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Name: Devika Dolas
Course: CMBA2Y3
Student ID: 1956
Module Leader: Dr. Raja Roy Chaudhary.
Machine Learning
The science of getting computers to learn and act like humans do, and improve
their learning over time in autonomous fashion, by feeding them data and
information in the form of observations and real-world interactions.
The learning cycle starts with data or observation, for example, feedbacks to
search for trends in the data and make informed decisions in the future based on
samples we have. The primary objective is to allow computer to automatically
learn without human involvement, and to modify behaviour accordingly.
Machines have to go through a learning cycle to learn the rules that control a
phenomenon, test new rules and learn from how well they do. That is why it is
called machine learning.

There are various types of machine learning such as supervised, unattended,

semi supervised, and reinforced learning. The types are different approach but
they all follow the same process and theory.
machine learning in HR

Nowadays, the perception of the human resources has been changed. Before
that HR role used to be for selecting the correct applicant, handling interviews,
making deals, handling jobs, exist of workers. But now demands have increased
therefore HR need to step up now. The human resource team must now must be
able to forecast turnover and also progress of candidates.

HR handled data in manual and semi-automated way, before machine learning

came to rescue. Data must be collected, stored and analysed to create analytics.
All the work must be accomplished in a less period of time, as the data will
easily become obsolete as the situation changes and the data needs to revised.

China social credit system

China's social credit program is an innovative project to create a database

that tracks human, corporate and government activity around the world in real
There are several situations in which they have an effect on the HR cycle and
sector. like for example-If a man or woman repeatedly resigns and gets
employed, there really is an issue with his reputation, said Ge Piegan, Deputy
Director of the Zhejiang Provincial Department of Human assets and Social
China's social credit system is an ambitious initiative to build a database that
records realtime actions by individuals, companies and governments around the
world.According to the Chinese government, the plan will use big data to build
a high confidence society where individuals and organizations follow the law. It
will do so by granting each person social credit scores based on their acts,
which are translated into a series of rewards and punishments.

The basic requirement for the workability of china SCS

1 A trustworthiness incentive mechanism
2 An untrustworthiness disciplinary mechanism
3 A credit system covering the entire country and its supporting database

How can this be used in HR

The model of the Chinese Social Credit Score System can be incredibly used in
HR too. As Chinese SCS utilizes enormous information and AI to accumulate
information and produce designs for settling on choices and deciding the
societal position of people and organizations, same acknowledgment and
preparing models can be utilized by the associations to assess the conduct of

The Chinese Social Credit Score System model can also be used extensively in
HR. Since Chinese SCS uses big data and machine learning to collect data and
create trends for decision taking and assessing individual and company social
status, companies may use the same recognition and training models to assess
employee behaviour.

• It is extremely beneficial to perform tasks such as acquiring talent and

assessing the output of an employee's data and a specific score that will enable
the company to acquire the right talent for the right job

• It will be easy to assess the distribution of wages and other remuneration to

employees according to the requirements.

• Work costs are the general expenses related with one partnership's workforce
including compensation, benefits, duties and protection. Enrollment
specialists and HR officials need to consider work costs for any part of their
occupations. In the event that a representative is classified by recently given
information and execution, it is anything but difficult to deal with his
compensations, benefits and different payments which will be reasonable for
both the organization and the worker.

How AI is being used in HR and recruitment

The usage of AI & ML in HR comes with some dangers, surely no longer as dramatic
as the expected “singularity” of machine intelligence or the sinister Skynet inside
the Terminator!

AI algorithms are imperfect, particularly new and not equipped to take over HR
processes. AI can’t say with absolute fact, as an example, that a person goes to lie
based totally on certain conversation patterns. no longer most effective is it
misguided, however it’s risky, and people will get upset. humans are already worried
about how their employers might be using their data, so groups must be transparent
about how AI could be used and emphasize the non-public advantages. Control need
to take steps to make certain that AI exists no longer to surely replace HR people,
but instead it can be used to unfasten them as much as do extra and better work,
along with fixing issues the software program can’t remedy. Do no longer use it
simplest as a device to reduce value. in addition, human oversight of AI tools is
important to seize mistakes and put hints in context. those are getting to know
structures and they’re now not perfect. Deciding on the proper statistics is vital to
making AI resolve real problems. for instance, a enterprise that feeds all of its
historic facts on high performers into an set of rules could perpetuate bias in
recruitment if most of these performers had been male. searching at the information
in a considerate way and crafting your choice of information and your presentation.

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