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Autoethnographic study of self and language experience.

Language is many different things. It's the way we speak and the way we speak it. As

being assigned the Autoethnographic study of self and language experience it made me think of the

different types of language this world has to offer and how each and every single language is special to

someone in a certain way. Language is not just the way we speak it’s a way of life, to some people it’s the

way we hold our culture and our traditions behind it. 

            Doing this assignment made me learn so many different things and how important language is

really important to me. Being judged by the way my culture is and the way I do things in my own

lifestyle, just by the way I speak is very hard hitting it just hits you where you never thought you would

be hurt before. For future references I learned that don’t judge people by the way they speak or the way

they do things because it might mean sentimental to them without them even realizing how important it is

to them. At the end of this assignment I felt accomplished for putting out my true feelings on how I feel

about my language and how important it really is for me to speak the way I do. It’s a way of life and the

way that brings me close to my family. The purpose of this assignment was to talk about a meaningful

experience you have had with language and I believe I accomplished every aspect of it. When writing this

paper, it made me bring out everything in a special way and truly express how I felt about my moment

with language. As things kept going on, I developed a skill on how to put a little bit more detail into a

story so you can show the reader a little bit of emotion and make them think about things a little bit more.

            When finishing the assignment, I felt like I met the criteria expressing language and a moment I

have had with it putting strong details and communicating a clear message. While writing my assignment

I feel like I didn’t have any trouble writing. Everything was just flowing out of me perfectly making me

want to express my feelings a certain way and giving that detail that needed to be put out there. When

revising my paper, I feel like I did good trying to express my feeling and everything that needs to be put

out there. This was a really fun assignment, something I loved doing. 

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