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Student's Name: ______________________

Hello! I am so excited to
Birthday & Age: ________________________
have your child in class.
Please take some time to fill Parents'/Guardians' Names: __________
this out so I can get to know _________________________________________
your child!
Phone #: _______________________________

Child Info
Email: __________________________________
Friends: ____________________________
_____________________________________ Academic Info
Siblings: ____________________________
Strengths: ____________________________
Favorite color: _____________________
Favorite treat: ______________________
Favorite book(s): ___________________
Concerns: _____________________________
Favorite movie(s): __________________
Fears/anxieties: ____________________
Does your child have an IEP? ________
Hobbies and Interests What would you like your child to
achieve this year? _____________________
Comments: ___________________________

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