r t i o n o f t h e c e n tra l parL W illia m I I . S | j t i i i L r. ( > . , n i j И r : i i L i r l L " , y Ml U r . L n u i r i ' M . l w ii;

Г к н У . L O L i r t L i v <j1 D 17 С » m ttr m I 3, i r ; . г ..11лг i м гE vviLh р т г и м п ш Iron»

o f t h e d isc is d e v o i d o f ve sse ls o r h a s r u d im e n ta r y c ilio -
U f > h l h . i I r n L i Н з ц у . h l M . ' v i t T 1 " 5' . -
re lin a l ve sse ls. A l o n g w i l h m u l l i p l e c ilio r e t in a l v e sse ls, t h e
r e t i n a l v a s c u l a t u r e is n o t f u l l y d e v e l o p e d , a n d th e c h o ro id le an u rs h a v e a p o o r l y d e f i n e d c e n tra l r e tin a l a rte ry a n d v e in
es a f f e c t e d lo v a rio u s degrees in c e rta in fa m ilie s (I'ig u r e and m o s t o f Lhe re tin a l c irc u la tio n is d e r i v e d f r o m c ilia ry
1 5 . 0 4 ' E - V ) . It a p p e a r s t h a t t h e r e m a y h e a p r i m a r y d e f i c i e n c y ve sse ls tn ih e s e a n im a ts , lh e eyes w ith p a p illo re n a l s y n ­
En t h e v a s c u l a r d e v e l o p m e n t th a t c o m p r o m is e s g ro w th of d r o m e s e e m t o h a s 'e c o n v e r t e d l o t h i s f e l i n e p a t t e r n o f c i r c u ­
s u b s ta n tia l p o r t io n o f th e re tin a a n d th e c h o r o id . C a ts a n d la tio n L a p i l l o r e n a l s y n d r o m e is l i k e l y a h e r e d i t a r y v a s c u l a r
d y s g e n e s is th is t m o s L s e v e r e l y a f f e c t s t h e o c u la r a n d renal"; H y p o p l a s i a a n d d y s p la s ia o f i h e o p t i c d is c .
c irc u la tio n , th e m o s t v a s c u la r o rg a n s . V is u a l fie ld d e fe c ts
Д : .M a rk e d h y p o p la s ia o f [he o p tic d is c in ал in la n l.
th at d o n e t c o r r e s p o n d lo g l a u c o m a t o u s c h a n g e s are s e e n ; В : P b o lo m ic r o g r a p h o f s evere o p lic disc h y p o p la s ia .
t h i s is e x p l a i n e d b y l h e a b s e n c e o f r e t i n a l g a n g l i o n c e l l s a n d С rind D : U n ila te ra l o p lic disc h y p o p la s ia in It?ft e y e iD l o f a
decreased re lin a l th ic k n e s s as a re su lt o f d e fe c t in th e vas- y o u n g w o m a n w h o h a d n o rm a l v is u a l a c u ily in b o th eyes b u l
c u lo g e n e s is o f th e re tin a a n d c h o r o id . M a g n e tic re so n a n c e □л a fferu n l p u p illa ry defeat a n d a p e c u lia r vis-ил I fr d d d e fe at
im a g in g ( M W ) s h o w s h y p o p la s ia o f th e o p tic c h ia s m due
in lh e left e y e . C o m p a r e w f lh n o rm a l l ijiiil d is c I L I .

Lo d e fe c t in t h e d e c u s s a t i n g f i b e r s o f t h e o p t i c n e r v e . liLl A
E: T ille d o p tic disc w a s prese nt b ila te ra lly in this p a (ie n lf w h o
h a d s U a e -K r t*n p a fa l v is u a l lie ld defeclh in b o th e y e s :
s ig n ific a n t n u m b e r o f th e s e discs m a y b e m i s d ia g n o s e d as
F a n d C : ie p t o -u p lic d ysp lasia In a 17-y e a r-o ld girl w h o w a s
m o r n i n g g l o r y o r n o r m a l - t e n s i o n g l a u c o m a , 'l h e a s s o c ia te d
the p r o d u c t o f fu ll-te rm n o rm a l p re g n a n c y a n d d e liv e ry , S h e
k i d n e y d ise a se s in c lu d e renal h y p o p la s ia , ren al h y p e rte n ­ h a d tieCm alal ja u n d ic e c a u s e d b y H it in c o m p a lib M ily . S h e
s i o n . a n d r e n a l f a i l u r e , I h e r e is e x t r e m e r e s i s t a n c e t o r e n a l was- o f short Statunjjt i h e h a d nysta gjm is .in d c o n c e n liic field
b lo o d How w i t h in th e re n a l p a r e n c h y m a re s u ltin g in re n a l c o n s tric tio n . H e r vis u a l a c u ity righl e y e , w a s 2Q/-60 a n d , led
h y p e rte n s io n . The re current p y e lo n e p h ritis and k id n e y
e y e , no lig h t p e r c e p tio n . M a g n e tic re s o n a n c e im a g in g ( M K ^
s h o w e d e v id e n c e ol aplasia o f the s tip lu m |>ellL±cidum.
s t o n e s is a v a r i a n t o f e x p r e s s i o n o f t h e r e n a l d i s e a s e .
H - J : B ila te ra l o p tic n e rv e h y p o p la s ia a n d absent s e p tu m peE-
'ih e r e m ay be several d e fe c ts in th e ГАХ2 gene Lo
lu c id u m seen o n c o ro n a l Mb? I in ihin E ti-y e a r-o ld pa Lien I.
a c c o u n t fo r th e v a ria b le p h e n o ty p e . In I У 9 5 , S a n y a n u s in
ririrE U. LiJurtL^y inf Ur. [oH i GUiMijf hi—Jr iflifcrtEiy erf Ur. KitriLk
et a l. d is c o v e re d m u ta tio n s in th e d e v e lo p m e n ta l gene Livin.J
PAX2 in tw o fa m ilie s w ith p a p illo re n a l s y n d r o m e . Ji;3,113
S c h i m m e n t i e t a l. i d e n t i f i e d th re e a d d i t i o n a l f a m ilie s w i t h
o c u la r and renal a b n o rm a litie s , in c lu d in g v e s ic o u re te ra l H e d ir e c t ly m e a s u r e d th e h o r i z o n t a l d i a m e t e r o f th e d iscs

r e f l u x .4 ' S in c e t h e n five o t h e r f a m ilie s w i t h m u ta tio n s o f la k e n o n a s t a n d a r d 3 0 d e g r e e fie ld f u n d u s c a m e r a i v i t h a

th e P A X 2 g e n e h a w b e e n r e p o r t e d . 11' ' " 1, H o w e v e r , n o t a ll x l.5 m a g n ific a tio n . I h e range in d ia m e te r s fo r h y p o p la s tic

cases c a n b e e x p la in e d b y th e Г Л Х 2 m u ta tio n s . discs w a s I .й - 3 .2 7 m m , w ith a m e a n o f 2 .6 4 m m , as c o m ­

lh e fe a tu re s th at s h o u ld a ie rl a d ia g n o s is o f p a p illo - p a r e d to a ra n g e o f 3 4 4 - 4 . 7 m m and a m e a n o f Э .Д 8 m m

renat syndrom e in c lu d e th e "vacant d is c s / presence o f f o r n o r m a l d iscs . Z e k i a n d o t h e r s u s e d t h e r a t io o f th e d i s ­

m u l t i p l e c ilia r y r e tin a l ve sse ls w i t h th e ir a b n o r m a l in se r­ tan c e fr o m t h e e d g e o f th e d is c t o th e c e n Le r o f th e fo v e a

tio n p o s te rio r lo th e g lo b e , p e rip h e ra l d y s g e n e s is o f th e lo d is c d i a m e t e r Lo d e fin e o p t i c d isc h y p o p l a s i a ; a r a tio o f

r e t in a ] ve sse ls- h y p o p l a s i a o f th e o p t i c c h i a s m o n K i R I , a n d 3 to 1 o r g re a te r c h a r a c te r iz e s a h y p o p l a s t i c o p l i c d i s c .|JS

v i s u a l f i e l d d e f e c t s l h a t d o n o t c o r r e s p o n d t o g l a u c o m a . ' 1 "' D is c h y p o p la s ia m ay be u n ila te ra l or b ila te ra l (['ig u r e

IB .0 5 С a n d !> ). In b ila te ra l cases th e eye w i t h Lhe s m a lle r
d isc o f t e n has a b e tte r S n e lle n a c u ity, in d ic a t in g th a t fa c ­
OPTIC DISC HYPOPLASIA AND to rs o t h e r th a n s ize d e te rm in e th e v is u a l fu n c tio n , e .g .,

T1LTED-DISC SY N DR O M E m a c u l a r h y p o p la s ia , h ig h re fra c tive e rro r, a m b l y o p i a , c e n ­

t r a l s c o t o m a , a n d o p t i c a t r o p h y . 12(1 A h y p o p l a s t i c d i s c w i t h

M ild d y s p la s ia o f th e o p tic n e rve m u s t b e c o n s id e re d in a la rg e c e n tra l c u p m ay h a v e a d is c d ia m e t e r o f n o r m a l

p a tie n ts w i t h u n e xp la in e d v i s u a l l o s s . " 1-1 ■' ' [ ' h e r e i s c o n ­ s i z e . 1 -'1 E l y p o p l a s t i c o p l i c d i s c s m a y o c c a s io n a lly be s u p ­

s id e ra b le v a ria tio n in lh e s ize o f th e norm al o p tic d isc . p lie d Ea rg e ly b y c ili o r e l i n a l a rte rie s . ' - s D i s c h y p o p l a s i a m a y

Ih e d i s c d i a m e t e r is o f t e n d i r e c t l y r e l a t e d t o e y e s i z e a n d he a s s o c ia te d w it h o th e r e x lr a o c u la r o r in tr a o c u la r a n o m a ­

re fra c tive e rro r. S o m e a n o m a l i e s o f th e d is c m a y h e e ith e r l i e s { e . g . , a n i r i d i a } 1 -'"; i t m a y b e s e g m e n t a l ' ■ and it m a y

o v e rlo o k e d or m is in te rp re te d as p a p ille d e m a . H a ilu re Lo he a s s o c ia te d w ilh norm al v is u a l a c u ily (fig u re 1 5 .0 Б С

re c o g n iz e a d is c a n o m a l y i n a p a tie n t w i t h a v is u a l d e fe c t and t ) J . |in S u p e r i o r s e g m e n t a l d is c h y p o p l a s i a m ay occur

m a y cause in itia tio n o f a n u n n e c e s s a rily e xte n s ive e v a lu a ­ a s a s i g n o f m a t e r n a l d i a b e t e s 1 ■lL ш a n d can b e d ia g n o s e d

tio n fo r a re tin a l, re tr o b u lb a r , o r in tra c ra n ia l le s io n . b y f i n d i n g c h a r a c t e r i s t i c i n f e r i o r v i s u a l f i e l d , d e f e c t s . 1 ■'

M o d e ra te or severe h y p o p la s ia o f th e o p tic d isc is O p lic n erve ln yp o p la sia ca n re su lt f r o m a n in s u lL to th e

o fte n a s s o c ia te d w i l h a v is u a l d e fe c t [Ijg u re 1 5 . U 5 J . — !- 1 em bryo a t a n y le ve l o f th e o p lic p a th w a y .1 b v id e n c e fo r

O p h t h a l m o s c o p i c c l u e s Lo its p r e s e n c e in c lu d e re d u c tio n a n e u ro e n d o c rin e d is o rd e r s h o u ld b e s o u g h t in a n y c h ild

in th e d isc d ia m e te r , a l o w d is c /a rte ry ra tio , a n d t h e p e r i­ p re s e n tin g w iL h b ila te ra l o p t i c d isc h y p o p la s ia , because o f

p a p illa r y d o u b l e - r in g s ig n ( F ig u r e 1 5 .0 5 Л a n d B ) . T h is s ig n th e fre q u e n t a s s o c ia tio n o f h y p o th a la m ic a n d p itu ita ry d y s ­

c o n s is ts o f a y e llo w -g r a y p e r ip a p illa r y h a lo d e lin e a te d b y f u n c t i o n , p a rtia l o r c o m p le t e a b s e n c e o f t h e s e p t u m p e llu -

an o u te r rin g c o r r e s p o n d in g lo th e ju n c tio n b e tw e e n th e c id u m , m id b r a in a b n o rm a litie s , b y p o L o n ia , h y d ro c e p h a lu s ,

s c le ra and la m in a c rib ro s a and an in n e r rin g caused by p o re n c e p h a ly , a n d o rth o p e d ic d e fo rm itie s (d e M o r s ie r s s y n ­

th e te rm in a tio n o f th e R I J t . ' - j Li4, d ia g n o s is o f m ild d r o m e ) ( E -'i g u r e 1 5 . Q B D and O th e r k n o w n asso­

degrees o f h y p o p la s ia m ay be d iffic u lt or im p o s s ib le . c ia tio n s in c lu d e a n irid ia , m o n o c u la r te m p o ra l h e m ia n o p s ia ,

Several te c h n iq u e s f o r m e a s u r i n g a rid d e fin in g o p tic d is c co n tra la te ra l m e g a lo p a p illa , m ic ro p h th a lm ia , a c h ia s m ia .

h y p o p la s ia have been d e s c r i b e d . K o ma n o . u s in g p o ly m ic ro g y ria , p e rio d ic a lte rn a tin g -g a a e n ys ta g m u s , in tra ­

p h o L o g r a m e tric m e th o d s, fo u n d no o v e rla p b e tw e e n th e c ra n ia l a r a c h n o i d c y s t, o v a l c o r n e a a n d le n s d u p l i c a t i o n , t o r ­

h o rizo n ta l d ia m e te rs o f n o r m a l a n d h y p o p la s tic d i s c s . ' t u o u s re tin a l v e in s , a n d m i t o c h o n d r i a l c y t o p a i h i e s .1 : 1' : ' '

1q а 10 0 -c a s e s e r ie s o p t i c n e r v e h y p o p l a s i a W a s a sso c i- \ 5 .0 6 H y a lin e b o d ie s o l (h e o p t ic d is c .

лL&J w ith p re m a tu r e b irth [ 2 1 % ) , m a te rn a l d ia b e te s { 6 % ) ,

A a n d B : A s y m m e tr ic d is trib u lio n o f o p tic disc h y a lin e b o d ­
fe ta l a lc o h o l syn drom e (Э ? о ), a n d e n d o c rin e a b n o rm a li­ ice in a 1 4 -y u a r-o ld g irl w h o s e c o n d ilio n w a s m isdiag nejsed
ties [ 6 % ) . T h i r t y - t w o p e r c e n t h a d a s s o c ia te d d e v e l o p m e n t a l as p a p ille d e m a . N o l e lh e c o n g e n ita l lort urss i ly o f Lhe relinal
d e la y , 13% c e r e b r a l p a b y , a c id 1 1 % s e i z u r e s . S i x t y p e r c e [tL vessels a n d lh e re la tiv e ly s m a ll, less in v o lv e d lefL o p tic d isc.
had ab norm al n e u r o i m a g in g , in c lu d in g v e n tric u la r and iu b ie lin a l h e m o rrh a g e la rro w } c ^ e d b y c a lc ifie d h y a ­
w h ite - o r g ra y -m a t te r a b n o r m a litie s , s e p lo -o p L ic d y s p la s ia
line bctdies.
L}: L^ h o to m k ro g m p h o f a c a lc ifie d h y a lin e b o d y lo c a le d
( F i g u r e 1 5 . 0 5 | ) , c o r p u s c a l l o s u m a b n o r m a l s tie s, a n d h y d r o ­
a n te rio rly lo the la m in a crib co sa . N o t e m u ltip le d ila te d c a p il­
c e p h a l u s . A s s o c i a t e d c l i n i c a l n e u r o l o g i c a l d e fic its w e re s e e n
la rity : a rro w s ■n e a r Lbe m a rg in s o f lh e h y a lin e b o d y .
i n 5 7 % o f b i l a t e r a l a n d 3 2 c/ & o f u n i l a t e r a l c a s e s . lSA
E-L: This 1 7 -y e a r -o ld j^irl p re s e n te d w iLh p o o r v is io n in Lhe
N o sp e c ific gene d e fe c t has been fo u n d , th o u g h iso ­ left e ye for it y e a r. H e r v is u a l n c u ilv w as 2 Q /2 0 in lh e ri^hL
la te d cases h a v e b e e n a s s o c ia te d W it h P A X 6 d e fe c t, p e r i c e n ­ Find 20,T30 in 'h e lefl e y e . In tra o c u la r pressures w e r e 9 a n d
tric i n v e r s io n o f c h r o m o s o m e 9, tris o m y l f l r !>p d e l e l i o n I I m m H f j resume Lively. Ltolh o p tic discs w e r e .u m p y - b u m p v
(cri du chat s y n d ro m e ], 50X2, SOX, and lltS X l gene
w ith m ild p e rip a p illa ry fibrosis a n d subreLinal c a lc ific a tio n
i t , I . The Lefl e y e h a d a d is c ifo rm scar M ^ itity in ^ ii>vobk>d
m u t a t io n s .1 ''
su b retin a l n e c jva s c u la ri^ a lio n . A u L o llu o re s c e n c e m in tin g b y
l he tiite d -d is c syn drom e Etas th e fo llo w in g fe a tu re s:
fillers o n ih e fu n d u s е д гп е т iF. Г a n d w ilh b arrie r a n d escala­
th e lo n g a x i s o f t h e o v a l o p t i c d i s c is o b l i q u e l y d i r e c t e d ; tion fillers i t i , Ю s h o w e d in c re a se d .n jlo flu o re s c e n c L1 in Liolh
th e u p p e r a n d t e m p o r a l p o r l i o r o f t h e d is c lie s a n t e r i o r e ye s. O p iic a l c o h e re n c e Lorfiog^aphy s h o w e d raised n o d u la r
to Lhe i n f e r o n a s a l p o r t i o n ; th e r e t in a l ve sse ls e m e r g e f r o m surface w ilh in cre a se d re fle c ta n c e ol b o lb discs i H , L :.
th e d is c tis s u e in th e upper and te m p o ra l aspect ra th e r
t h a n n a s a l l y ( s L t u s i n v e r s u s ) ; t h e r e is a n R P f c c o n u s i n t h e
d ire c tio n o f th e lilt. as w e l l ;is a l a r g e a r e a o f h y p o p ig -
m e n ta lio n a c id s ta p h ylo m a to u s e c ta s ia in fe ro n a s a l to
Lh e o p t ic d is c ; m y o p i c a s t i g m a t i s m is p r e s e n t : and visu a l
I n s o m e p a tie n ts d r u s e n m a y c a u s e s l o w p ro g re s s iv e lo ss
f i e l d d e p r e s s i o n o c c u r s b i t e m p o r a l Ey ( n o t t r u l y h e r n i a n o - o f v is u a l fie ld s (c h a ra c te ris tic a lly in fe m n a s a t) in a nerve
p ic ) ( F ig u r e 1 5 .0 5 3 :) .1 : ' C Je n lra L v is io n m a y o r m a y n o t
fib e r d i s t r i b u t i o n .1' 1 Drusen m ay be a sso c ia te d w ith
be a ffe c te d . T h e a s y m m e t r y o f th e d is c e le v a tio n w i t h th e a b n o r m a l v is u a l e v o k e d p o te n tia ls .^ 178 I n a fe w p a tie n ts
ill-d e fin e d m a rg in s s u p e rio rly m ay be m is ta k e n fo r p a p ­
d ru s e n o f th e o p tic d is c m a y le a d to s e v e re lo ss o f c e n tr a l
i l le d e m a . V is u a l lo ss m a y b e c a u s e d o c c a s io n a lly b y c h o ­ y i a J t m .lM ,i r e D r u s e n m a y a ls o c a u s e a c u te v is u a l Joss, p r e ­
r o i d a l n e o v a s c u l a r i z a t i o n . 1 ''' l " h e d i s c a n o m a l y m ay occur
s u m a b ly re s u ltin g f r o m acute s w e llin g o f th e o p tic nerve
i n a s s o c i a t i o n w i t h , o t h e r , n o n o c u l a r a n o m a l i e s . 139 h e a d in d u c e d b y th e d ru s e n in te rfe rin g w ith th e b l o o d s u p ­
p ly o f th e nerve (Fig u re 1 5 . 0 7 G ) bi:® - l f l 8 - , A 7 ' I h i s sw e llin g
D R U S E N (H Y A L IN E B O D IE S ) O F m ay. be e v id e n t o p h lh a lm o s c o p ic a lly a n d m a y be a c c o m ­

T HE O P T IC N ER V E H E A D ____________ p a n ie d by a fe w fla m e -s h a p e d hem orrhages and c o tto n ­

wool p a tc h e s , a p ic tu re s u g g e s tin g a n te rio r is c h e m ic o p tic
l>ru se n are discrete , m u ltip le , am orp h ous, p a rtly ca lc ifie d n e u r o p a t h y ( A k > H ] . l ’ , ' ] a 21 ] & i r i e 7 En o t h e r s t h e s w e l l i n g o f
e x t r a c e llu la r d e p o s it s In Lhe p r e l a m i n a г p o r t i o n o f Lh e o p t i c t h e o p t i c n e r v e m a y b e le s s a p p a r e n t a n d c a u s e o b s t r u c t i o n
n e rv e re p o rte d in 2 % o f p o p u la tio n .1 In s m a ll n u m b e r s o f th e c e n tr a l r e t i n a l v e s s e ls .1’ 4 t yes
th e y m a y be present d e e p w it h in a n o r m a l-a p p e a r in g o p tic t h a t d e v e l o p a n A I O N , t h e p r e v a le n c e o f v a s c u la r ris k fa c­
n e rv e h e a d . In la rg e r n u m b e r s In c h ild r e n a n d y o u n g a d u lts , to rs, p a tt e r n o f v is u a l fie ld to ssr a n d In c id e n c e o f s e c o n d e ye
th e y cause a s w o lle n nerve b e a d th at m a y s im u la te p a p ill­ i n v o l v e m e n t a re s im ila r t o e y e s w i t h o u t d isc d r u s e n : how­
e d e m a (Fig u re 1 5 .06A a n d В ) .1 A s L h e y b e c o m e L a r g e r, m o r e e v e r t h e y a re y o u n g e r , e n j o y a h e lle r p ro g n o s is , a n d m ore
c a lc ifie d , a n d a sso c ia te d w i t h a t r o p h y o f s u r r o u n d i n g n e rve o f t e n r e p o r t t r a n s i e n t v i s u a l o b s c u r a t i o n s . 1 ,0 O p t i c d i s c d r n -
fib e rs , th e y becom e visib le as d i s c r e t e c r y s t a l l i n e s t r u c t u r e s s e n m a y a ls o c a u s e lo ss o f v i s i o n a s s o c ia te d w i t h s u b r e tin a l
E a t e r i n Life [ F i g u r e 1 5 .0 6 C a n d E a n d L 5 .0 7 ] a n d K ) . W h e n e x u d a tio n a n d h e m o r r h a g e d e rive d fr o m p e r ip a p illa r y c h o ­
b u r i e d , t h e y are m o s t e a s ily d e t e c te d tjy r e t r o i l h i m i a i a l i o n b i o - r o i d a l n e o v a s c u l a r i z a t i o n ( F i g u r e L 5 . 0 7 A - F ] . ' ' " ' |O|: H l e e d i n g
m ic ro s c o p ic a lly . A l t h o u g h a " L u m p y , b u m p y '" a p p e a ra n c e to a in lo th e s u b re tln a l space rm iy o c c u r a d ja c e n t t o t h e o p Lie
s w o lle n d is c su gge sts th e p re s e n c e o f d r u s e n ( F i g u r e 1 5 . 0 6 F - d isc in th e a b s e n c e o f a n g i o g r a p h ic e v id e n c e o f s u b re tin a l
l_), a s i m i l a r p i c t u r e o c c a s i o n a l t y o c c u r s i n р а р И к ч к ’ т л . 160 n e o v a s c u la riza tio n (Fig u re 1 5 . 0 7 Л ) . 1'1' V e r y ra re ly P u lfr ic h
l h e y f r e q u e n t l y o c c u r in s m a l l d iscs a n d m a y b e a s s o c ia te d p h e n o m e n o n is r e p o r t e d , l i k e l y f r o m d e l a y e d c o n d u c t i o n i n
w ith a n o m a l o u s b r a n c h in g a n d to rtu o s ity o f th e re tin a l ves- o n e e y e c o m p a r e d t o th e o t h e r , a n d th is c a n b e m i n i m i z e d
se Is ( f i g u r e s 1 5 . 0 6 A a n d Й a n d 1 5 . 0 7 A a n d b ) . 1 "1 1 " ' In ' u s i n g a t i n t e d Lens o n t h e a f f e c t e d s id e .
O th e r fu n d u s fin d in g s th at Ш occurred in a sso c ia ­ \5 .0 7 H y a lin e b o d ie s o f th e o p l i c d is c .

tio n w ith d ru s e n o f th e o p tic n e rv e h e a d in c lu d e re tin itis

A - F : Serous and h e m o n h a jjic disciform d etachm ent o f [h e lefl
p i g m e n t o s a , 3 r J - 196 r e t i n a l h e m o r r h a g e s , lbVl a n g i o i d s t r e a k s m acuEa i Й) se c o n d a ry to h ya lin e b o d ie s o f (he optic; d is c in a
i n p a t i e n t s W i t h p s e u d o x a n l h e n n a e l a s L i e u m 1''"' ( s e e f i g u r e 4 -ye a r-o ld b o y w ilh л 3 -w e e k history ol lefl esotropia. Visual
З .З Й 1 a n d 3 . 4 0 H l o L .J s u b f o v e a ! c h o r o i d a l n e o v a s c u l a r i z a - acuity in Lbu right e y e w a s 2С УЗО a n d in lbe [etc e y e w as 20/200.
t i o n , J<ILl c h r o n i c p a p i l l e d e m a a s s o c i a t e d w i l h p s e u d o l u m o r N o te sw o lle n o p lic disc in b o th eyes ( A a n d tt) a n d lhe углу,
c e r e b r i , 1' ' ■l' 1 a n d c h o r i o r e t i n a l f o l d s f s e e C h a p t e r 4 ) . D i s c ly p e 2, Hubrt4infil p p q y a s O J lar m e m b ra n e iiim jw s , ]li e xle n d -
iпц te m p o ra lly from lh e Soil o p tic disc. F lq rte s c e Jfi й п ф й ф н рЬ Й
d r u s e n h a v e b e e n r e p o r t e d еп c h i l d r e n w i l h p rim a ry m e g a -
revealed e v id e n c e o f p e rfu s io n a n d staining o l (he neovascutar
c e p h a l y . ' 0' Drusen b o d ie s t)f lh e o p lic nerve head occur
m a n h r a n e Etfte™ fing Crtjn ■ lh e [ t v n w m l edge o f Lhe letL o p lic
c o m m o n l y , a n d th e re fo re m a n y a s s o c ia te d fin d in g s m a y b e
Hi sc and D ). X e n o n p h o to -c o a g u la tio n vras pFaced o v e r [he
c o i n c i d e n t a l . ' ..........l h e a s s o c i a t i o n o f d n i s e n a n d c h o r i o r e t i n a l area o f subrelinal n e o va sc u la riza tio n IE). N o t e lhal Ihe p h o to -
f o l d s p r o b a b l y is n o t c o i n c i d e n t a l . M o s t c h o r i o r e t i n a l f o l d s □oajjulation w a s n o l carried in lo the c e n te r o f ih e ioveaF area.
are p r o b a b l y a c q u i r e d a n d a re c a u s e d b y s o m e s u b c l i n ic a ! T v v u m o n lh s fo llo w in g p h o tO tQ a ^ u Ja tio n nole Ll-*! a tro p h y ol lh e
in fla m m a t o r y pro ce ss c a u s in g s h r in k in g a n d fla tte n in g o f
noli гм! p ig m e n t cpil helium Ibat estends into Hit; central m ac u la r
areg (F). The p a tie n ts visual a cu ity wish a p p fo x w la Le ly 6 /20 0 .
t h e p o s t e r i o r sc le ra , l h i s p ro c e s s a ls o c auses n a r r o w i n g o f
G - l : A c u t e o p tic n e u ro p a th y w ith d is c e d e m a , p e rip a p illa ry
Lh e o p lic c a n a l a n d in t u r n m a y p re d is p o s e th e o p tic n e rve
e x u d a tio n , a n d e iu d a liv e тл »си 1лг d e ta c h m e n t in iFw right e ye
h e a d io d ru s e n a c c u m u la tio n a n d o lh e r c o in p lic a tio n s su ch (C> o f a J l - y e a r - o l d m an c o m p la in in g o f ra p id loss o f v is io n .
as i s c h e m i c o p t i c n e u r o p a t h y a n d o b s t r u c t i o n o f t h e c e n t r a l H is lefl o p lic disc w as sm all a n d c o n ta in e d h ya lin e iio d kts
r e t in a l ve sse ls. I n s o m e p a t i e n l s h y a l i n e b o d i e s are i n h e r ­ harrow. H i . Tw o m o n th s later visual a c u ity bad im p ro v e d a n d
i t e d a s a n a u L o s o m a l - d o m i n a n t I r a i t . 1 !i 1■' '■" n 'J Fnyaline In d ie s w e r e e v id e n t in lh e rig h t d is c Ja iro w s , Ii.
K i u o r e s c c i n a n g i o g r a p h y is h e i p f u l in id e n t i fy i n g a lte r­ j a n d K : VisiFjIe t.a lc ifie d d ru s e n un Ihe d is c ыliгГчтес* in b o th
eyes o f a 5 t)-y o a i-o ld w o m a n .
a tio n s in th e n o r m a l o p lic n e r v e v a s c u la r p a tte r n as w e ll
as i n id e n t ify in g s u b r e lin a l n e o v a s c u la r iz a t io n a s s o c ia te d
w ith d ru s e n . i: fty v irtu e o f th e ir a u t o flu o r e s c e n c e ., s m a l l s c ie ra l c a n a l , c r o w d i n g o f n e r v e fib e rs , p a r tia l o p t i c

drusen n e a r th e s u rfa c e o f lh e o p t ic d is c c a n be d e te c te d a t r o p h y , e l e v a t e d d i s c m a r g i n s , c y t o id b o d i e s , d i l a t e d c a p ­

W i t h f u n d u s p h o t o g r a p h y u s in g a p p r o p r i a t e filte rs ( l i g u r e illa rie s , ju x ta p a p illa ry su b re tin a l hem orrhage, su b re tin a l

1 5 . 0 6 f :, G , ] , a n d K ). T h e a u Llio r has fo u n d th is t e c h n i q u e n e o v a s c u la riza tio n {H g u re l E i .0 7 R - E :), re tin a l s c a rrin g ,

h e lp fu l in d e le c tin g d ru se n lh a l w ere n o t v is ib le h io m i­ a nti c a lc ific a tio n . I lis to c h e m ic a lly (h e y are c o m p o s e d of

c r o s c o p i c a l l y . O C E ' is h e l p f u l i n m o n i t o r i n g t h e c h a n g e i n a m u c o p ro le in m a trix c o n ta in in g a c id m u c o p o ly saccha­

c o n t o u r o f th e d is c , w i t h c h a n g e s in th e s ize o r a n te rio r rid e s, rib o n u c le ic a c id , and o c c a s io n a lly i r m u 1^ 16 3 ,1* 3

m o v e m e n t o f t h e d n i s e n o v e r L i m e ( I 'i g u r e i 5 . 0 6 1 ] a n d I.J. T h e i r p a th o g e n e s is has been a sc rib e d lo K P IL m ig ra tio n ,

U l t r a s o n o g r a p h y is a ls o h e lp fu l in d e te c tin g o p t ic d is c h y a lin e d e g e n e ra tio n of Lhe n e u ro g lia , a c c u m u la tio n of

d r u s e n ., p a r t i c u l a r l y w h e n t h e y a re b u r i e d in a n o p t i c d is c d e g e n e ra tive p ro d u c ts o f a x o n s , a n d c o a le s c in g in tr a c e llu ­

th a t a p p e a r s n o r m a ! c lin ic a lly , o r in cases o f u n e x p l a i n e d l a r d e p o s i t s o f g l i a l c e l l s , - 11 i r a n s u d a t i v e v a s c u l o p a t b y , lf"

o p tic d is c s w e l l i n g . 1'4'1 f a i l u r e lo d e m o n s tra te c a lc ifie d and a xo p la s m ic tra n s p o rt a l l e r a t i o n s .1^ Jl is p ro b a b le

b o d ie s in th e o p tic nerve head o f in fa n ts and c h ild re n th at .1 c o n g e n ita l, a n d less c o m m o n l y a n a c q u ire d , s m a ll

w ilh a s w o lle n o p tic nerve head m ay not e xc lu d e th e o p t i c n e r v e s c l e r a l c a n a l l h a l is c r o w d e d w i l h n e r v e f i b e r s

presence o f d ru sen . It is p o s s i b l e , a llh o u g h not proven is r e s p o n s i b l e f o r a lo ca l d is tu r b a n c e o f a x o p l a s m i c tr a n s ­

h is lo p a lh o lo g ic a lly , lh a l d ru s e n m a y b e re la tive ly n o n c a l­ p o r t a n d d r u s e n f o r m a t i o n . L ' n- L - ' i s o f o u n d u E l r a s l r u c t u r a l

c ifie d h y a l i n e s tru c tu r e s i n y o u n g p a t i e n t s .'4" T h e c a lc ific a ­ e v i d e n c e to s u g g e s t t h a t o p t i c d is c d r u s e n are t h e r e s u lt o f

tio n c a u s e d b y d r u s e n a n le r io r to th e le ve l o f th e la m in a abnorm al in tra c e llu la r m e ta b o lis m and c a lc ific a tio n of

crib ro s a s h o u ld not be c o n fu s e d w ith th a l lo c a te d sev­ m i t o c h o n d r i a . - 4 '1 l h e m ito c h o n d ria are e x t r u d e d in to lh e

eral m illim e te rs p o s te rio r lo lh e la m in a c r ib r o s a '" '' The e xtra c e llu la r sp ace, w h e re th ey act as n id i fo r c o n Lin u e d

c a u s e o f t h i s l a t t e r f o c a l c a l c i f i c a t i o n is u n c e r t a i n . I n s o m e b u ild -u p o f ca lc ific d e p o s its . A c q u i r e d causes o f c h ro n ic

p a lie n ts lh e c a lc ific a tio n m ay be lo ca te d in t h e w a lls or c r o w d i n g o f t h e o p t i c n e r v e f i b e r s s u c h as i d i o p a t h i c c h o ­

E u n t e n o f t h e c e n t r a ! r e l i n a l a r t e r y , w h e r e il m a y d e v e l o p rio re tin a l f o l d s [se e C h a p t e r 4 ) a n d p s e u d o t u m o r ce rebri

as a d e g e n e r a t i v e c h a n g e i n a s s o c i a t i o n w i l h a l h e r o m a l o u s m a y a l s o b e a f a c L o r i n d r u s e n f o r m a t i o n . 1 " 2 :u ]

d i s e a s e , o r it m a y b e a c a lc ific e m b o l u s d e r iv e d f r o m th e The lo n g -le rm v is u a l p ro g n o s is fo r m o s t p a lie n ts w ith

a o r t i c v a l v e , 'i'h e s e EocaE r e l r o l a m i n a r c a l c i f i c a t i o n s i n a y b e d r u s e n o f l h e o p t i c d i s c is p r o b a b l y g o o d . I h o s e w i l h b u r ­

fo u n d in s o m e eyes w i t h c e n tra l re lin a l a rte ry o c c lu s io n . ie d d ru s e ii h a v e fe w e r v is u a l fie ld d e fe c ts t h a n t h o s e W it h

C o m p u te d lo m o g ra n h v fC E") is a l s o c a p a b l e o f d e t e c t i n g v i s i b l e d r u s e n . - ! ] -' V i s u a l fie ld d e fe c ts m ay show p rog res­

b u r i e d d r u s e n . 2* ^ - ™ " s io n in s o m e p a lie n ts . L ite n a t u r a l c o u r s e o f t h o s e p a l i e n t s

iiis lo p a th o lo g ic a lly , d rusen are c a lc ifie d e x tra c e llu - w ho d e v e lo p iu x La p a p iH a ry su b re tin a l n e o v a s c u la riza tio n

Ear b o d i e s l o c a t e d a n t e r i o r l o l h e l a m i n a c r i b r o s a ( l :i g u r e is v a r i a b l e , a n d s o m e p a t i e n l s m a y r e t a i n c e n l r a l v i s i o n i n

1 3.( J t D } .1 Lfi2' L ^ ■1lh?' 1 11 T h e y are a s s o c ia te d w ith s p ite o f p e r ip a p illa r y s u b re lin a l h e m o r r h a g e .

'l h e b io m ic r o s c o p ic d ia g n tjs is o f d m s e n o f t h e o p tic d is c I S . ОЙ Fam ilial o p tic n e u r o p a t h y .
is r e l a t i v e l y s e c u r e i f t h e c a l c i f i e d b o d i e s a r e v i s i b l e u i l h i n t h e
A : "Ibis youn^ |^irl had mi 3d visual loss ап-d л cecocenHa I
e le va te d o p lic n e rv e h e a d . O c c a s io n a lly n o n c a lc ifie d d m s e n - scotoma in both eyes. H e r sibling had similar findings. Note
l i k e c h a n g e s nine c a u s e d b y p a p i l l e d e m a . ' 1^ Eh e d iffe re n tia l lhe sefji r-enta I area o f opjlic alrophy temporally,
d ia g n o sis of jiu ta p ^ ilJa iy c h o ro id a l n e O T a s c trla jiis tio J» tt: This 4(J-yea r-ol [J lama ican man had poor vision in his lefl
a s s o c ia te d w i l h a s w o lle n o p l i c d is c in c lu d e s lh e p r e s u m e d eye since sustaining Irauma Co I ha I eye aL 30 years of аду. He
o c u la r h is to p la s m o s is s y n d r o m e , a n g io id stre aks, id io p a t h ic
was- asymplnmatic in (he eve bul was rt'fermd lirecause
his best corrected vision in (be eye was 20/70. There was a
c h o r o id a l n e o v a s c u la r iz a tio n . s a rc o id o s is , p a p ille d e m a w i t h
wedge-shaped area a t LemporaE pallor in both oplic discs
p s e u d o t u m o r c e r e b r i, a n d c o n g e n i t a l p it o f t h e o p t i c d isc .
iBi and pusnraLrmatic scarring in [he lefl m acula. He bad
hi lateral oacocenlraJ stolon da la. II is prohahle that a familial
HEREDITARY O P T I C oplic alrophy that developed in early childhood was respon­
sible for subnormal acuity in the ri^ht eve.
NEURO PATHIES______________________ C-F: D o m in a n t optic atro p h y a ffe c te d lo U r generations оI lh e
family o f this 3-year-old Егюу 1C a n d O ) .infI his 2 5 -year-old
lh e h e r e d o d e g e n e r a l i v e o p Lie n e u r o p a t h i e s m u s t be c o n ­
father (Ё an d F>. T h e son's visual acuity w a s 20/40 hi laterally.
s id e r e d i n p a tie n ts w i t h i n s i d i o u s as w e ll as r a p id lo ss o f
T he father y a v e a history ot slow loss, o f v is io n since c h ild -
c e n tra l v is io n . h o tjd . acuily was 20/200 in b o lb eves.
■■-L: Dominanl oplic atrophy affecting three generalions of
this family. Kfroband is a 12-year-old boy with 20/50 vision
Dominant Optic Atrophy (KjerTypej
in each eye. Bolh optic discs showed temporal pallor (G and
P a tie n ts w ilh d o m in a n t o p tic a tr o p h y n o te Lhe in s id io u s H and he bad bilateral tenLrocedaE scotomas. on visual field
onset о Г m ild ly p ro g re ss ive lo ss o f v is u a l a c u ity, u s u a lly testing. Optical coherence tomography through both macuEas
b e g i n n i n g b e f o r e 1 0 y e a r s o f a g e ^ 2 l J " 2jW V i s u a l l o s s is b i l a t ­
showed normal pholorecepflors, bul mild thinn-in^ of the nasal
inner retina fH and 12 arrows). His -15 -year-old falher was
eral b u t m a y b e a s y m m e tric . M any p a t i e n l s are u n a b l e l o
asymptomatic with 20''20 vision in bolb eyes (I). His 74-ytM.r-
re call Lhe L i m e o f o u s e l o f Lhe d is e a s e , a n d s o m e m a y b e
old paterms] grandfather compfairied of slow loss of vision,
a s y m p to m a tic . A lth o u g h t h e o p t i c a t r o p h y is d o m i n a n t l y never corredaEjle beyond 20/40 for Ibe previous 30-plus
in h e rite d , a p o s itive fa m ily h is to ry m a y n o t he o b ta in e d years., and had temporal pa11or of berth optic discs ■
:K. L).
( E 'ig u r e 1 5 .0 Й } . lu te rfa m ilia l and in lra fa m ilia l v a ria tio n s
in a c u it y lo ss m a y o c c u r [r a n g e : 2 0 / 3 0 - 2 0 / 4 0 0 ] . T h e c h a r ­
a c t e r i s t i c f i e l d d e f e c t is a c e c o c e n l r a l s c o t o m a . D e p r e s s i o n
o f th e t e m p o r a l is o p le rs m a y s im u la te a b i t e m p o r a l h e m i -
a n o p ia . C o n s t ric tio n o f p e rip h e ra l i s o p l e r s is r a r e . I'M t a n lh e OPAJ (o p tic a tro p h y typ e 1] gene is lo c a lis e d
( b l u e ) d y s c h r o m a l o p s i a is t h e c h a r a c t e r i s t i c c o l o r d e f e c t i n Lo a 1 .4 - c M in te rv a l on ch ro m osom e ^ Ц $ & с £ 2 & , а:12~235
d o m in a n t o p tic a tro p h y . A g e n e r a liz e d d y s c h r o m a lo p s ia .. M is s e n s e , nonsense, d e le tio n f r a m e s h i ft and sp lic e s ite
how ever, m ay be p r e s e n t in som e cases. T e m p o r a l o p lic a lte ra tio n s a c c o u n lin g fo r m o re th a n 100 m u ta tio n s have
d isc p a l lo r , o f t e n w i t h a tria n g u la r area o f te m p o r a l e x c a ­ been seen in v a rio u s p e d ig re e s o f p a tie n ts w ilh d o m i­
v a tio n . is c h a r a c t e r i s t i c ( E 'ig u r e 1 5 .O S A and II]. A l t h o u g h n a n t o p tic a lro p h y . i h i s e x p la in s th e h e te r o g e n e ity o f th e
u n c e rta in tie s re m a in c o n c e r n in g th e p a th o g e n e s is o f th e p a th o p h y s io lo g y o f th e d is e a s e and th e va ria b le pheno­
fre q u e n tly e n c o u n te re d W est In d ia n o p tic a tro p h y, it i s typ e (fig u re 1 5 .0 8 G ;-E .j. T h e p e n e tra n c e o f th e g e n e v a r ­
p r o b a b l e t h a t m a n y cases a re e x a m p l e s o f d o m i n a n t o p l i c ies f r o m 43 t o В Э Ч Ь ^ 2 2 6 - " 26 El is l i k e l y t h a t e n v i r o n m e n t a l
a tro p h y (H g u re 1 5 .0 & B and Cj see d is c u s s io n o f n u tri­ fa cto rs a ls o p l a y a r o le i n d is e a s e s e v e rity in s u s c e p tib le
tio n a l a m b ly o p ia b e lo w ). in d iv id u a ls , lh e O P A l p ro te in is a n c h o r e d to th e m it o ­
W e ie b e r a n d M iya k e d e s c rib e d fa m ilia l o p lic a tro p h y c h o n d ria l cris ta te in n e r m e m brane and is b e lie v e d to
a s s o c ia te d w i t h " n e g a t i v e ' ,T e Ie c l r o r e l i n o g r a m s i n t w o f a m i ­ prevent c yto c h ro m e с re le ase fro m m ito c h o n d ria and
lies w i l h lo s s o f c e n tr a l v i s i o n o c c u r r i n g i n t h e s e c o n d a n d b lo c k o rg a n e lle fra g m e n ta tio n , th u s p ro te c tin g th e ce lls
t h i r d d e c a d e s o f life , o p t i c a t r o p h y , d e f e c t i v e c o l o r v i s i o n , fro m a p o p t o s i s . - ^ - 2 - ■'- w !t is l i k e l y t h e r e a r e o L h e r h i t h ­
m ild lo m o d e ra te m y o p ia , and p e ric e n tra l or c e n lra l e rto u n k n o w n g e n e d e fe c ts th a t a c c o u n L fo r s o m e cases o f
s c o t o m a s .--1 d o m in a n l o p tic a tro p h y .
f-irrcrfitnry L>f3kf£f tvcit.Tvpn{&jcs 12/3
Leber's Hereditary Optic Neuropathy 1Ъ. L e b e r ' s o p lic n e u ro p a th y.

L e b e r 's h e re d ita ry optic n e u ro p a th y [LI L O N ) is а m a t e r ­

A —D : O n e y e a r p r e v io u s t y Ibis lf l - y e a r - o l d m a n d e v e l o p e d
b lu rre d v is io n in lh e rigbl e ye . The diiaynosis Hi that lim e w a s
n a lly in h e rite d d ise a se th at is c h a ra c te rize d by a cute ,
re lro b uEba r n e uritis . N e u r o l o g i c e v a In a tio n w a s n e g a tiv e . H e
severe, b ila te ra l v is u a l to ss in h e a lth y young p erson s
gave a 2 - w e e k hislory ol b!i.irjed v is io n in lhe left L y e . Visu a l
(15 -3 5 y e a r s ) , u s u a l l y m a l e s ^ 0 - ^ 0 % ) , 2 3 1 - - лэ l h e visu a l n cu ily in th e right e v e wiis b /2 0 0 a n d in I b e lel’L e y e w h s
Lo ts c a n o c c u r in younger and o ld e r in d iv id u a ls and (.Lie 2 0 / 3 0 0 . T h e r e w a s segm enta l a t r o p h y o l the right o p L k disc.
a g e r a n g e o f o n s e t Is. 2 - S O y e a r s . J h is v a r i a b i l i t y o f a g e a l T h e re w a s telangiectasis a n d LorLuosity o f [he capilEaries o f
onset can occur Щ m em bers of th e sam e fa m ily ""1 137 Lhe Eeft o p t i c d isc a n d ju x t a p a p illa r y retina [A !1. A n g i o g r a p h y
l h e c e n t r a l v i s u a l l o s s is a c u t e o r s u b a c u t e a t o n s e t p a i n ­ d e m o n s tra te d Lhe pa tte rn o! ihese abnorn-jal vessel? la rr o w s ,
В ■, whi< !i sh o w e r] n o e v i d e n c e o f fate si a i r i n g I f !1. F o u r t e e n
less, a n d a c c o m p a n i e d b y la r g e c e c o c e n t r a l s c o l o m a L a a n d
yeEirs 3aLer visual a c u it y in the riyht awe whs 2 0 / 4 0 0 a n d in
d y s r h r o m a t o p s ia . C e n tr a l v is io n d e te rio ra te s p ro g re s s iv e ly
Lhe left e y e w a s 2 0 / 2 0 0 . B o th aplrc discs s h o w e d te m p o ra l
first i n o n e e y e t h e n i n t h e o t h e r , t y p i c a l l y w i t h a n i n t e r v a l ра11<н i.D j. T h e te la n g ie ctatic vessels w e j e less ^ b p a re r fc
o f d a y s t o w e e k s . I n t e r v a l s o f a s l o n g as 1 2 y e a r s h a v e b e e n 1: ,in d F : А 2 8 -y e a r - o k l n u n w i l h a c u le Leb er's o p tic n e u r o p -

r e p o r t e d . - ' ’ '' T r a n s i e n t w o r s e n i n g w i l h e x e r c i s e o r w a n n i n g , aLhy. N o t e Eiie te la n g ie c ta tic tortu ous reLinal vessels -arrows?.
as o c c u r s i n o t h e r o p t i c n e u r o p a t h i e s ( L J b l h o f T s s y m p t o m ) , T b is- 1 4 -y e a r -o ld Езоу, w i t h a f a m ily history ot L e b e r ^
m a y o c c u r .J ' A ll le vels o f v is u a l a m i t y lo ss h a v e b e e n
o p lic j * * k o p a t h y f pre s e n te d Е)ес,шне o f rapid loss o f v is io n o f
2 w e e k s ' d u r a t io n . A t age 1 2 years his vis u al a c u it y w a s 2 0 /2 0
re p o rte d ra n g in g fro m no lig h t 20 / 20 , b u t
p e rc e p tio n to
a n d g e n e tic analysis o f his b l o o d was positive lor Leb er's d is­
it c o m m o n l y d e c l i n e s t o L e v e l s w o r s e t h a n 20/200 b i l a t e r ­
ease. H i s visual a c u it y a I Lhe tim e o f these p h o to g ra p h s w h s
a lly , u s u a lly o v e r s e v e r a l w e e k s t o s e v e r a l m o n t h s .'1 2 0 /2 0 0 in Lhe right e y e a n d 9 /20 0 left e ye . T h e right opLLc disc
A lth o u g h th es e p a tie n ts are t y p i c a l l y b e t w e e n t h e ag es o f was liy p e re m ic (G jr lhe left o p L k disc s h o w e d lem p o ra l p a l­
IS a n d 3 0 y e a rs a t o n s e t, v is u a l lo ss m a y n o t o c c u r u n til lor. l h e r e was general Ii z e d lorluosity o f the relinal vuins. N o t e
th e s ix th d e c a d e o r b e y o n d , w h e n th e c lin ic a l p ic tu re m a y the d ilation a n d lo rlu o s ity o f the small ju ^ La -p a p illa ry vcmules
be m is ta k e n fo r A l O N JZie'J ‘t2-245 C o lo r vis io n is a f f e c t e d (arrows, H j . Several m o n t h s later b o l h o p t i c d i s a s h o w e d
te m p o ra l p a llo r i.3 a n d J.i a n d the visual a c u ity w a s J / 2 0 0 .
e a r l y a m i v i s u a l lie I d e x a m i n a t i o n r e v e a l s a c e n t r a l o r c e c o -
К a n d L : O p E i c a t r o p h y in L w o siblings o f Lhe patient illus­
e e n tra l s c o t o m a . ' l l i o m i c r o s c o p y re ve a ls c ii c u n i p a p i l-
trated in C - J .
Eary t e la n g ie c t a t ic m i c r o a n g i o p a l h y , s w e llin g o f th e oerve
fib e r laye r a r o u n d th e d is c ( p s e u d o - e d e m a ) , a n d absence o f in c lu d e m ovem ent d is o rd e rs , s p a stic ity, p s y c h ia tric d is tu r­
flu o re s c e in le ak ag e (H ig u ie ] 5 . Q 5).ilQ-1Ji-247 M o s t p a tie n ts bances, sk e le ta l a b n o rm a l!tie s ., acute in fa n tile encepba-
s h o ^ ' n o im p r o v e m e n t b u t p a rtia l o r e v e n c o m p le te recov­ lo p a lh ic e p is o d e s , d ys to n ia * Le ig h -lik e e n c e p h a lo p a th y ,
e ry m a y o c c u r !>-10 y e a r s a f t e r o n s e t o f v i s u a l l o s s ^58^3*051 p e r i a q u e d u c t a l s y n d r o m e , a n d d e m y e l i n a t i n g d is e a s e r e s e m ­
Ln viro n m e n ta J trig g e rs s u c h as s m o k i n g , i r a u m a , hum an b lin g m u l t i p l e s c l e r o s i s . - l'!' A s im ila r o p tic n e u ro p a th y has
im m u n o d e fic ie n c y viru s (H IV ) in fe c tio n can p re c ip ita te b e e n r e p o r t e d w i l h s k e le ta l a b n o r m a l i t i e s ,- " ' a n d in a s s o c ia ­
o n s e l o f v i s u a l loss in s u s c e p t ib le i n d i v i d u a l s c a r r y i n g th e tio n w ilh C h a r c o t - M a r i e - I d o t h ( C M T ) d is e a s e , a h e n e d it a r y
g e n e tic d e fe c t.i , u 5 D ila tio n o f th e o p tic n erve s h e a th s d ise a se o f p e r ip h e r a l nerves in al least i w o f a m i l i e s . ^ ' - 1‘-'A
w ilh c e re b ro s p in a l flu id h as b e e n d e m o n s tra te d by u ltra ­ U e m u r a a n d c o w o rk e r s h ave Id e n tifie d m ild b u t d is tin c t b i o ­
sonography (3 0 c test) and h is to p a tb rfflg ia lfe ^ ^ 5 c h e m ic a l a n d e le c tro n m ic r o s c o p ic c h a n g e s m m u s c le b io p s y
P a t h o l o g y o f t h e r e t i n a a n d o p t i c n e r v e is a v a i l a b l e o n l y f o r in p a tie n ts W ith l . E I O N .-'"1 W a l l a c e a n d o th e rs , in 1 У Д З , id e n ­
la te -sta g e d is e a s e . G a n g l i o n ce ll a tr o p h y , e x c a v a t io n o f th e tified a m ito c h o n d ria l re p la c e m e n t m u ta tio n in n in e o f II
o p t ic d is c c u p fille d w i t h g lia l a n d c o n n e c t iv e tissu e , a n d fa m ilie s w il h m e m b e r s d ia g n o s e d w i l h L H O N .2*4
s y m m e tr ic d e s tru c tio n o f th e m y e lin sh e a th s in th e o p tic W hen I.H O N a p p e a r s f o r th e firs t t i m e in a fa m ily , th e
nerve tra n s m ittin g p a p illo m a c u la r b u n d le fib e rs are th e d ia g n o s is is o f t e n d e l a y e d o r m is s e d , in t h e a c u le stag e,
fin d in g s w it h in th e eye. lh e o p tic c h ia s m and tra cts a ls o c irc u m p a p illa ry te la n g ie c ta tic m ic ro a n g io p a lh y , s w e llin g
s h o w e d lo ss o f m y e l i n s h e a t h s a n d a x is c y l i n d e r s c e n t r a l l y o f th e nerve fib e r laye r aroun d lh e o p tic d is c (p s e u d o ­
w i l h re la tiv e p r e s e r v a t i o n o f p e r i p h e r a l fib e rs . S h r i v e l e d lat­ e d e m a ), and a b se n ce o f s ta in in g on flu o re s c e in a n g io g ­
e ral g e n ic u la te b o d ie s a n d d e m y e l i n a t i o n o f th e o p t ic ra d ia ­ r a p h y are c h a ra c te ris tic (fig u re s (5 .0 U and 1 ! > . 10 И ) . ‘ " ’ •-w
t i o n s s u g g e s t t r a n s s y n a p t i c d e g e n e r a t i o n - r'-' P ro g re s s ive e n la r g e m e n t o f th e b l i n d s p o t u n til it r e a c h e s
V i s u a l d y s f u n c t i o n is t h e o n l y m a n i f e s t a t i o n o f L H O N in fixa tio n c h a ra c te rize s lh e e a rly p ro g re s s io n o f fie ld lo ss.
m o s t p a tie n ts . A l t h o u g h o t h e r n e u r o l o g i c d is o r d e r s are o c c a ­ M a n y a s y m p lo m a Lic fa m ily m e m b e rs w ilh Ije b e r 's d is e a s e
s io n a lly re p o rte d ( L I - I O N " p l u s " ) , l h e b e s l - e s t a b l i s h e d l i n k is have p e rip a p illa ry m i e r o a n g i o p a L b y . 241^ * ' - ^ rr h e s e vas­
b e tw e e n 1 J I O . N a n d c a rd ia c c o n d u c t i o n a b n o r m a lit ie s . ' c u la r c h a n g e s m a y be e v id e n t a n g io g r a p h io a lly a n d occur
W o lfF -P a rk in s o u -W h ile and Ijo w n -G a n o o g -Le v in e are th e years b e fo re th e a c u te phase o f th e d i s e a s e .-'*'1 lh e y
m ost co m m on a s s o c ia tio n s [9 % ). P ro lo n g e d Q T in te rva l, in c lu d e p ro g re s s ive a rte rio v e n o u s s h u n tin g lh a l sta rts i n
s y n c o p e , p a lp ita tio n s , a n d s u d d e n d e a t h are s e e n o c c a s i o n ­ th e i n f e r i o r a rc u a le n e r v e fib e rs a n d th a t m a y b e a s s o c ia Le d
a lly . M in o t n e u ro lo g ic a l a s s o c ia tio n s in c lu d e exag g e rate d o c c a s i o n a l l y w i t h p r e r e tin a l h e m o r r h a g e s . A c u t e v is u a l lo ss
re fle xe s, m y o c l o n u s , se izu re s, m u s c le w a s t i n g , s e n s o r y a c id is a c c o m p a n i e d b y d i l a t i o n o f t h e b r a n c h e s o f t h e c e n t r a l
a u d i t o r y n e u r o p a t h y , a n d m i g r a i n e .M o re se ve re a s s o c ia tio n s re tin a l a rte ry and p e rip a p illa ry te la n g ie c ta tic c a p illa rie s .
f-irrcrfitnry L>f3kf£f tvcit.Tvpn{&jcs I2 О
T h e s e ch a n g e s d is a p p e a r ль a tro p h y o f the o p lic f f ir t e \5 .1 0 L e b e r's h e r e d t a r y o p tic n e u ro p a th y .
d e v e lo p s f i g u r e I 5 .0 5 D ) . LlnELkt' d o m in a n l o p tic atro p h y,
Л -C: A 2 C-year-old otherwise heallhy man who hnd painless
the a tro p h y often p r o g r e s s to in v o lv e the e n tire o p lic lost o f vision in his lefl eye Lo 20/100. Vision in thu i ij^h: S v e
d isc. R etin a l arterial n a rro w in g a n d in crea sed c ir c u la lio n was 20/20. Red free p h o tog rap h and i luonuscei n an^io^ram
Lime occur. A n g io g ra p h y it p ro b a b ly u se fu l in e x clu d in g show 1elan$"ieclasia of smalf vessels around [he disc (arrawsf.
Leb er's d isea se in a sy m p to m a tic in d iv id u a ls .4'" A cq u ire d O ptical coherence tomography o f the lefl eye shows thick­
re d -g re e n d e fic ie n c y ch a ra c te rize d b y a d e u la n -lik e dis- ened uTiefve fiber layer-pst'udoudc'rna'' compared Iо the
right eye and is outside the normal ranye. His maternal male
c r im illa t io n d efect is ch a ra c te ristic acid m a y be d e le cte d in
cousins had unexplained loss of vision and he had a genetic
s o m e a sy m p to m a tic ca rrie rs. L le cL ro re tin o g ra p h y a n d d a rk
mitochondrial point mulaLion at 1177Й.
a d a p ta tio n are u s u a lly n o rm a ] in these p a tie n ts.” " V isu a l
l''^ tvp k 'alb .1 li 11!x-_ s Sin iEi .:, I ! lT i i n s c l. lu ll м и н ' p atien ts L e b e r's id io p a th ic ste lla te n e u r o re tin itis .

m a y sh o w e ith e r im p ro v e m e n t o r w o rs e n ing. '['here it n o 1} ,ind t: A 33-year-old wom an cteveluped blurred vision in

lhe ri^hl eye E 1 days afler an episode ol headaches, vom ­
effective trea tm en t fo r th e disease. S in c e th e p rim a ry lo c u s
iting, and diarrhea. Note* lhe oval, yelldsfosh exudate in lhe
o f the d ise a se a p p ea rs to be in the in tra o c u la r ra th e r than
□enter o f the m acula and lire fine m acular star, which is
the re tro b u lb a r area, Leb er's h e re d ita ry v a s c u la r n e u ro ­ more prxflpinent nasally lhaii temporally :Г)1. There ]s some
re tin o p a th y has been su g g e ste d as a m o re a p p r o p r i a t e exudative detachment oE the peripapillary retina. The left fun­
n a m e . ' '' L U O N is s t r i c t l y m a te rn a lly in h e rite d a n d p a s s e s dus was normal. Angiography showed definite leakage of dye
lo fu tu re g e n e ra tio n s o n ly th ro u g h wom en. A n a ffe c te d from lhe oplic disc and no Evidence of abnorm ality in the
m a le n e v e r h a s a ffe c te d o ffs p r in g , w h e re a s a w o m a n m ay m acular area (E)- Aflg^ogjaphy of lhe left eye was normal.
F and G : This Sl-year-oid man gave a 1-month history of
have a ffe c te d c h ild r e n a lth o u g h she h e rs e lf is v is u a lly
decreased vision in his Left eye. Vi-suaC acuity w a s 20/50.
n o rm a l.
Note (he faint yellowish material in (he center of the m acula
I.H O N is a s s o c i a t e d w i t h f o u r d i f f e r e n t p o i n t [ n u t a t i o n s
anti the macular star, which is more prominent nasally IFj.
o f m ito c h o n d ria l D M A th a t a p p e a r to be p a th o g e n e tic fo r The oplic disc is w ilhin normal limits. Angiography of lhe
th e d is e a s e .u 1 24 ^ i m - i ? : Thesf ^ u tilio n s a ffe c t right eye was normal. Anjjio|jraphy of Lhe left eye (G) showed
n u c le o tid e p o s itio n s 1177Ё, 144Д 4, i? 4 6 0 , and 15 25 7 marked fluorescence of the optfc d]sc.
a n d are lo c a t e d w i t h i n t h e g e n e s t h a t c o d e f o r p r o t e i n s in
th e c o m p le x E o f th e re s p ira to ry c h a in . T h e c lin ic a l fin d ­
in g s are s im ila r, e x c e p t Lh ai p a tie n ts w ilh 14484 are m o r e
liv e ly Lo e xp e rie n c e v is u a l reco ve ry th a n p a tie n ts w ilh va ria b ility o f e xp re s s io n o f th e d ise a se in fa m ily m em ­

th e o th e r th re e m u t a t i o n s . ' '' P a tie n ts w ith 15257, w ho bers. A p p ro x im a te ly 2U % o f m en and 4 % of w om en

a ls o h a v e a n a s s o c ia te d m u ta tio n al 15 8 12 , are less l i k e l y e xp e rie n c e d v is u a l loss in an A u s tra lia n s tu d y w h ere a

Lo r e c o v e r v i s i o n th a n th ose w ith o u t th is a s s o c ia tio n ." '^ d ra m a tic d e c lin e in Lhe p e n e tra n c e o f th e d is e a s e has

P a tie n ts w ith th e 1 5 2 5 7 m u ta tio n a ls o h a v e a h i g h e r i n c i ­ been n o te d /1 T h e r e fo r e , s u c c e s s fu l d e te rm in a tio n of

d e n c e o f s p in a l c o rd a n d p e rip h e ra l n e u ro lo g ic s y m p t o m s th e m ito c h o n d ria l U N A g e n o typ e o f a fa m ily o r p a tie n t

th a n p a tie n ts w it h th e o t h e r m u ta tio n s . M o le c u la r g e n e lic w ith L H O N re q u ire s te s tin g o f m ore th a n one fa m ­

t e s t i n g is o f p r a c t i c a l v a l u e i n c o n f i r m i n g t h e d i a g n o s i s o f ily m em ber and m ore th a n one tis s u e fro m each in d i­

a ty p ic a l cases o r in p a tie n ts p r e s e n t in g w i t h o p l i c a l r o p h y , v i d u a l . J? ] M o le c u la r g e n e tic te sts are 10t№h sp e c ific bul

in lhe a b s e n c e o f a f a m i l y h i s t o r y , a n d a f t e r t h e c h a r a c ­ o n ly 50% s e n s itive fo r th e d ia g n o s is o f L H O N . it m ay

t e r i s t i c t e l a n g i e c t a s i s is n o l o n g e r e v i d e n t . 2 ?C}," 7S ' I h e p r o ­ be p r u d e til l o a d vis e c a rrie rs to a v o id exposu re lo to x­

p o rtio n of m u ta n t m ito c h o n d ria ] D N A m o le c u le s was in s such as t o b a c c o sm oke and e xce ssive a lc o h o l in ta k e

fo u n d to s h ift m a rk e d ly across g e n e ra tio n s and w ith in s in c e th e y m a y fu rth e r c o m p r o m is e m ito c h o n d r ia l e n e rg y

tissu e s o f a n i n d i v i d u a l ( h e t e r o p l a s m y ) . i h is e x p la in s th e m e l a b o i t s m . j r ,0 '2:j'
Leber's Idiopathic Stellate Neuroretinitrs E5.M'i C o n t i n u e d

and Multifocal Retinitis (See Chapter 10) H —|: This 29-year-old гпдп noled fever, nausea, vnmilinj^
nitd rapid loss cjf vision in Lhe lefl eye o f 2 daW^ duraLion.
in ] ^16 I h e o d o r L e b e r d e s c r i b e d t h e c l i n i c al s y n d r o m e c h a r ­ He admitted sleeping w ilh cats. His visuaE acuily W as 20/30
a c t e r i s e d b y u n i l a t e r a l l o s s af" v i s i o n , o p t i c d i s c s w e l l i n g , m a c ­ rigjit eye and 20/300 lefl eye. Note (E>e peripapillary local
u l a r sta r, a n d s p o n t a n e o u s r e s o l u t i o n o f u n k n o w n cause in атеа5 of roLin ili-s ii> l>och uyes larrows, H ar>d I) and lhe swol­
o th e rw is e h e a lth y p a t i e n t (fig u re s 1 5 .1 0 0 - L a n d 1 5 . ] l ) . JJijl len leit optic disc fl). Four days Later Lie had developed a
m acular star (Jl. His Liter for Kochaltm aea was posilive 1:20.
! n h v o - t h i r d s o f lh e p a l i e n t s s e e n a t the L S a s c o m l ^ t l m e r Eiye
He was treated w ith doxycycEine, 1DOm# tid, Ibr 2 weeks.
I n s t i t u t e , a v i r a l - l i k e i l l n e s s h a s p r e c e d e d the o n s e t a f s y m p -
I w o months laler his vinual acuity w as 20/20 bilaterally.
t b E p i ; ^ ' 333- 3^ ' i n m o s t p a l i e n l s l h e v i s u a l a c u i l y r a n g e s f r o m
К and L : Swollen o plic disc and macular star in a 19-year-
2 0 ,■ 5 0 t o 2 0 / 2 С Ю a n d a n a f f e r e n t p u p i l l a r y d e f e c t is p r e s e n t . o]d man com plaining o f recent Loss o f vision in the riyhl eye
l/ tu r in g t h e first w e e k a f le r t h e o n s e t o f s y m p t o m s , th e m a c u ­ Lhal Еге^лгт 1 week nfler Ihe onset o1 an upper respiralory
l a r s t a r is u s u a l l y p r e c e d e ; ! b y m i l d s w e l l i n g o f l h e o p l i c d i s c infecllon. Visual acuily was 20/200. H ie lefl eye was normal.
a n d p e r i p a p i l l a r y e x u d a t i v e d e l a c h m e n L o f t h e r e t i n a ( E 'ig u r e s M edical evalualion wan negative. ^i\ years I ale* Ihe fundus
1 5 .I 0 D , J, К and 1 5 . 3 1A and [n д ^
was normal. Visual acuily was 20/25.

p a Lie n ts th e s w e llin g o f th e d is c m a y b e m o r e m a r k e d a n d m a y ,V ( . lourlihj-- :>l I Jr. M. l.i'Kf НИ,-1i.'

b e a sso c ia te d w i l h s p lin te r h e m o r r h a g e s . O n e o r m o r e focal
w h i l e re tin a l le s io n s m a y o c c u r ( f i g u r e s 1 5 .3 0 ] E - | a n d 1 5 .1 1 E
and I-L J .-P 5-™3'28 ]h e se focal areas o f r e tin itis m яу
c a u s e o c c l u s i o n o f e i t h e r a b r a n c h r e t i n a l a r t e r y o r a v e ±^204 j,Jn
i n s o m e p a t i e n t s t h e m u l t i f o c a l r e t i n i t i s Ls n o t a s s o c i a t e d w i t h
o p t i c d is c i n v o l v e m e n t . V i t r e o u s cells are p re s e n t in 9 0 % of and C L ) . - ," " - ih 1 Som e 10 -15 % o f p a tie n ts m a y s h o w m ild
C a i a t JS3 A n t e r i o r u v e i t i s is p r e s e n t i n a f e w p a t i e n t s . W i t h i n le a k a g e o f dye fro m th e o p tic d isc in th e o p p o s ite eye
several d a y s o r ^veeks, th e p e r i p a p il l a r y e x u d a te b e g in s to s u b ­ (fig u re 1 5 .]1 L > ) . fo c a l w h ile re tin a l le s io n s , if presen t,
sid e a n d a m a c u l a r star a p p e a r s a n d b e c o m e s m o r e p r o m i ­ u s u a lly s h o w e vid e n c e o f s ta in in g (fig u r e EБ. 111] and I).
n e n t as t h e d i s c a n d p e r i p a p i l l a r y s w e l l i n g d i s a p p e a r s ( ] : E g u r e A n g io g ra p h y shows no a b n o rm a lity o f c a p illa iy r p e r m e ­
1 5 . 10b a n d w i t h i n th e fu st several w e e k s th e v is u a l a b i l i t y i n t h e a r e a o f t h e m a c u l a r s t a r . It m a y d e m o n s t r a t e
a c u i t y b e g i n s l o i m p r o v e , a n d w i t h a f e w e x c e p t i o n s it e v e n ­ a m ild w in d o w d e fe c t in th e R F E p a rtic u la rly in th o s e
t u a lly re tu r n s t o n o r m a l , l h e m a c u la r star u s u a l ly d is a p p e a rs p a t ie n t s f o l l o w i n g r e s o l u t i o n o f a p r o m i n e n t m a c u l a r star.
w ith in 6-12 m o n t h s . A fe w p a tie n ts m a y b e le ft w i l h m i l d paE- J.o s s o f v is u a l fu n c tio n p r i m a r i l y re su lts fro m changes in
lo r o f Lhe o p l i c d is c a n d m i l d p i g m e n t a r y c h a n g e s in th e c e n te r th e o p tic nerve head and not th e m a c u la . La b o ra to ry
o f th e m a c u la , E h e fo ca l areas o f re tin itis re s o lv e s p o n t a n e ­ in ve s tig a tio n s d o n e a l th e tim e o f v is u a l lo ss a re u s u a lly
o u s ly , u s u a lly w i t h i n several u e e k s . n o rm a l. P a tie n ls m ay show m ild s p in a l flu id p Ee o c y lo s is
flu o re s c e in a n g io g ra p h y shows e vid e n c e o f abno r­ (fig u re 1 5 .1 1E -1).
m al c a p illa ry p e rm e a b ility , p a rtic u la rly fr o m th e c a p illa r­ T h e re is e n o u g h e v id e n ce that caL-scralch d isea se is
ies d e e p w ith in th e o p t ic d is c , n o l o n l y d u r i n g th e e a rly o n e o f th e ca u se s o f th is i y n d r o m e 2lCL3* 3-2ei,rJ,‘l'29b"*m (see
phase o f th e d is e a s e (H g u re 1 5 .1 0 B ) but even a fte r th e c h a p t e r 10J. in one p atie n t, Leptospira o rg a n ism s w ere c u l­
d i s c h a s r e l u m e d t o its n o r m a l a p p e a r a n c e ( f i g u r e ] 5 . 10E-' tured from the s p in a l flu id .
H i'm fjfn jv O ptic Ncurcfpattucs 1,279
H i s t o p j t h t ) 1 o | l c a [ ly, t h e m a c u l a r s t a r is c a u s e d b y th e 15 -. M L e b e r 's i d i o p a f h i с s l e I J a l e n e u r o r e l i n i t is

m i c r o g l i a l L iig .e b tlo n o f t h e l i p i d - r i c h e x u d a t e l y i n g in ( h e w ith a n g io g ra p h ic e v id e n c e o f in v o lv e m e n t o f lh e

o u te r p le x ifo rm l a y e r o f H e n It’ . N g u r e 1 5 .П М d e p ic ts d i a ­ a s y m p to m a tic e ye ,

g ra m m a tic a l! у lh e p ro b a b le p a th o g e n e s is of a m a c u la r A -D : This 9-year^JbJd girl noted nap id Josh of vision in lhe

star. A p r o t e i n - a n d l i p i d - r i c h e x u d a t e l e a k s f r o m th e c a p il­ right eye. Note the marjular star and slight swelling and pal­
la rie s i n th e d e p t h o f lh e o p tic d is c a n d e x le n d s b e n e a th lor of lhe opt if iiisc (Л:. Thy LefL fundii* appeared потппа! :HS:.
th e re tin a in th e p e rip a p illa ry re g io n as w e ll as a lo n g Visunl acuity was in (ho right Eye and 20S2Q in Lhe?
Lhe p la n e o f d ie o u te r p le x ifo rm la ye r i n l o th e m a c u la r
EefL eye. Angiography revealed staining ol the temporal half
0 I the right optic disc (Cl and the superonasal quadrant of
r e g io n ." " W ilh re a b s o rp tio n o f th e se ro u s c o m p o n e n t
Lhe left opLicdisc (b).
o f th e e x u d a le in th e m a c u la r re g io n th e lip id a n d p ro te in
E—I: This- Ы -year-old f^irl had a hislory of an upper respiratory
p re c ip ita te in th e o u te r p k x i f o r m la ye r a n d are e n g u lfe d b y infection be lore the unset of visual loss in Lhe left eye. She also
m acrophages. I'h is c re a te s t h e f i n e s t e l l a l e p a t t e r n o f y e l ­ 11.1: .I o- n >n‘h hi -ii "Г-, fl :i v f-rn iiIlunt lever ol unknown f■
l o w e x u d a l e t h a t is c h a r a c t e r i s t i c o f a m a c u l a r s t a r . S t e l l a t e Her visual acuity was 20/50 in lhe left eye. Merit! swelling of
m a c u l o p a l h y is c a u s e d b y a v a r i e t y o f d i s e a s e s a f f e c t i n g l h e the lefl oplic disc (E and small white retinal lesions in Lhe lefL
p e rm e a b ility o f th e c a p illa rie s in th e d e p th o f th e o p tic 1undus Narrows, E .ind Fi and one Ihat was unnoliced in lhe
asvmplomaLic righL eye until review tri her angiographic study
n e r v e h e a d , Ite tin a J v a s c u la r d is e a s e s u s u a l l y c a u s e a m o r e
(arrows, С and Hr. The white lesions in the left eye as well as
irre g u la r and coarser d e p o s itio n o f y e llo w is h e xu d a te in
□f Lhe oplic disc sLained [h. Spinal fEuid examination revealed
th e in n e r n u c le a r as w e ll as th e o u t e r p le x ifo r m laye rs in pje*jcy1creis. SpiплI fluid and blood cultures were negaLive.
th e m a c u la r re g io n . | - L : A 2 4 - year-old female wiLh bilateral asymmetric; disc
l he d iffe r e n tia l d ia g n o s is o f p a tie n ts w i t h a n o p t ic d is c edema Secondary lo cat-scratch disease. Macular slar is seen
s w e llin g a n d a m a c u la r sLar in c lu d e s h y p e r te n s iv e r e t i n o p ­ in the more involved righL eye (J). The lefl fundus shows sev­
a t h y [se e F i g u r e s 6 . 2 5 Л a n d 6 . 2 & D ) , d i a b e t i c o p Lie n e u r o ­
eral focal inner retinitis that is often seen in thoht! patients i-L.
arrows!'. Her visual acuity was light perception in LKe right and
p a t h y a n d d ise a se s a s s o c ia te d w i l h o p t ic n e u ritis , s u c h as
2 0 / 2 0 in the lefl. There was a functional element to Lhe visual
s a rc o id o s is , b a c te ria l s e p tic o p tic n e u ritis . Lym e d is e a s e .,
Loss in the right eye. One month later her vision had improved
and lu e tic o p tic n e u ritis . A m a c u la r sta r i n f r e q u e n t l y Lo 2 0 / Ja in lhe ri^ht anti 2 0 / 1 5 in Lhe left eye and the macular
a c c o m p a n ie s d iffu s e u n ila te ra l su b a c u te n e u ro re tin itis star had broken up wilh resolution of disc swelling hilaLeraIly.
and is r a r e l y , i f e v e r , s e e n in p a tie n ts w i t h o p tic n e u ritis M: rhe paLhngenes-is of a maculaT star. Lip id-rich exudate
secondary lo d e m y e lin a lin g d i s e a s e s .2113 T h e p o s s ib ility Eeaking from capillaries within the depLh of Lhe oplic nerve
o f s e p tic r e t i n i t i s c a u s e d b y p y o g e n i c b a c te r ia ., c a t-s c r a tc h
head -[small arrows) extends inlo the subretina I space sur­
rounding the optic nerve head as wetl as along lhe outer
d i s e a s e , t o x o p l a s m o s i s , o r f u n g i is g r e a t e r i n t h o s e p a t i e n t s
plexiform layer inlo the macular re^iun. ReahsorpLion of Lhe
w h o m a n lie s t m u lt if o c a l re tin itis . T h e d iffe r e n tia l d ia g n o ­
serous portion of Lhe exudate leaves a concenlraLed lipid
sis in t h o s e p r e s e n t in g w i t h a b r a n c h r e t i n a l a r te r y o r v e i n esudale large arrows^ in lhe outer plexiform layer of Henle
i n c l u s i o n e x p a n d s Lo i n c lu d e i d i o p a t h i c r e c u r r e n t b r a n c h anti causes n macular star Lhal is usually more- prominent in
re tin a l a rte ry d is e a s e a n d L a le s ' d ise a se [se e C h a p t e r 6). Lhe nasal halt of Lhe macula.
M anagem ent o f th e s e p a tie n ts depends upon th e o c u la r L l- ii tfM irttsy uf D r . K ilrtik L zv in
fin d in g s a n d lh e p re s e n c e o r a b s e n c e o f s ig n s a n d s y m p ­
t o m s o f s y s te m ic d ise a se . M a n y o f th e s e p a tie n ts a re a fe ­ have a p p ro p ria te e v a lu a tio n in c lu d in g b lo o d c u ltu re s lo

b rile a n d Lh e a n t e c e d e n t illn e s s has re s o lve d b y th e Lim e e x c lu d e s y s te m ic s e p tic d ise a se . S e r o lo g ic te s tin g fo r e x p o ­

o f th e ir e ye e x a m in a tio n . A g e n e ra l p h y s ic a l e x a m in a tio n - sure lo H iJrtcneU ii, s k in test fo r c a t-sc ra tc h d ise a se , and

ro u tin e b lo o d c o u n ts, and s e ro lo g y to e xc lu d e s y p h i- b io p s y o f e n la rg e d ly m p h nodes m ay be a p p ro p ria te in

Eis m a y be a ll th a t is necessary. Those w ith m u ltifo c a l t h o s e p a t i e n l s e x p o s e d l o c a t s . T h e B a r K m i ’ lhi b a c i l l u s c a n

re tin itis , and p a rtic u la rly th ose w ho are fe b rile - s h o u ld be id e n tifie d w ith Lhe W a rth in -S ta rry s la in . 'L h e visu a l
I I 1 i I 1 1
p ro g n o s is fo r p a tie n ts w ilh id io p a t h ic ste lla le n e u r o re ti­ I S. [ 2 R e c u rre n t o p tic neuropathy a s s o c ia te d w ilh

n itis a n d m u l t i f a c t I r e t i n i t i s is g o o d , a n d n o t r e a t m e n t is fa m ily history of C h a r o o t - M a r r e - T o o t b d is e a s e ,

re q u ire d . A n o c c a s io n a l p a t i e n t w i l l h a v e a re c u rre n c e in
A—I: TEni-s 4&-year-old ivoman presented with decreased
th e o p p o s i t e e ye m o n t h s o r y e a rs la te r (s e e C h a p t e r 1 0 ) . vision in the [eft eye associated with pair on eye move­
P u rv in and C h io ra n re p o rte d on seven young a d u lts ments. Shu complained of j^rbiduлI decrease in periph­
(m e a n age o f 27 years) w ho d e v e lo p e d m u Eli p i e e p i­ eral Vision in both eyes over 2 years. Her lather, paternal
sodes o f m o n o c u la r n e u ro re ltn tlis , m a c u la r sta r Form a­ aLrnt, bfo’ heT, anti brol-heT's d^ujjhler carried a diagnosis of
Charcot-Marie—Tooth disease and her sisler had "uveitis."
t io n , d e n s e a rc u a te v is u a l fie ld d e fe c ts , a n d in s o m e cases
Visual acuity was 2(УЗО in the Hghl eye and counl finders
severe p e rm an e nt v is u a l lo s s .'" ' Jto th eyes w ere e ve n tu ­
in the left eye. The right optic disc was pale and the left
a lly a ffe c te d in five p a tie n ts . L a b o r a t o r y s tu d ie s w e r e n o t
swollen wilh lipid exudates into the macula IА, И'.. Optical
re v e a lin g a n d th e d is o r d e r a p p e a re d u n r e s p o n s iv e t o sys­ coherence tomography confirmed macular Ihickenin^ wi!h
te m ic c o rtic o s te ro id s . lix c e p t fo r th e presence o f a m a c u - inlTaretinaJ lipid i[Cj_ She received oral steroids followed by
Ear s ta r, t h e i r c a s e s s e e m Lo s h a r e m o r e i n com m on w ith L'yclophosph amide. The vision in Ihe 3eft eye imprm'ed lo
A 10 N in young p a tie n ts [se e d is c u s s io n o f id io p a th ic 2().''30 in 1 weeks bul Lhe right eye vision dropped lo 2(>/40o.
She now had a swollen righL optic disc and Ihe lelt macu­
A IO N in t h e y o u n g b e l o w ) .
lar exudates wyre clearing :LJ, E). four monlhs later visual
acuity had improved lo 20/50 in lhe liftht eye and JO/frO­
RECURRENT OPTIC NEUROPATHY in Ihe left eye (f, G). The optic nerves were pale wilh no
ASSOCIATED WITH FAMILY swelling and the lipid exudates were resolving. Two months
Eater all lipid exudates were absorbed with residual optic
HISTORY OF CH ARCOT-MARIE- atrophy and vision of 20/50 in Lhe ri^hl and ICWttO- in lhe
Icl L eye -H.. I . Coldmann visual fields showed severe con­
TOOTH DISEASE__________________ viction in ijoLh eyes and etectrorFtinpgiaiTi showed normal
rod nnd cone function. Neurological exam did not reveal
P ro g re s s is t m u s c u la r w e a kn e s s and a tr o p h y th at b e g in in
neuropaLhy (]r myopalhy. She wan negative for the known
th e firs t t w o d e c a d e s o f life c h a r a c te r iz e G M T d ise a se s p e c -
mutations for Leber's heredilary optic neuropal hv. A biqpsy
L r u m . C M Г is a g e n e t i c a l l y h e t e r o g e n e o u s g r o u p o f d i s e a s e s
of her normal skin was consistent With aUtoimmune/con­
th at a c c o u n ts fo r a lm o s t 9 0 % o f h e re d ita ry p o ly n e u r o p a - nedive tissue disease, She has been continued on low-dose
t h i e s . - 10L|_S(M l h e c o m m o n e s t f o r m , C M T t y p e 1 , is a n a u t o ­ immunosuppressi ves.
s o m a l - d o m i n a n t ly in h e rite d d e m ye ! m a tin g n e u ro p a th y
m a p p e d m o s t c o m m o n l y to th e s h o rt a rm o f c h r o m o s o m e
1 7 ( 1 7 p l t .2 '| typ e IA. and a fe w to lo n g a m i o f ch rom o­ e x u d a tio n th at im p ro ve d w ith s yste m ic s te ro id th erap y

som e I (typ e I B ) . t y p e 2 G M T h a s a s im ila r c lin ic a l p h e n o ­ each lim e (fig u re l!> . 12 ) .

t y p e b u t n e r v e c o n d u c t i o n is n o r m a l , s u g g e s t i n g t h e d i s e a s e
ёб n e u r o n a l ra th e r th a n d e m y e l i n a t i n g , tt is i n h e r i t e d i n a
d o m in a n t fa s h io n (s h o rt a rm o f c h ro m o s o m e I ) o r reces-
s iv d y (lo n g arm o f ch rom osom e S ). T yp e 3 is t h e m ost ]: a m i h a l d y s a u to n o m ia (P iie y -D a y syn d rom e) is an
severe f o r m - A l> lin k e d to c h r o m o s o m e 1, th e s a m e lo c u s a u to s o m a l-re c e s s ive d is o rd e r c a u s in g c o n g e n ita l sensory
as t y p e 1 B.. a n d A l? l o c h r o m o s o m e 1 7 , s a m e as t y p e IA . and a u to n o m ic d y s fu n c tio n th at a ffe c ts A s h f c e n a j.i Jew s
X - l i r i k e d d o m i n a n t a n d re c e s s iv e f o r m s a r e a ls o s e e n . e x c lu s iv e ly .
S y s t e m ic fe a tu re s b e g in w i t h fo o t d e f o r m it i e s , p e s c a v u s , The d i s e a s e is p r e s e n L f r o m b i r t h , m a n i f e s t e d as h y p o ­
and s c o lio sis, fo llo w e d by p ro g re s s iv e w e a k e n in g o f th e to n ia a n d fe e d in g d iffic u ltie s re s u ltin g in fr e q u e n t a s p ira ­
m u s c l e s o f t h e l e g f e e l a n d h a n d s . S e n s o r }1 a b n o r m a l i t i e s tio n s a n d p n e u m o n ia s . A u t o n o m i c d is tu rb a n c e s w ith lac k
are fe w . [’ r e g r e s s iv e o p lic a tro p h y th at u s u a lly b e g in s in o f e m o tio n a l tears, d e fe c tive body te m p e ra tu re c o n tro l,
th e s ix th d e c a d e o r la te r h a s b e e n r e p o r t e d in s e ve ra l p e d i- c o ld hands and fe e l, e xc e s s ive s w e a tin g over head and
g r e e s . - 5 0 7-- ^ S u b c lin ic a l o p tic n e u r o p a t h y c a n b e d e te c te d tru n k when e m o tio n a lly e xc ite d , s k in b lo tc h in g b lo o d
by e le c tro p h y s io lo g ic te s tin g in a s y m p to m a tic in d iv id u ­ pressure la b ility , and o rth o s ta tic h y p o te n s io n are h a ll­
a ls . C M T t y p e 6 is e s p e c i a l l y a s s o c i a t e d w i t h o p t i c a t r o p h y . m arks o f th e d is e a s e . Ihere is a l s o decreased s e n s itivity
Jh is 4 0 -y e a r-o td w o m a n h a d a fa m ily h is to ry o f c lin ic a lly lo p a in a n d te m p e r a tu r e , h y p o - от a re fle xia . p o o r c o rn e a l
d ia g n o s e d C M T d is e a s e in her b ro th e r, n ie c e , p a te rn a l s e n s a t i o n , a n d p u p i l l a r y a b n o r m a l i t i e s .!l1 P r o g r e s s i v e o p t i c
a u n t , a n d fa th e r. S h e h a d n o n e u r o E o g jc a ! dise a se , b u t p r e ­ a L r o p h y is s e e n i n t h o s e p a t i e n t s t h a t s u r v i v e b e y o n d e a r l y
se n ted w ith re c u rre n t o p t ic n e u ritis a s s o c ia te d w ith lip id c h i l d h o o d . 4 -'' "1
NEURORETJNOPATHY 1 E 3 A c u t e n e u r o r e l i n o p a t h y a n d p r o g r e s s iv e fa c ia l
h e m ia tro p h y (P a rry -R o m b e rg s y n d ro m e ),
A—C : This 21-year-old wornдгк vl+io had developed a linear
HEMIATROPHY depression a$ Iha forehead and scalp tiEginrlifin al 4 yuars of
ajje (A) Ii.i 11a Ь-week history af acaLe visual loss in- Ihi? ipsi-
P ro g re s sive fa c ial h e m ia tro p h y (P a rry ^ R o m b e ig syn­
I.ileral eye caused by sleil.tle exudative Eiy Li:.
drom e) is a d i s o r d e r o f u n k n o w n c a u s e l h a l is c h a r a c t e r ­ Нет visual acuily was 5 / 2 0 0 . Optic Cora mi na roenlg^ogtaflss
i s e d jj$f p r o g r e s s i v e u n i l a t e r a l a t r o p h y o f l h e s k i n , m u s c l e s , weTe normal Three and one-half years laLer, the oplit disc
and bony s tru c tu res o f th e fa c e r u s u a l l y in p re a d o le s c e n t was pale (C) and hw visual acuity was 20/00.
p a t i e n t s . 3 1' ^ ! Jls-333 il m ay e xle n d d o iv n in to lh e neck- D -G : This 6-vear-old Еюу developed progressive loss of
vision i n the left eye on the same si do that he- had facial
s h o u ld e rs , iru n k , a n d e fc lre m itie s. A l! o f lh e fa c ial s tr u c ­
hemiatrophy (Di lhal began at t уеяК uf aye. H i s visual acu­
t u r e s o n o n e s i d e m a y b e i n v o l v e d (E -'igure- 3 5 . 1 3 t D a n d J I ) ,
ity was 10/400. He had a stellate exudative neurorelinopathy
o r th e re m a y be o n l y л lin e a r d e p re s s io n in t h e sc a lp a n d iL . A nj^ic►j’rapEi у fevealed capillary dilation (Fj) and Iale sLai idl­
fo re h e a d [c o u p d e sabre) (F ig u re 15.1 З А ). V itilig o , p o lio ­ ing in the атеа (if lhe sWpllen optic disc. It also showefd evi­
sis.. n e v u s f l a m m e t i s , a n d m o le s are o fle n present o n th e dence of some dilation and leakage of the peripheral rhinal
a ffe c te d s id e . P to s is , tric h ia s is , ta g o p h lh a h n o s * e c lro p io n , capillaries (C)L Com puled lomo^raphy i'CTi revealed normal
n e u r o p a r a ly t ic k e r a titis , c a n a l i c u l a r o b & l r u c l i o n , dacryocysr-
oplic canals. Echography and CT showed some evidence of
dislenlron of the left opLic nerve shea Ih.
Litis, e xlra o c u la r m u s c le p a lsie s , e n o p h th a lm o s , Н о гп е гЧ
H and I: This 13-year-old hoy wilh progressive facial hemiat­
s y n d r o m e , h e t e r o c h r o m i a o f t h e tris.. u v e i l i s , o p t i c a t r o p h y
rophy :Hl, lefl deatness, howrLl defetl, and bypc-
a n d p ig m e n ta r y d is tu rb a n c e s o f th e fu n d i m a y o ccu r, lh e spadias developed loss of vision in Lhe right evu because of
b ra in m ay show e vid e n c e o f h e m ia t r o p h y ,, b o m o la te ra ! peripheral relina] telangiectasis and exudative retinal detach­
m ig ra in e , c o n tra la te ra l e p ile p s y, e vid e n c e o f e n c e p h a li­ ment ill. A sin'.ilar exudalive detachmenl was presenl in liis
tis.., i n t r a c r a n i a l v a s c u la r m a lfo r m a t io n s ; and o c c a s io n a lly opposile eye. Cryolherapy Wnis successful in reaLlachin^ lhe
m o v e m e n t d i s o r d e r s m a y b e p r e s e n t .'1 T h is s y n d ro m e Ivlina in both eyes.
is n o l u s u a l l y a s s o c i a t e d w i l h v i s u a l l o s s . V i s u a l l o s s , h o w ­ ll'E .in r f I f r t im C i i c t . 1'-’ i

e ve r, m a y b e c a u s e d b y e ith e r ip s ila le ra l n e u r o r e t i n o p a l h y
c h a r a c t e r i z e d b y a c u te v i s u a l lo s s , o p l i c d is c s w e l l i n g , p e r i ­
p a p i l l a r y e x u d a t i o n . , a n d m a c u l a r s L a r. o r r e t i n a l t e l a n g i e c ­
tasis a n d e xu d a tiv e re tin a l d e ta c h m e n l {fig u re 15 .1> A-1
and see lig u re & 4 0 t - L ] b3 1 5 - 3t s U ltra s o n o g ra p h y
m a y d e m o n s t r a t e s o m e e n l a r g e m e n t o f l h e a fT e c le d o p t i c
nerve. T h e o p tic fo ra m in a are norm al ra d io g ra p h ic a lly.
O p t i c a l r o p h y m a y o c c u r as t h e p e r i p a p i l l a r y a n d m a c u l a r
e x u d a tio n c le a rs , but no p a tie n t has d e m o n s tra te d pro­
g re s s iv e lo s s o f v i s u a l fie ld . P e l i n a l v a s c u la r a b n o r m a l i l i e s
h a v e b e e n r e p o r t e d p r e v i o u s l y i n th is d i s o r d e r ' " [se e
in fa rc tio n o f th e a n te rio r part o f lh e o p lic nerve caused
C h a p te r 6, C o a ts' s y n d ro m e ).
by re d u c tio n in b lo o d lo w to lh e nerve [Fig u re s 1 5.1 4
'lh e p a th o g e n e s is o f lb e a c u le n e u r o r e lin o p a t h y a n d re ti­
and 1 5 . ! 5 ). T h e o p t i c n e r v e h e a d , b y v i r t u e o f ils c l o s e l y
n a l v a s c u l o p a l h y is u n k n o w n ' l h e p a t h o g e n e s i s o f t h e e n t i r e
arranged nerve fib e rs w i l h i n th e n o n e x p a n s i le i n l r a s c l e r a l
d i s o r d e r is c o m p l e x a n d p o o r l y u n d e r s t o o d . A u t o n o m i c d y s ­
c a n a l, is id e a lly s itu a te d fo r is c h e m ia to occu r. P rim a ry
f u n c t i o n s e c o n d a r y t o s y m p a t h e t i c a b n o r m a l i t y as e v i d e n c e d
v a s c u la r in s u ffic ie n c y or secondary v a s c u la r in s u ffic ie n c y
by H o r n e r 's s y n d r o m e ' " r3S1; a u to im m u n e e tio lo g y due lo
caused b y a n y p r o c e s s l h a l p r o m o t e s sta sis o f a x o p l a s m i c
p o s i t i v e a u t o a n t i b o d ie s t o d o u b l e - s t r a n d e d D N A , and som e
f lo w a n d n e rv e fib e r s w e llin g c a n ca u se is c h e m ia . A L O . N t y p ­
fe a tu re s c o m m o n t o s c l e r o d e m n a ' ' ' '" ; f a c i a l t r a u m a as d i e
ic a lly a ffe c ts o l d e r p a tie n ts , a n d (h e a c u le 1<jss o f vis io n tn a y
i n c i t i n g f a c t o r t r i g e m i n a l n e u r it is as e v i d e n c e d b y h e m i f a c i a l
be m is ta k e n ly a ttrib u te d to a m a c u la r d is o r d e r fo r e x a m p le ,
c h a nge s; g e n e tic e tio lo g y d u e to fa m ilia l o c c u rre n c e ; d e v e lo p ­
m a c u la r d e g e n e ra tio Li i f p ig m e n l e p ith e lia l c h a n g e s are p re s­
m e n ta l a b n o n n a l i l y ; p o ssib le e n c e p h a litis d u e to a sso c ia tio n
e n t,- o r l o c y s lo id m a c u la r e d e m a tn th e a p h a k ic p a tie n t
o f R a s m u s s e n e n c e p h a l i t i s i n s o m e ^ :' h a v e al l b e e n c o n s i d ­
(F ig u re 1 5 . 1 4 k a n d L ] . F o r p a lh o g e n e lic as w e ll as th e ra p e u ­
e r e d . N o n e o f Lh ese h y p o t h e s e s e x p l a i n s a ll t h e m a n i f e s t a t i o n s
tic r e a s o n s , t h e s e p a t i e n l s c a n b e s u b d i v i d e d i n l o t w o m a j o r
s e e n i n t h e c o n d i t i o n . \i is b e s t c o n s i d e r e d a d i s o r d e r o f c l i n i c a l
su bgrou ps: [lj a n o n a rte rilic g r o u p , n - A I O N (tb o .s e w ith ­
h e te ro g e n e ity lik e ly c a u s e d b y e tio lo g ic a l h e te ro g e n e ity .
o u t e v id e n c e o f a rte rilis r У 5 % ) and ( 2} a n a rte ritic g r o u p .
a - A I O N (L h o s e w i t h g ia n t-c e ll a rte ritis , 5 ^ о ). l h e n o n a rte ritic
ANTERIOR ISCHEMIC OPTIC g rou p m a y b e s u b d iv id e d in lo an id io p a th ic g ro u p , th o s e

N EUROPATHY_____________________ w i l h n o id e n tifia b le ca u s e, a n d th o s e w ilh a p r o b a b le cause,

h in c tio n a lly , o p h lh a lm o s c o p ic a lly , a n d flu o re s c e in a n g io -
]" h e te rm "a n te rio r is c h e m ic o p tic n e u ro p a th y" is used g r a p h i c a l l y , a ll s u b g r o u p s m a y p r e s e n t s i m i l a r f i n d i n g s , l h e
to d e s c rib e s w e llin g , is c h e m ia , and. v a ry in g degrees of v i s u a l p r o g n o s i s , h o w e v e r r is n o l t h e s a m e f o r a ll g r o u p s .
Idiopathic ("Nonarteritic") Anterior E5 . 14 N o n a rte r itic a n le rto r isch e m ic n e n ro p a th y .

Ischemic Optic Neuropathy A - С : This 5 7 - y e a r - o l d Wcimarl w it h r t d r t L h y r o i d

e K o p E u h a lm o s n o t e d ra p id Eoss o f vision in the lefl e y e . H e r
Over 50% o f p a Lie n ls w i t h tt:A I O N are g e n e r a lly h e a l t h y visual .у : u :v v. ■i'. I J 1.:: ■. I К ell jptit dis< w a i s w o l le n , a n d
p ^ litn ls W h o se a g e is 4 5 y e a r s o r o l d e r [m e a n o f 5 7-6 5 a fla m e -s h a p e d h e m o r r h a g e Was pre s e n t at ils m a rg in ' A .
years) and w ho e xp e rie n c e an a n ile , u s u a lly m o d e ra te A n g i o g r a p h y s h o w e d a m a r k e d incre a se in relircal c i r t u l a -
Eo s s o f v i s i o n i n o n e e y e ( 2 0 / 5 0 l o 20 / 200 ) over hours lo Lion t im e a n d late staining o f lhe disc (B a n d Q , S h e h a d an

d ^ . 33^ 4" U n l i k e p a lie n ls w ilh o p lic n e u r i t Ls o r a r t e r i t i c

inferior a ttilu d in a l vis u al fie ld d e fe c t. T h e a c u it y r e m a in e d
2 0 /2 0 0 ir> spile of intensive oral co rLico sle ro id LneaLrnent for
A lO N ( a - A l O . N ) , p a i n a n d h e a d a c h e are n o t fe a tu re s . A b o u t
2 m o n t h s , She received X - r a y irradiation to th e left o r b it . H e r
104-pi r e p o r t a i n i n o r d i s c o m f o r t . Ijess l h a t i 5 % report p r o ­
a c u ily 1 Ve UI later ■was 2(1/40.
d r o m e s u c h a s i n t e r m i t t e n t t r a n s i e n t v i s u a l b l u r s .,, s h a d o w s , 0 a n d E : A c L ile visual loss a n d an inferior alliLudinal field
o r sp o ls lhat m ore o fte n accom pany a -A lO N . O p tic d is c defect o c c u r r e d in lhe righl e y e nl" Ibis Elbalthw e ld e rly p a lie n l
s w e llin g a c c o m p a n ie d b y o n e o r several fla m e -s h a p e d h e m ­ W ith o p t i c disc s w e l lin g a n d ju x l a p a p il ta r y h e m o n h a g e s (Dp
o r r h a g e s is u s u a l l y e v i d e n t ( f i g u r e 1 5 . 1 4 ) . T h e s w e l l i n g m a y a n d a visual a c u ity d e c re a se to 2 0 / 4 0 . T h e EefL e y e was n o r ­

o r m a y n o t b e p a l l i d . El m a y b e m o r e p r o n o u n c e d in th e mal w it h 2 0 / 2 0 visio n -El.

f- : Th is 6 7 - y e a r - o l d patient w it h m a r k e d inferior LiEting o f
s u p e r io r h a l f o f th e o p lic d isc . A lo w e r a llitu d in a l o r a rcu ­
b o th o p t i c discs d e v e l o p e d a cute visual Eoss a n d a n in fe ­
a t e f i e l d d e f e c t t h a l o f t e n is m a x i m u m a l l h e t i m e o f p r e s e n ­
rior a llitu din a l field defect in lhe rigEn e y e . N o l e Lhe p a le
t a t i o n b u t t h a l m a y p r o g r e s s d u r i n g t h e first f e w w e e k s o f s w e llin g o l the u p p e r part o f Ihte d isc (Ft a n d the [u x L a p a p il-
t h e d i s e a s e is p r e s e n t .4 UA O c c a s io n a lly h a rd e xu d a te s a n d lary Htibnetmal hem o rrhinge . S e v e ra l m o n L h s laler Lhe b l o o d
c o t t o n - w o o l s p o ls are p re s e n t (7°/n). F lu o r e s c e in a n g io g r a ­ reso lved a n d I here w a s гетп лткпЫу lillle pa ILot o f th e o p t i c
p h y u s u a lly d e m o n s tra te s a d e la y o f p e r fu s io n o f th e o p tic disc i C t .

d i s c b l o o d v e sse ls, m i n i m a l a l t e r a t i o n s o f c h o r o i d a l f i l l i n g ,
G —|: T h is 6 T - y e a r - o l d hy p e rte n s iv e w o m a n e x p e r ie n c e d
visual loss lo 2 0 /4 0 0 d u e lo a n o n a rte filic a n te rio r is c h e m ic
a n d s t a i n i n g o f t h e o p t i c d i s c [E 'ig u r e ] 5 . 1 4 1 i a n d C ) . '"iJ I n
o ptic n e u r o p a t h y 2 y e a rs p r e v io u s ly in the rigbL e y e w h i c h
s o m e c a s e s t h e r e is a d e l a y i n t h e r e l i n a l a r t e r y a p p e a r a n c e
e v e n t u a lly i m p r o v e d to 2С УВ 0 . S h e d e v e l o p e d is c h e m ic o p l ic
tim e , a n d a n in c re a s e d re tin a l c ir c u la tio n tim e , t h a l p r e s u m ­ n e u r o p a t h y associated w iLb a Ej ranch retinal ar^Sry ot e lu s io n
a b l y Is c a u s e d b y c o m p r e s s i o n o f t h e c e n t r a l r e t i n a l v e s s e l s in lh e left eye., a n d he r v is io n d r o p p e d to fl/20 0 . She а1мэ
by L i :.: H '.v n lle n is d n -in lc iu t .'c i i l u ' r . i:i I :i l - r e g i o n -4 Lie h a d line t u L i c u la r d ruse n in b o th eyes lhat lit up e a rly o n lhe
l a m i n a c r lb r o s a . T h is c o m p r e s s i o n o c c a s i o n a l l y m a y b e s u f­ a n g io g r a m ( H a n d IE- T h e vessels o n the disc w e r e d ila t e d
fic ie n t to cause a f u n d u s p ic tu r e o f c e n lra t re tin a l a rle iy o r find lh e I'low thTou g h lhe Ljrbinn:h retinal a rtery w a s d e la y e d .
Н е т vis ual a c u ily in the left e y e i m p r o v e d Lo 2 0 / 5 0 - in 2
ve in o c c lu s io n (h ig u re 15 .14Л -С }. O c c a s io n a lly th e c o m ­
m o n t h s , l h e iira n c b relinal arLery s h o w e d s h e a lh in g a л d Lbe
p re s s io n c o u ld o c c lu d e a c ilio re lin a l a rtery or a bran ch
disc e d e m a h a d resolve d ij.i.
re tin a l a rte ry c o m i n g o f f th e d is c ( F ig u r e 15 .140 -1). Focal К a n d L: T h is 6 7 - y e a r - o l d h y p e r te n s iv e p a li e n l e x p e r ie n c e d
L e la n g ie c ta tic c h a n g e s m a y a p p e a r o n th e s u rfa c e ve sse ls o f visual Eoss c a u s e d b y iscEiemic o p t i c n e u nopal Eiy (K) s o o n
th e d is c w i l h in a fe w d a ys , c o n s id e r e d to be l u x u r y p e rfu ­ after u n e v e n tfu l calaract e x tra c tio n . C y s t o id m a c u la r e d e m a
s io n d u e to a u lo r e g u la t o r y re s p o n s e b y in c re a s e d p e r fu s io n was su sp e cte d , b u t a n g io g ra p E iy re v e a le d staining o f Lbe
s u r r o u n d i n g a n in fa rc t. S o m e t i m e s this m a y b e In te r p re te d
o ptic disc a n d n o e v id e n c e o f retinal c a p illa ry le a k a g e in Lbe
m a c u la . H e s u b s e q u e n t ly d e v e l o p e d o p t i c a t r o p h y ( L j. A s im ­
as a c a p illa ry h e m a n g io m a or n e o v a s c u la riiia tio n when
ilar c o u r s e o f e v e n ts o c c u r r e d in Elis leFl e y e .
p ro m in e n t [Fig u re ! 5 . 1 4 K ) . V:U lhe d is c s w e llin g re so lve s
K.'-l, cftJHt'sycJ Dr. L lIw . l h I Ctjfitttty.l
in several w e e k s , l h e d is c b e c o m e s p a le a n d u s u a lly s h o w s
m i n im a l c u p p in g . S p o n ta n e o u s im p r o v e m e n t o f visu a l acu ­
ity o c c u rs i n 1 0 - 3 5 % o f c a s e s .3 il-3S5 E i e c u m e n c e o f n - A E O N
in th e sam e eye is i n f r e q u e n t . 11J 5J ETo s s i b l e e x p l a n a ­
tio n s Г о г th e i n fr e q u e n t re c u rre n c e s in n - A I O N i n c l u d e lo ss a tta c k s o f A l O N in Lh e s a m e e y e ,'- u a n d th e s m a l i c u p / d is c
o f n e r v e fib e rs a fte r n - A I O N . p r o v i d i n g m o r e space f o r s u r­ l a t i o 1^ 134' 359'3^ ' 360'364- 36* s u g g e s i l h a t s t r u c t u r a l f i d o r a a r e
v i v i n g n e rve fib e rs t o sw e ll, a n d s h u n t i n g o f b l o o d fr o m th e i m p o r t a n t in th e p a th o g e n e s is o f i d i o p a t h i c A l O N ,
a r e a o f i n f a r c t i o n t o t h e s u r v i v i n g p a r t o f t h e n e r v £ L u ' <' ?^ "]' A s s o c ia te d d is o rd e rs th a l m ay p re c ip ita te n o n a rte ritic
A p p ro x im a te ly ^0 % o f p a tie n ts w ill d e v e lo p n -A IO N in A lO N In c lu d e d ia b e te s , m a lig n a n t h y p e rte n s io n [E 'lg u r e
th e o p p o s ite e y e ." " A lth o u g h it h a s been presum ed th at 1 5 . 1 5 A a n d f i ) , u r e m l a , - ll!7,16 f e c l a m p s i a , ^ ' J- 1 -J m i g r a i n e , - ^ "
m ost of th es e p a tie n ts p ro b a b ly have an a rte rio s c le ro tic n n tip h s ^ , 371-373 h e m o d y n a m ic shqpk 3?-^75 a n e m i a , 376
d is o rd e r, th e re is m i n i m a l e vid e n c e lo s u p p o r t ih is v ie w . p a p ille d e m a , o rb ita l in fla m m a tio n (Fig u re 1 5 .1 4 A -C ) ,
These p a tie n ts have no g re a te r In c id e n c e o f c a rd io v a s c u ­ c a la ra c l e x tra c tio n ( H g u r e 1 5 .13К a n d 377-380 e l e v a t i o n
la r or c e re b ro v a s c u ta r d ise a se th a n a m a tc h e d grou p of o f i n t r a o c u l a r p r e s s u r e , , 6 ": c o n g e n i t a l a n o m a l i e s o f t h e
pa fltte iiis .346'3^ 5*2 I d i o p a t h i c o r n - A I O N occurs a l a y o u n g e r o p liic d i s c , a n d o p t i c d is c d r u s e n . :t!i b u b r e t i n a l n e o v a s c u ­
a g e i n s m o k e r s ( m e a n a g e 53 y e a r s ) c o m p a r e d t o n o n s m o k ­ l a r iicat i o n o c c a s io n a lly o c c u r s .ш F a m ilia l n -A LO N has
e r s ( m e a n a g e (>4 y e a r s }.-11-0 T h e f r e q u e n c y o f i n v o l v e m e n t i n be e i^ r e p o r L e d .^ '' ! L O \ - A 2 9 m a y be a risk fa c lo r f o r d e v e l­
th e u p p e r h a l f o f Lhe o p lic d is c , U fi th e ra rity o f s e c o n d o p m e n t o f n - A I O N . ЗЯЙ
. 'i и frrri ir i-ri Uctmc O p t ic rupalh\f I28 7
I Listo p a t h o l o g i c e v i d e n c e s u g g e s ts L h a l v a s c u l a r i n s u f f i ­ \Ъ.\Ъ A n te r io r is c h e m ic o p t ic n e u r o p a th y (A lO N ).
c ie n c y c a u s in g a c u te is c h e m ic s w e llin g o f a s e g m e n t o f th e
A a n d K: П е т и rrha g i t nonarLerilic A l O N ass<*ciaLod w i l h
nerve fib e rs i m m e d i a t e l y p o s t e r i o r t o th e l a m i n a c r ib r o s a a b ra n c h reLinal a rtery o c c lu s io n in a se ve re ly h y p e rte n s iv e
is re s p o n s ib le fo r th e c lin ic a l p ic tu re of n -A IO N .^ 4 0 -y e a r-ol cl p a IienL. h o l e ischem ic w tiitu n in g o f the retina
V a s c u lo p a th y o f th e p a r a o p lic b ra n c h e s o f th e s h o rt p o s ­ ьu регсЛеф рога 11u (fi).
te rio r c ilia ry a rte rie s m ay p la y a m a jo r ro le . Jh e reason (. : A rte rilic A l O N in а frft-yea r-o ld m n i s n w it h cranial arte+
fo r th e s u s c e p tib ility o f th e s u p e r io r s e g m e n ts o f th e o p tic ritis. S h e p re s e n te d b e c a u s e o f b lu rr e d v is io n in the left e y e .
S h e p re v io u s ly losl vision in 1he fight e y e . N o l o lh e m a r k e d
n e r v e to is c h e m ic d a m a g e a n d th e ro le o f n o c t u r n a l h y p o ­
pa II о i the swt) len oplic ■:!;s-. Sc-, civ. m o n t h s I. i ' i t lhe
t e n s i o n a n d s l e e p a p n e a are u n c e r t a i n .
□p-lit: d isc was alrrjph-ic.
A d d i t i o n ; ) I fa cto rs th a t m ig h t a ffe c t p e r fu s io n such as
D a n d £: N o n a r le r E tic is c h e m ic o p lic n e u r o p a t h y ca u s e d b y
o p tic d is c d r u s e n , h y p e r o p ia , e le v a te d in tr a o c u la r p re ss u re, a cu le b l o o d loss o c c u r r e d m Ihis 4 7 - y e a r - o l d w o m a n w h o
m ig r a in e , a n d d r u g s s u c h as s ild e n a fil a n d in te r f e r o n -a lp b a e K p o rfe n c e d mashive e\Lraw isaLion o f b l o o d in to Lhe b o d y 1 is­
m ay have a ro le in som e cases. A m i o d a r o n e m ay its e lf sues associated w i lh lip o s u c Lio n . O n the first p o M o f ie j,i I ive
c a u s e to x ic o p tic n e u r o p a t h y o r trig g e r a n is c h e m ic o p tic
d a y s h e n o le d r o a r in g in Ihe ear a n d n o lighL [je r c e p lio n in
the right e y e . T h e right o p L ic d is c w a s s w o l le n a n d p a le (-D).
n e u ro p a th y in s u s c e p tib le in d iv id u a ls , h e n c e a h is to ry o f
The? left e v e w a s n o rm a l :l-l. H e r h e m c ^ l o b f n was .‘j .li, a n d
its u s e s h o u l d be s o u g h t." ^ I h e r e is n o p roven tre at­
h e m a to c riL w a s 1 6 . .Magneflic re s o n a n c e irnagjn# o f th e b ra in
m e n t fo r n - A l O N ; a s p i r i n is r e c o m m e n d e d f o r its r o l e in was n o r m a l . S h e w a s treated w i t h p r e d n is o n e , f l O m j j daily,
d e c re a s in g stro k e s a n d m y o c a r d i a l in fa r c t io n s in t h is va s- a n d re c e iv e d 2 units o f b l o o d . H e r v is io n i m p r o v e d Lo light
c u lo p a th ic p o p u la t io n .iM p e rc e p tio n o n ly .
F -L : T h is 3 0 -y e a r -o ld w o m a n n o tic e d d o u b l e v is io n for 2
d ays p r io r (o presen Lai io n . T h e d o u b l e v is io n w a s re p la c e d
Idiopathic Anterior Ischemic Optic b y a superior field loss o n the d a y o f p re s e n Lai ion in h e r right
Neuropathy in the Young (AIONY) e ye . Н е т Vfciial a c u ity w a s 2G/.40 in this e y e a n d 20/20- jn the
unalYecLed left e ye . T h e in fe r io r h a lf o l th e o p t it: d isc s h o w s
Id io p a th ic A l O N Y is a r a r e e n t i t y c h a r a c t e r i z e d by recu r­
рл 11 id s w e l lin g (F ). A flu ores cein a n g io g r a m shenvs d e la y e d
re n t e p is o d e s o f a c u te v is u a l lo ss a s s o c ia te d w i t h s e g m e n ­ c h o r o id a l fillJnj; al s e c o n d s ■:С.] I a n d u p Lo 7 7 s e c o n d s
tal p a l l i d s w e l l i n g o f t h e o p t i c n e r v e t h a t f r e q u e n t l y c a u s e s I l-П. S h e w a s b e in g LrcaLed fo r lelL t e m p o r o m a n d i b u l a r j(]inl
severe and p erm a n ent v is u a l lo ss in o th e rw is e h e a lth y arlhrilis for -1-5 m o n t h s . S h e d e n ie d scalp tenderness a n d
y o u n g a d u lts w it h a mean age o f o n s e t o f 25 y e a rs . ' 11 ш w e ig h t loss, b u t w a s m i l d l y irritable. 5 h e re c e iv e d 1 g r a m

]Ъ е fu n d u s p ic tu re a ltd visual fie ld changes d u rin g th e Gff in l ia v e n o u s s o lu m e d r u l Jollcjw ed b y o ra l p r e d n is o n e . A

lempctra! a rte ry b io p s y s h n w e d Ih ic k e n e d arterial w a ll w i ll:
a c u te s ta g e a re id e n tic a l l o th o s e in n - A l O N . I h i s s im ila r ­
infiltra tion o f in f l a m m a t o r y a n d giant cells (a rro w , fl a n d a n
it y i n c lu d e s t h e s m a l l o p t i c d is c s iz e . M e d i c a l e v a l u a t i o n is
e x tre m e ly n a r r o w e d l u m e n :l a n d J, a r r o w heads:-, hler visjem
n e g a t i v e . T h e c a u s e is u n k n o w n . r e m a in e d at 20 /3 0 w it h a s u p e r io r fie ld d e fe ct. T h e o p l i c disc
I t is i m p o r t a n t t h e r a p e u t i c a l l y to d i ff e r e n t i a t e n - A l O N s h o w s p a llo r in Ihe infe rio r half a L 1 m o n l h IK, L (arrow )).
and A I D N Y fro m a -A I O N . lh e b lo o d s e d im e n ta tio n ra te , II .itk J I, r:uur!Ljiy Ml LJr. {jy tc kihrnun.i
a c u te -p h a se re a c la n Ls such as C - re a c tiv e p ro te in s , and
p la te le t c o u n t s a re u s u a l l y w i t h i n n o r m a l lim it s in n - A l O N
ArteritSc Anterior ischemic Optic
and A i O N V a n d are u s u a lly g re a tly e le v a te d in m o s t cases
o f a -A iO N .
Neuropathy ia-AION)
' i h e r e is n o e ffe c tive tr e a tm e n t f o r n - A L O N or A IO N Y . G ia n t-c e ll arteriLis (te m p o ra l a rte ritis* c ra n ia l a rte ritis)
O p tic n e r v e s h e a t h d e c o m p r e s s i o n w a s s u g g e s t e d as e f f e c ­ is a s y s t e m i c d ise a se lh a t is c h a r a d e r ^ e d by a rth ra lg ia s,
tive in th e tre a tm e n t o f th e a c u te p ro g re s s ive stage of headaches, fe ve r, w e ig h t loss, ja w c la u d ic a tio n , m y a lg ia ,
n - A I O N / 9 L-iM Evid e n c e , how ever, in c lu d in g th e re su lts a n d , fr e q u e n tly , a c u te severe v is u a l lo ss in o n e e ye lh a t is
o f a c o n tro lle d c lin ic a l tria l, in d ic a te s Lhat th e p ro c e d u re o fte n f o l l o w e d b y se ve re lo ss in t h e s e c o n d eye in e ld e rly
is in e ffe c tive and m ay be h a rm fu l fo r th e tre a tm e n t of p a tie n ts , u s u a lly 60 years o f age o r o l d t T .< llU l^ Is c h e m ic
n -A lO N .555 1""r- 40; 'lh e rate o f o p e ra tive c o m p lic a tio n s , n e c ro sis o f t h e sc a lp m a y o c c u r in severe u s e s : o f t e n th e s e
w h ic h in c lu d e c e n tra l re tin a l a rtery o c c lu s io n a s s o c ia te d p a tie n ts a re a ls o irrita b le d u e Lo (h e m y a lg ia in t h e e x a m ­
w i l h o p t i c n e r v e s h e a t h d e c o m p r e s s i o n , m a y b e as h i g h a s in in g lh e v is u a l lo ss is g e n e r a l l y m ore pro­
40 % n 'j y n e a i m e Q t o f i h e a s s o c i a t e d s y s t e m i c d i s o r d e r s i n fo u n d L h a n in n - A E O N , a n t i t h e o p t i c d i s c p a l l o r is u s u a l l y
p a tie n ts w i t h n o n a rLe ritic A lO N , fo r e x a m p le , c o rtic o s te ­ m ore s trik in g (fig u re 15 .15 D and V and H gure 6 .2 :5 1 .].
ro id s o r X -r a y im i d i a L i o n i n o r b i t a l i n f l a m m a t o r y dise a se C o tlo n -w o o l p a tc h e s and lla m e -s h a p e d h e m orrh ag es
(E 'ig u r e 15 .I4 A -C ], b lo o d tra n s fu s io n fo r p a tie n ts with n w be pre se n t. O th e r fin d in g s m ay in c lu d e h y p o lo n y .
a n e m ia , or h e m o d ia ly s is in p a tie n ts w ith u re m ia , m ay e xtra o c u la r m u s c le pa lsies , and c e n tra l re tin a l a rte ria l
im p ro v e th e p ro g n o s is f o r r e t u r n o f v i s i o n . i b ? -36fl P a t i e n t s as w e l l as c h o r o i d a l a rte ria l o c c lu s io n (see H gure 6.23J.
w ilh e vid e n c e o f a -A L O N re q u ire p rom p t tre a tm e n t with H u o re s c e in a n g io g ra p h y d e m o n s tra te s d e la y e d p e rfu s io n
h ig h d o s e s o f c o r tic o s te r o id s (see n e x t s u b s e c t io n ) . o f th e c h o r o i d a n d o p t ic d isc [ r i g u r e IS .]50 a n d H ) . : " JL|
ih e W esLergren s e d im e n ta tio n rate is u s u a lly 100 J i n m 15. E 6 Meningiom a o f lh e o p tic disc.
or g re a te r; O r e a c tiv e p ro te in s and p la te le ts are e l e v a t e d .
A - G : Blu rre d v is io n , p a p i l l u d e m a , a n d chorionetin л I Folds
In c re a s e d p la s m j v is c o s ity decreased red cell f i L l-e r a b i l­ in I his 4 6 -y e a r-old v r a m a ti w e f s ca u s e d b y л m e n i С м о гл а
Ely. and decreased h e m a to c rit are o t h e r fin d in g s in th es e ol the lell optic: n e rv e <A). N o t e resolu-licm ol lire e d e m a s n d
p a t i e n t s .'112 ih e s e d im e n ta tio n rate and te m p o ra l a rtery folds a n d Lhe d e v e l o p m e n t o f diEaLed v e n o u s loops- (a rro w s,
b io p s y fin d in g s are im p o rla n l in d iffe re n tia tin g a -A E O N E j Lhal o c c u r r e d s p o n ta n e o u s ly o v e r a 3 2 - m o n l h p e r io d .
fro m j i - ;\ [O N .|IL,,,mJ O c c a s i o n a l l y ih e re m a y b e a d e la y in A n y i o ^ i a p h v sh<jwed e v i d e n c e LhaL v e n o u s b l o o d in Lhese
lo o p s a * w e ll as I hat in the relina w a s d r a in in g in lo the c e n ­
Lhe ris e o f t h e s e d i m e n t a t i o n ra le . lie n e e a h i g h in d e x o f
tral relinal v e i n . TEie patient b a d Э й О О К Ы X - r a y irradia­
s u s p ic io n b y p o s itive re vie w o f syste m s w a rra n ts a repeal
tion Го Ihe o ^ h t o rb it. N o L e the re d u c e d p r o m i n e n c e ot" Lhe
check 1- 2 d a y s late r. I l i o p s y o f t h e t e m p o r a l a rtery s h o w s
v e n o u s lo o p s 1 3 m o n t h s later ( C l . V is u a l a c u ity w a s 20 /20 .
in filtra tio n a n d th ic k e n in g o f th e m e d ia and p ro life ra tio n D a n d E: I b i s 1 4 - y e a r - o l d b o y d e v e l o p e d b Eu rre d v is io n
En to lh e lu m e n th u s o b lite ra tin g it, re s u ltin g in v a s c u la r 4 m o n t h s p r e v io u s ly after b e in g stTLick o n lh e t h i n w i l h a
in s u f fic ie n c y (I'ig u r e I S . 1 5 I a n d J} . S y s t e m ic c o r tic o s te r o id s b ro o m s tic k . H e w h s ] гол led tor 4 w e e k s w i l b l O O t n g p r e d ­
s h o u ld be in s titu te d p r o m p t l y i f g i a L i t - c e l l a r t e r i t i s is s u s ­
n is o n e daily. H is visual a c u ily w a s iiaru b a n d m o v e m e n t s ,
rigjiL e y e , a n d 20/20,. left e y e . H e h a d 2 m m ol" rif^bt p r o p L o -
p e c te d . M o n i t o r i n g c h a n g e s in Lh e b l o o d s e d i m e n t a t i o n rate
нis. O r b i t a l m a g n e tic re s o n a n ce im a g in g s-tiowed a m a s t Lhal
o r C - r e a c t i v e p r o t e i n is u s e d t o a d j u s t L h e c o r t i c o s t e r o i d d o s ­
faifed to e n h a n c e w iLh g a d o l i n i u m . O p t o c i l i a r y shunt vessels
age/" - w h i c h s h o u ld b e c o n t in u e d fo r 2 years o r m o r e , i h e Ia rr o w s , [J; suggested a m e n in g io m a lhal w a s c o n f i r m e d on
g o a l o f s t e r o i d t h e r a p y Es t o p r e v e n t l o s s o f v i s i o L i i n L h e f e l ­ b io p s y o J a n e n la r g e d o p l i c n e r v e . A n g i o g r a p h y {Ej s h o w s the
l o w e y e a n d i n v o l v e m e n t o f o t h e r c r a n ia l a rte rie s . v e n o u s nature o f shunL vessels. I-Ее r e c e d e d 4 .> 0 0 ( C y irradi­
D e v e l o p m e n t o r p ro g re s s io n o f v is u a l loss o c c u r s r a r e ly a tio n . The fu nd u s fchtfnges stabiliBen k>uI Ihere was no visual
in p a lie n ts w i l h g ia n l-c e ll a rte ritis a fte r lh e in it ia t io n o f g lu ­
im p r o v o m e n L .
f : M e n i n g i o m a ol lbcf o p lic n e r v e in this 5 o -y e a r-o ld w o m a n
c o c o rtic o id therapy.3 ’N Jn a re tro s p e c tive stu d y o f 245
w iLb ju x la p a p illa ry chorionctin ial folds.
p a t i e n t s W ttfa g i a n t - c e l l a r t e r i t i s s e e n o v e r a 5 - y e a r p e r i o d at
Lhe M a y o G i n k , A ie llo a n d c o w o rk e rs f o u n d th a t 14% had
p e r m a n e n t lo ss o f v is io n in o n e o r b o l h e y e s .'"'1 I n a l l b u t p u n c t u r e a re o f l i m i t e d v a lu e in d e f i n i n g a c a u s e fo r v is u a l
t w o o f lh e p a tie n ts , v is u a l loss o c c u r r e d b e f o r e i n s t i t u t i o n o f
lo ss o th e r th a n o p lic n e u ritis a sso c ia te d w ith d e m y e lin ­
c o r t i c o s t e r o i d t h e r a p y . V i s u a l lo ss p r o g r e s s e d a fte r c o r t i c o s t e ­ a t i n g d i s e a s e ,416 T h e М Й 1 is m o r e lik e ly lo be p o s itive in
r o id th e r a p y in th re e p a tie n ts . A f t e r 5 ye ars th e p r o b a b i l i t y
p a ti e n ls w i l h s e v e re v i s u a l lo ss. L h e p r e s e n c e o f o l i g o c l o n a l
o f d e v e l o p i n g v is u a l loss a fte r i n i t i a t i o n o f o r a l g l u c o c o r t i ­ b a n d s in th e c e r e b r o s p in a l flu id c o rre la te s w E lh th e d e v e l­
c o id tre a tm e n t w a s d e te rm in e d to b e 1% ( K a p l a n - M e ie r),
opm ent o f c lin ic a lly d e fin ite m u ltip le s c le ro sis . P a tie n ts
a n d t h e p r o b a b i l i t y o f a d d i t i o n a l Loss i n p a l i e n t s w h o h a d a w ilh r e t r o b u lb a r n e u ritis are m o r e Lik e ly l o s h o w e v id e n c e
v i s u a l d e f i c i t al t h e t i m e t h e r a p y w a s b e g u n w a s ] 3 % .
o f m u ltip le s c le ro sis th a n th ose w ith p a p il Li i ts . Eillc itin g
O th e r rare c a u se s of a -A [O N are p e r i a r t e r it i s nodosa, e ith e r U h l b o f f s s y m p L o m [Lra n s ie n l b lu rrin g o f v is io n d u r ­
C h u ig -S tra u s s s y n d r o m e , W e g e n e r s g ra n u lo m a to s is , sys­
i n g e xe rc is e , h o t s h o w e r o r b a t h , o r w h i l e u n d e r e m o t i o n a l
te m ic lu p u s e ryth e m ato su s, rh e u m a to id a rth ritis , and s t r e s s ) o r L h e r m i t l e rs s i g n ( s u d d e n o r t r a n s i e n t e l e c t r i c - l i k e
re la p s in g p o ly c h o n d r itis . T h e s e c o n d itio n s s h o u ld be c o n ­
s h o c k s r a d ia lin g d o w n th e s p in e o r e xtre m itie s , p a rtic u la rly
s id e re d in p a tie n ts w h o p r e s e n l e a rlie r th a n 6 0 ye a rs o f ag e w i t h L i e c k f l e x i o n ] Es e v i d e n c e i n p a t i e n t s w i t h u n e x p l a i n e d
o r i f r e v ie w o f s ys te m s p o in is to a n y o f t h e m .
visu a l lo ss, su g g e s tin g re tro b u lb a r n e u ritis anti m u llip le
s c l e r o s i s . I f c l i n i c a l s i g n s a c i d s y m p t o m s a r e l y p l c a t f o r o p Lie
ID IO P A T H IC O P T IC N E U R IT IS A N D n e u ritis, o lh e r w o r k - u p is u n l i k e l y l o b e f r u i t f u l . I f L h e f e a ­

P A P IL L IT IS _____________________________ t u r e s a r e a t y p i c a l , s u c h as p r o g r e s s i o n o f v E s u a l Lo s s b e y o n d
1 w e e k , e v i d e n c e o f vitritEs. p r e s e n c e o f a m a c u l a r s t a r fig u re
lh e re s u lts o f lh e O p l i c N e u ritis T re a tm e n t T ria l, w h ic h o r iritis, a g e m o r e t h a n 4 3 y e a rs , o r a b s e n c e o f p a in , o t h e r
e n ro lle d 4 4 8 p a lie n ts . in d ic a te thal t h i s d i s o r d e r es c h a r ­ d ia g n o se s, such as s y p h ilis , c a t-s c ra lc h dise a se , sy sle m ic
a c te rize d b y a c u le v is u a l lo ss, o f t e n a sso c ia te d w ith p a in lu p u s e r y t h e m a t o s u s , l .y m e dise a se , vira l o r b a c te ria ) o p t ic
(5 0 % ) w orsened by eye m o ve m e n t, in p re d o m in a n tly n e u ritis s h o u ld be c o n s id e re d . In m o s t p a tie n ts th e visu a l
fe m a le s ( 7 7 % ) w i l h a m e a n a g e o f 3 2 years ( 2 0 - 5 0 y e a rs ), a c u ity a n d v i s u a l die l d r e t u r n t o norm al w ith En a y e a r .M '
'ih e o p lic d i s c is s w o l l e n in a p p ro x im a te ly o n e -th ird of In Lhose p a tie n ts who at th e onset o f v is u a l s y m p t o m s
cases. M a c u l a r s la r fig u re s o c c u r r a r e l y . ' i h e p a tie n ts d e m ­ h a v e M l i l e v i d e n c e o f m u l t i p l e s c le ro s is -1 Eke l e s i o n s , i n t r a ­
o n s t r a t e a w i d e v a r ie ty o f visu a E fie ld d e fe c ts. C o l o r v i s i o n v e n o u s th e r a p y w E lh c o rtic o s te ro id s re d u ce s th e c h a n c e s o f
Es a L m o s t a l w a y s a b n o r m a l a t i d a r e l a t i v e a f f e r e n t p u p i l l a r y lh e p a ti e n t's d e v e l o p i n g n e w c lin ic a l sEgns o f m u l t i p l e scle ­
d e fe c t is s e e n . M R 1 o f t h e b r a i n s h o w e d e v i d e n c e o f d e m y - r o s i s d u r i n g t h e s u b s e q u e n t 2 y e a r s . "■S- I|IJ l h i s re s lra En in g
e lin iza tio n in a p p r o x im a t e ly 5 0 % o f cases. М Ш , s e r o lo g ic effe ct o f c o r t i s o n e w e a rb o f f a fte r 2 ye ars. O r a l a d m i n i s t r a ­
s tu d ie s (a n tin u c le a r a n tib o d y , flu o re s c e n t tre p o n e m a l t i o n o f c o rtic o s te ro id s h as n o e ffe c t o n v is u a l o u t c o m e a n d
a n tib o d y -a b s o r b e d ], chest X -r a y e x a m in a tio n , a n d lu m b a r i n c r e a s e s t h e r i s k o f r e c u r r e n t o p l E c n e u r i t i s .11
O P T IC N E U R IT IS IN C H IL D R E N E5.E6 C o n tin u e d

G : P h o t o m i c r o g r a p h ol m e n i n g i o m a o l the o p t i t n e r v e . M o l e
O p l i c n e u r i t i s i n c h i l d r e n is u n i q u e i n t h a t it i s m o r e o f t e n c o m p r e s s io n o f the o p t i t nerve (a rrow s) Езу Lhe tum o r.
a n te rio r b ila te ra l, k n o w n to o ccu r ] - 2 w e e k s a fte r a p re ­ H a n d I: M e n i n g i o m a o f lh-о o p ! i t n e r v e w it h ап I prior e x t e n ­
sum ed v i гл! in fe c t io n , le ss o fte n a s s o c ia te d w ith d e ve l­ sion inlo the sulbtetinal s p a ce Ia n o w , J.. S o r e t h i 1 evijtfertce o f
opm ent o f m u ltip le s c le ro sis a n ti is s t e r o i d - s e n s i t i v e or c h o ro id a l folds Narrows, ll fldjijcenl Lo l h e s u b ie lin a l t u m o r .
sle ro id -d e p e n d e n t. '['h is s h o u ld be d iffe re n tia te d fro n ] O p t i c n e rv e g lio m a
n e u r o r e t i n i l l s s e c o n d a r y t a c a t - s c r a t c h d i s e a s e L h a t is m o r e
3— Thi s 1 ti-y e a r-o ld C a и casinin W o m a n oresenled w i l h p r o ­
o f t e n u n i l a t e r a l a n d is c h a r a c t e r i z e d b y d i s c s № l | n g p e ri­ ptosis, lim ile d e v e m o v e m e n l s , o p t i c atropEiy U l> a n d n o
p a p illa ry e xu d a tiv e d e ta c h m e n t, and m a c u la r sta r fo r­ light p en coplion v is io n . 1 1 - w e i^ h le d as ini I m a g n e tic reso­
m a tio n . T h o s e w ho p ro g re s s lo d e v e l o p m e n t o f m u l t ip l e n a n c e ttniailng w!:lii g a d o lin i u m s h o w e d an irregular f liyilc-srin
s c l e r o s i s nire o l d e r a n d h a v e u n i l a t e r a l i n v o l v e m e n t ^1 ^44 e r l l a rg^ifnent o f Lhe rij^hl o p t i c nerve [|}H ihal w a s s e c tio n e d
f K 1. H i s t o l o g y s b o w u d K o s o n th a ] i'iEiefs l y p i t a l ot" ] u v e n fle
p i l o t y l i c a s tro c y to m a \ L i.
T R A U M A T IC O P T IC N E U R O P A T H Y I l' l fr u r n D u n n .ir u l W . i Ib-h-1"1'. А I A n u 'M L im M l i i I m ol A s b O L h L lJu n . A l l
1-3.. LiiurtLTf [Jr. M .Ejnq IMi-iMj.'i
B lu n t in ju rie s , p a rtic u la rly to th e fo re h e a d , m ay cause
Loss o f v i s i o n and no f u n d o s c o p i c c h a n g e s as a r e s u l t o f is o p le rs . E u K ta p a p illa ry re tin a l a n d c h o r io r e tin a l fo ld s m a y
i n j u r y l o t h e o p t i c n e rve , e v e n w h e n th e t r a u m a s e e m s triv-
be present [Fig u re 15 |б Л , G, and E). Ex te n s io n o f th e
b a l .101 1 ■ -jh e o p tic n e rve is m o s t v u l n e r a b l e Lo i n j u r y
t u m o r i n t o t h e i n n e r e y e is r a r e (3: i g u r e 1 5 . I G l - L ).414-44 In
at e it h e r e n d o f t h e o p t ic c a n a l S h e a r i n g fo rc e s c a u s e d b y
th e p re s e n c e o f o p t ic d is c e d e m a , flu o re s c e in a n g io g r a p h y
a b ru p t d e c e le ra tio n o f th e s k u ll p ro b a b ly cause in ju r y lo s h o w s c a p illa ry d ila t io n a n d Le akag e o f t h e o p tic d isc v e s ­
s m a l l n u l r i e n t b l o o d ve sse ls as w e l l a s c o n t u s i o n n e c r o s is l o
sels. L a t e r a f t e r o p t i c a t r o p h y h a s o c c u r r e d , d i l a t i o n o f t h e
[ h e n e r v e . I m m e d i a t e to ss o f v i s i o n t o n o lig h t p e r c e p tio n c a p illa rie s a n d Le a k a g e are u s u a lly n o l o n g e r a p p a r e n t , l h e
on im p a c t p o rte n d s a p o o r p ro g n o s is fo r recovery; a short
p a l Le m o f d y e fillin g th e d ila te d v e n o u s lo o p s o n th e o p tic
Eu cid in te rva l b e fo re d e te rio ra tio n su g ge sts a p o te n tia lly d is c s u g g e s t s , a t le a s t in s o m e c a s e s , t h a t t h e s e v e s s e ls m a y
re ve rs ib le process. D ire c t in ju ry lo lh e nerve m ay re s u lt
n o t b e s h u n t in g v e n o u s b l o o d f r o m th e re tin a i n t o th e ju x-
f r o m a fra ctu re t h r o u g h th e b o n y c a n a l th a t severs o r c o m ­ la p a p illa ry venous syste m but in s te a d are h y p e r t r o p h i e d
p r e s s e s t h e n e r v e . rL h e v a l u e o f c o r t i c o s t e r o i d s a n d s u r g i c a l
c o lla te ra l c h a n n e ls tra n s p o rtin g venous b lo o d fro m th e
d e c o m p r e s s i o n i n b o t h t y p e s o f i n j u r y is u n c e r t a i n .4j7 O p t i c re tro b u lb a r m e n in g io m a into th e c e n tra l re L i n a ! v e i n . ’ -1"'
d isc p a l l o r u s u a lly a p p e a rs s e v e ra l w e e k s a fle r l h e in ju r y .
H is to p a th o lo g ic e xa m in a tio n in one case d e m o n s tra te d
c o m m u n ic a tio n b e tw e e n th e re tin a l v e in s and th e cho­

R A D IA T IO N - IN D U C E D O P T IC ro id a l v e i n s . 4 '"- P rim a ry o p tic nerve m e n in g io m a s occa­

s i o n a l l y o c c u r b i l a t e r a l l y , i ' " - 1 ^ . 4,1? a n d m a y b e a s s o c ia te d
w ilh n e u ro fib ro m a to s is typ e 2 a lo n g w ith c ra n ia l nerve

See C h a p t e r 6. s c h w a n n o m a s . 4 '11' M e n i n g i o m a s as w e l l a s a c o u s t i c n e u r o ­
m a s m a y b e c a u s e d b y loss o f t u m o r s u p p r e s s o r g e n e s o n

O P T IC N ER V E M E N IN G IO M A S ch rom osom e 22 . 4 4 'J

С Г and u l t r a s o n o g r a p h y are i n v a l u a b l e in d e m o n s t r a t ­
P a tie n ts w ith m e n in g io m a s c o n fin e d lo lh e o rb ita l por­ in g th e e n la r g e m e n t o f th e p e rio p tic d u ra ! sh e a th s a n d in
tio n o f th e o p tic nerve чi r e ty p ic a lly w om en [70 -8 0 % ) e xc lu d in g tumor e xte n s io n in to th e o p tic c a n a ls . A b o u t
w h o are se e n b e tw e e n th e a g es o f 3 5 a n d 6 0 y e a rs b e c a u s e o n e -th ird o f p a tie n ts s h o w c a lc ific a tio n on С Г scan th a l
o f tra n s ie n t o h s c u ra Lio n s o f v is io n o r m ild v is u a l lo ss in a p p e a r s as b r i g h t l i n e s a l o n g t h e l e n g t h o f t h e n e r v e ; t h i s
one eye [ E - 'i g u r e 1 5 . 16 A -E lh e v is u a l a c u ity is is c a l l e d t h e " t r a m t r a c k " s i g n . M R l p l u s f a t s a t u r a t i o n a f t e r
u s u a lly norm a! or o n ly m ild ly a ffe c te d . W ild p r o p to s is g a d o l i n i u t n - d i e t h y l e n e p e n t a a c e t i c a c i d is h e l p f u l I n d e t e c t ­
is p r e s e n t in 5 0 -75 % o f cases a n d is e a s i l y o v e r l o o k e d . in g in tra c ra n ia l e x te n s io n o f o p tic n e rv e m e n i n g i o m a th a l
O p h th a lm o s c o p ic e xa m in a tio n ly p ic a lly re ve a ls m ild is n o l e a s i l y i m a g e d w i t h M H I a l o n e . 4 j J ‘l3ft ] Ъ е d i f f e r e n t i a l
o p tic d is c e d e m a and som e d ila tio n o f Lh e re tin a l v e in s d ia g n o s is in c lu d e s o p tic n e rv e g lio m a , p a p ille d e m a , and
[E 'ig u r e 15 .16A). O th e r e vid e n c e o f c e n tra l re tin a l v e in o p tic nerve cysts. In som e cases a n o c c u lt m e n in g io m a
o b s t r u c t i o n is i n f r e q u e n t l y p r e s e n t . i * ' L n l a i g e m e n t o f t h e m a y b e th e cause o f th e c y s t i5Q W h e r e a s o p tic d is c p a l ­
b lin d s p o t is t h e c h a r a c te r is tic fie ld d e fe c t in itia lly . Over lo r a n d c o lla te ra l v e n o u s c h a n n e l s Hire h i g h l y s u g g e s tive
a p e rio d o f m o n th s o r ye ars v is u a l lo s s , in c r e a s e d p a p i E l - o f a m e n in g io m a , th e y o c c a s io n a lly are c a u s e d b y o th e r
edem a (H g u re 15 J61) and f), re fra c tile b o d ie s a n d p n il- d is o rd e rs such as c e n tra l re tin a l v e in o c c lu s io n , hyd ro­
lo r o f th e o p tic d is c , m ild re tin a l w i n d ila tio n , and in c e p h a l u s , a n d p e r i o p t i c n e u r i t i s .'1 1 А -'2 V i s u a l l o s s t y p i c a E l y
2 0 -4 0 % of cases optic d is c shunl or c o lla te ra l ve sse ls occu rs s lo w ly o v e r a p e r io d o f m o n t h s o r years, a n d su r­
d e v e lo p (fig u re 15.L6EJ a n d o ) . A- ' A ' ' - * A '' T h e s e c h a n g e s g ic a l e x t i r p a t i o n o f th e m e n i n g i o m a is u s u a l l y a s s o c i a t e d
are u s u a l l y a c c o m p a n i e d b y c o n t r a c t i o n o f t h e p e r i p h e r a l w i t h p r o f o u n d v is u a l lo ss. I h e r e f o r e , in p a t ie n t s w i t h g o o d
v is u a l fu n c tio n a n d no e v id e n c e o f e X tra o rb iia ] e x te n s io n 15-1 C h o r o id a l fo ld s a s s o c ia te d w ilh u n ila te ra l d is c
o f th e m e n in g io m a , o b s e rv a tio n fo r e v id e n c e o f p ro g re s ­ e d e m a o f u n k n o w n c a u se ,
s iv e v i s u a l lo s s o r e x t r a o r b i t a l e x t e n s i o n is u s u a l l y r e c o m ­
A a n d B : Ttiis a p p a r e n tly hen Ithy 3 5 -y e a r -o ld m a n p re s e n ted
m ended b e fo r e e i t h e r s u rg ic a l o r i r r a d i a t i o n tre a t m e n l is w it h visual c o n ip la in l s in the left e y e . H is right e y e w a s п о г ­
c o n s i d e r e d . 4■
10'4 Ч -‘|3<мЛ^ 5 i A ^ Som e p a tie n ts a c h ie v e at нил!. in the I ell e y e b e h a d p a p ille d e m a a n d h o r i z o n t a l l y
Least to tn p o ra ty re s to ra tio n o f v is io n fo llo w in g irra d ia ­ o rie n te d c h o rio re tin a l folds (arroW s, A l . H e n o le d further
t i o n t r e a t m e n t . ’ "' " 1 ' ' O p t i c n e r v e m e n i n g i o m a s i n c h i l d r e n d e c lin e in fils a c u it y a n d re turned 3 d a y s later. H is visu al
a cu ity w a s 2 0 / 6 0 . T h e p a p ille d e m a h a d lessened. Ttie c h o ­
and yo u n g a d u l t s are m o r e a g g re ssive a n d th es e p a tie n ts
riorelinal folds w e r e u n c h a n g e d . I H ; N e u r o l o g i c e v a l u a t i o n
re q u ire c lo s e r t b U a W - u p .',3 S i M ^
in c l u d i n g c o m p u l e d lo m o g r a p h v s c a n w a s n e g a tiv e .
( : t h is J 4 - y e a r - o ld w o m a n h a d hilaleral s w o lle n npCic discs
s e c o n d a r y [o p s e u d o L u m o r c e re b ri. S u b re tina l h e m o r r h a g e
w a s seen at I h e e d g e o l ib e s w o l le n disc f t r a r r o w J.

OPTIC NERVE GLIOMAS Sub retinal neovascularization associated wilh

papilledema secondary to idiopathic intracranial
O p t i c n e rv e g l i o m a s c a u s e in s i d i o u s lo ss o f v i s i o n , p r o p l o - hyperlension.
sis.. a n d o p tic a tr o p h y [ f i g u r e I 5 . L 6 J in s e t) t h a t are o f t e n
D - H : Ibis 3 0 -y e a r -o ld w o m a n h a d p a p ille d e m a fro m id io ­
d is c o v e re d in c h ild re n d u r in g a ro u tin e eye e x a m in a tio n . p a th ic in tracra n ia l h y p e r te n s io n ( □ a n d Ef. T h e r e w a s a p ig ­
Jh e y represent o f a ll c r a n i a l t u m o r s a n d 1.5- 3 .5 % o f m e n t e d I v p e 2 j t f t t a p a p j lla r y i K N V . V i in the lefL evE-4 at Ihe
o rb ita l lu m o rs . T h e tu m o r m a y in v o lv e o n e o r b o th o p lic s u p e m t e m p o r a I e d g e o f th e disc. T h irte e n m o n t h s later she
n e r v e s a l o n e ( 2 5 % I o r m a y i n v o l v e t h e c h i a s m a n d tract in d e v e l o p e d a s e c o n d S K N V M al the in te ro Le m p o ra l d isc e d g e
w it h l a a k a g e o f flu id , b l o o d ; a n d I if] id . A n g i o g r a m nb o w i; an
a d d itio n to th e o p tic n e rve ( 7 5 % ) . W h e n b o th n e r v e s are
active S R S V . M al the in fe r o t e m jio r L l e d g e o t Ihe disc a n d a
a f f e c t e d t h e p a t i e n t is l i k e l y L o h a v e o t h e r m a n i f e s t a t i o n s
s p o n ta n e o u s ly in v o lu t e d 5 K N V M at I h e s u p e r o te m p o ra l e d g e
o f t y p e Э n e u r o f i b r o m a L o s i s , f o r e x a m p l e , Ljeisch iris n o d ­ ot the disc ia r r o w .. i h e u n d e r w e n l k r y p t o n red laser p h o l o -
u le s a n d b r ig h t le s io n s d e m o n s t r a t e d t h r o u g h o u t th e h r a in c o a g u la t io n ol lh e .active m e m b r a n e w it h g ra d u a l re s o lu tio n
w ith g a d o lin iu m -e n h a n c e d M C t i .4 'l" h e la tte r le s io n s o f Ihe i b i d , b k u x J , a n d h p id o v e r 3 m o n t h s . Six years laler
h a v e u n c e r t a i n p a t h o l o g y a n d c o n s e q u e n c e s . ' 1Ъ е у p r e s e n t Hie lei vr.- (.-I:■■i;^. V ■- iг -г I'. '.-i I th a Mii.i Ii■:-i ■! i .м. I ho
w i t h in s id io u s lo ss o f v i s i o n a n d p r o p lo s is . H y p e r o p i a a n d s u p e r o le m p o r a l m e m b r a n e w a s n e v e r treated.

c h o r io r e lin a l fo ld s m a y be seen in a n te r io r l u m o r s d u e lo N u tritio n a l a m b ly o p ia .

c o m p r e s s io n o f lh e p o s te r o r w a ll o f d ie e ye . P o s te r io r o p lic j and |: N u lr i ti o n a l a m b ly o p i a m is d ia g n o s e d as m a c u la r
n e rve g lio m a s p re s e n t as a s lo w ly p ro g re s s ive o p lic n e u ­ d e g e n e ia lio n in Ihis tifj-year-oJd m a n , w h o c o m p la in e d o f lo s s
r o p a th y . K a d io lo g ic s tu d ie s m a y reveal e n la r g e m e n t o f th e erf central vision o f iwcr l b m o n lh s ' dur.i1 ion. H is visual a c u -
o p L ic f o r a m e n o n t h e a ffe c le d s id e o r e v id e n c e o f J -s h a p e d ily w a s 20/ 100 . There w e re m ild r e l i n a l fiij'm e n t e p ith e liu m
cha ng e s b io m E c fo s c o p ic a lly 11 a n d |). A n g io g r a p h y , h o w e v e r,
s e l l a t u r c i c a i n t h e c a s e o f c h i a s m a ! i n v o l v e m e n t , '['h e o p l i c
was n o r m a l. H e h a d bilateral ceoocenlral s co Lo m a la . l-te wi]s
nerve e n la rg e m e n t is f u s i f o r m in shape and shows m ild
Lnealed w it h oral a n d intram uscular injections o f K - c o m p l e x
e n h a n c e m e n t o n g a d o lin iu m sc a n n in g (fig u re 15.16J and V i t a m i n s a n d w it h in several m o n t h s e x p e rie n c e d d r a m a l i t
K). O p tic nerve g lio m a s have a va ria b le h is to p a th o lo g ic im p r o v e m e n t o f vision й ы В О / З ц a n d j - l + in b o th e y e s .
appearance a n d g ro w th p o te n tia l. M o s t n eu ra l tu m o rs o f К a n d L: This 73-y e a r-o ld m a n , w it h a h is lo iy o t rionLrop ica I
th e a n te r io r v is u a l p a tlm a y s g e n e ra lly b e n ig n a n d are s p ru e a n d life lo n g a m b l y o p i a in lhe left e y e , n o le d the deveE-
c la s s ifie d as p i l o c y l i e a s t r o c y t o m a s . S o m e , how ever m ay o p m e n l o f a p a race n tral s c o t o m a in lhe right e y e 6 m o n t h s
p r e v io u s ly . H e w a s e a lin g a w h e a t-fr e e d iet. V is u a l acuiLy i r
e x h i b i t a g g r e s s i v e g r d W t h a n d r a r e l y m a y i n v a d e t h e e y e . " :l
Lhe rfghL e y e w a s 2 0 / 4 0 a n d in Lhe left e y e 2 0 / 4 0 0 . H e h a d
T h o s e w ith le s s g r o w t h p o t e n t i a l f r e q u e n t l y o c c u r i n a s s o ­
a c e c o c e n lra l s c o t o m a in lh e righl e v e . H is pupLls a n d right
c i a t i o n w i t h o t h e r m a n i f e s l a l i o n s o f n e u r o f i b r o m a t o s i s . " ’ 0-'
fu n d u s w e r e n o r m a l e \ c e p l for a s m a l l, о л е - c lo t JK - h o u r sec­
I h e m a n a g e m e n t o f th e s e t u m o r s is c o n t r o v e r s i a l . ^ 4*3 tor o f p a llo r l e m p o r a lly in the o p t i c disc larro w , K j. T h e left
o p lic disc w a s h y p o p la s tic ( L i . T h e d iagno sis w a s p o s s ib le
n u lr h io n a l a m b l y o p i a or fo c a l ischem ic optic a l m p h y .
[C, ■>:.iiiii Ur. P.LiriL к L.T. in,'
VISUAL LOSS SECONDARY h em orrhage (I'ig u r e J5 .I7C ), a n d s u b re Lin a l n e o v a s c u la r­
i z a t i o n (I'ig u r e 1 5 . 1 7 D - G J .
TO PAPILLEDEMA CAUSED BY T h e p r i m a r y g o a l o f t r e a t m e n t is l o p r e s e r v e v i s i o n and
INCREASED INTRACRANIAL a lle v ia te s e c o n d a r y s y m p t o m s . T r e a t m e n t c o n s is ts o f o ra l

PRESSURE d iu re tic s , w e ig h t loss, lu m b a r p u n c tu re , and o c c a s io n a l

use of c o r tic o s te r o id s .’ " ш C o rre c tio n of th e second­
A lth o u g h tra n s ie n t o b s c u ra tio n o f v is io n es a fre q u e n t a ry causes su c h as im p r o v in g o xy e n a tio n and d e c re a s in g
c o m p la liit of p a tie n ts w ith p a p ille d e m a and in c re a s e d h y p e rc a p n ia , tre a tm e n t o f h y p e r th y ro id is m , a n d n e p h ro tic
in tra c ra n ia l pressure, m ost o f th e m have norm al vis u a l syn d rom e is n e c e s s a r y w h e n a p p r o p r ia t e . In p a tie n ts w i t h
a c u ity d u r in g t h e e a r ly stages. Headache, nausea, v o m it­ v i s u a l Loss w h o fa il t o r e s p o n d l o m e d ic a l th e ra p y , o p tic
in g , p h o to p h o b ia , and d ip lo p ia due to abducens nerve n e rv e s h e a th d e c o m p r e s s io n is a n e ffe c tiv e f o r m o f Ire a l-
p a ls y are n o n vis u a l m a n ife s ta tio n s . Jh o se w ith c h ro n ic m e n L il7BvJ* ‘l " q0Ll It p r o b a b l y s h o u ld be done in itia lly in
p a p i l l e d e m a , p a r t i c u l a r l y p a tie n ts w i t h p s e u d o t u m o r cere­ o n ly one eye sin c e in som e p a tie n ls th is will re s u lt in
b r i , m a y d e v e l o p l o s s o f v i s u a l f i e l d a n d v i s u a l a c u i t y i n as re s o lu tio n o f p a p ille d e m a b i l a l e r a H y ' 11"’ ' R e c u r r e n c e s m ay
m a n y as 3 0 4 4 о Г cases. K e r v e fib e r laye r a tr o p h y w i t h o c c u r . I:"" ] " h o s e w i t h h e a d a c h e a s t h e i r p r e d o m i n a n t s y m p ­
s l i t - l i k e о т d i f f u s e l o s s is b e s t v i e x v e d b y u s i n g t h e r e d - f r e e to m m ay undergo v e n lric u lo p e rilo n e a l or lu m b o p e rilo -
E i g h t a i t h e s l i t l a m p . P e r s o n s a t h tg .li r i s k o f v i s u a l l o s s a r e neal sh u n t.
th o s e w it h h ig h -g ra d e o r a tr o p h ic p a p ille d e m a , peri p a p il­
l a r y s u b r e t i n a l h e m o r r h a g e .'1'1 a n e m ia , h ig h m y o p ia , a n d
o ld a g e . "f"' I h e p r i m a r y c a u s e o f v i s u a l l o s s is p r o g r e s s i v e
a t r o p h y a n d d e g e n e r a t i o n o f t h e n e r v e f i b e r s . +"'' O l h e r le s s (TOXIC/NUTRITIONAL OPTIC
fre q u e n t causes in c lu d e ju x ta p a p iEla ry s u b re tin a l neovas­
c u la riza tio n /" A p re re tin a l h e m o rrh a ge that o ccu rs
when th e rise i n in tr a c r a n ia l p r e s s u r e is r a p i d ,'172- *7S c e n ­ In s id io u s and s lo w ly p ro g re s s iv e lo ss of c e n lra l vis io n
tral re tin a l v e in o c c l u s i o n / '" serous m a c u la r d e ta c h ­ a s s o c ia le d w i l h c e n tra l a n d c e c o c e n tra l v is u a l fie ld d e fe c ts
m e n t/' m a c u la r s t a i;4 7 i,il' m a c u la r p ig m e n ta t io n ," m a y b e c a u s e d b y d ie ta ry d e fic ie n c y o f o n e o r several v it a ­
A I O N .J 6 and c h o rio re tin a l fo ld s (fig u re I5 .17A and m i n s as w e l l a s b y e x p o s u r e l o t o x in s o r a d v e r s e re a c tio c i
q The ta tte r th re e fin d in g s are not usu­ lo p h a r m a c e u t i c a l s .1''1 In itia lly th e v is u a l lo ss is nol
a l l y a s s o c ia te d w i t h v is u a l lo ss w h e n th e y o c c u r in p a tie n ts u s u a lly a s s o c ia le d w i t h f u n d u s c h a n g e s ( f i g u r e 1 5 . 1 7.1 a n d
w ilh p a p ille d e m a . O c c a s io n a lly th e p a tie n t m a y b e a w a re ]). liva n e s c e u l d ila tio n and to r tu o s ity o f s m a ll re tin a l v e s ­
o f a t e m p o r a l s c o t o m a a s s o c ia le d w i l h e n la rg e m e n t o f th e s e ls w i t h i n l h e a r c u a t e a r e a s o f t h e n e r v e f i b e r l a y e r s i m i l a r
b lin d s p o t .'14 i n s u c h cases, p a rtic u la rly i f th e o p t ic d is c l o t h a t d e s c r ib e d in Ш О К , h o w e v e r, h a v e b e e n d e s c rib e d
s w e l l i n g is u n i l a t e r a l , v i s u a l f i e l d t e s t i n g m a y y i e l d a b l i n d d u r in g th e e a rly p h a s e o f a c u te m a h iu lr itio n o p tic n e u r o p ­
s p o t e n l a r g e m e n t fa r larg er t h a n c a n b e e x p l a i n e d o n th e a t h y . ' 10 '' J e m p o r a l d i s c p a l l o r a n t i a t r o p h y o f t h e p a p i I l o ­
b a sis o f th e p a p ille d e m a . (See d is c u s s io n o f id io p a th ic rn a c u la r n e r v e fib e r la y e r e v e n t u a l l y o c c u r ( I ’ ig u r e 1 5 . 1 7 K ) .
b l i n d s p o t e n la rg e m e n t s y n d ro m e a n d acute z o n a l o c c u lt D e m o n s tra tio n o f a c e c o c e n lra l s c o to m a , p a rtic u la rly to
o u te r r e t in o p a t h y in C h a p t e r 13.) red te st o b je c ts , w i t h p re s e rva tio n o f p e rip h e ra l fie ld s is
th e ty p ic a l fin d in g . D e fic ie n c y o f lh e Б -c o m p le x v it a m in s
(p re d o m in a n tly th ia m in ) is p ro b a b ly m ore im p o rta n t
PSEUDOTUMOR CEREBRI ih a n e ith e r c h ro n ic use o f a lc o h o l or to b a c c o a lo n e in
(IDIOPATHIC INTRACRANIAL c a u s in g v is u a l lo s s , l h e re a r e o n l y a f e w w e 11- d o c u m e n t e d
HYPERTENSION) cases o f l o x i c a m b l y o p i a in sm okers w ilh no h is to ry of
a tc o h o E in g e s tio n or n u tritio n a l d e fic ie n c y ^ A re lia b le
Id io p a th ic in tra c ra n ia l h y p e rte n s io n occurs p rim a rily in d i e t a r y 7 h i s t o r y is o f t e n b e s t o b t a i n e d f r o m a f r i e n d o r r e l a ­
y o u n g obese w oEnen and le s s o f t e n in m e n , w ith o u t e v i­ tiv e o f th e p a lie n l. M o s t o f th es e p a tie n ts s h o w im p ro v e ­
dence o f u n d e rly in g d ise a se . In about Ю ТЪ o f p a tie n ts m e n t o f v i s i o n f o l l o w i n g i n s t it u t i o n o f a b a la n c e d d ie t acid
s e c o n d a ry causes in c lu d e e x o g e n o u s su b sta n c es o r o th e r H - c o j n p l e x v i t a m i n s u p p l e m e n t a t i o n ( f i g u r e 1 !> . ] 7 ] a n i l J ) .
s y s te m ic illn e s s e s , ie lr a c y c lin e s . n a lid ix ic a c id , w i t h d r a w a l A re v ie w o f p u b lis h e d cases o f a m b l y o p ia a m o n g m a l ­
o f b e ta -h u m an c h o rio n ic g o n a d o tro p h in and c o rtic o s te ­ n o u ris h e d a llie d p ris o n e rs o f th e la p a n e s e d u r in g W o rld
ro id s , c y c lo s p o rin e . g ro w th horm one, le u p ro lid e a c e ta te , W a r El a n d a m o n g C u b a n s s h o w e d p r e m o n i t o r y k e r a t o p a ­
lith iu m , ic ve n o rg e s ln e l l i n p la in s , vitamin Л, and o th e r th y. ra p id o n s e t o f v is u a l lo ss, a h ig h in c id e n c e o f h e a r in g
re tin o id s are known to be a s s o c ia le d . S ys te m ic d is e a s e s lo s s , a n d th e p re s e n c e o f p e r ip a p illa r y - r e l i n o p a t h y in s o m e
in c lu d e o b e s ity, h y p e rth y ro id is m , a n e m ia , o b s tru c tive cases. N o s in g le c a u s a tive fa c to r w a s id e n tifie d . C e n e tie
s le e p a p n e a , c h r o n ic re s p ira to ry in s u ffic ie n c y , p ic k w ic k ia n s u s c e p t i b i l i t y r a r e l y , i f e v e r , p l a y e d a no le a n d v i t a m i n d e f i ­
s yn d ro Ln e , an d n e p h ro tic s y n d ro m e . c ie n c y w a s n o t im p o r t a n t . P rote a n d e fic ie n c y, a n t i o * i d a n l
In a d d itio n t o t h e d isc e d e m a , s o m e o f th es e p a tie n ts d e fic ie n c y, p h y s ic a l la b o r , a n d to b a c c o s m o k i n g lik e ly c o n ­
d e v e lo p c h o ro id a l fo ld s (F ig u r e 15 .I7A and E ) , su b re tin a l t r i b u t e d t o t h e o c c u r r e n c e o f a m b l y o p i a . ' 1" '
A p e c u lia r o p l i c n e u r a p a f h y , re fe rre d l o as W fest I n d i a n D IA B E T IC P A P IL L O P A T H Y
Ja m a ic a n o p l i c n e u r o p a t h y , is c h a r a c t e r i z e d b y lh e ra p id
d e v e lo p m e n t of v is u a l loss and o p tic a tro p h y in pre­ S e e C h a p te r fr.
d o m in a n tly young W est In d ia n b l a c k s . 4" '' ' lh e m ile -
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21. -. l^iruni L Srgsrmii L. d a. hipM rtiot hi чa.ol in ria i eher drJaceiwnl sr
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g e n e s is . P a p ilS o m a c u la r b u n d l e [s m a lle s t a x o n s w ilh le ast
22. H3 Rls v oater-l kE b e: ki T-e cisc. A s i 05f:Tafl-n l&S;2iE:-ia&-i3.
23. н&ЗсП^йт L. ole-n S, jm- M. and usap ^ b v teicti; к Ы detadinM
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t r a n s p o r t ) a re m o s t v u ln e r a b l e to t h e c h a lle n g e s o f m i Lo ­
2i luanite п K, Af M. Cavfi tanars of nplt ^ a alt Irani Оз(ЧГа n'ft See U<1^&66
c h о E i d r i a l t r a n s p o r t a n d s h o w t h e m o s t d a m a g e as t e m p o ­ 25. - МсОогаИ H I Tralma'J cl reli cl jctaLtmsrl aacc ated wttti -pr. ih л j i
r a l p a l l o r o f t h e d i s c . -1"'' or ocdBTfl. ^hltdioDls^ lS)S5;s&:17&-Щ.
26 iDfcelШ &a!i CF. Fai .C e! a. Umg-teim wiusl ajest -k n calen^ № cflic па'нй al arri
E x p e r i m e n t a l c y a n id e e x p o s u r e in a n im a ls c a u ses d e m y e ie'DJS г1па eedc'f finofТе macja.CpirL'al'n'a'Dgv 1 Щ Э ’ :1Е35-42.
-] i l l a t i o n , and c irc u m s ta n tia l c lin ic a l and la b o r a L o r y e v i­ 27 Cnyte E. Ttkci C. iiflcl P el a. Hidi-ie:c ulicfl apScafHSmce Шк^гар^ ftina'sl'al u-i cf
martiaas :azrnig sadc d it p(!s aid rfstjcmis. 6' J ЗССЙЭЗЖЬЕ.
dence su g g e sts s im ila rity to several hum an c o n d itio n s , 23. XtcartraTi 4 fem naiv <.Jbcnsa1» ^ imp'a^'em of s s a t п'асиирзп^ siskeiwJ wtt;
d e fe c tive c y a n id e m e ta b o lis m m ay be a co m m on p a th in ■3i>3ental cf lie fl sc ni: ai ССГ stuc^. djf. i.L-Dfiflj ЮСЫ ЭЙО-г.
t u b e r ' s a n d o t h e r h e r e d i t a r y o p Lie a t r o p h i e s ( d o m i n a n t a n d
Ж Vetotiani 4 аягс dtics, cf le dj: c c ^ k ii агд pi: al t^trii ais
in/idfl s n 1 aw e eye. AtT OpntEbnol 2>Ж; ?2S.HB-2.
re c e s s iv e ), r e t r o b u lb a r n e u r it is , o p lic a t r o p h y , a n d s u b a c u le 30. EiccWiistFU.CclcprG^c В'Ж!.1! (/relidffllDchTHiL 'aisAKiCthlha'ioDiSac
c o m b in e d d e g e n e r a tio n o f d ie s p in a l c o r d o f v it a m in 1112 197Б:7о.Э5^-&1.
Sasa JDM. Siereasccp с it s kikj а1Риамк cimi>]s a orfl Isiren l. ec. Si. La И
d e fic ie n c y, a n d in th e s o -c a lle d to b a c c o -a lc o h o l a m b ly o ­ 1SB7. p ГА -ii.
p ia w ith m o r e c o m p l e x n u t r i t i o n a l d e fic ie n c ie s . In p r o Le in - 32 3awd:J.Ca(* .P. Ojjc rei1^ or auHoDcalca'nriirt hs'&atc Arch [IffttiKma
1 3 Щ :3 ® - Ш
m a ln o u ris h e d p o p u la tio n s c o n s u m in g la rg e a m o u n ts o f 33. S itfsr UM. Jf 3G СУ. el a. re ipecnm ^ ca^ (an; cpic dж atflia й in a
c y a n id e o r c y a n o g e n s , as in t h e f o r m o f ca ssa va , o p t ic n e u ­ ^.C t*lfd[iH io^19aj9fi:34M .
34 H'ea±iat!flfi№.KciilMfld,eaC,'Tieo(Baada:ifi Oplic пене jtwttti serais ira n lr
ro p a th y is s e e n . A s im ila r e x p la n a tio n m ay be p la u s ib le detai™ ireatthglirtiepai™ noi£ [Etmldetacfmwl £ J^pftlham": l933;7r:33!i-£
fo r la t h y r is m .™ T o e x c l u d e l h e d i a g n o s i s o f LH O M , a lt 33. l*anella S, Sitj^ fe i. 'rri^clj Й.!. 'jse dUP-' m cpe'trety л ай : dst pi а ч
s&^'ESan^ma^liisE.lnl Miltiiima 2№29:423-Ь
p a lie n ts su sp e c te d o f h a v in g n u tr itio n a l o r to b a c c o -a lc o h o l
36 Tl'eadGaais GR l^Diia АКЛлеоdoss ad s P i Cl lasinai U se s n cs^utcIch № a pt d lhe
a m b l y o p i a s h o u l d h a v e m i t o c h o n d r i a l te s tin g . opii; dis^ Otftfiaim iK] ca “ ЁЙ12:М ^:11 6 -2 1 .
37 TxoclKsadaPG. MaVimixlaksNN.SilaksPP. Tumi x c ik is !aite aiap lstK 4. MA Pen ТИ1 E\l. Fttjg Ъ\ ec a. Fl>?jeratle c a * j ararf iai awпд г minng -ja^
P'simnafv fttietce lor ai emargng cpp^an in Ihe treaimtrt cl xu ar кйЬтлвЬсп Rflna dKinsiiaff J№JxphlTiJixlr3C!i:25L'9S-2i;l.
77. Bradilw ftK, LaTtiu <. Л^Ьог RS et 1 Мигаз rtx» d*; axtrav In xuralttora&s a toe
3i F c s n ijli FcfleR S a r a l a x A a t a l f l p f r d s c ^ a S e d i ^ v i i f t e n - t e r i f i n f c d H H i c e 2.y^Dtftii3tmn®9;117:B3941.
luicgrap^ report ol а ц е н 2G0r 21:153 0-9 70. Hatli ni P Lee Г.'. jf.ic o .. tr. ai. Cplic dx axma laa and I'&maiassl J^ U aa. Бг j
39 Mocn 5 J Kim J E . SjciJe F f. O t t t cr г г а п *ш Е н v tiiDil innar -^nai a i i i s r a i t t Ш Ш т£ Ш 1 & 2 »-£
2 С Щ К 11j-fi. 7S. ^(jdijars D KaHa L. bite ^ al. tAd Ire ceiecl; a d irm na g dsc
Masreie 4L. деде- F3, OfKla 4A, ri a. STTW7US cplea cote'exe у n Lflialaia aramaJf 'rtth с nial aiasrtiiaims-a dslixl d.nea- eni ty. Cral 2C' 0 29 6^-s
ш М игнш щ аа^гйй ihscptic dsc aTdxccndavreiiiHnas. Sraeles .^лспCfcn 3a &£. Lетвг PC. jmaan Sfl. r^i si a. Iniiasa:iu -^ааыаг anx^il e r pal erii mh
Ш Й й тй 2 D 0 S£ 4 3 M irarcnnla) dfikaiomsiy.Mi Jfiptitiidmd JCCt 142544-EO
41 I. i:i::n H Krei:ag l. 2ptial ctterei sfi -ачедт:*.'; of piHjiral с iapticansu of cpl с da: al tti. C&jm bz. 2fljcfrara a1cf lc oar*i wIh ^ai n 1si xrip^ila> rcli'a. 3f J ^4ilhan>:-:
macu&iiti’u. S' JCplUxlmd 1££0:S2.3(37-72. 197E;£2.347-i3.
12 IjiKjar HS. Coiganrul pre n ix m : c t: ar-a Iha-еицЬвЫз ianccn la шЫкпга and 02. 5 a iKMlsTi, KjudoI Ga. Fnxrc Tl. ae cl Eftla'a cpl с -isc colcbonaa '.«lh -dtdsIsI c^ls aod
а Шита екшаЬогс] assoc als -.-j a& m Ja lUid Aki J ^IhiJm rt Ш А З Й Й - Ж l^xiptotic (*tic reives and d iu sriJU n NeiH-CptitfKlind 1ЁЯ&&' 72-7.
13 ttax & h^ft; B3. Btoralh AM. el a tatreiTl -i Tia refed#admert h menrg qtt> E2. Rcrtu У.тЛдгаИ]^™?!!; С, ЕядеаС-. sl^.Cralal ?^1 aiHKisse ыгг- caJa al r.anaut:
i^lCICm? “Jll J C-Chi'UllftH 19E-1:S i:69S-£Ct. wtiHBimiffoptiBialmoe.Otbtl a(£2&98-10C.
44 Stiilra S. Ancfc G. ftdthof i. 1j teness ter QnrtKraaals Mtobdeplsd* UitHsucfoinflHi iA. b^ama К А;л ь N. Hra " d J. ^ n s dacadn:c ш >\п пн ^nggjai ес/шау. 6phixl ч м
bai d im Nu.gexreaar'. Kin Ma'aliEl A t a r i's kjc l a ® 135 :3l t - 2 . Sjg 135^:1 E:&41-3.
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1ИЕ(732Н-!К. О р Ш гаед 19^:&1:1K * H :.
^6 MJ3la"sn I Uarcnei Т. !>щп tal pil ос Те apte ггчч hsd isixiited hHi serous Накыса S. El сшТ: RM.Odtp ila rslra ceiichntenL a"d Iht cplic da^ axiray fln J
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47. ТтеоЬыз ad a G. 5 d Jl еч tf congtnli! pt cl lha cpl с diskwtfi ir^ lar Йе1эс1шит1 n E7. Ha'n; U i ce 3uslrcs £ Michaib №.al al Trsalmenl ff tfntinac Iranai-rxt|T(iiTHtari:ji
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48 TXKlKSid a С.'i яМ е т ct relixJ defacement wti oaxen lal cpl с al h; krypton 03. 1г/r;AlCrchl&'d JE.&ir<3T: j- Л е M lii^naaatf reHialdetadimfftwlhnHritqс4а>
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-cj Znn KM. Eiiafieral ептаке mtofcomas v u: a j i aleu m:. pri 5f-i rear'ia ■:retina 0tf. KnderP Mxang ^srt' з/xlar-e. uiuiid ход-зегл -Dp&; cis^ a m a y AmJ Ooftha mi
daaS'n'sT CKei^tn Ml Sirai J htei O T^j.qiiH G 1 9 7 fe ?5 ^ « . '
60. ii&A M3. N. JK t i! PlJf,^йсшптл a'$t liis. хй ф£ йшшгвйе !cr ^ u i r^i-^il ЭС-. Ln CCL. » Гг'ОМ. '.'.ga'taE CM СоШ тг an ; гепле asxf alas. хл И'Хй
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62. ft}je W. nsli к aida S V trtctm,1csrbTec ftir- ql a iuslc ’e-imal d 1Ги-]pl>:. рг in a Йi. Sacs mi, Bratton ДА. R wia №. cl a. Ma gfa\ ce- Anlicme asM led \ tti
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56. Ьй i.eгFfl. Нзгаегнп Ж Орис пзг-s mlDf-:t>DC. J Ори sS icl 1Э7Я;05;ЗО2-13. :x aai; rfl-ve. A u О рбита 1993:1' '.:&j2-i
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