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UNO has failed to measure up to the demands of its charter

1. Introduction
Human history, an aggregation of conflicts; human efforts toward peace; Failure of League of Nations
;United Nations Organization also failing to comply with its charter
2. Why UNO was established and what is its charter?
3. How UNO failed to follow its charter
a. Unable to control many conflicts around the globe
b. Unable to stop Human rights abuses
c. Most international cooperation took place outside the UNO framework
d. Unable to have a check on big players
4. What are the causes of failure of UNO to comply with its charter
a. Veto power of security council's permanent members
b. Lack of troops from developed nations; lower budget of UNO peace keeping
c. One size feet approach for every problem
d. Corrupt institutions of UNO
5. Is UNO completely failed or any ray of hope is still present?
6. What can be done to make UNO successful?
a. Make general assembly more powerful
b. End of Veto power of permanent members
c. Active role should be played by powerful countries and organization in peacekeeping
i. Role of NATO
ii. Role of USA, Russia and China
d. Increase in Budget of UNO
7. Conclusion
UNO definitely moving towards failure but rays of hope are also there; To bring the UNO on track is still

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