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Case Scenario

year old female patient has history of DM and HTN. 65

Develop acute onset left face drop, left arm and leg
B.p: 200/120 mmHg
 What are the keys components of history?had
ahistory of DM and HTN,AND AGE 65 YEARS
 What are the keys components of the physical
exam? Develop acute onset of left face drop and left
arm and leg weakness also B.P : 200/100mmHg.
 What laboratory tests should be ordered? • Blood
tests: The healthcare provider may want to test the
blood for clotting time, blood sugar levels, or
infection. These can all affect the likelihood and
progression of a stroke.
 What are the pharmacological interventions?
Treatment for stroke depends on the type of stroke.
The goal of treatment for ischemic stroke, for
instance, is to restore the blood flow. Treatments for
hemorrhagic stroke are aimed at controlling the
bleeding. Ischemic stroke treatment To treat an
ischemic stroke, patient may be given a clot-
dissolving drug or a blood thinner. Also be given
aspirin to prevent a second stroke. Emergency
treatment for this type of stroke may include
injecting medicine into the brain or removing a
blockage with a procedure. Hemorrhagic stroke
treatment For a hemorrhagic stroke, patient is given
a drug that lowers the pressure in your brain caused
by the bleeding. If the bleeding is severe, patient
needs surgery to remove excess blood. It’s also
possible that the patient will need surgery to repair
the ruptured blood vessel.

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