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Rightsizing carbon dioxide removal

Betting the future on planetary-scale carbon dioxide removal from the atmosphere is risky

By Christopher B. Field1 and stored in ecosystems through reforestation pensive, they may eventually provide useful
Katharine J. Mach2 and afforestation, conservation agriculture, options for CDR at scale. At this point, how-
or coastal restoration. In many locations, ever, their technological immaturity means

roven approaches for limiting climate improved stewardship can enhance carbon that estimates of future costs, performance,
change include enhancing energy ef- storage at low cost while also improving and scalability are speculative.
ficiency, capturing wind and solar habitat quality or increasing agricultural
energy, decreasing deforestation, and yields. However, important questions re- OPPORTUNITIES AND CONSTRAINTS
reducing industrial and agricultural main about maximum feasible scales, effec- With CDR, changes in the atmosphere and
emissions. These approaches are tive carbon monitoring, and risks of losing climate unfold as if emissions reductions
increasingly cost-competitive, consistent stored carbon through disturbances or cli- were actually more rapid and extensive.
with large-scale use, and largely supported mate change effects. As humanity moves toward decarbon-
by public sentiment. Yet, the current pace A second group of much less mature ized societies, CDR could counterbalance
of their deployment is far from sufficient strategies is also biomass-based but involves difficult-to-control sources such as carbon
for holding warming well below 2°C above more engineering and more environmental dioxide from aircraft and methane from
preindustrial levels with high probability, or social trade-offs. Leading options include cattle. It could also, in theory, justify delay-
the goal of the Paris Agreement. Two ap- biochar additions to soil, increased use of ing near-term action, based on the expec-
proaches for bridging this gap are widely wood in buildings, and bioenergy with car- tation that future large-scale CDR could
discussed. First, the rate of decarbonization bon capture and storage (BECCS) (see the cool the globe, with temperatures peaking
could be accelerated based on the above table). Each option could lead to some long- and then later declining.
approaches. Second, continuing emissions term carbon storage, but costs, potential The drawbacks of CDR come into sharp
could be compensated by removing carbon scales, land and water requirements, and focus in the peak-and-decline scenarios.
dioxide from the atmosphere (1, 2). Tech- side effects are difficult to assess based on These scenarios bet the future on CDR tech-
nologies for carbon removal are mostly in current knowledge. With BECCS, energy is nologies operating effectively at vast scales
their infancy, yet are increasingly asserted extracted from biomass, and the resulting within only a few decades (1, 5). Estimates
as key to climate policy. Here, we focus on carbon dioxide is captured and stored in of economic costs are crude for such scales,

rightsizing the expectations from carbon di- geological reservoirs. Among CDR technolo- and environmental trade-offs are potentially
oxide removal (CDR). gies, BECCS is unique in generating more stark. The risks are high: Massive deploy-
energy than is required to drive the carbon ments might work, but if they don’t, future
A SUITE OF POSSIBILITIES capture and storage. generations may be stuck with substantial
CDR, or negative emissions, technologies The third technology category entails en-
(2, 3) fall into three broad categories. The gineered, nonbiological approaches, such
most mature strategies are grounded in as enhanced weathering and direct air Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment, Stanford, CA
94305, USA. 2Department of Earth System Science, Stanford
improved ecosystem stewardship (see the capture (see the table) (4). Although these University, CA 94305, USA. Email:;
table). These approaches increase carbon approaches are energy-intensive and ex-

706 19 MAY 2017 • VOL 356 ISSUE 6339 SCIENCE

Published by AAAS

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