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Within my classroom I have 24 students.

Each has their own desks and group activity desks will be held in groups of 8 for all students to fit and be able to do said group
work together. Not only this, the group tables in the back will also serve to function in working with struggling students that are
behind, where I will do a recap and help students grasp the topic while the other students will do a separate activity.
There is a reading area where there will be story time held twice a week, Monday and Fridays where I will read to my students to
engage their imagination, creativity, and attentiveness.
There is a table where students may borrow pencils,colored pencils, scissors, etc. for any crafting projects in the class.
There are 24 computers, one for every student to do word processing activities.
The posters in the classroom consist of a multiplication table, english poster containing pronouns, the world map, and a poster
showing how to spell the alphabet in American Sign Language.
Teacher’s desk is set in the corner to monitor all the students, and the overhead projector/overhead board will be used to visually
teach/lecture students on the topics they need to learn.

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