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I'll be spending the next ten days road

tripping from coaching to Chennai on my

last trip to India I backpack solo for

three months covering over 5,000

kilometres I was on a tight budget then

and therefore my trip was full of ups

and downs but now it's incredible to be

back here with fresh eyes as my

perspectives of the world have

drastically changed since then the most

common question I get about India

revolves around safety so I wanted to

dedicate this video to explain the

reality about this country is India safe

the short answer is yes is fantastic I

mean I feel very safe we walk around at

nighttime at least it's a lot safer than

you've heard about on the news how are

you quite even for solo female travelers

a lot of women are scared to come to

India so do you think that it's safe

here noise walking through the main

market here in coaching it's so

colourful so many things to do so many

things to see per capita there are very

few shootings robberies mass murders or

any big crime of this nature you see

India is actually very peaceful yes

there's a lot of people and a lot of

poverty but that doesn't mean it's

unsafe oh my god and another box that

comes think about it 1.4 billion people

are living in a country that's one-third

the size of the USA if America was that

densely populated or France or Egypt or

most other countries then that would not

go on very well the people of India are

very kind and hospitable and they are

not shy to approach you

that all being said you do have to be

cautious about small crime like

pickpocketing or tooktook scams

especially in big cities and traffic

everywhere is madness

traffic man as a phoner with white skin

I will warn you that you will stand out

and draw a lot of attention which can be

overwhelming at times but it's not

always bad attention it took me a while

to realize that people here are more

curious than anything else that's

immature they will ask you for selfies

they will ask where you're from and what

you think about India their heads will

follow you as you walk on the street but

they're incredibly humble and harmless

so overall I want you to know that India

is a safe country and now it's easier

than ever to visit with their online

Ibiza system stay tuned for epic

adventures ahead guys thanks again so

much for watching this video I'm so

excited to be back in India and I've

really been enjoying the South so far

it's very different than the north

we'll be on a 10-day road trip all the

way to Chennai going through southern

part of karela through column and then

through Madre and then through

Pondicherry in Oroville so stay tuned I

think this is going to be my best

content yet I'm driven ski and if you

like my travel videos please click

Subscribe and join me as I plan to visit

every country in the world

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