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 Grade (angle), a unit for the measurement of plane angles

 Graded (mathematics), with several meanings
 Graded poset, a partially ordered set equipped with a rank function, sometimes called
a ranked poset
 Graded vector space, a vector space with an extra piece of structure
 Graded algebra, an algebra over a field (or ring) with an extra piece of structure

 Grade (climbing), a climber's assessment of the difficulty and danger of climbing a hill
 Grade (bouldering), a climber's assessment of the difficulty and danger of climbing a
route which are distinct from those used in regular climbing
 Degree of difficulty, in several sports
 International Scale of River Difficulty, also called grade, a standardized scale used to
rate the safety of a stretch of river, or a single rapid

Other uses[edit]
 Grade (consulting), a recognized professional level
 Grade (crime), the degree of seriousness of a crime
 Grade (surname) (includes a list of people with the name)
 Grade, Cornwall, a village in the UK
 Coin grading, the process of determining the grade or condition of a coin, the key factor
in its value
 Pattern grading, the scaling of a pattern to a different size in the clothing or footwear

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