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AFINCE 1 (M/F) 8:00 am - 9:30 am
“The Fullness of Time”
Life is a series of drama, it have a lot of ups and downs. We never really know what will happen
to us, if we will wake up again in the morning or maybe breath already leave our body. Life is too short
that’s why we need to be prepare while also enjoying our life. In the Philippines we have different
government owned and controlled corporation (GOCC) like the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation
(PhilHealth), Government Service Insurance System (GSIS) and Philippine Social Security System (SSS)
that provide many Filipino’s insurances which allows them to have different benefits and merits based on
their insurance performance.
Philippine Health Insurance Corporation, Government Service Insurance System and Philippine
Social Security System are all government owned insurance company that gives social services and
protection for the Filipinos particularly the young children of a single parent, students, senior citizens and
people with disability. These three government owned insurance company requires membership fees and
monthly contribution so that when the time came you need a money we can get merit or benefits to lessen
our burden in paying bills. This insurance benefits are really beneficiary to those Filipino who cannot
afford to pay for their medical expenses. My auntie was once confined for s month due to an illness that
requires an operation. That time she is an active member of SSS and Philhealth that’s why we paid less.
The GSIS and SSS operates similarly but GSIS offers different types of loans, while in
the SSS salary loan is their enhanced consolidated salary loan. I ask my mother regarding this and she
told me that Government Service Insurance System have an age requirements and when they retire they
are not entitled for the SSS additional benefits. In addition, Social Security System and Government
Service Insurance System already considered as one and both of them is different from Philippine Health
since its sole purpose is to give benefits to the people who has illness that needs a medical assistance so
they will not be burden of too much hospital bills but of course in order to use this insurance you should
pay your contribution and be a member of Phil health.
W. E. B. Du Bois once said, To be a poor race in a land of dollars is the very bottom of hardships.
It is so fulfilling for a person who reach to frail or the retirement age if we already save money that our
family will used in case of emergency and also money for you to enjoy your remaining life. Investing in
an insurance is a must for each and every one of us, because the insurances will serve as the fruit of our
hard work. No one is poor because we can work and climb to the top if we just try and do our best.
Philippines is a rich land with a lot of resources but we have many people who cannot enjoy their life to
the fullest. These insurance benefits given by the government can help each and every one of us to uplifts
our economy by helping ourselves. Yes, we will experience some hardships by paying our fees but we
will sow it as time goes by and when that time come we can only say to ourselves that we did great. Our
hard work paid off.

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