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Ptolemy’s experiments on refraction in science class

Article  in  Physics Education · May 2020

DOI: 10.1088/1361-6552/ab7c80


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3 authors:

Constantina Stefanidou Vasiliki Psoma

National and Kapodistrian University of Athens National and Kapodistrian University of Athens


Constantine Skordoulis
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens


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Ptolemy’s experiments on refraction in science class

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Phys. Educ. 55 (2020) 035027 (17pp)

Ptolemy’s experiments on
refraction in science class
C Stefanidou, V Psoma and C Skordoulis
Department of Education, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Athens,


In this paper, the inclusion of history and philosophy of science in science
teaching is proposed with the goal of depicting pre-service primary teachers’
perception of the role of historical experiments in learning science and the
nature of science. In order to achieve this, a teaching–learning sequence was
designed and conducted in the context of an Introductory Physics Laboratory
Course following the integrated approach to teaching the nature of science.
Ptolemy’s experiments on refraction and the combination of his advanced
and erroneous views contributed to pre-service primary teachers’
conceptualization of the empirical and tentative nature of science and the
relationship between mathematics and science. The majority of the
pre-service primary teachers perceived the history of science as important in
understanding scientific concepts and aspects of the nature of science.

Keywords: nature of science, integrated approach, Ptolemy’s experiments

1. Introduction A review of literature in science education

reveals at least three views of understanding
The discourse that advocates the use of history of NOS. The first one is the consensus view, which
science (HoS) in science teaching has a long his- attempts to include only those domain-general
tory, starting from Mach and Duhem more than a NOS aspects that are the least controversial. This
century ago [1, 2], and followed by the emblem- view, also known as ‘general aspects’ conceptual-
atic work of Heilbron [3], Holton and Brush [4] ization of NOS, supports emphasis on seven key
and Holton [5, 6] who introduced HoS in the phys- aspects or tenets deemed appropriate for school
ics textbooks and encouraged the integration of science that include (1) tentativeness of scientific
HoS into science teaching. The main arguments knowledge, (2) observations and inferences, (3)
are related to (i) a deeper understanding of the subjectivity and objectivity in science, (4) cre-
subject matter, meaning that the HoS may reveal ativity and rationality, (5) social and cultural
the important context of the considered fragments embeddedness in science, (6) scientific theories
of knowledge; (ii) how learning in science edu- and laws, and (7) scientific methods [8–10]. This
cation relates to the growth of scientific know- conceptualization has been criticized as being
ledge; and (iii) understanding of nature of science insufficient and even as misrepresenting science.
(NOS) in terms of methodological, philosophical Critics suggest that a more complete picture of
and cultural aspects of science [7]. science should be communicated to teachers and

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C Stefanidou et al
students, rather than a list of general aspects addresses the reality experienced directly through
to NOS. Here comes the second view, fam- sense perception [17]. History of optics is a
ily resemblance approach (FRA) to NOS [11], fruitful field of ideas regarding light and vis-
which is based on the ideas of Wittgenstein, ion. A large amount of research papers has been
addressing the unity of science without sacri- published regarding the historical approach to
ficing its diversity. According to FRA, science teaching reflection, refraction and the nature of
is viewed as a cognitive epistemic system [12] light and vision [17, 18]. History of optics has
which encompasses processes of inquiry, aims offered the context in which several theories and
and values while it is a social-institutional sys- pre-theory ideas of light and vision have been
tem which encompasses professional activities, developed. Such ideas include the conceptions of
scientific ethos and social certification. Therefore light in the Hellenic period as well as the theory
the FRA can accommodate for both the domain- of rays developed during the Hellenistic, medi-
general and the domain-specific features of sci- eval European and Muslim periods prior to the
ence, e.g. many science domains rely on data col- scientific revolution of the seventeenth century.
lection and observation (domain-general), while What follows includes the ray theory of the 17th
experimentation is restricted to some domain, e.g. century, Newton’s color rays, Huygens’ pressure
astronomy (domain-specific) [13]. waves, particle-wave debate which led to the dom-
According to Kampourakis [14], ‘general ination of Newton’s conception of particles in the
aspects’ conceptualization of NOS provides an 18th century, the wave theory of the 19th century
effective starting point for teaching about NOS. and photon optics of the 20th century.
The suggestions made by the critics of the ‘general Galili in his review [17] proposed teaching
aspects’ conceptualization of NOS are, neverthe- optics using HPS-based materials. According to
less, useful in order to explore how teaching about him, the first who used HoS in science education
NOS can move beyond general aspects to context- addressed the elements of ‘correct’ knowledge
specific ones. NOS instruction must include ele- (Type-A), meaning topics that are not in question.
ments from history and philosophy of science that Mihas [18] developed a special optics curriculum
are relevant to school science and comprehens- units based on Type-A reconstructions. However,
ible by students. Kampourakis [14] argued that the the history of optics contains more than Type-A
‘general aspects’ and ‘family resemblance’ con- knowledge. It also includes Type-B knowledge,
ceptualizations of NOS are complementary and knowledge which emerged and was later refuted,
continuous, proposing developmental pathways in being replaced by more advanced accounts. This
teaching about NOS that might start from the knowledge is often seen as irrelevant and undesir-
former and end up to the latter conceptualization. able in science classes, as ‘incorrect’ ideas may
In a similar context, Niaz [15, 16] sup- be a source of confusion for students, who, being
ports the integrated view; this view claims for immature, are unable to resolve discrepancies in
an integration of domain-general and domain- the subject matter [17]. On the other hand, Type-
specific aspects of NOS if we want students to B knowledge is usually relevant, if not identical,
understand ‘science in the making’. to students’ ideas and misconceptions. This inter-
Various examples from HoS are provided to pretation legitimizes addressing Type-B know-
show how understanding ‘science in the making’ ledge in teaching using the history of optics, since
is important in order to facilitate students’ con- it facilitates conceptual change, leading eventu-
ceiving of alternative interpretations of experi- ally to scientific understanding.
mental data, the competition among rival theories In addition, HoS and especially Type-B
and explanations. knowledge has a beneficial impact on teaching
NOS; students’ coping with the historical con-
ceptual difficulties creates an opportunity to learn
2. History of optics in science teaching about the nature of scientific knowledge. One
of the central features of scientific knowledge is
Along with mechanics and astronomy, optics is mathematics. History of optics provides episodes
one of the oldest areas of scientific exploration; it that highlight the complex and multi-faceted role

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Ptolemy’s experiments on refraction in science class

of mathematics in knowledge production. Euclid, of incidence and refraction was not obtained by
Archimedes and Ptolemy were the first to intro- Ptolemy. Although Alhazen in his Book of Optics
duce mathematics in the description and explana- came closer to discovering the law of refraction,
tion of optical phenomena. he did not take this step [23]. The Persian scient-
Starting with Euclid, he introduced the geo- ist Ibn Sahl in 984, in his manuscript On Burn-
metrical concept of rays of light and vision, an ing Mirrors and Lenses, used the refraction law
idea that facilitated the description of optical phe- to derive lens shapes that focus light with no geo-
nomena. At the same time, he supported the erro- metric aberrations [24]. The law was rediscovered
neous idea of active vision, a much older idea, by Thomas Harriot in 1602 [25], who however did
which coexisted with his successful geometrical not publish his results although he had correspon-
schemes. Lindberg [19] gave us a brief and com- ded with Kepler on this very subject.
prehensive overview of the first ideas on active According to Smith [21] Ptolemy’s failure
vision and optics. The theory of active vision dealt was due to the fact that he only used spatial
with the idea that objects are seen by rays of light (geometrical) considerations of the vision-light
emanating from the eyes. This idea goes back path, while the key to the true account of refrac-
to Pythagorean school and is continued through tion, the explanation, was to treat the problem
Empedocles ideas that visual perception involves using temporal (kinetic, physical) considerations,
the reception of effluences from the object in the as Descartes and others did much later. Thus,
eye. The theory of the two emanations, one from obtaining the correct mathematical account in
the eye and one from the visible object which Hellenistic physics was impeded by an inappro-
meet and coalesce somewhere in the intervening priate physical approach: geometry and numbers
space to produce visual sensation, reached its full were not enough [17]. On a pedagogical level,
development with Plato. After Felix Platter and Ptolemy’s example provides a fruitful ground for
Johannes Kepler, the role of the eye has been considering the relationship between mathematics
understood and we know that the vision of an and science in a period that optics had a long way
object depends, among others, on the fuction of to run: the nature and propagation of light and the
the eye, including the role of the retina and the ‘mechanism’ of vision were some of the problems
optic nerve. The idea of active vision, though, still waiting to be solved.
remains in the literature through some phrases as
‘to throw an eye on something’ and reminds us of
the development of scientific ideas.
3. Integrated view of understanding
The theories of vision developed by atomists, NOS—the case of Ptolemy’s experiment
Pythagoreans, Plato, Stoics and Galen are almost on refraction
devoid of mathematics. The first exposition of a Integrated view of understanding NOS which was
mathematical theory of vision is found in Euc- introduced and analyzed by Niaz [16], came to
lid’s Optics, who based geometrical theorems on reconcile two traditions in teaching and learn-
seven postulates. Euclid’s way of thinking with his ing NOS: the domain-general and domain-specific
innovative and simultaneously fault ideas on vis- view on NOS. Niaz [16] suggested that students
ion could be introduced in science class in order to understand ‘science in the making’ through the
highlight the development of scientific knowledge integration of the two traditions and argued that
and the role of mathematics. the success of the integration depends upon stu-
The history of the sine law offers another dents’ interaction with and conceptualization of
example of the relationship between mathemat- the heuristic principles which the domain-specific
ics and science. Ptolemy was the first to tackle the aspects are based on. Such an integration is pro-
issue of a law of refraction [18, 20, 21]. His data posed through a specific schema:
did not fit the absolute proportionality between the
angles of incidence and the angles of refraction of (a) Elaboration of a theoretical framework based
visual rays. Ptolemy tried to adjust his data to a on presuppositions, guiding assumptions,
quadratic dependence [22]. However, the sine law hard-core beliefs, and previous experience.
which truly describes the corresponding angles (b) Formulation of research questions.

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(c) Operationalizing heuristic principles. included in the questionnaire. Qualitative content
(d) Designing experiments. analysis was applied for the analysis of the data.
(e) Understanding nature of science.

This schema serves as an outline of how the 5.2. Sample of research

specific science content can be organized around The sample consisted of 55 second-year univer-
domain-general and domain-specific aspects of sity pre-service primary teachers, 50 females and
science [16]. The case of Ptolemy’s experiments 5 males, who undertook an Introductory Phys-
on refraction is presented below. In order to teach ics Laboratory Course (IPLC). The IPLC is com-
the empirical and tentative nature of science and prised of five rotating self-standing 2 h laboratory
the relationship between science and mathem- exercises once a week: (1) taking measurements,
atics, Ptolemy’s experiments on refraction are (2) mechanics, (3) optics, (4) static electricity, and
proposed. (5) heating. Pre-service teachers were divided into
three teams of 18, 18 and 19 persons whose mem-
bers worked in pairs and attended the IPLC. Con-
4. The purpose of the study venience sampling—a non-probability sampling
This research aimed to explore pre-service technique—was used to create sample as per ease
primary teachers’ perceptions of the role of of access and proximity to the researchers [26].
historical experiments in developing scientific Regarding their scientific training and sci-
explanations and more sophisticated conceptions ence knowledge, most of the pre-service primary
of specific aspects of NOS. We propose that the teachers enrolled in the department had chosen
historical experiments of Ptolemy on refraction be the Humanities orientation during their final two
used in order for pre-service primary teachers to years of upper secondary school. According to
become familiar with the phenomenon of refrac- the Greek curriculum, during the last 2 years of
tion and aspects of NOS such as the empirical and secondary school, students may choose their ori-
tentative features of science, and the relationship entation (e.g. Science, Technology, Humanities).
between science and mathematics. Science classes are mandatory at every grade in
secondary school, except final year for those who
choose the Humanities orientation. As for the
5. Research methodology academic background of the pre-service teach-
5.1. General background ers, they attended an Introductory Physics Course
(IPC) during the same semester as the IPLC. How-
Fieldwork was carried out in Athens, in the ever, when they participated in the Optics laborat-
Department of Primary Education at the National ory exercise, they had not yet been taught the cor-
and Kapodistrian University of Athens dur- responding theory through the IPC. Their answers
ing the winter semester of 2018–2019. This were therefore taken to be independent of the IPC
research is qualitative descriptive. The research and to derive from either the laboratory exercises
aimed to examine how pre-service primary teach- or previously acquired knowledge.
ers perceive the role of history of science in
developing scientific explanations and an under-
standing of aspects of NOS as well. Learners 5.3. Teaching–learning sequence
participated in a historically based laboratory and educational material
teaching–learning sequence on optics and espe-
cially Ptolemy’s experiments on refraction, fol- A historically based teaching and learning
lowing Niaz’s schema, as described in the next sequence was developed according to Niaz’s [16]
section. The instruments used were participants’ schema for integrated approach to NOS.
reflective diaries, their worksheets and an open-
ended questionnaire which allowed for in-depth (a) Elaboration of theoretical framework: Ptolemy
examination of their perceptions. All the parti- followed Euclid’s Optics and Catoptrics
cipants responded to the same set of questions which were mainly based on geometrical

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Ptolemy’s experiments on refraction in science class

Figure 1. Experiment of catoptric reflection.

Figure 2. Ptolemy’s experiment on refraction for angle
of incidence 30◦ .
schemes; regarding the law of catoptric reflec-
tion, the angle of the reflected ray is equal to
the angle of the incident ray.
led him to error regarding the law of refrac-
tion. Moreover, Ptolemy maintained the con-
Pre-service primary teachers verified the law ceptual framework of his predecessor, Euclid,
by conducting a laboratory experiment and were regarding the visual rays.
introduced to Euclid’s geometrical approach to (d) Designing experiments: Ptolemy carried out
optics (figure 1). experiments to investigate the refraction of
light while passing from air to glass, from
glass to water and vice versa. He added a
(b) Formulation of research questions: However,
semicircle of glass to the bottom half of
Ptolemy went beyond Euclid in that he was
one disk and sighted through the glass. He
also trying to determine the necessary con-
then proceeded to find the angle of refraction
ditions for accurate perception of an object’s
for the glass/air and the glass/water bound-
true location. In other words, what is the
ary as he did for the water/air boundary.
relationship between angles of incidence and
He also discussed refraction at the air/ether
angles of refraction? At this point, one can see
boundary and its problems for astronomy but
the astronomer’s concerns coming to the fore
dismissed the possibility of determining the
values [27].

Pre-service primary teachers came to face the

Pre-service primary teachers conducted
same question in the laboratory and conducted
experiments on refraction in two phases. First,
their research in order to answer it.
they followed Ptolemy’s method, and measured
the angle of refraction for the air/glass boundary
(c) Operationalizing heuristic principles: Smith (figure 2). Then, they conducted an experiment on
[21] has pointed out that Ptolemy expec- refraction for the air/glass boundary using a light
ted to find a linear relationship between the source (figure 3). Due to the principle of revers-
angle of incidence and the angle of refrac- ibility of light, the two experimental approaches,
tion. This apparently reasonable expectation the one based on ray of vision (figure 2) and the

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C Stefanidou et al
history of optics is described in detail in the work-
sheet in appendix A.

5.4. Instruments
Regarding the research data, all participants com-
pleted a worksheet (appendix A) and a reflect-
ive diary (appendix B) during their laboratory
exercise. Moreover, an open-ended questionnaire
was completed by them at home (appendix C).
The instruments included open-ended questions in
order to examine participants’ perceptions of the
role of history of science in learning scientific con-
Figure 3. Experiment of refraction using a light source. cepts and processes and certain aspects of NOS to
be depicted.
other based on ray of light (figure 3), are expected The worksheets were designed according to
to give the same results. That means that the math- Niaz’s schema and included the phases that have
ematical model of light, what we call geometrical already been mentioned in the above section. They
optics, entails no contradiction. included open-ended questions and experimental
activities and were not analyzed in terms of draw-
ing conclusions, as participants’ answers were
(e) Understanding nature of science: Pre-service usually influenced by the instructor/researcher
primary teachers were asked to compare the (the first author) who had a guiding and facil-
data that they had gathered in the first phase itating role during the teaching-learning process
with the corresponding Ptolemy’s table and (appendix A).
found that they were similar. They were also Pre-service primary teachers’ reflective diar-
asked to put the data on a rectangular angle ies were also collected at the end of the laborat-
system and make a hypothesis about the rela- ory exercise, in which they kept notes on three
tionship between the angle of refraction and questions. The first question asked the participants
angle of incidence. In this way, participants to identify the aspects of the teaching–learning
were explicitly involved in the procedures of procedure that they found to be the most inter-
Ptolemy’s experiment that had to do not only esting, while the second one asked for key ele-
with the empirical and tentative nature of sci- ments of the whole procedure that facilitated their
ence but also with Ptolemy’s heuristic prin- understanding of the phenomenon of refraction.
ciples, such as the ‘proportionality’ of angle of The third question asked about which part of
incidence and angle of refraction. More than the process helped the participants understand
that, participants were urged to observe that the relation between mathematics and physics
Ptolemy’s experiment was based on his idea (appendix B). This data enabled the researchers
of active vision, allowing them to place dir- to ascertain whether participants found historic-
ectly their eye at one point of the disc in order ally based material to be both interesting and
to ‘see’, when the method with the light source facilitating in understanding the science content
is in some way more indirect and needs to and NOS.
shift the place of the observer. They were also Regarding the questionnaire, it consisted of
asked to confirm Snell’s law, after they had six open-ended questions asking for participants’
taken data using a light source. This was fol- opinion on the value of teaching optics through
lowed by a discussion on the role of mathem- history of science, on the activity they perceived
atics to the ‘science in the making’. to be the most helpful in conceiving refraction,
on the role that Ptolemy’s theory of active vis-
The teaching–learning sequence, which ion played in designing his experimental appar-
included Niaz’s schema for teaching NOS through atus and the benefits of it, on the relationship

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Ptolemy’s experiments on refraction in science class

between mathematics and physics and particularly 6. Limitations

on Ptolemy’s attempt to express a mathematic law, Data for this research were collected from a partic-
and on the value of having a mathematical formu- ular Department of Primary Education (that of the
lated law (appendix C). National and Kapodistrian Univesity of Athens).
The 55 questionnaires coupled with the cor- The inherent bias in convenience sampling [31],
responding participants’ answers in their reflect- due to under-representation of particular sub-
ive diary (response rate 100%) were used for data groups in the sample, does not allow trust-
analysis. In order to avoid bias that might result worthy inferences to be made about the intended
from the presence of the instructor-researcher who population.
had a guiding role in the teaching–learning pro-
cedure, worksheet answers were included in the
analysis only as a secondary data source, in order 7. Results
to support the information coming from the other The first findings revealed that most pre-service
two data sources. primary teachers deemed Ptolemy’s historical
experiment of refraction very helpful in under-
standing both the phenomenon of refraction,
5.5. Data analysis as well as some aspects of NOS, such as the
In the present study, qualitative content analysis empirical and tentative character of science and
method was used to analyze the data. The texts the relationship between mathematics and sci-
for analysis were given to a second coder along ence (table 1). Participants realized that even
with the analytical rules, such as units, coding if Ptolemy could not formulate a scientifically
agenda, category definition and level of abstrac- accepted mathematical formula, he developed
tion for inductive formation [28]. The points of an experiment holding great historical value.
disagreement with the second coder were recor- They were able to grasp the idea that although
ded by a third coder. Quantitative steps of ana- Ptolemy adopted the erroneous idea of active vis-
lysis, i.e. percentages, the so-called descriptive ion, his account on refraction and the corres-
statistics, helped quantify the findings and provide ponding experiment is of great historical, cul-
a clearer picture of participants’ perceptions of the tural and scientific value. They had the oppor-
role of the historical experiments in understanding tunity to recognize Euclidean-Ptolemaic heurist-
science content and NOS aspects [29]. The trust- ics on Optics that influenced Ptolemy’s way of
worthiness of this research study was checked by thinking. Learners came to realize that Ptolemy
implementing accordant quality criteria: credib- was not merely collecting and assessing bare facts
ility, confirmability, dependability, and transfer- with an open mind. He may have expected that
ability. Credibility was established through trian- the angle of incidence and the angle of refraction
gulation of the data collection instruments; the would be constantly proportional. Gradually stu-
questionnaires, the reflective diaries and the work- dents became familiar with the idea that obtain-
sheets which were used supplementary as a sec- ing the correct mathematical law in Hellenistic
ondary data source. Peer debriefing was also used years was impeded by an inappropriate physical
to increase the credibility of the data analysis. approach, in the sense that geometry and num-
The approaches that researchers used to increase bers were not ‘enough’. All of them recognized
confirmability were documentation and control of that ‘we’ had to wait for some centuries after
bias, while coding agreement was another strategy Ptolemy’s era for the formulation of a precise law
used to enhance dependability. Moreover, the for refraction, the so-called Snell’s law.
criterion of descriptive adequacy, one aspect of Regarding the first question of the question-
transferability, was applied. A thorough descrip- naire ‘Did you find the historical perspective of
tion of the context in which the IPLC was under- the lesson useful in understanding reflection and
taken was provided, so that readers can determ- refraction? If yes, in what ways?’ the majority of
ine the extent to which the findings of the case the participants (84%) answered that the histor-
being examined can be applicable to alternative ical perspective was very helpful in understand-
settings [30]. ing how the scientific ideas changed over time and

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Table 1. Pre-service teachers answers in the questionnaire.

1st Question: Did you find the historical perspective of the lesson useful in understanding reflection and refrac-
tion? If yes, in what ways?
Answers Frequency Percentage (%)
The historical perspective was very helpful in understanding how the scientific 46 84
ideas were developed.
The historical perspective was helpful (no elaboration) 9 16
2nd Question: Which particular activity facilitated you the most in understanding refraction?
Answers Frequency Percentage (%)
Ptolemy’s historical experiment on refraction (the one with the pins) 50 91
Angle of refraction measurement using a light source 5 9
3rd Question: Do you think that Ptolemy’s active vision played a role in designing the experiment?
Answers Frequency Percentage (%)
Ptolemy’s theory of active vision influenced positively the construction of the 34 62
particular experiment.
Ptolemy’s theory of active vision is not recognized as important. 21 38
4th Question: In your opinion, what are the specific benefits, resulting from this experimental procedure?
Answers Frequency Percentage (%)
The specific experiment offered simplicity and a unique observation of the phe- 44 80
The experimental procedure is helpful (no elaboration) 11 20
5th Question: What is the value of having a mathematical formulation of law?
Answers Frequency Percentage (%)
The mathematical relation is also predictive, in that if we know the refractive 34 62
index of the material, we can calculate the refraction angle for any incidence
angle without performing the experiment.
No answer regarding the value of law. Only description of Snell’s law 12 22
Mathematical law is very important (no elaboration) 9 16
6th Question: Suppose you want to find the angle of refraction that corresponds to an angle of incidence of 37◦ in
an air to glass interface. Which approach would you follow? Ptolemy’s experiment or Snell’s law of refraction?
Answers Frequency Percentage (%)
Snell’s law because it leads to fast and accurate results 44 80
Snell’s law is preferable only for a given refractive index. Otherwise Ptolemy’s 11 20
experiment is better
Total 55 100%

were developed. Particularly, a participant (P26) more manageable and expected. A minority of
answered: ‘Ptolemy followed Euclid’s steps. He pre-service teachers (16%) answered positively
went on to investigate the refraction of light for that the historical perspective was helpful in
the sake of being an astronomer. He was trying understanding reflection and refraction, but they
to explain and calculate the actual position of the gave no further explanations.
stars. It was Snell that managed to formulate the Regarding the second question ‘Which par-
law that Ptolemy failed to. I am wondering, how ticular activity facilitated you the most in under-
else would we have entered the real world of sci- standing refraction?’ most pre-service teachers
ence if we had not previously opened the door (91%) found very helpful Ptolemy’s historical
to history?’. Moreover, participants focused on experiment for refraction (figure 2), the one with
Ptolemy’s difficulties with refraction and stated the pins, recognizing that this particular exper-
that they faced the same difficulties. This was imental set facilitates the observation of refrac-
‘a relief’ for them making their difficulties seem tion even in room light. The position of the

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Ptolemy’s experiments on refraction in science class

three pins play an important role as no addi- the same way when conducting the experiment
tional light is needed in order for the refrac- with a light source. Particularly, the participant
ted light to be observed. They found extremely P13 said: ‘Through this experimental procedure
interesting the fact that the pins seemed collin- we deeply understand the refraction phenomenon.
ear when viewed through the interface and non- The experimental procedure is very simple and
collinear when viewed from above. In her own offers opportunities for deeper understanding. The
words, a participant (P37) said: ‘Ptolemy was a fact that we are trying to explain how the pins
genius because he found the way to observe the seem to be collinear if seen through the interface
change of direction of light using three pins. This and they are not if they are seen top-down, help
idea is great, especially when it comes from an us understand the relation between angle of incid-
astronomer who is looking for the true position of ence and angle of refraction’. Most of the pre-
the stars’. Some pre-service teachers (9%) found service primary teachers expressed an extra bene-
that the most helpful activity for understanding fit of this experimental set that had to do with
refraction was to measure the refraction angle the fact that only simple everyday materials and
using the light source, due to its accuracy and con- not technologically advanced equipment supplies
venience. were used. Some participants (20%) simply reit-
Regarding the third question ‘Do you think erated that Ptolemy’s experiment helped them, but
that Ptolemy’s idea of active vision played a without explaining the reasons.
role in designing the experiment?’ most of the Regarding the fifth question ‘What is the
pre-service teachers (62%) had the opinion that value of having a mathematical formulation of
Ptolemy’s theory of active vision influenced pos- law?’ most pre-service teachers (62%) responded
itively the construction of the particular experi- that the mathematical relation is predictive in that
ment, for as much as Ptolemy thought that the for a given refractive index, the refraction angle
ray is emitted by the humaneye, enters the glass, for any incidence angle can be calculated. Some
and then it is refracted. In a participant’s (P7) participants suggested that a powerful advantage
words: ‘Ptolemy’s experiment is based on a aban- of the mathematical law is the calculation of the
doned theory, but it is appropriate for understand- speed of light in glass or any other material, with
ing refraction. If the pins are viewed through the a given refractive index. Some participants (16%)
air/glass boundary they seem to be collinear. If admitted that the law is valuable without explicitly
they are viewed top-down they are not. I under- explaining why. Finally, some participants (22%)
stood what is going on’. In other participant’s just described Snell’s law without arguing for its
words (P18): ‘Ptolemy’s theory of active vision importance.
helped the development of his experimental set Regarding the sixth question ‘Suppose you
for investigating refraction. It would not be the want to find the angle of refraction that corres-
one without the other’. Some participants (38%) ponds to an angle of incidence of 37◦ in an air
did not recognize Ptolemy’s theory of active vis- to glass interface. Which approach would you
ion as important. They just mentioned that this follow? Ptolemy’s experiment or Snell’s law of
particular theory has been abandoned explaining refraction?’ Most participants (80%) answered
that the light is emitted by the bodies and not by that they would choose Snell’s law that leads them
the eyes. to fast and accurate results, since with Ptolemy’s
Regarding the fourth question ‘In your opin- tables they could only approximately find that
ion, what are the specific benefits resulting from angle. Few participants (20%) answered that they
this experimental procedure?’ most participants would use Snell’s law only in case they knew
(80%) answered that the specific experiment the refraction index, otherwise they would do the
offered simplicity in that someone can see with Ptolemy’s experiment.
his/her own eyes that the pins appear to be Regarding the reflective diaries (table 2), a lot
collinear when viewed through a glass to air of participants (44%) thought that the most inter-
interface and non-collinear if they are seen top- esting phase of the teaching—learning sequence
down. Pre-service teachers supported the view was the implementation of Ptolemy’s experiment
that it is not possible to observe refraction in on refraction. The reason for that was not limited

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C Stefanidou et al
Table 2. Pre-service teachers’ answers in the reflective diaries.

1st Question: What did you find most interesting about the teaching—learning process?
Answers Frequency Percentage (%)
The implementation of Ptolemy’s experiment for refraction. 24 44
The fact that Ptolemy was studying and trying to quantify the phenomenon of 18 33
refraction based on the abandoned theory of active vision.
The fact that they made the graphs of Ptolemy and their own measurements on 11 20
the same coordinate system.
Measuring the refraction angle with the angular disc and the light source. 2 3
2nd Question: What facilitated you the most in understanding the phenomenon of refraction?
Answers Frequency Percentage (%)
Using Ptolemy’s experimental set (without any light source) followed by the 44 80
corresponding experiment using light source confirming Snell’s law.
Ptolemy’s experiment (no elaboration) 11 20
3rd Question: What facilitated you the most in understanding the relation between mathematics and physics?
Answers Frequency Percentage (%)
The activity of developing a mathematical relation between the angles of incid- 45 82
ence and the angles of refraction, like Ptolemy did.
There is a strong relationship between physics and mathematics (tautology) 10 18
Total 55 100%

to the fact that the experiment was very helpful compare the accuracy of their measurements with
in understanding refraction. More than that, they that of Ptolemy, as well as to try to figure out what
liked Ptolemy’s idea ‘per se’, and they found very the form of the graph was like. Some of the pre-
interesting the fact that Ptolemy’s research was service teachers were really impressed by the fact
triggered by the fact that he was an astronomer that although at first, they considered the angle of
aiming to find the real position of stars. Parti- incidence and the angle of refraction as propor-
cipants appreciated the fact that Ptolemy found tional, they had an impression that something was
the way to do the research ‘here on earth’. Finally, going wrong with this thought. When they real-
some of them argued that it requires only simple ized that the proportionality was between the sine
materials and supplies, which make it much more values of the angles and not the measures of the
interesting. angles, their concern was confirmed.
In addition, a significant number of pre- Few participants (3%) found measuring the
service teachers (33%) was interested in the fact refraction angle with the angular disc and the
that Ptolemy was studying and trying to quantify light source (figure 3) to be the most interesting
the phenomenon of refraction based on the erro- phase of the teaching sequence. These participants
neous theory of active vision. That is, the scient- argued that it was interesting because refraction is
ist’s ingenuity also contained elements that are no clearly revealed using the light source.
longer scientifically acceptable today. Specific- Regarding the second question of the reflect-
ally, a participant said (P23): ‘Ptolemy argued that ive diaries ‘What facilitated you the most in
light is emitted from the eyes, which is wrong. But understanding the phenomenon of refraction?’
it is striking to see how through this error he made most pre-service teachers (80%) argued that
such a profound analysis of the phenomenon of the experiment that helped them the most in
refraction’. understanding the phenomenon of refraction was
For some participants (20%), the most inter- Ptolemy’s experimental set (figure 2), followed by
esting phase of teaching was making the graphs the corresponding experiment using light source
of angles of incidence and refraction on the same (figure 3) confirming Snell’s law. Participants
coordinate system, based both on Ptolemy’s and highlighted that although Ptolemy’s experiment
their data. They found it extremely interesting to was based on the erroneous theory of active

May 2020 10 P hy s . E d u c . 5 5 ( 2 0 2 0 ) 0 3 5 0 2 7
Ptolemy’s experiments on refraction in science class

vision, it helped them empirically understanding for refraction. In other words, in this study pre-
the phenomenon of refraction. service teachers had the opportunity to explain in
Some pre-service teachers (20%) argued that detail the reasons for supporting or not history of
the experiment that helped them the most in science in science teaching.
understanding refraction was Ptolemy’s experi- This study is in line with previous study
ment without however explaining their view. [32] which indicates that teachers—including stu-
The last question of the reflective diary was dent teachers, elementary teachers, middle school
the following: ‘What facilitated you the most teachers, and high school teachers, believe that
in understanding the relation between mathem- teaching history of science is an important part
atics and physics?’. Most pre-service teachers of their science instructional program. The addi-
(82%) supported that the activity that helped tional value of the present study is that the par-
them the most was the one where they, like ticipants were students themselves and particip-
Ptolemy, attempted to develop a mathematical ated in a historically based laboratory instruction.
relation between the angles of incidence and Their experience helped them express their per-
the angles of refraction and eventually failed. ceptions of the role of history of science in learn-
The participants claimed that this activity was ing science content and NOS as well.
thought-provoking and prepared the ground for Psillos’ paper [32] ‘Is the history of science
introducing Snell’s law. In other words, through the wasteland of false theories?’ can shed light
this teaching sequence, they understood both on the role of Ptolemy’s abandoned theory of act-
the phenomenon of refraction and the relation ive vision. The results revealed that pre-service
between physics and mathematics. teachers found the theory of active vision both
Some participants (18%) answered, using interesting and helpful in understanding refrac-
a tautology, that there is a strong relationship tion. More than that, most of them found theory of
between physics and mathematics without further active vision interesting in developing the idea of
elaborating on that. how scientific ideas develop. On the other hand,
Findings from the analysis of the question- theory of active vision can be currently found in
naires are in line with the findings from the reflect- history of science books and not in textbooks,
ive diaries. Participants made explicit references even though it was the dominant theory for quite
to the teaching sequence and to particular activit- some time and enjoyed explanatory and predictive
ies during the laboratory lesson. Such a fact gives success. Participants received active vision the-
evidence for increased credibility through triangu- ory with appreciation and cultivated what Psillos
lation of data collection and results. [32] calls ‘scientific conscience’: critical appraisal
of one’s own theory; sensitivity to the strengths
and limitations of scientific inquiry; openness to
8. Discussion criticism and correction; responsiveness to epi-
Data analysis showed that pre-service teachers stemic values and theoretical virtues; sensitivity
perceive historical experiments as being help- to the historical complexity and the philosophical
ful in understanding science content and NOS implications of the scientific enterprise.
as well. These findings are more meaningful if However, this belief is not necessarily con-
we consider the fact that participants were fully gruent with instructional practices related to the
engaged in a historically based teaching and learn- teaching of the history of science. Most teachers
ing sequence. Their answers were given in the in Wang’s study believe that history of science
historical context of Ptolemy’s work on refrac- is important, however, they often have limited
tion. They had the opportunity to investigate instructional materials [33], and inappropriate
Ptolemy’s measurements for angles of refraction training. By integrating history of science with
and develop their own hypothesis about the rela- daily science instruction, teachers will facilit-
tionship between angles of refraction and incid- ate their students to develop a culturally and
ence. They also had the opportunity to think about socially relevant view of science, and ultimately
Ptolemy’s theory of active vision and the role it produce more scientifically and culturally literate
played in the development of his experimental set citizens.

May 2020 11 P hy s . E d u c . 5 5 ( 2 0 2 0 ) 0 3 5 0 2 7
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9. Conclusions
This study aimed at investigating the pre-service
primary teachers’ perceptions related to the role
of historical experiments in developing scientific
explanations and NOS as well. For that pur-
pose, an integrated approach to teaching NOS
was implemented based on History of Optics and
particularly Ptolemy’s experiments on refraction.
The first findings revealed that pre-service teach-
ers perceived history of science as being import-
ant in developing scientific explanations and in
providing a better understanding of the empir-
ical and tentative aspects of the NOS as well as
the relationship between mathematics and phys- Figure A1. Schematic optical representation.
ics. Participants characteristically said that his-
torical experiments, such as Ptolemy’s, can shed
light on human’s way of thinking and on the ways
in which scientific concepts can be developed
through accepted and abandoned theories alike.
Moreover, participants, after their experimenta-
tion with Ptolemy’s data, considered History of
Science as very important in revealing the rela-
tionship between physics and mathematics.
The findings of this study reveal a practical
application worthy of future study and practice,
since it is about the implementation of an integ-
rated approach to NOS [16] in pre-service teach-
ers education and pre-service teachers’ percep- Figure A2. Experimental set of reflection.
tions of the role of the historical experiments
in their learning NOS. What pre-service teach-
ers found to be interesting and helpful was not Appendix A: Worksheet (completed in
a result of their personal background knowledge class)
but a result of their experience in the lab. Pre- A. Reflection
service teachers are future primary teachers who
may or may not use history of science in their own Phase of hypotheses/ elaboration of a
classes depending also on their own experience. theoretical framework based on
The present study provides evidence that suggests presuppositions
that pre-service teachers who are offered histor- 1. Can you make a hypothesis regarding the
ical based laboratory experiences perceive history beam path in figure A1? Draw and describe the
of science as helpful and motivating in teaching path.
and learning science. …………………………………………………..
Consequently, what this study suggests for …………………………………………………..
future consideration is increasing the historically …………………………………………………..
based physics laboratory exercises using Niaz’s 2. Identify the incidence ray, the normal and
schema for an integrated approach to teaching the reflected ray and the corresponding angles.
NOS [16], in order for the pre-service teachers to 3. Place the mirror surface at the location
ascertain that history of science is not only help- shown in figure A2. Put the light source in such
ful but necessary in teaching science content and a position that rays fall on the mirror. Observe the
NOS as well. ray of incidence and the ray of reflection.

May 2020 12 P hy s . E d u c . 5 5 ( 2 0 2 0 ) 0 3 5 0 2 7
Ptolemy’s experiments on refraction in science class
Table A1. Reflection measurements.

Angle of incidence Angle of reflection


4. Complete the table.

5. Compare the angles of incidence and the
corresponding angles of refraction. What do you
The first explicit formulation of the law of
reflection, stating the equality of the angles of
incidence and reflection of sight or visual rays is Figure A3. Apparent depth.
to be found in Euclid’s Optics.
6. Do your measurements verify the law of
reflection? If not, why do you think that happens?

B. Refraction
Formulation of research questions
Do you think that the boy in figure A3 sees the
light source in the right position? Can you think of
a possible explanation for why this is happening?
Can you describe similar phenomena?
The first who not only observed refraction
phenomena but also conducted related exper-
iments was the astronomer Claudius Ptolemy Figure A4. Ptolemy’s experimental set.
(108–170 AD). Ptolemy dealt with refraction and
claimed in his Astronomy that the position of a
Let us follow Ptolemy’s steps…
star is apparent due to the refraction of light by
the atmosphere. He experimented with the relation
between the angles of incidence and the angles Designing experiments
of refraction by examining the refraction of rays 7. On your laboratory bench, you can find
‘coming out of the eye’! Ptolemy’s experiments a semicircular glass block, fastened in the angular
are among the first experiments in the history of disc, in order to measure angles easily. Have two
the natural sciences! pins placed at two points (A and B), so that an
Ptolemy’s experimental set is similar to the angle of 10◦ be formed. Place another pin at C
one in figure A4. Ptolemy ‘seeing’ through the point, so that points A, B and C be collinear, if
air–water separating surface, placed a sign in the they are seen through the air/glass boundary.
water so that the three points would look collinear 8. Measure the angle that BC forms to the
as he looked through the air–glass surface. perpendicular line: ………………………

May 2020 13 P hy s . E d u c . 5 5 ( 2 0 2 0 ) 0 3 5 0 2 7
C Stefanidou et al
Table A2. Measurements according to Ptolemy’s
Angle between AB and Angle between BC and
the perpendicular the perpendicular

Figure A5. Experimental set for refraction.
Table A3. Ptolemy’s measurements on refraction.

Angle between AB and Ptolemy’s angle between Table A4. Refraction measurements using the laser
the perpendicular BC and the perpendicular source.
Angle of incidence Angle of refraction
0◦ 0◦
10◦ 7◦ θ1 = 30◦
20◦ 13◦ 30’ θ2 = 40◦
30◦ 19◦ 30’ θ3 = 50◦
40◦ 25◦ θ4 = 60◦
50◦ 30◦
60◦ 34◦ 30’
70◦ 38◦ 30’
80◦ 42◦ …………………………………………………..
9. Repeat the procedure for the measure-
ment of the following angles in the table below
(table A2). Understanding NOS
In table A3, you can see what Ptolemy’s 13. Ptolemy failed to mathematically calculate the
measurements for the corresponding angles in a angle of refraction. His measurements did not end
glass air refraction are. to a mathematical equation (law). Such a math-
ematical description was Snellious and Descartes’
Operationalizing heuristic principles achievement 1500 years later and is known as
10. Compare your results with Ptolemy’s Snell’s law of refraction. Place the semicircular
measurements and write down your observations. glass block in the position specially designed for
………………………………………………….. it. Put the light source in such a position so that
………………………………………………….. the light fall exactly in the center of the semicir-
………………………………………………….. cular glass with an angle of incidence of 30◦ , and
11. On the same axis system, make the two the incident and reflected ray appear on the disc,
graphs, using Ptolemy’s data and your own data. as shown in figure A5.
………………………………………………….. Several tests may be required to achieve the
………………………………………………….. desired result. Before proceeding, ask the super-
………………………………………………….. visor to check the experimental set. Then meas-
12. Compare the two graphs and write down ure the angle of refraction θ using the angu-
your observations. What is the type of the graph lar disc. Repeat the procedure and complete
(linear, parabola, trigonometric, etc)? table A4.

May 2020 14 P hy s . E d u c . 5 5 ( 2 0 2 0 ) 0 3 5 0 2 7
Ptolemy’s experiments on refraction in science class
Table A5. Calculating the fraction. Appendix B: Reflective diary (completed
Fraction in class)
1. What did you find most interesting during the
sin(θin )1 /sin(θref )1
teaching–learning process?
sin(θin )2 /sin(θref )2
sin(θin )3 /sin(θref )3
sin(θin )4 /sin(θref )4 …………………………………………………..
2. What did you find most helpful in under-
standing the phenomenon of refraction?
14. Using the provided trigonometric table, …………………………………………………..
find the sine of angle of incidence and the angle …………………………………………………..
of refraction. For every pair of angles, calculate …………………………………………………..
the fraction, and complete table A5. What do you 3. What did you find more helpful in under-
observe? standing the relation between mathematics and
15. Calculate the average of the above values physics?
sin(θin)/sin(θref) = ……
16. The ratio you calculated above is char-
acteristic of any material and is called refractive Appendix C: Questionnaire (completed
index. The ratio you calculated in the previous at home)
step is equal to the refractive index n of the glass. 1. During the laboratory meeting, you worked on
The literature reports that the refractive index of reflection and refraction; Euclid’s law of reflec-
ordinary glasses ranges between 1.52 and 1.62, tion, Ptolemy’s experiments on refraction and
while in some special glasses it can take values Snell’s law of refraction. Did you find the histor-
above 1.70. According to the value of the refract- ical perspective of the lesson useful in understand-
ive index you calculated for that piece of glass, ing reflection and refraction?
what kind of glass do you think it is? An ordinary …………………………………………………..
or a special one? …………………………………………………..
………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………..
………………………………………………….. 2. What is the activity you find most helpful
………………………………………………….. in understanding refraction?
17. Can you calculate the angle of refraction, …………………………………………………..
if the angle of incidence is 50◦ ? Could you do that …………………………………………………..
using Ptolemy’s measurements? …………………………………………………..
………………………………………………….. 3. Although Ptolemy’s theory of active vis-
………………………………………………….. ion is abandoned, during the laboratory meeting
………………………………………………….. you were asked to conduct experiments on refrac-
18. Given that light propagates in vacuum tion following Ptolemy’s method using the pins.
with 3 × 108 m s−1 , calculate the velocity of light Do you think that Ptolemy’s active vision played
in the glass, using the refractive index you found a role in designing the experiment?
in activity 15. …………………………………………………..
………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………..
………………………………………………….. …………………………………………………..
………………………………………………….. 4. In your opinion, what are the specific bene-
19. We have another material with n′ = 1,2. fits, resulting from this experimental procedure?
Does the light propagate slower, faster or the …………………………………………………..
same? What is the significance of refractive …………………………………………………..
index? …………………………………………………..
………………………………………………….. 5. Ptolemy failed in formulating a law for
………………………………………………….. refraction. Some centuries later, Snell formulated
………………………………………………….. a mathematical relation (a law) relating the sinus

May 2020 15 P hy s . E d u c . 5 5 ( 2 0 2 0 ) 0 3 5 0 2 7
C Stefanidou et al
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now has a position in the Department He is an Effective Member of the International Academy
of Education at Athens University of History of Science and has served as the Secretary of the
in the field of pre-service teachers’ Interdivisional Teaching Commission of the International
science education. Her research Union of History and Philosophy of Science (2007–2017).
and publications are on didactics His research interests include History of Science and Science
of science, focusing on historical Education from a critical perspective.

May 2020 17 P hy s . E d u c . 5 5 ( 2 0 2 0 ) 0 3 5 0 2 7

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