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Analyze the article to find the Big Idea with the detailed evidence to support. Use
the graphic organizer to fill in your information based on the line number. For

Line 5 Type your sentence that shows the detailed information for the Big Idea.

1. Fill in the organizer [NEXT PAGE]

Answer the following questions:Brief Sentences (Use next slide if needed)

Based on the article what information was already learned from previous
From previous knowledge I already understood how little time recruiters would
spend dissecting a resume and thus the importance of effectively condensing the
information into an efficient format.
How can you apply the information to new knowledge learned? What did you not
know from previous based on this article.
However, I was not aware of the methods that should be employed to
accomplish this, such as avoiding photos and personal information and seeking
professional guidance.
How does this look like moving forward in applying to the real world?
I’ll likely use strategies such as these when applying to jobs throughout my
career, especially in early employment.
When applying for a job, recruiters often spend only a few moments on your
resume before tossing it aside; therefore, you should aim to write a resume that is
effective and efficient in communicating your qualifications.

Line 13-14: “...a recruiter looks as it for mere seconds and tosses it.

Line 23: “’s incredibly important to make those few seconds count.”

Line 29-31: “make sure these six items are easily digestible: your name, your
current title and company, your previous title and company, your previous position
start and end, dates, your current position start and end dates, and education.”

Line 41: “Include as much as you can without making your resume appear

If possible, seek professional advice or assistance when constructing your resume

to insure its quality and efficiency.

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