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University Institute of Computing

Bachelor of Computer Applications

Subject Name: Data Interpretation Lab
Subject Code: (CAP-311)

Data Interpretation Lab DISCOVER . LEARN . EMPOWER

Group A
• What is Microsof Ecel?
• How would you format a cell? What are the optons?
• What are charts in MS Ecel?
• What is Ribbon?
• How can you resize the column?

Group B
• Is it possible to make Pivot table using multple sources of data?
• What does the IF functon in Ecel?
• What are the advantages of using formula in Ecel sheet?
• What is the use of LOOK UP functon in MS Ecel?
• What is the syntaE of Vlookup?

Group C
• What are common data formats in Excel? How are they used?
• Explain VLOOKUP in common terms
• What are some limitatons of VLOOKUP?
• What is a spreadsheet?
• What are charts in Excel and how are they used?

Group D
• What do you mean by cells in an Excel sheet?
• Can you format MS Excel cells? If yes, then how?
• What is Ribbon and where does it appear?
• Can you add new rows and columns to an Excel sheet?
• What do you understand by Relatve Cell Addresses?

Group E
• What is the use of Hlookup ?
• Explain the syntax of Index functon.
• What is use of slicer tool in excel
• Explain the use of pivot table
• Explain the match functon.

Group F
• What is Microsof Excel?
• How can you wrap the text within a cell?
• Explain few useful functons in Excel.
• Explain the use of pivot table
• What is Freeze Panes in MS-Excel?

Group G
• What is IF functon in Excel?
• What is the AND functon does in Excel?
• What is ‘Format Painter’ used for?
• What is conditonal formatni?
• What is the syntax of the VLOOKUP functon?

Group H
• When would you use the SUBTOTAL functon?
• How would you insert a new line in the same cell?
• What is a Pivot Table, and when would you use one?
• What is a Column chart?
• How to replace one value with another in Excel?

For queries


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