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 Sounds are caused by

 Vibrations are considered as a
disturbance that travels
through a medium
Sound- is a form of energy that can be  This vibratory motion causes
heard and travels in waves. energy to transfer to our ears
-When matter vibrates or moves and is interpreted by our brain
back and forth very quickly, a sound is

-Sound waves can travel through

solids, liquids or gases Longitudinal wave- are waves that are
usually created by pulling and pushing
Crest- is a point on a surface wave where the material or medium. Alternating
the displacement of the medium is at a compressions and rarefactions are
maximum. observed. These compressions and
Trough- is the opposite of a crest, so the rarefactions move along with the direction
minimum lowest point in a cycle. of the pushing and pulling of a material.
Thus, the wave moves parallel to the
Frequency- refers to the number of motion of material/ the particles of the
occurrences of a periodic event per time medium.
and is measured in cycles/second.
 The distance from one compression
Compression-  is the application of to the next or between two
balanced inward ("pushing") forces to successive compressions in a
different points on a material or structure, longitudinal wave is called
that is, forces with no net sum or torque wavelength
directed so as to reduce its size in one or  If you count the number of
more directions. compressions passing by a certain
point in 1 second, you are able to
Rarefaction- segment of one cycle of a
determine the frequency of a
longitudinal wave during its travel or
longitudinal wave.
motion, the other segment being
 The greater the frequency the higher
the pitch
Medium- is a substance or material that
carries the wave.

Hearing Range- describes the range of

frequencies that can be heard by humans
or other animals, though it can also refer
to the range of levels
Transverse wave- The movement of
particles is perpendicular to the direction
of wave travel. The compressions resemble
the trough while the rarefactions are the  Sound waves can travel in solid
crest. liquid or gas
 Loudness- It distinguishes between  Sound waves that travel in air come
loud and feeble sound. It mainly in contact with our eardrums
depends upon the amplitude of causing it to vibrate
sound.  People hearing sounds while
 Pitch- It distinguishes between submerged in pool is evidence that
shriller and flatter sound. It mainly sound travels through a liquid
depends upon frequency of sound  People hearing sounds with their ear
 Quality or Timbre- It distinguishes pressed against a table is evidence
one sound from other having the sound travels through a solid
same loudness and pitch.  People unable to hear sounds in a
vacuum is evidence sound requires
a medium like solids, liquids, and
most gases to travel
 Sound waves are transmitted from
one place to another by the
vibration of particles of the medium
 Sound travels faster in solids
 The hotter the medium the faster
sound travels
Hearing Range:  With more collisions per unit time,
energy is transferred more efficiently
resulting in sound travelling quickly
 Speed of sound is directly affected
by the temperature of the medium
 Heat, just like sound, is a form of
kinetic energy. At higher
temperatures, particles have more
energy (kinetic) and thus, vibrate
faster. And when particles vibrate
faster, there will be more collisions
per unit time
 With more collisions per unit time,
energy is transferred more efficiently
resulting in sound travelling quickly
varies (the higher the temperature
the greater the speed of sound)

 Sound waves are used when

performing ultrasound
treatment, which is mainly used
to cure major cancers and
 Reflection is usually described as  Ultrasound tests are also used
the turning back of a wave as it hits on pregnant women to detect
the barrier many structural and functional
 Echo is an example of a reflected abnormalities in a fetus
sound  Ultrasound may also aid in the
 The prolongation of the reflected detection of heart disease,
sound is known as reverberation tumors, gallstones, and other
 Reverberation refers to the multiple disorders
reflections or echoes in a certain
 A reverberation often occurs in a
small room with height, width, and  Ultrasound sound waves are used to
length dimensions of approximately detect flaws or cuts over machinery
17 meters or less parts in Industries
 Echo sounding is used to map the  Ultrasound is also used in
ocean floor and to determine the Industries to measure thickness of
depth of the ocean or sea by metal or plastic pipes
transmitting sound waves into
 Bats listen to the echoes to figure
out where the object is, how big it  SONAR ( Sound Navigation and
is, and its shape or detect distances Ranging)
 Refractions is described as the  Sonar devices are used mainly to
change in speed of sound when it locate fishes, ships, submarines and
encounters a medium of different underwater obstacles through the
density use of ultrasound
 This change in speed of sound  It is also used in exploring minerals
during refraction is also manifested and petroleum, and oil bearing rock
as sort of “bending” of sound waves formations under the water
 Sound waves of propagating
through air are bent and undergo
refraction when the air temperature
 Cellular Telephone
 Motion Picture
 Telephone
 C.D’s Televisions
 Phonographs
 Electronics
 Hearing Aids
 Video Tape Recorders
 Video Cameras
 Speakers
 Stethoscopes
 Microphone

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