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Running head: Pickering v Board of Education Case Briefing

Pickering v Board of Education Case Briefing

Jordan Robateau

College of Southern Nevada

Pickering v Board of Education Case Briefing

Pickering v Board of Education. 391 U.S. 563. Supreme Court. 1968. Findlaw, Web. 6 June


2) Facts

a. Reason for lawsuit- Teacher unlawfully dismissed due to false and harmful

content published and should have been protected constitutionally.

b. Plaintiff’s argument- He was unlawfully dismissed from his job by the Board of

Education and he should of been protected by the first amendment.

c. Defendants argument- The content published was detrimental to how people

viewed the school and superintendent along with once becoming a person of the

public they constitutionally relinquish their rights.

3) Issue- Was Pickering actions constitutionally protected?

4) Reason for decision- There was not much evidence to go off of for the court to agree with the

board of education and their actions. When further looked into, Pickering was indeed protected

by the first amendment and the information he published was not as false as they had claimed.

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